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Name: Bagus Nugroho Susanto

Class: 09(malam)

NPM: 17100006

The Difference Between GATT and WTO

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization that regulates

international trade. The WTO officially commenced on 1 January 1995, signed by 123 nations on

15 April 1994, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which

commenced of the year 1948.

The different function between those organization are:

1 WTO is permanent institution GATT is a set off multilateral agreement
2 WTO is established to serve its own purpos GATT is designed with an attempt to

establish International Trade Organization

3 Its activities are full and permanent It was applied on a provisional basis.
4 Its rules are applicable to trade in Its rules are applicable to trade and

merchandise services and trade in related merchandise goods.

aspects of intellect.
5 Its agreement is almost multilateral GATT was originally a multilateral

instrument, but plurilateral agreements

were added at a later stage

6 Its dispute settlement was faster and Its dispute settlement system was not faster

automatic and automatic

7 It has members It had contracting parties.
8 It has a legal basis because member nations It has no provisions for creating an

have verified the WTO agreements organization

9 WTO commitments are full and permanent GATT is ad-hoc and provisional.

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