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How to deploy react app with express js

​There are 2 ways you can deploy a react app on a production server.
we focus on server-side rendering with express js backend

1. Using static server

Create a build of react app and serve it statically using serve command.

2. Serve page from expressjs

You don’t necessarily need a static server in order to run a Create React App project in
production. It also works well when integrated into an existing server-side app.

First, you need to build your react code using:

npm run build

const​ express =​require​(​'express'​);

const​ path =​require​(​'path'​);
const​ app =express();
//setting static path
app.get(​'/'​,​function​(req, res){

After getting build of your react code

serve the build folder as static files, and target the index.html inside it

app.get(​'/'​,​function​(req, res){

This will redirect all the incoming requests to index.html inside build directories. This is 
how react app can be deployed using SSR. 

On the verge of digitization ​CollegeInit​ is the web application, which provides colleges and students a
digital platform, to connect easily, which is developed and launched in the year 2020 by Market Pro. Ltd.
The aim of this application is to provide a digital solution for every problem related to colleges and
students. It is the largest platform connecting students and colleges together in Nepal.

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