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How to get

started with
Agile for SAP
8 steps to success Whitepaper
Bridge the digital divide with Agile for SAP
Software is changing the face of business today, and the speed at which your business can innovate will often be
determined by the speed at which software can change. Of course, the same applies to your competitors - whoever
can manage change and deliver value most efficiently will have the commercial edge. Applying Lean and Agile
principles will optimize application development processes and remove waste. And it’s not just customer facing
“Systems of Engagement” that need to be changed quickly.

In the digital age all applications need to be delivered faster - including SAP.

In this eBook we look at ways to get you started with Agile so that SAP development can be as responsive as the
business needs it to be.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #1: Understand what Agile is

This might sound obvious but it’s important to understand This might seem counter-intuitive in SAP, where things are
that Agile is not Waterfall. often documented to a very detailed level before any work
Waterfall SAP projects are typically pre-planned, with
solutions designed up front. They are then delivered via a
structured series of steps from development through to The value of Agile
testing, regression and release.
In Agile we have to learn to accept uncertainty and the
Agile breaks projects up into smaller chunks that can fact that solutions evolve. Problems are managed as
be delivered in shorter iterations called sprints. A key part of the process. The fact that we’re not tied to a spec
difference is that problems and solutions are not necessarily allows us to question and adapt as we go, so the risk that
understood or documented up front. we deliver the wrong thing is dramatically reduced.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #2: Work out who your stakeholders are

Not everyone is going to think Agile is a good idea and Being realistic about the outcomes is equally important.
support it. In fact, in the world of SAP there may be many People may be expecting a ‘silver bullet’ that will cure all
who will happily find many reasons not to do it. the problems with the current processes, and may quickly
become disillusioned if this is not achieved. So you need
In order to be successful, you need to consider which to manage expectations and help them understand that
people in your organization will be impacted and make sure adopting Agile is a journey.
to involve them in the process. Set out and agree on some
clear transition activities with measurable outcomes, then
follow up on them with executive management, business
How to get started:
owners, development and testing teams. In SAP projects we’ve seen most success where there are
champions, both in management and project teams, to
You will find resistance to change at all levels in the
help get the message over and smooth out the inevitable
organization. Understanding who you can rely on for support
bumps on the journey.
and who you can expect to disrupt this process is essential.
Once you’ve chosen a framework, for example, Scrum,
Motivation and direction are key. A crucial step is to get
it’s a great idea to run some training courses on the
people to understand what Agile means for them and what
methodology and process so everyone understands how
benefits and changes they can expect to see.
it’s going work. The training should not be onerous - a
couple of days will be enough.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #3: Build a Business Case

Before you embark on an Agile transformation it’s important Analyse your current state by asking the these questions:
to get the decision makers on board. Start by building Agile
awareness and ground it in data about business benefits 1. What does it cost to deliver applications now?
and the current state: 2. How much would it cost to delay application delivery?
3. What’s the cost to respond when a competitor takes
1. Applications need to deliver business value quickly to market share because they got there first?
promote innovation and increase competitiveness. Agile 4. How much could faster delivery translate to in revenue
does this for SAP, and also brings responsiveness to terms?
change. 5. What is the current cost of application failure and
2. Looking at historical data and timesheet bookings will 6. How much do you spend on application development and
help you to evaluate the time and cost of development
7. How much waste is present, for example, in reworks
and testing activity.
where time is spent constantly testing and fixing?
3. You can expect an Agile approach to reduce
An Agile transition is not without cost but even conservative
development cycles, improve quality and stability, add
estimates on improvements can become a compelling
efficiency to the application delivery process and provide
business case to get started.
greater collaboration and feedback.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #4: Start small

You can’t expect to switch over to Agile processes Start small may look very different in an organisation
overnight and assume that everyone will be able to with a risk-averse culture, or one which is uncertain
instantly adapt to new ways of working. about the transition to Agile, than it does in a business
where such concepts are more commonplace.
So it’s a good idea to start small with a pilot project,
learn from it, and then spread Agile throughout the It’s OK to make mistakes, try different approaches, and
organization. discover what works and what doesn’t as you go along.
Although Agile is a common approach, it will be applied
There are many variations of start small, depending slightly differently in every organization, so learn what
on the number of people and teams the organization works best for your specific teams.
wants to transition and the speed at which they wish to
do it. How to get started in SAP:

A good recipe for adoption of Agile for SAP is to start

out with one team as a nucleus, then branch out
to others when you’ve got it nailed. When you can
demonstrate success you can scale it to other teams to
get them on board too.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #5: Reorganize teams around projects and products

Traditionally in SAP, people are used to handing over

SAP Insight:
requirements to development, who then hand over to test
teams, and then cycle around various other teams in an Successful adoption of Agile in SAP is often seen in the
attempt to deliver what was asked for. form of many smaller, multi-functional teams working
together to deliver specific related requirements.
Agile requires that you address how teams are structured
and interact with each other. As you will not have a detailed This can work very well for fixes and smaller
specification to work from, you will need to maintain very enhancements as it enables faster, more flexible delivery,
open communication channels between team members, but it’s also a good approach for larger projects. A
whilst building and fostering trust. programme may need to be delivered as a whole at
some point in the future, but there’s still a strong case for
You’ll want development and testing to work as one
smaller units of delivery that enable the business to see
alongside a business representative who oversees things
results sooner (even though there may be a need for an
as a product owner/manager.
integrated testing phase at some point in the process).

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #6: Create a prioritized backlog

Agile focuses on business outcomes and working solutions, The backlog is not set in stone and can always be re-planned
where a backlog of requirements is created in the form of - Agile provides the flexibility to adjust priorities and support
user stories for specific personas. scope changes, making them much easier to manage.

The backlog should prioritize the stories that generate the

SAP Insight:
highest business benefit. As a result, a closer look at critical
dependencies between requirements is needed. In SAP projects it’s a huge benefit to be able to respond
to changes in priority and scope as you go along. A design
In SAP, due to the high level of integration between modules
and blueprint that’s fixed may no longer align with business
and processes, the management of dependencies is
priorities when the project is delivered many months later.
particularly important: it provides the ability to separate
what can be delivered independently from what needs to In each iteration testing must be a key part of the process
go together. It’s also important to make the user stories - it’s the mechanism that allows you to deliver something
manageable such that they represent smaller, discrete tangible at the end.
portions of work. The product owner needs to learn how to
accomplish this.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #7: Organize some sprint meetings

Agile promotes constant feedback so that everyone 4. Playback sessions can be used to present what’s been
understands the current status and where gentle redirection built to the organization. This is an important feedback
may be necessary: loop and an opportunity to demonstrate achievements.

1. Team members need to attend sprint-planning sessions

to be informed on what is needed and estimate the
effort required. Time box them to an hour or two to keep
Accept that not everyone will be comfortable being
people focused.
in the spotlight or enthusiastic about changing - you’ll
2. Short daily stand-ups need to be run so that everyone need to understand the personalities involved and
can report on progress and highlight issues and blockers. ensure that everyone is supported.
Keep stand-ups short (10-15 mins) and don’t attempt to
solve problems during them.
3. After a sprint is finished you’ll need to have a Ultimately, transparency in actions and active communication
retrospective session to review what was done (or not) are the best ways to ensure that the business progresses
and look at areas for improvement. It’s really important towards a desired outcome, even though it might not have
to use this to improve and develop the process. been clearly defined at the start of the process.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

Step #8: Use the right tools

The shape that your Agile methodology takes will drive your Using advanced change control tools for SAP in order
decision-making about the tools you should invest in. The to manage and automate transports and ensure that
right products will assist the team members as they work in dependencies are handled correctly is a must if Agile
an iterative process, providing live updates about progress processes are to be effective.
made and automatically tracking associated documents.
Basis Technologies’ dedicated Agile tools can help you
The change in direction may be gradual, but as teams align all your efforts with the bigger goal, and actively make
mature dedicated tools like Jira and Rally can be used change happen – rather than have it happen to you.
to manage the Agile process and provide the required
workflows and reporting.
The key to enabling Agile development in SAP is the
increased use of automation. This removes manual
intervention and increases development velocity by freeing Collaborate across functions Move quality control to the
people to focus on more productive work. and automate the manual pro- early stages of development.
cesses that make application For safer code and faster
release so painfully slow. testing.

Move towards smaller, more The SnapOps accelerators

frequent releases - centrally help IT operations provide dev
manage changes across mul- and test with the tools they
tiple SAP dev systems . need, minus the tedious wait.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

The bottom line
Any transformation is a journey that will take time and an Some people will look for a hand-holding approach whilst
open mind to come to terms with. Whether you adopt some others will need more persuasion, and of course some
or all of the steps in suggested in this document, and how require both!
fast you go, will depend on individual circumstances, but the
results and benefits that can be realized are clear. Agile is If you’re looking to get started but are meeting people who
all about making continuous marginal gains that add up to put barriers up and say it can’t be done, why not take a look
substantial improvements over time. this eBook for some more ideas on how to challenge them?

Embedding the process and cultural changes needed to

make this successful can take at least a year, and maybe
more, but the high levels of engagement, transparency,
flexibility and responsiveness are hard to argue against.

Change may be needed in many areas - technical, cultural

and organisational - but stakeholder management is key.

How to get started with Agile for SAP - 8 steps to success

In the digital economy, agility is fundamental. At Basis Technologies
we focus on automation tools that enable continuous delivery - helping
our customers to keep pace with theirs.
By harnessing the agility of our DevOps suite, thousands of IT
professionals worldwide are able to deliver high-quality SAP releases at
pace capitalizing on their current infrastructure and remaining relevant
to future business strategy. The results produce faster time-to-market,
longer production uptime, and lower operational costs.

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