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The wedding dance by Amador Daguio is a story about a husband and wife who

have to separate because they couldn't have a child. Despite loving each other very
much, the husband has to remarry another woman in hopes of having descendants.
The story wants to present two characters Awiyao, the husband, who chose culture
over love. Lumnay, the wife, who tried to confront their unspoken law and cling
unto the love that she and her husband have. The story shows how society affects
the characters' decisions in life.

The story started during the marriage ceremony of Awiyao and Malidumay, the new
wife of Awiyao. Lumnay wasn't present during the ceremony, Awiyao noticed it and
decided to look for her. He found her at the house where they used to live as a
couple. As the story progress, they found themselves in a conversation where they
talked about why they have to separate. Even though Awiyao loves Lumnay dearly,
society pushed him to remarry another woman. According to Awiyao, "I won't want
any other woman either" however, he also stated that "It's only that a man must
have a child." This statement clearly shows that if the tribe's law doesn't require a
man to have a child, he isn't willing to marry another woman. Another reason that
pushed Awiyao to remarry is the mockery he received from the men of his tribe.

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