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Web control room

Brains of the entire operation.

● Dashboard
○ home: configurable, critical info.
○ bots: analytics, info.
○ devices: environment.
○ audit: monitor events, failure logs.
○ workload: pools, queue status.
○ insights: analyze task data.
● Activity: in progress, historical.
● Bots: my bots, credentials.
● Devices: status, username, pool.
● Workload
● Audit Log
● Administration

Client (Enterprise client)

Package of applications to create bots and run.
Efficiency, eliminate human errors, reduce costs.
AD for users, loops, logical operations, file, DB.
● Smart recorder: most viable. To capture objects in apps on Java, HTML, WPF,
Flex o Silverlight. Desktop apps and websites. Text of ddl, buttons status, radio
buttons, checkboxes. Keystroke actions and mouse clicks are saved as object
cloning. Only need IE 9.

Features "SMART" Technology for desktop applications and websites. It

works on object, co-ordinates, and image playback mode. It features an adjustable
object identificacion criteria (in AA -> Binoculars). It captures Windows objects
and controls such as: Text from drop-down menus, list boex, buttons, mouse click
actions, and Statis from radio buttons and check-boxes.

● Screen recorder: Simple task. Capture mouse clicks, keyboard operations.

The resolution of the application must be equal to OS resolution. Pressing ctrl +
alt +s the recording stops. Automation is limitad to static screens and simple
desktops or Web applications. For run the automated process (the recorder task) on
the same computer on which it was recorded.

● Web recorder: to web based processes, extracting data or filling web forms.
Internet related task action. Allows to open web pages, login, search, extract
data, test online apps. It understands all the web objects and contorls, such as:
URL command line, Drop-down menus and command bar icons, web page text field,
graphics, buttons, navigation and hotspot links, forms.

Enables automation of Internet- related task actions. Ideal for

websites. It records based on a provided URL. It extratcs single data pattern-based
data and tables. It navigates web controls, Work as Browser-based tool, and
Support IE 100 percent.

Business process specialist, IT.
● Action list: task bots, meta bots
● Command panel.
● Actions buttons: create,execute,save new task/meta bot.
● Error view: manage error, debug, simultaneous update.
● Variable manager: display user defined local variable, used to add, modify,
and copy variables
● Bot dependencies: export dependent files (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, mvp,
pkxm,exe, pdf, txt, jpg, png, pnp, xlm), upload files to control room and deploy
while running the taskbot.
● Filter.

The workbech library consists of more than 500 commands at its disposal.
Any command can be either double-clicked or dragged and dropped to insert it
into any task

Command library
● Commands
○ Excel: copy data, delete row/col, compare, extract & transfer data
○ Read from CSV/text: read list separated, multiple lines, ANSI, Unicode,UTF-
○ Database: transfer data, import, export, convert.
○ Email automation: monitoring email activity, incoming email, download
attach,clearing unwanted email.
○ Delay: wait time.
○ String operations: length, extract portion text, manipulate, sort, compare.
○ PDF integration: convert to img, extract form & text, encrypt/decrypt.

● Default or system variables: predefined by AA, available in all tasks.
● Local or user defined variables: defined by user for a task, only available
Based on values
● List variable: multiple values, single dimension.
● Array variables: multi dimensional (row, columns).
● Value variable: single value, multiple places.
● Random variable: generate random int or string.
● Dictionary variable: value o directamente de un csv.

Variable manager
● Show system variable
● Prompt assignment: value variable
● My list variable: list of variable

Variable operation command: Assign or reset value of variables

Loop command
● Start loop, end loop.
● Includes series of commands executed repeatedly.
● Execute multiple records one by one.
● 4 structures to create
○ Start: define series of actions to automate until condition is
○ End: is inserted along start
○ Exit: break a loop when additional condition is met. Between
start and end.
○ Continue: continue next iteration of a loop. With condition
between start and end.
● Subcommands of start loop:
○ Times: #Loops through specific task. $Counter$ -> Integer
○ Condition: run action based on conditions that already exists.
(if/else command).
○ Each row in a IE explorer: use with extract table of web
recorder. $Table Columns$, $Excel columns$ stores cell values.
○ Each file in a folder: all files in a folder. $FileName$
○ Each row in a CSV/Text file: until last row of data. $Filedata
○ Each email msg on server.
○ List: select existing variable, determine #loops.
○ Each row excel dataset: get multiple cells. $Excel column$.
○ Each row in sql query dataset: until selected data is populated
in sql dataset.
○ Each folder in a folder: until last subfolder. $Folder Name$
○ Each node in XML dataset: until last row of data. $XML Data

Image recognition command

Search and captures images. To check image existence and/or compare images. (if
image was moved, if exists, if elements are valid).
Is used when application UI elements may not be available for automation usean when
application UI elements are not available.

● Match percentage: 100% every pixel should match between 2 images.

● Comparison mode: 4 options.
1. Advanced (default & recommended): accurate result when screen
resolution/zooming or app scaling may change.
2. Normal mode: compares RGB components of pixels.
3. Gray-scale mode: convert pixels to an appropriate level of
gray-scale prior to comparing.
● Quick Test

Insert work item command:

Requisitos previos:
Need a Bot creator license.
Setup queue in control room workload.
Need to be a participant (permission errors).
If queue is in run mode & associated with a bot to process WI in queue a staged
error conditions occurs. Work items variable defines a data or value as a work

Para obtener los datos de una queue solo debemos asociar la Qeue Category y usar la
variable $Work Item$. Para insertar elemento en una queue usar el comando Insert
Work Item.

Error handling command

Handle errors without affecting normal flow of the taks.

Error view (in client)

● Updates the changes automatically
● Tracks and debugs longer tasks.

● Begin error handling
● End error handling

Select Error Handling Action

● Continue
● Stop Task

Handlings (Options)
● Take snapshot: screenshot of error screen a file. Saved in temp
● Run task: run another task.
● Log data into file.
● Send email: attached snapshot or text file containing the value of
all variables.
● Variable assignment: set a variable and

Set Task Status.

● Pass
● Fail

Manage web control: Web Controls are objects on webpages that run when the page is
requested and render markup to a browser. This command assists in capturing objects
on the web page and work with item.
Objects on web pages captured by this command.
● Links
● Drop Down menus
● Checkboxes
● Radio buttons
Subcommands are located inside web recorder. Para ver los detalles de un objeto
capturado utilizar la vista Advanced View

Log to file
Create log file with info in txt of CSV.
Encoding: ansi, unicode or UTF-8.

Verify if task or meta bot logic runs properly.

Creates a new log file.
Specifies custom text to be include in the a file.
Adds a timestamp.
Uses log file as variable.
Append into log File.

IF/Else command
● File exists/ does not exists.
● Folder exists/ does not exists.
● Windows exists/ does not exists (program , error has occurred, file
download has completed.
● Application running/ not running (even in the background).
● Script successful/ unsuccessful: integrates third-party scripts (VB
scripts, javascript).
● Task successful/ unsuccessful: depending return code.
● Ping successful/ unsuccessful: checks whether a machine or server is
running, and takes apropiaste action based on the result.
● Variable: copy data from app or website, numeric string. Compare to
variable or fixed data.
● Web control: if exists on web page, used editing logic of task bots
created using web recorder.
● File date: checks date & time, date ranges using between or before
● File size: comparison.
● Services running/not running.
● Image recognition: if img exists within another img.
● Window control: if specific control exists in active windows such as
command buttons, list box items, text boxes or menu tabs.
● Object Properties

Manage windows control command

● UI elements that enable user app integration.
● Buttons, text boxes, combo boxes, list box items, menu tables,
checkboxes, tables.
● Perform actions on control, assign captured properties to variables
recording actions that are performed simultaneously.
● Only standard windows control.

File or folder command

● Operations
○ Create, open, copy, move, rename, delete, organize.
● Advanced operatio for working with files and folders based on
○ Size
○ Date created or modified
● Functions
○ Command Files: copy, delete, rename, zip, unzip, print, open,
create shortcut.
○ Command Folders: copy, delete, open, rename, create new or

Object cloning command: capture windows that use Flex, HTML, Java, Silverlight
Create and play tasks that used technology specific apps.
3 modes to capture objects from desktop and web based apps.
● Object.
● Coordinates: fixed positions.
● Image.
Recapture image for any discrepancy in captured coordinates or image.

Insert keystroke command

● Automate typing of keystrokes in an app.
● Languages supported: german, french, italian, spanish.
● Before you have to open the application.
● <<Insert to add a value stored in a variable.

Introduction to metabot
● Elements
○ Visual screen captures (GUI components of an app).
○ API (interfaces allow low-level operations). External dlls.
○ Navigational flows (pre config. use cases of an app). Logic.
● Reusable building blocks. Automation blueprints.

METABOT Designer
Bot creator user with metabot repository access permissions.
With enabled version control: bot creator can checkout for editing and view
Need required access privileges by control room admin to access metabots.

● Assets: visual captures, APIs, dlls.
○ Each metabot in its own tab.
○ Add folder: manage.
○ Add screen: add single screen for exec. app running. It has to
be open.
■ Standar or OCR (capture objects over other apps
like citrix).
○ Record screen: captures multiple screens (UI elements as menu
items, popup that are not captured in add screen).
○ Add DLL: add API or dll in your metabot.
○ Configure: edit properties.
○ Calibrate: compare existing screen with a new.
○ Delete: it deletes metabot in metabot designer, it does not
delete it from control room).
○ If an app has multiples exe’s you are required to create a
separate metabot for each.
● Logic: navigational flows based on available assets.
○ Add folder.
○ Add logic: create navigational flow.
○ Record logics.
○ Edit.
○ Delete.
● Type:
○ Application specific.
○ All applications (images from multiple applications).

Introduction to web control room

Brains of the entire operation.

● Dashboard: customizable widgets, task-relevant activity. Proporciona
una vista general de toda la automatizacion con una recomendacion grafica.
○ Home: Muestra la cantidad total de usuarios activos y
registrados, el estado de los bots, cantidad total de bots scheduled, cantidad
total de queues, y las velocidad de los bots.(number of users, active users, bots
status, queue, bot velocity)
○ Bots: Ofrece una vista resumida de todos los bots implementados
en la sala de control. (operations and analytics, all deployed)
○ Devices: muestra informacion sobre la maquina bot runner y
donde se implementan los bots.(stability. Relevant data where the bots are
○ Audit: muestra una representacion visual del registro (audit
trail). monitor, failure load.
○ Workload: muestra el estado de los grupos dispositivos, las
colas y los elementos de trabajo.(queues, device pools and work items)
○ Insight: Analiza los datos de las tareas para obtener
infomacion empresarial en tiempo real (help interact with data)
● Activity: monitor activities, automation on a network. Proporciona
informacion detallada acerca de la automatizacion de la red.Monitorea las tareas en
ejecucion, implementadas o programadas.
○ In progress: on-going activities.
○ Scheduled: to run in a future specific time. Lista de las
actividades que se scheduled para mas adelante.
○ Historical: activities that finished running. Enumera de forma
cronologica todas las actividades que se completaron.
● Bots: manage and schedule when to run bots. Muestra todos los bots
que se cargargon desde el CLient AA.
○ My bots: ubicacion centralizada para todos los bots, flujos de
trabajo, informes y documentos que se cargan desde el Cliente AA. Proporciona la
capacidad de ejecutar y scheduled tareas en Bot Runners.
○ Credentials: storing sensitive information.Ubicacion
centralizada para crear y almacenar informacion sensible de forma segura.
● Devices: monitor connected and disconnected devices. View pools. Se
enumeran todos los dispositivos que se registran y se conectan a la sala de
control. Le permite crear y ver una lista de los grupos de dispositivos: coleccion
de dispositivos que se proporcionan para ejecutar bots con colas.
● Workload: monitor work items. Processes logical modules simult. to
meet SLA. Break down work items into small, logical modules for easy management.
○ Queues: collections of work items.
○ SLA Calculator: calculates the processing time/number of
devices required to meet the desired service level agreement (SLA).
Desglosa los elementos de trabajo en modulos pequeños y logicos
para una facil administracion. Ademas procesa estos mudulos en simultaneo para
ayudarlo a cumplir con sus SLA basados en el tiempo.
● Audit log: view audit logs. Proporciona informacion de solo lectura
para todas las acciones que se realizan en la sala de control y alguna en el
● Administration: create and manage user and roles.
○ Settings : administra la configuracion general del Control Room
○ Users
○ Roles
○ Licenses
○ Migration

Features panel - Dashboard

User role admin: filter, sort, color, export, style, timebar.
➔ Home
◆ number of active users.
◆ number of registered users (clients).
◆ Bot run status (completed, failed, stopped/aborted, timed).
◆ Capability utilization (Bots vs Bot Runner): #bots scheduled in
control room for the next 7 days.
◆ Total bots scheduled (last 2 days).
◆ Total queues (#bots).
◆ Bot Velocity
Failed tasks
➔ Bots
◆ Bots uses most system resources.
◆ Bots scheduled to run.
◆ Bots failed to run.
◆ % of bots in each status.
◆ Heartbeat: relation between failure score and respective bot.
Provee una representacion estadistica de la relacion entre la puntuacion de errores
de un bot y el bot respectivo. De manera predeterminada, la formula para calcular
la puntuacion de errores es: PE: 0.5* USO_MEMORIA + 0.3* USO_CPU + 0.2* USO_HDD
◆ MVP bots: maximum processing time and # of times they are run.
Muestra a los bots basados en los tiempos de procesamientos maximos y la cantidad
de veces que se ejecutan
◆ Bot Status: task progression based of status.(fallida,
detenida, iniciada y completed)
◆ Top failure reason: categories errors in groups y muestra el
conteo de cada grupo.
◆ Upcoming scheduled: bots scheduled to run, sorted by number.
➔ Devices
◆ Failure analysis: Muestra los dispositivos con mas fallas para
un periodo determinado.
◆ CPU utilization: Muestra la cantidad de dispositivos que
superan el umbral de uso del CPU.
◆ Memory utilization: Muestra la cantidad de dispositivos que
superan el umbral de uso de la memoria.
◆ HDD utilization: Muestra la cantidad de dispositivos que
superan el umbral de uso HDD.
◆ Overall device status(estado general): cantidad de dispositivos
en estado connected or disconnected.
◆ Upcoming device utilization: # of devices where automatizations
are scheduled. Cantidad de dispositivos que cuentan con automatizaciones scheduled.
➔ Audit: permite visualizar una instantanea de la informacion de
auditoria de las actividades realizadas en la Sala de Control y el Cliente.
◆ Event distribution by activity type: proporciona una vista en
forma de cuadro de las activities filtradas en la columna "Tipo de Accion".
Highest % of particular activity. Tipos de Acciones (login, client login, logout,
update user, create user, etc.)
◆ Activity audit Trail by Host Machine: filtered on source
column. Auditoría de las actividades por tipo de máquina de host: Proporciona
información sobre las actividades realizadas dentro de un período específico. Las
actividades se filtran en función de la columna Origen en la página Registro de
◆ Activity audit trail: filtered on the action taken by column.
Auditoría de las actividades por nombre de usuario: Proporciona información sobre
las actividades realizadas por un usuario dentro de un período específico.
◆ Failed activity log: action taken by type and source. Registro
de las actividades con error por nombre de usuario: Proporciona información sobre
las actividades con errores realizadas por un usuario dentro de un período
➔ Workload
◆ Executive dashboard: monitor progress of queues (owner or
consumer). le permite monitorear el progreso de las colas de las que se es
propietario o consumidor
● Device pools by backlog: adjust device pool size or
recorder the automations. Backlog is the # of hours to complete W.I. from all
automations in that pool. Le permite ver los grupos
de dispositivos por trabajo pendiente. El trabajo pendiente es la cantidad de horas
que lleva comletar los elementos de trabajo existentes en todas las
automatizaciones de ese grupo. Le permite ajustar el tamaño del grupo de
dispositivos o reorganizar las automatizaciones.
● Queues by time to complete: # of hours to complete
existing W.I. Change priorities of automation. Le permite ver la cola ordenadas por
el tiempo que requieren para finalizarse. El tiempo de finalizacion equivale a la
cantidad de horas que lleva completar los elementos de trabajo existentes. Le
permite pausar o cambiar la prioridad de las automatizaciones.
● Queue status: last n days, monitor progress of your
workload items. Le permite ver la cola que se procesaron en los ultimos n dias. Le
permite monitorear el proceso (estado) de los elementos de la carga de trabajo.
● Queue with avg. processing time: if there are any issue
with processing. Le permite ver la cola que se procesaron en los ultimos n dias con
el tiempo de procesamiento promedio. Ademas tambien entender si hay algun problema
con el procsamiento de estos elementos de trabajo.
◆ Operation manager dashboard. Monitorea las colas en donde se es
owner, consumer, participant.
● Device pool by FTE (full time equivalent). Puede ver los
grupos en orden descendiente de equivalentes a tiempo completo. Medir el valor de
cada grupo en termino del esfuerzo manual equivalente requerido para procesar el
mismo elemento de trabajo.
● Pools by decreasing error rate: ordered by decreasing.
Puede ver la lista de los grupos en orden descendiente de indice de error. El
indice de error equivale a la cantidad de elementos de trabajo fallidos dividida
por la cantidad de elemento de trabajo procesados de ese grupo. Proporciona una
vista rapido de los grupos que requieren atencion.
● Device pool by backlog: adjust pool size or reorder
automations. Ler permite ver los grupos de dispositivos por trabajo pendiente. El
trabajo pendiente es la cantidad de horas que lleva completar los elementos de
trabajo existentes en todas las automatizacoin de ese grupo. Ajustar el tamaño del
grupo de dispositivos o reorganizar las automatizaciones.
● Queues with avg wait time: automation start or resume
time allows to decide to increase priority or pool size to meet the business need.
Ler permite ver la cola que se procesaron en los ultimos n dias con el tiempo de
espera promedio. El tiempo de espera equivale al tiempo de inicio o reanudacion de
las automatizaciones menos el tiempo de inicio del procesamiento. Le permite
determinar si debe aumentar la cantidad de prioridad o el tamaño del grupo para
satisfacer las necesidades empresariales.

Work Item Status

Active: Work item is currently being processed - View
Completed: Work item successfully processed by a Bot
Runner - View and Delete
Unsuccessful: Work item processing failed on Bot Runner -
View, Edit, and Delete
Ready to run: Work item is successfully processed for
execution - View, Edit, and Delete
On hold: Work item is deferred for use by the Queue admin -
View, Edit, and Delete
Data Error: Error in loading data from the file - View,
Edit, and Delete
Paused: Work item processing was paused by the Queue
admin - View, Edit, and Delete

Features panel - activity : consiste de tres componentes: In Progress, Schedule and

Historical. You can manage your own automations. If you have view my in-progress
activity permission: upload, down, delete. Options view type schedule, name of
activity, name of bot.
● In progress: status (Active, Paused, Unknown,Paused for Input ),activity
type (run bot, import queue file, run bot with queue) progress, started time ,
bot, device. (Ver detalles, pausar, detener, reanudar)
● Scheduled: tipo de cronograma(unica vez o recurrente), dispositivos que
usara,bot name, estado (activo o inactiva), activar o desactivar los schedule,
● Historical: estado actividad(Completed, Failed, Unkown, Time Out, Error,
Stopped), nombre del bot, usuario, device,started time, ended time. (Ademas se
puede re ejecutar la actividad desde este panel)

Features panel - bots

Centralized locations for all the bots, reports and documents.
Admin user: puede manage bot files repository, manage credentials.

My bots: divides in two areas

● Folders: folders according to permissions. Name, size, client.
● File and folders.
Import and export bots, run bot now, run bot with queue, schedule bot.
Control room admin can access, you only see the folders that you have

Credentials: storing sensitive information.

- My locker: locker to storer several credentials.
- My credentials: create credentials and store it in a locker.
To create a locker -> manage locker permissions.
To manage locker in the vault -> admin all lockers.
- Credential request: user provided credential request to send to a locker.
All control room users can create a credential.
Although you will run a bot, automation will fail if:
● Any bot dependency is missing.
● You don’t have folder privileges on the dependencies.
● You don’t have run schedule permissions.

Features panel - devices

Device: bot runner, bot creator -> they are not created on control room. They are
created when a licensed user login in the control room.
Only admin users has access to see all the devices. Un usuario no admin no puede
ver los dispositivos Bot Creator.

Device pool: collection of bot runners to run bots in queues.

Role AAE pool admin: must be assigned for a user to admin all the devices pool. Y
puede ver todos los grupos.
El rol Admin de Control Room solo puede ver los grupos de dispositivos en los que
está asiganado como owner del grupo de disposivitos.

My Devices: muestra todos los dispositivos que estan registrados y conectados a la

instancia de la Sala de Control. Devices are registered and connected.
My device pools: muestra todod los grupos de dispositivos que estan disponibles en
el Control Room.

Status Device: offline (usuario no registrado o desactivado por un admin del

Control Room), connected(inicio sesion en Control Room) or disconnected(no inicio
sesion en Control Room).

Status Device Pool: connected, disconnected. Un grupo de dispositivo esta conectado

si al menos un dispositivo esta conectado.

Device Pool Admin: Permite a los usuarios ver, crear y administrar todos los grupos
de dispositivos.
Device Pool Owner: puede ver,edit y delete the device pool. Ademas de asignar a
otro owner. Se asigna por usuario.
Device Pool Consumer: Se asigna por rol.

Features panel - workload

● W.I. executed in bot runners, distributed, taken care of.
● Strategically distributed work to improve efficiency through automation.
● Allows to manage work items by dividing them into small yet logical
● Processes them simultaneously to ensure time-based SLAs are met and
resource optimization is optimized.

Use workload management to:

● Manage work items.
● Manipulate queues.
● Modify work items.
● Estimate an SLA.

● Centralizes definition and management of W.I.
● Process queues on a collection of devices.
● Add queues manually and automatically.
● Enhance the control of queues with specific roles and permissions.

● Queues: collection of work items.
○ Create, update and control WI in queues. Solo usuarios con
privilegios de Owner Qeueue pueden crear una cola.
○ Created by control room admin with create queue privilege. Solo un
administrador de la sala de control con permiso de crear colas puede crear una.
○ Define his column manually or by excel worksheet.
○ Solo puede ver las colas de las que sea owner, participant o
○ If queue is not in use or in draft, name and status will show not
applicable N/A.
○ Panel: search bar, refresh, delete, show/hide columns. Status, name,
my access, automation name, automation status.
● SLA Calculator: asses how long will it take to process WI based on device
pool size.
○ Define number of WI and number of devices required to process.
○ Needs SLA calculator permissions.
○ Panel: 2 tabs
■ Automation: select an active automation for SLA calculation.
■ Calculation: populates the number of WI processed and average
processing time of a WI for an automation.

Status de Queue
● In use (automatizacion asignada).
● Draft (WI not structured, not defined).
● Not in Use (automatizacion no asignada).

Queue Admin: Permite a los usuarios ver y administrar todas las listas de
Queue Owner: Puede crear y adminsitrar una o más listas de prioridad. Ademas puede
agregar wortk items. Se asigna por usuario.
Queue Participant: Puede ver la cola y agregar work items, pero no puede editar
otras propiedades de la cola. Se asigna por roles.
Queue Consumer: Puede ver la cola y sus work items. Puede usar la cola cuando
corren bots. Se asigna por rol.

Features panel - audit log

● View recent activities of users and administrator.
● Backup activities in CSV format.
● Actions performed in control room and client application.
● Panel
○ search bar(status, action type, item name, action taken by, source
device, source, request ID,Date and time of the action)
○ action bar: refresh, export, show/hide columns.
○ audit table: status successful or unsuccessful.
■ action icon: only can be accessed by control room admin or user
with audit log privileges.
■ action details, detail of info in page. show error for
unsuccessful action.
■ update settings detail, details of type of action performed.
display: what changed. update stored field.

La pagina de detalles de una accion de divide en 2 partes:

- Detalles de la Accion: muestra todos los detalles que aparecen en la
pagina de destino. Muestra los errores de acciones fallidas.
- Detalles del tipo de accion: muestra que cambio en el valor nuevo en
relacion del valor anterior. Los cambios actualizados en y guardados en la boveda
de credenciales.
Features panel - administration
● Manage roles and users: create, edit, delete, view.
● Change general settings.
● Install, view and manage licenses.
● Migrate info to new control room versions.
● Subcomponents:
○ Settings: enable/disable bots, client apps, email settings, edit
general settings, database, set product url, manage connection with credential
○ Users: existing users, view, edit, create, delete. Assign a role to
specific user. Create User, Create Rol
○ Roles: roles defined for each user. Create, edit, delete. Only admin
can assign role to user.
○ Licenses: info about installed licenses.
○ Migration: Migrate data from previous control room versions. Control
room admin with view and manage migration permissions.
● During control room administration the roles pre-configured are system-
created roles


La migración de datos incluye lo siguiente:

Configuraciones de la aplicación
bots de automatización con historial de versiones si corresponde
Programaciones de automatización (no se admite la migración de programaciones
desde diferentes zonas horarias)
Datos de Bot Insight
Metadatos en la base de datos
Datos del repositorio
Credenciales definidas por el sistema
Usuarios, roles, licencias y permisos
Version 11.3.3Actividad histórica

La migración de datos excluye lo siguiente:

Registros de auditoría
Dispositivos/Instancias de Client
Información de licencia del Enterprise Control Room de origen
Historial de programas
Credenciales definidas por el usuario
Configuración de control de versiones


- Bots -> My Bots (Run by now, run bot with queue, schedule bot)
- Activity -> Historial (solo se puede ejecutar un bot que ya ha sido
- Devices (run bot now, schedule bot)
- Workload -> Queue (run bow with queue)


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