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Get (extra):

Get along - work well with someone  мати хороші стосунки

Get away - to escape  уйти, вийти рух від чогось
Get back - to return (повернутися)
Get going - move rapidly (рухатися швидко))
Get in - to enter a vehicle (Увійти в середину)
Get into - to have an interest (мати інтерес)
Get it - to understand (зрозуміти)
Get lost - to become lost заблукати
Get off - to leave a vehicle ['viːɪkl] вийти із транспортного засобу
Get on - to enter a vehicle  (Увійти в середину)
Get out of - to leave a car (вийти з машини)
Get over - to recover from (восстановиться)
Get to - to arrive at a place (добиратися до…)
Get up - to rise (просыпаться)
Get through - to finish (закінчувати)

Exercise: Choose the correct word in bold from the list above:
1. Margaret always tries to get away from the heat of the city each July.
2. You had better get going  if you want to complete your homework by tomorrow.
3. Lisa will never get over  the death of her husband.
4. Peter always gets up  at 6 o'clock.
5. My daughter missed the train and couldn't get to  school on time.
6. Grandmother got lost  and had to call me for help last week.
7. After I got out of  the red car in the showroom, I instantly wanted to buy it.
8. I was suddenly sick and had to get away  the car.
9. Lily didn't get it  when Emma told her joke.
10. Mr. Paterson got over  from his trip to Florida yesterday.
11. Alex and his father don't get along  ; they disagree constantly.
12. I had a very difficult task to do, but I managed to get through  it with hard work and
13. What activities do you get over  - I enjoy hiking and climbing.
14. Jenny gets in the bus at 6 o'clock each morning. Her trip lasts an hour.
15. At 7 o'clock, Jane gets off  the bus. After a short walk, she arrives at work.

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