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(SOLVED) What incentives exist for taxpayers to shift

income from one

What incentives exist for taxpayers to shift income from one party to another? Are there costs
associated with such income shifting? Give examples of such costs in a family planning
situation. How would the elimination of the assignment of income doctrine affect the costs of
shifting income? What could taxpayers […]

True or False? Discuss. a. Congress drafts very tight and specific tax rules to prevent taxpayers
from misinterpreting them. b. Most tax legislation originates in the Senate. c. The Treasury
drafts regulations and issues Revenue Rulings to clarify the tax rules. d. Revenue Rulings
issued by the Treasury can be […]

Suppose the United States were to convert its tax system from an income tax to a flat tax. For
individuals, there would be no itemized deductions allowed, a high standard exemption (thus
low income taxpayers would not have to file returns), and tax exemptions for dividend and
interest income. Businesses […]

The ABC Corporation is a large multinational company that has facilities (both manufacturing
and distribution) located in many U.S. states and in overseas countries. The firm’s long serving
chief financial officer (CFO) just retired and his replacement is reviewing the firm’s economic
balance sheet. She discovers that the firm leases […]


The compensation committee of a large public corporation engages you to help design a tax
efficient compensation plan for the current chief executive officer (CEO). In a preliminary
interview with the compensation committee, you ask for the opportunity to meet with the CEO to
discuss her personal financial and tax […]

Taxpayer A purchased $ 100,000 of corporate bonds yielding 12.5% per annum; the interest
income from these bonds is taxed at a rate of 28%. Taxpayer B purchased $ 100,000 of
municipal bonds yielding 9% per annum. The interest from these bonds is tax exempt. The
bonds have similar maturities […]

Refer to Exhibit 1.1. For a regular corporation, prepare a list of the following: Exhibit 1.1 a.
Income items that are taxed (specifically, items included in realized income) b. Items excluded
from realized income c. Deductions and exemptions d. Credits


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