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[tems Of Cloths Oo 6 Use the words in the boxes to complete the crosswords. == swimsuit 1 Clogs bete | blouse o a Z| a a @ 4) —| &] a} &| -} a} @] &] 3] @] &| c] o| = =| 3] 3] <| 0} @} a] &| @] of @| -| alo} ©) S} 4] a] O] O] DB] 3) 3] 4] —| @} A) &} DO] I vq] | @| o} —| alo! +] 3] e} 3] 3] c]-4 <| — ©} 3] S|} 0] ©} 4] Sc} 3} S| &| E| | va] va] @| oF} e| 0a] 3] | a) 4] c] 0a] | @] 3] 4] | os) 3S} co 0] -| | a} | 4] alo] <|<| a] -] =] o] o @| @| | %| o| of S| | —] 4] 3] @| a} —} a] @ 3] o] @| 3] @] 0] A) 3) @] | o| —} e] a) -] 3 a o| —] a] | of S| al 4] +] -| 3] a} | =| | |e] | c] 0] —| of o| —|o| als} o gq] «| a] «| 3] a} «| 0a] of —| a] 3] 3] <| -} 9) @| S|] E} —] va} 2] 0] O} —] H} 0] -] —| H 3] 3] 4] oO} 4] @! CO} O} 4] | | | E} 3} Of} oF @] 4] -| c} 6} 3] -) €| o} <} o) alo] | 3] 4 €| Ss} of | | | os] | @| 3] 4) +} s]—)— ‘Use some of these clothing items to complete the following sentences, They may be more thst one answer. 1. Captain, is a. collection oF very Funny books! When ie snouis T usually wear my ‘to Keep my Fee warm. . Mechanics often wear oejackees and silky + When Tim lying on the beach I wear. and, Denim trousers are called - . Did you steep in Hello Kieey twhen You were a chile MY aune gave me some accessories For my birehday, a nice and a pair of silver. - ]love them! lam on a diet and Ive lose some weight so Ineed t0 wear a Actresses usually wear auesome evening wo attend ‘the Oscars Academy Awards. A, is usually mace Of wool and has some buttons “hat opens down the frone | jumper | trainers | Jeans ' ‘shoes | ‘teeshirt ; FIP FIOps | hat + cap | trousers : Coat | Swimsuie ' clogs I belt , blouse | waistcoat bag | necklace ! trunks | sandals . Scarf ot : dungarees Jersey + Jacket | Socks . dress boots . sunglasses | Pyiamas . top | tle : Cardigan | umbretta . earrings oe own | Items Of Clothing . Use the words in the boxes to complete the crosswords. = n s|d 3 ©) FS] 4/ am] OG] 0} s| 3) S4} —] mG) c/o] N a i Vv 6 n Elia} <} uo) als} cls} a u i) {| I 0 e a g u ic Bl AH] 3] &] O} o| —]I} A) —| 3S O} —| A 4] =| —| S}ies] &| lofiSfio| [o/s fio fie[-] a] a O} Olid] S|] S| S| &] | Ka} 09] o| | o] —fA} | [15 |l@}ro |S lie]H] | —- Oflen|is [O]IS]1—]1@ Ji |i) + }IS} —| —: 3] 5] | 5] 4] | of ofie| | - 2] €] 3] ofc} el 4) —-|clol Ss | S| H} E} —| vali SO} =|) iS} t—=l5) HA} —1D IO] D/H} A] | o| +] o} o| Sc] O| + =| 3) 3] <| Ofl@} O} |e} O] m| —| za} a] @ v9, iS << —ee ‘Use some of these clothing items to complete the following sentences, They may be more that one answer, 2-capeain_(ING@rpANtS _is a coueccion of very funny books! 2 2. When ie snows T usually wear my POOCE — co keep my see warm. ss 3. Mechanics often wear ot jackers and sity tes 4. When Tm ving on the beach T wear SUNSIASSES. anc. . 8. Denitn trousers are called__jj@ans 6. Did you seep in Hewo Kieey_ PYJAMAS nen you were a coir 7. My aunt gave me some accessories for my birthday, a nice N@CKlaCe and a pair of siver_@arrings / bracelets. tiove chem 8. Lamon a diet and IVe lost some weight so I need to weara_ DOlt . 9.-Aceresses usually wear awesome evening GY@SSES co atcend ‘the Oscars Academy Awards. 10.4__Cardigah— 's usuatty made of woot and has some buttons ‘that opens down the front.

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