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AP Computer Science 2.3b – Customer class Completed?

Lab Goal: This lab is designed to give you more practice writing Objects and using String methods.

Lab Description: Write a program that will create Customer and Object, following the UML diagram
below. Write to test the methods in your Customer object.

Files Needed:
You will find additional information about each method inside the
source code files to the right.

LoginInfo class
LoginInfo(String, String)
String loginID; String getLoginID()
String password;
String getPassword()
Customer class void setPassword(String)
genDefaultPassword() void setLoginID(String)
LoginInfo myInfo; String getInitials()
int acctNumber; String getDisplayName()
String toString()
static int totalCustomers;
Customer(String, String)
LoginInfo getLoginInfo()
int getAcctNumber()
void setName(String, String)
String toString()

Follow the description of each method in the JavaDoc comments inside each file.

 Customer name should be entered by the operator as first last with a space between the first and last
 If the default constructor is used to instantiate the Customer, the loginID should be set to "Info Needed"
 All customers begin with a default password (3 random characters from A-Z).
 Account numbers start at 1 and increase by one for each new Customer.

Sample Input/Output:
Input Name: mary standifer
Account #: 1 ==> Mary Standifer (MS) Login ID: standifer_mary, Password: RTQ

Input Name: JOHN Smith

Account #: 2 ==> John Smith (JS) Login ID: smith_john, Password: KYE

Input Name: Malcolm McDonald

Account #: 3 ==> Malcolm Mcdonald (MM) Login ID: mcdonald_malcolm, Password: TWI

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