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Name Jack Cronquist

Process Analysis

Date 10/12/20

Giving a Dog a Bath

The concern of washing a dog is a hassle that no one likes to deal with. Usually
people pay someone else to wash their dog or get a friend to do it. But i'm here to tell
you how simple the process is and how you can do it at home. People often go months
without washing their dog, but is that really worth it? The answer is no, no one wants a
smelly, slobbering, gross dog that follows you around everywhere you go.
In order to give your dog the best bath possible you will need a large metallic
container in which to store your dog. The larger the container the easier the process will
be. You also need to get your furry friend, preferably being the biggest one you have.
Next you will also need to buy an animal friendly soap that isn't too harsh on your pets
fur. A hose or sprinkler head will also be useful. You should also take note of the
optional choice of using a second person. Lastly you will also need to buy a flat brush,
one that you would use on your hair.
The very first step in order to properly bathe your dog is to fill a large metallic bin
with water. Make sure this water is around or above room temperature, however if the
water is too hot it will not be enjoyable for either of the parties involved. Do this outside
if you want to avoid an even bigger mess. Next you're going to want to persuade your
dog into the bin. Maybe using treats lure your dog into the large container. If you
brought a friend, this is where they would become useful. While your partner is holding
on to your dog's collar, you're gonna want to take a hose and cover your pet in water,
but be careful to monitor your dog's attitude to being sprayed with water. Depending on
the breed as well as the size of your dog, water could be sprayed everywhere so keep a
towel within arms reach. I recommend a dog like a lab, mainly because they enjoy water
and wont give an attitude for getting covered in water. The next thing you need to do is
pour some soap on your hands and scrub your dog as if you were normally petting
them. Be careful not to get it in their eyes and be careful not to scrub too hard. Next
you'll want to spray off all of the soap. Be sure to get their legs in order to clean one of
the most used parts of their body. Then you'll need to get your dog out of the container
which is the easy part, depending on the length of your dog's hair, you should either let
them sun dry or you should get a towel and dry them off by hand. After you dry them off,
you should get a brush to clean off any excess hair caused from shedding.
Overall, giving your dog a bath is easily one of the most tedious chores to do

around the house however, there are also many efficient ways to accomplish this task.

There are also many different ways to do this productively. In the end of the process, it

can be extremely satisfying to both the cleaner and the dog.

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