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People that work and studies at the same time

Those people who brake there asses off trying to succeed in life, working and studding
at the same time are the people that make the change, those people are working so
hard to maintain a house, support his family and taking those exams to have the honor
of a degree.
That’s my opinion about the working and study people, its almost the truth. In some
cases the high school student star working but in some sketchy work, like selling
drugs or something like that, those are who don’t want to change anything and
probably end up in jail.
Those who are older and have family to maintain go everyday to their works during
the day and during the night this guys go to a night school to make their families
proud and bring more money for more food in the table, these are the guys who I
respect, I know how messy you can be with a full schedule with the team and the
school. But this guys should have a special and well deserve recognition, for go out
there every day and still studying and working harder than the ones that only work or
the ones that only study.
In conclusion of my opinion hard work and a good life always are going to have much
better feeling than a a life full of lies, that only seek the easy and how to overshadow
another so that you stand out.
These types of people are those who corrupt the country from the foundations, as we
want to get to a place being people who only seek the easy.

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