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Its called Growin It When the Chips are Down.

5 things. Bok Choy, Turnips, Tendergreen mustard spinach which is actually Chinese
too, Summer squash and early type green bean.

Sure you can plant some potatoes corn, carrots and other things but these will take
90 days.

Each of the 5 are easy to grow and will give you something to sustain yourself in
less than 50 days. Even under starvation conditions most could hold out that long.
Squash 45 days, beans around <50. The mustard can be thinned and start eating after
only about 10-12 days. turnips 45-50 days and can start eating top trimmings in
less. Bok Choy matures crazy fast. Then find some old whipporwill cowpeas and okra
as those things will both grow even in a drought if the rain stops. Then winter
squash or pumpkin types, huge amount of produce,stores forever and squash bugs
don't bother it as much.

If you had only one dollar to buy a seed packet- bunching onions. There will be
more food value in that packet than just about all of it because the seeds are
small and you get a lot of them and they multiply

Certainly not a comprehensive list, just a few good things to know if you have to
start something in a hurry from scratch and gotta have it..

Great advice. I have a big garden and put away enough that I rarely have to buy
veggies over the winter. I store turnips, squash carrots, onion and garlic. Grow
napa cabbage and make a ton of kimchi. I make pesto from my basil crop and freeze
it. I freeze beet greens and chard for soups and stews. I grow fresh microgreens
and herbs in front of south facing windows. The only thing I really have to buy are
onions around March / april when mine are done and potatoes which I don't really
eat that much of anyway ( I grow a few for "new potatoes" treats)

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