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Niezy S.

Cadusales BSRT-
(Medical student edition)

What's up guys! Niezy here and welcome to my blog. This will be my first personal blog and
probably the last. So for today's blog post, I would like to share my first year of studying as a
medical student at Asian College Foundation. By the way I’m on my second year now of
studying Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology, and I must say ‘Thank God I’m still
striving. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Asian College Foundation is school that offers courses such as radiologic technology, midwifery
and such. This institution has been offering us, students the quality of education at an affordable
cost. The school have been also consistently producing board topnotchers and placers since God
knows when. As I was enrolling on starting my first year, I noticed that people in the institution
are friendly and approachable. And up until now they remain consistent, they helped coped up
with stress and our failures. The give you such amount of words of encouragement to continue
what you’re doing.
The time is ticking fast and I’m on my second year now and rebuilding some part of the country,
and as you build self-discipline, you build time management. It was all sweat, tears, and blood in
order to finish bulk of chapters consisting hundred or more pages just to pass the exam. It was
hard to stay optimistic despite countless of failed exams, absorbing and cramming the whole
concept in order to be able to participate the small group discussion. But it developed my
character on how to discipline myself. It helped me create new habits of actions toward
improving myself and reaching my goal.
After a year studying at Asian College Foundation, I have come to love and read my books. And
it was because of this particular instructor who told me that reading books might help me
reaching my goal, and thanks to him who told me that. I’ve been spending a lot of time with the
love of my life which is a books. We spend more than 8 hours with them from the sunrise to
sunset. We plan a romantic date from Monday to Sunday in our favorite study out place.
They’ve been with us all throughout the week! Yes, a medical student will first fall in love with
his/her books and notes. It’s a sort of love or hate relationship wherein we will realize that we
can’t live without them. You will also master the art of sleeping anywhere without getting
embarrassed. I feel good for doing it because the 15-minute nap is so worth it especially when
you are sleep deprived. Obviously, the battles with sleep are well known to medical students.
I have not much to share with you since I’m not really as sociable as the others but Asian
College Foundation and the instructors are good at teaching students. Especially now that our
school have switch through online because of the virus and I saw how our instructors trying their
best to connect with us and I salute them for doing that. This is probably the end of my blog, I
really hope you enjoyed reading.

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