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1. The Civil war was fought between the southern and northern part of America.

The Nothern
states were industrializing on the contrary to the southern states who were agriculture -
their differences culminated with separating the country in two this led to war because
they could not agree.

2. Abraham Lincoln was a leader in the Civil War on the Northern parts side. His primary goal
was to reunite the country and abolish slavery.

3. The Southern part was called Confederate States of America and was their own country.

4. The people from the southern states starts the war.

The Civil war was the one with biggest sacrifices to this date - this resulted in 3% of the total
population in USA. dying.
Many died in the war because of the new technologies, which were used to develop better and
more powerful weapons. Even dough they used ‘old-fashioned’ weapons such as swords and
archaic guns. The grenades were what led to many people either dying or getting seriously injured.
Around 415.000 out of 620.000 didn’t die instantly but instead over time - not that it was any
better the major problem here was that they didn’t have the needed medical knowledge and skills.

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