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Cyberbullying is a pheonomon that has really grown in the last decade due to the growth of
technology and social platforms. And it consists of receiving threatening messages; having your
private emails or text messages forwarded without consent, having an embarrassing picture
posted without permission, or having rumors about you spread online. Depending on the
circumstances, these harassing behaviors may be truly threatening.

Of the methods presented I think social media regulation and punishment would be the most
effective of all. Many platforms already have their own rules in order to prevent disturbing
content from being shared, but they do not entirely protect us from being cyberbullied, while a
video of a dog who’s cruelly beaten might be taken down in no time, an embarrassing photo of a
teenager will not be considered against community guidelines unless it shows nudity, while it
does affect that persons social and personal life. So if someone shared and embarrassing photo of
you unfortunately a lot of people will see it before it is take down, if that ever happens.

The same goes with messages, although you can block someone after reciving threats or insults,
the emotional impact still exists and in the worst cases can result in self-hatred or even suicide.
That’s why I think punishment is one great way of combating cyberbullying. The bullies get to
see the consequences of their doings, and even if they do not end up feeling bad or realizing how
wrong their actions, are they will stop to avoid punishment, and other people will think twice
before making the same mistakes.

In conclusion I think the government should introduce tougher penalties for this kind of bullying
as well as each and every one of us should try and be as private as possible on the internet.

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