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CLAC - Curso de Línguas Aberto à Comunidade
Teacher: Matheus Lage                                                                    
Student: Gabriela Alana dos Reis
Writing Task   

How Feminism has change my life

The very first time I heard about feminism was in my freshman year of college. The
girls of movement put some posters on the hall of the college and that time I thought
that things were so much aggressive and was not for me. A time after that happen,
Beyonce has put a quote of the great Nigerian writer Chimamanda ngozi adichie on her
song and I really liked so immediately google it Chimamanda looking for more things
that she said and then I descoveried: I am a feminist!

I read the book called "We should all be feminists" of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and
I learned a lot about feminism, like for example, this movement fight for equal rights
between men and woman. Things like: Sexual harassment, Mansplain, Abusive
relationship, happen everyday around the world with women. Here in Brazil women
still They receive lower wages than men to perform the same function. Sometimes when
a woman get pregnant, when she come back to work she is fired. Seems like only mens
can have a family because they are not fired when they turn fathers. Also almost all the
domestic work still has done by the women. Why this happen if both of them are living
in the house?

Feminism has changed my life even before i was born, when women was fighting to
vote, in Brazil for example, we just can vote in 1932. Feminism has changed my life
even before i was born, when women was fighting to vote, in Brazil for example, we
just can vote in 1932. In my personal experience, feminism has embrace me and
teacheared me to empatize with other women. I'm a woman more confident and happy
since I became a feminist. That moment in fact has changed my life for the better.

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