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#6 Pearl Street, Fairview, Quezon City

Raising Godly Servant Leaders

Students in Technology and Livelihood Contest

Calendar Art Contest for Grades 5 – 6


In celebration of Students of Technology and Livelihood Contest, students from Grades 5 and 6
will compete in creating, designing and planning their own calendar art featuring the Philippine
agricultural economy following the DENR theme: “Protect Nature, Sustain our Future”. Also, the dates
of proposed programs and activities for urban gardening on their birth month. Kindly read the
following rules for the contest:

1. All students from Grades 5 and 6 will be qualified to submit their entries.
2. Entries must be 11 by 8.5 inches (or in short bond paper), can be landscapes, portraits, etc., as
long as the theme is somehow portrayed. Artwork must be flat.
3. Art media can include markers, crayon, watercolor, ink, acrylic, tempera paint or colored pencil.
No pastel, chalk, pencil, 3-dimensional or digital art.
4. Students’ art must be original. Creativity and color are encouraged.
5. No tracing of other works is allowed, including sketches parents or guardians.
6. This contest highlights traditional artistic skills. No photographs or artwork created or altered
with a computer will be judged for inclusion in the calendar.
7. Students will make calendar art according to their birth month on which they will include dates
of proposed programs and activities for urban gardening.
8. Artwork entered in the contest should feature the Philippine agricultural economy ONLY.
9. Artwork deemed to be too similar to a copied source or plagiarized will be disqualified.
10. Artwork will be judged on artistic merit (15%), originality (20%), creativity (25%), how well the
theme is depicted (25%,) and suitability for a wall calendar (15%).

Reference for the theme:


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