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Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of

patients with sepsis during early resuscitation phase
Ata Mahmoodpoor a, Kamran Shadvar a, Sarvin Sanaie b, Samad E.J. Golzari a, Rukma Parthvi c,
Hadi Hamishehkar d, Nader D. Nader e,⁎
Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Lung Disease and Tuberculosis Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Department of Anesthesiology, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online xxxx Purpose: To compare the lactate concentrations obtained from venous to those obtained from arterial blood in
predicting hospital mortality of patients with sepsis and septic shock. To also assess lactate clearance as predictor
for mortality.
Keywords: Methods: 100 patients with septic shock were prospectively enrolled. Serum was sampled at baseline and after
Arterial 6 h of resuscitation from arterial and venous lines. Demographic, severity indices, hemodynamic measures as
Venous well as lactate clearance levels were noted. Data were analyzed for bias and precision.
Blood Results: There was correlation between venous and arterial lactate concentrations at the baseline (R = 0.68) and
Serum lactate
at the 6-hour time point (R = 0.95). Venous concentrations were consistently higher than those obtained from
an arterial access by 0.684 mg/dL. Further, arterial lactate level N 3.2 mmol/L and clearance of b20% were consid-
Level of agreement
Mortality ered the cutoff for the mortality risk. While only 8% of the patients with no risk died, all 20 patients who had lac-
tate level N 3.2 mmol/L and clearance of b20% died within the hospital.
Conclusion: Our data suggests a strong correlation between arterial and peripheral venous the lactate levels and
in the initial phase of resuscitation in septic shock patients we can use venous lactate level as biomarker instead
of arterial lactate level. The study also showed that combining lactate levels and its clearance is a reliable predic-
tor of mortality in sepsis.
Published by Elsevier Inc.

1. Introduction Many markers measured in critically ill patients have been used to-
wards the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation for the cost of therapy,
Recent data suggested that severe sepsis and septic shock cause high monitoring of adequacy of treatment and its timing [3]. Although it is
mortality. Therefore, septic shock is an important health care problem unlikely that one marker to possess both diagnostic and prognostic
and represents an economic burden. The recent Sepsis-3 definition de- properties, some markers may be more predictive of a poor outcome
fined sepsis as a dysregulated immune response to infection which re- in clinical situations. Lactate measurement is a core principal in the
sults in organ dysfunction, and septic shock as septic patients who early diagnosis and appropriate management of sepsis. Basic lactate
need vasopressor for keeping a mean arterial pressure N65 mmHg and concentration and lactate clearance are good markers of hypoperfusion,
lactate N2 mmol/L [1]. During sepsis and circulatory failure an increasing organ dysfunction and mortality in septic critically ill patients [4,5]. Lac-
lactate concentration is the result of a complex condition consisting of tate clearance monitoring during initial 6 h of resuscitation in septic
anaerobic and aerobic metabolism through Na/K ATPase channels and shock patients has a good correlation with mortality but its relation
a decrease in lactate consumption [2]. after 6 h of resuscitation is unclear. The peripheral arterial lactate con-
centration has been considered the standard for lactate measurement.
As arterial sampling may not be feasible in all patients, in this study
⁎ Corresponding author at: Anesthesiology, UB-Anesthesia, 77 Goodell Street, Suite 550,
Buffalo, NY 14203, USA.
we compared the correlation between arterial and venous blood lactate
E-mail addresses: (S. Sanaie), (R. Parthvi), concentrations in adult patients with septic shock who were admitted (N.D. Nader). to an intensive care unit. We hypothesize that venous concentrations
0883-9441/Published by Elsevier Inc.

Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,
2 A. Mahmoodpoor et al. / Journal of Critical Care xxx (2019) xxx

of lactate accurately reflect its arterial concentrations and may be used the Institute of Translational Research, University of California in San
to monitor tissue perfusion in critical care settings. Francisco (UCSF). If the true slope of the line obtained by regressing ve-
nous against arterial concentrations was 0.7, we needed to study 22 to
2. Patients and methods be able to detect this level of correlation with a two-tailed alpha of
0.05 and beta error of 10%. All patient data were analyzed with SPSS
The study design, protocol and the informed consent forms were 25.0 statistical package (IBM Inc., Chicago, IL). Chi-square analysis was
reviewed and approved by the institutional review committee on re- used for evaluation of correlation between mortality and lactate clear-
search ethics of Tabriz University of Medical Science on 7 January ance. Quantitative variables were analyzed with independent sample
2017 under approval number 5D-989801. After obtaining informed t-tests where the numerical variables had a normal distribution. Pear-
consent from patients or their next of kin, 100 patients with the diagno- son correlation coefficient was used for the relation between venous
sis of sepsis or septic shock which occurred during the initial 6 h of re- and arterial lactate levels. The correlation between venous and arterial
suscitation were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Inclusion blood samples after adjustment with confounding factors were per-
criteria were patients with sepsis/septic shock who were diagnosed formed by partial correlation test. Bland-Altman plots were graphed
during the initial 6 h of resuscitation. Diagnostic criteria for sepsis/septic to estimate the bias (mean) ± precision (1.96 x SD) of [arterial – ve-
shock was based on the new Sepsis-3 definition. Exclusion criteria were nous] concentrations of serum lactate in mg/dL. ANCOVA testing was
contraindication for arterial puncture and patients b18 years of age. used for comparison of arterial lactate level between survivors and
After diagnosis of sepsis/septic shock a radial arterial line and central non-survivors.
venous access were introduced for all patients. One set of arterial and
venous samples were taken at the baseline from each patient. The ve- 4. Results
nous samples were taken from central line access hence a tourniquet
was not needed. Patient management in the intensive care unit (ICU) Fifty-seven men and 43 women with septic shock within the initial
was started to achieve international guideline targets during the 6 h of resuscitation were enrolled in this study. The average age of the
first 6 and 24 h after admission [6]. After an initial fluid bolus of patients was 63 ± 11 years old. Demographic and clinical characteristics
20–30 mL/kg, a fluid challenge technique was implemented as long as of the patients are shown in Table 1. The average serum lactate concen-
hemodynamic improvement was witnessed. Norepinephrine was trations from the arterial samples at the time of enrollment was 3.0 ±
started as the first choice of vasopressor to maintain mean arterial pres- 0.6 mg/dL, while it was 3.7 ± 0.8 mg/dL in those samples obtained
sure (MAP) N 65 mmHg. If a second vasopressor drug was needed, Vaso- from central venous catheters. Serum lactate concentration significantly
pressin at a dose of 0.03 IU/min was added to the regimen. In the decreased after 6 h of resuscitation both in arterial (mean difference 0.86
presence of myocardial dysfunction, defined by low cardiac output, ele- with 95% confidence interval of 0.74–0.98 mg/dL) and venous (mean
vated cardiac filling pressures, or ongoing signs of hypoperfusion de- difference 0.98 with 95% confidence interval of 0.81–1.15 mg/dL)
spite achieving adequate MAP or intravascular volume, inotropic samples.
support was provided by dobutamine or milrinone infusion. If the target Although there was a direct linear correlation between the arterial
MAP was not achieved with vasopressor therapy, a short term of low concentrations of serum lactate and those obtained from a venous ac-
dose hydrocortisone was added. A target hemoglobin level of 7–9 g/dL cess (R2 = 0.587; P b .001), serum lactate levels in venous samples
was anticipated in all patients except those with ischemic coronary ar- were consistently higher than those that were simultaneously obtained
tery disease in whom the target hemoglobin was set at 10 g/dL. A from an arterial access (Bias of 0.684 ± Precision of 0.956 mg/dL) at the
targeted glycemic control was performed with insulin regular infusion time of enrollment (Fig. 1). The level of agreement was even higher in
to maintain blood glucose levels between 150 and 180 mg/dL. The nutri- samples that were obtained after 6 h of resuscitation. Similarly, there
tional risk assessment was performed using online calculated nutri- was a stronger linearity between the venous and arterial concentrations
tional risk in critically ill (NUTRIC) scores which was originally of lactate in the serum (R2 = 0.887; P b .00) with a bias of 0.563 and pre-
described by Heyland et al [7]. Caloric intake was managed via enteral cision of 0.785 mg/dL as the venous sampling yielded to comparatively
nutrition unless the patients were unable to tolerate enteral feeding or higher concentrations of serum lactate following 6 h of resuscitation
needed a high dose vasopressor. If this was the case, parenteral nutrition (Fig. 2).
protocols were incorporated based on a NUTRIC score of N5 in the first Receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analyses were performed
48 h after the diagnosis of sepsis. All patients received deep vein and for arterial and venous samples of serum lactate concentrations on ad-
stress ulcer prophylaxis and underwent mechanical ventilation based mission, as well as the lactate clearance, so called lactate clearance
on low tidal volume strategy. Another set of arterial and venous from both arterial and venous bloods. The area under the curve (AUC)
serum samples were taken after completion of the initial 6-hour resus- of lactate concentrations on admission was higher if it was measured
citation period. in blood samples obtained from an artery (0.85 ± 0.05) than those ob-
Demographic characteristics, acute physiologic assessment and tained from a venous access (0.74 ± 0.06, P b .001) (Fig. 3A). The cutoff
chronic health evaluation (APACHE-II) scores, the sequential organ fail-
ure assessment (SOFA) scores, central venous saturations of oxygen Table 1
(SCVO2), MAP, and lactate clearance levels were noted for all patients. Demographic and baseline characteristics of patients.
Glomerular filtration rate was calculated using Chronic Kidney Disease
Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation and was expressed as
mL/min /1.73 m2 [8]. Values below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 were considered Age (years) 63 ± 11
Gender 57 Male
significant drops in kidney function. 43 Female
Sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) 14.7 ± 2.1
3. Statistical analysis and sample size determination Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE-II) 30.4 ± 4.5
Lactate level at time of admission (mg/dL)
Venous 3.7 ± 0.8
A study of patients was planned and their values of venous against
Arterial 3.0 ± 0.6
arterial concentrations of serum lactate were regressed. Prior data indi- Lactate level after 6 h (mg/dL)
cated that the standard deviation (SD) of the venous lactate concentra- Venous 2.7 ± 1.2
tions was 2.01 while the SD of regression errors for the arterial Arterial 2.2 ± 1.1
concentration was 1.931. Online sample size calculator was available ScvO2 at time of admission (Percent) 65 ± 3
ScvO2 at after 6 h (Percent) 70 ± 4
at the website of

Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,
A. Mahmoodpoor et al. / Journal of Critical Care xxx (2019) xxx 3

Fig. 1. On the left Bland-Altman plot that compares arterial and venous concentrations of serum lactate. Bias and precision for this comparison is depicted on the plot. On the right scatter
plot demonstrates the linear correlation between the two sampling methods at the time of admission.

for arterial lactate that predicted ICU mortality was 3.2 mg/dL, while the Table 2 depicts all outcome variables according to this group. Strik-
cutoff for the venous lactate was 4.0 mg/dL. The sensitivity and specific- ingly, all of the 20 patients who had both initial lactate ≥3.2 mg/dL
ity for arterial concentration of 3.2 mg/dl was 66% and 94% respectively. and lactate removal of b20% after 6 h died. Among the 17 patients in
The predictive values both arterial and venous lactate removal within Group 2, 10 (59%) died, while from 63 patients (33 men and 30
6 h of resuscitation were significantly higher than the baseline concen- women), patients in group 1 who lacked any of lactate risk, only 5 pa-
trations of lactate from an artery at the time of admission (AUCs 0.89 ± tients (8%) died.
0.04 and 0.85 ± 0.05, respectively) (Fig. 3A). The cutoff value for lactate
clearance that reliably predicted ICU mortality was calculated to be 20% 5. Discussion
within 6 h of active resuscitation.
In order to improve the value of serum lactate measurement as bio- This study evaluated the correlation between arterial and venous
marker in predicting ICU mortality, we combined the admission base- lactate levels during initial resuscitation of patients with septic shock
line concentrations of lactate ≥3.2 mg/dL in arterial samples with and admitted to an intensive care unit. Results of the study showed that ve-
the arterial lactate clearance of b20% as risk factors for ICU mortality. Pa- nous lactate samples can be used instead of arterial samples during ini-
tients were grouped as Group 1 if their admission concentration of the tial resuscitation hours in septic patients. However, arterial
arterial lactate was b3.2 and had an arterial lactate clearance of ≥20%; concentration of lactate has a better predictive value compared to its ve-
as Group 2 if only one of the two criteria was met or Group 3 if they nous concentration. We further demonstrated that combining the arte-
met both risk criteria meaning admission lactate levels ≥3.2 with b20% rial lactate level and the rate of lactate clearance over the period of time
lactate clearance. The sensitivity and specificity of this model for mortal- provide the best predictor of outcome during early resuscitation of the
ity prediction were 88% and 95% respectively with a predictive value of patients suffering from septic shock.
91% based on ROC curve analysis (Fig. 3B). Nichol et al. in their study in 5047 critically ill patients showed that
measurement of dynamic lactate (lactate concentration over time) is

Fig. 2. On the left Bland-Altman plot that compares arterial and venous concentrations of serum lactate. Bias and precision for this comparison is depicted on the plot. On the right scatter
plot demonstrates the linear correlation between the two sampling methods after six hours of resuscitation.

Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,
4 A. Mahmoodpoor et al. / Journal of Critical Care xxx (2019) xxx

Fig. 3. Receiver-operator characteristics curves are plotted to predict hospital mortality by arterial and venous concentrations of serum lactate (A) and its clearance from the blood after 6
hours of resuscitation (B). The value of combined arterial lactate risk in predicting hospital mortality is depicted (C). The AUC for this combined model was 0.91.

the best prognostic factor in septic shock patients [9]. However, arterial threatening distal blood flow (especially in hand) and finally carries
sampling has some disadvantages as it needs greater technical skills, is more cost [10]. On the other hand, peripheral venous samples are usu-
difficult in hypotensive patients, is more invasive, holds a risk of ally influenced by changes in local perfusion and may be falsely

Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,
A. Mahmoodpoor et al. / Journal of Critical Care xxx (2019) xxx 5

Table 2
Clinical and laboratory information of patients with or without having the lactate risk factor that included either admission arterial concentration of lactate ≥3.2 mg /dL or b 20% decrease
on arterial lactates concentration following 6 h of resuscitation. Group 1 had none of these risk factors, while Group 2 patients had only one risk factor and Group 3 had both factors.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 P-Value

N = 63 N = 17 N = 20

Male 33 (52%) 10 (59%) 14 (70%) 0.377
Female 30 (48%) 7 (41%) 6 (30%)
Age (year) 64 ± 11 61 ± 14 61 ± 12 0.516
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE-II) 28.4 ± 3.5 31.9 ± 4.2 35.4 ± 2.9 b0.001
Sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) 14.1 ± 2.1 15.2 ± 2.1 16.5 ± 1.3 b0.001
Blood Urea Nitrogen (mg/dL) 24 ± 4 26 ± 5 29 ± 5 b0.001
Admission levels
Serum Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.4 ± 0.1 1.4 ± 0.2 1.5 ± 0.3 0.004
Admission levels
Glomerular Filtration Rate 47 ± 9 46 ± 10 45 ± 13 0.838
(mL/min/1.73 m2)
Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) 67 ± 5 64 ± 6 63 ± 5 0.005
on Admission
Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) 71 ± 4 69 ± 6 66 ± 6 b0.001
After 6 h resuscitation
Central Venous Saturation of O2 66 ± 3 65 ± 4 63 ± 3 0.002
on Admission (Percent)
Central Venous Saturation of O2 72 ± 4 69 ± 4 68 ± 4 b0.001
After 6 h resuscitation (Percent)
Mortality with the Intensive Care Unit 5 (8%) 10 (59%) 20 (100%) b0.001

elevated, especially when a tourniquet has been applied to the limb and venous lactate in adults and pediatric population with sepsis is
from which a sample is taken [11]. depicted in Table 3 [17-28].
Gallagher et al. in one study compared peripheral venous lactate Despite a strong correlation between the arterial and venous con-
levels with arterial levels in 74 patients and showed a mean difference centrations of serum lactate, there is no universal agreement on using
of 0.22 mmol/L with 95% confidence intervals of −1.3 to 1.7 mmol/L venous sampling in lieu of arterial sampling. The proponents of using
[12]. Bloom et al. in a meta-analysis evaluated the role of venous venous sampling argue for the ease of venous access and its availability
blood gas monitoring in emergency department and showed that even in the emergency room setting at the time of admission even be-
there is a poor correlation between arterial and venous blood lactate, fore transferring the patient to the ICU and placement of an arterial
however if lactate concentration is normal, the arterial concentration line. These clinicians generally refer to the literature that provide an ev-
is likely to be in normal range [13]. There are a few trials about the cor- idence for a good agreement between the arterial-venous agreement of
relation of arterial and venous blood lactate levels in literature; there is serum lactate [29]. We have shown here that this agreement is stronger
one trial that compared them in children with septic shock, which when the serum concentrations of lactate is below 2 mmol/L. Unfortu-
showed a good correlation between venous and arterial lactate in con- nately, the correlation between the arterial lactate and venous lactate
centrations below 2 mmol/L [14]. decreases as its concentrations in the serum rise. This will pose a big
Samaraweera et al. showed that a blood lactate level of b2 mmol/L limitation in using venous sampling for serum lactate measurement
can be used as a surrogate measurement of arterial lactate in children upon admission, as the critically ill patients with higher acuity in more
with septic shock which is similar to our study, but in values server condition generally will have higher concentrations of serum lac-
N2 mmol/L arterial samples should be taken to obtain accurate results tate where the A-V correlation is the weakest. However, a serial mea-
[14]. The hemodynamic compromise in septic patients could be the rea- surement of serum lactate will adequately guide the direction of the
son to the difference between venous and arterial lactate concentrations medical management by monitoring the trend of lactate concentration
in higher levels of lactate. Another reason for this difference can be due regardless of its sampling site.
to the time difference between two samples which was almost one hour There are some concerns about selection bias; additionally, the au-
and makes the conclusion unreliable. They also did not report whether thors did not mention the time difference between samples of venous
or not to use a tourniquet, which can affect the lactate level. Nascente and arteries [17,19,30]. There are also some studies that reported high
and coworkers showed that central vein lactate had a good agreement venous lactate as a prognostic factor for mortality in emergency depart-
with arterial lactate concentration but peripheral vein lactate tends to ment or trauma patients. Mikami et al. evaluated the correlation be-
overestimate the arterial lactate. This may be due to the metabolic ab- tween arterial and venous lactate measurement and found a possibly
normalities or hypoperfusion in septic patients [15]. They recom- clinically useful equation to calculate arterial from venous Lac data (ar-
mended arterial lactate sampling as the first choice in septic patients terial Lac = −0.259 + v-Lac × 0.996) [31]. This equation is only affected
and if it is not available they recommended central venous lactate sam- by paO2 and other variables do not affect this relation. Kim et al. showed
pling. In their results there was a great discrepancy between measure- similar results to ours in patients admitted to an intensive care unit in
ments from central route vs. peripheral ones which creates a many clinical contexts regarding pH, paCO2, bicarbonate and lactate
possibility of laboratory error or delay in sampling analysis as well as [21]. Our results also showed a good agreement between mortality
the possibility of misplacing the tests. Zhou et al. in their letter men- and lactate clearance (arterial and venous), so we can use it as a prog-
tioned that arterial and venous lactate concentration cannot be equiva- nostic factor in septic critically ill patients during initial resuscitation
lent and could be mixed together because they were two distinctly period.
different measuring methods which could generate two different re- Using lactate levels for predicting mortality has been a topic of de-
sults based on the same patient at the same time point [16]. Bloom bate for quite some time now. An Australian study of a tertiary ICU cen-
et al. showed a great bias between venous and arterial lactate measure- ter has shown that though using lactate levels and its clearance may
ment and found a poor agreement between them especially with the serve as biomarker in sepsis, but it may require other parameters to
cut off level of 2 mmol/L in the emergency department [2]. A cumulative be included in the assessment [21]. Though the lactate level may be a re-
analysis of major studies that have shown correlation between arterial liable indicator of tissue perfusion, measuring lactate clearance every

Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,
6 A. Mahmoodpoor et al. / Journal of Critical Care xxx (2019) xxx

Table 3
Major studies that show significant correlation between arterial and venous lactate levels.

Author/year of study Type of study Number of patients Recommendation

Correlation of arterial and venous lactate in adult population with sepsis

Theerawit et al [28]. Prospective, cross-sectional study 63 paired samples/ VL cannot replace AL however VL ≥ 4.5 can predict AL ≥ 4
Theerawit et al [29]. Prospective, cross-sectional study 73 pair-samples VL can be used in place of AL b4mml/l.
Contenti et al [20]. Prospective 103 patients VBL is not as effective as ALB
Marti & Machado [24] Prospective, cross-sectional study 26 patients/107 paired Femoral VL may be used as AL substitute.
Kim et al [23]. Prospective 34 patients 151 paired Other variables can be used as AL equivalent
Réminiac et al [27]. Retrospective study 188 patients/673 samples VL can substitute AL when drawn within 30 min
Pattharanitima et al [25]. Prospective, cross-sectional study 30 patients Central VL may be used in place on Al when it is b10 mmol/L
Weil et al [30]. Prospective 12 patients/50 paired samples Very high correlation found between AL and VL
Nascente et al [16]. Cross-sectional 32 patients/ 238 paired Central VL may replace Al but not peripheral VL.

Correlation of arterial and venous lactate in pediatric population with sepsis

Phumeetham et al [26]. Prospective, cross-sectional study 48 patients Very high correlation found between AL and VL
Samarraweera et al [15]. Retrospective 60 patients VL ≤ 2 mmol/may be used but AL required for higher values.
Fernandez Sarmiento et al Longitudinal Retrospective observational 42 patients Good correlation was found between AL and VL
[21]. study

1–2 h has shown to be associated with improved outcomes in septic pa- 7. Conclusion
tients regardless of the initial lactate level [32]. Hence in recent times a
greater impetus is placed on lactate clearance [33-35]. One study has Our data suggest that different variables have only minimal impact
shown that the clearance of lactate was the strongest predictor of mor- on the relationship between arterial and peripheral venous samples,
tality during early resuscitation in sepsis in emergency department [36]. and in the initial phase of resuscitation in septic shock patients we can
Similar results were seen in critical care settings [9,37]. Since there are use venous lactate measurement instead of arterial lactate measure-
various mechanisms and kinetics involved in lactate levels in stable pa- ment. Additionally, when using lactate as a biomarker, both initial lac-
tients, it may not be of value in hemodynamically stable patients [20]. In tate level and its clearance should be used to predict prognosis in
our study we combined the initial lactate and it clearance and found critically ill septic patients.
100% mortality in patients with higher lactate level and poor clearance
as shown in Table 4.
Masyuk et al. evaluated delta-lactate (ΔLac) 24 h after admission Conflict of interests
(Δ24Lac) to an ICU in critically ill patients [38]. Inclusion criterion was
a lactate level at admission above 2.0 mmol/L. According to them No funding was requested.
Δ24Lac might constitute an independent, easily available and important No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
parameter for risk stratification in the critically ill. Masyuk et al. in their
study showed that ΔLac ≤19% during 24 h was further associated with
increased long-term mortality (HR 2.22; 95%CI 1.90–2.61; p b .001; re-
gardless of admission diagnosis which remained after correction for
AM contributed literature search, data collection, study design, anal-
APACHE II scores (HR 1.53; 95%CI 1.27–1.85; p b .001), SAPS II scores
ysis of data, manuscript preparation, and review of manuscript; KS con-
(HR 1.46; 95%CI 1.21–1.76; p b .001). [39] We can also do it for APACHE.
tributed to literature search, clinical care and review of manuscript; SS
contributed to literature search and manuscript preparation; MESG
contributed to data collection and manuscript preparation; RP contrib-
6. Limitation of study
uted to literature search and manuscript preparation; HH contributed
to study design and data collection and NDN contributed to study de-
This is a single center study which is performed only in surgical sep-
sign, literature search, data analysis & interpretation and critical review
tic patients, but for generalizing the results we require future trials with
of the manuscript.
more heterogenous critically ill septic patients. We also didn't define a
cut off value for our lactate levels. The evidence suggests that an analysis
of venous lactate levels provides a useful screen. Venous and arterial lac-
tates agree reasonably at all values, but the agreement is highest at nor- [1] Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW, Shankar-Hari M, Annane D, Bauer M, et al.
mal values. More work is required to ascertain the lactate in order to The third international consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock (Sepsis-3).
JAMA 2016;315(8):801–10.
confidently use venous values as a screen for critical illness. Further [2] Bloom B, Pott J, Freund Y, Grundlingh J, Harris T. The agreement between abnormal
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[4] Jones AE, Shapiro NI, Trzeciak S, Arnold RC, Claremont HA, Kline JA, et al. Lactate
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Table 4 domized clinical trial. JAMA 2010;303(8):739–46.
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sepsis campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and sep-
Mortality 8% 59% 100%
tic shock: 2012. Crit Care Med 2013;41(2):580–637.

Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,
A. Mahmoodpoor et al. / Journal of Critical Care xxx (2019) xxx 7

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Please cite this article as: A. Mahmoodpoor, K. Shadvar, S. Sanaie, et al., Arterial vs venous lactate: Correlation and predictive value of mortality of
patients with sepsis du..., Journal of Critical Care,

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