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mai quesfim-por-tu-1io? La- seia~mo-lo pas-sar; t- fo quegl’ ar-chi non ve - can be this in-trud-er? Pll hide and Jet him pass, Un - der those arch-es_nonewill ides under the portieg) lu-to, ve-drd quan-to bi- so-gna; gid Tal-baap-pa-re, ¢a-mor non si ver-gogna. seeme,from thence I can observe him; “tis now broad day-light,butlove is never weary. N¢ 4. “Largo al factotum della citta., Cavatina. Allegro vivace. - Piano. f Figaro tom ‘a! di qua-li - ta! life, used to high life! Pp chile-do-no, tut-ti_ mi vo-glio-no, don-ne, ta- gaz-ze, such request, nornightnor day T'verest, ‘Old men and maidens, veo-chi e fan- ciulle: Qua la par- ruo-ca,— pre-sto la matrons and gallants. “Have you my wig there?” “Quick here and na la san-gui-gna— prestgil bi - glietto— Tutti mi Tvegot a headache? “Ronwiththis Jetter? T- am in => a A . & rar chie-do-no, tut-ti mi voglio-no, tut-ti mi chie-do-no, tut-ti mi yogirn: Qua Ta par- T ech request nornightnor day Fverest, Tam in gu wnor night,nor day T'verest “Have youmy Sg ruc-ca, pre-sto la bar- ba, prostail bi - glict- to! Hi- garo, Mi- gato, wie there?‘Quickhereand shaweme)"Runwiththis fet = tr? Baro, Fi - garo, Fi-garo,Fi-garo, Fi-garo,Fi-garo, Fi-garo,Fi-garo, Fi-ga-ro— Ahi- mel. abi- Fi-garo, Fi-garo, Fi-garo,Fi-garé, Fi-garo, Fi-garo, Fi-ga-ro_ No | more,—. no. mol che fa - rialahi- me!—— cho fol- lal U- nealla vol - t morel_ this cla - mor Pil ,hear—— no Ion - ger! For pi-ty’s sake, speak b b vol-ta, uagalla vol-ta,-u-ugaHla vol - ta per cari - ta! sakespeakoneat a time,oh for pi-ty’s sake,speakoneat a_ time! P ‘Son qua. ‘Fi-garo qua, ‘Fi-garo 1a, Wi-garo qua, Fi-garo Pm here. Fi-garo here, —Fi-garo there, Fi-garo there, Fi-garo ae Ts-si-mo son co-mejl fulmi-ne, songil fac - to - tamdel-la cit- ti, della cit- en-sacble, ir-re-pre - \-Si-ble,I’'m the fac - 2, tum of all the town, of ail the i, deVla oit- ti, della cit- ta, della cit- ta! town, of allthe town, of allthetown, of allthetown! fh 4 Ah bravo, Fi-gazo, bravo, bra-vis-si-molah bravo, Fi-gazo,bravo,bra- Ah bravo, Fi-garo, bravo, bra - vissi-mo,ah bravo, Fi-garo, bravo,bra~ vis-si-mo! a te for- tu- naa te_ for- tu - na, a te for- ti - na nonman-che- vis-si-mo!thouart a fa - vo-rite of For-tune,thouart a © bar-ber of great re- ra. Laleran, la laran,lelaran, Ia leran,la laran, lalaran, a te for -tu-na,a te for- nown. Lala ran, la la ranja la ran, lala ranjalaran, 1a la ranjThouartthe fa - vo-rite of ee tu- ma, a te for-f-ma, a te for- ta - ma nonmanche - ra, Fortunethowart a barber,thouart a batber of great re-nown, a ee to - tum del, - Ia cit- ta, 30 - ngji fac-to - fam to - tum of__ all the town, Tm— the fac-to - tum Recit. Figaro. Ahjah! che bel-la vi-ta! Fa-ti-car poco, ‘Yes,yes, this life is glorious! Notmuchto do,and frsias-sa- i, @jmtascasempres- plenty of a-_musement,andatwaysa dou -lamia ri-pu-ta - io-ne. Eo-co qua: senza exalt-ed re-pu - ta-tion. It is thus: without Fi-garo non s{ac-ca-sq in Si - Viglia u-na ra-gaz-za; a me la ve-dovel_la T- Figaro, not a girl in all Seville canfind a husband; to me thegentle wi-dow turns corre pel ma-ri-to: i-o -col-la seu-sa del pet-ti-ale di 81 — = her appealing glances, _pretexts arenotwanting, by day, my comb and razor, gui tar-ra col fa-vordel-la notte, a tut-tio-ne-sta-men-te, non fo per dir, ma- tar in hand,I go se-re-nading; I neeroverstepgood manners, none I of-fend;. to eo co dat-iqa farpiacere. Ohehe vi-ta,che vi-ta, _ohdiemestiere! Sipresto a bot- Pi soleambition. Tis de-lightfial, Best of professions! _ Now to business, time is Count. re Count. te-ga” des -ganno?) (Chi sara mai co-stu-i?) “(Oh © Inisenz™ preg (Toso etre so ute fa miliar!) (Now whothedeuce can that be?) (No, Tin not mis - Figaro. Count. ono 1) taken!) | Mio pa - dro-ne— Oh! ro!__Sir, your servant— Oh, chi veg-go!_ Bo-cel1 lordship! how: = to, | Hush there, Fit s zit - fo, prudenza: qui non son co-io-sciu-to, ue vo’ far-mi Go-no-sce-re. Per ‘there, be si-lent; in this town no oneknowsme, and I would re- ized, For -O

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