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4. How is applied linguistics related to linguistic?

(5 points)
Applied Linguistics vs. General Linguistics
The study and practice of applied linguistics are specifically geared toward
addressing practical issues as opposed to theoretical constructs. Fields in which
applied linguistics routinely come into play are education, psychology,
communication research, anthropology, and sociology. General linguistics or
theoretical linguistics, on the other hand, deal with language itself, not as that
language applies to the people who are using it.Applied linguistics tackles a broad
scope of issues that include learning new languages, or assessing the validity and
reliability of the language we encounter every day. Even small variations in
language�such as a regional dialect or the use of a modern versus an archaic
vernacular�can have an impact on translation and interpretations, as well as usage
and style.

that investigating second language acquisition is to a great extent reminiscent of

the fable of the elephant and the blind man

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