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1. Digital media includes any format or device used to convey content using digital signals.

For example,
when you talk on your cell phone, or watch a television show, you are using digital media.

2. New media in the context of digital media refers to any media that relies on computers for
redistribution and is interactive for example watching video on the internet or reading an article on a

3. Three benefits of new media are lower bar of entry, for example it is easier to start off and compete
with bigger bussinesses because it is cheaper than traditional media. It is better for the getting attention
from the younger generation and thus more consumers and advertising is cheaper than traditonal
media, for example an ad on instagram starts of at $100 while billboard advertising starts off at $750.

4. Local is not nearly as good as foregin content because foreign content is made with the best human
resources available worldwide while local content is made with the best local human resources available
so there is an advantage for foreign content because they have a wider range of human resources to
choose from. Another reason is that there is no competetion to produce digital media locally.

5. Ethical issues are practices that are looked down on in the digital media industry for example data
mining. Data mining is an ethical issue because it breaches privacy without your permission and
sometimes without you knowing for profit. Legal issues could get you in trouble with the law for
example, scamming people with a fake website where you suppoesedly sell clothes but when you try to
buy it they take your credit card number.

6. Early adopeters would have a reasonably high social status so they would have an influence to make it
easier for people to use the product. Pursuasive is another characteristic because they would need to to
convince the general publice to use this new technology. One last characteristic is that they like to take
risks because if the new technology ends up being bad peole would blame the early adopters for
influenceing them to use it.

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