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কোডিং বুট ক্যাম্প :: ফাইল, ফোল্ডার, প্যাকেজ ও Golang ফাইল SYNTAX

What is learn in today's class-

**File--A computer file is a computer resource for recording data in a computer

storage device. Just as words can be written to paper, so can information be
written to a computer file. Files can be edited and transferred through the
internet on that particular computer system.
**Folder--A digital folder has the same purpose as a physical folder – to store
documents. Computer folders can also store other types of files, such as
applications, archives, scripts, and libraries. Folders can even store other
folders, which may contain additional files and folders.
**Extension--an optional suffix to a filename,typically consisting of a full stop
followed by several characters,indicating the file's content or function.
**Package--a collection of programs or subroutines with related functionality.
**Purpose of golang package--
## make reusable code;
## they help you organize related Go source files together into a single
## making them modular,reusable,and maintainable;
package main

import "fmt"

func main(){

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