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: PERITONITIS UMUM Keradangan peritoneum

dapat karena kuman ( septic kimiawi ( kemikal)

peritonitis septic

Misalnya pada apendisitis perforata, perforasi usus

akibat tipus abdominalis, sedang peritonitis
kimiawi misalnya perforasi lambung -
pankreatitis. nosis : Nyeri tekan perut pada
seluruh lapangan perut ( defan muscular) Riwayat
trauma, riwayat infeksi Pengukuran' temperatur
rektal dan temperatur axilar d selisih lebih 1
derajat C nding : Pankreatitis Peritonitis septik
Peritonitis kimiawi

P2B2 PABI continues a tradition of bringing together researchers, academics and

professionals experts in Surgery from all over Indonesia.
The conference particularly encouraged the interaction of research students and
developing academics with the more established academic community in an
informal setting to present and to discuss new and current work. Their
contributions helped to make the Conference as outstanding as it has been. The
papers contributed the most recent scientific knowledge known in the field of
general surgery
These Proceedings will furnish the surgeons and academics of indonesia with an
excellent reference book. I trust also that this will be an impetus to stimulate
further study and research in our country. I hope this conference in the form of
virtual meeting will not makes any difficulties in increasing the competence of
general surgeons to improve services.
We would like to thank all authors and participants for their contributions.

Refluks gastro-esofagus
meriksaan : Konfirmasi diagnosis jika tumor tidak teraba: nunjang 1. Ultrasound : Tebal
otot pylorus > 4 mm Panjang kanal pilorus > 17 mm 2. Foto barium meal: String sign.
Shoulder sign
Konsultasi : Dokter spesialis yang terkait (bila diperlukan watan rumah : Rawat inap

pi Bedah : Filoromiotomi ( Prosedur Fredet -Ramsted )

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