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ACUTE LARYNGOTRACHEOBRONCHITIS LTB (Croup) ¢ Slow Onset. * Commonly Occurs Before Age 5 © Barking Cough ¢ “Crowing Sounds” © URL's Frequently Precede LTB * Restlessness * Supra-sternal © Ingpiratory Stridor © Occurs at Night in Fall and Winter Retractions ¢ TRespiratory Rate © May Progress to Hypoxic State © May Have Slight Temperature (<102") TURP (Iransurethral Resection of the Prostate) * Continuous or intermittent Bladder Irrigation (C.B.|.) (Usually DC'd after 24 houre, if No Clots). “uy Oe * Close observation of drainage system- (T Bladder Distention causes Pain & Bleeding). * Maintain Catheter Patency * Bladder Spasms * Pain Control: Analgesics & | Activity first 24 houre. * Avoid otraining with BMs. T Fiber diet & Laxatives. * Complications: + Hemorrhage - Bleeding should gradually | ta light pink in 24 hrs. * Urinary Incontinence - Kegal Exercioeo * Infections = T Fluide *# Prevertt Deep Vein Thrombosis + Sequential compression stockings * Discourage sitting for prolonged periods @Nursing Education Consultant, In. POST MASTECTOMY NURSING CARE + Elevate affected side with distal joint higher than proxima joint. * No BR, injections or venipunctures on affected side, Watch for S & & of edema on affected arm. + Lymphedema can occur any time after axillary node disection. * Flexion and extension exercises of the hand in recovery. * Abduction and external rotation arm exercises after wound has healed. * Assess dressing for drainage. * Assess wound drain for amount: and color. © Provide privacy when patient looks at incision, *c) iotherapy, Radiation therapy. * Monitor for Complications ~ hemorrhage, hematoma, lymphedema, infection, pootmastectomy pain syndrome, * Feychological concerns: Altered body image Altered sexuality ton Conauttante In Fear of disease outcome Nursing Eau SUICIDE PRECAUTIONS SECURE ROOM: ~ Windows Locked - Breakproof Glass & Mirrors - Plastic Flatware - Cords - Phone - Extension - Equipment - Curtains - Belts/Shoelaces/Drawstring Pants - Matches or Cigarettes - Sharps/Razors PATIENT CARE: - Frequent Observation... Preferably1to1 - Staff Communication — Constant Risk Assessment/Documentation - Develop Therapeutic Relationship - Written Behavior Contract with Pt. - Restraints as Necessary - Medications - Monitor and Restrict Visitors OG Sy SCHIZOPHRENIA - Illogical Thinking - Auditory Hallucinations & Impaired Judgment - Delusions — Persecutory or Grandiose - Lows of Ego Boundaries - Hypersensitivity to Sound, Sight & Smell - Inability to Trust - Difficulty Relating to Others - Bizarre Behavior - Indifferent - Aloof - Love/Hate Feelings - Feelings of: ) - Behavior — Disorganized, Rejection (gate Motor Agitation, - Negativism - Religiosity - Lack of Social Awareness Lack of Self-Respect Catatonic Loneliness, Hopelessness - Retreat to Speech Incoherent Fantasy World & Rambling - Autiom - Disorganized Thinking BB etisrsin Education Conouleants, ic Recent Difficulties / Alterations In: Relationships In Patient’s Own Words - Why le He Seeking Help? + Ueual level of functioning ee es eee eS Behavior a Ferceptions Z Cognitive abilities a tFeelings OF: Depression Anxlety Hopelessnese Being overwhelmed Suspiciousness Confusion | Name icity & Cultural lmpications = Marital Status #6 Ages Children = # &. Ages Siblings + Living Arrangements + Occupation Education Religious Affiliations Sphritual Needs 5 Previous illness / Hospitalization Education - highest grade completed Childhood Caregiver Physical Abuse ? Parents Substance Uce/ Abuset J Occupational background pation eee How long employed What joe Social patterns: Friend - importance __ Somatic Changes | Ss Constipation ‘Ageibacen Usual day bo Diarrhea ey Use OF Drugs Sowal Fatgerns E insormia pores mana te ae Lonely Etegt on family ore > Weight Lort aN a Incereste & Abilities pias Happy Family Physical eae aa srenie Rebellious Or Feychosocial Problems $Gives pleasure = Nausea Who? Substance abuse - Meds Nausea ubetance abuse - Mede mi What: problem? i [Yomiting Howitt aftccked Bare, Drug use problems meade the family Seraes coping wiethods @Nuesing Education Consutante, fo. MENTAL REWARD ATION = a Repetition Reinforcement Routine Repetition Reinforcement Routine Repetition Reinforcement R R R R R R R R R yao ea aac) ue [oa NN oy OL REAL STIMULI MISINTERPRETED... FALSE FIXED BELIEF. EATING DISORDERS Views self as fat — regardless of weight Intenge fear of becoming fat Anxious about losing control Weight is¥85% of normal Feels powerless Associated with obsessive compulsive disorder BULIMIA Recurrent binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting, misuse oF laxatives and enemas Depressed mood following binge eating T Anxiety and compulsivity PICA Fersietent eating of non-nutritive food and non-food substances Food — cornstarch, baking powder, coffee grounds Non-food — clay, soils, laundry starch paint chips More common in children, pregnant women, individuals with autism or cognitive Impairment, patients in chronic renal failure. Influenced by cultural background. Associated with Iron and zinc deficiency. FB onursng Eavcation Constanta ne Datety Precautions Remove harmful objects Clase observation Encourage expression Norejudgmental support Kind pleasant ntbresved approach Frequent contact ticipation ns ont ~ Activities Assist in decision making Westen contract = ee ieeunsir Self-Esteem Cognitive Suicidal preoccupation Crying Poverty of ideae Negative view - Self = World - Future Prevent constipation Encourage exerciee Maintain hygienic Mood Dysphoric Depressive Despair [Intereat in pleasure Feychomotor =] Agitation “Gad Persone Scale or [= (genden)t ¢ malos At Risk retardation of movement Ago 419 Adolescente & elderly Fatigue Depression Recent. crisis - stress - loos {Appetite Previous euicide attem) Slotarce sues, Canstipation Chronic or painful tiness Step veturbarees Frevious suicide attempts ETOH (alcohol) abuse Rational thinking impaired ftir i Sante pan a Ea Hallucinating @Nuroing Education Consultant, ne Sicknese (chronic) BIPOLAR DISORDER MANIC * Onset between 18-30 yrs old * Mood: Elevated Expansive Irritable * Speech: Loud-Rapid Punning Poor Judgment. Clanging Vulgar ©? Wr. loss * Grandiose delusions * Distracted * Hyperactive «1 Need for sleep * Inappropriate Dress # Flight of ideas DEPRESSIVE * Previous manic episodes * Feelings of Worthlessness Guilt Hopelessness + TAnger & Irritability eLinterest in pleasure * Negative views * Fatigue & | Energy © LAppetite * Constipation * Insomnia etLibido * Suicidal preoccupation * May be agitated or have movement retardation cy BBB chars education Conus inc BASIC COMPONENTS OF A PSYCH ASSESSMENT Why is Patient Ethnicity Seeking help? 3 Mattel Statue Recent Difficutties ay Living Arrangements Relevant Family History & Creda bon f Feelings of - Depression o Education Anxiety Cultural implications [eee cence Religious & Spiritual Suspiciousness: Beliefs/Affiiations Being Overwhelmed Somatic Changes Previous liness: and Hospitalizations Chilahood Growth and Adolescence eco Patterns Brug We E\ Social Patterns - Family ‘S\\ BFrienas Physical, Emotional Sonal Freterence(Practice| of Setual Abuse Interests. Substance Use & Abuee| Family Physical Judgment Affect Memory Cognition Orientation BB enierstg Education Consultant ic ALTERATIONS OF BODY IMAGE IMPACT / SHOCK / DENIA\ Despair Digcouragement Withd a DEPRESSION Insomnia Refusal to participate in self-care Sadness R Refusal to discuss change or lose +Self Esteem Hostile / Irritable GRIEF Normal reaction to loos Regression can and does occur Provide safe environment for : expression of feelings Acceptance and Adaption Common Ini patients who have Active participant in therapy / care experienced mastectomy, ampu- D i Feber aABteatece Aerated CA cna Con ae surgery, or spinal cord injury HG onarsingtarcoton constant ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL DELIRIUM “Delirium Tremens (DTs)” Begin DT9 After Hospitalization, Surgery or Procedure. EAR DROPS ADMINISTRATION Adult Pull ear back and up for Older Children and Adults Pull ear down and back for Infants and Childrent3 yrs. Child Oo STROKE (Brain Attack, CVA) © Headache * Mental Changes ~ Confusion - Disorientation - Memory impairment © Aphasia (,24.¢%,) ete * Resp Probleme (4 Neuromuscular Contrel) # bough / Swallow Reflex * Agnosia (tierctacen) # Incontinence * Seizures * Hemiparesia or Hemiplegia © Emotional Lability * Vigual Changeo (Homorymous Hemiamopsia) * Diplopia, Ptosis, and Lose of Corneal Reflex * Vomiting * Spatial-Ferceptual Defects (CVA Right Hemisphere) * Hypertension * Apraxia (tlearnea Movements) 4 i i DIAGNOSTICS Neuro Exam, CT Sear, MRI ‘Angiography Intea-Artieral Digital Subtraction “Angegrapy (B5A) nocranial Doppler (TCD) iltrasoncaraphy ur, ticox Monitoring SEPNURSING GOALS | * Airway - Oxygenation o$icr * Nutrition + Preserve Function ° Rehabilitation * Safety + Education ‘#Right-Sided Weaknees eAphasia LEFT HEMISPHERE & PUPILLARY ABNORMALITIES] Typically Larger on the Side Opposite the Lesion * Conjugate Deviation (Looks toward lesion) * Homonyrigus Hemisnopsia BZwey e Temporary Vein ae Tiere orsparese ‘Vertigo & Conk * Typeally Last Lees = Hypotonia “® Hypertonia 1 Spatial-Rerceptual Defects, © Aprania © Lose of Voluntary Movement On One Sie eb Neuromusculer Control Reape 2 Swallow - Cough © Bladder - Bowels © Communication Probleme * Emotional Lability impaired Judgement and Memory * Atherosclerosie * Thrombosie * Emboligm * Cerebral Hemorrhage (Tissue DamagerTraura) RIGHT HEMISPHERE *Left-Sided Weakness ° Spatial-Ferceptual Deficita (Vulnerable to Accidents) Bi ottursing Edvcatim Consultant PARKINSON’S DISEASE © Onget usually gradual, after age 50. (Slowly progressive) * Mask-Like, Blank Expression > * Stooped Fosture © Pill Rolling Tremors 4 * Possible Mental Deterioration * Depression * Has Familial Incidence: More Common in Men * Shuffiing, Propulsive Gait ques ‘@Nureing Education Consultants, lnc. INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE © Changes in LOC ¢ Headache = Flattening of Affect "JOrientation & Attention ¢ Seizures "Coma * Impaired Seneory & Motor Function ° Eyes - ; * Fapilledema ¢ Changes in Vital Signs: Cushing’s Triad = Systolic BP “Widering Pulse Freseure” * Pupillary Changes * Impaired Eye Movement: *UPulse ¢ Fosturing * Irregular Resp Pattern " Decerebrate "Decorticate ¢ Vomiting "Flaccia * Not Preceded by Nausea "May be Projectile ° Decreased Motor Function * Changes in Speech = Change in Motor Ability *" Fosturing ©lnfants: ° Bulging Fontanels °Cranial Suture Separation et Head Circumference BBB cturcing Eekication Concuttants, in High Pitched Cry INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE (IICP) - CUSHING’S TRIAD (Symptoms OF ICP Are Opposite OF Shock) * ICP * * Shock « t Systolic B/P Vere ¥ Pulse t Pulse ‘ Respirations t Respirations (2a scl Scan MRI ‘ * PET, EEG, Angiography) *LiGOx Brain Tissue xygenation Catheter * Transcranial Doppler Studios TP + Evokod Potential Studios \t intracranial Blood Vol. Cerebral Hemorrhage tesr Sale Toxine Cerebral Edema lechomic Cells Dilated Cerebral Arteries PCO “‘Acidotic State # Secondary to Initial Damage # Brain Tumor * Closed Head Injury ured Blood Vessels Ruy os (TTS) holon mange in L * Thrombosis & lechemia uching’s Tad ‘\s Hyarocephalue ° Pupillary Changes ‘y e * Fafledema Fs \cP Monitoring Ventriculostomy) + Cerebral Orggerattion Mon torr (LICOX) 1 Sipertone aire Ve # Medleateg= Osmotic Dretios Corncosterode Artioctaure Drage ‘->Infants_ * Bulging Fontanels * Cranial Suture Separation « THead Circumference * High Pitched Cry * Ingert Urinary i Catheter Avoid Straining ‘Sensory & Motor leacache *Vomizrg TGR Occurs With Tin The Size OF intracranial Contents (pale DR sore Prcesvone © Airway Fatency SF From Ears/Nose? leurov's *FCO2 OK? * Prevent Aspiration "© Hemniation erebral Perfusion * Diabetes Ineipidue * Som-Fowlers Minimum Suctioning § Guice Envkormens, ° Explain Neuro 's During BM * Charge Rosition Slowly * Ventilator? * Provent Eye Damage * ypceurage Fears ROM ¢ Maigean Hoaration ‘Light Sedativea for santa Realty * Presoure Ulcer Prevention sgitation Orientation * Avoid Extreme Hip Flexion * 2 Coughing, Sneezing, or Valesiva Manewer i andioace * Maintain Nutritional Needs - Enteral or Parenteral Feedings Gk te Unconscious « Assess Motor Responses and Movement * Giascow Coma Scale # TSize infant's Head * Work Thru Feelings FAST RECOGNITION OF A STROKE CRANIAL NERVE MNEMONIC S = Sensory Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear Trigeminal Abducens Facial Acoustic Gloseopharyngeal Vague Nerve Spinal Hypogloseal ZOAA000 BEB onireing Education Coneuttants, ni rrr TO445000 M = Motor On Old Olympus Towering Tope A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops B= Both 3 6 M M B M 5 & B 8 M M Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Bad Business Marry Money BELL’S PALSY Forehead Not Wrinkled Eyeball Rolls Up Eyelid Does Not Close Flat Nasgolabial Fold Paralysis of Lower Face Etiology: Possible reactivation of herpes vesicles in and around the ear will proceed facial paralysis. Treatment: * Corticosteroids ° Antivirale e Full Recovery by Most Patients in 6 Months, Especially if Treatment is Started Immediately ABNORMAL POSTURING NURSING CARE FOR SPRAINS AND STRAINS R Rest Ice C Compression E Elevation Thickened Synovial Al Membranes 4 Inflammation Synovitia| rN Ot Stages Sprannus +> Cartilage Destruction Fibrous —p Fibrous tissue ‘Ankylosia * which evolves into scar tissue «Ayan aa pala 2. ASSESSMENT. NSAIDS, Cox2 Inhibitors * Disease Modifying Antirneumatic Drugs (DMARDs) Af Flaqueni, Methotrexate, Enbrel, Remicade * Heat /Colt Applcacions + Bilateral joint involvement © Detontity roventing Dovicoe + Joint stitfness, pain, limitation of movement # Prysical Therapy * Morning stiffness lasting >thr * Fain increases with movement «@Serum —emm) + Commonly affects joints of hands and fingers Rheumatod Factor # Extraarticular symptoms + Teor ‘Rheumatoid nodules (located on extensor oT C-Reactive Protein surface of joints) Poatthe Antinulear * Sjdigrar's syndrome (decreased tearing, ‘Antibody dry mouth, photosensitivity) **Felty oyndrome (oplenomegaly, blood dyscraciae) BS ohiirsing Education Coeutcant he I can't sit up straight and | got this pillow Doing pretty good — between my legs! can’t crose my legs or stand too long — got to keep JOINT REPLACEMENTS MAIN COURSE me Crrar nee) Nm Knee — CPM, neutral ear DT aCe Cay do not bend hip 7 96° 008 2* post op day Incision care Asoose Extremity For ‘Color ‘T Tolerance To Meds —+ Prevent: Oversedation * LV Rate Avoid CHF fronn pee ue ae - ae Imntblity compicatons " Contractures baat Disorientation ies Seen, Gre Frobleme + Thrombophlebitio Safety —> Side Ralls ana Prevent Falls: Poor Nutrition Constipation - Fluid & eotrolyte Imbalance, Foor Healing Motor Function Pain, Muscle Spas * Circulatory Compromice ¢ Infection immobility Complications * Embol Delayed Union - Non Union # Avazcular at Emcolism Necrosis ‘Nerve and Vascular Injury TAge + Treat cooxisting medical cisorcers Cardiac problems Peripheral Vascular Disease Neurologic disorders TFemale Buckle Tractipn SiMe ose to Relieve Spasmo Para * Presence up t0 24-48 Hours TaN] Wsiian Revcvon Charge Chronic Condition Depend itor 42 Hrs nad Nici Sos coraiaan & ame + Use Asdtion Pilon Beowoon Leg ¢ Tat, Muscle Spagme, Tolge Steep Benue Acted Leg onortaned oe ‘» Adduction of Affected Leg Sutyery = Exercice When OF Estemal Rotation v * Ghent teaching, Self Care Fremenion * Deformity Along Lateral ental Foation # Avoid Extreme Hip Flexion pace, pera ins - Screws - Plates) + Prevent External Rotation is Displaces Prosthctice, ate ae + Ecchymosio HG Ovirsing Education Conoltanta ne ZOrAQNFAH CARE OF PATIENT IN TRACTION Extremit Temperature 2 Infection Ropes Hang Freely Alignment Circulation Check (5 F’s) Type & Location of Fracture Increase Fluid Intake Overhead Trapeze No Weights On Pea Or Floor fe. 134 oe eS %. CARE OF ys Rs eo © * Elevate Residual Limb The First 24 Hre * Prevent Contracture Of * Promote Good The Joint Avove Amputation Circulation * Discuss Phantom Limb Pain In Extremity * Analgesics * Promote Comfort * Evaluate Healing * Compression Dressing To Prevent Edema * Discourage Semi-Fower’s Position In Patient With AKA To Prevent PATIENTS WITH Contractures Of The Hip * Observe For La AMPUTATIONS gS "29+ Aosese For Skin Breakdown * Wash, Rinse & Dry Residual Limb Daily 2 * Do Not Apply Anything To Residual Lim KO AlcoholmempDries Lotions Skin Too Som oy) * Encourage Patient To Wear Prosthesis When He Gets Up & All Day To Prevent Residual Limb Swelling «Teach Patient that Leather and Metal Farts of Prosthesis | Should Not Get Wet * Promote Optimum Level of Mobility TRACHEAL - ESOPHAGEAL FISTULA (3C*) C- Choking C- Coughing C ° Cyanosis BB ottreing Education Conouttant in STAGES OF LABOR (Stage of Cervical Dilation) Begins with onset of regular contractions and ends with complete dilation Latent—> Active—> Transitional -Firet Stage - en) (ee (Stage of Expulsion) Begins with complete cervical dilation and ende with delivery of fetus. y - Second Stage - (Placental Stage) Begins immediately after fetus ie born and ende when the placenta io delivered. - Third Stage - (Maternal Homeostatic Stabilization Stage) Beging after the delivery of the placenta and continues for one to four hours after delivery. = Fourth Stage - PRENATAL CARE Presum Foriods N&V Sears Urination Breast Changes Quickening Probable OPG Tet Enlarged Abdomen Hegar's Sign Softening of Uterus Chadwick's Sign Bluish Vagina Goodel's Sign Softening of the Cervical Lip Ballottement - Fetus Rebounds Braxton-Hicks Contractions Fositive FHR Fetal Movement ~Visible + Felt By Examiner Fetal Sonography RH@or . VORURPR CBC UA Hepatitis B Screen 18. Skin Teot HY Screen Glucose Screening Lab Test? | 7-10 Days After Conception Radloreceptor Asoay (RRA) Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Enzyme Linkes Immunosorbent Aeeay (ELISA) History & Physical Ciaiiais > x Obstetric History Schedule Prenatal Visits Vitals Fara’ Gravida uA Weight: L G Height of Fundus FHR POSTPARTUM ASSESSMENT Mev» c Breasts Uterus Bowels Bladder Lochia Episiotomy/Laceration/ C-Section Incision PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGES Sesisttnsiiti Ta ee cca *T Need for H.0- os * Tidal Volume ites IN PREGNANCY ‘Meg Sten" fh # T Lumbosacral Curve * Altered Center of Gravity © Duck Wading Gait. #1 Breast Size * Heaviness, Tingling * Darkening of Nipple * Colostrum { Blood Volume ~ 40-50% * THR 10-19 beateimn #1 Cardiac Palpitations + Slight @BEnurgerent * Murmurs Pregnancy GingMile * Poeuscanomia tae ~ Ptyaliom Gastric Keidiny NY, Heartburn # [Tone & Motilty of Smooth Muscles lcmorrhcide & Constipation Lemptying of the gallbladcer Estrogen Influence ‘# Smooth Muscle Hypertrophy lyperplasia of Lining hick White Secretion ~ Loukorrh: ecrequerey *T Biba tone 1 [Reval noshold for Sugar 2 Glomerular eteraton ‘arical Sottering ~ Goodall's Sign Mucus Piug Color of Mucosa © T Skin Pigmentation Facial Mask — Chioaoma re Vulgario ty Bonel Metabolc Rate ermatitis fascular Spider Novi TFacachyroia Actiy © ABD - Stretch Marke ~ Striae Gravidsrum Linea Nigra Produces FEM, LM, Thyrotropin Aarenoseopin & Prolactin @Nursig EAication Consultants, nc NON-STRESS TEST 3 Negatives in a row to interpret results of non-stress test N Non-Reactive N Non-Stress is N Not Good BH eisring Education Conetantn a HE ary t ge Sleeps 16-20 hours a day the first 2 weeks, General Characterietice: ree ff W810 52cm ae Circulatory System: Blood Aow from uel vessels & plecenta stops Clogure OF at orth fe Ductus Arterceus SFeramen Ovele * » Dictus Venza. + Pulmonary Circulation ransitory Murmurs Hands & Fact = Ph ectee res: 6 Heat Rate 120 10160 Beataltin RO? \ Sj Temp Heat Loss Due To: Evaporatior Persie from ont ign Lung Maturation <" 26th Week Gectation Convection - Body heat to cool air flow. Pe de uatocten Rak Conduction - Body heat to blankets, atc. Aelia 38th Weok Gestation Radiation - Heat lose to cool temps, © Reap fore «| 02 Consumption t Utilization of Glucose (Hypoglycemia < 45mgis) ‘& Brown Fat Need for Calories tRivk Metabolic Acidosio 1 Surfactant Production e 3.400 grams (Average) or Tle. Bor: Usually to 10% wt, lose tot fow days. Regained within 10-14 days ieadt > Molding 3 Elongated as Caput Succedaneum>Edema > Measurement >33,cm. to 35 om (15-14 in.). Circumference x (ised w2to em than oo) > Fontanels » Bulging? or Sunker? Extremes in Size May Indicate mi Microcephaly, Hydrocephaly or ICF_ 9 * Umbilical Cord = 2 Arteries & 1 Vein Obeain cord blood sample ery oom. Lung Function after BS onersng eacation consitanta in Within the Tet minute of birch “lous Busty Cry “Ne Byspnea 26 Retlactlons Roep Rate 30-60 / Min Kaphragmatic & Abcominal Muscle ised lose Breathor SS HIGH RISK NEWBORN TEMPERATURE NURSING INTERVE} ITIONS BR Minimize Cold Stress. ! PK Maintain Skin Temp. 36.1°- 36.7°C (96.8°-97.7°F) Continuously Monitor Ternp, We Prevent Rapid Warming or Cooling Pe Use A Cap To Prevent Heat Loss From Head. RESP FUNCTION ¥ Position T 02 - Semiprone/Side Lying. Maintain Resp Tract Fatency. ee ee We Stimulate > Remind to Breathe. 4K Monitor For Hypoglycemia. $ Monitor O2 Therapy. # Assess Tolerance Of Oral Or Tube Feedings. $® Access Resp Effort. $#X Monitor Hydration Closely. © Grunting WE Assess For Gastric Residual, Bowel Sounds, * Nasal Flaring Change In Stool Pattern, Abdominal Girth. * Cyanosis Monitor Weight Gain Or Loss. © Apnea iri Eascaton Conon is HELLP Syndrome (Preeclampsia with Liver Involvement) Hemolysis Elevated Liver Function Tests Low Platelet Count EVALUATION OF EPISIOTOMY HEALING Redness Edema Ecchymosis Discharge, Drainage >UMMA Approximation DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE HIP lAsymetrical gluteal and thigh folds. Affected side) Shortening of leg. on Conoutantes he FB ow Threatened + inevitable * Incomplete * Complete ° Miseed AB + Recurrent Control Hemorrhage Vaginal Bleeding or Concealed Hemorrhage Painese Bright Red Bleeding During Mild to Severe 28 &3" Trimester Abdominal Pain Has Presumptwe Signe: Of Pregnancy High hCG levels Passage of Vesicles Fiyperemesio Gravidarur Kaa) s Proteinuria TBP i> Faeries. ‘Aniniotic Fluid Index (AFI) >24-25om Watch Galt Intske Develops 3” Trimester in Diabetica 180 Complications — Abruptio Placenta, Fost Partal Hemorrhage CLEFT LIP - POST OP CARE C Choking L Lie on Back E Evaluate Airway F Feed Slowly T Teaching L Larger Nipple Opening ; I Incidence t Males P Prevent Crust Formation Prevent Aspiration BEB on uroing eaicotion concuivants, ine ASSESSMENT TESTS FOR FETAL WELL-BEING * BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE * Choice for Follow Up Fetal Evaluations Fetal Breathing Movements - 4 episode of 30 2ec, in 3O min B. Fetal Tone - At leaet | epicode of extremity extension and flexion C. Body Mavemert - 3 episodes over 30 min BIOPHYSICAL TESTS * Daily Fetal Movement: Count: (DFMC) * Ultrazongraphy * Biophysical Frofile (BP?) D. Amniotic Fluid Volume - MRI At least 1 pocket measure 20m BIOCHEMICAL TESTS in 2 perpendicular planes E. Non-Strese Test - Reactive - FHR T with activity. Each hae a possible score of 2 Max Score =10 ©) * Amniocentesio * Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) * Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (FUBS) ‘* Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein (MSAFP) © Indirect Coombs Test Nursing Education Conuitants Ine

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