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Corruption Must Be Eradicated!

Talking about corruption, corruption is a big problem for a large nation because

corruption is considered to be a "parasite" that can destroy a large nation. Why

corruption is called a “Parasite” ? Because corruption has a negative impacts for

our country's economy and also corruption can creating poverty rate and social


There are 3 tangible impacts from the many impacts that affect the economy

that will be mentioned. First, corruption can reduce state income. because if we

look at Indonesia's per capita opinion based on existing data it is low. In May

2013, per capita income was at $ 4,000 USD. State revenues are mainly reduced

due to the decrease in tax revenues. Tax becomes a source for financing

government spending in providing public goods and services. The condition of

the decline in income from the tax sector was compounded by the corruption of

tax officials to enrich themselves and the group. Second, corruption can

weakening government capacity and capabilities in development programs that

improve the economy. Corruption can reduce the budget for maintenance of

public facilities, such as road repairs that can hamper the economy. The quantity

and quality of goods and services also decreases due to the large costs for the

process that occurs due to corruption. Damage to the roads, collapsing bridges,

overthrowing trains, cheap rice that is not feasible to eat, exploding gas

cylinders, fuel which, damaging people's vehicles, inadequate and

uncomfortable public transportation, collapsing school buildings, is a series of

reality of low quality goods and services as a result of corruption. Finally,

corruption can also increasing national debt. The global economic condition that

experienced recession hit all countries including Indonesia, which forced these

countries to make debt to encourage their economies which were slowing down

due to recession and to cover budgetary costs that were in deficit. With such

conditions, the existence of corruption is further aggravating the financial

condition. foreign debt continues to increase February 2019. Indonesian

government debt reaches Rp. 5.275 trillion.

The real impacts that occur on the social aspects in this society are only a few

impacts which are mentioned from the many impacts that occur. First corruption

can increasing the level of unemployment. Poverty in a country causes because

of the high unemployment rate. And one of the causes of high unemployment

rates in a country is the power of corruptors. Second, corruption can also lower

one's social solidarity with each other. The number of corrupt actors also affects

the nature of togetherness, because corruptors are only interested in individual

interests. this triggers a lack of awareness of solidarity with others that we

should care about for each other. Finally, corruption can hinder the government

from eradicating poverty. Basically, the government has a plan and budget in

overcoming the problem of poverty. But the number of state officials who carry

out acts of corruption, one of which is by way of misappropriating the

government budget given to overcome the problem of poverty, which ultimately

results in a slow pace in alleviating the problem of poverty.

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