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Good Morning Class

*Please go through the below instructions carefully before reverting back with
1. As Sir mentioned today, there would be case study presentations from Monday. Every
class, one group is supposed to present the articles/cases for the particular session, as
mentioned in the Course Outline. Some sessions have multiple articles/cases. The assigned
group has to then take out learnings from all the articles and cases of that particular session
and present it in a consolidated manner. The other groups, which are not presenting, would
also have to read through the articles so that they can engage in class discussion. This
assignment is of 10 marks.
Eg: Group 3 is supposed to present Session 1 (there are 4 non HBS articles and 1 HBS
case), while Group 5 has to present Session 2 (1 HBS case) and so on.
A word document needs to be sent to the faculties one day prior to your presentation date;
i.e. If you are presenting this Monday (21st Dec), then please mail me your submission by
20th Dec EOD. My email ID is
(Making a PPT for the presentation is not required. I have asked Sir not to take PPTs as
most of us are involved with the placement process.)
I have used a randomiser from the internet to assign groups for sessions. This is the order,
starting from Monday (21st Dec):
Session 1: Group 3
Session 2: Group 5
Session 3: Group 9
Session 4: Group 6
Session 5: Group 1
Session 6: Group 8
Session 7: Group 10
Session 8: Group 4
Session 9: Group 2
Session 10: Group 7
I have shared the HBS and Non HBS cases on the whatsapp group.

2. The quiz component of the internal marking is of 10 marks. There would be 2 quizzes, the
best of 2 would be considered in the ICA marks. The marks won’t be published, so it is
compulsory to attend both the quizzes. The quiz dates along with the syllabus shall be
shared shortly.
3. I have shared a video on how to use Zotero (to be used while working on the final 30-mark
project to help in referencing). Requesting everyone to go through it once. If majority of us
face issues in understanding the same, then Sir can explain it in class.

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