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Lingua Inglese I – Unit 3

Proff. Maria Cristina Paganoni/Paola Catenaccio/Anna Anselmo

Corso di laurea triennale in Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale
a.a. 2019-20

Key to Language Activity 1

“Tourism is grounded in discourse” (textbook, pp. 33-38)

A. Provide a good caption for each paragraph

§ 1. Lines 1-5: More attention to the language of tourism

§ 2. Lines 6-14: Specialised languages

§ 3. Lines 15-28: The Language of tourism

§ 4. Lines 29-36: Tourists’ feedback and the language of tourism

B. Multiple Choice - Answers

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. c
10. a
11. b
12. b
13. b
14. c
15. a
16. a
17. b
18. b
19. b
20. b
21. a

C. Find in the text the words which describe the characteristics of language

Linguistic features, everyday speech, expressions, structured, follow grammatical rules, have specialized
vocabularies, heuristic, semantic, conventional, dialects, registers, discourse, metaphor, written, audio-
visual, rhetoric.
Lingua Inglese I – Unit 3
Proff. Maria Cristina Paganoni/Paola Catenaccio/Anna Anselmo
Corso di laurea triennale in Mediazione Linguistica e Culturale
a.a. 2019-20

Key to Language Activity 2

Have Instagram Influencers Ruined Travel for an Entire Generation?

1. destination
2. little
3. overnight
4. buy
5. plenty
6. makes
7. experiences
8. important
9. inferior
10. most

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