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In uncomplicated terms Astrology is a Science of Time, Space with respect to life. Our
sages of Vedic Astrology altruistically enumerated a number of ways and means to live a
momentous life. Based on the configuration of Grahas at the birth, they tested and
formulated the parameters of good and bad effects of Grahas and elucidated in the form
of sutras and stanzas to us, without having a wish for anything in return to them. Their
only intention was the welfare of the society (laaokxnauga`hkxairiNa -- Ref: Bruhat Parashara
Hora Shastra 1:5) to motivate us to live a meaningful life.

Sage Parashara in his Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra quotes that:

AvataaraNyanaokxaina Hyaajasya parmaatmana: |

jaIvaanaaM kxma-fxladao ga`hr}paI janaad-na: ||1
Meaning: The supreme lord has many incarnations. He has incarnated as GRAHAS to
bestow the results of their KARMAS to the living beings.

According to the dogma of Vedic Astrology, the law of Karma regulates human births.
The cycle of births continues until the attainment of Moksha (final emancipation).

Harihara in Prashna Marga quotes that:

svakxma-M Baao>RM jaayantao pa`ayaoNaOova ih jantava: |

XaINao kxma-iNa caanya~a paunaga-cCinta doihna: ||2
Meaning: Souls take fresh births for reaping the fruits of previous lives. This cycle of
birth continues until the attainment of MOKSHA.

Vedic astrology also professes that deployment of Grahas in a birth chart indicates the
results of past karmas. Grahas are deployed in such a way to harvest the results, good or
bad, as the case may be.

Varaha Mihira in Bruhat Jataka quotes that:

kxmaa-ija-taM paUva-Bavao sadaid ya<asya paMi>Mx samaiBavyanai>x ||3

Meaning: Astrology reveals the results of the good and bad deeds done by men in
their previous births.

Harihara in Prashna Marga quotes that:

paUva-janmaaija-taM kxma- SauBaM vaa yaid vaaSauBama\ |

tasya pai>M xga`ha: savao- saUcayantaIh janmaina ||4
Meaning: Astrology reveals to us the effects of our previous karma, good or bad. All
grahas indicate clearly whether one is enjoying or suffering now as a result of our
actions in our previous birth.

As per Laghu Jatakam of Varahamihira,

yadupaicatamanyajanmaina SauBaaSauBaM tasya kxma-Na:pai>xma\ |

vyaÉjayaita Saas~amaotata\ tamaisa d`vyaaiNa dIpaova ||5
Meaning: Astrology reveals to us the good and bad results earned as fruits of KARMAS
done in past lives, just like a (glowing) lamp (reveals) the objects placed in darkness.

2.01 Agents of Child birth as per Vedic Astrology

Harihara in his celebrated classic of Prashna Marga, quotes specific points in Vedic
Astrology related to issues as below:

gaBaa-Qaanasamaqa-taa tariNanaa rota:isataonaaotyataa

taaOcaota\ pauMBavanaaMSagaaO ca bailanaaO pauMsaa BavaotsaMtaita |
s~aINaaM r>xgauNaoÈ\jaaqa SaiSanaa gaBa-sya sanQaarNaa
Sa>xaOstaO yaid yaugmaOO ca bailanaao taWnna ca vyatyayao ||6
Meaning: The strength to impregnate is contributed by the Sun, while Venus governs
semen. If these occupy Odd signs and Odd Navamsha, and are strong, the native is
capable of impregnating women. In a woman’s’ horoscope, Mars governs the blood and
the Moon controls the capacity to bear children. If these two occupy even signs and
Navamsha, then the woman has the capacity to bring forth issues.

In our body, biologically useful substances are produced by different glands. For different
activities, our body needs hormones. The ductless endocrine glands produce hormones.
Through blood stream, these hormones reach all the cells in our body. These endocrine
glands are represented by the Grahas the Sun, Mars & Rasis Libra and Scorpio. The
hormones are under the control of pituitary gland, which is represented by Saturn.

The reproductive sexual function and the fruitful fertilization of the egg will depend upon
the health of ovaries and testicles. Ovaries and ovulation are ruled by Venus and the Rasi
Libra, 7th house of the chart, the Moon and Scorpio Rasi. The uterus is ruled by the
Moon, and Cancer Rasi and the 4th house of the chart. Right ovary is ruled by the Sun and
the left by the Moon. Spermatozoa are developed in the testicles of the male ruled by the
rasi Scorpio and Mars. The testicles are ruled by Rasi Scorpio and Mars. Right testicle is
ruled by the Sun and the left by the Moon. Virility is under the control of the Sun and
Venus and fertility is under the control of the Moon and Mars.

The sperm swim through the neck of the womb ruled by the Rasi Scorpio and then into
tubes. After fertilization, the egg passes into the cavity of the uterus ruled by the Moon,
Cancer and 4th house and there it sinks into the thick lining prepared for it. Embryo
develops and after 38 weeks the developed baby comes out. This is called child birth
ruled by the Moon.

The sexual reproductive process is ruled by 7th house, Scorpio Rasi, Mars and Venus. Sex
force and energy are ruled by 8th house. Female sex organs are ruled by Scorpio, 8th
house and Venus. Male sex organs are ruled by Scorpio, 8th house and Mars. Fertilization
is ruled by the Moon.
A table made with the above classification of Rasi/Grahas/Houses is as below:
Table no: 8
Grahas and reproduction
Graha/Rasi/ Female Male
The Sun Right Ovary Impregnation
Capacity/ Virility
Fertility in general, Controls the
Moon capacity to bear children & Uterus,
Left ovary,
Venus Ovaries, Ovulation & reproductive Sperm/Virility
Mars Blood & Menstrual Cycle and
Scorpio & 8th Womb/sexual organs Testicles/sexual
House organs

2.02. Houses and karaka associated with filial matters in Vedic Astrology:
Most of all the authorities of classic texts on Vedanga Jyotisha are unanimous as the fifth
house as pau~aBaava and Jupiter as pau~akxark and hence all matters connected with filial
happiness are enumerated from the fifth house and Jupiter. It is also the house of
creativity and intelligence. Children are a source of joy and pleasure in one’s life, human
creativity is reflected by the way a parent tries to bring up their child. Children, creativity
and intelligence – these are very closely inter related to one another. Intelligence of an
individual controls his creativity. This house is also considered auspicious as it is one of
the trine houses which reflect our karma from the past lives.

2.03. Analysis of Fifth House and fifth Lord:

Most of all classical authorities on Vedanga Jyotisha unanimous that 5th house bears the
portfolio of Children. To analysis fifth house we may follow general rules laid out by
authorities. To derive maximum benefits from any houses in a birth chart, it is desirable
that the house and its lords to be strongly disposed in a decent way in it.
2.04. General Rules for analyzing a Bhava/House and its lord

Harihara in Prashna Marga enumerates the general methods to assess the delivering
strength and weakness of various houses for reading the horoscope.

yaao yaao Baava: svaaimadRYTao yautaao vaa saaOmyaOvaa- syaa<asya tasyaaiBavaRiw:

paapaOrovaM tasya Baavasya hainaiva-&aatavyaa pa`Snataao janmataao vaa ||7
Meaning : Whether in Prashna or in Horoscopy, such Bhavas as are associated with or
aspected by their appropriate lords or benefics are said to thrive well. Those conjoined
with or aspected by malefics will suffer annihilation.

As the name indicates, Harihara does not seem to have differentiated between
Horoscope (Jataka) and Prashna, in the method of analysis.

yaao yaao Baava: pa`BaUuNaa yau>xao dRYTo#qavaa Bavaota\ pa`Snao |

gaur]bauQaSauk`xOrovaM va>xvyaM tasya tasya SauBama\ ||
yaismana\ yaismana\ Baavao iWWa-dSasaptamao isqataa: saaOmyaa:|
taismana\ taismana\ vaRiwd-Samacatauqa-isqataOstaWta\ ||8
Meaning: Good results should be predicted in respect of Bhavas aspected by or
conjoined by their lords or by Jupiter, Mercury or Venus. Bhavas which have benefics in
2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th & 12th will flourish

YaYzaYTmair:foxSaa Baavaapairpava: SauBaaSca Baavahna: |

BaavatadIScarkxarkxduba-lataa caaista taWadaptavaca: ||9
Meaning: The benefic nature of Bhavas is destroyed by their connection with the lords of
6th, 8th and 12th or with the natural foes of their respective lords. If the Bhava, or its lord
or the Karaka is weak, then also the Bhava comes to grief.

YaYzM WadSamaYTmaM ca maunayaao BaavanaainaYTana\ ivadu |
stannaaqaainvatavaIiXataa tadiQapaa yao vaa ca Baavaa : svayama\ ||
ta~asyaaSca yadISvaras~aya [mao naSyainta Baavaa naRNaaM |
jaataa vaa ivafxlaa ivainaYTivakxlaasta~aaitakxYTaoYTpama : || 10

Meaning: Sages have declared that the 6th, 8th and 12th lords are malefics in nature.
(1) Bhavas aspected by or associated with the lords of these
(2) Bhavas, the lords of which are associated with or aspected by the lords of these
houses &
(3) Bhavas whose lords occupy 6th, 8th & 12th
These three sets of houses get destroyed. Even if they remain, they are found to be
impotent or distorted in effect.

Classical texts on Vedanga Jyotisha, emphasis that the position of 5th lord, disposition of
fifth lord and Karaka Jupiter must be congenial to encompass filial happiness.
1) Fifth house should not contain malefic Grahas.
2) The 5th lord or Jupiter should not get disposed in 6th, 8th or 12th houses.
3) They should not be associated with Papagrahas.
4) They should not be combust.
The combust limits (Asta) as per Surya Siddhanta and Siddhanta Siromani are indicated
in the following table. The limit shown is on either side of the Sun.
Table no: 9
Combustion ranges of Grahas

Graha Limit in degrees

Moon 13
Mars 17
12(in retro)
06(in direct)
Jupiter 11
Venus 8
Saturn 15

2.05. Fifth house from Jupiter also has a definite stake in the filial matters. This house
should be free from affliction to have filial happiness.

Astrologically, ANAPATHYA YOGA (infertility) is a combination of Grahas which

denies children. In simple words, it is caused by Jupiter and the lords of Lagna, 5th, and
7th being weak. This is the least malefic of the yogas covering the denial of children.
Classical texts on Vedanga Jyotisha are replete with reasons for infertility.


2.06.01. Harihara in his celebrated Prashna Marga enumerates indications for

childlessness as follow:

gaur]lagnaoSadaroSapau~asqaanaaiQapaoYau ca |
savao-Yau balahInaoYau va>xvyaa tvanapatyataa ||11
Meaning: If Jupiter, 5th lord and lagnesh, 7th lord all are weak, childlessness occurs.

pau~asqaanagatao paapao tadISao paapamaQyagao |

SauBadRiYTivahInao ca va>xvyaa tvanapatyataa ||12
Meaning; if malefic in 5th and the 5th lord is hemmed between malefic and is devoid of
benefic aspect, then childlessness will result.
We can see the above stanzas in Phaladeepika by Mantreshwara (13:24 & 27)

gaur]lagnaihmaaMSaUnaaM paÉcamasqaOSca paapakOx: |

SauBadRiYTivahInaOSca va>xvyaa tvanapatyataa ||13
Meaning; if malefic occupies 5th from Lagna, the Moon and Jupiter, then anapathya yoga

The same stanza is also there in Santanadeepika as Shloka no: 37

2.06.02. Mahadev Pathak in Jataka Tatwam opines that:

ivavaIyaa-: savao-#napatyataa ||
saUyao-#gao sautao BaaOmao sautahIna: ||14
Meaning: If all the grahas are weak in horoscope, childlessness is to be pronounced. If
the Sun is in lagna and Mars in 5th childlessness will result.

In Chart no 86 (Male) and Chart no 209 (Male) the Sun occupies Lagna and Mars is
positioned in 5th house.

Chart no 86 (Male) 27-08-1954/05:57:00/77E04/28N57

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

Jupiter is spoiled by the association of Gulika, Maandi and Ketu in Gemini. Venus is
debilitated. The only Graha exalted is Saturn, but it carries 6th and 7th lordship with him.
As such most of all except the Sun are rendered as weak.

In chart no 86 Fifth lord cum Santana Karaka Jupiter is with Gulika/Maandi and Ketu in
11th House. Fifth house from Jupiter is occupied by Saturn. Mars holds the portfolio of
fifth lord from the Moon and is polluted with Rahu in Lagna chart.

Chart no 209 26-03-1963/06:15:00/78E57/20N04

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 209, again in 5th house Mars is with incendiary Rahu. The Sun in Lagans is
with Mercury, Jupiter and Fifth lord from lagna, the Moon. In a single stroke Fifth lord
from lagna, Jupiter and the Moon are polluted. The Moon-Sun association with
debilitated Mercury and combust Jupiter makes all the Grahas in this chart very weak.
The only solace was the 12th house occupation of Venus, but as it carries 3rd and 8th
lordships, renders her also weak.

jaIvao paÉcamao jaIvaata\ sautao k`Uro sautahIna: |

jaIvaatsautaoSao i~akox pau~aaÈkxÈ\gaoSaa lagnaata\ i~akxsqaa: sautahIna: ||15
Meaning: If Jupiter is in 5th and fifth from Jupiter is occupied by a malefic, childlessness
is the result. And 5th lord from Jupiter is in 6, 8, or 12th house from lagna, the same result
is pronounced.

In Chart no 7 (Male) the above combination is seen. Jupiter is in fifth house. Fifth house
from the Jupiter is occupied by a malefic, Mars. Fifth lord from Jupiter the Sun is
positioned in 12th house (a Trika House) from lagna, fulfilling all conditions lay out in
the above stanza.

Chart no 7 (Male) 21-12-1964/07:15:00/78E57/20N04

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In chart no 128 (Female) also the above conditions are met literally. In Fifth house there
is Jupiter with Rahu. Fifth Lord from Jupiter is Mercury, who occupies 8th House from
Lagna along with Venus.

Chart no 128 (Female) 05-08-1965/18:38:00/78E54/17N52

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

Mahadev Pathak in his monumental Jataka Tatwam has tried to make a linkage
between Santana Karaka Jupiter, 5th house, fifth house from 5th and Jupiter and the trika
houses of the horoscope, to determine infertility.

mandaraO Kao Qamao- vaa#pau~ataa ||16

Meaning: If Saturn and Mars occupy 10th or 9th, childlessness is the result.
In Chart no 72 (Female), Saturn-Mars union is there in 10th house. The Logic behind such
a stanza is incomprehensible.

Chart no 72 (Female) 20-12-1981/08:05:00/81E08/16N10

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 88 (Female) the same combination is there in 10th House. Except the Moon
ad Rahu all Grahas are assembled in 10th House, making the chart vulnerable for any

Chart no 88 (Female) 25-01-1962/11:25:00/77E13/11N25
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

Chart no 111 (Female) 11-01-1956 /11:26:00 /75 E 57/11 N 00

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 111 (Female) there is Saturn- Mars Union in 9th House. Being a female chart
9th house is very vital for filial bliss. In this Chart Rahu-Mars-Saturn Combination
pollutes 9th house.

M mandar Sauk` a: dargao Apau~ataa ||17

Meaning: If Saturn, Mars and Venus occupy 7th house, childlessness will result.
In the collection of 224 charts, such a combination did not exist. But in Chart no 202
(Female) Venus - Mars combination is there in 7th house along with Mercury. Saturn is
aspecting this combination from 10th house.

Chart no 202 (Female) 01-06-1977/79 E 07 / 20 N 06
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

2.06.03. Vaidyanatha Dikshit in Jataka Parijata declares the causes in chapter no13

paapaga`hoNa saMdRYTo dovaSaapaata\ sautaXaya: |

YaYzaiQapayautao dRYTo ivapa`Saapaata\ sautaXaya: ||18
Meaning: when Jupiter occupying the 5th house is aspected by a malefic Graha, the loss
of issues results in consequence of curse of a deity. If Jupiter is in conjunction with the
lord of 6th house, the loss is due to curse of a Brahmin.

sautaoSao kuxjasaMyau>o irpaunaaqaona vaIiXatao |

SauBadRiYTivahInao ca irpaudaoYaata\ sautaXaya: ||19
Meaning: when 5th lord conjunct with Mars and aspected by the 6th lord and is devoid of
benefic aspects, the loss of children be traced due to enemy’s wrong activities.

2.06.04. Immortal Santana Deepika depicts that:

gaur]lagnaihmaaMSaunaaM paMcamasqaOSca paapakOx :|

SauBadRiYTivahInao ca va>xvyaanapatyataa ||20

Meaning: Occupation of malefics in 5th from the Moon and Jupiter without aspect from
benefics makes the native childless.
In Chart no 8 (Female) Mars-Rahu combination is in 5th from Jupiter and Ketu is in 5th
from Ketu.
Chart no 8 (Female) 19-12-1969/ 01:47:00/ 79 E 18 / 19 N 57
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

gaur]lagnaoSao daroSao pau~asqaanaaiQapaooYauxca |

savao-Yau balahInaoYau va>xvyaanapatyataa ||21
Meaning: Weak Jupiter, 5th lord and 7th lord indicate absence of issues.
The same stanza we can see in Prashna Marga (18:8) and Phaladeepika (13:24)

pau~asqaanagatao paapao tadISao naIcasaMisqatao |

SauBadRiYTivahInao ca va>xvyaanapatyataa ||22
Meaning: Malefic in 5th house, 5th lord in its debilitated state, 5th devoid of aspect of
benefics, indicate absence of issues.

The same stanza is there in Prashna Marga (18:9) and Phaladeepika (13:27)

pau~asqaanagatao paapao tadISao paapamaQyagao

SauBadRiYTivahInao va>xvyaanapatyataa ||23
Meaning: Malefic in 5th house, papakartariyoga to 5th lord, absence of aspect from
benefics to 5th lord indicate absence of issues.

paapaWyamaQyagatao jaIvao pau~aaiQapa ca balahInao |

saaOmyadRiYTivahInao saMtaitanaaSaao ivainado-Sya: ||24
Meaning: 5th lord in between malefics, weak 5th lord devoid of association or aspect of
benefics indicate absence of issues.

2.06.05. Celebrated Prashnanushtana Paddhati depicts that:

paapaOba-ila vaIyau->ox paapaXao- paMcamao yada raSaaO |

jaataaopau~a: paur]Ya: saaOmyagaRhdSa-naataItao ||25
Meaning: 5th house being a house of a malefic Graha and position by strong malefic in
it, makes one childless.

2.06.06. Illustrious Jatakadesa Marga depicts that:

kxaoNaodyao BaRgautanayao#stacak`xsanQaaO vanQyaapaita ya-ita na sautaXa-imaYTyau>xma\ |

paapaga`hOvya-yamadnalagnaraiSasaMsqaO: XaINao SaiSanyasautakxla~ajanmaQaIsqao ||26
Meaning: Birth in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn with Saturn in Lagna, fifth house devoid
of presence or aspect of benefics, Venus in the 7th without any aspect from benefics, his
wife will be infertile. Occupation of malefics in lagna, 7th and 12th and weak Moon in 5th
deprives one from having wife and children.

In Chart no 106 (Female) Taurus Rasi rises as Lagna with Venus in 7th house. Fifth is
unoccupied by any grahas.

Chart no 106 (Female) 30-10-1965/ 19:30:00/ 72 E 50/ 18 N 58

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In the chart, first set of conditions set out for partner to be infertile.

In Chart no 166 (Female) and in Chart no 153 (Female) the same conditions persists.
Incidentally the Date of Birth is 30-10-1965 but with different places of birth, with
Taurus Lagna

2.07) Saptamansha Chart has a final say on matters related to filial bliss, which is
already explained in detail in Chapter no: 1 .03


In the galaxy of our past profound research scholars of Vedic Astrology, Mantreshwara
and Harihara were the first learned researchers who have conducted serious research on
progeny and are the cynosure of their reputed works Phaladeepika & Prashna Marga.
Their researches constitute a method of examining virility in the male and fertility in
female horoscopes. They enumerated specific worked out sensitive points from
Horoscopes to establish Virility /fertility of charts namely Beeja Sphuta & Kshetra
Sputa respectively from a Male Chart and a female chart to test virility and infertility.
They also propose a unique method of application of Santana Thithi to check with both

male & female charts. Prashna Marga goes further one step ahead to find out Santana
Trisphuta to confirm infertility.

jaIvaonduiXaitajasfuxTO@yaBavanao yaugmao ca yaugmaaMSakox

s~aINaaM Xao~abalaM vadinta sautadM imaEa`o pa`yaasaatfxlama\ |
pauMsaaM baIjabalaM sautapa`dimamaM imaEa`o tau imaEa`M vadota\ ||27
Meaning: By adding the longitudes of Jupiter, Mars and the Moon we can get Kshetra of
a female chart. In the same way by adding Jupiter, the Sun and Venus we can get Beeja
Sphuta of a chart of a male. Both are very important sensitive points so far filial
happiness is concerned. Beeja should be in a male Rasi and in a male Navamsha and the
Kshetra should be in a female Rasi and Navamsha. If the concerned points among these
two specific points are well placed, fecundity is assured in the concerned horoscope. Any
affliction to these two points can impair the chances of progenies. Association of neutral
grahas Mercury and Saturn to these points can also decrease the chances of conception.
Association of Rahu, Ketu, Gulika and Maandi can also impair the chances of progenies.

Prashna Marga further adds that:

…. naoYTa baIjata Aatmajao parSauBao tao caa~a SaoYaa: SauBaa: ||28
Meaning: Malefic grahas in the 5th from Beeja and in 9th from Kshetra render them weak.
Neutral grahas weaken the Beeja & Kshetra while benefics strengthen them

2.09. SANTANA THITHI Computation:

Another resourceful method of finding out SANTANA TITHI is enumerated to arrive at

definite conclusion at productiveness of charts:
paÉcaaGnaacCiSana: sfuxTaidYauhtaM BaanausfuxTM SaaoQayao
nnaItvaa ta~a itaiqaM isatao SauBaitaqaaO pau~aao#styayatnaadipa |
kRxYNao naaista sautaistaqaoba-lavaSaadba`UyaadWyaao: paXayaao:
dSao- icCd/itaqaaO ca ivaiYT kxrNao na syaata isqaraKyao sauta: ||29

Meaning: Deduct 5 times figure of Sun (Longitude) from that of the Moon. Divide the
product by 12. The thithi so arrived thus will be auspicious in bright half. Issues are
assured in such cases without any difficulty. If it is in dark half, there will be no issues
during amavasya, a Chidra thithi, Vishti Karana or any one of the sthira Karanas

Table no: 10
Thithies & Karanas

Shukla (bright) Paksha Krishna (Dark) paksha

Thithi First Half Second Thithi First Half Second
Half Half
1 Kinstungna Bava 1 8 Balav Kaulav
2 9 Balav Koulava 2 9 Taitila Garija
3 10 Taitila Garija 3 10 Vanija Vishti
4 11 Vanija Vishti 4 11 Bava Balav
5 12 Bava Balav 5 12 Koulava Taitila
6 13 Taitila Garija 6 13 Garija Vanija
7 14 Vanija Vishti 7 Vishti Bava
8 15 Vishti Bava 14 Vishti Sakuni
30 Chatushpad Nag
4,6,8,9,12&14 Thithies of both Paksha are known as CHIDRA THITHIS

Prashna Marga goes further to enumerate another versatile point to confirm the infertility,
ie SANTANA TRISPHUTA in chapter no: 19

2.10. Santana Trisphuta:

paMcaGnaa ivahgaa: smaRtaa ih yauitaiBa: santaanasaM&aa riva-

nd\vaacaayaa-na\ sah yaaojayaoivah Bavaod\gaaomaasataarM yaid |
dohaMSapa`BaUtaIina yaaina QanapaOyaa-ntyaoYau vaa i~asfuxTM
yaWa santaitajaIvataao na saulaBassantaanalaaBaao naRNaama\ ||30
Meaning: Multiplying longitudes of grahas by 5 we get SANTANA GRAHA SPHUTAS.
By the Total of the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, we get SANTANA TRISPHUTA. If this
Trisphuta falls in the 3rd, 5th or 7th Nakshatra of the birth star of the native, or the 88th or
108 quarter of radical Moon, or the 6th, 8th or 12th house from lagna, there will be no
issues. Examine charts of Husband and wife. If in both charts, yogas are found, there will
be no issues. However, if this yoga obtain only one chart only, then the birth of issue is
possible by suitable remedial measures.


Sage Jaimini in his Upadesa Sutras (Translated by Pt Sanjay Rath) explains several
methods to confirm infertility from a horoscope, in 3rd Chapter, 5th Quarter from 3.4.4 to

From Jaimini Sutras, we get some vital clues from verses 3.4.3 to 3.4.11, regarding
examining childlessness of charts is as follows:

3.4.4 saUyaa-ta\ kxma-iNa ipa~aao : ||

3.4.5 pauna: pado {<aryaao : ||

3.4.6 paadaByaaM BaRgau saaOmya vyaitair>xo ||

3.4.7 idnakxro laaBao Saaoro ina:saMgaa syau ||
3.4.8 ipa`yaanaupapai<a : ||
3.4.9 ta~a paakxmaa- ||

3.4.10 sva kxma- vyaaGa`Sca ||

Sage Jaimini ask us to find out Aruda of 3rd and 9th from the Sun. The principle involved
is that the gestation period from conception to birth for human beings is Nine months.
Hence ninth house from the Sun and its seventh (third) are the root signs. Sage Jaimini
suggest us to go for the ARUDA of third and ninth from the Sun. AS3 & AS9 and to find
out the 8th house from these houses. Sage says that the fertility can be ascertained from
this position.
If Mercury or Venus occupies this house fertility is in doubt. If the Sun occupies this
(AS3 or AS9) house, then also chances of infertility rises. If the Sun occupies 2, 6, 8 &12
from AS3 & AS9 also reduces the chances of fertility. Just like this, from AL, A3 & A9
also capacity of progeny can be perused. This is very special point while dealing with
childlessness couple. As such a condition cannot be applied verbatim, as the Aruda

position from the Sun changes as grahas take minimum 2.25 days (for a change in
position of the Moon) and hence cannot be applied directly to charts, which may be
utilized only to confirm infertility when the infertility signs are seen thorough some other
ways. Two examples have been carried out in the Chapter no:1 Introduction (1.4)

A word of caution: This method is to be employed only to be used as a supplementary

tool to confirm infertility and not to locate infertility at a primary stage.

2.12. Issues and Horoscope matching for Marriage:

In our country horoscopes of Brides and Bride grooms are matched astrologically before
marriage. Marriage is not just an institution for simple brute sense gratification. The
ultimate aim of marriage is to carry forward the lineage of one family. To ensure this our
sages suggested KUTA AGREEMENT system for marriage. KUTA or the units of
agreement matching is an essential part of marriage. Kuta or the units of agreement
matching is an essential part of matching for marriage, after considering the longevity
and ensuring that both the horoscopes of Husband and Wife are matched before marriage.
A total of 36 points are subjected to match. KUTAS should be considered only when
there is general sympathy between the horoscopes of partners to be brought together.
Charts of infertile couple will be scrutinized for Nadi Dosha.

2.13: Yogas for family extinction

Vedic Astrology formulated some amazing combinations in deployment of Grahas,
which forewarns the family extinction.

2.13.01. Varaha Mihira in Bruhat Jatakam declares:

vaMSacCo<aa KamadsauKagaOScand`dOtyaojyapaapaO: ||31
Meaning: If 10th, 7th and the 4th are occupied by Moon, Venus and malefic, respectively,
the person destroys his family.

2.13.02. Illustrious Prashnanushtana Padhati quotes that

lagnaata\ dSamao cand`o saptamaBavanao isqatao BaRgaao:pau~ao |

paapaO: paataalasqaO vaMSaCo<aao Bavaita jaataa: ||32
Meaning: The Moon in 10th house, Jupiter in 7th, malefics in 4th makes the native last of
his lineage of family.

lagnasautair:f rnd`oYva SauBaa: kuxva-inta vaMSa ivaMCodma|

lagnavyayainaQanasqaOrSauBaOrsautaao Bavaota\ sautao cand`o ||33

Meaning: Occupation of malefics in Lagna, 5th, 8th, and 12 results in family extinction.
Malefics in Lagna, 8th & 12th makes one issueless.
Chart no 27 (Male) 15-07-1971/11:40:00/78 E 54/ 17 N 52
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 27 (Male) 5th house is occupied by Mars-Rahu combination and Saturn

occupy ninth house. In 12th house Maandi/Gulika occupy. The same combination of
malefics pollutes 5th, 8th and 12th house of Chart no 60 (Female)
Lagna Chart (South Indian Style) Chart no: 60 Lagna Chart (North Indian Style)

bauQaBaaga-vayaaorstao sautagao paapao gauraO sautasqao vaa |
vaMSaCo<aao jaata:cand`ata\ inaQanao paapao : ||34

Meaning: Position of Mercury and Venus in 7th, a malefic in 5th, or Jupiter in 5th, and a
malefic in 8th from the Moon, shows family extinction.

lagnaoSvaro sautasqao lagnao paapaga`ho sautao SaiSaina |

sautaBaoSao balahInao jaatao vaMSaXayaM narao yaaita ||35
Meaning: Lord of lagna in 5th, a malefic in 5th, the Moon and 5th lord are weak, denotes
family extinction.

2.13.03. Vaidyanath Dikshit in Jataka Parijatha enumerates reasons for family

extinction in chapter no: 13

dSamao SaItagauVUnao BaRgauja: paaipana: sauKao |

tasya santaitaivacCodao BaivaYyaita na saMSaya: ||36
Meaning: If the Moon occupy in 10th and in Venus in 7th and a malefic Graha in 4th,
family extinction be predicted.

lagnasaptamaQamaantyaraiSagaa: paapaKaocara: |
sapatnaraiSavaga-sqaa vaMSaivacCodkxairNa: ||37
Meaning: If malefic grahas are in lagna, 7th and 9th and the 12th, and occupy Vargas of
inimical signs, they will cause the family extinction.

2.13.04 Mantreshwara in Phaladeepika gives 4 conditions for family extinction in

chapter 12 named as pau~aaBaava fxla
sauKaastadSamaisqataOr SauBa kxavya SaItaaMSauiBa: |
vya-yaaYTtanayaaodyaoYvaSauBagaoYau vaMSaXaya: ||
mado kxivaivadaO mataaO gaur]rsaiWrMbauisqataO:

sautao SaSaIina naOQanavyayatanausqapaapaOripa ||38
Four Yogas cause extinction of the family:
1) The 4th, 7th and 10th houses are occupied respectively by a malefic Graha, Venus,
and the Moon.
2) The 12th, 8th and the 5th and the lagna are occupied by inauspicious grahas
3) Venus and Mercury in the 7th house, Jupiter in the 5th and malefic in the 4th,
4) The Moon in the fifth, and malefic in the 8th the 12th and the lagna.

Chart no 157 (Male) could be an ideal example for Family extinction. Lagna, 5th house,
8th house and 12th house all are occupied by malefics. Mars in Lagna, in this particular
chart is not a malefic (for Leo Lagna, Mars is a Yoga Karaka Graha). But the occupation
of Maandi and Gulika would suffice to claim as malefics in Lagna. Fifth house is
occupied by Retrograde Saturn, Eighth house by Ketu and 12th by the Sun and Mercury,
making an ideal example for VANSACHETHA YOGA.

Chart no 157 (Male) 14-08-1959/ 07:30:00 / 57 E 25 / 29 N 39

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

2.13.05. Venkatesh in Sarvartha Chintamani opines that:

vaMSasya ivacCodkxr: pa`jaataScaMd`asfuxijatpaapaKagaa: k`xmaoNa |
KaMdar saaOKyaoYau yautaastaqaOva lagnaoSvaro cand` sautaona yau>ox || 23||

paapaga`hairYfxsautaaYTmasqaa vaMSasyaivacCod kxraoqa- hIna:|
inaSaakxro lagnagatao sajaIvao tatsaptamao BaUimasautaao SanaaO vaa ||24||
paapaga`ha baMQaugataaScasavao- vaMSasyaivacCod kxrao~a jaata: |
lagnaaMtyapau~aaYTmaraiSayau>Ox: paapaga`hOvaMM-Sa ivanaaSahotau :||25||
SauBaotara rMQa`ivalagnairMYfox vaMSasyaivacCodkxr: sautao#bjao |
darisqatao saaomasautao saSauk`xo paapao sauKao dovagauraO sautasqao ||26||
rMQa`o SaSaaMkxatsaihtao tau paapao vaMSasya ivacCod kxrao#~a jaata:|
paapaoivalagnao sauKagao SaSaaMkxo lagnaoSvaro paMcamaraiSa yau>ox ||27||
balaOiva-hInao yaid pau~anaaqao vaMSasyaivacCod kxrao~a jaata: |
XaINao SaSaaMkxo tanauBaavayau>ox maUZainvatao mandga`ho saurajyao ||28||
i~akxaoNagaO: paapaKagaOScasavaO-: pa`agaova pau~asya Bavaota\ ivanaaSa: |
cand`atmajao paMcamaraiSayaaoga lagnao sauKao vaa yaid paapayau>o ||29||
SauBaotarO: paMcamaBaava yau>O x na- dRSyatao pau~a sauKaM ih taona |
jaataaoyaid syaata\ iXaitasaunaulagnao rnQa`o SanaaO paMcamagao rvaaOvaa ||30||
pau~aaidlaaBaM maunayaao vadMita kxlaaMtaro SaaoBana dRiYTyaaogaata\ |
lagnaoSanaaO dovagauraO tau rMQa`o vyayao kuxjao pau~a sauKaM icaroNa ||39
1) (23) Moon in 10th, Venus in 7th and a malefic in 4th and lord of Lagna with Mercury
2) (24) Malefics in 5th, 8th & 12th Jupiter & Moon in lagna and Mars or Saturn in 7th
3) (25) All malefics in 4th, or 5th or 8th or in 12th or in lagna
4) (26) Malefics in lagna, 8th & 12th Moon in 5th or Venus, Mercury in 7th or malefics in
4th and Jupiter in 5th
5) (27) Many Malefics from the Moon, malefic in lagna, The Moon in 4th and Lord of
Lagnesh in 5th.
6) (28) Weak 5th lord, Weak Moon in Lagna and Jupiter in Capricorn or Aquarius
7) (29) All malefics in trines (5th & 9th) A moon with malefics in lagna, 4th or 5th
8) (30) More than one malefics in 5th, or lagna, 5th & 8th are occupied by Sun or Saturn

9) (31) All the above makes extinction of family. But aspect from benefics or Saturn in
lagna, Jupiter in 8th and Mars in 12th give issues late in life.

2.13.06. Immortal Jatakadesa Marga opines that:

QyaUnao &aacCaO sauroZ\yaa manasaI sailalaBao caMd`rnQa`o ca paapaa: |

paapaa vaairndujaIvaaO vapauiYa inaQanagaao BaUimaja: saaOmyahIna: ||

paapaalagnao tadISaao yaid balarihta: paMcamasqaaoMBaisandu: |

paapa: saaOKyao isatao#stao na saI Baisa ivaQauirmao vaMSaivacCo<ayaaogaa:|| 40

Yogas for Family extinction:

1) Mercury & Venus in 7th, Jupiter in 5th in Watery sign, occupation of malefics in
8th from Moon
2) Malefics in 4th, Moon & Jupiter in Lagna, without association/aspect of benefics
Mars in 8th house.
3) Malefics in lagna, Weak lagna lord in 5th house, Moon in 4th
4) Malefics in 4th, Venus in 7th, Moon in 10th

2.14: Symptoms of Barrenness from Horoscopes (vanQyaa laXaNama)

SaiSaSauk`xaO yada lagnao mandaraByaaM yautaao tada |

vanQyaa Bavaita saa naair sautagao paapadRgyautao ||41
Meaning: If Moon and Venus be associated in lagna with Saturn or Mars and 5th house
be occupied and/or aspected by malefic, the lady will surely be a Barren.

kxaoNaaodyao Bargautanayao#<acak`xsanQaaO
vanQyaapaitaya-id na sautaXa-imaYzyau>xma\ ||42

Meaning: If Saturn occupies birth, Venus in the 7th when it is in GANDANTA and if the
5th is occupied by benefices the person will become the husband of a barren woman.

As per Jatakalankar by Ganesha Kavi:

gaurao: paMcamaM sqaanao paapa: sa caatmajao itaYzita tada vanQyaayaaoga:|| 43

Meaning: If fifth from Jupiter is occupied by a malefic and the Jupiter occupies 5th house,
barrenness is the result.
Chart no 7 (Male) 12-12-1964/78 E 57 / 20 N 04
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In chart no 7 (Male) 5th house is occupied by Jupiter and fifth house from Jupiter is
occupied by Mars. As for this particular chart, Jupiter and Mars cannot be included in the
list of malefics Mars automatically become a malefic as its depositor the Sun has moved
into 12th house.

As per Prityayus in Hora Sara:

mandarXa ivalagnasqaaO SaiSaSauk`xaO yada tada |

vanQyaa Bavaita saa naair paMÉcamao paapasaMyautao ||44

Meaning: If the Moon and Venus be together in Lagna, belonging to Mars or Saturn,
while the 5th house is occupied by a malefic, the woman will be barren.

As per Manasagari:

sautasqaanao iWpaapaao vaa i~apaapaaSca#~a saMisqataa : |

tada s~aI paur]YaaO vanQyaaO iva&aoyaaO paapavaIiXatao ||45
Meaning: If two or three malefic positioned or aspect 5th house, barrenness will be the
Chart no 208 (Female) 28-07-1976 / 22:30:00/ 76 E 55 / 08 N 29
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 208 (Female) Fifth house from Lagna is occupied by the Sun, Saturn, Venus,
Mercury combination.
Chart no 78 (Female) 13-07-1977/ 23:30:00/ 79 E 00 / 20 N 14
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 78 (Female) Fifth house from Lagna is occupied by Mercury-Saturn union.

As per Prasava Chintamani by Acharya Mukund Daivagya:

saMtaana BaavaaopagataOr\ vasauMQaratanaUja SaItaaMSau BagaOrkxsqayaao:|
svaBaa-Nau kxvyaaorqa QaI Qana VUna garantyagaO: paapa KagaOr vaSaabalaa ||
kxaoNa: kxamaok-xgagaoqaak- kxalaaO kxamao Kasqaobjao na jaIvao na dRYTo |
ikMx saakxaik-xWoYyapaaoraO &a dRYTao bjaostaosqaasa`ak-x sauKaoraO ca vanQyaa ||
jaayaaodyaantyaoYau KalaoYau SaItagaaO XaINaoVraSaOa tanayaoqa Baaga-vao |
gaNDantaBaostao tanayao na saVutaoqaastaaMgagaaO kxaoNa kxvaI vaSaabalaa ||
maRtyaaO balaI maRita paitar\ jananao na gaBa-yaaogyatau-maoita maihlaa jainatasya tasya |
paapaas~ayaao iQaiya KalaOsa\ i~aiBarIiXataa vaa vaOrIiXataa yaid vaQau paur]YaaO ih vaMnQyaaO ||46
Meaning:(1) If Mars, Moon and the Sun occupy 5th house, and Rahu & Venus in 12th (2)
malefic occupy 5th,lagna,7th, 4th and 12th houses(3) 7th house by Saturn and lagna by the
sun(4) Sat and Sun in 7th (5) The Moon occupying 10th without the aspect of Jupiter,(6)
6th lord occupying 6th with Sun and Saturn and the 7th house Moon is aspected by
Mercury(7) 4th or 6th house occupation of Mars and Saturn (8) Malefics occupying lagna
7th and 12th Houses(9) Weak Moon,5th house belongs to Mars/Saturn,(10) 7th house
occupation of Venus in Gandanth, No position/aspect of benefics to 5th house, 7th house
Saturn with Venus in Lagna. These combinations make a female barren. In the husband’s
horoscope, 8th lord very strong in 8th, three malefics in 5th makes their wives barren

2.15: Barren signs

Mantreshwara opines that Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo and Leo are alpasutha Rasis. Apart
from these, two of the other Agni Tatwa Rasis, Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini, Aquarius
are also considered as barren signs.

saM&aaM caalpasautaXa-imatyaila vaRYas~aI isaMhBaanaaM ivadu: |

tad`aSaaO sautaBaavagao#lpasautavaana kxalaantaro#saaivaita ||47

Meaning: The signs Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo and Leo when happen to rise in the 5th House
are said to be childless signs and the natives of this order will have limited progeny and
that too will be achieved only after long intervals.
Vaidyanatha Dikshit in Jataka Parijata quotes that:
gaaoisaMhailavaQaUdyao sautagatao cand`o#lpasautaainvata: ||48
Meaning: When Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Virgo is the lagna, and the Moon, is in the 5th
house, natives of this order will have limited progeny.

2.16: Adoption
Vedic Astrology enumerates indications for adoption as below:

pau~aBaavao bauQaXao~ao mandXao~ao#qavaa pauna: |

mando maaindyautaO dRYTo tada d<aadya: sautaa ||49
Meaning: When should the 5th house be owned by Saturn or Mercury and be occupied or
aspected by Saturn and Maandi, one will have adopted issues.

pau~asqaanao bauQaXao~ao mandaXao- caaqavaa saita |

maaindmandyautao dRYTo d<aadya:sautaa: ||50
Meaning: If a sign owned by Mercury or Saturn happens to be the 5th house and it is
aspected by or associated by Saturn and Gulika, one will have to go for adoption.
In Chart 34 (Female) 5th house is Aquarius and Saturn aspects from 11th house.

In Chart no 188 (Male) Fifth house is Virgo and Saturn aspects from 11th house.
Chart no 188 (Male) 30-06-1966/04:27:00/78E57/20N04
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

sad\ xxga`h: paUNa-vaIyaao-#ipa pau~asqaanagataaO Bavaota\ |

na coatsa pau~anaaqaona dRYTao d<asautapa`d: ||51
Meaning: A strong benefic in the 5th house, without aspect of 5th lord can only indicate an
adopted issue.

mandM sautaXa- yaid vaa#qavaOOQaMM maanQyaak-xpau~aainvatavaIiXataM caota\ |

d<aatmaja: syaadudyaastanaaqa saMbanQahInaao ivabala: sautaoSa: ||52
Meaning: When the sign in the 5th house belong to Saturn or Mercury and are aspected
by or associated with Maandi or Jupiter, the native will have a son by adoption. The
same will be the result if the lord of the 5th house is weak and is not associated with the
lords of First and the Seventh houses in any way.
As per Jataka Parijatha,
pau~asqaanao bauQaXao~ao mandXao~ao#qavaa yaid |
maaMidmandyautao dRYTo tada d<aadya: sautaa: ||53
Meaning: If the When the 5th Bhava is in a Rasi owned by Mercury or Saturn and is
occupied by or aspected by Maandi or Saturn, the person will have sons by adoption.

maMndaMSakxisqataa: KaoTa : Sau@lapaXabalaaiQakxa : |
gaur]ya-id sautasqaanao d<apau~aoNa santaita ||54
Meaning: If the grahas predominating in the light half of a month and be in a Navamsha
of Saturn, and Jupiter occupy the 5th Bhava, the family of the person, will be continued
only through adoption.
2..17) Celebrated PRASHNANUSHTANA PADDHATI quotes:

maandM sautaXa-imandu: inarIXatao yaid SanaOScaroNa yautama\ |

d<akxpau~aaotpai<a : k`xItasya bauQaona caOvaM hI || 55
Meaning: Capricorn or Aquarius being 5th house with Saturn in it, aspected by the moon
and 5th house being Gemini or Virgo and Mercury in it and as aspected by Moon, both
the situation indicate Adoption of a child.

@laIba ga`hoiXatayautao sautaBao tadISao @laIbaga`ho sagauilakxo sabalao ca jaIvao |

d<aadyaao~a tanayaa: ivabalaoYau taoYau saaOmyaaQyainaiXatayautaoYvanapatyataa syaata\ ||56
Meaning: Eunuch Graha in 5th, 5th is aspected by a eunuch Graha, 5th lord being
Mercury or Saturn, 5th lord associated with Gulika, Strong Jupiter, makes a native gives
an adopted issues. Weak grahas in 5th, 5th house aspected by weak Grahas, Gulika in
company of a weak 5th lord along with a weak Jupiter makes one to go deny issues.
Jatakadesa Marga also quotes the same satnza in Chapter 15:2

2.18. Children after Adoption:

Vedic astrology observed that people beget children after adoption. In some practical
cases this is very correct. I bow before the greatness of minute observations of Authors of
classic Vedic Astrology texts for their thorough scrutiny.

mandaMSao pau~anaaqao bauQaSainasaihtao d<apau~aao naRNaaM syaata\

mandaSaMsqao sautaoSao BaRgausautaiQaYaNaaO svaXa-gaaO cao<adanaIma\ |

Aa d<aatmaja: syaa<anayajainarqaao dovapaUjyaaYTvagao-
satpau~ao maandBaaMSaisqatafxlabahutaa caaipa d<aatmajaaptyaO ||57
Meaning: When the lord of the 5th occupies the Navamsha of Saturn and is conjoined
with Mercury and Saturn, the native will adopt a child. When the 5th lord is in the
navamsha of Saturn and Jupiter and Venus are in their own signs, then the persons will
have a child born to his wife after the issue has been adopted. If 5th from Jupiter in
ASHTAKA VARGA of Jupiter has points contributed by grahas occupying the
signs/Navamsha of Saturn then also adoption should be predicted.

2.19. NAPUMSAKA YOGAS: Prashnanushtana Padhati quotes that

k`xmaoNa yaugmaaO jagataaO ivaQauYNagau SanaIndujaaO vaa ivaYamasqaBaUimaja: |

samaisqataaok-xSca, tayaaoWyaaoWyaao: syaata @laIbayaaoga~ayamaIXaNao imaqa: ||
yaugmasqaBaaOmaoXaNamaaojagaondu ivalagnayaaoBaaO-madRSaa k`xmaoNa |
samaasamasqaondu ivadaorqaaojaBaagao ivalagnaondusautaas~aya:YaT ||58
Meaning: Moon in even Rasi and Sun in Odd Rasi, aspecting each other, Saturn in Even
Rasi and Mercury in Odd Rasi, aspecting each other, Mars in Odd Rasi, Sun in Even
Rasi and aspecting each other, Lagna & the Moon in odd Rasis and aspected by Mars
from a even Rasi, Mercury in Odd Rasi, Moon in even rasi aspected by Mars, Lagna and
Moon occupies Male Navamsha. All these six constitute KLEEBA YOGA in a chart.
2.20. Issues late in life

cand`o laaBagatao gaur]isqatasautasqaanao sapaapao Bavao |

llagnao#naokxKagaainvatao tanayaBaa@kxalantaro yatnata: ||59
Meaning: When the Moon is placed in 11th and the 5th house counted from Jupiter is
occupied by a malefic and there are many grahas occupying the lagna, the native get a
child late after great efforts.

In Chart no 99 (Female) 11th house is occupied by the Moon and Mars. Fifth from Jupiter
is Lagna and is occupied by the Sun, Mercury and Venus. To conditions for late issues
laid out in the stanzas are fulfilled in this chart.

Chart no 99 (Female) 08-12-1966/06:30:00/78E54/17N52
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

Fifth lord cum Santana Karaka Jupiter is retrograde (with a speed of – 0.0540) in Ninth
house in its house of exaltation. From the fifth from the Moon fifth lord Saturn occupies
sixth house from the Moon. From the Jupiter fifth house is highly polluted with the Sun,
Mercury and Venus. Here mercury and Venus are natural benefics. But functionally,
Mercury is 8th cum 11th lord and Venus carries 7th and 12th lordships. In Navamsha,
Jupiter is with Rahu in a Satru Rasi. Saturn is in Gemini Rasi. Mars is with Venus and
Maandi. The indication of filial bliss is very slim in this chart.

Baaomaivalagnao jaata:caaYTmaraiSaisqatao idnaoSasautao |

saUyao- caalpasautaXao- pau~a: kxalaantaro Bavaita ||60
Meaning: Lagna be Aries or Scorpio, the Sun in 8thin Taurus, Leo, Virgo or Scorpio,
makes the native to gain issues later in the life.

yaid tau bahu ga`hsaMihtaolagnao laaBaaMgatao inaSaanaaqao |

gaur]sautasaMsqaO:paapaO: pau~a: kxalaantaro Bavaita ||61

Meaning: Many grahas in lagna, the Moon in 11th malefics in 5th from Jupiter, makes the
native to gain issues later in the life.

2.21. Inefficacy of Jupiter to give children
Even though holding the significance of children, some peculiar position of Jupiter, even
in its own sign produces childlessness. Vaidyanath Dikshit in Jataka Parijatha
pronounces that:
maInasqaao#tyalpasantaanaScaapasqa: kRxcC/santaita :|
Asantaita:kuxlaIrsqaao: jaIva: kuxmBao na santaita : ||
pau~asqaanao kuxlaIro vaa maInao kuMxBao Sarasanao |
isqataao yaid sauracaaya-statfxlaM kuxr]tao naRNaama\ ||62
Meaning: Jupiter in Pisces, gives very few children, in Sagittarius gives children after
much difficulty, in Cancer or Aquarius no issues at all. When 5th house is Cancer, Pisces
or Aquarius, and Jupiter occupies the same, the same results will accrue.
Chart no 50 (Male) 01-12-1974 / 12:12:00 / 79 E 42 / 21 N 41
Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In chart no 50 (Male) Jupiter Occupies Aquarius Rasi in Lagna. To enhance the strength
Jupiter is Vargottama in this chart. As Santana Karaka, with its enhanced dignified status
of Vargottama, with its Vargottama status it should give some promises on filial bliss.
Dignified Jupiter also could not do so justifying the above stanza of Jataka Parijatha.
But the primary analysis itself denies progeny bliss in this chart. Fifth house from Lagan
is Gemini (Alpasutha Rasi). Sixth lord along with the lagna lord Saturn occupy the house.
Fifth lord Mercury is with the Sun, Rahu and Venus. There is aspect from Jupiter.

Santana karaka is placed in Lagna. Fifth house from the Moon is Libra. Lord Venus is
Combust (within 100). 6th cum 11th lord from the Moon, Mars occupies 5th house from the
Moon. This Mars is also aspected by Jupiter from Lagna. Fifth house from Jupiter is
occupied by the Moon-Saturn Combination. In Navamsha chart, Mercury is placed in
Leo Rasi. Venus is in Capricorn Rasi. Getting a dignified status to Jupiter also could not
do anything in filial matter in this chart.

Chart no 126 (Female) 25-8-1974 / 78 E 54 /17 N 52

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 126 (Female) Fifth house is Aquarius and Retrograde Jupiter occupies it.
Here Jupiter holds the lordship of 6th house and 3rd Houses, while fifth lord is placed in
9th house aspected by Gulika/Maandi. From the Moon, Fifth lord is Jupiter who also

Chart no 139 (Female) 25-06-1962 / 78 E 54 /17 N 52

Lagna Chart Navamsha Chart

In Chart no 139 (Female) also Fifth house is Aquarius and Jupiter occupies it. Jupiter is
in direct motion, holding 6th and 3rd house lordships. Fifth lord is retrograde along with
Ketu in fourth house. Fifth from Jupiter is occupied by the Sun, and fifth from the Moon
is occupied by Rahu, making all vulnerable to filial bliss.

1. Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra 2:3

2. Prashna Marga1:35
3. Bruhat Jataka1: 3
4. Prashna Marga1:37
5. Laghu Jatakam 1:3

6. Prashna Marga 19:3

7. Prashna Marga 14:25
8. Prashna Marga 14:26 &27
9. Prashna Marga 14:28
10. Prashna Marga 14:29 &30
11. Prashna Marga 18:8
12. Prashna Marga 18:9
13. Prashna Marga 18:10
14. Jataka Tatwam 3: Panchamavivekam:80 – 81
15. Jataka Tatwam 3: Panchamavivekam:103
16. Jataka Tatwam 3: Panchamavivekam:108
17. Jataka Tatwam 3: Panchamavivekam:110
18. Jataka Parijatha 13:32
19. Jataka Parijatha 13:33

20. Santana Deepika : 37th Stanza
21. Santana Deepika 38 th Stanza
22. Santana Deepika 39 th Stanza
23. Santana Deepika 40th Stanza
24. Santana Deepika 41th Stanza
25. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16: 38
26. Jaatakadesa13:7
27. Phaladeepika12:14
28. Prashna Marga19:11
29. Phaladeepika12:15
30. Prashna Marga19:18
31. Bruhat Jataka23:6
32. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16:41
33. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16: 42
34. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16: 43
35. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16:44
36. Jataka Parijatha 13:20
37. Jataka Parijatha 13:22
38. Phaladeepika12:6
39. Sarvartha Chinthamani 5:23 – 31
40. Jaatakadesa15:8
41. Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra 80:34
42. Bruhat Jataka23: 4
43. Jatakadesha 5:3
44. Hora saara 25 : 34
45. Manasagari Jataka Padhati Yoga Phalam : 9
46. Prasavachintamani 2:23 -26
47. Phaladeepika12: 3
48. Jataka Parijatha 16:19
49. Bruhat Parashara Hora Shastra 16: 10
50. Prashna Marga18:11
51. Prashna Marga19:46
52. Phaladeepika12: 8
53. Jataka Parijatha 13:29
54. Jataka Parijatha 13:43
55. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16: 33
56. Prashnanushtana Padhati 16:49
57. Prashna Marga19:45
58. Prashnanushtana Padhati 16:3&4
59. Phaladeepika12:4
60. Prashnanushtana Padhati 16:47
61. Prashnanushtana Paddhathi16:48
62. Jataka Parijatha 13:30 & 31


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