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Evaluation paper

I year student Munteanu Marcel plDFRT204

I. Give synonyms to the following words.

To arrest – to capture
To question – to investigate
Baton - stick
To injure – to damage

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Poliţiaa a restat persoana vinovată de crimă.
The police captured the person guilty of the crime.

2) Legiletrebuiesă fie cunoscute de toatălumea.

Laws must be known to everyone

3) Rolulpoliţieieste de a reţineinfractoriisuspecţi.
The role of the police is to detain suspects.

1) Proprietarul a reclamat la poliţie furtul bijuteriilor.

The owner reported the theft of jewelry to the police

2) Ofiţerii de poliţietrebuiesăpatrulezeşisărăspundă la situaţiile de urgenţăcîtmairepedeposibil.

Police officers must patrol and respond to emergencies as soon as possible.

3) Poliţiaeste o instituţie publicăspecializată a statului, însubordineaMinisteruluiAfacerilor Interne.

The police is a specialized public institution of the state, under the subordination of the Ministry of Internal

III. Write the equipment a police officer uses and how is it used:
Bulletproof vest
Radios are used by most departments to facilitate communication with dispatch and other officers. The
radios are usually attached to the utility belt and are often held with a radio pouch. However, some
departments attach the radio to the shoulder area to make it easier for the officer to use. Ten codes are used
to help expedite communication.
Police Weapons
Following is a list of police weapons that may be carried in the line of duty. The items can either be carried
by the officer or stored in their squad car.
Baton (Nightstick)
One of the oldest items of police equipment, the baton is generally used to disperse and control crowds of
people on the cusp of a riot. Batons also come in handy in protection against unarmed, through aggressive
people. In addition, batons are often used to break down windows and doors to free or rescue trapped
victims in dangerous situations.

Mace / Pepper Spray

Officers may carry a canister of mace or pepper spray to help neutralize individuals. The spray makes it
difficult for the assailant to see and breathe, which gives officers time to subdue the individual and make an

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