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Have you ever thought of how a good society should look like?

I am sure everyone is
curious about what represents a wellbeing community and how to contribute in making
their society rise and flourish.
It is well known that a good community is an organised community, the one that
maintains order and obeys the law. Also, it's important to notice that law should
consist of rules people will be obliged to follow and rights people could take
advantage of.
At least basic conditions should be met in order to create a normal society, such
as food, shelter, jobs, transport, education etc. In a good society, the power of
the government never takes the form of abuse. Money distribution is well calculated
and people are paid accroding to their merit. Everybody is privileged with freedom,
as long as their freedom doesn't violate the law. Every person is treated fairly,
regardless of their gender, race or religion. In a prosperous community people
value traditions so they can convey ideas and beliefs of their own culture to
future generations.
It's extremely important to make sure that people are united and live together
like a single whole, becauese consideration for others is the basis of a good life
and a good society.

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