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The Rabbit and The Turtle

Once upon a time, there was a kind turtle who lived in the jungle. He had a friend who
was a rabbit. One day, they talked about how fast they could run. The rabbit was laughing at
the turtle because he run so slow.
The turtle didn’t accept because it was laughed. So he challenged the rabbit to run.
The rabbit was surprised. He thought it was a good joke and then he accepted the challenge.
The fox was to be the umpire of the race. When the race began, the rabbit raced way
ahead of the turtle just like everyone thought. The rabbit got to the halfway point and
couldn’t see the turtle anywhere. At that time, the weather was hot and the rabbit was tired so
he decided to stop and took a rest under the tree until he overslept. All that time the turtle
kept walking step by step. He never quit no matter how hot the weather or tired he got. He
just kept going. However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought. When the rabbit woke
up, he couldn’t see the turtle anywhere. Then he continued his run. Apparently, the turtle
nearly reached the finish line. So the rabbit went at full speed to the finish line but he found
the turtle there waiting for him.
Finally, the rabbit regretted for what he did and he apologized to the turtle.

Moral value : “Don’t underestimate others”

Nama : Afiza Milladunka Rokhmah

Kelas / No. absen : X IPA 2 / 01

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