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{IMP OMFS dental pearls}

1:Dry heat:oxidizes cell proteins

2:Moist heat: destructive protein coagulation.
3:Test to check adequate sterilization: bacillus
4: ethylene oxide gas:destroys enzymes and other vital
biochemical structures of bacteria
5:common antiseptics: iodophors,
6: tissue forceps:toothed or tissue hooks
7:halo type radiolucency (j.type): vertical fractured tooth.
8:sling suture:at anterior region.
9:18 gauge needle:for specimen collection
10:most common drain for intra-oral abcess: quarter inch
sterile Penrose drain.
11:fever(daily requirements/F°): fluids-
800ml/F°/d°&Calories 3_5%/°F/d.
12: Ludwig's angina caused by:a-hemolytic streptococci,
aerobics and anaerobics
13:dry socket other names:acute alveolar osteitis,alveolitis
sicca dolorosa, fibrinolytic alveolitis.
14: primary maxillary spaces: canine,buccal,
15: primary mandibular space:submental, sublingual,
submandibular & buccal
16: infratemporal space also called retrozygomatic space
17:dimpled appearance: buccal space infection
18: trismus without swelling: pterygomandibular space
20:lacrimal probe:locates ductal orifice
21:TOC for calculi less than 7mm: extracorporeal shock
wave lithotripsy.
22: common lesions:
*Mucocele-minor salivary glands
*Ranula-sublingual gland
*Sialolithiasis &sialadenitis-submandibular gland.
23:most common organism in salivary glands
24: accurate diagnosis of sjogren syndrome:labial minor
salivary gland biopsy
25:CBCT limitations:poor image quality.
26:non-invasive diagnosis of sialolithiasis: CBCT&
27: inflammatory sialadinitis:elevated sodium decreased
potassium conc.
28:minimal invasive treatment & diagnostic
29: embryonic development of salivary glands:8wk of
30:N.S of parotid:9th cranial nerve via auriculotemporal
31:N.S of submandibular & sublingual:7th nerve via
chorda tympani.
32:D/D of necrotizing sialometaplasia:SCS&
mucoepidermoid carcinoma
33: radiotherapy act by interfering with nuclear material.
34: primary pneumatization: initial maxillary sinus
development begins:3rd month of development.
35: standard radiographs of maxillary sinus: periapical &
panoramic r/g.
36:CT:low cast,best results
37: mandible:circummandibular wiring per alveolar
39: Extraction should be defer in pregnancy:3rd trimester
40:delay of radiotherapy after extraction:3wks
50:= of extraction after radiotherapy:
51: mechanical advantage of lever:3
52:= = =wedge:2_5
53:= = =wheel&,axel:4.6
54:closed technique=intraalveolar technique=forceps
55: open technique=surgical method=transalveolar
56: The sequence of extraction is:
- Third molar
- Second molar
- Second premolar
- First molar
- First premolar
- Lateral incisor
- Canine
- Central incisor
57: maxillary occlusal plane:45-60° from floor.
58: mandibular occlusal plane: parallel to
59: height of dental chair for maxillary extraction:occlusal
level 3 inch below the shoulder level of operator.
60:for mandible:6 inch below the elbow of operator.
70:microbes associated with
71: panoramic radiographs: greatest use for impacted
teeth as opposed to erupted.
72:Most common sutureing technique: simple interrupted
73:CBCT: assessment of canal and root relationship.
74:partial impaction is more difficult to remove than full.
75:in maxilla vertical &distoangular impactions r less
difficult to remove.
76:in mandible mesioangular r less
77: ibuprofen:Dec in BT & platelets aggregation.
78:circumdental wires: external root resorption &
79:normal bleeding time:2-3mints.
80:normal INR:2.0-3.0
81:Thrombin:converts fibrinogen to fibrin.
82:collagen:promotes platelets aggregation.
83:best radiographs
Zygomatic fractures:sub-mento vertex
Lefort 3:lateral view
Orbital rim:water's view
Orbital floor: tomographic view
Angle of mandible:p.A view & lateral oblique view
Condylar fractures:town's view
Middle third of face:occipetomental
84:test for extrinsic pathway
85:____-_-_-intrinsic _____:PTT
86:Aspiration:for all fluid filled lesions except MUCOCELE.
87:Best resorbable suture:gut sutures
88:Most common intraosseous lesions: periapical
granuloma & odontogenic cyst.
89: unilateral dislocation: deviation of chin to contralateral
90:sclerosant solutions use: chronic dislocation
91: unilateral ankylosis: deviation of chin and mandible on
affected side.
92:R/g to detect ankylosis:opG, sub-mento vertex,p.a,
transcranial view,c.t
93: treatment of TMJ:
Codylectomy,gap arthroplasty,interpositional arthroplasty,
joint reconstruction,
94: green stick fractures r variant of simple
fracture in children
95: common bilateral fractures r combination of direct
&indirect force.
96:Guard man's fracture: fracture of symphysis &both
97: coronoid fractures common cause:reflex contracture
of temporalis muscles.
98: horizontal fracture of angle favored by:medial
pterygoid muscle.
99: vertical_______:masseter&medial pterygoid
100: stabilizer of symphysis in midline fractures:
mylohyoid & geniohyoid
101:tell-tale hematoma:in coronoid fractures
102: unilateral condylar fractures: deviation of the
mandible toward the fractured side on opening.
103: osteo integration for maxilla:6 months
104: osteo integration for mandible:4 months
105:echymosis of maxillary buccal sulcus: zygomatic or
maxillary fractures.
106: subconjunctival hemorrhage; fracture of orbital rim
107:gillie's approach instrument Rowe's elevator
109: mylohyoid ridge prominence; augmentation is
110:radigraphs for cysts:Iopa occlusal,PNS,OPG
111: radiographs for impaction:IOPA,opG, lateral
mandibular oblique.
112:Amino caproic acid:anti-fibrinolytic agent.used in
113.C.fibers r very sensitive to L.A
114: cranial complications of odontogenic infection:
cavernous sinus thrombosis,
cranial abcess, meningitis, mediastinitis.
115:causes of pericoronitis: partial impaction,food
entrapement,gingival infection/inflammation, occlusal
trauma,improper oral hygiene.
116:roots near the sinus:2nd premolar.
117:roots above the sinus:1$t molar.
Concentrations of ingredients in a cartridge.
118:L.A agent:2%
Reducing agent:0.5mg/ml
119:esters r hydrolyzed by esterase enzymes
120:amides r _____by:n-dealkylation
121: lignocaine onset of action:2-3mints.
122:pH:5.0-5.5 with constrictor.
123:Verill's sign: eyelids ptosis, blurring of vision, slurring
124: drugs used in Jorgenson technique :
Phenobarbital,mepridine, scopolamine
125: reduction of fracture is done from outside to inside.
126: during fixation plates r contraindicated in mixed
dentition patient.
127: insufficient number of suitable teeth:arch bar
128:cap splints:for mixed dentition
129;bone plates inficated: symphysis &angle fractures.
130: wiring and arch bars: full permanent dentition
131: Fullness of mouth:at affected side in unilateral

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