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To Sabrina

I know you have find peace and harmony there in the paradise. I am writing this letter to
let you know that you are loved. The world you left here still remember and treasure you, so do
not think that you would be forgotten, for always in our heart, there’s a room for you. You are
that memory that shouldn’t fade away, that should always remain, that should always be kept.
Please don’t think that no one wants you to be here, for we always wanted to see your beautiful
eyes, to hear you sweet harmonious voice, to watch you walk your path, and to see you fulfill
your dreams.

I know you also have plans for yourself, so I’m sorry for not being able to reach them.

I know you always asked yourself this question, but no, you are not an error, they are
the errors, it is not your fault, it is there fault. They thought that it would be the best thing, yet
they committed a big mistake for not having you. You have experienced so many hardships even
though you’re still in the womb of your mother. You felt unloved, unimportant, useless. You
were ignored not only by the society, but by your own mother. You were denied the right to
breathe and you couldn’t speak up for yourself, how hard it may have been for you. How will
you ever forgive those who have done that? But now, I’m relieved that you wouldn’t experience
these things again in your life. I know and believed that you are now in good hands.

But one thing I’d asked you, please don’t plant hatred in your heart. Don’t let this trouble
you from being happy up there. Don’t think about those things anymore, for I know you have
found your peace now, there in heaven. The world we live is full of hatred, mourning, tears, lost,
and I know you would want to be there better than here, for our world isn’t the best home for
you, little angel. I know you could live more cheerfully as a child there, for you will have the
love of our loving Father. Do you see all the creations up in there, in the beautiful paradise you
belong? You should play with the other angels there, I know that they treasure you as much as
we do, they wouldn’t let you get hurt. And I am sure that the Lord is so fond with you.

Always remember that you are beautiful, special, and a wonderful creation.

But before I end this letter, I wanted to give you a name. I’m giving you this so you can
have something that you can call your own. I’m giving you this so that you wouldn’t be lost up
there finding your identity, and I’m giving you this as my gift, a wonderful gift for a wonderful
child like you. We hope to see you again soon as cheerful and happy child there in the paradise,


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