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 George Washington

 Passing the petition of right and the conflict between royalists and parliamentary party

1455 AD The War of the Roses starts in 

1337 AD The Hundered years war erupts 1337
597   AD Christianity reaches England
1381 AD The Peasants revolt breaks out

1. Magna Carta: It is a document passed by the British barons to limit the power of the
king and it states that the king cannot collect taxes without the consent of his royal council.
Henry the third participated in military engagements and was indebted. He started asking the
barons to loan him money, but they refused unless he signs the Magnacarta.
2. Bill of Rights (USA): refers to the first ten amendments to the American constitution, which
provided guarantees  of the individual rights  and limited the  power of federal and state
3. Bill of Rights (BR): refers to the limitation of the British monarchical power, which the king 
keeps the executive power, but their policy is controlled by the parliament.  

 Declaration of Independence the letter sent to King George III that laid out the legal separation
between mother country and the American colonies, while the constitution defines the principal
organs of the government and their jurisdictions and the basic rights of citizens. The declaration of
independence preceded the constitution, because the declaration of independence was written
in 1776 while the constitution was written in 1787.

The American great Depression refers to  the worst economic downturn in US history, which caused
the  crashing of the stock market Wall Street. Risky, speculative stock buying is considered one of the
leading causes of the Great Depression and as a result, fifteen million Americans were
unemployed and nearly half the country’s banks had failed

France and Britain fought over who will rule France territory.  

The American Revolution was driven by the colonists who were angry from the British parliament
decisions which issued heavy taxes and the proclamation of 1763 that prevented the colonists from
expanding over the Appalachian mountains. Moreover the enlightenment thought play an essential
role of reinforcing the idea of independence, the thing that pushed the colonists to write the
common sense article and later the declaration of independence. During the war, the colonists were
divided into two groups, Loyalists and patriots, the loyalists were people who want to be ruled under
the Britain regime, while the patriots were people who want to be independents.

During Charles I reign, there were a conflict between the parliament and him due to his desire for
absolute power and his way of obtaining money. The parliament issued the petition of right to restrict
his policy. The tension got high and led to another civil war between the Cavaliers and the
Roundheads. Under the lead of Oliver Cromwell, The Roundhead won the war and executed the king
Charles I while the royal family got exiled to France. Oliver Cromwell assumed the title of lord
protector, and Britain becomes a republic under his reign. After his death Cromwell's son couldn't run
the country, so he resigned. Therefore, the royal family was invited back to rule England as a kingdom

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