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Trading successfully can give you financial freedom and many people aspire to becoming a 
Lifestyle Trader. No wonder, what could be better than making money trading, when you 
want to and from where you want to?   

But, whether your goal is to become a Lifestyle Trader or just to make $200+ per day then 
you need to make consistently profitable trades. 

Yet 90% of people lose money trading, even though they think they have a good system 
and that their emotions are under control. So what’s going wrong!   

Well they are n

​ ot playing the probability game​. And unless you do too, you are unlikely 
to make consistent profits. Banks and hedge funds always play odds. It is why they win. 


Basic Probability 

Probability tells us the likelihood of a particular scenario occurring. 

For example, if you toss a two sided coin then there is a 50% or 1 in 2 chance of guessing a 
head or a tail. The basics are fairly simple and most people know them! 

However, if you move to tossing a coin 10 times then your likelihood of guessing where it’s 
going to land is significantly reduced. Massively reduced in fact. 

Why is this?   

It’s because the probabilities of each single occurrence are effectively multiplied together 
(sorry I know you thought you’d got away from High School Math!). 

Which means the probability of guessing the correct outcome on 10 consecutive tosses of a 
coin are: 

½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½​ OR …. 1
​ /1024 

the probability of guessing one flip correctly is 1/2, so the probability of guessing 10 
correctly is (1/2) to the power of 10 = 1/1024. Once in every 1024 attempts.   

You might be happy to take a wager on a single coin toss, but you need to think harder for 
multiple coin tosses. 

Now think about trading. The price can only go up or down. But if you don’t have a high 
probability trading system then you are really flipping a coin.   

The chances of winning on ten trades consecutively without a good trading system are 
close to 1 in 1024 (you’re flipping that coin again). 
Inteligex has been proven to generate winning trades in excess of 8 times in 10​. Think 
about how that could transform your trading, your profitability and your life. 



How does this impact Trading 


Well the markets can only move up or down. So, a bit like the coin toss scenario, for each 
trade you take there are only two options: it moves up or down, it’s long or short.   

Now we don’t propose you just take a guess on whether the market is going up or down as 
that’s not trading that’s called Gambling.  

It might be fun to put all your money on black when you’re having fun with your mates in a 
Vegas Casino but it’s not the way to make consistent money. 

You need to have a much much higher confidence level than 50% for each trade that you 

That’s because you are taking multiple trades per day and trading multiple days of the 

And as each trade effectively acts like each coin toss in the previous example above you will 
quickly become a losing Trader if you’re not playing the Probability Game.   

Remember the sobering statistic that 9

​ 0% of Traders lose money! 




Probability Game 

So what do we mean by the Probability Game?   

Well we mean only taking the highest probability trades and leaving all other trades alone. 
This is ​High Probability Trading​. 

High Probability Trading enables you to: 

● Fully understand market movements 

● Feel the rhythm of the markets 
● Make more money 
● Reduce your stress levels 
● Become a competent Trader 

Trading is a "zero sum game". To make money trading you have to make it from someone 

So what does that mean? Simple: you are in competition with other traders across the 
world. You win, they lose and vice versa. 

To make money trading over the long term you need to be better prepared and have better 
trading strategies or trade signals than others.   

You can be lucky for a short time; back to the 50:50 coin toss. But luck always runs out (and 
now you know why!).   

You need something that allows you to identify H

​ igh ProbabilityTrades​. 




How does High Probability Trading work 


But surely I can only know the probability of a Trade’s success if I can predict the markets.   

But can you predict the markets? 

Well the answer is YES. The good news is that the markets repeat themselves. Markets are 
ultimately driven by human behaviour and we tend to be creatures of habit. 

No matter how far you go back there are always patterns that you can see.   

In fact the whole field of Technical Analysis is based on the fact that the markets repeat 
themselves and that by identifying patterns you can predict what will happen next. 

So you could do a very deep dive into history and develop your own High Probability 
trading strategy based on historical success rates of trades that you see.   

Or you can trust someone else to do it. Maybe someone who has looked at millions of 
market data points and run them through Machine Learning modules to quantify the 
chances of successful trades in different market situations. Maybe someone who has 
invested over 4 many years in developing simple to use patterns to help you make trades. 
Maybe someone who has intimate knowledge of how quants work in Big Banks to identify 
successful Trades. 

Haven’t you ever thought it weird that 90% of all Private Traders lose money but most 
Investment Banks and hedge funds make millions from trading year after year?   

Well we thought not only was it weird but it was downright unfair! That's why we created 
Inteligex. Not just to level the playing field, but tilt it into our favor. We’re small traders 
ourselves compared to the giants like George Soros of course - we are minnows.   

After working in investment banks for over twenty years, we decided to make what we 
knew about trading with high probability available to guys like us. The little guys. 



So now you know that Trading is all about probabilities. 

You’ll never never be 100% correct. 

But you could get to 80% correct and become very profitable. 

Within 3 months. 

The easiest way to think of Inteligex is like a GPS for Traders. It has simple color coded 
roads and price waypoints. 

The roads are support and resistance zones that have been created using historical data 
and sophisticated mathematical modelling.   



The price waypoints are where the market is looking to get to. These are used to set your 
Targets and Stops for your trades. 

We have named the roads the ‘bombe’ and the waypoints the ‘crib’. Both inspired by our 
Codebreaking heroes at B
​ letchley Park​ who cracked the ​German Enigma code​ in WWII. 

Together the bombe and the crib make up the Inteligex Trading System. 

The bombe 

The bombe gives you color coded lines of support and resistance. These lines represent 
the different players in the markets and their behaviours over time.   

These lines show you where statistically the price wants to be.   

If you know where it wants to be you know where it needs to get back to. This is what gives 
you High Probability Trades. 



For example, in the diagram above we know the probability of the price staying within each 
of the shown boundaries (the lines on the chart).   

These are the median line, minor lines, major lines and super major lines. 

And if we know those probabilities than we know when to take a trade, putting it simply:  

● As we move away from a line we’re likely to head to the middle of the range 
● When we get close to a line we’re likely to move back 

The Inteligex bombe is not curve-fitted in any way. It is a statistics based decision-making 
system that works for all markets, all intervals and all trading styles. This allows Inteligex 
bombe to deliver unambiguous and easily actionable buy/sell/stop signals for you to trade. 
Time after time after time. 




The crib 

The Inteligex Trading Systems looks at many factors such as price action, volume, order 
flow, time (and more). We use a sophisticated scientific algorithm to calculate likely future 
price movements. This is the "crib" for the market price. 

A crib is a way of decrypting the current and past market action to then predict future key 
levels of support and resistance. Really? Yes, really. When you see it ... you believe it. 

The crib is our secret sauce to predicting future price movements. The algorithm calculates 
after every trade.. 

The algorithm is looking for anomalies in all of the data we process. We then plot the 
projections on the chart for you to take advantage of as suggested price targets and stops. 

Inteligex automatically calculates a predicted target for every trade you enter - with 
remarkable accuracy. 



Inteligex does the same thing for stops. We calculate where to get out of the trade if 
it goes against you. 

Let's give you an idea of how this works inside Inteligex and then show you an example on 
the screen. 

Have a look at the picture below. See how long it takes you to find the number 5 amongst 
the many S that you see. 

How long did it take you? A couple of seconds or maybe ten or more seconds? Now 
imagine doing that same thing, looking for the "secret clue" trades that give us the key to 
moves in the financial markets. It's close to impossible to do it manually. But as you will 
discover they unlock the profit potential of the financial markets for you. 



  This is a sample long trade. When you see 

  the signal on screen, all you have to do is 
look at the blue dot ABOVE the entry 
candle. This is your target for the move. 
Stops appear in red. Notice they move up 
as the trade runs, automatically tightening 
as the move happens. 
The trade shown here is a "minor support 
reversal". It's one of the key trade 
strategies we teach you.  
  The "minor support reversal” trade strategy 
  is highly successful and really delivers in 
slow markets. 

This is a sample short trade. When you see   

the signal, all you have to do is look at the 
red dot BELOW the entry candle. This is 
your target for the short trade. 
Stops appear in blue. Notice they move 
down as the trade runs, automatically 
tightening as the trade moves. 
The trade shown here is a "minor support 
breakout". It's one of the key trade 
strategies we teach you.  
The "minor support breakout trade 
strategy is highly successful and really 
delivers in trending markets, often 
detecting major drops when they are 


That's it. That's how simple it is to trade.   

Learn the signals from the Bombe. Run the trade with the crib. 

Of course you will need to learn it, but it’s designed to be as easy to learn as possible. 

How long will it take you to learn? Almost always under 3 months from zero to profitable.  

If you’ve traded before and understand the basic principles then you have a flying start but 
even novices pick it up relatively quickly.  

What’s more, the system gives structure to your trading plan. This removes a lot of the 
emotion that comes with trading, which in itself causes losses, and gives you confidence to 
take trades. 

The choice is of course yours.   

Flip a coin and join the 90% of losers. 

Join the High Probability trading team and learn how to win on up to 80% of all trades. 

You need an edge. You just found it. 


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