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Women discrimination in our society

Girls and women suffer most of the negative impact of rigid gender norms and roles – they are more likely
to experience restrictions of their freedom and mobility, they experience epidemic levels of violence and
harassment across the globe and have fewer opportunities to choose how to live their lives.
Gender stereotypes at school and work
Stereotypes are how societies expect people to act based on their gender. For example, girls should stay at
home and help with housework and childcare, should dress modestly and not stay out late at night. People
are often judged by how well they adhere to the gender stereotypes.
These stereotypes can often bleed out into school and work, where girls are less likely to be encouraged into
science and technology subjects or leadership roles, due to the perceived ‘male nature’ of these pursuits.
“Gender discrimination leads sometimes to violent or sexual acts. Here is a short story of a women being
abused at work”
Avery Francis
“One of my colleagues was being a bit handsy-putting his hand up my shirt and rubbing my lower back,
making suggestive comments. I just remember being completely still, looking at the faces of the people all
around us, wondering if they were seeing this. I tried my best not to act weird or do anything out of the
ordinary. In an attempt to separate myself, I went to the storage closet to get more chips and snacks. He
followed me into the closet, and he assaulted me.”

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