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FCE-2 - Parcial 3 - Part 1 Speaking Exam Questions

Part 1 of the speaking exam is an interview-style, direct question and answer

section between student and examiner. 

The examiner will not ask you about all the topics we practise. They will ask you
about 1-2 topics but we must prepare answers for all. 


1. Where are you from?

I´m from Oaxaca city

2. What do you like or dislike about Acatlima/Huajuapan?

Well, I think that Acatlima is pretty quiet place and that is something
that I like, and normally in Acatlima was were my friends and I really
enjoy my time with them. And I think that the only thing that I dislike
about Acatlima is about her communications, I mean the internet and
the mobile phone sign (I don't know if that term is correct) are so bad,
and that is something that I dislike.

3. What do you like or dislike about where you live now?

I really enjoy stay in home with my family because is a very good
experience, because I think that the best food is from mom but the thing
is I really miss my friends

4. What do you study? Do you like it? Why/why not?

Actually I study mechatronic engineering and I think that I like it
because I really enjoy some subjects and sometimes for the same reason I
don't like it, for some subjects. 

5. Why did you choose your major?

I choose my major because three years ago I was thinking what I want
study and I remember that I like the electronic because I was study that
in the “preparatoria” (sorry but I don't remember how say that in
english), and I really enjoy programing and in theory, the mechatronic
engineer combine that 

Questions by topic:

1. Tell me about your high school. (atmosphere/strict or easy)

Well, something funny about my high school is that it was in a kind of
mountain and I needed to walk pretty much like now. And I can
remember that some things were easy but in another things were strict.

2. Who was your favorite teacher and why? (in high school)
My two favorite teachers in the high school were my mathematics
teacher and my electronic teacher. They were two of my favorites
teachers in my life because they taught me very much. 

3. Which class did you like the most and why? (in high school)
In high school I really like my electronic class because it is something
that I have liked since I was a child, and I enjoy that so much.

4. What is your favorite class at UTM and why?

Actually I think that are differential equations because I really enjoy the
class, but in all my time in the UTM, probably I say that my favorite
class was filosophy 

5. What would be your ideal job in the future and why? (mention in Mexico or
where? What industry?)
I actually don't know what kind of job I want, but I supposed that any
job relationated to my degree is good, and actually I want to get a job in
a different country.

6. Tell me about what you like to read.

I prefer real books about sci-fi because is a genre that I like, and because
I don't like too much the other genres, I mean read books not is one of
my favorites activities, but i think that I prefer read book of sci-fi .

7. Do you prefer books or movies and why?

Personally I prefer movies because I'm terrible with the imagination and
read book for me is something complicated and I can't imagine
somethings about the history of the book.

8. Are you similar to anyone in your family? Who and in what way? (I look
like../I take after…)
Well, I took after my mom her tone of hair and her nose, but that is all I
mean the unique thing that I took is my responsibility sense but is all.
9. Who do you get on well with in your family and why?
I get on well with basically all my family, but I get on well with my mom
more than my dad, and that's because I spend more time with my mom
and less with my dad or my sister.
10. Tell me about the time you spend with your family. What do you do?
(vacations, evening times, activities)
In really I don't spend so much time with my family because the most
part of my time I'm stay in my room, do homework or playing video
games hahaha, but when I pass time with them normally we watch a
movie together or something similar 

11. Do you prefer to go out to eat or to cook at home? Why?

No, I prefer to cook at home because since I was a child my mom cooked
for me and I have my stomach used to not eating too many things, for
example, I don't eat anything with sugar or salt.

12. Tell me about your favorite food. Where is a good place to eat this in
Well, this question is a little complicated because I don't have any
favorite food, principally because I like all kind of food, vegetables and

13. What sports do you like? Do you prefer to watch or play sports and why?
I like some sports like boxing, natation and basketball. And I really
prefer play sports more than watch them, because when I watch sport in
the tv normally I fell asleep.

14. What sports are popular in Mexico and why?

In Mexico the most popular sports are football for some reason,
personally I don't like football but I think that football is very popular
because it is easy to understand for the most part of the people and is
very cheap to practice.

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