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Idea Title

Idea Phase Submission

(This is a submission template for 20/20 Vision Hack, you are free to design the slides however you wish.)
View the Hackathon page at:
Team name and Member Details
Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Theme: [Selected Theme]

Problem Statement
Describe  the INDUSTRIAL problem you have identified and its impact. 

[100 words]
Solution overview

Describe at a high level how using machine vision AI is key to solving the

problem, and what action the solution will take from its AI decision making (100
Return on Investment

Describe the benefits and value of the solution to the industry. For example,
this can be cost saving, time, efficiency, higher quality production, more
revenue, new business models etc. Also include a researched
reference/statement to the potential Return on Investment or a business impact
statement.  (100 Words)
Societal Impact

Describe the impact the solution has on the people who use it or benefit from it and
any ethical/environment implications.  (100 Words)
Export your solution idea in a powerpoint presentation (ppt) or pdf format.

The submission deadline for the Ideas Phase is 16th January, 2020 11:59pm PST.

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