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NAME_________________________________ SEC____ GLOBAL II 4/25/20 30 PTS





3) What event is depicted in these documents?

A) Salt March B) Sepoy Mutiny C) Amritsar Massacre D) Suttee

4) What individual is most prominent in these document?

A) Nehru B) Gandhi C) Mandela D) Jinnah

5) Which description best fits this event?

A) An act of civil disobedience against the British
B) A statement of support for dividing India
C) A protest against the Sepoy Mutiny
D) A rally for the British during World War II

6) The purpose of this event was to

A) begin a cycle of armed revolution
B) draw attention to critical issues
C) increase the strength of the military
D) resist the power of religious leaders

7) Discuss this event and the circumstances which led to it (11)

8) Which factor was a major consideration at the time India was being partitioned?
A) Creation of uniform land areas C) Territorial disputes between Britain and France
B) Equal distribution of natural resources D) Tensions between Hindus and Muslims

9) During the Cold War, India’s decision to support neither the United States nor
the Soviet Union was based on its policy of
A) Nonalignment B) Containment C) Isolationism D) Separatism

10) Since 1990, many countries have expressed grave concerns about North Korea
and Pakistan because these two countries have
A) developed nuclear programs
B) withdrawn from the United Nations
C) experienced large increases in the number of AIDS-related deaths
D) adopted a communist system of government

While the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s boosted production enormously and
made India self-reliant in food grains, the environmental and social costs were also
staggering. In Punjab, where the Green Revolution was most successful, a glut of water
brought by large-scale irrigation schemes coupled with high concentrations of nitrates
from synthetic fertilizer run-off have impoverished the soil and polluted the water.
Production of grains is now falling. Pesticide use in India is also very high, resulting in
high levels of pesticide residues present throughout the food chain. . . . — Mira Kamdar,
“India’s Agrarian Crisis: An Urgent Opportunity,” December 8, 2006

11) This passage suggests that the gains of the Green Revolution are lessened by the
impact of
A) environmental damage C) transportation investments
B) population growth D) offshore outsourcing

12) The introduction of the Green Revolution in India was intended to

A) increase crop yields C) preserve the rain forest
B) stop desertification D) protect endangered species

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