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food habit changes and improved health consciousness are key growth drivers fuelling

development of the dairy industry in India.

Multiple opportunities exist in India, across the post-production dairy value chain, in areas of
procurement, processing and packaging technologies. These opportunities offer tremendous scope
for technology suppliers, processors and service providers to tap into one of the world’s largest dairy
markets. While, at the backend, private and cooperative dairy processors are actively investing in
procurement infrastructure for consistent availability of good quality milk, at the front, the industry
rapidly diversifying into high-margin, value-added dairy products such as cheese, Ultra High
(UHT) milk, ice cream and flavoured milk.
This YES BANK - Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands study ‘Dairy Sector in India:
Opportunities in Key
States and Products’ provides an in-depth overview of the Indian dairy market and captures key
opportunities across the post-harvest dairy value chain,

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