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STUDENT #:310761

Writing Pretest
Throughout the history of the United States, there have been many historical
movements. From movements such as suffrage to the 1960’s civil rights movement. However
none can compare to Black Lives Matter movement that is occurring in modern society. The
Black Lives Matter movement is primarily different in a number of ways, especially considering
the modern social climate within the United States. The Black Live Matter movement has
started a social conversation that unites all races in order to reach the common goal that is
social justice and social equality.The reason the Black Lives Matter movement has become so
important to people is due to the fact that there is a major ability to influence what has been
hundreds of years of systemic racism.
The main reason that this influence is such a big deal is due to the amount of social
unrest that so many Americans are facing. The main cause of this social unrest is due to the
unethical, unjustified, and immoral actions taken by many police officers. Many of these actions
resulted in the death of a numerous amount of african american people. Although these deaths
are unjustified, some positives have come out of it. The amount of social unrest caused by the
general public has caused many politicians to take action as an attempt to better society.
Although many actions have been taken by officials, there is still a long way to go concerning
social justice. In my own personal opinion, it has been an amazing experience to witness the
amount of societal unity that has been pushing the United States back towards its common goal
of brotherhood. Although there are a great amount of other problems in the US, the concern of
racism is by far the greatest concern of all.
Not only is social justice taking place spectacular to watch but also the way in which
people are taking action of what is happening. It seems like everyday there are protests going
on in which a great deal of change is inspired or called to action. Although these protests are a
key demonstration of change, people can also argue them to be a key demonstration of
disaster. Some of these protests have turned towards violence. This is where the message has
become obscure, once the looting and destruction of business comes into play many of the
ideas are lost. However, a majority of the protests have been peaceful which is a great sign that
America is on the right track towards true equality. The amount of peaceful protests that have
occurred for decades in the US will eventually cause a great deal of change to the social
construct of America and its standards. From people like Colin Kapernick who was instrumental
in the foundation of the Black Lives Matter movement to everyday people walking down the
street, they have inspired hope that one day racial equality will be real all over the world.
Overall, the Black Lives Matter Movement has by far affected me the most out of any
other movements that occured in my lifetime. Not only has this social call for justice impacted
me greatly but it has also impacted the American public greatly as well. Peaceful protests in the
US have inspired a great deal of change for many Americans as well as many countries
worldwide. The social justice reform that is happening in modern day America has provided a
great deal of inspiration to me.

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