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T12 – PSYCHO202
MAY 4-5, 2015

I have learned a lot in our meetings this week. I and my group mates reported about learning

styles, learning disabilities and multiple intelligences. Basically, the most important thing that I have

learned in our report is that a teacher must be very patient and considerate with his/her student because

as we all know our students have individual differences specifically in terms of learning styles and

learning conditions. We have discussed that a very vital factor in the success of teaching and learning

process is the proper assessment of your students’ learning style. As a teacher you must be able to adapt

in your student’s learning style in order to promote optimum learning and you must also deviate from

their learning style in order to make your student grow and develop in all types of learning style. As a

teacher you must also take into consideration the learning disabilities of your student. We must be a

keen observer of all our students. We must see to it that whenever we see our students having difficulties

we should quickly approach them and try to help them in anyways that we can do. This will develop the

sense of trust and concern for our students and teachers. And lastly we have learned about multiple

intelligences of each individual. Each individual has all these kinds of intelligences which enables to

them learn things in a vast and wide scoped range.

All of these learning will help me to be a better teacher to my students. It will give me an edge

specially in handling my students’ abilities and capabilities into their full potential. I can help my

students to appreciate more the lesson and be able to apply it in the real world. I am very much thankful

again for all of these learning that I have gained from the report.

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