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(SOLVED) Which of the following items can probably be

found in
Which of the following items can probably be found in the Internal Revenue Bulletin? a. Action
on Decision. b. Small Cases Division of the Tax Court decision. c. Letter ruling. d. Revenue
Procedure. e. Final Regulation. f. Court of Appeals decision. g. Acquiescences to Tax Court
decisions. h. U.S. Circuit […]

Butch Bishop operates a small international firm named Tile, Inc. A new treaty between the
United States and Spain conflicts with a Section of the Internal Revenue Code. Butch asks you
for advice. If he follows the treaty position, does he need to disclose this on this year’s tax
return? […]

Referring to the citation only, determine which tax law source issued these documents. a. 716
F.2d 693 (CA–9, 1983). b. 92 T.C 400 (1998). c. 70 U.S. 224 (1935). d. 3 B.T.A. 1042 (1926). e.
T.C.Memo. 1957–169. f. 50 AFTR 2d 92–6000 (Cl.Ct., 1992). g. Ltr.Rul. 9046036. h. 111
F.Supp.2d […]

In assessing the validity of a prior court decision, discuss the significance of the following on the
taxpayer’s issue. a. The decision was rendered by the U.S. District Court of Wyoming.
Taxpayer lives in Wyoming. b. The decision was rendered by the Court of Federal Claims.
Taxpayer lives in Wyoming. […]


Eddy Falls is considering litigating a tax deficiency of approximately $229,030 the court system.
He asks you to provide him with a short description of his litigation alternatives, indicating the
advantages and disadvantages of each. Prepare your response to Eddy in the form of a letter.
His address is 200 […]

The Toth family lives in a residence that they have owned for several years. They purchased the
residence from St. Matthew’s Catholic Church, which had used the house as a rectory for its
priest. To the Toths’ surprise, since they purchased the residence, they have not received any
ad valorem […]

Once its new facilities are finished, the Church of the Good Samaritan moves from downtown
Madison City to the suburbs. Instead of disposing of the old location, the church leases it to a
former mayor of Madison City, who converts the church building and its parking lot into a high-
end […]


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