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Engelsk 9.


1. Define happiness in your own words

To me is happiness:

When I pursuit something and then successfully obtain what I’m aiming for.

I’m kind of a materialistic person so when I buy something I really desire this also gets me in a positive
emotional state.

Traveling around the world and experiencing different cultures and their norms makes me happy because I
think it’s exciting to see the diversity in the world.

Make a “Bucket list” with five things

1 Become a globetrotter

2 Start a family

3 Become prosperous


2. Name two things or objects you wouldn’t be without

1 Family

3. Name two persons, not from your family, you wouldn’t be without.



4. What do you do for your own happiness?




5. What do you do for others’ happiness?

I’m trying to set a positive vibe by simply smiling to everyone I meet.

6. Imagine yourself as a 90-year old. What will come to your mind as “magic moments” from your own

Seeing my children being happy.

The best moments with my friends from when I was young.

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