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This a story of my mom, she says when I was a baby approximately at 11:00 of the
night, she hear strange noises like a steps, this steps was strange hear big and
strongs, my mom think “maybe is a cat” but his steps was hear very strange this
person of animal more strong than a person and more than a animal.
After five minutes this creature stay very near of my mom´s room, one minute don´t
listen nothing anything but after this creature jump to ceiling of the room your steps
was little more slow, my mom was very scared, she don´t know what o who was on
the roof, this creature was in the roof approximately for 3 minutes quietly, after
again strat to walk, it gave 3 steps and trip over something, my mom tell after that
only hear another jump and nothing.
Until now this story was a question because only my mom have this experience
nothing more of my family listen this, she don´t now what was this but this
experience was very strange.


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