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The following information should be included in the header of the lesson plan:

● Madi Robertson
● Mrs. Phillips, Plains Elementary School
● SS, 2:00-2:35
● 11/30/20 - 12/11/20

Title/Type of Lesson: SS / Jamestown

Related Virginia Standard of Learning

SOL VS.3a: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the first permanent
English settlement in America by
a.) explaining the reasons for English colonization

SOL VS.3b: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the first permanent
English settlement in America by
b.) describing the economic and geographic influences on the decision to settle at

SOL VS.3c: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the first permanent
English settlement in America by
c.) describing the importance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London in
establishing the Jamestown settlement

Lesson Objectives
Students will...
● Identify reasons that England wanted to establish an American colony
(increase wealth and power to compete with other European nations, find
gold and silver, furnish raw materials, open new markets to trade)
● Detail the importance of Virginia charters (The king granted the charters to
establish a settlement in North America, define physical boundaries of the
colony, extend english rights to settlers)
● Recognize that the location and physical characteristics of the Jamestown
site would influence the decision to settle there (location to be easily
defended from attack from sea by Spanish, water deep enough for ships to
dock, good supply of “fresh” water)

Context of Lesson
Why is this an appropriate activity for these students at this time? How does this
lesson fit in the curriculum sequence? How does this lesson fit with what you know
about child development?
Prior knowledge assumed/ or front load info needed
Students started learning about the indegenous people the previous week and
were introduced to the colonists. Students will not have prior knowledge of
Jamestown from previous grade SOLs but they will have the necessary critical
thinking skills that will be appropriate for historical thinking.

Before/During/After or I do, we do, you do

See chart below

Assessment (how do you know learning happened)

Exit Tickets, Writing activities

Date: Key Vocab Before During After

11/30, 12/1 Charter (2:00-2:05) (2:05-2:20) Note (2:20-2:35) Exit

(Monday, Recap previous Taking: How Ticket: 3,2,1; 3
Tuesday) Economic class; lost colony Jamestown things you’ve
Venture of Roanoke, set Started learned, 2 things
the context for you want to
Virginia Jamestown learn more
Company of about, 1
London question you still

12/3, 12/4 King James (2:00-2:05) (2:05-2:20) Note (2:20-2:35)

(Thursday, Recap previous Taking: How Charter Request
Friday) class; a group of Jamestown Writing Activity:
businessmen Started Students must
formed the VA convince King
company of James of why
London. This the Jamestown
was an venture is a
economic good economic
venture to make opportunity and
money. They why they should
needed a charter be selected for
to get the trip.

12/7, 12/8 Jamestown (2:00-2:05) (2:05-2:20) (2:20-2:35)

(Monday, Recap previous Note Taking: Jamestown
Tuesday) class; King Early Years of Brochure:
James granted Jamestown Students must
charters, they create a
wanted to find brochure to
gold and silver, entice tourists to
wealth and visit historic
power, and Jamestown.
trading exports. Students will
write and
illustrate 3
reasons people
will want to visit.

12/10, 12/11 (2:00-2:05) (2:05-2:20) Note (2:20-2:35)

(Thursday, Recap previous Taking: Early Texts with King
Friday) class; In 1607 Years of James: Students
Jamestown Jamestown will fill in a text
became the first conversation
permanent between King
settlement, the James and the
location was colonists to
selected due to update him on
protection, how the venture
docking, and is going.
“drinking” water Students must
identify 3
examples of
whether the
venture is going
positively or

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