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When I was little I watched TV movies with my brothers about the NAZA.

I saw some agents of CIA (Central

Intelligent Agency) doing research, localized criminals and finding ways to solve the investigations and all that
with this high level intelligent and famous machine named computer. I was so touched and wanted to become
like them. I wanted quickly to manipulate the keyboard that I had not any knowledge about but it motivated me.
So I asked what their job was and I was told that they are computer scientists. So I kept this word in mind and I
told myself that I would also become a computer scientist in order to work at NAZA. It was my dream since I was
little... With the time I wanted to realize my dream and I started in the computer science. I took orientation
training for the digital professions. In my first year of the university I participated in a competition named "the
Hachcode" with my friends but we had a lot of difficulties. I then heard about the hacking. That word had
interested me so I did some research and I have to do some training myself little by little. It is at this moment that
I discovered my passion for IT security and since then I do my best to become the best in this area and stand out
from all others.

The most important project I have been working on is the AKOWE project. A project initiated by one of my
classmates. This project aims to solve one of the fundamental problems we had encountered in the first year due
to difficult access to the test of previous years to prepare our exams. So he set up his only team consisting of only
5 boys. But in time, he was understaffed so he needed a dynamic person with a team spirit and can bring more to
their project. That's the reason why he called me not because i'm better than others but because i’m determined
and always ready to surpass myself. Then I became the only girl on this men's team. it was not easy but I managed.
I was forced to see things in the same way as each of them in order to analyze everyone's suggestions and make
contributions. This project lasted three months and over these three months I made proof of patience and
dynamism. I did a lot of research because the boys were ahead of me and I had not to be trainee. We considered
ourselves as a family. I've integrated this group as a web developer. I developed some pages of the web site and
working on the interfaces. It was for me one of the best teamwork experience.

In my first year of university I did a project on educational orientation for the digital professions because I noticed
that the students were going into computer science without really knowing what to do. The vastness of the world
of computing doesn’t allow them to make up their minds. The goal of my project was to set up an orientation
community community for bachelors but also for students in the specialty of digital so that he has a clear idea
about their academic background. But this project did not succeed because one of my teachers told me that it
took a lot of resources and skills to lay off this project what I did not have on my possession. I did not give up but
I put aside this project for the moment.

Recently I set up a computer programmer team made up entirely of girls in my class. The goal is to raise our level.
As a learder I do my best to motivate them so that they can excel and become the best in their specialty. For that
I had to push them to break this mental barrier that they have fixed and this fear that they have. For them I am
an inspiration because they think that I am better than them but in reality I am just more objective... My efforts
have borne fruit because at present, they are all determined to excel in their field unlike the departure where
they did not believe intheir internal strength.

Women in computer science are limited and think that only men can excel but in reality they are wrong. That's
the real reason why I set up this girl group and I hope that soon everyone will hear about us.

This scholarship will allow me to continue my university studies. I am thinking of doing a computer security
engineering course before continuing the Master. But the schooling of the 3rd year in my school rises to almost
a million and my parents will not be able to pay me ... that's why I really need this scholarship to pursue my dream
and reach my goals.

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