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Williams 1

Aeron Williams

Ms. Bates

English 112

28 January 2021

Wild Card Reflection

This is an essay I wrote back in 7th grade. I chose it because I felt there was no better

essay to truly portray how much my writing has grown. Especially because it is a research paper

and we wrote a research paper this year that it can be compared to. Of course they are two

different topics so it is a loose comparison but they can still be compared in ways like structure,

word choice, and other areas of that nature.

In this essay my redundancy was atrocious and I would like to think I have greatly

improved on it at this point. There are several sentences that are redundant and just seem out

of place. I would assume I rushed through it and tried to reach a certain word count without

looking back and making sure I had a variety of words in my sentences. Although I do still have a

repeated sentence or word from time to time, I’m confident it is not as bad as this essay. Aside

from redundancy, I believe I have also improved on my word choice. Granted I was in the 7th

grade and did not know as many words as I do now, however, I could have still used some more

sophisticated words in this essay. This is also something that I have not completely expelled

from my writing but I am certainly more prone to realize that the words I use need to be on par

with my grade level. Of course now I know to just look up synonyms on the internet if I cannot

find a more appropriate word.

Williams 2

It has been five years since I wrote this essay. I have grown older, smarter, maybe even

wiser. I would like to think that in that time I have made great strides to becoming a better

writer. I know I still have a long journey ahead, but at least I know I am on the right track.

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