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Participation of Friends and Family in Intramurals

Participants of intramural activities, you are all very appreciated for the time and effort dedicated
to make intramurals a fun experience. Many friendships are being made from the 100 employees
currently enjoying the Weyerman intramural sports.

It has been requested that spouses or friends be permitted to play on the intramural sports teams.
The goal of the intramural sports program is for friendships to be made between co-workers, and
ff family and friends were to join the teams, interactions between co-workers would be less. The
limited amount of teams, time allocated for games, and equipment prevent family and friends to
participate on the sports teams. However, all family and friends are welcome to come and
spectate the games.

Weyerman intramural sports will continue to combine recreation with great team building
exercises. Thank you all for being valued employees.

Benson Ehlert, Director of Human Resources


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