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VANCED M.Imtiaz Shahid

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Edition 2020
e tharr
> Tot Iy Reviscd & Updrt€d Editioa
-a > Thc bigge.t & upd.ted c{llectior of P.pers
> Th€ trr.t rtrd ploneer book of PPSC Ltodel P.pcrs
o > With An3wer Keyr
> Irtroducing Dcr 3tyle ofP.p.r Prttcm

F 1L Sofd
> AIl Efut ket iE origitrd p.peE .r. mmtioncd
> Ir.D$tnent-vk rrr.trgeDert & categorizrtion

c opres > PPSC'r ncx Sylbbo3 for G.rerrl Abfity MCQ! Icat

34 Paper of 2019
Ft 26 Papers of 2018
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Solved Papers
lncluding one liners
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DVANCED M. Imtiaz Shahid

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F Sold
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> All Elst
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origiod prpfrs rm ucrtloncd
c opies
DeprrtmGtr t-rbe
> PPSC'S rcr SylLbrt
llrargedcrt & c.tegorizatiotr
for c.n.frt Ab lty MCei Test

34 Paper ot Z0l9
qt 26 Papers of 2018

So/ved Papers
For lncluding one liners

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Previous Original, Solved Papers

Compiled by:
M lmtiaz Shahid

oilglml BooIfitl

Revised Edition witr additional material

* @

Advanced A ublishers
'l,7-2"d Floor, Muslim Centre, Chatter Jee Road,
Urdu Bazaar. Lahore (Pakistan).
Ph (042) 37360555.

Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PaPers
By: Muhammad lmtiaz Shahid
Edition: 66th

@ Advanced Publishers, Lahore, 2020

fi -2nd Floot, Muslim Centre, Chatter Jee Road,

Urdu Bazaar. Lahore (Pakistan).

rsBN 978-96$588424-9

Rs. rP60.00

Alt ights reserued under the Copyright Act. No pai o.f may be reproduce.d
or by any means, etec*6ic or mechanicat, including photocopying' without
"nyio* inh1tiig trom the authors. Ait inquiies should be addresseo to the authors
and the publishec.


Main Features of this Book:
F The only available Complete Package for sure success in One-paper
MCQs written tests.
D Totally revised and updated
) All original Papers
F The first and pioneer book of PPSC Model Papers
) Original Book: All other available PPSC Papers books are prepared
copying from this book.
) The biggest collection of Papers
> Thirty four new paper of 2019
D Twenty six papers of2018
}. Tweng nine papers ot2O17
D Twentyfour papers of2016
) Maximum number of Papers in minimum pages & price
D Most accurate Answers with orighal Answers Keys
D Wrong answers in original papers are menlioned with explanation
) Explanation of tricky questions in foot notes
) lnlroducing new style of paper pattem
> Department-wise arrangement & categorization
D Punjab Public Service Commission's new Syllabus for General Ability
MCQs Test
) Guidelines for preparation and written examinations
) Additional Material for English, Prepositions, Correct Words, Fill in the
blanks, Vocabulary, Synonyms and Antonyms, Urdu, Arithmetic, le Tests,
- lQ Exercise, General Mental Ability, Analogy euestions, Computer, More
than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts, Computer Related Abbreviations, lmportant
Personalities and their fields

Dear Readers!

To serve you better we have arranged HELPLlltlE.

lf you need any guidance, information, explanation or help

call to
Nayyar Kazmi (03039824775)

(Nayyar Kazmi have passed these examinations: Assistant Registrar Cooperative Society
2013, Assistant Superintendenl Jail 2013, Labour Oflicer 2015. Labour lnspector 2015, Social
Security Officer 2015, Diskict Officer Civil Defense/Chief Staff Officer/ Provincial Rescue Officer
2014, Assistant Superintendent Jail 2015, Civil Defense Officer 2015, Excise & Taxation
lnspector 2014. Excise & Taxation lnspector 2016, Lecturer Pakistan Studies 2014, Lecturer
Education 2017, Assistant Director Labour Weliare 2017, Assistant Superintendent Jail 20'16 &
Land Records Officer 2017)


Hafiz Muhammad Waseem Qureshi, Excise and Taxation lnspector


(Hafiz Muhammad Waseem Qureshi has passed more than 23 written

examinations of PPSC.)

No. Ghapter Page #


Ministerial Ouota (2019) I
MODEL PAPER 15:SUB INSPECTOR (Open Merit) -20'19 66
MODEL PAPER 16: SUB INSPECTOR (Service Quota) - 2019 74
Among Graduate Constables/ Head Constables 111
MOOEL PAPER 89: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR in the Directorate of Labour
wellare (Labour & Human Resource Deparlment) - 2019 413
MODEL PAPER 93: CARETAKER (BS-16) LabourAnd Human
Resource Department - 2019 431
MODET PAPER 99: Assistant (85-16) ('10K 2019) Labour & Human
Resource Department 459
MODEL PAPER '100: ASSISTANT (85-16)in Labour & Human
Resource Departmenl (20'l 9) 463
MODEL PAPER 108: JUNIOR CLERK (BS-1 1) Labour & Human
Resource Department- 2019 499
MOOEL PAPER '116: ASSISTANT (BS-16) 20'19 in the Population
Welfare Oepartment 536
Department / Punjab Treasury and Accounts
Service - 2019 (Morning) 667
Department / Punjab Treasury and Accounts
Service - 2019 (Evening) 672
. the Planning & Development Department 711
MODEL PAPER 156: ASSISTANT (BS-16) (11K 2019) Planning &
Development Department 719
Directorate General Protocol, S&GAD - 2019 733
MODEL PAPER 165: ASSISTANT in PPSC (BPS - 16) -2019 758
MODEL PAPER 166: ASSISTANT in PPSC (BPS - 16)-2019 760
MODEL PAPER 167: ASSISTANT in PPSC (BPS - 16) -2019 762
in the Labour & Human Resource Oepartment 896
(BS-14) 2019 in the Labour & Human Resource Departmeni 908
MODEL PAPER 200: Written Test for recruitment to the Post of ESE - Urdu in
Labour & Human Resource Department -2019 912

MOOEL PAPER 201 : Written Test for recruitment to the Post of ESE (GENERAL) an Labour
& Human Resource Department (BS 14) 2019 (Afternoon) 91,8
MODEL PAPER 202: Written Test for recruitment to the Post of ESE (GENERAL) (8S 14)
2019 in Labour & Human Resource Department (Evening) 923
Transporl Department Punjab 949
MODEL PAPER 208: INSPECTOR YOUTH AFFAIRS (BS-16) 2019 in the youth
Affairs. Sports Archaeology & Tourism Department 953
MODEL PAPER 209: DIVISIONAL COACH (BS-16) 2019 in the youth
Affairs, Sports Archaeology & Tourism Department 957
MODEL PAPER 213: JUNIOR CLERK (BS-'11) 20'19 in the Punjab
Board of Revenue Department 975
MODEL PAPER 215: CARETAKER (BS-16) Lahore High Court - 2019 984
MODEL PAPER 216: ASSISTANT (85-16) in Lahore High Court - 2019 988


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Held on Janrary 2, ZOIBI 13
MODEL PAPER 38: JUNIOR CLERK (BS-1'l) in Punjab Potice Department - 2018 176
(18J, 19J & 20J 2018) Excise, Taxation &
Narcotiis Control Department 208
(12J-13J 2018) Region (A, B & C Lahore) Excise.
Taxation & Narcotics Control Department
D G Khan Region - 20'18 217
in Additional Directorate (Held on 20-10-2018) 222
MODEL PAPER 83; SUB INSPECTOR Cooperative Societies (BS-11 ) - 2018 385
MODEL PAPER 94: LABOUR OFFICER (BS-16) Labour and Human Resource
Department 2017 (Held on January 14, 2018) 435
(Held on January 14,2018) 472
Resource Department - 20'18 504
MOOEL PAPER 135: FIELD ASSISTANT in the Agricutture
Department (BPS-16) - 2018
in the Agriculture Department (BS-'11) - 2018 626
in the Punjab Agriculture Oepartment 630
Government & Community Development Department 635
Authority, Revenue Department (2018) 658
General Administration Department (S&GAD) - 2018 7M

vll I
Education Department _ 2018 822
- 928
Women Developmeni Department (20.18) 961
MODEL PAPER 21 1: ASSTSTANT (BS-j6) in the Anti-Terrorism Court,
Puniab Home Department (2018) vbb
TRANSpORT punjab Forensic Science Agency,
Home Oepartment _ 2019 97'l
MODEL PAPER 217: JUNTOR CLERK (BS 1 1 ) in Lahore High Coun _ 2O1g
MODEL PAPER 221: ASSTSTANT (Ext) AH (BS_1ir) 2O1S in Livestock
& Oairy Development Department 101 1


in population Welfare Department _
20.17 5lg
MODEL PAPER 17: SUB |NSpECTOR (BpS 14) _ 2017 t7
2017 11S
MODEL PAPER 35: ASSTSTANT (BpS 16) in punjab potice Oepartment _
2017 163
MODEL PAPER 39: JUNTOR CLERK (BS 1 1) in puniab potice Department-
2017 1OO
Ring Road
Authority (Communication and Works Department) _ 2017 Zg7
MODEL PAPER 81: |NSPECTOR, Cooperative Societies (2017) 375
MODEL PAPER 84: SUB |NSPECTOR, Cooperative Societies (Region
Wise) (BS_11) - 2017 390
MODEL PAPER 85: MANAGER AUeAF (85-16)_ 2017 395
of Labour
Wetfare (Labour & Human Resource Department) _ 2017 417
MODEL PAPER 2'14: JUN|OR CLERK (BS_1 1) in the punjab
Department _ 20.17 979
MOOEL PAPER 163: JUNTOR CLERK (2017) in Overseas
pakistanis Commission (S&GAD) 74g
MALE & FEMALE) - 2017 7E9
police Department 2017 799
Srudies (BS-.tB)
2017 in the Higher Educatron Oepartment a17
(Mate & Femate) _2017 043
MODEL PAPER '187: LECTURER H|STORY (BS-i7) _ 20,17 748
in the
Higher Education Department _ 2017 875
MODIL PAPER 198: LECTURER URDU (BS_17) - 2017 902
MODEL PAPER 218: JUNIOR CLERK in Lahore High Courl (BS-11) - 2017 996


GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Held on January 2' 2018) IJ


Posts of Provincial Managements Servlces. etc. - 2016 18

MODEL PAPER 18: SUB INSPECTOR (BS-14)(Open Merit)2016 82

MODEL PAPER 19: SUB INSPECTOR in the Puniab Police Department - 2015
(Held in 2016) 88

Head Constables / Head Constables in the Punjab
Pohce Department - 2016 121

MOOEL PAPER 41 TNSPECTOR (BS - 16) in Anti-corruption Establishment - 2016 190


in the Punjab Excise and Taxation Department
Prison (Home) Department 258
in the PunJab Cooperatives Department -2016 Paper - lll
(Pakrstan Studies / lslamic Studies / General Knowledge) 355

MODEL PAPER 95: LABoUR OFFICER (85-16) in the Labour and HunEn
Resource OePartment 2016 440



Food DePartment - 2016 540
iBPS-19) rn the Punjab Home Department - (2016)
MODEL PAPER 157: ASSISTANT (BS-16) in the Planning & Development
OePartment - 2016 724

MODEL PAPER 164: BRANCH OFFICER (BS-17) in the Punjab Public Service
Commission - 20'16 754
MODEL PAPER 178: DATA ENTRY OPERATOR (2016) rn Police Deparrment 803

MODEL PAPER 179r DATA ENTRY OPERATOR (BS-'12) in lhe Specral Branch
of Pohce Department - 2016 806


in the School Educatton Department - 2016 870

MODEL PAPER 219 ASSISTANT (BS - t6) rn Provrncral Drsaster

Managemenl Authonty Board of Revenue Puniab - 2016 1001

MODEL PAPER 222: ASSISTANT (Ext)AH (BS-16) in Livestock and Dairy

' Development DePartment 2016 101 5

MODEL PAPER 223: ASSISTANT (BS - 16) in the Chief Minister's Office,
Overseas Pakistanis Commission 201 6 1019

How to prepare and attempt the MCQs papers? 1

New Syllabus for General Ability MCQ Test ?


Ministerial Quota (20'1 9) I
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (Held on January 2, 2018) '13


Recruitment to the Posts of Provincial Managements
Servrces, etc. - 2016 '18


the Posts of Provincial Managements Services. etc. - 2015 22
to the Posts of Provincial Managements Services. elc. -?014 28
I MODEL PAPER 9 (PMS General Knowledge Paper 2006) 42
1 0. MODEL PAPER 10: (PMS General Knowtedge paper 2005) 47
11. MODEL PAPER 1 1: TNSPECTOR LEGAL (Speciat Cadre) in the punjab
Police Department - 2015 paper: General Knowiedge 52
12. MODEL PAPER 12: INSPECTOR LEGAL (Speciat Cadre) in the punjab
Police Department _ 2015 paper: pakistan & lslamic Studies
13. MODEL PAPER 13: TNSPECTOR LEGAL (BS-17) 2013 - pakisran Sludies
& lslamac Sludies) 61
15. MODEL PAPER 1S:SUB TNSPECTOR (Open Merit) -2019 66
16. MODEL PAPER 16: SUB TNSPECTOR (Service euota) - 2019 74
17. MODEL PAPER 17: SUB TNSPECTOR (BpS 14) - 2017 77
18. MODEL PAPER '18: SUB TNSPECTOR (BS-14) (Open Merir) 2016 82
'19. MODEL PAPER 19: SUB |NSPECTOR in the punjab potice
Department _ 2015
(Hetd in 2016) 88
20. MODEL PAPER 20: SUB |NSPECTOR punjab Department From Amongst Graduate
Head Constabtes / ASls _ 20i 5 o?
21. MODEL PAPER 21: SUB TNSPECTOR (BS-14) - 2015 98
22. MODEL PAPER 22: SUB TNSPECTOR From Amongst craduate
Head Constables / Head Constables 2014 102
Ze. fUOOeL PAPER 23: SUB-TNSPECTOR in the punjab potice Department, 2014 107
Among Graduate Constables/ Head Conslables 111
25. MODEL PAPER 25: ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR (Service Quota)-2017 115
Graduate Head Constables / Head Constables in the
Punjab Police Department-2016 121
27. MODEL PAPER 27: ASI (BS{9) From Amongst Graduate Head Constables / Head
Constables - 2015 126
28. MODEL PAPER 28: ASI (BS-09) From Amongst Graduate Head Constables / Head
Constables,2o'|2 130
29. MODEL PAPER 29: ASI Police,2011 135
30. MODEL PAPER 30: ASI Police,2009 139
31. MODEL PAPER 31: ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR (BS-09) From Amongst Graduate
Constables / Head Constables in the Punjab
Police Department,2oog 143
32. MODEL PAPER 32: ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR of Police in the Punjab
Police Department,2oo8 148
33. MODEL PAPER 33: ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR of Police in the Punjab
Police Department, 2006 152
35. MODEL PAPER 35: ASSISTANT (BPS 16)in Puniab Police Department - 2017 163
36. MODEL PAPER 36: ASSISTANT (BS-14) in the Punjab Police Department - 2015 166
37. MODEL PAPER 37: ASSISTANT (BS-14) in the Puniab Police Department - 2010 17'l
38. MODEL PAPER 38: JUNIOR CLERK (BS-11) in Puniab Police Department - 2018 176
39. MODEL PAPER 39: JUNIOR CLERK (BS 11) in Puniab Police Departmenr 2017 180
For Data Entry Operator in the Punjab Potice Department - 2017 see MODEL
PAPER 177 on page number 799
For Data Entry Oryrator in the Punjab Police Depanment - 2016 see MODEL
PAPER 178 on page number 803
For Data Entry Operator (BS-12) - 2016 in the Special Branch of Police
Depaftment - 2016 see MODEL PAPER 179 on page number 808
For Data Entry Operators (BS-11) 2015 in Punjab Police Depaftment see
MODEL PAPER 1180: on number 812
40. MODEL PAPER 40 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (lnvestigation) in Anti-Corruption
Establishment - 2015 186
41. MODEL PAPER 41 : INSPECTOR (BS - 16) in Anti-corruption Establishment - 2016 190
42. MODEL PAPER 42: INSPECTOR in Anti-Conuption Establishment, Puniab (85-16) 195
43. MODEL PAPER 43: ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR (BS-09) in the Anticorruption
Establishment Wing of Puniab (S & GAD) - 2015 200
44, MODEL PAPER 44 ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR ln Anti-Corruption Wing - 201 1 204
(18J, 19J & 20J 2018) Excise, Taxation &
Narcotics Control Department 208

(12J-13J 2018) Region (A, B & C Lahore) Excise,
Taxation & Narcotics Control Department 212
D G Khan Region - 2018 217
in Additional Directorate (Hetd on 20-10_20.18) 222
in the Puniab Excise and Taxation Department
Puniab Excise and Taxation Department 231
51. MODEL PAPER 51 : EXCTSE & TAXATTON |NSPECTOR 2010 in rhe punjab
Excise & Taxation Department 236
52. MODEL PAPER 52: EXCTSE |NSPECTOR paper 2008 241
Prison (Home) Department 258
Home Department 2015 268
Department, 2013 272
61. MODEL PAPER 61: CHTEF WARDER in the punjab (prisons)
Home Department - 20i 3 282
62. MODEL PAPER 62: TRAFFIC WARDEN in the puniab police Department - 213
Authority (Communication and Works Eepartment) I 2017 297
65. MODEL PAPER 63: JUNTOR PATROL OFFTCER in Communicalion and Works
Department 201S 301
in the punjab Home Department - (2015) 310

Home Department -2015
oFrrCEn ctvtL DEFENcE / cHIEF srAFF oFFlcER /
pnOVtruCtnf RESCUE OFFICER in the Punjab
2014 (Held in 201 5) 319
Home Departmenl
oiiCen ctvtL DEFENCE / cHIEF srAFF
Directorate of civil
iibVrNcrei Crscue oFFlcER ln the
Defence in the Puniab (Home) Department


in the Zakat and Ushr
Department (BS 17) - -
in the Zakat & Ushr
in The Zakat & Ushr
DePartment 2009
in the Zakat & Ushr
DePartment 200S
Paper 349
soclETlES (BP-17)
in the Punlab Cooperalives Department -20
16 Paper -
(Pakistan Studies / lslamic Studles / Gener al Knowledge)
Paper on: Pakistan Studies/ lslamic Studies
General Knowledge
g Studies/ lslamic Studies /
(f Pip-er On: Pakistan
General Knowbdge
SOCIETIES (2019) 374
Cooperative Societies (2017)
Societies - 20'12 380
82. MODEL PAPER 82: INSPECTOR Cooperative 385
Societies (BS-1 1) - 2018
84. MODEL PAPER 84: SUB I NSPECTOR. Cooperative 390
(Reg ion Wise) (BS-1 1)- 2017
airvrOOEL PAPER 85: MANAGER AUOAF (BS-16) - 2017
2014 399
(BS-'17) in the Punjab Auqal
Organrzalion Department 20l4

89. [\4ODEL PAPER 89: ASSTSTANT DTRECTOR in the Direclorate of Labour
Welfare (Labour & Human Resource Department) _ 2019 413
90. MODEL PAPER 90: ASSTSTANT DIRECTOR in the Drrectorate of Labour
Welfare (Labour & Human Resource Department) _ 2017 417
91. MODEL PAPER 91: ASSTSTANT DTRECTOR (Labour Wetfare) 2013 in the
Directorate of Labour Welfare (Labour & Human
Resource Department) 421
92. IVIODEL PAPER 92: ASSTSTANT DTRECTOR Labour Wetfare (BS-17) 2012 427
93. I,'IODEL PAPER 93: CARETAKER (BS-16) Labour And Human
Resource Department - 2019 431
94. I\,IODEL PAPER 94: LABOUR OFFTCER (BS-16) Labour and Human Resource
Department 20't7 (Held on January 14, 2O1g) 435
95. MODEL PAPER 95: LABOUR OFFTCER (BS-16) in the Labour and Human
Resource Department, 2016 440
97. MODEL PAPER 97: LABOUR OFFTCER in the punjab Department _ 201.1 M9
98. MODEL PAPER 98: LABOUR OFFTCER in the Labour & Human
Resource Department 454
99. MODEL PAPER 99: Assistant (BS-i6) (10K 2019) Labour & Human
Resource Department 459
100. MODEL PAPER 100: ASSTSTANT (BS-16) in Labour & Human
Resource Departmenl (201 9) 463
101. MODEL PAPER 10't: LABOUR |NSPECTOR (BS_j4) - 2019 468
102. MODEL pApER 102: LABOUR INSPECTbR (BS_14,2017
(Held on January 14,2018\ 472
103. MoDEL PAPER 10s: LABOUR |NSPECTOR (BS_j4), 2016 477
104. MODEL PAPER '104: LABOUR |NSPECTOR _ 2015 482
106. MODEL PAPER 106: LABOUR |NSPECTOR papet 2OO4 490
107. MODEL pApER .107. ACCOUNTANT (BS_17) 2015
in the Labour & Human Resource Department 495
108. MODEL PAPER '108: JUNTOR CLERK (BS-1 1) Labour & Human
Resource Department- 201 9 499
109. MODEL PAPER 109: SOCIAL SECURtry OFFTCER in the Labour and Human
Resource Department _ 20.19 504
10. MODEL PAPER 110: SOCTAL SECUR|TY OFFTCER in the Labour and Human
Resource Department _ 20.15 508
111 . MODEL PAPER 11 1: SOCTAL SECUR|TY OFFICER in the punjab Emptoyees
Sooat Security lnstitution (pESSl) under ihe t_aObuia
Human Resource Deparlment _ 201 1 513
Welfare Department - 2017 518
115 MODEL pApER 1i5: ACCOUNT OFFTCER (BS_17) 2014 in
Population Welfare Department 531
16 MODEL PAPER 116: ASSTSTANT (BS-16) 2019 in the popularion
Welfare Department 536
Food Department - 2016 540
Food Department (20'14) 544
119 MODEL PAPER 1'19: ASSISTANT FOOD CONTROLLER - 2010 in the punjab
Food Depa(ment 549
Punjab Food Department 557
124. MODEL PAPER 124: FOOD GRAINS INSPECTOR (BS-12) - 201 1 571
128. MODEL PAPER,I28 ZILLADARS - 20'11 in the Punjab lrrigation and
Power Department 588
129 MODEL PAPER 129 ZILADAR Paper 2004 593
130 MODEL PAPER 130 ZILADAR Paper 597
131 MODEL PAPER 131 TEHSILDARS 2012 Paper Pakistan Studies,
lslamic Studies & General Knowledge 601
132, MODEL PAPER 132 Combined Competitive Exam 2003. Paper General
Knowledge for TEHSILDAR and Assistant Registrar
Cooperative Societies 607
133. MODEL PAPER 133 NAIB TEHSILDAR (BS-14) 2009 in the Puniab
Board of Revenue Department 611
134. MODEL PAPER 134 NAIB TEHSILDAR (BS-14) 2008 in lhe Punjab Board
of Revenue Department 617
135 MODEL PAPER 135: FIELD ASSISTANT in the Agricutture
' Department (BPS-16) - 2018 622
in the Agriculture Department (BS-1 1) - 2018 626
in the Puniab Agriculture Department 630
138 MOOEL PAPER 138: ASSTSTANT DTRECTOR (BS-.t7) 2018 in Locat
Government & Community Development Departmenl 635
BS-17 in the Local Government & Community
Department - 2015 640
140. MODEL PAPER 140 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Land Records an the
Board of Revenue. Punjab - 20'14 Department 645
141. MODEL PAPER 141 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Land Records papet 2012
Board of Revenue 649
- 653
143. MODEL PAPER 143 SERVICE CENTER OFF|C|ALS in punjab Land Record
Authority, Revenue Department (2018) 658
AND FINANCE (BPS-19)'in rhe
Pun,ab Home Department - (2016) 663
Department / Punjab Treasury and Accounts
Service - 2019 (Morning) 667
146. MODEL PAPER 146 DEPUTY'ACCOUNTANT (BS-1 6) in Finance
Deparlment / Puniab Treasury and Accounts
Service - 2019 (Evening) otz
OFFICER in theFinance Deparbnent _ 2'0iP 678
148 MODEL PAPER 148: SENIOR AUDTTOR (BS-13) _ 201 1
149 MODEL PAPER 149: AUDTTOR 2010 in the punjab Finance Department
- 687
{UD|TOR (BS-14) _ 2010 in the punjab
Excise & Taxation Department 692
151 MODEL PAPER 151: DEpUTy ACCOUNTANT - 20j2 -in the punjab Treasuries
Establishment under the Finance Department 696
't52 MODEL PAPER 152: ACCOUNTS OFFTCER (BS-16) Mate/Fem ate _2O1.l
in the punlab Finance Department 701
) 705
the Plarming & Oevelopment Departn;nt . 711
(Planning) P & D Department. 2014 715
156 MODEL PAPER 156 ASSISTANT (BS- 16) (1 1 K 2019) planning &
Development Department 719
157 MODEL PAPER 157 ASSISTANT (BS-16) in the planning & Devetopment
Depadment - 2016 724
'xr ii
158 MODEL PAPER 158 LIBRARIAN in the Archives & Libraries Wing. S&GAD 728


Dlrectorate General Prolocol S&GAD - 2019 733


161 MODEL PAPER 161 JUNIOR CLERK - 2019 739

162 MODEL PAPER 162 JUNIOR CLERK (BS-1 1 ) Service &

General Administration Department (S&GAD) - 2018 744

163. MOOEL PAPER 163 JUNIOR CLERK (2017) in Overseas

Pakistanis Commission (S&GAD)
164 MODEL PAPER 164: BRANCH OFFICER (BS-17) in the Punjab Public Service
CommEsion - 2016 754
MODEL PAPER 165: ASSISTANT in PPSC (BPS - 16) -2019 758
'166. MODEL PAPER'166: ASSISTANT in PPSC (BPS - 16) -2019
r68. MODEL PAPER 168: ASSISTANT in PPSC (2018)
r69. MODEL PAPER 169:ASSISTANT in PPSC (BPS - 16) 2016
170. MODEL PAPER 170: ASSISTANT in PPSC (BS-14) 2015
172. MODEL PAPER 172: JUNIoR CLERK in PPSC (2018)
173. MOOEL PAPER 173: JUNIOR CLERK in PPSC (BS 11) 2016
-coNTROL OFFICER (BS-17) 2015 794


Police Department 2017 799
178. MODEL PAPER 178: DATA ENTRY OPERATOR (2016) in Police Department
179. MODEL PAPER 179: DATA ENTRY OPERATOR (BS- 12) in the Special
- 808
of Police DePartment 20'16


Puniab Police Department - 2015 812


2017 in lhe Higher Education Department 817


Educatlon DePartment - 2018

Education Department - 2015 827
Higher Education Department - 2013 832
l-Irgher Education Departflent - 2011 838
(Male & Female) -2017 843
187 MODEL PAPER 187: LECTURER HISTORY (BS-17) - 2017 748
188 MODEL PAPER 188: LECiURER HtSTORy BS-17 (Mate/Female)
in the Higher Education Department - 2015 8s3
189. MODEL PAPER 189: LECTURER HTSTORY BS-17 (Mate/Femate)
in the Higher Education Department - 2013 857
in the Higher Education Departrnenl - 2015 862
in the Schoot Education Department - 2015 866
in the School Education Department - 2016 870
193. MODEL PAPER 193: LECTURER |SLAM|AT BS1T (Mate/Female) in the
Higher Education Department - 2017 875
194 MODEL PAPER 194: LECTURER |SLAM|AT BS-17 (Mate/Femate)
in the Higher Education Department - 2015 880
195 MODEL PAPER 195: LECTURER ISLAMtAT BS-17 (Male/Femate)
in the Higher Education Department - 2015 885
196 MODEL PAPER 196: LECTURER tSLAMtAT BS-17 (Mate/Femate)
in lhe Higher Education Deparhtent - 2011 891
in the Labour & Human Resource Deparlment 896
198. MODEL PAPER 198: LECTURER UROU (BS-17) - 2017 902
(BS-14) 2019 in the Labour & Human Resource
Department 908
200 MODEL PAPER 200: Written Test for recruitrnent to the post of ESE - Urdu in
Labour & Human Resource Department -2019 912
201 MODEL PAPER 201: Writen Test for recruitment to the post of ESE (GENERAL)
in Labour & Human Resource Deparfitent
(BS 14) 2019 (Afiemoon) 918
202 MODEL PAPER 202: Wrinen Test for recruitment to the post of ESE (GENERAL)
(BS 14) 2019 in Labour & Human Resource
Department (Evening) 923
203 MODEL PAPER 203: EDUCATOR (BPS-16) - 2010 928

MODEL PAPER 162: Jul{lOR CLERK (891 1) S'rvice
(S&GAD) - 2018 744
C,eneral Adminidration Department
(2017) in OY:e-a:^
Pakistanis Commission (s&GAu)
(2019) 776
(BS 11) 2016 780
(BS-7) - 2015 7U
(BS 11) in Lahore High Court - 2018 991
High Court (BS-1 1) - 2017 996
(BS-11) 2019 in the Puntab
Board of Revenue D€Partment
(B$1 1) in the Punlao Revenue
OePattment - 2017


f fl fnen rl comes to one paper test conducted by the Servrce Conrmrssions or any olhet
l, l, that
body, the candidates confused as to what to study They usuatly take it easy thinking
U U it does not requtre much effort but they badly mistaken General knowledge has
wrde range of lopics and the candidates need to be fully aware of the areas which need to be
given greater importance This understanding puts them right on the track and by making best
use of their lime and energy. They can prepare it in the shortest possible timc. For this purpose
they need to have fair idea of the pattern which is usually follov,/ed by the Punjab Public
To start preparation without any idea of lhe pattem is nothing but to grope in the
darkness. The solution of the many previous papers of PPSC has made things much easier for
the candidates. This book will be of valuable assistance t9 them and by going through the book
they will undoubtedly be in a position to qualify any one paper test.
I have done my utmosl to reproduce maximum number of original papers. Howe\6r, I
am shocked as I see other publishers those are producing fake questions papers. ilere,
readers are the best judge
Readers can inform mistakes in the book directly to me

X tmtilzslt hld

xx l
6 Advanced PPSC Model
't4 Kalas Rat Temptes are revered Hrndu temples 26 SCO. Shanghar Cooperatron Organrzatlon
rn Pakrsian ln whrch drslrrct the temples was establlshed m
(A)'1995 (B) 2001
lA) Jhelum (B) Chakwal (c) 1996 (D) 2009
(C) Mranwalr (D) Dera Ghazr Khan 27 Accordrnq to a report publshed by IMF'
Pakistan-has been ranked in the
15 Nawab Malik Amrr Mohammad Khan also
known as Nawab of Kalabagh was governor world among countries facing acule water
of West Pakistan in 1960 He was from: shortaoe.
(A) Bahawalour (B) Mranwalr (A) 2nld (B) 3td
ici Mirpur rhas {D) D I Khan ict lttr (D) slh
'16 Attock Fort was built durrng the reign of which 28. AmnestY lnternalional is an inlernatlonal non-
Muohal? governireitat organizalion for Human Rqhts
lA)'Akbar (Bi Humayun I was founded in.
(C) Shah Jahan 'Dr Aurangzeb (A) 1960 (B) 1961

- 17 Bit ls also called

ici tgez (c) 1e63

{A) Brnarv Un( (B) B'nary Drg 29. A mec+lanical stopwalch can measure a tlme
icjB'nari System (D) Drgrtal System interval up to a mihimum ,- seconds
(At 0 20 s (B) 0.1 s
18 Accordtno lo World Bank what was the
orowth raite ot Pakrstan tn 2018?
ici o.s s (D) o 01 s
iet s.l"z" tB) 5 6'10 30. t|hen in ICC Champions Trophy did Pakistan
ici s r z"z" (o) 51oo/o defeal lndta?
(A) 18 June (B) 22June
19. Which of lhe followng Vitamin contains traces (C) 2+ Lune (D) 26 June
of S€lerium?
(A) Vitamrn A
(B) Vitamin E 31. Which among the following defines the event
ici vnamin o
(D) v amin K of Supemova?
(A) Expanding Black Hole
20. PROM chips are programmed by plugging (B) ExPloding Star
' lhem into: (C) Shinrng Comet
(A) ChiP Kits (O) Movrng Asteroad
(B) ROM bumers
(C) PROM Programmer -- 'Kino
32. of Pop" Michael Jackson was an
(D) PROM Reader AmiAcan sinler songwriter and dancer' He
21. IRSA, lndus River System Aulhority was
- lstauiisneo (A) June 2OOg (B) June2010
Ior regulating and moniloring the
walier sou-rces of lndus Rivers
ici June 2oo8 (o) June 2007
oisrriuution of
in: 33. Who among the following is known as the
tA| 1991 (B) 1992 Poet of Beauty?
tci rggs (D) 1ee4 (A) Wlliam Wordsworlh
(B) John Keats
22. Saqar Ooab is one of lhe five maiol
-- Sindh
J*0" oi 6e eun;au province. it is the tract ot
ic) Rudyard Kipling
(D) P. B. Shelley
land between the following rivers
(A) lndus and Chanab 34. ln mathematics, a solution to an equation that
- emeroes
' (B) Chenab and Jhelum ftom lhe process ol solving the
(C) lndus and Jhelum oroUtEm Uut is not a valid solution to the
ioi Jetrtum ano Ravi broblem is called solution:
(A) Homogeneous
23. Who is lhe cunent Chief ot Air Stalf? (B) Helerogeneous
(A) Sohail Aman (C) Ertraneous
. (B) Tahir Rafiq Butt
(c) Muiahid Anwar
(O) ldentical
(D) Zafar Mahmood 35. The number of elements in power set {1"2 3)
24. lntemational Molher Language is celebrated (A) 5 (B) 6
(A) 21 February (B) 21 March ic) 7 (D) E

iC) Zt lprit (D) 21 MaY 36. How many subsets'does an empty subset
25. Which among the given options is the capilal {A) 0 (B) 1

ot Kazakhstan?
(A) Tashkent (B) Astana ict z (D) 10

iCi oushanue (D) Asshabat 37. When a triangle has two congruent sdes. it is
.zlled triangle.
A) lsoGi6- (-B) Equilateral
AdYanced PPSC MCQS riodel Papers 7
(C) Scalene (D) lso Scale (C) Nepal {D} lndra
38 The _ rs equal to the sum of all the 50 Whrch provrnce among the follow|ng has Uch
. values in the data divrded by the number of Gas Freld,
values rn the data (A) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(Ar Mean (B) Mode (B) Punlab
(C) Medran (q) Geometnc Mean (ci Balochrstan
39. A IS a representatron of a (D) Srndh
frequency distflbution by means o, rectangles 51 How many countrres are there In Asra"
whose wdths represent class intervals and (A) 48 (B) 49
whose areas are proportronal to the (c) 50 (o) 46
corresponding f requenctes
iA) Pictograph (B) Hrstogram
52 A horse runs around a ground twtce and
(C) Pie Chart (D) Bar Chart covers a drsiance of I km one slde of square
ground as:
40. Whrch instrument rs su[able to measure the (A) I km (B) 4 km
internal diameter of a test tub€? (C) 2 km (D) 1 km
(A) Vernier Callipers
(B) Screw Gauge 53. Who among the lollowng rnvented brfocal
(C) Feeler Gauge spectacles and lighlning rod?
(D) Bore Gauge (A) Galileo
(B) Benjamin Franklin
41. Crude Oil is heated in the lumace up to (C) Thomas Edison
(A) 300.c (B) 350"C (D) James Madison
(c) 400.c (D) 450"C 54. Which gas field among the following is the
42. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum is involved in second largesl gas lield in Pakistan which is
the synthesis and storage of being operated by OCGOL?
(A) Polysaccharides (A) Bobi Gasfield
(B) Proteins (B) Chaahar gas field
(C) Lipids (C) Oadirpur Gas tield
(o) DNA. (O) Uch Gas field
43. World Food Program an organrzatron of the 55. Mars, neighbour o, Earth, has naturat
United Nations was created at the behest of satellrtes
(A) U Thant (A) Two (B) Three
(B) Dwighl Eisenhower (C) Four (D) Frve
(C) J. F Kennedy 56. Max Planck won Nobet Pflze in Physics
(D) Kissinger rn

44. Asabiyya, a concept of social solidarity with

1918 for the discover of
(A) Time Constant
emphasis on unity. was given by (B) Energy Quantum
(A) lbn e Khaldun (B) Al Farabi (C) Heat Constant
(C) lbneHazm (D) Jarir At Tabari (D) Wave Constant
45. Muhammad lbn e Zakaria Al-Razi was a 57. Which among the following instruments is
polymath physician. atchemist and used to measure the amount o, ltquid
philosopher from precipitation (rain) over a set penod of time?
(A) lraq (B) Syna (4) lygrometer (B) Rain Gauge
(C) Iran (D) Mbrocco (C) Pedometer (D) Baromete;
46. Al-Oanun li at-tibb is an encyclopaedia of 58 Parsec is a unit used lo measure
medican€ in five books written by (A) frme (B) Speed-
(A) Al Farabr (B) Avrcenna (C) Distance (D) Force
(C) lbn e Hazm (D) Jarir Al Tabari 59. Solar eclipse occurs when:
47. Who among the tollowing drscovered the (A) Earth comel between Sun and moon
sunspots? (B) Moon comet between Sun and Earth
(A) Johannes Keptdr (C) Sun comes betwGen Earlhand Moon
(8) Einstein (D) Sun rays don't reach earth
(c) GatitQo 60. A camera uses convex lens to form an image
(D) Copernicus which is:
4E. Which crty was hit by the earthquake ot 1935? (A) Real. invened. magnified
(A) Muzaffarabad (B) euetta (B) Real. inverted, diminished
(C) Anock (Di peshawar (C) Virtual, lnverted, diminished
(D) Real. Upright. dimrnished
49 ln whrch country does the Balura Glaser Ie?
(A) Pakislan (B) Chrna
61. When NaHCOs rs heated. it pIodrces
(A) CO2 (B) CaCO3
I Acrvancad PPSC NCQS ltodel Paoets
'(c) ca(OHh (D) CaO (B) Ureter
62. Stoma. found in the epidermis of leaves (C) lnfenor Vena Cava
(O) SuP!'aPUbic Tube
water _
closes when guard cells
(A) Gain (B) Lose water 77. Edward Jenner successfully developed
(C) Exchange gas (D) None of these world's first vaccine io
63. lron and steel structures are damaged by: (A) 1.796 (B) 1696
(A) Carbon Monoxide . (c) 1896 (D) 1596
(B) Sulphur dioxide 78. The pancreatic ,uice which aids digestion is
(C) Carbon droxide secreted into?
(D) Methane. (A) LiYer (B) Duodenum
64. lnflammation of liver is caused by (C) Stomach (D) lleum
(A) Cholera (B) Hepatitis 79. Who among the following transmitted first
(C) Typhoid (D) Jaundice radio signal through air?
65. Paris Climate Agreement was adopted in: (A) Faraday (B) Marconi
(A) 2014 (B) 2015 (C) Eell
Graham (D) Tesla
(c) 2016 (O) 2017 80. High-tech exports of Pakistan stand at
66. The Uniled Nations Conference on (A) 0.7% (B) 0.8olo
(C) 0.9% (O) None ot above
Environmenl and Oevelopment (UNCED) also
known as RIO Summit was held in 81. Who among the rollowing Prime Ministers ol
(A) 1990 (B) 1991 Pakistan qecured Gwadar trom Oman?
(c) 1992 (D) 1993 (A) Feroz Khan Noon
(B) l.l. Chundriger
67. What is th€ speed of sound in air
(C) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(A) 1347 kmih (B) 123s krn/h (D) M. Ali Bogra
(C) 1290 kn'/h (O) 1495 km/h
68. Enzymes are basically made upof: 82. Mlli are small linger like struclures in the
(A) Fats (B) Nucleic Acids (A) Large intestine (B) Smallintestine
(C) Vitamins (D) Proteins (C) Stomacn (D) Esophagus
E3. Yeast is essential in making of bread because
69. What is the life span of red blood cells? it produces
' (A) 110days (B) 140days (A) Carbon dioxide (B) Bacteria
(C) 120 days (D) 170days (C) Oxygen (D) Sugar
70. What is the percentage of water present in our
E4. Karlarpur conidor links wtlich Gurdwara to
' (A) 75olo (B) Eso/o India:
(A) Pania Sahib(B) Darbar Sahib
(c) 9s% (D) 73016 (C) Sacha Sauda(D) Rohn Sahrb
71. ln order to make Nitrogen available to primary 85. Pakistan being Alma Ala signatory in 1978
producers like plants, in ecosyslem it is
launched. The National Program for Family
converted into: Plannrng and Pnmary health in:
(A) NitEtes (B) Nitrites (A) 1994 (B) 1968
(C) Ammonia (D) Nitric Acid (c) 1973 (D) 1985
72. Parthenocarpy is the produclion of fruil which 86. After fertilization, a fruit develops trom which
makes the fruit part of lhe Plant?
(A) Fullofseeds (B) Seedless (A) OvuleWall (B) Anther
(C) Bitter (D) Waterless (C) Ovarv (D) Sepals
73. The World Day to Combal Desertification and 87. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of
Drought is a United Nations is observed on
(A) 17 June (B) 17July Mtamin D:
(C) 17 August (D) 17May (A) Scurvy
(B) Rickets
74. A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to (C) Night Blindness
data? ' (D) All of these
(A) 650 mb (B) 680 mb
88. The largest famine hit Ethiopia in:
(C) 720 mb (D) 820 mb (A) 1980 (B) 1983
75. Denque is caused by which type of mosquito: (c) 1990 (D) 1993
(A) Culex (B) Marsh
(C) Aedes (D) Mayaro 89. The medians of a triangle cut each other in
the ratio:
76. Which tube among tfe tollowing Joins kidneys (A) 4:1 (B) 3:1
and bladder? lC\ 2:'t (D) 1:1
(A) Urethra
A PPSC Model I
90. Who among the folowing was the longest 95. Pepsinogen is converled into stomach in
servrng chairman of senate? (A) HCI (B) castrin
(A) Mian Muhammad Soomro (C) Bicarbonate (D) pepsin
(B) Wasim Saijad
(C) G.l Khan 96. Literacy rate in Christian world is 1OO%
(O) Habibullah Marwat compared to that literacy rate in Muslim world
91. Which among the following is responsible for (A) 50 % (B) 40 %
the clotting of the blood? (C) 60% (D) None ofthese
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) Platelets 97. Pakislan's population is what per cent of the
(C) Basophils world's population?
(O) White blood ce s lAl o/o
2.4 (Bt 2 6s %
92. Masticatron is called the process of:
(c\ 2.8ok @) 2.7 o/o
(A) Oigesting (B) Gnnding 98. Circumference of earth is around
(C) Chewing (D) Swa oiing (A) 20000 km (B) 30000 km
(C) 40075 km (D) 50000 km
93. At which temperature does bacleria die?
(A) 102 F (B) 106 F 99. lndian Railway started operation:
(c) 110 F (D) 120 F
(A) 1813 (B).1847
94. What is the colour of Oxyhaemogtobin?
(c) 18s3 (o) 1863
'loo.What is the title of Hazrat tbrahim (A.S)?
(A) Red (6) eriqhi Reo
(B) Dart Red (D) paie ye ow (A) Khalil Ullah (B) Katim Ultah'
(C) Saif Ullah (O) Jad-ut-Anbia
An swe f Key
1. b 14 b 27 b 40 e 53 66 c 79. b 92 c
2. a 15 b 28 b 4'l c 54 c 67 b 80.
3. 93 a
b 16 a 29 b 42 a 68 d
8'1. a 94 b
b b 30 e 43 b 56 b 69 c 82. b 95 d
5. b 18 b JI b 44 a 57 b 70 d oJ- b 96 d
6. b 19
7. a 20
a 45 c 58 71 c u. b 97 d
b 46 b 59 b 72. b 85. a 98. c
8. b 21 b 34 c 47 60. b a 86. c 99. c
9. b 22 c 35 d 48 b 61. a 74. b 87. b 100 a
10 b 23. c Jb, b 49 a 62. b 75. c 88. b
1'.| a 24. a 37. a 50 bJ b 76. 89. c
12 b 25. b 38. a a 64 b
77. a 90. b
c 26. c 39. b 52 d 65 b 7E. b 9't . b



Ministerial Quota ( 2019)
1 The capital of Chechnya is: (C) 22nd march
(A) Helsinki (B) Suva (D) 24th Ocrober
(C) Paris iO) Orozny 3. Who was the 2nd PM of Pakistan?
2 Wodd polio Day celebrated on: (A) Quaid-s.Aza m
(A) 22nd September (B) Khawaja Nanm Uddin
(B) 3rd Oecember (C) Malik chulam Muhammad
(D) lskandar Mirz
10 AdvancedPPSC NCQS Modet Papers
4. Antarctica is located in: (C) Bahawalpur (D) Farsalabad
(A) North pole (B) South pole 22. Laughing Gas is called?
(C) Both a and b (D) None of these (A) Carbon dioxide (B) Nitrous oxide
5. Total length of Durand line is: (C) Oxygen (D) Hydrogen
(Al 2422km lB\ 2421 km 23. The area between Ravi and Beas is called
(C) 2423 km (D) 2430 km (A) Sindh Sagar Doab
6. What is the capital of Jamaica? (B) Bari Doab
(c1 Ractrna Doab I
(A) Kingslon (B) Brussels
(C) Portugal (O) None of these (O) None of these
7. How many pro,ects under one belt one road 24. Which is the shortest of the Solar System?
arc? (A) Venice (B) Neptune
' .(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) Mercury (D) Earth
(c) 5 (D) 6 25. Which planet it the fastest from the sun?
E. In which year Musharraf became President. (A) Venice (B) Neptune
(A) 1999 (B) 2000 (C) Mercury (O) Earth
(c) 2001 (D) 1998 26. Which planet is visible from Earth?
9. The highest Walerfall is (A) Venus (B) Neptune
(A) Angel (B) Vicloria (C) Mercury (D) Earth
(C) lguazu falls (D) None ofthese 27 Panama country links.
10. Bhutto was the _ PM ot Pakistan (A) China and Japan
(A) 6rh
(B) 8rh (B) Russia and America
(c) (D) 10rh (C) Norlh and South America
(O) None of these
11 . Which is the largest Country by area?
(A) China (B) Russia 28. When did the Kargil war fought?
(C) USA (O) Canada' (A) 1997 (B) 1998
12. Which is the largest country by population?
(c) 1999 (D) 2000
(A) China (B) USA 29. After passing light through pnsm, light
(C) Russra (D) Canada .disperses in:
'13. ln which year Pakistan lefr common wealth?
(A) 5 Colors (B) 6 Colors
(C) 7 Colors (D) 8 Colors
(A) January,'1971 (B) January, 1972
(C) January,'1973 (O) January, 1974 30. when did Pakistan left cENTo?
'14. When did Zia died during plane crash?
(A) 1975 (B) 1976
(A) 1965 (B) 1986 (c) 1977 (o) 1979
(c) 19E7 (D) 1988 3'l How many Paris of ribs in human body?
15. Orugs are exerted through:
(A) I (B) 10
(A) Liver (B) Kidney
(c) 11 (D) 12
(C) Stordach (D) None of these 32 How many articles in lman?
16. He delights playing with children
(A) 7 (B) 10
(A) in B) to
(c) 11 (o) 12
(C) with (D) None of thes€ 33. When did Hazrat Ali (RA) became Caliph?
'17. Antonym of Enlice is:
(A) 30 AH (B) 31 AH
(A) Oraw (B) Repulse (c) 35 AH (D) 37 AH
(C) lure (D) None of lhese 34 Which country has the most volcanic activity
in the world?
18. Antonym of perilous is: (A) China (B) Japan
(A) Attracl (B) lure (C) Mataysia (D) lndonesia
(C) Draw (D) Safe
'19. Which is the biggest desert of the world? 35. To which country lmran Khan took his first
official visit?
(A) Thar (B) Thal (A) SaudiArab (B) China
(C) Sahara (D) Gobi (C) lndonesia (D) None of these
20. Which one is the biggest ocean of the world?
36. Distance from south to north pole is called?
(A) Artic (B) Pacific
(A) Latitude (B) Longitude
(C) Atlantic (D) lndian (C) Both a and b (D) None oflhese
21. Which is the largest district of Punjab?
37. ln which Language the Lok story Sussi Punnu
(A) Lahore (B) Multan has.been described?
A PPSC Model Paoers 11
(A) Punjabi (B) Sindhi (D) lskandar Mirza
(C) Balochi (D) None of these
38. What is the time difference between one
50 A:B:C:D is 5;2.4:
Ratio of 3. C gets
2000 more than B, how much B oet?
degree of longitude? (A) 1500 tB) 3OOO-
(A) 2 minutes (B) 11 minutes (c) 2500 (D) 2000
(C) 4 minutes (D) g minutes
51 Which Peak is not in Karakoram range?
39. Who the first lady fighter pitot of pakistan?
rs (A) Rakapshi (B) Tirch Mir-
(A) chazala Suteman (C) Masherbrum (D) Haramosh peak
(B) Maliha Sami
(C) Shukerya Khanam Whrch continent is 2nd in sile than Australia?
(D) Ayesha Farooq (A) Africa (B) Antarctica
(C) Europe (D) North America
40. By which amendment Article 56-28 removed
from conslitution? Which continent has no dese(?
(A) 10th (B) 8rh
(A) Antarctica (B) Europe
(c) 7th (C) Afnca (O) North America
ioi r eth
41. Whosesahabi went to Medina before Hiiarat? CNG stands for
(A) Hazrat Masab bin Umair (A) Converted Natural Gas
(B) Hazrat Abu Huraira (B) Conducted Natural Gas
(C) Hazrat Abdullah bin Jabblr (C) Conducted Natural Gas
(D) Hazrat Saad bin abi Waqas (D) Compressed Natural Gas
42. Who is the currenl chairman of lstamic 55 Numb€r of Urdu Atphabets are
ideological Councit of pakistan is (A) 34 (B) 35
(A) Ahmed Rayaz (B) eibta Ayaz (c) 36 (o) 37
(C) Haseeb Umer (D) None oithese 56 Painting Mona Lisa is associated with:
43. Who had been used the tit e Ameer-ul- (A) MEhaelAngelo
Mommeen First tt? (B) Leonardo Da Vinci
A) Hazrat U mar (RA) (C) Benjamin Franklin
B) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) (D) None
C) Hazrat Usman (RA) 57 Sultan Ahmed Mosque of lstanbul is called:
D) Hazrat Ari (RA) (A) Sultan Mosque (B) tstanbut Mosque
44. When did crown prince Muhammad (C) Delhi Mosque (D) Btue Mosque
Salman visited Pakisian'? 58 ln which field Or Abdut Salam won Nobet
(A) June,201B Ptize?
(B) Oclober.2018 (A) Chemistry (B) Biotogy
(C) February.2018 (c) computer (D) physics
(O) None ofthes€
59 Precious gemstone "Emerald' is found in:
45. Synonym of Wheedle? (A) Swat (B) Gitoit
(A) Abnormat (B) Abstruse (c) Murree
(C) Deceive (D) None of these iDi ezio xastrmir
60 Which gas is responsible for gtobat warmrng?
46. in rvhich hijri Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (A) Oxyqen
performed har? (B) Carbon Mono-oxide
(A) 1st Hr.tri (B) gth HUri (C) Carbon Dioxide
(C) 10th Hrlri (O) etn nfri (O) Hydrogen
47. Ti€ average of blood in human body is: 6'r The largest airport of Pakistan rs:
(A) 7 Liters (B) I Lrters (A) Lahore Allama lqbal intemationat
(C) 5liters (D) 6 Liters (B) Benazrr international Atrport lslamabad
46. Red Sea is located between (C) Karachi arrport
(A) Africa and North America (D) None of above
(B) Africa and Asia 62 Hand of Theft implemenied on woman named
(B) Asia and Europe 2
(O) None of these (A) Amara (B) Maryam
49. Whose Govemor General of pakistan has (C) Zainab (D) Fatima
sho(est tenure? 63. What was the real name of Hazrat Abu
(A) Ouaid-e-Azam Huraira RA?
(B) Khawala Nazim-u{in (A) Abdul Rehman lbne Sakhar
(C) G. Muhammad (B) Abdul Rehman lbne Talib
(C) Abdul Rehman lbne Tatib
12 Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Model Paperc
(D) None of these (A) Physical change
6,4. For how many time the name "Ahmea' is
(B) Chemical change
Mentioned in the Holy Quran?
(C) both a and b
(A) 11 (B) 17
(D) None of these
(c) 01 (D) 13 79. "Ricket" is a disease due to the deficiency of:
65. The populous city ot the world is: (A) Vitamin B (B) Vitamin K
(A) France (B) lndonesia (C) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin O
(C) Shanghai (O) None ort these 80. The meaning of'subway' is:
66, lce floats because: (A) Underground path
(A) Density of water is less than lce (B) Down path
(B) Density ot water is greater than ice (C) Both a and b
(C) Both (a + b) situation may be (O) None of above
(D) None of these 81. How many years Jahangir Khan remained
67. The longest mountain range is: (A) 3 years (B) 7 years
(A) Andes
(B) Karakoram range (C) I years (D) syears
(C) Himalaya range 82. Which country ranked 1st for "Besl qualaty of
(D) None of above life" ranking of BAV group-2o19
(A) China (8) France
68. How many masarif ol Zakat mentioned in the (C) Canada (D) Europ€
Holy Quran?
(A) 7 (B) 8 83. Which book revealed on Hazrat Isa as:
(c) 9 (o) 10 (A) Taura at (B) Zaboor
(C) Injeel (D) None of above
69 When did Pakistan won 1st hockey world
cup? 84. What is the total area of Pakistan?
(A) 1964 (B) 1971 (A) 860,912 Sq Km
lcl 1972 (O) 1975 (B) 790,98 Sq Km
(C) 7,96 96 Sq Km
70. Which country tirst of all recognized Pakistan? (D) 88'r,9'r 3 Sq Km
(A) lran (B) China
(C) Afghanistan (D) None ofthese 85. Per capita of Pakistan is:
(A) 5768 Rs (B) 5869 Rs
7'1. ln which region New Zealand is situated? (C) 5667 Rs (D) 5882 Rs
(A) Asia (B) Oceania
(C) Middle east (D) None of above 86. ln which direclion of Pakistan Russia lies?
(A) North-South (B) South-East
72. Which is the known as the 8th mntinenl? (C) North-East (D) None of above
(A) Eastem Europe (B) Oceania
(C) CentralAmerisa (D) None of these 87. Which is the largest river among Ravi,
Chenab and Sutlei?
73. Which day is shortest in Northern (A) Ravr (B) Chenab
(A) 22nd march
(c) sutlej (D) None of these
(B) 22nd September 88. How many aircrafts by MM Alam downed in
(C) 22nd Oecember one go,
(O) 22nd October (A) 5 (B) 6
(c) 4 (D) 3
74. How many surahs starl with Bismillah in the
Holy Quran? 89. Last advice of Holy Prophet was about
(A) 111 (B) 113 (A) Salat (B) Rights
(c) 114 (D) 11s (C) Men (D) Women
75. Light year is the unit of: 90. Synonym of Bristle is
(A) Coulomb (B) Ampere (A) Aliay (B) Pacify
(C) Pascal (O) None of these (C) Rise (O) None of these
76. What is the unit of pressure? 9'1. Antonym of Gambol is:
(A) Length . (B) Coulomb (A) Rise (B) Oown
(C) Ampere (D) Pascal (C) Jump (D) hit
77. Which is the largest industry of Pakistan? 92. lt is wise adhere the rules of your
(A) Leather (B) Textile ' parents.
(C) Garments (O) None of these (A) ln (B) on
7E. Boiling of eggs is a:
(C) to (D) with
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 'l.3
93. Creativaty allows language (A) Dr Paul Muller
accommodate new meanings:nd messages" (B) Charles Oarwin
(A) ln (B) on (C) Edward Jenner
(C) to (D) with (D) Or Bernard Christian
94. ln a 60-liter mixture, ratio of milk and water as 98. lndustrial revolution started with the invention
2:1. How much water must be furlher added to ol:
make il1:2?. (A) Wheel (B) Steam engine
(A) 60 liters (B) 50 liters (C) Spinning Jenny (O) Plato
(C) 40 liters (D) None o, these
99, The Greek epics 'llid" and "Odyssey'were
95. \rvhich waterfall is between America and written by
Canada? (A) Homer (B) Euclid
(A) Victoria (B) Nragara (C) Anstotle (D) Plato
(C) Angel (D) Yosemite '100.Which river is most often mentioned in the
96. Which is the deepest ocean ofthe world? Bible?
(A) Arctic (B) lndian (A) Colorado (B) Jordan
(C) Atlantic (D) Pacific (C) Darling (O) Ganges
97. Who presented the "Theory of Evolution"?
Answer Key
1. d 't4 d 27 c 40. b 53 b 66 b 79 d c
2. d 15 b 28 41. a 54 d a 80 93 c
3. b 16 a 29 c 42. b 55 d 68 b 8'r d 94 a
4. b 17 b 30 d a 56 b 69 b 82 d 95 b
5. d '18 d 31 d M. d 57 d 70 a 83 c 96. d
19 c
32 a 45. 58 d b u. 97. b
20 33 c 46. 59 a 72 d 85 98. b
8. 21 34 d 47. bU c 73 c 86. c 99. a
9. a 22 b 35 a 48. b 61 b 74 b 87. 100 b
't0 c )1 b 36 b 49. d 62 d 75 d 88. a
'11 b 24 c 37 b 50 63 a d 89. a
't2 a 25 38 c 51. b 64 c 77 b 90. c
13 b 26 a 39 d at. c 65 c 78. b 91_ b



Held n Janua 2 2018
'1. Who was the inventor of Mouse?

(A) Douglas Englebart (A) Adolf Hitler

(B) Ada Lovelace (B) Napoleon Bonapane
(C) Charles Babbage (C) Rommel
(D) None of these (D) Hindenburg
2. Name the person, who was exiled to Saint 3. CT scan stand for which of the following?
Helena atter renowned battle of "Waterloo' in (A) Computed Tomography
(B) Computer Topography
11 Advancd PPSC MCQ9 Modd PaoerE
(C) Computed Topography (B) Strait of Hormuz
(D) Computer Tomography (C) Dover Strait
(O) Davis Strait
4. Normandy is in?
(A) ltaly (B) England 19 Shortest day in Australia will be on?
(C) Austria (O) France (A) 25 December (B) 22 December
5. Sir Laurence Olivier was an?
(C) 1sJune (D) 21 June
(A) Engineer (B) Actor 20 Mention the nickname of atomic bomb that
(C) Comedran (D) Politician was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945?
6. 'Kofi Annan'a former Secretary General of (A) Little Boy (B) Daisy cutter
U.N.O belonged to:
(C) Big Giant (D) Sharp boy
(A) Tanzania (B) Kenya 21 The Treaty of Sevres was signed in?
(C) Ghana (D) Chad (A) 1921 (B) 1924
7. Capital of the Ghana is:
(c) 1920 (O) 191e
(A) Harare (B) Accra 22 Mustafa Kamal Pasha abolished the Khilafat
(C) Kinshasa (D) Banjul in?
8. The country of Ghana was formerly known by
(A) 1921 (B) 1924
what name?
(c) 1926 (O) 1920
(A) Grain Coast (B) Gold Coast 23 "We the people of United Nations" are the
(C) lvory Coast (D) Slave Coast opening word of which of the historical
9. Congo is the new name of: (A) Human Right Charter
(A) Madagascar (B) Petrograd (B) US charter
(C) Zaire (O) Cape Canaveral (C) UN Charter
'10. Black Pool is? (D) UNHCR Charter
(A) Mountain (B) Town 24. Koh-€-Judi is located in?
(C) Airport (D) Strait (A) lndia (B) Turkey
'11. Rakh Ghulaman Livestock farm is in? (C) Sri Lanka (D) lraq
(A) Okara (B) Sahiwal 25. Koh-eToor is in?
(C) Bhakkar (D) Mianwali (A) Sinai (B) Syria
'12. Whrch is the biggest fresh water lake in the (C) lraq (D) Egypt
world? 26. The name of Ceylon changed into Sri Lanka
(A) ChilkaLake (B) Caspian Lake in?
(C) Dal Lake (D) Lake Superior (A) 1965 (B) 1972

13. Which is the deepest lake in the world?

(c) 1s76 (D) 1974
(A) Titicaca (8) Victoria 27. One yard is equal to how many meter?
(C) Baikal (D) Superior (A) 0.989 m (B) 0.914 m
(C) 1.125 m (D) 1.150 m
14. Ural Mountain is in?
(A) England (B) Turkey 28. 1 BTU is equal to how many joules?
(C) Greece (D) Russia (A) 1055 (B) 1075
15. Which country is the 2nd largest oil producer
(c) 1050 (D) 1155
in the wodd? 29 One Gram of gold is equal to how many
(A) Russia (B) USA Milligrams ot gold?
(A) 100 mg (B) 500 mg
(C) Kuwait (D) Saudi Aiabia
(C) 1000 mg (D) 10,000 mg
16. Bering Strait separated Russia from?
(A) China (B) USA 30 Adam's Peak is located in?
(A) Nepal (B) lran
(C) Japan (D) Canada
(C) SriLanka (D) India
17. Opium War was fought between China and?
(A) French (B) Portuguese 31 One lnch is equal to?
(C) lndian (D) British (A) 2.5 c1n (B) 2 cm
18. lntemational dateline passes through?
(C) 2.54 cm (D) 3.00 cm
(A) Bering Strait 32 lf 5X-15=50 then find the value of X?
{A) 15 (B) 17
Advancad PPSC nCOs l odel Papets 15
(c) 13 (o) 11 47. Which is used as moderator in atomic
JJ Oldest inhabited city in the world is? reactor?
(A) Harappa (B) Mohenjodarro (A) Water (B) Uranium
(C) Damascus (D) Taxila (C) Platinum (D) Heavy Water

34 The Cultural Center of Gandhara Civilization 48. Guava is a rich source of:
was situated at present day in: (A) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin D
(A) Afghanistan (B) Pakisran (C) Vitamin A (D) Calcium
(C) China (D) lraq 49. "Conversations with Myselr' was written by?
35 Oldest monarchy is: (A) Barak Obama (B) Nelson Mandela
(A) SaudiArab (B) UAE (C) Tony Blair (D) None ofthese
(C) Japan (D) Kuwait 50. Diameter of Jupiter is_ times of earth's
36 Father of Homeopathy is? diameter?
(A) Samuel Hahnemann (A) 13 (B) 11
(B) Hahnemann (c) s (D) 10
(C) Sigmund 51 . Which is the hottest planet in the Salar
(D) Robert Oover System?
The book 'Wealth of Nations' was written by. Jupiter
(A) (B) Mercury
(A) John Marshal (B) Kart Man Uranus
(C) (O) Venus
(C) Max Muller (D) None of these 52. Plato was _ of Aristotle.
38 Communist Manifesto was originally published (A) Student . (B) Son
in which language? (C) Son-in-law (D) Teacher
(A) Greek (B) Russian
(C) French 53. Quaid-e-Azam jorned Mushm League in
(D) German
(A) 1913 (B) 1914
39 The famous incident of Boston Tea Party took (c) 1911 (D) 1916
place in?
(A).1770 (B) 1765 54. The Jallianwala massacre took place in:
(c) 1773 (D) 1776 (A) April 1919 (B) Decemb€r't919
(C) Apnl 1921 (D) April 1920
40 Ahmad Khan Kharal the famous character of
War of independence belongs to? 55. 'Jallianwala Bagh'is located in:
(A) Gogera (B) Satiana (A) Lahore (B) Dethr
(C) Jhamra (D) Cheecha Watni (C) Lucknow (D) Arnritsar
41 Faiz Ahmad Faiz was imprisoned for his 56. First Noble.Prize rn physics was awarded to?
(A) Priestly
alleged involvement in _ conspiracy
(B) Roentgen
(A) Agartala (B) Lahore
(C) Attock (D) Rawatpindi (C) Madame Curie
(D) Alexander Flemang
42 "Pride and Prejudrce' was wntten by
(A) Jane Austen (B) Thomas Hardy 57. Which among the followng is ancient wonder
(C) Agatha Christi (D) ceorge Orwefl of world?
(A) Eiffel Tower
43 Cholera is caused by? (B) Taj Mahal
(A) Cocci (B) Varus (C) Lighthouse of Atexandria
(C) Bacteria (O) None of these (D) None of these
44 Which of the following disease is not caused 58. 200 candidates applied for exams, from which
by virus? 180 candidates appeared in exam and 70'per
(A) . Small pox (B) Potio cent passed, how many failed?
(c) Typhoid (D) Mumps (A) s7 (B) 52
45 Which among the following is Starch digesting (c) 54 (o) ss
(A) Protease (B) Lipase
(C) Amylase (O) None of these ' Conversotion With Mysef is a collection of Nelson
46 Another name for Vitamin C is: Mandela's speeches, letters, conversataon and some of
(A) Ascorbic Acid (B) Acetic Acid his publications. lt a continuation of hisforme. bobk
(C) Citric Acid (D) Lysozyme Long Walk to Freedom.
16 Advanced PPSC tloQs tlo.tet pa,/ers
59. lf X=28 and Y=51, then (X+Y)+(X-Y)=? (C) Kachin (D) None of these
(A) 53 (B) 56
72. Khad' is the intelligence agency of:
(c) 5e (D) 61
(A) lraq (B) Afghanistan
60. Who was the inventor of prinling press? (C) Egypt (D) Russia
(A) Johannes Gutenberg
(B) Louis Pasteur 73. The National Bird of Pakistan is:
(C) Oliver Cromwell (A) Chukor (B) Pigeon
(D) St. Augustine (C) Eagle (O) Panot
74. Aab-+.Hayat was tvritten by:
61. Euro is the cuffency ot (A) Muhmmad Hussain Azad
(A) Norway (B) Denmark
(C) ltaly (B) Nazir Ahmad
(D) Sweden (C) Allama lqbal
62. lf A completes a iob in 20 min and B in 30 (D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
mins. if they do the same job together how
much time will lhey take?
75. Silicon Valley is located in;
(A) New York (B) Florida
(A) 1s (B) 20 (C) Mexico (O) Califomra
(c) 25 (O) 12
63. Which 76. The only Hindu State' in lhe World is:
of the following districts of Balochistan
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Nepal
contains huge deposits of Copper:
(C) Bhutan (O) lndia
(A) Loralai (B) Sibbi
(C) Khuzdar (O) Chaghi 77. The Nobel Prize for Economics was
introduced in
64. Kachura Lake is situated in:
(A) Gilgit (B) Kaghan Valley
(A) 1969 (B) 1986
(C) Baltistan (D) None of these
(c) 1990 (D) 1987
78. Malabar is the old name of?
65. Patella is present in? (A) Chennai (B) Madras
(A) Skull (B) Thorax (C) Munibai (O) Calcutta
(C) Kne€ (D) Elbow
79. lf the mood of a person swings ftom normal to
66. Working boundary is a boundary between extreme behavior is due to?
(A) lndian Held Kashmir and Azad Kashmir (A) Autism (B) Schizophrenia
(B) lndia and Pakistan (C) Bipolar Oisorder (O) Epilepsy
(C) lndian Held Kashmir and Pakistan
(D) Azad Kashmir and Pakistan 80. Novel "War and Peace' was written by:
(A) Leo Tolstoy (B) Tito
67. What does RAM in a computer stand for? (C) Shelly (D) Shakespeare
(A) Read and Memorize
(B) Random Access Memory 81. Most powertul hurricane to hit the Caribbean
(C) Random Access Module in September 2017 was?
(D) Random Access Modern (A) Maria (B) Katrina
68. URL is an abbreviation of:
(C) lrma (D) None of these
(A) Uniform Room Locator E2. Neutron was discovered by:
(B) Universal Resource Locator (A) Newlon (B) Priestly
(C) Universal Room Locator (C) James Chadwick (D) B. Franklin
(O) Uniform Resourc€ Locator 83. During the process of photosynthesis, plants
69. Wife of Bill Gates is the CEO of Gates releases the
Foundation, what is name of her wife? (A) Carbon (B) Orygen
(A) lvana (B) Melinda (C) Nitrogen (O) Ammonia
(C) Milana (D) None of lhese 84. Huijatullah-il-Baligha was wriften by?
70. The lengthbt Siachen Glacier is _ (A) Shah lsmail
mile. (B) Haji Sharial Ullah
(A) 56 (B) 49 (C) Syed Ahmad Shaheed
Q) 47 (O) None of rhese
71. folseqution of Rohingiya Muslims as in which
stte bf? :Nepal was ooce the worlds only Hindu state, but has
(A) Kaylin (B) Rakhine ceased to be so following a declaration by the
Padiament in 2006.
Adv, PPSC Model PaoeB 17
(D) Shah Wali Ullah 93. Sharm-el-Sheikh is the name of?
85. An example of a heredrty disease is: (A) Airporl of lran (B) Egyptian Seaport
(A) Polio (B) Hemophitia (C) A Mountain (D) None of these
(C) Cholera (D) Typhoid 94. LNG stand foA
E6. Shape of the Mrtky Way Galaxy is: (A) Liquefied Naturat Gas
(A) Rectangular (B) Spirat (B) Liquid Natural Gas
(C) Ellipticat (D) Circutar (C) Liquid Neutral cas
(D) None of these
87. There were 69 members in first constituent
assembly; this number was increased to 95. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the
in order to give representation to United States by the peopte of:
princely states and refuges. (A) Britain (B) Germany
(A) 75 (B) 79 (C) Canada (O) France
(c) 81 (D) S5 96. Habsha is the old name of?
88. What is height of K.2? (A) Ethiopia (B) Uganda
(A) 661'l Meters (B) 8611 Meters (C) Kenya (D) Tanzania
(C) 7611Meters (D) 9611 Meters 97. Break bone fever is communicated by a
89. Before the partition of lndia in i947, how mosquito: it is another name of:
many princely states existed? (A) Oengue (B) Mataria
(A) 49 (B) 54 (C) Epilepsy (D) Afl ot these
(C) 562 (D) None of rhese 98. Kalas Raj Tempte is in?
90. Name the biggest barrage of pakistan? (A) Jhelum (B) Chakwat
(A) Sukhar Banage (C) Lahore (D) Attock
(B) Taunsa Barrage
(C) Guddu Banage 99. Amnesia is related lo:
(O) Ghutam Muhammad Barrage (A) Sleeping sickness
(B) Loss of sight
91. lf you have "Caries" then which doc{or should (C) Loss of hearing
be consulted? (D) Loss of memory
(A) Dermatologist (B) Orthopaedist
100. The British Government announced the
(C) Oentist (D) Neurotogist annulment of Parlition of Benoal in
92. The average weight of human heart is? (A) 1910 (B) 19i1
(A) 250 gm (B) 300 sm (c) 1912 (o) 1926
(C) 350 sm (D) 4OO sm

A nswer Key
1. a 14. d b 40. c 53 a oo.
2. c 79 c 92.
b 15. a 28 a 41. d 54 a 67.
3. b 80 a 93. b
a 16. b 29 c 42. a 55 d 68. d 81 94. a
1. d 17. d 30 c 43. c 56 b 69. b c 95. d
b 18. a 31 c 44. c c 70.
lo c 83 b 96. a
6. d '32 c 45. c 58 c b 84 d 97.
7. b 20. a a
33 c 46. a 59. b 72. b 85 b 98. b
8. b 21. c u. b 47. d 60. a 73. a 86 b 99. d
9. 22. b 35. c 48. e 61. c 74. a 87 b 100. b
10 b 23. c 36. a 49. b 62. d 75. d
c 88 b
11 24. b 37. d 50. b 63. d 76. b
12 89 c
d 25. a 38. d 51. d 64. c 77. a
13 90 a
c 26. b 39. c 52. d 65. c 78. b 91
20 Adranced PPSC MCQS Model Paoa,s
(C) Basic canal (C) Astigmatism (D) Autism
(O) Back canal
61. Which of the following is the most common
48. Where is the bile stored and intermittently form of colour blindness, usually found in
released into the small intestine lo aid males?
digestion? (A) Difficulty in distinguishing red from green
(A) Kidney (B) Lrver (B) Dimculty in distinguishing red from blue
(C) Gall Bladder (D) Pancreas (C) Difficulty in distinguishing red from orange
49. Blood circulales in which parts of the body? (O) Difficulty in distinguishing blue from black
(A) Veins (B) Arleries 62. Disease which travels itself from place to
(C) Capillaries (D) All of these place is called:
50. Which blood group is a Universal Donor? (A) Endemic (B) Eprdemrc
(A) Group A (C) lnfection (O) Airborne
(B) Group B 63. What is H5N1?
(C) Group AB (A) Fungi (B) Vacone
(D) Group O negative (C) Vrrus (D) Bacteria
51. Which part of the brain contains centers for 64. Objecls having the same size, shape and
the control of respiration, hearl-beat and blood measurement are:
pressure? (A) Similar (B) Congruent
(A) Medulla oblongata (C) Symmetrical (D) Variant
(B) Medulla 65. A line passing through a circle away from its
(C) Cerebellum centre is called:
(D) Cerebrum (A) Radius (B) Diameter
52. The strudure in a cell which contains lhe (C) Segment (D) Chord
genes is c€lled:
66. The sum of the angles in a triangle is:
(A) Genetics (B) Saliva (A) 360. (B) 180'
(C) Manow (D) Chromosome
(c) 280" (o) e0.
53. Who coined the term gene?
(A) John Dalton
67. Accordi4g to the Pythagoras Theorem (When
(B) Dalton Gene
the hylotefuse- is C):
(A| a'- b" = c' (B ) a2+b2+c2=O
Wilhelm Johannes
(D) Andrew Fleming tCi a2+b2=c (D \ a2 +b2=c2

54. Vitamin A is essentialfor: 68. Two polygons are similar if:

(A)Skeletal growth
(A) Allconesponding sides are proporlional
(B)Preventirig night blindness
(B) All conesponding angles are equal
(C)Healthy epithelia tissue
(C) Both A and B
(D)All of these
(D) None of these
55. Which vitamin prevents haemonhaging? 69. The area of a trapezium is:
(A) B1 (B) 812 1
(A) ix base , height
(c) E (D) K
56. How much blood does a normal adult person (B) Z^basearea' height
have in the body?
(A) About 6 to 7 litres (C) r sum of parallel sides \ height
(B) About 2 to 3litres Z
(C) About 4 to 5litres (D) 7-
sum of parallel sides
(D) About 3 to 4 litres '
57. Hydrochloric acid is necessary ior easy 70. The volume of a sphere is:
digestion ot:
(B) Carbohydrates
(D) Proteins
(C) nr3
+,rt (B) t-nt
(D) 2nr
58. Which vitamin is Fovided by sunlight of the 71. Mid-term breaking is applied to:
human body? (A) Quadraticequations
(A) Vitamin D (B) Vitamin C (B) Linear equations
(C) Vitamin E (D) Vitamin A (C) Perfecl squares
59. When was HIV identified? (D) Polynomial tunctions
(A) 1987 (B) 1985 72. Whal is the next term for the sequence
(p) 1983 (D) 1980 486,162,54,18,6....
60. Which disease causes ditficulty in breathing? (A) 3 lBl 2
(A) Asthma (B) Anemia (c) 1 (D) 4
Actyanced PPSC tt6Qs Nodfrt paoers 21
73. What is 0 004 , 0 5? 87. Judicial Body of UN is ca ed:
(A) 0.2
(c) 0.002
(B) 0.02 (A) lnternational Court of Justce
(D) 0 ooo2 (8) General Assembly-
74 ln the equalion of a straight trne, what does (C) Secunly Councrl
the letter 'C' represents? (D) International Cflminat Court
(A) Gradrent (B) x tntercepl 88. COP 22, the 22nd Conference of the parties of
(C) y lntercept (O) y Coordinate the UN Framework Convention on Climate
75. When 73 is added to 09 and the amount is Change, was hetd in 2016 in:
doubled, it gives the same resun as the (A) Paris (B) Marrakesh
square of '18. What is the answer: (C) New York (Oj Moscow
(A) 164 (B) 162 89 Which country has the largest resources of
(c) 160 (D) 163 crude oil?
76. What devices accept data from outside lhe (A) Russia (B) USA
computer and transfer it anto the CpU? (C) Kuwait (D) SaudiArabia
(A) Analogue to drgital conveders 90. The highest batttefield in the wortd is:
(B) Sensors (A) Tibet (B) Siachen Gtacier
(C) lnput devrces (C) Jafna (D) Kashmrr
(D) Digital devices
91 Summer Otympics for the year 2O2O wrlt be
77. Which short cut key is used to rnserl a new held in:
slide in power point presentation? ({) Tokyo (B) Beijing
(A) Ctrl * S (g) Crrt r n,t (C) Athens (D) Hanoi
(C) Ctrl + N (D) Ctri + B
92. A country's total financial obligalions to the
78. Spam or fraudulent e-mails are also called: rest of the world are known as:
(A) Phishing scams (A) Total burden
(B) Junk mait (B) Totatdebl
(C) Pharming scams (C) Nationat tiabitities
(D) Malware viruses (O) External debt
79. Who was the inventor of Mouse? 93. Brexit referendum was held on:
(A) Douglas Engtebart (A) October 23 2016
(B) Ada Lovetace (B) August 23, 2016
(C) Charles Babbaoe (C) June 23,2016
(O) None of these - (D) April 23,2016
80. Which is the largest hardware company of 94. Which political party does US president Etect
computers? belong to:
(A) Microsoft (B) De[ (A) Labour (B) Liberats
(C) Hp io) rrly Space (C) Oemocratic (D) Republicans
81. Which of the following is a conventionat 95. The term Track-ll Diplomacy is used for.
designation of pre-released software? (A) Managing retations between two
(f) Alpha (B) Omega countries using official channels
(C) Raw (Dj Beta (B) Managing relations between two
I 82. Temporary storage place for information in a countries using unofficial channels
computer is called: (C) Prplomacy by iiiptomats during war
' (A) Back up (B) Buffer (D) None of above
(C) Binary fite (D) Data recorder 96. The first of the sevenleen Sustainable
83. The Prevention of Eleclronic Crimes Acl rvas Development Goals relates to:
passed in Pakislan in the vear: (A) Climate Action
(A)2013 (Bt'2014 (B) Qualrty Education
(c)2015 (D) 2016 (C)
Poverty Alleviation
Marine Life
84. When was the last census held ln pakistan?
(A) 1972 (B) 1981 97, The largest producer of solar energy in the
(c) 1ss8 ioj zoot worid is:
(A) Germany (B) USA
85. Malakand Pass mnnects peshawar with: (C) Russia (D) Hofland
(A) cilgjt (B) Swat
(c) Drr (D) Chitrat 98. One barrel of Petroleum rs equalto:
(A) 34 97 UK gattons
86. H_eadquarters of Arab League is located at (B) 42 US gallons
(A) lehran (8) Carro (C) 0 '159 cubrc metre
(C) Riyadh (D) Tunrs (O) None of these
26 Advanced MCQS Model Paoers

Victoria Cross. dunng the Frrst World War. ln 74 Hinool Natronal Park. located in Makran
whrch countrv was he 'rghtrng where he Disinct Balochlstan. rsfamous for [s
performed th6 act of bravery. which eamed A) Thick forest cover
him the Mctoria Cross? B) Archaeologrcal sites
(A) France (8) Austria C) Mud volcanoes
icj Betgrum (D) Netherland D) Cold springs
75 Falkland lslands or the Malvinas lslands are
disDuted between the Un(ed Kingdom and:

trkffi I .
{A) Brazil
iCl Arsentrna
76 Grassland plains
tB) Russra
(D) Chile
located in Argentina are

E-rxERAL q
{Al Prairies
icl st.ppes
(B) Downs
(o) Pampas
UII TNowLEDGE 77. Strait of Gibraltar connects the Allantic Oc€an
with the:
(A) Pacific Ocean
(B) lndran ocean
(C) Mediterranean Sea
I (D) None of these

,, EH 78 Taj Mahal rs located on the bank of nver:

(A) Jamna (Yamuna)
(B) Ganges (Ganga)
(C) Nerbada
(O) Brahmaputra
79 The capital ol Kosovo is.
{A} Zaohreb (B) Prtstina

x IDti., $.nd
fl 80
iCl Saiateuo (D) Bratislva
Usain Bolt holds the world record for 100

EI meters race To which :ountry does he belong

(A) Earbados {B} Jamarca
-TE (C) USA (D) Kenya
69. Deosai National Park is remarkable as it is 81. Detroit. USA is associated with
one of the highest plateaus in the tYorld with industrv-
an averaoe ;levatron of 4,114 meters. ln (A) Atitomobrle(B) Computer
whrch regiin of Pakistan is rt located? ici rovs (D) Electronics
(A) Balochistan
-- Faiz
82. Ahmad Faiz was awarded-the Lenin
(B) Gilglt-Baltistan P;ace Prize in 1962. 11 which year did A-bdul
(C) Potohar-Puniab Sattar Edhi receive the Lenin Peace Pnze?
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Al '1988 (B) 1990
70. G.T Road is one of the main highways of ici rsgz (D) 1e9s
Pakistan. What does G.T stand for? E3. The world famous paintings on the ceiling of
(A) General Traffic tha Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City were
(B) Grand Trunk oainted bv
(c) General Tumer ial Saniro Bottiecelli{B} Leonardo da Vincr
(D) Khyber Pakthunkhwa ici laictretangeto (D) Pietro Perugino
71. How many administralive Divisions are there 84
- Dudno the visit to lslamabad of lndian Foreign
rn Punlab? Min,sier. Shushma S\,raral. rl was agreed to
(A) 8 (B) 6 resume Composite Oologue between lndia
(c) 3 (D) 9 and Pakistan. ln which year the two countries
72 Which one ot the following districls of Punjab first aoree to have reqular structured dlalogue
has the lowest Population density? in theiorm of comPosite dralogue?
{A) Dere Ghazi Khan (B) LaYYah (A) 1996 (B) 1997
(C) Raianpur (D) Bahawalpur ici rgea (D) 2oo4
73. Lal Suhanra National Park is located near: 85. who said 'Right is a reasonabl€ claim
(A) Multan (B) Bahawalpur recognized by the society and enforced by the
ic) o.c. xtran (D) sahiwal state".
(A) Laski (B) Bosanquet
Advanced PPSC NCQS lrodet Paoers 27
(C) Green (D) Marx 93. "Facebook" is one of the most popular social
networking servrce When was it launched?
86. Who among the following argues that the fault (A) 1998 (B) 2000
lines of civilization are the breeding grounds of (c) 2003 (D) 2004
conflicts in the century
(A) Francis Fukuyama 94. Famous Urdu poet Mustafa Zaidi was by
(B) Samuel Huntington profession a.
(C) Henry Kissrnger (A) University Professor
(D) Nelson Mandela (B) Eusinessman
87. The "Zero Sum Game as employed by the (C) Lawyer
(D) Civil Servant
supporters of 'game theory' assumes that:
(A) The loss of one party is the gain of the 95. Article 257 of the Constitution relates
other party specifically to Jammu and Kashmir. According
(B) The loss of one pa(y is the loss of the to the Article when the people of Jammu and
other party as well Kashmir accede to Pakistan then:
(C) The gain of one party is the gain ofthe (A) They shall become citizens o,
other Party independent Kashmir
(D) The gain or loss of one party has nothing (B) Kashmir shall become a province of
to do wath the gain or loss of the other Pakistan
party (C) People of Kashmir shall determine the
relationship betwe€n th€ state and
88. Herbert Simon identified four basic Pakistan
motivations of subordrnates to accept the will (D) Kashmir shall become an autonomous
of superior. Which one of the following is not region
one of them?
(A) Rewards and Sanctons 96 The tirst banle of Panipat was lought between:
(B) Sociat disapproval (A) Alexander and Porus
(C) Legrtimacy (B) Babar and lbrahim Lodhi
(D) Subordinates confidence in superioas (C) Babar and Rana Sanga
ability (D) Humayun and Sher Shah Suri
89. Maslow's Needs Hierarchy' theory relates to 97. lndra tested its frrsl Nuclear device on:
(A) Motivation (B) Leadership rA) 15 May 1972 (B) 1B MaY 1974
(C) Communication (D) Upward mobility (C) 11 May 1998 (D) 20 May 1999
90. Who said "Man is by nature a political 98. HDI (Human Development lnder) as an
animal"? indicator of the well-being of a country, was
(A) Winston Churchill (B) Kad Marx the brain child of:
(C) Aristotle (D) Francis Bacon (A) Amarlya Sn
(B) Javier Pere de Guellar
91. During the British rule the only British King to (C) Adam Smith
visit lndia and hold his Darbar was: (D) Mahbub-ul-Haq
(A) Edward Vll (B) George V
(C) James ll (D) Edward Vl 99. Zimbabwe was earlier known as:
(A) Soulhern Rhodesia
92. Ramsar Convention provides a framework for (a) Gold Coast
national action and international cooperation (C) Burkina Faso
for conservation a wise use of wetlands. The (D) Belgian Congo
Conyention was adopted in 197'l in Ramsar,
which is a city located in: lOO.VVhal is the function of the heart Pacemaker?
(A) lran (B) Egypt (A It decreases the heart beat
(C) Morocco (O) Tunisia (B It regulales the heart b€at
(c It increases the heart beat
(D It accelerates blood supply to the heart

Answer Key
1. b 9. b 17 b 25 b d 41. a 49 a 57. c
2. d 10 18 c 26 a u. c 42. d 50 a 58. c
a 11 a 19 a 27 d 35. d 43. a 51 c 59. a
c 12 a 20 a 28 36. b 44. d 52 b 60. c
d 13 b 21 29 d 37 d 45. c 53 c ot. ?
6. b 't4 c 22 c 30 c 38 a 46. c 54 a 62. d
7. b 15 c 23 d 31 d 39 a 47. c 55 a 63: a
8. d 16 d 24 5Z b 40 c 48. a 56 b 64 c
ldCnc.{, PPSC rcOs flodr, ff
(A) Sarajevo (B) Zagreb "Titanic" broke up and sank after colliding w[h an
(C) Salonika (O) None olthese iceberg in the cold end st l night lt went-down so
9'1. The procedure of shattenng the gallstones _quickly.lhat most of those on board. caught in their
and kidney stones by shockwaves, is aalled: da.t survived The rest died of hypotherirra before
(A) MRI (B) Kidney Surgeiy -
the rascuers could pick them ftom the sea. The
final death toll was almost 1500. However. there
(C) Angiography iO) t-rnoti,psy
were manyjueshons about the stnktng of Tttantc
92 On 'l gth December 20 1 6 d '. Ru8si4t fd whysdmany survtvors were men rn lhe pnme
- Ambassador was shot dead WhrL & thit of thar lrh. whrle most of the dead were women
incident happen? chrldren and the elderly
(A) lstanbul . (8) Aotrara
"can tn&rs{and I tom r€ading
(C) Kabul (D) Bag?rdad 97. Onc the
passage that:
93. P.kistan has signed and ratifed Un ed (A) The lits saving equipment did not wort
Nations: and the lifeboals could not be low€rud.
(A) Combating Desertification and Drought (B) Design fault and incompetent crai of the
(B) lnlernatroial Convention on Ciimate Tilanic were responsible for its sinkang
Change (C) One hundred and fitty people managed to
(C) lntemational Labour Convention on Child le€ve the ship bl',t dled in freezing water
Labour (D) Most of the victrms were trapped inside
(D) Allofthese their cabins with no chance to save
94. At the end of a conference the 10 people themselves
present all shake hands wilh each other once. 98. lt is clea. irom th€ passage that the survivors
How many hand shakes will there be of Titanic:
altogether? (A) Helped each other overcome post-
(A) 20 (B) 35
(c) 4s (o) 5s
traumatic deptessbn
(B) Were mostly young men
95. Which of tho bllowing cattle disease has been (C) Helped save hundreds of lives
eradicated worldwide? (D) Drd not tell the nvostigators anything
(A) Mad Cow disease about th€ eccident
(B) Foot and Moulh disease 99. According io thc passage, ttrhcn titanic sarlk:
(C) Rinderp€.i (N) lew of thc passengeG were fast aste€p
(D) Sovine Tuberculosis (B) Th€re wef3 proper numbers of libboatB
96. When a dis€ase occurs over a large area of and board
eaIthl surracs at one timB. it is callcd: (C) Faster reaction from the crew could have
(A) Enderflic diseese saved more lives
(B) Efiremic diseGe (D) All passengers had come on the open
(C) Pafthmic dis€rsr! deck before TiEnic sank
(D) None of these 1oo.The final death toll of the sinking of Titanic
Answer tlle Question Nos 97. 98. 99 and 100 afier was:
careftr{y iladirc thc folloxing passage: (4) 50 including womin. children and elderly
(B) Almost 1500 including men in the prime
Ship builders n€ver claam that a ship is unsinkable.
but sinking ot the -Tilanic" in the Northern Sea
of their l e
(C) Almost 1500 moslly women. children and
should never have happened. lt vyas well designed
the elderly
and carefully mainlarned lt camed proper number (D) Almost 1350
of -liteboats.,lt was thoroughly inspected d day
betore its falal voyage. Yet hours later, tha

Answer Key
b 10 a '19 d 28 37 c 46 c 55 a 64 d
2 d 11 d 20 b 29 c 38 47 a 56. b 65 c
d 12 b 21 a 30 b 39 c 48 c 57 b 66 d
4 d 13 d 22 a 31 a 10 b 49 a 58 d 67 c
5 a 14 b 23 d 32 a rll b 50 a 59. c 68
6 d 15 b 24 b 33 b 42 a 51 60. c 69 d
7 c 16 a c 34 43 b c 61. b 70 a
I b 17 c 2b d 35 c 44 d 62 d 71 a
I d 18 27 c 36 c 45 54 a 63 72 b
82 Advanced PPSC TTCQS tloclel Paoerc
73. b 77. d 81. a 85 b 89 c VJ. d 97. d
74. b 78. a 82. c 86 d 90 a 94. c 98. b
75. d 79. a 83. b 87 ? 9l d 95. 99. b
76. c 80. d 84. b 88 a 92 b 96. 100. c


suB rNsPEcToR (BS-r4) (OPEN MERIT) 2016

l. Allama lqbal got his Ph.O. degre€ from the 6. Who wa6 the author of the lamou3 boot
University of Munich. What was the toprc of
his Ph.O. thesis? (A) G€ollc OrEn
(A) The Oevelopment of MetaphFi6 in (B) Alexan&r Soi*enitsyn
Persia (C) Joseph Conrad
(B) Evolution of Rumi's Metaphysrcs (D) Franz Fanon
(C) Reconstruction of Religious thought in 7. \rfiat do you understand by Carrcus'?
lslam (A) Group of peode rn a Focession
(O) None of these
(B) Group ot people making noFe
2. Nandos is a popular intemational fast food (C) A closed politcal meeting
chain which country did it orignate in? (O) A group of peop+e dancing
(A) USA (B} UK
8. The capital of the Ummayad dynasly' wa:
(C) lndia (D) Sotnh Africa (A) Baghdad (B) Cairo
3. What is "lkebarE"? (C) Madina (D) None ofth€s.
(A) A form of martial aris
(B) Japanese flower anangement 9. Human bon€s do not contain rmr A nc
(C) Japanese dance form follgwing?
(D) Samurai tradfion of Ja[nn (A) Phosphorous (B) Calcium
(C) Carbon (D) Oxygen
4. The orilrinal natives of tld Zealand. f,fros€
10. lryhat was tfle narB of the Comnis.ion
war dance is still us€d by the New Zealand
rugby team, were: appointed to prob? ir o the 1970 cri$ in th.
(A) Aborigenes (B) Zuluz East Pakislrn?
(C) Maons (D) Fijians (A) Jus{ic. Shahhddio Cornmisai.rr
(B) B.A.R Courn€lirs Commirtion
5. Which ot the tollowing polilical parties did no! (C) Agarlala Prcb€ Cornmission
boycott the Simon Commission'? (D) Hamood-ur-Rchman Commission
(A) All lndia Muslim League
I '1. Corwert lo lndirect iorm: lte sri, :Humhl Wc
(B) lndian National Congress
have won the match'.
(C) Unionist Party
(D) Hindu Mahasabha
' ln some [rS states, a meetmg at which lo(al membeE
of a political party register their prefeaence amoog
t Jinnah protested atainst the Simon Comm;ssion €andidates running for oftice or select delegates to
along with the Congress and other leadeR of the attcnd a.convention.
subcontinent. He tried to unate the Muilims to see how ' The Umayyads we.e an tslam;c dynasty established
this commission would not be b€neficial for thedl, but by the caliph Muawiyah I (Mu'awiya) in 661. An earliet
at thi5 point the Muslim League split into two; Jinnah caliph, Hazrat Uthman (r. 544-56), had been a membet
who opposed the Simon Commission headed one of the powerful Umayyad clan, but he was murdered
faction known .s the 'Jinnah Group' while 9r and teglaced by HazratAli. When Muawryah, D.eviously
Mohammed Shafi who was in tavor o, coop€ratinS with governor of Syria, seired the caliphate, he made the
the Simon Commission headed the other known as the sutcesgion he.editary and thut inaugurated dynastic
'Shafi Group'. Jinnah gtroflgly criticized the commission rule. their'capital at Damagcus, the Umayyad
calling lt a 'butchery ot our souly. Jinnah Group caliphs ruled a vast empire, enendioS from Europe to
bov.^t: r,l the Commission whereas Shafi Groupd lndia, until 750. Thereafter th€ line continued in Spain
cooperated with the Commission. until 1031.
Advamed FPSC i COs kde, Paocrs 03
(A) He exclaimed with joy that they had won 20. Mr Masood Khan is currently president ot
the match Azad Jammu & Kashmir. What was his last
(B) He told them that they had won the match assignment b€fore becorning the president?
(C) He asked if they had won the match (A) Permanent representative of Pakistan to
(O) He exclaimed that they have won the ,UN
malch (B) Ambassador of Pakistan to China
'12. The historic city of Kairouan in Tunisia was (C) Foreign Secretary
founded in 670 AD by: (D) Director General. hstitution of Stretigic
(A) Musa bin Nusayr Studies. lslamabad
(B) Sultan Suleman I
(C) Uqba bin Nafey
(O) Khalid bin Waleed Dr.lqra Imtirt
13. The compound used in anti Malaria drugs
(A) Chloroqurne (B) Aspinn
(C) Neoprene (D) lsoprene
is: i
.tr ILJ
14. Which of the following is associated with Excet
(A) Graphic program
(B) Word processor
(C) Presentation (O) Spreadsheet
'15. EBDO' was promulgaled by Ayub Khan in
1959. Whal does EBDO stand for?
(A) Eleded Bodies Oissolution O.der
(B) Electoral Bodies Dissolution Order {
(C) Electoral Boundaries Oelimitation Order OBJECTIVE
(D) Elected Basic Democrats Order
16. A computer cannot function without: GENERAL
(A) Micosoft Office
(B) Operating System
(C) lntemet Connection
(O) Anlivirus Protection r..hPrir.rrrb,!..aea'
17. Which ,ile format can be added to a Power - - t'.r ; unb
Point show? > E E!d ., ..'
(A) .sif (B) .ipg
(C) .wav (O) All of these
18. What is the arithmetic mean (average) of 2, 4.
6, 8, 10 and 12?
21. Rocket propulsion is based on:
(A) Einstein's Theory of Relativity
(A) 5 (B) 6 (B) NeMon s second law of motion
(c) 7 (D) I (C) Newton's third iaw of motron
19. Airbus rs an aircraft manufacluring company (D) none of these
Its headquarter is in:
(A) USA (B) Germany 22. Che.Guevara. Marxist revolutionary closely
assocrated with Fidel Castro. was from:
(C) France (O) UK (A) Cuba rB) Bohvra
(C) Ecuador iD) Argentana
23 Photosynthesrs in planls takes place faster in:
(A) Yellow light (B) Red light
(C) Darkness (D) White light
' All option are wrong. ln August 1959, Ayub Khan
passed the gectiv€ Eodils Oisqualtfioatiotr Ordcr 24. ln which year were the Sustainable
(EBDO). Under this, 75 leaders were disqualified for Oevelopment Goals adopted by the United
participating in political activities for 8 years (until (A) 2014 {B) 2015
December 1.965). Under the EBDO, Ayub Khan primarily (c) 2016 (D) 2010
targetted East Pakirtani politicians from the Awami
teague while lerving the Muslim League largely
U Advancod PPSC MCQS rlodel Paoers
25 Peatl Harbour. a US Naval base. was bombed 36 Which leader of the lndian National Congress
by thus provoking formal entry of termed the Lahore Resolution of '1940 as
the the Second World War "Jinnah's rantastic proposals"?
(A) Germany (B) ltaly (A) M K. Gandhi
(C) China (D) Japan (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
26 The autobrography ln the Lrne of the Fire- (C) RaJ Gopalachoriya
was wntten by (D) Motilal Nehru
(A) Freld Marshall Sam Manekshaw 37 Which of the following frles have an mpg
rB) Lt. Gen Sher A[ Khan Pataudr eltension?
(C) Lt. Gen. Shahid Hamid (A) Audio (B) lmage
(D) Gen. Pervez Mushanaf (C) Video (D) Flash
Hazral lbrahim (AS) was _ years old 38. Statistical study of human population is called.
when Hazrat lsmail (AS) was born. (A) Ecology (B) Anthropology
(A) 84 (B) 85 (C) Entomology (D) Demography
(c) 86 (D) 67
39 Convert to passrve vorce Our task had been
28 Ahmad Shah Masud of Arghanistan was a: compleled before sunset
{A) Talik (B) Uzbek (A) We completed our task before sunset
(C) Pakhtun (D) Hazzara (B) We have completed our task before
29 Rasputin in a nolorious character of History, to sunset
which country did he belong? (C) We complete our task betore sunset
(A) Germany (B) lsrael
(D) We had completed our task betore sunset
(C) llaly (D) Russia 40. Which of the following has the maximum
30 Name the first President of USA who vrsited density?
Pakistan. (A) Water (B) lce
(A) Owight D. Eisenhower (C) Benzene (D) Chloroform
(B) Lyndon Johnson 41. General Qamar Javed 8ajwa, Chief of Army
(C) John F. Kennedy Staff belongs to the _ Regiment.
(O) Richard Nixm (A) Punjab (B) Baloch
31 Hazrat Umar (RA) remained the Caliph for (C) Azad Kashmir (D) Frontier Force
almosl: 42. How many Goals have been identilied in the
(A) 2 years B 4 years Sustainable Oevelopment Goals?
(C) 8 years o '10 years (A) 12 (B) 14
32. A hasa brother'B' is son ot'C'. D' is (c) 1s (D) 17
falher of 'C' What relalion is 'B' of 'D' 43. Fill in the blank: A large procession was taken
(A) Son (B) Brother against nsing prices
(C) Grandson (D) Cousin (A) About (B) Our
33 Name the Angel who was designated to (C) ln (O) For
delver messages to Prophet Muhammad 44 Complete the number seires 3 2 7 61't,
(PBUH). trom Allah.
(A) Hazrat Jibraeel (AS) {A} 13 (B} 4
(B) Hazrat Mekae€l (ASl (c) 8 (D) 10
(C) Hazrat lsrafeel (AS)
(D) Hazrat lzraeel (AS, 45. Water drops are spherical because of
(A) Air pressure (B) Density
34 lf the cost price of an articie rs 25olo ol its (C) Viscosity (D) Surface tensron
selling price then what rs the profil in
percentage? 46 Complete the rdrom -Best things come rn
(A) 150e; (8) 200%
(A) lostallments (B) Joys
(Cr 300% (O) 350%
(C) Packages (O) cifts
35. Alongside a wall ol 225 meters long, 26 trees
are planted al equal distance, one tree being 46. Which instrument is used to measure altitude?
at each end of the wall. What is lhe distance
between two consecutive trees? '
(A) 8m (B) 9m 2nd numb€r is less by 1 than the 1st number and 3rd
(C) 10 m (D) 11 m number is more by 5 than the 2nd number. The same
rule tollows rn other numbers of the ie(es.
Advanced PPSC Madel Paoers 85
(A) Audiometer (B) Barometer (B) A victory procession
(C) Altimeter (D) Anemometer (C) Unruly cr6wd
49. Who at present holds the office of the Chiet (D) Highly disoplined crowd
Executive in lhe Afghan Government? 61. Complete the idiom: -Cross your
(A) Ashraf Ghani when you come to them'
(B) GulbuddinHekmatyar (A) Bridges (B) Roads
(C) Abdullah Abdullah (C) Obstacles (D) Rrvers
(D) None of these 62 Simplify: 188001470120 = ?
50. What was the name of Quaid-e-Azam's first (A) 1 (B) 2
wife? (c) 3 (D) 4
(A) Ruttle Jinnah 63 Choose the correct sentence
(B) Emibauinnah iA) Farsalabad rs as famoLrs crty as Lahore
(C) Maryam Jinnah (B) Farsalabad is famous crty as Lahore
(D) Gulzar Jinnahpoonia (C) Faisalabad is the famous city as Lahore
51. Dushanbe ls the capital of: (D) Faisalabad rs as famous a oty as Lahore
(A) Turkmenistan (B) Kazakhstan
(C) Tajikistan (D) Uzbekistan 64 ln 2006 the UN General Assembly decrded to
52 Synonym of Rookie is replace the UN Conlmrsslon on Human Rrghts
(A) Expert (B) Professronal wrth the:
(C) A newrecruit (D). An old man (Ar UN Human Rrghts Commrttee
(B) UN Human Rights Department
53. Which file is responsible to start MS Word? lC) UN Human Rights Councrl
(A) Wnword.exe (D) UN Human Rrghts Agency
(B) Win.exe
(C) Word.exe 65 EBDO introduced by Ayub Khan in '1959
(O) Word win.exe qarnly atfected polrtrcrans from
g. Choos€ lhe conecl sentence among following:
(A) NWFP (B) Balochistan
(A) He
(C) East Pakistan (D) Sindh
was promted as DSP
(B) He was promoted DSP 66. Which of the following shorlcuts is used to
(C) He was promote DSP make text [allic?
(D) He prcmoted as OSP (A) Ctrl + U (B) Ctrl + I
(C) Ctrl + B (D) Ctrl i P
55. "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity', as a slogan, was
the hallmark of the: 67. Who is currently the Supreme Commander of
(A) BolshevikRevohdion the Armed Forces of Pakistan?
(B) French Revolution (A) Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef
(C) American war of independence (B) President Mamnoun Hussain
(D) Cuban revolution (C) Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa
(O) Gen. Zubair,vlahmood
56. The first OIC Summit conference was held in:
(A) Lahore (B) Cairo 68. Synonym of incessant is:
(C) Jeddah (D) Rabat (A) Exreme (B) lntermrttent
(C) Continuous (D) Occassiontl
57. States ol Dir, Chitral and Swat were
incorporated in NWFP in: 69. Which one of the following is the founder of
(A)1968 (B) C1969 Apple Computers?
(c)1970 (D) C1971 (A) Steve Jobs (B) Bill Gales
(D) None olthese
(C) Mark Zuckerburg
58. What is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate,
Charcoal and Sulpher called? 70. Which of the following disease'affects the
(A) Paint (B) Aluminum skin?
(C) Brass (D) Gunpowder (A) Rrckets (B) Osteoporosis
59 What do you understand by Shoal?
(C) Anemia (D) Pellagra
(A) Large number ol insects together 7'1 The theorem ln a nght angle trangle the area
(B) A large group of horses of the square of hypotenuse is equal to the
(C) Group of unidentified flying objects sum of the areas o, the squards of the other
(D) Large number of Rsh swimming together two srdes". was drscovered by:
(A) Archrmedes (B) Pythagoras
60. What is meant by Corlage? (C) Isaac Newton (D) Socrates
(A) A funcral procession
86 . Advance<l PPSC MCQS Nodel Paoers
72 Synonym of Fictitious is: 81. Which archipelago in the lndian Ocean 6 also
(A) Flattering (B) Truthful a member of SAARC?
(C) False (D) Genuine (A) Seychelies (B) Sri Lanka
73. Who was the last Govemor General of Hong (C) Maldives (D) Guam
Kong before it was handed over to the 82. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at:
Chinese by the British? (A) Bail-ul-Muqadus (B) Tehran
(A) Sir Leon Britton (C) Oon (D) Baghdad
(B) Chris Patten 83. Complete the ldiom: -Too many cooks spoil
(C) Sir James Barrington
(D) None of these the _
(A) Food (B) Broth
74. What is the first name of President Putin o{ (C) Meat (O) None of these
(A) Nikita (B) Alexander 84 ln a computer what does DPI means?
(A) Oots Processing lnch
(C) Uri (D) Vlad'mrr (B) Dots per lnch
75. Which is the full form of Wi-Fi'? (C) Oiagram per lnch
(A) Wireless Fidelity (B) Wired Fidelity (D) Diagram Processing lnch
(C) Wrreless Focus (D) Wiretess Freld 85. Complete the number series: 4, 6, 9, 13.
76. Who is currently the spokesperson ot the
Pakistan Ministry of Forergn Affairs? (A) 15 (B) 12
(A) Ms. Tasnrm Aslam (c) 18 (D) 17
(B) Nafees Zakriya 86. A library received an average of 510 visitors
(C) Kazi Khaleelulah every Sunday and on other day 240. What is
(O) lftikhar Warraich the average number ol visitors in a month of
77. Who among the following concluded the 30 days beginning with Sunday?
Treaty of Seringapatam with Tipu Sultan? (A) 280 (B) 285
(A) Wanen Hastings (c) 290 (D) 295
(8) Lord Cornwallis 87. Who is the cunent Chairman of the Senate?
(C) Roben Clive (A) Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan
(D) John Dalhousle (B) Syed Nayyar Bokhari
78. The tenitorial claim over the island of Abu (C) Sabir Ali Baloch
Musa is disputed between: (D) Raza Rabbani
(A) lraq and lran 88. The headquarters of the Organization for
(B) lran and UAE Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is located
(C) lran and Oman in:
(D) Kuwait and lraq (A) Austria
79. Choose the correct sentenc€ from follovving: (B) Netherlands
(A I requested her to kindly help me (C) Geneva, Switzerland
B I requested her to help me kindly (D) New York, USA
I kindly requested her to help me 69. Who was the first amongst men to accept
D I requested her kindly to help me lslam?
80. Shahiahan, the Mughal Emperor, was (A) Hazrat Usman (RA)
removed from throne by; (8) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
(A) Prince Khurram (B) Hemu (C) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(C) Dara Singh (D) Auranzeb (O) Hazrat Ali (RA)
90. What is the unit of work and energy?
(A) Joule (B) Kilogram
(C) Ampere (D) Kilowaft
' Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networtiog
techngloty that uses radio waves to provid€ wireless
1 ( r!"f''.i i?" .g j
hith-speed lnternet and network connedions. A
common misconception is that the term Wi-fi i5 short
ti1/ p1 cn.! 6t
for 'wireless fidelity," however this is not the cas€. Wi-
Fi is simply a trademarked phrase that means.lEEE
v./g')v1 1o1 &pt
AdnncedPPSC CQsModetProers E7

t( 'i j LJFt-ttt' jv",f

-,2",,t'!;e" .g2 '.t,a -'i'' :+ 4'',,
\.-/ -16r-,rr. 181
. 17a: \Al
jr'r| Pl )g()v,t (A) ;tist 1oi =.ij
t,,Jl @) [-.: 1c1 (:.--*"'.:t'ii 4
-:1" gt
:t1if f,';i;,i: L -ir" s: t-'-Q, \Bl ;@:+,t, (A)
\ -.
tt,#(J: fi lB) ;t'.'ti.' (A) v7 r-'r'; 1g1 ;o t::-t l.C)
7? "-
tvtl (Dl !'p., (C) (',.'v(,e
-- /Li,iJ":,-:" .96

Y" :;'6"";'g
'-zv-'? v" ' * -'i.r l;- r 1Br r;i;''" 14,

.l.i .9 t l :-?i:r:' iD) -t.:--i (Ct

sti (D) -, (c) '. -: ,;.:.J;.:,,t,::,-i'.9r .99

.r ,!-l? t';rtJ;-=v,?{! .r-:,s jlri (B) ,:y (A)

PJ,:q. lol t:l

-'r.ti i=i trt .
t 3.P v -:,,{ c't )j,l,' i1. :
-: ;:,,,f, .no
J,u (D) \j r'A2t (cl
,'- (B) I r,r (A)

tc_rJ fl4,* x "i, tot -r,u (c)

"(,.t cvi<-tLt'+'+il
Answer Key
1. a 14. d 27. c 40- a 53 a 66. b 79. b 92. d
2.d 15. b 28. a 4'.1. b 54 a 67. b 80. d 93. d
3.b 16. b 29. d 42. d 55 b 68. c 81. 94. a
4.c 17. d 30. a 43. b 56 d 69. a 82. d 95. a
5.a 10. c 31. d 44. d 57 b 70. d 83. b 96. b
6.a 19. c 45. d 58 d 7't. b 84. b 97. c
7. c 20. d 33. a 46. c 59 d 72. c 85. 98. d
8.d 21. c 34. 47 60 a 73. b E6, b 99. d
9.c a.d 35. b 48. c 61 a 74. d 87. d 100. c
r0. d ?3. b 36. b 49. c 62 b 75. 2 88. b
11. a 24. b 37. c 50. 63 a 76. b 89. d
12. c 25. d 38. d 51. c 64 c 77. b 90. a
13. a 26. d 39. d 52. c 65 78. b 9'1. b
88 Actvancad PPSC MCQS odel Paperc

SUB INSPECTOR 14 {Ooen Merit}
in the Puniab Pol ice Deoartment.2015
(Held on 24 January 2016)

1 ln which city is the headquarters oI'lnterpol"

(A) Asma Jahangir (B) LA. Rehman
(C) Ansar Burney (D) Zohra Yousaf
(A) Vienna (B) New York 11 When was the Unrversal Declaration on
(C) London (D) Paris Human Rrghts adopted ty the United
2 Pakistan, recently, lost an important elecion Natons?
to a United Nalrons body. Please identify the (A) 10 Oec. 1949 (B) 30 Nov 1948
name of the UN body.
(C) 10 Dec. 1948 {D) 25 March'1950
(A) Economic and Social Councrl '12 The next senror rank to Sr-b lnspector rn
(B) Secunty Councrl Polce rs SHO/ lnspector Whai does SHO
lC) Human Rights Councrl stands for?
(O) None of these 1A1 Senror Head Offrcer
3. Whrch Article of the '1973 Constitution (B) Stalion Head Officer
provades that no personal shall be depnved of (C) Station House Officer
life or liberty save in accordance with law?
(O) None of these
(A) Article 6 (B) Article I 13. Which Pakistani Cricketer announced
(C) Article 9 (D) Article 10 retirement trom ODI cricket on 10 November
4. Article 104 of the 1973 Constitution deals 2015?
(A) Younas Khan (B) Shoaib Malik
(A) Right to fair trial
(C) KamranAkmal (D) Danish Kaneria
(B) Safeguards against illegal detention '14 Sardar Ayaz Sadiq was recently re-elected as
(C) Right to lfe Speaker of the Nalional Assembly. Who was
(D) Right to free speech the other candidate ift the election?
5. Right to information is provided in Article of (A) Syed Khufshid shah
the Constitution.
(B) Shah Mahmood Qureshi
(A) 15 (B) 19A
(C) Shafqat Mahmood
(c) 128 (O) Dr Ale€m Khan
. (D) 11
6. Rights of Minorities, including their due 15. Name the President of Syria?
representation in the governmenl, are (A) Hafiz Al-Assad
provided in Article _ ol the (B) Babar Al-Assad
(C) Bashar Al-Assad
(A) 3s (B) 36 (D) None of these
(C) Both 35 and 36 (O) None of these 16. The South East Asian country Myanmar was
previously known by the name.
7. Who is the curent lnspector General. Police.
(A) Siam (B) Yangon
of Puntab?
(A) HabiFur-Rehman (C) Burma (D) Cambodia
(B) Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera 17 Houbara Bustard rs one of the mrgratory brrds.
(C) Zulfiqar Cheema which is on the endangered Ist What is it
(D) Aslam Tareen called locally?
I Borstal Jails/lnstitutions are meant forl (A) Tiloor (B) Chakor
(A) Women Prisoners (C) Koon, (D) Baaz
(B) CondemnedPrisoners 'lE. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi rs the self-styled leader
(C) Juvenrle Prisoners of
(D) Hardened Prisoners rA) Al Qaeda (B) Hrzbullah
9. Where is the office of the UN Hrgh
(C) Shabab-e-Milli (D) OAESH
Commissioner for Human Rights located? 19. President of Tajikistan paid an official visit to
(A) New York (B) Menna Pakistan in November 2015 What is the
(C) Geneva (D) Berlin name of Tajrkistan s capital?
10 Who is the present Chairman/ChairDerson of (A) Astana (B) Almaty
the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan? (C) Dushanbe (D) Tashkent
,l&nced PPSC lrcos't Ode, Itoers 89
20 Mervyn Middlecoat of pakistan Air Force was (C) The Hague (D) Vienna
a hero of 1965 war with lndia. What was his
(B) Flight Lieutenant OTHER THREE
(C) Squadron Leader 2s. (A) Apples (B) Oranges
(D) Wing Commander (c) Mango (O) Spinach
26. (A) Lion (B) Elephant
(c) Tiger (O) Leopard
27. lA) Barometer (B) Thermometer
6v-o (c) Diarneler (D) Laclometer
28. Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
who was daughter of Hazrat Umar (RA):
(A) Hazrat Aisha (RA)
(B) Hazrat Jawairiya (RA)
(C) Hazrat Marmoona JRA)
a (D) Hazrat Hafsah (RA)
29 Whrch one of the fo owing accordrng to the
Holy Ouran is considered ai an unparlonabte
(A) Lie (B) Shirk
(C) Theft (D) Backbihng
30 Mastrd-e-Qibtataan is located in.
(A) Makkah (B) Madrna
L (C) Taif (D) Jerusatem
3'l Whrch Surah in the Holy Quran has
"Bismillah" twice?
(A) Al Ahzaab (B) At Noor
(C) Al Namal (O) At Nrssa
32. How many-Sahaba (companions of the Hoty
Prophet (PBUH) embraced shahadar in Baflt6
ol Badr?
\A\ 12 (B) 14
(c) 16 (D) 18
21. ln S€ptember 2015 the UN Summit on post
2015 devetopment agenda aooiitea 33. Other than Hazrat Adam (AS), which other
prophel was born wrlhcut a father?
Sustainable Development Goals for
transforming the world by 2030. How many (A) Hazrat Zakariya (AS)
goals were rdentifred? (B) Hazrat Yahya (AS j
(A) 10 (B) ls (C) Hazrat lssa (AS)
(c) 17 (D) 20 (O) Hazrat ldrees (AS)
22. Tade_ Development Authoflty FIND OUT WHICH ONE IN THE GIVEN OPTIONS
(TDAP) succeeded Export prbmotion Board
(EPB).-for promotron and development of THIRD OBJECT AS THE FIRST ANO SECOND
trade. When was TDAP established? ARE RELATED.
(A) 2000 (B) 2OO4 34. Sg!!! is to EjSh as Watk is to
(c) 2005 (D) 2006 (A) Man tB) Bird=-
23. The agenda for environmental protection was (C) Chair (D) Legs
deJined at the tandmark UN Summit 35. Aopreciation is to Reward as elllEg is to
Conference on €nvironment and Developmeni
held in Rio de Janiero. Brazil. ln which year Fi-Culi- (B) punishment
was the Summit held? (C) Allegation (D) Need
(A) 1990 (B) 1992 36. S!g!e
(c) 1997 (D) 1999
rs to L!4I!Las Feather is to
(A) While (B) Brrd
24. The leadquarters of OPCW (Organization for (C) Soft (D) Fly
the Prohibrtron of Chemrcat Weaponsl ,s
Puppy @ (B)
located in ea! is to
K!!q! as is to
(A) New York (B) Geneva (A) olt
N Aiuarl,dFfiCUG(l8M P.N,
(c) Calt (D) EabY (C) Sir Agha Khan
(O) Nawab vlqaFul-Mulk
3E. Whif ca. oom0any crBatcd e big scandal by
tarnporim with th€ emissions measr€rnat 49. Name the educational institution founded by
soinrare h their cars? Sahibzada Abdul QaYYum in Khyber
(A} BMW (B) AUDI Pakhtunkhwa (former NWFP):
(C) Ford (D) Volkragon (A) Frontier University
(B) Peshawar College
39. Which of the following countries is nol a (C) lsiamia High School, Peshawar
membsr o( BRICS (association d n€tly (D) lslamia College, Peshawar
emergim €conomiesP
(A) Bf.zil (B) C€nada 50. Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain
(C) Rtasie (D) lrdia when the Partition Plan was announced in
40. G77 (Group of 77) i8 . group of countries (A) Attlee (B) Churchill
cla€sifi€d 5!: (C) Hastings (O) Mac1nillon
(A) Middkt incom. countriss
(B) Dcveloping countd€t 51. By lhe end of August i947 all the Hindu
(C) L.sst Oov€lop.d Coutttica majodty states had acceded to lndia excepl:
(D) lndustri€lised counti.s (At Hyderabad" (B) Junagarh
41.. ln 1E46 tic B.iti*l sold lGlhmir to Dogra
(C) Both ofthem (D) Non€ ol them
Mah..aia Gulab Singh br an amount of 52. Which of the following UN Peace Keeping
aDproimataly: Ooerations has been mandated to monitor lhe
(A) 70 ]r$lliofl Rup.cs LOG (ormer Cease Fire Line) in Kashmir?
(B) 7.5 millio.l Rupees (A) UNMOGIP (B) MONUC
(C) 17 mi[ion Rup.6 ic) urtnl (o) MINURSo
(O) Nonr ofh€!. 53. The Norltlem Areas of Paki3tan (pGsently
42. Who ues PunFUs lirsl ln3pactor Ci€trcrel, Gilgit-Baltislan) ere under the administrative
Polkr? control of:
(A) Uhn turwar Ali (B) A.B. Awan (A) Provincial Govemment
(C) S.N. Aem (D) Qu6on Ali Khan (B) AJK Govemment
(C) Federal Govemment
43. Head$rarbE of lr emational Atomic En€tgy (D) None ofthem
A0cncy (IAEA) B in:
(A) Crn€\rt (8) Vr€nm 54. 'R'rght to fair trial" lYas inserted in the
(C) Th. H.oue (D) Barlin Constilution of Pakbtan through the
44. l/Vho hol& Itle sorld rucord fur scodng th€
fast6t century in One Day lntrmlional iAi-Tim--
(c) tsth
(B) lEth
(D) None of these
(A) Shdri, Aftitl (B) Rohil Sharme 55. "Chaubujri' in Lahore was the gateway to the
(C) Corsy ArxteEon (D) AB de VillitrB garden built for Princess daughter
of Emperor Aurangzeb.
45. Narnc ltrc MEhal Emperot wtlo di6d in 1556 (A) Mumtaz Mahal (B) Zeenat Alam
afier falling from stairs: (C) Zeb-un-Nisa (O) None of them
(A) Zshar{+Dih B.bsr
(B) Sh.h J.hEn 56. The book "The Sole Spokesman:
- Jinnah, the
(C) Jeld{r+Din Albar Muslim League and Demand for Pakistan'
(D) Humann was written by:
A Akbar S. Ahmad
46. Tai Mahal vves completed in lO4E by Emp.tor B Ayesha Jalal
Shah Jehan in memory of hb wiie named: C) Hussain Haqqani
(A) Mumttz Mahal (B) Zaib-un-Nisa D) Jaswant Singh
(C) Joda 8!i (D) Non€ ofthese
47. Nam€ ltle t{ewab ot Bengal who was d€fsat8d
57. Falhcr of the nedy ebcred Prime Minister of
Canada, JEtin Trudeeu, had elso remained
by Lord Clive in lh€ battle of Plassey: the Prime Minister of Canada. \Ivhtt was his
(A) N.wab Shuia-{rd"Oaula
(B) tLmb Siraj-ud-Daula ngne?
(A) Harold Tnrdeau (B) Michael Trudeau
(C) N.rab Salimulah (C) Piene Trudeau (D) Chades Trudeau
(D) Nawab Amna4ul-Mtdk
4E. The frst Pr6idcnt of the All lndia Muslim 58. When was the last time Pakistan's Hockey
Team won a Gold Medal at the Olyrl?ic
Leeo[J€ ua3: Gam6?
(A) Nawab Sacrd.uzzaflEn (A) 1976 (Montreal)
(8) N.w.b Sal€omullah (B) 1966 (S€oul)
Advanced PPSC nCQs l*iliol Paoel/s 91
(C) '1992 (Barcelona)
70. A rectangular room is 6m long, 5m wide and
(D) 1984 (Los Angeles) 4m high. What is the total volume of the room
59. Who is Pakistan's Minister of Planning and in cubic meters?
Oevelopment? (Al 24 (B) 30
(A) Ghulam Murlaza Jatoi (c) 120 (D) 240
(B) Zahid Hamid 71. ln a one Kilometer race A beats B by 28
(C) Sikandar Bosan meters or 7 seconds Find out the time taken
(D) Ahsan lqbal by A lo finish the race.
60. 'Thyroid Gland' is located in of (A) 4 Mins 3 secs (B) 3 min 4 secs
human body. (C) 5 mins (D) 4 mins 20 s€cs
(A) Stomach (B) Thorax 72 lmtan made a profit of 20 percent in the first
(C) Leg (O) Neck year Next year he had a toss of 25 percenl on
61. Who was the first Governor of Punjab? the capital he had at the beginning of second
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishter year. What was hrs overall loss?
(B) Francb Mudie (A) 12 percent (B) 10 percent
(C) George Constantine (C) 5 percent (D) No loss
(D) G€neral Musservi 73. Rashid buys 3 books for Rs: 16 each and four
62. Who was lhe frst person to hold the post of books for Rs: 23 each. What will be the
Chief Executive of Pakistan? average price of the books?
(A) Quaid+-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (A) 18 (B) 20
(8) Liaqat Ali Khan l0't 22 (ol 24
(C) Zia-ul-Haq 7a. 888 : 0.E . E=?
(D) Pervez Musharraf (A) 8080 (B) 8007
63. ln which country are the'Angel Falls" located? (c) 8800 (D) 88.80
(A) Zimbabu€ (B) Vbnezuela 75. Windows 2007 is a(an):
(C) Canada (D) Kenya (A) Word Processor
64. Abdul Rehman Chughtai was a famous of (B) Opereting System
_ Pakistan. (C ) Application Sottware
(A) Civil Servant (B) Archilect (O) None of these
(C) Painter (D) Music Composer 76. All the files deleted from the computer are
r--6- stored in the:
65. Find the value of! 1 6 (A) Recycle Bin
ar (B) My Computer
(A) 1; (B) 14 (C) My Network Places
(O) lntemet Exploret
(c) li (D)
i 77. URL is an abbreviation of:
(A) Uniform Room Locator
66. 25 trys coet 5@, whal would be the cost of (B) Universal Resourc€ Locator
75 loys? (C) Universal Room Locator
(A) 2000 (9) 1500 (O) Uniform Resource Locator
(c) 1200 (D) 1700 78. Software programme that controts a piece of
67. Find $a inissing nulirbers in tlre following hardware is called:
numberseries:'335577 Panel (B) Driver
(A) Control
(A) 8E (B) ITIO- . (C) Messenger (D) Browser
(C) 99 (D) l{one of these 79. A programme used to view World Wide Web
G8. Find 0E r"i8sing nuy$.r in the series: 60 59 (lryWw) pages, such as Google. Yahoo and
57 54 50 lntemet Explorer, is called:
(A) 4! ' _ (B) 47 (A).Messenger
(c) 4 43 (o) (B) lntemet
69. A man ralks 3 Km to his East then tums tefr
(C) Operating System
(D) Erowser
and walks 3 Km to!flards No]th then tums left
ard walks 3 ](m tow]dq West lndicate the 80. ln computer system word'BOOT'ls used for:
conect direclbn in s,hid he is in relalion to (A) To exil opened sofiware
his startirlg poirn: (B) To start up a software
(A) Eabl (B) west (C) To shutdown system
(C) South (O) North (D) To start a mmputer
8'1. \rvhat is "Acoustics':

gz . ltrnltf,ffscrrcS,ftflderees
(A) Sdolrce of Waveg 92. Obscure
(B) &r.ncc ol Sound (A) Acad€mic (B) lmptjcit
(C) Scirnce of Light (C) Explicit (D) Ugly
(D) Sci.mce of Ebctromegnetic Waves 93. Chrity
SFtem (A) Exaggeralion B S mplicity
82. ln human body Gall Blad(br is pad of the (C) Confusion D Reserve
sFtern. 94. Relinquish
(A) Nervoos (B) Reprodudory (A) Withdraw (B) Afiack
(C) Ditpsttve (D) Resparetory (C) Assurne (D) Conquer
E3. l,Vhi$ c[ tfE following blood yateeE c€ny 95. On which day is the lnternational Human
-blood ftom the human body to th. heart? Rights Day celebrated?
(A) VCn3 (B) Arlerios (A) 20 November (B) 10 Oecember
(C) C.pilari6 (D) i,lone of lhese (C) 10 June (O) 18 December
8a. GhJcoflu b caurad by incs3asa in prareu].
(A) EyrO.I (B) Hcart
t e /vQ,-l +
tt / \/ I it.e/, t ),1' .96
. (C) \ungE (D) Kidn 1,3 a3'i1';;1 67
E5. Ldmri it r good lourcr ol vitamin:
(A) D (B) C r-l"JZ-u;;3 , g)
(c) A (o) E
L6,L1+n}; 1c1
oPnor{ T}IAT EXPRESS A SmtAR 0,! (Dl
86. Condrrrnstion: Daeprovd
I,t/11..-' )ti.,VJt?, .97
(A) lgnorence: Palirnc. ucMJs.':ctv (tl
(B) Odimism: ln*rtt
(C) Ebsphomy: In v.Gnc. u,[fQ..>w F)
(D) So.row: lntenlion
87. Rah€aE l: P. erhmanco \t'iJv G)
(A) Entrapment Game
(8) ErEagement MaEiago
(C) Applaus€: Audiene
I -,f pt
(D) Anurore: llhcas t;!-:tJ/(Jt'n2), sg
88. G.aoaful: lrovern€nt
(A) A,li:ulate: Specdr
(B) Clran: Dirt
J,J @t ,f zv, @t
(C) Humorws: t uoftld ,?t-!<! (D) ,t'Jo tcl
(D) Docilc: R.O€flious
CHOOAE THE WORD FRil THE OPIIOXS t.-..v !t,,! ;/' ou Jgr*' .99
THE GIVEII WORD 'O ,f e(;t p1 ,Ptu4 61
89. Adhere r!
(A) Giw up (B) Stiek J'ttC
Jt t (Dl v/t'svt (CJ
(C) Crrir!€ (O) App€ar
90. Fanarical t,,'j F lvr- i SL,./,j' .too
(A) Obsassive (B) Mo&rale
(C) Eagcr (D) Rebe ious 'Lt '-:z- ,< 4 L .i tC
91 Pl€dge
(A) Plain
(C) Playful
(B) Rough
(O) Promise
THE GIVEI{ WORD. {a(-ist 1o1 lr2qs Gt
A.tvanced PPSC llcQs Modet Paoers 93
Answer Key
1. d 11. c 27. c 40. b 53. c 66. b 79 d 92. c
2. c 15. c 28. d 41. b 54. b 67. c 80 d 93.
3. c ,6. c 25. b 42. d 55. c 66. a 81.. b 94. c
4. a 17. a 30. b 43. b 56. b 69. b 82. c 95. b
5. b 18. d 31. c 4.d57.c 70. c 83. a 96. c
6. b 't
9. c 32. b 45. d 58. d 71. a 84. a 97. a
7. b 20. d 33. c 46. a 59. d 72. b 85. b 98. a
8. c 21. c 34. a 47. b 60. d 73. b 86. c 99. d
9. c 22. d 35. b 48. c 61. b 74. a 87 b 1d) a
10. d 23. b 36. c 49. d 62. d 75. b 88 c
11. c 21. c 37. a 50. a 63. b 76. a 89 b
12. c 25. d 38. d 51. c 64. c 77. d 90 a
13. a 26. b 39. b 52. a 65. b 78. b 91 d
in the Punjab police Department,2OlS
1. WIo was knofln a3 the 'Ttg€r of irysorc.? 7. Th€ Jallianrala messac.e took plaoa in:
(A) Sulan HydGr Ati (A) -Strivaji ' (A) Apnl 1919 (B) tlocimb.r 1919
(C) lbrahim Lodhi (D) Tipu Sutan (C) 1921 (O) Aprit 19ZO
2. Th€ Congr6s and the Muslim Loeoue 8. An lnterim Govemmrnt tas foflncd h lfldia in
boycotted the Simon Commission. Who -lGd 1946, who was th€ prirc Minbtq d the
the breakaray soction of tle lrruslim Leagll3, lr crim Gov€mrnent?
wiirh suppqted lhe Simon Commi$ion? - (A) Jar6harlal Nehru (B) Lord Wavell '
(A) Mian Eiaz Shaff (C) Liaqet Ati Khan (D) Nonc otthofli
(B) Mian Muhammad Shafi
(C) Mian Ahmad Ati 9. When was th€ l<ashmar issu€ t t€n to the
(D) Mian Baikat Ati Uniled Natbn by lndia?
(A) I Jan 1918 (B) 1t Nov r9{7
3. h '1932, the Brilish ftirne Minister announcad (C) 16 D6c 1947 (D) None of dr.|€
the . Communal Award granling Beparate
eEdorales to the depress€d claises. Name 10. Non-Aligncd MoveflEnt (NAM) ms in
thr Bdlbh Prim€ Ministlr. 1961. When did Pakistan ioin ttAf,t?
(A) Harold McMiltan (A) 1e67 (Bi is6s
(B) Winston Churchifi (cl 1972 (D) 1979
(C) Ramsay Macdonatd 1'1. To which trovince did Husssin Shaheed
(D) Alu€o Suhr*ardy belong to?
4. Whcn Chrudrry Rchmat Ati issu€d the (A) Sind (B) puniab
pamphlet 'Now or Nevar, in 1933. where wss (C) East Pakisten (D) Bakichisten
he studying? 12. When did Pakistan drs..sociatc itsell from the
(A) Cambridg€ (B) Oxtod Comonw€alth?
(c) AE.rh (D) Harvard (A) 1989 (B) 1992
5. ln 191'1, on thc occasion of hic coronation at (c) 1s78 (D) 1972
lhe Delhi Dabar, King Geo(go V announed 13. Whet is thc Etirement age ot a Judg6 d th€
thei SupGmc Court?
(A) Paitition of B€noal (A) 60 (B) 63
(B) Separate ebc&e3
(9) Annulment ot Padnim of B.rBat
(c) 6s (o) ez
(D) Arnulmeflt of Partition of Benlat 14. Oissa'Sohni M$iwal" was writbn by:
(A) Hafiz B.rkhurdar (B) WarE Sheh
6. Pakistan wi0drrw from SEATO in: (C) HasNmshah (D) Fazatshah
(A) 1973 (B) 1977 15. Who infoduced the system d .Basic
(c) 1979 (D) 1981
Drmocracr' in Pskistan?
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan
94 Aclvrrrc.d PPSC ICOs irodr, F.o.ts
(B) Ayub Khan (A) Rahmanov lmomali
(C) Pervez Musharraf (B) lslam Karimov
(O) Feroze Khan Noon (c) Nursllan Nazarbeav
(D) Asker Abayev
'16. When. for the fir3t time in the world, was
human hearl transPlant conducled? 28. Who.has been appointed as the US Special
(A) 1967 (B) 1969 Representatlve for Paklstan and Afghanistan'
Hale (B) Rober Millam
(c) 197s (D) 1970 (A) Oarvd
(C) Richard Olsen (D) None of them
17. Who was the first Secretary General ot the
United Nations? 29. Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park is one of the
(A) Trygve Lie biggest projcts for solar power generalions in
(B) U Thant Paiistan. Where is it being consfucted?
(c) Kurt waldheim (A) Multan (B) Sukker
(D) Oag Hammarskjoeld (C) Rahimyar Khan (O) Bahawlpur
'18. For galvanizing of iron which of the following 30. Who is currently the Hrgh Commissioner of
metals is used? Pakistan in lndia?
(A) Aluminrum (B) CoPPer (A) Abdul Basit (B) Jahl Abbas Jrlanr
(C) Lead (D) Zinc (C) Shahid Milik (D) Rraz Khokhar
19 ESCAP stands for: 31. lf A runi less fast than B and B runs fast But
(A) Economic and Social Commigsion tor npl faster lhan C then, as compared to A' C
Asia and Paciltc runs:
(B) European Soqial Council for Africa and (A) Samespeed asA .,
Pacific (B) Faster than A
(C) Economic and Sdci6l Council for Atica (C) Slower than A
and Pacitic (D) Cannot be determined
(D) None of these 32. A father is 9 times as old as his son and the
20. Firdausiwas: mother is 8 times as old as the son. Sum of
(A) A Mughal princess father's and mother's age is 51. What is the
(B) A Persian Poet age of the son?
(C) An lranian Novelist (A) 7 (B) 5
(D) None of these (c) 4 (D) 3
21. East Timor, which became the 19l"rMember 33. A student gets 60, 50 and 90 marks out o, 100
of the United Nations. is in the continent of: in Engliah. Physica and Economics
(A) Asia (B) Soulh America respectitely. He needs 72o/o lo gel a
(C) Atrica (D) Europe scholarship. How many marks does he need
to get in his final paper Maths to obtain overall
22. Which of the following continenls is the
72o/o marls?
smallest in terms of land mass? (A) 82 (B) 81
(A) Asia (B) Europe (c) E6 (D) 86
(C) Australia (O) Africa
34. How many preces of 85 cm length can b€ cut
23. Sri Lanka was lormerly known as: from a rod 42.5 melers long?
(A) Seychelles (B) Serendip (A) 30 (B) 40
(C) Taipel (D) Ceylon (c) 50 (o) 60
24. Khojak Pass is located b€tween: 35. The pnce of a car including 6 percent sales
(A) Jamrud and Landikotal tax ls Rs. 154.431.40. What is the market
(B) Sibi and Machh price of the car without tax?
(C) Quetta and O.l. Khan (A) 145,690 (B) 150,000
(D) Quetta and Chaman (c) 145,s0o (o) 145,000
25 Name the capitalot Kazakhstan:
36. ln an elec{ion I candidate who received 30
(A) Tashkenl (B) Almaty percent of the total votes cast was defeated
(C) Astana (O) Bishkek
by 15000 votes. Find the number of votes
26. ln which country recenlly the National League obtained by the winntng candldate.
for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi won (A) 11,2s0 (B) 15000
a landslide victory in eleclions? (c) 26250 (D) 37s00
(A)Cambodia (B) Laos 37. A shopkeeper buys an article for Rs. 27 and
(C)Viatnam (O) Myanmar sells it at a prolit of 10 percent of the selling
27 . Ptifie Minister Nawaz Sharif visted price. Whal is the selling pdce of the article?
Uzbekistan recently. Who is the Ptesident of (A) Rs. 30 (B) Rs 35
Uzb€kistan? (C) Rs. 29.50 (D) Rs.29
AdvrnccdPPSC Cosflod.,Procrs 95
38. A certain sum o, money is distribulsd amono 49. TELESCOPE:EYE
two ftiends in the ratio df S ; i 1. lf one of thefi (A) Eyeglasses : Vision
got R8. 1200 morB than the o&cr, the tot8t (B) Teleohone : Hearino
amount distdbuted at: (C) Necitace:Neck -
(A) Rs.2000 (B) Rs.220o (D) Sts{hoscope:Ear
(C) Rs.3200 (D) Rs.3600
50. OUNCE :.WElcHT
39. lf day before yesterday was Saturday then (A) Acre . Area (B) Scate : Mass
day aftcr tornonow will be: (C) lnch. Yard (D) M€nu:Chorce
(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday
51. "A' is the mother of'8" and 'C", tf .D" is the
(C) Thursdey (O) Friday
rfo. A Police Oficer walks ftom his hous6 al 4 km
husband of C, what rctataon do€s ?" have to
per hour and r€aches his office 5 minutes late. (A) Mother (B) Sister
lf his sp€€d iB 5 km per hour, he wi[ react his
office l0 minutes early. How far is his offi@
(C) Aunt (O) Mother-in-Law
trom lhe house? 52. lf the old Man's son is my son's uncle then
(A) 5 km (8) 5/12 km what relation has the old man to me?
(A) Brolher
(c) 2.5 km (D) j0 km
(C) Grandfaths
(B) Father
(D) Sister
(o)? B
53. Adiacent
(c) (A) Contiguous (B) Cut-ofi
3 (D)
# (C) Sharpened (D) Lary
42. A ooll€ction of conDubr3 lhst ar€ conn€cted 54. Engossed
tog€lhGr is (A) Distribute (B) Absorb€d
(A) ithetiry (B) Ndwortr (C) Dilated (D) Expended
(C) Team (D) croup
55. Feasible
43. ln a colrtsrbr fh6 kGy,toard B used a(n) (A) Real (B) Theoreticat
_ dayice. '3 (C) Practicable (O) Factuat
(A) (B) OJbur
(C) (o) hpdr 56. Ponder
(A) Lake (B) Think oyer
44. Which device is required fur ir ern€t (C) Condemn (D) Flattery
45. A normal C D-ROM can usually store upto
data. 57. Denounce
680 MB
(B) 6ooBvtes
(D) 680 G-B
(A) Defend
(C) Fight
(B) Gerh€r
(D) Organize
46. Which the following is not an operali.lg 5E. Deplete
system?-o, (A) Refund (B) Reptenrsh
(A) DOS (B) Linux (C) Fullill (D) Renounce
(C) Wndotxs (D) Orade 59. lmpound
47. To creale a taue of @lumns and ror3 br (A) Release (B) Stimutate
Mathematical calculation or statisticat (C) Strengthen (D) Generate
reprBentations which programm€ is u!€d? 60. Probne
(A) Exccl (B)-Word pad (4) 4nogant (B) B€nign
(C) Word Periect (D) Auto CAD (C) Respecttul (D) Pious
SELECT THE PAIR OF IYORT'S FROT THE 61. CNG is an abbrcviation of:
GrvE OPnO S, WHICH EXPRESS A SITILAi (A Converted Nalural Gas
48. ATOM: MICROSCOPE (c Constructed Natural Gas
(A) Tape:Microphone (D Compress€d Nalural Gas
(8) Planet : Tct€scope 02. Sound cannot travsl lhrough:
(C) Receiver : Tetephone (A) Vaorum (B) Lhuids
(D) Submarine : Periscope (c) sorids (D) c*es
96 Advanced PPSC $CQs nodal Paoe6
63 X-Rays were discovered by: (O) None of these
(A) Rontgen (B) Thomson 76. ln which country was the first Truth and
(C) Rutherford (D) Madame Curie Reconciliation Commission established?
64. Breeding and management of bees is known (A) USA (B) lndia
(C) Brazil (D) South Africa
(A) Sericulture (B) Horticulture 77 On which day is the Human Rights Day
(C) Apiculture (D) None of these observed?
65 Hepatitis causes inflammation of: (A) October (B) 10 December
(A) Lungs (B) Liver (C) January (D) 25July
(C) Kidneys (O) Stomach 78. Which book of lbn Khuldoon made him
66. lsotopes are atoms of the same element with famous?
different numb€r of: (A) Muqaddamah (B) Kitab-ul-Futuh
(A) Protons (B) Electrdns (C) Mujam-al-Baldan (D) None of these
(C) Neutrons (D) Positrons 79 The battle of Jamal was. fought between
67 Which one of the following is a Vector Hazrat Aisha (RA) and:
quantity: (A) Hazrat Muawiya (RA)
(A) Speed (B) Temperature (B) Hazrat Talha (RA)
(C) Mass (O) Velocity (C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
68. Dolly was the name of the: (Dl None of these
(A) First cloned sheep 80. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his
(B) First test tube baby farewell sermon at Aratat on
(C) Oldest human ,ossil (A) I Zirhaij (B) 10 zilhajl
(D) First dog in space (C) 9 Zilhal (D) 11 Zilhal
69. Green House Eftecl is mainly caused by 81. When did Fasting become a Farz (obligation)
excess of in the atmosphere in lslam?
(A) Carbondio-de (B) Carbon monoxide (A) 2nd Hrtri (B) 3rd Hrjri
(C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen Sulfide (C) ath Hrjri (D) 5th HUri
70 Which hormone is responsible for produclion 82. While migrating (Hrrrat) Irom Makkah to
of milk in human body? Madina the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Ha2rat
(A) Oxytocin (B) Prolactin Abu Eakr Siddique (RA) found refuge in:
(C) Thyroxine (D) Testoserone (A) Hira Cave (B) Thawr Cave
71 A drop of walel is roughly spherical lecause (C) Hills of Safa (D) Shoaib Valley
of: 83. When was the Charter of Madina (Meesaq-al-
(A) Surface tonsbn (B) Low air pressurc Madina) adopted?
(C) Air l€sietanca (D) Viscosity of wd6r (A) 1 Hljn (B) 2 Hiln
72 Which of the following'rights are more (C) 3 HUn (D) 4 Hi,ri
fundamental in the sense that other rights are 84. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharit participated in
dependent on lhem? the 21sl Session of the Conference of the
(A) Economic rights Parties (to the UN Framework Convention on
(B) Crvil and Polilical nghls Climate Change) held in
(C) Right to Development (A) New York (B) Ger€va
(D) Right to lnformation (C) Paris (D) Berlin
73 Which one of the following is not a political 85. Which famous Police Officer has wrinen the
right? book "Police. Crime and Politics - Memoirs of
(A) Right to vote an lGP"?
(B) Right to own weapons (A) Hafiz S.D. Jamy
(C). Righl to hold public office (B) Sardar Muhammad Chaudhry
(D) Right to crilicize the govemment (C) Ehsan Sadiq
74 Which one of the following writs is issued in (D) Qurban Ali Khan
the case of wrongt detention? 86. Recently, an important political leader,
(A) Prohibition (B) Mandamus Salahuddin Quader Chowdhary. was hanged
(C) Habeas Corpus (O) Quo Waranro in Bangladesh. To which political party did he
Which theory of Justice is based on the belong?
principle 'Kill the sin not the Sinnef? (A) Awami League
(A) Retributive Th€ory (B) Bangladesh Nationalist Party
(B) Reforfiative Theory (C) Jamaat-e-lslamr
(C) Detenent Theory (D) Jatiyo Party
Aclvenced PPSC ,tCOs ltode, Peoers 97
87. A famous poet and Scholar, known for his
Dohas and National sonqs like "Jeevav Jeew
"* l'
p,-f ,t tt f ) -' *U,,J t \', )t/ (, x t)' ss
Pakistan" and 'Aye Watan Key Sajeelay "
Jawano', died recenfly. What was liis naine? ' :;gW -,r7L-/ (<:'v+;
(A) Jameeluddin Aati
(B) lbn€-lnsha
(C) Sufi Tabbasum
6,9;A pl ,sre.r (A)
(D) Faiz Ahmad Faiz rfl.tllt4t @l +.,lglit1- 1gy
88 "Scolland Yard" is a Polce Department of:
(A) Un[ed Kingdom (B) USA
(C) Scotland (O) New Zealand + +Z it '.f ultr ,f ..r go

89. Mosaad is the seset intelligence agency ot: ,! L *)' ,,t ? tt1 J) ,,Vl
(A) Russia (B) tsraet
(C) lran (D) Canada :i rvitr,)Li,?l'
90. ln 2016 the Olympic Games will be hetd in:
(A) London (B) Doha
j,;6t,t p1 drcto,y'r 6)
(C) Rio de Janeiro (D) Cape Town
,-EJ{--,Jct, tol p,jJ Gl
91. European Union has
-lBI-7- membe6.
(A) 2s
(c) 15 (O) 28 t | (,tD(;.sn .s7
92 Which of the following heav),ureight boxers
who was the tirst to remain undefeated =,i
(g) -tr ( \
throughout his career?
(A) Rocky Marciano (B) Muhammad Ati iu pt i tct
(C) Larry Holmes (D) Michaet Spinks
93. Who-won the recently concluded Rugby World
e*Ufcl-*,.t,J,tJ ge

(A) Ausraria (B) sourh Aftica itl-ie @ ,J;?)?v \At
(C) New Zealand (D) tretand
ilJ, rol )t), (ct
'rf x Lx ,/l -A i.W r+r.lJ*tjf +tft.-'ti,1 LJl ss
t, ;/ t7r, j{ jeC" rel
-2 * ot
fttp'a,,t 1D) Ol *
.zJ r Gt ?u tat
t jygr{.,v,LJvu7.,roo
dr @, :ttS (Cl
J, ,li 61
,.d rol / tct
A nswer Key
1. d 13 25 37. a 49 d 61. d 73. b 85. b
2. b 14 c 26 d 38. c 50 a '62. a 74. c 86. b
c 15 b 27 b 39. b 51 d 63. a 75. b 87. a
4. a 16 a 28 a 40. a 52 b 64. c 76. d 88. a
d 17 a 29 d 41. c 53 a 65. b 77. b 89. b
o. a 18 d 30 a 42. b 54 b 66. a 78. a 90. c
7. a 19 a 3'l b 43. d c 67. d 79. c 9'l . d
8. a 20 32 d M. b 56 b 68. a 80. c 92. e
9. a 21 a 33 d 45. 57 a 69. a 81. a 93.
d 22 c 34 c ,16. d 58 b 70. b 82. b 94. d
c 23 d 35 a 47. a 59 a 71. a E3. a 95. b
12 d 24 d 36 c 48. b 60 c 72. b U.c 96. c
98 Advancad PPSC ltloQs Nodel PaoeB
97 98 a 99 c 100. b

suB rNsPEcToR (BS-14)

SAARC secrelariat is located in

(A) London (B) Paris
(A) Dhaka (B) Cotom--bo- (C) Brussels (O) Cairo
(C) lslamabad (D) Kathmandu 13. Tick the odd'' word out
2. 'Khuda kay liye' is a (A) Euro (B) Oirham
(A) Tv Programme (B) Pakistani Film (C) Lira (D) Gold
(C) Urdu Novel (D) Stage play '14. Allama lqbal studied at these universities in
isa Europe _
(A) Ox{ord, Paris
(A (B) River (B) Edinburgh, Leiden
(c ) CitY (O) Desert
(C) London, Hamburg
4. Nelson Mandela was lhe President of (O) Cambridge, Heidelberg
(A) Zimbabwe (B) Zaire
(C) South Afnca (O) Noeria
'15. Which of the tive rivers Pun of ab is
associaled wilh Sohni Mahiwal legend?
5. The country Burma is now called _ (A) Jhelum (B) Chenab
(A) Myanmar (B) Pracheen (C) lndus (D) Ravi
(C) Laos (D) Mandalay
16. Manghoprr rs famous ror its _
The capital city of Russia is
(A) St. Petersburg (B) Kazan
_ (A) Sulphur springs (B) Blind dolphins
(C) Coal Deposits (D) Rice
(C) Moscow (D) Vladivostok
17. Onyx is a kind of
7. Next Summer Olympics Games will be held in (A) Marble (B) Apple
(C) Orink (D) Bird
Berlng rn 2015
(B) Melbourne 2018 1E. Lakhra town is famous for [s _
(C) Seoul 2017 (A) Coal (B) Crocodiles
(D) Rio de Janerio in 2016 (C) Blind Dolphins (O) Copper Mines
8. -.(A)
Sir Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister 19. KANUPP is a
(A) Nuclear power plant
(A)nnitEd-Ri;gOom (B) Scotland (B) Hydroeleclric power plant
(C) lreland (D) Norway (C) lndep€ndent power plant
(D) UniYersity
9. The Second World War was fought between
20. Pakistan's most famous painter is
the years
(A) 1939:l3a-(B) 1937 - r9rt2 .' ' . fi)-EaiiE@n
(c) 1941 - 1946 (D) 1938 - 1942
(B) Saleem Raza
10. Eumpean Union has _
(A) 28 Memb€r States
(C) Fazal Mahmood
(D) Ghulam Rasool
(B) 26 Member Slates
(C) 25 Member Slates 21. Jan Sher is associated with which sport
(o) 31 Member States
(A) Boxing (B) Squaeh
11. ASEAN is a (C) Kabaddi (D) Snooker
1a1 RegionifEGihi6i of Countries
22. Thar desert rs most famous tor its
(B) Scientific Company
(C) TV Network
(D) Sports Body
ol Egypl. Egypt is a transconlinental country
'12. Tick the odd'word out spanning the northeast corner of Africe and
soulhwesl comer of Asia. via a land bridge formed
by the Sinar Peninsula.
' l.-i.don, Paris &
Brussels are capitals of 'Euro, Dirham & Lira are cunencies, whereas
auropean counlries, whereas Cairo is the capital Gold is a metal. PPSC fCOs fiod., Pro.rt 99
(D) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
(A) Sand (B) Coat D,eoosits
(C) Oil W€lls (D) Gas Fielts 34. Dr. Abdus Salam was awarded the Nobel
Prize ,or his work in
23. NUST is a (A) ChemBtry. (B) Medicine
(a) rootua-iiil[E--(e) A solier. NGo (C) Physi€ (D) P6ace
(C) Unive6rty (D) H'gh sdroot
35. The second highest mountain peak K2. is an
24. Tarb€la E the wodd's lerE3st:
(A) Ealt! fillcd dlm (B) Concnte Oem (A) Nepal B Bhutan
(C) Eould.rdam (D) Hydro!€ctdc dam (C) Pakistan o China
25. M4 Motorwev will lird( 36. ENGRO is
1n) faisatatiaO - tritultii-- (A) A Pakistani Company
(B) Lahor. - lGrachi (B) An Afghan Contractor
(C) Fsisalabad - Goira (C) A Fih Producer
(D) Lahore - Vehari (D) A Publishing House
26. Aristote was ot Plato. 37. UNICEF is a
(A) Slud€nt (B) Son (A) ECO (B) UN Body
(C) Son-in-law (D) Teacher (c) orc (D) European Bank
27. The first Cadain ot our nstional crickel leam 38. River Nile'llows mainly through _
wa3 (A) Egypt (B) Sudan
(A) FAEIE;Etud (C) Kenya (D) Tanzania
(B) lmtiaz Ahmad
(C) Hanif Mohammad 39. Bolan Pass in the orovince ot
(D) Abdul Hafuez Kardar (A) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(B) Balochistan
28. Which is the larg€st' distdct of Pakistan? (C) Sindh
(A) Avaran (O) Gilgit Baltistan
(B) Bahawalpur
(C) Dadu
40. She was the fastest woman of South Asian
(D) Rahim Yar Khan Games 20'10
(A) Akbari Re-FmEn-
29. The three Round Table Conleroncs sere held (B) Sana Mir
in London during (C) Naznin Murtaza
(A) 1930 - 1932 (B) 1929 - 1931 (D) Naseem Hameed
(c) 1928 - 1930 (O) 1935 - 1937
4'1. Hansraj, the pet antelope of Prince Satim' is
30. The music of our national anthem was buried at
composed by
(A) Nisar Bazmi
_ (A1 oina-
(B) Gujrat
(B) Khursid Anwar (C) Hiran Minar
(C) Ghulam A Changla (D) Chicho ki Maliaan
(D) Master Ghulam Hussain
42. Tick the old word';
3'1. Ayub Khan imposed martisl law in
(A) 1960 (B). 195E
(c) 1961 (D) 1959 'K2, also known as Chhogor/Qogir, Ketu/Kechu,
32. "Arak' is a cotton sheet made pdneipally in and Mount Godwin-Austen. is the second hrghest
mountain in the world at E,6'll metres (28,251 ft),
after Mount Everest. lt is located on the border
(B) Barochisran
(D) Cholistan between Baltistan, in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of
northem Pakistan, and the Taxkorgan Tajik
33. Sehvyan city' is famous for its mausoleum of Autonomous County of Xinjiang, China. With' a
peak elevalion of E,611 m (28,251 teet), K2 is the
Lalif Bhitai highest point ot the Karakoram Range and the
Sh. Usman Merwandi high€st point in Pakistan.
Shah Rukan-€-Alam ' The Nile is an 'intemational" river as its waler
resourc€s are shared by eleven countries, namely,
Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Cong6-
AIq? of Avaran is 12,510 km:. Bahawalpur's Kinshasa, Kenya, Ethiopia. Eritrea, Soulh Sudin,
24.830 km', Dadu's 19,070 km' & Rahim yar Sudan and Egypl. ln particular, the Nite is the
Khan's 11,880. Chagai rs the largest district of primary water source of Egypt and Sudan.
Pakislan with the area ol 44.71A km'. ' Nur-ud-din Mohammad Salim is known by his
' Sayed Muhammad Usman MaMandi is impeaal name Jahangtr
commonly known as Hazral Lal Shahbaz 'Karimabad, Hunza & cilgit are in Gitgit-Battistan
Qalandar. Bisham is in KPK
1N Advmcd PPSC tlCQs odel Paoerc
(A) Karimabad (B) Hunza (O) Gilgit Ealtastan
(C) Gilgit (D) Bisham 56. All lndian Muslim League was founded in
43. Tick the odd word:
(A) Lahore (B) Abbottabad (A) 1900 in Lahore
(C) lran (D) Faisalabad (B) 1908 in Calcuna
(C) 1903 in Chinagong
44. Tick the odd word: (D) 1906 in Ohaka
(A) Drink (8) Look
(c) walk (D) Aspirin 57. Sultan Mahmood Ghaznavi's homelown was
45. Tick the odd word: (A) Nishapur (B) Ghazni
(A) Shrrt (B) Trousers (C) Samarkand (O) Lahore
(C) Cough (D) Socks
58. The Chief Minister of Balochistan i8
46. Which is the odd word among these? (A) Sardar Raisani .

(A) Motor car (B) Aeroplane (B) Hasil Bizenjo

(C) Boat (D) Airport (C) Or. Abdul Maalik
47. Badshahi Masjid. Lahore, was built during the (O) Ataullah Mengal -
reignof_ 59. Mahatma Gandhi was of lndian
(A) Jahangir (B) Aurangzeb National Congress.
(C) Akbar (D) Shah Jahan (A) Chairman (B) President
48. Gandhara civilization flourished in Pakistan (C) Founder (D) None ol these
during the rule of _ 60. Pakistan telovision was founded in
(A) Brahman rulers
(B) Buddhist kings
(A) 1960 - 1964
(C) Muslim Sultans
(c) 1965 (D) 196E
(O) Hindu Rajas 61. Pakistan hosted the Second lslamic Summit in

49. Famous poet saint Sachal Sarmast is buried (A) 1974 Lahore (B) 1972 Kerachi
in (C) 1975 lslamabad (O) 1977 in Lahore
(A) uahEh-i.f
(B) Oaraza Sharif 62. The first Constitution of Pakistan was
(C) Oera Ghazi Khan promulgated on
(A) 7 October 1958
(D) Ghotki
(B) 2'l March 1956
50. Allama lqbal gave his idea of a country for (C) 23 March 1956
lndian Muslims in December 1930 at (O) 20 January 19
6I7ii (B) Lucknow 63. President Ayub Khan wrote a book called
(C) Abbottabad (D) Delhi
51. Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan? 1A) Masters Not ftiends
(A) Ghulam Muhammad (B) Pathway to Pakistan
(B) l.l. Chundrigar (C) Fiends Not Masters
(D) Friend of Pakistan
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan
(D) Hussain Shah€ed Suharwardy 64 Quaid-eAzam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was
bom in
52. Who was the frst President of the lslamic (A) 187T-- (B) 1878
Replblic of Pakistan? (c) 1870 (D) 18E1
(A) Ayub Khan
(B) Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar 65 Pakistan's lirst national eleclion on one-man-
(C) Ch. Muhammad Zafarullah principle was held in _
(D) lskandar Mirza (A) 1954 (B) 1970
53. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar was
(c) 1976 (D) 1956
(A) Poet (B) Potitcran- 66 Which of thes€ is not a s€arch engine?
(C) Actor (O) lslamic Scholar (A) Google (B)
(C) (D) You Tube
t4. llcro of lndian film 'PK' is
(A) Salman Khan 67 Hard copy of document is:
(B) Farhan Akhtar (A) Display Copy (B) Scanned CoPy
(C) Amh Khan (C) Print out (O) Save Copy
(D) Shahrukh Khan 68 lntemet is:
55. Mohenjo Daro is in (A) Search Engine
(A) Sindh (B) Network of Networks
(B\ Balochistan (C) Scanning Technology
1:, <yber Pakhtunkhwa (O) Display system
/ldysac.d APSC fc&Iodd.pre,s . lo,l
tr. .......-- is done to protect data and 84. Wlat comes next in this sequence?
(A)Authorization (B)Authenfication 1,2, 4,7. 11.
(u, Enqyptaon (D) Verification (A) 1s -------lEr tz
(c) 18 iol ro
70. WWW stands for 85. What comes next in this sequence?
(A) wortowide rve-E- 5, 10, 20, 40,
(B) Wortd Wrestino Web (A) 60
I 70
(C) Wodd Wildliie Web 80 D 90
(D) Wr60ing & Witdtife Web
71. Our ikin _ producef when
-i.-i,tt;;. . .....f { ri?J /.-. .86
exDosed lo Sunlbht
(A) Vrt min D- --
(B) Vrtamin C
J- (B) r; (A)
(C) Vitamin K
iOi v,tamtn a (D)
72. Th€ domical name for com0on salt is
dr i.; (c)
(A) Sulphuric Acid -j';tt.. .....-,t,i at
(B) Sodium Chtonde
(C) Potassium Gtucomate if,3,, (B) Jtr2., ( )
(D) Nitrogen
73. .- is the most common colour in
ini,r' (o) iA4e, (C)
(A) Etue (B) Green :yi-!;;.t... . ....... c:.iv(!L.t .gE
(c) Btack (o) orange 71 (B) 61 (A)
74. Cholesterot level is anatyzed
81 (D)
sample. sl (c)
(A) Btood (B) Urine
(C) Sputum iO) Stoor :AJ,r... . ...-',.tict) .Ag
75. Watt is the unit of measure:
({) Electricity (B) water 1 (B)
14 99 (A)
(c) Rain water (D) Air pressure 1ls (D) 120 (C)
76. Add: 46 + 37 + 29 + 5 +.t4 + 33
= {t, ;- -t z
r,./ i,r, -( 4, t .so
(A) 163 (B) 173 ..rJ/Jv. (B)
(c) 164 ioi roo / e..s r (A)
77 Add: 33 + I + 27 + 13 + 48 + iO = ]1r1,ttiw (D) *;e:j,u (C)
(A) 13- (B) 13e :i..;'1,qt; j-i 4
(c) 14s (oi rgr ;C s, 91
78. 425 is how much above 4OO? ji:j @) s-.{,,(A}
(A) 25 (B) 26
(c) 27 ioi zq I rr-t' (D) d,,,, (C)
79. 367 is how much betow 4OO?
(A) 32 (B) 33 \._i "i-:. j j -;,;ir,f
(c) 3s ioi ar

80. Multiply: 9.5 x 4 =

(A) 37 --]8-I-36- '1';/ @) ,/,* 6)
(c) 38 (oi gg :$,:t (D) ;,J.-,* (C)
81. Multiply: 0.4 x 710 = ,:-/' ,r, i_;..->)f,
(A) 2U (B) 28s .g3
(c) 2E6 lD) 287
82. Divde: 340 + 50 =
jvtt:'-*rtt (A)
(A) 6e
(c) 6.7
ir,-.-; (B)
ioi s a
83. Oivide: 810 + 500 = (C)
(A) 1.62 -lB,-rE.i- ",,r,8'.:-*
(c) 1.60 (D) 1.64
JF,_v lo)
'lO? Atht rE dPPSCrcQsHod{,P',,el's
tv-................4F .g4 tt - @) Ji tcl
d, (B) (A) t 6ir,;. -i,\1, 2"/,i rr t,'t > I .98
,? (D) or/ lCl ,!.ii (B') ?l (A)
ti Gc)t;dt .95 J') (D\ u6, (C)

(B) <:4s$ 7.a je .99

g4,/ ,rt{ (A)

,/ <ol ,,1 p) ,ti:: lBl er;g (A)

r.-j,0.,?,t{,Jrte ; )\r? . .li+rr (D) ir (C)
,fr,r, (B) Jf.r (A) ';'l't'"""" ...../'I 1O0
,?'/ (ol iurf tcl ," (B) Jy $)
................ Jr',6jft)dt .e7
,/-/ lD) r. (C)

,lr,,f @) =/ (A)

Anower Key
1. d 14. d 27. d 40. d 53 b 66. d 79. b 92. c
2.b 't5. b 2E. ? 41. c 54 67 c 80. c 93. d
3.c '16. a 29. a 42. d 55 a 68 b 81. a 94. d
4.c 17. a 30. 43. c 56 d 69 c 82. b 95. a
5.a 18 a 31. b 4.d 57 b 70 a 83. a 96. b
6.c 19 a 32. a 45. c 58 c 71 a 84. d 97. c
7. d 20 a 33. b 46. d 59. b 72. b 85. c 98. c
La 21 b 34. c 17. b 60 b b 86. d 99. d
9.a 22 b 35. c /tE. b 61 e 74 a 87. b 100.
'10. a 23 c 36. a 49. b 62 c 75 a E8. a
1',t.. a 24 a 37. b 50. a 63 c 76 c 89. b
12. d 25 a 38. b 51. c u a 77 b 90. c
13. d 26 a 39. b 52. d 65 b 78 a 91. b




c.fital city of NQena is

(A) (8) Bosnia
(A) Abuia (B) Lagos Turtey
(C) (D) KGot o
(C) Kano (D) Accra 4. Bosnia sibated in which contirHil?
(A) Europe (B) Asia
2. Baku is the capital city of (C) Atrica (D) Soulh America
(A) Aze6aijan (B )-ffiia 5. \,Vni$ is lhe odd wod among th.s€?
(C) Turkmenistan (D ) KazakhstBn - (A) Crou (B) Panot
3. btanbulis a city of
A.lyanced PPSC nCQs nodet peoers 103
(C) Eagle (O) Tiger (A) Small (B) Larse
6. Khewra mines are known for their huge (C) Bis iot aari
depostts of
(A) Coat -----(B) Bauxite
21. _ is the best poticv
({) lntegrity 141 nirnesty
(C) Rock Salt (D) kon One (C) Silence (O) Telting
7. Jahangir Khan was world champion of 22. Facebook is a networking
(C) Wrestling
(B) Squash (A) Politicat (B) Sociat
(D) Sirabbte (C) Cnminal (O) Chrldren
L Captain of our national T2O Cricket Team is 23. Bill Gates is the creator of
(A) Microsoft (B)
(Af-EiEESh-ut Hao
(B) Muhammad Hafeez
(C) Google iDi tBM
(C) Shahid Afridi 24 is a famous email programme
(D) Younis Khan (A) Op€ra (B) Wndows
(C) Linux (D) Gmail
9. Pakistan's 1973 Conslitution has been
25. Unil of storage capacity of a hard disk
amended as
1e1 ts tmis-tB) 21 times
(A) Watt
(C) 18 times (O) 20 times (B) Votr
(C) Miltimetre (D) Megabyte
10 Allama lqbal was bom in
(A) 1877 (8 ) 1876 26. Ozone layer protecls life on earth from
(c) 1869 io ) 1879 (E)-GiEEih--ouse Gasses
l'1. The oldest Mughal monument in pakistan is (B) Meteorites
(C) Humrdity
(A) lQmran's Baradari Lahore (D) Ultra Violet Rays
(B) Wah GardeB
(C) Grand t o6que Thatta 27. Chemical formula for water is
(D) Shalimar Gardens (A) HzO (B) C
(c) Na (D) HzOz
12. Tashkent is th€ caDital citv of
(A) Azertaijan (Bi UfriGn 28. Tsunami is
(C) Kszakhstan (O) ta;itisran 14) MassivE w5iE in sEa caused by
13. OGRA is the regulalory body for our (B) Wind Storm
(C) Cyclone
(A) Media (B) Bankino sector (D) Snowstorm
(C) Oil and gas (O) Oitand'geobgy
29. Ecosvstem refers to
14. What is the capitat of 'We3t lndies.? Environme;i-
(A) Port of Spain (B) Kinggton iA) Earth
(B) Sea Salt
(C) Panama City (O) ttq,i'e of trese (C) Earth Heat
15. Tai Mahal was built at Agra was mausoleum (O) Air Humidity
ol 30. Gynaecology is a branch of
(A ) NoorJahan (B) Zaibunissa (A) Medicine (B) c;dogy
(c ) Mumtez Mahat (O) latran Ara (C) Physics iDi ChemEiry
16. Hus$in Shaheed Suharwardv was 31. Socrales. Plato and Aristo e were from which
(A) Prime Minister of pakisra;r European country?
(B) Great writer (A) Cyprus (B) Romania
(C) Fast bowter (C) Greece (D) Butgaria
(D) Top businessman
32. Sahiwal city was ca ed _- during
17. Pakistan Steetwas estabtished in lhe British rule
(A) 1962 (B) .1984 (A) qampbellpur (B) Lyalpur
(c) 1988 io)
rgza (C) Montgomery (D) J,cobabad
18. Which is the odd word amonq thes€, 33. Th€ British named city o, Camoeltpur is now
(A) Sweet (B) s6ur
(C) Black -
(Oi aitrer
(A ) Fatehiang (B) Anock
19. Which is the cdd word amono these? (c ) Taxila (D) Haripur
({) lofa (B) Cf,air 34. FIR stands for:
(C) Cushron (Di Bed (A) First lnformatDn Report
20. Which is the odd word among th6e? (B) First lnvestigation Resutt
l(r Adi,.oF.dPP,SC flCOt lod., Roots
(C) Final lnvestigation Record (A) Khondkar Mushtaq Ahmed
(D) For lnvGstilation Report (B) AK Fazl-ul-Haq
(C) Sh.Mujibur Rehman
35. Rai Ahmad Kharal was a (O) Begum Khalida Zia
(A) Raja of Okara
(B) Freedom Filhter 47. Vladimir Putin is the president of
(C) Big Landlord (A) Ukraine (B) Poland
' (D) Civil SeNant (C) Belarus (O) Russia
36. Madho Lal and Shah -- Hussain were 48. Khyber Pass lles rn
(A) Khyber Pukhtunkhwa
(A) Deep Frien ds (B) Traders (B) Baluchistan -
(C) Policemen (D) Soldiers (C) Azad Kashmir
(D) Sindh
37. Lucknory Pact was s(rned betvv€cn Congress
and Muslim League in 49. Malika-e-Taranum -was the title given to
(A) 1e22 (Bt 1920
(c) 1918 (D) 1916 (AfFsimBegum
(B) Noor Jahan
38. Pakistan's first Olympic Hockey Gold Medal ' (C) Mussarat Nazeer
was won in _ (D) Kausar Perveen
(A) 1960 Rome (B) 196a Tokyo
(C) 1972 Munich (D) 1976 Montreal 50. Last One Day Cricket World Cup was won by
39. The Head Office of the State Bank of Pakistan
is in IA)-auEiEia (B) sri Lanka
(C) New Zealand (D) lndia
(A) Rawalpindi (B) lslamabad
(C) Lahore (D) Karachi 51. Mahathir Muhammad was the Prime Minister
40. The Foreign Minisler of Pakislan is of
(A)T6Sland (B) Brunei
(Af3ati]Iaiz (B) Tariq Fatemi (C) Philippines (D) Malaysia
(C) Raza Rabbani (O) t{one ofthese 52 Th€ Year 2015 conesponds to which Hrra
41 WHO is a UN Body dealing with (A) 1436 (B) 1440
(A) Health (B) Drug eontrol
(c) 1429 (O) 1430
(C) Child Abuse (D) Money Laundering
42. Cybercrime is related to _
is the largest Province of
Pakistan by area.
(A) Radio (A) Punjab
(B) Media (B) Khyb€r Pukhtunkhwa
(C) Juveniles (C) Balochistan
(O) lnformation Technology (D) Sindh
43. The cunency of Bangladesh is called
54 is the national flower of Pakistan.
(A) Rose (B) Pansy
(A) Rupiah (B) Taka (C) Jasmine (D) Suniower
(C) Rupee (D) Rial
55 is the highest mountain peak of
44. The cunency of China' is called _ Pakistan.
(A) Yuan (B) Yen (A) Nanga Parbat B R a kaposh
(C) Dong (D) Kyal (c) Koh-e-safed o K-2
45. Father of the nation of lndonesia is
56. UNESCO is a
(A) Sukatno (B) Soehalto (A) Baby Milk Brand (B) Chocolate B.and
(C) Adam Malik (D) Haubi
(C) UN Body (O) TV Channel
57. River Amu Darya flows tlrough _
46. The first Prirne Minisler' of Banglade5h was (A) CentralAsia (B) North Africa
(C) Malaysia - (D) kan
58. The Mu6lim Andalus was locatBd tn
' The renminbi is the official currency of the
People's Repuuic of China. The yuan (sign: y) is il)-Fofrugtl (B) Hottand
the basic unit of the renminbi. but is also used to (C) France (D) Spain
refer to the Chinese currency generally, especially
in international contexts. 59. Warsak Dam is located in the provinces of
Taiuddin Ahmad lyas the first prime manister of
(A) Sindh
Bengladesh - from 1l April 1971 to 12 January
1972. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the s€cond (B) Khybcr Pukhtunkhwa
PM - from '12 January 19721o 25 January 1975.
(C) Punieb
Advrnccd PPSC ItCOs lodc, P.oG6 105
(D) Baluchistan Modi is:
60. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan founded the (A) Maharashtra (B) Andhra pradesh
(C) Haryana (D) Guirat
(A) irAO College Atisarh 74. The hero in the ,itm "Waar, is ptayed by
(B) Delhi College
(C) Lahore College iA)-F-awao Xnan (B) Shaan
(D) Palna College (C) Javed Sheikh (D) Faisat Oueshi
6'l. Zia Mohyuddin is ran: 75. What comes nexl in this sequence:
(A) Actor (B) Sinqer
(C) Businessman (D) Jouhalist 2,6,11,17. _
62. Pai(istan's largest industry is:
(A) 24 (B) 25
(A) Sugar (8) Softf,,are (c) 26 (O',) 27
(c) carPet (0) Textite 76. What comes nexl in this sequence:
63. Hiran Minar is a
1, 3, 12,60, _
1A1 Monument
(B) Hindu Temple
(A) 340 (B) 320
(C) Light House (c) 360 (o) 380
(D) High School 77. 121 rs how much above 100?
64. Bulley Shah is buried in (A) 20 (B) 21
(A) Chunran (BJ D-ip-atpur
(C) Kasur (D) Raiwind lC) 19 (Dl 22
65. Chief Justice of Pakistan is Mr. Justice
7E. 27 + 15 +40+8+32+19=_
(A) 139 (B) 140
(A) Jawwad Khawala (c) 141 (D) 142
(B) Riaz Ahmed 79. 99 + 77 +55+33+ 1i =--
(C) Nasirul Mulk
(D) Tassadaq Gilani (A) 272 (B') 273
66. Sadrdudin Hashwani is the owner ot
(cl 274 (D) 275
80. How many planets revolve around lhe Sun?
fi)-FepsiFakistan (B) Lakhra Mines (A) 6 (B) i
(C) PC Hotets (O) ENGRO
(c) I (D) 9
67. Asina Jehangir is a famous 81. 50 miles is equal to how many kilometers
(A) Business-person (By Lawyei-
(C) Politlcian (D) Poet
6E. Mukhtaran Mai is
(A) (B) 80
(A) Gang rape vifri6-- 81
(c) (D) 9
Cricket Heroine 82.99x4=_
Top Banker (A) 3e0 (B) 396
(D) Politician
(c) 39rl (o) 392
69. Malala Yousaf Zai is
(A) A Student 83.40x5.9=_
(B) A Nobel Prize Winner (A) 236 (B) 231
(C) A Teenager
(D) All of lhese
(c\ 218 (D) 239
84. 1140 + 40 =
70. E-Commerce rs;
(A) On-Line Trade (B) Stocks & Shares (A) 25.s (B) 21.5
(C) Cotlon Exchange (D) Money Changing (c) 27.5 (D) 28.5
71. The Senate of Pakislan has 65. 30O + 1.5 =
(A) 99 (B)
(A) 100 (B) 200
(c) 104 (D)
(c) 300 (D) 400
j --! JE di )
72. Boka Haram is a: r
a,,i et {o,,r 4 .86
(A) Hindu Sect
(B) Shipping Company )$r,r (B) .Jrrtr6,r (A)
(C) Christian Sect
(D) Tenorist Group ct,t6t;,r (D) f6,r (c)
73. The home state of Prime Minister llerendra
JJ J G.................,., i .aT
16 Advanced PPSC MCQS Nodet Paoe$

iAZd (B) (A) vr-..;.,!- (B) ..,"ii-', (A)

itld (O', ii4:; (C) -l;,,l;t 1D1 j z;'s? (Cl

\:,),i; -i:; -; .,, -:";.: l .88 :: j''i(J;:-;'.,(:ji i -95

:y \B) ..r (A) ,,,-i 181 ;'"-. (A)

(o) ,r..r (C) ,4'1. (D\ .',r (c)
i ti 4; * {'' :( ;-i',:-iu .89 .. 3! j_."9.i.:v,,r, .96

Jv-.: (Bl .rr-J (A) ;r;6r, (B) ,io2.: 6l

Jv,;y. @) .r'---'c (c) ;-.;-,; (D) ;r,'rc (C)
r"; ivJf :Let'";nlri-;" 90 "--";.. .' ,...f !,i.!.r. .97
(B) -,ir (Al ,,,,;3'-(B) ;,rg'-' *' (A)
7, @) ,,,:: (c) ,:-';,., (D) ;i',r (C)

" : i i-' ' 7!J t?''i'^'i 91 '.. .,..j,-' -',-'." 98

,.f r (Bl ',r (A) .:,;-i (B) i i/-;.?t (A)

(D) '; (c) iio-'.: (D) -i.rC-t,: (C)

| { :., t Jv i.:cc,"t,-i' r,; : .92

.:; _ j; : j.,i;:, t;t 99

Jt;, (B) iu-,..; (A) .i-i (B) .,:-ir (A)

Jvi P) .";t (c) ,,i, (D) J,-.'!. (C)

e.-;t .;..' ) /d -t .),!\ .g3 -r--,i.j . ... .:.,:,; -100

,i (st .{9-, (A) ,.'-, (B) .r,- (A)

,hJV (o) ,;6' (C) rr (o) ,.,,'l (C)

': ?1y ;- I c J' :, i j i' .94

Answer Key
1. a 14. d 27. a 40. d 53. c 66. c 79. d 92. c
2.a 15. c 28 a 41 a 54. c 67. b 80. c 93. d
3.c 16. a a 42 d 55. d 68. a 81. b 94.
4.a 17. d 30 a 43 b 56. c 69. d 82. b 95.
1E. c 44 b 57. a 70. a 83 a b
6.c 19. d 32 c 45 a 58. d 71. c 84 d 97.
7.b 20. d b 46 c 59. b 72. d 85 b 98. d
8.b 21. b 34 a 47 d 60. a d 86 b 99.
9.b 22. b 35 b 48 a 61. a 74. 87 b b
10. a 23. a 36 a 49 b 6?. d 75. a 88 c
11. a 24. d 37 d 50 d bJ a 76. 89
12_ b 25. d 38 a 5l d 64 b
13. c 26. d 39 a 65 c 78. 91 a
Advanced PPSC MCQ' Model Paoers 1ol

(A) lrfan Siddiqui
'l . Allama lqbal made his first public proposal for (B) MauianaSami-ul-Haq
a separate state for Muslims at: (C) Maulana Abdul Aziz
(A) Lahore (B) Allahabad (D) MaulanaYousaf Shah
(C) Dehli (D) Oacca
15. Gwadar Port is in the province of:
2. Quaid-e.Azam Muhammad All Jinnah (A) Sindh (B) Pun ab
remained the Governor General of Pakistan (C) Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (O) Balochislan
for almost:
(A) 10 months (B) l1 months 16. Jerusalem is the Holy City of;
(C) 12 monlhs (D) 13 months (A) Muslms (B) Jews
3. Kalabagh Dam is proposed to be built on:
(C) Christians (D) All of lhese
(A) lndus River (B) Chanab River 17. The second largest religion of world is:
(C) Jehlum River (D) Ravi River (A) lslam (B) Christian[Y
4 Whrch area of Punjab wth Muslim maiority
(C) Buddhism (D) Hrndursm
\,Yas awarded to lndia bY the Boundary 18. Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of:
Commission in 1947? (A) France (B) Germany
(A) Ferozepur (B) Jalandher (C) ltaly (D) Belgrum
(C) Amralsar (O) HoshiarPur '19. Lionel Messi is a famous player of:
5. The total number of Districts in Punjab is: (A) Cricket (B) Hockey
(A) 32 (B) 34 (C) Tennis (D) Football
(c) 35 (D) 36 20. Which of the followng is not a Scandinavian
6 The State means: country?
(A) Federal Govt. (B) Provincial Govts (A) Poland (B) Nonvay
(C) Parliamenl (D) All of these. (C) Oenmark (D) Sweden
7. Most of the electricity in Pakistan is produced 21. Who is the author ot Harry Potter series of
bY books for children?
(A) Hydal Power (B) Solar Power (A) Enid Blyton (B) Roald Oahl
(C) Thermal Power (O) .Nuclear Power (C) Denis Robins (D) J.K. Rowling
8. To the south of Pakistan lies: 22. The famous Al-Tehrir Square is in:
(A) lran (B) China (A) lstanbul (B) Oamascus
(C) The tuabian Sea (D) Afghanistan (C) Cairo (D) Kabul
9. Reko Oiq is a mining proiect ln Pakistan for: 23. Barack Obama the Amencan President
(A) coal reserves (B) copper reserves belongs to:
(C) iron ore(D) oil reserves (A) Democratic Party (B) Republican Party
10. The Boundary belween Azad Kashmir and
(C) Labor Party (O) None of these
Occupied Kashmir ls called: 24. Amnesty lntemational is an organization ,or:
(A) Dead Line
(B) Green Line (A) Fightang Global Terrorism
(C) Durand Line
(D) Control Line (B) Prevention of Crimes
(C) Providing financial aid to prisoners
11 . Wana is the main town of: (O) Protection of Human Rights
(A) North Waziristan (B) South Waziristan
(C) Kurram Agency (D) Khyber Agency 25 Capital Punishment means
(A) Oeath sentence
12. The Karakoram Highway links China and (B) Confiscation of property
Pakistan through: (C) Life imprisonment
(A) Khyber Pass (B) Khunirab Pass (O) Huge tine
(C) Bolan Pass (D) Babusar Pass
26. Juvenile prisone.s are under the age o,
13. Loralai is a dislric{ of: (A) '12 years (B) 14 Years
(A) Sindh (B) Punjab (C) 16 years (D) lSYears
(C) Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (O) Balochistan
27. FIR stands for:
14. On behatf of the Govt. who is the Chief (A) First lnvestigation RePort
Coordinator of Head of the Committee for (B) First lnformation Report
peace talks with Taliban?
1W Advanced pp,SC MCes ncdet paoers
(C) Forensic lnformation Report (A) Ammonia (B) Carbon monoxide
(O) Follow up lnvestigatron Report (C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen
2E. The basic duty of every cilizen rs: 41 . The humidity in the air tells us about the ratio
(A) Obedience to Constrtution & Law ot _ in lhe air.
(B) to get education (A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide
(C) to work hard (C) Water vapors (D) none ofthese
(O). to respect the elders
42 . Sunlight falling on our skin causes it to
29. Every peison arrested & detained in custody produce:
shall be produced before a Magrstrate: (A) Vitamin A (B) Viramin B
(A) tmmediately (B) wth'in 24 hours (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
(C)Jhe same day (D) w hrn 48 hours
43 . Whrch ot the bllowino rs a man-made
30. According to fundamental rights no chitd material?
below lhe age of _ shall be engaged in (A) Granite (B) Copper
any factory. mine or any olher hazardous (C) Plastrc (D ) Methane
(A) 10 years (B) '12 years 44 Whrch ot lhe followng protecls our body
(C) 14 years (D; 16 years against disease?
(A) White blood ce s
31. No person shalt be punrshed for the same (B) Red blood cells
offeose more lhan (C) Platelets
(A) once (B) twrce (O) None is correct
(C) thnce (D) none is correct
45 . Common salt is also called:
32. According to Constitution of pakistan the (A) Amrno Acid
education,shall be free & computsory to alt (8) Sodium Chloride
citizens of age. (C) Sodium Potassium
(A) 5 to 16 ,ears (B) 4 to 16 years (D) None is correcl
(C) 5 to 10 years (0) 4 to 14 years
33. Which of the fot lowing is not among the
46 She felt_ when went on staqe.
(A) worried (B) nerv6us
fundamental fl9 hts of citizens?
(A Freedom of movement
(C) anxious (D) agitated
(B Freedom of speech 47 The horseman pulled the _ of lhe horse.
(c No discrimination on the basis of sex (A) reins (B) reions
(D All are conecl (C) rarns ioi raiLs
34. Minimum age limit for the Members of 48 "A thing ot beauty is a joy forever' is a famous
National Assembly is: verse by:
(A) lSyears (B) 21 vears (A) Wordsworth (B) She v
(C) 25 years (D) 28 iears (C) Keats (D) Byron
35. ln Pakistan the sale of cigarettes is prohibited 49 Which word is wrongly spelt in the following
under the age of set of words?
(A) 12 years (B) j5 vears (A) Confusion (B) Previous
(C) 16 years (0) lSiears (C) Computer (D) Distructron
36. Optical Fiber System is a: 50 Which word is wrongly the following
(A) Defense Mechanism set of words?
(B) Telecommunication Svstem (A) Enquiry (B) Etectricrty
(c) Air Raid system (C) Nursary (D) Library
(D) None of these 51. An 'above board" person means:
37. Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of: (A) Dishonest (B) Cruel
(A) Catcrum (B) Vitamin B (C) Trustworthy (D) Wise
(C) tron (O) rnsutin 52. Beautiful is a:
38. lt is difficult to cook on mountaans because of: (A) Verb (B) Noun
(A) High atmospheric pressure (C) Pronoun (D) Adjective
(B) Low atmospheric pressure 53. ldentify the correct spellings:
(C) Low temperature (A) Occurred (B) Occured
(D) Lack ol orygen (C) Ocurred (D) Ocunad
39. Ozone layer protects life on earth from: 54. Do vou see blue skv?
(A) Ultraviolet rays (B) Greenhouse gases (A)-a (Bj an
(C) CFCS (D) Carbon DioxiEe (C) the (D) None is coneci
40. Which poisonous gas is lroduced when coal 55. The man is poor _ hcnest.
is burnt without enough air supply? (A) and (B) or
Advanced PPSC NCQs *lodel Paoers 109
(C) but (D) if (A) Display copy (B) Resolved copy
56. Will you wait _ I return?
(9) Scanned copi (D) Printout
(A) after (B) wnen 72. Small files that are deposited on user's hard
(c) rifl (D) if drive when they visit a website are best
described as
57. Catastrophe means: (A) Codes (B) Cookres
Problems (B) Pressure
(A) (C) Profiles (D) Trackers
Disaster (D) Huge
58. She _ unconscious since four O'clock: 73. A voice mailbox in a voice marl system is
(A) is (B) was (A) Storage location on a hard disk
(C) has been (D) would be (B) Processor
(C) lnput Device
59. Honest men sp€ak _ truth. (D) Output device
(A) a (B) an
(C) the (D) None is correct. 74. __ is to protect data and passwords
(A) Encryption (B) Authentication
60. He Jumped off the bus whrle it _ _ (C) Authorization (D) Non-repudiation
(A) moyed (B) had moved
(C) was moving (D) moves 75. The browsers ___ keep a list of web pages
you have visited ;n the currenl session.
61. Which numb€r can replace both the question (A) History (B) Cache
ma(ks? 2l? = ?150 . (C) Favofltes tDl Trarl
(A) 5 (B) 10
76 A certificate rs a notrce that ouarantee a
(c) 25 (D) 100
user oi a web srte legrlimate
62. Complele the series: 6,9,'13,'16,20.23 (A) Assrgned (B) Prolected
(A) 26.30 (B) 26.31 (C) Secure (D) Oigrtal
(c) 27,30 (D) 27,31
77. Measuring unit of capac(y of a hard disk to
63. lf you write down all the numbers from 1 -100, save data as
how many times would you write 3? (A) Ghz (B) GB
(A) 18 (B) 19 (C) NeMon (D) Watt
(c) 20 lD\ 21 78. What are three most popular socral
64. Ali ran around a l/4 kilometer.iogging track 17 networking web sites today?
times. How many kilomelers did he run? (A) Google. Yahoo. Bing
(A) 4km (B) 4%km (B) Facebook, Bebo, Elogster
(C, 4%km (D\ 4%km (C) Facebook, Myspace. Twitter
65. Complete the series: 6,4,48,40, 36, 34, (D) Zorpia. Netlog, Habbo
(A) 30 (B) 31 79. ln MS word sho( cut'Shift+Delete is used to
(c) 32 (D) 33 (A) Delete the Selected item permanently
66. A man buys a toy for Rs. 70 after getting a without placing the item in recycle bin
discount ol20%. What was the (B) Copy the selected item
marked pice of the loy? (C) Rename the selected item
(A) Rs: 84 (B) Rs: 56 (D) Create a short cut to selecled item
(C) Rs: 87.50 (D) Rs: 90 80. From which menu. you can insert the Header
67. A history class has '12 boys and 1E grrls. Boys and Footer
are what fraction of the class? (A) Format Menu (B) View Menu
(A) 3/5 (B) 2/3 (C) Tools Menu (D) lnsert Menu
(c) 3/4 lol 2ts E1. Which ot the following rs not a search engine?
68. 25 Students took a test and 4 of them failed. (A) (B) Altavista com
What per cent of them passed the test, (C) Facebook.cogr (D) Yahoo-com
(At 75yo (B) 80% 82. Which of the following is correcl form of an e-
(cl 82yo lo) 84o/. mail address?
69. 3/1000 written as a fraction is? (A) Ppsc: PU!le!jg!!
(A) 3 (B) 0.3 (B)
(c) 0.03 (D) 0.003 (C) ppsc@!!!S/ uulpu!.le!,.gey.p!
70. 1 square foot is equal to:
(A) 24 square inches 83 Within a browser what does a 'Home' do?
(B) 48 square inches (A) Add your e-mail address to your e-mail
(C) 72 square inches message
(D) 144 square inches (B) Enter your home address into texl box
(C) Take you to the previously visited site
71 . Hard copy of a documenl refers to which of
the following
't t0 Advanced MCOs PaDers
(D) Display the content of your designated
start page r;s{s-;+, (D) r:.r-j.j;:c.: (C)
84. Whid of the iollowing is a URL? i-Lili-i;.-f j-:r. jj,ri.--J- .93
(A) Netscape
(c) EtemerEdorei- 'j,. (B) ,'--, (A)

(D) w!,r,
r.r,r"l-,, .*.: (C)

85. When you friond someone on a social !.':,vr;*--': tijrLu-: jv,i;-,i 3;,': .-:-,> * .94
netwo*ing site, what does lhis allow them to
see !.:_:.: -.,-
(A) Nothidg, the same as everyone else
(B) They can see all ofthings iou put on -', j:,'-.'', (B) -:.,-.! : .:i. (A)
private so only friends can see i,r-ij+-,j'ir"J (D) -.,j:.,i.,', (C)
(C) They can seejust your picture
(D) AandC :-y',V,{c.7 :i.b' .95
,i{aqi-';Lv'.8$ i:-'; (B) (A)

f-.e!-ie (B) <-:t ) (A) .ji' (D) ":''

,!, (c)
+ct t.--!k, (D) 4.nt-r,r,ra (C) ':a- a.;..;,j,1-;,a j t;-- =,:!:--,;,..96
jitivt.rv' j'';-'' (B; c:;.:' (A\
-'.-, .gT
LVf'J.vLrt (B) tvy,tr|L- (A) .j ,ry+' (D) -'-t-',-'-' (C)
LVA,I-la lD) t-2y"4:tq-l (C) rt :_i I _. :-! E, - j ; !. ?._ i :,.- .gl

e? tu,lza1.i j,Z,iryJtyt .gg

r,;r' ;r (A)

,z(B) I(l Ji (D) .t,: (C)

.:.rt 3.'t (D) i: (C) t :r,I ;t i -d t- ) -t Jtt,, : .98
nl c,t.,,, !.,a, 4,;1 !
2 .gg 1,).!
-' r{j'ii.qo' (Bl r"-,, ,r"f {n)
!oo-r' F)'jl-,/1,:.p @l :,.,e.-t; (D) --.-.;,n;1,. (C)

Y)',!-r Q) 3,ry-r (c) t

1{-i 2'i. a ;1r i.-"t ;' j-,,',.' .gg .

r,.l:j /,t,rgr at\, n ttJltti i j.6J,r (B) iti (A)

.9 1

/.{.,.1 (Bl .il4t (A) ,i,(r., (D) .r,g;;u (C)

t'gLp4) (D) <-,iL.1t;r,tr*i (C) <:.-i,tt i./' f - t:;r,;'
-l .100
_--_L.tJ <_uifl :e.r,(J r. J=+/c.j .92 4(<, (B) irvr jti, (A)
*:o{$,.-u;t-fr (B) n:J{6,br,A2 (A) ,r,jer (D) pi-+- (Cl

Answer Key
1. b '13. d 25 a 37. d 49. d DI b 73 a 85 b
2. d 14. a 26 d 38. b 50. c 62 74 a 86 b
3. a 15. d 27 b 39. a 51. 63 b 75 a 87 b
4. a 16. d 28 a 40. b 52. d 6,4 c 76 d 88 c
5. d 17. a 29 41. c 53. a 65 d 77 b 89 c
6. a 18. b 30 c 42. d 54. 66 78 c 91 c
7. c 19. d 31 a 43 c 55. c 67 b 79 a 92 c
8. c 20. a 32 a 44 a 56. c 68 d EO d b
9. b 21. d 33 d 45 b 57. c 69 d 81 c 94 b
10. d 22. c u c 46 b 58. c 70 d 82 d 95 d
11. b 23. a 35. d 47 a 59. c 71 d E3 d 96 c
12. b 24. d 36. b 48 c 60. c 72 b u d 97 d
Advanced PPSC MCQ' Model PaDers 111

98. b 99. b 100. c





1. You want to insert a paragraph of text from 10 Find the average of all numbers behYeen 6
one document into another document while and 34 whrch are divisible by 5:
still keeping it in the first document. you will do (A) 15 (B) 20
it by doing the following: (c) 25 (D) 30
(A) Cut and paste 'l 1. Solve: 30"/" of 3300
(B) Copy and paste (A) 330 (B) s90
(C) Delete and paste (c) 700 (o) 1100
(D) lnsert and paste
2. ln whch year. FIH (lnternational Hockey 12 Evaluale (248) +JA
Federation ) was established? (A) 14 (B) 26
(A) 1980 (B) 1920 (c) 16 (D) 36
(c) 1924 (O\ 1922 13 ln MS Word, which view shows margins and
3. A colleg€ organised a tunction in which 1/3'd the rulers?
(A) Normal (B) Page Layout
of boys and 1/2 of girls are preseot. Total
number of sludents present is: (C) Page Setup (D) Review
(A) 90 (B) 110 14 For how many years did the Caliphate of
(C) 125 (D) Oata inadequate Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) last?
4. Excel would evaluate the lormula. = (A) Two years (B) Three Years
20'10/5'8, and return this answer. (C) Four years (D) Five Years
(A) s (B) 6.25 15 Which pillar of lslam is declared as an
(c) 320 tot 232 Armour?
5. ln MS Word, when we apply "Drop Cap' on a (A) Salat (Prayers) (B) Soam (Fasting)
word then, by defaull, first character of this (C) Zakal (D) Hatj
word drops to: 16 Euphonious is the opposito of:
(A) 3lines (B) S lines (A) Concordant (B) Lethargic
(C) 2lines (D) E lines (C) Harmonious (D) Cacophonrc
6. Union Jack is the name ol the flag of which 17 ln Excel you cafl sort data in
country? (A) Ascending order
(A) Uniled Kingdom (B) lreland (B) Descending order
(C) Canada (D) Scotland (C) BothA& B
7 What number increased by 20% of itself ts lD) None of these
equal to 102? 1A
- Wazar Khan
ln whrch city rs the famous
(A) 8s (B) 90 Mosque located?
(c) 75 (D) 185 (A) Lahore (B) Thatta
8. To convert a deomal numb€r rnlo binary (C) Peshawar (D) Eahawalpur
number, we use the method of repeated. 19 The task force estab|shed by Pakistan Navy
(A) Multrphcatron (B) Drvrs,on lo defend CPEC rs called
(C) Addition (D) Subtraction (A, Task Force 75 (B) Task Force 88
9 A father is now three times as old as his son (C) Task Force 90 (D) Task Force 91
Five years back. he was four times as old as 20 Cells in MS Excel can be uniquely identified
hrs son. The age of the son (in years) is: by.
(A) 10 (B) 12 (A) Column letters and row numbers
(c) 15 (D) 18 (B) Column numbers and row letters
ll2 , fdnncrdFAiG ICOs Xodplrocrs
(C) Ce[ coordinaes 33. By converting
(D) None of fieee 75olo into fraction. answer will
21. Monlagu - Chgknafor reforms inlroduced a (A) 3/4 (Bt 2t3
syrGm callcd: (c) 1/3 (D) 1/4
(A) l,lonarch (B) Tt|ec*r 34. A cdnputer cannot funclion withoul:
Oemocracy aD) Diad,y '
(C) (A) Microsoft Office
22. GiBt thd 543 x 2i = i1403. Find the vatue (B) Operating System
of: 1140.3 + 5.43 (C) lnternet Connector
(A) 210 (B) (D) Antivirus Protection
(c) r20 io)
zoo 35. Softw€re that- assists you, or acls on your
23. A!/araga- of t€n pGiliw numbaG is x. lf each behalf. to perform repeiitive computer_retited
nurnoer ls ncraes6d by i0%. than x: tasks is a(n):
(A) Remains undrsrild (A) lntelligenagent
(B) Mayd€crBase ' (B) Robot
(C) U.y incraase (C) Fuzzy loqic
(D) b incE.E d by i0% (D) Genetic algorithm
24. Three hundrcdhs i! lhe sam€ a9: 36. Alia c€n complele an assignemnt rn 5 days
(A) 0.3 (B) 3OO.O and Babar can complot the same asslonmeht
(c) 300 ioi o.os is 20 days. The time taken by both A-tia and
Babar to complete the assieinment working
25. Chooe. thc coryecf prEposition: looLh€r€ ig together is:
(f) days
(c) on (C) 4
(O) Zoays
S days
toi o 37. Which planet in the solar system is farthest
26. Th€rB e.e trc-sedione A md B of a dass, ftom the sun?
consistirB of 36 and r|4 AudanB resoe.fiv€lv_ (A) Mercury (B) Neotune
tf the ev€r.gE ur.otrt ot eaion a is ioko jfi (C) Venus (O) Uars
trat of g€d,o{t B is. 35k9, fin<t Ure aGrage
wsaght of tho tr,hob crass 38. lf Kayla left a 510.47 tip on a breaHast that
(A) 30 ks (B) 35 ko i
coat $87.25. what percentage was the tip
(c) 37.25 re (o) {.56 ks (A) 8.3% B\ i2y.
27. Mr Antonb Gubrrls b s€ryim a3
(c) 13% io\ tq"/"
Secretery Gan€rat of thc UnitcO tfaionc. io 39. ln MS Word 2007, is used to
whiclr counfy d6s h€ b.lono? move drrecfly to specific localion in a
(A) ltiaty (B) S;ein document.
(C) PoL,l(t (D) ptnrget (A) Subdocumerts
(B) Bookmarks
28. R€oya ott llod 65, 61,lE, t2.nd g5 out of (C) Crow-references
10o h difb€flt subircis, whet uifl bc ta (D) Ouuines
(A) 70 (B) 7s 40. ln 2002, Amnesty lntemational succeeded in
(c) 80 (Di 8s havtng an "Optional protocot" added to the
29. Thc wo.d Pantum b rBtabd b: Child Human Rights Act in the UN. Thri
(A) Hard Disft (B) DVI) Fotocol raised the age at which states can
legafly recruit children lnto the armed forces to
(C) Print r (Oi Uicroproccesor 1& Whal was the legal age under t
30. To Porcrftint p.B.nlation, p.Ess: (A) I hrrleen (B) Sixteen
(A) Ctl + A (B) Ctd + Shin + P (C) Fifreen ioi rouneen
(C) CH + P ioi Crnl * S 41. Asghar can do a rob rn 60 days. And both
31. 'Amazon' is a b€3t erample sile. Asghar and Babar can do the sjme ,ob rn 20
(A) E€omnrerce days workrng together. Babar atonge can Oo
(B) So<ral Ndrro*im the same.pb in.
(C) Blooginc -- ({) l0 days (Br 60days
(D) EnMainmcnf . (C) 28days (D) 4sdaya
32. Slrah Al,tGr4sar b th€ 3hortest sur.h of the 42. How many Emirates comprise the United Arab
tloly Quran. The numOcr ot iC versei tayaifl emirates?
t6: (A) I (at7
(A) Thre6
(c) Five
(B) Four
(D) Less lh€n three
(c) 6 (oi s
43. What is the width of badminton courl for singte
Adyance.tPPSC COSI odelPaoers 113

(A) 5.18 meters (B) 6.10 meters (O) View different worksheets
(C) 0.40 meters (D) 5.20 meters 58. You should save your computer ftom:
44. ll a : b = 2: 3 and b : c = 4 : 3, then lind a:b:c (A) Viruses (B) Time bombs
(A) 8:12:9 (B) 2:3:8 (C) Worms (D) All of these
(C) 2:3:9 (D\ 2:3:'t2 59. Minutes buys an old scooter for Rs. 4700 and
45. A ftuit seller purchases oranges at the rate of spends Rs. 500 on its repairs. lf he sells the
3 for Rs 5 and sells them at 2 for Rs 4. His scooter tor Rs. 5800, his gain percent is:
profit in lhe transaction is: (A) 4.57o/o (B) 5.45%
(A| 25% (B) 15% (c) 10% lol 12ok
(c ) 20% (D) 10% 60. The Page orientatron can be in
46. A doll is sold for Rs. 220. lthat was lh€ cost style.
of doll if rat3 of profit was l% of the cosl? (A) Landscape
(A ) Rs. 198 (B) Rs.200 (B) Portrait
(C) Rs.210 (D) Rs.240 (C) Landscape & Portrait
47 Albert Einstein was born in:
(D) Digit Speed Line
(A) Omen (B) Germany 61. What is full form of DSL in terms oI
(C) lraq (D) Tur*ey rnformation technology?
(A) Oigital System Line
48. Which is the first element depicled on the (B) Digital Super Line
Periodic Table? (C) Digital Subscriber Line
(A) Hydrogen (B) Aluminum (D) Digital Speed Line
(C) Orygen (D) Gold
49. Which of the following is not used to access 62. The Diamir-Bhasha Dam will be constructed
the web?
(A) ISDN (B) Modem (A) Kabul (B) Jhelum
(c) UDP (D) DSL (C) Ravi (D) lndus
50. Bio-fuels are sources of energy derived from: 63. Who invented Computer Mous?
(A Doughlas Carl Engelbart
(A) Bims (B) Plants & Animals (B Bill Gates
(C) Oceans (D) Air & Water
(c John McAfee
51. Pakistan is bordered by _ in the (D Evan Williams
(A) Afghanistan (B) lran 64. How many gold medals Pakistan won in lhe
Common Wealth Games 2010 held in lndia?
(C) China (D) Omen (A) 1 (B) 2
52. Find o:r! the average of A and B if the given (c) 3 (D) 4
valueofl6A+168=48. 65. ln MS Word, shortcut key
(A) 1.5 (B) 2
combination undedines the selected tex.
(c) 53 (ol 7.4
(A) Ctrl + (B) Ctrl + V
53. ln _
Power Point contains pre. U
(C) Ctd + (O) Ctrl + A
- book 'The Myth
(A) Graphics (B) Theme 66. Who wrote the of
(C) Texture (D) Gradient
(A) General Ayub Khan
54. Head of the Senale is called _ (B Nelson Mandela
(A) President (B) Speaker (c Benazir Bhutto
(C) Chairman (D) Administrator (D Z.A. Bhutto
55. Ouaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jannah 67. Which of the following is used in normal
presented his Fourleen Poants in: pencils?
(A) 1928 (B) 1929 (A) Graphite (B) Silacon
(c) 1930 (D) 1932 (C) Charcoal (D) Slate
56. Fot the series. whal is the nexl term: 4. 6, 9, 68. Computers that process both analog and
(A) 15 (Bl 12
digital data are called
(A) Analog (B) Hybrid
(c) 18 (O) 17 (C) Oigital (O) Algorithm
57. ln MS Excel, you c.rn use the horizontal and 69. funclion calculates the largest
vertical scroll bars to: ialue in 'a set of numbers.
(A) Split a worksheel into two panes (A) Average (B) Count
(B) View different rows and columns (C) Min (D) Max
(C) Edit the contents of a cell
114 A64nced ppSC HCes [todet paoors
70 lf 1 day work = 1,20 then time required to 84 A comfton name for software errors is:
finish the job (in daya) (A) Vrruses (B) Trotans
(A) 20 (B) 10 (C) Bugs (D) logrc Bombs
(c) 25 ioj so
85. Which amongst the following is the largest unit
71. From what location are the 1st computer of storage?
instructtons available on boot up? (A) Byte (B) Gigabyte
(A) ROM B|OS (B) CPU (C) Terabyle (D) Kilobyte
(C) boot.inl (D) CONFTG SYS
86 A country that is landlocked and surrounded
72 Choose the correcl Antonym: lnfatlibte only by landlocked countries rs called "doubte
(A) lmp€rtect (B) im'peccabte landlocked" Which ot the followrng countries is
tC) Flawless (D) Retiabte ''double landlocked"?
73. Oscar purchaaed a new hat that was on sate (A) Afghanistan (B) Kazakhstan
for 55.06 The original price was 59.20 What (C) Tajikistan (D) Uzbekistan
percentage discount was the sale price? 87. Pakistan s first Constituent Assembly was
lA) 4 .5.k (B' 41 .4o/o dissolved in.
lc\ 45% (D) 55% (A) 1954 (B) 1953
74. Animation schemes can be applied to (c) 19s7 rD) 1958
_ in the presentation. 88. A,/an contains inlormation like text
(A) Allslides (B) Setect stides rmage or mustc.
(c) current shde (D) A o, these (A) Gadget (B) File
75. For the series, what is the next term? 36. 34.
(C) Keyboard (D) lnternet browser

20 _
30.28.24. 89. What is the fraclional equivalent of 12.5%?
(A) (s\ 22 (A) 1/4 (Bl 2t9
(c) 23 (D) 26 (c). 1/5 (D) 1/8
76 What rs Linux? 90. Solve 5:0.5 = ?
(A) Operating system (A) 2.5 (B) 25
(B) Storage device (c) 10 (D) 1
(C/ lnput device
(O) Web browser 91. Three numb€rs are in the ratio 4:5:6 and thear
average rs 30. The largest number rs:
77. Slide sorter can be accessed through (A) 28 (B) 32
(A) nsert
(B) View
(c) 36 (O) 42
(C) Edit (D) File 92. "Fidel Castro'was the leader of
(A) France (B) South Africa
78. Find the average of 8132543and 1'l (C) Nigeria (D) Cuba
(A) 20 (B) 32
(cl 27 (D) 19 93. Chennai is the new name of which lndian
79 Pakrstan won the first and only tCC T-20 (A) Madras (B) Patna
Cricket World Cup under the captarncy of
(A) Younus Khan
(C) Agra (D) Lucknow
(B) lmran Khan 94. The average ol tour ionsecutrve odd numbers
(C) Shahrd Afridr rs 24 Frnd the largest number
(D) lnzamam ul Haq (A) 25 tBt 27
(c) 29 (Dr 31
80. Two numbers era in the ralio 7 : f. if the sum
of the numbers is 112, then the larger number 95 Th€ World s largest Compuler Company by
ts: sales ls:
(A) 49 (Bl 72
(A) Aser (B) IBM
(c) 63 (ol 42
(C) Microsoft (D) Apple
81. Antonym of Guilty is 96. For a qualification 2/5 of the marks were given
(A) lnnoc€nt (B) Humble for coursework. The rest of the marks were
(C) Clever (D) , Proud grven for a written paper of which 3l/B were
given for a mental test. Total marks were out
82. ',110 =
of 120. How many marks were grven for the
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.1 mentaltest.
(c) 1.0 (D) 10 (A) 30 (B) ss
83. Solve 12 + 20 = 'l (c) 27 (D) 4s
(A) 6 (B) 2.4
(c) 0.6 (o) 24 l:-:-.,:-l4ve'
A ,lrcos Model 115

;1-,';-.i I s,u'l!
f ':-'; in1
-i 61
;'t-2.iJV,J'J=i @\ .-i 'i:.4c,i Bl
j-'t;-'):lVjl!=i 1c1
6,'-,- . i,.i --evi 1c1

,-l't4 !JVr'-'J=i pl ! zL-- :,'

t"' :l'iiLi (D)

l.-v', f' :-r, t€" i t
-- r
( ;1. .100
| <- 1)b''(w' 1,.-t, tg "tt :t >;'i" 98

tt)tL'/ (Bl u(jt (e) rk{ (A)

;r-4-i \ot J;','(ct ur!,j:-.r;d-i,j! (B)

;t,(:-r,-:.1 (C)
t ,,L "out. of the trying pan into the fire" 99
';r,.!J*-f, (Dl
Answer Key
b 14. a 27. d 40. b b 66. d 79. a 92. d
c b 28. b 41. a 54 67. a 80. c 93. a
? d 10 d 42. b 55 b 68. b 81. a 94. b
17. c 30. 43. a 56 c 69. d 82. b 95. d
18. a 31. a 44. a 57 b 70. a c 96. c
5. a
'19. b 32 a 45 c 58. d 71. a 84. c 97. b
6. a
20. b 33 a 46 b 59 d 72 a 85 98. b
b 21 d u b 47 b 60 c 86 d 99. c
35 b 48 a 61 c 74 d 87 a 100. c
9. c a
10 b 23 d 36 c 49 a 62 d 75 b
b 50 b 63 a 76 a 89 d
1'r b 24 d 37
38 b 51 c 54 b 77 b 90
't2 c 25
26 c b a 65 78 a 91 c
13 b ^,



lnlemational Committee o, lhe Red Cross was 3. Which rnstrument rs used to measure blood
founded bv: pressure?
lA) J H Dirrant (B) Baden Powell (A) Sphygmomanometer
ici oonald Ross (D) None orthese (B) Thermometer
(C) Barometer
2 The Obiectives Resofution was made parl of (D) Stethoscope
substaniive provisions of the Constitution of
1973: 4. The BntEh Government announced the
(A) At the time of its Promu lg ation in 1973 partilron of Bengal rn'1905 because of
(B) By Presrdential Order 1 4 of 1985 (Revival (A) Muslm s demand
of Constitution Order) (B) Hrndu's demand
(C) Through amendments made in the (C) Administrative requrrements
Constitution in 1975 (D) Financial constraints
(O) Through a resolulion of the Parliament
116 fdve,rsrd ppltc fcoS lod., F'o*t
5. The P€nodic Table, rvhich, ananges chemical (B) rLO
.according to ttrlir etdmrc-numG (C) UN High Commissioner for Refugee
ano cnem(:t properties. was formulated by:
(A) Antoine Lavoisier (D) All of these
(B) Dmitri Mendeleev 16 Synonym of 'CARN|VORE" is;
(C) John Dalton (A) Dangerous (B) Witd
(D) Otto Hahn (C) Meai Eater iDi tmmature
6. The idea of 'Asia Europe .Meetino. (ASEM| 17
ltily"" Sindh separared from the Bombay
organizalion was initiatd in 1994 b:y Mr. Goli Presrd_ency and created as a separate
Chok TonO, th€ prime Mimter (A) 1935 (B) 1936
(A) South (B) Norrh Korea (c) 1936 (D) 1941
(c) Japan (D) Singapore 18. I am worried
7. In _ the exam
TJle number, whose 7 percent is 42, is: lil on (B) about
(A) 300 (B) 4Oo (u) (D) of
(c) 500 (oi eoo '19. Reptile is to Lizard as Flower is
8. Wrat was the old name of Lahore High Court? (A) petal (B) Stem
(A) Supreme Court of Puniabi (C) Darsy ioi nrt,gator
(B) Chief Court of puniab ' 20. What is the significance of Gaddani Beach
(D) State Court of puniab near Karachi?
(D) None of the€e (A) lt is a picnic resort
e Hni"Jt;"T&?*rent
lnspector ceneral or (B) Ship breakino rndustrv
(C) Fishing induslry
(A) Mushtsq A. Sukhera (O) lt has huge oit deposits
(B) Haji HabiEuFRehman 21. Where-is the European Unions headquarters
(C) Capt (r) Arif Nawaz Khan based?
(D) Tarh Sateem Dogar (A) Pans (B) Enqtand
'10. Fill in the btank. He is
btind _ one
(C) Bertrn iDi Bru'ssets
eye. 22. About- which act, the Mustims sha be asked
(A) with (B) by frrst of all. on the Day of Judoement?
(C) for (D) in (A) Salaat (Namaz)- -
1'1. Onemolecule of waler E comDosed ot: (B) Fasting (Roza)
(c) Haii
(t, |wo
une atom ot
Ox),g; aroms
Hy_orogerl atoms. rw6
Hydrogen, ona abm of (D) Zakat
orygen 23. ldentity _the Mustim ruler who lntroduced jail
(C) Two atoms ot Hydrogen, one atom of system for deterilion of prisoners:
urygen (A) Hazral Abu Bakr tA.A)
(D) One atom of Hydrogen, tf,o atoms of (B) Hazral Umer (R.At
oxygen (C) Hazrat Umer brn Abdut Azrz (R A)
12. Who was first prime Minister of pakistan? (O) Waleed bin Abdul Matik
(A) Liaqaut Ati Khan 24. Th€ word "Tsunami" belongs to which of the
(B) Quaid e Azam to owing languages?
(C) Zulfiqar Ali Bhuno (A) Engtish (B) Latin
(D) Ayyub Khan (C) Chinese (D) Japanese
13. According to the police Order 2002, the head 25. Which Muslim Leader was setected as the
ot Police in a District: President of the lndian Nationat Congress in
(A) Superintendent of police 1896?
(B) Senior Superintendent of police (A) Badr-ud-Drn Tavabii
(c) Oistrict Police Officer (B) R M Sayanr
(D) Coordinating Police Offi cer (C) Salimutlah Khan
14. How-. many, brick each measuring 25cm (D) Nawab Viqar-rt-Mutk
length. 11.25cm breath and Osn neiitrt, wtfi 26. N€sir-ud-Oin Qabacha was a lieutenant of
be need€d-to buitd e wal of Bm Crltr, em Muhammad Ghauri.. He also served as
height and 22.5qn widc? govemor of:
(A) 5600 (B) 6000 (A) Lahore (B) peshawar
(c) 6400 (ol zzoo (C) Rajasthan (D) Multan
15. Which rlg
9!. !o[oui!g U.N agencias
receryed Noble peace prize?
has 27. (2213 =7
(A) 16 (B) 18
(A) UNTCEF (c) 32 (D) 64
Advanced PPSC MCQs ilodel Paoars 117

28. what is lnfaq? 4'1. lf there is no sun. the color of the sky would
(A) To give aims be:
(B) To keep fast (A) Orange (B) Blue
(C) To spend wealth in lhe way of Allah (C) Yellow (D) None of these
(D) To offer prayers regularly 42. According to Article 44 of the Constitution, the
29. Which of lhe following rs a Veclor quantity? President of Pakistan shall hold office for a
(A) Speed (B) Temperature term of;
(C) Mass (O) velocity (A) 6 year (B) 3 years
lndia and are making a bid for (C) 5 years (D) 4. years
30. Pakistan
membership of NSG. What does NSG stand 43. One of the followrng is not a function of bones
fot? in human body?
(A) Nuclear States Group (A) Protection ot vital organs
(B) Nuclear Suppliers Group . (B) Secretion of hormones
(C) Nuclear Sanctions Group (C) Place for muscle attachment
(D) Nuclear Supply Group (D) Production of Wood corpasdes
31. The most abundant element in the universe is: 44. Complete the number series. 4.6. 12, 14.28,
(A) lron (B) Hydrogen 30,_
(C) Oxygen (D) Nitrogen (A) 60 (B) 62
32. ln how many yeafii was the Holy Quran
(c) il (D) 32
revealed? 45. Abraham Lincoln is acclaimed tor:
(A) 23 years (8) 24 years (A) Securing rndependence of America
(C) 25 years (O) 6 years (A) Wining the Civil war in America
(C) Establishing the League of Nations
33. tucheology is a branch of: (D) Abolition of Slavery
(A) Anthropology
(B) Cuftural anthropology 46. By mixing all the colours of the visible
(C) Biological anthropology spectrum of sunlight, we produce:
(D) Paleoanthropology (A) lnfra redlight (B) Purple light
34. 'l square foot is eiualto: (C) Green light (D) White light
(A) 24 square inches 47. The process of transferring liles from the
(B) 48 square inches intomet to your computer is called:
(C) 72 square inches (A) Downloading (B) Uploading
(O) 144 square inches (C) FoMarding (D) FTP
35. The synonym of 'Bewilde/ is: 48. Which of the following number rs divisible by
(A) Mystery (B) Enlighten 12?
(C) Frightened (O) Confuse (A) 4653 (B) 4818
36. Ramadan is the _ month of the (c) 4404 (D) 4501
lslamic Calendar. 49. Which number can replace both queston
(A) gth (B) llrh marks in 2/? = ?/50
(c) 10th (D) l2rh 5
(A) (B) 10
37. Pakistan and Afghanistan have a 'Transit 25
(c) (o) 100
Trade Agreement signed in: 50. Which is the largest desert in the world?
(A) 1955 (B) 1959 (A) Thar (B) Sahara
(c) 1962 (O) 1965 (C) Gobi (D) Dasht-i-Lut
38. Complete the alphabet series: A, 8, D, G, 51. Fill in blanks: "The report concludes sadly that
students have
(c) M
(B) L
(D) H
xnowldge of Physics.'
(A) some / a lot of
39. Which Pakistani player scored fastest first
(B) both / whole
(C) none / any
1000 ODI runs (in 21 lnnings)?
(A) Misbah-ul-Haq (O) very tew / some
(B) Azhar Ali 52. To which language does the word "Salat"
(C) Babar Azam belong?
(O) Shahid Afridl (A) Urdu (B) Arabic
40. Fill in the blank: He would onjoy this, if he (C) Persian (D) Punjab
_ present 53. What is the area completely sunounded by
(A) Be (B) Had been land called?
(C) Was (D) Were (A) Landslide (B) Lockland
118 Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Model Papers
(C) Landlocked (D) Landform (A) O-8 (B) c-7
54. ln which continent is Japan located? (c) G-77 (D) NAM
({) Africa (B) Europe 66 Who was the First Governor of Sindh afier ihe
(C) Auslralia (D) Asia independence?
55. The Holy Book'Zaboor" was revealed on
(A) Abdullah Haroon (B) Hrdayalullah
which Proohet of Atlah? (C) lkramullah (D) Khuro
(A) Hazrat Moosa (A.S) 67 One kilometer is equal lo how many miles?
(B) Hazrat lbrahim (A.S) (A) 0.85 (B) 0 s
(C) Hazrat Daud (A.S) (c) 0.62 (D) 1.6
(O) Hazrat lshaq (A.S)
68 Physiotherapy is a curalive method for.-
56. "Amicus Cunae" is: (Aj Heart disease
(A) Most expensive lawyer (B) lmmobility of Jornts
(B) Arbttrator appointed by a Coun of Law (C) Cirrhosis of the liver
(C) Eminent Jurist (Dl Drug addictcon
(D) Friend of the courl and disinterested
advtsor 69 Whrch of the followng shoncut keys is used to
align the selected lext to the cenler. in MS
57 Which country has the largest Muslim Word?
population in the world? (A) Ctrl + C (B) ctrt + R
(A) lran (B) tndia (C) Ctrl + E (D) Ctrl + T
(C) lndonesia (D) SaudiArabia
70 Synonym of Serene' rs
58. A place where leather is tanned is called a (A) Happy
(B) Tannery (B) Casino (B) Calm and peaceful
(C) Brewery (O) Workshop (C) Smooth
59. What is the national game of Pakastan? (D) Alluring
(A) Hockey(B) Chchel 71 Ctrl+N in Ms Word is used to:
(c) Kabaddi
(D) squash (A) Save Document
60. Who was the last Governor General of (B) Open Document
Pakistan? (C) Open New Document
(A) Khwaja Nazlmuddin (D) Close Oocument
(B) Ghulam Muhammad 72 Which is the longes! river of Pakistan?
(C) lskander Mirza (A) Ravi (B) lndus
(D) None of these (c) Jhelum (D) chenab
61. What in Shah Waliuttah's oprnron was the 73 I b[s is called:
A collection of
biggest cause of the plight of Mustims at that (A) Byte (B) Kitobyre
time? (C) Terabyte (O) Nrbble
(A) Lack of education
(B) D6crimination by the British 74 Which batsman holds the world record of
(C) Economic marginalization maximum runs in test cncket cateer?
(O) Moral degradatron {A) Brian Lara
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
62. Which of the following is the latest country to (C) Allan Border
abolish monarchy? (D) Sunil Gawaskar
(A) Laos (B) Nepat
(C) Afghanrstan (D) Burundr 75 Which of the following countries official name
is lslamic Republic of?
63. Which of the Jollowing protecis our body (A) Uzbekistan (B) Nigeria
against disease? (C) Egypt (D) Mauritania
(A) White Blood Cells
(A) Red Blood Cells 76 Which of the following is the longest Surah of
(C) Platelets Quran?
(D) None of these (A) Surah Yasin
(B) Surah Al-Baqarah
6,4. Change from Active to Passive voice: "A (C) Surah Rehman
doctor wrote the book"- (D) None of these
(A) The book was written by a doctor
(B) The book is written bv a doctor 77 Campaign seeking UK's exit from the
rC) The book was berng ivritten by a doctor European Union was also called Brexit. What
(D) The book is being wriften by a doctor does Brexil stand for?
(A) A town near Manchester where campargn
65 Pakistan is not member of one of the following for leaving EU started
I ntemalional Organizaiion-identity: (B) Name of the Pol[icaan who started the
c McQs Model 119

campaign for leaving the EU so mv friends helped me around. Tney took me to

mother and
i nosbiut anO shyed wth me untl myrt was
(C) Abbreviation for British Exit lhat broken
(D) None of these iaitrlian,veo Th6 doctor said
;nd I needed to rest for a monlh. We came home
78. Dead Sea is located rn: tast nroht and I feel better now Thrs lnqdent also
(A) lsrael and Turkey miOe he realze how valuable frrendshrps are I
(B) lsrael and Jordan aon-i tno,, what I would do wathout them So I
(C) lsrael and SYfta want to say lleel very happy to have such good
(O) Syna and Lebanon lnends like you.
79. Fill in the blank: She went into hospital
kidney surgery." 87 Whv does Rahrm feel haPPY?
(c) ot
(B) For (A)'Because he was at School yesterday
{0) ln tB) because he tell and hun hrs ankle
80. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was elected lhe lirst rCj Because hrs hrends helpeo hrm
ever Iemale Prime Minister oI Pakistan rn. iDi Because tne an'tbulance arrrled on time
{A) 1986 (B) 1987
88. Which of the following is not correct?
(c) 1988 (D) 1989 (A) Rahim twisted hrs knee whrle playrng
81. Which ol the tollowing planets has the vollevball
maximum number of satellites? (B) Rah;s trrends helpeo nrm get to the
(A) Juprter (8) Earth hosPital
(C) Saturn (D) Mars (C) Rafilm would not be able to 90 to School
for a month
82. Who is known as the lather of Nuclear (D) Rahim hurt his ankle
(A) Nikola Tesla 89. What does Rahim want to emphasize rn the
(B) Edwrn Hubble letter?
(C) Ernest Rutherford {A) The imPorfnce of frrendshrP
(D) James Maxwell isi fhat nL should stop piayrng games like
83. Find out odd word from following words: (C ) The imoortance of qames at school
(A) Barometer of parental love and
(B) Thermometer ioi Tne ttiportance
(C) Diameter
(D) Lactometer 90. Which ol the following statement ts correct?
(A) Abdul helped Rahim when he hurt hrs
84. Colombo Plan. launched in 1951 to promote ankle
economic and social development in member (B) Rahlms mother and latne' helped rn
countries of Asia-Pacific region. has its
takrng hrm to the hosprtal
headouarter in: tC) Rahr; staved rn the hosprtal for 3 days
(A) I{ew Delhr (B) Bangkok ttre rnc,o6nt helped Rahrm reahze that
ici.lararta (o) colombo ioi
friendshrPs are valuable
85. Pakistan is located in the north of the:
(A) Tropic of Cancer
(B) Tropic of Capricorn
/ Jv G t.t!od* ({1J:ut +l/,>g }i a,.,;'
(C) Arciic Circle al-teV'Lg4"tg3'92'I1
(D) Torid Zone
66. Which Street is famous for the Stock ,t :y i f ;;', 4 1 t
t 1 1
-t, ;/ !'
Exchange Market?
(A) Fleet Street. London yi"agi, c' x ( x,y a''? J is. -':* -';.i i, -fu,r i.
(B) Downrng Street, London
(C) Wall Street, New York
J. ;' -V' L ( t' ti -' i
7 q j'' ;.,,.:' J z-,.t,,' I i .' i't
(D) Broadway. New York
Answer lhe Question Nos. 87, 88, 89 and 90 after ; ,k,t,,lLJ rol,,i" -q 4L!"': ,?,4'l 'J
carefully reading the following letter: !# g'.[,r,., fui,,-.!i g {Y ;) qi n ut s, /' o x\, -i t,

Dear Abdul
It has been a month I have not heard from you. I ,rt,
jlt.-cti6 .a,-LJ,(;,,{ i;f!- "'
;- / 3.1; eb, tt -',,. / * {. i,, ! 4- i' ; -V
hooe vou are well. I had a terrible day at school
,"lter'dav Mv friends and lwere playrng volleyball
in the scfiool vard when I suddenly fell and twrsted
mv ankle At frrst I did nor feel much pain but later
.-.*i j>t 7L!'-,,,;'i, J=-- i L;'-':
ori n started hurting badly. I had dffrculty walkrng
120 Advrt ccdpp39rlBftst/rdr/ paoers

-& { i- t, 1 o ;ut <- t I nt tf ,tt t, !,,/, L> tl; Lt

-tt I s -.1 .,, .>. r t t_ 'Out of sight orrf
of mind* 95
- try L f{1 " -t! *, ! r j e fi g;,,1; ; e-. tqr. t

-,.i e,r,t/i;q,.rct o;;,-E)t;)nl lAl

*)t, "/ =- :, e{.:,.,{ * 'F,,U-l ,'fi
-6 vy,gl
-t ut ->, .e1 @1
t-ijLr-/jg,!,6y i :PJzv* tcl
t,riJ,uj L.e -t sr/,rf , Fy ', i|.;iy'i> p1
tti,z.z,ttyLfi,!{ p1 vV',:,it;r,,J-
I 1"'.- .so
t7*rc_4u(etsdlt pl cttV (8) )? @l
I e l; ctg.V ct /e tj Jt2,,:, .g2 o/)t. lD) lt-r @l
-7elc,l4',furf fr 6y r, y'({(u,t-i ,,,V"txii jguj,' .97
a&,6,{tow{fud[ p1 tr.i,,) @) txk 6)
,_i4erryL!ft p1 titataT:lt,r lD) t;j* 1C1

*6it,/4t' Pt
- € -€' t(-y...-,rl."Break up,, .98
* {,1,,,f /i,Ju odll t gt vr{ g ,/,-f 6l
*i/,1+,{ul"o,F 6y YsJt., (o) ,!* pl
? d i( ot,,rt, / $ (81 e,-.,r, t
V 3

+ LL.IO ),h,,Lfit L/,, (c,
ui€ jtoy" $l
-.--t;fuf Litt: (Dl
dd,.Ao!," re)
-rf{'-t&''ct' sa ' $"'"',
7{6'!---g,,t,}i-b (A)

ubt,.>_tt,s lD)
4,L->j{t,uh p1
r <_r7 tt,Wf'L),,.too
<_1)tL(/7u (C,1
u4l @) ubl (e)
?{"f&,{LCy',7, 1oy
),b (o) :,v @l
1. a Answer Key
13. c 25. a 37. d ot
2.b 14.'c 26. d 38. a
49. b
d 73. a 85. a
3.a 15. d 27_ d 39. c
50. b b 74. b 86. c
4.c 16. c 28. c 40. c
c 63 a 75. d 87. c
5.b 17. a 29. d 41. d
b 64. a 76. b 88. a
6.d 18. b 30. b 42. c
c 65, b 77. b 89. a
7. d 19. c 3t. b 43 d
54. d 66. b 78. b 90. d
8.b 20. b 32. a 44 a
55. c 67 c 79. b 91. d
Lc 21. . d 33. a 45 d
56. d 68 b 80. c 92. b
10. d 22. a 34. d 46 d
69 c 81. a 93. c
11. c 23. b 35, d 47 a
58. a 70 b 82. c 94. b
12. a 24. d 36. a 48
a 71
83. c 95. b
84. d 96. d
Advanced PPSC nCO. odal Papers 121
97. c 98. c 99. d 100. b

1. Complete the number series; 1,2. 3, 6, 9,19, 11. 10+6-:3x4=?
... ,54
(A) 22
(A) 18 (B) 12.s
(c) 36
@t 27 (c) 10.5 (Ol 21.32
(D) 41
12. Which batsman broke Hanif Muhammad's 35
2. The lirst Constitution of pakistan was year old reco(d of scoring 499 runs in First
introduced in: Class Crickel?
(A) 1955 (B) 1956 (A) Brian Lara
(c) 1958 (o) 1959 (B) A.B de Villiers
3. 'Naryab Oam' is being constructed in th€ (C) Sachin Tendulkar
district of: (O) Ricky Ponting
(A) Hangu (B) Hazro 13. The firsl hmde scuba diying instructor of
(C) Haripur (D) Kohat Pakistan is:
4. The age of tlazrat Usman (RA) et the time of (A) Muniba Mazari
his martyrdom was: (B) Roshren Khan
(A) Eo (B) 78 (C) Ms. Nsloem Har$ecd
(c) 76 (ol 74 (D) None olthes€
5. Choose the conect indirect speech of: "Sit 14. 6,9, iE,45, 1?6 ......?
do{vn, Ail' he 3aid. (A) 369 (B) 3s9
(A) He asked Ali to sit down (c) 329 (D) 317
(B) . He said Ali to sit down 15. What is the capital of Canade?
(C) He asked to Ali to sit down (A) Toronto (B) Yo,k
(O) He said sit down Ati (C) Vancouvs (O) Ottafla
6. The word Ethics is derived ftom? '16. "Salisbury' is the old name ot:
(A) Ethos (8) Ethes (A) Bangkok (B) Khartoum
(C) Athos (D) Athes (C) Nairobi (D) Ha6re
7. Hc asked us, 'Have you be€n shopplng'? 17. 'A' is twics a3 old .3 'B'. Thr!6 year ago A'
Frnd the conec{ indirecl senlence. was three limes as old as 'B'. How old is 'A'
(A) He wanted to know if we have been now?
(B) He want€d to know that. if we had been
(A) 6 years (B) l2yoars'
(C) l4yea6 (O) 16 years
(C) He war ed to know if we had been 18. The firsl revelation came to the Holy prophet
shopping (PBUH) in lhe':
(O) None of these Cave (B) Thaur Cave
(A) Hira
(C) Dar-e-Arqam (D) Masiid Al-Aqsa
8. Which among the tollowing is a positively '19. Complele lhe series: AZ, BY, CX?
charged particle emited by a radbactivs
element? (A) Dx (B) EY
(A) Beta rays (B) Alpha rays (c) DV (D) Dw
(C) Gamma rays (D) Cathode rays 20. Khalil Gibran was a po€t, phitosopher and
9. Choose the conecl meaning of ENERVATE artist ftom:
(A) ESypt (8)
(4) Tofrighten (B) Slrengthen Lebanon
(C) Excite (D) Weaken
'10. Which one of the following is odd man oul? ' Hira or lhe Cave of Hira is a talus cave about 3
(A) Leopard (B) Panther kilomelres (2 mi) from Mecfa, on the mountarn
(C) Elephant (D) Tiger nam€d Jabal al-Nour in the Hejaz region ot
pres€nt-day Saudi Arabia.
122 Advanced PPSC MCQS Moctel Papers
(C) lndia (D) Bangladesh (A) Ganga (B) Jamuna
. (C) Padma (D) None of these.
21 The most commonly used bleaching ag€nl is:
(A) Alcohol (B) Carbon dioxide 32 7.13.21. 43 57
(C) Chlorine (O) Sodium Chloflde \A) ?7. (B) 29
(C) 31 tDt 35
22. Find the correctly punctuated sentence
(A) After survivi'ng this ordeal the trapper, lelt 33 Who is tne current , Drrector General of ihe
relieved. Federal Investgalion Agency (FlA)?
(B) After surviving this ordealthe trapper felt (Al Aftab Sultao
relieved. (B) Muhammad Akbar Khan Hotr l
(C) After surviving thrs ordeal, the trapper felt lC) Capt (r) Syed Muhammad Abdul Qadfi
relieved. (O) Muhammad Amlsh
(D) After surviving. this ordeal the trapper felt 34 lndia is building the Kishanganga Hydropower
relieved Prolect' in Occupied Kashmrr on nver
23. By what date had Zakat system b€en fully (A) Chenab lB) SutleJ
enforced during lifetime of the Prophet (C) Neelum (D) llone ot these
35 Which country in South Asra has the highest
(A) Pre-HUra literacy rate?
(B) Ramzan of 2 A.H. (A) Maidrves (B) lndia
(C) Zil Haj of 6 A.H. (C) Bangladesh (O) Sri Lanka
(O) Muharram of I A.H.
36 Ring is to finger. as Watch is to:
24. ln recitation of Holy Quran, there are how (A) Arm (B) Wrast
many occasions when Sildah (Prostration) rs
(C) Leg (D) Neck
obligatory for lhe Mustmsl
(A) e (B) 12 37 What does DNA' stand for in genetics?
(c) 14 (D) 16 (A) Deoxynbonuclerc Acid
(B) Deoxynitric Acid
25. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated on: . (C) Deoxynucleic Acid
(A) 'l7th August, '1947 (D) None of these
(B) 14th Oecember, 1947
(C) 1oth January, 1948 38. Hedonism is to gain maximum.
(O) 1st July, 1948 (A) Pleasure (B) Wealth
(C) Health (O) Honour
26. Pakistan-Afghanistao border,'Durand Lrne.
was drawn in 1893 by Sir Mortimer Ourand 39 Recently the world's longest (57km) and
and Afghanistan's ruler deepest railway
tunnel' was opened tn
(A) Amir Amanullah Khan
(B) Abdur Rehman Khan (A) China (B) USA
(C) Habibullah Khan (C) Swtzerland (D) Brazil
(O) Sardar DauC l(han 40. Obey is to Dety as Work is to _.
27. Ryder Cup is the bigg€st toumament of which (A) Lazy (B) Rest
sport? (C) Labour (O) Protest
(A) Polo (B) Golf 41. Tall is to Short as Treachery is to _
(C) Badminton (D) Table Tennis (A) Respect (B) Honour
28. One Gram of gold is equal to how many (C) Disgrace (D) Loyalty
Milligrams of gold?
(A) 100 mg (B) 500 mg
(C) 1000 mg (D) 10,000 mg
29. Oligarchy is: ' The Neelum River, called Kishanganga m lndra
(A) Corrupt land mafia is a river in the Kashmir region of lndia and
(B) Government.ol the drug Barons Pakistan: it starts in the lndian city of Gurais and
(C) Government by small group ofpersons then merges with the Jhelum River near the
(O) Rich and mighty dominating the economic
Pakistani city of M u zafla?bad.
scene ' Deoxyribonucleic
30. Choose the Synonym of DITTO:
(A) Fake (B) The whole ' The Gotthard Base Tunnel rs a railway base
(C) The same (D) Opposite tunnel through the Alps in Switzerland. lt opened
on '1 June 2016 with full servrce to begin ,n
31. Taj Mahal at Agra stands on the bank of river
December 2016
,tqadP|$cla(,,}flPull n
pilgrims (D) Ihc slrdy of -titilal bGlravixJt
(D) Pornt were Tawwaf ls b€gun 57 Whst is confiband?
46. Fill in the blank: He did nol pay ttcd (A) Afl Nercolics
his brother's advice: igi lrtroer uennco by a got qwn ti
ifITor (8) On (C) A! rr lgolcd md.rid
(C) To (O) ln (Dl Goo& ilhid't may a!o.l tr dtamy in th€
condncl ol war
.17. Which ol the following country's parlirmenl is
called Storling . 58. 'Shrdor CC)in f iE:
(A) Norway (B) Sw€d€n (A) A lFcitfized group of t,llic. b.tnd bY
(C) Denmart (D) SPain thc oppo.ilion p.tfy in lha Prt-rfil'lt
(B) Soma Uiniccr3 vaty dGr !o [ta P]irE
tlE. Excel is a: MinEl€r
(A) Graphic Program (C) Cab'net ennounced by ltte m*nay fn h
(B) Word Processor lhe Padiament b€6orc . harning
(C) A Spreadsheet Program go\remrnent
(O) Oeisgining template (D) None ol these
,[9. Synonym of "lnfinrtesimal- is. 59. 'lbn Battdah'. a frmous tratGbr. bobtrgad b:
(A) Miniscule (B) Enormous (A) lr.n (8) SYfla
(C) Drstend (D) lmmense (c) Morocco (Dl lni"nessia
50. Which of ths following lnternalional Human 60 What € meenl bY "Srra dic ?
Rbhts Orgaz6tions is based in Ncw Yott? (A) Undcr iudici.{ coisirertloni
(A) Human Righls Watch (B) Tr€Gon
(B) Amn€sty lnternational (C) Withqrt fixing , dstc
(C) Anli-Slavery lntemational (D) SuprEbr Co.rn
(O) None of these
61. The SGn end ltp Haro ere thc ito rit a€ ot:
51. 'To be. or not to be. thal is the question are IA BalochFlan Plateau
lincs from $rich of Shakespsare's bmous (B Polhoher PlalGar
plays? (c Northom Arsas
(A) Macboth (o X.rtunk
(B) King Lear
(C) Hamlet 62. l/Vlten di, B.loctElan tcquire tha atalu. cl' a
(O) Rorneo end Juliet provinca?
(At 19.17 (8) r94E
52. What is meant by Earzakh?
(A) The day of iudgment ac) i9s5 (D) l97o
(B) first 10 days atter dealh 63. Chol6t rol is pt6.trt m .ll ot lha to{gsit'lg
(Ci period batw€en death and dty ot crcaDl:
(A) Milt (B) FBtr
1D) irocess of accounlability on thc day ot
(C) Eg€ White (O) Egg yo!(
,udgment 64 Name ol the auttro. ot "A Shott Hiltofy o{ $e
53. Silvio Berlusconi is' Saracene" who hed elso tamained tclirra h
(A) Ex-S€cretary G€neral ot U.N thc Pakislan movern nt.
(B) Ex-French Premier (A) Shiblec Nom.rf
(C) Famous Paintar (B) Chaudhry Rahmtl Ai
(O) Ex-Prime Minister ot ltaly (C) Sir Aght Khln Ali
(D) Syecd Atneer Ali
54. There as a lim( everylhing in l e.
(A) To (B) On 65 Who co-founded Holmail in 196 lttd tren
(C) ln (O) Wrth sold it to Mlcrosott?
(A) Shawn Fanning
55. ln a flight of 600 kms. an aircraft was slowed rB) Ada Byron Lovelace
down due to bad weather and the average
- (C) Sabeer Bhat€
sDeed was reduced by 200 kmihour and the (O) Rey Tominson
trme ot flight increas€d by 30 mrnutes Vvhat rs
the total duratron ol flrght? 66 lsthmus is:
(A) t hour (B) 2 hours (A) a lagoon
(C) 3 hours (D) 4 hours (B) an inland s€a
(C) an istand in 6 riv€r
56. "Philately" is: (D) nerro\, piecc of lend connc(ttrg brlpt
(A) Science of drugs land er€as
(B) Postage slamp colletion actvies
(C) The study ot writlen record
E0 fod., procrs
Advanced PPSC f,tcos
67 Allama Abdullah Yusuf Ati. the tamous (A) Active (B) Prudent
commentator of the Holy Quran. had served (C) Sluggish (D) Overt
tor a whrle as
(4) 79. The irst Round Table Conference was hetd
?rofessor rn Nrzamia UniveBity Baghdad an
(8, Teacher ot lslamrc Colteoe Laliore - London tn:
(C ) Pancrpal of lstamra Collie Lahore {A) 1930 (B) 1940
rDl Head of lslamrc Semrnari al Oeobandi rcr 1935 (D) 1950
68 . Computer consrsts of: 80 Galvanized iron sheets have on them a
{4, Hardware (B) Software coetrng of:
(A) Lead
{C) Bolh A and B (D) None ot these (B) Chromrum
69 Brcameral system of l€oislature
(C) Tin (D) Zinc
introduced in Pakrstan under l-he 81. How many Muslim countries are there in
Constitutron ASEAN?
{A) Legal Frame Wort (LFO} (A) 3 (B) s
{Bi 1956 (c) 4 (D) 2
(cl 1962 82. Hamas was founded in 1987 by.
(D) 1973 (A)Yasser Arafat
70 About whom Quard-r-Azam had stated that he (B) lsmail Hannia
was hrs Chret Lreutenant and "Rnht Hand-? (C) Sheikh Ahmad Yasrn
(A) Lraqat A[ Khan (D) Khalid Ahmad
(B) Ayub Khan E3 'Hayat-e-Javed- by Mautana Altaf Hussarn
(c) Abdul Rab Nishtar Hali is:
(D) Ch Muhammad Ati (A) Autobrography
71 Cioose the Gorrect speflingJrom the rollowing (B) Brography of S'r 6ved Ahmed Khan
(A) Supeflntendent (B) Supentendent - (C) Brief account of the great Mushms tn lhe
(C) Supeflntandent (O) Suprerntandenl fi€ld o, literature
.l (O) Guide for thos€ who want to lead an ideal
72 lndicate the indirect form. Saleem said. do tife
not eal mangoes".
(A) Saleem said. he did nol eat mangoes 84. Which one number wil€ foflowng
(B) Sale€m said that he did not eat mango€s numbers series? 4, 11. 7 14, ,lO. 1i
(C) Saleem said that he does noi eat 7
mango€s 6-24-
(c) 20
(B) i3
(o) zt
(D) Saleom exclaimed that he does not eat
mangoes 85. Comptete the number s€ries 20. 32. 45. 59.
t3 The Statue of Lib€rty'was a gifr to the United 74
I!9!e.s on the occason of [s indopendence
(A)-05- (B) so
Which country gifted it? (C) 85 rO) 79
(A) Britarn (B) France 86. A man walks 3 km to hrs East then turns tefl
rC) Canada (O) Japan and walks 3 km towards North then turns teft
74 The shortcut key for makrng .Bold" in pC are and walks 3 km towards West. lndicate the
rAl Shrft + B (Bt Ctn + B conecl direction in which he rs rn relataon to
rC) ctrr+atr + B (O) A[ +B his starlrng point
75 lf P rs the husband of Q and R ls the mother of
(A) East (B) West
O a'rd S U/hat relat,on does R have wth p?
(C) South (D) North
A) Mother (B) S ster 87. The ftrst Wahi (revelatron I was revealed on
C S,sier rn ravl ,D/ fulother-rn taw (A) 17 Ramzan (B) 18 Ramzan
(C) 19 Ramzan (O) 20 Ramzan
76 Pakrstan ,otned thE lrst of Nuclear Weapons
i;la1es on 88. When was the First Sesston ol the Constituent
,A' 2i tr;:, 1996 18) 3June. 1997 Assembly ot Pakisian hetd?
a :6 r,4av 998 {D) 8 April. i999 (A) '11
August 1947
(B) 14 August '1947
77 YaLrn'e lakbeer ls cerebrated to (C) 19 August 1947
c,l n r,emorate lhe (D) 6 September 1947
iA 1965 War
,5 AJopiron of Pakrstaf Resolution 89. Who rnverted the World Wide Web (VWVW)
iCr Death of Schoot c.lldren rn peshawar with Roberl Cailliau,
I F'si Nlrctear tests.) pakrstan (A) Laiszl6 Neatev (B) Tom Burns
(C) Tim Bemers Lee (D) Fred Zukerburg
ArliLlrlVm of Inert tS
90. Name the capitat of Bosnia Herzogovrna?
A&anced PP$9 CQs Hdcl Paoers 77
17. 24. c 38. b 45. a 52. a 59 d
18. c 25. b 32 d 39. b 46. a 53. 60 a
19. b 26. a 33 c 40. a 47. d 51. b 6l a
20. c 27. a 34. c 41. a 48. 55. a 62 c
21. d 28. c 35. b 42. a 49. 56. d 63 b
22. c 29. c 36. a 43. a 50. 57. b b
23. b 30. a 37 a 44. a 51. 58.


Who is the cunent President of lndia? (A) The Nelhertands
(A) Pranab tlukhe0ee (B) rtary
(B) Ram Nath Kovind (C) Austria
(C) Pratibha Parit (O) Luxembourg
(D) Kochedl Ramn 10. RogeJ Federer is a famous player of:
2 What 6 t|e gynonym of Rebatr? (A) Tennis (B) Goti
(A) Cheap (B) Exoensive (C) Footbarl (O) Cncket
(C) lnfration (D) Discount 11 It A can typ€ 10 pages in 5 minutes and B can
3 The headquarters ot which of the follcwing type.s pages in 10 minutes then. working
organizations is located in Aardis Ababa? together. how many pages can they type rn 36
(A) UNEP (B) UNTDO minutes?
(c) EscAP (O) AU (A) (8) 25
4 Name thc pact in which th€ uuslims ard
(c) (D) 7s
H.indus of British lndia agr€ed br soparate 't2 When you divde 0 7 by 10 you will get
electoralea: (A) 7 (B) 007
(A) Congr€$-L6agG pad (c) 70 (o) 0.007
(B) Reforms Act 13. (1/4 + 5t8l + (r2 + 3t1l = ?
(C) Dclfti Pad (A) 35/32 (B) 10fl
(D) Lucknou Pact (c) v12 (D) 7/10
Hypothermia is cau6€d by exDoaure to: 14 Which animal. ot th€ folloflnq is taxable
(A) for
Extreme cold Zakel?
(B) ExtrBrne hoal (A) Oxen (B) Sheep
(C) Ercasdvc radiatiofl (C) Hors€ (oi
(O) eepdant
None otth€se
15. Olto Von Bismarck was:
6 The Fundamental Rights. accoding to the taw (A) Great historian of Grcal Britain
in Pakistan, are enfurceable throuoir; (B) Architect ot the German Empire
(A) The Supreme Cout onlv (C) Czar of Russia
(B) The High Court (D) King emperor of Austria
(C) Both A and I '16. Viceroy of lndia from '1943 to 1947
(D) The Parliarnont was
7 \rullo was the firsl owner of the Microsoa
(A) Lord Wavell
(B) Lord Curzon
(C) Mountbatten (D) None of these
(A) Zucter 8er9(B) Dick Cheney
M_ark 17. CV or Curflculum Mtae is very offe'n used.
(C) Bill Gates (D) Ste\€ Jobs- From which language is the term Cuniculum
Vitae deflved?
I A nclwoft that cove8 laE€ area, city, country (A) French (B) Greek
and bcyond is called:
(C) Lalin (D) German
(C) Router (D) BridSe 1E. 'School' is a group or:
({) Qeagulls (B) Penguins
9 Under the Scher€en AgreoIrle tts peopb can (C) Crocodiles (D) Fish-
travel aqoss borders d participating countries
rn-. tsuropc withoul passportS b€inS chgd(ed. 19. JPG extension u'sually reters to what krnd of a
Where is SclEngen located? file?
(A) System file
78 A&ancd trSC [lCQs Hodel Paoers
(B) Animatron file 32. The term Butterfly Storke rs associaled with
(C) MS Encerta document whrch of the following sporls?
(D) lmage file (A) Swimming (B) Boxing
20. Synonym of "Cheeky" is:
(C) Rowrng (O) Golf
(A) lmpure (B) lmpudent 33. According to the Holy Quran rs an
(C) lmpressive (D) lmpassable unpardonable sin.
(A) Murder
21 When did Quaid-i-Azam resign from the (B) Shirk
membership ot lmperial Legisliative Council?
(A) 1919 (B) 1929 (C) Not performing Salat
(D)._Fomication -
(c) 1939 (O) 1947
22 Complete the number series: 2, 6. 12.20. 30,
34. Baradt.Hussein Obama was the
President of USA
(Ar56 (B) 54 (A).42nd 18) 43rd
(c) 44rh (o) 40th
rc) 54 (D) 52
23. fne Faraizi Mo\€menl darted by Haji 35 E)€d Ahmad Shaheed and lsmail Shaheed
were martyred at.
Shariatullah on his retum from Saudi Arabia (A) Muzaffarabad (B) Bagh
was first initiated in; (C) Balakot (D) Rawalakot
(A) Punjab (B) Utlar Pradesh
(C) NWFP (D) Bengal 36. Syed Ahmad Shaheed and ismail Shaheed
were marlyred at:
24. Name the pass which links Chitral with Gilgit: Huge
(A) (B) Peacetul
(A) Babusar (B) Shandut Aggressive (D) Coastal
(C) Tochi (O) Khyber
25. -A Jewish national home" in Palestine was 37.2+2 2.2+2=0
pledged: (A) 0 (B) 1

(A) (C) 2 (D) 4

By U.S.A in 1948
(8) By U N.O in 1947 38. ln which year lslamia College for Women.
(C) By Bntish Empire in 1917 Cooper Road. Lahore was establihsed?
(D) By Alled Powers in 1915 (A) 1937 (B) 1938
26. Synonym of "OMurate: (c) 1939 (D) 1940
(A) Oocile (B) Flexible 39 'Fleet Street' London is famous for?
(C) Obscure (D) Stubborn {A) Banking and financial offices
27. Befo.e his appoinlment as the US Secrelary (B) Oflrces of the Cargo companies
(C) Office of the newspapers and press
of State, Rex Tillerson was lhe CEO ot:
(A) Boeing Corporation agencies
(B) Unio.n Texas Oil Company (D) Ofilces of the Royal Navy establishment
(C) Exxon Mobil Comoration 40 ln MS-Word. the process ot removing the
(D) IBM unwanted part of an image rs called:
28 Wh o among th€ following is the founder of (A) Hrdrng (B) Cropprng
(C) Selection (D) lndentation
(A Peer Schnelder 41. Choose the synonym of Devilish:
(B Byron Loopcr (A) Vi(ual (B) Satanic
(c Jumdry Wales (C) Simple (D) Honest
(D Mark Fletcher 42. Choose the synonym ol "Radiant':
29. The Magna Carta was agreed to by King John (A) Glow,ng I B) Gl'tterrng
of England, in: tC) Fllckenng rDr Drmmrng
1A) 1211AD {B) 1213 AD 43. Which Article of '1973 constitution relates to
(c) 1215 AD (D) 1220AD Natronal Language of Pakrstan,
30. And thou do see the p€opl€ enter ALLAH S (A) Article 2'15 (B) Artrcle 251
religion in crowds". This is lhe translaton of a (C) Artrcle 257 (D) Artrcle 12
quranic verse. lt is included rn Surah.
44. Trachoma is a disease of the
(A) Oadr (B) Nasr
IA) Lungs (B) Dtgestive system
(C) Krfirun lD) Fatrha rC) Eyes rD) K,dneys
3'1 Complete the series: 3.5, 10. 12.24.26 45. What is mear by 'Miqat""
(A) Wearing of Ahram during Umra
(c) 28
(B) so
(D) 48
(8) Wearing of Akam dunng Haj,
(C) Point where Ahram must be put on by
Adv.,tc.d PPSC NCQ' Nodel Papers 73
80. How many non-muslim (Kuffar) ware killqd rn 91. WhEh of the followrng way cannot be used to
Ghazwa-e-Badr. link excel worksheet data to a Word
(A) 50 (B) 80 document:
(c) 70 (D) None of these (A) Wrth the flght drag method
81 The sho.tcut key to close a selected wrndow (B) Wrlh a hyperlnk
rs {Cr Wrth the copy and paste speqal
(A) Alt + F4 (B) Ctrl + F4 commands
(C) Alt + F5 (D) Alt + F3 (O) With the copy and paste buttons on the
standard toolbar
62 ln MS Excel, which function automatacally total
92. ln coiTputing, NOS stands for:
a column or row of values?
(A) TOTAL (B) ADD (A) Non-operating Software
(c) suM (o) AVG (8) Netr /ork Operaling System
(C) Node Open Software
83. What is the missing numb€r in the sequence: (O) Neutral Operating System
4. 6, 10. 18. _,66 93. Whal is percentage is 12 of 36?
lAj 22 (B) 34
(A) 35oi6 (B) 33 33o/o
(c) 45 (D) 54
(c) 39% (D) 40%
84 Whrcn of the followrng is not a maFirleason
for an ema bounce? '+&. -r' 9{. Oatrrqs-Sataam rs the major C[y of
(A) Bad user account name (A) Tanzanra (8, N€efla
(B) bad domam name (C) Kenya (D) Uganda
(C) Slale lile handle 95. tiw*$ among tho lolotring countries was the
(D) domain server is down i
'r: frSt to iiw women lhe right lo vote?

85. The transfer of data from one place to another (A) lcclend (B) Switzerland
is called:
(C) Newzealand (D) USA
(A) Data processing 96. Statistical study ol human populalion is called:
(B) Data distribution (A) Ecology
(C) Data communication (B) Anthropology
(O) Data encryption (C) Entomology
86 _ to used as a disk scanner in (D) Oenrography
Microsoft Wandows
(A) Drsk cleanup (B) Disk defragmenter \ '{'6=l);. "i'!""
1 gz
(C) Dsk cleanout (D) Disk cleaning
87 Where rs Bathsheba Beach sduated?
1+,* F) .t,L, (A)
(A) Chile (B) Brazil
(C) Barbados (O) Mexico
.,#gl, (o) et!;t, 1c'1

88. A program that can destroy

compuier programs:
all of your --:,'7("t" ee

(A) AntFvirus
(B) Virus
>4 @t I <et
(C) Switched computer
(O) Dust
Jl/ tol ,,./ lcl
89. Who among the following was convicld
Rawalpindi Conspiracy Crse?
in 6.,,,vt J y6gt 7C.t, -1, { J o ; y; iri -'' ss
| < ;.n'v'.1i,:h'l
(A) Habib Jaib
(B) Agha Shorash Kashmiri I vt'
(C) Faiz Ahmad Farz Ct!, (Bt l-/ (A)
(D) None of these
90. Choose the conect rndrred speech ot: He
'.(:-..,-'tJ/ rot .ry. (c)
asked. 'Who speaks French?"
(A) He wanted to know whrch spoke French 4-i'1;O'' t
Y "7' j';"-';.1t' too
(B) He wanted to know who speak French
(C) He wanted to know ho was to speak j:--,::tz 61 C'.,:, 1er
(O) He wanted to know who spoke French ;t'tvt;\ (O\ @l
" ';t!t
fa ,d,valrt ttPftCno()snode/ P'oc/S
Answer KeY
'1. c 14. a 27 c 40 b 53.
g.a b
66. b
67. a
b 92. b
2.0 r5. c 20. a 4'l b
55. e 68. b
60 c 93. b

3.c r6. a 29. c 42 a

56. a 69. c
81. a 94. a
a.c 77. c 30. c 43 d
57. a 70. d
82. c 95. c
5.a 1E, c 31. b 44. c
58. b 71. c
83. b 96.
6.D 19. a 32. b 45. b
59. b 72. a
64 d 97 b
7.a 20. t 33. b 46. b
60. b 73. a
85. c 98. a
8.ctl 21. c v. b 47
61. c 74. .
100 b
0. 22. d 35. c 48. b
62. d 75. b b
t0. d ?,3. d 35. b 49. d
63. a 76. c
11. . 21. c 37. c 50. c
64. a 77. c
12. . 25. a 36. c 51. d
65. d 7E. a
13. D 26. 6 39. d 52. b



t. tiir lnlll. as !r ttra aa: '- Where do€.Rigms
10. the Unitcd NatioG Commissim
rEat and b. hou lo"g?
n) G0 G) 0.6 on iurnsn
ici 0.0 (o) 0.06 lAl
ln GcneYa br srx wcaks rech Y€et
tn Lmoon to. scren tLks etdr year
2. h 16 Ercd, i, t nnara Yt{r. 3l8rl3 witr ici tn Paris ts six seets ea.h,€at
. tln lhia Y.ll! crr bo trr.lcd .3 e tt*vorr tor tro weers eaci yeal
(Arl (8) =
iOi tn
11. To cdil in an embcdded arcel tYorkshoet
ic) , (D)' obi.d in a rord docume{ :
' Urc rtre ercd filc tu bar and toolbars
3. -Iiaffi i! l€5, lalnn: inidc 0ra uo.d aPplicalion
(Al ntit rld 5ta (B) Edit uF hvp€rthk
isi tirfrrrmd r.d ici iair tlc olis in a .xcel sourco apdi,alion
(Cl *r. fr.lA.r.l iOi Urc ttrc mro nrau bar and loolbar
ioi Ar- d Hddr 12. Whn it $c old of tabL t€r $ gsric?
a. wr*t qr dtb lolo*lg a llr l.rych (Al PirPono '|3m€ {B} Porrla
iCi Ctii Ctrang (D) chirik dong
iq Ar.-tr
(B) Ynoo
{D) uso{ '13. Wtrich xro.d it wtongly 3pefr in the fo{oYi'lg
rct cf worb:
5. alr bsrr a fr{ mqur ol Slrf$l.. l^l rr'fi.lY (B) At lc'ty
Go6rdo.r O|lits
- ion h? ici E,t"oi (D) capadty
rel mts (B) 2010
ici zorz (D) 2or8 la. A cottTurcr on infcflrct i3 id6rrl'H by iE:
(A) E-m.I Addrd8
6. l rr Xhar.E ,!oatr0, torm rr ta (B) Sbaa Addg.t
(Al llr
ryi.t.ffi. (C) Login Ptst o.d
Gl Zat (O) lP A.ldru..
aci 2rd @l aN
15. Dei.ti.l iom o15.3% b:
7. fmidt nunt r tay a u..d llh rtt b t p. 96? (A) s3 (B) 0.53
a). (B) 5 o.oo53 (o) 0.053
ior (D)7 aci
16. A m bult m t frcb b R3. 27.50 and !.llls
8. lt'2 : 7 ::? : a9 a: it b. R.. 2e.60. Fird hi8 gsrn P.rc.f :
(Ale (B) 14 (A) i (B) 2
iO 5a (D) 2E
tci s (D) .r
9. Wf*n d h. blo*lg to{tmrr L l'd lo 17. LqE4 p.rH squr.!9tlqln /r end 50 is:
I3remrtebtn? (a)
i^i Poiodr
i6 sp.tro'ora
(D) NonG ol ol... ict re (o) .to
Advanced PPSC lC nodel PaDers 75
18 When was the trrsl regular seesgon of lhe numbers cannot represent the lotal number ot
Muslim League held? children in lhe class?
(A) NoYember, 1907 (A) 48 (B) 44
(B) September. 1907
(C) Oecember,'1907
lc) 42 (D) 40
(O) August, 1907 30. The firsl Nobel Prize to be awarded to a South
Asian was to:
19 Solve 8 + 0.2 =? (A) Rabindranath Tagore
(A) 4 (B) 40 (B) Sir C.V Raman
(c) 1.6 (D) 16 (C) Or. Abdus Salam
20. 3 boxes have some average weight. When (D) Or. Amartya Sen
one box which weights 89 kg is replaced by 31 Which of the following options is not a valid
another box, the averag€ weight increases by PowerPoint's view?
5 kg. How much the new box weighs? (A) Slide show view
({) 109 k9 (B) 94 kg (B) Slide shorler view
(C) 10a ks (o) 84kg (C) Pesentation view
21. Under which sea, the vrorld's oldest known (D) Nomal view
intacl shipwreck has been discovered by a 32. What term describes a picture that has been
team of maritime archaecologists? resized by a percentage?
(A) Caribbean Sea (A) Crop@ (8) Flipped
(B) Sough China Sea (C) Stretched (O) Scaled
(C) Red Sea 33. A ratio equivalenl to 3 : 7 is:
(D) Black Sea (A) 3:9 (B) 6:10
22. Where is Al-Azhar University situated? (c) 9:21 (O) 1E:49
(A) Jeddah (B) Tripoil 34. Which regiment of Pakistan Army has
(C) Cairo (D) Oamascus received maximum numb€.s of 'Nishan-e-
23. According to which amendment suspended Haider"?
Constitution of 1973 was reslored? (A) Baluch Regiment
(A) 7th Amendment (8) 8th Amendment (B) Sind Regiment
(C) gth Amendment (O) 10th Amendment (C) Punjab Regiment
24. Average age of A and B is 30 years. that of B (D) Frontier Force Regim€nt
and C is 32 years and lhe average age of C 35. The synonym of 'Abandon" is:
and A rs 34 years. The age of C is: (A) Gain (B) Vacate
(A) 33 years (B) 34 years (C) Occupy (O) Foil
(C) 35 years (D) 36 years 36. Suez Canal links Mediterranean Sea directly
25. What is unsolicited bulk e.mail known as? to the:
(A) Ariar (B) Spam (A) Red Sea (B) Caspian Sea
(C) Hebrew (O) Spool (C) Persian Gulf (D) Black Sea
26. By converting 142.5o/o into decimal, answer 37. The average ot 5 quantities is 6. The average
will b€: of 3 ol them is 4. What is the average ol
(Al 1.425 (B) 0.1425 remaining 2 numbers?
(c) 142.5 (D) (A) 9 (B) 10
'4.25parties did not
27. Which ol the following political (c) 8 (D) 9.5
boycotl tlle Simon Commission? 38. The ralio of cosl price and selling price is 4 .

(A) Al lndia Muslim League 5. The proft percenl is:

B) lndian National Congress (A) 10 percent (B) 20 percent
C) Unionist Party (C) 25 percent (D) 30 percent
D) Hindu Mahasabha 39. A TV is purchased at Rs. 5000 and sold at Rs.
2O. _ was a prominent Puniabi folk 4000, find the lost percent:
mu6ic singer of Pakistan, credited with (A) 100 (B) 20
popularizing the musicel term Jugni. (c) 25 (O) 28
(A) lnayut HBsain Bhatti 40. Taekwondo is a popular torm of Martial Arts.
(B) Tufail Niazi From which country did Taekwondo origanate?
(C) Alam Lohar (A) Korea (B) Japan
(oi xone ormese (C) Chrna (O) Malaysra
29. The number of boys in a class is three tireas 41. Why is the Ozone important for mankind?
tha number of girls. Which ono of the followir€ (A) Protection from ultraviolet rays of sun
(B) lt releases oxygen in the air
76 l*rlcflFHtCf0ArbdaPao.r!
(C) lt ,nainlrins trmp.raturs of the earth (C) ltaly (O) Egypr
(O) lt rsbas€s hydrogen in the stmosphere
55 is a
codrgutef soflware whose
42. Whkfi of th3 fo0dwng i3 not a0 epplicaton user intertace and API resembbs that of a
softwrr!? printer driver.
(A) Windors NT (B) Page Maker (A) Virlual Printer (B) Plotler
(C) Wnword XP (O) Photoshop (C) ltaly (D) Egy6
43. MS ereel is us€dto data. 56 Sirai Raisani bebnged to which political
(A) Organize --iE -flrarc party?
(C) Co'Irrunicat3 (O) Obtain (A) Pakistan Muslin Loague.N
44. A man c{l (b a f*rc6 of rork in 5 days, but (B) Pafi$an Muslim Leaguc Q
with th. hdp of his sofi he c8n do I in 3 days. (C) Awami Nalional Party
ln Yhal tirnc can the soo do it alo€n?
(D) Bahdristan Awami Party
(A) 7.5daF (B) 6.5 days 57 What is the anlonym of "Mndiclive-?
(C) 5.5 &y3 (D) 4.5 days (A) Careless (B) Forgaving
45. From wtri, word 'Aqcada' ia dadv.d? (C) Revengetul (O) Refined
(A) Aqd (B) Acaid 58 ln interstate ,elations C.B.M slands for:
(C) AqL€d (D) Tacleed (A) Cash Eook Manegement
46. Tha oolion is ulad b slrow a (B) Confidence Building Measures
ror or cotuinn on crcry pnmeo page. (C) Central Bgard ot Minorities
(A) Prinl-ti0e (8) P.g€ layoul (D) None ot tles€
(C) ftint lrcviil (D) t{onc ot t!€!. 59 Choos€ lhe conBcl artide: I (bnl like
47. Whidr ot th. blqring b not an exampte of dogs
irtcrnd browlcr?
(A) Opcra (B) FirGiox B
(C) SafEti (D) File Zila c The
o Article not required
(A) (B) 60. ln MS Word 2007. to selecl a column of the
(c) (D) lable from bottom to top, press:
49. (B) ALT + PAGE UP
(c) D (O) CTRL + ALT + PAGE UP
50 61. What is the name ot the lranian President?
(A) B (A) Hassan Rouhani
(c) D (B) S!€d Ali Khamenel
(C) Jawad Zanef
(A) (B) (D) Kamal Kharazi
(c) (D) 62. "Add or Remove programs" is a(an):
q) MS PowsPoinl is a/an example of: (A) Productivity software
(A) Mulirnedia sonwaro (B) File manager
(B) Grehp6 rofiware (C) Ulilrty program
(C) spread shcef (D) Device driver
(D) Enttetainment soffrvao 63. When you divile 0.7 by 10 you will gel:
(A) 7 (B) 007
(c) 70 (D) 0.007
64. A Balsman makes a score of 87 runs in lhe
(A) 1416 (B) 1t 'l7th inning and thus increases his average by
(c);3 (D) 14
3. Find his averag€ of
(B) 39
(O) 29
54 Anlalye Arport is situated in'
(A) Syna (B) Turkey
Answer Key
1. a 3. c 5. c 7.b 9. a 1't a 13 b 15. d
2 4. b 6. d I '10 a 12 a 14 d 16. d
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PaDerc 69
92 Whrch one is not the offiqal language of (A) Russia (B) Japan
Un[ed Natrons? (C) UK (O) France
{A) Spanish (B, Arabrc
(C) German. rDr Russmn May 31 rs observed throughoul the \ryorld as
(A) Environment Oay
93 Kwacha rs the currency und of (B) Human Rrghts Oay
\At Zambla lB) peru (C) Press Freedom Day
(C) Cuba (D) Chad (D) Non Smokrng Oay
94 The worid s first lnternationat Airtrne op€rated 98. The world s largest vyool producer country is
rts frrst fhght on May 17. 1920 was
(A) KLM (Netherlands )
(A) Chrna (B) Russra
(B) Aeroflol (Russra)
(C) Austra|a (D' South Afnca
tC) Lufthansa (Germanyl 99 Sirena Wrllams rs a faraous player of
(O) Oelta IUSAI (A) Baskel Ball (B) Tennrs
(C) Athletic (D) Badmrnton
95 Among the SAARC countnes the smallest by
100.Senkaku lsland rs disputed between.
area and populatton ts
(A) Bhutan (B) Nepar (A) Chrna and Japan
(C) Maldrves (D) Sfl Lanka (B) Chrna and South Korea
(C) Japan and South Korea
96 Atter US the rargest numbers of Atomrc (D) Russra and Japan
Reaclors are in.

A nswer Key
1. 14 c 27 40. c 53 b bb a 79. b 92
2. a 15 c 28 b 41. b 54 c 67 b 80 93 a
a 16 c 2S d 42 d 55 a 66 a 81 d 94 a
4 d 17 a 30 a 43. a 56 a 69 a 82 c 95 c
5 b 18 c 31 c 44. c c 70 b 83 d 96 d
32 b 45
58 a 71 d u d 97 d
59 d b 85 a 98 c
8 b 21 b u c 47. b 60 c 73 86 c 99 b
9. c 22 b 35 a 48 b 61 d 74 d 87 d 100
10 d
c 23 JD b 49. c 62 a 75 a 88 c
11 a 24. d 37 d 50 b 63 76 d 89 a
12 c 25 a 38 d 51 d 64 b 77 c 90 d
13 c 26. c 39 a 52. d 65 d 78 d 9l a



1 A hockey team won 6 games and lost g What (A) 200 (B) s0
rs the ratro of wtns to number of oames? \c) 25t2 (D) 25
(A) 68 rBi 86 - 4 Thomas Jefferson was the
(C) 37 (O) 8:14 presrdenl of the Untted Stales.
2 ln PowerPornt The selecled desgn template (A) 1st (B) 2nd
can be appfted (C) 3rd (D) 4th
(A) To current slde oolv 5. Complete the seraes: 1. 1, 8. 4, 27. 9
(B) To an the sltdes '
(C) To all the new presentatron you create (A) 64 (B) 20
(D) All of these (c) 60 (D) 16
J (25 10)/(5(6 4)2) = r
70 Att .oced PftC ,,COs nodC P,D€,rs
6. What is the name of the autobiography of 18 Trackball is a(n):
(A) Storage device
Adoll Hitler?
(A) Hope and Success (B) Oulput device
(B) Mein Kampf (C) lnput device
(C) Das Kapital (D) Programming language
(O) Thard Reich 19. Ahmad rcads 24 Pages of a book in 15
7. lfJack needs2.5 pinB of cream to make a minutes. The rate of pages read per minute by
dess€n. How many pints will he need to make him will be:
3 dess€rts? (A) 1.6 (B) 2
(A) 7.s (B) 3 (c) 25 (D) 3
(c) 4 (o) 5.5 20. Which of the following is the method by which
8. Ali can type at a speed of 25 words per data is convened from a readable form to an
minute. How many words he can type in one encoded version?
hour? (A) Encryption (B) Spooling
(A) 1300 (B) 1200 (C) Censoring (O) COD
(c) 1s00 (D) 1475 21. The oldest lntemet Search Engifle among the
9. lf the averqe atilhmetic mean of 8, '12, '15, following is:
21, x and 11 is 17 then what is x? (A) Google (B) MSN Search
(A) 3 (B) 1s (c) Yahoo (o) Alta Msta
(c) 17 (o) 35 22. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali, who proposed the
10. LEO stands for: name "Pakistan" in buried in:
(A) Laser Emitting Direction (A) Karachi (B) London
(B) Laser Eating Diode (C) Oxford (D) Cambridge .

(C) Light Exit Direclion 23. The length and breadth of a rectangle are in
(D) Light Emitting Diode the ratio 3 : 1. It the breadth in 1 cm, than the
11. Whict one number will complete the series: 8. length ol the rectangle is
13, 10, 15, ',tz, 17,'.14, (A) '14 (B) 16
(A) 1s (B\ 22 (c) 18 (O) 21
(c) 16 (D) 20 24. A hybrid computer:
12 lf Mary traveled 116 miles on day 1, 130 miles (A) Resembles digital computer
on day 2, ll4 mil€s on day 3. How many (B) Resembles analogue computer
miles p€r day did she average? (C) Res€mbles both a digital and analogue
(A) 120 (8) 115 computer
(c) 116 (o) 114 (D) None of these
13. Babri Mosque which was demolished in 1992 25. The Kabul River joins River lndus near:
wasi/is situated in the province / stale of: (A) Attock (B) Jhang
(A) Maharashtra (C) Mianwali (O) Swabi
(B) Lnar Pardesh 26. Solve: 6.334 x 104
(C) Madhya Pardesh (A) 0.0006334 (B) 0.06334
(D) Andra Pardesh (c) 6334 (D) 63340
'14. Find the average of 813 25 43 and 11
(A) 20 (B) 32 27. Which type of exercise measures upper body
(c) 27 (o) 1e
slrength and endurance?
(A) Trunk lifi (B) Cud ups
15. Which of the follo{ving words is closest in (C) Push up (O) None of these
meaning to the word Monitor'? 28. A computer application program that displays
(A) Punish (B) Condude data arranged in rows and columns in called
(C) Observe (O) lnterture is:
16. Linux is ,an: (A) Spreadsheet (B) Register
(A) Operating System (C) Form (O) gox
(B) Utilrty program 29. Which of the following is not a PowerPoint
(C) Application Software view?
(D) Educational Soflware (A) Slide show view
17. ln field of telecommunication. LTE stands tor: (B) Slide view
(A) Long Time Energy (C) Presentation view
(B) Low Term Evolution (D) Outline view
(C) Long Term Evolution
(D) Life Time Evolution
Advanced PPSC lroos Hodel Paoe,s 71..

30. Which one of the wives of the Holy Prophet (D) Double clicking lhe cell
(PBUH) gained lhe title of 'Umm-ul
43 What rs a terabyte?
Masakeen" (Mother of the poor)? (A) An optical storage medium capable of
(A) Hazrat Khadriah (R.A) storing vast amounts of rnlormation
(B) Hazrat Maimoona (R.A), (B) A multifunctional operatrng environment
(C) Hazral Zainab bint Khuzaiymah (R.A) (C) Flash memory
(D) Hazral Aaisha (R.A) (D) Roughly a tnllion bytes
31. A patient requires a 30% decrease in the 44 Pakistan lost to lndia in lhe final of the 2016
dosage of his medication. His current dosage Asian Men s Hockey Champions Trophy.
is 340 mg. What will his dosage be after the Where wan the final match played?
decrease? (A) Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
(A) 70 (B) 238 (B) lpoh, Malaysia
(c1 270 (D) 340 (C) Kauntan, Malaysia
32. Sotve: 7500 + (i250 / 50) (O) Johar, Malaysia
(A) 7500 (B) 7525
(c) 7s50 (D) 8000 45. Sotve {-1t.,cn|
(A) 0.8 (8) 1 .2
33. What is the maximum font size you can apply
for any character in MS-Word?
(c) I (o) 12

(A) 163 (B) 1638 46. Civil Disobedience Movement was started by
(C) 16038 (D) Nona of these
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
34. Microsoft Wndows uses a GUI environment. (B)
Mahatrna Gandhi
GUI (pronounced "gooey') stands for (C)
Jawahralal Nehru
Agha Khan lll
(A) Geog raphical User lntercfiange
(B) Graphical User lnterface 47 15 men were hired to plough a piece of land in
(C) Geometrical Upp€r lnlelligence 10 days. How many more men will b€ required
(D) Grammatical User lncorporation to do the same job is 3 days?
(A) 35 (B) 40
35. lfx = 3, then x3 = ?
(A) 6 (B) e
(c) 50 (D) 30
(c\ 27 (D) 81 48 What does RAM in a computer stand ,or?
Read and Memorize
36. "Leukemia'is a disease otthe: (B)
Random Access Memory
(A) Lungs (B) Blood (C)
Random Accees Module
(C) Skin (O) Nerves (D)
Random Accees Modem
37. Th6 ratio 35 : 84 in simplest torm is: 49 PowerPoint presentations are widely used as:
(A) 5:7 (B) 7:t2 (A) Note outlines for teacters
(C) 5:12 (D) None of these (B) Poect presentations by students
38. To copy a piclure of the screen to lhe (C) Communication of planning
Clipboard use: (D) All of these
(A) All Key 50 Aslola lsland is in:
(B) Shift Key (A) lndia (B) lran
Print Screen K€y (C) Pakistan (D) Bangladesh
None of these
51 Which of the following frac{ion is the smallest?
39. _ is us€d to transmil digital data (A) 11/13 (B) 9/11
over telephone fnes.
(A) Networkcard (B) Sound card
(c) 3/4 (o) st7
(C) Graphic card (O) Modem How are human rights enforced?
(A) Against Public aulhorites
40. CRT is the technology used in a: (B) By interpreting legislation and common
(A) Mouse (B) Monitor law rules so as to be consistent with
(C) COO (D) TOan Horse convention rights
41. Synonym of 'ANGUISH' is: (C) Only against individuals
(A) Anack (B) Agony (D) By striking down inconsislent legislation
(C) Reliet (D) Anxious
42. ln MS Excel, we can not edit the conterts of a
Solve: rf'lT
(A) 520 (B) 169
cell by:
(A) Pressing th€ Alt key (C) 28561 (D) None of these
(B) Clicking lhe formula bar 54 A common name for software errors is:
(C) Pressing the F2 key (A) Bugs (B) Trojans
72 Advanced PPSC t COs Hodet Papers
(C) Logrc bombs (D) Vrruses (A) Word processrng
55 9 rs 1/3o1, of what number? (B) Srmulatron
IAJ 2700 rBr 300 lCr Desktop publ,shjng
(c) 27 (D) 30 {O) Vrrtuar realty

56 A solutron of watar and sugar contatns 10o/o

68 Macrntosh sefles of personal computers was
sugar the solur,ons werght ts 8 kg When 2 kg developed by whrch of the tollowrng
ol water is added to thrs soluton the companres?
(A) Dell (B) Apple
percentage of sugar becomes?
(A) 8% (B) 10% (C) rBM rD) Microsoft
\c) 12o/o (D) 18% 69 The Khudal Khrdmatgar Movement was
57 Find the relatronshrp srmilar to Throat started by
(Ar Abdul Ghani Khan
(A) Challenqe Frght (B) Solar Aslam Khan
lB) Reason Anger (C) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(C) Thunder Lrghtenrng (D) lnayatulah Mashnqr
(D) Speed Acceleration 70 The Charrman of Boundary Commrssion of the
58 Whrch short cut key tnserts a new slide rn
Punlab & Bengal. was
(AI Mountbatten (B) Ar..rchrneck
current presentatron rn POwerPornt?
(A) Ctrl + N rB) Ctn + M (C) Gracey (D) None of these
rC) Ctd + S (O) All ol these 71 Look at thrs series 2, 6. 18 54 What
59 A rs twrce as good as workman as B and number should come next?
together lhey frnrsh a pEce of work in 18 days. (A) 108 (B) 148
ln how many days will B alone finish the work (c) 162 (D) 218
(A) 27 days (B) 54 days 72. lncome ot A is 25% less than B How much
(C) 56 days (D) 68 days percent Bs rncome would be more than that of
60 lf you pay $22 90 for a DVD that inctudes a A7
(A) 33o/" (B) 30%
7% sales tax what is the pnce of the DVD
before the sales tax?
(c) 35o/o (O) 48%
(A) $23 (B) $21.40 73. Shortcut Keys to switch to the next wrndow as
(c) $25 (D) $20 s0 (A) Alt + Tab (B) Shrft + Tab
61 Who is the current Mayor of London? (C) Alt + Ctrl (D) Ctrl + Tab
(A) Zac Goldsm{h (B) Bofls Johnson 74 Who is called lhe Falher of Computers?
(C) Sadiq Khan (D) None ot these (A) Charles Babbage
62 lmran Khan was recenlly swom tn an (B) Thomas Kurtz
Pakrstan s Pnme Mtntsler. (C) Konrad Zuse
(A) 19th (B) 20rh (o) BiI Gates
(C) 21st (D) 22nd 75. x, 9. 25. 49. 81. 121 Frnd the value of x
63 ln MS Word 2016, whrch of the fotlowtng (A) s (B) 1
command is not available rn lnsert menu? (c) 4 (D) 3
(A) Columns (B) Tabte 76 Total number of students in a class is 95. lf
(C) Page Number (D) Obiect the total number of grrls in the class rs 45.
6,4. The value of 1/3 of24 is, then the ratro of total number lf boys to total
(A) I (B) 5 numbor grrls is.
(A) 9.10
(C) 12 (D) None o, rhese
(C) 10:9
{B) 7;6
(D) E'11
65. Length and width of a rield are i^the ratio 5:3.
lf the width of lhe lield rs 42 m then its tenglh 77 What was the capital of Japan before Tokyo?
ts: (A) Osaka (B) Hiroshima
(A) 100 m (B) 80 m (C) Kyoto (D) Okinawa
(C) 50 m (D) 70 m 78 Sam bought a 12 pack of soda tor 55.40. How
66 Aslia has three types balls red. green and much dd he pay per can of soda?
blue. lf lherr ratlo rs 2 3:5 what percant of balls (A) $0.45 (B) S0 54
are green? (c) $0.40 .\o) $2.22
(A) 2OVo (B) 30% 79. Pakistan is located m
(c) 45% (D) 50% (A) East Asia (B) South Asra
67 Which type of computer program woutd be (C) South East Asra (D) North East Asia
used to design an invitalion card?
Advanced PPSC MCQS Motlel Paperc 61



'l '1937 Eiechon s were he,d rn eieven provrnces (c) 1939 (D) 1949
of lndra Sub-contrnent accordrng to? 10 Who was the Vrceroy of lndia when the lndtln
(A) Acr of 1935 {B) Actof1919 Councrl Acl 1892 was passed
. (c) Acr of 1927 (D) Act of 1936 (A) Lord Dutferrn
2 Who became the 1st Muslim Judge of the . (B) Lord W'llram
Calcutta Hrgh Court? (C) Lord Cuffon '
(A) Liaqat Ah Khan (O) Lord t ansdowne
(B) Badarirddrn 1 1 When drd Srr Syed wflte hrs famous book Asar
(C) Syed Ameer Alr ul Sanade€d?
(Dl Srr Syed Ahmed Khan (A) 1647 (B) 1848
3 According to Article 44 of the Constrtution the (C) 1849 (D) 1850
Presrdent of Pakrstan shatl hold offrce for a 12 By whrch Acl of. lndra women were granled
term of nght to vote?
(A) 6 years (B) 3 years (A) Govl of lndia Act, 1935
(C) 5 years (D) 4 years' (B) Govl of lndra Act. 1919
4 The name of Pakrstan accotding to (C) lndran Counc,ls Act 1892
Constftution of Pakistan (O) Legrslative Councrls Act 1861
(A) Pakrstan 13. Syed Ahmed Shaheed and lsrnail Shaheed
(B) lslamrc State of Pakrstan were manyred
(C) lslamrc Federatton of paktstan (A) Muzafrarabad iB, Bagh
(D) lslamc Repubhc of Pakistan (C) Balakot (O) Rawlahot
5. The electoral College of Pakrstan for the 14 When Lord Curzon annornccd the Partition ot
eleclion of Presrdent of Paktstan consists of Bengal?
(A) The Members of the provrncral (A) 'l6th October .1904
' assmblres (B) 16th Oclober 1905
(B) The Members of both Houses (C, 16h October 1906
(C) The Members of both Houses anC the (D) r6th Oc:obe 1907
Members of the provrncral assembtles
(Dl The Members ol the Nahonai Assembty
1 5 Who led the Srmla Depuralr,rr"
,Ar Srr Syed Ahrnad Khan
6. No person shall hold the Offrce of Prestdent of ,B) Syed Anree. A r

Pakrstan for more than rC) Allama lqba

(Ar Frve consecutr,,.e terms rD, Srr Aghd Khar
(B) Four Consecutrve terms
(C) Two consecutrve lerms 16. Gandhr rarsed the sicgan of Quit lndia
(D) Three conseculrve terms Quard-e-Azam ratsed another slogan to
Counter rt as Lrndei
7 Ob,ectives Resolutron was passed by the 'lst {A) D vrde and Rule
Conslituent Assembly rn the year {B) Drvrde and Ourt
(A) 1951 {B) 1943 (C) Rule and Drvrde
,Cr 1949 {D) 1956 (D) None ol above
8 Sir Syed dred on 27th March of whrch year? '7 Who rnaugu.aied the State Bank uf Pakistan?
(A) 1888 (B) 1898 (Al Zahrd H.rssarq
(c) 1908 (D) 1918 . (B) lshrat Hussarn
9 ln which year Islamta College for Women (C) Quaid e'Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Cooper Road was estabhshed? (D) Nawabzada Lraqat Ali Khan
(A) 1937 (B) 1938
62 Adr.nced PPSC nCQs odal Paod,B
'18 Who was elected 1st President of Kh afat (A) Quad iAzam (B) SirAgha Khan
Committee? (C) Liaqat Ali Khan (D) Allama lqbal
(A) Mulana Muhammad Ali Johar 30. The second populate Census in Pakistan was
(B) Maulana Shaukat Ali held?
(C) Seth Jan Muhammad Chotlani (A) 1962 (B) 1963
(D) Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (c) 1964 (D) 196'
19. When report of Simon Commission was 31. Which prophel could tak to the birds?
published? (A) Hazrat lsmail
(A) May, 1930 (B) Ha/rat Yaqub
(B) May. 1929 (C) Hazrat Sulaiman
(C) May, June 1929 (D) Hazrat Yousuf
(D) July. 1929
32. What is the meaning of Haij e Akbar?
20. Which Muslim women participated in all lhe (A) Hajl performed on Friday
three Round Table Conferences'? (B) Hay pedormed on Sunday
(A) Begum Shah Nawaz (C) Haii performed on Monday
(B) Amjad Begum (O) Halj perfomed on Thursday
(C) Fatima Jinnah
(O) Banu Begum 33. Hajis. during Hajj run between Safa and
MaMa, what is the name given to this act?
21. Which Women was part of the delegation lirst (A) Tawaf (B) lhram
sent to UNO after thscreation of Pakistan?
(A) Begum Rana Liaqal Ali Khan
(C) Ourbani (D) Sayee
(B) Fatima Suglira 34. The Haij pilgrims are required to wear lhram
(C) Begum Salma Tassaduq at a place called
(D) Fatima Jinnah (A) Arafat (B) Meeqat
(C) Mina (D) Marwa
22. When did Quaid-+Azam resign the lndian
Congress? 35. What was the age of Hazrat Umar (RA) when
(A) 1919 (B) 1920 the embraced lslam?
(c) 1921 (Dl 1922 (A) 27 (B) 28 years
23. During freedom movement, which language
(C) 29 years (D) 39 years
played a vilal role in the demand for a 36. For how long, the caliphate of Hazrat Usman
separate homeland (Pakistan) for the Muslims (RA) lasted?
of the suFcontinent? (A) 6 years (B) E years
(A) Persian (8) AEbic (C) '10years (D) 12 years
(C) Urdu (D) Punjabi 37. Which Surah of Holy Quran throws light on the
24. Who was the ruler of Kashmir at the time of Halal and Haraam of sacrificial animals
parlition (A) Al Maeda (B) Al lmran
(A) Gored Singh (8) Gulab Singh (C) Ai Nehal (D) Al Raad
(C) Hari Singh (O) Ranjeel Singh 38. Name of Surah of Holy Quran which mentions
25 Who announced the CommunalAward? the nghts of the parents
(A) Macdonald (B) lrwin (A) Ahzab (B) Luqman
(C) Cuzon (D) Wavell (C) Mudassar (O) Al Maeda
26. Act of 1935 separated Sindh from which 39. How many times the word Qul' has been
province? repeated in the Holy Ouran?
(A) U.P (B) Bengal (A) 332 (B) 432
(C) Bombay (O) Assam (c) s32 (D) 632
27. The'Oay of Oeliverance'was observed on 40. How many Surahs ot Holy Ouran begin with
(A) December, 1939 the names of lhe prophets?
(B) '10 November, 1939 (A) Six (B) Seven
(c) 20rh oclober. 1939 (C) Eaght (D) Nine
(D) 14 September 1939 41. Pick out the name of the prayer which rs
28. Quaid-e-Azam gave his fourteen points in a proceeded by Azaan?
meeting held rn '1929 in _ (A) Namaz-e Janaza
(A) Bombay (B) Calcutta (B) Eid ul Fitr
(c) Karachi (o) Delhi (C) Eid ul Azha
(D) Zohr Prayer
29. Who presided over the All lndia Muslim
League Session held at Allahabad in '1930?
Afirancad PPSC MCOS lrodel Psoers 63

42. Pick out the place where Hazrat Yahya (AS) is 54. The mosl important and Iamous Urdu
buried? newspapr published from Lahore by Maulana
(A) Syria (B) lraq Zafar Alu Khan was
(C) Egypt (D) Jordan (A) Hamdard (B) Nawa-i-Waql
43. Give the total number ol Haij p€rformed bythe (C) Kohinoor (D) Zamindar
Holy Prophet (PBUH)? 55 Which city of Pakistan to know as little
(A) Two (B) Three Manchester?
(C) One (D) Four (A) Karachi (B) Lahore
44. Pasni harbor is situated in (C) Faisalabad (D) Peshawar
(A) Baluchistan (B) Sindh 56. Who as father of modem chemistry
(C) PunJab (D) KPK (A) Ford (B) Einstein
45 "Struggle for Pakistan" was written by
(C) Lavoisier (D) None of above
(A) Waheed uz Zaman 57. lndian Act of 1919 provided which type of
(B) Dr l. H. Qureshi legislature at the cenlre it place of the lmperial
(C) Sharif uddin Pirzada Legislative Counql consisting of one House?
(O) Z A Sulehri (A) Bicameral (B) Unicameral
/16. ln 1946 the mission sent by British Govt was (C) A&B (O) None of these
called 58. Where Fort Munro is located?
(A) Simon Commission (A) Sulaiman Hills (B) Sahiwal
(B) Cripps Mission (C) D G Khan (D) Muttan
(C) Cabinet Mission 59. When Ouetta was devastated by a severe
(D) Boundary Commission earlhquake?
47. Quaid-e,Azam came back to lndia on the (A) 29 May, 1935 (B) 28 May, 1935
appeal of the Muslims in (C) 31 May, 1935 (D) 30 May, 193s
(A) 1939 (B) 1934 60. What is lhe total number of Kalimahs?
(c) 1933 (O) 1936 (A) Five (B) Seven
48. Mr. l.l. Chundrigar was the Prime Minister of (C) Eight (o) Six
Pekistan ftom 61. ln which year Zakat was made obligatory?
(A) April 17, 1953 to August 11, 1955 (A) 1 A.H (B) 2 A.H
(B) Oct19, 1951 to April 17, 1953 (c) 3 A.H (D) 4 A.H
(C) Aug 11. 1955 to S€pt 12, 1956
(D) Oct 18, 1957 to Oec '16. 1957 62. What is the Nisab of Zakat for Gold?
(A) 5 Tola (B) 6 Tola
49. Where is Gomal University located? (C) 7% Tola (O) I Tola
(A) Lahore
(B) Dera Ghazi Khan 63. For how many times the word 'Zakat' has
(C) Karachi been mentioned the Holy Quran?
(O) Oera lsmail Khan (Al 22 (B) 12 times
(C) 32 times (D) 42 times
50. Which province of Pakistan is the largest
alea? 64. What was the Kunniyyat of Hazrat Abu Bakr
(A) Khyber Pakhtunichtya (RA)?
(B) Puniab (A) Abu Sulaiman (B) Abu Jaffer
(C) Sindh (C) Abu Abdullah (D) Abu Hamza
(D) Balochistan 65 For how many years the caliphate ot Abu Bakr
51. ln the Iederal legislature or
Pakistan, (RA) lasted?
parliament is (A) Three years (B) Four years
(A) Unicameral (B) Bicameral (C) Two years (D) Five years
(C) Multi cameral (D) Tri cameral 66. For how long the caliphate ot Hazrat Umar
52. Pakistan Council of Scientific & lndustrial (RA) lasted?
Research (PCSIR) was established in: (A) 6 years (B) I years
(A) 1953 (B) 1957 (C) 10 years (D) 12yeaG
(c) 1961 (D) 1963 67. Which Sura of Holy Ouran throws light on the
53. When it the Authorized agency to sanction lslamic laws regarding maniage and divorce f
license for Cable Television and FM Radios? (A) Al ilise (B) Al Baqrah
(A) PTA (B) PTCL (C) At Furqan (D) Al Ankabut
64 Advanced MCQS Model Papers

68 What is the Serial Number of Surah Yaasrn in 83 Which Army Offrcer Was the 1st recipEnt ot
the Holy Quran? N,shan r Hader'?
(A) Thrrty four (8) Thirty six (A) Malor Azz Bhatti Shaheed
(C) Thirty rive (D) Thirty s€ven (B) Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed
69. What rs the total number of types of Oias? (C) Captain SaMar Shaheed
(A) Two (B) Three (D) Major Shabhtr Sharif Shaheed
(C) Four (D) Five 84. By which Pact, the Hindus agreed lor
70. Give the lotal number of Ayaats in the Holy Separate Electorate for Muslims in lndia?
Quran? (A) Karachi Pact' (B) Lahore Pact
(A) 544s (B) 7277 (C) Luknow Pact (O) Peshawar Pact
(c) 4344 (D) 6235 85 Who resigned from the lmperiat Legrslatrve
71. How many times the word Qul has beer Council in sheer protest agarnst the Rowlett
repeated in the Holy Ouran? Act?
(A) 332 (B) 432 (A) Gandhi (B) Nehru
(c) .532 (D) 632 (C) Quard-e-Azam (D) Srr Sayyed
72. What the serial number of lhe Katimah Rad-e- 86. ln the Holy Quran. tb whrch prophet, the
Kufr among the 6 Kalimahs? miracle of the she-Camel is retated?
(A) Srx (B) Four (A) Hazral Musa (B) Hazrat Saleh
(C) Three iD) Frve (Cl Hazrat Harun (O) Hazrat Daud
73 Prck out the Kalrmah which is without a dot? 87 Grve the number of Battles mentroned tn lhe
(A) 1st Kalimah (B) 2nd Kalimah Holy Qurane
(C) 3io f.alimah (D) 4th Katrmah (A) Two (B) Three
(C) Srx . (O) Twetve
74 Whrcn Kalimah is reciled at the time of Nikah?
(A) 1r. (B) 2nd 88 of Shrrk rn tstam?
What is the opposrte
rC) 3.1 (O) Alr the srx (A) Akhuwwat (B) Tauheed
(C) lnsaaf (D) Srn
75 The recitalion of 1st Kalimah is called
(A) Tauba (B) Satat 89 About which act. the Muslms shall be asked
(C) Astaghfar (D) Tahleel frrst of all. on the Day of Judgment?
(A) Salaat (Namaz)
76. Give the types ofZakat? (B) Fasting (Roze )
(A) Two (B) Three (C) Ha,
(C) l our ' (D) Five (o) zakat
/7 What rs the literat meanrng of Zakat? 90 Give the number of Rukus in the Surah At
(A) To punfy (B) To spend lmran?
(C) To lncrease (D) Noneofthese (A) 30 (B) 40
78 What rs the Serial number of Surah At Kahf rn (c) 20 (D) 10
the Hory Qur an, 91 ln whrch language the Hoty Quran was
!A) 20. (B) 18 iranslated by Luther ?
\C) 2a (D) 28 (A) French tB) Latrn
79 Whrch aiphabet has been mentroned most rn (C) German (D, Engltsh
the Holf Quran? 92 Englrsh newspaper 'Comrade rn lndra was
. rA) Ai't (B, Kaaf pubished from
(C) Jeem (D) meem (A) Lucknow (8, Calcutta
d0 Prck out the Surah whtch s located rn parah (C) Madras (D) Delhr
1 1 of the Holy Quran;
(A) Ahzab (B) Maryam
93 Whrch rs the allernatrve of Wuzu when waler
rs not avarlable before saying a prayer?
(C, Younas (D) Shura (A) Ghusal
81 ln which Surah, Bismillah appea.s twice? (B) Washrng of face
(A) Surah Rehman (B) Surah yusuf (C) Tayammum
(C) Surah Namal (D) Surah Tauba (D, None of lhese
q2 Gave the number of limes lhe name of Hazrat 94. Which Nafli Namaz is most liked
by A ah?
Yaqub (AS) rs mentioned in the Hoty euran? (A) lshraq (B) Zawaat
(A) 16 trmes (B) 20 times (C) Chasht (O) Tahalud
(C) 26 times (D) 30 times What is the trme of Nafli Salaa lshraq
/ldvrrced PPIIC tfcos kde, F pers 65
(A) Sunnse till mtdnrght 98. Give the name of lhe prophet who ts son of
(B) Sunnse till noon Hazrat Daud?
(C) Sunnse till quarter of a day (A) Hazrat Hood (B) Hazral lshaq
(O) Sunflse till sunset (C) Hazrat Sulaiman (D) Hazrat Yousuf
96 Grve the name of the Prophel whose name 99. During.drought, s,ttlch Namaaz is offered for
has been mentioned most in lhe Holy Quran? /ar,r?
(A) Hazrat Daud (B) Hazrat Musa (A) Salaale-lstasqa (8) Salaa-e-Khrsoo
(C) Hazrat lbrahim (D) Hazrat Harum (C) Salaat e K6oof (D) None ofthese
97 Which Prophet rs called Abdul Eashar? 100 ln which Namaz no Saidah is performed,
(A) Hazrat Yaqub (B) Hazrat Musa (A) Salat e lskraq (B) Salat e Krsoof
(C) Hazrat Younas (D) Hazrat Adam (C) Salat e Tahajud (D) Salat e Janaza
Answer Key
1. a 14 b a 40a53.d 66 d 79 e 92 b
2. c 15 d 28 d 41.d54d 67 a 80 c 93 c
c 16 b 29 d 42a55c 68 b 81 c 94 d
4. d 17 c 30 d 43c56c 69 82 a 95 b
c 18 c 31 44a57a t0 d 83 c 96. b
6. c 19 a a 45b58.c 71 b 84 c 97 d
7. C 20 a d 46c59c a 85 98 c
8. b 21 c 34 b 47b60d a 86 b 99 a
9. c 22 b a 48d61.b 74 d 87 d 100 d
t0 d 23 c 36 d 49d62.c d 88 b
11 a 24 c 37 b 50d63c 76 a 89 a
12 a 25 a 38 b 51. b 64 c 77 a 90 c
13 c 26 c JY a 52a65.c 78 b 91 c



General Knowledge

1 Whrch of the followng countfles has the {C1 Protectorate Country

largesl area ln the world? 1O) Landlord Counrry
(A) Canada (B) U S A
(C) Russra (O) Chrna 6 Whrch ol the followrng mountarns separate
Asla from Europe"
2 Whrch of the conttnents has the lowest (A) Ural Mountarns
populatron growth rate? (B) Hrndukush Mounta'ns
(A) Europe (B) North America (C) Alps Mountarns
(C) Afflca (D) Aea (D) Atlas Mountarns
3 Hortrculture rs the 7 Day and nrght changes due to
(A) Cultrvatron of flowers and truts (A, Earth s revolution
(B) Growng of small plants (B) Earlh s rotatron accompanted wth rls
(C) Cultrvatron of sprces revolutron
(D) Growrng of bushes (C) Earlh s rolaton aroijnd rts axrs
4. 'Dashl-e-Lut desert ts located tn.
(D) None of these
(A) Chrna (B) Libya 8. The energy generatron tn stars ts due to
(C) lraq (D) lran (A) Fission of heavy nuclei
5 A country which has no coastline rs called
(8) Fusion of light nuclei
(A) Balkan Country (C) Fusron o, heavy nuclei
(B) Landlocked Country (O) None of these
66 PPSC NCQ3 Uodal Pa,,e's
9. Formosa is the old name of: 25. Fiber optics technology is being used in:
(A) Cambodia (B) Rhodesia (A) Telecommunication
(C) Taiwan (D) Bangkok (B) Electncal power control and distribution
'10. Pakistan purchased Gwadar ftom: monitoring system
(C) Oil and gas pipelines control and
(A) SaudiArabia (B) lran monitoring system.
(C) Oman (D) Qatar
(D) Allot the above
11. Johann Gutenberg is known for his invention 26. "Diego Garcia" is United States'Naval Base'
of: in:
(A) Printing (B)Telescope
(A) Pacific Ocean (B) Arctic Ocean
(C) Air pump (D) Steam turbine
(C) lndian Ocean (D) Atlantic Ocean
12. London
is situated on the bank of river:
Debware (B) Nile River
27. 'No dynaity lasts more than three
generations" is the theory of;
(C) Thames (O) None of these (A) lmam Ghazali (B) Herodotus
'13. The largest ocean of the wodd is: (C) lbn Khaldun (D) Polybius
(A) lndian Ocean (B) Arctic Ocean 28. Afier U.S. which country is the second largest
(C) Pacific Ocean (D) None of these arms seller in the world?
14. Which of the following Sea separates Asia (A) Britain (B) Russia
from Africa? (C) France (O) Germany
(A) Arabian Sea (B) Yellow Sea
29. A condominium is:
(C) Red Sea (D) None ofthese (A) A state of chaos
15. Baglihar Dam is constructed in occupied (B) A state enjoying dominion status
Kashmir on river: (C) A state with a federal form of government
(A) lndus (B) Jhelum (D) A particular territory over which joint dominion is
(C) Chenab (O) Ravi exercised by two or more external powers.
16. Pakistan's peacekeeping forces served under 30. A vassal stale is:
United Nations for the first time in:- (A) One which is completely under the
(A) Sudan (B) Somalia . suzerainty of another slate
(C) Congo (O) Kosovo (B) A protectorate
17. Smallest country in CentralAsia is: (C) A state which is a member of the
(A) Taiikistan (B) Kazakhstan Commonwealth.
'(D) None of the above
(C) Uzbekistan (O) Turkmenistan
18. Who advocated the theory of laissez laire? 31. Pinpoint the Wodd's oldesl democratic
(A) Marshall (B) Malthus country:
(C) Adam Smith (O) None of these (A) United States
(B) Great Britain
(C) Greece (D) France
19. Which of the following countries has the
largest number of Airports? 32 How many countries. Pakastan's lorces
(A) lndia (B) UK serving under UN peacekeepang mission at
(C) China (D) USA
(A) Four (B) Five
20. "Easy Jet' is the aiiine of: (C) Six (D) Seven
(A) UK (B) Malaysa
33. ldentify the wrong statement:
(C) Spain (O) Turkey
(A) Pancreas secrete insulin
21 The name United Nations was coined by: (B) Mammary glands secrete milk
(A) Stalin (B) F.O. Roosevelt (C) Lachrymal glands secrete saliva
(C) Winston Churchill (D) Austin Mills (D) Liver secretes bile
22. Organization of lslamic Cooperation (OlC) 34. Which vitamin protecls skin of the human
was established in: body?
(A) 1967 (B) 1969 (A) A (B) Br Complex
(c) 1971 (O) 1973 (c) c (o) D
23. The filament of an eleclric bulb is made of: 35. Solar system consists of:
(A) Carbon (B) lron (A) Eight Planets (B) Nine Plan€ts
(C) Tungsten (D) None of these (C) Ten Planets (O) Eleven Planets
24. When the stock market is going down, it is 36. What is'Scotland Yard'?
called: (A) Royal family's graveyard in England
(A) Bullish (B) Crashing (B) Bntish Criminal lnvestigation Department
(C) Slumberous (D) Bearish
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 67
(C) A palace of British Queen in Scouand (C) China (D) France
(D) A museum of natural hisiloryin U.K.
50. The World's largest copper producer is:
37. 'Digital Computer" was invented by: (A) China (B) Chile
(A) Vannevor Bush (B) John Harrison (C) Brazil (D) Russia
(C) M.R. Bissel (D) Howard Aiken
51. The earlh's rotation on ils axis is from:
38. Which of the following continents has no (A) South to Nonh (B) North to South
desert? (C) East to West (D) Wesl to East
(A) Australia (B) North America
(C) South America (D) Europe 52 'Lron ' is the nalional emblem of
(A) Sri Lanka (B) NoMay
39. "Bay of Biscay" is situated between: (C) Belgium (D) All of the above
(A) France and Spain
(B) Sweden and Finland 53. The game ot'Hockey was originated from:
(C) ltaly and Greece (A) Pakistan (B) England
(O) Eslonia and Latvia
(C) Australia (O) Greece
54. What is "Jingoism"?
40. The World's smallest state by area is: (A) Political Philosophy of State Control over
(A) Monaco (B) San Manno all means of produclion
(C) Vatican City (D) Nauru (B) lnjustice done to the poor segment o,
41. Which city is the oldest inhabiled capital in the society
world? (C) Extreme nationalism and patriotism
(A) Cairo (B) Damascus (O) Promotion of peace in the World
(C) Athens (D) Tehran 55. "Oosimeter' is a device used to measure: -
42.'Temple Trees' is an official' residence of the: (A) Nuclear radiation for safety purposes
(A) King of Nepal (B) The Speed of wind or any other gas
(B) King of Bhutan (C) Heat radiation
(C) President ol Maldives (0) High temperatures
(D) Prime Minister of Sri Lanka 56. What do you understand by the disease
43. The famous oil painting "Mona Lisa'is the "lnsomnia"?
crealion of: (A) lnability to sleep
(A) Leonardo da Vinci (B) Colour blindness
(B) PaUo Picasso (C) Depression
(C) Florence Nightingale (D) None of the above
(D) None of the above
57. A doctor specialist in skin diseases is called:
44. "Transworld AiMays" is an aidines of: (A) Cardiologist
(A) U.K. (B) France (B) Endocrinologist
(C) USA (D) Russra (C) Dermatologist
45. Which of the following country's parliament is
(D) None of the above
called 'Cortes ? 58. 'Omithology" is the study of
(A) Canada (B) Norway (A) Birds (B) lnsects
(C) Spain (D) Germany (C) Sea Animals (O) Sea Plants
46. The first intemational organization was: 59 The World s most populous city' is:
(A) LJnited Nations City
(A) Mexico (B) BeUing
(B) Commonwealth Organization (C) NewYork (O) Tokyo
(C) League of Nations
(D) None of the above 60. The longest reigning monarch of the present
World is:
47. Three Persian Gulf lslands. Abu Mussa. The (A) The King of Japan
Grealer and Lesser Tunbs, are disputed (B) The King ot Bhutan
between: - (C) The King of Thailand
(A) lran and lraq (B) lran and U.A.E. (O) The King of Sweden
(C) lraq and Kuwait (D) Qatar and Bahrain
61. Whal do you understand by "Choreography"?
48. Pope Benedict, the religious leader of Roman (A) The study of universe
Catholic Church belongs to: (B) The study of secrel writing
(A)Britain (B) Germany (C) Techniques used in space traveling
(C)France (D) Poland (O) The steps and movement in dances
49. Which of the following countries first
introduced paper currency in the World?
(A) US (B) Greece ' Shanghai is the World's mon populous city.
68 Advance<l PPSC llCQs llodel paoers
62. "Order of the Rising Sun as the highest (B) Michael W. Ooyle
military award of: - (Q) Fouad A,mi
(A) Japan (B) USA (D) Samuel P Huntrngton
(C) Norway (D) UK
77 Which ot the followng gases is mainly
63 Accordingto Global Oynamism lndex (col) causrng global warmrng
the world s most dynamic economy rs of - (A) Nitrogen (B) Methane
(A) America (B) Chrna (C) Carbon droxrde tD) Hydrogen
(C) Australa (D) Germany 78 Anaemra rs
64 Which country s economic groMh rate is (A)Resprratory drsease (B) Brarn drsease
lastest at present? (C)Nervous drsorder (D) Bloodlessness
(A) Argentrna (B) Chrna
(C) lndra (D) Chrte
79 The world s largest nalural gas depos(s are
. ln
65 Which year lndia granted Most Favoured lA) US lB) Russra
Nation Status (MFN)status to Pakrstan, . (C) Chrna lO) Brazl
(A) 200s (B) 2006 80 -Petra the news agency of
(C) 2007 (D) None (A) Poland (B) Syaa.
66. "A Tale of Two.Cities" rs a tamous novel of (C) Jordan (D) Oatar
(A) Charles Oickens (B) Leo Totstoy 8'l Bntain s secret lntellgence servrce called
(C) OH Lawrence (D) None ofthese (A) Mossad (B} KGB
67 'Pascal Lamy rs (c) BrA (D) Mt6
(A) Presrdenl of France 82. ln chronologrcal order. rvhrch ot the followrng
(B) Drrector General WTO personal[ies come frrst?
(C) Managing Director IMF (A) Plato (B) Ansto e
(D) None of the above (C) Socrates (D) Eprcurus
68 The newly desgnated Secretary General of 83 lsrael snatched Golan Herghts'rn 1967 from
Organizatpn of lslamtc Conference lyad (A) Egypt (B) Lebanon
Madanr belongs to (C) Jordan (O) Syaa
(A) Saudr Arabia (B) Egypt
(c) oarar (D) UAE 84 Alexandna' rs the seaport of
69 America wtll w[hdraw s forces from
(A) Greece (B) lraq
Afghanrstan from the year -
(C) Syria (O) Egypt
rA) 2014 (B) 2015 85 The largesl a.r,ong lhe lollowlng rs
(c) 2016 (D) 2017 (A) Galaxy (B) The Earlh
1C; The Sun (D) A Solar System
70. Unrted States Secretary ot State rs
(A) Hrllary Ctrnton (B) John Kerry 86 McMahan Lrne rs a boundary between
(C) Leon Panetta (D) None ot these lA) Germany and Poland
1B) lndra and Nepal
71 Tatpei rs the caDttal of , (C) Chrna and lndra
(A) North Korea {B) South Korea lD) Chrna and Nepai
(C) Cambodra tO) Tarwan
87 The world s oldest Nahonal Anthem rs of
72 Erffel Tower is localed rn: (A) Chrna (8) lran
rAr London (B) Pans (C) Greece (O) Japan
(C) New York (D) Rome
88 Whrch of the followrng lnternatronat
73 The largest number of women recerved Nobel Organ,zatton has no headquarters?
Pnze rn the category ol
{A) Peace
(A) ccc (B) oAU
(B) Medicine
(C) Lrterature (D) Physrcs
(c) G-8 (D) D-8
89. The world s oldest wntlen language rs
74. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was started rn: (A) Chrnese (B) Japanese
(A) 1979 (B) 19E0 (C) Cambodian (D) Labn
(c) 1982 (D) 1961
90 The world s largest mammal rs
75 The Headquarters of lnlernatronal Labour (A) Trger tB, Camel
Organization (lLO) is located in.
(A) Geneva (B) Paris
(C) Grrafie (O) Whale
(C) New York (D) Rome 91 Freetown is the cap(al of:
(A) Srena Leone (B) Senegal
7: ;i1e lheory of 'Clash oI Civrlizations was (C) Rwanda (Dl Uganda
presented by
r^\ Francrs Fukuyama
Advrrc.d PPSC ttcos mdrrP.o.rr 59
63. What is meant by "MIQAT" 72. On which of the following occasions, Muslims
(A) A sacred valley near Makkah in which off€r "Namaz€-l(usuf :
part of the Pilgrimag€ oefemonies take (A) At the time of an eclips€ of the moon
(B) Al the time of an edips€ ot the sun
(B) The station at which Pitgrims assume the (C) ln the lim€ ot drought
"lhram" or'Pilgrim's galment". (O) For the s€ke of rain
(C) Entrance of Magitt-iNabvi.
(D) None of the above. 73. Whidr Proph€t of God is dignified with speciat
tide. 'Kahlil-ullah' (Friend of Goct):
64. When did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) perform (A) Hazrar Adam (P.B.U.H)
'HaJat-ul-Wada' (The Last Pilgrimage)i (B) Hazrat Noah (P.B.U.H)
(A)-612 A.D. (B) 62, A.D: ' (C) Hazrat lbrahim (P.B.U.H)
(c) 632 A.D. (D) 638 A.D. (O) Hazrat Ese (P.B.U.H)
65. ldenti, the seventh month of the lslamic 74. Pinpoint the very fiIst convert to lslam among
Calendar: the following pious peIsonalitles:
(A)Rabi-us-Sani (B)Jamadi-ul-Awural (4) Hazat Abu Bakr (Mey AIah bless Him)
(C) Ralab (O) Shaaban (B) Hazrat Ah (May Allah bless Him)
66. lden$ry lhe number of Surahs in the Hoty (q) Hazral Khad[ah (May Allah bless Heo
Quran which are on the namcs of varioua (o) Hazrat zaid bin Harith (May 41"6 o*.
Prophetsi Him)
(A) Four (B) Six 75. What is rnea by Allah s anribute, "At-Bari":
(C) Eight (D) Twelve (A) The Gen€rous (B) The Glonoes
07. What is the signilicance of 2nh Rarab in the (C) TheAware (D) The Maker
1oth year of Prophethood: 76. ln the sixth year of the Hiirah, sfiich important
(A) Holy Prophet's visitof Taif incident took place in tho lsl€mic History:-
(B) Merai Shareef (A) Banb of Quraizah belween Muslims and
(C) Hazrat Hamza and HazJat Umer the Jewish tribe, Banu Qsraizah
ombraced lslam (B) The Tr3aly of Hudaibiyah was signed
(D) Migration ftom Makkah to Madtina betw€en the Muslims and the Quraish
68. ldentify the last Ghazwa in whi:h the Holy (C) The Holy crty of 'Makk h'was conquered
Prophet parlicipated: by th€ bllowers of lslam
(A) Tabuk (B) Hunain. (D) Death of Hazrat Khadiiah
(c) Murah (D) Ahzab 77. ldemify the personal y to whom Hazrat Abu
69 The police brce by the name of "ash-shurta' Bakr, co.nmbsioned the task to collect the
was set up to mainlain law and order in lhe scattered recording of ttE Holy Quran and
lslamic state during the Caliphate ofi compiled ltum in the furm ot a book:-
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (May Allah bless Him) (A) Hazrat Zayd Bin Thabit (May Allah bl€ss
(B) Hazral Umer (May Allah Hess Him) Him)
(C) Hazrat Usman (May Allah bless Him) (B) Hazrat Xhalk Un Walid (May Allah bless
(D) Hazrat Ali (May All.h bles Him) Him)
(C) Hazat Sead t n Abi Waqas (May Allah
70. Under the lslamic law of lnheritanci, what bless Him)
would be lhe share of the wib from husband's (q) Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf (May Allah
property in the presence of children: bless Him)
(A) Har (B) One third
78. Durhg lhe recitation of Holy Ouran, there are
(C) One bunh (D) One eightr
horv many occasions, when Siiddah
7'1. ldentify the Muslim ruler who introduced Jeil (Prostration) is obligatory for the Muslims:-
system for detention o{ prisoners: (A) Nine (B) Twelve
(A) Hazat Abu Bakr (May Allah bless Him)
(B) Hazrat Umer (May Allah bles3 Him)
(C) Fourteen (D) Sixteen
(C) Hazrat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (May Allah 79. Law3 aboul inheritance ry€r€ revealed in: -
bless Him) (A) 3 Hiirah (B) 4 Hiirah
(D) Walid bin AMul Malik (May Allah bless (C) 5 Hiirah (D) 6 Hiirah
Him) 80. l&ntrfy the name oI Gelc-kcapar ot heaven
72. ldenfrty the Muslim ruler who instituted the mention in the Holy Ouran: -
lslamic Calendar from the yrear of the Holy Rizvan
(A) (B) Malik
Prophet's migralion to Madina: Rehaan
(C) (D) None of these
. (A) Hazrat Abu Bkr (May Allah bl€ss Him) 81. The longesl Surah of Holy Ouran is: -
(B) Hazrat Umer (May Allah bless Him) (A) Al-Baqrah (B) Al-lnaam
(C) Abdul Malik (May Allah bles Him) ' ' (C) Al-Rehman (D) Al-Naas
(D) Hazat Umer bin Abdul Aziz (May Allah
blcss Him) 82. Number ot Gha aats mentioned in the Holy
60 . Advanced PPSC NCQs llodel Paoers
Quran are: (C) 15th cenlury (D) None ofthese
(A).12 (B) 14
92 The tslamic Calendar thura) staded rn the
(C, 16 lD) 18 year
83 Which of the followng drvrne book is called (A) 622 AD \Br 620AD
"old Testament ? (ct 611AD (D) None of these
(A) Zuboor ,B) Torart 93 The seai affrxed on rmpo(ant letlers by the
(C) lnjeel (Di None of these Holy Prophet (S A W) was in the custody oI.
84. Whrch of the ,cllowings rs (hlled Land of (A) Hazrat Alr i R A)
Prophets , (B) Hazral Qars 1R A)
{A) lraq (B) Saudr Arabra (C) Hazrat Huzarla (R A)
[C) Palestrne (D) Syna , D) Hazrat Brlal (R.A)

85 How many Surah the Holy Quran contarns, 94 Ameen-ui-Umat ts t(le oi Hazrat
(A) 114 ,B) 116 (Ai Emar bn Yasrr (R A )
(C) 1 18 \ol 220 (B) Sdernan Farsr (R A)
(C) Abu-Ubarda brn Al Jaraah(RA)
66 The word Muhammad (S.A.W) as a name has
(D) Abu Saeed Khuzn (R A )
be€n menlionedln Quran: -
. (A) 2 time (B) 4 rime 95 Arafat galhenng during Ha,J is held on -

(C) 6 time (O) 7 trme (A) 8 Zrl Hatt (B) 9 Zrl Ha!
87 Which surah of Holy has Brsm llah 1C) '10 Z,l Ha, tDt 12 Z,) Hqt
twrce? 96 Ihd frrst lslamrc moa!'rs
(a) Al-Ahzaab (Br Al,Nehar (A) Muharrum (B r Safar
(C) Al-Nama! rD) Al-Noor (C) Ralab ,D) Zool Haia
88. Whici-. one of the forlowing rs rncruded 97 Jabal-e-Noor rs srtuated rn
arnongst the ushera-e mLrbashera? iA) Aralat l8) Ghar-'Hrra
(A) Hazrat Srad bin Ubaid (C) Ghar r-Saur iO) Madrna
(B) Hazrat SaaC brn Abada 98 The Holy OuraD was irst comprled du ng the
(C) Saad b,4 Ab aqas calrphate oa
'D) llone of thes€ tA Hazrat Muhammad .R TPBUH r
89. Jmm-ul-Masa/. en' lhe trtle grven to one tB, Ab,. Eakr Srddrq!,e A )
of the wrves L: iie Hory Pr phel (S A Wr (Cr Hazrat Umar lR A )
(A) Hazrat Sauca RA) . (Qt Hazrat Usman rR A )
(B) Hazrat Satra (R A )
(C) Hazrat Zarnab bent Khuzrma (R.A) 99 Maslrd Zu Qrblatarn.s srtuated rn
(D) None of these {A) Madina (B) Makkah
(C) Ta'f (D) Jabal e Noor
90 The effeclive Zakat srslen. can ensur., lhe 100 Khateb-ul-Anbaa rs a htle ol -
eliminataoh ofr- (A) Hazrat ldre..s rA S )
(A) Poverty (B) lnlerest (B) Hazrat lbrahrm (A S )
(C) Class dEtnction (D) lgnorance (C) Hazrat Yaqoob (A S )
91 lbne-eKahldun was famous hrstoflan of:- (D) Hazrat Shoaib (4.S.)
(A) 13th century (B) 14th century
Answer Key
1. c 14 b 27 a 40 c 53 b 66 b 79 a 92 a
2. c 15 c 28 a 4'l a 54 b 67 b 80 e 93 c
3. b 16. c 29 d 42 b 68 a 81 a 94
4 17 c 30 c 43 d 56 b 69 b 82 a 95 b
5 d 18. b 31 b 44 a 57 b 70 d 83 b 96. a
6. c 19. d b 45 b 58 b 71 b 84 97 b
7 b 20. c 33 b 46 b d 72 b a 98 b
a 21. b 47 c 60 b 73 c 86 b 99. a
I'10 d 22 b a 4A d c 74 c 87 c 100 d
c 36 a 49 c 62 b 75 d 88 c
'11 a 24. a 37 d 50 b 63 b 76 b 89 c
12 d 25. a 38 a d 64 77 a 90 a
'13 a 26. d d 52 a 65 c 78 91 b
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model papers 57
(Ar Loratar (B) Srbbr member of.
(C) Khuzdar iD) Cnagnr (A) rMF (B) Wodd Bank
30. Pakistan's first Nuclear power plant was (C) Paris Club (D) None of the above
setup at Karachi in 1974 with the aid of: _
(A) Chrna (B) France
(c) canada iDi Nortr rorea
31 The only Nalonal Eteclron held on non-party
basis were in: - TheAoveNceo
(A) 1977 (B) 1985
(C) 1988 (D) 1990 I

32. Who rs consrdered the first poet ol punlabr

(A) Bhut-e-Shah
(B) Baba Fafld Ganr Shakr [|
(Ct Ghulam Farrd
(D) Sultan Bahu
33 Karakoram Hrghway in pakistan ts of
(Al 730 Km (B) 805 Km
icr 1'170 Km (D) 1230 Km
34 C_awnpur Mosque tragedy had taken ptace rn ,}
,c) 19Cg
(A) {B) tgto
1913 iDl 1915 d
35. "Mast Tawklr' was promrnent Doel of -
lAr Balochr (B) PJshto
(Cr Srndhr (O) Barochi
36 Whrch of the followrng Dams rs situated at the
hrghest altrlude.
(A) Wah Tangr Dam (B) Tanda Dam .?
{C) Khanpur Dam rD) Warsak Dam
37. Archaeologrcal site 'Bhambore,' is located in
the district of: 40 Declmal System was introduced rn pakistan
(A) Khairpur (B) Dadu on Firsl January:
(C) Larkana (D) Thatta (A) '1951 (B) 1959
38. Ha-zrat Baha-ud-Din Zakariya was a prominent (c) 1961 (D) 1e63
sufi saint of: 41. Which was the firsl missile launched by
(A) Suhrawardia order Pakistan:
(B) Naqshbandia order (A) Hatf (B) Anza
(C) Chistia order (C) Ghauri (D) Shaheen
(D) Qadtria order
42. On July 9. 1948, Pakistan issued its first: -
39. On July 9, 1950', pakistan became the (A) Coin (B) Currencv Note
(C) Poslal Stamp (D) A of tne above
'According to the official websites of tMF & World Bank 43. Pakistan Aeronautical Complex at Kamra was
Pakistan joined the lnternational Monetary Fund and completed with the fnancial and technicat
World Bank on luly 11, 1950. the World Bank is a assrstance of-
United Nations international financial institution that (A) USA rB) Canada
provides loans to developing countries for capital (C) France (D) None of the above
programs. The World Bank is a aomponent of the 44 The largest desert of the Pakistan rs
World Bank Group, and a member of the United (A) Thar (B) That
Nations Devel,opm€nt Group. The World Bank Group (C) Chohstan (D) Kharan
consists of: the lntemational Bank for Reconstruction 45. The oldest Barrage on ndus Rrver rs:
and Development (IBRO), the tnternational Finance (A) Gudu Barrage (B) Sukkur Barrage
Corporation (lFC), the tnternational Development (C) Ghulam Muhammad Barrage
Association 0DA), the lnternational Centre for (D) Taunsa Barrage
Settlement of lnvestment Disputes (lCStD) & the
Multilateral lnvestment Guarantee Agenry {M|GA), The
term "World Bank" generally refers to lust the IBRD of Agreement, a country must first join the
and lDA whe.eas the term World Bank Group or WBG lnternational Monetary Fund (tMF). Member5hip in
is used to refer to all five institutions collectively. To lDA, IFC and MIGA are conditional on membership in
become a member of the 8ank, under the IBRD Anicles I8RD,
58 Advanced McOs Model PaDers
46. Pakistan joined World Trade Organization {A) Oman (B) Bahrain
(wlo) in: iCj tran (D) None of the above
(A) 1994 (B) ',1995 53. The number of letters in the Urdu language
(cj 1ee7 (D) 2ooo are:
47. The first princely State to accede to Pakistan' tAt 27 (B) 37
after partition was: - ic) 39 \o) 42
(A) Swat (B) Hunza 54 The first foreiqn heads of the state visited
(c) Bahawalpur (D) Kalat Pakrstan afte-r independence was the
oresident of:- 6l
48. The NationalAnrmal of Pakrstan is
(A) Horse (B) Deer iA) lndra (B) indonesia
. ootpnin
(c) (D) Markhor . (c) tran (D) china
49 The Federally Administered Tribal Areas 55 What dutv is performed bv the Angel Mekaail:-
(FATA) consist of: (A) Who'brought Allah's books commands
iA) Five Agencies (B) Six Agencies and messages to his Prophets
(C) Seven Agencies (D) Eight Agenctes (B) ln charge of protection and also to bring
50. The First Urdu Newspaper (Daily) published rarns
after the creation of Pakistan was: (C) Who will below the trumpet on the Day of
(A) Mashaq (B) lmroze Judgment
(D) tn iharge of taking the life ol
(C) Watan (D) None ot the above

51. Which of the following institutions was first

introduced in the 1973 Constitution: 56. The Holv Book -Taurat was revealed to
National Finance Commission {A) Pro-phet Daud' (peace be upon hrm)
B National Economic Council (B) Prophet "Musa" (peace be upon him)
Council of the Common lnteresls (C) Prophet'lsa" (peace be upon him)
o All of the above iD) Probhet'lsmail" (peace be upon him)
52 On September 9, 1958, Pakistan acquired 57 . 'Zakal' is worked out at the rate of:-
(A) 2 percent of 7 tola gold or 70 tola srlver
Gwadar from: - ' wtiich remains with an individual for full
one yeat
' th" weli of swa, Miangul Abdul wadud, became the . 2
(81 y2 oercenl ol 7 % lola gold o( 52 % lola
silvei which remains with an rndividual for
first ruler succesdully to accede his statc to Pakistan,
on 15 August 1947. The last Wali, Miangul Jahan Zeb full one vear
{1908-1987}, continued to exercise absolute rule until {C) 3 oercdlt ol 9 tola qold or 58 tola srlver
. *liich
Pakistan took control, when on 28 July 1969 Yahya remains with an indivrdual for full
Khan announced the full integration of the states of one year
Swat, Chitral, and Dir into Pakistan. On 3 Odober 1947
(D) None of the above
the Nawab (or Ameer) of Bahawalpur, Sadeq 58. The Holy prophet (PBUH) made hi.irat from
Mohammad Khan V, acceded his state to Pakistan. Makkah to Madrnah in the Year:-
Hunza, also known as faniut, was a small princeh state
(A) 610 A.D (B) 622 A.D
to the nodh of .,ammu and Kashmir, and had been (c) 626 A.D (D) 632 A.D
subject to.lhc suzerainty of the Maharaiah of (ashmir 59. ldentify the person upon whom 'Zakat' may
since 18i1. ln-1931 its population was reported as be bestowed:
13,241. Once under Chinese protection, after the (A) Debtors
departure of the Eritish trom the sukontinent in (B) Travellers
August 1947 Hun2a receaved approaches from the (c) "tvtisxeens" or persons who have no
property whatsoever
Republic of China, which wished Mir to return to
chinese protection. However, on 3 November 1947, (D) All the above mentioned
the Mir of Hunza, Mohammad Jamal Xhan (L912-L9761, 60. How manv verses of Surah "Alaq" were first
who had been rulgr only since 1945, rent a telegram to revealed dn the Holy Proph€it (S.A.W.).
Jinnah stating that he wished to accede his state to (A) Three (B) Five
Pakistan. This adion came one weel after the decision (C) Seven (D) Nine
by Hari singh, Maharaiah of Kashmir, to accede to 61. How long did the Holy Book'Quran" take for
lndia. on 27 October lndian Army troops had moved its complete revelation:
into Kashmir. Hunza's formal accession took place on (A) 7 years (B) 21 Years
18 November. on 25 September 1974, fotlowing local (C) 23 years (o) 27 YeaE
protest!, the Mi/s rule came to an end when Zulfikat
62.'Bismillah-ir-Rehman-nir-Rahim" marks the
Ali Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan, abolished the beqinninq o{ every surah except surah:
Mit's government and annexed the state to the (A)- Naml (B) Taubah
Nor$rct* Arers of Pakistan, under the federal (C) ttujurat (D) Muzammil
government. '
AdvancedPPSC CQsnodelPaoe,s 19

56. There is no restriction In Deen (lslam) ls a (0) Charles oickens

verse of 68. Novel War and Peace was wntten by
(A, SurahAlaq (Bt Surah Rehman rA) Thomas Hardy (B) Samuel Johnson
{C) Al Baqra (D) Al-marda iCt Robert Moore rD I t eo Tolstoy
57 Whrch Paktstanr Prlme Mrnisler died dunng hrs 69 Who is the author of Clash of Civilizatron
office2 (A) Samuel Hatington
lAr Nawab Lraouat Al! Khan (B) Charles Mount
tB) Zulfrqar Ali Bhutto (C) Roben Moore
(C) I lChandri Gar (D) None of these
lD) None of these 70 Where is Kremlin situated?
58. The poet \,Yhowas Prisoned (A, Russra (B) ltaly
(A) Allama lqbal (C) Chrna (Dr Belgium
(B) Hafeez Jalandaharey
(C ) Farz Ahmad Faiz 71 NaDoleon u,as d€d at
(D) lfiat Aash,q (A) Water Loo (B) St Helena
(C) Pans rD) Cologne
59 Nrqhtrnoate. Fldrence was a Brrtrsh
72 Period of House of Representatlve of USA
{A; Ro-val Seroron {B) Nurs€ (A) Two Years (B) Three Years
iCi nt,i,v Omi., (D) None of lhese (C) Four Years (D) Srx Years
60. Napoleon Bonaparte (Nlck name little 73. Rhrnoceros found in Africa is a
comoral) was a (A) Avies (B) Mammel
tA) EmPeror and general of France
iB) Emoeror and general of England ici Reptite (D) whale
(C) Emperor and general ol Germany 74 Mushm Leaoue was created at
(D) None of lhese (A) Dhaka (B) Ali Ghar
61. Where is Waterloo situated? ic) Lahore (o) Lucknow
(A) ltalv (B) France 75. The US president who assassinated during
icl spain (D) Belgium his office
(A) Abraham Lincoln
62. Bismark (known as man of blood and iron) (B) George Washington
was (C) Rose Willson
(A) France's President (D) None of these
(B) German Chancellor
(C) President ot Russia 76. Rice is cuttivated in
(D) None of the above {A) Mav. June (B) March April
63. What is term 'Holocaust means iCi ruovemuer (O) Oecember
{A) Krlltno of lews bv Nazrs duflng I world War 78. Chenab and Jhelum join each then at the
lai x'ttln! of Jews'by Nazs during I and ll olace
iAl Tnmmu (B) sadnahr
World War
(C) Killing of jews by Nazis during ll Wodd icl Prntrao (D) Kor Mrnthon
War 79 Where nrghts and days are equal all the year
(D) Protecting of Jews by British during ll (A) NewYork {B) London
World War
tC) Narrobr (D) Gaza
64 Haayat Jawaid was written by Altaf Hussain 80. The tvorld oldest space statron is
Hall about the lfe cf (A) Kennedv (B) Baikonur
lA) Ghalib
iCi uosco* (D) None of these
iBi Su Syed Ahmad Khan
British declared Palestine as a place for Jews
lC) Sh Saadi 81
iD) Munammad Hussian Azad settlement tn
Which is not the book of Allama lqbal
lA) 1915 (B) 1916
icl tgrz ro) 1919
(Ar Bal-rrabril (B) Bang-r-Dara
icjasra/-i-xt'uo' (D)oast-i-Saba 82. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is situated at
IA) Kotri (B) Guddu
The Enol,sh poet who dred in hrs young age
Keats /B\ Mrlton
(A) Jolin ici s"*a, (D) Punjab
ici Tennyson ), w.B Yeals 83. When waler accord between the provinces
was concluded '
67 Paradise Lost was wnnen bY (Al .1991 (B ) 1992
(A) Wrll'am Shakespear ic) 1993 (D, 1994
(B) Samuel Johnson
(C) John Milton E4. Which month is called the brother of March
50 Advanced PPSC ItCQs ,ltode, Papers
(A) Chate (B) Phjagan 94. Who is the President o, USA during First
(C) Mahhg (D) Besak World War?
85. The Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea are (A) Woodrow Wilson
,oined by:
(B) Rose Kandy
(A) Davrs strait (B) Suez canat (C) Abraham Lincoln
tC) Panama Canal (D) Grbrattar Skart (D) Bush
86 Babfl Mosque was situated at Mosque was 95. Which rs the largest state ot lndia accords to
demolished an 22 Oecember 1992 PoPulation.
(A) Ayodhya (UP) (B) Amritsar (A) Maharashtra State
(C) Madiha Predesh (D) None of these (B) Utter Pradesh
(C) Nagaland
87. Wars of crusade started in (D)
(c) 1105
10e0 1s) 1095- None of these
96. ERRA Stands for
(D) 1195
(A) Endure Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
88. Book "Macbeth" was written bv Authority
(A) Shakespeare (B) Mi(on (B) earthquake Reconstruction and
(C) Milton (D) Dickens Rehabilitation Authoritv
89. Who built Bala Hisar Fort? (C) Earthquake Rescue and retief authority
(A) Babar (B) Akbar (O) None of above
(C) Jehangrr ioj Sher Shah 97. C.R formula was presented by
90. Banbhor is located near (A) lqbal (B) Quaid-i-Azam
{A) Chagi (B) Thatha (C) Ra,a Gopal (D) Gandhi
(C) Larkana (D) Nawab Shah 98. Largesl Musftm Country in Afflca by
91 Main source employment in paktstan populalion is
(4) Services (B) Agricutture (A) NEefla (B) Mati
(C) lnduslry (D) None ot above (C) Egypt (D) None of above
92. Whrch country has targest Army? 99. Highest literary rate in SAARC
(A) USA (B) tndra (A) Sri Lanka (B) Nepat
(c) china (D) Engtand (C) Maldives (D) paiistan
93. Whrch book can contarns poems "Shikwa" 100. La.qest Producer of in OPEC
"Jsawab-€-Shikwa" (A) SaudiArabia (B) NEeria
(4) Bal-r-Jabnll (B) Bang-i-Oara (C) Kuwart iO) tra-n
(C) Asrarr-Khudi (D) Javd Nama

Answer Key
1. a 14. c 27. b 40 a 53. a 66. a 80 c 93. b
2. d 15. a 28. b 41 b 54. b 67. 81 c 94. a
3. b 16. a 29. b 42 c 55. a 68. d 82 a 95. b
4. a 17. c 30. a 43 c 56. c 69. a 83
i a 'r8. d JI b 44 b 57. a 70 a E4
6. c 19. b 32. d 45 d 58. c 71. b 85 b 98. a
7. b 20. a 33. b 46 a 59. b 72. a 86 a 99.
8. c 21. c u. b 47 a bU a b 87 b 100. a
9. a 22. a 35. c 48 a 51. d 74. a 88 a
10 c 23. d 36. a 49 d 62. b 75. a E9 a
11 a 24. a 37 a 50 d 63. c 76. a 90 b
12 d 25. b 38. b 51 c 64. b 78. a 91 b
13 b 26. a 39. b 52 c 65. d 79. a 92 c




1. What is the term used to denote the '12. What are Newton's used to measure?
unauthorized and rllegal accessing of (A) Gravity (B) Volcano
computer programs. often with criminal intent? (C) Earthquake (D) Tsunami
(A) Vrrus (B) Plagrarism 13. What is the most abundant element in the
(C) Hacking (D) Breach universe?
2. Which public holiday is celebrated in the USA (A) Hydrogen (B) Oxygen
on 4 July every year? (C) Sodium (O) Copper
(A) Constitution Day 14. How many chambers are lhere in the human
(B) lndependence D8y heart?
(C) Blacks Day (A) 2 (B) 4
(D) New Deal (C) 6 (o) 8
3. Which country in the Middle East rs the 15. GDP stands for:
Hashemite Kingdom? (A, Gross Daily Producl
(A) Jordan (B) Egypt (B) Gross Domestic Product
(C) Syria (D) Kuwait (C) Gross Domestic Purchase
4. Which bod), of people is sometimes reterred (D) Gross Oaily Purchase
to as the Fourth Estate"? 16 Hard disk in a computer is ,an
(A) Judiciary (B) Execulive (A) Output Oevice (B) Processor
(C) The Press (O) Senate (C) Software (D) Storage D€vice
5. What is the Richter Scale used to measure? 17. A set of instructions that operates various
(A) Food (B) Volcano parts of the Compuler Hardwere is called?
(C) Earthquake (D) Tsunamt (A) Hardware Manag€r -?
6. "Kinderganen' refers to? (B) Device
(C) Software
(A) a Nursery School
(B) a small garden (D) URL
(C) a childron playground 1E. The Capital ot Tajikistan is:
(O) a children's ward in Hospital (A) Dodoma (B) Qushanbe
7. What did Burma change its name to in l98v? (C) Astana (D) Tashkent
(A) Myanmar (B) Rangoon 19. World Water Day is celebraled on:
(C) Brazil (D) Naypydaw (A) 22nd March (B) 22nd June
8. Which body organ produces Urine' (C) 22nd July (D) None orthese
(Al Pancreas \B) Uterus 20 One who is capable of dealing with many
(C) Kidney (D) Large lntestine subjects rs called:
9. What rs meant by Cock and Bull Story'? (A) Genius (B) lntellectual
(A) true story (C) Versatile (D) Vulnerable
(B) a lengthy tale 2'! What is the one word substitution for a person
{C) story told by an rdiot who is unable to pay his debt
(O) an unbehevabie tale (A) Poor (B) Vagabond
10 Rule of Thumb: (C) Solvent (O) lnsolvent
(A) mark oI thum on a legal paper 22 The Great Persian Emprre was founded by:
(B) an easrly applied proceCure for makrng a (A) Darius-l
determination (B) Raza Shah Pehlvi
(C) an easy choice (C) Cyrus the Great
(D) an unknown rule (D) Shah Abbas
'1 Renaissance movement slarled firsl in: 23 The place ol Persepolts In lran was destroyed
(A) France (B) ltaly rn331 BC by:
(C) Unrted Kangdom (D) Sweden (A) a flood
52 Allvanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
(B) Alexander the Great (A) New York (B) London
(C) Genghis Khan iC) Washrngton (D) Geneva
(D) Ottoman Turks 38 Bntarn s hrghest mrhlary award rs
24. The Palace of Krng Nebuchadnezzar was 1A) Vrctona Cross
(B) lron Cross
s uated rn the city of (C) Mrlrtary Cross
(D) Medal of Honour
(A) Nineveh (B) Babylon 39 The book -A Fa.ewell to Arrrs was wrrtten by:
(C) Korasabad (D) Dizful iA) Etrest Hemtngway
25 Which vrtamrn is provided by sunlight to the (B) Charles Dtckens
body? (C1 HuxleY
(A) Vilamin A (B) Vitamrn B (O) Thomas Hardy
(C) V(amrn C (D) Vitamrn D 40. The oldest monarchy rn the World rs that of
26. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (A) Japan
(ELISA) uses: (B) Nepal
(A) Antibodies (B) Pathogens (C) UK
(C) Trssues (D) Chemicals (D) Krngdom of Saudt Arabia
27. What is chlamydomonas? 41. The dress made out of which of the following
(A) An algae (B) A tungus materials is salest lo wear while cooking?
(C) An animal (D) A fossil (A) Srlk (B) Nylon
(C) Cotton (O) Terylene
2E. ln which year, was the 1st widely-available
Web browser, Mosaic, released? 42 Which of the tollowing gases' is used for
(A) 1993 (B) 1995 retrigeration ?
(c) 1996 (D) 1998 (A) Chlorine (B) Ammonia
29. The World famous "Golden Gate Bridge" is
(C) Phosphine (D) Catbon dioxide
situaled in: 43. Philology is:
(A) London (B) Pans (A) Study of bones
(C) San Francisco (D) Sydney (B) Study of muscles
(C) Study of architecture
30. The smallest unit of data in a computer is:
(D) Scientific study of literary texls
(A) Bit (B) Kilobit
(C) Terabyte (D) Byle 44. The 1st satellite was launched by:
31. Vvhat is most common salt in sea water?
(A) France (B) USSR
(A) Calcium Carbonale (C) Japan (D) UK
(B) Polassium Chloride 45. As of 2012, how many countries were
(C) Sodium Chloride members of the Non-Aligned Movement:
(D) Magnesium Sulphate (A) 100 (B) 110
32.'The Last Supper', a lamous Renaissance
(c) 120 (D) 150
paintihg was masterpiece of: 46. Which of the following agencies related to
(A) Titan UNO was in existen@ before the Wodd War
(B) Michael Angelo t?
(C) Leonardo de Vinci (A) WHO (B) FAO
(D) Raphel (c) rlo (o) IMF
33. The international secretariat of Amnesty 47. The first SAARC summit was held at?
lnternational is situated in: (A) New Delhi (B) Dhaka
(A) New York (B) London
(C) Genevd (O) Pans
'Commercial refrigerator and lreezer units, which 8o
34. The organ in the body which accumulates by many other names, wete in use for almost 40 years
lodrne is: prior to the (ommon home models. They used gas
(A) Pituitary (B) Thyroid gland systems such as ammonia (R-717) or sulfur dioxide (R-
(C) Thymus (D) Parathyroid 764), which occarionally leaked, making them unsafe
35. Who invented chronometer? for home use. Practical household refragerators were
(A) John Harrison (B) Marcont introduced in 1915 and gained wider acceptance in the
(C) Oalton (D) None of these United States in the 1930s as prices lell and non-toxic,
36. Which is called the 'Land of lhe Midnight non-flammbble synthetic refrigerants such as Freon-12
Sun"? {R-12) wer€ inlroduced. However, R'12 damaged the
(A) Denmart (B) Belgrum ozone laver, causing Sovernments to assue a ban on its
(C) Norway (D) Canada u5e in new refflgerators and air.(on'itioning systems rn
J7. Wambledon. known for Lawn tennis courts, is 1994. The less harmful replacement for R-12, R-134a
in: (tetrarluoroethane), has been in common use since
1990, but R-12 is still tound in many old syltems today.
Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Papers 53
(C) lslamabad (D) Nepat (C) Specialfacility for World Bank
48 Which among the lotlowing is a positively (D) Gold Standard
charged parlicle emrtted by a radioactive 61. lncome that is saved and not invested is
element? known as:
(f ) leta rays (B) Alpha rays (A) Cap(al (B) Deposrt
(C) Gamma rays (D) Cathode'rays (C) Hoardrng (D) None of these
49. lf there is no sun, the color of the sky would 62. European iJnion consists of:
be; (A) 20 members (B) 28 members
(A) Orange (B) Blue (C) 30 members (D) 25 members
(C) Yellow (D) None of th6e
63 KGB was the national securily agency of:
50. Which of the following is not a chemicat (4) Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavra
reaction? (B) UK
(A) Burning of a paper (c) Syna
(B) Conversion of water inlo slream (D) Soviet Unron
(C) Digestion of food
(D) Eurning of coal 64. Who was the surgeon who pioneered
antiseptic surgery in 1865?
5'1. A chronometer meter measufes (A) Edward Jenner (B) Joseph Lister
(A) Sound waves (B) Time (C) Henry Wriliam (D) John Steeman
(C) Color contrast (D) Water waves
65 The credit of developrng the polio vaccine
52. The fightest partrcle otthe matler rs goes to:
(A) Electron (B) Neukon (A) Jonas Salk
(C) Proton (D) Deutron (B) Alb E. Sabrn
53. Meteorology rs. (C) Selman Waksman
(A) Scrence of atmosphere (Dl None of these
(B) Study ot weights & measures 66 Who rnvented the bail pornt pen?
(C) Study of growth (A) Walerman (B) Oscar
(D) Study of Stars tC) Wilson (D) Lazlo Biro
. Which is called "Key to the Mediterranean"? 67. Blarse Pascal ts assol,ated w,th
(A) Gilbraltar (B) Egypt iA) CalculatronMachine
(C) lndonesra (D) lraq (B) Computer
55. Which of the following is known as Land of (C) Crnema
White Elephants'? (D) None of these
(A) Netherlands (B) lndonesra 68. A metal which is liquid at room temperature is:
(C) Thailand (O) Belgium (A) Gold (B) Alumrnrum
56 "Hansard" is the oflicial verbatim report ot the: (C) Mercury (D) Platinum
(A) British Parliament 69.' Study of earthquakes is known as:
(B) US Padiament (A) Ecology (B) Seismology
(C) Swiss Parliament (C) Numismatics (D) None of these
(D) lndian Parliament
70. Ecology deals with:
57. Who said, "Better to reign in Hell than Serve in (A) Birds
Heaven" . (B) Cell tormation
(A) Milton (C) Relations between Organisms and their
(B) Wlliam Shakespeare Environment
(C) Tennyson (D) Tissues
(D) Wlliam Wordsworth
71 Oncology is the study of:
58. Vasco de Gama was the native of: (A) Plants (B) Cancer
(A) United Kingdom (C) Mammals (O) Soil
(B) Portugal
(c) spain 72 Optic tibres are mainly used for which of the
(D) Greece followrng?
(A) Weavrng (B) Eye Surgery
59. Which country rs separaled from Ethiopia by (C) Communicalion (D) Food lndustry
the Red Sea,
(A) Jordan (B) traq 73. Mount Logan is the highest peak in which
(C) Kuwait (D) Yemen countfy?
(A) Canada (B) Portugal
60. The term Paper Gold is associated withi (C) Russia (D) Cuba
(A) Oeficit Budgeting
(A) Special drawang rights in rnternationat 74. ln which State of U S.A is the Harvard
monetary system University?
51 Advanced PPSC MCQS Li"del Paoers
(A) Calitornia (B) Massachusetts 90. The onlv Hindu State' rn the World is:
(A) Snianka (B) Nepal
iC) New Yo* (D) Flonda
iC) gtrutan (O) lndia
75. The first test tube baby of the World was bom
in: 91 ln whrch year UNO was estabhshed"
{A) France (B) Philppines rAr 1944 (Br 1945
icj arilarn (D) USA icj tso (o) 193s

70. What makes a lemon sour? 92. The first astronaul who landed on the Moon?
(A) Tartaricacid (B) Citric acid tA) Yuri Gaoarin (B) Neil Armstrong
ici ecetic acid (D) Hydrochloric acd ici Heit eo6r (o) None ofthese
77. 'Stare decisis" is essentially the doctrine of: 93 Which Continent has no desert?
(A) national security (B) precedent {At Australra (8, Europe
iCj strategic dePtn (D) rule of law ict esi" iD) Alrrca
74. Which country ls the largest producer of 94. Which Pakistani poet got Lenin Prize'
olatinum? (A) Habrb Jalib
iA) South (B) USA (Bi Ahmad Faraz
icj nrss'a (D) Canada iCl Farz Atrmad Faiz
(Dl None of these
79. The country traditionally known for its
neutralitv? 95 When RCD (Regronar Cooperatron lo-r
(A) Sw;den (B) Swrtzerland DeveloDment) wai leplaced bY ECO
(C) France (D) China (Econohrc Cooperatron Organrzatlon)?
rA) 1982 (B) 19E5
80. Who discovered the Solar system?
(A) Copemicus (B) Newlon icr tgao ,or 1990

{C) Galileo (D) KePler 96. lnflation means lhat.

(A) Money falls in value
81. Fathom is the unit of measurement for: (B) Rises in value .
(A) Sound (B) Depth (C) Money becomes scarce
(C) Energy (D) Time (O) None of these
82 Which is the hardest among following? 97. Who among the followrng rs associated witl
(A) Radium (B) Diamond the Theorv of Laissez Farre?
ici eraptllte (o) Gold (A) Adani Smith (B) Marshal
83 Which is the sport most commonly associated ici xeynes (D) Max Muller
with Soain? 98. America's Cup' is associated with which of t
(A) F;otball (B) Bull Fighttng following sPorts?
iCi tcrrerv (D) Baseball (A) Saiiino (B) Hockey
84 Which of the following is associated with iCi canoEing (D) Tennis
Einstein? 99. Silk is produced bY:
(A) Radioaclivity (A) Larva ot Silkworm
(B) Theory ot Relativity (B) Eggs ot silkworm
(C) Rocket propulsion (C) Pupa of silkworm
(D) Quantum Theory (O) None of these
85 . Who among the following received Nobel lO0.Scurvy'is a disease of:
Prize twice:
(A) Fredenc Joliot (B) Marie Curie
(C) lrene Curie (o) John wheeler 'Nepal was once the only Hindu nate, but has
ceased to be 5o following a declaration bY the
86. The smallest gland in the body is:
Parliament in 2006.
(A) adrenal (B) Pancreas
(C) pineal body (D) Pituitary 'The America's cup, affectionatelY knoven as the "Auld
Mug", is a t.ophy awarded to the winner of the
87. London is situated on the bank of river? Amarica's cup match races betwe€n two sailirts yachts
(A) Tyne (B) Seine
(C) Thames (O) Came ' Scurvy i: a disease resulting from a deficiencY ol
vitamin C. Scurvy often pres€nts initially with faligue,
88. Plants during night exhale:
followed by iornsdon of 3pots on the slin, spon8Y
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Ntrogen (D) Hydrogen 8ums, and bleeding trom ihe mucotls mefibrane!'
Spots are most abundant on the thiShs and legs, and d
89. The headquarters of OPEC countnes is at perron may look pale, feel depressed, and b€ partiallY
(A) Vrenna (B) Jakarta
iCi Xagu" (D) Berlin immobiliaed. As scurw advances, there can be opert,
suppurating wounds, loss of teeth. yellow skin, fever,
neuropathy and finally death trom bleeding.
Advanced MCQS Model 55

(A) eyes (B) skin I (c) nair (O) liver

Answer Key
1. c 14 b 27 a 40. a 53. a 66. d 79 b 92. b
2. b 15.' b 28 a 4'1. c 54. a a 80 a 93. b
3. a 16. d 29 12. b 55. c 68. c 81 b 94. c
4. c 17. 30 a 43. d 56. a 69. b 82 b 95. b
c 18. b 31 44. b 57. a 70. c 83 b 96. a
6. a 19. a 32 45. c 58. b 71. b u b 97. a
7. a 20. c 33 46. c 59. d 72. c 85 b 98a
L c 21. d u b 47. b 60. b a E6 c 99. a
9. d 22. c J5 a 48. b 61. b 74. b 87 c 100. b
10 b 23. b 36 49. d 62. b c 88
11 b 24. b 37 b 50. b 63. d 76. b 89 a
12 a 25. d a 51. b 64. b d 90 b
IJ a 26. a 39 a 52. b 65. a 78. a 91 b


INSPECTOR LEGAL (Specia! Cadre) BS-16 in the Punjab Police

Department - 2015, Subi ect: Pakistan & lslamic Studies
Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum (186$1937) had
(B) For ten years the Muslrms should be
lendered great services for the educational represented in Punjab and Bengal
he Muslims of: -
uplifr of according to their population
(A) Puniab (B) Sindh (C) Residuary powers should be given to the
(C) N.W.F.P. (D) Balochistan provtnces.
(D) All of the above.
2 The Cefltral Muhammadan Associalion was
founded in 1877 by: - 6. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar had started
(A) Chaudhri Rehmal ,Ui publishing his famous English Newspaper
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 'Comrade"' in 1911 from: -
(C) Syed Ameer Ali (A) Delhi (B) Bombay
(D) Mohsin-ul-Mulk (C) Calcutta (D) Lahore
3 Under s,hich Act, the Muslim demand of 7. What was the significances of 21st annual
session of All lndia Muslim League; -
:SeErqtg Electorate' was first conceded by (A) Ouaid-iAzam presented fourteen points
the British govemment?
The lndian Council Act '1892 (B) Allama lqbal delivered Allahabad
B The lndian Councils Act 1909 Address.
The Govemment of lndia Act 1919 (C) Lahore Resolution was passed.
D The Govemment of lndia Act 1935 (O) Quaid-i-Azam was elected as permanent
President ot All lndia Muslim League.
4 The Constitution of the All lndia Muslim
League was drafted by a Committee in 1907 8 Whrch of the followrng leaders helped Ouardr.
headed by: - Azam in the preparation of hrs Fourteen
(A) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk Points in 1929: -
(B) i,lawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk (A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (B) Maulana Shaukat Ali
(D) Justice Shah Din (C) Liaqat Ali Khan
5 Which of the following amendments were
proposed by Quaid-i-Azam in the Nehru 'The Comrode was a weekly Englrsh-language
Report 1928. to make it acceptable to the newspaper, launched .by Maulana Muhammad Ali
lndian Muslims: - Jauhar from Calcutta, shifted to Delhi, the newly
(A) The Muslims should be given 1/3
announced capital of the Raj, in 1912 where the first
repfesentation in the central legislature.
issue of the Delhi edition appeared on October 12.
56 Advanced PPSC MCQs Nodel Paoerc
(O) Maulana Hasrat Moihani (C) Lord lrwin (D) Lord Mountbatten
9. Under Gandhi lnflin Pact ot sth March 1931, it 19. ln the interim government of 1946. the
was decided that: - Minister of Health was:
(A) The System of Dyarchy will be abolished. (A) Abdur Rab Nishtar
(B) The System ot Separate Electorates will (B) Jag Jivan Ram
be retained ,or the Musltms (C) Asif Alr
(C) Congress wiil represent the low caste (D) Ghazanfer Ali Khan
Hindus in the elected bodies. 20. After Sir Agha Khan, the nexl President of All
(D) The Congress will call off it Civil lndra Muslim League was.
Disobedience Movement. (A) Viqar-ul-Mulk
10. The Governmeni of lndia Act 1935, divided (B) Maulana zafar Ali Khan
the country into: - (C) Raja Sahib of l\4ahmoodabad
(A) Seven provrnces (B) Nrne provinces (D) Mran Muhammad Shafi
(C) Eleven provinces (D) Thirteen provinces 21. The Hindus had launched Swadeshi
1'1 . ln the Provincial Elections of 1937. All lndia Movement" (to boycott English mode goods)
Muslim League won largest number of seats in the wake of:
in the: - (A) The Urdu Hindi controversy 1867
(A) United Provinces 1UP) (B) Partition of Bengal 1905
(B) Sindh Provrnce (C) Jallanwala Bagh tragedy 19] 9
(C) Punlab Provrnce (D) Aii of the above
(D) Central Provrnces (CP) 22 The Pirpur Report on the brutalitres of the
12. The lndran Mushms observed Day of Congress ministnes 1937 - 39 was compled
Deliverance aner the resrgnat,on of Congress by
rninistnes on:- (A) A K Fazl-Ljl-Haq
(A) 12 Septernber 1939 lBl Rala [ruhammad Mehdl
(B) 22 September 1939 (C) Nawab Salim Ullan Khan
(C) 12 December 1939 (D) M Sharif
(D) 22 Decembel '1939 23 The British Parhament passed lndran
13 Chaudhri Rehmat Ali first used the word lndependence Act on
'Pakrstan rn hrs pamphlet Now or Never'in. - (A/ 3 June 1947 (B/ 14 June 1947
1933 (A) (B) 193s (c) 14 July 1947 tD) 24 Juty 1947
(c) 1937 (O) 1938 24. Which of the following leaders had translated
14. When did Quaid-i-Azam utter that "Hindu the Lahore Resolution from English to Urdu on
lndia and Muslim lndia Parted and Parted 23rd March 1940:
forever"? (A) Mulana Zafar Ali Khan
(A) When Congress launched non- (B) Chaudhri Khaleeq uz Zaman
' cooperation movement in 1920. (C) Dr Muhammad Alam
(B) When Congress rejected his proposed (D) Sir Sikander Hayat
modification in the Nehru Report 1928. 25. Which of the following archaeological sites.
(C) After failure ol Third Round Table was discovered in 1955: -
Conference in 1932 (A) Kot Drji (B) Moen-jo-daro
(D) When the Lahore Resolution was passed (C) Harappa (D) Taxila
on 23rd March 1940.
26. Which of the following glaciers is located
15 By "Satyagraha" Gandhiappealed for:- Karakoram range: -
(A) Boycotting English / Foreign goods (A) Siachin (B) Hispar
(B) Hunger strike till death (C) Biafo (O) All of the above
(C) CiYil disobedience
(D) Social ostracism 27 The'Babusar Pass' connects: -
(A) Abbottabad and Gilgit
16. Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940, was (B) Chitral and Gilg[
seconded from Sindh Province by:- (C) Gilgit and Hunza
(A) Begum Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (D) Swat and Dir
(B) Chaudhri Khaliq-uz-Zaman
(C) Abdullah Haroon 28. Which of the following fort was built by Mughal
(D) Nawab Muhammad lsmail Emperor Zahid-ud-Din Babar in the '16th
Century A.D.:-
17. Congress launched "Quit lndia Movement" (A) Bala Hissar Fort, Peshawar
against the British Govemment in: -' (B) Rohtas Fort, Jhelum
(A) 1%0 (B) 1941 (C) Ranikot Fort, Hyderabad
(c) 1942 (O) 1944 (D) Attock Fort, Attock
18. Who presided over the Simla Conterence in 29. Which of the following districts of Balochistan
1945'l contarns huge deposits of Copper -
' (A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Wavell
Advanced PPSC MCQS Mod?l PaDeB 4L



(C) Sweden (D) UK
L Which is the largest (Longest river ot Asra)
(A) Yangtze (B) Y Hang Ho 14. Which day is observed on 15 May every year
(C) Sindh (D) Ganga (A) Father day (B) Country day
(C) Family day (O) Woman day
2. Hockey was first played in
(A) China (B) Pakrstan Who was the lirst viceroy of lndia?
(C) lndia (O) England (A) Lord Canning (B) Lotd Hasting
(C) Lord Curzan (D) None of these
3. Word 'Tsunami' belongs to language
(A) English (B) Japan 16. Where the world's largest road lunnel is
(C) Urdu (D) None of these located
(A) Switzerland (B) Australia
4. Which country is the largest contributor of (C) UK (D) Belgium
UNO's budget
(A) USA (B) France '17 One ton is equal to
(c) uK (D) Japan (A) 5 quanlal (B) 7 quantal
(C) 10 quantal (D) None of these
5. The Main Centre of Tamil activities in Sri
Lanka is: 18 World Wide Web was invented bY
(A)Jaffna (B) Colombo (A) Leonard Clark (B) Jemes Watt
iC)Kanoy (D) None of these (C) Ball Gates (O) Berners Lee
6. Which country's constitution is not in written 19. ln 1893 the Durand line agreement was
form srgned by king of Afghanistan
(A) (B) Switzerland (A) Aman Ullah (B) Abdul Rehman
(C) (D) Japan (C) Habib Ullah (D) Daud Khan
7. Antra is a news agencY of 20. Pakrstan day is observed on .-
(A) 23 March (B) 14"'August
(A) Turkey (B) lndonesia
(C) Tharland (D) Russia (C) '1 ' May (D) 28 MaY
8. The first salellite send by USA in space was 21 Which is the most element present in the
(A) Challenger (B) Sputnrk Universe?
(C) Explorer (D) None of the above (A) kon (B) Oxygen
9. Where is present world's largest Great Corel (C) Hydmgen (D) Nitrogen
Reef? 22. Who is the father of computer?
(A) Australia (B) Germany (A) Charles Babbage
(B) UK (D) Canada (B) Kanord
(c) Jogjig
10. UNO called a decade of from 2004 to 2014 (D) Robert Moore
(A) Protection of environment
(B) I,T 23. Spartly rslands are disputed b€tween China
(C) Education and
(D) Poverty (A) Philpines (B) Veitnam
1'1. Gandhara Art centre was situated between
(C) Malaysia (D) All of above
24. Which organization is the oldest
(A) Sindh and Jhelum (A) League of Nations
(B) Jhelum and Chenab (B) Common Wealth
(C) Chenab and Ravi (C) African Unity
(D) Sindh and Ravi (D) Unity of US
'12. Etymology is a science of
25. Silicon Valley is the region in Santa Clarita
(A) Birds (B) lnsects country of Calilornra is famous because of
(C) World (D) Words tA) Frlm rndustry (B) Computers
'13. Which country has oldest anthem
(c) cars (D) Buses
(A) Denmark (B) Japan 26. Which is the oldest disease of world
18 A.lvencod PPSC frlCOs lrodel paoers
(A) Leprosy (B) lnfluenza (A) Uzbic (B) Tatik
(C) Malaria (O) Plague (C) Tatan (D) Hazara
27 Which continent is wilhout glacrers ,
(A) Asia (B) Africa
(C) Europe (D) Australia 42. Which country's religion as Shintoism
(Ar Nepal (B) Korea
28 Whrch rs the largest search engrne of inlernet, (Ct Japan {D) Lesotho
(A) Yahoo (B) Googte
(c) MSN (D) USA 43. Playground of Europe
(A) Japan tB) Denmark
29. Whrch country produces largest sotar energy (C) Swtzerland (O) ltaly
in the world?
(4) Switzerland (B) G€rmany
44 What is a Big Ben
(C) Holland (D) USA (A) Tower (B) Bell
(C) Light (D) Sport man
30. Braille syslem of educalion is introduced for
(A) Blinds (B) Deaf 45. Which country u/as discovered by Abel
(C) Botha&b (O) None ofthese Tasmen (Holland)
(A) Holland (B) Newzitand
31. Fkhara dam disputed between lndia and (C) Greenland (D) Sparn
(A) Pakistan (B) Bangtadesh
(C) Nepal iOi Sri Linra
46 Where is great sandy desert located
(A) Austraha (B) Russia
32. Nightw€tch pairting is painted by (C) ltaly iO) rnoia
(A) Michelengelo
(B) Picasso 47. lndia is constructing a Kishan Ganga dam on
(C) Leenardo di vinci lhe river:
(D) Rembrandt van (A) Jhelum (B) Chenab
(C) Neilum (D) Srndh
33. Which country is used more coal in the world?
(A) Russia (B) China 48. Boshphours connects the Black sea with
(C) USA (D) ttaty (A) Marmara Sea (B) Aeqean Sea
(C) Red Sea (D) Roie Sea
34. World's largest bird's name
(A) Kevi (B) Ostrich 49. What is the main cause of gtobat warming?
(C) Panda (D) Bovine (A) Hydrooen
(B) Oxygen
35. ATM stands for (C) Carbon Monoxide
(A) Anti tenorism Men (D) Carbon dioxide
(B) Autopmatic teller motor
(C) Automated teller machine 50. Where is the head office of world economic
(D) All of above Iorum?
(A) New York (B) Washrngton
36. First Muslim winner ot Noble prize (C) Geneva (Dl Oevos
(A) Anwarsadat (B) yasir Arfat
(C) Sheri Abadi (O) Dr. younis 51. What is the total perido of Ottoman Empire?
(A) 1400 to 1719 (B) 1200 to 1917
37. What is meant by Archipetago (C) 1299 to 1922 (D) 1295 10 1914
(A) A clusler ol lslands
(B) Rocks under Sea 52. When objective resotutron became the part of
(C) A cluster of flowes institution first time.
(D) None of these (A) 12 march1973
(B) 1977
38. Helvatra is the old name of (C) 14 August 1985
(A) Germany (B) Switzertand (D) None of these
(C) Chad (D) Spain
53. Harrapa is situated on the bank of
39. Kagali is capital of (A) River Ravi (B) River Chenab
(A) Chad (B) Rwanda (C) River Sindh (D) None of these
(C) Guiana (D) Ethropra
54. Who was father of sociology
40. Algebra was introduced by (A, Al Masudi (B) tbn-e-Khutdun
(A) Khwarizmr (C) lbne-Arabl (D) None of these
(B) Zikria Razi
(C) Jabar Bin Havan 55 What is total strength of Supreme Courtiudges
(O) Khayyam in Pakistan?
4'1. Atter Pukhtun
(A) 17 iB) 18
in Afghanrstan which is the (c) 19 (D) 20
biggest group of race
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model PaDets 43
(A) 36 (B) 62 (B) Socio economic difference technology era
(c) 45 (D) 23 (C) Political ScEnce
'14. Which of the following died of natural death? (O) Joumalism
(A) lndira Gandhi )7 ln which year Greenwich Mean Trm€ (GMT)
(B) Mahatma Gandhi was e$ablished?
(c) Rajiv Gandhi (A) 1E6,4 (B) 1880
(D) None of the above (c) 1882 (D) 1EE4
'15. What is lvy League? 28 Who is the author of the book "Struggle for
(A) A group of Eight Universities in USA Pakrstan'?
(B) A group of People in Swtzerland (Ar l.H Qureshi
(C; A football l€ague tournament (B) Mian Muhammad Waqas Joya
(O) A group of lslands an Atlanlic Ocean (C) Arshad Hussain Oogar
16. "Every action has reaclion which are equal but
(D) Shahid Ranque
in opposite direction'. This law is called 29 Which is the third founde' nrcmber of ECO
(A)Newton's first law of motion (RCD) exoept Pakrsta.r and lran?
(B)Newton's second law of motion (A) Syna rts) Afghanrstan
(C)Newton's thrrd lavr of motDn (C) Turkey 1Dl Turkmen6tan
(O) None ot the above 30 How many zeros are there rn one tnllion?
17. Who is the cunent president of France? (A) Twelve (B) Thirreen
(A) Jacquss Chirac (B) Charles Coty (C) Fourteen (D) Ten
(C) Vladrmir Putin (D) None of these 31 Who was the first Asran to have receiva.J the
18. First ambassador of Pakrstan to UNO was: Nobel Prize?
(A) Sir Zaffar Ullah Khan (A) Rabindar Nath Tagore
(B) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar (B) Mother Teressa
(C) Ahmad Shah Patras Bokhari (C) Abdui Sala,'n
(D) None of these (O) C V Raman
19. Which of the following country is not the What is the narne of the place where World
member of G€? Trade Centre (USA) was located?
(A) China (B) Russia (A) Ground Zero
(C) USA (O) Japan (B) Paradise Pornt
(C) Gclden Pcrnt
20. Hepatitis is a viral disease of: (D) Golden Cily Point
(A) Heart (B) LNer
(C) Lungs (D) Brain 33 Cornrng 'loth Conference of ECO will be held
in 2009 in:
21 Talban's movement was slarted in 1994 from (A) lran (B) Turkey
which city ot Alghanrstan?
(A) Kabul (B) Hirat
(C) Egypt (O) Pakistan
(C) Kandahar (D) None of these u What is meant by Amrcus Curiae"
22. Which crties of lran and Pakistan are linked (A) A person invited lo advise a lower court
through rarlway line? on a matter of law in a case (iurist)
(A) Quetta-Zahedan (B) Chaman-Tehran (B) Ambassador who invited to solve the
(C) Quetta-Sheraz (D) Peshalya r-Sheraz sisis between iwo countries
(C) All that go€s to make a break of law
23. Haita is the Seaport of: (D) A good fflend who solyed your economic
(A) lsrael (B) Lebanon problems
(C) Egypt (D) Canada
What is 'Nuclear Fission?'
24. Head oftice of UNESCO is located (A) Atom splits into two masses
(A) Paris (B) Geneva (B) Small aloms Jorn each olher
(C) London (D) Washington (C) Hefium broken into proton and eleciron
25. What is the majn cause of earthquakes? (D) All ot above
(A) Volcanicaclivities Jb The Muslm people of Sinkrang provrnce are
(B) Tectonic plates' movement called:
(C) Tectonic dislocation (A) Uighur (B) Bantu
(D) All of above (C) Hutu (D) Berber
26. Digital Divide term is related with: A group of Christianity that emphasizes the
(A) Economics authority of the Bible and the importance of
11 Advaiced PPSC MCQi Hodet paoers
personal salvation through faith is cafled: 48. Which is the oldest stock exchange of the
(A) Evangelical (B) Protestant world?
(C) Catholic (D) None of these (A) New Yo* Stock Exchange
38 Litani River is located in which country? (B) Tokyo Stock Exchange
(A) Syna (B) Lebanon (C) Amsterdam Stock Exchange
(C) Turkey (D) Sudan (D) None of these
39. What is "lkebana"? 49. Pakistan State Bank started working on 1st
(A) Japanese Art offlower anangement July 1948 with the help of Rs:
(B) Greek Ari of fighting (A) Twenty Millions (B) Thirty Millions
(C) Arl of dancing and music (C) Thirty Five Millions (D) None of these
(Di None of the above 50 A/-H,/a/ newspaper is associated wrth
40 Gestapo was the secret police organtzation ot: (A) Maulana Muhammad Al Johar
(A) ltaly (B) Russra (B) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(C) Germany (D) USA (C) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(D) Maulana Shaukat Al Johar
41. Which flower is the national floral symbol of
Pakistan? 5'l Whrch of rhe follo[/rng countrv gave the right
(A) Pink Rose ol monarchy to women by amendrng the
(B) Jasmane (Chambeh) constitutron recently?
(C) While Rose 1A) Nepal (B) Sweden
(C) Japan (D) Canada
(D) Motia
42 Drabetes is a disease of:
52 Whrch of the follounq ,nventions ts the
(A) Liver (8) pancreas (A, Crock (B) l\rrcroscope
(C) Kidney (D) Lungs (C) Barometer (D) Cycle
43 UJhrch of the followrng colours are pr,mary 53 What is Holocaust?
coloLrrs? (Al Killing o, Jews during World War I
(A) Reil, Blue, Green (B) Killtng of Jews during World War ll
(B) White Red Black (C) Killing of Germans during World War ll
(C) Black, Red, Blue (O) Krlhng of Japanese during World War ll
1D) Green, Red Black
54. E=mc2 what is C?
44 Which of the following wonders of vyortd is (A) Velocity of light
situated in lraq? ' (B) Electric power of cell
(A) Hanging Gardens (C) Radius of earth
(B) Colossus of Rhodes (O) Velocity of voice
(C) Taj Mahal
(D) The Pharos of Alexandria 55. Myopia as a defect of vision o, the
(A) Close objects (B) Distant obiects
45. What is the main cause of faiture of Pakistan (C) Cloured obiecls (O) None ofthese
lndia lran gas pipeline project?
(A) Public opinion against the project 56. Who is called the Father of Modern
(B) Economic and political pressure of USA
(C) High price demanded by lran
Sagmund Freud (B) lbn-e-Khaldoon
(C) Adams Smith (D) Charles Oarwrn
(D) Tension botween lndia and Pakistan
57. Who was the lirst Chief Minister of Punjab
46. What is Pariah state? province?
(A) A state whach is acceptable in the world (A) Abdur-Rab Nishtar
(B) A state which is protected by another (B) Muhammad Hussain
strong state (C) lftikhar Hussain Memdoot
(C) A state which is not acceptable to the (O) Mumtaz Hussain Daultana
world and as avoided by every country
(D) None of the above 58. French Muslim football star Zedane by binh
belongs to which Muslim country?
47. The telm Trac*-ll "Diplomacy" is used for: (A) Morocco (B) Camroon
(A) Maneging Relations between two (C) Senegal (O) Algeria
counlri$ usang official chances
(B) Managing Relations between two 59. What is Choreography?
countries using unoff cial channels
(A) Arl ot dancing (B) Art ol music
(C) Oiplomacy by diplomats during war (C) Arl o, gardening (D) Art ot tight
(D) None of these 60. Doclrine of necessity was used in the case
lor the forest trme in lhe history of
Advanced sc MCOS Model Pao ers 45

Pakistan. (A) Finland

rara-ud-Din vs slate case (B) Holland (Nelherlands)
ini i,iirru (C) Stt/itzerland
(B) Oossai Vs State case
(C) Asma Jahangrr Vs State case (D) Swaziland
(D) Nusrat Bhutto Vs State case 72 The Spiril cf lslam' book was wntten bY
(A) S'r SyeciAhmad Khan
61. AWACS rs an abbreviation cf
(A) Arrborne Warning and Contro! System (B) Syed Ameer Ali
(B) Airwarnrng and Control SYStem (C) Maulana Zafar Ali
(C) Arrborne Warnrng and Communication (D) Anfa lshfaq
SYstem 73 Akhori Oam is located in:
(O) Airbrone Waming and Conlrol Survey (A) PunJab
62. where is Golden Gate situated? (B) Sindh
(A) San Francisco (USA) (C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(B) London (Bntain) (O) Balochistan
(C) Tornado (Canada) 74. Taklamakan Desert is located in:
(D) Paris (France) (A) Mongolia (B) Russia
63. A-writ direct to the Prson delaining another (C) Kazakhstan (D) China
and commanding him to produce the body ol 75. KhalilJibran belonged to'
the Dflsoner at a certain llme and place with (A) Jordan (B) Lebanon
lhe day and caus€ ot his captron and (c) Syna (D) Turkey
detention is called:
(A) Writ of Quo Wanants 76. Headquarters o{ World Economic Forum is
(B) Writ ol Certaorari situated in
(C) Writ of Prohibition (A) Davos (Switzerland)
(D) Writ of Habeas CorPus (B) London (Britain)
it (C) Geneva (Switzerland)
. When the stock market is falling down is
(D) New York (USA)
(A) Bullish (B) Bearish 77. Qutab-ud-Din Aibak ruler of sub-continent
(C) Falling (D) Crashing died while Playing lhe:
(A) Polo (Chugan) (B) Cricket
65. Which of the following rivers crosses the (C) Hockey (O) Buzakashi
Equator twice?
(A) Amazon (B) Congo 76. gabar's tomb is situated in'
(C) Nile (D) Ganga (A) Agra (B) Oehli
of Asian Development (C) Kabul (D) Lahore
66. The Headquarters
Bank (AOB) is located at: 79. Babar came to lndia originally from:
(A) Paris (B) New York (A) Farghana (B) Khiva
(c) Manrla (D) Tokyo (c) Kabul (o) seistan
67. Night blindness is caused by lack of which 80. Which of the tollowrng krng's tomb is nol
vitamln? sIuated tn sub-continent?
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vrtamin B (A) Jahangir (B) Akbar
(C) Vitamrn C (D) Vitamin O (C) Babar (D) Aurangzeb
68. Who is lhe conqueror ol Central Asia? El. Which is the largest state of lndia?
(A) Said Bin Abi Waqas (A) Rajasthan (B) Madhia Perdesh
(B) Qutayba Bin Muslim (C) Utar Perdesh (D) Madrass
(C) Abu Abaida Bin Jarah 82. Which of the following woman Prime Ministers
(D) None of the above has longest tenure?
69. Who is the auth ot ol lndia Wns Frcedom2 (A) lndira Gandhi (B) Banizir Bhutto
(A) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (C) Bandaranaike (O) None of these
(B) Srr SYed Ahmad Khan 83. Harrv Potter is the famous chatacter of:
(C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar (A) J K Rowlling (B) JFMarshal
(D) None of the above (C) R.V Menin (D) None of these
70. Famous book'A History ol God' is written by: 84. Chromosomes are:
(A) Noam Chomsky (B) Karen Armstrong (A) Present only in the nucleus of a cell
(C) Sydney Sheldon (O) None ofthese (B) The biggest in number in human cells
71. Which of the lollowing countries is situated (C) Made up oI DNA as a main component
below the sea level? (D) Visible in ail cells al every trme
46 Adv PPS C MCOS Model
85 yV!'1 vrtai:..m is provded by suntrght to the 93 Who was the presrdent of USA during World
human bod)/^
War l?
(A) Vitamin A(B) Vrtamin B rA) Woodrow Wilson
(C) Vitan:.; C iD) Vitamrn D (B) Theodor Rose Welt
86. Alzhermels C,SeaSe in humao berngs is rC, Jackson John
character.zeJ by the degeneratron cl iD, Henry Fruman
rA) KloneT cells rBJ Nerve cells 94. What will be the totat nuclear energy in
(C) Liver cells tD) Bone cells Pakrstan after compteting the Cnai'trma
87. Which cf ine fotlow,ng civtlizatton are located nuctear power plant ll?
banks of T,gris? (A) 787 MW (B) BO7 MW
(A) lndus crvrfization (C) 907 Mw (D) 605 MW
(B) Sumerian civihzation 95. Oiet is the name of parliament of the country:
(C) Egyptran civitizatlon
(D) creek civilEation
(A) China (B) Thartand
(C) Japan (D) Korea
88 USA flm rndustry Hollywood is located in. 96. fn which year Egypt nationatized Su ez CanatT
. (A) Marviand (B) Vrrqinia (A) 1950 (B) 19s4
(C) Catilornra tD).Ne; york (c) 1956 (D) 1960
89 Who.dereateo the Mongols in 14th century? 97 Silicon Vattey is tocated in !^hich 'state
(A) Khaw;rzm Shah of
(B) Rakn-ud-Din Be6er (A) Virginia (B) Ataska
(C) Zaheer-ud.Oin Babar (C) Calitornia (D) Marytand
(D) None of the above
98 What is "Armageddon'?
90. What is the meaning of .Vishnu,'? (A) A final battle between nations whrch will
(A) The pres€rver (B) The helper end the world .
(C) Trte destroyer (D) The creator (8) A lasl day ot Universe
9'1. Which is the biggest ort fietd ot traq? (C) A name of fitm
(A) Kirkuk oit fietd (B) Mosat ort fidd (D) None ol the above
(C) Basra oil fietd (O) None of these 99. Salisbury is the old name of:
92. Who is lhe cu[ent ambessador ol pakistian to (A) New Engtand (B) pelrograd
USA? (C) Harare (D) Bomb;y
(A) Mahmood Ali Durani 100 What is HsN1?
(B) Jahangir Karamat (A) Mrus (B) Bacrena
(C) Madeeha Lodhi (C) Vaccine
(O) None of the above
(D) Fungr

Answer K ey
d 27 d 4a c 53. b 66. c 79 e 92 d
a 28 a 41 b u. a 67a 80 c 93 a
c 29 42 b 55. b 68. b E1 94 a
17 d 30 a 43 a 56. a 69. a 82 c 95 c
18 31 a 44. a 57. c 70. b E3 a 96 c
b 5E.
7't. b
72. b
u c 97 c
85 d 98. a
8. b 21 34 a 47. b bU, 'a tJ c
L a
86 b 99.
22 a 35 a 48. c 61 a 74. d
10 b 87. b 100 a
11 b
36. a 49. b 62. a 75. b 88 c
25. d
37. a 50. b 63 d 76.. c 89. b
b 26. b
38. b 51. 64 b 77. a 90. a
39 a 52. a 65 b 78. c 91. e
Advgnced ?PISC ICOs kd., Pra.6 ll
(A) Wnd speed iB) Etectflc current prestilious military af,ard
(C) Temperature (D) Atr pressure (A) Japan (8) China
76. Green vegelables are good source o{.
(C) lndia (D) South Korea
(A) Starch 87. 'Naxalite movsment is a p(o communism
(B) Fats and Oil movemenl started in:
(C) Protern (A) lndia (B) l{epal
(D) Minerals and Vrtamins (C) Bhutan (D) Sri Lanka
77 Britrsh East lndia Company was estabtashd EE. What is ,ne.nt by "Pettiroat Govemm.nt'?
duflng the reign of Mughal Emperor (A) A governmerlt is Brile
(Ar Akbar (B) Jahangir (B) A govemment rum by a women
(C) Shahjahan (D) Aurengzeb (C) A govemmenf wfthout actual pouer
78. The lnternaticnal Criminal Court of Justice has (D) A govemment runs by some teudal lords
recently rssued arrest warrant of one of the E9. Which of tlle following Soulh Asian leaders
tollowing sitting President of a country on has recen0y giyon a Foporal to brm 'South
Commrtt,ng War Cflmes, he rs
'(At &ian task forcc lo cofirbal t€riorism' in the
Presrdent of Sudan Omar al-Bashir region?
(B) Presrdent of Somalia Sharif Ahmed (A) President Asif Zardad of Paki3tan
iC) President of Serbra Bons Tadic (B) Prirne Minister Sheikh Hasina of
1D) Nooe of these Bangladesh
79. Pakrst3n and Afghantstan have Transit Trade (C) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of lndia
Agreement signed in: (D) Prime Minisler Ratnasiri Wid(ernanayake
(A) ]955 (B) 1959 of Sri Lanka
(c) 1962 (D) 196s 90. World Cup football toumamenl 2010 uvill be
80. What do you understand by the disease lrld in:
lnsomn a"?
(A) England (B) Spein
(A) lnabrlity to sleep (B) Colour blindness (C) ltaly (D) South Atrica
(C) Depression (D) None of these 91- The larg€st opium producer provin@ ot
81 On which of the follo\,ling rssues, Arab lsrael Afghanistan is:
peace process stalled? (A) Nangarhar (B) Helmand
(A) Shape and srze ot the fulure Paleslnian (C) Pakth (O) lloret
State 92. Light favels ftom Sun to EJllr h:
(B) Status of East Jerusalem (A) 499.0 seconG (B) 599.0 s€conds
(C) Fale of 3.5 milhon Palestrnian retugees in (C) 699.0 seconds (O) 799.0 s€conds
the Arab world
(D) All of these 93. What (b underst nd by tl€ term, lr ifada'?
(A) Reconciliation (B) Up.ising
82. The world's famous Madame Tussaud's (C) Ofience (D) Negotiatbn
museum rs siluated rn.
94. Whicfi of the following rivers run thmugh
(A) Paris (B) London Paris?
(C) Rome (O) New York .(A)
Theseine (8) ThG Tham€o
83. The world's oldest parliament, founded in the (C) The Rhine (D) Th. Danube
year 930 AO is:
(A) British Parliament 95. 'Pearl Harbouf bcated in Arneri€n state:
(B) Diet of Japan (A) Alaska (B) Haw8ii
(C) Althing of lceland
(C) Mrginia (D) t{ef, York
(D) Cortes of Spain 96. Russia dilbizes Amcrican missilo defense
system dedoyed in:
84. The last King oI Afghanistan was: (A) Japan and Soulh Korea
(A) Habibullah Khan (B) Taiwan and Philipfin€
(B) Muhammad Zahir Shah (C) Poland and Czect Republic
(C) Sardar Oaud Khan (D) Ukraine'and G€orgia
(D) Amanullah Khan
97. Dericiency of vitamin 'C' in human body leads
85 "Ornithology' rs the study of:
(A) Birds (B) lnsects (A) Eye disease (B) Neru6 disease
(C) Sea Animals (D) Sea plants (C) Teelhdisease (D) Slin disease
86. 'Order of Cloud and Banner'' is the most 98. Tamils in Sri Lanka are 3truggling foi an
independenl state in the tenitory of:
'The Order ot the Cloud and Banner also known as the (A) Jaffna (B) Kandy
Order of the Resplendent Sanner i5 a military award of
(C) Ratnapura (D) Galle
the Republic of Chrna (Tarwan). 99. The largest section o, the Kurd population is
42 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papgy5
living in: described by US based organization 'Freedom
(A) lraq (B) lran House' in its annual report 2009?
(C) Turkey (O) Syria (A) Nepal (B) Bhuran
1oo.Whrch of the following is the least tree country
(C) Myanmar (D) Cuba
rn view of poor human rights record as
Answer Key
1. a 14. a 27 c 40. b 53. b 66 c 79 d 92. a
?. b '15. c 28 b 41.d54d 67 80 a 93. b
3. 16. c 29 a 42. a 55. c 68 d 8'r d 94. a
4. 17. c 30 a 43. d 56. c 69 c 82 b 95. b
5. c 18_ a 31 d 44.c57a 70 a 83 96. c
6. d 19 c 32 c 45b58b 71 a u b 97d
7. a 20. d b 46c59d c 85 a 98. a
8. d 21. c 34 a 47. b 60. b d 66 b 99. c
9. b 22. a 35 b 48.a 61 a 74 87 a 100. c
't0 b 23. b 36 d 49.a62b 75 a 88 b
1t b 24. d 37 d 50c63d 76 d 89 b
12 d 25. b 38 d 51. a 64. a 77 b 90 d
13 d 26 d JY c 52. c 65.c 78 a 91 b


(PMS General Knowledge Paper 2005)

1. Which of the following Russian's oil and gas 7 Diego Garcia is a:

company which provides oil and gas to (A) Famous airline of Singapore
European countries? (B) French surface to Sea Missile
(A) BSGO Company (C) United States military base in lndian
(B) Gazprom Company Ocean
(C) Gestapo Company (D) Disputed island belween Russia and
(D) Philips Oil and Gas Company Japan
2. Which one of the following planets has the 8 ln which year European rulers captured
maximum number of satellites? Palestine from the Muslims in Crusade War?
(A) Jupiter (B) Satum (A) 1095 (B) 1099
(C) Venus (D) Uranus (c) 111s (D) 11s9
3. Which is the largest planet? 9 What is Kremlin?
(A) Venus (B) Earth (A) Ofiices of Russian Government
(C) Jupiter (D) Mars (B) Offices of Sn Lankan Govemment
4. What was the main reason of disqualilication (C) Building in Japan used for theatre
qf Arial Sharon for office of Prime Minister of (O) None of these
lsrael? 10 A mass of ice onginating in mountains in
(A) The completed two terms snowfields above the snowline is qalled:
(B) He was impeached (A) Mountain River
(C) lllness (B) Glacaers
(D) None ot these (C) Lakes and water falls
5. Which ot the following vessels of blood carry (D) None of the above
blood from different parts of the body to heart? 't1What is lhe diameter of earth?
(A) Veins (B) Arlefles (A) 11756 km (B) 12756km
(C) Capillaries (D) Vessels (C) 13756 km (D) 1a756km
6. What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal? 12 What is the freezing point of heavy water?
(A) The Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea (A) 3.82 "C (B) 2.82 "C
(B) The Meditenanean Sea and Red Sea (c) 1 .82 .C (D) 0.62 'C
(C) The Black Sea and Battic Sea
(D) Tha Black Sea and South China Sea IJ How many satelliles (moons) of Satul
Advarrced PaSC fi:Cos gde, Paoe6 35
(C) Starling time (D) Access time (A) Benjamrn Franklin (B) Darwrn
48. A device which encodes characters by the (C) Mendel (01 None
depression of keys is known as:
(B) Keyboard
(O) Hard drive
49. Mixture of two melals is called: r&fro 'fr\
(A) Oispersant (B) Alloy ,brrlt erd-r. (,.r{:i
(c) Amalgam (o) Metaloid
50. The area inside a computer frame and i
auxiliary where date and instructions are l
stored is called:
(B) lnterpreter
(D) Hopper
51 An extremely small prece of si|con on whrch
rntegrated srcuits are fabncaled are called:
(A) Chrp (B) Card reader [r-
(C) Feed (D) Hollenth Code
52. The time taken by light to reach the Earth is H-..lFsr*',rl.q /-
(A) 4 minutes 30 seconds ,raaa ll; iEr r,lr.. d.'
(B) 8 minutes 15 seconds acdr&csl.E.drar-l
(C) '10 mrnutes 20 seconds st ErE./rtu4r,@. E
(O) 12 minutes 30 seconds
53. The shape of our Milky Way galary is:
(A) lrregular (B) Spiral G.* Er.@ d UCt)s
(C) Elliptic (D) Rectangular
54. The coldest planet of solar system rs.
(A) Venus
(C) Neptun€ (D) Pluto
(B) Earth

55. BIMAN is an airline of: 54. Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Dr.
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Cambodia Abdus Salam in lhe year:
(C) Afghanistan (D) Bangladesh (A) 1969 (B) 1975
56. 38rh parallel line is a boundary line betweeo. rC, 1979 (O) 1983
(A) Myanmar and Thailand
(B) Thailand and Malaysia 65. The longest river is located in:
(A) Asia (B) Afnca
(C) lndia and China (C) Latin America (D) North America
(D) South and North Korea
57 Oxygen by volume has a presence in the 66. The hrghest mountair peak Mount Everest
has been named afte' Col George Everest
almosphere of about: who was
(A) 10% \Bj 21./. (A) Commandant of 1" Mountain lnfantry unit
(C) 30o/o rOt a5"/o
(B) A Commander of Golscha bngade
58. The brightest planet in the solar system is: (C ) A political agent of N.W F.P
(A) Saturn (B) Venus (D) Surveyor General Df lndra
(C) Neptune (O) Mars
67 Christopher Columbus who discovered
59 The planet with shorlesl daytime rs: Ameflca was:
(A) Venus (B) Earth {A) Spanrsh (B) Dutch
(C) Jupiter (D) Pluto 1C ) lialran (D) French
60. lnsulin rn human body rs produced in. 68 The annual average llow of water in lndus
(A) Lrver (B) Krdney Rrve' system rs.
(C) Pancreas (D) None of these (A) 130 MAF (B) 110 MAF
61 Dynamrte was discrvered by:
(c) 100 MAF iD) 90 MAF
(A) Daimler (B) Mosley 69. The srngle bigEest hvdel power generating
(C) Alfred Nobel (O) Freud site rs srtuated rn:
62. How lar is the Dead Sea before (A) Brazil (B) Chrna
(C) United States (D) lndra
(A) 250 metres (B) 300 metres 70. The US Congress and Senate raised the debt
(C) 400 metres (D) 1000 metres limit of US government by:
63 Laws of Heredity were discovered by:
(A) 5500 billion (B) 51500 billion
36 Advanced PPSC fiCQs Model PaoeB
(C) $1500 billion (D) $2000 billion (D) Dr. Shahid Amjad
71. IMF and World Bank are created through: 83. The present Secretary General of UN is from:
(A) Yalta Conference (A) Australia (B) Korea
(B) New Oeal (c) Brazil (D) Austria
(C) Treaty of Versailles
(D) Bretton Woods Agreement' 84. The cash balance of the company is more
than the cash balance of US:
72. Moorish Kingdom of Granada (Spain) (A) Apple (B) Microsofi
sunendered to Christians in the year: (C) Bechlel (O) DuPont
(A) 1453 (B) 1492
85. After the conquest of Puniab, Puniab
(c) 1526 (D) 15s6
Brilishers constituted a three member Board
73. The President of Yugoslavia/ Serbia who was of Administration for governing the Puniab.
indicated and tried by War Criminal Tribunal lndicate rr{ho was not the member among the
was: followings:
(A) Franjo Tudman (A) Henry Lawrence
(B) Slobodan Milosevic (B) John Lawrence
(C) Ralko Mladic (C) Charles Mansel
(D) Radoslav Bradinin (O) Robert Montgomery
74. who was not a member of the 1"r Gabinet of 86. The father of modem Science Fiction is:
Pakistan? (A) Bertrand Russell (B) H. G. Wells
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar (C) Aldous Huxley (D) Maupassant
(Q) Hussain Shaheed SuhaMardy
(C) Jogendra Nath Mandal 87. The Ofiice of District Magistrate was
(D) Malik Ghulam Muhammad abolished through:
(A) Local Govemment Ordinance 2001
75. President of Syria Bashar Al Assad is by taith (B) Police Order 2002
a-_ (C) Amendments in the Code ot Criminal
(A) Druze (B) Alavi Procedure
(C) Shia (D) Sunni (D) 'l7h Amendment in the Constitution
76. US President Barack Obama's father was: 88. lndian Railway started operation:
(A) lndonesian (B) Nigerian (A) 1847 (B) 1849
(C) Egyptian (O) Kenyan (c) 1853 (O) 1861
77. Blind Dolphins are found in: 89. First intemational Olympic Games were held
(A) Ganges River (B) Nile River in Greec€ in 1896 in the monlh of:
(C) Yangtze River (O) None (A) April (B) May
78. The Captain of Pakrstan cricket team whrch (C) June (O) July
defeated England at the O6i in 1954 was 90. The one ivho won grand slam in tennis twice:
(A) Fazl Mehmood (A) Leo Hoad (B) Roy Emerson
(B) Hanif Muhammad
(C) Abdul Hafeez Kardat
(C) Rod Laver (D) Jimmy Connors
(D) Khan Muhammad 91. Hanging gardens in Babylon were located in
modern day:
79. The 13r Olympic Gold Medal for Pakistan was (A) Syria ( B) Lebanon
in the Summer Olympic Aames of: (C) lraq ( D) Jordon
(A) 19s6 (B) 1960
92 First Satellite Sputnik 1 was bunched
(c) 1964 (D) 1968
Oclober 1957. lndicate the date.

80. When Ayub Khan took overpower in 1958, the (A) 2 Oclober 1957 (B) 4 Oclober 1957
Prime Minister ol Pakistan was: (c) 6 ocrober 1957 (o) I oclober 1957
(A) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(Q) Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy 93 The celebraled scientist lsaac NeMon was:
(C) Malik Feroz Khan Noon (A) Br ish (B) Durch
(D) Chaudhary Muhammad Ali (C) ltalian (O) French
81. The First lntemational Flight taken by PtA was 94 Tumip is a root described as:
taken on:
(A) Napiform (B) Fusiform
(A) 25th May 195'l (B) 7rh June 1954 (C) Couical (O) Tubrous
(C) 1"'February 1955(D) lThJune 1961 95 Penicillin was discovered by:
82. The present Deputy Chairman of Planning (A) Viclor Fleming (B) lan Fleming
uommtsston rs:
(C) Alexander Fleming (D) Stephen
(A) Nadeem Ul Haque 96 On 'l8th May 1974.lndia exploded firsi nuelear
(B) Dr. Akram Sheikh devise under the code name of:
(C) Dr. lshrat Hus$in (A) Operation Blue Star Rakshak
Adyanced PPSC ,r0es Model paoers 37
(B) Operalion Gibrattar (C) Rudyard KiDtino
(C) Operation Smitinq Buddah (O) Justice Amaler Ai
(D) Operation
99. lndian Rebellion o, 18-.52 (War of
97 Ttre poefy first rvritten by Alama lqbat in independence) began
perslan and then translated in Urdu on t0th uay'from thi
on town of:
popular dernand:
(f) Bal- e - Jibraeet (B) Banq - e.Dara
(A) Jhansi (B) Gwaliar
(C) Zarb - e- Kateem (O) ernin1.,"n* nrr.
(C) Meerut (D) Lucknow
100. How many sahaaba were martyred in Banle of
98 Iitg book 'lndian Musaknans' Dublished in Bedat?
187'l ms wriften bv: lA) 12 (B) .t4
(A) Sir Syed Ahmdd Khan
(B) William Wilson Hunbr (c) 16 ioi ra
Ans wer Key
1. d 14 b b 40. b 53. b 66 d 79 b 92. b
2. 15
c 28 a 41. b 54. c 67 c EO c 93. a
3. d a 29 d 42. b 55. d 66 b 6'l c 94. b
4. c '17 b 30 d 43. d 56. d 69 b 82 d 95. c
5. b 18 d 31 b 44 57. b 70 a 83 b 96. c
6. 19 d 32 c 45. a 58. b 71 d 84 a 97. d
7. c 20 c 33 b 46. a 59. c 72 98. b
z',t. c u b 47. d 60. c
b 99. c
22. b 35 c 48. b 6'1. c 74. b 87. a 100. b
10 c 23. d 36. d 49. b oz. c 75. b 88 c
11 c 24. a 37. b 50. a 63. c 76. d 89. a
12 c 25. c 38. 51. a 64. c 77. a 90.
13 c 26. c 39. b 52. b 65. b 78. c 91. c

Paper: General Knowledqe
The wodd is celebrating in 2009, 2o0th birth 7 Chennai' is lhe new name of the lndian city
anniversary of the scientist:
(A) Charles Oarwin (B) James Wan
(A) Madras (B) patna
(C) Roger Bacon (D) lsaac Newlon
(C) Agra (D) Lucknow
8 World Bank President is:
2 "BlN' is the intelligence agency of: (A) Robert Zoellick (B) Strauss-Kahn
(A) lraq (B) tndbnesra (C) Shakour Shaalan (D) none of these
(C) Atghanistan (D) Bangtadesh
9 'Asiana Aidines' is of:
3 Science of human races is called:
(4) Demography (B) Chorography (4) JaPan (B) South Korea
(C) Anthropotogy (D1 Bangta.-deih'
(C) Tharland (D) Mataysia
10 'Califomia' is known as ,silicon Valley'
4 Ameican P.esident's special envoy to the because of:
Middle East is: (A) Hollyraod ltlm industry
(A) Sherard Cowper Cotes (B) Computer software industrv
(8) Richard Hotbrooke (C) Science beauty and resort5
(C) George Mitche (D) .Mineral resouraes
(D) Robert Gates
11 W-hich of the tollowing countries is celebrattng
'Aramco' is the oil comDanv of:
5 50 years o, CommuniS Revolution in 2009? '
(A) America iB)'Russia (A) China (B) Cuba
(C) Saudi Arabia iOj tran (C) North Korea (D) Vietnam
6 'Tenge' is the currencv of:
Which of the following Central Asian States
(.^.) xenya (B) Kvrovzstan has recently closed down American air base
(C) Cuba (o) xiz?lrnsran at 'Manas'?
38 Adiance'd PPSC McQs Model PaDerc
(A) Tajrkistan (B) Kazakhstan (A) Kidneys (B) Lungs
(C) Turkmenrstan (D) Kyrgyzstan (C) Soleen (D) Liver

13. -Seattle" is lhe seaport of: 25. What do you understand by the term "Brain
(A) Germany (B) Canada Drain'?
(C) Chrna (D) USA (A) Mad Person
iB) Migrahon ol skilled labour to other
14. Kerrv-Luqar brll rn US Congress. rf approved. countries
wouh irov,de lo Pakislan an annual (C) Emigration of rntellectuals
economic asslstance ol (D) llliteracy and ignorance
(A) S l5brllron lBl S2b,llron
(C) $2 5 brltron tDr 93btllton 26. The idea of Asra Europe Meeting' (ASEM)
oroanrzaion was rnrllated rn '1994 by Mr Goh
15. Klaus Schwab rs the founder of: Cliok Tong. the Pnme Mrnrster ol
iA) Red Cross lAl South Korea tB, North Korea
(B) Scout Movement ic) lapan (D) Srngapore
iC) World Economic Forum
(D, Cable News Network rCNN) 27 Which of the following rnternataonal
oroanrzaltons was establlshed llrst?
'16. The Noble Peace Prize 2008 has been (AJ ECO (B) SAARC
awarded to MartttAhtisarri for his efforts in (c) otc (D) O-8
confllct resolution on different contlnentsl he ls
a former President of: 28 Which of the followrng South Asian countries
(A) Chrle (B) Netherlands has recentlv been eleated a member board of t
(C) Finland (D) Argentrne lnternatronil Atomrc Energy Agency (IAEA)?
(A) Nepal (B) Sri Lanka
17. Chronometer is used to measure. (C) .lran (O) Afghanrstan
(A) Velocity (B) Pressure
(C) Time (O) none of these 29 Nippon' is stock exchange market of:
(A) Tokvo (B) London
18. Whv Black Sea" so called?
ic) tlevi vo* (D) None ofthese
(A) 'The dense fog
lhat prevails there in water
(B) A large number of black rocks in the 30. 'Khar' is the main town ofl
water (A) Balaur Agency lB) Khyber Agency
(C) The water of sea is black (C) Kuiram Agency (D) North Wazrristan
(D) None of these 31. The world's oldest national anthem isof:
19. The Muslms of Mtndanao lsland are (A) Denmark (B) Thailand
strugqling for therr polrtical rights in: ici rlo*av (D) lapan
(A) Japan rB) South Africa 32 'Hamas was founded in 1967 bY.
rCr Phrlrpprnes (D) Myanmar (A) Yaser Arafat
20. 'Likud and Kadrma are the two marn political (B) lsmail Hannia
parlies of: (C) Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
(A) lran (B) Lebanon (D) Khalid Mashaal
iC) Svna (D) None of these 33. Which of the followrng leadeG has recently
21. Three Gorges Dam prolect is located in. teen elected as Head of 53 members Afncan
(A) AmeriCa (B) Russia Union (AU).
(A) Hosni Mubarak ol EgYPt
(c) Cnina (D) Canada
(B) Muammar Gaddatl of Libya
22. "Blue House" is the ofiicial residence ofr (C) Thabo Mbeki of South Afnca
(A) President of South Korea (D) Omar al Bashir of Sudan
(B) German Chancellor
(C) President of France 34. Who is called Father of Computer"?
(D) Pope of Vatican (A) Charies Babbage
(B) Thomas Kurtz
23. Under the proposed law 'Enhanced (C) Konrad Zuse
PartneBhip wth Pakrstan Act'the US would: (D) Bill Gates
(A) Provide latest version of F-'16 aircrafts to
Pakistan 35. Which of the P-5 counlries in the UN Security
(B) Establish reconstruction opportunily Council has exercised veto porYer at the
zones in the tribal areas of Pakistan maximum times so far?
(C) Provide s€cui/ty and intelligence (A) USA (B) Russia
equipment to Pak ArmY (C) France (D) Britain
(O) Ofier scholarships to Pakistani students
in American Universities
24 Which parf of human body is more prone to ' The Takyo Stock Exchante is also called Tosh6 or TSE
damage trom the Hepatitis Virus'?
for short.
Adyanced PPSC MCQ9 Model Paod6 39

36. The world's largest foreign exchange December 2008, killing more than 1300
reserves. almosl $ 2 trillton is of: Palestinians had been given lhe name:
(A) USA (B) Japan (A) Operation Blue Star
(C) Germany (D) Chrna (B) Operahon Cast Lead
(C) Operation Oesert Storm
37. ln comDuter, CPU stands for' (D) Operaiion Clean UP
(A) Cdmputer Processing Unit
(B) Central Programme Unit 48 Pakistan's largest tradrng partner at present
(C) Communrcation Processrng Unit is:
(O) Cenlral Processrng Unit (A, Chrna (B) Amerlca
(C) Saudr Arabra tD) JaPan
3E. The bEgest bird rs:
tA) Eaole (B) owl 49. What is Khmer Rouge ?
icl x,tii (D) ostrich (A) A Communist movement rn Cambodra
(B) Tamll grouP rn Sri Lanka
39. 3 May each year ls observed internatronally (C) lnsh natronahst PadY
as: (D) A port of Srngapore
(A) Environment DaY
(B) Populatron OaY 50 The UN spends the largest amount almost $
(C) Press Freedom DaY I brllon annually on
(O) Food Oay (A) Health care
(B) Poverty alleviation
40. Human Rights Organization Human Rights (C) Peacekeeplng mtssrons
7 Watch' is based in: (D) Literacy and Education
(A) G€neva (B) New York
(c) London (o) Paris 51 The oldest rnternet search engrne is
{A) Yahoo (B) Ask com
4'1. Which of the following UN agencies has (C) Giga blast (Di Google
received Noble Peace Prize?
(A) uNlcEF 52. The headquaners of IMF is located at:
(B) ILO (A) Geneva (B) New York
(c1 utt xign Commissroner for Refugees (C) Washington OC (D) Paris
(D) All of these 53. The main factor attributed to the global
42. Almost 40% o, the world's oil supply passes financial crisis 2008 rs:
throuoh the strait of. (A) Great slide an oil pnces in the international
(A) (B) Malacca market
ici Bosporus (D) Gibraltar (B) Collapse of housing prices and mortgage
43. The famous city Waterloo' is in:
(A) France (B) Germany
'Though the Web became publicly available in 1990,
(C) Sweden (D) Belgium
the first web search engine didn't arrrve until 1993 Up
44. Which of the following Gulf States has
until then, all websites were manually tracked and
recentlv donated 320 MW gas frred power
otant td Pakistan? rndexed by people. And while we now recognlze
iA) Saudi Arabia (B) Qatar Google as the king of tYeb search, Google wasn't even
icl uee (o) Bahrarn in the game.until 1998. Ouring thal five-year gap,
45. Who is 'Hemant Karkare'? twenty other search engines had their chance at glory,
(A) A person involved in samjhota Express and most of them ,ailed. You might even remember
train bombing in 2007 some ot them. webcrawler (1994), ol all still'surviving
(B) lndian Anti-terror squad chief killed during
' search engines, Webcrewler as the d&. Today, it
Mumbar attack in 2008
(C) Chief of lndian lntelligence agency RAW aggreSates results from Google and Yahoo. Ivcos
(Di tndran High Commissioner in Pakistan (1994). bom out of Carnegie Mellon Univetsity and still
alive today. Also owns several other nostalgic lntemet
46. Which of the tollowing films has won eight
- Oscar Awards in a ceremony on 23rd b.ands, including AnSelfir€, Tripod, and Gamesville'
February 2009'? Altavista (1995). This was one of the most popular
(A) The Reader search engines in the 1990s, but was acquired by
(B) The Oark Knight Yahoo in 2oO3 and subsequently shut down in 2013'
(C) Slumdog Mrllionaire Excite (1995). One of the most recognizable brands
(D) Man and Wire
back in the 199Os, but has since fallen out of the
47. lsrael's brutal attack on Gaza starlbd on 27
spotliSht. Yahoo (1995). Definitelv one of th€ strongest
pre.Google brands to still€xi5l today. ln fad, according
' Slumdog Millionaire was nominaled for l0 cateSories to Abx;, Yahoo was th€ 4th most giobally-visitea
in Academy Awatd/ oscar Awards and it won 8. webtite in rune 2015.
40 Adyanccd PPSC f,lCQs od., paoers
market in the United States 62. "Philately- is a
(C) Huge trade imbalance between America (A) Science of drugs
and China (B) Stamp colleclion
(D) None of these (C) The study of written record
54. Karachi Nuclear power planl was built with the (O) The study of animal behaviour
assistance ofi 63. The world's largest number of newspapers are
(A) China (B) Russia pubfished from
(C) France (D) Canada (A) America (B) China
55. The term 'Hung Parliament describes a (C) Russia (Oi rnoia
situalion in whtch: 6,4. The most famous book of 2OO8 ,The Way of
(A) Prime Minister deliberately avoids the World - A story of lruth and hope rn an ige
attending the sessions of the parliament ol extremism is wntten bv
tor a long penod (A) Ron Suskrnd (B) HV Hudson
(B) Prime Mrnister has been removed (C) Chnstian Lamb (D) AyehsaJatat
through a vote of no confidence but
refuse to step down 65. 'Paracel lslands' in the South China s€a are
(C) No single party has a majority in the disputed between China and:
house (A) Philippines (B) Japan
(D) The ruting pany has tost the majonty in (C) Vietnam (D) South Korea
the upper house 66. National lncome is essentraly composed of:
56. Which of the fo owilg categories of Nobet (A) All weahh of a nation
t nzes was not created by Swedish Scientist (B) Annual incom€ of the central government
Afred Nobel? (C) Alt income of the p€ople in a year
(A) peace (B) Literature (D) lncome derived from taxes by the central
(C)Economics (D) Medicine government
57. Which of the folowing provinces of
67. 'Fleet Street' London is tamous of:
Afghanistan shares border with pakistan.? (A) Banking and financial offic€s
(A) Ningrahar, pakita, Ghazni (B) Offces o, the cargo companies
(B) Bamiyan, Farah, Herat (C) Offices of the newspapers and press
(C) Baikh. Samangan, Kunduz agencies
(D) Takhar, Uruzgan, Ghur (D) Otrces of the Royat Navy establishment
68. 'Pelra an a-rchaeotogical site is among the
58. Russia supply natural gas to
European new Seven Wonders of the World tocatedrn.
countnes which transil throuqh the slale of:
(A) Latvia (B) Ukraine (A) Mexrco (B) ltatv
(C) Estonia (D) Lithuania Spain
(C) iO) .torian
59. ltar-Tass is the news agency of: 69. 'Marco Polo'was a famous:
(A) lran (B) ttatv (A) Wnter (B) Scientist
(C) France (D) Ruisia (C) Traveller (D) Sportsman
50. The wodd's largesl subway svstem'is in: 70. The only vitamin which cannol be slored in
(A) Tokyo (B)'Mixcow human body
(A) Vitamin C
(C) Mexico City (D) New yort (B) Vitamrn D
.(C) Mtamin K (Ol None of these
61. Under the Stalus of Forces Agreement lrith 71. Swat Valley
the lraqi goyernment, US intend to remove all rs siluated in the mountatn range
troops from lraq by the end of:
(A) 201 1 Bt 2012 (A) Hindukush (B) Karakorum
(c) 2013 io\ 2014
(C) Himalayas (O) None ot these
72. 1 metric ton is equat to:
' Afghanistan and pakistan share an immense border
(A) 100tilogram (B) 500 kitogram
(C) 1000 kilogram (D) 10000 kilogram
line stretching 2430 km along the southern and e.stern
edges of AfShanist.n. This contains Afghan provinces of 73. ln which of the folowing countries, 240 years
old monarchy was abolished rn 20Og?
Badakhshan, Nurestan, Kona., Nangarhar, paktiya, (A) Sweden (B) Brunei
Khost, Paktika, Zabul, Xandahar, Helmand, and Nimruz (C) Bhutan (D) Nepal
that a.e adracent to the pakistani border.
' Seoul subway serving the Seoul Metropolitan Area is 74. Which of the followrng countries frrsl
introduced paper currency in the world?
the longest(by usage) subway system in the world. The (A) USA (Bi Greece
total route length of the system enended as far as (C) China (D) France
94okm. Whereas World's Largest Subway Systems (by 75. 'Anemometer' is an instrumenl used for
usate) is in Moscow 340 with the length of 34O km. measuring:
Advanced MCOS Model 31

59. Who is called the -Father o, French 74 what is meant by EOUINOX?

Revolutron ? (A) Day and Night are equal
(A) Thomas Hobbes (B) Rousseau (B) The longest night
(C) Francis Bacon (D) Montesquieu (C) The shortest day
60. "Oivrne Comedy was written by: (D) The iongest day
(A) Gibbon (B) Goethe 75 Which sea rs located rn Central Asia?
(C) Dante (O) Milton (A) Red Sea (B) North Sea
61. Which one of the following known (C) Aral Sea (O) Japan Sea
as father of astronomy? 76 \Mat is viticulture?
(A) Ernstern (B) Copernicus (A) cultivalion ot grap€s
(C) Archimedes (D) NeMon (B) growing small plants
62. ln France. the Bastille Day is cetebraied on: (C) growing tobacco
(A) 14 May (B) 14June (O) cultivation of spices
(C) 14 July (D) 14 August 77 Widow s Tears is the name of:
63. The Swaythling Cup is retated to the game (A) Penrnsula (B) Lake
of: (Cl lsland (D) Plant
(A) Badmrnton (8, Tennrs 78 Kalahafl Desert rs located in
(C) Volleyball (D) Table Tennis (A) Botswana rB) Austratra
64. ln 1774 Oxygen was discovered by: (C) Pakistan (D, Mozambrque
(A) Newton (B) Priestly 79 The author ofthe New Oeal was
(C) Faraday (D) B Franktin (A) PresidentRoosevelt
65. ln the history ot World the Stone Age as atso (B) Presrdent Wilson
called by the name ofl (C) President John F. Kennedy
(A) Palaeol(hic period (D) President George Washington
(B) Mesolithic period 80 The cunency of Portugal is.
(C) Neolithic period (A) Zloty (B) Peso
(D) Chalcolithic period (C) Euro (D) Escudo
66. Pedagogy is the science of: 81 What is the Padiament of Denmark:
(A) Birds (B) Sapce (A) National Assembly
(C) Pharmacy (D) Teaching (B) Senate
67. One Megabyte is equalto: (C) Folketing
(A) 1000 bytes (B) 10000 bytes (D) None of thes€
(C) 100000 bytes (D) 1000000 bytes 82 The 1st Asian Secretary General of United
68. Maple Leaf is the national emblem of: Nations was:
(A) Germany (B) China (A) Tryve Lie
(C) Canada (D) None of these (B) V'jay Lekshmi Pandit
(C) U-Thant
69. "Wheel is a symbol ofi (D) Kurt Waldherm
(A) peace (B) prosperity
(C) progress (D) Speed 83 The headquarters of EFTA is in:
70. Which oI the following country's parliament is
called "Diet ? 'The New Deal wa5 a series of domestic programs
(A) Denmark (B) Russra
. (C) Japan (D) None of these enacteC rn thc United States between 1933 and 1938.
and a few that came later. They jncluded both laws
71 Who invented bicyc;e?
passed by Congress as well as presidential execotrve
(A) Nelson {B) Karl von Drais
(C) Lours Braalle (D) John Hall orderi during the ,irst term (1933-37) of presrdent
Frankhn D. Roospvell. The programs were ic response
72. What rs the lotal area ofAustrala?
(A) 8.787 801 Sq km
to the Great Oepretsion, and focused on what
(B) 8.687,000 Sq km historians (all the "3 Rs"i Relief, Recovery, and Reforol.
(C) 7.891.000 Sq. km Thar, is Relief for the unemployed and poor; Re.overy
(O) 8.192.921 Sq. km of the economy to normal levels; and Re{orm or ti p
73. Whrch of the following is a Baltic State? financial systemto prevent a repeat depressron
(A) Estonia (B) Serbra William E. Leuchtenburg wrote book Fronkiin D.
(Cr Romanra (D) Bulgaria hoosevelt ond the New Deol: 1g32.1g4O n tebrurry 24,
32 Advqnced PPSC llCQs.Hodel Paoerc
(A) London (B) Geneva 94. ln human body, flat bones'are found in:
(C) Rome (D) Paris (A) neck (B) skull
84. Bread for the World" lnstitute which focuses (C) legs (D) chest
on problems of poverty and hunger in the 95. lf there were no atmosphere. what would be
world, is based in. lhe colour of the skyl
(A) London (B) Washington (A) Red (B) Blue
(C) Geneva (D) New York (C) Black (D) White
85. "ANSA" is the news agency of: 96. Contours'are lines connecting places having:
(A) Germany (B) ltaly (A) Equal temperature
(C) lndia (D) USA (B) Equal pressure
86 'Aeroflot'is the airline of: (C) Equal height
(A) Canada (B) Sri Lanka (O) Equal rainfall
(C) Russia (D) Japan 97. "Our sweetest songs are those that tell us of
87 'Tegel' is the lntemational airport ot: saddest thoughts". These words are attributed
(A) Greece (B) Turkey to:
(A) Keats (B) Wordsworth
(C) Germany (D) USA
88. 'Broadway Street' of USA is famous for;
(C) Shelley (D) Milton
(A) Banking (B) Stock exchange 98. Who created the famous character of
(C) Cinema halls (D) Shopping centres 'Oracula'?
(A) Stanley Kubrick (B) John Polidori
89. What as the new name of Leningrad? (C) James Cameron (O) Bram Sloker
(A) St. Petersburg (B) Red Square
(C) Moscow (D) Stalingrad 99. 'White goods'' are:
(A) Basic raw materials
90. Which country is called the 'Cockpit of (B) Durable consumption goods
Europe'? (C) Cosmetic articles
(A) Belgium (B) Canada (O) Goods imported from western countries
(C) UK (D) Sweden
1oo.America's Cup' is associated wilh which of
91. Which city is called the'land of seven hills'? the following sports?
(A) Rome (B) Venice (A) Canoeing
(C) Shiraz (D) Babylon (B) Yachting
92. Which is the highest military award of ltaly'? (C) American Football
(A) Medal of Honour (B) Medal for Valour (O) Paragliding
(C) Military Cross (D) lron Cross
93. Football Wodd Cup 2010 was won by:
(A) Spain (B) France 'Flat bones are as they sound, strong, flat plates of
(C) ltaly (D) Brazil bone with the main fundion of providing protection to
the bodies vital organs and being a baie for muscular
attachment. The classic exCmple of a flat bone ie the
'The Milit.ry Order of lt ly is the hthest malitary Scapula (shoulder blade). The Sternum (brean bone),
order of the ltalian Republic and the former xingdom Cranium (skull), oscoxae (hip bon€) Pelvis and Ribs are
of ltaly. lt was founded as the Military Order of Savoy, also classified as flat bones. Anterior and po6terior
a national order by the King of Sardinia, Vittorio surfaces ard formed of compact bone to provide
Emanuele l, Duke of Savoy in 1815. The order is strength for protedion with the ceotre consisiting of
awarded in five degrees for distinguished wartime cancellous (sponSy) bone and varying amounts of bone
conduct of units of the armed rorces or individual marrow. ln adults, the highest number of red blood
personnel that has "proven expertise, a sense of cells are formed in flat bones.
twhite Goods are:
responsibility and valour." The Med5l ot Milita.y Valol
is an ltalian medal. During World VYar l, the medalwas 1. white fabrics, usually of cotton or linen.
awarded to military personnel, units above the level of 2. Household merchandise, as bed sheets and cunains,
company, and civilians for .xceptional valor in the face formerly made from whil€ fabrics, but now often
of the enemy. For each subsequent act of valor, the colored.
recipient was awarded a bar to the medal. There a.e 3. Large household appliancet as oveos and
three level to the medal: The Gold Medal ot ifilitary refrigerators, formerly finished with white enamel, but
Valo. was established on 21 May 1793 by (ing Victor now often coloaed.
Amadeus lll of Sardinia. The Silver Medal of Militarv 'The America's Cup is affectionately known as the
Valor was established in 1833 by king Charles Albert of "Auld Mug",
Advanced PPSC CQs ltdel paoors 33
Answer Key
b 14.
c 27. a 40. a 53. d 66. d 79. a 92.
?. b b
c 16.
28, b 41 e 54. .c 67d 80. c 93. a
4.. c 17. b
29. b 42. b 55. c 68. c 81. c 94. b
5. a 18.
30. d 43. a 56. d 69. c 82. c 95. c
6. d '19. bc 3't. b 44. a 57. d
'58. 70. c 83. b 96.
7. d 20. a
b 59. b
d 71. b
72. c
85. b
97. c
8. e 21. d 34. b 47. 60. c 73. a 98. d
9. a 22. a b
61. b 86. c 99. b
10 d 23. c
35. b 48. b 74. c 87. c 100 b
11 a 24. c
36. a 49. c 62. c 75. c 88. c
't2 c 25. c
37. d 50. a 63. b 76. a 89. a
'13 a 26. a
38. b 51. b 64. .ab 77. d 90. a
39. c 52. c 65. 78. a 91. a

Combined Competitive Examination (pMS) 2012

paper: General Knowledqe
1. Whiclt. of the fo owing is the landtocked? (A) Padiament (B) Congress
(A) Ntgena
(c) Sri Lanka
(B) Kenya
(Di Usaida
(c) Knesser ioi strui"
12. Communrst Revotution todk ptace in Russia
2. Tehrir square is siluated in: the month ofi
(A).Rabat (B) Tehran (A) March (B) June
(u) uarro (D) lstanbut (c) October iDi ttovimoer
3. Benghazi is a citv in: 13. Prrlitz€r is an American Award rn the field
(A) lraq (B) Svrra lli Dpons (B) Scuba
(c) Morocco (oi r_iijv, (u) Letters aM ioumatism (D) Music
4. River Nite originates from: 14. The. name of US Envoy for Atghanistan
(A) Lake Nvasa Pakistan is:
(B) Cheran-gany Mountains (A) Richard Ha brooke
(C) Lake Victoria (B) Marc Grossman
(D) Springs in Kenya (C) Leon paneta
5. Greenwich is located in: (D) Robber cate
15. De facto mcans:
[3] $:ffit.** [B] F#,5:' (A) Defective (B) Defa crenl
(C) acluat, as a faa iDi Legal
6. Canlon is a citv rn:
(A) Thaitand ' (B) Germany 16. Carte Blarohe neana:
(C) China (Oi Sourn X6rea (A) Full discretionarv Dowers
7 lndonesia and Malaysta are seoarated: (B) A blank thino -
(A) tnaccessible mountain(B) (C) Goins by rh; rubs
(c) Maracca stra Gut, of Matava
ioi ruJ"J"i'ii"11i
(D) Wheel in the motion
'17. Cordgendum mean:
8. Capital of Zimbabwe is:
(A) Aoenda of the meanino
(A) Harare (B) Seout (B) Things to be corrected-
(C) Pretona iD') None
of these (C) Studt ot some oender
9. Myanmar is the new name of: (D) Correspondenc;
(A) Cambodia (B) Burma
(c) Ceyton (Di None of rhese 18. Faux pas means:
(A) A fine person
10 and Sp€in are-separated by: (B) Luck
(A) Pyrenees Hi[s (B) Alos . (C) Wisdom
(C) Strait of Gibrattar tO) Ri'ver nline (O) Fatse and incorect step
'11. The apex elecled
body in lsra€l is called: 19. Fifrh Column refers lo:
34 Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Papers

(A) HugePillar (B) long writing 33. The deepest point in the Pacific Ocean rs

(C) Loy;ty (D) Treachery (A) Tonga Trench

(B) Manana trench
20. Paediatrics refers to (C) Porto RIco Trench
(A) care of Pregnant women . (D) Java Trench
(B) Care of old People
(C) Care oI children 34 Mount Krlimaniaro is located ln.
(O) Care of bones and joinls rA) Kenva (B) Tanzanra
21. Pythagoras. geometricran belonged to
tci uga;oa {0) south Afnca
(A) Stria - (B) Mesopotamia 35. Suez Canal links the following seas:
(C) Greece (D) ltaly {A) Black Sea and Aegean Sea
{B) Persian Gulf wrth Arabian
22. Asian Drama: An lnquiry into lhe Povedy of {C) Red Sea with the Mediterranean
Nations was written bY: iDi Medit.l'ran"an Sea with Adrratrc Sea
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B) Gunnar Myrdal 36. Khorak Pass rs located between
(C) Thomas Pain (A) Jamrud and Landr Kotal
(D) Joseph Conrad (B) Srbr and Machh
(C) Ouetta and D l. Khan
23. Tolstoy was the author of famous novel: (O) Ouetta and Chaman
(A) ldiot
(B) For whom the bell tolls 37 Nearest pan of atmosphere to earth rs called
(C) Oark Conttnent {A) Slratosphere rB) Troposphere
(D) War and Peace (C) lonosphere {D) Mesosphere
24. Whach of the following ranks in the air force is 38' Colosseum. an amphitheatre was built in

higher? {Al Athens (B) Naples

(A) Air Commodore ici Ro." (D) Mrlan
(B) Squadron Leader 39 Soecial theory of relat'v(y was proposed by
(C) Wing Commander (At lsaac NeMon (B) Albert Ernstern
(D) Group Captain (ci Gairleo (o) Robert Hook
25. The headquarters of WTO rs at: 40. lsaac Newton gave:
(A) New York (B) Rome Al Law of olanetarY Motion
iCj Geneva (D) London Bi Laws oi Motlonind Laws of Gravilation
26. lnternational Courl of Justice sits at: C) Law of Geometry
(A) Brussels (B) Pans D) None of these
(C) Haque (D) New York 41 Comoosition of Alchemy- is written by:
27. Heat received by the Earth lrom the Sun is A) lbn Al Haithem (B) Jabir bin Hayan
known as: Ci lbn Rushd (D) Nasrr Al Din
.{A) lnsulation (B) Solar radiation 42 The book Al Oanun fi al Tib' is written by
(C) Solar heat (D) Thermal radratron (A) Al Biruni (B) Abu Ali Sina
(C) Al Baltani (O) lbn Rushd
28 The cheapest source of elecincity radiatron rs
{A) Hvdel (B) Nuclear 43. Chile has the longest shore along:
tCl Sirtar (D, Thermal (A) Atlantrc Sea
29. Largest Politrcal Agency in Pakrstan trtbal area (Bi Black Sea
in terms of area iS: (C) Mediterranean Sea
(A) North Waziristan (O) Pacific Oceah
(B) Kurram 44. GroMh domestrc product in Pakrstan rs
(C) Moahamand orouno at the rate of
(D) South Wazrristan iat z.A G) 3 t "k
30. Lowan Pass connects (C) 5 6"/. tO) 7"to
(A) Kaghan Valley with Chilas 45 Aoflculture the key sector rn the Paklslan
{B) Kalam wrth Gilgit eionomv accounts for
(C) Goram Chashma w(h Noortstan al 21{ o' G D P.. (B) 28"/"o/" ot G'D P'
(D) Dir with Ch(ral (ci 25"r, of G D.P (D, 51"/" ol G.D P
31 From Karachi farthest point on the coastal 46. The Earth is more close to the Sun in
hrohwav rs {A) January lB) JuiY
tA-) Painr (B) Jrwanr (C) September (D) June
rC) Gwadar (D) Ormara
47 Time required for a compuler to locate and
32. Circumference of the Earth is arouod: transfer data is called: '
(A) 2OOOO km (B) 30000 km (A) Analogue time (B) Basic time
ic) aoooo rm (D) 5ooo0 km
Advance<l PPSC HCQS nodet Papers 29

enforceable in the courts (B) A financial product designed to pay out a

(D) Constitutional conventions are not binding stream of payments to the holder at a
on anyone later point in time
16. Which one of lhe following statern€nt is false? (C) Both (A) and (B)
(A) The legislative funciion is pdmarity (O) Annual payment of dues
responsible for making. unmaking and 27. Hobson's choice;
amending the law (A) Giving no choice at all
(B) The legislative function is inferior to the (B) To make the best choice
iudicial functi.on of govemment . (C) To make the worst choice
(C) The executive function gives effect to and (D) To settle for a compromise
enfor@s the law
(D) The primary judicial function is to interpret 28. The phenomenon of 'Arab Spring' was
and apply the law, resolve disputes.
sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed
provide remedies and determine Bouzizl, a fruit-seller in:
punishments when the law is breached
(A) Egypt (B) Tunisia
(C) Morocco (D) Syria
17. ln lorts, the principle 'Restitutio ad integrum'
29. The hunicane in the October 2012 which
(A)compensation for damages
caused wide-spread damage in the eastern
(B) sea-board states of the USA is:
Restoration to the original condition
(C)Restriction on integration
(A) Katrina (B) Sandy
(D)None of the above
(C) lsaac (D) lrene
18. "Southem Cross" tvhich is constellation found 30. A voucher may be:
in the southern region of the night sky consists
(A) Payment bill (B) Wages Sheet
mainly of:
(C) Bank Receipt . (D) All ofthese
(A) Seven Stars (B) Three Stars 31. Kyoto Protocol talks about:
(C) Five Stars (O) None ol these (A) Employment (B) Pollution
19. Sythet Oistrict at the time of partition was part (C) Agriculture (D) None of these
of the province of' 32. What was the name of Libyan king deposed
(A) Bengal (B) Assam by Colonel Gadhafi in 1969?
(C) Bihar (D) United Provinces (A) King Abdullah (B) King tdris
20- Euphonious is the opposite of:
(C) King Saud (D) King Sadaal
(A) Strident (B) Lethargic 33. Who Said, "Where wealth accumulates. men
(C) Literary (D) Merry decay"?
2'1. Yanglze river does not pass through which of
(A) Abraham Lincoln (B) Winston Churchil
the country:
(C) Goldsmith (D) Roosevelt
(A) Mongolia (B) Thaitand 34. Baikal Lake is situated in:
(C) Taiwan (D) All of these (A) Kazakhstan (B) Russia
22. The lncan Civilization fourished in: (C) USA (D) Angola
(A) South America (B) North America 35. What is meant by 'Laissez-Faire"?
(C) Australia (D) lndonesia (A) Mixed Economy
23. The larg€st city by population in the Great (8) Non-lnterference of goyt. in economrc
Lakes region is: affairs
(A) Toronto (B) Montreat (C) Controlled economy
(C) Chicago (O) None ot these
(D) Detroit
24. An ordinary mobile phone communicates by 36. The Arcb League was formed in:
(A) Cairo (B) Jeddah
(A) Sound waves (B) Microwaves (C) Tehran (D) Riyadh
(C) Radio waves (D) UV waves 37. The Agreement which provided for territorial
25. Stock indices at Tokyo are known by their allocations as spheres ot Western influence in
popular name of: the Middle East, in case of break-up of
(A) Dow Jones (B) Hang Seng
Ottoman Empire, is known as:
(A) Trealy of Alexandropol
(c) Nikkei (D) FTSE
(B) Bafour Declaration
26. Annuity is: (C) Accord of Ankara
(A) A sum of money rec€ived on a regular (D) Sykes-Picot
basis as one of a series of rixed
30 AdYerrc.dPPSC CQs odel PaDeB
38. The counlry having the highest GDP' in the the follov,/ing options"
world: (A) Motive (B) Belief
(A) Qatar (B) Luxembourg (C) Behaviour (D) Attitude
(C) Singapore (D) Kuwait 48. The hottest Planet is:
39. "Brazuca" is ihe name of: (A) Mercury (B) Venus
(A) the standard shoulder-fired anti-tank (C) Jupiter (D) Saturn
weapon ot US AtmY 49. Pointer arises when You use
(B) a man-portable recoilless antitank rocket the address of an object after its lifetime is
launcher weaPon of US ArmY -=,--
(C) the official match ball of FIFA World CUB (A) Null (B) Smart
2014 (C) Dangling (D) Both a and c
(O) a brass musical instrument lncorporating
50. Whach of the following events occurred first in
a telescopic tubing
40. For how many years did Nelson Mandela (A) American War of lndependence
remain in Prison? (B) Russian Revolution
(A) 27 years (B) 37 years (C) French Revolution
(C) 17 years (D) 10years. (D) Chinese Revolutron
41. When the Stock Market is going down, it rs
51 The famous painting 'SunIlower" was done
called: by
(A) Bearish (B) Bullish (A) l\ilichael Angelo (B) Van Gogh.
(C) Crashing (D) Slumberous (C) Pablo Picasso (D) Leonardo de Vinci
42 Decibel is a unit used for: 52. Economic cflsrs of 1930s onginated rn:
(A) Speed of light (A) France lB) Brazil
(B) lntensity of sound (C) u S.A. (D) Russra
(C) lntensity of heat
(D) None of these 53. The headquarters of APEC (Asia Pacilic
Economic Cooperation) is in:
43. The element required for solar energy (A) China (B) Japan
conveGion is: (C) Malaysia (D) Srngapore
(A) (B) Germanium
54. Which country is included in Horn ofAfrica"?
Uranium (O) Selenium
(A) Egypt (B) Sudan
44. A change in an lndividuals behaviour (C) Somalh (D) Kenya
prompted by information and experience 55. ASEAN was formed an:
refers to which one of the tollowing concept?
(A) 1965 (B) 1960
(A) Learning (B) Role selection
(c) 1967 (D) 1965
(C) Perception (D) Motivation
56. Which of the following country is Iocated in the
45. Which of the following approaches says.that 'Levant" region?
ethical issues should be iudged on the basis
of some universal code?
(A) lran (B) France
(A) Oeontological (B) Ethical skepticism (C) lraq (O) Syna
(C) Utililarianism (O) Narcissism 57. "Thomas Cup" is given an the game of:
46 (A) Lawn Tennis (B) Golf
Literally the word ethtcs stand tor
(A) Understanding human nalure (C) Table Tennis (D) Badminton
(B) Study of morality 58. What is the length of "Great Wall ol China"'"
(C) Properties of chemical substances (A) 2400 kms (B) 2600kms
(D) Both (B) & (C) (C) 3200 kms iD) 34C0 kms
47. The mental act. condihon or habit of placing
trust or confidence in another shows whlch of tA cornprehensive archaeological survey, using
advanced teahnoloBies, has concluded that the Mrng
'Aacording to lnternational Monetary Fund, World lvalls measure 9.850. km (5,500 mi). Thts is made up of
Bank & Central lntelligence Agency lhe country with 6,259 lrn {3,889 mi) scctions of actu.rl wall.359 km
the highest per capita GOP in 2013 was of Qatar' (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km 11.387 mi) of natural
wherea5, according to the United Nations, the defensive barrieis such as hills anc rivers. Another
lnternational Monetary Fund, the World Sank & the archaeological survey found that the entife wall with
CIA World Factbook the country with the highest GDP all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km
is USA. (13,171mi).
Adtancod PPSC UCQS t odel P.oors 27

(C) Green (D) Marx 93. 'Facebook" is one ol the most popular social
86 Who among the fo[owing argues that the fault networking service. When was it launched?
lines of civrJizalron are the breeding grounds of (A) 1998 (B) 2000
conflicts rn the centurv (c) 2003 (D) 2004
14) Francis Fukuyania 94. Famous Urdu poet Mustata Zaidi was by
(B) Samuet Huntinoton professton a:
1C) Henry Krssrngei (A) University Professor
(D) Nelson Mandeta (B) Businessman
87. The 'Zero Sum Game as employed by the (C) Lawyer
supporters of 'game theory" assumes that: (D) Civrl Servant
(A) The loss of one pa(y is the gain ol the 95. Artacle 257 of the Constitution retates
other party specifically to Jammu and Kashmir. According
(B) The loss of one party is the loss of the to the Article when the people of Jammu and
olher party as well Kashmir accede to Pakistan then:
(C) The garn of one party is the gain of the (A) They shall become citizens of
other party independent Kashmir
(D) The gain or loss of one party has nolhing (B) Kashmir shall become a province o,
to do with the gain or loss of the other Pakistan
Party (C) People of Kashmir shall determine the
88. Herbert Simon identrfled four basic relationship b€tyveen the state and
motivatrons of subordrnates to accept the will Pakistan
oI superior Which one of the following is not (D) Kashmir shall b€come afl aulonomous
one of them? region
(A) Rewards and Sanctrons 96 The first banb of Panipat was fought between
(B) Sociat disapproval (A) Alexander and Porus
(C) Legrtimacy (8) Babar and lbrahim Lodhi
(O) Subordrnates confidence rn supeaor's (C) Babar and Rana Sanga
ability (O) Humayun and Sher Shah Suri
69. Maslow's Needs Hierarchy'theory relates to 97 lndra tested its first Nuclear device on:
(A) Motivation (B) Leadershjp (A) 15 May 1972 (B) 18 May 1974
(C) Communrcation (D) Upward mobility (C) 11 May 1998 (O) 20 May 1999
90. Who said "Man is by nature a political 98. HDI (Human Oevelopment lndex) as an
animal"? indicator of the well-b€ing of a country. was
(A) Winston Churchill (B) Kad Man the brain child of:
(C) Aristotle (O) Francis Bacon (A) Amarlya Sen
91. During the British rule the only British King to (B) Javier Pere de Guellar
visit lndia and hold his Darbar was: (C) Adam Smith
(A) Edward Vll (B) George V (D) Mahbub-ul-Haq
(C) James ll (D) Edward Vl 99. Zimbabrve was earlier knoyvn as:
92. Ramsar Convenlion provides a ftamework ,or (A) Southern Rhodesia
national action and intemalional cooperation (B) Gold Coast
for conservation a wise use of wetlands. The (C) Burkina Faso
Convention was adopted in 1971 in Ramsar,
(D) B€lgian Congo
which is a city localed in: l00.What is the funciion of the heart Pacemaker?
(A) lran (B) Egypt (A) It decreases the hearl beat
(C) Morocco (D) Tunisia (B) It regulates the heart beat
(c) It increases the heart beat
(D) It accelerates blood supply to the heart

Answer Key
1. b 9. b '17. b 25 b 33 d 41 a 49 a 57 c
d 10 c 18. c 26 a 34 c 42 d 50 a 58 c
a 11 a 19. a 27 d 35 d 43 a 51 c 59 a
4. c '12 a lv. a 28 d 36 b 44 d b 50
d 13 b 21. 29 d d 45 c 5J 61 ?
6. b l4 c 22. c 30 38 a 46 c a 62 d
7. b 15 c 23. d 31 d 39 a 47 c 55 a 63 a
6. d 16 d 24. c 32 b 40 c 48 a 56 b 64 c
28 Adranced PPSC nCQs nodel Paoers
75 c 80 b 85 b 90. c 95 c 100. b
65 c 70 b
96 b
76 d 81 a 86 b 91. b
^66 b 71 d
97 b
67 c 72 c 77 c 82 a 87 a 92. a
83 c 88 b 93. d 98 d
68 c 73 b 78 a
79 b 84 b 89 a 94. d 99 a
69 b 74 c


Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the

Posts of Provincial Managements Services (PMS)' etc'
which passes through Greenwich is called:
Which article of the 1973 Constitution of (A) Meridian
lslamic Republic of Pakistan prohabits all (B) Equator
lorms of slavery, forced labour and child (C) Tropic of Cancer
labour: (D) Tropic of Capricom
(A) 37 (B) 11
g The tamous book "East of Eden" is the work
(c) 25 (D) 18
2 Under the Factories Act, 1934 no adult (A) John Steinback
emolovee. defined as a worker who has (B) R.W. Emerson
corirpt6teo his or her 18th year of age can be (C) Bertrand Russell
required or permitted to work inany
(D) Eamest Hemingway
establishment in excess ot ...... hours a day
and ......... houG a week. 10. Bastille Day is the commemoratron of the
(A) 7,42 (B) 8,48 sti:rmrno of'the Bastille fortress-prison whrch
(c) 9,48 (D) 8,56 was se6n as a symbol of lhe revolutronary
uprising in:
3 Servile is lhe opposite of:
(A) Puerile (B) fdile {A) Canada (B) Belgium
(C) haughty (D) foul ic) usa (D) France
11. Sui generis is a Latin lerm of:
4 ln the eleclion of the Presidenl of the United (A) Unique (B) Generous
States of funerica, the largest number of (c) Suigas (D) Common
members of lhe 'Elecloral College' are elected
from the state of 12. The Strait of Hormuz fall between:
(A) New York (B) Texas (A) UAE and Oman
(C) Califomia (D) Florida (B) lran and lraq
(C) lran, Oman and UAE
5 Out of th€ following, the largest ethnic group (D) UAE and Qatar
by population without having a state of its own
is: 13. 'Rand' is lhe cunency of:
(A) Kurdish (B) Welsh (A) South Africa (B) Tanzanra
(C) Uighu6 (D) Sikhs (C) Ecuador (O) Somalia
The first President of Palestinian Authority '14. The number of working children according to
Yasir Arafat died on: ILO estimates in developing countries is:
(A) 11th September 2006 (A) 80 mrllon (B) 300 mrllion
(B) 9th November 200'l (c) 250 million (o) 320 mtllion
(C) l2th December 2007 '15. Which one of the following statement is false?
(D) 1 'lth NoYember 2004 (A) 'Unenforceable' means that there is no
7 Which Vitamin is provided by Sunlight to the remedy for breach of a convention
body? (B) The laws of the constitution are
(A) Vitamin A (B) Mtamin B enforceable an the courls
(C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D (C) The conventions ot the constitution are
binding political rules tYhrch are not
8 The imaginary line of zero degree longitude
Advanced SC MCQs Model 123
42. Eyery computer consists of systems (D) G.M. Syed
_ together:
53 ln Apfll 2014 a terrorist group
(A) By working (B) WoIk kidnapped
nearly 280 School girls in Nrgeria. Name the
(C) They work (D) That work
43. ln the world of computer sctence what ts (A) Al-Shabab (B) Al- Qaeda
(A) Malware
(c) Boko Karam (D) Oa'esh (tStS)
(B) Application Program 54. Pirpur Report was presented by:
(C) Firmware (A) Allama lqbal
(O) Operating System (B) Gandhi
(C) The Ouald-r-Azam
44. Likud and Kadima' are the two main political (O) Raja Syed Ahmed Mehdi
parties or'.
(A) lran (B) Lebanon 55. "Koli Annan" a former Secreiary Generat of
U.N.O belonged to:
(C) Syria (D) None of these (A) Tanzania (B) Kenya
45. He asked me, "Oid you see the cncket match (C) Ghana (O) Chad
last night" Find the correct rndirect senlence.
(A) He asked me whether I saw lhe cricket 56 Pakistan bought Gwadar ftom Oman in:
match the earlier night
(A) 1958 (B) 1960
(B) He asked me whether I had seen the
(C) 1950 (D) None of these
cricket match the earliet night 57. A person whose attitude is "Eat. drink and be
(C) He asked me did I see the cncket match merry'" is called a/an:
the last night (A) Cynic (B) Stoic
(D) He asked me whether I had seen the (C) Epicurean (O) Capitalist
cricket match the last night 58 The Youm-e-Shuhadah is celebrated by the
46. Name the ancient site that was the forerunner Pakistan Police on:
of the lndus civilization? (A) 6 September (B) 4 August
(A) Makli (B) Knot Diji (C) l August (D) 6 AugrEt
(C) Kotla (D) PhaMala 59. Under which artacle of the 1973 Conslitution
47. Mount Kinabalu rs localed in: any law in@nsister( with or in derogation of
(A) Kenya (B) Botswana Fundamental Rights would be void?
(C) lndonesia (O) Malaysia (A) Article I (B) Anide 9
(C) Article 7 {D) Articb 10
48. What does Hajr-e- Aswad mean?
(A) Sacred stone (B) Black stone 60. A car salesman sells 42 red cars and '14
(C) Foundation stone (D) Heavy stone green cars. What is the ratio of red cars lo
green cars sold?
49. 'Spratly islands" in the South China Sea are
disputed between China andi
(A) 3:4 (B) 1:1
(A) Vietnam (B) Malaysia (c) 3.1 (O) 2:1
. (C) Philippines (O) All of these 61. ldentity lhe number ot Surah in the Holy
50. Qutbuddin Aibak died playing a game. Name Quran which are on the names of various
the game?
(A) Tent Pegging (B) Polo (A) 4 (B) 6
(C) Sword fighling (O) Archery (c) I (o) 12
51. Who was the frst US President to visit
62. Which component of the diet prevents
(A) Owight D. Eisenhower (A) Fiber (B) Minerals
(B) Lynden B. Johnson (C) Protein (D) Vilamins
(C) John F. Kennedy 63 Sg!!! rs lo fu! as !rye!! lS to _
(D) Richard Nixon (A) Man (B) Bird
(C) Chair (D) Legs
52 Lahore Resolution. adopted on 23 March.
1940 was presented by:
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan
(B) Ouaid-e-Azam ' Actual saying is "Eat, drink, and be merry. for
(C) A.K Fazl-ul-Haq tomonow we die" means 'We should enioy life as
much as possible, becaus€ it will be over soon.
This saying is based on verses from the tiblical
' Likud and Kadima are the parties in lsrael books of Ecclesiastes and lsaiah
121 AM PPSC ffi,Axrfd[,I Paof,,,8
64. AIDS viru3 destoys the _ system of (A) lSlS (B) Al Qaeda
thE human body. (C) Boko Haram (D) Alshabab
(A) Cirqrletion (B) tmmune
76. During the 2nd World War,
(C) Dig€stion (D) Brain _ was
the British Prime Minister
65. Whk$ shape has four equal sides and right (A) Lord Wavell
angles? (B) Simon
(A) Rhombus (8) Square (C) Mountbanen
(C). Rectangle (D) Para$elogram (D) Wnston S. Churchill
66. Wlich Vrcefoy had the longest tenure in 77 The fifth Kalima in lslam is called:
lndia? (A) Kalima Shahadat
(f) lord Curzon ie) Hardinge (B) Kalima Tamjeed
(C) Ripon (D) UntirBow (C) Kalima Astaghfar
67. According to the Big Eang theory the universe (O) Kalima Tauheed
ts: 78. Quaid-e-Azam resigned from Congress in the
(A) Exparding yeat.
(B) Conrecting (A) 1925 (B) 1922
(C) Slelionary
(D) Expanding and contracting altrmalive
(c) 1920 (D) 1918
79. ln lntemet terminology whal does "lP' stand
68. ln lhe fielde of ConputeB VGA stands for loQ
(A) Vi(bo Graphhs Anay (A) lntemet Provider
(B) Visllal Graphics Arr8y (B) lnternet Protocol
(C) ViniUG Graphica Aramenrent (C) lnternet Procedure
(D) Vir€o cIephi€ Adaptei (D) .lnternet Processor
69. \whoi! lh. cunent Priflt€ Minister of Turtey? E0. The Parliament of Bangladesh is cafied:
(A) Ra€p Tayyip Edogan (A) Janyo Sangsad (B) Khurat
(B) Ahm€t Oavutogtu (C) Crotes (D) Congress
(C) Abdulhh Gul
(O) Bin li Yildirim 81. Abu Jahlwas killed in the Batfle of:
(A) Badar (B) Uhad
70. The firlt princely State, ,rom lhe following. to (C) Khandaq (Otch) (D) Moata
accede io Pakistan af,er panfion was:
(A) SrEt (B) Hunza 82. Day and night changes due to:
(C) Bahawahrr (D) Katat (A) Earlh's revolution
(B) Earth's rotation accompanied with its
71. Lionol lr€ssi B a
YEry famoG rootbafi dayer. revolution
Whkh counfy do€s he b€lona to? (C) Earth's rotation on its axis
(A) Spein (B) Brazit (D) None of these
(C) ltaly (D) Argentina
83. At the end ot a conference the 10 peopte
72. ln 1997, a senior Polica Offcer, Muhammad present all shake hands with each other once.
Ashraf Marath, ernbraoed Shahadat in a How many hand shakes will there be
teflorisl atack on him. \ryll€re di, it take altogethe,
(A) Mu[an
(A) 20 (B) 35
(B) Guiranwata (c) 45 (O) 55
Oera Ghazi Khan (D) Saigodha
84. CONFESS is the opposite of:
73. Whst is lnhq? (A) Retuse (B) Contesr
(A) To 9iv6 atms (C) Contend (D) Deny
(B) To ke€p iast
(C) To lpGnd wealh in the wav of AIah 85. Fill in the blank. "Please send this letter
(D) To ofier prayers regulady - my address".
74. Which programme is generally us€d fo(
(A) in (B) on
preparirE slide presentation?
(C) toward (D) to
(A) MS Word (B) Excet 86. Find the correctly punctuated sentence.
(C) PoryorPoinr (D) AutoCAD (A) The liled was safe enough: wasn't it?
(B) The filed was safe enough: wasn't it?
75. ln Jun€, 2016, t6 peodb rere kiled and 55 (C) The filed was safe enough'wasn,t it?
iniurcd in a tenorisl attack on a Hotel in (D) The filed was safe enough, wasn,t it?
Mogadishu, Somatia. Which mititant group
daimed rosponsititity br the attiack? 87. Which of the following districts of Batuchistan
contains huge deposits of copper?
Advmc.d PHSC nCOs nod proers 125
({) Loralai (B) Srbbi
(C) Khuzdar iD) Chaghi t(Li 4j s E;)v o i-.; ; { f ;,., .g5
88. Michaet Phetps of US won eight gold medats lu (B) .:-t' (A)
otri (D)
in Bering Otympic 2008 in the bveit
(A) Arhterics (Q) Shooting of: -p (Cl
(u, uymnastrcs (D) Swimming
E9. No frerson shall be deprived o, lite or tib€rtv
; .g6
<_6 L rC u/,, tt ;+d.,
save tn accordanc€ with law, rs provided in !i'dl', (B) *&Ol
Artrcte _ of the Constitution. jt,,1y (O) ,!-(y'rya (C)
(A) 6 (B) I
(C) 10 ioi None of rhese -z.i e.,'L'"Dislant drums sound sweeter.gT
90. 'Flysee Palace" is the offcial residence ot
(A) King of Denmart -4-6''r
(B) German Chanceltor <_v'a,e<-g tt (A)
(C) President of France
(D) Pope of Vatican *i";t!'l'-,i'',!/(gl
91. The anlonym ot FRUGAL is: afipc)r;L,u (C)
Q) Funnv (B) Simpte LdtrLa,(O)
(C) Spend thrifi (Dj Economicat
92. Pointing. to Anwar's photograph Abdut said, ry j'6, ;,./" -s1 ( r ;t 1 949,> t gg 7 .98
-He is the son of
the only daughtef ot the J,(B) ,nt (A)
Fjhg 9r ,V brothef. Whai retati6nship does ,f Pl trizf(Cl
Abdul have wilh Anwa,
(A) Cousin (B) Brother
(C) Father (Oi Maternat Uncte t * LV Lt$
--L' t /i Tttjb .99
93. The acid used in batteries is: J,{;;r (B) j,€rLt7 (A)
(A) Acetic acid
(B) Sutphuric acid
j,t;t,r (D) JrC (C)
(C) Hydrochtoric acid
(D) Nirric acid . !AE-\rLz\)Vi;-vl" .1OO
t+(/c,?./la.g4 ti t7{<-ittEf Jr
gtvgS.p( it*-z /--r'
."r1a1 ,,, (A)
V-+ / (D) (c)
it,tvt4r (B) i44 6y

.zi,t (D) ;r),tr (C)

1. Answer Ke v
b 11. a 27. b 40. b 53 c 66
2.b 15. d 28. 41:
d 79 b 92. d
3.a 't6. d 29. c 42.
d 55
a 60 a 93. b
4.a 17. b 30. c 43. d 56 a 69
e 81 a 94. c
5.a ,8. a 31. b 44. d c
d 82 95. c
6:a 19_ d 32. c 45. d
70 c c 96. a
c m.b 33. d 46. b
84 a 97. d
21. c u. c 47. d 60 c 73
85 d 98. d
9.d 22. c 35. a 48. b 61 b
c 86 d 99.
10. c 23. d 36. b 49. d 62 a
c 87 d 100. d
1't. a 24. c 37. d 50. b 63 a 76.
d 88 d
12. a ?5. d 38. a 51. a 64 b 77.
d 89 b
13. b 26. b 39. c 52. 65 b 78.

126 Advanced PP MCOs Model Paoers



(A) Oelhi (B) Dhaka
Quaid-€+zam Solar Power Park is beinil (C) Lahore (O) Allahabad
construcled in:
(A) Koracni (B) Rahimyar Khan 12. The Punjab Police Department consists of
(C) Bahawalpur (D) Multan how many Regional Offrces?
2. Pakistan is the most populous
(A) I (B) 10
country in the world:
(c) 11 (D) 12
(A) Third (B) Fourth 13. Juvenile Prisoners are under the age oI:
(C) Fifth {D) Sixth (A) 14 (B) 15
3. Which country is located to the North of
(c) 16 (O) 18
Pakistan? 14. The temporary or permanent releas€ of
(A) lran (B) China pnsoners before the expiry of a sentenc€ or
(c) Afghanistan (D) lndia account of qood behavior is called:
4. Muhammad Khan Achakzai is the govemor
(A) Bail (B) Remrssion
on (C) Parole (O) Probalion
(A) KPK (B) Balochistan 15. Khuzdar and Kalat disbicts are in:
(C) Sindh (D) Gilgit Baltistan (A) KPK (B) Sindh
5. Pakistan has joined which international (C) Balochistan (D) Kashmrr
organization recently? 16. Pakistan Steel Mill Karachi was founded with
(A) rMF the coopeEtion of;
(B) SMRC (A)Russia (B) Germany
(c) oPEc (C)China (O) Japan
(D) Shanghai Cooperation Organization 17. The Elite Force Punjab was formed in:
6. Gawadar Port is being built with the (A) 1998 (B) 1999
collaboration of: (c) 200r (D) 2002
(A) lran (B) RussE 18. Who succeeded Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
(C) Turkey (D) China Ali Jinnah as the Governor General of
7. ln Pakistan most of the electricity is produced Pakistan?
by: (A) Khawaja Nazmuddin
(A) Thermal Po\rcr (B) Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Hydropower (C) Sikandar Mirza
(C) Nuclear Power (D) Muhammad AIi Bogra
(D) Solar Power 19. Dr. Abdus Salam won the first Nobel Prize for
8. Area wise, the largest province of Pakistan is: Pakistan in the subject of.
(A) Punjab (B) Sindh (A) Chemrstry (B) Physics
(c) Barochistan (D) KPK (C) Mathematics (D) Biology
9. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started 20. The Lowar Pass connects Peshawar w[h:
his law practice in: (A) Chitral (B) Gilgit
(A) Karachi (B) Bombay (C) Swat (D) Hunza
(c) Derhi (D) Koklata 21 Neelum Valley rs in:
10. Ouaid-eAzam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was (A) Swat (8) Galgrt
swom in as lhe governor general of Pakistan (C) Azad(ashmir (D) Hunza
on: 22. Mt. Raza Rabbani rs.
(A) 14th August 1947 (A) Leader of Oppositron rn National
(B) 1sth August 1947
(C) 'l6th August 1947
(B) Cairman Senate
(D) 17th August 1947 (C) Deputy Speaker National Assembly
11. The All lndia Muslim League was founded in (D) Speaker Sindh Assembly
'1906 in;
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paperc 127
23 Olymprcs 2018 will be held in: (D) Cotton lndustry
(A) France (B) Amedca 39. Frnancially motivated nonviolent crimes
(C) China (D) South Korea
committed by business and govemment
24. Big Apple is the nickname of: professionals are cllaed:
(A) London (B) Paris (A) Personal Crime
(C) New York (O) Tokyo (B) Statuory Cnmes
25. Capital of Yemen is: (C) White Collar Crimes
(A) Sana'a (B) Aden (D) Property Cimes
(C) Aden (D) Amman 40. The main role of Police in society is to:
26. Bashar Ali Asad is the President of: (A) Preserve order
(A) lraq (B) Syria (B) Enforce Criminal Laws
(C) Yemen (D) Lebanon (C) Protect lndividuals.and Property
(D) All of these
27. The internation Criminal Pofice Organization is
known as: 4'1 According to the Muslim personal law.
(A) CrA (B) tsl marriage for males and lemales respeclively
(C) Ml6 (D) lnterpol is:
(A) 16 and '18 (B) 18 and 14
28. The famous football player Lionel Messi (C) 16 and 14 (O) 20 and 1E
belongs to:
(A) Spain (B) ltaly 42. A device that converts Chemical energy into
(C) Argentina (D) Pranon electrical energy is called:
(A)Battery (B) Generator
29. The international Court of Justice has its (C)UPS (0) Television
headquarteE in.
(A) Geneva (B) New York 43. Whch of the followrng has the highest
(C) The Hague (D) London electrical conductivity? .

(A) Silver (B) lron

30. lnternational Human Rights Oay is celebrated tC) Steel (O) Wood
(A) 1oth November (B) 'loth December 44. Hematology is the study of
(C) 10th January (D) 10th February (A) Sound (B) Space
. Ml-5 is the intelligence agency of:
(C) Blood (D) lnsects
(4) State
United (B) United Kingdom
45. Which of the following is not a primary colour:
(C) lsrael (O) France (A) Red (B) Green
(C) Blue (O) Orange
32. Takalm Square is in.
(A) Carro (B) lstanbul 46. Sunlight is a source of
(C) Damacus (D) Beirut (A)
' (C) Vitamin
Vitamrn C
(B) Vitamin B
(D) Vitamin D
33. Anything which is prohbited by law is calted:
(A) lrregular (B) lmmoral 47. Which component ot diet prevents
(C) lllegal (D) Un lslarnic consipatton?
. (A) Fiber (B) Minerals
34. Al Jazeera TV channel betongs to (C) Proteins (D) Vitamrns
(A) (B) Kuwart
48. Which of the following protects the body
(C) (O) Bahrarn
against disease and infection?
35. NATO is a/an alliance (A) Hemoglobin
(A) Regronal (B) Economic (B) Platelets
(C) Military (D) Polrtrcal (C) White Blood Cells
36. The UN was founded in (D) Red Blood Cells
(A) 1944 (Br'1945 49. Which gas is used in advertising lights?
(c) 1946 (D)
1947 (A) Argon (B) Neon
37. The system of Jalla was introduced by (C) Hellum (D) Carbon dioxide
(A) Hazral Usman Ghani (R.A) 50 Who is the founder of the social media
(B) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A) network Facebook"?
(C) Hazrat Umar Farooq (R A) (A) Mark Zuckerberg
(D) Hazar Ali Murtaza (R.A) (8) Bill Gates
38. Silicon Valley is famous ror: (C) Steve Jobs
(A) Computer Business (D) Steve Wozniak
(B) Steel lnduslry 51. The minimum number of rows and columns in
(C) Gold mrnes MS word document is:
128 Advonc.d PPSC frCOs nodot papers
(A) landl (B) 2a(d1 (A) Ambitious (B) Clever
(C) l ard2 (D) 2andz (C) Famous (D) Hareworting
52. Whet E th. .flr.Ld lbnt Czc awitaUe in the 66. Sub iudice means:
font sizs tool on bnratim loolbar? (A) Justice
(A) 6 (8)- 8 (B) Law abiding
(c) 10 (o) 12 (C) Under iudicial condition
53. What is tle brlt3t|bnt lazc a/aileu. in the (D) lniustice
font size tool on b.maltinq todbar? 67. Pros and cons means:
(A) 68 (B)- 72 (A) Details (B) For and against
(c) 75 (D) 78 (C) Anatysis (O) Creat rosi
54. Sel€clim ts( rrdl. laLclim ? 68. 'Quickly'is:
(A) A $ro.d (A) Velb (B) Adverb
(B) An entira lcnbn6 (C) Noun (D) Adjeclive
(C) whob docl,,Isil
(O) NonG ot hG.c 69.'Beautiful
(A) Noun (B) Adve6
55. Wridr key lhould b. Pri)3!ed b st d a n6w
paragrafi in t S Word?
(C) . Verb (O) Adjective
70. The opposite of deteriorate is:
' tf) fUm o4ror fcy (B) Enier l(Gy (A) Decline (B)
(C) Shifty + Ener (D) Ctl + Entlr lmprove
56. Whidr of tle blloxino b . gtaphic soldion br
(C) Disgrace (D) Cometosm
(4) glhAtt (B) word6 71. (A) Govenmment (B) Gorment
(C) Dropc.p (D) None of thes (C) Govermant (D) Govemment
57. The most lifdy u!.d intemet sea(t erpine 72. (A) Biscut (B) Bescuit
in ltle woru is: (C) Biscuit (D) Bescut
(4) Iqrnub.
(C) Yahoo
(q) coogte
73. (A) Parmanent (B) Permanent
(C) Purmanent (D) Parmnant
58. Any crimo lhst inyolve3 s compuGr er|d 74. (A) Religion (B) Relegon
intem€t E: (C) Religon (O) Relegion
(A) Ar{i sod.l crho
(B) Cyb€r Crim€ 75. (A) Temparary (B) Temperary
(C) ftobssirn l CrimG (C) Temporary (O) Temprary
(D) Organiad Cdnr 76. 18 is 75olo of
WORD (c) 34 (D) 32
59. ll is Ten O'dod( my rxaLh. 77. ln a class ol 550 students. 42% wish to go to
(C) ln
8y oir college. How many wish to attend college?
(A) 200 (B) 210
(D) Wi0r
60. He agrs.d _
my propolal
(c) 23r (Dt 252
(A) To (B) Wtr 78. Wh6n you divide 0.7 by '10 you gef
(C) For (O) Ort (A) 7 (B) 0.07
61. The horsemsn pulled the of the
(c) 70 (D) 0.007
horse: 79. A loy is sold for Rs. 220, what was the cost if
(A) Rans (B) Rain€ the rate ot profit was 10% of lhe cost?
(c) Reins (D) Reigns (A) Rs. 196 (B) Rs. 198
(C) Rs.200 (D) Rs.210
62. The old man is blind _
(A) of -GI-Wittrone eye E0. lf len men can do a place ot work in trenty
(C) From (D) ln days, how long will it take I men to do the job
if they work at the same rate?
63. A group of shGep is celled: (4) 21 days (B) 22 days
(A) Flock (B) Swarm (C) 25 days
(C) Troop (D) Company (D) 26days
64. Opposite of contracl is: 81. A bag contains 9 KG of sugar which is
(A) Subtract (B) Anraci separaled into pacakages containing 450
(C) lncrease (D) Expand grams each How many such packages can
be made?
65. Eminent m€ans: (A) 16 (B) 18
Atranccd PPSC MCO9 rtodel Papers i29
(c) 20 (ol 24 1;v/\tig(?/_,,i,? .gt
I Lj),_
az. $,s =z
,f E(-;tt@l ircfe,V (Al
A'* otfi lir,!;l'o 1s1 . i,u.;A lc)
ro tt ror tf;rtJ- ii' sz

E't'l=, u?rrtg f:,u/6y
ror $ (B
5 au.,/ 1o1 .lCqq Gl
r"r { (D)
10 t
+ 6o {P +.e,.tj; a, ;. .st

I6=9t -^
t6Jt'J:i,?it Fl y(tii,ii ol
u -' vf gy:,qt 1o1 tx;V(! G\
(o): otfi r a-;;t-
1i-'1 *1 'r't)ru,? .Sa
rof (D) 3
nit;tt @l ,e,,/,i,) @l
3'3=, <jj\ @t f ;e pl
;: L rc-/ { i.2.,: L; *-- .95
rar fr (B)
J ':
(c) I (D) 3
iy ter ,v 6t
I cr i{Jv,t ii:19,1.,? .*
.9l,, (D) r" (C,,
6fL/, tBl 6di Ot
6.i04 tD) 6tr.{ 1s1
r ew{Z' rC 6f --;tr f L;9,' .x
lvaf:w @l Ju-r-,rr, 1a1
r ZQv -.s/tV L op ucJv 7
&l?J .at
,54i/ito ,.Fljr- tct
L,vgz:o7 6y
'ryneP rd{ZY,.st
.f (tgt!*)6-, n!r, (A,
A,!p€,f Gl '
"tfC'*rl.e.e/ (D)
.,1.6!i t G,,
x:JtA,"l,P, Gl
-tlt{ctE }'f {,i,./,ll oii .u .ffuordt 1o1
jE"i @t .eh,i @l
Jr:ui qo1 ,+,i Gl
:6,r{ riL'r,yri,,lb.f' ,? .sa

)tiu* p1 jvt;ltv' Al
t j * S ;u *,yi,.fi s:,J,,k,! d. rti / ae j',str, 1o,1 jf .tvp tcl
i,ttl zrr(A)
.r1,. (D)
!-(;'tJ;t,,, gg
4 lc)
t ; ul r! -,u;.jt t G 4 cti i .x
-,{ 25 (B)
2e (D)
21 (A)
27 (Cl
f ,q,Jj,j,rv'.rjo
130 Advanced PPSC MCQi Model Papers

,ri .., rq -.ii,.-, (A)

J'"/e ) lDl -'rr,-:. tci /:,tt (B) /{1 tAl

' .i ,. .t. t._
t-' :g..' 100 ,tP'at (Dl i){t $)
-: v :- t. J,'ti );;

Answer Key
1. c 14 27. d 40.d53b 66. c 79 c 92 c
d c 28. c 41. b 54. c 67. b 80 c 93. b
3. c 16 a 29 c 42. a 55. b 68. b 81 c 94 c
4. b 17 a 30. b 43. a 56. a 69. d 82 d 95. c
5. d 18 a b 44.c57b 70. b 83 c 96. d
6. d 19 b 32 b 45.d58b ?1. d u a 97. d
7. a 20 a 33 c 46. d 59. a c 85 a 98. b
8. c 2'l c 34. a 47. a 60. e b 8it c 99. a
9. b 22 b 35. c 48 c 6'1. c 74. a 87 a 100 b
10 b 23 d 36. b 49. b 62. d 75. c 88 c
'll b 24 c J', c 50. a 63. a 76. a 89 b
12 b 25 a 38 a 51 a64.d 77. c 90 ,l
13 d 26 b 39. 52. b 65. c 78 b 91 d

Which word E wrongly spelt in the following 8. I thanked him, for _ me the way to the
sel of words: Post Oflice.
1. (A) Companion (B) Confusion (A) leading (B) advising
(C) Priveous (D) Gratitude (C) showing (D) none of these
2. (A) Straight (B) Parfecl I The deleated army fled _ the
(C) Necessary (O) Destruction battlefield
(A) about (B) from
lder ity the corroct sp€llings. (c) off (D) by
3. (A) Challenge (B) Chalange 10. They learned to cook _ their mothers
(C) Challange (D) Chalang (A) by . (B) with
4. (A) lmidiatly (B) lmmediately (C) through (D) trom
(C) lmmidiatly (O) lmidiately 1. He was _ 1 such a hurry thal he forgot
Fill in the blanks in each sentencq with the his keys
most suitable word. (A) al (B) rn
(C) with (D) by
5. He is very particular _ his clothes.
12. The fire was finally brought __
(A) to (B) with control
(C) about (O) for (A) to (B) on
6. Oo not shout _ me, I am not deal
{C) under (D) at
(A) to (B) on 13. Opposite of hostile is
(C) with (D) upon (A) aggressive (B) lriendly
(C) cunning (D) lovely
7. He is _ M.A. History.
(A) a (B) an 14. Opposite of continue is:
(C) the (D) in (A) hide (B) capture
(C) confirm (O) release
Advanced C MCQS Model t31
15. Ambiguous means: (C) Zra ulHaq (D) Pervaz Musharat
(A) unclear /B) lndifferent
28. Chief Election Commissioner of pakistan
(C) dangerous (D) Brief appointed for:
16. Which of the fottowing leaders took part in (A) 3 years (B) 4 years
Presidential Election?
(A) ShaistalkramUllah
(C) 5 years (D) 2 years
(B) Begum Ghazi Esa 29. Who was the frsl woman ruler of lndia?
(C) Begum LEqat Ali Khan (A) Chand Bibi (B) Mumtaz Mahal
(D) Mohtama Fatima Jinnah (C) Noor Jehan (D) Razia Suhana
17. ln 1906, the Muslim League was founded at: 30. Pakistan is located in:
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (A) East Asia (B) Sourh Asia
(C) Dacca (D) Altahabad (C) South East Asia (D) North EastAsia
18. Who was the ruler of Kashmir in 1947?
3'1. Reko Diq is a mrning project in Balochistan
(A) Ghulab Singh for:
(B) Hari Singh
(A) Copper reserves (B) Coal
(C) Sh. Abdullah
(C) Oil (O) Lime stone
(D) BukhshiGhulamMuhammad 32. Ouaid-e-Azam presented his Fourteen Points
19. Who was the lirst Chief Justice ot Pakistan? in response to:
(A) A.R Comelius (A) 3rd June Plan
(B) MauhanaTamizud Din Khan (B) Lucknow Pack
(C) Mian AMul Rashid (C) Quit lndia Movement
(D) M.R. Kiyani (O) Nehru Report
20. Mohtarma Fatima 33 The country located on the north of Pakistan
Jannah was a _ by

(A) Ooctor (B) Lawyer

(A) China (B) lran
(c) Economist (D) Dentist
(C) Afghan6tan (D) lndra
21. Who rs called -Sher-e-8angat" ainongst the 34. Ourand Line is a boundary between:
following leaOers? Pakistan & lndia
(A) Sh. MuieeburRehman B Pakistan & Afghanistan
(B) A.K. FazalulHaq c Pakistan & China
(C) Ch. Kaliquzzaman D Pakistan & lran
(O) Nawabwaqar-ul-Mulk 35. The number of admrnistrative districts in
22. The famous OrssaKhwani Bazaris in' Punjab is:
(A) Quetta (B) Multan (A) 32 (B) 34
(C) Hyderabad (D) Peshawar (c) 36 (D) 38
23. Gomal University is in _ 36. Juvenile prisoners are under the age of:
(A) Oera lsmael Khan (A) 14 (B) 16
(B) Peshawatr (c) 18 (O) 20
(C) Quetta 37. The conditional release of a prisoner prior lo
(D) D G Khan the expiry of his tenh is called:
24. ln 1930 the tirst Round Table Conference was (A) Probation (B) Bail
held in:
(C) Parole (D) RemrssDn
(A) Lahore (B) Simla 38. MOSAO is the intelligenc€ agency of:
(C) London (D) Oehti (A) lsrael (B) lndra
(C) Afghanistan (D) Germany
25. Who suspended the '1973 Constitution for the
first time? 39 Who is the Founder of Wikileaks?
(A) Z.A. Bhutto (A) Bill Gates (B) Juhan Assange
(B) Yahya Khan (C) Steve Jobs (D) Mark Zuckerburg
(C) Gen. Pervez Musharaf 40 Capital of Turkey is:
(D) Zia-ul-Haq (A) lstanbul (B) Ankara
26 Who was the Prame Minister of lndia at the (C) Konra (D) lzmir
lime of Srmla Agreement? 41. Buenos Aires rs the capital of:
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru (A) Germany (B) France
(B) lndira Gandhi (C) Argentina (O) ltaly
(C) Lal Bahadar Shastri
(D) Atal Behari Bajpal 42. Francors Hollande is the newly elected
president ofr
27. The nationalization policy was introduced by: (A) France (8) ltaly
(A) Ayub Xhan (B) Z. A. Bhutto (C ) Germany (D) Russra
132 A&aflced PPSC nCOs M p.perr
43. Recep Tayyip Erdogan rs the prime Minister 59. Whrch ol the foltowing substances is used in
of. Match Strcts?
(A) lndonesia (B) Esypt (A) zinc (B) Sutpher
(C) Turkey ioi yEinen (C) Phosphorous (D) Acid
.14. The Otympic Games are held afler:
60. Which component of the diet prevents
(A) 4 years (B) 5 vears constipation?
(C) 3 years (Di Z iears (A) Minerats (B) Fiber
45. Amnesty lntemational is an organizalion for: (C) Protein (D) Vitamins
(A) Fighting Gtobat Terorism 61. \which food contains the highest concentration
(B) Helping the third wortd countries of protein & iron?
(C) Welfare of Refuoees (A) Fruits (B) Veaetabtes
(O) Human Rights - (C) Bread (O) Me-at
46. Which country of the world has no Railwavs? 62. The main cause of Tsunami is:
(A) Bangtadesh (B) Sri Lanka (A) Tide waves
(C) Afghanistan (D) Nepat (B) Humicanes
47. Scolland Yard is the police Force ot: (C) Earthquakes
(A) U.K, (B) USA (D) Sea Storm & Heavy rarns
(C) Scottand ioi rrance 63. Th€ gas used in advertising tights is
48. Who is the cunent coach of pakistan Cricket (A) Hetrum (B) Carboodioxide
leam? (C) Neon (D) Argon
({) Dav Whatmore (B) tntikhab Atam 64. Whrch. of the followrng protects the body
(C) Waseem Bari (Di Bob Wotme, agarnst disease & tnfection?
49. Tjger Woods is the famous player of: (N) Red Blood Cetts (B) Wh e Btood CeIs
(A) Tei.rnis (B) Fooilba (C) Blood Ptatetets (O) Haemogtobin
(C) cotf (Oy xocrey 65. Which ot the folowing is a renewable source
50. Mr. Muhammad Younas of Banoladesh oor of energy?
Nobel Prize for his contribution in tie fietd oi (A) Coat (B) Gas
({) Economics (B) phvsics (c) Etecrricity io) water
(C) Chemistry (D) Litrirature 66. The Theory ot Relativity was devetoped by:
51. Guantanamo Bay is in: (A) Newton (B) Edison
(4) Cuba (B) Ahhanistan (C) Einstein (D) Marconi
(c) USA iot Irat 67. One Billion is equat to:
52. Which of the toltowing sports is associated (A) 100 Lacs (B) 100 Crores
with Oavis Cup? (C) 100 Miflions (D) '100 Thousends
(A) Footbatt (B) Chess
(C) Tennis (D) Boxing oe. $fi r
53. White Ftag is known as a symbol for:
(A) Friendship (B) War (A)
+ (B)
(C) Peace iDi Uinorities (c) r
(D) 3
54. Julia Gittard is the pdme Minister of:
(A) Canada (B) Australia 6e 1816,2|?
(C) Denma (Di Germany
55. Aung San SuuKyi, a political Leader and a @41 (B) 11*
Nobel Peace Laureate belonos to:
(A) Myanmar (B) N6oat (c)
(C) Sfl Lanka (Di Crina
36 (D) 7
56. People of $,hich country are known as Kiwis? 70.
(A) Australa aB) Enatand
i6 wntten as a ftaclion is:
(C) New Zeatand iOi Soit' mca tA) 3.72 (B) 37.20
57. Biology is the Study ot:
(c) 0.372 ioi azz oo
(A) ptants (B) Animats 71. When you divide 0.7 by 1O you wi get:
(C) Mrcro-organrsms (D) A tiving things (A) 7
(c) 70
ier o.oz
58 The Process of Photosynthesis in plants takes (o) o.oo7
place in: 72. 0.03 x 10 = ?
(A) Stem (B) Leaf (A JU (B 3
lC) Ftower (O) noor (c 0.3 (D 0 003
Adv.,rtd PPSC fCO3 Xod., 133
73. lf l0 men can complete a work in 20 days,
how long will it take I men to & the job if ttrey ,ft (; z(B) i)V ()/
work at lhe same rate?
(4) days (B) 18 days
jt :t je (o) ,f t rt (cl
(C) 20 days (D) 25 days
74. ln a class of 550 students 4206 wish to go to
coll€ge. How many strrdents wish to attend st /-rtti (B' J4,jtr (A)
the college?
(A) 210 (Bt 220 st a7 (Dl ooJ f il)r lCl
(cl 225 (D) 231
75. A doll is sold for Rs. 220.00. What was the t1 { o,,,! r,i'\,v ( E i +,i" .85
cosl of doll if rate of profil was 10% ot the
cost? '.1' -r (B) ,,,r (A)
(A) Rs.
198.00 (B) Rs.200.0O
Rs.210.00 (O) Rs.240.00 Ji (D) c,((c)
76. Which number can replace both the questions s; s{ .-i-, L ".i j?' ,? .86
,,, =f
sv't' $ p1
'{ x:r ic'
mafts? i=Ed (A)
(A) s
(c) 2s
(B) 10
iF ./ : (O) J Ji'(C)
(D) 100
\:A ei
:1 ?,' 1 td L + E ;{ & l;i2,'.77 -r., L,..f,ur _,,:,? .gZ

(B) ,,{ (A) .) (Bli5 is 1-; :t (A)

',,{ grJ ;fr (D) (C)
Lot(O) L,,+(C)
.rr su:t

:e r-,' 1 tt,/ L ? v/ ,.c J-; t,,, .78 rc-jl !r;; -/" -r,;J9,,g".88
.er (B) rr;-r (A) =ti
at e,i (Bl ,ot at (A)

Lbti>t (Dl .,er (C) (Dl ;*t t jz (C)

f ;vt

ti :-,t t/ v .lg < o,a{ !,4(,ft(={:ti

o'. al Jb 4 oit! =i 1*1
"){ ,n d'!,lv € :a,t5 o{,,t JJt 2,t,.89
,{,.f *ar t ,; @) 9<_

T, d ,tV( * ",4; (Cl 6lt ,l -," (B) 6-- ..? (A)

1,,,_,1(Jtp) if z-",t (D) ltt r ,2,. (C)
_._,tr(+ .go . t6 ,1{ -t , L )tti.. .$)
JY,1a; J4 (A) if tv (Bl '*- )Y (Al

Jvz@) il (c) 5{e Jrv (O) zt 6:t (Cl

-{ i,r l' =r G J-to,'.8'l tra rt glJ f ,;, ,;{ i,t,ltzS. .91
u. / ay ;, z: (Bl c6 Ji ,5,)y g) 6n8(€) J27 (A)
tt ,tg t t (D) 16 Jt,,JtAlt (C) 6n 11 p) ,in 10 (C)
tZ ctl;., L-JE,q* 1r' ,? .g2 / 1(
( q,; ,6,! * ,tt) L il.e .itr ,27 .92
Ju r:7 (B) tr{,a Lt)v
Jb,rf- Ju, (A)
je st -? (Al
tr a7 (D) ,JUr -u, (C) ',), --
*t i eP (B)
| ? .s6l (,/ ",j*i u8- .e3 .Jr

ct;v ,>f (Cl

134 Advenced PPSC frCQt Aodet Paoers
'rtr' ;t; .. 2 (D\
9r -r.;-2).2-iir ;r,;t ;-; -.-r t"," -: .97
,! -
:.: l;-
':.Y.,r., 'ir':.:' .93
. . ':
-l:, (B) -a,.; (A) ;g ;: .:e (B) -:. .r:, (A)
i-i j{ (o) ,,) (C) ,r;,_
,r, (D) c;,. I (C)
.w-:. L. .|'s
y,!.:,,. -- - !
< -.'. ^''i! - ):) -ji .94 -' --;.,-,.i-' ;i s,i .96
4 (B) 2 (A) 5 (B) 4 (A)
12(D) 6 (c) 7 (D) 6 (c)
; ;! Lj."- ;'t.,: j .-- i .SS 'i" '; ;' -' ::;i'j I '99
.iz.:,r (B)
- 2' (B) =r e; :. ; >' (A) +, (A)
J\- .i ,.' -:
"/ aP(D)
: -.P(C) .j,.: .: (D) _j ?: .ri (C)

e : ; -2.';i i. ::.": :. r> -.: )a' -,' -. J -'r J1i j,.; ; :-.>, .100
-j-; -. 96 -1: -
:, -.:,"'
"/ :.P (Bl i',: .i1t -7 (A) J ,,., (B) ;..".,,.- (A)
j.t ;';,. .:. >> (D) o,' a ,,t,: :. t, (C) ...- (D) : ..' (c,
A nswer Key
1. c 14 b 27. b 40. b 53. c 66. c 79 d 92. b
2.b 15 a 28. a 41. c 54. 67. b 80 c 93. b
3.a 16 i, 29. d 42. a a 68. b 81 c 94. b
4.b 17 c 30. b 43. c 56. 69. d 82 a 95. c
5.c 18 b a 44. a 57 d 70. a d 96. a
6.a 19 c 32. d 45. d 58. b 71. b 84 a 97 c
7. b 20 d 33. a 46. 59. c 72. c 85 a 98. b
8.c 21 b 34. b 47 a 60. b 73. d 86 c 99: a
9.b 22 d 35. 48. a ot d 74. b 87 d 100. d
'11 db 23 a 36. c 49. 62. 75. b 88 c
24 c c 50. a bJ c 76. b 89 d
12. c 25 d 38. a 51. a 64. b 77. a 90 a
13. b 26 b 39. b 52. c 65. d 78. b 9'1 c


1. Abase means: 15. A young police officer was charged
(A) with a baes (B) bas c the tasks of transporting the
(C) d€rade (D) abet prisoners.
2. Cataclysm means (A) tor (B) by
(A) upheaval (B) catalyst (C) in (D) w[h
(C) moderalor (O) catcall 16 Euphonrous is the opposate ot
3. Valour is the oppoiste of (A) strident (B) Iethargrc
(A) admonition (B) injustice (C) lilerary (D) merry
(C) cowardice (D) represession 17. There has been a complete break
4. Expedite means of law and order in the country
(A) exp€drtjon (B) hasten (A) up (B) ofi
(C) expedient (D) practical (C) down (O) of
5. Restive is the opposite of 18 The police must __ enough evrdence
(A) buoyant (B) ptacd to ensure hrs convrction
(C, resrstant (O) retining (A) hoard (B) collect
6. Magisterial means
(C) store (D) capture
(A) authofllalive (B) royat 19. Whrch word is corectly spelt in lhe following
(C) majestE (D) regal sel of words;
(A) garuantee (B) gaurantee
7. Exonerate is the opposite of (C) guarantee (D) None of.these
(A) forge (B) accuse
(C) acquit (O) reimburse 20. Which word is correctly spelt in the fottowing
set of words:
8. Zeolot means (A) violence (B) voilance
(A) beginner (B) patron (C) violance (D) voilence
(C) fanatic (D) murderer
21. Asran's weight increased by 25o/o lrcm yeat
9. Which word is wrongly spelt in the folowing 2005 lo 2009. lf his weight was k kitograms rn
set of words: 2009. whal was it in 2004?
(A) speach (B) sp€ak (A) 1.75k (B) .t.25k
(c) break (o) bteed (c) 0.80k (D) 0.7s k
10. Which word is correclly spelt in the follor^/ing 22. lt Zx = 32, rvhat is X2?
set of words. (A) s (B) 10
(A) obsolute (B) obsotete (c) 25 lDt 1024
(C) absoliete (D) obsitote
'l l . Commodious is the opposite of numerous 23. List the fractions 25. and 13
(A) limited (B) expension 38 26 in ascending
(C) numerous (D) leoisurety o rde r:

12. The policeman's story conflrcts ? I

3 8 20
(") 3,313
that of the accused 13 ?
(A) (8) to c 8 20 '3
(C) (D) in
'13. The debale adjourned the 24. lf kg of meat is divided into packages ot
followrng week.
(A) wrth (B) fo kg each. the lotal number of packages will be:
(C) into (D) to (A) 125 (B) 17s
'14. de Jure means (c) 100 (D) 150
(A) by right (B) by law 25. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
(C) by the way (D) by itser radius is:
(A) 1 (B) 2r
l3C PPSC fco3 Xod Froars

(A) 9 (B) 10
(c) I (D) (c) 8 (D) 7

26 rfi o, lhe
Police employees are not
38. An lmportant river of Pothohar Plateau
(A) Hub river (B) Bolan nver
(C) Gomal river (D) Swan river

graduatB, the ralio of graduat6 to non-

graduales employees in the police d@artment 39. The newest district of Puniab out ot the
ts. lollowing is:
(A) 1: 3 (8) 37 (A) Nankana Sahib
(C) 3: 4 (D) a: 3 (B) Pakpanan
27. ll -x2 -f =28anAx - y= 8, then the average (C) Kasur
ol.x and y ls:
(D) Mandi Bahauddin
(A) 3.5 (B) 1.75 40. The lirst Commercial Bank of Pakistan was:
(c) 7 (D) 8 (A) Habib Bank Limited
(B) Muslim Commercial Bank
28. lf x : y = 6, y + z = 7, and Z + x = 9, the (c) UBL
average (arithmetic mean) of x, y and z is:
(A) 11/3 (B) 1/2 (D) HSBC
(cl 22t3 (D) 11 41. The fate of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (former
29. ln 7 yeaB Asim will b€ twice as otd as hewas NWFP) at the time of indeiendence was
docided by
I yers ago. how old he is norv?
(A) rererendum (B) election
(A) 12 (B) 21 (C) .tirga (D) none
(c) 32 (D) 23 of these
30. lf x - 4 = 1'l, then the value of r - E is: 42. S.H.O stands for
(A) -15 (B) _7 (A) Station Head Oficer
(c) 7 (D) 15 (B) Stalion Hous€ Officer
(C) Slatbn High Oftcer
31. Saeed receives a commission of Rs. 25 for (D) None of these
every Rs. 250 worth of merchandise he s€lls
therefore, lhe percentage (%) of his 43. Justice delaved is iuslice
(A) denied' (B) daayed
comms$on 13:
(Al 2s% (B) 10% (C) deprived (O) defers
(c) 15olo (D) 5% 44. The cunent motto of Punjab Police is:
32. lf (7"y701 = (fy(/), whar is d in terms of a, b (A) serve with respecl
and c? (B) serve and protect
(A) cJab (B) c-a-b (C) performance with purpose
(C) a+b-c (O) c-ab (D) none ofth€se
33. At 3:00 AM, the temperature was 13"C betow .15 lnspedor General of Police is also known as:
zero bul by nmn it had ris€n to 32.C. (A) CCPO (B) PPO
Therefore, the average hourly increas€ in (c) cPO (o) RPo
lemperature was: 46. The staturory body mandated to acl as a
(A) 5'C (B) 7.5.C national local point on all police-related
(c) 45'C (D) (196rC matters is:
34. lf 4 out of 25 c€Midates failed a driving test, (A) Federal Inv6tigalion Ag€ncy
the percenlage of pass candidates is. (B) National Public Safety Commission
( 't 4% (B\ 21oh
(C) National Police Bureau
(c) 42% (D) 84% (D) none of these
35. lf 500 K9 of meat feeds 20 lions at a zoo of a
47. The Governor ot ,ormer NWFP at the time of
week, for how many days will 200 K9 of meat independence of Pakistan in 1947 was:
feed 14 lions? (A Sir Oiaf Caroe
(A) 4 (B) s
(B Sir George Cunningham
(c) 6 (o) 8 Henry Grady
D Rob Lockhart
36. The Cabinet Mission was headed by:
(A) Sir Stafford Cripps 4E. Famous Puniabi writcr Waris Shah wrote his
(B) A.V. Alexander famous book "He€r Rania' living at the town
(C) Lord Pethick Lawrence of:
(D) Lond Mayo (A) Harbanspura (B) Malka Hans
(C) Takh Hazara (D) Jhang
37 ln the National Ass€mbly ot Pakistan
minorties are allocated seats.
Advanced PPSC l CQs llo<lel Papers 137
49. The Chairman of the Council of Common of the Australian Open
lnterests is the: ' The men's event
Tennis Championships 201't was won by:
(A) President (A) Roer Federer (B) Novak Diokoiic
(B) Chiefjustice of Pakistan (C) Rafeel Nedal (D) Andy Murray
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Attorney ceneral 63. Pakistan Men's Hockey Team has won the
Asian Games gotd medal trmes.
50. The capitalcrty of Libya is. (A) five (B)lour -
(A) Banghazi (B) Tobruk (C) nine (O) eighr
(C) Sirte (D) Tripoti
64. The Asian Games in 20i0 were held at the
51. Archiplago means: Chinese city of:
(A) clustor of islands (A) Shanghai (B) Guangzhoun
(B) clustor of smalt states (C) Chengdu (D) Urumit
(C) rocks under sea
(D) cluster of stare 65. Trachoma is a disease ofthe:
(A) brain (B) spinat cord
52. The largest river of Asia is: (C) larynx (D) eye
(A) lndus (B) yangtze
(C) Mekong iD) Ganges 66. The Element which is most adundent in the
Earth's crust is.
53. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of. (A)silcon (B) iron
(A) ltaly (B) tran (C)aluminium (D) orygen
(C) Russia (O) Butgana
67. The gas commonly used rn 5alloons is:
54 The largest Mustm cruntry by area area is. (A) hydmgen (B) hefuum
(A) Kazakhstan (B) Sudan (C) oxygen (D) carbon dioxide
(C) lndonesia (D) Atgeria
68. Pressed Natural Gas (CNG) has the same
55. The headquarters of lnteniational Atomic chemical compos ion as thal of:
Energy is located in:
(A) Geneva
(A) LPT (B) Sui gas
(B) Washington D.C.
- (C) tear gas (Di po'son gas
(C) Vranna iO) Aelin 69. An ordinary mobile phone communicates by
56. The latest country to become member of the surng:
United Nations is: (A) sound waves (B) infrared wayes
(A) South Sudan (B) East Timor (C) radio waves (D) UV waves
(C) Micromedia (D) Tonga
70. Anolher organ that filters blood besides the
57. The Secretary-Generat of the United Natios at heart. in,human body is:
the time of invasion of lraq in 2OO3 was:
(A) Boutros-BoutrosGhati
(A) pancreas (B) splean
(B) Ban Ki-moon
(C) liver (D) kidney
- (C) Kofi Annan 71. An example of a hereditary disease rs:
(O) Mqhammad al-Baradet 14) polio (B) haemophitia
(C) cholers (D) typhoid
58. Greenwich associated with Greenwich Mean
Time (GMT) is situated in: 72. Exposure,to sunlight resulls in formation of
(A) Greenland (B) Austratia in the bodv
(A) -V-rtamh A '(B) Vilamrn C
(C) England (O) Fintand
(C) Vrtamrn K (D) Vitamrn D
59. Mesopotamia is the old name of-
(A) Egypt (B) traq 73. The first Westem Scientist to suggest that the
(C) Ethiopia (D) Greece Earth revolved around the Sun was:
(A) Kepler (B) Newlon
60. The International Cricket Councit (lCC) (C) Copernrcus (D) Gatrteo
lndep€ndent tribunat whict recently bailned
three Pakistani crickelers for spolf;xing held 74. The instrument for measunng the speed of
hearings at: wind is.
(A) Oubai (8) Ooha
(A) anmometer (B) speedometer
(C) Shaqah (D) Kuwait (C) hygrometer (D) techometer
6'1. The next winter Otympic games took ptace 75. The System lnternationat (S.t) Unit of
2018 ar: temperature is:
(A) Pongchaog (A) Fahrenheit (B) Ketvrn
(B) Venobuver (C) Calcrus (D) Centflgrade
(C) Tonno 76. 'Oncology" is the study of
(D) Satt Lake city, utah (A) tumours (B) fossrte
(C) bones (Dj animat b€haviour
13E Adyanced MCAS Model Peoers
77 One nretric ton contains ;J: w.,$tLt; ; li
-2.- .at
(A) .10,000 (B) 100
(c) r0 (D) 1000 !,, .)ii,r \sl ;i't'.z,r lAl
78. 1 byte consisls ot: a'.t.i,- \Dl -. )!t|;,, 111
(A) I bits (B) 16 bits
(CI 32 bits (D) 4 brts ir ?r t!r.o 88
79. Oeuterium lxrde ts the chemical name of:
(Ar hsrd wa'e (B) heavy water (B)
tI (A)
(C ) soir ,!ate , O) mmeral water
r). (c)
J0 Wnat pf,rs,nous gas 's contarned ln lhe
i' ..irs'
''.-;i ---' ;-: f * 2' 'x'
exh,lusl fu|r .]s rrr
(A) ammenra 89
(B) coal gac
(C) qerbon monoxide >: r: (8) .,I (A)
(D) sulphut dox'de
(D) (c)
81 The laughing gas rs called?
(A) Nitrous Oxrde (B) Calcrum Oxide
(C , Chlomrlnr Oxrde (D) None ' ;-; t'j-' 'r. '";'' 90

, i .,.... .i..
:;J,._:1-' .42
,.-',-.4', -,+ : t.-];-,...-tr, l^)

- B) (A) ' vt-..-. 1'3, )' 10r ''i- r-.wir'-:,-r' (C)

-" tD) ;-r (C) !,;s-'5-. -;, -.-=-. lti'-..,,.i f .'., 91

. .'i 83
,, (Bt
,,,..-! - Ptu:t la)

(B) (A) =,,--i,"^r:, (D) .9' '*-ir {c)

g')'+; (D) (c) r' . .;,i. -" l,i . .'" 92

o; a4 e1-?, l}l njg 61

(A) e'- ,';-' (D) (c)

:t s'€ . .t;,...5 e ?- (B) ., t;(Jv,,i 93

j,Vr-!;-r.z.l' (c) ,tl tr- (Bt o --L'.2 ot

t-t"i,,,o;.li-.2,' (o) (D) .!1.1,',2 t. lC)
(- .t-. '. :-. 85 94
.)t€.J,...i.,2' (A)
.r'' (8) / tat
;, _tli ,j!,5; & >- (B) ! g r.i, (c)

;c ;t;i .j e.i. _r.. )e (c)

t u j :ci ( i 7 ;; j..- ;E sv *: 95
(D) 1945 (Bi 1936 {A)
1938 (ot I941 (c)
t.'-u,,'=-"-:1)i' 86
t.-jg'5j )) 4,2.?6uitJi n .gs
(B) (AI ' ai)t 1a1 4(t let
(D) (c)
Jilii tot stJA tct
Adyanced PPSC nCOs Itodel Paperc 139

**tfu {i1ftit :,,i{i',}' 4 .st lltr.ij,t;, -r,,-,;,f,-,tr r,'-, j , ,, , .99

j,$ea:$,,t 1sy 6,tiLt/ t l e-tlL-i l}l (A)

efL.t lDl ||lt 4t 1g1 t-,1 tol (c)

r:J*,?Q/-y,'Ll7' .sa :
-l' i -.<' ;. ; -t{i--ii' roo

,e,lni @ Jko.P ot ;4itr-t 1e1

.,i4 o ,,F-)_b tc) ,,;iij tot .rrjr-,1. 1c1

Answer Key
1. c 14 b z7 b 40- a 53. c 66. d 79 b 92 d
2. a d 28 a 11. a . a 67 a 80 c 93.
3 c 't6 a 29. d 12. b 55. c 68. b 81 a 94 b
4 b 17 c 30 c .13. a 56. a 69. c 82 b 95. a
5. b 18 b 31. b 4. a 57. c 70. c 83 a 96 d
6 a '19 c 32. b 45. b 58. c 71. b 64 d 97 d
7. b 20 a 33. a 46. b 59. b 72. d E5 d 98 b
E. c 21 c u. d 17. b 60. b 73. c 86 a 99 a
9. a 22 a 35. a rt8. b 61. a 74. a E7 c 100
10 b 23 c 36. a 49. c 62. b 75. b 88 a
l1 a 24 b 37. b 50. d 63. d 76. a E9 c
12 25 c 3E, a 51. a . b 77. d 90 (!
13 b 26 a 39. a 52. b 65. d 78. a 91 b



1 The oldest Anthem of the world 6. Wiich is the largesl couotry of the world?
(A) Japan (C) Chrna (A) China (B) Thailand
(C) Russia (D) Greece (C) Nepal (D) Japan
2. What is Big B€n 7 Which is the largest Road Tunnel rn rhe
(A) (B) Tower wodd?
Cinema (D) Road
(C) (A) Rokko (Japan)
3. Which country is called play ground ot Europe (B) Apennine (ltaly)
(A) Turkey (B) France (C) Shinizu (Japan)
(C) Switzerland (D) Spain (O) St. Gotthard (Switzerland)
4. Nyere is the cunency of L Tick the conect spellings.
(A) Niger (B) Nigeria (A)Diverce (B) Dvarce
(C) Togo (D) Switzerland (C)Oivers€ (D) [DYa.r.
5. Second largest ethnic aroup in Afghanrstan 9. Tick lhe conecl spellings
after Pushtune (A) Absolete (B) Obsolete
(A) Uzbek (B) Hazaras (C) Obsolule (D) Obsolite
(C) Tajik (D) Taaac 10 Anemofieter is an instrument for the measure
140 Advancad PPSC MCQ' Modet PaDers
(A) Velocity of \t'land (C) London (O) San Francisco
(B) Magnetic Power 27 A olace where leather rs tanned is called
(C) Eleclricity (At Tannery (B) Casino
(D) Recording the graph tC) Brewery (D) None ot those
'l'1. Who was tl)e first viceroy ol lndia
28 What rs the currency of Malaysia?
(Ar Lord Ripon (B) Lord Canning (A) Peso (B) Dinar
(C) Lord Curzon (O) Lord MaYo (C) Ringgit (O) Rupee
12 Neapoleon Bonapart was the king of 29 Which of the following space shuttles was
(A) France (B) ltaly launched by the United States in March 2009
(C) Russra (D) Spain (A) Colombia (B) Oiscovery
13 Helvatia rs tne old name ot (C) Explorer (D) Challenger
(A) Netheflsnds rBl MungarY 30 Violatrng lnternational law. lsrael has
(C) Japan (D) Swrtzerland construited a concrete wall to divide the
14. Great Sandv Desert rs situaled rn Palestrnians rn
(A) Austral;a (B) South Afrita (A) Gaza
(C r Chad (D) Chrna (B) West Bank
(C) Easter Jerusalem
15 Headquarter of World Economic Forum is (O) Gofan Heights
situated in
(A) Davos (B) Cario 31 Whrch of the following is considered the
(C) Washington (D) Geneva world's oldest city:
16. 6.3, 12.6.24',) (A) Damascus (B) Baghdad
(A) 12 (B) ',lE (C) Jeflcho (D) Carro
(c) 30 (D) 36 32 The wonder of the world Tal Mahal' is
17 Bosphorus strait connecls the black sea with situated in the lndran slale ol:
. (A) Aegean sea (B) Marmara sea (A) Uttar Pradesh
(C) ReJ sea (D) Java sea (B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Madhya Pradesh
18. Columbus d
iscovered the country (O) Maharashtra
(A) Austraha (B) USA
iC) Newzealand (O) Georgra 33. Yasser Aratat remained the President of
river of the Asia '
. Palsstinian Authonty for almost:
19 . .(A) Srx years
Nile -
Which is lonoest (B) Nine Years
(A) (B) lndus 'iC) Twelve years (D) Fifteen Years
icj Yangtze Klang (D) Hang HO
34 Gordon Brown was Prime Minister of
20. ATM is a abbrevialion of (Al France (B) ltaly
(A) Automated lcller Mac-hine ici England (D) None of the above
(B) Automatc tell machin€
(C) Automobile tax macfiine 35. 'Mofiarchy' stil exists in:
(O) None of th+s€ (A) Sweden
(B) Thailand
21. 12 \ .O'12 = ? (C) Japan
(A).0144 (B) .00144 (D) All of the above
(c) .144 (D).000144
36. Which is the fourth pallar of stale'?
22. The religious and spiritual movement "Falun (A) Press (B) Politrcs
Gong, emerged in: (C) Secret agency's (D) Economics
(A) Japan (B) China
(C) Cuba (D) PhrirpPines 37. The world's most famous painting The Last
Supper was created bY
23. "Raniallah is the headquarters of Palestinran (A) Laonardo da vinci
Authontv srtuated at: (B) Pablo Picasso
(A) We-st Bank (B) Gaza StnP (C) Rembrandt
(C) Tunis (O) Jordan (D) Gul,ee
24. 'Seattle' is a seaport ot: 38. One mile is equal to how many kilometers?
(A) Germany (B) USA (A) 1.7015 (B) 1 198
(C) Britain (D) France (c) t.azo (D) 1 .6os
25. Which as the largest country in Muslim world? 39. Whach vitamin is provided by sunlight to the
(A) Sudan (B) NEeria body:
. (C) Pakistan (O) Kazakistan lA)
A (B) Vitamin B
26. The world's famous bridge "Golden Gate" is iCi vitamin (D) vitamin D
located in: 40. Deficiency of iron in human diet causes
(A) New York (8) Mexico
Adtt rrc.d PPSC Uc'Qsfrod€/ P',oers 1a1

(A) Anaemia (B) Goitre 67 The AIOS virus rs called

(C) Scurvy (D) Rickets (A) A.l.B (B) H LV
41. Napoleon Bonaparle who conquered hatf of
(c) v.l.H (D) D.l H
the Europe was afraid of 68. NEht btindness rs due to lack of
. (A) Dos (B) Monkey (Ai A
Vrtamrn (B) vrtamin B
(c) cat (D) Rate (C) V(amrn C (D) vitamin O
42. 'Wana' is the main to\.rn of 69. The Suez Canal links the
(A) Baiaur agency (A) Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
(B) Khyber agency (B) Mediterranean Sea
(C) North Wazlristan (C) Mediterranean and Black Se3
(D) South Waznstan (D) North Sea and Balhc Sea
43. Total strength of members in the Natronal 70. ln Pakistan legrslatrve powers are vested an

Security Council (Pakrstan) is the

tet feir (B) Eleven (a)Fresioent (B)Parlpment
(C) Thirteen (O) Fourteen (C) Pnme Minister (D) Governor
56. K rn'Pakistan" word stands for 71 Santrago rs the capital of
(A) Khyber (B) Kashmtr (A) Chile (B) Hong Kong
(C) Karachi (D) Kalal (C) Monaco (O) Spain
57. Hepatitis ts disease of 72 Which is the smallest repubfic in the world"
(A) Liver (B) Lungs (A) Vatican (B) Nauro
(c) Heart (D) Kidney ic) cnite (D) slovakia
58, ln February 2005, first trme people were giYen 73. The provtnce ot Paklslan,rhlch mvers the
rioht to vote in laroest areas is
{A) SaudiArabia (B) Kuwait (Ai Srndh (B) Punlab
(C) Oman (D) Bahrain (c) Balochistan (D) NWFP
59. 'Maflnes'light on 74. The News agency ot Egypt is called
(A) Land (B) Sea (A) Suna (B) SPI
(C) Air (O) All ofthe above (C) Sky iD) MENA
60 "NlKKEl'is a stock exchange of 75. NASA is the space agency of
(A) New York (B) Tokyo (A) USA (B) llaly
(C) Hong Kong (D) London (C) France tD1 SParn
61 The government has renamed the Micro 76. Oxygen gas was drscovered bY
Frnance Bank as (A) Pnes Mate (B) Priestty
(A) Supportrng Bank (C) Faraday (Dl B Franklrn
(B) Kisan Bank 77 YUAN is the currency of
' (C) Khushali Bank (A) Amman (B) Thailand
(D) Cooperative Bank (C) China (D) Nortn Korea
62. 'Wheel' rs a symbol of
(A) Peace (B) Progress 78 Knesset is the Parhament of
(C) Prospenty (D) Speed (B) China (A) Japan
(C) Russia (D) lsrael
63. 'Sharame-el Sherkh' is the Egyptian seaport
on: 79. The largest rndustry of Pakistan is
(A) Black sea (A) Cotton lndustry
(B) Red sea (B) Sugar lndustry
(C) Medrterranean sea (C) Sport lndustry
(D) Arabian sea (D) Paper lndustry
. The historic Badshahi mosque was burlt by 80. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by
Moghul Emperor Aurargazeb in Lahore rn Ouaid-e-Azam on:
(A) 1670 (B) 1673 (A) July 'i, 1948 (B) Julv 1, 1947
(c) 1678 (o) 1686 (c) Jul, 1, 1949 (O) None of these
/. .- 5i t 4
65. The historic site "Mehrgarh" was discovered !"3i=l --J JJ!t-tt''' :)'
-tl 'ttsr '8L
on the nght band of the
(A) lndus river (B) Kabul river J,z.Jt @l r,J-.f! (A)
(C) Bolan nver (D) Hub river
66. The headquarters ot food and agriculure i/iu. lo\ in gli',r. (c)
organizalion (FAO) is located rn:
(A) Geneva (B) Rome t,2tv,E ;-{j;vi *i,,, <: ri,r''Lt:tt .8-
(C) Montreal (D) Vienna
112 Adtt ,E d PPSC n6o.',odal Paoart
, .i '
.rerf--3cr(B) ;'!;'S 6'1 Li.:.P QO gi r.:,.r> \Cl
iv(;s, 1g'y o'.;71 G\ ;,-,,' !.( ; -, o'i.i .e2

12 (B) 10 (A)
ar r;!@( I (, at' ;' g,zooait
.at 16 (D) 14 (C)
)1,)t (B) ,tt,litJt (Al r;!;ll j;1,,;; st
'r-,;t (ot
j,.il' tcl 12 (B) 28 (A)
16 (O) 86 (C)
<:i jt,j
i-:*a(ig .u <:1
Q;i .sa
-,'i -'(g'
;f rel ;F ot g?tt (B) .2'. (A)
,,'( (D) c (c)
cvi @t z' lc)
:+{l 2 ",r,"' .8s \G l,y'+'tl,ue 2 ij ro i' .ss

i, tsl J:2 (^t let

r"1q f=r (A)
(D) tt,. lol Gt,i{ o 4:i tcr
tI WL; ",,:i-i'jru .sG
i wi{./:-/,vutrI so
tvou ol ,i (el
*,io7 1s) {Li'>.2> 6l
.!v tol }u-:1gr (c) {Ft.4.,p @t fir.t.t, tct
a-u,y t *t.fiysi" t,'V .87
rt,iv,,,,tAV'f L,F ;/.-"J' .s7
c-'-ft' 1e1 v./-V-v O\ 'C>--,L,F
u.!,t.i tol Vtll Gl :reP (Bl ,'leP (Al
tay'!.!;i .ee g;l.e? (Dl ir*P G)
.:f (B) c;' 6l \:;-v:tr;rt.', 98
.fr ((D ,r' (c) 23 I 20 (A)
27 D 25 (C)
9g!ffg,'t i.'r "rr,'"!,' 89 t 4,ri g:.7,,r ; ltii;v g 2: .e
d,u (B) j; ot ,4n,r (Bl
=t?[8,/ lAl
,ll (o) J2 lcl ) {;.,, 1o1 ct/Jii,,r G\
1;;resL-: .so ri,-7{.5L !l-7.!o7 .too
9t ral .g (A)
{, nl
'-.(B) .
4 (D) s,t (c)
+ (D',t d rcl
r;i,( !-'.: *'''ii€' .st
jt't.:,7 G') 4t.!€, i.' lA',

Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Paoerc 143

Answer Key
1. a 12 a 23. a 34c57.a 68 a 79 a 90 b
2. a '13 d 24. b 35. d 58. a 69 b 80 a 91 d
3. 14 a 25. d 36.a59b 70 b 81 a 92 c
4. c 15 d 26. d 37a60b 71 a 82 a e3 c
5. c tb a 27 a 38.d 61 c 72 b 63 b 94 c
6 a 17 b 28. c 39d62b 73 c 84 a 95 b
7. d l6 b 29. b 40a63b 74 d 85 b 96 d
8. c 19 c 30 a 41 c64b ?5 a 86 c 97 a
9. b 20 a 31. a 42d65c 76 b o.' d 98 d
t0 a 21 b 32 a 43c66b 77 c 88 d 99 a
'11 b 22 b 33 c 56b67b 78 d 89 a 100 d

ASSISTANT SUB-INSPECTOR (BS{r9) From amongst Graduate
Constables / Head Constables in
the Punjab Police De partment,2009
1 The Frst Round Table Conference (1930) was
(B) Nawaz Sharrf
held at.
(C) Benazir Bhutto
(A) Dehli (B) London
(D) Farooq Leghari
(C) Simla (O) Bombay I The Lahore Resolutron was passed in
2 To reconcile tlindus and Muslims a new
(A) 1935
(Br 1938
religron Oin-i-llahr was introduced by
(c) 1940 (D) 1945
(A) Babur (B) Humayun '10 How many gates the Old Waued City of
(C) (D) Akbar Lahore had?
3. Who was the leader of "Quit lndia (A) 11 (B) 12
(C) 13 (D) 14
(A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah 'l 'l . Kargil rs rn
(B) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (A) Held Kashmrr
(B) Azad Kashmir
(C) Mahatma Gandhi (C) G'lgrt
(D) Norlhem Areas
(O) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 12 ln whrch distnct rs the brggest salt mrne
4 Objectives Resolution was presenled by: localed rn Pakrstan,
(A) Ch. Rehmat Ali (A) Mranwali (Br Sargodha
(B) Quad-r-Azam Muhammad Ali Jrnnah (C) Jehlurn iO) Mrngora
(C) Liaqat Ah Khan 13 What percentage of _quota has been fixed for
(D) Sardar Abdru Rab Nishtar women in Government Service?
5. What was the cause of Quaid-r-Azam (A) 2% (B) 5%
Muhammad Al Jinnah s death? (C) 8'k (O, 10%
(A) Heart atlack (B) Cancer '14 Pakrstan has a coastlrne of
(C) Tuberculosrs (O) Diabetes (A) 800 K M (B) 1.0a6 K.M:
6 Pakistan s lirst Constitution was adopted in (c) 700 K M (D) 1200 K.M:.
{A, 1952 (B) 1956 '15 ln the Soulh ot Pak,sta,l s
(c) 1962 (O) 1973 (A) lran (B) Chrna
7. Who became the president of Pakistan after (C) Afghanrstan (D) Arabian Sea
Gen Yahya Khan? 16. The lndus Water Treaty between lndia ard
(A) Ayub Khan Pakistan was srgned rn:
(B) Z A Bhutto (A) 1960 (B) 1962.
(C) Zia-ul-Haq (c) 1968 (D) 1970
(D) Muhammad Khan JuneJo
I After the electrons of 1988 who became the
17 Dr. Abdus Salam the Nobel Prize winner of
Pak.stan b€longed to
Prime Minister ot Pakistan? (A) Puntab (B) Sindh .
(A) Ghulam lshaq Khan (C) Baluchastan (D) N.W F P
ltA ,dvmcsd PFSC ilCAsil{dcl piocrs
18. Who is the Chairman of Senate in Pakistan? 32. The place known as the roof of the wodd' is:
(A) Fahmida Mirza (B) Farooq H. Naik (A) Tibet (B) Mount Everest
(C) Raza Rabbani (D) Babar Awan (C) Tirich Mir (D) Siachin
'19. Gomal University is in: 33. Allama Dr. Sarfaz Hussain Naeemi Shaheed
(A) Quetta (B) Peshawar has been awarded:
(C) D.G. Khan (D) Etera lsmail Khan (A) Hilal-i-Pakistan (B) Tamgha-i-htiaz
20. The bEgest Bamge in Pakistan is: (C) Hilal-i-Shujaat (D) Sitera-i-Jurat
(A) Sukkhar Barrage (B) Kotri Banage 34. The present U.S..Secretary of States is:
(C) Guddu Banage (D) Taunsa Banage A) Richard Holbrooke
21. Who is the President of lndia? B) Hillary Clinton
(A) Manmohan Singh C) Robert Gates
(B) Sonia Ghandi D) Joe Biden
(C) Pratibha Patil 35 s'Series of Cricket is played between
(D) Abdul Kalam (A) Australia & England
22. Nur-al-Maliki is the president of (B) Auskalia & New Zealand
(A) Turkey (B) lraq (C) Australia and West lndies
(C) lran (D) Lebanon (D) Australia and Sri Lanka
23. K2 the second highest peak of the world is 36. Barack Obama is the American
loc€ted in: President.
(A) Hindukush (B) Hirnalaya (A) 40th (B ) 44rh
(C) Karakoram (0) Koh-i-Sufaid (c) 50th (D ) 54th
24. Which of the following is not a Kharif Crop? 37. Abu Gharib Prison is in :

(A) Rice (B) Cotton (A) lraq (B-t-e uba

(C) Sugarcane (O) Wheat (C) Afghanislan (D) Pakistan-
25. How many Nuclear Power Plants are there in 38. Naircbi is th6 capital of:
Pakistan? (A) Uganda (B) Libya
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) Kenya (D) Congo
(c) 4 (o) s 39. Which of the following is the only lood that
26. The major work force of Pakistan is in the does not get spoiled?
seclor of: (A) Butter (B) Cheese
(A) Agriculture (B) Trade (C) Yogurt (D) Honey
(C) Services (D) Manuracturing 40. Wimbledon Tennis Grounds are in:
27. The Last Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar (A) Franc€ (B) England
died in: (C) Australia (D) America
(A) Dehri (B) Agra 41. The sm; eat continent is:
(C) Rangoon (O) Colombo (A) Asia (B) Australia
28. The Muslim country with largest population is:
(A) Pakrstan (B) Eangladesh 'Roof o, the World is a metaphoric description of the
(C) Malaysia (D) lndonesia high region in the world, also known as "High Asia", the
29. Which name is associated with Khilafat mountainous interior of A5ia.
Movement? The term is also used for part5 of this region, for
(A) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah . the PamiR,
(B) Allama Muhammad lqbal . the Himalayas
(C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar . Tilet
(D) Ch. Rahmet Ali . Mt. Everest
30. Ceylon is the old name of: ' The name was first applied to the Pamirs.
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Nepal The British explorer John Wood, writing in 1838.
(C) Bhutan (D) Burma described Bam-i-Duniah (Roof of the world) as a
"native expre5sion" (p.esumably Wakhi), and it was
31. United Nation Organization (UNO) was generally used for the Pami6 in Victorian times.
formed in:
Older encyclopedias also used "Roof ot the World" to
(A) 1943 (B) 1945
describe the Pamirs:
(c) 1947 (D) 1948
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed. (1911):'PAMtRS, a
mountainous region of cenlral Asia...the Bom-idunyo
('The Roof of the World')'-
The Columbia Encyclopedia, 1942 edition: 'the Pamirs
(Persian = roof of the world)".
Advanced PPSC ltc'Qs tlodet Paoers 145

(C) Africa (D) America (A) Scholar

(B) University
42. The biggest desert in the wodd is: (C) Ex-sludent of an irstrtution
(A) Gob desert (B) Kalahari desert rD) Student of a college
(C) Sahara desert (D) Cholistan desert
43. Nicolas Sarkozy is the president of:
(A) ltaly (Bl France
(C) Sparn (D) Germany
44. The main function of Kidney is:
(A) to conkol blood Pressure
(B) to control blood temp€rature
(C) to remove waste products from body
(D) to help rn drgeshon of food
45. lt is dangerous to sleep under trees at night
because Plants give out:
(A) CaIbon droxde (B) Oxygen
(C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen
46. Which of the following have maximum
(A) Carbohydlates (8, Proleins
(C) Fats {D) Vitamrns
47. Which of the following daseases is caused by F
(A) Smallpox (8, Tuberculogs
(C) Malana (D) Cholera ffi
4E. Programmes wrinon to make computer
functron in a iestred way are called . {"-
(A) Codes (B) Facts
(C) lnstructions (D) Software
49 The sale of cigarettes is prohibited in Pakastan
to persons under the age of 57. ldentify the correct spe;lrngs?
(A) 20 (B) 18 (A) boulevard (B) buleward
(c) 16 (D) 1s (C) bouleward rD) bolevard
50. The hole developed in the Ozone Layer rs
58 V\rhich word is wronglv spelt in the tollowrng
over: set oI words?
(A) Arclic (B) Alaska (A) Nursery (B) Secondary
(C) Antarctica (D) Amazon (C) Liberary tDl Pnmary
51. The speed of sound is the speed of of the
59. The horseman Pulled the
lioht horse
(A) greater than . (B) equalto (A) reigns (B) rerns
(C) iess than - 1/10of
(D) (C) rarns (D) ranes
52. A-computer mainly consists of eleclronic: 60 ldentify the correct spellings -
(A) connectrons (B) devEes (A) occurred (B) occurred
(C) qrcuits (D) chips
(C) occured (D) occurad
53. The famous scientist Albert Einstein belonged 61. Which of the following has rncorrect spelhngs?
to: (A) Enquiry (B) Operatonal
(A) France (B) Germany (O) Probation (D) Electrecity
(C) England (D) America
62. What rs the meaning of the underlined phrase
54. The body temperalure of a normal manis: in the following sentence? He turned a deaf
(A) 81.1"C (B) 36.9"C ear to mv advice
(c) 98.6'C (O\ 2',1.7"C (A) drd;ot accept rB) did not lrke
55. which of the followng blood groups is called a (c) did not listen (D) did not act
universal donor? 63. lndustrious means:
(A) A (B) B (A) Sensible (B) Successtul
(c) AB (o) o (C) Dihgent (D) Parnful
56. Alumni means:
1S Advenced PPSC nges llod',t paoers
64. 0.26 + 100 = ?
(A) 0.0026 (B) 0.026 7@t ii; 1ay
(c) 26 (D) 0.00026
65 3.4v5+5=? ^34 (ot :2 (Cl
. (A) 60 B 13 ,s9 ilvr_are J: .t .t I
(c) 12 D 300
66.30+3998=? jr.z (Bt 1i (A)
(A) 69.98 (B) 40.28 j:r'
(c) 42 98 41.28 (o) -, lO) a' lc)
67. 5448 rounded off to the nearesi 1OOO ls '::-,, <:t i,,'i.'-,se -'$- ;)-1n.,.. >' 78
(A) 6000 (B) 5{00
(c) s000 (o) 45OO ;;t..'l 191 ..-4'; lA)
66. A rgcfangle has a lcngth of l6cm and a et,i (ol
bGsdth of 3cm. lryhat ls its area? -/i".i (cl
(A) .48 m
(C) 48 cmz
_ (B) 40 cm
iOi tg cm,
iv'-c/;vL 4liori-;.L jv ts
69. 30% ol 100 is equat to 3% of ,:Z
(A) 3000 (8) 2066-
(c) 1000 (D) 750 )tyc-,t> 1A1

70. Aslam ran around a ttorneter traOr tZ *._>/ (B\

..8 tlrsz
times. How many kilometeB did hc ran? ]-"i t'o.z' 1g1
(A) aakm1
(B) 4km 1O1
(C) a
km (D) 4; km
,:Avc l'/rt;:
--ftiui ; 2,*.-t= r Bo

71. The degrees in a complete circle are:

(A) 180"
,l@t int
(B) 260"
(c) 360 (D) 270. * lo) -j:o (c)
72. Whrch shape has lour equat $des and right ;3.ti ;-S a- ;, t',it.,rtvt
(A) Rectangle (8) Rhombus j-r-eP lB)
(C) Square (D) paratetogram - (A)
73. Find the square of 35:- -2e7' (Dl j;-.t, 1cy
(A) 175 GYt225
-i,t ; u( j o6t:.- $ ei )

{c) 1125 (D} 1215 t,, el .g2

27 lBl 21 (A)
i i- Lvi;r gv ; u {q'1 o rr', * cv1 .71 35 (o) 2s (c)
r: yi{fv;,t*s{ r
?tit :nQs /ti 2{,r.1,/,i t Oii at
:yi iytJ,l4J vrJriLrr{ri (A) ,+iri (Bt .rqi 6)
.r,"6 )Js, jtfi,i 1gy
@t =t?ra,i lct
t iiyl'J'v, tct r < t/u I ,{6}i, jtty .oa
o,{}t,*i1tvr 1o'1
Jvzs Gl ,1u23 (A)
.,ijt')v,i- ;i-?;-?p)= Ljts,a,,f ;/ .ts ,lP3s (D) (c)
t jil-r1r;-r \r$etJ'iJv,(*i?J-? 85
,Fo,z' G\ 'l*of Jf,.;t Gt jfri tet
-:-,,v;,22:,>/ Ol
(D) i,,';lo? (Cl j .r,,,t tol j.r:t,v' Gl
t c-w\!ji
ii,',-.,,.1::r/ j,yt 76 ,: j 6 s. ,.t a-{ .a6
,) g3
Atranced PPSC tic,os llodel Paoers 117

- 2 - '. -
t12a- re) ,JA6* ot \,L.,s \+( )''Ll'rl"
6fli 1o7 6lev (c) Jr.,tvl? (B) is'-::6t
,i L rfut 1 o" ,,8,J $ Jf j;iv s[t 81 i ga-;]' \o) =t,i<r \cl
-oJ'.,' ,r'' { Li,t: ;.r a' r i =- c : =,i'i.i -:. ;' 94

JL (B) f"i tet u

,/ir'i \D\ Jit,i 1c,') .a' / lB) j tll al f' oi
L-il 5 J"' rf' V { I }" u'.,;,r' .ee j,t,i,, 19, .: \CJ

;2c!;Gra P1 {e(;t 61 r a,j 7 ltr.* i, i J ;"' J-'(, t t" .gs

,tlivtA (O) J,U;2 tCl jf)V @t -;;)e.; 6l

,:+(,,/lJ;e,,, as c)l;J?t1)/ pl /?olirt (cl
ctgvi(1(,:<,,ti:!;' -c-=.u, {'li, a\)t? iV" 96

v xs);l .2 .f {,f i t/f€ O,v.- (e\

;uri;urr tel )rit,f -* 61 6,+etb @t bJA €'l

,:E ]tJF lot Jti)tt'r l0l t(Li 4!t.gdvo; €- Eg/-s -'t? s7

it,-6,j :i -+'-t)i )7(J,.,cjltJPtLt/ .so ,1,! (B) il, (A)

9=- J,.o pt trZ!! (C)

i; Pl grlr (A) -?=b,t';u:4$'.- sg

,'ii tot J'r @l ';)'* lB) v':4t* 1A1

' t;tri-r- -o{,'u"iv'.r'
t .91 'i.)-iL{2 (O) i:,6;J.r,, (C)
,jviti 191 il el e:v (Al t4 ;i,.'l ;.6,,t.:,'6 r, Ji -; 5 r'; ; Jr.:'-tt 99

,/r Pl ir'!;6a lcl 'la-

-i? i ;'" =(J.;i i

r.. t :,t" .92 ,,,-it (s't 1-; 6l
.vtd1t (Al )i!. CV ) (o\ -: :: .,r'! (c
;.X/ Fl - )

rr*?O> @\ ttvJJ.! ol l; lv'c-rto r.r' r-.4 i i'!w'v ii E;'L 100

t?(jfJiir,, .s3 *'(B\ J tet

L,.' =-J"tLr(Ljrt ii tLti Yui (D) il lcl

Answer KeY e
b 49 b 57.
1. b 9.c 17 a 25. a 33 c 41
c c
d 10. c 18. b 26 a 34 b 42
51 c b
c 11. a 19 d 27 c 35 a
44 c 52 c 60 a
4 12. c 20 a 28 d 36 b
45 b 6'r d
5 c 13. d 21 c 29 c 37 a
c 54 b 62 c
6 b 14. b 22 b 30 a 38 c
63 c
7 b '15. d c 31 b 39 d 47 a 55
c 64 a
8 c 16. a 24 d 32 a 40 b 48 d
118 A.tvanced ppSC MCes [toctet papers
65 c 70 a c 80 b 85 c 90 b 95 b 100. a
65 a 71 a 81 c 86 b
91 b 96
b c 77. a 82 87 c a) a 97 d
68 C 73 b 78. d OJ b 88 b 93 a 98 c
69 c 74 79. d 84 89 c 94 b 99 d


guaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jtnnah started 9 Whlch one of the followrng leaders took part in
his Law practice in: PresrdentialElecttons? -
(A) Oelhi (B) Karachi (A) Sharsta lkram UIIah
(C) Catcutra iOi gomoay (B) Fatrma Jinnah
2 The All lndia Mustim League was founded in (C) Rana Lraqat Ati Khan
1906 at: (D) Begum Shahnawaz
(A) Dhaka tB) Lahore 10 Whrch Mughal Krng made Lahore his capital
(C) Allahabad (oi atrgarn for 14 years?
3 Quaid-iAzam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (A) Shah Jehan
presented po,nts,,in
hjs 'Fourteen response (B) Akbar
to (C) Aurangzeb
(A) Simon Commrssion Reoort (O) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(B) Nehru Report 1 'l. Syed Ahmed Shaheed Brelvr is buried at:
(C) June, 3 Plan (A) Balakot
(D) The Oelhi Proposats (B) Muzzafarabad
(C). Jehlum (O) Abbottabad
4 The head of the Boundary Commissron ,or '12 The boundary between pakistan
demarcatton Of borders between lndra and and
Afghanrstan rs called
Pakrstan was:
(A) Sir Stafford CnDos (A) Line of Conlrot {B) No Man s Land
(B) Lord Mountbattln (C) Ilurand Line
(C) Sir Cyrit Radctifte (D) lnternational Border
(D) Lord Wavett '13. The last
Mughal krng of lndra was.
(A) Aurangzeb Alamorr
5 Who demanded a separate Muslim homeland (B) Bahadur Shah Z;far
in 1930 at Attahabad? (C) Shah Jahan
(A) Allama lqbat (O) Mohammad Shah
(B) Quaid-i-Azam
(C) Lraqat Ati Khan 14. Gawadar is in the province of:
(D) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (A) Punjab (B) Batochistan
6 The famous Pamphlet .Now or Never. was
(C) Sindh {D) NWFP
written by. 15 The famous Khyber pass rs a tink between
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Peshawar and:
(B) Ch Rehmat Ali (A) Quetta (B) Kabut
(C) Mohammad Ali Johar (C) Mardan (D1 Tehran
(D) Allama lqbat '16. Baglihar Dam a drsputed dam
between lndia
7 The first Mughal Emperor of lndra was. ano pakrstan has been built rn.
(A) Akbar (B) Humavun (A) Held Kashmrr (B) Azad Kashmir
(C) Babur (Dt Sher Shah Sun (C) Amritsar (D) Dethi
8 W-ho became the pnme Mrnister of pakislan 17. The appointment of the Chief Justice of
aner the death of Liaqat Ah Khan? Pakistan ,s made bv?
(A) l\rohd. A[ Boora (A) The Pnme Mrnister
(B) Ghulam Mohimmao (B) The President
(C) Kh Nazrmuddin (C) Supreme Judicial Councit
(D) Ch. Mohammad Ati (D) Pa.|ament
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 149
18. The major source of eleclrical energy in (A) sidh (B) Punjab
Pakistan is: (C) NWFP (D) Baluchistan
(A) Ttermat-Power (B) Hydroetectncrty
(C) Nuclear Power {Dr S6tar Energy
34 The Leader of opposrtton in the Natronal
'19 Assembly is
The largest tndustry in pakrstan rs. (A) Ch Pervez Ellahr
(4, Woollen Textile (B) Sugar tndustry (B) Ch Nrsar Ali
(C) Cotton Textrte 1D) Ce-ment tnduslry (C) Raza Rabbant
20. Tarbela Dam has been constructed on which (O) Ch Shulaat Hussain
rwer? 35 The he:adquaners o, the Organization of
(A) Ravr (B) Jehlum lslamrc Conference (OlC) rs at:
(C) lndus (O) Chenab (A, Tehran (B) Ankara
21 The present Hijri year rs. {C, Jeddah (O) Carq
(A) 1428 (B) 1429 36. Union Jack rs the flao- of:
(c) 1430 \o) 1427 (A) America (B) Enqtand
22. The National University of Modern Language (C) Canada ioj fra"nce
rs tn: 37 One kilometer is equation to
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (A) 100 meters (B) 5OO meters
(C) lslamabad (O) Peshawar (C) 1000 meters (D) 2OOO meters
23. Who rs the present Secrelary General of the 38. Sunlight is a good source of
Uniled Nalions Organizatton? (A) Vitamrn A (B) Vitamrn B
(A) Anan
Kofr (B) Ban Ki Moon (C) Vitamrn C (D) Vrtamin
(C) Albardi (O) Co rn powe
39. Which gas rs used in adverlising tights?
24. 10-Downing Street is the residence of: (A) Argon (B) Neon
(A) American Presadent (C) Helum (O) Carbondioxde
(B) Queen of England
(C) French President 40. The largest continenl rn the world rs:
(D) British Prime Mrnister {A) Asia (B) Afflca
(C) Europe (D) Austratra
25 Jerusalem is lhe Holy Crty of
(A) Christians (B) Mustims 41. What krnd of energy is stored in a dry cell?
(A) Mechanical (B) Etectncat'
(C) Jews (D) A of them
(C) Chemrcal (D) Sotar
26. Myanmar is the new name of.
(A) Nepal (B) Sfl Lanka 42. The normal boiting poinl of ryater is?
(A) 100.c
(C) Burma (D) Bhutan (B) 110"C
27. The author of Harry Potter senes of books for
(c) 120.C (D) 200,c
children is: 43 Which gas rs used to kill bacteria in water?
(A) J K. Rowling (B) Entd Btyron (A) Hydrogen (B) Sutohur
(C) Roald Oalh (O) Danis Robins (C) Chlorine (D) Nrtrogen
28 Nelson Mandela belongs lo. 44. One tonne is equalto:
(A) Kenya (B) Somatia (A) 500 K.G (B) 1000 K G.
(C) South Afflca (D) Uganda (C) 2000 K.c (D) 30oo K.G
29. Scotland Yard is the Police Department of 45 Which_of the foltowng does not provide
(A) America (B) Enqtand energy?
(C) France iO) ce;."ny (A) Carbohydrates (B) proterns
(C) Fats (D) Water
30. Tayyip Erdogan is the Prime Minister oI:
(4) !"n (B) Turkey 46 Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of:
(C) Egypt ' (O) Jordan (A) Calcium (B) Vrtamin I
(C) Vrtamin C (D) lnsutin
31. Which country has banned wearing of head
scarf by Muslim students? 47 Whrch part of human body is like a compuler?
(A) Holland (B) France (A) Heart (B) Brain
(C) Canada (D) America (C) Lungs (O) Eyes
32. FIR stanG for: 4E. The planet nearest to lhe sun rs
(A) First lnformation Report (A) Earlh (B) Mercury
(B) First lnvestigation Report (C) Mars (Dt .tupiter
(c) Forensic lnvestigation Report 49 The age of a tree can be known from its:
(D) Follow up lnformation Report (A) Height
33. Dr. Fahmida Mirza the speaker o, Nationat (B) Number of Branches
Assembly was elected as MNA from: . (C) Number of Fruits
150 Adv.ncedPPTSC COs nodal Papers
(O) Number of Rings on ils trunk 04. A farr weather frtend means:
(A) False Fnend (B) Good Fnend
50 Green vegetables Provide us: (C) Loyal Friend (O) Close Fnend
(A) Proteins
(8) Vitamrns & Minerals 65. Davrs cup ts assoctated wlth
(C) Fats and Oils (A) Tennrs (B) Hockey
(D) Starch (c) Football (D) Cncket
5'l. Condoleezza Rce rs the American: 66 The lourth state of matter is knolYn as
(A) Secretary of Stale (A) Plasma (B) Wood
(8) Defence Minrster (C) Metal (D) Rubber
(C) Secretary Defence
(O) Advisor ol President 67 The square root ot..l'i6E ,s
(A) 43 (Bf 13
52. Roger Federer rs a famous player of: (c) E4 (D) 169
(A) Tennrs (B) Golf
68. What comes next in the following sefles?
(c) Foorball (D) Cncket
64. 48, 40, 36. 34
53 Bill Gates ls the founder of:
(A) 30 (B)
(A) AMO (B) 31
(C) HP (D)
(c) 32 (o) 33

54 The most widely used inlemet search engine 69. The zoo had some lions and some parrots.
The supervrsor counted 15 heads and 50 legs
rn the world rs:
How many lions were there?
(A) Yahoo (B) Google
(C) MSN (D) You Tube (A) 9 (B) 10
(c) 12 (O) 13
55 Barack Obama the Amencan President 70 Which number can replace both question
Candidate b€longs to:
(A) Democratrc Party macrls? 2l?
(B) Republrcan Pany = ?150
(A) 5 (B 1 0
(C) Amencan Congress
(O) Labour Party
(c) 25 (o 1 00

56 CPU stands ror zr. oivioe|+!r

(A) Central Processrng Unil
(B) Control Panel Unit
(C) Central Programming Unil
(D, Computer Power Unit
+ (B) I
57. NATO stands for:
(c) I (D) 2
(A) North Asia Treaty Organizatron 57
(8) Norlh Atlantrc Treaty Organizatron 14'10- "'
(C) North America Treaty Organization

(D) Non Alhance Treaty OrganEation
ldent[y the correcl spellings
(A) I (B)#
(A) Successlul (B) Successfull (c) ff6 (D) 6
(C) Sucsestul (D) Sucsesfull
59 Fnghtened means.
73. The square root of r.l7rE is:
(Al Woraed (B) Afrard (A) 33 (B) 27
(C) Dangerous (O) Confused (c) 37 (D) 43
60. Alrna maler means:
74. lf 15 men can manufacture 27 baskets tn an
(A) Library hour, how many baskets would 45 men can
(B) Personal matter manufaclure in 40 mrnutes?
(C) Bookshop (Al 27 (B) 35
(D) One's college or university (c) 40 (D) 54

61. Which word rs wrongly spelt in the follovving? 75. 18 is 75o/o ol ?

(A) Confusion (B) Distruction (Al 24 (B) 2E
(C) Previous (D) Computer (c) 34 (D) 32

62 Beautiful is a: --Jh.{,A-v'..76
(A) Noun (B) Verb
(C) Adiecxve (D) Adverb -le (B) i4.i lAl
63 An Above Board person means
(A) Trustworthy (B) Orshonest
J (D) ,tj"i tct
(C) Fnendly (D) Cruel r+tr(ZttLtt t7
Atr.nced PPSC lroQs ,loclf,l PaDers 151

ovrt,!./ (Bl Jqrl)t 1t1 \:jtt) ai io r;1--.-';-u-i- 2 88

t:totfur Pl 'rrreir (c) iii @ t't4'2 \At

:-4ii ''tz2''-," ;);'
' "i i tot Gt
Jtibtt (Bt )Elt 1a1 \:'AV'., 6,-i;- Y==- Lo,'
- }-k -i -.t ag

,J,PiVs? Pt Jr,eC;ur 1c1 jt, lB) ,r: (A)

t,E lC Lov,,/.bttoJti i .tg / (o) -;i tct

( 'L :v air - -: an
'fo <q P, ot
' 4,1 tot .iF, tcl ui;rt Pl
t.i::t,$+,| \A)
I c- ;E itl. l./ L sr of
f', f j Jlutt .ao t.!t:v lO) t.: -z: - 1Cl
{=r @t J,aJL <et r;ra.,-.'"it --' t -)-! -t r,; tt 91

)vov) (Dl t,'-n (cl L,vJie.z (Bl ;f -.1tP lAt

---)h'(-L, .81 ,/,-? \o\ .1'vi:1,>2 lC)
ir2< tal .,gbr (At ,;t1i!_._.';,,8 gz
'.f 'J'+.t>
e.Z (Dl P (cl a.;, / 1ri1 \A1
'j''.rz' .u i.13J.2..2, tol \C\
itel (Bl eJtt. 1Al \:
-:w:;-; J ; :t..- :-,-q .93

/tt-4 (Dl * (Cl iie t @l .j.r'e' (A)

r.--;*'5,-/",! *r' -t,i,, ? .E3 , (D) -it.' G)
,tA;, @t OyJl;, 6l |eJ5!,::.1 ie-wai;'.!i; 9a

,'tJ2etu lD) *,ilt, 1C1 jt,$/tP lll !-'?tP \A)

sc-.i totfi fC,? J "s,tlY* .u .f rt + P lDl .:-i .. r):- P lc)
,Ptt,P g :,)t 6l ri,4
|--j;7'-i'1,. ss

.!Cci'1 @\ 6e(;st lc't r-' (B) j: (At

a,l o{|+t vEl-;2,*
t .as .y (Dt o! o1
uy'st1.z4t P'S ttt-fi,.t,\ Ol 1_*-, i J: : ?... j. -. _.... 96

i6Jt,,i:/'lit lol crtgQ tc') Jiz @l ia1 (^)

-,*fPLfoii w ;j f,s tot i-43 (c)

,ieJ,! (8, {9sr 6l -;=l j- "-:- - ' 97

jiru,it) (Dt =i',!),

p1 i -:)(:-ijii Fl ti,j,i,r ltl
e-Yi,i;€ j.V =-s {r.tjlrci i .et --rv! (D) =-r.rL"

,r;r-J,r (B) J\e? (Al Y, srq i'-'' ti /t! ez-;i7;it.*.!; 98

f to1'jo r'Stg.-' o 7 1c1 /r? (Bl J--a-a,.t..P lA)
152 Advanced PPSC nCQs lrlodet Paoers

Ir 4/E ;7,,,i- t1,;1; ,;' ! L'! t fio

eCl-9e zr' (O) -.';.}.: z tCr
la. ';1 . r:(-t':,.'; gg
'j:,i,te? (B\ 'i'.e,[tL,>P @l
-,.,.i (B) .,;,:.1 rA) ?rlo?'tol il\*.t> tcl
-'iri \o) j,r,,'; lcl
Answer Key
1. d 14 b 27 a 40 a 53 d 66. a 79 a 92 c
2. a 15 b 28 c 41 54 b 67. b 80. c 93. a
1 b 16 a 29 b 42 a a 68. d 81. a 94. a
4 c 't7 b 30 b 43 56 a 69. b 82, a 95' a
5. a 18 a 31 b 44 o 57 b 70. b a 96. b
6. b 19 c 32 a 45 d 58 a 71. c 84. b 97. a
7. 20 c 33 a 46 d b 72. a 85. d 98. c
8. zt b 34 b 47 b 60 d 73. b 86. a 99. c
9. b 22 c 35 c 48 b 61 b 74. d 87 d 100. b
10 b 23 b 36 b 49 d 62 c 75 a 88 a
11 a 24 d 37 c b 63 a 76. b 89 a
12 c la d 38 d 51 a 64 a 77. a 90 a
13 b lb 39 b 52 a 65 a 78. b 91. a
.(C) lslamabad (D) Karachi
The highest award of bravery in the Police
Service of Pakistan i3 _ 7. K' in Pakistan stands for.
(A) Pakistan Police Medal (A) Karachi (B) Khyber
(B) President's Policb Medal (C) Kashmir (D) Karakarum
(C) Quak i-Azam Police Medal 8 Presidential form of govemment was
(D) Pride of Performance Medal rntroduced under the Constitution of'
2 S H.O. is an abbreviation of: (A) 1956 (B) 1962
(A) Senior House Officer (c) 1973 (D) Act of 1935
(B) Station Houseoffcer 9. Pakis'tan became a member of the United
(C) Superior House Ofncer Nations in:
(D) Supervisor Home Ofiicer (A) Aug 1947 (B) Sept. 1947
3 "Scotland Yard" is a: (C) Dec. 1947 (D) Jan. 1948
(A) A playground for lce Hockey in Scotland 10. All lndia Muslim League came into being ini
(B) Cricket grouM in London (A) 30 Oec. 1906 (B) 29 Dec. 1906
(C) Royal Police Headquarlera'London (C) Aug. 1947 (D) 3 Nov. '1930
{D) Bri$sh Criminal lnvestigation Department
F.l.R is an abbrevialion of.
. Lahore Resolution was passed on;
4 (A) 20 March 1%0 (B) 14 Aug. 1947
(A) Frrst lniomation Report ' (C) 14 Aug. '1947 (D) 23 March 1940
(B) First lnquiry Report
(C) First lnvestigation Report 12. Objec-tives Resolution was passed on:
(D) First lncident Report (A) 23 March 1940 (B) 14 Aug. 1947
(C) 12 March 1949 (D) Sept. 1947
5 National Police Academy is located at.
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi '13. Nehru Repod was presented by.
(A) Gandhi
(C) lslamabad (O) Peshawar (B) Motilal Nehru
(C) Jawaharlal Nehru (D) Patel
) The first Worhen Police Station was set up in:
(A) Lahore (B) Peshawar 14 Separate Electorate was granted to the
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 153
Muslims by the British under the:
(A) Act of 1909
(A) Doctor (B) Professor
(c) Act of 1935
(B) Aclof
(D) Actof
(C) La',vyer (O) Judge
28 Whal rs our Nationalgame?
15 The First Constitution of pakistan was framed (A) Cncket (B) Hockev
(A) 1947 (B)
lC) Squash (O; Vottey-Aarr
(c) 1s56 ioi
rmz 29 Pakistan's hockey team won lhe gold meoai
()lympic Games for the firsl time in

16 lslamabad became capitat ol pakistan rn: tA) 1948 in London

(A) 1967 (B) 1949 lB) 1952 in Helsinki
(c) 1956 (Dl 1960 {C) 1956 in Melbourne
17 lslam was declared as the State Religion (D) 1960 in Roine
under the: 30 Pakislan won the Cncket World Cup in:
(A) Constitution of 1956 {A) 1990 (B) 1991
(B) Constitution of 1962 rC) 1992 (D) 1994
(C) Constitution of 1973
(O) Eighth Amendment 31 -_
was the favourite oame of the Ouard-
't8 Simla Conference was held in: rA) Cheis (B) Bittiard
(A) 1906 (B) 194s rC) Tennis (D) Cncket
(c) 1947 ioj rgzz
The coastline ofAfghanislan is:
ao Round Table Conferences were held in:
(A) London (B) Bombav
r.A) 200 km (8) 600 km
(c) oerhi (D) Simta
rC) 1000 km (D) zero km
20 Who was the First President of the Muslim
33 The length of LOC (Line of Controt) tn
Kashmir as about:
Lea gue? rA) 600 km (B) 720km
A) The Ouaid-i4zam
B) Liaquat Ali Khan
,c) 760 km io) aoorm
34 Pak-Afghan Duran Line'was drawn
C) Agha Khan tn.
O) Abdul Rab Nashtar r,A) 1667 (B) 1883
21 Allama lqbal gave th€ idea of pakistan in his ',c) 1893 (O) 1947
President Address of the Muslim League in: 35 February 5 is observed annually as
(A) 1906 (B) ,'A) Black day
(c) 192s (D) 1e3o .B) Martyr's day
), The First session of Alt lndia Muslim League
:C) Accession day
:O) Kashmir Solidarity day
was held at:
(A) Dacca (B) Atbefi 36 State Bank of Pakistan came into ope'aho|
(C) Karacfii ioi Laiore
1947 (B) July 19aB
:A) Aug.
23. The Quaid-i-Azam became of :C) Dec. 1948 (D) Jan. 1949
Pakistan: 'Who lyas appointed as Pakislan's
(A) President (B) GovemoFceneral 37 first woman
(C) Chiet Minister (D) Allofthose ambassador?
24. {A) Begum Shaista lkrammuttah
was the Founder of Two Nations (B) Begum Jahan tua Shahnawaz
Theory. (C) Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (D) Ra'ana Lisquat Ali Khan
(B) Allama lqbal
(C) The Quaid-i-Azam 56 Who was the Prime Minister when pakistan s
(D) Ch. Rehmat Ali Iirst Constilution was framed?
(A ) M. Ali Bogra
25. Who was known as 'Ambassador of Hindu- B ) Ch. Muhammad Ali
Muslim Unity'? c ) Khawaja Nazimuddin
(A) Gandhi o ) Feroz Khan Noon
(B) Motilal Nehru
(C) Lord Mountbatten 39. Who was the First Chief Justic6 of Par,
(D) The Quaid-i-Azam (A) AMur Rashid (B) MuhamFlsd
(C) A.R. Cornellius (D) Rustam x...,
26. Who bec€me the First President of pakistan?
(A) lskander Mirza 40. The laEe3t gtand of human body is.
(B) The Quaid-i-Azam (A) Heart (B) Kidney
(C) Ghulam Muhammad (C) Liver (D) Panseas
(O) Ayub Khan
27. Who was Cyrel Radcliffe?
154 Advanced PP MCOS Model PaDers

41. The strongesl muscle' in the human body is in 56 (A) oita (B) iota
the: (C) eota (D) eotae
(A) arm (B) jaw 57 (A) secretariat (B) secretaiate
(C) neck (D) thigh (C) sucretariat (D) sacretariate
42 Carbon dioxide inhaled in air is approximately: 58 Board of revenue of Ummayad reign was
(A) 0.4% (B) 4o/o called.
(c) 40% (Dl 70% (A) Diwan alKharaj (B) Diwan al-Khatam
43. The whale is a: iC) Diwan al-Barid (D) Oiwan al-Oudat
(A) Fish (B) Mammal 59 At-Khwarizmi's contributions to was in:
(C) Sea Monster (O) Beast (A) medicine (B) Phystcs
44 Blood cells are produced by of (C) mathematics (D) chemistry
the body. 60 Muhanmad: A Biography of lhe Prophet
(A) liver (B) hearl (PBUH) was wntten by:
(C) spleen (D) bone-marrow (A) Karen Armstrong
45. The length of spinal cord of the human being (B) NeilArmstrong
(C) Karl Marx
(A) 12 to 14 inches ( B) 16 to:18 inches (D) Stephen Leacock
(C) 20 to 22 inches ( D) 24 to 26 inches 61. Aurangzeb reign lasted for 49 years from
46 Light consists of @lours or'a '1658 until his dealh in:
rainbow. (A) 1700 (B) 1702
(A) Three (B) Five (c) 1705 (D) 1707
(C) Seven (O) Nine 62. Urdu-Hindi ionrroversy started in.
47. The longest Raih^,ay tunnel in Pakistan, is (A) 1967 (B) 1867
between Quetta and Chaman which is (c) 18s7 (D) 1900
miles? 63 Length of Pak-chrna borders is:
lA) 1% (B) 2 (A) 523kms (B) 600kms
(ct 2% (D) 3 (C) 456kms (O) 710kms
48 A heatthy human brain contains _ of 64 Sir Syed founded the Muhammadan
cells. Educational Conference in:
(A) hundreds (B) thousands (A) 1880 (B) 1881
(C) millions (D) billions (c) 1886 (D) 1889
49. Appendicitis is the innammation of: 65 Partition of Bengal took place in 1905 under
(A) Joints (B) appendix the suDervision of
(C) liver (q) heart (A) L;rd Mew (B) Lord Mountbatten
Find the Conect Spellings: (C) Lord Cuzon (D) Lord Canning
50 (A) clerk (B) clerck 66 Belore Mountbatten who was the viceroy?
(C) clark (D) clur* (A) Curzon (B) Canning
s1. (A) comrng (B) cuming
(C) Mew (D) Wavell
(c) commrn9 (D) comeing 67. The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms were in
(A) 1911 (B) 1919
s2 (A) acommodation (B) acco;modation (c) 1913 (D) 1924
(c) acomodation (D) acomodashun
s3. (A) begining (B) beginning 68. Allahabd 1930 address was headed by:
(D) bignning (A) M Ali iinnah (B) Allama lqbal
(c) bigning (C) Liaqat Ali Khan (D) none ofthese
54 (A) convenert (B) convinient 69. The Cripps Mrssion came to lndra in:
(c) convenient (D) convenaht (A) 1940 (B) 1942
55. (A) bureucracy (B) burucracy (c) 1944 (D) 1946
(c) b€orucracy (D) bureaucracy 70. Architect of 1962 constatutaon is:
(A) Ayube Khan (B) Ch Muhammad Ali
(C) Srkandar Mrrza (D) Yehya Khan
'There is no one answer for this question since 7'l . Agartala Conspiracy Case opened in:
there are different ways to measure strength. (A) 196869 (B) 1962-64
There is absolute strength (maximum force),
(c) 1980-84 (D) 1985-87
dynamic strength (repeated motions), elastic 72. The Prince is a 'l6th-century political treatise
by the ltalian diplomat and political theorist
strength (exert force quickly), and stren8th (A) Thomas Hobbes
endurance (withstand fatigue). (B) Plato
Advanced PPSG MCQs lttodel Papers
(Ct Aflstotle

(D) Niccole Machiave
{C) zoology rL, pn ,,-so;- -
73. Zoroaster was a
(A) Artist (B) Retrqion Founder
(C) Educatronist (D) polrtrcian a-
74. Rabindranath Tagore became the frrst non-

European to win the Nobel prize rn Literature
( 't 1922 B 1920
(c) 190s D 1913
75. Ampere unit of:
(A) pressure (B) flow
(C) heat (D) current
76. Country with lhe smallest poputation in the
0 ucation For PMS
(A) Armenia (B) Vatican City
(C) Kuwait (D) Nepat
77. European who opened a sea-based trade
route to lndia: _ ^=.
({) Qolumbus (B) John Kerry
(C) Srgmund Freud (D) Vasco da'Gama
78. Headquarters of lnternational Court of Justice
located inl
(A) London (B) New york
i ..-
(C) Hague (D) Geneva
79. Zulfi Bhutto ol Pakistan was written by:
(A) Stanley Wolpert (B) KB Saeed
(C) Richard Nixon (D) none of these
80. Michael Saul Dell is associated with: 88 The proletarial rs a term useil tc .-:::...
(A) transport industry class of wage-earners sssocraiec ,
(B) food industry (A, l\,'larx ,87 l,l-.:
(C) computer rndustry fC) Nlachravelli ,Dr P::r
(D) polrtics of USA 89. Yuan is currency of
8'1. Vitamln associated with citric acid is: (A) Japan (BJ Korea
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin K (C) Malaysia (D) Cnrna
(C) Vitamin B (D) Vifamin C
82. Bones in human are:
lv. -r jlr i v.r.-Y / *----: ' -
(A) 200 (B) 210
(c) 206 (D\ 212 i*t Bt ;t; *.- rA
. _i
83 OGRA is related to
(A) Oil and cas (B) tT
,;d \Dt o7r i rc,
(C) Textile (O) education j:V
3,t"t :;'.,,*y,t,) i.:.t,-., -'-
84. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in. --'
(A) 1963 (B) 1964 r 1,,
(c) 1965 (D) 1S66 .j,4.-?
85. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto introduced land reforms @l
and reduced the land holding, limit to 150
acres for irrigated land and -i00 acres for Q"r.i:'tc'P @t i :. ,'- (.C

baraniland in.
(A) 1972 (B) 1973 l/'-,
. _v _ w-a -.;-b-
va .'t
(c) 1974 (D) 1976
86. Alter means: rr (B) +'
(A) modify (B) confidence
(C) good result (D) \i-
(D) bad impact '9
87. The study of personality has a broad and
varied history in
r l-: \.:., e- -:r-e, ,:_ - r -
(A) psychology (B) botany
le..P lB)
156 Advancecl PPSC MCQS Moclel Papets

J e.,z- (O) 'ji' c..> \C) Ptc'r-/ (D) f iu.:./ (c)

(:L.,,- i .., r' , i .:- .'-', . : i g+ ,:.-ryt{Z',fl* ea
gtlt p1 ,l', .,aoti JL 6J
1e1 1B'1

4tpJ ',ar",
(c) (D) ,,hri (Cl

,,.- .,- :-..:i

. w:.-w v.. .' /:-. v:-,i wY:9
:-,{i:( yfjst,fr ... -, .95 .gg
113 (B) 11 13 (A)
,-.lj (B) .,fr 1e) 6666 (D) 6000 (c)
(-) gtl tot :..1 lC) <:t :t //..--:1 ),: 1OO

4.- -, i I,ici i
t..-J c i't, r i sa ,li.9rr_,,,.i _]::-.r_91_. ;9 (A)

)lt p1 -'.it (A) )ijt:: '';t'i t-'" .''

v''lr (D) ,.'t tCl i|-: -;+----'. ero :-v ' \vl
\:$ij)i -.'J, ,2',. s7

{J e? (BJ t.-P lA)

Answer Key q?
14 a 27. c 40. c 53. b 66. d 79 a a
2.b 15 28. b 41. b 54. c 67. b 80 c 93 b
'16 a 29. d 42. a 55. d 68. b 81 d 94. a
4.a 17 c 30. c 43. b 56. b bY b 82 c 95.
5.c '18 b b 44. d 57. a 70. a 83 a 96 b
6.c 19 a d 45. b 58. a 71. a 84 a 97. a
7. c 20 c 33. b 46. c 59. c 72. d a 98. d
8.b 21 d u. c 47. d 60. a b 86 a 99. d
9.. b 22 c 35. d 48. d 61. d 74. d 87 a 100 a
10. a ZJ b 36. b 49. b 62. b 75. d 88 a
11. d 24 a d 50. a 63. b 76. b 89 d
25 d 38. b 51. a 64. c 77. d 90 b
13. b 26 a a 52. b 65. c 78. c 91 d
1. Respectful means: 4 Which of the following diseases is
(A) Honourable contagious?
(B) Showing respect (A) Measles (B) Tetanus
(C) DeseNing respect (C) Cancer (D) Typhoid
(D) Graceful The use of computer is attractive because of
2. Opposite of pardon is: its:
(A) Reward (B) Blame (A) Accuracy (B) Reliability
(C) Praise (D) Punish
(C) Speed (D) All ofthe above
3. Silk Route is another name for: 6 Tarbela Dam has been constructed on the
(A) Korakoram Highway river?
(B) lndus Highway (A) Chenab (B) Swat
(C) Motorway (C) Jhelum (D) lndus
(D) NorE of the above 7 Which of the following is a good source of
Advanced PPSC MCQS ttodet paoers 1Sl
vilarnin C:
(A) Milk (B) Appte
(u, urange (o) Eggs
8. .014 x.014 = ? zftGlo
(4) .196 (B) 19.6
(c) .00196 iot .ooor go
9. The largest planet in Solar Svstem rs:
(B) Eadh
(D) Venus
& Literahre
'10. Quaid-e-A23rn
loined Mustim League in:
(A) 1906 (B) 1908 " {*, r-rtE.r.EF-.c qi*Er^!h
(c) 1911 (Di 1913
11. Lunar eclipse occurs on:
(4) New moon (B) Fu1 moon
(C) Hatf moon (Di euarter moon
12. Who was the firsl Chief Justice ol pakrstan? +r
(A) A. R. Cornetius
(B) M. R Kivani
(C) Mran Abilut Rashrd
(O) Maulana Tamiz-ud-Din Khan
13. Which word^is wrongly spett in the fo owrng
set o, words?
Speach (B) Soeak
(C) iOj Aieeo
'14 The smallest soverergn stale tn the world?
(A) Nepal tB) Vatrcan Crtv
(C) Singapore (Di Brunel
15. A computer mainly consists of eleclronic: 23 What was the role of the euaid-i-Azam for
(4) Circuits (B) Devrce enacting the Rowten Act?
(C) Chips iOi parts 14) Supporled it (B) Opposed it
1'l (C) Proposed rt rD) Niire ofthe above
16 -;= ?
1.1 24 ?4
(A) 1s (B)
(c) 1 , (A)
I 4
o)2 81 B
, Wh y do the electricians wear rubb€r gloves
whi le touchinq electric wires?
(c) I D I
(A) It helps in the smooth flow of cunent
(B) they can hold wires orooerlv 25. White blood cefls are:
(c) Rubber-is a bad condu&or 6f etectricity (A) Food carriers
(o) None of the above (B) Oxygen carriers
(C) Defence aqainst dbease
18 Day and night are equalon: (D) None of the above
(A) 21sl March
(B) 21st September 26. There were so much smoke in the room that
(c) 1st ocrober (D) 21$ De;€mber could hardlv ..

19. Pure gold IS c:rat goldl (A) Breadth ---(B) Brealhe

(A) 1 2ca ral (B) 14 carat (C) Breathrng (D) Breathless
(Cl 22 carat (D) 24 carat 27 The hardest substance known ls
20. Gawadar is famous (A) Diamond rB) Steet
(A) Fishrno town (8) lndustrial crtv (C) Platrnum (Di tron
(C) Sea drr (D) None of the'above 28. Modern computers compared to earlier
21 The duratron of day & nrght al North & South comput-6rs are.
Poles rs (A) Faster and taroer
(4) 3 months (B) 4 months (B) Larger and str6nqer
(C) 5 months iD) 6 months (C) Slower but more reliable
Which word rs wrongly spett,n the fo owing (D) Faster and smaller
set of words: 29. Organization of lstamic Conference (OtC) has
(A) Hight (B) Mioht its headquarters at:
(c) Lisht aD) sisit (A) Caro (B) Jeddah
(C) Tehran (D) tstamabad
ed PPSC MCOS Papers
Woid Olympics 2004 will be held at: (C) Sensationalism
,A) Athens (B) Tokyo (D) Propaganda
rcr Rome (D) Paris 44. Which of the following language is spoken by
To answer accurately is more important than the largest number of people in the world?
(A) Chinese (B) English
A) a quick finish (C) Arabic (D) French
jB) to finish quickly
C) frnishing quickly
45 The rolatron of earth around is axrs causes:
, D) you finish quickly
(A) Summer &Winter
(B) Summer
I8 is 75% of which value? (C) Day & Night
,A) 34 (B) 24 (D) Winter
tC) 22 (D) 20
46. ldentify the correcl spellings in the following
Durand Line is a boundary between Pakistan set of words:
and (A) Prely (B) Pretty
,Ar lndE-- (B) Afghanistan (C) Prettey (D) Pnty
,Cl Iran (D) China
47 General Dyer is known for:
ldentity the.correct spellings in the following (A) JalllianwalaMassacre
set of words: (B) Patrionsm
Ar Cyctone (B) Cvclean (C) Bravery
C ] Cvclon (D) Ciolone (O) Antrjndran Policies
eeople preter to wear while clothes durrng 48 'A A 3 parts ot B and 4
mixture ot 17 parts of
.irmmer becausel parts of C weigh 72 ounces How many
Aj The clothes look nice & coot ounces of substance B are in thls mrxture?
F Do not absorb heat
'I Absorb
(A) 34 (B) I
' heat \cJ 12 (O) 17
D) None of the above
49. ldentity the correct spellngs in the fo owing
)ar es Salaam is the largest and richest city ' set ol words.
1l: (A)Exrstence (B) Existance
'.i Tanzania (B) Nrgena (C)Existtance (D) Existense
rli Kenya (D) Uganda
50. The number of permanenl members of
).lrslim Said Baba Fareed Gani. Shakar rs Security Council Unrted Nations rs.
,-rtLed at: (A) 4 (B) 5
A Kol Mithan (B) Pakpattan (c) 8 (D) 10
C, Multan (D) BahawalDur
51 Opposite of Democracy rs:
Cnly one planet in the Solar System has any (A) Aristocracy (B) Theocracy
rlmosphere which is: (C) Dictatorship (D) Monarchy
,A, Earth (B) Mercury
a) Plulo (D) Venus 52. Napoleon Bonapa(e was:
(A) French (B) cerman
\:r'hat is the meaning of the underlined word in (C) Bntsh (D) ttalian
|re following sentence: "Emperor. Jahangir
53. Tea can be best cultivated on:
:-ad a reputation for being
..' Stubborn Igt: (A) Plains
(B) Fair (B) Hill tops
:, Skict (O) Flexibte (C) Hillslopes
.'.al comes next in the Series? 64, 48. 40. (D) All of the above
., 34 54 Which word is wrongly spelt !n the following
..) 33 (B) 32
': 31 (D) 30
set of words?
trlR stands for:
(A) Begrnnrng (B) Appearence
(C) Ceiling (D) Changeabte
A) First lnvestigation Report
3) First lnformation Report 55. Richter scale is used to measure the inlensity
j I First lnformation Record of:
I First lnformer's Report (A) Sea waves (B) Winds
(C) Earlhquakes (D) Hurricanes
.' largest lsland in the world is:
Australa (B) Japan 56 Which of the following is not a teap year?
Greenland (D) lndonesia (A) 1896 (B) 1902
iC) 1904 rD) 1908
Journalism refers to:
Portraying public opinion 57 The country having the highest death rate due
A-:curate reporling
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model 159
to disastrous typhoons and hurricanes- is:
(A) Sri Lanka (B) China r?Jb.or(a 67
(C) Bangladesh (D) Japan
t.f4w @'1 v-/.f ol
58. FBI stands for.
(A) Federal Bureau of lnvestigation e;,.r.,,ttl.l0 (D) t-/rt,,, 1C1
(B) Federal Board of lnvestment
(C) Federal Bureau of informatlon 68
(D) None of these
59. The first President of All lndia Muslim League
(A) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(B) -{ {,.v le)
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Mohammad Ali Jauhar
(D) .f a (-;;' 1c1
(D) Sir Agha Khan \'<_etq .i;:644; j2 | .69
60. Optical'Fibre Syslem is utilized in:
(A) Telecommunication system u.r-. (B) (A)
(B) Eye operation
(C) Air raid system it lot ,!i. t (c)
(D) Defence system .. ': - - r ---
' l::, J- v--,.._ rrl. ):._ e_ J',e 70
61. Which word is wrongly spelt in the following
set of words? j:,i;:. 2 qa1
(A) Fashon (B) Occasron
(C) lnclination (D) Situation
J-,,J .r. tt:,. 2 lB)
62. The Law of Gravity was discovered by:
(A) Copernicus (c)
(B) NeMon .': -.!.:.P
(C) Galileo tr ;ri e l> 1D;
(D) None of the above
63. Who was the ruler of Kashmir in 1947?
(A) Gulab Singh
(B) Hari Singh Jt"ct,i, (B) 'tYt-::i tA)
(C) Sheikh-Abdullah .tLai tt (O) 9t e/ 1C)
(D) Balehi Ghulam Muhammad a/
64. lf 15 men can manufacture 27 baskets rn an li w4^'-r|"t--s";2-/-' L -,P', .72
hour how many baskets would 45 men
manufacture in 40 minutes? (e) D;- (A)
(A) 27 (B) 3s'
(c) 40 (o) il e.E?* (D) p/ (c\
65. The biggest Barrage in Pakistan isi " z-L,-tr,i Lote." .tl
(A) Sukkar Earrage (B) Guddu Barrage
(C) Taunsa Barrage (D) Kotri Banages (B) i t;(ejji)

i n) ;c 1, Y 1+-.
* -,, rg s {{ Jysi i 66 <-,/ t,- I lDt <-,Jl (c)
;i.,t tB\ (A) t ;j v,, ? !u'-l-i-l:-'.;. to

-'Cb,r. lo'l (c) i,, @ ii.ot

,;-,j 1Dy j, pl
'A cyclone is any rnass of air that spirals around a low t<_vi _:,,{_. u.J.,i.i_;t, .tS
pressure center- lt is an organized collection of
thunderstorms embedded iri a swirling mass of arr. ln 3 ,u, ;; (A)
general, both typhoons and hurricanes are tropical
cyclones but differ in their locations. The difference
;!; pl ,v, (c)
between hurricane and typhoon is that tropical :.-!,,-i-:Jr''-2t' rc
cyclones in the west Pacilic are called Typhoons and
those in the Atlantic and east Pacific Ocean are called .: {jtr, B\ .:-tt-j)tt (A)
Hurricanes. lt's the longitude that matters.
160 Advanced PPSC trcOs fiode, pape's

gtiqJrt, (D) Dh6)t' (c,t r.i;(,>w;,p,il @l

e?(rryJ-j",p .77 x oV.( a-f:-G',i rEi i.ii.,-t,J tcl

*+z-JrG'ft,t''F i ttti*trljli i:fy;ttlr,y'-J 1oy

ttL$../17e*cDStkt t;6iZi,;4fv aa
rt&J @l Jtit-tt, (Al fv(i;',-r* 1e1
Qv (Dl Jr, (cl u:jgta;l lBl
t7tl{c_fiez .te d''(/ Gl
N{4 Ft g*{t{at 61 -itt)V,:6v,:a- j?!,,r.), r, (O)
ctr:it-.,r'! pl ov;6rp4, G) r.-it.:*.at
J .:,p + L (l 6 + s{ 0d,.at # u .ts Jrrr,- (B) (A)
-,fr1-rtun,lrf jtiu,L J'4 O j" (cr
euFlel (A) -?=b{';r=i.:JJ" .aa
ilop <al vnt)jd (B) v.jfii ol
Ao? G) ryo/ P1 vxjr;;* ,6,
stctc)z )ryef @l
2ry{ lQ,r.,',,; t-i J r, I V .eg

t,.q r)t ?, 4 L tt r/ +,g J-t

+, p .ao iitlt' 6'1
J& (B) -r.r 6) "=.e6CVop @l
4? @) rLe- tcl E),tJ G)
sz4af r{-,*&hz,f{,rc et Jep @)
,.,r (B) *t^{r 61 6 g{';.,, 6)i -,
-. { Jlctis -,*r L J,i .go
z1'-1,'f :/ pl *,,r{ey p1 lc-
! 1 x +i J+ ctrt, L tftl, r't
rt"i,/ .az d nr lB) .it,r (Al
d,t <q ,ao:,7 1ey J4otr (Dl tti.,r (c)
.eh* P) t)r>o'V G) --,Qt LJi ts e-,' -it tii iA L Jt,. jt:,!.. ;

-'t ; tl L c)d16, ; 2J I .ea
-i Pr,r,e,rJii
c)GtFvh4i @) c)tt1t1ut p;'t :e- 2ry' j;-ir:o;ii, )j..g<-!:l*,;t?y .91
t{ P1 ,rti; (c) L
J-i-.A e,,o )L,t \A)
9?vb.f,,vx+_cti* .u |..
J J1lt"tLt7 P1
vVnr?:(B) cx),' 61 ./y*j-,f p1
qtlrt p1 tt,xei 1Cy ;::-,:_ri_. (D)
t't{ft|i*_ .as _e-Jr,S;! n
no4tttl,4 ;i,!]o h,1 ut 6y It.r (B) t'I 6,
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 16'l

.2)Ai lD\ r/r (c) l

-v 'Vt.; t:b-t:'i,:'t'; .g'l

{,,)Y .-;,, t ql)i./ s t gv o;,,( s)Vt * ., .93 Jl (B) ,* (A)

-i , .ot (D) (c)
G (B) v1: (A) .ivl,>-, 4- L E j
-- ; j;.. ;, .sa

sv lot i tcl ,t.i p1 .{ ot

t aq u! 1) j. i ( :, {,--.:, L J eD',./ .w e[tztt-, lD\ +"!'- tCl
= !
,,ti (B) ,/ ( \ a L2-vii{vivvri o7r;5 s,!,,;:e;! so
,. ..-;_
dr2i (D) lcl ':-y)'t,)rtl-i', a
{r(girr,,,J i!1,, }1 { f ,:i i es r!t,.et; j$, \A)
ixJ;tvti:v $'t -Fii'j iv' ot
/- t* i __,.
- - r. (8\ i 'iziv'cti ')tJ' G)
,l;(Jj-i,ttctt tcl ...).t,
--. -.. -
'c -..; t
-.-<,'J,' lol
i'<J;t1t?11't' (ol ^?t - ) .LJ:
t{ J;/,f -5aj-,.;' too
ti e+t{Lll( .sa alJ:r (B't gl
dveEvh; @l .Jrig,. 1r1 gt./-t lD) rJvt r 191
O, @l c)tt7 (C\
Answer Key
1. b 14. b 27. a &. a 53. c 66 b 79. a 92. a
2.d 15. a 28. d /fi. b 54. b 67 c 80. a 93. d
3.a 16. d 29. b 12. c 55. c 68. d 81. a 94. b
4.d 17. c 30. a 43. c 56. 5 69. b 82. d 95. b
5.d 18. a JI, b 44. a 57- c 70. a 83. b 96. a
6.d 19. d 32. b 45. c 58. a 71. d 84. a 97. b
7. c 20. c JJ, b /t6. b 59. d 72. e 85. d 98. d
8.d 21. d 34. a 47. a 60. a 73. b 86. d 99. b
9.a 22. a 35. b 48. b 61. a 74. d 87. a 100 c
10. d 23. b 36. a 49. a 62. b ?5. c 88 c
't1. b 24. a 37. b 50. b 63. b 76. d 89 b
't2. c 25. c 38. a 51. c O'1. d 77. b oal ?
13. a 26. 39. b 52. a 65. a 78. c d
162 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers




1. The 'Nisab! of Zakat is (C) Shakespeares Hamlet is the play for all
A) 52 1/2 tolas silver or 7 1/2 tolas gold ages
B) 53 1/2 tolas silver or 10 tolas gold (D) Shakesp€are's Hamlet is the play for all
C) 52 1/2 tolas srlver or 7 tolas gold ages
D) None ol these 12 The zoo had some lions and some parrots.
2. Last Annual Summit of Shanghar Cooperation The supervisor counted 15 heads and 50 legs.
How many lions were there?
Organizatron was held during June 2017, at
the location o, (A) s (B) 10
(A) Tashkent. UZEkEEn (c) 12 (o) 13
(B) Dushanbe, Tajikistan 13 Choose the correct optron The sludents who
(C) Astana. Kazakhstan had lhe flu had a(nr reason for mrssing
(D) Beuing, China school. They normally have perfect
3. The car_ front is slowing down. attendance. and their absence that day was
(A) in (B) on a(n) . ......
(C) about (D) of (A)Unwarranted anomalv
(B) Legrtrmate .. aberratron
4 Nippon is stock exchange market or: (C) Unjustifiable. .. . travesty
(A) Tokyo (B) London (D) lnconsolable ...... fluke
(C) New York (D) None ofthese
14 The first Session of the Constituent Assembly
5. Name the princely State other than Kashmir of Pakistan was held on
which caused a dispute between lndia & (A) 11 Aug 1947 (B) 14 Aug 1947
Pakistan: (C).30 Aug 1.947 (D) 6 Sep '1947
(A) Bahawalpur (B) Junagadh :
(C) Chitral (D) Gurdaspur 15 Gomal University is in:
6. Which type of milk is generally lowest rn fat?
(A) Quetta (B) D.G. Khan
(A) Full cream (B) Powered
(C) Peshawar (D) Dera lsmail Khan
(c) oried (D) skimmed to The Tool used for finding a similar word in a
Document is called:
7. ln which Heaven 'Bait-ul-Ma'mur" is situated? (A) Finder (B) Thesaurus
(A) 4th (B) sth (C) Dictionary (D) Find/Replace
(c) 6th (D) 7th
't7 Diamer Bhasha Oam is being constructed in;
8. Who among the following was not Head of the (A) Balochistan
State during World War Second? (B) Khyber Paktunkhwa
(A) Winston Churchill (C) Gilgit-Batistan
(B) Theodore Roosevelt (D) Sindh
(C) Mussolini
(D) Stalin 18 Earth's axrs at presenl rs trtled by
(A) 23 5 degree
9. What fraction of a cake remains when its 2/8 (B) 25 degree
part has been eaten? (C) 21 degree
(A) 3t4 (B) 3/8 (D) 2'1 5 degree
(c) 6/9 (D) 8/3
19. Agorecratr on is to Reward as Crime rs
10 Basic Democracies System was for the first to
time implemented rn Pakislan in the year:
(A) 1948
(A)-Guilt (B) Punishment
(8) 1949 (C)Allegation (D) Need
(c) 1960 (D) 1979
20 The 6lh BRICS Summ't meehng was hetd rn
11. From following, find the correct punctuated lndia on 15-16 October 2016. which countnes
sentence comprise the BRICS group,
(A) Shakespeares Hamlet is the ptay for a[ (4) Belgium. Russia. lndra. Canada. Sparn
ages (B) Bangladesh. Russia, lndia. China, Srr
(B) Shakespeare Hamelt is the ptay for all Lanka
ages (C) Brazil. Russia, lndia. China, Scandinavia
Advanced PPSC CQsirodel Paoers 163
(D) Brazil, Russia. lndra. China. South Africa lranians
(C) (D) Moghuls
21. What it the moaning of the ldiom/proverb "To 34. Ayat ul Kursi is part of which Surah
' be at loggerheads" 1
(A) To cooperate with enemies (A) Al-e-lmran (B) Al-Baq arah
(B) To be in skong disagreement or dispute (C) Al-Anfal (D) Al-Nissa
(C) To face stiff opposition
(D) To tax one's mind and body 35. Fill in lhe blanks: Salma was ill
22. Which Power Point feature allows the user to (A) of (B) to
create a simple presentation quickly? (C) with (D) on
(A) Auto Content Wizard
(B) Transition Wizard 36. (2213 =t
(C) Chard Wizard (A) 64 (B) 32
(D) Animations (c) 16 (D) 12

23. Who is called the Father of Computers'? 37 Which one of the following countries is not a
(A) Charles Babbage member of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries)?
(B) Thomas Kurtz (Al Algena (B) Nigeria
(C) Konrad Zuse
(D) Bill Gates
(C) Venezuela (D) UK

24. Which body of people is sometimes referred

38. Find the odd one oul 13, 41. 43. 47, 53, 61,
71. 73. 81
to as "The Fourth Estate"?
(A) Judiciary (B) Executive
(A) 61 (B) 71

(C) The Press (D) Senate (c) 73 (D) 81

39. Who had coined the phrase "Survival of the
25. Name of the prophet who is known by the title fitlest".
of lsrael? (A) Charles DaMin
(A) Hazat Yaqoob (AS) (B) Herbert Spencer
(B) Hazrat Yousuf (AS) (C) Alfred Wallace
(C) Hazrat lshaaq (AS) (D) Erasmus Darwin
(D) Hazrat Moosa (AS)
26. The headquarters of the European Union is at: 40. What is the meaning of Al Hadi mentioned in
(A) Vienna (B) Brussels the Holy Quran?
(C) Paris (D) Amslerdam
(A) TheLight (B) The Eternal
(C) TheRich (D) The Guide
27. Headqua(er of Economic and Social 41. I was angry _ the way they reacled.
Commission for Asia and the Pacific is located (A) about (B) of
in: (C) in (D) on
(A) Manila (B) Singapore
(C) Bangkok (D) Yangon 42. One metric ton contains
28. Which UN agency deals with matters relating (A) 10.000 (B) 100
to children? (c) (D) 1000
(c) UNHCR (D) UNCTAD 43. Where do the lndian Ocean and Atlantic
Ocean meet?
29. The element which is most abundant in the (A) Cape o, Good Hope
Earth's crust is: (B) Aden
(A) Silicon (B) lron (C) Srngapore
(C) Aluminium (D) Oxygen (D) No where
30. Rann of Kutch is situated: 44. There has b€en a complete break
(A) Norlh of Gilgit of law and order in the country
(B) South of Tharparkar
(C) East of Turbat (A) Up (B) Off
(D) South of Wana (C) Down (D) Ot
31. 3.29 ' 1000 equals to:
45 A Senator is elected in Pakistan for:
(A) 4 years (B) 5 years
(A) 0.329 (B) 32.9 (C) 6 years (O) 7 years
(c) 329 (D) 3290
"Con,ecture" 46. The British Government announced the
32. The Synonym of rs:
annulment of Partrlron o, Bengal in
(A) Serious (B) Outward (A) 1910 (B) 1911
(C) To guess (D) To claim (c) 1912 (D) 1926
33. The caste system rn the subcontinent. was 47. Pick out the name of the prayer which is
first established by the: preceded by Azaan?
(A) Aryans (B) Dravidians
164 A PPSC Model
Namaz i Janaza (C) Lies (D) Fiction
B Eid ul Fitr
Eid ul Azha 59. Which of the following helps to reduce spe ing
o Zuhar Prayer errors in a document being typed?
(A) Auto Format (B) Auto Correct
48 Choose the synonym of "Nonchatant':
(A) Exciled (B) Natural
(C) Smart Tags (O) Auto Text
(C) Dispassionate (D) Nervous 60. A man boughl 27 apples. 2/9 of them are bad.
How many are good?
49 ?" sold a pen for Rs. 180. This was Rs. OO (A) 6 lB) 21
less than what "A" paid for it. What was A's
loss as a percentage of his cost price?
(cJ 27 (D) 18
lA) 25% (B) 33 1/3% 61. Presidency of the UN Security Council rotates
(c) 50o/o (Dt 75yo the Member States of the Councit
A) very 6 months
50 Which is the largest gulf of the world? ' B) Every 3 months
(A) Gult of Mexico C) Every year
(B) Gulf of Aden D) Every
(C) Gulf or Riga
(O) Gulf ot Thailand 62. Who resrgned from the tmperiat Legistative
Councrl rn protest aqarnst the Rowlett Acl?
51 What is the significence of 17 Auoust 1989 in (A) Gandhi
Pakistan's history? (B) Nehru
(A) Prime Mintster Junejo s Government was (C) Quaid-i-Azam
dismissed (O) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(B) Gen. Zra ul Haq died in a plane crash
(C) No confidence motion agiinst prime 63. Siort-sightedness can be conected by:
Minister Benazrr Bhuno was moved (A) Convex lens
(D) Parliamenl was dissolved bv Generat Zia (B) Concave lens
ul Haq (C) Convex-concave lens
(D) Concaveronvex lens
Which of the following is not a main organ ot
the United Nations? 64. Who is the current President of France?
(A) rLO (A) Nicolas Sarkozv
(B) Security Council (B) Emmanuet Mairon
(C) GeneralAssembly (C) Jacques Chirac
(D) lntemational Court of Justice
(D) Georeges Pompidou
53 The world's biggest bird is: 65. The cultural centre of Gandhara Civilization is:
(A) Eagle (B) Owt (A) Harrapa (B) Taxita
(C) Kiwi (O) Ostrich (C) Thatta (O) Mohenjo Daro
\rvho among the following died a naturat
66. Which of the followings is not related to
death? disarmament?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi (A) SALT (B) NPT
(B) lndira Gandhi (c) crBr (Di NArO
(C) Sanjay Gandhi 67. Name the first Pakistani female Cricketer to
(D) None of these take 100 ODI wickets:
Liaqat Alr Khan was assassinated in (A) Sana Mir (B) Javena Khan
(A) 1949 (B) 1950 (C) Manna lqbal (D) Sadia Yousaf
(c) 1951 (D) 1952 68 After the creation of Pakrstan. the first Radio
56 Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) named as Statron was established at
"Ahmed', ln which Surah of Holv euran? (A) Lahore (Bl Karachr
(A) Surah Al-Saff (C) Peshawar (D) tstamabad
(8) Surah Al-Mohimmad 69. Antonym of Economy' is:
(C) Surah Al-Anbia (A) Gratitude (B) Thrift
(D) Surah Al-Baqarah (C) Miserliness (D) Extravagance
Which of^ihe following was construcled by 70. The Muslims of Mindanao islands are
Emperor Shah Jahan? struggling for theu potttrcal nghts rn
(A)Shalimar carden (A) Japan
. (C) (B) Sourh Africa
(B)Badshahi Mosque Philippines (D) Myanmar
(C)Both A and B
(D)None of these
71. Choose thd synonyms of 'Cataclysm"?
(A) Reverse (B) Catasirophe
58 Complete the saying'Truth is slranger than (C) Pungent (Di Trash
72. Whal is Pakistan's biggest export commodity?
,.il The news (B) Falsehood
AdYanced PPSC MCQS Model PaDers 165
A) Textiles (C) Louis Pasteur
B) Handmade Carpets (D) S.A. Waksman
C) Leather and Leather Products 85. The Headquarters of the World Trade
D) Sports Goods Organization (WTO) is located in:
73. Which country was the first to formally (A) Paris (B) Washington
recognize Pakistan after its creation? (C) Brussels (D) Geneva
(A) SaudiArabia (B) Turkey
(C) lran (D) Egypt 86. What is the meaning of the idiom/proverb: "To
take with a grain of salt".
74. Who wrote the book The Myth of (A) To take with some reservation
lndependence'? (B) To Reiect
(A) GeneralAyub Khan (C) To take whole heartedly
(B) Mahbub-ul-Haque (D) To take seriously
(C) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
(D) Lt. Gen(0 Kamal Matinuddin 87. Rafael Nadal is a famous player of:
(A) Football (B) Tennis
75. Which country mediated between Pakistan (C) Table Tennis (D) Hockey
and lndia resulting in the Tashkent 8E. Find the odd one out: 10,25, 45,54. 60, 75,
(A) USSR (8) Uzbekrstan '(A) 10 (B) 45
(C) USA (D) lran (c) 54 (D) 75
76. Who was entrusted with the job of dividing the
Army in 1947?
89. Who held the pordolio of Finance in the first
(A) cabinel ofPakistan?
Field Marshal Auchinleck (A) l.l. Chundrigarh
(B)Field Marshal Montgomery (B) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
(C)Field Marshal Alan Brooke (C) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
(D)Field Marshal John Dill (O) Zafarullah Khan
77. On what date did the major earthquake hit the is
Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir in 2005?
90. Which year called the year of sorrow
(A) 8th, October (B) 8th, September (A) nh Nabvi (B) 8th Nabvi
(C) 8th, August (D) 18th, Octob€r (C) 9th Nabvi ' (D) loth Nabvi
78. Which one of the following countries left the
'Baghdad Pact' in '1959?
(A) lran (B) lraq
. -?i,t4f"t" .gt
(C) Pakistan (O) Turkey o-E p1 I <tl
79. What is the meaning of the idiom/proverb: 'To
talk through one's hat". Jll fol t7 (C)
(A) To speak fluently
(B) To talk nonsense
(C) To talk wisdom -wqi{ Si,/ ",t:t ttr;i,- .sz

(D) To speak at random B.&Jctr F) ilror- ol

80. Mount Kilimanjaro is located in:
(A) Europe (B) Asia @l ,j;;iyt 1cy
(C) South America (D) Africa
8'1. When was Sui Gas first discovered in
te- --;;- u{,!
-,tt e',J ty Jf' -V, ? .se
(A) 1959 (B) 1952
j,r: 141 )/ l l
(c) 1s81
-.t,t (D)
(D) 1990
82. Teh 2016 ICC f-zj Cricket World [=i (c)
. Championship was won by:
(A) lndia (B) West lndies
t.-w{ff ,{,! rf vtqJ t ",t{ JF -* .gq
ct' r)

(C) Auslralia (D) New Zealand

-uLrt, 1e1 ',,4i 1a7
83. ln the field of lT. FTP stands for:
(A) File Transfer Position
(B) File Transfer Protection
10,l{ p) lvtlP 1c1
(C) File Transfer Protocol
(D) File Transfer Platform
| 4.1? bilv ct /.-!tttt .gs
94. Penicillin was discovered by: d'r,u (a) J:ti @l
(A) Alfred Nobel
(B) Alexander Fleming dt,v (ol tPv <cl
166 A PPSC Model Paoers

t6t'd / ;n1 t,tg *si;nV" .96 .,t>V,tr|'..: : ':l -vt2:----7:t,t '.ii :" 98

tv,; l <:.-waL-,,:,(: ,,-.'

-t -1=oj;_.,;r; . - -s,
tl--;4'iritLi{u{' @1 j,u;2 @t jj6:/i tel
v) j,r. (c) :i.:, (D)
-(,;r:-> t:7 \C)
vuZa*it @l \:liJ ,v ._ _: j':j u _. )? )v, .gg
r! t,,,,Pql€,ti ot )/,-.rv,i, @\ ,yr.,..1;
xl t 1e1
!atv,t,:(r j d,,. 61 j)tt/V!!r'iD) .!,G?r./lcl
!z-w,t,:(x.ldi: p1
,i;tr,,t,:(x!l d ,,. 1c1
j avu,,,:( r.t s/.,t . 1o1

Answer Key
1. a 't4
a 27. c 40. d 53. d oo. d 'fo b
2. c d 28. b 4'1. a 54. d 67. a 80 d 93. c
3. a 16 b ,o d 42. d 55. c 68. b 81 b 94. b
4. a 17 b 43. a 56. a 69. d 82 b 95. d
b 18 a 31. d 44. c 70. c 83 c 96. b
6. d 19 b 32. c 45. c 58. d 71. b 84 b 97. b
7. d 20 d a 46. b 59. b a 85 d 98. b
b 21 b u. b 47. d 60. b 73. c 86 a 99. c
a 22 a 35. c 48. c 61. d 74. c 87 b 100 d
c a 36. a 49. a 62. c 75. a 88 c
11 d 24 c 37. d 50. a 63. b a d
'12 b a 38. d 51. b 64b 77. a 90 d
13 b 26 b 39. a 52. a 65b 78. b 91 a

1. The epic poem 'Shahnama' was written by 3. The Court language of the Mughats in lndia
was _
(A) AI-Beruni (B) Firdausi (A) Turkrsh (B) Hrndi
(C) Amir Khusrau (D) Rumi (C) Persian (D) Urdu
2. Babar laid the toundation of Mughal Empire in 4. Babar came to lndia originally from
1526 by defeating (A) Ferghana 181 Samarkand
(A) Daulat Khan Lodhi (C) Khorasan (D) Seistan
(B) lbrahim Lodhi
(C) Rana Sanga 5. Humayun was removed from throne by
(D) Alauddin Khilji
(A) Akbar (B) Shah Jahan
(C) Sher Shah Sun (O) None of them
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paperc 167
6 Battle of Plassey was fouhgt between Nawab (B) Octobe|I963
Siraj-ud-Daula and _ (C) 1 August 1960
(A) Lord Clive (B) Lord Cannrng (D) 2 July 1970
(C) Warren Hastings (D) Shah Alarm
16. Pakistan tested its first nuclear device on
7 Durand Line Treaty was signed between Sir
Mortimer Durand and King _ ol (A) 19 May 1998 (B) 11 May 1998
Afghanistan in 1693 (C) 28 May 1998 (D) None of these
(A) Amir Amanullah
(B) Abdul Rehman 17. ln Pakislan the Governor is answeraue to the
(C) Noor Muhammad (A) Parliament
(D) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(B) Provincial Assembly
I Name the Mughal Emperor whose Revenue (C) President
Minister was Todar Mal. (D) None of them
(A) Akbar 18 ln which year did the Cease Fire Line jn
(B) Babar
Kashmir come into e*slenc€?
(C) Shah Jahan
(D) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(A) 1953 (B) 1947
(c) 1951 (O) 1949
9 Who founded the Arya Samaj'?
19 Manchhar is a _
(A) Ambedkar (A) River
(B) Raja Ram Mohan (B) Regional Language
(C) Swami Dayananda Saraswati (C) Canal
(D) Ram Gopal Acharya (O) Lake
10 Bengal was divided into two provinces in 1905
20 Name the narrow slnp of Afghan territory,
by- which separates Pakrstan from Tajikistan.
(A) Lord Ripon (A) Wakhan Corridor
(B) Viceroy Curzon (B) Pamir Knot
(C) Lord Lintingthow (C) Tora Bora Mountains
(D) Sir James Oliver (D) Khyber Pass
11 ihairran of the first session of the All lndia 21 'Tango Tower' is a _
Muslim League was: (A) A Communication Tower
(A) Sir Adamjee Pirbhai (B) Mountain Peak of Pakistan
(B) Sir Agha Khan (C) Skyscraper in Chicago
(C) Nawab Saleemullah (O) Tallest Building in Thailand
(O) NawabViqar-ul-Mulk
22 The author of -Kashf-ul-Mah,b rs_
12 Name the area of
Kashmir where a (A) Data Ganj Baksh
spontaneous armed uprising took place (B) Shah Rukn-e-Alam
against the Dogra tyranny on the eve of (C) Bahauddin Zikirya
(D) Mian Mrr
(A) Rawalakot (B) Srinagar
(C) Poonch (D) Jammu 23 Waris Shah the author of Heer" is buried in
13 The Maharaia of Kashmir signed the so-called (A) Nankana Sahib
lnstrument ol Acc€ssion to lndia on (B) Pakpattan
(C) Jandiala Sher Khan
(A) 25 October 1947 (O) Mithankol
(B) .26 Octob€r '1947
(C) 27 October 1947 24. Which of the following is not an official
(O) 28 October 1947 language of the United Nations?
. (A) Chinese (B) Spanish
14. After the assassinalion Liaqat Ali Khan who (C) Arabic (D) German
became the Prime Minister of Pakistan?
(A) Ghulam Muhammad 25. The instrument used lo measure the specilic
(B) Ms. Fatima Jinnah gravity of milk is _
(C) Abdul Rab Nishter (A) Hygrometer (B) Barometer
(D) Khawaja Nazimuddin (C) Lactometer (D) Hydrometer
15. The capital oi rakistan was lransfened from 26. Pentagon is the military headquarters of
Karachr to lslamabad on
(A) 10 December '1961 (A) United Kingdom (B) Australia
(C) USA (D) Belgium

168 Adyanced PPSC llc'Qs nodet paoerc
27. ln which month does a new session of the UN 39. Enlomology is a Science of
General Assembly begin? (A) Snakes (B) Reptiles
January (B) July
(A) (C) lnsects (D) Rodents
February (D) September
40. What is the name of present Ambassador of
28. Pure gold is called _ carat gold. Pakistan to the USA?
(A) 1l (A) Ms. Maleeha Lodhi
(c) 14 -6-d
(O\ 24 (B) Hussain Haqqani
29. Which one of the following is a land locked (C) Ashrat Jahangir Qazi
country? (O) JaIl Abbas Jrlanr
(A) Bergium (B) Mongotia 41 Name the lndian Foreign Secretary who
(C) lran (D) Bangtadesh visited Pakistan recently
30. Which lwo oceans are connected by the (A) Shiv Shankar Menon
Panama Canal? (B) LK. Gujrat
(A) Atlantic and lndian (C) Subramanyam Jar Shankar
(B) lndian and Pacific (D) V.K. Menon
(C) lndian and Arabian Sea 42. Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi as a famous political
(O) Atlantic and Pacific leader of
3l. "Amicus Curiae" means 1A1 Tnaitina-- (B) Vietnam
(A) American Citizen (C) Myanmar (D) Soulh Korea
(B) An amusing person 43 Who is the current President of lran?
(C) Friend of the court (A) Syed Ali Khamenei
(D) None ofthese (B) Mahmood Ahmedinejad
32. "Kyoto Prolocol' is an internalional Treaty (C) Sadaq Vazeer Zadeh
(D) Hassan Rouhani
dealing with
(A) Human Rights
44. According lo Anicle 47 of the Constitution the
(B) Nuclear issues President Pakistan can be:
(C) Refuges (A) Anested
(D) Environmental problems (B) lmpeached
33. Fear of the enclos€d spaces is called (C) Tried in the Court ol law
(D) None of these
(A) Attophobia (B) Ctaustrophobia 45. SCO stands for
(C) Heliophobia (D) Hydrophobia (A1 South Asian-e oopEEion Organization
34. The world's first female Prime Minister was (B) State's Council Organization
(C) Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(A) Ms. Margaret Thatcher (O) Sri Lanka Cricket Office
(B) Ms. Golda Meir 46. Which is the cheapest and envrronmenta y
(C) lndara Ghandhi friendly source of electricity?
(D) Snmavo Bandaranaike (A) Solar (B) Thermat
35. KANNUP (Nuclear Power Plant) was provided (C) Hydro electric (D) Nuctear
to Pakistan by 47. Under which agreement was the name of
(A) Canada (B) China
(C) USA -.-
Cease-tire Line changed to Line of Control?
(D) France (A) Geneva Agreement
36. McMohan Line is the border between (B) Simla Agreement
(C) Tashkent Agreement
lran and Turkey (D) Amritsar Accord
China and lndia
(D) Afghanistan and Uzbekistan 48. A p€nny for your
(A) Appl€s (B) Efiorts
37. Which is the nalionat animal of Pakistah? (C) Writings (D) Thoughts
(A) Markhor (B) Snow Leopard
(C) Butralo (D) .Brown Bear 49 Ac{ions speak louder than
(A) The game (B) Words
38. Which component of diet helps in preventing (C) Loudsp€aker (D) An actor
(A) Proteins (B) Fiber
50 Bite more than you can _
(C) Fats (D) Carbohydrates (A) Eal (B) Disest
(C) Chew (D) Swatlow
Advanced PPSC llCQs llodel Paoers 169

51. lt takes two to 66. I do not haveany to share my

(A) Clap Construcl secIets.
(C) Climb
---]O (D) Tango (A) confident (B) conltdant
(C) confidential (D) confederate
52 Let the sleeping dogs _
(A) Bark (B) Oie 67 Bile Juice'is secreted by _
(C) Sleep (D) Lie (A) Pancreas(B) Stomach
(c) Gall Eladder (D) Kidneys
l3 NEARLY THE SAME AS THE WORO 68. A number whose 7 percent is 42 is
53. Enigmatic
(c) 500 600
(B) 4oo
(A) lllusive (B) Puzzling
(C) Pithy (D) Complicated 69. ln the examination 4570 students failed and
550 students passed. What was the total
54. lnfallible number of students who appeared in the
(A) Authentic (B) Outspoken examination?
(C) Weak (O) Perfect (A) 1000 (B) 900
55. Transieht
(c) 1500 (D) 800
(A) Permanent (B) Transparent 70. A pia.a is divided into 12 slices. lf 4 slices are
(C) Fleeting (D) Brief eaten, what fraclion pizza is lei?
(A) 3/4 (B) 2/3
56. Adversity
(A) Opponent (B) Hardship
(c) 1/3 (ol 2t4
(C) Opening (D) Agency 71. lf 3x + I = 20 then what is the value of X?
(A) 3 (B) 2
(c) 4 (D) s
FOLLOWING WOROS 72. llY = 3x + 12 and Y = 5 then tvhat is x equal
57. Abbreviate (A) 7/3 (B) 3a
(A) Abridge (B) Expand (c) -7 (o) -7l3
(C) Achieve (D) Accept
73. GPS rs the abbreviation of _
58. Absurd (A) Global Poles System
(A) Silly (B) Adom (B) Global Polymer System
(C) Abnormal (O) Rational (C) Global Poistaoning System
59. A6live (O) Global Position Struclure
, (A) Animated B ) Adjust 74 Camera uses lens lo form an image
(C) Passive o ) Agile (A) Convex (B) Concave
60. Sublime (C) Condensor (O) None of these
(A) Strange
(C) Ridiculous
B Low
Mean -_
75. CNG stands fo(
(A) Converted Natural Gas
? (B) Conducted llatural Gas
61. Mlify
(A) .Commend (B) Admonish (C) Concentrated Natural Gas
(C) Pray (O) Excuse (D) Compressed Natural Gas
FILL IN THE BLAIIKS 76. When natural light is passed through a prism it

62. lam lnlent -"-.._(B)

splits into _ colours.
(A) towin
(A) 5 (B) 6
oI winning (c) 7 (D) I
(C) on winning (D) for winning
77. ECG is used for diagnosis of ailments related
63. lf I _ worked hard, I would have to-
succeeded. (A) Brain Tumors
(A) would have (B) had (B) Kidneys
(C) should have (D) have (C) Heart
64. The new law came into last (O) Respiratory System
(A) effec1 (8) affect
(C) aclion (D) itself ' ln humans, bile is produced continuo6ly by the liver
(liver bile), and stored and concentrated in the
65. lt became - was going to
that he
gallbladder (gallbladder bile). After eatin& thas stored
(A) visible (B) distinct bile is discharted/secreted into the duoCenum by the
(C) apparent (D) manifest gallbladde..
t70 AdvancedPPSC CCls iloda, Paoers
78. Meteorology is the science of_
(A) Meteoriles (B) Planets stsw grr,.-t sy, L4 *L4 tcl
(C) Weather (D) Metals LE
79. Jaundice afiects the _ in the human
;"''1W g9" t-2 SY L 4' lV tOl
(A) Kidneys (B) Liver y'e--g t

.2 ;t ! a u{ ; I i;,4 r; r-,i,t so
(C) Lungs (D) Heart !c-l t
80. "Davis Cup' is associated with which of the
following game? ;i{J'i-'q @l 13t
(A) Cricket (B) Polo
(C) Tennis (O) Golf .,:i;J,i-;i,+ iB\
81. Where was the first Football World Cup held?
(A) Brail (B) Argentina
'':iiJ'i:t't;' 1g1
(C) Uruguay (D) France
82. 'Glock" is the brand name of a '.s{ii'iLe Pt
(A) Pertume (B) Car- t <-.c { l,i J P',rtz <-=.$ t, .s1
(C) Motorcycle (O) Pistol
83. Name the Kalimah which is recited in a 'i,/ @l u,t
"f 1A;
(A) Shahadat (B) Tamjeed ?u fo) x,l" (c)
(C) Tawhid (D) Tayyaba
84. After Hijrat to Madina, what first important -* { {': I c,!.>, ;,-/ : r .sz
thing was done by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(A) Built a Mosque for prayers ll <e) .t/ (A)
(B) Built his house
(C) Created Bait-ul-Maal
y' o .,)t (c)
(D) Organized an Army
85. Name the third Kalimah: -a -o (={1f; ;[ / o iUC J.r;=,/ ss
(A) Kalimah-e.Tayyaba
(B) Kalimah-e-Saalis ,C4 @\ ,Ctt, 1e1

+iyt pi
(C) Kalimah-e-Sahadat xtotbL
(O) Kalimah-e-Tamieed 1c;
66. Who revolted against Akbar's "Oeen-e-llahi"
for the first lime?
-Y$(}t, L'.-(:' tt ) t t .94
A) Hazrat Mu.,adid Alit Sani
B) Hazrat Shah Walliullah ob),T7 p1 ;/)"*7 6'1
C) Khawaja Baq; Brllah
D) None of these dil-.tsr tol o2)rf / G)
87. What is the compulsory tax on the products of
agricultural land?
r7{oi:,,!i;g/ .es
(A) Ushr (B) Zakat Fl J*'rb (A't
(C) Jizya (D) Poor tax 'JfA
i,$:vt (D) J,uul," ,",
7tt7/c-tlq/ 7Ar{}.gr! aa
t.-J,c, f Cu{',,t,y,,g-4' .sa
advttd-n ot
. +rt.r,F{O;erZ< <a,,
.;Qt @t Jz.*Dt, (^)
c_C)6 -.? 4) ry :,J,i,t ) 1Cy
xc.,/ tot ,*i/ tct
l:,,rddAlp) pt t j ut v ;t/,t' ;.f i'f --(t i)1it -1v .s7

7{,-F,= r 5 ct {--,,ro,
t .es 67ft py ;.! tnl
;trctw ut ,L4 tlv12t)V1r. (A) evLvt (D) ot'; (C)

)tav ttvLi ovar. r L)u,+'1 (Bl I a- | ; ; -"'tn1;it /t" .gB

Adrmcod PPSC noAsflod.J Pqc's . 171

tr4J\ (B) 1/ () Jwrr (c't

qfu -i
Pt ,?tt)L' (cl OG-?ta"/ (O)

I u3
-7i'!./' r*>rl-Vt )v, )rt"'vA,lT .gg :7{gt,t,u.too
ilidiJ 6) (B)
,rl 9r4 (A)

J6t-tt lB) I tol :,1 (c\

Answer Key
1. b 14. d 27 d 40. d 53 b 06. b 79. b 92. b
2. b 15. c 28 d 41. c 54 a 67. c 80. 93. d
3. 16. c 29 b 42. c 55 c 08. d 81. c 94. b
4. a 17. c 30 d 43. d 56 b 69. a 82. d 95. c
5. c 1E..d 31 4.b 57 10. b 83. a 96. a
6. a 19. d 32 d 45. c 58 d 71. c u. a 97. a
7. b 20. a 33 b 46. a 59 c 72. d 85. d 98. b
8. a 21. b u d 47. b 60 b 73. c 86. c 99. d
9. c 22. a 35 a $.d 61 a 74.. a 87. a 100 b
10 b 23. c Jb c 49. b 62 c 75. d 88.
11 a 21. d 37 a 50. c 63 b 76. c 89. b
12 c 25. c 38 b 51. d 64 a n.c
78. c
90. c
13 b 26. c 39 c 52. d 65 c 91. b

Puniab Public Service Gommission
(A) to (B) al
tlvhich word i3 wongty spelt in tfte following? (C) with (D) on
1. (A) tournament (B) refreshment
(C) goverment (D) omament 8. He has the reputation beingn a
good teacier.
2. (A) sufricient (8) excesive (A) for (B) abod
(C) plentdul (D) commence (C) of (D) on
3. (A) couragious (B) graceful 9. Only six hundred people live lhis
(C) boastful (O) stubborn
4. (A) honest (B) 'loyal in
(A) (B) wrth
(C) popular (O) parfecl (C).to (D) by
Choose the correct prepositioo to fill in the 10. Alcoholrs rniurrois health
banks. (A)for --lBt-io-- -
5. The old man is blind _(B) in one eye. (C)with (D) of
(A) from 11. The opposite of "perish' is.
(C) of (D) with (A) survive (B) dead
(C) alive (D) weak
6. My brother is reak '(B)-ln mathematics.
(A) ot 12. The opposite of "deteriorate" is:
(C) with (D) for (A) decline (B) imptove
(C) aisgrace (D) devastation
7. I am nol concemed his affarrs.
172 Ad.rrGrdPPSC Cosloddp.,o.'s
13. Th6 oppolde of'transoarent' is: (C) Dehli (D) Simta
'(B) cotoured
(C).opaqq€ iDi crear 26. The first president'ot Muslim League was:
(A) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mutk
14. The opposite of "amateu/ is: (B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(A) (B) Drofessionat (C) Allama lqbal
(C) (D) irained (D) MaulanaFazal-ul-Haq
15. 'Benevolenf means: 29. The Ojjeclives Resolution was passed in:
(A) beneficiat (B) careless (A) 1947 (B) 1948
(c) generous (D) ditigent (c) 1949 iD) 1950
16. "Anonymous' means: 30. Pakistan,oined the Unrted Nations
(A) gracious (B) ndmetess (A) 1947 (B) .1948
(C) forebner (D) fiendly (c) 1949 iOi rsso
St.te the bolt word to fil in ths blant3: 31 Diamer Bhasha Dam is beinq conslructed in
17. Whar is thb to London by air? (A) Balochistan (B) K;shmir
(A) way (B ) route (C) Gilgit (D) peshawar
(C) course (D ) channel 32. The lntemational lslamic University is in:
18. He agr€ed my proposal (A) Lahore (B) Karachi
(A) to (ts with (C) lslamabad 1Dj peshawar
(C) br (D on 33. Pakistan is located in:
19 'Bravely' is a: (A) East Asia (B) South East Asia
(A)noun (B) verb (C) South Asia (D) North East Asia
(C)adverb (D) adJective 34. The standard time of pakistan is
20 "Wealthy' is a: hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time
(A) verb (B) noun (A) 3 hours (B) 4 hours
(C) adverb (D) adjeaive (C) 5 hours (D) 6 hours
21 The All lndia Mushm League was founded in: 35. To the south of Pakistan lies:-
(A) 1900 (Bi 199s (A) China (B) lran
(c) 1906 ioj tgro (C) Afghanislan (D) The Arabian Sea
22 The R_oun6sry Commrssion appornted al the 37. The famous Khyber pass trnks peshawar wilh
trme tnlependence was headed by: (A) Quetta (B) Kandahar
(A) -ot
Staftord Cripps (C) Kabut (D) Cnaman
(B) Lord Waweit 3E. The famous pass which connects paksitan
(C) Lord Mountbatten with China is:
(D) Lord Red Cliffe (A) Khunjerab pass
23 IVho became the Governor General of (B) Khojak Pass
Pakistan after the death of euaid-e-Azam (C) Khyber Pass
Muhammad Ali Jinnah? (D) Botan Pass
(A Liaqat Ali Khan
(B Khawaja Nazimuddin
39. Which o, the fo owing cities of pun,ab is
(c Ghulam Mohammad known .for handicrafts, glazed pottery and
(D Mohammad Ali Oogra camel sktn work?
(A) Bahawalpur (B) Multan
24 Pakistan offcia y became ths lslamic (C) cujranwata (O) Siattot
Republic of Pakistan according to the 40. Whrch of the ,olowing rs a Rabi Crop?
Constitution of: (A) Rice - (B) wheat
(A) 19s6 (B) 1 956 (C) Cotlon (O) Maize
(c) 1962 (D) 1 973
25 Mohammadan Angto Oriental College was
41. The Worlds second hrghest peak K_2 rs
located in:
lounded by: (A) Karakoram Ranoe
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (B) Himalavan Rano'e
(B) Muhammad Ati Jauhar (C) Kohistaln Range-
(C) Allama lqbat
(D) Ch.Rehniat Ali
zo quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started ' On 3oth December 1906 Sir Agha Khan was appointed
nrs Lar praclice in: as President of All India Muslim League and Syed
(A) Karachi (B) Lofldon Hassan Balgrami was appointed as secretary, while
(c) Bombay (O) oetrri Nawab Mohsim-ulMull and trtawab Viqar_ul-Mulk
27 Where did Allama tqbat made his first oublic were made joint secretaries with six Vice- presidents, a
proposal br a separate state for Mu'slims?
(A) Lahore Central Committee with forty Members was also
(B) Alahabed
A PPSC Peoers 173

(D) Hindukush Range (A) River lndus (B) River Jhelum

(c) River Chanab (D) River Satluj
42. Shah Abdul Latif wrote his poelry inl
(A) Puniabi (B) Pushto 50. whi ch of the following is not a Cash Crop?
ici sindr'i (D) Balochi (A) Cotton (B) Sugarcane
43. Gwadar is located in:
(c) Tobacco (D) Wheat
(A) Sindh 51. The Karez Syslem rs Practiced only in:
(B) Balochistan (A) Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa
(C) Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa (B) Sindh
(O) Punjab (c) Balochistan
(o) Punjab
44. Pakistan has a coastline' of:
(A) 5oo km (B) 600 km 52. Which province is the smallest in population?
zoo rm (o) 8oo km (A) Sindh
(B) Baluchistan
45. The lslamic Summit Conference was held in (C) Punjab
Lahore in (D) Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa
(A) 1972 (B) 1973
53. How many Nuclear Power Plants are
(c) 1974 (0) 1975

46. Who was the Prime Minister of lndia at the (A) '1 B) 2
time of Simla Accord in 1972?
(A) Lal Bahadur Shastri ic) 3 (D) 4
54. State Bank of Pakistan was established in:
(B) lndira Ghandhi (A) 1947 , (B) 1948
(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(O) Muraiee Desai ic) 1e4e (o) 1950
47. Areas where there is deficiency of rainfall are 55. The total number of seats of Senale' in
called: Pakistan is:
(A) Humid areas (B) Arid areas (A) 100 (B) 120
iC) Semi Arid (D) Delta ic) 130 (D) 150
48. The maior source of water in Pakistan is: 56. The dominant source of employment in
(A) rairi (B) snow Pakistan is:
(c) rivers (D) lakes (A) Agricullure
(B) Trade
49. The Terbela Dam is located on lhe; (C) Service Sedor
(D) Manufacturing
'AccordinS ro the website of ttATlot{AL INSTITUTE Ot 57. How manv aold modals Pakistan won rn the
common W;alth Games - 2010 held in lndra?
OCEANOGRAPHY, (Government of Pakirtan) "Pakistan 'r
(A) (B) 2
coast is about 9!X, fm bng extending from lndian 3
(c) (D) 4
border in the east to the lranian border in the wesl. 58. Santno is the capital of:
ThA Exclusive Economic Zone {EEZ) of Pakistan is about (A) Bjrazil (B) Chile
2/m,mo sq. Im, with additional continental shelf atea ici cuua (o) ltaly
ot about 5O,OO0 sq. km. As such, the total maritime 59. 1O Downing Street is the residence of:
zone of Pakistan is over 3096 of the land area. This (A) Queen of England
region is
characterized by
distinctive oceanic (B) British Prime Minister
phenomena, that produces rich fisheries, mineral, and
(C) French President
(D) Ameican Ptesident
hydrocarbon resource." http://niopkSov.pklintro
60 The Headquarters of the Comrnon Wealth is
(A) New York (B) Pans
Pakistan coast Guards'website: Area of
According ic) nome (D) London
responsibility of Pakistan Coast Guards extends from
61. Hu Jintao is the Presrdenl of:
Pak-lran in the west to the the lndai boarde. in the (A) Japan (B) Hong Kong
East, covering a frontage of 960 kilometers. Pakistan (Cj China (D) Sri Lanka
Coasl Guards is also looking after an area of 15o Kms 62. Hasni Mubarak is the president of:
alonS Pak - lran and 45 (ms along lndian boarders. The (A) Libva (B) lraq
lnland depth varies from 40 to 200 Xms. ln the sea, it is (c) Yemen (D) EgYPt
response ol an area of 12 NMs (22.22 Kms). Source:
tent.a5px?pid=156 'The government of Asif Ali Zardari raised the
Aaco.ding to other sources Pakistan has a 1,04G membership of the Senate from 100 to 1O4 through
kllometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian sea and the 19th amendment ln 2011 (four minority members
the culf of oman. from four provinces).
171 Advmccd PPSC COs frodcl Paoers
63. IMF stands for:
(A lnveslrnent Management Fund 77. lt ,! ot a number is 22, what ls fi of tnar
(B lntemational Management Fund number?
(c lnt€rnational Monctary Fund (A) 6 (B) 12
(D Non6 of the above (c) 33 (D) 44
64. Khartoum is the capital of: _1 5 3 5
(A) Sudan (B) Nigeria 78. What is the average 2' 6' 4, 12
(C) Uganda (D) Kenya "'
65. The lndus Water Treaty was s€ned in (A) 5 (B) 3
(A) 1958 (B) 1960
(c) 1962 (D) 1963 (c) ; @4
66. Ricky Ponting is the captain of:
(A) Australian Cricket Team 79. ln a dass of 550 students 42% ryish to go to
(B) English Cricket Team coll€g€. How many students wish to atlend
(C) West lndi€}3 Cricket Team coltsge?
(D) New Zealand's Cricket Team (A) 23 (B\ 77
(c) 210 (D) 231
67. Ratael Nadal is a famous player of:
(A) Football (B) Tennis 80. 3.29 x 1000 equals:
(C) Table Tennis (D) Hockey .329
(A) (B) 32.9
68. The qlflEncy of Bar€l8d€sh is:
(c) (O) 3290
(A) Rupee (B) Dinar 81. 38 is 20016 of what numbet?
(C) Taka (O) Peso (A) 190 (B) 380
(c) s8 (D) 760
69. Noori Al-malki is the Prime Minist€r of:
(A) Syria (B) lraq 82. Find the drbe root of 64:
(C) Egypt (D) Yemen (A) 2 (B) 3
(c) 4 (D) 16
70. 'Ashes'Cricket Series is played between:
(A) Enghnd & Auslralia 83. 148 is divisible by:
(B) Australia & New Zealand (A) 2r (B) 37
(C) England & Naw Zealand (c) 17 (D) 43
(D) lndia & Sri Lanka 84. Which number is divisible by both 4 & 9?
71. A reclangle has a length ol 10crn & a (A) 2,178 (B) 1,311
perimeter of 30cm. Find the width o{ the (c) s,256 (O) 8.519
reclangl€. 85. How many kilometers a motorist lravel from
(A) scm (B) 10cm 9:55 a.m to '10:15 a.m at lhe rate of 40
(C) rscm (D) 20 cm kilometers per hour?
(A) 13i
72. 0.26 + 100 = ? (B) 15
(A) (B) 0.026
(c) 26 (D) 0.00026 (c) 20 (D) 30
73. 5448 rounded ofilo the nearest 1000 is:
(A) 6000 (B) 5400
tt e/|J,c,,, 6
(c) 5000 (D) 4500
u *gvi(1( rc-t? t-tt
74. A rectangle has a length of l6cm and a
breadth of 3cm What is its area?
(A) 48m (B) 48cm
trrvlV',i( fl rf iJ,i
ici 19 cm'z ioi 48 cm'z
75. An Arabic class has 12 boys and 18 gids.
ri! r <q JODIL (A)
Boys are what fraction of the class? lti,'V. tol J;D/ (c)
i <,-i t {&" e: } 6,1,, / f t J L ovi
(A) (B
5 5 ttlt ;r at
4 ./v* Fl tt,P-jvv (,
76. What is the value of the product?
tP;tF O Jtit-tt (c)
E 5 5 5 s_^
5' 10' 15 -- * { n' r,.t &' r l=r;: L I t, ?.- s { .ee
(A) #
(B) * t i- x,/ 1f L ;r t6t.t,,,t{
(c) 5d (D) 6 6.riVE? (Bl uf,,sv' 6Y
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paperc 175

)V<r tol ltt Gt ctt;tfut" tcl

r6s{-u, L" 9J -i" :i,,f as JUr_d, (D)

stjEt p1 a/-.: (A\ t;,r'e-t, j-,i td,;,,:t 95

5a9,*', 1o1 /;i:-:v (cl j,li,j:"-,i.1.

. t -(,./ F, .!:l>,' .go
jl{r py /a,tot
si j;'!,-/+j+i'? JPat (ol iiat tct

Qi f.,r,j'a<-tji(
t aYl a' t' f,
"t''V fLQ': "'sa
(B) o,$ lB\ P''r ta)
Jvt-tt -,'U (A) Ji tol .z!k'(c)
6s(;,t' (ol uP,t,ue P1 t?{',wt/'-,,{t1t .et
-;F,! ;- u/,t,,ft'Sg" .st (B)
=, (o) i/ (A)
4 tcl
ttjuz py ,€tst (A)
ovlJ.l pl i2v$:Gt 1c1 r1{oi+"!t!.,u.rlA sa

'?=bt'e4>" 'gZ J.,tU7 tB) ,J,(;:vt 61

,fr,{ pt -lr, (A) 6'$J* P\ Jto 1c1

fl to; Gl e Lc {Ji L" Y L',,1' )v.,'99

t u6,? ! LJ,$ ) r li --rt {--,JJ-i.7 P .33 t
ovlfrur @l itro/uttr 6t
11'ti/''/i PY zi r ol .:tJ jvtY (o) c|,7r/ (cl
J)'i'"' 1c' lC) t a- ; tJ^-/ :i -+,i ;i,t 79,,e/l*u ! / 1oo
t;c/.rC !" tytLP"l',P sa jtl @l gt1-t (A)

Jv,i':w (tl gerdr (o) ,!; pl

i r,JvP ol
Answer Key
L 't4. b 27 b 41 a 54. b 67 b 80. d 93. c
2. b '15. c 28 a c 55. a 68 c 81. a 94. d
3. a 16. b 29 c 43 b 56. a 69 b 82 c 95. c
4. d 17. b 30 a 44 d 57 b 70 a E3, b 96. a
5. b 18. a 31 c 45 c 58. b a 84 c 97. d
0. b 19 c 32 c 46 b s9. b 72 a E5, e 98. b
7. c 20 d 33 47 b 60. d c 86 c 99. a
8. a 21 c 34 c 48. c 6t. c 74 d 87 d 100 c
9. a 22 d 35 d 49. a 62. d 75. a E8 a
r0 b 23 b 37 c 50. d 63. 76 a 89 c
qn a
11 a 24 a 38 a 51. c 64. a d
12 b 25 a 39 b 52. b 65. b 78. d 91 c
13 26 c 40 b 53. b 66. a 79. d 92 a
176 Advenccd ppSC firCOs Nodat papeB

'l What is the synonym of Oisparate? (O) First Muslim among Slaves
(f) Anxrous (B) Different '14. How many fealhers are fixed
(C) Excited (O) errato in the base
shuttlecock wtlh respect to badmrnton gamei
2. Which is lhe largesl desert in the wortd? (A) 17 (B) t6
(A) (B) Sahara (c) 18 (D) 20
(C) cobi ioi Dasht_FLut 15. Which of the foflowing has the stalus of an
3. Molasses is a byproduct of observer state of the United Nalions?
tactory. (A) South Sudan (B) Kosovo
(A) Fertitizer (B) Sugar (C) East Timor (Di Holy See
(C) Cotton seed oit (Oi aaiaspatr Gtree 16. Ashkhabad is the capitat of:
4. Hiiaz mountains are found in: (A) Turkmenistan (B) Armenia
({) lran (B) SaudiArabra (C) Azerbaran iOi Aosnia
(C) Kuwait (D) lraq 17. When was Quaid-e-Azam etected as the
5. "Qucik Tim€" is a: P-resident of the First Constituent Assemblyt
(A) Website (B) Forum (A) August 11. 1947 (B) August t4 1947
(C) News agency (o) ueoia etayer (C) August 15, 1947 (D) AuSusr 16, 1947
6 4t!".n" is.a traditional dance. lt is a popular in 18. A car salesman sells 42 red cars and 14
which of the tollowinq cultures? green cars. What is the ratio of red cars to
(A) Pashtun - (B) Kashmir gre€n c5rs sold?
(C) Sindhi (D) punjabi (A) 3.4 (B) 1:1
7. Tt|e first c€nsus of pakistan took place (c) 3:1 io\ z.t
(A) 1948 (B) 1951 ' 19. ln word processrng. what does an l_beam
lct 1972 io) rs6t facilitate?
8. Cloose the preposilion in the followrng
(A) Locating text
"corect (B) HrghlEhtrns text
are busy people anj (C) Dragging and selectino text
they do not have time to wade
a (D) Formatting text
thirty page resume"
(A) Through (B) On 20
(c) rn W!o- 11. the dictator of cermany from 1933
(D) ofi to '1945?
9. What. category of functions is used rn thrs (A) Gorge Bush (B) peter_t
tormuta? = pMT (C10/12, C8, C9, j (C) Peter ll (O) Adotf Hifler
(4) Logic€r )
.regiment of
(B) Financiai 21. Which pakislan Army has
(c) Paymenr (Di sratisticat received maximum numbers ol .ttiihan_e-
10 Haider':
I1/h,SI, country is located at the North of the (A) Baluch Reoiment
Arabian S€a?
(A) lran (B) pakistan (B) Sind Reqr;ent
(C) Punjab Reqiment
(C) Borh A and B (D) None ofthese (O) Frontier Force Regrment
11. ln MS Word 2007, to select the previous cell,s
contents, press: 22 _s]Telry 37 .. [s + i2s (19 7))]
(4) SHIFT + A (B) ALT + A (A) 16 B) 27
(C) SHIFT + ALT (Di SHtFr + TAB (c) 14 (o\ 24
12 Whicn of the Iollowing is not a po\ €rpoint 23. \ /ho was the ruter of Jammu & Kashmir al the
view? time of partition?
A) Slide show view (A) Ranieet Sinoh Doora
B) Slide view (B) Ajer;r Singhbosra- -
c) Presentation view (C) Hari Srnoh Oooia
D) Outline view (D) Jagjeet Singh'Dogra
13. Who was Zaid bin Haris? 24. The longest mountarn range in the world
(A) First Mustim amono Ansars 'Andes' is inl
(B) First Muslim amoni Munaiirin (A) South Ameaca (B) Norlh Amenca
(C) First Mustim amon! prisoie.s (C) Asia (O) Europe
Adyanced PPSC itoes ltodet papers 1t7
25. Which wil complete the
senes: 2, 5,
number (A) Delhi (B) Atioarh
57' (C) Bait-ut-Maqdis (Oi t_oiOon
(A) 69 (B) 7T-'
(c) 80 ioi et 39 Kishanganga hydro-power proiecl was buil on
Ine nveri
26. To ensure lhat a graphic that you insert in a
oocument is not distorted whei you resize il,
(A) Chahab (B) Ganoa
(C) Ravi (Di LrrerJm
(A) Retain proportions 40. Halai.bin Yousaf demanded compensation for
(B) Lock aspect ratio looted ships trom f,,hich ruter ot Sindh?
(C) Equalize (A) Raia Ashok Chander
(O) Distribute (B) Raia Oahir
27. ln which city is the famous Wazir Khan (C) Raia Pershottam
(O) Raje Maan Singh
Mosque located?
(f) Lahore (B) Thatta 41. A husband and wife had six manied sons and
(C) Peshawar (Dj Bahawalpur each of them had five children How manv
membeG wre there rn the lamily?
28. The shortcut key to bold the texl (A) 32
is (B) s6
(Cl 42 iol at
ia'j-tid-- B B) Ctrl + V
(C) Ctrl +O D) Ctrl + N 42. Matia bought a laptop at 20% discount on its
oflginal price. She sold rt with a 4oolo increase
What is lhe name of Hadis, which is accordino
to q|lce she boughr Her percentage of
Quran and reason? prof "on the original pnce
91. Jl
Sahih (Al 12Yo
(B Hadith Oauli
(ct 28"/o
Bt 21o/o
(c Hadith Mashhoor ioi soy"
(o Hadith Mauzoo 43. Fill in the btanks: Salma was i[
30. Which_fle is responsibte to start MS Word? (A) Of
(A) Winword.exe (B) Wn.exe (B) To
(C) Word.exe (D) Wod win.exe (c) with (D) On
31. Temperature is measured usino a: 44. Which poisonous gas is produced when coal
rs- bumed withoul enough atr supply?
(A) Satinometer (g) Steiiro.scope (A) Carbon Monoxrde -
(u) thermometer (D) TeEoscope (B) Nitrogen Oxide
32. Cleveland dam is buill on Cadhno River of (C) Ammonia
(O) Hydrogen
(A) United States (B) Canada 45. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: "A
(C) Ausrratie (D) None of these
dark horse"
33. The Synonym of "Emancioate" is: (A) A pure black horse
(A To sel on fire (B) A wicked fellow
(B keep in bondage (C) A tucky horse
(c fo
I o negtect (D) An unexpecled winner
(D To set free from reslraints 46. The term 'Hung parliament descnbes a
34. Find the relationship: "Zoo is to Animats as srtuataon in which?
Aquarium is to: (A) Prime Minister deliberatety avoids the
({) Biras (B) A iqators sesston of the parltameni for a long
(c) Butrerflies (Di Fis[ penod
35. Who-is the aulhor of the book "Conversalion (B) Prime Minisler has been removed
with Mysetf ? through a vote of no confidence but
(A) Barak Obama refuse to steo-down
(B) Winston Churchifl (C) No singte iarty has a majority in the
(C) Nelson Mandeta(D) Tony Btair house
36. Which combination of keys is used to (D) The ruting party has tost the majority in
underllne a text? the upper house
(A) CTRL + U
(B) CTRL + SHIFT + U 47. Who w€re the champrons rn the 2O1g F|FA
(C) SHIFT + U World Cup?
(D) ALT + U (A) Croatia (B) Russia
(c) united Kingdom (D) France
37. Synonym of CANNY is: 48. To apply Center-Atignment to a paragraph we
(A) Obstinate (B) Handsome -
(C) Ctever . can u_se which of the followrng keys"
(D) Resourcetut (A) Ctd + S (at ci,r * b
38. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar is buried at: (C) Ctrl + A (D) Ctrt + E
178 Adve,,C..d PPSC trCOr odd Paper!
49. Metacarpal bones are tound in which part of 62 Complete the number series: '1, 6, 4, 27. 9
the human body?
(A) Feet (8) Pelvic region (A) I (B) 9
, (C) Cranium (D) Hands (c) il (D) 16
50. Complete the numb€r series: 2. 6. 18. 54, 63 Who is called The father of modern
(A) 216 (B) 148 (A) Hrppocrates
{c) 162 (D) 108 (8) Edward Grbbon
51 What is the distance of penalty stroke away (C) John Hoppner
lrom the back line in hockey game?
(D) Srgmund Freud
(A) 6.40 meter (B) 6.52 meter 64 Regarding internet, the acronym ISP refers to:
(C) 6.98 meter (D) 7.25 meter (A lnternet software procedure
(B lnternet aoftware program
52. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali, who proposed the (c lnternet service provider
name "Pakistan' is buried in?
(D lntemet software protocol
(A) Karachi (B) London
(C) Oxtord (D) Cambridge 65. ln the Holy Quran there are two Surahs
named after insects One is Al-Nahl. name the
53. ln MS PowerPoint, clip art option is availablein
_ menu.
(A) Surah Al-Naml (B) Surah Al-Qadar
(A) Home (B) lnsed
(C) Surah Al-Falaq (D) Surah Al-Nas
(C) Design (D) View
54. Who among the following was convicted in 66. Business through internet is called:
Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case?
(A) Credit Card (B) Courrer
(A) Habib Jalib (C) E-commerce (D) Planning
(B) Agha Shorash Kashmiri 67 What is the opposite of 'Shirk'in lslam?
(C) Faiz Ahmad Faiz (A) Akhuwwat (B) Tauheed
(D) None of htese (C) lnsaaf (D) Sin
55. ln which Surah of the Holy Quran, the 68. Who was the leader of lranian Revolution in
methodto perform "Wuzu" is elaborated? 1979?
(A) Al-An'am (B) Al-Maidah (A) Ayatallah Mehdi Montazeri
(C) Al-Baqarah (D) None of these (B) Ayatallah Khomeini
56. 'Disk Cleanup' is a./an:
(C, Mehdi Bazargan
(A) Utility program
(D) Ayatallah Khamenei
(B) Device driver 69. You can create a new presentation by
(C) Productivity software completing all of the following except
(D) File manager
57 In MS Excel. to view a cell comment:
(A) Clicking the new button on the standard
(A) Click the edit comment command on the toolbar
insert menu
(B) Clicking file, new
(B) Click the display comment command on (C) Clicking file open
the window rn€nu (D) Pressing Ctd + N
(C) Position the mouse pointer over the cell 70. Give the number of Faraiz-e-Wuzu as
(O) Click the comment command on the view mentioned rn the Holy Quran.
menu (A) Frve (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four
5E. 'Formosa' is the old name of:
(A) Taiwan (B) Mongolia 71. ln a dairy latm 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk in
(C) Thailand (D) Japan 40 days. ln how many days will one cow eal
59 Who lnvented the Java language? one bag of husk?
(A) James Gosling (B) Deniss Ritche (A) 30 (B) 35
(C) Grace Hopper (D) Steve Jobs (c) 38 (D) 40
60. Which gas is used in the preparation of fizzy 72. Which of the following words is a dummy
soft drinks?
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide (A) He (B) we
(C) Nilrogen (D) Halogens (c) lt (D) You
6'1. How many times. Pakistan became Olympic 73. Who was the leader of "Quit lndia
Champion in Hockey: Movement"?
(A) Two (B) Three (A) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Four (O) Five (B) Quald-i-Azam
(C) Mahulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar
(D) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Advanced PPSC tloQs .Nodet Papets 179
74. Who added the words Assalto-kharum- (A) Cotton fiber (B) Poly fiber
menun-nom in the Far Azan? (C) Paper (D) Textile
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) 87. Which one of the following counlries is, not a
B) Hazrat Umar (RA)
member of OPEC?
C) Hazrat Usman (RA) (A) Angola (B) Gabon
D) Hazrat Ali (RA) (C) Malaysia (D) Qatar
75 Sleep Apnea is a disorder characterized by
A) Lack of sleep
88. Samon Report was unanimously condemned
by all:
B) Excessive sleep (A) Muslims
C) Loud snoring during sleep (B) Hindus
D) Breathing problem (C) lndians
76. Which of the following software is used to (D) Polilical Parties of lndia
prepare presentation?
(A) Power point (B) Microsofi Word 89. Fill in the blank: "Blow _ the candle
when you go to bed."
(C) Spread sheet (D) None oflhese (A) Away (B) Out
77. Name the tree whose wood is used for making (C) Over (D) Up
cncket bats.
(A) Willow (B) Yellow 90. Nanga Parbat ls located in:
(A) Chitral (B) Gilgit
(C). Teak (D) Sandar (C) Azad Kashmir (D) None ofthese
78. Complele lhe sentence; Justice delayed is
(A) Denied (B) Delayed
,?--.*l,t; jP r|vcti--,.tJi4tP s1

(C) Deprived (D) Defened fd:

79 For how many years Hazrat Noah (A.S )
lived? lt$ @) .lr[ (A)
(A) 550
(c) 1950
(B) 750
(D) 9s0
\f (/r p) iltct
80 Which ot ihe following is tenitorial dispute | <_tt/{e_
,v./[-AJ, .g2
between lndia and Pakistan?
(A) lnterchange of population u)'.., (B) vlt)1 (Al
(B) Babri masjid
(C) Cricket Matches
(D) Sir Greek
g!.Dn i>l (D) uff- pt
Name the pact in which the Muslims and
Hindus or British lndia agreed for separate ':j;r--'"+"i-t)" gs
(A) Congress-League Pact +it\(', @l .r...;o.i (A)
Reforms Act
Oelhi Pact
tfi,t4)r 1o1 j;'Jt4- lcl
_..: ( _u,iri.,
(D) Lucknow Pact
;._."_, g
a2 Which of the following artificial lake is present
in Rawalakot, AJK? (B)
;.r. \et
(A) Banjosa Lake (B) Simli Lake
(C) Tanda Lake (D) Khanp r Lake .-; ,j i
83 The Nobel Prize for Peace is given in the city
-t.ttt3)u 16',
of: '.,:-'1{-it,<-t,tV "e r}r}f" .SS
(A) Stockholm (B) Oslo
(C) B.ussels (D) Copenhagen : Z,t: \B) ;-'6 - j' - 61
84 Lock Jaw i.e dif{iculty in opening the mouth, is
a symptom of: I :: Lf/:-;: (O) t t: n;t-tCe-' \Cl
(A) Chloera (B) Plague
(C) Diplheria (D) Tetanus :- i:' ;,:, t -!j,yt -'.,- t,),r' <- X t 96
What is meant by'Sine die"?
(A) Under judicial considerations : r:, ). t/ .' -.,i,s.,r,1':i

(B) Treason
(C) Without fixing a date eil-.o'u-', (B) J t,itt"U, (A)
(D) Superior Court
D''; to) Jtuin tc,
86 Faisalabad is famous for.
180 Advanced PPSC MCQi Model Paperc

vl 6,,/ -J,;,f ,! /' r' I t;vtiri,'-i

6l,ilrfip1 ,FzrF tal r-jto.,"J c{!;tr.l Jal -.,
'uicif J
pl JA-tt (c) v&t(Bt j. lar
a1 ?(;lt, < "u x-11" .sa @, !/iV G)
wnj\ @l vltv; (Al
1 )h.(J e,
n :V "t !:.U' .too
u,frftr{1tt 1oy c*Dp; Gl tn>{ p1 tr:r:,(vlt 6)
6it'&'lti-l' .sg t-lti9tovi, (o) vrf itv (c)
Answer Key
1. b 14. b 27 a 40. b 53. b 66 c 79 d 92 c
2. b 15. d 28 a 41. d 54. c 67 b 80 d 93 c
J. b 16. a 29. a 42. b 55. b 68 b 81 d 94 b
4. b 17. a 30. a 43. c 56. a 69 c 82 a c
5. d 18. c 31. 44. a 57. c 70 d 83 b 96 b
6. a 19. b 32. b 45. d 58. a 7'l d 84 d 97 c
7. b 20. d 33. d 46. c 59. a 72 c 85 98. c
8. a 21. c 34. d 47. d 60. b 73 a 86 d 99. a
9. c 22. a 35. 48. d 61. b 74 b 87 c 100 b
10 c 23. c Jb. a 49. d 62. c 75 d 88 d
1't d 24. a 37. 50. c. 63 d 76 a b
't2 d 25. c 38. c 51. a 64. c 77 a 90 b
13 d 26. b 39. d 52. d 65. a 78 a 9'1 c



1. De iure means: (D) Secretariat
(A) Bynght (B) By law 6. To investigate certain offences including
(C) By the way (D) By itself corruption, federal lnvestigation Agency-FlA
2. What is half way between 103 and 301? was established in Pakistan by:
(A) President Ayub Khan
(A) 199 (B) 200
(c) 201 (o) 202 (B) Prime Minister Z.A Bhutto
(C) GeneralYahaya Khan
3. Capital city of Tajikistail is: (D) President Zia ul Haq
(A) Ashgabat (8) Kunduz
(C) Samarkand (O) Dushanbe 7. Ricky Ponting was the captain of:
(A) Australian Cricket Team
4. Which Surahs are called Muazatain? (B) English Cricket Team
(A) Surah Al-Feil & Surah Quraish (C) West lndies Cricket Team
(B) Surah Al-Mulk & Surah Furqan (D) New Zealand-Cricket Team
(C) Surah Al-Falak & Surah An-Nas
(D) None of these 8. Who is the author of the book titled 'Witness
to Surrender"?
5. UNO is considered to b€ a universal (A) Brig Siddiq Salik
organization. Which organ of the UN has full (B) Col. Muhammad
representation of all member states of UN? (C) Lt. Gen. Shahid Aziz
i.\) Ecosoc (D) Hassan Askari Rizvi
(B) GeneralAssembly
rl\ Security Council 9. Neelum Valley is in:
Advanced PPSC ttoQs Model papers 191
(A) Swat
(B) GilSit
20. A car washer can wash I cars tn 1g minutes.
At thrs rate, how many cars can be washed ln
(C) Hunza 3 hrs?
(D) Azad Jammu and Kashmir (J & K) (A) 40 (B) 60
10. Acid rain contains high levets of: (c) 80 (o) s0
(A) Oxalic Acid (B) Sutphuric Acrd 2'1. The land lying between
(C) Nrtric Acid (D) Both B and C
lhe river Ravi and
river Chenab is called:
1 1. Select the mosl OppOStTE word: (A) Rachna Doab
Miscellaneous. (B) Ban Ooab
(A) Simitar (B) Vague (C) Chai Doab
(C) Different (D) Mingte (O) Sindh Sagar Doab
12. USB Flash Drive is commonty used porEbte 22. The book 'Friends Not Masters,,, was written
devrce to store dala. What does USB stand by:
for? (A) Oudratulah shahab
(A) Universat Serial Bus (B) Ayub Khan
(B) Universal Storaoe Bank (C) Dr. Parvez tqbat Cheema
(C) Unique Storage-Bus (D) Manzur Qadir
(D) Universal Storage for Business 23. Who was the first Pakistani lady to obtain a
13. Fill in the blank: "you must stick commercial pilot's license. She died in May
your promise'. 2017 at the age of 82.
(A) in (B) on (A) Shukria Khanam
(C) by (D) to (B) Huma Liaqat
(C) Ayesha Farooq
14. What number should come next? (D) Maryam Masood
3, 4,7 .8, '.|1. 12.
(A) 7 10 24. The idea ot estabtishing SAARC was first
(c) 14 -le)(O) 15 mooted by:
(A) Gen Zia ul Haq (Pakistan)
15. Seismograph is a scientiric instrument used (Q) Gen Zla ur Rehman (Bangtadesh)
(C) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (pakistan)
(A) Recording Earthquakes (D) lndira Ghandi (tndia)
(B) Recording Flucluations in btood pressure
(C) Oetecting underground gas fietdi 25. Miss Wortd. the otdest surviving ma,ior
(D) Recording depth of oceans international beauty conlest, was star6d in: '
'16. The United Stales of America at present (A) usA (B) UK
Federation consisting of:
is a (C) ltaly (O) Canada
(A) 45 states (B) 50 states 26. The number of Ashab-e-Khaf was:
(C) 52 states (O) 55 states (A) 6 (B) 7
17. Find out the conecl passive Voice sentence:
(c) 8 (D) s
"People say that honesty is the best policy but 27. The . Pakislani film 'Zarqa" became very
they seldom set upon it". popular in Pakistan and the Middle East. Wh6
(A) lt is said that honesty is the best poticy played the characier of Zarqa the movie?
bul that is seldom acled upon (A) Neelo
(B) Honesty is said to be the best poticy but it (B) Mussarat Nazir
is seldom acted upon (C) Zeba
(C) Honesty is that best poticy which is (D) None of these
seldom acted upon 2E. Which of the fo owing cities
(O) lt is said the honesty was best policy is not on the
Pacilic Coast?
which was seldom acted upon ({) Taipei (B) Shanshai
18. Oefictency of vitamtn 'A causes. (C) San Francisco (O) New Vort
(A) Night blindness 29. Which tribe of Ouraish, Hazrat Umar (R.A),
(B) Day blindness belonged to?
(C) Complete btindness (A) Banu Hashim (B) Banu Umayyah
(O) None of these (C) Banu Addi (D) None ofthiie
19. W_hich of the following countries was pard an 30. Fill in the blank. "ptease send his letter
oticial visit by the lirst prime Mrnister of _ my address-.
Pakistan in 1950?
(A) Sau.ti Aicbra (B) China
(A) in (B) on
(C) toward (D) to
iC) USA (D) Afghanistan
31. Name the padiamenl of Tajikistan?
1E2 A PPSC MCQS Papers
(A) Council (B) PeoPle's Council arrogance
(C) Union Council (D) Majltsi Oli (B) To d;alwith a difficult situation in a direct
32 What is the meaning of the idiom/proverb'A (C) To handle it bY fierce attack
pipe dream"? (D) To bypass the legal p(ocess and take
(A) A peasant dream action to one's own wtsh
(B) A bad dream
(C) An impracticable wish 45. The oflicial langdages of Shanghar
(D) A foolish idea Cooperation Organization are:
(A) English and Chinese
33. Which Article o, the '1973 Constitulion deals (B) RussEn and Chinese
wth impeachment of the President? (C) English Chrnese and Russian
(A) Article 45 (B) Article 46 (D) French and Chinese
(C) Article 47 (D) Article 48
46. The pogram that contarns rnstructions to
34. Whal the synonym of Lurid ?
operate a devrce is called:
(A) Gory (B) APPear (A) Device operalor
(C) Natural (O) Oiscreet (B) Device driver
35. Who is the founder of Wikileeks? (C) Device linkrng
(A) Bill Gates (D) Device system
(B) Julian Assange 47. For galvanizing of rron which of the following
(C) Shave tobs metals is used?
(D) Mark Zuckerberg (A) Aluminium (B) CoPPer
36. Find out the conect Passive Voice sentence. (C) Lead (D) Zrnc
"Circumstances will oblige me to go".
(A) lshall be obliged to 90 by circumstances 48 Pope Benedict XV who dred rn 20'13. was
from which country?
(B) I shall have to be obliged to go (A) ltaly (B) Poland
(C) I shall not go except f he crrcumstances (C) Argentina (D) Germany
oblige me to 9o
(D) I shall go circumstances oblige me to go 49. Twitter is a:
(A) Search engine
37. When Haiiwas made compulsory? (B) Social network service
(A) 9th Hrri (B) 10th HUri (C) E-mail service
(C) 1lth HUri (D) 8lh Hijri (D) Blog page
38. The Madrassah Deoband started in Deoband. 50. The Lucknow Pacl between Congress and the
a small town of: Muslim League was signed in which year?
(A) Shikarpur (B) Nurpur (A) 1912 (B) 1916
(C) Ambala (O) Sharanpur (c) 1920 (o) 1919
39. Bengal was partitioned in Oct. '1905 when 51 . What is the old name of Zohb?
Lord _ was Viceroy. (A) Fort Sandman (B) Fort Munro
(A) Curzon (B) Mayo (C) Montgomery (D) Saiwan Kot
(C). Ripen (D) LYtton
52. UPS is an abbreviation of:
40. The longest river of Balochistan is: (A) A Universal Pumping Station
(A) Dasht (B) Zhob (B) Universal Power SuPply
(C) Rakshahan (D) Hingol (C) Un-interrupted Power SuPPIY
41. Choose synonym lor the underlined word: (O) Un-interruptible Power SuPPIY
One normally expects !!y9pig Pople not to be
53. Who was the Secretary Genetal of the Unated
able to see over great distances. Nations befote Ban ki Moon?
(A) Near sighted (B) Healthy (A) Kofi Annan
(C) Old (D) Wise (B) Boutros-Boutros Ghali
42. Fill in the blank: He became addicted (C) Javier Perez de Cuellar
drugs at quite any early age (D) None of these
(A) For (B) rnto
54. 'The Oa Vinci Code rs
(C) to (D) in
(A) A bestselling novel
43. (9+43- 4l+24-2=') (B) An ancient legal code
(A) 0 (B) 2.181 (C) The History of Jews
(c) 3 (D) 2 (Dr None of these
44. What is the meaning of idiom/proverb 'To take 55, Who rs consrd€red as the Father of
'. 1A) TB Watson 1Bi Albert
the bull by the horns"? Psychoanalysrs?
(A) To punish a person severely for his
Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Papers 183
(C) Adler (D) Sigmund Freud (C) Tuberculosrs (O) Matana
56. What does OIC stand for? .
(A) Organization of lslamic Conference
69. Fill in the blank. "He was meditating
(!) _ the problem".
Organization of lslamic Cooperation
(Q) Organization for lntegrated Cooperation
(A) of (B) to
(C) on (D) with
(D) Organization for tnternational
Cooperation 70. Complete the sentence: Justice detayed is

57. Which country is ca[ed playground

(A) Denied
of (B) Detayed
Europe? (C) Deprived (D) Deferred
(A) Switzerland (B) Denmark 71. Abdus-Sattar Edhi, a Pakistani lhilanthropist
(C) Sweden (O) Hofiand
and humanitarian died on:
58. RAM stands for? (A) 8th July 2014'(B) 8rh Juty 201S
(A) Read After Memory (c) 8th Juty 2016 (D) Eth Juty 20.13
(B) Random Access Memorv
(C) Read All memory 72. What is the synonym of Notion:
(D) None of these (A) Country (B) ignore
(C) lnfamous (D) Belief
59. Who poslulated the Theory of Naturat
73. Which numbei wilt complete the number
Selection in Evolutron?
(A) Talbot (B) John Laszto series: 2. 5, 12.23. 38.57 .

(C) Joseph Lister (D) Darwin (A) 69 (B) 76

(c) 80 (D) 84
60. Valletta is the capital of:
(A) Slovenia (B) Atbania 74. Which of the following animals is depicted tn
(C) Malta (D) Mati the logo of World Wide Fund for Nature
61. When was the gtate of lsrael admitted to the (A) Snow Leopard (B) Panda
UNO? (C) Rhinoceros (D) Lion
(A) 1947 (B) 1948
75. "Malakhara" is a popular game played in the
(c) 1949 (D) 1950
provrnce of:
62. ln which district of Pakistan is the famous (A) Punjab (B) Sindh
Katas Raj Temples complex located? (C) Baluchistan (D) N,W.F P
(A) Sargodha (B) Sahiwat
76. 'A' is twice as old as 'B'. Three year ago 'A
(C) Chakwal (D) peshawar
was three times as ol d as 'B' How old is A
63. Vitamin C is essential for: now?
(A) Appetite (A) 6 years (B) 12 years
(B) GroMh & repair of tissues (C) 14 years (D) 16 years
. (D) Muscles
Brain 17th iarallel lane was the provisional
demarcation line between
64. ln which district is the archaeotogical site (A) North & South Korea
Harappa located? (B) Canada & USA
(A) SukHer (B) Sahiwat (C) North Vietnam & South Vietnam
(c) Thatta (D) chakwal (D) None of these -
65. Which one of the following shapes has four 78 What is the meaning of the idiom/proverb. "To
equal sides and right angles? cast pearls before a swine ?
(A) Rhombus (B) Square (A) To spend recklessly
(C) Reclangle (O) para etogram (B) To spend a lot of money on the upkeep of
66. When-did five prayers become an obligation domestic
(Fa.z)? (C) To waste money over trifles
(A) Nabvi (B) 11th Nabvi
10th (D) To offer to a person a thing which he
(c) Nabvi (D) 13th Nabvi
12th cannot appreciate
67. Constantinople fe into the hands of the 79 Pakrstan has of the fourteen
Muslims rn which year? tallest mountarn peaks rn Asia.
(A) 1453 A.D (8) 1543 A.D (A) Nine (B) Seven
(c) 1354 A. D (D) 1398 A.O (C) Six (D) Five
68. Whrch of the followrng rnteclious orseases rs 80 ln which Surah of Quran, name of Zulqarnain
conveyed from one person to another through is mentioned?
ata ts: (A) Surah Al-Khaf
(A) Cholera (B) Scarel fever (B) Surah Al Baqr
1U Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
(C) Surah.AlFurqan
(D) Surah Al-Naas
,:? - 1$.iu/LJ?t-,vlt
81. The worlds famous "Golden Gate Bridge" is
located in:
d=r @ J.z'Jv tat
(A) New York (B) Mexico t,tJ\ @) )g i)v) (Cl
(C) London (D) San Francisco
82. Complete the number series: 1, 2, 2, 5, 3, 8, -{ -e't{-*,' o-,.ri "A Laugning Stock" .92
iAt=- (B) 7 ia @l ,r,rt, lA\
(c) 6 (D) 4
83. Tea can be best cuttivated on: -V'!ia <ol -iJ';i tct
(A) Plans (B) Hill tops
(C) Hill Slopes (D) All of these t
-ctl;r,,! ",i+r|' )*,f .ot
E4. The Quaid-Azam's Fourteen Poinls
issued in response to:
were aiil p1 ,?t-i (Al

(A) 3rd June Plan sv,tj,2 lDl )sjtut 1c1

(B) Nehru Report
(C) Minto Modey Reforms
(D) None of these
rt{-,7-d.i-,+|J*" ge

85. Lahore Resolution, adopted on 23 March. ' i t', .!:c, i ) 1( - gt,t' 7

1940 was presented by:
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan
(B) Quaid-e-Azam
r: l,/ i,
(C) A.K Fazl-uFHaq
(O) G.M. Syed Jv,t':w pl -18 (A)

86. Qadians were declared as Non-Muslims ov,lf o JF,-* tcl._

during the govemment of:
(A) Ayub Khan (B) Yahya Khan ul hL r;tlv-
(C) Z.A Bhutto (D) Zia-ul-Haq
87. ln the Redcliff Award of 1947, the Muslim $Li Aui.d t;)v c f .- N L € i' t ss
majority areas of Gurdaspur and Pathankot
were handed over to lndia just because: ,rp (B) lv <ol
(A) These area were rich in mineral wealth
(B) River Ravi originaled from there which J& tol atta (C)
was the lifeline of West Pakiqlan
(C) lt '/yas huge military cantonment -{=€'K-v:-,,4 "co mad" .96
(D) lt provided road link from lndia to Kashmir
. valley s2/;t1t (B) ii4- (Al
88. 'Basher Al Asad' is the President of: lv tt r. )i (Dl vt, x:tlt (cl
(A) Yemen (B) Jordan
(C) Syna (D) Egypt r: -(,1f v;/"1ti,t" .st
E9. What was the age of HazEt lbrahim (A.S)
when Hazrat lsmael was born?
(A) years (B) 88 years
$44 @t ,10\:rq (At
'(C) 86
90 years (D) 95 years ar.,/ 1o'1 6l4t't (c\
90. Which poet wrote the famous line 'A thing of
beauty is a joy forever? t\ L "uv Lll" )n "(i Ltl" "')) LLt" .gB
(A) Lord Byron
(B) William Wordsworlh 9;g c-t,i *ti
(C) P.B. Shelley
(D) John Keats ,-f ,r, -, rel

,.t,.1 !-o' F ; )Jte,{. .g'r il (D) =b


Z-,ft/ttitnt/rl/tt,* tlw(/rc,-/,.,/y',s, ;, ss

Jtjt-tt (B\ ,fcrt ral

PPSC MCOS Model 185
i)'(,t' 1o1 S,ti,,7.i 1c1
r,<-Qy v i i -/ 7',:i., i- ioo
et/rt/xLt{ -tii{r
Answer Key
1. b 14.
'15. da 27. a 40. d 66 79. d 92
2: d a
16. b
28. d 41. a 54. a a7 a 80. a 93 b
c 17. b
29. c 42. c 55. d 68 '8't. d 94. ?
5. b 18. a
30. d 43. a 56. b 69 c 82. d 95. d
b. b
d 44. b 5t-. a 70 a 83. c 96. c
20. c
JZ- 45. b 58. b 71 c u. b 97. a
7. a
2'1. a
c 46. b 59. d d' 65. oa a
8. a
22. b
a 47. d 60. c 73 c 86. c 99.
23. a
35. b 48. d 61. c 74 b 87. d '100 b
24. b
36. a 49. b 62. c 75. b 88 c
25. b
37. a 50. b 63. b 76. b 89. a
26. b
38. d 51. a 64. b 90. d
13. d 39. a 52. d 65. b 78. d 91. b

For All'.
,,''.-'']. '-: ''
,t tacludina Qtdaddat 2
ptoEtbiat E*ays
e ..
rrs lltors.Pir Ers



(A) Venezuela (Bl The USA
'1. The headquarters'oi BRICS is located at: (C) Guyana (D) Australia
(A) Shanghai (B) Moscow
(CJ Cape Town (D) New Delhi 9. The eanh moves from
(A) West lo East {B) East to West
2. The planet learest to lhe earth is (C) North to South (D) South to North
(A) Mercury (Bl Jupiter
(C) VeniJs (D) Pluto 1O Middle East' group oI countnes includes
(A) South Asian countnes
3. Light year rs the (B) West Asian counlries
(A) Drstance lravelled by light year
in one (C, South-east Asian countrres
iB) Mean distance between the earth and the (D) Eastem Part of Asra
(C) Mean distance between the earth and the 11 Kanoaroo rs the nattonal.emblem of
moon tA) (B) Austraha
(D) Mean distance between the sun and the iC) ttaty (D) lreland
planet 12. Qantas airlines belongs to
4. Sun rises in the easl and sets in the west due (A) United Kingdom (B) Australia
lo lhe (C) ltaly (O) Swilzerland
(A) Shape ot the earth 13. Who among the following is the inventor of a
(f}) Revolution of the earth around the sun system of wiiting and pnnting for the blind
(C) Rotation of the earth on its axrs (A) Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
(D) Movement of the sun B) Louis Braille
5. What are cyclones? C) Sk Humphrey DavY
(A) Sudden. heav)' iloods D) Christian Huygens
(B) No rain for a long duration 14 Martin Luther King was a
(C) Heavy Showers (A Social reformer
(D) Violent v,/inds and rain (B Secretary General of the UN
0. The largest river of Asia is (c Black US civil rights leader
(A) Yangtze (B) Yenisei (D None of these
(C) lndus (D) Mekong 15 where were the first modem Olympic Games
7. Which metal is most abundantly found on held?
(A) Olympra (B) Athens
earth's surface?
(A) Alumrnium (B) Zinc (c) se'oui (D) Los Angeles
(C) lron (D) CoPPer 16 The term'Butter fly' in sporls is associated
8 The world's highest waterfall. the Angel Falls with
lA) Baskelball (B) Swimming
is situated in
iCt nowing (D) Golf
' BRlcs is a group of nations having Brazil, Russia, tndia, 17 Swavthlino Cuo is associated with
(A) Lawn-Tenhrs (B) Table Tennis
China & South Africa as it5 members. BRICS is not
Union. lt doesn't have headquarters. BRICS has
(C) Hockey (D) Golf
formed a financial instittltion to fund the nations in the 18 Football (soccerlrs said to have orrgrnated ln
group. This financial institution is known New {A) Former USSR (B) England
Development Eork (NDB). lt has been tormed in ici cnrna (D) Australia
parallel to lnternational Monetary Fund (lMF) and with 19 Which sport returned to Olympics in 1988
similar functions. This institution has headquarters in after 64 years?
Shanghai. (.V. Kamath is the first head ofthe bank.
Advanced PPSC MCQS Nodel Paoe6 , 18J
(A) Judo (B) Tennis (A) Koh-r-sufaid (B) Rass-Koh
(C) Croquet (D) Canoeing (C) Bolan hills (Dl Koh-i-Suleman
20. The Nobel Prize for Economrcs was 36 The Soan and the Haro are tu/o rivers ofl
introduced in (A) BaluchrstanPlateau
(A) 1969 (B) 1986 (B) Potohar Plateau
(c) 1990 (D) 1e87 (C) Northern Areas
21. Which country awards the Nobel Prize? (D) Azad Kashmir
(A) America (B) England 37. What do you understand by the term "Judrcral
(CI Sweden (D) lreland Aclrvism' anPakistan'
22. Who was the first Asian to have received the (A) Fast drsposal of cases by ihe judges
Nobel Prize?
(B) Judicial interference in executive and
(A) C.V. Raman (B) R.N. Tagore legrslative attairs
(C) MotherTeresa (D) LA. Bunin (C) lndependent decisions of the courts
(D) None oI these
23. Who discovered circulatron of blood in the
human body? 38. 'Sui'a place known for the largest reserves of
(A) Edward Jenner (B) Joseph Lister natural gas is in
(C) William Harvey (O) Jonon Esals (A) Quetta Division (B) Kalat Division
(C) Srbi Divisron (D) Makran Divisron
24. The credit of developing the polio vaccine
goes to 39 'Warsak Dam" has been bu,t on the nver:
(A) Jonas Salk (8) Alb E Sabin
(A) lldus (B) Korung
(C) Selman Waksma (D) Ncne ot these (C) Kabul rD, Satluj

25. Logarithm tables were invented by 40 The "Shandur Pass at the height of 12,205
(A) John Napier (B) John Ooe feet connects:
(C) John Hanison (D) John Oouglas (A) Chrtral and Gilgrt
(B) Chitral and Bannu
26. Who defined the law of gravitation? {C) Mardan and lvlalakand
(A) Newton (B) Archimedes (D) Grlgit and Kashgar (Chrna)
(C) Galileo (D) Faraday
41 Pakistan's highest mountain peak "K-2" rs
27. Zero was invented by? located in the:
(A) lndians (B) Egyptians (A) Himalayas (B) Hindukush.
(C) Greeks (D) None of these (C) Karakorum (D) Koh-r-Suleman
28. The Velocity of light was first rneasured by 42 "shiwalrk" and -Prr Punjal" hrlls are part of:
(A) Einstein (B) NeMon (A) Himalayas range (B) Hindukush range
(C) Roomer (D) Galileo (C) Krrthar range (Dt None cfthe above
29. Velocity of sound is maxrmum an: 43. Which mountain range divides Pun ab from
(A) Air (B) Waler Baluchistan in southem extremity:
(C) Sleel (O) Vacuum (A) Krrlhar (B) Pamir
30. The best conduclor of electricity rs (C) Hindukush (D) Koh-i-Suleman
(A) lron (B) Ah,mrnrum 44. fhe atea lying between river Beas and the
(C) Copper (D) Silver Ravi rs called:
31. Food normally digested in the
is (A) Chaj Doab (B) Rachna Doab
(A) Liver (B) Stomach (C) Bari Ooab (D) Saharwal Doab
(C) Small lntesline (D) Large lntestine 45. Which part of Punjab is famous for Shisham
32. Which of the follo\rying v amins can be stored Timber forests:
in the liver? (A) Changa Managa
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin C (B) Kala Chitla range
(C) Vitamin D (D) Mtamin K (C) Munee Kahula range
(D) Mianwali and Kalabagh range
33. How many bones are there in a newly born
infant? 46. "Gypsum" one of the important mineral
(A) 206 (B) 230 resources of Punlab is ,ound
(A) Khewra

(c) 280 (D) 300

(B) Kalabagh
34. The salt range lies on the west bank of river: . (C) warcha
(A) Chenab (B) Ravi (D) All lhe above places
(C) lndus (D) Jhelum
47. The river Chenab joins river Jhelum at.
35. 'Chagai" a place where Pakistan conducted (A) Sidhnai (B) Trimmu
its nuclear explosions. is situaled in the (c) Mirhan Kot (o) uch shanf
mountainous range of:
188 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers
48. The largest river of Baluchistan is: 61. Which city is the Headquarter of lslamic
(A) Dasht (B) Zhob Development Bank.
(C) Rakahshan (D) Hingol (A) Abu Dhabi (B) Damascus
49. "Ziara,l" in Baluchistan is a popular hill resort (C) Jeddah (O) lstamabad
surrounded by the oldest and tallest: 62. ldentity the Pakistani personality who played
(A) Juniper Forests (B) Pine Forests vital role in the formation of UN Agency
(C) Shisham Forests (D) Pistachio Forests UNICEF?
50. Which one of the following oil fields was first (A) M.A.H lsphani
discovered in Pakistan:
(B) Patras Bukhari
(A) Karsal (8) Balkassar
(C) Sir Zafarullah Khan
(C) Meyal (D) Toot (D) None of these
51. Which agency of the United Nations, Pakistan 63 ldentify the site of Ghazi Brolha Dam'
joined just after its creation: (AI KPK (B) Punjab
(A) UNESCO (C) Sindh (O) Azad Kashmir
(B) World Health Organization (WHO) 64. Who is the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat
(C) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Conference in occupied Kashmir:
(O) High Commission for Refugees (A) Mir Wayz Uinar Farooq
52. ldentify Pakistan's lndigenous "Surface to Air (B) Khawaja Abdul Ghani Loan
Mrssile" rs. (C) Amanullah Khan
(A) Hatf (B) Ghauri (D) Syed Al Shah Grllanr
(C) Shaheen (D) Anza 65. Pakistan is the member of one of the following
53. The total length of Line of Controi in Kashmir lnternational Organization ldentify:
is about: (A) G-7 (B) O-8
(A) 600 kms (B) 740 kms (c) ASEAN (D) OPEC
(C) 880 Kms (DI 900 kms 66. The culture centre of Ghandhara civilization
54. From '1971 to '1976 period. Pakistan's foreign was situated al:
policy was based on: (A) Harrapa (B) Kot Ori
(A) Pro Americanism (B) Pro Communism
(C) Mohinjodaro (D) Taxila
(C) Bilateralism (D) lsolation 67. "Mast Tawakali" is prominent poet ot:
55. Pakistan joined "Non-Aligned Movement" in (A) Baluchr (B) Srndhr
1979 at: (C) Barohi (D) Pushto
(A) Bangalore (B) Havana 68. The Oldest regional language of Pakistan is:
(C) Colombo (D) Bandung (A) Punjabi (B) Sindhr
56. Which Princely stjG ioined Pakistan soonest (C) Pushto (D) Baluchi
after independence: 69. ldentify Sindhr poet who wrole verses in seven
(A) Bahawalpur (B) Khairpur Languages:
(C) Hunza (O) Kalat (A) Latif Bhitai (B) Shahbaz Kalandar
57. The tenure of office for the services Chiefs of (C) Sachal Sarmast (O) Miran Shah
the Armed Forces of Pakistan rs. 70. lncome of a company doubles after every one
(A) 2 years (B) 3 years year. lf the initial income was Rs. 4 Lakhs,
(C) 4 years (D) 5 years what would be lhe income after 5 years?
58. lndia occupied certain parts of Siachin Glacier (A) Rs. 1.28 Crores (B) Rs.2.25 Crores
tn: (C) Rs. 3.25 Crores (D) Rs. 3.75 Crores
(A) 1980 (B) 1982 71. The total monthly salary of 4 men and 2
(c) 1984 (D) 1986 women is Rs. 46000. lf a women earns Rs.
59. Pakislan lnstitute of Nuclear Science and 500 more than a man what is the monthly
Technology is situaled al: salary of a women?
(A) lGrachi (B) Kahuta (A) Rs.5000 (B) Rs.6000
(C) Nilore (D) Nawab Shah (C) Rs.8000 (D) Rs. 9000
60. Organization of lslamic Cooperation (OlC) 72. What fraction of an hour is a second?
came in to being in 1969s a result of the (A\ 1t24 (B) 1/60
incident: (c) 1t12O (D) 1/3600
(A) lsrael's occupalion of Arab tenitories ldentify lhe correcl meaning of the idioms
(B) Assassination of King Faisal Bin Abdut 73. 'To have an axe to grhd'
Aziz ot Saudi Arabia (A) To be tully acquainted with something
(C) Buming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by the Jews (B) To have a personal interest in a matter
(D) Oil cdses in lhe wond (C) To take guidance on a complicated
Adv PPSC MCQS Mode, Papers 189
(D) To take an agreeable position
74. 'To cool one's heels' u,l,t./ Py u/s{ ot
) To be keDt waitino
utji.-,tto, u-f{t!,,
B) To be gobd and d;ticate rol G)
) To have a dealwith troublesome person
D , lo pratse someone t.t A i -t/ 86
75 ln a Jiffy'
(A) ln a lrouble (B) Wthout any detay t_[v. p1 t,furrTt 1a1

. . (C) Unable to decrde (D) Fnendty wdy

ldentify the correct choice
t)',4/ 1o1 t.l,F.-_/ Gt
76. 'l am confident
(A) To win --Gt Of winning t.. a"u't" ri 4!t' ,,,''. .87
(C) On wrnning (D) For winni;g
77. 'l will meet him when he r3l Ft .{* @)
(A) Will come
(C) Had.come iDl Comes
18; Woutd have come ,( ji.--;ts' qoy j,yi.!.,.4' Gt
What is the correct meaning of the following
's:-; .-...1
,', 1(j.,.; .88
78. 'Craving'
(A) Desire B) Creating
,;;j.r @t qs,{ 61
(C) Bravery D) Fatal ;l ji'--;.1' 1O1 ,,c,;,rre'r (c)
79. 'Flimsy'
(A) Real (B) lnadequate l;*|if J -"",:-i" .89
(C) Positive (D) Fragile
80. 'Heterogeneous' ,j):i,tt;7 p1 ;,,,r..,: 6y
(A) Similar (B) Aggressrve
(U) Drverse (D) Coherent iJ, tot j'ti-tt,1-r 1C1
ldentify the meaning of foltowing words and
phrases commonly used tn English Language r=-V,?l-i,i"'j)tjj,io,r,T. .eo
81. "ln Camera"
(4) qp"n (B) Not in pubtic )r,)/ p1 ip,,, 61
(C) Prolong (D) Hypociatic aflitude
,,{J{=-;tl, tol ur'rer (c)
82. "Per se'
(A) By itself
(B) Completely it( 'f ,/ L ),1t -rt" o<,5 rtw i.. i' .9.1
(c) Among other things
(D) Very short e+i
,/ {+xrttt,,-h.-i',jl6t-,-t, 83
C=/ @) l,,_ft, @)
;7iu-. 1o1 ,!'SJu tct
ret 3r 'k (A) .f { Ll6t-*,/;(er;i ti --s{0, .g2

.:t (D) r- Gt ri wa,LdLl

r'l,l -/1jt'si,ep*l' jJjt-. ,5:'/,5-- p1 j,,tLtt (A)

;f,j{;t tol ,Vr G)
| <_JCer
,l-,zJy pl
t,,.jl 6) 4,r,/,fxl,,i---?at,,l 7,{{4sti - n:
)tt gi. )
(ot {= z @) sc-Jt i
\iSLtJt*lto;,,sfa-,,V,,1;-.,* ,/6,r (B) ,y.;,r 6'1

,'ttLul', -1;,r 1oy oili.,i (c\

190 Advanced Mcas Model P aoefs

) ;t -'ri !' i ! ;,, {.- -- .:'*, t' .94 -);,t>Vt:-,t'(D) ulgrgrt /:> P (c)


/b (B) 9- (A) B\ a^. (A)

.zt, (D) j.frg (c)

-(i{.-,Je' @\

r.! f ,,s-i a-.6,,toi./1t )yt;;'i 95 Y\/SU

-. j) P.-e
' .99

J,I*P (B\ 'heP lAl ;_;i rei t,lc:r,t (A)

o:r: P (D) iLe? \c) '-I \U/ (c)

':; tii 11t 96 ? -:.,-

- lt--i:--)6tcti)a--. .100
j rs (B) ii+ te) r I 9'. :r; t t> \Bl *" o'. )G e P \A)
jrit o1 j.ta tc\ itlzteP Gl
,:.-t ..';-:j.f 'Jus'.jt..7
,".'ai 97 1s1
",:.;ci.J.te.>- )t;t)lr:./
Bl iAi
An s we r Key
1. b 14 c 27. a 40. a b 66 d 79 o 92 a
c 15. b 28. 41. c 54 67 a 80 c b
a 16. b 29. c 42. a 55 b oo b 81 b 94. c
4. c 17 b 30. d 43. d 56 a 69 c 82 a 95. a
5. d 1B c c 44. 57 b 7A a 83 d 96. c
6. 3 19 b 32. a 45. a 58 c 71 c 84 b 97 c
7. a ?o a '11 d 46. c 59 c d 85 b 98. c
8. a 2'l c 34 d 47. b 60 c b 86 99. a
9. b 22 b b 48. d 61 c 74 a 87 c 100 c
10 b 36 b 49, a oz b 75 b 88 c
11 b 24 a 50. d bJ b a 89 b
77 oal c
12 b 25 a 38. 51. c 64 d d
'13 t) ?6 a 39. c 52. d 65 b 78 9'1 b

1. Prince Dara Shikoh. son of Emperor (D) Cache memory
Shahrahan, was a disciple of: 3. ln which.year did the tragedy of Karbala take
(A) Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai place?
(B) Shah Wallullah Muhaddith (A) 55 Hiirah (B) 61 Hijrah
(C) Hazrat Mian Mlr (C) 63 Hijrah (D) 65 Hiirah
(O) Khawa,a Ghuiam
4. The antonym cf -lncline" is:
2. The ALU of a computer responds to the (A) Refuse (B) Asc€nd
commands coming from (C) Feel (D) Natural
(A) Primary memory
(B) Control section 5. Which of the following lnslruments to use for
(C) External memory measuflng lhe humidity in air?
Advanced C MCOS llrode, 191

(A) Hydrometer (B) Hygrometer 18. The biggest Oldinance Factory (arms and
(C) Barometer (D) None ot these ammunition factory) of Pakrstan rs located at
(B) Oarra Adam
(A) Jhelum Khel
5. Maqam€-lbrahim is lhe place which contains (C) Peshawar (Oi WAH
the imprints of the feet ol Hazrat lbrahim
(A.S). Where it is 19 The uncharged particle in an Atom is called:
(A) Madina {B) Makkah (A) Australia (B) Neutron
(C) Palestine (D) lsrael (C) Electron lD,
7. Fill ln the blanks: 20. Which of the following contrnents has no
"Last night the thief broke his house
(A) Australia (B) North America
and stole a TV set" (C) South America (D) Europe
(A) Off (B) Through
(c) rn (o) lnto 2'1. The Nationalizaticn Polcy was Introduced by:
(A) Ayub Khan (B) Z.A Bhutto
8. Mossad ls the intelhgence -agency ot (C) Zia ul Haq (Dl Pervez Musharaf
(A) lraq (B) lran
.(C) lsrael (D) lndra 22. Select the.nost srmriar word -Gorgeous
(A, Magnrf,ce.l /B1 Waterfall
9 Aslam's werght increased by 25o/o trom year
rCJ Artifrcral iD) Perfect
2005 to 2010. lf his weight was K krlograms in
2010. What was 2005? 23 What Coes IRSA stands ior?
(A) 1.75 K (B) I .2s K (A) lnternal Revenue Service of Australia
(c) 0.80 K (o) 0.7s K (B) lnternational Reliel Support Agency
(C) lntegrated Rural Supply Agencies
10. The world's largest island (excluding Australa) (D) lndus River System Authorrty
(A) Madagascar (B) Sumatra 24 The lndonesian ctty of Bandung is famous
(C) New Guinea (D) Greenland because ol the first Afro-Asran Summit, which
was in many ways a precursor to the Non-
11. Name the second son of Hazrat lbrahim Alioned Movement When was the first Afro-
Asian Summrt meetrng held In Bandung?
(A) Hazrat Yahya (A.S) (A) 1950 (8r 1955
(B) Hazrat lsmaeel (A.S) (c) 1957 (D) 1963
(C) Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
(D) Hazrat lshaq (A.S) 25. The Caliphate in Turkey was abolished in
1924 by:
12. "HoGe Power" is standard unit of power equal (A) KamalAtaturk
lo: (B) Saltan Abdul Majeed
(A) 370 watts (B) 480 watts (C) British Govemment
(C) 656 watts (D) 746 watts (O) The Allied Forces
13. World Wide Web is being standardized by:
26. Which ol the following fractrons is the
(A) Worldwidecorporation
(B) W3C (A) 15/8 {B) 7/8
(C) World Wide Consortium lcl 17t12 lD) 13/16
(D) World Wide Web Si
27. Complete the ldiom: "Don t ludge a book by
14. lndicate the word which has the correct
(A) Existence (B) Extstance tA) Readi-ngit (B) The cover
(C) lts size (D) rts colour
(C) Existtance (D) Existense
15. One of the infectious diseases conveyed from
28. On 14 November 2016. ln an unprovoked
frflno across the LOC seven soldter of the
one person to another through air is Pakistan Army attarned Sahadat ln which
(A) Cholera (B) Scariet fever district of Azad Kashmrr drd thrs violation of
(C) Tuberculosis (D) Maiana cease-frre by lndra laFe Place?
16. Name the lsraeli President who paid an offlcial (A) Chakothr {B) Bhrmber
visit to lndia in mrd November 2016? (CJ Poonch (D) Rawalakot
(A) Reuvin Rrvlin {B) Shimon Peres 29. Stainless steel is mainly an alloy of:
(C) Moshe Katsav (O) Beniami (A) Copper with Zinc
17. Which is the authorized agency to sanction (B) Red Brass and yellow Brass
license for Cable Television and FM Radios? (C) Zinc and Tin
(A) PTA (B) PTCL (D) Chromium and Nickle
30. Taklamakan desert is situated rn

192 Advanced PPSC MCQi Modet Paoers
(A) China (B)
Russia 44 When you create a warning box to prevent an
(C) lndia (D)
Congo lnvahd data entry. its message shows:
31. The longest nver of Balochtstan is: (A) A yellow tnangle (B) A red X
(A) Oesht (B) Zhob (C) A wavy blue underfine (D) An orange
(C) Rakhshan (D) Hrngot 45. Name the first foster mother of the prophel
32. Which of the following is a cash crop? Muhammad (PBUH)?
(A) Wheat (B) Tobacco {A) Hazrat Hateema (B) Hazrat Sobra
(C) Rrce (D) Coton (C) Hazral Khota (D) None of these
33. The noun form of the verb "excite" is: 46. Name th_e pamphtet issued by Chaudhry
(A) Excitin3 (B) Excited Rehmat Ati in whrch the name iakrstan wai
(C) Excitatement (D) Excitement used for the first time
(A) Oo or Die
34. Th€ two maror types of computer chrps are: (B) lndependent Homeland
(A) Extemal memory chrp (C) Freedom or Death
(B) Primary memory chip (D) Now or Never
(C) Mrcroprocessor chrp
(D) Both B and C 47. Sunlight rs composed of
(A) Three colors (B) Ftve colors
35. ln Quran Ten Commandments are named as: (C) Seven Cotors (D) Ten Colors
(A) Awamir-iAshara
(B) Ashra at Muoashara 48. Who ran desperately in search of water
(C) Ashra al Mualaz between two hills ca ed Safa and Marwa?
(O) None of these (A) Hazrat Quturah (R.A) mother of Hazrat
tsmaeet (AS)
36. Antonym of "Profane" isl (B) Hazrat Saarah (R.A), mother of Hazrat
(A) Arrogant (B) Benrgn
(C) Respectlul 1D1 prous lamaeei (A S)'
(C) Hazrat Haajrrah (R.A) mother of Hazrat
37. Aporeciation is to Ranvard as Crime is to lsmaeel (A.S)
(D) Hazrat Aasiya (R.A). mother of Hazrat
iAt-Cuirt (B) punishmenr lsmaeet (A.S)
(C) Allegatron (Dl Need 49. ln MS Excel, to create a formula, you first
38. On what date did the maior earthquake hit the (A) Selecl lhe cell you want to pt;ce the
Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir rn 205? formula into
(A) 8th. October (B) 8th September (B) Type the equals sign (=) to te Excet that
(C) 8th, August (D) 16, Ocrbber you're about lo enter a formula
39. ln MS Excet, The cefl name box: (C) Enter the formula usrng any input vatues
(A) shows the location of the previousty and the appropnate mathematicat
. aclive cell operators that make up your form
(B) Appears to the left of the Iormula bar (D) Choose the new comriind from the frle
(C) Appears below the status bar menu
(D) Appears b€low the menu bar 50. "Rehearsal: Performance' ldentify simalar
40. What comes next in the following series: 64, relatronshrp from the options
48, 40, 36, 34?
(A) Entrapment, Game
(A) 30 (B) (B) Engagement: Marnage
31 (C) Applause, Audience
(c) 32 (D) 33 (D) Aotidote; Comeback
41. When a number is added to another number
three times as large, the results rs 16. Find the 51 lf (7117D) = (7) (/), what is d in terms of a, b
number? and c?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (A) c/ab (B) c=a-b
(c) I (D) 12 (C) a+b-c iOj c-aO
42 ln Mtcrosofl Excel, lhe file you seate and edit 52 Synonym of "Eminent" as:

(A) Clever (B) Ambrtrous
(A) A form (B) A tedger (C) Cunnrng (D) Famous
(C) A tabte iO) n woitUoor Ahmad_Mujtaba. an up and coming sports star
43. Which one of the ,o owrng is ihe ti e of Hazrat from Quetta recently won a - piestrgrous
Musa (A S)? championshrp in Feaiher Werght clas; ln
(A) Roohutlah (B) Safiu ah whrch game did he win?
(C) Kha ullah (D) Kateemulah (A) Boxing
(B) Wrestling
(C) Taekwondo
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 193
(D) Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 66. Which dam was built first in Pakistan?
54. lf 4 out of 25 candidates failed a driving test, (A) Warsak (B) Mangla
the percentage of pass candidates is: (C) Tarbela (D) Khushdil Khan
(A) 4ok lB) 21% 67. Spanish archeologists in Luxor, Egypt recentty
lc\ 42% lo) 84o/o discovered an approximately 3000 years old
55. Who was the Prime Minister when Pakistan's _ in near perfect condition:
first Constitulion was framed? (A) HumanMummy (B) Jewels
(A) M. Ali Bogra (C) Fossils (D) Animal body
(B) Ch. Muhammad AIi 68. Almost 40% of the world's oil supply passes
(C) Khawaja Nazimuddin through the strait of:
(D) Feroz Khan Noon (A) Hormuz (B) Malacca
56. Who was Nicolas Sarkozy? (C) Bosporus (D) Gibraltar
(A) Former German Chancellor 69. Which of the ,ollowing crop is most water-
(B) Former Canadian President consuming?
(C) Former French President (A) Sugarcane (B) Cotton
(D) Former Prime Minister of ltaly (C) Wheat (D) Maize
57. "A thing of beauty rs a joy for ever- is a 70. The function sprintf 0 works like printf0, but
famous hne from a poem written by: operates on:
(A) Wordsworth (B) Keats (A) Sking (B) sldin
(C) Shelly (D) Byron (C) Data in a file (D) Stderr
58. Choose the correcl sentence: 7'1. Which. symptom is caused by a deficiency of
(A) She resembles lo her mother vitamin D?
(B) She resembles wilh her sister (A) Anaemia (B) Weak Bones
(C) She resembles her cousin (C) Constipation (O) Vomiting
(D) The two brothers resemble on each other
72. When was the llbert Bill introduced in British
59. lndian Khilafat Deputation vrsited England to lndia?
put their views before Lloyd George in: (A) 1881 (B) 1882
(A) 1940 (B) 1930 (c) 1883 (D) 1886
(C) 1920 (D) None of these
73. What was the magnitude in Richter scale. of
60. Which ot the following countries is not a the Earthquake that recently rocked New
member of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Zealand region north of Christ Church?
Exporting Countriesl? (A) 4.e (B) 5 4
(A) Algeria (B) Nigeria (c) 7 (D) 78
(C) Venezuela (D) UK
74. Which of the following districts of Baluchistan
6'1. Name the Mughal King who was thoroughly contains huge deposits of Copper?
defeated and had to live in exile before (A) Loralai (B) Sibi
recapturing lndia? (C) Khuzdar (D) Chagal
(A) Jahangir (B) Auranzeb
(C) Humayun (D) None of these 75. Whrch is the longest river of America?
(At Misouri rB) Missrssrppr
62 lf 50 meters of road makes 10% of the whole (C) Red (D) Colorado
length of the road, the length of the road is:
(A) 500 meters (B) 1500 meters 76. Five years ago. the average of P and Q was
'15 years Average of P O and R rs 20 years.
(C) 250 meters (D) 5000 meters How old will R be after '10 years.
63. The Battle oI Badr was fought in which Hijri (A) 35 years (B) 40 years
years? (C) 30 years (D) 50 years
(A) 2 Hijri (B) 3 Hijri
(C) 4 Hijri (D) None of these
77. ln MS Excel, comments put in cells are called:
(A) Smart tip (B) Celr tip
6,4. Fill in the correct preposilion: (C) Web tip (D) Soft tip
"l will be ready the time you go 78. The term Working Boundary is frequently
there". used in the media while referring to Cease-fire
(A) at (B) by violations by lndia is the Working Boundary?
(C) of (D) on (A) Actual Ground Positions of lndian and
-65. Faiz Ahmad Faiz was imprisoned for his Pakistani forces in Siachin area
(B) lt is another name for Pakrstan-lncla
alleged involvement in _ consprracy.
(A) Agartala (B) Lahore border
(C) Attock (D) Rawalpindi
194 Advanced MCQs Model Paoers
(C) The line diving Azad Kashmir and Indian
Occupied Kashmir ij;Yz,,/ (o't to,i|. Pl
(D) The border between Pakislan and lndian
Occupied Kashmir e< t7(c.-"Ji.,'Ji" .s2
79 The nature of infectious diseases and of their
control by vaccination was lirst demonstrated JiLPt ot
(A) Thomas Huxley Jij/."!) @t
(B) Louis Pasteur
(C) James Clerk Maxwell Jiet-i,)i,6r G)
(D) None of these
80 Nelson Mandela spent a major part of his 28
Ji+ziisa"€t lol
year imprisonment in _. \ .-,,i "ti ";J,-ru" .93
(A) Durban (B) Johannesburg , ?Y
lsland (D)
(C) Robben
Antalya Airporl is situated in:
-4 (e) -i, (A)
(A) Syria (B) Turkey
(o) -i_ (c)
(C) ltaly (D) Egypt
82 1280 kilometers are nearly equal to: | <-t, rr-9.v,, {<--;i;F. j;;.,* ol
(A) 1000 miles (B) 800 miles
(C) 940 miles (D) None of these t,ic---ut
Ltn lA)
83 Administrative centre of OIC is situated in t,;---*,tL;Lr; @)
(A) Tehran (B) Rabat t,ic__*\t! ir;
(C) Cairo (D) Jeddah 1g,1

84 Rann of Kutch is situated; t.,i.--i,rtut! Lr ' (O)

1A) North of Gilgit
(B) South of Tharparkar
(C) East of Turbat
-V'.-,,j *,j 4uli,Jt
" ss
(D) South of Wana L tg (Al
85. The city of Detroit in the USA is associated
with which industry? i o'7)tt (B)
(A) Software (B) Steel
c.-$07;t,,tti,,* 1C1
(C) Automobile (D) Toys
86. Fill in the blank: t/)r,))tt:a-trv: (O\
"He was meditating he problem"
(A) Of (B) r- l-f.-,,j",i *v' j;t' sa
(C) On (D) With
87. The Synonym of "Detestable"
(A) Admirable (B) Separable
is: i itV (Al
(C) Conscionable (D) Abhorrent a-t/),, (Bl
88 Chaudhri Rehmat Ali first used the word . ,'l:t,:,rt:LD,tv: l}l
"Pakistan" in his pamphlet "Now or Never" in:
(A) 1933 (B) 1935 <-'f 7::',t'f u;v 1o1
(c) 1937 .(D) 1938
89. Scot can read 50 pagers hour. At this
how many pages can he read in 50 minutes?
rate. L u/ utlt,1; c.-
-. / j.t v,','.-.-2 i I o i-t .g7
(A) 25 (Bt 41 2t3 1+-'
(c) 48 (D) 60
j, Bl .
90. Linux is a(n) _ operating system Jn ir:j1'.' rar
(A) Open source (B) Micros'oft .,
(C) Wndows (D) Mac 3t/ pt (,ti . (c)

: i,,-t a,.t, I {" J u ;' f -;, 91 '. 1-v.,--t)O tt, tr.2tv 98

4.t'1,9 G\ lStf t,ti 1e1 (B) Yw (AJ

Advan ced PPSC MC Qs Mo del Papers 195

i, (o) tcl ,, (A)

t;gvf,f L;,,i 0,,9 'u,jr:'t,i" .99 Q-:(1,ivrL (. (r. (B)
t;V,; F) u{tu1 6\ t_rj,1 lc\
,,ir,li tol titl-/ lcl
-'t \D)

t s6y'd L;n<, ,,tg "ulirr;.".100

Answer Key
1. c 't4 a 27. b 40. d 53. d 66. a 79 b 92a
b 15 c 28. b 41 b54.d 67. a 80 c 93. c
J, b to a 29. d 42. d 55. b 68. a 81 b 94. a
4. b 17 d 30. a 43. d 56. c bV a 82 b
b 18 d d 44 a 57. b 70 a 83 d 96. d
b. b 19 b 32. d 45. b 58. c 71 b 84 b 97c
7. d 20 d d 46. d 59. c c 85 c 98. c
8. c 21 b 34. d 47. c 60. d 73 d 86 c
9. c 22 a 35. d 48.c 61 c 74 d 87 d 100. b
'10 d
d 36. d 49.a62a b 88 a
11 d 24 b b 50. b 63. a 76 c 89 b
't2 d 25 a 38. a 51. c 64. b 77 b 90 a
13 b 26 d 39. b 52. d 65. d 78 d 91 b


1. The Punjab Anti-Conuption Rules, 1985 are (D) Punjab Crimrnal Prosecutlon Servrce
framed under: (Constrtution. Funchons & Powers) Act
(A) Prevention of Corruption Act. 1947 2006
(Bi Criminal Law Amendment Ordinance 5 Whom of the following has suo rnolo power
1944 regarding dropprng of case or departmental
(C) Pakistan Criminal Law Amendment Act. action:
1956 (A) DG ACE (B) Home Secretary
(D) The Punjab Anti-Corruption iC) Chref Secretary (D) Chref Mintster
Establashment Ordinance. 1961
6. Ex-officio Additional Director ACE has
2. ln trap cases supervising of raid by a jurisdlction,n
magistrate is. (A) Distflct (B) Region
(A) Mandatory (B) Not necessary (C) Province (D) Department
(C) Casual (D) Arbrtrary
7. Authority competent to grant sanction is
3. The provincial Anti-Corruption Committee authorized to:
shall meet once in every: (A) Affirm (B) APProve
(A) Year (B) Six months (C) Rescind (D) Notify
(C) Quarter (D) Month
4. Sanction for prosecution has to be obtained
8. How many prophetq are mentioned in the Holy
from authority specified under:
(A) PCA 1947
(B) Criminal Law Amendment Act. 1958
(C) National Accountability Ordinance 1999
196 Alvanced ppSC MCes fitlode! papers
Qur'an'? 20 Entries made by Patwari in the srte plan
(A) 2s (B) 26 should be rn
(cl 27 (D) 30 (A) Red rnk (B) Btue ink
9 Which year is called the year of sorrow (year (C) Black ink (D) Green rnk
of grief)? 2'1. Search list required under section 103(2)
(A) gth Nabvr (B) 13 th Nabvr Cr.P.C- _shoutd be prepared in the foltowiirj
(C) 6lh Nabvr (D) 10 th Nabvr form of Poltce Rules. 19341
10. When ihe truce of Hydarbiya took ptace" 25.23(1Xa) (B) 25 23(t
!4) 9!1., !-1tt,!
(B)-7th Hij;r 25.23('tXcr io) zs zoir Xb)
(c) iioi
(C) sth Htri (D) 4th Hiin 22. Whtch of the foltowrng is not part of
1 1 Whict Holy Book is calted the Gospet? rnvesttgalton bag
(A) The Tora( {B) Thezaboor tA) E]ectric torctr (B) Fo en paper
(C) The lnjeet (D) TheOuran (C) Magnrfyrng qtass (D) hand cuffi
12. The second important step of Hajj after Waquf 23. Rule 25.56 Potice Rutes deats with:
IS: (A) Completion report
(A) Say'ee (B) Tawaf (B) Cancellalion report
(C) Rami (D) Sacrilice (C) Discharge reporl
(D) lncomplete charge sheet
13. H-owmany Manazils are in the Holy euran?
(A) 10 (B) 24. Approver shall remain under arrest untal:
(c) 15 ioi
z (A) Bailed out
(C) Acquitted
(B) Discharged
(D) Conctusion of trrat
14. Who was the first key holder of Ka aba among
Ouraish? 25. Provrsions of taw regarding tracking are
(A) Qussai (B) BanuHashim contatned rn:
(C) Abdullah (D) Abdut Mattrb (A) Qanoon-e-Shahdat Order
(B) Puniab taws Act
15. The tragic incident of Karbala took place in (C) Cattle Ponds Act
Moharram: (D) High Court Rutes and Orders
(A) s8 A.H (B) 61 A.H
(c) 65 A.H (D) 70 A.H 26. Which-of the foltowing rs not part of inquest
16. ln whose teadership the Holy prophet offered (A) Plan of scene of death
his prayers for the first time?' (B) lnventorv of clothino
. (A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) (C) List of artrcles sentior medical
(B) Hazrat Umar (R A) examination
(C) Hazrat Jrbraeet (A S) ' (D) Poslmortem report
(D) Hazrat Adam (A.S)
Pakistan Studies
17. One of authentic translations of eur,an in
Englrsh rs by: 27. Who was the frrst prestdent of Muslim
(A) Abdutlah Yousaf League?
(B) Maulana Rehmat Ati (A) Quard-e-Azam
(C) Ahmad U[ah (B) Sir Agha Khan
(D) Ghulam Akhtar Ati (C) Nawab Bahadar Yar Jano
(O) Nawab Saleem Ullah
18. Which prophet has been called as Zun-Noon.
in the Holy Quran? 28. Who was the first defence minister of
(A) Hazrat yousuf (A.S) Pakistan?
(B) Hazrat Younas (A.S) (A) General Gracv-
(C) Hazrat lssa (A.S) (B) Ayyub Khoro
(D) Hazrat tbrahim (A.S) (c) Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan
(D) Feroz Khan Noon
Police Rules-Pertainrng to lnvestigatio;
'19 Under which section of Criminal procedure 29 Mohenjodaro is also known as:
(A) Mound of the oreat
Code, an officer in-charge of a police station is (B) Mound of the iurvivors
empolvered to investiqate a cognizable (C) Mound of the Livino
otfence? (O) Mound ot the Dead-
(A) 155 (Bt 156
(c) 157 (ot ros
30 Dunng the Mughal perrod. which one of the
tollowrng traders first came to lndra"
(A) Portuguese (B) Dutch
(C) Danrsh (O) Engtish
Dr Zakir Naik, Maulana Tariq Jamil and some other
prominent s.holars indicated 25 prophets mentioned 31 Who rnaugurated the MAO Co eoe in 1877?
(A) Lord Lytton (B) Lord eurzon
in the Quran. (C) Lord Ankruleck (D) Lord Mavo
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 197
32. Jalliawala Bagh massacre occurred on: 48. Which o, the followrng countries is called land
(A) January 30, 1918 (B) April 13. 1919 of milk and honey?
(C) August 14. 1920 (O) Juty 3. 1930 (A) Syna (B) lraq
33. The system -of government introduced by (C) lran (D) Lebanon
Constitution of 1956 was 49. Name the famous English writer who was
(A) Provrncial (B) Federal awarded Nobel Prize for literature in 1907:
(C) CoJederal (O) Dictatonat (A) Bernard Shaw (B) Rudyard Kip[ng
34. When was the Constitution of 1973 enforced? (C) Lock John iO) o n' rawrencd
(A) 1oth Apnl 1973 (B) 14th Augusl, 1973 50 Zambia is the new name of
(C) 23rd March. 1973(D) 10th Auousr '1973 (A) Congo
35. Out of total, how many Natronal Assembly (B) Northern Rhodesra
seats are allocated to Puniab? (C) Hespania
(A) 175 (8)'183 (D) Euphrat
(cl 182 (D) 170 51. Afrer Christianity and lslam. the thtrd biggest
36. "The place where heaven and earth meet". religion rn lerms of tollowrng rs.
Aboul which place these words are said? (A) Judarsm (B) Shrntorsm
(A) Chitral (B) Katash (C) Bhuddhism (D) Hindursm
(C) Punial (O) Swat 52 Who was the founder of Umayyad dynasty?
37. Siachen glacier is present in the region of: (A) Yazd (B) Marwan
(A) Shigar (B) Chitrat (c) Mu-awiya (R.A) (D) Watid I
(C) Skardu (D) Balhstan 53. Which rs called parliament of world?
38. Kala Bagh is famous for minerals of. (A) UNO
(A) lron (B) Sulphur (B) GeneralAssembly
(C) Salt (D) Lime stone (C) Secunly Councrl
39. When thelndus Water Treaty was signed?
(A) 19th Septemb€r, 1960 54. UNO day is observed on;
(B) 19th September, '1962 (A) 15th October (B) 24th October
(C) 19th September, 1965 (C) 21sl October (D) sth Oclober
(D) 'lgth November, '1964 55. Who compiled the first English drctronary?
40. Which of the following is the longest (A) Robert Cawdrey (B) Samual Johnson
motorway? (C) John Bullokar (D) HeneryCockeram
(A) M5 (B) M2 56. Which is the highest civrl award of Pakistan?
(c) M8 (D) Me
General Knowledge
'Northern Rhodesia was a piotectorate in south central
41. Headquarter of ASEAN is at:
(A) Manila (B) Jakarra Africa, formed in 1911 by amalSamating the two earlier
(C) Kuala Lumpur iD) Bangkok protectorater o, North-Western Rhodesia and t{onh-
42. One degree of longitude on the equator tastern Rhodesia. lt was initially administered, as were
equal to a distance of: the two earlier protectorates, by the gritish South
(A) 96 km (B) 80 km Africa Company, (BSAC), a chartered company on
(C) 55 km (D) 1'12 km behalf of the British government. From 1924 it was
43 W_ind blowing in a spiral form around a region administered by the British government a5 a
of low atmospheric pressure is a: protectorate under similar conditions to othe. British-
(A) Hunicane (B) cyclone administered protectorates, and the special provisions
(C) Anticyclone (O) Tornado
required when it war admiqistered by BSAC were
44. Which is the smallest ocean ot the world? terminated. Although under the BSAC charter it had
(A) lndian Ocean (B) Atlantic Ocean features of a charter colony, the ESAC's treaties with
(C) Pacrfic Ocean (D) Arctic Ocean
local rulers and Britirh legislation Save it the status of a
45. Oasis is associated with:
(A) (B) Desert protecto.ate. The Federation of Rhodesia and
(C) (O) Helff Nyasaland formed in 1953 war intertsely unpopula.
among the African maiority and its form.tion hastened
46. The rising of the evening star indicates the
(A) South (B) North Pote calls for majority rule. As a resutt of this pressure, the
(C) East (D) West country became independent in 1964 as Zambia. The
47. The percentage of Muslims in Jammu & geographical, ar opposed to political, term "Rhodesia"
Kashmir is: referred to a .egion generally comprising the areas that
(A) 80 (B) 8s are today zambia and Zimbabwe. From 1964 it only
(c) 90 (D) 95 referred to the former Southern Rhodesia.
198 Advanced PPSC AA91 MgleLESPPrs
Nishan-e-Haider (A) Cobra (B) Apache
(B Tamgha-e-Pakistan (C) Black Hawk (D) Puma
Nishan-e-Pakistan 71 Ravmond Oavis claimed lmmunity from
(D Pride of performance cririrrnal proceedings on the plea oI:
57 Name the first man to walk in the space in (A) Being an internefional sPY
1965. (B) Berng a lechnician
(A) Yuri Gagrin (B) Neil Armstrong (C) Berng a diplomat
(C) Alexel Leonov (D) Tereskova (D) Altbt

58 Who is authorized to impose reasonable 72 Anna Hazare is:

restriction on Fundamental Rights in (A) Mountarn Range (B) A town in KPK
Pakistan? (C) A rebel of NePal (DJ An acttvist
(A) Supreme Court (B) President 73. Which rs the capital of Libya?
(C) Prime Mrnrster (D) Parfiament (A) Tripoli (B) Ben Ghazi
59 The rupee coin was first minted in lndia during (C) Trablus (O) Berrut
the rule of: 74. Who is the cunent General Secretary of
(A) Shah Jahan UNO?
(B) Sher Shah Suri (A) Kofi Annan (B) Francrs Joseph
(C) East lndia Company
(D) Razia Begum
(C) Ban ki Moon (D) Rob€rl Gates
75. Which of the following female mosquito is the
bU Bata Shoe organization is a (n). cause of Dengue Fever?
(A) American Company Anophilies (B) Barnoies
(B) Canadian Company
(C) British Company
iC) (O) Aedes AegyPters
(D) French Company 76. Name the country which rs without
ol The term oligarchy means: (A) England (B) lsrael
(A) The rule of Feudal (C) Fiii (D) Morocco
B) The rule of the few
C) The rule of tyrants 77. Name the author of novel series "Harry Pottef'
O) The rule of democrats (A) Robin Clark
(B) John Smith
62. Where is the headquarlers of lnterpol? (C) Earnest Hemmingway
(A) Rome (B) Lyons (D) J. K. Rowling
(C) Paris (D) Hague
78. Which is the 44s president of the United
63. The Asian Development Eank is located in: States?
(A) Kuala LumPUr (B) Tokyo (A) George W. Bush (B) Barack Obama
(C) Bangkok (D) Manila (C) Clinton (D) Jimmy Carter
64 Ex Officio means: 79 Which is the youngest country of the vvodd?
(A) Retired officer (A) East Timor (8) South Sudan
(B) By virtue of one's office (C) Kosovo (D) Bruner
(C) Termrnated officer
(D) Unoffioal document 80 ln which system ot un[s, gas bllls are
65. What type of rnfection rs tuberculosis?
(A) Viial (B) Bacterial 1a1 5r (B) CGS
(C) BTU (D) Khw
iC) Fungal (D) Parasitrc
81. A mobile phone sends and receives
66. Who discovered X-Rays? messages throughl
(A) Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (A) Sound waves
(B) Microwaves
(B) Max Von Laue (Ci Ultraviolet rays
(D) Radio waves
(C) Max Planck
(D) Marie Curie 82. The blood glucose level is commonly,
expressed as:
67. Entomology deals with: (A) Mrlhmetre of Hg
(A) Plants (B) Animals (B) Mrlligram P€r decilitre
(C) lnsects (D) Chemtcals (C) Parts per million
68. One mile is equal to how many kilometers? (D) Grams per ltre
lA) 1.725 (B) 1.108 83. As the temperature of ice rises, the ice melts
(c) 1.609 (O) 1.47s and its density':
69. The fastest type of computer memory rs:
(A) Cache (B) Flash
(C) Hard disk (O) ROM 'The most obvious propeny that changet is its state.
70. Which of the following helicopters were used When ice melts, water changes from a solid to a liquid.
by the Americans in Osama's operation? Other properties that change are its temperature and
Advanced c MCOS Model 199

(A) Decreases vou when you are rll.

(B) Remains constant iA) with (B) in
(C) lncreases icj ,nto (o) a{ter
iDi lncreases up to '10'C 89 Select the best replacement of underlined
84. The chemical name of laughing gas is: word.
(A) Nitric Oxide Vrsitors to imDoverished countrtes are often
(B) Nrtrogen dtoxide shocked at th'e number of mendicants rn the
(C) Nitrogen Pentoxide streets.
(D) Nitrous Oxide rA) Beooars (B) Crrmrnals
ici veiaor" ,Dr Drunkards
Basic Knowledge of English
90 Mark used to resume a scatlered subtect ts
85. Select the word havlng most nearly same {A) Dash (Bl lnverted Commas
meanrno of Assrmilate
(A) Ad;pt (B) Absorb icl Sem, coton (D) Colon
iC) Reiect (O) Digest 91 What mark is generally used belore certaln
most nearly same coordrnatrng conlunctions2
86. Choose the word having (A) Exclamation mark(B) HYPhen
meanino of lndrte.
(A) Totut notches (B) Obscure iCj Comma (D) Colon
ic) Put into wnting (o) Point out 92. ldentify the Part of speech concerning
underlined word
87. Fill in the blanks. "l was young @99'
A driver should always be mentally alert He is (A) Adjeclive (B) Adverb
likelv to cause drsaster if he indulges in (C) Noun (D) Verb
(A) a orev eminence (B) hang uP
iCi a Sroivn stuoY (D) a mare's nest - \1e_! EltvC:4 jlgt 93
88. Supply appropriate preposition. j,al 6l
j /'t (el
It is reassurlng to have friends enquire
jlPr- (D) j 7 ai, tcl
its total energy. For example, if ice has an- initial
temperature ot -2 degrees Celsius and i5 heated, it will r Z {, f .-.,,,J€',r c-- o i L,',t{ 94
absorb heat energy. lts temperature will rise and its j'21J,1
total energy will increase until it reaches 0 degrees C *.,, (B'l \A\
Once the temperature of the ice reaches 0 degrees c, wt (Dl ;19--ir-',r 1C)
the ice continues to absorb heat and its total eneltf
indeases. All of the heat at this temperature goes into l:. /;s9e:-'ty' .!$
the chanSe of state hom solid to liquk'; so the
temperature remains at 0 degrees C. Once the ice has
absorbed enough heat ener8y to melt, it forms liquid
i/1r P1 )i1t (A)
water at O degrees C. lf the heating cootinues, the o,f1' p1 Ya'tc)
temperature of the resulting watet risei once more'
and the total energy of the water continues to -Jrr-/ 'F i;..1',t-'r i''t' i-l 96
increase. Another property that changes is its density'
Th€ density of ice is less than that of liquid water'
However, when ice melts, the density of the resulting
water is about 8% mole dense than the original ice' But ,t (B) ;n- (Al

that's not all. As the temperature o, the water t .. (o\ a (ct

increases from O degrees C, its density continues to
increase. This behavior is contrary to that of nearly t .)- !, .1 ,i,.f qt
every other liquid. Then, at 4 degrees C, water reaches
its maximum density. As the temperature increases ;'l ) (B) ir 6t
above 4 degrees C, the density decreases. ln practically
j2 (D) (C\
all other substances, the solid form is more dense than - "'P
the lhuid form. For water, this difference has profound
consequence!, the most siSnificant being that ice floats r a--.b,t!6,M jt"rg,, i1q+.1i" sa
in cold water. when a pond or lake freezes in winter,
the ice Iorms at the top, leavint liquid water below' tr) @\ v.f,j,t:7t|t.'; lAl
Thus, the living organisms in the water can Survive'
200 a PPSC Qs

lt yO'{ @, tvo.,4tt (c\

l:-,ai{i tot
ta{Z*o' .sg '.+! 6Penny wise pound foohsh
=Y,; 1OO

ft',otL{ 61 .
<-- t'., <_-):. .rb (A)
i'46F Bt gv'iiz P1
r'q(J:i tct t-
.__.r_'.;Jj- _t, (C)

1. d
A nswer Key
a 15.
27 b 40. c 53 b 66. a 79. b 92. b
J. b 16. c
28 c 41. b 54 b 67. c 80. c 93. b
4. b 't7
29 d 42. d a 68. c 81. d 94. b
5. d 18.
. a 30 a 43. b 56 69. a 82. b 95. a
6. d 't9.
31 a 44. d 57 c 70. c 83. c 96.
7. b 20
32 b 45. b 58 b 71. c 84. 97. d
8. a 21
JJ, b 46. d 59. b 72. d 85. a 98, d
9. d 22
34. b 47 a 60. b 73. a 86. c 99. a
't0 a z5
35. b 48 d 61. b 74. c 87. c 100. c
11 c 24
JO. 49 b 62. b 75. d 8E. d
12 b 25.
37. d 50 b 63 d 76. b 69. a
13 d 26.
a 51 d 64 b 77. d 90. a
a 52 c 65 78. b 9'1.
aataaaoaa a

MOD o a al

PUNJAB (s& GAD). 2015
Th€re are immense strelches of sDace (C) admire (D) beat
(A) Vast (B) sma
(C) Litfle 6 I lag ! viortant untit each mouthfut was
(Di fearfut sarety Dehtnd mv teeth
2 The writer tooked into the luminous swrls of (A) careful (B) versatite
the water (u) serious (D) fast
(A) Misery (B) dim
(c) Bnghr iOi oarr,
7 Mr Chips has been raoged there
(A) honored (B) teased
a good deat.
3 The writer was reckless with mtserv. (C) cheated aD) inviled
!1) quiet (B) tatkatrv6 8 The sudden hlslh as he took his place at the
(u) rash (D) stow desk on the dais
4 The dflver was reluctant to take Abdul with (A) noise (B) silence
nrm_ (C) fear (D) exc[ement
(f) wrlling (B) eaoer 9 Not that Mr, Chips was boastful or concerled
(C) drunk (oi tre5rtant (A) cowar4 (C) brave -
Cturchillrr,/ould Whtp his students hard for not (C) proud iDi afrarO
Knowtng Engtish.
(A) praise (B) encourage
10 And there was this new gla3e for bicycling
(A) trend (B) compulsron
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 201
(A) Brian Lara s3 Who was the first Secretary General of UN?
(B) A.B de Villiers (A) U Thant
(C) Sachin Tendulkar (B) Dag Hammarskjotd
(D) Ricky Ponting (C) Kurt Waldheim
39. Find the odd one out: i0,25, 45,54, 60, 75, (D) Trygive Lie
80 54. 114.x..5:15,thex=
(A) 10 (B) 45 (A) 7st4 B) 4t
(c) s4 (D) 7s (c) 3/4
(O) 12
40. PTV started its transmission from: lf the Prime Minister intends to resign, he may
(A) Sept.24.'1962 (B) Oct.24, 1963 address his resignation to:
_ (C) Nov.26. 1964 (D) Dec.26, 1965 (f) ]he Speaker, National Assembly
41. What is the Currency of Kuwait? (B) The Chairman Senate
(A) Dinar (B) Riat (C) The President
(C) Dollar (D) pound (D) None of these
42. The first women Police Station in pakistan 56 Mr. Rehman ordered a car worth Rs. 600.000
set up in: and was given a discount. Given that he paid
(A) Lahore (B) Peshawar Rs. 570,000 for his new car. Calculate the
(C) lslamabad (D) Karachi percentage discount he received:
43. Which word is wrongty spelt in the fo owing
(A) s% (B) 7%
(c) 9% (D) 10%
(A) Fashon (B) Occasion 57 Of the following which one is not a search
(C) lnclination (D) Situation engine?
44. Bujlding of Supreme Court in lslamabad was
(A) Google (B) MSN
(C) Yahoo (D) Linux
designed by a architect.
(A) Japanese (B) Turkish 58 The Synonym of "lndigenous' is:
(C) American (D) Pakistani (A) Native (B) Stomach irpset
(C) Healthy (D) Simitarty
45. Common name for Sodium Chloride is:
(A) Baking Soda (B) yeast Completethe Proverb: "The man who has
(C) Salt (D) Bteaching powder once been bitten by the _ fears
every piece of rope.'
46. ln relay race, the baton must weight at least (A) Snail (B) Snake
orams. (C) Ant (D) Lizard
IA)-E-- (B) 40
(C) 45 iD) None of these 60 The capital city of Denmark is.
(A) Copenhagen (B) Aarhus
47. Where is Hazrat Nizamud din Aulia buried? (C) Aalborg (D) Odense
(A) Ajmer Sharif (B) Dethi
(C) Sirhind (D) Muttan The Government of lndia Act 1935, divided
the counlry into:
48. Choose the synonyms of "Cataclysm": (A) Seven Provinces
({) leverse (B) Catastrophe (B) Nine Provinces
(C) Pungent (D) Trash (C) Eleven Provinces
49. Zambia is the new name of: (D) Thirteen Provinces
(A) Congo 62 FIR stands for:
(B) N6rthern Rhodesia (A) First lnvestigation Report
(C) Hispania (B) First lnformation Report
(D) Euphrat (C) First lnformation Record
50. To lill a tank 25 buckets of water are required. (D) First lnformer's Report
How many buckets of water will be required to 63 Chichen ltza is situated inl
fill the same tank if the capactty of the bucket (A) USA (B) Canada
rs reduced lo two-fifth of its present capacity?
(A) 30 (B) 35
(C) Mexico (D) UK
(C) 62.5 (D) None of lhese 64 The total electors in the Electoral College fcr
the election of American President are:
5'1. On the flag of which country is there an image (A) 438 (B) 498
of Maple Leaf? (c) 538 (D) 548
(A) Newzealand (B) Brazit
(C) Thailand (D) Canada 65 Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition:
He was indignant me for no
52. lblees was: reason.
(A) Jin (B) Human Berng (A) WM (B) At
(C) Angel (D) None of thes; (C) On (D) Against
202 A PPSC Model
66. To'clip the wings' means to: 78. Who shared the World Record, with Vivian
(A) Put Pressure (B) Remove limits Richards, for scoring fastest century in test
iC) Reouce tength (D) Put limits cricket before it was broken?
(A) Misbah-ul-Haq (B) Shahid Afridi
67. Congress was founded by A.O Hume because (C) Chris Gayle (D) A.B de Villiers
he b€lieved that lndia's basic aliments were:
(A) Social & economic 79. How manv' Marlas are there in one Acre?
(B) Political & economic (A) 160 (B) 180
(C) Educatronal & economic ic) r+s (D) 120
(D) Social & Political 80 was the first Black Head of State 1
68. Where does the United Nations 'Commission of free outh Africa
on Human Rights" meet and for how long? (A) Jacob Zuma
ln Paris for four weeks each Year (B) Nelson Mandela
B In Milan for five weeks each Year (C) Ernest George Jansen
ln GeneYa for six weeks each Yeai (D) None of these
D ln Berlin for seven weeks each Year 81. Firsl woman Chief Minister of occupied
69. The Crops which is sown with the Kashmir is:
commencement of Monsoon is: (A) Anousha Rehman
(A) Rabi Crops (B) Kharif Crops (B) Mehbooba Mufti
(C) Cash Crops (D) None of these (C) Shama Khalid
(D) Sushma Swaraj
70. Otto Von Bismarck was:
(A) Great historian of Great Britain 82. What was the real name of Pir Sahib Manki
(B) chancellor of the German EmPire Shareef?
(C) Czar of Russia (A) Hassan Ali
(D) King Emperor of Austria (B) Mukhtar Ali
(C) Abdul Halee
71. The First United Nations Conference on (D) Ameen-ul-Hassanat
Environment and Oevelopment was held in
1992 at: 83. Presidency of the UN Security Council rotates
(A) Johannesburg (B) Nairobi amono the Member States of the Council:
(C) New York (D) Rio de Janeiro (A) E-verv 6 months (B) Every 3 months
(C) Every year (D) Every month
72. A is a data communication syslem
within a building, plant, or campus, or between 84. Picasso, a famous painter, sculptor, print
nearby buildings. maker and slage designer belonged to:
(A) MAN (B) LAlrl (A) Germany (B) Canada
(C) WAN (D) None of these (C) Spain (D) Norway
73. Which of the following Govemor General of 85. The first lslamic Flag was given to Hazrat
Pakistan died in exile? Hamza (R.A.). What was its colour?
(A) Ghulam Muhammad (A) white (B) Black
(B) Kh. Nazimmuddin ic) Reo (o) Green
(C) lskandarMirza 86.. PRODA (Public Representative Office
(D) None of these Disoualification Act) was passed in:
74. Which of following is not Allama lqbal's book? (A) January 1949 (B) January 1959
(A) Payam-e-Mashriq(B) Dast-e-Saba (C) January 1950 (D) January 1960
(C) zabur-€-A,am (D) Zarb-e-Kalim 87. Azad Kashmir Government was set up on:
75. Fill in the blank by choosing suitable word lA) 2Oh Seotember 1947
from the given options. "Ruin is to Save as iBi 24s oitober '1947
Tioht is to ici 14'" August 1947
(nj uose (B) Loose (D) None of these
(C) Shirt (D) Narrow 88. wnte 3.4% as a fraction:
76. Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first ever (A) 34/10 (B) 34i 100
heart transplant on humans. Which country (c) 341000 (D) 340/100
was he from? 89. ln MS Office, to have your macro available to
(A) USA (B) Switzerland all new documents you create. store it in:
(C) South Africa (D) New Zealand (A) My Documents
77. Choose the conect meaning of the ldiom: - (B) Qurck Access
"Kith and kin' (C) The Nomial template
(A) Blood relations (B) Juniors (D) The Macro Gallery
(C) Seniors (D) Neighbours 90. Microsoft Windows is the great invention ot
(A) Charles Ranletl Flint

Adyanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 2o3

(B) Paul Allen

+Yli{{,jt-<.,,M"t :tti,tt"
t gs
(C) Bill Gates
(D) BothB&C
uli,, F\ .dtlc tal
-,' rt[.-,.P'- / Jt' +- tty'J.j'.{" s1
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Jh F) rkt (A) o { -t*, L ;t---;-l t $ p fu"/ 14" gg
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D G Khan Region -20'18-

When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan 2. What is the length of badminton court for
(A) September 22, 1977 single competition?
(B) Oecember 24, '1979 (A) 16.2 m (B) 13.40 m
(C) August 25. 1974 (c) m (D) 13.80 m
(D) None of these
204 Advanced ppSC 9es lrodel papers
3. Property of a substance to absorb moisture (A) Recycle Bin
from air on exposure, is called: (B) My Comriuter
({) Qsmosis (B) Deliquescence (C) My Network Places
(C) Efflorescence (D) Desiccation (D) lnternet Explofer
4. Ashgabat is the capital city of? 16. A rurned city Taxila rs located in:
(A) Tajikistan (B) Armenia (A) Sindh (B) Punjab
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Turkmenistan (C) KPK (D) Batochistan
5. Who was ihe firsl Governor of Slate Bank of 17. What is the number of Permanent Members of
Pakistan? the United Nahons Security Councit?
(A) Zahid Hussain (A) Four (B) Five
(B) Mahbubur Rashid (C) Eight (D) Ten
(C) Kazakhstan '18. Pakistan's National Anthem was approved by
(D) Shujaat Hussain
the Government in:
6. Fill in the blanks: "New legislation (A) 1947 (B) 1951
in the Assembly but it by many- (c) 1954 (D) 1957
(A) was introducea IT-s n6i accipted'
(B) inlroduced / did not acceDt 19. According to a recent research in University of
(C) is introduced / won't acc;pt Berlin, which of the following element tan
(D) introduced / hadn't been accepted make bond with more four atoms. that has
previously seen as its limit?
7. BIOS is stored in: (A) Silicon (B) Carbon
(A) Hard Disk (C) Germanium (D) Francrum
(C) Flash Memory Chip 20. A high quality CAD system uses
(D) All of these for printing drawing and graphs
(A) Dot matrix printer
8. To move between the worksheets in a (B) Digital plotter
workbook in MS Excel, we can use which of (C) Line printer
the following shortcut: (D) All of these
(A) Alt + = (B) Clrt + F9
(C) Ctrl + Tab (D) Ctrt + page up 21. Which of these is the most predominant in the
composilion of atmosphere?
9. Name the educational institution founded by (A) Oxygen
Sahibzada Abdut eayyum in Khybei (B) Nitrogen
Paktunkhwa (former NWFij) (C) Water vapour
(A) Frontier University (D) Carbon dioxide
(B) Peshawar Colleoe
(C) lslamia High S;hoot, peshawar 22. _ ts a unique name chosen by a
lslamia Cottege user while creating an E-mail.
(A) Login (B) Password
10. To zoom an Excel worksheet we can use: (C) Subject (D) Username
(A) The mouse pointer in print preview
(B) The zoom button on the print preview 23. The first European country to ratify the
toolbar European Union Constitution was.
(C) The Zoom command on the view menu (4) tlaty (B) Germany
(D) All of these (C) France (D) None ofihese
11. lf 6 + 5x = 30 - xthen x = ? 24. Fill ln the blank: Abdut to be a
(A) 4 (B) 5 doctor.
(c) 6 (D) 8 (4) wans (B) Wanting
(C) ls wantinq (D) Wrll want
12. was the first captain of Pakistan
Women Cricket ODI and Tesi matches. 25. ln September 2015 the United Natjons
(A) Sana Mir (B) Shazia Khan replaced the Millennium Development Goals
(C) Urool Mumtaz (D) None of these (MOGs) by:
'13. When 1st Nobel prize was awarded?
(A) Revised Millennium Development Goals
- (B) New Millennium Development Goats
(A) 1801 (B) 1850 (C) Sustarnable Development Targets
(c) 1e0t iol
sso r (O) Sustainable Develirpment G6als
'14. Charles Oarwin was laid down
a framework 26. Tasman/Haupapa Glacier is considered the
for the-theory of evoJution, belongs to: largest Glacier in
(A) UK (B) USA (A) New Zealand (B)
(C) Mexico iD) Germuny (C) China (D)
15. All.ihe files deleted from the computer are 27. Who was Defence Minister during last regime
initially move to: of Muslim League Nawaz?
Adyenced PPSC ,lCQs liodel Paporc 2Os
(A) Rana Sanaullah 39. Which country has highest Natural cas
(8) Khawaja Asif reserves?
(C) Talal Chaudhry (A) China (B) lndia
(O) Ahsan lqbal (C) lran (D) Russia
A train lefl Lahore at 9:32 a.m. and reached 40. The sinh population census was conducted rn
Peshawar at 5:23 p.m. How long did it take: 2017 in Pakistan after:
(A) 7 hours and 40 minutes (A) years
10 (B) 15 years
(B) 7 houE and 5l minutes (C) yeaB
19 (D) 25 years
(C) 7 hdurs and 30 minutes
(D) 7 hours and 40 minutes 41. Fill in the blank: There is no reason
Complete the number series: 3, 7, 6, 5, 9. 3,
(A) which
anyone should behave cruelly.
29 (B) That
(C) Why
()21 _
12, 1, 15, (O) Because
(B) -3 42. Ayub Khan was member of All Talent Cabinet
(c) -1 (D) 13 ln 1954. Name the Prime Minisler:
30 Bangladesh was established in: (A) iluhammad Ali Bogra
(A) 1970 (B) 197i (B) Ch Muhammad Ali
(c) 1972 (D) 1973 (C) lskender Mirza
3.t Sidhnai Headworks has been constructed on
(D) H.S. Suhrawardy
river. 43. What is the width of side gallery of badminton
(A) Chenab (B) Ravi court?
(C) Jhelum (D) Sutlej (A) /l{, cm (B) 42 cm
32 Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar in 191 'l
(C) 48 cm (D) 46cm
started publishing newspapr'Comrade' 44. 'Hamas'was lounded in 1987 by:
from: (A) Yasser Arafat
(A) Delhi (B) Bombay (8) lsmail Hannia
(C) Calcutta (O) Lahore (C) Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
(O) Khalid Mashaal
33 lf your aeroplane lands at'Heathrow" airport
which city would you be in? 45. Choose the correct synonym: Oueer
(A) Tokyo (B) Jakarta (A) Reasonable (B) Unusual
(C) London (D) Amsterdarn (C) Conservative (D) Customary
34 ln 1948 UNCIP was established to investigate 46. Kissing of the "Hajr-e-Aswad' is called
and mediate the lndo-Pakistan dispute on lhe (A) Mabroor (B) Shaut
future of Kashmir What does UNCIP stand (C) lstelam (D) None of these
lorl 47. Who was the Prophet which tirst laid the
(A) United Nations Ceasetire in lndia and toundation of Masjid-e-Aqsa?
Pakistan (A) Haz rll lbrahim (A.S)
(B) United Nations Committee on lndia and (B) Hazrat Daood (A.S)
Pakistan (C) Hazrat Younas (A.S)
(C) United Nations Commbsion fo? lndia (D) Hazrat Suleman (A.S)
and Pakistan
(D) United Nations Commission on lndia and 48. ln the First Revelation the Holy Verse of
Pakistan Surah were cited:
35 Complete the number series: 9, 10, 13,
(A) Al-Baqrah (B) AlFatiha
18, (C) Yaseen (D) Al-Alaq
(l21 (B) 23 49. The largest planet in Solar Syslem:
(c) 25 (D) 29 (A) Jupicr (B) Earth
(C) Pluto (O) Venus
36 Which spellings of lhe following is correct?
(A) B€99er (B) Bogoar 50. "Zurich' is a city of which country?
(C) Bagger (D) Bager (A) Belgium (B) Angola
(C) France (D) St itredand
37 The northem and the southern hemispheres
are separated by: 51. Fill in the blank: "He jumped off the train while
(A) The lntemalional Date Line it
(B) The plane of ihe Equato, (A) Moves (B) Had moved
(C) The plane of Tropic of Cancer (C) Uras moving (D) Moved
(D) The plane ol Tropic Capricom 52. What was the name of Hazrat Umar's (R.A)
\rvho is the author of the book 'Das Kapttal"? daughter who became the fourth wife of the
(A) Xart llla (B) Rousseau Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(C) lmmanu€l Kant (D) Leon Trolsky (A) Hazrat Hafsa (R A)
(B) Hazat Zainab (R A)
206 Adyanced MCQs Model Paoers
(C) Hazrat Safiya (R.A) (C) Dri6d (D) Crushed
(D) Hezrat Maimoona (R.A)
6,4. The deficiency of one of the following is the
53. During the era of East lndia Company, the cause of goitre:
areas of Behar, Uresa and Assam were (A) Calcrum (B) Potassrum
included in: (C) lron (D) lodine
(A) Haryana (B) Bengal
(C) Hyderabad (O) Pun ab 65. Solve the equation: (1l4 + 5l8l-\112+3141=?
(A) 35/32 (B) 10/7
54. Naseer Bunda has been a very famous (c\ 5t12 (D) 7/r0
sportsman of Pakislan. Which game was he
associated with?
66. The Pitt's lndia Act:
(A) Cricket (B) Athletics (A) Deprived the Governor-General as well
(C) Hockey (O) Wrestling as Governors of the right to vote in the
55. Strait of _ Links Persian Gulf with (B) Gava the Governor€eneral the right to
Gulf of Oman. vot but gave no corresponding right
(A) Homuz (8) Malacca to the GoYemoB
(C) Bosphorus (D) Mozambique (C) Gave casting vote to the Governor-
56. Choose the conect words from the options to General but not to the Governors
complete the sentence correctly; Khalid is (D) Gave casting vote to the Governor-
General as well as Governors
taller than Naveed.
Not as tall butas 67. Present Foreign Minrster of Pakistan is:
(B) As tall, if not (A) Fawad Chaudhry
(C) As if not (B) Mehmood ur Rasheed
(D) As tall as, if not (C) Shah Mehmood Qureshi
57. AFP is a news agency of: (D) Asad Umer
(A) Finland (B) France 68. Name the Minister of Education ot Punjab:
(c) Fui (D) UK (A) Dr. Uurad Raas
58. Who wrote the book 'The Republic"? (B) Khawala Salman Rafiq
(A) Socrates (B) Aristotle (C) Raja Ashfaq Sarwar
(c) Plaro (o) Kart Marx (D) Khizar Hayat Gondal
59. Who was the caretaker Prime Minister of 69. lf a History Class has 12 boys & 18 girls then
Pakislan before General Election 20'lE? boys are what traction of the class?
(A) Dr Hassan Askari (A) 3/5 (Bl 2t3
(B) Na3ir ul ilulk (c) 3/4 (D) Z5
(C) Sardar Raza Ahmad 70. The first United Nations subsidiary agency
(D) Mamnoon Hussam Pakistan joined soon after independence was:
60. A soap fac1ory makes 600 units in 9 days with (A) Food and Agriculture Organization
help of 20 machines. How many unils can be (FAO)
made in 12 days with the help of 18
(B) lnternational Labour Organization (lLO)
machines? (C) Universal Postal Union (UPU)
(A) 680 (8r 720 (D) None of these
(c) 760 (D) 810 71. ln MS Word, you can break the column:
61 Change the Voice of the following sentence: (A) Pressing the Ctrl + enler
"Have you laughed at them? (B) Pressing Ctrl + shift + enter
(A) Why have you laughed at them'? (C) Break command from yiew menu
(B) Haye they b€6n laughed at by you? (D) Both A and B
(C) You have been laughed al by them 72. Which of the following is not parl of the c7?
(D) They have been laughed at by you (A) Canada (B) France
62 Choose the coffect option: The students who (C) United Kingdom (D) Spain
had the flu had a(n) ... .. reason for missing 73. What does AIDS stand for in medical
school They normally have perfecl terminology?
attendance. and their absence that day was (A) Acquired immune Doficiency
a(n) Syndrome
(A) Unwananted.. anomaly (B) Auto lmmune Deficiency Symptoms
(B) Legitimate ...... aberrrtion (C) Acqurred lmmune Oestruction Syndrome
(C) Unjustifiable ...... travesry (O) Auto lmmune Deficiency System
(D) lnconsolable ...... fluke
74. Which of the following deals with diseases
63 What is the synonym ol the word related to blood?
"Desiccated"? (A) Nephrology (B) Haematology
(A) Drvided (B) Separated (C) Endonnology (D) Pathology
PPSC MCQS ModelPaoers 207

75. Which valley is located at the end of Kurram 87 Filament of an electric bulb is made of:
pass? (A) Tungsten (B) Graphrte
(A) Peshawar Valiey (B) Ouetta Valley (C) Platinum (O) Steei
(C) Bannu Valley (D) Kohat Valley 88 When was the Parlition Bengal cancelled?
76. Sunlight is composed of: (A) 1905 (B) 1906
(A) Three colors (B) Frve colors (c) 1911 (o) 1919
(C) Seven colors (D) Ten colors 89. Two trains 140 m and '160 m long run at the
77. Name the capital of Umayyad dynasty? soeed of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectrvely
(A) Cairo (B) Oamascus iri opposile directron on patallel tracks. The
(C) Kufa (D) Baghdad time (in seconds) which they take to cross
each other is:
78. Qurbani, during Haj, is perlormed at: (A) I s (B) 9.6 s
(A) Aralat (B) Mina (C) 10 s (D) 10'8 s
(C) Kofa (O) Safa
90. Which country called the 'Cockpit of
79. Napoleon Bonaparte was defealed in 'Battle Europe'?
of Waterloo' on 18th June 1815 bY: (A) South-Hall (B) Bangalore
(A) Frederick (C) Belgium (O) Belgaum
(B) Duke of York
(C) Ouke of Wellington
(D) None of these
t.-j" j / - I,i',;" -t,t sl
80. ln MS Word 2007, to extend a selection to the ,f,f @l ,lJia A)
end ol a document, Press:
(A) CTRL + SHIFr + END fl1t* tol ,tr,hf; $)
tv!,,) j!=--r.ui.P t -)€$*-::,t 92
1885 (B) 1867'(A)
81. What is lhe name of lhe father of Hazrat 1900 (D) " 1892 (C)
a (R.A)?

Haz rat Abu Bakr (R.A)
Hazrat Umar (R.A)
t|i c.-etj* fii 4 " (V eti",tt "vtilvt" .93

(c Hazrat Talha (R.A) -c-lLPLttL)

(o Hazrat Abu Hurarra (R.A)
82. World's longest (57 km) and deepest railway 0v/ (B) {jv Ot
tunnel rs oDened in
iA) -]B-)-T-SA 15f st;t-, 1o1 {(t g1
(C) Swirzerland (O) llaly
83. The name of which sahabi appears in the
etrL"{)vi($,$,61u:' s4
Surah Al-Ahzab?
(A) Hazrat Ali (R.A) OV/?ta./ @l ,rvr&i (A)
aBl Hazrat Ubaidah Bin Haris (R.A)
iC) Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) uPtt,/ 1o1 lu tcl
(D) None of these
84. Find the correct indirect sentence: He said,
t7 rri-,,J rti" 7u2e{i' .95
'Let us wait for the award.'
(A) He asked them to wait for the award it (B\ -, tel
iBi xe suggestea that they should wait for
the award =u,
(o) d tcl
(C) He told them to wait for the award
iD) He proposed ttrat they should wait for the
-V at{-r- L",f.V."
e .96

on!:V, Ft ,gtA (Al

85. 'To face the music" means:
(A) To be greeted rudely o/cl-Ltz $l
(B) To be offered warm 6,s,lA <ot
(C) To be on the front seat in concerl j, j"
(D) To bear the consequence -t . ( J t -ti ),i, f .>:.( fw l ovtr, "t 97

86. Cabinet Mission delegation consisted of tG g:

(c) 3
(B',) 2
(o) 5
,?OE t (B) 4)ry1 ad 61
208 Advanced PPSC MCQs lUodel Paoers

iu.v tol 6Ed'u' tcl i,'tot T-uiv rct

t7l,!fi/'Jl.r4" .eE t c- 79f
--"t/6,i {f i t, " .too
ttjta p1 ir,-(-c) @) ,,t{qt,*r}d,Ei 61
Gz,Jl rol trru pt tn.-l,>{/\. (B)
t{"# i,,/"ud*z-l c*" -l } .gg ulonftloiL"4lt tcl
q)\)C @ ;jsr 1e1
oaoooooaoo '.{j/-,lct, <ol



lN ADDITIONAL DTRECTORATE (Hetd on 20-l0-2018)
1. Algerian freedom fighter who became (A) On (B) ln
president is (C) Through (D) At
(A) Ahmed Bin Bella 10. A piece of cake means
(B) Ahmed Bin Abduttah (A) Difiicult to do (B) Easy to do
(C) Ahmed Bin Khataab (C) lmpossible to do {D) Nonaofthese
(D) None of these
11. Fo(une favors the
2. Who is the first President of Croatia? (A) Braye --lE -Fiah
(A) Kolinda Garabar (B) Coco Austin
(C) Andrej Plenkovic (D) Franjo Tudman
(c) weak (o) srrong
12. Which is the largest man made waterfal
3 Who has made the mosl number of runs in loceted at
test cricket for Pakistan?
(A) Younas Khan (B) Javed Miandad
(A) Nigeria (B) Venice
(C) lnzmam ul Haq (D) M Yousaf
(C) Guiyang (D) None of these
13. 'Tooth decay" due to the cause of
4. ln which Plateau River Soan and Haro flow? (A) Fluoride (B) Catcium
(A) lranian Plateau (C) Weakness (D) None of these
(B) Potohar Plateau
(C) Baluchistan Plateau 14. Synonym if "Catastrophe"
(D) None of these (A) Oisaster (B) Happiness
(C) Grievances (D) None of these
When did Pakistan Joined UNO?
(A) August '1947 (B) September 1947 15. There are fourteen stars on Malaysian flag
(C) October 1947 (D) December 1947 which represent?
(A) National lntegrity
6. Anlonym of "Felicity' (B) Botha&b
(A) Sadness (B) tntense happrness (C) 13 states and Federal covernment
(C) Happiness (D) None of theie (D) None of these
7 Synonym of "infringe' is: '16. Who is the player who had ptayed cncket both
(A) Breach (B) Crash for lndia and Pakistan?
(C) lnvade (D) Obtrude (A) Agib Javed (B) Javaid Miandad
8 Antonym of "Credulous" is: (C) Abdul Kardar (D) None ofthese
(A) (B) Gulibte 17. Sunlight in the sourae of
(C) (D) Suspicious (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitahin B
9. The train went _ the tunnel (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
Advanced MCQs lUodel 209
18. Which country is not inctuded in BRICS? 34. Which city is ca ed that buth place of lslam?
(A) lndia (B) Belgium (A)
(C) China (B) Bashdad
(D) Russia lakkah (D) traq
19. DPI stands for 35. Price of 2 pens and 3 pencils is 86, lhe price
(A) Dot per lndex (B) Dot per tcon of 4 pens and 1 p€ncit is 1 12. Find the prite ot
(C) Bothb&d (D) Dot per inch a pen
20. Which country banned English language at (A) 25 (B) 18
primary level to control western cultur;? lc) 12 (D) 15
(A) lndon€6ia (B) Malaysra 36. At the birth ot his son. Ati's age is 32 and after
(C) lran (O) Turtey how many years its age become S times of his
2'l. Conect Spell is son's age?
(A) Bureacracy (B) Buracrecy (A) 6 years (B) 8 vears
(C) Bur€aucracy (O) None of these (C) 10 years 1D) i2years
22. Which one is not an image ditoa 37. lf length 3 cubic lnch, width is 3 cubic inch
(A) Power Point (B) Photoehop height 3 cubic inch lhan tell the volume?
(C) Coral Draw (D) Adobe lllustrator . (A) 27 cubic lnches (B) 28 cubic inches
(C) 30 cubic inches (D) None of lhese
23. What is the m;an to protecl work sheets?
A) Lock the whole sheet 38. A, B and C average is 45. B and C average is
B) Lock the cells 40 then find B = ?
C) Lock the columns and Rows (A) 41 (B) 3l
D) None of these (C) 51 (D) None of these
24. ln which Province Khyber pass locates? 39. Find the value of x. 3x - 't5 - 6 = 0
(A) Pun,ab (B) Sindh (A) 4r (B) 31
(c) Batuchisran (D) KPK (C) 51 (D) None of these
25. Pasni Harbour is located at 40. Complete the series 2, 20, 42, 66,
(A) Punjab (B) Sindh
(C) Baluchisran (O) rpX (A) 91 (B) 81
26. ln which Province Takht e Bahi is located?
(C) 98 (D) None of these
(A) Punjab (B) Sindh 41. Complete the series 1, 3, 7, iO, 3j, 63,
(C) KPK (O) None of these -?
27. The second man who set foot in moon is? GII2a-
(c) 126
(A) Armstrong (B) Alan Bean 129
(C) Buzz Aldrin (D) None ofthese 42. Which country is not included in the horn of
28. How man Chambers in a human heart? (A) Somalia (B) Eritrea
(4',) 2 (B) 3 (C) Ethiopia
(c) 4 io) s
43. Takht Bhai is located at
(D) Senagat
29. Gaddani Beach is famous for. (A) Puniab (B) Sindh
(A) Sulpher (C) Baluchistan (D) KP
(B) Ship Breaking lndustry
(C) Both a and b 44. From which country USA purchased Alaska?
(D) None of these (A) UK (B) Russia
(C) Turkey (O) tran
30. Find the 30% of 180 is:
(A) s4 (B) 64 45. Decibel is lhe unit of
(Cl 74 (D) None of these (A) lntensity of heat
31. Which is the first country that implement
(B) lntensity of light
(C) lntsnsity of sound
GST? (D) None oI these
(A) ltaly (B) France
(C) lraq (D) tran 46. 'Study of Birds' is catted.
(A) Oncology (B) Omithotogy
32. Bambhore is located at: (C) Ecology
(A) Sindh (D) None of these
(B) punjab
(C) Baluchistan (O) None of these 47. Length of Pak China border is:
(A) 499 km (B) 599 km
33. Which one is the largest peninsula of the (C) 399 km (D) 699 km
(A) Persian Gulf (B) Arabian 48. ln which constitution lslam declared state
(C) Musandam (D) None of these religion?
210 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers
(A) 1956 (B) 1962 (C) Both A and B (D) None oI these
ict fgzs (D) None ol these 63. How was the author of Hamayun Nama?
49. Mutfqa Alea is known as: (A) Noor Jahan
(A Bukhari (B) Razia Sultan?
(B Muslim (C) Zaibunuissa
(c Bukhari and iluslim (D) Gdbadan Eegum
(D None of these 64 ln the battle ot Panipat Babur defeated to
50. Which extension is used in powerpoint? (A) Behlal Lodhi ( B) Auran0zeb
(A) Wav (B) Rif (C) Rana Sanga ( D) lbrahim Lodhi
(C) Botha&b (D) None of these 65. What Organ Produces bile?
51. Pakislan won llrst Hockey Gold medal at? (A) GallBladder (B) Kidneys
(A) China (B) Australia ic) t-iver (D) None of these
iC) nome (D) None of these 66. What was the profession of Fatima Jinnah
52. Rvder Cup belongs to (A) Engineer (B) Neuro Surgeon
(A) Snooker (B) Golf (C) Dentist (D) Lawyer
(C) Tennis (D) None of these 67. Hazrat Abbas was died on:
(A) 3 Nabvi (B) 10 Nabvi
53. What was the
after Hijrit?
name of
-the lirst baby who born (C) 7 Nabvi (D) I Nabvi
(A) Zaid bin Sabit 68. Which one is unPardonable sin?
(B) Abu Hurarah (A) Theft (B) To tell a he
(C) Abdullah bin Sabit (C) Both a and b (D) Shirk
(D) Abdullah Bin Zubair
69. When did Pakistan Joined Baghdad pact?
54. Jihad became obligatory on (A) ln 1953 (B) ln 1955
(A) 1 Hura (B) 2 HUra icl rn 1965 (D) ln 1963
(C) 3 Hrra (D) 4 Hrjra
70. The Iinal plan of Partition of Subcontinent is
55. What was the name of the Sword ol HazIal called?
Muahmmad (PBUH)? (A) Wavell Plan (B) 3rd June Plan
(A) Azb (B) Zufflqar iC) Mission Plan (D) None of these
(C) BothA& B (D) Qaswa
71. Delhi Pact was signed between:
56. What is the name of Surah which starts (A) Nehru and Yahya
without Bismillah? (B) Nehru and Juneio
(A) Al Noor (B) Al Maida (C) Nehru and Liaqat Ali Khan
icj ruame
at (D) AlTauba (D) None of these
57. The Act which is babe of current Acts of lndia 72. Which one is the largest continent of the
and Pakistan? world?
(A) lndian CouncilAct 1835 (A)Asia (B) Europe
(Blldnian CouncilAct 1774 iCi ntrica (D) Austraha
ici lndian Council Act '1773 73. Who is the returning officer of president
iD) cow ot tnoia Act tg35 election?
58. Who was the ,irst President ot Congress? (A) Secretary of Election Commrssion
A) AO Hume (B) Chief fetection Commissioner
B) womesh iC) Dy Generat of Election commrssion
C) Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee (D) None of above
D) None of these
74. CPU stands lor
59 Kill two with one stone (A) Central Processrng Unity
(A) Doves (B) Birds iai centrat Processing lJnit
(C) Snakes (D) ants (C) Center Processrng Unit
60 Where is the head quarter of FAO located? iD) Center Programming Unrt
(A) Rome
- (B) Turkey 75. Which country first of all gave right of vote to
(C) New York (D) Geneva woman?
61 ln word 2007 start of document in Print. So, (A) Nsw Zealand (B) Finland
preview short key is? (C) switzeaano (D) Tharland
(A) CTRL + P (B) SHIFT + P 76. Which country is not the member of ASEAN?
(C) ALT + P (D) None of these (A) lndonesia (B) Malaysia
62 Dots in imaae is called (C) vietnam (D) Republic of Korea
(A) Pixels- (B) Dot Per inch
Advanced McQs Model 2'.t1

77. Which movement launched First (A) Capt Sarfraz Mufri

(A Swadeshi iioYement (B) Mian Farooq Nazeer
B Khilafat Movement (C) Kokab Nadeem Waraich
C) National Movement (D) itz. Saloom Baig
D) Nalionalist Movement
78. When did Rashid Minhas got Nishan e t.-L/lJte,,, 9t
(A) 1982 (B) 1971 Jr;Va$6{tJ
(c) 1978 (D) 1969
79. Russia invasion of Afghanistan in: tvtt,,t{-L-jt
(A) 1967 (B) 1979
(c) 1971 (O) 1974 jurr'-;ur<ar 6.,llcpL <tt
'16{--rtrt{ rot t!,\U/s)&
80. Sukarno belongs to
(A) Australia (B) Malaysia
(C) Indonesia (D) None of these
t7-,*.{6L*>--, 92
81. 1024 kilo byte is equalto
(A) I Tera Byte (B) 1 Gaga Byte v.r/*fu;i;,,1 <et
(C) I Uega Ayts (D) Both a and b
82. When did Oscar Award lntroduced? t/itajt.i <e)
(A) 14 May, 1925 (B) 16 May, 1926
(C) '16 May, 1929 (D) 16 May, 1924 t/:jt, ebt)t <t'l
83. The largest waterfan is situated in
(A) Nigeria (B) Venice ,lV.-,.lttf ro,
(C) Venezuele (D) None of these
84. Who appointed chiel justice?
ta)t {ftaqJo .ot
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
c./t-7 {Bt vljr <et
(C) National Assembly
(D) Senate
t{,J6 <ot v,ff <ct
85. Which actor played the role of Quaid e Azam t?yl.-',{V,f $ uttl:t'6,q, .gc
Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the feature film
Jinnah directed by Jamil Dehlavi? (D
ot€ ,/r-7 <e,t
(A) Muslim Wadia (B) B€n Kingsley
(C) Peter Crushing (D) ChristoPher Lee dj/--tJrli <o> c7)tt (C')
E6. Famous Urdu poet Mustafa Zaidi was by
profession a r
**--er a1 $ ;-,,/,t,.[qt.d s .ss
(A) University Professor
(B) Businessman
(C) Lawyer
+fut <D Pg)etv te>

(O) Civil SerYant a,tctril <oi 6jAJ? ct

87. 'Thyroid Gland'is located in of
human body: Jh'r,l*dt'h
t < .e6
(A) Stomach (B) Thorax
(C) Leg (D) eck v.i3zl. ctvi at
88 Gtaucoma is caused by increase
- tn pressure cl.:(1'1ft716,/e tst
(A) Eye ball (B) Heart vdos@{{ <c>
(C) Lungs (O) Kidneys
89. Find the pair of words from the options: ,./ j{-G,tr: <ot
Condemnation Disapproval
(A) lgnorance: Patience .,r7vct{.-vtJie,,'
(B) Optimism: lnsight
-t .sj
(C) Blasphemy: lrrever.nce y'
,a fsv,, L 1Y t.,t, L, r- trt
(O) Sorrow. lntention
90. Name the current lnspector General, Prisons 6 f ,/ t' L 6t cot,.L{ Lt 1 G)
of Punjab
212 Advenced illCQs llodel Paoers

<ct t t!)Wfut Lj' 4,, t t, tt{ttt e,tz / ti

d.6/-ltrt{ <o> <e) J.sJl u:-ly <et

t;6Lr)rL;/ggtnn;t 913
,/i{--Gtli <o> )Vc)v)t c)
J2,iue,i <o j.'"..Ji ret r,{;_./5,1,,.tm
,l,tJ? <ot d,d'{ ,r, <e\ ,f z'Y'
rgAJ| <ot

V J C G e 6. 1,./ L,)ri -*,,/ r! ;g,,

r 99 dJ/--,,trt;,: <ot f p6r <ct


The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) I Name the Prime Minister of Turkey who
conference was held on 23-24 May,201-6 in resigned early in May 2016.
(A) Cairo Egypt (B) NewYork, USA ) Binali Yildrim
(C) btanbul, Turley (D) Paris, France B ) Ahmet Davutoglu
2 Which. punjshment was intrbduced by Hazrat c) Racep Tayyrp Erdogan
Umar (R.A)? D ) Abdullah Gul
(A) Exile (B) Oeath 9. lf 30 per cent of a number is 12.6, find the
(C) lmprlsonment (D) Cutting of hands number?
3 Bhagat Singh was hansed by the British in (A) 45 (B) 38
(A) Guiranwala (c) 40 (D) 42
(B) Faisalabad(Lyallpu0 '10. lf 10 cats catch 10 rats in '10 second. How
(C) L.hoE many cats are required to catch 100 rats in
(D) Delhi '100 second?
4 Secrelary General of the United Natbns, Mr. (A) 100 (B) r0
Ban Ki Moon, belongs to which country'? (c) 20 (D) 50
(A) Oemocratic People's Repubtic of korea 1'1. Which night's "lbadat", during the monlh of
(B) Rcpublic of Kor€a Ramadan, is considered better than "lbadat"
(C) Metnam of lhousand months
(D) Singapore (A) Lailat-ul-Oadar (B) Shab-e-Baraar
What is the national game of Pakistan? (C) Shab-e-Mira1 (D) None of these
(A) Hock y (B) Cricket 12. The disease Oiphtheria affects Mrich part of
(C) Kabaddi (D) Squash human body?
6 \rJhal is the name of the cunent Federal Tax (A) Lungs (B)
Ombudsman of Pakistan? (C) Throat (D)
(A) Salman Faraqui 13. Whrch Pakistani personalrty has served as the
(B) Tariq Bajwa President of the UN Generat Assembly?
(C) Shoeib Suddle (A) A.S (Patras) Bokhari
(D) Abdur Raut Chaudhry (B) Sir Zafarullah Khan
7 A Barometer is a device used to measure (C) Agha Shahi
(A) Humidity (D) Dr. Mateeha Lodhi
(B) Atmcphodc Prsssur€ 14. Who is the author of the Book 'Kashmir-A
(C) Room Temperature Disputed Legacy"?
(D) Salt in sea water (A) Alistair Lamb
(B) Jo6ef Korbel
(C) Lawrence Ziring
'South Korea is officially called the Republic of Ko.ea. (D) Dr. Akbar S. Ahmad
Whereas Nonh Korea is officially called the Democratic 15. Prince Dara Shikoh was son ot which Mughal
People's Republic of korea Emp€ror?
Advanced MCOS Model 213
(A) Akbar (B) Jahangir 29. Who was the author of the book "Daughter of
(C) Aurangzeb iOt Snanjiran the East'?
16. Which of the following is used fff disinfectaon
(A) Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
of water?
(B) Eegum Shaista lkramullah
(A)Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (C) Ayesha Jalal
(C)Fluorine (D) Chlorine (D) Mohtama Benazir Bhutto
17. What is the Antonym of Paucitv? 30. Who was the captain of Pakistan's Cricket
(A) Presence (B) Poverty team which won the T-20 championship in
(C) Abundance (D) Scarcity 2009?
(A) Muhammad Hafeez
18. There are 8 mango trees in a straight line. (B Masbah-ul-Haq
Distance between each tree is 3 meters. What (c Shahid Afridi
is the distance between the lirst tree and the (o Younus Khan
eighth tree?
(A) 24 3'1 hich Commander-in-Chief . of the Pakistan
\B) 27 Army also concurrenlly served as Defence
(c) 30 (D) 21
Minister in the Cabinet?
19 Before giving up singing Junaid Jamshed was (A) Gen Frank Maservy
part of which music Aroup? (B) Gen. Ayub Khan
(A)Strings (B) Vital Signs (C) Gen Yahya Khan
(C)Janoon (D) Fuzon (D) Gen. Jahangir Karamat
20. What is the Antonym of Ooaoue? 32 Name the largest mammal in the world?
(A) Misty (B) Shiny (A) Elephant (B) Giraffe
(C) Covered (D) Transpaient (C) Octopus (D) Blue Whalo
21. When a gas is turned into a liquid the process ln which province is the town Oalbandin
is known as: located?
(A) Sublimation (B) Condercation (A Puniab
(C) Evaporation (D) Deposilion (B Sindh
22. Hrjra (Migration) from Makkah to Madina (c Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
started in which Nabvi year? (o Balochistan
(A) 12th (B) ,r3th 34. Complete the Proverb 'A friend in need is a
(c) 14rh (o) 15th friend
23. The All lndia Muslim League Resolution of (A) Not enerny (B) of others
"Divide and Quit' in 1943 was in response to (C) lndeed (D) of course
(A) "Quit lndia" movement ot the 35. ln which district is the archaeological site
Congress (B) Nehru Report Harappa located?
(C) Arya Samaj (A) Sukker (B) Sahiwal
(O) Moplah Revolt (C) Thatta (D) Chakwal
24. Simplify the equation 5 + 2 " 6 :3(2) = ? 36. The 1857 War of lndependence started from:
(A) 9 (B) 12 (A) Agra (B) Lucknow
(c) 7 (D) 5 (c) Meerut (D) Delhi
25. Where is the Muqhal Emperor Zaheer-ud-Din 37. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy' won an Oscar
Babar buried?
(A) Kabul (B) Oethi
Award for the second time for her
documentary movie titled
(C) Ajmer Sharif (D) Ferghana (A) Saving Face
26. "Qissa Sohni Mahiwal" was written by? (B) Road to Forgrven€ss
(A) Waris Shah (C) ln the Line of Duty
(B) Mian Muhammed Baksh (D) A Girl in the River
(C) Fazal Shah 38. Complete the ldiom "Every cloud has.a silver
(D) Shah Hussain
27. When was the first Constituent Assembty (A) Halo (B) Rain
dissolved by Governor General Ghulam
(A)1951 (8) 1952 'She has won two Academy Awards for the
(c)1953 (O) 19r{ documentaries Soving Foce 12072) ond A Gil in the
28. Complete the number series 4, 9,'13,22. 35? Rivet: The Price ol Fotgiveness (2015), that made her
(A) s7 (B) 70 the First Pakistani Director to win two Academy Awa.ds
(c) 63 (o) 75
and one of only eleven female directors to win the
award for a non-fiction film.
211 Advsnced PPSC MCQS tlodet Pam,s
(C) Lining (D) Shadow (A) 1960 (B) 1962
39. ln which year did Pakistan win its first Olympic (c) 1965 (o) 1967
Hockey Gold Medal? 52. Wh€n did hdia cany orit iE first Nuclear Test?
(A) 1957 (B) (A) 1970 (B) 1974
(c) 1964 (D) '960
r 968 (c) 1988 (D) 1998
40. Solve the equation 9 - 3 + 113 + 1 = ? 53. Pakislan protested against coBtruction ot
(A) 1 (B) 3 Baglihar Dam because?
(c) e (D) 6 (A) ll was in violalion of the UN Charter
(B) lt was violation of Simla Agresnent
4'l. Complete the Proverb "Birds of feather (C) lt was violation of LOC
together'. (D) lt wa3 violation of lndus Trsaty
(A) Fly (B) Sit
(C) Flock (O) Swim 54. What is the Synonym of Q4!E!y?
42. The highest Military Award for bravery is (A) Earthly (B) Ornate
Nishan€-Haider, which is the second (C) Greenery (O) Honiblo
highest? 55. Among the following, which is the oldesl
(A) Hilal-erJurat English language newspaper of Pakistafl?
(8) Sitara-e-Jurat (A) Dawn (B) The Na,vs
(C) Tamgha-e-Jurat (C) The Nation (D) Daily Tim6s
(D) Tamgha-e-Basalat 56. ln a rorfl a student is standing 13th from the
43. Complete the Proverb "Fortune favours the right and 8th trom the lefl. How many students
are there in total?
(A) Rich (B) Poor (A) 18 (B) 19
(C) lnnocent (D) Bold (c) 20 (D) 21
,14. ln which banle a tooth (or parl ot it according 57. What was the former name of Sahiwal?
to some sources) of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) (A) Forl lrunro (B) Campb€llpur
was broken? (C) forhomery (D) Lawrencspur
(A) Uhad (B) Khandaq 5E. What is the Antonym ol Hauqhtv?
(C) Badr (D) Hunain (A) Humble ( B) Heavy
45 Complete the number series 11. '13, '17, 19, (C) Scared ( O) Cowardly
23,29,31 37. 4',t? 59. Who designed the National Flag of Pakistan?
(A) /a (B) 47 (A) Chaudhry R€hmat Ali
(c) 5'r (D) s3 (B) Uaqat Ali Khan .
46. Who has rBcenty been selected as the Coach (C) Hafeez Jallandhri
for Pakistan Cricket Team? (D) Ammer.udoln Kidwai
(A) ick y Arthu. (B) Geoff Lawson 60. Which of the bllowing is not a natuial fiber?
(C) 8ob Woolmer (O) Dave Whatmore (A) Silk (B) Jute
47- Th€ s€cond (OlC) lslamic Summil Conhrence (C) Cotton (D) &yon
was held in Lahore in 61. Recen{y Panama Papers have b€en in the
(A)1972 (B) l97a news. Pleas6 name the firm trom whose
(c)1975 (D) 1976 database millions of files were leakad to lhe
48. Hazrat lmam Hussain's (R.A) title was media?
(A) Sh.bbir (B) Shabbar (A) f63acl Fonsoca
(C) Saitullah (D) None of these (B) C'oldman Sacfis
49. What was the name of Hazrat Umais (R.A) (C) Leblanc and Williams
daughler who became the fourth wife of the
(D) None ofthese
Holy Prophel (PBUH)? 62. What is the Synonym of Pragmalic?
(A) Hazrat HeB. (R.A) (A) Honest (B) Pr.cdcel
(B) Hazrat Zainab (R.A) (C) Uncertain (D) Anogant
(C) Hazrat Safiya (R.A) 63. Affer th€ death of Mullah Akhtar Muhammad
(D) Hazrat Maimoona (R.A) Mansour udlo has been chosen as their
50. Afler the succession of East Pakistan to Lea(br by the Taliban?
Bangladesh, General Yahya Khan, CMLA, (A) Mullah Fazluliah
resigned on (B) m.uhi Haibatullah Akhunz.d.
(A) 17 Oec.1971 (B) 18 Oec. 1971 (C) Sirajuddin Haqqani
(C) 19 Dec. 1971 (O) 20 Oec.'1971 (D) Zabihullah Muiahid
51. ln which year did Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah 64. lryllo is the drrer Chairman of lhe Pakastan
contest the Presidential election? Crickel Board?
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers 215
(4) Etaz BUU (B) Shaharyar Khan (C) MaJ. Shabbir Sharif
(C) Najam Sethi (D) Ramiz tiaJa (D) Pilot Officer Rashed Minhas
65. Which of the following is the second source of 75 The Urdu-Hindi controveGy is sad to be the
lslamic laws? forerunner of the Two Nation Theory When
(A) Oiyas (B) Hadith did this controversy begin?
(C) History {D) ljma (A) 18s7 (B) 1860
66. According to the 1973 Constitution Governor (c) 1862 (D) 1867
of a Province is appointed by: 76 Who is the current Spokesman ol the Ministry
A) President of Foreign Affairs?
B) Prime Mrnister (A) Qazi Khahlullah (B) Tasneem Aslam
C) Provincial Assembly {C) Abdul Basit (D) Nalees Zakariya
D) Chief Minister 77 ln terms of area, whrch is the largest district of
67. lf two angles of a triangle are 60 degree each Punlab?
the what is the value of the third angle'? (A) Bahawalpur
(A) 45 degrees (B) 50 degrees (B) Dera Ghazi Khan
(C) 60degree3 (D) 65 degrees {C) Rahimyar Khan
(D) Lahore
6E. The uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),
Hazrat Hamza (R.A) embrac€d lslam in 78 When did Quaid-e-Azam resign from the
(A) 4th Nabvi (B) sth Nabvi Congress?
(C) 6th Nabvi (D) 7th Nabvi (A) 1913 (B) 1916
69. Followang devastating fioods, Pakistan, on 24
(c) 1920 \ol 1922
May, 2016, dispatched relief goods and a 79 What is the retirement age of a Judge of
mobile hospital to which country in South Supreme Court in Pakistan?
Asia? (A) 60 years (B) 65 years
(A) Maldives (B) Sri Lanka (C) 67 years (O) 70 years
(C) Bangladesh (D) Nepal 80 Complete the Sentence "l was surprised by
70. Pakistan tras recently applied to become a the large _ people who came".
member of the NSG. What does NSG stand (A) Quantity of (B) Number ol
lor2 (C) Amount oI (D) Total of
(A Nuclear Suppliers Group 81 Removal of top soil by wind or water is called?
(B Nuclear Support Group (A) Erosion (B) Silting
(c lluclear Strategic Group (C) Water logging (D) Creeping
(D Non-Nuclear Suppliers Group
82 Who was the first Muslim Commander-in-
71 . Who has written the tamous national song Chief of Pakistan Air Force?
'Sohni Dharti Allah Rakhe"? (A) Air Uarshall Asghar Khan
(A) Sufi Tabbasum (B) Air Marshall Noor Khan
(B) Jamil-ud-Din Aali (c) Air Marshall Abdul Rahim Khan
(C) Masroor Anwar (D) Air Marshall Zafar Chaudhry
(O) Ahmad Faraz
83. Which Article in the 1973 constitution deals
72. What is the common name for Sodium with Jammu and Kashmir?
Chloride? (A) 230 (B) 240
(A) Salt (B) Baking Soda
\c) 24s \D) 257
(C) Chalk (D) Vinegar
84. The concept of Carbon Credits onginated from
73. What is the Antonym of Virtue? which of the followrng?
(A) Variable (B) Fraud (A) Earth Summ't, Rio de Janeiro
(C) Crime (D) Vice (B) Kyoto Protocol
74. Who was the first person to be awarded the (C) Montreal Protocol
Nishan-e-Haider? (D) .Conference of Parties (COP) 19
(A) lvlaj. Raja Aziz Bhatti 85. What is the Synonym of Frugal?
{B) Capt. Raja Muhammad SarrYar (A) Expensive B Explore
(C) Economical D Frank
'sum of three angles oftriangle is 18O degrees. 86. 'Wana' is the main town of which Agency in
A+B+C=180degrees FATA?
A= 60 degrees , B= 50 degrees
(A) Malakand (B) Bajaur
(C) Orakzai (D) South Waziristan
87. Who succeeded President zia-ul-Fiaq as the
President of Pakistan?
C -i3C - 120 = 60 degrees
216 Advanced,PPSC llcQsffiodd PaoeB
(A) Rafiq Tarar
(B) Ghulam lshaq Khan ,!; tol \!t/t (c)
(C) Farooq Leghari
(D) Fazal Elahi Chaudhry | <-( r,,J \D / J *V ei.-it ct .gs
88. What is the Synonym of irnminent?
(A) Upcoming (B) Prominent 't;i:V P1 r't99ii7t !t1
(C) lmpure (D) Royal
89. Richter Scale is used to measure the intensity
,fra,! ol drrli (c)

7t)'<-ug; .);t'y"t-ir y'-j{"

(A) (B) Cyclone I
i :t .0A
(C) Tomado (D) Earthquak6
90. Mangla Dam is conslructed on rivep
ugi1fiu ot
(A) lndus (B) Chenab t;,;,);3,i.ij
(C) Jhalum (D) Kabul 1s)

ri-ttx;t7"/Sf 7 .st
. $,-?-t..(i(8.t 1c1

(B) B,'tN))',
J,, / <ol

Jr pt *irt ot
1961 (B)
:*j. i,r.i,i,F,zLl
1960 (A)
I c-tt 7t! c-af L 7,,/ r oyl 4 Lt, 4,r4 *': .sz 1963 (0) 1962 (C)
-t a / v.-o {Jt, LtJ tv j i,,tJ
ar!J,v,-trrl4 ol r .ga

7VrylL$1{.\* (B) JtiD/ lBl t)v,f-lat fel

t,l/p1{*V p1 Jt*7,tol jt;f,.,r 1c1

?*$-6$*V 1o1
3 (B)
riELnz-l{it6t., ss
1it,.t /,tr{Jti, -*
t 1,2 .ss 6 (D) 4 (c)
o{t @l nt) (A) e <-U e v/./ :- sr-,yL/j :( 6 ;1, ;' .too
r,l, (o) &t/ tcl ,zl S pl JED/ (A)
-.--(,/,? c{l;r,!6 rc .st ;,)st 1o1 frC,,tg. 1cl
cil! (B) 6 @l

1. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan (A) 2008 (B) 2009
is known as? (c) 2010 (D) 2011
(A) Khyber Pass 3. The Muhammadan Educational Conference
(B) Shahrah-e-Resham was founded in:
(C) Durand Line (A) 1884 (B) 1E86
(D) Bolan Pass (c) 1890 (D) 1891
2. ln Mich year NWFP was named Khyber 4. The pamphlet "Now or Never" was written by:
Pakhtunkhwa? (A) Mama lqbal
Adv PPSC MCOs Model Paoers 217
Answer Key
1. b 14 c 27. b 40 53 d 66 d 79 a 92 c
2. d 15 b 28. a 41 a 54 d d 80 b 93 b
3. 16 a 29. b 42 c 68 c 81 b 94 d
4. d 17 d 30. a 43 a 56 a 69 a
82 d a
d 18 31. d 44 a 57 d 70 d 96. a
6. a 19 d a 45 c 58 a 71 d 84 c 97 d
7. b 20 d 33. c 46 a 59 b 72 b 85 a 98.
8. c 21. a 34. a 47 b 60 a c 86 a 99. c
9. c 22. d 35. b 4E b 61 c 74 b E7 b 100 b
10 o 23. d 36. d 49. b bz b 75 b 88 c
11 c 24. e 37. c 50. c 63 76 c 89 c
12 b 25. c 38 d 64 c a 90 d
13 26. a 39. a 65 b 78. a 91



D G Khan Region -2018-
1. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. 8 To move between the worksheets in a
(A) September 22, 1977 workbook in MS Excel. we can use whrch of
(B) December 24. 1 979 the followrng shortcut.
(C) August 25, I974 (A) Att + = (B) Ctrt + F9
(O) None of these (C) Ctrl + Tab (O) Ctrl + Page up
2. What is the length of badminton court for I Name the educational inslitutron founded by
single competition? Sahibzada Abdul Oayvum in Khyber
(A) 16.2 m (Bt 13.40 m Paktunkhwa (former NWFP)
(C) 14.63 m (D) i 3.80 m (A) Frontier Un;versrty
3. Property of a substance to absorb moisture (B) Peshawar College
from air on exposure. is c€lled: (C) lslamra High School. Peshawar
(A) Osrnosis (B) Detiquescence (D) lslamia Coll€e
(C) Efflorescence (D) Desiccation 10 To zoom an Excel worksheet we can us€:
4. Ashgabat is the capitalcity oP (A) The mouse pointe n Print Preview
(A) Tajrkistan (B) Armenia (B) The zoom button on the Pflnt Preview
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Turkmenistan toolbar
(C) The Zoom command on the view menu
5. Who was the ,irst Govemor of State Bank of (D) All ot th€se
(A) Zahid Hussain 11 lf 6+5x=30 xthenx=?
(B) Mahbubur Rashid (A) 4 (B) 5
(C) Kazakhstan (c) 6 (D) I
(D) Shujaat Hussain 12 was the firsl captain of Pakistan
6. Fill in the blanks: "New legistation Women Cricket ODI and Test matches.
in lhe Assembly but it _ by many (A) Sana Mir (B) Shazia Khan
(A) was introduced / was nol accepted (C) Urooi Mumtaz (D) None ofthese
(8) rntroduced / did not accept '13 When 1st Nobel Prize was awarded?
(C) rs introduced / won't accept (A) 1801 (B) 1850
(D) rntroduced / hadn t been accepted (c) 1901 (D) 1950
7 BIOS is stored in: 14 Charles DaMin was laid down a framework
(A) Hard Disk for the theory of evolution. belongs to:
(B) RAM (A) UK (B) USA
(C) Flash Memory Chip (C) Mexico (D) Germany
(D) All of these
All the files deleted from the computer are
initially move to:
218 Advancad PPSC McQs Model Paoers
(A) Recycle Bin (A) Rana Sanaullah
(B) My Computer (B) Khawaja Asrf
(C) My Network Places (C) Talal Chaudhry
(O) lnternet Explorer (D) Ahsan lqbal
'16. A rurned city Taxila is located in. 28. A train left Lahore at 9:32 a.m and reached
(A) Srndh (B) Puniab Peshawar at 5 23 p.m. How long did it take:
(c) KPK (D) Balochistan (A) 7 hours and 40 minutes
'17. What is the number of Permanent Members of
(B) 7 hours and 51 minutes
(C) 7 hours and 30 minutes
the United Nations Security Council? (D) 7 hours and 40 minutes
(A) Four (B) Five
3 7; 6. 5,9, 3
(C) Erqht (O) Ten 29. Complete the number serres:
'18. Pakistan's National Anthem was approved by
12. 1 15. __
(A)21 (B) 3
the Government in: (c) 1 (D) 13
1A) 1947 (B) 1951
(c) 1954 (D) 1957 30 Banoladesh was establshed in
19 According to a recent research rn University of
(A) i97O (B) 1971

Berlin which of the followtng element can

(C) 1972 tDr'1973
make bond wrth more four atoms. that has 31 Srdhnar Headworks has been constructed on
previously seen as its limit? river
(A) Silicon (B) Carbon (A) Chenab (B) Ravi
(C) Germanium (O) Francium (C) Jhelum (D) Sutlei
20. A high quality CAO system uses 32. Mauiana Muhammad Ali Jauhar in 1911
for printing drawing and graPhs. started publishing newspapet Comrade"
(A) Dot mattix ptinter from:
(B) Digital plotter (A) Delhi (B) Bombay
(C) Line printer (C) Calcutta (D) Lahore
(D) Allof these 33. lf vour aeroolane lands at 'Heathrow' airport
21. Which of these is the most predominant in the wliich city wiluld you be in?
composition of atmosphere? (AI Tokvo (B) Jakarta
(A) Oxygen ic) t-oniton (D) Amsterdam
(B) Nitrogen 34. ln 1948 UNCIP was established to investigate
(C) Water vapour and mediale the lndo-Pakistan dispute on the
(D) Carbon dioxide tulure of Kashmir. What does UNCIP stand
22. is a unique name chosen bY a 1o(?
user while creating an E-mail. (A) United Nations Ceasefire in lndia and
(A) Login (B) Password Pakistan
(C) Subjecl (D) Usemame (B) United Nations Committee on lndia and
23. -The first European country to ratit the (C) United Nations Commissioo for lndia and
European Union Comtitution was:
(A) ltaly (B) Germany
(D) Uniled Nations Commission on India and
(C) France (D) None of lhese
24. Fill ln the blank: Abdul to be a 13
35. Complete the number series: 9' 10, 18,

(A) Wants (B) Wanting (A) 21 (B) 23

(C) ls wanting (D) Will want (c) 25 (D) 29
25 ln September 2015 the United Nations
replaced the Millennium -Development Goals 36. Which spellings of the following is correct?
(MDGs) by:
(A) Begger (B) Beggar
(A) Revised Millennium Oevelopment Goals (C) Bagger (O) Bager
(B) New Millennium Development Goals 37. The northern and the southern hemispheres
(C) Sustainable Oevelopment Targets are separated by:
(D) Sustainable Oevelopment Goals (A) The lntemational Date Line
(B) The plane of the Equator
26. Tasman/Haupapa Glacier is considered the (C) The plane ot Tropic of Cancer
largest Glacier in _ (D) The planei of Tropic CaPrrcoIn
(A) Newzealand (B) Taiikistan
(C) China (O) Norway 38. Who is the author of the book 'Das Kapital"?
27. Who was Defence Minister during last regime
(A) Karl Marx (B) Rousseau
of Muslim League Nawaz?
(C) lmmanuel Kant (D) Leon Trotsky
Advmced PPSC llCQsfrodel Paoers 219

39. Whrch country has hrghest Natural Gas (C) Hazrat SafiYa (R.A)
reserves? (D) Hazrat Maimoona (R.A)
(A) China (B) lndia 53. Durino the era ot East lndia Company. the
(C) lran (O) Russra areai of Behar, Uresa and Assam were
40. The sixth population census was conducted in included in:
(A) Haryana (B) Bengal
2017 in Pakistan alterl (D) Punjab
(A) 10 years (B) lSYears (C) Hyderabad
(C) 19 years (D) 25 Years 54 Naseer Bunda has been a very famous
41. Fill in the blank: There is no reason rportirnan of Pakistan. Which game was he
anvone should behave cruelly associated with?
(A-tr/vh-tF (B) That (A) Cricket (B) Alhletics
(C) Hockey (O) Wrestling
(C) Why (D) Because
55. Slrait of ' Links Persian Gulf with
42. Avub Khan was member ol All Talent Cabnet
ln 1954 Name the Pflme Mrnlsler Gulf of Oman.
(A) Hormuz (B) Malacca
(A) Muhammad Ah Bogra (D) Mozambique
(B) Ch Muhammad Ali (C) Bosphorus
(C) lskender Mirza 56 Choose the correct words from the options to
(D) H.S. Suhrawardy ' ttre sentence correctly Khalld
comorele rs
taller than Naveed
43. What is the wrdth of side gallery of badminton
court? 1A1 Na75 tatt but as
(A) 40 cm (B) 42 cm (8) As tall. if not
c, (D) 46cm (C) As if not
ic) aa (D) As tall as, if not
44. 'Hamas was founded in 1987 bY:
(A) Yasser Arafat 57. AFP is a news agencY ol:
(B) lsmarl Hannia (A) Finland
piji (B) France
ici (D) uK
(C) Sheikh Ahmad Yasin
(D) Khalid Mashaal 58 Who wrote the book "The Republic'?
(A) Socrates (B) Aristotle
45. Choose the correct synonym: Queer (C) Plato (D) Kad Marx
(A) Reasonable (B) Unusual
iCj Conservative (o) Customary 59 who was the caretakel Prime Minister ot
46. Kissinq of the "Halr-e-Aswad" is called iirisun oetore General Election 2018?
{A} Mabroor (8) Shaut (A) Or Hassan Askari
(B) Nasir ul Mulk
iC) tstetam (D) None oI these
iCi Sardar Raza Ahmad
47. VVho was the Prophet which first laid the (D) Mar noon Hussam
foundation of Masiid-e-Aqsa?
(A) Hazrat lbrahim (A.S) 60 A soaD faclorv makes 600 unils in 9 days !'Yith
iBl Hazrat Daood (A.S) zo mjcrrines. How many units can be
;J" , 1, days with the' help of 18
ici Hazrat Younas (A S) machines?
iol Hazrat S(rleman (A.S) (A) 680 (s\ 720
48. ln the Firsl Revelation the Holy Verse of (c) 760 (D) 810
Surah were cited:
(A) Al-Baqrah (B) Al-Fatiha 6'r Chanqe the Voice of the following senlence
"Have-vou lauohed at them?
ic) Yaseen (D) Al-Alaq ?
fAi wirv rravdYou laughed at th€myou?
49 The larqest planet in Solar System iei faie ttlev'been laughed at by
(A) Ju;iter' (B) Earth ici vou navd ueen laughed at bY them
ici Ptuto (o) Venus iDi Ttrey have been laughed at by you
50. "Zurich" is a city of which country? 62 Choose the correct option: The students who
(A) Belqium (B) Angola had the flu had a(n) ..... reason tor miss-rng
iCi rraice (D) Switzerland sJiooi. rney nbrmatty have perfect
thal day was
5'1 Fill in the blank: 'He lumped off the train while .tf"nOance, and lherr absence
it ." a(n)
..... anomaly
(AT Moves (B) Had moved A) Unwarranted
iCi was moving (D) Moved B) Legitimate .. .. aberratton
C) Uniustiliable .... travesty
-- What waswho
52. the name of Hazrat Umar's (RA) D) lnconsolable ..... fluke
dauqhter became the fourth wife of the
Holi Prophet (PBUH)? 63. What is the synonym ot the word
(A) Hazrat Hatsa (R A) "Desiccated"?
(B) Separated
(B) Hazrat Zainab (R A) (A) Divided
220 aaced PPSC MCQ5 Model Papers
(C) Dned (D) Crushed 75 Which valley is located al the end of Kurram
64. The deficiency of one of the following is the pass?
cause of goilre. (A) Peshawar Valley (B) Quetia Valley
(A) Caloum (B) Potassium (C) Bannu Valley (D) Kohat Valley
(Ct lron (DJ lodrne 76. Sunlight is composed of:
65. Solve the equation (1l4 + 518)- \112 + 3l4J = ? {A) Three colors (B) Five colors
(A) 35/32 (B) 10/7 {C) Seven colors (D) Ten colors
(C) 5t12 (D) 7/'10 77. Nanre rhe capital of Umayyad dynasty?
66 The Prn's lndia Actl (A) Carro (B) Damascus
(A) Deprived the Governor-General as we (c) Kufa (Dl Baghdad
as Governors of the flght to vote rn the 78 Qurbani during Haj is per{ormed at:
Councrl (A) Arafat (B) Mrna
(B) Gave the Governorcenerat the right to (C) Kofa (D) Safa
vote-but gave no correspondtng flght to
the Governors 79. Napoleon Bonapane was defeated in "Battle
of Waterloo'on 18th June 1815 oy
(C) Gave casting vote to the Governor- (A) Frederick
General but not to the Governors
(D) Gave casting vote to the Governor- (B) Duke of York
General as well as Governors
(C) Duke of Wellrngton
(D) None of these
67 Present Foreign Minister of Pakistan is:
(A) Fawad Chaudhry 80 ln MS Word 2007. to extend a selection to the
(B) Mehmood ur Rasheed end of a documenl. press.
(C) Shah M'ehmood Oureshi (A) CTRL + SHIFT + END
(D) Asad Umer (B) ALT + SHIFT + ENO
68. Name the Minister of Education of punjab: (D) SHIFT + END
(A) Or. Murad Raas
(B) Khawaja Salman Rafiq 81. Whal is the name of the father of Hazrat
(C) Raja Ashfaq SaMar Ayesha (R.A)?
(O) Khizar Hayat Gondat (A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
(B) Hazrat Umar (R.A)
69 lf a History Class has 12 boys & .18
girts then (C) Hazrat Talha (R.A)
boys are what fraction of the class? (O) Hazrat Abu Hurarra (R.A)
(A) 3/5 (B) 2t3
82. World s longest (57 km) and deepest railway
(c) 3/4 (O) 2t5
tunnel is ooened rn
70. The first United Natjrcns subsidiary agency (A) china uSA
Pakrstan,oined soon after independence was: (C) Switzerland (O) ltaly
(4) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
(B) lnlernational Labour Organrzation (lLO) 83. The name of which sahabi appears in the
(C) Universat Postat Union (UpU1 Surah Al-Ahzab?
(D) None of these (A) Hazrat Ali (R.A)-(B)
(B) Hazrat Ubaidah Bin Haris (R.A)
71 . ln MS Word, you can break the cotumn: (C) Hazrat Zaid Bin Haas (R.A)
(A) Pressrng the Ctrl + enter (O) None of these
(B) Pressing Ctrl + shrft + enter
(C) Break command from view menu 84. Find the correct indirect sentence: He said.
'Let us wait for the award."
(O) Both A and B
(A) He asked them to wait for the award
72. Which of the following is not part of the GZ? (B) He suggested that they should wait for
(A) Canada (B) France the award
(C) United Kingdom (D) Spain (C) He told them to wait for the award
73. What does AIDS siand for in medical (D) He proposed that they shoutd wait for the
terminology? award
(4) Acqurred immune Oericiency Syndrome 85. 'To face the music" means.
(B) Auto lmmune Deficiency Sympioms (A) To be greeted rudely
(9) Acquired lmmune Destruction Syndrome (B) To be offered warm
(O) Auto lmmune Deficiency Systefli (C) To be on the front seat in concert
74. Which of the foltowing deals with diseases (D) To bear the consequence
related to blood? 86. Cabinet Mission delegation consisted of
({) lephrotogy (B) Haematotogy members.
(C) Endonnology (D) Pathology -- (A) 4 (B) 2
(U) J (n) 5
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 221
87. Filament of an electflc bulb rs made ol ..:_l- .--
(A) Tungsten (B) Graphite ii .; t. C ..t ! .:-e.,i:, .V5
(C) Platinum (D) Steel t ''
88. When was the Partiton Bengal cancelled?
_r,;(B) +, (A)
(A) 1905 (BI 1906 (D) *'(c\
(c) 1911. (D) 1919 =lri
89. Two trains 14O m and 160 m long run at the I e-!'''v(-i'' 1" o3l g' s6
speed of 60 km/hr and 40 kn/hi respeclively
in opposite drrection on parallel tracks. The g;J;i, ral ,;,.:, (A\
time (in seconds) which they take to tross
each other is.
(A) I s (B) 9.6 s -:.i;-' ,!- (Dr + -';-';'.1 !C)
(C) 10 s lD) 10.8 s
Jt i.-=.:r{nrTV\ -1.j"-,i:f "
-;>';-''-; 97
is called the 'Cockpit
90. Which country of
Europe ?
(A) South-Hall (B) Bangalore
l i
(C)Belgium (D) Belgaum lB\ ;';,;l' -ur:
.?'J:;' 1X1

t i i!'; -' "!';,,;"-',i g'r iqt' (D) ,.r 'iJ-',' (c)

ta p @') ,?CtEt lA) |1i . ,: -' "-j,,-.;" ge

\:-P.t i (Ol ,{ ,!t / ti (C\ .1./'iEr, (B) .Jt,-i -9 6)

rtxL'i:'1.--.-i ? 1.;:t j a-:rr 92 w]: Jti (D) -.' f
.u (C)
1885 (B)
1900 (D)
1867 (A)
1892 (C)
zt! .. .'., _-. .
".y w- vv/ t+:._..-i1..-r,.! 99
:iic.-OItt.,1i4 "(e s'.r"" u, "t'/-.., rtc'uir" .93 .-;'-? 141 ) i:t lAt

. '?it{}"Lt'L)' -.'. \ot )i",;. p1

!:g,1 Bt g':;r 61 !;..r z-;-"1. : ,i i,:u iu".tOO
j t4,?t j , @l ,P
'/-' 1ct j )i',.i,
.,,,-22., Ot
--' :;it;;.6t,tt-1,:.' .94 : 'i " (B\
J0 -?ta. .., (.8) ;1.,ic.: 6) ; :. ,. -..'J.,':'-';">"
.: *:-t :i. lC)
.-i .-i -';
w-: i'tv-; l.O) _. j (c)
-i. ): c-u7.2' iO1
A nswer Key
1. b 14 a 27 b a0 c b 66. b 79 c 92 a
2. b '15 a 28. c c
b 41 54 67. 80 a b
3. b 16 b 29. c a 55 a 68 a 81 a 94 c
4. d 17 b 30. b 43 a 56 d 69 d a2 c 95
a 18 c 31. b 4A c 57 b 70. a a3 c 96. b
o. a 19 b 32. c 45. b c 71. b 84 97 a
7. c 20 b 33 c 46. c 59 b 72. d 85 d 98. d
8. d 2',| b 34. c 47 a 60 b a 86 c 99. b
9. c 22 d c 48 d 61 b 74. b 87 a 100 c
10 d 23 a 36. b 49 a 62 b 75. d 88 c
11 a 24 a 37. b 50 d 63 c c 89 d
12 b d 38. a 51 c 64 d b 90
13 c 26 a 39. d 52 a 65 d 78. b 91 d
?22 Attanced PPSC ,rCQs tlod€,t PaDers


lN ADDITIONAL DIRECTORATE (Held on 20-10'2018)
' (C) Weakness (D) None of these
i -:.. . r-eedc,- . ghte. who became if "Catastrophe'
14. Synonym
- Ah:'Ea ts''r Bella (A) Oisasler (B) Happiness
:'a'-.1 3^Abdllah (C) Grievances iD) None of these
rCl r-. rirEJ 3rn Knataao 15. There are fourteen stars on Malaysian flag
'l--l) \l re cf these which represent?
2 ' e rirst Presrdent ol Ctoalia? (A) National lntegrity
- .. ':? Garabar (B) Cbco Austin (B) Botha&b
. AnoreJ Plenkovic (D) Franio Tudman (C) 13 states and Federal Government
(D) None of these
.. ''as made the most number of runs in cflckel for Pakistan? 16. Who is the player who had played cricket both
(A, Younas Khan (B) Javed Miandad for lndia and Pakistan?
(C) lnzmam ul Haq (D) M Yousaf (A) Agib Javed ' (B) Javaid Miandad
(C) Abdul Kardar (D) None of these
4 ln which Plateau RiveI Soan and Haro flow?
(A) lranian Plaleau 17 Sunlioht rn the sourae of
(B) Potohar Plateau (A) frtamrn A (B) Vrtamin B
(C) Baluchistan Plateau ic) vltamin C (D) v'tamin o
(O) None ot lhese 18. Which country is not included in BRICS?
5- When did Pakistan Joined UNO? (A) lndia (B) Belgium
(A) Auoust'1947 (B) SePtember 1947 (C) China (D) Russia
iC) Oaluer tg+z (D) December 1947 19. OPI stands for
6. Antonym of 'Felicity' (A) Dot p€r lndex (B) Dot Per lcon
(A) Sbdness (B) lntense happiness (C) Bolh b & d (D) Dot Per rnch
(C) Happiness (D) None of these 20. Which country banned English language at
7. Synonym of infringe' is: primary level to conlrol western cullure?
(A) lndonesia (B) Malaysia
(A) Breach (B) Crash
(C) lran (D) TurkeY
(C) lnvade (O) Obtrude
-Credulous" is.
8. Antonvm ol 21. Correct Spell rs
(A) Bureacracy (B) Buracrecy
(A) (B) Gulfibie
(C) Bureaucracy (D) None of these
tC) (D) SusPicious
9t The train went .-_ the tunnel 22 Whrch one rs not an rmage ed(or?
(A) On (B) ln (Aj Power Pornt !8, Photoshop
(C) Through (D) At (C) Coral Draw lDr Adobe llluslralor
10 A prece of cake means .23. What rs the mean lo protect work sheets?
(A) Drtfrcult to do (B) Easy to do (A) Lock the whole sheet
(C) lmpossible to do (D) None ofthese (B) Lock the cells
(C) Lock the columns and Rows
11. Forlune favors the (D) None of these
(A) Brave (B) Rich
(C) Weak (D) Srrong 24. ln which Province Khyber pass locates?
12. Which is the largest man made waterfall
(A) Puntab (B) Srndh
located at - (C) Baluchislan (D) KPK
(A) Nrgeria (B) Venice 25. Pasni Harbour is located at
(C) Guiyang (D) None oI these (A) Puniab (B) Sindh
(C) Baluchistan (D) KPK
13. "Tooth decay" due to lhe cause of
(A) Fluoride (B) Calcium 26. ln which Province Takht e Baht is located?
Advanced PPSC lroQs Model PaDers 223

(A) Punjab (B) Sindh 41. Complete ihe series 1, 3, 7. 15. 31 63'
(C) KPK (o) None of these '(N1r4- (B\ 127
27. The second man who set fool in moon is? (c) 126 (o) 129
(A) Armstrong (B) Alan Bean
iC) Buzz Aldrin (D) None ofthese 42. Which country is not included in the horn of
28. How man Chambers in a human hearl? (A) Somalia (B) Eritrea
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) Ethrop'a (D) Senegal
(c) 4 (D) 5
43. Takht Bhar rs located at
29. Gaddani Beach is famous Ior. (A) Punlab (B) Stndh
(A) SulPher icj BalJchrstan (D) KP
(B) ShiP Breaking lndustry
(C) Both a and b 44. From which country USA purchased Alaska?
(D) None of these (A) UK (B) Russia
(C) Turkey (D) lran
30. Find the 30% of 180 is:
{A} 54 (B) 64 45. Decibel is the unit of
iCi z+ (D) None of these (A) lntensity of heat
(B) lntensity of light
31. Which is the first country that implement (C) lntensity of sound
GST? (D) None oI these
(A) ltaly (B) France
(C) lraq (D) lran 46. 'Studv of Birds' is called:
(A) oncology (B) Ornithology
32. Bambhore is located at: (c) ecorgi (D) None of these
(A) Sindh (B) Punjab
47. Lenoth of Pak China border is:
icj Batuct'istan (O) None of these
km (B) 599 km
33. Which one is the largest Peninsula of the (C) 399 km (O) 699 km
(A) Persran Gult (B) Arabian 48. ln which conslitution lslam declared state
iC) Musanaam (D) None of thes€ relioion?
{A)-1956 (B) 1962
34. Which citY is called that birth place ol lslam? ic) 1973 (D) None of these
(A) uteorira (B) Baghdad
(C) Makkah (D) lraq 49. Mutfqa Alea is known as:
(A) Bukhari
35. Price of 2 pens and 3 Pncils is E6, the price-
(B) Muslim
of 4 pens and 1 pencil is 112. Find the price of (C) Bukharr and Muslim
a pen (D) None of these
(A) 25 (B) 18
(c) i2 (D) 1s 50. Which extension as used in powerpornt?
. lA) wav (B) Rif
36. At the birth of has son. Ali's age is 32 and after ic) goth a a o (o) None ot these
how many years its age become 5 times of his
son's age? 5'1 . Pakistan won first Hockey Gold medal at?
(A) 6 yeaB (B) 8 Years (A) Chrna (B) Australia
(C) 10 years (D) 12Years iCj nome (D) None of lhese
37. lf length 3 cubrc lnch. width is 3 cubic inch 52 - to
Rvder Cuo belonos
herohi 3 cubtc inch than tell the volume? tAt snooker 6i-Ed-
(A)-27 cubic lnches (B) 28 cubrc inches ici Tenn,s (D) None of these
iC) 30 cubrc rnches (D) None of these 53. What was the name o, the first baby who born
38. A, B and C average is 45' B and C average is after Hiirit?
40 then tind B = ? (A) Zaid bin Sabit
(A) 41 (B) 31 (B) Abu Hurarah
(C) 51 (D) None of these (C) Abdullah brn Sabit
(D) Abdullah Bin Zubarr
39- Find the value of x. 3x - -6=0
(A) 41 (B) 31 4,4. Jihad became obligatory on
iC) St (D) None of these (A) 1 Hii,a (B) 2 Hrlra
(C) g xlira (D) 4 Hrira
40. Complele the series 2, 20, 42, 68,
55. What was the name of the Sword of Hazrat
(A) 91 (B) 81 Muahmmad (PBUH)?
(c) e8 (D) None of these {A) Azb (B) Zufflqar
(C) gotheae (D) Qaswa
224 ced PPSC MCOS PaDers
56. What is the name of Surah which starts 7'1. Delhi Pact was signed between:
withont Bismillah? (A) Nehru and Yahya
(A) Al Noor (B) Al Maida (B) Nehru and Junejo
(C) Al Name (D) Al Tauba (C) Nehru and Liaqat Ali Khan
57. The Act which is base of current Acts of lndia (D) None of these
and Pakistan? 72. Which one is the largest continent of the
(A) lndian Council Act '1835 world?
(B) ldnian CcuncilAct 1774 (A) Asia (B) Europe
(C) lndian Council Act 1773 (C) Africa (D) Australia
(D) Govl of lndia Act'1935
73 Who rs the returning officer of president
58. Who was the first President of Congress? election?
(A) AO Hume (A) Secretary of Electron Commrssron
(B) Wo..nesh (B) Chief fetectron Commissroner
(C) Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee lC) Oy General of Electron Commissron
(O) None ot these (D) None of above
59. Kill two with one stone 74 CPU stands ror
(A) Doves (B) Brrds (A) Central Processing Unity
(C) Snakes {D) ants (B) Central Processing Unrt
60 Where is the head quarter of FAO located? (C) Center Processing Unit
(A) Rome (B) Turkey (D) Center Programming Un
(C) tlew York (0) ceneva 75. Which country first of all gave right of vote to
61 ln word 2007 start of document in Print. woman?
preview short key is? (A) New Zealand (B) Finland
(A) CTRL + P (B) SHIFT + P (C) Switzerland (D) Thailand
(C) ALT + P (O) None of these 76. Which country rs not the member of ASEAN?
oz Dots in image is called (A) lndoncsia {B) Malaysia
(A) Prxels (B) Dot per inch (C) Vietnam (D) Repubhc of Korea
(C) Both A and B (D) None of these 77. Which movemenl launched Firsl
63 How was the author of Hamayun Nama? (A) Swadeshi Movement
(A) Noor Jahan (B) Khilafat Movement
(B) Razra Sultana (C) National Movement
(C) Zaibunuissa (D) Nationalist Movement
(D) Gulbadan Begum 78 When did Rashrd Minhas got Nishan e
64 ln the battle of Panrpat Babur defeated to Harder,
(A) Behlal Lodhr (B) Aurangzeb (A) 1982 (B) 1971
(C) Rana Sanga (D) lbrahrm Lodhr (c) 1978 (D) 1969

65 Whar Organ produces bile? 79. Russia invasion of Afghanistan inl

(A) Gall Bladder 1B) Kidneys (A) 1967 (B) 1979
(C) Liver (D) None of these (c) 1971 (D) 1974
66 What was the profession ot Falima Jinnah 80. Sukamo belongs to
(A) Enginecr (B; lleuro Surgeon (A) Australia (B) Malaysra
(C) Oentist (D) Lawyer (C) lndonesia (D) None ofthese
67 Hazrat Abbas was died on: 81. 1024 kilo byle is equal to
(A) 3 Nabvi (B) 10 Nabvr (A) 1 Tera Byte (B) 1 Giga Byte
(C) 7 Nabvi (D) 8 Nabvi (C) 1 Mega Byte (D) Both a and b
68 Which one is unpardonable sin? 82. When did Oscar Award lntroduced?
(A) Theft (B) To tell a ,re (A) 14 May. 1925 (B) 16 May. 1926
(C) Both a and b (D) Shirk (C) 16 May. 1929 (D) 16 May, 1924
69 When did Pakistan Joined Baghdad pact? 83. The largest walerfall is situated in
(A) ln 1953 (B) ln 1955 (A) Nigeria (B) Venice
(c) in 1965 (O) rn'1963 (C) Venezuela (D) None of these
70 The tinal plan of Partition ol Subcontinent is 84 Who appointed chiefjustice?
called? (A) President
(A) Wavell Plan (B) 3rd June Plan (B) Prime Minister
(C) Mission PIan (D) None of these (C) National Assembly
(D) Senate
Advaoced PPSC t CQs Itodel Pa,(.,s 225
85. Which actor played the role of Ouaid e Azam (l)) _-1 _.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the feature film i:j -:e( :' f" t( '
Jinnah directed by Jamil Dehlavi?
(4) Muslim Wadia (B) Ben Krngstey 'l<-! <-:,j /,, r: ::J.r: ,t1
(C) Peter Crushing (D) Christopher Lee -7ea
86. Famous Urdu poet Mustafa Zaidr was by r,rE (U)
professron a
(A) UniversityProfessor
(B) Businessrnan
(C) Lawyer ,)S
(O) Civil Servant
87. 'Thyrord Gland' rs located in of
human body:
(A) Stomach (B) Thorax
(C) Leg (O) Neck
1':-='z'.;';;r, 91'
88. Glaucoma is caused by rncrease in pressure -'
within. ( \)
(A) Eye (B) Heart '-'v::-j.:
(C) Lungs (D) Kidneys ;,-i{+ :1i'.-'i-bn',r}t
89. Find thc tEir of words fr6m.ttre options:
Condemnation Disapproval i.igJ9. -. ((
(A) lgnorance: Patience -(- '

(B) Optrmrsm: lnsight

(C) Blasphemy: lrreverence ' -! ;: :-;!- ?j ot
(D) Sonow. lntention ! c-.>-
2 n; i
-- -avli, ,:
. s.
90. Name the current lnspeclor General. Prisons
of Punjab i t-e'a' J.?.o'. ;! -' r, n,
(A) Capt Sarfraz Mufii
(B) Mian Farooq Nazeer ; { j.,.-.i,;-";:, -'., r111
(C) Kokab Nadeem Waraich
(D) Mirza Saleem Baig ;i;;c', ' '?'-'.2i ,r',
. e?(;'f.!;i7.,, ,u 1i. - - i,t\,

Jr;z'3'so'{'i *i_ _- _.1_,r,rrrri, us

iv*1t'''€-2--" -{)'->.i ,tt. .:-ri..-; r \)

J'',j i. \D 'ttf t-. t()
jv;;l-tt5' 1,, J,4tcw ,o,
- t.r r--t-r'.
o.v:. ..< .-! Ev':'r:, lv: ,..
,,( j{--,.t,,1x ,r, t!,!,L,/grtL tct v -.i: v_:U. 9(,

ti )t.i(t(a, .oz
.-),).t(;r--, ,tu,-,r--" ,;,
t-.:.1: r}t ,,..j:9 (,\
ti.;.!;:,i;! <et r

y.f3.rr11j;1gr ..i.'.;-- -- ; ,:,, . :.:1., ,(

': vr

y/3.hrr..g,j,,61 r,-ei__ _;_;-:... r,r,,

. u-.-, e.-;iut?) <ot ;i?:-'i ,lt i

ri Jb,gftqJo .s3 .! ji--a- { ty i .,'; j, ,,. ,

t,i<_? G) t/j,r <tt

226 Aclvanced PPSC McQs Model Paoers

An swe f Key
1. a 14. a c 40. c 53. d 66. 79 b 92. d
2.d 15. c 28. 41. b 54. b 67. b 80 c 93. a
3.a c 29. b 42. d 55. c 68. d 81 c 94. a
d 30. a 43. d 56. d 69. b 82 c 96. c
5.b 18 b 31. b 44. b 57. d 70. b OJ c 96b.c
6.a '19. d 32. a 45 c 58 c 71 84 a 97.
7. e 20. c b 46 b 59 b a 85 d 98. b
Ld 21 c 34 c 47 a 60 a 73 b 86 d 99. b
100. b
22. a a 48
a 74 b
b z3 b Jb b
'11. a 24 d 37 a 50 c 63 d 76 d 89 c
12. c 25 c 38 b 51 c 64 d 77
b 91
- a 26 c 39 a 52 b 65 c

1. The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) L Name the Prime Minister of Turkey who
conference was held on 23-24 May,20'16 in resigned early in May 20'16.
lA) Cairo EovDt (B) New York. USA Binali Yildrim
B Ahmet Davutoglu
ic) tstanuu[ Turrey iD) Paris, France Racep Tayyip Erdogan
2. Which punishment was introduced by Hazrat D AMullah Gul
Umar (R.A)?
(Al Exile (B) Death 9. lf 30 per cenl of a number is 12.6, find the
iC) lmprisonment (D) Cutting of hands number?
(A) 45 (B) 38
3. Bhagat Singh was hanged by the British in (c) 40 Pl 42
(A) Gujranwala
(B) Faisalabad (LYallPU0 10. ll
10 cats catch 10 rats in 10 second. How
(C) Lahore many cats are required to catch 100 rats in
(D) Delhi 100 second?
(A) 100 (B) 10
4. Secretary General ol the United Nations Mr'
Ban Ki Moon, belongs to which counlry'?
icl zo (D) so
'11. Which night's 'lbadat" during the month of
(A) Democratic People's Repubhc of Korea
(B) Repubfic of Korea Ramadanl rs considered bettar than 'lbadat"
(C) Vietnam of thousand months
(D) Singapore (A) Lailat-ul-Oadar (B) Shab-e-Baraat
iC) Strao-e-M,ral (D) None of these
5. What is the national game of Pakistan?
12 The disease Drphtheria affects which parl of
(A) Hockey (Br Cnckel
(C) Kabaddt (D) Squash human body'
(A) Lungs (B) lntestrnes
6. What rs the name of the current Federal Tax (C) Throat (D) Jornts
Ombudsman of Pakistan?
A) Salman Faraqui 13. Which Pakistanr personality has served as the
B) Tariq Bajwa President of the UN General Assembly?
C) Shoaib Suddle (A) A.S (Patras) Bokharr
D) AHur Rauf Chaudhry (Bi Sir Zafarullah Khan
(C) Agha Shahi
7 A Baromeler is a device used to measure (D) Dr. Maleeha Lodhi
(A) Humidity
(B) Atmospheric Pressure 14. Who is the author of the Book "Kashmar-A
(C) Room TemPrature Disputed Legacy"?
(D) Sah in sea waler (A) Alistait Lamb
(B) Josef Korbel
(C) Lawrence Ziring
(O) Dr. Akbar S. Ahmad
' South (orea is officially called the Republic of Korea.
15. Prince Oara Shikoh was son of which Mughal
\ '! .,: -'ar North (orea is officially called the Oemocratic Emperor?
Pe@le's Republic of Xorea
Adtt'//rced PP:SC nCQs Lo&l Paoers 2n
(A) Akbar (B) Jahangir 29. Who was the author of the book "Daughter ot
(C) Aurangzeb (D) Shahjahan the East"?
(A) Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
16. Which of the following is used for disinfection (B) Begum Shaista lkramullah
of water? (C) Ayesha Jalal
(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (D) Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto
(C) Fluonne (D) Chlorine
30. Who was the captain of Pakistan's Cricket
17. What is the Antonym of eg!gi!Y? team which won the T-20 championship in
(A) Presence (B) Poverty
(C) Abundance (D) Scarcity (A Muhammad Hafeez
18. There are 8 mango trees in a straight line. (B Misbah-ul-Haq
Distance between each tree is 3 melers. What (c Shahid Afridi
is the distance between the first tree and the . (D Younus Khan
eiohth tree? 31. which Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan
tit zt \B) 27 Army also concunently served as Oefence
(c) 30 (oi 2'l Minister rn the Cabrnet?
'19 Before giving up singrng Junaid Jamshed was (A) Gen. Frank Maservy
parl of which music group? (B) Gen. Ayub Khan
LA) Strings (B) Vital Srgns (C) Gen Yahya Khan
(C, Janoon (O) Fuzon (D) Gen. Jahangir Karamat
20 What is the Antonym of Ooaoue? 32. Name the largest mammal rn the world?
(A) Misty (B) ShinY (A) Elephant (B) Giratte
(C) Covered (D) Transparent (C) Octopus (D) Blue Whale
2'1. When a gas is tumed into a liquid the process 33 ln which province is the town Dalbandin
is known as: located?
(A) Sublimation (B) Condensation (A) Puniab
(C) Evaporation (O) Oeposition (B) Sindh
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
22 Hiira (Migration) trom Makkah to Madina (O) Balochistan
startd rn which Nabvi year?
(A) 12rh (B) 13th 34. Complete the Proverb "A friend in need is a
(c) 14th (D) 15th friend
(A) Notenemy (B) of others
23. The All lndia Muslim League Resolution of (C) lndeed (O) of course
"Divide and Quit' in 1943 was in respons€ to
(A) "Quit lndia" movement of the Congress 35. ln which district is the archaeological site
(B) Nehru Report Harappa located?
(C) Arya Samaj (A) Sukker (B) Sahiwal
(D) Moplah Revott (C) Thatta (O) Chakwal
24. Simplify the equation 5 + 2 x 6 + 3(2) =? 36. The 1857 War of lndependence started from:
(A) 9 (B) 12 (A) Agra (B) Lucknow
(c) 7 (o) 5 (C) Meerut (D) Delhi
25. Where is the Mughal Emperor Zaheer-ud-Din 37. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy' won an Oscar
Babar buried? Award for the second time for her
(A) Kabur (B) Delhi documenlary moYie titled
(C) A,mer Sharif (D) Ferghana (A) Saving Face
26 'Qissa Sohni Mahiwal" was written by? (B) Road to Forgiveness
(A) Waris Shah (C) ln the Line ol Duty
(B) Mian Muhammad Baksh (D) A Girl in the River
(C) Fazal Shah 38. Complete the ldiom "Every cloud has a silver
(D) Shah Hussain
27. When was the first Constituent Assembly IAI mo- (B) Rarn
dassolved by Governor General Ghulam
(A) 19sl (B) 1952 ' she has won two Academy Awards for the
(c) 1953 (D) 1954 documentaries Soving Foce l2072l ond A Ghl in the
28. Complete the number series 4, 9,13.22,35? River: lhe Price of Fotgiveness (2015), that made her
(A) 57 (B) 7f the First Pakistani Directorto win two Academy Awards
(c) 63 (D) ' and one of only eleven femate ditectors to win the
award for a non-fiction film.
228 A PPSC MCOs Paoers
(C) Lining (D) Shadow (A) 1960 (B) 1962
39. ln which year did Pakrstan win its first Olympic (c) 1965 (D) 1967
Hockey Gold Medal? 52 When drd lndia carry out rts frrst Nuclear Test?
(A) 1957 (B) 1960 (A) 1970 \B) 1974
(c) 1964 (O) 1968 (c) 1988 (O) 1998
40. Solvethe.equatron9 - 3 + 113+ 1 = ? 53 Pakrstan protested agarnst construction of
(A) 1 (B) 3 Baglihar Dam because?
(c) I (D) 6 (A) lt was in violation of the UN Charler
41. Complete the Proverb 'Birds of feather (B) lt was violation of Simla Agreement
(C) lt was vrolatron of LOC
(D) lt was violation o, lndus Water Trealy
(C) Flock
(B) Sn
(O) Swm 54 What rs the Synonym of Glsly?
42. The highest Military Award for bravery is (A) Earthly (Bi Ornate
Nishan-e-Haider, which is the seiond (C) Greenery lO) Horrible
highesl? 55. Among the followrng. whrch is the oldest
(A) Hilal-e-Jurat English language newspaper of Pakistan?
(B) Sitara€-Jurat (A) Dawn lB) The News
(C) Tamgha-e-Jurat (C) The Nation (O) Daily Times
(D) Tamgha-e-Basalat 56 ln a row a student rs standrng '13th from the
43. Complete the Proverb "Fonuhe Iavours the nght and 8th from the left How many students
are there in total?
(AIFiaF- (B) poor (A) 18 (B) 19
(C) lnnocent (D) Bold (c) 20 (o) 21
44 ln which battle a tooth (or part of it accordi ng 57 What was the form6r name of Sahiwal?
to some sources) of the Holy Prophet (PBU H) (A) Forl Munro (B) Campbellpur
was broken? (C) Montgomery (D) Lawrencepur
(A) Uhad (B) Khandaq 58. What is the Antonym of Hauohtv?
tcr Badr (D) Hunarn (A) Humble (B) Heavy
45. Complele the number series '11 13. 17. 19. (C) Scared (O) Cowardly
23.29. 31.37 . 4',t?
59 )'ho desrgned the National Flag of Pakrstan?
(A) 43 (B) 47 (A) Chaudhry Rehmal Alr
(c) 51 (D) s3 (B) Liaqat Ali Khan
46 Who has recently been selected as the Coach (C) Hafeez Jallandhri
for Pakrstan Cncket Team? (D) Ammer-ud-Oin Kidwai
(A) Mickey Arthur (B) Geotf Lawson 60. Which of the following rs nol a natural fiber?
(C) Bob Woolmer (D) Dave Whatmore
r47 lA) Srlk (B) Jute
The second (OlC) lslamic Summit Conference (C) Cotton (D) Rayon
was held in Lahore rn
(A) 1972 (B) 1974 6'1. Recently Panama Papers have been in the
(c) 197s news. Please name the frrm trom whose
(D) 1976 database millions of files were leaked to the
48. Hazrat lmam Hussain's (R.A) title was media?
(A) Shabbir (B) Shabbar (A) Mossack Fonseca
(C) Saifullah (D) None of these (B) Goldman Sachs
49. Whal was the name ol Haztat Umar's (R.A) (C) Leblanc and Wilhams
daughter who became the fourth wife of the
(D) None of these
Holy Prophet (PBUH)? 62 What is the Synonym of Pragmalic?
(A) Hazral Hafsa (R.A) (A) Honest .(B) Practrcal
(B) Hazrat Zainab (R.A)
(C) Hazrat Safiya (R.A) . (C) Uncertain (D) Anogant
(D) Hazrat Maimoona (R.A) 63. After the death of Mullah Akhlar Muhammad
Mansour who has. been chosen as lheir
50. After the succession of East Pakistan to Leader by the Taliban?
Bangladesh. General Yahya Khan CMLA (A) Mullah Fazluliah
resigned on (B) Maulvi Haibatullah Akhunzada
(A) 17 Dec1971 (B) 18 Dec. 1971 (c) Sirajuddin Haqqani
(C) 19Dec 1971 (D) 20Dec 1971 (D) Zabihullah Mujahid
5'l. ln which year did Mohtarma Fatrma Jinnah 04. Who is the cunent Chaarman of lhe Pakistan
contest the Presidential eleclton? Crrcket Board?
Adyence.l PPSC ,,COs nodal Paop,rs 229
({) $az Butt (B) ShaharyarKhan (C) Maj Shabb,r Shaflf
(C I Naiam Sethr rD) Ramrz Rala (D) Pilot Officer Rashed Mrnhas
65 Which of the following rs the second solrrce of 75 The Urdu-Hrndi controversy rs said to be the
lslamrc laws? forerunner of the Two Natron Theory Whe"
(A) Qiyas (B) Hadith did this controversy begrn?
(C) Hrstory (D) l,ma (A) 1857 {B) 1860
66. According to the 1973 Constitution Governor (c) 1862 (D) 1867
of a Province rs appornled by 76. Who is the current Spokesman of the Minrstry
(A) Presldent of Forergn Affarrs?
(B) Prime Miorster (A) Oazr Khalilullah (B) Tasneem Aslarn
(C) Provrncial Assembly (C) Abdul Basit (D) Nafees Zakariya
(D) Chiel Minister
77 ln terms ol area, whrch is the largest distrrct of
67. lf two angles of a triangle are 60 degree each Punlab?
the what is the value of the third angle'? (A) Bahawalpur
(4) 15 degrees (B) 50 degrees (B) Oera Ghazr Khan
(C) 60 degrees (D) 65 degrees (C) Rahrmyar Khan
68. The uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (D) Lahore
Hazrat Hamza (R.A) embraced lslam in 78 When did Ouard-e-Azm resron from the
(A) 4th Nabvi (B) 5th Nabvr Congress?
(c) 6th Nabvi (D) 7th Nabvi (A) 1913 (B) 1916
69 Following devastating ffoods. Pakistan. on 24 (c) 1920 (D) 1922
May. 2016, dispatched relief goods and a 79 What is the retiremenl age of a Judge of
mobile hospital to which country in South Supreme Court rn Pakistan,
Asia? (A) 60 years (B) 65 years
(A) Maldives (B) Sri Lanka (C) 67 years rD) 70 years
(C) Bangladesh (O) Nepal
80. Complete the Sentence "l was surprised by
70. Pakrstan has recently appled to become a lhe large _ people who came'
member of the NSG What does NSG stand (A) Qdannty of (B) Numberof
for? (C) Amount of (D) Total of
(A) Nuclear Suppliers Group
81 Removal of top sorl by wrnd or water rs ca ed?
(B) Nuclear Support Group
(A) Erosion
(C) Nuclear Strategic Group {B) Silting
(D) (C) Water rogging lD r Creeirng
Non-Nuclear Suppliers Group
71. Who has written the famous national song 82. Who was the first Muslim Commander-in-
"Sohni Dharti Allah Rakhe"? Chref of Pakrstan Air Force?
(A Sufi Tabbasum
(A) Air Marshall Asghar Khan
(B Jamil-ud-Dln Aali
(B) Arr Marshall Noor Khan
(c Masroor Anwar (C) Air MarshallAbdul Rahrm Khan
(D Ahmad Faraz
(D) Air MarshallZafar Chaudhry
72. What is the common name for Sodium
83 Which Artrcle in the 1973 constitutron deals
with Jammu and Kashmrr?
(A) Salt (B) Bakrng Soda
(A) 230 tB) 240
(C) Chalk ioi vinegat lc) 245 (O\ 257
73 .84. The concept of Carbon Credits originated from
Whal the Antonym of Vrrlue?
which of the followrno?
(A) Vanable (B) Fraud (A) Earth Summit, R-ro de Janerro
(C) Crime (D) Vice (B) Kyoto Prolocol
74. Who was the first person to be awarded the (C) Montreal Protocol
Nishan-e-Haider? (D) Conference of Parties (COP) 19
(A) Maj. Raja Aziz Bhatti 85. What is the Svnonvm of Fruoat,
(B) Capt. Raia Muhammad Sarwar (A) Expensiv-e (B) E-xptore
(C) Economical (D) Frank
' Sum ol three angles oftriangle is 180 degrees 86 'Wana' is the main town of whach Agency in
A+B+C=180degrees FATA?
A= 60 degrees, g= 60 degrees
(A) Malakand (B) Balaur
(Cl Orakzar (D) South Wazrflstan
120+C= 180 87. Who succeeded Presrdent Zia-ul-Haq as the
President of Pakrstan?
C =180 - 120 = 60 degrees
230 Adrrnctd PPSC f,tcos ltode, Pap€rs
Rafiq Tarar
Ghulam lshaq Khan 5; tol s,r/r (c)
(C) Farooq Leghari
(D) Fazal Elahi Chaudhry I t G,J !i; rJ*v g{+;Egt .s5
88. What
is the Synonym of
(B) Prominent
,r;i:i 1e1
t,rgsii 7r lAl
(C) lmpure (D) Royal
tot e99 (c)
89. Richter Scale is used to measure the intensity '{tal
(A) Heat (B) Cyclone r a- 1 7 r{--,1 q 7,/ r !'{ " f}E" 96
(C) Tomado (D) Earthquake
ubjti6!L (A)
90. Manola Dam is constructed on river.
(A) indus (B) Chenab
(C) Jhelum (D) Kabul
e6ztg(At Gt
r2ntagcf;f7ii 7 .et
B;rrAi.rir.. (D)
..1, (B) / tol - .t..i .;
tt)Jit*F; i ]U-
,.ii tol +irt <cl
1961 (8) 1s60 (A)

1962 (C)
7{ af v 7 ur t',48
1963 (D)
e c- tt E Lv,V *" .gz
tsrrt--ct&LJ raJi .,,rJ .ea
JEt)/ (Bl ,Jv,f:ut (tl
:E'=V($i4'Vx @t
Y,n,.ie5:{pt fcl tJ.F7'<ol jifttt (c\
79r$'6tf eV 1o1 riELiL/{,,t61, .ss
3 (B) 2 (A)
7i r',i /',/'r f{J6r -tt .s3 6 (o) 4 (C)

t{, Fl tnt (Al t

7gC,,{./ )',-t +L l,} :.f ,i f ;'.too; ,

rl, 1o) $ti 1c's .ed r ol Jvt)/ ( ')

r'-'--L/f tE \'r/'!6 t c's4 )/,?t lDl fa2tf. lCl

elk (B) '/',At
Answer Key
1. c 14. a 27. d 40. a 53. d 66. a 79 b 92
2.c 15. d 28. a 41. c y. d 67. c 80 b 93 a
3.c f6. d 29. d 42. a 55. a 68. b 81 a 94. b
4.b 17- c 30. d 43. d 56. c 69. b az. a 95. a
5.a 18. d 31. b 44. a 57. c 70. a d 96. a
6.d 't9. b 32. d 45. a 5E. a 71. b u. b 97 c
7. b 20. d 33. d 46. a 59. d 72. a 85. c 98. a
8. b 21. b 34. c 47. b 60. d 73. d 86 d 99. c
9.d 22. b 35. b 48. a 61. a 74. b 87. b 100 c
10. b 23. a 36. c 49a62.b 75. d 88 a
11. a 24. c 37. d 50. d 63. b 76. d 89 d
12. c 25. e 38. c 51 c64.b 77. a 90 c
13. b 26. c 39. b 52b65.b 78. c 91 d
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PaDerc 231

1 The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan 12. ln1947 . the ruler of Princely State of Jammu
is known as? & Kashmir was.
(A) Khyber Pass (A) Gulab Singh (B) Zorawar Srngh
(B) Shahrah-e-Resham (C) Ranbrr Singh (D) Harr Singh
(C) Ourand Line 13. Radcliffe was by profession:
(D) Bolan Pass (A) a doctor (B) an engineer
2. ln which year NWFP was named Khyber (C) a lawyer (D) a dentist
Pakhtunkhwa? 14. "Jinnah of Pakistan ,a famous Book was
(A) 2008 (B) 2009 wntten by:
(c) 2010 (D) 2011 (A) lshtiaq Hussain Qureshi
3. The Muhammadan Educational Conference (B) Stanley A. Wolpert
was founded in: (C) K. B. Sayeed
(A) 1884 (B) 1886 (D) K K. Aziz
(c) 1890 (D) 1891 15. Day of Deliverance' was observed on
4. The pamphlet "Now or Never" was written by: (A) 23rd March 1940
(A) Mama lqbal (B) 14th August'1947
(B) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali (C) 1sth August 1940
(C) Ouaid-e-Azarn (D) Sir SYed (O, 22nd December '1939
5. The nationat flower of Pakistan ls: 16. Sir Sikandar Hayat became Chief Minister of
(A) Tulip (B) Rose the Puniab in:
(C) Jasmine (D) Sunflower (A) 19i7 (B) 1929
(c) 1946 (D) 1935
6. Boundary Line between China and lndia is
called: 17. Financial year ol Pakistan closes on?
(A) Red Ltne (B) McMahon Line (A) Decemb€r 3'1 (B) March 3'l
iC) Package Line (D) None of these iCj .tune gO . (D) September 30

7. Duflng British rule in lndia. in 1905, Bengal '18. The normal temperature' ol the human body
was Partitioned bY? is:
(A) Lord Minto (A) 98.4 F (B) 96.4 F
(B) Lord Simla (c) 93.4 F (D) 1oo F
ic) neoctitte (D) Lord curzon 19. World Populatron Day is celebrated on:
8. lndia's Partition plan was announced on? (A) 11th July (B) 11th June
(A) June 3, 1947 (B) JulY 3 1947 (C) (C) l lth May (D) None of these
iuiy 18, 1947 (D) August 14, '1947 20. What is the common name for sodium
9. Which lndian Muslim leader was buried in. chloride?
(A) Acid (B) Qalmi shora
Jerusalem ?
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar ici Gandhak (D) Salt
(B) Nawab Vilqarul Mulk
(c) Sir Sawed Ahmad Khan 21 . ln which European City are the Headquarters
of the Red Cross?
(D) Maulvi Fazlul Haq (a) New York (B) Brussels
'lO. Who was the last Governor General of ii) ttague (D) Geneva
Pakistan? 22 What rs the boiling point of water?
(A) Ouaid-l-Azam (A) 130"C (B) 80'C.
igi ottutam Muhammad (c) 100'c (D) 120'C
(C) lskandarMirza (D) Ayub Khan
23. Which continent is called a Dark Continent?
11 . The Pakistan Resolution was translated in (A) Africa (B) Europe
Urdu by: (C) Asia (D) America
(A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(B) Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan 24. What ls the Richter Scale used to measure?
(C) Sir Zafrullah Khan (A) Flood (B) Volcano
(D) Maulvi A.K. FazlulHaq
Correct figure is 98.6 F
sc Mc
{C) Earlhquake (D) Tsunamr _ 37. Secretary General UNO Ban-kr Moon belongs
25. Krndergarten" refers to? to
(A) South Korea (B) North Korea
(A) a Nursery School
(8) a smarll garden (C) Japan (D, China
(C) a children playground 38 Currently there are member
(D) a children ward in Hosprtal states of the United Natrons
26. Ho\,v many chambers are in the human heart?
(A) (B) 193 (C) 196
(A) 2 (B) 4 39 Currently _ countries hold the
(c) 6 (D) 5 status of Observer States in the Unrted
27. WhEh counlry has the largest Muslim Nations
population rn the world? 2
\A) (B) 3
(A) lran (B) lndia 4
(c) (D) 5
(C) lndonesia (D) SandiAEbia 40 There are members of SAARC
28. What is the term used to denote the (A) 5 a
unauthorized and illegal accessing of (c) 6 (D) 8
computer programs, often with criminal lntent? 41. Secretary General SAARC Ahmed Nadeem
(A) Virus (B) Plagiarism --(et
(C) Hacking (D) Elackberry
belongs to
Pakistan (B) India
29. Which body cf people is sometimes referred (C) Maldives (D) Bhutan
to as "the Fourth Estate"? 42. Whrch lrom the following countries does not
(A) Judicrary. (B) Executive possess Veto- power in the UNO ?
(C) The Press (D) Senate (A) United'States (B) Canada
30 ln ,/vhrch European City are the Headquarters {C) United Kingdom (D) France
Of NATO? 43. Al-Jazeera TV channel belongs to _
(A) New York (B) Brussets (A) Qatar (B) Kuwail
(C) Hague (D) Geneva (C) Egypt (D) Bahrarn
31 What does ISO stand for?
(A, lnternatronal Sociehes Orqanrzation 44. The lran-Paftistan gas pipeiine was officially
(B) lnteractional Organizahorifor inaugurated on
Standardization (A) March 11.2013 (B) March 13.2013
(C) lnternational Systems Operator (C) March 15.2013 (D) March'17, 2013
{D) lnternational Scientists Organization 45. The lran-Pakistan gas pipeline is also called
32. The next winter Olympic Games are (A) Friendship prpeline (B) future pipeline
scheduled to take place in 20'14 at: (C) peace pipeline (D) unrty pipeline
(A) Sochi 46 Barack Obama re-elected as the President of
(B) Vancouver the U.S belongs to which party?
(C) Torino (A) Republic Party (B) Democratic party
(D) Salt Lake Cit. Utah (C) Conservative Party (D) Labour Party
33. "Gooqle" is: 47 Which out of the following has the stdus of an
(A) A famous sports brand. observer state of lhe United Natlons.
(B) A transport agency. (A) South Sudan (B) Kosovo
(C) An lnternet search engine (C) East Timor (D) Holy See
(D) A European Trade Union.
48. Who won the 100th Davis cup by defeating
34. Ban-ki Moon ls the: Sparn?
(A) Presrdent Security Council (A) ltaly (B) Germany
(B) Pflme Minrster of Japan (C) Brazil iD) Czech Repubtic
(C) Secretary General U.N.O.
(Dr U. N. Drsaster Management 49. ln Which place The 21st ASEAN Summit was
Representative held?
(A) Brrla Auditorium. Jaipur. lndia
35. For how many years did Nelson Mandela (B) Peace Palace, Phnom Penh Cambodta
remain ln Prison? (C) Bangladesh
(A) 27 yea.S (B) 37 years (D) Cuba. Havana
(C) 17 years (D) 10 years 50. Pakistan has become non-fermanent member
36. How many countries are presefltly members ol Security Council
of the Non-Aligned Movement? (A) 7 times (B) 4 times
(A) 100 (B) 120 (C) 3 times (D) 5 times
\cl 125 (D) 150
Adnrcrd &0r lodd Pror*s
PPSC 233
51. Pakisten and lndia have ,eprcsented Asia- (A) increasca (8) dacreases
2 ---
(A) 6i-4
(C) remaiB the sam.(O) ftrctuetes
(c) 3 (D) s 61. Water-loggim is mainly caused by water
f|e hrgest riyer ot Belucfiistan
' (B) Zhob (A)€ (B) p€rcotation
Kohlu (D) Hingol
(C) saa-noe (O) uEag€
62. Pid( lhc cofltct word:
53. When the Stock tt a*et is going dos,n, n is (A) AccePt (8) .ccapt
called: (C) ass€pt (D) .rc8t
(A ) Bearish (B) Bullish
(c ) Crashing (D) Slumberous 63. Hundrcds of pcopla die x,tlen epidemics
54. Karachi ls among .the trop populous iA)-Erask out (B) break in
dtiB of the World (C) bIeak opcn (O) bfeak upon
(A) 5 ' (B) 20 fi. tl€nl':
(c) 10 (o) rl0 Mark 0|€ synonym of
(A) bfry (B) load
55. Warsak Dam has been built on Rir/er (C) ability (D) 3tyte
(A) Kabut (B) chibd 65. Chocc the cofieci lanlonce:
(C) Suat (D) trduE (fl tho b $a loul lurvivEr of rhc fagEdy
(8) Shc E thc lob rurvivor of gc tragedlr.
56. E ttle largost l3tand d pd(ist n (C) Shc is thc tso rrvivor of trc ragedi
noar Kara.rri- (D) Sh. E tr. ner anfvivor of thc 69edy
(A) Kcrneri (B) t(dlcrrt
66. Choora Ole conGd aar snoc:
(C) Marlor! (D) I{m.dlho6€ (A) She F Und lo m.
57. PakEtan lharss itr bordcrs with (B) Sh€ is kiiid br rn
n Ehbo'xirB cotmfiea (C) Shc E kirxt o(l .nG
3 (B) .r
(O) Sh€ b ldnd uith me
67. Wridr on€ is tha antonym omlthy:
58. Biman b thc airlinc ot: (A) naEty (B) ofbnsivc
(A) Sri Lar*a (B) Banghd.lh (C) d.en (Oi .ofien
(C) Nepat (D) ,W of th.!€
59. _ is the n€€rrat pLrEt.lo Eadh:
(A) Venu3 (B) Mrrs Southern Hemisphere, the overall aveEge temperature
(C) JufrEr (D) Non of thGe of the Southem Hemisphcre doesn't increase as much
as the Nonhern H€misphere does during its summe.,
60. Dslanc6 bet*ocn the Ea;lh and Sun durirB
wintca': for this same reason.
So the 'tl;d/ verion ir: there is a lot more land in the
Northern Hemisph€r€ than the Southem Hemisphere;
' The Earth i5 hottest wllGn it i! furth$t fiom the Sun thls land heats up muci ,ester than water and water
on its orbit, not when it is closest. Ouring the perlod cools down much dower than land. So even though
when the Eanh i5 funhest from the sun (aphelion), the th€re is less int€nsity of sunlkht during the summer in
avefilge temperature ol the entire danet l5 about 4.f the Northlm Hcmisphcre, the Earth,s averdge
(2.3'C) hither than shen it is clos€st to the 5un tempcratue ir higlpr at this time whcn i(s furthest
(perihellon). On, the intensity of sunlight frorn the sun,
falling on Earth durin! aphelion is about 7X less than The arc not c.used by the distance the Earth is
during p€rihelion. Despite this, the Earth ends up being from'€asoos
the sun, but 6th€r are caused completely by the
warmer during thc period in which it is furthest atvay fact that the Earth is tihed on its alir 23.5.. This is why
faom the 5un. when ifs summer in th€ Northe.n Hehitphere, it,s
During lhe winter montht for the Northe.n winter in the Southan ll€misphere, and vice-verse.
Hemisphere, the overall temperature of the Southem Without this tilt, there wguU be no *asons and the
Hemirphere, where it is summ?r, doesn't change as weather from day to day aaro6r thc globe would be
much as the other way around. This is becaure a much .elativet uniform. ln this casr, there would only be a
larger portion of the Southem ]l€misghere, co,npa.ed very slight variation in temperature as the Eanh got
to the Northem Hemisphere, is made up of water and closer or further away from the Sun, but for th€ most
water has a significantly grrater heat clpacity than pan, eveMhang weather-wire would stay the same
land. On a similar vein then, during tha rummer for the year round.
68. What is the ooc wotd subslitution br a person
who is unabb to pay his deH:
,,*iii,,,:-dt. a't
(A) Poor. (B) Vagabond. j ,- (Bl ,Yt ,- (A)
(C) Solvenl- (D) lnsolvent. .7 ,
-' .1 .

Pick the con€ct v6rb:

69. His sibnce _ lo refirs.l.
191 .i 6.7,r \Cl
(A) Tantamounts (B) is tantamount
(C) ls tantamounting (O) tantamounted '' :-t', it{ -''i t- : r f ;'' 5 !, az
70. Pick lhe w'fig Yrod: u-,it)i-i @l "'
;.i,ri,, @) 1

(A) Transpyre (B) Ttensbr

(C) Tramuil (D) Tranquility u-'jui{t( Pt u-'it).i:-,t tcl
71. Whi* is lh€ con€d sentetrce:
(A) Sh. we3 dGssad with black ,: 1yi ;l,,ge { L.-i'"r:i 7, u.- * .rt
(B) Sh€ was dessed in. black
(C) She was fiess€d tor bhd(
(D) Sh€ ras dress€d ol black. ,li (B) ;-ii @t

-j l,- (D)
72. Fill in th€ Elank con€cdy: -:r! (c)
Ha runs lhan hF brothr.
(A, FasriT- (8) fasrGt
(C) f.c (D) first ': + ;' !,r >j -'i' ), ;- ; .8t
73, What b th. rGarest conrcf mesning ot the o2,;,, F ii,, 61
word Delible':
(A) A wriung Uiat can be e'ttaced
(B) a wilirE that cannot b. re3d
Jl,;,, rol J:'.7.,'lct
(C) a witing thal is ind€libb
(D) a writing lhat cannot be re.written ': ; t r i* t>'.2,jr,2.,; i ;: *1 o'i,i 95
74. What ls the n€arest conect tne€nirB lhe 21 (B) 1 (A)
25 (D)
word ' incxplic.ble ':
29 (c)
(A) that wtt$ c€n b6 c)Plained \:LF*}ut'3\fr,r-/
(B) lhat which cannot be etPlained .86
(C) thal *ridr is explicable
(D) that whkn is elabofat8 oF', @\ ,/r 61
Choose th€ most suitable word lo match the given
meaning: ,/- tol s;)i 1c't
75, ZEALOT: (t''
(A) beginner
(C) fanatic
(B) patron
(O) murdorcr
ttttr,;6i qL(.t25{t16{5:,,r'E - / at

76. l, t = 32, what is f ? tL{ airl,,'*L-"

(A't 22 (B ) 2q
(c) 4s D ) 35 4J r Lt t -it,L i i et ).o (Al
77. 1@ + 4n=
(A) 176 (8) 126 es,Z./t)r,a,,* f >,.frtf i,l LJ,, Fl
(ct 2% (D) 146 .:t,LJ't):olLiV Gl
78. lf x 4 = l, lhen
- l what is the value ol r - 6?
(A) 3 (B) 5 :s'Li,t:ref.'LGl {ol
(c) e (D) 7
79. What is hatt way between 103 and 30'l? t,a ar -- { $ l,u L ),tt:-t:,sr i .r,
(A) 199 (B) 200
(c) 201 (D) 202 tt rq ,a-) $l
80. A box of chocolale bars costs Rs. 32
(indusive o, 10% sales tax), and there are 16 t)W, l}'t Jri (c)
bars in one box. What is the pri:e (excluding
10% sal6 tax) for one chocolate bar? :e\l LJL4|' o\/tlJ-(4.oi) ag
(A) Rs.z (B) Rs.1.8
(C) Rs.1.50 (O) Rs.1.25
i 61
Advanced PPSC MCQS Moclel Papers 235

.-,,.i .
--';9--.1-i ,U, _t .._ 95
jt,,--.)'.:-i (C) .:'J rB)
-'.' .ji'r 'A,
,t:;"j.:'1o1 ]t., ij,.1 (Dl r-.r- (c)

t: ru;"i,*-/,vL't' .go l,la-c

.-, :-
e'a;v.;..:';'j:' 96
'F'4oP 1920 (B) 1900 rA)
,iro? @l tlll 1937 (D) 1927 (C)
iio? tot (,tef Gl ,;,;6 )2. j' ;, ;j:. jL: *-r s7
( - _.'...! !t, ,i
.: ) i .g1 ,'/-,1.9 \8) ,;" -.-) \A)
Jt.. ij j/ Gl iP \Al
i1t;)tt p) e&;e-- 1c;
dalj.i 1s1 ()l ,,tit \cl _e- Z'J-
e v ._r 98
9 .t(-r., L- * :." 92
i,a,; 2 Bt 1/'-: tAt
,tJet \B) iv(-;:' 61 21 jr' pl
-',,.LrJ 1Cr
,)*u: @1 ,:-i;'i. Gl ,::iji_/:":..;,2',99
t:-y'dj;,(-) s3
..i py a:t,?' 61
J (B) ,j'r (A) .? 1; (Ot -.Jt',i \Ct
)'i lol ,i to tct t ''! a,;' ' ')" 1^^
.' 2 t. t t.-
--:.; 11 in,i - /' -li!,,:
-, .94 .'jL':i,P P1 rt, (A)

+ L itEi --------------r t 4 t2i (D) l;ai-, t lC)

f\;;E:L;t 1rr\ tJS ol

'af p\ i.,{ ot
Answer Key
1. c 14 b 27. 40 d 53 a 66. a 79. d c
2. d 28. c 41 c a 67. c 80. b 93. a
3_ b 16 a 29. c 42 b 55 a 66. d E1. 94. c
4. b 17 c 30. b 43 a 56 d 69. b 82. b 95 a
5. c 18 a 31. b 44. a 57 b 70. a 83. b 96. c
6. b 19 a 32. a 45. c 58 b 71. b 84. a 97. b
7. d 20 d 33. c 46. b 59 a 72. a 85. 98. c
8. a 2'l d 3,{. c 47. d 60 e 73. a 86. a 99. d
9. a 22 c 35. a 48. d 6'l b 74. b b 100 b
10 c a 36. b 49. b 62 a 75. c 88. a
11 a 24 c 37. a 50. a 63 a 76. b 89. c
12 d 25 a 38. b 51- b 64 c 77. a 90 a
13 c 26 b 39. a 52. d 65 b 78. d 91. a
236 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model paoers

1. Which country has been declared as a "major was executed for being an apostate by his
non-llATO alty" of the United States of own brother Aurganzeb, was a disciple of:
America? (A) Shah Abdul Latif Bhital
(A) Turkey (B) Pakistan (B) Hazrat Mian Mar
(C) Shah Wallullah Muhaddith Dehivl
. (C) lndia (O) ltaly
{D) Guru Har Rai
2. The headquarters of SAARC rs located in:
(A) Karachi (B) Colombo 14. lmmediately before the formalion of "One
(C) Dhaka (D) Kathmandu Unit" in West Pakistan, Bahawalpur enioyed
the status of a:
3 Pakistan recognised People's Republic of (A) Province (B) Divislon
China inl
(A) 1951 (B) 1949
(c) Tehsil (D) Disrrict
(c) 1950 (O) 1948 15. Mtiltan is also afiectionately knosm as:
(A) "City of Dust"
4. The "Strait of Malacca- connect. (B) "City of Sohan Halwa"
(A) Atlantic Ocean with Pacifrc Ocean (C) "City of Mosques"
(B) Back sea with Medlerranean Sea (D) "City ot Saints"
(C) Persian Gulf with Arabian Sea
(D) lndian Ocean with Pacifrc Ocean 16. The last ruler o, Bahawalpur State was:
(A) Shahuddin Abbasi
5 "Margalla Hills'are a part of which mountarn (B) Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan V Abbasi
range? (C) Sardar Mahmud Khan
(A) Karakoram (B) Hindu Kush (D) Nawab Sir Sadh Muhammad Khan
(C) Hrmalaya (D) Western Ghats Abbasi lV
6. Sher Shah Suri built the Rohtas Fort at the 17. The ltrst Pakistani Prime Minister to visit
banks of river: China lvas:
(A) Sutluj (B) Jhetum (A) Navvabzada Lraqat Ali Khan
(C) Kahan (D) Soan (B) Khwaja Nazimuddin
7. "Tilla Jogian'is: (C) Chaudhry Muhammad Ali
(A) lq a peak in the Sutalman Range (D) Hossain Shahe€d SuhaMardy
(B) Finds mention in the epic tove -poem Heer 18. Whidr Bank gave a Rs. 60 million toan to the
Ranjha of Waris Shah Got/€mrnent of Pakistm on th€ requesl of
(C) ls the place where Buddha is said to have Quaad+Azam when the Reserve Bank of
sp€nt 40 days in quiet seclusion lndia failed to deliver Pakistan's share?
(D) All of rhes€ (A) Nalional Bank of Pakistan
8. Ooaba Rachna is located b€tween the River (8) Habib Bank Limited
Chenab and River: (C) United Bank Limited
(A) Ravi (B) Jhetum (D) Muslim Comm€rcial Bank
(C) lndus (O) Beas 19. All private banks wBre nationalized by the
9. The name of delta formed by the lndus River Govemm€nl of Pakistan in:
ts: (A) 1947 (B) 1965
(A) Sapta Sindhu (B) Paninad (Q) 1971 (D) 1974
(C) Sunderban Detta (D) Branmaputra 20. The foundation stone of the Sikhism's holiest
10. The pass tvhich connects Pakistan with China place 'Golden Temde" at Amritsar was taid
is kriown as: by: .

({) Pass (BI Khunjrab pass

[hojak (A) Guru Nanak Dev.ii
(C) Shandur Pass (O) Petw;sKotat pass (B) Khawaia chareeb Nawaz
1 1 Which Dam ts constructed on River Jhelum?
(C) Acharya Rak€shprasad Parde
(A) Warsak (O) Hazrat Mian Mir
(B) Mangla
(C) Rawar ioi simri 21. MAJUA'UL BAIIARAIN or the Mingting of Two
12. Kallar Kahar Lake is localed in Mich districl? Oceans waa authorcd by;
(A) Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar
(A) Jhelum (B) Mianwati (B) lrujaddid Alt+-Sani
(C) Chakwal (O) Bhakkar (C) Muhammad Dara Shikuh
13. Moghul Prince Muhammad Oara Shikuh who (O) Sheh Wallulhh
Advenced PP,SC ,lCQs Modet Paoers 231
22. Shaykh Ahmad Farooqi as also known by the (C) Both English and Urdu
tile of: (D) Puniabi
(A) Mujaddid Att-e-sani
(B) lmam-e-Rubbani 33. The tune of the national anthem of Pakistan
(C) Shaykh Sirhindi was composed by:
(D) All of these (A) Khawaja Khurshid Anwar
(B) Naushad Ali
23. The doctrine ot "Wahdat ash-shuhod" was (C) Sohail Rana
propounded by Shaykh Sirhindi to counter (0) Ahmad G. Ghagla
"wahdat al-wujod'(unity of berng) which had
been advanced by: 34. Hazae Divrsion of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
(A) Muiaddid Alf-e Sani Province comprises five districts includrng
(B) Muhiyuddinibn Arabi Abbottabad Battagram. Khoistan. Mansehra
(c) Al Hassan lbn Al Haltham and:
(o) KhawaiaNizam al-Mulk al-Tusi (A) Madam (B) Mrngora
lC) Haripur ,D) Khanpur
24. Rohtas Fort was built on the orders of Sher
Shah Suri by: 35. The p-redominant language spoken in Hazara
regton ts:
(A) Raja Todar Mat (B) Batram Khan (A) H'ndko (B) Hazari
(C) AbulFazl (O) Raia Birbat
(C) Kohistani (D) Pashto
25. The famous Babar-nama (or Tuzk-e-Babari)
authored by Emperor Babar was written in 36. 28th May is celebrated each vear as Yaum-e-
which language? Takbeer' because of which lncident?
(A) Persian (B) Turkish (A) Kargil conflict between lndia and Pakrstan
(C) Chagatai (D) Oari commended
(B) Nuclear tests were conducted by
26. All lndia Muslim Students Federation was Pakistan
formed rn '1937 by: (C) Ojhri Camp rncident took place at
(A) Sardar Abdul RabNishter Rawalprndi
(B) Raja Sahib of Mehmudabad (D) Uprising erupted in Kashmir against
(C) Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan lndian occupation
(D) NawabBahaduryarJang
37. McMahon's Line is the border between;
27. Bengal was divided in '1905 during the tenure (A) lran and Uzbek,stan
of: (B) Pakistan and China
(A) Lord Cuzon (B) Hardings (C) Pakistan and Alghanistan
(C) Rrpon (Di Lord wivell (D) lndia and China
28. Sylhel Drstrict at the trme of partitron was part 38. The world's longest river is:
of the province of: (A) Nile (B) Amazon
(A) B€ngal (B) Assam . (C) Yanglze (D) Missisippi
(C) Bihar (D) United Provinces
39. The capital of Xiniiang Uygur Autonomous
29. The tirst Commander-in-Chiet of pakistan Region ol China is:
Army was: (A) Kashgar (B) Aksi
(A) General Sir Frank Messervy (C) Urumqi (D) Hotan
(B) Rare Admiral Jafford James Witfred
(C) General Muhammad Avub Khan 40. Mullah Do Piaza was.
(D) General Muhammad Musa Khan (A) a mythical character from the epic
30. The first Chief Minister of Punjab after (B) one of the nine gems from the court of
creation of Pakistan was: Emperor Akbar
(A) Sir Sikandar Haiat Khan (C) a leader of a relEious movemenl in East
(B) Nawab lftikhar Hussain Mandot Bengal
(C) Mian Mumtaz Khan Dauttana (D) the archrtect who firsi rntroduced ptazza
(D) Nawab Sir Khizar Hayat Tiwana , spaces in front ol burldings
31. The Natronal Language of Pakrstan is 41. The epic 'Taltsm-e-Hoshruba was originally
(A) Enghsh composed byl
(B) Urdu (A) lbn-e-lnsha
(C) Both English and Urdu (B) Mumtaz Muftl
(D) Punjabr (C) Muhammad Husain Jah
32. The offrcial language of Pakrstan rs:
(O) Musharraf Ali Farooqi
(A) English 42. 'southern Cross" which is ; consteltation
(B) Urdu found in the southern region of the night sky
238 Advanced PPSC MCO9 Model Paoors
consists of (C) Citric Acrd (O) Lysozyme
lA) Seven Stars (B) Four Stars g. Gun Powder is:
(C) Five Stars (D) None ofthese (A) Element (B) Compound
43. The capital of New Zealand is: (C) Mixture (D) Amalgam
(A) Dunedin (B) Christchurch 55. The planet nearest to the Sun is:
{C) Auckland (D) Wellington (A) Venus (B) Earlh
44 The first Pakistani to hoist the Pakislani flag at (C) Mars (D) Mercury
the North and Soulh Pole is: 56. The main consiituent of Sur Gas rs:
(A) Nazir Sabir (B) Salma Salim (A) Methane (B) Sulphur
(C) Namira Salim (D) Ashraf Aman (C) Silver (D) none of these
45 The flrst climber from Pakistan to have 57. Brass is an alloy of copper and:
summrted Mt. Everesl on May 17, 2000 was: (A) lron (B) Street
(A) Nazrr Sabir (B) Salma Salim (C) Zinc (O) Silver
(C) Namira Salim (D) Ashraf Aman
46 58. The most famous genetic disease lhat is
Oanlas Arrtnes is lhe airlines of. associated with Queen Victoria and carculated
(A) llaly (8) United Kingdom among European royalty was.
(C) Australia (D) lreland (A) Colour Blindn€ss (B) Haemophilia
47. The world's top most tea imporling country rs: (C) Austrian lip (D) Down's Syndrome
/A) China (B) United Kingdom 59 Hepatitis C rs a leadrng cause ot
rC, Pakrstan (O) Russia (A) Chronic liver disease
48. Value added tax (VAT): (B) HIV
(A) is a drrecl tax (c) ArDs
(B) will result in distribution of income from (D) Diabetes
nch to the poor
(C) will result in taxing the nch more 60. Whooping cough is caused by:
(D) will apply on rich and poor equally
(A) Fungus (B) Virus
(C) Bacteria (D) Protozoa
49. According to the Constitution of Pakistan, 61 Fear of enclosed spaces is known as.
ievyrng of sales tax on services is: (A)Hydrophobia (B)Claustrophobia
(A) the responsibality of the Federation (C) Kleptophobia (D) Hellophobia
(B) the responsibility of FBR
(C) the responsibility ot provinces 62. The normal pH of blood is:
(D) joint responsibility of the Federalion and (A),7 (B) .7
the Provinces (cl 0 (D) 7
50. Which tax is not collected by the Punjab Choose the most suitable word to match the given
Excise & Taxation Deparlment? meaning:
(A) Property Tax 63. To introduce ideas:
(B) Luxury Vehicle tax on luxury motor (A) instill (B) inspire
vehicles (C) invigorate (D) ,mpress
(C) Excise Fee on Retail Sale ofLiquor
(D) Agriculture lncome tax 64. Less than:
(A) lnlra (B) lntra
5'l ln the Punjab Govemment's budget tor 2009- (C) lnter (O) lntro
10. out of the total expected income of Rs
423.5 billion. ln the Revenue Account. the 65. To disfigure:
contribution from Federal Divisible Pool was (A) Efface (B) Deface
about (C) Face (D) Beautify
tA\ 776/a lB\ 82% 66 To hesitate:
1Cr 65% (D) 51% (A) Murmur (B) Oemure
52 The bureaucratic hierarchy of the Excase & (C) Agree (D) Demur
Taxation Department. Punjab is headed by: 67 A terrible. sudden accident;
(A) Director General Excise & Taxation, (A) Holocaust (B) Disaster
PunJab (C) Epidemic (D) Jolt
iB) Secretary Excrse & Taxation. Punlab
(Cr Senror Member. Board of Revenue. Choose the correct meanrng of the rdroms.
Punjab 68. Hide one s light under a bushel
{D) Excrse & Taxation Officer (A) To save electricity
53 Another name for Vitamin C is: (B) To conceal one s talents
(A) Ascorbic Acid (B) Acetic Acid (C) To avoid limelight
Alrr,rro.d PPISC ICts todd 239
(D) To use light in moderation 80. A man mak6 a late payment of his prop€rty
tar of Rs. 30.000. He is late by 45 days and
69. Hobson's choice: on each day he is required to PaY an
(A) Giving no choice at all addilional amount of 1% as penalty bul up to a
(B) To make the best choice mermum Denatty of l5%. tf the principal
(q) To make the worst choice
amount of pfoperty tax is less than Rs.
(O) To settle for a compromise
25.000. What is the total amount of penalty he
70. What is sauce lor the goosc is sauce for th€ b rcquircd lo pay?
gander (A) /r,500 (B) 3..600
(A) Everyone regsrdless ot differences {c) 43.to0 (D} 13.500
deserves equal trealment
(B) Goose and gander should both be fed l-ioi:',!-.'ct;r 'a'l
with sauce
(C) Like trealment for like things lPr) '
(B\ ilit:t l(l
(D) Rich and poor should be treated equally
71. To lionize a person: e,r'_- (D) f; (C)
(A) Acquisition of lion-like characteristics by a
(B) To worship someone
1 vci.-i. i t vLtfr-l s2

(C) To treat a person as a celebrity

(O) A process for trarntng circus lions
-:.2.'i (B) '':-"' (A)

72. To gather orange blossoms: -.|;t,y (D) tlu.\!;r,t (C)

(A) To get oranges (B) To get a bride
(C) to get a groom (O) To have children ::-4,/y'isi s et
73. Keep one's own counsel: o' ;r; 1By t ,*, 6l
(A) To retarn one s orvn layer
(B) To rely on own advice
(C) To preserve a discreet silence 61.d j{ o ,n,tu2 (cl
(O) To obtain the services of a lawyer
belonging to one s own family r-rl.l6tcj."ii .u
74. Fair-weather ftiends:
(A) Persons who remain friends at all times J,A?. Gt iislq tAt
(B) Persons who cease to be friends s'lren
one is in trouble
:bvt? (ol ,.ft pl
(C) Persons who forge friendships when tair t. -;i,(.1"sriul'
weather conditions exist .85
(D) Persons who maintain friendships even in
difficult times re,l
=fd,o,,i (o\ *.i4 @'t

75. Leading questions:

(A) Main question
:y''U nirP 1cl
(B) Question requiring a precise answer ta,n/i-"t.t'-.t,i{/!,i' .a
(C) Question suggesling an answer .
(O) Question which is the mosl difficult to
answer u,,loy{.{jz6ts'9 6'l
76. (-8r
(A) 2s6 (B) -32
ui,{;V.Lit Pt
(c) .2s5 (D) 32 i-..ja:.r'(;,5 191
77. .lt x= 4. y = 2. then (x + y)? =
(A) 28 (B) 36 { {,tt:: (D)
(c) 32 (D) 12
78. 100/100000
I lrt/r'1-i;.j ,.i!i"' .87
(A) .002 (8) .001
i;7t.:-q;, 6t
(c) .01 (D) .02 '.:;f
79. Sohail sold his old car for Rs. 45.000. He had t;'4ii,,i @t
earlier bought it for Rs. 80.000. What is has
percentage loss? a'Lvt.';J? / t' (c)
tA) 44.5o (8) 39.370
(c) 48.4% (O\ 13.7o/o
240 ldlurc.d"Fsc ICO. Xod., p.oG
vi.J!r, hLl l}l ]v !,,t :i t ! Lv,-Jg ;t' lt -,r
ii j t .u
r+*r t;tgtg*{igi' ee r-i'{'1,'-$r,,g Ot -ri,;J, (a) jp."h 6l
t/6ra?$,t ,e>6h @l -r?'i- 1g1
C! e,z{ (C\ t ivl l,,l- a,a.* L-i,, ;{ { e,i ) .s5 a1
t./)V e-6,7t1g.a, yg tvLti,r (Bl
1s't /t,r 61
t d$u,rlrtr,\i /,, {{\f ,tJyci I .es i{;,, 1o,1 -};,r 1cy
llt E)
134 (D)
121 (^l
r44 (Ci t?Vtt;(42:_,1{jLvt %

+V({,./ r J t !/.,Jt = r,,

e C t
.w \!@./ (Sl _. :, (A)

6'/)i? Gt ,J+iiP Ol r/ (Dl -r,i (c)

*t+b @) ,54ir7,8 p1 !?\i.:;fii;; rl i--iri) st
r-,so{,{,F{jt;), .gt ;/32 (Bt ;/12 l )
,) @t gl,.'r (A) ; /22 (o\ ; /42 tcl
o{j{.-etr;' <ol gl? (c) r6c--4{;t-!ysii ss
7at$v y;nt -f t4,z" ;,t,tL,tu.. .gz . u4 (B) /., (A)

d's rf nr '..4
(o) 4 (cl
,/v ror ,.F pl ti f a,li,/pueen sabap.J .se

ec-ct (/a{(Jl s3 tt*eP @l &le/ (Al

(:ie? l1l :itte/ (Al Ftr.'oP pl Vep Gl
L;oP tot ?,top Gr
1. b 11. a 27. a 40. b [", a 66. b 79 d 92. c
2. d 15. d 28. b 41. d 34. c 67. b 80. c 93. b
3. c 16. b 29. e 42. c 55 d 68. b 81 a 94. d
4. d 17. d 30. b 43d 56. a 69. e 82. a 95. c
5. c '18. b 31. b 44. c 57 c 70. a 83. b 96. d
6. c 19. d 32. a 45. a 5E, b 7'l . c u. a 97 b
7. b 20. d 33. d 46. c 59. a 72. b 65 d 98. d
8. e 21. c v. c 47. d bu. b 73. c 86. a 99.
L a 22. d 35. a 48_ d 61. b 71. b 87. a
10 b 23. b 36. b 49. a 62. b 75. c 88. a
11 b 24. a 37. d 50. d 63. a 76. a 89. b
12 25. c 38. a 51. c 64. b 77. b 90. a
13 b 26. b 39. c 52. a 65. b 78_ 91. b
Advanced PPSC lrcQs ilodel Paoers 211



l. Wh€n Bengel was partitioned? (C) Henry Truman (D) None ofabove
(A) 1905 (B) 1907 14. Ban-ki-Moon betongs to
(c) 1910 (o) 1911 (A) Chrna (B) Taiwan
2. Who presented poor man budoet (C) South Korea (O) North Korea
(A) Raja Ahmed 15. When National anthem played
(B) Liaquat Ali on
(C) Ch Muhammad Ali
(A) 1953 (8) 1954
(D) None of above
(c) 1955 (D) 1956
16. Where is lnternationat Court ofJustice
3. When U.N.O. was formed ({) Rome (B) Washingron
(A) 1943 (B) 1944 York
(C) New 1D) The Halue
(c) 1945 (D) 1946
17. When WTO founded
4. Who was th€ edilot of Zamindar? (A) 1985 (B) 2002
(A) AliJohar (B) Zafar Ati Khan (C) 2006 (D) None of above
(C) Masood (D) lqbat
18. How many slates are in USA?
5. Who many members are in the E.U 51
(A) (B) 49
(A) 23 (B) 26 52
(C) (D) None
(c) 2E (ot zg
19. When Allahabad Address was delivered?
6. Name the President of Cuba? (A) 1930 (B) 1931
(A) Federat Castro (c) 1932 (o) 1933
(B) Rahul Castro
(C) Joseph Richmond 20. Eanh rotates the sun in:
(O) None of above (A ) 23 hours 56 min 4 sec.
(D ) 24 hours
7. Name of the President of lndia? (c ) 23 hours 57 min 9 sec.
(A) Abu al-Katam (D ) None of above
(B) Ram Nath covind
(C) Manmohan Sinoh 21. What man exhales
(D) Pemab Mukherji (A) Orygen
(B) Carbon dioxide
8. Nam. the last Vicoroy of lndia? (C) Carbon mono oxide
({) Menon
V.P (B) Lord Amery (D) Carbon and Nitrogen
(C) Wave (D) UountUattin
22. War and Peace was wriflen bv:
9. When did Simon Commi$ion anive in lndia? (A) Totsloy
(A) 1926 (8) 1927 (B) Dostoevskv
(c) 1928 aDi 1e3o
'10. Suez Canal Connecls tix6 seat (B) Bons Pattirson
(D) None of above
(A) Red sea and Btack s€a
(B) Meditananean and Red sea 23. Obama belongs to the state?
(C) Oead Sea and White Sea (A) New York
(D) Atlantic with Pacitic (B) lllinois
(C) Washrngton
1 1. Who discovered pentqllin
(O) New England
(A) Viscount (B) Macmiltan
(C) Pasteur (D) None of above 24. Origrn of Specres rs wntten bv
(A) Walter Disney (B) Auqustus
12. Who wrote Friends Not Masters? (C) Darwn (D) None ot above
(A) President Canadv
(B) Z. A. Bhutto 25. Headquarter of SAARC?
(C) Ayub Khan (A) lslamabad (B) Dhaka
(O) None ot above (C) Kathmandu (D) Mate
'13. Which of the President instrumentat in the 26. Who introduced the system of prisons in
creation of League of Nations lslamic history?
(A) Roosevett (B) Woodrow Wtson (A) Caliph Ati RA
212 AdnncedPPSC CQs tlodel Paoers
(B) Caliph omer RA .,- -.{C) 1957 (D) None above
(C) Caliph Abu Bakar RA 42. Which is landlocked country?
(O) None of above (A) lran (B) Mongolia
27. Who is father of 1962 constitution? (C) Canada (D) &lgium
(A) Ayub (B) Bhutto 43. Water lily rs symbol of?
(C) Munir (D) None above (A) Canada (B) Chrna
28. Cunency of Kwait? (C) lran (D) lndia
(A) Croffra (B) Oinar 44. What is Obama's number as president?
(C) Oehram (D) Rial (A) 44 (B) 45
29. Head quarter ot UNESCO? (c) 46 (D) 47
(A) Rome (B) Vienna 45 OIC 2nd lslamic Summit Conference held?
(C) London (D) None above (A) 1974 (B) 1977
30. What is fourth state of mattef (C) 1979 (D) None above
(A) Rocks (B) Plasma 46. Panama canal connecl two oceans?
(C) Water (O) None above (A) Atlantic and lndian
31. Why bat docs not see in the night? (B) lndian and Paciflc
(A) it has no eyes (C) lndian and Arabian Sea
(B) lt has only in daylight (D) Pacific and Atlantic
(C) lt receives guldness from birds 47. Equator passes through?
(D) None of aboYe (A) Brazil (B) Canada
32. How many playes are water polo? (C) Kenya (D) None above
(A) 10 (B) 7 48 Gobi desert is located in:
(c) 13 (O) 15 (A) China (B) Mongolia
33. Deficiency of vitamin E causes? (C) lran (D) South Korea
(A) Leukaemia (B) Sterility 49. Which was used to be the biggest Agency in
(C) Gums swelling (D) None of above FATA
34. Which acid is used Batter/? (A) Norlh Waziristan
(A) NACL (B) HCL (B) Malakand
(C) HNO3 (D) None above (C) South Waziristan
(D) None of above
35. The sun rays reach in the earth in _
lime: 50. Which is the land ot Golden Pagoda?
(A) 5 minutes (B) 7 minutes (A) Australia (B) Canada
(C) 8 minutes (D) 10 minutes (C) Engbnd (D) None above
36. Who is lhe founder of Kirsha Perjak Party? 51. What is tomado?
(A) Moulvi Fazal Haq (A) Strong Snack (B) Africa dog
(B) I L Chaundrigar (C) A strong wind (O) None ofabove
(C) Nizam-ud-Oin 52. What are scavengers?
(D) None of above (A) Who look food in rubish
37. Shah Waliullah belongs to Silsila? (B) Atomic scientists
(A) Naqshbandia (B) SuhaMardi (C) Those who wanls revenge
(C) Awaisia (D) None of above (D) None of above
38. Who published Al-Halal? 53. What was the first living creature lo travel in
(A) Ali Johar space?
(8) Maulana Abu Al-Kalam Azad (A) a bitch (B) frog
(C) Zafar Ali Khan (C) eagle (O) cow
(D) Nona of above 54. What does term mantra means?
39. The post of Deputy Secretary General of UN (A) a word with sparitual Power
was created in (B) term in stock exchange
(A) 1996 (B) 1997 (C) science of lower species
(C) 1998 (D) Non€ of above (D) None of above
40. EU Headquarter is in 55. Somnam bulsim means.
(A) Brussels (8) Menna (A) walk in rain
(C) London (D) None above (B) walk in sleep
(C) science of rock reading
41. Baghdad Pact was signed? (D) None of above
(A) 1955 (B) 1956
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoerc 243
56. Macro economics means (C) Sindh and lndian Gujrat
(A) b(anch ol economics that studies (D) None of above
changes 70 Ramallah city is located in:
(B) fundamer{al system of mathematical (A) lsrael (B) Palestine
(C) financial system of provincial level
(D) changes in prices
(C) Lebanon (D) Egypt
71 Banana Republic means:
57. Chauvinism means? (A) Govt by easy going
(A) strong belief that your country important (B) Where banana are cheap
(B) male dominancy in society (C) Govt of conupt elite
(C) politica of non-issues (D) None of above
(D) None of above
72 Hegemony means
58. Sphinx is located? (A) Controlled democracy
(A) Syna (B) lraq (B) Autocracy
(C) Egypt (O) All ot above (C) Supremacy ot Power
59. Martrn Luther king belonged to (O) Power to control others
(A) UK (B) Germany Demography is soence perlarns to:
(C) USA (O) Brazil (A) Peode (B) Places
60. Socrates belongs to: (C) Dark deeds (D) None above
(A) Egypt (B) Roman Empire 74 An anarchist is:
(C) Greece (D) lran (A) A person Mo loves peace
61 Vienna in city in. (B) A person who does not like any system
(A) Asia (B) Africa (C) Love of peace
(C) Europe (D) South America (D) Hates peace
62. Bonanza means 75 Suo molo means
(A) situation where large profits are made (A) An action mcteted by court Half
(B) poor performance (B) An action by civiliudge
(C) boneless are made meat (C) Botha& b
(D) None of above (D) None of above
63. Amicus curiae meant 76 Whal does fossil luels means:
(A) An American (A) Gas (B) Oil
(B) An Australian , (C) Petroleum (D) All of above
(C) A friend of court What is Tundra
(D) Nona of above (A) Area of land in the north of Asia. America
64. Resume is a pause in an act Europe
(A) shorl statement (B) A detailed account (B) south of Australia
(B) both a and b (D) None ofabove (C) Red of South Chines sea
65. Portmanteau means (O) All ot above
(A) large box 100
(B) a wide range of things considered single
100000 -
(C) Both a and b (A) .002 (B) 001
(D) None ol above (c1 .ol (D) 02
66. Matador is the name of player in the garne ot 79. Sohail sold his old car for Rs 45 000 He had
(A) Chess (B) Water Polo earlier bought it for Rs 80.000. What is hls
(C) lce hockey (D) Eullfighting percentage loss?
(Al 44.5o/o (B) 39.3%
67 Non-de Plume means (c) 484y. (Ol 43 7y"
(A) Without leather (B) anonymous
(C) Both and & b (D) None of above 80. What rs 2Yo of 400?

(A) 40 (B) 15
Who is Ahmed Aboul Gheit"
(A) Head of ICJ
(c) I (D) 12
(B) head of Arab League 2% means;ft
(C) Head of IEA
(D) None of above of Means
) '
69. Sir creek channel is disputed area between So . lo0 =8
Pakistan and lndia this is located
(A) Puntab & lndian Punjab Conect answer is C.
(B) Punjab and Himchal Pardesh 81. eol. Reginald Dyer is known for
2U Advancad ppSC noes nodet papers
(A) Jallianwala Massacre (A) Balochistan (B) NWFP
(B) Patriotism (C) Kashmir (D) Gitgit Battistan
(C) Bravery
(D) Anti lndian policies 92. According to which constitution pakistan
became an lslamic Repubtic?
82. The number ot permanent members of (A) 1956 (B) 1962
S€curity Council (United Natrons) rs
(A) 4 (B) s
(C) 1973 (D) None of these
(c) 8 (Di 1
93. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad
presented his Fourteen Points in
Ati Jinnah
83. Opposite of Oemocracy is
(A) Aristocracy (B) Theocracy
(A) 1928 (B) 1929
(C) Orctatorship (D) Monarchy
(c) 1931 (O) 1932
94. Fiscal year is from
84. Napoleon Bonaparte was (A) June 1 to June 30
(A) French (B) German (B) June '15 to July 15
(C) Bntrsh (D) ltalan (C) July 1 to June 30
85. Tea can be best cuttivated on (D) July 1 to August 30
(A) Ptains (B) Hi[ tops 95. P-akistan's single largest import category is:
(C) Hill Slopes (D) A of ihe above (A) Petroleum & Petroteum producti
86. Which word^is wrongly spelt in the Ioflowing (B) Automobiles
set of words? (C) Machinery
(A) Begrnrng (B) Appearance (D) Electronrcs
(C) Ceiting (D) Changeable 96. Simla conterence 1945 was headed by
87. Richter Scale is used to measure lhe intensity (A) Minto (B) Wave
of (C) Linligthgo iD) None of above
(A) Sea waves (B) Winds 97. Peoples Republic of China was founded
(C) Earlhquakes (O) Hunrcanes (A) 1947 (B) 1948
88. The country having the highest dealh rate due (C) 1949 (D) None
to drsastrous typhoons and hunicanes rs 98. Total life span of Red Btood Cells
(A) Sn Lanka (B) China (A) 120 days (8) '130 days
(C) Bangladesh (D) Japan (C) 140 days (D) lsodais
89. How many Round Table Conferences were 99. The Number of administrative districts in
held rn London between lndian political Punjab is
Leaders & the British Govemment?
(A) 1
(A) 34 (B) 3s
(c) 3
2 (c) 36 (D) 37
4 'loo.Sindh Taas Agreemenl was concluded with
90. Oldest democracy in the world rs the good ofrces o,
(A) Greece (B) UK (A) UNO (B) Wortd Bank
(C) USA iD; None of above (c) rMF (o) Eco
91. Oiamer Bhasha Dam is being constructed in

Anbwer Key
t. a 14 c 27 a 40 a 53 a 66. d 7g d 92. a
2. b
15 b 28 b 41 a 54 b 67. b 80 c 93. b
16 d 29 d 42 b a 68. b 8'l a 94. c
17 d b 43 a 56 a 69. c 82 b 95. a
5. 18 d 31 d 44 a 57 a 70. b 83 c 96. b
6. b 19 a 32 b 45 a 58 c 71. c u a 97. c
7. d 20 a b 46 d 59 a 72. c 85 98. a
60 a 73. a 86 a 99. c
b 61 c 74. b 87 100. b
10 b 23 b 36 a 49 62 a 75. a 88 a
11 d 24 c 37 a 50 d 63 76. d 89 c
12 c 25 c 38 b 51 c 64 a 77. a qn c
13 b 26. b 39 c 52. a 65 a 78. b 9'l d

The Federally Administered Tribal Areas are (A) Korea (B) Japan
regulaled under the FCR. What does FCR (C) Chifta (D) Malaysia
stand for? '12. To flex ones muscles means to:
(A) FATA Crimes Regulations (A) Show interest
(B) Frontier Crimes Regulations (B) Punish
(C) Frontier Constabulary Rules (C) Show Weakness
(O) FATA Constitutional Rules (0) Show Skength / Authority
2 The plural of Sheep is: 13 "No person shall be deprived of life or liberty
(A) She€ps (B) Sheepes save in accordance with law" is provided for in
(C) Sheeves (O) Sheep Article _ of the 1973 constitution.
The British Government announced the (A) 7 (B) 8
(c) I (D) 10
annulment of Partition of Bengal in
(A) 1910 (B)
1911 14. Which of the following cities is not on the
(c) 1912 (D) 1926 Pacitic coast?
4 The area lying between river Beas and the (A) Taipei (B) Shangbai
Ravi is called: (C) San Francisco (D) New York
(A) Chaj Doab (B) Rachna Doab 15. Bani lsrael was the nation on whom Allah's
(C) Bari Doab (D) SahaMal Doab favours were showered to ihe greatest extent,
5 5/5 x 5/10 x 5/15 x 5lZ0 x 5125 = ? including Mann-o-Salva. Bani lsrael was the
(A) 5/30 (B) 1/30 nalion of:
(A) Hazrat
(c) 1n20 (D) 1/160
(B) Hazrat
Eesa (A.S)
Musa (A.S)
6. Which mountain peak is called Killer (C) Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
Mountain? (D) Hazrat Yahya (A.S)
(A) Rakaposhi (B) Mount Everesl
(C) Dhaulagiri (D) Nanga Parbat 16. The age of a tree can be known from its:
7. Synonym of "Anonymous' is: (B)Number ol Fruits
(A) Gracious (B) Nameless (C)Number of Fruits
(C) Foreigner (D) Friendly (O)Rings on cross section of the trunk
8. Which of the following diseases have been 17. A box of chocolate bar costs Rs. 32 (inclusive
eradicated in Pakistan? of '10% sales tax), and there are 16 bars in
(A) Diphtheria (B) Chicken Pox one box. What is the price (excluding 10%'
(C) Measles (D) Small Pox sales tax) for one chocolate bar?
9. What is the opposite of UTOPIA? (A) Rs.2 (B) Rs. 1.8
(A) Reality (B) Conceptuat (C) Rs. '1.50 (D) Rs. 1.25
(C) Nebulous (D) Ancient 18. Fill in lhe blank. "You should refrain
10. Which of the following is the correct sentence: hurting her feelings."
(A) She was dressed with black (A) From (B) To
(B) She was dressed in black (c) Over (D) Of
(C) She was dressed for black '19. Which tribe of Quraish. Hazrat Umar (R.A),
(D) She was dressed of black belonged to?
11. Taekwondo !s a popular form ot Martial Arts. (A) Banu Hasham
Frorn which country did Taekwondo originate? (B) Banu Umayyah
246 Advanced PPSC MCQi Model Paoe6
(C) Banu Addi (A) Belgrum, Russia. lndra, Canada, Sparn
(O) None of these (B) Bangladesh. Russia, India, China. Sri
20. Formosa it the old name of (C) Brazil, Russia, lndia, Ch,na. Scandinavia
(A) Cambodi* (B) R-rc;E- (D) Branl. Russia, lndia, China, South Africa
(C) Teiwan (D) Bangkok
21. Aung San Suu Kyi. a Political Leader and a
33. Safi-Ullah is the title of;
Nobel Peace Laureate belongs tor
(A)Hazrat ldrees (A.S)
(A) i/yanmar (B) Nepal (B)Hazrat Noah (A.S)
(C) Sn Lanka (D) China (C)Hazrat Adam (A.S)
(O)Harat Musa (A S)
22. Which of the followinE helps to reduce spelling 34. -2x - 3 = 3. them what is the value of x?
errors in a document berng typed, (A) -3 (B) 6
(A) Auto Format (B) Auto Correct
(C) Sman Tags (D) Auto Text
(c) 6 (o) 3
35 Choose the synonyms of Cataclysm":
23 Who invented telephone? (A) Reverse (8) Catastrophe
(A) Graham B€ll (B) Robert Koch (C) Pungent (D) Trash
(C) NeMon (D) None of these
36 How many Prophets are mentioned in the
24. What does UNCTAD stand for? Ouran?
(A) UN Conference on Trade and (A) 14 (B) 18
Oevelopment (c) 26 (D) 30
(B) UN Conference on Tariff and
Development 37. Name the Gul, country where President
(C) UN Cooperation on Trade and
Mamnoun Hussain recently paid an officaal
(Ol UN Chambers for Trade and
(A) UAE (B) Bahrarn
(C) Oman (O) Qatar
25 Wlich one rs the antonym of Fugrirve. 38. The Mopla uprising/revolt in 1921 against the
(A) lmmigrant (B) Refugee Britrsh colonial power in lndia. was:
(C) Absconder (D) Captive (A) For getting release of their detained
26. Which Anicle of the Constitution requires that (B) To protest against the Rowlat Act
any person arrested shall be produced before (C) To lend supporl to the Khilafat Movement
a magrstrate within 24 hours ot the arrest? (D) On account ot a fishing dispute in
(A) Articre 9 (a) (B) Arricle 10 (2) Malabar
(C) Article 1.1 (O) Article 12
39. Complete the saying 'Truth is stranger than
27. Chronometer is used to measure:
(A) Velocity (B) Pressure Thenews (B) Falsehood
(C) Time (D) None of these (C) Lies (D) Fiction
28. Two types of memories 'RAM' and 'ROM' are 40. Which of the following sandy deserts is the
part or: largest in area:
(A) Backup memory -(A)
(A) Sahara (B) Gobi
(B) Main memory (C) Takla Makan (O) Thar
(C) Shorter memory
(D) Long term memory 4'l The term OSD is often used in govemment
administration in Pakistan. What does it stand
29. The lnstrument for measuring the speed of lor?
wind is. (A) Officer Suspended from Outy
(A) Anemomeler (8) Speedometer (B) Officer of Special Department
(C) Hygrometer (D) Tachometer (C) Officer of Superfluous Department
30. Which punctuation mark is used after words or (O) Officer on Sp€cial Duty
sentences that express strong emotions? 42. How many Emirates comprise the United Arab
(A) Hyphen (B) Exclamation Mark Emirates?
(C) Colon (O) Apostrophe (A) 8 (B) 7
31. Khyber Pass is situated in: (c) 6 (o) 5
(A) Karakorum range 43. The "Muhammad Brothers", Hanif, Sadiq.
(B) Sulaiman range Mushtaq and Wazir all played in Pakistan's
(C) Hidukush range cricket team. Who was the eldest?
(D) Himalayan range (A) Hanif Muhammad
32. The 8th BRICS Summit meeting was held in (B) Mushtaq Muhammad
lndia on 15-16 October 2016. Which countries (C) Wazir Muhammad
comprise the BRICS group? (D) Sadiq Muhammad
Advanced c MCQ9 ,ltodel 247

44. 6,3,12,6,24 _? (A) Kidneys (B) SPleen

(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) Pancreas (D) Liver
(c) 30 (D) 48
58. The day of deliverance was observed by All
45. Or. Muhammad Younas of Bangladesh got lndia Muslim League on
Nobel Prize for his contribution in the field of: (A) 22nd Decemb6r 1939
(A) Economics (B) Physrcs (8) 3rd June. 1947
(C) Chemistry (D) Lrterature (C) 23rd March 1946
46. Presidential form of government was (D) 14th August 1947
introduced under the Constitution of: 59. Which Viceroy s lenure was shone$ in the
(A) 1958 (B) 1962 lndo-Pak Sub-continent?
(c) 1973 (O) Acr of 1935 (A) Lord Moulbatten (B) Lord Lynon
47. The shortest Surah in the Holy Quran is: (C) Lord Wavell (D) Lord Minto
(A) Al-Maun (B) Al-lkhlas 60 Who was the lnspector General Pohce.
(C) Al-Kauthar (D) Al-Fateha PunJab immediately belore Mr. Mushtaq
48: Labrador' is a famous breed of: Ahmad Sukhera?
(A) Horses (B) Cows (A) Ha,i Habib-ur-Rehman
(C) Mountain Goat (D) Dogs (B) Mr. Aftab Sultan
49. Amnesty lnternahonal rs an organization for: (C) Mr. Khan Baig
(A) Fighting Global Terronsm (O) Mr. Tariq Khosa
(B) Helping the thrrd world countries 61. Complete the series J. F. M, A. M _"
(O) welfare of refugees (A) K (B) J
(D) Human Rights (c) s (D) P
50. The Prisons Departmenl has established a 62. Whrch name is assocrated wilh Kkhilafat
helpline for quick disposal of grievances of Movement?
prisoners. W}tat is the given number of the (A) Quard-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
helpline? (B) Allama Muhammad lqbal
(A) 1122 (B) 1212 (C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(c) 1112 (O) 1',t24 (O) Ch. Rahmet Ali
51. ln the Radcliff Award of 1947, the Muslim 63. What is the name of boat ot Hazral Nuh
maiority areas ot Gurdaspur and Pathankot (A,S)?
were handed over to lndia just because: (A) Mem (B) Bohr
(A) These arces were rich in mineral wealth, (C) Ark (D) Saan
(B) River Ravi originated ftom there whrch
was lhe lifeline ol West Pakistan 64. Which UN agency deals with matters relating
(C) lt provided road link from lndia to Kashmrt to children?
(D) lt was huge military cantonment UNHCR (o) UNCTAD
52. Who was the ruler of Kashmir at the time of 65. Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Tournament is a
partition? very prestigious lnternational Hockey
(A) Gureet Singh (B) Gulab Singh competition. Who was Sullan Azlan Shah?
(C) Hari Singh (D) Ranjeet Singh (A) Former Caplain of lndonesian Hockey
53. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar is buried at: Team
(A) Oehli (B) Ali Garh (B) Former Sultan of the State of Perak,
(C) Bait-ul-Maqdas (D) London Malaysia
(C) Former King of Malaysia
54. Liaqal Ali Khan was assassinaled in: (D) Both B and C
(A) 1949 (B) 1950
(c) 1951 (O) 1952 66. Complete the number series: 1, 2, 2. 5, 3, 8.
55. Havaldar Lalak Jan shaheed was awarded
Nishan-e-Haider for his ac{s of bravery and IA)-3-
(c) 6
(B) 7
(D) 4
valour during the:
(A) 1965 War 67. \rvlo is Pakistan's Minister for Climate
(B) 1970 War Change?
(C) Kargiloperation (A) Kamran Michael (B) Birgees Tahir
(O) Operation Zarb-e-Azb (C) Zahid Hamid
(O) None of these
56. The music of the popular national song "Sohni 68. A rectangle has a length of 10 cm & a
Dharti Allah Rakhey'was composed by: perimeter of 30cm. Find the widh of the
(A) Rashid Atre (B) A. Hamid reclangle.
(C) Suhail Rana (O) Khurshid Anwar (A) 5 cm (B) 10 crn'
57 Which part of the human body is attected by
Hepatitis C? ' First letters of each rnonth
2$ Advanced PPSC NCQS Modet paoe/s
(C) 15 cm (D) 20cm (O) Laser Energy Display
69. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan did his Ph.O from 81. Which of the following is the only food that
Leaven University of do€s not get spoiled?
(A) Germany (B) Holland (A) Buner (B) Cheese
(C) Belgrum (D) Austria (C) Yogurt (D) Honey
70. The Puniab Sesetariat building was originally 82. Which. of the following is us€d to change
built as a residenc€ for one of Maharaja margins in MS Oftice?
Ranjeet Singh's Generals. Can you name the (A) Formatling toolbar
General? (B) Page setup dialog box
(A) Hari Singh Nalwa (C) Standard toolbar
(B) Sham Singh Anariwala (O) Paragraph dialog box
(C) Jean Francois Allard
(D) Jean Baptiste Ventura 83 The banle of Jamal was tought between
Hazrat Aisha (RA) and:
7r. Oiabetes is caused due to malfunctioning ot: (A) Hazrat Muawiya (RA)
(A) Liver (B) Pancreas (B) Hazrat Talha (RA)
(C) Kidneys (O) Muscles (C) Hazral Ali (RA)
72. The capital cily ot Australia is: (O) None of these
(A) Sydney (B) Melbourne 84. A keyboard. a mouse and a document reader
(C) Perth (D) Canbena are examples of:
73. Duodenum is part of the _ in the (A) Output devices
human body. (B) Analogue devices
(A) Nerv4us System (C) Truth table devices
(B) Dig.--stive Sysiem (D) lnput devices
(C) Reproduc{ive System 85. Darawar Fort is located in Pakistan near
(D) Circulation SFtem
74. Name the cunent lnspeclor General, Prisons i-A)Lahore (B) euetra
of Puniab: (C) Peshawar (O) Bahawalpur
(A) Capt. (R) Sarftaz Mufti E6. The FWO recently celebrat€d tts 'Golden
(8) Mian Farooq Nazeer Jubilee'. What does FWO Stand for?
(C) Kokab Nadeem Waniach (A) Frontier Wefia]e Organization
(D) Parvez Rahim Raiput (B) Front€r Works Organizalion
75. Who was Pakistan's frst Permanent
(C) Federal Worts Organizarion
Representalive to the Uniled Nations? (O) FATA Works Organization
(A) Sir Zafarullah Khan 87. By educalion Mahatma Gandhi wasa:
B) Patras Bukh.ri (A) Doctor(B) Sociot@ist
C) M.A.H. lsphani (C) Engineer
(O) Lawyer
D) Begum Feroz Khan oon 8E. Complele the saying'A house divided against
76. Wlo was elected as the President of Lebenon itsetf
on 3'l Oct, 2016? (A) l-made of slone
(A) Tammam Salam (B) Mbhel Suleman (B) ls built on sand
(C) MichelAoun (D) Fouad S€nlora (c) Cannot stand
77. ln f,,hat year dkl Kargil conf,ict take dace (O) Give6 rise to quanels
betw€en lndia ard Pakbtan? 89. Fill in the Blank: Some of the dust
(A) 1998 (B) 1999 on lhe fumiture
(c) 2000 (o) 2001 (A) stole (B) stain
78. A man bought a frat for Rs. 8,20,000. H6 (C) stays (O) stay
bofiow€d 5506 of lhis mon€y from a bank. 90. Ar onym of "Transparent' is:
How much money did he borrow from the (A) Coloured (B) Apparent
bank? (C) Brittle (O) Opaque
(A) Rs.4,51,000 (B) Rs.4,52,000
(C) Rs 4,53,000 (D) R3. a,54,000 (E
79. Tho Synonym of lcumb€;somc' is:
i {.--,,,,!'i " uV {z-,;" .e.l

(A) Awtward (B) Decline tt-/ (B\ o,tv (Al

(C) Handsome (D) Beautitut
80. lryhat do€3 LED stand br Ji tol ol{ G)
(A) Lou E iqBion Eliode
{. yr<-*-2 t,?.-',,!,-v,,1v dp z
(B) Lrght Emitting DiodG t 6 .sz
(C) Low Energy D.vice
Advanccd PPSC HCOs ,,@del Paoerc 249

.!.r, (B) Jl q\) " tt7:ri 187 )0-u 61

J rol 4 tct ri! t tol JttD/ (cl
I c- tt 7t! c--eP q 7,in " gy.=/, ; ;.7" .sl taf ,!,/".i,;{u'" .st

78,J1^i:4 61 ir-l-c) @t tut ol

c-fi,Ja,ti:$t 1a1 4t{. (ol nt(kt{t (c')

L6,Lic-ni) (C\ sv{J'cZo{-'{0I ga

7&,(i6rt-.>.t4)nu 4r{rr,L-tfrLtt,f
t-tf{si{=ti+4f' .x e+dl"
"tzi,,l j{1j{ou=, rrd,Ju/ (Bt ,el s tel
utf Jt'tal.{f,'oitl , t5tiltfi py JEov)tnt (ct
ibtut (Bl L)Dt (Al
rtLldiom "Made an ass of onesef' .99
1)ti,'L; pl '.{i
pl =)h,:-,
| (Li {,rf eit t;tv o { N Ltl -:,
- t .gs
wfibt Gl t.l.Jz:t?t 61
.7P (B) lV t l vif.jd pt u.[,>fiPtF Gl
J,9 pl blr @l
tafe[f,r2. .x
sgyfu ,f $6 t i tr /t s C t L',,,t.i oo

,f.,i Ft |r',tt'/ ol
/ovr{t*ZuLJtu' t$ @t ,7'a G)
Answer Key
1. b 14. a 27. c 40. a 53. c 66. d 79. e 92 d
2.d 15. 28. b 41. d 54. c 67. c 80. b c
3.b 16. d 29. a 42. b s5. c 68. a 81. d 94.
4.c 17. b 30. b 43. c 56. c 09. b 62. b 95. d
5.c 18. a 31. c 44. a 57 d 70. d 83. c 96. a
6.d '19. c 32. d 45. a 56. a 71. b 84. d 97. b
7.b 20. c 33. c 46. b a 72. d 85. d 98. c
8.d 21. a 34. a 47 c 60. c 73. b 86. b 99. a
9.a 22. b 35. b 48. d 61. b 74. b 87 d 100 a
10. b 23. a 36. c 49. d c 75. b 88. c
11. a 24. a 37. d 50. d 63. c 76. c 89. c
12. d 25. d 38. c 51. c 64. b 77. b 90. d
13. c 26. b 39. d 52. c 65. d 7E. a 91. b
250 Advarced PPSC lllCQs tlodel Paoers

'l Which country is situated below the sea level? 14 'Alexandria'is the seaporl of:
(A) Newzealand (B) Netherlands (A) Greece (B) lraq
(C) Auskalia (D) Japan (C) Syna (O) Egypt
2. ln Pakistan, the largest share ot electricity
comes from the source of:
15 The largest among lhe followrng rs.
(A) A Galaxy (B) The Earth tt
(A) Thermal (B) Hydel (C) The Sun (D) A solar system
(C) Nuclear (D) Coal 16 How many tames Pakistan has been elected a
3 Which of the followrng gases is mainly causrng non-permanent member of UN Security
global warmrng: Council:
(A) Nitrogen (B) Methane (A) Three (B) Five
(C) Carbon dioxide (D) Hydrogen (C) Six (D) Seven
4 Which of the historical monumenls was buitt in 17. Tea plant was first grown in:
1642 AO: (A) lndia (B) Kenya
(A) Tomb of Emperor Jahangir (C) Sn Lanka (D) China
(B) Badshahi Mosque 18. 'Tartus' rs the seaport ot:
(C) Shalamar Garden (A) Turkey (B) Lebanon
(D) Wazir Khan Mosque (C) Syria (D) Algeria
5. US inventor Martin Cooper inyented'Mobile 19. Which planet has the largest number of
Phone" in:
(A) 1969 (B) 1973 (A) Salum (B) Jupiter
(c) 1976 (D) 1980 (C) Earth (O) Mars
6. The world's largest natural gas deposits are 20. The wodd's largest glacier is;
tn: (A) Lambert (B) Siachen
(A) USA (B)RGsia (C) Hispar (D) None of the above
(C) China (D) Brazil
2'1. The discovery ot Radium in 1998, led to the
7. The lowest point on earth is: invention of:
(A) Dead s€a (B) Death valley (A) Camera (ts) X-ray machine
(C) Caspian sea (O) None ol the above (c) Elecrric bulb (D) Missile
8. The headquarters of lnternational
22. The world's oldest National Anthem is of:
Environmental Organization "Green Peace" (A) China (B) lran
are situated at: (C) Greece (D) Japan
(A) Amsterdam (B) Paris
(C) Brussels (D) Vienna 23. The wodd s oldest wfltten language rs
(A) Chinese (B) Japanese
9. The oldest among the seven wondeG of world (C) Cambodran (D) Latin
(A) The pyramids of Egypt 24. The world's largest mammal is:
(B) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (A) Tiger (B) Camel
(C) The Statue of Zeus (C) Giraffe (O) Whale
(D) The Temple of Arlemis 25. Th€ worid's longesl mounlarn range rs:
10. The world's largest deserl is: (A) TheAnd$ (B) The Alps
(A) Sahara (B) Gobi (C) Himalayas (D) Karakoram
(C) Atacama (D) Thar 26. Point X is in the north of point Y is east of
11. "Asmara" is the capital of: point Z. to which direclion is point X with
(A) Cameroon (B)Enrca resp€ct to Z:
.(C) Peru (O) Rwanda (A) NorthEast (B) Norrh
12. ln the modern world. the office of
(C) East (D) South East
'Ombudsman' was first created in: 27. Dragon air'is an airline of:
(A) United Kingdom (B) United States (A) Japan (B) South Korea
(C) Switzerland (D) Sweden (C) North Korea (D) Hong Kong
13. ln chronological order, which of the following 28. Which one is not the otticial language of
personalities come fi rsl: Unrled Nat,ons:
(A) Plalo (B) Aristotle (A) Spanish (B) Arabrc
(C) Socrates (D) Epicures (C) German (D) Russian
Advanced PPSC MCQS Uodel Papers 251
29. A. great traveler 'lbne Batuta' belonged to: (O) Simon Boliver
(A) Tunb (8) Svria
40. Pablo Picasso is considered to be a great:
(C) Moroeo (O) Siain
(A) Musician (B) rvriter
30. The Statue of Lib€rty was presenH to the (C) actor (D) painter
United States by the peopte of:
(A) &itain (B) Germany 41 The sun'is mainly composed of
(C) Canada (Oi rrance (4) oxygen (B) Hydrogen
(C) Carbon die oxrde (O) P6tass-ium
3l. Which is lighEst of a
these qases:
(A) Oxygen (B) Nitrogen 42. Who was the first Muslam king o, tndra
(C) Hydrogen (O) Carb6n di oxide (A) Qutub-ud-din Aibak
(B) Muhammad Bin Oasim
32. V\hich oJ the bllo$ng Mughat Emp€ror was (C) Zaheeruddin Babur
bom at Lahore in 1592' (D) Mehmud Ghazanvi
(A) JaharEir (B) Akbar
(C) Shah Jahan (D) Aurangzeb 43. Mossad' is the lntelligence agency of.
(A) Brazrl (B) tsraet
33. The leng h of Pak-Alghan border (Ourand (C) Lebanon (D) Syria
Line) is:
l(C)r 2252 kn (B) 909 Km 44 Liaqat Ali Khanjoined all lndia Mustrm teague
1600Km (D) 592 xm as a memb€r in:
(A) 1916 (B) 1919
34. Population wise: Pakistan's position
wodd is:
in the (c) 1921 (D) 1923
(A) 211 (B) 06!, 45. The Govemment ot lndia Act 1935. divided
(c) 3{"' (D) 4tsr the country inlo:
(A) Seven provrnces (B) Nrne provinces
35. Baluchistan was given the stetus of p.ovince (C) Eleven provinces (D) Thirteen provinces
(A) 1947 (B) 1958
46. ln the Provincial Elections ot 1937. a[ tndia
(c) 1970 (D) 1985
Muslim league won largest number of seats in
36. The commrnd and stafi colleg€ of pakistan (A)United province (U P)
amy is sitlaled at: (B)Sindh province
(A) (B) Lahorc (C)Puniab province
(c) (D) Abbottebad (D)central province (C P)
37. Florence NbhtirEate is rcnowned for: 47. ldentify the secretary of slate for lndia who ted
(4) Acting (B) nuniing the cabinet mission in 1946
(C) painting (D) poetry (A) Sir Stafford Cripps
38. \ivhidr is thc lsrgesl' river in the world? (B) A. V. Alexander
(A) Amazon (B) Ganga (C) Lord Pethick Lawrence
(C) Nile iOi NonE ot upm (D) Sir Anthony McDonald
39. TheoJy of Evokrtion' was Eesented by: 48 Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah Joined a[ lndra
(A) Eucllj Muslim league in.
(B) Cherles Oarwin (A) 1937 (B) 1938
(C) Wemer Heisenburg (c) 1939 (O) 1940
49. Congress launched "Quit lndia Movement"
against the British Government rn.
' The Amauon River in South America is the lsrlcat (A) 1940 (B) 1%1
tlvcr by discharge of water in the worid, averaging a (c) 1942 (D) 1%4
discharSe of about 209,m cubic mete.s per second 50. ln the interim government of 1946, the heafih
(7,381,qr cu fr/s), (20!r,O0O,m fiters or 55,41,960 mrntster was:
gallons/lec) greater than the next seven la.gest (A) Abdu Rab Nishtar
independent rivers combin€d. tts length is 6,437 lm. (B) Jag Jivan Ram
(C) Asit Ali
Whereas, The Nile River i5 a maior ngrth-llowing river (D) Ghazanfer Ali Khan
in northeastem Africa, regarded as the lon!6t rlvar in
the world. lt is 5,853 km (4,258 miles) tong. The Nile i5 51. After Sir Agha Khan, the next president of A
lndia Muslim League wasi
an "international" rivcr as its water resourc6 are (A) Viqar-ul-Mulk
shared by eler€n countries, namely, Tanzania, Uganda, (B) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
Rwanda, Eurundi, Congo-Kinshasa, Kenya, fthiopia, (C) Raja Sahib of Mahmoodabad
Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Eeypt. ln pa.ticular, (D) Mian Muhammad Shafr
the Nile is the primary watff source ot Etypt and
252 Adtmced WSC tC@ffodel Paoqs
52. The Hindus had launched 'Swade8hi (C) on (D) uP
Movement" (to boycott English made goods) 66. You ought lo abide this decision
in the wake of: lA) With (B) of
(A) The Urdu Hindi conlroversy 1867
(B) Parlition of Bengal 1905 icl uv -- (D) from
57 The ruo is tull---(B) milk
(A) 'of
(C) Jallianwala Bagh trqedy 1919
(D) All of the above (o)
(C) upon
53. The Brfish perliamenl pasF€d lndisn 'n
68. He is tully conlent his life:
lndeo€ndenc€ Acl on:
(A) '3 June'1947 (B) 14 June t9/t7 (A') To (B) of
(C) 5 July 1947 (D) 24 JulY 1947 (C) wilh (D) rn
69. He is not eligible this Post.
54. A cadon contains 10 boxes, each box
containing onc dozen orbes. ltow many box
(A) For - (B) to
cartons ar6 nGed€d to ftll 960 cub$? (C) in (D) on
(A) 7 (B) 8 sY ot{Yus
(c) e (D) r2
ld€ntify tha
- words
70. lnfringe:
55. ln the exam 45% students failcd and 55o (A) cons€rve (B) vrolate
students s€r! successful. The total numbor ol (C) instrll (O) drvert
students who appeared in the exam were:
(A) 1000 (B) e00 71. Zest:
(A) Pleasurr (B) drstasle
(c) 1s00 (D) 800
(C) flop (D) encircles
56. The numbcr. who6e 3% is 60, i3:
(A) 2000 (B) 3000 72. lnsioid:
(c) 6000 (o) 9000
(c) delicate
(B) gentle
(o) solve
57. Which number will come nelt 2, 5, E, 11,14,
73. Rescind:
(A) lE (B) 17 (A) Maintan (B) cancel
(c) 19 (D) 26 (c) risk (D) disregard
58 40 men can do work in 50 days. How long it 74. Tacit:
will take 25 men to do lhe work? (A) Formal (B) fear
(A) 50 days (B) 80 days (C) silent (D) celestial
(C) 60 days (D) 70 days 75. Garb:
59 The original pflce of a giff pack is Rs.80. A (A) Rage (B) disto
discount of 15% is allowed in shop. What is (C) trivial (D) drcss
the sale price? 76. The total number of jails in Puniab' are:
(A) Rs.55 (B) Rs.68
(C) Rs.61 (O) Rs.50
60 A cyclist covers 660 feet in 66 seconds. How ' The Pun ab Prisons Department was established in
many yards will he cover rn the same time' 18tl for Cunody, Care and Control of ptisoners
(A) 220 (B) 600 confined in various central, district and special iails in
(c) 100 (D) 10
the prorince of Puniab. Dr. C. Hathaway was appointed
61 Which of the following is smallest fraction? as first lnspector (lG) of.Prisons. The Prisons
(A) 3/7 (B) 5/1 Act of 1894 (Act No. lX of 1,8941 was passed bv the
(c) 6/13 (Ol 7t12
Gove.nor-General of lndia on March 22, 1894. .
62 Find the number whose square root is trrvice tollowing iails were functional even before the Prisons
its cube root.
Act of 1894:
(A) 27 (B) 04
1854 Muhan
(c) 125 (D) 81 Central Gujranwala 1872

63 A boy ranks thirteen in class of twenly six.

DistrictJhelum 1854 District Shahpu. 1873
What rs hrs rank from the last? District Rajanpur 1860 District faisal.bad 1873
(A) 13 (B) 14 District Sialkot 1855
(c) 15 (D) 26 Borstallnstitution&JuvenileBahawalpur 1882

64 There is a limit eveMhing in life. At the time ol independence, the Puniab inherited 19
(A) To (B) on jails, 18 more jails have so far been commissioned in
(C) in (D) with th€ prorince after independence. PresentlY there are
35 Jails functlonal ln Province, out of them 09 a.e
65 Aslam has given smoking
completely. Centrdl Jails, 01 HSP, Sahiwal, 22 a.e District Jailt, 02
(A) ln (B) after Borstal lnstitute & luvenile Jails and 0l Women Jail and
Advanced PPSC MCQS t odel Pape's 253

(A) 28 (B) 30 89. Which of the followirE iails was conslructed rn

(c) 32 (D) 34 18 :
(A) Central Jail Lahore
77. lnspec{or General Prison Punjab is: (B) Central jarl Multan
(A) Abdul Basit (B) Shahid Farooq (C) Centraliail Gujranwala
(C) Farooq Nazeer (D) None of these (O) None of these
78. When Pakistan came inlo being, the lotal 90. Juvenile prisoner is who has not attarned the
number of iails in Puniab were: age of
(A) 19 (B) 21

(A) '14 years (B) 16 years

(ct 22 (o) 24 (C) '18 years (D) 19 Years
79. The former chief justice of Pakistan Mr. 91. Who is the first person to use zero?
mikhar Chaudry was the only ctiel iuslice who (A) Al-Kwarizmr (B) Al-Brruni
visited three iails, these were (C) Al-Touse (D) Abu lshaq Krndr
(A) Lahore, Multan. Faisalabad
(B) Lahore, Rawalpindi, Mhnwali 92. Who rntroduced the pornt system in
(C) Lahore, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi mathematics?
(D) None oI lhese (A) Al-Khwaflzmr (B) Umer Khayyam
(C) Al Brrunr lO) Al Razi
80. Puniab largest jail by aroa is located al;
(A) Sahiwal (B) Bahawalpu 93. Which Muslim scientist proved that the
(C) Mult€n (D) None of these velocity of light is more than the velocity ol
8'1. Puniab oldest jail is located at: (A) Al Blruni (B) Al Farabi
(A) Ralvalpindi (B) Multan !" (C) Al lshaq (O) None ofthese
(C) Guiranwala (D) None otiaag' . '
94. Which Muslim Scientist invented the branch of
82. Pakistan prison rules ,were rr?lled in:. ., Mathematics,'Logarithm'?
(A) 176 (B) 1Sa8 (A) lbn-e-YounasMisrt (B) lbn-e-Razr
(C) 1980 (D) None of these (C)lbn-e-Khuladun (D)lbn-e-lshaq
83. National Academy of Prison AdminBtretion i3 95. Who is cafled the Pioneer of Chemistry?
located at: (A) Al-Razi (B) Jabrr-ibn-Hayyan
(A) (B) RawalPindi (C) lbnseena (D) Nasir-uddinToosi
(C) (D) P6hawar
96. The Punjab prison deparlment was
84. Where jall for juv.nile B located: eslablished in:
(A) Multsn (B) Bahawalpur (A) 1E17 (B) 18s4
(C) Sargodha (O) NorE ofthese (c) 1896 (D) 1s06
85. The only jail for women prisoners is located at: 97. The lirst Muslim lnspector General of Prisons
(A) Multan (B) Rahim Yar Khan Puniab afier lndependence rn 1947 was:
(C) Vehari (D) taone ot th€se (A) Lt. Col. B.H. Syed
86. ln which of the following cities a highst (B) Lt. Col. H.H. Mehmood
s€curity prison is located? (c) Lt. col. G.K Khan
(A) Attock (B) Gujranwala (D) None of these
(C) Bhakkar (O) Multan
98. Which is the oldest jail?
87. The largesl jail in Puniab by inmates is the (A) Distrrct jail sialkot
centraljail: (B) District jail Kasur
(A) Rawalpindi (B) Muftan (C) Districl.iail Gu.,ranwala
(C) Gujranwala (D) None oflhese (O) None of these
88. Administralion ol Prisons is the provincial 99. what is the time of Execution of death
subjeci and came under the adminisHive sentences?
control of: (A) 6 AM
(A) Sewices and General Adminisraton (B) 7 AM
. SAGAD (c) I AM
(B) Police Department (D) No time restriction
(C) Horne Department 100.The first jails reforms in lslamic history ryere
(D) Social welfare Deparlmenl introduced by:
(A) Hazrat Abu Bbkar (RA)
(B) Hazrat Umer (RA)
(C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
01 Sub Jail while 08 more Jails are under construction (D) Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz
and 03 new Jails i.e. District Jails, Rawalpindi, tahore,
Nankan. Sahib have been incllded in AOP 2015-15.
Source: story
Retrieved on 30 September 2015
254 Advanced PPSC llcQs llodet Paoers

Answer Key
1. b 14. d 27. d 40 d c ob c 79 b 92. a
2. a '15. a 2E. c 41 b 54 sb 67 a 80 a 93. a
J c '16. d 29. c 42 a 55 a 68 8'l d 94. a
4. c 17 d 30. d 43 b 56 a 69 a 82 b b
b 18. c 31. c 44 d 57 b 70 b 83 a 96. b
6. b 19. b 32. 45 c 5E b 71 a 84 97 b
7. a 20. a 33. e 46 a 59 b
-rl a 85 a 98. a
8. a 21. b v. b 47 c 60 a b 86 d 99. d
9. e 22. d 35. c 48 c 61 a 74 c E7 a 100. b
'10 a 23. a 36. c 49 c 62 b 75 d 88 c
't'l b 24. d 37. b 50 d 63 b 76 c 89 c
'12 d 25. a 38. a 5'i c u a b 90
'13 c 26. a 39. b b 65 d 78 a 91 a

1. How many Jails are in the Punjab province? (A) 13
(B) 15
(A) 28 (B) 30 (c) (D) 19
(c) 32 (D) 35 10. The only two 'Borstal and Juvenile' Jaals of
2. The only women Jail is located in the city of:- Punjab are located in the cities of:-
(A) Faisalabad (B) Multan (A) Bahawalpur and Faisalabad
(C) Sahiwal (D) Rawalpindi (B) Multan and Rawalpindi
3. How many, Borslal and Juvenile Jails in the (C) Gujranwala and Sahrwal
Punjab province are?
(D) None of these
(A) One (B) Two '1
1 . \Mich of lhe tollowing district Jails has been
(C) Three (D) Four declared model Jarl in Pun,ab -
4 How many Cental Jails are in the Punlab (A) Oistrict Jail Vehari
province? (B) Oistrict Jail Sialkot
(Ai Six (B) Seven (C) District Jarl Attock
(C Erght (D) Nine (O) None of these
'12. Ghazi llam Din Shaheed was hanged in the
5 How many Districl Jails are in the Puniab
Central Jail of:-
(A) 12 (B) 15 (A) Lahore (B) Gujtanwala
(c) 19 (D\ 22 (C) Sargodha (D) MianrYali
'13. The largesl jail by area in Punjab rs the
6. Hov, many Cefltral Jails are considered.
C€ntral Jail:-
higher security prisons in Puniab?
(A) One (B) Two (A) Dera Ghazi Khan (B) Sahiwal
(C) Three (D) Four (C) Multan (D) Bahawalpur
7 ln which of the following cities a higher 14. The oldest Jail in PunJab rs the Central Jail:-
security prison is located?
(A) Gujranwala (B) Faisalabad
(A) Attock (B) Guiranwala (C) Lahore (O) Mianwali
(C) Bhakkar (D) Multan 15. The largest Jail in Puniab by inmates is the
8. The only Jail in Punjab s,here public call ofice Central Jail:-
(PCO) has been inslallod for prisoners to (A) Rawalpindi (B) Multan
have contad with their families is located at? (C) GuJranwala (D) None o, these
(A, Lahore (B) Guiranwala 16. ln 2007. The Govemment of Punjab
(C, Multan (D) None of these constructed a new jail rn the districl ot.
9 After lnd -rendence on August 14. 1947. how (A) Toba Tek Singh (B) Jhelum
many Jarrs has been constructed in Pun,ab so
(C) Chakwal (D) None of these
A PPSC /}tcQs Model PaDers 255

17 ln 2006. The Govemment ofPunjab 29. How manY female condemned pnsoners
hanoed to Aeath srnce 1947?
construcled a new Jail in the district of:-
-six (B) Eight
(A) Vehari (B) GuJrat
ict ten (Dr Eleven
iCi xtrustrau (D) LaYYah
18. Administtalion of Pnsons is the provincial 30. Whrch region of PunJab have largest number
subJect and came under the admlnistratrve of oflsons,
control of:
rAi Lahore (B) Multan
(A) Services and General Adminrstration iC) Rawalpindr {D) Farsalabad
S&GAD 31 . What fraction of an hour rs a second?
(8) Police Department lAt 1t24 (Bl 1160
(C) Home Department igl ltzo (D) 1/3600
(D) Social Welfare Department
32. lf one-Third of a tank holds E0 liters of water
19 'Adiela' Jail is located in:- then the quantity ot water that half of the tank
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi hold is:
(B) 120 lrters
(C) Rawalpindr (D) Attock lA) lOO lilers
20 Which of the following Jails was conslructed iCi tgO titers (D) 140 lrters
in 1854:- 33. A train moves with a speed ol 10E kmih lts
(A) Central Jail Lahore sDeed in melers Per second ls.
(B) Central Jail Multan rAt go (B) 33
iC) Central Jarl Gulranwala
(D) None ofth€s€
ici ss (o) 40
34. A speed of 14 meters per second is the same
21 The sanclioned amount of meal for a prisoner as:
is: (A) 45 5 krdh B) 50.4 km/h
IA) Rs.50 (B) Rs.70 (c) 52 5 km/h
rD) 55 km/h
ici ns. so (D) None otthese
-- Aslam's age after 15 years will be 5limes his
22 Juvenile pdsoner is who has not atlaind the yea-rs Uacx. Wtiat is the present age of
aoe of: "gJS
(A) 14 Yeac (B) l6Years {A)vears
10 (B) 12 Years
iC) tE vears (D) lgYears iciiears
ts (D; 20 Years
23 Who is lnspector General Prisons at present? 36 lf 15 tovs cosl Rs 234 what do 35 toys cost?
(A) Mian Farooq Nazir (A) Ris46 (B) Rs 555
iBi Kokab Nade€m wanaich ici ns soo (D) Rs 572
acj Khawaja Khalid Farooq 37. It a quarter Kg ot potatoes cost 60 paisa' how
(D) None of thes€ manv Darsa will 200 gm cost?
24 Who is provincral Minister Prisons? rlr ad (B) 52
(A) Mr. Ch. Abdul Waheed
(B) Mr. Raia Ashfaqsarwar
ici se (o\ 72
38 ln a darrv farm 40 cows eat 40 bags of husk In
(C) Haroon Suhan
(D) Khalil Tahirsindhu 40 davs. ln how many days one cow wrll eat
one bio of husk?
25 Guantanamo Bay prison rs located near? (A) 30- (B) 35
(A) Mexico (B) Cuba ic) 38 (D) 40
ic) rrance {D) Nigeria
39 ln a 100 m race. A cov6rs the drstance in 36
26 Vt1lo was Frrst lnspeclor GeneralPrison seconds and B in 45 seconds ln lhis race A
Punlab afier rndependence on 14"' August beats B by:
1947? lA) 20 m (B) 24 m
(A) Ll. col. G.K. Khan
(B) Lt. Col. H.H Mehmood
icj zs rn {D) 30 m
40 1/0 04 is eoual to:
(c) Lt. col B.H. Syed (A) 1/40 (B) 2/5
(D) Sheikh lkram Ali (c) 25 (D) 25
27 Which year Pflsons depaltment in Punlab 41 Evaluate 0.002 x 0.5= ?
was established? (A) O.O'101 (B) 0 001
(A) 1854 (B) 1E60
icl o.ot (D) o1
ic) is64 (D) 1888
42 ln a simultaneous throw of two coins the
2E Who was very lirst lnspector General Prisons probabilrty ol gening at least one head is
Puntab aftei the establishment of this tA) 1t2 (B) 1i3
tAi Dr. A. M.Dalla (B) Or C. Hathaway ict zrg (D) 3/4
iC) eng. n. Grey (D) Lt. Col. McNamara
25C Adr..rcqd pFSC rcOr fo*, Frp.r!
43. What is the.btd number of sll,ddflts present 55. Citrus fruits are considered rich in Vilamin:
in a row, whcn Nyla stands ninttr froin bottr (A) Wamin A (B) Mtamin D
ends? (C) Vitamin E (D) Vitamin C
(A) 19 (B)
(ct 17 ioi
ro 56. Poor night vision is because of lack ot:
(A) Mtamin A (B) Vrtamin I
44. How many pbcas of 85 on lergth can be cut (C) Vrtamin D (D) Wamin E
from a rod 42.5 meGrs lom?
(A) 30 (B) ?O 57. Whict.o, the ,ollowing is the tightest gas?
(c) 50 (D) 60 (A) Nikogen (B) Hyitrogen
(C) Ammbnra aDi C;rbd dioxide
45. The $m of two numbe'r is 25 and their
difie'renca b 13. Find O|eir pIoduct: 58. The shortesl day is:
(A) 100 (B) 11. (A) 25 Oecember (B) 22 December
(c) lle toi ru (C) 15 June (D) 22June
46. A housing loci€ty has been ellott€d a iece of 59. ln which province of the pakistan lhere is no
land mea3uring 2550.25 Sq m. tM* is the desert?
side of the ptot? (A) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(A) 50.25 m (B) S0.S ir (B) Baluchistan
(C) 50.65 m (D) ibnc d trG3e (C) Sindh
(D) Puniab
47. lncome of a company douuas afi6f every onc
year. lf th€ infial incomo,was Rs. 4 ialhs 60. The foreign phrase De noyo means:
whal would ba the inconrc afrsr S years? (A) New (B) On one side onlv
(A) Rs 1.28 crores (B) 2.25 crores (C) lndefinitely (D) None of these '
(C) 3.25 crorB (Oi f.ZS crores 6'1. lntemalional Organization .Human REhts
48. The mo3t abundant elem6nt in €arth's crusl Watch' is based in:
ts: (A) NewYork (B) Geneva
(A) Silicon (B) Oxygort (C) Paris (D) Rome
(C) Atuminum (Ot HoirE ot frese 62. Smtland Yard's headquarter is located in the
49. Who inventod the papea city:
(A) Egyplians (B) SDanish (A) London (B) New Yort
(C) Fr€ncrr (D) Chin€3o (C) Tokyo (D) Paris
50. lndia cornBistr of hd marw slebs.? 63 Right to vote in eleclions is also termed as
(A) 23 (8)'25 (A) Franchise (B) Privileoe
(c) 2E ioi zs (C) ln iative (D) Conse-nt
64. IIVtich organ of the body pudfies the blood?
51. The numbe.of bon6 in ths human body erc
appronmelrly: (A) Liver (B) Kidneys
(A) 210 (B) 250 (C) Hea,t (D) Lungs
(c) 2(r (oi rot rxco 65. \ryllo f]st frmeered tho k €a of a blood bank?
(A) Eooker T. Washinqbn
52. Which rsgirnent of Pakistan Army has received
maximum number of'Nishan-e-Haided:. (B) G€orge Washinsti'n Carver
(A) Baloch regim€nt (B) (C) Jonas Salk
(c) Sindh rcgiment (D) (D) CharEs Drew
53. RidGts is dis€ase ot: 66. Whidt is the oldesl and only survived
(A) Bones (B ) Tissue word6r?
(C) Muschs (D ) Blood
(A) Pyramirs of EgWt
(B) Hanging Garden ot Babvton
54. lnsulin was dbcovered bv: (C) Phahohs tighthousr
(A) Alexander Flemino ' (D)
(B) Edmond Fisher -
None of these
(C) Dr. F.G. Banrino 67. Who was lhe Presirq of USA at the time ot
(O) John Napier - crBation of Pakistan?
(A Franklin D. Roosevelt
(B Henry Truman
' Telangana is now 29m state of lndia. Andhra pradesh (c Abraham Lincoln
was divided into two states, Telangana and a residual
(o None of these
Andhra Pradelh on 2 June 2014. Hyderibad, located 68. Who is the founder of Wkioedia?
entirely within th€ borders of Telangana, is to serve as
(A) Jimmy Wate6 (B) 'Rowne Descsrtes
joint capital for both states for a period ol time not (C) Eill Gates (D) None of th6e
exceeding ten years. ln 2014 there were 2g states in 69. Wh€n first census was conducled in
A&armd PPSC rcOs IodC Paorrs 2ll
(A) rgsl (B) 1952 82. The headquarteF ol UN World Food
(c) 1953 (o) 1954 Programme is situated at-
70. The Muslim demand for Separale Electorate (A) Rom6 (B) Paris
presented by the Shimla Deputation 1906 (C) Nairobi (D) t{evy Yort
was incorporated in the: 83. Al 12 O'Clsck noon Pakigtan standard time,
(A) Minto Morley Reforms the lime in Lon&n (U.K) shall be:
(B) Montague-Chelmslord Reforms (A) 4.00pm (B) 7.00 am
(C) Simon Commission Report (C) 5.00 pm (D) 4.00 am
(D) None of the above &4. A computefs rnemory B measured in byles,
71. Mopla Revolt took dace in lhe yeat the larg€at unit of memory isi
(A) 1919 (B) 192 I (A) iregaby{e (8) Kilobyte
(c) 1924 (O) 1937 (C) Gigabyte (D) Bit
72. During the Pakistan Moveflrent, Qazi 85. The largBt gland in human body isi
Muhammed lssa rendered grcat scrvicas for (A) Liver (B) Ttryroid
the Muslims (C) Pancrcas (O) Lacfirymd
(A) Sindh (B) Bengal 86- Choose the conect senlence:-
(C) N.W.F.P (D) Balochistan (A) The rainy season begins on July
73. The Round Table Conferences (1930 - 32) {8) The rainy season legins al July
werc convened by the British Prime Minister:- (C) The raining season begins in July.
(A) Clemenl R. Attlee (D) The rainy season begins in July
(B) Jam6 Ramsay McDonald 87. Choose thc synonym word of 'BRAZEN'i
(C) Sir Winston Churchill (A) Shameless (B) Quicft
(O) Nevillechamberlain (C) Mod6t (D) Rough
74. During the Congrass Rule 1937-39, 88. "Reute/' is the news agency of:-
VidyaMandar Educalional Scheme' was (A) England (B) United States
plEpard by:- (C) Russia (O) France
(A) M.K. Ghandi
(B) Abu-al-Kalam Azad 89. 'Yellow S€a' is betweeni
(C) Or. Zakir Husain (A) Chins and South Korea
(D) Bankimchatteriee (B) lndon€sia and Mal.ysia
(C) New Zealand and Arstralia
75. SAARC Human Resource Development (O) Japan and Norlh Korea
C€nt e is located ati
(A) NetvOelhi (8) Colombo
'90. ldentity the highest aware of gallantry in the
(C) lslamabad (O) Dhaka Pdice Service of Pakislan: -
(A) President's Police Medal
76. Antibiotic "Penicillin" was discovered ini (B) Pakisten Police Medal
(A) 1928 (B) 1938 ,j .
(c) 194s (D) r9s0 .;&i: r , ' lC) .Ouaid-i-Azam Police Medal
(DI .tlcdal of Gallantry
r/. 'Fib€r Oplics' was invented byi
91. F.l.R. is an abbreviation oft
(A) George Claude
i' i ' ( ). FirBt lnqiiyRopqrr
iai Afred'and I
'/ :
(B) Fi6t lnvesthation Report
(C) Narinder Singh Kapany (G) Firsl lnformation Report
(D) Eeniamin Franklin (D) First lncirent Report
7E. "Bir/' is the drnency oti 92. The art d wrfing in code f,ods or cipher is
(A) Ethio a (8) Bosnia called:
(C) Zambia (D) Nigeria (A) Cryptography (B) Epigraphy
79. The National Accountaulity Bureau (C) Criminology (D) Chronom€try
Ordinance was promulgaled in:- 93. 'Horse Powe/ is a staridard unil of power
(A) 1998 (B) re99 equal to:
(c) 2000 (D) 2002 (A) 370 Watts (B) /+80 Watts
80. The Science lhat deals with lhe
Origin, (C) 656 Watts (D) 746 Watls
Physical and Cullural development of human 94. The recipient of 'Nishani-Haide/ Captain
being is calledi Kamalsher Khan belonged to:-
(A) Ethnography (B) Ecology (A) ftnrjab ,egim€nt
(C) Archaeology (D) Anthropology (B) Frontier Force Regirn€nt
8'1. Which of the following items is a source of (C) Sindh regimenl
Protain? ' (o)
Norlhem Light lnfantry
(A) Sugar (B) Butt6r 95. Who was the first Muslim Ruler of lndian suF
(C) Meat (D) All of the above continent: -
258 Adv.nddPPSrC llCQS 6drt Fro.ts
(A) Muhammad Bin Oasim 98. A man pornting to a photograph said 'l have
(B) Mahmoodchaznavi no brother or sister but that man's father rs my
(C) Muhammad Ghouri falher's son". What relationshrp he has w(h
(D) Outab".ud-Din Aibak the photograph?
96. A man faces North and covers 7 kilometers,
(A) Father (B) Son
tums West and covers 2 kilomelers lhen turns
(C) Brother (D) None of the above
South and covers 4 kilometers and tums 99. The word 'AKIN rs closest in meanrng to
West again and covers 2 kilometers. Hory far (A) Helpful (B) Fnendly
is h€ from the starting polnt: - - (C) Samilar (D) Pointed
(A) 3 kilometers (B) 4 kilometers 100 "Quaid{-Azam Jinnah - The Story of a
(C) 5 kilometers (O) 7 kilom€ters Natron" is a biography ol Oueid-i-Azam
97. identily the musician s,ho composed the written by:
National Anthem of Pakistan: - (A) M.A.H. lsphani
(A) Nisar Bazmi (B) Khalil Ahmad (B) G. Allana
(C) Suhail Rana (D) Abdul Karim Chagla (C) Khalid Bin Saeed
(D) Akbar S. Ahmad

An s we r Key
't. c 14 a 27 a 40 d 53 a 66. a 79 b a
2. b 15 a 28 b 41 b u c 67. b 80 d 93 d
3. b 16 a 29 b 42 d 55 d 68 a 81 c 94
4. d 't7 a 30 b 43 5,6 a 69. a 82 a 95 d
5. c 18 c 31 d 44 c 57 b 70. a 83 b 96 c
6. c 19 c 32 b 45 b b 71. b 84 c 97 d
7. d 20 c JJ a 46 b 59 a 72. d 85 a 98 b
8. b 2'l a u b 47 d 60 a 73. b 86 d 99.
9. a 22 c 35 a 48 b 61 a 74. c 87 a 100 b
10 a 23 a 36 a 49 d 62 a 75. c 88 a
11 a 24 a 37 a 50 c 63 a 76. a 89 a
12 d 25 b 38 d 51 c 64 b 77. c c
13 b 26 a 39 a 52 b 65 d 7E. a 91



1. \rvho requesled Allah lo allow him to exist 4. A Tale of Two Cities' was written by _
fre€ly until the Day of Judgment? (A) D.H. Lawrence
(A) Hazrat Adam (A.S) (B) R.L. Stevenson
(B) Hazrat Ha$ (AS) (C) Khushwant Singh
(C) lblees ^ra (D) Charles Dickens
(D) none of these 5 Which of lhe following agencies related to
2. An Electronic Banking is also known as: UNO was in existence before the World War
(A) Cyber-banking ?
(B) Commeroal banking (A) WHO (B) FAO
(C) Circular banking (c) rLo (D) IMF
(D) Credit banking 6. The Urst women Police Station was set up rn:
3. The First Nobel Prize in the Sub-Cofltinent (A) Lahore , (B) Peshawar
was awarded to: (C) lslamabad (D) Karacha
(A) Rabrnder Nath Tegore 7 Name the Princety state other than Kashmrr
(B) Prot Amritya Sen a dispute between lndra &
whrch caused
(C) Krishna Menon Pakistan:
,i,, Or. Raman (A) gahawalpur (8) Junagadh
AdvrrcedPPSC Co3fitodo,Paoers 259
(C) Chitral (D) Gurdspur (D) Lord Clive
8. A rear-vien, minor for driving is of whicfi type? 20. The Heedquatle6 d the Asian Developrneflt
(A) Plein (B) Concev6 Bank is located in:-
(C) Convex (D) lnvened (A) Bangkok (B) Manila
9. WhA B 'Acrophobia'? (C) Tokyo (D) Kuala Lumpur
(A) lt is the f6ar of tEiEht 21. Choose the Conecl Spellmgs from lollowin€
(B) lt is ltle fear of dogs set:
(C) ll is the lear of wabr (A) Receive (B) Receve
(D) Nofle of th.Ec (C) Reci€ve (D) Recrve
10. Sar[iago b tho cefrtel of: 22. The s€s3bn of Sonate is presided over by:
(A) Brazil (B) Chil€ (A) The Presid€nt (B) The Speaker
(C) Cuba (O) lt ly (C) The Chairman (D) None ofthese
I l. Th€ lGrBz Sysidr iE practic€d only in: . 23. Beiiing is th€ new name of:
(A) Khyber Pekhtunkhau/a (A) HirGhima (B) Yokdrema
(B) Sindh (C) Peking (D) Seoul
(C) Balucfiistan 24. To anssrr accuratcly is more imponant than
(D) Puniab
'12. Pare Olymric Gam6 arG hcld fior: e qurcr nnislr (B) To finish quirdy
(A) Wornefl (C) qui:kly (D) You finish quickly
(B) Children 25. Of the following p{ays, which day has not
(C) Od Peopb been wrinen by William Shakespeare?
(O) Physi€lly Handicapp€d People (A ) As you Like it
13. Mahabd Kh.n Mo€que b lituatod in: (B ) King Lear
(A) Lahore (B) Pesh.sar (c ) Comedy of Erors
(C) Orletta (O) Keradri (D ) Armg and the Man
14. Aner th€ cGation of Pakistan, th€ first Radio 26. A number is increased by 20olo and then
w8s *tauish€d: decreased by 20%, the final valu€ of the
(A) Lahore (B) l(aradri number
(C) P6hawar (D) lsla'nabad (A) Does not change
15. USB Flash Drivo is conrmonly usad poiable (B) Decreases by 2%
device to store dd- Wlat doGs USB stard
(C) lncreases by 4%
lof (D) Deseases by 4%
(A) Univefsal Scrial Bus 27. Grenwich associatcd ryith Greenivich Mean
(8) UniErsal StoragE B.nk Time (GMT) E situated in:
(C). Unh'r. Stor{c Bug (A) GlCenland (B) Auctralia
(D) Univ€fsal Stora$ br Buinrsr (C) Enghd (D) Finland
16. An lnEim Govcrnment wes brmcd in lndia in 28. Zsk t end Ush€r Ordinance was promulgatsd
1946. l/Wlo wa3 the PrinrG tLdrSr of thc in:
lnbrimGov€mm3nt? (A) 1978 (B) 1979
(A Jawahadal llehru (c) 1980 (O) 1962
(B Lord Wa\rsll 29. Pr€sident ldi Amin was ,ored to go
in exile in
(c Liaqat Ali Khan 1979. ln which country did he spend maior
(D None qt these part of lhc axile p€riod and eventually die?
17. Who is the only one in lh€ tollowing urho hes (A) Libya (B) ESypt
won he Nob€l Prire twic.? (C) Zaire (D) Saudi Arabia
(A) SirC V Baman 30. Ar$ ologEel site 'Bhambore" is bcaed in
(B) Dr. Muhammad Younss Khsn lhe distnd ot:
(C) Dr. Linus Carl Pauling (A) Khairpur (B) Daduj
(D) Nelson Mandela (C) Lartana (D) Thatta
18. Thc uncharged particlc in an atom b caled: 31. Mr. Rehman order€d a car *!rth Rs. 600.000
(A) Protofl (B) Electron and was given a discount. Given that he paid
(C) Neutron (D) Molecule Rs. 57.00000 ior his new car. Calculate the
19. Maharaia Raniit Singh wa8 a contemporary of: percentage discount he receryed:
(A) AurangEeb Asmgir (A) 5% (B) 7%
(B) Guru Nanak (c) 9% (o) r0%
(C) Bahadur Shah Zafar
260 Adyancad PFSC lrcQs flodel Paoers
32. The average age of a group of 13 boys is 13. (D) Advisor to President
When two more boys ,oined the group. the 44. Gandhi-Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to
average rose by 2 years. The sum of lhe ages discuss lhe C.R. Formula, prepared by:
of the two new boys is: (A) Raja Gopal Acharia
(A) 26 (B) 30 (B) V.P. Menon
(c) 50 (D) 56 (C) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
33. Which of the following provinces of (D) Lord Wauoii
Afghanistan is situated adiacent to Durand 45. Choose the correct option:
Line': I have engaged him to act as my
(A) PaKika (B) Herat (A) Council (B) Councel
(C) Nimruz (D) Bamian (C) Counsel (D) Counsul
34. The element which is most abundant in the 46. Choose the correct option:
Earth's crusl is:
(A) Silicon (B) lron
Atthough he was a(n) _ and new at
the game Asad knew the others were playing
(C) Aluminium (O) Oxygen incorrectly.
35. Choose the conect spelhngs from lollowing. (A) Expert (B) Enthusiast
(A) Sacde (B) Succeed (C) Authority (D) Novice
(C) Sucsede (O) Sucede 47. The main chemical substance present in the
36. Which Sahabi was the tirst Hafiz of the Holy bones and teeth of animals is
Quran? A)S odiu Chloflde
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) B) Sugar
(B) Hazrat Umar (R.A) C) Calcium Phosphate
(C) Hazrat Usman (R.A) D) Calcium Sulphate
(D) Hazrat All (R.A) 48 The highesl lileracy rale among the SMRC
37. tdentify the world's largest 'Peninsula': countriea is in:
(A) Alaska (B) Scandinavia (A) lndia (B) Maldives
(C) Arabian (D) Labrador (C) Lanka
Sri (O) Pakislan
38. A bag conlains 9 kg. of sugar wliich is to be 49 lndia attacked Pakistan on:
separated into package containing 450 grams (A) 11 September 1964
each. How many such packages can b€ (B) 12 Oei:ember 196,4
made? (C) 6 September 1965
(A) 16 (B) 1E (D) 6 September 1966
(c) 20 (D) 24 50 Who was the predecessor of Lord
39. Ayat Al Kursi is part of which Surah in the Mountbatten?
Holy Quran? (A) LordWavell (B) Sir Stafford Cripps
(A) Al lmran (B) Al Baqarah (C) Radcliffe (D) Lord Curzon
(C) Al Anlal (D) Al Nissa 51 The Synonym of Exempliry is?
40. Which of the following lntemational (A) Over ' (B) lllustrate
Organizalions has no Headquarlers: (C) Answer (O) Summary
(A) ASEAN (B) G-E 1) SACROSANCT means:
(C) D-8 (D) Arab League (A) Sacred (B) Wealthy
41. Light travels et _ miles per second? (C) Clever (D) Humble
(A) 176,000 (B) 140,000 lf 6 + 5x = 30 - x then x = ?
(c) 120,000 (D) 186 000 (A) 4 (B) 5
42. "Pedagogy" is a science of: (c) 6 (D) I
(A) Bodily diseases (B) Stamp collecting 54 lslam was explicitly decided as the State
(C) Languages (D) Teaching religion of Pakistan under the Constitution of:
43. Condolezza Rice was the Ameflcan: (A 1956
(A) Sedetary of State (B 1962
(B) Defence Minister (c 1973
(C) Secretary Defence (o Constituent Assembly
55. Which Prophet is tatled as Abul Bashar'?
(A) Hazrat Yaqub (A.S)
'The Afghan provinces of Badakhshan, Nurestan, B) Hazrat Adam (A,S)
lGnar, Nangarhar, Pakiya, Khost, Paktika, Zabul, C) Hazrat Yousaf (A.S)
(andahar, Helmand, and Nimruz are alladjacent to the O) Hazrat Daood (A.S)
Pakistani border. 56 Bravely" is a: PPSC n0Qsnodel Paoe6 261
(A) Noun (B) Verb (A) Search engine
(C) Adverb (D) Adjective (B) Social network service
57. The LOC in Kashmir was first demarcated as (C) E-mail service
Cea3elire Line in: (D) Blog page
(A) 1948 (B) 1949 69. Who was the first Muslim personality to
(c) 1947 (D) 19s0 awarded the Nobel Prize?

58. lt 15 toys cost Rs: 234. what do 35 tovs cost? (A) Yasser Arafat
(A) Rs:546 (B) Rs; 50 (B) Dr. Abdus Salam
(C) Rs:60 (D) Rs.70 (C) Neguib Mahfouz
(O) Anwar Sadaat
59. The business aclivity conducted with the hetp
of lntern€t is called: 70. The Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP)
(A) E-commercial was built with the help of:
(B) E-commerce (A) China (B) Canada
E-communication (C) Japan (D) U K
None of these
71. Fill in the blanks:
60. Find the missing number in the number series: He did not pay heed _ his brother's
2.4.12. 4.240. advice.
(A) rzoo (A) For (B) On
1440 -(B-)
(c) (D) 2400 (c) To (D) rn
61. ln the US Administration Ashlon Carter is the: 72. The number ot bones in an adult human body
(A) US Ambassador to Pakistan is:
(B) US Foreign Secretary (A) 306 (B) 260
(C) US Secretary of Deienc8
(D) None of these
(c) 206 (D) 106
73. At the event of Mrrai. which lbaadat became
62. !ryho was lie owner of the Microsoff Farz?
(A) Steve Jobs (B)
(A) Fast (B) Zakar
(C) Bill Gates (D)
Steve Balmer
Both B and C
(C) Jehad (D) Five Prayers
74. Neelum Velley is in:
63. ldenlify the conecl sanlence from following: (A) Swat
(A) I am dd by your lies (B) Gilgit
(B) I am sid( ftom your lies (C) Hunza
(C) I am sick of your lies (D) Azad Jammu and Kashmir (J&K)
(D) I am sick to your lies
6.1. Which of th€ following was shned on E Aprit,
75. 'Shawwal' is the month of lslamic
1950; Calendar.
(A) 7th (B) 8rh
(c) grh
(B) CENTO (D) 10rh
(c) Liaquat-Nehru Pact 76. Manchesler United i3 the name of a:
(D) Cdombo Plan (A) City
65. Ghulam Muhammad Barage is on: (B) Football Club
(A) River lndus of Khairpua {C) A Charity Organazation
(B) River lndus at Kotri/ Hyderabad (D) Polo Crub
(C) Rirrer lrdus at Sehwan'Sharif 77. Which of the following organizations look after
(D) None of lhese the children in the world?
66. 'RSVFI.' is written at the end of a formal (A) UNIOO (B) UNTCEF
invitation card. lt is an abbreviation of an (c) UNESCO (O) UPU
erprassion used in Mlich language? 78. The Constitution of the All lndia Mustim
(A) Latin (B) Enslish League was drafied by a Committee in 1907
(C) French (D) !&al-ian headed by:
67. Heat received by the Earth from the Sun is (A) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
known as: (B) Nawab Moham-ulMuik
(A) lnsulation (B) Solar rrdiation (C) Mualana Muhammad AI Jauhar
(C) Solar Heat .(D) Themal radiation (D) Justice Shah Din
68. Twitler is a: 79. Gomal University is in:
(A) Quetta (B) D.G. Khan
' lt is an initialism derived the French phrase
(C) Peshawar (D) Oera lsmarl Khan
Repondez 5'ilvour piait meaning "Please respond" or
80. Please fill in the blank:
literally, "Reply if vou please".
2fr2 Mff*lc(,ll,*ttut
Urer l;
'The manager
receiPt of mY
,? l L J,t; : r at T C =- r) { -- iE 2' D' 92

ilt ic&oteo (B) t€alizod

ici cosiized (D) ackniltedged
S1. Decenrber 3, (c!t- €ry yeao E obs€rved a[ olr€r ui,/ (al
;,tiiP ol
lhe wodd as:
(A) lntcrnational Lirtetacy DsY 1JJ,,i,t, 1o1 .z;i I tcl
iBi lntemaonat Civil Avi.tion Osy
ici lntemational Day of DEabl€d Persons
(o) lnt€malional Human Rlttt3 ! ; Jut-Q J-t,!u' I "a a i{ { i{ F,r'ss


-Thc d€tbi hG ' J_,'l ( J > i iv,
., i v,,: V lt-k, -', j ic
sold lh€ cif trW!,
(A) Tho e it beilg sold bY thG d.ahr
a8i The car has tacn sold by u. dcalar (B) lv
ici Ttre car tr* ucen sold bv th€ deel€f J,r @')
iOi fna car was Oemg sold by thc dealFr
E3. lf y11 ofa numbcr b 22, what B 6111 of that
:ur (D) cf G)
numH LL\'!'a a'l'l' ; t' lv f' .g4
(A) 6 (B) 12 't

ici 33 (D) 44 "'

tc;/( lt.":
84. Whidr oountry is th€ cunent FIFA Football
World ctampion?
(A) Erazil (B) C*flrlaity J;ilv 1e1 Jr"er-ju'uL'r 1r1
(C) Sfrein
85. The country's
(O) Frenoc
ruler Equirsd hi8
JtitJ-t (D\ nriJtt/ lc\
citizem to leeL o ttcial pedr*lsion beiora
changing iob8. iE eLt g )ti 6 s{ 1 rt udJ;it.,"! JF, -,v gs
(A) Mrccratic (B) Dttiotrs \:e
(C) Arnocratic (D) lndifFu3
86. Selecl lhe
(A) Victw
con€ci spellin$.
(B) V'ciaty
t)-fl (Bt J.aJ+ ot
(C) V'ctery (D) Vicroril )Vc)V) (D) $i,t7t 1Cy

87. irdEr of Haztet YoGat (AS) res:

(A) Rebecca (B) Radl€l (zi vrtL "As you sow so shall you reap" 96
(C) Abhb. (D) Amina
8s. Beror. tlc P.rlitbn cf lrdia the Round Tablc -1=€'
Confrcnce *BtG hcld in:
(A) Lahore (8) London L4q,L'/v* {ey
(C) Simla (D) Ddhi L;tu_,Ltle @t
89. The maximum numbcr of Hufiaz€-Cluran
uers m{tyrld h the:
(A) JangFe{Gand{
J,t,l'j/,f tcl
(8) had rrr'-'(D)
(C) Jang-cYarmma
(O) None olthese $o/,eiP4--=-GU' s7
90. Froflr whidl untvsntity di, Allama lqbd oHain juz,tl
his Ph.D degree? ,3.,1t.2(el
(A) Oxford (B) Cambridge
(C) Munich (D) tHelberg JEt)/ (D) ittr)l (C\

t' t.-, r,,r.-Lt 7' P ( 6(, e u/ L,,t .ga

Jgn py J4 (A) ,)d'l pt JEt)/ (At

Jt z (o) di tcl ;*ittfi p1 Jr,,JE ju, rcr

Advanced PPSC NCQ5 *lodel PaDets 263

ta-e,,4P+/6el{ .gg ! 2tv,,,:(,:-l s/u,: 1o1

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,!+V,r,:(rruEdi: <el -' f , ,-c (B) 2/- ,; lA)

S+r;vtt,:(rtEd,l* tc\ (;.,tt 1o1 nir;:r 1cy

Answer Key
t. c '14. b 27. c 401 b 53 a bb c 79. d 92. b
2. a 15. a 28. 41. d 54 c 67 b 80. d 93. d
3. a 16. a 29. d 42. d b 68. b 81. c 94. c
1. d 17 c 30. d 43, e 56 c 69. b 82 b 95. d
5. IE c 31. a 44. a 57 b 70. b E3 d 96. d
6. 19 c 32. d 45. c 58 a 71 c u c 97. c
7. b 20 b 33 a 46. d 59 b 72. 85 c 98. d
E. c 21 a u d 47. c 60 c 73. d E6 a 99b
9. a 22 35 b 48. b 61 c 74. d 87 b 100. c
10 b 23 36 c 49. c 62 d 75 88 b
tl c 24 50. a 63 c 76 b E9
12 d 25 d 38 51. b 64 c b 90 c
13 b 26 d 39 b 52. a 65 b 78. c c


1 Baltorois a famoug ol 6. Peoples Republic of China was founded in

(A) Glacier (B) River (Atlgsd- (B) 1e4e
(C) Mountain Lake (D) Mountain Peak (c) 1946 (O) 1951

2. Gayai, the site of a catastrophic avalanche in 7. Which mineral is mostly found in norlhem and
2012, lies in western mountatns of Pakrstan?
(A) Siachen (B) Balochistan (A) Chromite (B) China ClaY
(C) Azed Kashmir (D) San Rang€ (C) Limestone (O) GYPsum
3. Diamer-Ehasha hydrG€lectric prolecl is being 6 Banak Hussain Obama rs the
built river. President of U S.A.
(A) Jhelum (B) Kabul (A) 42nd (B) 43rd
(C) lndus (D) Hunza (c) 44th (o) 40th
4. The main city of Hunza Valley rs 9 President Mamnoon Hussain is the
(A) Karmabad (B) Gusl President ol Pakistan.-
(C) Banagram (O) Bisham (A) 12rh (B) 14th
5. The first ever American President to be (c) 11th (D) 15th
assassinated was 10. All of the following are non-metallic minerals
(A) John Adams - except
(B) Abraham Lincoln (A) Asbestos (B) Grahite
(C) William Coleridge (C) Platrnum (D) SulPhur
(D) John F. Kennedy 1 '1. The British Cabinet Mission visited lndia in
2 Atranced PPSC MCQ9 Modet Papers
(A) 1945 (B) 1946 (B) t{oor Alam
(c) 19{4 (D) 1947 (C) Shahhaz Sheikh
'12. Who founded the lndian Nalional Congress? (D) Abdul Hameed Hameedi
(A) A.O. Hume 25. When was the last time a PakBtani won an
(B) Oadabhoy Naorqee individual medd al Olympic Games?
(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (A) Los Angsles 1982
(D) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Seoul 19EE
13. Who is the curent President of Pakistan
(C) Tok),o 196.1'
Hocley Federation? (D) Mexico 1966
(A) Shahnaz Sheikh 26.'fhi ofdest Public Radio Staton' in Pakistan
(B) Oasim Zia ras establEhed in 1935: where?
(c) lslahuddin 6) Lahore (B) Dhaka
(D) Akhtar Rasool (C) P6hawar (O) Ka€dri
14. Jelilanwala Bagh is locited in which city? 27. Khanjarab is the border Paas between
(A) Gujranwala (B) Jallundar Pakislan and shidr cour ry?
(C) Amristar (D) Batala (A) China (8) Pakistan
15. Which pair of words refers lo butterllies and (C) Atshanistan(O) lrafl
birds? 28. Babamame was o.ioinally written in
(A) Bear, bare (B) aiary, aplary (A) Persian
(C) bore, boar (D) fair, fare (B Chagatai Turkish
16. Tasmante is the major island of which (c Arabic
country? (D None of these
(A) lndonesia (B) Australia 29. Daewoo is a famous brand of wlrich country?
(C) New Zealand (O) Phrlippines (A) China (B) Japan
17. Pakistan's First Fiye Year Development Plan (C) Pakistan (O) Republic of Korea
was from 30. Which country is known as the "Land of the
(A) 19s4 - 1959 (B) 1955-1955 ', RC.fE €un'?
(c) 1955 - 1960 (D) 1956 : {931 . 6)*China (B) Japan
18. The cunent Five Year Development Plan of (C) South Korea (D) Canada
Pakistan is .
31, . ?ho Strait of Mrbcca lbs bet een which two
(A) EShth (B) Ninth lountries?
(C) Teh6 (D) Eleventh (A) lndonesia tlalaysia
'19. Ourand Line, the presenl borderbetween (B) ThailanGPhilippines
Pakistan and Afghanistan was established in? (C) Malaysia Singapore
(A) 1873 (B) 1893 (D) lndonesia Singapore
(c) 1901 (D) 1E59 32. Lee Kwai Yew was the found€r of which
20. Which ras lhe 6rst Paksitani feature ltlm nation?
released afr er independence? (A) Brunef (B) Singapore
(A) Teri Yaad (B) Oo Ansoo (C) Timor-l-este (O) Taiwan
(C) Chan Way (D) Jugga Oakko 33. The Headquarter of ASEAN is located in
21. Khyber-Pakhlunkhwa, ttlE bmer NWFP was
first crealed as a separale provincz in
(A) 190i (B) 1910 ' ln 1928, a small anil weak radio transmitter was
(c) 1948 (D) 193s installed in Y.M.C.A bulldint, Lahore. tts transmission
22. Gurdawara Rohri Sahib is located in
range was less than eight miles. lt was closed down in
1934, due to economic reasons. ln 1937, a rmall radio
(A) Farooq.bad (B) Faisalabad station was installed with the collaboration of Marconi
(C) Eminabad (D) Hasan Abdal Company which was a trading company. Later on,
23. The lirst railway line belween Karachi and another station was set up in 1939. These stations
Kotri was opened in were regional and transmitted medium waves.
(A) 1E61 (B) 1E69 ln Peghawar, Marconi Company set up a
(c) 187r (D) 1900 radio station in 1936, which was handed over to the
24. Who scored the only goal to give Pakistan the govemment in 1939. lts transmission power was
Olympic Hockey Gold Medal in '1960? double than that of Lahore's transmitter. Dhaka radio
(A) Naseer Bunda
station started transmission on December 15, 1939.
Adyanced PPSC nCQs l odel papcrs 265
(A) Penang {8, Jakarla (A) Climb Mourt Everest
(C) Singapore (D) Bangkok (B) Swim across the British Channel
34. The capital city of Somala is (C) Win an Olympic Gotd Medat
(A) Mombasa (B) ZaiiiUEi- (D) Sail to the South Pote
(C) [4ogadishu (D) Asmara 48. Captain of the Paklstan Cricket team that beat
35. The first ever Atom Bomb was dropped on England In 1954 was
which city (A) A.H. Kardar (B) Fazal Mehmood
(A) Nagasaki (B) yokohama (C) lmtiaz Ahmed (O) Shuja-uddin
(C) Osaka (D) Hiroshima 49. When was the punjab pubtic Servics
36. Mount Fujiyama is located in tvhich country? Commtssion founded?
(A) Japan (B) North Korea ' (A) 1942 (B) 1937
(C) Philipprnes (D) Vietnam (c) 1959 (D) 1940
37 The cap[al city of Cambodia is 50. When was the first pTV programme
(A) Pnom 1e1 xaipl6n-9'-- broadcast?
(C) Hanoi (O) Vientian; (A) November',964
(B) September 1964
38. The current krng of SaudiArabia is (c) october
(A) (Br Abdultah- 1964
(D) December 1 964
Salman (Dr Suttan
39. Mesopotamia is the ancient name of 51 Elropean Parliament is tocated in which city?
(A) Brussels (B) Luxemburg
(C) Pans (O) Strasburg'
(A) Syna (B) lraq
(C) Turkey (D) Yemen 52. Who was the first president of the United
States of America?
40 Women oopulation of Pakistan is
(A) Equat to the number of mate p6p-iiiti6fr- (A) Thomas Jefferson
(B) George Washrngton
(B) Less than the number of male pbpulation (C) John Adams
(C) More than the number of male poputation (D) Alexander Hamilton
(O) None ot the above
53. Astore District is located in which area?
41 Gross GDP of Pakisian in US Dollars is (A) Balochistan
{41-2378 i-on (B) 300 Bi ion
(C) 220 Billion (D) 400 Bilion (D)
Gilgit Batistan
42. Tolal Budget of Pakistan for the cunent fiscat 54. Pakistani actor Fan/ad Khan acted in which
year 2014-15 is RuD€es
recent Bollywood film?
(A) 3945 Bilrion (Bl-T900Eiiii-on (A) BurR (B)
(C) 4000 Billion (D) 3600 Bi ion (C) Jalaibee
(O) cotmaat
43. Women quota fdr government employment 55. Uch Sharifs most famous monument is the
currentlv is
tdmb ot
lAl 'tod/" ---tBt 12'/" (A) Bibi Jawindi
(ct 'tso/o (D) 5% (B) Nawab Safahuddin Abbasi
44. When was Sindh separated from the Britrsh (C) Maulvi Barkhudar
Presrdency and created a separale provrnce? (O) Shams Tabrezi
(A) 1935 (B) 1935 56. The futt name of Dr. Khan Sahib, Chiet
(c) 1938 (D) 1941 Mrnister of NWFP, assassinated in L;hore in
45 Whrch was the first provinclal Assembty to 1958. was
pass a resolution for a separate state lor (A) Jamaluddin Khan
Mushms of lndra? (B) Abdul Jabbar Khan
{A) Punjab (8, Srndh (C) Khush cul Khan
(C) Balchistan (D) None ot these (D) Phoot Badshah Khan
46. Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy was the 57 After independence the first Govemor of
Punlab provrnce was
@1 Prime Minister of pakistan (A) Sir Francis Mudi
(q) Speaker of the Constituent Assembly (B) Mumtaz Ahmad Khan Daultana
(C) Ambassadar to USA (C) Nawab Mamdot
(D) Foreign Minister (D) Sir John Lawrence
47 Btqen Das was the first pakistani to -

216 , Ady.nced PPSC t COs llode, Papers
56. Mt4ibur Rehman had prcposed a tormula lo (C) Optics (D) Mathematics
solve the 1971 crisis which \rvas called 70 Who is a Polymath?
(A) Seven Point (A) Mathematician
(B) Agartala Proposal (B) Astronomer
(C) Six Points (C) lnventor of Tools
(O) Sonar Bangla Formula (D) Expert of many subjects
59. TDAP is r6ponsible lor 71 Pain Killer drugs are called:
(A) Export Promotion
(A) Anesthetics (B) Analgesics
(C) Beta Blockers (0) Antibiotics
. (B) lnvestment Promotion
(C) Power Load Management 72. Ecology is an interdisciplinary field that
(D) Water Distribution ancludes
60. WHO head oltice is tocated in 1A; Biolo@TEiih Science
(A) New York (B) Agriculture & Chemistry
1e1 Vtenna- (C) Pharmacy & Gardening
(c) Geneva (o) Paris (D) Biology & Economics
6l. The UN Security Council comprises of a totat
73. Biojuels are source of energy derived from
of countnes of whrch
are non-permanent.
(A) 10,6 (B) 15, 10 6) Brrds (B) Plants & animals
(c) 11,7 (D) 16, 15 (C) Oceans (D) Air & water
62. Ban Ki Moon rs cunently the of
74 Natural Rubber rs obtarned from
Un ed Nations. (A) A special kind of tree
(A) Chatrman (B) Presrdent (B) A kind of fish
(C) CEO (D) Secretary Generat (C) Water weeds
(O) Animal Waste
63. The lslamic Revolution in lran took pace in: Pick the odd word out
(4) February 1979 (B) January'1980 (B) aeroplane
(C) March'1981 (D) March i979 75. (A) railway
(c) terry (O) bread
64. Queid-iAzam manied his cousrn (B) earth
b€tore-going off to London for nilner stnOies 76. (A) ball
in 1E92. (c) tree (D) moon
(A) Rube (B) Emibai 77. l(c)l milk (B) juice
(C) Jumabal (D) Maryam biscuit (O) lemonade
65. Otre moledrle of water is composed of 78. (A) cool (B) cut
(c) dig (D) blow
@ITwo tlyOrogen etoms, two oxygen atoms 79 Nomal body temperalure is
(B) One atbm o-f hydrogen. one aidm of (A) 98'F (B) 97.4'F
oxygcn (cl s7 .2'F (D) 98.4'F
(C) Two atoms of Hydrogen, one atom of
oxygen 80. Which is the most widely used letter in the
(D) Onc atom of Hydrogen, two atoms of English language?
oxygen (A) A (B) S
66. Water covers how much of the planet Earth?
(c) E (o) P
(A) 70% (B) 650/" 81. Maulana Rumi is buried in which city?
(c) 750/0 ioi oov" (A) lstanbul
(C) Balkh
(B) Konya
(D) Jalalabad
67. Sphygmomanometer is an anstrument used to
measure 82. Bi Amma was the:
(A) Humici ily in the Air (A) Mother of Maulana Shibli Naumani
(B)Blood Pressure {B) Wife of Maulana Abur Kalam Azad
(C)Purity of Mitk tC') Mother of Mautana Mohammad Ali Johar
(D)Thickness of Water (O) Sister of Raja of Mahmoodabad
68. Numinatics is the study of 83. The capital city during Omayyad Caliphate
(A) Coins (B) Horses was _
Madrna (B)
(c) Flass (D) Weapons (A)
(c) Kufa (O) Baghdad
69. Muslim scientist & philosopher lbn-al-Haytham
made his most famous contribution lo the field 84. Raja Purshottam (Porus) was ruling this
of reoron when rnvaded
(A ) Medicine (B) Poetry (ai Matrmoo?GE62iavi
Advarced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 267
(B) Mohammad Ghori
(C) Alexander the Great
jA pt ;'r,fi Py
(D) Kanishka
85. The Safavid dynasty of rulers was based in
tA 9 it'f 6,ti i ;', 4l --,a .ss

(A) lran (B) Turkey v.,5 F\ t +: J,r $)

(C) Afghanistan (D) Turkmenistan
o';F, p1 -,;-f .r" tc)
86. Mohammad Bin Qasim came to Sindh during
which Caliphate of lslam?
(A) Andalusian (B) Omayyad ". gj_;1 ri,f _,, s6
Abbasside (D) Seljuk
(C) Jv.f -:Att1)/ (A\
87. Which province of Pakistan is called Babul
lslam? i7''[irL'"' 1e1
(A) Sindh
(B) Punjab ,t;i cii A'tr lc)
(C) Baluchistan
(D) Kyber Pukhtunkhwa e.z o2 i,t.acttr \ol
88. Begum Hazrat Mahal was the:
(A) Wife of Nawab Wajid Ali Shan
;'A; --- " i ;j1".".:,-i".".i,,.." 97
(B) Mother of Bahadur Shah Zafar
(C) Daughter of Bahadur Shah Zafar
,.is! 6t
(D) Ruler of Bhopal State
Jtr_l @)
89. Persian poets Sheikh Sadi and Hafiz are
buried in which city?
(A) lsfahan (B) Kabul
|';'t';t'7'i 1cy
(C) Shiraz (D) Tehran v'* <ol
90. Who wrote the Qissa Sussi Punnu in Punjabi
(A) Hashim (B) Fazal Shah
r i,;;- ;1';,{,i'{ t f ;' t,r sa

(C) Damodar (O) Waris Shah jvttr (tl

What comes ned in the sequence:
91.2.12,32,62,102,_ $p,r/r.{v'tr F)
(A) 152 (B) 182 ,Jtt,fvttr tc>
(c) 162 (o) 172
92. 90,85,75,55, i!srf:4 1D1
(A) 20 (Bt 2s
(c) 15 (o) 5 s $ 3","ir/" an, * Jti, /" -t,i, ? .sg ;

-?o 6 :Att/ L?,t,.kL,vt .ss tq)utt p1 gyi-lu 61

,drJ( F, *4j ol l>vt;Gr (o) ,1-,lf ,ti 1c1
I (D) e'jrg tcl ta
;- ;{ / " o - i( )G J-r' oo *. t
-{utttu lA n6 = ttt urL d 4, (., .9n
t (Yruir ot ,14if it 61
nt (Bl ,lF' tal ttit,tt (ol Jt"<? (c)

Answer Key
1 a 7. 13 d 19 b 25 31. a 37 a 43 c
2 a 8. 14 c 20 a a 32. b 38 44. a
3 9. a 15 b 21 c 27. a JJ- b 5V b 45 b
4 a 10 c r6 b c 28. b u. c 40 c 46 a
b 11 b 17 ZJ a 29. d 35. d 41 a 47 b
6 b 12 a 18 d 24 a 30. b 36. a 42 a 48 a
268 Advancait PPSC MCes Moclel paoers
49. b 56. b a 70. d 77. c 84. c 91 a 98. c
50. a 57. a 64. b 71. b 78. a 85. a 92 b 99. c
51. a 56. c 65. c 72. a 79. d E6. b 93 100. b
52. b 59. a 66. a 73. b 80. c 87. a 94 c
53. c 60. c 67. b 74. a 81. b 88. a 95 b
54. b 61. b 68. a 75. d 82. c 89. c Yt) a
55. a 62. d 69. c 76. c 83. b 90. a 97 a

1. The Constitulion of all tndia Muslini League (A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
was dfafted by a Committee in t9O7 treatid (B) Maulana Shaukat Ali
by (C) Liaqat Ali Khan
(A) Newab Vloar-ut-Mulk (D) Maulana Hasrat Mohani
(B) NNwab Mohsin-ut-Mutk
(C) Mulana Muhammad Ati Jauhar 8. Under Gandhi lrwin pact March '1931, it was
(D) Justibe Shah Din decided thal
(A) The system ot Drarchy will be abotished
2. The Hindu had launeh€d "Swadeshi (B) The System of the Separate Electorates
*r*tr Enerish m;de soods) will be retained for the Muslims
(C) The Congress will represent the Low
(A) The.Urdu Hindi Controversy 1867 caste Hindus in the elected bodies
(B) Partition of Benoet i9O5 (O) The Congress will discontinue its Civil
1 e1 e Disobedience Movement
[3i ifi'lilil:g $lxJraeedv
3. What was the significances of 2lsrannual
9. Who announced the CommunalAward of
sesson of rll lndia Muslim League (A) Sir Ramsay Macdonatd
(B) Lord Rippen
Elffl5lf"iffi tsir#ff"!'x,J-ni#1," (C) Sir John Simon
Addrasg (D) Lord Minto
(C) Lahore Roolution wasrassed
(D) 10. To whom Lord Wavell succeeded as Governor
luaid-€-Azam was eteded as permanent General of lndia in 1943?
President of All lndia Muslim L6ague
4. (A) Lord lrvin (B) Lord Minto
Under which act the Muslim demand of (C) Lord in Linlithgow (D) Lord Mayo
t eparale Electorste was first conceded by the
Entlsh Govemmenl? 11. The All lndia Mustim Le;gue rejected the
(A) Ttp tndia CouncitAcr 1892 Wavell Plan of 1945 for
(B) Minto Mortey Reforms t9O9 (A) 'lt delayed the Partition of lndia for
(C) Montagu Ch'ehsford Reforms i919 another decade
(D) The Govemment of lndia Act 1935 (B) lt ensured important portfolios lo
5 Who was the Viceroy of lndia from1669 to
congress in the Executive Council
(C) lt did not give League the sote right to
nominate the Muslim Members in the
(A) Lord Curzon (B) Lord Mountbatten Executive Council
(L;) Lord trwin (D) Lord At ee (D) None of the above
6. "Waddia-mandir Scheme" of Congress
rule 12. ldentify the cor.---t statement
(1937-39) retated to
The August Offer ( 1940) was aimed at
(A) Heatth (B) Sociat Welfare (A) lnviting a certain numbers of tndian
(u) Education (D) potice representatives to join Vrceroy's
7. Which of the fo owing Leaders helped euaid- Executive Council
e-Azam in the preparation of his 14 point in (B) Resolvrng Hindu Mustim differences
{C) Offering autonomy to Provinces
Advanced PPSC fiCOs Nodet paoers 269
(O) Offering greater shares to lndians rn 25. Which of the following is best conductor of
servtoes electricity?
13 The lndian Muslims observed .Oay ot 1a1 Copiper (B) Mica
Deliverance" after the resignation of con6ress (C) Zrnc (D) Sitver
mlntsmes on 26. Washing soda is the common name of
(A) 12 September 1939 (A) Calcium carbonate
(B) 22 September 1939 (B) calcium bicarbonate
(C) 12 Oecember 1939 (C) Sodium carbonate
(O) 22 December '1939
(D) Sodium bicarbonate
14 ldentify the person who took part in a[ three 27. Whrci ot the foltowing is the tightest gas
round table conferences (1930-32) (A) Nrtrogen (B) Hyarogen
(A) Chauhdary Muhammad Ati (U) Ammonra (D) Carbon dioxide
(B) Sikandar Mirza
(A) Ghulam Muhammad 28. Whrch ot the followrng gasses is lighter than
(D) Sir Muhammad Zafarullah AN?
(A) Carbon droxide (B) Oxygen
The head of the boundary commission for (c) Ammonia (D) Chio;ine
demarcation of borders between lndia and
Pakistan was 29. Which of the following metals was first
(A) Sir StaffOrd Cnpps discovered by man:
(B) Lord Mountbatten (A) Bronze (B) Sitver
(C) Sir Cynl Radctiffe (C) tron (Oy Cooper
(D) Lord Wavell 30. Which synthetic fibre is known as artificiat sitk
16 ldentiry the Secretary of State for tndia who (A) Cotton (B) Ravon
led the Cabinet Mission in 1946 (C) Terylene iO) ltvt'on
(A ) Sir Stafiord Cripps 31. Wood is the main raw material for the
(B ) A.V. Alexander manufaclure of
(c ) Lord Pethick LawrBnce (A) paint (B) paper
(D ) Sir Anthony Macdonald (C) ink (D) gunpowder
17. Which of the following is lhe liqhtest metal? 32. One horse power is equalto
(A) Mercury (B) Silver (A) 736 watts (B) 746 watts
(C) Lithium (D) Lead (c) 758 watts (o) 768 wats
18. The element present in the largest amount in 33. Electnc current is measured bv
rocks and minerals is: (A) Anemometer (F volimeter
(A) Carbon (B) Siticon (C) ammeter (L, commutator
(C) Hydrogen (D) Atuminium
34. Which ol the following is not a gland
19. Balloons are filled with:
(A) Helium
(A) Stomach (B) Livei
(C) Nitrogen
(B) Oxygen (C) Kidney (O) Pancreas
(O) arg'on
35. lnsulin is secreted in
20. The most abundant metal in the earth,s crust (A) Pituitary (B) Lrver
is: (C) Pancreas (D) parathyroid
({) Zinc (Br Copper 36. The Magna Carta is
(C) Aluminrum (O) lron (A) The name of an English King
21 The gas used to extingursh frre. is: (B) One of Napoteon's Wars
(A) Neon (B) N{rogen (C) A Britrsh naval ship
(C) Carbon dioxrde iDi Carb6n monoxide (D) A hrstorical document curbing the krng,s
22. The Element common to all 3cids is power
(A) Carbon (B) Hydrogen 37. 'Renaissance' is:
(C) Oxygen (O) Sutpirur (A) An event of Russian Revolution
23. Whrch form of phosphorus is used in safety (8) An event of French revolution
matches (C) A period of revivat or rebrrlh of learnino
(A) White Phosphorus (D) A war which took ptace between Engt;nd
(B) Yellow Phosphorus and France
(C) Red Phosphorus 38 The French Revolution began in lhe year
(D) Black Phosphorus (A)1770 (B) -1788
24. Whrch of the following is used in pencil (c)1789 (o) 1750
(A) Charcoal (B) Sitrcon 39. Who wrote the Communist Manifesto?
(C) Phosphorus (O) Graphite (A) Lenan (B) Kad Marx
(C) Stalin (O) None of these
270 A ced PPSC lrcos Paoers
,10. io whidr of the folhYing countries did Kad (A) Hindus (B) Jains'
Man beloru? (C) Parsis (D) Buddhists
(A) l'taly (B) Yt€oslavia 55. ln which year did the first rnodem Olympics
(C) Russis (D) Germany Games take Place?
41. Crusades were (A) 1696 (B) 1906
(A) Movemenl lo spGad Christianily (c) 1908 (D) 1912
(Bi Movement against Catholic Chtistian3 56. "swaythling Cup' is associated with the game
(C) Movcmeflt againsl P.otestants (A) [awn Tennis (B) Table Tennis
(oi netigious wars by Eumpean Chrisuans to (C) Golf (D) Chess
liberate lhe holy land
57. The lndus Valley civilization was famous for
42. tfvhich count y sufrered the maximum in Wodd (A) Well Planned Cities
War ll? (B) Effective Civic Organization
(A) France (B) Germany (C) Progress of Art and Architecture
(C) Jepen (D) ErEland
(O) All of the above
43. Napol€on Bonaparte belonged to of the
(A) France (B) Austtia ' 58. Who was the first Lady Prime Minisler
tc) cermany (D) England world?
(A) Sirimavo Bandoranaike
rl4. Which'of the bllowing is ngt a UN Agency? (B) Margaret Thatcher
(A) World H€a[h Organization (C) lndira Gandhi
(Bllnternatbnal Labour Organization (D) Benazir Bhutto
aC) Food and Agriculture Organization
(Di lnlcmetionai Committoe of R€d CrGs 59. Martin Luther King was a
(A) Social Reformer
45. Th€ pemenent of the lntemational Coutt (B) King of Belgium
of Juslice b located at (C) Black US civrl rrght leader
(A) Paris (B) Geneva (D) None of these
(C) Rome (D) The Hagu€
60. Dr. Abdus Salam was Nobel Prize winner in
46. Which of the Blowing UN Agenci6 i3 the lield of
concemed with the w€lfare of the children
thmuohout the wodd?
(A) Physcs (B) Medicine
(C) Chemistry (O) Economics
ic) wxo (o) wwE 6'1. 'Paracel lslands'in South China Sea are
disputed between China and:
47. The tem of offce d aiudge of lhe (A) Vietnam (B) Japan
lntemational Courl ol Justice is?
(eI s %ars (B) 6 Years " iCi Soutn Korea (O) Russra
(C) 9 Years (D) 10 Year3 62. The only tribal agency of FATA does not
share border with Afghanistan is:
/l8. Red Cro6s washlnded by (A) Kurram (B) Khyber
(A) J.H Durant (B) Baden Porvell
ic) e"tarr (D) orakzai
(C) Trygve Lie (D) F €ddick PEssY
63. The Secretary General Organization of lslamic
49. Quaidi-Azam solar Park of 900 illw capacity Cooperation (OlC) lyad Ameen Madani.
is being Elauish€d in: Belongs to
(A) Sahiwal (8) flhfian (A) Oatar (B) Oman
(C) Bah.walpur (D) Raiim Yar Khan (C) Kuwart (O) None of these
50. A 27 KM Metro Ttain system. lYilh China's 64. The Headquarters of Gulf Cooperator Council
.cooperatron will b€ established in Lahore by is localed at
ttie name:
(A) Gre€n Line (B) Orange Line rA) Rrvadh (B) Doha
(C) Yellox Line (D) Frbn&hip Train
(C) Muscat (D) None of these
65. The 'Dasu Dam" on the lndus river \,Yill be
51. Homar was a grest Poet ot constructed in
(A) Eng$sh (B) German (A) Pun,ab
(C)Grs€k (D) llalinn (B) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
52. Who wa3 lhe fitst human space tra\reler (C) Gilgit Baltistan
(A) Edwin Adrin (B) Frank BorBman (O) Sindh
(C) Yuri GagE in (D) Gherman S. Titov
66. Pakistan Purchased 'Gwadar' in '1958 from
53. Who pioneered the modem nursing systefi? (A) Qatal (B) Oman
Flot6nce Nightingale (B) Mother Tetesa
(A) ic) uee (D) Bahrain
(c) Gr€ra Garto (D) Louis Braille 67. Pakistan share common border with China
54. 'Filr Tcmple' is place of worship of (A) 523 KM (B) 805 KM
Adyancad PPEC nCOs nod?/ Papar, 2l,l
(C) 905 KM (D) None ofthese 80 NOSTALGIC
68. "Landi Kotal" is an importanl town of (A) Healthy (B) Angry
(A) Kurram Agency (C) Home sick (D) Puzzle
(B) Khyber Agency Fill in the blanks
(C) Mohmand Agency E1 _ everything in life
There is a limil
(D) Bajaur Agency to
(A) (B) on
69. The Strait of Malacca is a narrow 805 km in
(C) (O) with
stretch of water between 82. Let us make our differences
(A) North Korea and Japan (A) on (g) in
(B) China and Taiwan (C) after (D) up
(C) China and Japan
(O) Malaysia and lndonesia 83. You ought to-abide _ lhis decision
(A) With (B) of
70. Malala Yusafzai is the youngest Nobel (C) by (D) from
Laureate in the world. she won this prize at 84. lwas amazed _ hrs behavior
the age of (A) with (B) on
(A) 15 years (B) 17years. (C) of (O) at
(C) 18 years (D) 19 years
85. He has great lust_-_ wealth
71. ln which category the largest number of (A) in iB) of
women won the Nobel Prizes so far: (C) on (O) for
. (A) Literalure (B) Medicine Choose the right meaning ot lhe foreign phras€3
(C) Peace (D) Chemistry
86. Culde-sac
72. Pakistan coastline is (A) Without Outlet
(A) 900 km (B) 997 km (B) A passage with many outlets
(C) 1046 km (D) 1146km (C) A passage with one oullet
73. UN Commission on Limits of the Continental (D) Confused passage
Shelf has recenlly approved extension in 67. Per se
Pakistan s Continental Shelf, adding area of (A) essentially (B) in itsef
approximately: (C) assuch (O) all ofthem
(A) 40000 Sq kms (B) 50000 sq kms
(C) 70000 sq kms (D) None of these 88. Prima facie
(A) Human Nature (B) At first view
74. ldentify the lirst woman ombudsperson of (C) Value able (D) Repeatedly
(A) Dr Mrra Phalbus 89 Status quo
(B) Farkhanda Waseem Afzal (A) The same state as before
(C) Hina Jilani (B) Adverse condition
(O) Fakhur un Nisa Khokhar (C) Don't write in this way
(O) Change
75. Pakistan s permanent representative in the
United Nation rs 90 Sine Die
(A) Abdullah Haroon (A) Definilely (B) Soon
(B) Masood Ahmed Khan (C) lndefinitely (D) Road Accident
(C)Tasneem Aslam 91 . 8y which year has the lslamic Zakat System
(D) Maliha Lodhi been enforced and implemented?
(A) Within five years of the beginning of th€
Choose the Word that is similar in meaning revelation of the Holy Ouran
76, ACRIMONIOUS (B) Before the Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)
(A) Bitter (B) Provocative miorated to Madina
(C) Cheep (D) Polile (C) Bi7' A H (seven Hrjfl)
(D) By 9" A.H. (Nrnth Hitri)
(A) Conclude (B) Departure 92 ln which Surah of Holy Ouran. the list of lhe
beneficiaries of Zakat has been specifically
(C) Death (D) Oisagreement given?
(A) Al- Tauba (A) Al -Yusaf
(A) Repulsiveness (B) Honor (A) Al- Ana m (A) Al -Kahf
(C) Artificial (D) Tendency 93 The Treatv of Hudabia was sioned in
(A) 5rh Hiirah (B) 6h-Hijrah
. (A) Tiny (B) Not clear ici z'" uiiran ioi e'n xiiratl
(C) Fancy (D) Honest 94. Ghazwa-e-Tabuk was happened in
272 Adyanced ppSC nces yotFJt pef,eB

!41 4I1.h (B) g'h.lrjrah

(C) 9"'Hurah (D) 1O'h tiiirah Y?ry(rCdrf;lrv./ .gS
95. How many Surah the Holy euran,Contain
(A) i j4 Bi ,tzc J*itry'rr, ,! ruvv,(A)
(c) 109 (o) 220 jr,r.:..2(D) i,t)?t[>
t;tf {L<--(,'v0 .96 t / t,,, ,! l6t -t* .99
16 s
tt el* (B) itt4LP (A)
(B) u.i;l?{r,,(A)

,j:r;(D) ,/> (C)

t)',e,-t!(D) v6rd(C) \?ry$i't;,;'1L,',' .loo
?,4"-,!'/ e- d,r,,t q* .97t;ia'fi(B) i a(-;,?t(A)
t* 6'tt(B) . ,nAEr(A)
v! j{--tl,ctt(O> 4QC)
,gtsl(D) ,!t(tsr(C)
An swer Key
1. c 14 d 27 b 40. d 53 a 66. b 79. b a
2. b 15 c 28 c 41. d tu
c 67. a 80. c 93 b
b 29 d 42. c 55 a 68. b
81 a 94 c
b 17 c 30 b 43. a 56 b 69. d 82. d 95 a
5. a 18 c 31 b 44. d d 70. b 83 c 96 b
6. c 19 a 32 b 45. d 58 a 71. a 84. d 97 d
7. a 20 c 33 c 46. b 59 c 72. c 85. d 98. a
8. d 21 c 34 c 47. c 60 a 73. b 85. c 99 b
9. a 22. b c 48. a 61 a
'10 74. a 87. b 100 c
c 23 c 36 d 49. c 62 d 75. d 88. b
11 c 24. d 37 50. b 63. d 76. a 89. a
12 a 25. d 38. c 51. c 04.
a c 90. c
d 26. 39. b c 65. b 78. a 91 d



1. Who launched the Jihad Movement in 1826? (c) 1758 (D) 1760
(A) Syed Ahmed Shaheed Baretvi 4. Who was the famous female freedom fighter
(8) Maulana Abdul Haq during the revott of 1857 ?
(C) Shah Walr Ullah (A) Razia Sultana
(D) Mualana Zafar A[ Khan (B) Fatima Jinnah
2. The famous book Asar-ul Sanadid was written (C) Rani of Jhansi
by: (O) Mother of Jauhar Brothers
(A) Mualana Zafar Ati Khan 5. The British Offlciat responsibte for the partition
(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan of Eengal into two provtnoes was.
(C) Altaf Hussain Hati (A) Lord Curzon
(D) Allama tqbat (B) Lord Wavell
3. The Battle of Ptassey was fouoht in: (C) Lord Mountbatten
(^.) 1755 (g) r z5z (D) Lord lrwin
*tvenced PPSC Co,tlodel Papq. Zl3
6. ln which of the following two provinces lhe 18. The Coldest place in Pakrstan is:
Muslim League formed govemment during (A) Murree (B) Ziarat
ye ars 1935-1945? (C) Swat (D) Quetta
(A ) Bengal & Sindh
19. The Proposed Kala bag Dam is a:
(B ) Sindh & Punjab
A) Hydal Power Project
) Bengal & Punjab B) Thermal Power Project
(D ) None of these
C) Nuclear Power Project
7. Which Muslims majorily area of Puniab was. D) All of these
awarded to lndia by the 1947 Boundary 20. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon belongs
Commission? to:
(A) Amritsar (B) Ferozpur (A) South Korea (S) China
(C) Jalandhar (D) None ol these (C) Japan (O) Hong Kong
8. The Muslims Rule in Mysor was established 21. The lerm Fourth Estate refers to:
by: (A) Army (B) Judiciary
(A) Hyder Ali (B) Tipu Sultan (C) Parliament (D) Press
(C) Sirajudduala (D) Sher Shah Suri
22. Camivores are animals that feed on:
9. ln 1739 which Muslim ruler sad(ed Oelhi' (A) Plants
(A) Aurangzeb (B) Akbar (B) Other animals
(C) Nadir Shah (D) Dara Shikoh (C) Both Plants and Animals
10. ln Sub-Continent Lord Maccaulay is known for (D) None of these
his contribution in the field of: 23. When a prisoner is released conditionally
(A) Science before the erpiry of his sentenc€ it is called:
(B) English Language (A) Parole (B) Bail
(C) History (C) Probation (D) None of these
(D) Education
11. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
24. Gen. Ayub Khan seized power and abrogated
the constitution of 1956 in:
presented his Fourteen points in (A) 1967 (B) 1956
(A) 192s (B) 1929 (c) 1959 (D) 1960
(c) 1930 (D) 1932
12. Ouaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ,oined
25. Pakistan second constitution was
promulgated in:
the All lndia Muslim League in:
(A) 1906 (B) 1908 (A) 1947 (B) 1956
(c) 1910 (D) 1913 (c) 1962 (D) 1973

13. Who founded the Faraizi Movem€nl in

26. Pakistan joined the Non-Allianed Movement
Bengal? (A) 1978 (B) 1979
(A) Haji Shanat Ullah (c) 1980 (D) 1982
(B) Shah AbdulAziz
(C) Shah Wall Ullah 27. Sachal Sarmasl is the famous sufi poet of:
(D) None of these (A) Punjab (B) K.K P
(C) Balochistan (D) Sindh
14. The Second Governor General of Pakistan
was: 28 Mt. Z.A. Bhutto became the Prime Minister of
(A) Lraqat Ah Khan Pakistan in:
(B) Khawala Nazimuddin (A) 1970 (B) 1971
(C) Ghulam Muhammad (c) 1972 (D) 1973
(D) lsskandar Mirza 29. The Council of lslamic ldeology has been
15. The number of seats for women in the estabhshed:
National Assembly is: (A) to promote lslamic ldeology
(A) s0 (B) ss (B) To see that all laws are made according
(c) 60 (D) 65 to the lnJUnctions of lslam
(C) to establashed lslamic Culture
'16. The t6tal No. of Jails in Punjab is
(O) None of these
(A) 30 (B) 32
(c) 34 (D) 35 30. Qadirpur Gas Field is in:
(A) Sindh (B) Punjab
17. Wana is tha main town of which Tribal (C) KPK (D) Balochistan
(A) South Waziristan 31. Or. Abdul Malik Baloch is the Chiet Minisler of:
(B) North Waziflstan (A) KPK (B) Balochislan
(C) Khyber Agency (C) Gilgit Baltistan (D) None of these'
(D) Baiaur Agency 32. Addis Adaba is the capital of
271 Advanced PPqC CQs lffiel Paoe|€
(A) Barbados (B) Elhiopia (C) Nitric Acid
(C) Kenya (D) Yemen (O) Ethanoic Acid
33. The capilal of United Arab Emirates is:
(A) Dubai (B) Abu Ohabi
(C) Sharja (D) Qatar
34. The silicon valley in USA is famous for:
(A) Mining Prorecls
(B) Film lndustry
(C) Computer Business
(D) Mobile lndustry
35. Taksim Square is in
(A) lstanbul (B) Cairo
(C) Baghdad (D) Kabul 3 I

36. Rec€p Tayyip Erdogan is the Prime Minister o

(A) lraq (8) Esypt io
(C) Syria (0) Tu*ey M lEtilz Shrtid
37. Madagescar is in:
(A) America (B) Australia
(C) Spain (D) Africa
38. LionelMessi is the famous player or: I
(A) Cricket (B) Football
(C) Golf (D) Hcickey
39. Mi; Khalil-rr-Rehman was the founder of:
(A) Feiczsons Publishers
(B) Jhang Group
(C) Pakistan Times
(D) Nawa-i-Waqt
40. Which of the following employs the maior work 47. The Elood vessels that carry blood away from
force in Pakistan?
(A) Agriculture Sector the heart are called
(B) Armed Forces (A) Arteries (B) Veins
(C) Gofi. Sector (C) Capillaries (D) None of these
(O) industrial Sector 48 Guanta Namo Bay Jail is in:
41. The first great Arab Alchemist was: (A) lraq (B) Atghanistan
(A) lbne-Sina (C) Cuba (D) America
(B) Al-Razi 49. The total number of seats in the National
(C) Jbair gin Hayyan Assembly in:
(D) Al-Beruni (A) 340 (B) 342
42. The present National Assembly is the
(c) 34s (D) 350
_ Assembly of Pakistan. 50 Nisar Ali Khan was the
(A) 13rh (B) 14rh {A) Foreign Minister
(c) lsrh (D) 16th (B) lnterior Minrster
43. The term Grand Slam (C) Health Minister
(A) Badminlon
is associated wilh:
(B) Tennis (D) Educatron Minrster -
(C) Football (D) Table tennis 51. Syed Nayyer Hussan Bukhari was the
44. Ricky Ponting the famous crickel ptayer (A)
belong to: Chairman Senate .
(A) Australia (B) England
(B)Speaker Natronal Assembly
(C) South Africa (O) New Zeatand (C)Speaker Punlab Assembly
(D)Leader of Oppositi)n rn the Senate
45. Gobi Desert is localed in:
(A) Asia (B) Africa 52. Remission System means:
(C) America (D) Australia (A) Conversion ot the death penatty to life
,16. Which of the following acids is used in (B) Sho(ening of sertence imposed on the
batteris: Prisoners
(A) Sulphuric Acids (C) lncrease in the term to imprisonmenl due
(B) Hydrochloric Acid to misconduct
A&4m€d PPEC tlGtos tlodel P.De$ 45
(D) None of these (C) Liver (D) Adrenal Gland
53. How many Juvenile Jails/Borstal lnstilutions 66 AleDDo is the coastal city of:
are in Puniab?
(A) Svria (B) EgYPt
(A) 2 (B) 3 ici ru*ey (D) lran
ic) 4 (D) s 67. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif became the
54. A callto appear in court ot Law is called: Prime Minister of Pakislan for the first time in:
(A) Summons (B) Wanant (A) 1989 (B) 1990
icj writ (o) None of these tci rsst (D) 1992
55. The D-8 Organizatirn (The Developing Eight) 68. At night the Plants give oul
comprises of: (A) OxYgen
(A) Muslim countries (B) Carbon dioxide
(B) African Countries (C) Hydrogen Oxide
(C) European countries (D) Carbon monoxrde
(D) Middle Easl countries 69. The of a substance changes when
56. Khartoum is the caPital of it is heated:
(A) Nigeria (B) Sudan IA) Mass (B) Volume
(C) Yehen (O) Jordon tc) weigt t (D) All of these
57. Which of the following help in the clotting of
of words
- correct preposition in the tollowing sets
ldentiry the
(A) White Blood Cells 70. Mr. Ahmed always sets good example
(B) Red Blood Cells
(C) Platelets iA) To-' ' other PeoPle(B) with
(D) Cholesterol (c) on (D) For
58. A short sighted person can see clearly the 71. He agreed mY Proposal
(A) Near objects (A) with (B) For
(B) Distant objecls (c) on (o) ro
(C) Both near and distant objects
(D) coloured objects 72. The defeated army fled the

(A) Out -
59. Which of the following is not a primary colour -_-
(B) About
of lioht: (C) Off Form
(A) (B) Yellow -(D)
73. The property was divided Aslam
(C) Blue (D) Green
and Amiad. -=--
60. A paratrooper jumping from a
plane will (A) Amonq (B) Amongst
exp€rience the state of:
(A) High blood Pressure
ici eeMeEn (D) With
(B) Unconsciousness 74. The lire was finally brought
(C) Low blood Pressure control.
(A) To (B) ln
(D) Weightlessness (C) Under (D) At
61. Speed of sound is the speed of
oDDosite of Gradual is -
{I) Greater than (B) Equallo lAl Temporary (B) Sudden
(C) Slowly (D) Momentary
ici tess ttran (D) 1/10of
62. Which of the following have maximum 76. Oooosite of contract is
(A) Subtraa (B) Expand
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Proteins ic) otioe (D) Decrease
aC) Vegetables (D) Fats 77. (A) Chalange (B) Challenge
(C) Challanse (D) Challunge
63. The picture at the back of Rs: 50OO Note is of:
(A) Faisal Mosque 78 (A) Opportunity (a) Upertunity
(B) Lahore Fort iC) Oi:pertunity (D) Opurtunity
(C) Badshahi Mosque 79 (A) lmmediately (B) lmidtately
(D) Khyber Pass
iC) lmmidiately (O) lmediately
04. A PersonalAccount cannot be opened in: 80. (A) Elactricitv (B) Electncity
State Bank of Pakistan
lndustrial Developmeri Bank iC) etaareciiy (D) Ellectrcity
National Bank of Pakistan
(D None of these
r7ry(/fetlrftl,$:) tt
65. ln human body the lnsulh is secreted by:
(A) Pancreas (B) Kidneys Itlt-i, <yt 6,ti/.t/ <et
n6 ppSC naes n&t parx,B

t)v,t'ia' ot lV<: tct ot{p/V*A,/4,=,

r7@{/,rf+4)*t? .rz JtiD/ (s t)vdf auuny ,^t
6l*. <et aiit, <et ,)fu* rot r& ro r
z*,/,;') <r> -)$itut rc> e
{,J,ti,!,J i d L {$it I o? ri .so
tao*tLry(pf ,f .u gfit: {B) t!,gJ-t 6y
. Jt:cttsr <s) c)G&fcilr, G) 6l,V o 6.frc1 <ct

6/ibt? tD ,)F,u* <ct t ulir.,* L J d,*

gi,,, L .st
tJ," L it.,, ;p ;/,){7,,! o,g{ 9 4,o .t+ Uo\of <s?uFilop <et
-Ax VnloP <ot $u|/ef {c)
Uo*-7 <atlutrt1o7 <r> r-Jv{tiJttst;v .sz
'dr&of (to j:filef <c\ $'L6l1rr, <et :.\rLsrt./iV <et
r.-yr'r i rf ,!g i, tE JyoT ) .g5 {Lu:rfitko ). LJu,.>zb <ct
688 (B) 788 (A)
(ro -c-{1u@ t/ r,L.,{6 kr .gt
ssa 48E (c)
$IqJ:u. Gt ,.zt te)
-u! lgv_,; {: {o fl {"_,.r!,,):e,,, .to ji ko /rzj (c)
/> <s') ,rtj) <t> r/atlQ.,.,l l*p + L6.E {,,r
iS <r )u-FO <rt
-t'/&zvL ffi?to,,vt.,v

l' ) J.>, LD, i' L,./ S# ;,! J,r gi ) sr_, .g7

<w Ji"./ <tt
-ii,irz-'fi 1f"i <ot *rory <c>
6 ,tVeP tteT 1s1 <el ,1r,,).
ii .4.
tf /\ref o) jt,til,>f tct
,f ,o{g -6 itt L oi,/ orfir. .qs

d,idp {[ 4vt,t/ <_ :-CV
<s) JFtu* <tt
&,! ( B) ./1, (A)
6s(i-et <>t ,,i*ttju- <c>
gl'' (D) )
,/ ", --* t!,', /,J &,it=F,:-.; l ru

,/- .
. /:2
w -L*,7d LJt,iut,t{(
v)U./-?L-1-? _( -{' <_
1V* <u gf,ttbt? a)
4trarcad PfSC UCQE Uodst Paof.,rs Ztl
JboakD t?v <ct Jry$lr <et !Git1/ {A)

-ru#,!,./r'/rrf.t& .n ,ti;&io iesf ,>:v tct

)"g1.=:v <e> njt;rr <et - -yi f* t/ fi :t; e -. ;E l. di ) rco
, .

sillf <o> 6,!;gt <ct if ef <et

-Zct {& L io t)t,-l-p )v, .es
jroT <at
,to&/urtr <il 17*1!,lvrtr <et Vv'P Q)
gL,?t4./ kD JFt-* <c> ,/tf J{.-,lctt <ot
-*Wt4iUQtstu.e .ee
Answer Key
1. s 't4. b 27. d 40. a a 66. a 79 a 92. d
2.b c 28. d 41. 54 a 67. b 80 b 93. d
3.b 16. b ?9. E 42. b 55 a 6E. b 81 a 94. a
4.c 17. a 30. a 43. b 56 b 69. a 82 a 95.
5.a 1E. b 31. b 44. a 57 c 70. d c 96. d
6.d 19. 3?. b 45. a 58. a 71. d u d 97.
7. b 20. a 33. b 46. c 59. b 72. d 85 d 98. d
E.a 21. d u. c 47. a 60. d 73. c 86. d 99. a
9.c 22. b 35. e 48. 61. c 74. c 87. a 100 b
10. d 23. a 36. d 49. b 62. d 75. b 88. c
11. b 24. b 37. d 50. b oJ. a 76. b 89. e
12. d 25. c 38. b 51. e 64. a 77. b 90. a
13. a 26. b 39. b 52. b 65, a 78. a 9'1.

1. Who is Emmanuel Macron? (C) Robert Bruce Lohaf
(A) Gennan Chancellor Bill cates
(B) Canadian President 4 Where is the Headquarter of the Amnesty
(C) French Presidsnt lnternational located?
(O) President of ceorgia ' (A) Geneva (B) London
2. Whal posilion Xi Jing Ping holds in China (C) Pans (D) New York
(4) General Secretary of Communist Party 5 Asran Development Bank (ADB) was
(B) President of the country established rnl
(C) Both 'a' & 'b' (A) 1964 (B) 1966
(D) Prime Minister of the country (c) 1968 (D) None of rhese
3. Who is the president of Wodd Bank? 6 Who were the three statesmen who
(A) Dr Jim Yong Kim formulated Non-Aligned l\rovement (NAM.,?
(B) Robert Bruce Gate (A) Gandhr. Nasser. Trto
27E AdvrncedPPSC CQs ode, Pape6
(B) Nehru, Nasser, Tjto 21. The existing police system in Pakistan is
(C) Chou€n-Lai, Bhutlo,'Nehru based on the police Act of
(D) Soe Kamo, Nasser. Tito (A) 1E61 (B) 1864
7. The Permanent Secretariat of SAARC is
(c) 1E86 (D) 1934
established at 22. When US bought Alaska from Russia
(A) Dehli (D) lslamabad (A) 1857 (B) 1867
(C) Kathmandu (B) Dhaka (C) 1877 (D) None of above
8. Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987 23. Who was the creator ot Nobel Prize
(A) Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (A) Swedish statesman olal plamay
(B) Yasser AraIat (B) Norway Scientist Dr. Navsen Nobel
(C) Abu Nidal (C) Swedish Chemist and engineer Aiferd
(D) None of these Nobel
(D) Alfonso VIll, king ot castle
9. How many ofticial working language ARE
recognized by UNO? 24. Reaching a paiy a day before yesterday, I
(A) I (B) 6 tound myselt two days late. lf day after
(C) 4 (D) None of these tomorrow is Friday on what day was party
scheduled to be held
'10. ln which month does the UN General (A) Sunday (B) Monday
Assembly usuaily meet every year?
(A) August (B) September (C) Saturday (D) Thursday
(C) October (D) November 25. Batlle of plassy was fought ln 1757 between
English and
11. Which of the following countries have the (A)
power of veto in the General Assembly of NawabShuja-ud-Daula
(B) Mir Qasim
(A) USA (B) Russia (C) Nawab Saraj-ud-Daula
(C) China (D) All of these (D) None of these

12. The term of office of a judge of the 26. Which choice supply the missing figure in the
lnternational Courl of Justice is?
following blank space to continue the
(A) 5 years (B) 7 years services? 48, 45, 40, 33, 24, ......
(C) 9 years (O) None of these (A) 11 (B) 13
(c) I (D) 3
13. The total percentage of silicon in earth crust
(Al 27.72o/o (B) 30% 27. ldentify the length of lslamabad - Peshawar
section of Motorway
(C) 45% (D) None of these (A) 96 KM (B) 133KM
14. The lran
- as:Pakistan - lndia gas pipeline is (c) 1s4 KM (D) 168KM
also known
(A) Friendly pip€line
28. ln the composition of Earth. Oxygen is
(B) approximately
Peace pipeline
' (A\ 20vo (B) 38 %
Great pipeline
None ot ttrese .. (cl'46 o/o (D) s8 %
15 Where is H.Q of UNICEF
2E. SHO is Police department is the abbreviation
(A) WashirEton (B) Geneva of
(C) Vienna (D) New York (A) Sanior House Officer
(B) Station Hoube Otficer
16. which is the National Flowar ol Pakistan? (C) Superintend House Officer
(A) Tulip (B) Rose (D) Supervision Home Officer
(C) Jasmine (D) None of these
30. An Art of writing in code words or cipher is
17. After Pushtuns the largest-ethnic group in called
Afghanistan is (A) Cryptography (B) Epigraphy
(A) Uzbeks (B Hazaras (C) Criminology (O) Chronometry
(c) Tajiks (D None of these
31 . Horse Power is a standard unit of power equal
18. The Capital ot Argenlina is: to
(A) Columbia (B) Ba,cdona (A) 370 Watts (8) 480 Watts
(C) BuenosAires (D) Peru (c) 65E Watts (O) 746 Watts
19. Which is the largest country in Atrica 32. ll6x2 = 3.1.8 x 1=42,2v 4 = 12then 8 x6
(A) (B) Nigeria is=?
(C) (D) None of lhese (A) 34 (B) 43
20. Name lhe cun€ncy ot Si Lanka? (c) 46 (D) 48
(A) Rupryah (B) Lek 33. The recipient of 'Nishan-i-Haider' captain
(C) Ringgit (D) None ofthese Kamal Sher Khan belonged to
Advanced PPSC NCOS Nodel P.oers 279
(A) Punjab Regiment 45 Lake Manchar is the largest lake in Pakistan is
(B) Frontier Force Regimenl situaled at
(C) Sindh Regiment (A) Kaghan (B) Swat
(D) Nodhern Light lnfantry (C) Dadu {D) Lasbela
34. ln term of area which is the largest
Administrative district of Puniab
(A) Bahawalpur (B) D.G Khan
(C) Farsalabad (D) Lahore
35 Who was the first Muslim ruler of lndian Sub-
(A) Muhammad Bin Qasim
(B) Mahmood Ghaznavi Grammar Rules &
(C) Muhammad Ghouri
(O) Outab-ud-Din Aibak Sentence Conection
36. Light travels from Sun to Earth is
(A) 2 minutes (B) 4 minutes
(C) 6% minutes (D) 8% minutes
37. The archaeological site of Kot Di.ii'is located
near the city of
(A) Larkana (B) Thatta
(C) Xtralrpur (D) Swat
38. ln 1E94 Pakistan became world Champion of
(A) Cricket
(B) Hockey & Squash
(C) Snooker -
(O) All of the above
39. ln which of the tollowing countries the
of Police and Judicial system
has reduced lhe rate of crimes to the
minimum in the world
(A) China (B) Germany
(C) Japan (D) France
40. Which of the following district of ocaupied
Jammu and Kashmir has Buddhist maiority
(A) Raiourial (B) Doda
(C) Leh (D) None of above 46. The power Generating capacity of Chashma
Hvdro Power Plant is
41 A man faces North and covers 7 kilometers, tA) tOo tvtW (B) 154 MW
turns west and covers 2 kilometer then turns (c) 184 MW (D) 274 MW
South and covers 4 kilometers and turns West
again and covers 2 kilometers. How far is he 47. Velocity of Sound in AiI per second is
from the starting (A) 250 meters (B) 331 meters
(A) 4 klometers (B) 5 kilometers (C) 434 meters (D) 561 meters
(C) 7 kilometers (D) None of above 48. Deficiency of vitamin 'C' in human body leads
42. The numbers of Jails for prisons in Pun ab at to
presenl is (A) Eye disease (B) Nerve disease
(A) (B) 32 (C) Teeth disease (D) Skin drsease
(c) 44 (D) 48 49. Muhammad bin Salman is
43. Grozny is the capital of (A) King of Saudr Arabta
(A) Kosovo (B) Bosnia (B) PM of SaudiArab
(C) Chechnya (D) Finland (C) President of SaudiArab
(D) Crown Prince of Saudi Arcb
44. ldentify the musician who composed the
National Anthem of Pakistan 50. Which of the following instrument is used for
A) Nisar Bazmi cofi pafl ng earthquake magnitudes
B) Khalil Ahmed (A) Anemometer (B) Seismograph
C) Suhail Rana (C) Richter Scale (D) Pyrometer
D) Abdul Karim Chagla 51. "Olive Branch" is a symbol of peace while
'Lotus' is a symbol of
280 Advanced PPSC MCes ktodel paperc
(A) Progress 63. What do you understand by lhe term .Brarn
(B) Culture and Civilization Drain'
(C)Justice (A) Mad person
(D) Romantic tove (B) Migration of skifled labour to other
52. A man pointrng a photograph said, .l have no countries
brother and no sister but that man,s father is (C) Emigration of intellectuals
my fatheas son. What relationship he has with (D) llliteracy and rgnorance
me? 64. Victoria falls is in
(A) Father (B) Son ({) Canada (B) NoMay
(C) Brother (O) None of lhese (C) Rhodosia (Dl Venezuela
53. Approximatety how much part of Jammu afid 65 The length offamous Khyber pass is
Kashmir is under lndia's occupation
(A) 1i3 (A) 33 KM (Bi 53 KM
(c) 3/4 tB\ 2t3 (c) 73 KM (D) 93 KM
io't ttz 66. How many were the writer of the ,Wahee,
54. The word'AKIN'is closest is meaning to (A) 31 (B)
({) Helpfut '
(B) Friendty (c) 40 (o)
{C) Simrtar (D) pointed
67. The tenure of Hazrat Ali was
55 Which of the following disease has been (A) 3 years (B) 4 vears
totally eradicated in the wortd? (C) 5 years (D) N6ne of above
({) Polio (B) Sma pox
(C) Measles (D) Hookworm 68. When the incident of 'Karbala. occuned
(A) 58 AH (B) 60 AH
56. 'Elysee Place' is the offcial residence of (C) 70 AH (D) None of above
(A) King of Denmark
(B) German Chance or 69. Who was the king of Egypt to whom the
(C) President of France Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) otfered lslam?
(D) Pope of Vatican (A) Asmha (B) Hercutes
(C) Macuqas (D) None of above
57. The earth's movemenl round its axis once in
24 hou6 is called 'Rotation" while its motion 70. That colour will not _ your
round the Sun once is approximatety 365 days complexion
is called (A) Soot (B) Suite
(A) Movement (B) Spinning (C) Suit (D) None of these
(C) Revotution iDi Circrlation
7'1. There aren't people here
58. 'Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah - the story of a nation" (4) 1e) Many
a-bio-g-raphy of Quaid-i-Azam wiitten by
is (c) A rot (oi Sorne
(A) M.A.H tsphani 72 Select a correct word
(B) G Allana Coalition (B) Coa ition
(C) Khalid Bin Saeed
(D) Akbar S. Ahmed
Coalition (D) Cohtion
73. Be tn vour lanouaoe
59. At 12 o'clock noon Pakistan Standard time in (A)-FEcisE-'-- iei"il?Lro,"
London (U.K) shatl be (C) Punclrlious (D) None of these
(A) 4:00 PM (B) 7 00 AM
(C) 5:00 PM (D) 4OOAm 74 I $/ent to the shop some
60 Dead sea ts lvrno between (A) For buying (B) For buy
(A) lsraet ani, J-ordan (C) To buy (D) Buy
(B) Turkey and Greece
(C) England and France 75. Forgery means
(D) Sudan and South yemen {A) Fraudulent atteration of wntrng
(B) Forcefulness
61 ln whrch of the followrng games. player in (C) lnventiveness in wntino
known as "iratador" . (D) lnventiveness in speaking
(A) Hammer throw (B) Base Ba
(C)Erlliards (D) Bu fightrng 76. Who is King of Jordan
(A) Abdultath (B) Hassan
62. ldentify Muslim Scientist who is credited with (C) Ali Shah iD) None of these
the drscovery of sulphnc Acid. Nrtrrc Acid and
Hydrochtoric Acid 77 Who was founder of Ottoman Emprre
(A) Muhammad Brn Zakrria (A) Osman
Razr (B) Suleman
(B) lbne-al-Hashim
(C) Bu Ali Seena (C) Sultan Mehmood
(O) Jabir Bin Hiyan (D) None of above
78. Pure gold is _ carat gotd
Advanced PPSC MCQs llodelPapers 281
(A) 12 carat (B) 14 carat (C) Cyclon (D) Ciclone
(C) 22 earal (D) 24 carat
90. People prefer to wear white clothes during
79. Gawadar is famous summer because
(A) Fishing Town (A) The clothes look nice a coot
(B) lndustrial City (B) Do not absorb heat
(C) Sea Port (C) Absorb heat
(D) None of the above (D) None of the above
I 80. The duration of day & nrght at North & South 91. Warsaw is the capital of
Poles is
(A) 3 months
(A) NoMay (B) Bulgana
(C) 5 months
(B) 4 months (C) Poland (D) Belgium
(D) 6 months
92. Muslim Saint Baba Fareed Ganjshakar is
8'1. Whlch is wrongly spelt in the following s€t of buried at
words (A) Kot Mithan (B) Pakpattan
(A) Hight (B) Mishr (C) Multan (D) Gahawalpur
(C) Light (D) Stisht
93. Only one planet in the Solar System has an
82. What was the rule of the Quak -i-Azam for atmosphere which is
enacting the Rowlett Act (A) Earrh (B) Mercury
(A) Supponed ir
(B) Opposed it
(C) Pluto (D) Venus
(C) Proposed it 94. What is the meaning of the underlined word in
(O) None of the above the follorving sentence
)A 'Emoeror Jehanoir a reoutation for beino
es f,f=r Jusl"
(A) Stubborn (B) Fair
t (B) + (C) Smct
95 'What comes next in the series?
(D) Flexible

+ (D)
+ 0/t, 48, 40, 36, 34, .........
(A) 33 (B) 32
&1. There was so much smoke in the room thal I (c) 31 (D) 30
could hardly
Breath (B) Breathe 96. FIR stands for
(C) Breathing (D) Ereathtess (A) First lnvestigation Repo(
(B) First lnformation Report
E5. The hardest substance known is (C) First lnformation Record
(A) Diamond (B) Sreet (D) First lnformation's Repon
(C) Platinum (D) tron
97. The largest lsland in the world rs
86. Modern computers compared to earlier (A) Australia (B) Japan
rs are (C) Green Land (D) lndonesra
(A aster and larger
(B Larger and stronger 98. Which ofthe following languages is spoken by
(c Slower but more reliable the largest number of people in the world?
(D Faster and smaller (A) Chinese (B) English
87. Organization of lslamic Cboperation (OtC) has
(C) Arabic (D) French
its headquarters at 99. The rotation of earlh around rls axis causes
(A) Cairo (B) Jeddah (A) Summer & Winter
(C) Tehran (D) lslamabad (B) Summer
(C) Day A Night
88. Durand Line is a boundiry between Pakistan (O) Winter
(A) indi-a (B) Afghanisran 1oo.ldentify the co.rect spellings in the following
(C) lran (D) China set of words
(A) Prety (B) Pretty
of words
the correct spellings the following set (C) Prettey (D) Prity
(A) Cyclone (B) Cycloan
Answer Key
1 5. b 9. b 13. a 17. c 21 a 29. b
b 6. b 10. b 14. b 18. c 22 b 26 b 30. a
a 7. 'I 1. d 15. d '19. d c c 31. d
4 b 8. a 12. '16. 20. 24 b 28 c 32. b
?!!_- Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers
d 4?. b 5t b 50a69c 78. d 87 b 96
v a
61. d
62. d
98 a
Jb d 45. c 54 c 63b72c 81 a 90. b 99 c
37 b 46. c 55 b 64.c73a 82 b 91. c 100 b
JC d 47 b 56 c 65b74c 83 a 92 b
39 a 48 c 57 c 66. d 75. a 84 b 93 a
40 c 49 a 58 b 67. d 76. a 85. a 94. b
A1 d c 59 c 68d77a 86. d 95 a



in the Punjab (Prisons) Home Department'2013
(A) 1930 (B) 1932
Who was the founder of Mughal Rule in lndra? (c) 193s (o) '!936
1A) Babur (B) Akbar
(C) Humayun (D) Jehangir 6 The Partrtion of Bengal took place in.
fhe war of lndependence starled at
(A) 1905 (B) 1906
(A) Delhr (B) Maysoor (c) 1907 (Dr 1908
(C) Lahore (D) Mearut 7 Who was the leader of Qult lndia Movement?
(A) Muhammad Ah Jrnnah
3 The Muslim demand of Separate EleQtorale
(B) Muhammad AI Jauhar
presented by the Simla Deputation 1906 was
(C) Srt Syed Ahmed Khan
rncorporaled in the (O) Mahatma Gandhr
(A) Minto-Morley Reforms'
(B/ Govt of lndiia Act 8 The demand for a separate Muslim Homeland
lC) Mountbatten Plan rn 1930 al Allahbad was made bY:
iD; 3rd June (A) Ouaidl-Azam Muhammad Ai Jinnah
(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
4 Mohammdan Anglo Oriental College was (C) Allamalqbal
founded by: (D) Muhammad Ah Jauhar
(A) Srr Syed Ahmed Khan
iB) lvluhammad Alr Jauhar 9 Syed Ahmed ShaheedBrelvr is buried at
rC) Allamalqbal (A) Jehium (B) Abbotabad
. D, Ch. Rehmat Al' (C) Balakot ior Muzaflarabad
5 The Government of lndra Act was passed rn 1O ln Pakrstan the sale of c€arettes ts prohibrted
under the age of
rAt 15 (B) 16
tndian Councils Act 1909, commonly known as the
(c) 18 (D) 20
Morley-Minto Reforms, was an Act of the Parliarrient oI
the United KinBdom that brought about a limited Government of lndia Acl 1912. which modafied the
rnarease in the involvement of lndians in the lndaan Councils Act 1909
governance of British lndia. Government oI lndia Act 1915, a consolidation
'The term Government of lndia Act refers to any one of into a single Act ot most of the existing Acts of
r lrries of Acts pass€d by the Parliament of the united Parliament concerntng lndian Eovernment
ti,ogdom to regulate the Bovernment ol Sritish lndia, in Government of lndia A.t 1919, which expanded
oJrlicular: le8islatlve council!in the cente. and the
. Government of lndia Act 1833 (also known as the provinaes, and divided areas of responsrbrlrtY
'Charter Act"i, whrch €reated the post of between governors and Iegtslative councils, and
Governor'General of lndia t ''. between the center and the provinces.
. Governmenr oi lndia Act 1858, under which th€ Gdvernftent of lndia Act 1935, which despite
Britrsh .tovernment took over control of lndia from never being fully implement€d, serued as part ol
the East lndia company, lollowin8 the rebellion the constitutronal ba5is of lndia and Pakistan for
-garnst Eritish rule (mutiny)of 1857 the initial period alter the Partition.
Advanced PPSC ttoQs,lodet P )et5 28-
11. The total number of seats in the National (A) 2 years (B) 3 year:
Assembly is: (C) 4 years (D) 5 ,

(A) 340 (B) 342 25. The name of Tiger Woods is as

(c) 344 (D) 349 (A) Golf (B) Tenn
12. "Hayat-e-Javed" was written by: (C) Football (D) Swimm
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed
(B) Muhammad Ali Johar
(C) Allama lqbal
(D) Altaf Hussarn Hali
13. The Bolan Pass' connecls Pakistan with:
(A) kan (B) Afghanistan
(C) China (D) None of these
14. FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas)
consists of how many Agencies?
(A) 6 (B) 7
(c) I (D) s G UI de
15. The Siachin Glacier is located in:
(A) Baltistan (B) Swat MCQg


Hydal Poner
(D) Sakardu
16. Most of the eleclricity in Pakistan is produced
(B) Nuclear Power
(C) Solar Power (O) Thermal Power Past PtrFrs & M(nkl l'!p.r;
17. Area wis€ which is the largest province of
(A) Sindh (B) KPK
(C) Balochistan (D) Punjab {
1E. lslamabad was officially made the capital ot
Pakistan in:
(A) 1960 (B) 1962
(c) 1964 --.-::r-
(D) 1967
19. How many hours ahead oI Greenwich Mean
Time is Pakistan's Standard Time? 26. The founder of Social Media Network
(A) 2 hours (B) 3 hours
(C) 4 hours (D) 5 hours (A)
Mark Zukerberg
Steve Jobs
20. The bigg€st Salt mine of Pakistan rs located (C) Bill Gates
near: (O) Steva Wozniak
(A) Jhelum (B) Mianwali
(C) Sargodha (D) Mingora 27 The most widely used internet engine in the
world rs:
21. Which of the following is the maior export (A) You Tube (B) Google
commodity of Pakistan?
(A) Cotton (B) Whear
(C) Yahoo (D) MSN
(C) Sugar (D) Rice 28. Bashar al-Assad is the president of.
(A) lran (B) Yemen
22. lslam is the world's _ largesl (C) Syria (D) Lebanon
(A) frrst (g) second 29. Vatican City where the Pop€ lives is in
(C) third (O) tourth (A) ltaly (B) France
(C) Spain (D) Germany
23. Who is the present coach of Pakistan's
Cricket Team? 30. Nairobi is the capital city of:
(A) lntikhabAlam (B) Javed Miandad (A) Uganda (B) Kenya
(C) Waseem Bari (O) Oav Whatmore (C) South AInca (O) Libya
24. The Olympic Games are held after every: 31. Rhodesia' was the old lame ot:

'The Eolan Pass is a mountain pass through the Toba officially th€ Republic of Rhodesia from
Kakar Range of Balochistan province in westero 1970 to 1979, was an unre.otnised state located in
Pakistan, 120 kilometres from the Afghanistan border. southern Africa during the Cold War. From 1965 to
It connects Sibiwith Quetta both by road and rililway. 1979, it comprised the region now known as
284 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers
(A) Morocco (B) Zambahr/e 46. Abdullah Gul is the presidenl of:
(C) South Africa .. (D) Kenya (A) lran (B) Turkey
32. Ashkabad is the capital of: (C) Lebanon (D) Egypt
(A) Turkmenistan (B) Armenia 47. EPI is a:
(C) Azerbaitan (D) Bosnra (A) Vaccination Programme
33. The Wall Street is rn. (B) Human Rights Programme
(A) New York (B) Pans (C) .Environmental Protection Projecl
(C) London (D) Rome (D) Poverty Alleviatron Programme
34. Before the Partitron of lndia the Round Table 48. The largest rndustry of Pakistan rs:
' Conferences were held in: (A) Cotton Textile (B) Sugar
(A) Lahore (B) London (C) Fertilizers (O) Syed
(C) Srmla (D) Delhr 49. The Nationalization Policy was introduced
35. The hotlest place in Pakistan rs:
during the period ot:
(A) Sibi (B) Multan (A) Ayub Khan
(C) Jacobabad (D) D.c. Khan (B) Zia-ulHaq
(C) Z.A. Bhutto
36. The Karakoram Highway starts at: (D) Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
(A) Rawalpindi (B) lslamabad 50. Pakistan is the most populous
(c) Abbonabad (D) Hassan Abdat
country in the world.
37. Juvenile Prisoners are under lhe age
(A, years (B)
of: (A) 4th (B) sth
years (D)
14 years (c) 6rh (o) 7th
16 18 years
51 . Pakistan's largest import category is:
38. Amsterdam is the capital of: (A) Petroleum & Petroleum Products
(A) NoMay (B) Canada (B) Machinery
(C) Sweden (D) Netherlands (C) wheat
39. The old name of lslanbul was: (D) Medicines
(A) Babylon (B) Cohstantinople 52. Capital of Turkey:
(C) Bukhara (D) Samarqand (A) Ankara (B) lzmir
40. 10 Downing Street is the official residence of: (C) lstanbul (O) Konia
(A) American President 53. How many seats for Non-Muslims are
(B) Queen of England reserved in the Nataonal Assembly?
(C) Eritish Prime Minister (A) I (B) 10
(D) French President (c) 12 (D) 14
41 Who is the author of Harry Potter Series of 54. OGRA stands for:
Books tor Children? A) Oil & Gas Regeneration Authority
(A) Enid Blyton (B) Roatd Daht B) Oil & Gas Regulatory Authonty
(C) Oenis Robins lD) J.K. Rowling C) Oil & Gas Reproduction Authority
42. Serena Williams is the famous player of: D) Oil & Gas Restoration Authorrty
(A) Tennis (B) Badminton 55. Mian is
(C) Swimming (O) Hockey ' Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan.

43 Which of the following count ies has no (A) 25th (B) 26rh
system of railways? (c) 27th iD) 28th
(A) Afghanistan (B) lran 56. John Kerry is the:
(C) Bangladesh (D) Sri Lanka (A) US Ambassador to Pakistan
44 Abu Ghraib Jail is located in_. (B) British Foreign Secretary
(A) Aighanistan (B) lraq (C) US Secretary of States
(C) Pakistan (D) lran (D) None of these
45 The Syslem of Jails was introduced by: 57. Neelum Valley is in:
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (RA) (A) Swar (B) Girgit
(B) Hazrat Usmna Ghani (RA) {C) Hunza (D) Azad Kashmir
(C) Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) 58. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in
(D) Hazrat Ali Murtaza (RA)
'lf we count caretaker pdme ministers then Mian
Zimbabwe. The country, with its capital in Sallsbury, Muhammad Nawaz is the 27rh Prime Minister of
was ccisidered a de focto successor state to the Pakistan. But no.mally caretaker prime minise.s are
Iormer British colony of Southern Rhodesia (which had not considered as such. ln this cas€ Mian Muhammad
achieved resFionsible government in 1923). Nawaz Sharif is the 18th prime minister.
Advarced PFSC itcos#ode, Paoers 28S
suicide attack in:
(A) December 2008
(A) beyond (B) under
(C) December 2009
(B) December 2007
(D) December 20067
(C) over (D) in
76. He jumped off the bus wtlite it
59. The headquarters of Wortd Health moved
(A) tB) had-moveo
Organization are in:
(A) Geneva (B) London
(C) moving 1D) moves

(C) Paris (O) New york 77 Make hay _ the'sun shines.

(A) while (B) when
60. The lnternational lslamic Universily is located (C) belore (D) as
(A) Bahawalpur (B) Lahore 78. The cake was shared _ Amjad and
(C) Karachi (O) tstamabad Shakeel.
(A) with (B) to
Which-word is wrongly spett in the fo owing set of (C) between (D1 among
79. The girls leamed to cook her
61. (A) Mitary (B) Viclory mother.
(C) Referee (O) Necessary (A) by (B) from
62. (A ) Player (B) Traiter (C) with (D) through
) Waiter (D) Painter 80. The teacher asked the students to complele
bJ A ) Attraction (B) lnfaction their assignment _ Monday.
c ) Revision (D) lntenlion (A) on (B) bv
64. (A) Parfect (B) Popular
(C) about (D) ai
(C) Honest (D) Loyal t 1r"!t7=ti' j;
,,,!',i .Bl
65. Apparel means: (B) "f,;"--
,.;rrhr ,,!y (A)
(A) appearance (B) clothes
(C) impression (D) luggage ' 1,=., (o) ,7;u (C)
66. Anonymous means
(A) foreigner
' ':1ti"'t'StnglU" -82
B stran 9er
(C) nameless D outsider ,,,v (B) !q7 (A)
67. Wealthy is a:
(A) verb (B) noun -'P (D) .' €,,t",'(C)
(C) adverb (D) adjective < a- ;- ! 9 )$ t,i :q j, J -:.- i -,, ;,
; 8-l
68. Bravely is a: "'-
(A) noun
(C) adve/b
(B) verb -<)-4 19, _a.i4;.. (.\,
(O) ad.iective j.p,rL,t? (D) j;l / ()
Fill in the blanks nith most suitable word.
"- i .'. _-- _<-_!
.--- ,j -_ 1 :-..--.,_
i, -., 84
69. Could you
(f) sharp _ the pencil for me?
(B) sharpen
(C) sharped (O) sharpening a/'.tiB.) ir'Y;fr (A)
70. He went the direction of thd post st;et (D) :- e; :.:w (C )
office. oit2 ei--''--'
'_e:v- l-'r:;..:-,.'-'-,'j
(A) at (B) in -..- 85
(C) to (O) of (B)
71. He is interested in ",va
(A) at ot
coin collection.
g,[,(Dl -:'; Ct
(C) with -(e--l
(D) in f ,: :.;'z-, j:tl y,6;,;,:., X6
72. Smoking is iniurious heatth
(A) to {EtEr- 4'9i/t,P {D Jyr-Lr, (A;
(C) with (o) or jit")-,v (D) -,V-<. (C)
73. He agreed _ my proposal.
(A) to (B) with r. (;- i:ji,,) .g7
(C) for (D) on
74. The horseman pulled the of the vt4,ft'z--t:-/ j :i,e
(A) reins (B) reions t L;i .-:j; -', ..: i,
(C) rainess ioi rari'es ,,t;t (B) _ui -Lr. (A)
75. This \.rork is _-
1t 9-ra: (D)
his capacity
-2 a'-',t t< t
286 Adv.*edPftCrrcQtlrddPap,grs
t;r1i;t',! ".>.ti,i' -SB ?.ter1,>? \D) :L:,i!d.-'e? (c)
je /-;s, (B\ ) ) : tv, !-i,,5.; - .2',: r ; r-i,'' ; c ; i -' t;;.'
'r',9 (A) "
.9 5

; j;i (D)
r'JsJ' (C)
t.-t"' o i a, i. ---,lii-i,,i- -'o"r' 89 .;.'," (B) -zi,,r (A)
j,6'J,s (B) .='rltA) j,,.,<ot ii,, C)
i.t ? O) i,ti17 (C) \:;.a-[./ j.',i .r)6
rL+ J6. La ,1ie-;Llt-.,;, .90 .; (B) j,, (A)
drs'vdr (B) jr,,:a-tu,, 141 9,,r (D) /' (C)
jlv).,v (D) itt)/ (C) ': i ,'), -($.Jt,iLn .97

:tl1 ).st,t tLj i$q' ;! jycti i .9 I

tr Jr25 (B) Jv22A)
!o*e,P {U 'l-,tFtt.z,7 (A) .,rt 30 (D) .lL-28 (C)
':i/,lopo) j,,uS-7 <c)
(. j r.i j t;;,. ..' -1-! .t8
u/ -tL:g' ;),4* L',i.? J o P .92
rY'{,)tr u. z.:,?
(B) ui43i (A)
c,Ert*oP (s) u.>? (A) j,?Si (D) j.z.r.:.i. (C)

a',o:.)v.rf (D) L,vl+:oP (C) t.l. t ) ;t.;.yi t- -€ ;: J, & i irci., :ts

:. i,,r 1*a L,)c J \,it,l,' L ; V ie,, L 2 -i .93 6l (gl ,r, (A)
tJd,f t *.tJ", .=t (D) 4 (C)
"il_>g 2:->-J (A) -Q.;:i.n-":- r,|.p'!.,. 7t La-.+,, . loo
?eP (B) \:it)
'ii,u\st-',>/ (C') 'c<te'.' lt.z> (A)
''l g"-'-e? (D) (B)
r Zilr e.-e itl L {i-? } o P i Jb,, .94 1,;ir-t,tt.>.s, (C)
i.t rt.,,? (B\ L,vg+:op (A't j.te'.-, c 2> (D\

An SWer Key
1. a 14. b 27. b 40. c 53. b 66 c 79. b 92.
15. a 28. 4',1. d 54. b 67 d 80. b b
3. a 't6. d 29. a 42. a 55. c 68 c 81. a 94. a
4. a 17. c 30. b 43. e 56. 69 b 82. a 95. c
5. 18. d 31. b 44. b 57 d 70 b 83. b 96. b
6. a '19. d 32. a 45. c 58. b 71 d u. c 97. d
7. d 20. a 33. a 46. b 59. a 72. a 85. a 98. b
8. 21. a u. b 47 a 60. d 73. a 86. b 99. b
9. 22. b 35. c 48. a 61. a 74. a 87 c 100
10 c 25. d 36. d 49. c 62. b 75. a 88. a
1'l b 24. c 37. d 50. c 53. b 76. 89. b
12 d 25. a 38. d 51. a 64. a 77. a 90. a
13 d 26. a 39. b a 65. b 78. c 91. a

TRAFFIC WARDEN (BS-14) in the Punjab Police Department -
(C) Lal Bahadur Shasht!'l
On what date drd the earthquake hit lhe . (D) Atal Behari Vajpar
Norlhern Areas and Azad Kashmir?
(A) 8th October. 2005 10. Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated on?
(B) 8th September, 2005 (A) December 16. 1951
(C) 8th August. 2005 (B) October 16 1951
(D) 18th October 2005 (C) September 16. 1951
(D) November 16 1951
2 Govt. of Pakistan named lslamabad as its new
Capital on.
(A) Feb 24. 1960 (B) Feb 24 1959
(c) Feb 24. 1961 (D) Feb 24. 1958
J. Govt. of Pakistan constituted
a Committee
under the chaarmanship ot Sardar Abdur Rab
selecting National anthem rn
9( I
(A) 1947 (B) 1950
(c) 1949 (D)'1948
4 On which river will the Kalabagh Dam be I
(A) Ravi (B) Jhelum
(C) Indus (D) Chenab
5 The search for sunable words of Naiional
Anthem w h the music set by A G Chagla o
frnally ended wrth the approval on 13lh August

(A) 1953 (B) 1954

(c) 1955 (D) 1956 : r...&i;.-b .

6 Simla Deputation loctober 1906) comprised E,*r--E.

' Muslm leaders?
(A)- 1S (B) 35
(c) 40 (o) 50 ]1 i';.. rl,,rhitl
7 Maulana Muhammd Ali Jauhar was buried in?
(A) Delhi (B) Lucknow
(C) Jerusalem (O) Makkah
1 1. One Unil B l was passed rn Yearz
8 Who was lhe Prime Minisler of Pakislan when (A) 1948 (Bi 1950
Martial Law was impcs€d in '1958? (C) 1955
(A) Ghulam Muhammad
1970 lD)
12 The pamphlet -Now or \ever' lvas wrillen by
(B) Feroze Khan Noon
(C) lskandar Mirza (A) Allama lqbal
(D) M.A Bogra (B) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
(C) Quard-e-Azam
9 Tashkent Declaration with Pakistan was (D) Srr Syed Ahmad Klan
signed by lndiad Prime Minister,
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru 13. The Pakistan Besolution $/as translated rn
(B). lndira Gandhr Urdu by.
288 Advanced PPSC llCQs l odel Paoerc
(A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan (A) 3 columns (B) 4 columns
(B) Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan (C) 5 columns (O) 6 columns
(C) €ir Zafrulleh Khan
(D) Maulvi A.K. FazalulHaq
14. The chairman of the Council of Common
s An-peomplice ri'eans ariy'6frqn who is:
(A) Public Officar '
(B) Complainant
lnterests is the: (C) A gurlty associate or a parlner rn cflme
(A, Presrdent
(B) Chief Justice of Pakistan Tl
(D) Police Officer
26. Under Seclion 141 of PPC, an unlawful
(C) Pnme Minister
(D) Attorney General a$embly is an assemblt' consbtng of at
15. Ooaba Rachna is located between lhe River (A) Six persons
Chenab and River: (B) Five persons
.(A) Ravi (B) Jhelum (C) Four persons
(C) lndus (D) Beas (D) Seven persons
16. The pass which connects Pakislan with China 27. Which Muslim woman partic,pated in all the
is known as: three Round Table Conferences?
(A) Khojak Pass (A) Begum Shah Nawaz
(B) Shandur Pass (B) Amjad Begum
(C) Khunjrab Pass (C) Fatima Jinnah
(D) Pelwas Kotal Pass (O) Banu Begum
17. Kallar Kahar Lake is located in which disfid? 28. Which woman was pa( of the delegation first
(A) Jhelum (B) Mianwali sent to UNO afler the ffeation of Pakistan?
(C) Chakwal (D) Bhakkar (A) Begum RanaLiaqat Ali Khan
18. Which Bank gave a Rs. 80 million loan to the (B) Fatima Sughra
Government of Pakistan on the raquest of (C) Begum Salma Tasadduq
Quaid-e-Azam when the Reserve Bank of (D) Fatima Jinnah
lndia failed to deliver Pakistan's share? 29. Who was the ruler of Kashmir at the time of
(A) World Bank partition?
(B) Habib Bank Limited (A) Gurjeet Singh (B) Gulab Singh
(C) United Bank Limited (C) Hari Singh (O) Ranjeet Singh
(O) Muslim Commercial Bank
30. The'Oay of Deliverance'by All lndia Muslim
19. Ruins of Mohenjo-daro are located ,n Distrcit: League was observed on:
(A) Dadu (B) La*ana (A) 22nd December. 1939
(C) (D) Sahiwal (B) 10th Novemeber. 1939
20. R.C.D (Regional Cooperation tor
(C) 20th October. 1939
Developmenl) was re-established with the (D) 14th September. 1939
name of; 31. ln 1946 the mission sent by British Govt. was
(A) oECD (B) ECO called:
(c) orc (D) SAARC (A) Simon Commission
2'1. ln which year NWFP was hamed Khyber (B) Cnpps Mission
Pakhtunkhwa? (C) Cabinet Mission
(A) 2008 (B) 2009 (D) Boundary Commission
(c) 2010 (D) 2011 32. Mr. l.l. Chundrigar was lhe Prime Minister of
22. Which of the lollowing is not a member of Pakistan from:
Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO): (A) April 17. 1953 to August 11, '1955
(A) Pakistan (B) Atshanistan (B) Oclober 19. 1951 to April 17, 1953
(C) Chechnya (D) Kazakhstan (C) August 11. 1955 to September 12, 1956
(D) Oct 18, 1957to Oecember 16, 1957
23 The Elecloral College of Pakistan for the
election of Pr$ident of Pakistan consists of: 33. Where Fort Munro is located?
(A) The Members of the provincbt (A) Sulaiman Hills
assemblies (B) D.G. Khan
(B) The Members of both Houses (C) Sahawal
(C) The Members of both Houses and the (D) Multan
Members of the provincial assemblies .3.1. When Quetla was devastated by severe
(D) The Members ot the Nationat Assembty earthquake?
24 The form of FIR contains: (A) 29 May, 1935 (B) 28 May. 1935
Adr/rrced PPSC fCQe kdrl Pao.E 2Eo
(C) 31 May, 1935 (o) 30 May, 1935 (D) Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan
35. Pasni harbouris situated in; 45. Hazrat Sheikh Ali Bin Usman Hajreri (Data
(A) Baluchistan GanjBukhsh) came lo lndia dudng thc time ot
(B) Sindh (& rrtughels (B) Xhiljb
(C) Punjab (C) Tughluq (O) Ghaznavi
(O) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
46. The normal tcmp€rature ot the human body is:
36. Pakislan Council of Scientific & lndustrial (A) 98.4 F (B) 96.4 F
Res€arch (rcSlR) was established in: (c) e3.4 F (D) r00 F
(A) 1953 (B) 1957 47. Capital of lryenma/ B:
(c) 1961 (D) 1963 (A) Yangoon (B) Rangoon
37. Which is the authoised agoncy to sanction (C) Cddmbo (D) (hulna
liense for Cable television and FM radio?
(A) PTA (B) PTCL 48. Wodd Population Oay is cebbraled on:
(A) lrthJuly (B) llthJu'ta
(C) llthtlay (D) none of thes€
38. The most importanl and famous Urdu 49. Grcenwich m6an pass€s throogh:'
newspaper published frcm Lahore by (A) ldand (B) Morocco
Mauhnazafar Ali Khan wa6: (C) Mali (D) None ot th€se
(A) Hamdard (B) Nwawa lwaqt
(C) Kohinoor (D) Zamindar 50. Who b the lounder of modem Rep{tuic of
39. Engli8h nflspaper "Comrede" in lndia was (A) Caliph Abdul Maje€d
pnblished ftom:
(B) Tarh bin Ziyad
(A) Lud(no* (B) Delhi (C) Musffi (amal Ata Turk
(C) MedEs (D) Calcuta (D) Babiak Kemal
40. l.S.S.B. stands ftr 51. What is the boiling pdnt of wateP
(A) lnter Sho.t S€rvices Board
(E ) lnter S€wic6 Seleclion Burau
(A) 60.C (8) 80.C
(C) lnte. Services S€lection Foard (c) r00"c (D) r20.c '

(O) None o, thege 52. What is th6 larm used to denote unauthrdzed
41. Which Army Offcer was th6 lst recipi€nt of 8nd ill€gal accessing of computer programs,
rNishan i Haider'? offen with cdminal int8nt?
(A) (A) Virus (B) Plagiarism
Maix Aziz Bhattishah€€d (C) Haddng
(B) Mapr Muhammad Alramshaheed (O) Blado€ry
(C) Caplain Sarwershahe€d 53. What was lhe name of Ubyaii kirE d.posed
(D) MaFr Shabbir Sharif Shahood by Coloncl Qaddafi in 1969?
(A) King 456rrlb6 (B) King ldris
42. On b€$elf ot the Muslim L6ague, Ouaid i (C) King Sa'.td (O) King
Azam s(lned the Ludnow Pacl, who gign€d it
on, betraf of the CongrEss: 54. Whal is lhe Richter Sc€le used to messurr?
(A) MoliLa! Nehru (A) Flood (B) Volcano
(B) Mahatama Gandhi (C) Earthquake (D) Tsunami
(C) Ambeka Charen Moiem Dar 55. What do€3 ISO stand bA
(O) None ot th.m (A) lnlemalioml Soci€ties Organizaton
43. Who rEiln€d from the lmpcrial LegEletiw (B) lnBnatbnd Sdads OrgEntafion
Council in shcer protBl against the Rowlatt (C) lnlemational Systerns Organization
Act? (D) lntemational Scier isB Organization
(A) Gandhi (B) Nehru 56. The first SAARC aumdt c h6ld at?
(C) QuairiAzam (D) Sir Seyy€d (A) NewD€lhi (B) Dhd€
44. Who was appcinted the lst secretary of All (C) lslamabad (D) Napal
hdia Khilatat Committee? 57. A chronom€ter m€asurc:
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar (A) Sound waves (B) Time
(B) Maulana Shaukat Ali (C) Colorcontast (O) Watsr uey€s
(C) SG$ Jan Muhammad Choltani
56. tlecibel is a unil used lbr:
(A) Speed of light
'fhe Comrude, launched from Calcutta, shifted to
Delhi, the newly announced capital of the Raj, in ,.912
where the first issue of the Delhi edition appeared on '8urma's capital city is Naypyidaw and its largest city is
Octobe.12. Yangon.
290 Advanced PPSC MCQ' Model Paoerc
(B) lntensity of sound (C) to endure the main force or shock
(C) lntensity of heat (D) undecided
(D) None of these 73 To tish rn troubled waters
59 The elem€nt required for solar fiergy {A) catch frsh rn flood waters
conversion is: (B) to dive in deep waters
(A) Srtcon (B) Germanrum (C) to go for a daunting task
(C) Uranrum (D) Selenrum (D) to make a personal profrt out of a
60. Oslo rs the cap alof disturbance
(A) Sweden (B) Norway 74. ls he eligible __ this scholarshrp?
(C) Finland (D) Denmark (A) with (B) of
Frnd the most su able word srmrlar in meanrng:
(c) ar (D) for
6'l Advice 75. His tather passed last naght?
(A) tu\renge (B) torbid (A) Out (B) off
(C) guidance (O) Greed (C) over (D) away
62. Sluggbh: 76 The name of the fifth Kalrmah rs:
(A) Slung (B) Slunk (A) Kalimak Tauheed
(C) Slur (O) Slow (B) Kalima Shahdat
(C) Kalima lstEhfar
63. Climb: (D) Kalima Tam,eed
(A) ascend (b) embrace
(C) adhere (D) retreat 77. Which is the 12th month oi the lslamic Year?
(A) Muharram (B) Ra,rb
64 Hamper: (C) Shawal (D) Zrlhal
(A) Transpare (B) lmpede
(C) believe (D) Change 78. ldentify the last Ghazwa in which the Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) participated
Select the most OPPOSITE word for the following (A) Multan (B) Tabuk
65. approachable Hunain
(C) (O) Ahzab
(A) inaccessible (B) friendly 79. Hazrat Abu Bakr died in.
(C) cordial (D) affable 1A) 10th Hrra (8) 11th Hrjra
66. Tranquil (C) 13th Hrlra (D) 15th Hi,ra
. (A) Noisy (B) Nosy 80 Who wrote Hisab al-jabrw al-muqabata
(C) Son (D) Hard (A) lbnesrna
67. Coincidence (Bt Al-Razi
(A) accidenlal (B) deliberate (C) Al-Beruni
(C) chance (O) unintentional (D) Muhammad Brn Musa Al Khwarzrmr

66 Combat 81. Who was the molher of Hazrat Usman rRA)?

(A) support (B) fight (A) Arvi
(C) contest (D) resist (B) Salma Brnte Sukhar
(C) Hantima Binte Hasham
69. Faclual (0) Falime Binte Asad
(A) retuse (B) fictitious
(C) feel (D) natural 82. Which Surah ot the Holy Ouran rs c€lled the
hearl of the Quran
Choose the conect meaning of the ldioms: (A) Surah Al-lkhlas
70. To call a spade a spade: (B) Surah Ar-Rehman
(A) Try to meet expectations (C) Surah Al-Baqra
(B) To avoid tlE main topic (D) Surah Ya Srn
(C) To make a no6e 83. How old was Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the trme
(D) To speak in plain terms
of death ol his mother?
7'l To bury the hatchel (A) 3 rB) 6
(A) to start war (c) 7 (D) 8
(B) lo make peace 84 Which Surah of Holy Quran was the firsl to be
(C) to make a foolish choice revealed?
(D) to burn something imporlant
tA) Al Hamd lB, Ar Baqrah
72. -fo bear the brunt of iC) Al Alaq rD) Al Rahman
,A) rn a position of advantage 85 According to Treaty ol Hudarbrya. a truce
(b, to make an easy choice (peace) was declared between Muslims and
Advanced PPSC ltoQs ltodel PaDers 291

Ouraish for years? .:

5 (A) (B) 7
10 -
(C) (D) 12 *' t (B) -.-i
86. Which was the tribe of Harat Abu Bakr? ,. (c)
(A) Ban Khizrai (B) 'Banu Anus -'rr,(D)
(C) BanuTamim (O) BanuHashim
87. When Haij was made obligatory?
.i'i-;.,;-i '"'"+' .95
(A) 2 A.H (B) 5 A.H 4 (B) 6 (A)
(c) 7 A.H (D) I A.H 2 (D) 8 (c)
88. ln which Surah Bismillah has occurred twice? .:- j' j ,i.:or,i- .96
(A) Namal (B) AlTauba
(C) Al Nas (D) Al Kausar
f'.; (B) fr"; (A)
89. ln which Surah of the Holy Ouran, the word
"Khatimun Nabiyyen" is mentioned?
(A) Al Falq (B) Al Fateha
i ir (D) n'i (c)
(C) Al Tauba (D) AlAhzab ,1
-;.ris f' .;
j s ;*, :_j"'.t_. _. .91
90. How many times the word 'Zakatr occurs
-ur (B)
Holy Quran?
-'" (A)
(A) 30 (B) 32 ,,rr (D) -r-' (C)
(c) 34 (D) 36
t+w(/i1(t,J*t .91
r-t';.:'A'o.i' .96

,r,i, ;'uii.P (x) ,! t,", (B) -'!,, (A)

ri r @) (C)
j:'J 1o) n'n Q)
-. 'r;
t.4i(J.-'LJl,L;{ .92 ,r,,,uj*,-,;-{u j'1g11rL,J g;r " .99
:,c,;t' (Bl
7;-' \f s(-irt (A)
jo:f (B) rii. (A)
f ,r" (O) ,zrju:r (C)
.,:,;Z;;r (D) i;,j (C\
t.sLraf{Jtrf-;-. .93
8 (B) 6 (A) ,-4; j.:_,.;.,f ,r;,. 100
2 (o) 4 (c)
,f ,tE, (B\ -.,',,;
z (A)
L / q L{ L r C ; -t/ t(Lt, { :J r-. ;-.' ;i 41, .94 ja;-.-'(O) ;'J;9,r (C)
Answer Key
1. a 't4. c 27. a 40. c 53. b 66. a 79 c 92. a
2. a 15. a 28. a 41. c 51. c 67. b 80 d 93. a
3. d 16. c 29. c 42. d 55. b 68. a 81 a 94. b
4. c 17. c 30. a 43. c 56. b 69. b 6Z d 95. b
5. b '18. b 31. c 44. b 57. b 70. d 83 b 96. c
6. b '19. b 32. d 45. d 58. b 71 b 84 c 97. d
7. 20. b b 46. a 59. a 72 c 85 c OR d
8. b 21 c 34 47. a 60. b 73 d 86 c 99 c
9. c 22 35. a 48. a 61. c 74 d 87 d 100. c
10 b 23 c 36. a 49. c 62. d 75 d 88 a
11 24 c 37. d 50. c 63. a 76 c 89 d
12 b 25 c 38. d 51. c 64. b d 90 b
13 a 26 b 39. b 52. c 65. a 78 b 91 a
ataaoo atao
292 AtlvancedPPSC Ces fiodel paoers



(C) Peking (D) Seout
l. General Knowledge 13. Which country is not the member of SMRC?
1. How many permanent members the Security ' (A) Matdives (B) Bhutan
Council have? (C) Myanmar (D) Sn Lanta
(A) 2 (B) 14. Which olthe following
(c) s ioi z
rs a mititary a iance?
2. F.B.l in USA stands for (c) NAro (oj EEc
(A ) Federal Bureau of lnformation 15. Name the most polluted city out
(B ) Federal Bureau of lnvestioation following:
of the
) Federal Bureaucracy of ln-formation (A) Mexico (B) London
(D ) Federal Branch of lrivestigatron (C) Karachi (D) Tokyo
3. Pakistari is situated in 16. Who invented the printing press?
(A) Asia Minor (A) Graham Eell
(B) Far East Asia (B) Marconi
(C) South East Asia (C) Johann Gutenbero
(D) South Asia (D) Thomas Edison
4. Copenhagen is the capitalof 17. The nearest ptanet to the Sun:
(A) Belgium (B) France (A) Mercury (B) Venus
(C) Oenmark (D) Canada (C) Jupiter (D) Saturn
5. Yen is lhe currencv of 18. Who discovered America?
(A) China (B) Korea (A) Chrlstopher Cotumbus
(C) Japan (D) tndia (B) George Washington
6. Gvyadar is situated in (C) Captain Cook
(A) Punjab (D) Gulliver
(B) Sindh 19. The largest desert of the world is
(C) Baluchistan (A) Gobi Desert (B) Libyan Desen
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (C) Thar Oesert (D) Sahara Desert
7. The Headquarters of the lnternational Court of 20. Sound cannot travel throuoh
Justice is situated in (A) Air (B) Water
(A) Hague (B) Lisbon (C) Vacuum (D) Sand
(C) ceneva (O) Bertin ll. Pa*istan Studies
8. The final of 1992 Cricket Wortd Cup wa+ held
21..7$c First Constitution of pakistan was
introduced in
(A) Sydney (B) Metbourne
(A) (B) 19s6
(C) Adelaide (D) perth
9. The constellation of seven bright stars is know
iDj 1e59
as 22. Lucknow Pact was sioned in
(A) 1917 - (B) .1918
(A) The Milky Way
(B) The creat Bear (c) 1916 (D) 1915
(C) Asteroids 23. The first Round Tabte Conference was hetd in
(D) Sate ites (A) Berlin (B) Dethi
'10. World Trade Organization is the new (C) Calcutta (D) London
name of
(A) World Bank (B) tM.F. 24. All India Muslim League was founded in
(c) GATT (Dj lF.C. (A) 1905 (B) 1906
'11. The city of Seven Hills is (c) 1907 (D) 1908
(A)'Milan rB) Athens 25. When did the Ouard-e-Azam ioin the Muslim
(C) Rome (D) Zur,ch league?
'12. Be't -n is the new name of (A) 1912 (B) 1913
i;ri Hrrcshima (B) yokohama
(c) 1914 (D) 1916
Advanced PPSC ifcos flodo, Paos.s 293
26. Who did the Simla Oeputation? (C) Ch. Rahmat Ali
(A) Srr Agha Khan (D) Muhammad Ali Johar
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) Quaid-e-Aram
(D) Allama lqbat
27. Who wrote "lndia Wins Freedom"? /1ov^H.eo
(A) Allama lqbal

In terna tionaL7
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) Abul Kalam Azad
(D) Muhammad AIi
26. Who was the lirst Chief Justice of pakistan?
(A) Zatar-ul-Haq (B) Abdur Rashrd
(C) Anwar-ul-Haq (D) Mushtaq Hussarn
29. Obiective Resolutron was passed rn
(A) 1948 (B) 1949
(c) 1950 (o) 1951

30. Who inauguraled the State Bank ol pakistan?
(A) Quaid-e-Azam
(B) Lraqat Ali Khan
(C) Ch. Muhammad Ali /
(O) Ghulam Muhammad
31. Who wrote Pakistan's Nalional Anthem?
(A) Allama lqbal
(B) Hafeez Jallandhari ia .

(C) Ch Rahmal Ali

(D) Agha Khan /'t s- t
..--..rt-b-r I

32. Who proposed the name of Pakistan?

(A) Ch Rahmar Ali
(B) Sir Agha Khan
(C) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(D) Allama lqbat 40. Lake Saiful Muluk is sitJated in
(A) Swat (B) G'toit
33. lndus Basin Treaty was signed in (C) Kaghan . (D) Uuiree
(A) 1960 (B) 1961
(c) 1962 (o) 1963
lll.English Language
34. Who presented the Lahore Resolution? Choose the Conect Speltrng
(A) Maulvi Fazal-e-Haq 41 (A) Recerve (B) Receve
(B) Kh Nazimuddin {C) Rdeievee (D1 Rectve
(C) Allama lqbal. 42. (A) Relieve (B) Retetve
(O) Liaqat Ali Khan (C) Releeive (D) Reatreve
35. The first census of Pakistan was held in 43. (A) Sucecde (B) Succeed
(A) 1950 (B) 1951 (C) Sueecde
(c) 1953 ioi rgsa
(D) Sucede
Choose the correct word for the blar* spaca
36. fhe British Government accepted the Mustim
League s demand for Pakistan on 45. Mr. Allan was immediatety promoled when his
(A) 3rd June 1947 boss saw how _
(A) Assiduous (B) lndolent
he was
(B) 3rd Juty 1947
(C) 3rd August '1947 (C) Lethargc (O) Lazy
(D) 3rd May 1947 45. We had a beautiful viel^/ ol the valley through
({) _.
37. The total area of Pakrstan is. the
(A) 796096 km (B) 726069 km lvindow (B) Vicinity
(C) 826090 km (D) 766009 km (C) Roof (D) Hote
38. The Natronal Game of pakrstan is Complete the sentances by choosing the
(A) Cncket (B) Hockey corract word.
(C) Squash (D) Kabadi 46 That was an _ editron of the book
39 Who wrote the famous pamphlet captioned (A) Summaflzed (8) Abndged
'Now (C) Shorlened (D) Abbreivrated
(A) Allama lqbat 47 Hrs reply was such _ lexpected hm
(B) Ch. Muhammad Ati to qlve --_i-
294 Advenced PPSC llcQs Hodel Papets
(A)That (B) Which 63 The recitation ol first Kalimah is called
(C)As (D) When (A) Salat (B) Tauba
4E. She nevel to him in the past.
(C) Tahleel (D) Astaghfar
(A) wrte 18) Writes 04. Hazrat Jaalat Tayy{ was martyred rr the
(C) Wrole (D) Wrinen battle of
Fill in the blank! with 3uit ble pr.positions (A) Yamamdh (B) Moota
(C) Tabook (D) Badr
49. He is grateful
- _ his friends
(A) For (B) Wnh 65. The first Surah rcvealed upon the Holy
(C) To (0) By Prophet is
(A) Surah Yasin
50 I take much delight _ reading (B) Surah Al-Baqrah
Podry. (C) Sura Al-Alaq
(A) To (B) For (D) Sura ALRehman
(C) ln (D) BY
66. The book of Hadith "Mavata" was lyrinen by
51. lcan see your geme (A) lmam Malik
(A) Throug (B) ln (B) lmam Ahmed Bin Hambal
(C) To (D) At (C) lmam Azam Abu Handa
Choose th€ co?rrct 3ynonym (D) lmam Muslim
52 Anogance 67. Who claimed to be a prophet during the period
(A) Modest (B) Haughtiness ol Hazral Abu Bakar Siddique"
(C) Happiness (D) Servile (A) Muselima Kazzab
(B) Asvad Ansi
53. Annihilate (C) Talhea Bin Khavaled
(A) Efface (B) Cultivete (D) Saiah Binte Khavaled
(C) Build (D) Creale
6E. Al Hudaybiyah agreemenl was signed in
54. Cumbersome
(A) Awktvard (B) Decline
(A) 628 (B) 627
(C) Handsorne (D) 8€autiful
(c) 625 (D) 629
69. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) died on
55. Exemplify (A) June I, A.D. 632
(A) Over (B) lllustrate (B) July 6, A.D. 633
(C) Answer (D) Summary (C) June 6, A.D 634
Choo3o the contcl antonym3 (D) June 5, A.D 634
56. Capricious 70. Hazral Abu Eakr Siddique became caliph of
(A) Unchanging (B) Yielding lslam in
(C) Heavy (D) Concrete (A) A O. 632 (B) -A.D. 633

57 Entice
(c) A.o. 634 (D) A.D. 635
(A) Lure (B) Repel 71 . \ryhich is the longest Surah of Holy Ouran?
(C) Encourage (D) Charm (A) Surah Al Baqra (B) Surah Alhlas
(C) Surah Al-Ni$ (D) Surah Al lmran
58 Frantic
(A) Mad (B) Crary 72. Sha'ban is which month of lslamic Calenda/?
(A) 3rd (B) gth
(C) Sane (D) Happy
(C) 8th (D) 2nd
59. Mclsncholy
(A) Cheerfulness (B) Madness 73. The Holy Ouran comprises:
(C) lnsanity (D) Truthtulness (A) '114 Surahs (B) 'l'15 Surahs
(C) '116 Surahs (D) 117 Surahs
60. Ominous
(A) Threatening (B) Promising 74. How many verges are there in the Holy
(C I Oocrle (D) Menacrng Quran?
For mu3lim StudenE:
(A) (B) 6668
lV blrmiat 6666
(c) (D) 6669
61 75 The Pillars of lslam are
The number of Allah's attnbules are (A) 4 (B) 5
(A) 96 (B) 97 (c) 6 (o) 7
(c) 99 (O) 98
62 76 Ahmad bin Baytar was a
The Zaboor was revealed on (A) Batonist (B) Chemist
1A) Hazrat Musa (C) Minister (D) Physrcrst
(B) Hazrat lsa
(C) Hazrat Dawood 77. Al Zahrawiwas the Courl Physicran of
(O) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) (A) Al-Haktm ll
Alrvrnc.d PPSC l'cot Xode, P.p€ts 295
(B) Haroon-ur-Rashld -.i
(C) Msmun-ur-Rashid /v' a (.\ )

(D) Al-Hakim lV
28 SiyassatNamah was composed by
i"i" ''1 's'
(A) Nizam-ul-Mulk _:i3,,i it--,t) t L1 t
(B) lbn-e-Batuta i
(C) Hashim ll il,'.t i (l)'
(O) Abdur Reham ll
79. The word Maliaka means
(A) Messenger (B) Prophet
(C) Communicator (D) Converter 6fro 'eJ
80. Which Surah does not begin with 'Bismillah'?
(A) Surah Al lmran
(B) Surah Tauba EE
(C) Surah Al Mominoon ;r ;r
(D) Surah Al Mudassar
r+$(gt;J *t,,1'tt .xt
!i,ri (l) . JJ.( (A)
i; ot J.t t(,
tri'-1i,uv s t! Lr..,Lr,".;'; .*, ooo
' ,),4!.' .:r-, {A)
'14t ,l
..i'';-".' rtr' j,;: {(')
1'r,-j'-',-1 i.t :)lz)'j':,)t o .xt PHILIPCARTER & l(T]N RUSSELL

.c,-:i -,; 113y ]r.;r/'te,l --+

tti,/tt rD, ili)tt' ct
j,.,. i | (,9
;! :v rq L{/-, t, i .u
-i, i * i ;>..'
I s 5.i
: i- 1.- ! 1.6' -,2 n' xi\
j/ tsr I (A) -
-,t, -a tllt
a$- (c)
.t-'',- , l)l I (l)r i';r' r( )
j ,ti ,rt' i,:' i- ;
-ti "t ..i
-',: ;;i ( j z' f',..t
" .6i
-'- =- 1t ',,' \'t rt ;L.: s9
j-.;t,,it {r i,l;, 1- (,\)
vir.j't2 (li, J, J't7rl r.\, tr,t j,a- i' ,t
;r;t ,

;:,,,,:t o) ,k!;r (C) -i " .,-. ..

.,--.r., ., ,- 9lr
, -; .-- -- ,.-'-t -
- -'=''- lv':!-'- ,r i 'r y'J,e - xh
;rj;:r n, .-,:, f'..!-- (.\)
=- r

''i-;-J' ,i , i;i, ,5t t( t

-r:n: "
-lr[ lll) u;;- (At
i ;.i', -:,,( i :a - ji -!'-i- -j'.' - t 9l
Lt.i Ji=t ,. , ''. ctt: ' vwvv' r

't.-'i -.,-. n
-e' v'J -'-e'L{ e- t.tJ4.l-'.:+, l9l)9 (l], l9{)r I \,
I9ll (l)) lel0 (( l
l ::t.:" t i :.-j 9', J,t"ra r"
296 Adytnced PPSC t Ces Nodel pape$

-'- .- fu,,/ / " j? p-," .f 4r L Jar -* 92 t;+Lt)Ldt, (Dt ueil& tcl

rv( *
x,fi <-j4i':j? !*j )6j i i, .st
Jq1.r' <u Q."s,f; at

gr;)tg,rSt 19y ,/tr:gv <cl

7{L',6 ;ti " fii,J?" GI;n
1Jii,=/7 ot jvt*17 ot
Cc Sv ol " 4 ,r.,- ,/. c6 rc c ,u LtJF' j -ty 93
6itJ/ @) ,fJr ro
t927 (B) 1926 (A) -pd r!/ *+)'c at 7,{t "us,4" .or
1929 (D) 1928 (C) lV* <D ti./-)'i1i Gt

?d {,,/ "l,i/4' :ab,,i .gq

t JV(Ii (D {,c,a <c>

ervl; <$ 4(t <et t vALvt'? Lv/ " 6.ut",t'\it" .ss

(itt 191 ,tia't rc) 6Lo'y/41 <st {t(ttt <et
1f ,!"/ " ;a r,t.f ,,,i$ u.,,,,," -V.,? h,{+f; <o>
t .ss
=Q)to,i <ct
strl,tt{ <at .h4afi <n t
?\)c G. l,/ L)a-* ",i -tz,,ul" . tw
J,qtctt)fi ot 1!,t,7! <c> )yovl<$ JtJu <n
teVl/ot:V*.s6 d=,t (ot t,'-fl <c,

r;t1./rt4 An ti,JoGtt)U tet

Answer Key
1. c 14. c c 40. c 53. a 66. a 79. a 92. d
2. b 15. a 28. b 4'.|.. a 54. a 67. a 80. a 93. b
3. d 16. c 29. b 42. b 55. b 68. a 81. d 94.
4. 17. a 30. a 43. b 56. a 69. a 82. d 95. d
5. a '18. a 31. b 44. a 57. b 70. a 83. d 96. a
6. c 19. d 32. a 45. a 58. c 71. e 84. c 97. c
7. a 20. c 33. e 46. b 59. a 72. c 85. b 98. d
8. b 21. b u. a 47 c 60. b 73. a 86. 99. c
L b 22. c 35. b 48. c 61. c 74. c 87 a 100 c
t0 c 23. b 36. a 49. c 62. c 75. b 88. c
11 c 24. b 37. a 50. c 63. c 76. a 89. d
12 c 25. b 38. b 51. a 64. b 77. a 90. d
13 c 26. a 39. c 52. b 65. c 7&a 91. a


JUNIOR PATROL OFFICER (BS-09) in Lahore Ring Road

Authority (Gommunication and Works Departmentl -2017
1 . Who is currenl minister of water and power 11. Geneva is city of
and Defense,
(A) Ahsan lqbal (A) Austria (B) Switzedand
18) Khawaja Asif (C) Netherlands (D) Germany
1C) lshaq Dar (D) Maryam Orangzeb
2 OGRA stands for:
12. 10-Downing Slreet is the residence of:
(A) Orl & Gas Regeneration Aulhority (A) American Pr$idenl
(B) Queen of England
{B) Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority (C) French President
iC) Oii & Gas Reproduction Auhority (O) British Prime Minister
(D) Or! & Gas Restoration Authority
13. Which country had the world s fiist woman
3 Which Pakistani pe!'sonalily has served as the prime minrster?
President of the UN General Assembly?
(A) A.S (Patras) Bokhari (A) New Zealand {B) lndia
(B) Sir Zatarullah Khan (C) Sri Lanka (D) Pakistan
(C) Agha Shahr 14 Myanmar is the new name ot:
(D) Dr. Maleeha Lodhi (A) Burma (B) Ccylon
4. l^/ho was Pakistan's first permanent (C) Congo (O) Fomoss
representative in the United Nations? '15. The UNO was lounded in the year:
(A) Sir Zafarullah Khan (A) 1945 (B) 19116
(B) Patras Bokhari (c) 1947 (D) 1944
(C) M.A H lsphani
(O) Begum Feroz Khan Noon 16. The age of falher grealer I timcs lh.n son
and age of mothcr above 6 lim6 lhcn son th€
5. The Secrelary-General of UNO who died in an sum of father and molher lher lwo 8gp 51
air-crash was what will be the age of son
(A) Trygve Lie (A) 3 Years (8) 5 Ycrrs
(B) Dag Hammarsk old (C) 7 Years (D) 2 Years
(C) U. Thant
(D) None of lhese 17. Epistemology is thc nudy ot:

(A) Knowledg€ (B) PlfaiL.
The Synonym ofAnnihilate is?
(A) Efface B, al,ltivale
(C) Parasites (D) RclEiorB
(C) Build ,r. .reate 18. Omithology'is the study of:
7. Antonym ot VALIDATE is:
(A) Birds (B) lnsects
(A) Disprove (B) Legalize
(C) Sea Animals (D) Sea plants
(C) Authenticate (D) none of these 19. What do you understand by thc disease
8. Antonym of Mettle (A) lnabilily to sleep
(A) Courage (B) nerve ' (B) Colour blrndness
(C) Pluck (D) cowardly (C) Depression
9. The National Anthem of Pakistan was (D) None of the above
approved by the Government rn: 20 Medulla Oblongata is a parl of Human
tN 1947 (B) 1950 (A) Brarn
(c) 1952 (D) 195,4 (B) Digestave System
10. Satpara Lake is located ctosed to. (C) Resparatory System
(A) Skardu (B) Hunza (D) Reproductive System
rC) Grlgrt (D) Swat 21 . Deficiency of lron in human died causes:
298 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
(A) Goitre (B) Scurvy 34 He was knocking 'the door.
(C) Anemra (D) Rrckets (A) at (B) of
22. On which flver Mangla Dam is built? (C) over (O) on
(A) lndus (B) Chsrlab 35. Of the following plays. whrch play has not
(C) Jhelum (D) None oflhese been writlen by William Shakespeare?
(A, As you like it
23. ln which Surah of the Holy Quran is there a (B) King Lear
mention of Zulqarnarn? (C) Comedy of Errors ,|
(A) Al-Anbiya (B) Ai-Kahf (D) Arms and the l\ilan
(C) Al-Muladala (D) None of these
24. Jannat ul Baqi is in
36 Graoes is
(A) Makkah (B) Riyadh
(A) Noun (8) Ad,ective
(C) Madina (D) Jeddah
(C) Adverb (D) None of these
37. Kulbhushan Jadhav arrested on which area of
25. Muzdalifah is an area between Pakistan?
(A) Makkah and Madina (A) Maskhel (B) Chaman
(B) Makkah and Mina (C) Quetta (D) Awaran
(C) Madina and Mina
(D) Arafat to Mmina 38 Frnancial year qf Pakislan Start from?
(A) 1' Oecember {Br '1-' March
26. Muslim screntist & philosopher lbn-al-Haytham (C) 1'July lD) 1" September
made his most famous contflbution to the field
of 39 Audacious Meaning
(A) Medicine {B) Poetry (A) Courageous (B) Graceful
(C) Optics (O) Mathematrcs rC) Boastful (D) Rigid
27. URL is an abbreviation of: 40. lnquisitivesynonym
(A) Uniform Room Locator (A) Curious (B) Simple
(C) Ordinary (D) lgnorant
(Br Univefsal Resource Locator
(C) Universal Room Locator 41. Who ,/vas the founder of Mughal Empire?
(D) Uniform Resource Locator rA) Zahrruddrn Babur (B) Humayun
(C) Sher Shah Suri (D) Akbar
28. ln medicalfield computers are used in:
(A) Laboratories 42. When Pakistan won the Cricket Wodd Cup?
(B) Patient Scanning (A) 1996 (B) 1992
(C) Monatoring and Pharmacy (c) 1999 (D) 2003
(O) All of these 43. Pak Air Force got how many Nishan Haider till
29. ln Tashkant Oeclaration who was foreign 2017?
minister of PakisE;? (A) 2 (B) 3
((A) Muhammad Ali Bogra (c) 5 (D) 1

(B) Munzur Qadir 44. Who signed Kashmir inslrument of accession?

(C) z.A. Bhutto (A) Gulab Singh (B) Zorawar Singh
(D) Sir Zafar Ullah (C) Ranbir Singh (D) Hari Singh
30. After the war of '1965 which pacl was signed
45. Who recently attack on Syria?
between lndia end Pakistan? (A) Russia (B) lran
(a) Bilateral Pact (b) Tashkent Pact (C) Turkey (D) USA
(c) Moscow Pact (d) Soviet Pact
46. The Biggest barrage in Pakistan is:
31 . Friends Not Masters book written by (A) Sukkar Barrage (B) Kotri Barrage
(A) Ayub Khan (C) Guddu Barrage (D) Taunsa Barrage
(B) Sikandar Mirza
(C) Pervez Musharraf 47 Sukkar Barrage old name
(D) Ch Muhammad Ali (A) lslam Barrage (B) Kotri Barrage
(C) Lloyd Barrage (D) Taunsa Barrage
32. The Supreme Courl's building design was 48 Vatican City's people live in which country?
prepared by a famous _ firm, M/S Kenzo (A) France (B) Rome
Tange Associates.
(A) Japanese (B) Chinese
(C) UK (D) ltaly
(C) Korean (D) Malaysian 49. Who is the current President of Syria?
(A) Syed Ali Khamenei
33. I _ this exam next year (B) Bin Ali Yeldrem
(A) Will take (B) Would take (C) Sadaq Vazeer Zadeh
(C) Shall take (D) Can take (O) Bashar Al Asad
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PPDers 299

50. Donaid Trump the American President (C) France (D) Mexico
Candidate belongs to:
(A) Demo$atic Party 64. The first Anglo Sikh War was fought between?
(A) Bfltish
(B) Republican Party (B) Portages
(C) American Congress (C) East lndra Company
(D) Labour Party (D) None of these
51. What is the title of Hazrat lbrahim (AS)? 65. Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of:
(A) Khalil Ullah (B) Kalim Ullah (A) France (B) Germany
(C) Safi Ullah (D) Jad-ul-Ambia (C) ltaly (D) Belgium
52. MichelAoun is the president of? 66. Emmanuel Macron youngest ever President of
(A) Lebanon (B) Syria France succeeded bv?
(C) Jordan (D) lraq (A) Franqois Hollande
53. PLA People's Liberation Army belongs to? (B) David Cameron
(A) Sierra Leone (B) Philippines (C) Nicolas Sarkozy
(C) China (D) Russia (D) None of these
54. Day and nrght are almost equal at the: 67. "Ashes' Series of Cricket is played beMeen:
(A) North Pole (B) South Pole (A) Australia & England
(C) Prime Meridian (D) Equator (B) Australia & New Zealand
(C) Australia & West lndEs
55. The planet nearestto the Sun rs: (D) Australia & Sri Lanka
(A). Venus (B) Earth
(C) Mars (D) Mercury 68. Lionel Messi is a famous player of:
(A) Cricket (B) Hockey
56. What is the order of appearance of Surah (C) Tennis (D) Football
Yasin in the Holy Quran?
(A) 34 (B) 36 69. Which of the following is not the member
(c) ?4 (D) 28 country of ASEAN?
57. Complete the number series: 11, 13. 17,19,
(A) lndonesia (B) Philippne
23. 29. 31 . 37 . 41.
(C) Singapore (D) Cambodia
(A) 43 (B) 47 70. Who was the first Lady Prime Minister of the
(c) 51 (D) s7 world?
(A) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
5E a History Class has 12 boys & 18 (B) Margaret Thalcher
girls than boys are what fraction of the class?
(A) 3/5 (B) 2/3 (C) lndira Gandhi
(c) 3/4 (D) 2t5 (D) Benazrr Bhutto
7'1. To which of the following dynasties, Razia
59 Kala Bagh is in:
Sultana the ruler of the lndian subcontinent
(A) D.G. Khan (B) Mardan
(C) Peshawar (O) Mianwali
(A) The Slave Dynasty
60 Hazrat Ayub (AS) was tamous for his quality (B) The Ghoura Dynasty
of: (C) The Tughlaq Oynasty
(A) Sympathy (B) Patience (D) The Moghul Dynasty
(C) Generosity (D) Bravery
72. When did Quaid-i-Azam resign from the lndian
6'rOeosai National Park rs remarkable as it is Congress Party?
one of the highest plateaus in the world with (A) 13th April, 1920 (B) 13th April, 1921
an average elevation ol 4,114 meters. ln (C) l3thApril. 1922 (O) 13th April, 1923
which regaon of Pakistan is it located?
(A) Balochistan 73. Which one called shooting stars?
(B) Gilgit-Baltistan (A) Planet (B) Meteor
(C) Potohar-Punjab (C) Star (D) Asteroid
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkh\r,a 74. lberian Peninsula is the part of:
oz Who killed Hazrat Umar (RA)? (A) Asia (B) Africa
(A) Abdul Rehman ibn Maljam (C) Europe (D) None of these
(B) Abu Lulu Feroz 75. One Mile is equal to how many feet?
(C) Quresh Makkah (A) 4600 (B) 5250
(D) None of above (c) 5280 (D) 5725
bJ ln 1867 the USA purchased Alaska from; 76. Mirage is an eiample of:
(A) Canada (B) Russia
300 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papets
(A) Refraction of Liqht (C) Thursday (D). Fraday
(BJ Reflection of Light
(Ct 68. ln a dairy farm 40 cows eat 40 bags ot husk in
Devration of Light 40 days ln how many days one cow will eat
{O) Polarizatron ot Light ooe bag of husk?
77 Keys slart,ng with characters F1 to Fl2 are. tA) 30 rB) 35
(A) Functron Keys (B) Arrow Keys (C) 38 (D) 40.
. (C) Numeric Keys (D) Alphabets Keys 89 Odd man out 6 I 15 21 24 2E 30
78. Whrch of the following terms refers to the (A) 28 (B) 21
abilrty of a computar to automatically conl€ure \c) 24 (o) 30 .
a new hardware @mponent that rs added to 90. Ouaid-e-Azam put forward his fourteen points
(A) Formatting (A) March 1929 (Bi February 1927
(B) Multiprocessing (C) January 1926
(C) Mulhprogramming
iD) December 1925
(Dt Plug and olay ': : ,' 2. ;-!2 t5>. .Q1
79 GUI stands for which ot the following" ','i'i'-^'(lJ) ,:' .-:-'-j-r.. (A)
iAr GreDhrc User lnterrace
G!3iihrcal User rnterlace
Graphrcal User lnterfaces
:> ic - ' --i)l ;; ix.. i':.- (C )

(O) Graphs under lnterplay !:=-u-! 6 ':1 i -:(i' .92

80. The world s most lamous painting The Last
, Supper was created by: r;:..-'i ( Ii) ;9-.;-rr,(A)
(A) Vinci (B) Pablo Prcasso
Leonardo da
;; ( [)) :"y.2: rt(C)
(C) Rembrandt (O) Guljee
81. Which of the following is the largest Pyramad - .: 'lr)G), .93
built in ancient Egypt?
(A) Great Pyramid at Giza r9:r (B) :.,t,)(A)
(B) Pharaoh Pyramid at Giza
(C) High Pyramid al Giza ,! (D) :,7'((',)
(D) Greal Pyramid at Cairo
E2. lslamic Military Alliance headquarler rs in:
t: -t,tre(-' -i\' .91
(A) Jeddah (B) Tehran Jr,,a){(B) ,P,A(A) "i;
(C) Baghdad (O) Riyadh
83. Complele the Pro.,e|b "Birds of feather :)t)/(D) r]ttz(C)
_ toge{hed.
y,Lli 5 rc. 'Jr..i".95
(A) Fly (B) Sit
(C) Flock (D) Swim
84. A programme used to view World Wde Web
JGCsat-t(B) Jt (A)
(WWW) pages, such as Google, Yahoo and )t,,.t.:(D) ,ii(C)
lnternet Explorer, is called:
(A) Messenger
(B) lntemet Yl'ift'lctt" s6
(C) Operating System
(D) Browser fii<u
85. The first astronaut to set foot on moon was
n ,staf(C)
(A) Yun Gagarin (B) Neil Armstrong
(C) Alen Shephered (D) Edwin Aldrin r
-i.iitl' --'5,' i*/ ;--Jv,j; -. .97
86. Natural Rubber is obtained from .:.7 (B) -'r,
(A) A special kind of tree
(B) A kind of fish
(C) Water \reeds
dr(D) ,.f'<cl
(D) Animal Waste t-l' {i'-E't,\' .98
87. lf the day before yesterday was Salurday then
day after tomonow will be: ,f crvB) Ji,r(A)
(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday uP;,uP <Ol ,,.tgr. (C)
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model P aDers 301

,tr L xt* uE
- * tl, I 9II r:;i,,11.- r'r',, .t19 - .;r-,i,_,,,..r..;. .1(X)

fji;6r.,i,;ir ,l',U:,<Sl --.-nri z(A)

Jurf rsl j!;.:-:'(l)) . j;er.'d,r. (( )
( jt(D) .',.'- ((
\f e )

Answer Key
1. 14 a 27 d 40 a c 66. a 79 b 92. c
2. b 15 a 28 d 41 a 54 d 67. a 8C a 93. c
3. b 16 e 29 c 42 b 55 d 68 tJ 81 94 b
4. b 17 e 30 b 43 d 56 b 82 d b
5. b 1E a 31 a 44 d a 70 a 83 c 96. c
6. a 19 a 32 a 45 d 58 d 7'l a 84 d 97. d
7. a 20 a 33 46 a 59 d 72. a 85 b 98. d
8. d 2',| c 34 e 47 c 60 b 73. b 86 a oo c
o d 22 c 35 d 48 b 61 b 74 E7 b 100. c
10 a 23 b 36 a 49 d 62 b 75 c 88 d
'll b 24 a 50 b 63. b 76 b 89 a
12 d 25 d 38 c 51 a 64. 77. a 90 a
13 c 26 39 a 52 a 65 b 78. d 91 c

1. First lslamic Stale wa3 established in lndia in (A) 1859 (B) 1862
1206 A.D by:
(c) 1875 (D) 1877
(A) Mahmud of Ghaai 6. VVho prepared Pirpur Report?
(B) Qutub{rftin-Aibek (A) Rala Syed Mehdi
(C) Ameer Tamoor (B) Zakar Hussain
- (D) Babur (C) Abui Kalam Azad
2. Afrer the war of lnd€pendence the British (D) Quaid-e-Azam
Govemment assum€d coartlol of lndia 7 Muhammad Ali Jinnah ioined All India Muslim
League in:
A) ueen's Order 1857 (A) 1907 (B) 1913
B) lndia Council's Act 1962 (c) 1920 (O) 1929
C) Queen's Prodamation of 1857 8 After lndependence the lirst Radio Statron
D) East lndra Company's Order '1857 was established in:
3. ln 1858 A.O. the person who was appointed (A) Karachi (B) Lahore
the First British Viceroy in lndia was. (C) Dhaka (D) Rawalpindi
(A) Lord Cueon (B) Lord Rippon 9. On 30th December All lndia Muslim League
(C) Lord Mayo (D) Lo(d Canning was established rn the city
4. The lssue which made Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (A) Ohaka (B) Aligarh
to conclude thet Hrndus and Muslrms could (C) l-ucknow (D) Calcutta
not work together anymore was.
(A) Congress Behavior 10. What day is observed internationally on sth
(B) Hindi Urdu Controversy (A) Women's Day (B) Wond Hearth Day
(C) llberl Bill (C) Teacher Day (O) Human Rights Oay
(D) lssue of Muslim University
5. UJhen was M.A.O. College established 11. The Earth's smallest Ocean is:
in (A) Atlantic (8) Arctic
Alagarh? (C) lndian (D) Pacilic
302 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
12. During the period ot One Unit. First Governor (A) Ear (B) Eyes
ot West Pakistan was: (C) Tongue (D) Tail
(A) Akhtar Hussain 24. The most populous lslamic country of the world
(B) Abdul Jabbar Khan is:
(C) Ameer Muhammad Khan (A) lran (B) Pakistan
(D) Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani (C) Saudi Arabia (O) lndonesia
13. The National Bird of Pakistan is:
25. Arab League was established in March 1945
(A) Chu(or (B) Pigeon w(h Headquarters in
(C) Markhor (D) Parrot (A) Cairo (B) Riyadh
14. Who presented the 'Chenab Formula' to (C) Baghdad (D) Sudan
resolve the Kashmir daspute?
(A) Sardar Abdul Oayyum Khan 26. The length' of the Suez Canal in Kilometers
(B) Sardar lbrahrm Khan (A) 236 (B) 210
(C) Ali Sh?h Gillani (c) 184 (D) 169
tD) Ghulam Abbas
,5. Pakislan s Standard Time was suggested by:
27. When was IMF established?
(A) 1945 (Br 1948
Professor Muhammad Anwar
(c) 1949 (D) 19s0
(C) Chaudary Rehmat Ali 28 OPEC has lts Headquarter lnl
(D) Dr Munir Ahmed Khan {A) Lusaka (B) Tripolr
(C) Syria (D) Vienna
16. Anock fort was constructed by:
(A) Babur (B) Aurangzaib 29. The tirst Republican Presrdent of America
(C) Akbar (D) Jahangtr was.
'17. How many times umpire Aleem Dar of (A) George Washrngton
(B) Abraham Lincoln
Pakislan was awarded ICC Best Umpire (C) John Adams
award: (D)
(A) 1 (B) George Bush
(c) 4. (D) 5 30. 'Emirates is an airline of'
18. Which country's Flag is known as Union Jack?
(A) kaq (B) lran
(G) Dubai (UAE) (O) Turkey
(A) France (B) Nethertands
(C) U.K. (D) Porlugal 31. One square foot is equal to 144sq inches and
one meter is equal to:
19. Third Constitution of Pakislan was (A) 5.28 foot (B) 4.23 foot
promulgated on:
(C) 3.28 foot (O) 2.28 fool
(A) 23, March1973 (B) 3rd. June'1973
(C) 14, August 1973 (O) 2nd July 1973 32. How many bones are there in Human Body?
20. Penicillin was discovered by:
(A) 180 (B) 198
(A) Alexander Fleming (c) 206 (D) 210
(B) Alexander Hamilton 33. How many times has the Pakistan Hockey
(C) Herodotus Team won Olympic Gold Medal:
(D) John Milton (A) 2 (B) 3
2'1. What type of acid is used in car batteries?
(c) 4 (D) 5
(A) Hydro Chloric Acid 34. Lrght year is a un of measurement'of
(B) Sulphuric Acid (A) Speed of l,ght
(C) Mercury (B) Stellar distances
(D) Nitric Acid
22. The average weight (in ounces) of Man s brain
is'. carfied in thc di, Cenari bone5 in a 5nJke'! head,
(A) 6.8 (B) 4.8 reipond to 5ound wave! and transmrt them to the
(c) s.8 (D) 3.8 inner ear-
hear', 'When built, the canalwas 164 km (102 mi) long and 8
23. By which organ does a snake
m (26 ft) deep. After several cnlargements, it i! 193.30
km (120.11 mi) long,24 m (79 ft) deep and 205 me(res
'This question was asked DZO paper 2014 asr (671lti wide. lt consiite of the northern access channel
87. Average male brain weights ounces. of 22 km (14 mi), the canal itself of 152.25 km (100.82
(A) 49 (8) 44 ma)and the southern access channel of 9 km (5.6 mi).
(c) 46 (D)- s1 'A light-year (abbreviation: l.y.), is a unit of length
The human brain weighs on average 48 ounces. used informally to express astronomacal distances. lt is
'Snakes iack outer ear5 and eardrums, but thev do approximatelv 9 trillion kilometres (or about 6 trillion
have inner ears and can hear a limited range of sounds miles).
A PPSC MCOS Model PaDers 303

(C) Speed of Rockets ,i7 The Cabrnel Mission announced its plan on:
to) SDeed of aero plane (A) 16" May 1946 tB) 161MaY 19a5
35. A handwritten message can be instantly tC) 3'd June 1947 (D) 16' JulY 1946
transmitted as such to any parl of the world 48. The normal pulse beat'in a human body p€r
through: minute is between:
(A) Speedpost (B) Telex (A) 62-70 (B) 72-80
(c) Telephone (D) Fax (c) 7s-85 (o) 80-92
36. The conversion of eleclrical energy into 49. 'From Plassey to Pakistan' is a political
chemrcal energy rs observed' rn biography of
(A) Fan (B) Storage Battery (A) Ch Muhammad Ali
(C) Heater (D) incandescent bulb (B) SYed Ameer Ali
(C) lskander Mirza
37. Drstant oblects can be seen with the help of: iD) Syed Nocr Ahmad
(A) Chronorneter tB) Microscope
(C) Telescop€ (O) Spectroscope 50 World Envrronment Oav is observed on:
(A) 5 - June ig) s'' Luty
38. The best color(s; for a sun umbrella wll be: icj s'- august (D) 5" Seitember
(A) Black
(B) Black on top and white on the inside 51. The name of Parliament of Bangladesh is:
(C) White on top and black on the rnside 1A) National Assembly
(O) All seven Colors of Rainbow (B) Shura
(C) Congress
39. Total Area ol Azad Kashmir is (D) Jatya Sangsad
(A) 13.297 square km
(B) 10.297 square km 52. Who is current Pakistan s permanent envoy to
(C) 12.126 square km UNO:
(D) 14.251 square km (A) Syed Abbas Jillani
(B) Muhammad Sadrq
40. Who was the Frrst Governor of Punjab Irom (C) Muhammad Naeem Khan
August 1947 to August 1949: /Dj Dr Matha Lodhi
(A) Abdu. Rab Nishtar
(B) Ffancrs Moody 53. China cetebrates [s National Day every year
(C) Amir-Muhammad Khan on:
(O) Mumtaz Daultana (A) 5th October (B) October
(C) 1 October (D) 2nd October
41. The Magna Carta was signed by King John
on: 54. Graeme Smith was a cricketer of:
(A) 1216 (B)
'15'" June '15" June 1215 (AI West lndies (B) Enqland
ic) 15" June'1214 (o) 15!" June 1213 (C) South Atrica (D) canada
42. 'Thomas Cup is given in the game of: 55. Name the new book, of Hillary Ciinton
(A) Table tennis (B) Basket Ball released in 2014:
(C) Badminton (D) Lawn tennts (A) Lrving History (B) lt takes a village
(C) Hard Chorces (D) A Terrible Beauly
43 Pentaoon is Defense head offrce ot:
(A) U-SA rB) UK 56. ln violatron of lndus Basin Water Treaty 1960,
(C) USSR (D) France lndia Constructed 'Wullar Banage" on River:
(A) Jhelum (B) Sindh
44. Muhammadan Educational Coorerence was rC) Sutlei (O) Chenab
estabhshed by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan !n
(A) 1863 '8, 1886 57 Day of Deliverance was observed on.
(c) 1867 (Dt 1898 {Ar 22nd Ncvemb€r 1939
(B) 22nc December '1939
45 -.
..-...-.was called the Stct< Man of 1C, 22nd Ocicber '1939
(A) Turkey (8) ltaly 'Dr 22nC September i93S
(C) Canada (D) Hungry 58. The book Great Tragedv was written by:
(Ar Safdar Mehmood
46. One horse power is equal to: (B ) G Allana
(A) 730 watts (B) 735 wans ,C) Arnee' Ali
(C) 746 waits (D) 750 watts
(Dr Z.A Bhutto

' while usin8 Storage Battery the conversion ot ' For adulfs 18 and older, a normal restlng heart rate is
chemical energy into electrical energv is observed between 60 and 1OO beats per minute (bpm),
However when Storage Battery is being used in UPS ir depending on the person's physical condition and age.
needs charging. At the time ot charging the conversion For childrerl ages 6 to 15, the normal restin8 heart rate
of electrical energy into chemical energY is observed rs between 70 and 100 bpm
*l Advanced PPSC nces ,to.tet pao,.,,s
59. Al-Azhar University is located in. (A) 40 tolas (B) 50 toias
6l Fsvot
(C) kaq
(B) rurkey
(D) Jorda;
(C) 50% tolas (O) 527, totas
73. How many stages does $e Holy Ouran
60. When dii Pakistan become member of united contains?
Nations? (A) 7 (B) 8
(A) 30th September 1947 (c) 9 to) 12
(B) 2nd October 1947
(C) 30th November 1947 74. Makkah was conquered rn
(D) 23nd December 1347 (A) A.H
5 (B) 10AH
(c) 2 A.H (D) e A.H
6l- Tha Nalional Flag of pakistan was designed
75. Which Surah starts without Bism tah?
(A) Hateez Jalandhari (A) Al-Baqra (8, At. Nlsa
' (B) Amir-ud-din Kidwai (C) Al-Tauba (D) At-tkhtas
(C) Sagar 76. lmam-e-Dar-ul-Hiirat was a ti e ot:
(O) Mirza Adesb (A) lmam Ahmad (B) lmam Matik
62. The hrghest Literacy rate among the SAARC (C) lmam Sha'afr (D) tmam Muhammad
countries is rn: 77. Amman ts the capfial of
(A) hdia (B) Sn Lanka (A) Jordan (B) yemen
(C) Pakrsran (D) Matdrves . (C) Bahrain (D) eatar
63. Boundary between lndia and China is calted. 78 The currency of Turkey ts
(A) McMahon Lrne (B) .t7th paraltet tine (A) Lrra (8) Markka
(C) Curzon Une (D) Green Line (C) Peso {D) pound
6,1. Th€ Eadshahi Mosque of Lahore rvas built bv 79. The famous Tal Mahal rs sirualed rn
(A) Akbar '(B) Jahangrr (A) Kolkala rB. Aora
(C) Shah Jahan (O1 euranizeU (C) Madras (D) D6thr
65. When did lhe Pakistan Govemment approve 80. Which country rs catled 'Land of Mountatns ?
ths National Anlhem? (A) Nepat (B) Mongotra
(A) 1947 (B) 1948 (C) Japan iOi tnOoiesra
(c) 1852 (o) I ssa 81 Second largest religron of the world rs
66. The l-loadquarters of I{ATO is located in: (A) lslam (B) Buddhrsm
(A) t{€w Yort (B) Paris (C) Judaism (D) Hindursm
(C) Gon€va (O) Bruss€ts
82- 'Downing Street rs famous for
67. IIVho 6aid d€mocracy is "Govemment of the (A) Banking
p€oplo. by the peopte. for the peopte-? (B) Night Clubs
(A) C!.org€ Was0ington (C) Ofiicial resdence ot Br;trsh prime Mrnister
(B) Abraham Lrncotn (0) Tailoring and Jewettery
(C) Johnson
(O) H€nry Hudson 83. The busiest airport of the wortd is sl:uared in
(A) Cuba (B) USA
6,8. OIC lOrganrzation of lslamic Cooperation) (C) Canada (D) U K
was ,ounded rnl
tA) 25lh September 1966 84 To whtch country the nev,/s ageqcy App
(BI 25th Septe"rber 1967 belong to
(C) 25th Septemb€r 1969 (Ar Pakistan (BJ lnd,a
(D) 25th Seprernb€r 1970 iC) Bangladesh rDr lrarr
69. What is the Frmber ot month
85 Whrch mrt ary award rs g,ver t)/ Bata,q'/
lsla,nic Calenda,?
Rala b tn (A) Oueen Cross .Br lreost o, Honorr
(A) 1st (C) lron Cross (Ol Vrctc.ia Cross
{B) 2nd
(c) 5rh ior zr, 86 On whrch date Labour day js cetebrated?
(A) May lst
70. Hay rs nor conipreted un6ss you go to tB, Novenrber 20th
(A, ijlahian (C) May 3rd (Dl tvlarch Bth
tB) Midrna
(C) Mna (O) Aratat 87. NATO is the abbreviataon of:
71. First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (A) North Ameflcan Transport Ordrnance
,r&o was the second? (B) Non-Aligned Tradrng Organ,zatron
(A) lbn-e-Taemya (R Af (C) Norlh Atlanttc Treatv Orqanrzation
(B) ln)am Ghazati {R A, (Oi Non-Alled Treat Orlan,iatron
(C) Ahmad Sarhindi 88. Whtch Pakrstani Scienttst was awarded Nobel
(D) Shah Wa!'ullah Pnze for Physics in 1979?
72. The Nisab ot Zakat in Sitver is: (A) Dr. AMul Qadeer Khan
(B) Or. Muneer Ahmad
Advanced PPSC MCOs Model PaDers 305
(C) Dr.Samar Mubarak (c) 24th october 1945
(D) Dr Abdus Salam (D) 30th october 1945
89. A set ot lnvestments in Stock Market is called: 95. What is the total number of Kalmahs in lslam?
{A) Portfolio (B) Estimation (A) 5 (B) 6
(C) Asset (D) Security (c) 7 (D) 3
90. World Bank Headquarter is situated in 96, The 3!'d June Plan announceci partition of the
iA, New York iB) England subcontinent intc:
{C) Washrngton iD) Manrla (A) 2 states (B) 3 states
9'1 . ln Pakistan. maxrmun] number. of ney.,spapers lC) 4 states (D) 5 states
are publrshed rn. .97. The oath of Governor General was
(A) Englrsh (B) Urdu adminislered to Ouard-e-Azam by:
(c) Punlabi (D) Sindhi lA) Justice Abdur Rasheed
92. Where was the first atom bomb dsed during (B) Justice Patel
the Second World War? iC) Justice Munir
(A) Osaka (Bt Tokyo (o) Justice Shah Din
(C) Hrroshima ID) Nagasakr 98. What was the number of Muslim League
93. The 1965 lndo-Pak war lasted tor 17 days, Ministers in the rnterim Government o, 1946:
give the date on which the ceasefrre came into (A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
(A) 25th September 1965 99. Wh,ch rs the largest Dam rn Pakistan?
(B) 24th September 1965 (At Warsak (Br Mangla
(C) 23th September 1965 (CJ Rawar (Dl Tarbela
(D) 22th September. '1965 100 Who was the Chairman of the Boundary
94. United NalioDs officially came rnto existence Commission ior subcontinenl in 1947?
on: (A) Cyril Radcliffe (B) William Radclitfe
(A) 4th October 1945 (C) David Radclffe (D) George Radcliffe
(B) 14th October 1945
Answer Key
't. b 14 a a 40 b 53 66 d 79 b 92. c
2. c 't5 b 28 d 41 b 54 c b/ b 80 a 93. c
3. d 16 c 29 b 42 c 68 81 a 94. c
4. b 17 b 30 a 56 a 69 d c 95. b
5. d 18 c J! c 44 b 57 b 70 d b 96. a
6. a 19 c 32 c 45 a 58 d 84 a 97. a
7. b 20 a c 46 c 60 a d 85 d 98. d
I a 21 b u b 47 d 60 a a 86 a 99. d
9. a ti d 48 o ot b 74 d 87 c 100. a
10 a 36 tr 49 c 62 d 75 c 88 d
't1 b d c a 63 a 76 b 89 a
d a 38 c 5'1 d 64 d 77 a 90 c
IJ a 26 .i 39 a 52 4 65 d 78 a 91 b



The first President of Pakist'r was

(C) lndus (D) Ravi
(A) Ayub Khan (B) l- , lar Mirza 3 The new Chief Manister of KP is .
(C) Z A Bhutlo (D) Nu, .rl-Amrn (Ai Mehtab Abbasi (B) Aswind Yarwali
2 Tarbela Cam is located on river
(C) Sabir Shah (D) Masood Khan
(A) Chenab (B) Jhelum
306 A PPSC MCQs del Papers
4. Out of the following literary figures who (A) 570 A.D (B) 610 A.D
represented Pakistan rn UNO? (c) 2s2 A.O (D) 632 A.O
(A) Patras Bukhari
(B) Faiz Ahamed Faiz 17 Which Abbasid Caliph laid the foundation of
(C) Mustafa Zaid Baghdad
(D) Qudrat Ullah Shahab (A) Abbas al Safah (B) Harun-ur-Rashaid
(C) Mamun-urRashid (D) None of them
5. Ourand Line is the boundary between
18 SBirit of lslam written by
(A) Pakistan and lndia
(B) lndia and China (A) Shibli Naumani
(C) lran and Pakistan (B) Altaf Hussain Hali
(D) Pakistan and Afghanistan (C) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
(D) Syed Ameer Ali
6. How many Round Table Conferences were
19 The capital of Ottomans was
held in London to decrde Sub-Continent s
future? lAl Damascus (B) Baghdad
(C) Constantinople (D) Cairo
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four 20 The third pious caliph Hazrat Usman belonged
7. Friends not Masters is a book written by to which tribe
(A) Z. A Bhutto (A) Banu Hashim (B) Banu Ummeya
(B) Hussain Shaheed Suherwal (C) Banu Addi (D) Bano Tyam
(C) Sahrbzada Yaqub Khan 21 Egypt was conquered by Muslim under the
(D) Ayub Khan command
8 28th May is celebrated as Yaum-e-Takbeer (A) Hazrat saad bin abi Waqas
because of
(B) Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair
(A) Kargil Contict (C) Haztat zaid bin Harris
(B) Ojhri Camp incident (O) Hazrat Umer bin Aas
(C) Nuclear tests 22 Najashi was the king of
ID) Eruption of Kashmir uprising (A) Yeman (B) Tunas
9. The first Constitution of Pakistan was (C) Ethopia (D) Sudan
promulgated 23 Muhammad bin Oasim was closely related to
(A) 1958 (B) 1962 (A) Walid bin Abdul Malik
(c) 19s6 (D) 1969 (B) Musa bin Nausair
(C) Abdul Mali bin Marvan
10. Diamir Bhasha dam is being constructed rn
(D) Hajjaj bin Yusaf
(A) Kashmir (B) Swat
(C) Chitral (D) Gilgit 24 There are how many paras in the Holy,Quran
11. lndus Bhasin water Treaty was signed by the (A) 20 (B) 30
government of
(c) 40 (D) 50
(A) Z. A Bhutto Jabir-bin-Hayan was a great Muslim
(B) Ayub Khan (A) Historian (B) Chemist
(C) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (C) Economist (D) Psychologist
(D) Zia ul Haq 26 The frrst Muslim ruler in lndia was
12. The least popuated province of Pakistan is: (A) Qutub-ud-Oin Aibak
(A) Baluchistan (B) Punjab (B) Mahmud Ghazni
(C) KPK (D) Srndh (C) Muhammad Gauri
(O) l\.4Lrhammad Brn Qasrm
13. The Basic democracy system was rntroduce
by 27 River Tigris is associated wrth?
(A) Z A. Bhutto (B) Zia-ul-Haq rA) lran (Bi lraq
(C) Parvarz MusharaflDl Ayub khan (C) Jordan {D) Lebenon
14. When was the Objective Resolution was 28 Usher means
passed (A) One-half (B) OneJifth
{A) 1947 {B) 1949 (C) One{enth (D) One twentieth
(cr 1951 (D) 1956 29 Kitab-ul-Hind was written by
15 The revelation of Holy Quran was completed (A) lbn-i-Sina (B) Al,Farabr
tn (C) Al-Razi (D) Al-Berunr
(A) 20 years (B) 23years 30 Who was called the Sword of Allah?
(C) 25 years (D) 27 years (A) Hazrat Ali Bin Abu Talib
16. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died in (B) Hazrat Umer Bin Khattab
(C) Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers 307

(D) Tariq-Bin-Zyyad (C) Aero-plane (D) Cnopcer

31. The novels of Naseem Hijazi are basically 44. Who was the president during American Civil
(A) Romantic (B) Social War?
(C) Political (D) Historic (A) Washington (B) lbrahim Lincoln
(C) John Adams (D) Noneofthem
32. Alexander the Great was originally the ruler of
(A) Rome (B) Athens 45. Zia imposed martEl law on
(C) Macedonia (O) None of them (A) 5 July 1977 (B) 4 July 1977
33. Famous book 'Leaders' was written by (C) 3 July 1977 (D) 6 July 1977
(A) William Rogers 46. Who was the greatesi exponent ol Pan-
(B) lbrahim Lincoln lslamism in the 'lgth Century?
(C) Jimmy Carter (Al Srr Syed Ahmad Khaa
. (D) Richard Niion (B) Jarnal-ud-drn Afghanr
(C, SYed Ameer AIi
34. Theory oI Evolution was presented by (Dl ArurulAsad
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Sigmand Fried 47. The President of Syria is
(C) lsac Newton (A)Hafiz-il-Asad (B)Bashrr-ul-Asad
(D) Charles Darwin (C) Amin-ul-Asad (D) Auful-Asad
35 Legendary Character Sherlock Holmes v',as 48. Which American President out of followng
by was assassinaled?
(A) lon flaming (A) Richard N,xon (Bl Renald peagon
(B) William Shakespear (C) J.F Kennedy (D) L.B. Thonson
(C) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 49. Aswan Dam is situated rn.
(D) Agatha Christie .
(A) Sudan (B) Yemen
36. Taliban s office has b€en formally inaugurate (Cl Egypt (D) Morocco
at 50. Statue of Liberty was gifted to U S by
(A) Dubai (B) Jeddah (A) France (B) England
(C) Kuwait (D) Doha (C) Germany . (O) ltaly
37. President Barak Hussain Obama of the U.S 51. Prague rs the cap(al of.
belongs to (A) Poland lB) Hungry
(A) Democratic Party (C) Czech Republic (D) None ofthese
(B) Freedom Party
(C) Republican 52. The firsl general elections in Pakistan were
(D) Reformist Party held in:
30. The rate of GST in Pakistan now stands at
(A) 1985 (B) 1970
(A) 15% (B) 16%
tot 1977 (D) 1962
(cl 17vo (D) 18% 53 Whrch lslamrc Country is compflsed of 2500
39. lo th€ Federal Cabinet who holds the port olio (A) Malaysia (B) Egypt
of defence {C} Jordan lD) lndonesia
(A) Sarta. Aziz
(B) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 54 Napoleon Bona Parte was defeated in the
(C) Lt. Gen (Retd) Abdul Qadir Baloch Battle of.
(D) Pervaiz Khattak (A) Waterloo (B) Buxcur
(C) Pyamrds rD) Palasi
40. Who is the newly-elected President of lran
(A) Mehdi Bazargan 55 The Pflme Mrnister of England rs.
(B) Syed Ali Khaminai 1A) Theresa May {8, John n:ajor
(C) Hasan Ronani 1C] Tony Biair {D) Ad,rards Health
(D) Ali Rafsanlani 56. Whc.complied Granth Sahrb the sacred book
41. Al-Takseem square is situated in of Sikh s
. (A) Carro (B) lstanbul (Ar GurL Gobrnd Singh
(C) Damascus (D) Rabbat (B) Guru Nanak Dev
(C) Guru Arjun Dev
42. ICC-Champions trophy-2o17 has been played (D) None of thenl
(A) SouthAlrica (B) England 57. Mother Teresa was renowned
(C) lndia (D) Australia (A) Movie Character (B) Social Worker
(C) Novel Writer (D) Political Leader
43. Titanic was the name of a
(A) Ship (B) Spaces shutle
308 Advanced PqSC ltges Uodel paoers
58. Whrch out of the following renowned Kings (c) 10 (D) 12
was assassinaled?
(A) Julius Caesar 73. "Oermatology'is the science dealing with:
(B) Alexandra the Great (A) Skin (B)
(C) Louis-14th (C) Kidney (D)
(D) Napoleon Bonaparte 74. "Law of Gravity' was propounded by
59 lndia s Pnme Minister Narendra MoC! is
(A) lsaac Newton
basrcally ot
(B) Thomas Edison
(A) A scientist (B) A historian (C) Alexander Flemrng
(D) Gulielmo Marconi
iC) A psychologist (D) RSS
60. Before Delhi whtch city was the capitat of 75. The first man who landed on the moon was
Bntish lndia? (A) L.B. Johnson (B) Witliani Rogers
(A) Bombay (B) Madras (C) Neil Armstrong (D) Martin Luther King
(C) Luchnow (D) Catcutta 76. Who deyeloped compuler operating system
61. Taurat (The Old Testament) was revealed (A) Steve Jobs (B) Bill Gates
(A) Hazrat Musa (B) Hazrat Dawood (C) Warren Buffet (D) Carlos Slim
(C) Hazrat lsa (D) Hazrat lsmaet 77 Solar Ectipse' occurs wheh the
62. The founder of lndian National Congress was (A) Moon lies between earth and sun
(A) A.O Hume (B) Earth lies between sun and moon
(B) S.N Baner Jea (C) Sun lies between earth and moon
(c) Dadbhai Naoroji (D) None of these
(D) Badruddrn Tayabir 78. The rarn fall is measured by
63. Naqash-i-Faryadi is the first poetic coltection (A) Rain Checker (B) Rarn measures
(A) Nasrr Kazhmi (C) Rain gauge (D) Rain rod
(B) Faiz Ahmed Faiz 79. "Bronchitis" is a disease related to
(C) Ahmed Faraz (A) Stomach
(D) Habrb Ja[b (B) Respiratory lract
64. 'Yen'is the currency of (C) Nervous system
(A) Japan (B) China (D) Brain
(C) Nepal (O) Thaitand 80. "Deficit Financing" means
65 Pelle was one ol the greatest players of (A) lncreasing volume of exports
(f) lricket (B) Hockey (B) Printing more currency
(C) Football (D) Squash (C) Enhancing forex reserves
(D) Advancing more loans
66. Netherlands is the new name of
(A) England (B) Holtand 81 A short-sighted person is:
(C) New Zealand (D) Falkland (A) Myopia (B) Matadroit
67. The Roman numeral 'XV" means
(C) Dogmatic (O) None of them
(A) 11 (B) 15 82. A person who rs made to bear the misdeeds
tc) 12 (D) 25 of another ts called a
(A) Scapegoat (B) Cutpnt
68 Confucrous was th€ ancrent phrlosophy ot rC) Victim (D) Criminal
{A} Egypt (B) Persia '
(C) Greece (D) China 83. To turn on one's heel is lo turn around
(4) Carefully (B) Sharpty
The Head Quarters of UNO is located in (C) Hesitantly (D) Quickty
(A) London (B) Paris
rcl Brussuls (D) New york 84 To be at arm's length means at a:
(A) Oisadvantage (B) Corner
70. Mohenjodaro is located in: (c) Time (Dr Distance
{A) Azad Kashmir 85 After doing it daily. the task soon became
(B) Balochrstan a
(C) Sindh leisurely:
(D) K,P (A) Routne (B) Task
(C) Programme (O) Work
71 The Laws of Motion' were discovered by
ln each of the following choose the word which
(A) Edison (B) Newton
(C) Ga eo (D) Graham Be best completes the grven senlences
72. How many planets are in the Solar System? 86. When she saw the thief, she rushed to her
(A) 6 (B) I room and the door
A dvanced PPSc Mo Papets 309
(A) covered (B) closed (A) 24.9839 (B) 5 7634
(c) hir (D) bolted (C) 5.0161 (O) None ol them
87. Water is for life 95. A boy eams Ri.20.56 m Monday. Rs. 32.90
1A1 lnevG5iE-- (B) lndispensable on Tuosday. Rs. 20,78 on Wednesday He
(C) Required (D) Needed spends half of all that the earned dunng the
88. Many factors are _ for the three days. How much has he letto
(A) Rs 35.00 (B) Rs 36 15
(A) Answerable (B) Responsible (c) Rs 37.12 (D) Rs 37 50
(C) Appropriate (D) Accountable 96. 9999 + 8888 +777 + ? ='1g700
89. He refused lo ioin the army because it was (A) 36 (B) 16
against his _. (c) 64 (D) 26
(A) Beliefs (B) Convictrons 97. How many number upto 100 are drvrsrbte by
(C) Convention (D) Creed 1'
90. Some of the villagers believe in the 1A) 14 (B) 107
_ of ghosts (c) 93 (D) 100
(A) Emergenc€ (B) Realily se r/to . {2so = r
(C) Existence (D) being (A) 46.95 rBt a3 75
91. Which of lhe following ratios is the la!.gest? rC, 60 00 ,Dr 50 25
(Al 21.29 (B) 't7 .25 99 A boy saves Rs 4 56 the first month. Rs 3.E2
(c) 14 23 (O) 71s lhe second month and Rs 5 06 the thrrd
92. 0.8 expressed as a fraction is month. How much did he save altogether
(A) t (B)
(A) Rs
(C) Rs 12.50
(B) Rs 13 00
(D) Rs 12 00
100.1f 314 employees liled 6594 papers in 10
(c) roog
93. 0.7683 + 0.369 + 0.05 + 0 8 =?
33 minutes whal is the number filed per minute
by on average employee?
(A) 0.8065 (B) 1.9873 (A) 2.s (B) 2.r
(C) 0.8110 (D) None ofthese (c) 2.4 (D) 2
94. 3.'l/t69 + 6.E37 + ? ='15
Answer Key
1. b 14. b 27 b 40. c 53 d 66 b b 92 a
2. b 15. b 28 c 41 b 54 a 67 b 80 b 93 b
3. d 16. d 29 d 42. b 55 a 68 d 81 a 94 c
4. a 't7 . d 30 c 43. a 56 69 d a 95 c
5. d 18. d 3t d 44 b 57 b 70 c d 96. a
6. c '19. c 32 c 45. a 58 a 71 b 84 d 97 a
7. d 20. b 33 d 46. b 59 d 72 b 85 a 98. d
8. c 2'1. d u d 47 b 60 d 73 a 86 b 99. a
9. c 22. c 35 48 61 a 74 a 87 b 100 b
10 d 23. d 36 d 49 c 62 a c b
1t b 24. b 37 a 50 a 63 b 76 b 89 b
12 e 25. b 38 c 5'r c 64 a 77 a 90 c
'13 d zo. a 39 d 52 b 65 c 78 c 91 a


Day and night are the results of 13 A red light is used rn tratfic signat because
(A) Earth s rotation around its axis (A) lt has the tongest wavelength and can be
(B) Earth's revolution easrly noticed from a lonq distance
(C) Eanh s rolation accomDanreo wilh rts (B) lt rs beautrful
revOlutron (C) lt is visible to peopte even with bad
(D) None of these eyesight
2 The most abundant element in the Earth s (D) None ot these
atmosphere is 14 Cloudy nights are warmer because
(A) Argon (B) Nitrooen (A) Clouds prevent radiation cf heat from
(C) Oxygen (O) Krypi6n ground to air
3 Which is the brightest planet in our sotar (B) Of low atmospherrc pressure
system? (C) Of lhe compact densrty of arr
(A) Moon (B) Venus (D) More dust partrctes gaiher in the arr
(C, Mars (Oi tvtercury '15 Which of the fo owing is not pnmary cotour?
4 'Renaissance'is (A) Blue (8) Green
(A) An event of Russian Revolutton (C) Red (D) Btack
(B) An event of French Revolution 16. Sound lravels fastest throuoh
(c) A period of revival or rebirth of leamrng (A) vacuum (B) iteet
(D) A sefles of wars fought England and (C) water (D) arr
17. The chemical name of vitamin C is
The French Revolution began in the year (A) Citric acid (B) ascorbic aod
(A) 1770 (B) -1788 (C) oxa[c acid (D) nrtric acrd
(c) 1789 (ol rzso '18 Which of the following rs not a mammal?
6 Who wrote the 'Communist Manifesto':- (A) Fish (B) cow
(A) Lenin (B) Kart Marx (C) goat ioi wtrale
(C) Stalin (D) None of rhese '19. Age of tree can be determined
7 Which.ol_the foltowing is not a UN Agency? by
- (B) (A) counling the number of ringi rn stem
(A) WHO tLO (8) countrng the number of leaves
(c) FAO (o) rcnc (C) counttng the number of branches
I Who. i.s known as the ,Father
of Geometry'? (D) measuring the size of the tree
(A) Kepler (B) Euctid 20. During the daytime ptants
(C) Pythagoras (Oi ttewton (A) take rn oxygen and grve out carbon
I Who discovered the sea route to lndia? dioxide
(A) Vasco de Gama (B) Cotumbus (B) take in carbon dioxide and give out
(C) Magettan (O) noptins oxygen
Maria Montessori's name is associated with
(C) take in nitrogen and give out oxygen
(A) Christian mission (B) Chitd Education (D) take in carbon dioxide and giveb-ut
(C) Women's rights (D1 Xursing nilrogen
11 The ,irst navigAor to sail round the tvorld was
21. Total volume of blood in a normal human
({) Marco Polo (B} Cotumbus being is
(A) 5$ litters (B) 3-4 Lrtters
(C) Amundsen (D) Magelan (C) 8-10 Litters (D) 10-.12 Litters
12 Ttte deepest lake in the world is
(A) Red Sea (B) Oat take 22. The number of bones in the human body of
adult is approximately
(C) Caspian Sea (O) eairat
Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Papers 311
(A) 210 (B) 2s0 (A) Penicillin (B) X-Ray
(c) 206 (D) not fixed (C) Streptomycene (D) Telephone
23. The average heartbeat per minute in a normal 38 The Magna Cada is
man ts: (A) The name of an Enohsh Krno
(A) 50 (B) 70 (B)
(ct 72 ioi roo (C)
One of Napoteon s Wars
A British navalshro
24. What is the maln component ot bones and (O, A hisloflcal document curbrng the krng s
teeth? power
(A) Calcrum carbonate 39 The permanent seat of lnternatronal Court ol
(B) catcrum phosphate Justrce is Iocated rn
(C, caloum sulphate (A) Parrs
(O) calcium nitrate 1B1 Geneva
{C) Rome (D) Tne rlague
25 The human cell contains 40 Whrch of the followrng UN organrzahons rs
(A) 44 chromosomes concerned with the welfare
(8) 48 chromosomes of the chrldren
throughout the world?
(C) 46 chromosomes (A) UNESCO (B) UNICEF
(D) 23 chromosomes (c) wHo (D) FAO
26. The strongest muscles in the human body is 41 The lerm of otfrce of a ludge of
found in the
lnternational Court of tustice rs?
(A) Hands (B) buttocks (A) 5 years (B) 6 vears
(C) neck (D) tegs (C) 9 years 1D) tdyears
27. The main funclion of the kidney is 42 Red Cross was founded bv
(A) To control btood pressure (A) J. H. Ouranl (B) Baden powelt
(B) To conlrot body temperature (C) Trygve Lre (D) Fedeflck passey
(C) To remove waste products trom the bodv
(D) To help in digestron of food 43 Who among the following is the inventor of a
system of writing and prrnting for the blind?
28. Which o, the followng glands secretes tears? (A) Robert Wilhelm Bunsen
(A) Lachrymal (B) pituitary (B) Louis Braille
(C) Thyrod (O) Pancreas (C) Srr Humphery Davy
29. The largest organ of the human body is (D) Chrislran Huygens
(A) brain (B) heart 44 who was the 1,,9 \uman space traveter?
(C) skin (O) Iver (A) Edwin Alor r JSA,
30. A person of which ot the fo owrno btood (B) Frank Boreman (USA)
groups is calted a universal donoi? (C) Yufl Gagarrn rRussia)
(A) o (B) AB (D) Gherman S Titov (Russia)
(c) A iol e 45 Whopioneered the modern nursrng system?
31. Enzymes help in (A) Florence Nightrngale
(A) Respiration (B) digestion ot food (B) Mother Teresa
(C) rmmune system (D) reproductEn (C) Greta Garbo
(O) None of these
32. Which of the following vitamins promotes
healthy funclioning of eyes in human 46 Which street is famous for Stock Exchange
(A) Vitamin B (B) V amrn C Market?
(C) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin D (A) Fleet street, London
33. Malaria is a disease which effects the
(B) Downing streel, London
(C) Wall Street, New York
(A) Heart (B) Lungs (D) Broadway, New York
(C) Spteen iO) xioney
47 Zionism is the nationalist movemenl of the
34. Leukemia is a disease ofthe (A) Jews (B) Mustrms
(A) Lungs (B) Blood (C) Converted Chnstians (D) Hrndus
(C) Skin iO) tt'erves 48 Fourth eslale means
35. Autopsy is connected with (A) The Press
(A) Postmortem (B) Study of tiving ce s (B) The potice
(C) The Judiciary (O) The Ministry
(C) Cancer (O) Nona of thes;
49 Orygen is discovered by
36. The Scientist who first discovered that the
earth revolves round the sun was
(A) Rutherford (B) Wiftam Ramsay
(A) NeMon (B) Oatton
(C) Priestly (D) Neits Bohr
(C) Copernicus (D) Einstein 50 Food is cooked quickly in a pressure cooker
37. Alexander Fleming discovered (A) Boiling poinl of water is decreased
312 Advanced C MCQs Model Papers

(B) Boiling poinl ofwater is rncreased (D) Antr-Muslim civil service reforms of 1867
lC) lt absorbs heat qurckly 64 Srr Sved Ahmed Khan asked the Musltms not
(D) lt retains heat for a long duration to lor; the lndran Natlonal Congress because
51 Bronze is an alloy of (Ar lt was dominated by lhe Hrndu leaders
(Al Coppe!,and Z;nc (B) Ccpper and Tin r$1 (lergrs5s,135 lne M"sirn]s
(Cl lr()n a,rd Copper (D) Zrnc and Trn demand ol sePar3le elcciirr a'e
(C, He urged them to join ln3ran Patrrctic
52 The malor constrtuent ot air rs Assocaatron rather lhan Congress
(A) N[rogen (B) Carbon dioxrde (D) None of lhe above reasons
(C) Oxygen (0) Hydrogen
53 Which of the following is the hardest eiement?
65. ldentity the personality who founded the
(A) Cooper (B) Diamond tamous Srndh Madr assah-lul-lslam rn
r C r l'on rD , Srl ccn
(A) Alla!-na lnayal Uhah Kllan fulashlrqr
54 Which of the following is frre resrstant? (B) Syed Hasan Air Afandr
(A) Asbestos (B) GyPSum (C) Sahibzada Str Abdul Qayyum
(C) Dolomite (D) None of these (D) Mualana Shrbh Naumanr
55 The first rnetal use by man was 66 ln 1927 AII lndran Muslrm Lea?ue was divrded
,A) lron (B) cooper rnto t,rJosect,ois One was heaCeC D! Sl
tC) Gold iDr BroIze Muhammad Si:air and lhe al\er l,y Ouard',-
56 An element common to all aods is Azam ldentrfy the main of thrs
(A) Hydrogen rBt Oxygen divrsion.
(C) Sulphur (D) Chlorine (A) Shafr group supporled joint electorate
system instead ol sepsrate electorate
57 The rdea of Civil Defense Organrzation was iB) Ouaid-i-Azam s pro Congress approach
lirst emerged duflng - was not acceptable to other grouP
(A) Frrst world War (B) Second world war (C ) Sir Muhammad Shafi and his suppo!-ters
(C) Cold war (D) Posl Cold war wanted to cooperate wrth Simon
56. ln Pakistan the first civil defense academy Commissron but Quaid was agarnst any
was established in 1958 ai:- cooperation wilh rt.
(A) lslamabad (B) Lahore (D) None of the above reason
(C) Karachi (O) Sargodha 67 What was "Satayagrah Movement" under
59. SAARC Disaster Management Centre was set Mahatma Ghandr s direction:-
up in October 2006 at:- (A) Manocuvering for getting the suppon ol
(A) New Delha (B) Colombo low caste Hindus for Congress
(C) Dhaka (O) lslamabad (B) Extending support for the Muslims during
Khilafat m6vement and boycott of English
60. The largest earlhquake by magnitude in 20rt made goods
cenlury was recorded in 1960 at:- (C) Civil disobedience movement against the
(A) Sumatra (lndonesia) (B) Assam (lndia) British lndian Governmenl for acceptance
(C) Lima (Peru) (D) Valdivia (Chile) of certain demands.
61. ln 1935 Charles Francis Richter of US (D) Movement for the protection of cow at all
developed Rrchler scale to measure:- cost
(A) lntensity ol cyclones 68. Under whach scheme did Muslim League
(B) Volume of water rn floods surrender the demand of separate electorate
(C) Magnilude ot earthquakes for the Muslims -
(D) None of these (A) Delhr Proposals 1927
62. ldentity the reason tor the outbreak of war of (B) Patna Scheme'1938
independence in 1857:- (C) Poona Pact
(A) Non representatron of lndians rn (D) Never surrendered this demand
legislalive Councils. . 69. Who first supported the Pakistan Resolution
(B) Forcible conversion of lndians to 1940?
Chrlstianrty. (A) Maulvi Fazal Ul Haq
(C) Mismanagement of lndian army (B) Ch. Khaleequzzaman
(D) All the above reasons (C) Maulana zafar Ali Khan
63. After which incident. Srr Syed Ahmed Khan (D) Amjadi Begum
predicated that the gult of differences between
70. The Congress formed mrnistries after 1937
Hindus and Muslims of India shallwiden with provrncial elections in:-
the passage of time (A, Five Provinces
(A) Swadeshr nrovement of Congress (8, Sax Province
(B) Urdu Hindr controversy in U.P (C) Seven Provinces
(C) Arya Samaj s campaign agarnst lslam
Advanced PPSC MCQS rlodel Paoers 313
' (D) Eight Provinces
7'1. One which occasion Quaid-i-Azam said
"Hindu lndia & Muslim lndia Parted and parted
(A) On failure of Ghandi Jinnah lalks in 1944
rcffi MCQs

(B) On the rejectron of hrs proposed

modifications rn Nehru Report. 1928 a
(C) On the beginning of Urdu Hindi
controversy, 1867 PI
(D) On the reJection of fourteen points of E
Quaid, by the Congress in 1929 '-/
72. Who took the oath of Governor General of
Pakistan from Quaid-r-Azam:- (
(A) Justice A. R. Kiani
(B) Justace Gulzar Ahmad
(C) Justice Abdur Rashid
(D) Justice Wdli Mahmood I

73. Which Princely state lndia unlaMully ocbupied

in November, 1948?
(A) Manawar
(B) Junagarh
(C) Mangrol
(D) Hyderabad (Daccan)
74. When Pakisian gave an application to the / n-c
United Nations to become its member, only
one country opposed it. ldentify:-
(A) lran (B) Afghanistan
(C) Egypt (O) lndia
82. "To make amend for'
75. After the demise of Quaid-i-Azam, who (A) To make every possible eftort
became the President of Muslim League in (B) To comp€nsate for damage
1948:. (C) To bring chance in something
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan (O) None of the above
(B) Ch. Khaleequzaman ldentfy the word that is nearly similar in meaning:-
(C) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
(D) Khawaja Nizamudin 83. "Acrimonious
(A) Bitter (B) Prbvocative
76. ln the North East. Pakistan has a common (C) Cheap (D) Changeable
border with:-
(A) lran (B) Afghanistan 84. "Turpitude'
(C) China (0) None of these (A) Lethargy (B) Honor
(C) Calm (D) None ot these
77. lslamabad became the Capital of Pakistan in:-
(A) 1948 (B) 1952 85. "Nebulous
(c) 1s57 (D) 1960 (A) Trny (B) Vague
(C) lnsignificant (D) None of these
78. ldentify the longest glacier of Pakistan:- ldentify the meanrng of follorving Foreign Words
(A) Hispar (B) Baltoro and Phrases commonly used in English language
(C) Batura (D) Siachen
86. "En-roule"
79. Pakistan is located in the north ofthe:- (A) One way direction
(A) Tropic of Cancer (B) On rhe way
(B) Tropic of Capricorn (C) Long distance
(C) Artic Circle (D) None of these
(D) Torrid Zone
80. Which part of Pakrstan receive maxrmum (A) ln between
rainfall annually:- (B) By the fact
(A) Chitral (B) Murree (C) Under conc€ntration
(C) Gilgit (D) Sialkot (D) At the end
ldentify the word which covey the meaning of
the followrng two consecutive idioms 88. "De novo"
(A) One side on only
81. Diamond cut Diamond" (B) New
(A) Exactly 18) Retaliation (C) lndetinitely
(C) Prominent (D) Costly
314 PPSC MCOS Paperc
(D) To any extend
ldentify the word most nearly opposite in meaning
t:z-,*' j-_,';',,,.if,,e,f * .gs
of the following words:- j-_:ji- tnl
89. "PAUC|TY"
(A) Surplus (B) scarcity iii:-t-i P1
(C) Presence (D) None of these ..:.'
90 -OVERT" Jt .- )t lC)
(A) Deep (B) Shallow
(C) Unwritten (D) None of these u( i/.-,,tct' tol
t1w{Zie$,6L',,,,i .st \:
l ri/t571i-{ui}-"'i' sa

,1vcat!t 22 (B) 12 tA)

(At 29 (O) 26 (C)
Jbcl Jau/ @l i li{{. u/,ty)e.--.,1 4 t'i i
': .st
4}=z.tcl ft,1.;-f (Bt +i;tj-p 6)
,t:i oi J \ol
f -.2, 1o1 j:.>P (c)
: ; cQoL -.,-..- _i',# j 7,,,, 02 <,ii,r -'\{ q( 4. ;ti i
e se
,e7tv;, @1 6(* 61 jtl tt.i,r. (8, ,iNti,r (A)
1( I Q) gt;Jt^:/ (cl
-i;,r (o\ JdLtti,r (C)
,-4agur"j-6,;-t* .st r
l,.ti,, -4jtci i.l;qt'/ i r, ss
d:v Bt ;;vf ay -;{';,r @) J-,.r,9'.,r,, 161
Lt;rt€ @) ol ...t:,tct .,lntr lD) ( 7i,r (C)

I j t 1e,r'. L g6,I at;t!,5 s ii lti

- tv .se
t t,r
-, .) ;t. ; J e:,/(,.no
{-" ,rl j,i.,.,' 61 @
,J.le j,l8 6)
;!j{-}ctt tol )Vcv) \cl il11 o) ilto tct
Answer Key
1. a 14. a c 40. b 53. b 66 c 79 a 92 a
2.b 15. d 28. a 4'1. c . a 67 b 80 b 93 b
3. b 16. b 29. c 42. a 55. b 68. a 81 b 94 c
4.c 17. b 30. a 43. b 56. a 69. b 82 b 95 d
5.c 18. a JI, b 44. c 57. a 70. 83 a 96 c
6.b 19. a 32. c 45. a 58. b 71. b 84 d c
7. d 20. b 33. c 46. c 59. a 72. c 85 b 98 b
8.b 21. a 34. b 47. a 60. d d 86 b 99. a
9.a 22. c a 48. a 61. c 74. b 87 a 100 b
10. b 23. c 36. c 49. c 62. d 75. b 88 b
11. d 24. b a 50. b 63. b 76. c 89 a
12. d 25. c 38. d 51. b 64. d 77. d d
13. a 26. b 39. d 52. a 65. b 74. d 91 b
Actvanced PPSC MCQS llodel PaDers 315


Written Test for Recruitment to the Posts of DISTRICT OFFICER

16) in the Puniab Home Department (2015)
'1. Ahmed Khan Kharal of Neeli Bar was a 12 Chrnese currency is known as
{A) Yuan (B) Yen
141-Fre6dom Frghter (B) Punjabi Poet ici oong -
(D) Rrnggit
iC) Hrstorian {D) MughalArchitecl 13 UN General Assembly meets every year for
2. The Battle of Plassey was fought in 1787 by the new session in which month?
Robert Clive against (A) October (B) September
(A) Srrajuddrn (B) TrPu Sultan (C) nugust (D) November
(C) Mir Jaffar (O) Mrr Qasim 14 The caprtal city of Cuba is
3. The Second Wodd War was fought between (A) Rio de Janeiro (BI Brasilia
- (C) Mardel Plata (D) Havana
-1938 _
the years
(A) JE45 (B) 1939 - 1945 15 EcO Secretarial is located -in
icr rsss - tgez (o)
1936 - 1946 (At Tabriz (B) lstanbul
4. The estimated number of service personnel iCj tei,ran (D) Ashgabad
and civilians killed'in the Second Wodd War 16. Astana is the capital city of
was (A) Kyrgyzstan (B) -
(A) 25 Mrllron (B) 60 Million , (C) Azerbaijan (D) Kazakhstan
(C) 75 Million (D) 49 Million
17. "Humayun Nama" was written bY
5. Ho Chi Minh was the independence leader of (A) Altaf Gauhar
(B) Gulbadan Begum
Gt nartanO (B) Philippines (C) Nur Jehan
iC) vretnam (D) Myanmar (D) Emperor Akbar -
6. The Headquarters of GCC is in 18. Agarthala city made famous by 1968
(A) Riyadh (B) Jeddah consDiracv case is located rn
(C) Bahrain (D) Kuwait ' tAt Mvanhar (B) Bangladesh
ici tnit,a (D) Nepal -
7. The old name of Srt Lanka was -
(A) Ceylon (B) Lacca deep 19. Kamran's Bara-Dari in Lahore is named after
(C) Ravan (D) Maldives
8. The Headquarters of World - Trade (I! BE6ur's father
oroanization is in _-@1 (B) Humayun's brother
tAi Lar.rnne Geneva (C) Sher Shah Suri's father
icl eate (D) strasburg (O) Akbar's uncle
9. Dmitri Madvadev is of Russia. 20. Allama lnyatallah Mashriqi was the founder of
(A) Pnme Mrnister (B) Presrdent
(C1 Eusiness tycoon (D) Film Direclor lIf -_Anpmanximayat-€-lslam
(B) AraIat Magazine
10. Area wise the largest country in the world is (C) MAO College Lahore
- (D) Khaksar Movement
ilfTana-da (B) lndonesia
(C) China (D) Russia 2'l . The Continent Antarctica lies at the
(A) North Pole
11. Ancient city of Eyzantium is today known as (B) Soulh Pole
(C) Under Atlantic Ocean --
iI) (B) lstanbul (D) None of these
(C) lzmir (D) Antalya
-Ankara 22. Aden rs a Port city of-
(A) Oman (B) Erikea
icj vemen (D) Dliboutt
ln World War 2 an estimated 50 million to 85 million
people were killed.
3'16 ppSC aes t odet par,e/s
23. Abdel Fattah et-Sisi is the president of (A) cheat (B) can't
(C) deceit (D) uprightness
(A-iSud-an (B) North sudan
(C) Phitipprnes (D) Egypt 38 FLUIO
(A) moving (B) froz€n
24. Suez Canal conn€ds which two seas? (C) still (D) airy
(A) Mediterranean and Red
' (B) Red & Btad(
(C) Oead & Black
(A) light (B) d ifficult
(O) Black & Sourh Chha (C) burdensome (D) f uent
25. Ch. Rehmat Ali who coined tha name 40 Gregarious
Pakistan is buried in (A) talkative (B) lonesome
(A) Lata Musa IBJ--CamUnage (C) cheerful (D) boring
(C) Jerusalam (D) t-atrore 41 Yoghurl is produced by addrno to
26. Two kings of Hinduslan are buried in Lahore, mIK_
one is Jahangir, the other is (A) Bacteria (B) Acrd
{A) Mohammad chori (C) Sugar (D) Sodium
(B) Qutb-uddin Aibak 42. Allthal is not ootd
(C) Sikandar Lodhi 1e1 gtow;- {B-) qfttters
(O) Muhammad Tuglaq (C) sells 1O1 5ums
27 Emperct Babu/s last resting place is in 43. Where there is a there rs a wav
(A) will ----lET-mone,
A) As-A (B) Kabut (C) gold iDi pohtici
Kandahar io) oettri
44. Sherlock Holmes was a
28 Sher Shah Suri is buried in (A) Famous ThEf 1BJ-Frivate Detectrve
(A) Jaratabad 1A1 &oETtranacr (C) Radio Journahst (D) British Vrceroy
(u) sasaram (O) Murshedabad
45. Thomas Cup is the prize associated wrth
29. Emperor Akbar was bom in which sport?
(A) Umerkot (B) arpur (A) Squash (B) Badminton
(C) Peshawar (D) Agra (C) Table Tennis (D) Football
30 Who was the last Vrceroy of Brilish India? 46. Pakrstan won the first Hockev Gold Medal rn
(A) Lord Wavell Olymprc Games of '1950 hetd in
(B) Robert Clive (A) Barcelona (B) Rome
(C) Lord Mountbaten (C) Mexico City (D) Los Angetes
(o) cecit Radctiff
47. The legendary foolbalt ptayer pete rs from
Choose the.word.that is nearly similar in meanrng whiCh country?
to lhe word in capital l6tters; (A) Argentrna (B) Columbia
31. CALLIGRAPHY (C) Spain iDl Brazit
(A)handwriting (B)word_processing 48. Last Summer Olympic Games were held in
(C) keyboard (O) fever 2012 in
32. DEMISE (A) Seoit (B) Svdnev
(A) perteclion (B) end (C) London- iot *ijtns
(C) conctude (Dl Oeattr 49. Who is called the "Bradman of Asia'?
33, INCENDIARY (A) Zaheer Abbas (B) Hanif Muhammad
(A) cheerfiJt (B) snigger (C) Majd Jahangir (D) Mudassar Nazar
(C) causing fire (o) pairur 50. Oilute Acetic Acid is the chemical name of
(A) doubr (B) guess (Iy-E6i-oney (B) Lemon Juice
(u)rear (D) kifl (C) Vinegar (D) Tamarind Juice
35. TOUCHSTONE 51. Lactometer is an instrument for measuring
(A) criterion (B) auditorium
(L;) varanda (D) recall IEJ-S@d of Sound
lndicate the word. most nearly the opposite (B) Humidity in the Air
in (C) Densrty of Mitk
meanrng to the world in capital l6tters.
(O) Thickness of Yoghurt
36. CONCORD 52. Bronze is an alloy of
(A) unity (B) accord (A) Copper & Tin -lB;-ii6n & sitver
(C) vanan?e (D; agreenrent (C) Silver & Lead (O) None of these
37. HYPOCRISY 53. Ampere is a unit of
Advanced PPSC MCQI Uodel paoers 311
(A) Pressure (B) Energy (C) Music Proqramme
(C) Electric Current iO) fime (D) Browser -
54. Oasis is associated with 67. K.K. Aziz was a famous
(A) Air {Bt-Ocean (A) Poet (d)-xE-orian
(C) Desert (D) Canat (C) Fitm Oirector (D) Canadran
55. Name the famous book of Al-Beruni where de 68. At birth Dillip Kumar was named
details Hrndu religion and culture (A) Feroz Khan (B) AmlaO-ftran-
(A) lndrana (B) KiraO atEEo6i- (C) Allah Rakha (D) yuduf Khan
(C) Kitab al Hind (D) Kashf at Mahjoob
69. Shahrukh Khan's ancestral town is
56. The instrumenl which measure very high (A) Nowshera (B) Lahore
tempelature is called (C) Lucknow (Dj peshawar
(A) Thermometer lE1-H!!?ometer
(C) Chromometer (D) pyrometer 70. 'Dhurpad" &'Khayal" are terms of
(A) Poetry (B) painting-
57. Chemicals which kill rats and mice are (C) Music (D) Grammar
(AflodEiticides (B) pesticides 71. Who composed the music for the movre
(C) insecticides (D) none of these Mughal-e-Azam?
(A) Naushad Ali
58. Eugenics is the studv o, (B) Master Ghulam Hussain
(A) cenetics of ptarits (C) R.D. Burman
(B) Different races o, mankind (D) Khayyam
(C) Unborn babies - 72. A rolling stone gathers
(D) none of the above no
59. ln a railway track, two raals are joined end to
(A) Moss (B) DiA-
end with a gap in between iem because
(C) Oil (D) Grass
73. Gandhi called off the Khitafat Movement in
1922 because a mob had set a police station
1$-E-irg:ps are necessary tor bearing the fire where?
weight of the train
(B) Steel can be saved (A) Malakand (B) Chaun Chaura
. (C) Accidents due to expansion of track can (C) Nagpur (D) Afiahabad
be avoided 74. ln 1937 Elections All lndia Muslim League got
(D) None of these _ percent of the Muslim seats
60. Who won the tast Wortd (A) Five (B) Two
Kabbadi (C) Ten iOi riteen
(A) Canada (B) pakistan 75. Allama lqbat went lor Hait in
(C) lndia (D) Norway (A) 1930 (Bl Never
61. 'scrabble' is a (c) 1908 (D) 1905
(e) GamG----IE) Water Sport
Boaro 76. "Now or Neve/ was a pamphlet written by
(C) Game iO) Kind of \rvres ing
62. Steve Jobs was associated with which (Af- iaiEna Muhammad Ali Johar
technology? (B) Ch. Rehmat Ali
(A) Wrist Watch (C) Syed Amir Ali
(B) Diagnostrc Radiology (D) Abdullah Yusuf Ali
(C) Computers 77. Kattas Ra.i monuments near Chakwal are
(O) Motor Cars sacred to which religion?
63. Computer Memory is measured in (A) Hinduism (B) Buddhism
(A) Millimeters 181 Krtowatts-- (C) Jainism (D) Sikhism
(C) Gigabytes (D) none of these 78. 'LNG" refers to
64. A "Terabyte' is equat to (A) Motor Fuel-
(A) 100 Million Bytes (B) A Source of Energy
(B) One Billion Bytes (C) Shipping
(C) 10,000 Bytes (O) Civil Aviation
(D) 1000 cigabytes 79. Riko Oig is a site of _
- (A) Gas Fields (B) War Monument
65. The Silc;n Vallev is tocated in
(A) Canada (B) Mexico (C) Health Resort (D) Copper & cotd
(C) USA (D1 rretand - 80. Gorakh Hill is located in
66. 'Google" is a _ (A)Baluchistan 1B)-GiigrtBartrstan
(A) Computer Game (c) Sindh (D) Punjab
(B) Search Engine 8'1. Rehana was the birth ptace of _
318 Advanced PPSC lloQs Nodet Paoe6
(A) President Ayub Khan 92. 121 + 1.5
(B) Gen. Yahya Khan (A) 90.2 (B) 80 6
(C) Noor Jehan (c) 78.4 (D) 92.8
(D) none of these Pick the odd word
82. Sir Syed founded the Translation Society in
'1864 in which city? (A) Cake (B) pastry
(A) Ai,garh (B) Ghazipur (C) bread (D) orange
(c) Delhi (D) Lahore
83. When did Pakistan becorne a Republic? (A) white (B) dark
(A) 14 August 1947 (C) blue (D) green
(B) 23 March 1956
(C) 21 January 1962
(D) '1 1 September 1962
o-6vc ii Jlti(j,ti /.' P ss

84. Who was the lirst Foreign Minister of liir 1By ,i; (et
(A) Muhammad Ali Bogra ,t t) (O\ i, (C)
(B) M Nil lsphahani
(C) Khawaja Nazimuddin -<-!', J'!..--,,,,L'
-- -'':r"J'i 96
(D) Srr Zafarullah Khan
85. The only Pakistanifemale fikn makerto get an ,rt'o'l i Bl i;V 61
Oscar Award ts
(A) Shameen Obaid Chinoy j;v€ tol ,?t't'/ (cJ
(B) Samina ?eeeada
(C) Musarat Nazir
(D) Sangeet -
t* et:vt/ L ;' cl o,v-,',.i(,( i,r,., .gt

86. The Terrorist Group AlShabab is based in -{ (B) i{';n tel

(A) Kenya B Somalia {r-jrtg (D) .e!.,j pl
(C) Ethiopia D Eratrea
87. "lSlS'is a_ v o i ctlt ut,( j I i'tt' L * l; i,i ; : i ;1.,'t .sB
(A) A Space Slation
(B) Computer Company ,IG
(C) Terrorist Network
(D) Satellite sration .d.Li.,; (B\ ,'; tal
What comes next in these sequen@ ,,:-.f' (D) 1:,1 \c)
88. 2,4, 12,48, _
(A) 280 (B) 260 t
1 i,o{J z ;tr1 u-' ii
J s{:t ; 99
(c) 24o (D) 29O
(A) 101 (B) 121
-ls B Jr-.v 6t
(c) 151 (D) 111 *tt (D) ,t1! lC)
90. lf ten oranges coiit Rs. 75, how rnuch will one e-
'i'*- i;.r e. 's1
. " -" i','v':;"'.100
dozen cranges mst? 'e -*=
(A) (B) 80 jt,t Fl ssol Je Ol
(c) (D) 95
91 12+31 +19+22+87= y't-t @) *-t.-'-c'\Ll
(A) 159 (B) 14E-
(C) 171 (D) 181
Answer Key
1. a 8. b 15. c c 29 a 36 43. 50.
2. a o a 16. b 23 d 30 c d 44. b 51. c
3. b '10 d 17 b 24. a 31 a 38 b 45 b 52. a
'18 c b 32 d 39 a 46 b c
4. c 11 b
5 c 12 a 19. b 26. b c 40 b 47. b 54 c
o. a 13 b 20. d 27. b 34 b 41 a 48. c 55 c
7. a 14 d 21. b 28. c a 42 b 49. a 56 d
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers 319
o'l oo
a 63. c 69 d 75. b8'1 a 87. c d
58. c 64. d 70 c /o b82. b 88 c 94. b 100. b
59. 65. c 71 a 77 a83. b 89 a 95. c
60. c 66. b 72 a 78 a84. d 90 c 96. b
ot. a 67. b 73 b 79 d85. a 9'r c 97. c
62. c 68 d 74 a 80 c 86. b 92 b 98. a

Recruitment to the Posts of DISTRICT OFFICER CML
(BS-16) - 2014 (He ld in 2015)
(C) Homane (D) Hummane
1. Opposite of, paucity is
(B) Extension
(A) scanty (B) purity 16. (A) Extention
(C) abundance (D) smallness (C) Extensione (D) Extenshun
2. Promptly means: 17. (A) Leutenant (B) Lunenant
(A) efiiciently (B) acting quickly (C) Leftenant (D) Lieutenant
(C) fully (D) easily 18 He rejoiced . Your Prosperity
3. To wipe out means: (A) at (B) over
(A) eradicate (B) emigrate (C) for (D) an
(C) exaggerate (D) exonerate 19. To cul the cake means:
4. A remedy for all diseases is known as: (A) celebrate brrthdaY
(A) censure (B) antisePtic (8) make use of time
(C) penicillin (D) Panacea (C) stop wasting trme in talks
(D) stop hindering others
5. A speech delivered without preparation is:
(A) maiden (B) decisrve 20. Mixed feelings means:
(Cj extempore (D) honorary (A) feeling of hate & love
(B) not clear leelings
6. He keeps himself to htmself: means (C) compassionate heart
(A) prefers to talk to nobody (D) neutral
(B) prefers to do things alone
(C) prefers to share with all - 21. The light of the sun takes about
(D) shares with his kith and kin minutes to reach us.
Find the correct spellings of the following
(A) two (B) five
(C) eight (D) ten -
7. (A) Acomodation (B) Accommodation 22 The currency oI Holland- rs
(C) Accomodation (D) Acomodation (A) pound (8) dollar
8. (A) Beginning (B) Begining (C) krone (D) florin
(c) Begening (O) Beguning
23. The currency' of ltaly- is
9. (A) Burucracy (B) Beaucracy (A) lira (B-)dinar
-- krona
(c) Boreacracy (D) Bureaucracy (C) franc (D)
10. (A) Manoevure (B) Manoever 24. The length of Suez Canal is miles
(c) Manovere (D) Manoeuvre
11 . (A) Tution B) Tusion
(c) Tuition D) Tushun 'The Dutch guilder (Dutch: gulden, or fl.) was the
12. (A) Poineer B) Pioneer currency of the Netherlands from the 17th century
(c) Poineere D) Pioneere until 2002, when it was replaced by the euro.
13. (A) Qorum B) Corum 'The lira (plural /ire) was the currency of ltaly between
(c) Korum D) Quorum 1861 and 2002. ltaly is one of the 12 EU countnes that
14. (A) Martial law B) Marshall law joined the EMU - the Economic and Monetary tinion -
(c) Marshul law D) Marshal law which introduced the single currency, the €uro Now
15. (A) Hueman B) Humane currency oI ltaly is euro.
320 Advanced ppSC MCes Modet paoerc
(A) 50 (8) 100 (A) copper (B) srtver
(c) 175 (O) 150 (C) iron (D) steet
25. Light travels' at a rate of about 37. The lightest gas is _
miles per second. (A) hydrogen (B) oxygen
(A) 50.000 (B) 75,000 (C) neon (D) hetium
(c\ 1 86000 (D) 1,96000
38. The uncharged particle jn atom is called
26. Average male brain weiqhts
ounces' (A) proton (B) etectron
lAl 44 tB) 47 (C) neutron (D) molecule
(c) 56 (D) 49
Blood cells are produced bv of the
27 Average female brain is ounoes. body.
(A) 44 (B)-79 (A) Iver (B) heart
(c) s6 (ol se (C) spleen (D) bone-ma,'ow
28. Total number of bones in human body is 40 Tunnels of Mangla Dam are in
(c) 176
(B) 1s8 (A) 3 (B) 5
iol zoo (c) 7 (D) e
29. Sea-horse is the name of a 41 The other name of K-2 is
(A) horse (B) sh (A) Godwin (B)-RErakGum
(C) sea lion (D) sea snake (C) Naga Parbat (D) Neetam
30. _ is known as city of bazaars. 42 The oldest Barrage of Pakistan is
(A) Karachi (Bi Tokyo (A) Taunsa (Bt Chasma
(C) Cairo (D) Nev; york (C) Sukkur ioi Cuoou
31. _ is known as land of cakes. 43 is called 'Lady of the Lamp .
(4) lrance (B) cermany (A) Jane Eyre
(C) Scotland (D) tran (B) Mother Tressa
32. _ was known as 'lron Lady". (C) Noor Jehan
(A) Queen Mctoria (D) FlorenceNightingate
(B) Margret Thatcher 44 The headquarter of the UN Security Council is
(C) lndra Gandhi tn
(D) Queen Elizabeth I 1a1 WEstrington (B) New york
33. The length of Siachen Glacier is (C) Geneva (D) Vienna
km. 45 Quard-i-Azam s favouflte oame was
(A) 56 (B) 62 (A) Crcket (Bi Chess
(c) 72 ioi zs (C) Billiard (D) Tennrs
34. The length of cricket bat is inches. 46 lmran Khan won the world Cricket Cup for
(A) 38 (B) Ad- Pakistan in
tc) 42 ioi +a (A) 1990 (B) 1992
35. The approximately length of River lndus. (c) 1993 (o) 1994
-- miles. 47 "lce Hockey" rs the nattonaloame of
(A) 1200 (B) 1500 (A) Canada
- rBr F?ance
(c) 1600 ioj r zoo
(C) Russia iD) tcetand
36. _ is the best conductor of electricity.. 48 Pakrstan hockey leam won the qold medal for
lhe first hme in
{A 1948 (B) 1960
'The speed of li8ht in a vacuum is 185,282 miles per (\. 1962 (D) 1968
second (299,792 kilometers per second). 49. "K in Pakistan stands for
tAverage (A Khyber
female male brain weights 52.8 ounce and 181-Rarafurum
male's average brain 10% more than female i. e., 5g
(U Karachi (D) Kashmir
ounceS. 50 Baluchistan became a orovtnce in
'Actual length of River tndus is 3,200 km (1,988 \A) 1947 iB, 1958
mi) (c) 1962 (D) 1970
'The most electrically conductive element is 51 Presrdential form a government was
silver, followed by copper and gold. Silver also
has the highest thermal conductivity of any gold are used more often in electrical applications
element and the highest light reflectance. because copper is less expensive and gold has a
Although it is the best conductor, copper and much higher corrosion resistance.
Advanced PPSC MCQS frtodel Paoers 321
introduced in Pakistan under the (A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Constitution. (B) Ouaid-i-tuam
(A) Act of1835 (B) 1956 (C) Allama lqbal
(c) 1962 (D) 1973 (D) None of these
52. One-Unit. was inlroduced in Pakistan in 65. Pakistan joined the Defensive Pacts with the
Anolo-Ameflcan block rn
(^F0I7 (B) 1955 (Ai 1947 (BfEBf
(C) 1956 (O) 1962 rC) 1955 tD1 1965
53. Pakistan became a member of UN in 66. Pakistan became a member of NAM in

(Aj-Iugtst 1947 (B) Seplember 1947 GFST (B) 1965

(C) December 1947 (D) January 1948 (c) 1979 (D) 1982
54. Muslim Women ot the sub-continent Joined All 67. The first session of All lndia Muslim League
Indra Muslim Leaoue in was held at _
(A) 1906 (8)1005- (A) Oacca (B) Delhi
(c) 1937 (D) 1940 (C) Lahore (D) Karachi
55. The Objectives Resolution was passed in 68. The Quaid-iAzam became a member of
tularch 1940 (A) 1906 -
Muslim Leaoue in
(C) March 1949
(B) March 1947
(D) None of these (c) 1920 (D) 1940
56. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by 69. Liaquat Ali Khan joined' Muslim League in
the Quaid-i-Azam with a sum of _
(A) 70 thousand (B) 70 Million
(c) 1922
(C) 30 Million (D) 63crores 70. British-lndian Association was established by
57. Pakistan's first President was _
(A) Sikandar Mirza Hume (B) Sir Syed Khan
A. O
(B) Ayub Khan (C) Amir Ali (D) Quaid -i-Azam
(C) Liaquat Ali Khan 72. Sind was separated from Bombay'in
(O) Ghulam Muhammad (A) 1929
-1A1 (B) 193s
58. Pakislan iorned the Atomic Club in -- (c) 1937 (D) 1947
tA) 1976 (B) 1977 73. Radcliffe award was declared on
(c) 1998 (D) 1999 (A) 1'l August 1947 (B) 14 Aug-uEt -i9i7
59. was the first country to recognize (C) 15 August 1947 (O) 17 August 1947
FIkEi n after its independence. 74. Pakistan became a Repubftc in _
(A) Saudi Arabia (B) lran (A) 1947 (B) 1949
(CI Egypt (O) Turkey (c) 1956 (D) 1973
60. The first constitution of Pakistan was framed 75. Bicameral System of legislature was
(A)-lB- (B) 1955 introduced in Pakistan under the
(c) 1956 (D) 1e62 (A) Actof1935 (B) 1956
61. lslam was declared as the Slate Religion (c) 1962 (O) 1973
under the Constitution of Pakistan. 76. Nizam's State ot Hyderabad had acceded to
(A ) 1956
(B ) 1962
(c ) eausran
8th Amendmenl of 1973 Conslitution (B) lndia
(D ) 1973 Constitution of Pakistan (C) became independence
62 The first Constitution of Pakistan was (D) None of these
abrogated by
(A) Sikander Mirza 77 was the crvilian Chref Martial
(8) Ayub Khan Admi istrator in Pakistan
(C) Ghulam Muhammad
(A) Sikander Mirza (B) Ayub Khan
(C) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto(D) Zia ul Haq
(D) Liaquat Ali Khan
to be 78. Who used the word "Pakistan" when Lahore
63. The militarv assets were divided
between Pakistan and Bharat w[h a ratio of
(Al 25:75 (d 30 : 70 'He joaned Muslim Lea8ue in 1923
(C) 33:67 (D) 36:64 'Eritish Parliament passed Government of lndia Act
64. The lounder ot the Two-Nation Theory was 1935 in October and Sindh was de.lared a separate
provin(e with efle(t from April 1, I936.
322 , Adwncod FPSC tCOr todr, pepers
Resolution was passed?
Quaid-i-Azam .r.r (B) -i, ret
Begum Maulana Muhamamd Ali
Ch. Khahiu Zaman
A.K. Farul Haq
5l tol ,i rcr
79. The_ Committee
of 'Nehru Report (1929)'
''-"'" +'lt1o :: i gg
t,,::. (B)
(A)none (B one -'- >' lA)
(C) lwo (D three Jttlr-.2 \q "-i,s:.te.p
80. Baluchistan became a province in
(A) August 1947
(c) 1955
(B) Februa
(o) 1970
lfit- tre<g{jtii2i-?7 .ss
u?a. tBl -.i; Ot

;t)r, 1Bl )o! oi't

iu @t rr'r (c)
;ltLt O) ittf (Cl ,t;t;
td,fi,vL,/,vf st

| ;gaq-4 {ry1,orL4t t)i },>rtf .g2

ov,,lfvity @l ,ttliuur 61
9 (B) 7 (A) ,Jvtlr 1o1 06.,?14.,/ (c)
15 (D) 14 (C)

W, f, td.'/v /v' JV{et r ;t .ez

$'! ; J etrt,J, ? 1ti tL-. -,,,?,/
V sz

VoP @) .-r-!.>P {Al

ij,s'JP ,)v,t'iw, tal
iil.>? (Dl brop Gl
?-ic'l; o lr,sJ)y tct
, r{rf ;--/'srj,r,-t <-l' s3
-u Vttqtty-,a. .u
, lBl
(,t.;v py ;t)t 1ty
,>2i 6y
,)ug,tL4 1.s1 ir'j,- <cl
4.,tii tol E,Gt
? {tc*.,, t$.--.,!il ti ) as
i,i/Lt, 6,./' +,g.:'p' .94
!;ya\ @l !fr,.,i, (A)
,,7.@) -2ti 6t jr,uu-. 1oy
rir (ol ,t€ / (cl
,llJt p\
t 9<_tt /i'- 'lnvp'r:.ri' .95
: fie.__:? ;i .AA
)L; i L;,1 lAl
1By st
r{r @l lrja {cl
L:i,!-or;'3,, 1s1

;t; I !-:;,!o.:.i;.o, 191 frir.,-=U:tf ..,,ri-9;' .SO

)U Jt' LV,f ic)t,,' L :2 @) (B) :t_. lA)


':.-{u{ jF(e&, at
Jt"uL,r 1o,1 J'*'jtr ot
cvJ, py r9t (A) 1w;/ r ; t, i.t i ov\u/ .st
t tt

U t:t4. (Ol fbr, (C) iv(;st p1 ),j st \A)

t16{-,,-4V{t1". J 2 ,.rv ts? (D) ur i'i (c)

Advanced PPSC MCQS Model 323

a t'{c-.,-, i,E
.'. - )€ j i. t :,t .98 ir o /s'J 1c1

1867 (B) 1857 (A) t:',i j,e -

1947 (D) 1900 (c) -2'.a ) D 0O
- 1

,_-)t-:' r,1' u' ,, jiui-r.- (B) ie;rrr' (A)

:t;i:6tt:! (Ol ]t-. lC).

, -' t, tB) -/;\; / \A)

Answer KeY
14. a 27 40. b b 66 c 80. d 93 d
1. c
28. d 41. a c 67. d 81. a 94. c
2. b b
29. 42 c 55 c 68. b 82 c 95. c
a 16. b b
30. c 43 d 56 c 69. c 83 b 96. c
a 31. 44 b a 70.
b u a 97. c
32. b 45 58 c b 85 a 98. b
6. a 19. a
46 b 59 b d 86 99. b
7. b a
8. a 2t. c u. a 47 a 60 c 74 87
100 d
9. d 22. ? ? 48 b 61 d 75 d
10 d ? 36. b 49 d a c 89 d
c ?4. b 37. 50 d 63 d 77 90 c
25. c 51 c 64 a 78 b 91 b
12 b
1 52 b 65 b 79 c 92 b
'13 d 26. 39 d

A) Harun-ur-Rashid
The distance between Mecca and Medina is B) Abbas-al-Safah
about: C) Mamun-ur-Rashid
(A) 1OO mtles (8, 200 miles D) None of them
(C) 3OO miles (D) 400 miles
6 n 7'12 A.D. Sind was invaded byl
2 The Holv Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be A) Afghanistan (B) Persians
Upon Hih)started preaching lslam in public in (C) Arabs (D) Turks
the vear:
(Ar A.D (B) 610AD 7 The second pious ca[ph Hazral Umar-brn-
(C) 606 A D (D) 609 A.D Khattab belonged to which lrrbe?
(A) Banu Hashim (B) Banu Ummiya
3 The Muslims conquered Mecca in: (C) Banu Addi (D) Banu Tayam
(Ar 620 A D (B) 625 A D
ict oro n.o (D) 635 A D 8. After Damascus \,vhich city became the capital
of Muslim caliphate?
4 "A Short History of the Saracens was wrrtten (A) lstanbul (B) Baghdad
by (C) Cairo (D) Mecca
(A Allama Shibli Naumani
(B Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 9. lran was conquered by \,Yhich Muslim general?
(c Sved Ameer Ali
(D M'aulana Muhammad Alt Jauhar
Barmakids. Mansur believed that Baghdad was the
5. Whrch Abbasid Caliph laid the foundation of
perfect city to be the capital of the lslamic empire
''Baghdad ''
under the Abbasids. Mansur loved the slle so much he
is quoted saying, "This is indeed the city that I am to
'The caliph Al_Mansur commissioned the construction found, where lam to live, and where my descendants
of the city and it was built under the supervision of the will reign afterward"
321 Advanced ppSC MCes Noctet papers
(A) Hazrat Umar bin Aas 22 In 1886, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan founded.
(B) Hazrat Saad bin Abbi Waqas (A) MAO Co ege, Atioarh
(C) Hazrat Abdu ah bin Zubaii (B) Muhammadan Educational Conference
(D) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (C) MAO Atiqarh Schoot
10 Suleman the Magnificent was a King of which (D) "Tehzib-it-tkhatq"
dynasty? 23. At the time of Bangat s partrtron {.1905) who
(A) Abbasid (B) Umayyad was the Governor Genera of lndta?
(C) Mughat (D) Ottom'an (A) Lord Mayo (B) Lord Curzon
11 The second Ummayiad Callph was (C) Lord Clive (D) Lord Wave
(A) Marwan bin Hikam 24. Who lead the Simta Deputation duflno
(B) Walid bin Abdul Matik
(C) Yazid bin Muawiva m€eling wilh Governor Geneal Lord Minto ii
(D) None of them (A) Sir Agha Khan
12. The. second batfle fought between Muslims of (B) NawabMohsin-ut-Mutk
Medlna and Quraish of Mecca was: (C) Nawab Satim-u ah-Khan
(A) Badr (B) Uhad (O) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Khandak (O) XnyOer
(C) 25. The year 1916 A.D. is srgnrficant due to:
13. The Mustims invaded Spain in (A) Hindu-Mus[m riots -
(A) 711 A.D (B\ 722 A.O (B) Lucknow pact
(c) 730 A D (D) 706 A.D (C) Annulment of Benqats Dartition
1a J!9 Vlmayyad Caliphate was overthrown (D) Drsmissal of lndia; Govemor General
/51 A.D by Abbasrds after the. 26. Gandhr emerged as a top_notch teader in
(A) Batfle of Trib€s (B) Batfle ofArabs lndia after:
(C) Batfle of tstam (D) Batfleofzab (A) Jrnnah's loining of Mustrm League
'15. Who.waslhe lst Mushm (B) Lucknow pact-
Caliph of Spain? (C) Parttron of Benqat
(A) Abd Ar Rehman Ad-Dakhil
(B) Abd At-Jabar (D) Khilafat Movemanr
(C) Abd AtMatik 2T.Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were
(D) Hashim ll bin At-Hakam announced in:
'16. During the Ummayyed
period which (A) 1919 (8t 1906
department admintstered the revenue affairs (c) 1921 ioi r sso
of the Empire? 28. Who presided over Allahabad Session of
(A) Dwan-ut Rasait (B) Diwan_ut_Kharaj n 1930?
(L') Drwan-ul-Barid (D) Oiwan-ul_Khata;1 Ali Jinnah
17. 'Al-Kiawarazmi" was an outstanding Muslim: (B Sir Agha Khan
(A) Chemist (B) poet (c Hakim Ajmat Khan
(C) Ca igrapher (Di Mathematicran (D Allama lqbal
18 Which one, out of the following, rs a renowned 29. Who was the Governor General of lndia
Drographer of Holy prophet Muhammad before Lord Mountbatten?
(PBUH)? (A) Lord Wavert (B) Lord trwin
(A) Michaet H Hart (B) Martin Lrngs (C) Lord Minto (D) None of them
(C) Maurice Bucai e (D) Vincent C;onjn 30. Which of them arrived in lndaa in 1g42?
'19 The Mughal empire (A) Simon Commission
in lndra was formally (B) Cripps Mjssion
abolished rnl
(A) 1707 A.D (B) 1758AD (C) Cabinet Mission
(c) 1801 A D (D) .1857 A.D (D) None of them
20. W_ho was the most srgnrfrcant Muslim sarnt of 31. Who is considered to be the Chief Architect of
1/th Century lndia? 1956 Constitution?
(A) Shah Wali Ullah (A) chularn Muhammad
(B) Hazrat Muradrd Atif Sanr (B) Skindar Mirza
(C) Hazrat Niz'am-ud-Din Autra (C) Muhammad Al Boora
(O) Shah Rukan-i-Alam (D) Ch Muhammad Ali
21 ln '1867, which dispute laid ttre foundation of 32. Before elevation as Governor General in
'1951, Mr. Ghulam Muhammad
r wo Natton lheorv" in lndia? was:
(A) Share in Fede;al Govemment (A) Finance Minister
(B) Governor of East pakistan
retsious beriets (C) Secretary Generatof pakistan
[3] 01f,1?L:3"*otheds
(D) Financiat disparity Government
(D) Speaker of Nationat Assembty
A.tvanced PPSC lroos fiodet Paoers 325
33. The hierarchical structure of the Basic (B) Setilement of Pak-China Border drspute
Democracies (BD) introduced by President (C) Uprising in Kashmir
Ayub Khan was: . (D) lndo-China War
(A) Two-tier (B) three-tier 45. "Malthusian Theory" is regarding:
(C) four-tier (D) five-tier (A) Production (B) Prosperily
34. During the 1965-war, the Foreign Minister of (C) Population (D) Profit
Pakistan was:
A) Muhammad Ali Bogra 46. Cuba is located in:
B) Munzur Qadir (A) CenlralAsia (B) Eastern Europe
C) Z.A. Bhutto (C) South America (D) Far Fast
D) Sir Zafar Ullah 47. "Siddharlha'was the original name of:
(A) Confucrus (B) cenghis Khan
35 la Conspiracy Case" was launched in
(C) Asoka (D) Buddha
(A) 1968 (B) 1969
(c) 1963 (D) 1951 48. Who painted "Mona Lisa"?
36. Which political party of Pakistan was (A) Leonardo de Caprio
established on 30lh November 1967?
(B) Pablo Picasso
(A) Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-lslam (C) Michelangeb
(B) Jamatlslami (D) Leonardo de Vinci
(C) National Awami Party 49 Who was the inventor of printrng press?
(D) Pakrstan Peoples Party (A) Johannes Gulenberg
37. On 20th December 1971; who became the
(B) Louis Pasteur
Presidenl of Pakistan?
(C) Oliver Cromwell
(A) Nur-ul-Amin (O) St. Augustine
(B) Fazallllshi Ch. 50. Vasco da Gamai the Portuguese explorer
(C) Gen. Yahya Khan discovered the direct sea route from:
(D) Z.A. Bhutto (A) Europe to lndia
38. According to Land Retorms of '1972, the (B) Europe to Australia
(C) ASia to America
ownership of inigated land was reslricted to:
(A) 150 acres (B) 200 acres (D) Europe to America
(C) 250 acres (D) 500 acres 51 "Zoroasted was:
39. The title of Stanley Wolpert's Iamous book on 1A) an ancienl poet
Z.A Bhutto is:
(B) a great Conqueror
(A) 'Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan"' (C) founder of a religion
(O) a historian
(B) 'A leader called Bhutto"
(C) "Bhutto-the leadef 52. Renowned book "The Prince" was written by:
(D) 'A Charismatic leaded (A) Thomas Malthus
40. Ouring the antt-government movement of (B) William Harvey
(C) Thomas Jefferson
1977; who was the Presrdent of PNA?
(A) Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan (D) Niccole Machiavelli
(B) Maulana Muffli Mehmud 53. The last Commonwealth Summit was held at:
(C) Air Marshall (Retd)Asghar Khan (A) Delhi (B) Dacca
(O) Khan Abdul Wali Khan (C) Colombo (D) Bangkok
41 . Who was the teacher of Alexander the great? 54 Who lead Paklstan's delegation during last
(A) Plato (8) Aristofle session of UNO's General Assembly?
(C) Confucius (D) Copemicus (A) Mr Sartaj Azrz (Advrsor for Forergn
42. The capital of British lndia was shifted from (B) Gen. lshfaq Pervbaiz Kiani (COAS)
Calcutta to Oelhi in: (C) Ch. Nisar Ali Khan (Minister for interior)
(A) 1905 (B) 1911 (D) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (Prime
(c) 1932 (D) 1947 Minister of Pakistan)
43. At the time of partition (1947); the Prime 55 Who is the new Chairman of Joint Chie, of
Minister of England was:
(A) Clement Attlee (B) Winston Churchill Staff Committee?
(C) Chamberlin (D) Woodrow Witson (A) Gen. Raheel Shareef
(B) Gen. Rashid Mehmud
44. Which out of following took place in '1963? (C) Admiral Asif Sandhila
(A) lndo-Soviet Military Pact (D) None of them
56 The first province to hold Local Government
'[ull nsne cf rhe book is "zulfi Bhutto of pakistan: Electaon is.
Life ahd Times"
(A) Pun,ab (B) Shd
326 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
(C) KPK (D) Baluchistan (A) lsaac Newton (B) Albert Einstein
(C) Gahleo Galilei (D) Michael Faraday
57. The 50th Anniversary of assassinalion of 35th
U.S. President John F. Kennedy was 72 How many bones are there in the Skeletal
observed on: System of an adult human being,
(A) 22 November (B) 30 November (A) 1 15 (B) s01
(C) 6 October (D) 9 October (c) 79 (D) 206
58. The oil prices has shown a downward trend 73 What is the approximate quanlity of blood in a
due to: healthy male body?
(A) America-lran deal (A) 3litres (B) slitres
(B) Common Wealth Summit (C) 7 litres (D) 10 litres
(C) Syrian Civil War 74 lnto how many regions the brain is mainly
(D) Change in OPEC'S policies divided:
59. The World Trade Organization's (WTOS) \^) 2 (B) 3
conference was recently held at: (c) 4 (D) 5
(A) London (B) Paris 75 Chicken pox is causbd by:
(C) Geneva (D) Brussels (A) Virus (B) Bacteria
60. 'Ogra" is the regulating authority of: (C) Protozoan (D) Funqls
(A) Show biz (B) Stcck exchange 76 Cholera Vaccine was developed by.
(C) Water and Power (D) Oil and Gas (A) Edward Jenner (B) Leon Calmethe
61. Joe Biden is: (C) John F. Enders (D) Louis Pasteur
(A) America's Vice President 77 "Anaemia" is caused due to deficiency by:
(B) Austria's Prime Minister (A) lron (B) lodine
(C) Germany's Chancellor (C ) Vrtamrn (D) Pellagra
(D) France's President
78 "Antibiotic" (Penicillin) was discovered by:
62. ln Pakistan. the last census was conducted in: (A) Joseph Lister
(A) 199s (B) 1998 (B) James Blundell
(cJ 2002 (D) 2008 (C) William Harvey
63. Michael Dell is one of the biggest names of: (D) Alexander Fleming
(A) Holly wood (B) Wall Street 79 The Unit for measuring electric current is:
(C) Computer World (D) American Politics (A) Kelvin (B) Candela
64. The Capital of Chile is: (C) Ampere (D) None of them
(A) Santiago (B) Bogota 80 Citrus fruit is the best natural source of:
(C) Moroni (O) San Jose (A) Amino acid (B) Citric acid
65. 'Yuan" is the currency of: (C) Ascorbic acid (D) Malic acid
(A) Japan (B) Thailand 8'r "Alter ego" means a:
(C) China (D) Bulgaria (A) Close friend (B) Worst enemy
66. The least populous country of the world is: (C) Distant relative (D) Forgotten incident
(A) Switzerland (B) Belgium 82 He took time to read the draft for he wanted to
(C) Jordan (D) Vatican go through it _
67. The lnternational Court of Justice is located (A) Superficially (B) lnstantly
at: (C) Hurriedly (D) Carefully
(A) London (B) New York 83 ''Pride and Preiudrce was wfltten by.
(C) Paris (D) Hague (A) Jane Austen (B) Thomas Hardy
68. Which planel rs nearesl lo earth: (C) Agatha Christi (D) George Orwell
(A) Venus (B) Neptune 84 Obstacles are placed in the path of life not to
(C) Pluto (O) Mercury be boggled at but to be
69. The thoughts of famoi]s poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz (A) surmounted (B) tackled
tilted towards: (C) escaped (D) jumped
(A) Right (B) Left 85 "Proletarian'l means:
1C) Middle (D) None of them (A) A member of labour class
70. The memoirs of late British Prime Minister (B) A person living in a posh locality
Margret Thatcher are titled as: (C) A super star of showbiz
(A) A Life in Politics (D) A popular politician
(B) The Downing Street Years 86 Which of the following was not written by
(C) The Years in Power William Shakespeare?
(D) ln Service of Country (A) Orhello
71. 'Theory of Relativity" was presented by: (B) Macbeth
(C) The Return of the Native
(D) King Lear .iiv,;t. @) e,{-- jat 61
87. A person who looks al the brighter side ol ,! zt- @l -lr'-rL (c)
thrngs is an/a
(A) optimist
i ui ( ) tti6. I v tt {.- i. -l: -:, -.
(B) philatelist ,: ss
(C) pessimist (D) occultist

E8. To make a clean breast of something is to: ,Jg,;,',f )t,ia 1s1 irlu (A)
(A) confide (B) collect
(C) confess (O) recollecl {i\Jl;t3t lDl wseJ,,u (c)
t 5 ; r,./ tf J -rt / LJ6, -t, .Bs t
-,, /@,!,
y',9 { -- J Ji ->, t'
=(5 ct .96

/ (Bl , ret j,'tar & ot

gc.rtJt 1o1 Ot /-t lC) rr! (O) ?? f G)
t z..1vbyl L ft ,,/'ut-1 i' so l ;V'.: ; iL;!(=;'J t ; : Ji, -:v -. i3'-: i 97

@, ,/.t (A\
-'- r:-! (B) .:*., (A)
,Ft'g p1 tcrt Gt )vcv,t (ol [- ) Gl
t c-) *
6,/',,:,J-,' .g1
". -ti LJ-.e.>'i J'w c ;..- i,-lt --, ;' s8
jC-t Fl ol 1", -i- -',r, (A)
"tl)t.'l (cl ";i
,+i/ tol -ts-itbt l'[t; 1o) i,{, (c)
adr${,f ,r,f }i L I .sz L'ct:{' l.l,1,'-! t
<; ss
"t "
/s (B) 4u (Al' j,,,-',,j',, @t
"rr,.-i 1ey

*pt fpt -J.: rol Ju.-; \ct

I ;-;tbt vi /,0 :Vtt\6 ttt .93 ':
<- $ -i i r i./' oLz irrrr' 1 oo

1,.,1-,,9t7 P1 st4i63 67 j;v)rv (Bt i,4 ,ii,i ot

+lt o,t Gt i,1sw|/ tol ;,rii;,r tc1

I tL
lrd,fis13-3',,r,,fr A NQ)P-t4t1
Answer Key
1. c 14. d 27. a 40 c 53. oo d 79. c 92
2. a 15. a 28. d 41 b 54. d d 80 b d
3. c 16. b 29. a 42 b 55. b 68. a 81. a 94. b
4. c 17. d 30. b 43 a 56. d 69. b 82. d 95. c
5. d '18. a 3'r . d 44. b a 70 b a 96. c
6. 19. d 32. a 45. 58. a 71. 84. a 97 a
7. c 20. b 33. d 46. c 59. c 72. d 85 a 98. d
8. b 21. c 34. c 47. d 60. d 73. b 86 c 99. d
9. b 22. b 35. a 48. d 61. a 74. b 87 a 100 c
10 d 23. b 36. d 49. a 62. b 75. a 88 c
l1 c 24. a 37. d 50. a 63. c 76. d 89 d
12 b 25. b 38. a 51. c u. a a 90 d
13 a 26. d 39. a 52. d 65. c 78. d 91 c

Pun iab Publ ic Servi ce Comm ission
written Test for Recruitment to the posts of DrsrRrcr ZAKAT
OFFICER (BpS-f 7) in the Zakat and Ushr Department -2014

1. Zakat and Ushr Ordinance was issued in (A) Mustehqeen-e-Zakat

(B) 'Guzara allowances
iaj- tEJune r98r (B) 20 June lg8o {C) educalronal strpends & Deenr Madafls
(C) 1st Juty 1980 (D) 1st Juty 1979 (O) A of these
2. Prime Objective ofZakat and Ushr is 9. ln Punjab, there are _
_-- Oistrict Zakat
(A) to hetp the state Committees (OSCs)
(B) to make the state stabte (A) 35 (B) 32
(C) enable to make the welfare
- (c) 30 (D) 28
(D) to assist the needy 10 What iS Ushr for the Mustrm farmers
3. Zakat and Ushr Ordinance ushr is for the non-Muslims.
(A) Can be chaflenged rn ttre Siprehe Court (A) Fay (B) Jrzva
(ts) can be cha enged in any Civrl Court (C) Kharal 1oj tort tax
(L;) rs immune from challenoe
(O) can be chaltenged by th-e presrdent 11. Ushr is not charged if the tand. is ofan
4. No zakat shall be charged and co ected from
a person who is
(A) dead
rar ] ,r, 1
(B) not a Mustim
(C) not a citizen ot Pakistan
ot) (D) 25 acre
(D) All of these 12. Ushr is collected in
(A) kind (B) cash
5. The amount of Zakat deducted is credited in (C) barter system (D) none of these
1n1 0e-CEntr-Zat<at f uno 1 3 appoints the auditors, to carry
(B) 8o-CentratZakat Fund out audit of the Central Zakat Fund.
(C) os-Centrat Zakat Fund (A) Auditor Generat
(D) so-Centrat Zakat Fund (B) President
(C) Prime Minister
6. The actual disbursement of Zakat is made (D) The Central Councit
through _
(A) Minister, Reliqious Affairs 14 appoints the audilors to ca try
(B) Secretary. Zakat and Ushr out audit of the Provincial Zakat F und
(C) Locat Zakat Committees (LZCS) (A) Advocate Generat
(D) Orstrict Coordination Officer (B) Govemor
7. (C) The Provincial Council
The Ministry of Retigious Affairs, Zakat & Ushr
(MORA) allocates funds to the provrnces on
the basis of:
(A) their areas According to Zakat & Ushr Ordinance: (2) tf any plor
(B) percentage of poputation of land is used principally for growing one crop and a
(C) their sources small ponion thereof, not exceeding one-fourth o, an
(D) their income and expendilure acre, is used for growing another crop, Ushr shall not
8. Zakat rs distributed among _ be charged in respect of the produce of such small
Advanced PP SC MCQS /t odel 329
(D) Chief Minisrer (D) Umar bin Abdul Aziz
'15. Central Zakal Council consists of 27. Honey, if an article of trade, is taxabte of
Ulema. o/o Zakal.
(A) 5 (B) 3
(c) 2 (D) 4 @') 4 (B) 5
16. Who is the Secretary General of Central Zakat (c) 10 (D) 15
3 (A) Administrator General
(B) Prime Minister
(C) President
(D) Judge of the Supreme Court
17. The age of women members of the Central
Zakat Council shall not be less than
(A) 30 (B) 40
(c) 45 (D) 50
18. Local Zakal and Ushr Committee consists of
_ members.
(A) 7 (8) 9
(c) 11 (D) 12
19. All members of the Zakat & Ushr Councils &
Committees are
(A) Muslims
(B) Not necessary
(C) at least one Christian
(D) one from any minority
L {.
20. Representative ot women in Local Committee
(A) (B) 2
(c) 3 (D) Nir
21. Wealth invested in trade of the amount of 200
dirhems, was subject to a Zakal ol __
dirhems, during the early p€riod of lslam.
28. Zakal of ld-ul-Fitr (Farnaa) is applicable on
(t2 (B\ 2,
new bom infants w.e.f.
(c) 5 (D) 10 (A) born on'Chand raat'
(B) born during Ramzan
22. Which anrmal, of the following, is not taxable (C) bom on ld day
fo( Zakal? (D) bom after 'ld' prayers
(A) Oxen (B) Sheep
(C) Horse (D) Elephant 29. 'Fatrana' on Muslims. ne$/ly converted to the
23. Camels less than _ are Zakat fre€ as
Faith is _
(A) optional (B) compulsory
established by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). (C) not necessary (D) nill
(A) 3 (B) 5
30. Who is supposed to pay 'Fatrana' of minor
(c) 6 (D) 7
24. Sheep and goats less lhan =_:_ are (A) thems€lves (B) mother
Zakal free.
(A) 15 (B) 20
(C) father (D) none of these
(c) 30 (D) 40 31. For the orphaned child, without wealth.
responsibility of payment of Fatrana' lies on
25. Pasturing Oxen, less than are
Zakat free. (A) himselt
(A) 10 (B) 1s (B) man or women on whom he depends
(c) 30 (o) 35 (C) mother
26. Zakal on horses was levied during the period (D) neighbour
of 32. Zakat of 'ld ul Fiti ot insane person is _
1a1 flazrat eOu Bakr (RA) (A) compulsory (B) not compulsory
(B) Hazrat Umar (RA) (C) optional (D) none of these
(C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
33O AdvancedPPSC lCQs Modet Paoers
33 Which kind of food is acceptable for payment independence of Scotland'?
of'Fitrana'? (A) 25yo (B) 55%
(A) potatoes (B) grarn (c) 70% (D) 80%
(C) coconuts (D) all ofthese
44 was appointed as the first C-
34. Whether food-stuffs of bad quality can be in-G of Pakistan Army after the independece
offered as Fatrana ? (A) Ayub Khan (B) Gen. Gracey
(A) possible (B) optional (C) Lockhart (D) Masservy
(C) certainly not (D) none ofthese
45 was appoinled as the first
35. When Zakat of ld-ul-Fitr must be salisfied at Govemor ot Punjab after the independence.
the latest? (A) Cunningham (B) Francis Mudid
(A) sunrise of the ld day (C) A.R. Nashtar (D) Boume
(B) after ld prayers
(C) 46 lslamabad became capital of Pakistan in
during the ld prayers
(D) before Ramazan
(A) 1947 (B) 1956
36 Which category o, the followrng can be grven (C) 1960 (D) 1973
(A) poor and needy 47 Baluchrstan acqurred the status oI a province
(B) in
deeni madris
(C) debtors
(A) 1935 (B) 1947
(D) all ol these -_1956
(C) (O) 1970
48 Frrst session of the 1st Conslrtuent Assembly
37. Ushr on land produce duflng the peaod of
Holy Prophet (Peace by Upon Him) was of Pakistan was held on
collected at it watered by a (A) 11 August 1947
stream or rain
(B) 14 August 1947
(C) 19 August 1947 '
\A) 22-h (B) 5% (O) 3 September 1947
(C) 10% (D) nil 49 The length ot coast'of Pakistan is
38. Lands watered by buckets. duflng the period (A) 2s0 (B) 350
of Holy Prophet (Peace by Upon Him) were
(c) 500 (D) 750
50. The Objeclives Resolution was passed in
@ +/, (B) 5%
(C) 100/6 (D) nil (A) March 1940 (B) Augusl 1947
(C) March 1956 (D) March 1949
39. Which category of the followrng is/are entitled
lot ZakatT 51. Pakistan roined the Defence Pacts with Anglo-
(A) alms collections American Bloc rn
(B) Travellere (A) 1947 (B) 1954
(C) emancrpation of slaves (c) 1956 (D) 1960
(D) all of these 52. Quaid-i-Azam resigned from the membershrp
,10. Who has the authority to exempt any person of lndian Natronal Congress rn
1913 (B)
from Zakat ln an lslamic State? .(A) 1917
(A) Caliph (B) Wali/Govemor (c) 1920 (D) 1928
(C) lmam (D) none of these 53. Aboul whom Ouaid-i-Azam had stated thal he
41. What is the maximum water storage tevel of was his Chief Lieutenant' and 'Right hand'?
Mangla dam? (A) Lraqat AIr Khan
(A) 800 feet above sea level (B) Ayub Khan
(B) '1056 feet . (C) Abdul Rab Nishtar
(D) Ch. Muhammad Ali
lC) 12421eet
(O) 1424 feet
42. To what extent water storage level of Mangla ' The independence referendunt question, which
dam was raised recently? voters answered with "Yes" or "No", was "Should
(A) 30 feer (B) 35 feet
Scotland be an independent country?"- The "No" srde
(c) 40 feet (o) 60 feer
won, with 2,@7,926 lSS.3%l voting against
43. What percentage of the U.K catizens voted for independence aod 1,617,989 (44.7%) voting in tavour.
' Pakistan has a l,O4Gkilometre (650 mi) coas{ine
along the Arabian Sea and thF Gl'll of Oman in rhe
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 331
54. Who was the first President of Pakistan? (C) a Judge (D) Lawyer
(A) Ayub Khan
(B) Ghulam Muhammad 65. Which country recognized Pakistan tirst after
(C) Z.A Bhutto ils lndependence?
(D) Sikander Mirza (A) SaudiArabia (B) T'lrkey
(C) kan (D) Amenca
55. Bicameral system of legislature was 66. Forests in Pakistan are
introduced in Pakistan under the __ o/o
of its total
lerritorial area.
(A) Legal Frame work Order (A) 3.6 (B) 10 3
(c) 5.9 (D'.t 15.2
(B) 1956
(c) 1962 67. The first reciprenl of Nishan-e-Haider in
(o) 1973 Pakrstan, was _
(A) Aziz Bhatti (B) shabbir
56. lslam was declared as a state Religion in the (C) Tulail (D) Sanflar
_ Constitution
(A) 1956 (B) 1962 68 lntegralion of West Pakrstan (one-unt) was
(C) 1973 (D) in alt of these made in _ ___
Who was the (A) 1947 (B) 1949
57. Crvilian Chief Martral (C) 1955
Administrator in Pakrstan? rO, 1956
(A) Z.A Bhutto (B) Ayub Kh€n 69. The author of National anthem ot Pakistan is
(C) Yahya Khan (D) Zia ul Haq
(A) Ch. Rehmat Ari
58. Pakistan became a member of NAM rn
(B) Hafiz Jalendhri
(C) Allama lqbal
(A) 1947 (B) 1961
(D) Quaid-i-Azam
(c) 1973 (D) 1979
70. Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan when
59. The first Constitution of Pakistan was
our 1956 Conslrtuiron was framed?
abrogated by
(A) Ayub Khan
_ (A) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(B) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(B) lskander Mirza (C) Feroz Khan Noor
(C) Feroz Khan Noor (O) Liaqat Ali Khan
(D) Maulvi Tameezuddin
60. Who used the word of "Pakistan' when Lahore
71. Which national leader of Pakistan was
unanimously selected by the Muslim world to
Resolulion was passed'?
address the United Nations?
(A) Quaidi-Azam (A) Z.A Bhutto (B) Liaqat Ali Khan
(B) Ch. Khaleeq-uz-Zaman (C) Zia ul Haq (D) Pervaiz tulusharaf
(C) A.K. Fazlul Haq
(D) Begum Maulana Muahmmad Ali Johar 72. When lndia referred the dispute of Jammu &
Kashmir to the U.N?
61. Pirpur Reporl was presented by _ (A) August 1947 (B) October 1947
(A) Raia Syed Ahmed Medhi (C) December 1947 (D) Februaylg4S
(8) Pir Karam Shah
(C) Allama lqbal 73. When USSR was dismembered?
(O) Shah Walr Ullah (A) 1979 (B) 1990
(c) 1989 (O) 1991
62. Pakistan joined the alomic club on
(A) 28 May 1996 74. Who laid the foundation of British-lndia
(B) 3 June 1997 Association?
(C) 28 May 1998 (A) Sir Syed (B) Ameer Ali
(D) 8 April 1999 (C) A.O. Hume (D) Gandhi
63. Women joined All lndia Muslim League in 75. Frrst population census rn Pakrstan was
conducted in
(A) 1906 (B) 1940 (A) 1947 (g) rgag
(c) 1947 (D) 1937 (c) 1951 (D) 1953
64. Who was Cyrel Radcliffe? 76. The length of -lndus River' is ___ km
(A) Engineer (B) Ooctor (A)3105 (B) 30ss
(c) 2803 (D) 2736
' No solid evidence is found that at that time lhe word
77. _ is the oldest Barrage of Pakistan.
(A) Taunsa (B) Sukkur
"Pakistan" was used. Resolution later interpreled by
the Hindu Press as a demand for a separate and single
Muslim state called Pakistan. ' Total length of lndus River is 3,180 km
332 Advancect PPSC MCQ9 Model Papers
(C) Chashma (D) cuddu 91 . ln a Republic head of the state is known as:
78. Which dam was built first by Pakistan? (A) monarch (B) Prime Minister
(A) Mangla (B) Tarbella (C) Dictator (D) President
(C) Warsak (D) Khurshdil Khan 92. Who was the first Chiel Justice of Supreme
79. The Headquarter of U N. Security Council is cou( of Pakistan?
located in (A) Abdul Rashid
(A) New York (B) ceneva (B) Muhammad Munir
(C) Washington (D) Vienna (C) Cornllius
(D) Rustam Kiyani
80. The strongest muscle'of the Human body is.
in lhe 93. Pushtuns lorm o/o ratio
of population
(A) arm- (Bl jaws in Afghanistan.
(A) 60% (B) 54y.
(C) leS (D) thigh
81 Total bones in a human being are:
{c) 48% (O) 40%
(A) 189 (B) 206 94. The coastline of-Afghanrstan is _ km.
(C) 309 (D) none ol these (A) 200 (B) 300
(C) 512 (D) none of these
82. The carbon dioxide inhaled rn atr rs
approximately 95. When European single currency'Euro" was
(A) 41% (B) 4% launched'?
(c) 0.04ol" (O) 1.4o/o (A) 1st July 1996 (B) lst January 1999
(c) 1st Jury 2000 (D) 15 Juty 1997
83. Pakistan won the cricket world cup in _
(A) 1992 (B) 1993 96 Jerusalem is a holv crtv for the
(c) 1991 (D) 1994 (A) Muslims iB) Je,r;-
84. Division of military assets between Pakistan &
(C) Christians (O) All o, these
Bharat after their independenc€ was fixed at
97. Pakistan became the 57th member of UNO on
(A) 1:3% (B) 30:700/o
(C) 25:75o/o (D) 36:640/o (A) 30 September '1947
85. The length of Siachen Glacier is km. (B) 30 August 1947
(A) 4s (B) 51 (C) 3 November 1947
(c) 72 (O) 81 (D) 3 December 1947
86. The cunency of Noiway is known as _ 98. British Commonwealth was established' in
(A) Shekel (B) Krone
(C) Lira (O) Peseta (A) 1911 (B) 1921
87. Average male brain weights _
(c) 1931 (o) 1.947
(A) 49 (B) 44 99 is the largest island' of the
(c) 46 (D) 51 world.
E8. Average female brain weights _
ounces ' The euro was launched on 1 January 1999, when it
(A) 51 (B) 49 became the currencf of more than 300 million people
(c) 46 (O) 44 in Europe. For the first three years it was an invisible
89. Sea-horse is a curren(y, only used for accounttng purposes, e.g. in
(A) horse (B) fish electronic pavments- Euro cash was not introduced
(C) crocodile (O) none of these until 1 ,anuary 2002, when it replaced, at fixed
90 _ is called "Lady of the Lamp"'. conversion rates, the banknotes and coins of the
lnl Iane 1Bj Mother Teresa national currencies like the Belgian franc and the
(C) Florenc€ (O) Nightingate Deutsche Mark. lsoutce: website ol Eurcpeon Centrol
' The strongest muscle based on its weight as the ' According to the website of British Commonwealth
masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together "ln 1949 the assocaation we know today - The
it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 Commonwealth - came into being. - ....-.. See more at:
pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 2OO pounds,
(90.7 kilograms) on the molars. historyf sthash.wWlN3kgs.dpuf
' During the Crimean war, Florence Nightingale gained 'Greenland (area 2,130,800 km), constituent country
the nickname "The tady with the Lamp" from a phrase of the Kingdom of Denmark, is the largest island of the
in a repon in The Times. world. Australia is a continent.
Advanced PPSC MCQ9 llodel Paoers 333
(A) U.K. (England) (B) Australia
(C) lceland
(A) Chess (B) Cricket
(D) lndonesra (C) Tennis (D) Billiard
100. Quaid-i-Azam's favcurite game was

Answer Key
1. b 14 c 27. c 40.d53a 66 a 79 a 92. a
2. d 15 b 28. a 41.c54d 67 dt 80 b 93. d
J, 16 a 29. b 42. a 55. d 68 c 81 b 94. d
4. d 17 c 30. c 43.b56c 69 b c 9s. b
5. a 18 b 31. b 44.d57a 70 a a 96. d
c 19 a 32. b 45.b58d 71 84 d 97. a
7. b 20 b d 46.c59b c 85 c 98. c
L d 21 c 34. 47d60d 73 d 86 b 99. b
9. a 22 d 35. a 48. a 61 a 74 a 87 a 100. d
10 c 23 b 36. d 49. d 62. c t5 c 88 d
11 a 24 d 37. c 50. d 63. d 76 a 89 b
'12 b 25 JO, b 51. b 64. d 77 b 90 d
13 d 26 b 39. d 52. c 65. c 78 c 91 d

ln the Zakat & Ushr Department,20l0
1. Plants at night exhale: 9. ldentify the smallest state by area':
(A) Oxyqen (B) Carbon Dioxide (A) San Marino (B) Maldives
(C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen (C) Malta (O) Bahrain
2. Sunlighl is composed of: 10. ln the World's Ten most populous cpuntries,
(A) Three colures (B) Five colures Pakistan is al number;
(C) Seven colures (D) Ten colures (A) Six (B) Seven
3. Which is the least conductor of electricity (C) Nine (D) Ten
among the following? '11 What is meant by Cash Crop?
(A) Silver (B) lron (A) The crop which is sold on high prices
(C) Copper (O) Wood (B) The crop which is grown only for sale
4. Which vitamin cannot be stored in the human rather than for the farmer's own use
(C) The crop which is grown only for export
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin C eamrngs
(D) None
(C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin E of these

5. Jaundice is the disease of: 12. Which country is the largest wool producer in
(A) Liver (B) Spleen the world?
(A) Australia (B) China
(C) Kidney (D) Lungs
(C) America (D) Pakistan
6. Nuclear Energy is obtained rrom:
13. Baghalchur area ot Dera Ghazi Khan contains
(A) Plutonium (B) Silicon
(C) Thorium (D) Uranium mineral reserves of:
7. After Pashtun, which is the second largest
ethnic group in Afghanistan: 'vatican City: officially vatican City Sti,ie is a walled
(A) Baloch (B) Uzbek enclave within the city of R.lme. With an area of
(C) Hazara (O) Tajik
approximately 44 hectares (110 acres), and a
8. Gobi Desert is situated mostly in: population of 842, it is the smallest internationally
(A) South Africa (B) Russra
(C) North Africa (D) Mongolia recognized independent state in the world by both
area and population.
3Y A.tvanced PPSC lloQs Modet Papers
(A) Rock Phosphate (B) Limestone 27 East lndia Company came to India for trade
(C) Chromite (D) Uranrum during the reign of Mughal Emperor:
14. Attock Fort was built by Mughal Emperorl (A) Akbar
(A) Zahir-ud-Din Babur (B) Shahjehan
(B) Nur-ud Jehangir (C) Jahangir
(C) Ja,al-ud-D,n Aki)ar (D) Aurangzeb Alamgir
(D) Shahbud-Din Shah Jehan 28 Under the continental divrsion of the world
15 ln the total area of Pakistan. the share ot Brazil is situated in:
Punjab is about.
' (A) South America (B) North America
(A) 20% (B) 25% (C) Afnca (O) Europe
(c) 35% \O) 42o/o 29 When a disease occurs over a larqe area of
16. The deepest known point on Earth is in the earth's surface at one trme. it is called
Ma.iana Trench in the Pacifrc Ocean near (A) Endemic disease
(A) Austraha (B) Argentrna (B) Epidemic disease
(C) Mexico (D) Phrlipprnes (C) Pandemac disease
(O) None of these
17. Niagara Falls is situated on the border of:
(A) Greenland and lceland 30. ldentify the world s longesl river:
(8) England and France (A) lndus (B) Nile
(C) United States and Canada (C) Mississippi (D) Yangtze
(o) united states and Mexico 31 ldentify the location oI the Takla Makan
18. Pakistan is situated at: Desert'
(A) Tropic of Cancer (B) Tropic of Capricorn (A) Turkmenistan
(C) Equator (D) None of these (B) Xinjiang (China)
'19. Which of lhe following country is a peninsula?
(C) Mongolia
(D) South East Arabia
(A) Greenland (B) Fiji
(C) Australia (D) Saudi Arabia 32 Das-Man-Palace' is the otficial residence ol:
(A) President of Sri Lanka
20 The largest lslamic country by area is: (B) Amir-e-Qatar
(A) lndonesia (B) Sudan (C) President of lndonesia
Kazakhslan (D) Algeria
(C) (D) Amir-e-Kuwait
21. The Cultural Center of Gandhara Civilization 33. ldentify the old name of lraq:
was situated at: (A) Abyssinia (B) Constantinople
(A) Mullan (B) Lahore (C) Mesopotamia (D) None of these
(C) Thatta (D) Taxita
34. Why 'Wall Street' is so famous?
22. 1 meter is equalto: (A) Leading Eritish newspaper offices in
(A) 2.094 feet(B) 3.28j feet London
(C) 4.051 feet(D) 5.62j feet (B) Stock exchange market of New York
23. ln 1962, which organization of the Mustim (C) London's world lamous shopping center
wodd was formed? for tailoring and Jewellery shops
(A) Rabitahr-Alma-lslami (O) None of these
(B) Organizalion of lslamic Conference 35. Adams Peak is in:
(C) Mutamar-i-Alama-lstami (A) Nepal (B) Tibet
(D) Arab League (C) Jordan (D) Sn Lanka
24. Which of the tollowrng Vitamin maintains 36 Who is the founder of Scout Movement?
normal clotting of blood? (A) Robert Baden Powell
(A) Vitamin A IB) Vitamin C (B) Lord Colon Powel
(C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin K (C) Maccolins
25. Which of lhe toltowrng country has the tongest (D) Nicoba Tesla
coastlne (243798 Krn) rn lhe world? 37. Who put foMard the theory of relativity?
(A) America (B) Canada (A) lsaac Newton (B) Alben Einstein
(C) Chrna (O) Russra (C) John Dalton (O) Archimedes
26. .Cryptography" is a branch of science whrch 38. Who is called 'Man ol Oestiny in European
deals with: historv?
(A) The study of ffime and criminals
(B) The studv of riecret writinos
(A) iiapoleon I(B) Brsmarck
(C) The studi of fingerprints -
(C) Hitler (O) de Gaulle
lD) None of these 39 Who is called as The father of the French
A PPSC MCQ' Mode I Papers 335

(A) Thomas Hobbes (B) Rousseau (A) U S. Deputy Secretary of State

(C) Francis Bacon (D) Montesquieu (B) U.S. Commander in Afghanistan
(c) U.S. Defense SecretarY
40. The light year is the distance travelled by the (D) None of these
lioht in:
rA) 1 years (B) 5 years 5'1. ldentify the musician who composed the
(C) '10 years (D) 15 Years National Anthem of Pakistan
(A) Nisar Bazmi
41. The red color of the blood is due to the (B) Khalil Ahmad
presence of a Plgment known as ' (C) Suhail Rana
(A) chlorophyll (B) insulin (D) Abdul Karim Chagla
(C) bile (D) haemoglobin
52. Lake Mancher is the largest lake rn Pak'stan
42 Mac Mohan Line ls a border between and is situated at
(A) Pakistan and Afghanistan (A) Kaghan {B) Swat
(B) lndia and Nepal (C) Dadu (D) Lasbela
(C) lndia and China
(D) lndra and Sri Lanka 53. Velocity ol sound ,n arr is
rAr 250 m/s (B) 331 m/s
43. CasDian Sea rs belleved to have '16 per cent (cl 434 mis (D) 561 m/s
of the earlh s potential oil reserves. The five
countries that share border with it are: 54. Deficiency of Vitamin C in human body leads
(A) Russia. lran. Kazakhstan. Tlrkmenistan. to:
(A) Eve disease (B) Nerve disease
(B) Russia. Uzbekistan. lran, Azerbaijan, iCj T6etn disease (Dl Skin disease
Turkmenistan 55. ldentify the largest.tribal agency of FATA by
(C) Russia. Turkey lran. Azerbaijan. area:
Kirgizstan (A) South Wazrflstan
(O) None of these (B) North Waziristan
44. The'statue of Liberty'was a gift to the United (C) Orakzai '

States on the occzrsion of its independence. (D) Bajur

Which country Presented it? 56. Which of the following instruments is used for
(A) Bntain (B) France measuring earthquake magnitude?
(C) Canada (O) Japan (A) Rrchter scale (B) Anemometer
45. What is state religion of JaPan? icj Pyromet.t (D) Barometer
(A) Christianrty (B) Confucianism 57. Tower of Nanking'' is among-
iC) euodnism (D) Shintoism
- The Porcelain
the seven wonders of the world ln \^/hich of
46. The Headquarter of lnternational Red Cross is the following countries. it is situated:
in: (A) JaPan {B} ltaly
(A) New York (B) London (c) Egypt (D) China
(C) Geneva (D) Paris 58 Elysee Palace rs the oflrcial residence of:
47. Which crtv is the headquarters of South Asian (A) King of Denmark
Assocration lor Regronal, Cooperation (B) Geman Chancellor
(SAARC)? (C) President of France
(A) lslamabad (B) Delhi (D) PoPe of Vatican
iC) Cotomuo (O) Kathmandu 59. To which of the foilowing dynasties Razia
48. Who was the first Muslim ruler of lndian sub- Sultana the ruier of the lndian subcontinent
continent? belonged.
(A) Muhammad Bin Qasim (A) The Slave DYnasty
(B) Mahmood Ghaznavi (B) The Ghouri DYnastY
(C) Muhammad Ghori (C) The Tughlaq DYnastY
(D) Qutab-ud-Din Aibak , (D) The Moghul DYnastY

49 Light travels from Sun to Earth in 60. Whrch part of human body is more prone lo
(A) 2 mrnutes (B) 4 minutes damagd flom the HePatrtis Vr'JS?
ici 6 5 minrte" (D) 8.5 mrnutes (A) Ktdneys lBl ltrngs
(c) Spteen (D) Lrver
50. David Petraeus- is:
61. What do you uiderstand by the term Brain

and Commander o{ United States Central Command

' from October 31,2008 to June 30,2010
He was Commander o{ the lnternational Security
' Actualword is "Naniing"
Assistance Force from June 23, 2010 to ruly 1i8,2011
336 A PPSC Qs Model
Drain'? specifically given?
(A) Mad person (A) Al-Tauba (B) At-yusuf
(B) Migration of skilted labour (C) AI-Ana m (D) At-Khaf
(C) Weak educationat Svstem
(D) llliteracy and ignora;ce 71. The scope for the djsbursement oi Zakat and
Ushr is limited to:
62 . The length of famous Khyber pass is. Muslim citizens of pakistan
(A) 33 Km (B) 53 Km (B)
Muslims of any nation
(C) 73 Km (D) 93 Km (C)
converts to tslam
bJ . Se^cond Battle of Panrpat'was fought in 1556 (D)
scope extends much beyond the above
A.D between. three categories
(A) Sher Shah Sur and Humavun 72. Zakat year means:
(B) Ahmad Shah Abdati and M;rathas (A) Calendar year commencing on the first
(C) Zaheer ud Din Baber and lbrahim Lodhi day of January
(D) None of these (B) Hrra year commencing on the first day of
64 The world's largest sea rs: Ramadhan
(A) Arabia Sea (C) Financial year beginning first of July
(B) Caribbean Sea (D) Agricutturat year starting first of chirt
(C) Red Sea 73. Which forum can decide under Zakat and
(D) South China Sea Ushr Ordinance i98O as amended, the
65 Quard-i-Azam resigned from the lndian question wheiher a declaration about
Natronal Congress as a protest aqainst: exemption from zakai made under Section 3
(A) Nehru Report (Sub-Section_3) is vatid according to the figah
(B) Mopla Revott declarant professes to follow:
(Q) Gananr's Non Cooperation Movement (A) Administrative General
(D) Styagraha Movement (B) Provinciat Zakat Council
bt) The name of, All lndia Muslim League was
(C) Relevant High Court
(D) Federal Shanat qourl
Proposed in 1906 bv:
(A) Quaid-i-Azam ' 74. Ushr shall be charged and collected on
(B) Nawab Sateem Ultah Khan compulsory basis only ,rom:
(C) Sir Muhammad Shafi (A) Landowner in cultivatino possession
(D) None of these (B) Tenant Cultivator
67 'Nisab' in retation to gold as prescribed in (C) Self cultivating altottee
the (D) Every landowner. grantee, allottee,
Zakat and Ushr Ordinance. .t980 is
(A) 612.32 grams (B) 305.25 grams lessee, lease holder or land holder
(C) 87.48 grams (D) tOO gra-ms 75. The landowner would be exempt from
payment of Ushr rf the produce from his land
68 A g-overnment owned corporation earns a net
profit of rupees one billion in a particular year is less than:
It will beliable to pay zakat amounhng to:-
(A) 948 krlograms ofwheat or its equivalent
(A) Rs 25 mill'on (B) Rs 2 5 m;ilion (B) 2000 kilograms of wheat or its equivatent
(U) zero (D) None of these
(9) 3000 kilograms of wheat or its equivatent
(D) No exemption timit
69 Who had been appointed as Governor of
76. Fjrst revetation came to the prophet
I9,T?l qh the responsibrt y of co ecting
zakat by the Prophet Muhammad (peace Muhammad (Peace be upon hrm) rn.
uPon him)?
oE (A) Arafat (B) Cave rn Hrra
(A) Hazral Abdullah bin Omar (C) Cave of Thaur (D) Ka aba
(B) Hazrat Ma'az bin Jabat 77 The number of Section / Raku in the last
(C) Hzarat Osama bin Zaid chapter of Quran are:
(D) Hazrat Khalid bin Watid (A) Twenty one (B) Twenty seven
(C:) Thrrty Nrne (O) rorty one
70 ln which of the Suras (chapters) of Ouran the
lrst of the beneficiarres of zakat has been 78. Zizkat prescribed tn respect of a buned
tft)asure discovered from an unrnhabrted place
t The second dtrring early Muslim period was:
(4.) Half of the tolat proceeds
Battle of panipa.t was fought on
November 5, 1556, between the forces of Samrat Hem (B) One third of the total proceeds
Chandra Vikramaditya, popularly called Hemu, the (C;r One fourth of the total proceeds
Hindu ruler of nonh lndia from De lha, and the army of (Ct) One frfth of the total proceeds
Akbar. lt was a decisive victory lor Akbar,s generals 79. Ttre goods meant for tradtng were:
Khan Zaman land Balram Khan (A) exempt from Zakat

Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papets 337

(B) liable to pay Zakat (B) Fruits

{C) liability of Zakat was on the buyer (C) Vegetables
(D) exempt but subject to a separate Sales (D) All of these
Tax 91. ln clause (xxxiv-a) of Section 2 of Zakal and
80. A landowner got the produce of 1800 Ushr Ordinance, 1980 "Taluqa Committee"
kilograms, of millet from his land. The notilied means:
value of millet was half that of the wheat. (A) A committee at Patwar Circle Level
Under Section 5 of the Zakat and Ushr constituted under Section 17
Ordinance 1980 he would be liabie to pay (B) A committee at Thanla Level constituted
usher? under Section 17
(A) Ninety K.G of mallet (C) A committee at Village Level constituted
(B) Forty five K.G millet's value in cash under Section 17
(C) Eighteen K.G millet's worth in cash (D) A committee at Tehsil Level constituted
(D) Nothing under Section 17
81. Arrears of Ushr shall be recovered by: 92. -Zakal year" ends with the last day ofl
(A) Local Zakat and Ushr Committee (A) Shawwal (B) Shaban
(B) District Zakat and Ushr Committee (C) Muharram (D) Rajtab
(C) District Zakat Officer 93. An individual land-owner shall be ex€mpt from
(D) Tehsildar of the Revenue Department the compulsory levy of Ushr according to
82. ln Pakistan Ushr began to the collected from Section 5 of the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance
the; 1980 ifl
(A) Rabi crop of 1982-83 (A) The produbtion from his land is less than
(B) Kharif crop of 1981-82 948 kilograms of wheat
(C) Rabi crop of 1983-84 (B) The production from his land is six Wasqs
(D) None of these of wheat
(C) He/She is a defaulter of A.D.B.P
83. The Arabic word 'Zakat' has been derived (D) lf the production from his land is less than
from 'Zaka' which means:
1000 kilograms ofwheat, or its equivalent
(A) Help (B) Purify
in value in the case of other crop liable lo
(C) Scarify (D) Charity
E4. Zakat was made compulsory in: 94. The Chairman and member of a District and
(A) the first year of Hijrat
(B) the second year of Hijrat Zakat Committee shall cease to hold ofllce. if
(C) the third year of HUrat il is proved in an inquiry held by Provincial
(O) fou'th year of Hrrat Council that the District committee:
(A) ls being interrogated by the police and a
85. How many times the world 'Zakat' occurs in case of embezzlement has been
the Holy Quran: regastered
(A) 10 \B) 22 (B) Has a majority of members who are not
(C) 32 (D) None ot these pious Muslims or who are engaged in
political activity
86. On cash, gold and silver Zakat is paid at a
rate of: (C) Cases of cjvil nature are pending against
(A) One percent them
(B) Two percent (D) All of the above
(C) Two and half percent 95. The procedure relating to "Recovery of Ushr in
(D) Three percent case of Non-payment under Section 17 has
87. One goat is for zakat on every: been laid down in:
(A) 30 goats (B) 40 goat (A) Scheme of Administration for the National
(C) 50 goats (D) 55 goats Zakat Foundation. 1982
(B) Ushr (Assessment and Collection) Rules,
88. Ushr levied on the agricultural production. 1983
artificially irrigated at the rate of: (C) Zakat and Ushr Rules, 1980
(A) One tenth (B) One twentieth (D) Zakat and Ushr (Amendment) Ordinance,
(C) One Ufth (D) None ofthese 1980
89. Which of the following can be given Zakat: 96. Administrator General of Ushr and Zakat at
(A) travellers (B) people in debt Federal level is appointed by:
(C) slaves (D) all of these (A) The Presidont of Pakistan
90. What assets are exempted from Zakat (B) Chairman of CentralZakat Council
according to Zakat & Ushr Ordinance: (C) Ministry of Finance
(A) Sheep grazing fed free in paslures (D) Ministry ol Religious Affars
338 A anced PPSC MCAs Model Papers
97. According to Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980, 1980, "Nisab" means:
Chief Administrator in a provincr shall be (A) Sheep grazing fed free in pastures
appointed by the Governor in consullation with (B) 613.50 grams of silver
the. (C) 612.32 grams of silver
(A) Federal Government (D) 6'15.45 grams of silver
(B) Provincial Zakat Council
(C) Chief Secretary of a province 100.lf Ushr is not paid within trme the Local
(D) Chairman. Provincial Zakat Council Commrttee may adopt the first measure for
recovery of Ushr demand vrz:
98. The Zakat and Ushr Ordinance was (A) lmmediately register a criminal case
Promulgated on: against the defsulter
(A) 2lst April 1979 (B) 20th June 1980 (B) lssue a formal notice
(C) 29th June 1981 (D) 30th June 1982 (C) Recovery as arrears of land revenue
99. ln section 2 ol Zakal and Ushr Ordinance (D) Personal contact with the defaulter

Answer Key
1. b 14. c c 40. a 53. b 66 79 b s2. b
c 15. b 28 a 41 d54.c o/ c 80 a 93. a
3. d '16. d 29 c 42. c 55. a 68 c 81 d 94. b
4. b c 30 b 43.a56a 69 b 82 a 95. c
a '18. a 31 b 44. b 57. d 70 a 83 b 96. d
b d '19.
d 32 d 45. d 58. c 71 a 84 b 97a
7. d 20. c c 46. c 59. a 72 b 85 c 98. b
8. d 21 d 34 b 47. d 60. d d 86 c 99c
9. a 22. b d 48. d 61. b 74 d 87 b 100. d
10 a a 36 a 49. d 62. b 75 a 88 b
b 24. d b 50b63.d b 89 d
12 a 25. b 38 a 5'1. d 64. d 77 c 90 a
d 26. b b 52. c 65. d 78 d 91 a


1. "Nisab" in relation to gold as prescribed in the 4 Who had been appointed as Govemor of
Zakat and Ushr Ordinance. '1980 is: Yemen with the responsibility of collecting
(A) 612.32 grams (B) 305.25 grams Zakat by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be
(C) 87.48 grams (D) 100 grams Upon Him)?
2 A government owned corporation earns a net (A) Hazrat Abdullah bin Omar
profil of rupees one billion in a particular year. B Hazrat Ma'az bin Jabal
It will be liable to pay zakat amounling to: C Hazral Osama bin Zaid
(A) Rs.25 million (B) Rs.2.5 millions D Hazrat Khalid bin Walid
(C) zero (D) None of these 5. ln which of the Suras (chapters) of Ouran the
3. By which year had the lslamic Zakat System list of the beneficiaries of zakat has been
. been enforced and implemented? specifically given?
(A) Within five years o, the beginning of the (A) Al-Tauba (B) Al-Yusuf
revelation of the Holy Quran. (C) Al-Ana'm {D) Al-Kahf
(B) Before the Prophet (peace be upon him) 6. The scope for the disbursement of Zakat and
migrated to Medina. Ushr is Iimited to:
(C) By gth A.H. (Ninth Hijri) (A) lvluslm citizens of Pakistan
(D) By the time of the martyrdom of Omar the (B) Muslims of any nation
Great. (C) Converts to lslam
Advanc ed PPS C MCQs Model ers 339

(D) Scope extends much beyond the above 16. Gordian knot means.
three categories (A) A very difficult task
rB) Asailors rope
7 Zakat year means (Cl Couplrngs connecting rarlway carriages
(A) C;lendar year commencing on the first (D) Climber's hook
dav of Januarv
tB) Hijia yea. commencrng on the flrsl day of 17 Operahon Midnrght Jackal was launched to -

Ramadhan (A ) Caplure Kargrl heights

(C) Frnancral year begrnnrng hrst of July. (B , Tooole Benazrr GOvt rn '1996
(D/ Agflcultural year startrng first of chart (c i Tobole Nawaz Shanf Govl rn 1999
(D t Tobble Benazrr Govt. rn 1989
8 Which forum can decide under Zakat and
Ushr Ordinance 1980 as amended. the 18. Rubicon means
ouestron whether a declaratlon about {A) Packaoe of Ribbons
exemotion from zakat made under Section 3 iBi Comp6und contarntng V'tamrn B & C
(Sub-Sectron 3 t rs va,td according to the frqah (C) Anythrng made of rubber
declarant professes to lollow:
(D) A srgnrflcant boundary
(A) Administrative General 19. Basmati Paddy (Rice) is harvested rn Punlab
(B) Provinclal Zakat Counol in the month of:
(C) Relevant High Court (A) Apnl (B) Septernber
(D) Federal Sharrat Court (C) November (D) January
9 Ushr shall be charged and collected on 20. Lower Chenab Canal takes off from:-
compulsory basrs only from: (A) Marola Headworks
(A) Landowner in cultivating possesslon (B) Qadirabad Barrage
(B) Tenant Cultivator (C) Trimmu Barrage
(C) Self cultivating allottee (D) Khanki Headworks
' everv
iDi landowner. grantee. allottee
lessde. lease holder or land holder 2'1 Calioh Abu Bakar (May Allah be pleased with
him; had notifred lhe rncrdence ol Zakat as
10. The landowner would be exempt from lard down by Prophet. Muhammad (Peace be
payme,'rt of Ushr iI the produce from his land uDon him). Under this drspensatron lhe Zakal
is Iess than: plyabte oy an owner of twenty camels would
rA) 948 kiloqrams of wheal or its equrvalent be:
iBj zooo t,t6qtrms ol wheal or rts equrvalent (A) Ftve wasaqs of dates
iC) 3OOO t'tograms of wheat or rts equrvalent (B) Two sheep
(D) No exemption limit. (C) One cow
'l'1. Which of The lndian States lost its Chiel (D) Four goats
Minrsrer in a helicopter crash in the first week 22. Herd ot grazing goats up to 'rvhlch number
of SeDtember 2009? was exempt from zakal?
{A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Maharashtra (A) Ten goats
iC) gihar (Dl Andhra Pradesh (B) Nineteen goats
12. Eadh's surface temperature has increase (C) Thirty Nine goats
mainly because of: (D) Fifty One goats
(A) Radio activity 23. Zakal Colleclors were directed by the Prophet
(B) Higher level of CO2 concentration (Peace be upon him) to collect zakat on
(C) Lower level of Nitrogen in the air anrmals by:
(D) Growth in forests. tA)
' askrnit the caltle owners lo attend hrs
13. The printing press was invented by: office-along wlth an affrdavrt about the
(A) Thomas Edison Zakat due from them.
(B) Johannes Gutenberg (B) visiting the place where the cattle are
(C) Johann Mendel keot bv the owner
(D) Robert Koch (C) asi(ing the owners to produce the catlle al
a olace notified for the Purpose.
14. When was the world s first steam engine (D) cdllecting verbal evidence about strength
invented? of the herd.
(A) 1710 (B) 1830
(c) 1857 (D) 1687 24. Were the poor and rndigenl belongrng lo Bani-
Hashrm Tribe (Propheis Tribel eligible 1o
15. Bhartia Janta Party threw out one of its receive zakat?
stalwart Ior projectihg a favourable view of (A) Yes
ouaid-e-Azam M. A. Jinnah in a book. The (B) No
author of the book was: lCl Onlv drsabled could recerve rt
(AJ K L. Advanr (B) Jaswant Srngh iOi Onti a,stant relalrons of Prophet {Peace
(C) Narendra Modr (D) None of these be upon him) could receive it.
340 Advanced ppSC NCes Modet papers !
25. Norman Borlaug was. 35. What was the minimum quantity of the dates
(A) Russian Nuctear Scienhsr and grain on which zakat was collectad duflng
(B) Mexican Novelisr
early Muslim period?
(C) Agricutturat Scientist who developed high (A) Three Wasaq (B) Five Wasaq
yielding verities of wheat
(D) Christian Mrssionary (C) Eight Wasaq (D) Eteven Wasaq
26 The Tomb of Anarkali in Lahore rs:
36. DOHA Round of W.TO neootrahons on free
(A) trade had:
a. poputar shrine visited by hundreds of (A) succeeded in 2008
pilgrims everv dav.
(B) housrng punj'ab pubtic Library (B) collapsed in 20OB
(C) under the use of Gymkhana for indoor (C) borne fruit in 20Og
(D) None of these
(O) housing the punjab Archives 37. lmam Khomeini spent longest period of exite
27. Tie monster Frankenstein - a fictional
character was created bvl
(A) lraq (B) France
(A) Chartes Drckens (Ei) Lord Byron (C) Lebanon (D) Engtand
(C) G. B Shaw (o1 trlary S'trtttey 38. K-2 lhe second highest peak of the Wortd is
situated in
28. Murphy s Law, brieflv is (A) Hindu Kush ranoe
(A) Everything that aoutd oo woutd do so (B) Nanqa Parbat -
(B) Earking dogs woutd s;tdom bite (C) Sulaiman Ranoe
(C) Woll(. woutd expand according
. to (D) Karakoram Ra;ge
available space
(D) None of these 39. The latest elections of 736 members of
European parliament were hetd rn:
29. First .fully .sequenced human genome was (A) January2007 (B) Apnt 2OOB
completed in: (C) June 2009
(4) April 2003 (D) S;prember 2009
(B) Mav 2006
tC) June 2007 (D) Janirary 2009 40. lbn-e-Khaldun was a famous:
(A) Muslim Generat
30. "l ,have a dream" was a famous speech (B) Sullan of Morocco
delivered by (C) Historian and Socroloorst
(A) Wrnslon Church (D) Rehgious reformer -
(B) Martin Luther Kino
(C) Bill Ctinton 41. During early Muslim period a landowner
(D) Mahatma Gandhi produced 120 wasaqs of wheal from hts land
whrch was irrigated from the waler of a natural
31. Yale is. one of the World's top most spflng. How much was the lable
universities. lt is based in. to pay
(A New York
(B Paris
(A) Srx wasaqs (B) Twelve wasaqs
(c Berlin (u) twenty wasaqs (D) Fony wasaqs
(D New Haven Connecticut 42. The account of a provincial Zakat Fund is
maintarned and oDerated bv
32. U.shr is assessed and collected by:
(A) District Zakat & Ushr Commiitee 14) Chairman of iDrovrnciaiZakat Councit
(B) TehsilZakat & Ushr Committee (B) Jorntly by Secretary Zakal and Chairman
of Zakat Councit
(C) Village Zakat & Ushr Committee (C) Finance Department s nominee
(D) Provincial Revenue Department (D) The Chief Administrator
33. The Zakat deducted at source shall be 43. The audit report on a provincial Zakat Fund is
credited to: laid before:
(A) Provincial Zakat Fund (A) Governor
(B) Dishict Zakat Fund (B) Chief Minister
(C) Government Excheouer (C) Provinciat Assemblv
(D) Central Zakat Fund ' (D) Cenlral Zakal Coun;it
34. The expenditure on the Adminrstratrve 44 Who-.among lhe great prophets prayed to
urvtsron and the Central Council shall be met ALLAH as under. O our Lorit Cover 1ui) with
by Yolr Forgrveness
(A) Centrat Zakat Fund - me.
belrevers on the Day
my parents and (all)
that the Reckonrng wili
(B) Federal Government be established'
(C) Through grants and atiwat (A) Adam
(O) ProvincratZakat Couniii (B) Abraham
(C) Moses (D1 vousat
45. Wikipedia is.
(A) a hilly range in Canada
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 341
(B) an online encyclopedia 55. Kim Clysters mother of a baby girt, earned
(c) a children complex in Los Angles well-deserved -fame by;
(D) a children's amusement park in Disney (A) climbing Mount Everest
Land (B) winning Nobel prize for literature
46. Mother Teresa was born in: (C) championing the cause of refugees
(A) Germany (B) England (D) rvinnang Grand Slam title (U.S open
(C) Switzerland (D) Albania Tennis champion)
47. First revelatron came to the Prophet 56. Kaptial' is:
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) in: (A) Headquarters of the Government o,
(A) Arafat (B) Cave in Hira U S.A.
(B) Novel by Dostoevsky
(C) Cave of Thaur (D) Ka'aba
(C) Manifesto of Britain s Labor Party
48. The number o, SeclionvRaku in the last (D) Book written by Karl Marx
chapter of Quran are:
(A) Twenty one (B) Twenty seven 57. Vatican is silualed
in the suburbs of:
(C) Thirly Nine (D) Forty one (A) (B) Pans
49. Zakal prescribed in respecl of a buried
(C) Geneva (D) London
treasure discovered from an uninhabited place 58. 'Tweltth Night" is a .

dunng early Mus[m period was' (A) Novel by Thomas Hardy

(A) Half of the total proceeds (B) Comedy by William Shakespeare
(B) One third of the total proceeds (C) an epic by Milton
(C) One fourlh of the total proceeds (D) an ode by Coleridge
(O) One fifth of the total proceeds 59. The Chairman of the Oistrict Zakat and Ushr
50. The goods meant for trading were: Committee shall be:
(A) exempt from Zakat (A) elected by Zila Council
(B) liable to pay Zakat (B) appointed by Chief Mrnister
(q) liability of Zakal was on the buyer (C) nominated by the Provincial Zakat and
(O) exempt but subject to a separate Sales Ushr Council
Tax (D) elected through secret ballot by Chairman
51. Under Zakat and Ushr Ordinance '1980, of Local Committee
lstehqaq for treatment through public hospital 60. How many members oFthe Provincial Zakat
is determining by: Council shall be Ulema?
(A) Local Zakat and Ushr Committee (A) three (B) four
(B) District Zakat and Ushr Committee (C) tive (D) seven
(C) District Zakat Officer
(D) Administrator of the Hospital 61. Al Zheimer is:
(A) a water fall an Canada
52. Members of Local Zakat and Ushr Committee (B) a brain wasting disease
are: (C) a mountain range in Switzerland
(A) nominated by Oistrict Committee (D) an exotic animal of Amazon
(8) elected through secret ballot by local
residents 62. Lambardar (village headman) is:
(C) elected by the pious adult Mustims (A) an employee of the Revenue Department
(D) selected in a public aathering of adutt in BPSS
Muslims (B) Patwari of the village
(C) an elected official ofthe village
53. Tehsil Committee consists of: (D) a non-salaried public servant appointed
(A) the ilaqa magistrate, three women
by Collector
member and eight elecled male
members. 63. The capital of the Ottoman Empire was:
(B) the Assistant Commissioner, two women (A) Carro (B) Delhi
and six elected male members. (C) Tehran (D) lstanbul
(C) two women members and eight 6,4. Magna Carta laid the foundations of:
nominated male memb€rs. (A) Popular govemment in France
(D) twelve members of whom four would be
(B) democratic political system in creat
. Jerusalem was recaptured from crusaders by: (C) separation of powers in United States of
(A) Sultan Noor uddin Zangi America
(B) Salahuddin Ayubi (D) Roman Empire
(C) Sultan Mahmood
(D) None of these 65. Zakat literally means:
(A) deduction: slicing away
(B) growth and nourishment
342 Advanced PPSC MCQs Mod-r
(C) disfibution Under Section 5 of the Zakal and Ushr
(D) taxation Ordinance 1980 he would be liable to pay
66 Quranrc concept of Tama vrsualzes usher,
(A) Renuncratron of the worldly comforls (Al Ninety K.G of mrllel
(B) Fear of Allah leadrng lo submrssron to His (B) Forty five K.G mrllet s value in cash
(C) Erghteen K G mrllet's worth in cash
(C) Retrrement to lfe of medrtatron (D) Nothing
(D) Lrvrng on pubhc chaflty 77 Arrears of Ushr shall be recovered by
67 French Resolution happened in (A) Local Zakat and ushr committee
(A) 1683 (B) Distrrct Zakat and Ushr Commrtlee
tB) 1774 (C) Drstrict Zakat Offrcer
1C) 1789 tD) 1798 (D) Tehsildar of the Revenue Department
68 Who was elected as Pnme Minister of Japah
in September 2009, 78. The proceeds of Ushr are to be deposited rn:
(A) Yukro Hatoyama (A) Local Zakat Fund of the concerned Local
(B) Katsuya Okada Committee
(C) Naolo Kan (B) P.L.A of Dstnct Zakat Fund
(D) Hirohisa Fujii (C) a special account marntarned by Oistrict
Zakat Officer
69. A Dislrict Committee can be suspended under (D) a Revenue accounl
Section 21 o, the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance
1980 by. 79 The Chief Executive in resp€cl of matters
(A) Chiet Mrnister relating to Zakat and Ushr is
(B) Provincral Minister of Zakat (A) Chairman of Central zakat Council
(C) Provincial Council (B) Administrator General
(D) Chre, Administrator (C) Minrster ot Religious Affairs
(D) None of these
70 The minimum age limit for female members of
different Zakat Committe€s rs. 80 A public hospital demands big Increase in the
(A) 25 years (B) 30 years allocation of Zakal funds on the plea that it
(C) 40 years (D) 45 years has to attend to 20 dialysis patients every day.
The dialysas process has lo be undergone by
71. Mithi, Diplo. lslamkot. Chachro & Nagarparker patients suffering from:
are towns / localitaes rn the province ol Sindh (A) Thalassemia
To which district do these belong: (B) Diabetes
(A) Sanghar (B) Tharparkar (C) Maltunctioning of Kidneys
(C) Badin (O) Mirpur Khas (O) Chest infection
72 "Our foot is stuck on the accelerator and we 81. Telephone was invented by.
are heading lowards an abyss" Who sounded (A) Alexander Graham Bell
thrs warnrng about global warming'? (B) Michael Faraday
{A) Barak Obama (B) Gordon Brown (C) l. K. Brunel
(C) Al-Gore (D) Ban Kr Moon (D) Thomas Huxley
73 World's brggest uranium producer during 2008 82. 'Ongrn of Species" a controversral book
was was written by: -
(A) USA (B) Russra (A) Charles Drckens (B) Thomas Huxley
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Canada (C) Charles Darwin (O) J. S Mill
74. Where exactly is Rohtas Fort (UNESCO 83. Dead Sea as surrounded by:-
declared World Heritage) located? (A) Egypt & Sudan
(A) Drslrrct Attock (B) Saudr Arabra & Yemen
(B) District Hazara (C) Nigeria & Uganda
(C) Distnct Jehlum West of G. T Road (D) lsrael. Jordan & Palestine
(D) Drstnct Jhelum - East of G. T Road
- 84 Chaudhri Rehmat All first used the word
75 The vrctrm of the Lockerbie bombing in 1988 Pakistan'in hls pamphlet Now or Never in:
$,hich killed over 200 passengers was (A) 1933 (B) 1935
(A) Britsh Arrways Fhght (c) 1937 (D) 1938
(8) Swrss Arr Flight
(C) Pan Am Flight E5. Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah joined AII lndia
(D) None of lhese Muslim League in:-
(A) 1937 (B) 1938
76 A Iandowner got the produce of 1800 kilo (c) 1939 (D) 1940
grams, of millet from hrs land. The notrfied
value of millet was half that of the wheat. 86. Ex-president Chen Shur-b,an who was
sentenced to life imprisonment ln September
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PaDers 343

2009 by the trial courl for corruption and (B) Biographer of Ouaid-e-Azam Muhammad
embezzlernent belonged to: Ali Jinnah
(A) Vietnam (B) Laos (C! American Archaeologrst
(C) Liberia (D) Taiwan (D) Human Rrghts ChamPion
87. Keenjar Lake rs situated !n the district of 95 Payment oI Zakal for a Saheb-e-Nlsab Muslrm
(A) Karachi (8) Dadu ls
(c) Badin (D) Thatta (A) ,ust a moral obligation
(B) binding religous duty
88. Bronte Sisters (Anne. Emily & Charlotte) were (C) act of voluntary charity
famous as: (D) community service
(A) Singers (Bl Tennis Players
(C) Actors (D) Novelrsts 96. Who ot the following died a natural death?
(A) Mahatma Gandhr
89. Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980 vests the (B) Ja'/Yaharlal Neh(r
power to make rules In. (C) lndia Gandhi
(A) Federal Government (D) Rajiv Gandhi
(B) Central Zakat Council
(C) Administrator General 97. The last great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb
(D) None of these Alamgir s last reslrng place (Mazar) rs ln:
(A) Red Fort of Delhi
90. The second book oI the Old Testament is:
(B) Fatehpur Srkri
(A) Genesis (B) Numbers (C) Khuldabad rn former State ot Deccan
(C) Exodus (D) Judges (D) Ajanta in Maharashtar
9'l. Abdullah Yusuf Ali is famous for being: 98 European Unton presently comprises of
(A) a disciple ot Gandhi (A) Sixteen states i nations
a stalwart of All lndia Muslim League (B) Twenty one states i nations
a Co-founder of Deoband Madrassah (C) Twenty seven stales l natrons (now 28)
D Enghsh translator and commentator of the (D) Thiny two states / nations
Holy Ouran
99. The'Oa Vinci Code" is
92. Abraham Lincolns Library and Museum is
(A) Freemasons Manual
located rn the city/town of: (B) Famous novel by Dan Brown
(A) Chicago (B) New York (C) Book predictions & mysteries
(C) Spnng field (D) St. Lours (O) Collection ol Roman Laws and
93. Which of the followng terms has been used in Procedures
the oartiiular Ouranic verse to denote the 100 Suez Canal connecls
funds meant lo assist eight categories of (A) Persian Gulf with Arabian Sea
Zakat beneficiaries? (B) Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea
(A) Anfal (B) Amwal (C) Red Sea with Dead Sea
(C) Anfaq (D) Sadaqat (D) None of lhese
94. Hector Bolitho was:
(A) British World War ll General
Answer Key
1. 14. a 27. d 40c53b 66d 79 a 92. c
2. c 15. b 28 a 41 c54.b 67c 80 93c
3. c 16. a 29 d 42a55d 68. a 81 a 94b
4. 17. b 30 b 43. c 56. d 69c c 95. b
5. a 18. d 31 d 44. b 57. a 70d d 96. b
6. d 19. a 32 d 45.b58b 71. b 84 a 97c
7. b 20 b a 46. d 59. d 72c 85 b 98c
8. d 21 d 34 a 47. b 60. a 73d 86 d 99. b
9. a 22 c 35 b 48c61 b 74. c a7 d 100. b
't0 a 23 b 36 b 49.d62d 75. b 88 d
11 d 24 b J/ a 50b63.d 76. 89 a
12 b 25 c 38 d 51 b 64 b 77d 90
13 b 26 d 20 c 52. d 65. b 78b d
344 Advanced PPSC MCQs Mclel paoers

'1. Whrch part of human body is more prone to (C) China (D) USA
damage from the Hepatitis-Virus' '14. Whach country is known as 'Pearl of Antilles"?
(4) Kidneys (B) Lungs (A) Cuba (8) South Africa
(C) Spleen (D) Livei (C) Taiwan (O) tndia
2. 'Mossad' is the intetligence agency of.
15. Bolan Pass connects the Jacobabad and Sibi
(A) lraq (B) tsraet with:
(C) Egypt (D) Russra (A) Pasheen (B) Quefla
3. ln Pakistan Ushr beqan to be collected from \C) Ziazt {D) Chaman
the: 16. Siachen Glacier is located in:
(A) Rabi crop of 1982-3 (A) Eastern Karakoram Ranoe
(B) Kharif crop of 1981 (B) Southern Karakoram Ra;oe
(C) Rabi crop ol 1983$4 (C) Southern Karakoram Ranie
(O) None of these (D) Westem Karakoram Rangi
4 What do you understand bV the term .Brarn 17. Chronometer is used lo measure:
O'ain"l (A) Velocity (B) Pressure
(A) Mad Person (C) Time (D) none of these
(B) Migration of skilled tabour to other
countries 18. Why'Black.Sea" is so ca ed?
(C) Emigration of inte ectuats . (A) The dense fog that prevarts there rn
(D) llliteracy and ignorance winter
(B) A large number of rocks in the water
5. Se_cond Banle of Panipat was fought in .1556
(C) The water of sea is btack
A.D. between (D) None of these
(f) Sher Snan Suri and Humanyun
(B) Ahmad Shah Abdali and Maiathas 19. The Musllms of Mindanao lsland are
(C) Zaheer Ud Din Baber and tbraham Lodhj struggling
(D) None of these (A) Japan (B) South Africa
(C) Philippines (D) Myanmar
6 Peso is the currencv of:
(A) Canada (B) Argentine 20. Pakistan's permanent representattve rn UN is.
(A) Munir Akram (B) Zamir Akram
(c) rndia (D) Algeria
(C) Hussain Haqqani (D) Hussarn Haroon
7 Canbena is lhe capital of:
(A) Norway (B) Australia 21. The Arabic wotd Zakal' has been derived
(C) Denmark (D) New Zealand from 'Zaka' which means:
(4) letp (B) purify
8 Wodd Bank President is:
(A) Robert Zoellick (B) Strauss-Kahn
(C) Sacrify (D) Charity
(C) Shakour Shaatan (D) none of these 22. Zakat was made compulsorv in
(A) the firsl year of Hiirat
9. The largest artificial lake is: (B) the second year of Hiirat
(A) Lake Berkat (Russia) (C) the third year of Hiirai
(B) Lake Superior (North America) (D) fourth year of Hitrat
(C) Lake Great Bear (Canada)
(D) Lake Mead (USAi 23. How many times the world 'Zakat' occurs in
the Holy Ouran:
10. "Angkor Vat'is the larqest (A) 10 (B\
(A) Church 22
(B) TemDte (C) 32
(C) Graveyard (D) none of these iDj None of rhese
24. On cash, gotd and sitver Zakat is paid at a
1 1. Aral Sea is tocated in:
rate of:
(A) Latin America (B) Central Asia (A) One per cent
(C) Afflca (O) Cenkat Africa (B) Two per cent
'12. 'Drckson" is the seaporl ot: (C) Two and half per cent
({) ltaly (B) Mataysia (D) Three per cent
(C) South Africa (D) Norway 25 One goat is for Zakat on everv.
13 'Seaflle" rs the seaport of (A) 30 goats (B) 40 ooats
(A) Germany (B) Canada (C) 50 goats (D) 55 goats
Advanced MCQg Model 345
26. Ushr is levied on the agriqJltural production. under Section 17
arliricially inigated al the rate of: -Zakat year'ends with:he last
(A) One terth (B) One twentieth 36 day of
(C) Onefifrh (D) None of these (A) Shawwal (B) Shaban
(C) Muharram (O) Rajrab
27. Which of the following can be given Zakal?
(A) travellers (B) peopte in debt
(C) slaves (D) allof these
{ 28. Which of the follo$/ing countries has recenfly
been elecled a rnember board of intemational /
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA):
(A) Nepal (B) Sri Lanka
(C) lran (D) Afghanistan I
29. Dow Jones is stock exchange market ot
(A) Tokyo (B) London
(C) NewYork (D) None of these
30. 'Khai is the main town of:
({) BaiaurAgency (B) Khaber Agency I
(C) Kunam Agency (D) North Watiristan
31. Accbrding to seclion 16(7) of zakat and ushr
ordinance '1980, the chairman and members
of the District Zakat and Ushr Committee shall
hold office for a term of:
(A) Three years (B) Four years I
(C) Five years (D) Six years
32. The Central Zakal Council shatl consist of a
Chairman and four persons to be nomanated
by the President, of whom three shall be
Ulema nominated in consultalion with the:
(A) Ministry of Religious Affairs
A lsses dEGfrtrffirw

(B) Provincial Zakat Council I
(C) Council of lslamic ldeology
(D) Administrator General of Central Zakat
. Council
33. Article 31 of the Constitution of 1973 lays
down that the stale shall endeavour, wfuh
regard lo the Muslims of Pakistan lo:
(A) . Enforce Ushr and Zakat laws
(B) Secure the Foper organization of Zakat 37. An andividual land-owner shatl be exempt from
and Ushr the compulsory levy of Ush. according to
(C) Secure mllection of Zakat and Ushr Section 5 of the Zakat and Ushr Ordinence
(O) A Council of Ulema trom various schools '1980 if:
of lslamic Ju;isprudence shall @nsider (A) The production fcrn his land is less than
the proper organization of the inslitulion
948 kilograms of wheat
of Zakat and Ushr (B) The production forr his land is six Wasqs
34. What assets are exempted trom Zakat of wheat
according to Zakat & Ushr frinance: (C) He/She is a defaulter of A.D.B.P.
(A) Sheep grazing
(B) Fruits
6frce in pastures (D) lf the production from his land is less than
1000 kilograms of rvheat, or its equivalent
(C) Vegetables in value in the case of other crop liable to
(O) All of lhese Ushr.
35. ln clause (xxxiv-a) of Section 2 of Zakat and 38. The Chairman and member of a District and
Ushr Ordinance, 1980 "Taluqa Committee" Zakat Committee shall cease to hold office. if
means: it is proved in an inqurry held by Provrncral
(A) A Committee at Patwar Circle Level Council that the District Committee
constituted under Section 17 (A) ls being interrogated by the Pohce and a
(B) A Committee at Thana Level constituted case of embezzlement has been
under Section 17 registered
(C) A Committee at Village Level constituted (B) Has a majority of members who are not
under kion 17 pious Muslims or \rho are engaged in
(D) A Committee at Tehsil Level constituted polilical activaty
?16 Aclvanced PPSC MCQS Modet Paoers
(C) Cases of civil nature are pending against 50. The largest Cricket Stadium ofthe world is
them (A) Melbourne Cricket Club
(D) Allof the above (B) Sharjah Cricket Ground
39. "Cathay Pacitic" is airline of:
(C) The Oval. London
(A) Kong
Hong (B) Taiwan (D) Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore
(C) Japan (D) China 51 Which of the following lnternet Search Engine
is celebrating its 1oth anniversary in 2008?
40. The procedure relating to "Recovery of Ushr in
(A) Yahoo (B) You tube
case of Non-payment under Section 17 has
been laid down rn:
(c) MSN , (D) Googre
(A) Scheme ot Administration for the National 52 "Daughter of the East' is written by:
Zakat Foundalion. 1982 (A) Aitzaz Ahsan (B) Tariq Rahman
(B) Ushr (Assessment and Collection) Rules, (C) Benazir Bhutto (D) none ofthese
19E3 'Saiah Palin' is:
(C) Zakat and Ushr Rules, 1980 (A) US under-secretary of state forAsia
(D) Zakat and Ushr (Amendment) Ordinance, (B) Democratic Vice Presidential candidate in
1980 US
41. Which of the following UN agencies has (C) Republacan vrce Presidential candidate in
received Noble Peace Prize? US
(A) UNTCEF (D) None of these
(B) rLO 54 lf Ushr is not paid within time the Local
(C) UN High Commissioner for Refugees Committee may adopt the flrst measure tor
(D) All of these
recovery of Ushr demand viz:
42. Administrator General of Ushr and Zakat at (A) lmmediately register a criminal case
Federal level is appointed by: against the defaulter
(A) The Presidenl of Pakistan (B) lssue a formal notice
(B) Chairman of Central Zakat Council (C) Recovery as arrears of land revenue
(C) Ministry of Finance (D) Personal contact with the defaulter
(D) Ministry of Religious Affairs 55 The term 'Hung Parliament' describes a
43. According to Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1980, situation in which
Chief Administrator in a province shall be (A) Prime Minister deliberately avoids to
appointed by the Governor in consultation with attend the sessions of the parliament for
the: a long p€riod
(A) Federal Government (B) Prime Minister has been removed
(B) Provincial Zakat Council through a vote of no conlidence bul
(C) Chief Secretary of a province refuse to step-down
(D) Chairman, Provincial Zakat Council (C) No single party has a maiority in the
44. The Zakat and Uihr Ordinance house
promulgaled on: (D) The ruling party has lost the majority in
(A) 21st Aprili979 (B) 20th June 1980 the upper house
(C) 29th June 1981 (D) 30th June'1982 56 Which of the following categories of Nobel
45. 'Nippon" is the former name of: Prizes was not created by Swedish Scientrst
(A) Hong Kong (B) Japan Alfred Nobel?
(C) Libya (D) llaly (A) Peace (B) Literature
(C) Economics (D) Medicine
46. ln section 2 ol Zakal and Ushr Ordinance
1980, "Nisab",means: Which of the following provinces of
(A) She€p grazing fed free in pastures Afghanistan share border with Pakistan?
(B) 613.50 grams oI silver
(A) Ningrahar, Pakila, Helmand
(C) 612.32 grams of silver
(B) Bamiyan, Farah, Heral
(D) 615.45 grams of silver
(C) Balkh, Samangan, Kunduz
(D) Takhar, Uruzgan. Ghur
47. "Sky News" is news TV channel of:
(A) Canada (B) USA 58 On which of the following areas, United
(c) UAE (D) uK Nations spends a lion's share of its budget
(A) Environmental protection programmers
48. Which of the following country is called "Land (B) Rehabilitations of refugees in the world
o, thousands lslands"? (C) Education and Health
(A) Netherlands (B) Frnland (D) Peacekeeprng actavitres
(C) Scotland (D) lreland
59 Oecember 3, (every year) rs observed all over
49. Antalya Airport is situated rn: the world as.
(A) Syria (B) Turkey (A) lnternational Literacy Day
(C) ltary (D) Egypt (B) lnternational CivilAviation Day
Adv.ncd PPSC nCAs nod.l P'E,?lts 311
(C) lntemational Day of Disabled Persons (B) French mathemalician
(D) lntemational Day of Human Rights (C) English novelist
(O) ltalian tourist
60. The world's hrgest subway system is in:
(A) Tokyo (B) Moscow
(C) Shanghai Metro (D) New York
61. The highBst wabrfali of the woru is:
- (A) Mctoria (B) Tugeh ADVANCEO
(C) Angd (D) Niagara
(A) Science of dnlgE
. (B)
Stamp cdledion
The study of writtsn recod
(D) The sttldy of animal behaviour
63. Gomal Zam Dam is located in:
(A) Gilsit (B) Lasb€lla
(C) Nor$ Waziristan (O) South Wazrisitan -II
64. The uodd's la;g€sl lend frontbr E betreen:
(A) Arnerica and Canada
(B) Arger ina and Brazil
(C) Russia and China
(D) China and Mongolia
65. Which of th€ following is not ridl in protein?
(A) Potatoes (B) Meat --\
(C) Fish (D) EggB . .--.--Eaia
' r'rH ia.r-r-r*-
ria.*. .h-
66. National lncom€'is e$sontialty compos€d ot rau.rt-
' (A) All Yvealth of a nation h 'or..'trr-rbr*.hl-(bi-
(B) Annual income of th6 cenfal govemment riSr dr.aLilt iLc-.arb
(C) Allincom€ of the p€ople in a year
(D) lncome &dved trom taxes by the cenlral t G ^trll-i.rJhrhlft

67. 'Fleet St eef London is famous for
(A) Banking and financial offces
(B) Officas of the cargo companies
(C) Offics3 of tte rHspape'3 and prrss
agencieg 72. 1 metric ton is equalto:
(D) Ofiices of the Royal Navy establEhmenl (A) 100 kilogram (B) 500 kilogram
68. To which of the following dynasties. "Razia (C) 1000 kilogram (D) 10000 kilogram
Sultan' The ruler of lhe lndjin subcontinent 73. The tirst intemational o'ganizalion was:
belonged. (A) United Nations
(A) The Slave dynasty (B) Commonwealth OEanization
(B) The Ghouri dynasty (C) League of Nations
(C) Tlte Tughlrq dlnasty (D) None of these
(D) The Mogfiul dynasty
74. Which ot the Iollowing countries first
69. The h€adquarteB ot World Trad€ introduc{ion paper cunency in the wodd?
Organization b in: (A) USA (B) Greece
(A) Geneva (B) NeYv York (C) China (D) France
(C) London (D) Pais
75. The earth's rota{on on its axis is from
70. The only vitamin which the human body can (A) Soulh to North (B) North to South
manufaclute is: (C) East lo West (D) West to East
(A) Mtamin C (B) Vitamin D
(C) Mtamin K (O) None of these 76. Green vegetables are good source of:
(A) Starch
7'1. 'Vasco da Gama' vvas a (B) Fats and Oil
(A) Podugues€ explorer (C) Protein
(D) Minerals and Vitamins
' National incme is the total value a counrys final
77. The game of 'Hockey' originated from:
(A) Pakistan (B) England
output ol all nw goods and seryices produced h ooe (C) Australia (O) Greece

3tl8 Advancect PP C MCOs PaDers
78. 'NEPRA stands for: 90. ln the composition of Earth, Oxygen is
(A) National Economic Planning Research approximately.
Agency (A) 30% (B) 38%
(B) Nuclear Energy Preservrng and (c) 46% (D) 58%
Regulatrng Authority
(C) Nalional Electric Power Regulatory 91. Who was the firsl Muslim Ruler of lndian sub-
Authoraty contrnent?
(D) National Electric Potentiat Revamping (A) Muhammad Bin Qasim
(B) Mahmood Ghaznavj
(C) Muhammad chouri
79. "Dosimeter" is a device used to measure (D) Qutab-ud-Oin Aabik
(A) Nuclear radiation for safety purposes
(q) The speed of wind or any 6t'hei gas 92 Light kavels from Sun to Earth inl
(C) Heat radiation (A) 2 minutes (B) 4 minutes
(D) High temperature (C) 6% minutes (D) 8% minutes
80 What do you understand by the drsease 93 ln 1994, Pakistan became world champron of:
'lnsomnra"? (A) Cricket (B) Hockey & Squash
(A) lnabality to sleep (B) Cotour btindness (C) Snooker (D) All ofthese
(C) Depression (D) None of these 94. ldenlify the musrcian who composed the
8t. The Syed Oynasty in tndo-Pakistan Sub- National Anthem of Pakistan
Continent was founded by:
(A) Nisar Bazmi
(A) Khizer Khan (B) Mubarak Shah (B) KhalilAhmad
(C) Nasarud-Din (D) tstam Shah (C) Suhail Rana
(D) Abdul Kanm Chagla
82. The Worid's famous Madame Tussaud's
museum as situated in:
95. 'Lake Manchar'rs the largest lake in Pakistan
(A) Paris (B) London and is situated' at:
(C) Rome (D) New YorI (A) Kaghan (B) Swar
(C) Dadu (D) Labelta
83. The famous shrine of Hazrat Bari tmam is
located at 96. Velocity of sound in air per second isl
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (A) 250 meters (B) 33'l meters
(C) Multan (D) lslamabad (C) 434 meters (D) 561 nielers
84. Whrch of the following in a cash crop? 97 Deficiency of Vitamin 'C' in human body teads
(A) Wheat (B) Rice to:
(A) disease (B) Nerve disease
(C) Cotton (D) None of these
disease (D) Skin disease
85. 'Ontology" is lhe study of:
(A) Birds (B) tnsects 98. ldentity the largest tribal agency of F.A.T.A
(C) Sea Animals (D) Sea Plants (Federally Administrated Tribal Areas) by
86. Pakistan's highest railway station (from sea (A) South Waziristan
level) is: (B) North Waziristan
(A) Quetta (B) Peshawar (C) Orakzai
(C) Jhal Maqsi (D) Kan Mehtazar (O) Bajaur
87. ldentify Pakistan's largest gas fired power 99. Which of the following instruments is used for
plant'. comparing earthquake magnitudes?
(A) Faisalabad Gas Turbine Power Plant (A) Richter Scale (B) Anemometer
(B) Uch Power Plant (C) Seismograph (D) Pyrometer
(C) Gomal Power Plant
(D) Malkand Dargai Power Plant 1oo."Porcelain Tower of Nanjing" is among the
'seven wonders of the world. ln which of the
88. What is mean by "Petticoat Government?' following countries it is situated
(A) A government as exile (A) Japan (B) ltaly
(B) A government run by a woman (c) Egypt (D) China
(C) A government without actuat power
(D) A govemment run by some feudal tords
89. A small town in Sindh "Keti Bunder" is famous
(A) Historical site (B) Gas and Oit lietd
(C) Fish harbour (D) Mititary base
' [ake Man.har is the largest freshwater lake in
'Guddu Thermal Station with the capacity o'f 2,402 Pakistan and one of Asia's largest. lt is located west of
MW is the largest NaturalGas-fired thermal station. the lndus Rivrr, in Jamsho.o District, Sindh.
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 349

Answer Key
1. d 14 a 27 d 40. c 53. c 66. a a 92. d
2. b b 28 d 41. d 54. d 67. c 80. a 93. d
3. a IT' a 29 42. d 55. c b6. a 81. a 94. d
4. b c 30 a 43. a 56. c 69. 82. b 95c
5. d 18 a 31 a 44. b 57. a 70. b 83. d 96. b
t) b 19 c 32 c 45. b 58. d 7'1. a u. c 97. c
7. b 20 a 33 b 46. c 59. c 72. c 85. a 98a
8. a 21 b 34 a 47. d 60. c 73. c 86. d 99. a
9. d 22 b 35 b 48. b 61. c 74. c 87. a 100. d
'10. b 23 c Jb b 49.b62b 75. d 88. b
11. b 24 c a 50.a63d 76. d 89. c
12. b b 38 b 51. d 64. a 77. b 90. a
IJ, d 26 b 39 a 52. c 65. a 78. c 91. d



Section 1 (Zakat and Ushr) 8 How many kinds of Muslims are eligible to
1. The Arabic word Zakat has been derived receive Zakat and Ushr. accordrng to
from Tazkiya. What does it mean? Our'anic orders?
(A) To give (B) To purify (A) 10 (B) 8
(C) To spend (D) To offer (c) 6 (D) 4
2. When Zakat was made compulsory? 9 'O Prophet receive Zakat from their
(A) 2 A.H (B) 3 A.H (people's) properties so that (you) could
(c) 4 A.H (D) s A.H make them neat and clean". ln which
Surrah oI Qur'an this ayat was revealed,
3. At how many places o, Qur'an the orders of (A) Sunah Muhammad
the payment of Zakat are mentioned? (B) Surrah Rehman
(A) 82 (B) 83 (C) Surrah Banilsrael
(c) 84 (D) 8s (D) Surrah Luqman
4. At how many places of Qur'an, Zakat is 10 ln which surrah of Qur'an all orders
mentioned in the company of Salat? regarding Zakat are prescribed?
(A) 32 (B) 33 (A Surah Toba
(c) 34 (D) 35 (B Surah Mulk
(c Surah Muhammad
5. Whrch of the following can recerve Zakat? (D Surah Falaq
(A) Travellers (B) Debtor
(C) Needy (D) All of these 1'1. ln clause (xxxiv-a) of secton 2 of Zakat and
ushr ordinance '1980 "Taluqa Committee"
6. What is the Nisab of Zakat? means;
\A) 2',t2a/o on 52]/zsrlver or 7'l2totat gold (A) a committee at Patwar circle level
lB) 2 .1.% on 53'/r srlver or I l/,,totar gold constituted under section 17
lC) 2,1-o/o on 54./. silver or I i.lotal gold (B) a committee at thaana level constituted
\D) 2 lr% on 55'/2 srlver or '10 /2 total gold under section 17
7 How many Goats render one lo pay Zakat? (C) a committee at vallage level constituted
(A) 10 (B) 20 under section 17
(D) a committee at Tehsil level constituted
(c) 30 (D) 40
under section 17
'12. ln Pakistan Ushr began to be collected from

360 Advrrr,rdPPSC CQs lrodcl Papers
(A) Rabi crop of 1982{3 My house ts lhe end of the street
(B) Kharif crop of 1981-82 (A) at (B) on
(C) Rabi sop of 1982-84 (c) of (D) about
(D) None of the above
27. The film was difierent what I had
13. ln the administration under the Holy Prophet been expecting.
(P.B.U.H.), Zakat was levied on: (A) about -(B) tn
(A) ftuits (B) grains (C) ftom (D) of
(C) camels (D) none of these 28. I could not find lhe solution the
14. The Zekat and ushr Ordinance was problem.
Dromuloaled on: (A) about (B) tn
(e) Zt* lpa tgzg (B) 2oh June 't 980 (c) to (D) of
(C) 29'June 1981 (0) 30h June 1981 29. She cares the environment.
(A) abod (B) on
15. Bonded labor is mostly prevalent in: (C) of (D) in
(A) Bhatta/ kiln industry
(B) Motor Workshops 30. He was accused theft.
(C) Carp€t industry (A) on tn
(D) Sports lndustry (C) about -(B)(D) of
Section 2 (English) Section 2 (Pakistan Affalrs &
Direclbns: Eadr of the blloring questiona consists General Knowledge)
d a *Drd printed wifr numberirg, blbued by fuUr
optional words. Choo€e the word that is rlo6t 31. The tributaries of the lndus River
nearly seme an rneanirE lo wod prinH in comrerge lo their mnfluence with the lndus
numlring. at:
(A) Rawala Kot (B) Jhelum
16. AM: (C) Mithankot (D) Tarbela
(A) f.bdcab (B) abst'act
(C) escape (D) to open 32. From whero the lndus River ris€s?
'17. Chaoe: (A) China (B) Tibet
(A) annlriHbn (B) de6tt ctbn (C) Jammu (O) Kashmir
, (c) possibilt{y (D) disorder 33. \rt hidr salt mine is the largest in area in the
18. Co.pus _ worH?
(A) Ev (B) dd' (A) Sulaiman (B) Khewra
(C) comdete (D) solid (C) Shicago (D) none ofthem
19. Dictde 34. Who wrote Sassi+anu?
(4) guide (8) leamir€ (A) Hashim Shah (B) Eulhe Shah
(C) impose (D) teaching (C) Waris Shah (D) none ofthem
20. Jeopadize 35. The Pakistani scnde is @nsisted on:
(A) put at risk (B) modemize (A) seats
104 (B) 120 seats
(C) ,oytul (D) simdicity (C) 200seas (D) 90 seats
21. lns and ouls: 36. Pakistan China border trealy was signed in
(A) orrtcomes (B) parade ( ) 1958 (B) r959
(C) allthe delails (D) wand€rirE (c) 1964 (D) 1963
22. at sixes and sevens 37. On 14 Augusi i947 the only fully
(A) quir( (B) bewildered operational Muslim bank in Pakistan's
(c) come early (D) teenage
lenitory was:
23. blueeyed boy: (A) National Bank of Pakastan
(A) favourite person (B) crimiml (B) Habib Bank Ltd
(C) bearnitul peBon (D) poor (C) Allied Bank Ltd
24. cock and bull story: (D) United Bank Ltd
(A) imaginary story 38. Mention the firsl female member of
(B) rue story
(C) initial leaming Farliament in Pakistan?
(A) Aneesa Akhtar
(D) a lie that is comdetely unbelievsble (B) Zubaida Jalal
25. fourth estate (C) B€gum Shaista Suhrawady lkramullah
(A) agrirdtural land (ts) perliament (D) Begam Ra'na Liaqat Ali
(C) dictauship (D) fiEdia
Fill in the blanks wilh proper preposition 39- When Pakistan launched first space
A 351

(A) 1968 (B) 1990 51 Saveeda Hussatn Warsi is the

(c) 200 (D) 1995 (Ai Chalrman of the British Conservative
40. When rvlustim League demand for principle (B) FirsiMuslim woman to serve in the
of self-rule tor lndia? British Cabinel
(A) 1909 (B) 1914 (C) First Pakistani woman to serve in the
icl 19i s (D) 1913 British Cabinet
(D) all of the above them
41 . ln which vear one unit was created?
tar tssi (B) 1954 52 The tallest man-made structure to date. the
(c) 1955 (D) 1956 Buri Khalila Dubai, United Arab '

of the Emirates, is officiallY opened on:

42. Through the 18th amendment powers (A) 6th January 2010
President have been curtailed are: (B) 4th January 2010
(A) Dissolve the Parlrament unilaterally (C) 7th January 2010
(B) Declare emergency rule ln any
orovince unilaterallY
iD) gth January 2010
(C) Appoint the head o{ the Election 53 'Broadway Street is famous for:
Commission (A) Bankrng
(D) Allof the above (B) Stock Exchange
(C) Cinema Halls
43. The permanent envoy of Pakistan in the UN
{D) Shopprng Centres
(A) Hussarn Haqqani 54 What rs cartograPhY?
(B) Waiid Shamsul Hassan (A) Art of drawing sketches
(C) Abdaullah Hus$in Haroon iB) nrt ot makrng maPS and charts
(D) Ahmad Aziz (C) Art of mdkrng Pots
(D) Art bf making charts
,l4. SMRC Secretary General is:
(A) LyonPo Chenkyab Doqi 55 Which of fotlowing strait joins the Red Sea
(B) Abdullah GUI and Persian GulI?
(C) Ahmad Saleern (A) Bering Strait :
(D) Ahmed Hasan (B) Bab-ul-Mandab Strait
45. Who is commander ISAF? iCi Bosphorous Strait
(D) Davis Strait
(A) Javier Solana
(B) David Howell Petraeus 56 Name the economist whose theory of
(C) Stanley A. Mcchrystal Dooulatron describes that population
(D) David Wright in&eases faster than the means of support'
(A) Thomas Robert Malthus
46. Which country is not a member of UNO? (B) Adam Smith
(A) Thailand (B) FUi (C) Keynes
iC) ttraitano (D) Tarwan (D) None of them
47. "Abu Musa" Area is disputed between: 57 lf vou dwelt in igloo you would be among:
(A) lran and UAF (B) lraq and UAE (Aj German (B) Eskimos
iCi Yemen and UaE (D) None of ici frenctr (D) Dutch
58 . Term belief in superiority of one's own race
4E. The United Nations has designated the year or ethnic qroup,
20'10 as:
(A) lntemational Year of Biology
(A) Ethnics (B) Racism
(B) lnternatronal Year of Forestry 1C) Superiors (D) Culturist
lnternational Year o, Brodiversrty 59 Victoria Falls are located in south central
lnternational Year of Universe
tDi Africa. on the Zambezi River, on the border
between Zimbabwe and:
49. The Next 17tn Asian games will be played in (A) Chad (B ) Zambia
South Korea in: (C) South Afflca (D) Cuba
A\ 2012 (B) 2014
icl 2016 (D) 2011 60. Bishkek is the capital of:
(A) Azerbarjan (8) Kyrgyzstan
50. ln 2010 Pakistan received heavy monsoon (C) Kazakhstan (D) Ukraine
rains due toi
(A) rise in temperature of lndian Oceans 6'1. How many countries which are using euro
(B) global warming currencv?
(C) both a&b (A) 14- (B) 17
(D) not a nor b ici rs (D) 16
352 Advanced ppSC MCes Model paoerc
62. The currency of Chrna is
(A) Renminbi (B) yuan (A) CNAN (B) CNN
(C) None ofthem (D) Both ofthem (c) NCNA ioi cHr
75. Who got Nobel prizB in peac€ of2OOg?
63 ?-rlrS States, constituents af former USSR, (A) Pope John paut
consrst of: (B) Barack Obama
(f) Esronia. Latvia and Armenia (C) Ban Ki moon
(B) Estonra, Latvra and Lithuania (D) Alt of above
(C) Eslonia, Latvra and Georgia
(D) Georgra. Latvra and Lithu-ania 76 of the Rising sun" is rhe highest
mrt[ary award of:
64. What is the otd of Tokvo?
(A) Surinam
(A) lran (B) Afghanistan
(u) Eoo
tet aithito tu) rraq (O) Japan
(D) Rishkek 77. Asia's highest point is Mount Everest (Neoal_
65. Th-e slrait of Bab-at_Mandeb (Red Sea) is
rrbet) .with the feet etevation of 29,b35
Known asi (according to new map survey;. Name'thi
(A) Gates
of Tears rowest poinl wtlich is 1.312 feet'Gtow the sea
(B) Gates
of oarden level?
(Cl Gates
of Eeaven ({) Red sea (B) Btue sea
(D) Gates
df Laughrng (C) Dead sea iD; Da, sea
66. "The Switzertaod of pakrstan- 78. Goldsmid Line rs the border between
(41 9_wat (B) Ahmadabad (A) Chrna & tndia
(C) iOj Xatam (B) China & Bhutan
6, (C) Pakistan and lrdn
il_ol^s,Srr:Il1ql is 'siticon Va ey of (D) China & Taiwan
^the .is called
Uhrna and Silicon Gulf the "siiicon
Valtey the philipprnes . Vention
79. 200$20i 5 is UN,s Decade oi
tnoran -Srtrcon Valley,'? (A) Education of Aftican Chrldren
(41 Agra (B) Mumbai (B) Education for Sustainable Development
(C) New Dethi iD1 Bangalore (C) Education for oeace
68. 'Mitti Majtis' padiament betonqs to:
(D) none of thes€
(A) Azerbarjan (Bt dussia 80 Who presented the theory of "Ctasn of
(c) tndia (D) Bahrain Civilize tions"?
69. Blair House is an officiat guest house for (A) Bitt Ctinton
rorergn drgnitaries. ln whiCh country rt is
(B) Robert Mooabe
(C) Samuel P Funtinoton
(B) usA
(D) Francis Fukuhami
81. Fatima Bhutto's book is:
iDi CanaOa
(A) Whispers in the Desert
70 Which is the wortd,s hrghest Fa[s?
(B) Songs of Blood and Sword
(A) Victona Fa s -{B) Anget Fa[s (C) troth of them
(\.) Ntagara Fa s tD) Boyoma Falls (D) none of them
71. ln terms of Scheduled intemational 82. Total members of EU are:
!T_T"g9o caried Ryanair is the targest (A) 20 (B) 19
arnrne rn the world. lt belonos to:
(A) Canada (B)- Mexrco
(ct 27 ioi za
(C) USA (Di trerand 83. T}l€^Shanghar Cooperation Organisalon
72. Galileo GalileiAirport is tocated jn
(JUU) consrsts of 6 memberi: Chrna,
Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzslan. nussia fa;iiiiiaii
/A)France (B) ltatv and
(C)Turkey rOt USA (A) Ukrarne (B) pakistan
73. The longest river in Centrat Asia is lhe Amu (C) Uzbekrstan iD) E"ton,a
Darya Whtch statement about the Amu Darya
is true?
84. Current Secretary-Generat of UN betongs
(A) tol
forms the border
lTajikistan of Afghanistan and (A) South Korea (g) Burma
(B) (C) Thartand (D) North Korea
llfor.r,s oorOer Oetween Afghanistan & 85
uzDektstan and border between Currently. there are 1g6 member countrres
Afghanistan and TurkmenEtan in IMF Where are its headouarters?
(C) lt forms the border of Turkmenistan and (A) New york 18) Aague
Uzbekistan (u) Geneva (D) Washington D C
(D) A of the above 86. lndia,'s largest arms buyer rn
74. China's News agency is. wortd Which count, is the secon6 targesii
Aclvanced PPSC MCQ9 Modet papers - 353
(A) Pakistan {B) tran 93. Which is the hottest planel in our sotar
(C) SaudiArabia iOi Singapore system?
Note: ln 2014 saudi Arabia was the largest arms (A) Venus (B) Neptune
buyer. lt bought arms worth 42435. lndia was the 2'd (C) Mars (D) Juprter
one by purchasing arms worth 2629 S 94. ln r,vhlch continent animal Kangaroo is
87 Which of the following country has not abundantly found?
wntten constitution? (A) Antarclica (B) Aftica
(A) lsrael (B) New Zeatand (C) Australia (D) Europe
(C) Britain (D) A of above 95. Red Sea separates the Arabian peninsula.
88. Mention the longest continuously operaling western Asia. from northeastern:
television channel in the world? ({) Amenca (B) Europe
(A) Deutsche Fernsehefunk (C) Antarctrca (O) Afaca
(B) BBC 96. Whal is the number of beats per mrnute by
(C) BBC One human heart?
(D) CNN tA\ 72 (B) 5E
89. Which statement is true regarding (c) 60 (D) 82
Maldives? 97. About how much blood does the heart of an
(A) it is smallest lstamic country averag€ human being pump every minute?
(B) it is the smallest Asian cou;try in (A) 6.0 litres (B) 6.2 lrtres
(C) it is the smallest Asian country an area
(C) 6.1 litres (D) 6.3 titres
(D) all of the above 98. Term lhe trme dunng whrch an organrsm rs
presenl in the body before causing
90. Tiger wood is a: -
(4) olwooa (B) golf ptayer
type (A) Rest period
(C) weapon (D) ctoth (B) lncubation period
91 Which is the first newspaper ot (C) Sleeping p€riod
Urdu (D) lncubation time
(A) Jam-e-Jahan Numma 99. Who was the inventor of computer?
(B) Urdu Guide Akhbar (A) Oouglas Engelbart
(C) Koh-€-Noor (B) Ada Lovelace
(D) Nole of these (C) Charles Babbage
92. New Zealand was the first country in the (D) None of these
wodd t(' grant women the right to vote, in 100.Which instrument is used to measure the
1893. IJUI women did not g;t the right to pressure of air?
run for the New Zealand leg-islature until: (A) Radio telescop€
(B) Compass
(A) 1930 (B) 1920 (C) Electrometer (D) Barometer
(c) 1947 (O) 1919
Answer Key
1. b 14 b 27. c 40 d 53 bb a 70 b 9?. d
2. a 15 a 28. c 41 54 b 67 d 80 c 93. a
3. a 16 c 29. a 42 d 55 b 68 a E1 c 94: c
4. a
17 d JU d 43 56 a 69 b 82 c 95. d
18 a c 44 c 57 b 70 b OJ c 96. a
6. a 19 c 32. b 45 b 58 b 71 d 84 a 97. b
7. d
d 59 b 72 b 85 d 98. b
a 60 b 73 d 86 c 99._ c
L a 22 b 35. a 48 ol b 74 c 87 d 100. d
10 a 23 a 36. d 49 b 62 d b 88 c
1',l d 24 d c 50 c OJ b d 89 d
12 a 25 d 38. c 51 d 64 c 90 b
13 d e 39. b 52 b 65 a 78 9'r . a


socrETrES (BPS-I7) - 2016
PAPER - il! (PAKrsrAN .lir"',itlit"Ll;rrc sruDrES , GENERAL

Who is considered to be the father of the 8. Ernesto 'Che" Guevara was a famous
nation of Singapore? revolutionary guerrilla fighter. To which
(A) Lee Kuan Yew country did he belong?
(B) Goh Choc Tong (A) Bolivia (B) Cuba
(C) Norodom Sihanouk (C) Argentina (D) Brazil
(B) Tun Abul Razzaq I Nelson Mandela received the Nobel Peace
2 Ahmad Sukarno remained the president of Prize in 1993 together with another South
from 1949-1968. African Leader. What was his name?
([f-MEE!!ia (B) tndonesia (A) Oliver Tambo
(C) Burma (D) Maldives (B) P.W Botha
3 Whai is the capital of Australia? (C) Frederick de Klerk
(A) Sydney (B) Melboume (D) Archbishop Desmond Tutu
(C) Canberra (D) Perth 10. When did Pakistan leave the Commonwealth
4 One ot the bloodiest battles of the First Wodd for the first time before re.ioining it in 1989?
War was fought at Ypres (lepers) where a
(A) 1965 (B) 1969
large number of soldiers from South Asia also (C) 1972 (D) 1974
died. ln which country is this battlefield 1 1. Which is the second largest Planet in our
located? Solar System?
(A) France (B) Belgium (A) Jupiter {B) Saturn
(C) Austna (D) Germany (C) Uranus (D) Neptune
5 President Robert Gabriel Mugabe is the 12. When did the Organization of lslamic
President of: Conference change its name tb Organization
(A) Kenya (B) Uganda of lslamic Cooperation (OlC)?
(C) Zambia (D) Zimbabwe (A) 28 June 2011 (B) 27 Dec. 2010
6 Dag Hammarskjold remained the Secretary (C) 1 Jan. 201 1 lDl 28 June 2012
General of the United Nations from 1953 till '13. 'Grameen Bank' a pioneer in the field of micro
1961 when he died in a plane crash. Which finance was the brainchild of:
country did he belong to? (A) Dr. Riaz Rahman
(A) Sweden (B) Norway (B) Fazle Hussain Abid
(C) Peru (D) Denmark (C) Dr. Muhammad Salman Rahman
7 Afrer the assassination of Prime Minister
(D) Prof Muhammad Younus
lndira Gandhi. who became the Prime Minister 14 BRICS is the acronym for an associataon of
of lndia? five major emerging economies. The grouping
(A Morarji Desai comprises Brazil, Russia, lndia. China and
(B Vishwanath Pratap Singh
c Rajive Gandhi Soutn efrica (B) Singapore
D Saniay Gandhi (C) South Korea (D) Sweden

Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Modet Paoers 355

15. The Permanent Secretariat of ASEAN is 26. Which mammal lays eggs?
located in: (A) Whales (B) Platypus
(A) Singapore iC) Pengulns (D) Krwis
(B) Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 27. Before the re-unification of Germany what was
(c) Jakada (lndonesia) the capital of West GermanY?
(D) Bangkok (Thailand) (A) Frankfurt {B) Bonn
16. Who was the first man to set foot on the (C) Berlin (D) Hamburg
Moon? 28. "Cope of Good Hope" is located in which
(A) Neil Armstrong (B) Buz Aldrin countrY?
(C) Yuri '3agarin (D) Frank Borman (A) Aioentina (B) Namrbta
17. The Battle of Waterloo saw the defeat of tci So-uth Africa (D) USA
Napoleor Bonaparte. ln which country is this 29. To which island was Napoleon exiled to, in
battlefield located? ' 1815, where he eventually died?
(A) Fran- (B) Belgium (A) Saint Helena (B) EIba
(C) Near London (D) Netherlands ic) corsrca (D) Sardinia
18. The tactrcs of "Satyagraha" as a form of 30. ln which country is the world's highest
passive resistance movement was developed waterlall (Angel Falls) located?
bv Moharrdas Karamchand Gandhr. While he (A) Zambia (B) Canada
w'as in South Afnca. He led a few Satyagraha
aoitations, aoainst the then South Afncan
iC) Venezuela (D) Auystrra
Gtvernment.- What was Gandhi doing in 31. Recentlv Pnme Minrster Nawaz Sharif
South Africa? attendea the Climate Change Summit.
(A) He had gone there to visit relatives conference hold in Parrs ln December 2015.
(B) He was there to plead a legal case The conlerence is popularly known as
(C) He ',r,as exiled by the British to South COP21. Wha does COP stand for?
Africa (A) Comprehensive Ozone Protection
to a (B) Conference of Parties
{D) He went there attend wedding
(C) Conference of Ozone Polluters
(D) None of these
'19. Which famous actor played the role of Dr.
Zhivaoo n the movie bv the same name? 32. How manv countries so far, are members of
(A) Plter OToole (B) Marlon Brando the EuroPean Union?
(C) Omar Shareef (D) Zia Mohiuddin (A) 28 (B) 15
(c) 32 (D) 26
20. The fanrous book 'Gulliver's Travels' was
written b'/: 33. The South African Cricket team is known by
(A) Jonathan Swift (B) Charles Dickens the name "Proteas". What exactly is
(C) Thornas Hardy (D) Lews Caroll "Proteas"?
(A) An antmal natlve to Southern Africa
21. Former Foreign Minisler of Pakistan,
iB) National song o, South Africa
Sahabzada Yaqub Khan, who died recently (C) National Flower ot South Africa
had also served as the special Representative (D) Colour green in Zulu language
of the Ul,l Secretary General for:
(A) TimorLeste (B) Rwanda 34. Wallis Mathlas was a test cricketers trom 1955
to 1962. Which country did he play for?
(C) Kos:vo (D) Western Sahara
(A) Australia (B) West lndres
22. Pablo P casso was one of the most famous (C) lndra (D) Pakistan
painters of the world. He was from
(A) (B) Spain 35. "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power
(C) (D) Argentina corrupts absolutely- These words are
assocrated wth whrch PersonalitY?
23. Constantinople is the old name of' (A) Lord Acton
(A) Baghdad (B) Ankara (B) Wnston Churchill
(C) Danlascus (D) lstanbul (C) Abraham Lincoln
24. "Golden Temple" in lndia is a sacred place for (D) Anstotle
which religion? 36. The "Statue of Liberty'is located in New York,
(A) Sikhism (B) Buddhists USA. lt was gfied to the USA bY
(C) Jairism (D) Taoism (A) Great Britarn (B) ltaly
25. Which President of the USA was lnvolved in (C) France (Dr Spain
the "Walergate Scandal"? 37. Who saad "From each according to his
(A) John F. Kennedy abilities, to each according to his needs"
(B) Bill Clinton (A) Karl Marx (B) M.K. Gandhi
(C) Richard Nixon (C) Adam Smrth (D) Plato
(D) Lyndon Baines Johnson
356 Advanced ppSC MCes Modet papers
38. Ornithotogy is the studv of: (C) Sher Khan
{A) Bones (6) Sme s (D) Ameer Noor-ud-Din
(C) Birds iD1 Oceans
52. Whrch lstamrc schotar practically opposed
Which disease is caused by iodrne deficiency? Akbar's so called Deen-r-llahi?
(4) Gout (B) Gortre (A) Khawaja Moin-ud-Drn Chrshti
(C) Ricketts iDl Scurry (B) Hazrat Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
40 -Di a lysis' (C) Hazrat Data canj Bakhsh
is used for treatment of
Kidney farlure (D) Hazrat Gaisu Daiaz
B Meningitis 53 Lftel !h9_. 1857 war of tndependence rhe
c Cholera Mughal King of Delhr. Bahadur Shatr wai
D Parkinson Disease
deported, by the British, to:
41. DNA as a term is frequenty used in Forensic (A) Kathmandu
rnvestrgations. What does DNA stand for? (B) Rangoon
(A) Doubte Nucteic Acid (C) Andaman lslanrt
(B) Deoxynbo-NuclelcAcrd (D) London
(C) Deoxyribo-Nitiric Acid 54 Which British officer shot and killed three of
(D) Deoxyribo-Nuclerc Associatron
Bahodur ghah Zafars sons. duflng the .lgS7
42 Banaspati Ghee. commonly used in pakrstan war of lndependence)?
rs produced by hydroqenaton of; (A) W iam Hudson
(A) Com oil -(B) Soyabean (B) Cotonet Nichotson
(C) Butter (O) paim oit (C) John Lawrence
43. MRI .is commonly used diagnostic tool (D) Lt. Witoughby
hospitals. What does MRI stands for? 55 ln which year did the Hindr-Urdu Conlroversy
(A) Magnetic Rav lmaoe start?
(B) Mulir Rav tm;oino- (A) 1867 (B) 1868
1C1 Magneti6 Res6n;ce tnvestigation (c) 1869 (D) 1870
(D) Magnetic Resonance lmagin-g - 56. After Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who became the
44. Polio rs caused bv a: S-ecretary of MAO College Management?
(A) Bacteria (A) Hakeem Aimat Kha;
(B) Virus (B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mutk
(C) Contamination (C) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mutk
(D) Vitamin deficiency (D) Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar
45. Sun is a: 57. Who founded the Arya Samaj ln lndia?
(A) Planet (B) Gataxy A) Raja Ram M oha n
. (C) Comet io) Sta. B) Darananda Saraswati
46. Which one of the following is not a mammal? C) Ram copal Acharva
(4) shark (B) Whale D) Ambedkar
(c) Dotphin iDi sear 58. Indian Natjonal Congress was founded on the
47. The longest bone in the human body is: initiative of:
(A) M. K.candhi
(C) Mie
(B) Fenur
(D) Sternum
(B) A. O. Hume
(C) Lord Curzon
48. Which of the followrng is the purest form (D) Ram Gopat Acharya
of gold?-one
(A) carats
18 (B) 20 carats 59 Who was the frrst president ot the All lndra
Muslrm Leaoue?
\v) z2 catats (D) 24 carats (A) Nawab-Saeed- uz-Zaman
49. Whrchlne of the fo owrng rs the largest organ (B) Nawab Sateemu ah
rn the human bodv? (C) Sir Agha Khan
(4) Lrver (B) Stomach (D) Nawab Viqarut-Mutk
(C) Heart iOi Sr,n 60. Syed Ahmad Shaheed atong w h Shah tsmait
50. Which one of the following disease ts caused were martyred in a batfle wth the Sikhs at:
Dy dflnktn9 of conlaminated water? (4) Panipat (B) Gutranwata
(A) Chotera (B) (C) Peshawar (D) Baiakot
(U) tubercutosis (D) Mataria
Diabetes 61. Who made the official announcement of the
51 Son of Mughat Emperor Zaheeruddin Babar, annulment of the partition of Bengals. rn
Emperor Humayun. lost his throne to: 19117
(A) Jalaluddrn Akbar (A) Sir John Jenkins
(B) Sher Shah Suri (B) Lord Hastinos
(C) King ceorg; t
Advanced MCQ, Model 357
(D) King George V (C) Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz
62 ln which pact-did the leaders of the Congress (D) Begum Salma Tassaduq
and the Muslim League agree on
-includrng 71 The lndran lndependence Act 1947 was
Constitulronal Reforms in- lndia mainly based on the recommendatrons made
separate Electorate for Muslims? by:
(A) Bonbay Pact (B) Lahore pact (A) The Cabinet Mission
(C) Pact (D) Detii pact (B) The Cripps Mission
63 ln 1927 the British Parliament appointed a (C) The Wavelt Plan
Commissron to report on the wbrking of (D) The Mountbauen Plan
Dyarchy in lndian provinces. Who was the 72 Afrer the assassination of Liaqat Ati Khan the
head of this Commission? then Governor General of Pakistan took over
(A) Sir John Simon as the Prime Minister. Who was appornted as
(B) Srr S'tafford C(oos the Governor General?
(C) Lord Chelmsfoid (A) Muhammad At, Boqra
(D) Sir George Money (8) Ghulam Ahmad -
64 ln August 1932. which British Prime Minister (C) Ghulam Muhammad
announced the famous Communal Award (D) lskandar Mirza
granting separate electorates to depressed 73 Name tho lnctdent that took place in January
classes in lndia? 1971. which provided an exi:use to lndra t6
(A) Nevr le Chamberlain ban all Pakistani flights over lndjan territory.
(B) Ramsay Macdonatd (A) Attack on lndia Parliament
(C) Stanley Baldwin (B) Molation oI Ceasefire Line
(D) Clement Attlee (C) "Hijacking' of lndian aircraft to pakistan
65 Who was the Prame Minister of Great Britain (D) Killings of lndian guard at Wagah Border
when Pakistan and lndia gained 74 After removal of the Nawaz Sharif qovernment
independence? in 1999, Pervez Musharraf took office of;
(A) Clement Attlee (A) President (B) Governor General
(B) Wisrton Churchill (C) Prime Minister (D) Chref Executrve
(C) Nevi le Chamberlain
(D) Sir Anthon Eden 75 ln the Battle of Uhad Hinda mutilated the body
ol Haz(al Hamza (RA, and chewed hrs ltve;.
66 Who wrole the National Anthem of lndia? Hinda was the wife of:
(A) Rabrldranath Tagore (A) Abu Jehl
(B) Bal cangadhar Titak (B) Abu Sufyan
(C) Bankim Chander Chatopadhvav (C) Abdulah ibne Jasha
(D) M.K. Gandhi (D) Wahshi ibn Harb
67 Ouaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started During the Battle of Uhad most ot the archers
is legal practice in and became appointed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) teft
the first Muslim barri ster in the c v their designated plac€. Who took advaritage
(A) London (B) Delhi and attacked the Muslims and turned tFe
(C) Bombay (D) Karachi forlunes:,
68 Quaid-e-Azam's daughter. Dina, decided to (A) Khalid ibn Waleed
marry Neville Wadia againsl her father's (B) lkramah ibn Abu Jeht
wrshes. v/hich led to a lifelong estrangement (C) Wahshi ibn Harb
between :he two. What was Nlvilte W5Ora by (D) Haris jbn Harb
way of religion? 77 Name of_the.youngest daughter of the Hoty
(A) Parsr (B) Christian Prophet (PBUH)
(C) Hrndu (Di Atheist (A) Hazrat Umme-e-Kulsoom
69 What was the title of Allama lobal's ph.D (B) Hazrat Zainab (RA)
Thesis? (C) Hazral Ruqqaya (RA)
(A) Reconstruction of Religrous Thought rn
(D) Hazrat Fatima (RA)
lslarn 78 What is the meaning of 'Baqarah"?
(B) The Development of Metaphysjcs in (A) Mountain (B) coat
Persia (C) Cow (D) Cave
Concept of Social Justice in lslam
(D) lnfluence of Rumi on Sufi Poetry in lndia 79 What was lhe name of the camel on which the
Holy Proph€l (PBUH) was riding white
70 Who play:d the pivotal role in the founding of migrating to Madina?
APWA (A I Pakrstan Women's Association)i
(A) Begum Raana Liaqat Ali
(A) Duldul (B) Anza
(B) Begum Sharsta Ikramutlah
(C) Qaswa (D) Zulfiqar
358 Advanced.PPSC UCQ9 ,todf,l Papers
80. At which place did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 91. Population of Vuhures in Pakistan is declining
became the lmam of all the prophets during . at a very high ratio and efforts are being made
Miraj (Ascension)? for conservation ot thb endangered tird. \rfiat
(A) Masjid AlAqsa is the maln cause of dedining vulture
(B) Mas,id-e-Nabvl population?
(C) Masjid-e-Haram (A) Exc6sive use of pesticides
(D) Masjid-e-Oiblatain (B) Expanding urtan centes
(C) Widespread use of Diclofenic in Livestock
81. Umrah can be performed at any time .(D) Exc6sive poaching
throughout the year except gth to:
(A) 10lh Zir-Haj (B) 1 1 Zil-Haj 92. Attabad Lake in Gilgit-Baltistan was formed
(C) 10th Ramzan (D) 12 Ramzan due to a massive landslide, which blocked
river for almost months.
82. ln which Surah of the Holy Quran essentials of
"Wuzu" (Ablution) given? (A) Kunam . (B) lndus
(A) Al-Baqarah (B) Al-Maidah (C) Hunza (D) Gulmit
(C) Al-Noor (D) Al-Nrsa 93. Who was Pakislan's firsl CMlian Chief Mafiial
Law Adminisralor (CMLA)?
83 Who signed the Treaty of Hudalbiya on behalf (A) lskander Mirza
of tho Ouraish?
(A) Abu Sutyan (B) Sohail bin Amar (B) Ghulam Muhammad
(O) Taolik bin Amor (D) Khalid (C) Ayub Khan
bin Waleed
(D) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
84. Who was the first among the Muslims to
conquer Northem Africa. He also established 94. The affairs of the cooperative societies in
the city KaiMoan (Tunisia)
Pakistan are regulated under Cooperative
(A) Muhammad bin Qasim Societies Act, 1925 and Cooperative Societies
(B) Khalid bin Walid Rules of:
(C) Tariq bin Ziyad (A) 1926 (B) 1927
(D) Uqbah bin Nali (c) 1928 (D) 1929
85. How many Madas are there in one acre? 95. Who is the MinisteI for Cooperalives in the
(A) r80 (B) 140 Govemment of Puniab?
(A) Malik Muhammad lqbal Channar
(c) 160 150(o) (B) Malik Tanve€r Aslam
86. How many'Furlong$ make 1 (one) mile? (C) Raia Ashtaq Sanrar
(A) 6 (B) 7 (D) Malik Nadeem Kamran
(c) I (D) e
96. Who was tho first post-independence chief
87. On 25 September 20'15 the UN Sustainable Minister of Pun ab?
Development Summt adopted the 2030 (A) Mian Mumtaz Daultana
Agenda for sustainable Development, which (B) Malik Feroz Khan Noon
includ€d a sel of Sustainable Development (C) lfrikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot
Goals (SDGS). How many Goals have been (O) Sadiq Hussain Qureshi
induded in the SDGS?
(A) ls (B) 17 97. Who succeed€d Sir Francis Mrdie as the
(c) 19 (D) 12
second @vemor of Punjab in indep€ndent
88. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) (A) Ll. Chundrigar
were adopted in 2000. How many goals were (B) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
identified in the MOGS? (c) Mian Aminuddin
(A) 8 (B) e (D) Mushtaq Anmea Gurmani
(c) 10 (D) 12
98. Squadron Leader M.M. Alam (rctired as Air
89. Human Development lndex (HDl) is a widely Commodore) was an aoe fighter fnbt in
accepted indicator to measure the ovgrall Pakistan Ar Force. For his braver in 1965 war
well-being of a cduntry. Who was the man he was awarded the:
behind the establishment of HDI? (A) Hilal-e-Jurat
(A) Amartya Sen (B) Nishan-e-Haider .
(B) Mahbub-uLHaq (C) Silara-e-Jurat
(C) Kofi annan (D) Tamgha-+Shuiaat
(O) Or.Saleem Muhammad Saleem
99. Who is the cunent Chio{ bf Air stafr.,
90. Gross National Happiness (GNH) has been (A) Air Chiet Marshal Tahir Rafiq Butt
proposed as one of the indicators to measure (B) Air Chiet Marshal SohailAman
the overall well+eing of a country. GNH as an (C) Air Chiel Marshal Rao Oamar
indicator was proposed by: (D) Air Chiet Marshal Kaleem Saadat
(A) Sri Lanka (B) NoMay
(C) Singapore (O) Bhutan
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 359
100.One of the most prominent poets of Pakistan, (B) Lenin Peace Prize
Faiz Almad Faiz, won which intemational (C) Commonwealth Literature Award
award in 1962? (D) Booker Prize Literature
(A) Nobel.prize for Literature
Answer Key
1. a 14. a 27 b 40 a 53. b bb c 79 c 92. c
2.b 15 c 28 c 41 b 54 a 67. 80 a 93. d
16 a 29 a 42 d a 68. a 81 b 94. b
4. b 17 b 30 c 43 d 55 b 69. b E2 b 95. a
5.d 18 b 31 b 44 b b 70. a 83 b 96. c
6.a 19 c 32 a 45 d b. 71. d 84 d 97. b
7. c 20 a 46 a c 72. c 85 c 98. c
8.c d 34 d 47 b 60 d c 86 c 99. b
9.c 22 b 35 a 48 d 61 d 74. d 87 b 100 b
10. c 23 d 36 49 a ot c 75. b 88 a
11. b 24 a a 50 a 63 a 76. a 89 b
12. a 25 c 38 c 51 b 64 b 77. d 90 d
13. d 26 b 39 b 52 b 65 a 78. c 91 c



(A) Aligarh lnstitute
1 when All lndia Muslim League was founded in (B) The Scjentific .Society
'1906, rts rules and regulations were drafted
(c) Mahammaden Educational Conterence
by: (D) Ghazipur Educational Society
(A) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
(B) Nawab-Mohsin-ul-Mulk 5. The real founder of the "Dar-ul-Uloom
(c) Mualana Muhammad Ali Jauhar Deoband" was:
(o) Nawab Salimullah Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani
B Maulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan
2. Under which of the constitutional reforms, the c Maulana Muahmmad Qasim Nanautvi
British Government introduced the system of D None of the above
'lndian Civil Service' through Competitive
Examination: 6 Under which Act was the Muslim demand of
(A)lndian Councils Act '186'l 'Separate Electorate' first conceded by the
(B)lndian Councils Act '1882 British government?
(C)Mrnto Morley Reforms '1909 ) The lndian Councils Act 1892
(O) MontagueChelmsford Reforms 1919 '1909
) The lndian Councits Act
) The Government of lndia Act 19'19
3. Which of the following decisions was laken in D ) The Government ot lndia Act '1935
the lirst Round Table Conferenpe 1930?
(A) One third seats will be reseNed for the 7 When did Quaid-e-Azam say "Hindu lndia and
M,Jslim in the central legislature Muslim lndia parted and parted forever"?
(B) There will be a Federal Form -of (A) When Congress launched non-
Government in lndia cooperation movement in 1920
(c) Sindh will be separated from Bombay (B) When Congress rejecled his proposed
(D) There will be a Unitary Form of modifications in the Nehru Report 1928
Glvernment in lndia (C) Afrer the failure of Third Round Table
Conferehce in 1932
4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established an (D) When the Lahore Resolution was passed
in 1864, with the obiective to
institution. on 23rd March 1940
translate books from English to Urdu and
Persian, known as: 8. The Committee which approved the
360 . Advancec! ppSC MCes Modet paoers
ObJectrves Resolution 1949 was headed by: 18. Which of the foltowing Mountain peaks
(A) Mautana Ashraf Ali Thanvr rs
situaled in the Hrndu Kush ranoe?
(8) Mautana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani (A) Gasherbrum lt (8, Rak; poshi
(C) Chref Justice MianAbdur Rashid (C) Gasherbrum lll (D) None of the above
(D) Mautvi Tamiz-ud-din Khan
19. Who is considered to be the first poet of
9. 'siachan Glaciei is located in:
Punjab language?
({) Hunza (B) (A) Bulleh Shah
(C) Bartisan ioi crlgit
Cniras (B) Baba Fand Ganl Shakr
10. 'Khyber Pass'connects peshawar with: (C) Khawaja Ghutai Farid
(A) (B) Kabut (D) Sultan Bahu
(C) (Dj Jatatabad 20 The Frrst Wafaqi Mohtasrb of pakrstan was
11. The First Governor of punjab after
(A) Justice (R) M Afzal Zullah
lndependence' was: (B) Justrce (R) Abdut Qadrr Chaudhri
(A) Sir Robert Francis (C) Justice (R)Sardar Muhammad tqbal
(B) Srr Douqtas Gracv (D) Justice (R) S.A Nusrat
1C1 Srr Fran-k Messerw
(D) Abdut Rab Nishtar-
21 The frrst rocket launched by pakistan Space
qnd Upper Atmosphere Resdarch
12 Which of the fo owrng leaders was dubbed bv Commission (SUPARCO) on June 7. 1962
Quard-e-Azam as Showboy of Coagress ? ' was.
(A) Dr. Khan Sahib (A) Rehbar (Bl Badr
(B) Khizer Hayat Trwana {c) Shaheen ioi xnyo.,
(C) Abu-al Kalam Azad 22. The largest desert of pakrstan is.
(D) Khan Ghaffar Khan (A) Thar (B) Thal
13. Which of the_fo owhg women participated in
(C) Chotistan (D) Kharan
a the three Round Tabte Confeienced? 23. The first princely state to accede to pakrstan
(A) Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz ater parlttron was:
(B) Begum Salma Tasaduo (A) Srvat (B) Hunza
(C) Begum Shaista tkramu ah (c) Bahawatpur (D) Katat
(D) Begum Qazr Esaa
24. Quaid-e-Azam served Alt lndia Muslim
14 Which of the fo owing historical sites was League as a Presidenl forl
drscovered by John Marshall rn 1922? (A) 15 Years (B) 22 years
(A) Kot Dri (B) Taxita (C) 28 Years (D) 3t years
(C) Moen,odaro (D) Maher Gargh
25. The Nationat animal of pakrstan is.
15. The first Chief Minister of punjab after (A) Horse (B) Deer
lndependence was: (C) Parrot (Di Markhor
(A) Mian Mumtaz Dauttana
(B) Malik Feroz Khan Noon 26. Ttle Federally Adminrstrated Tnbal Areas
(C) lftikhar Hussain Mamdol (FATA) consists of:
(D) Mian Amiruddin (A) Five Agencies (B) Srx Agencies
(C) Seven Agencies (D) Eight-Agencies
16. Liaqlat-Nehru p-act' 1950 was signed to:
(A) Draw ceasefire in Kashmir 27. When First-Constitution was promulgated on
(B) Transfer flnancial assets to pakistan 23 March '1956. the pnme Minister -pakrstan
(C) Protect the flghts of minontres was:
(u) Release the water of lndus River (A) Muhammad Afi Boora
(B) Chaudhri Muhamm-ad Ati
17. In violation of lndus Basin Treaty .1960,
lndia (C) KhawaiaNazim-udin
has constructed Baghliar Dam o'n river (D) Feroz Khan Noon
(A) tndus (B) Jhetum
(C) Chenab (D) Neetum 28. The first Urdu Newspaper (Daily) pubtrshed
after lhe creation of pakistan was:
(A) Mashriq (B) tmroze
(C) Watan (D) NawarWaqt
' The first governor of West punjab (after the 1947
partition) was Sir Francis Mudie (ln office: 15
29. Which of the following Muslim countries vote
August against Pakistan's admission into the United
1947 - 2 August 1949). He was the last Brirish Nations in 1947?
Governor of Sindh and after the partition of lndia and (A) lran (B) Irao
Pakistan in August 1947, he had continued to serve as (C) Egypt iDi Afshanisran
Governor of the West punjab. Abdur Rab Nishtar was 30. After the creation of pakistan. the first Radro
the 2nd Governor of West punjab (tn office: 2 August Statron was established at
1949- 24 November 1951). He was appointed as the (A) Lahore (B) Karachi
fjrst Governor of West punjab after partition.
(C) Peshawar (D) Hyderabad
AdvanccdPPSC CQsllodel Paocrs 361
3.l. 0n July 1950, Pakistrn became he mernb.r (D) Goods which may assisl an enemy in the
of: conduct of war
(A) IMF (B) Wodd Bsnk 44. What is "Grcenpeace'?
(C) PerE Club (D) ILO (A) A mountain rango in Norlh America
32. The duration of National Anthem ot Pakbtitn (B) The largest island in the world
is: (C) Geological society of London
(A) 00 seconds (B) 80 seconds (D) An orgEnization that stresses tho need to
(C) 100 s€conds (D) 120 seconds maintain a balance human progre3s and
t5 33. How manv National Finance CommBsion environmental conservation
Awerds haie b€€n announc€d so far? 45 Accordino to the scientific research, one of the
(A) Six (B) S€ven followng- items of daily use has antisePtic
(C) Eight (D) Nine ProPerlies.
(A) Onion (B) Garlic
34. The numbar of leltert in th€ Urdu lsnguage i3: (C) Esg (O) Salt
tAt 27 (B) 37
(c) ss (o) 42 46. Which part of the World is called 'The land of
,ree people'?
35. Mir Chakar Khan Rind is tha famous poet of: (A) Switzedand (B) Thailand
(A) Balochi (B) Sindh (C) West lndies (0) U.K
(C) S.raiki (O) Plshto
47. 'Arboriculture' is a science of:
36. 'R€r&!s'.is the famous.new3.egency of: (A) The raisrng of silk worms for the
(A) U.S.A (B) Btitain produclion of ra\,v silk
(C) Franca (D) Ru3sia (B) The culivation of flowers, fruits and
37. \.Yh.n the liock martct B riing, it B called: omamental plants
(A) Up$€rd tBndBncy (C) The cultivation of trees
(B) Booming (D) The study ol insects
(C) Bullish 48. 'Asia Watch' is a:
(D) Bearish (A) Human rights organization
38. 1 Mdric ton E €qual to: (B) A big time clock in Japan's parliament
(A) l0O Kilogrsms (B) 500 Kilograms building
(C) 1000 Kilograms (D) '10000 Kilograms (C) New agency ot Taiwan
(D) None of the above
39. Thc substencss human body producas to light
against dis€a3e germs ar3 callEd: 49. The World's famous bridgc "Goldan Gate" is
(A) Vacdn$ (B) Serum3 located in:
(C) Virus€s (D) Antlbodi€s (A) New York (B) Sydney
40. 'Manomel6r'" is an instument for meaauring:
(C) Mexico (D) San Francisco
(A) Gassous Pressurs 50. What rs meant by 'Sine die'?
iBi The tuminous inten8ity otthe sources of (A) Under judicial considerations
light (B) Treason
(C) The strength of direcl cunent (C) without fixing a date
(D) The relative density of milk (D) Superior Courl
4'1. The. term ot ofrce for the. judges of the 51 The world's largesl "Deserl" ln area ls:
lntemational Court of Justice is: (A) Sahara (B) Aratian
(A) Three Years (B) Five Years (C) Gobi (D) Mogave
(C) SevenYeaB (D) Nine Years 52. 'Dead Sea" is lying between:
42. Al the time of paiition of lndia, the biggest (A) lraq and Sudan
pdncely state by area was: (8) lsrael and Jordan
(A) Hyderabad (Daccan) (C) Russia and Japan
(B) Jammu and Kashmir (D) Greece and Turkey
(C) Kathiawar 53.'Ranikot Fort'" is situated near the city of:
(D) Junagarh .
(A) Jamshoro (B) Kotri
43. \rvhat is contraband? (C) Larkana (D) Hyderabad
(A) All Narcotics
(B) Articles banned by a govemment
(C) All smuggled material 'Ranikot Fort is a historical lort near sann, Jamshoro
Oistrict, sindh, Pakistan, Ranikot Fon is also known as
' The Great wall of Sindh and is believed to be the
Manometer is an instrument for measuring the
pressure of a fluid, consisting of a tube filled with a world's largest fon with a circumference of
liquid, the level of the liquid being detetmined by the approximately 25 kilometres (16 mi). Since 1993, it has
tluid pressure and the height of the liquid being been on the tentative lirt ol UNESCO World HeritaSe
indicated on a scale. Sites.
362 Actvanced ppSC MBosllidet paoers
54 ldentrfy the brqest sea?
Gwadar from:
{A) South Chr-na Sea (B) Caribbean Sea (A) Oman (B) Bahrain
(u, Arabran Sea (D) S6a of Marmara (C) lran (D) None of above
55. Which country has lhe greatest number of 69 The largest agency of (FATA) Federalty
votcanoes tn the world?
Adminislraled Tribat A reas by populalion rs
(U) phitrppnes (B)
!{J lapan tndonesra (A) South Wazrnstan
(D, Cameroon (B) North Waziristan
56 The lengrh of Karakoram Highway (KKH) rn (C) Batuor Aoencv
Pakrstan is (D) Khyber Ateniv 23
{{) rm
Q50 (B) 785 km 70 Whrch of the followrng rnstrlutions was ftrst 25
(C) 805 km (Dr 900 rm rntroduced in the 1973 Constrtutton?
57 The par|ament of Russra rs called (A) National Frnance Commissron
(A) House of deoutres (B) National Economics Councrl
(B) Dret (C) Council of the Common tnterests
(C) Kness€t (D) All of the above
(D) Duma
58 Which country's is below the sea levet?
!.>'). ;*",,i -{{ + i:,}V,,r r.t
(A) New Zeatand (B) Jaoan ?9 (B) 27 (A\
{c) tretand (O) Ndthertands 32 (O) 30 (c)
59 Tie cause of malafla was discovered
by ,:j:t -. -
^( I,io.r.. {:_1_ {---?.? 72
{A) r<onatd Rose (B) F.C Hopkins
(u) hdward Jenner (D) Dr. paLit Mu er
60 The frrst vrceroy of British lndia was
)r)rr'; \U J" rr,.i 6)
(A) Lord Canning (B) Lord Etoin
(u) Lord Clive l-i rrti 1o1 ,a:ti rC)
(D) Lord M;yo
61 What is "Subwav'? tt=,',--7 t.f L i..;y,e n
(A) Undergrouridoassaoe
', (B)
(8) A.road or patti raise; aboveground tevel ii, tAl
(u, snon passage to anv olace -
(u) None of the above - ' .y Dt ..rr tct
62. The wonder of the world 'Ta Mahal"
situated in the lnd ian state of: i is
,.. ';A
, : ,Wt j L{: u; c;'.,) ;_ |ki f ,f, ,i lq
(A Uttar Prade sh
(B Himachal Pradesh ! . ...........0r
(c Madhya Pradesh
(o None of above
u' -.:.']rr5:i,, 6t

[3] 3fl::s,.I:lt
Hi,':N",#"#3,"i3'l1Y# srraits separate
lBi i:i_"!?:i-
Z-,-)t, (B)
1-c:cit z' i:tZ lC)
e ry!1"n gt .the foflorvng minerat is used rn a_:.,. I ,jV t (D)
cemenl. industry and pla-ster of paris?

iai Hifl%i", . .tt :-" t t'.tt j-,:- ji .:f. .'-i-\3'i i 75

lBl 3?[i,3,",
65. The recent mass movemenl of reormes /;jttit 67
change in the Middle East rs calted:
1^, vrange revolution -. ,-. :-. ? (B)
(ts) Arab lntifada
(C) Arab SDrino
(D) Whrte r'evoiutron --,)L-'ur':..i 1c1
66 The recent mass movement ::t-Lr,4) 1O1
of reotmes
cnan.qe in the Mrddle Easl staned fiom -" --
\t.)(i,-.,1 L -t- L ;i1pf -i,51 .ta
(r,, Esypt
I unrs
(B) Lrbva
(D) Moiocco
67 l:kg Diq reserves of gotdand copper are -:-: a ')::"'.- \A)
tocated tn:
(A) PunJab (B) Sindh
;:.vC:::.,-. (B)
(u) tsalochrstan (D, Azad Kashmrr ;e.E' L::-:,'*. (C) .
68. On September g, 1958 pakistan
Advanced PPSC tl6Qs Nodal Paoers 363

-iitLezn> 1oy t
+id.", ii i ; :.,w J.v L -'tti ) as

ts.,' ij 1j s"i.l- ;;'i,n -.' }--:.. -.',-i 77 .=t- (B) 5l tnt

j,- (B) ;,-rr!,.J,i, {Ar ;i (Ct
v tot
r,i (D) (, Ol u!jt/t r/i-<--,1 : i6itcl).-r, 86

ti 4: i/ t,( ) r I tExui t,,,L''it)'

r ...............t.d t)
1 -t-,i.>j .t

t :Jra,-,.>,,tCi,/ IAJ .zti,7tt @') J2,)r tel

x : u -.,-';. ,' , :: , ;- .) 1F1
,t;,jv @) iqr:{- rc\
tt:; a,yj4v,t 19,1 l ,2o1-(; t,t ) t' j tr -'e j, ,,J ;.2. r. -" 87

,.:;i5-..U-t 1O1 gr ),i.,, p1 i\t tA)

rvit',,/{{J F ,)ti,r lD) L,;,, tc)
-,,{,2n,r .ts
,f(e$> p1 r,'t)ci/. ( ) /q'- -.,.t o' /L, i',.).'rru) L ti+ t li. aa

; Oa J-t lo) .>v. e; \C) t............JVa-,,

ty..jL_/,9,#{a.:a eo xr)v{o'v,!;,r 61
Llo t' @l ),io.t, 6\ tl",y:-'; p1
,f,vt-.e' p1 le) g'u'tg;'f 1 P1
n - | /
"i ->i1q-t;: '
; 1e1 :.--u\ 1g'1 t t ;t-t ;t a. i !,/.-, _/ :.t t L$ t, aj,t,,( .aS

,-t, (C) i;-.t, @l 'Lt+/

_..,:, (Dt v'i,
,' i
-i J--) i aur' 1 -.
; i',) i- -i+ /- )-,i 82 =:'tP lD) (C)

\; .:
< ii,,- J' i ft_l|r-), \,, + Lct 0 .so

ult 181 s ,rtJtv. (A) (B) ;,4tt,, @.)

.tist lD) s,.P, 1c1 ,lr,r- lol ,t)ti,'. (c)
.;.(i-':.r:.,- ) : i-:n,;,.,,J...-:_.i_- .83 .ri.- Jti( ii;*J,,j.t oiJC J:,/,/ s1
.. --
v'i:. t, l.B) C :.+'F {A)

=i'!-7, 1O1 -1;..P (C)

ToP-f ,u, ?,r,o,ot-) j,
." ! ev.l, ".i r1, {! ; i -, itw i -aLdi i s4 Ae? @l j|\::..*',r-/ (C)
t............e_lt a-*) o'r,!;,,./ ifu ,P $tL :--,.> l .sz
a_<_t:rl (A)
; :rt;- _,ii rat
, \'z_

- ;ij.;,:. lB) o2,i,, 1ay

c-6 -ali=r G) '"2,;,, (o) ot,/ t;,, \c)
.---.,-:-E,o' u( .,ti,,)e rr @l '4-t't -j5*J {l t,t-s;,, 93
161 Ady.nccd PPSC nCQs lrodol paoers

7"i,1"'? (Al L;o? ts) ;xe/ lAl

17[.t,1t,;trd.t/ (Bl Aro? <ol Lvo? tct
ztstl*/ (Cl
-,,.t Jtcfi i .sa
t ayi/ii/.-, i{.-
"f q) tol
AroP Pl f ioT 61
rtx) ;uuf g z- t i .Li;
jyti i st LioP tot VoP Gt
Jt-rz(s) Jr-ro (n)
-- rr -'* d ;,tf =i" .ss.
t ;1;

Jvzt (ol
Jr.zs (c) ]ve7 61
re-.litog { $ GJycti i .ss ,fao7 py
!9 (B) 12 (A)
22 (Ol 17 (C) Fqto? (cl
?6 t)/i,'..t${Jl,;ti } -,?tLJ,t .x =fle/ Pl
hr Gl .itil" (Al t7)trtd',.E'7"'.roo
Jy'n,, p1 )fitr (c) 7Pe/ @l ,Srof \al
a 7 / .- /.-, d", f, t,l,t",J, Jlcti ) .gt itrof @l i-leP Gl

Answer Key
1. c 14. c 27. b 40.a 53. a 66 c 79. c 92. b
2. b 15. c 28. b 11.d 54. a 67 c 80. a 93. a
3. b 16. c 29. d 42.b 55. b 68 a 81. d 94. c
1. b 17. c 30. b 43.b 56. c 69 c 82. b 95. a
5. c 8.
't d 31. b 44.d 57. d 70 d 83. c 96. b
6. b 18, b 32. b 45.d 58. d 71 a 84. b 97.
7. b 20. c b 46.b 59. a 72 b 85. 98. a
E. b 21. a 34. b 47.c 60. a 73 d 86. 99. b
9. c 22. a 35. a 48.a 61. a 74 b 87 d 100 b
t0 b 23. c 36. b 49.d. 62. a 75 c 88. d
1t d 24. a 37. 50.c 63. b 76 89. d
'12 25. d 38. 51.a 64. d d 90. b
't3 a 26. c 39. d 52.b 65. c 78 b 91. c




1. Thc C€ntral Muhammadan Association was (D) Mohsin-ul-Mulk

found.d in 1877 by: 2. Under which Aci was tho Muslim demand of
(A) Chaudhri Rehmal Ali 'Separate Eleclorate' first conceded-by the
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan British govemmenl?
(C) Sy€d Ameer (A) The lndia. truncilAct 1892
Advanced PPSC tlCQs Hodel Paoars X65

(B) The lndian Councils Act 1909 (A) 1937 (B) 193e
(C) The Government of lndia Act 1919 (c) 1938 (o) 1940
(D) The Govemment of lndia Acl 1935 13. Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940, was
3. The Constitution of the All lndia Muslim seconded from Sindh Province by
(A) G.M. Syed
League was drafted by a Committee in 1907
headed by... , (B) MekhdoomTalibulMula
(A) Nawabviqar-ul-Mulk (C) Abdullah.Haroon
(B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk (D) Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto
(C) Maulana Muhamma Ali Johar 14. Congress launched Quit India Movement
(D) Justice Shah Din against the British Govemment in
4. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar had started (A) 1940 (B) 1941
publishing his famous English Newspaper (c) 1942 (D) 1943
'Comrade' in l911 from: '15. Gandhi Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to
(A) Delhi (B) Bombay - the
discussed C.R. Formula, prepared by
(c) calcutta (D) Lahore (A) Raj GopalAcharia
5. Liaquat Ali Khan joined Ali lndia Muslim (B) V.P. Menon
League as member in: (C) Abu-al-Kalam'Azad
(A) 1916 (B) 1919 (D) Lord Wavell
(c) 1921 (D) 1923
16. Who presided over the Simla Conference in
6. Which of the following leaders helped Ouaid-i- 1945?
Azam in the preparation ol his Fourteen (A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Wavell
Points in 1929:- (C) Lord ln in (0) Lord Mountbatten
(A) Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar
(B) Maulana Shaukat Ali 17. ln the interim govemment of 194ti, the Health
Minister was:
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan (A) Abdur Rab Nishtar
(D) Maulana Hasrat Moihani (B) Jag Jivan Ram
7. '1937, All lndia
ln the Provincial Elections of (C) Asif All
Muslim League won largest number of seets (O) Ghazanfer Ali Khan
in the:
(A) United Provinces (UP) 18. The Hindus had launched 'Swadeshi
Movement" (to boycott English mode good) in
(B) Sindh Province the wake of
(C) Punjab Province (A) The Urdu Hindi controversy 1867
(D) Central Provinces (CP) (B) Pariition of Bengal 1905
8. The lndian Muslims observed 'Day of (C) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy 1919
Deliverance' after the resignation of congress (D) All of the above
ministries on: -
(A) 12 September 1939 19. The Pirpur Report on the brutalities ol the
Congress ministries 1937 39 was compiled
(B) 22 Septemba 1939 by: -
(C) 12 Oecember 1939 (A) A.K. Fazi-ul-Haq
(D) 22 December 1939 (B) Raja Muhammad Mehdi
9. 'Pathway to Pakistan' is the autobiography of: (C) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan
(A) M.A.H. lsphani (D) M. Sharif
(B) Choudhry Khaliquz Zeman 20. The British Parliament paqsed lndian
(C) A.K. Fazalul Haq lndependenc€ Act on:
(D) Sir Fazl Ehali (A) 3 June 1947 (B) 14 June '1947
10. Chaudhri Rehmat Ali first used the word (C) '14 July 1947 (D) 24 July 1947
'Pakistan' in his pamphlet'Now or Neved in
21. Quaid-e-Azam met M.K. Gandhi Iot lhe llrst
(A) 1933 (B) 193s time in '1916 at:
(c) 1937 (D) 1938 (A) Delhi (8) Bombay
1 1. ldenlify lhe Secretary of State of lndia who led (C) Calcutta (D) Lucknow
the Cabinel Mission in 1946
(A) Sir Statford Cripps 22. ldenllfy the Viceroy who made 'August Offer'
in 1940:
(B) A.V. Alexander (A) Lord Linlithgow (B) Lord Wavell
(C) Lord Pethick Lawrence (C) Lord Ripon (D) Lord Mountbailen
(D) Sir Anthony McDonald
23. Who administered the oath ot ofrice lo Liaquat
12. Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah joined All lndia Ali Khan as the first Prime Minister of
Muslim League in Pakistan?
3fi Advanced PPSC MCes Model paoers
A) Quaid-i-Azam (WTO) in:
B) Justice Mian Abdut Rashid (A) 1994 (B) 1995
C) Lord Mountbatten. 1997 .
(c) (D) 2000
D) MaulviTamizuddin
38. The first princely State to accede to Pakistan
24 Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah: The Sto ry of a Nation' after parlitron was. -
is a biography of Quaid-e-Aza m writlen-by (A) Swat (B) Hunza
(A) Hector Bolitho (C) Bahawalpur (D) Kalat
(B) Matiubul Hasan Syed
(C) K.K.Aziz 39. Quaid-i-Azam served Alt lndia Muslim League
as a President for:
(D) G. Allana (A) 15 years (B) 22 years
25. Which of the following districts of Balochistan (C) 28 years (D) 31 years
contains deposits of Copper
40. The National Animal of Pakistan is:
(A) Loralai (B) Sibbi (A) Horse. (B) Deer
(C) Khuzdar (O) Chaghi (c) Dotphin (D) N4arkhor
26. The only Nationat Election hetd on non-party
basis were in: 41. The first chairman of senate was:
(A) 1977 (B) (A) Habib u ah Khan
(c) 19E8 (D) 1990
(8) chulam lshaq Khan
(C) Syed FaziAgha
27. Rawal Dam' was built in ,t 962 on river - (D) Wasim SaIad
(A) Soan (B) Haro
(C) Kurang (D) Jhetum 42. "Reuters'is the lamous news agency of:
(A) U.S.A. (B) Britain
28. Pakistan become a member of lnternational (C) France (D) Russia-
Labour Organization (tLO) ini -
(A) 1947 (B) 1949 43. 1 Metric ton is equal to: -
(A) 100 Kilograms
(c) 1ss1 (D) 1961
(B) 500 Kilograms
29. The first Water Accord was signed among (C) 1 000 'Kilograms
provinces in:
(D) 10000 Kilogram
(A) 1e88 (B) 1991
(c) 1994 (D) 1995 44. "Monometer' is an instrument for measuring:
30. Cawnpur Mosque tragedy had taken place in: (A) Gaseous Pressure
(A) 1909 (B) The luminous rntensity of the sources of
(B) 1910 trght
(c) 1913 (D) 1915 (C) The strength of direct current
31. "Mast Tawkli" was prominent poet of: - (D) The relative density of mitk
(A) Balochi (B) pushto 45. The term of office for the tudges
(C) Sindhi (D) Barochi of the
lnternational Court of Justrce is:'
32. On July 9, 1950, Pakistan became the (A) Three years (B) Five years
member of: (C) Seven years (D) Nine years
(A) IMF (B) Wortd Bank 46. The planet farthest from lhe sun rs
(C) Paris Club (D) None of these (A) Jupiter (B) Satum
33. On July 9, 1948, Pakistan issued its first: - (C) Mercury (D) Neptune
({) Coin (B) Cunency Note 47. "Bristol' is a seaport of:
(C) Postal Stamp (D) A ofthese (A) U.K. (B) Germany
34. The duration of National Anthem of pakistan (C) Netherlands (D) Australia
(A) 60 Seconds (B) 80 Seconds 48. 'Ariana'is an airline of: -
(C) 100 Seconds (D) 120 S;conds (A) SriLanka (B) lran
(C) Afgha0istan (D) Turkey
35. The largest desert of the Pakistan is:
(A) Thar 49. Feminism" is ar -
(B) That (A) System of government which projects
(C) Cholistan (D) Kharan equal distribution of wealth in society
36. The oldest Banage on lndus river is: - (B) Set of beftefs put forward by the Tibetan
(A) Gudu Barrage Communrty
(B) Sukkur Barrage (C) Belief that women's subordination to men
(C) Ghulam Muhammad Barrage should end.
(D) Taunsa Barrage (D) None of the above
37. Pakistan joined World Trade Organization 50. Who was the founder of the "Loddhi Dynasty
(1451-1526)" of India?
Advencad PPSC IUCOa Nodd Pao.'t 36?
(A) lbrahim Lodhi (B) Bahlolodhi (C) Gobi (D) Mogave
(C) Sikandar Lodhi (O) None ofthese 64. Which element is called the "earth makel'?
51. Which is the smallest state in area? (A) Aluminum (B) Calcium .

(A) Bahrain (B) Maldives (C) Potassium (D) Silicon

(C) Malta (D) China 65. "Dead Sea'is lying between: -
52. The dislance of a place south or north oI (A) lraq and Sudan
Equator is called; (B) lsraeland Jordan
(A) Altitude (B) Longitude (C) Russia and Japan
(C) Latitude (D) Multitude (D) Greece and Turkey
53. Which parl of the world is called 'The land of 66. "Ranikot Forf is situated near thb city of: -
free people'? (A) Jamshoro . (B) Kotri
(A) Switzerland (B) Thailand (C) Larkana (D) Hyderabad
(C) West lndies (D) U.K
67. ldentity the largest sea?
54. 'Arboriculture' is a science of: - (A) South Chrna Sea
(A) The raising ol silk worms for the (B) Caribbean Sea
production of raw silk
(C) Arabian Sea
(B) The cultivataon of flowers, fruits and (D) Sea of Marmara
ornamenlal plants.
(C) The cultivation of trees 68. The length of Karakoram Highway in Pakistan
(D) The study of insects ts:
(A) 650 km (B) 785 km
55. 'Asia Watch' is a: - (C) 805km (D) 1200 km
(A) Human rights organization
(B) A big time clock ln Japan's padiament 69. Which of the following sea is located in
building Central Asia?
(C) News agency of Taiwan (A) Red Sea (B) Baltic Sea
(D) None of these (C) Aral Sea (D) Noneofthese
56. The World's tamous bridge'Golden Gate" is 70. The parliament of Russra is calledr -
located in: (A) House ot Deputies
(A) New York (B) Sydney (B) Diet
(C) Mexico (D) San Francrsco (C) Knesset
(O) Duma
57. AMul Qasim-Al Zahrawi, was greatest
Muslim:- 71 Which country's land is below the sea level?
(A) Philosopher (B) Poet (A) New Zealand (B) Japan
(C) Surgeon (D) Warnor (C) lreland (D) Netherland
58. What is Acrophobia? 72. Which country is called "Land ol Rising Sun" ?
(A) lt is lhe fear o, heights .
(A) Japan (B) Non /ay
(B) lt is the tear of dogs (C) Green Land (O) lce Land
(C) lt is the fear of water 73. The cause of malaria was discov€red by.
(O) None of these (A) Ronald Ross (B) F.C. Hopkins
59. Pakistan is separated ftom Tajikistan by: - (C) Edward Jenner (O) Dr Paul Muller
(A) Pamir Knot (B) Wakhan 74 The lirst viceroy of British lndia was:
(e) Durand Line (D) Baltistan (A) Lord,Canning (B) kbrd Elgin
60. Taiwan' was separated from the People's (C) Lord Clive (D) Lord Myor
Republic of China in: - 75. The length of Pakistan s coasiline rs
(A) 1943 (B) 1949 (A) 1,046 km (B) 1,130km
(c) 1952 (D) 19s6 (C) 1263 km (D) 1305 km
61. Pristina" is the capital of: - 76 What is'Subway'?
(A) Chechnya (B) East Timor (A) Undergroundpassage
(C) Bosnia (D) Kosovo (B) a road orpath abovb ground Level
62. 'OXUS River rs followrng between: - (C) Short passage to any place
(A) lran and lraq (O) None of these
(B) Atghanistan and Taiikistan 77. After United Nations, the largest iniernational
(C) Jordan and lstsel organization in view of membership is
(D) Russia and Turkey (A) Organazation African Unity
63. The World's largest Desert in area is - (B) European Unrony4
(A) Sahara (B) tuabra (C) Organization of lslamrc Cooperation
368 Advmccd ppSC Ces $o<lel paoers
(D) APEC',
78. Which of the following space shut es of US
t,"j),J,Jfd./A sg
has recently landed on the ptanet o, Mars?
(A) Challeng€r (B) Cunosity 6Ag @l tJ.fra ot
(C) Discovery (O) Sputnik JAtt 1o1 6f.'to tc)
79. Which of the following Athletes won ,Gotd
Medal" in 100 meter race in London Olymprcs
i, r v/ [ Jyoi i.>16tf .- L /,, qL gi, I 89
(A) Usain Bolt (B) Johan Blake I&LiG
(C) 'Justin 'Gallin (D) U/ain Chamb€r
Ditr lBl (Al
80. The lirst lntemational Organization was: - =Vritr
League of Nations
'.dj{.-,lgt.tol ,}r,r 1c1
United Nations
European Union
None of these
r'");cuf ,j zr tli Jy,:)i i so

{ d 6 F L",tt" r.{t rl Jy t)i i,lri,r et

Jva @t Jura 6y
Jr,zs (o)
t)vzz (cl
c)tir, Fl &, ral t 6,Jc;,, r/ c;yiJ 6,,! {Jyt)i i .st

o)v @t t ot titr py .ivlrotr (A,l

t.-li r* L,/Y Gi, r / J 4c)i i .s2 Jr-e,, p\ )ir (Cl

,y'ti,r tlrtr (Al r r6j,,,{ a1t Lit,l gttr Jysi ) sz
5 (B) 4 (A)
j{;tr (Dl -i;,r 1C'1
7 (o) 6 (C)
tjxJ),it,tttrSi{; es
r <-yi,l;i1 t,v. {.,f ,.f Jt
) o.l
22 (B) 17"ti(A)
'Jf's @l 622 @l 29 (D) 26 (c)
$,){--,;tc)r 1o7 ,Jfrg fcl . ru66f:v/'j;"i' .ga
t c-Gi,r,./t$yci ) /i(Ot/ ;it, .u t|ft Fl ,57s 6'1
iitr (Bl u(rTt$;,, 61 6,rts @l ,J.fia Gl
J,Vtr,r (Dl gCln,r 1C1 r Zzti 4t /,i. et,u/.,y' .ss
trx e;lg ld g/cavL*-t .as n+ (Bl il y (A'l tsl $At Ol J,r/r.r. tol et| (c,

6,/:t tol $la pl e

a6 ct/e.,r tl +<,!Jyoi ) x
' rq\$t7c.lf )ytd.>svt *;---, .w otltti,r (Bl o4ti,, (e\

?uoP @l "e.o.? @l lir (Dl

gt 1C1 -1t,r
Y(e? (ot d(e? (ct sat t$ffu,)rt,lvdfdu, 97
et'ldtdfdo/jE,'i .Bl !'cilc.>P F ?oP @t
L,vst:a;o7 @l 'Jvtc/.'1.>p
6,2:c J.fis 6l lcl
6Ae @\ 6As lct tt,) ! (u ity -. I { l; it.z. .ga

Jurs (e) Jv4 tal

Advanced PPSC MCQ' ltodet Paoers 369

Jvz pl 'r18
(c) tjrijfo'-/-ii too
t7-A{frdvu, 6As (Bl i,at 1e1

Ft.ref @t Jllo (o\ 6ig tcl

-P-ef lal
,SroP to) ct*e? $l
Answer Key
't. c 14. c 27. c 40 d 53 b oo a a 92. c
2. b 15. a 28. a 41 a 54 67. a 80. a 93. c
J. c 16. b 29. b 42 b 55 a 68. c 81. b 94. d
4. c 17. d 30. c 43 56 d 69. 82 c 95. c
5. d 18. b 31. a 44 a 70. d 83 a 96. a
6. a 19. b 32. a 45 d 58. a 71. d 84 a 97. c
7. a 20. c 33. c 46 d 59. b 72. a 98. c
8. d 21. d 34. b 47 a 60. b 73. a 86 b 99. b
9. b 22. a '35. a 48 c ot. d 74. a 87 100. b
10 a 23. e 36. b 49 c 62. b 75. a oo b
11 c 24. d 37. b 50 b 63. a 76. a 89 a
12 b 25. d 38. c 51 b 64. d 77. c 90 c
13 c 26. b 39. d 52 b 65. b 78. b 91 b



'1. The shortest day is: 7. Mahan Airiine belongs to which country?
(A) 25 December (B) 22 December (A) lran (B) South Africa
(C) 15 June (D) 22 June (C) lndia (D) Nepal
2. Tai Mahal is siluated on bank ot river 8. The climate of Pakislan is mostly referred as:
(Ai Brahmaputra (B) Ganges (A) Hot and dry (B) Hotand moist
(C) Jumna (O) None of these (C) Cold and dry (D) None of these
3. Budapest is the capital of Hungary situaled on 9. ln which province of the Pakistan there is no
the bank of: deserl?
(A) River spree (B) River Volga (A) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(C) River Danube (D) River ob (B) Baluchistan
4. The rivers Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and (C) Sindh
Sqtlej are tributaries of which river? (D) Punjab
(A) Ganga (a) lndus 'lO. Who is the highest run maker in limited over
(C) Yamuna (D) Brahmaputra matches till 2010?
5. Which of the following rivers do not flow in (A) Jayasuriya (B) B. C. Lara
Africa? (C) lnzaman-ul-Haq (D) Tendulkar
(A) Nile (B) Congo
11. For how many times dld Paktstan win Hockey
(C) Zamberi (D) Tigris
ChamDions Trophy?
6. "Bahaman" is the name of airline of (A) 2 (B) 3
(A) lndonesia (B) SaudiArabia (c) 4 (D) 1
(C) France (D) Bangladesh
37O Advancecl PPSC MCOS Modet papars
12. J.F. Kennedy is name of Airport
(A) Washington (B) New york
of: (A) Jons Jecobs Berzelius
(C) Seattle (B) Joseph Pries ey
(D) Catifornia (C) Ernest Rutherford
'13. Tass is the news agency of: (O) John Dalton
(A) United Kingdom (B) Russia 26. Which UN Agency has its H.e. in paris?
(C) China (D) Austratia (A) uNtcEF (B) tLO
14. The foreign phrase Oe,oyo means: (c) uNEsco (D) FAO
(A) New 27. H_ow many Judges to the lnternational Court
(B) On one side only ot Justice are elected bv the Securitv Councrl
(C) lndefinitety and General Assembly for the term of 9
(D) None of these years?
15 lnlernational organizaflon .Human
(A) 35 (B)
Watch' is based ini
Rights (c) 1s tot
(A) New York (B) Geneva 28. 'Cutting Edge'
is the autobiography of
(C) Paris (D) Rome
Ahmad Mushtaq
Javed Miandad
16. Scotland Yard's headquarter is tocated in the (c) Altaf Gohar
(A) London (B) New york (D) Peer Ali Shah
(C) Tokyo (Dl pans 29. Who was the firslAsian to have received the
'17. World Tourism Day is observed Nobel Prize?
(A) 1sth November (4) C.V. Raman (B) R.N. Tagore
(B) 27th September (C) Mother Teresa (D) t.A. Bunin
(C) sth November 30 Who is the first Secretary General etected
(D) iTtii September from lhe rankers Staff of United Nations?
18. Right to vote in eiections is also termed as:
(A) U Thant
(4) Franchise (B) privitege (B) Dr. Kurt Watdheim
(C) lnitratrve iDt Consent (C) Kofi Annan
19. The. historic garden Shalimar was built by
(D) Javier Perez De Cuellar
Shah Jahan in: 31. The oldest world organrzation rs League ot
(A) 1634 (B) 1639
natron where was s headquarter sttuated?
(c) 1642 (D) 1652
(A) Geneva (B) pafls
20. Thailand
(C) London (D) Rome
is the new name of:
(A) Ceyton (B) Siam 32. Who invented the Steam Locomotive?
(C) Bankok (O) None of them
(A) Edison (B) Stephenson
21. Namibia
(C) JRD Tata (D) Atexander
is the new name of:
(A) South West Africa 33. Largest imports are made by pakistan from:
(B) South East Africa
(A) China (B) Japan
(C) Zanztbar (C) Ameflca (D) Canada
(D) None of them 34. Which is the targest distflct of punjab
22. Which of the following is the sacred book of Province?
Hinduism? ({) Vehari (B) Bahawatpur
(A) Vedas (B) Upanishads (C) Multan (D) Dera Ghazi Khan
(C) Ramayana (D) A of them 35. The Sidhnai Canals start from the left bank of
23. 'Ottawa convention ,997,is retated to the Ravi at:
(A) Environmentprotection (A) Rasul (B) Sidhnai
(B) Preserving wild tife (C) Balloki (D) Trimmu
(C) Banning landmines 36. The Chashma Nuctear plant was burlt with
(D) Banning chemical weapons the help of.
24. BENELUX stands for:
(4) France {B) Germany
(4) Belgium. Nethertands and Luxembourg
(C) Canada (D) Chrna
(B) Britain, Netherlands and Luxembourg 37. The highest populatton densty rate rn
(C) Britain, Netherlands and Luxembour! Pakislan is in
(D) None of these (A) Punjab (B) FATA
25. Which one of lhe following screntrsts started
(C) lslamabad (D) Sindh
lhe modeJn system of ustng symbols for the 38. Which country is ca ed "Land .of Mrghty
elements? Rrvers'?
AdYanced PPSC MCQ' odel Paoers 371

(A) Korea (8) Nigeria (B) Muhammad Ghori

(C) EgyPt (O) EthioPia (C) Muhammad-bin-Oasim
39. Which city is also called Forbidden City'?
(D) None of these
(A) Lhasa (B)
(C) Palestine
(D) Vatican
40. Which of the following is mosl urlcanized area ffio
in Pakistan?
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
41. Census is held in Pakistan afler every:
(A) 10 years (B) 15 Years

(C) 20 years (D) 25 Years
ln the Sub-Continent, first census was held in:
OBD and
(A) 1858 (B) 1869
(c) 188'l (D) 1901 -t i.l I

43. The Leaning Tower is located in:

(A) Germany (B) ltaly
(C) France
(A) 1924
(c) 1932
(O) Paris
44. The Paris Pacl was signed in:
(B) 1928
(D) 1936
45. The deepest place in the lndian Ocean is:
(A) Vostok (B) Sunda Trench t -*-
(C) lsle Trench (D) Sundaes Trench
46. Which Ocean is called "Father of Oceans'?
(A) lndian Ocean (B) Atlantic Ocean
++ iEas-\-

(C) Pacific Ocean (D) None ofthese 53 Trmurluno rnvaded lndia in

(A) 125S (B) 1278
47. Which of the following Oceans was called (c) 1389 (D) 1326
"Bahr-e-Zulamat" by Allamalqbal?
(A) lndian Ocean (B) Atlantic Ocean 54. Thuqhlaq Dynasty in lndra was ended tn

(C) Pacific Ocean (D) Arabic Ocean (A) 1414 \B) 1412
(c) '1415 (D) 1634
48. For how many years Mughal Kings ruled over 55. When did the Holy ProPhet (PBUH)
lndia? perfom'Hajiat-ul-Wada' ?
(A) 290 (B) 370 (A) 630AD (B) 632 AD
(c) 27s (D) 331
(c) 633 AD (D) 636AD
49. Name the Mughal king who was thoroughly 56. Which is the seventh nDnth of lslamic year?
deteated and had to live in exile before (A) Muharram (B) Shawal
recapturing lndia?
(A) Jahagir (B) Aurangzeb (C) Rajab (D) Shabaan
(C) Humayun (D) None of these 57. When Hijra started?
50. Which incident took place on 24th September (A)12th Rabi-ul-Awwel of 13th year of
622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad
(SAW)? (B) 12th Rati-ul-AwwEl of 12th year of
(A) He migrated to Madina Nabawat
(C) 12th Rabi-ul-Awwel of 14th year of
(B) He fell ill
(C) He was attacked Nabawat
(D) 12th Rabi-ul-Aww€l ot 1oth ygar of
(D) He was stopped to travel Nabawat
51. The Delhi Sultanate vartually ended due to the
invasion of: 58. The Cabinet Mission announced their plan on
(A) Chengiz Khan (B) Babar (A) 8th April 1947
(C) Nadir Shah (D) None of these (B) 5th December 1947
(C)' 15th January 19'17
52. The first Muslim invasion of lndaa was led by: (D) 16th May 1946
(A) Mahmud of Ghazni
372 Advenccd ppSC ItCOs nodet paoots
59. Lake Vostok is a sub glaciat take tocated in: (B) Muhammad Ati Bogra
(A) China (B) USA (C) Zafaruttah Khan
(C) Russra (D) Antarctica (D) Abdul RabNishter
60. The highest capitat in the wortd is: 73. Bahawalpur was the frst state \rihich joined
(A) Betize (B) La paz Pakistan
(C) Ou[o (O) None of these (A) 1917 (B) 1948
61. Which one of the followng rs one of the seven (c) 1951 (D) 1950
wonders of Modem world? 74. Name the act under which the Constituent
(A) The Eiffet Tower Assembly of Pakistan was formed for framing
(B) Tempte of Artemis the constitution?
(C) Rome (A) lndependence Act, tg47
(D) None of these (B) Govemment of tndia Act. i935
62. Big Ben, a huge
- ctock was installed at British
(C) Special lndependence Act. j947
Padiament in: (D) None of the above
(A) 1940 (B) 1859 75. Wten the Constituent A6sembly passed the
(c) 1875 (0) 1872 Objeclive Resolution?
63. Which country's parliament is considered the (A) 12 February 1949(8) 12 March i949
oldest parliament?
(A) UK (B) China
(C) 12 Aprit 1949 (D) j2March 1948
(C) tceland (D) Russia 76. Missouri is a river located in:
* (4) China (B) Japan
is the tongesr Shipping canat of the (c) usA (o) uK
(A) Suez canal (B) panama 77. Jamud Fort is located in the province:
Betoye-More (Oj Oota (A) Punjab
65. The world biggest oit refinery (Abadan oit
(B) Sindh
refinerv) ts siluated in (C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(A) Arabra
Saudr (B) tran (O) Balochistan
(C) Kuwait (D) traq 78. Baltit Forl is located in which arca of
66. Al.present. the world's longest serving ruler Pakistan?
(A) Fidel Castor (A) punjab
(B) Muammar Oaddafi (B) Sindh
(C) Hosni Mubarak (C) Norlhem Arsas
(D) Ali Abdulah Sateh (D) Khyb€r Pakhtunkhwa
67. Cuba is an island of: 79. Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to
(4) Pacilic Ocean (B) Caribbean Sea lndia via the Cape ot Good Hope in
(C) lndian Ocean (D) A antrc Ocean (A) 1494 (B) 1498
66. Gatun Lake is located in which
(c) 1502 (D) 1506
(A) USA (B) Netherta;ds 80. One.degee o, longitude on the equator is
(C) Canada (D) panama equal to a distance ol,:

69. 'Lake Mead' is the world,s largest (A) 96 km (B) 80 km

(A) Salt water lake (C) 55 km (D) 112km
(B) Fresh water take 81. Which of the folowing counfbs has long€st
(C) Arlificiat lake land fro.rliers?
(D) Warm water lake (A) Burlna (B) Russia
70. Who was the first prime Minister of pakistan?
(C) China (D) Leos
(A)KhawajaNazim-ud-Din E2. Which oJ the toflowing E not a Scendinavian
(B) Liaquat Ati Khan country?
(C) Abdul Rab Nishter {4) Denmrrk (B) Beeium
(D) l.l. Chundrigar (C) No ay (D) Non€ of
71. Who was lhe second prime Minister of 83. The mrld he{ th orgEnization has declsr€d lo
Pakistan? free tlle world from one of th€ following fatal
, (A) Khawaja Nazim-ud-Oin
d6eas. by the year 2005:
(B) AMul Rab Nishter
(A) Potio (B) AIDS
(C) l.l. Chundrigar
(C) Tub€rcdosis (O) Smeflpox
(D) Malik Ghulam Muhammad 84. He was the lirst to make his dodres avaalable
as ready-to-wsar cdleclirn3. Who is he?
72. Who was the second president of pakistan?
(A) F.M. Ayub Khan
Piene Cardin (B) Ben€non
Adv.nce.t PPSC ItCQs lrodel Paoers 373
(C) Armani (D) Acost wa3 dayed?
85. OnG rmong th. two mod po*erful lcodar h (A) 1978 (B) 1976
[rr world, hr rlow o€casimally 90c. on (c) 1974 (D) 1979
lGdure lour3, 6rd acL in Piz2a Hul 93. 'Corbillion Cup" is given in the game of
comrnaiciab. l{an€ him: (A) Table tennis (B) Lawn tennis
(A) Ronald Reagan (C) Golf (D) Archery
(B) C'.off B(,3h 94. United Nations University is located in;
(C) ikhail Gott€dra, (A) Tokyo (B) Berne
(D) L.oni, BlBr'lncu (C) Monlreal (O) Vienna
86. Whldr ot lho bllowing Etreit 3€paralc ABia
95. Reuter is the news agency of:
from }{orth Am€ric8? (A) United Kingdom (B) United States
(A) Bcring Slrait (8) Palk St ait (C) FormerUSSR (D) Germany
(C) Hrrmoz Strait (O) Bedand Slrait
96. world Food Council (wFc) was established
E7. UNO'g 'Oil br Food' Prclram wa! .3.odaH in 1974. lts headquarter is situated in:
with which country?
(A) , S'Jdan (B) Norlh Kor.a
(A) Rome (B) Geneva
(C) lr.n (O) lr.q
(C) Washington (D) Pans
97. ln which province of Pakistan, the desert of
88. Thc lbltign phrer Dajura menr Thal li€s?
(A) Wifiout drto (A) Punjab
(B) Und€r consid€ralbn (B)
(c) Riihrtur (C)
Khyb€r Pakhtunkhwa
(O)Non of the38 (D) Baluchistan :
89. 'Child of Wal, tsm ulGd br wftl*r 98. ln which province of Pakistan, the desert of
organizaton? Thar lies?
(A) UNO (A) Baluchistan
(B) Lcaguc of Naliong (B) Sindh
(C) Atiewetdr (C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(O)Nonr of tha€c (D) Punjab
90. RAW lndl€n sccret agencl was a3tebli3h€d in: 99. Which of the following straits separate Florida
(A) 196s (B) 1967 from Cuba?
(c) r98E (D) 1968 (A) Cuba Strait (B) Florida Strait
91. 10th Crid(et Wo.kt Cup wil be day€d in: (C) Mexico Strait (O) Berland Strait
(A) lndh (B) S,ri Lanka 100."NlKKEl" isa stock exchange index of:
(C) Brngladdh (O) All of the ebove (A) New York (8) Tokyo
92. whcn the l3t Champion3 Ttophy of Hockey (C) Hong Kong (O) London

Answer Key
1. b 11 a 27 c /10. b 53 66 b 79 b 92. a
2. c 15 a 28 b 41. a 54 a 67 b 80 d 93. a
3. c 16 a 29 b 42. c 55 b 68. d 81 c 94. a
4. b '17 b 30 c 43. b 56 c 69 c oz b 95. a
5. d 18 a 31 a 44. b 57 a 70. b 83 a 96. a
6. d 19 32 b 45. b 58 d 71 a u 97. a
7. a 20 b 33 c 46. 59 d 72 a 98. b
8. a 21 a 34 b 47. b 60 b 73 a 86 a 99. b
9. a 22 c 35 b 4E. d 61 a 74 a 87 d 100. b
10 d 23 c 36 d 49. 62 b 75 b 88 c
11 b 24 a 37 c 50. a 63 76 c 89 b
12 b 25 d 38 b 51. b 64 c 77 c 90 d
13 b 26 c 39 a 52. c 65 b 78 91 d
374 Advanced ppSC MCes Model paoers
lNspEcToR, coopERATtvE soclETrES (2019)
1. What is "Scotograph"? Aiding blind to writo 28. The capital of West African country Liberia is?
2. Astore located in which area? Gilgat Baltistan Monrovia
3. Constitution of 1973 consists of how many 29 Abu Jehil died in which gazwa? chazw. Badar
Articles? 2E0 30 Country with most FIFA World cups? Braull
4. Fez city located in? Morocco 31 I am not a liar I am prophet of Allah messgae
5. Ferdinand Marcos was the Leader of which by PBUH ln which gazwa? Ghazwa Hunain
country? Philippines 32 Capital city of Albania? Tirana
6. Allama lqbal attended how many round table 33 The hottest & lhe brightest planet of sotar
conferences? Tvyo system ? Venu3
7. Which country is located in East of pakistan? 34. Which of the following describes the
lndia weight and spdcing in MS word documents? Font
8. First Pakistani international female swimmer is? 35. Name the ghazwa which was fought in 2 AH?
Kiran Khan Ghazwa Badar
9. Qamar Javed Bajwah present Chief of Army 36.Term Chart wizard data in MS Excel refer to?
Staft belongs to? Baloch Rsgiment Horizontal axis
10. Opposite of Deteflorarion? lmprovement 37 Global warmirlg is increased due to access
'1'1. Gawadar port rs located in which division of amount of which gasses? Carbon dioxide
Balochrstan? Makran 38 Un organization which is related. to culture and
12. How many divrsrons in Punlab Province? Nine heritage ? UNESCO
13 Karakrm hrghway constructed wrth the help of 39 United Nations have total members? .193
whrch country? China Member Countries
'14. Manora lsland is located in? Karachi 40. Non-permanent Members of United Nations
(Pakistan) Organization? Ten
15 ln 2017 which country attacked Syria with 41.A school has a strength of 550 in the year 2017
rockets? USA an increase ot 120/o in 201E what is the totat
16. Keti bandar is a famous for? Fish Harbo7 strength of school ? 6'16
17 When Qurd e Azam joined All lndia Muslim 42. Complete the seties: 1 .2,5,12,27,58... ..? 121
League? 10 October l9'13 43. The ratio ot 3.5 kg to 280 9m is? 25 : 2
'18. Khaksar Movement was founded by? Allama 44 12.5% is Equalto which fraction ?,1/8
lnayat Ullah Mashraqi in 1931 45 A sludent got 56.... Ans75
19. Penicrllin invented rn? 1928 46. Real Name of lmam Bukhari was?
20 Kofi Anan former Secretary Generat of UNO Muhammad Bin lsmail
belonged to which country? Ghana 47. First liar who announced himself as a Nabi?
21 Name of former NWFP changed to KPK in Muslima Kazab
which amendment of 1973 constatution? 18th 48. Which surah is called Ummut Kitab? Surah
22 .Capilal of Czech repubtic ? Prague Fateha
23 Which is longest river of Pakistan? River lndus 49 Which Prophet of Allah who can tatk to the
24 USA Presrdent Donald Trump became Birds? Hazrat Suleman (A.S)
presrdent ? 20 January 1917 50 Queer synonym? Unusual
25 Fatima Jinnah contested presidentrat election 51 Dearth Antonym? Abundance
in whach year? 1965 53 Pragmatac means? Practical
3 Ghazwa badar fought rn which year? 2nd hijri 54 Fill in the blank: Whatever he does is atways
26 Head quarter of lnternational civit avtatron contrary _ my wishes? To
Orgnizatron (ICAO) Located n? Montreal 55 Bile is produced rn whrch part of body? Liver
27 Headqua(er of Wortd Trade Oronrzation 55 Synonyms of Emancipate" Deliver
located in? Geneva A To set free from restractions means? To release
Aduanced PPSC ,tCQs rlodel Paoe6 375
56. Who presenled Chenab fonnula to resolve 73. Conect spelling is? Embanass
Kashmir issue? Abdul Oayum Kh.n 74. To put one's hand to plough means? To take a
57. Greenland Antarctica contain ... of world lotal difticult task
ice? 99% 75. Who wrote ryande Mataram"? Chandra
58. 10 Downing street is official residence of ? Chatterjee
Britbh Prime l{inbto, 76. Al-Tibri book on Hadiths was rvritten by?
59. which is called Roof of lhe wodd? Tibst
lluhammed lbn{ Jarsor Al-Tabari
77. Raiab Tayyeb Erdogan as President how many
60..SiachBn Glacier located in nhich range?
terms? Two
61. Adrninistrative headquarter of Organization of
lslamic Cooperation (OlC) is located in? Jeddth
nl-/ey e{t TabiQ i t r,,Vt.irt, i i ;{i -
62. Amn€sty lnternational is an organization of ?
Human Rights
nu.ljtgt 72r/(1' -,,,tt g ;i -
63.which is called the counlry of thousand lakes?
Finl.nd t7Vt1*9 a- 7{ + I /,J + -
ao tt

64. Who was the first female Gov6mor of Sindh?

B€$m R.'.nr LLqlt All u.J- t -t i -- t,,! l tl g.t -
65. Piclure of which animal depicted on WWF
flag? 826 -,bt 1,1't / =Vi F.F J,','-
66. Which animal from the flowing member of cat tqLJjA.{?t aJ* j /,,,,'t J.,f t -
family? Laoplrd
67. ln MS EXCEL undo option will .... lasl action? 846h,? tJttt L ff- J / d -a, -
1? - i-',. -
68. Joint session of Congress an All lndia Muslim E5rtr /-'./ :JV ) tl,!-.,-
league of 1916 held in which city? Lucknow
68. State bank of Pakistan inaugurated by Quaid-e
Azam on? t3t of July 194E
69. Old name of table tennis was? Plng pong
70. Father of lranian revolution 1979 was? lmam
ti6-By leaps and boun ds | <.-9! -t ., t t,r(
71. Jerusalem is the holy place of? Jows,
Chrbtians .nd aautllms
72. Famous book "Origin of Species" was written 6 leDtt \;)t
by? Chad6 Oaruin




WORM, in the field of computeG, stands for:

(O) Lord Wavell
(A) Write once Read Many 3. Complete the ldiom/ Proverb: A bad workman
(B) Writable on Random Memory quarrels with his
(C) Write once Read Memory (A) Tools (B) Nails
(D) None ol these (C) Hammer (D) Anvil
2 Gandhr-Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to 4. ln the Obama Adminrstration Ashton Carler
discuss the C.R Formula, prapared by: was the:
(A) RaJa Gopal Acharia (A) US Ambassador to Pakrstan
(B) V.P Menon (B) US Foreign Secretary
(C) Abu-al-Kalam Azad (C) US Secretary of Defence
376 Advanced PPSC nCQt ltodE,l pao$E
(O) None of th;se 17. lf A runs less fast than B and B runs fast but
5 Which of the follotving Organization did not faster than C then, as compared lo A, C
Pakrstan join rn '1969?
(A) SMRC (B) NAM (A) Same speed as A
(c) orc (D) o-8 (B) Faster than A
(C) Slower than A
6. The AIDS virus is called: (D) Cannot be determined
(A) A.r.B (B) B.t.H
(c) H.r.v (o) v.t.H 18. The Truce of Hudaibiya was an important
event in the lslamic History. Hudaitiya yvas
7. T'he Headquarters of the Asian Oevelopment the name of a:
Bank is located in:
(A) Bangkok (A) River (B) Welt
(C) Tokyo
(B) Manila
(D) Kuala Lumpur
(C) Cave (D) Tree
19. What comes next in the series, 11,21,32,43,
8. The novel 'Old Man and the Sea" was written 54, 65, ......
(A) 76 (B) 86
(c) 73 (D) 83
B T.S. Eliot
H.V. Hudson 20. ln 2016, Pakistani born British boxer. Amir
o Earnest Hemingway Khan lost a boxing bout againsl Saul Caneto
Alvarez. To which country does Caneto
9. which country i& -kmwn as th€ 'L.nd of Alvarez belong?
(A) lraq (8)
(A) USA (B} UK
(C) Pal6tine (O) Syria
SaudiArEbia (C) Brazil (O) Mexico
21. The first mechanical calculating mechine was
10. The World Humenitafian Summit (WHS) made by:
conferen@ was held on 2$24 May, 2016 in: (A) William Oughtred
(A) Cairo, Egypt (B) NewYo*, USA (B) Gollfried Lebnitz
(C) lstanbul, Turkey (D) ParE, FrenDo (C) Blaise Pascal
'11. Which coultry was invaded twice by Germany (D) Chades Babbage
in the 20"' century and its€f had bruta y 22. Who succeeded President Zia-ul-Haq as the
colonizod Congo? President of Pakistan?
(A) B€lgium (B) Poland (A) Raliq Tarar
(C) Francp (O) UK (B) Ghulam lshaq Khan
12. Fill in the blank: "He srlgg63ted that th€ (C) Farooq leghari
meoting _ poslpone.' (D) Fazal Elahi Ch8udhry
(A) Be (B) ls 23. What was the amount in Dirhams fixed as
(C) Must (D) About 'Haq Meh," when the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
13. To fill a lank 25 buckeB of wate. are requir€d. manied Hazral KhadUa (R.A)?
How many bud(et8 of w8ter witl be r€quir€d lo (A) 200 (B) 300
fill the same tank if the capacity of ttrd btrcle{ (c) 400 (D) 500
is reduced to two.finh of its preser capac{ty? 24. A soap factory makes 600 units in 9 days with
(A) 30 (8)
'(O) 3s help of 20 machines. How many units can be
(C) 62.5 Nom ofthese made in 12 days with the hetp of 18
14. Which -among th€ following is 0le h(th6t machines?
award for bravery? (A) 680 (B) 720
(A) Sitara-e-Shujaat (c) 760 (O) 810
(B) Hilal-s-Shujsst 25. Who lYas Nicolas Sarkozy?
. (C) Nishan-€-Shuiaat (A) Former German Chancellor
(D) Tamgha-e-Shujaat (B) Former Canadian President
15. Fill in the blank; Abdul grabbed the boy and (C) Former French President
rolled him on th€ Eround to the (D) Former Prime Minister of ltaly
llames. 26. Birds are:
(A) Kill (B) Smother (A) Cold-blooded
(C) bum out (D) encourage (B) Warm-blooded
'16. Choose the corr€c{ meaning of ENERVATE (C) Both A and B
(4) Io fnghten (B) Strengthen (D) None of these
(C) Excite (D) Weaken 27. During drought, which Namaz is performed?
(A) Salaat al lstasqa
Advancecl PPSC MCos Modet Papers 377
(B) Salaat e Khasoof 40. Who - presided over the 72 session of UN
(C) Salaat e Kisoof General Assembly starting from September
(D) None of these 12.2017?
28. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of the (A) Antonio Guterres (B) Peter Thomson
positave integers from 1 lo 100, inclusive? (C) Miroslaw Lajcak (D) Ban ki Mon
(A) 49 (B) 49.5 41. The shortcut key to close a selected window
(c)50 (D) 50.s IS:
29. What is the antonym ot "Subsequent"? (A) ALT + F4 (B) Ctd + F4
(A) (B) Prior (C) Alt + F5 (D) Alt + Fe
(C) Comparative (D) Last 42. Change the Passive voice of the following
30. Of the following which city received Hilat-e- sentence: Flowers have grown all over the
istiqlal for the heroic resistance during 1965 field.
lndo-Pak war? (A) The field was all over been grown with
(A) Narowal (B) Peshawar flowers
(B) The tield has been all over been grown
(C) Sialkot (D) Kasur
with flowers
31. The headquarters of ASEAN is located in: (C) The whole field is grown by the flowers
(A) Kuala Lumpur (B) Yangon (D) The lield had all over been grown with
(C) Jakarta (O) Singapore flowers
32. On September 9, 1968, Pakistan purchased 43. Complete the ldiom/Proverb: A sleeping fox
Gwadar from? catches no
(A) Oman (B) Behrain (A) crapei--(B) Bird
(C) lran (D) None of these (C) Prey (D) Poultry
33. Deliciency of vitamin D leads to 44. Baglihar Dam is located in Ooda district of
(A) Anaemia (B) WeekBones lndian Occupied Kashmir, on river:
(c) Constipation (D) Bleeding of cums (A) lndus River (B) Jhelum River
34. Pak istan's Fiscal years if from: (C) Chenab River (D) Ravi River
(A) 1st June to 30th June 45. A number is increased by 20% and then
(B) '1st July to 30th June decreased by 20%, the final value of the
(c) 1sth June to 18th July number:
(D) 1st July to 3 August (A) Ooes not change
35. Who was the first Deputy Presidenl of the first (B) Decreases by 2%
Constituent Assembly? (C) lncreases by 4olo
(A) Liaqut Ali Khan (D) Deseases by 4olo
(B) J.N Mandal 46. Name the camel which the Holy Prophet
(C) Molvi Tamizuddin Khan (PBUH) was riding on the migration cf
(D) Malik Ghulam Muhammad Madina:
36. The Blue Mosque of th€ "Mosque of Sultan (AI Duldul (B) Anza
Ahmad" is localed in: (C) Qaswa (D) Zulfiqar
(A) Tehran (B) lstanbul 47. ll x + y = 6, y + z = 7 and z + x = g,.the
(C) Jeddah (D) Cairo average (arithmetic mean) of x, y and z is:
37. Which of the following rivers does not flow in (A) 11/3 (B) 11/2
Alrica? (c) 22t3 (D) 11
(A) Nile (B) Congo 48. Gulf of Sidra is present off the coast of:
(C) Zambezi (D) Tigris (A) Libya (B) Liberia
38. The Ob.iectives Resolution was presented by: (C) Macedonia (D) None of these
(A) Muhammad Ali Chaudhary 49. lndia atacked Pakistan across the
(B) Ch. Rehmat Ali lnternational border, on:
(C) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar (A) 11 September 1964
(D) Liaquat Ali Khan (B) '12 December 1964
39. Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah, a great religious (C) 6 September 1965
scholar, was born during the reign of which (D) 6 September 1966
Mughal emperor? 50. A small town in Sindh "Keti Bundef is famous
(A) Akbar (B) Shajahan for:
(C) Aurangzeb (D) None of these (A) Dry port
. (B) .Gas and Oil field
(C) Fish harbour

378 Advanced PPSC MCQS llodel Paoots
(O) Mililery bar€ 62. Who was the author the booklel "Caus$ of
51. Which of lhe following gas$ is most abundant the lndian Revolt" (Asbab-+ Bagharyat-e-
in the air?
(A) Oxygen (B) Mtrogen (A) Nawab Salimullah
(C) Argon (D) Hydrogert (B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(C) Viqarul-Mulk
52. Waterloo, whcre Napoleon was fially (D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
defeated, is situabd in:
(A) Frane (8) Germany
63. Who scored the first cricket test century for 1
Pakistan in 1952?
(C) Holland (D) Belgium (A) Nazar Muhammad

53. CompletR thG ldiom 'Ttre morc thingp dunge, (B) Hanif Muhammad
tho more they _
(A) Begin to impfov€
(C) Alimuddin
(D) Saeed Ahmad
(B) Repest history
(C) Staythe same 64. Who scored the only goal lo give Pakistan the
(D) R6ist dtang. firsl Olympic Hockey Gold Medal in 1960?
(A) Naseer Bunda
54. who inv€r ed the Polio vaccine (OratP (B) Noor Alam
(A) Jo.ras Salk . (B) Butt Hol&r (C) Shahnaz Sheikh
(C) RobedKodr (D) Albed Satin (D) Abdul Harneed Hameedi
55. Euphonious E the oppot*f ot 65. Pakistan hosted the SAARC Summit for lhe
(A) Concordant (B) Leilrargic Iirst time in:
(C) Hamonioua (D) Cacophonic (A) 1986 (B) 1987
56. Comdete lh€ ldirmJProverb: to rob p€tsr to (c) 1988 (O) 1990
pav--J 66. The last town inside Pakistan on the
(A) Paul (B) Thomas Karakoram Highway b€tore the Chinese
(C) Elilb (D) Debt border is:
57. On July 16, 20'17 uhich counry th€ (A) Havelian (B) Diamer
first anniwrsary ot a failed military coup? (C) Hunza (D) Sost
(A) lndons*a (8) Turkey 67. Which of the following devices is used to store
(C) Yemen (D) Republic of CorEo data permanently?
58. Hanna Lake is situat€d n6ar (A) Hard Disk (B) Printer
(A) O'r€tta (B) lGradri (C) Cache (D) RAM
(C) Sialkot (O) Peshilar 68. ln the 10th Nabavi year a very dear and near
59. Which lead€r rE{rigned fto.n CdErBs party uncle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) died. What
just because it dl, rlot giw prayor bGek in its vvas his name?
sessions? (A) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
(A) Hakim Amal Khen (B) Hazrat Abu Talib (RA)
(B) Maulana Hasrat Mohani (C) Hazrat Zubair (RA)
(C) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan (D) Hazrat Abbas (RA)
(D) None of th6.' 69. Change the indirecl speech: We said, 'Bravo!
60. Whid of the fofiowi]rg Trattss was pa$ad in Shahid, you have played very well'.
the United Nalion *llh 122 votes in favoq aid (A) We exclaimed Shahid you played very
only 1 agEird, on J*t T , 2017?
(A) TEaty on tho Pr$ihlion d Ctfld L.bour (B) We applauded Shahid saYing that he had
(B) Treali ofl thc Prohibition d Prohibition of played very well
(C) We wished Shahid that he played vEry
(C) Tresty on the Proliibition of Nuclear
We advised Shahid to play well
(D) Treaty on tle Prohibitiofl of Slav€ry 70. Synonym ot "COAGUTATE' is:
61. ldentify Pakislan's larg€sl Dam in tems o, (A) Collect (B) Solidity
generating capadty: (C) Malt (D) Mix
(A) MarEla Dem (B) Telbde Dam 71. What represents the shortest pause in a
(C) Warsak Dam (O) Sabara Dam sentence?
(A) Comma (B)
(C) Semicolon (D)
72. The speed of light (miles per second) is:
' Maulana Shaukat
(A) 186000 (B) 286000
AdYanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 379
(c) 216816 (D) 1766s6 84. Complete the Proverb "A friend in need rs a
73: The All lndia Muslim League Resolution of _'
'Oivide and Quit'in 1943 was in response to (A) Notenemy (B) of others
(A) 'Quit lndia" movement of the Congress
(C) lndeed (D) of course
(B) Nehru Report E5. ln which district is the archaeological site
(C) Arya Samaj Harappa located?
(D) Moplah Revott (A) Sukker (B) Sahiwal
74. Simplify the equation 5 + 2 x 6 + 3(2) =?
(c) Thatta (D) chakwal
(A) I (B) 12 86. The 1857 War of lndependence starte.J irom:
(c) 7 (D) 5 (A) Agra (B) Lucknor
75. Where is the Mughal Emperor Zaheer-ud-Din (C) Meerut (D) Delh;
Babar buried? 87. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy' won an oscar
(A) Kabur (B) Derhi Award ,or the second time for her
(C) Ajmer Sharif (D) Ferghana movie titled
76. 'Qissa Sohni Mahiwal" was written by? ace
(A) Waris Shah B) Road to Forgiveness
(B) Mian Muhammad Baksh C) ln the Line of Duty
(C) Hashim Shah D) A Girl in the River
(D) Shah Hussain 88. Complete the ldiom "Every cloud has a silver
77. When was the first Constituent Assembly
dissolved by Govemor General Ghulam (A) Hab (B) Rain
(C) Uning (D) Shadow
(A) 1951 (B) 1952 89. ln which year did Pakistan win its first Olymprc
(c) 1953 (D) 1954 Hockey Gold Medal?
78. Complete the number series 4, 9,'13,22,35? (A) 1957 (B) 1960
(A) 57 (B) 70 (c) 196,1 (D) 1968
(c) 63 (D) 75 90. Solve the equation 9 - 3+1i3+1=?
79. Who was the author of the book "Daughter of (A) 1 (B) 3
the East'? (c) e (D) 6
(A) Mohtarma Falima Jinnah
(B) Begum Shaista lkramullah e..-{N,wfJ}"
(C) Ayesha Jalal
(D) Mohtarma Benazir Bhutt l-r Ft I (A)
80. Who was the captain of Pakistan's Cricket
team which won the T-20 championship in
)tV lD) )v (c\
(A Muhammad Hafeez -{-€,t-lt, -.,rZ"Might is right" .92
(B Misbah-ul-Haq
(c Shahid Afridi ,!,']W' 6;, -Ju:O.Ju lAl
(D Younus Khan
81. Which Commander-in-Chief of lhe Pakistan
o+{rtdr$,.f p ois(,"h <cl
Army also concunently served as Defence
Minister in the Cabinet?
t a tt 7t!<-f 4 7 ii f' d. i[ t'. tv { i{' s3
(A) Gen. Frank Maservy
(B) Gen. Ayub Khan
(C) Gen Yahya Khan
(D) Gen. Jahangar Karamat *Jt:*-g @l
82. Name the largest mammal in the world?
(A) Elephant (B) Giraffe
igvt+-./{ rct
(C) Oclopus (O) Blue Whale
83. ln which province is the town Dalbandin
'She has won two Academy Awards for the
located? documentaries Soving Foce l2O71j ond A Girl iri
(A) Punjab the Rivec The Price of Forgiveness (2015), that
(B) Sindh made her the First Pakistani Director to win two
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(D) Balochistan Academy Awards and one of only eleven female
directors to win the award for a non-fiction film.
380 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers

; - r (v,5'.1s,,;.jP ij* pl Jt;.>,*ili' rq lt:,,tt'(i,i rat

l< :r rt'<-"y ;,iid ;l* 94
t*t"tl(ii @\ l6:,J?fi{ (c't

,,, {.t4 t,,'i } i!,,o' @\ 6{ L jt<-,,,v"vt r)lOl";' .gB

cx-;'4it, 1B'1 txir;r-) p1 t;n"r./ 1a1

r/ t.t/ieil.>t:[ lc) tx,t)E @\ ur(rE[, (c)

,(j{--,tct tol ,r:' { LtJ,$ : r At l C.-() / 1-,,J: Jtz t P .99

rti gi1t,P (g r.i -tr/t / i { L t,t .ss : !Jf

i": tel jr,,rt',fi ol uct,a lll 6'tr/fi Ol
ij, p1 jk'.tt 1C1
',('l:'i'' 1g1 f& Z Ol
t+ci;",(;gov,t-V ga 91J.?- 1
.? 5 v/- itytrt,.i'. .1oo
,ld'{ g -rf'-Lr, (e) -t0'-* (g) 5t:) 61
j;?)?v (o) ,i,t',? ol j.o.tvp tot jvcfia, G)
t-vc)i9.t .,,.-giL;-,* .Sl
Answer Key
1. a 14. b 27. a 40 a 53 c 66. 79. d 92 d
2. a a 28. d 41 a u d 67. a 80. d 93 a
3. a 16. d 29. b 42 a 55 d 68. b 81. b 94 c
4. c 17. b 30. c 43 d 56 a 69. b 82. d 95 a
5. c 18. b 31. c 44 c 57 b 70. b 83. d 96 a
6. c 19. a 32. a 45 d 58 a 71. a u. 97 d
7. b 20. d 33. b 46 59 d 72. a 85. b 98. d
E. d 21. c 34. b 47 a 60 c 73. a 86. 99. b
9. c 22. b 35. c 48 a ot b 74. c 87. d 100 d
10 c 23. c 36. b 49 c 62 d 75. a 88.
11 a 24. b 37. d 50 c 63 a 76. c 69. b
12 a 25. c 38. d 5t b 64 a 77. d 90. a
IJ c 26. b 39. c 52 d 65 78. a 91. b


Wriffen Test for Recruitment to the Post of

'1. The Muslim League was founded in '1906 at: (A) East Asia
(A) Lahore (B) Delhr
(B) -South
South Easl Asia
(C) Dacca (D) Karachi (C) Asia
(D) North East A6ia
2. Paiistan is located in:
3. The present Hi.iri year is
Advanced PPqC MCQS llodet Paoerc 3A1
(A) 1425 (B) 1426 (A) 1947 (B) 1950
(cl 1427 (D) 1428 (c) 19s1 (D) 19s2
4. The maior export ot Pakistan is:
(A) Rice (B) Suqarcane
(C) Wheat (D) Cotton
5. The first Round Table Conference was held in
'1930 at:
(A) Karachi (B) Simra
(C) London
(D) Dethi
The famous Muslim Saint Baba Farid Gang
Shakar is buried at:
(C) Pakpattan
(B) Muttan
(O) KotMithan
The biggest Barrtge in Pakislan is:
(A) Taunsa Banage
(B) Kotri Banaqe
(C) Guddu Barrage
(D) Sukkhar Barrage
8. Who was the first Chief Justice of pakistan?
(A) A. R. Comelius
(B) A.R. Comelius
(C) Mian Abdul Rashid
(D) Maulana Tamizud Oin
9. What was the profession of Mohtarma Fatima
(f) ooctor (B) Lawyer
(C) Dentrst (O) Economist
10. Quaid-iAzam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined
the Muslim League in:
(A) 1906 (B) 1908
(c) 1913 (D) 1914
11. The ,amous newspapers 'Com€de and
Hamdard' were launched bv;
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 18- The famous Khyber Pass links Peshawar with:
(C) Ch. Rehmat Ali (A) Quetta (B) Chamman
(D) Allama lqbal (C) Kabul (O) Kandhar
'19. Which city is famous for handicrafts & glazed
12. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar is buried at;
(A) Oehli (B) Ati Garh pottery?
(C) Bait-ul-Maqdis (D) London (A) Sialkot {B) Faisatabad
13. lndus Water Treaty was signed during the
(C) Mullan (D) Gujranwata
regime of: 20. Gawadar is in:
(A) Ayub Khan (B) Z. A. Bhuno (A) Punjab
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan (D) Pervez Musharal (B) Sindh
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
14. Which counlry is localed in the norlh of (D) Balochistan
(A) Afghanistan (B) tndian 21. Pakistan has a coastline' of.
(C) China (D) tran (A) 800 km (B) 700 km
'15. Kala Bagh is in:
(C) 600 km (D) 500 km
(A) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 22. Gomal University is in:
(B) Puniab (A) Quetta (B) D.G. Khan
(C) Sindh (C) Peshawar (O) Oera lsmail Khan.
(D) Balochistan 23. Who is the President ol lndia?
16. The Objectives Resolulion was passed in:
(A) Manmohan Singh
(A) 1947 (B) 1948 (B) Pralibha Patil
(c) 1949 (D) 1950 (C) Sonia Gandhi
17. Pakistan Joined the United Nations in:
'Coastline of Pakistan i5 1,046 km
{650 mi)
}Ez Actvanced PPSC nCQs nodel Pao?,.s
(D) Abdul Kalam 37. The Headquarters of World Bant E in:
(A) NewYoIk (B) C'eneva
24. The dominant source of employment in (C) Washington DC (D) London
Pakistan is:
(A) Trade 38. Pakirtan's edimeH poBration in 2012 is:
(B) Agriculture (A) 180 mi ion (B) 160 miflion
(C) Public Service Seclor (C) 150 millim (D) 150 milion
(D) Marufacturing 39. lr lation mearc:
25. Ourand Line is lhe boundary belvueen (A) lncrers€ in overall prices
Pakistan and: (B) Oectea3e in pdces
(A) lran (B) lndia (C) lnqease in lh. hmily income
(C) China (D) AEhanEtan (D) lncrease in the purchaing pore.
26. The largest industry of Pakistan is: 40. Per Cadta incomo rn€ns:
(A) Cotton Tenib (A) lncom€ per pcrson
(B) Sugar lndustry (B) lncome per tamily
(G) Cement lndustry (C) Ave"ge income of a cqmtry
(D) Steel lndustry (O) A\€rage income of a city
27. The totsl number of seats in the Senale of 41. Pakistan's total ar€a under cuiiyalion B:
Pakistan is: (A) 20% (B) 2506
(A) 104 (B) 105 (c) 30% (o) 35%
(c) 110 (D) 112 42. Pakistan's lary€st food crop is:
28. IMF stands for: (A) Rice (B) Sugarcane
(A lnternational Management Fund (C) wheat (D) Pulses
(B lnternational Monetary Fund
(c lnvestmenl Monetary Forum
43. Tlre L6ader of Opposition in the National
Asssmbly is:
lnvestment Managemenl Force (A) Ch. Pet\rez Elahi
29. GDP stands for: (B) Ch. Nisar Ali
(A) Gross Domestic Producl (C) Mr.Raza Rabbani
(B) General Defense Policies (D) Ch. Shuiaat Hu$ain
tC) Generat Development Plans Fill in the Blanks with appropriale wod.
(D) General Development ProFds
30. The world's most popuk us city is: 44. Alcohol is injurious _ h€alth.
(A) London (B) Tokyo (A) for (B) to
(C) with (D) of
(C) NewYork (D) N6w York
45. The old man is blind _ one eye.
31. 10 Downing Street is the oflicial residence of: (A) from (B) in
(A) French Fresident (C) ot (O) wilh
(B) Queen of England
(C) British Prime Minister .16. lt is ten O'dock _ my watch.
(D) American Presidenl (A) by (B) on
32. Wimbledon Tennis Grounds in:
(C) in (o) with
(A) Australia (B) France 47. He agrced _ my proposal.
(C) England (D) G6rmany (A) with (8) for
(C) to (D) on
33. The Muslim country with largest population is:
(A) Bangladesh (B) Pakistan Which urord is wrongly spelt in the bllowing?
(C) Malaysia (D) lndonesia 48. (A) Nursery (B) Secondary
34. Bill Gates is the founder of: (C) Liberary (D) Primary
. (A) HP (B) Apple 49. (A) Toumament (B) Omament
(C) Microsofi (D) Dell (C) Govermeht (D) Refreshment
35 Fiscal year is from: 50. (A) Begger (B) Scholar
(A) June 'l to June 30 (C) Controller (D) Liar
(B) July I to June3o
(C) June 15 to July 15 5'1. (A) Honesl (B) Parfect
(D) July 1 to August 3'l (C) Loyal (D) Popular
36 Pakistan's economy has suffered in lhe past 52. Enormous rneans:
due to. (A) Had (B) Huge
(A) Fast growing population (C) Amazing (D) Many
(B) Confrontation with lndia 53. The horseman pulbd the _ of the
(C) lnternal political disputes horse.
(D) All of these (A) reigns (B) rains
Ad,ilc.dPPttc ICA3 & 383
(C) reins (D) ranes 70. A rs€tangle ha3 I length of 16 cm and a
54. lndustrious means: b(oadth of 3 cm. Whal is the area?
(A) Successtul (B) Sensible (A) 46 cm (B) 48 cm'
(C) Oiligent (O) Labourer (C) 19cm (D) l|8cm
55. Commence means: 71. 3 i6 written ae a haclion is:
(A) Arrange (B) Understand
(C) Try (D) Begin (A) 3.7 (B) 0.037
56. Opposite of conlracl E:
(c) (D) 37.00
(A) Subtrect (B) Expand 72. Wrcn you divide 0.7 by 10 you will get:
(C) Attracl (D) lncrease (A) 7 (B) 0.07
(c) 70 (o) 0.007
57. A long sbhted person c€nnot see obiecls
which arc: 73. tn e dass of 550 stud€nls 42% wish to go to
(A) Far (B) Near college. How many wish to atlend lhe college?
(A) 108 (B) 2r0
Both far & near (D) Coloured
58. Which of the following is a renewable source
(c) 231 (Dl 252
o{ eneqy? 71. ln a dass of 20 boys & 2E grrls, the
(A) Coal(B) Crude Oil percentage of girls is:
(C) Water
(D) Gas (A)
(B) .18%
(O) 70%
59. Which component o, di€t prevents
. constipation? 75. What per cent of 12 is 3?
(A) Minsrals (B) Fiber . (A) 45% (B) 2s%
(C) Protein (D) Vrtamins (c) 30% (o) 20%
60. Whid ot lhe follolrving has maximum calories? 76. 18 iE 75% of?
(A) Cartohydrales (8) Proteins (A) 24 (B) 28
(C) Fats (D) Vnamins (c) 34 (D) 32
61. Sunlight is a good source of:
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B
7t{ fi ef,,!-wit tt: 4 cti(A)i tt
(C) Yrtamin C (D) Mtamin D 27 lBl 21
30 (D) 29 (C)
02. Th€ hob developed in the Ozone layer is
over: t<_0L.11f6.8t,,!,t" n
(A) Arciic (B) Alaska
(C) Antarclica (D) Amazon
Jvzs Ft Juzs $l
63. ln Pakistsn the sale of cigerettes is prohibited
to persons under the age of: Jr,so to) Jvzz (c't
(A) 20 (B) 18
(c) 16 (D) 15 rtr.utLJ lcr t/Jv,( ffiy,l o7 .ts
64. Programmes written to make compuler
function in a desired way are called: 6,frJ'(Bt 6l; @t
(A) Codes (B) Pacts
(C) Software (O) lnstruclions
,, 6f,4 lD\,,{ {c\
65. The bost conductor ol electricity is:
(A) kon (B) Copper t Z$s c-ohvL dirJ oP rt / Liv ao
(C) Steel (D) Silver ' Lbs/.!e/ rA)
66. The uncharged parlicle in atom is called:
(A) Proton (B) Electron 'J'Lo? @l
(C) tl€utron (D) Molecule
67. The speed of sound is _ the speed of lLu'{to? rct
(A) greater than (B) equalto ' t
JE,+s.yeP (D)
(C) lesser than (D) 1/10of
68. 0.26 + 100 = ? t,l,t J t; *!i {'f ,J, tJ, & 6,:-. er } et
(A) 0.026 (B) 0.0026
(c) 26 (D) 0.00026 &t <rt ,b (A)

69. 5,14E rounded off to the nearest 1000 is: .stz (o) 4 G\
(A) 5400 (B) s000
(c) 4500 (D) 6000
3a{ Adyrrc.dFFSC rcOr loerPacls
<7 tUv,./C,t;,,,L$g qf,rL*o,a .az tVt,J,t,L;/ jlL6!t-. );)v, s1

slt i c)t;Jt*/ (B) ,)vcl-;wt (al

lfrop F) L,vot+;or $) J0-* pl ,?t4rtii lc)
A'pf pt iVP.2f Gl t
avt r$. l',/ Lc)t' oP* f ,x' { )$r-tt, .sz
rGv s{/V2 c--.(:,tb { u *d-g yl .s3 d=/ @\ 6J
,d G' )Vov) (o)
,T OI JsJy tct
2. (Dt Jv Gl I
a{ -', i.,i ",,v {E /z-'i" .st
y-r,;r^l/i,,-/,Vu,t .u t/+f @l ctv (A)
Ar.z? (B) i'io7 61 ,li (o) o'9( p1
'ifeP tol (rllt/ (c) t-V'eir,!j.vJ h' s4
+{dos }'Gdi,-/Af oi i .as J,(;:ir @) ,jli Ol
.ebti (B\
'arty 1e1 o,$et/ pt j,&),t 1c1
Jr:'ry p1 OF,* lc) -?=l'('a.>" s5
tut,eil,L,.fui)t* ,w , ,il,{ @ J., (A)
j,uSo7 F) 3u.[4or 6) 64t (ot f, lcl
Arfi-? 1o1 a,h1.$.7 1c1
-+=b("=ir" .x
$iJiiOdcr,,{a;u .at j,2+ ter ,ybr (^)
$fD (Bl t|.fr4 ol *,2 (Ol 2t (C)

t!,fr\ e) O,1ct tcl ta5,c#qr-;tl;a,r. st

t e, Yi'r;rQv t/G JYoi i .ae ul gta.;,2-.r 111
"tlep 6l et,-;"ir,li" @\
"t/6$cty.z,? (Bl t';;UU g)
L*u+;;r? (c,l fiJlc;il;t rot
' '*A;tU'>/ (D\
ti ,/.r;7e j;,.,j..,".' sa
r._d r!,,/,,,f E (4 ?, _t,i, ? .as xu,/ @) .iit'uY 61
,fo(i.a p'1 6,uJA ol .f2s-,4p\ ,.1 C."t tcl

Oq!;t;+ @l i,1/eM (c) t;LrL/{J*rLJ^.- gg

t vE {{.-tLV x.,? --4,r!,-v,;lvdw t .so d,y ot ,v 6)
4@ ,f ,o, si@t dgt
J (o) jt (c) t ; -4n i,.,,. i / 1-... too
Advanced PPSC lrcQs itode, Pape's 385

,JIIVP 6t jvt'-,wt (c)

Jh-* Fl ,j,jt pt
Answer Key
't. c 't4 27 a 40. a 53 c 66 c 79 9?. a
2. c 't5 b 28 b 41. d 54 c 67 c 80 a 93. a
? d 16 c 29 a 42. 55 d 68 b 81 b 94. d
4. d '17 a 30 b 43. b 56 c 69 b 6Z c 95. a
c '18 c 31 c 44. b 57 b 70 b 83 b 96. a
6. c 19 32 c 45. b c 71 a 84 97. d
7. d 20 d 33 d 46. a 59 b 7? b 85 a 98. d
8. c 21 b 34 c 47. c bU c 73 86 b 99. c
9. c 22 d 35 b 48. c 61 d 74 c 87 e 100. b
10 c 23 b 36 d 49. 62 c 75 b 88 c
11 a 24 b c 50. a 63 b 76 a 89 d
12 c 25 d 38 a 51. b 64 c 77 c 90 d
IJ a 26 a 39 a 52. b 65 d 78 d 91 b


suB tNSpEcToR coopERATlvE soctETtEs (BS-11)


1. The term of office of a Judge of lntemational (C) He exclaimed sorowfully that it was a
Court of Justice is: cold day.
(A) Five Years (B) Six Years (D) He exclaimed that it was a very coldday.
(C) Nine Years (O) Ten Years 8. ln Computer Scrence, UNIVAC is:
2. The final of 1992 Cricket World Cup was held (A) Universal Automatic Computer
(B) Universal Anay Computer
(A) Sydney (B) Melboume (C) Unique Automatic Computer
(C) Adelaide (O) Perth (O) Unvalued Automatic Computer
3. The Attabad Lake is located in: 9. She asked, "Whal are they doing?' Find the
(A) Swat most suitable indarect sentence.
(B) Sindh (A) She wanted to know what lhey have been
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa doin9.
(D) Gilgit-Baltistan (B) She wanted to know what they are doing.
(C) She wanted to know what they were
4. Complete the number series: 10, 5, 13, 10. doin9.
22 _.
16, 20, 19, (D) She wanted to know that what they were:
(A) (B) 40 doing.
(c) 38 (o) 23
10. Which river falls in lndus near Attack?
5. The winner of first "World Blind T20 Cricket (A) Chenab (B) Bolan
Cup'is: (C) Kabul (D) Jhelum
(A) Pakistan (B) lndia
(C) New Zealand (D) Sn Lanka 11. SADEQUAIN was a distinguished
ot Pakistan.
6. When was Ourand Line established? (A) Diplomat (B) Athlete
(A) 1947 (B) 1900 (C) Painter (O) Teacher
(c) 1893 (O) 1675
12. What is the area comdetely sunounded by
7. Choose the most suitable indirecl torm of the land called?
sentence: He said to her, 'what a cold day!' (A) Landslide (8) Lockland
(A) He said that it was a cold day. (C) Landlocked (D) Landlorm
(B) He told her that il was a cold day.
itt6 frfrarrdPPSCfCosfr*lAocrs
13. ln which state of lndiai Nuclear accident took (A) Bold (B) Superscript
pta@? (C) ltalic (D) Regular
(A) TamilNadu (B) Raiasthan
26. . ln 19'18 tho misrion s€rit by the Brinsh
(C) Guiret (D) Karanatak
Govomm€ , waE call€d:
1.1. B€to(€. in@ndanca Timor Le6ti9 (brfirer (A) Sirnon Commi3sion
Earl Tinor) uas pe.f of (B) Crippo llissim
(A) lndon€lri9 (B) Phitppin€s (C) Cat n6t Milsaon
(C) Franae (D) Sen€gat . (D) Boundary CommBlion
15. l ,hich is ttr€ third monlh in th€ blamic 27. 'Nariga Pabaf E lhe famous mountsin Peak
calendar? ot
(A) Ramadsn (B) Mdrarem (A) KaEkoram rangE
(C) Rat -aLAwat (D) Sahr (B) Himalayas range
16. To inv6til€tG certain ofiBnces induding (C) Hindu Kuahrang€
corruption, Fed€ral Inv$tigation Ag€ncyflA (D) Sulaiman range
was estauish€d in Pakistan 28. F]om wii$ word'Aqe6da' E derived?
PrEirident Ayub Xhdr (A) Aqd (B) Acald
Prime Minder Z.A Bhutto
(C) General Yahya Khan
(C) Aqle€d (D) Taqleed
(D) Pr€sidont Zia ul Haq 29. Ihe largdt Am€rican Stata by Population is:
(A) Calitcrnia (B) Ftaxir,a
17. Name lhe capital of Czecfi Republic. (C) T6xas (D) Non€ ofthes€
(A) Minsk (B) Pragu€
30. 'Nahiul Balagha' is eutho.ed by:
(C) Brrdapsst (D) Brxiharest (A) H.aal Abu Eakar (R.A.)
I 8. ln the fields of Co.nprrEB VGA si'r& hc (B) tt zrat Urnar (R.A)
(A) Vitleo€rafiics Aray (C) Hazrel Usman (R.A.)
(B) Vlsual Graphics Array (D) Hazral Ali (R.A.)
(C) \,/tsfrb cr.phlca AtarEerrE il
(O) None ot these 31. lifcnffiy lhe plurel ol th.lgNwn word: '$or}/
(A) Sloryl (B) Sto.itE
19. PakBbn'3 p€rmarlenl rcpresentativc in 0re (C) Siory* (D) Srofecs
United Nations b:
(A) Uunir Asam 32. Th€ mein Charaaedstics of "Osdt V8[e)f in
(B) Dr. Ualeehs Lodhi Celibmbis:
(C) Masood A,xrl6d Kherl
(A) Pollulirn (B) Humklity
(D) (C) Vcgot lion (D) Vcry Hor
Non€ of thGs.
20. Synonym d 'Flimsy is: 33. The uncfiaqod p.rtid€ in an Atom L cell€d:
(4) Rcal (B) Adoqu.b ( ) mon (B) Neuron
(C) PGitir€ (D) Fregil€ (C) Ebcron (D) PGiron
21. Wtridr cornponent ot thc dic[ prwoflts 31. Fill in the bbnk with cofr€d prBpoition. The
cak€ wa3 3har€d Ali& Ferhan.
(A) Fiber (B) UinGrats (A) Arnong . --lEi-Etrcen
(c) ProtBin (D) vrtamins (c) wrh (D) To
22. Ita h(rtr6t lilerec, raie among the South 35. What E the aqa ot a triangle having bass
Asigr counlrbs is in: 19m .nd ipioht 7m?
(A) PakEtrn (B) lndia (A) 45 m'z -- (B) 55 m2
(C) MaHives (D) lil€p.l (C) 66.5 m' (D) 133 m'-
23. Whi$ on€ of lhe blloring b the mo€t 36. Addis Ababa B a tamou8 city of
pow€rful compute, (A) Sudan (B) Ethiopia
(A) PoEonal Computer (C) Congo (D) Morocco
(B) Super Comp(rtsr 37. ?frn. Zam B fi, rpring ot uater Otat €nrarg€d
(C) Mobile Computer tom b6n€dt the f€.t of Hazret lsnaod (A.S),
(O) Pow€r Computer in the va[.y of _ Whal ts Ute
24. Who was the CMlian Chhf Martiat rnaning of Ztm Zam?
Administrrtor in Pakistan? (A) AShJa (B) To sbp
(A) Z.A Bhrrllo (B) Awb Khan (C) Tolk (D) Al-Rahmet
(C) Yahaya Xhan (D) Zh ut Haq 36. Whi$ r.girncnt of Pekirtan Army ha3
25. ln MS Word whicfi of the foltouing is not a brf ]lclired maximum numbeB of 'NiqDan-€-
style? lteftlei:
(A) RrgitrE I COs odolPaof,rs 397

(B) Sind Regiment (c) Cyprus (D) Spain

(C) Punjab Regim€nt
(D) Fronti€r Force Regimet
39. Choose thc conEd spelling from the dt fling:
(A) Sr&€rintsndent (B) Sup€ritend€nt r16ffiEo MCQS
(C) Sup€rintan&nt (D) Sup€rirtend€nt
40. The G20 is a leading brum of:
(A) Undefileveloped counties
(B) lshmic counfies
(C) Maior economies AF FA-I.R-S, I S,T U DI.ES
(O) South Asian counfies
rl1. Fill ln the $ritabb p.epositons: They li\re in I 'a
Itat the shop."
(A) About (B) Over 7
(C) At (D) None of ft€se in, L{.d I UrdLa ldns
42. The first Ciainmn of senato wa3:
(A) Hatib UlLh Khsn Marx,at
(B) Ghulam lshaq Khan
(C) Syed Fad Agha
(D) Wasim Sajiad
.l3. The use of computor E affadiye b€cause of
ad.-i IEcludiry
its: Pa8l Papers
(A) Acctrssy (B) Reliabalily
(C) Spe6d (D) Allofthese
.!t. Nchon Mandela dird in JolEnrEsburg o.r:
(A) 5 Dec2013 (B) 5 Dec 2014
(C) 5 t)€c2015 (D) 5 O€c 2016
45. Whidr is tho lar!€6t planet in lhe sohr
system? 52. ln which pact lhe Hhdus and the Muslim
(A) lreturv (B) JnFilor agre€d on separale eleclorates for Muslim?
(C) Venur (D) Mar! (A) Congress-LeagueAccord
tl6. Alon$id€ a *al d 25 nrctGrs long, 26 tEes (B) Reforms Pact
(C) Lucknow Pact
.rc plented at equd dHanccs, on€ t,ee b€ing (D) Delhi Agreement
st cadr Bnd ot tlo yard. Wh€t i8 thG dEtance
bGlwa{r tuo coarsacrnive A16? 53. Kalimah-€-Tayyaba is lhe first Kalimah. Name
(A) 8m (B) 9m the second Kalimah.
(c) 10 m (D) 11 m (A) f\alimah-e-Tamjeed
(B) Kalimah-eTayyaba
47. The hird PGF rcmen's Amal,Bur' Gol, (C) Kalimah-e.Shahadat
Champioflship was hold in Mani 2018 in: (O) None of these
(A) Karachi (B) Lahore
(C) Elamabad (D) PeshaYrar 54. "Cbved is:
rl8. Thimphu E th€ cadtal dty of: (A) An adverb (B) A noun
(C) A pronoun (D) An adiecitive
(A Lao3
(B Bolivia 55. Change the Passive Voice of lhe following
(c Paprja ilew Guin€a sentence: Our lives are being spent in
(D Bhutan expeclation
(A) We used to spend our lives in expeclation
49. Which of the following units is ozone layer (B) We are spending our lives in expeclation
thid(ness exprass€d in? (C) We spent our lives in expectation
(A) Joule (B) Metro (O) We spend our lives in erpeclalions
(C) Oobson (D) Pound
56. Fill in the blank: Thb town is 10 meters
50. lf x+y=6,y+z--7atfi z+x=9,the s€a level.
a\€rage (arithmetic mean) of x, y and z is:
(A) 11/3 (Bl 1'V2
(C) Above
(B) on
(O) At
(cl 22R (D) 11
57. Dr. Muhammad Younus was honoured with
51. Tripoli is lhe capital ol:
Nobel Peac€ Prize, in:
(A) Burma (B) Libya'
388 Adlranc€d ppSC ,lces nodel paoers
(Al 2002 (B) 2OO4 71. ln the coordinate plane the vertical tine is
(c) 2006 (D) 2OO8 called:
58. 148 is divisibte by: (A) x-axis (B) y-axis
(A) 21 (B) 37 (C) origrn (D) None of these
(c) 17 ioi aa 72. How much blood does a normal person has in
59. What is the antonyrn of "Latent'? his body?
(A) Unspoken (B) Discrete (A) 5% of body weight
(C) Obvious (D) tmpticit (B) 7olo ot body weighr
60. Microsoll Power Poinl is used to create: . (C) 10% of body weight
(O) 20% of body weight
(A) Accounts (B) presentations
(C) Summaries (D) A[ of thes€ 73. 1280 Kilometers arb nearly equalto:
(A) 1000 miles (B) 800 mites
61. Who inaugurated the State Bank of pakistan? (C) 940 miles (D) None of these
(A) Ouaid-e-Azam
(B) Liaquat Ali Khan 74 Choose the most suitabte indirect speech of:
(C) Ch. Muhammad Ati She said to him. "Go down stairs.
(O) Ghulam Muhammad (A) She told him to 90 downslarrs.
(B) She said him to go downstarrs.
62. Simplify: 2 x 12 = 75o/o ot 336 (C) She told hrm that to go dolvnstairs.
(A) 48 (B) 3s (D)
(c) 28 iol zt
She told him to went downstairs
75. The Urdu-Hindr controversy is said to be the
63. Hazral.Amna (RA), mother of Holy prophet is forerunner of the Two Nation Theory When
buried in: did this controversy begin
(A) Mecca (B) Madina (A) 1857 (B) 1860
(C) Abwa (O) yesrub (c) 1862 (D) 1867
6,4. The beginning of the Mughat Empire is dated 76. Central Processi ng Unit (CPU) consEts of
to the victory by Babar over: A) Control Unit (c u)
(A) Usman Lodhi (B) tsmait Lodhi B) Arithmetic LoSic Unit (ALU)
(C) lbrahim Lodhi (D) Bahtut Lodhi C) Both A and B
65. Name the viceroy whose time has been D) None of these
described as the "seeding tjme of lndian Shah Abdul Latif wro(e his poetry in:
(A) Lord William Bentinck
(A) Puniabi (B) Pushio
(B) Lord Rippon
(C) Sindhi (D) Batochi
(C) Lord Lytton 78 ? Trojan horse" rneans:
(D) Lord Cuzon (A) A person exercising absolute DorEr
(B) An agent in disguise used against, or by
66. ln MS Excel 2007. whal symbotis used before the enemy
a number to make it a label? (C) Hors€s reared by inhabitant of Troy
(A) " (quote) (B) = (equat) (O) None ofthese
(C) - (underscore) (D) '(apostrophe)
79 Th€ headquarter of OPEC is situated in
67. Which Surah in the Holy Ouran mainly'
expleins the oneness of Altati the Almighty? (A) ran (B) Austria
(A) Surah Al-Ma'oon (C) Saudi Arabia (D) Kuwait
(B) Surah Al-lkhlas
(C) Surah Al-Feel 80 The second most abundant metal found in the
(D) Surah Al-Kausar Earth's cnlst is:
(A) lron (B) Aluminium
68. 'Muzdailfah' is the area between.
(A) Makkah and Madina
(C) Calcium (D) Sodium
(B) Makkah and Mina 81 Which one the following medical condition is
(C) Madina and Mina caused by the high exposure of radiation?
(D) Arafat and Mina (A) Kidney Stone (B) A|DS
(C) Blood Prcssure (O) Mutatiofl
69. What is the lowest score of pakistan in ODI
cricket record? Which oJ lhe following is not an example of
(A) 43 runs (B) 25 runs exhaustible resources of the earth available to
(C) 30 runs (D) 52 ruhs man?
(A) Coal (B) Naturaloas
70. Khyber Pass is situated in lhe; (C) Petroleum (D) Warer -
(A) Karakorum range (B) Sutaiman range
(C) Hrdukush rangC (D) Himalyan ranle
AdvtncedPPSC CQs odet Paoers 389
83. Table mountain is a flat topF,ed mountain
located in: c;vt'! Jt' ;,e' I L -' i.L' pl
(A) South Africa (B) Tanzania
(C) Somalia (O) Nigeria . ?6?rti/tJhl .s3
84. The lslamic Mililary Alliance to Fight Tenorism
(IMAFI), is an inlergovemmental counter-
.fi:,it;t,r- I.€:J,i
terrorist alliance of Muslim countries. lts
headquarler is located in: ':, CV,./i,
(A) Afghanistan (B) lran
(C) Pakistan (O) SaudiArabia JV,J-tv @l .H,t',? fet
85. Falklands war was foughl between U.K and
Argentina in:
,!v(;,2' 1oy 'vw (c)
(A) 1982 (B) 1983
(c) 1984 (D) 1985 -?-JL'(J? s4
86. John Gurnng de Mabior is well known ,or t:.>l (B) ,rt, lAl
(A) South Africa (B) South Sudan )x*t lD) ,r' lC)
(C) East Taimor (D) Namibia
87. Which one of the following is not an operating t6{i-.;',/*v-z-t, .ss
(A) Linus
(C) Windows XP
(O) Mac OS
sv,,tlttr @1 jtroT 61
6E. Complete the number series: 14, 28,20,40,
j, o (c)
32,U, _
(A) s6 (B) 46 Jh, e.,t L" To blow one's own trumpet " .96
(c)58 (D) 48
89. The Security Council has _ Non- -{-e''t
permanent members.
(A) 8 (B) 10 . u
ntiliz.) (Al
(c\ 12 .
(D) 15 *{'r5t.V p1
90. Pakistan has signed and ratified United
Nations: y' St4 :,'" r 1C1
(A) Combating Oesertification and Drought
(B) lntemational Convention on Climate Y-ir{;v}:i',-f> @l
(C) lntemational Labour Convention on Chitd
Labour -;r,i-6\l9.>,,t .st
(D) All of these
{te'/.i / 4c,tv (A)
ttfu/fi:'''':" st yi,'t u' 7 c.-i2tt (81

rai j;,!"t*6,y;;1" i@'t:/- irt (c) .

-(,r)[,4r7-,a6;;g 6,tr2i/+llt (o,

;u,. (B) .-i

rJu (el
-{ | ? {:, -n,,v"t +J't" .sg
Jl,, rol ?-zjo- pl .tv,!g g, 1e1

,J,g|r @,
- i st;;,f €',,)vq *",. f J-t,!Juc,t, sz
(ll-/l '''"t' (Al -{,!i; pt
.;r6nu.;-ot.,[oi py
dtJutlt'tict' @l
&-t**? t 1 Jb,t/i'(.-,,v ui t dE. t jA * .ss
t)'{@l JE,a:-tt, : 6)
390 Adyrnced PPSC ffies odet paoers

(o) e'/ir- I G) ?,r@\ tf ftt,7 6y

I a;P t!,,/ t,, ;t,i:too. :.,ryi 7t- py :/81c1
Answer Key
1. c 14 a 27 b 40 c 53 c 66. b 79 b 92. a
2. b 15 c 28 a 41 d 54 d 67. b 80 a 93. b
3. d 16 b 29 a 42 a 55 b 68. d 81 d 94. a
4. b 17 b 30 d 43 d 56 c 69. a 82 d 95. b
5. b 18 a 31 b 44 a 57 c 70. c 83 a 96. c
6. c 19 b d 45 b 58 b 71. b u d 97. c
7. c 20 d 33 b 45 b AO c 72. b 85 a 98. a
E. a 21 a u b 47 c 60 b 73. b 86 b 99. c
9. d 22 c 35 c 48 d 61 a 71. a E7 b 100 c
10 c 23 b 36 b 49 c 62 d 75. d 88 a
11 c 24 a 37 b 50 a 63 c 76. c 89 b
12 25 b 38 c 51 b c 77. c 90 d
13 b 26 c 39 a 52 65 c 78. b 91 b

(REGION WSE) (BS-rl) -2017
1. Fill in tha Uank The lectrre 7. 'Chennai' is the new name of f,,hich lndian
yesierday was r€ally impressive. city:
(A) Gave (B) Spoke (A) Madras (B) Paina
(C) irade (D) DetiveIed (C) Agra (D) Lucknow
2. ltlhk$ orle ot thc Pious Caliphs joined the first E. The Synonym of 'Hypothetical' is:
migralbn lo Habsha? (A) Speculative (B) Variabte
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
(B) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(C) Real (D) Assembling
(C) tLezrat Usnsn (RA) 9. What does PAC stands for:
(D) Hazat Ali (RA) (A) Pakistan Atomic Council
(B) Publac Accounts Committee
3- Thc 6rst Chi.f Minister of Puniab aier (C) Puniab Agricuhure Corporation
ind€p€ndence was: (D) Public Audit Code
(A) Mian nikhar ud Oin
(B) Sardar Abdur Rab NEhlar 10. The unit of electric cunent is:
(C) liilfier Hussain smoot (A) Ohm (B) Watt
(D) Uumlaz Muhammad Khan Daultana (C) Ampere (D) Joule
4. Who wes Sicekrr? 1 1. Which of the following printers producers the
(A) Wazir ot Haiiaj Bin Yousef besl quality graphics reproduclion?
(B) Wazir of Muhammad Bin Qasim (A) Laser printer
(C) Wazir of Raia Dahir (B) lnkiel printer
(D) Nooe of tx}se (C) Dot malrix printer
(D) All produce same quality prints
Synonrm of Malice is:
(A) Kind ( B) Pleasant surprise 12. Which one of the following is considered to be
(C) Oesire ( D) Hatred one of the fathers of intemet?
(A) Mnton Gray Cen
6. Adstotle wasa_ phatosopher (B) Bi[ Gates
(A) Roman ------iEl breer (C) Charles Babbage
(C) G€rm.n (D) Fr€nctt (O) Steve Jobs
Adr.EcdloPSC roor Xod.l P.o.rr 391
13. For how many years did the Caliphate ol (A) China (B) Egypt
Hazat Abu Eakr (R.A) last? (C) lran (O) lndia
(A) Two ysars (B) Three years 26. Wten YUas the first sesion of the first
(C) Four Fars (D) Five y€ars Constituent Assemuy of Pakistan held?
14. What was thc real narne of Genghis Khan? ll
(A) August 1947 (B) 14 August 1947
(A) Temulin (B) Ogader (C) 19 Augusl 1947 (D) 3 Seplemb€r 1947
(C) GhagatrBi (D) Timur 27. 10a + 10b = 35 f,fiat is the average
15. The second higtEst mountain peak in th. (arilhmetic mean) of a and b?
wodd, 'Goodwin Austin', is located in (A) 1.75 (B) 35
(c) 7 (D) 10
(A) Nepal (B) Bhutan 28. Ahmad Shah Massoud was a prominent
(C) Pakistan (O) China l6e(br of fie Norfiem Alliance in Atghenistan.
16. Whidr ons of tho following LeadeE took pa To whidl elhnic Aroup did he belong?
in Pr6id6ntial Elections? . (A) Pashtun (B) Uzbek
(A) ShaEta lkram Ullah (C) Taiik (D) Haza6
(B) Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
(c) Raana Liaqat Ali Khan 29. Antorrym of "INDOLENT'is:
(A) Oesirable (B) Adequate
(D) Begum Shahnawaz (C) lnd(rnant (D) Energetic
17. lf 2 p6ns and 3 pencisl cost Rs. 86 and 4 pens 30. ln whi6 month lilisbah-ul-Haq b€camc ths
and one pencil RB. I12, then frd lhe cosl of a firsl Pakisleni lo play 50 matches as Test
pon and thal of a pencil.
(A) Pen Rs. 3s/Poncil Rs. '10 C.ptain?
(B) P€n R3. 19/ Pencil Rs.9 (A) November 2016 (B) August 2016
(C) September 2016 (D) Oclober 2016
(C) Pen R3. 20, Pendl Rs. 11
(O) Pen R3. 25/ Pencil R3. 12 31. Th€ lndien National Congress was founded
tE. Whirr dem was hrilt first in FakEtan? (A) M.K Gandhi (B) Lord Wavel
(A) WEr! k (B) MsEla (c) A.O.Hume (D) Nehru
(C) Tarbela (D) Khushdil Khan
32. lndus rf,ater treaty ryas signed between
19. Hazrat Amina (RA), mother of the Holy Pakistan & lndia in:
Prophet (PBUH), blonged to wtrich tribe? (A) 1957 (B) 1e60
(A) Eanu Makhzoom (B) Banu Asad (c) 1948 (D) 1961
(C) Eanu Zohra (D) Banu Ummayah
33. Which party was absent from the third Round
20. The synonym of'Ruins" is;
Table Conference?
(A) Wildeme$es (B) Paces (A) lndian National Congress
(C) DBintegration (D) Exeretions (B) Muslim League
21. lryhich of the following instruments is us6d to (C) Nationalist Party
measure earlhquake magnitude? (O) None of these
(A) LectorEter (B) tuemomefer 34. When was the Liaqat Ali Khan assassinated in
(C) Seismograph (D) .Bro'Ilc{er Rawalpindi?
22. Manchester Uniled is the name of a: (A) '16 August 1951
(A) Crty (B) l6 September 195'l
(8) Foolball Club (C) 16 October 1951
(C) A Charity Organizalior-l (O) 16 November 195'l
(D) Polo Club 35. A computer mainly consists of eleclronic:
23. Chenge the Passive Voice of the follo ing (A) Connections (B) Transistors
s€ntgnce: Our lives are being spent in (C) Circuits (D) Chips
expactation 36. Which one of the following is the title of Hazrat
(A) We uscd to sp€nd our lit/€s in axpectalion Musa (A.S)?
(B) We ar6 sponding our lives in expectetion (A)Roohullah (B) Safiullah
(C) We spent our lives in expectation (C)Khalilullah (D) Kaleem Ul Allah
(O) We spend our liv6s in expectation
24. Find th6 squar€ ot 35: 37. He is a famous Muslim historian iurist,
philosopher as well as a politician of the 14th
(A) 175 (B) r12s century.
(c) 1225 (D) 1215 (A) lbne Rushd (B) lbn Khaldun
25. 'Acupunciure' madical featnenl hec ilt origin (C) lbne Batuta (D) Al Khwarizmi
392 A.tvancel PPSC MCes ncdet paf,ers
38. lf A and B-together can complete a iob in 15 (c) 2 A.H
days and B alone can mmplete in 20 days in (o) 3 A.H
how many days c:ln A alone complete job:
(A) 60 (B) 45 51 On his rvay back from the Battle of Tabook.
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered'
(c) 40 (D) 30
demolition of which mosque?
39. Which of the following group of animals are (A) Quba lB) zara(
c€lled herbivore? (C) Shuhada (D) Namra
(A) That feed on meat and olants
(B) That five in water Ata-ullah Shah Bukhari was the leader ot:
(C) That feed on plants and leafy products (A) Jamat-e-lslami
(O) That feed on meat (B) Jamat Ulema-elslam
(C) Majlis-e-Ahrar
40. Which o, the following is the correct (O) Khaksar Party
(A) She was dressed with black 53 Complete the idlom/proverb, Time is a great
(B) She was dressed in black
(C) She tt/as dressed for black IAI-FeeEi (B) Healer
(O) She was dressed of black (C) Dealer (D) Wheeler
41. Simplify: 5 + 6 , 3 + 2 + 2 54 Whrch country among the followrng rs situated
tA\ 22 (Bt 10.s
on the equator?
(A) Kenya
lC) 2't iDi None or these (C) Sudan
(B) Ethropia
(D) A of the rhese
42. Who was lhe first Secretary General ofUN?
(A) U Than (B) Dao 55 Of the which one is a mititary
(C) Kurl Watdheim iOt fry-gev lre alliance?-following
43. Which one of the following areas in pakistan (C) NAFTA (D) OECO
is known for largest lron Ore deposils?
(A) Chitrat (B) Katabagh 56. The men's singles event of the Australian
(C) Salr Range iOi Ctragt - Open Tennis Championships 2016 was won
,14. Which of the following branches does not (A) Roger Federer (B) Novak Diokovic
involve question related to values? (C) Rafael Nadal (D) Andy Mu:nay
(A) Moral (B) Metaphysics
(C) Socrat (o) potitrcai 57 ln- a class ot 20 boys and 28 girls what percent
of the class are oirls?
45. Which country opposed Pakistan's applcation lAt 41 .7% (Bl 48o/o
to join the UN in 1947? (c) 58.3% (o) 70o/o
(A) USSR (B) lndia
C) Cambodia (O) Afghanistan 58 Complete the rdiom 'Cross vour
when you come lo them"
46 Pathway to Pakislan' is the autobiography of: (A) Bndges (B) Roads
M.A Hisphaharu (C) Obslacles (D) Rrvers
B Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman
A K Fazlul Haq 59 Simplify: 18800/470/20 = ?
(D Sir Fal-e-Abid (A) 1 (B\ 2
47. Under which Constitution, .Eicameralism' was
(c) 3 ioj a
introduced in Pakistan: 60. Choose the correct sentence.
(A) 1956 (B) 1962 (A ) Faisalabad is as tamous cfiy as Lahore
(C) 1973 (B ) Faisalabad is famous citv as Lahore
(D) None of these (c ) Farsalabad rs the famoui oty as Lahore
48. Who designed the Nationat Ftag of pakistan" (o ) Faisalabad rs as famous a city as Lahore
(A) Chaudhrv Rehmat Ati
(B) Liaqat Ali Khan 61 ln which year was the Universal Oeclaration of
(C) Hateez Jallandin Human Rights adopted:
(D) Ameer ud Din Qudwai (A) 1945 (B) 1947
49. The. .world's largest istand (excluding
(c) 1948 (D) 1951
Auslralia) is: 62 When a gas tumed into a tiquid the process rs:
(A) Madagascar (B) Sumatra (A) Sublimation (B) Condensarion
(C) New cunea (O) creentand (C) Evaporation (D) Depbsition
50. When was the first batfle fought by Mustims: 63 Which of the following shortcuts is used to
(A) Before Hrrat (Migration 5n M6dina.1 mak€ text italic?
(B) 1 A.H (A) Ctrl + U (A) ctrt * t
(C) CU + B (O) Crrt + P
ed PPSC MC Model ,.
64. Complete the serjes: 1,2,4,7,11,16 ?
(A) 2Q_ lB) 21
(c) satat "i'ol bii;,
(cl 22 80. What is Pukhunwali?
\O) 24 (A) A city
65. The first Nuclear Power Plant of Pakistan was (B) A flower
construcled in: (C) An Ethical Code
(A) Lahore (B) Chashma (D) Dialect of language
(C) Kahutta (D) Karachi
8'1. During Hajj, Qurbani is performed at:
,., 66. Which of the following countries has been (A) Arfat (B) Mina
under longest continuous military rule; (c) saffah (D) 'Marwah
(A) Somaha (B) Myanmar 82. Which of the lollowing is not a Scandinavian
(C) Rawanda (D) Pakistan
67. The study of structure of fruits and animals,is (A) Norway (B) Denmark
called: (C) Poland (D) Sweden
(A) Cytology (B) Carpdigy
83. The proiosed Kalabagh Dam is to be built on
(C) Zed9gy (D) Cartology flver:
68. "Gullivefs Travels" was written by: (A) lnous (B) Jehlum
(A) H.C Armstrong (B) Jonathan Swift (C) Chenab (D) Ravi
(C) Peari S Buck (D) James Frazer
84. What type of infection is tuberculosis?
69. Synonym of "Banish" is: (A) Viral (B) Bacterial
(A) Recall (B) Disest (C) Fungal (D) Parasitic
(C) Exonerate (D) Expel
85. What is the value of x if 2x + I = 1 1 ?
70. Fill in the blank: We are exhausted the (A) 1 (B) 11
end ot the journey. (c) 2 (o\ 22'
(A) in (B) bv' 86. On 28 May, 1998 Pakistan ca'r.riett oul its first
(c) about (D) of
Nuclear test. ln whiob pr6vince were the tests
71. Fill in the blank: The country's _ rder conducted?
required his citizens to seek official permission (A) Baluchistan
before changing jobs. (B) Khyb€r Pakhtunkhwa
(A) Autocratic (B) Democratic (C) Sindh
(C) Dubious (D) lndigenous (D) Pun ab
72. Article 6 of the 1973 Constrtution deali,wjth:
(A) lmpeachment (B) High Treason &7.'' Complete the ldiom/Proverb: East or West,
(C) Fundamentalist (D) Basic needs is the best
(A) Rest (B) Playground
73. The SAARC Secretariat is located in: (C) Village (D) Home
(A) Colombo (B) New Delhi
(CI Kathmandu (D) Dhaka 88 Name the Surah of Holy Quran which
mentrons the nghts of the parents:
74. The plural of Sheep is: (A) Surah Ahzab (B) Surah Luqman
(A) Sheeps (B) Sheepers (C) Surah Mudassar (D) SurahAl Maeda
(C) Sheeves (D) Sheep
89. Change to lndirect Speec_h: He said, "Good-
75- Arya Samaj was founded in: bye Ali I shall see you again".
(A) Boirby (B) Dhaka (A) He advised Ali good-bye and is seeing
(B) Dehli (O) Tamil Nado him again
76. The war of lndependence 1857 was started (B) He said Ali good-bye and will see him
from: agarn
(A) Agra (B) Luckno,{- (C) He bade good-bye to Ali and hoped that
(C) Meeruth (D) Calcutta the would see him again
(D) He told good-bye Ali and that he will see
77. The product of two numbers is 9375 and the him again
quotient when the la.ger one is divided by the
smaller,s 15. The sum of the numbers is: 90. Fill in the blank(s) lndus nver rs
(A) 350 (B) 395 rn
longest river Soutn Asra .

(c) 400 (D) 425 (A) thei- (B) Jthe

(C) the^he (D) a/the
78. Pasteurized milk is processed to kill:
(A) Virus (B) Bactena . i, .-
':-' j , ;-n. ; !; ,:L'.!-: l! -- vi.'r 91
(C) Protozoa (D) Aroma
79. Which pillar of lslam is the key of Paradise: Q:ifrt,'t 1141 -'r-f , r r'r
(A) Hajj (B) Zakat
tOl ldvry*rd PPSG GOr ll,odct Paoers

1)v{ -:vtrttr <ot ,r;is1i 1t:ttv 1g1 dQ4 tnt -1

(D) (()
" s: L *./,raltiri tlYf' .g2

1,4,4e-Lt7'P(6( tV./: t,,t .e1

t)y'rf ot JGt)/ (^)

ovtPvb, $) !b,{;vtn)', (^t
,5,ti{t/ <ot jLol-tw, <ct
,.\Afi-* <ot rar! lcttv tct
t6'{iu6-dfi tC,!J Jv'-u r*
6,.4'r-/ i,/ .s:
"iJ,f ,.f
J,t,t /t tD Jlvl! r,rr
(B) Jitj'- <et
)1gV) o) t,:-'h rct
ilidl ! <Dt JAt-!, c,
!.-vt){3a-U:h4tP .ee
ttt/{'"sic)?' 'x
rhgit <s, vxr,;,; (A) t'lE u" JG a'
u[j{--etctt tot ui1 tcr (ilvxJuV ct
t <-,J/ $veli+6rulrc,rr .loo
*Capitat punishmcnr " .95
$vi ntl ,.,(t-! tel
4l G) trlt, G,
(Jvt (c) jtr (D)
er,Ltl <Dt t75!Lt; <ct

-aa'b/(Y+F 'no
Answer Key
1. d 11. a 27. a 40. b 53. b 66 b 79 c 92.
2.c 15. c 2E. c 41. d 54. a 67 a 60 c 93.
3.c 16. b 29. d 42. d 55. b 68. b 81. b 94. b
4.c 17. d 30. a 43. b 56. b 69. d 82 95. d
5.d 't8. a 31. c 44. b 57. c 70. a 63 a 96. a
6.b 19. c 32. b 45. d 58. a 71. a 84 b 97. d
7. a 20. o 33. a 46. b 59. b 72. b 65 a 98. c
E.a 21. c u. c 47 60. a 86 a 99. b
9.b aLbb 35. c 48. d 61. 74. d 87 d 100 b
10. c 23. 36. d 49. d ot. b 75 a 88 b
11. a 24. c 37. b 50. b bJ. b 76 c 89 c
12. e 25. a 38. a 51. b 64. c 77 c 90 c
'l3. a 26. a 39. c 52. c 65. d 78 b 91 b


MANAGER AUQAF (85-16) -2017

1 Prima lacie meaG: ll. ln MS Word one can undo lasl aclionr using
(A) Capricious (B) At lirst sight rYhich k€y
(C) Oangling (D) Facade (A) CTRL + Z (B) CJRL+v
(C) CTRL + A (D) SHIFT + A
2. Synonym of lmpode
(A) Obstruct (8) Erhorl l2 Hypedi* Shorlcri key is:
(C) Force (D) Ratcow (A) CTRL + K (B) CTRL+L
(C) CTRL + A (O) SHIFT + K
3 lwas astonirhed _ has behavk ur
(A) At (B) rYith 13. Mecint6h, e peBonal computer, vvas
(C) lor (D) lo developed by:
4. Pleasure seeker is a Eficurean not a (A) Apple (B) Microson
(c) rBM (D) oELL
(A) (B) Hedonisl 1{. Sho.lcrjt to S*ilcfi to next wortdr€et tab in
(c) (o) lndulgenl oxcal is:
(A) Cul + PG do n
5 The study _ that the largest group of
(B) CTRL + PG up
street children in Lahore work as coolies
(A) Announced (B) lnfomed (C) CTRL + Home
(C) inlroduced (D) revealed (D) CTRL + end
6. i5. US porerpdnt scrc€n goes blacr by
Heiumped the train when it was
pressing which alphabet on the keyboard:
(A) Off (Al z (B) B
(C) from
(B) of
(D) with (c) c (o) x
7. He asked Ali_ sit down:
16. How lo Cant€r dign loxt h MS Word:
(A) For (B) to (A) CTRL + Z (B) CTRL + v
(C) of (D) al (C) CTRL + A (D) CTRL + E

8. I have known him _ a long lime:

17. WAN E a type of n€trcrt, iB abbreviation is:
(A) Since (8) from (A) Wfre Area Network
(C) for (D) over (B) Wire Arena i,letrcrk
(C) Wink tuea Network
9. Synonym ot Scanty is: (D) Wool Area tletwoft
(A) Meagre (B) Abundant
(C) Ample (D) Plentiful 1E GUI slands for.
(A) Grand User lnlerface
10. Meaning of sub judice isl (B) Graphic User lnterface
(A) Under Judicial Consideration (C) Graphic Unprimed lnterface
(B) To defeat somebody in a courl
(C) Judiciary's ,inal decision . (O) None of lhese
(O) Subjugate someone 19. Computer processor can only understand:
(B) Machine Language
(8) Q++
396 Advanced PP SC MCQS M Papers
(C) Assembly Language (c) 500 (D) 700
32. '1 inch =
20 MICR stands for: (A) 154cm , (B) 254cm
(A) Magic lnk Character Recorder (C) 3.54cm (D) 0.54cm
(B) Magic lnk Character Recorder
33- lt,25y" of 250 equals 6 5% of "a" then what
,[3i a:
(A) 1000 (B) 2000
2'1. Which of the following is the name of virus? (c) 1050 (D) 961
(A) Chernobyl (B) Logrc Bomb
(C) Worm (D) All of these $Sllnplete the Sequence: 12. 36. 29, 55. 46.
.=..r- tg. ?
22. llx-4= 11. what is the value of x - B? (A) 62 (B) 63
(A) -ls (B) .7 (c) 65 (D) 60
(c) 7 lD) 17 35. .Tro. trlld d40 metre and 160 metre long run
23. lf x is a positive number and x2 + 64 = 1OO, at the speed of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr
what is the value of x? respectrvely in opposite direqtion on parallel
(A) 6 (B) 12 tracks. What time these will take to cross each
(c) 36 (D) 56 other
24. A sum of money is to be distributed among A,
(A) 10.7 (B) 10.8
5:2:4 .4. fi
B, C and D in the proportion of (c) 10.9 (D) 11.8
C gets Rs. 1@O more than O, whai is B,s 36. lf the arithmetic mean of 6. 8, 10. x, 7 is I the
sharc: . value of x will be:
1600 (B) Rs l8oo
(A) Rs. (A) 7 (B) e
(C) Rs.2000 (D) Rs 2500 (c) 10 (D) 8
25. ll0.75: x :: 5 : I then x is equat to 37. First constitution of Pakistan was promulgated
(A) 1.14 (B) 1.20 on:
(c) 1.18 (D) 125 (A) 23 March 1956
26. What is tlre sum of two consecutive even (B) I June 1956
numbers. the drfference of whose square rs (C) 14 Aug 1956
84? (D) None of these
(A) 2E (B) 33 38. Who presrded the AIML 27th session.
(c) 42 (D) 50 (A) Khaliq Uz Zaman
27. The sum of squares of three numbers is (B) M. Ali Jinnah
whilc the 6um (C) Zafar Ali Khan
ort their products taken two at a
dme is 131. Their sum is:
(D) None of these
(A) 20 (B) 2s 39. Musharaf announced his resignation on:
(c) 3s (D) 40 (A) 18 Aug 2008 (B) 20 Aug 2009
28. Find the number which when added to rtself (e) 18 Aug 2007 (D) 20 Aug 2008
13 tifies, gives 112. 40. Who of lhe following was not the supporter oI
(A) 7 (B) I. Two Nation Theory:
(c) 9 - (o) 11 (A) Allama lqbal
29. lt x2 - y2 = 28 .ind x - y = 8. what is the
(B) Sikandar Hayat
(C) Abul Kalam Azad
average of x and y?
(A) 1.75 (D) M Ali Jinnah
(8) 3.5
(c) 8.5 @) 2.7 41. Spiit of lslam is written by:
30. Find the average (A) Syed Amir Jafari
of all prime numbers (B) Syed Ameer Ali
bei,reen 30 and 50? .
(C) Syed Jaffar Hussaio
(A) 3s.75 (B) 38.6 (O) Musa Kazmi
(c) 39 8 p) 42]1
31. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% 42. Bala Hisar fort is in:
apples and still has 420 apples. Originally he
(A) Kabul (B) Peshawar
(C) Quetta (D) FATA
(A) 300 (B) 4OO 43. Moeen-ud-din Chistr's tomb is in which city.
Advaccd PPSC IfCQi o&rPioe6 , 397
(A) Delhi (B) Ajmer (A) Lahore (B) Delhi
(C) Multan (D) Kabul (C) Karachi (D) Agra
44. Who founded the Pakistan Peoples Party: 57 Safllo Mbrwa is called:
Running froni
(A) Murtaza Bhutlo (A) Youm'Nahf (B) Sa'-ee
(B) Benazir Bhutto (C) Youm,us Sa'ee (O) Jeh'ad
(C) Zulfiqar Bhutto 58. Awaz e Dost was wntlen by
(O) Bilawal Bhutto (A) Akhtar Masood
45. Pakistan. after its creation, adopted the lndian (B) Mukhlar Masood
Act 1935 on _ for the lirst time: (C) Amjad Masood
(D) Saleh Masoo4
(A) 14 August 1947
(B) 15 August 1947 59. Change of Qiblah is rn which Surah:
(C) 16 August 1947 (A) Surah Yunus :
(D) None of these (B) Surah BekelEh
46. The term of a Senator in Pakistan is: (C) Surah Namal
(A, 3 years (B) 4 years (D) Surah Muhammad
(C) 5 years (O) 6 years 60. Musa (A.S) was known as:
47. Oldest barrege in Pakistan is: (A) Zabeeh Ullah (B) Kateem Ullah '
(A) Sukkur Banage (C) Rooh ullah (D) None of thesC '
(B) Kotri Barrage 61. How many Surahs in the Quran on the names
(C) Taunsa Barrage of proph€t3:
(O) Guddu Barrage (A) 6 (B) 5
48. Bolan pass is in: (c) 4 (o) 3
(A) Baluchistan (B) Puniab 62. How many prostratrons are in Ouran.
(C) KPK (D) FATA (A) '14 (B) 15
49. The captain of Pakistan in 199's cricket team (C) 16 (D) None of these
was: 63. The name of first cloned sheep was
(A) Sarfraz Nawaz (B) Hafeez Kardar (A) Do y , (B) Hory
(C) Fazal Mehmood (D) lmtiaz Ahmed (c) Polly (D) Jolly
50. Maysore war was foughl in: &. Sana' is the news agency of..
(A) 1767 \B) 1777 (A) Syria - (B) Egipt

(cl 1787 (D) 1797 (C) Jordan (D) Yemen

51. Total number of senators rn the senate are 65. Largest terrestrial animal on Earlh is:
(A) 100 (B) 104 (A) Brown Bear
(c) 108 (D) 120 (B) Afncan Hippo
52. Each province, in the senate, has how many (C) Afncan Elephant
members? (D) Rhino
(A) 23 (B) 25 66. Earth's surface soil is wbrn away by which
(c) 27 (Ol 22 method:
53. The agreement for line of control was signed (A) Desurfacrng (B) Erosron
in: {C) Galvanizing (O) Sheering
(A) 1971 (B) 1972 67 lheory focuses on behavibr and
(c) 1973 (D) 1975 how behavior can change to achieve survival.
. Now and Never pamphlet was published in: (A) Ecological (B) Psychological
(A) 1933 (B) 1943 {C) Biologrcal {D} Strain
(c) 1922 (D) 1953 68. -London Tower'is located on the north bank of
55. Sir Syed . established which institulion for the the Raver
purpose of translation ol English works: (a) rnamGG-- (B) Trent
(A) Madrasah Muradabad (C) Mdrsey - (D) Wye
(B) Scientific Society 69. NASDAO is the stock market of America. with
(C) Madrasah Ghaziabad headquarters
(D) None (A) New York (B) .Oklahoma
56. Jamia Milia lslamia is in: (C) Washington (D) Missouri
396 4dvracod PP|3C &Ot lod Aocar
70. Berjing is the old nam€ ot: (D) Eill Clinton
(A) Gold Coast (8) Peking
(C) Tisniin (D) 83. t'l€lson Mandela died on:
(A) 5 Osc 2013 (B) 5Dec2014
7 1 . Capital ol Cambodia is: (C) r0 Oec 2013 (D) t4 Dec2014
(A) NayPi Daw (B) Phnom pheh
(C) Vi€ntiane (O) Thimphu 84. Which day was declared lnternational Literacy
Day by UNESCO:
72. Shna L€one b e country in: (A) 8 S€ptember (8) E November
(A) Alric€ (B) South America (C) E Oclober (O) I Marcfi
(C) Asia (O) Europc
85. The body of water which separates Southern
73. Thc d^lf'ent S€crctary Gon€rat of the UN is England fromNorthem France is called:
from: (A) EnglEh Channel
(A) Ghln (8) South Koret (B) French Channel
(C) Buma (D) Portugel (C) Dovor Chann€l
74. On 9 Scptcmbcr 2001, hG ptan€3 hit which of (D) Wal$ Channel
the follosing building; 86, Neryab Dam is in:
(A) World Trad€ Conuc (A) KPK (B) cilgit BatrEtan
(B) World Bank (C) F TA (D) BaluchEtan
(c) rMF
(O) Ouad Tox.r3 87. According to the population census in 2017,
ed _
the population of has increased:
75. Roygl Ti0€ 1876 oficistty r.@gnizsd (A) Men (B) Women
Qu6en Vllorie a3: (C) Children (O) None ot lhese
(A) Empr*s ot Sub Confinent
(B) Emprca3 ol lrdh 88. IBRD is an instilrlion or;
(G) Emprcl3 ol Asia (A) World Bank (B) IMF
(D) Nofle (c) wTo (o) uNtTEo NATTONS

76. Metonyrn ur€d for the police torce of London 89. Yellow Joumalism meaB:
(A) Propaganda (B) Authenracity
(A) Scotlsnd Yard (B) INTERPOL (C) Clarity (D) Honest Joumalism
(C) EUROPOL (D) London Yard 90. Opp6rte of Tawheed is _?
77. Mo8sad is thc int€ll(lonce agency of: (A) Shirt (B) han bil Rad
(A) Jordan (C) Munafiqat (D) None of these
(B) tsr*t
(c) Ho and (D) uK t-o-.'{/i,,/-.{g st
78. Dokhlam disputE is b€tw€en lndia and
(A) Bhutan (B) China
nF pt ,?t)t/ (Al
(C) Nepal (D) Pakistan r,lt tol pr (c)
79. Unil of El€ctric Curcnl is:
(A) Ampero (B) Corrlornb t,fL,/$,,;, .sz
(C) Ohm (D) Non€
80. Ren aue sourc.a o, en€rgy iricluds: oal,u,| Gt itt-i lA\
(A) Hydel Encrly
(B) Co.l Enerly a(X pt t:if P,
(C) mobum En rgy
(O) All of thes 11 J1.il7 .s3
81. Tho cofiveBion of ga3 to lhuid is kmwn a3:
(A) CondoGalbn (B) Suuim€tion
jP @t tt,!t: (Al
(C) Evapor.tion (O) Lrilnt }brt
82. Who among the lolowing b not a NO8€L
*,4i 1o1 Jt,r-' (c)
Laureate: l-Jtai,t?(JGt)/.g
(A) Roosevefi
(B) Barack Obama
(C) Woodrow WiEon Ji @t ,,1, (A)'
Advrmcd PPSC fCOs Iode,,. - 3Ct
,tto f pt laruuf 6ii :-t.rdi t .9E

t--V$/,j-tt,1[ ss JA,dt,1 @\ "1(t


,./i{ ot ,i'./ tc't

3:v Ft 'J+ifi
<.iil pl at')tA 1c1
t*)'rQ/;'/rtl 'se
* .x Jfr, tsl it4i (Al
76 ct { a{r,,rr! r!,10 -'

(al ,; @l J'41 lcl

D,-l\ $i$,Yt 61 /.
4j/ pt )Ystvr {cl o,

wJ. L#'g'i 'st d't Pt ?ui (^l

tsol (B) 1800 (A) JFr tol rit (ct

r90o (D) 1809 (c)
Answer Key b
t. b 11. a 27. a 40. c 53. b 66 b 79. a 92.
2. a 15. b 28. b 41. b 5/t. a 67. a E0. a 93.
3. e 16. d 29. a 42. b 55. b 68. e 81. a 9a. a
4. a 17. a 30. c 43. b 56. b 69. a E2. d ori.
5. d 18. b 31. d 44. c 57 b 70. b E3. a 96.
97. a
6. c 19. a 32. b 45. a 58. b 11. b 84. a
7. b 20. d 33. d /t5. d 59. b 72. a 85. a 98.
8. c 21. d 34. b 47. a 60. b 73. d 86. a
rm. e
9. a 22- c 35. b 48. a 61 a 71. a 87 a

10 a 23. a 36. b 49. b 62 a 75. b 88 a

11 a 21. c 37. a 50. a 63 a 76. a E9

12 a 25. b 38. b 51. b 64 a 77. b 90 a

13 a 26. c 39. a 52. a 65 c 78 b 91




After which incident, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
oi.oiaea tnat EUtf of differences betvvcen
'lift;-;"d Musiims ot lndia shar wi&n with
' l*#
s'"fr*lill$*H#' T
rn"Yaulah Kh.n Mashrlqi
the oassaoe of lime:- i'Ci swo xasair at xanoiqayyum
rAl Swad;shi Movement of Congr6s
ici saniuzaoa sir eloul
igi urou xindi conlroversy in U.P' lslam iDi Maulada shibli Naumani
ici Arva Samaj's campargn against
4. ldentifv tho most impodanl taalulr ol lhe
i5i a"ltllJ.tini ciuit sdrvi& relormsof t867' Gou. 6t lndia Ad 1935:'
2 Str Sved Ahmad Khan asked the Muslims not i-li- brirct i *a. compl€tely oliminat'd
roin the lndian National Congress because: - iiii aiun lrinctrise was introducod'
iAt lt was aominateo by the Hindu leade6 .iEi ii-;l"d. th. p(ovirrcss s€pa'ate l€gal
iiii il;"s" was isainst the- Muslims entiti63
dem;nd of seoarate electorale: ol the S€cfetarv of Stsb ol
' - i'rle'-6uncirebolished
' i" ,io"o it im to io,n lndhn
rcr Patnotrc
lndis ue3
Associ;tion rather lhan Congress'
(D) None ot the above reasons' 5. Whidl wes tt|e main faclor tBsponsibb lor lh€
400 A MCOs Modele/s
r€srg"alion of the Congress ministers in the (A) lran (B) Afghanrstan
Provrnc€s during Oclober 1939. (C) Egypt tD1 tndra
(A) The British Govemment Oecred the '13. After the demrse of
Congress demand to stop intdrference in euaid-i-Azam. who
ths . tnejnciat affairs b, the tndian became the Presidenl of Mustim League rn
Provtnces. 1948:
(B) The. refu8al of the British Government to (A) Liaqat Ati Khan
promtsa.. immediately complete
(B) Ch Khaleequzzaman
rndependence to lndia teaving benind tne (C) Sarda rAburRab Nishtar
@mmunal oroblems (D) Khawaja Nazjmuddin
(C) Bntish Govemment tumed down 14. ldentify the author of the famous book .The
Congress demand of not indulging
- in emergence of pakistan" -
Second World War which w-oulrt (A) lshtiaq Hussain eureshi
endanger the securitv ot lndia (B) Jamiluddin-Ahmad
(O) Nbne #theabove ' (C) Ch. Muhammad Ali
6 Under which scheme did Muslim Leaoue (O) S.M. Burke
sunender the demand of separate eteaoaie 15. "Malakhara" rs a famous game ptayed in the
for the Muslims: prov_tnce ol: -
(A) Delhi proposats 1927 (A) Punjab (B) Srnd
(B) Patna Scheme 1938 (C) Baluchistan (D) N.W F p
(C) Poona Pact
(D) Never surrendered this demand 16. Tn€ atphabets of Urdu tanguage are:-
(A) 32 (B)-3s'
7 ln thc Red Cliff Award of 1947, the Mustim
malonty arear of -Gurdaspur and pathankot
(c) 37 ioj ss
w-erejlanded over to India iust because: _ 17 Hateez Jallundhri is lhe author of Natronal
(A) Ttis area was rbh in r;lineralwealth. Anthem of Pakistan, which is contained rn his
(B) River Ravi orEinated from here which book..
the tifetrne of West pakistan. (A) Charagh-e-Saher
- was
(C) ll provrded road link from lndia to Kashmir (B) Shahnama-e-lstam
yallev (C) Kalam-e-Hafeez
(D) lt wa3 a huge mit ary cantontnent (D) None of the above
'18. ldentrfy the
I supported the Pakistan Resotution city. whrch recerved ,Hitat_e-tstrqtal
Hoo.Iirst tor rls herorc resistance dunng tgO5 lndo_pak
(A) Maulvi Fazatut Hao wa[-
(B) Ch. Khaleeouzzamin (A) Narowat (B) pasrur
(C) Maulana Zaiar Ati Khan t- . (C) Siatkot (D) Kasur
(O) Amjadi Begum 19. At the time of independence, there were
9 Th€ Congress formed ministries 'after 1937 numerous princely states rn lndia Which
provtnctat elections in: was tne btggest in area.

ai il-;-rffiil;"'iar s,,p,o,,n";,T .(A);Hyderabad (Daccan

(u) )even provrnces (O) Eight provinces
(C) Junaoarh
-ffi . (o) 'Baha-walpu
fllji]i fitr'#","Xf ";,;ff ,# !U, 20 Whrch of. thejollowrng provrsrons rs a part
the objeclive Resolutron of 1949._
lel q[ j:-i'#: %?,:?'3li' 3l'\13'k,li"l#. (A) Parhamentary system wrlt be rntroclucecl
(n) l,aflEment will be brcameral
.- modification
in Nehru Reporl. 1928-'
on the beginning dt Ui.du' (C ) President and prime Minrster
Hinat must be
controversy. 1867 MusIm bv faith
(D) On the rdFdion of Fourteen points (Dt Fu-ndame;tat righls of citizens
of shalt be
euatd, by the Congress in lu y safeguarded.
W}lo 21. Under which constatution. .Bicameratism, was
.took the-oath of Governor General of
Haktstan from euad-i-Azam _ introduced an pakrstan:
(Al JusticeAR Kiani (A) 1956 (B) 1962
(B) Jushce Gutzar Ahmad (C) 1973 (D) None of the above
(C) Justice Abdur Rasheed i 22. What do you understand by -Srr Creek,? lt rs _
(D) Justrce Wa| Mahmooo (A) lndo-Pak boundary 'dispute in therr
12 maflhme frontiers
(B) Head_of the UNO observer group on the
ffi-! i?ii:i{ rs'i:,"T" ",?3,'ff",fr i"i:
one country opposed rt ldentrfy - "*; line of control in Kashmrr
(C) Pro-Pakrstan $enator in the Ameflcan
Advrncad PPSC NCQS tutodat Proers 101

congress 34. Promptly means: -

(D) None of the above (A) Easily (B) At once
(C) Fully (D) Efficiently
23. Pandit Nehru, who had been assuring the
Kashmiris to give them their rights of self- 35. lnflation refers to: -
determination, went back on his promise (A) Higher than the real cosl ot the
when:- commoditie3.
(A) He realised the strategic significance of (B) Free flow of lhe money in the market.
the valley for lndian defence system. (C) Devaluation of money
(B) Realised about massive natural wealth of (O) Poor buying power of money
the area 36. Geographically Kashmir is divided into three
(C) Pakistan joined SEATO and CENTO majorparts: -
pacts. (A)
Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh
(O) Pathan tribesmen entered into the vallley (B)
Jammu, Azad Kashmir. Held Kashmir
and attacked the lndian forces. (C)
Jammu, Kargil, Kashmir
24. Heavy Electrical Complex and Heavy Forge (D)
Azad Kashmir, Held Kashmir, Kargil
and Foundry, the two big engineering projects 37. A computer cannot do anything without: -
in Pakistan were established with the (A) Memory (B) lnput device
technical and capital assistance ot: (C) Programme (D) Output device
(A) Canada (B) China
(c) u.K. (o) u.s.A. 38. One of lhe infeclious diseases conveyed from
one person to another through air is: -
25. Pakistan's first nuclear Power Station was (A) Cholera (8) Scarlet fever
built at Karachi in 1972 provid€d by: (C) Tuberculosis (D) Malaria
(A) USA (B) France
(C) Canada (D) China 39. Lunar Eclipse takes place when:
(A) The moon is in line with the earth
26. UN was established in 1945 to: (B) The moon is in line with the sun
(A) Arrange a forum tor world public opinion (C) The shadow of the earth falls on the
(B) Settle political disputes .moon
(C) Provide leadership to the world (D) The shadow of the sun falls on the moon
(D) Uphold the supremacy of the west
27. Yellow Jou.nalism refers to: -
40 What is meant by myopia?
(A) Long sightedness
(A) Portraying publac opinion (B) Short sightedness
(B) Objective in reporting (C) Colour blindness
(C) Sensationalism (D) Blindness
(D) Propaganda
41. Which of these is the most predominant in the
28. Law is never law unless:- composition of atmosphere?
(A) lt is violated (A) Oxygen (B) Nitrogen
(B) lt is enforced by a Soverergn authority (C) Watervapour (D) Carbon dioxide
(C) lt is enforced by moral sanctions
(O) lt is supported by the religion. 42. lndicate the word which has the correct
spellings: -
29. A computer derives its basic strength from: (A) Existence (B) Existance
(A) Speed (B) Accuracl (C) Existtance (O) Existense
(C) Memory (O) All ot the above
43. Calorie is a
30. Vitamin C is essential for: - (A) Unit of diei-
(A) Appetite (B) Bones (B) Unit of quantity ot heat
(C) Muscles (O) Brain (C) Unit ot food intake
31. Sound cannot travel through:- (D) All of the above
(A) Air (B) Sand 44. Optical Fiber System is
(C) Vacuum (D) Water (A) Telecommunicationsyslem
32. The tax levied on the import and export of (B) Eye operation
commodities is named as:- (C) Air raid system
(A) Custom duty (B) Excise duty (D) Oefense system
(C) Value added tax (D) Direct Tax 45 The plural form of loat is?
33. Bonded Labour is:- (A) Loafs (B) Loaves
(A) Forced labour (C) Loves (D) Loafes
(B) Labour without wages 46 Barter system means:
(C) Labour for payment (A) Exchange of goods
(D) Labour according to a written promise or (B) Buying goods
contract (C) Selling goods
402 Advanced PPSC COs Paoers
(D) Producing goods 59. The largest planet is:
47. Physiotherapy is a curative method for: - (A) Jupiter (B) Earth
(A) Heart disease (B) lmmobitity of joints (C) Mars (D) Venus
(C) Brain damage (O) Drug aAA'ictoh 60. Which country produces the largesl amount of
48. oialysis is meant tor: - naturalgas?
(A) Kidneys (B) catt btadder (A) lndia (B) Russia
(C) Lungs (D) Liver (C) China (D) lran
49. Slump means: - 61. Which is the biggest bird?
(A) Fall rn the prices ot stock (A) Eagle (B) Owl
(B) Slability ot prices (C) Kiwi (D) Ostrich
(C) Uncertainty of prices 62. Althing is lhe oldest parliament in the world.
(O) Sho(age of supply
Of which of the following countries this
50. ldentify the person whose house became the parliament belongs?
cenlre of preaching of lslam at the beginning? (A) England (B) Potand
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) (C) Germany (D) lceland
(B) Hazrat Usman (RA) 63. The first Asian Nobel laureate:
(C) Hazrat Arqam (RA) (A) Dr. Abdut satam
(D) Hazrat Talha (RA)
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
51. A computer consists mainly of elecironic: - (C) Dr.Younas
(A) Circuils (B) Devices (D) Anwer Sadaat
(C) Parls (D) Chips
64. The oldest intemet search engine among the
52 ln a democratic muntry which of the following follo /ing is:
is considered the fourth eslate: -
(A) JuCaciary (B) Press
(A) Google (B) MSN search
/C) B,rreaucracy (D) Trade union
(C) Aliweb (D)
65. The country with the largest crude oil reserves
53. A coalilron gcvernmenl means - ts:
(A) lnteflm government (A) LSA (B) Russia
(B) Temporary government (C) Kuwait (D) Saudi Arabia
(C) Govemment of rival parlies
(D) Govemment formed by two or more 66. Whicl country has won Wodd Cup Footba
political parlies five times?
54. Reuters is a world known: -
(A) Italy (B) Brazil
(A) Sports club {C) Germany (O) None of these
(B) Welrare organization 67. Worlds second largest economy is:
(C) News agency (A) r.jsA (B) China
(D) Transport system (C) Germany (D) Australia
55. Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) 68. "The fastest game on earth" is
in lhe migration to Madina? (A) cricket (B) tennis
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) (C) ctess (D) ice hockey
(B) Hazrat Ali (RA) 69. The cty that hosts the highest number of
(C) Hazral Usman (RA) internaional organisations in the world:
(D) Hazrat Umar (RA) (A) Geneva (B) Vienna
56. Mixed economy refers to: - (C) Hague (D) New York
(A) The co-€xistenae of public seclor as well 70. SAARC Unlversity is situated al:
as private sec1o, (A) Kdhmandu (B) Dhaka
(B) The promotion of agriculture as well as (C) Ner Oelhi (D) Mal6
the cottage industries
(C) The co-€xistence o, different economics 71. The lEst town anside Pakistan on the
Karakoram Highway before the Chinese
(D) The co-existence of heavy industry, small border:
scale industry and cotlage industry
(A) HaYelian (B) Oiamer
(C) Hunza (D) Sost
57. The least populous mntinent is:
72. ln which of the tollowing lnternationat
(A) Europe (B) Australia Organiz.tions, Pakistan has Observer status?
(C) Antarctica (D) None of these (A) ECO (B) OtC
58 The largest sea isi (c) G-8 (D) SCO
(A) South China Sea (B) Red Sea
(C) Baltic (D) Arabian 73. What is the number ol beats F€r minute by
human haarl?
Advanc ed PPSC MCQs Model PaDerc 403

(Al 72 (B) 58 Robert Baden-Powell in: -

(c) (D) 82 (A) 1910 (B) 1915
7/t. Which of the following gasses is mainly tc) tszo (D) 1e25

resoonsible for 'Global Warming'? 87. The Headquarters of Green Peace is locatec
(A) Hvdrooen (B) Nitrogen at-
(A) Bonn (B) London
ic) Cirtoi aioxioe (D) None ofthese iC) lmsteroam (D) New York
Fill in the preposition
8E. The Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel invented
75. Alia oarted her parents in tears. a:-
(n) irom (B) of (A) Penicillin (B) Oynamite
(C) with - (D) bY (C) Fountain Pen (D) None of the above
76. There is a limit evetylhing in life' 89 Leo Tolstoy was a:-
(A) to (B) on (A) Russian Writer
ic) in (D) with (B) French Scientist
(C) German Football Player
77.1 had the privilege
- knowing him (O) British Musician
{A) ot (B)
- in 90 22 April is observed every year lnternationally
ici ror (o) with as:-
A) Environment DaY
78. He was knocking the door-
B) Food Day
(A) al (B) ot
C) Press Freedom DaY
iC) ouet (D) on
D) Earth Day
Choose the synonyms
79. Cataclvsm:
I Lry r(Z I V 4ft,)l ),',1 .s1
(A) reverse (B) upheaval jt;(ttt P1 ,r:=rie'F 1n;
ici pungent (D) trash
80. Oormant: vt/ (D) lrt) / (C\
(A) active (B) vEilant
(C) warutlng (D) inert gGvo{-t,itA(,,,t .92
81. Exemplity
(A) reDrehensible (B) illustrate y,,(Ji Ft V,;t (A)
iCi erirpty (o) linish
82. Nonchalant:
jrr,Jiut,, tol -',.'a, $)
tA| (B) natural
t<. urqiZlt (i aaslt:) 93
iCi (o) lnd terent
83. Outcast:
(A| member (B) vagabond O;,ttr/ @') ;l; (A)
(cj open (D) enor
ut'f il o ,t)itt),' (c\.
E4. Padisan:
(A) opponent
ic) nilie
(B) disciple
(D) local
t gtL r/ ;vifi,$ it r J- tt t .e4

85. Afrer Ametica the largest numbers of Nobel jvsl jwwr P1 ,?'.'ra.i lA\
Laureates are ftom:-
(B) Germany
(A) United Kimdom (Ol JG]t)./ (C\
ici rrance (D) Switzerland
9t1iL/ tti(6,$'t t;t ttt .95
86. The scout movement' was starled by Sir t

r)t;,,?tz'/ Bt -?t/'6j lA\

'according to website of Scout Movement "ln 1907 ,tt,F rol Jl; (c)
Baden-Powell held a camp on Erownsea lsland in "F
Poole, Dorset, to tty out his ideas and brought together
20 boys from a vatietY o, backgrounds. The iucces5 of
\i Y,,{lJ'',,tL\t .

the camp spurred him on to finish whatrfould become

a classic book of the 2oth centurY. ScoutinS for Boys
w.s published in l9O8 in six fortnithtly part! at 4d a the tollowing year when King Edward Vll agreed to the
.oor. What had been intended as a training aid for introductiol of the Kin8:s Scout Award. ln its first
exisiing or8anisations became the handbook of a new census in 1910, s€outing had almost 1O8,0OO
participants; over 1(X,,OOO were Voun8 people' "
l*ovemenr, which secuted the toyal seal of approval
1O1 Adv.ncedppi? COE odct paoors
iajt g Jry\t,),, @) 4t(t,/t4t (ol jr- rtd pl
Ju tol i,v,€t 1cy t._w6tc./=$,lc gs
rv:{{,,/j't',; .gt ttj,,idjr @ ,J,,,:)v, @y
lE (Bt ,t& r ot zJ s rot ls? rct
t,:S.,ti1P1 ,1-StS,U7 1Cy
ei. N,{/l2jt/ 1oo
t-wylZfil-t,itstt .98 6i,itt75 @1 ;'ti/.'/ 6y
{e(;tr p1 6l t-',1 (o) 3t'3 pt
"lc?vi oaaoaaaaaa
Answer Ke v
1. b 14 c 27 40
2. c 15 b 28
b 53 d bb b 79 b 92. a
3. b 16 c 29
b 54 c b 80 d 93. b
4. '17 a 30 43
a a 68 d 81 b 94. b
5. b 18 JI
c M
b 56 a 69 a 82 c 95. b
6. a 19 b JI a 45
a 57 c 70 c 83 b 96. a
c 20 d 33 46
b 58 a 7'l d 84 b 97. a
b 21 u
a 59 a d 85 b 98. a
L d 22. a 35
d 48
60 b
a 86. a 99. b
10 b
6'1 .
c 87 c 100. a
ZJ, c 36 a 49. a 62 d 75. a 88 b
11 c 24. b 37 a 50. c 63.
't2 b 76. a 89 a
b 25. c 38 c 5'l . b 64. a
13 90 d
b 26. a 39 c b 65. d 78. 9'l a



The title-of Govemor-General was changed to 5. Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah was the son of:
that of Viceroy in lhe year? (A) Muhammad Ahmad
(A) 1857 (B) 1858 (B) Shah Abdut Rahim
(c) 1959 (Di 1860 (C) Shah Qutab-udDin
Jlg .fiJst. movement launched against the (D) Sheikh Abdut Wahid
British in lndia was: 6. What is the name of Hazrat Muiaddrd-Ati, Sani
(A) Khilafat Movement (RA)?
(B) Swadeshi Movement (A) Shah Badar-ud-Din
(C) Non-Cooperation Movement (B) Sheikh Abdut Wahid
(D) Quit lndia Movement (C) Sheikh Ahmad
3 Which universtty _had awarded the honorary (D) None of the above
degree of LLB to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan?
(A) Jama-ul-AzharT 7 When . Sheik Mu,eeb-ur-Rehman Ftrrted
disobedrence movement before Dhaka Fall?
(B) Oxford Universitv (A) January 1971 (B) February 1971
(C) Harvard Unrversitv (C) March 197'l
(D) Unrvers[y of Edrn6urgh (D) Aprit t97j
4 When the foundatiorE of Dar-ul-Aloom Dev
8. The Cripps Mission visited tndia during the
regime of:
Band were laid down, (A) Lord Lintithgow (B) Lord Wavelt
(A) 1857 (B) 1850 (L:) Lord Weflrngton (D) Lord Curzon
(c) 1867 io\ fiit 9. lncidence of Kanpur Mosque occurred rn:
Advenced PPSC HCOS Model PaDers l(}5

{A) 1910 (B) 1911 (C) to steal something

(c) 1912 (D) 1913 (D) to keep under observation
10 One of the son of Gandhi embraced lslam, 23. The meaning of "Eschew" is:
what was his lslamic name? (A) to free (B) to avoid
(A) Muhammad Abdullah (C) to escape (D) to rescue
(B) Ubaid-ur-Rehman 24. Rudimentary, means:
(C) Abdullah Ahmad (A) developed (B) Polite
(D) Abdul Rehman (C) dislike (O) original
'll Who was the Speaker of Second Legislative 25. Embellish, means:
Assembly of Pakistan? (A) equalize (B) obsolete
A) Mr. AMul Wahab (C) adorn (D) desolate
B) Mr. Abdul Jabbar is than a man's due
C) Mr. Fazal-ul-Qadir 26. A woman's voice shriller
D) Molvi Tamizuddin to:
(A) Higher amplitude
12. Who was first woman Major General of (B) Higher frequencY
Pakistan Army? (C) Lower frequency
(A) Mrs. Abida Malik (D) Lower amplitude
(B) Mrs. Shahida Malik
(c) Mrs.Nasim Akhtar 27. All forms of energy that we use are ultimately
(D) Mrs. Salma Akhtar transformed into:
(A) Electrical energy
13. Who was the first Chief Justice/Chalrman of (B) Chemical energy
Federal Shariah Court? (C) Light energy
A) Mr. Justice Fakhar Ahm (D) Heat energy
B) Mr. Justice Akhtar Hussain
Ci Mr. Justice Nasrm Srkandar 28. Fuse wire is made ofl
(A) 63% lead, 370lo trn
Di Mr. Justice Salahud-Orn (B) 630/0tin, 37% aluminium
14. Who was the first Muslim. Chief of Staff of (C) 630/0tin, 37% lead
Pakistan Army? (D) 6370 lead, 37% aluminium
(A) Gen. Ayub Khan
(B) Gen. Muhammad Musa 29. Which of the lollowing types ot radiations is
(c) Gen. Tikka Khan absorbed bY the upPer layer of the
(D) Gen. Gul Hassan atmosPhere?
(A) lnfrared (B) Ultravrolet
15. What was the term National Assembly ic) Radio-waves (D) visible
under the constitution of 1962?
(A) 4 years (B) 5 Years 30. The 'stones' formed in human kidney consist
(C) 6 years (O) 7 Years mostly ot:
(A) Sodium acetate
16. Time has expunged his (B) Calcium oxalate
memory. (C) Potassium Sulphate
(A) from (B) in (D) Magnesium SulPhate
(C) to (D) out
31. Fluorescent tubes are litled with a choke. The
1 7. We have trust iri you choke coil;
(A) perfect (B) complele A) Steps up the line voltage
(C) absolute (D) entire B) steps down the line voltage
18 Antonym of "CryPlic'is: C) lncreases current in the circuit
(A) superficial (B) admonish D) Reduces current rn the circuit
(C) analyze (O) Candid 32. Soft drinks such as colas contain significant
19 Choose the conect spelling: ouantities of:
(A) reiterat (B) reiterate (A) Tannin (B) Caffeine
(C) reitarate (D) rieterate (C) Nicotine (D) Renin
20 Synonym ot
Diffidence : 33. Amino acids are a product of the digestion of:
(A) trmrdrty (B) indolence (A) Carbohydrates (B) Fats
(C) rndrtlerence tD) impatient (C) Proteins (D) Vitamins
1.1To clip the wrngs means 34 Dead red blood corpuscles are stored in:
(A) to cut the wrngs (B) to get control (A) Spleen (B) Liver
(C) to [mrt on (D) to catch the bird (C) Krdney (D) Pancreas
22 Keep tabs on. means; 35. Nitrogen occurs in plants and animals rn the
(A)to follow strictly form oI:
(B) to do something (A) Minerals (B) Carbohydrales
106 Advanced PPSC MCes Mo.tet papers
Proteins (O) Fats
(C) 49. Echo is the effect produced due to;
36. The gases which are used W divers es an (A) Reftaction of sound
artificial atmospherB are Oxygeh and: (B) Reflection of sound
(A) Nitrogen (B) Hetium (C) Absorption of sound
(C) Neon (D) Carbon monoxidq (D) Dispersion ot sound
37. Which of the following is involved in btood 50. A plant with green leaves placed in red light
dotting: will appear:
(A) Calcium (B) Sottium (A) Viotet (B) Ye ow
(C) Magnesium (O) eotassium (CI Green (D) Etack
38. Plulonium is 51. Tsunami is a word of which language?
(A) Fuel for nuclear fusion (A) Japanese (B) Greek
(B) Source of chemical enemv (C) Lalin (D) German
(C) Source of light energy 52. Ngultrum is the cunency of'
(D) Fuel for nudear fission (A) Bahamas (B) Tunisra
39. Affer _ drinking of contaminated water, you (C) Bhutan (Ol Zane
woulg be most apt to develop symptoms of 53. Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan is:
(A) Malaria (B) Schi;stosomiasis (A) Hazaras (B) Taaers
(C) Typhoid Ever (D) yeflow hver (C) Uzbek (D) Ta,ik
40. The gland which helps to maintain body 54. The capital of Zambia is:
temperature is: (A) Lome (B) Lusaka
(A) Hypothatamu (B) Thyroid gland (C) Abuja (D) Kinshasa
(C) Ptuitary gtand (D) Adrenal gland
55. Salisbury is the otd name of:
41. The colour has the longest ({) Gayana (B) New Hebndges
wavelength? (C) Harare (D) None of the;
(A) Blue (B) Red
(C) Green (D) Yellow 56. Malagasy is the new name of:
(A) Madagascar (B) Cune
42. The silvared surface of thermos flask prevents (C) Abuja (D) Zaire
transfer of heat by:
(A) Radiation (B) Rellection 57. 'Freedom Ai/ is an airline of:
(C) Conduction (O) Convection (A) South Korea (B) Canada
(C) South Africa (O) New Zealand
43. The flow of heat from a hot to a cold body is
an example of: 58. GND is the news agency of:
(A) lneversible process (A) Belgium (B) Spain
(B) Adiabatic process (C) ltaly (O) Romania
(C) lsothermal process 59. CAN is the centrat news agency located at
(D) Reversible process (A) Poland (B) Bridge town
44. Meningitis is a disease of human beings that (C) Taipei iOt Oeo-rgia
affects: 60. OSS (Ofiice of Strategic Servrces) is the otd
(A) Liver (B) Heart name of:
(C) Kidney (D) Centrat Nervous (A) KGB (A} CA
System (c) FBt iol cro
45. Diabetes is caused by malfunctioning of:
' 61. MOIS is the name of secret agency of:
(A) Pancreas (B) Liver (A) Syria (B) Tuikey'
(C) Sple€n (D) Kidney (C) lraq (D) tran
46. Sea water can be converted into fresh wate. 62. lf your aero plane will tand on 'Narita Airport'
by using the phenomenon of: you rvill be in the citv of:
(A) Reverse osmosrs (B) Diffusion (A) Tokyo ' (B) Rome
(C) Plasmolysis (O) Sedimentatron (C) Narrobr (D) ttaty
47. The blood glucose level is commonly 63. Third Tuesday of September is @putar as
expressed as: (A) Wortd Food Dav
(A) Gram per litre (B) lnlernational dav of oeace
(B) Milligram per decititer (C) Human Riqhrs bay
(C) Parts per million (D) Armrshce Day
(O) Millimeter of Hg
64. The Worid Consumer Oay is being observed
48. What is the instrument that determines on?
specific gravity of liquids? (A) 20th January (B) 15th March
(A) Hypsometer (B) Hydrometer (C) 20th Marcn (D) 5th Apat
(C) Gravimeter (O) Hrgrometer
65. The New Great Game'was written by:
PPSC Model PaDers 407

(A) Ken Stars (B) Robert E. Rubin (B) Harvard

(C) New York University
icj Lutz Kleveman (D) Sidney Sheldon
(D) University of Chicago
66. 'struggle tor Pakistan was written by:
(A) S.M. lkram 80 The first optical fiber cable was installed in
(B) K.K. Aziz 1977 in:
(C) Ch. Muhammad Ali (A) California (B) Maryland
(D) LH. Qureshi (C)' Ctrrcago (D) London
67. Who was the winner of Nobel Prize 2009 for \-.,fqJft$/ *Jt.e" .sr
(A) Herta Muller
(B) Paul Rabin Krugman
4l r/ (B) jin/ <x)
(C) Willard S. Boyle
(D) George Smith
./C4'q (D) ,f c/c e)
68. Vvhich country has the longesl coast line? 9 40 it :vti L f ,t, /6,8,9t .a2
(A) Russra (B) Canada
icj Ctr,na UsA ,d:,)C (B) .F-E-i <nt
69. When the first high-lacking in the world history (c)
was done? t (D) ctlgV
(A) 1954 (B) 1955
ici 1956 (o) 1957
-,/,.r ov ;,1 b,ri =,t,,,t L -{ tL(t, .83
70. The first man to receive an artificial heart is: (B) (A)
lA) Andrevv Simon (B) Pault Holt ,.1.t'.

iCi Or eamey Crark (o) or. Captain Nadual JE (D) t,. tt (c)
' '' Which one of the
71. following , Sultans
relations with China?
eit"Uri"teo Oiplomatic
(A) lbrahim Lodhi
y-i-;n,t J,J I e, 7t -,t, .tt
Jatatuooin Knitli
zaheerud-oin Babar
Jvgl -:a|t/ (A)
tDi Munammao Bin Tughlaq jrr"krr,r tet
72. Transfer ot toreign fugitive to his home
jgr <t't
countrv is:
(Al Datente (B) Entente 'ti,ril
iCi asytum (D) Extradition o/tJ'Ltryt" o)
73. 'Latakia' is lhe seaport of:
t d;y ;-"{ " ; {t' /" :' i /-i" :' ; ;,',*'!5
(Al Jordan (B) Libya
ic) sytla (D) None of the above
ttl-, 1B) /,J'd (A)
74. 'sharame€l-sheikh' is the Egyptian seaport
(A) Red Sea
,t'v ,"t &i't'V'lt (c)

(B) Black Sea

ic) Mediterranean sea
t,)ttL,,/,ta!"ff,"i) l./r".86
(D) Arabian Sea
cf ,>,/t.{r;ttr (B) 'r:igf
}utr (A)
75 'The 'Paris Pacf
Brained Pact was held in:
is also known Kellog
,! t,/4 (D) Jw'lu'tY (c) .

(A|1928 (B) 1930

icl tsoz (o) 1926 t { -i7' ;- "{ -
at,, ;.)Et ; t" -t,i, ? .tt
76. When Switzerland became a Neutral State? (A)
{A) l8O5 (B) 1815 st&y (B) v-.\/J9
ici tszo (D) 1825
itn! tlt (D) ,1-S1/ .'i (c)
77. 'Dome of Rock' is located in:
{A) Lebanon (B) lraq
iCi .lotoan (D) Jerusalem t r/ ;-,/ l"' r *J )( )G 4" .Bs
78 Who was Eros' in Greek mythology? 6 tltC -'' l. tA)
(A) God of Seas (B) God ofFood
ic) Goo of Lore (o) God of war i'9-t't'i* 'vt
79. Which is the oldest university of USA? Jto--t tt;
(A) Seattle
408 Advanced ppSC MCes Model papers

6.t'ut (D) el (D) -i tt t

ru6{{c-r Lbx ?.- , r r,,(-;r, u' g j' u * .xo t<. g\,{ILa,,,.-uE j;,,* ,tt
(B) ,.f' ,o, uF lV;,2-t (el
:l (D) il <ct u6ii,JJ\ $)
i/ j t, u -. );i )v, .so
tt/Lj rb L v*;uQ (c)
ctti.?t?7 (B) Jt"cf -tut tx> r€tJttJ;/i;t rot
JFt-* (D) tt.,i&; c) t._,,1 $ / e,!,,/.' J,,:,, .et
?,.t ( i. I / Lc,..,f l, ?,tJF,-*
.,t r ar,/ (B) &t'j"- <e)
l=; G) D,-rl (At l'C44 (D) t rrv <ct
)t?gvJt @ hJ, <c) t;t rz-7{.t-1Lg^-.vs
r r,j .t,q (E/1,;,, .vz tt (ts) ,9 rA)
9,) (B) tV (A) si (D)
4 c)
(D) otU,( <Cl t<--in l/*t2'r".nn
t1{oi+l!6n;A .st ll,-a. (B) i/dt,E? G)
6,8:vt (B) tlll <e>
j'-,t'j'- (D) ,)v;tlsst <c)
$,69t7 6,6J'v <c, t{L,-/ i J Z,f ,r' j,,vr
-V!,1w $ r
@, -2. u,t t oo

-?-)b/( "c+r" .94 ttJltuy tet

,iJ,{ (B) )t, (A) ,!.Jitur ol
6 ttt (D) d, <ct sollutr rct
-?*("=+)"''ss ,)vttt'iuyyy u>t

Je-1 (B) t$br (A)

1. An s we r Key
a 14 c 27.
2.b 15 b
d 40 a 53 d 66. d 79. b 92. a
3.d 16 a
c 4't. b 54 b 67. a 80 a d
4. c 17 c
b 42. a c 68. b 81. d 94. a
5.b 18. d
30. b 43. c 56 a 69. c 82. c 95. a
6.c 19. b 32.
d 44. d 57. d 70. c 83. c 96. d
7. c 20. a
b 45. 1 58. b 71. d 84. a 97. d
8. a 2't. u.
c 46. a c 72. d a 98. c
9d 22. d
a 47 b 60. b 73. c 86. c b
tu a 23.
35. c 48 b 61. d 74. a 87 c 100. c
11. a 24. a
b 49 b 62 a 75. a 88 b
12. b 25. c
d 50 d 63. b 76. b 89 d
13. d 26. b
38. b 51 a 64. b 77. d 90 b
c 52 c 65. 78. c 91 a
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoe6 4O9



in the Punjab Auqaf Organization Department, 2014

1. Let us see which way the wind

' 16. Ripple
({) blow (B) btow-iig- (A) wobble (B) rnjury
(C) blows (Oi Urew (C) slain (O) disabrlity
2. Who will the car. 17. Radiant
(A1 be[ing-- (B) bells (A) growing (B) glittering
(c) befl (D) be ed (C) flrckering (D) dimming
3. Did he - (B) had
oood heatth. 18. Devilish
1a) nas-- (A) vrrtual (B) salanic
(C) would have (D) have (C) simple (O) honest
4. He told that he do rt easity. '19. Ruins
(A) can ---_l8-i mav (A) wildernesses (B) paces
(C) rs iof cor,ito (C) excavations (O) ercretions
5 Two and two _ lour. 20 Prcliferate
(A) makes (B) make (A) st'npli9 B ) muttiply
(C) made (O) have made (C) glorify D ) digniry
6. Salma was ill---l-e) fever. 21. Cheekv
(A) of to (A) rm'pure B ) rmpudent
(C) with (0) on (C) impressive D ) impassable
7. He has lust
of '
knowledoe. 22. Hastened
(A) for (A) quietened B slared
(C) to iOi aOout (C) quickened D hasty
L He was meditating- _ the problem. 23. Respites
(A) of -tBt --lBlro- (A) short interval (B) dejeciions
(C) on (D) with (C) lroubles (D) mirth
9. He rs ignorant _ his demerits. 24. Sepulchral
(A) in (B) of (A) cheerlul (B) mouming
(C) to (D) on (C) resonant iDy roaring
10. He is mindt l 25. Realm
(A) for -------7Blhistostatus. (A) defense (B) warfare
(C) with iDi or (C) relalions (D) empire
11 Ahmad aimed the cIow and fired. 26. Nandipur is in _district.
(A) ro ror (A) Sargodha (B) Faisatabad
(c) at (o) bv (C) Gujranwala (O) Lahore
12. Last night the thief broke his house 27. Caracas rs the capital of
and stole a TV set (A) New Zealand (Bl Austr"afia
(A) of (B) bv (C) England (D) Venezueta
(c) to (ot rnlo
28. Dasu Hydal Power Project is to be located in
13. He did not heed his brother,s _ provtnce.
(A) for (B) on
(A) Punjab (B) KpK
(C) to
(C) Sindh (O) Batuchisran
(O) rn
29. Peru rs a country of America
14. I prefer banana _
------Gf mango. (A) Easr --iB)-WEst
(A) on tor ' (C) North (O) Sourh
(C) inro (D) to
30. Nelson Mandela was born in
15. He took me surDrise. (A) 1918 (B) 1913--
(A) w h in (c) 1920 (o) 1921
. (C) trom (D) uy
31. Ouaid-e-Azam took admission in Lincoln's lnft
410 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
in (C) North Korea (D) South Korea
(A) 18-06- (B) 1895 47. Quaid-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan was murdered
(c) 1894 (D) 1893 on the of October 1951
32. Rabat is the capital of which lslamic country? (A) 16rh B) 17th
(A) Egypt (B) Morocco (c) 18rh D) 19rh
(C) Qatar (D) Bahrain 48 Barack Obama was re-elected as US
33. Asal-al-Sanadeed was a book by Sir Syed President belongs to Party.
about (A, Republrcan (B) Democratrc
(A) Bioiogy (B) Anthropology (C) Liberlanan (D) Green
(C) Archaeology (D) Sooology 49 lran-Pakistan pipe-line is also called
34. The Bntrsh killed Lakshmr rn -
(A) 1858 (B) 1857 (41 nirl-f pipeline (B) Future pipelrne
(c) 18s6 (D) 1855 (C) Peace pipeline (D) Friendship pipeline
35. When \flas the Punjab annexed by Britain? 50 Hanna Lake is located in
(A) 1850 -
{B) 1849 (A) Punlab
(c) 1848 (D) 1847 (B) Sindh
(C) Baluchistan
independent state in the
' isot an
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-
(A) East (B) West 51. Mossad rs the intelligence agency of
(C) North (D) South
iTllraq (B) lran
37. ln the last week of December 2013. Ukraine (C) lsrael (D) lndia
signed a Pact for ard wrth _Russta
(A) USA (B) 52 Most widely spoken language in Pakistan is
(c) Turkey (D) China
(A) English (B) Urdu
38. Russia attacked Georgta in
(A) 2008 (B) 2007 {C) Punjabr (O) Stndhi
(c) 2006 (D) 200s 53. Second largest ocean of the world is

39 lnternational Food Day-is observed on (A) lndian Ocean B Atlantic Ocean

_ every year.
(A) 15 October (B) 16 October
(C) Pacific Ocean D Arctic Ocean
(C) '15 October (D) 14 October 54. Water covers about of the Earth's
40 Second world War was drawing to an end ln (A) 5s% (B) 65%
(c) 75o/o (D) 85%
(A) 194s (B) 1944
(c) 1946 (O) 1947 55. The paper we use in fax machines is called
was the
41 Ouring the 2nd World War
1$-Guze paper (B) Stamp Paper
British Prime Minister. (C) Herbal paper (D) Thermal Paper
(A) Lord Wavell
(B) Simon 56 Head of the Senate is called
(C) Mountbatten - (A) President (B) Speaker -
(D) Winston S. Churchill iCi Ctralrman (D) Adminrstrator
42 Simla Conference was held in 57. Who rnvented bulb?
(A) 1945 (B) 1944 (A) Robert (B) Edison
(c) 1943 (O) 1942 (C, Finlay Monrs (D) Herberl
43. Cabinet Mission delegation consisted of 58 The capital crly ol South Sudan rs -:
members. - (A) Krnshasa (B) Rabal --
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) Juba (D) Khartoum
(c) 3 (D) 5 59. ln which city of Pakistan SAARC conference
44. Oay ot Deliverance was observed on was held rn January 2004.
(A) Lahore (B) lslamabad
iAfz2na Oec. 1939 (B) 23rd Oec. 1939 (C) Peshawar (D) Karachi
(C) 24th Dec. 1939 (D) 25th Dec. 1939 60. Pakislan became an atomic power in
45. There are member states of U.N.
(A) (B) 192 IAI-1307 (B) 1998
(c) (D) 194 (c) 1999 (D) 2000
46. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon belongs 61. lndus Basin Treaty was signed in
to - (A) 1960 (B) 1962
(A) Th-A-and (B) Japan (C) 1964 tDl i956

Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Paoers 411
62 Who led the Khilafat Movement? (\27 (B) ?8
(4) Sir
(C) M.A.
(B) Allama lqbal
(D) Sir Agha Khan
ic) 25 . (D) 26
78. Gulf Cooperation Council consists ol
63. Who was the viceroy of lndia at the time of _ membar sbles.
' Partition of lndia? (A) 5 (B) 4
(A) Lord Curzon (B) Lord Wavetl (c) 3 (D) 6
(C) Lord Minto '(D)Lord Mountbatten 79. Which country is the cunent Football Wodd
64. Which one is the highest peak of Hindu Kush? Champion?
(A) Everest (B) Nanga Parbat (A) Brazil (8) cermany
(C) Tirich Mir (D) K.2 (C) Spain (D) France
65. The height of Nanga Parbat' is 80. Which pass links Pakislan and China via Silk
(A) 8606 (B) 8711 Route?
(c) 8261 (D) 812s (A) Khyber Pass (B) Tochi Pass
66. When was the 1956 constitution (C) Gomal Pass (D) Khuniarab Pass
implemented? 8'1. Population wise which i6 the 3rd largest city of
(A) August
14 (B) 23 March Pakistan?
(C) 8 June (D) 27 October (A) Lahore (B) Karachi
67. The E.C.O. was founded in (C) Faisalabad (D) Multan
(A) 1970 (B) 1.E7r 82. Mostly dry fruits are cultivated in which
(c) 1980 (D) 1985 province ol Pakistan?
68. The tolal length of Pakistan-Afghanistan (A) Punjab
border is (B) Baluchislan
(A) 2282- (B) 2225 (C) Sindh
(c) 2252 (o) 2522 (D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
69. Non-aliened counlries organization is called
83. When was the lst Five-year plan sta ed?
(A) 1950 (B) 1955
(A) OrC (B) NAM (c) 1960 (D) 1965
(c) NATO (D) ECO
70. Mahabat Khan Mosque as situated -7' "v., $". I q i,1:.,e,,t,,,( yC u/ .u
(A) Lahore (B) Peshawar
' J!r, tel dr (et
(C) Quetta (D) Karachr
tJ.. P)
7'1. Rohtas Fort is located rn district
. .,rU tct
(A) Chakwal (B) Attok t x Jrir(,t, t,€ ) {LJID* /,rsu }s
(C) Jhelum (D) Rawatpindi t
7 .es
72. Members of OIC
(A) 55
in total are
(B) 56- Jq rel F (A)
(c) 57 (D) s8 )t' (ol ib (Cl
73. Administrative centre of OIC is situated in

iAf-EnEn (B) Rabat 7,f 7v./*oai,f_ aa

(C) Damascus (D) Jeddah
Jf, dr @t
74. Where is the headquarters of OPEC?
(A) Geneva
(C) Havana
(B) Vienna
(D) Riyadh
d tol ..'/r (c)
75. OAWN newspap€r started publicaiion in
-*iviror,llu"r .et
(A) Delhi (B) Karachi J,,)ta @) J,,)t
(C) Lahore (D) Dhaka Al
76 Which country voted against Pakistan being
J,'/tS (o) ,j,,t/'rq Gl
allowed to ioin UNO?
(A) lndia (B) Afqhanistan t
f$,,q)lytu t .aa
(C) Turkey (O) Sovet Union attql,t
77 There are member states of EU. ,!; @l .1, tol
' dtvtitt (Dl slvt* (cl
Nanga Parbat is one gf the eight-thousanders, with a
tummit elevation of8,126 metres (26,660 ft).
412 Advanced PPSC MCQi Model Paoers

-j,*, -,;,t;.i:_ t,:_/ Bs -(ji-,:LP @t -i)iiP 6\

j'- Gt dr @t 'Liir
(D) -,t;i \cl
Jll tol -..
1,; (C) . -P','.hb o.

:afilL4', .so t,,-il {O e'r (A)

,:qt+;/ @) i, tol tl', (c)

ar$i-)i Ft :;.i4 7 i..; ea

iii,-:i tct dt, lBt ;-i-o, 6l

tr.'r-4L,{'t-:i \D) ;-.'.r,li iol "i.., (C)
:;.iuc,ge j .st j-t,
S r- ) r' r,, u --. -.' 2;.':
r .OZ

.j,,c('E tet '|/c6 a (B) 'sc't:',i (A)

+.., 4-Ya \B) ,V*"ir; \D) .-"'"-ri 1C1

$Pni'/ lCl /
tt;sL)Jitjg;<,;r tot -j)L---/s =t!-l .sa
!:,i/e/ (By j;eiy,-7 61
' :;--[5'e'g;{"1;t sz ''! )'s'o7 1o1 '! 4v.>.2 1c1
e-e,Aio4(Sl @, \iJ/,-.'Lt @l ; Jo,./ivl:to,z.,! .sg

c-:v,$(]s @l 7Jti,-tii-,' tcl 12 (B) 11 (A)

14 (D) 13 (C)
-i/c;e'i!' .gt
rc-/tJvJ ,.t ,loi).too
j\t/ (Bl v)ttt (^t
,61fti2 (ol J'riu'; tcl
Je? @l leP (Al
2t.?P lDl tt t{eP (C\
:,!dL* sq
Answer Key
'1. c 14. d d 40. a 53 b 66. b 79. b 92. a
2.c 15. d 28. b 41. d 54 c 67. d 80. d 93. a
3.b 16. a 29. d 42. a 55 d 68. c 81. 94. b
4.d 17. b 30. a 43. c 56 c 69. b b 95. a
5.b 18. b 31. d 44. a 57 b 70. b 83. b 96. a
6.c 19. a b 58 c 71. c 84. 97. d
7. a 20. c 33. b 46. d 59 b 72. c 85. c 98. a
8.c 2',t. d u. a 47. a 60 b 73. d 86. d 99. a
9.b 22. c 35. b 48. b 61 a 74. b 87. b 100 d
10. d 23. 36. d 49. c 62 c 75. a 88. b
'11. c 24. b 1-t b 50. c 63 d 76. b 89. b
'12. d 25. d 38. a 51.
c u c 77. b 90. d
13. c 26. c 39. b 65 d 78. d 91. d

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR in the Directorate of Labour Wetfare
(Labour & Human Resource Department) - 2019
'l . Name the first written constitutaon of the (A) 0.026 (B) 0.0026
world? (c) 26 (D) 0.00026
(A) Treaty of Hudayb'ya is the extension of which
(ts) Mesaaq-e-Madina
1'1. Docx of the
(C) Khutaba-e-Hiija-tul Wrda (A) MS Word (B) MS Excel
(D) None of lhese (C) Power Point (D) None ofthese
2. ISPR oflicial song for 2018 "Hamara Pakislan"
12: A piece of cake idiom means?
was sung by?
(A) Rahat Fateh Ati Khan (A) Part of cake
(B) An easy task
(B) Shafaqat Amanat Ali (C) celebrate birthday
(C) Amanat Ali (D) None of these
(D) Atif Aslam
3. Fill in the blank: He became addicted
13. Whrch Prophet was titled as Zabeeh ultah?
(A) Hazrat lbrahim (A.S)
_ drugs at quite any early age. (B) Hazrat lsmaeel (A.S)
(A) For (B) into (C) Hazrata lshaq (A.S)
(C) to (D) in (D) Hazrat Noah (A.S)
4. -Hayat-e-Jawaid- wfltten
by Attaf Hussain Hali 14. ln human which body parl develop first?
is on the life ot:
(A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(A) Hearl (B) Brain
(B) Ghalib
(C) Lungs (O) Kidneys
(C) Saadi Shirazi 15. Formosa is the old name of:
(D) None of these (A) Cambodia (B) Rhodesia
5. A computer on inlernet is identrfied by ds:
(C) Taiwan (D) Bangkok
(A) E-mailAddress (B) Street Address 16. What is the shortcut key you can press to creale
(C) Login Password (D) lp Address
a copyright symbol?
6. Which is second pillar of tslam? (A) Alt + C (B) Ctrt + C
. (A) Tauheed (B) Satat (C) Alt+Ctrl+C (D) Ctrl + Shift +C
(c) zakat (D) saum
17 How many chambers are in the human heart?
7. Which of the following found in US?
tAt 2 (B) 4
(A) Mount [,lickenty (B) Death Va ey (c) 6 (D) 5
(C) Applachrans (D) Alt ofthese'
18. What is the area of a triangle having base
L Which of the folloung elements comes first rn 19m and herghl 7m?
Penodrc Table? (a) as m'
({) Hydrogen (B) Oxygen (C) 66.s
(B) 55 m'
r eg m'?
(C) Helium (D) Zrnc
19. 2- O s=')
9. Which key should be pressed to start a new (Al 2 (B) 4
line in MS-Word?
(f) Down Cursor Key(B) (c) 6 (O) 0
(C) Shitt + Enter '(D) Ctrt + Enier
Enter Key
20 What is the approximate length of the Great
Wall of China?
'10. 0.26 + 100 = ? (A) 20000.18km (B) 2'1196.18km
114 , Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers
(C) 22000.18km (D) 23000.18km 34. Clark Glacier is located in?
21. _ is known as city of bazaars.
(A) USA (B) Canada
(A) Karachi (B) Tokyo (C) Brazil (D) Australia
(C) Cairo (D) New York 35. Which of the followi,rg Excel feature allows
users to evaluate values and retum a result?
22. Quaki-i-.Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (A) Formulas (B) Formatting
presented his Fourteen Points in:
(A) 1928 (B) 1929 (C) Filters (D) lnsertions
(c) 1930 (D) 1932 36. Which of the lollowing country took Kashmir
dispute rn UNO?
23. When did Pakistan become an lslamic (A) lndia (B) Pakistan
(A) 1947 (B) 1956
(C) Russia (D) Afghanistan
(c) 1965 (D) 1973 37. Compl€te the series: 36.34.30,28,24.
24. Which of the following colours are pnmary
iA) 20- JB) 22
colours? (c) 23 (D) 26
(A) Red. Blue, Green
(B) White, Red Black 38. Head office of Asian lnfrastructure lnvestment
(C) Black- Red, Blue
Bank is Located City?
(D) Green. Red Black
(A) Shanghai (B) Doha
(C) Canlon (D) Berjrng
25. Which among the following was first martyre 39. The Hindu had launched "Swadeshi
of lslam? Movement" (to boycott English made goods)
(A) Hazrat Khubab rn the wake of: -
(B) Hazrat Yassir (A) The Urdu Hindi controversy 1867
(C) Hazrat Summiya (B) Partition ot Bengal 1905
(D) Hazrat Zubair (C) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy '1919
26. Complete the series I, 8,4, 27, 9, (O) All of above events
40. "Enormous" means:
(A) 8 (B) 9 (A) Hard (B) Huge
(c) 64 (D) 16 (c) Amazing (o) Many
27. Hashemite Kingdome of Jordan was 41. Which Prophet is titled as 'Abul Bashar'?
established in 1946 by? (A) Hazrat Yaqub (A.S)
(A) AbdaltanI (B) Hasan Ali (B) Hazrat Adam (A.S)
(c) Faisal (D) Abdallah ll (C) Hazrat Yousaf (A.S)
(D) Hazrat Daood (A.S)
28. He held me _ my nec*?
(A) with (B) By 42. The idea of 'Asia Europe Meeting' (ASEM)
_ (C) Over (O) From organazation was initiated in 1994 by Mr. Goh
Chok Tong. the Pnme Minister of:
29. ln which country Godwin Austen is located (A) South Korea (B) North Korea
(A) lndia (B) China
(C) Pakistan (D) lran (C) Japan (D) Singapore
30. ln the marathon race athletes have to cover a 43 The Statue of Lrberty was a gift to the
distance miles. American people from which country?
(A) 15 ----(B) 19 (A) France (B) Greece
(c) 26 (D) 28 (C) Great Bratain (D) Swrtzerland
31. Mirani Oam is located in which province? 44. Soviet Union officially ended in 26
(A) Puniab December ?
(B) Baluchistan (A) 1989 (B) 1990
(C) Sindh (c) 1991 (D) 1992
'(D) KPK -
45. On 03 April 20'19 Pakastan and lran signed an
32. The Muslim demand tor Separate Eleclorate agreement on?
presented by the Shimla Deputation 1906 was (A) Trade and Culture
incorporated in the:
(B) Joint Rapid Reaction Force
(A Minto Modey Reforms (C) Border Agreement
(B Montague-Chelmstord Reforms (O) None of these
(c Simon Commission Report 46. After America the largest numbers of Nobel
(D None of the above Laureates are from:
33.2+ 2\ (A) United Kingdom (B) Germany
(A 4 B) 4 (C) France (D) switzerland
(c D) 0
AclvancedPPSC CQs odelPaoerc 115

47 The maior Govt. pohcres that can be used to 6'1. He complained chesl pain and went to
pursue ils microeconomrc goals are doctor.
(A) Frscal Policy, Monitory Policy -? (A) At - (B) Of
(8) Fiscal Pohcy, Monitory Policy, Debt Policy ic) on (o) over
(C) Fiscal Policy. Debt Policy 62. Mv friend asked me.'Has Saima talked to
(D) Fiscal Policy. Monitory Policy and S6nia?'Frnd the conect ifldirect sentence
Subsidies (A) My triend asked me if Saima has talked to
48 lndian Khrlafat Depulation vrsiled England to Sonia
put therr views before Lloyd George in (B) My friend asked me that Saima had
(A) 1940 (8) 1930
talked to Sonia
{C) 1920 rD) None of lhese My fnend asked me rf Sarma had talked.
to Sonia
49 Red blood corpuscles are formed ln the (D ) My friend told me if Sarna had talked to
(A) Liver (B) Bone Marrow Sonia
(C) Krdneys (O) Heart
50 Summer Olymprcs 2022 wrll be heid in
63. Atter Christianity and lslam, the third biggest
rehgion isl
(A) Chrna (B) Japan
(C) Russia (D) France lA) Judaism (B) Shintoism
(C) Buddhrsm (D) Hindursm
51 Who is the Vice Presrdent of USA?
(A) Joe Biden (B) Mike Pompeo 64. Trout Lake is situated rn:
(C) Mika Pence (D) None of these (A) Canada (B) Russia
(C) USA (O) Angola
SAARC secretanat is located in
(A) Dhaka (B) Colom 65. Who among the following is regarded for
(C) lslamabad (O) Kathmandu efficrent administration and administration
reform in medieval lndia?
53 When 20 % of itself added into a number it (A) Akbar (B) Sher Shah Suri
gives 102. flnd the number.
(A) 85 (B) 90 (C) Balban (D) Shah Jahan
(c) 7s (D) 185 66. Master plan of lslamabad.was drav/n by which
lqbal gave his idea of a country for frrm of country?
54. Allama
'lndian Muslims in December 1930 at (A) Russia (B) USA
(C) Turkey (D) Greek
(AtTilrhabad (B) Lucknow 67. Fear of bathing
(c) Abbottabad (D) Delhi (A) Claustrophobia (B) Ablutophobia
55. Who co-founded Hotmail in 1996 and then (C) Acrophobia (D) None of above
sold it to Microsoft? 68. When first census was conducted in
(A) Shawn Fanning Pakistan?
(B) Ada Byron Lovelace (A) 1955 (B) 19sl
(C) Sabeer Bhaha (c) 1953 (O) 1954
(D) Rey Tominson
69. When the office of chairman joint chief ol staff
56. Choose the correct meaning 6f the idrom A committee was established?
Gordian Knot' (A) March 1971 (B) March'1976
(A) A piece of rope (C) February 1977 (D) July1978
(B) An easy task
(C) Oifficult or complex problem 70. Which prominent Afncan country has reioined
(D) None of these the Arrican union (AU) after a period of almost
33 years?
57. A webpage has a unique address called" (A) Algeria (B) Congo
(A) Domarn Name {B) URL
(C) lP Address (D) None ofthese (C) Morocco (D) Senegal
58. Plants during night exhale: 71. The name of cover of Kaaba is ?
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide (A) Bourds (Bt Krsw
(C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen (C) Al-Katif (D) Saleda

59. Capital of Egypt is: 72. Anxious means:

(A) Carro (B) Aden (A) Worried (B) Afraid
(C) Aden (D) Amman (C) Oangerous (D) Confused
60 "Alexandria" is the crly ot 73. Which player has highest wicket taker in ODI?
(Ar Greece (B) lraq (A) Waseem Akram (8) Shahid Afridi
(C) Syria (D) Egypt (C) Sachin Tendulkar (D) Dhoni
116 Aclvancod ppSC NCes Moc&',t papers
74. Which leader of the lndran Nattonal Conoress
termed lhe Lahore Resolution of 1940
(C) Duleep Singh (D) Langah Singh
'Jinnah's iantastic proposals"? a; 87. 30% of 100 is equat to 3% of
(A) M.K Gandhi (A) 3ooo (B) 2oo-0--
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) 1000 (D) 750
(C) Raj Gopatachonya 8E. To start slkie show ot a qesentation
(D) Motilal Nehru (A) F3 (B) Fs
75. Under Bretton-Wood agreement which of the (c) F/ (ol rg
tollowlng institution was formed, 89. ln the 10lh Nabavi year a very dear and near
(A) tcJ uncte of the Holy piophet (pdUH) died. What
(Bi ADB was his name?
(C) lnterpot (A) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
(O) None of these (B) Haz rat Abu Tatib (flA)
76. MS Excel will not be able to calculate which of (C) Hazat Zubair (Rti)
tfre following formula? (D) Hazrat Abbas (RA)
(A) SUM(Sales)-A3 90- The UNO was set up in:-
(B) suM(Al.Asr 5 (A) 1939 (B) .1941
(c) SUM(AI Asy(10+10) (c) 1e49 (D) 194s
(D) suM(A1 A5)-10

-.-- deqdes when and where UN

Peacekeeping Missron will operate?
. tTyl--r;{"0 ":t-,t" .91

Un Generat Assemblv .:, .M (A)
UN Secuntv Councit
(C1 Economic ind Social Councit a. o/)t,(B)
(D) None of these
78 VV}at is meant bv Corteoe?
,/ )rr:'LrrrV : (C)
(A) A funeral p.6cessio-n
(B) A victory procession adoT;t.c.-,f ,,*(D)
(C) Unruly crowd t rlrJ1 c)r a,/,>,,;,! r.,L, /J i3 .g2
(O) Highly disciplined crowd
79 Novel "War and Peace" was written by: ,ll.,e'<B) J)J*(A)
(A) Leo Tolstoy (B) Tito 6!il;,v].t(D) Jgetiit g((.)
(C) Shelly (O) Shakespeare .
80 Slandard single tayer double sided DVD can tLr('pi'\itflztlltc-t4lrd .93
store maximum of
(A) ss
--ts-t oz -!<g Jr+,(A)
(c) tO\ 7.7
Fill in the Blank: "His voice gets on my
j6Er(D) ,-f <C>

(B) !-zE .94

(C) Mind
(D) Ears
82. The G20 is a,eading forum consists ol
,j'rtJ*€ <$ nut(CJ,u.€ (A)
(A) 20 Countries
(B) 19 countries & European Union
Jirc,t*d<o> lrz,tn€ tcl
(C) 19 countries & World Bank
(D) 't9 Countries & Security Council ,icn.- t.,! gV,t7,'rda Jf vt I .-o,t( r$.g5
83. Antonym of Ephemeral is:
(A) Passrng (B) permanent
(C) Fleeting (D) Attack iG) i,/G)
84. Which of the following countries officiat name
is lslamrc Republic of? .eu0r(D) rd (c)
(A) Uzbekistan (B) Niqefla
(c) Egypt iol
tvtiuritanra t+(LiUC,?,/",,(J;r' .s6
85. Bangladesh got rndependence rn:
(A) 1970 (B) 1971
JE\:7(B) JFut,(A)
\c) 1972 ioi r gzs
s'tq,tfi{D) JbeC-lur(c)
86. Who was last Maharaja ot Sikh Empire?
(A) Nau Nahat Srngh (B) Karrak Singh
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model 417

;:i',!,/ " j, + :v", tt " ! p: J ;r' 97 J,i;.4(D) ,lrjr-Lc (C)

<. -)bt{r:b','e(: . 99
:,cJa l;- <B) ,g;rr:l(A) t-i;.o{' (B) ;'c:','t,((A)
i'92eE(D) ,njtitt(C) tY.c6(D) 't/t(,(C)
rtt,-4-{:J-4,!Sl, 98 t-,
'-r ",*,-,1' . loo
)u-J;t,1)ll-t)r* $)
,f rrc
'7 -'i''(A)
t.-(,-/ i' , ,j'-rtFol Jt,l. (C)
Jb€-iu,(B) ;c(A)
Answer Key
1. b 14. a 27 a 40. b 53 a 66 d 79 a 92 b
28 b 41. b u a 67 b 80 c VJ c
2S c 42. d 68 b 81 b 94 a
4. a 17. b 30 43. a 56 69 b E2 b b
5. d 18. c 3'l b 44. c b 70 c b 96 d
6. b 19. b 32 a 45. b 58 b 71 b 84 d 97 b
7. d 20. b d 46. a 59 a 72 a 85 b 98.
a 21. c u a 47. bU d a 86 c 99.
b 22. b 35 a 48. c 61 b 74 b 87 c 100 d
10 b b 36 a 49. b 62 c d 88 b
1'r a 24. a b 50. a 63 d 76 a 89 b
12 b 25. c 38. d 51. c 64 a 77. b 90. d
13 b 26. 39. b 52. d 65 b 78. a 91. a

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR in the Directorate of Labour Welfare
(Labour & Human Resource Department) - 2017
1. World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) (D) A Devil's advocate
Conference uyas held on 23-2.t May,20i6:
(A) Cairo, Egypt (B) Newyoj'k. US 6. How many s€ats did the All lndia Mustim
(C) lstanbul, Tuftey (D) paris, France League win in the Central Legislative
Assembly in the: '1945 elections in lndia?
2. Syhonyrn of Malice is: (A) 40 (B) 35
(C) [ind
pteasant (B)
(D) Hatred
Surprise (c) 30 (o) 60
7. Find the square of 35: -(B) 112s
3. Who Was First Secretary General of the UN (Al 4175
(41 l.f Thqlt (B) Dag Hamma*siotd lc) 122s (D) 1245
(c) Kurt watdheim (D) Trygve Lie 8. Gandhi Raised the slogan of "Quit lndia Which
4. The First Round Table Corference wes held slogan did Quid-e-Azam raise to counter it?
in: (A) Drive and Rule (B) Divide and euit
(A) Britain(B) Delhi (C) Rule and Divie (D). None of these
(C) (D) London
9. "Yaum-€-Takbeer" in Pakistan is celebrated
5. Complete the ldiom "Hell hath no fury on:
like (A) 6 September (8) 16 December
(A)-A women scorned (C) 23 March (O) 28 May
(B) A burned woman
(C) A Women forgotten 10. The Largest Cricket Stadium of the World is.
418 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
(A) Melbourne Cricket Ground, Australia (C) Lodhi (D) Khrlji
(B) Eden Garden. Kolkata 24 The tragic incident of Karbala took place
(C) The oval. London
(D) Gaddafi Stadium Lahore during the month of Muharram in the _
11 ln Which Surah obligation of ablution are (A) 55 AH (B) 61 AH
described? (c) 70 AH (D) 72AH
(A) Al-Baqrah (B) Al-Maida 25. 'Confucianism' as a religious mythology
(C) Al-Noor (D) Al-An'aam originated in:
12 Which one of following is considered to be (A) Japan (B) Greece
one ot the Father of lnternet? (C) China (D) Nepbl
(A) Vrnton Gray Cerf (B) Bill Gates 26. Or. Muhammad Yunus. Nobel Pnze winner. is
(C) Charlie Babbage (D) Steve Jobs known all over the world as the.
13 The Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (A) Oeputy Chairmen of Planning
(FATA) Consist ot -- Commission of Bangaladesh
(A) Frve Agencres (B) Six Agenctes (B) Finance Minster with Hasin
(C) Seven Agencres (D) Eight Agencies (C) Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University
(D) Founder of Grameen Bank
14 Qazaf Means:
A) False accusation of adultery 27. lf there is no sun. the color of the sky would
B) False accusation of robbery be:
C) False accusation of rape (A) Orange (B) Blue
D) False accusation of murder (C) Yellow (D) None of these
15 if A and b together can complete a job in 15 28. When the stock market is risinq it is
days and B alone can complete it in 20 days. called
ln how many days can A alone complete job: (A) BullE (B) Berish
(A) 60 (B) 45 (C) Hot (D) Rising up
(c) 40 (o) 30 29. Find the odd man out> 1. 5.7.11 12. 13.17
16 Choose the synonym of: Sepulchral (A)1' (B) 7
(Ai Cheerful (B) Mournful lcl 12 (D) 17
(C) Resonant (D) Roaflng
-?0. Nanga Parbat. one of the most dangerous
17 Complete the ldiom "The more things change, mountain to climb, is the_ highesi
the more they_: mountain.
(A) Begin to improve (B) Repeat history (A) 4th (B) 6th
(C) Stay the same (D) Resist change (c) 8th (o) gth
18. ln information Technology what does HTML 31. lmam Ghazali was bom and died in which city
stand for? of lran
(A) Hyper Text Method Language (A) Oom (B) Tous
(B) Hyper Ten Markup in Language (C) Mashhad (O) Neshapur
(C) Hyper Text Markup Logic 32. Which o, following is responsible for the
(D) Hyperlink Ten Markup Language largest amount of Oxygen of Earth?
19. Head office of Asia lnfrastructure lnvestment (A) Algae (B) Trees
Bank is Located City? (C) Peat bogs (D) Grass
(A) Shanghai (B) Doha 33. Which is longest bone in human body?
(C) Canton (O) Beuing (A) Tibia (B) Femure
20. Ceasefire UN Military Observe Group in lndia (C) Fibufa (D) Nebula
and Pakistan established to report on 34. "Warsak Dam" has been built on the river
(A) 1947 (B) 1949
(A) lndus (B) Korang
(c) 19s0 (D) 1951
ic) Kabul (D) Hingol
35. I which iPara of Holy Quran' Surah Al-Momin
21. What in the average (arithmetic mean) of the is located?
Positive intergers from 1 to 100, inclusrve? (At 24 (B) 26
(A) 49 (B) 49.5 (c) 28 (D) 23
(c) 50 (D) 50 5
36. ln which year drd Pakrstan win rts Frrst
22. Complete the series '14 20, 20. 40. 32.64 Ol/mpic Hockey Gold Medal?
(A) s2 (B) s6 (A) 1957 (B) 1960
(Cr 90 (D) 126 .
(c) 1964 (D) 1065
23 The Ruling Muslim dynasty of lndia from '1320 37. Which of following provisions is a part of the
lo --
1414 AD was: ObJective Resolution?
. (A) Slave Oynasty (B) Tagluq
Advanced P PSc MCOS Model 419

(A) Parliamentary system wll be introduced (C) Dictatorship (D) Gather

(B) Parliament must be unilateral 52. Synonym of Melancholy is
(C) President and Prime Minister must be (A) Oissolve (B) Sadness
Muslim by faith (C) Joy (D) Petty
(D) Fundamental rights of minorities
53 Which Country was rnvaded twrce by
38. Which was the last major expedition led by the Germany in the 20"' century and rtself had
Holy Prophet (PBUH) brutally colonized
(A) Tabook (B) Conquest (A) Belgium (B) Poland
(C) Khyber (D) Badar (C) France (D) UK
39. Who is the author of the book "Oas Kapital? g. Capital City of Albania is:
(A) Karl Marx (B) Rousseau (A) Tirana (B) Belgrade
(C) Hitler (D) Lenin (C) Srebrenica (D) Pristina
40. Fill in the blanks: He is mindlul his
55. ln which year was Nelson Mandela of South
status. Africa awarded Nishan-e-Pakistan?
(A) For (B) To (A) 1990 (B) 1992
(C) .with (D) of (c) 1994 (D) 1996
41. The famous Qissa Khawani Bazaar is located 56. Enormous'means:
in: (A) Hard (B) Huge
(A) Quetta (B) Multan (C) Amazing (O) Many
(C) Hyderabd (D) Peshawar.
57. lslam was declared as the state Religion
42. A Portuguese explorer discovered the Sea under the
route from Europe to lndra (A) Constitution of 1956
(A) Fir Francis Drake (B) Constitution of 1962
(B) Captain John Cook (C). C.gnstitutron of '1973
(C) Christopher Columbus (O) 8" Amendment
(D) Vasco Da Gama
58. Fill in the Blanks \,vith the appropriate
(A) 3/2 (B) 25/54 They have no one to blame for the trouble
(c) 2t3 (o) 30/2s
_ themselves
44. Harappa is a city in Punjab about 24 km South (A) expect
west of: (B) expect for
(A) Sahiwal (B) Multan (C) Neither A and B
(C) llarowal (D) Lahore (O) AandBBoth
45. Synonym of CARNIVORE is: 59. ldentiry the correcl meaningsof the idioms 'To
(A) Dangerous (B) Wild cool one's heels'
(C) Meat eater (D) Trees (A) To be Kept waiting
(B) To be good and delicate
46. What is the Antonym of Opaque? (C) To have a dEal wth trouble some peGon
(A) Misty (B) Shiny (0) To praise someone
(C) Covered (D) Transparent
47. The Headquarter of the lntemational Court of 60. Who scored the first cricket test century for
Pakistan in 1952?
Justice is situaled in: (A) Nazar Muhammad
(A) Hague (B) Lisbon
(B) Hanil Muhammad
(C) Geneva (O) London
(C) Alimuddin
48. ln which province is the town Dalbandin (O) Saeed Ahmed
(A) Punjab 61. Optical Fiber System is_?
{B) Sindh (A) Telecommunication syslem
(B) Eye Operation
ici Knyber Pattrfuntnawan
(D) Balochistan (c) Air Raid system
(D) Defence System
49. Lackot vitamh C causes i
62. Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy was?
(A) Scurvy (B) Beriberi (A) Prime Minrster of Pakistan
(C) Blindness (D) Teeth decay (B) Speak ot the Constitution Assembly ,
50. What is meaning of "ltikaf' (C) Ambassador to USA
(A) Ablution (B) Prostration (D) CM of UP
(C) Seclusron (D) Cleaning
63 lndus Basin Treaty was signed rn
. (A) 1960 (B) 1961
Aristocracy (B)-- Theocracy
51 Opposite Democracy is:
(A) (c) 1962 (D) 1963
420 Advanced PPSC MCes Noctel papers
. Akber Hashemi Rafsaniani. who died on 8 76. "Baile-Rizwan ' was made to take the revenge
. January 2017, succeeded as the of.
President of lran. (A) Hazrat Hamza (R A)
(A) Syed Ali Khamenei (B) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
(B) Muhammad Khatemi (C) Hazrat AIi (R.A)
(C) Mahmood Ahmed (Ol Hazrat Usman
(D)Syed Hassan Rohani
77. ll x=3 then, find the vatue of K from the
65. Choose the Passive Voice of the following equation 3X' + (K-1) X+9+0
Statement (A) -11 {B) 11
'All Agreed lo What I proposed."
(A) What I Proposed was agreed by all
(c) -13 ioi rg
(B) What was proposed agried by itt 78. Who Succeeded President Zia-ut-Haq as the
{C) What has been propo#o by jtt . President of Pakistan
(D) Allo ot these (A) Rafiq Tarar
(B) Ghulam lshaq Khan
66. Who is the-current spokesman of the Ministry (C) Farooq laqhari
of Foreign Affair? (D) Fazal Elahi
(A) Oazi Khalilullah (B) Tasneem Astam
(C) Abdul Basit (D) Nafees Zikna 79 Of the ri'hich one is a mititary
67. lf ..,x+y:6. -y+z=7 z+x=$ the average (A) ASEAN (B) NATO
(anthmetrc) of x. y and z rs (C) NAFTA (O) OECD
(A) 11/3 tB) 11t2
(c) 22t3 (D) 11 80. To Copy a Picture of the Screen to the
CIpboard use:
68. Ahmed Shah Masoud was a prominent leader (A) All Key (B) Shifi Key
of the North Atliance in Afqhanistan To which (C) Print Screen Key (D) None orihese
he belongs?
(A) Pashtun (B) Uzbek 81. A small town in Sindh "Keti Bunder. is famous
iC) Tajik (O\ Hazara for.
(A) Historical srte (B) Gas and Ort field
69. The Book "lndus Saga and the Making of (C) Fish harbour (D) Mitrtary
Pakrstan -written by:
(A) Aitzaz Ahsan 82 What does "to break the tce" mean?
(B) Prol. lshtiaq Ahmed (A) To Start Steep
(C) Akbar S. Ahmed (B) To start a Conversation
(D) Mohsin (C) To start friendship
(D) To cool
70. What is Sonia Gandhi's relationship with
Mahatma Gandhi? 83. UPS is now widely used in households. What
(4) Daughter (8) crand does UPS stand fof
(C) Daughter in law (D) No Famity - (A) Unrform Power Strono
(B) Universal Product Su-poort
71.0.001=? (C) Under Panel Storaqe
(A) 1/10 (B) 1/1OO (D) Unrnterruptabte Po-wer Supply
(c) 1/1000 (D) 1
84. Give lhe total number of prophets.
72. Which one of the follolving prime Minister of (A) 120.000 (B) 125.000
lndia has received the award of Nishan_e- (c) 128,000 (D) 124,000
(A) Pundit Jawaharial Nehru 85. Who is lhe Minister of Education of punjab:
(B) Morarri Desai (1990) (A) Rana Mashood Ahmed Khan
(C) l.K Gujral (B) Khawaja Slaman Rafiq
(D) None of these (C) Rala Ashafq Sarwar
(D) Khizar Hayat Gondat
73 3/1000 written as a fraction is
(A) (B) 03 86 Jaundice is a disease in which the cotour of
(C) (D) 0.003 the Skin becomes:
({) Whrtrsh
74 !.Vh9. wrotg the book "Being and (B) Btack spotted
(C) Reddrsh (D) yellowrsh
(A) Albert Camus (B) Jean-paut Sartre 87. Pakistan Joined UNO in:
(C) Berlrand Russell (D) Rene Des (A) 1947 (B) 1948
(c) 1949 (D) 1950
75. Which Prophet was ti ed as Zabeeh u ah?
(A) Hazrat lbrahrm (A S) 88. Selecl the correct meaning of: .To be above
(B) Hazrat lsmaeet (A.S) board."
(c) Hazrara tshaq (A s) (A) To have a oood heioht
(D) Hazrat Noah (A.S) (B) To be hone;st in any"business
Advanced C MCQS Model 421
(C) They have no debts
(D) To try to be beautifut ':;-r.-=-r.z-1--,--.,,ur;.- ; . _95

89. Reykjavik is the capitat city of: ,..'i--,",P F) ;.;'-r:i 1o,

(A) Greenland (B) Nonvay
(C) lceland (D) Einland ;,:r, (D) ;-.'i - (C)
90. Country opposed Pakistan's application to join
"-..i L_.. :.r:i... 96
the uN in 1947? ;,;e, (B) .;i,:, (A)
(A) USSR (B) Oman
(D) ,,:'o- 1;,,. 1g1
(C) Cambodia (D) Afghanistan ;..'.r,J:a'
: j
= 16,;.; ;"'s9a ! e" .91
.: j
-: e' u -: :,. ;
j,, :-. a' J {! .97

,zQi@l 1k ( t v.:;.rn (B) _:i;,; (A)

JEcarl (O) Jilt<. , (C) ji].;.f,, (D) i.r'i r:,,a (Cl
r?{E!,|;"L:; .92 '.
--'>'r.-t! 1oi .98
={ (B) ={ (A) ;r;,;,;(B) .--

-J lc't .g3
=,/(o,,:;_r,o,;L/71i ;..''y':(D) ,r;-.r(C)
1 ,_y-.Pd_; .gg
.!, (B) r";(A)
-r- (B) -i'(A)
Ji p) ,\i'/i \c) ,-' (D) ,-= (C)
\c-ig'''"iJ* '94 r-, e';;Jc.-tij .100
(B) ;--r-: (B) ,---'(A)
;,u (O) "'t lA)
,j,v (C) j; (o) ;-,.:.: (c)
Answer Key
1. c 14. a 27. d 40. b 53. a 66 d 79 b 92. c
2. d 15. a 28. a 41. d 54. a ot d 80 93. a
3. d 16. b 29. 42. d 55. b 68 c 81 94b
4. d 17. c d 43. a 56. b 69 a 82 b 95. d
5. a 18. b 31. b 44. a 57. c 70 d 63 d 96a
6. c 19. d 32. a 45. 58. a 71 c 84 d 97. b
7. c 20. b 33. b 46. d 59. a 72 b 85 a 98. d
8. b 21. d 34. c 47 a 60. a d 86 d 99. a
9. d 22. b 35. a 48. d 61. a 74 b 87 a 100. d
10 a 23. b 36. b 49. a 62. a 75 b 88 b
1'l b 24. b 37. d 50. 63. a 76 d 89 c
12 a 25. c 38. a 51. 64. b 77 a 90 d
13 c 26. d 39. a 52. b 65. a 7E b 91 d

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (Labour Welfare) 2013
1. Which arlicle of lhe 1973 Constitution of completed has or her 18th year of age, can be
lslamic Republic ot Pakistan prohibits all required or permitted to work in any
forms of slavery, forced labour and child establishment in excess of __ hours a
labour: day and_ hours a week.
(A) 37 (e) (B) (A) 7.42 (B) 9 48
(c) 2s (D)
18 (c) 8,48 (D) 8, 56
2. Under the Factories Act. 1934 no adult 3. The cap(al of Byzantine Emprre was:
ernployee, defined as a worker who has (A) Anatolia (B) Adrianople
422 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers
(C) Byzantium (D) Constantinople Pakistan. Mr. Ghulam Muhammad was:
4. DiJnng the time of Prophet (PBUH). the
(A) Foreign Minister (B) Finance Minister
(C) Defence Minister (D) lnterior Minrster
Emperor of Byzantrne Empire was
(A, Juslinran (B) Cyrus 17. The imaginary line oI zero degree longrtude
(C) Heraclius (Dl Khosrau whrch passes through Greenwich is called:
5. Servile is the opposite ofl (A) Meridran (B) Equator
(A) puerile (B) futite (C) Tropic of Cancer (D) Tropic of Capricorn
(C) haughty (D) fout 18. The famous book "East of Eden' is the work
6. wrote the treatv of Hudarbiva of:
1e1 nraral ati 1na1 (A) John Steinbeck
(B) Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (RA) (B) R W. Emerson
{C) Hazral Amr brn Aas (RA) (C) Benrand Russell
(D) Hazrat Usman (RA) (D) Earnest Hemingway
7 is the meaning ot Assraa' 19. Eastille Day is the commemoration of the
(A) Dissemin ator (B) Pessimism storming of the Bastille fortress-prison which
(C) Ascensio n (O) Descent was seen as a symbol of the revolutionary
upnsrng rn.
8. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan was leader of: (A) Canada (B) France
({) Itfuslim League (B) Unionist Party (C) USA (D) Belgium
(C) Congress (D) None of them
20. The hurricane in October 2012 was caused
9. The national flower ot Pakistan is: wide-spread damage in the Eastern sea-board
(A) Tutrp (B) Rose states of the USA is:
(C) Jasmine (D) Sunftower (A) Katrina (B) sandy
10. Ghiyas ud din Balban declared himsetf the (C) lsaac (D) lrene
king of Delhr Sultanate rn the vear. 21. The newly elected President of People's
(A) 1166 (B) 12'66 Republic of China is:
(C) i366 - (D) None of these. (A) Hu Jintao (B) Xi Jinping
'11. ln the election of United States president, the (C) Li Keqiang (D) Wen Jiabao
largest number of Electorat College' 22. Commonweallh of lndependent States (ClS)
members are elected from the state of: is headed by.
(A) NewYork (B) Texas (A) Bfltish monarch
(C) Calitornia (D) Ftorida (B) Russian President
'12. The recently appornted Govemor of Bank
of (C) Host nation's head of state
England Mark Camey is a citizen or: (D) None of the above
(A) United States 23. Suigeneris is a Latin term for:
(B) Canada (A) Unique (B) Generous
(C) United Krngdom (C) Sui gas (D) Common
(D) Australia
24. The Strait of Hormuz fall between:
13. Out of the followjng. the targest ethnic group (A) UAE and Oman
by population without having a state of ita own (B) lran and UAE
ts: (C) lran, Oman and UAE
(A) Kurdish (B) Welsh (D) lran and Oman
(C) Uighurs (D) Sikhs
25. Under the West Pakistan Shops and
14. The first President of Palestinian Authority Establishments Ordinance,'l969, employees
Yasir Arafat died onl
(A) 'l1th September 2006
working in shops and commercial
establishments are restricted to work for the
(B) gth November 2001 following maximum weekly hours.
iC) '12th December 2007 (A) 42 (B) 48
(D) '1 1th November 2004 (c) 38 (D) 56
15 The phenomenon of Arab Spring' was 26. 'Rand'is the currency of:
sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed (A) South Africa (B) Tanzanra
Bouazizi. a fruit-seller inl (C) Educator (O) Somalia
(A) ESypl (B) Tunrsia
27. Total number of distflcts In Punjab are.
(C) Morocco (D) Syna
(A) 32 (B) 3s
16. Before becoming Governor General of (C) 34 (D) 36
28. Aftsan has the opposate meaning of whEh ol
'Actualwo.d the following:
is'lssraa", which means visit ofthe
(A) educator, (B) scutptor
Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Model PaDe6 423
(C) decider (D) unskiled tabourer ILO estimates in developing countries is:
29. Recently, the United Nations granted the (A) 80 mrllion (B) 300 million
Palestinians with the status of. (C) 250 million (D) 320 million
(A) Non-state Observer 35 Trachoma is a disease of the:
(B) Non-member Observer State (A) Brain (B) Spinat Cord
(C) Member State (C) Larynx (D) Eye
(D) Non-member State
36 lf x =4, y= 2, then (x)2 (y)2 =
30. The new status of Palestinians at the Unated (A) 20 (B) 32
Nations will make them equal in diplomatic (c) 36 (D) 12
status to':
(A) lsrael (B) Switzerland 37 Which is not one of the functions performed
(C) Vatican City (D) Cook lstands by Pun,ab Employees Social Security
lnstitution (PESSI):
31. The Headquarters of lnternational Labour (A) Medical care for s€cured workers and
Organisation (lLO) are established at: their dependents
(A) Geneva (B) Vienna (B) HaI facility
(C) Frankfurt tO) Rome (C) Cash benefits
32. ln the recent President Elections in the United (D) Provision of free quality educatton to the
States, the marn election rival of President children of rndustlal workers
Obama was. 38 Despicable is the opposrte of
(A) David Patraeus (B) Rick Santourm (A) wortny of esteem (BJ rncapable
(C) John Mccarn (D) Mitt Romney (C) rnevrtable {D) steeflng
33. Under the Employment of Chitdren Act 1991, 39 Whrch of the followrng rs nol a functron of
employment of Children is banned who are Punjab Workers Welfare Board
aged below: (A) Provisron of medrcal care to Industrial
(A) 12 (B) 14 workers
(c) 15 (O) 16 (B) Constructron of labour colonies
34. The number of workang children according to (C) Provision of free educatron to the chitdren
of lndustrial workers
(D) Wefare grants
By September 2012, with lheir appticataod for ful 40 Which one of the following statements as
membership stalled, Palestine had decided to pursue an false?
upgrade in status from "obierver entity''io "non-member (A) 'Unenforceable' means lhat Jhere rs no
observer state", similarto that ofthe Holy See. The Holy See is remedy for breaches of a convention
the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome, (B) The laws of the constitulion are
the epircopal see ot the Pope. lt is the central point of enforceable in the courts
reference for the church everywhere and the focal point of (C) The convenlrons of the constrtution are
communion due to its prominence. tt traces its origan to the ' binding political rules which are not
.rpostolia era, when Saint Peter arrived in Rome to evangehze, enforceable in the courts
thu! forming a community of believers th€re which (D) Constitutronai conventions are not binding
ma'ntained a si8nificant Chrisraan presence. Today. it is on anyone
responsible for the governance of the laithful, organized in 41 Which one of the following statements is
their local Christian communjties. The Holy See is !rewed at false?
analogou5 to a soverergn state, having a aentraliaed (A) The legislative functron ts primarily
Sovernment called the Roman Curia wirh the Secretary of responstble for making, unmaking and
state as its chaef adminrstrator and various depanmentt amending the law
essential to administration comparable to minrstnes and (B) The executiye lunction gives effect lo and
executive departm€nts. It €nters diplomatic relataons wrth enforces the law
stales, and has Vatican CIty es rts sovereign teritory, (C) The legislative functlon is inferior to the
Diplomatically, the Holy See acts and 5peaks for the whote ludrcial functron of government
church lt is also reco8nized by other subiects of international (D) The primary judicial functron is to interpret
law as a sovereign entity, headed by the pope, with which and apply the law. resolve disputes,
diplomatic reiations can be maintained. Often incorre.tly provide remedies and determine
referred to as _the V3tican", the "Holy S€e".is nor rhe same punrshments when the law ts breached
entity as tne "Valicar Crty State", which came into existence 42 Which of the followrng rs not an essenttal
only in 1929 because of the tateran Treaty; the Hgly See, the a Legally-btndrng' contract.
ingredient of
epr5copal see of Rome- dates back to antiquity_ Ambassadors (A) Offer (8, Wntten form
are officrally accredrred not to the Vatican City State but to (C) Acceptance (D) Consideration
"the Holy See". and Papal representatrves to states and 43 Waylay has neady the same meanrng as:
international organizitions are recognized as reorerentinS the (A) Ambush (B) journey
Holy See, not the Vatrcan City Statc. (C) resl (D) road map
121 Afuanced PPSC MCQS Noclel Paoers
44. ln rots, the principle 'restitutio in integrum' 54. The ratio ot the circumference of a circle to its
means: radius is:
(A) Compensation for damages (A) 1 (B) 2:r
(B) Restoration to the original condition
(C) Restriction on integration
(D) None of the above
(c) i (D) 16
55. At 3:00 AM, the temperature was 13 C below
45. Contribulorynegligence' means: zero but. by noon it had risen to 32 C,
(A) Two or more than two defendants therefore, the average hourly rncrease in
contributed towards the negligence temperature was:
against the plaintiff
(B) Plaintiff and defendant both contributed to
(A) 5 (B) 75
the negligence of a third person
(c) 45 (O) (19/6)
(C) Plarntiff contributed to the negligence 56. An important river at Pothohar Plateau is:
lyhich drew the suit against the defenant (A) Hub river (B1 Bolan river
(O) None of the above (C) Gomal river (D) Swan river
46. Out of the 14 highest lndependent peaks in 57. The newest district of Punjab out of the
the world (the eight-thousanders) Pakistan following is:
has: (A) Nankana Sahib (B) Pakpattan
(A) 5 (B) 9 (C) Kasur (D) Mandi Bahauddin
(c) 8 (D) 12 58. The capital city of Libya is:
47 The binh-name of Sher Shah SLrri was (A) Benghazi (B) Misrata
(A) Haider Khan (B) Sher Khan (C) Sirte (D) Tnpoli
(C) Farid Khan (D) Fateh Sher
59 The Secretary-General of the United Nations
48. 'Southern Cross' which is a
constellation at the time of invasion of lraq rn 2003 was:
found irr the solution regron of the night sky (A) Boutros-Boutros Ghali
consis'.s mainly of: (B) Ban Kr-moon
(A) Seven Stars (B) Three Stars (C) KoliAnnan
(C) Five Stars (D) None of these (O) Mohmmad Al Baradei
49. Sylhet District at the time of partition was part 60. Yangtze River' does not pass through which
ot the province of:
of the country:
(A) Bengal (B) Assam (A) Mongolia (B) Tharland
(C) Bihar (D) United Provinces
(C) Taiwan (D) all of these
50. H€patilis C is a leading cause of:
(A) Chronic liver disease 62. The garden city movement. a method of urban
(B) Hrv planning has not signilicantly influenced the
(c) A|DS design and planning of:
(O) Diabetes (A) New Delhi (B) lslamabad
51. Euphonious is the opposite ot;
(C) Canberra (D) New York
(Ar Stridenr (B) Lethargic 63. The latest country to become member of the
(C) Literary (D) Merry United Nations is:
(A) Montenegro (B) East Timor
52. The incrdent of child labour in Punjab is
(C) South Sudan (D) Switzerland
reportedly highesl in:
(A) Brick-kilns 6,4. The lncan Civilization flourished in:
(8) Foot-ball manufacturing industry (A) South America (B) Australia
(C) Surgical lnslruments manufacturing (C) North Amenca (D) lndonesra
(D) Carpet-weaving
65. The legendary African city of Tambuktu is
53. There has been a complete book ------ of law located in.
and order in the country. (A) Nrger (B) lvory Coast
(A) up (B) off (C) Mali (D) Mauratania
(C) down (D) ol
66. The minimum rate of wages for all adult

'Contributory tThe
negligenae in common-law ,urisdictions i5 Yangtre River, known in.China a5 the Chang /ian8 or
Senerally a defense to a claim based on n€gligeoce, an ection Yangzi, as the loagest river in Asia and the thi.d.lon8sst in the

in tort. This prituiple is relevant to the determination of world. lt tlows for 6,:100 kilometers (3,915 mi) from the
liability and is applicable when plaintiffstlaim.nts have. Slaciers on the Qin8hai-Tibet Plateau in Qrnghai eastward
throu8h their own netliSence, contribured to the herm they ecrois southwett, central and eastern China berore ernptying
suftered. lt can also be applied by the coun in a ton matter into the East China Sea at ShenShai- The river is the lon8e5t in
irresp€ctive otwhether it was pleaded as a detense. the world to flow cntlraly widl.n onc country.
Advancod PPSC MCQS Modet paoers 125
unskilled and juvenile workers employed in (C) England (D) Finland
the lndustrial establishments h Punjab
77. The capitat of Myanmar
province has been fixed at: is:
(A) Rs.8000 (B) Rs.9000 (A) Ho Chi Minh city (B) satgon
(c) Rs.7s00 (o) (C) Yangon (D) Naypyidaw
67. According-lo-.West pakistan Minimum Wages 78. The next wanter Olympic Games were
Rules '1962, an adult female wofrer
scheduled to take place in 2014 at:
performing work of equal value is entitled lo (A) Sochi
gel: (B) Vancouver
(A) Lesser wage (B) ldenlical wage (C) Torino
_ (C) Greater wage (O) Speciat wag; (o) satt Lake city, utah
68. The jurisdiction of Contro er of Weights &
79. The men's event of
Wimbledon Tennis
Measures, Punjab does not extend to: Championships 2012 was won by:
(A) Pakistan lnternalionat Aidines ({) Roger Federer (B) Novak Djokovic
Corporation (C) Rafael Nadal
(D) Andy Murray
' (B) Pakistan Post Offtces 80. The gas commonty used in balloons is:
(C) CNG Stations (A) Hydrogen (B) Heltium
(D) None of these (C) Oxygen (D) Carbon dioxide
69. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) has the 81 Ferment has nearly the same meaning as:
same chemical composition as that of: (A) Stir up (B) fi
(A) LPG (B) Sui Gas (C) ferret (O) mutitate
(C) Tear gas (D) poison gas 82. The last mililary expedition assembled by
70. The largest amongst the Great Lakes of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was diredea
Norlheastern America is: against Byzantrne army is Syria and was
(A) Lake Superior (B) Lake Huron headed by:
(C) Lske Michtgan (D) Lake Onrario (A) Hazrat Umar Bin At-Khattab (RA)
71. lf 5(3x - 7) = 20, $,hat is 3x - 8? (B) Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas (RA)
(A) 11/3 (B) 0 (C) Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid (RA)
(c) 3 (D) 14 (D) Hazrat Khalid Brn Watid (RA)
72. The largest city by population in the 83. An ordinary mobile phone communicates by
Lakes region is. usln9:
(A) Toronto (B) Montreat (A) Sound waves
(B) Mrcrowaves
(C) Chicago (D) Detroit (C) Radro waves
(D) UV waves
73. Amongst the provinces of pakistan, the 84. Stock indices at Tokyo are known by their
highest ratio of economically active chitdren to popular name of:
therr orerall population in agd{roup 5_14 is in: (A) Dow Jones (8) Hang Seng
(A) Khyber-Pakhutnkhwa (c) Nikkei ioi rrsE
(B) Balochistan 85. An open market operation (also known as
(C) Sindh OMO) is an activity by a centrat bank
(D) Punjab (A) to buy or setl govemment bonds on the
74. Leading questions: open market
(A) Main question (B) to track illegal currency dealers in lhe
(B) Question requrring a precise answer open market
(C) Question suggeslinq an answer (C) to print currency and disseminate in open
(D) Question whach is the most difficult to market fo mprovrng money supply
- All of the above
75. The law prohibiting employment of chrtdren 86. ln 2009. cilgfl-Baltrstan was given the status
Iieu of loan or peshgi is. equal to a province by
{A) Employment of Children Act, .lgg1 (A) Amendment to the Constitution of
. (B) B9lqed Labour System (Abolition)Act,
(B) Act of Partiament
(C) Factories Act, 1934 (C) Promulgataon of ordinance
(D) None of the above (D) Executive order communicated through
76. Greenwich associated with Greenwich Mean
Time (cMT) is situated in: 87. What rs sauce for the goose is sauce for the
(A) Greenland (B) Austratia gander
(A) Everyone regardtess of differences
426 , Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Model Paoers
deserves equal trealment (A) Tashkent (B) Samarkand
(B) Goose and gander should both be fed (C) Bokhara (D) Dushanbe
with sauce 94. The United Nations Special Represenlatve on
(C) Like treatment for like things Syria is:
(D) Rich and poor should be treated equally (A) KofiAnnan
88. Annuity is a: (B) Lakhdar Brahimi
(A) A sum of money received on a regular (C) Navanethem Pillay
basis as one of a series of fixed (D) Juan Mendez
(B) A financial products designed to pay out a 95. The recently-held World Snooker
stream ol payments to the holder at a
Championshrps at Sofia. Bulgana were won
later point in time (A) Muhammad Yousuf
(C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Wael Talaat
(D) Annual payment of dues (C) AsJad lqbal
89. Hobson's choice: (D) Muhammad Asif
(A) Given no choice at all 96 The only sahabi who was menlroned by name
(B) To make the best choice in the Holy Quran is
(C) To make the worst choice (A) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(D) To settle for a compromise (B) Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RA)
90. The tune of the national anthem of Pakistan (.C) Harat Zaid bin Harith (RA)
was composed by: (O) Hazrat Saad Bin Abr Waqas (RA)
(A) Khawaja Khurshid Anwar
(B) Naushad Ali 97. Prophylactic is the opposite ot:
(C) Sohail Rana (A) causing growlh (B) causing disease
(D) Ahmad G. Chagla (C) antagonistic (D) favourable
91. Labour Court in the province of punjab was 98 Tentative has neady the samc meaning as:
(A) Prevalent (B) experimental
established under:
(A) Punjab lndustriat Retations Act, 2OlO (C) porlable (D) mockrng
(B) West Pakistan Social Security Ordinance, 99. lf an objecl is moving at a speed or 30
1965 km/hour. how many melers does it travel in
(C) lndustrial Retations Act 2012 one second:
(D) Pakistan lndustrial Retations Ordinance. (A) 8.33 (B) 36
2011 (c) 100 (D) 360
100 1OO. Disjointed has opposite meaning of which of
92 the following:
00 00 00
(A) .002 (B) .0001
(A) Carved (B) connected'
(c) .001 (D) .02
(C) understood (D) evrcted
93. The capital city of Uzbekistan is

Answer Key
1_ b 14 d 27 d 40 d 53. d 66. b 79. a 92 b
2. c 15 b 2A d 41 c *. b 67. b 80. b 93 a
d 16 b 29 b 42 b a 68. d 81 a 94
4. c 17 a 30 c 43 a 56 d 69. b 82 c 95 d
'18 a 31 a 44 b 57. a 70. a 83 c 96 c
6. a 19 b d 45 c 58 d 71. a 84 c 97 b
7. c 20 b 33 b 46 a 59 c 72. c 85 a 98. b
2'l b u d 47 60 d
d 48 61
10 b 23 a 35 d 49 b 62 d b 88 a
1t c 24 37 d 50 a 63 c 76. c 89 a
12 b 25 b 38 b 51 b 64 a 77. d 90 d
13 a 26 a 39 a a 65 c 78. a 91 a
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 427




1. He is knocking_ the door (C) Don't write in this way

(A) on (B) ofi iD1 Change
.(C) at (D) over 15 Srne die:
2. Did you hear- the accrdent last (A) Definitely (B) Trll death
(C) lndefin(ely (D) Till order
(A) of (B) on '16 The teacher said. 'Allah is one and
(C) in (D) about Muhammad (PBUH) is Hrs messenger' .

3. inJurious_ health.
Smoking is
(A) The teacher told Allah is one and
(A) (B) to Muhammad (PBUH) rs His messenger
(B) The teacher told that Allah is one and
(C) (O) tor
Muhammad (PBUH) is Hrs messenger
4. I am annoyed_ the students. (C) The teacner told that Allah was one and
(A) at (B) with Muhammad (PBUH) rs Hrs messenger
(C) on (D) of (D) The teacher told that Allah is one and
5. He was accused_ theft. Muhammad (PBUH) was His messenger.
(A) on (B) in 17. She sard to me 'Tell the truth"
(C) about (O) of (A) She advised me to tell the truth.
Pinpoint the sub3titute word of the tollowing (B) She advised me that tell the truth.
tivo word3 mentioned in O.6 to Q.10 (C) She told me to tell the truth
05 Marks (O) She told me tell the truth.
6, ACCUMULATE '18. She says. 'Ali do you prefer tea or coffee'?'
(A) wealth (8) complete (A) She asks AI rf he prefers tea or coffee.
(C) collect (D) gain (B) She asked Ali if he prefers tea or coffee.
7 CELEBRITY (C) She asks Ali that rf he prefers tea or
(A) Superstar (B) clever coftee
(C) ideal person (O) occasion (D) She asks Ali. if he preferre tea or coffee.
8 COLLIS|ON '19. He says, "Do not ma e o much norse.
(A) clash (B) conspiracy (A) He asks us not to .nake so much noise.
(B) He asked us not to make so much noise.
(C) abatement (D) association
(C) He asks us not to made so much noise.
(D) He asks us that not to make so much
(A) stubborn (B) willful noise
(C) delermined (D) harmful
20. She said. -Be carelul. Babur".
10, STRENUOUS (A) She told Babur that be caretul.
(A) tiring (B) hght She told Babur that to be careful
(C) strong (D) strange c She told Babur lo b6 caretul.
Choose the right meaning of the foreagn o She tells Babur to be careful.
phrases: 05 luarks
21. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from the British
11. culde-sac? service as:
(A) a without outlet (A) Commissioner (B) Judge
(B) a passage with many outlet (C) Principal (D) Clerk
(C) a passage wth only one outlet
(O) confused passage 22. Parlition of Bengal in 1905 was carried out by:
(A) Lord Curzon (B) Lord Minto
12. Per se. (C) Lord Clive (D) Lord Cornwa as
(A) essentially (B) by itsefi
(C) as such (D) allofthem 23. The right ot separate electorate were granted
to the lndian Muslims by the British in:
13. Prima facie: (A) 1900 (B) 1909
(A) Human nature (B) At first view (c) 1919 (D) 1935
(C) Valuable (D) Repeatedly
24. Quatd -i-Azam was assisted in the formulation
14 Status quo: of his famous Fourleen Pornts by:
(A) The same state as before (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Adverse condition (B) Allama lqbal
424 Advanc.d PqSC ll3es lrode!
(C) S M Shafi yasr
(O) Maulana Muhammad All Johar (A) 1949 (B) 1950
25. Who coined the name pakistan? (c) 1951 (D) 19s5
(A) A ama tqbat 39. The only Nobel Laureate of Pakistan Or.
(B) Quaid i- Azam Abdul Salam contributed in the fietd of:
(C) Ch. Rehmat Ati (A) Chemistry (B) Physics
(D) None of the above (C) Medicine (D) Literature
26. ln what year did the Gandhi-Jinnah Talks take 40. 'Makli' is a famous :
place? (4) ?laygrouno (B)
(A) 1941 craveyard
(B) 1943 (C) Stadium (D) Gardeir
(c) 1944 (Di 1945
4l. Which Surah of Quran has Bismi ah twice?
27. The First President of pakistan was: (A) Al Nehal (B) At Namat
(A) Quaid-i-Azam (C) AlAhzaab (D) Al Noor
(B) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) lsikandar Mirza 42. Ameen-ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat
(O) Ayub Khan (A) Amar bin alAas (R A.)
(B) Suleman Farsr (R.A )
28 The membership of pakrstan rn the United (q) Abu-Ubaidah bin Al Jaraah (R.A )
Nations was opposed bv (D) Abu Saeed Khuzri (R.A.)
(A) lndia (B) Afghanrstan
(U) tsraet (D) Soviet Union 43. Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one
of the wives of the Prophet (SAWt:
29. ln whrch Agreemcnt the Ceasefire Lrne in (A) Hazrat Sauda (R.A )
Kashmrr was named as Line of Control? (B) Hazrat Zainab benet Jahsh (R.A.)
(A) DethiAgreement (9) Hazrat Zainab benet Khuzicna (R.A.I
(B) Tashkent Aqreement (D) Hazral Salia (R.A.)
(C) Silnla Aoreeiment
(O) Lahore Agreament 44 Urfat gathering is hetd on:
30. ldentify the area which separate pakistan from
({) 8zilHa1 I (B) 92 Ha!
(C) 10 Zil Hajj (0) 12 zil Hax
(A) Wakhan (B) pamir knot 45. Which one of the fottowing is inctuded
(c) Khybcr ioj Sust amongst the Ushera-e-Mubashirai
(A) Hazrat Saad bin Ubaid(R A)
31. Tle tribufaries of the lndus River converge to (q) Hazrat Saad bn Ubaida (R A)
therr confluence wlth tha lndus at: (C) Hazrat Saad bin Abi Wadas (R A)
Rawala Kot (B) Jhelum (D) Hazrat Hamza (R A)
(C) Mithankor (Oi raOera
46. What duty rs performed by the Anget Mekaarl:
32. When w8s the state of Swat rnctuded in (A) Who brought Allah s books. commands
and messages to his prophets?
(A) 1969 (B) 1970 (B) ln charge of protection and also to bring
(c) 1e73 ioi t gzs ratns
33. Parachanar is the main town of: (C) Who will blow the trumpet on the day of
(A) Khyber Agency (B) North Wazinstan judgment
(c) South Waziristan (D) Khunam Agency (D) ln charge of taking the lives of living
34 Umar Marvi is I folk storv of:
(A) Puntab {d} KPK 47. The Holy Eook'Taurat'was revealed to:
(C) Srndh iO) earochtstan (4) Prophet 'Daud' (peace be upon him)
35. Who (Q) frophet 'Musa' (peace be upon him)
was- convicted in Rawalprndi Conspiracy (C) Prophet 'lS3' (peace be upon him)
case in 1951?
(A) Habib Jatib (D) Prophet 'lsmail' (peace be upon him)
(B) Mujeeb ur Rahman
(u) unorash Kashmiri(O) Faiz Ahmad Faiz 48. ldentify the person upon whom 'Zakat' may be
36. From .which country, pakistan purchased bestowed:
(A) Oebtors
({) lran (B) Travellers
(B) Muscat (C) 'Miskeens' or persons who have
(C) Yemen no
iOi Xuwait property whatsoever
37. Child under the age of 14, works tn various (D) All the above mentioned
trelds of Pakistan aie about
({) 2 million (B) 4 milion
49 How long did the Holy Book 'Ouran' take for
(C) 6 mithon its complete revelation?
iD') A mitlon (A) 7 years (B) 21 years
38. The first census was held in pakistan in the (C) 23 years (D) 27 years
Ac,v.accd PPSC ttcos flode, paoe,s
50. ldentify lhe seventh month of lslamic 62. TIle largest organ of the human body rs
Calendar. (A) Heart
(A) Rabi-uesani (B)Jamadi_ut_Awwal (B) Liver
(u) narab (C) Lungs (Di gratn
(D) Shaaban
51. ldentify the number of SuEhs in the Hoty 63. Child Labour is the main theme in most of the
novels of:
Quran which are on the names ol varioui (A) Maxim Gorky (B) Leo Totstoy
prophets: (C) D. H Lawrence (O) ctaries orLtens
(A) Four (B) Six
(C) Eight iD) Twerve 64. Human Righls Day is observed internationally
52. W^hat is the srgnificance ot 27th Rajab in the (A) '10 December (B) I
1oth year of Prophet hood: March
(A) Holy Proohet's vrsrt to Tarf
(C)October (Dr 15 May
(B) Meraj Shareef 65. SANA rs the news aoencv of
(C) Hazrat Hamza and Haz:at Umer (A) Sudan - (Bi Sri Lanra
embraced lslam (C) Syna (O) None of these
(D) Migration from Makkah to Madina 66. Siam is the otd name ot:
53. ldentify fhe Muslim Ruler who antroduced jail (A) Japan (B) Taiwan
system for the detention o, prisoners (C) Thartand (O) None of these
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (May A ah Btess Him) 67 Won is the currencv of:
(B) Hazrat Umer (May Atiah Btess Him)
(C) llazrat Umer bin'Abdut Aziz (Mai AIah
(A) lndonesia (B) Cuba
Bless Him)
(C) Korea
South (D) None of these
(D) Walid bin Abdut Matik (May A[ah Btess 68. Who^pioneered the modem nursing system?
Him) (A) Mother Teresa
(B) Florence Nightingate
54. ldentify the Muslim ruler who instituted the (C) Madam Curie
lslamic Calendar from lhe year of the Holy (D) None of these
Prophet's migration to Madin;:
(A) HazratAbu Bakr (May A[ah Btess Hrm), 69. Deficiency of Vitamin 'C' in human body leads
(B) Hazrat Umer (May Atiah Btess Him) to;
(C) Hazrat Umer bin'Abdut Aziz (Mai A ah (A) Eye diseases (B) Nerve diseases
Bless Him)
(C) Teeth dseases (D) Skin diseases
(D) Abdirl Matik bin Marwan 70. Horse Powe'r is a standard unit of power equat
55. O-n which of the tollowing occasions, Muslims to:
otler 'Namaz-e-Kusufl (A) 370 Watts (B) 480 watts
(A) At the trme of an ec[pse of the Moon (c) 656 Watts
(D) 746 Watts
(8) At the trme of an ectibse of the Sun 7'1. On which place pakistan stands in South
(C) At the trme of drouotit Asia, in view of signing largest number of ILO
(D) For the sake of rai; conventrons:
56. Under ILO Dectaration 2009, Chitd Labor has (A) 1'' (B) 2'd
been vantshed completely from:
(c) 3' ioi a'"
(A) Carpet lndustry 72. ln 1994. Pakistan was the world champion of:
(8) Football tndustrv (A) Cricket
(C) Mines (B) Hockey and Squash
(D) None ot these (C) Snc .:r
57. Who discovered the sea route to lndia? (D) All ('..rese
(A) lbn e Batuta (B) At-Baruni 73. Human Rights Organrzation -Freedom House"
(C) Vasco de Gama (O) Marco polo tS based rn
58. Which one is the oldest relioion? (A) Washington (B) Geneva
(A) Buddhrsm (Bj ftinOutsm (C) London (O) paris
(c) Confucianrsm ioi .lroats, 74. 'Adann Peak" is in:
59. The best conductor of electricilv is.
(A) Nepal (B) Tibet
(A) Aluminium (B) lron- (C) Myanmar (D) Sn Lanka
(C) Silver (D) Copper 75. 'Christ the Redeemer- is among the Seven
60 The largest among the fo owinqs is Wonders of the World located rn.
(A) The Earth (B) The-Sun (A) Rome (B) Athens
(C) A Solar Syslem (D) A Gataxy (C) Rio de Janeiro (D) Mexico city
61. Artificial Diatysis is a substitute for: 76 Ali bought a walch for Rs 60. What w,lt rt fetch
(A) Lungs (B) Liver if he sells it at a garn of 2O%,
(C) Kidneys (D) ca btadder (A) Rs.72 (B) Rs.Bo
130 Adl,arcad PPSC lrcQs l odet Paoe,,s
(c) (D) Rs.120 (A) Dec 1. 1988 (B) Dec 1. 1989
77. What is 14o/o of 1400 ? ic) oec t. tgzg (D) August 14. 1948
(A) 116 (B) 196 89 Whrch of the following Newspaper top the
(c) 216 (D) 256 average daily circulalion in the world?
(A The Wail Street Journal
78 What number conlinue the series 2.4, 12. 48,
(B Yomiuri Shimbun
240. -----') (c The Sun
(A) 420 (B) 12oo (D New York Post
(c) 1440 (D) 2400
79 A boy had twice as many sums as 90 What are the names of the districts in
r'ght. rf he had 24 sums rn all how many of Counlnes (B) Provinces
them were \,Yrong? tA)
(C) Cantons (D) States
(A) 4 (B) 6
(c) I (D) 16 9'1. A colour televrsion set makes colours by
mixing light of which three different colours?
80. A man travels 2 km. turns lett and travel 3 km, (A) Blue, Green and Yellow
turn left again and travels 2 km. How far rs he (B) Blue. Red and Yellow
from the starting point? (C) Blue, Green and Red
(A) 3 km (B) 4 km (D) Green. Black and Red
(C) 5 km (D) 7km
8i. Laissers taire means
92 Whrch is the second smallest country of the
(A) Right to interlere (A) San Mareno (B) Maldives
(B) A policy of non-interference by the State.
(C) Let individuals be not left alone to do (C) Monaco (D) Bermuda
what they like 93. The greatest lort of Pakistan that is Ranr Kot
(D) Helping the poor by taxing the rlch Fort is situated near the city:
(A) Hyderabad (B) Peshawar
82. Which ol the co following country is known as (C) Rawalpindi (D) None of the above
'Mistress of Seas?'
(A) USA (B) lreland 94 Dome of Rock is localed in
(C) UK (O) Russia (A) Jerusalem
(B) Lebanon
83 Which country is the largest foreign aid (C) Jordan
(O) lraq
donor? 95. 1gth Amendment to USA'S constituhon
(A) USA (g) Canada essentially granted the right of voting to
(C) Japan (D) Germany (A) Red lndians (B) Women
(C) Negroes (D) None of the above
84. lnlernational Atomlc Energy Agency's Chief
AlBeradi won Nobel Prize for Peace in: 96. What is meant by Dengue?
(A) October 2005 (B) November 2005 (A) Breakbone tever
(C) September 2004 (O) October 2004 (B) Disease of lungs
(C) Brain disorder
85. Which was the first cap(al of lslamic (O) None of the above
(A) Nlakkah (B) Madina 98. Name the capital of Byzantine Empire?
(C) Taaif (D) Khyber (A) Damascus (B) Rome
(C) Constantinople (D) Ankara
86. Which is the largest jungle of Pakistan?
(A) Changa Manga (B) Junpur 99. After Ahmad Shah Dynasty, there rose a
(C) Chitral (D) Chichawatni competition for control between Russians and'
(A) Eritish (B) Afghanis
87. How many Radio station were working in (C) Arabas (D) None of lhe above
Pakistan at the time of partition of sub-
continenl? 'l00.SlM stands for:
(A) 3 (B) 4 (A) Single in-line module
(c) 5 (o) 6 (B) Single in-line memory
'88. When was the First Woman Bank established (C) Subscriber identity module
(O) None of the above
Answer Key
1. c 6. c '11 c 16 b 21 b 26 31 c 36. b
2. d 7. a 12 b 17 a 22 a 27 c 32 a 37.
3. b 8. a 13 b 18 a b 28 b d 38. c
4. b 9. d 14 a 19 a 24 d 29 34 c b
5. d 10 a 15 20 25 c 30 a d 40. b
Advanced PPSC MCQS Moctel Papers 431
41. b 49. c 57 c 65 c 13. a 81. b 89. b 98. c
42 50. c b bb c 74. d 62, c 90 99.
b/ 75 c 83 c 91 c
43. 51. b 59 c
44 b 52 b 60 d 68 b 76 a 84 a 92 c
45. c 53. b 61 c 69 77 b b a
46. b 54. b 62 b 70 d 78 c 86 a 94 a
47. b 55. b 63 a 71 a 79 c 87 a 95 b
48. d 56. d 64 a 72 d 80 a 88 b 96 a


Whrch c(v is the cap(al of Kenya? 11. Which one is not a Multitasking operating
(A) Nairdbr (B) NaYPYIdaw
(C) Krgalr (D) Niamey idi'il'noo*. (B) Linux
2 Rabat is the capilal of:
icj win tlr (D) Dos
(A) Oman (B) Turkey 12. Which one is the disadvantage of a laser
t,torocco (D) Libya printer?
iC) A) Quieter than an impact Printer
3 Amonq the following prophets. whose nation 8) Very Slow
was awarded wrth Mano-Salwa? C) Lo\rv Quality OutPut
(A) Hazrat lsa lBl Hazrat Daud O) None of these
(C) Hazrat Musa (D) Hazrat Yunus
13 Dot Malnx Printer is a tYPe of
4 VVio among the cousins of Holy Prophet (A) lmpact Pnnter (B) Laser Printer
(PBUH) was Mufasrr e Ouran? (C) lnk Jet Printer (D) None of these
(A) Abd Allah rbn Abbas
(B) Aqeel rbn Abr Talib 14. Who was the Commander in Chief of Pakisian
(C) Talrb rbn Ab' Talib Armv from 1951 to 1958?
(O) All lbn Abi Talib {A) 'Yahva Khan (B) AYUb Khan
(C) Tikka Khan (D, Zra ul Haq
5 WIPO stands for '15 Which Pakistan calligrapher is famous all
(A) World lntellectual Persons Organization
igi worlo ldentrficatron Prop€rty Organrzatron around the world?
(A) Sadequain (B) Ahmad Khan
tCi woao lntellectual Property organrzatron
(D) None of these (Cj Asqhar Ali (D) None ofthese
6 Which among the following is second largest 16. Whal is the ratio of unemployment in
river after Amazon in South America? Pakistan:
(A) Congo (B) Parana {A) 5 79olo (B) 4.79%
(C) Orinoco (D) Paraguay ici o zsz (D) 3 79olo
some money for
17 bTRL + D is used in MS WORO tor
7 You should lay (A) Delete Dralog Box
vour future. (B) Font Dialog Box
iA) of -- (B) by (C) Layout Dralog Box
iC) trom (D) w'th (D) None of these
8 Correctthe sentence: Jeans was not 18 Hazrat Umar R.A accepted lslam after hearing
rn thrs college
Derm[ted the recitation of which surah?
iA) were (B) was (A) Surah Muzammil
icl nao (D) will (B) Surah Taha
9 One who cannot be changed or reformed: (C) Surah Nisa
(A) lnvulnerable (B) Hardened (D) Surah Namal
iC) lncuraole (D) lncorrtgrble 19. Surah Momin is present in which Para of the
10 . What is the opposite ol lndolent. Holv Ouran?
(A) TorDid (B) Languid tA\'24Pae (B) 26 Para
iCi tnert (D) Energelrc icl zg Para (D) 20 Para
132 Advanced ppSC llaes Modat paparc
20. Marathon a long distance toot rare
Onlce dlstance of
has an 50
(c) (D) 40
(A) 22 mites (B) 26 mites 35. Siachin Gtacier is in:
(C) 20 mites
lu) 4ltq
(D) 30 mites (Al (B) Batristan
21. Which_navy ship was in aclion during the war ulg[ (D) Hunza
of 1965 and 1S7t? 36. ITAR-TASS is a news aqencv of:
(A) Engtand tBl SweOen
El EXSffi!". 131 EIS..j;e,", {L) France (D) Russia
" [f'"i,,:"'lr
(u) pacftc
(D) Ararc
on e'nr'z Cathy Pacifrc is the flaq carrier ot
(A) South Korea iB) Hong Kong
(u) srngapore (D) tndoiesra -
the rollowins is the toren! cEo 38. Which mountain ra nge separate Asia from
" ffi""3fr:,"n
(A) Saieya Nadeta (B) (A
Sundar pichai ral Mountains
r\,, rergey tsnn (D) tarry page ,(B Aral Mountains
Hindukush Mountains
' il3,rrffl::iH_ffi$e
nrsr person ro y,"rk on
(D None of these
D.rama is a word of which language:
[3ijsf"%th [B] f,i.?*',.i1,". !41 Eoman 1e1 cieek
(u) AraDrc (D) French
" l,{i.ffi i}!:,ej"*,"L15, :ffi'&"r#fi,l
remarnrng on house rent. What percent
of his
40. Choose the correcl sDellino,'?
(A) Occassionaily -
rncome he is bn wih? (B) Occassionatv
(A) 6% (B) 806 (C) Occasionalh;
(c) 10% lo) 12yo (D) Ocassiomaliy
26. Fiveyears ago the average of A.and B was 15 41. Ricky ponting is a two time world cup winning
L:?f jveqqe
yearsrow ?.99 of A, B and c today
otd will C be afrer i0 years.
is 20 caplain from;
(A) Austratia (B) South Afnca
27. 22 25 =
#I::E [Bii3y:::
(C) West tndies (Di tttw Zealano
42. H.ow many slart are there in Chinese flag?
(A) 4 (B) s
(A) 250
(c) 6s2
256 (c) 6 ioi z
182 43. The population census ot 2017 was the
28. find the value o, x c€nsus in the row
(A) 1 (Bl 2 (A) srh (B) 6th
(c) -l (D) -2 (c) 7th (D) 6th
29. What is the meaning of MEANDER 44. Muhammad Bin Satman has trfted the ban on
wom-an Unvtng as he clarms Io tntroduce
i6i 3f"lX'iEJ[ - gnhodox tstam (B)
[Bl fiffi:'T,[X':L Modern
(u) wostem lstam (D) None ot tslam
30. Sassi Punnu is a sloru of: these
45. Condoleezza Rice was:
[3] si#f;no."" [E""0 (A) USA Secretary of the State
'[3i (B) Defence Secr6tarv of USA
" firs;Jl"H''"
(u, Greganousi$'B#ff",11
(O) None of these
(C) Both of these
(O) None of those
32. Antonym of CONFESS; 46. Which Congress teader thought after Lahore
(A) Aa:cepr xesolutron that the partitron waS unavoidable"
(B) Plead (A) Moti Lat Nehru'
(C) Guiltv (D) Oeny (B) RaJ copat Achana
33. Asian Devetopment ilank has its headquarters (C) G K Gokhle
rn Manila with countries as rts (D) Gandhi
;dil;[, 47 Y::1T". ot.. tndia 9or right ro separate
(A) 65 (B) 68
(c) 6s erectorale in the Act of
(D) 70 (4) 1909 (B) 1919
34. ROZA as KAFFARA (c) 1s3s ioi r sao
(A) 60 (B) 70 48. which crty was the temporary capital of
. Pakrstan in 1960?
Aditanced PPSC llCQs Model Paoers 433
(A) Rawatpindi (B) Karachi (l24 (B) 23
(C) Quetta iD) None of ttrese (c\ 22 (D) 21
49. Who among the following the first president of 6'1. A clock seen in a minor shows quarter past
Congress? three. What is the actual time in the clock?
({) { O Hume (B) WC Bonnerjee (A) 3:15 (B) 8 45
(C) G K Gokhte 1D) None of thele (C) I 15 (O) 9:45
50. Who among the fo owing rs credrted wrth 62 A cell in Excel is actrvated by:
popularizing the musrcal term Jugni for the (A) Pressrng the Tab Key
first trme? (B) Clickrng the ce
(A) Anf Lohar (B) Amiad Lohar (C) Pressrng an arrow kev
(C) Alam Lohar (D) None of these (D) All of these
51 . Qawal was rntroduced in the 13th c€nturv bv 63. Whrch menu provrdes you opttons' hke
(A) Fateh Ati Khan (B) Amir Khusru ' Animation Scheme custoni Animilron. Shde
(C) Qutubudin (D) None of these Transition?
52. Who among the followrng women won Nobel (A) lnsert Menu
Prize twrce? (B) Format Menu
(A) lrene Curie (C) Tools Menu
(B) Marie Curie (D) Slide Show Menu
(C) Mana Mayer 64. 1984 is a novelwritten by
(D) Donna Strickland (A) Christrian Lamb
53. Who was the first women head of Muslim (B) Leo Tolstoy
Women Student's Federalion? (C) Haruki Murakami
(A) Be€hum Jehan ara (D) George Orwelt
(B) Beghum Shaista tkram Ullah 65. Which among the tollowing prevents
(C) Beghum Nusrat constipation?
(D) None of these (A) clucose (a) Fiber
54 Cunency of Kuwiat is. (C) Fructose (D) Proteins
(A) Dinar (B) Oirham 66. Malaria affects which part of the body?
(C) Riyal (D) Rupee ({) Liver (B) Kidney
55. Nokia is a company based in: (C) Spteen (D) None;f these
(A) Oenmark {B) Sco and 67 What is the tength of pakistan lndia border?
(C) Fintand 1D) Norway (A) 1400 km (B) 1600 km
56. Who among the fo owing was the first (C) 1800 km (D) 2100km
presrdent of Pakrstan?
(A) Malik chutam Muhammad
68. When. did Pakrstan recognize peopte,s
republic of Chrna?
(B) lskandar Mirza (A) 1948 (B)
(C) Ayub Khan. 1950
(O) Bhutto
(c) 1949 (D) 1951

57 Accordrng to Legal Framework Order First

69 Tomb of Jahangrr rs in.
(A) Sherkhupura (B) Lahore
General Eleclion of pakrstan were held in (C) Mulran (D) Bahwatpur
(A) 1966 (B) 1970
(c) 1977
(oi 1952 70. Ch. Rehmat Ali was buried at
(A) Canterbury (B) Cambfldge
58. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar got his (C) Lrverpoot (D) Manchesjer
education from:
(A) MadrassehRahirmvah 71 Pakrslan was officia y renamed as lslamtc
(B) lstamia Coflege pe6hawar Republic of Pakrstan rn.
(C) Ali Garh Colleoe . (A) 1956 (B) 1962
(D) None of these- (C) 1973 1Di None of rhese
59. Who was the defence minister of pakistan in 72. Whrch . among the fo owing barrages rs the
the government of pMLN
oldest barrage of pakistan?
(A) Khawaja Asif (A) Sukhur Barrage
(B) Asif Ktmani (B) Kotri Barrage
(C) Sheikh Rasheed (C) Guddu Barrage
(D) Rashid Ahmad (D) Sulemankr Barrage
60. Total number of representatives in senate 73 C-FCS (Chloroflouro Carbons) are present tn.
trom the provinces.are: (A) Atmosphere (B) Refrigerators
(C) Engines (D) tonoiphere
131 Adyancad PPSC nCOs Uodet P.Dars
74 Which Part of the Brain Regulatss Body (C) HVI (O) None of these
Temperature? 87.. Which SAARC country has Monarchy?
(A) cerebellum (B) cerebrum (A) Nepal (B) Bhutan
(C) hypothalamus (D) medulla (C) Maldvies {D, Bangladesh
75. Who among the following was Frrst Chief 88 Oistance between the Sun and the Earth rs
Minister of Punjab? smallest in the month of:
(A) lftikhar Hussain Mamdot (A) February (B) January
(B) Hussain Daultana (C) September (D) December
(C) Nawab of Kalabagh
(D) None ot these 89 Paw is to Cat as Hoof rs to
(A) Dog (B) Sheep
76. The Jurv acouitted him murder (C) Horse (D) Carte
(A) For' (El wlth-
(C) of (D) None ot these 90 Labrador is a breed of
(A) Sheeps (B) Dogs
77. Ai ol writing codes and secret language is (C) Horses (O) Fox
(A) Cryptography (B) Graphology 9'l According to Quatd Kashmir is the Jugular
(C) Entomology (O) Etymology vein of Pakistan because
(A) lt rs nch rn mrneral resources
78. who was the first Sesetary General of the (B) Most of the populahon rs Muslim
United Nations? (C) All ma,or nvers originate lrom Kashmir
(A) U Thant (D) None of these
(B) Dag Hammarskiold "Phrlatety"
(C) Trygve Lie 92. is a
(D) None of these (A) ScEnce of drugs
(B) Stamp collection
79. Year of Sonow in lslam tvas: (C) The study ot writlen record
(A) gth Nabvr (B) l0Nabvi (D) The study ol animal behaviour
(C) ll NaDvr (D) 8 Nabvi
93. The wprld's largest number of newspap€rs are
80 Babusar Pass connects: published from
(A) Gilgrt and Hunza (A) America (B) Chrna
(B) Abbotabad and Gilgit (C) Russia (O) lndia
(C) Abbotabad and Huza
(D) None of these 94 The mosl famous book of 2008 "The Way of
the World-A story of lruth and hope in an age
61. Who was the leader ot lnfidels in the battle of of extremrsm" is written bY
Uhud" (A) Ron Suskind
(A) Abu Jahl (B) Abu Sufyan (B) H V Hudson
(C) Abu Lahb (O) None of these (C) William Congreve
82. Who among the following angels stands (O) Ayesha Jalal
guarded al the door of Hell? 95. Green vegelables are good source of:
(A) Maalik (A) Starch
(B) Karaman Katibeen (B) Fats and Oil
(C) lsrafeel (C) Protein
(D) None ol these (D) Minerals and Vitamins
83. lf all colors of the speclrum of sunlight 96. Brilish East lndia Company was established
combine which color is produced? duflng the reign of Mughal Emperor:
(A) Yellow (B) White (A) Akbar (B) Jahangir
(C) Green (D) Blue (C) Shahjahan (D) Aurengzeb
84. Goa was a colony of UK located in: 97 Lioht travels trom Sun to Earth in:
(A) Bhutan (B) lndia (A-) 499 O seconds (B) 599 O seconds
(C) Bangladesh (O) Nepal (C) 699.0 seconds (D) 799.0 seconds
85. Muhammad Ali Clay became heavy weight 98. What do understand by the term 'lntifada'?
champion by defeating. (A) Reconciliation (B) Uprising
(A) Mike Tyson (C) Offence (D) Negotiation
(B) Floyd Maweather
{C) Sonny Liston 99. Which of the lollowing nvers run through
(D) Floyd Patterson Paris?
(A) The Seine (B) The Thames
86. AIDS virus is called iC) tne nn,ne (D) The Danube
Advanced PPSC MCQ' tlodol Paoe6 135

lOO.The largest section of the Kurd population is (A) lraq (B) lran
living in: (C) Turkey (O) Syria

Answer Key
14. b 27 d 40. c 53. b 66. 79. b 92. b
1. a
2. c '15. a 28 c 41. a 54. a 67. b 80. b 93. d
16. a 29 a 42. b 55 c 68. b 81. b 94. a
J c 95. d
4. a 17. b 5U 43. c 56 b 69. b 82 a
96. a
5. c 18. b JI b 44. a 57 b 70. b 83 b
97. a
6. b 19. a 32 d 45. a 58 c 71. c 84 b
c 98. b
7. b 20. b 33 b 46. b 59 a 72. a 85
99. a
L a 21. b 34 b 47 a 60 b 73. b 86 b
9. d 2?. c 35 b 48 a 61 b 74. 87 b
10 d 23. b JO d 49 b 62 d 75. a 88 b

11 d 24. b b 50 63 d 76. E9 c
12 d 25. b 38 a 51 b 64 d 77. a 90 b
13 a 26. c 39 b 52 b 65 b 78. c 91

Labour and Human Resource Department 2017
(Held on January 14,20181
1. The Khilafat Movement ended in: 7 Complete the Proverb "A friend rn need rs a
(A) 1924
gzo (B) 1925 fnend
enemy (B) Ot others
icj r o) '1927 (A) Not
(C) lndeed (o) Of course
2. Name the tree whose wood is used lor making
I Which is the seventh month of lslamic year?
cricket bats:
(A) Wrllow (B) Yellow (A) Muharram (B) Shawal
iC) Teak (D) Sandal (C) Raiab (D) Shabaan
3. Brojan Das was the first Asran to: 9 What was the old name oI Sukkur Banage?
IA) Climb Mount Everest (A) James Banage (B) Lloyd Barrage
iBi Swim across ttre Bntish Channel ic) Thomas Banage (D) Napier Barrage
iCi Win an olympic Gold Medal 10 ln which city is the headquarters of "lnterpol
(D) Sail to the South Pole located?
4. The Cave Squeaker, an endangercd species (A) Vienna (B) New York
of froq, found in which country? icl t-von (D) Paris
(A) Amentina (B) Egypt 1',l Which device among the following Is used lo
icj tcelano (D) zimbabwe send drodal data over a thone llne?
5. ln eye donation, which part of the eye is (A) usE (B) scanner
used? ici Printer (D) Modem
(A) Comea (B) Retrna 12 What type of a devrce rs a computer mguse?
(C) Optic nerve (D) lris (A) Output (B) lnput
6 The antonvm of "Robust" is: (C) Data (D) Storage
(A) Vigor6us (B) Rugged '13 'Etymology' rs a scrence of.
(Ct rough (D) Frail (Ai Orqrn and hrstory ol words
(B) lnsects
436 Advenced ppSC Macts Mo(rel paoe/s
(C) Toaching (A) Copper (B) Steet
(D) S€crel n ritihg (C) Fiber Gtass iO) Sifi"on
14. Which of the fdflowing candidates got 26. Whom dU Lord Mountbatten reptace in 1947
maxtmum popular votes in the U.S as Viceroy of lndra?
Presidential Etection 201 6? (A) Lord lnryin.
(A) Barack Obama .
(B) Lord Curzon
(B) John Wqtre, Jr. (C) Sir Slafford Cnpps
(C) Hillary Ctinron (O) Lord Wavelt
(D) Randatt Terry
15. ln Apnl 2017. Nobel Laureate Pakistani Malala
27 A shop keeper buys a watch for Rs 3S0/. and
sells it for Rs. 392/_ Find his percentage of
You saf Zai was designated as: profit?
(A UN Ambassador of peace
(B UN Messenger of peace
(A) 9% {B) 10%
(c UN Representative of peace
(c) 11o/o ioi tzu
(o UN Envoy of Peace 28. Which Act with some amendments. was
adopted as the lnterim working Constituiion oi
16. ll2a-2=20, then what is the vatue of a? Pakistan?
(A) 11 B\ 12 (A) Govt. of lndia Act 't 909
(c) 13 (D) 14 (B) Govr. of tndia Act 1935
17. Which of the lo owing Surah in the Hoty (C) covt. of tndia Ad 1946
Quran named after insects? (O) None of these
(A) Surah Ai-Namt 29. S.H.O stands for:
(B) Surah Al-Qadar (A) Station Head Ofiicer
(C) Surah Al-Falao (B) Slation House Officer
(D) Surah At-Nas ' (C) Statron High Officer
18. Satpara Lake rs tocated n-.aI (O) None of these
(A) SharC,' (Bt Hunza 30. Halratul Wida ,/vas done by Holy prophet
(C) Grlgrt (D) Swat (PBUH) in:
19 The tast king ot Afghanistan was: (A) 623 A.O (8) 632 A.O
(A) Habib Uflah Khan (c) 640 A.O io) ero a.o
(B) Muhammad Zahir Shah 31. PNG is a file extension of:
(C) Sardar Daud Khan ({) Audio (B) tmage
(D) Amanutlah Khan (C) Video iOi rrasir
20. River NtLE ftows through which of the 32. Who was the first Chief Justice of pakistan:
toIowrng cities? (A) A.R. Cornetius
(A) Tflpoti (B) Damascus (B) M.R. Kiyanr
(C) Cairo (D) Aden (C) Abdul Rashd
21. "Watergate Scandal" ted to the downfalt of (D) Maulana Tamiz-ud-Din Khan
which President of the United States? 33. C-omplete lhe number series: 14, 2g,20, 40,
(A) Jimmy Carter 32,64, _.
(B) Theodore Roosevett , (A) 56 (B) 46
Richard Nixon
Lyndon Johnson
(c) s8 ioi la
34. Pakistan-Afghanistan border "Durand Line,
22. The treaty of Versailles ended the: was drawn in:
(A) Wortd War I (A) 1892 (B) 1890
(B) Wo.ld War ll (c) 1893 (D) 1897
(C) French Revotution
(D) None otthese 35. Fill in the 6lank: "He is suffenng
23. Who bui[ the Badshahi Mosque in 1673? (A) Aboul
(A) Humayun (B) Jehangir tB) Bv
(C) Akbar (Oy auranlzeO
(c) of ioi pio,
36. Anionym bf Vatidate is:
24 The lndus Waters Treaty between lndia and (A) Disprove (B) Leqatize
pakrstan was brokered bv. (C) Authenticate iOi Co-ntirm
(4) USA (B) United Nations
(C) IMF (D) Wortd Bank 37. A new religion Din-i-llahi was introduced to
reconcile Hindus & Mushms by which Mughat
25. Which^malerial is used in making of Computer Emperor?
Chips? (A) Eabur (B) Akbar
Aqyanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 431
(C) Shahjahan (D) Jehangir (A) 1 (B) 2
38 Which ol the following rs responsible for the
rargest amount of oxygen of Earth?
(c) 4 (D) 0
(A) Algae --(B) 52. Sharmeen Obard Chrnoy won an Oscar Award
Trees tor the second time for her documentary
(C) Peat bogs (D) None ofthese movie titled:
39 The output qualily of a printer is measured by: (A) Saving Face
(A) Dot per sq. inch (B) Road to Foroiveness
(B) Dot per inch (C) ln the Line oJ Dutv
(C) Dots printed per unile time (D) A Girl rn the Rrvei
(D) A of rhese 53. Deci bel is a unit used for
40. Find the average ol 516, 4t3. 314? (A) Sp€ed of light
(A) 35/36 (B) 38i 36 (B) lntensity of sound
(c) 1 (ol ors (c) lntensity of heat
(D) None of these
41. lf , sum of two numbers is 30 and their
difference rs 8. whal is their product? 54. The Synonym of ,,Vibrant,, is:
(A) 200 {B) io1 (A) Spirited (B) Docite
(C) 209 (Di None of rhese (C) Patient (D) Sarcastrc
42 Th€ foundation has the world,s largest 55. Helsrnki is the capitat of:
(A) .Edhi
Volunleers Communitv (A) Finland (B) Estonia
(B) Medical Facititv (C) lceland (O) Denmark
(C) Food Kitchens' 56. Fill in the btank How do vou teel
(O) Ambulalce Service their comrng.
43. Fill in the btank: you can easily get money if (A) tn (B) of
you _ your ornaments. (C) Aboul (D) On
(A) Gaze (B) Gauoe 57. The first Nuclear power plant in pakistan was
(C) Gage 1Oj nrr oltnese established at
44. Chenab meets River Jhelum at. (A) Mianwati -------iO tstamabad
(A) Kot Mithan (B) pan nad (C) Karachi (D) peshawar
(C) Qatalpur (D) Tnmmu 58. When the first Generat Etections under the
45. ln terms of area the biggest district of punjab 1973 constitulion were hetd?
ts: (A) 1976 (8) 1977
(A) D.c. Khan (B) Bahawatpur (c) 197E (D) 1979
(C) Rajanpur (O) Lahore 59. The book "Jinnah of pakistan " is written by
46. The playground for ptaying "Basabalt, is (A) Sarqini Naidu
called: (B) Hector Botitho
(A) Oiamond (B) Court (C) Stanley Wotpert
(C) Ring (O) Rinr (D) Jawahartat Nehru
47. Ornithology' is the scientific study of: 60. Battle of Badr was fought rn month ot
(A) Animats (B) ReDtiles (A) Muharam iB) Zit Haj
(C) Sea ptants iOj eiriis (C) Ramzan (Dj None;f these
48. The World's famous Madame Tussaud,s 61. Which of the tollowing tnternet Search
museum is located in: Engrnes was tounded bV Larry page and
(A) Edrnburg (B) London Sergery Brin?
(C) Rome (D) Moscow (A) Yahoo (B) Bino
49. Babri Mosque which ryas demolished by (c) Baidu ioi co6gre
Hindu extremists is situated in the province'/ 62. ln the world of computer science what is
state of: LINUX?
(A) Maharashtra (A) A malware
(B) Uttar Pradesh (B) An apptication prooram
(C) Madhya Pradesh (C) A firmware -
(D) Andra Pradesh (D) An operating System
50 The antonym of 'Mnue' is. bJ is the current year of Hijri
(At Varrable (B) Fraud calendar.
(C) Grace (D) Vrce (A) 1438 (a) 1436
51. Since they began how many Otympic Games (c) 1439 loi 1437
have been held in Afflca?
138 AtvancedPPSCllC0sllodelParelt
64. A tov is sold for Rs. 220. What was the cost, il (B) Ghalib
the iate ot Profit was 10% ot the cost?
(C) Saadi Shirazi
(A) Rs. r98 (B) Rs.200 (D) None of these
icl Rs. zto (o) Rs.24o
77 Ms. Yasmin Lari, a recipient of Sitara-e-lmtiaz
65. How many trmes Pakistan won the is a iamous name in the field of:
Cflckel World CuP"? (A) Broadcast Journalism
{A) 2 (B) 3 (B) Televrsion Dramas
ict I (D) Never (C) Painting
(D) Architeclure
66. Alzheimer is:
(A) Bone Disease 7E First Census in Pakastan was held rn:
(B) Ear Disease {A) 1948 (B) 1947
(C) Skin Disease ici rsso (D) 1951
(D) Neurologlcal Disease 79 Quaid-e-Azam Solar Park is one of the
67. Name the Chief Selector ot the Pakistan biggest projects tor solar power generation in
Cricket team: Pakistan Where is it located?
(A) Mohsin Hasan Khan (A) Multan
(B) Waqar Younas (B) Sukkur
(C) Moin Khan (C) Rahim Yar Khan
(D) lnzamam-uFHaq (D) Bahawalpur
68. What does Hajr-eAswad mean? 80 Bradlauoh Hall has been the venue of some of
(A) Sacred stone the mo;t imoortant events in the history o,
(B) Black stone Pakrstan and lndra. ln whrch city is it located?
(C) Foundation stone (A) Delhi (B) Dhaka
(D) Heavy stone (C) Shimla (D) Lahore
69. The olanet nearest to the sun is: 81 What is the synonym ot lndustries?
(C) Mars
Eann (B) Mercury
(D) JUP[er
(B) Hardworking
(D) Labourer
70. Which chemical in tobacco causes a smoker 82 Amono the followinq, which rs the oldest
to be addicted to smoking? Englis-h language nerispaper of Pakrstan?
(A) Carbon monoxide (A) Dawn (B) The News
(B) Tar (C) The Nation (D) Daily Trmes
(C) Nicotine 83 Acrordrno to the 1973 Consttutron ol
(O) Ammonia Pakrstan:the Prime Minrster is elected by the.
71. Which country had the world's first woman (A) National AssemblY
Prime Minisler?
(B) Natronal Assembly and the Senate
(A) New Zealand (B) lndia iCj Nationat Assembly and the Provinctal
(C) Sn Lanka (0) Pakistan Assemblies
(D) Senate
72. Gestapo was the Secret Police of:
(A) U S,A (B) RUSSiA 84 Eanoladesh seoaraled from Pakrstan in
(C) Germany (D) Japan DecEmber 1971 When drd Pakrstan extend
recoqnitron of Bangladesh?
73. How manv imes the mother of Hazrat lsmaeel -Oecember
(A) 1973 (B) January 1974
(A.S), ran from hill of Safa to Marwa rn search ici February 1974 (D) March 1974
of water?
(A) s (B) 6 85 ln coverino a distance of 30 km, Abdul takes 2
iqz (D) I hours moie than Basrt lf Abdul doubles hrs
soeed then he would take t hour less lhan
74. Which of the follotYing Princely States was the Basit. Whal is the sPeed of Abdul?
first to formallv accede to Pakistan?
(A) Khairpur' (B) Bahawalpur
(A) 5 km/hr (B) I km/hr
(C) Chitral (O) Swat ici to rmrnr (D) '15 km/hr
86 . The first space shuttle launched by United
75. rt O") 1zb) = 1z) 1/1, what is d in terms of a, b States on April 12, 198'l was named:
and c?
(A) c/ab (B) c a-b
(A) Drscovery (B) Endeavor
(C) a+b-c (D) c ab
(C) Cotumbta (D) Atlantis
87 . Blood leaves the heart through arleries. The
76. "Hayat-e-Jaward" wrinen by Altaf Hussain Hali main artery leaving the lett ventricle rs called.
is on the life of: (A) Aorta (B) Pulmonary artery
(A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (C) Carotrd artery (D) lliac artery
A.tvmccd PPSC nCQs ,todel Proats 439
" fri'ffJ,Il i;'ase that when cr,cked
displays another documenl
.i .-i
.r r -J

(B) A scnpting language -4 s -4 t9t tAt

aC) A wodd wide web gateway ,tt.t!.t;t \O) .:;j:,; tC)

ioi n system thal employs multim€dia
resources 2..
'!a,';1 .7:. j t"'.1r-i r-L 96
89. Hazrat Amna (RA), mother of Holy Prophel i3
buried in: .,1.4-r! (et r,r-7r (A)
(A) Mecca (B) Madina
(C) ruwa (o) Yestub ,r,:'e (O) )':9t') \C)
90. ln Jurie 2014, Krng Juan Carlos I abdicated in
favour of hrs son Felipe Vl. To which country
did Krno Juan Carlos belong?
-{ -'i''c I :-'.,- J: -:ti.' s7

(A) Sosin (B) Belgium {-',illet.(=1is ;'/ -:.' | \A\

ici rire ttetneaanos (D) Monaco
t;iiL.;',6=;i.- jt.';r.' t lB)
r77t,/"*lt" .sr
lSiiQgu.(-ii" ,.it) !.:./ | lC)
t,v4,'lt$, 1F,7 ,,/A $l
fu;i Lsu {=ir/ 1t.ii ii.: t @)
.i1,J, tol ;E (c)
!t!/i+ 'r{3,i6J ' 9E
ta/i?(*J"xr .s2
t.iji pl t.rsc:p( 6)
/r tsl 6 ttt
t.IOtZ tOl t..ifiL \C)
,4, (Dl tl (cl
''=Y 'f 64:;" i-at" sg
rc-:r7{e'v/Eu' .gt
vfu @t vl'fr ot 7a BJ ./' (^)

)'i( lol ztvA (c)

Or.,\)q, (O\ c/i: rcl
( )b -.,' L ldiom "ln Black and white" 'lO0
t{J,vL,/27Ltlt .x
FJJwr Fl t;ilhtrwt 67 ,-iiv Gt q,P{'t g1
ucllil/ @) Jvtliawr G\ ti.,trVt (O) .'.Pj. i 1Cl
v L'zs,-E Lt; A htf ,tt .gs

u. L g-rt,{ uf ,,2 $ nt rif t,,

aa t a o o i co o
Answer Key
1. a 13. a 25. d 37. b 49 b 61. d 73. c 85. a
2. a 14. 26. d 38. a 50 d 62. d 74. b 86. c
3. b 15. b 27. d 39. b 51 d 63 c 75. c 87. a
4. d 't6. a 28. b 40 a 52. d 64. b /o. a 88. a
17. a 29. b 41 53 b 65. a d 89 c
5. a
18 a 30. b d 54 a oo d 78 d 90 a
6. d
31. b 43 c 55 a 67 d 79 d 91 a
7. c 19 b
8. c 20 c 32. c 44 d 56 c 68 b 80 d 92 b
c 33. a 45 b 57 c 69 b 81 b 93 c
9. b 21
c 22 a 34. c 46 a 56 b 70 82 a 94 b
23 35. d 47 d 59 c 71 c 83 a b
b 24
d 36. a 48 b 60 u c 96 a
1$ . Advonced ppSC MCes Model paperc
97 a 98 a 99 d 100 c


'1. 'Bronchitis" is a disease related to: (C) Jane Austen

(A) Stomach (B) Respiratory tract (D) Sir Arthur Conan Doyte
(C) Brain 1D) Nervous system '13. The smallest country rn order
of population rs:
2 The functioning of a toudspeaker depends (A) San Manno (B) Monaco
upon its: (C) Vatican City (D) patau
!4) 9!re (B) shape
(C) Size and Shape (D) Non; ofthem
'14. "Rabi Crops'are sown in:
' (A) October/November
3. Who _intrcdu-ced 'price Controt System,, in
(B) ApnliMay
lndia for the first time? (C) March/Aprit
(A) Akbar the oreat (D) July/August
(B) Sher Shatisuri 15. Which is the most spoken tanguage of
(C) Auranqzeb Alamoir
(D) A a-ud{in - Pakistan?
Khitli ({) Urdu (B) punjabr
4. River'Rhine" ftows in: (C) Saraiki (o) easirto
({) Russia (B) Germany 16. Boundary line between China and lndia
(C) Thaitand (Dj Romanta known as:

5 '7-Habits of the Highty Effeciive peopte" was (A) McMohan Line (B)Red Chff Line
written by: (C) Durand Line (D)Control Line
(A) Anthony Robbins 17. lslamabad is part of which province?
(B) Dale Carneoie (A) Pun ab (B) Sind
(C) Stephen Co'vev (C) KPK (O) None of these
(D) Napoleon HiI '
18. Russia withdrew from Afghanistan under the;
6. One Kilometer is eoual to : (A) Moscow Agreement-
(A) '1.0 meters (B) 1O.OOO meters (B) lslamabad Trealv
(C) 500 meters (O) 1OOO meters (C) Geneva Accord '
7. Before Damasc-us which city was the capitat of (O) Kabul Pact
Muslim Empire? 19. "Long Walk to Freedom, is the autobiography
(A) Kofa (B) Medina of:
(C) Baghdad (O) Mecca (A) Hasan Rohani (B) Ahmed Mursi
8. "Bhat' is the currencv of: (C) Angela Merkel (O) Netson Mande a
(A) Thailand (B) Mongotia 20. 'Zabui'(Psalms) was revealed upon:
(c) Korea . (o) Cnrrri (A) Hazrat Oawood
9. Morocco rs the Muslim countrv loc€ted in: (B) Hazrat lbrahim
(A) Asia (B) Eui.ope (C) Hazratlshaq
(C) South America (Oi atnca (D) Hazrat lsmael
10. The biggest planet in the Sotar System is: 21. Generat Abdul Fateh-al-Sisi is:
(A) Jupiter (B) Earth' (A) Prime Minister of Sudan
(C) Venus (D) Neptune (B) A hero of Atgerian War of tndependence
1 (C) A central Character of Syrian irvrt War
1 Which out of the fo owing is not a land-locked (D) Presrdent o, Egypt
(A) Nepal (B) Afohanistan 22. Pet Capia water ava'lability in pakrstan rs:
(C) Mongoha (D) Le-banon (A) decreasrng (B) constant
12. Legendary Character '.Sherlock Hotmes,, was
(C) rncreasing lD) fluctuatrng
created by: 23 SAVAK was-the secret agencv of.
(A) lan Fleming (A)Egypt (81 Tur(ey
(B) Agatha Christi (C) tran 1D) traq
A6r.ncad PPSC noet nodot pfiB U1
24 The capital of'Cyprus' rs. (C) Hector Botitho (O) Fatimah Jinnah
(A) Alexandria (B) Famequsta
(c) Nicosia (o) Limasial 38 Whrle flag rs known as a svmbot for
25. Whare is Gomal Universit y located? ({) War (B)
A) Dera Ghazi Khan
(C) Peace (D) Surrende'r
B) Kohat 39. Al-Taqseem Square'is situated in
C) Oera lsmael Khan (A) lstanbut (B) Cairo
D) Sibi (c) Baghdad toi xauur
26 Buckingham Palace" is the residenca of th6 40 Which out of the following countries is not a
A) Pop€ member of SMRC?
B) King of Jorden (4) Nepal (B) Matdives
C) Secretary General ot UNO' (C) Bhutan (D) Burma
O) Qusen of Engtand 41. The Natronal Assembly of pakistan conssts of
27. Netherlands is the new name of: now manv members?
(A) Engtand (B) Ho and ( ) 274' tB\ u2
(C) New Zeatand (D) tretand (c) 291 ioi sr r
28. Out of the fo owrng lrterary fioures: who 42. Who was the last Govemor General of
represented pakistan in the UNO?- Pakistan?
(A) Faiz Ahmed Faiz (A) Ghutam Mohammad
(B) Mustata Zaidi (B) lskander Mirza
(C) AltaGauhar (C) KhawaiaNazim-uddin
(D) Patras Bukhari (D) Muhammad Ati Jinnah
29. The headquarters of European Union is at: 43. Out of ine fottowing, who has not been
(A) Brussets (B) Vienna t-oreign Minister of pakrstan?
(C) Madrid (oi parts (A) Chaudhry Muhammad Ati
(B) Aziz Ahmed
30. Which oI lhe followrng items is a source of (C) Mian Arshad Hussain
Proteins? (O) Muhammad Ati Bogra
(A) Sugar (B) Butrer
(C) Meat (O) At of these 44. Pakistan's area is:
31. Which .book qut of the fo owing has been (ll
(c) 999999 "q
k m (B) 534m0 sq k m
881889 sq. k.m (D) 935E01 sd. k.m
written by Mr. Z.A.Bhutto?
(A) Betrayal of East pakistan 45. The 1965-indo-Pak War continued for:
(B) Witness to Surrender (A) 19 days (B) 17days
(C) What was once East pakistan (C) 12 days (D) iOdays
(D) The creat Tragedy 46. Who was the onl y Vice-Piesident in the
32. "Theory of E_volution" was presented by: f Pakislan?
(A) Simon Bptiver lam Muhammad
(B) Chartes Oarwins B) Zulfiqdr Ali Bhutto
(C) Werner Heisenbaro C) Ghulamlshaoue Khan
(D) Euclid D) Nur-ul-Amin
33. The ,irst general eleclions in pakistan were 47 Whrch city out of the foflowing has the highest
held in' mean annual rainfall?
(A) 1977 (B) 1956 (A) Munee (B) Chitrat
(c) 1962 (Di 1970 (C) Parachinar (O) I_asOetta
34. Who developed Computer Operating System 4E "lndus Water Basin Treaty" was signed
"Window"? between Pakistan and lndia in
(A) Steve Jobs (B) Bi Gates (A) 1948 (B) 1956
(C) Warren Buffel (O) Cartos Stim (c) 1960 iD) 1961
35. The Roman Numeral "XVl,,means: 49 Barrage is consiructed on which
(A) 25 (8) 3s river?
(c) 15 ioi ro (A)
(B) Chenab
36 The capitat of Chrle isl (D) Jhetum
(A) Santrago tB) Tran Jin 50 Pakistan s share in global expons rs
(Cr Ndjamena (D) yaounde (A) 18% (B) O 3olo
37. "TheSote Spokesman was authored {C) 11 o/o tD) ea/c
(A) Ayesha Jatat (B) G. Aitana ' 51 The number of prophets whose names are
mentroned in the Holy Ouran rs.
Ui| ! NwnccdPPSC rr0QtllodclPreers
(A) 10 (B) 25
(c) 1; O\*
(C) 35 tDr 45
52. The name of the firsl Kalima is: Find the square root of 6492304
(A) Kalima Tayyabah (A) 2384 \Bl 2484
(B) Kalima Shahdat (c 2 8 (D) 2684
(C) Kalima Tamieed 63 176 + 2401rs equal to
(D) None of these (A) 14 (Bl 15
53. The largest number of 'Ahadith" was reported (c) 18 (o) 24
bv 6,4 Whrch of the following ratros rs the largest?
(A) Syeda Ayesha Srddiquea (RA) tA) 715 rBt 15.23
(B) Hazrat Abu Hurarra (RA)
(C) Hazrat Ali (RA) ic\ tt.zs rD) 21 29
(D) HazratAns bin Malik 65 if a number is increased bY 20%
anIl6 n decreaseo by 20%. the linal value of
t4. Who lranslated the Ho[ duran to Persian for the number:
the lirst time? (A) doesn't change
(A) Shah Rati-ud-Otn (B) decreases bY 4olo
(B) Shah Wall Ullah (C) increases bY 2olo
(C) Kh.[d brn Waleed (D) increases bY 4%
. (D) Mujadid All Sani
55. On which ot the following occasions. the 66 lf 70% ol students in a school are boys and
the number of grrls rs 504. the number o, boys
Muslims offer "Namaz-e-Kasuf ? ts:
For the sake oI rain {Al '1680 iB} '1 '!76

At the tirne ol edpse of sun tzzO (o)

(C) At the time of cclipse 6t moon iCi None of these
(O) At lhe time ol drought 67 lf 4X + 13=7 2X what is the value of X?
56 The only "Surah' ot lhe Holy Quran whrch rs
(A) t (B) 3
. nol started wrth "BEmillah" is'
(A) Surah Al-Ahzab (c) -1 (o) 1

(B) Surah Al-Taubah 66. Whict word out of the follo\./ing is nearest in
(C) Swah Al-Jinn meanrng to 'Pauoty-?
(D) Non€ ol lt€se (A) Flattery (B) Scarcity
57 What do you understand by'Al-Fay'" ic) xitanti (o) Embezzlement
(A) Lands cultivated bY Mushms 69 "Camivore" means:
(B) Lands conquered by Muslims which (A) a heart throb
b€cam€ the property ol the lslamrc state (B) a regular moYie watcher
(C) Lands located in a Muslm state but (C) an eater of flesh
cultrvated bY non-Muslirns. (O) a wide-travelled Person
(D) The uncultivated land of the lslamic state
70. Terrorism will '- rn the course of
rl time.
58 f ot a number subtracted trom 5of the number {A) die {B) dre down
oiYes '12. The number rs: ici oie a*"y {o) dre ofl
ie) rln (B) 120
71. Which out of the followrng alternatives best
(ct 72 (D) 63.
exoresses the meanlng of
Sg. Wtrat is the sum of all prime numbers trom 60 (Ai obstacle (8,
to 80? (C) Shameful ror Maslerplece
(At 361 iB) 341
72 Whrch one rs correctly spelt out of the
lC) 35.1 {D) 349 following?
60. 5005 5C00 10.!0 =' (A) Cunousrty ,81 Cunoucrty
(A) 05 ,B) 50 (C) Curlocity iD) Cuflosrty
1Qr 5001 Dr 4505
73 Selecl the word that Ls opposrte rn meaning to
61. Whrch oi the following ,ractions rs less tnan I (A, Deterrent tBl Provrsron
(C) lnsttgatron ,D) Romance
and grealer than 5
74 Which word out of the followrng rs simllar rn
(A) f
meantnq tO NetaflOUS'?
iB) 24 'A) Fa;lty rB) ldrotrc
A&rnced PPSC fCOs ilode, Proets tL3
(C) Evil (D) Afraid under the law?
(A) 10 (B) 100
75. Which option conveys the correc{ meaning of
this sentence "This medicine can be us€d ic) s0 (D) 50

even by Children" 85. To which otticer the apphcation for

(A Only Children can use this medicine establishing a union is submitted as per law?
(B Adults cannot use this medicine (A) DCO (B) Secretary Labour
(c Everybody can use this medicine (C) Commissioner (D) Rogistrar
(D Both children and adults can use this 86. A leamer who is paid an allovvance during lhe
medicine peaod ot trarning rs termed as
76 A 'multinational" means: (A) Probatroner (Bi Tratnee
(A) A company operating rn several countries (C) ApDrentice (O) Student
(B) A company having shareholders from 87. The time during whtch the workers employed
more than one country are at the disposal ot employer excluding any
(C) A company which does charitable work in interval allowed tor rest and meals is called:
poor countries (A) Duty hours (B) Produclive hours
(D) A company that operates only in those (C) Woik hours (D) Hours of work
countries that do not have imporl
restriclions ti <.-{ i -;{-,t,,,,! uj.' a sa
77. 'Stalemate'is:
(A) Noun (B) Verb J-i jlt', G) J-i*i; <et
icl eoth (D) None of these
(D) J,i-.,' j' (c)
78. Which conventaon ot ILO deals with the

subiect of Home Based Workers (HBWS)?

tA\'177 (B) 199 9"--41j;':-.t.1i AS

ic) 155 (D) 191

il st;, {il ,,i*'-: G)
79. ln Punjab, two Labour Appellate Tribunals are
established at: :*_.,9 (D) ;"r;g:r (c)
(A) Faisalabad and Sialkot
(B) Lahore and Multan
(C) Lahore and Faisalabad gi t :g,ti,tt ) ui,,y' +. I ; f' v g it ii,-*
t: so
(Di Lahore and RawalPindi 91. tr,r'a$(e it)
80. ln extra-ordinary circumstances, an employee
is bound to inform his employer regarding his G)
)Vc)V,t r,,-(; (e)
absence (to obtain casual leave) within:
(A) a
(C) a
(B) 3 days
(D) sdays {z/ @) ;i'-r=@)
81. Which Article of the Constitution of the lslamic t t,.$. I Li",;'.2.i :i' st
of Pakistan prohibits all forms of
forced Iabour? j trt <at ;,;t (e)
(A) 07 (B) 11
j+ig" 6)
(c) 21 (D) 73 ,P;,,P @)
82. The Punjab lndustrial Relations Act, 2Ol0 j;'itv,iP'
extends lo the : rc-/ sz
(A) notrfied industrial areas
(B) regrstered industrial un[s ue (e) (n)
(C) whole of the PunJab 'rf'
(D) None of these & (ol J/-rvr? (c)
83. A strike declared, commeflced or continued
other than is accordance with the provisions of
the Punjab lndustrial Relations Act.2010 is
an: ,,;ir (B) !.(;: <et
(A) Unauthorized strike (C)
(B) Unfair strike c,a, (D) ; r .>t:
(C) lnformal strike
(D) lllegal strike r
-'& L.;:' -,1,&t,'-(t, ;6. I lL)$t -* 94
84. Minimum, how many workers of an
establishment are required to form a Union ui /'q G) e'Grt.',/ (A)
44 Advancad ppSC MCes l odet paoers
..;',lJ (D) 32 s-_ (c) O)
t4L')Lgb *,j.,9 <cl
I t:r)tc,. t'rt!(-r,r.,'r, i gs
-:l'r'L\,/;.il;" gB

,rg2*fu (A) vtrdf:f {rt G) *n,/,(,f G)

{Ei;sr (a) Y-':0{ (o) q:.loa1, @)
stjaz (c) I e-(j if )?rt6:l v;1{.-slul;a,* ss
"2j/ <ot
.!ae G) -i1,,,
r.-j! j -. r,u".',,'t ;4 g' sa gt2, ( Ut, (c)
Orer'r!.,r(B) 1,,,!,2,:V (A)
tu(,t ))vur z;Eij*u,i 1oo
jt/ iJ,.1 (O) */,1. Ltl, G) 1857 (B) 183s (A)
r867 (D) 1887 (C)
<:I *t $vg {<_,lr!ir,*
t,<tl,t:t G) iltNl,glr,(e)
t. o
A nswer Key
14. a 27 b 40.
2.c 15. b 28. d 41.
53 b
b 79 b 92 a
J.d 16. 80 b YJ b
a 29. a 42.
4.b 17. d JU- c 43
b b 68 b 81 b 94 d
5.c 18. c 31. d 44
a 56 b ov c 82 c 95 c
6.d 19. d JI, b 45
57 b 70 b 83 d 96 b
7. I 20. a d 46
b 58 a 71 a 84. 97 a
8.a 21. d 34 b 47
d 59 G 72 d 85. d 98.
9.d 22. a 35 d 48
bU d 73 a 86. a 99. c
10. a c 36 a 49
61 d 74 87. c 100 d
11. d 24. c 37 a 50.
a 62 c 75. d 88. c
12. d 25. c 38 c 51.
76. a 89. d
rJ. 77. c 90. b
c 26. d 39 a 52. a 65. t 78. a 91.



ln the Labour & Human Resource Department .2015
1 (C) Dell (D) Appte
f i"ffig,:r'| J:iT stares or America's
(B) National 3 'Laissez-Faire' means:
Securitv Advisor (A) Non-interference of state in economy
(c) Secretarv of Staie (B) Extra-ordrnary polittcal actrvtty
(D) Comm#der-in-Cniet (C) Fast-pace rndustflalizatron of a country
2. Steve Jobs earned fame during his (D) Rescue operation in flood-effected areas
association with:
(A) Microsoft 4 Renowned novellst Ernest Hemrngway
(B) tntet belonged to:
Advanced PPSC MCOS Modet paoers 445
(A) England (B) Syria (D) Theory of evotution
(C) America (D) Columbia
17. Aristotle was the teacher of:
5. 'Azerbaijan' is tocated in: (A) Alexander (B) ptato
(A) Western Europe (B) Latin America {C) Buddha (D) Jutius Caesar
(C) Central Asia (D) Middte East
18 Printing Press was tnvented bv:
6. The branch of medicine deating with Skin is (A) Alexander Graham Belt
called: (B) Johann Gutenbero
(A) Pharmacology (B) Urotogy (C) Martin Luther
(C) Parasitology (D) Dermilotogy (D) James Watt
7. 'Kitab-ul-Hind' was wriflen bv: 19. 38 Parallel is a bounda ry line between
(A) Al-Farabi (B) At-Razi A) North Korea and South Korea
(C) At-Beruni iO) tOn-i-Stna B) lndia and Chjna
E. Which
.t]!d-u_pget was given Lenin Award by
C) China and Taiwan
the ex-USSR Government? D) Germany and Poland
(A) Munir Niazi 20. Which of the folowing teader is
(B) Habib Jalib a Nobel
Peace Pnze winner?
(C) Faiz Ahmed Faz (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(D) Ahmed Faraz (B) Barak Hussain Obama
9. Prague is the caprlal of (C) Tony Btair
(A) Romania (B) Brazit (D) Richard Nixon
(C) Uganda 21 . ln which city was the 1st lslamic Conference
(D) Czech Repubtic held?
10. Who is the Foreign Minister of pakistan? (A) Mecca (B) Rabat
(A) Sartaj Aziz (C) Damascus (D) Cairo
(B) Khawaja Asif 22. Who was the 1st Woman Ruler of lndb?
(C) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (A) lndra Gandhi (B) Chand Brbr
(D) lshaq Dar (C) Nur Jahan (D) Razra Sultana
'11. The 'Theory of Populatron was propounded
23 What comes to mind with the name of Neil
by: Armstrong?
(A) John Calvin (A) Water (B) Americ€
(B) Dr. Henry Kissenger C) Moon (D) 1gth Century
(C) Thomas Robert'
(D) Adam Smith 24 History of the Saracens was written by
A) Sjr Syed Ahmed Khan
12. Warren Hastings was the B) Shibli Naumani
(A) English Krng dunnq .1st Wortd War C) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(B) Second President of the USA (D) Syed Ame€r Ali
(C) Governor General of lndia
(D) Prime Minister of the USSR at the time of 25. Which country out of the ioltowing rs not
it's break-up located in Asia?
13. Guglielmo Marconi invented:
(A) Thartand (B) lndonesia
(C) Myanmar (D) Libya
(A) Television (B) Camera
26. 1o-Oownlng Street is the official residence of:
(C) Tape recorder (D) Radio
(A) Pope
14. Second President of the U.S.A was: (B) Secretary General of UNO
(A)Thomas Jefferson (C) Pnme Minrster of uK
(B)John Adams (D) Pre$dent of France
(C)James Madison
(D)James Monroe 27. The Roman Numeral "XX" means:
(A) 200 (B) 2.000
'15. "Communist Manifesto" was written by: (c) 20.000 (D) 20
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Engels 28 Bona fide means
(C) Jointly by Marx and Enoets (A) Acling rn good farth
(D) None of these (B) Actrng rn bad farth
(C) Acting with intention
16. Albert Einstein is best known for his: (D) None of these
(A) Research on Universe
(B) ldeas about human development 29. Which of_the fotlowing has b€en written by
(C) Theory of relativity Sigmund Freud"
(A) The lnterpretation of Dreams
(B) Autumn of Furv
'Full name '"Thomas Robert Malthus,, (C) Blood of Revo[utron
6 Advancoi PPSC lIC,Qs odcl Paers
(D) Faces in the Minor Government of British lndia formed before the
30. Adam Smith was: (A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(A) The Prime Minisler ol France during lst (B) Raj Gopal Acharia
World War (C) Liaqal Ali Khan
(8 ). An Economist
(O) Jugandar Nath Mundal
(C) A Scientist
(D) A Geologist 12 "Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case" was unearthed
31. Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan lrhen (A) 1951 (B) 1gss
lst Marlial Law o, 1958 was declared? (c) 1958 (o) 1949
(A) Muhammad All Bogra
(B) Feroz Khan Noon 43 VVho was aooointed Prime Minister after the
(C) Ch. MuhatFmad Ali imposition oi Martial Law in 1958'?
(O) Hussain Shaheed Suharwsrdi (A) Malik Feroz Khan Noon
(B) Ayub Khan
32. The Constitulional Reforms inlroduced in (C) Hussain Shaheed SuhaMardi
Britrsh lndia in the year 1909 are generally (D) Gen. Azam Khan
reterred to as:
(A) Montagu-ChelmsfordReforms 44 A famous book titled Witness to Surrender"
(B) Motley-Minto Reforms was written by:
(C) The Communal Award (A) Lt. Gen. A.A. K. Niazi
(D, The Colonial Reforms (B) Zulfiqar All Bhutto
'lndus-Basin (c) Brig.siddlq salik
33. Water Treaty" was signed rn:
(D) She'kh MuJeeb-ur-Rehman
(AI 1958 (B) 1960
45 The members of RCD were
(c) 1966 (D) 1949 (A) Pakistan. lndia and lran
34. ln 1954. Pakistan joinedi (B) China. Pakistan and lndia
(A) SEATO (B) CENTO (C) Pakrstan. lran and TurkeY
(C) Commonwealth (D) OIC (D) Afghanistan. lran and Pakistan
35. Daughter of the East' was written by: 46 Who has been nominated as Captain of
Fatlma Jinnah Pakistan Cricket Team for World Cup 2015?
Nusrat thutto {A) Shahrd Afrrdi (B) Umar Gul
Lata Mangeshkar (C) Misbah-ul-Haq (D) Muhammad H9frz
Benazir Bhutto 47 ln which mountain range is Siachin Glacrer
36. The 1st Chiet Minister of Puniab was: located?
(A) Mian Mumtaz Oaultana (A) Himalaya (B) Korakarum
(B) Feroz Khan Noon (C) Hindu (D) Sulaiman
(C) tttrkhar Hussain Khan Mamdot 48 Pakistan's present population approxamately
(D) Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani stands at:
37. "lndia Wins Freedom" was written byi (A) 'l 16 mrlllon (8) 156 mrllon
(A) S-AghaKhan (C) 169 millon (D) 186 million
(B) Abu-al-Kalam Azad 49 At the time of lndependence in 1947, which
(C) Muhammad Ali Jauhar was the biggest c(y of Pakrstan?
(D) Ch. Rahmat Ali (A) Dacca (B) Karachi
38. Mr. Jinnah presented has 'l4-points in March (C) Lahore (O) Rawalpindi
1929 in Muslim League's Session held at: 50 ln Mens Hockey Champions Trophy 2014
(A, Lahore (8) Lucknow Pakistan secured.
(C) Delhr (D) Calcutla
39 Who was the only Vice-Presitjent in tM
history ot Pakistan: ' On O.tob", 7, President lskander' Mirza, declared
(A) Ghuiam Muhammad martial law in Pakistan. He abrogated the fonstitution
(B) Khavvaia Nazam-ud-Din of 1955, describing tt as "unworkable"' and fuil of
(C) Zumqar Ali Bhutto
(D) Nur-ul-Amln "dangerous compromis€s," He dismissed the Sir Feroz
Khan Noon ministry, dissolved the National Assembly
40. The newspaper called 'Zamindar" was edited of Pakistan and the p.ovincial legislatures Mirza also
(A) Mautarta Muhammad Ail Jauhar proceeded to outlaw all political parties. He appointed
(B) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan General Ayub xhan, the commander-rn Chief of the
(C) Maulana Shibli aumanl Pakistani armv as the Chief Martial Law Administratol
(D) Maulana Altaf Hus$ln Hali and nominated him to become the new Prime Minister
4't Who was the Foreign Minister in the interim of Pakistan, charged with administerang the countrv
Adyanced PPSC |tBas ltodol Paoars U7
(A) 'lst Postion (B) 2nd Positron iAr Prorected (B) Registered
(C) 3rd Position iD) None of these ici Prottaimed (D) Declared
51 According to the lslamic Principle of 62 I am to my friend for a large gum.
inheritanae. a males share in deceased (A) Afln6uted (B) charged
father s ptoperty vrz-a-vtz temale is: (C) Loaned (O) lndebted
(A) Three trmes (B I Two times 63 To have one's hands full is to be completely
(C) Sarne (D) None of them or have a diflicult lask.
52. Who was the 1st Ummayad Caliph? iA-lEmptoyeO (B) Accommodated
(A) Marwan brn Hakam iC) lnterlocked {Dr OccuPied
(B) Hazrat Amir Muawlya A plan which farls to achieve lts purpose rs
(C) Yazid brn Muhlrb
(O) Hazrat Abdullah brn Zubarr (A) Abortion (B) P€rtadious
(C) Abortive (D) imperht
53 Usher" means:
(A) One tenth iB) one fifth 65. "Malady'means
(C) One thrrd tD) None of these (A) Distincl B ) Deceasa
54. The highest number of "Ahadith" were (C) Dis€ase D ) Divine
narrated by: 66. "Alma Mated is:
(A) Hazrat Zaid-bin-Harris (A) An lnstrurEnt to gauge rarnfall
(B) Hazrat Bilal Habshi iBt A famous tower rn Parrs
(C) Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa icl Ttre otace wnere someon€ was educal6d
(D) Hazrat Abu Hurarra ioi ,nveitrgatron centre of Scotland Yatd
55. Tha 1st Muslim conquest rn lndia took place 67 As Fresh'as':
in: ' (A) Arr (B) Flour.r
tA) 712 AO (B) 997AD (Cl Water (O) None ol them
icr tzto ro (o) 1526AD
68. The antonvm o, clear is
56. How many years did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) lAr Sionrficant (B) Unmistaken
sD€nd rn Medrna .

(B) i61 Siprrcrr (D) Murkey'

(A) 35 13
69. A specialisl who measures your eyesight is
(c) 10 (D) 21 -
57, 'INFAQ'iS: rl-rOotician (B) Ophthalmologitt
(A) Fighting with enemies of lslam iC) obtometrist
(D) Non ot th€sg
(B) Travellinq from Mecca
iCi Oetiverini a speech agarnst infidals 70. To make a clean breast ot somc0fng it to
tDi Spendrng- weatth for lhe cause of Allah (At-ontde (B) Collecl
"Jamila-al-Azhar' is located in: (C) Confess (D) Recollgct
rA) Cairo (B) Damascus
iCl enrara (D) Jeddah 71. What percentage is equivalent to 3f -
59 Which "Surah- was the first to be revealed 525o/"
tA\ lB\ 425'/o
upon Holy Prophet Muhammad {PBUH)? AzSV"
iCj (O) None of thca€
(A) Surah Allkhlas 72 20% ol30o/. ol20?" of Rs 850rs
(B) Surah Ar-Naas" lA) Rs.€ 50 (B) Rs: 10'20
(C) Surah Al-Nrsa (C) Rs: 10.50 (O) None of th6c
(O) Surah 'Al-Alaq'
73 The average ol th'ee numbers rs 20. lt two
60 Who translated the Holy Quran to Persian for numbers are 16 and 22 the thtrd is
the 1st time ? \Al 22 iBr 20
(A) Syed Ahmed Shaheed
(B) Sr Syed Ahmed Khan rC) !9 (O) 18

(C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar 74 ll 4x +13 = 7 2X what is the value ot X?

(D) Shah Wah Ullah Khan rar f tB) -3
61 Exports rn Chemicals and sugar have
a phenomenal rise thrs Year (c) 1 (D) 1
75. Which of the following ratios rs the largest?
- (A) 7'15 (B) 15 23
'ln the 12th century, Abu Hafs Omar al'Nasafi ic, tt zs
. tot 21 29
translated the Quran into Persian. shah wali Ullah
Khan translated the Quran from Arabic to Persian in
(han "Actual idiom is "as ftesh as a daisy'
18'n century. tn the subcontinent.shah Wa[ Ullah
tranrlated the Quran for the first time. 'Coriect spellings: "MurkY"
q. A&utcf,dppsic Ces nodot proars
76. 0.7683 + 0.369 + O.OS + O 8 ?
0 8065
0.8110 rei
(O) None of these .
(C) Wo*ers Welfare Board
(O) Commissioner Social Security
77. A boy saves Rs: 4-56 the first month, Rs: 3.82 86. A Collection Bargaining Agent (CBA) is a:
second month and Rs: 5 06 tire tniiO month
(A) A registered trade union elected by secret
How much did he save altooether? baltot
(B) A pressure group formed by workers to
(4) Bs.12 (B) Rs 12.s0
(c) Rs 13 ioi rgaa
get their pavs enhanced
(C) An NGO stiving for workers wetfare
ze r/r 0,./2so= z (D) None of these
(4) 46 9s (B) 43.7s 89. lf a strike or lock-out is commenced without
(c) 50 25 iol so.oo givirrg notice of conciliation to the other oartv
79. 5005 _ 5000 / 1o.oo ofthe dispute; it will be considered.. - '- ''
(A) 0.5 (B) 50 (A) tmmoral (B) Leoal
(c) s000 ioi asos
(C) Unerhicat (Oi rrrdar
80. How many numbers up to 2OO are divisible by 90. Pakislan's Constitulion provides that chitdren
2 and 3 both? ano women are not employed in vocations
(A) 35 (B) 33 unsufted tO their aoe or sex]
(c) 29 iol zt (A) Conect (B) lncorrect
(C) Partia y conect iDj None of these
81. Anicte.. .t. pakistan's Constitution
_of the
(41 !l."rew
alt forms of:
(B) Forced Labour r1-o({p,t el
(C) Chitd Labour iOi art ot ttrem pf v/-;tt py ;t)t, 6)
82. U.nder the Constitutidn, Labour is a;
Federat subiect J,i*t" tO,t ,fCqq @l
Provincial subrect
(C) Concurrent subiect
(D) None of these ' tzo/&L,f{rs/t,r; .sz
83. Ttte Totat Labour Force. of pakistan is; ,)v,t'sat Gt iw,!-* <al
(A) 37 15 mi ion (B) 15.92 mi ion
fiic;f i @y
(c) 29.30 milion (Oi +r.OO mitrion oGrt*/ (c)
84. Under the Faclories Act. ig34 no t orker can
De requrod to work in any eslablishment tn t Zd {N; :ut l+cl
4Lgt, )t t,,t .93
excess of:

I3l ?J8ffi""i8t, [B] gisx[:3:l 6a9,eu 1q ,+i/ ttl

85 Articte of the Consritution provdes the
JV?E (Dt 4fu,,? G)
reeoom of association and the
iight to form $p,rrf ,F,!Jot-t, .x
(A) 17 (B)
(c) e1 ioi
zo -ri!t €l )h ( )
86. Tho. lndustriat Retations Ordinan@, ZOO2
emphasc participation o, workers in
,f-tt (ol ,F ol
management of an establishment through:
(A) Workers Council
(B) Management Committee
f=b('J?' ss
(C) Joint Manaoement Board ,f Fl *,!t: lAl
(D) All of them -
87. ln a. province, a Worker.s Trade Union
)tot (o) ery$ Ol
regtstered with the:
(A) Regrstrar Trade Unions |4EiJ((,)l)J"rr,t.
ieiiJiidl'ii"dJ"i;aI'i1".ra't,on"corm,".ion 6/6 (B) Jl @)

'Pakistan has the 9th largest labour forc€ in the world. '!; o Jr, G)
According to the labour rorce su.vey 201G11,
labour force in the country was 57.24 million.
the total
Out of
7,',fa7,!,a,/ r; ) 6 s) {nt -i:t; l;g,, .st
this labour force, 3.40 million people are unemptoyed y,,K-fr py f ;rt,t 61
and 53.84 million people are employed.
Advancd PPSC tlGQs odel Papers Ug

"rftst, 1o1 ,1,6t,; tcl W,-(:x.l tsl

t--d,lUCfdt&ct'rt' 98 zVL'{,y+y'{ pl
iu-(-o @) f'd ot L x,.i :u,,&to,y; Jl, t/ 1o1
LJ*|Y lr ') 11r/7r 1c1 r
76 {-;z ( i.- y, & 7, r.'too

'F rel
gE,, (A)
t <- :t7r"l<.-f o 7 t/r ty'. d D ivttit 99

Qe{c.3t1!r, 6y :v' (o) jfJ Ol

Answer Key
1. c 14. b 27 d 40. b 53. a ob. c 79. d 92 a
2. d 15. a 28 a 41. a 54. d 67. d 80. b 93 c
J, a 16. c 29 a 42. a 55. a 68. d 81. d 94 a
4. c 17. a 30 b 43. b 56. c 69. c 82. c 95 a
5. c 18. b 31 b 44. c 57. d 70. c 83. 96 d
6. d 19. a 32 b 45. c 58. a 7't. a u. a 97 b
7. c 20. b b 46. c 59. d b 85. a 98. b
8. c 21. b 34 a 47. b 60. d a 86. d 99. a
9. d 22. d 35 d 48. d 61. a 74. c 87. a 100 c
10 c 23. c 36 c 49. a 62. d 75. d 88. a
11 c 24. d b 50. b 63. d ro. b 89. d
12 c 25. d 38 c 51. b 64. c 77. d 90. a
13 d 26. c d 52. b 65. c 78. d 91. c

Written Test for Recruitment to the Post of
1. Freedom of Association is guaranteed (c) Both (A) and (B)
through: (D) The Parliament
(A) Through Presidential Order 4. The Ma.ilis-e-Shoora (Parliament) consists of:
(B) As a Fundamental Right (A) National and Provincial Assemblies
(C) By the Chief Election Commissioner (B) The Prime Minister and the National
(D) By the Principles of Policy given in the Assembly
constitution (C) The President, National Assembly and
2. An action or law which is against the the Senate
(D) The Joint Sessjon of National and
Principles of Policy:
(A) Can be questioned for this contradiclion Provincial Assemblaes
(B) Cannot be questioned for this 5. lf the Prime Minister intends to resign, he may
. contradiction address his resignation to:
(C) ls invalid lawaction (A) The Speaker, National Assembly
(D) ls invalid after four years ot ils (B) The Chairman Senate
promulgation (C) The President
3. The Fundamental Rights are enforceabte
(D) None of them
(A) The Supreme Court only
6. The Lower House ofthe Parliament is:
(A) The Senate
(B) The High Court (B) The National Assembly
450 Advanced PPSC MCAS Papers
(C) A P!'ovincial Assembly 16 Mark the synonym or'charr':
(Di Combination of Provricral Assimblies (A) Pedestal (B) Boasting
7 The Governor rs appointed by:
(C) Seat (D) Pnde
(A) The Prime Minrster 17 Choose the correct sentence
(B) The Chief Minister (A) She resembles to her mothe.
(C) The President (8) .She resembles with her srster
(D) The National Assembly (C) She resembles her cousin
(D) The two brothers resemble on each other
8. The Constitution Committee for the '1973
Constitution consisted of. 18. Whrch one is the antonym of Fugrlrve?
(A) The Members of Pakistan Peoples Party (A) lmmigrant
(B) Refugee
(PPP) {C) Absconder
rD} Caplive
(B) The Members of PPP and its election 19. ln a sentence'no sooner'rs always followed
allies by: -
(C) Allthe Political Partres (A) That (B) As
(D) The Presrdent. the Prime Mrnister and (C) Than (D) Then
four Chief Ministers
20. One who is capable of dealing with many
L The Session of Senate is presrded over by: subjects is called:
(A) The Presrdent (B) The Speaker (A) Genius (B) lnlellectual
(C) The Charrman (D) None of these (C) Versatiie (D) Vulnerable
,10. The Chref Election Commissroner rs appointed 21. What is the one word substitution for a person
for a term of: who is unible to pay his debt
(A) Five years '(A) Poor tB, Vagabond
(B) As determined by the Presrdent (C) Solvent (D) lnsolvent
(C) Same term as is of the assemblies 22 His silence to refusal
(O) r nree years (A) Tantamount (B) rs tantamount
11. Srnc- lts promulgation the consttution of (C) is tantamounting 1D) tantamounted
lslamrc Repubilc of Pakistan 1973 has been Pick the wrong word
amended (A) Transpyre (B) Transfer
(A) 19 times (B) 18 times (C) Tranquil (D) Tranquillrty
(C) 16 times (D) 14 times
24 The husband ruled by hrs wife is called.
12. The name lslamic Republic of Pakistan was (A) Penpricked (B) Henpecked
given rn the: (C) lndebted (D) Lrqurdato.
(A) Constrtutron of 1973 )< ihe workman may seek rndulgence
(B) Zia-ul-Haq regime
(C) Constitution of '1962 the Labbur Court for his guaranteed rights:
(D) Constitution of 1956 (A) Of (B) To
(C) By {D, From
13. The Objectrve Resolution was made part of 26 Which is lhe correct sentence?
substantive provisions of the Constitution oI (A) I am sick by your lies
1973 (B) I am sick of your hes
(A) At the time o, its promulgation rn 1973 (C) lam srck from your lies
(B) By Presidential Order 14 of 1985 (Revival (D) I am srck to your lres
of Const{ution Order)
(C) Through amendments made in the 27 Whrch rs the correct sentence,
Constitution rn 1975 (A) He brushed on my argument
(D) Through a resolution of the Parliament (B) He brushed asrde my argument
([rarlis-e-Shoora ) rC) He brushed lo my argt/ment
(D) He brushed over my argirment
2A The swimme.s shquld avord a
14 Pick the correcl word contamrnated swrmminq pool
rAl Forrndrble iB) Formidable (A) enteflng lB) being entered
(C) Frrmdable (O) Pharmrdable rC) to enter (D) have entered
15 Mark the sentence whrch is with correct 29 The noun form of the vero exote ,s
prepositron (A) excitrng {B) excited
lAl He was entitled for inherit of his father lC) excitatement (D) excitement
{B) He was entitled io rnhe(( his lather
(C) He was entdled on rnheritance of hrs PAKISTAN STUDIES
father 30 The construction o{ Wullar Barrage shall result
1D) He was entitled w(h inheritance of hrs in:
father (A) Scratching the canal rrrigation rn Pakrstan
A ced c l}tcQs Model 451

2010, an appeal agarnst a deosron of the

(B) Threat to defence measures
Labour Court hes
ici ulnimizing energy Production (A) To the Senror Labour Court
(O) All of these (B) To the Hiqh Court
31. Sir Creek denotes: ici fo tte Nrlonal lodustrral Commrssron
(A) A mountain top in Norlhem area iD) To the Appellate Tribunal'
(B) An ice berg of Srachen
45 The functlon of the Labour Court rs
iC) An island in lndian ocean (A) To decrde an rndustrral drspute
(D) None of lhese
iBi To supeMse a settlement belween
32. Kashmir is important because of: employer and workmen
(A) Straregic location - {cr Both (A) & (B)
(B) Mountain range ol uranrum iDi To supervises elections of C B A
(C) Trade sPot
(O) All ot these 46 The CBA (Collective Bargainrng Agent) is'
tA) An oroanrzatron of the Employers
33. Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and igi Consiituteo by Presidents ol Labour
Atbhanistan were severed Unrons
(A) ln 1961 (C) Oetermrned by v,/orkmen through secret
(B) ln 2010 ballot
{C) Never (D) None oI these
iDi tn every decade after 1947
47 The Punrab lndustrral Relatrons Act 2010
34. Census in'Pakistan is held: {A) Has're-oroanized the Nahonal lndL'strral
(A) Every Year ' Relattons-Commrss'on {NIRC I
(B) After every 3 Years IBI Has abolrshed lhe NIRC
(Cl After every 5 Years iCi xas curtarled the turtsdrclron of NIRC
(D) Once in ten Years ioi nas ennanceo th; functrons of NlRc
35. Hatf lll Missile is also called: 48 The child labour is
(A) Abdali Mtssile {A) Prohrbrbd unCer the Constrtutlon
(B) A.Q Missile iBi Permtssible onlv rn Football rndustry
{C) Ghaznavi Missile iCi Permissrble for hmrted penod wrth the
(D) None of these approval of the Socral Welfare Oflrcer
36. National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRo) was (D) Permrssible under lhe law rn under
oromuloated in the Year: develoPed areas
iar zobe (B) 2oo5 49. Under the Punjab lnduslr'al Relalions Acl'
ici zooz (D) 2ooe 2010 an unlair labour Practrce rs
39. The larqest spoken language in Pakistan lS: lA) An otfence cognrzabie by the Police
tlt Uriu (B) Punjabi iB) Achonable before the NIRC
ici S'ndhi (D) Pushto iCt Actronable before the Labour Court
iDi Exctusrvetv actionable before the Pun,ab
40. The Province with longest coasl line: Labour APPellate Tnbunal
(A) Sind
(B) Ealuchistan -- For
50. the servrce of charge sheet agarnst
(C) Punlab misconduct of a workman. ihe lndustnal and
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Co.rner"i"t Establishmenl lStandtng Orders)
Oid,nance. '1968 has prescnbed a perrod of
41. The largest artilicial/grown forest of Pakistan: (A) 15 days
(A) Chitral (B) 30 days
(B) Gadon (C) 45 daYS
(C) Chhanga Managa (D) There rs no hmltatlon
(D) Bannu
- Under the Constrtutron the employmenl or
42. Shaiwal is the nam€ of: it,tatan rs prohlbrted berow lne age of
(A) A Oistricl of Punjab Province {A) 10 years (8, 12 years
A sub Divisron of Distl. Sargodha tCt t4 years 'Dt
Borh (a) & (b)
ioi ttte capitat ot old Rajwara State 52. The Headquarter of the lnternahonal Labour
Oroanlzatron rs estabhshed rn
LABOUR LAWS lAf ltalv rB' u K
ici switzertand {D) u s A
43 A Trade Union is an associalion;
(A) For the welfare of the Traders GENERAL KNOWLEDGE
(B) For the right of the workmen two segments of lhe R'ver
ic) For collection of funds 53. The runcture where
Nile i<nown as -Nila'n iornt together rs in
iDi For enrichment of the labpur leaders (A) EgYPt (B) Sudan
44. Undet the Puniab lndustrial Relations Acl
452 Actvanced ppSC NCes nodel papers
(C) patestine (O) Jordan
{B) The batfles and their effects
54. Egypl is s uated in the continent of: (u) tne ln,unction ol prayer (Ntmaz). Zakat
(A) Asra and Haii
(B) Africa 1O) The naiiation of Oevit.s disobedience
(C) Europe 66. The number of pnsoners of war in Jang-e-
(D) Other than these three
tsadr was
55. 'Google'is: ()47 Bt
(A) A famous soort brand
(B) A transoort aoencv
(c) 73 ioi
(C) An inteinet s;arch'enoine
67. Sh€Fe-Abi Talab (a-va ey near Macca) was:
(A) .r he refuge of Muslims against sociai
(o) A European Trade Uni-on boycott
56. O.M.S (Document Management System) (Pl 4l imporranr trade passage
rncludes (Q) A farm House ofAdr Tala6
(A) Word Processino (D) A take for storage of water
(B) Oesktop pubtishlno 68. Ushr and Khums are:
(C) None of (A) & (B) -
(o)Borh (A) & iB) ' ' caarendar

57. ln the Nuclear field N.p.T stands for:

6i iIl
[,",t':'"it :ymic
or rsram
(A) Non Poltutino Test l8i 1ilJ:?fi::l'warriors
(B) Non Protiferi'tion Treatv 69. The maximum number of Hufraz-e-eur,an
(C) Nel Particles Tube were martyred in the:
(D) Neuro Person Text (A) Janq-e-Khandao
58. Alumni denotes: (B) Jano-e-Uhad
(A) Plurat of Aluminium substance (C) Jan-g-e-yamama
(D) Other than these three
{E) A ruimer student
(C) Celebratron of Trade Unionism 70. Who, was_named as Brarn of Arabia
(U) tier'v'vned education instilution prophet (pBUH) by the
59. By the term "Third World', we understand: (A) Hazrat Atj (itA)
(B) Hazrat Umar
com,anies (C) Hazrat Umro Bin Al Aas
l6i,l,l[:"ffi ry1ce
(C) Under (D) Hazrat Abu Harar.a
developed countries
(D) South Africa 7'1. The first written constrtution in
the lslamrc
60 The. lnternational Atomrc Energy Agency
has prolhet at Haii
Its Headquarlers in:
(A) Geneva (B) Canbena
[6i iil$jj:Bij jJ,he
(C) The Treaty (irisaq) of Madina
(u) pafls (D) Vienna (u) Aaeen-e-Akbari of the Mughalera
61. Ban Ki Mon is the: 72. Muttafiq Atae Tradidition (Hadith) of pro phet
(A) President Securitv Councjt PBUH) is the one re ported by:
(B) Prime Minister sf Jaoan A) lmam Bukhari and I mam Muslim
(C) Secretary Generat U.N o B) lmam Ahmad Bin Hunmbal
(D) U.N. Dis6ster Managemlnt C) lmam Jaffer Sadiq
xepresentative D) lmam Matik
62. Jam-e-Al.Azhar, one of the otdest universities 73 Jh9 Hg]y Ouran contains Makkr
rs tocated rn: and Madnr
b^uras.. the Madnr Suras have Emptrasis aie
(41 ["q
(u) rgypr
(B) Jordan
(D) Spain
(A) Ghazwat (B_atfles participated'by the
Prophet (PBUH))
63 Tie euthor of the book .Aawaz_i_Dost" (B) Laws of nature
(A) Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan
is: (C, Th€ social and religious laws
(8) Altaf Hussain Hati values
(D) The hrstorical facts
Josh Matih Abadi
Mukhtar Masud * 3^1"6"[*'a'#r"i#,!:,i]:Ti,ji,".
ISLAMIC STUDIES (u ) Batfle of eaadsia (D) Bat e of Jam;
64. The Zakat rate on Diamonds

itlii:i: is.

subjecl or rheme and thesis of
!41 Jlree (B) Four

,l:nt"ri,T""g, (uJ Frve (O) Less than three

(A) Th6 man/human beings 76. Which Surah is celled ..Ummul Kitab,,:
Ady.nced PPSC nCOs Modal paoers lS3
(4) 4lqaqra(B) Al-yasin
(C) At-Faroha (O) nrRenman
gas. lt is:
(A) Natural
77. The name of the Hill ovcr which ,Ktutbe (B) Added during excavation
H.jja-tul Wida' was detivered by the prophet (C) Sometimes naturat
Muhammad (S.A.W): (D) Some times artilicial
(A) Safa (B) Manra 90. ln the Computer Screnc€ RAM stands for:
(C) Jrbl.l-Rohm.t (D) None of th€3€ (A) Ready Access Memory
78. The Holy Book 'Zaboof was revoaled on (B) Read all Memory
which Prophet ot Allah: (C) Random Access Memorv
(A) Moosa (A.S) (B) tbrahim (A.s) (D) Repeat all Memory
(C) D.ud (4.S, (D) tshaq (A.S)
91. The unit that controls all parts of computer is
79. The appropriation of Zakat on the construC{ion (A) UPS (B) CPU
ol a mosque is: (c) RoM (o) cD
(A Valid expenditure
(B lnYalid expendituro BASIC MATHS
(c Permissible for limited purpose 92 A farmer pas '10% of the yretd as Tax to lhe
(D Permissible under the authority of the local council lf the quantrty of the Tax rs 1OO
Head of the State K.G. whal rs the total yietd:
EVERYDAY SCIENCE r (A) 1 ,00.000 K G. (B) 10,000 K.G
(c) 1000 K.G. (D) 10,00,000 K.G.
80. Hepatitis 'C' is disease of: 93. The pdce of an a(icle if ancreased by 2S%, the
({) Lungs (B) Kidney percentage of consumption to be'decreased
(C) Abdomen (D) Liver for matntaining the same expend(ure would
81 . Discovery of Solar System rs auributed to: be:
(A) Columbus (A) r 5olo (B) 18%
(B) Edison (cl 20Yo iDi 25yo
(C) Copemicus 94. lf 50 meters of road makes 10% of the whole
(O) American Astronomers length ot the road, the tength of the road is
82. Radioactive waves were discovered by: (A) 500 meters (B)- 1500 meters
(A) Al-Berunr (B) Einstein (C) 250 meiers (D) 5000 meters
(C) Newton (Oi None of them 95. Cement in stock is 5OOO bags, 4OOO bags
E3. Uphilljourney makes the man bend forward to having been sold, percentage 6f the bags l;ft
ensure: behind is:
(A) High Speed (A) 25o/o (B) 10%
(B) Stability (C) 20o/" (O) OS"z"
(C) Avoiding fatigue 96. Which number will come next:
(D) Avoiding the beasts
3, 6, 5, 20, 7. 42. 9, .........
84. The richest source of vitamin ,D' is: (A) 12 (B) 93
(A) Milk (B) Orange (c) 72 (D) 46
(C) Vegetable Oil (D) CoO frver Oit
97. One gram of gold is equal to
85, Cubic Meter is the unit of measurement of: milligrams of gotd.
(A) Rain
(B) Snow fall
(A) '100 mg.
(C) 1000 mg.
(B) 500 mo. ootd
(D) 10000-m6. gotd
(c) Volume
(D) Width ot a substance 98. ln square centimeter there are how many
86. Angi ography and Angioplasty mean: ({) 1000-Sqr. mm (B) 10000 Sqr. mm
(A One single process
(B Plastic surgery
(C) '100 Sqr mm (D) t0 Sqr. mm
(c Two ditferenl but inter related processes 99. The amount ol 15o/o ol sates Tax paid on an
(o Diagnosis of drabeles article comes to Rs. 1500. What is the actual
price of the article.
87. Heat-ofrun-rays to eaih is reduced by: (A) Rs 1000 (B) Rs.750o
(4) 9rySen (B) Nitrog€n (c) Rs 10.000 (D) Rs 15,500
(C) Ozone (D) Nondof these
100.lnsert the missing number:
88. A "Drone' can be traced bv:
(A) Radar (B)' Laser 4, 5,7. 11
(C) Ultrasound waves(D) tap top (A) 21 (B) .r9

89. Odour (smell) is a component of lhe cooking

(c) 17 ioi zo

454 Advancod PPSC ilcQs itode, Proe6
Answer Key
1. b 't4 b b 42 a 55 68. b 81. c 94 a
c 15 b z6 a 43 b 56 b 69. c 82. d 95 c
3. 16 29 d 44 d b 70. c 83. b 96. c
4. c 17 c 30 b 45 b 71. 84. d 97. c
5. c 18 d 31 d 46 c 59 c 72. a 85. 98. c
6. b 't9 c JZ a 47 c 60 d 73. c 86. c 99.
7. 20 JJ a 48 a 61 74. a 87. c 100 b
8. c 21 d 34 d 49 62 c 75. a 88. b
9. c 22 b c 50 b 63 d 76. c 89. b
10 d 23 a 36 c 5'r 64 a 77. c 90. c
't1 a 24 b 39 b 52 c 65 a 78. 91. b
'12 d 25 d 40 b 53 b 66 d 79. b 92. c
'13 b 26 b 41 c g b 67 a 60. d 93 c



1 lslamabad rs part of which province?

(C) Peace (O) Success
(A) Srnd (B) KP 8. "KLM' is the main airline ot which country?
lC) Punjab (D) None of these (A) Netherlands (B) France
(C) Sparn (D) Germany
2 Whrch country used to be called the "Sick Man
ol Europe" dunng the late 19th and early 20th 9. Who discovered the sea route from Europe to
Centurye lndia?
(A) France (B) Portugal (A) Christopher Columbus
(C) Turkey (D) lran (B) Marco Polo
(C) Vasco De Gama
3. 1 inch rs approximately equivalent to how
(D) Sir Francis Orake
many millilitres?
(A) 20 (B) 25 '10. The Headquarler of UNESCO is:
(c) 30 (D) s0 (A) Vienna (B) Paris
(C) NewYork (D) London
4. Which out of them is a Nobel Peace Prize
winner? 11. NPT is the abbreviation of:
(A) JamalAbdul Nasir (A) Non-proliferation Treaty
(B) King Hussain of Jordan (B) NeG proliferation Treaty
(C) Raza Shah Pahelvi (C) Non-proliteratron Trust
(D) Yasser Arafat (O) None of these
5 Who was the second President of USA? 12. Who was the first Secretary General of OIC?
(A) Thomas Jefferson (A) Hassan Al-Touhami
(B) James Madison (B) Tanku Abdul Rahman
(C) James Monroe (C) Syed Sharif-ud-Oin Pirzada
(D\ Jofln Adams (D) Habrb chatty
6 Whrch rs the largest (area wise) arrport' ot the 13 Which country exerc,iaed veto povve. the mosl
world? in Security Council of the U.N.O?
(Ar Kennedy Arrporl New York (A) USSR/Russra (8) USA
(B) Heathrow Arrport, London
(C) Schrphol Arrport. Amsterdam
(C) UK (O) China
(D) King Khalid Airport Riyadh 14. Which is the most populous city in the world?
(A) Moscow (B) Tokyo
7 Olive Branch rs symbol of (C) Shanghai (D) None of these
(A) Prosperity (B) Strength
15. Which country is the largest producer of
'King fahd lnternational Airpod (KFIA), is the world's
(A) America (B) China
(C) Russia (D) India
largest airport in terms of land area loaated 20
16. The brightest planet in the solar system is:
krlometers (12 mi) nonhwest of Dammam, Saudi (A) Venus (B) Jupiter
Advan PPSC MCOS Model Paoers 455

(C) (D) Neptune (C) Darling (D) Ganges
1f Warsaw is the capital of(B) 32 "Good consists in creatrng the greatest
(A) Romania Eulgarra happiness for the largest number of people' '
{C) Hunqary (D) Poland This theorv is termed as
tA)Uulrta;ranrsm (B)Aristotehanlsm
18 The currency of Turkey is called. (C) Humanrsm (Dl Pragmatism
(A) Drrham (Bl Lira
-Bun-al-Khahfa' t;e tallest standrng
icr Peso (D) Riyal 33
stru6ture at Prese t s located at
19. Which is the largest desert of the world? (A) Jaddah rBl Cairo
(A) Gobr 1B) Thar (C) Doha rO) Dubai
(C) Sonoran (Dr Sahara
34 Who invented dynamite?
20 Shashi Tharoor is the lalest biographer of (A) Dr Alfred B Nobel
(A) Nehru (B) H W. Seeley
(B) Gandhi (C) Lionel Lukin
{C) Sherkh Mulrb-ur-Rehman (D) Roger Bacon
(D) lndra Gandhr
35 "Fungus" is a Lattn word whlch means
21 Per caprta water ava'labrlrty tn Pakrstan ts (A) party (Br sky
(A) decreasing (B) constant (C) mushrooms (D) beast
(C) rncreasing (D) fluctuating
36 "Dermatology" is a branch of medical science
22 The scientists have estimated the age of which deals with.
unrverse as: (A) digestion Problems
(A) 13 brllion years (B) 25 billon years (B) skin drseases
(cj 11 billion years (D) None of these (C) hair plantation
23. Which is the deepest Ocean ot the world? (D) nervous tension
' {A) Arctic (B) lndian 37 'My lrfe -- a fragment" ls a book wntten by.
iC) nttant,c (Dt Pacific (A) Syed Ameer Alr
24. Who pr esented the Theory of Evolution ? (B) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
A) Dr Paul Muller (C) Jawahar Lal Nehru
B) Charles DaMin iD) Maulana Muhammad AI Jauhar
C) Edward Jenner 38 "Magna Carta" is signed by King John of
D) Dr. Bernard Christian Enoland in 1215 declared that
25. lndustrial Revolution started with the invention (Ai England rs lhe greatest counlry ol Europe
of: (B) the King is sub.iect to law
(A) Wheel (B) Steam engine (C) London wrll be England s caprtal
(C) Sprnnrng Jenny rD1 AeroPlane (D) the Enolrsn Crown wrll remaln forever
26. The Greek epics lliad" and "Odyssey" were "Pravda is the most important Newspaper of
written by: whrch countryr.
(A) Homer (B) Euclid (A) lran (B) Canada
iC\ anstotte {D) Plato (C) Germany (Dt Russia
27 -Dhvan Chand was a legend of 40 Whrch of the followrog rs not an officral
lA,'Cflckel (Br Hockey lanouaoe of the u N o'
(c) Football (D) Athletics (A)- En-glrsh (8, French
(C) Chrnese ,D) Japanese
28 Solar Echpse occurs when
(A Earth comes between sun and moon 41 Whrch rs the biggest forex-earner oI Paklstan
(B Moon is at right angles to the earth out of the following
(u Moon comes between sun and earth (A) Cotton (B) expatrrates
(D Sun somes belween moon and earth (C) Sugar (D) sports goods
29. The capital of Belgium Is: Pakrstan s natronal flower ts
iA) Brussels (B) Manche$er (A) Rcse lB ) Jasmin
(C) Zunch (D) Bonn (C) Touch me not (DJ None of these
30 'lnterpol" is the 43 Pakistan won the crrcket world cup rn
(A) UNO'S qlobal uplft Plan (A) 1996 (B) 1986
(B) lnternatronal Crrmtnal Pohce icl 1992 (D) 2ooo
(C) Agency for envlronmental protection 44 Who built the "Rohatas Fort. near Jhelum?
(D) Forum to settle inter-country water (A) Akbar
.disputes (B) Sher Shah Suri
31 Which river is most often mentioned in the (C) Shah Jahan
Bible? (D) Shahab-ud-drn Gauri
(A) Colorado (B) Jordan
456 Advancadppso Cest odet paoers
45. From which country pakistan purchased 55. Nationat Defence
Gawader? University (NDU) of
Pakistan is located at
(A) lran (B) Russia (A) Karachi (B) Lahore
(C) Kuwait (O) Oman (C) Rawalpindi (D) Quetta
46. "The_Sole Spokesman" was wriflen
by: 56. A Colonel of-pakistan army is equal to whrch
(A) Dr. Waheed-uz-Zaman rank of Navy?
(B) Musarrat Hussain Zubairj (A) Captain
(C) Hector Botitho (B) Lieutenant
(C) Commander (D) Commodore
(D) Ayehsa Jatat
47. Choudhary Rehmat Ati pubtished his pamphlet 57 event of lndian
"Now or Never" in
(A) 1922 (B) 1933 uslim League
(c) 1937 io) r gaz
48. The length of lndo-pak border. is:
(A) 1600 km (B) 2oookm 58 Jallianwala Bagh" is tocated in:
(C) 2500 km (o) rOoorm A) Lahore (B) Dethi
49. Pakistan's capital was shifred from Karachi to C) Luckhow (O) amribar
lslamabad in: 59. Pakistan Resolution of 1g4O was seconded
(A) 1954 (B) .19sS
(c) 1967 io) I gos
(A) ChaudhryKhatiq-uz-Zaman
50. Tte .sScond.Chief Minister of puniab was: (B) MautviFazal-ut-Hao
(A) lftikhar Hussain Khan Mumd6t (C) Muhammad Ati Jinn;h
(B) Mlan Mumtaz Dauttana (D) Liaqat Ali Khan
(C) Feroz Khan Noon 60.'Hindu Mahasaba,,was:
(D) Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti (A) a.committee to hold accountability of
51. Baluchistan attained the status of a province Hindu leadershio
tn: (B) an extremist Hiddu orqanization
A) 1970 (B 1973 (C) a.religious council to rlvive onginat form
c) 't977 (D 1985 of Hinduism
(D) None of these
52. Which-of the following served as a Caretaker
Pflme Minister of pakistan? 61. On 161h August 1946; what was observed on
(A) Liaqat Ati Khan the call of Muslim Leaoue?
(B) Ch. Shuiaat Hus$in (A) Deliverance dav -
(C) Zafar Utiah Jamati (B) lndependence 6av
(D) Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi (C) Yum-i-Shaukhat-i:tslam
(O) Direct Action day
53. Who was.the first president (speaker) of
Pakistan's National Assemblv? 62. Out of following early problems of pakistan;
(A) Mautvi Tamizuddin Kha; whtch one had no connection with lndia?
(Q) Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (A) Division of financial and military assets
(C) Abdut Wahab Khan (B) Kashmir issue
(D) Abdul Jabbar Khan (C) Language probtem
(D) Canal water drspute
54. Who was the first recipient of Nishan_i_
HaidetT 63. The Bicameral legislature was first time
(A) Captain Muhammad Sarwar rntroduced vide constriution of
(B) Malor Tufail Muhammad (A) 1973
(C) Mator Muhammad Akram
(B) 1962
(D) None ot these
(c) 1e56
(D) Provisional Constitution of 1972
' 64. Which Pass out ot the followrng connecls
According to the website of Tourism Corporation Pakistan with China?
"Pakistan is located in South Asia. To the south is the (A) Kilik Pass (B) Khunjrab pass
Arabian Sea, with 1,046 km of pakistani coastline. To (C) Badawai Pass (D) Khan-Kun pass
Pakistan's east is lndia, which has a 2,912 km border 65. Whrch crly has highest mean annual rainfall?
with Pakistan. To its west is tran, which has a 909 km (A) Murree (B) Lasbelta
border with pakistan. To pakistan,s northwest lies (C) Sialkor (D) Chitrat
Afghanistan, with a shared border of 2,430 km. China 66. "Eye Wash" means:
is towards the northeast and has a 523 km border with (A) some one's beloved
(B) deceit
(C) fondness of vising new places
http://www.tourism. gov. pk/geogra phy_pakistan. htm (D) a woman with a bright face
Advrnced PPSC ilcos ode, Pro./s tl57
67. Exports in Chemicals and sugar sectors have 80. Under which article of the Constitution: it's
_ a phenomenal rise this year.
(A) prolecled (B) proclaimed
abrogation, subversion or suspension have-
been declared a "high treason'?
(C) registered (D) declared (A) 9 (B) 3
68. Which out of the followinq is not a novel by (c) 6 (D) 10
Thomas Hardy? 81. Chapterl of the Part-ll of the Constitution
(A) The Return of the Native excl usively deals with:
(B) Tess of the D'Urbervilles (A Election of the President
(C) The Winner Stands Alone (B Fundamental Rights
(D) Under the Greenwood tree c Provincial Assemblies
69. Which one out of the following is. not D Financial Matters
synonym of "exactness"? 82. Pakistan's Constitution provides protection
(A) faultnessness (B) accuracy against retrospective punishment:
(C) correctness (D) imprecrsron (A) yes (B) No
70. A specialist who measures your eyesight is (C) Not mentioned (D) is vague
83. The Constitution of Pakistan guarantees:
optician (B) ophthalmologist (A) Equality of citizens
(C) optometrist (O) None of these (B) Preservation of language, script and
71. -(A)
He was a fairminded person and whenever culture
(C) Protection of property nghts
he arbitrated, his verdict was
(A) misinformed (B) prejudiced
_ (O) All of these
(C) detrimental (D) disinterested 84. The President of Pakistan can hold office for:
72. A person who studies rocks and soils is a
(A) only one term of five years
(B) Two consecutive terms
(C) an unlimited period
(B) geologist
(D) geophysicist (D) None of these
73. Which of the following is not an antonym of 85. According to the present form of Constitution
"marvellous'? the govt. can hold a referendum on any of
(A) astounding (B) awful national importance:
(C) ordinary (D) believable (A) Yes (B) No
(C) Vague (O) not mentioned
74. Fo play into another's hand is to put oneseif
under another's 86. A Prime Minister against whom a motion of no
(A) possession ---JB) game confidence has been tabled can advise the
(C) plot (D) control President to dissolve the National Assembly:
(A) No
75. 'Lrngua Franca" means (B) Yes
(A) a beautiful girl (C) Not Mentioned
(B) a difficult exam (D) Not clear in the Constitution
(C) an unknown person
(D) a common language 87. A person shall be disqualified from being
elected or chosen as, and from being a
76. How many amendmenls have been made in member of the parliament if:
the original draft of Constitution of 1973; up till (A) he is an undischarged insolvent
now? (B) he holds an office of profits rn the service
(A) 19 (B) 20 , of Pakistan
(c) 21 (D) 18 (C) he has been convacted tor any offence
77. The Constitution of Pakistan is comprised of involving moral turpitude
how many parts. (D) all of these
xxI (B) v
(D) xx
88. Only that person can be appointed as
Attorney General ot Pakistan who is eligible
78. The Constitution of 1973 came into force on: for appointment is:
(A) 'l4th August 1973 (A) Judge of the High Court
(B) 1oth April 1973 (B) Judge of the Supreme Court
(c) 12th April 1973 (C) Ombudsman
(D) None of these (D) Chairman of lslamic ldeology Council
79. When National Assembly and Senate are 89. A provincial govt. can.construct power houses
refened together, they are termed as: and grid stations and lay transmission lines for
- (A) Majilis-e-Shoora use within the province:
(B) Parliament (A) yes
(C) Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) (B) no
(O) None of these (C) not mentioned
(D) vaguely mentroned
tl58 Advanced PPSC llrces Mode, paoers
90. Under Article 160 of th€ Constitution the 95 Article 17 of the Pakistan's Constitution;
distribution of Revenues between the (A) allows every citizen to form associations
Federation and the Province is made by: or untons
(A) Cabinet Committee on Finance (B) declares that all citizens are equal before
(B) Chief Justice of pakistan law
(C) President as per recommendation of (C) guarantees well-being of citizens without
Finance Secretarv discrimination
(D) Natronal Finance bommission (D) All of them
9'1 ln result of Supreme Coun's decision in 19g8. 96 Applicalion for regrstratron of a trade union is
the Bonded Labour Abotition Act was passed to be submitted before:
in: (A) DCO of rhe drstrict
(A) 1989 (B) 1992 (B) Regrsrrar of Trade Unrons
(C) 1994 iDj None of rhese (C) lG Police
92. Pakistani Labour Laws dellne a Chitd, as (D) Secretary Labour
anyone under the aoe of:
(A) 15 ' (B)
97. Which organ oI the UNO deals with the affairs
{c) 20 ioi
of Labours at lnternational level?
Note: The Employment of Chitdren Act (ECA), 1991:
Section 2 of the Act defines a ,child, to mean any
(c) uNrcEF (D) tLO
person who has not completed his founeenth year. 98. According to Pakistan Iaws "Collective
Section 3 of the Act bans employment of children
bargarning is
(A) legal
under-14 in occupations connected with transport by (B) illegal
railways, cinder picking, cleaning of an ash pit or (C) condrtionally legal
building operations in railway premises, catering at a (D) not clearly mentioned any where
railway station or on a train, construction of a railway 99. A stflke/lockout is rllegal if it is:
station, working close to or between railway lines, (A) commenced wrthout grving notice to other
working in a pon area, and manufacture or sale of party
(B) continued despite prohibition orders by
the Competent Authonty
93. Pakistan's estimated labour force stands (C) continued rn a period when settlement of
approximatelv at: award is in operation
(4) q2.00 miirion (B) 4.52 mifiion (D) All of them
(C) 51.78 million (D) O9.OO mi ion 100.Labour Judiciary is:
94. Which article of lhe pakistan,s Constitutron (A) Local Labour Courts
nas prohrbtted all forms of forced labour tn (B) Labour Appellate Tribunals
numan beings? (C) National lndustrial Relations Commission
(A) 11 (B) 1q (D) All of them
tC) 27 iDi none of these
Answer Key
1. d 14. c b 40. d 53. b 66. b 79 c 92. ?
2. 15. b 28 c 41. a 54. a 67. c 80 c 93. c
J. b 19. e 29 a 42. b 55. c 68. c 8'1 b 94. a
4. d '17. d 30 b 43. c 56. a 69. d 82 a 95. a
5. d 18. b b 44. b 57. b 70. a 83 d 96. b
6. d 19. d a 45. d 58. d 71. d 84 b 97. d
7. c 20. a d 46.d59a b 85 a 98. a
8. a 2'1. a 34 a 47. b 60. c 73. a 86 a 99. d
9. c zt. a c 48.? 61 d 74. d 87 d 100. d
b 23. d 36. b 49. c 62. c d 88 b
a 24. b 37. d 50. b 63. a 76. c 89 a
12 b 25. b 38. b 51. a 64. b 77. c 90 d
13 a 26. a d 52. b 65. a 78. a 91 b

Assistant (BS-16) (10K 2019)

Labour & Human Resource Department
After which rnodent Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 13 'Sa,ji"rs a dtsh ongrnatrng from whEh province
predrcted that gulf of drtferences between of Pakrstan
Hindus and Muslims of tndra shall widen wrth (A) Srndh (B) Kp
the passage of time: (C) Balochrstan (O) punJab
(A) Swedish Movemenl of Conoress
(B) Urdu Hindr Controversv rn ti P 14 As a part of the Treaty of Versarles thal
(C) Arya Samaj's Campargn against tstam ended World War lthe tLO was created rn
(D) Antr Mustrm crvrl servrce reiorms 1867 (A) 1919 (B) 1920
(c) 1921 p) 1922
2 Which word does NOT belonq with the
others? 15 Sri Lanka was formedy known as
(A) lnch (B) Ounce (A) Seychelles (B) Stam
(C) Centimeter (D) Yard (C) Taiper (O) Ceyton
3 Scotograph is an instrument for: to lnlerna-tional organrzation Human Rrghts
(A) Aiding the blind to write Watch" is based rn
(B) Testing the heartbeat (A) New York {B) Geneva
(C) Magnfying small objects (C) Paris (D) Rome
(O) none of these 17 Who was the first Non-Muslim to have won
4 Which is the capital city of Canada? the coveted Sword of Honor at the pakistan
(A) Vancouver (B) Toronto Mrlitary Academy, Kakul?
(C) Montreal (D) Ottawa (A) Captarn Esmond D Cunha
(B) Major General Juhan Petel
5. The Chinese province ad oining Pakistan is (C) Major General Kaizad Sopanwala
(A) Tibet (B .Xinjiang (D) none of these
(C) Shanghai (D Beijing
18 A train moves pasl a telegraph post and a
6. (s/6) (2/5) = ? bridge 264 m tong rn I seconds and 20
(A) 7tll (B 't 13 seconds, respectivety What is the speed of
(c) 1 (D 3 the train?
7. Julius Caesar was a politicran and general of (A) 69.5 km/hr (8) 70 kmihr
(A) Russia (B) France (C) 79 km/hr (D) 79.2 km/hr
(C) Span (D) ltaly 10 Which range links Pakistan with China?
L Pollination by brrds iS called: (A) Hrndu Kush (B) Himatavas
(4) Autogamy (B) Ornithophily (C) Karakoram (D) None oi these
(C) Entomophly (D) Anemophitt 20 Which country has the largest Muslim
9. ln which city the first WHO Gtobal Conference popuiation in the worlo?
on Air Pollution and Health held? (A) lran (B) hdia
(A) Geneva (B) New york (C, lndonesra (D) SaudiArabra
(C) Pafls (D) London 2'l ln which of the tollowing cities was the firsl
10 How many Ansaar from Madinah embraced Dry Port of Pakrstan established?
lslam In 'l'1'" Nabvr year? (A) Lahore (B) lstamabad
(A) Four (B) Five (C) Peshawar (D) Faisalabad
(C) Six (D) Seven 22 Which one of the following areas in pakistan
11. A table listed at Rs 160 is marked 20% off. is known for largest iron Ore depogts?
What is the sale pnce? (A) Chitral (Bl Kalabaoh
(A) Rs. 125 , (B) Rs. 128 (C) Sart Range iOi fatat
(C) Rs 120 (D) Rs. 130 23 A toy is sold for Rs. 220. What was the cosr rf
'12. Which hormone is responsible for production the rate of profit was 10% of the cost"
of milk in human body? (A) Rs 'r98 (B) Rs 200
{A) Oxytocin (B) Protactin (C) Rs.210 (D) Rs. 240
(C) Thyroxin [D) Testosterone 24 The author of lhe book Trme Machrne rs
460 Advrnc.d PPSC MCOS itode, Paoers
.(A) Lewis Canoll 36. Why Quaid-i-Azam said that Kashmir is ;'life
(B) Robert Louis Stevenson line of Pakistan?
(C) Chades Lamb (A) Kashmir contains huge reserves of
(O) H.G. Wells mineral resources
25. Which Surah of Holy Quran throws tight on the
(B) lt is the most beautiful place on earth
Halal and Haraam of sacrificial 6nimalB? (C) All five major rivers of Pakistan originate
(A) Al Maeda (B) Al lmran from Kashmir
(D) None of these
(C) Al Naml (O) Al Raad
26. The best orienlation lo fit maximum columns 37. About 25 million child marriages has been
on a single sheet for pflnt is prevented in the past decade, reported in
(A) Ponrart March, 201E by:
(B) Landscape (A) UNFP (B) UNICEF
(C) Both portreit and Landscape (c) UNFCR (D) UNESCO
(D) None of these 38..Which country has its land mass in two
27. Turn to passive voice: 'The child chose the
(A) Canada (B) Turkey
(A) Thc hat is ciosen by th! cilld (C) China (O) France
(B) The hat wa6 chosen by the chitd 39. How many battles of Panipat have there
(C) The hat wes being chosen by the chitd been?
(D) Thc hat should be chosen by the chrtd (A) One (B) Two
28. PakistandefeatBd to rvin Cricket (C) Three (O) Four
World Cup in'1992.- 40. How many tiles of dimension 10 square inch
(A) lndia (B) Enotand are required to cover a floor of dimension of 5
(C) Austratia (Dj Sriianta feet by 4 feet?
29. A nerve c.llis called: (A) 28 (8) 280
(A) NcNe (B) O€ndritc (c) 2880 (o).2E8
(C) Neuron (o) ncnex 41 . Google + is another alternative to which of the
30. What is the literrl meanifiO Ol.Jihad'? following website?
(A) Exemption (Bt Sacrifice (A) Facebook (B) Amazon
(C) Fight (ol Strugsre (C) Flickr (O) Bing
31. Which country has buitt th6 wortd's largest Air 42. Khartoum is the capital of:
Purifier to figtit polution? (A) lndonesia (B) Sudan
(A) America (B) China (C) Nigeria (D) Yemen
(C) Japan ioi creen Land 43. Which street still reminds the people of Lahore
32. ln the second Constituent Assembty elected in of the great daily of Munshi Mehboob Alam?
1955, the Muslrm League formed'a coatition (A c ircular Street
govemment with (B Anar*ali
(A1 United Front----@1 Noon croup (c Munshi Street
(C) lndep€ndents (by None of tnise (D Paisa Akhbar Street
33. "Rabf s€aton b€oins in 44. HazIal Muhammad (PBUH) went to Syria with
(A) Aprit-June - Hazrat Abu Talib at the age of:
(B) October-December (A) 12 years (B) 15years
(C) January-Februarv (C) 18 years (D) 21 years
(D) None ot these 45. Which country has starled world's first
34. Which of these terms refers to the sharpness hydrogen-powered train?
or clarity of an rmage? (A) Germany (B) ltaly
(A) Width (8) Resotution (C) China (D) Denmark
(C) Dot pitch (D) Depth 46. Which of the following continents has no
35. The Holy euran contarns Makki and Madni desert?
Surahs. The Madni Surahs have a general (A) Australia (B) North America
emphasis on: (C) South America (D) Europe
(A) Ghazwat (Batttes partrcipated by the 47. The United Nations Security Council has
prophet (pBUH)) recently lifted sanctions against which African
(B) Laws of nature country after 9 years?
(C) The historicat facts (A) Egypt (B) Ethiopra
(D) None of these (C) Eritrea (O) Somalia
Advanced PPSCMCOgMochI Paoerc 161
48. The compound used in anti-Malaria drugs is: 60. Change the sentence into Passive Voice:
(A) Chloroquin (B) Aspirin "Who teaches you English".
(C) Neoprene (D) lsoprene ({) Qy whom were you taught Engtish
49. Abdul Rahman Chughtai was a famqus (Q) py whom are you taught English
of Pakistan. ' (C) English is taught by whom
111T5-inter (B) Poet (D) By whom has English been taught
(C) Historian (D) Anthropologist 61. What is the antonym of incongruous"?
50. wh ich Angel is appointed providing for Food? (4) Conflrcting (B) Contradictory
(A Hazrat Gebriel (A.S) (C) Uneven (D) Harmonious'
(B Hazrat lsrafeel (A.S) 62. Synonym of Proscribe is:
(c Hazrat Meekail (A.S) (A) Suffer (B) Prohibit
(D Hazrat lzrail (A.S) (C) Allow (D) Stand for
51. Moro Liberation Front was active in: 63. Which two organs are mainly affected by
(A) lndonesia (B) Myanmar malatia?
(C) Chile (D) Philippines (A) Lungs and hearl
52. Choose the option that best explains meaning (B) Spleen and liver
of: 'To lalk through one's hat" (C) Kidneys and lungs
(A) To speak nonstop (D) Hearl and brain
(B) To talk nonsense 64. During the lenure of which Russian President,
(C) To talk wisely Geneva Accord was signed?
(D) To talk loudly (A) Mikhail Gorbachev
53. Lionel Messi is a famous footballer of which (B) Boris Yaltrin
(C) Vladimir Putin
(A) Brazal (B) Chile (D) Dmitry Medvedev
(C) Argentina (D) Spain 65. Compound nouns are made up of
54. The shuttle weight in Badminton should be words.
from 4.74 to (A) Two ormore (B) Two
(A) s (B) 4.90 sm (C) Many (D) One or two
(c) s.50 (D) 4.80 gm 66. ln which country does the desert city Timbuktu
55. The Lucknow Pact granted the right of
Separate electorates to the:
(A) Morocco(B) Mauritania
(A) Hindus (B) Christians (C) Mali (D) Sudan
(C) Sikhs (D) Muslims 67. Which country has officially legalized
56. Converl to indirect form: He said "Hurrah! We recreational use of marijuana?
have won the match'.
(A) Canada (B) Uniled States
(A) He exclaimed with joy that they had won (C) China (D) France
the match 68. 'Pakistan Resolution 1940' was seconded
(B) He told them that they had won the match from Sindh by:
(C) He asked if they had won the match (A) Syed Zakir Ali
(O) He exclaimed that they have won the (B) Ll. Chundrigar
match (C) Nawab Muhammad lsmail
57. What is the meaning of the word 'Quran"? (D) Sir Abdullah Haroon
(A) That which is beautiful 69. ln MS Word, which of the following is used to
(B) That which is the greatesl correct spelling or grammar errors?
(C) That which is pure (A) AutoEntry (B) Autocorrecl
(D) That which is to be recited (C) AutoAdd (D) Autospell
58. The World's largest lsland (excluding 70. Hazrat Musa (A.S)crossed the:
Auslralia) by area is: (A) Red Sea (B) Black Sea
(A) Sumatra (B) Greenland (C) Caspian Sea (D) Atlantic Sea
(C) New Guinea (D) Madagascar 71. Ban-Ki-Moon was the:
59. The most serious environmental effect posted (A) President Security Council
by hazardous wastes is: (B) PM ofJapan
(A) Air pollution (C) Secretary General UNO
(B) Contamination of Ground water (D) President of Republic of Korea
(C) lncreased use of land for landfills
(O) Destruction of Habitat
462. Advanced PPSC MCQs Modet paoers
72 is a data communication system (D) Edmund Canwrighl
thin a bu d ng, plant, or campus. or between
nearby huildings. 84 The Copernicus projecl under which .wind-
(A) IMAN (B) LAN sensing satellite Aeolus" launched. is a joint
(C) WAN (O) None of these venlure of:
(A) ISRO and JA)G
Which key on the keyboard can be used to (B) European Union and European Space
view slide show'l ' Ag€ncy
(A) Fl (B) F2 (C) NASA and ISRO
(c) F5 (D) F10 (D) None of these
74 "Dosimeler" is a device us€d to measure: 85 When the first bus service between Srinagar
Radratron for safety purposes and Muzaffarabad was started?
B The speed of wind or any other qas (A) 2004 (B) 2005
c Heat radiation (c) 2006 (D) 2002
D High temperature
86 Choose the correct meaning of the idiom:
75. At present, the European Union has "Spick and span"
.- member states. (A) Material gains (B) Ctean and fresh
(A) 28 (B) 29 (C) Untidy (0)
(c) 30 ioi sr
87. (31r=f

76. A milkman adds 10 litre water in 10 titre (Al -27

mitk. lB) t27
His son takes 15 litre of the milk and adds 5
litre water in it. Find out the amount of water in {c) +9 (D) -9
Iitres in this milk? 88. A single page of PowerPoint presentation rs
(A) 11 (B) 11.5 called
(c) 12 (D) 12.5 (A) Slid; . (B) Document
77. The first women Police Station in pakistan
(c) Media (D) Movie
was set up inl 89. A writ issued by a High Court to order the
(A) Lahore (B) Peshawar production of a person in illegal confinement
(C) lslamabad (D) Karachi IS:

78. The Lieutenanl-Governor (A) Quo Warranto (B) Hibeas Corpus

of the North- (C) Certrorari (D) Mandemus
Western Provinces rn 1895-1896 was
(A) Lord Rippon 90. YouTube video surllng and sharing website
(B) Libert was founded in year
(A) 2004 _.(B)
(C) Sir Anthony Patrick Mac DonneI 200s
(D) Montgomery (c) 2006 (D) 2007
79. Synonym of "Catastrophe' is:
(A) Huge (B) Disaster
(C) Problems (D) Pressure
1sf 47(;-,'S,j-,,,,
| .st
j,rt) 4 @) j]6 ,!i <el
80. According to the lndus water treaty pakistan
obtarned exclusive rights lor the thr6e western J- l,a j> @J tj,v jA G)
rivers which rncluded.
(A) lndus, Jehlum and Chenab
(B) Ravi. Beas and Sutlei
:E-iyf L;ra'svllnr sz
(C) lndus, Ravi and Chenab
(D) Jehlum, lndus and Sutlej 6rJ, rer Ls l,:.,i @t
81. Where is Whitehaven Beach located in
Lt "f .f o ;,rt rcl
(A) Perth
(C) Canberra
(B) Ard teads
(D) Queensland -- t, ! ti uir. q,i';',;,;,. / f -l -E .ss ,

82. Complete the sentence. She :a

unconscious since four o'clock.
(A) IS (B) WaS e-r {, (B) ->,' a, (A)
(C) Has been iDl Hao ueen
83. Which of the tollowinq is known as lhe Father ./ [' rol -n,t (c)
of Rarlways?
(A) James Watt lGy':u-Ft(;t,-a-c'gq
(B) George Stephenson
(C) I omas Newcomer ;,, ; ,; @) ;t. i ,i (a)
AdYanced PPSC MCO9 Model Pape6 463
ty' ,j (a) .i\., 'y' /t lc)
ir., )) ,t lo) .l :i ,:a.'tC)
-'2.,2-i:J * iv i. L -v j J -, -: _2 _i a, .n, \:
._y',,r( *.)u,
D .gg
:i ttY">' :$'t > lB)
, ,ti-t (A)
i,* -P fq ,;'t
-f 61 ,P tol /, (c)
Jl "P rq j,/ t G) r; t;:r,t)_-'iitv, .gg
l.: t /{e-+'.t-6 .96 ,?; tet -i ol
u" r;;r,r 1ey ur. Ju 1a1 4,l,ror ,it; tcr
.tE L1, rot /rS',{_, p1 I
i {--,,i*,i "r,2r*".too
?qe.{1/ 1
&4 z i,! :9t t|,," t, ,,f' (B)
ril Ol JGt;/ t) jt (D) j. ' tct
Answer Key
1. b 14 a b 40. d 53. c 66. c 79 b 92 d
2. b 15 d 28. b 4',1. a 54. c 67. a 80 a 93 b
3. a 16 a 29. 42. b 55 d 68. d 81 d 94
4. d 17 a 30. d 43 d 56. a 69. b 82 c 95 b
5. b 1E d 31. b 44. a 57. d 70. a 83 b 96 d
6. b 19 32. a 45. a 58. b 71. c 84 b 97
7. d 20 c 33. b 46. d 59. b 72. b 85 b 98. b
8. b 21 a 34. b 47. c 60. b c 86 b oo a
9. a 22 b 35. d 48. a 61 d 74. a 87 a 100 c
'10 c b 36. d 49. a 62. b 75. a 88 a
11 b 24 d J'. b 50. c 63. b 76. d 89 b
12 b 25 a 38. b 5'1 . d 64. a 77. c 90 b
't3 26 b 39. 52. b 65 a 78. c 91 a


Labour & Human Resource Department (2019)
1. Name the Princely State other than Kashmir (C) Ramsay Macdonatd
which caused a dispute between lndia & (D) Attlee
Pakistani J Whrch among the following rs the best
(A) Eahawalpur (B) Junagadh conduclor of electricitv?
(C) Chihal (D) Gurdispur (A) Copper '
(B) Sitver
2. ln 1932. the British prime Minister announced (C) Aluminium (D) Steet
the Communal Award grantrng separate 4 Who is the current Governor of Sindh?
electorates to the depressed claas€s Name (A) Agha Siraj Durrani
the British Prime lvlinister (8) Mohammad Zubair
,Ar Harold McMittan (C) Saeeduzzaman Srddiqur
fl Winston Churchill (D) lmran lsmarl
1&l A&anad PPSC tlC0s odel paoon
5. ln which year did the tragedy of Karbala tak6 (C) Baluchisl8n
glace? (D) Khyber Pakhtunkhawafl
(A) 55 Hurah (A) 61 Hurah 1E. The lndian Muslim League opposed the
(C) 63 Hijrah (D) 65 Hijrah Simon Commission. However a section of the
6. Philology is the study of: Muslim League supported cooperation with
(A) Bones (B) Muscles the Simon Commission. Who was the leader
(C) Architecture (D) Languages of this dissident section oI the Muslim
7. Fill in the blank. This work is _ his Ledgue?
(A) Mian Muhammad Shafi
(A) Beyond (B) Under (B) Mian ljaz Shafi
(C) Mian Muhammad Ahmad Ali
(C) Over (D) ln (D) Mian Barkat
8. The Federal Shariat Court was established in 19. The capital city of New Zealand ls:
the year:
(A) (B) 1979 (A) Wellington (B) Auckland
(c) 1980 (D) 1985 (C) Canberra (O) Ourban
9. To whom Quaid-e-Azam appointed
20. Whal ls the synonym of Disparate?
(A) Anxious (B) Different
Ambassador of Pakistan in lran?
(A) Abdur Rab Nishter (C) Excited (O) Afraid
(B) Agha Shahi 21. Which one of the following is the oldest
(C) Raja Ghazanfer Ali Barrage on lndus river?
(O) Qazi Mohammad Esa (A) Guddu Barrage
(B) Sukkur Barrage
'10. Baltoro Glacier is found in _ ranges
(C) Ghulam Muhammad Barrage
of Pakistan. (D) Taunsa Barrage
(A) Himalayan (B) Kohistan
(C) Karakoram (D) Hindukush 22. Name the Nawab ol Bengal who was defeated
'11. The first British Mceroy of lndia was: by Lord Cllve in the battle of Plassey:
(A) Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula
(A) Lord Lytton (B) Lord Minto (B) NawabSiraj-ud-Daula
(C) Lord Elgin (D) Lord Canning (C) Nawab Salimulah
12. What is meant by'Apiary"? (D) NawabAmmad-ul-Mulk
(A) Place where bees are kept 23. What is the meaning of the ldiom/proverb "A
(B) Place where dogs are kept pipe dream"?
(C) Place for breeding silkworms (A) A pleasant dream
(D) Place where butterflies are kept (B) A bad dream
13. The day of deliverance was observed by All (C) An impracticable wish
lndia Muslim League on: (D) A foolish ldea
(A) 22nd December, 1939 24. Accordrno to whrch Constltutron. Pakistan was
(B) 3rd June, '1947 officiallv iamed lslamrc Republrc of Pakrstan:
(C) 23rd March, 1946 (A) 1956 (B) 1962
(D) 14th August, 1947 (C) 1973 (D) None of lhose
14. Meaning of Wahi is: 25. Pakistan uses Palm oil rn Banaspati Ghee
(A) lnspiratron(B) Expression lndustry. From which country rs Palm oil
(C) Excitation (D) Revelation mainly imported:
15. Who holds the world record for scoring the
(A) China (B) Brazil
fastest century in One Day lnternaiional (C) USA (D) Malaysia
Cricket? 26. Borslal Jails/ lnstitutions are meant for:
(A) Shahid Afridi (A) Women Prisoners
(B) Rohit Sharma {B) CondemnedPrisoners
(C) Corey Anderson (C) Juvenile Prisoners
(D) AB de Villiers (D) Hardened Prisoners
16. Bolan Pass is located in which province? 27. Union Jack is the name of the flag of which
(A) Baluchistan country?
(B) (A) United Kingdom
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (B) lreland
(C) Sindh (c) canada
(O) Punjab (D) Scotland
17. Gwadar is situated in: 28. lf x - 4 = g,what is the value'of x2 - 4?
(A) Punlab (A) 21 (B) 77
(B) Sindh
Atv.nced PPSC MCOS f,lodc, Proerc 465
(c) 81 (O) 165( (c) CTBT (D) NArO
29. lf x=2thenf =? 43. 1280 Kilometers are nearly equal to:
(A) 2 (B) 4 (A) 1000 miles (B) 800 miles
(c) 6 (D) I (C) 940 miles (D) None of these
30. When a gas is turned into a liquid the process 44. The portion of the wall of Kaba, which is
is known as:
(A) Sublimation (B) Condensation between its door and Hajr-e-Aswad is called:
(C) Evaporalion (D) Deposition (A) Al Multazim (B) Hateem
3'1. Sound cannot travellhrough:
(C) Haram (D) Safar
(A) Air (B) Sand 45. A student gets 60, 50 and 90 marks out ot
(C) Vacuum (O) Water 100 in English, Physics and Economics
32. Salat-e-Khusoot is F€rformed at the occasion respectively. He needs 72o/o lo gel a
ol. scholarship How many marks does he need to
(A) Drought (B) Flood get in his final paper Math's to obtain overall
(C) Lunar eclipse (O) Earlhquake 72o/o matks?
33. Who wrote the book "Being and
(A) 82 (B) 84
(c) 66 (o) 88
(A) Alberl Camus 46. 'Warsak Dam" has been built on the river.
(B) Jean Paul Sartre (A) hdus (B) Korang
(C) Berlrand Russel (C) Kabul (D) Sutlej
(D) Rene Descartes
47. TURN TO PASSIVE VOICE: "The girl is riding
34. Antonym of 'lnert' is: the horse'
(A) Active (B) Prudent (A) The horse is being ridden by the girl
(C) Sluggish (D) lnside
(B) The horse is ridden by the girl
35. At what temperature, water has maximum (C) The horse has been ridden by the girl
densitv? (O) The horse was being ridden by the girl
(A) O'C (B) 4"K
(c) 4"F (D) 4'C 48. lmran Khan was recently sworn in as
36. China Pakistan Economic Corridor will be fully Pakistan's Prime Minister.
operational by? (A) (B) 20th
(A) 2020 (B) 2025 (C) 21st (D) 22nd
(c\ 2028. (O) 2030 49. Under which article oI the 1973 Constitution
37. To move to the previous cell in a table any law lnconsislent with or in derogation of
inserted in a document, press Fundamental Rights to be void?
(A) The Tab key (B) Alt + Tab (A) Article 8 (B) Article 9
(C) Shn + Tab (D) Backspace (C) Article 7 (D) Artrcle 10
38. M 5 Motorwiy being built between Sukker and 50. The horseman pulled the ot the horse.
Multan is about _ long. (A) reigns (B) rains
(A) 394 km (B) 400 km (C) reins (D) ranes
(C) 360 km (D) 380 km 51. Thd author of "The Great Gatsby" was:
39. Namaz-e-lstasqa is offered tor: (A) William Faulkner
(A) Better crops (B) Rain (B) F Scott Fitzgerald
(C) Peace (D) End of War (C) Vladimir Nabokov
(D) James Joyce
40. Fill in the blank with corrector position. The
cake was shared _ Ali & Farhan. 52. Shoaib Akhtar bowled the fastest recorded
(A) Among (B) Between delivery during the Cricket World Cup in 2003.
Against which team was Pakistan playing
(C) With (D) To
when this happened?
41. The first Muslim 'Nobel Peace Prize' Winner (A) England (B) West lndies
was: (C) New Zealand (O) Sri Lanka
(A) Yasser Aratat of Palestine
(B) Dr. Ahmed Hassan Zewailof Egypt 53. When did Pakistan first time parlicipate in
(C) Shinn Ebadi of lran Olympic Games?
(D) Anwar Sadat ql Egypt (A) 1944 (B) 19s2
42. Which of the following is not related to
(c) 1948 (D) 1956

disarmament? 54. Which is the seventh month ol lslamic year?

(A) SALT (B) NPT (A) Muharram (B) Shawal
(C) Ra,ab (D) Shabaan
466 Aclv.nced PPSC MCO} ,ttodet P.Dets
55. ln which year was Allama lqbal given the ti e 68. Samsung is a big multinational company.
of 'Sir"? which markets electronic goods in Pakistan.
(A) 1916 (B) 1918 Headquarler of this company is in:
(c\ 1922 (D) 1924 (A) Japan (B) China
56. Which material is used in making chips (C) Korea (D) None of these
containing micro-circuits for computers and 69. ln which city of Russia St. Basil's Cathedrat is
other electronic equipment? located?
(A) Copper (B) Siticon (A) Saint (B) Nizhny
(C) Alumrnrum (D) Chromrum (C) Moscow (D) Kazan
57. The president of World Bank is: 70. A man has Rs. 10,000 to lnvest. H€ invests
(A) Kristalina Georgieva Rs. 4000 at 50/o and Rs 3500 at 4%. tn order
(B) Paul Former to have a yearly lncome of Rs. 500, he must
(C) Ban Ki Moon invest the remaining Rs 2500 at what rate of
(D) Jim Yong Kim lnterest?
58. OGRA stands for: (A) 6% (B) 6.2%
(A) Oil & Gas Regeneration Authority (c) 6 3% (D) 6.4%
(B) Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority 71. TDAP is responsible for:
(Q) Qil & Gas Reproduction Authority (A) Export Promotion
(D) Oil & Gas Restoration Authority (B) lnvestment Promotion
59. Pakistan's National Anthem was approved by (C) Power Load Management
the Government in: (D) Water distribution
(A) 1947 (B) 19sl 72. Which of the following ratios is the largest?
(c) 1954 (D) 1957 (A) 2't:29 (B) 7:1s
50. Use rire correct Proposition in the blank: I
(C) 15.23 (O\ 172s
shall abroe my promtse 73 The deepest Orean In the wortd rs
(A) 1o (B) With (A) Pacific Ocean (B) lndran Ocean
(C) By (D) On (C) Atlantic Ocean (D) Arctic Ocean
61. ln a Windows PC, the shortcut for saving a 74. Trunk Bay Beach is situated at:
word document is: (A) Bermuda
(A) CTRL + A (B) CTR! + B (B) Bari
(C) CTRL + S (D) CTRL + V (C) U.S. Virgin lslands
62. Newton is the unit of: (D) Bony
(A) Power (B) Vetocity 75. After spending 4/9 of her money, a girl has 25
(C) Acceleration (O) Force rupees left. How much did she spend?
63. Pakistan protested against construction of (A) 20 (B) 25
Baglihar Dam because? (c) 45 (D) 15
(A) lt was in violation of the UN Charter 76. My trieruf asked me, "Has Saima tatked to
(B) lt was violatron ot Simla Agreement Sonia?" Find the correct indirect sentence.
(C) u was violation of LOC if
(A) My friend asked me Saima has talked
(O) lt was violation of lndus Water Treaty to Sonia
64. 'To hit the road'means to: (B) My friend asked me that Saima had
(A) Finish journey talked to Sonia
(B) Start journey (C) My friend asked me if Saima had talked
(C) Oismantle a road to Sonia
(D) Repair a road (D) My friend told me if Saima had talked to
65. The Synonym of "Exemptify" is:
(A) Over (B) lustrate 77. Qurbani during Haj, is performed at:
(C) Answer (D) Summary (A) Arafat (B) Mina
(C) Mu?dalfa (D) Safa
66. Which of the following is called the study of
human cultures? 78. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had how many
(A) Anthropology (B) Archeotogy children?
(C) BothA&B (D) Apiology (A) 4sons&3daughters
(B) 3 sohs & 4 daughters
67 30+3998=? (C) 2 sons & 3 daughters
(A) 69.98 (B) 40.23 (D) 2sons&5daughters
(c ) 42 98
. (D) 41 .28
Adymced PPSC lloQs Uolhl 4Al

79. What
is the antonym of Pacific?
Huge (B) Peaceful P(f.?tu (D) J)titt G)
(C) Aggressive (D) Coastal
80. Jawaharlal Nehru was the of
Motilal Nehru.
(A) brother (B) son sg.L./ '-'Lt{rl i J,t
(C) father (D) cousin it/. l"
81r 18 July has officially been- declared by z-L-trt/:o, La- ,1Jr
as Mandela DaY.
(A) United Stales of America )t/.?t (Bl J6bk ( \
(B) World Bank .-i
(C) United Nations Jv*r tot .4t'J4 Pt
-(D) Anti-racismisOrganization
the output of the database t
aa 4L,/ -; i {+ -.,.t,t f ,',t e3
82. Which object
(A) Form (B) Query rt/ (Bl (A)
(c) Table (D) Report
"His voice gets on my
,t'r (D\ Jv (c)
83. Fill in the
(A) Brain (B) NeNes t-.17{'/"at1svti'.s+
. (C) Mind (D) Ears ,gtd.t lB) i)tr€ @l
84. The capital city of Zimbabwe is:
(A) Mutare (B) Harare ,tf .,wt rol ?:w pl
(C) Bulawayo (D) Kadoma
85 Oantas Airways is the arrline of' <-; ) 'E'./: r:-i t" 95
(A) Australia (B) Qatar
(C) Canada (D) Japan ".- j.)' .\.: t i -:-':;
86. ln May, 2016. a British citizen of Pakistani
"-(./ f i-ti2"
origin won the elections for Mayor o, London t
What is his name?
(A) Sadiq Khan
(B) Nazeer Ahrriad
./C4'a P1 i.f t @l
(C) Muhammad Pervez
(D) Sadiq Qureshi
J)t,,t p1 13.z pt
87. Which of the following combination of keys avct{.1 i l,',i4Qvt-*
is I se
used to close active window?
(A) CTRL + F1 (B) CTRL+ F2 J,?.Jl tB) t,,J'r (A)
.,v 4l (D\ tV c)V ) (C)
88. lndian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav was arrested
(A) Tharparker (B) KhairPur t,./ct,uL-)L.i{i" gt
(C) Washuk (D) Mashkel
69. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali, who proposed the "L,Y'<--2tgtu;Lt7 .,(
name'Pakistan" is buried in?
(A) Karachi (B) London | <-6J f 'r' :
(C) Oxford (D) Cambridge
90. The Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit took place
r3 s @t ;E (A)
(A) June 1 990 (B) June 1 992
(D) May 1996
drel;lr @) ','/,t; (c)
(C) May 1994
I J:i:t; iJ *
i'&v",n "\f Lf-i/ rt' .s1
J :t, o4 g, a {L.,(.-,;" .gg

),rJa f @l 'tttc/tt
(Al ",r4iv,;J/,,i J-:,iv'
468 Advanced PPSC MCOS itodrl parars
tsJto,t6o$ctUtrtl,t' u,l.:.t $t, r6.$rrd it py
,ls>t(B) i !o, :c-1 { {;n, 7t,:V'tdrL,gr".too
od Pt trY Gt v,ry-;!zg 6y
? 4 Er
:e( (in, c-0,$ *v
: lgg clc'cttf.uvc Fl
' ttt./iie/)b (Al v(rrvtrt lc)
u.h$ pt tfLrlalt (Ol
r",./J;o,utJi p,l
Answer Key
1. b 14 d 27 a 40 b 53 c 66 a 79 c 92
2. c 15 d 28 d 41 d 54 67 a 80 b 93 b
3. b '16 a 29 b 42 d c 68 c 81 94 a
4. d '17 30 b 43 b 56 b ov 82 d 95 d
5. b 18 a 31 c 44 a 57 d 70 d 83 b 96 a
b 33
71 a u b 97 b
72 a 85 a 98. b
8. c 21 b 34 a 47 a 60 c 73 a 86
o a 99. d
c 22 b 35. d 48 d 61 c 74 c 87 d 100 d
10 c c Jb d 49. a 62 d 75 a 88. d
1'r d 24 a 37 c 50 63 d 76 d E9, d
12 d t5 d a 51. b 64 b b 90. b
13 a 26 39. b a 65 b 78. b 91. b



in the Labour and Human Resource Department, 2019
1. When Was the Constitution of 1973 enforced?
({) 10i_ Aprit, 1973 (B) 14: Augusr 1973 5. Second constitution of pakistan was enforced
(C) '10'March 1973 (D) lOtt Au6ust 1973 on?
(A) 14 August (B) .tst
2. Bile is stored in: (C) 8 June (D) 27 October
(41 !'rS,_ (B) Kidney
(C) call Btadder (D) tntesrfie 6. How many feathers are fixed in the base
shuttle_cock with respect to badmir on game?
3. Motto of Red Cross is: (A) 17 (B) 16
Charity Everywhere
Chaflty in Peace
(c) 18 ioi zo
(C) Help in War 7. Which short cut key is used to inse( a new
(D) Charily rn War slide in power potnt presentation?
(A) Ctd + S (B) Ctrt + M
4. Who was not a member of the 1"r Cabinet of (C) Ctrl + N (D) Clrt + B
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar 8. Bagram Air base is in
(B) Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy (A) Balochistan Pakistan
(C) Jogendra Nath Mandal (B) lran
(D) Malik Ghutam Muhammad (C) Afghanistan
(D) TaJikistan
Adyenccd PPSC l*CQs Hodet Papers 169

9. is the length of badminton court for

llhat Malabar
single comp€tition? 20. 'Amazon' is a best example of site.
(A) 16.2 m (B) 13.40 m (A) E-Commerce (B) Socral Networking
(C) 14.63 m (D) 13 80 m (C) Blogging (D) Enlertainment
10. Ahmad Muitaba, an up and coming sports star 21. Current Secretary-General of UN belongs to:
from Quetta, recently won a presligious (A) South Korea (B) Portugal-
championship in Feather Weight class. ln (C) Thailand (D) Norlh Korea
which game did he win?
(A) Boxing 22. Physical pa(s of the computer that we can
(8) Wrestling see and touch are known as:
(C) Taekwondo (A) Software (B) Hardware
(D) Mixed Martial Arls (MMA) (C) Both A andB (O) Camputer
. Province having largest coaslline: 23. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart
(A) Puniab (A) Artery (B) Capillary
(B) Baluchistan (C) Both A and B (D) Vein
(C) Sindh 24. 2d Governor General of Pakistan?
(O) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (A Muhammad Ali Jinnah
of Afghanistan was: (8 Khawaja Nazimudin
12. The last King
(A) Habibullah Khan (c Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Muhammad Zahir Shah (D Sikandar Mir.a
(C) Sardar Daud Khan 25 State Bank of Pakrstan was rnaugurated on
(D) Amanullah Khan a) 1 7rh Auoust 1947
13. The only Vice President in the history of b) 1 4h De;ember '1947
Pakistan was: c) 1 0'h January, 1948
(A) Skindar Miza d) 1 " July, 1948
(B) Ghulam Muhammad 26. Famous city of Turkey
(C) Nur-ul-Amin (A) lstanbul (B) Cairo
(D) Lord Mayo (C) Sana (O) Tnpoli
'14. The war of lndependence slarted al: 27. Genoa is in?
(A) Delhi (B) Maysoor (A) ltaly (B) Paris
(C) Lanore (D) Meerut (C) Franco (O) Germany
15. Total area of Pakisten? 28. Capital of Bosnia?
(A) 596090 sq/km (B) 686096 sq/km (A) Nairobi (B) Mogadishu
ic) 796096 sq/km (D) 776066 sq/km (C) Tripoli (D) Sarajevo
'16. The largest Princely State by area at the time 29. 2016 T20 World Cup Champion?
of partition was: (A) Sri Lanka (B) West lndies
(A) Hyderabad (Deccan) (C) England (D) lndia
(B) Kashmir
(C) Bahawalpur 30. Prime minister of Malaysia?
(D) Bhopal (A) Ahmad Sukarno
(B) Najib Razaq
17. ln'l916,the joint session of All lndia Muslim (C) Mahatir Muhammad
League and lndian National Congross was (O) Abdullah Ahmed
held at:
(A) Aligarh (B) Bombay 31. President of Cuba?
(A) Raul Castro (B) Miguel Diaz
(c strimta (D) Luck now (C) Josd Ramon (O) Fidel Castro
'18. Which party started Quit lndia Movement: -
(A) Congress 32. Bicameral system of legislature was
introduced in Pakistan under the
(B) All lndia Muslim league Constitution.
(C) Unionist Party (A) Legal Frame Work (LFO)
(O) Republican Party (B) 1956
19. The Mopla uprising/revolt in 1921 against the (c) 1962
British colonial power in lndia, was: (D) 1973
(A) For getting release ol their delained
33 Japan rs srtuated in.
(B) To protest against the Rowlat Act (A) Europe (B) Asra
fo ieno supdort to the Khilatat Movemenl
(C) Africa (D) Australra
iD) on account of a lishing dispute rn 34 Frelding coach of Pakistan cricket
17O Advanccd ppSC itces nod.t p.paB
(4) Micky Arthur (B) Steve Rixon 49. is _ his capac[y
(C) Mark Cot6s (O) None of these (A) beyond (B) under
35. Excel is a: (C) over (D) rn
(A) Graotric Prooram 50. Tijs merchant deats _
(B) Woid Proceisor srlk goods
(C) A Spreadsheet proorem
(A).wrth (B) about
(D) Oeisginingtemplat;
(c) for (o) in

36. ln '1787, the originat mnstitution of U.S.A was

51 . Which of the foltowing is most simitar in
meaning to BENEDTCTION?
drafted at a Constitutionat Convention hetd ii:
(A) Phitadetphia (B) washington (A) Rise (B) Btessng
(c) chicago (Di New voir
(C) Curse (D) prarse
52. Find the word similar in meaning to the word,
37. FIFA_wortd cup 2O2O wilt be played in. 'Trespass':
(A) Qatar (B) UAE (A) Contemplative (B) persuasrve
(C) Japan (O) China (C) Expository (D) tntruOe
38 Whrch country has the hrghest number of 53. You can lead a horse to waler but you cannot
Nobet rize winners afler USA? make him
(A) Germany (B) U.K (A) Drown
(C) Egypt (O) France (C) Dance
(O) Ride
39. The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wire 54. H€ is interested in _
is known as (A) at --- rE-ror coin collection
({) ductility (B) ma eabrtity (C) wirh
(C) sonorousity (Dj conOuctiviiy iO) ,n
40. EIGE of EU retates to: 55. Fill in the Blank: "His voice gets on my
(A) Gender Study (B) cender Equatity
(u) Gender tnaquality(O) Homosexuatity' IA B-ffi- (B) Nerves
(C) Mind (D) Ears
41. Great banier reol is in 56 A father is twice as old as his son 20 years
(A) USA (B) Austratie ago the age of the father was 12 time! the
(C) Russia ioi france age of the son. The present age of the father
42. North Korea changes its time due to? ts:
(A) Unity with S. Korea (A) 44 years (B) 32 vears
(B) Against S.Korea (Cl 22 yearc (D) 50 yiars
(C) Climate chanoe 57 30 o/o
(D) None of thes; of 100 is equat to 3yo of which digit?
(A) 100 (B) 10
43. Asian countries without rivers? (c) 1000 (Di 1OOOO
(A) Yemen (B) Kuwait 58 One kilometre is eouation to:
(C) Qatar io) att ot rrese (A) 100 meters
(B) 500 meters
44 Harriet Tubman belono to?
(C) 1000 meters
(D) 2OOO meters
(A) USA Britain 59 Whictl-oJ-the followrng ralros is lhe largest?
(C) Russra (Di France () 21 .29 (B) 7.1s
45. Kalma without dot? (c) 15.23 iol .i.zs
(A) 1'' (B) 2nd 60
(c ) 3'" iD) 4'"
Divi.l-e 3o to % and add 1O you
(A) 2s (Bl i6o
wr get
46. Usher is levied on?
(A) Agncutture
(c) 70 toi ao
(B) Land Find the odd one out I . 64.
(C) Property (Di A of rhese 343
27 1|OO. i2S.216
47. Let sleeping dogs lie \A) 27 (B) 100
(A) to avord restartinq a conflicl
(B) to avoid drsturbin-q someone
(c) 12s ioi sas
(C) to care for doos - 62 A man takes 50 mtnules to cover a cenatn
drstance at a speed of 6 kmihr ll he walks
tD) to ki the stee-prng dogs with a speed of '10 km/hr he covers the same
48. Convert to lndirect formr She said.Go distance in
upstairs". (A) t hour (B) 30 minutes
(A) She told me to oo uostairs (C) 20 minutes (D) 10 minutes
(B) She sard me toiJpsiarrs 63 Whrch of the followrng rs a btnary number?
(C) She told me that qo uostarrs
(D) She totd me to w6nt Jpstairs (A) 1001 (B) 1002
(c) 100s (Di 1006
Aclvanced PPSC MCQS Model Papet s 471
64. The English poet who died in his young age:
. (A) Shelley (B) John Marshal 'f * O) l2;s .,-t'o 11 ,
(C) John Keats (D) William Black , :..:
-'! -+
-1 "
. .11
65. When you insert a picture into a document,
the default text wrapping ophon is: Jfr-Lrr (B) 1;ig--' i (A)
(A) Line with Text (B) None j,,,itt,t't 1f.1 ?-;'-4 6;
(C) Tight (D) Square
66. Name the new book, of Hillary Clinton t;i{ ji:-/' .1s
released in 20'14: .;,1;;,,,f O> ;.i,f 1* lt)
(A) Living History (B) lt takes a village
(C) Hard Choices (D) A Tenible Beauty s.fsgtt,(D) € jtt rc)
67. Sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to
".. ;..{,6_<-.:; f a. .j9
. measure
A Humidity in the Aif
/(G) /a(.A.)
B Blood Pressure
c ) Purity of Milk
D ) Thickness of Water
)'is lD\ :-' -'./: tC )
b6 T heory of Relativity" was presented by
(A lsaac NeMon (B) Albert Einstein
t ;; | L )$',i ='s.,r,f
1'l =- 1 .80
(c ) Galileo Galilee . (D) Michael Faraday r,, (B) .l:Ji. (A)
69. Who was not a member of the l"tcabinet of ,i-r(D
Pakistan? ;-i (c)
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
(B) Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy
aviil;L2,J,LaLI .81
e(rr' (B)
(c) Jogendra Nath Mandal
(D) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
,';l {e)
70. Which short cut key is used to insert a new ,j,"".,P <pl t,t,J <ct
slide in power point presentation?
(A Ctrl + S (B) Ctrl + M : i.- i- -'- 7 -,te.ot, .82 6

(c Ctrl + N (D) Ctrl + B

71 Azad Kashmir Government was set up on *'* (B);rr' (A)
(A) 2O'h September 1947
(B) 24I" October '1947 ;,i* (D) i; rc)
icj 14'h
(D) None
August 1947
of these
:i.-1-/.--* .83
72. A set ol instructions that operates various (B) tr*. (A)
parts of the Computer Hardware is called? -.i
(A) Hardware lvlanager
(B) Oevice
;,t* (D) i *. C)
(C) Software ,: j !', n j.' ; -t..,.7 .ta
73. Which of the following devices is used to store 15 (B) 22 (A)

18 (D)
data permanently?
(A) Hard Disk (B P fl nte 14 (C)
(C) Cache (D RAM
,:._j',, i _{ j3 i, ;g,/ _1,s..,- .ti5
74. Australian called?
(A) Morris . (B) Aussie 12 (B) 10 (A)
(C) Borjians (D) Prottres
75. Salahuddin Ayubi buried at? l0 (D) l-1 (c )
(A) Turky (B) lraq
(C) Egypt (D) Rome ! i- ! i;';-- .86

':;gi; i ":-{,,,'",),{,t" .76
e(;9-;c. i,a,' (B)
JtV lt (B) i' ,t' e- tv (A)
j..z -i c't a- ;V ; :. -'i :.' i-,' (( \
47, , Advrnced PPSC ilCOs llo&, Plo
u!&6{--ot(o) tti)tpcg'/gt .89
r?(tl(-fi!;t3,t .87 vijr,,1LL,:f .u, (A)
o,u€ <D ttp \A) .!L$rr-,:f (B)
,-{'fi{.-c' O> 4;6,v. n d'('+t- n
:a-(f "rt*rf,?"
4)it,a-,,'V .88 ,.(,1j{.-,J"ctt<O>
u.4--;Ail <n 16Lr{',;LJr.E-t .90
d-<-,ittsvt (B)
tjit").7v (B) J*o-,tv{. (t)
tG:t;t,) (C) lQ<ot trrvc)
u,y',+,v--,| (D)
Answer Key
1. b 13 c 25. d 37. a 49. a 61. b 73 a 85 d
2. c 14 d 26. a 38. b 50. d 62. b 74 b 66 c
3. d 't5 c 27. a 39. a 51. c 63. a 75 c 87 a
4. b tb b 28. d 40. b 52. d 64. 76 b 88 d
c 17 d 29. b 41. a 53. .b 65. a 77 b 89 a
6. b 18 a 30. c 42. a 54. d 66. a 78 b 90 d
7. b 19 a 31. b 43. d 55. b 67. b 79 d
8. c 20 a 32. d 44. a 56. d 68. b 80
9. b 21 b 33. b 45. a 57. c bv.
10. d 22 b u.b
35. c
46. a
47. a
58. c 70.
82 a
11. b ZJ a 59. a 71. a 83 b
12. b 24 b 36. a 48. a 60. c 72. c 84 c



in the Labour and Human Resource Department,2}ll
(Held on January 14,20191

1. An electronic path that sends signals from one (D) C++

part of the computer to another is a 4. Which of the following is an internal memory
(A) Logic gate (B) Mooem of a computer?
(C) Bus (D) Seriai port (A) Floppy Discs (B) USB
2. ln MS-Word Home key moves the cursor to (C) RAM (D) CDs
5. ln Ms Word the Tool used for finding a similar
Beginning of the document word in a Document is called:
(B) Beginning of the paraqraph (A) Finder (B) Thesaurus
(C) Beginning of the screen (C) Oictionary (D) Frnd / Reptace
(D) Beginning of the line
6. The computer program that contains
3. Which one is an Operating System? instructions to operate a device is called:
(A) Harvard craphics (A) Device operator (B) Device driver
(B) Windows 2000 (C) Devjce linking (D) Device system
(C) Ms-Offlce
Advanced PPSC llrlCQs tfodel Papers 473
rn Computer Science a device which encodes (A) By Pass (B) By taw
characlers by the depresston of
Keys is (C) By lhe way (D) By fisett
Known as:
(A) Pnnter (B) Kevboard 20. Fill in the blank: His sitence to
(c) Mouse (D1 Haid dev,ce refusal.
(A) Tantamount , (B) ls tantamoL,nl
I RAM stands for? (C) ls tantamounting (D) Tantamounted
(A) Read After Memorv
(B) Random Access M; mory 21. Complete the ldiom with missing word. "A
(C) Read All Memorv blind man's wife needs no
(D) None ot these (A, Make up (B) lewers
(C) Accessories (D) Paint
9 Two trarns are running in opposite direclion
with a speed of 62 km,horrr and 40 km/hour 22. Choose the answer which besr explarns the
respectively. lf the length of one train rs 250 meaning of the underftned word. Mrs. Blank s
meters and they cross each other coming here tomorrow to grve the sentor gir,s
in 18
a lalk on deportment.
seconds then what rs the lenqth of the other
trarn? (A) melhods of banishrng people
(A) 145 meters
(B) 260 meters (B) how to walk & srt property
lC) 260 meters
(O) None ofthese (C) rea'sons for exrling peopte
tD1 un,oadrng goods frorr a conta,ner sh.p
Which number can replace both question
ma(ks:21? =2150 23. Antonym of -Deplete" is:
(A) 5 (B) 10
(4, RefL,nd (B) Replenrsh
(c) 25 (D) 100 {C) Fulfil (D) Renounce
11 Whrch number wilt complete the numb€r 24. Complele the ldiom: 'Donl judge a book by
senes 2. 5, 12, 23. 38. 57.
(A) 69 (B) 7-6- (A) Reading at (B) its cover
(c) 80 (D) 84 (C) lts siz€ (O) lts cotour
'12 Oivide 114 + 'l14 = ? 25. Malalide means:
(A) 1/32 (B) (A) ln bad failh (B) To harm
(c) 1t2 ior r
(C) To cause injury (D) Maladjustment
13 Complele the alphabet series: C, E, H, L, e, 26. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition:
'This story is replete interesting
(c) u
(B) W
(D) x
(A) For (B) Of
(C) Against (D) With
14. What number should come ne(? 3, 4, 7, E,
27. Goitre is usually caused by deticiency of
(A) 7
in lhe human bodv?
(c) 14 (D)
1s IIICaunn
(C) Glucagon
(D) Cortrsot
15. One srde of a rectangte is 22 feet. Which of
the following co,rld be the perimeter of the 2E. The book "On the Origin of Sp€cies" was
rectangle? 'written by:
(A) 28 feet (B) 33 feet (A) NeMon (B) Einstein
(C) 44 feer (D) 54 feet (C) Oarwin (O) Oickens
16. Abdul had some apples. He sold 40 percent of 29. Which of the following countries is the largest
the apples but he was left with 420 apples. supplier of meat?
H-owmany apples did he have originaltyi
(A) Argenlina (B) Pakistan
(A) 588 (B) 600 (C) lran (D) Saudi Arabia
lc) 672 (o) 700 30. Which type of milk is generally lowest in fat?
17. The issue is (A) Full cream (B) Powdered
_ the lunsdiction of the (C) Dried (O) Skimmed
(A) Under (B) h 31. Which of the following is essential for bone
(C) With (D) About and teeth formation?
1E. Fill in the blank: There is no reason (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin I
anyone should behave cruelly.
(C) Vitamin C (D) Mtamin D
(A) Which (B) That 32. Which is the longest bone in human body?
(C) Why (D) Because (A) Tibia (B) Femur
19. Oe Jure means: (C) Fibula (D) Humerus
474 PPSC Paoers
33. 'Horse Powed is standard unit of power equal the Khulfa-s.Rashdeen did issue this
toi statement?
(A) 370 watts (B) 480 watts (A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
(C) 656 watts (D) 746 watts (B) Hazrat Umer (R.A)
(C) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
34. The land lying between river Ravi and river (D) Hazrat Ali (RA)
Chenab is called:
(A) Rachna Doab (B) Bari Doab 46 Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) named as
-Ahmed". rn which Surah of Holy Quran?l
(C) Chai Doab (D) Sindh Sagar Ooab
(A) Surah Al-Saff
35. who. was Pakistan's first Permanent (B) Surah Al-Mohammad
Representative to the UN? (C) Surah Al-Anbia
(A) Sir Zafarullah Khan (D) Surah Al-Baqarah
(B) AS. Bokhari
(C) Prince Aly Khan 47 Who was the commander of the inridels in the
(D) M.A.H lsphahani Battle of Uhad?
36. Sidhnai Headworks has been construcled on (A) Abu Lahab (B) Abu Sufyan
(C) Abu Jahl (D) Utba
(A) Chenab (B) Ravi 48 What is the meaning of Al Hadi mentioned in
(C) Jhelum (D) Sutlei the Holy Quran?
(A) The Light (B) The Eternal
37. Rann of Kutch is situated; (C) The Rich (D) The Guide
(A) North ot Gilgit
(B) South of Tharparkar 49 Who requested Allah to allow him to exist
(C) East of Turbat freely until the Day of Judgment?
(D) South of Wana (A) Hazrat Adam (A.S)
38. Which is the deepest lake in the world?
(B) Hazrat Hawwa (A.S)
(A) Titicaca (B) Vicloria (C) lblees
(c) Baikal (D) superior (D) None of these
50. When was Haj made compulsory?
39. Who was the first President of the United (A) gth HUri (B) 10th Hijri
States of America?
(A) Thomas Jefferson (C) 11th HUri (D) 8th Hrjri
(B) George Washington Name the slave who murdered Hazrat Umer
(C) John Adams (RA)?
(D) Alexander Hamilton (A) Hans (B) Feroz Abu Lulu
40. Mother Teresa got Nobel Prize for:
(C) Afizah (D) Zinar
(A) Peace (B) Medicine 52 Which Surah is named after "Elephant"?
(C) Literature (D) Economics (A) Surah AlNaml (B) Surah Al-Ankboot
4:1. Famous Novel 'A Tale ol Two Cities' was
(C) Surah Al-Hadeed (D) Surah Al-Feel
written by: 53 is situated near which of
Greenwich the
(A) Thomas Hardy following cities?
(B) Alexander Dumas (A) Washington (B) Tokyo
(C) Chades Dickens (O) Paris (D) London
(D) None. of these 54 Which of the following is most similar in
42. Wall Street, New York is famous for: meaning to BENEDICTION?
(A) Newspaper industry (A) Rise (B) Blessing
(B) Govt. Offices (C) Curse (D) Praise
(C) Shopping Plazas 55 Pakistan became a member of lnternational
(D) Eusiness and Financial Cenlre Labour Organization (lLO) in:
43. Gomal University is in: (A) 1947 (B) 1949
(A) Quetta (B) D.G. Khan (c) 1951 (D) 1957
(C) Peshawar. (D) Dera lsmail Khan 56 NAPA is an acronym tor:
44. Na me the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean? (A) National Academy of Performing Arts
A) Mariana Trench (B) National Academy for Promotion of Arts
B) Soulh China Abyss (C) National Arts Promotion Academy
C) Samoan Well (D) National Academy of Popular Arts
D) Hawaii Coast 57 The Gandhara civilization followed:
45 Iwould definilely wage war against them who (A) Brahmanism (B) Fire woBhip
disassociate prayer from Zakat'. Vvho among (C) Buddhism (D) Jainism
Advanced PPSC MCQS luode, Paoers 475
58. Who was Punjab's first lnspector General, jobs
Police? (D) Urdu-Hindi controversy
(A) Mian Anwar Ali
(B) A.B. Awan 69. Who wrote the book 'The Myth . of
(B) Awan lndependence'?
(C) S.N. Alam (A) GeneralAyub Khan
(O) Khan Qurban Ali Khan (B) Mahbub-ul-Haque
(C) Zulfikar Ali Bhuno
59. The first Nuclear Power Ptant, KANUPP, was (D) Lt. Gen.G) Kamal Malinuddin
established with Canadian collaboration. ln
which city was it established?
70. Who is the author'lndia Wins Freedom'?
(A) Mianwali (B) Chashma (A) Ch. Mohammad Ali
(C) Kalabaqh (D) Karachi (B) Dr. Abdul Hameed
(C) Khalid Bin Saeed
60 What do you understand by -Choreography'? (O) Abul Kalam Azad
(A) The steps and movements rn dances
(B) The study of secret writing 71. Who became the Governor Generat of
(C) The study of universe Pakistan after Khawaia Nazimuddin?
(D) Techniques used in space travelling (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Ghulam Muhammad
61. Headquarter of UNIDO is jn: (C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(A) Geneva (B) Vienna (D) Ch Muhammad Ali
(D) Bonn (D) New Yo{k 72. First meeting of lndian National Congress was
62. From where does the River lndus originate? held in:
(A) Jammu (B) Kashmir (A) Calcutta (B) Bombay
(C) Pamir (D) Tib€t (C) Delhi (D) Aligarh
63. ln which year was West Pakistan established 73. Who is the curent Chief Justice of Federal
as One Unit in Pakistan? Sharial Court?
(A) 1953 (B) 1954 (A Justice Riaz Ahmad Khan
(c) 1955 (D) 1956 (B Justice Fida Muhammad Khan
64. Who was the first Chief of Army Staff of the (c Justice Agha Rafiq Ahmad
Pakistan Army? (D Justice Sheikh Najam ul Hassan
(A) Gen. Zia-ul-Haq 74. The famous newspapers 'Comrade and
(B) Gen. Tikka Khan Hamdard' were launched by:
(C) Gen. Ayub Khan (A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(D) Gen. Aslam Beg (B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
65. According to the 1973 Constitution, the (C) Ch. Rehmat Ali
President is the Head of the State. Who elects (D) Allama lqbal
the President? 75. Who was the leadetr of "Quit lndia
(A) The Senate, National and Provincial Movement"?
Assemblies (A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(B) The National Assembly (B) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(C) The Senate (C) Mahatma Gandhi
(D) The Senate and the National Assembly (D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
66. Who was the last Caietaker Prime Minister of 76. The Quaid-i-Azam's Fourteen Points were
Pakistan? issued in response to:
(A) Muhammad Mian Soomoro (A) 3rd June Plan
(B) Justice Mir Hazar Khan Khoso (8) Nehru Report
(C) Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi (C) Minto Morley Reforms
(D) Sardar Mir Balakh Sher Mazari (O) None of these
67. After the creation of Pakistan, the firsl Radio 77. Two Pakistani test Cricketers have got out on
. Station was established at: 199 runs. One of them was Younus Kh an who
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi was the othef
(C) Peshawar (D) lslamabad (A Hanif Muhammad
68. Afier which incident Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (B Majid Khan
predicted that the guf between Muslims and (c Javed Miandad
Hindus would widen with the passage of time?
(o Mudassar Nazar
(A) Swadeshi Movement 78. Which cdc*et team is generally known as
(B) Arya Samaj campaign "Chokers" because of their track record in
(C) Discrimrnatron against Muslims in govt. major championship matches?
476 Advanced PPSC llCQs ltodel Paoers
lA) Austra|an (B) Sri Lankan (A) 120 (B) 110
(C) South African (D) Zimbabwe (c) 12s (D) 150
79. . Ricky Ponting was the captain of:
(A) Austraiian Cricket Team ! "Wnen in Rome do as the Romans do" .91
iB) English Cricket Team
iCi \ryest lndres Crickel Team
(D) New Zealand Cricket Team
80. Name the first Pakistan female Cricketer to ,il.,isi' t,i:-,'u<: j t t, lA)
lake 100 riickets in ool:
(A) Sana Mir (B) Javeria Khan u4 Urul rra @,
(C) Maina lqbal (D) Sadia Yousaf
81 Ashes'Cricket Series is played between: '';r:r,itLl G)
lA) England & Australia
(Bi Australa & New Zealand ,rid (D)
iCr England & New Zealand
lDi lndia & Sri Lanka ,'',. - i g y,,,,,, i i ; ; *t : i" i "t r(r.i-" .92
82 Which of the following agencies related lo ,.- _1j..r..
UNO was In exislence betcre the Uvorld U,rar

-'- i;! tBi

ir? (A1
(Ar WHO (B) FAP 'r."re--r
(c ) lr. o (o) tMF
- l'-+';r-.. 191 -:,,.;j-i,: 1o
83. Which country's flag never flies at hall-mast?
(A) Jordan (B) Syria "'..ti"-lt.93
1D) lran (D) Saudi Arabia
84 Grameen Bank was a brain-chitd of prof. w';.;14- . lB) !,llr'+_.: (A)
Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh. lt is known
for ils services in: ..;'tl: tDt- j i/-;A (c\
(A) Microfinance and credits
(B) lndustriai credils without collaterat 1 ; r /L .L ",'r j=,1 :" .94
tC) Financing of Medium Scale enterprises
iD) lslamrc Banking uU'r:r (B) +l:J'; tA)
85. Britain has
iAi One Party system -'ir$,,rrB (D) -; ,J ul6 e- fC't
(B) One dominant Party system
rC7 Two Party system
t:att /V.._...,rli' .ss
Multi Party system
86. Cunenr Presrdent ot Syria is: j,;-t, py
(A) Abdut Hatim Khaddam "\x.f ' 6'1

(B) Bashar at-Assad

jrJ;' tot ,ir,,ir, (c)
(c) Abder Fattah et-sisi
(D) Hafez al-Assad rlurqi"lr;7"{re ; L,',, .oo
87 Greenwich associated with Greenwich Mean j Z .'2, (A)
Time (cMT) is situated in: Jr .?\jE @) 'li
(A) Greenland (B) Austratia
.jef ror e(;t,
(C) England (D) Fintand ,f 1c'1

88 is
-7a{,v-i-tt';t t' 6'i i Lre ,--..,,u|
Nagorno Karabakh region recognised as
part ol .gt
(A) Georgia
(B) Turkey (B) (A)
AzerbaUan (D) lran
89 The Headquarters of the Wodd Trade
Organizatron (WTO) is located in:
.-.t (D) ei pt
(A) Paris (8) Washington .
r4yl,f,;pe) .sg
(C) Brussels(D) Geneva
90. How many countries are presen y members
of the Nos-Aligned Movement?
./ (B} lir tal
Advancd PPSC nCQs noctel Paoerc 477

)'i (ol e'- -"; (C) I 2:., J.,t.- "A wolf in sheep s clothrng" 100

--:-'e.:;e -ivFr- .:- 99 -*'.

,'+-- a-:, ). "',
d,:!t+ (B) _,:;.- ts

.. '-
..!a-w-ei:- -':. , ,a,
tii t.-r,vi ro,l -i ;, ct=--7-i 't,
Answer Kev
1. c 14. d 27 b 40 a 53'd tt)
2. 15. d 28 c 41 c54.b b 79 92. b
b 16. d 29 a 42d55a b 80 a 93. d
4. c 17a 30 d 43.d56a
8'r a 94 b
5. b 1E. c JI d 44a57c 82 c 95. a
6. b 19. b 32 b 45. a 58. d
d 63 d $. a
7. b 20. b 33 d 46.a59d 72.
84 a 97 d
b 21 10 34 a 47.b60a 73 d
85 d 98 a
o c 22. b 35. b 48. d 61. b 74.
86 b 99. a
10 b 23. b 36 b 49.c62d 75.
87 c 100 a
11 c 24. b 37. b 50. a 63. c 76. b
68 c
12 d 25. a 38. c 51 b 64. b 77.
89 d
13 b 26. d 39. b 52. d 6s. a 78.




9uaiq.f-Aza-rlr Muhammad Ati Jinnah joined 5 Pakislan's largesl import caleqory is

the All lndra Muslim Leaoue tn (A) Wheal
(A) 1906 { tl'r 1908 {B) Petroteom and pelroleurn products
{cr 1913 (o; 1914 (C) Machrnerv
The Mushm rule tn Mysore was eslabltshed (O) Medronea
6 Or. Allama lqbatgot hrs ph O deoree Lor.
{A) Trppu Suhan lBt Hader Atr (A) France (Bt Fnoiaic
(C) Siratud-daula (D) Sher Shah Sun (C) Germany (D) rtati
3 Which Muslim maJoflty area ot punJab was 7 Pakrstan's first General Electrons were he'd
awarded to- lndra by the 19a7 Bbundary (A) 1962 (8,.1968
Commrsslon? (c) 1970
(A) Jalandhar (B) Amrdsar (D) 1974
(C) Ferozepur (Di None of lhese 8 Attock rs the new name of
4 Wholaunched the Jrhad Movement in tg26? (A) Cambelpur (B) Chakwal
(A) Shah Waliullah (C) Harlpur 1D') Montgomery
(B) Muhammad AI Jauhar 9 Pakistan's second constitutton
(C) Maulana Abdul Hao was
promulgated in:
(D) Syed Ahmed Shaheed Baretvr (A) '1956 (B) 1958
(c) 1962 (D) 1973
178 Adradccd PPSC rcQt nodel Pao€rs
10. Mr. Zulliqar Ali Bhulto became the Prime (C) Trade union demand
Minister of Pakistan in: (D) Prolit earned
{A) 1969 (B) 1970 24. Anvthino which is prohibrted by law rs called
ici tszt (D) 1973 (Af lrr*ular (B) lmmoral
1'l The largest distnd of Puniab is: iCi ttteg-at (D) Crime
(A) Lahore (B) Multan 25. Pakistan Steel Mill Karachi was founded with
(Ci O.G Khan (D) Bahawalpur the cooP€ration of:
12. Kargilis in:
(A) China (8) Russra
(A) Azad Kashmir (C) Japan (D) USA
ig) lnoian held Jammu and Kashmir 26 Neelam Valley is in:
(C) Gilgit-Baltistan (A) Swat (B) Grlgit
(D) Swat (C) Azad Kashmrr (Dl Hunza
13 Siachin Glacier is under the control of? 27. Who rs the founder of social media network
(A) lndia Facebook?
(B) Pakistan rA) Brll Gates {B) Steve Jobs
(c) china (C) Steve Wozniak lD) Mark Zuckerberg
(D) Both lndia and Pakrstan
28. The most widely used internet search englne
14. According to Govemment of Pakistan in the world is.
educatioi is free and compulsory for all (A) YouTube (B) Google
children of ages: iC) Yatroo {D) MSN
(A) 5-10 years (B) 5-12Years
29. The lnternational Labor Day rs observed on:
(C) 5-15years (D) 5-16 Years
{A) lst June (B) lstMaY
15. The founder of Mughal rule in lndia was: ici t st Marcn (D) lst September
(A) Babur
(B) Akbar
30 The minimum wage rate for unskilled workers
iCi (D) Jahangrr
rn Puniab ls oer month
16. The Government of lndia Acl was passed in: (A) R3.8OOO (B) Rs 9000
(A) '1930 (B) 1933 " icj ns (D) Rs. 13ooo
ic) 1935 (o) 1940
31. Addis Ababa is the capital of:
17. FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) (A)Kenya (B) South Africa
consisl of how many agencies? ., . (c1 ffioPia (D) Yemen
(A) 5 (B) 6 '
(cl 7 (D) I 32. Sitcon valley in USA is famous for.
(A) Film lndustry
18. Which country is located to the north of (B) Mobile lnduslry
Pakistan? (C) Comput€r Business
(A) china (B) lran (D) Mining Projects
(C) Afgtr.nistan (O) RBsia 3i. Lionel Messi is the fam6us player of
19. Khuzdar and Kalat districls are in. (A) Cflcket {B) Football
(A) KPK (B) Kashmrr (C) Hockey (D) Golf
(C) Gilgit-Baltistan (O) Baluchistan
34 AlleDo rs the coastal crty of
20. The headquarters of lntemational Labo' (A) Eqypt (B) S)/na
Oroanization is al:
(Ai New Yort (B) London
(C) Turkey (D) Libya
icj Geneva (D) Paris 35. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif became the
Prime Minister of Pakistan for the first time in:
to tabor laws, no child under the
21. According--_ (Al 1989 {B) 1990
age of will be employed in icj tsgt (D) 1992
Iactories and mines: 36. The hole developed in the ozone layer is over.
(A) 10 years
(B) 12Years (A) Arclrc (B) Antarctica
(C) 14 years
(D) 15Years (C) Alaska (O) Amazon
22. lrade Union can be formed only in an
37. Chitral valley is in:
institulron having at least employees
(A) s0 (B) 100
(c) 1s0 (D) 200 ' Aleppo is NOT a coastal city. Aleppo lies about 120 km

23. No employer can pay less than the (75 mi) inland from the Mediterranean Sea, on a
to any employee: plateau 380 m (1,250 ft) above sea level, 45 km {28 mi)
) Agreed wa9es east o, the Syrian-Turkish border checkpoint of 8ab al-
(B) Minimum wages Hawa.
Adnnced PPSC fCOs kde, Paoers tl79
(A) KPK (B) Gilgit-Baltistan (C) Chellange (D) Challenge
(C) Kashmir (D) None of these 52. (A) Opportunity (B) Oppertunity
38K Protocol is an in ternational lreaty tor: (C). Upertunity (O) Opparunity
Human rights
(B lntemally displaced persons
(c Environment proteclion
(D AII ot these
39 Kyrg yzstan and Taiikistan are among the
A) Central Asian Countries
B) European countries
C) Scandinavian Countnes
D) African countries [I||RITIl.IG
40. The Exrm Bank is in:
(A) China (B) Turkey READING
(C) lran (D) Atghanistan
41. The lnternational Criminal Police Organization COMPREHENSION
is known as:
(A) CrA (B) lsl Graded Excercises
(c) rnrerpol (o) Ml6 with Solutions
42. Hassan Rouhani is the president of:
(A) lraq (B) lran
(C) Syria (D) Lebanon
43. The Karakoram Highway links Pakistan and
China through:
(A) Bolan Pass (B) Babusar Pass
(C) Khunjrab Pass (O) Lowari Pass
44. The proposed Kalabagh dam will bea:
(A) Thermal Power proiect
(B) Hydel Power Project
(C) Nuclear Power Proiect
(O) All of these lmmedEtely (B) lmidrately
53. (A)
45. The piclure at the back of Rs. 5000 note is of: lmmidiately (D) Emmediately
(A) Lahore Forl (B) Faisal Mosque FILL IN THE BLANKS wlTH THE MOST
(C) Khyber Pass (D) Mazar-e-Quaid SUITABLE WORD:
46. Bill Gates is the founder of: 54. The property wag divided Ali and
(A) Apple (B) HP Kamran
(C) Microsoft (D) Dell (A) Among (B) Arongst
47. Per Capita lncome means: (C) Between (O) With
(A) lncome per Family control
(B) -ln
55. The fire was finally brought
(B) lncome per person (A) To
(C) Average income of a country
(D) Average income ot an industry
(C) At (D) Under
56. Mr. Ahmed always sets good examples
48. Which component of diet prevents other people - -
constipation? (A) To (B) With
(A) Minerals (B) Fiber (C) On (O) For
(C) Proteins (D) Vitamins
57 Heaoreed mv Proposal
49. ln Pakistan the sale of cigarettes is prohibited (A) With For
to the persons under lhe age of: (c) on --(Bi {D) To
(A) 14 (B) 16
58. The old man is blind ---------:-- one eye
(c) 18 (D) 20
(A) From (8) ln
59. lt is ten o'clock
50. (A) Elactricty (B) Elac'trecity (A) On (B) By
(C) Electricity(D) Ellectricity (C) ln (O) with
51. (A) Chalange (B) Chaliange 60. The horseman pulled the oI the
$0 Adyanced PPSC UCOi kdel papaB
horse (B) Copper and cold
{Al Rerns (B) Rains (C) lron-ore and Orl
(C) Reigns (D) Ranes (D) Oil and Copper
61 He went _ the direction of the 76 lf 10 men can do a pece of work rn 20 days
school. how long wtll rt take 8 men to do lhe same lob
(A) To (B) ln if they work at the same rate?
(C) At (D) On (A) 21 days (B) 22davs
62 shared
The cake was Zaad and Ati
(C) 25 days (D) 26dais
rA) Among
(c) w(h
JEt-EEfreen 5
(o) To ( 4 *E' ) ( 2 i)=
63 lt starled to rain $'lrile
(A) Are phyrng
r€ 'crir*et
(B)-TEi prayeJ -
(C) Were dayrng (O) Would t ay
'-' (A)
(8) t
64. He jumped ofr fit€ train while it
(c) + (D)+
(A) Moved (B) Had;;!6a-
(C) Moves
(O) Was moving 78 AI ran around a ;tilometer track .17 times
65. Hassan acted accordrnq hts How many kilometers did tre ran?
father s adyice
(A) Wth (B) To (A) 4;km (B) 4Km
(C) On (D) Abour 1,r
66. Enormous means: (c) aZ(m (o) aflm
(A) Hard (B) Amanng 79 . 5448 rounded off to the nearest IOOO is:
(c) Huge (O) uany
(A) 5400 tB) 50oo
67 'Quickly" is an: (c) 4500 (o) 6000
(4, Verb . (B) Adverb
80 A reclangle has a tength ot 16 cm and a
(G) Noun (O) Adjective
breadth o, 3 cm. What is lhe area?
68. Beautitul is a/an:
(A) Nqrn
(A) 19 cm1 (B) 46cm,
(C) Advsrb
(B) Verb (C) 48 crnr (Di 50 cm,
(O) Adiecrive
E1, A toy is sold tor Rs. 220. What wes the cost if
69. Pros and @ns means: the rate of profit was '10% of the cost?
if) Details (B) For and against
(C) Loss and profit (O) Anatysis -
(A) Rs.196 (B) Rs.19B
(C) Rs.200 (D) Rs.2tO
70 The famous Al-Tahrir Squere is in: 7
(A) lstanbul (B) Oam.scus 82
%written as a fraction is:
rc) cairo (D) Kabut (A) 3.7 (8) 0.037
71 Alumna means: (C) 0 37 rO, s7 OO
(A) Scholar
Ex-student of an institulron
r i,j,$!j,:,{ L i.}-? ; e,2>..:ii s3
iD)Studeni of a coltege .,(tsr'(B) S ?.1,-,.t (A)
72 __
NATO rs a/an (D)
r-j zj.,
alliance: r.;,i tct
iA) Economic (B/ M,htary .,j
.C; Pohtrcal (D) Cuttur;t L

;3 Any cnme thal tnvolves computer and inlemel -C /;,t :- ;t, ;::'-' e:r -;e.j;.._ 4t,r.,: 84
l.;;p-:..2' (B) J;-.i
,s called
rA) Adtlsocial cflme t,.>r- (e)
B) Whlte coltar cnme (C)
rC) Cyber crame i:'i;:.
, Dt Organtzed cflme
'}'j )' (D)
7d frakistan rs the _ ____ most populous "-
country rn the Worid- - - - :t
,Ar Thrrd (B) Fourth
t x11,2 ;E tt t L
r: iU-, ;j ;\gi ) 85
(C) Frfth r2
(D) Sixth j /t,; ,,> (B) ;
,4 i.t:.
.;'-JrL;.r.r-). ,- (A)
7i Reksorq is a mrnrng projecl jn pakistan for:
,A, Coal and Gotd
;J:..2> (O) (C)
Adeanced PPSC ticQs Model Papers 481
':-jrr,irrr;-,q.,;u go
e, 7.* (D) -":'. j-,; (C )
i,L3':i;, G) $,i d;0,,, (A) ', --. ir)i' i -i j, -/.- -i-1,,. r. i sq
+Jj'"-,i' 1of i '-t,'i':.l, (c) -! s,; (s1 .;j; -' (A)
*yii i-. -'' .:-;, ', , - - 3 -t ,l ,i 67 .j;;'rci'to) -',..-'tc,
ii:.>'( ?-.;,, G) :=e-';i'''
i ci.-,'-c,' 195 '4,.t+/ (C)

!f'i". (B) +;. (A)

-"'1 ;.{ i; i, ;- Jyi) ea i't': @t fcr
740 840 (A) 'i
540 (D) 640 (C) . ' !- !. -:J,-..:r--:-:!j,.
-.:'; '-- 96
\:-tu4-/jl(.1')).- Bg i"; ( e,r-. (A)
J tselr @) ,i;tty, \A) v:.' \D) i-i:' t c)
tt";t\i (D) ;'9i e,V (C)
.. -<-j? j-. i -.t,iJ,v,r, s7

-ttu(iriJttt4g:,t go
1l Gl
,,U' 1'-- ;r*, (a)
6,,,i.i[ {il J!r,-Lr, (e) oruf ;!ir (o) ,aJwt (c)
(o) Jr"cit;u, (c) Itj i!t,:-t,',ti..'' j-t{.te'' sa
I Lji {u/',/.u'j*,r, e,l tO@ G) -v;te,,i (t)
-,,ii;u,(a) if* <ol jx.ij;t
;':yt (c)
.iit b) ,ct/'ai (c) I tti i(ti (j,$, ttt,,r,j
=du.' i l,j, -1.

!ovi,j,s "it- o".: -/-;lul;2,- sz jFclrr.,r (B) l=r G)

t: j j;:t t,:,_{\ 0) _1.1:_9 (c)
;titi-t (d ;i s,;:' 1a1 \;-:t; _:,-. *':--,,).j 1OO

ea !: Jt ,U, (D ) j .. P. (C) ,a '.:! {A)

';-:,i,;t{.iji'-'l . -.:1' 93 .;r.i, (D) ,.. ,,ji tC)
,.i.f :-:' (B) .i 1,, (A)

Answer Key
1. c 10 d d 2A b 46 c 55 d 54 c
2. b 1'l d 20 29 b 38 c b d 65 b
3. b 12 21 c 30 d 39. a 48 b 57 d 66 c
4. d 13 d a 31 c 40. a 49 c 58 b 67 b
5. b 14 d b 41. 50 c 59. b od d
6. c 15 a 24 c 33 b 42. b 5'r d 60 a 69 b
7. c 't6 c b 34 b 43. c 52 a OI b 70 c
a c 35 b 44. b a 62 b 71 c
I c 18 a d 36 b 45. b 63. c 72 b
482 Advanced PPSC MCQs ttodet Paoerc
77 c 81 c 85.a 89. a 93. d 97 a
74. d 78 a 82 a 86.c 90. b 94. b 98. c
75. b 79 b 83 a 87.b 91. d 95. € b
76. 80 b 84 d 88.d 92. c 96. b 100 a


in the Labour and Human Resource Department -2015
1. lf x
(C) lndian Report (D) Freedom Report
- 4 = 5, then the value of x is.
(A) 54 (B) -1 11. The national ffower of Pakistan isl
(c) 9 (D) 4s (A) Tulip (B) Rose
2. Shahid receives a bonus of Rs. 50 for every
(C) Jasmine (D) Sunflower
Rs. 500 worth of merchandise he sells. 12. 'Oncology" is the study of:
Therefore, the percentage (%) of his bonus is: (A) Tumours (B) Fossils
( \ 25vo (B) 10% (C) Bones (D) Animal behaviour
(c) 15% (D) s% '13. One metric ton contains _ kilograms.
3. lf (7') (7b) = (7"y(/), whar is d in terms of a, b (A) 10,000 (B) 100
and c? (c) 10 (D) 1000
(A) dab (B) c-a-b 14. 1 byte consists of:
(C) a+b-c (D) c ab (A) I bits (B) 16 bits
4. lt '15 out of 25 candidates fail€d a driving test, (C) 32 bits (D) 4 brts
the percentage of pass candidates is: 15. The capital of Saudr Arabia rs.
(A) 40% (B\ 21yo (A) Riyadh (B) Jeddah
(c) 600/0 (o) 4o/o (C) Makkah (D) Madina
5. [ 500 kg of meat is used by 20 households for '16. Artedes become hard due to deposit of
a week, for how many days will 200 kg of in them.
meat by used by 14 households from the (A) Fats (B) Salt
same population? (C) Calcium (D) Plaque
(A) 4 (B) s
17. Justice delayed rs justice _
(c) 6 (D) 8
(A) Denied (B) Delayed
6. The capital of New Zealand is: (C) Deprived (D) Def€ned
(A) Ounedin (B) Christchurch
(C) Auckland (D) Wellington 18. The capital of Morocco is:
(A) Casablanca (B) Rabat
7. Qantas Airlines is the airlines of: (C) Marrakesh (D) Tripoli .

(A) ltaly (B) United Kingdom

(C) Australia (D) lreland 19. A voucher may be:
(A) Payment bill (B) Wages Sheet
8. February sth is observed annually as: (C) Bank Receipt (D) All ofthese
(A) Kashmir's Solidarity Day
(B) Kashmir's Ma(yrs Day 20. Total number of districts in Punjab are:
(C) Kashmir's Black Oay '(A) 32 (B). 35
(D) Kashmir's Accession Oay (c) 34 (D) 36
9. When did Quaid-i-Azam resign from the lndian 2'1. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of:
Congress Party? (A) ltaly (B) lran
(A) 13th April. 1920 (C) Russia (D) Bulgana
(B) l3th April, 1921 22. Al lhe time of partition of the sub-continent.
(C) 13th April, 1922 who was the Ruler of Kashmir?
(D) 13th April, 1923 (A) Gulab Singh (B) Hari Singh
',0. The report submitled by Nehru Committee is (C) Sheikh Abdullah (D) None ofthese
kqown as: 23. The Headquarters of lnternational Atomic
(A) \lehru Reporl (B) Congress Report Energy Agency is located in: PPSC ,tCQs no<tat Ptocrs 1E3

(A) Geneva (B) Washington D.C. (A) lndus (B) Ravi

(C) Vienna (D) Berlin (C) Ganges (D) Nrle
24. The Secretary-General of the United Nations 35. The pass which connects Pakistan with China
at the time of invasion of lraq in 2003 was: is known as:
(A) Boutros-Boutros Ghali (A) Khojak Pass
(B) Ban Ki-moon (B) Khunjrab Pass
(C) Kofi Annan (C) Shandur Pass
(D) Mohammad Al-Baradei (O) Pelwar Kotal Pass
25. Greenwich associated with Greenwich Mean 36. Which Dam is construcled on River Jhelum?
Time (GMT) is situated in: (A) Warsak (B) Mangla
(A) Greenland (B) Australia (C) Rawal (D) Srmli
(C) England (D) Finland 37. State Bank ot Pakistan was inauguraled on
26. Mesopotamra rs the old name of: July 1st _:
(A) Egypt (B) kaq (A) 1948 (B) 1949
(C) Ethiopia (O) Greece (C) 1950 (O) None of these
27. The next Summer Olympic Games are 38. Kallar Kahar Lake is located in which district?
scheduled to take place in 2016 at: (A) Jhelum (B) Mianwali
(A) Los Angeles (B) Vancouver (C) Chakwal (D) Bhakkar
(C) Rio de Janeiro (D) Tokyo 39. lmmediately betore the formation of "One
28. The'lst Caplain of Pakistan Cricket Team Unit" in West Pakistan, Bahavvalpur enjoyed
was: the stalus of a:
(A) Nazar Muhammad (A) Province (B) Divison
(B) Abdul Hafeez Kardar (C) Tehsil (O) District
(C) Khan Muhammad 40. The last ruler ot Bahawalpur state was:
(D) Hanit Muhammad (A) Salahuddin Abbasi
29. National game of Japan is: (B) Ameer Sadiq Muhammad V
(A) Judo (B) Polo (C) Sardar Mahmud Khan
(C) Boxing (D) Cricket (D) Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan
30. 'Margalla Hills' are a parl of which mountain
range? 41. McMshon's Line is the border betrfleen:
(A) Karakoram (B) Hindu Kush (A) lran and Uzbekistan
(C) Lesser Himalaya (D) Wast€m Ghats (B) Pakistan and China
(C) Pakistan and Afghanistan
31. Sher Shah Suri built lhe Rohtas Fort at the (O) lndia end China
banks of river:
(A) Sutlel (B) Jhelum 42. The Asian Development Bank has the
(C) Kahan (O) Chess Headquarters in:
32. Wimbledon is a place famous for which game
(A) Manila (8) Kathmandu
(C) Colombo (O) Tokyo
(A) Tennis (B) Football ,13 Choose the word which is nearer in meaning
(C) Hockey (O) Chess to the word, 'Palliate':
33. Doaba Rachna is located between the River
(A) Praise (B) Renovate
Chenab and River:
(C) Alleviate (O) Blame
(A) Ravi (B) Jhelum /t4. Choose the word which rs nearer rn meaning
(C) lndus (O) Beas to the word Rescind :
(A) Revoke
34. ln which river is the blind Dolphin'found? (B) Provoke
(C) Lasting only a year
(O) Every two years
'Blind Dolphin or the South Asian river dolphin 45. Choose the word which rs nearer in meaning
to the word, 'Perpetual':
lPlotonisto gongeticol is a f.eshwater or river dolphin (A) Etemal (B) Slandard
lound in lndia, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan which is (C) lndustrial (O) Low
split into tr,rro subspecies, the Ganges river dolPhin (P.
g, gongeticol and lndus river dolphin (P g. minorl.'fhe
46. Choose the word which is the opposite in

Ganges rivdr dolphin is p.imarily tound in the Ganges

and Erahmaputra Rivers and their tributaries in dolphin is found in the lndus River in Pakistan and its
Bangladesh, lndia and Nepal, while the lnd$ river Beas and Sutle, tributa.ies.
Sl Mvanced trSC Ces flocte! pa,rJrc
meaning to the word. Arnval : 61 Financial year of Pakrstan closes on:
(A) Coming {B) Departure (A) December 31 (8, March 31
{C) Lovrng (D) Deprived (C) June 30 (O) September 30
47 Choose the word which is the oppos(e rn 62. __, rs an rnpul device?
mean,rg lc the iord Econcmrse. {Ai Speake,s (B) Pnnters
(A, fvaste {Br Economv ici Plotlers (D) Mouse
C t,.:,iru ,Dr hetptur
, is an Output devtce?
43 Caocs€ the word whiail rs_ itq lcDosite in Joyslrck
{A) (BJ Monrtor
nleaning to tne woro lnleatronar KeyDoard iDr Scanner
{A) Accidentat (Br Occrdental 64. __ rs' a processor?
RAII- - '
(C) Frequently (D) Thankfulty ----r-B'i
(C) Peqtium
49 Which ts the correct s€ntence .. (D) ROM
(A) She was dressed with btack 65 Whc was the 1st Woman Ruler of lndian sub-
(8, She was dressed rn btack continent?
(C) She was dressed for biack (A) Razra Suttana (B) Chand Brbr
(Dl She was dressed ol black (C) Nur Jahan iD) Mumtaz Mahat
50 Prck the correct antonym ol the word Entrce 65 The largest lslamic counlry bv area rs
(A) RepeJ rB; Lure tA) Pakrstan (B)' Sudan
(C) Charmed (D) Enchant,ng
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Mataysra
51. Ffnd the word similar tn meaning to the word.
67. Objectives Resolution was adooted on.
'Bizarre': (4) Marctr 11, 1949 (B) Marah 12. 1949
(C) March 13 1949 (D) March 14,.1949
(A) Unusual (B) Cornmercial
(C) Honour (D) euiet 68. Who was the last Govemor General and 1st
President of Pakistan?
52. Find the rrord simrlar rn meaning to the word, (A) Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Kh. Nazam ud Oin
(A) Slung (B) Stunk (C) lskander Mirza
(C) Stur (Di Sbw (D) Malik Feroze Khan Noon
53 Find the \,vord similar in meaning to lhe lriord. 69 The executive head of the province is.
'Cogent . (A) Govemor (Br Soeaker
(A) Contemplative (B) persuasive (C) Presdent (Dj Ciref Mrnister
(C) Expos[ory (D) Srabte 70 The first Prime Minaster of pakistan was:
Prck the word spelt correcflv. (A) Kh Nazim ud Din Ghutam Muhammad
(A) Accepl (Br Acept (B) Liaqat Ali Khan
(C) Assept rD) Arcept (C) Muhammad Atr Boora
55. Mark the Synonym ot,talent {Dr llChundrrgar
(A) rofty (Bi toad 71 ECO is abbreviaton ct
(C) ability (Dr slyte \A) Econom c Cooperatron Orqanzation
rB, Eddcatron Cooie.atron Or[anizatron
56 Whrch one ,s the antonym of frtth) (C) E.!urronmentat Ccoperatio; Organ,zaton
(Ar Nasly ('B) Offensrve rDr Elhrcar,on Organrzatr6n
(C ) Clean (Ot Ro[en
72 White goods' are
What ts the one woro s(rbs rrt,on for'a persol iAr BaS'C ra rv n'atenals
who rs unable to oav hts debt. (B) ccnsi,o)pltc'l oood!
(Al Poor (Br Vaoabond (C) Cosnretc anrctes -
(C) Sotvent (D) lns-otvent {D) Goods,mported from lorergn coun!fles
58 Pick the correct verb lo lill the rn the blank 73 Who lnvented the tetephone,
His silence to refusal {A) Cral-a''. Bell ,8, Pascat
(A ) tanla:nounts (BJ ,s tanlanlount (C) Spenser iD) Colt
rC ) rS tantamounlrng (Dl tantamounled 74 Albert Einstein was a
59 Pick the wrong word (A) Physrcrst {Bi phvsicran
(A) Transpyre (B) Transfer (C) Chem'sr (D) Broiogrsr
(C) Tranquil (D) Tranquillity 75. Olabeles rs caused due to malfunctioning of:
60 GDP stands for' lA) Pancreas (B) Krdney
(A) Gross Darlv oroduct (C) Lrver tD) Spteen
(B) Gross Oomdstic Product 76. Dialysts rs used when a patient has serrous
(C) Gross Domestic Purchase
{U; Gross Darly Purchase
'all options are wrong
Advanced PPSC MCQs Moclel Papers 485

trouble with. 90. Which Sahabi enjoyed the title of Zun Nurain?
(A) Krdneys (B) Lrver (A) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(c) Heart (o) Gall Bladder €) Hazrat Khalrd bin Wali d (RA)
(C) Hazrat Abu Bakr Sddi que EA)
77. Flat bones are found rn (D) Hazrat Abdullah Bin U rnAT {RAJ
(A) Chest & Skull (B) Neck
(C) Hand (D) Legs
78 IMF stands for:
(A) lndian Mills Federation
(B) lndian Monetary Fund
(C) lntemational Monetary Fund
(D) None of these
i9. The origin of the game of Golf is attributed to
(A) lreland
(C) Finland
(B) Scotland
(D) Denmark
80. Which counlry is the largest wool producer in
the Wodd? I
(A) Canada (B) Australia I
(C) Sri Lanka (O) Chrna
81 Holy Prophel (PBUH) was born rn _ ?

(A) 568 A.D (B) s69 A.D
(c) 570 A.D (D) s71 A.D
82. How old was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the
lime of the death of his mother?
(A) 3 (B)
(c) 7 (o)
8 A$e!s
tattd ud,;r,ttir1@E
83. Which Surah of Holy Quran was the flrsl to be i'
(A) Al Hamd (B) Al Baqrah I
(C) Al Alaq (O) Al Rahman
/ Jin
E4 Who has been titled as Saifullah?
(A) Hazrat Ali
(B) Hazrat Umer
(C) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
(O) Hazrat Usman
85. is the 2nd month of Muslim ,
(A) Rajab (B) Safar
(C) Ramzan (D) Zl qaad
'; -_:.-!; j..:: 91
86. When was Haij made obligatory? '.'.,-,r::
(A) 2 A.H (B) 5 A.H .1958i-..14i1868-t'20 (A)
(c) 7 A.H (D) 9 A.H
87. Which Kalimah is recited at the time o, .1 961 e-:t 14':1 87 O t :t2O \Bl
Nikah'? ii
1A) Firsl (B) Second '
1963;- r14t-1872:--'2O \Ct
(C) Thrrd (D) All the srx
1 gss3J44fl 87 5 r>'' 1 4 \O )
88. Pick out the Kalimah which is trithout a 'dot'? '
(A) First Kalimah (B) Second Kalimah
(C) Third Kalimah (O) Fourth Kalimah i' ;-: j, ;' ;',.;, ;.r(Adarniee) j.,'i La.- .sz
- --
89. Give thq name of the Surah of Holy Ouran 1'-;'' ij2'-r!
r/hrch Hazrat Umar heard from his sister and
iater on accepted lslam at the hands of the 9;.{, lB) :t- (A)
Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(A) Surah Taha (B) Surah Maryam ;l;:'-i ro1 -i
j',i,* (c)
(C) Surah Yousat (D) Surah Baqrah
t..:_. t, /- r_:r'.i:/v,, ;''.L,,' 93
'Thc.e is no hard and fast rule. 5ometimeg firs,
ul.",5 iB) .j,;-j- _i.,,, rAr
sometimes second and sometimes all sax lGlimah are
being recited
46 Advanced PPSC HCes odel paoerc

1;i1fit7t 1O1 Jt;g* lC) r,J rr, P t,.;:ut'!oL;:! =-icL'::F'gt

;, - iv,! JV !,.f z,t p' o,, -.i' sa
=dl. Jt f,airii @ olov;,f--( ral
t2-c.itL'-Z ,!J6r'4, tol q,ttft2i 1c1
gAua4) py s,-r,. 1Al it ttLntarl!3.rfy,jtve;'j J{
J,,g .ee

't:if,,lt1r 1o1 ctt:r.)'it Gt rjle,rrl

!,, *t L I C,,,t,?.{ <- 1 L',>t,t i g, 4, .ss i&'fui, pt JFr-* <at

edil {e(ut 1oy ,j*;'j'- pl

J,tT,t7rt ,jtU,? @) eAvg/.>E,Jv()vD/ w
J,\itji @ 6,tT/tt tcl 1E69 (A)
. 1875 (8)
1880 (Ci 1885 (D)
t /!.f ft:,r)rj'1,frv:t{ rz,! Jtt:r-. :,,r, .96 v- Je$.tLft,/.?){..too
tjt (B) Jrk,, (a) 6,2i?p@ Jtjbt,(l
,-/( (D, )f,q)a G) JwE o j,-:q? tct
Answer Key
1. c 14. a 27 c 40.b53b 66. c 79. a 92 d
2. b '15. a 26 b 41. d 54. a 67. b 80. b 93 d
3. b 't
6. d 29 a 42.a55c 68. c 81. d 94 d
4. a 17. a 30 c 43.c56c 69. d 82. b 95 d
5. a 16. b 31 c 44. a 57. d 70. b E3. c 96 d
6. d 19. d 32. a 45. a 58. b 71. a u. c 97 a
7. c 20. d 33. a 46. b 59. a 72. b 85. b 98. c
8. e 21. c 34. a 47. a 60. b 73. a 86. d 99. a
9. a 22. b 35. b 48. a 61. c 74. a E7. a 100 a
10 a 23. c 36. b 49. b 62. d 75. a 88. a
11 c 24. c 37. a 50. a 63. b 76. a E9. a
12 a 25. c 38. 5'1. a 64. c 77. a 90. a
13 d 26. b 39. a 52. d 65. a 78. c 91. b


Gtv. rynonyltE ot 0r foltowlng:
1. ASSIDUOUS: (A) Simple (B) Grief
(A) ldb (B) Oitioefl (C) Joy (D) Calm
(C) DcGaive (O) Oeftlenr 5. IMMACUI.ATE
2. FUSS: (A) Juvenile B) lnfinite
(A) Efiort B) Eexcitement (C) Flawless D) Contaminated
(C) Grief (D Joy 6. COLLUSION:
3. PLACTO: (A) Consistent (B) Conflic{
(A) Joy
(C) Cah
D) Simple
Grief - (C)
Confrontation iDi Connivance
ar ontrrB of the folldu;ing:
4. t{AtvE: 7. PROSPERIW:
(A) Richness (B) Confdenc€
Advanced PPSC tfcog ode, PaDors tl87

(C) Adversity (D) Abundance 23. lf a man pays Rs.2500 as rncome tax, that is
8 CONSCIENTIOUS 50o/o of his lotal income, then what will be his
total income?
(A) Careful (B) Firrhy
(C) Care Free (D) lnferior (A) 3000 (B) 4000
(c) 5,000 (D) 6000
(A) Filthy (B) Slender After Nile which is second l;ngest river of the
(C) Senior (D) Junior world:
(A) Amazon (B) lndus
TENDER: (C) Ganga (D) Neelam
(A) Cruel (B) Kind
(C) Teacher (D) Religious 25. Sound travels fastesl in which of the following:
(A) Water (B) Steel
11. CCOMMENCE: (C) Air (D) Glass
(A) End (B) Begin
26. A straight line makes an angle of:
(C) Party (O) Spoil
(A) 90 Oegree (B) 120 Degree
Choose the coract answer:
(C) 180 Degrees (D) 320 Degree
12. (A He is senior to me.
B H€ is senior of me 27. The gravitational force on the body is called
c He is senior at me as:
D He is senior with me
(A)Weight (B) Density
(C)Mass (D) Volume
13 He was charged with murder.
B He was charged to murder 28. "Cathy PacifiC the air line of:
c He rYas charged at murder
(A) Pakistan (B) Hong Kong
D He was charged over murder
(C) Norway (O) Srilanka
14 A She said that she is running fast 29. Who discovered continent Ausiralia?
B She said that she was running fast.
(A) Marco Polo (B) Mao ise Tung
c She said that she will have running fast.
(C) Captain Cook (D) Quaid e Azam
o She said that she will running fast 30. Brazil is the largest exporter of.
15 He did vyent to lhe hospital.
(A) Wool (B) Sugar
B He did gonc to the hospilal.
(C) Rice (D) Coffee
c He has gone to the hospital. 31. Art and Architect reached its climax during the
D He did go to tfie hospital. reign of:
16 (A Faster you walk, better it will be.
(A) Shah Jahan (B) Jahangrr
(B Fa$ you walk, it will be better (C)Hamayun (D) Sher Shah Suri
(c Faster you rYalk, good it will be 32. The largest ocean is of the world:
(D Faster you walk, more bener it will be (A) lndian (B) Paciic
'1920? (C) Arctic (D) Arabian Sea
17 Fill in the blank: Fleming died
(A) on
(B) in 33. Where is the Headquarlers o{ Arab league,
(C) at (D)over (A)Lahore (B) New Delhi
18 (4 - 4\20+5 is equal lo: (C)Cairo (D) Hong Kong
(A) 25 (B) 20 34. Abyssinia is the old name of:
(c) 5 (D) ls (A) Egypt (B) Ethiopia
19 The number. whose 5% is 35, is (C) lraq (D) Jordan
(A) 500 (B) 600 35. Deficiency of Vitamin C caus€s:
(c) 700 (o) 800 (A) Scurvy (B) Beri Beri
20 lnserl the missing number:
(C) Color Blindness (D) Cancer
7 . 14._,22,23 36. "NATO" consists of how many member
(A) 19 (B) 17 countries:
(c) 14 (D) 1s (A) 28 (B) 29
21 lf '15 men complete a work in 20 days, then 25 (c) 30 (o) 31
men will complele that work in how much 37. "Lisbon" is the capital of:
days: (A) Hong Kong (B) Porlugal
(A) 12 Oays (B) 15days (C) China (D) SriLanka
(C) 16 Days (D) 18 Oays
38. lron metabolism in the human body is helpful
22 A man travels a distance by foot in lhour and for:
35 minutes. but he use a bicycle, he travels (A) Leukocytes (B) Platelets
same dislance in 28 minutes. How much lime (C) Haemoglobin (D) All of these
he saves:
(A, 2hours (B) 1 Hour &Tmrnutes 39. Whi:h of th€ following is a tax free country?
(C) 3 Hours (D) Fifty Minutes (A) Pakistan (B) lndia
(C) Sri Lanka (O) Kuwait
/t8t A.rvarrccd PPISC ItCOs ltoda, proc6
40. How many languages are spoken in the world (C) Jhelum & Chenab(D) lndus & Chenab
A) 5,000 B) 6.000 56 By profession. Sir Cyril Radctit e was ')
c) 7,000 D) 8.000 (A) A Doctor (8, A Leader
(C) A Lawyer (D) An Engineer
41 How many species of living thtngs are -
drscovered up to date? 57 Day of dehverance was observed on
(A) 56mrllons (B) 65mrt[ons (A) 22 Dec.1939 (B) 21 Nov 1938
(C) 7.7 mithons (C) 20 Oct. 1937 (D) 19 Sept. 1936
tD) I7 mi rons
42. ln how many groups the taving organisms that
5E. Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan b€came Chief
have back bone. are divided? MinEter of Puniab in.
{A) 5 groups (B) 6 groups (A) 1937 (B) 1929
rcl 7 groJps 1Dr Egrcups
rC) 1938 tD) 1935
43 Greenwich is located rn: 59. Whrch of the followrnq rs a tand locked
iA) Lanka
Sfl (8, UK
tC) USA (D) China tA) Atghanrslan lB) Pakistan
44. Where
(C) lndta {D) None of these
rs the headquarteG of ILO?
1Ar USA (B) UK 60. Baku is the seaport on
rCl Geneva lD) Sri Lanka (A: Arabran Sea (B) Casoran Sea
rC) Pacrfrc Ocean ,Dr Arctic O;ean
45 Pakistan became ILO member tn
{A) 31 Oct. 1947 (B) 14 Sep 1947 61 Whrch of lhe followrng ls targest country cf
iC, 14 Nov. 1947 (O) 14 Oec. 1947 South America?
(A) Chrna (B) Virqinra
46. ILO came into existence under the treaty ot (C) Brazil (D) Maiytand
Versarlles afier World War 1 inl
1A1 19'18 (B) 1919 62 Which of the followrng rs the country wth
rC) 1920 (D) i921 hEhest brrth rate?
(A) NEer (B) Russia
47. Labolr Appellate Tribunal issetupat: (c) Pakisran (D) tndia
(A) Teh$l (B) Drstrict
(Cr Provincial (O) Natrcnat 63 World^ popuhtion is expecled to reach by the
yeat 2025:
48 1st May is observed alt over the world as l0 brllion
tA) (B) 8 bithon
Labour Day rn honor of working people ot. (C) 9 brlfuon (D] 1'l b ron
(A) Moscovrr (B) Berlng
64 Which of the following is the greatest wool
(C). Chicago (Dl Carro
producer country in the world?
49. Mother tongue of Ouaid-e-Azam was. (A) China (B) Russra
(A) Sanskrit (B) Siatkori (C) Pakrstan (D) Austratia
(C) Gujrati (O) Urdu
65. "Mirage'rs an example ot
50. Th€ profes$onal qualification of euad-e (A) Reflection o, Light
Azam Muhammad Alo Jinnah was: (B) Refraclion o, Lioht
(A) MBBS (B) M.A. M8A (C; Devlatron ot Lrg-ht
(C) FSc (D) Barat-taw (O) Polarizaton ot LEht
51 Dr.Allama Muhammad tabat did ph.D in 66. Saint Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya estabtished
Philosophy ftom a 'Khankaha" in city of:
(A) Oxtord London (A) Oelhi (B) Muftan
(B) MrT, USA (C) Lahore (D) Arner
(C) Munich University. Germany
(O) Cambriiige UK 67. British parliament is:
(A) uni-cameral (B) tri-camerat
52. "Jinnah of Pakistan" was writen by: (C) bi-cameral (D) iederat
(A) Allama lqbal (B) KB Safu
(C) Stanely Wolpert (D) Nichotson 68. Which ol the Plane, .5 the closest to Earth:
(A) Venus (B) Moon
53. lslamabad lvas made capital in the year. (C) Mars (Di ptuto
(A) 1956 (a) 1958
(c) 1957 (D) 1960 69. 12 men build a house in 24 days. How much
time will take 8 men to do this ixork?
54. Allama lqbal delivered his famous address at (4) days
?q (B) 32 days
Allahabad,n: (C) days 30 (D) 22 days
(A) 1927 (B) 1928
(c) 192s iD) 1930 70. Which number will come next?
(Al 21 (B) 23
55. Rachna Doab rs located bet\rveen two rivers (c) 18 (D) 19
(A) Ravr &Jehlum (B) Ravi &Chenab 71. Oaniyal sold a chair Rs.800 which he was
bought for Rs.1000 What is hrs % toss?
Admnccd PPltC rrcor rfodcr Aorn fSt
(A\ 20o/o (B) r006
(c) 15% (D) 25yo rZ,fCL,/,JqlJut .w
72. Th€ Bolshevik Revolutron is associated wilh
(4) l-rance (B) Germany tlb,;)A @1 Jtibil, (Al
(C) Russia (o) Ensrand'
3t/ @l rr; (c)
73. Author of the famous book ,paradise Lost & -,.
Paradise Regained,' was.
t x gt f g/ 4.t'
(4) .lohn Milton (B) Srephen Hawkings
-i1, .g7
(C) Chartes Dickens (D) Jane Austen
74. A person of whrch of the followino blood
6tss @l 6f,sz 67
groups is called a universal dono-r?
(A) O -ve (B) A -ve
6lst (ol Jlis 1c,1

(C) A +ve (D) B *ve t<. $(gt:;/-r.,; .ee

75. Which gland in the human body is called the
master gland?
(A) Pancreas (B) Thvroid
Q, @ tth 6)
(c) Pituitary (o1 spieen ertxr^,{,| Py ur,,ti (C)
76. How many bones are there in a newly born
infant? ttrtf/.-,glvua, as
(A) 206 (B) 230
(c) 280 ioi soo 1A].i-X.>f tB) O)+?ep 6t
77. Which ot the following have maximum calorific
value? PQ=le7 @) flPt<te/t&P G)
(A) Cabohydrates (B) Fats
(c) Proteins (D1 vitamins t,r/ptr ut,-(7 fi! l);et+ o7 .s
78. Which ot the followlng vitamins promole
healthy functioning of eyes in human beinos?
(r <al ..,* nl
(A) Vitamin B (B) Mtamrn C .9v lol :t, (c)
(C) Vitamin A (D) Vrtamin D
79. The average hearlbeat per minute in a normal
man rs:
\nLV1 I ( Lt \,,/ l).ul ;-p .gr
(A) 60 tB\ 72 ny' lB) gr,t (A)
(c) 80 (D) 100
80. A person with which of the foltowing btood Ot,E (D') dt t (C)
groups can receive blood of any group?
(B) AB
(D) o (B)
v(fi,,,t,!Jl,!i) s2
112 (A) 113
81. Malaria is a disease vyhich effects lhe: 1r4 (D) 1i6 (ci
(A) Heart (B) Lunos
(C) Spteen (Oi XionLys r+6s{i,nl-<iJycii st
82. Which of the fo owing diseas€s is caused by
{r,, py
) .ltir (Al
(A) Small pox
(C) Malaria
(B) Tuberculosis
(D) Cholera i|ti,r (D) ,1SJii,r (Cl
83. Medulla oblongata is a pa rt of human
(A) Heart (B) Brain
a,i ct{-V,s }\!.- -.,!)0,-* st
Q=I <o
(C) Liver (D) S€x organ
. J,a& <at
t sp t J Llt ;.,? /6 /t,',J ;,, .u <ot ,rlg <ct
{,|'/,it,r (Bl oirf 6l ct$JVt" g 4,! -t
7,trfis 7,,)t"'/ .ss
i4ou {o) yt$Ji py
f=r el D'-ft Al
t ;9,1c $-g /LJr7,9 -r a, *9 .as
S J-s,l tol tve,v,t (cl
t,'-ly p1 J..a,.h ttl
o./r py
I a {oi,4v,: /-, r 6 tt {,,J Jt oi } .w
ct=i <cl thr @) l)ti,r (Al
190 Advonced PPSC MCQS Moclel Paoe6

t;.)E,/ \D) iii,:' (c) \.--b,{(tnov jV .99

-),<i, i;,(,;er (B) uueu (A)
It ) .l ,' ;t/.:-,r u, ji'L-'y,)i,i .9t

h,r @\ d)n,r 1e1

iii.-,c-'' tol v'l| Gl

-?;,r 1oy gl;,r 1c1 |i(*!ft&g.roo

t.- /:ct), /: {.f ,J Jyoi ) .sa a,\Bt .|d rel
2s (B) 50 (A) lcl
21 (Ot 27 (Cl
e'L: att lD)
An swe f Key
1. b 14. b 27. a 40 c 53 d 66. .b 79. b 92. d
2. b 15. c 28. b 4',t. d 54 d 67c 80. b 93. d
J. 15. a 29. c 42. a 55 b 68a 81 94. d
4. a '17. b 30. d 43. b 56 c 69. b 82 a 95. a
5. 18. c 31. b 44. c a 70a 83 b 96. d
6. d 19. c 32 b 45 a 58 a 71 a 84 b 97. d
7. c 20a 33. c 46. b 59 a 72. c 85 b 98. b
8 21. a u. b 47 c 60 b 73. a 86 c oo a
9. b 22. b 35. a 48 c 6l c 74. a 87 d 100 a
't0 a 23. c 36. a 49 c 62 a '75. c 88 d
11 a 24. e 37. b 50 d 63 b 76d 89 d
12 a 25. b 38 5'l c 64 d 77. b 90 a
13 a 26. c d 52 c 65 b 78c 91 d




l. Rohtas Fort was built on tfte orders of Sh6t 5 Sylhet Districl at the time ot partition was
pad o, the proYince
Shah Suri by:
(A) Raja Todar Mal (A) Bengal (B) Assam
(B) Bairam Khan (C) Bihar (D) United Provinces
(c) Abul Fazl 6 The iiEt commande r-inchief of Pakisbn
(D) Raia Birbal Army was
2. The famous Babar-nama (or Tuzk+-Babari) (A) General Sir Frank Mosservy
author€d by Emperor Babar was written in (B) Rare Admiral Jafford Jame3 Wilfred
which languag6? (C) General Muhammad Ayub Khan
(A) Persian (B) Turkish (D) General Muhammad Musa Khan
(c) chagatai (D) oari 7 The first Chief Minister of Punlab alter
3. All lndia tluslim Students Federation was creation of Pakistan rvas
formed in 1937 bv: (A) Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan
(A) Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar (B) Nawab lftikhar Hussain Mamdot
(B) Rala Sahib of Mohmudabad (C) Mian Mumtaz Khan Daultana
(C) Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan (D) NarYab Sir Khizar Hayat Tiwana
(D) Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang 8 Tho Nalional Language of Pakistan is
1. Bengal was divided in 1905 during the time (A) Enalish
of: (B) urJu
(A) Lord Curuon (B) Harding (cI Both English and Urdu
(C) Ripon (D) Lord Wavell (D) Punjabi
Advancad PPSC ,rCOs No.tol a91
L Tho oflicial language of PrkBt n is: 19. "Southein Cross" which ia r constsllation
(A) Enslish found in the southem, region of the night
(B) Udu 6ky consists of:
(C) Both €nglish 8nd Urdu (A) Sevon Stars (Bl Four Stars
(D) Punjabi (Cl Fiva StaE (D) Non. of the3e
10. The tun€ o, tie national lntham ot
Prkbtan ws! compossd by: 20. The capitsl ot N€w Zerl.nd b:
(A) Khaw.ia Khurthid Anw.l (A) Ounodin (81 Chrittchurch
(B) aushad Ali (Cl Aucklrnd (D, Wolllngeon
(D) Ahmad G. Ch.gla 21. Ths fillt P.kirtrni to hoirl Ore Pakirteni
11. Hrzara Diysion of Khybor - Prlhtunkhwa fr.g !t tr. Lorth .nd South Pole i.:
Provinco comprito3 fiyo dbtrits including
(A) Natlr S.bir (B) S.lmr S.lim
(C) [emira Salim (O] A.hra( Aman
Abbott b.d, Bsttegr.m, Kohbtan,
fansehra and: 22, Th€ ftrlt climbor lronr PlkBtan to haye
(A) Uardan (q) mingor. c.lLd It. Evorsst on f,ay 17, 20q, wa3:
(C) Ha.ipur (D) Khahpur (A) Nazi, Sabir (Bl g.lma Salim
(Cl Namlra S.lim (Dl Arhr.t Am.n
12. Tho plrdomlnll l.ngurgo spok.n in
Hazara Egion i!: 23. Oantrs Alflino3 |3 the ridina 0t:
(A) (B) H.z.rgi (A) ltaly (B) Unitod Kingdom
Kohistani (D) Pa3hto
(G) (C) (D) Irchnd
13. 28th Mry ir celebratad year al 24. TlB world'3 top most b. lmporting
"Yaum{- Trkbad" b6cru3o ol which counlrv b:
incident? (A) Ch-ina (B) Unitcd Xingdom
(A) l(argal confiist batureen lndia lnd (C) P.kisten (D) Ru33h
Pakbtan commonc6d 25. valuo add€d t r (VAT):
(B) Nuclorr bst! wooo conduc'3td by (A) i3 e dlrrc{ tr
Pakbtan (Bi wlll rcsult ln distribution ot income
(C) Ojhri Crmp incidont took placo !t trom rich to th€ poor
Rew!lpindi (C) will result in taring tlro ,ich mors
(D) Uprbing .ruptod in Kahmir rglin3t (D) wlll apply on rich .ld poor.qually
lndi!n occuplton
26. Acconting to the Collltlt 0on of Pakbtan,
14. ;f,ahon's Llne is lh. bordsr b€twoen loYvino of sales lar on 3ervlcaa 'E:
(A) lran rnd Uzbeki.tan (A)- thE responeibility of the Fodorrtion
(B) Pakbtan .rd China (B) the rasponsilility of FBR
(C) Pakbtan rnd Afghlnt tan (C) the rospon3ibility ot province.
(Dl lndh and China (D) loinr r€.pomlbiltty ot tho Fsderation
'15. The world's longGt rivBr i3: and the provincoa
(Al t{lb (B) Amazon 27. Mich tex is not cotlect3d by the Punjab
(Cl YangEe (D) Uissi3sippi Excise & Taralion Deparhrent?
16. Th. capital of Xlnl,ang lrygur Autonomou! (A) Prop.ity Tar
Region ot Chlnr It (B) Lurury vohlcle tar on luxury moto.
(A) Ka3hgar (B) Ahsi Chin YohicLa
(C) Urumql (D) Hotan (C) Erclse Fes on Rst ll Sals ot Liquol
(O) Agrlculturu income tax
17. muflan Do was:
(A) r mythic.l ch.racter hom the.dc 2E. Who lak trom Govomor
"Tali3m.+lorhruba" (A) Chast mlni3t r
(B) ono of ninc grnl3 Aom tha coutt ot (B) Prc3i&nt
Emporor Akbar (Cl Chiof Justice
(C) a lerder ot ! r8lhious mmm6r ln (O) Chlof Justic. of Hlgh Court
East Bongal 29. Tha buroaucratic hisrarchy ol lho Excise &
(D) tho archltacl who fi'rl introduced Tax.tion Doparlrnent, Punlab b headed by:
piaza 3paca! in tront of buildlng3 (A) DiBctoi General Excige & Taxation,
18. The epic "Telbm{+loahrube" wa3 Puniab
(B) Secrstary Excise E Taxation, Punjab
originally composed by
(A) lbn-G.lmha (C) Senior l{ember, Board ol Revenue,
(B) lumtaz Uunl Puniab
(C) fuhammad Hulrin Jah (D) Excise & Taxation Ofiical
(D) MGharraf Ali Fsrooqi 30. Anothor name tor Vitamin C i3:
(A) Ascorbic Acid '(B) Acetic Acid
(C) Citdc Acid (D) Lysozyme
492 A&anced PPSC ltcQs odet paoe6
31. Gun Powder is: (B) To make the best choice
(A) Elsment (8, Compound (C) To make the wo6t choice
(C) ixture (oi amaigam (D) To settle for a comptomBe
32. The planet ncarest to the Sun is. 47. What is sauce lor the gooso is saucs for
(A) Venus (B) Earth the gander
(C) 8rs (D) Mercury (A) Everyon€ reganll63 ol differonces
33. The main constituent of Sui Gas is: deseivos oqual taeatmcnt
(A) Methane (B) Sui (B) Goose and gander should both be fsd
(C) BothA& B (D) None of above with sauce
(C) Like treatment tor like thingg
34. Brass is an allo y of coper and: (D) Rich and poor should -be tEated
(A) lron (B) St et equally
(C) Zinc (D) Sllyer
48. To lionize a person
35. The most famous genetic disease that is (A) Acquisfion of lionJike characterbtica
a3sociated with Queen Victoria and by a peBon
circulated among European royalty was: (B) To worship someone
(A) Colour Blindhess (9) To treat a p€Eon as a coleb.ity
(B) Haemophilia (O) A precast for training circus ti6n3
(C) Austrian lip
(D) Down's Syhdrome 49. To gather orange blossoms:
(A) To get orangG (B) Toqeta brids
36. Hepatitis C is a leadinq cause of: (C) To get a groom (D) To have children
(Ai Chronic liver diseise
(B) HtV 50. Kesp one's own counsel
(c) A|DS (A) To retain one's own lawyer
(D) Diabetas (B) To rely on own advice '
(C) To prsserye a di3creel silsnca
37. Whooping cough is caused by: (D) To oblain the se;yices ot a lawvel
(A) Fungus (B) Virus belonging to one's own family'
(C) Bacteria aD) protozoa
5r. Who is the coysmor of ciloit - B.ltistan?
3E. Foar of enclosed spaces it known as: (A) Tanvir
(A) Hydrophobia (8) Raja Peryez Ashrat
(B) ClaGtrophobia (C) Raja Jal8l Hussain f,taqpoom
(C) Kioprophobia (D) Pir Xaram Shah
(D) H€fcophobia
52. Rio do Janeiro irs one of tfte capital of
39. The normal pH of blood is cities:
(A) >7 (B) <7 (A) Newzealand (Bl ttatv
(c) 0 (oi z (C) South Africa iDi Briit
Tick the synonyms 53. Capital of Australia b:
40. To introduco ideas (A) Sydney (B) Metboume
(A) insrill ,B) lnsoire (C) Canbera (D) BBban
(C) lnvigorate (Oi tmdress tf. Gaza city is in:
41. L33s than (Al Palestine (Bl l3rasl
(A) lntra (Bl lnfra (C) Lebanon (Di Jordon
(C) lnrer ioi tntro 55. Pakistan's ecooomy has sutrerod in the
42. To disfigure pa3t due to:
(A) Efface (Bl Deface (A) Oecados of imem.t potficat dbputos
(C) Face (Di Besuty (B) a fa3t growing popul.tion
43. To hGitate (c) ongoing controntadon wilh
(A) Murmur (B) Demure il%sgy
(C) Agree (D) All of these
(Di Demur
44. A terrible, sudden accident 56. Raja Farooq Haider ig
(A) Holocaust (B) Disaster (Af P. of Azad Kashmir
(C) Epidemic (Di Jotr (Bl P.esident ot AJK
(C) of AJK
45. Hide ond's light under a bushet (D) None of above
(A) To save electricitv 57. lmF sbnds for:
(B) To conceal one sialents (A) lntornal ,tlanagemer Fund
(C) To avoid limeliqht (B) lntemational ffanagement Forum
(Di To use light in -moderation (C) lnternational lronefary Fund
46. Hobson's choice (D) lnternal Monetary Fudd
(A) Giving no choice at all
Advanced PPSC MCQS llodel Paoers 49t
58. Aung San Suu Xyi, the l{obet peace 71. lt is difticult to cook on mountains because
Laureate .under detention fot past many of
yeaB belongs to (A) Low atmospheric pressure
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Myanmal (B) High atmospheric pressure
(C) Nepel (D) China (C) Low temperature
59. aria Shara Pova the famous Tennig (D) Lack of Oxygen
player b6long3 to 72. When common salt is mixed with ice, the
(A) Gemany (B) Russia freezing point
(C) Spain (D) America (A) is lowered
6lr. Who is the Prime minister of Banoledesh (8) is raised
(A) Khalida Za (B) Bandra [aike (C) remains unaffected
(C) Ha3oona Wajid (D) None of these (D) is first lowered & then raised
01. lnsulin iE secreted by Find similar in meanang
(A) Liver (B) Pancroas 73. Amiable
(C) Kidneys (D) l{one ot these (A) humble (B) noble
62. "Kyoto Protocol" b an lntemrtional Tr€aty (C) friendly (O) geneious
tor: 74. Dubious:
(A) Ratugees (A)certain (B) doubtful
(B) ttuman RighB
(C) Child L.boul
(C)rigorous (D) feebls
(D) EnvironmontProblomg 75. Audacity:
(4I courage (B) timidity
63. lnsomnia b rslated to (C) politeness (D) mistortune
(A) Sleeplessness
(B) Hyponension 76. Apparel:
(C) Fear of Water (A) clothes (B) luggage
(O) Fear of Closod Phce3 (C) impression (D) outlook
64. Th6_ Headquanirc of Asian Dovelopment 77. He is intorested stamp
Bank is: collection
(A) blamabad (B) manilr (A) ar (B) in
(C) Tehr.n (D) Colombo (c) of (D) with
78. The boat sailed the,bridge
65. Foa3ib arc:
(A) Waste materials (Althroush ----lEl-ofl
(B) Animals which can live in water (C) under (D) from
(C) The remaim ot the plants & animale in 79. He used to live comtort.
earth'3 cru3t (A) with
(D) None oI thse (c) by (D) on
66. Th9 3ubstancs used in match sticks is 80. He went
-GI]nthe direction of the
(A) Sulphur (Bl Acid post office
(C) Zinc (D) Pho6phorous (A) in (B) at
67. lron a n€c€s3ary nutrient for body is (C) to (D) on
ebundantly tound 81. She felr when she went on
(Al Eggs (B) Cirrus Fruits stage
(C) Milk (O) creen Vegotables (A) nervous B) anrious
68. Th€ atrnosphere has the high6t (c) worried D) agitated
porcentage ol: 82 Wa musl respect lho vigws of out
(4) Nitegen (B) Oxygen in lhia matter, even though we
(C) Hlydrogen (D) Cait ondioxide cannot agree with them
69. f,eteorology is the science of (A) enemi$ (B) foes
(A) Earthquakes (B) Weather (C) opponents (D) adversaries
(C) Spaca (D) Marine Life 83. Square foot i3 equal to
70; When two objects, a stone and a papGt are (A) 48 square inches
(B) 24 square inches
dlopped simultaneously in an evacuated (C) 72 square inches
g[a3s tube:
(A) the stone tvill touch the bottom fi]st (D) 144 squarc inches
(B) the pap€r will touch the bonom first 84. Calculate the perimeter of a rhombus with
(C) both the paper and the stone will each side equal to 6cm
touch the bottom simultaneously (A) 18cm (B) 24cm
(D) Nona of these (C) 36cm (D) /t8cm
85. Find th6 positive square root of 2025:
aY A&.ac,dPPs,CrcAs,,trdP,Df,,s
(A) r3 (B) 30 (A)
23 hours 30 mirutes
(c) 4s (Dl 60 (B)
23 hours 40 minutes
E6. Out ol a group o, 80 lpplic.rt3 ior a iob m (C)
23 hou6 50 minutes
porson t ibd to appaar for tho torl. wli.t (D)
23 hours 56 minutes
totrl applic.nt3 did appoat 94. Which gas we exhale
(A) le
(4) qarbn dioxide (9) litrcgon
(8) 2s (C) Hydrogen (D) Oxy$ren
(c) 60 (D) 7s
95. Whal was the age of Ouaid-i-Azam when he
E7. One,3ido ot. rtctrngL h 22 !oef, drich o, . ioined All lndia Muslim Leaoue?
t|r6 tollowlng could l- tho.Darim.t r of tho years
1A) 27 (B) 30 yea6
r€clrngh? (C) 37 years (D) 35 years
(A) 28 lect (a) 33 !.st
(C) {a lsst (D) 5a ie3t 96. Whidr PM of Pakiltan had the shorlest
EE. Whbh ot Oi. iollowlno numboB b divtribL (A) G€n-Muhammad Ayub Khan
bY 12? . (B) l.l, ChuMrtsar
(A) $53
(c) aSOr
{Bt 48ls (C) lrat* Feroza Khan Noon
(D) .l4lL (D) M. Ali Bogra
89. UllO cenrc inno bclno? 97. On 11 August 2011 Pak Set - lR launched
(A) 19$ -(B) r9a5 from
(C) 1947 (D) Nona of rbove (A) Xicheng China (B) Pekins China
90. Allrmr k|b.l deliv.r€d Khutbr AttlhsbD.d: (C) N* York USA (O) Nonebf above
(A) r?,gador, r93{t (B} 15 Odober, 98. "Jinrnah' the only film on the lib of Quaid€-
t93n Azam was pfoduced by
(C) 17 m!.r, ro:xt (D) ,Dcc. it3t Zia Mohwddin
91. When olC rrr tound€d? Akbar S Ahmad
(A) 1969 (Bt t97e Pen aiz lqbal Ch€€ma
(C) l97l (Dl ttone otrhcrc (D Shabsb D€hivt
92. Sir John Shron uE th. membor ot 99. What is the capital ot Canada?
(A) l{.hru Eport (A) Montreal (B) Totowa
(B) Round tabl€ conlcrrenco (C) Quebec (D) None of these
(Cf Cdppc mbdor 100.A good substitute of meat protein ls:
(Dl Non of.Dorr! (A) Csbbage (B) Potatoes
93. How nruefi crrth tatca in roffion? (C) Beans (O) Spinach

Answer Key
1. a 11 d 27. d .(}. a 53. c 66 d 79 b 92 d
2-c 15 a 28. d 41- a t1. a d 80 a 93 d
3.b 16 c 29. b 12. b 55. d 68 a 81 a 94 a
4.a '17 b 30. a 43. d 56. b 69 b 82 c 95
5.b 18 c 31. c 41. a 57. c 70 c 83 b Vb a
6.a 19 b 32. d 45. b 58. b 71 a u d 97 a
7. b 20 d 33. a $. a 59. b 72 a 85 c 98. a
8.b 21 b u. c 17. a 60. c 73 c 86 d 99. b
9.c 2. a 35. b 48. c 61. b 74 b 87 d 100
't0. d c JO. a 49. b 62. d 75 a 88 d
11. c 24 d 37. c 50. c 63. a 76 a 89 b
12. a 25 d 38. b 51. c 64. b 77 b 90 b
13. b 26 a 39. a 52. d 65. c 78 91 a
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers 495


ACCOUNTANT (BS-17) 201 5
Choose the world thal is most nsaily similar to, 17. CACOPHONY
or opposito ot the words written in capital (A) Discord B) Oance
lettorB. (C) Applause D) T ype of telephone
(A) Satislied (to) lnsured
(A) Dull (B) Duplicale
(C) Heavy (O) Painstaking (C) Photographic (D) Steadfast


(A) Resonance (B) Elocution
(A) Loquacious (B) Bombastic
(C) Rudirientary (D) Qualilative (C) Relief (O) Difturence
(A) Benign (B) Canine
(A) Realization (B) Fascination
(C) Enormrty (D) GBtitude (C) lmpatient (D) Arbitrary
4. MALEVOLENT Please cortscl the sentences by changing the
(A) Kindly (B) Vacuous wrong word.
(C) Ambivalent (D) Volatile 2'l The admrnistralaon of the school asks that
(B) Vary
each student shall bring therr ldentillcation
before enroll'ng in the qurz compehhon
(A) lntersperse
(C) Emphasize (D) Eulogize (A) Change ask'to 'asked
(B) Change 'enrolhng 'to ls enrollng'
6, MANIFEST (C) Change 'therr ' to 'him or she
(A) Limited B Obscure (D) Change'theia to his or her'
(C) Faulty o varied
Chooso the coirect answer.
22. Two words 'go' and 'leave' are
(A) Old fashioned (B ) Restrained
(C) lmpulsive (D ) Cognizant (A) Pronouns (B) Antonyms
(C) Homonyms (D) Synonyms
(8) Which ol the two sentences shows corect
(A) Cameo Mansion
(C) Pollution (D) Success parallel structures?
9, ELUSIVE 23. (A) Jim s gradepoint average is higher than
(A) Deadly (B) Eloping John
(C) Evasive (D) Simple (B) Jim's grade point average as hrgher than
(A) Equality (B) Allegory 24. {A) Professor Aslam rewardeo hrs students
(C) Frenry (D) Folly for workng drlgently ln the frnal test and
oorno bevond the call of duty
11, SOBRIETY tBt FrofSssoi'Aslam rewarded hrs students
(A) lnebriety (B) Aptitude for their dilgent work in the final test and
(C) Scholasticism (O) Monotony gorng beyond the call of duty
12, TENACIOUS Choosg th€ correct answer for each question.
(A) Fast runnang (B) lnternatronal
(C) Obnoxious (D) Holding fast 25. Let me You a new way to leam
Enolish Dronunciation.
13. UNTENABLE rAi Learn (B) Teach
(A) Supportive B Tender ic) Learned (D) I aughl
(C) Sheepish D Tremulous
26. I am so with mY class that I want
14, ANTITHESIS to ouit
(A) Velocity {B) Maxim (A)'Bored (B) Bore
(C) Similarity (O) acceleration (Cl Bores (D) Bonng
15 AFFABLE 27. They have put speed bumps on the road to
(A) Rude (B) Ruddy accidents
(C) Needy (D) Useless iA)Ivoiil (B) Prohrbrt
16. BIZARRE (C) Prevent {Di Forbrd
(A) Roomy (B) Verted
(C) Subdued (D) Normal
1% Adv.oc€d ppSC naes,,fdcl par,,'s
28 time next year, I _ a[ my (C) n (D) 2n
(A) Will have taken 39. What is.the average (anthmetic mean) ot the
(8) Wilt take positive inlegers from 1 to 1OO inclusivi?
(C) Take (A) 40 (B) 49.s
(D) Have taten (c) 50 ioi so.s
29. Soma of the dust on to the 40. lf 1Oa + 10b = 35, what is the average
rum[ure . (arithmetic mean) of a and b?
(A) Stote (B) Stain (A) 1.75 (B) 3 s
(c) StaF (oi Srav (c) 7 (o) ro
30. the better team. re lost the matct 41. lf the^average (arithmetic mean) of 5, 6, 7 and
(A) OesDite of beino w is 8, what is the value of w?
(8) Desiile (A) I B\ 12
(C) DesDite beino (c) 14 iol ro
(D) Athaush 42. Vvhat is the.ave_rage (arithmetic mean) of the
- is
31. What 10% dl20% ot 3}o/o? measure of the five angles in a pentagon?
(A) 0.006% (B) 0.6% (A) 36. Bt 72
(c) 6% (01 6oy" (c) eo. (Dj 1Bo.
32. What percsnt-of 50 is b? 43. lf x - 4 = 9, what is the vatue of f - 4?
(A) 21 tB\
* (B)
! (c) 81 ioi
(u) 44- ll 3x - 4 = 11, what is the vatue ot
5- (D) 2b ( l22 (Br 15
33. What fraclional part of a ly€ek it gg hours?
(c) 116 ioi tzt
ot *1-, rar 66
45. lf ttle average (arithmetic mean) of 3a and 4b
is less than 50 and a is twice b, what is the
largest possible inteoer vatue of a?
tct i @, i, (A)
11 (D) 1e
34. lf all the member3 d a team are juniors or 46. Hamid had three times as much moncv
seniors, and i, the ratio ofiuniors lo ienioB on as
the team is Rashid. lf Hamid gives Rashid Rs. SO. Rjsnra
3:5, whaf percent of team will then heve three times as much monev as
members are seniors?
(A) 37.s% (B) 40% Hamd. How much money Oo ttre two of i6em
(c) 60% (oi have together.
(A) Rs.75 (B) Rs. 100
35. Scot can redd 50 p€es per hour. At th6 rate (C) Rs. t2S (Oi Rs. 150
now many pages can he read in 50 minutes?
47. ln.the.moming Sarah read pages at the
(A) 25 1a) rrf
rate of 60 pages per hour. tn the evanino. she
read another 100 pages at the rage;f 40
(c) 48 (D) 60 pages per hour. What was the averaje rate of
36. lf80Zo ot ha applications to a program were reading for the dav?
rejected,. what is the ratio of ttE numOei (A) 45 (B) 48
accepted to the numb€r rEi€cled? (c) 50 io) sz
48. The number of shells in Javaids colleclion is
80% of the number in Justin,s colleclion. li
rqt pr* Justin has 80 more shells than Javaid. how
many shells do they have attooether?
(A) 180 rer szd
37. The measuras of the three anEles m a tsianole (c) 400
are rn the ratio of .t : 1 . 2. Which ol 6e tD\ 720
followinq must be lrue? 49 Burgers are berng sold for Rs 40 each
l. The triangle is isosceles Przza for Rs. 75 each, in one day 150 burgers
ll The triangle is a nght trianqtco
were sold and Rs. 7400 eamid how m-any
lll. The triangle is equ'ilateral pizzas were sold?
(f) None '
(B) I onty (A) 20 (B) 1s
(C) ll onty (O) rand rt onry (c) 30 ior zs
38. What is. th€ ratio of the circumference of a
50. What is the greater of two numb€rs whose
circle to its radius? producl is 900. lf lhe sum of two numb€rs
excaeds the(r ditference by 30?
(A) 1 (B) (A) 1s '60
soa (c) 7s (oj go
Adthnccd PPSC NCQS Nodel Pao€,|s 197

51. On a certain project the only grades awarded (A) Edward Jenner
were 75 and 100. lf 85 students completed the (B) Alexander Fleming
proiect and the average of their grades was (C) Albert Einstein
85. how many eamed 100? (D) Joseph Seonders
(A) 25 (B) 34 65. What do the letter RSVP at the end of lhe
(c) 55 (D) 70 invitation meant?
52. For the final step in a calculation. Ahmed (A) Respondez s'il vout plait
accidentally divided by 1000, instead of (B) Respondez Sou Vase Pamo
mutiplying by 1000. What should he do to hit (C) Respnze Salu Vase Pari
conecl answer to conecl 4? (D) Ritmo san'u Voda Pais
(A ) Multiply by 1 000
(B ) Multiply by 1 00 000
66. What name lndia was given by the British at
the time of British rule?
(c ) Multiply by ,l 000 000 (A) Land of hundred spices
(o ) Square it (B) Land of three rive6
53. lf the producl of 4 @nsecutive integers it (C) Jewel in the crown
equal lo one of them, whal it the largest (D) All of these
possible value of one of the integers?
67. Abyssina is the old name ol
(A) 0 (B) 3 (A) Nigeria (B) Japan
(c) 4 (D) 6 (C) Syria (D) Ethropra
54. Which of the following it equal to
(78 x 79) 10? 68. The old name of Attock City is
(A) 727 (B) 61620 (A) Lyallpur (B) Lawrencepur
(c) 7170 (D) 49170 (C) Montgomery (D) Cambelpur
55 A number is "terific' if it is a multiple of 2 or 3. 69. What is the name ol China's parliament?
How many tenillc numbers are there between (A) Council of China
(B) Union ot Council
-11 ad '11? (C) People's congress
(A) 6 (B) 7
(D) National people's congress
(c) 11 (D) 15
56. mere ir the headquarters of amnesty 70. Which is the largest river. in the world in term
of volume?
(A) Geneva. (B) London (A) Nile (B) Amazon
(C) Paris (O) Nerv York (C) lndus (D) Yanglze
57. \,Yh€re E U's headquarteG are based? 71. What was the real name of Confucius?
(A) (B) England (A) Mao Tse Tsung
(C) (D) Brussels (B) Kong Qiu
(C) Sun Tzu
58. ln which year UNO was Btauished? (D) Kang Tzu
(A) 1940 (B) 19'rz
(C) 1948 (D) 19/t5 72. Silicon Valley in Califomia USA is famous for
(A) Artiticial lakes
59. By whicfr traaty sedoG controversies on (B) Rare birds
stEring and distributing of water between (C) Film Studios
Palistan and lndia were solved? (D) Computer industries
(A) lndus Basin Treaty 1965
(B) lndus Basin Treaty 1960 73. which software firm is the second largest in
(C) lndus Basin Treaty 1958 the world, afler Microsoft?
(O) lnd6 Basin Treaty 1962 (A) l,letscape (B) Oracle
(C) IBM (O) Norton
60. When lndia and Pakistan sign€d Simla
agreement? 74. Who is the only person (male) who has won
(A) July 1973 (B) July 1972 Nobel Prize twice?
(C) July 1971 (O) July 1974 (A) C.V Raman
(B) D Yonas Khan
61- When USSR witMraw from Afghanistan? (C) Dr. Linus Cad Pauling
(A) (B) 1982 (D) Madame curie
(c) (O) 1989
75. Which woman was awarded two Noble
62. When stale of lsrael was established? Prizes?
(A) l4May 1941 (B) 14May1945 (A) Marie Curie
(C) 14 May 1948 (D) t4May1950 (B) Emily Greene Baich
63. The military control line b€tween lndia and (C) lrene Joliot curie
Pakistan in the area of Kashmir it called (D) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
(A) Cease{ire line (B) Ourand line 76. Which pass connecls Peshawar with Chrtral?
(C) Line of control (D) 38 Parallel (A) Kabul Pass (B) Gomal Pass
64. Who developed the small pox vaccination? iC) tocni Pass (D) Malakand Pass
498 ldileacrd Xodd pmear
77. Which continent is the host of the most
countries in lhe world?
(A) Asia (B) Aftica
.aii / pt Jf, tar
(C) Europe (D) South Arnerica Usrtt/ lo\ ,,a!J <Cl
78. Ho many languages and dialects aro sDoken
by the people all over the world? tytL,;LLfi"c)f" .s7
(A)6000 (B) 9000
(c) 4000 (O) 1000 *./ (Bt &ro/ 6l
79. What's the wodd's most widety spoken
,aqf p1 ,!t(-isr 1cy
(A) English (B) Spanish
(C) Mandarin (D) Fiendt f
ay'"ai(laiett is .ar
80. The aulhor of the book 'Time Ua€hine' is 6t,t-A1Jf7it 6y
(A) L6wis Canot
Robert LewE Stevenson
Chades Lamb
Gt6''-i Ft
(D) H O. wel6 {,,o.ri/,!ot,; lcl
1& L,./,,,.ftg /t ,,!J7t .et
s,** d,!rtll,t,!,-l tol
?Ei (Bt rjr" (n) -LY.vburVl*Aversity Fl.tters t{o Man .8!)
.?t4r&i p) ge!;ara 1cy uatE{q'; p1 Ltq)ttLu, 6y
tV\f ;-,/ a'.lftibit /t .82 t\rtr{r @ A,t(;vj{.tet lcl
tttt (B) ,t4r&3 6l -,/-Y.sutJv L " f s,,t" .x
.gtdt (ol y (c,t
+'qy'l @l ,-.)tt/ (Al
tTtf ,!,./-u7 "1Ju,>trt,.r," .et ,rli (D) Eit pt
ovJJ,l Gt 6.F/ <et . t{iL/J*,,p1it*.lv- .st
f:v p\ (tt1/ (ct .?r.rr (Bt &g/ @t
48t!ra,,{lo .u t;y, lol ,t'itt tct
7*c|.L|,,i*2./d,11 t,-go[,-?, L,, 4t/r,tf, .sz

v",lVA7*z-,ril" dvrta/ (Bt Jq6tr 61

,J*i/.rP @l ,1titrfi 61 t:iltlttr;tr 1oy Jb (c)
Lript 6,2jvp Gt g?o/,t-( *.-ttt :t)tJvt;, .s.
t?(dtlr2r./. .as rtl ,t7J!,q,61
z_./t,aetbL,.l Ld.,.l iS dt/ @t * tcl
,_,r,;gi,.,a{{d r t,?,! /,,,V.,LI,,
" c-.ctcr .gq
ut/ (Bl du tel 4t,!r:7 p1 6*tttl t l
,.tj/.--,ttrt' tol J,4,,VnIb (cl >_, pl li+, pl
' r*lq/' ae t
acl {* J x6 rvt't e a(- tt:t.,r .e5
*+z.Jr4,ftrt',J l,,,Ji p1 ,f a, ot'r,tflyl
1o,1 dP pt
AdvancedPPSC COs o&t PaDeB 199

tL5'{{J j+ (4t)itvt .s6 {FO> lol 'j"t:;A \c\

,,Jy',-uFl 11/u2r, 61 :vt,/ L t: ) .99
-t= 9.,y.Y ( 2/-.rg
,1-,ttgt ati 1ot 6*Ei (c) J*'@l Lr,,>*,f t (Al
e1J't(/ "4ttl,'/" .st JLt.:, /t (D) (t'i* (c\
;y'otr @t id,* <et r.*=VLgl-y'21' .tw
vf'Yi <ol ?tii (c'l 'tu4'e Pt Gi r_)t (Al

tactf 4/6-/"ltJr" .sa ,{ ltti(> 1o1 u.jlr''t (c\

tJ,nW. F) 6t6'J; @l
Answer Key
14 c 27 a 40 a 53. b 66. c 79. c 92 b
1. a
15. a 28 a 41 54. b 67. d 80. d 93 a
2. b
16. d 29 c 42 b 55 d 68. d 81. d 94 a
3. c
4. a 't7. c 30 c 43 d 56 b 69 d 82 b 95 a
d a 44 d 57 d 70 b 83 b 96 c
19. d 32 a 45 b 58 d 71 b u b 97 a
7. a 20 d d 46 a 59 b 72 d 85 d 98. a
d 34 d 47 a 60 b 73 b 86 c 99. a
6. d 21
J5 48 d 61 d 74 c 87 d 100 b
9. c 22 d b
10 b b Jb a 49 a 62 c 75 a 88 d
1t a 24 b 37 d 50 b 63 c 76 d 89 c
12 d 25 b 38 d 51 b 64 a a 90
13 d 26 a 39 d 52 c 65 a 78 a 91 a




1 IBRD is another name of 5 Adam's Deak is located in

(A} IMF tA) Mahvsra (B) Sri Lanka
lBl World Bank (C) Turkey (D) Egypt
ici Asian Development Bank 6 lnternational Day agarnst Nuclear Test rs
(D) None o, these observed on:
Cave Squeaker |s a species of frog found rn {A) 29 Auoust (B) 29AP(l
(A) West lndies (B) Zimbabwe ic) 29 Ma, (D) 29 March
iC) Soulh Africa (D) Congo 7 The Andes rs lhe longest mountarn range i4.
3 Kvat rs the currency of: (A) Norlh America (B) South Amenca
(A) lvlvanmar (B) Bhutan iC) North Africa (D) South Africa
iCi t-dos (D) Cambodia 8 Khunierab pass connects Paklstan with
4 dessibes the rocky Parts of the {A) Afohanrstan (B) lndia
ic) chlna (D) lran
CenF s crust (or lithosphere) and its historic
develooment. 9 Whrch orqanizatron among the followrng has
(At Drimography (B) Geography its headoiarters m Addis Ababa"
(C) Geolooy (D) Morphology (A) Orginrzatron ot African Unitv
ilo Advanced ppSC MCes Nodet papers
(B Aftican Union
(c lnlernational (A) Sir Syed Ahmad (B) euaid_e_Azam
lslamic Oroanization (U) Altamatqbat (D) G.l Khan
(D African Unity Foundatio;
'10 Capital 24. After the death of president Zia ul Hao who
of Taiwan is: Decame the presrdent in l9gg?
(u) lierev
tatper (B) Naypyidaw (4) MKJunejo (B) GtKhan
(D) Kigrti (C) M Nawaz'Shaflf iDi Benazir
'l l Who among- the following presrdents was 25. Quaid-e-Azam mausoleum is a beautiful
assasslnated 1
(A) Richard Nixon landmark in: !t
(B) Abraham Lincotn (4) Lahore (B) Karachr
(C) Georqe Washinoton (C) Peshawar (O) eretta
(D) Adam Smith 26 Second summit of Organization of tstamic
12. Genoa is a oort citv in uooperatron was held rn Lahore tn
(A) ltalv (BJ--Amdiea $i 1972 (B) 1973
(C) Gr6et- (C) 1974 1D) None of these
(D) Turkey
't3. OIC headouarters is in 27. Who among the following was second
governor general of pakistan?
(A) Jeddah (B) Tehran (A) lskandar Mirza
(C) lslamabad (D) Ankara (B) K Nazimuddm
14. The mega bridge having 55 km long structure (C) Malik G Muhammad
was opened in; (D) Liaqut Ati Khan
(A) China (B) Japan 28. The third batfle of panrpat was fouoht
(C) Philippines (D) Thailand Detween Ahmad Shah Abdali and
15. The Repubtic is written bv (4) Mughals (B) Enotish-
(4) Socrates (Bi
ptato (c) Marhattas iDi Noie of these
(C) Aristo e (D) Archimedes 29. Who-founded the Madrassah Darut Uloom?
16 Which among the following countries is not a {A) Maulana Mehmood Nanotvr
member of G7? (B) Obaid Uttah Sindhi
(A) Spaln (B) ttatv (C) Mehmood ul Hassan
rLJ) Japan (D) Frahce (D) Maulana easim Nanotvi
17 Which acid is produced in Gastric juice of Ga 30. W.hich Pakistani Sipahr came back from tndra
bladder? after
(A) Nitric Acid .remaining-in lndian prison for 40 yeari
end dred in 2018?
(B) Hydrochloric Acid (A) Maqpoon Hussarn
(c) Sulphuric Acid (B) Maqboot Hussain
(D) None of these (C) Shah Saftvar
18. Wtich river among the following rivers flows in (D) Jatat Hussain
31- whe^n did Pakistan conduct its first nuclear
(A ) Mackenzie River test?
(B ) Ohio River (A) 1999 {B) 1998
(c ) Mississrppi River (c) 1997 (oj I gs6
(D ) Colorado River
32 ryfi9l lndian personatity recerved the award
,n the foflowins is known as Fatcon of Nrshan Pakistan?
YX"r8SfJ, (A) Jawahartal Nehru
(A) Abdut Rahman I (B) Hisham I (B) Maroji Desai
(C) Abdut Rahman (Dj Atmanzor (c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(D) None of these
20. Ludwig-van Beethoven was a composer and
pianist from 33 When did- Pakistan sign convention on the
(B) Germany Krgnts ot persons with disabrlilres?
(u) I,:l*
lAl sparn (D) Austria (Al 2007 (B)
21 Benjamin Franktin due to his invention of (c) 2009 ioi
Ightntng rod rs known as father of: 34. Ustaad_ Bad€ Fateh Ah Khan was awarded
(A) Magnetism (B) Eleclric[v |.AOe ot Performance in
(u) I hunderbolt (O) None ofihese (A) 1969 (B) 1972
22. Who among the following is the cunent head (ct 1e74 iDi r gzo
or uommonweatth of Nations? 35. Who among the foltowing got pflde of
(A) Elizabeth I (B) Etizabeth Pertormance on Naat recitinol
(c) prince chartes io) vtaoimli cutin (A) Pathane Khan (B) Ajam Lohar
23. Wazi lvtansion is the birth place of which (C) M Azam Chrsti 1Oy Asrrfaq ArrmaO
person? 36. First World Cup of Cricket was played in
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoerc 501
(A) 1974 (B) 197s (C) 627 (D) None of these
(c) 1e76 (o) tszz
52. The $/ord Namaz- is repeated for how many
37 Financial year of Pakrstan starts trom times in the Holy Quran?
(4) 30 June (B) lstJuty (A) 700 times (B) 600 times
(C) 'r June (O) SO.,urf (c) 500 times (o) g0o hmes
38. For how may days did the war of .t 965 tast? 53. Who among the following requested.Allah to
({) 1Q days (B) '17 days lree him till the day of judgement?
(C) 18 days (D) 1gdays (A) lblees (Bt Datat
39. Whrch amolg _the folowrng were the (C) Munkir (O1 ta'reer
characters of W Drama Waris? 54. Which lslamic year is called Aam ul Huzn?
(A) Oilawar (B) Hashmat Khan (A) I nabvr (B) 9 nabvr
(C) Zakiya (D) A[ of these (C) 10 nabvt (D) 1'l nabvr
40. Khanki Headwork is located on which river? 55. Which among the followinq rs caled Um ut
(A) Chenab (B) Jehtum Masakeen?
(c) rndus (D) Ravi (A) Zainab bint Khuzama
41. Who among the followinq was first chief (B) Zainab bint Jahash
minister of Puniab? (C) Hazrat Ayesha RA
(A) Nawab of kala Baoh (D) Hazrat Khadiia RA
(B) lftikhar Hussain M,mdot 56. Which topic was discussed in Surah e eadar?
(C) M. Ali Johar (A) Revelation of Quran
(D) l.l. Chundriger (B) Zunnoorain
42. Wllo amonq the following published Hamdard (C) Gog Magog
(D) None of thes€
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ati Johar 57. Heartbeat of a babv starts?
(B) Maulana Muhammad Shaukal Ati (A) Before the birth
(C) Maulana Abdul Katam Azad (8) After the birth
(D) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan (C) Starts after a minute
43 Asghar Khan became the Air Marshat of (O) None of these
Pakista n tn: 5E. Trachea disease concerns:
(A) 1957 (B) 1958 (A) Throat (B) Brain
(c) 1es9 (D) 1960 (C) Nose (O) Ear
44. Which Pakistani Cricket player b€came the 59. Which unit is used to measure latitudes ol
' 8th
(A) Hafeez Kardar - (B) Saeed Arwar
international player to score 194 runs? earth?
(A) Radian (B) Oeqrees
(C) Misbah ul Haq (D) Younis Khan (c) Angurar unit (D) Noie of rhese
45. !-luhammad Ali Jauhar younger kother of 60. What is the sum of all angles ofa triangle?
Mauiana Shaukat Ati was 6urieii in: (A) 270 dearees (Bi 18O deoree;
(A) Turtey (B) SaudiArabia (C) 90 degiees (D) none olthese
(C) Jerusalem (D) Karachi
61. Oiaphragm is a thin sketetat muscte in body
46. Partition of Bengal was annulled aflec related lo:
(A) 6 years (B) 7 vears (A) Digestion system
(C) 8 years (D) 9 iears (B) Respiratory System
47. Wnidt aqong the tulowing is rhe oldest city of (C) Nervous System
(D) None of these
(A) Lahore (B) Qu€tta 62 Diphthena is a disease related to
(C) Bahawalpur (D) Mutan (A) Throat (B) Brarn
48. Recently (2018) which country introduced ftee (C) Nose (D) Ear
public transport? 63. Whrch instrument is used to measure humidity
(A) Sweden (B) Norwav in ai?
(C) Luxernburg (O) SwitzeitanO (A) Hydrometer (B) Hygrometer
49. Whois the current DG of FtA (201E). (C) Odomeler (D) Humidometer
(A) Bashrr Memon (B) M.'Am[sh 64 Change the vorce They woutd not agree to
(C) Aktar Khan Hoti (D) None ofthese my pro9osat:
50. Safi Ullah is a tile of: (A) My proposalwould not be agreed by
(A) Hazrat Musa (B) Hazrat Adam them
(C) Hazrat Daud (D) Hazrat lbrahim (B) My proposal would not be agreed to by
51. Surah e Hudaibia was signed in which yeaf (Ql My proposat wlll not be agreed by them
(A) 626 (BJ 62S (D) My proposal wilt not be aoreed td by them
il2 Adyanced PPSC UCQS fiodd Ptoe,s
65 Synonym of Homogenous 79. X^ 2> .v ^ 2 then possible solution is:
(A) (B) Dissimilar ) x ls greater man Y
(C) (D) lndifterent B) is greater than X
66 Antonym of Coarse: c x and Y are equal
(A) Rough (B) Boorish D I Solution is not possible
(C) Churlish (D) Delicate 80 n order to tell Excel that we are entenng a
67. Synonym of Viable: formula in cell. we must begrn with an
(A) Reasonable (B) lmpraclrcable operator such as:
(C) Undoable (D) Unreasonable @
(B) +
6E. Gerbil is a kind ofl
= (D) $
(A) Kangaroo (B) Rodent 81. Solve the series 2. 4, 8, 16, ..
(C) Elephanl (D) Deer (A) A4 (B) 32
(c\ 42 (O) 81
69. Change the voice: He asked me if lcould 82. When of the following holds data and
drive a car. processing instructrons temporanly until the
(A) I were asked if I could drive a car CPu needs ?
(B) lwas asked lcould drive a car (A) ROM (B) Control Unit
(C) lwas requested if I could dnve a car (C) Main memory (D) None ot these
(D) lf I could drive a car I was asked
70. Frll rn the blank: We will oo there
83. To send an email which of the following is
foot necessary:
(A) with (B) By (A) Sender's username
(C) On (D) At (B) Receive/s Username
(C) Receiver's Emarl ld
71. Fill in the blank: Birds of a feather (O) None ot these
together Fi6t generation computer used which
(A) (B) Stream 84.
(C) (D) Dock language:
(A) Assembly language
72. Antonym of Anonymous: (B) Machine language
(A) lncognito (B) Nameless (C) Both of these
(C) Mystery (D) Signed (D) None of these
73. "Spillthe beans' means: 85. What happens if you select first and second
(A) To reveal secrets slide and then click on New Slide button on
(B) To tell lies toolbar?
(C) To hope against hope (A) A new slide is inserted as first slide in
(D) None of thes€ presentation
74. Fill in the blank: Thev lauohed the (B) A new slide is inserled as second slide an
beggar (C) A new slide is inserled as third slide in
(A) On (B) At
(C) Of (D) None ol these presentation
(D) None of above
75. Fish in troubled waters means
(A) Get involved in a dangerous situation 86. Working area of MS Excel is called:
(B) Get involved in a crime (A) Work sheet (B) Workbook
(C) Get involved in a robbery (C) Spreadsheet (D) None of these
(D) Enjoy in a party 87. Getting dala lrom a cell located rn a drfferenl
76. ln a zoo there are Rabbits and Pigeons. lf sheel is called:
heads are counted there are 200 and if legs (A) Accessrng (B) Referencing
are counted. there are 580. How many (C) Updating (O) Functroning
pigeons are there? 88. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage was construcled.
(A) 90 (B) 100 on River.
(c) 120 (D) 110 (A) Kabul (B) Swar
77 ln a school having roll strength 286 the ratio of (C) Jehlum (D) lndus
boys and girls is 8:5. lf 22 more girls get 89. The world's largest undersea raalway tunnel is
admitted into the school. the ratro of boys and proposed to be constructed b€tweeni
girls becomes: (A) France and England
(A) 4:5 (B) 4:6 (B) Canada and USA
(C) 43 (D) 3:4 (C) Russia and Japan
78. lf 3 is a solution ol 3x " 2 + (k-1)x+9=0. (D) Japan
thenk=? 90. The .'Ston_eienge' .ls among the Seven I
(A) -9 (B) -11 Wonders of the World. situated in
(c) -13 (O) -16 (A) England (B) France
Adl.rrced PPSC IGO8 Xodd P.oors 5ll.:l
(C) (D) Gemany
n; / Jt {,)vrtt,
ht+rti o itcld (cl
a{b},,t "Jv,,t .t
e A v c) { d ( .,$ ui Ut :G iq L L( /-'.t, i
t .se
,tsluvtrt;l' ol
(tY| t,
Ol@t Aot
o,h pt
tfuolo? tcl
*f ,t'.fiyec,E,!JF:}
:v('Ltib Pl dcJv,.,{ -!" .gt

\tLOp( ",lut9rr xD" /txlJr .gz 1927 (B)

(D) lK
66el'ei F) 6*rrA Ol 1929 'n.
1928 (C)

c)Grta/ pl ,)6tt-* 1C1

t,lLlt,?L,./ ",3,tt"ut '1;r," .e8

t-d.lgJrc,-/*i .gt
6*/,>'Vi4t@l ile(-;z (el
pl ./cs14 6y
arya7fiipy -tiire.,,i 1c1
:w,? (ot .Ei <"t
7Ja 3'l "/LJr\ -* ",f =tt,rf" .gg
)Vov) @) J,a,l ol
rudEgrthci{/f ,,.n .sa
ttvJ'.rh F, 6',tLr7 6) dv/ @ t,,-A! G,t

6P4fi @t 6Pqrt Gl t
7')*,!,,/, -*J'v.>t /Jt"W/' .7oo
\,Lf v/J(>: iu.4{,J: .gs JV* @l vi4:,f;1a1
JV(tr (Dt {nry pl
,Jv,.Ffi @ 1)rri'/ 6y
Answer Key
'1. b 14. e 27. b 40. a 53. a 66. d 79. a 92. d
2.b 15. b 28. c 41. b 54. c 67. a 80. 93. a
3.a 16. a 29. d 42. a 55. a 6E. b 81. b 94. d
4.c 17. b 30. b 43. a 56. a 69. a 82. c 95. d
5.b 18. a 31. b 44. b 57 a 70. c 83. 96. c
6.a 19. a 32. b 45. 5E. a 71. c u. b 97. b
7. b 20. b 33. a 46. a 59. b 72. d 85. c 98. c
8.c 21. b u. a 47. d 60. b 73. a 86. a bs. c
9.b 22. b 35. c 48. c 61. b 74. b 87 b 100 d
10. c 23. b 36. b 49. a 62. a 75. d 88. d
11. b 24. b 37. b 50, b 63. b 76. d 89. a
12. a 25. b 38. b 51. 64. b 77. c 90. a
13. a 26. c 39. d 52. a 65. c 78. b 91. d
il4 Actvanced PPSC NCQ' ttodet Paoers



soctAL sEcuRtTy oFFlcER (BS-16) 2018
1. The total number of great lakes in the world (D) All of ihese
afe: 13. When Oiarchy was introduced in lndia in 1919
(A) 4 (B) s the resrduary powers were given to
(c) 6 (D) 7 (A) Viceroy (B) Provinces
2 The people of Oman are tinked with which (C) Ministers (O) Secretaries
occupation 14. 'The Struggle for Pakislan" is written by
(A) Oil refrnery (A) Ayesha Jalal (B) l.H. Qureshi
(B) Agriculture (C) K.K Aziz (D) Mateeha Lodhi
(C) Plastics
(D) Complex Machinery 15. "Beyond the Last Mountain', Pakislan's lirst
English language lilm was released in:
3. Ayat-ul-Kursi is in which Surah: (A) 1973 (B) 1975
({) lurah Al]mran (B) Surah Baqrah (c) 1977 (O) 1970
(C) Surah Nisa (D) Surah-e-Yaseen
16. The Academy Awards. also known as Oscars
4. The Census of 2017 held in Pakistan after was frsl ptesented in
how many years?
(A) 18 years
(A) 1919 (B) 1929
(C) 20 years
(B) 19years (c) 1939 (D) 1949
(D) 21 tears '17. Which of the following is the seventh tstamic
5. Golden Temple is a sacred place of which month?
community? ({) lhabaan (B) zir-Haj
(A) Sikhs (B) Hindus (C) Raiab (D) Muharam
(C) Muslims (O) Jeyys
18. Shab.€Juira, is observed on which day of the
6. Which of the following is the largest Rajab?
sugarcane producing district?
(A) Faisalabad (B) Guiranwata
(A) 17th (B) 27rh
(C) Bahawalpur (O) Lodhran
(c) 7rh (D) 14rh
19. Russia covers which percentage of the world's
7. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the land surface?
seven wonders of the world, was a light house (A) 1/9th (B) 1/8th
tn: (c) 1/10th (D) 1/20th
(A) lran (B) Esypt
20. Youm-e-Takbeer is celebrated as a national
(C) Morocco (D) Librya
day in Pakistan became Pakistan achieved /
8. Which of the following is a Hindu State? got
(A) lndia (B) Bhutan (A) Azad Kashmir (B) Nuctear Status
(C) Nepal (D) Sri Lanka (C) Polio Free (O) Kargil
9. Whach of the following provinces has the 2'1. When the whole world was covered in lce, lt
largest urban population? was refened as
(A) Sindh (B) Puniab (A) lcy Age (B) Ace age
(C) Baluchistan (D) KPK (C) lce Age (O) lcing Ago
'10. Warsak dam having a capacity of 243 MW 22. Vincent Van Gogh was a
was buill on which river (A) Parnter (B) Actor
(A) lndus (B) Jhetum (C)Sportsman (D) Scientrst
(c) Kabut 1D) Kunar 23. Who among the following scientists invented
11. "No person shall be deprived of tife or liberty the telescope?
save in accordance with law." lt is describeA (A) Galileo Galilei (B) Lours Pasteur
by which article?
(A) Artrcle 9 (B) Articte 10
(C) Logie Braid (D) Samuet Morse
(C) Article 11 (D) Anrcte i2 24. USAIO is mainly responsible for
'12. Which ocean is present in the East of Asia?
(A) Military foreign aid
(B) Civilian foreign aid
(A) Pacific Ocean (C) Polio Eradication
(B) Atlantic Ocean (D) Poverty Control
(C) Antarctic Ocean
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers S0S
25. Headquarter of lnternational Red Cross and (A) Backhand (B) Left Hand
Red Crescent Movement is in:
(A) Geneva (B) Haoue
(C) Forehand (D) Passjve
(c) washington iot tiei vo*
26. Whrch of the fotlowing country has more than
half of its area betow sea levei?
(A) Finland (B) Nethertands ADVANCED
(C) England (D) Auktand
27. Capital of Yemen is:
(A) Muscat (B) Doha
(C) Sanaa {C) Tnpoti
28. Haij was made obligatory in:
(A) 9 AH (B) 10 AH
(c) 1 1 AH (D) 08 AH
29. Cave Hira, where Muhammad (PBUH)
received revelations, is on which mountain?
(A) Jabal-e-Nooh (B) Jabal-e-Noor
(c) Koh-e-Faraan (o) None ot these
30. Who am ong the following recited the Holy
Quran to the Holy Prophet (SAW)? Il lEtiar Shihid ./t
(A Hazrat Umar RA
(B Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit
(c Hazrat Usman -)
(D Hazrat Hans . rq.{b-'ryL&{
F!*n nllL !.'tu c!rid..
31. Who lvas the f rst Muslim to be born in shdr}s5.gniE6oldd
Medinah after HUrah?
(A) Zaid bin Haris .15 b lri.,hurdn Ebrrki.!r.d;{

(B) Abdullah bin Umar

(C) Abdullah ibn Zubair
(D) Hassan ibn Ali
32. Who among lhe following assisted Ouaid-€-
Azam in the preparation of 14 points?
(A) ShaukatAli (B) Ali Jauhar
(C) Hakim Ajmal (D) Liaqut Ali
33. Horseshoe Bay is in: 39. 2014 Football World Cup final was hetd in:
(A) America (B) Canada (A) Sao Paulo (B) Rio Di Janerio
(C) Venezuela (O) Mexico (C) Salvador (D) Manaus
34. Who gave the Theory of Evolution by Natural 40. Pakistan Volleyball Feoeration as formed in:
Seleclion? (A) 19s6 (B) 1955
(A) Charles Chadwick (c) 1965 (D) 1966
(B) Charles Dan /in 41. Handball originated from
. (C) Braille (A) Brazil (B) cermany
(D) Marconi (C) Ecuador (D) ltaly
35. Milk has naturally occuning swar which is 42. The volume of blood in a human body to be
approximately _ of body weighl.
(A) (B) Fruclose (A) 5olo (B) 6%
(C) Lactose (D) Glucose (c) 7o/o (D) 8%
36, Kulbhushan Jadev, anlndian spy, was 43. The Constitution of United States was signed
arrested by Pakistan forces in on Sep '17, 1787 in:
(A) Chaman (B) Chaghi (A) Philadelphia (B) Mr'ssissippi
(C) Mashkel (D) Korangi (C) Ohio (D) Washington
37. Badminton made its debut as a demonstration 44. UNEP stands tor
sport at the Olympic Gimes in (A) Environment Program ofthe United
Munich Nations
lA) 1972 (B) 1973 (B) United Rations Environment Plan
(c) 1974 (D) 1975 (C) United Nations Environmental Program
3E. Chop Shot is a shot in Tabte (D) United Nations Enyironmental Poll
506 Advanced PP C lJlCOs Model PaDers
45. Derawar fort is a large fortress built by Rai (C) 1 megabyte (D) l terabyle
Jaya Bhatti is rn south of the which c(y? 59. Select odd one out
(A) Larkana (B) Bahwalnagar (A) Mango (B) Orange
(C) Bahawalpur (O) AhmadAbad {C) Sprnach (D) Guava
46. Quaid-e-Azam, a staunch supporter of Hindu- 60 Ornithology is a branch of science that
Muslim Unity, joined Muslim League in 19'13. concerns the study of:
When did he ldave the Congress? (A) Plants (B) Birds
(A) 1919 (B) 1920 (C) Amphibians (D) Ants
(c) 1913 (D) 1929
6'1. Lockjaw rs a medical condition which rs
47. Zakal ard Ubhr Odinance wBS promulgated observed in the cases of
by General Zia in (A) Diarrhea (B) Cholela
(A) 1982 (B) 1980 (C) Telanus (D) Malana
(c) 19E1 (D) 1979
48. Who among the following governor generals
62 Jaundice is caused by hepatitis and malana
and turns the skrn color inlo
dissolved the first constitutional assembly? (A) Green (B) Yellow
(A) lskandar Miza (C) Pink (D) Burgundy
(B) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Khawaja Nazimmudin 63. Who was the founder oI Khaksar Movement?
(D) None (A) lnayat Ullah Khan Mashriqr
(B) Ubaid Ullah Sindhi
49r Which of the followog countries is lslamic (c) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Republic? (D) None
(A) SaudiArabia (B) Bang,adesh
(C) Mauritania (D) Turkmenistan 64. Al Jazeera is the official news network of
which country?
50. Aswan Dam was built on which of the (A) Yemen (B) Oman
followrng rivers? (C) Qatar (D) UAE
(A) Nile (B) Euphrates
(C) Tigris (D) Congo 65 UNO was formed after Brefton Woods
conference in.
51. Name of the longest river in Pakistan (A) '944 (B) ',1945
(A) Chenab (B) Jhelum (c) 1946 (O) 1957
(C) lndus (D) Kabul
66. Marco Polo was a:
52. lndus Water Treaty, the agreement pertarnrng (A) Poet (B) Psychologist
to water apportionment, was signed by lndra (C) Traveler (D) Physiologist
and Pakistan in:
(A) 1958 (B) 1980 67. Badshahi Mosque in Lahore was built by
(c) 1962 (D) 1973 (A) Akbar (B) Humayun
(C) Jehangir (D) Aurangzeb
53. Which of the following is called the brain of
computer? 6E. The term whrch shows that no party is in
(A) ALU (B) CU majority in the parliament
(c) cPU (D) RAM (A) Resl Parliament
(B) hung Padiamenl .
U. files are used to help recover lost (C) Stuck Parliament
data if tire program or computer is abnormally (D) Shackled Parliament
(A) TEMP (B) OAT 69. Who is the father of internet?
(c) Doc (D) oLL (A) Vint Cerf (B) Chades Babbage
(C) Dennis Riche (D) Martin CoPPer
55. Which key is used in the Word 2007 to delete
a character to the right of the blinking cursor? 70. Task Manager is a.
(A) Delete (B) Backspace (A) Software
(C) End (D) Shift (B) Utility Program
(C) Modern ApPlicalion
56. Speed of a Line Printer is measured in: (D) Printer Guide
(A) Dots per inch
(B) Lines per minule 71 Synonym of Despair
(C) Paragraph per inch (A) Hope (B) Joy
(D) Dots per second (C) Misery (D) Gulhble
57. Name of Bill Gates wife is: 72. He went the direction of the police
(A) Melinda Gates (B) Michelle Gates station
(C) Melanie Gates (D) Margaret Gates (A) ln B to
(C) for D by
58. I bits are equalto:
(A) 'l byte (B) 1 Kilobyte 73. 'To Wipe out' means
,/dvancd PPSC CQs lfiodcl Paocrs 107
(A End something
(B Eradrcate somethtng ;U.,) 4-:' l,+-Ub
(c Help somethrng
(o Win t<. (ti/ i.
74 ln for a penny. in for a
(A) Rupee (B) Pound Ja JUf tb, JCt; / tA)
(C) Dollar (D)
75. Birds of a feather _
li.t <o> ,,(i/' ;tet, tc't
(A) Enioy (B) Flunk
(C) Flock (D) Fly |
7=b,{* x,+-t-i .xt
76. 'To clip the wings' means
(A) To put we€ht (B) to put limits
tnj|et G\ ur:.,'rr r,\)
(C) to cut the wings (D) punrshm€nl cxei t4 <D) ur../E ((-)
77. He told me that he do thiE wort(
(A) Can
(C) Will
(D) be
yl,i,./,i;,.f i ;1, .x,e

78 lf x=1thenx9=? ij,ti1ry' ot> jr,gy'ju, t^r

(A) e (B) I
(c) 100 -(e)
(D) 900 ,.,:.rl; (D) ttl-* t<l
79. a:b = b. c it is known as
proportion,/(ret/u 4-t;JufjyV,t .,to
(A) 2nd (B) 3d
6'ti)t,[ <w jvcil -llat rrrt
(c) 4th (o) lst
80. a2b5
(A) a5be (Bt
Jc (D) JFt-tu tc't
ic) a'o'o ioi a'u5 tt,t/{c-t):$.et
8'1. Find the value of "x":
4x-6 =8+2x t\,t,it) tb ltgLls (A)
(A) 7 (B) I
(c) 17 (D) 18 * o\ qtt2 ()
82. What will be the value hatfway d.rol'-a!(| !u1,>.,t4 Ltl.r' et
(Al 202 (B) 10'l
(c) 303 (Dt 212 tB, ,Aill (A)
83. What is the drgit when lhres tirn€s of the diqit
gives 16.
jP <o, .i>t (ct
(A) 4 (B) 2
(c) I (D) 6 s3

84. Addition of two third of which number gives us Vnl,_rJt) G) -1,i,7 ret
(A) 18 (Bl 27 jte ,ot Lr=,) <ct
(c) 36 (D) 45
85. The averag€ age of A, B ad C is 45. t-b(d/rtob' .94
Furthermore avorage age of A and B is 40
and of B and C is 43. Find the age of 8?
(A) 32 (B) 31
r) <e) t{rlr tA)
(c) 33 (D) 34 oFtJ o) N*4 {L)
i6-t,:Aw'.Ji-,d r.-. ' .*n t:
i wrnii./ iv'': tt .,t:

/ J ,!t\Jl t G) ctr;,! I <n

"l :'ia <W JVD/ (^) ;t)19 tot t;iitlutt tt't

z{ r ,o, st j{1ur')t (c) tc-4iJe/-ror;;- et,

:,' { g,,t{t 1Zt, Lt * t .81 $, js,J <at
508 Advanced C MCQS Papers
u (7r <ot. -lt".r? c) ras/"/C,!;iJ-ts
ta-;t- j.11f,p,p_st sdi; <at 4t,/ <et

-ilby.rb G\ stj\l tl t
Jl*trt o, . .tltl,1 ()
r;i z 'o'
JFt-tY tct r:l-Y.iv(70Lg1trut
9 e_=lL.$ga_e_, $ c _/i
Z _st ,1)Jt G' tf (ru <et
U-)t|Ovt(c <b ltbn <A) 4\t / tD, ,./!ttfi <ct

Jcaj* <ot r.t.[u* <ct

Answer Key
1. b 14. b 27. 40 b 53 c 66 79 b 92 a
2. b 15. c 28. a 41 a 54 a 67 d 80 a o'l
3. b '16. b 29. b 42 c 55 a 68 b 81 b 94 a
4. b 17 30. b 43 a 56 b OV a E2 a 95 a
5. a 18. b 31. 44 c 57 a 70 e 83 d 96 a
6. a 19. b 32. b 45 c 58 a 71 c 84 b 97 b
7. b 20. b JJ, b 46 b 59 c a 85 b 9E.
8. 21. c 34. b 47 b 60 b 73 b 86 d 99. c
9. a 22. a 35. c 48 b 61 c 74 b 87 c 100 a
10 23. a 36. c 49 62 b 75 88 b
11 a 24. b a 50 a 63 a 76 b 89
'12 a 25. 6 38. a 5l 64 77 b 90 a
13 b b 39. b 52 b 65 b 78 b 91 b


soctAL sEcuRtw oFFtcER (BPS-I6)

in the Labour and Human Resource Department -ZO1S
1. Cowardice is the opposile of: (C) Expedient (D) Practicat
(A) Admonilion (B) .lniuslice
(C) (D) Ripression 7. Which word is coneclly spelt in the tollowing
set of words:
2. Oegrade means: Obsolite (B) Absolule
(A) with a grade (B) ofD grade Absolete (D) Obsile(e
(C) Abas€- (O) nU"t
3 Cataclysm means 8. Acquit has the same meaning as
(A) Forge (8) Accuse
(A) Upheaval (B) Catatyst (C) Exonerate (D) Reimburse
(C) Moderator (D) Catca'fi
4. Buoyant is the opposite of 9. Zealot means
(A) Beginner (B) Patron
(A) Restive (B) ptacid (C) tvlurderer (D) Fanatrc
(C) Resistant (D) Retiring
10. Vitality has the same meaning as:
5. Majestic means (A) Efltuenl (B) Affluent
(A) Authoritative (B) Maorc (C) lofluence (D) Effervescence
(C) Magisterial iOi neiar 'l 1. Commodious is lhe opposile of
6. Expedile means (A) Limited (B) Exponsive
(A) Expedition (B) Hssten (C) Numerous (D) LEisurely
Att,,ced PPSC tlCQs llod€,f paoerc s}g
'12. The policeman's story
conflicts that (A) 125 (B) 150
of the accused.
(A) from (B) ro
(c) 100 (D) 175
(C) wrth (D) rn -- +
26. lf x y = 6, y + z = 7 andz+ x = 9. the
average (arithmetic mean) of x. y and z is:

'13. A young police officer was charged
the task of transporttng lhe prisoners.
(4) !o, (B) bv
(B) +
(u) rn (O) with
14. Parallel is the opposite of:
o+ (D) il
(A) Divergent (B) Atongside 27. The ratio of the circumterence of a circle to rts
(C) Equidistant 1O) t-ateritty
radius is:
15. The debate in lhe Parliament was edjoumed
(A) 1 (B). 2n

the ,ollowino week-
- (B) for
(c, i (D) 1G
(c) into ioi to 28. lt.x'z- f = 28 and x - y = 8, then the average
16. Which word is correc y spelt in the rollowing orxandyis:
set of words: (A) 3.s (B) 1.75
(A) garuantee (B) gaurantee (c) 7 (D) 8
(C) guarantee (D) guarentee 29. lf 3:00 AM, the temp€rature was .t3oc betow
'17 Which word is correc0y spelt in the following zero but by noon it had nsen to 32.C.
s€l of n/ords: Therefore. the average hourly increase rn
(A)Violit (B) Voitance temperalure was:
(C)Violance (D) Voite (A) s. (B) 7 5"
18. De Facto means
(c) 45. (D) (19/6f
(A) ln practrce (B) By taw 30. ln 7 years Wasrm will be twice as old as he
(C) By the way (D) Bi ticrion was 8 yoars ago. How old he is now?
19. There has been a complete break
(A) 12 (B) 23
of law and order in lhe country.
(cl 32 (D) 21
(A) up
(C) down
(B) off
(O) of .31. The most important feature of Government of
lndh Acl of lg19 was the introduction of:
(A) ProvincialAulonomy
20. The police must _
ensure his conviction.
enough evidence to (B) Adult Franchise
(C) Oiarchy
(A) hoard (B) gather (D) Separate Electorate
(C) store (D) capture
21. lf 2' = 32, whal is x?? 32. The Cripps Mission visited lndia in the yearl
(A) 5 (B) (A) 1940 (B) 1942
(c) 25 (D)
(c) 1943 (O) 1944
33. VVho was the British Prime Minister at the time
22. List the fractions and in ascending of Second Round Table Conference?
t, 3 # (A) Ramsay McDonald
order: (B) Clement Attlee
.-. 2 5 13
(A) 3' (B) ? 3 (C) Chamberlaan
s.6 3 3' 20 (D) Lord Cuzon
(c) #,3,6 (D)
z, 34. The first Round Table Conference was held
23. Basit's werght increased by 25% from year (A) London (B) Paris
2009 to 2014. lf his werght was k kitogranis in (c) Dubtin (D) Lahore
2014, what was rt rn 2009? 35. Asar-us-Sanadeed was written by:
(A) 175k (B) 125k (A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(c) 0.80 k (D) 0.75 k (B) Muhammad Ali Johar
(C) Nazir Ahmad
24. ll; of the hospitat employees are femates, the (D) Ameer Ali
ratio of males to females employees in the 36. The first Chief Justice of Pakistan was:
hosprtal is (A) Zafar-ul-Haq (B) Abdur Rashrd
(A) 1:3 (B) 3:7 (C) MushtaqHussain (D) Saiiad Atr Shah
(C) 3:4 (D) 4:3 37. ln which year Minto Morley Reforms were
25. lf 100 kg of riceis drvided into packages of 4/7 inlroduced in lndia?
kg each, the total number of oackages will be: (A) 1907 (B) 190s
51 0 Adv.ned PPSC flCOs t od!, PrBrs
(c) 1911 (D) 1915 45. EOBI is the abbreviatron of:
38. The Cabinet Mission was headed by;
(A) Employees' Old-Age Benefits lnstitution
(A) Sir Stafford Cnpps (B) Employees of Banks & lndustries
(B) A.V. Alexandet (C) Employees' Offices and Eanking
(C) Lord Pethick Lawrence lnstitution
(D) Lord Mayo (D) None of these

39. ln the National Assembly ot Pakistan,

46. The first Chief Minister of Punjab after
minorities are allocated seats.
creation ot Pakistan was:
s8 rEtlT-
(D) 7
(A) Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan
(B) Nawab lftikhar Hussain Mamdot
(C) Mian Mumtaz Khan Daultana
40. An imporlant river o, Polhohar Plateau is: (D) Nawab Sir Khizar Hayat Tiwana
(A) Hub river (B) Bolan river
(C) Gomal river (O) Swan river 47. Famous Punjabi writer Waris Shah wrote his
famous book 'Heer Ranjah' living at the town
4'1. The newest district of Punjab out of the of:
tollowing is: (A) Harbanspura (B) Malka Hans
(A) Nankana Sahib (C) Takhl Hazara (D) Jhang
(B) Pakpatlan
(C) Kasur 48. Rohtas Fort was built on the orders of Sher
(D) Mandi Bahauddin Shah Suri by:
(A) Raja Todar Mal (B) Bairam Khan
42. The first Commerdal Bank of PakBtan'was: (C) AbulFazl (D) Raja Birbal
(A) Habib Bank Limited
(B) Muslim Commercial Bank 49. The foundation stone ol the Sikhism s holiest
(c) place "Golden Temple" at Amrilsar was laid
(D) HSBC by;
(A) Guru Nanak Devji
43. The fate of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (former (B) Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz
NWFP) at the tirne of independence was (C) Acharya Rakeshprasad Pande
decided by: (D) Hazrat Mian Mir
(A) Referendum (B) Eleclion
(C) Jirga (D) None ofthose 50. The Chairman of the Council of Common
lnterests is the:
44. EmploltG Scial Security lnsliirtion in (A) President
Pakistsn rrere s€t up under intemational (B) Chief Justice of Pakislan
conventions of: (C) Prime Minister
(A) wro (B) rLO (D) Atlomey General
(c) oPEc (D) UNESCO
51. Which of the following is collected by the
Puniab Employees Socaal Security lnstitution?
' (A) Social Secur,ty Contribution
Mohammed Ali Jinnah, realized th€ imponance of (B) Property Tax
financial interrnediation whih he ras campaigning for (C) Education Cess
the creation of a s€F r.te horn€hnd for thc Muslims of (D) Both A and C
lndia. He peBuaded the Habib famlly to establish a 52. The Big Three of lntemational Cricket Council
commercial bank that could serve th€ lndian Muslim (lCC) do not include the following:
community. His initiative resulted in the creation of (A) England (B) South Alrica
Habib BanI in 1941, with HO in Bombay (now (C) Auskalia (D) lndra
Mumbail, and fixed epital ot 25,m rupees. The bank 53. Pakistan Men's Hockey Team has won the
plaved an important role in mobilizing fund5 the Asian Games gold medal
(A) Five (B)
Muslim community to tin nce the All-lndia Muslim
League's campaign for the eJtablishment of Palistan.
(C) Nine (O) Eight
Habib gank also played an important role in channeling 54. Hockey's Champions Trophy in 2014 was held
relief funds tg Murlims hu.t in the communal riots and (A) Malaysia (B) lndia
violence that preceded the deperture of th€ British (C) Germany (O) Australia
from lndia. After the formation of Pakistan in ,.947,
55. Trachoma is a disease of the:
Habib 8.nk moved itshesdquarteE to Xarachi, (A) Brain (B) Spinal Cord
Pakistan'5 tirst capilal, at the urging of Govemor- (C) Larynx (D) Eye
General Jinnah. lhis gave (arachi its first commercial 56. The Element which is most abundant in the
bank of the nanly formed Palidan. The Habib familv Earth's crust is:
would own and manage the bank until the Pakirtan (A) Sili:on (B) lron
govemment nationalized it on l January 1974. (C) Aluminium (D) Oxygen
Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Paoers 511

57. The gas commonly used in balloons is: Pakistan.

(A) Hydrogen (B) Helium (A) Kh. Nazimud Din
(C) Oxygen (D) Carbon dioxide (8) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan
58. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) has the (D) Ouaid-r-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
same chemical composition as that ot:
(A) LPG (B) Sui Gas 69 Who issued the lamous pamphlet "Now or
(C) Tear gas (D) Polson Gas Never" in '1933?
(A) Ch. Rahmat Ali
59. An ordinary mobile phone communtcates by (B) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
using: (C) Maulana Shaukat Alr
(A) Sound waves (B) lnfrared waves (O) Allama lqbal
(C) Radro waves (O) UV waves
70. Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaqal Ali Khan
60. Another organ that filters' blood besides the was assassinated on:
heart, in human body is: (A) October 16. 1951
(A) Pancreas (B) Spleen (B) October 18, 1951
(C) Liver (D) Kidney (C) October 19. 195'1
61 An example of a heredty disease is (D) Ocrob€r 20 1951
(A) Polio (B) Haemophrlia 71 . Vvhen was Pakistan Resolution moved?
(C) Cholera (D) Typhord (A) 22 March, 1940
62. Exposure to sunlight results in lormation of (B) 23 March, 1940
_ in the body. (C) 24 March, 1940
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin C (D) 25 March, 1940
(C) Vitamin K (D) Vitamin D 72. Which poet had written the National Anthem
63. The first Western Scientist to suggest that the of Pakrstan?
Earth revolved around the Sun was- (A) Faiz Ahmad Faiz
(A) Kepler (B) Newton (B) Hafeez Jullundhri
(C) Copernicus (D) Galileo (C) Sufi Ghulam Mustafa Tabassum
(D) Qateel Shifai
64. The inslrument for measuring the speed of
wind is: 73. The currency of Japan is:
(A) Anemometer (B) Speedmeter (A) Oollar (B) Lira
(C) Hygrometer (D) Tachometer (C) Yen (D) Franc
65. Which country has been declared as a "major 74. Greenwich is situated near:
non-NATO ally" of the Uniied Slates of (A) London (B) New York
America? (C) Tokyo (D) Pans
(A) Turkey (B) Pakistan 75. The Headquarlers of Arab League is at:
(C) lndia (D) ltaly (A) Rabat (B) Cairo
66. The headquarters of SAARC is located in: (C) Riyadh (D) Amman
(A) Karachi (B) Colombo 76. Which country is known as the 'Cockpit of
(C) Ohaka (D) Kathmandu Europe'?
67. Pakistan recognised People's Republic of (A) Switzerland (B) Belgium
China in: (C) ltaly (D) Netherlands
(A) 1951 (B) 1949
77. The number ot ribs' in human body is:
(c) 1950 (D) 1948
(A) 12 (B) 15
6E. Who was the 1st Governor General of (c) 20 (D) 30
78. Ethiopia was eariier known as:
'The Bodys Filtering system: The organs most (A) Christina (B) Formosa
(C) Abyssrnra (D) Persra
inlimately ,elated to the substances carried by the
79. Which country is known as the'Land of Rising
blood are the kidneys, which frlter out nitrogenous Sun ?
wastes and regulate concentration of salts; the spleen, (A) Japan (B) China
which removes worn red blood cells, or lymphocytes; (C) Thailand (D) Malaysia
and the liver. which contributes clottinS factots to the 60 AlAzhar University rs situated rn:
blood, helps to control blood sugar levels, also removes (A) Tehran (B) Cairo
old red blood cells and, receiving all the veins from the
intestihes and stomach, detoxitiet the blood before it
returns to the vena cava. Hean pumps blood thrdueh 'There are 24 ribs in the human body, divided into two
the blood vessels of the ci.culatory system. lt does ngt sets of 12 curved, flat bones. Each one.i5 attached by
filter the blood. cartilage at the back to the thoracic vertebrae.
512 Adyan PPSC Model
(C) Kuwait (D) Tunisia
81 . The name of the frffh Katimah is: o{,lr.,g tol t\uis',ti (c)
(A) Katimah Tauheed
(B) Katima Shahadat t a _r, iLt _t iJl'd$!.. .93
(C) Katima tstighfar
(O) Kalima Tamjeed J/stt Bt g)rf .ti 61
82. Which is the 4th month of the lstamic year?
(A) Muharram (B) Rabi us Sani ?tii (Dl ,ttlt;2t 1c1
(C) Shawal (D) Shab,an
t elL,:t,, tt,C
83. ldentity the last Ghazwa in which the proohet J tt,? -/' e p, :z' .sn
H-azrat Muhafimad (pBUH) participated.
(A) Mutah (B) Tabuk: ty,tJ,\t)/ (Bt ,)/t tol
(C) Hunain iOi enzaO
84. Hazrat Abu Bakr died in: ,1/tiu 1o1 iJr$e/',r? fc)
(A) 10th Hijra (B) j lrh Hijra ..4---
(C) 13th Htra (0) lsth Hiira td e/ -J - J'1-E a-+i)t;t(-{Jt "420" .9S
85. According to .Treaty of Hudaibiya. a truce
(peace) was declared between Muslims and ea J,!- J,c -t., j, n,(; J,c
(A) 5
(6) J),iJi ot -IE ot
(c) 10
io) rz 44 (Dl s. )tt)/ (Cl
86. To which Arab Tribe did Hazratusman
(A) Bani Hashim
(B) Aus t
+u.1$,la L ;r tt -', ;, f f 4,, $,/',' sa
(C) Khazraj
(D) Bani Ummayyad
87. Hazrat Yousuf ryas the son ot +?Lt (Bt JE. Ol
(A) Hazrat lshaq (B) Hazrat yaqoob
(C) Hazrat tsmait (D) Hazrat Looi
j,,Ji pl ,J,i)url, (c)
88. Which Sprah of the Holy Ouran is caled the
heart of the Ouran? {,F,!f , r, /,-t :ui L 7 L ;, gl e tv el
(A) Surah AtJkhtas (B) Surah At_Baqra
(C) Surah ya Sin (O) Suraar_Ratrman !t;
89. What is the name given to 1st Kalimah?
(A) KalimathTayyabah 1:i P1 e/' tel
(B) Kalimathshahdat
(C) KalimathTamieed
,f pt ,J* et
(D) KatimathTaulieed
90. Pick oul the meaning of Ushr?
I c-J tL$ J* ejv, ? -{,,f ,,g, sa
(A) 5th part p1
(c) 15rh part
(B) 10th part
'1o) 2oth
-lvjur ,f ,j2 Ot
u!:,{ (o) ,y4n
-t,i ttpwtiJ, j 4g J,c,-/ z-t L d,,.Ji
5 gt

;.:tr j:ritJt)v<l +r'vr.t,l ,.t_9

I vs{),vtj,et4{; :v f x; ),rJ-.v,rr ss
ji,,'v! ol j,r.-
|: t'{':'!/-,,3'r,'-;i rat

sr.,r4jr srd (D) ,vcvt, lc)
crJ;g 6)
/'gt; p1 ,rfiv pt r{L,./ -z ;,j'zf ,t j,,or
-/i;v, $ t t r rw
r1 _i/ jJ,,lit(/C*r=v. .s2
,!"/?vir @t trr.JJctr 6)
j.tLotl B\ Jo't'iattrtr @) g;ebftt),. lc)
,J,te)U 6)
Aclvanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers 513

Answer Key
'1. c 't4 a 27. b 40 d 53 d 66. d 79. a 92. a
2.c 15 b 28. b 41 a u b 67. c 80. b 93. a
3.a 16 c 29. a 42 a 55 d 68. d 8'r. c 94. c
4.b 't7 d 30. b 43 a 56 d 69. a 82. b 95. b
5.d 18 a 31. c 44 b 57 b 70. a 83. b e6. q
6.b 't9 c 32. b 45 a 58 b 71 b 84. 97. b
20 b 33. a 46 b 59 c 72. b 85. c 98. a
8.c 21 c 34. a 47 b 60 d 73 c 86. d 99. c
9.d 22 a 35. a 48 a 61 b 74 a 87. b 100. c
10. b 23 b 36. b .49 d 62 d 75 b 88. c
11. a 24 a 37. b 50 c 63 c 76 b 89. a
12. c 25 d 38. c 51 a u a '17 c 90. b
13. d 26 a 39. b 52 b 65 b 78 91. d


socrAL sEcuRrw oFFrcER (BPS-I6)

1.' Mohenjadaro is located in: ' 7 Who rt/as the Chairman of Boundary
(A) Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Commission in '1947?
(B) Sindh (A) Sir Cyril Radcliffe
(C) Baluchistan (B) Sir James Radcliffe
(O) PunJab (C) Sir Abbot Radcliffe
(D) Sir Henry Radcliffe
2. The battle of Plassey was fought in:
(A) 1757 (B) 1761 8 Who became the Govemor{eneral ot
(c) 1759 (D) 1765 Pakistan after Khawaja Nazim-ud{in?
3. Hayat-e-Javeed was writlen by:
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan
(A) Altaf Hussain Hali (B) Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Nazir Ahmad (C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(C) Allama lqbal (D) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. 9 The Quaid-e-Azam joined the Muslim league
4. who founded the Muhammadan Education
(A) 1910 (B) 1911
Conference in 1866? (c) 1912 (D) 1913
(A) Syed Mahmood
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan 10 Pakistan is located in the tropic zone ot:
(C) Shib,i Numani (A) South (B) North
(D) Syed Ameer Ali (C) East (D) West
5. Who was the Viceroy of lndia on the eve of 11 The counlry situated tc the east of Pakistan is
the partition of Bengal? (A) lran (B) lndia
(A) Lord Curzon (C) China (D) Atghanistan
(B) Lord Minto 12 Pakistan became the member of United
(C) Lord Mountbatten Nation on:
(D) Lord Wavell (A) September 30, 1947
6. The first constitution of Pakistan came into (B) September 29, 1947
operation on: (C) September 28, 1947
(A) March 23, 1956 (D) September 03, '1948
(B) August 14, 1956 IJ One of the main objectives of All-lndia Muslim
(C) April 3, 1956 League at the time of its creation was:
(D) Dec€mber 25, 1956 (A) To be loyalto the lndian British
514 Advan PPSC Model Papers
Govemment (A) Area (B) Time
(B) To take active part in the potitics ot the (C) Distance (D) Water flow
(C) To be ctose t! Hindu communrty 27. The city which is also known as the City of
(D) Not to take sides with any lndia'n Canals is:
community (A) Venice (B) Rome
(C) Paris (D) Madnd
14. Arya Samaj was founded in:
(A) 1E70 (B) 1880
(c) 1875 (O) 1877
15. The Anjuman-i-Himayali-lslam was founded
tn; o
(A) 1884 (B) 1885 :.
(c) 1890 (D) 1880 g
16 lndicate the highest civil award among the
following -
(A) Srtara-e-Shujat e
(B) Hrlal-e-Shujaat Resource Book
(C) Nishan-e-Pakrstan

(D) Tamgha-e-Shu,aat
Why Ouard-e-Azam taunched Drrect Action
t Flf,\
t ?^
o. u,sr(s
day on August 16. 1946? cL
{A) To proteg! against breach of ptedge by
Viceroy FM Lord Wavclt
(B) To oppose the Congress pohcies
(C) To get supporl frornthe masses for party
ol.f=l v

. (D) To curb the upsurge of the Nalional
18 Quaid€-Azam resigned ftom membership of
Congress in.
(B) 1916
(D\ 1922
19 Who had the shorlest lenure as Governor -
General of Pakistan?
(A) lskendarMirza 28. The border separating pakistan and
(B) Ghulam Muhammad Afghanistan is known as:
(C) Muham/nad Ali Jinnah (A) Durand Line
(D) Kh. Nazimmuddin (8) LOC
20 Liaquat - Nehru pact was announced at Dethi (C) Wagha Border
(D) lntemational Boundary
(A) Januaylgso (B) February i95O 29. The largest ocean of the wortd is:
(C) March t95O (D) Aprit t95O (A) The lndian Ocern
21 The longest river of the world isi
(B) The Atlantic Ocean
(A) Thames (B) Nrte (C) The Pacific Ocean
(C) Volga (D) Mrssissippi (D) Arctic Ocean
22 Biggest desert of the world is 30. The UNO was lounded rn the vear.
(A) Gobr (B) Chotrstan (A) 194 5 (B) 1946
(C) Sahara (D) Syrran lc) 1947 (D) 1944
One horse power ts equal to . 3'1 ln which year did Barrack Hussain Obama
(A) 746 watts receive the Nobel Prize for peace?
(B) 780 watts (A) 2008
(c) 785 watts (D) looo watts (B) 2009
(c) 2010 (D) 2011
24 Light year is a unit of:
(A) Drstance (B) Time penod 32. The capital of Argentina rs:
(C) Lrght rntensity (D) Time (A) Paris (B) London
(C) Buenos Arres (D) Erasitia
H^owfiany bones are there in a human body?
(A) 206 (B) 33. The capital of Australia is:
(c) 90 (D) 200 (A) Melbourne (B) Sydney
(C) Perth (D) Canberra
26 Cusec is a unil of:
34. Boxing Oay is celebrated in Australia is
Adirnmed PPSC HCQs llodel Paoerc 515

(A) Decembet 25 (B) Decemb?r 26 50 The Ph D degree was confened " '

(C) December 27 (D) January 1 him at the convocation.

(Al at (B) with
35. The natronal flower of Pakistan
(A) Jasmine (B) Rose
icl on (D) for
fut,P (D) Sun flower Give lhe antonyms ot the following:
36 The natronal anrmal of Pakrstan is 51. Enlice
(A) reoel (B) lure
lAl Troer (B) Lron
ici criarmeo (D) enchantrng
ict et6pnant (o) Markhor
37. The cunencv unit of lndonesia' rs 52 Mettle
(A) Yen (B) Dollar (A) couraqe (B) nerve
Pouno (D) Sen iCi ptucr- (D) cowardly
38. Cathav Paclfic ls the natonal alrlne of 53. Mrcrocosm
(A) universe (B) alomic
rAr Firi (B) Gre€ce
(C) celestial (D, macrocosm
(Ci xi:ng xong (D) Chrna
39 The larqest rsland of the world is
g. Absurd
(At Gr6enland i B) Cuba
{A} haoov (B) beautiful
iC) tretand (D) lceland icl tt,,irif (D) rational

40. The old name ofMyanmar is 55. Modicum

lAl cevlon (B) Eirma {A} oreat amounl (B) btS

ici egipt (D) syrra iCi imatt amount (D) structure

Give the synonyms of the following:
4l . The "Old Man and the Sea' is wdtten by:
(A) John Steinbeck 56. lmDerious
(B) Jane Austrn (Ai oroud (B) temper
(C) Ernest Hemingway iCj iamper (D) distant
(P) Christie 57. Luxuriant
42. We ^gatha waiting here for two hours.
..,......... {A) beautiful (B) uglY
(A) have ileen (B) has been iC) auunoant (o) lovely .

tci are (D) were

58. Memorable
43. We ............ them Yesterday. (A) memorial
(A) visited (B) have visited (B) nrorth rememb€ting
ici t ao vislteo (D) was visting (C) mending
.... ...... for lhe meetrng in time' (D) striking
44. See that you
(A) tf,ill (B) come 59. lmoose
iCl, would come (o) came tAi enforce (B) avoid
-askcome lf we ..(B)
45. Thevwtll ... .... them. ici co.e (D) bold
!A, may ask 60. Alter
iC) would ask (D) might ask (A) change (B) separate
46 He was deaf all our requests ici nxeo- (D) arrival
(A) ar (B) to 6'1. Spain lilerally means
iCt *'tt (D) on (A) Land of rabbits (B) Land oflions
47 Reoular exerose is beneflcral .. health iCi Land of crows (D) Land of kiws
(Ai w'th lB) for 62. The only country ,A4thln a country is:
(C) to lD) of {A) Sinoaoore (B} Kuwa
48 Are' vou consctous your iCi var-ican city (D) Luxebourg
resgoojibrlity in thrs matter? 63. Who wrote "Hamlet""
(A) about (B) of (A) Milton (B) Wordsworth
tC) atler (D) on ic) Snarespeare (D) Madowe
49 We regret that we cannot comply 64. Who wrote "Paradise Lost"?
vour request. (A) Keats (B) Shelley
inr to (B) with (c) gyron (D) Milton
icj "t (D) on
65. Which citv is located in two continenls?
(A) lstanbul (B) Ankara
'The rupiah (Rp) is the official currency of lndoneria- (C) Arnsteroam (D) London
The rupiah is subdivided into lm sen, although 65 The Ouaid-e-Azam presented his famous 14
inflation has rendered all coins and banknotes
denominat€d in sen obsolete.
516 Advanced ppSC ,l}es Nloctel pa,,ers
points on':
(A) Zirnbabtye lB Kenya
(C) South Ahica iO)) pongo
[3] 3l:l M:::t 1333 [Bt ?:li x.1J:t,,ia
67. ATM means:
(A) Announcemenl Time lvlachtne
(ts) Automatic Trme Machine
(C) Automated Teller Machine 7,kffin M Imtiaz Sh..hid

(u) Animated Time Machine a

(u) Gatrteo
the LawBor FallinsnBodres?

(D) Russe[
S 0cl0 Io
69. Point out the correct soellinos

[3] S:l::ffi
70. Point out the correct soellinos
[3i slrj;r"
(A)Schizphrenra 1a1Scnrzaptrrenia
ru) schrzophrenie 1D1 Schizoihrenri
71. CPU is the abbrevation ol
(4) Computing processino
(B) Centrat processino Ui;rUnit
(C) Computer process'ino Lise
(D) computer processin[ Unit
72. Shakespeare' belonos to the
(A) 16th century En;tand
(B) tBth centurv Enitand
(C) 1gth centuri/ En;tand .t!=2.
(D) 14rh centuri Endland
73. Lionel Messi is a famous
(A) Footba er (B)
(c) Hockey ptayer (Oi Cricketer
Swimmer 78 Gorbachev was the oresident of
74. UK is the abbreviation of: (A) USSR (B) UK
(A) United Kinodom
(B) United Ktnd
(c) usA ioi uae
79. Riyal
is the currencv of
(C) United Kidhio
(D) Union Kingdoh
75. NATO is the abbreviation of:
[3i 13]
80. The foreign Minrster ofpakistan rs
(A) Nonh A antrc Treaty Organrzation (A) Shah Mahmud eureshr
(ts) North Arctic Treaty orga-nizahon (B) Firdous Aashro Arlan
(C) Hina Rabbanr khar
I il3XX
H i t**::i
#1,'J"?,""",lf ilg? (D) Fouzia Wahab
76. Who led pakrstan in the 2011 Cricket
", 81 How many other sons did prophet ya.oub
LUp 1
have-rn addilron to prophet yusuii
(A) Younis Khan (A) 5 (Bt 7
(B) Muhammad yousaf (c) 11
(c) Misbah-ut-Hao ioi g
(D) Shahid Atfldr 82. How many Asma-Al-husna are menttoned rn
77. rne tasl two verses of Srua Al-Hashr?
Nairobi is the caeitat of; (A) 17 {B) 1s
'On 28 March, 1929 a meeting
(c) 10 toi I r
bf the councit of the 83. Which important evett, mentioned rn
AlMl, was held at Delhi with.,innah as president.
Lluran occuned one year before HiJrahthe
presented a resolution since known, Makkah?
as the Founeer 14
Points to accommodate the various points (A) Batfle of Badr (B) Hunarn
of view with (c) Mira
regard to the policy and p.ogramme of the (Di Abu Lahab's death
League regarding the forthcoming constitutional 84. How-old was the prophet when hrs Mother
relorms. died).
'rr-r,.lam Shakespeare was born
on 26 April 1564 and
(ll years
(u, lvu"r
(B) 5 years
o (D) g years
died on 23 Aprit 1616)
85. Which ayat ot the euran confirms the lslamic
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 517
Religion as lhe complete retioion? (B) Mosque of Mecca
at-Ygigghr Aya-t-3 (p) ai_nas, Ayat 5
(c) an-Naht, Ayat 89 (D) an_Naht. Ayat 90 (C) Mosque of Medina
(D) Mosque of Jerusalem
86. ln which batfle was the prophet,s (PHUB) 93 How many chaplers and verses are there in
. uncle Hamzah (ra) kilted?
Holy Quran?
({) Badr (B) Khandaq (A) 114 chapters and 6240 verses
(c) Uhud (o) naoota {B) 120 chapters and 2640 verses
87 [!1t 13i- took ptace in rhe 2nd Hijrah (C) 30 chapters and 4260 verses
"rent of Ramadan?
year rn the month (O) 30 chapters and 4444 verses
(A) Miraj 94 The first Surah in the Holy euran is
(B) Conquest of Makkah (A) Sura At-Fatrhah (Bi Sura At-Baqarah
(C) Batfle of Badr (C) Sura-At tmran (D) Sura At_tkht;s
(D) Batte of Uhud
88. 95. The total numberofMakki Surahs are
Who was cafied the "Sword of A ah,'? (A) 80 (B ) 86
(A) Khatid rbn Al-Waltd (ra)
(B) Abu Dujana (ra) (c) 88 ioi go
(C) Hazrat Ali (ra) 96. The number oI prophets whose names are
(D) Hazrat Hamza (ra) mentroned in the Holy euran is
(A) 10 (B) 25
89. Who amongsl the Mothers of the Believers
vy-as nicknamed 'Umm ul-Masakeen,, (Mothei
(c) 35 iol eo
of the Poo4? 97. The name of the sixth Katrma rs
(A) Hafsah (ra) (A) Kahma Tamjeed
(B) Zainab bint Khuzaimah (ra) (B) Kalima Tauheed
(C) Aishah (ra) (C) Kahma Radd-i-Kufar
(D) Fatima (ra) (D) Kalima Shahadat
90. Who e! "Tahirah" (pure) among the 98. "Kitab-ut-Kharaj" a book of fiqah was written
Mothers of the Believers (ra)? Dy:
(A) Khadijah (ra) (A) lmam Abu Hanifa
(B) Umm Satamah (ra) (B) lmam Shafe,e
(C) Hafsah{ra) (C) lmam Abu yousai
(D) Ayesha (ra) (D) ham Matik
91. Who bu ilt the Ka'aba (the House of Alalh J? 99. The Treaty of Hudabia was siqned in
A)P rophet Moses (p.b.u.h
8)P rophet Abraham (P.B.U.H)
(41 9!f, !-ltt'"
(C) 7th Hiira
(B) 6rh- Hl,ra
(D) Bth Hiira
C) Prophet Jesus (p.b.u.h) 100.Who was the commander of the infidels in the
D) Prophet Jacob (p.b.u.h) battle of Uhd?
92 Which is the first mosqud ot lslam whose (A) Abu Lahb (B) Abu sufian
loundation Prophet (p.B.U.H) laid? (C) Abu Jahl (D) Urba
(A) Mosque At Quba
Answer Kev
b 14 c a 40 b 53.
2. d 66. 79. b 92. a
a 15 a 28
J- a 16 c 29
a 41 c 54. d 67. c 80. c 93. a
4. b 17 a
c 42 a 55. a 68. a 81. c 94. a
a 18 c
30 a 43 a 56. a 69. a 82. d 95. b
6. a 19. a
31 b 44 b 57. 70. d d 96. b
7. a 20. d
32 c 45. a 58. b 71. b u. c 97. c
8. b 21. b u.
d 46. b 59, a 72. a 85. a 98. c
9_ d 22. c J)
b 47. c 60. a 73. a 86. c 99. b
10 b 23. a Jt)
a 48. b 6t. a. 74. a 87. c 100. b
11 b 24. a 37.
d 49. b 62. c 75. a 88. a
12 a 25. a
d 50. c 63. c 76. d 89. b
13 a 26. d
38. 51. a 64. d 77. b 90. a
a 52. d 65. a 78. a 91. b



1. TOAP is responsible for: 9. Shortcut keys to switch to the next window is
(A) Export Promotion (A) ALT + Tab (B) Shn + Tab
(B) lnvestment Promotion (C) ALT + Ctrl (D) Ctrl + Tab
(C) Power load Management 10 Hazrat Mahal. who rebelled against the Britsh
(D) lmport Promotion during the 1857 War oI lndependence knowfl
2. Choose the correct option.
was at the top of the rollercoaster (A) The Queen of Jhansi
looking down she was made feel sick'. (B) Begum ot Awadh
(A) She was at the top of the rollercoaster (C) Ruler of Jodhpur
looking down and she was feel sick (D) Razia Sultana
(B) The rollercoasler lookinE down from the 'l 1. What does 'To lose face" mean?
top, made her feel sick (A) To look blank (B) To look angry
(C) Looking down from the top of the (C) To be helpless (D) To be humiliated
rollercoaster made her feel sick
(D) Watching down made her feel sickatthe 12 Frll in lhe blank: There is no reason
top of the rollercoaster anyone should behave cruelty.
(A) Whrch (B) That
3. Choose the correct words from the options to (C ) Why (D) To
complete the sentence correctly: Ali is:
(A) Not as tall but (B) As tall. il not 13. What is the sum of all prime numbers from 60
(C) As if not (D) As tall as Asif to 80?
(A) 61 -(B) 341
4. Select the most similar word: Dainty (c) 3s1 (o) 70
(A) Cute (B) Delicate
(C) Doll (D) Dignrty 14. Which of the following Administrative Divisions
of Afghanistan' do nol have border with
5. What is the synonym oJ'icon"? Pakistan?
(A) Symbol (B) Relative (A) Herat (B) Kandahar
(c) Mediocrity (D) Height (C) Paktika (O) Ghazni
6. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started 15. Of the following Pakistani political leaders,
his La,rv practice in: who has served as the President and PM
(A) Karachi (B) London (A) Quaid-e-Azam
(C) Bombay (D) Lahore (B) lskander Mirza
7. The Pakistan Steel Mills was established in (C) Zulliqar Ali Bhutto
Karachi with the assistance of; (D) Nawaz Sharif
(A) USSR (B) USA 16. Name the person whose house became the
(C) UK (D) China centre of preaching of lslam?
8. Of the following ranks in the Pakistan Army
which one is the highest?
(A) Havaldar (B) Subedar Major 'Both Herat and Ghzni do not have border with
(C) Subedar (O) Naik
Advanced PPSC MCQS Mode! Papers 519

(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) 28 The gas most Present rn lhe Sun rs
(B) Hazrat Usman (RA) (A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen
(C) Hazrat Arqam (RA) (C) Nitrogen (D) fluorine
(D) Hazrat Abbas (RA) 29 Who was the founder of Krishak Sramik
17. Which of lhe following is the title of Nelson Pany?
Mandela s autobiograPhY? (A) MianFazl-e-Hussain
(A) lam Prepared to Ole (B) Srkandar Hayat
(B) Long Walk to Oemocracy (C) A.K. Fazlul Haq
{C) Long Walk to Freedom (D) Molana Bhashani
(D) Long Way to Freedom 30 Who among the followrng heavy werght boxrng
18. The newly appointed Secretary Ms Tehmina champions remarned undefealed rn hrs
Janjua was serving as caleet')
(A) Ambassador to ltalY (A) Muhammad Alr (B) Rocky Marqano
(B) Permanent Representative of Pakistan to (C) Joe Louis (D) Jersey Joe walcott
UN General Assembly 3'1 Economic Cooperation Organrzation (ECO) ts
(C) Ambassador lo Austria the successor organizalron of Regronal
(D) Ambassador to US Cooperation for Development (RCD) whrch
19. Hydrophobia rs a symptom of which of the was founded rn
following diseases? (A) 1963 (B) 1964
(A) Malaria (B) Cholera (C) 1965 (D) 1962
(C) Smallpox (O) Rabres 32. The fdament of an electric bulb is made of'
20. Khaksar Movement established by Allama (A) Carbon (B) lron
Mashriqi was based in which city? (C) Tuhgsten (O) Silver
(A) Lahore 33 The Khudai Khdimatgar Movemqnt was
(B) Hyderabad (Oeccan) started byl
(C) Calcutta (A) AbdulGhani Khan
(D) Bombay (B) Sardar Aslam Khan
21 . Who was the first Muslim Commander-in- (C) Abdul Ghatfar Khan
Chief of Pakistan Air Force? (D) Abdul Walr Khan
(A) Air Marsh?l Asghar Khan 34. Who is the Suprerne Commander of the
(B) Air Marshal Nur Khan Pakistan Armed Forces bY statute?
(C) Air Marshal Abdul Hakeem (A) Chie, of ArmY Statf
(D) Air Marshal Azrm Daud Pota (Bi Charrman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee
22. ln MS Excel, you can activate a cell by: (C) Prime Minister
(A) Pressing the Tab key (D) President
(B) Clicking the cell 35. How many Pakistanis have served as the
(C) Pressing an anow key Secretary General of lhe ECO?
(D) All of these (A) 1 (B) 2
23. The lntemational Planned Parenthood (c) 3 (o)
Federation (IPPF)was founded in '1952, at: 36 Which was the first UN Peace Keeping
(A) London (B) New York Operatron that the Pakrstan Army particlpant?
(C) Geneva (O) Paris (A) UN Securily Force in New Guinea
24. The first Summit Meeting of the ECO was held (B) UN Operations in Congo
in February 1992 rn (C) UN Op€ration in Ghana
(A) Turkey (B) lran (D) None of these
(C) Pakistan - (O) none of these 37 Who vras the comfirander of lnlidels in the
25. How many Emirates are in UAE Federation? batlle of Ditch (Khandaq)?
(A) 4 (E) s (A) Abu Sufyan (B) Abu Jahl
(c) 6 (D) 7 (C) Abu Lahb (O) Abu Zarar
26- Which of the following parts of the human 38. 'Salat-+.Khusoof is performed at the occasion
body rs aflected by the diseases of 'Malarra ? of:
(A) Liver (B) Lungs (A) Orought (B) Flood
(C) lntestine (D) Spleen (C) Lunai eclipse (O) Solar eclipse
27. The famous novel, "The Reluctant 39. 'lnterfax" is a nelYs agency of:
Fundamentalist", ! ras wriften bY; (A) Russra (B) Turkey
(A) Hanit Kareishy (B) Mohsin Hamid (C) France (D) Ukraine
(C) Christina Lamb (O) lsh{aq Ahmad
520 .Actyanced ppSC MCes odel paoe9
40. Which of the following actors became world
tamous tor his role as James Bond?
(C) Rs. 180 (D) none of these
(A) Gregory peck (B) Richard Burton 54 . S-elect the most opposite words: pertinent
(C) Anthony euinn (D) Sean Connery (A) lrrelevant (B) Ouick
41. ln MS Word 2007, which shortcut key is used (C) Proper iOi Urgent
to increase left lndent? 55 The book .lhe sole SDokesman Jinnah" the
({) Ctrt
(c) Alt + ' II (B) Crrt + M
(D) Ctrt + T
Muslim League and lhe Demand for pakistan.
(A) Dr.Akber S Ahmed
42. ln which year, Khasksar Movement was
(B) Ms Aysha Jatat
(C) K.X Aziz
(A) 1911 (B) (o) K. Ati
(c) re3t ioi
rgzg 56 D€y and night are atmost eouat at the
43. C-omplete the series: 33,
(A) North Pote (B) South pote
1 1. _, 143. (u) pnme Merdian (D) Equator
(A) 59 Bt 57 Fill in the blanks: Mr, Kamran comes from
(c) Bs ioi
ea Lanore as_
(A) Do
his superiorrs.
(BI Are
44. Tie world,s longest land frontier is between
(A) American and Canada (C) Come ioi ro
(B) Russia and China 58 Alps mountains ranoe is rn.
(C) Argentina and Brazil -
14) Fytop" (B) Latin America
(D) lndia and Pakistan (C) Aftica iDi Australia
45. Fill in the Blank: lam so with my c,ass 59 C^omplele the number serEs: ,11. ,13. ,17
, 19.
that I want to quit: -- 23,29,31, 37, 41 ,
({) Boreo (B) Bore (A) 43 -18-i-a7
(C) Bores iOi eoure (c) 51 io\ tz
46. At least how many persons should be in Ba- bU Ctass has 12 boys & 1B girts rhen
Doys are whal ftaclion of the class?
(41 I*o (B) rhree (A) 3/5 B\ 2ts
(u) t-our (O) Six (c) 3/4 iol zts
47. Which ot the following country has no armed 61 gl 10 students working one hour per
forces? l-qr:ll
oay co. mpEte a job in 12 days. ln how miny
(u, lvis."t
days.12-students group^ working one trour
oay Intsh the same iob, le'r
48. The Euro Currency is used bv (A) I days (B) Sdavs
(c) 11 days ioi rooivs
(A) 14 tgt 12 62 Hazrat Ayub (AS) was famous for hrs quality
(c) 18 ioize ofl
ls l1lgotgqpgr rsos are Deputy Speaker
(C) Generosity
(B) patience
(D) Humbte
)naned patyvary,
ah died as a result o,
National Assemblv otl 63 Complete trle proverb:
(A) East Pakisra; (B) sindh The man's meat is another man's
(c) Batochistan ioi Urnnow (A) Vttamin (B) poison- '

50. Wher.e^was All lndia Muslim League founded

(C) Medicine (O) Virus
rn 1906? 64. Which Crickel player has sco.ed the most
(A) Ohaka (B) Altahabad runsgngle
na innings in a Test malch?
(C) Oehti iOi
Catcutra o,*'
51. The commander of non_Muslim in the Batfle [3i fi'"l*',rfrTfllBl 8ffX,t"E
Badr was? 65. Whict of lhe ,ollowing can be used lo focus
(A) Abu Sufyan (B) AMu jaht sunt8hl at one point?
(C) Khatid biin Wateea. lbyttone bt elove
52, The Antonym of FRUGAL is: [3] 8',;ffi*'ff,- [Bi SslHi#s"
(A) Funny (B) Simote 66. The brightest ptanet is:
(c) Spendthrifl aDi Ecdomicat (A) vsnus (B) Mercurv
53 Adils.daily wago is Rs.25oafier increment (c) Jupiter (O) eam '
2570. What wa! his daily wage bcfore 67. O* Minister of Wo3t
Hpnffnrr*" "hief
(A) Rs. 150 (B) R3.2OO (A) Muchteq Ahmad curmani
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 521
(B) Sardar Abdur Rashid Khan 80. Who Law and Educal,on Minister in
(C) Khan Abdul Oayyum Khan Quaid-€-Azam Cabinet
(D) none of these (A) Jogandar Nath Mandal
(B) Ghazanfer Aft Khan
68. who was given the title of 'Saifullah" by the (C) Sir Zafarullah
Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(A) Hazrat Ali (RA) (D) l.l Chandriger
(B) Abu Ubaydah (RA) 81. A Catalytic converler lhat reduced emission of
(C) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) harmful compounds found in cars is
(D) Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (RA) (A) Device ,B) Liqurd
69. Nazia Hassan, famous singer of Pakislan.
(C) Gas rD) None of thes€
was awarded medal for Pride of Performance 82. Paleonlology is study ot
(A) 1999 (B) 2000 (A) Bones (B) Blood
(c) 2001 (D) 2002 (C) Fossils (D) None of these
70. The capital of Somalia' is: 83. Which not permanenl member of ECO?
(A) Kampala (B) Maputo (A) Pakistan (8) Ukraine
(C) Asmara (D) Mogadishu (C) Afghanistan (D) None ot these
71. Hybrid computer: 84. Roger Feder belongs to Switzerland. He is:
. (A) Resembles digital computer (A) Tennis Player (B) Boxer
(B) Resembles analogue computer (C) Cncketer (D) None ofthese
(C) Resembles both a digital and analogue 85. FCR stand for
computer (A) Frontier Crimes Regulalion
(D) None ot these (B) Frontier Crimes Registration
72. The commander of the non-Muslims in the (C) Frodier Crimes Rules
Battle of Uhd was: (D) All of these
(A) Abu Sufyan (B) Abu Jahl 86. Nafu Sadiq is Associated wilh
{C) Abu Lahb (D) Abu Uzair (A) UNFPA (B) SAARC
73. Restive is the opposite of:
(A) Buoyant (B) Placid
(c) NAro (D) wro

(C) Resistant (D) Edgy l<-,tf{ec{e., 87.

74. Robin Williams. who commitled suicide. was
famous as a/an: Vtt)ttt,r.t (gl CA;\61
(A) Economist (B) Music Composer
(C) Actor Comedian (D) Film Producer d,',f tu-E;l pl c)r;\ Gl
75. Daewoo is a famous brand of which country?
(A) China
ra.P,!/,,1ri ee
(B) Japan
(C) Democratic Peoples Republic ol Korea .f tel Jti (A)
(D). Republic of Kored
76. Fill in the blank: The bridge goes
;qJrfi @ JP, tcr
the river:
(A) Over (B) . under
at7!fe.>;:V 89.
(C) Above (D) ln
-ll, (B) 6rt1 (Al
77. What is of
A+B+C=43 szLn{ @l t, rcl
A+B=4 r1l {,./:-8 t,1 so
'Fttir- Fl
(A) 41 (B) 31 .it,(g l^)
(c) 51 (D) 61
78. Wana is the town of udJ{-u1ctt (ol ./u tcl
(A) North Waziristan (B) South Walristan
(C) Kunam agency (D) Khyber Agency t1(6Jhl.z-ls st
79. Who is current head of SMRC?
(A) Arjun Bahadur Thapa tJ' I @l -/E trl'
(B) Ahmed Saleem ,,(j/-^Jttt tol Jlr, rct
(C) Fathimath Saeed
(D) Am.iid Hussain Sial
522 Advancq PPSC MCQS Moctel Papers

ryditjl /n I {j 'i sz ,r-,it 1oy jrr$ tcl

,1 (B' .'/G (A) Ya.r,i [.t'; fiv st
j,s,,fl ru Jl,, rcl ..iiu py },c.t') @t
r-f'|/.f,;{i sz .fC4tq Pl .,t- *, (c)
' i'' Pl ;t"r tA) \:
1 F' ( J' /. L ) ) ...-N'1, ; ). tv I 98.
,sl,l'pt ,51.1 (c)
evll Bl oa jtb' @y
raa7,!1sPr{v w .ttJ itttrlol jfr-rr. 1cy

lie Ft i.rF' at tg{t- 99.

lV* tol Jv,tr'swt (ct (B)
u,!r., iitol
_;;", Lr,,-i,::,t gs
dj{--,ltt' tol y-:(r: (c)
jrr,f trl j1ro.z (:t
1ty r :. f 6j )a.:.ii'roo.
+fu,? o rzitti lcl ,!l @ ./l tat
t udd /;t., L:- t;tti X t
{ (D\ +t) (C)
j Fl O6lE/ @\
Answer Key
1. a 't4 a 27. b 40. d 53 b 66. a 79 d 92 b
2. c 15 c 28. b 41. b 54 a 67. d 80 a 93 a
3. d 16 c 29. 42. c b 68. 8'1 a 94 b
4. b 17 c 30. b 43. a 56 d 69. d E2 b 95 b
5. a 18 b 31. b 44. a 57 a 70. d 83 b 96 d
32. c 45. a 58 a 7't . u a 97 e
33. c 46. b 59 a 72. a 85 a 98. d
8. b 21 a 34. d 47. c 60 b b 86 a 99. a
9. a 22 d 35. b 48. c 61 d 74. c 87 a 100 a
10 b 23 a 36. b 49. a 62 b 75. d 88 d
11 d 24 b 37. a 50. a 63 b 76. a 89 b
12 c 25 d 38. c 51. b 64 d 77. b 90 b
'13 c 26 d 39. a 52. 65 78.
d b 91 a



1 "ilagna Carta' was: (C) the constilution adopted by Frederick of
(A) Charter ot righB granted by King John ll Germany
of England in 1215 A.D. (D) None of these
(B) An agreement bet$reen Automans and 2 "Crusades" were b3llles fought between
Bourbons Msulims and Christians in 11th to 13th
Adtanced PPSC NCOS Nodet P.paE 523
centuries A.D. to tiake control of: 15. Out of following; who was a great geometer':
(A) Constantinople (B) Cairo (A) Contucius (B) Euclitl
(C) Jerusalem (O) Oamascus (C) Copernicus (D) Michelangelo
3. American Declaration ot lndep€ndence was 16. Kampala is the capital of:
drafted by: (A) Tanzania (B) Zambia
(A) Thomas Jefferson (C) Uganda (D) NErria
(B) Jhon Adams 17. lranian city Abadan is famous for.
(C) George Washington (A) 'world s biggest oil refinery
(D) Abrahim Lincoln (B) a huge film industry
4. The Bolshevik Revotution of Russia (19'17) (C) a great university
was led by: (O) being political centre of country
(A) Lenin (B) Stalin
18. The headquarters of the Asian Development
(C) Trotsky (D) None of htem
Bank (ADB) is located at:
5. Which out of the follovving was a po€t? (A) Bangkok (B) Colombo
(A) Socrates (B) Plato (c) Manila (D) Tehran
(C) Homer (D) Hemdtus
19. England's city Manchester has been tamous
6. "Mein Kemph" is the autobiography of: for:
(A) Curchill (A) TeniE lndustry
(B) Hitler (B) lt's beaches
(C) Henry Kissenger (C) Historic Churches
(O) Lindon B. Jhonson (D) Royal places
7. The first person in the world to land on the 20. Singapore was previously part of:
moon was: (A) China (B) lndonesia
(A) Major Yurigagarin (C) Korea (O) Malaysia
(B) Edward White 21. Wanen Bufret eamed his wealth through:
(C) Neil A. Armstrong (A) Film making
(D) Velentina Tereshkova (B) Booking writing
E. "Watedoo' was founght between: (C) Stock exchange
(A) French and English lead alliance (O) Construclion business
(B) Greeks and Romans
(C) Persians and Greeks 22- The book titled 'Working with Zia" was written
(D) Germans and French by:
(A) Gen. K.M. Arif
9. Najif Ashraf is the burial place of: (B) Prof. Hassan Askari
(A) Hazrat lmam Hussain (C) Justice Muneer AhmaC
(B) Hazrat lmam Hussan (O) Rafi Raza
(C) Hazrat Fatima 23 lnsulin is secreted by:
(O) Hazrat Ali
(A) Liver (B) Pancreas
'10. Mughal Emperor Humayun's tomb is situated (C) Kidneys (D) Heart
(A) Kabul (B) Agra 24. 'Myanmar" is the new name of.
(C) Delhi (D) Banaras (A) Uganda (B) Burma
(C) Congo (D) Bhutan
'11 . Golden Temple, Amrtsar is a holy dace of:
25. The 1st lslamic Summit Conference was held
(A) Hindus (B) Budhists
(C) Sikhs (D) Jains
12. The tallest slruclure of the present day world ' Euclid, somaimes called €uclid of Ahxandria, .!,yas a
is: Greek mathe'rnatician, often referred to as the "Father
(A) Burj-al-Khalifa (Oubai)
(B) Eiffel Tower (Pans) of Geometry'
(C) Twin Towers (KL) ' At one point, the refinery ln Ras Tanura, saudi Arabia
(D) C.N. ToweG (Toronto) owned by Saudi Aramco was claimed to be the largest
13. Which one is the largest ocean of this world? oil refinery in the wodd. For most of the 2oth century,
(A) Arctic (B) Atlantic the largest refinery wai the Abadan Refinery in lran.
(C) lndian (D) Pacilic This refinery suffer€d extensive damage during the
14. Alexandria is a famous port city of: lran-lraq war. The world's largest refinery compler is
(A) Libya (B) Egypt the Jamnagar Refinery Complex, consisting ol two
(C) lraq (O) Turkey refineries side by side operated by Reliance lndustries
Limited in Jamnagar, lndia with a combined productioo
' Najaf al-Ashraf capacity of l,2/tO,oOO barrels per d.y (197,000 m!/d).
521 AdvencedPPSC CQs odel Paoers
in 1969 at: (A) Kenya (B) Tanzania
(A) lstambul (B) Rabat (C) Zambia (D) Tunis
(C) Cairo (D) Tehran
38. Aung San Euu Kyi is:
26. The "Scouts" movement was started by: (A) Myanmar's political leader
(A) Sir Roberl Baden-Powell (B) Japan's media person
(B) Thomas Hardy (C) Korea's business tycoon
(C) William Rogers (D) Singapore s Prime Minister
(D) Sir Wrnston Churchill
39. Steeve Jobs eamed fame during his
27. Whrch of the following is not a principal organ association with:
of the UNO? (A) Micro-soft (B) lntel
(A) General Assembly (C) Dell (O) Apple
(B) Trusteeship Council
(C) Security Council 40. Karl Marx presented his ideas in his famous
(D) Wodd Health Organization (A) OaB Capital
28. The headquarter of European Union is at: (B) Social Contract
(A) Vienna (B) Brussels (c) Hemlet
(C) Paris (O) New York (D) Republic
29. "Olive Branch" signifies: 41 . The display device on a computer; similar to a
(A) Culture and Civilization television screen is called:
(B) Justice (A) Motherboard
(C) Protest (B) Monitor
(D) Peace (C) Laptop
30 'Cathy Pacific' is a/an: (D) Microprocessor
(A) Newspaper (B) Airline 42 Asl-es .s played between:
(C) Novel (D) City rA) England and New Zealand
3'1. The sailor who discovered sea route from (B) New Zealand and Australia
Europe to lndia: (C) Austraha and England
(A) Vasco da Gama (D) Sol/th Africa and England
(B) Christopher Columbus 43. The wodd's oldest university rs:
(C) Captain James Cook (A) Al-Azher Unrversrty (Carro)
(D) Ferdina.[ Magellan (8) Universrty of Karueern tFez)
32. The most populous Muslrm country of the (C) University of Naples (Naples)
world is: (D) None of these
(A) Pakistan (B) Egypt 44. Which country's flag never ffies at half inast:
(C) lndonesia (D) Turkey (A) Jordan (B) Syria
33. Who invented tlErmometer? (C) lran (D) Saudr tuabia
(A) Galileo Galibr. 45. Queen Elizabeth of England is the soverergn
(B) John Francis head of:
(C) William Stanley (A) Australia (B) Canada
(D) Marconi (C) New Zealand (D) All ofthem
34. How many Laws of Motion were propounded 46. "Baht'is the currency of:
by NeMon: (A) Brazil (B) Thailand
(A)One (B) Two (C) Malaysia (D) Vietnam
(C)Three (D) Four 47. Who is the present Secretary General of the
35. The study of heredity of individuals is called: UNO?
(A) Geology (B) Genealogy (AI KoIl Anan (B) Ban Kimoon
(C) Geophysics (D) Genetics (C) Albradi (D) Collin Powell
36. The rainfall is measured by:
(A) Rain checker
(B) Rain gauge people. Dodoma was selected tor this purpose, as it
(C) Rain rod was an already established town at a major crossroads
(D) Rain measurer with an agreeable climate, impressive landscape, and
37. Dar-us-Salam is the capital'of: room for
development. American architect James
capitrl rn
Rossant developed a maste. plan for the new
I 1986, sponsored by the United Nataons. Tanranra's
' ln 1973, the Tanzanian government announced that National Assembly moved there in February 1996, but
the capital would be moved from Oar es Salaam to a many government offices rerrrain in Dar es Salaam,
more central location to better serve the needs of the which remains the commercial capltal.
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 525
48. "Davis Cup'is associated with: (C) A famous historian
(A) Lawn Tennis (B) Squash toi z'ro Siir*iw oe"eral of the uNo
(C) Badminton (D) Polo 58. The key note of Minto:Morley reforms in 1909
49. Argentana is located in: was:
(A) .North America (A) Acceptance of separate electorate for
(B) Europe Muslims
(C) South America (B) lntroduction of parliamentary system
(D) Africa (C) Award of dominion status
(D) Total autonomy lo provinces
50. Pakistan's literacy rate' is:
(A) 55% (B) 48.5% 59. Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim
(C) 56.2'lo (D) 51% League in:
. Pakistan's longest boundry is wilh:
(A) 1911 (B) 1909
(A) lran (c) 1912 (D) 1913
(B) China 60. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms of 1919
(C) lndian held Kashmir awarded how much representation to Muslims
(D) lndia in Central Legislature?
52. ln terms of population, Pakistan's position in lA) 2t3 1/3
(c) 3t4 (D) 1/4
the world is:
(A) 6th (B) 7th 61. Mr. Jinnah presented his 14 points in
(c) 34rh (D) l1rh response to:
(A) Lucknow Pact
53. After partition, the lst Govemor of Puniab (B) Montague Chelmsford Reforms
was: (C) Simon Commission Report
(A) Sardar Abdur Rub Nishter (D) Nehru Report
(B) Sir Francis Mudie
(C) lbrahim lsmail Chundrigar 62. The 1st Khilafat Conference was held on 23rd
(O) Nawab Mushtaq Ahmed November 1919 at:
54. Who was the last Governor General of
(A) Bombay (B) Lucknow
(C) Delhi (D) Lahore
(A) lskander Mirza 63. KamalAtaturk abolished the Ottoman Khilafat'
(B) Ghulam Muhammad in:
(C) KhawajaNazim-ud-Din (A) 1919 (B)
(D) None ot these (c) 192s (D)
55. The last' receipt of Nishan-i-Haider was: 64. Which tamous Act was passed in 1919?
(A) Captain Karnal Sher Khan (A) Autonomy Act
(B) Lance Nalk Muhammad Mehfuz (B) Khilafat Act
(C) Sawar Muhammad Hussain (C) Rowlatt's Act
(D) Havaldar Lalak Jan (D) Arms and Ammunition Act
56. Pakistan's area' is: 65. The "Delhi Proposals" (1927)was finalized by:
(A) 6,89,000 sq. k.m (A) Mr. M. A. Jinnah
(B) 5,34,000 sq. k.m (B) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(C) 881.889 sq. k.m (C) Pandit Moti Lal Nehru
(D) 9,35,801 sq. k.m (D) Liaqat Ali Khan
57. Sir Allan Octavian Hume was: 66. To call of the civil Disobedience Movement
(A) Last.Secrelary of State for lndia Gandhi signed an agreement on sth March
(B) 1st President of lndian National Congress 1931 with:.
(A) Mr. M. A. Jinnah
(B) Lord lrwin
' Officially, current literacy rate is 60%. (C) Mr. Muhammad Ali Jauher
' Both Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed and Lalak Jan (D) None of them
Shaheed honoured Nishan-i-Haider in lndo-Pak Kargil 67. Who announced lhe Communal Award of
conflict in 1999. Karnal Sher Khan Died on 5 Julv 1999 1932?
and Lalak.,an ;n 7 luly 1999.
(A) Sir Ramsay Macdonald
(B) Lord Rippen
' officially. the total Area of Pakistan is 795,095 Sq. (C) Sir John Simon
km. (Punjab: 205,344 5q. km., sindh: 140,914 Sq. km., (D) Lord Minto
Khlber Pukhtoonkhwa: 74,521 Sq. km., Balochistan: 68. System of'Dyarchy'was abolised in province
347,190 Sq. km. & Federally Administered Tribal'Areas:
27,220 5q. km.) Source:
' Ottoman Empire
526 Advancod PPSC NCes Mo.tet papars
and introduced in c€ntre vide: (A) 1956 (B) 1962
(A) Minto Morfey Reforms (C) 1973 (D) None of them
(B) Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
(C) Govt. of lndia Acl 1935 79 At present, who is the COAS of Pakistan
(D) CommunalAward Army?
(A) Gen. Pervaiz lsftaq Klani
69. "Waddia Llandir Scheme" of Congress rule (B) Gen. Raheel Shaif
related to. (C) Gen. Rashid Mehmud
(A) Health (B) Sociat Wetfare (D) Gen. Khalid Shamim Wan
(C) Education (D) Potice
80 Which Pakistani dignitary has visited tndia
70. 'Bande Matram" was written by: recently?
Dr. Zekir Hu ssan (A) Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif
B Sunender Nath Banner Jee (B) Mr. Sartaz Aziz
Rubandra Nath Taigore (!)
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (P.M)
D Bankim Chandra Chatteriee (D) None of them
71. On 23rh March 1940, the Lahore Resolution 81 The new Chief Justice ol Pakistan is.
was moved by Sher-e-Bengal Maulvi Fazal-ul- (A Justice Jawad S. Khawaja
Haq who seconded it? (B Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramdev
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishter (c Justice Tassaduq Hussarn Jillani '
(B) Ch. Khaliq-uz-Zaman (D Justice liaz Ahmad Ch.
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan
(D) Muhammad Ali Jinnah 82. GSP + Status for Pakistan has been approved
72. The Cripps Mission wes dispatched to tndia in (A UNO
1942 by: B Common Wealth
(A) Sir Winston Churchill European Union
(B) Clement Attlee D None of them
(C) Widrow Wilson
(D) None of them 83. Amateur World Snooker Championship 20i3
had been won by:
73. To whom Lord Wavel succeeded as Governor (A) Thailand (B) Brazit
General oI lndia in 1943?
(C) Spain (D) Pakistan
Lord I rvin
(B) Lord Minto
84. "Long Walk to Fr€edom" is the autobiography
(C) ol:
Lord Lin Lith cow' (A) Nelson Mandella
(D) Lord Mayo (B) Ahmed Mursi
74. The Constituent Assembly of Pakistan passed (C) Hasan Rohani
of "Objec{ive Resolution" in: (D) K. L. Advani
(A)17 (B) 1948 85. Anglea Murkel
(c) 1949 (O) 1950 (A)
is the /a
Chancellor of Germany
75. According to Constitution of 1956: the national (B) Foreign Minister of Canada
language of Pakistan was: (C) Meida peBon of England
(A) Urdu (D) Great Chess Player
(B) Bengali
(C) Urdu and Bengali 86. lran has recently sent into spac€ a:
(D) Urdu and English (A) Monkey (B) Horse
(C) Donkey (D) Goat
76. The last Prime Minister before the imposition
of 1958 Manial law was:
87. David Beckham is one of the greatest star of:
(A) Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi (A) Cricket (B) Footbalt
(8) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(C) Lawn Tennis (D) Squash
(C) Ch. Muhammad Ali 88. The number of seats in Pakistan's National
(D) Feroz Khan Noon Assembly is:
77. For how many days the National Assembly of (A) 312 (B) 411
Pakistan has essentialy to meet in a year?-
(c) 342 (D) I 15
({) 1QQ days (-B) 130 days ' 89. Which otJt of the following is not a 'weekly"?
(C) 1s0 days (D) 200 dais (A) Time
78. The Upper House (Senate) was ,irst time (B) Newsweek
created wide Constitution of:
(C) New York Times
(D) Economisl
90. The presenl Secretary of State of America is:
t vande Mataram (A) John Kerry (B) Joe Byden
(C) Dick Cheni (D) Nonebfthem
A PPSC MCQS Model PaDers 527

91 Whrch is the hghest forex-earner tor Paksrtan 96. Pakrstan s per cap al income slands al
out of the following commod(res?
(A) $1073 (B) $850
(A) Sugar (B) Wheat (ci s1190 (D) $1270
(C) Cotton (O) Rice 97. "Bala Hisaf fort is:
92 The "Salt Ranqe'rs located in.
(A) Near Charsads
(A) Sind (B) Baluchistan (B) ln Multan
(C) Adjacent to Quetta
icj xp (D) Puniab
(D) None of them
93. Khunirab Pass connects
(A) Pakistan w(h China 98. Pakrstan s most imporlant lndustrial sec{or is'
(Bi Hunza with Gilgit
(A) Cement (B) Textile
{C) Dir wth Chilral ic) Pertitize, (D) Sports
iDi nzaa Xastrmir with lndian held Kashmrr 99. Pakistan is in agreement with lran for supply
94. When did the last Census take place in of:
(A) oil (B) Water
(A) 1995 (B) 1998 icl onee (o) Gas
tcj zooz (D) 2o1o lOO.What sionmcant political development is likely
to take ilace in Pakistan soon?
95. Pakistan aim to spend 7% of GDP by 2015 (A) Local Govt. Eleclions
(A) Health igi american President's visit

\ (B) Communication tCi Meeting between premiers of Pakistan

(C) lnigation and India
(O) Education (O) A defence pact with Afghanistan

Answer KeY d
40. a 53. b bb b 79. b 92
1. a '14. b 27. d
93 a
'15. 28. b 41. b 54. a 67 a 80. c
2. c b %
29. d 42. c 55. d 68. c 81. c b
3. a 16. c
b 43 b 56. c 69 c 82 c 95 d
4. a 17 a 30 vb d
44 d 57 b 70 d 83. d
c 18. c 31. a
6. b 19. a 32 c 45 d 58. a b u. a .97 a
46 59 d 72 a 85 a 98. b
7. 20. d 33 a
8. a 21 u c 47
86. a
9. d 22 a 35 d
49 c 62. c 75 c 88. c
10 23 b 36 b
? 50 63. b 76 d 89
1'l 24 b 37
38 a 51 d 64. c b 90 a
'12 a 25 b
26 a 39 d 52 a 65. a 78 91
13 d

lvtooel PAPER 11 4
5 Ghana is the new name ot:
Ural Airlines belongs to which country? {A) Guvana (B) New Guinea
(A) America (B) Taiikistan
ici Ooif coast (D) Asia Minor
ici rr*"y (D) Russia
6 The sacred Place of Christians rs
2 "Emirates Airlines" i3 lhe name of airline of: (A) Nazareth (B) Jerusalem
(A) France (B) Lebanon
ic) uecca (o) None of these
(C) U.A.E (O) Jordan
7 The present govemment has renamed the
3 Which of lhe following ooeans covers about iricro Finance bank as:
one third of the surrace earth? (A) Supporting Bank
(Al Pacific Ocean (B) Atlanlic Ocean (B) Kisan Bank
(Ci tnaian Ogean (D) Adriatic Ocean (C) Khushali Bank
4 Formosa is the old name of: (D) Cooperative Bank
(A) Cambodia {B) Rhodesia
I 'Wheel' is a symbol of:
(C) TaNan (D) Bangkok

528 Advanced ppSC MCes Modet paoers
(A) Peace (B) proqress 20 What is the average depth of all oceans?
(C) Prosperiry fOl Sp,i,o (A) 3735 m€t es (B) 4437 metres
I Who invented the process of the (C) 3530 m€res (O) 6135 merres
vutcantzatlon of rubber and gave his nam!
ro a Emous tyre company? 21 Alauddin Khalii int oducad mad<et reforms:
(A) Dunlop (4) To administer his subiocts well
(B) To easy the Deasants" livino
(B) Charles Goodvear
(C) Pirelli armv donomicarrv
(D) Michetin [3i l3#1?tig'arse
22 Karakoram Highwey connects pakistan with:
spoken ransuase (48%) in (A) lndia (B) tran
(A) Urdu (B) puniabi
(c) china (Di Afshanisran
(C) Srndhi iOj pas'trro
Who built Eitret Torer?
(A) Newton
11 What is.the total length of lirst railway track?
(B) Gustav Cassel
(A) 86 Km (B) 97 Km
(C) MonB Eiffet (D) Gustav Eifiet
(c) 115 Km (D) 169Km 24 Fa.n Kutch Award between pakistan and
tnoa was occuned in:
illSp"Jl9"t?:Lflrtwo sreat works'rhe (A) 1967 (B) 196S
(cl 1972 (D) 1974
(A) Goelhe (B) Homer
(C) Byron io) ,toyce
rurins dynasty of Derhi
't3 Name the German poet and writer who (A) M'rghat (B)
authored the play 'Faust"?
(A) Vasitievch Gogat
(C) Khilji (Di
None of thes€
(B) Goethe 26 Who.was the founder of Mughal dynasty?
(C) Herman Melvi e (A) Humayun (B) Babar'
(D) Alighieri Oante (C) Akbar iO) .lahansir
't4 First woman to win the Nobel prize was: 27 \ryho yvas the first ruler of Slave dynasty?
(A) Mother Teresa (A) Al-Tutmash
(B) Mrs. Aung San Suu Kvi (B) Qutub ud Din Aibak
(C) Madame Marie Curie Sktodowska (C) ehias ud Din Batban
(D) None ot the above (D)None of thes€
15 Al Beruni came to lndia alono with: 28 Which Umm-ulJvlomineen died lasi?
(A) Mahmud of Ghazni (A) Hazrat Safia (RA)
(B) Muhammad-bin-Qasim (B) Hazr.t Ayosha (RA)
(C) Muhammad Ghuri (C) Hazat Umm€€aha (RA)
(O) None of these (D) Ha2rat Javeria (RA)
16 Who among the folowing Sultans of Oelhi 29 The Pakistan Resolution was moved on
has been by the historians as the (A) 23rd March, 1S40
'mu(ure of-described
(A) Balban (B) 23rd March, t94t
(B) Alauddin Khitii (C) 14 August. '1947
(C) Muhammad fuohluo (D) 6 September, 1947
(D) tbrahim Lodi - 30 ln.Iuarch, 1842 who came to sub..continent
17. ry-li"h tg is,atso ca ed by the famous wlth -some proposals to solve constitulional
name ot Ctty of Magnilicent Distance,? problfils?
(A) $cotland (B) Houston (A) Lord Ripon (B) Lord Minto
(u) uenmart (D) Washington (C) Stetrord Cripps (D) Lirtirhgow
18. Which is the sattiest Sea of the wortd? 31 La{gest exports arc made by pddstan to:
(A) Mediterranean Sea (A) America (B) jaoan
(B) Black Sea (C) China tOi Sd,rOi n aota
(C) Caribbean S€a 32 Whi*l B the saltbst lake of the xrortd?
(O) Battic Sea (A) Titicaca Lake (B) Dead Sea
19. Yellow Sea lies between: (C) Assat Lake (Oi Casrian Sea
(A) Chrna and Japan Smaflest Repuuic jn the uorld is:
(B\ Egypt and Saudi Arabia (A) Balkafl
,,1 , Singapore and Sri (B) tGpat
Lanka (C) Nauru 1Oy Xairi
tD, Australia and New Zealand u Lergest Concrete Dam of the world is
Advanced PPSC ,tlcQs lrodel Paoers 529

located in USA is: 47. Which Surah was the last revealed?
(A) Grand Coulee Dam (A) ArNas (B) Al-Falaq
(B) Tarbela Dam (C) AI-Alaq (D) Al-Nasr
(C) Rohunsky Dam 48. Which Surah was the first revealed?
(D) None of lhese (A) Al-Alaq (B) Al-Feteha
35. Ogaden desert is Present in: (C) Al-Baqarah (D) None of them
(A) Asia (B) Africa 49. Which city iscalled "Heart of Khyber
(C) Europe (0) Amerrca Pakhtunkhwa"?
36. lberian oeninsula is the Part of:
(A) Mardan (B) Swat
(A) Asia (B) Africa (C) Peshawar (D) ToPi
icl Europe (D) None of these 50. Name the first Pakistani Bank which started
37. Which one of the following is the largest its operation on August 17. 1947:
Peninsula of the world? (A) Muslim Commercial Bank
(A) Arabian Peninsula (B) Habib Bank Ltd.
(B) Kalahari Peninsula (C) United Bank Ltd
(C) Sahara Peninsula (D) Allied Bank Ltd.
(D) None of these 51. When the first agliculture reforms were
38. Name the biggest desert of the world is: introduced in Pakistan:
(A) Gobi Desert (B) Kalahari Desert (A) January 24, 1960
(C) Sahara Oesert (O) None of these (B) January 24. 1958
(CI January 24, '1959
39. "Cardiff is the seaport of:
(D) January 24, 1957
(A) USA (B) UK
(C) lran (D) Egypt 52. Which of following skait ioins the Red Sea
and Persian Gulf?
40. Pakistan s major import item rs: (A) Benng Strait
(A) Fertilizers (B) Bab-ul-MandabStrait
(B) Medicines (C) Bosphorous Strait
(C) Transport goods (D) Davis Strait
(D) Petroleum Products
41. A broad channel where the rflaters of a river
53. What is the duration of a day at the poles?
and a sea mingle is called:
(A) 3 months (B) 6 months
(A) An estuary (B) Comets (C) 9 months (D) 12 monlhs
(C) A strait (D) A delta 54. Which of the following muntries is known as
the Land of Midnight Sun?
42. Diamer Bhasha dam will produce electricity (A) Beloium (B) Holland
after completing:
(A) 4200 MW (B) 4s00 MW tCj ttofoay (D) Sweden
(C) 4800 Mw (D) None ofthese 55. Which is the largest country in the Arabian
43. Which is the biggest earth filled dam in the (A) Oman (B) Yemen
(A) Tarbela (B) Mangla
(C) Saudi (D) Kuwait
(C) Hub (D) None of these 56. 'Wana' is the main town of:
(A) Bajaur Agency
44. How many years the 1st Constituent (B) Khyber Agency
Assembly Iasted? (C) North Waziristan Agency
(A) 7 (B) 8 (D) South Waziristan Agency
(c) 9 (D) 10
45. Name the person who took over after the
57. Name the highest glacier of Pakistan?
dismissal of Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din?
(A) Hispar (B) Baltoro
(A) Muharxmad Ali Bogra (C) Siachen (D) Batura
(B) Ch. Muhammad Ali 58. Which of the following pass connects Oera
(C) l.l. Ghundrigar lsmait Khan with Ghazhi (Atghanrstan)'
(O) None of the above (A) Dargai Pass (B) Bolan Pass
(C) Gomal Pass (D) Tochi Pass
46. Who dissolved the Federal Assembly on 24
October, 1954? 59. Name the Muslim mathematician and
(A) Sikandar Mirza physicrst who made the first srgnificant
(B) Ghulam Muhammad boirtnbutions to optical theory since the time
(C) Ayub Khan of Ptolemy?
(D) None of the above (A) lbn-Al-Haytham (B) lbn Baitar
(C) Al-Kindi (D) Al-Biruni
530 Actvarced ppSC itces ,rode, papers
60. 11th Juty is observed as (D) Chartotte Bronte
(A) Wodd maritime dav
(B) Wortd poputation d;v 74. The name of the news agency of U.S. is:
(C) Universal chitdren d;v (A) United Press lntemational
(D) Wortd No tobacco day (B) Reuters
(C) Tass
61. 'Fleet Street' is famous for:
(D) The Guardian
(A) Newspapers & press
(B) Stock Exchanqe 75. What is the totat tength ot Gwadar
(C) Cinema Halls - Motorway?
(O) None of these (A) 605 Km (B) B9S Km
62. Trans World airways and airline
(C) 933 Km (D) 11O5Km
of Delta 76. Southem Rhodesia is the new name of;
atrltnes are:
(A) Canada (B) America (A) lndonesia (B) Taiwan
(C) UK (D) France (C) Zimbabwe (D) None of these
63. Which of the following is Japan airline? 77. Myanmar is the new name of:
(41 .lAL (B) Aero Japan (A) Somatia (B) Burma
(C) Air Japan (O) Japan Air
(C) lndonesia (D) None of these
64. Name the only bowler who aot eioht 78. Who was the founder of Judaism?
hundred wickets in Test Cricket? -
- (A) Lao Tse (B) Jesus Christ
(A) M Maralitharan (B) Wasim Akram (C) Moses (D) None of these
(C) Shane Warne (D) Both a and c 79. What is the totat tength of Lahore-tstamabad
65. The foreign phrase Affair d,amour means.. Motorway?
(A) 233 Km
(A) A love affair (B) 297 Km
(B) At pteasure (C) 335 Xm (D) 370 Km
(C) Mismanaqed affarr 80. Abdul Oadeer Khan Nuclear Research
(D) None of tie above Laboratories was sel up in Kahuta in:
66. -lBM" is
a computer company of: (A) 1975 iB) 1976
(A) France (B) Japan lct 1977 (D) 1978
(C) USA ioi Cnin" 81. Toot oii and natural gas field is located in:
67. Who is considered the founder of the British (A) Punjab (B) Sindh
Empire in lndia? (C) N.W.F.P. (D) Batochistan
(A) Lord Cornwallis 82. Pakistan placed in the world population-wise
(B) Wanen Hastings _
on number
(C) Lord Clive 8th
(A) (B) 10th
(D) Sir Thomas Roe 11rh
(c) (o) 6th
68. Doctrine of Lapse is associated with: 83. _kilograms constitute 1 quintal?
(A) Lord Dathousie (B) Lord Comwa is (A) s0 (B) 100
(C) Lord Rippon (D) None of these (c) 200 (D) 250
69. Which one of the following provides U. Where is Red Square situated?
constitutional, guarantee oi (A) Kashmir (B) Moscow
iersonat (C) China
freedom? (D) New york
(A) Quo wanant (B) Mandamus 85. Which is the most beautiful harbour of the
(C) Certiorari (D) Habeas corpus world?
70,. Ketak is the Airport of: (A) Singapore (B) Seatfle
(A) Bangkok (B) Hong Kong (C) Sydney (D) Tripoti
(C) China (Di Non6 of tnise 86. To solve water crises lndus Water Treatu
71. Al Manazar was written by: was signed in 1960 under which who was t6
(A) Agha Hashr (B) tbnr-Hazm act as guarantor of this Treaty?
(C) Bardavi (D) tbn-e-Sena (A) World Bank (B) USA
72. "Al Qanun fil Tab' was written by:
(C) IMF (D) None of these
(A) Zakria Razi (B) At-Biruni 87 Which one of the fofiowing is known as the
"Coffee Port" of the woridi
(C) lbn-isena (D) lmam Ghazati
73. Who was the author of "Jane Eyre"?
(A) Sao Paulo (B) Santos
(C) Rio de Janeiro (D) Buenos Aires
(A) Robert Stevenson
(B) Victor Hugo 88. Which is the sha owest Sea of the world?
(C) Jamers Copper (A) North Sea
(B) Hudson Bay
Advanced PPSC ilC0s llodel Paoerc 53'l

(C) Gulf of St. Lawrence (0) Surgical products

(D) Red Sea 95. The largest bay is in Canada:
89. Which is the smallest ocean of lhe world? (A) Arabian Bay (B) Hudson BaY
(A) lndian Oc€an (B) Arctic Ocean (C) Gull of Bay (D) None ofthese
(C) Pacific Ocean (D) Atlantic Ocean 96. The laroest rsland of lndran Ocean is:
90. Which is the second largest ocean of the (A) Maldagascar (B) Sumatra
world? (C) Baffrn (D) Bomeo
(A) Atlantic Ocean (B) Pacific Ocean 97 Which of the tollowing is depth of Challenger
(C) lndian Ocean (D) None ofthese Deep?
91. ln which country the population of Kurds is (A) 15100 m (B) 91100m
livang (C) 12150 m (D) 10900m
(A) Turkey (B) lran 98. Name the largest railway station in lhe world
(C) lraq (D) All of the above is:
92. Name the first Civil War among the (A) Grand Central Terminal - New York
Muslims? (B) Condor Station Bolivia
(A) Battle of Siffin (C) Kharagpur railway station - lndia
(B) Battle of Nahrawan (O) Frankfort lntemational USA
(C) The Battle of Jamal 99. Which is the world's longest road?
(D) None of these (A) G.T. Road
93. The colour combination ofthe UN Flag is: (B) Broadway Street
(A) Red & blue (B) Blue & white (C) Pan-Am Hghway
(C) Whate & green (D) Only white (O) None of these
94. Pakistan's largest export rtem rs: 100. Which is the most famous waterfall of the
(A) Rice world?
(B) Texlile products (A) Superior (B) Balkan
(C) Sports goods (C) Niagara (D) Angels

Answer Key
1. d 14 c 27 b 40. d 53. b 66. c 79 d 92. c
2. c 15. a 28 c 41. a 54. c 67. c 80. b 93. b
3. a 16 c 29 a 42. b 55. c 6E. a 81. a 94. b
4. c 17 d 30 c 43. a 56. d 69. d 82. d 95. b
5. c 18 a 31 a M. a 57. c 70. b 83. b 96. a
6. b '19 a 32 c 45. a 58. c 71. b 84. b 97. d
7. c 20 c 33 c 46. b 59. a 72. c 85. 98. a
8. b 21 34 a 47. d 60. b 73. d 86. a 99. c
9. b 22 c 35 b 48. a 61. a 74. a 87. b 100. c
10 b 23 d Jb c 49. a 62. b 75. b 88. c
d 24 b 37 a 50. b 63. a 76. c 89. b
12 b 25 b 38 c 51. c 64. a n.b 90. a
13 b 26 b 39 b 52. b 65. a 78. c 91. d


(A) Badr (B) Uhad
1 The first 'Wahi" was revealed upon the Holy (C) Khandak (D) Khyber
Prophet Muhammad in
(A) 570AD (B) 610 AD 3 Hazrat Amir Mauwiya belonged to which
(c) 630AD (D) 590 AO tnbe?
(A) Banu Hashim (B) Banu Addi
2. The third battle fought between Muslim of (C) Bannu Ummiaya (D) None ofthem
Medina and Quraish of Mecca was
532 Advenced PPSC ttoes ll,odet paoers
4. Suleman the Magnificent was a King ot which (A) Malik chulam Muhammad
dynasty? (B) Jugander Nath Mundat
(A) Abbasid (B) Umayyad (C) Liaqat Ali Khan
(C) Mughal (O) Ottoman (O) Ch Muhammad Ali
5. Who lead Muslim forces during the 17 As Governor General of pakistan: the euaid-i-
"Crusades'? Azam was succeeded by
(A) Harun-ur-Rashid (A Sikander Mirza
(B) Salah-ud-Din Avubi (B Malik Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Watid-bin-Abdui Matik (c Khawaja Niazim-ud-Din
(D) Ahmad Shah Qachar (D Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi
6. Who introduced 'price Control System" in 18. Before imposition of first martial law rn
lndia for the lirst time? Pakistan on October 7. 1958, the tast prime
(A) Alla-ud-Din Khitii Mi{rister was
(B) Sher Shah Suri' (A) Malik Feroz Khan Noon
(C) Akbar the great (B) Muhammad Ati Boora
(D) Lord Com Wafiis (C) l.l Chundngar
7. Third Battle of Panipat was fought between? (D) Mian Mumtaz Dauttana
(A) lndian and the British '19. Which out of the following took place in .t963?
(B) Muslims and Hindus (A) lndo-Soviet Mrtitarv pact
(C) Marhatas and Muslims (B) Settlement of pakjchina Boarder Dispute
(D) Sikhs and Pathans (C) Uprising in Kashmir
8. Shah Wall Ullah tived in: (O) lndo{hina War
(A) 16th century (B) 17th century 20. The 1965 War continued for:
(C) lEth century (D) igth Century (4) '!q days (B) 12days
9. The first Govemor Generat of British tndia (C) '17 days (D) 19 dais
was: 21. Dr Henry Kissinger was:
(A) Warren Hastings (B) Lord Curzon (A) Forergn Minisler of Amenca
(C) Lord Clive (D) Lord Mayo (B) Air Chief o, France
10. The Capitat of British lndia.was shifted from (C) Novelist of Brazil
Calcutta to Delhi in (DI None of the above
(A) 1905 (B) 1911 22. 'Elysee Palace' is the official residence of
(c) 1932 (D) 1947 (A) Krng of Oenmark
11. "A Shorl History of the Saracens" was written (B) Chancetlor of Germanv
by (C) President of France
(A)Aliama Shibli Naumani (D) Pope of Vatican
(B)Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 23. "P-ride and Prejudice" was written by
(C)Syed Ameer Ati (A) Jane Austan (B) Thoma; Hardy
(O)Deputy Nazeer Ahmed (C) Agatha Kristr (D) George Orweit
12. The year of 1905 is considered very important 24. Singapore was previously part of:
rn the history of lndo-paki due to
(A) Foundation of Mustim League
(A) lndonesia (B) China
(B) Partrlion of Benoal
(C) Korea (D) Mataysra
(C) George-V's visiia to tndia 25. The largest lsland in the world is:
(D) Military Reforms (A) Australia (B) Japan
(C) Greenland (D) lndonesra
13. The World War-ll started in
(A) 1938 (B) 1939 26. Columbus discovered America in the year
(A) 1381 AD
(c) 1940 (D) 1%1
(c) 1498AD (O) 1532 AD
(B) 1492AD
14. Which Muslim dignitary of the Sub..Continent
died on 21sr Aprit 1938? 27 "Braille System" is meant to teach:
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (A) Deaf (B) Oumb
(B) Altaf Hus$in Hata (C) Blind (D) None
(C) Allama lqbal 28. Which of the following.countiies rs situated in
(D) Hakim Ajmat Khan the Scandrnavian region.
'15. At the. time of Partition (August 1947)i (A) Denmark (B) Norway
Prime Mrnister of Enoland was:
the (C) Sweden iO j elr ot rriem
(A) Ctement Afltee (B) Winston Churchi 29. lnsulin rs secreted bv:
(C) Woodrow Wilson (D) None of them (A) Liver ' (B) Pancreas
16. The first Finance Minister of pakislan was: (C) Kidneys (D) Heart
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model 533

30. The substance used in match sticks is: (C) Dark trading (D) Black Economy
(A) Sulphur (B) Acid
44. The fail in the value of an asset rs:
(C) Zinc (D) Phosphorous
(A) Depressron (B) Deterioratron
31. The ability to knowing thoughts of others, is (C) Deprecration (D) Degeneration
(A) Telepathy 45. 'Euclid" was an ancient Greek:
(B) Psychology (A) Dramatist (8) General
(C) Telecommunication (C) Geometer (D) Spiritual leader
(D) Psychclogy 46. Who inaugurated the Protestant Reformation
32. "Acupuncture" medical treatment originated in the Christlanity?
(A) lndia (B) Esypr (A) Martin Luther (D) Edward Jenner
(C) China (D) Greece (C) Francis Bacon (D) William Harvey
33. "The Wealth of Nation" was written by 47. Dum Dum" lnternattonal Atrport ts in:
({) Adam Smith (B) J.M Keynes (A) Amsterdam (B) Calcutta
(C) J.S Mill (D) Alfred Marshatt (C) Rangun (D) Bangkok
34. 'Micro" means 48. The legendry paintang "Mona Lisa" is the
(A) A hundredth part creation of:
(B) A five hundredth part (A) Pablo Picasso
(C) A thousandth part (B) Leonardo de Seprio
(D) A millionth part (C) Florence Nightingale
(D) Leonardo de Vinci
35. Karl Marx presented his ideas in his famous
work; 49. What is lhe effect of "Deficit Financing" on
(A) Das (B) Social Contract Economy?
(C) Helmet (D) Repubtic (A) Recession (B) Oepressron
(C) Deflation (D) lnflatron
36. ln Economics "Equilibrium" means:
(A) A state of balance 50. The Communist Revolution of Russia took
place rn
(B) A state o, imbalance
(C) A state of neutrality (A) 190s (B) 1917
(D) A state of uniformity (c) 1939 (D) 1945
37. Warren Buffet earned his wealth throu gh 51. "Alma mater' means
(A) Film making (A)Sports complex
(B) Stock Exchange (B)Film Sludios
(C) Booking writing . (C)One's ancestral graveyard
(D) Construction business (D)One's college or University
38. Ashes is played between: 52- "Suez Canal" connects two seas which are
(A) England and New Zealand (A) Read Sea and Black Sea
(B) New Zealand and Australia (B) Mediterranean and Red Sea
(C) Australia and England (C) Dead Sea and Arabian sea
(D) South Africa and England (D) Atlantic with Pacific
39. ln which Muslim country, the elected 53. 'Scotland Yard' is the Police Department of
Governmenl, has been overthrown by army in
(A) Germany {B) America
July 2013?
(C) Spain (D) Engtand
(A) Egypt (B) Syria 54. The founder of "Scoul' movement was
(C) lllorocco (D) Yemen (A) Lord Beden Powel
40. Brazil is situated in: (B) J N Dexit'
(A) Central Asia (B South America (C) P N Haksar
(C) Eastern Europe (D Far East (D) None of them
41. Steeve Jobs earned fame during his 55. The country which introduced competitive
association with examinations for the selection of Public
(A) lntel (B) Detl Servants for the first time was
(C) Micro Soft (D) Appte (A) u.K (B) U.S.A
(C) China (D) Japan
42 A stock which is highly in demand being a tow
56 The Printing Press was invented by
risk investment is called
(A) Elue eyed (B) Red share (A) Thomas Edison
(C) Elue Chip (D) Uncte's choice (B) Johann Guttenb€rg
(C) Alexander Graham Bell
43. lllegal commercial aclivities which go in (D) John Calv,n
recorded are termed as
(A) Parallel Economy (B) Bed business 57. A "Hector" is equal to
531 Advanced PPEC MCQs trtodel Paoers
(A) 1.5 Acres (B) 2.25 Acres 70. New York's Wall Street is a markel of:
(C) 5 Acres (D) 10 Acres (A) Computer (B) Movies
(C) Automobiles (D) Stocks
58. Peter Drucker is considered lo be the "guru'
of 71. The most nearly opposite in meaning to
(A) Architecture ''SUMPTUOUS" is:
(B) Development Economics (A) Fraquent (B) Partial
(C) Management (C) Restrarned (D) Open
(D) Movie Makang 72. Exports in Chemicals and Sugar seclors have
59. How many stages of development have been _ a phenomenal rise this year
indicated by Rostou? (A) Protected (B) Registered
(A) 3 (B) s (C) Proclaimed (O) Declared
(c) 6 (D) 7 73. Pick the most nearly similar in meaning to
60 Famous English Novel "Tale of two cities' "ABHORRENCE"
written by: (A) Loveable (B) Ability
(A) John Dalton (B) Francis Bacon (C) Able (O) Extreme hatred
(C) Thomas Hardy (O) Charles Dickens 74. He did not get the job because his knowledge
61. Michael Dell is one of the biggest name of? of (s was found to be
(A) Luxemburg's stock market (A) lncomplete (B) ineffectual
(B) Today's Computer World (C) inadequate (D) All of above
(C) Latin America's drug malia 75 A tool for tightening or loosening nuts and
(O) German polihcs a
bolts is :

62. "May Day" as celebrated lo remember the 1n; SpannE- (B) screwdriver
killings of labour protest of 'l st May 1886 in (C) Chisel (D) Hammer
(A) Moscow (B) Tehran 76. To pay off old scores is to get one's
(C) Manchester (O) Chrcago (A) Satisfaction (B) Honour
63. "Monolith" means (C) Revenge (D) Reward
(A) An ancient Greek building 77. Pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning
(B) A single, large organization, very slow of tO LACK LUSTURE:
change (A) Superficial (B) Courteous
(C) A holy religious document of Jews
(D) The codified law of Roman Empire
(C) Vibrant (D) Complex
78. Pick the one most nearly similar in meaning to
64. Hamlet is written by
(A) Milton (B) Shelley (A) Prod (B) Perdue
(C) Asgar Khan (D) Shakespeare (C) Tiredness (D) Fiddler
65 ln Pakistan, provincial job quota has further 79. One who never takes strong drinks is called
been extended for a/an:
(A) 10 years (B) 5 years (A) Drunk (B) Abstainer
(C) 20 years (D) 15 years (C) Teetotalism (D) Alcoholometer
66. Julian Assange is: 80. lf one does a duty with heart and soul it is
(A) An American Media person done
(B) A Star of English Film lndustry (A) N;atir- (B) Automatically
(C) Founder ol Wiki leaks (C) Enthusiastically (D) Clumsily
(D) A terrorist of Chile
81. "Air head'means
67 'Etrsalat' is a company of (A) A stupid person
(A) Telecommunication (B) A pilot
(B) Oil Exploration (C) A proud Monarch
(C) Shipprng (D) A genius
(D) Construction
82. "Adversary' is a/an
68. SECP is the regulatory authority of (A) Contemporary (B) Oppooent
(A) Stock Market (C) Soulmale (D) Resident
(C) Media Business 83. A person who studies rocks and soils is a
(D) lmporl and Export
(A) Botanist (B) Geologist
69, UN General Assembly elects a President and (C) Archaeologist (D) Physicist
how.many vice president at the start of each
sesslon: 84. Which word rs wrongly spelt the Iollowing set
(A) 20 21 of words?
(c) 22 D 23 . (A) Pledge (B) ProYoke
Advanced PPSC ItCOs ltodel Papers 535
(C) Precise (O) Predict I
85 Opposite of Hostrle is
l(l 23k
67 (8) 31%
(A) Aggressrve (B) Fnendly (Cl 97i/o
(D) None
(C) Cunning (D) Lovely
86. What is the L.C.M of 25, 30, 35 and 40? 93. The radius of a sphere is inc-reased by 10ol0.
(A) 3800 (B) 4200 The surtace area increases by
(C) 4400 (O) None (Al 21Vo (B) 31%
87. A wholesale tea dealer has 408 Kalograms, (C) 41% (D) None
462 Kilograms and 5'16 Kilograms of three 94. The average of 7 consecutave numbers is 33.
different qualities of tea. He wants it all to be The largest of these number is
packed into boxes of equal size without (A) 36 (B) 33
mixing. Find the capacity of the largest (c) 30 (D) 28
possible box
(A) 50 (B) 36 95 r
(c) 24 (O) 12 [r'- *'] = 52. 169 ys1,J6 61 I . ] is
(A) 4 (B) 3
SE {169)
tf X = - r,/@Iil rhen the vatue of X' (c) 6 (D) 13
(A)1.20 (B) 1 .68
(c) 1.99 1 (O) ',t2 96. lt 4" = 8b what is he ratio of a to b?
1t1 (A)i
t#l [+,] (ct
; (D)

(A) i B
3 97. A 100 meters long train passes a bridge @
(c) 3 D
72kmlhr in 25 seconds. What is the length of
6 the b dge?
90. Which of lhe following sets of haclions is in (A) /t00 m (B) 170 m
descending? (C) 600m (D) None
(A tzq
4,9'7 B ztq
98. lf 5x2 - 4x - 1 rs divided by
remainder is;
x - '1, the

c zqg
qzg (A) 0 (B) 2
9'7'5 o 7,9'5 (C) 1 (D) None
91. A mixture contains alcohol and water in the 99. Which of the following numbers should be
ratio of 12:5. On adding 14 litres of water, the added to 11.138 lo make it exaclly divisable by
ratio of ahohol to water becomes 4:3. The 77?
quantity of alcohol in the mixture is (A) s (B) I
(A) 18 litres (B) 24 litres (c) 7 (D) s
(C) 20 litres (D) None 100.9999 + 8888 + 777 +? = 19700
7 (A) 36 (B) 16
92. Exprcss f, as percentage (c) 64 (o) 26

Answer Key
1. b 14 c 27. c 40 b 53 d 66. c 79 c 92. d
2. c '15 a 28. d 41 54 a 67. a 80. c 93. a
3. c 16 a 29. b 42 c 55 c 6E, a 81 a 94. a
4. d 17 c 30. d 43 d 56 b 69 b a2. b 95. a
5. b 18 a 31. a 44 c b 70. d 83. b 96. b
6. a '19 b 32. c 45 c 58 c 71. c 84 a 97c
7. c 20 c 33. a 46 a 59 b 72. b 85 b 98. a
8. 21 a u. d 47 b 60 d 73. d 86. d 99. c
9. a 22 a 48 d 61 b 74. c 87 a 100. c
10 b 23 a 36. a 49 d bz d 75. b 88. a
11 c 24 d 37. b 50 b 63 b 76. c 89. d
't2 b 25 a 3E. 51 d 64 d 77. c 90. d
't3 b 26 b 39. a 52 b 65 c 78. c 91. d
536 Advanced PPSC MCQS llcdel Papers


ASSTSTANT (BS-16) 2019

(a) Blood '(b)
1. Which game is called the "Noble Art of Self-
(c) Energy (d) Vision
(a) Rugby (b) Wrestling 16. Complete the series: 2, 4, 3, 9, ,4, 16 ,5
(c) Boxing (d) King Fu .25.6.....
2. What is called a Tax on imports and exports?
(a) 30 (b) 33
(a) Drawback (b) Duty (c) 36 (d) 40
(c) Custom (d) Excise 17. Which game do you associate a "Puck"?
3. Fill in the blank: I am scared (a) he Hockey (b) Baseball
(c) Footbalt (d) Handball
(a) about (b) of 18. "Clique" means;
(c) for (d) on (a) A group of animals
4. Who was the leader of "Mahasbha"? (b) A group of birds
(a) Nehru (b) Gandhi (c) A group of people
(c) Tilak (d) Madan Malavia (d) A group of fish
5. The Jupiter a ball of?
is 19. AshaFe-Kahaf belonged to country:
(a) Gases (b) lce (a) Iraq (b) Turkey
(c) Stones (d) Sand (c) Egypt (d) Syna

6. Gota Canal is situated in? 20. ln the computer which part is the most
(a) ltaly (b) France complicated:
(c) Sweden (d) Germany (a) Keyboard (b) CPU
(c) RAM (d) wRoM
7. Muscular and nervous disorders is due to lack 21. 'Prosaic" means:
(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin C (a) Good (b) Oull
(c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin E (c) Beautitul (d) Graceful

8. What is lhe real meaning of "Qiyas"? 22. Anticancer vitamin is:

(a) Thinking (b) Searching . (a)Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B
(c) Judging (d) Consensus (c)Vitamin C (d) Vrtamin D
9. The large cAl in the human body is: 23. "Petronas Towers" is located in:
(a) Nerve cell (b) Muscle cell (a) Singapore (b) Chicago
(c) Liver cell (d) Kidney cell (c) Kuala Lampur (d) Washington
'10. A bit can be; 24. Fill in the blank: The railway track runs
(a) 1ando (b) 1or0 over
the river?
(b) by
(c) I only (d) 0 only (c) across (d) about
'11. "FoxPro" is:
(a) A medicine (b) A disea SE
Constitution of
25. -(a) which country is called
(c) A language (d) A Sect convention ridden:
(a) America (b) Britain
12. Fill in the blank: He is notorious (c) Australia (d) France
his crime?
(a) on (b) for 26. The title "Gibraltar of the Wesl" is given to:
(c) with (d) in (a) Boston (b) Mexico
(c) Quebec (d) Rome
'13. How much data can a single layer, single
sided DVD can store?
27. ln which country, Pakistan won the Cricket
(a) 4.7 GB (b) 14.7 GB World Cup 1992:
(c) 24.7 GB (d) 34.7 GB (a) England (b) Australia
(c) South Africa (d) New Zealand
'14. What should be given to an athlete for instant
28. Labour Party is a political party of:
(a) Vitamin (b) Fats (a) USA (b) France
(c) Protein (d) Carbohydrates (c) U.K (d) Poland

15. Amnesia is related to loss of: 29. lf 15 toys cost Rs.234. what do 35 toys cost:
Advanced PPSC MCQS t,odel Pa,,els 537
(a) Rs.s56 (b Rs.546 (a) Tiredne$s (b) starch
(c) Rs.s36 (d Rs.526 (c) Lien (d) Malign
30. Complete: 10,20,40,80, . 44. Whici species does the penguin belong to
(a) 12O (b 40 (a) Bird (b) Animal
(c) 160 (d 80 (c) Mammal (d) Reptile
31. Eyaluate: 2x25+5+1 0-2 45. "Sense and Sensibility" was written by:
(a) 20 (b) 15 (a) Shakespeare (b) Jane Austan
(c) 18 (d) 10 (c) John Millon (d) J.M Banie
32. Change in Passive: He has shown good 46. ln which category "lblees" lies?
performance. (a) Angel (b) Jinn
(a) Good performance has shown by him. (c) Human (d) Animal
(b) Good performance has been shom by 47. Enzymes are made of:
him. (a) Oil (b) Carbon
(c) good performance had been shown by
(c) Protein (d) Silica
him. 48. Cunent CM of Punjab "Usman Buzdar'
belongs to which city of Dera Ghazi Khan?
(d)Good p€rformance has be shown by him. (a) KottAddu (b) Taunsa Sharif
33. Al-Azhar Mosque was completed in: (c) Kott chutra (d) Ali Pur
(a) 920 A.D (b) 972A.D 49. "Nagoya" is the Seaport of:
(c) 980 A.D (d) 985 A.D (a) China (b) ltaly
34. Common Man's Gallery is inaugurated on 4th (c) America (d) Japan
. October 2019 bv ? 50. Lotus lake is located in:
(a1 ShibliFarai----lb)-ffia Zafar (a) lslamabad (b) Kaghan
(c) Sadiq Sa.irani (D) Asad eaisar (c) Karachi (d) Quetta
35. "To cry wolf' means: 51. What is the meaning of 'Al-tekaf'?
(A) To listen eagerly (a) Ablution (b) Prostration
(b) To give false alarm (c) Seclusion (d) Running
(c) To tum pale
(d) To keep off starvation 52. Change lhe sentence into Passive:
She will invite me.
36. Constrtution of which country is the briefest a I shall be invited by her
constitution of the world: (b I will invited by her
(a) Britain (b) America (c I shall being inviled by her
(c) Philippine (d) Canada (d I will been inviied by her
37. Prime Minister lmran Khan inaugurated 53. "Sayyad-ul-Ayam" is known as:
Langar Scheme Ehsaas Programme in?
(a) Lahore (b) Karachi
(a) Mcnday (b) Wednesday
(c) lslamabad (d) Multan
(c) Friday (d) Sunday
38. The lndus Valley Civilization belongs to:
54. Fillin the blank: Everybody blamed him
the accident?
(a) Neolithic age (b) Pateolithic age (a) about (b) for
(c) Chalcolithic age (d) Mesotithic ade (c) over (d) to
39. Who wrote the book known by the name of 55. A single worksheet contains:
'An Apology for Muhimmad and (a) 200 mlumns (b) 256 columns
Muhammadans"? (c) 300 columns (d) 356 columns
(a) William Muir (b) John Davenport
(c) Albert Mayo (d) Roger William 56. A combination of 16 bits is called:
40. ln the Sub-Continent. the tirst census was
(a) Bit (b) Word
held in:
(c) Nibble (d) Memory
(a) 1858 (b') 1877 57. Which country has the more computers in the
(c) 1881 (d) 1890 world:
(a) America (b) Germany
41. Evaluate: 0.213+0.00213 (c) France (d) Japan
(a) 10 (b) 50
(c) 100 (d) 1000 58. "Minsk" is the Capital.of
42. Which one of the number completes the
(a) Belarus (b) Latvia
series: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14...
(c) Ukraine (d) Russia
(a) 18 (b) 17 59. After lran, which is the largest manufacturer of
(c) 19 (d) 16 carpels:
(a) Afghanistan (b) Pakistan
43. Lethargy means: (c) lndia (d) Turkey
538 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers
60. The idea of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity (c) Come out (d) Fasl
was given by: 75. "Never-never land" means:
(a) Rousseau (b) Hobbs (a) An ideal pace (b) Dream land
(c) Montesquieu (d) Locke (c) A worthless place(d) A useless s uation
61. The Suri Dynasty of lndia lasted tor: 76. Milk contains water
(a) 20 years (b) 15Years ta\ 70o/a (b) 75o/o
(c) 10 years (d) 5 years (c) 80% (d)
62. "Matabar" was the ancient name of: 77. ldiom "A slap on the wrist" means:
(a) Madras (b) Bombay (a) Hard Punishment
(c) Calcutta (d) Delhi (b) Beating Someone
(c) Warning or Small Punrshment
63. Who was Mohammad Ali Bogra? (d) Make someone sad
(a) Prime Minister (b) Foreign Minister
(c) Law Minister (d) Finance Minister 78. A bag contains 50 paise. 1 rupee and 2 rupee
coins in the ratio 2 5:8. lI the total amount is
64. Who was given the title ot the "Speaker of the Rs. 352. find the total number of coins in the
Prophet"? bas.
a Hazrat Hood A.S (a) 160 (b) 200
b Hazrat zikriya A.S (c) 250 (d) 240
c Hazrat Shoaib A.S
d Hazrat lbraheem A.S 79. The European Union's working capital is in .
(a) London (b) Lisbon
65. "First Technology" of man on the earth is:
(c) Austria (d) Brussels
(a) Cloth
Use of (b) Use of Tyres
(c) Pap€r (d) Use ofFire
Use of 80. The D-8 is an organization of eaght
66. Bio oas is the name of: (a) Developed (b) Developing
(a) i{atural gas (b) Hydrogen gas (c) Asian (d) African -
(c) Nitrogen gas (d) Oxygen gas ?
81. The currency of lndonesia is
67. What is the meaning of Benton? (a) Rupiah (b) dinar
(a) Afresh (b) Ringgit (b) riyal
(b) Good manners
(c) Farewell 82. here are non-permanent members
(d) Authority of lhe security council.
(a) 5 (b) 7
68. The Ptanet which revolves slowly around the (c) 10 (d) 15
Sun rs ?
(a) Mercury (b) Mars 83. Organization of lslamic Cooperation (OlC) has
(c) Earth (d) Neptune official languages
(a) 1 2
69. The praclice of taking someone else's work or (c) 3 (d) 6
ideas and passing them off as one's own is
known as ? 84 There are
(a) 5
members of SAARC?
(a) Cu (b) Despotism 6
(c) Plagiarism (d) Epicure (c) 7 (d) 8

70. Find the mean proportion between 5 and 45. 85. Vvhich Country from the following is NOT the
(a) 9 (b) 8.15 member of UNO?
(c) 25 (d) 50 (a) Vatican City (b) Afghanistan
71. Antonym of ENORMOUS is ?
(c) Nonh Korea (d) Metnam
(a) Fragile (b) Weak 86. Which is the capital of Angola?
(c) Tinv (d) Soft (a) Baku (b) Canberra
72. The ratio of two numbers a and b is 3:5. lf 2 is icl Luanda (d) Manama
added to both the numbers, the ratio becomes 87. The United Nations was founded on
2:3. Find b?
(a) 15 (b) 10 (at-IarcF24, 1945 (b) octobel 24, 1945
(c) 8 (d) 5 ic) Marctr 24. 1949 (d) October 24. 1950
73. The new managihg director of the IMF 88. The Second largest city of Pakistan is
'Kristalina Georgieva" belong to which (a) Rawalpindi (b) Lahore
country? (c) Multan (d) Quetta
(a) Liberia (b) Bulgaria 89. Emblematic means:
(c) Romania . (d) Germany (a) Gorgeous (b) Small
74. Synonym of 'Shove'_? (c) Lethargic (d) Careful
(a) A strong push (b) Avoid 90. The World's first Camel hospital is located in
Advanced PPSC ttCQs odel Papets 539
(a) Jeddah (b) Tehran
(c) Oubai (d) Thar t7,]4.{',a7tt+" .st
t.-1'f{fJ.-;{ "=e ,ld ,, .sr -,vu' 6) goll G)
,(Vq,$ <a ($,Vi (a) ,f e, ro'; ,)r,ro7 6
cttrtL)r. (d V.,lti., (c) 9c-j/(e "c xgtt,;)tti' .st

Vtf {L "Hope against hope ". 92 6Lu (b) rtrrtrat

6gc (i O'i/; G) vtstti (d) rx! rct
*,t,itb (d y'{j1, G)
c.-.I q) rt,:Lu/,, gv$;yn,
-/C,;l,a (r) jdG;
.iA (ut s}a:t (a)
)tu., (d J7a6 (c)
--. )tD/
(O ,f ,u*, G)
ra,f ,!/'\z_ee
Iti:17(,*" .94
jr,' (u) c--*'Ji (i6s(i.a (a)
1) G)
ett* (a) fou <"t
G)€,8 (c)

t t,jf-i:qj/-,y',, .es

xr./.>tt./y:,rfi f l,r' G) fi,r,7 (a)

fi,t G) fip; (c)

?{tt-ry,f .
6;P)?v G) UeD (^)
zvst{ {O erc)e (c)
si aaaaaaoao
Answer Key
1. c 14. d 27. b 40. c 53. c 66. a 79. d 92. c
2. b 15. b 28. c 41. c 54. b 67. b 80. b 93. b
3. b 16. c 29. b 42. b 55. b 68. d 81. a 94. a
4. d a 30. c 43. a 56. b 69. c E2. c 95. d
5. a 1E. c 3't. c 44. a 57. a 70. b E3. c 96. c
0. c 19. d 32. 45. b 58. a 71. c u. d 97. c
7. d 20. b 33.
b 46. b 59. b 72. b 85. a 98. b
c 21. b d 47 c 60. a 73. b 86. c 99. a
a 22.
a 35. b 48. b 61. b 74. a 87. b '100. b
10. b c Jb. b 49. d 62. b 75. a 6E. b
c 24. c 37. c 50. a 63. a 76. c 89. a
b 25. b 36. a 51. c 64. c 77- c 90. c
tJ. a 26. c 39. b 52. a 65. d 78. d 91. d




1. Whi6h one of the following forts was built by 9. ln April 2014 a tenorist group kidnapped
Emperor Zahir-ud-Din Babar? nearly 280 school girls in Nigeria. Name the
(a) Balahissar Fort (b) DeMaer Fort group
(c) Rohtas Fort (d) Attack Fort (a) Al-Shabab (b) Al-Qaeda
2. By education Mahatma Gandhiwas a (c) Boko Haram (d) Daesh (lSlS)
(a) Doctor (b) Sociologist 10. What is the synonym of ABRIDGE?
(c) Engineer (d) Lawyer (a) To cross a bridge (b) To build a bridge
3. ldenlify the correci spellings (c) To shorten (d) To discover
(a) Biscut (b) Biscuit 'I 1. Which one of the following is the title of Hazrat
(c) Bescuit (d) Bescut Musa (A.S)?
4. Which one of the following is not a search (a) Roohullah (b) Saliullah
engine? (c) Khalilullah (d) Kalemullah
(a) Google (b) MSN '12. Who was the Iirst Muslim personality to be
(c) Windows (d) Yahoo awarded the Nobel Prize?
5. ldentify the conect sentence (a) Yasser Araft (b) Dr. Abdul Salam
(a) I am sick by your lies (c) Nebib Mahfouz (d) Anwar Sadat
(b) I am sick from your lies 13. Who was the lirst President of Pakistan?
(c) I am sick of your lies (a) Ayub Khan
(d) I am sick to yourlies (b) Liaqual Ali khan
6. Who invented a qystem. of reading and writing (c) - Ghulam Muhammad
for the blind? .(d) lskandar Mirza
(a) Hale Keller '14. FAO (Food and Agriculture organization) of
(b) Sir Humphrey Davey the United Nations, has it's headquarter in
(c) Louis Braille (a) Rome, ltaly
(d) Louis Pasteur (b) New York, USA
7. Recently a British citizen of Pakistani origin (c) Geneva, Switzerland
won the elections for Mayor of London What is (d) Vienna, Austria
his name? 15. Name the Minister of Education of Puniab?
(a) Sadiq Khan (a)
Rana Mashood Ahmad Khan
(b) Nazeer Ahmad (b)
Khwa.ia Salman Raliq
(c) Muhammad Pervez {c)
Raja Ashfaq Sarwar
(d) Sadiq Qureshi (d)
Khizar Hayat Gondal
8. Who presided over the Simla Conference in '16. What is the antonym of DWARF?
1945? (a) Small (b) Shorl
(a) Lord Minlo (b) Lord Wavell (ci clant (d) Dangerous
(a) Lord lrwin (d) Lord Mountbatten
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papets 541

17. From which university did Allama lqbal obtain 29. What is the significance of 17 August 1988 in
his Ph.D d6gree? Pakistan's history?
(a) Odotd (b) Cambridge (a) Prime Minister Junero's Govemment was
(c) Munich (d) Heirclberg dismissed
18. ln the field of inbrmation tdchnology what (b) Gen.; Zia-ulHaq died in a plane crash
do€s URL stand ior? (c) No confidence motion against Prime
(a) Unibm Resource Locator Minister B€nazir Bhutto was moved
(b) Universal Resource Locator (d) Parliament was dissolved by General Zia-
(c) Unifom Resource Link ul-Haq
(d) Unit€d R6ource Link 30. Recently Pakistani born British boxer. Amir
19. To 'clip the wind' means to Khan lost a boxing bout against Saul
(a) Put prGsure (b) Remorre limits CaneloAlverez. To which country does Canelo
Alvarez belong?
(c) Reduce Lengft (d) Put limits
(a) USA (b) UK
20. 'synagogue' is a place of worship br the (c) Brazil (d) Mexico
. (a) Buddists (b)
31. Which sea did Hazrat Musa (A.S) cross by
(c) Jews (d)
Roman Catholics
miraculously parting the water?
21. ldentry the correcl sentence (a) Red Sea (b) Meditenanean Sea
a His silence tantamount to refusal (c) Caspian Sea (d) Benng Sea
b His silence is tantamount to refusal
c His silence is tantmouting to refusal 32. ldantify the correct spellings
d His silence tantamounted to refusal
(a) Beginning(b) Begnning
(c) Brgrnning(d) Begginning
22. The famous Badshai Mosque located in
Lahore was buih by 33. Aung San SuuKyi is a prominenl political
(a) Jahangir (b) Shahjahan
leader of which country?
(a) Philippines (b)
(c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
(c) Laos (d)
23. Who is the current Chief of Air Staff of
34. Which puncluation mark is us€d after words?
(a) Air Chie{ Marshal Sohail Aman
(a) Hyphen (b) Exclamation
(b) Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafiq Eutt (c) Mark Colon (d) Apostrophe
(c) Air Chief Marshal l(aleem Saddat 35. What is the antonym of FRAIL?
(d) Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Sulenlan (a) Strong (b) Weak
24. Who became the Governd of Pakistan after (c) SecuA (d) Frivolous
a Nazimuddin? 36. When was Haii decbred as obligatory GaE)?
a Lraq uat Ali Khan (a) Hijri
7 (b) 8 Hijri
b Ghulam Muhammad (c) 9 Hijn (d). 10 Hiiri
c Muhammad Ali Bogra
37. Which part of the human body is affected by
d Ch. Muhammad Ali
Hepatitis C?
25. Name the pamphlet issued by Chaudhry (a) Kidneys (b) Spleen
Rehmat Ali in which the name Pakistan was (c) Pancreas (d) Liver
used for the first time
(a) Do or Die 38. Which country would host the next (19'h)
(b) lndependentHomeland SAARC Summit Conference?
(c) Freedom or Death (a) Bangladesh (b) Sn Lanka
(d) Now or Never (c) Pakistan (d) Maldives
26. Who was the world's first female Prime 39. On the following which one is not an input
Minister of a country?
(a) Margaret Thatcher (a) Keyboard (b) Mouse
(b) Sriamvo Bandaranaike (c) Joystick (d) Monilor
(c) Golda Meir 40. A person whose attitude is'Eat, drink and be
(d) lndira Gandi merry' is called a/an
27. What does LED stand for?
(a) Cynic (b) Stoic
(a) Low Emission Diode (c) Epicurean (d) Capitalist
(b) Light Emitting Diode 41. The sun is a
(c) Low Energy Device (a) Planet (b) Meteor
(d) Laser Energy Display (c) Star (d) Asteroid
28. Myopia can be conected by using which kind 42. What was the significance of the annual
of lens? session of All lndia Muslim League held rn
(a) Convex (b) Concave December '1930?
(c) Oiverging (d) None of these
il2 Advanced PP,SC MCQS Mod€l Papers
(a) Quai++Azam pr€sentcd hE foudeen (c) Australia (d) New Zealand
(b) Allanre lqbd d€frwled Alhhad sddress 54. The first Noble Prize to be awarded to a South
Asian Yvas awarded to
(c) Lshore RGolulion wE3 drafred (a) RabindranathTagore
(d) Oueid-€-Azam €l€ded as p€manent (b) Sir C.V. Raman
Pr€sire. of MuCim Lee0ue (c) Dr. Abdul Salam
4il. Of lte following plrys, wticil play has not (d) Or. Amartya Sen
b€en written by William Shakespeare?
(a) A3 you liks it 55. ldentify the plural of Thief
(b) King Lear (a) Thiefs (b) Thieves
(c) Comedy of EroB (c) Thiefes (d) Theeves
(d) tums and the Man 56. lslam was explicitly declared as the State
religion of Pakistan under the constitution of
44. ln Junc 2014, King Juan Carlos I abdicded in (a) 1958
favour of hb lon Felipe Vl. To whidt counw (b) 1962
did King Juen Carlos b€long? (c) 1973
(a) Spain (b) 8€bium (d) Constituent Assembly
The Neth.dends (d) Monaco
45. Hszrat llalrEe (R.A) was martyred in 57. To which country did the autocratic leader,
th€ Ferdinand Marcos, belong?
battle of
(a) Xhandaq (b) Uhad
(a) Philippines (b) lndonesia
(c) Badr (d)
(c) Cambodia (d) Fiji
,16. From the fulloMng p.rsondites indicat€ the 58. The plural of sheep is
one who r8proser ad Pakislan at the UniH
(a) Sheeps (b) Sheepes
Nations as pqmsn€r Repr6antali\6
(c) Sheeves (d) Sheep
(a) Dr. WahGod Ourcshi 59. The Mausoleum of Khawja Ghulam Farid is
(b) Patas Bukhan localed in
(c) F.iz Ahmsd Faiz (a) Pakpatttan (b) Mithankot
47. What is th6 3ynonym of DITTO?
(c) Bahawalpur (d) Mullan
(a) Fake (b) C'enuine 60. 'To hit the road' means to
(c) Thesamc (d) The opporrE (a) Fiunnish Joumey (b) Start Joumey
.|8. 'Recomhinbn d Raltfous Though in lslam'
(c) Dismantle a road (d) Repair a road
was w'itbn by 6'1. Sir Richard Burton'was a famous
(e) Sycd Arn .r Ai (a) Scientist (b) Poet
(b) Allema lqb€l (c) Politician (d) Aclor
(c) MsutsneMeu(hrdi 62. Which one of the follolving counlries opposed
(d) Or. U, M. Sh€re* Pakistan's membership of the United Nations
49. Panama Canal co..rnect3 Organization?
(a) Rod 36 ard M€ditsrranesn Sc. (a) lndia (b) lsrael
(b) lnden and Pacific Ocan (c) Mauritius (d) Afghanistan
(c) Ausntic Ocaan end Pacific Ocean 63. identify the correct spellings
. (d) D6ed S€a and C$pbn S6a (a) Bureucracy (b) Bureaucracy
50. The brrorists etbd( on Anny Publlc School, (c) Beaucracy (d) Boreauracy
Peshauxer, took dace on
(a) 11 December, 201a
(b) 16 D€canber. 2014 ' Sir Richard Francis Burton (CMG FRGS (19 March
(c) 20 Dec€lnb€r, 2014 1821 - 20 October 1890) was an English explorer,
(d) I OecombGr, 201a
Seographer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalid,
51. Who w.s th6 comna,rd€r d the infdoE in the cartographer, ethnologist, spy, linguid, poet, fencer,
BetdG o Uhad? and diplomat. He was famed for his travels
(a) Abu Ldr.b (b) AbU Sufran and
(c) Abrr Jahl (d) tee erplorationr in Asia, Africa andthe Americas, as well as
his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures.
52. Plutocracy is a form of Govemment run by
AccordinS to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian
a Technocrats
b Diclators and African languages. He was the first European to
c The Wealthy discover Lake Tanganyika and to penerate hitherto-
d Elected Representativas forbidden Muslim cities. He published 43 volumes on
53. The r.cenlly conduded T-20 Cricket Wodd his explorations and almost 30 volumes of translations,
' Cup was won by including an unexpurgated translation of The Arabian
(a) lndia (b) W6st lndbs Nights.
Advanced MCQS Model 543

64. ln a computer what does OS stand for? (b) Senate

(a) Optical Sensibility (c) ConstrtuentAssemblY
(b) Order of Signrfrcance (d) Federal Cabinet
(c) Operating System 78. Which Surah in the Holy Ouran gives a list of
(d) Organized Software category of person eligible to receive Zakat?
65. What was Cleopatra? (a) Al Baqarah (b) Al Maida
(a) A Greek goddess (c) Tauba (d) Al Nissa
(b) A Roman Empress 79. ln the marathon race athletes have to cover a
(c) A Queen of ancient lran distance of miles
(d) A Queen of ancient Egypt (a) 15 (b) 19
66. Who among the Pious Caliphs (Khulfa-e- (c) 26 - (d) 26
Rasheen) died a natural death? 80. When did Pakislan ioin NAM (Non Aligned
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) Movement) as full member?
(b) Hazrat Umar (R.A) (a) 1961 (b) 1972
(c) Hazrat Usman (R.A) (ci rgzg (d) 1987
(d) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
81. Wakhan Corridor is tocated lo the of
67. What is the capital oI Kazakhstan? Pakistan
(a) Bishkek (b) Almaty (a) West (b) East -
(c) Tashkent (d) Astana (ci ttortn (d) South-west
68. What is tire antonym ol CONFESS? 82. What represents the shortest pause in a
(a) Refuse (b) Contest sentence?
(c) Contend (d) DenY (a) Comma (b) HYPhen
69. 'Genoa' rs a seaport of ici Semicolon (d) Colon
(a) Switzerland (b) Sweden 83. Where is Baba Bulleh Shah buried?
(c) France (d) ltaly (a) uch (b) Multan
70. Who wrote the important scientific book'The (c) xasur (d) Pakpattan
Origin of Species"? 84. What is the opposite of UTOPIA?
(a) Albert Einstein (b) Charles DaMin (a) Reality (b) Conceptual
(c) Sir lsaac NeMon (d) Bertrand Russel (c) Nebulous (d) Ancient
71. Prince Dara Shikoh, son of Emperor 85. What does RAM in a computer stand for?
Sh ahjahan. was a disciple of (a) Read and Memorize
a) Shah Abdul Latif Bhital (b) Random Access Memory
b) Shah Waliullah Muhaddith (c) Random Access Module
c) Mullah Shah (d) Random Access Modem
.di Khwaja Ghulam Fatid 86. MaulanaMuahammad Ali Jauhar in
72 Omilhology' is the scientific study of started publishing newspaper "Comrade' from
(a) Reptiles (b) Birds (a) Delhi (b) Bombay
(c) Amphibians (d) Organic Fertilizers (c) Calcutta (d) Lahore
73. Where is Hazrat Nizmuddin Aulia buried? 87. Wateroate Scandal led to lhe downfall ol
(a) Ajmer Sharit (b) Dehli which-president of the United States?
(c) Agra (d) Multan (a) Jimmy Carter
74. What is the synonym of INOOLENT? (b) Theodore Ross€velt
(a) Lazy (b) Diligent (c) Richatd Nixon
(c) Busy (d) Hardworking (d) Lydon Johnson
75. Which political office does Joe Biden hold in 88. h which city is lhe famous Al Azha University
the USA? l-ocated?
(a) Secretary of Defence (a) Damascus (b) Cairo
b) Attomey General (ci Arnran (d) Jeddah
c) National Security Advisor a
89. Ayat Al Kursi is part of which Surah in the
d) Vice president Holv-Al
76 To flex ones muscles' means to (a) lmran (b) Al Baqarah
a Show rnterest (ci n entat (d) Al Nrssa
b Punish 90. Which is the outermost planet in our solar
c Show Weakness svstem?
d Show Strenglh/Authority (;) Pluto (b) uranus
77. The Objectives Resolution was adopted by (c) Mercury (d) Saturn
lhe in 1949?
(a) National Assembly

544 Adrrrrcrd PPI;C rcOr hd8, prpars

17 d { u/ e.u )tti .s1 r? r/ { 1 .tuu JV .tt6

tr""- (B) 6,i,.lg p'1 J./. j'.
':,rrt'P <Ol 'f :y',.1
/r,,7 6y (l
1c7 A OAt .f r.t Ot" @l fl. S( e eu 1c,1

rbl L;/ 1fn -,t,) .sz ' Y I { './-/ ,:{ sr .s7

?Ei G) ge$;? 6y it,-(-o @) , ,f irt ol

LJU 4t @t 6s dtLV Gl 4t 4 ol .rt flyt,€t (cl
a)h,{(z_t$1,twnSt t7 J,c (,,/ ,f ,fu .sa
! .ez
w.e/, cl'1 tl.l,+,,| @l f ;V, G,t ,tt,)t;2r 61

'ir.OV @l w.iitq pl
*t' )r4 ioy '? (c)
tc- .f t!,) (,/,,L Jz- .gg
,,/:.;6>ft(',J,i,t7r" I ,f* r! JF, .w
G -t-t,.F py .cr4-,J tret
,/ l,r rrl ,f rn ol .?ti. G)
sta /4 g,1
ta / { tc u{ -Et .:.4.100
' l,i /4 @) tJ,tr LtA Gl
6t.t P) .tit,-(-c) 6)
tz- ev Ltr {v/ etl,Jg,4 .ss
jr. ,.F t'i'' <ol ,f e r, <"1
t1*i d @t ./A 44 6t
1f t (t z 1oy ,fb ci2t 1c1
A nswer Key
1. a 14'. a 27 b 40. c 53 b 66 a 79. c a2 e
2. d 15. a 28 b 41. c ,4 a 67 d 80. c 93. a
3. b 16. c 29 b 42. b 55 b 68- d 81. c 94. b
4. c 17. c 30 d 43. d 56 c 69. d 82. a 95. b
5. c lE. a 3t a 44. a 5/ a 70. b 83. c 96. d
6. c ,9. d 32 a 45. b 5E d 7'1. c 84. a 97. b
7. a 20. c 33 b 46. b 59 b 72. b 85. b
6. b 21. b u b 47. 60 b 73. b 86. c
o c 22. d 35. a 48. b 61 b 74. a 87. c 100. d
10 c 23. a 36. c 49. 62 d 75. d 88. b
11 d 24. b 37. d 50. b 63 b 76. d 89. b
12 d 25. d 38. c 51. b 64 c 77. c 90. a
13 d 26_ b 39. d 52. c 65 d 78. c 91. c
1. At the time ot rndependence (1947). which I (41 Pq"* (B) Karachi
o'nn"", citv or (popurarion
#fl"",f" I , i:Li:i;:"". r*".J:l,lffif "r*,",""
Advanced PPSC *lCQs Model Pa!,e,s 545

after the independence was: "protains'?

(A) King Saud of SaudiArabia (A) Sugar (B) Butter
(B) President Sogkamo or lndonesia (C) Meat (D) All of them
(C) President Truman of the U.S '16. Alexandar invaded lndia in:
(O) Reza Shah Pahlavi-the Shah of lran (A) 527 B.C. (B) 424 B.C.
3 The founder of 'Khaksar Tehrik' was: (c) 326 B.c. (D) 261 B.c.
(A) Syed Abu-ala-Maududi '17. The Pakistan Poet who was awarded "Lenin
(B) Allama Anayat Ullah Mashraqi Prize' by the USSR; was
(C) Maulana Abu-al-Kalam Azad l(A) Faiz Ahmad Faiz
(D) Syed Atta-Ullah Shah Bukhari (B) Muneer Niazi
4 To whom Lord Mountbatten succeeded as (C) Habib Jalib
Governor General of lndia? ' (O) Ahmed Faraz
(A) Lord Wavell (B) Lord Curzon '18. Whrch is the highest forex-earner for Pakrstan
(C) Lord Cornwallis (D) Lord MaYo out of following commodities?
5 The only Vice President in the history of (A) Sugar (B) Wheat
Pakistan was: (c) Cotton (D) Rice
(A) Skindar Mirza 19. The Capital of Morocco is:
(B) Ghulam Muhammad (A) Khartoum (B) Rabat
(C) Nurul-Amin
(D) Lord Mayo
(C) Alexander (D) lsmailia
20. Which is the National Flower of Pakistan?
6 Pakistan hosted the 2nd lslamic Summit in:
(A) 1969 (B) 1974
(A) Tulip (B) Rose
(C) Jasmine (D) None of them
icl rgzs (D) 1981
21. During Bush Juniois presidency; Dick Cheney
7 "Trillion' stands for: was America's:
One hundred million (A) Chairman
B One thousand million (B) Vice President
One hundred billion (C) Secretary of Defence
D One thousand billion (D) Attomey General
8. "lndia Wins Freedom" was written by: 22. 'Davis Cup'is associateil with:
(A) Maulana Abu-al-Kalam Azad (A) Lawn Tennis (B) Squash
(B) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(C) Rajendra Prasad ic) Badminton (D) Polo
(D) Mrulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar 23. "Shakira' is famous for:
(A) Sinsing (B) Acting
9. Who was the first female Prime Minister: (C) Athelatics (D) TV hosting
(A) Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
(Bi Margret Thatcher o{ England 24. Amercians have planned to have Afghanistan
(C) Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka in:
(D) Golda Meir ot lsrael (A) 1913 (B) 1914
ic) 1si 5 (D) 1e16
10. "Mailis" is the Padiament of
(A) Saudia Arabia (B) UAE 25. "Mvanmar' is the new name of:
(C) Kuwait (D) lran (Ai chilli (B) Burma
(C) Niger (D) Tibet
'11. Abdullah Hussain is a famous Urdu
(A) Novelist 26. "Think and Grow Rich" was written by:
(B) Poet (A) Oale Carnegle
(C) Short story writer (B) Stephen Covey
(D) Critic (C) Anthony Robbins
(O) Nepoleon Hill
12. ln whrch year Pakistan won the T-20 Cricket
World Cup? 27. The H.Q. of the lnternational Court of Justice
(A) 2oo9 (B) 2010 is at:
(A) The Hague (B) Geneva
(c) 2007 (D) 2012
(C) Rome (D) London
13. "Heathrow lntemational Airport" is in:
(A) New York (B) London 28. Which of the following is a Human Rights
(C) Paris (D) Rome Oroanization?
(Ai Amnesty lnterr|ational
14- Before the 1st World War; which country used (B) The Arab League
to be called the "Sick Man of Europe"? (C) The Organization of African Unity
(A) ltaly (B) Greece (D) Gulf Co-operation Council
(C) Turkey (D) Holland
29. Pakistan purchas€d Gawader from:
15. Which of the following items is a source of
516 Advanced ppSC MCes Modet papers
(A) lran (B) UAE (C) Space
(C) Qatar (D) Marine Life
(D) Oman
43 . Pakistan's largest lndustry is:
30. Captain Cook'was a famous: (A) Sugar (Bi Adomobite
(A) Australian Navioator (C) Cement (D) Textite
(B) American Milita-ry Commander
(C) ltalian pitor 44 . 'Hyde Park" London is renowned for:
(D) Engtish Scientist (A) Berng resrdence of Engtand's Foreign
31. "People's Republic of China,'was founded in: (B) Beautiful red roses
(A) 1947 (B) 1948 (C) Liberty of speech
(C) 1949 (D) None of them (D) Unique design
32. A movie on euaid-€-Azam,s life titled 45 "Union Jack" is the flag of whrch
"JINNAH" was produced bv. country?
-(Bi Enoland
(A) France
(A) lkram Sehgal (B) 'Faiz Ahmed Faiz (C) Nerhertand ioi
(C) Suhrab Moodi (D) Akbar S. Ahmed Ceimany
46 The World's tallest buildino is:
33. "KGB" is the intelligence Agency of: (A) Emprre State Buitding; New york
(A) Russra (B) France (B) Habrb Banka Ptaza. karachr
(C) Germany (D) England (C) Buriul-Arab, Dubai
34. The "Bala Hissad Fort is situated in which citvl (D) Kaualalampur Tower. Malaysia
(A) Quetta (B) peshawar 47 ln sequence of American presidents,
(C) Muttan (D) Dethi Abraham Lincoln stands at which number?
35. 'Homer" was a great poet of ancient: (A) 10th (B).16rh
(A) Rome (B) persia (c) 20th 1oj zzna
(C) creece (D) Egypt 48 King Abdullah bin Hussain is the ruler of:
36. Who caused the Communist Revolution of (A) Saudi Arabia (B) Monoco
Russia in 1917? (c) Jordan io) att or tnem
(A) Trotsky (B) Statin 49 ln terms of population which is the biggest
(C) Beria (D) Lenin continent out of the followino:
37. 'Parcm Vir Chakra' is the hihgest mititary (A) Asia (B) Eurooe
award of; (C) South America iO) Nortti lmerica
(A) Nopal (B) Thaitand 50 Last FIFA World Cup was won bv:
(C) Burma iO) tnOia (A) France (B) cermany
38. "Formusa" is the old name of: (C) Spain iO1 rtary
(A) Tib€t (B) Taiwan 51 General Abdul Fateh-alsisi is;
(C) Brazil (O) potand (A) A hero of Algerian war of lndeoendence
39. The currency of Australia is: (B) The new president of Sudan
(A) Dollar (B) pound (C) The head of UNO's peace keeping force
(C) Schr ing (o) france in Africa
40. "Accra' is the capital of: (D) The Military Chief of Egypt who tead the
recenl coup
(A) Uganda (B) Tanzania
(C) Zambia iOi Orrana 52 Which country celebrated 6oth anniversary of
'War-Vrctory" against the U.S on 27th JiJly.
41. The "Law of Gravitation" was discovered by 2013?
(A) lsaac Newton (A) Vietnam (B) South Africa
(B) Thomas Alva Edison
(C) Hugo Chavez (C) Cuba (D) North Korea
(D) Guglielmo Marconi 53 Joe Biden is:
42 "Meteorology" is the Scienc€ of:
(A) America's Vice President
(A) Earth quakes (B) Weather (B) ltaly's Prime Minister
(C) Germany's Chancellor
(D) World Bank's President
taptaan James Cook (7 November 1728
- 14 February 54 The Punjab Govt and China power
1779) was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, lnlernational Holding (CplH) have signed a
and captain in the Royal Navy. Cook made detailed MOU for setting up four coal power plan-ts at:
(A) Nur Shah; Sahiwal
maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages (B) Gadani; Baluchisian
to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the first (C) Kotli; Azad Kashmir
recorded European contact with the eastern coastline (D) Lyari; Karachi
of Australia and the Hawaiian tslands, and the first Aung San Suu Kyi is:
recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand. (A) Mayanmar's Potiticat teader
PPSC Mo PaDers 547

(B) Japan s Modia Person (C) Physician (D) Painter

(C) Korea's business tycoon 70. The Iast UmmaYYad CaliPh was:
iDl Singapore s Forergn Mrnister (A) MaMan-ll (B) Suleman
56. How many articles are essential to believe in iC) xastram (D) Waltd
for a Muslim? 71. The constitutioan reforms introduced in British
(A) 1 (B) 5 inOia, the year 1909 are generally reterred
ici rr (D) 7 as:
(A) Minto-Morley Reforms
57. "Usher" means:
(A) One tenth (B) One fifth iB) Montagu-Ctremslord reforms
ttrrrO (D) Noen oul ofthem (C) The CommunalAward
iCi One
(O) None of them
58. Minimum Usherworthy production in case of How manv Round Table Conferences were
well-irrioated land is. 72
(A) 5 riaunds (B) l0maunds netd in L6ndon to resolve the Hrnd-Muslim
iCi t5 maunos (D) 20 maunds differences?
rA) 3 (B) 2
59 "zabud (Psalms) was revealed uPon:
(A) Haz:rat Dawood (B) Hazrat lbrahim ici r (D) 5
(o) Hazrat lsmael 73 Mr Jinnah Dresented his 14-Points in March
tCi Hazrat 1929. in Mu;lim League's session held at:
60 Which 'Surah" was the first to be revealed (A) Lucknow (B) Bombay
uoon Holv ProPhet Muhammad?
rAi Surah "at-etaq" (B) Surah "al-Fataha"
ici t-atrore (D) Delhi

idi Suratr 'alrata'r" (D) surah "al-Nisa" 74 Since lndependence, the first object of
Pakistan's foreign policy have been:
61 Which is the longest Surah in the Holy Quran? (A) ProPagation of lslam
(A) Surah "al-Nas" aB) Economic uplift
(B) Surah'Yasin" iC) Ctose relations with the U S.
Surah al-lkhlas" (D) lntegrity of the country
Surah 'al-Baqarah'
75 The first pacl which Pakistan signed with
62. The Holv C:lran was first transrated in: America was:
tnt Endlistr (B) Latin (A} CENTO (B) SEATO
ici Peis,an (D) Greek
ici aaghoaa paa (o) Defence Pact
63 How manv vears of his life, the Holy Prophet 76 The Second Five-Year Plan was implemented
Muhamm;d'spent in Mecca? durino:
lA) 35 (B) 53 Ar igzo - 75 (B) 1955-60
tct os (D) ss
ic) rgos - zo (D) 1960 - 6s
04 As per lslamrc vocabulary, 'FIOHA' means: 77 ln 1960, which pacvtreaty was signed by
(A) lslamtcJurisPrudence Pakistan?
iB) studv of holv Prophet's life (A) RCD
iC) nnatisis ot t'stam s effects on Humanity iB) lndus Water Treaty
(D) Social system of lslam (c) CENTO
65 . "INFAQ" iS: (O) Taskant Agreement
{At Fiohtino with enemies of lslam 78 The book titled "From Jinnah to Zia" was
iai s;'eno q weatth for the cause of lslam written by:
ici riavettin-o from Mecca to Medrna (Al Gen. K. M Arif
iOi Oetinetin-g a speech against intldals iBi Hasan Askari Rrzvi
66 . The highest number of "Ahadith'was nanated tci Justice Muneer Ahmed
bv: (D) Rafi Raza
(A) Hazrat Zaid-bin Hanis 70 . Russia withdrew from the Afghanistan under
(Bi Hazrat Bilal Habshi the:
(C) Hazrat Abu Huraira (A) Moscow Agreement
tDi Hazrat Aysha siddiqa (B) KabulAgreement
67 The last month of the lslamic Calendar is iC) lslamabad Treaty
(A) Safar (B) Shawal (D) Geneval Accord
tC) Jamadi-ul-Awwal (D) Zlhai 80 . Which lntemational dignity has recently
68 The Batlle of Badr was fought in; oiiireo meaiation betwee; Pakistan and lndia
(A) 624 A.D. (B) 625AD. on Kashmir?
ozg a.o. (o) 627 A.o. (A) The Prime Minister of Russia
rB) The Kinq of Bhutlan
Aq ALRazi was a great;
(A) Poet (B) Histonan ici
rne se&etarv ceneral of UNo
iDi tne rore,gn Minister of the U.S
W Advanced ppSC HCes Nodat paoa,3
81 . "Animosity' is most opposite
l:l :ouq (B) Grudge j;(t,r 1o1 ,l7r 1c1
(u) Enmity (D) Embirrassment
82. A. person who looks at the brighter side
things is anla:
of t
aot f l.a1 6. l v,! {--etj; 2, * .sl

(A) Pessimist (B) Fatatisr .r-hz,_t;._/ (A)

(u) uprrmrst (D) phitanthropist
83. F€mous. character "David Copperfield" was )Qc7)x-7 1s1
rne creatton of:
(A) Charles Dickens
(B) Arthur Conan Dovle
{''riu* tcl
(C) Jane Austen Gol{tf;t,it- 1o7
(O) Thomas Hardy
84. Which w€rd is wrongty spelt in the fo[o!\,ing: rayrlvlf 6T sr.t,(;l,t6ro,? .u
lll l!:gigy"r.
(B) Bureaucracy
),nr @l ctvJi ol
85. To point the linger of scom to someone ts ,/4lt @)
treat him withl
to -?ttt/t (Q)
(A) Oisdain (B) Kindness
(C) tndifferentism (Oi ne"pect / L
",,',9 -,/,,t,*:, rr| j,iiG,t Jot -i, .es
86. Chades Oicken's novel "Tale of the two Cities, _,.sJCGtr.l
nas Deen wriflen in the background or:
(A,, Kenatssance
(B) French Revolution {w/ @ J-sJ ot
(C) Age of reason )lrc)Vrt (D', trr-f\ rcl
(D) Communist Movement
87. "To carry the dav'means: e?6ctl=vJ?tk{,L,t go
(A) To be extreinelv busv
(B) To win a victorv
(C) To comptete th; assignment before the
,./r p1 tr,- (l
(D) To enioy a pleasant weather
J'/tit/ (o) --tt:U G,)

88. Who is a "proletarian,?

(A) A member of lowest class of community
?ri",!,,/, E J J. :r)t, ? (,,,r .s7
(6) A wnter of exceDlinal skills !'sl:-tV (B) st,,)U:t 6y
(C) An abscure chaiacter of history
(O) An obsessed lover JVli (Dl 1fo(;,2t 1c1
E9. To be green-€yed means to bej
(B) sad
(O) Sict
t zg)
lLJ,si ) gt
/tr 7 sr, ; t t,t .se

90. The antonym ot clear is: ,!z,o Fr sty)xc 1lry

(A) Signifcanr (B) Expidt iaa
(u, uonsprcuous (D) lndisincl 1o1 r,@t.{.C (c)

-,"r--/j nl t r - gE Ll,a, * .st

7*{4x""t,s{6,5 7g,,.,, .r,
L1au,,/4F 6) 3,;l' g ;t/,zr $t
LlitLlLu;l F)
6r/ @) tt6 G)
vlrtLr:ov <ct t(L !h, (Lv, 6 JE tL.i,
t t;' .1 oo
6:4i:ttil (Dl .
iwtF-w @l tr4rq; 6y
tri 9//t Utl,r. p rt4$ ur
El'.?ta/ pl t)fiilr qcl
r&,e @t $=s,! ot
MPt ScncAst,odr, Paof,lrs W
Answer Key
1. a 14 c 27. a 40 d 53 a 66 c 79 d o, a
2.d 15 c 28. a 4',1 a 54 a 67 d 80 a YJ b
3.b 16 c 29. d 42 b 55 a 68 a 81 a 94 c
4.a 17 a 30. a 43 d 56 b 69 c 82 c c
5.c 18 c 31. 44 c 57 a 70 a 83 a 96 a
6.b 19 b 32. d 45 b 58 b 71 a u c 97 b
7. d 20 c 33. a 46 c 59 a 72 a 85 a 9E. c
8.a 21 c 34. b 47 b 60 a 73 d 86 b 99. b
9.c 22 a 35. c 48 c 61 d 74 c 87 b 100 d
10. d 23 a 36. d 49 a 62 b b 88 a
'11. a 24 b 37. d 50 b 63 b 76 b B9
12. b 25 b 38. b 51 d 64 a 77 b 90 d
13. b 26 d 39. a 52 d 65 b 78 c 9't c



Find the words slmilar in mcanlng.

(B) To relay on own.iudgement
(C) To preserve a discreet silenc€
1. Adversity: (O) To obtaio lhe services of a lawyer
(A) enemy (B) misfortune belonging to one's own family
(C) joy (O) success '10. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the
2. Eminent: gander-
(A) clever (B) ambitious (A) Everyone regardless of differences
(C) cunning (D) famous deserves equal treatment
3. Prohibit: (B) Goose and gander should both be fed
(A) display (B) permit with sauce
(C) forbid (D) advertise (C) Like treatment for like things
(D) Rich and poor should be treated equally
S€lect the word which is oppo3ile in m€aning.
4. Contracl 11 2a 3i6= ?
(A) expand (B) subtracl 1i
(C) attract (D) decrease (A) 6 (B) I
15 i;
5. Transparent:
(B) apparent
(D) opaque
(c) srt 1)
(D) 6fr
6. Reckless:
(A) stubbom (B) n€edles
'12. ffi? r
(C) caulious (D) careless 71
(A) il (B) 5
Choose the corract meaning of tho folloyvjng
idioms and prcverbs
(c) 1 (D) 3
'13. lf 25 students took an examination and 4 of
7. His bark is worse than his bite.
them failed. What per cent of them passed?
(A) He barks as well as bite like a dog
(B) He sounds dangdrous but is not (A) 75o/o (B) EOo6
(C) His anger is biting (c\ uo/o (D) 85%
(D) Bank of a dog is more harmtul than blue 14. Calculate the perimeter of a rhombus with
each side equal to 6 cm:
L There is no smoke without a ,ire. (A) 18cm (B) 24 cm
(A) Fire always emits smoke (C) 35cm (O) 48 cm
(B) Fire is a source of pollution in
environmenl 15. Which shape has four equal sides and right
(C) There is some truth in a rumour angles?
(D) For smoke u,e have to fire (A) Rhombus (B) Square
9. Xeep one's own counsel.
(C) Rectangle (D) Parallelogram
(A) To retain one's own lawyer 16. The total area of Pakislan is :
550 AdYanced PPSC /UCQS tt Papers
({) Q02,8a0 sq. km (B) 803,840 sq. km (B) Sir Agha Khan
(C) 796,096 sq. km (D) 801,940 sq. km (C) M. A. Jinnah
17. The Chinese province adjoining Pakistan is: (D) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
({) Minkiang (B) Sinkiang 31 Khilafat Movernent vvas launched by lndian
(C) Shanghai (D) Chrng Chee Muslim in order lo:
18. Warsak Oam is situated on nver: A) Set up Khilafat in lndia
(A) Kabul (B) Swat B) United Muslim Ummah under one Caliph
(C) lndus (Dj Chenab C) Win fteedom for holy lands
D) Restore Ottoman Caliph
19. Khewera is famous for:
(A) Salt mines (B) Shrines 32. Who is called "The Shere-Bangal' among the
(C) Tombs (D) Rock Carvings following leaders?
(A) A.K. Fazlul Haq
20. Pakistan tested its nuclear device on: (8) Ch. Khaliquzzaman
(A) 28th May 1998 (B) 28th June 1989 (C) Skindar Hayat Khan
(C) 26th May 1997 (D) 27th Juty 1997 (D) Nawab Waqarul-Mulk
21 . The name of lslamabad - Lahore motorway is: 33. Quaid-e-Azam's 14 points was presented in
(A) M4 (B) M2 response lo:
(c) M6 (o) M3 (A) Nehru Report (B) 3rd June Ptan
22. The Durand Line is boundarv b€tween . (C) Rowlatt Act (D) Lucknow Pact
(A) lndia and Pakistan 34. The Cabinet Mission came to lndia in:
(B) China and Pakistan (A) 1e40 (B) 1942
(C) Pakistan and Afghanistan (c) 1944 (D) 1946
(D) Pakistan and lran
35. Which Dam is constructed on River Jhelum?
23. Qantas Airlines is the airline ot (A) Warsak (B) Mangla
(A) ltaly (B) Australia (C) Rawal (D) Srmll
(C) United Kingdom (D) lreland
36. NATO consists of _ member countries:
24. Muslim country with largest population: (A) 28 (B) 29
(A) Pakistan (B) lndonesra (c) 30 (D) 31
(C) Malaysia (D) Bangtadesh
25. Which of the following countries lies in two
37 'The Pico" lsland is located in:
({) l-long Kong (B) Portugal
(A) China (B) Brazit
(C) China (D) Srilanka
(C) Turkey (D) Canada 38. Who is called the "Traveler of lslam" ?
(A) lbn-e-Khaldun (B) lbn-e-Battuia
26. Who stood as guarantor of lndus Water (C) Musa Al-Mafi (D) At-Beruni
f rcaty?
(A) U.S.A 39. Halle city is located in which country:
(B) World Bank (A) France (B) lndia
(C) European Union (C) Sri Lanka (D) Germany
(D) lnternational Court of Justice 40. Sher Shah Suri was a:
27. Who was the last Governor General of (A) Pashtun (B) Tajik
Pakistan? (C) Uzbik (D) Turk
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan 41. ln Vvhich Province Of Pakrstan. maxrmum
(8) Quaid-e-Azam languages are spoken:
(C) Ghulam Muhammad Sindh
(A) (B) Batochistan
(D) Skindar Mirza Punjab
(C) (D) KPK
28. What does IRSA stands for? 42. "Buraq Air" is the airline ot
(A) lntemal Revenue Service of Australia (A) Hongkong (B) Libya
(B) lnternational Relief Support Agency (c) Egypt (D) lraq
(C) lntegrated Rural Suppty Agencies
(D) lndus River System Authority 43. When did man step out on the moon?
(A) 1969 (B) 1972
29. Which of the following crops is most waler- (c) 1974 (D) 1978
(A) Rice/Paddy (B) Conon
44. Bastille Day is celebrated on:
(C) Wheat (D) Maize
(A) 5 July (B) 10 Juty
(C) 14 July (D) 17 July
30. Simla Delegation which called on the then
viceroy in 1906 on behalf of lndian Mustims 45. Who is known as Man of Blood and lron:
was led by: (A) Napoleon (B) Hiter
(A) Allama Muhamma dtqbat (C) Mandala (D) Bismarck
Advanced PPSC ItCQs ,todel PaoeB 5.1
46. ILO came into existence under the treaty of 63. Where is famous "Natural Bridge" located?
Versailles after World War 1 in: (A) Kabul (B) Ankara
(A) 1918 (B) 1919 (C) Madrid (D) Mrginia
(c) 1920 (O) 1e21 6.4. When Asia-Pacilic Econpmic Cooperalion was
47. Which sea is without a coastline? established?
(A) Sargasso (B) Baltic (A) 1989 (B) 1990
(C) Caribbean (D) Mediterranean (c) 1992 (D) 1999
48. How many pairs of ribs are there in Human 65. 'KHAO & RAMA" Secret agencies of:
Body: (A) Tajikistan
(A) 10 (B) 12 (B) Arghanistan
(c) 13 (D) 14 (C) Russia
49 Which rs smallest state in Asia?
(D) Uzbekistan
(A) Maldives (B) Maltia 66. Latakia and Tartus are Seaporls of:
(C) Bahrain (D) Brunei (A) Syria (B) Egypt
50. Who proyided proof to suggest that the earth (C) lran (D) Turkey
was spherical? 67. The lifdspan of White Blood Cells is:
(A) Encaston (B) Magellan (A) 1-5 days (B) 5-10days
(C) Columbus (D) Al-Beruni (C) '10-20 days (D) 5-21 days
5:1. "Myfh of lndependence' was written by: 68. Urine is produced in:
(A) General Ayub Khan (A) Kidney (B) Pancreas
(B) Zulifqar Ali Bhutto (C) Spleen (0) Gallbladder
(C) Asghar Khan
(D) PeNez Musharraf 69. Yeast is a:
(A) Fungus (B) Virus
52. Which city is called "City of Palaces": (C) Bacteria (D) Seed
(A) Paris (B) Bombay 70. For water purification. we use:
(C) Mexico City (D) Washington (A) Silicon (B) Chroline
53. Fidel Castro was the presidenl of: (C) Fluorine (D) Oxygen
(A) Cuba (B) Spain 71. The hotlesl Planet of the Universe is:
(C) France (D) Canada (A) Neptune (B) Venus
54. "Dampie/' is the seaport of: (C) Uranus (O) Saturn
(A) France (B) Australia 72. Blood is cleaned by:
(C) Malaysia (D) Switzerland (A) Liver (B) Lungs
55. Which U.S President said. "l am not a crook.' (C) Kidney (D) Spleen
(A) Nixen (B) Clinton 73. The bodyguard of the Earth is _
(C) Kennedy (D) Bush
that save the Earth from many Comets and
56. When Cricket World Cup was started: Asteroids?
(A) 1970 (B) 1972 (A) Mars (B) Saturn
(c) 1975 (Ol 1977 (C) Jupits (D) Uranus
57. Hooker glacier is situated in: 74. A person of which of the following blood
(A) Australia (B) Canada groups is called a universal donor?
(C) Newzealand (D) France (A) O (B) AB
58. Who gave the title "Quaid-e-Azam' to (c) A (D) B
Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
(A) Molana Johar (B) Molana Zaffar 75. Which gland in the human body as called the
master gland?
(C) Mazhar-u{in (D) Allama lqbal (A) Pancreas (B) Thyroid
59. Who invented 'Aspirin' in 1897: (C) Pituitary (D) Spleen
(A) Hoffman (B) Charles Orew 76. How many bones are there in a newly born
(C) Banting (O) Fleming infant?
60. Which Country has no River: (A) 206 (B) 230
(A) Qatar (B) UAE (c) 280 (D) 300
(C) Saudia Arabia (D) Hongkong 77. Which of the following have maximum calorific
61. Zoroastrian is a worship af: value?
(A) Water (B) Sun (A) Carbohydrates (B) Fats
(C) Fire (D) Moon (C) Proteins (D) Vitamins
62. World's highest walerfall is in: 78. "Mesopotamia" was the old name of:
(A) Venezuela (B) Canada (A) Turkey (B) Azerbaijan
(C) France (D) Malaysia (C) lraq (D) Afghanistan
552 Ady.ncldPPSC rcOr trdr,F ocrs
79. B known as The Skyscraper":
(A) Washington (B) New york 9AlC,yu6,t$t,tf 0/ 90
(C)Virginia (D) paris
80. 'Seatu€f is the seaport of f ,r).,4.<s> .!v-.)-l,t (^)
(A) UK (B) Canada
(c) USA (D) Japan !!vtl)t/ 1p7 tlct)tl <ct

t.7e[)tJ*t\$ t-vrl/,CfiVtlsu 9t
a/JA G) 4(1 6) <at v+tti G,
i{,* py ivci^tq, 1c1 J) <r> 4 <c>

. tavsltf6f4r,)iul, .s2 ${*tqil4[*.;,7 92

J.'S,l Fl urfi, )t1f <zt )1.t <r>


f ,t: 1o7 v/ Gl hf <ot )t{ <ct

t7{oie'6'y'tz .83 w{JqU*€ut.,.f 9l

tt.&ct? pl 6rC 6l
itll <e> , i,,.P <ot

9,0-.t,) 1oy Jf,:lvt, tcl

)qf <o> )r{ <ct

r7v(4'j/"(+r':',t .u rai.,t6t)|.*;{Jtpii 94

t"n!,gt py ,J.JD/ (^l c? itr ( i-;,r at

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lol ur-?!e, G) 6,fis bVf+ (c)

' j,oJ.,zufeo
r7"{-'!,/{n .86 r

gq!;Or p,1 {y(-ttt 61 6,tu G)6Az G)

2ei py fit7r 1c1 6.ds b)6f:q k)
Eq{-t;>o/Lovttxf .sl e
d q.u L (t.f"?:t&, r,!,.t i rti in
$,6:r) p1 6re 6l j,,.s(n)j,,+ G)
6fiJ* p) d.]cr? Gt ' ,i,rro b)G,rt k)
e1v{4'iLltqJ/C,,j .88
ttt/ lB) tui)J,sB
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6fr:/ G) ,J,6/ <^) t {- tf' G rt l' { ov i,,t et : L t)o )t),)
6frni <ot JlJi <ct 4(s) 6,{e)
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model P s53

si(o) e,t (c) fi,,.,r(n) -2 r:rrr(,c )

tc(r/t$otrc/t o,r too t ,,'.{>) )t",, (t')

An s we f Key
1. b 14. b 27. d 40 a 53 a 66. a 79. b 92. c
2.d 15. b 28. d 41 b 54 b 67. d 80. c 93. a
3.c 16. 29. a 42 b 55 a 68. a 81. b 94. b
4.a 17. b 30. b 43 a 56 c 69. a 82. a 95. a
5.d 18. a 31. d 44 57 c 70. b 83c 96. a
6.c 19. a 32. a 45 d 58 c t1. b u.d 97. b
7. b 20. a 33. a 46 b 59 a 72. c 85. a 9E. c
8.c 21. b u. d 47 a 60 c 75. 86. b 99. b
9.c 22. 35. b 48 b 6'r c 74. a 87. c 100. c
10. d 23. b 36. a 49 a 62 e 75. 86. a
11. b 24, b b 50 b bJ d 76. d E9. b
12. b 25. c 38. b b 64 a 71. b 90. b
13. c 26. b 39. d 52 c 65 b 78. c ot A



Vision 2025 Programme has been launched (B) Australia and Belgium
bv the present govemment to: (C) France and Germany
(A) lmprove lhe industrhl s€ctor (D) All of the above
of the
country. 5. Which is the bigg€st continenl?
(B) lncrease the literacy rate up to 80 pencrnl (A) Africa (B) Asia
(C) Eliminale the burden of foreion debt (C) North America (D) Europe
(D) Overcome the water and pSrver crisis in
the muntry. 6. The largest contributor to the United Nation
peacekeeping foree is:
2 Who became the Govemor @nerd after (A) Pakistan (B) Bangtadesh
Quaid-eAzam. (C) Nigeria (D) Kenya
A) Liaquat Ali Khan 7.
B) Khawaja Nazimuddin Which of the following categories of Nobet
C) Ghulam Muhammad Prizes was not crealed by Swedish Scientrst
D) M. Ali Bogra Alfred Nobel
(A) Peace (B) literature
3. The term 'Hung Padiament' describes a (C) Economics (D) Medicine
situation in which:
(A) Prime Minister deliberately avoids to 8. Who is Giueppe Conte
attend the sessions of the parliament for (A) ltalian P.M
a long period
(B) Sweden Foreign Minister
(B) Prime Minister has been removed (C) UN special representative to Middle East
through a vote-of no conridence but (D) None of above
refused to step{own. 9. Which continent located on tropic of cancer
(C) No single party has a maiority in the Capncoh and Equator
house (A) Asia (B) Europe
(D) The ruling party has tost the majonty in (C) Aftica (D) None above
the upper house. 10. Which of the following countries is not under
4. Voting is compulsory for all the electorates in: an absolute monarchy:
(A) United States and Britain (A) Norway (B) Kuwart
5g Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PaoeB
(C) Qatar (B) Oman {A) Vrctoria (B) Tugela
11. Queen Elizabeth of England is the sovereign
ici nnget (D) Nragara
head of: 24 The lonqesl mountarn range in the world is:
iA) Auslralia (B) Canada (A) Kaakoram (B) AlPs
ic) New zealand (D) All above. ici enoe" (D) Hindukush
12 Which of the following provinces of 25. Cyprus is an island in the
Afohanistan share border with Pakistan? (A) Meditenanean sea
(Aj Ningrahar, Paklia, Ghazni. (B) South Chlna Sea
(C) Red Sea
(B) Bamryan, Farah, Herat 3'
(C) Balkh, Samangan, Kunduz (D) Cariboean Sea
(D) Takhar, Uruzgan, Ghur. 26. Pakistan became the member of UNO
'13. On which of the following areas, United (A) 1948 (B) 1947
Nations spends a lion's share of its budget icj i95o (D) 19sl
(A) Env,ronmental protection programmes. 27. Which ol the following South Asian countries
(B) Rehabilitation of refugees in the world is under worst foreign debt burden
(C) Education and Health
(O) Peacekeeping activities
(A) Sd Lanka (B) Pakistan
ici Bangtaaesn (D) lndia
14 One of the following countries has joined the 28. lntemational organization 'Shanghai Five has
Commonwealth of lndependent Stales ot the been renamed as:
former USSR: tAl Far Eastem Economlc Forum
(A) Belarus (B) Latvia iBi Shanghai Cooperation organization
(C) Ukraine (O) Georgia aC) Asia Pacrfic Economic Forum
'15. After USA, the largest defense budgat i6 or. ioi stangtrai Seven oevelopment Forum
(A) Russia (B) China 29. Pakistan's standard time is ahead of
(C) Japan (D) lndia Greenwich Time
16. Oiego Garcla is a (A) 3 hours (B) 4 Hours
(A) Capital city of Costa Rica (c) 5 trours (D) 6 tDurs
(B) Commercial centre of European Union 30. Archaeoloqists have recently revealed through
(C) US naval base in the lndian Ocean a
researdr that the Roman Empire was
(D) The world's largest glacier in Australia destroyed by the falal drsease of:
17 December 3, (every year) is observed all over
(A) Malaria (B) Plague
the world as ici tnnrenza (D) Cholera
A) lnternational Literacy DaY 31 Which one is the longest river:
B) lnternational Civil Aviation Day (A) Jhelum (B) Chenab
Cj lnternational Day of Disabled Persons (c) navi (D) Surlel
D) lnternational oay of Human Righls
32. The world's oldest parliament is the:
18 Peso' is the currency of: (A) Us-Congress
(A) Philippines (B) New Zealand (B) Japan-Diet
(C) Finland (D) All above (C) lceland-Afihing
19. The World's tallest building is (D) UK-Parliament
(A) Empire State building (New York) 33. Which of the following is the smatlest sea:
(B) Sears Tower (Chicago) (A) South China Sea
(C) Petronas Towers (Kuata Lumpur) (B) tuabian Sea
(D) Burj Al Khalifa c) Sea of Marmara
20. Za$eb' is the capital ot O) Caribbean Sea
(A) Macedonia (B) Croatia 34 Philately is a
(C) Slovenia (D) Georgia A) Science of drugs
21. The word's largesl subway system is in: B) Stamp colleciion
(A) Tokyo (B) Moscow C) The study ol written record.
(C) Mexico city (D) Ntew York Oi The study ol animal behaviour
22. The deepest place in the lndian Ocean is 35. Which of the following American Presidents
(A) Mariana Trench was assassinated?
(B) Puerto Rico Trench (A) AbBham Lincoln
(C) Sunda Trench (B) William Mckinley
(O) lsle Trench (C) John F. Kennedy
(D) Allthe above
23. The highesi waterfall of theworld is:
ilcQs Model 555

36. "Kyodo" is the ne$,/s agency of: (C) Taiikistan and Afghanistan
(A) South Korea (B) Japan (D) Uzbekistan and Afghanistan
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Nepal 50. The world's longest railroad tunnel Seikan is
37. Under construction Gomal Zam Dam is located in:
located in' (A) England (B) Japan
(A) Gilgit (B) Lasbella (C) Switzerland (D) Russia.
(C) North Waziristan (D) South Waziristan 5'1. 'Fleet Street', London is famous for:
38. The world's largest land frontier is between: (A) Banking and financial offices
(A) America and Canada (B) Offices of the cargo comPanies.
(B) Russia and China (C) Offices of the newspap€rs and press
(C) Argentina and Brazil agencles
(D) China and Mongolia (D) Cffices of lhe Royal Navy establishment

39. Mirani Dam is being constructed on: 52. Which of the following is a Baltic Slate:
(A) Hingol river (B) Dasht river (A) Georgia (B) Armenie
(C) Pishin river (D) Bolan river (C) Ukraine (D) Estonia
40. The world s iargest silver producing country is. 53. Terbela dam is located on river
(A) Canada (B) Australia (A) lndus (B) Chenab
(C) Russia (O) Mexico (C) Jehlum (O) Ravi
41. The world's largest fish catching country is: 54. Which of the following were the wodd's tirst
(A) Russia (B) China women Presidenl
(A) lsabel Peron of Argentina
(C) Japan (D) Australia
iBi Meoawatti Seokamooutri ot lndonesia
42. The deficiency of one of the following is cause ici ctrinonta Kumaratunga of Sri Lanka
of goiter: (D) Glona MacapagalArroyo ol Philippines
(A, Calcium (B)
(C) lron (D)
lodine 55. Which of the ,ollowing Asian countries is
43. Which of the following is not rich in protein: (A) Myanmar (B) Mongolia
(A) Potatoes (B) Meat (C) Vietnam (O) Notth Korea
(C) Fish (D) Eggs
56. 'Bahl' is the cunency of:
44. Which of the following countries is called (A) Myanmar (B) Brazil
''Land ol the Midnight Sun"
(C) Thailand (D) Malaysia
(A) Japan (B) South Korea
(C) Finland (O) Norway 57. Which of the following lines divide Turkish and
Greek Cyprus communities:
45. Among the world's ten populous countries, the (A) Yell6w Line (B) Green Line
highest population growth rate is of:
(A) China iCi Curzon Line (0) Maginot Line
(B) lndia 58. Which of the following countries is called
(C) Southern Sudan 'Land of Milk and Honey':
(D) Nigeria (A) Switzerland (B) Norway
46. National income is essentially composed of
ici gatrrain (D) Lebanon
(A) All wealth of a nalion 59. The world's smallest stale by population is:
(B) Annual income ol the central government (A) San Marino (B) Monaco
(C) All rncome of the people in a year (c) vatican (D) Nauru
(D) lncome derived from taxes by the central 60. The world s largest fresh water lake |s:
government. (A) CasPian sea (B) Great Bear
47. 'Sabena" is a national airline of: (C) Baikal (D) Superior
(A) Belgium (B) SaudiArabia 61. Johor Strait separates:
(C) Sweden (D) Switzerland (A) Malaysia and SingaPore
48. Which of the following must be a result of (B) Cuba and Florrda
lnflation? (C) ltaly and Sicily
(A) A rise in the exchange rate (D) England and France
(B) An increase in the value of money 62. 'Ad-Dammam' is an important seaport of:
(C) A reduction in the value of money (A) Qatar (B) Saudi ArabE
(D) Less money is Printed ic) gatrrain (D) Egypt
49. Friendship Bridge on river Oxus connects: 63. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) service
(A) Russia and China. is related to:
(B) China and Kazakhstan (A) Computers for connecting with World
556 Actvanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
Wide Web (C) Menna (D) None of above
(B) Mobile phones to connect with lnternet 78. D-Day is:
(C) Hotlines for secret coding (A) a day on which something importanl is
(D) Fax machines for transmitting messages due to happen
M. Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was the (B) a day of victory
King of: (C) a day of defeat
(A) Egypt (B) Portugal (D) a day of disaster and destruction
(C) Macedonia (D) Greece
79. ltaly paid tnbute to its scientist whose
65. lndus water Basin Treaty was signed in invenlion completed 100 years of existence on
(A) 19ss (B) 1960 December 12, 2001 the scientist and its
(c) 1971 (D) 1985 inventions was:
66. Kara-kum desert is located in: (A) Lewis Waterman Pen
(B) Rudolf Diesel-Diesel
(A) China (B) Mongolia Engine
(C) Kazakhstan (D) Turkmenistan (C) Galileo Galilei-Thermometer
(D) Gugliemo Marconi-Radio
67. Saiang Tunnel in Afghanistan linked Kabul
with: 80. Dtamir Bhasa dam is being construc,ted in:
(A) Jahlabad (B) Mazar-l-Sharif (A) Gilgit (B) Kashmir
(C) Kandahar (D) Tora Bora (C) Sawat (D) Chitral
68. The playground for playing 'Golf is called: 81. The currency of Bangladesh is:
(A) Court (B) Field (A) Lira (B) Rupee
(C) Lawn (D) Course (C) Dinar (D) Takka
69. Pakistan .is the world's second largest 82. Aptil 22, each year is international observed
importer of: as:
(A) Cooking Oil (B Paper
(A) Health Day
(C) (D Ory mi k
(B) Telecommunication Day
(C) Earth Day
70. The headquarters of World Trade (D) Press Freedom Day
Organization is in:
(A) Geneva (B) New York 83. Headquarters of Common-wealth:
(C) London (D) Paris (A) New York (B) Paris
(C) London (D) GeneYa
71. Which of the following games is also called
'Ping Pong": 84. Yellow Sea lies between:
(A) Boxing (B) Table Tennis (A) Singapore and Malaysia
(C) Badminton (D) Water Polo (B) China and Japan
(C) Vietnam and Philippine
72. Pakistan has rec€ntly launched Badr-U (D) Australia and New Zealand.
satellite from:
(A) Sonmiani (B) Xichang 85. 10 Downing Slreet is residence of:
(C) Bai(onur (D) Cape Canaveral (A) royal Queen of Eng,land
(B) British P.M
73. Ho!,v manygold medals were won by Pakistan (C) P.M France
in common wealth games 2010? (D) P.M Germany
(A) 1 (B) 2
(c) 3 (D) 4 86. Where rain fall is deficient
(A) Humid Area' (B) Arid Area
74. The only yitamin which the human body can (C) Semi Arid (D) None these
manufaclure is:
(A) Mtamin C (B) Vitamin D 87. Which of the following space shuttles was firsl
(C) Vitamin K (D) None above launched by the US:
(A) Colombia (B) Discovery
75. "Acupuncture" medical treatment was found (C) Atlantis (D) Endeavour
(A) China (B) Esypt 88. Under which of the following conditions a
(C) lran (O) lndia WTO member country can impose ban on any
import item:
76. The most favourite game of Quaid-e-Azam (A) The import item will adversely affect its
was domestic industry
(A) Cricket (B) Tennis (B) The product is made with forced labour
(C) Chess (D) Billiard (C) The foreign exchange reseryes have
77. Headquarter of FATF (Financial Action Task been depleted
Force) (D) Under no condition
(A) London (8) Paris
Advanced PPSC MCOS Modet papers SSI
89. First living creature launched in to space was (B) Shanghai (China)
a dog named: (C) Naples (ltaly)
(A) Dolly (B) Larka (D) Seanre (usA)
(C) Puppy (D) Smarly
96. Stone Rockets were launched in to space by
90. Khartoum is capital of (A) NASA - Untied states
(A) Sweden (B) Nioeria (B) IIASDA Japan
(C) France iDi No-ne tnese (C) European Space Agency
91. According to 2017 Census, there is a decline (O) Russian Space Agency
h the population growth in a except; 97. The world's largest active volcano "Mauna
(A) Puniab (B) tstamabad Loa" is located in:
(C) Northern Areas (D) Urban Sindh A) Hawaii (USA)
92. Which of the following women scientist twice B) CentralAndes (Chile)
won the Nobel Prize: C) Mount Mayon (Phitippines)
(A) Barbara Mactintock D) Java (lndonesia)
(B) Marie Curie 98 Santiago' is capital of
(c) Dorothy Hodgkins (A) Brazil (B) Nigeria
(D) Rosalind Yatlow (C) Chile (D) Botivia
93. Marty Cooper is known for his invention of 99. Basman Palace is the official residence of:
(A) Digital Computer (B) A]OS Vaccine (A) King of Nepal.
(C) Mobrle Phone (O) Sotar Energy (B) King of SaudiArabia.
94. lnternet rs a global network of (C) King of Jordan.
(A) Microsoft company (D) King of Oman.
(B) United States global lnformation center 100 Which of lhe following was the Top most Box
(C) Eitl Gates Office Hit movie ol the 20th Cenlury:
(D) None of the above (A) Star Wars (B) Titanrc.'
95. The rvorld's bEgest seaport is: (C) The Lion King (D) Jurassic park
(A) Rotterdam (Nethertands)

Answer Key
1. d 14 a 27 b 40d53e 66 d 79. d 92 b
2. c 15 b 28 b 41. b 54. a 67 b 80. a 93
? IO c 29 42. d 55. b 68 d 81 d 94 d
4. b 17 c 30 b 43. a 56. c 69 e 82. c 95 b
b 18 a 31 b 44. d 57. b 70 a 83. 96 a
6. a 19 d c 45. c 58. d 71 b 84. b 97 a
7. 20 b JJ 46. c 59. c 72 b 85. b 98. c
E. a 21 b 34 b 47. a 50. d 73 b 86. b 99. c
9. c 22 c 35 d 48. c 61. a 74 b 87. a 100 d
10 a 23 c 36 b 49. c 62. b a 88. b
11 d 24 c 37 d s0. b 63. b /o d 89. b
12 a 25 c 38 a 5'1. c 64. c 77 b 90. d
13 d zb. b 5Y b 52. d 65. b 78 a 91. e



1 The largest number of 'Ahadith' were (C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
reported byl (D) Hazrat Ans bin Malik (A.R)
(A) Syeda Ayesha (RA) 2 'Bait-e-Rizwan' was made to take
(B) Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) the
revenge of:
558 .Atrancc,d PPSC nCOs nodat P'Dets
(A) Hazrat Hamza (RA) (A) lsrael B Jordan
(C) Germany o USA
(B) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(C) Hauat Ali (RA) 15. Security Council comprises o{ how many
(D) Hazrat Umar (RA) members?.
3. lt is the firsi M( of Hadith that was (A) 20 (B) 25
comPiled bY any on€:
(c) 18 (D) 15
(A) Mutra lmam Malik 16. lntemational day tor heart is observed oni
(B) Sahih Mu3lim (A) 3oth September (B) 25th November
(A) Shahih Bukkari (C) 28th November (D) None ofthese
(D) None of these
17 . Which is the deepest lake in the world?
4. Who is known as Gate of Knowledge? (A) Titicaca (B) Victoria
(A) Haaat Usman (RA) (C) Baikal (D) Superior
(8) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(C) Hazrat Abbas (RA) 18. Which of the following straits separate Asia
from Africa?
(O) None of these
(A) Bering Strait
5. Name th. batfie in sfiich Hazrat Ali (RA) did (B) BaFul-Mandab
nol particiPated: (C) Bosphorous Strait
(A) Ahzab (B) Badr (D) NorthumberlandStrait
(C) Mota (D) Tabook
19 ln which vear New Zealand govemmenl
6. Narne the first Ummayad Caliph: granted uniualified right of vote to women?
(A) Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (RA) (A) 1793 (B) 1893
(B) Hazrat Hasan (RA) (c) 1785 (o) 1899
(C) Hazrt Zubair (RA)
(O) Hazral Yazeed bin MuawiYa 20. VVho was the tounder of Republicen Party of
7. Rohlas Fort was built bY: (A) George Washington
(A) Jahangir (B) Akbar (8) Thomas Jefferson
(C) Sher Shah Suri (O) Babar (C) Franklin Roosevell
(O) Alexander Hamilton
8. Rawat Fort is located in the province:
(A) Puniab 21. Who was the founder ot Democratic Party of
(B) Sindh USA?
(C) Balochistan (A) Franklin Roosevelt
(D) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (B) Thomas Jefferson
(C) Kennedy
9. Humidity in the air is maximum in: (D) George Washington
(A) Mnter (B) Summer
(C) Morcoon (D) Autumn 22. which among lhe following trees is
considered thstallest in the worid?
10. Cor our is e measure ol: (A) Cedar (B) Redwood
(A) TopograPhy (B) Rainfall .(C) Eucalyptus (D) Oate Palm
(C) Temperature (D) Pressure
23- Which of the following countries has the
1 'l . Ths ,or6ign ph.ase Afrai de Coeur rneaas'. largest area in the world?
(A) A love affair (A) Canada (B) China
(B) ln the meantime (C) USA (D) Russia
(C) An afiair of the heart
(D) None of these 24- Fear of heighls is called:
12. Lalitude of South Pole is:
(A) Altophobia (B) Agoraphobia
(A) 0. (B) 30" (C) Acrophobia (O) Both a&c
(c) 60' (D) eo" 25. AgoraPhobia is a frear of a.
13, O'Hare Airporl is the name of:
(A) Weath (B) OPen Places
(A) New York Airport
(C) water (D) None of these
(B) Chigaco Airport 26. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a:
(C) Paris Aiaort (A) Book (B) Film
(D) None of the Above (C) Report (O) Document
14. JTA is a news agency of: 27. Pakistan is connected through Silk Road
Affincsd PP9C McQs ,lodet Paoers 559

with: (C) Yemen (D) Albania

(A) lndia (B) China 41. Whictrof following countries is not a
(C) Afghanistan (D) None oflhese member of UNO?
28. The highest poinl above the sea level in (A) Switzerland (B) Thailand
Pakistan is: (C) South Korea (D) Taiwan
(A) Pamir (B) Nanga Parbal 42. 'SAVAK" is secret police of:
(q) K-2 . (O) Rakaposhi (A) lran (B) USA
29. French Somaliland is the old name of: (C) Syria (D) lsrael
(A) Diibouti (B) Burkina Faso 43. World Postal Day is observed on
(C) USA (D) None of these (A) gth Oc'tob€r
30. Who made the fastesl century in one day in
'(B) 18th September
just 37 balls? (C) 25th December
(A) Brian Lara (B) Shahid Afridi (D) 1st June
(C) Tendulkar (D) Gilchrist 44. The Secretary-General of UNO who died in
31. When Pakistan won the World Hockey Cup an air-crash vYas:
(A) Trygve Lie
for the 4th time?
(B) Dag Hammarskjold
(A) 1998 (B) 1994
(C) U. Thant
(c) 1990 (D) 2002 (D) None of these
32. French Sudan is the old name of: 45. where was Albert Einstein born?
(A) Burkina Faso (B) lndonesia (A) UK (B) USA
(C) Mali (D) None of these (C) Germany (O) Albania
33.' Afler Christianity and lslanl the third biggest
46. Sabena is the name of airline of:
religion is:
(A) Judaism (B) Shintoism
(A) America (B) UK
(C) Buddhism (D) Hinduism
(C) Belgium (O) None of these

Y. Which city is also known as 'Emerald

47. Heavy Mechanical Comdex, Taxila was set
up with the aid of
(A) lreland (B) Scotland (A) China (B) Japan
(C) Fintand (D) Greenland
(C) USA (D) U.K,

35. 'Empire City' is the nickname of:

48. Who is the author of "lndia Wins Freedom'?
(A) l.H.Qureshi
(A) Rome (B) London
(B) Munshi Lala gee
(C) Madnd (D) New York
(C) Fazal Muqeem
36. Congress is the parliament ol (O) Maulana Abu-Kalam Azad
(A) Peru (B) USA
49. 'found
There are similarities between the seals
(C) Philippines (D) All of above at Moheniodaro and:
37. "Kitab Ash Shifa'was srinen by: (A) Egypt (B) China
(A) Coll, Steve (C) Sumeria (D) AEhanistan
(B) lbn Sena 50. The Thughlaq Oynasty was founded in lndia
(C) Ahmad Mushtaq in:
(D) None of them (A) 1298 (B) 1278
38. "Keemya-e-Saadat' is authored by: (c) 1320 (o) 1326
(A) lmam Muslim 51. The Sultan of Delhi who is reputed to have
(B) lmam Ghazali rn lndia
buitt the biggest hetwork ot canals
(C) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was:
(D) Al Farabi (A) lltutmish
(B) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
39. 'Latakia' is the seaport of: (C) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(A) Syria (B) Libya (D) None ol these
(C) Jordan (D) None of these
40. Pakistan and gained
52. tryhich is the largest Sea in the world?
(A) South China Sea
membership of UNO on 3o,SePtember, (B) Meditenanean Sea
't947 (C) Black Sea
(A) lran (B) lraq (D) Red Sea
550 Advanced PPSC MCQ' nodel Papers
53. Bodpoh is the highest Mountain Pass of the 67. ln which year decisive battle between
world which is situated in: Muhammad Bin Qasim and Raia Dahir was
(A) Pakistan (B) lndia fought:
(C) Nepal (D) Tibet (Al 712 (B) 711
U. Which of the following Sea rs located in (c) 715 (D) 718
Central Asia?
(A) Red Sea (B) China Sea
68. Hamas formed government in 2005 under
the Prime Ministership of:
(C) Japan Sea (D) Aral Sea (A) Ahmed Quire
56. Pakistan mainly import edible oil ftom: (B) Mahmood Abbas
(A) Brazil (B) Malaysia (C) Ahmad Yasin
(C) lndonesia (0) India (O) lsmail Haniya
57. Which of the following oil refinery has the 69, Th€ Oeclaration ot lndependence of the
largest operating capacity in Pakistan? American Colonies was adopted by the
(A) Attock Oil Refinery Constitutional Congress on July 4. '1775 at:
(B) Pak-Arab Oil Refinery (A) Washington (B) New York
(C) National Oil ReIinery (C) Chicago (D) Philadelphia
(D) None of the above
70. Name the first Abbasid Caliph:
58. Upper Chenab Canal takes off from the: (A) Saleh bin Abdullah
(A) Head Sulaimanki (B) Head Marala (B) Abbas Saffah
(C) Head Khanki (D) None of these (C) MaMan
59. Saddat Dynasty was founded by Khizar (D) Abbas bin Ali
Khan in:
(A) 1414 (B) 1412 71. Name the first Ummayad Caliph of Spain:
(c) 1415 (D) 1634 (A) Marwan I (B) Tariq bin Ziyad
60. When French buitt Agosla 90-B was
(C) Muawiya ll (D) AMul Rahman I

inducled in Pakistan Navy: 72. Name the lirst Muslim ruler who established
(A) September 06, '1999 Navey:
(B) September 13, '1999 (A) Hazrat Umar (RA)
(C) September 25, 1999 (B) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(D) September 14, 1999 (C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
61. The extinct volcano 'Koh-i-Sultan' in (O) Hazrat Ameer Muawiya (RA)
Baluchistan contains the dsposits of:
(A) Chmmite (B) Sutphur
73. Who was called Abul Bashir Sani?
(A) Hazrat lb.ahim (As)
(C) Gypsum (D) Bauxite (B) Hazrat Nuh (AS)
62. The first census in Pakistan was held in (C) Hazrat Adam (AS)
(A) 1948 (B) 19sl (D) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(c) 1959 (O) 1961
74. Chaudhri Rehmat Ali issued a Pamphlet
63. The maior segment of "Saraiki" speaking 'Now or Nevef in:
population lives in: (A) 193s (B) 1937
(A) Punjab (B) N.W.F.P. (c) 1938 (D) 1933
(C) Azad Kashmir (D) Sindh
75. Pakislan National Movement was
U. 10 decagrams are equal to t hectogram and established by Ch. Rehmat Ali in
10 hectograms are equal to: (A) 193s (B) 1937
(A) 2 kilogram (B) 1 kilogram (c) 1938 (O) 1933
(C) 3 kilogram (D) 4 kitogram 76. According to Cabinet Mission plan in how
65. The Eitfel Tower is located in many groups lndia was to be divided?
(A) Germany (B) Franc. (A) Four groups (B) Three groups
(C) lialy (D) Austratia (C) Two groups (O) Five groups
66. Napoleon Bonaparte was the King of: 77. VVho was lhe first President of the
(A) France (B) ltaty Constituent Assembly?
(C) England (O) None of these (A) KhawaraNazim-ud-Oin
(O) Liaquat Ali Khan
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoerc 561

(C) Quaid-e-Azam 89. Vvhich one of the following gas was used as
(D) Abdul Rab Nishter a chemical weapon in the First World War?
(A) Carbon monoxide
78. The interim constitution of the Pakistan was (B) Hydrogen cyanide
based on:
(C) Mustard gas
(A) lndian Ac1, 1935 (amended)
(B) lndian lndependence Act. 1947 (D) None of the above
(C) a and b 90. 'What was the immediate cause for the
(D) None of the above outbreak of the First World War?
(A) The imprisonment o, Lenin
79. Who was the second Governor-General of (B) The sudden death of Lloyd George
(C) The assassination of Archduke Francis
(A) Liaquat Ali Khan Ferdinand
(B) Abdul Rab Nishter (O) None of the above
(C) Khawaia Nazim-ud-Din
(D) Raja Ghazanfar 91. The largest peninsula in the world is:
(A) Southern lndia (B) Eastern lndia
80. Who was the first male Shaheed of lslam? (C) Alaska (D) Arabia
(A) Hazrat Shoaib Roomi (RA)
(B) Hazrat Hais bin Halla (RA) 92. Which of the following countries is a
landlocked country?
(C) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
(O) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
(A) Uruguay (B) Pakistan
(C) Switzerland (O) All of above
81 . When did Haztal Hamz.a (RA) embrace
93. What is the total height of Broad peak of
(A) FifthNabvi (B) Sinh Nabvi Himalaya range?
Nabvi (D) Fourth
(C) Seventh Nabvi (A) 8068 metres (B) 8047 metres
(C) 8035 metres (O) 8027 metres
82. When five prayers became Far,
(A) 'l2th Nabvi (B) 10th Nabvi 94. Which is the second longest mountain of the
(C) 13th Nabvi (D)'11th Nabvi world?

83. Who was lhe tirst female Shaheed of lslam?

(A) lndies (B) Karakoram
(A) Hazrat Samiya (RA)
(C) Himalayas (O) Hindu Kush
(B) Hazrat Nafeesa (RA) 95. Which river crosses the Equator twice?
(C) Hazat Ummay Aimen (RA) (A) Amazon River (B) Congo River
(D) None of these (C) Nile River (D) lndus River
U. Name the first woman speaker of US 96. who met the Holy Prophel (SAW) at the first
Congress is spiritual sky during Miraj?
(A) Nancy Palosy (B) Condaliza Rice (A) Hazrat l'laroon (AS)
(C) Nancy Pawell (D) Hillery Clinton (B) Hazrat Aadam (AS)
(C) Hazrat Eessa (AS)
E5. Which is the largest state of USA? (D) Hazrat Sulymaan (AS)
(A) New York (B) California
(C) Texas (D) Alaska 97. Which fict person of Madina embraced
86. Who is the first woman speaker of National (A) Hazrat Nafees (RA)
Ass€mbly of Pakistan? (B) Hazrat Sawad bin Al€amat
(A) Sobia Ramzan (B) Fahmeda Mirza (C) Hazrat Abu Ayyub (RA)
(C) Sherry Rehman (O) lfiat Ashiq (D) Hazrat Abdullah (RA)
87. Name the first man to reach the South Pole
98. Which one of the following ia an ore of iron?
on December 14, 1911 was:
(A) Sir Francis Drake (A) Bauxite (B) Haematite
(B) Ronald Amundsen (C) llmentie (O) Gypsum
(C) The Navigator Ferdinand Magellan
(D) None of the above
99. Nauroz Fort is located in the province:
(A) Punjab
68. Ronald Amundsen belonged to: (B) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(A) England (B) NoMay (C) Sindh
(C) Magellan (D) USA (D) Balochistan
562 Adi€nced PPSC nCOs nodel Prp€rs
100. Bass Strait separates Auslralia fom: (C) Tasmania
(A) New Zealand (D) None ot the above
(B) Papua New Guinea
Answer Key
1. b 12 d d 34 a 45. 68. d 79 90. c
2. b 13 b 24. d 35 d tl6. c 69. d 80 b 91. d
3. a 14 a 25. b 36 d 47. a 70. b 81 a 92. c
4. '15 d 26 b 37 b 48. d 71. d 82 b o'l b
5. d 16 a 27 b 38 b 49. 72. d 83 a 94. c
6. a 17 c 28 c 39 a 50. c 73. b 84 a 95. b
7. 18 b 29 a 40 c 51. c 74. d 85 d 96. b
8. a 19 b 30 b 41 d 52. a 75. d 86 b 97. b
L c 20 d 31 b 42 a 53. d 76. b 87 b 98. b
10 a 2'l b 32 43 a 54. d 77. c 88 b 99. d
'll 22 b 33 d M b 67. a 78. c 89 c 100. c

tl/ ODEL PAPER 122

numbers of Nobel peace prizes:
1. Niagara Falls are situated in: (A) USA (8) Germany
(A) France (B) ltaly (C) Russia (D) UK
(C) Sweden (D) USA & Canada
2. Mec Mohan Line is located belween lndia
9. What is lhe new name of Montgomery?
(A) Jaranwala (B) Sahiwal
and: (C) Pakpatan (C) None of these
(A) Bangladesh (B) Pakistan
(C) China (D) Nepal 10. Helvetia is the old narde of:
3. Aligarh lnstitute Gazette was published both in
(A) Switzerland (B) Spain
English and Urdu languages by Scientitic (C) France (O) Thailand
Society in1866. When did Sir Sayyed set 11 . Highest mililary award o, Germany is:
M.A.O. High School in Aligarh? (A) Mctoria cross (B) lron cross
(A) 1871 (B) 1875 (C) Military c1oss (D) Medal ot honour
(c) 1673 (O) 1872
'12. Wall Street is situaled in the city:
4. Churchill water fall is present in: (A) London (B) Paris
(A) Canada (B) England (C) New York (D) Toronto
(C) USA (O) France
13. Name the country with the largest natural gas
5. The world's highest lake is: reserves?
(A) Lake Baikal. Asia (A) lndia (B) Canada
(B) Lake Titicaca, South America (C) ltaly (D) Russra
(C) Lake Como, Europe
(D) Caspian Lake '14. Which is the largest district of Pakistan?
(A) Bahawalpur (B) Lahore
6. Name the country with the largest tin (C) Karachi (D) Khuzdar
(A) China (B) Bolvivia '15 SAARC was formed in Dhaka on:
(C) Malaysia (D) Nigeria (A) November 7, 1984
(B) October 8, 1985
7. Who rvrole Glimpses World History?
(C) September 5, '1984
(A) Jawar Lal Nehru (B) Amir Khan
(C) Mahata Gandhi (D) None ofthese (D) December 8, 1985
8. Name the country which has won maximum 16. Headquarter of Organization for Economic
Cooperalion and Development is localed in
Atvmced PPSC llCQs ltodel Paoers 563

is located in:
(A) New York (B) Geneva 30. Alacama Desert
(C) Vienna (D) Paris (A) Chile (B) China
(C) Japan (O) Peru
17. The oldest Airport of the world is located in
(A) China (B) Japan 31. Namibian desert is situated in:
(A) China (B) Libya
(C) Netherlands (D) None of thes€
in the:
ici uor$ ettic" (D) None of these
18. Jinnah Garden is located
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi 32. Which of the following seaporls situated in
(C) Ziarat (D) Multan
(A) Karachi (Sindh)
19. After independence the first radio station was' (B) Bin Qasim
established at: ic) Gawadar (Balochistan)
(A) Lahore (B) RawalPindi (D) All of above
ic) Karachi (D) lslamabad
33. Which of the following is not seaport ot USA?
20. On November 26, 1964 the first TV station (A) Seattle seaport
rYas established in the city of: (B) San Francisco seaPort
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (C) LisPon seaport
icl onara (D) Rawalpindi (O) Honolulu seaport
21. Red Cross was founded bY Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
(A) J.H. Ourant (B) Baden Powell -34. At whosetherequest,
iask of compilation of the Holy
lcl rrygve t-ie (o) Frederick Passev our'an to Zaid bin Sabit (RA)?
(A) Hazrat Ali (RA)
-22. ln whrch part of Pakistan the rate of (B) Hazrat Umar (RA)
rncreasrnq populallon is fastest?
lA) lslam-abad (B) Punjab (C) Hazrat Usman (RA)
ici sinon (D) FArA (D) Hazrat Abbas (RA)
23. Kashf-al-Mahjoob was written by 35. Who firstly arranged and wrote the Qur'an on
paper ln book form?
(A) Khalifa Abdul Hakim (A) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(B) Sharkh Abdul Qadir Jelanl
(C) Hazrat Ali Haiveri iBi Hazrat zaid bin sabit (RA)
(D) None of these (C) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
(D) Hazrat Hafsa (RA)
24. Chicago is called as the:
(A) Windy city 36. The Governor ol Bengal from 176065 was:
(A) Warren Hastings (B) Vanisttart
(B) Most modem city
(C) CitY of Seven Hills ici urntoe (D) None ot these
(D) None of these 37
- The first Govemor-General of Bengalwas:
(At Lord Conwallis (B) Lord Chve
25. Which place is called the Pyramid City? iCi loto wae"t"y (D) warren Hastings
(A) Carro (B) Rome
(C) nmrltsar (D) Paris 38. VVho ordered fpr the preparation of a standard
edition of the Qur'an?
26. One square mile is equal to (A) Hazrat Usman (RA)
hectors (B) Hazr Umar (RA)
at-755 (B) 257
(C) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
ici zso (D) 25e
(D) Hazrat Ali (RA)
27. Roman Empire was established in 27 B C'
39. Who was appornted by the Holy Prophet
bv? -- isawf to write down the revelation?
tAt Oaavian (B) Julius Ceaser Hazrat AMullah bin Masud (RA)
iCi Mark AntonY (D) Brutus {B) Hazrat Ali brn Abu Talib (RA)
28. Which Turkish Tribe created Ottoman tCt Hazrat Zaio urn Sabrt (RA)
Emoire? io) Hazrat Saeed uin zard (RA)
IA) Anatolia (B) Serbia
iCi e"iu M,not (D) Central Asra 40. Which Sahabi's (RA) name is given in the
29. The temperate grasslands of Asia and Europe (A) Hazrat Zaid brn Sabit (RA)
are known as iB) Hazrat zard bin Hans (RA)
(A) Pampas (B) Praines
lci nazrat aou bin Abu Talib (RA)
(C) Tundras (O) Steppes
564 PPSC MCOS Model
(D) Hazrat Abdultah bin Masood (RA) (A) 22 years 5 months and 14 days
41. Who led the Simla Deputation? (B) 23 years 5 months and'12 days
(A) Allama lqbat (B) Sir Agha Khan (C) 22 years 3 months and 22 days
(C) Ch. Rehmat Ali (O) Liaquat Ati Khan (D) 21 years 5 months and 12 days
42. How many Muslim Leaders were included 54 . Which of the following countries does not
the Simla Deputation? have a common land with the peoples
(A) 31 (B) 33 Republic of China?
(c) 32 (D) 35 (A) Japan (B) North Korea
(C) Russia (O) A of the above
43. When the governmenl of Zutfiqar Ali Bhutto
was dismissed and third Mariial Law was 55 Laliophobia is a fear of:
enforced by General Zia-ulHaq? (A) Speaking (B) Fire
(A) 8"' December. 1977 (C) Height (D) None of these
(8) srh Juty, 1977 56 The first Winter Olympic Games were held at
(c) 15'h Juty, 1977 (A) lnnsbruck (Austratia)
(O) 25rh October, 1977 (B) Lake Ptacid (usA)
44. What happened to the Constitution of 1973 (C) Chamonix (France)
when Martrat Law was imposed in 1977 by (D) Calgary (Atberra)
(A) lt was partially suspended 57 Which counlry has won frrst Crickel World
(B) lt was not suspended cup?
(C) lt was comptetety suspended
(A) Sri Lanka (B) West tndies
(D) None of the above
(C) Australia (D) pakistan
58 Alexander the Great w6s the king of
45. When President Zia-ul-Haq enforced an (A) Macedonia (B) Serbia
lnterim Constitution?
(C) Montenegro (D) Greece
(A) 1977 (8) 1981
(c) 1978 (D) 197s 59 is a psychiatrist. who
Sigmund Freud
belonged to
46 When President Zia-ut-Haq constituted Majtis_ (A) Germany (B) Austria
e.Shoora (Nationat AssemSly)? (C) England (D) Austratia
(A) Ocrober 1980
(B) oecembe|1981
(C) November 1980 (D) December 19gO
60 Democracy Wall is located in:
47. Which amendment made on April 23, 1974
(A) USA (B) UK
defned the boundaries of pakist;n?
(C) Japan (D) China
(A) 2nd (B) 4th ol What do you understand bv Ex-officio?
(C) 3rd (D) 1., (A) Retired officer
(B) ln virtue of one's office
4E. Which one is the larg€st hospital in pakistan?
(A) (C) Terminated officer
Nishtar Hosp[at (B) Mayo Hospitat (D) None of these
.- (C) Victoria Hospitat (O) Jinnah Hospitat
49. The new name of Lyalpur is :
62 Creature having both mate and female organs
(A) Sahiwat (B) lata Musa is known as:
(C) Farsalabad (D) None of these (A) Homosexuat (B) Masochist
50. Where the tomb of Jehangir is situated? (C) Hermaphrodite (D) None of these
(A) Lahore (B) Shahdara 63 A low area storm with high wnds rotating
(C) Sheikhupura (O) Oethr about a center of low atnosplenc pressure
51. Who built tomb of Jehangir? (A) Cyclone (B) Tornado
(A) Shah Jehan (B) Jahangir (C) Typhone (D) Hurricane
(C) Hamayun iDj too,lai,an 64. The book 'Krtab-al-Shafa" is written by
(A) lbn-ul-Hailham (B) At-Barruni-
52. Muzdalfs is located between: (C) Bu Ali Srna
(A) Mina and Arafat iDi Jabrr Bin Hayyan
(B) Arafat and Makkah 65. Tugela water fall is present in:
(C) Muzdatta and Hijaz (A) Venezuela (B) South Africa
(D) Makkah and Madina (C) Canada (O) USA
53. ln how much time the Holy Quian was 66. Who Wrote "Historv of God"?
revealed? (A) Karen Armstrong {B) Ke[h Cathrd
(C) Lawrence Ziring- (D) p.R. Comba
Aovanced PPSC [tCOs Uoda, Paoers 5&5
67. Which Muslim country got the mosl Nobel 8'1. The tirst Nishan-e-Haider was won by:
prizes in Muslim world? (A) Capt. Raja Sarwar
(A) Egypt (B) Turkey (B) Malor Aziz Bhatli
(C) Bangladesh (D) Pakistan (C) Major Muhammad Tufail
68. Dampier is the name of Seaport of: (D) Fl. Lt. Sarfraz Rafiquee
(A) Australia (B) Canada 82. Schiphol Airport is situated in:
(C) Japan (D) Oenmark (A) Amsterdam (B) Liverpool
69. Name the Glacier which is tocated in
(C) NewYork (O) Rotterdam
Karakoram mountain range? 83. MIT is the news ag€ncy of.
(A) Siachen, Hispar (B). Batura, Biafo (A) Andona (B) Swilzeriand
(C) Chogo Lungma (D) All of above (C) USA (D) Newzealand
70. Rawal Lake is situated in: 84. Name the first Lady Maior General in the
(A) lslamabad (B) Peshawar Pakistan Army:
(C) Quetta (D) None of these (A) Dr. Shahida Malik
(B) Dr. Nosheen Rehman
7'1. Ethiopia is the new name of:
(C) Dr. Razia lmtiaz
(A) Somaha (B) lndonesia (D) Dr. Reheme Sarwar
(C) Abyssinia (D) None of these
72. Kingdom of Lesotho is the new name of: 85. Association of South-East Asian Nations
(ASEAN) was established on:
(A) Burkina Faso (B) Nigena (A) August 9, 1967 (B) Augusl 25. 1967
(C) Basutoland (D) None of these
lC) August 19, 1967 (D) August29 1967
73. Pentagon is the military head quarter of: 86. Headquarter of Association of South-East
(A) UK (B) USA Asian Nations is located in
(C) Russia (D) China (A) Jakarta (B) Singapore
74. First Chairman of SPARCO was (C) Delhi (D) Geneva
(A) Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan 87. Who followed the policy of masterly rnactivity'
(B) Dr. Munir Ahmed Khan towards Afghanistan?
(C) Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman (A) Sir John Lawrence
(O) Dr. Abdus Salam (B) Lord Lytton
75. Which city is called 'City of Seven Hills? (C) Lord Auckland
(A) Himalayas (B) Rome (D) Sir John Napier
(C) Venice (D) None of these 88. On whose request Ahmad Shah Abdali
76. Name the Parliament of Australia atlacked lndia and defeated Marhattas at
(A) National Congress (A) Shah lsmail
(B) Parliament
(C) Federal Parliamedernt .(B Ha,r Shaukat Ullah
'(C) $yed Ahmad Shaheed
(O) National Assembly
(D) Sllah Wali Ullah
77. Whrch rs the most densely poBrlated province
of Pakistan? 89. Pakistan set up the first uranium moving and
(A) Baluchistan , FoCessirig plant iR:
(B) (A) Chaaghi (B) Lucki Murwat
(C) (C) Rahim Yar Khan (D) None ofthese
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(O) Sindh 90. What is the total length of M-8 Motorway?
78. ln which of lhe following districts Mahenjodaro (A) 860 km (B) 885 km
is located?
(C) 895 km (D) None ofthese
(A) Larkana (B) Thatta 91. Which is the oldest university ot U.S.A?
(C) Dadu (O) Khairpur (A) Yale University
79. lnternational day for Heart is observed on. (B) Seattle University
(A) 30th September (B) 25th November (C) New York University
(C) 28th November (O) None ofthese (D) Harvard University
80. Taxila University was established by the king: 92. Which is the largest fresh water lake of
(A) Ashoka (B) Mahweer (A) Manchhar Lake (B) Kaghan Lake
(C) Akbar (D) Babar (C) Sat Para Lake (O) None of these
566 Actvanced lttcos Mode, Paoers
93. Hammune Mashkhel Lake is located in the (C) Netherland (D) Pakistan
Province of:
. (A) Punjab 97. The Headquarter of Organization of lslamic
Conference is located in
(B) Baluchistan (A) Kuwait (B) Jeddah
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (C) Cairo (O) Tehran
(O) None of these
98. Mohanjodaro is located on the bank of:
94. The Construciion and working of different (A) lndus River (B) Ravi River
parts of human body $/as explained by Bu Ali
(C) Chenab River (D) Jehlum River
Sina in his book
(A) Kitab-al-Shafa (B) Al-Qanoon-fil-Tib 99. Bhambore is an Arachaeological site located
(C) KitaFul-Minazir (D) Al-Kitab in:
(A) Punjab
95. \ryhen Organization ol the lslamic Conference (B) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(OlC) was established
(A) May 1970 (B) November 1971 (C) Sindh
(C) September 1969 (D) May 1972 (D) Balochistan
100.1n which year OR. Abdus Salam receive the
96. Which Hockey taam won the maximum Nobel Prize?
numbers of World Cups?
(A) Australia (B) Germany (A) 1976 (B) 1979
(c) 1980 (D) 19E6
Answer Key
't. d 14 d 27 a 40. b a 66. a 79 a 92 a
2.c 15 d 28 a 41. b 54 a 67. a 80 a 93 b
3.b 16 d 29 d 42. d a 68. a 81 a 94 b
4.a 17 c 30 a 43. b 56 c 69. d 82 a 95 c
5.b 16 a 31 44. a b 70. a 83 a 96. d
6.a 19 c 32 d 45. b 58 a 71. c 84 a 97. b
7. a 20 a 33 c ,16. b 59 b 72. c 85 a 98. a
8.a 21 a u b 47. d 60 d 73. b 86 a 99. c
9.b 22 a 35 b 48. a 61 b 74. d 87 a 100 b
'10. a 36 b 49. c 62 c 75. b 68 d
1't. b 24 a 1'' d 50. b 63 a 76. c 89 b
12. c 25 a 38 a 51. a 64 c 77. b 90 c
13. d 26 d 39 52. a 65 b 79. a 91 d


in the Punjab Food Department
1. All lndia Muslim League was founded in:
(C) Ghulam Muhammad
(A) 1900 (B) 1905
(D) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(c) 1906 (D) 1s10 4. Muhammadan Anglo Oritnetal College was
founded by:
2. The Boundary Commission appointed at the (A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
time of lndepndence was headed by:
(A) Stafford Cripps
(B) Muhammad Ala Jauhar
(B) Lord Wavell
(C) Allama lqbal
(D) Ch. Rehmat Ali
(C) Lord Mountbatten
(D) Lord Radcliffe 5. Where did Allama lqbal made his first public
propsal for a Separate State for Muslims?
3. Who became the Govemor General of (A) Lahore (B) Allahbad
Pakistan aftei the death of Quaid-RAzam (C) Dehli (D) Simla
Muhammad Ali Jinnah?
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan 6. The Objeclive Resolution was passed in:
(B) Khawaja Nazimuddin (A) 1947 (B) 1948
Advrnced PPSC lnoQ.s lrodel Pboers 167

(c) 1e49 (D) 19so 18. The famous Khyber Pass links Peshawar with:
(A) Quetta (B) Kandahar
7. The First President of Muslim League'was:
(A) Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
ic) xauut (D) chaman
(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 19. Which of the following is a Rabi Crop?
(c) Allama lqbal (A) Rice (B) Wheat
(D) Maulana Fazal-ul-Haq tc) Cotton (D) Miaze
8. To reconcile Hindus and Muslims a new 20. Gwadar is localed in:
(A) Punjab
religion Din-i-lllahi was introduced by:
(A) Babur (B) HumaYun (B) Sindh
(C) Jehangir (D) Akbar (C) Khyber Pakhtoon Khawa
(O) Balochistan
9. Who was leader of Quit lndia Movement? 21. The Maior Source of Water in Pakistan is:
(A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(B) Jewahar Lal Nehru (A) Rain (B) Snow
(C) Mahalma Gandhi (C) Rivers (D) Lakes
(O) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 22. The tolal number of seats of Senate in
10. Ihe last Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar Pakistan is:
died in:
(A) 104 (B) 120
(A) Delhi (B) Agra (c) 130 (o) 1so
icl nansoon (D) Colombo 23. The dominant source of employment in
11 . Which name is associated with Khilafat Pakistan is:
(A) Trade (B) Agricuhure
(A) Quaid-i-Azam Muhamamd Ali Jinnah (C) Servrce Sector (D) Manulacturing
(B) Allama Muhammad lqbal 24. LM.F. stands for:
iCi Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar (A) lnvestment Management Fund
(D) Ch. Rehmat Ali (B) lnternational Managemenl Fund
12. Quaid-eAzam's '14 Points wdre presented in iC) lntemational Monetary Fund
response to: (D) None of these
(A) 3rd June Plan 25. Seats in the National Assembly are allocated
(B) Rowlett Act to each Province on the basis of:
(C) Nehru Report (A) Atea
(D) Lucknorv Pact (B) PoPulation
13. The famous Pamphlet "Now or Neve/ was (C) Development
writlen bv: (D) None of these
(A) Allama Muhammad lqbal 26. The first country to reconginze Pakistan's
iB) Maulana Mutrammad Ali Johar lndependences was:
(C) Ch. Rehmat Ali (A) Saudi Atabia (B) China
tDi Ouaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (C) tran (D) Turkey
'14. Which country is located on the North of 27. The Khewra Salt Mines are located in:
Pakistan? (A) Mianwali (B) Sargodha
(A) China (B) lran (C) Chakwal (D) Jehlum
(C) lndia (O) Afghanistan
28. The Biggest barrage in Pakistan is:
15. Natural Gas was discovered at Sui in: (A) Sukkar Barrage
(A) 1950 (B) 1952 (B) Kotri Banage
(c) 1954 (o) 1958 (C) Guddu Banage
16. lslamabad was offiicially made capital of (D) Taunsa BarrBge
Pakistan in: 29. Which is Pakistan's Major Export?
(A) 1961 (B) 1964 (A) Sugar (B) Wheat
ic) i966 (D) 1967 (c) Rice (D) cotton
'17. The System of Basic Democracies was 30. Jerusalem is the HolY CitY of:
introduced by: (A) Jews (B) Christrans
(A) lskandar Mrrza iC) Mustims (D) All of these
(B) Muhammad Ali Bogra
31. "Reuters" is a world known:
(C) Ayub Khan
(D) Zia-ul-Haq (A) Sport Club
(B) Wetfare Organization
(C) News Agency
(D) Transport System
-The name
"All-lndia Muslim League" was p.oposed by 32. Gaza City is in:
Sir Agha (han lll, who was appointed its fird president.
568 Advanced ppSC MCes nodei papers,
(A) Palestine (8) tsrael (C) Hillary Clinton (D) Ban-krmoon
(C) Lebanon (D) Jordon
47 Wimbledon Tennis Grounds are in:
33. Capilal of Australia is: (A) England (B) France
(A) Sydney (B) Metbotrne (C) Germany (D) Ausrdaia
(C) Canberra (D) Brisbane
48 The biggest Desert in the world is:
34. Capitalof Turkey is: (A) Shara desert
(A) lstanbul (B) Ankara (B) Cholistan desert
(C) lzmir (D) Koniya (C) Gobi desert
35. The lntemational lslamic Universrg is in: (D) Kalaharidesert
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi 49 Ottawa is the Capital of:
(C) lslamabad (D) peshawar (A) Cambodia (B) Canada
36. Who resides at 10 Downi ng Street? (C) Cuba (D) Monaco
Queen of England 50 Jakarta is the Capital of:
B British Prime Ministe (A) Malaysia (B) Singapore
French President (C) lndonesia (O) Philippines
D American Presidenl
JI The largest country in land size is:
37. The number of reserved seats for women in (A) Russia (B) Chrna
the National Assembly is: (C) lndia (D) Canada
(A) 60 (B) 70
(c) 65 (D) 7s The cunency of Nepal is:
(A) Rupee (B) Ruble
38. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was: (C) Peso (D) Krona
Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
KhawaJa Nazimuddin 53 The cunency ot lreland' is;
Liaqat Ali Khan (A) Dollar (B) France
Muhammad Ali Bogra (C) Pound (O) t-ira
39. The present Hijri year is: 54 National Anthem of Pakistan was played for
(A) 1432 (B) 1434 the first time in front of
(c) 143s (D) 1437 (A) Raza Shah Pahlwai of lran
(B) Quaid-e-Azam
40. The appointrnent of Chief Justice of pakistan (c) Oueen Elizab€th
is made by: (D) Liaquat Ali Khan
(A) The Prime Minister
(B) The President W-hich word is wrongly spelt in the following?
(C) Supreme Judical Council 55. (A) nursery (8) secondary-
(O) Computer Power Unit (C) liberary (D) primary
41. The mostly widely used irtemet searct engine 56. (A) honest (B) parfect
in the world is: (C) loyal (D) poputar
(A) Yahoo (B) Googte 57. (A) knaghtmare (B) scary
(c) MsN (o) youiirue (C) blackout (D) haunted
42. CPU stands ior: Select the word whrch is opposite rn meaning
(A) Central Processing Unit
(B) Control Panel Unit 58. Gloomy
(C) Central Programming Unit (A) lively (B) nervous
(D) Computer Power Unit (C) active (D) slow
43. 2016 Olympics witt be hetd at: 59. Spend Thrift
(A) Sydney (B) Madnd (A) mean (B) botd
(C) Chicago (D) Rio de Janerro (C) miser (D) cautious
44. The Govemor of Puntab is: 60. Guilty
(A) Muhammad Sarwar (A) innocent (B) humbte
(B) Latif Khosa (C) clever (O) proud
(C) Khalid Maqbool Find the word similar in menaing.
(D) Rana lqbat Khan
61. Satire
45. Mamnoon Hussain is the president of (A) uneasiness (B) doubt
(A) 8th (B) .torh
(c) 12lh (D) 14th 'The lrish pound wa5 the currency of treland until 2002.
46. The present US Secretary o, State is: The lrish pound was superseded by the euro on 1
(A) Joe Brden (B) John Kerry January 1999. Euro currency did not begin circulation
until the beginning of 2002.
Adi/.accd IGOs Iodal Faoers 569
(C) mockery (0) ttaly 78. He ran as _ as he could.
62. Barbaric (A) deverly (B) fasflv
(A) cruel (B) friendty (C) fast (O) soleinnty
(C) confused (Dj sttky 79. Pleasedo as you are directed.
63. Benevolent 1A1 same (B) exaaty
(A) beneficial {B) caretess (C) exact (D) whatever
(C) diligent (D) generous 80. Our flight was trom Lahore to
E 64. Anonymous lslamabad. -
(A) gracious (B) nametess (A) diveded (B) deflec,ted
(C) frEndly (O) ,orergn (C) reflectad (D) st H
ldentify the correcl spellings.
65. (A) affection (B) affaction
t._fu/fJtb,, .s1
(C) afection (O) etfection ,-t./tlVt-- l t r-r.[* /41,.-,f
66 (A) recEved (B) received
(C) reccerved (D) receeved Jv,t'-ivo;ttr Fl )Ou* g)
67 (A) deceitful (B) decietfut . ,,Ft,e pl
(C) deicietfut (D) deceetifut 6,?)vp Gl
Fill lhe blanks with appropriate words.
68. He was _ of all valuable possessions.
--o fV,f (rc ;/u* LJti,-* az
(A) robbed
'C) pinched
(B) stoten
(D) estabtished
,lrrt s izj'- 61
69. I am foMard to our picnic ,fbdtr, 1o1 1fe(ist 1c1
scheduled in nexl month.
(f) lookrng (B) ptanning
(C) seeing (D) going 7.I td ;{,! 1-ri/,, &Jt, 83

70. The presence of armed quards us ,.-tiitt,i py f :v, tel

from doing anything disruptive.
(A) defeated (B) excired 6r$;t;t 1oy ,f sJ'v" tcl
(C) rrritated (D) prevented
71. Potato was the _ food of lreland in t,).-,t{t1,l t! t€ \L )ri -* .u ; O t

the 50's:
(A) major (B) main ,./t/ Fl :vl 6t
(C) delicious (D) stapte
72. tvly uncle Ahmed is wiser than my sibtings 6z tol i..f, tcl
because he is _ than them.
(A) elder (Bl eldest t Ltil(oL. )J/ " t r,,t " .gs
(C) older (D) otdest
)r 5;
73. The words in the summary are so
to undersland easily.
(B) diligent
(D) ambiguous
6.(. (B)

(D) o /tj

74. He showed me how to lix a car and r?L/f);ie,, .aa

a wheel.
(A) (B) displace
(C) (D) fix
75. The snake rvas killed the fanner. tr,gt/,(Ut&":;t't-i
(A) by tB);f
(C) on (O) for
76. Amina went _
t)trty'r. @', Zy.t Ol
bicyde to meet Saira.
(A) on (B) by ttt/ (Dl JEt:/ (C)
(C) with (D) onto
77. lt is delightful to hear her speak, as she -?=b,t'.::t-* al
(A) slowly
(C) softly
(B) rhythmically
(O) melodiously
,3i @l -1r., (A)
570 AdvrnddPRSC fOOs &ddP.octr
f tot 6.:rt p\ Jl Fl gt1-t (A)

a, ?
s,Pt r (D) i; tCl
t { L6,6 ;,t /A +s { c--,J1))a,.,t .B
Lft,z (Bl fl f tot .J; L &-? J e?.t,,t til lf ,,i tivct /" ss

tttl,t, lol ,1ai/.r! Py rj lt38

a{-,,6 ti " \.($.Q,r' .as r
d"iA @l :r"f 61
r.,ru (B) Nqf $) ld tot Jr:"i lct
Ji (D) o,t{ 1c1 {rtivLJ vlt 96
98 ( B 97 (A
ef-Jt f'd,e?',}b* .so 00 ( o 99 (C

wJr @ c/f{ ot \:i e't I u(6),it| .g7

u.fcrb p) v/.>'y 1c1 JLzs (e) Jvzs @\

t7ft;tf&lv;,- .sr Jt,ss (o) Jt so (c)

1u-vl p1 |Pttz* lAl t t'1 JEJ f.' rl / Jv,( i:rP 1 -.,- .t

)vdvi tD) d=r pt 6lli Ft 6.8&y ot
t6 r,,t6 f ct,-Q'!,J ; { .sz ; t,i p) 6f,,{ Pl
tJAv (B) 6.fr4 6l r c-wv'2,5 \,!.2,NE:.* 6 vt ss

tJA+ Pt Gt ./ @t ili 6)

et'/O.v v+,tb f .h*1 L {fijt 1 o7 .rt :, (ol i lct.

l\ilv F7 UoP 6l r7i",,tJ,./-;{,u.too

A,Eo*.rf pl L,vrla: 1c1 J.t 16't i, (A)

a& J v/,t r1l, +l)dht tt r .s 7,t6f (ot / (cl

Answer Key
't. 14. a 27 d ,tO. .b 53- ? 66. b 79 b 92. a
2. d 15. b 28 a 1'.t. b 54. a 67. a 60 a 93. b
3. b 16. d 29 d 42. a 55. c 68. a 81 a 94. c
4. a 't7 . c 30 d 43. d 56. b 69. a 82 a
b 18. c 31 c 44. a 57. a 70. d 63 b 96. c
6. c 9.
't b 32 a 15. c
/15. b
58. a 71. d u d 97.
7. ? 20. d 33 c 59. c 72. c E5 a 98. c
8. d 2't. c u b 47- a 60. a 73. d 66 c 99. a
9. c 22. a 35 c 4E. a 61. c 71. a 87 a 100. a
't0 23. b 36 b 49. b 62. a 75. a 8E b
11 24. c 37 a 50. c 63. d 74. a 89 b
12 c 25. b 38 c 51. a 64. b 7f. c 90 b
'13 c 26. c 39 b 52. a 65. a 7E. c 91 a
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 571




in the Punjab Food Department
1. Pakistan Afghanistan border 'Durand Line' '14. The Federally Administration Tribal Areas
was dralYn in: (FATA) consist of:
(A) 1892 (B) 1890 (A) Five Agencies
(c) 1893 (O) 1897 (B) Six Agencies
(C) Seven Agencies
2. On July 9, 1948, Pakistan issued its flrst:
(D) Eight Agencies
(A) Coin (B) Curreny Note
(C) Postal Stamp (D) All of these 15. The famous scientrst who died on 14 Apal.
3. Pakistan Aeronautical Complex at KamIa was 1994 was:
(A) Dr. Abdus Salam
completed with the flnancial and technical (B) Or. Munir Ahmed Khan
assistance of:
(A) USA (B) Canada (C) Dr. Salim-uz-Zaman Siddiqur
(C) France (O) None of these (D) Dr. l.H. Usmani
4. The duration of Natronal Anthem of Pakistan 16. The first Chairman of senate was:
(A) Habib Ullah Khan
(A) 60 Seconds (B) 80 Seconds (B) Ghulam lshaq Khan
(C) 100 Seconds (D) 120 Seconds (c) syed FazlAgha
(D) Wasrm Sajjad
5. The Polhohar Plateau mntains the mineral '17. The first Urdu Newspaper (tlaily) publihsed
deposits of:
after the creation of Pakistan was:
(A) Rock Salt (B) Gypsum (A) Mashriq (B) lmroze
(C) Oil (O) All of them
(C) Watan (D) None of these
6. Which of the following is a cash crop:
18. Karakoram Highway starts in Pakistan ,rom:
(A) Wheat (B) Maize (A) lslamabad (B) Taxila
(C) Rice (D) Cotton'
(C) Havelian (O) Peshawar
7. The largest desert of the Paksitan is:
19. Which of the following Muslim Countries voted
(A) Thar (B) Thal
against Pakistan's adminission into the United
(C) Cholistan (D) Kharan
Nations in 1947i
8. The oldest Banage on lndus River is: lran
(A) (B) lraq
(A) Gudu Barrage Egypt
(C) (D) Afghanistan
(B) Sukkur Barrage
(C) Ghulam Muhammad Barrage 20. MotoMav M-8 Section will lead to:
(O) Taunsa Banage
(A) Karichi port (B) Bin Oasim Port
(C) Gwadar port (O) Pasni Pon
9. Of the total area of Pakistan, forest covers 21. On September 9, 1958, Pakistan acluired
Gwadar from:
(A) 3.solo (B\ 5.2%
(A) Oman (B) Bahrarn
(c) 7.3vo (D) 9.5%
(C) lran (D) None of these
10. How many times, Pakistan became World 22. The number of letters in the Urdu language
Olympic Champion in Hockey:
(A) Two (B) Three ate..
(At 27 (B) 37.
(C) Four (D) Kalat (c) 39 (o) 42
1 1. The firsl princely State lo accede to Pakistan 23. The first SOS village in Pakistan was setup rn
after partition was: 1977 al:
(A) Swat (B). Hunza (A) Multan (B) Rawalpindi
(C) Bahawalpur (O) Kalat (C) Lahore (D) lslamabad
12. Quaid-i-Azam served All lndia Muslim League 24. The headquarters of Pakistaq Na,,r lS at:
as a President for: (A) Karachi (B) Ouetta
(A) years
15 (B) 22 years (C) Rawalpindi (D) lslamabad
(C) 28 years (D) 31 years
25. After the creation of Pakistan, the firsl Radio
13. The Natronal anrmal of Pakistan rs:
Station was established at:
(A) Horse (B) Deer (A) Lahore (B) Kaiachi
(C) Dolphin (O) Markhor (C) Peshawar (O) Hyderabad
572 Atlvancqd PPSC llCQs Ml Paoqs
26. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan estau6h€d an (A) Abbottabad and Gilgit
institlJtion in 1864, with the obiective to (B) Chitral and Gilgit
lramlate book3 from English to Urdu and (C) Gilgit and Hunza
Persi€n. known as: (D) Swat and Dir
(A) AlEarh lnstitute
(B) The Scientific SocEty 36. Which of the following districts ol Balochistan
(C) Muhammaden Educatronal Conference contains huge deposits ol copper?
(O) Ghazipur Educational Society (A) Loralar (B) Srbbr
(C) Khuzdar (D) Chaghi
27. Th€ real foundr of the Oar-ul-lslam "Deoband"
r8s: 37. Cawnpur Mosque tragedy had laken place in:
(A) Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani
(A) 1909 (B) 1910
(B) Maulana Mahmud-ul-Hasan
(c) 1913 (D) 1915
(c) Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautvi 38 ldentify the longest glacrer of Pakrstan
(D) None of thes€ (A) Hispar (8, Baltoro
28. The 'Cenlral Muhammadan Association' was
(C) Batura (D) Srachen
bunded in 1877 by: 39. The Soan and the Haro are the two rivers of:
(A) Chaudhri Rehmat Ati {A) EaluchislanPlateau
(B) Potohar Plateau
' (B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) Syed Arneer Alr (C) Northern Areas
.(O) Mohsrn-ul-Mulk (D) Azad Kashmir
29. Ouak -LAzam was convinced to join the A 40. "Warsak Dam" has been built on the river:
lndE Mushm League by: (A) lndus (B) Korung
(A) Sr Agha Khan (c) Kabul (o) suflej
(B) Nawsb Waqarul-Mulk 41. The "Shandur Pass" at the haghl of 12.205
(C) Hakim Amd l$an
(O) Maulana Muhammad Ati Jauhar (A) Chrlral and Grlgit
30. Maulana Muhammad Ati Jauhar $aned (8) Chitral and Barnnu
publsihing his famous Engtrsh neryspaper (C) Mardan and Malakand
"Cornrade in 191 1 trom: (D) Grlgrl and Kashgar (China)
' (4) Delhi (B) Bombay 42 The area lyinO between river Beas and the
(C) Calcutta (D) Lahore Ravi is called
31. Whicfi ol the bllowing leadeG hetped Quaid,i- (A) Chaj Ooab (B) Rachna Doab
Azam in lhe preparaton ol his Fourleen (C) Bari Doab (D) Saharwal Doab
Points in 1929: 43. Which of the following countnes has the
(A) Maulana Muhamarnd Ali Jauhar largest area rn the world?
(8) Uaulana Shaukal Ali (A) Canada (Br U S.A
(C) Li.qu.t Ali Khan (C) Russia (D) Chrna
(O) ilauhna Hasrat Mohani
32. The h€adquarlers of Food and
44 Which of the continents has the lowest
Agflcutture population groMh rate?
Orbanizatron (FAO) rs tocared ar.
(A) Rorne (B) pans
(A) Europe (B) North Amenca
(C) Nef,/ York (D) Geneve (C) Akica (D) Asia
33. PASSCO stanG tun 45 "Oasht-e-Lut' deserl is located in:
(A) lakBlan Agricunural SGed Storagc (A) Chrna (8) Libya
(C) lraq (D) lran
(B) PakBtan Agricultural S6rvicas Supply 46. Whrctl of lhe iollowing mountains separate
Corpor.tbn Asia from Europe?
(C) Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services (A) Ural Mountains
Corporation (B) HindukushMountains
(D) Pakistan Agriculturat Storage Services (C) Alps Mountarns
Council (O) Allas Mountains
34. Whrch ot the lollowing gtaciers is tocated rn 4? Day and nrght changes due to
Karakoram Range? (A) Earths revolution
(A) Siachin (B) Hispar (B) Eanh s rotataon accompanred w|th ats
(C) Biato (O) A of th6. revolution
(C) SEarth s rotatron round its axrs
35. The 'Eabusar Pass' connects': (D) None of these
'Babusar ir a .nountain pass at the north of the 150
with Chilas {a small town localed in the Gilgit-Baltistao)
km. lont Xaghao Valley connecting it via the Thak ala on the X.raloram Highway {X(H)-
Adyencad PPSC ItCQs llodel Papert gl3
48 The energy generation in stars rs due to 62. The permanent Secretariat is SAARC is
(A) Frssron of heavv nuctei established at:
(Bt Fusion of [ghl riucler (A) Kathmandu (B) Ohaka
(C) Fusion of heavy nucler
/Dl None of these
(C) Dehli (O) lslamsbad
63. Archaeological sile 'Bhambore- is located in
49 Formosa is the old name of. the district of:
(A) Cambodia tBr Rhodesia (A) Kharrpur (B) oadu
(C) Taiwan (D) Bangkok (C) Larkana (O) Thalta
50. London rs srtuated on bank of flver 64. Vasco da Gama' was a:
(A) Delaware Rrver 18) Nile River 14) Portugues€ explorer
(C) Thames River (D) None of these (B) French mathematicran
51 The largest ocean of the'rvortd rs {C) Englrsh novelsl
(A) lndian Ocean iB) Arctrc Ocean (D) ltalian tourist
(C) Pacrfrc Ocean iDr None ofthese 65 The first international organrzalon wa!:
52. Which of the followrng Sea separates Asra
(A) Un ed Natrons
ftom Africa? (B) Commonwealth Organization
(A) Arabic Sea (B) Yellow Sea (C) League of Nations
(C) Red Sea (O) None ofthese (O) tlone ol thes€
53. Baglihar Oam is located !n Doda district on
66. Which of the follorving continents ha8 no
river: deserl?
(A) lndus River (B) Jhelum River (A) Auslralia
(C) Chenab River (O) Ravi River (B) North America
(C) South America
54. Smallest country rn Cenlral Asia rs. (D)'Europe
(A) Tajikistan (B) Kazakhstan
(C) Uzbehstan (D) None of these 67 The game of Hockey' orbinated from:
55. Whicft ol the tollowing c.untries has the
(A) Pakistan (B) England
largest number of Aarporls?
(C) Australia (D) Greecc
(A) lndia (B) UK 6E. "lnterfax'is a nevs ag€ncl of:
(C) China (D) USA (A) Russia (B) Turkey
(C) France (D) USA
56. The name United Nalions was coined by:
(A) Statin 69. What do you understand by the diease
(B) F.D Roosevelt "lnsomnia'?
(C) Winston Churchill (A) lnability to sleep
(O) Austin Mills (B) Colour bfindness
{C) Ospression
57 Who is secrelary general of OIC? (D) llone of thes€
(A) Or. Ekmeleddin lhsanoglu
(B) Tinku Abdur Rehman 70. The World's famous Madarn€ Tussrud's
(c) Mahatrr Muhammad museum is siluated in:
(D) Abdelouahed Belkezrz (A) Pans (B) London
58. Who is Nicolas Sarkozy?
(C) Rome (O) New Yort
(A) Garman Chancellor 71 . Who was Pakistan's first parmai€nl
(B) Canadian President repres€ntatrye in the united Nations?
(C) French President (A) Sir Zafarullah Xhan
(O) President oI Georgia (B) Patras Bokhan
(C) M.A H. lsphani
59. What position Hu Jintao holds in China? (O) Begum Feroz Khan Noon
(A) General Secretary of Communist Parly
(B) President of the country 72. The first country which rccognized Pal(i3tan
(C) BothA&B afler its deation was.
(O) Prime Minister ol the country (A) Afghanistan (B) lran
(C) SaudiArabia (D) Egypt
60. Where is the Headquarter of the Amnesty
lntemataonal located? Choose the correct meaning of the ,ollowing sords
(A) Geneva (B) Londdn in bold bners'
(C) Paris (D) New Yo* 73. ACRIMONY
61. Asian Development Bank (ADB) was
establrshed rn:
(A) 19An (8, 1966 'Continent Europe is cgnsidered ar 'continent has no
(C) 1966 (D) Nofle oI these desen-. Ho ever some emi-des€.ts are ptesent
571 Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Nodal Pape/.s
(A) friendship (B) enmity
(C) bitte.ness (D) energetic vxil lo) trJt,t' (c)
74, SACROSANCT t6{f LL,,v"t./.Jf .86
(A) sacred (B) weatthy
(C) cleaver (O) humble
ut-iir; (B) v.iel (Al
(A) strong (B) weak u-,.igtfa p1 urr.:jL--r (c)
(C) secured (O) lengthy
76, PERISH 1,;.' ;!,y.-1 4 f r,. :<--" .87
(A) open (B) single
(C) die (O) unique .,r; 'r. ' ?,,.
i:,, v:j e.L-a e. Jte{ v:9' r
(A) painful (B) anxious \.i
(C) attack (D) protect :t 7V'=_)V.-,t ,V
Pick the most suitable / appropriate prepositions. iif,-':/vj-:r Bt ,ei.',,i @t
78. He is knocking
(A) on (B) of
the door
ri6,titi tot lcls1tt 1c1
(C) over (D) ar
79. Did you hear
.' .'. &i ,,tJ-,i*it.
.Y,.. . .ae
the accident last
(A) of (B) on -.,..
: ii r i.i i
b wC vr -. vr-. J
(c) in (D) about
80. Smoking is injurious _(B) health t< Jb'A'Q')i
(A) on to
(C) of (D) for ibttut (B\ <-- )tt,: (A)

r Lu/ :t7 6 !'u-,sl,t('.,, -h

yl -Y v .at ,-;r,,,Li lo\ -{i pl
'y';1.,7 191 Jvrtr @) | + :t r {e c }' ?l, rts., 11.i{ },/" es
)6t,,tb(D\ ,,t;tt4!, p1
-7>gr,"'P1 o;{-a @l
t4ytcctf &{JFt-tt az e,lgt-l 1g') 1tt(E G\
v'{{ p1 gz:ri 6y -?''witf6(-;r' so

-lk (o) ),,f p1 :-:, (B) ,j Ol

rt*-l.-{./.-&jJ* ez 4jt @) ,.1,1; (C)

)u-J;c,( )i6.or,v, / | <.,i.:'i( :_a r- + /,,+: + _- ijtli ) g,l

lBl i o?, 61
+(u/ '/' ' '
j.rji,4 (B) (A)
J:eP @) 6ro? fcl
-..rC -:.
| ; r-' ;; .92
ev8l O JV,-tu tct r
;r ;
-Zr-V.-.b. c.-t t tV( t.,i' 4,. ;" .e4
i .41 @l i,(-i 10 (A)

wtzi j,is tol cA2 tct

t'.oe(o;L @) 67
4'f,r:lr (D\ u.{;ig 1C1
I j r .: :t .:.* j'<' . ,: :"= , j?, gS
-{-E 7)h' <-0.' tv
- t/" t r Jt {!" .85 -;1.a,?, (B\ (A)

t:r:t-f @l vxJ;t 61
0"1,-7 @) €/eP G)
Adl,'l,f dP?ScrcAr,,od,r'P'of,fs 575

'-1to7 1oY Uv'o? lcl

I L$,t t -t{2 ) L,/t,f t! ;,r;nw tj 4 .sa
U,,r-f Ft ,jye,/ 1A\ e.
6VqJ" LJ F L,, td,. til .sg

UQ-r pl ,jq,*/ 1c1 Fl

u.t-€, v,fr?l Al
tt,.i' i 6,15 7 ry'/'12' ss u,l$ pt uW (c)

J.f8 (B) ,J.fri 1l'1 ti-,l{cF)rt{'fur(" ss

6f1o (ol 6,f,9 tcl 2is*),2p Ft \vo? At

-r/,t i {; I -:.,w ilv L Jttti i .s
: 7e? @t V1o7 1c'1

.ur. (B) &t ol L,J r,,!r. o {, / it;,

I .1 oo
j (D *i (cl (rt slc{lre/ (B) Itg)vefi (Al

t-J{rtd'iu.t* .s7 ;lutct,l..rf (ot U$O$eP G)

(ut,t/ 1Bl \'io? 6l
An s we r Key
1. c 11. c 27 c 4D c 53. c 66 d 79. d 92 b
2. c 15. c 28 c 41 a il. a 67 b 80. b 93 a
3. d 6. a
'f 29 d 42 55. d 68. e 81. c 94
1. b 17.. b 30 c 43 c 56. b 69. a 82. d
5. d lE. c a 44 a 57. a 70. b 83. b 96 c
6. d 19. d 32 a 45 d 58. c 71. b 84. a 97 b
7. a 20. c 33 c 46 a 59. c 72. b 85. b 98. a
8. b 21. a 34 d 47 c 60_ b 73. c 86. d 99. b
9. a 22. b 35 a 48. b 61. b 74. a 87. b 100 d
10 b 23. c 36 d 49. c 62. a 75. b 88. c
l'l c ?1. d 37 d 50. c 63. d 76. c 89. b
12 e 25. b 38 d 51. c 64. a 77 90. b
13 d 26. b 39 b 52. c 65. c 78. d 9'r . d


1. FBI stands for 3 Andre Agassi is:
(A) Football player (B) Tennis player
(A) F.deral Bur€au of inv6figatirn
(B) Fo&ral Board ol investm€flt (C) Actress (D) None of these
(C) Fcdcrel BUI€au of lniormation 4 When Pakistan adopled decimal system?
(D) None of thes€ (A) 1960 (B) 1961
2. Which sod b wrongly spelt in thc following ic) 1e63 (D) 1e64
set of rcrds? Ban-ki-Moon was of
(A) Fashion (B) Occa*n (A) US (B) UK
(C) lndination (D) Situation iC) South Korea (D) North Korea
sz6 aavanccdpp$C flCo3lodd peoers
6. The first session of UN General Assembly (D) None of above
was held in:
(A) Paris (B) London 20. Chandka Medicat Co ege is in
(C) New York (D) None of above (A) Larkana (B) Nawab Shah
(C) Karachi (D) None of these
7 Hugo Chavez belongs to:
(A) Haitli (B) Venezueta 21. Which-of the foltowing is tand tocked counlryz
(C) West lndies (D) None of these (A) Afghanrstan (B) Bangtadesh
(C) lndia (D) NonE of above
8 Election Commrssioner appornted for the 22. Hitler belongs to
period of
fA; 3 yeaE- (B) 5 vears (f) ttaty (B) Germany
(C) 6 years (D) N6ne of above (C) England (O) France
9. J.K Rowting is a famoui3 ' 23. Gates Bill is:
(A) U.K Dancer (A) Microsoft founder
(B) US Oiptomat (B) Google Engineer
(C) French Secretarv of State (C) You Tube
(D) None of above (D) l{one of above
10. Grameen Bank is associated to 24. Capitan CooK
(A) M. Ari (A) An Australian Navroator
(B) Mulla Omar (B) A Scienrist
(C) Yunus Aziz (C) EothA&B
(D) Muhammad yunus (O) None of above
1'1. Total artictes in the chaner of UNO 25. Charles de Gaulle belonos to
(A) 111 (B) 115 {A) Ensland (Bj US
lC) 120 iDi None of above (C) Russia (D) France
12. Paulo Coelho is 26. Columbus reached America
(A) Egyptian Novetist (A) 1491 (B) 1492
(B) Engtish Novetist (C) 1498 (O) None of Above
(C) French Novetist
(D) Brazilian Novetisl 27. BBmarck was an
'13. Seymour Hyrcsh is
(A) American (B) ttatian
(C) Asian (O) Gerran
(A) Diplomat (B) Tennis Player
(C) Joumatist (D) All of Above 28. Florence Nighti ngale was founder of
(A Nursing
14. Who is P.M ot Bangladesh (B Flower Makino
(A) Kahda Zia (B) Hussrna Waiid (c Water Treatm"ent
(C) Zia-ur-Rehman (D) None of abo've (D None of above
15. Xi Jin Ping is 29. Voltaire was
(A) President ofChina (A) Scientist (B) Philosopher
(B) Pnme Minister of China (C) Engineer (D) None ot above
(C) Foreign Minister of Korea
(D) Presadent of North Korea 30 Gamal Abdul Nassar belonos to

16 Water Oistribution
(A) Syna (B) France
was concluded in
Accord among provinccc (Q) Egypt (D) None of above
31 lba.Beltta came in lndia during the oeriod of
(A) 1991 (B) 1992 (A) Muhammad Bin Tuohtao -
(c) 1993 (D) 1994 (B) Bbur
17. Aogela Market is (C) Jahngir
(A) President of German (D) Nons of abbve
(B) Prime Minister Ajstria
(C) Foreign Mrnister of France 32. Leo Tobtoy rras a
(D) None of above (A) Potiticat Scientist (B) Scientist
(C) An ofabove (D) None of above
18. Yukia Amano is Head of
. (A) tRC (B) tMF 33. The last Super is
(C) IAEA (Oi (A) Portrait (B) Building
19. Who is the frst Govemor General oI pakistan
. (C) Attof above iOi None of lhese
(A) 34. Julius Caesar belonos to
Ghulam Mohammad
lskinder Mirza (A) Rome - (B) France
(C) Khawaja Nazim-uddm (C) London ioi None of above
35. Maria Montessori was an
Advanced PPSG flCOs fode, Psoers 577
(A) French Educationist
(B) ltalian Educationist
5'1. NFC award declares _ Shafe fof
(C) German Educationist (A) s6.s (B) 57.2
(D) English Soentist (c) s6.7 (D) 6 0
36 Mrrza Ghalab was bom tn 52 NRO was promutgated by
rA, Oelhi (B) Lahore (A) Asr{ AIi Zardari
(C) Kolkotta (D) Agra {B) Parvez Mushraf
37. Amrr Trmur tnvaded lndia rn (C) Rafique Tarar
i4) 12th Century (B) 13th Century (D) Yousaf Raza Gillanr
(C) '14thCentury (D) None of abcive 53. Which of the following General Secretary of
38 Non-Party Elections held in Pakistan the UNO had died rn an arrplane crash
{A) 1985 {B) 1995 (AJ Dag hammarskptd
(C) 2008 (O) None of above (B) Kun WaEheim
(C) Sthart
39. Pedagogy is science of (D) None of.these
(A) Teachrng (B) Speech
(C) Psychology (D) None ofabove ' 54. Granni lnfantino is president of
(A) FIFA (B) Otympic
40. Scout movement was started by (C) Nobel Pnze (O) None ofthese
(A) Lard Beden Powel
(B) J. N. Ourent 55. LiaquafNehru Pact signed in
(C) Someltt (A) 1950 (B) 1952
(D) None of above (c) 1954 (D) 1956
41. Mahmud Abbas is Prime Minister of 56. The capacity of proposed C-3 is
(A) Palestine (B) lran (A) 1200 MW (B) 800 MW
(C) lsrael (0) None of above (c) 700 Mw (D) 325 MW
42. When of the followng group are considered to 57. Who is cunent Prime minister of U.K
be Universal donars (A) John Mayor (B) Theresa May
(A) A+ (B) B+ (C) Tony Blair (D) None ofthese
(c) AB+ (D) O- 56. CCP Stands for
43. Sensitive layer of the eye is (A) College Councilof Pakistan
(A) Choroids (B) Comea (B) Chemistry Council of PunJab
(C) Retina (D) None of these (C) Competitrons Commrssron of Pakistan
(O) All of above
44. Which is the hardest
(A) Carbon (B) Gold 59 lndian Patriotic Associalion was formed by
(C) Silver (D) None of these (A) Syed Amrr Ali
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
45. Which of one is most elastic (C) Allama lqbal
(A) Steel (B) Rubber (D) None of above
(C) Glass (O) Damond
60. Hindi - UrdV Controversy starled in 1867 from
46. Earthquakes are caused Oy (A) Ali Garh (B) Benafls
(A) Tectonism (B) Oenudation (c) Delhi (D) None of rhese
(C) The rotation (D) None oflhese
61. Brahmo Samajwas _ by
47. The Planet nearest to the Sun is (A) Agmihotri
(A) Mars (B) Mercury (B) Raja Ram Mohan Rai
(C) Jupiter (D) Satum (C) Taroq
48 ln Roman numerals C slands for (O) None of above
(A) 100 (B) 20 62. Allahabad address desired cession of lndran
(c) 300 (o) s00 territory from rest of lndia
49. Metallurgy i6 Science of (A) South Western
(A) Ores and Metals (B) North Western
(B) Reading (C) Eastem zones
(C) Botha&b (O) None of above
(O) None of these 63. What is the age ot Holy Prophet (PBUH) at
50. Safty mechanism of blood works under the time of fixing Black stone
(A) Vvhite Blood (B) Red Blood (A) 30 (B) 35 years
(C) Lymphatic (D) None of these (C) 36 years (O) 38 years
sts A.tyencdPP90ll00sthdolPeDec
64. Which Prayer was last preyed by the Prophet (A) 17 Minutes (B) 105 Minutes
(PBUH) (C) 20 Minutes (D) 21 Minutes
(A) Fajir (B) Zuhar 77. Oay and night are equal on
(C) Asr (D) Maghrib (A) 21st March
65. OIC was formed m (B) 21st September
(A) 1969 (B) 1970 (c) 'l sl october
(c) 1971 (D) 1973 (O) 21st December
66. Caspian touches 78. Big Beng theory pertains to
(A) lran (B) Turkey (A) Ongion of universe
(C) Syria (D) Egypt (B) Ongion of spenes
(C) Atom bomb
67. Which is city of Mosques (D) Rock music
(A) Lahore
- (B) Madina
(C) Baghdad (D) ohakka 79. Braille system is meant to leach:
68. Which Muslim country is known for cluster of (A) deaf (B) blind
(C) cripple (O) foolish
(A) lndonesia (B) Malaysia 80. Hippocratic oath is taken by:
(C) Afghanistan (D) Bruni (A) medicine doctars (B) doclors of law
69. Collateral Secunty is given to (C) greek sculpters (O) None of above
(A) Bank 81. Bears and Bulls
(B) lnsurance Company (A) .tangle code
(C) To the Organizations you are employed (B) stock rise and fall
(D) None of above (C) price rise and fall
70. Naxalttes are working in (D) None of above
(A) Bangladesh (B Nepal 82. ln Camera meeting means:
(C) lndia (O None of these (A) open meeting
71. Which is biggest producer of Uranium (B) meeting in the chamber ofiudga
(A) Kazakhstan (B) Zaire. (C) nol meant for public
(C) Canada (D) U.K (D) None of above
72. How much percentage Carbon dioxide is in 83. Who is Uncle Sam
the air
(A) France (B) Auskalian
20vo (B) 40% (C) UK (O) USA
lA\ o/o
(C) 60 (O) None ofthese 84. Or Mohammad Yunis belongs lo:
73. Quebec City is in (A) lran (B) Bangladesh
(A) Australia (B) Canada (C) Syria (D) Turkey
(c) us (D) uK 85. Sine die
(A) death
(B) indefinite p€riod
74. The lmperial city is the title of
(A) London (B) Baghdad (C) limited period (D) None of above
(C) Rome (D) Mexico E6. Premium is paid by
75. A boy had twice as many sums wrong as (A) Prisoner
right. lf he had 24 sums in all how many of (B) Customer
them were wrong
(C) Company on amount of money to paid to
(A) 18 (B) 20 gel insurance
(O) None of above
(c) 16 (D) 8
Ratio of wrong to right sums is 2:1 87. Casting vote means
SumofRatiois=2+1=3 (A) deciding vote (B) votein form of tie
)A (C) Botha&b (O) None of above
Total sums 24 Ratp is 3 so
? =I 88. Protocol means.
One ratio equals to 8 (A) a system of rules
Then 2 ratios will be I x 2 = 16 wrong sums (B) a formal international agreement
Then '1 ratios will be I x 'l = I right sums (C) specialized computer langauge
24 total sums (D) All of above
76. A monkey ascends a greased pole 2'l in high. 89. Name the capilal of syria:
in the first minute he ascends 6 in and in the (A) Damscus (B) Baghdad
next minute he descends 5 in if he mntinues (C) Cairo (D) Oman
this process. in how many minutes will be
reach the top 90. Agenda means
(A) list of matters discussed in meeling
PftC itcQs llodct P.oQrs
Adrranc4{ 519

(B) list of future possible agreement (c) 1954 (D) 1958

(C) Botha&b 97 The system ol BasE . Democracies wes
(D) None of above introduced byl
91. Which country is located on the north boarder (A) lskander Mina
of Pakistan? (B) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(A) (B) Afghanistan (C) Ayub Khan
(C) (D) lndia (O) Zia-ulHaq
92 Area wise the largest province of Pakistan is 98. lslamabad was officially made the capital of
(A) Punjab (B) Sindh Pakistan in:
(C) NWFP (D) Balochistan (A) 1961 (B) 1964
93. The Number of Federally Administrated areas
(c) 1966 (O) 1967
in Pakislan is 99. Who was the Prime Minister of lndia at the
(A) Two (B) Three time of Simla Agreement in 1972?
(C) Four (D) Five (A) Lal Bahadur Shastri
94. Most of the electricity in Pakistan is produced (B) lndira Gandhi
(C) Jawanharial Nehru
(A) Hydal Power (B) Nuclear Power (D) Moraqi Desai
(C) Solar Power (D) Thermal Power 100.Who was the British Prime Minister at the time
95. Warsak Dam has been construcled on: of Pakistan's independence in 1947:
(A) Kabul River (B) lndus River (A Lord Mounl Batten
(B Winston Churchill
(C) Chenab River (D) Swat River (c Clement Attlee
96. Natural Gas was discovered at Sui in (D Lord lrwin
(A) 19s0 (B) 1952
Answer Key
1. a 14. b 27. d /10. a 53. a bb a 79 b 92. d
2. a 15. a 28. a 41. d 54. a 67 d 80 a 93. b
3. b 16. a 29. b 42. d 55. a 68 a E1 b 94. d
4. b 17. d 30. c 43. c 56. d 69 a 82 b 95. a
5. c 18. c 31. a M. a 57. b 70 c 83 d 96. b
6. d 19. d 32. d 45. a 58. c 71 a 84 b 97. c
7. b 20. a JJ. a 46. a 59. b 72 d 85 b 98. d
8. b 21. a v. a 47. b 60. b 73 b 86 c st. b
9. d 22. b 35. b 48. a 61. b 74 c 87 a 100. c
't0 23. c 36. d 49. a 62. b 75 c 8E d
11 a 24. 37. b 50. a 63. b 76 a 89 a
12 d 25. d 38. a 51. a 64. d a 90 a
13 c 26. b 39. a 52. b 65. e 78 a 91 c

rl/ ODEL PAPER 126


1. "Arblue' airlines belongs lo whicfi coutry? 4. The slave Oynasty was founded in lndia in:
(A) Pakistan (B) lndia (A) 1206 (B) 1196
(C) America (D) Jordan (c) 1198 (D) 1199
2. Whieh of iollowing is Cottag€ lndu$4f., 5. QatuEu{an Aibek became the first ruler of
(A) Cement (B) $g.r lslamic state oI lndia in:
(C) Handicraft (D) Textile (A) 1206 (B) 1196
3. The agro based industry is:
(c) 1198 (D)
(A) Woodwort (B) Dairy fam3 6. Qatub-u-Din Aibek died dunng playrngr
(C) Carpet3 (D) lron rvork (A) Hockey (B) Polo
540 Advancd PPSC tCes lfrdel paoerc
(C) Cricket (D) Footba[ (A) 1935 (B) 1937
7 Who was the tirst and the last woman ruler of (c)'1934 {D) 1939
Delhi? 20. How the future status of Sindh was to be
1A) Chand Bibi (B) Noor Jahan decrded under 3rd June plan?
(C) Razia Sultana (D) None of these (A) By the Commrssion
8 The biggest lndustiry of Pakistan rs: (B) By plebrscrte
(C) By malor(y vote of assembly members
tAl Cement (B) Suoar
(C) Terlrle (Ot Paier (O) None of the above
9. _krlograms are there in one metric 21. How the fulure status of NWFP was to be
ton? decided under June 3rd Plan?
(A) 100 kg (B) 1000k9 (A) 8y malority vote of assembly
(c) 10 ks (o) 1000k0 (B) By the Commission
(C) By plebiscite
10. Name the two regDns won by British from (D) None of the above
French rn 18th century?
(A) Ghana & Egypt (B) Canada, USA 22. Name the person who was the firsl to
(C) Egypt (D) Canada. lndia translate the Holy Quran in Persian?
(A) Shah Rafi-ud-Din
11. ln 1659 AD Aurangzeb finafly defeated Oara (B) Shah Wall'ulleh
Shakoh and became the Emperor of lndia. (C) Khalid brn Waleed
Name the battle, (D) Mutadid Alf Sani
(A) Battle of Sebraon
(B) BatUe of Tatikita 23. The total period ot Abbasids caliphate was:
(C) Battle of Samugarh (A) 400 years (B) 50E years
(O) None of these (C) 600 years (D) 708 years
'12. Name the German scientist who invented the 24. Salahuddin Ayubi emerged as the hero of the
atom bomb? Muslims in:
(A) Hahn Otto (B) John Watker (A) First Crusade (B) Second Crusade
(C) John Gutenberg(D) Wilkam Hunt (C) Third Crusade (Di Fourth Crusade
13. Oecline of the West" book was writen by 25. Lalani River is located in:
German Philosopher. (A) Syria (B) Lebanon
{A) Herbert Spencer (B) Spengler (C) Tuftey (O) lran
rC) Sprnoza (D) Nonebf these 26. Whrch rs the largesl Fort of Punlab Province?
14 Kosovo. the latest independent nation in the (A) Rohtas Fort
world was ruled by? (B) Attock Fort
(A) lndonesia (B) Austratia (C) Sheikhupura Fort
(C) Malaysra (D) Serbra (D) None of these
15. The Abbasid capital was removed from 27. Rohtas Fort is located in the distict:
Baghdad to Samana', a newty founded cty in (A) Jehlum (B) Lahore
836. durrng the rergn of (C) Chakwal (D) Attock
(A) Mamoon (B) Mutasim Brltah 26. \Mich rs the broadest strait in the wortd?
(C) Maroon (D) Wasiq Bi ah (A) Northumberland Strait
16. The last Fatimid ruler was: (B) Messina Strart
(A).Al-Murzz (B) Al-Add (C) Mozambique Strait
(C)Al-Mansur (O) None of these (O) None of thes€
'17 Who was the British Prime Minister el tle time 29. Whbh of the following countries has the
of Second Round Table Conference? largesl area in the world?
(A) Ramsay Macoonald (A) Canada (B) China
(B) Clement Atllee (C) U.S.A. (O) Russra
(C) Neville Chambedain
(D) None of these 30. The foreign phrase Aqua pura means
(A) Arr (B) Water
'18. Who was the Viceroy during the time Mr. (C) Mineral (D) None of these
Attlee of England declared the British intention
to transfer power to lndians? 3'1. Hail storm occurs in summer season due to
(A) Lord lrwin the formation ol clouds called
(B) Lord Mountbatten (A) Cirrus (B) Cumutus
(C) Lord Wavell (C) Cumulonimbus (D) Cirrocumutus
(O) Lord Linlithgow 32 NASA stands for
19. Ouaid-€-Azam became lhe permanenl
(A) Natronal Aeronauhcs and Space
^'":ident of Muslim League:
AdvrncedPPSC COsItode,Paoers sE'l
(B) Natural Aeronautics and Space (C) Buddhism (O) None of them
(C) Natural Administratron and Space 47 Which is the largest Sea in the worJd?
Admmistration (A) Soulh China Sea (B) Mediterranean Sea
(D) Natural Administration and Space Agency (C) Black Sea (D) Red Sea
33. King Abdul Azz international Airpon is the 48 15th Conference ot NAM was hetd in March
name of 2008 in
(A) MakkahAirport (B) Jeddah Airport (A) Havana (Cuba)
(C) Riyadh Airport (D) None ofrh;se (B) Carro (Esypt)
(C) Sharam Shaikh (Egypr)
34. 'ZIANA is a news agency or:' (D) Jakarta (lndonesia)
(A) ZambE (B) Zimbabwe
(C, New Zealand l9t Zaie 49. Headquaner o, Council of the European Unron
is located in.
35 Who advocated the theory of taissez farre? (A) Brussets (B) Geneva
(A) Marshall (B) Matthus (C) Vienna (D) None ol these
(C) Adam Smith (O) Non€ ofthese
50. Which of the followin gbook was written by
36. Where wat Albert Einstein born? A.H. lspahani?
(A) UK (B) USA (A) Quaid-i-Azam My Leader
(C) Germany (D) Atbania (B) Slruggle For Pakisran
37. The Keil canal links the (C) Quaid-FAzam Jinnah As I Knew Him
(A) Pacitic and Atlantic Ocean (D) None of them
(B) Meditenanean and Red Sea 5't. "The Greal Divade. Britain. tndia & pakistan"
(C) Meditenanean and Btack Sea was written by.
(O) North Sea and Baltic Sea (4) W.H. Wriggins (B) Stanley Walpert
38. Who was the first Asian to have received the (C) H.V. Hudson (O) None 6I them
Nobel Prize? 52.'The Military and Potitics in pakistan,' is
({) C.V Raman (B) R.N. Tagore written by:
(C) Mother Teresa (D) tA. Bunin (A) Shahrd Javed Burkr
39. MAD rs the name ol secret agency of (B) K.K. Aziz
(A) Germany (B) U-S A' (C) l.H. Oureshi
(C) London (Dl Manchester (O) Hassan Askan Rrzvr
40. World envrronmental day ls obs€rved on 53 Peshawar dtstflct and major pad of Mardan
(A) 15th June (B) sth June drstflct. are consisted of
(C) 25lh June (D) None ot these (A) Hilly areas (B) Plain areas
(C) Plateau areas (O) None of these
41. Freud is associated with:
(A) Detective 54. What is the total area of Sindh?
(B) Biology ({) 139.42a sq km (B) 13E,532sqkm
(C) Physiology and medicine (C) 142,532 sq km (D) 140,9i4sd km
(D) Leprosy cor{rol 55. What rs the total length of Pak-lndia boundary
42. ln American history only president who give Ine?
res€n (A) 1610 kilometers (B) 1670 krtometeis
(A) Richard Nixon (B) Eisen Hower (C) 1E'10 kilometers (D) None of thes€
(C) Ronald Reagon (D) Truman 56. What is the lotal length ot coastine ot
43. lwho has taken the highest number of wrckets Pakistan?
in One-Oay lnternational cricket? (A) 1020 km (B) 1046 km
(A) Malcotm Marshal (B) M.Maralitharan (C) 1095 km (D) 1126km
(C) Waqar Yunus (D) Wasim Akram 57. Switzerland is also known by the distrnclive
44. Which is the second highesl pass in world? name ofi
(A) Namnr Pass (A) Land of Thousand Lakes
(B) Col de Rstefond Pass (B) Land of Milk & Honey
(Ci Donner Pass (C) Playground of Europe
(O) Myanmar Pass (D) Land of Humming Bird
45. Second hrghest Pass in the world situated in 58. Which c y is called "City of Parks"?
(A) USA (B) France-Sparn (A) Banaras (B) Quito
(C) {D) Myanmar (C) Kiev (D) Rome
46 Synago-gue is ptace of worshrp of which 59. People s Greal Hural is the parliament of
religion? whrch country?
(A) Confucianrsm (B) Judaism (A) Cuba (B) M€xico
(c) Magnolia (D) Nrgena
S2 Advmced PPSC HCQs o&l Ptoca
60. The area of low€st rainfall in Pakistan is was discovered in:
(A) Nushki (B) Ouetta (A) Harappa (B) Lothal
(C) Thar (D) Nokhundi (C) Mohenjodaro (D) Ropar
61. The Chashma Nuclear plant was bualt with the 75 'Freedom Air' is the name ot airline 0f:
help of: (A) Newzealand (B) South Africa
(A) France (B) Germany (C) South Korea (O) Canada
(C) Canada (O) China 76. Ariana airline is an airline ot:
62. The first nuclear device was tested in (A) Afghanistan (B) America
(A) 1940 (B) 1941 (C) lran (O) France
(C) 1945 (O) None of these 77. The Khilji Dynasty was founded in India in:
63. Whach ot the following countries is the leading (A) 124s (B) 1278
producer of rice in the world? (c) 1290 (D) 1298
(A) Australia (B) Argentina 78. Pablo Picasso was a:
(C) China (O) Cuba (A) Spanish painter (B) American scientist
64. The highest lake in the world is: (C) British jurist (D) German sportsman
(A) Lake Hanna (B) Lake Tanzania 79. Which continent has no desert?
(C) Lake Toba (D) Lake Titicaca (A) Europe (B) Asia
65. Which is the largest producer of diamonds in (C) Australia (D) North America
the world? 80. According to Cabinet Mission plan in which
(A) Australia (B) Canada group Punjab and Sindh, were included?
(C) South Afnca (D) Russia (A) First (B) Third
66. Which is the largest producer of coffee in lhe (C) Second (D) Fourth
world? 81. According to Cabinet Mission plan Bengal and
(A) Brazil (B) Sri Lanka Assam would be included in
(C) Pakistan (D) Myanmar group.
67. The largest reserves of fresh ,rvater on the (A) 3rd ' (B) 2nd
Earlh's surface is located in: (C) lst (O) 4th
(A) North America (B) South America 82 Simla Conference started on:
(C) Russia (D) None of these (A) 24th June. 1945
68. Which of the following countries lead in the (B) 24th June. '1946
produclion of tea in the world? (c) 22nd September,1945
(A) lndia (B) Myanmar (D) 22nd September, 1946
(C) Sri Lanka (O) Japan 83. During the lndian Freedom Struggle, who
69. Name the largest railway station of the world among lhe following proposed that Swaraj
ts: should b€ defined as complete independence
(A) Grand Central Terminal, New York free from all foreign control?
(B) Lahore railway station, Pakistan (A) Mazharul Haque
(C) Trans-Sib€rian railway station, Russia (B) Maulana Hasrat Mohani
(D) None of lhese (C) Hakim Ajmal Khan
70. Which is the third largest landlocked country (D) Abul Kalam Azad
in the world? 84. When was the Pakistan's firsl Constituent
(A) Magnolia (B) Sudan Assembly constituted?
(C) Srvitzerland (D) Chad (A) July 20, 1947
71. Marco Polo was the famous: (B) June 20, 1947
(A) Traveller (B) Scientist (C) August 20, '1947
(C) Musician (D) Conqueror (D) August 25, 1947
72. Slave Dynasty in lndia was ended ini 85. Hovy many members were there in the
(A) 1290 (B) 1234 Constituent Assembly when it was set up?
(c) 1323 (D) 1245 (A) 59 (B) 69
(c) 79 (D) 80
73. The famous poet Amir Khusrau, nicknamed
the 'Panot of lndia' was the contemporary of 86. How many members were later added to the
all ot the following except: Constituent Assembly?
(A) Aiauddin Khilii (A) 5 (B) 7
(B) Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban (c) 9 (D) 10
(C) lltutrnish E7. On what date did the Quaid-e-Azam Addre3s
(D) None of these the Constituent Assembly for the first time?
74. The Great Bath of the lndus Valley Civilization (A) 10 August'1947 (B) August 1947 ll
(C) 20 August 1947 (D) 25 August 1947
Advanced PPSC f,lCQs lfodel Paoers 583

88. Penicillin was discovered by: (A) Gulf War (B) lsrael-Arab War
(A) Alfred Nobel (B) Alexander Fleming (C) Oesert-War (D) Boer War
(C) Louis Pasteur (D) S. A. Waksman 95. Name the Mughal king who died in 1707?
89. Who wrote Sassi Pannu? (A) Jahangir (B) Aurangzeb
(A) Hashim Shah (B) Bulhe Shah (C) Shah Jahan (D) Akbar
(C) Waris Shah (D) None of these 96. Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in
90. Qissa-Ahsan al-Qissas was written by Ghulam (A) 1418 (B) 1448
Rasool. Who wrote Sohni Mahiwal? (C) 1453 (D) None of these
(A) Bulhe Shah(B) Waris Shah 97. Which one of lhe following Sultans
(C) Fazal Shah(D) None ofthese established diplomatic relations with China?
91. The weight of 1000 milligrams is equal to 1 (A) Balban
gram. decagrams are there in 10 (B) Jalaluddin Khilii
grams? (C) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(A) 2 (B) 1 (D) None of these
(c) 3 (o) 4 98. The first Umayad Amir of Andulus to adopt the
92. The pharaohs of Alexandria is located in title of Caliph
(A) Germany (B) ltaly (A) Abdur Rehman lll(B) Al Hadi
(C) France (O) Egypt (C) Umar lll (D) Hamza lll
93. The third battle of Panipat was fought 99. The city constructed on the bank of the river
between Ahmad Shah Abdali and Mahrattas Tigris is:
in (A) Basra (B) Baghdad
(A) AD
1801 (B) 1750AD (C) Najaf (D) Tehran
(c) 1761 AD (D) 1758AD 100.The "Berber" tribes were resident of
94. Which of the following wars is the shortest war (A) South Korea (B) North Africa
ever fought, ended in just six days? (C) Andulus (D) China
Answer Key
1. a 14. d a 40 b 53 b 66. a 79 a 92 d
2. c 15. b 28 41 c 54 d 67. a 80 93 c
3. b 16. b 29 d 42 a 55 a 68. a 81 a 94 b
1:. a 17. a 30 b 43 b 56 b 69. a a 95 b
5. a 18. c 3'r 44 a c 70. d 83 d 96 c
6. b 19. c 32 a 45 d 58 c a 84 a 97 c
7. c 20. c c 46 b 59 c 72. a 85 b 96. a
8. z',t. c 34 b 47 a 60 d 73 c 86 d 99. b
9. d 22. b 35 48 c 61 d 74 87 b 100 b
't0. d b 36 49 a 62 c 75. a 86 b
11. c 24. c 37 d 50 c 63 c 76 a 89 a
12. ? 25. b 38 b 51 c u a 90 c
't 3. b 26. a 39 a 52 d 65 d 7E a 91 b


in the Punjab Food Department
is known as?
1. Which Province of Pakistan has the largest (A) Khyber Pass
(A) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(B) Shahrah-e-Resham
(B) Pun ab
(C) Durand Line
(C) Sindh
(D) Boland Pass
(D) Baluchistan 3. ln which year NWFP was named KhFer
2. The border belween Pakistan and Afghanistan
(A) 2008 (B) 2009
5U Adyanced PPSC MCQ' odet papars
(c) 2010 (D) 2011 (C) Lord Linlinthgow
4 The Mohammad Educational Conference was (D) Lord Cripps
founded in: 18. Who was. the last Governor General of
(A) 'r
884 (B) 1686 Pakistan?
(c) 1890 (D) 1891 (A) Quaid-i-Azam
5 The Jallianwala Bagh incident took place on (B) Ghulam Muhammad
'l 3th April: (C) lskandar Mirza
(A) 1913 (B) 1915 (D) Ayub Khan
(c) 1917 (D) 1919 19. Oblectives Resolution was passed in?
6 The pamphlet "Now or Neve/ was wrhten by: (A).1940 (B) 1949
(A) Altama lqbal (cl 1974 (D) 1985
(B) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali 20. Who was the lndian Prime Minister to sjgn
(C) Quaid-e-Azam Tashkent Declaration with Pakrstan?
(D) Sir Syed (A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
7 Which of the following ts not a rn€mber of (B) Lal Bahadur Shastri
Economrc Cooperalion Organisation (ECO) (C) lndira chandi
(A) Pakrstan (B) -Afqhanistan (O) Atal Behari Vajpai
(C) Chechnya (D) Ka-zakhstan 21. Ouaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined
8 Percentage of women in the population of Muslim Leaque in?
Pakistan is: (A) 1906 (B) 1911
tA) 54ok (B) 51% (c) 1913 (D).1916
lC) 49o/o (D) None
of these 22. Allahabad Address by A ama lqbat v/as
9 Rank of Pakistan according to Poputation Size delivered in?
in the world is (A) 1906 (8) 1930
(A) 6th (B) 8rh (c) 1930 (D, 1938
(C) gth iD) None of these 23. Which lndian Mustim teader moved the
10 The natronal flower of Pakistan is: Pakistan Resolution at the Alt 'lndia l\.4uslim
(A) Tulip (B) Rose League Session held in Lahore rn 1940?
(C) Jasmine (D) Sunflower (A) Maulvr Fazal ul Haq
(B) Maulana Bashani
11 Boundary Line between China and lndia is (C) Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman
called: (D)
(A) Red Line Maulana Shibli Naumanr
(B) McMahon Line
(C) Package Line (D) None of these 24. The lst Prime Minister of Pakistan. Lraqat AIi
't2 During British rule in tndia, in 1905. Bengat Khan, was assassinated on?
(A) Oec€mber 16. 1951
nas partitioned by. (B) Ocrober 16 1951
(A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Simta (C) September 16, '195'l
(C) Radcliffe (D) Lord Cuzon (D) November '!6, '1951
13 Simla Deputation (October 1906) consrsted of 25. Simla Agreement between lndia and pakistan
Mushm leaders?
(Aj-i-6- (B) 35
was signed in?
(A) 1960 (B)
(c) 40 (D) 50 (cl 1972 (D)
14. The demand for'Separate Electorte' in lndia 26. Haztat Sheikh Ali Bin Usman Hajweri (Data
by lhe Muslims was accepted rn?
Gani Bukhsh) came to lndia duringihe iime of
(A) 1906 (B) 1909 (A) Mughals (B) Khiliis
(c) 1919 (D) 1935 (C) Tughluq (D) Ghaznavr
15. lndia's Partition plan was announced on? 27.
(A) June 3. 1947 (B) Juty 3, 1947 The normeltemperature ol the human body is:
(C) July lE. 1947 (D) Au6usr 14. 1947 (A) 98.4 "F (B) 96.4 .F
(c) 93.4 "F (D) 100"F
16..Which lndian Must,m teader was buried in
2E. Capital of Myanmar' is:
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(B) Nawab Vrqarut Mulk 'Yangon; also known as Rangooo, literally: ,,E.d
(C) Srr Sayyed Ahmad Khan of
(D) Mautvi Faztut Haq Strife") is a former capital of Eurma (Myanmar) and the
17. Who was the last Vtcerov of lndra? capital oI Yangon Region. yangon is the couitay,5
(A) Lord Wavett largest crty and 15 the most rmportant commercial
(B) Lord Mountbatten centre, although the military governmenr officially
relocated the capital to Naypyidaw in March 2006.
AdYenced CQrrlodelP.oct 585

(A) Yangoon (B) Rangoon Turkey?

(C) Colombo (D) Khulna (A) Caliph Abdul Maieed
(B) Tariq Bin Ziyad
29. World Population Day is celebrated on: (C) Mustafa Kamal
(A) l1th July (B) 1lth June (O) Babrak
(C) l1th May (D) None oflh€se
30. World Water Day is celeberated on: 43. What is the b(liling point of water?
(A) 22nd March (B) 22nd June (A) 6o.C (B) 80'c
t9 (C) 22nd July (D) None of these (c) 100.c (D) 120'C
3l. World LitBrry Day is cclebrat€d on: 44. Which continent is called a Dark Continent?
(Ai 5th S€ptembe( (B) 6Or S€ptember (A) Africa (B) Europe
(C) Sttt September (D) Non€ ofthese (C) Asia (D) Amertca
32. Greenwidr mean lime pass6 thmugh 45. Who wrote "Heer Raniha'?
(A) Ireland (B) Morocco (A) Waris Shah
(C) Mali (D) None of the83 (B) Bulleh Shah
(C) Sultan Bahu
33. is the nearest planet to Earth (D) Mian Muhammad Bux
(AJ Venus (B) Mars
46. Faiz Ahmad Faiz was:
(C) Jupiter (D) None of these
(A) A Poet
34. Oistance between the Earth and Sun during (B) A Joumalist
winter: (C) An amry personnel
(A) lncreases (B) decreases (D) All rhe above
(C) remains the same(D) fluctuates
47 Holv Proohet (PBl,JHl was bom
' ' in ?
35. Which country has the largest Muslim (A)'56E h.D (B) 569 A.D-
population in lhe world? (c) 570 A.D (D) 571 A.D
(A) (B) lndia
48. ln "Azaan", how many times the word "Allah-o-
lndonesia (D) Saudi tuabia
Akbaf is recited?
36. Which city was once known as (A) 4 (B) 5
(A) Cairo (B) Qum
(c) 6 (o) 7

(c) lstanbul (o) calitomia 49. Which Surah of Holy Quran was the lirst to be
37. Whal is the common name for sodium (A) Al Hamd (B) Al Baqrah
chloride? (C) Al Alaq (O) Al Rahman
(A) Acid (B) Oalmi Shora
50. Who for the first lime started the constructron
(C) Gandhak (D) Salt
of Holy Kaaba?
36. Vrhat is chlorophyl's colour? (A) Hazrat Nuh (B) Hazral lsmail
(A) Green (B) YellotY (C) Hazrat lbrahim (D) Hazrat Adam
(C) Red (D) Black
51. According to Treaty of Hudaibiya, a truce
39. ln which European City are the Headquarters (peace) *as declared between Muslims and
of the Red Cross?
(A) New York
Ouraish ior _ years.
(B) Belgium (A) 5 (B) 7
(C) Holland (O) Geneva (c) 10 (D) 12
40. Which city is cadtal of Sri Lanka'? 52. Torat was reveal€d on the prophet:
(A) Colombo (B) Chitiagong (A) Hazral Musa
(C) Khatmandu (D) Rajshahi (B) Hazrat lsa
41. Wlo erected the Tai Mahal in memory of his (C) Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH)
wlfe? (D) Hazrat
(A) Jahangir (B) Shah Jahan 53. The longest Surah in Holy Quran is:
(C) Akbar (D) Humayun (A) Al-lmran (B) Al Nisa
42. who is the founder of odem Republic of (C) Al-Baqrah (O) Al Maida
54. When Haij was made obligatory?
(A) 2 A.H (B) 5 A.H
'Colombo is the commercial capital, and largest city of (c) 7 A.H (o) 9 A.H
SritLenka. lt is located on the west coast of the island
55. Which Surah does not start with &smillah?
and adjacent to
5.1 hyawardenepuralGttc, the (A) Al Tauba (B) Al Nas
legislative capital of Sri Lanka. Colombo is often (C) Al Noor (D) Al Naml
referred to a! the capital since Sri Jayawardenapura
56. ln which Surah Bismillah has occurred twice?
Kotte is within the urban area of, and a satellite city of, (A) Namal (B) Al Tauba
Colombo. lt is the officlalcapital city of Sri Lanka.
586 Adyanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers
(C) Al Nas (D) Al Naml (C) Firmdable (D) Pharmidable
57. The name of th€ finh Kalimah b: 73. He died of a serious:
(A) Kalima Tauheed (B) Kalima ShaMat (A) Decease (B) disease
(C) Kalima lstighfar (D) Kalima Tamjed (C) demise (D) death
58. Which is the lAh month of the lslamic Year? 74. Mark the synonm of "chair":
(A) Muharam (B) Raiab (A) Ped€stal (B) Boasting
(C) Shawal (D) alh4 (C) Seat (D) Pride
59. l&ntify lhe last Gha a in which the Prophet 75. Choose the correct sentence: 5
Hazrat (PBUH) p*licipated. (A) She resmebles to her mother
(A) Mutah (B) Tabuk (B) She resembl€s lyith her sister
(C) Hunain (D) Ahzab (C) She resembles her cousin
60. Hazral Yousuf was lhe son of: (D) The two brothers resemble on each other
(A) Hazral ishaq (B) Hazrat Yaqoob 76. Which one is the antonym of Fugitive?
(C) Hazrat lsmail (D) Hazrat Loot (A) hmigrant (B) Refugee
61. Which surah ot th€ Holy Ouran b called the (C) Absconder (O) Captive
heart of the Ouran 77. ln a sentence 'no sooner is always followed
(A) Surah Al-lkhlas (B) Surah Ya Sin by:
(C) Surah Al-Baqra (O) Sura Ar-Rehman (A) That (B) As
62. ln which tanguage lnjeelwas revealed? (C) Than (D) Then
(A) Hebrew (B) Arabic 78. One who is capable of dealing with many
(C) Latin (O) Greek . subjecls is called:
63. ln which Surah of the Holy Quran, the word (A) Genius (B) lntellectual
'Khatimurn.Nabiyyeen' is mentioned? (C) Versatile (D) Vulnerable
(A) Al Falq (B) Al Fateha 79. What is the one word substitution for a person
(C) AlTauba (D) AlAhzab who is unable to pay his debt:
64. How many are tha most exalted angels? (A)Poor (B) Vegabond
(A) One (B) Two (C)Solvent (D) lnsolvent
(C) fhree (D) Four 80. His silence _ to refusal
65. Whidr trc prayers have no Azaan? (A) Tantamounts (B) is tantamount
(A) Jrnaza, Eid (B) Farr, Zuhr (C) ls tantamounting (D) tantamounted
(C) Zuhr, Asr (D) Asr, Maghrib 81. Pick the wrong word:
66. The Salaat Wtr is a part of (A) Transpyre (B) Transfer
(A) Fajr (B) Zuhr (C) Tranquil (O) Tranquility
(C) lsha (D) Asr 82. The husband ruled by his wife is c€lled:
67. How many times the word 'Zakat' occurs in
(A) Penpricked (B) Henpecked
Holy Quran?
(C) lndebted (O) Liquidator
(A) 30 (B) 32 83. The workman may seek indulgence _ the
(c) 34 (D) 36 Labour Court for his guaranleed righls:
68. The commandment for observing Fast has (A) of (B) to
been stipulated in the Surah _ (C) in (D) for
(A) Al Nisa (B) Al lmran 84. Which is the conecl sentence:
(C) Al Maida (O) Al Baqra (A) I am sick by your lies
69. ln which Surah Hajj has been commanded? (B) I am sick from your lies
(A) Al Bagrah (B) Al lmran (C) I am sick of your lies
(C) Al Nisa (D) Muhammad (D) I am sick to your lies
70. Which was the tribe of Hazrat Abu Bakr? 85. Which is lhe correct sentence:
(A) Ban Khizraj (B) Banu Aus (A) He brushed on my argument
(C) Banu Tamim (D) Banu Hashim (B) He brushed aside my argument
(C) He brushed to my argument
71. For how many years, the caliphate of Hazrat (D) He brushed over my argument
Abu Bakr lasted'?
(A) Three years (B) Two years 86. Fill in the blank:
(C) Four years (D) Five years The swimmers should avoid a
72. Pick the correct word: contaminated swimming pool.
(A) Formdible (B) Formidable
(A) entering (B) being entered
(C) entered (D) have entered
87. The noun from of the !,c# "excite' is:
'Hazrat Abu Eaka/s (ra) Caliphate lasted for 27 months (A) Exciting (B) excited
Adt.nccd noas fod.l P'4,.n gEl

(C) excihternent (O) excit€rncflt traigtr (B) 4(t 6\

:,r?,ttdbgA.88 jur#wr (D) ,)4't Q')
a 19821 1914 (A)
/l +va i dtlvt)r nt''r27 iu'i'e\ '95
11990 r 1920 (B) tZ{,f --)*Lov*
a1986 r 1930 (C) d,(B) ,rtu (A)

a1988 r 1935 (D) (D)

,,,r I tCl
t<:i"{,,,/'ci .89
+*((tcr iti'.e\'96
ctvnaT (Bl t)v,t'-turv (A)
l,t:i,t(B) # Ol
ovJJ/Pl -. -tt:r
,l',lt(o't 'fi,J,VQ\
a -:*' {,,/' u;,r' iti .90 t
?o ( Lit? Jxv e[c c( +'97
J)r,,tl Afu@\ ,ftt (B\ lrt,c 6l
i i, 1o1 '/vl; G) usbn/t (Ol d'{ (C\
r.--!,1/'{$sdl .91 t
/ .9a
<;]\ (B) .4;,/ ( l {t(-;tt (Bl {cJw ll)
,;-t-,; (D\ .lCs1'a(C)
4/<(@\ <r:r (Cl-
rtt_y,i tll,;t / /' rt Jx .92 : rtes tl r,,t.t, I fi
rr! Jv'99
4,,Jv,,y' 1e1 u4y'r 1868-1803 (B) 1869-1797 (A)
t.,r2t$.t$11lDl |,Utr)t,'(Ql
rizsteoo (oi 187&1800 (c)

t--t,,!,{,-ths;g/.93 tL{,f {.-2v,t/L,,l,f $4.2 .100

(Bl ,,ttr *),, (8\ Jq (A)
JqlJtr @l
iErfwr (D) 7Jr,1t; (C\
Ju.L,Jt(ol e"" (C)

r 1u1(& J,t lLa,:,',t .94

Answer KeY c2. d
1. d 14. b 27. a 40. a 53. c 66 c 79. d
't5. a 2E. a 41. b il. d 67 b 60. b
9.1. b
3.c 16. a 29. a 42. c 55. a 6E. d E'1.
82. b 95. c
4.b 17. b 30. a 43. c 56. d 69. a
83. c 96. c
5.d 18. c 31. c 14. a 57. 70. c
u. c 97. b
6.b 19. b 32. c 45. a 58. d 71. 2
d 98. b
7. c 20. b a 46. d 59. b 72. b 85
a 99. a
E.b 21. c v. b 17. d 60. b 73. b 86.
87. d 100.
9.a 22. c 35. c 48. c 61. b 74. c
10. c 23. a 36. c 49. c oz a 75. c
89 b
11. b 37. d 50. d 63 d 76.
25 38. a 51. c u d 77. 90 c
'13. b 26 d 39. d 52. a 65 a 78 c 9'r



_ Z|LLADARS (BS-14) _2011,
in the Punjab lrrigation & power Department

is the autobiosraphv or: (A 94 7 (B) 1950

il:/.,i:,:31'*e' (c 952 (D) 1954
Choudhry Khaliq uz Zaman '10. The land lying between
the river Ravi and
(D) Sir Fazl-i-Huisain river Chenab is called.:
(A) Rachna Doab
2 Chaudhri. Ali first used the (B) Bari Doab
.Rehmat wo;d
hrs pamphlet 'Nowsor Neve/' in: (C) Chaj Doab
,[i*'rtL? '" (D) Sindh Sagar Doab
(c) 1937 (oi r gsg 11. The artificEt forests are berng maintained at:
rndia who (A) Chanoa Manoa
,':8lliy"'l;,'Y'f'::i],il ?ff, "' (B) Chichlwatnr -
(A) Sir Stafiord Crioos (C) Kotta Adeeb Shahd
(B) A.V. AleranOei ' (D) All of these
(C) Lord Pethick Lawrence
(O) Sir Anthony McDonatd 12. Which o, the following forts was burtt bv
Mughat Emperor Zanir-u-d-Drn Batii,
-- ' -'

E| l33l
Jiqnah ,oined

IBI ls:3
A[ rndia (A) Bata Hissar Fort
(B) Rohtas Fort
(C) Ranikot Fort
(D) Attock Fort
$q=p tgulqreg euit tndia Movement, 13. Which of the fo owng diskicts of Batochistan

agamsl lhe British Govemmenr in. contatns huge deposits of cooDer:
(A) Loratai tet Sidoi
lel IBi lfli (C) Khuzdar (O1 Ctragt r
g1dltlJjnnlh_ ta_tks rcr6 hetd in 1944 to 14. Theonly National Elections held on non-party
iiffi B:g,H:Hr'
(B) V.P. Menon
PrePared bY: Dasts were in:
1eB8 (B) .1985

(c ) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(o) rgso
(D ) Lord Wavell 15. "Chandka Medical College' is located at:
(A) Hyderabad (B) Nawabshah
7 over the Simta conference in (C) Lartana
H?fresided (D) None of these
(A) Lord Minto 16. Nuclear Research Laboratory at Kahuta. was
(B) Lord Wavel
(C) Lord lrwin
(D) Lord Mountbatten
'Sind Sagar Doab - lies between
8 Quaid-e-Azam met M.K. Gandhi for the first the tndus and Jhelum
trme in 1916 at: River rivers.

lel 3:l["" [B] ffei3l

Jech Doab (also Chaj) Doab - between
the Chenab River.
the Jhetum and

Il:_- !?tr.on1
approved by the
Anthem of pakistan was Rachna Doab - between the Chenab and the
Eari Doab or Majha - betweeo the Ravi and
Ravi River.
Govemmenl inl the Beas
Bist Doab (also Jullundur Doab or Doabal -
Declaration (titled ,Vow or lveyer,. Are between the
.Pakistar We to Beas and the Sutlei river.
Live ot petish Forcver?l was a pamphlet
written and 'Nuclear Research Laboratory at Kahuta, atso
pubxshed choudhary Rahmat lli, or1 28 iahuir,| called
.by The Xhan Research Laboratories, previously
ryJJ, in which the word pakistan, without known at
the letter i, vaious times as project-706, and Engrneering
u::d for the first time and was p.esented Research
t(ound Table conferences i- 1933-
in the [aboratories, is a pakistan Government,s multr
program national research institute,
mahaged and
Advamed PPSC llCos ode, Paoers 589

setup in: (A) 2400 km (B) 2600 km

(A) 1974
(c) 1978
(B) 1976
(D) 1980
(C) 3200 km (D) 3400 km
30. Which is largest gland in the human body?
17. "Rawal Dam" was built in 1962 on river:
(A) Soan
(A) Pancreas (B) Lachrymal
(C) Korang
(B) Haro (C) Liver (D) Sweat glands
(D) Jhetum
31. Who is the founder of "Scout Movement ?
18. V\rho is considered to be the first po€t of (A) Robert Baden Powell
Punjabi language: (B) E.O. Lawrence
(A) Bulleh Shah (C) Maccollins
(B) Baba Farid Ganj Shakr (D) Nicoba Tesla
(C) Khawaja Ghulam Farid
(D) Sultan Bahu 32. The UN Security Council consists of:
(A) 5 members (B) 'l'l members
19. Pakistan became a member of lnternational (C) 15 members (D) 20 members
Labour Organization (lLO) in:
(A) 1947 (B) 1949 33. The headquarters of the 'Asian Development
Bank' is at:
(c) 19sl (D) 1s57 (A) Jakarla (B) Tokyo
20. The frst Water Accord was signed among the (C) Kuala Lumpur (D) Manila
provrnces rn:
(A) 1988 (B) 34. 'ITAR-TASS' is a news agency of:
(c) 1994 (D)
(A) lsrael (B) lran
(C)United States (D) Russra
21. Which of the following signed on I April 1950:
(A) 35. What is "Cathy Pacific"?
(A) lsland (B) Newspaper
(C) (C) News Agency (D) Airline
Liaquat Nehru Pact
(D) Colombo Plan 36. 'Ariana'is an airline of:
(A) Sri Lanka (B) lran
22. 'Mast Tawakli" was prominent poet of:
(C) Afghanistan (O). Turkey
(A) Balochi (B) Phusto
(C) Sindhi (D) Barohi 37. After cottoo. which is the second highest
exchange earner crop of Pakistan?
23. Archaeological site 'Bhambore" is located in (A) Rice (B) Wheat
the district of:
(A) Khairpur (B) Dadu (C) Sugar Cane (D) None ofthese
(C) Larkana (D) Thatta 37. IPP stands for:
(A lntemal Programme of Planning
24. Decimal System was introduced in Pakistan (B lnternational Press of Pakistan
on First January: (c lndependent Power Producer
(A) 1951 (B) 19s9 (D lntemal Power Plan
(c) 1961 (D) 1963
38. What is "Pentagon'?
25. Which was lhe tirst missile launched by (A) Name of the French Parliament
Pakistan: (B Offices of American Defence Ministry
(A) Hatf (B) Anza (c Official residence ot United Nalions
(C) Ghauri (D) Shaheen
Secretary General
26. "Thomas Cup"' is given for the game of: (D) A kind of boat used in forming a bridge to
(A) Lawn Tennis (B) Golf let lhe army cross lhe river
(C) Table Tennis (D) Eadminton 40 The World's oldest surviving monarchy is in:
27. The Noble Prize for Peace is given in lhe city (A) ErElard (B) Japan
of: (C) SaudiArabia (O| ltlepel
(A) Stockholm (B) Oslo
(C) Brussels (D) Copenhagen 41 OPEC'S largesl oil producing country is:

28. ldentify the world's largest "Peninsula":

(A) Alaska (B) Scandinavia 'A comprehensive archaeological 5urvey, usinS
(C) Arabia (O) Labrador
advanced technologies, has concluded that the Ming
29. What is the length of 'Great Wall of China'"? walls measure 8,850 km (5,500 mil. This is made up of
6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall,359 km
(223 mi) oI trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural
operated under the scrutiny of Pakistan Armed Forces, defensive barriers such as hills and river5. Another
located an Kahuta, Punjab archaeological suryey found that the entire wall lvrth
Thomas cupsometimes called the world Men's all of rts branches measure out to be 21,19b l(m
Team Championship5. (13,171mi).
fi Idrl,tcrdPPSC llCAtlftdd Paogx
(A) Krru6it (B) lran (A) lndia (B) Pakistan
(C) SsrdAr{rr. (D) U.A.E. (C) Lanka
Sri (O) Bangladesh
a2. 'Pcd.goglf b . sdcncc of 49. Which intamational agency supervised lndus
. (A) Bod{y dF.oser (B) Stemp colhcring Basin Treaty, '1960 betreen Pakistan and
(C) L.noueg.. (D) Teaching lndia?
43. Afilr U.S.A whidl cofitrv is the second (A) rMF
t&Ecst' arms s€lLr iri tte xrinld? (B) Wodd Bank
(A) Brit in (B) Rusda (C) World Health Organization
(C) Franc! (D) G€rnany (O) lnternational Red Cross
'Digilal Compuw" uas inventd by: 50. Punjab's size in the total land mass of
'l{. (A) Va EYor Bush Pakislan is:
(B) John H.nison (A).20.7o/o (B) 25.8%
(C) M.R. Eliss.l (cl 29.7o/o (ol 37.7o/o
(D) tlou.rd Akcn 51. Which of the following leaders firsl raised the
45. Pinpoinl th6 Wo.ld's oldest' democrdtic demand ot separate eleclorate for the lndian
coun[y: Muslims?
(A) UniH St 1.3 (B) cllat Britrain (A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) GrEc. (O) Francs (B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(C) S.M. Shafi
46. IhG high..{ tiuaG, ratc emorB thc SAARC (D) None of these
counti.a b in:
(A) lndi. (B) Meldiv€3 52. The "Roof ot the World' is:
(C) S.i t rd(a (D) Pakistan (A) The Alps
(B) Andes
47. Th. uo.ld3 8gd isbnd is: (C) The Apennines
(A) U.dagascar (B) Sumata
(C) N.u GuirE (O) Gl€cnLnd (D) The Pamir Plateau (Tib€t)
tl8. AdronS th. SAARC countrias, lhe hEh6t pcr 53. Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940, was
irErnc'b seconded ftom Sindh province by:
capiL oft (A) G. M. Syed
(B) Mekhdoom Talib ul Mula
'ln2013 Rusri: was the first and th€ USA was the (C) Abdullah Haroon
s€cond largest exponar. (D) Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutlo
"John vinceot At nasoff (October 4, l9O3 - Jun? 15, 54. Le Harve is the seapoi of:
1995) was an Am€rican physkjst and inventor, best (A) Porlugal (B) llaly
known for inventing the first eledronic digital
(C) France (D) China
computer. Atanasoff invent€d the first llectronic 55. The Pirpur Report on the brutalities of the
digital computer io the 193G at towa State Coll€ge. congress ministries (1937-39), was compiled
Challenges to his daim were resolved in 1973 when the by:
(A) A.K. Fazl-ul-Haq
Honeywell v. Sperry Rand lawsuit ruled that Atanasoff (B) Raia Muhammad Mehdi
war lhe inventgr of the computer. (C) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan
tfhe (D) M. Sharif
Uoited {irgdorn is the oldest suryiving d€mocratic
nation. This question's answs partially depends on 56. Who adftinislered the oath of office to Liaquat
how democratic you need to be to count as Ali Khan as the fiIst Prime Minister of
"democratiC. Until the 2fth century .lt aleSedty Pakistan?
demo€.atic countriE allowed leJs than sI],6 of the (A) Quaid-i-Azam
population to votq be(au3a women were excluded.
(B) Justice Mian Abdul Rashid
(C) Lord Mounlbaten
The UX n.rted the 19th century only allowinS (O) Maulvi Tamizuddin
landown€G to vote, and gradually increased the
57. Pakistan's first Nuclear power plant was set
frandris! u[til all male3 hed the vote. Athens Ir usually up in 1972 al Karachi with the assistance of:
quoted .s the tirsi democracy, but most of the (A) China (B) France
inhabitants wcre slavts. th€ titizens' who colrH votc (C) Canada (D) North Korea
wrrc a 3mall minority. ln nutsh€ll the country with the 58. Pakislan-Afghaniilan border'Durand Line"
bcsl claim to th" longeit runnlnS democracy is keland. was drawn in:
Thcir perli.ment, th. Althin& ir the oldest one rtill in
use. lt pas in 930 AD by Vilings. Bangladesh 53,157, thutan 57,197, tndia S5,4Sq
'Accordinf to lnternational Monetary Fund in 2Ol3 M.ldives SU,9O3, Nepal 52,245, Pakistan 54,574 and
GDP p€r capita income in Afghanistan was 51,924, Sri lanka 59,583. 5o, correct answer is Maldives.
Adtanced PPSC MCQS ltodet PeDeE 59'l

(A) (B) 1890 (B) cleaver
(c) (D) 1897 (C) occasion
59. The headquarters of internalional
(D) unknown person
environmental organizataon 'Green Peace' is 72. COLL|STON
tn: (A) clash (B) consPiracy
(A) London (B) Paris (C) abatement (D) association
(C) Vienna (D) Amsterdam 73. DETRIMENTAL
60. The cause of Malaria was discovered by: (A) firm (B) wilful
(A Edward Jenner (C) harmful (D) determined
(B Alexander Fleming 74. STRENUOUS
(c Ronald Ross (A) tiring (B) light
(o None of these (C) strong (O) strange
61. The largest Producer of Natural Gas in the Pick the most suitable / appropriate prepositions:
Muslim world is:
(A) Qatar (B) Turkmenistan 75. The train went thetunnel.
(C) lran (D) Kazakhstan (A) lhrough (B) in
62. 'Bakhlar' is the news agency of:
(c) ar (D) to
(A) Bangladesh (B) lran 76. Pour the tea _ the cup.
(C) Belgium (D) Afghanistan (A) to (B) at
(C) into (D).in
63. Which of the following Vitamin's overdose can
cause kidney damage? 77. She jumped _ the bus.
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin C (A) off (B) on
(C) Vitamin O (D) Vitamin E (C) of (D) at
64. 'lbn Battuth'was a famoui traveller of: Choose the conect meaning of:
(A) lran (B) Morocco 78. "RANCOUR"
(C) Syria (D) lndonesia (A) resentment (B) greed
65. 'Ringgil'is the currency of: (C) sadness (D) ugly
(A) Sudan (B) Nigena 79,'RAPIDI
(C) Finland (D) Malaysia (A) loud (B) quick
66. The largest country by population in Atrica is: (G) stow (D) bright
(A) Algeria (B) Nigeria 80.'zEST',
(C) Egypt (D) Somalia (A) great enioyment
67. The capital of 'Somalia' is: (B) kaenness
(A) Kampala (B) Maputo (C) extremely large
(C) Asmara (D) Mogadishu (D) helpless
68. "Google" is a:
(A) Computer software company :" c.dd +n L.--. i i,.t f i+ "-lg.ltr' ar
(B) Computer hardware company
(C) lnternet search engine t.-r!t ;tr,,-lr,i L cti;t,-G
(D) Mobile phone brand
69. The world's oidest national anthem is of: -/,-.i Fl :q.) $l
(A) Denmark
(C) NoMay
(B) Thailand
(D) Japan
,f .pt t--h (cl
Pinpoint the substitute word of the following words
",l ; 4--tO!,J;$,t',f;{,,2-"'
if6tti6e,t7 .82
mentioned in bold lettersl
70 Accumulate
(A) wealth (B) complete
i .--1i,1./L)$ur, f ,'.- .,
(C) collect (D) gain )Vstv) (B\ ,).ZJt 6l
(A) famous personality )r.)rt/t (Dl t,r-.h (Ct

tcoogle is a t(L,-/ -< i,.r6't,!t S' i,r 4 t g,u,! )or .az

United States-headquartered,
multinational corporation specializing in lnternet- tt,v1A @\ ',1,i/4 @\
related services and products. These include online
advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, and sita/4 p) 1,e,, <",
592 Aclvarced PPSC Ces ottet paoerc

-1V=b eo
$ :
n;E S''u llJii,r (o) ,.18,r (c)
!i;ji*- @l il-tc)V @) t,!djJv{i):l_p.c sz
d-.1'a'.1 p1 dv.i, tcl Ju,, (B) Jv4 Ol
t1gytf L'6,i, .as Ly ot Jvi rct
$,vU ut4 6y r'xGJ Ad v/-'rl,i gs
t./e,; 1oy t./,+i tcl Ola @l , ol
t cl!-*,(,'Cle,r',', .ee 6.frg tol tiVt 1cy

ry4t)/, ( l I g1>1 u<.- ) r.,jv i:--tr"t-,t, ) c.- *- .94

cv*$e)l 181
-trt or;lt-7 ,4,
hlbi ttD (Cl
!tbd.*),>/ lB)
u.M p1 a.
J:'"/ lC.,
yir..t,,r: z-/ trt" ra€ 4 +i" d,!..t,, .at D/-/'t:'P (O)

9*=Y" tfi Lotl d*, u/6 f., t

v .ss
.Je Pl vxc,/,', @1 el f.t'>7 @l
'? 'A
jearlr tol ttl G) j2.' tv.rp (B)

{ f iu.',t z/ rtt" Li Ju. c,u Li -t},, .as le? (c)

t*-tt, 'i$"o? rot
L -
,,J' j i (B) )/ lA) ! ur)66.fid/',),; s6
t; @) ,a,f rcl
G) J,At tel
{ lq )Lk lth, ;j } nq,q /.r,.:0, r Lt/ -ir,, .Bg 6.4t tol j.ts tcl
l+=Y,{ t;6ut;,r,/-ti{ut,rfi 4 ilp,e 97

y't (B) u: fel ) ti.,r (B\ fi,, 1e1

c,/-Lt: @'1 f; Gl -ie;,r 1oy ,) 2.r,, (c)

.-ef,.r!'2P'.t vl.I:6tv &t,t,tL)t;;t,;ti.r./ j

-iJi) sa
io @l o/- (A)

,,1,u 1O1 ru / (C) j',;,, p1 sf"i,r (A)

'$,1L JO ;rt
) e-
-. eE;," u/ { Jy gi ) 91 d r;,r 1o1 -ii,r 1c1

t;ti e
{:/ ;,J"7 -/ 1=--- L ;.i:-p,p ss
-1';.,r 1By (,r.t,y (a) 4otl (B)
'tlht7 lA)
AdvarrcedPPsC CQsflode,paoerc 593

ct*ul p) J,"i Gl j,,eS.-7 p1 'Je?

l )

r{ <i ;-,./Aa
'f or;,t^to7 1O1 il +,t,
"avf a-f, ,,
.roo Of (Cl

Answer Key
b b
2. a 15. c
c 54 c 67 d 80 a 93. d
3. '16. 29.
d 55 b 68 c 81 b 9.1. d
4. 17.
b d 43 b 56 a 69 d 82 b 95. c
c 18.
30. 44 d 57 70 c 83 c 96. b
6. a '19.
31. a 45 c 58 c 71 a 84 d 97. a
7. 20.
a 32. c 46 b 59 d 72 a 85 b 98. b
d 21.
73 c 86 c 99. a
74 c 87 a 10O. a
9. d 22. a 35. d 49 b 62 d 75 a 88 a
10 a 23. d 36. c 50 b 63 b 76 c 89 b
11 d 24. c 37. a 51 a 64 b 77 a 90 c
12 a 25. a 3E. b 52, d 65 d 78. a 91 c
13 d 26. d 40. b 53 c 66 b 79. b 92 c


(ZILADAR Pa per 2004)
'1. News agency of Malaysia isi 9. Where Quaid-e-Azam stayed duflng his last
(A) MAD (B) WAM rllness in 1948?
(C) Bemama (D) Interfax (A) Hanna Lake (B) Kohtu
(Cl Zia@t (D) Makan
2. The highest peak of Hindu Kush range is:
(A) Tiich Mir (B) Nanga parbat 10. Whlch is^the oldest hydroeteclacrty proiect in
(C) K-2 (O) Rakaposhi Pakistan?
3. Wullar Lake is a source of:
(A) Mangla (B) Tarbela
(A) Jhelum
(C) Warsak (D) Matakand Dargai
(B) Chenab
(C) lndus (D) Kabut '11. Under lndus Water Treaty which flvers
given to lndia?
4. "Khaki Shadows" book was wrinen by: (A Ravi and Beas
(A) S.M. Bruke (B) Mansoor A Shah (B Ravi, Beas and Sutler
(C) K. M. Arif (D) Kamat Ahamed (c Sutlet, Ravi
(D lndus, Jhelum and Chenab
5. Nobel Peace Prize 2004 was awarded to
'Wangan Maathai' of: 12. 'Land of Maple Leaf is the nickname of:
(A) Uganda (B) Kenya (A) New York (B) Canada
(C) South Africa (D) Nigeria (C) Malta (O) None of these
6. What is the old name of Bin easim? 13. Which country is 'Sick Man of Europe'?
(A) Cambalpur (B) caddomi (A) Turkey (B) France
(C) Mansoora (O) pepri (C) Spain (D) Germany
7. Burkina Faso is the new name of. 14. 'Doma' is the parliament of the country:
(A) Lower Volta (B) Rhodesia (A) lndia (B) Myanmar
(C) Burma (D) Upper Volta (C) Russia (D) Bhutan
I Which one of the follownq is not a .Cash 15 Under lndus Waler Treaty the rivers grven lo
Crop'? Pakistan are:
(A) Cotton (B) Whear (A)
lndus Jhelum and Chenab
(C) Sugarcane (O) None of these
lndus and Jhelum
Ravi and Beas
(D) None of these
59{ Ady,rnced PPSG ,rCOs Itodo, Pao€rs
16. Warsak dam is located onl Commonwealth:
(A) River Kabul (B) River Karam (A) Lord George Byron
(C) River Gomal (D) River Bera (B) Dag Hammar Skjold
17. lnternational Anti-Conuption day is observed (C) Roger Smith
on. (D) Kammalesh Sharma
(A) 6th December (B) 8th December 31. Which of the Presiderit of USA was involved in
(C) sth December (D) gth December Watergate Scandal?
(A) Richard M Nixon
18 Hrna Lake is situated near: (B) Ronald Reagon
(A) Peshawar (B) Quetta (C) George Bush
(C) Murree (D) Kaghan (D) Johnson
19. 'Dalal Skeet'is situated in: 32. Who is the only person to win the two Nobel
(A) USA (B) Mumbai Pizes for Peace and Chemistry?
(C) France (D) Austna (A) Bertrand Russel (B) Romain Rolland
20. Which is the biggest earth lilled dam of (C) Erns Ludwig (D) Dr. Linus Pauling
33. Michelangelo was famous artist and painter
(A) Tarbela (B) Mangla of:
(C) Hub (D) None of these (A) Spain (B) ltaly
21. Balloki Headworks was built on the river: (C) Netherlands (D) France
(A) Ravi (B) Sutlej 34. What is the total length of Makran Coastal
(C) Bias (D) Jhelum Highway which is constructed with the help of
22. Fort Wlliam College was established at (A) 595 km (B) 625 km
Calcuna in:
(A) 1799 (B) 1789 (C) 653 km (D) 732 km
(c) 1600 (D) 1803 35- What is the length of Peshawar to Karachi
railway route?
23. Shalimar Garden is located in the city of:
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (A) 1605km (B) 1661 km
(C) Muttan (O) Taxila (C) 1581 km (D) 1725km
24. BadshahiMosque was built in: 36. The first nuclear power plant was set up in
(A) 1670 Karachiin:
(B) 1673 (A) 1971 (B) 1970
(c) 1676 (D) 1678 (c\ 1972 (D) 1973
25. First Martial Law was imposed in: 37. Which is the highest mounlain peak of the
(A) October 1958 (B) September 1958 wodd?
(C) August 1958 (D) tlDvembe|lgs8 (A) Mount Everest (B) K2
26. Which ot the following is the conect group of (C) Nanga Parbat (D) None ofthes€
Kharif Crops? 38. Which is the largest river of Asia?
(A) Rice, Millel, Maize, Cotton (A) Yangtze Krang (B) lndus
(B) Jowar, Bajra, Rice, Cotton, Jute. Gram (C) Hawang Ho (D) Ob
(C) Groundnut, Bajra, Barley, Sorghum,
Wheat 39. Which is the largest river of Africa?
(O) None of these (A) Lena (B) Niger
27. Where is the headquarters of the Amnesty
(C) Congo (D) Nile river
lntemational? 40. Which is th6 bngesl river of North America?
(A) New York (B) London (A) Mississippi (B) Amazon
(C) Paris (D) Geneva (C) Niger (D) Lena
28. Headquarter of lntemational Finance 41. How much electricity is being generated by
Corporation (lFC) is loc€ted rn. Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANNUP)?
(A) New York (B) Washington (A) ''37MW (B) 195 MW
(C) Geneva (D) None of these (C) 172MW (D) None of these
29. When Commonwealth was established? 42. One nautical mile per hour is equal to
(A)1931 (B) 1932 knols.
(c) 1947 (D) 1926 (A) 1.25 knots (B) 1.5knots
(C) '1.75 knots (D) 1 knot
30. Name the Secretary-General of
c Model

43. Where is Red Square situated? 57. The length of the Suez Canal is
(A) Kashmir (B) Moscow approximately:
(C) China (O) New York (A) 110 km (B) 150km
(C) 193 km (D) 125km
44. The capital of Chechnya is:
(A) Colombo (B) lslamabad 58. Which is the largest river of Asia?
(C) Washington (D) Grozny (A) Yangtze Kiang (B) lndus
(C) Hewing Ho (D) Ob
45. The second atom bomb was dropped on
Nagasaki on: 59. Which is the longest river of the world?
(A) Aug 6, 1914 (B) Aus 9, 1945 (A) Lena (B) Ntger
(C) Aug 6, 19a3 (D) Aug 9, 1943 (C) Congo (O) Nile river
46. Salat-e-lstasqa is performed at the occasion 60. FIR stands for:
of: (A) First lnformation Report
(A) Shortage of rain (B) Solar eclipse (B) Final lnformation Report
(C) Fear (D) War (C) Fundamental lnformatioh Report
r(D) Final lnformation Record
47. Name the prayers in which there is no change
in Farz Raka ats in case of Qasr? 61 . Which day is observed on 7 December?
(A) Fajr (B) Maghrib (A) Civil Aviation day
(C) Witr (D) All of these (B) Oisarmament day
(C) Cultural day
48. Name the first Muslim who recited the Quran (D) Postal day
(A) Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (RA) 62. The Great Bear Lake is situated in:
(B) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) (A) North America (B) Canada
(C) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA) (C) Siberia (D) None of these
(D) Hazrat Bilal bin Rubbah (RA)
63. Which of the following is the first man who
49. lncident;f Kanpur occuned 133 Muslims successfully climbed Mt. Everest in 1953?
were killed in this incident in: (A) Edmund Hillary (B) Fran Fipps
(A) (B) 1914 (C) James Present (D) Jacques Charles
(c) (D) 1916
64. Who was the first woman to climb Everest?
50. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar issued (A) Karolene Mikkels€n
"Hamdard" Urdu newspaper in (B) Fran Fipps
(A) 1911 (B) 1914 (C) Junko Taibei
(c) 191J (D) 1916
(D) Valentina
51. Dyarchy system meaning dual system of
Government was introduced in 65. Who was the first man to sail round the world?
(A) 1917 (B) 1918 (A) Ferdinand Magellan (B) John Maynard
(c) 1919 (D) 1920 (C) Emst Schumaher (D) Milton Friedman
52. When was the Constitution of 1973 enforced? 66. Who is the writer of the book "My Experiments
(A) 1O'h April. 1973 (B) 'l4rh August 1973 with Truth?'
(c) 'loh March 1973 (D) 1o'h August '1973 (A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Paul Kennedy
(C) Zulifqar Ali Bhutto(D) None of these
53. Kingdom of Khwarzim was destroyed in 1218-
20 AD by 67. "Origin of Species" was written byl
(A) Halaku Khan (B) Changaiz Khan (A) J.M. Banie (B) Charles Darwin
(C) Temur Lung (D) Qublai Khan (C) G.B. Shaw (D) Jane Bunyan
54. Every prayer is preceded by an Azaan with 68. Who burlt Shalimar Garden?
the exception of: (A) Shah Jahan (B) Babar
(A) Eid-ul-Fitr (B) Eid-ul-Ashaa (C) Kam Khan (D) Akbar
(C) Funeral prayer (D) All ofthese 69. Name the Iirst President of Pakistan
55. Which of the following is the icy continent? (A) Ghulam Muhammad
(A) Greenland (B) Antarctica (B) lskandar Mirza
(C) Australia (D) None of these (C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(O) Quaad-e-Azam
56. Name the Person who discovered Australia?
(A) Henry Hudson (B) William Janszoon 70. fhe 2012 Olympic Games are scheduled to
(C) Sebastain Cabol (D) None ofthese be held at
(A) London (B) Seoul
s96 A PPSC Qs llodel
(C) Sydney (D) Tokyo 91 Where the Noor Mahal is located?
71. Who was the first Captarn of pakistan Cricket (A) Bahawalnagar (B) Uch Sharif
Team? (C) Bahawalpur (D) None ot these
(A) Fazal Mehmood (B) Wazir AI 92. Where Gulzar Mahat. Bahawalqarh and
(C) Hafeez Kardar (D) Hanif Muhammad Daulat Khana are situated?
72. Kalat Kahat Lake is situated in: (A) Multan (B) Bahawatpur
(A) Kirthar Range (C) Forth Abbas (D) Lahore
(B) Salt Range
(C) Koh-e-Sufaid Range 93. ln Southern Punjab there rs onlv one hill
station. What is rts name?
(D) None of these (A) Fort Munro (B) Rohtas Fort
73. Hub Lake is situated near: (C) Attock Fort (D) Fort Abbas
(A) Quetta (B) peshawar
(C) Karachi (D) Gomat
94. Sher Shah's real name was.
(A) Hemu (B) Faiza
74. Who was the first president of Chinese (C) Bahadur (D) Farid Khan
(A) Junko Tabar (B) Dr. Sun yat San 95. The capital of the Mughat Emprre was
from Agra to Delhi by:
(C) Mao Tse-Tung (D) None ofthese.
85. Who united all the Sikhs and founded
(A) Jahangir (B) Aurangzeb
kingdom in the Punjab?
a (C) Humayun (D) Shahjahan
(A) Guru Nanak 96 Which country is also ca ed Land of
(B) Guru Gobind singh Protease?
(C) Ranjit Singh (A) Angola (B) Switzertand
(D) curu Tegh Bahadur (C) South Africa (D) None otthe above
86. 'Ajodhanpur" is the old name of. 97. Which.-country is called the .Cockpit of
(A) Jakababad (B) Atock Europe'?
(C) Pakpattan (D) Lahore (A) South-hall (B) Bangatore
87. What is the old name of Sahiwal city? (C) Belgium (D) Bertin
(A) Montgomery (B) Lawrencepur 98. Eduskunta is the parliament of which country?
(C) Lyallpur (D) Lahore (A) Sweden (B) Fintand
88. Which is the wodd's otdest retigion? (C) Netherlands (D) Hungary
(A) Judaism (B) tslam 99. Mount Everest's height is 29,035 fr what is its
(C) Chrislianity (D) Hinduism height in metres?
89. Kashmir black day is observed on: (A) 8594 metres (B) 8291 meters
(A) February 5 (B) Juty13 (C) 8850 meters (D) 8926 meters
(C) Octob€r 24 (D) October 27 loo.Whatrs the third largest mountain peak rn the
90. Anatolia is the nelvs agency ot world?
(A) Romania (B) Engtand (A) Kanchenjunga (B) Makatu
(C) U.S.A. (C) Cho Oyo (D) Lhotse
(D) Turkey

Answer Key
1. c 13 a 25 a 37. a 49. a 61. a73.c 95.', d
2. a 14 c 26 c 38. a 50. c 62. b74.b 96. c
3. a '15 a 27 b 39. d 5'1. c 63. a85.c 97. c
4. c 16 a 28 b 40. a q, b 64. c86-c 98. b
5. b 't7 d 29 a 41. a 53. b 65. a 87. a 99. c
6. d 16 b 30 d 42. d 54. d 66. a88.d '100. a
7. d 19 b JI a 43. b 55. b 67. b89.d
8. b 20 a 32 d 44. d 56. b 68. a90.d
9. 21 a 33 b 45. b 57 c 69. b 91. c
10 d
c 34 c 46. a 58 a 70. a92.b
11 b a c 47. d 59 d 71.
.?, c93.a
b 24 b 36 c 48. a 60 a b94.d
Aclvanced PPSC ICQs llodel Paocrs 597


(ZILADAR Pa per)
1. Which ptanet is called .Evening Star"? (C) John Jackson (D) None of these
(A) Mars (B) Mercury '14. Highesl military award ot Bntarn
(C) Venus iO) None o't tnese (A) lron Cross (B) Victoraa Cross

2. Parliament of Sweden is known as: (C) Victoria Medat (O) Mititary Cross
(A) People's Congress 15 YOSEMITE waterfafl is located m:
(B) Parliament (4) USA
(C) Riksdag (B) Philrppines
(D) Nationat Congress
(C) Venezueta (O) UK
'16. Fircl Provincial elections afler
3. Wodd's longest street is: of Pakistan were held in
(A) Yonge Street (B) Fteet Street (A) 19s0 (B) 1951
(C) Wa Streel (O) Lombard Street (c) 1952 (o) 1953
4. Greenwich, a city of London is ramous for 17. The origin o, the idea of pakistan is
(A) Calcutating the time ofa[ the countries associated with the name of:
(B) Beautitutgardens (A) Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan
(C) Both of them (B) Alama tqbat
(O) None of these (C) Quaid-e-Azam
5. Georg€ Washrngton was succeeded by: (D) None of these
(A) Thomas Jefferson 18. Lady Finger peak rs present rn:
(B) John Hamitton (A) China (B) tndia
(C) John Adams (C) Pakislan (D) Morocco
(D) None of these
19. The "Roof of the Wodd' is:
6. ln 1954 USA launched its first Atomic (A) The Alps
Submarine. What was its name? (B) Andes
(A) Attila (B) Washington (C) The Apennrnes
(C) Sea Lion (Di Nautituj (D) The Pamir ptateau (Tibet)
7. When drd Pakistan,s first ext€ditron land on 20. Le Harve is the seaport of:
Antarctica? (A) Portugat (B) ttaty
(A) On January 15, .t991 (C) France
(B) On March, 1976 (D) China
(C) On Aprit 16. j991 21. Where is the shrine o, Lal Shahbaz Oatandar
(D) On August 14, .1960 is situated?
(A) Shahbaz Nagar (B) Uch Sharif
E. 'Kyodo'is the news agency ot: (C) Sehwan Shadf (D) None of these
(A) China (B) Japan 22. The largest Natural Lake in the subcontinent
(C) USA (D) Cambodia ts:
9. Cryptography is a branch of science which (A) Keenghar Lake (B) Manchar Lake
deals with: (C) Hali Lake (D) None of these
(A) Cflmes (B) S€cret writing 23. Name the longest river of pakistan?
(C) Dictionary (D) Otd rhing (A) Chenab (B) Karaota
10. RAMA is a secret agency of: (C) lndus (O) Jehtum
(A) lsraet (B) Afqhanistan 24. Allama lnayatullah Mashraqi was lhe founder
(C) lran (O) tra-q of:
11. The old name of Libya is: (A) Mujahid Tehreek
(A) Trablus (B) Tripoti (B) Tehreek-e-Khatam-e.Nabawat
(C) United Arab (D) Undtas (C) Khaksar Tehreeq
12. New name of Persia is: (D) None of these.
(A) tran . (B) Baohdad 25. What is Matakhra?
(C) Turtey (D) traq (A) A lake (B) A river
13. The only person to win two unshared Nobel (C) Agame (D) None of these
prizes? 26. Whtch religious scholar tried to eradicate
(A) l,,tarie (B) Linus pauting different innovations from the religion,
(A) Shah Wati U[ah
59p Adv.nctd PPSC ttcos fHe, Proers
(B) Haji Shariat Ullah 39. The oovernment of
Benazir Bhutto was
(C) Syed Ahmad Shaheed dismis'sed for the second time on November
(D) Shah lsmail 5, 1996 by
(A) Ghulam lshaq Khan
27. First edition of Asar-us-Sanadid appeated in: (B) Malik Miraj Khalid
(A) 1846 (B) 1845 (C) Farooq A. Leghari
(c) 1848 (D) 1849
(Q) Nawaz Sharif
28. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan became Chief Judge 40. The longest Surah in the Holy Quran is:
(A) 1E46 (B) 1845 (A) Surah Al lmran (B) Surah Al-Baqrah
(c) 1848 (o) 1849 (C) Surah Al-Falaq (D) Surah An-Nisa
29. Headquarters of World Economic Forum is 4'1. "Glasgow" rs the seaPort ot:
situaled in: (A) UK (B) lraq
(A) Davos (B) London (C) Japan (O) lran
(C) Geneva (D) New York 42. Which of the following words explains a
30. 'Ottawa convention 1997' is related to: nanow strip of iand separating two seas and
(A) Environmenl Protection connecting two landmarks?
(B) Preserving wild life (A) lsthmus (B) Strait
(C) Banning landmines (C) Bay (D) Gulf
(D) None of these 43. 'lgth Amendment to USA'S constitution
essentially granted the right of voting to
31. The war of Roses ('1455-1485) in European (A) Red lndrans (B) Women
history is associated with the:
(A) War belween England and France (C) Negroes (D) None of these
(B) Civil war in England 44. GMAT stands for:
(C) AnglG.Spanish War (A) Graduate Management Admission Test
(D) None of these (B) General Management Admission Test
(C) Graduate M€dical Admission Test
32. What is the total numbers of Ghazwat? (O) Graduale Medical Admission Treaty
(A) 17 (B) 25
(c) 27 (D) 2e 45 7th April is the day celebrated as
(A) Peace Day
33. Which was the first Ghaarva of'lslam?
(B) Human Right DaY
(A) Abwa (B) Badr
(C) Wodd Heatth DaY
(C) Ohad (D) Mota
(O) Water OaY
34. Ghazwa Abwa is also known as: of great lakes of USA and
(A) Ghazwa Widdan (B) Ghazwa 46. Total number
Canada are:
(C) Ghazwa Ohad (O) Ghazwa Badr (A) Four (B) Seven
35. What was the rel(iion of the forefathers of the (C) Five (O) Three
Holy Prophet (SAW)?
(A) ldolatry 47. Which counlry's Parliament has the largest
(B) Deen-e{braheemi (A) Russia (B) China
(C) Hinduism (C) Japan (D) United States
(D) Buddhism
48. The largesl number of women i€presenlatives
36. The Govemment of lndia Act 1935 was tully are in the Parliament of.
enforced on:
(A) August, 1935 (B) April, 1937
(A) Sweden (B) Oenmark
(C) September, 1936 (D) October, 1937
(C) Rwanda (O) Pakistan
49. which country's parliament is called mother of
37. Which party won the eleclions ot October parliaments
(A) People's Party
(A) Britain (B) USA
(B) lslami Jamhoori lttehad
(C) chrna (D) Russia
(C) Pakrstan National Alliance . 50. What do you understand by Ultra Vires?
(D) Muslim League (A) An affair of the heart
(B) Beyond limits
38. The eleclions for Assemblies were held in
(C) Beyond one's aulhority
October 2002 when the elections for Senate
were held?
(D) None of these
(A) January 2003 (B) February 2003 51. is the oldest written language of the
(C) March 2003 (O) April 2003 -..-
Advanaed PPSC NCQs nodel Papqs 599
(A) Chinese (B) Sindhi 66. What is the total height of K-2 peak?
(C) Sanskrit (D) Arabic (A) 8610 meler (B) 8640 meter
52. Necrophobia is a fear of (C) 8611meter . (D) 8691 mete(
(A) Everything (B) Death 67. Manchhar Lake is found an:
(C) Wealth (O) None of these (A) Thatta district
53. Whtch counlry's parliament is ca ed .Mother (B) Khushab District
of All Parliaments"? (C) Dadu Districl
(A) Britain (B) USA (D) 0. lsmail Khan District
(C) China (D) Russia 68. Ooctrine of Lapse under which adoption of
54. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan did his ph.O. from son by rulers in the absence o, their natural
Leaven University of: hairs was banned was introduced in
(A) Germany (B) Hofland Subconlinent:
(C) Belgium (D) Austria (A) 1846 (B) 1845
55- Cambodia was earlier known as
(c) 1848 (D) 1849
(A) Mauritania (B) persia 69. Eastlndia Company occupied punjab rn
(C) Kampuchea (D) None ot these (A) 1846 (B) 1845
(c) 1848 (D) 1849
56. Highest military award of lndia ts:
(A) lron Cross (B) Mititary Cross 70. Sher Shah is well-known for his administrative
(C) Victoria Cross (D) param Vir Chakra skill, especially his:
(A) Market control steps
57. Henry Kissinger was the former US: (B) Land revenue system
(A) Premier (C) Mansabdari system
(B) President (D) Law and order
(C) Secretary of State
(D) Defence Minister 71 . Name the first Editor-rn-Chie, ot the magazine
'Tarjuman-ul-Quran ?
58. 'JiJi" is the news agency of: (A) Abul Kalam Azad
(A) China (B) pakistan (B) Muhammad Hussain Azad
(C) Libya (O) Japan (C) Tufail Muhammad
59. MOSAO is a secret agency ol: (D) Syed Abul Ala Maududi
(A) Palestine (B) tsraet 72. Who was the founder of Mughal Empire
(C) France (D) Germany lndia?

60. Who among the foltowrng is regarded as the (A) Babur (B) Akbar
torerunner of revenue administralion in (C) Shah Jahan (D) None ofthese
nEdieval lndia? 73. Who is called the "Parrot of lndia"?
(A) Akbar (B) Sher Shah (A) Akbar
(C) Balban (B) Shah Jahan
(D) None of these (C) Amir Khusro (D) None ofthese
61. Who has taken the highest number of wickets 74. Parliament of Norway is known as:
in test cricket?
(A) Malcolm Marshal (B) M. Maratitharan (A) People's Congress
(B) Parliament
(C) Waqar Yunus (D) Wasim Akram
(C) Storting
62. What is the duration of one-hatf of a Hockey (O) National Congress
(A) 45 min (B) 40 min 75. Which are the boundary lines between lndia &
(C) 35 min (O) 30 min (A) Wo*ing boundary
63. Which country is known as the .Land of (B) Line of control
Thunderboh'? (C) 24 parallel line
(A) Belgium (8) Nepat (D) All of the aboye
(C) Bhutan (D) Botivia
76. Kafir Fort is located in the province
64. Name the cily which is a seat of UNO (A) Punjab
lntemational Court of Justice? (B) Sindh
(A) Hamburg (B) creenwich (C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(C) ceneva (D) Hague (D) Balochistan
65. Shariah is located in: 77. Who wrote the book "Great Tragedy'?
(A) Qatar (B) UAE (A) Z.A.Bhutto (B) yousaf
(C) Kuwait (D) Saudi Arabia (C) Zial-ul-Haq (D) None of these
6N Aduerctd PPTSC ilCOs nocbl PaoeB
78. Rebindra Nath Tagor the first Asian who (C) Hazrat Zakariya (AS)
received literature Nobel Prize in: (D) Hazrat Yousaf (AS)
(A) 1910 (B) 1911 89. The only Surah of the Holy Quran which as not
(c) 1912 (D) 1913 started with 'Bismillah' is
79. Following the Third Afghan War, Afghanistan (A) Surah Al-Ahzab (B) Surah Al-Taubah
gained its independence in: (C) Surah Al-Jinn (D) None ofthese
(A) 1919 (B) 1911 90. Who founded the school of Oars-€-Nizamia in
(c) 1924 (D) 1921 lndo-Pak?
80. Which was the Napoleon's lasl battle in whicft (A) Mulla Umar
he was captured and exiled to St Helena? (B) Mulla Nizam-uddin
(A) Baltle of Trafalgar (C) Fareed-ud-din Atar
(B) Battle Walerloo (O) None of thes€
(C) Battle of Austerlitz 91. Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell
(D) Battle of Leipzig sermon at Aratat on
81. Afrer Shariat Ullah who mad€ the Faraizi (A) Eth Zulhalj (B) 10th Zulhaij
Movement strong and popular? (C) 9th Zulhal (D) 11th Zulhaij
(A) Syed Ahmad Shaheed 92. Why Muslims observed 'Day of Oeliverance'?
(B) shah lsmail (A) End of non-cooperation movement
(C) Oadhu Mian (B) End oI Congress ministries
(O) Shah Wali Ullah (C) Return of Simmon Commission
82. Nadir Shah invaded lndia during the reign of: (D) None of the above
(A) Shah Alam (B) Bahadur Shah 93. Which gas is used in electric bulb?
(C) Muhammed Shah(O) Farrukhsiyar (A) Nitrogen (B) Hydrogen
83. The Mughal emperor, who died to sudden fall (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Chlonne
from the staircase, wa9:
94. Junejo's governmenl dissolved on
(A) Babar (B) Humayun (A) 29th May 1988
(C) Jahangir (D) Aurangzeb (B) 17th August 1989
84. Who amongst lhe following lost has kingdom in (C) 17th August 1990
Hindustan but retneved it after about 15 years (D) 17th August 199'l
in exile? 95. The Treaty of Hudabia was signed in
(A) Firoz Shah Tughlaq (A) 5th Hijrah (B) 6th Hrirah
(B) Ala-ud-Din KhiUi (C) 7th Hirah (O) 8th Hiirah
(C) Ghiyas-ud-Oin Tughlaq
(O) Humayun 96. The tragic incident of Karabala took place on
Muharram, l0:
85. The coin rup,b was llrst issued by: (A) AH
55 (B) 61 AH
(A) Sher Shah Suri (c) 70AH (D) 72 AH
(B) Alauddin Khilji 97. Which Roman governor ordered the execution
(C) Akbar of Hazrat lssa (AS)?
(D) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq (A) Theodore (B) Politus
86. Afghanistan gained its independence in '1921 (C) Herodus (O) None ol these
under the leadership oI: 98. The difference in the duration of day and night
(A) Jamal-u{in Afghani increases as one moves from:
(B) Nadir Shah (A) West to east
(C) Aman ul Allah (B) East and west of the prime meridian
(O) None of lhese (C) Poles to equator
87. Afghanistan is separated ftom Central Asia by: (D) Equator to poles
(A) wakhan (B) Aral River 99. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called:
(C) Caspian Sea (O) Oxus River (A) lndus Barrage (B) Kanj garrage
86. Which Prophel (A.S.) was lhe carpenter by (C) Kotri Barrage (D) None of these
profe$ion? 'loo.Atmospheric pressure at sea level is
(A) Hazrat Musa (AS) (A) 750 mm (B) 760 mm
(B) Hazrat lssa (AS) (C) 770 mm (D) None oI these
Advanced ppSC HCOS nodal p"oots 601
1. c 14. b A nswe I Key
2.c 15. a 28
40. b 53 a 66. c 79 d 92 b
3.a 16. b 29 c
41. a 54 c 67. c 80 b 93 a
4.a '17. b 30.
42. a 55 c 68. c 81 c 94 a
5c 18. c 43. b 56 d 69. d 82. 95
6.d 19. d 32
44. a 57 c 70. b 83. b 96
7. a 20. c 33.
45. 58 d 71. d u. d 97
8.b 21. c u.
a 46. c 59 b 72. a 85. a 9E.
0 9.b 22. b 35.
b 60 b 73. c 86. c 99.
10. b zJc 35.
c 61 b 74. c 87. d 100
11 b 24c
b 49. a 62 c 75. d 88. c
12a 25. c b 50. c 63. c 76. c 89
13. b 26b 38.
51. a u d 77. a 90.
b 65. b 78. d 91
TEHSTLDARS (BS-16) - 2012

mment announced the (A) Wtlam Hunter

(B) Surenoranath Banneriee
(B) Hindu's Demana
(C) Moti Lat Nehru
(D) A.O. Hume
(C) Adminislrative Requirements
(u) t"rnancral Constrainls 7
bv area at the time
(A) Hyderabad (Deccan)
$,'ilt":,1'"X[J"":'3:ed. rrom the rndran
tB) Kashmrr
(A) Nehru ReDort (C) Bahawalour
(B) Shudohr Movemenr (D) Bhopat
(C) Non Coop€ration Movement
ru) Qu lndia Movement I The^- National
ASSOQatron was -
fcunded in 1R77
Io' r h,
3 oY '
tal Cni,or.,ii-niri'iriw
(B) Srr Syed Ahmad Kh;n
H{;{#,f;i{#ilx,,i,?1?i.Jt11*"si?,ff (C) Syed Ameer Atr
(B) Allama tobat (D) Mohsrn-ut-Mutk
(C) Maulana Muhammad Al
(u) Mautana Shaukat Ah 9 The-. Const[utron of the All lndra Muslim
was raunched ;ffi:: #: drafted by a commrned tn isiii
;S*"l"il *'JlJ?i#ovement' (A) Naw;b Mqar-ut-Mutk
(A) Syed Amrr Alt (B) Nawab Mohsin-ut-Mutk
(B) Chaudhry Khatiq uz Zeman (C) Mauiana Muhammad AtiJauhar
(u) Chaudhry Rehmat Ati (u, Justrce Shah Din
lD) Syed Wazrr Hassan
Ii5,_T::%i:f"?:"?"Jg:rgLof ndia Act
(") 5-TyI+. number of pri;cery Stares
oedrned to ioin the lndian Union.

#,f",}:l,frH:tr[Biff ,]*Hi;
-,19.--Yyitlr.. Shoutd siven 1/3
Pl1lcll. sysrem
-in the oanrer was
to Congress and Musrim
Gr [.i]1lT?i3i,^ lH "fi1'lill"'Ji'"":',i"
rn puniab ano sengJ
S^ryT,I+to their
accordtng ..
(C) Staiing the Second Wortd War -.
(u) r(_eslduary power shoutd be given
(u, nllslr tndian govemment wai not wi ing provtnces. to the
ro enbrce it (D) All of the above
6 The founder of lndian Nafional
Congress tvas:
602 Atranced PPSC lrcQs nodel P.oets
11. Maulana Muhsmmad All Jauhar had started (C) Lord Peth ick-Lawrence
publishilg his famous English Newspaper (O) Sir Anthony McDonald
''Comrade" in '1911 fromt
21. Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah ,oined All lndia
(A) Oelhr (B) Bombay Muslim League in.-
(c) calcutta (D) Lahore (A) 1937 (B) 1938
12. Liaquat Ali Khan joined All lndia Muslim (c) 1939 (o) 1940
League as a member in:- 22. Lahore Resolution ol 23rd March 1940 was
(A) 1916 (B) 1919 seconded from Sindh Province bY: 40
(c) 1921 (D) 1923 (A) G. M. Syed 4Il
13. What was the significance of 21st annual (B) Mekhdoom Talibul Mula
session of All lndia Muslim League? (C) Abdullah Haroon
(A) Ouaid-e-Azam presented fourleen points. (D) Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto
(B) Allama lqbal delivered Allahabad Address
(C) Lahore Resolution tvas passed. 23. Congress launched "Quit lndia Movement"
(O) Quaid-e-Azam was elected as permanent against the British Government rn:
President of All lndia Muslim League. (A) 1940 (B) 1941

14. which of the following leaders helped Quaid-

(c) 1942 (D) 1944

e.Azam in the preparation of his Fourteen 24. Gandhi-Jinnah talks were held in 1944 to
Points,n 1929:- discuss the C.R Formula, prepared byl
(A) Maulana Muhammad All Jauhar (A) Ral Gopal Acharia
(B) Maulana Shaukat All (B) VP Menon
(C) Liaquat All Khan (C) Abu-alKalam Azad
(D) Maulana Hasrat Mohani (O) Lord Wavell
15. Under Gandhi lrwin Pact March 1931. it was 25. Who presided over lhe Simla Conference in
decided that: 1945?
(A) The System of Dratchy will be abolished. (A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Wavell
(B) The System of Separate Eleclorates vvill (C) Lord lrwin (D) Lord Mountbatten
be retained for the Muslims.
(C) The Congress will repres€nt the low caste 26. After Sir Agha Khan, the next President of All
Hindus in the elected bodies lndia Muslim Leaque was:-
(D) The Congress will call off its Civil (A) Viqar-ul-Mulk
Oisobedience Movement (B) Maulana Zafar All Khan
'16. The Government of lndia Ac{ 1935, divided (C) Raja Sahib of Mahmoodabad
the country into:
(D) Mian Muhammad Shali
(A) Seven Provinces 27.Ihe Hindu had launched 'Swadeshi
(B) Nine Provinces Movement'(to boycotl English made goods)
(C) Eleven Provinces in the wake of:
(O) Thirteen Provinces (A) The Urdu Hindi conlroversy 1E67
'17. ln the Provincial Election of 1937, All lndia (B) Partition of Bengal 1905
Muslim League won largest number of seats (C) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy 19'19
in the: (D) All of these events
(A) United Provinces (UP)
(B) Sindh Province
28. The Pirpur Report on lhe brutalities o, the
(C) Punjab Province Congress ministries 1937, was compiled by:'
(D) Central Provinces (CP)
(A) A. K. Fasil-ul-Haq
(B) Raja Muhammad Mehdi
18. The lndian Muslims observed 'Day of (C) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan
Deliverance" after the resignation oi Congress (D) M. Sherif
ministries on:
(A) 12 Seplember 1939 29. The British Parliament passed lndian
(B) 22 September 1939 lndependence Ac1 on:
(C) 12 Oecember 1939 (A) 3 June'1947 (B) 14 June 1947
(O) 22 December 1939 (C) 14 July 1947 (D) 24 JulY 1947
19. Chaudhri Rehmat Ali first used the word 30. Who among the following leaders had
'Pakistan' in his pamphlet'Now or Never' in: translaled the Lahore Resolution from English
(A) 1933 (8) 1935 to Urdu on 23rd March 1940:-
(c) 1937 (O) 1938 (A) Maulana Zalar Ali Khan
20. ldentify the Secretary of State for lndia who (B) Chaudhri Khaleeq -uz--Laman
led the Cabinet Mission in '1946' (C) Dr. Muhammad Alam
(A) Sir Stafford Cripps (D) Sir Sikander Hayat
(B) A.V Aiexander
A.rvanced PPSC ICOS lod., P.ocr! 603
31. Quaid-e-Azam met M. K Gandhi for the first (D) Meditenanean Sea and the Red Sea
time 1916 at
({) Delhi (B) Bombay 44. Pakistan has recently be6n clccted non-
(C) Calcutta (D) Lucknow permanent memb€r of United Nations Security
Council tor the:-
32. ldentify the Viceroy who made ,August Offer, (A) First Time (B) Third Time
in '1940:
(A) Lord Linlithgow (B) Lord Wave
(C) Fifth Time (D) Seventh Time
(C) Lord Ripon (D) Lord Mountbatten 45. What do you understand by the t3rm "lGrb, in
toreign cunency dealings?
33. Cawnpur Mosque tragedy had taken place in (A) The excfiange rate of cunencies in the
(A) 1909 (B) 1910 open market
(c) 1913 (D) 1915 (B) The exchange rate of curencies
34. Ouaid-e-Azarn surrendered the most determined by the State Bank of pakistsn
cherished demand of the lndian Muslims (C) All sort of monitory dealings in foreign
"Separate gectorate System" under lhe:- cunencies within the stock exchange.
(A) Oelhi Proposats 1927 (D) None of the above.
(B) Modfications Purposed in Nehru report 46. 'ITAR-TASS" is a news agency of.
(A) lsrael (B) Palestine
(C) Fourte€n Points 1929 (C) lran (D) Russia
(D) None of these
47. 'Ariana' is an airline ot
35 Quaid-e-Azam Joined Atl lndia Muslim League (A) Sri Lanka (B) tran
as a member in 1913 at: (C) Afghanistan (O) Tuftey
(A) Karachi (B) Catcutta
48. Pakistan's highest mountain peak K-2 is
(C) Agra (D) Eombay
located in the:
36. "fhe Portbs" is considered as the first book (A) Himalayan Range
on the art of government, identify the author:- (B) Hindu Kush Range
(A) Socrales (B) Ptato (C) Karakoram Range
(c) Ansto e (D) Adam smith (D) Suleiman Range
37. "Thomas Cup" is given for the game of: 49. ldentrty the highest 'None-Op.rational Award.
(A) Lawn Tennis (B) Gotf of Pakistan Armed Forces:-
(C) Table Tennis (D) Badminton (A) Silara-i-Jurat
38. The Nobel Pflze for Peace is grven in the city (B) Tamgha-i-Basatat
otl (C) Sitara-i-Basalat
(A) Stockholm (B) Osto (D) Tamgha-i-Khidmat
(C) Brussels (D) Copenhagen 50. The study or science of populations is called:
39. Which is largest gland in the human body? (4) ge€raphy (B) Demography
(A) Pancreas (B) Liver (C) Plutocracy (D) Sociotogy
(C) Ovary (D) Sweat gtand 51. According to the rccent r.port of Wodd Heslth
40. Who is the founder of 'Scout Movement"? Organizalion, which intectious dFeasa is
(A) Robert Baden Powe ceusing maximum number of c€sualtbs in lhc
(B) O.H Lawrence wodd?
(C) Maccollins (A) Malaria (B) lniuGnza
(D) David Hudson (C) AIDS (D) Tub.rcdoois
41. The first Pakistani who became the judge of 52. The lvodd's oldest surviving monarchy is in:
'lnternational Court ot Justice" was:- (A) England (B) Japan
(A) Ahmad Shah Patras (C) SaudiArabia (D) Nepat
(B) M.R Kani 53. OPEC'S largest oil producing country is:
(C) Sir Zafarullah Khan (A) Kuwait (B) lran
(D) Or. Naseem Hasan Shah (C) SaudiArabia (D) U.A.E
42. The UN Security Council consists of: 54. "Pedagogy'is a sci€nce of;
(A) 5 members (B) 11 members ({) BodilV diseases (B) Sramp coltecting
(C) 15 members (D) 20 members (C) Languages (D) Teaching
43. The Suez Canalconnects: 55. The main cause of earthquakes is:
(A) lndian Ocean and Pacitic Ocean. (A) Sudden cooling and contraction of the
(B) Atlantic Ocean and South China Sea earth's surface
(C) Black Sea and the Meditenanean Sea
6ol AArt rced PAIC llC0s llodtl Pto€rs
(B) Coming into aclivity of some dormanl (C) Kabul (D) Sullei
volcanoes 66. The "Shandur Pass' at the height of 12,205
(C) Oue to intemal heat, sometim€s lYater feet connecls:
changes into steam and expands (A) Chitral and Gilgit
(D) All of the above (B) Chitral and Bannu
56. Aner U.S.A vvhich country is lhe second (C) Madan and Malakand
tiggest arms seller in the wodd? (D) Gilgit and Kashgar (China)
(A) Brdain (B) Russia 67. According to a recent survey, the world's
tc) rrance (D) Germany largest imPorter of treapons is:-
57. "Digital Computet" was invented by: (A) China (B) lndia
(B) John Hanison
(A)- Vannnevor Bush (C) SaudiArabia (D) lran
Eissel (D) Howard Aiken
(C) M.R 68. O{ lhe various agencies of the United Nations,
5E. Pinpoint the world's oldest democralic the oldest one is:
(A) lntemational Labor Organization ILO
(A) United States (B) Great Britain (Bl Universal Poslal Union UPU
(C) oreece (D) France ici wodd Health organization wHo
iDi woad ueteotological Organization wMO
59. The highest literacy rate among the SAARC
countries is in: 69. 'On China'recently published book is written
(A) lndia (B) Maldives by:
(A) nenry xissinger (B) Noam Chornsky
(c) Lanka
Sri (D) Pakistan
60. ldentifv the tunction of IMF:
ici Z. B;ezinski (D) Stanlev wolpert
(A)' T6 provirle loans lo the members of 70. The foundation stone of the Sikhism's holiest
United Nations for development of place 'Golden Temple' at Amritsar was laid
industrial infrastructure by:
(B)' To make foreign exchange resources (A) Baba Guru Nanak
available for thos€ countries who want to (B) Mahraia Ren eet Singh
import essential items of food. (C) Hairat Moinuddin Chishti
(C) To make foleign exchange resources (O) Hazrat Mian Mir
available for those counties facing
balance of Payments diffculties o$,r L JA )to+; -- -.,.t o,r r,/,! {. cli ) .t r

(D) None of aboYe.

61. The world's largest island is:
(A) Madagascar (B) Sumatra
(C) New Guinea (D) Greenland
DTr r lB\ (7t,r 1ey

62. Among the SAARC counlries, the highest per of Ji.,r (Dl -i '. (cl
capita income' is of:
(A) lndia (B) Pakistan
t5 ct/,>,r t' $, Lx ):c {,- a $ 4. cti}lz
(C) Sn Lanka (O) Bangladesh
63. Which intemational agenc-y supervised lndus tc-
Basin Treaty, 1960 betYveen Pakistan and
lndia? i)tur tB\ ftur 1At
3V,,/ (D\ fura'r (c)
(B) World B€nk
(C) World Health Organization
(D) lntemational Red Cross :f7qut{f dt,,Lytig <r{ trff4?tle .73

84. ldentify lhe longest glacier ot Pakistan? ttr/6-/

(A) Hispar (B) Bakoro
(C) Batura (O) Siachen
65. 'Warsak Dam' has been built on th€ dver
J)$3,of @t J-,.lteP ot
(A) lndus (B) Korung |)vtrctFef <ol l,Si,to7 <ct
' Amont the SAARC countries, Highect Per Capita GDP
sZJ2'${tt:t*er .74

(PPP) is of Maldives as per world Economic Outlook 42 (B) 12 (A)

Database, April 2015. lt stands at 14,383 lnternational
73 (D) s7 (c)
Adveaced PPSC ICOc lfo4er,Peoers 305

v1i N tii*J,.,Qv L,{& i dii .7s rdJc

4.)e/ @l L,Vg.+)ef tii) 'Jg'&'/.r,.>p lB) 'y'v"r.,lop tol
UtoT ro, 37Qrs:o.,bo7 1c1 2tt)di,At{c,f @\ |eed.=VeF G)
L1,./ Lo**1e.-.1J ).,,jti 1! a, jq, .to a$,L.,*; -- -{i,./,1 l. ori
r .at

{ (urz.7 61 Vop ot
(lvtl (B) ?* <nl 1:i.>7 1o1 Urol ct
t)Jttri. (D) b-)i, tCl '
y,Ii$ { oi" ,./" er-eari aJ .,ur' iv ( Jg it
fi .as

t ZI/-VL6,6 rt {4.c)1i .tt .t?

breilv,eF '
6\ ttt,Lttgt:*e1r/7-.1 1ey
'r-"t,.E )-f <e) tt+tjcfitg;y/-. 1py

LrQ"litdoP tct yrtL,f,i;{g:t7 1cy

' Vs'$o? tot ttr:{,(e-:6tt)* p1
t rl rl, t{4; L 1./,y,t'tg,:tii .ta r7Q(/.:,./"th7f, .ao
5" (B) 4 (A)
7 (D) 6 (c)
=PoP ,r, €tr.toP tol
.t g I st t u L h t ;!,./ &.0 Afr -o l*, .tn
ir'ef p) ict
j,|lef 1rl's J-u,lto? ot $'Jhh*,/1a=.L ffifu,P .at
+AileP rq VoPo? Gt ]rui p1 ,2uf 6y
rtn,.t6.frdr/rr,,i Bo
a*i @\ a4n,'j 1cy

6.8t tst 6Ao tat ,! { d,, :J'S lqr,./ r lftt,c,.t,J f rrr .st
6f:s tot 6.fs tct r,!ou,
1r'.- 4 { 6i!,,t'v r el dt A (t 6 d{., .8t 1f srt,z.,7 1g', izvcr+i.>P 6l
. trl ,?-_,orL'fur Lvo<rtreP tol ",J,v,;ltop fct
'-4l*;3;o7 1s1 '!1o7 6l qf
t,./ao'4G {trrtis .an

*,-7 1ry '4u,gvo7 1c1 '$uvle/ @1 \-u.lttor <et

,rr,>6 tz il: L &b /t,e,e. L 4 1,!; l; .az U;-r py 'sv"rrl\o7 91
r :{ i_ /r/r zz
Ji,, 4 L t/6,t,.,
' Vvgf .x
$viv,:JLJroT 1zy \il;le? 6t
|$$;vo7 1oy tiotef <cl ' According to A, Ror,eeq Al Mokhtoom the first Sarya
was Saif al 8ahr, which was occurred in Ramazan 1n
,t,7,,7 j r' !.v.- g /
fup - st s!; a.,,e .ts HUra. Sarya Kharar was occurred in Zi Qdd 1n Hi.lra and
Sarya Nakhla was occurred in Raiab 2 Hiira.
t06 ldnnccd PFSC fOAg fio&, Faocas

F:/ $t ,i:/ t^t lLtlu,ozv tot .i,L6,f ;u ct

")'cnJ:r tol ir7 1c't :;;d:-a;.'r,
r rl Li ; 7 { altL /. dr st st;r .s tr.e tB) .\ l
r,6i (

&yo \6t 6,t'1ei rot >r,(;L tct

.rt (D) { (C)
Lu,+;,'t,) I o: !10,y L-,' L t1gy1 /t6. .ot
r;s{Z-i;t:0 .sz t(riv
cxty'v*.otLLf, $1 (Q!Le$ 6t xiOV \B't ,t,tt t{' (A)
*l-Lf o *ctv)'Lo'r" c) z7r
,! ol ttrL-!,,,stj? 4'1

$${lrl.f'tJyoii .tt r6,1,7.-!.V i,>rbh\) e-- 7. .eB

J) ot .y' ot J\i,if t.r..P t9t J ->P r,ttt

,rf o ei ct iV9/ tDt ,./- rl\>? t( t

rc_r{1uiJ* .x ':dV ,bVSV6aliJ-z I Lt,7) ,1t1

.;drt*uLt,)q ot Jr., (B) )v..{t tnt

.t-;n*ot,rrLL,gbt @l Jv,u rot Jv,l rct
JltttLq{t41,:tLol ct
Z Lt ) 4v / / e),'/', P .t ott
J r ttbLVt{$, L r! tu e rJ:v p.1
a* (B) fr tAl
' r+iv,!,rJ. -:*)" .ns , (D) :.r/ tCl
{LF.!h @) :i'L//f,r'. t^)
A nswer Key
1. 11. a 27. b 40. a 53. c 66 a c 92 b
2., c 15. d 28. b 41. c 54. d 67 b 80. c 93 b
J, c r6. c 29. c 42. c 55. d 68. b 81 b 94 a
4. c 17. a 30. a 43. d 56. b 69. a 82 d c
5. a 't8. b 31. d 44. d d 70. d 83. b 96. c
6. d 19. a 32. a 45. a 58. 71. b 84 c 97. a
7. b m. c 33. c 46. d 59. b d 85. a 98. c
8. c 21. a 34. a 47 c 60. c 73. c 86. b 99. c
9. c 22. c 35. d 48. c 61. d 74. d 87 c 100 c
10. d 23. c JO. 49. 62. c 75. a 88 a
11. c 21. a 37. d 50. b 63. b 76. b 89 c
12. d 25. b 38. b 51. c &. d d 90 c
13. b 26. c 39. b 52. b 65, c 78. c 91 c
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 607



1. Whidr t3m denotes 'Palestinian uprisi;B'? York City, USA in the North Atlantic. Mention
(A) HAMAS (B) PLO the date?
(C) lntikada (O) lntil"ada (A) 14 April 1910 (B) 14 April 1912
2. 'What is c.lled the mcmber of the largest (C) 14 April 1911 (D) 14 April 1913
ethnic Aroup in Cambodia? 13. What is Tour de France?
(A) Cambodian (B) Khm€r (A) French road race for p.oG$ional cars
(C) Bantu (D) RoLrg€ (B) Fr€nch road race br prohesional
3. Name lho ilrst tourid in lpece? motorcrclists
(C) French ro.d race for pro{essional cyclists
(A) Deflnis Hill (B) DennB John
(D) Frcnch road race for Fof6sional bus
(C) Dennis Polk (D) Dennis Trto
4. Which troo E known as Crying TrBe?
'14- S€ri€s of scandals in Amerba 1972 invoMrE
(A) Rubb€r (B) Pine
President Ridlard Nixon and
(C) MangoTr€e (D) Coconut
adminEtration is called:
5. Baghalchur area of O,Bra Ghazi Khan is (A Watergate Scandal
famous for (B Nixon Scandal
(A) Salt (B) Uranium (c Serial Scandal
(C) Heavy Wa!6r (D) So<lium (D None of these
6. Tcrm th€ upsury€ in recial and political 15. Where the 'Golden Rivef flows?
intolerance in Westem Europe of tlre 6arty (A) Cairo, Egypt (B) Calcutta, hdia
1990s? (C) Alaska, Canada (D) none ofthese
(A) European Nazis (B) N€o-Nadsm
(C) FacEm (D) Modem Nazis 16. Name the eminent leader ol Pakistan
movemenl who in 1949 took over as the first
7. Alfrod Bemhard Nobel sterted NoDelPriz6. To govemor of Punjab and later on beceme the
whidr country di, he bebng? president of Pakistan Muslim League
(A) Gemany (B) Su,eden (A Abdur Rab Nishtar
(C) i{€lhcrLn& (O) USA (B Khawaja Nazim-ud-Oin
8. lvtren did firsl women compeia in Otympic
(c l.l. Chundrigar
(o lftikhar Husain
(A) 1920 (B) 1912 17. Famous bridge Golden Gate is located in:
(cl 1922 (O) 1935 (A) San Francisco (B) England
9. What was Pan-lslam, originated in. 1880 in (C) Hawaii (D) Russia
Ottoman Empir6? 18. The earth's rotation on its axis is from West to
(A) Movement for uniting the lslamic Nations Easl. Mention the shortest day in the Norlhem
(B) Movement for uniting the Arabic Nations Hemisphere?
(C) Movement for uniting the lslamic Asian (A) 22 Oecember (B) 22 January
netions (C't 22 Febtuary (O) 22 March
(D) Movsrneril br re-€rtablishing Caliphate
19. Where the Red Square is located?
10. Paper wes invenled in about 3500 BC. Who (A) Washrngton DC (B) Berjing
invented thB pap€r first? (C) New York (D) Moscow
(A) Egyplian (B) Chin€se
(C) Romens (D) Gre€ks 20. Christopher Columbus discovered Americas.
To which country did belong?
11. \Mrat tflos€ laws ere call€d that God ga\re to (A) ltaly (B) Spain
Moses (Musa)? (C) Britain (D) Portugal
(A) Ten Commandments
(B) Commandments 21 Which countraes share the water of Caspian
(C) Sacred Commandmerl Sea?
(D) Ten Sacred Comma.rdment (A) lran, Russia, AzerbaUan
(B) lran, lndia. Pakistan
12- Titanic slruck an icaberg and sank during her (C) Russia, USA, lndia
maiden voyage from Soulhamptoh lo New (D) Pakistan. Afghanastan, Azerbaran
60E Attanc:ed PPSC NCQs llode! Paoers
.22. Whrch of the tollowing is known as "The Bible 33. Term the beiief that women subordination to
of English Constitution'? men should be end?
(A) Magna Carla (A) Apartherd (Bl Femrnrsm
(8) Entrsh Constitution (C) Segregation. (D) none of these
(C) US Constatution
(O) None of them 34 Mention the nickname of alomrc bomb that
was dropped on Hiroshima rn 1945?
23 When was the second lslamic Summit (A) Lrttle Boy (B) OaEy cutter
conference held in Lahore. whrle lhe first was (C) Big Grant (D) Sharp boy
held rn 1969 at Rabaat? 'Balfour Declaralron" helped to form the basis
(Al 1972 (B) 1971
for the foundation of lsrael in 1948. This letter
(c) 1974 (D) 1973 was prepared in March 19'17 When was it
24. What the female astronomer Caroline Lucretia issued?
Herschel discovered? (A) 2 November 1917(B) 2 November'1918
(A) New World (B) six comets (C) 2 December 1917(Dl 2 Novembe|I919
(C) Moons (D) none of these
36. Who founded Buddhism in lndia?
25. The lens at the end of the compound {A) Cyrus
microscope is called obiective. Vvhat was first (B) Gautama Buddha
seen by compound microscop€? (C) Ashoka
(A) Protozoa (B) Prolon (D) Alexander the Great
(C) Bacleria (O) Neutron 37. Whal is boollegging?
26. Name the king whos€ revenue minister was (A) form of smuggling
Todar Mal? (B) form of drug
(A) Akbar (C) torm of lndian religion
(B) Babur (O) none of these
(C) Shah Jehan 36. What is cartography?
(D) Bahadur Shah Zafar (A) Arl of drawing sketches
27. The study, theory , and practice of prison (B) Arl of making maps and charts
managemer and criminal rehabilitation is (C) Art of making pots
called: (D) Arl of making charts
(A) Criminology 39. When did Challenge/s, one of4 space shuttle
(B) Crime managenient programme of NASA. two astronauts become
(C) Criminal sciences
the first human beings to fly ,reely in space?
(D) Penology (A) June 3, 1985 (B) January 28 '1986
2E. What B the length of lndia China border? (C) January 28. 1985 (D) January 28, 1987
(A) 3,380 km (B) 4,380 km 40. Which religion Chinese people practise?
(C) 2,380 km (D) s,380 km (A) Confucianism (B) Hinduism
29. Cyprus gained independence ftom Brilain in (C) Socialism (D) Narvon
1960. !4/hen was it divided into two parts - 41. Term the use of militarv exoeditions in
Turkish Republic of Northem Cyprus and Western Europe from llri to 14rh agatnst
Greek Cyprus?
(A) 1970 (B) 1965 (A) Holy War (B) Crusades
(c) 1960 (D) 1974 (C) Holy Attacks
(D) Holy expeditions
30. Taxid€rmy is lhe art of stufing of birds and 42. The word dinosaur means ternble' Lizard
animals and Philalely is:
(A) Hobby of stamp collecling The heaviest dinosaur was of 51 tons and 24
(8) Form of Abslracl art m from head to tail Name it"
(C) Zeal of travelling (A) Brachiosaurus (B) Dionoline
(D) None of these (C) Dra Vosuraus (D).None of these
31 Who becarne the first blac* president of Soulh
43. Greenwich Mean Time was established in:
Aftica, hrs p'arty was banned in j961 and he
(A) 1864 (B) 1880
was given life imprisonment?
(c) 1EE4 (D) 1892
(A) Nelson Mandela ,14. What is called agricultural trend that has
(B) Robert Mogabe greatly increased crop production in Pakistan.
(C) Eddi Amin lndia, and Turkey?
(O) Martin Luther King (A) Agra Revolution (B) Green Revolution
(C) Agro Revolution (D) Asian Revolution
32 Amal' is radical Lebanes€ Shi'ite military
force. Who establish€d rt in 1970s? 45. What is called the killing of nearly six millicn
(A) Abu Musa (B) Hassan Bana Jews by Nazs in Second World War?
(C) Abu Sadr (D) Musa Sadt (A) Mass kalling (B) Ethnic cleansing
Advanced PPSC.HCQS Model Paoerc 609
(C) Jews cleansing (D) Holocaust (A) lndia (B) Nepal
46 (C) Sri Lanka (D) Bangladesh
Name lhe youngest elected president of USA.
(A) Henry Truman 58. Which of the following states share the water
(B) John F. Kennedy of "Aral Sea"?
(C) Andrew Jackson (A) -uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
(D) None of these (B) Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
(C) Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan
47. Homer was the greatest poet of the language (D) lran and Turkmenistan
(A) Greek (B) Latin 59. 'Fire Temple' is the place of worship for:
(C) English (D) Spanish (A) Jew (B) Buddhist
48. Research and study thal are closely related to
(C) Parsi (D) Shinto
history are called: 60. Which of the following American Presidents
(A) Histology (B) Sociology has remained in office for more than 12
(C) Archaeology (D) None of these years?
49. The first Iong distance telephone line was (A) Lincoh
installed in '18841 (B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
(A) California and Maryland (C) Theodore Roosevelt
(B) Boston and New York (D) Eisenhower
(C) Texas and Virginaa 61. Which ol the following terms may be used for
(D) None of the above a court case that is under consideration?
(A) Res Judicata (B) Ralia decidenda
50. The wireless telegraphy was pioneered in
(C) Sine die (D) Sub Judice
'1894 by:
(A) William Thomas 62. The first Nobel prizes were awarded on:
(B) Rose Whittle (A 10 December 1904
(C) Guglielmo Marconi B 10 December 1903
(D) Charles Thomas c '10 December 1901
D 10 Decembe|1902
51. ln which language the Holy Qur'an was first
translated? 63. Where lhe first modem Olympic Games were
(A) Arabic (B) Persian held in 1E96?
(C) Latin (D) None of them (A) Athens (B) Rorne
52. "Shadow Cabinet' is:
(C) Paris (D) ltaly
(A) A specialized group of critics formed by 64. Who was the President of USA during World
.the opposition party in the parliament Wat l?
(B) Sarne ministers very close to the Prime (A) Woodrow Wlson
Minister (B) George Truman
(C) Cabinet armounced by the majority party (C) Abraham Lincoln
in the parliament before forming (D) None of these
govemment 65. New Zealand was the first country in the world
(D) None of the above to grant women the right to vote, in 1893, but
53. USA consisls on how many states? women did not gel the right to run for the New
(A) 52 (B) 55 Zealand legislature until:
(c) 50 (D) 49 (A) 1930 (B) 1920
54. Which is the largest state (Population Wise) of (c) 1947 (D) 1919
lndia? 66. East Timor was the colony ot Portu s al before
(A) Keralla (B) Utlar Perdesh lndonesia's occupation. When I ndonesia
(C) Madhia Pardesh (D) None of these captured it?
55. Name the economist whose theory of (A) 1920 (B) 1975
population describes that populataon increases (c) 1940 (D) 1890
faster than the means of support? 67. When Taiwan separated from China?
(A) Thomas Robert Malthus (A) 1949 (B) 1951
(B) Adam Smith (c) 1961 (D) 1970
(C) Keynes 68. On Minicoy lsland which pair of countries
(D) None of them have dispute?
56. Which country suffered the maximum in World (A) lndia and Maldives
War ll? (B) lndia and Nepal
(A) UK (B) Germany (C) Nepal and Sri Lanka
(C) Japan (D) Russia (O) Sri Lanka & Bangladesh
57. 'Naxalites' movement is in: 69. ln which battle English won and later captured
610 Advancod PPSC nCQs nodel Paoers
Lahore? 82 The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the
(A) Battle of Sobraon American people from which country?
(B) War ol lntendancy (A) France (B) Greece
(C) Battle of Punjab (C) Great Bntain (D) Swilzerland
(D) Battle of Lahore E3 The faction Ulster Unionists wants to retain
70 Chachnama was onginally writlen in British rule in:
(A) Persran (B) Arabic (A) Eastern lreland (B) Weslern lreland
(C) Turkish (D) Sindhi (C) Northern lreland (D) Falkland
71. The Muslim leader who advised the Muslims 84. The Monroe Ooctrine was intended to:
not to participate rn the meetings of all lndia (A) Safeguard peace in Europe
National Congress was ' (B) Enforce freedom of navigation on the
(A) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad High Seas
(B) Maulana Muhammad Ali (C) Safeguard American interests
(C) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (O) None of these
(O) Allama Muhammad lqbal 85. ln which year Suez Canalwas nationalized?
72. Canada's Mr Amold Smith was the first 1A) 1956 (B) 1958
secretary general of: (c) 1869 (D) 1954
(A) Commonwealth (B) UNO 86. One Horse Porrer is equal to watts?
(C) SAARC (D) Asia Watch (A) 846W (B) 746 W
73. What are 'Negroid". 'Mongoloid", 'Aryan", and (c) 766W (D) 7s6- W
the'Caucasian'? 87. Who gave the idea of 'Peaceful co-
(A) Ancient nations existence"?
(B) Leading hu-man ,aces (A) Nikita Khrushchev
(C) Wars of 18"' century (B) Leonid Brezhnev
(D) Seaports (C) Molotov
74. Which of the following animals can hear (D) None of these
ultrasonic sound? 6E. Who introduced the principle of the Doctrine ot
(A) Lion (B) Monkey Lapse?
(C) Bat (D) Leopard (A) Glive (B) Comwallis
75. The acid rain destroys vegelation because il (C) Hastings (D) Dalhousie
contains: 89. Who is called the "Man of lron and Blood"?
(A) Sulphuric acid {B)
Ozone (A) Prince Bismarck (B) US President Ford
(C) Carbon monoxide(D) Nitric acid (C) Lenin (D) Karl Mark
76. The Bolshevik Revolution is associated with 90. The only US President who elected president
(A) France (B) Germany of US for four times?
(C) Russia (O) England (A) Geo€e Washington
77. Who is the founder of Wikipedia? (B) James Monroe
(A) Jimmy Wales (C) Andrew Johnson
(B) Rowne Descartes (D) Franklin D. Roosevelt
(C) Bill Gates 91 With which war is the name of Florence
(D) None of the above Nightingale associated?
78. A mobrle phone sends and receives (A) Wond War I (B) World War ll
messages through (C) Crimean War (D) Battle of Leipzig
(A) Sound waves (B) Micro waves 92. IJAN stands lor:
(C) Vwaves (D) Radio waves
U (A) Urgent Access Number
79. Which gas is used in decoration lighting? (B) Universal Access Number
(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (C) Universal Actual Number
(C) Nitrogen (D) Neon (D) None of the above
80 The lirst wide area network tibre optic cable 93. Which is the most populous state in the USA?
was installed in 1978 in: (A) Washington (B) Alaska
(A) East Sussex (UK) (C) California (D) Florida
(B) California (usA) 94. Which is the largest area wise state in the
(C) Maryland (USA) USA?
(O) Paris (France) (A) Washington (B) Alaska
81 With which the ,ilament of an electric bulb is (C) California (D) Florida
made? 95. Oemocracy Wall is located in:
(A) Tungslen (B) Titanrum (A) USA (B) UK
(C) lron (O) none of these (C) Japan (O) China
Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Paoers 611
96. Archaeologists in lsrael have discovered (D) Bill Clinton
20000 years old village under the mud of:- 99. During the Second Wcrld War, which of these
(A) Dead Sea (Bt Red Sea islands was awarded George Cross?
(c) Bering Sea (D) Galilee Sea (A) Cyprus (B) Malta
97 BInd Dolphins are found in which river of 1C1 Jersey (D) Hawa
Pakistan? 100 Whrch of these imagrnary lines is mainly
(A) Sutlei (B) Chenab vertical?
(C) Hub (D) Sindh (A) Equator
98. President of USA during the Gulf War? (B) lnternational Date Line
(A) George H W Bush (C) Tropic of Capricorn
(B) Jimmy Carter (D) Tropic of Cancer
(C) Grover Clever
Answer Key
1. d 't4. a d 40. a 53. c 66 b 79 d 92 b
2. b c 28 a 41. b 54. b 67 a 80 a 93 c
d lo_ a 29 d 42. a 55. a 68 a 81 a 94 b
4. a 17. a 30 a 43.c56c 69 a a 9s d
5. 18. a 31 a 44. b 57. a 70 d 83 c 96 a
6. b 19. d 32 d 45d58.a 71 c 84 c 97 d
7. b 20. a JJ b 46.b59c 72 a 85 a 98. a
8. b 21. a 34 a 47. a 60. b b 86 b 99. b
9. a 22. a 35 a 48c61.d 74 c 87 a 100 b
10 b 23. c 36 b 49. b 62. c 75 a 88 d
11 a 24. b a 50. c 63. a 76 c 89 a
12 b 25. 38 b 5'1. c 64. a a 90 d
't3 c 26. a 39 52. a 65. d 78 d 9'1




'1. When did the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H offer Haj? (c) 1907 (D) 1909
(A) 4 AH (B) 6 AH 7. Who was the first viceroy jn lndia?
(c) 8AH (D) 10AH (A) Lord Canning (B) Lord Curzon
(C) Lord Reading (D) Lord Linlithgow
2 Which Surah does not start wiih Bismillah?
(A) Al Asr (B) Al Nisa L Who was the viceroy oI lndia at the time ol
(C) Al Tauba (D) Al Nama Simon Commission?
(A) Lord lffvin (B) Lord Chelmstord
3. What is the total number of Ghazwas? (C) Lord Minto lD) Lord Wavel
(A) 23 (B) 25
lc) 27 (D) 30 9. Who was the editor of the daily Zamindaar?
(A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
4. ln which year Migration to Madina took place? (B) Ghulam Rasul Mehr
(A) 618AD . (B) 62040 (C) Hameed Nazamr
(c) 622 AD (D) 624AD (D) Abdul Majid Saliq
5. When did Battle of Uhad take places'? 10. Who is the author of lndia wins lreedom?
(A) 2 AH (B) 3 AH (A) Ch Mohammad Ali
(c) 4 AH (D) 5 AH (B) Dr Abdul Hameed
6. When did the partition of Bangal take place? (C) Khalid Bin Saeed
(A) 1901 (B) 1905 (D) Abul Kalam Azad
612 Advanced PPSC lloQs nodel Paoers
11. Who was the tirst president of All lndia Muslim 25. Which are the two Seas that Suez Canal
League? Connects?
(A) Sir Aga Khan (A) Meditenanean and Red Sea
(B) Nawab Salim Ullah (B) Red Sea and Caspian Sea
(C) Mohammad Ali Jinnah (C) Caspian Sea and Arabian Sea
(D) Raja Sahib Mahmood (D) Arabian Sea and Meditenanean
12. When did Simon Commission come to lndia? 26. How many are the countries in the European
(A) 1919 (B) ',1924 Union?
(c) 1928 (D) 1930 (A) 28 (B) 2e
13. When did Allama lqbal deliver Allahabad
(c) 30 (o) 33
address? 27. When was World Trade Organization formed?
(A) September, 1930 (A) 1990 (B) 1995
(B) October, 1930 (c) 1997 (D) 2008
(C) November, 1930
(D) Oecember, 1930 28. Who is the Prime Minister of the United
'14. Who was lhe last viceroy of lndia? (A) David Miliband
(A) Lord Algin (B) Lord Mountbatten (B) Tony Blair
(C) Lord Wavell (D) Lord Linlithgow (C) Gordon Brown
15. Who presented poor man s budget in 1946? (D) Boris Johanson
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan 29. Which state of USA Donald Trump comes
(B) Ch Mohammad Ali . ftom?
(C) Mali Ghulam Mohammad (A) Virginia (B) California
(D) Abdur Rah Nishter (C) New York (D) Florida
16. When was UNO formed? 30. Where is the head quarter of lnternalional
(A) 24th Oclober 1 945 Court of Justice?
(B) 7th November 1945 (A) Hague (B) Geneva
(C) 26th November 1945 (C) Berlin (D) Rome
(D) 5th December '1945
3l. What does NATO stand for?
17. What is the number of the number countries of (A) Nonh American Treat Organization
the Common Wealth? (B) North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(A) 35 (B) 46 (C) North Africa Trade Organization
(c) 53 (D) 62 (D) North Atlantic Tariff Organization
'18. When was OIC established? 32. Which country does Aung San Suu Kyi come
(A) 1966 (B) 1969 from?
. (c) 1973 (D) 1982 (A) Myanmar (B) Vietnam
19. Where is the headquarter of SAARC? (C) Nepal (D) Bhutan
(A) Dhaka (B) New Delhi 33. Who authored 'Friends Not Master's?
(C) Katmandu (D) Colombo (A)
Ch. Muhammad Ali
20. Wfu) wrotc 'The origin of species'?. (B)
Feroze Khan Noon
(A) Kad Marx (B) Oarwin (C)
Ayub Khan
(C) Einstein (D) Bohr (D)
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
21. Where is the greatest and the biggest wall 34. Who is the president of Cuba now?
situated? (A) Fidel Castro (B) Hugo Chavez
(A) China (B) USA (C) Rahul Castro (D) Miguel Diaz-Canel
(C) Germany (D) Russra 35. Who is the president of lndia?
22. Where is the leaning tower of Pisa? (A) Nimal Desh Panday
(A) Poland (B) Spain (B) Prathibha Petal
(C) ltaly (D) France (C) Abdul Kalam
(D) Ram Nath Kovind
23. Who wrote the famous novel "War and
Peace'? 36. Who is the Writer of Clash of Civilization and
(A) Leo Tolstoy (B) Maxim Gorky the Remaking of Worid Order?
(A) Francis Fokyuamaha
(C) Charles Dickens (O) Bernard Shaw
(B) Hansw J. Morganthau
24. Mow mariy are the states of USA? (C) Noam Chomsky
(A) s0 (B) 40 (D) Samuel P. Huntington
(c) 45 (Dl 42
AdvancedPPSC Cosnodel PaoeB 613
37. The president secrelary general of UNO 49. CPU stands for
belongs to r/yhich country? (A) Central Processing Unit
(A) Portugal (B)
North Korea (B) Central Programminq Unit
(C) Taiwan (D)
Singapore (C) Control Processing Unit
38. Abdul Hadl is he president of lr,hich country? (D) Control Programming Unit
(A) Syria (B) Yemen 50. What is Black Hole?
(C) lraq (D) Lebanon (A) Hypothetic€l region of the space
39. Who holds the World record of maximum runs (B) Hole rn Califomia
in test cricket? (C) Sink hole in the Lake
(A) Brian Lara (D) Region between mantle and Crest of the
(B) Sachin Tendulkar Earth
(C) Allan Border 51. Agoraphobia is the fear of
(D) Sunil Gawaskar (A) Heights (B) Dartness
40. The idea of Pakistan is written by (C) Open Places (D) Horses
(A) James Cohen 52. lt is better for you to comply _ your
(B) Stephen P. Cohen parenls wishes
(C) A R. Comelius (A) With (B) To
(D) None of above (c) Bv (D) For
4 t. Who discovered Penicillin? 53 Who had been knockrna the door?
(A) Alexander Flaming (A) At G,E"-
(B) Louis Pasteur (C) ln (Ot Out
(C) Nell Boher
(D) None of these 54. He lives Modet Town
42. Who wrote A Brief l-iistory of Time ? (A) ln, Al (B) In, On
(A) Albert Einstein (C) ln, ln (D) At, ln
(B) Stephen Fleming
(C) Stephen Hawking 55. Finally, he was absolved atl the
(D) Max Plank charges
(A) From -:-
(B) Of
43. What is the rotation period of the Earth? (C) For (O) With
(A) 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds
(B) 23 houB, 52 minutes and 4 seconds 56. Has he ever _ to America?
(C) 23 hours, 58 minutes and 4 seconds (A) Be (B) Being
(O) 23 hours, 50 minutes and 4 seconds (C) Been (D) Has been
44. Stainless steel is an allov oP 57. The lecture yesterday was really
(A) Copper wilh zinc rmpresstve
(B) Red bras and yellow brass (A) Gave (B) Spoken
(C) Zinc and nickel (C) Made (D) Delivered
(D) Chromium and nickel 58. He would enjoy th6, if the _ present
45. Which two gases do you exhale more than (A) Be (B) Tad been '
you inhales? (C) Was (O) Were
(A) Carbon and Nitrogen 59. Afler the concert every one _ and
(B) Carbon and Oxygen clapped
(C) Hydrogen (A) Raised (B) Rose
(0) Chlorine (C) Had Risen (D) Rising
46. Who gave the theory o, Relativity? 60. Who was the writer of the famous novel'Pride
(A) Stephen Hawking and Prgudice?
(B) Ma Weber ({) {ane Austin ' (B) George Etliot
(C) Albert Einstein (C) Emile Bronte (D) Thom:s Hardy
(D) Marry Einstein 6'l. Which land is excluded from the operation of
47. HolY many colours a Spectrum has? the Punjab Land Revenue Act?

(A) (B) 7 (A) Land under canal
(c) (D) e (B) Land under grazing ground
46. ln which year Dr. Abdul Salam was award (C) Land occupies as site ofa village
Nobel pnze in Physics? (D) Land under waler course
(A) 1973 (B) 197s 62. Wlat is the dale of commencement of
(c) 1979 (D) 1983 qgriculture year under the Puniab Land
Revenue Act?
611 Adyanced PPSC lrloQs odel Papers
(A) First day ot January (B) Board of Revenue
(B) First day ot May (C) Executive Oistrict Oflicer (Revenue)
(C) Firsl day of July (O) Collector ol District
(D) First day of Octob€r 7'1. Within how much period afler acquisitron, of
63. Who is village officer under the Punjab Land any righl In land as a landowner one is
Revenue Act? required to make a reporl under the Punjab
(A) Landlord Land Revenue Act regarding acquisition of his
(B) Member of Union Council right?
(C) Mllage headman (Lambarda0 (A) Four months (B) Three months
(D) Big land owner (C) Two months (D) One month
&. Who is the highest Revenue Officer under the 72. Which land held in common cannot be
Punjab Land Revenue Act? allowed by the Revenue Officer to be
(A) Collector partitioned under the Punjab Land Revenue
(B) Additional Collector Act,
(C) Board of Revenue (A) Any grazing ground
(D) Executive District Otficer (Revenue) (B) Any place of worship or burial ground
(C) Any play ground
65. Who can appoint collector of the dislnct under (D) Any embankment
the Punjab Land Revenue Act?
(A) Board of Revenue 73. A Revenue Officer rn order to undertake
iB) Executive District Oificer (Revenue) measurement of land can
{C) Oistrict Govemment (A) Enter the lands or premises without the
(D) Government permission of its owner
(B) Enter the premises used for dwelling
66. Who can order withdrawal of a case pending ' purposes without the permrssion of rts
before the Executive District Officer (Revenue
under the Punjab Land Revenue Act? (C) Ether the promises used for dwelling
(A) Government (B) Board ot Revenue purposes with the permissaon ot Collector
(C) Civil Court (D) Collector (O) Enter the premrses used lor dr^/elhng
67 Who is empowered to another on any person purposes, wilh the permission of Village
the powers of Collector under the Punjab , Orricer (Lambardar)
Lend Revenue Acl?
(A) Government 74. A notice issued by the court. under section 20
(B) Board ot Revenue of the land Acquisition Act shall be served
(C) Executive District Olticer (Revenue) upon
(D) Collector of the Oistrict (A) Allthe person interested in the objection
(B) Such persons who have consented to
68. What is the maximum limit of village omcer's receive compensation
chess to be imposed on any estate under the (C) The Village Officer
Punjab Land Revenue Act? (D) The Commissioner
(A) Three percentum ol the land revenue 75. The coud while determining the
(B) Four percentum of the land revenue
(C) Five percentum of the land revenue compensation, shall not take the consideration
(D) Six percentum of the land revenue
(A) The degree of urgency which led to the
69. What rs the included in the record of rights of' (B) The damage sustained by the person. by
an estate under the Puniab Land Revenue reason of the acquisition injuriously
Act? affecting his either prop€rty
(A) Statement showing nades of persons (C) Change of residence due to the
residing in the estate acquisition
(B) Statement showing names of persons , (D) Be severing lhe other land of the person
who are land owners and their rights in from the acquired land
the land in their possession 76. Who is empowered to issue preliminary
(C) Statement showing names ot landless
persons notification under section 4(i) of the land
(D) acquisition act to the effect that land in any
Statement showing number of persons by
their professions locality need for a public purpose or for a
70. Who isempowered to issue notification (A) Government
directing that the existing record of rights for (B) Executive District Otlicer (Revenue)
an estate be specially revised under the (C) Collector of the District
Punjab Land Revenue Act? (D) Officer specially appointed to perform the
(A) Government functrons of Collector under he land
Advanced PPSC ttcos ttods, Paoe6 - 615
acquisition act (A) Within three months
77. Who B empowercd by Seclion 5 of the Land (B) Within six morths
Acquisition Act to issue notification to the (C) Within one year
etrect that any particular land included in a (O) Within two years
locality nolified under section 4(i) of the ac1 is 84. An anears of land revenue may be recovered
needed for a public purpose? by
(A) Govemmenl (A) By sale of the holding u/s 88 of the land
(B) Executve DBtricl Officer (Revenue) revenue
(C) Collector of the Oistricl (B) By anesting the father of the defauller
(D) Oftcer specially appointed to perform the (C) By attaching the household apparels of
funclions ot Collector under the land the default
acquisilion act (D) By arresling lhe wife of the defaulter
78. Who is empowered by section 5 of the land 85. An application for the pa(ition of Joint holding
acquisition act to issue notilication to the can be filed
efu that any particular land included in a (A) By a co-sharer
locality notified under seclion 4(i) of the ac1 is (B) By the tenant
needed for a company? (C) By the mortgage
(A) Oficer specially appointed to perform the (O) By the lessee of the landholding
funclions of a collector under lhe land 86 A tenant ant who has made improvement in
acquisition act
(B) his tenancy wrth the contenr of tne landlo.d rs
Collector ot the District
(C) Executive Districl Ofrcer (Revenue)
entitled to compensation at the lime of hrs
ejectment for
(D) Govemment (A) lnslalling in tube-wall in the land
79. What is generally lhe daie when agricutture (B) For the cleanrng of the land of the bushes
year under the Puniab Tenancy Act etc Standing on the land
commences? (C) For preparing the land for cultivatron
(A) First day of January (D) For cleaning the water course in land
(B) First day of May
87. An appeal under section 81 of the tenancy act
(C) Sixteen day of June
(O) to the collector can be filed
Sideen day of July (A) Within 30 days of the order appealed
80. Who can entertain and dispos€ of application against
for division of the produce between tenant and (B) Within 80 days oI the order appealed
landlord where there is a dispute about the against
division of produce under the Punjab Tenancy (C) Within 45 days of the order appealed
Act? against
(A) Naib Tehsildar invested with the power of (DI Within 90 as of the order appealed
Assistant Collector of the second grade against
(B) Assistant Colleclor of the first grade
(C) Executive District Officer (Revenue) 68. An application under section 17 of the tenancy
(D) Board of Revenue acl, for the division or appraisement of
produce, is exclusively coqnizable by
81. What E the limitalion tor suit by a landlord for (A) Revenue Officer having jurisdiction in the
a anears of rent under the Puniab Tenancl matter
A.t? (B) By a Civil Court
(A) Six yeaB from the day rent becomes du€ (C) By a Criminal Court
(B) Tour years.from the day rent becomes (D) By a Conciliation Court
(C) Two y€ars from the day rent becomes tc.-,l?,{//C,{Ji,ti ss
(D) One year trom the day rent becomes due j,; 1e1 -/u tal
E2. B€fore who appeal lies against order of an
A$istant Collector of the second grade under
the Punjab Tenancy Act?
,ai z rot $ro7 1c1

(A) Assistant Collector the first grade

(B) Collector
t c-c)fu-fu/-,t, ,fi
(c) Execulive District Ofiicer (Revenue) 4.ttl (Bl tt1)iA g4y
(D) Board of Revenue
83. A Revenue Officer is required to make an $-la py ,;'l.i (c,
order under sub.section (6) of seclion 42 of
the land revenue act
616 PPSC ifCOs Paperc

7ctlJvtcti1z 6 ?,?
t .st t <. tr 7r/c-t/ 4 r Jr SV4.$iy / :,t;' .s7

4.,/ Fl t/r/ (A) w:6 'fu'lol'zzv ';' (al

't'2 tol s1't') P7 /,2(.'iE,V4.i{ lB)
t-d"t$uhyt| .gz q,:{,.tlv,|iea ot
,lt,/ (B') tJ,r4E, 6, t,/,fwt)i.L,:, 1oy

$l:re/utr pl '.?A l9l a1{"1.f j:,.i

:a ss

/rv ? e j*rylr1 p1 ,?.4t lAl

| <-V ct
- <-Lrt L i' 7 .sS
(B) ,/'! ,1 6l il <ot i'r',?'''. tcl
EtU/ (Dl ,.f4,/ (Cl t-tii'/-F,!l gs

{;-./1lt-ua .u ji:1.-.,t pl .,!u-:u,, (a)

)e @t Jr, tnl ilg.(o) i'i,) Gt

Jr @t J.2iVt? (c) t- ., v.:
.,.'j' w-.----.(rr,t
:,. - 100
-0'"4Ja'-*,J ,? o< ,f =,t ,r,t 95 ,f -,hf @1 jv,, -- 1a1
I*UV (i..t Juc lDl v'fi'v tct
,.Ft,aJ<al t,'-,fi! @)
,:-J iti/' J.t---,JV, ,too
jr7t2r @\ tJ,i17t 1g1 etQQ (Bl (tvtfit* lA)
\.-4li)vc)L-dtgt .% 7i,tz, 1oy it,gP 1c1
6vi (B) 6v! ( \
Jii (ot . tlvi tc\
Answer Key
1. d 14 b 27. b 40. b 53 a 66. 79 92. a
2. 15 a 28. d 41. a 54 a 67. 80 93. c
3. c 15 a 29. c 42- c 55 e 68. 81 94. c
4. c 17 c 30. a 43. a 56 c 69. 82 a
b 18 b 31. b 44. 'bd d 70. 83 96. b
6. b 19 c 32. a 45. 58. 71 84 97. b
7. a 20 b 33. ,16. c 59. b 72. 85 98. c
8. a 21 a u. d 47. b 60. a 86 99. b
9. e 22 35. d 48. c 61 74. 87 '100. b
't0 d 23 a 36. d 49. a 62 88.
11 a 24 a 37. a 50.'a 63 76. 89. c
't2 c 25 a 38. c 51. c 64 90. a
'13 d 26 a 39. b 52. a 65 78. 91. d
Advanced PPSC MCQs odel Paoers 617



1. 'Kyoto Protocol' is an intemational treaty
None of the above
relating to
(A) Child labour abuses '1
1 Which ol the following r4ions rs 'Peninsula ?
(Bi Envircnmental problems (A) ArabE (B) Scandinavia
(C) Elimination of chemical and biologrcal (C) Alaska (D) All of above
(D) Wom€n s rights
2. 'Vasco da Gama' was a
(A) Portuguese explorer L
(8, Frencn mathemahcran
(C) Enghsh novelist
(D) ltalian touflst
3 Alrica s largest rsland "Madagascar' is located Assistant Director
in the'
lndian Ocean
South Atlantic Ocean
Land Record
(C) North Atlantic Ocean
(O) North Pacific Ocean Guide
4. Whrch of the following suli sarnts belong to
'Chrstia order": l,tlnitirdtt!..oq X.lhI
(A) Hazrat Baha-L,d-Otn Zaka(iya xh.n
(B) Hazrat Shah Rukn-i-Alam 'tau!e6i,r;hn
(C) Hazrat Farid-ud-Din Gani Shakar
(D) None of the above
tkE rtrh
5. Which of the following continents has no , N!roriFd-. 14,
(A) Australia (B) North America
(C) South America (D) Europe
6. lsraelwas created in /
1. F-
(A) 1947 (B) 1948
(C) 1949 (D) None of above
7. "Bay of Biscay' is satuated between:
(A) France and Spain 12. Diplomatic relations between Pakislan and
(B) Sweden and Finland Afghanistan were established in
(C) ltaly and Greece (A) September 1947
(D) Estonia and Latvia (B) February 1948
8. The World s smallest state by area is: (C) January 1949
(A) (B) San Marino (D) None of the above .

(C) Vatican (D) Nauru 13 Whrch city is the oldest habited cadtal in the
I Heathrow lnternational Arrport is in World
(A) Cairo
(A) New York (B) London (B) Oamascus
lC) Cnicago (O) Paris (C) Athens (D) Tehran
10. Whrch of the followrng statemenls is wrong? '14. Temple Trees' is an oficral residence of the
(A) Pakistan Standard Time is 5 hours ahead A) King of Nepal
of Greenwich Mean Time B) King of thutan
(B) Pakistan Standard Time was adopted on C) President of MaldiYes
October 1. 1951 D) Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
(C) Greenwich observatory is located in
6'18 Adyanced PPSC lr6Qs ,eodE,l Papers
'15. The famous oil painting "Mona Lisa" is the (D) None of the above
creatron of:
(A) Leonardo da Vinci 20. Three Persian Gulf lslands. Abu Mussa. the
(B) Pablo Ptcasso Greater and Lesser Tunbs are disputed
(C) Florence Nightingale between
(O) None of the above (A) lran and lraq (B) lran and U.A.E.
(C) lraq and
Kuwait (O) Qatar and Bahrain
16 -Transwodd Atnvays" is
an airlines of: 29. Which of the tollowing countries frst introduce
(A) U.K. (B) France paper cunency in the World?
(C) USA (0) Russia (A) USA (B) Greece 4
17. Which of the following slatements is Mong? (C) China (O) France
(A) The Wond's biggest zoo is in Namibia
(B) The Wond's highest lvaterfall s Angel 30. The World's largest copper producer is'
(C) The World s driest place "Oeath Valley" is (A) China (B) Chile
in Califomia
(C) Brazil (D) Russia
(D) The World's longest glacier is Siachin 31. Santiago' is the capital of
18. Which of the following statements is inconecl?
(A) Georgra (B) Estonia
(A) The hotlest planel is "Venus" (C) Finland (D) None above
(B) The World's largest river in volume of 32. Which of the following countries is siluated
water is Nile below sea level?
(C) lreland is called 'Land of Snakes' (A) NevY Zealand (B) Japan
(O) At night clouds are lower than during the (C) Turkey (D) Netherlands
day 33. The earth s rotation on ils axis is from
'19. 139 members of the United Nations have (A) South to North (B) North to South
signed the 1998 Rome Treaty for the creation (C) East to Wesl (D) Wesr ro East
of a new rnternalional institution i.e. 34. "Orachma'is the cunency of:
(A) lnternational Criminal Court (A) Greece (B) Argentina
(B) lnternational Wldlile Protection Agency (C) Austria (D) None above
(C) lnternational Water Preservation Authority
(O) lntemational Marinelife Protection Agency 35. Green vegetables are a good source of
(A) Starch
20. Which of the following country's parliament is (B) Fats and Oil
called Crotes? (C) Protein
(A) Canada (B) No^,yay (O) Minerals and Mtamins
(C) Spain (D) Germany
36. 'Darwin' is the seaport ot:
21. 1 melric ton is equal to: (A) Australia (B) France
(A) 100 Kilogram (B) 500 Ki logram (C) U.K. (D) Germany
(C) 1000 Kilogram (9) 10000 Kilogram
37. The World's largest producer of silk is:
22. Which is not the member of ECC? (A) Malaysia (B) Bangladesh
(A) Sweden (B) Auslralia (C) China (D) lndia
(C) England (O) Belgium
3E. MENA (Middle East News Agency) is the
23. Daylon Accord was signed to solve the agency of:
problem of
(A) Bosnia (B) Kosovo
(A) Syria (B) SaudiArabia
(C) Easl Timor (D) Noneoftheabove
(C) Jordan (D) Egypt
39. 'Lion" is the national emblem of:
24. Louvre art gallery is in? (A) Sn Lanka (B) Norway
(A) Japan (B) France (C) Belgium (O) All above
(C) Taiwan (D) South Korea
40. The game of 'Hockey' originated from
25. Which part of Pakistan has lowest urban (A) Pakistan (B) England
(C) Australia (O) Greec€
(A) lslamabad (8) Balochistan
(c) KPK (O) FATA 4'1. Who has the credit to be the first women High
court Judge in Pakistan?
26. "Punjnad' headworks has be€n constructed (A) Talat Yaqub
on river (B) Nasira Javed lgbal
(A) lndus (B) Sutlei (C) Maiida RizYi
(C) Chenab (D) Ravi (D) Fakhrun Nisa Khokhar
27. The frst intemational organization was 42. How many AraFlsrael Wars have so far been-
(A) United Nations fought?
(B) CommonwealthOrgenizaiion (A) Two (B) Three
(C) League of Nations (C) Four (D) Five
Advanced PPSC MCQS llodel Papers 619

43. What is 'Jingoism'? (C) To remove quola restrictions in foreign

(A) Politicai Philosophy of Slate Contr6l over trade
all means of production (D) All of the above
(B) lnjustice done to the poor segment of
(C) Extreme nationalism and patriotism
(D) Promotion of peace in the World .

44. Who has the credit to be the youngest Civil

Judge in the hastory of Pakistan ?
(A Justice ( R) A. R. Kiyani
B Justice (R) Muhammad llyas
c Justice (R) Sa.ilad Ahmed Jan
D None of the above
45. Who is the current Chief Minister of
(A Jam Kamal Khan
1B Dr. Khalid Alvi
(c Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman
(D None of the above
46 49th Parallel rs a boundary line between:
(A) llorth and South Korea
(B) China and Mongolia
(C) Germany and Poland
(D) USA and Canada
47. "lnterfai" is a news agency of
(A) Russia (B) Turkey
(C) France (D) USA
48. Which of the following 'Gemstones" is found
in Pakistan?
(A) LapisLazuli (B) Topaz
(C) Ruby (O) All above
54. Liaquat-Nehru Pact 1950 was mainly related
49. NEPRA' stands ror to
(A) National Economic Planning and rA) Mrnorities and rerugees problern
Research Agency (B) Oistribution of assets
(B) Nuclear Energy Preserving and tC) Distribution of rivers water
Regulatjng Authonty (O) Kashmir issue
(C) National Electric Power Regulatory
Authority 55. Fhe Tashkent Declaraton 1966 was signed by
(D) National Electric Potential Revamping the President of Pakistan Muhammad Ayub
AuthoritY Khan and the lndian Pnme Minister
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
50. The Headquarters of United Nations (B) lndira Gandhi
Educational, Scientiflc and Cultural (C) V. P. Singh
Organizatron (UNESCO) is situated at: (O) Lal Bahadur Sh3sri
(A) Paris (B) Rome
do you by the
(C) New York (D) Geneva 56. What
understand disease

51. Digital computer was invented by? (A) lnabilily to sleep (B) Colour blindness
(A) Varnmevor Bush (C) Depression {D) None of the above
(B) John Hanison
(C) M.R. Bissel 57. A doctor specialist in skin diseases is called:
(D) None of above (A)Cardiologist (B)Endocrinologist
(C) Dermatologist (D) None of the above
52. "Dosimeter" is a device used to measure:
(A) Nuclear radiation for safety purposes 58. To tackle border issues. Shanghai-s Group'
(8) The speed of wind or any other gas was formed in 1996 by
(C) Heat radiation (A) China, lran, Azerbaijan Russia. Tu*ey
(D) High temperatures (B) China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
53. World Trade Organization (WTO) was (C) Russia, Talikistan, Turkmenistan
established in 1995 with the objective Kazakhstan. Chine
(A) To promote free trade in the World (D) Russo. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan, China,
(B) To protect rntellectual property rights Talikistan
620 Advanced PPSC MCes ltoH par,e's
59. The Syed Dynasty in tndo-pakistan Sub- (A) 191 (B) r92
Continent was founded bv
(A) Khizer Khan (Bi Mubarak Shah
(c) 193 (D) 194
(C) Nasir-ud-Oin (D) tstam Shah 73. Who is US Secretarv of State:
(4) Sarah Palin (B) John Kerry
60. Shahbzada Abdul Qayyum Khan founded one
of the following institution?
(C) Boris Baker (D) None of above
King Edward Medical Co ege Lahore
74. Emmanuel Macron is president ot.
B National College of Arls - (A) Franc€ (B) China
Lahore (C) Japan
c Sindh Madrassatul lslam Ksrachi (D) Betgium
D lslamia College -
Peshawar 75. 'l square foot is equal to:
Ashes Cup' of cricket is played between (A) 36 square inches
A) Australia & England (B) 72 square inches
B) England & New Zealand (C) '120 square inches
C) New Zealand & Australia (D) 144 square lnches
D) lndia & sri Lanka 76. The Sea border in the 'Gutf of Tonkin' is
62. The World's famous Madame Tussaud,s disputed between China and:
. museum is situated in: (A) Japan (B) Thaitand
(A) Pans (B) London (C) Vietnam (D) Phitippines
(C) Rome (D) New york 77. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant has been
63. The World's famous shrine of Hazrat Bari closed permanently. lt was located in:
lmam is located at:
(A) Ukraine (B) Kazakhstan
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (C) B€larus (D) Latvia
(C) Multan (D) lstamabad 78. Who was Pakistan's first permanent
64. The largest number of daily casualties in the represenlative in the United Nations?
World are caused by the fatal disease of: (A) Sir Zafarullah Khan
(A) AIDS (B) Heart disease (B) Pitras Bukhari
(C) Hepatitis (D) Asthma (C) MAH lsphani
(D) Begum Feroz Khan Noon
65. 'Zardak'is the highest peak of:
(A) (B) Sulaiman range
Karakoram range 79. 16th October each year is observed
(C) range (D) Hindukush raige
Kirthar throughout the World as.
(A) World Food Day
65. ln Punjab, the lowest density of population is (B) No Tobacco Day
tn: (C) Press Freedom Dav
(A) Multan Division (O) Human Rights Day'
(B) Rawalpindr Division
(C) Bahawalpur Division 80. The first country which recognized pakistan
(D) D.G Khan Divisron after its creation was:
(A) Afghanistan (B) tran
67. Which of lhe following is a cash crop? (C) SaudiArabia (D) Egypt
(A) Wheat (B) Rice
(C) Cotton (D) None above 8r. National Democratic Front of Bodoland is
struggling ,or a separate homeland in the
68. Pakistan's 'Baktarshiken' missile is: lndian State ot:
A) Surface to surface (A) Goa (B) Assam
B) Surface to Air (C) Nagaland (o) ginar
C) Antitank
D) Anti Submarine 82. Pakislan's biggest and most powerful ,Radio
69 Ornithology' is the stu dy of: (A) lslamabad (B) Lahore
(A) Birds (B) lnsects (C) Karachi (O) Peshawar
(C) Sea Animals (D) Sea Plants
83. ln which constitution pakistan was officially
70 'Ayub Khan: Pakistan's First Military Ruler,a declared lslamic Republic
boof( on Presrdent Ayub Khan's relime was (A) 1956 (B) 1962
written by:
(A) Altaf Gauhar
(c) 1973 (D) 1975
(B) Gauhar Ayub 84. Pakistan's first news agency was:
(C) Lawrence Ziring (A) Associated Press of Pakistan (App)
(O) Ahmad Shuja Pasha (B) Pakistan Press lnternational (ppt) '
(C) National News tntemationat (NNti
71 The World's most populous city is (O) lndependent News of Pakistan (tNp)
(A) Mexico City (B) Beiiinq
(C) New York (O) Toiyo- 85. Pakistan's highest railway station (from sea
level) is:
72 How many countries are in UNO? (A) Q;etta (B) Peshawar
AdvancedPPsc CQsrodetPaoerc 621
(C) JhalMagsi (O) Kan Mehtarzai (D) The steps and movements rn dances
S6. ldentify Pakistan's largest gas fired poYvet 94 Order of the Rising Sun" rs the highest
plant: military award of
(A) Faisaiabad Gas Turbine Power Plant (A) Japan (B) USA
(B) Uch Power Plant (C) Norway (D) U.K
(C) Gomal PoYveI Plant 95. 8y area. the World's largesl country is.
(O) Malakand Dargai Por#€r Plant (A) Canada (B) USA
87. When was "Obiodiv€ ResatIbn' Pelsed? (C) Russia (D) Chrna
(A) 19,18 (B) 194S 96. What do you understand by Kangaroo
(c) 1950 (D) 1951 Court'?
88. Ttle longest reigning monarch of the present (A) Special court to deal withdrug mafia
World is: (B) A temporary court which was established
(A) The King ol Japan under law to lessen the work of a regular
(B) The King oI Bhutan court
(C) Th€ King of Thailand (C) An illegal court formed by a group of
(D) The Oue€n of Engtand prisoners to settle dEPUtes among
89. The Constitulion of Azad Keshmit was (D) The highest court in Australia
promulgetd in:
(A) 1962 (B) 1969 97. Besides Quaid-i-Azam. another leader of
(c) 1974 (D) 1978 Pakistan Movement was born on 25th
D€cember. He was:
90. Th€ first pfivale 'Airline' opefeting in P?kBtan (A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
was: (B) Chaudhri Rehmat Ali
(A) Shah€en (B) Bhoja (C) Chaudhri Khalaq-uz-Zaman
(C) Orient (D) Haivairy (D) MaulviFazal-ul-Haq
91. What is meant by 'Petticoat C'overnmont'? 98. 'The Sole Spokesman a book on Quaid-r-
(A) A govemmenl in exile Azam and Pakistan Movement was written by:
(B) A gwemment run bY a women (A) Justice (R) Nasim Hasan Shah
(C) A gowmmont without adual po*€rs (B) Ahmad Hasan Danr
(D) A aov€mment run by some foudal lords (C) Hanif Shahid
92. Afrer lndBpendencs lh€ fitst itdustrial unit (D) Dr Ayesha Jalal
inaugurated by Quakl-i-Azam ms
(A) Adamie€ Paper Mills 99. A small town in Sindh "Kati Bunder" is famous
(B) Valika Textile Mi[g (A) Historical site (B) Gas and Oil field
(C) Karachi Shipyard and Engineeting works (C) Fish Harbour (O) All ol above
(D) Paktstan JutB Mills
l00.Bangladesh has a dispute over the constructs
93. Whal do you undeBtand by "Choreography.? of a dam on with:
(A) The study of universo (A) lndia (B) Myanmar
(8) The study of s€cret writing (C) Nepa! (D) Chrna
(C) Techniques used in space travelling
Answer Key
1. b 't4. d 27. c 40. b 53 d 66 d 79. a 92. b
2.e 15. a 28. b 41. c u a 67 c 80. b 93. d
94. a
3.a '16. c 29. c 42. c 55 d 68 c El. b
95. c
4.c 17. d 30. b 43. 56 a 69 a 82. a
96. c
5.d 18 31. d 44. b 57 c 70 a 83.
97. c
6.b '19. b 32. d 45. a 58 d 71 d a
98. d
7. a 20 c d 46. d 59 a 72 c 85. d
8.c 2't. c 34 a 47. a 60 d 73 d 66. b
9.b 22. b 35 d 48. d 61 a 74 a 97. b b
10. d 23. a 36 a 49. c 62 b 75 d 88. d
1't. d 24. b 37 c 50. a 63 d 76 c 89.
12. b 25. d 38 d 51. d 64 b 77 a c
13. b 26. b 39 d 52. a 65 d 78 b 91. b


in the Agriculture Department (BpS-l6) - 2OlS
The Bretton Woods conference was resulted (A) Digital Pen (B) Monitor
into the United Nations. The United Nations (C) Keyboard (D) Scanner
was formed in?
(A) 1944 (B)
9. Which city amon g the following has the
1945 Headquarter of Organizatjon of lslamic
(c) 1e46 ioi rsaz Countries (OlC)?
2 Which city among the folowing has the (A) Riyadh (B) Jeddah
Headquarler of the World Health Olganizatron (C) Rabat (D) Damascus
(w.r--lo)? 10. OS stands for:
(A) Paris (B) Geneva (A) Operanng Setup
(C) Frankfurl (D) None ot these (B) Operation System
3 What was the name of Hazrat lb{ahim,s (C) Operating Scheme
younger son? (O) Operaling System
(A) Hazrat lshaq
(B) Hazrat yunus 11 of various compulers seems
\Iv'hen collection
(C) Hazrar lsma'il
(O) Hazrat yusut a single coherent system to its client, then rt is
4 When th€ lndus Water Basin Treaty was called
arbitrated by the Wortd Bank? (A) Computer network
(Ai 1961 (B) 1960 (B) Drstributed system
rC,'1959 (D) 1962 (C) Netwo*rng system
(D) none of lhe mentjoned
5 UJho is the Governor of Khyber
Pakhlunkhwa? 12 Term wh'ch refers to the sharpness Or ctarity
(A) lqbal Mahmood Jhaqra of an rmage, rs
(B) Zubair Umer (A) pitch (B) prxet
(C) lqbal Jhagra (C) resolution (D) signal
(O) None of these Which.of the following is an operating system?
6 A governor in Pakistan rs the appornled head (A) Microsoft Word (B) W'ndows2O'OO
ol government of a provtnce. He ts {C) Java (D) Ou ook to. 14 What the keyboard shortcut for creating a
(A) Prime Mrnrster (B) Chief Mrnister -is
chart from the selected cell ranoe?
(C) Presrdent (D) Home Mrnrster lN F2 tB) F8 "
7 Google was founded by Larry page and Serge (c) F1l (D) F12
Bio lt is a/ao. 15 The brarn ol any compuier system ts
(A) Electronic Mail (A) ALU (B) Memorv
(B) Search Enoine (C) CPU (D) Controt unit
(C) Social Med'ia Comoanv
(O) None of these 3 1
8 Whrch
-among the fo owing rs not an rnput (A) 6 B 8
device? (c) 4 D
PPSC Paoe$ 623

17. Complete the sequence: 2, 6, 12,20,30, (A) K.K. Aziz (B) Jaswant Singh
22,...? iC) Ayesna Jatal (D) Heclor Bolitho
(A) (B) s5 33. Which of the following is the basic building
(c) 52 (O) 30 block of human body?
18. Select the odd one out from the following (A) Cells (B)Bones
options: (C) Muscles (D)Nerves
(A) China (B) Japan 34. Days duration at south and north poles are:
(C) London (D) Canada (A)' 4 months (B) 5 months
19.5+2x6+3(2)=? (C) 6 months (D) I months
(A) 23 (B) 7 35. Which country has the maximum of trans-
(c) 8 (D) e boundarv rivers?
20. ll2a - 20 = 20, then find the value of a?
(A) Pakistan (B) lndia
(A) 20 (B) 11 ici tran (D) Bangladesh
(c) 12 (D) 13 36. Which among the following valleys has the
2'1. One gram gold is equal to: Baltit Fort?
(A) f00 milligram (B) 10 milligrams (A) Kaghan Valley (B) Naran Valley
(C) 1000 miliigram (D) None of these (C) Swat Valley (D) Hunza Valley
22. Antonym of Amicable 37. Pampelonne beach rs a beach in
(A) Friendly (B) Loveable (A) Germany (B) France
(C) Hostile (D) Amicus Curiae (c) ltaty (D) Croatia
23. Sub Judic€ means: 38. Holland is also known as:
(A Under Judicial Consideration
(A) Counlry of Riches
(B Under Executive's Observation (B) Country of Oaisies
(c Judicial Activism
(C) Country of Flowers
(o All of these (D) None ofthese
24. Change into Passive Voice: The dealer has 39. Big Ben, a big cloch, is located in:
sold the car.
(A) London (B) Edinburgh
(A) The car have been sold by the dealer. (C) Glasgow (D) None of these
iA) the selting has been done by the dealer 40. What was the name of Mahmud Ghazni's
of the car father?
(C) The car.has been sold by the dealer (A) Alptgin (B) Sabuktigin
(D) None of these (C) BalarKagin (D) None of these
25. Opposite of UTOPIA: 4'1. "Man is by nature a social animal.' Said by:
(A) Myopia (B) DystoPia (A) Socrates (B) Aristotle
(C) Hyperopia (D) All of these ici Ptato io) ,qexandir
26. There is an eraser the end of mY 42. What was the duratron of Hazrat Abubakr R.A
Pencil. caliohate?
(A) in (B) on (A)'2 years (B) 3 Years
(C) of (O) about (C) 4 years (D) 5 years
27. Antonym of Exonerate. 43. What was the other name of Bait ul Maqdas?
(A) Acquit (B) Charge (A) Maslid Namra (B) Maqid Aqsa
(C) Absolve (D) Release (C) Masjid Haram (D) None of these
28 Antonym of Prosperous; 44 Which surah contains Bismillah twice?
(A) lmpecunious (B) Affiuent (A) Surah Numal (B) Surah Nahal
(C) Munificent (D) None of these (C) Surah Ankaboot (D) Surah Tauba
29. A condition in which a person is excessiYely 45. Which among the following surah ls on
and unduly worried about having a serrous lnsects?
illness. (A) Surah Numal (B) Surah Nahal
(A) Psychopath (B) Neurotic (D) Surah Tauba
(C) Surah Ankabool
(C) Hypochondria (O) Paraplegic
46. What was the name of Hazrat Amina R.A's
30. Antonvm of Foremost: tribe?
(A) Eiite (B) Pre-eminent (A) Banu Zuhrah (B) Banu Nuzair
(C) Noteworthy (D) Last (C) Banu Adi (D) Banu Hashim
31. On the Origin of Species is a book written by: 47. Who among the following Sahabas led the
(A) Charles Danvin (B) Copernicus battle of Qudsia?
(C) Francrs Cnck (D) James Watson (A) Saad bin Abi Waqas
32. The Sole Spokesman is \Yritten by: (B) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris
64 Advanced ppSC tt}es odet paperc
(C) Zaid bin Sabir
(O) None of these 59 Who presented the Objective Resolution?
(A) Raja Ghazanfar Aii
48. Which qTo-lS (B) Liaqut Ali
ltF fo owing pifiars of tstam
used as Kaffarah? (C) Hakeem Aimal Khan
{A) Salah {B) Saum (Or I lChundrilar
(u) zat(at {D) Ha, 60. State Bank was Inaugurated by lhe Father of
49. WWF slands for: lhe nation tnl
(4, Wortd Women Fund . (c)
lll lJyne, 1-948 (B) 1'Jury 1948
(B) World Wild Fund 1 May. 1948 (D) 1 Feb.',1948
(C) Wortd Witdtife Fund
6',. Milk contains which oI the foltowrng
50. General Dyer is famous for: compound?
Kanpur Mosoue lncidenr (A) Lactose (B) Maltose
Jallianwala Baoh
(C) Glucose iDi Sr"ro""
Reshmi RumaiMovement
lndian CouncilAcl of 1935
62 Trump,.the 45rh presrdent of the United States
look oath on
51. Who among the foltowing was the first Federat lN 20 Jan.2017 (B) 20Feb.2Ot7
Mohtasib Judge of pakisian? (C) 20 June. 2017 aD) None ofthese
(A) C.J Raza Muhammad Khan 63 According to.Forbes list of Most powerful
(B) C.J Sardar M. lobal.
lcr CJ. Saqrb Nisat men,2018, who has been ranked 1s'?
(D) CJ Shaukat Srddrqui (A) Vladimir putrn (B) Xr Jinprng
(C) Donald Trump iD,1 nngeta i;erfet
52. Trygye.Lie was the tirst Secretary General of
64 Which rs the caprtal of Croatia?
. the United Nations.
(A) F,nland
He was from
(B) Ghana-
(A) Zaghreb (B) Er rea
(c) Norway (D) Burma
(C) Yerevan (Di Athens
53. Who among the foltowing 65. Who composed the tune of N ational Anthem?
is the World,s oldest (A) Hafeez Julhandri
living man?
(A) (B) A G Chaola
Nabi Tairma (C) K.K Aziz -
Masazo Nonaka
(C) (D) Hafeez Kardar
Cetino Jaramifio
(D) Fransisco Otiyera 66 Shah Nama was $/ritten bv:
54. Mast Tawakal nras from which orovrnce?
(A) Akbar Ataabadi
(B) Hafeez Jullhandri
(4) fun ab (B) Balu'chistan (C) lbn e tnsha
(c) sindh iol x.p.x (D) Q.A Shahab
55. Where
is the tomb of Baba Farid Ganj 67. l mile= ft:
Kothewal (B) pakpattan
(4) (A) 5490-
(c) 6490
(B) s2go
(c) (o) uch'sharif iot ozao
56. Pakistan gained .1"' ranking in the T2O rn 68 C.urrently the cheapesl source of energy is:
.,- (A) Coal Plants (B) Wndmr -'
(At August 20i6
{Cr Sotar iO) nyO"t
(B) Oclober 2017 69. Who was the first pakistanr woman to hoist
(C) September 2017 flag on the north and South pote?
(D) December 2017 (A) Ayesha Srddioa
57 Whrch among the followrno is the longest (B) Namrra Salee;
mountarn range?
(C) Nasim Zehra
(A) Hirralavas (D) Firdous Awan
(Bl Karaxo;am 70. Who was the frrst pakistanr to clmb Mountarn
(C) Andes Everest?
(D) Kirimanjaro Range (A) Samina Barg (B) Nazrr Sabir
(C) Abdul Jabbar (D) Hasan Sadpara
58. Ouaid e Azam opposed Rowlatt Act because?
(A) New sh.ckle on the freedom of oeoDle. 71 How many times did pakistan become Hockey
as rt afiotr/ed certarn polttical case; to bd Champron?
lrred without iurres
'of new Hindu (A) 3 B\2
Iormatron Majority
(c) 5 ioi +
Provrnces 72. Who was- the tirst Mustim presidenl of the
(C) Creation of Anti-Mustim Committee to Congress?
pacify Hindus (A) Abu ul Kalam Azad
(D) AII of rhese (B) Badaruddin Tayibjee
A.rvrrrccdPPsc ICOS od.,Papo6 625
(C) Syed Ameer Ali
(O) none of these Lli{c,Jgt lD') u)-,..);' G\
73. Who was the CM of Punjab after the
,!J.-,lJ xJa'(1L,;of i{,,,,f .as
(A) lftrkhar Hussain Mamdot fJf
(B) Khan Abdul Ghafar
(C) l.l Chundrigar
(O) Abdullah Haroon (B\
t,,_it ,),aly <el
74. Who was the first lndian to receive Nishan
e {=r ol ttJov) (c')
(A) Feroz Gandhi t.t
(B) Moraji Oesai |t {(Bt?rjk and white .86
(C) Manmohan Singh
(O) Arunditi Roy tr,)6ti @l rvJ't* (A)

75. Frnd odd one out in the tollowing series: 3, 9. ,-( J{--;trl, tOl c>tntt1t (Cl
15,24,27 ,28,30.
(A) 28 (B) 24 t
Tri=,tt 6eax- ..97
(c) 30 (o) 1s
76. Where is the Head Ouarter of the World
+ (B) -{lt (A)

(A) New York u( J{ -,;t,,lt tol s)t))tt: (c)

(8) Washington D-C
(C) Oklahoma j:" r,tyv'.t ,f'iljigd-. .ss
(D) Geneva
77. Bacteria is responsible for which of the d ',eZh(i,r{,JJv
following diseases:
(A) Cough
(C) Rabres
(B) Pneumonia
(O) None of these
Js (e) Jf,trl
78. Bile is stored
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney '.tj/--,lCrtt tol z1'Gl
(c) Gall Bladder (D) lntestine t+i?{,./i-8.) 8s
79. Who was the only Field Marshal in the history
of Pakistan? ?g>e:V (B\ 1fv(-tt 6'1
(A) Yahya Khan (B) Zia ul Haq
(C) Ayub Khan (D) Zumqar Bhutto ,y'i/--,Jctt <ol lr),1, 1cy

80. The study of bees is called _: tAO/-:t fivn/:;t .g

(A) Philatlitation (B) Apiculture
(C) Ontology (O) None of rhese
81. Storting is lhe Parliament of which country?
.'V,/l @l Jt(tYt,ft (Al
(A) Norway
'(ji-,Jc, tol ,?rul
(B) Sweden (e\
(C) Armenia (D) Germany
. .-z
:'- nt-.g1{uf zuf .st
<:.: /,';.tr,(,Jt.'-.1 82

;1,j,; i,,-i,i (t) eruP (B) 'n[ (A\

,r9* (D) -titl (c't
a!i{-i-rt, tol "\,J iu:, lcl 93 Tadpol: Frog
l2-51t*;/1,);,.63 (A) Husband wife
(A) Gender
r\{ @l ,!e: (A) (C) Goose
(O) Caterpillar
,rtr (O) j,''' lcl 94 What are the glands rBponsible lor milk
production in human body?
,:+,,7;'...c./{yii .an (A) Pineal
(B) Thyroid
i)t)tt, lB) [t (r) (C) Ovary
(D) Mammary Glands
626 Advanced PPSC Utces filodel papeB

Answer Key
1. b 13. b 25. b 37. b 49. c 61 a 73 a 85 b
2. b 14. c 26. b 38. c 50. b 62 a 74 b 86 b
3. a 15. c 27. b 39. a 51. b 63 b 75 a 87 a
4. b 16. a 28. a 40. b 52. c 64 a 76 b 88 b
5. '17. b 29. 41. b 53. b 65 b 77 a 89 b
6. 18. c 30. d 42.a54b 66 b 78 c 90 b
7. b 19. a 31. a 43. b 55. b b 79 c 91 b
o b 20. a 32. c 44. a 56. a 68 b 80 b 93 c
9. b 21. c JJ. a 45. b 57. c 69 b 81 a 94 d
10 d 22. c u. c 46. a 58: a 70 b 82 b
11 b 23. a 35. d 47. a 59. b 71 d 83 b
't2 c 24. c 36. d 48. b 60. b 72 b u b



in the Agriculture Department (BS-1 I ) - 2018
Ctrl + I is used for '10. Complete the series 1, 8. 4. 27,
(A) lncrease the font size (A) I (B) - 16
(B) Decrease the font size (c) 36 (D) 49
(C) lncrease the font colour
(D) None of above
'l 1 A train takes 50 minute for a journey if it runs
at 48 km/hr. The rate at which the irain must
2 ln PowerPoint for black screen the short cut run to reduce the time to 40 minutes will be?
key used (A) 50 km/hr (B) 55 km/hr
(A) B (B) w (C) 60 km/hr (D) 57 kr hr
(c) L (D) P '12. ll you purchased a TV in Rs. 5000 and selt it
Mainly which port is used in computer?
(A) USB !! Rsr -4-000 What percent of loss you beared?
(C) Parallel
(B) Senat (A) 10olo @t 2oo/o
(D) All of above (ct 25o/o (D) 15%
4 To change text in ltalic form 13. A student get 60, 50 and g0 marks
(A) Ctrl + I (B) Clrl + B respectively rn English. Physics and
(C) Ctrl +C (O) None otabove Economrcs subjects out of 100 marts. He
ln MS World Landscape is for needs 72% marks to get a scholarship how
(A Page Orientation many marks he get rn hts math's test?
B Page Layout (A) 82 (B) E4
Page portray (c) 86 (O) 8E
o None of above 14. lln=4, y = 2 then (n + y)2 =,
6. byte is equal to (A) 28 (B) 32
(A) 2 b (B) 7 bit (c) 36 (D) 12
(C) 8 bit (D) None ofabove 15. lf 6 is 24o/o ot a numbet. what as 40olo of the
Which are the following hardware devices same number?
(A) Motherboard jB) Procassor (A) I (B) 10
(C) Hard Oisc (D) All of tlEse (c) 1s
(E) 2s
(o) 20
8 Michaeloell is one of the titgest nam€s of
(A) Hollywood 16. lf 9 7 =3545and4 x 3 = 1520then
(B) Wall Stre€t 6x8=?
(C) Computer World (A) 5040 (B) 30.10
(D) Am.rican Politics (c) 4030 (O) None of above
9 What percent ot IO,OOO is 525 17. One gram of gold is equal to
(Al 25% (B) s.2s% milligram of cold.
(C) 5.50% (D) None ofabove (A) 100 (B) 500
Adr/ianctd PP$C ncQs ltodal PaDors 627

(c) 1000 (D) 10000 32. Who wrote 'The Reconstruction of religious
thouoht in lslam'?
18 lf 8 men can reaD 80 hectaes in 24 days, how (A) f,laulana Abdul Kalam Azad
manv hectares can 36 men reap in 30 days? (B) Ouaid-e,Azam
(A) 400 (B) 420 (C) Allama lqbal
(c) 450 (D) 480 (D) None of above
19 EBDO staM for: 33. When Pakistan win Hockey world cup for the
(A) Elective bodres drsqualilication order first time?
iB) Elective body disqualfied order
(C) Elegant body disqualification order
(A) 1964 (B) 1960
(D) None of above icj 1961 (o)
None of above
34. Cunent Federal Tax Ombudsman of Pakistan
20. ln 1999 General Pervaiz Musharraf achieved (A) Mushtaq Ahmed Sukhera
rank as (B) Salman Javaid
(A) Core Commander (C) Tariq Baiwa
(B) Chiel Executive (D) Salman Farooqi
(C) President
(D) None ol above 35 According to area the bigg est?
(A) Sindh (B) Puniab
21. Head quarter of SAARC (C) KPK (D) Balochistan
(A)Nepal (B) Kathmandu
is less populated province of
(C)Maldives (D) None of above 36. Whrch one
22. Head ouarter o, UNICEF (A) Puniab (B) Sindh
(A) NiwYork (B) Geneva
iC) Baldchrstan (O) KPK
iC) Paris (D) Washington
37 Mohenodoro is called
23. Strait ot Gibraltar controlled by
is (A) M6und ot dead
(A) Bntish (B) SPain (B) Monument of dead
ic) UsA (D) Japan (C) Monument of great P€oPle
24. Eastem Roman EmPire known as (O) None of above
(A) Roman Empire 38. Complete the Phrase:
(B) Byzantium Empire
(C) Ottoman Empire A froo in a well knows nolhino ol the
(D) None oI aboYe fai-Fono
(C) Sea
(B) Olean
(D) River
25. Gandhi started quit lndia Movement
(A) 1942 (B) 1939 39 First intemalional flight of PIA was in
(C) 1941 (D) 1941 to 1942 (A) 1955 (B) 1965
(c) 1963 (o) 1961
26. Whose Muslim leader resigned from lmperial
Legistative Council against Rowalt Act? 40 Best coMuclor of elec,tricity
(A) Allama lqbal (A) Copper (B) Silver
(B) Shar{-ud-Din Peeeada (C) lron (D) None of above
(C) Waqar-ul-Mulk
(D) Ouaid-e.Azam
41. The biggest source of energy and heat is
27. Belore 1960, Supreme Court of Pakistan (A) Sun (B) Generator
known as: (C) Thermal power (D) None of above
(A) National Court
(B) Federal Court 42. "Ozone Oepletion ts due to
(c) supreme court (A) Man-made chemicals
(D) High Courl of Pakistan (B) Overpopulation
(C) Water materials
28. Who made the map of Faisal Mosque? (D) Pollution
(A) Vedal Dalokay
(B) Nawab Zain Yar Jang 43 Emeroencv helolne ol Prison
(C) Sarolar Mehmet tAt 1i22' tB\ 1124
(O) None of above lcj 2211 (D) None ot above
29. Marseille is the crty of 44. Which one is called Metal?
(A) Japan (B) France (A) Mercury (B) Graphite
(C) Turkey (D) China (C) Cobalt (D) None of above
30 ln whrch counlry Godwn Austen is located 45. Currency of Malaysra?
(A) lndia (B) China (A) Riyar (B) Ringg(
(C) Pakistan (D) lran (C) Yen (D) Pound
31. Noor Jehan (Singer of Pakistan) belonged to 46 The famous crtv of Australia
whrch citv (A) lstanbul (B) Sydney
(A) Lah6re (B) Kasur (c) Lyon (D) Turkey
(C) Gujranwala (O) Sheikhupura 47. First round table was held rn
628 Advanc.d ppri9 nCOs od.t pap.,rs
(A) Delhi (B) Catcuna (B) lgnore the others
(C) Mumbar (D) Londoh (C) Made diplomatic r€lations.with dhers
4E "Scheveningen " beach is located in (D) None ot abore
(A) Norwav B) Sweden 63. EIGE is made in Europ€ah Union br
(C) Holland O) None of above (A) General export (B) Generalexpansion
49 Above board Derson means (C) Gender equatity 1D) Oenerat imfurri
(4) Trustworthy (B)
(C) Punctuat ' Al.
Honest Proscribo rneans
(Di Handsome (A) Prohibited (B) thdarstand
50. First Vicerov of tndia. , (C)
To b€ar (D) To see
(A) Lord Wave 65. Master phn of-lstamabad was drawn by wtrich
(B) Lord Mountbatten fim ot muntrv?
(C) Lord Cannino (A) Russis (B) USA
(D) None of aboie (C) Turk€y iOi Crcer
5',. First Urdu newspaper of pakistan was: 66. Air bus is manufacturing cornpany locabd in:
(A) lmroz (B) Comrade (A) Fran6 (E) USA
(L;) Zamindar (D) None of above (C) Japan (O) RarUan
52. The capital of North Korea is No sooner is ahxays followed bv
(A) Tokyo (B) Seout (A)Then (B) As',
(C) Oslo (Di None ot above (C)Than (Ol va
53. Head of boundarv commtssion 68. H.azrat Sheikh Abduleadir Ji ani belonged to
(A) Sir CyritRed Ctiff (A) Baghdad (B) Lebanon
(B) Mountbatten (C) Sham (D) tran
(C) Wavell
(O) Lord Clive 69. Oiego Garcia is an American naval base in
(A) lndian Ocean (B) pacific Ocean
54. Which sentence is conect: (C) Aflantic Ocean (D) Arclic Ocean
(A) I requested her, krndty to help me
(B) I requested her to helb me ktndt\/ 70. Which one of the followinq is an acrd
(C) I krndly,requested heito help m6 (4) qcl (B)- H,so.
(C) C5HrzOo (D) None o, abov6
(O) None of above
55. Edhi belonged to Mich citv? 71. Which pittar of lstam ca ed as Shield?,
(A) Hyderabad (B)'Lahore (A) Roza (B) Haii
(C) cu,|rar (D) None of above (C) Namaz (oi Za["t
56. 126.years old cold drink f,hich start making 72. Haztal Ali (RA) participated in a[ Ghazwat
alcohol is excepts
(A) Fanta (B) peosi (A) chazwa Tabook (B) Ghazwa Khvber
(C) Coca Cota (oi z r-ip (C) Ghazwa Mauta (D) Ghazwa Hu'nain
57.2017 women Wmbledon championship won 73. Hazrat Usman (FlA) was martvred bv
by (A) People of Mecca (B) lnaGhaiwa
(A Serena Williams (C) by Retiels iD) None of above
(B Borzo Calherine 74. The old name of Mecca was
(. Garbine Muouruza (A) Bakkah (B) Yasrub
D None of abole (C) botha&b (O) None ot above
58. M itary courts was made in Pakisian in 75. Who introduced the tail svstem?
(A 20 14 (B) 2016 (A) Hazrat Abu Bak'r (RA)
(c 2015 (D) 2010 (B) Hazrat Umar (RAi
59 For how many times pakistan won hockey (C) Hazrat Usman (RA)
champion troDhy (O) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(A) 3 iB) 4
(c) I ioi s j. :-, r j g i e,-,jt Jjt,,, .76
60 Pakislan won Hockey Otympics Gotd Medal
now many ttmes (B) Jbn,r @l
(A) 1 (B) 2
(c) 3 toi a -/t,,r 1o1 /t,,,. (cl
61 Largesl country of Central America which /
-',. /
touches both Pacific and
({) Georgia
A antrc Ocean -a,* i./t'/v,frg tt
(B) Nonh Catifomia
(C) Alabama (D) Non6 of above i)s/ (B) ic!;{,o 11y
62 Empalhy means
(A) Ihe- ability to understand and sharing the ;Fj{=-,Jts, 1o1 sq)utr 1c1
feelings of others
A&.nced PPSC nCQs ,,odd Pfrots s.2g

-?Li s {sVJb LV J t o
4; + r,slg : n JtlJt pl r,,J.r 1n1

t.l # tnl ,8 ji-,.,:ot tol )trov^ (c\

,l0 (D) r-.,t (C)
-; i C' r. Lr: i rtxi ),'te t .B7
,tt)trg.79 plitrtr py JgDk @,)
@v,ri titL/ (^t ' t{[{-,.c,st' 1oy ot;Jta./ (cl
'.Ej/-,i,:tt tol v.f,ly't rc\
-,! .t *)*tst :;i ul,t,,L,e,t ! .ae

-:kr.7l},( Tit For Tar .80 t:.,t (B) er,U (A)

)$Lr 6) ,!; p .)r. tcr
L,/Q:L,-/I* F) ' ltLz- L..,,-i,")t,' 89

-l-.'Jr (B) i,ll..,;.,, (A)

' -,i{.-'.,,,!lrl,iL*,ijLu'.iVLt\
,.(ji.-;t,st 1o1 ,?t.,:;6,i (c)
' t
'.cvu! ..a i iJ 'i .so
4 Fl .ru, (a)
Jt, .:1u (A)
,dj/-grgtt tol tCl
6,ujA @t
=, ,,r!ir (c)
-*_L{ !- --,,t, 1 t
I c .az 91. Capital of Somalia is
(A) Kampala (B) Mapuro
-f pl *(r (A) (C) Asmara (O) Mogadishu
f,1, p1 ,.b,{t tc)
92. One man's rneat lo another man's
(A) Vitamin (B) Poison
(C) Medicine (D) None of above
' -c-LEotvvc){vlr!:0,: .al 93. The Alps Mountain range is in
y)(4,l^tlu.LJ. ot (A) Europe (B) Latin America
(C) Africa (D) None of-above
tiJ,ttot| @,) 94. How many FURLONGS make 'l mite?
(A) 6 (B) 7
4f 4 r,Yz =, n 9rz-vr,, - t 1cy (c) 8 (o) e
95. Whrch city is called 'Gateway o, pakistan.
'Ej{--ttcctt tol (A) lslamabad (B) Karactri
(C) Multan (D) Lahore
t/Q .u 96. A linear eiluation consists of polynomials of
u,// u.[,p) o't 1_
(A) (B) 2
u,r{ pl (c) 3
'{j/-.,to, @l
(D) 4
97. What is the sum of all prime numbeG ftom 60
Yfu ,'r 9 {,t ! ; ;;v',,J,,i ; {; ! it! F J, es
to 80?
(A) 361 (B) 341
_+ut!.,,r!'.ftkjw (c) 351 (D) 349
98. The capitat o, XinJiang Uygur autonomous
Jl (B) :tst (A) region of China is
(A) Kashgar (B) Aksai
-t,t (D) ,*i (c't (C) Urumqi (O) Hotan
99. The Light House of Atexandria is among the
- ay .r$ +,i l.t l',/ c' L JFi x 86 Seven Wonders of the World. located
(A) Turkey (B) Esypt
- in
630 Adrl.rrc€d PPSC llcos oda, psocrs
(C) Greece (D) ltaly (A ) James Joyce (B) Virgrnia Woolf
(D) Thomas Hardy
100.The lechnique "Stream of Consciousness'
(c ) Jane Austen
was first used in her/his novel in English
Answer Key
l. a 14 c 27. b 40 b 53 a 66 a 79. a 92 b
2.a 15 b 2E. a 4',1 a u d 80 a 93 a
3.d 16 c 29. b 42 a 55 c 68 a 81 c 94. c
1.a '17 c 30 c 43 b 56 c 69 a 82 d 95. b
5.a 18 c 31 b 44 a 57 c 70 b 83 b 96. a
6.c 19 a 32 c 45 b 58 71 a 84 a 97 c
7.d 20 b 33 d 46 b 59 a 72 a 85 a 9E, c
8.c 21 b 34 a 47 d 60 86 b 99. b
9.b 22 a 35 d 48 c 61 d 74 a 87 b 100 a
10. a 23 a 36 49 a 62 a b 88 a
'11. c 24 b 37 50 c 63 c 76 d 89 b
12. b 25 a 38 b 51 a 64 a a a
t3. d 26 d 39 a 52 d d 78 a 91 d



Headquarter of WTO is located in?
(c) 8.62 Kg (D) 5.23 Kg
(A) USA (B) Paris 8. What is the capital of Australia?
(C) Gercva (D) UK (A) Somalia (B) Djibouti
Bano Oudsia died on:
(C) Mogadishu (D) Canberra
A) 4 Feb 2017 9. Pakistan National Movement was launched by
C) 5 February, 2017 (A) Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
C) 6 February 2017 (B) Ch. Rehmat Ali
D) 8 February 2017 (C) Both a and b
(O) None of these
3. Which lslamic country recognized Pakistan
first ot all? '10. Which particle has more penetrating power
(A) lndonesia (B) Malaysia among these?
(C) Afghanistan (D) lran (A) Alpha Rays (B) Beta Rays
4. ln which Parah do we find Surah'Al-Noor"?
(C) Gamma Rays
(D) None ofthese
(A) 16 (B) 17 11. Who introduced the theory ot Natural
(c) 18 (D) 19 Selection?
5. Which Ghazwa is called "Al-Furqan"?
(A) Darwin (B) Pasture
(A) Badar (B) Ohad (C) Fleming (O) None of these
(C) Ahzab (D) None of these 12. Complete the series. I, 9, 25, 49. 121

6. ln which game expedite system include?

(A) 71 (B) 61
(A) Snooker (B) Tennis (c) 81 (D) 91 -,
(C) Table tennis (D) Rugby 13. lf Aslam sotd a book in Rs. 118 and he got
profit, lhen the cost price of the book was
7. What is the standard yyeight of shot ball for 50o/o
(A) 76.66 (B) 77 66
(A) s.62 Kg (B) 7 26 Kg (c) 67.77 (D) 79 66
Atranced PPSC lloQs Itodel Paoe6 631

14. lf the total strength ofa class is 550 and 42olo (C) Both a and b (D) RenalCortex
students are willing to attend the class, then 29. Who is Nick Houghton?
how many students are present? (A) Defense Minister of British Army
(A) 281 (B) 251 (B) Oefense minister ol Russia
(cl 271 (D) 231 (C) Defense minister of USA
15. There are 1100 boys and 900 girls in a school. (D) None of the above
50% boys and 40% girls are present. The total 30. The aoe of a tree can be calculated as to see
number of students present are (A) Tf,e height of a kee
A) 53.5% (B) The color of the trunk
B) 54.5olo (C) Number of nngs on the trunk
c) 55.s% (D) None of these
(D) None of the above
31. Who is the speaker ol the National Assembly
16. The total sum of all sides of a closed surface of Pakistan?
is called (A) Asad Qaiser
(A) Rhombus (B) Triangle (B) Ala khayam
(C) Perimeter (O) None of these (C) Asad Umer
17. A connection in which phone line is directly (D) None of the above
connected to modem for internet is called 32. Who is the Depty speaker of Provincial
(A) Dial up connection Assembly of Punjab?
(B) lnternet connection (A) Yaqoob Ahmed
(C) Both a and b (C) DR Fehmrda Mrrza
(D) None of these (B) Sardar Dost Muhammad Mazari
18. What is a synonym of "Caricature"? (O) None of the above
(A) Belittlement (B) Parody 33. Ping Pong is the second name of
(C) Meiosis (D) None of these (A) Tennis (B) Snooker
19. Complete the proverb, "An early bird calches (C) Volleyball (O) Table Tennis
the 34. Who will be the acting president in the
(A) Tom (B) Victim absence of the president?
(C) Task (D) worm (A) Chairman Senate
20. Synonym for Fallacious is: (B) Deputy Speaker
(A) Misleading (B) Foolish (C) Prime Mintster
(C) Hardworking (D) None of these (D) None of the Above
21. Copenhagen is the capital of: 35. Which articte of the constitution is relevant to
(A) Sweden (B) Sri Lanka the national language?
(C) Denmark (D) lndonesia (A) Article 254 (B) Article 258
22. Calhay Pacific is the airiine of:
(C) Article 261 (D) Artrcle 251
(A) lndonesia (B) Hong Kong 36. Firewall in computer is used for the purpose of
(C) Afghanistan (D) None ofthese (A) Add something
(B) Oelete something
23. Which country is known as the most (C) Security
dangerous for women? (D) None of the above
(A) Nepal (B) Bhutan
(C) Both and b (D) lndia 37. He travels in Taxi or foot towards
his destination.
24. Location of Deccan Plateau is (A) ln (B) On
(A) Afghanistan (B) Pakistan (C) At (D) 8Y
(C) lndia (D) None of these
38. The Title of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed was
25. Synonym of lnvincible ls: (A) Khalid Ullah (B) Saif Ullah
(A) lndomitable (B) Vulnerable (C) Kaleem Ullah (D) None of the above
(C) Beatable (D) Powerless
39. The new name of the organization "RCD"
26. Synonym for "Sacrosanct" (A) rLO (B) ECO
(A) Wofldly (B) Profane (C) UNHCR (D) None of the above
(C) Delicate (D) Scared
27 Dr Allama Muhammad lqbal went to
England in 40. When did TV slart its live transmission?
(A) 1903 (B) 1905 (A) November, 1981
(c) 1907 (D) 1900 (B) November. 19&
(C) November, 1971
28, Outermost darkest part of kidney is called (D) November, 1961
(A) Bladder (B) Urethra
632 Advanced ppSC MCes tgodet pabers
41. Who is the security general ofUNO? 58 Which one ot the search engines
(A) Antonio Guter.res was
invented by Larry page and Sergey Brarn?
(B) Michael Pence (A) Yahoo (B) Googte
(C) Alex Azar (c) Web Browser ioi NonE of these
(D) None of the above
59. Synonym of "lmpede" is:
42. Where are red Wood cells formed? (A) Assrst (B) Hetp
(A) ln Liver (B) Both A and C (C) Obstruct (D) Advance
(C) ln bone marrow (D) None ofthe above
60. Which is odd one out, "Wall, Beam, pillar,
43. Which is responsible for blood clotting? House"
(A) Ptatetets (B) Red Cedi- (A) Wall (B) Beam
(C) White c€lls (D) None of these (C) Pillar (O) House
44. Which device provides the connecljon for 61. ln which country light house of Alexan'dria rs
internet? located?
(A) ISP (B) Modem (A) lraq (B) EqvDr
(C) Both (D) None of rhese (C) lran (D) S,irdr Araba
45. How many Bits in one Nibble? 62. Which Ac1 provides lhe base for constitution of
(A) 3 (B) 4 Pakistan?
(c) 5 (D) 6 (A) Act, 1962 (B) Act 1935
46. To.create a form wizard, we use how many (C) Acr. 1958 (D) Acr. 1973
tables? 63. Lake Saif ul Maluk is located in:
lA) 2 (B) (A) Munee (B) Kaohan
(c) 4 iot
s (C) Naraan (D) Ou;tta
47. First FIFA Footba world cup was ptayed in 64 The oldest universrty of Enqland rs?
(A) Brazil 1B1 turrey (A) Oxford (B) Cambridge
(C) Uruguay 1Oj tnota (C) UNE aD) Buckingh-am
4E. Which one is the largest lake in the world? 65. Our Earlh rotates from:
(A) Angel (B) Casoian Sea (A) East to North (B) North to South
(C) Superior (D) None of these (C) West to East (D) East to West
49. He put his son as new candidate 66 According to the const{ution the term of
for eleclion President is.
(A) lnto (B) tn (A) 3 years (B) 4 years
(C) Up (D) Fonrvara (C) 5 years (D) 6 iears
50. MichaelAoun is the president
ot 67. Tai Mahal is located in:
(A) Lebanon (B) Austratia (A) Bombay (B) Madras
(C) Tehran (D) None of these (C) Delhr (D) Agra
51 . The only vice presadent of pakislan history is: 67. The first USA presidenl who visited pakrstan:
(A) Yahya Khan (B) Moen eureshi- (A) Eisenhower (B) Bush
(C) Nur at Amrn (O) ehutto (C) lbrahim Lincotn (D) Kennedy
52. The Head Quarter of SAARC is tocated in: 68. Which country get freedom in 1994
(A) Nepal (B) Matdives (A) Macedonia (B) Enlrea
(C) Bhutan (D) tndia (C) Palau (D) None of these
53. Synonym of "lndustrious,, is: 70. 1+'t +2+ 3+3x0=?
(A) Lazy (B) Labour (A) 10 (B) 4
(C) lndustry (D) Hardworking (c) 13 (D) 14
54. Which has given the status csp to pakistan? 71 Muhammad Bin Qasim died during the reign
(4) LLq (8) European Union of which Caliph?
(C) (D; Nond of above (A) Yaqoob (B) Suteman
55. Dara Sikoh is the son of which Mughal (C) Abddul Malrk (D) None of these
Emperor? 72. Qazaf is puntshment for.
(A) Aurangzeb (B) Bulban (A) False accusations of adultery
(C) Jahangir (D) Snair Janan (B) For thet
56. Who buitt the Badshahr Mosque in 1673? (C) For corruption
(A) Aurangzeb (B) Jdhangir (D) For lie
(c) shah Jahan (D) Akbar 73. What- is the largest source of oxygen on
57. Which province of pakistan is without desert? earth?
(A) Punjab (B) Baluchistan (A) Atgae (B) Tree
(C) Srndh (Dj KpK (C) Water (D) Leaves
Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Model Papers 633
74. Data files are categories as: (B) 27th-30th November 2018
(A) Files (8) Fotder (C) 27th November-1st December, 2018
(C) Document (D) None of above (D) None of these
75. 10% of 20o/o ol30% is equat to?
( l 0.7o/o (B) 0 8% ..?_ < -,._:: oo
(c) 0.50/0 (o) 0.6%
76 Which USA President resigns during office?
&9 trl (A)

42 (A) Rrchard Nixon v{i/--;t"1' 1s1 6? (c)

(B) George Bush
(C) John F Kennedy t'v:v r il '=
(D) None of these - I e9 90

77. Abdullah YousafAli was known as: Bt Jr (A)

A) Pnncipal of lslamra College Lahore =t,)Lr
B) Principal
of Govt. College Lahore ,dj{.-,trtt tol J tL/ tcl
C) Pnncipai
of Lahore College Lahore
D) Principal
of MAO College Lahore I j!({*v i" .el
7E. When Baluchistan became province?
(A) 1968 (B) 1969 (B) ut+ tA)
(c) 1970 (D) 1971
t*5 (D) tn:-i tc)
79. When Hindus prdtested against Urdu as
official language?
(A) ln 1960 (B) ln 1962 . :?=b.("A bird eye view" .92
(c) ln 1965 (D) ln 1867
80. Which prayer was offered during draught?
rr_,iv\5 -,ivJ 7 .. 1e1

e lshraq
e Khasuf
v[j{-,,lutt tot Q:olv rcl
(B) Namaz e kasoof rz-,otsl(7! S .sz
(D) Namaz e lstesqa
81. How many days February has in a leap yeafi ., t l9l J', (a)
(A) 31 (B) 30
(c) 29 (D) 28 !)' (D) \):,1- lC)
82. Which one is the largest medal of bravery of -, .t..-l .i
Pakistan Police? ttL.,/ it.:s€ i -tr 94
.{A) '?'-4
Quard e Azam Medal 1951 (B) 1960 (Al
(8)Nishan e Haider 1963 (D) 1962 (c)
(C) Nishan e Pakistan
(D) Hilal e Jurat 9sfi{Ziir,6l,t .ss
E3. When revolulion was started in lran?
(A) 9960 (B) 1961 (s) v{t,b tal
(c) 1969 (D) 1979
E4. What is the nami) of ,irst Ashra of Ramzan?
(A) Maghfirat -. (B) Rehmat
Jtiu,/ (D) .e&t s
(C) Both a and b. (D) None ofthese I t({(,r,Ectv,tt r:.; s6
85. "And yo see that people are entering Allah's
religion in crowds'the following verse in the t,wei(J,i;P ot
part of which surah?
(A) Al Baqra (8) Al Nasr croblrJ,iJuU ot
(C) Al Noor (O) Al Maida',tqJ'iuP \ct
86. To change the rows in columns is called:
(A) Tuple (B) VAT
(C) Database Mode (D) None of these ii{.-;tc' tot

87. To create a form wizard we use how many

vLrtiELDeii,j,-, .gt
(c) 4
2 (B)
trL-,',6f ,,il ,"i),.
88. The 1oth lnternational Defence Exhibilion and 1a;
.,16r-Lr, )lt) . lll
Seminar (IDEAS)2018 was held between:
(A) 28th-30th November, 2018 ,zJ ,z lol v* i\w'' lcl
634 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers

/- * J,, a "t j' tt <,- Ltt .98 )F,u* lst )t;t) / lA)

{-"J,"J !1tLi-r' z7,t pt J!,?t-lz lcl

Answer Key 41
d 40 d 66 c 80 d 93. b
15. d
a 41
54 b d 81 c 94. c {l
3. d 16 c 29 a 42 c 55 d 68 a 82 a 95. a
4. c '17 . a 30 c 43 a 56 a 70 a 83 d 96. a
5. a 18 b 31 a 44 b 57 d 71 b u. b 97. c
6. 19 d 32 b 45 b 58 b 72 a 85. b 98. a
7. 20 a 33 d 46 c 59 c 73 a 86 d
8. d 21 c 34 a 47 c 60 b 74 c 87 c
9. b 22 b 35 d 48 c 61 b 75 d 88.
10 c 23 d 36 c 49 d 62 b 76 a 89. c
11 a 24 c 37 b 50 a 63 b 77 a 90. b
12 25 a 38 b 51 c 04. a 78 c 91. d
13 a 26 b 39 b 52 a 65. c 79 d 0) a

An Advrtrced Hrndbook of

.---A..orrtog ro ra.r Sy'Llu. oa CSS




1. S.H.O. slands for: '10. Who is considered as the Father of
(A) Station Head Officer Psychoanalysis?
(B) Statron House Officer (A) TB Watson (B) Albert Hi s
(C) Station High Officer (C) Adler (D) Sigmund Freud
(D) None of these '11. Delhi Darbar, King and Queen of Bntish visit
2. Cunent year rs whrch year of the HUn lndia; Partition of Bengal is annutted:
Calendar ? (A) 1913 (B) 1914
(A) 1438 (B) 1439 (c) 1911 (D) 1916
(c) 1440 (D) 1437
12. Mother of Hazrat Yousaf (A.S) was:
3. What is the name of the software program that (A) Rebecca (B) Rachet
transforms highJevel source code written in a (C) Alishba (O) Amina
highJevel programming language into a low-
level object code an machine language? 13. Hirohito was the longest-reigning monarch rn.
(A) Compiler (B) Commander (A) Chrna (B) Tharland
(C) Python (D) Simutator (C) Japan (D) Burma
4. The Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUpp-l) 14. Name lhe current lnspector General, Prisons
was built with the help of: of PunJab:
(A) China (B) Karachi (A) Capt. (R) Sarfraz Mutta
(C) Japan (D) U.K (B) Mian Farooq Nazee
(C) Kokab Nadeem Wanaich
5. Fnghtened means (D) Mirza Shahid Saleem Baig
(A) Worned (B) Afraid
(C) (D) Confused 15. Complete the sentence. lt started to rain while
we _ lennis.
6. Sulphur is mainly found at: (A) Are playing (B) rvere ptaying
(A) Koh-e-Sultan (Chabi) (C) Had played (O) would play
(B) Kala-Chrtta Range (Attack) '16. "l am nabi not a liar, l am son ol Abdul Muflib"
(C) Warchha
(D) Hazro (Anock) when Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered tnese
7 Lftfre wages qt 6 men for 15 days are Rs. (A) At Ghazwa-e-Hunain
2100. then find the wages of g men for 12 (B) At Ghazwa-e-Khandaq
days. (C) At Ghazwa-eMautah
(A) Rs. (B) Rs.2520 (D) At Ghazwa-e-Sawiq
(C) Rs.2600 (D) Rs.2750 17. You want to track the progress of the stock
8 Majlis-e-Shoora is a body made up of: market on a daily basis. Which type of charl
(A) National Assembly & Senate should you use?
(B) Senate only (A) Pie Chart (B) Row Chart
(C) Nalional Assembly only (C) Line Chart(D) Column Chart
(D) National Assembly. Senate & President
18. Ho Chi Minh City is the new name of
9. The first secretary of the Board of Trustees of
Aligarh College was: (A) Petrograd (B) Saigon
(A) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali (C) Laos (D) None of these
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar 19. Complete the Proverb: "The price of
(D) Maulana Muhammad Ali Shaukat is eternal vigilance."
636 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
(A) Liberty (B) Education 31. The GFFA is an international conference that
iC) Learning (D) Socialization focuses on central questions concerning the
future of _
20 The bridge in lslanbul that connect Asia with (A). Financing
Europe is called:
(A) The Golden Gate Bridge (B) Agri-food industry
(B) The Harbour Bridge (C) Trade
(C) The Bosporus Bridge (D) Foreign Arbitration
rD) Hajr Sultan ll Brdge 32. The horseman pulled the _ of the
21. The longest mountain range (above the sea (A) Ranes (B) Reigns
level) is:
(A) Himalayas (C) Rains (D) Reins
(B) Kara Korum 33. Fill in the blank. The cake was shared
(C) Rocky Mountains _ Amjad and Shakeel.
(D) Andes (A) With (B) To
(C) Between .(D) Among
22 ln which country does the desert city Timbuktu
lie? 34. ln which battle, Eritish forces led by Ouke ol
(A) Morocco (B) Mauritania Wellington finally defeated French Forces led
(C) Mali (D) Sudan by Napoleon _
23 The darkening sky indicated to all of us that a
(A) Battle of Waterloo
thunderstorm was _.
(B) Battle of Leipzig
(A) lnherent (B) Futile (C) Battle of Borodino
(C) Conciliatory (D) lmmindnt (O) War of Roses
24. Who ran desperately in search of
water 35. Fill in the blank: "They will b€ back by
bet\,yeen two hills called Safa and Marwa?
A) Hazrat Quturah (R.A) (AI=;a;id of the (B) the end or a
B) HazGt Saarah (R.A) (C) the end of the (O) end bf the
C) Hazrat Haairah (R.A) 36. "Bashar Al Asad" is the President of:
D) Hazrat Ayesha (A) Yemen (B) Jordan
25. Seismograph is used to record intensity and (C) Syria (D) Egypt
source of: 37. The concept of "acting in aid of civil power'by
(A) Thunderstorms the Armed Forces has been laid down in the
(B) Heart beat Constitution
(C) Pulse (A) Arricle 245 (B) Article 270
(D) Earthquakes (c) Artide 243 (D) Article 200
26 When did Quaid-e-Azam bemme the JO The System of Easic Democracies in Pakistan
permanent President of All lndia Muslim was introduced by
League? (A) Liaqat Ali Khan
(A) 1 913 (B't 1924 (B) Ayub Khan
(c) 1931 (D) 1934 (C) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
27. ln MS Word 2007, which shortcut key is used (D) Gen. Zia-ul-Haq
to insert a comment? 39 She was alive at the tragic incident of Karbala:
(A) ALT + CTRL + M (A) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
(B) ALT+CTRL+C (B) Hazrat Hatsa (RA)
(C) SHIFT + CTRL + C (C) Hazrat lvlamoona (RA)
(D) ALT+CTRL+N (D) Hazrat Umme-e-Salma
28. Taj Mahal at Agra stands on the bank of river: 40 Who used to be known as "Ambassador of
(A) Ganga (B) Jamuna Hindu-Muslim Unity'?
(C) Padma (O) None of these (A) Gandhi
29. ln computing, what does FDD stand for? (B) Motilal Nehru
(A) Final Data Development (C) Lord Mountbatten
(B) Floppy Disk Drive (D) Quaid-i-Azam
(C) Foolproof Disk Drive 41 Which Sahabi was the first Hafiz of the Holy
(D) Floppy Data Drive Quran?
30. Which High Court was the first to have a
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
female Chiet Justice? (B) Hazrat Umar (R.A)
(A) Sindh (C) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
(B) Baluchistan (D) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(C) Punjab 42 Oeficiency of lodine causes which of the
(O) Khyber Pakhtunkwa following disease?
Adianced PPSC ttcQs nodet Paoers 637

(A) Oental Cavities (B) Scurvy (C) ArithrTletic Loglc Union

(c) Hepatitis c (D) Goitre (D) Arithme0c Longitude Unit
43. Which of the following is the primary
component of Natural Gas?
(B) Propane
(D) Methane ,6i
44. Which theory lays down that all matter is
composed of discrete units
(A) Combustion Theory
(B) Radioactive Theory
(C) Atomic Theory ICCIs
. -
(D) Metallic Theory
45. The word'Tsunami" belongs to which oI the
lollowing languages?
(A) English (B) Latin
(C) Chinese (D) Japanese
46. Complete the series: 1,8.25,49,- 121
(A) 100 (B) 81
(c) 21 (D) 64 I
47. ln which country did the catastrophic re)od
Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster take

IAI-UEAine (B) Kazakhstan

(C) Russia (D) Lithuania
4E. Organisms encode
structure of ?
their genes in long -+-'--
(A) Chromosome (B) DNA
(c) RNA (D) carbohydrates
49. Total members of the Commonwealth are: 56. First world cup of hockey 1971 won by:
(A) s0 (B) 53 (A) lndra (B) Germany
(c) 46 (ot 47 (C) Pakistan (D) Belgium
50. "Window Explorer' is also: 57. The only National Elections held on non-party
(A) Educational Software basis were in:
(B) Ulility Programme (A) 1977 (B) 1985
(C) Entertainment Software' ici 19ss (D) 1990
(D) None of the above 58. What is the height of Nanga Parbat peak?
51. Which country in South Asia has the highest (A) 8116 meters (B) 8126 meters
literacy rate? (C) 8186 meters (O) 8'101 meters
(A) Maldives (B) lndia 59. Which is the second highest mountain peak
(C) Bangladesh (D) Sri Lanka in Pakistan?
52. How many Bricks each measunng 25cm (A) Mt Everest (B) K-2
lenqth. 11.25 cm widlh, and 6cm height will be (C) Tirich Mir (D) Nanga Parbal
ne&ed to build a wall ol 8m length, 6m meter
width and 22.5m height?
60. Nandipur is in Gujranwala
(A) Multan (B) Sahiwal
(A) 5600 (B) 600
iCj cujranwata (D) Gujrat
(c) 6400 (D) 7200
53. A train runnlng at the speed of 60 km/hr 61 . Rohtas Fort is located in district
(A) chakwal (B) Attok
sosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the
lenoth of the train? icl Jhelum (D) Rawalprnd;
'(4)'120 meters (B) 180 melets 62. Spin Boldak is in:
(C) 324 meters (D) '150 melers (A) lran (B) Russia
54. what do you understand by Status quo? iC) Afghanrstan (O) Pakrstan
(A) With date (B) Present state 63. KANNUP (Nuclear Po,,Yer Plant) was provrded
(C) ln good condition (D) None of these to Pakistan bv:
(A) Canada (B) Chrna
55. ALU stand for? (C) USA (D) France
(A) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(B) Altemate Logic Unit 64. Vaticah City where the Pope lves IS rn
638 A ancidPPsgt CQs Hodet paoers
(A) ltaly (B) France (A) Philippines (B) Indonesia
(C) Spain (D) Gemany (C) Virgin lslands (D) None of these
72. The Arch of Janus is siluated in.
(A) Germany (B) ltaly
(C) Sparn (D) France
L. 73. ln which river of Pakisbn are the endangered
species Blind Oolphins found?
Issues (A) River lndus (B) River Ravi
(C) River Jhelum (D) River Kabut
d 74. Which one is the capitat city of Canada?
(A) Toronto
(B) Ottawa
Vancouver (D) Reqrna
75. The Lady Finger Peak s tocated inl
(A) Nepal (B) China
(c) Pakistan (D) tndia

V ! 76. Queen Elizabeth I was an influential eueen

(A) USA (B) UK

(C) Sparn (D) France

) 77. Mustafa Kamal Ataturk was a famous

reformer belongs to:
(A) Spain (B) creece
(C) China (D) Turkey
78. Who at present holds the office of the Chief
Executive in the Afghan Government?
(A) Ashraf chani
(B) Gulbuddin Hekmavar
(C) AMullah Abdullah
(O) None of these
65. Gawadar became part ot Pakistan in: 79. 10 Downing Street is the official residence of:
(A) 1956 (B) 1957 (A) Queen of England
(c) 1958 (D) 1959 (B) Britrsh Prime Miniger
(C) French President
65. Study of Spiders is called: (D) American President
(A) Arachnology (B) Serotogy
(U) Gerontotogy (O) None of these 80. The Blue Mosque or :he 'Mosque of Sultan
Adman" is located in:
66. Human comprises how many (A) Tehran (B) tstanbut
chambers?^heart (C) Jeddah (D) Cairo
lAl 2 (B) 4
(c) 6 (D) 8 E1. Whal is the capital of Kazakhstan?
(A) Ershkek {B) Atmaty
67 Whictt.gas was commonty used in airships? (C) Tashkent (DJ Astana
(A) Nilrogen {B) Hetium
lC) Hydrogen (D) Hydrogen sutphde 82. What is full form of DSL in terms of
inlormation technotogy?
68. Solar eclipse occurs when: (A) Digital System Line
(A) Earth comes between Sun and Moon (8) Drgital Super Lrne
(8) Moon is at right anqte to lhe Earth (C) Drgrtal Subscnber -ine
(C) Moon comes between Sun and Earth (D) Oigital Speed Line
(D) Sun comes between Moon and Earth
69. 83. Who was called Aadam-e-Sani (A.S)?
The lens in the human eve is: (A) Hazarat lbraheem (A.S. )
(A) Convex Lens (B) Hazrat Da'ood (A.S)
(B) Concave Lens (C) Hazrat Nooh (A S)
(C) Piano Concave Lens (D) Hazrat Moosa (A.S)
(D) None of these
70 84. Which Prophet is knowl as Zun-Nun?
Blood cells are produced by in the (A) Hazrat Younas (A.S)
h.rman body. (B)
,A, Lrver Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)
(B) Bone.marrow (C) Hazral Zull-Kifi (A.S)
(C) Heart (D) Spteen (D) None oI these
71 Which of the following is considered the
largest archtpelago of lhe World?
Advan PPSC MCQS Model Paoers 6 39

85. Name the camel which the Holy Prophet

(PBUH) was riding on the migration of -tii*.: gq

(A) Ouldul (B) Anza ,*tt (B) .:rul,-' (A)
(C) Qaswa (D) Zulfiqar (D) e';!.:(cl
86. Durrng sleep. the man's blood pressure:
(A) Decreases (B) lncreases
(C) Fluctuates (O) None of these
t--:{{{t,,1-rzi-,' s5

87. Which counlry has announced to give Rs. 2.3 i' t"l i,:' tA)
billion to Pakistan for weather installation in
Multan? r'E (D) .-i!:t lCl
(A) China (B) Japan,
(C) Korea (D) France t;6d tlL;t-I .,r*7is4u"' .s6
88. Oepreciation is: vvJv{i. ot
{A) Pol cian's failure
iB) A police investigation technique
(C) Media hYPe ,_rsy.Sv{ 9t {
(D) A reduchon in the value of an assel r;v.i"i_J4 pl
89. Arrangement ot data in a logical sequences ls
known as: v_)-crrf .w @)
(A) Sortinq (B) Classfying
iC) Repro-oucing (D) Summarizing :; e-t{ ri'>''"1''t"',f st
90. Which Country introduced Nokia'Mobile?
(A) America (B) Germany ,.n,,f v ta) ,-,'\Al
(c) .tapan (D) Finland
rz(t 1o1 /rt tcl
1VV tt{.f Lfi { rt7 f <-- -' ;i,,t n"'s'l
" 4
\'$v!1Y,f j"i1r.'-' ';'!
r a J -,1 L,* Lt 7 i' )t.( L.," t' 4, -*tY
-".' .sa
tJ,u,/A @') tJiiii Ol ,f'o.Pt ,i?,rtlA tat
(Dl J $ lot j tcl
,dtdn -f,1t.1..> St; 7 1c7 ";'
,:-;iS':J.:"r..!i .ss
-{-€tt-v -.,r4 "safe and sound" .92
, -2
t./.eelx,i6-'t (B) 4v,l- @l +(+i et ti': te'
JEJG )t,'t (D\ - (C)
wr.:.,i to) 6,f,ra.1t' tcl JL;-''.s-

'.:-':(-i /- 3-i'!'.'J:r 93 -i-ryqli,.i 'l' ,'t"" '-"'Lrj'):; '.-'-'-Lr'-"..'-"'lrr ' l oo

jat !..-i:,. (A)

i*,:ita (B\ i,q / L,t' (A) -.t., tB)
,) ,Vi,'z \O) (C)
!,lJlttot ;i"'-;;!,'lc) -t'-;
Answer Key
b 14. d a'7 a 40. d d 66 b 79. b 92 a
c 15. b 28 b 41. c 54. b 67 b 80. b a
2. b
'16. a 29 b 42. d 55. a 68. c 81. d 94
3. a 95 c
4. b 17. c 30 b 43. d 56 c 69. a a2. c
44. c 57 b 70. b 83. c 96 b
5. b 18. b 31 b
19. a JZ d 45. d 58 b 71. b 84. a 97 b
o- a
7. b 20 33 c 46. b 59 d 72 b c 98. a
d 21 d u a 47 a
c 74
L b 22 c 48 61
75 c 88 d
10 d 23 d 36 c 49 b 62 c
Il 24 c a 50 b
bJ a
12 b 25 d b 5'1
1q d 52 c 65 a 78 c 91 b
13 c 26 d
640 Advanced PPSC ltces itode, paoers



Who wrote the famous novel .Oliver Twist'? ({) Agreement (B) Disagreement
(A) Thomas Hardy (B) Rudyard Kipting (C) Quality {D) Speclat
(C) Chartes-Dickens (O) Riadr Hagg'arO- 13. Covert
2 The term "Oligarchy' means: (A) Clandestrne (B) Vrrtuous
(A) Rule offeudat (C) Underground (D) Oven
(B) Rule bv small orouo gtroosE THE CORRECT MEANTNG OF THE
(D) Presidentiat rute
14. To take with a pinch ofsatt
3 Which is the nationat bird of pakistan? (A) To take with some reseryation
(A) Peacock (B) pioeon (B) To take with totatdisbetief
(C) Falcon (Oj Ctiakor (C) To take wholeheartedtv
4 ln lT what does HTML stand for? (D) To take seriously !
(A) High Tech Meaningtut Lanquaoe 15. To run amuck
(9) Hyper Teit Ueaninistut Lan-ouaie (A) To run a lono race
(C) High Tech Markup ianouao-e -
(D) Hyper Text Ma*up t_arigua:ge 181 To run abouirn frenzv
(C) To feel exhausted
5 ln lT, URL is abbreviation of: (D) To run slowty
(A Universal Resource Locator 16. To pull strings
(B Uniform Resource Locator (A To use exlemal influence
(c Universal Resource Location (B To tease someone
(D Uniform Resource Location (U To speed up
cHo_osEJHE WORD FROU OPT|ONS HAVTNG (D To prepa re for something
6. Abstruse 17. Saleem said, 't do not eat mangoes"
A) Saleem said. so did not eat ma ngoes
(A) Skilled (B) Evident B) Saleem said that he did hot eat mangoes
(C) Obscure (o) Lazv (C) Saleem tol d that he does not eet
7. Touchstone mangoes
(A) Hard stone (B) Criteria (D) Saleem insisted thal he did not eat
(C) Static (O1 Xeavy mangoes
8. Acrimonious 18. The leacher 'Why are you do late ?
(A) Expensive (B) Bitter (A) The teacher asked why was he so tate,?
. (C) Momentary (O) Detaited (B) The teacher asked thal why he was so
9. Succinct late
(A) Concrse
(B) Tranquil (C) The teacher asked that why was he so
(C) Superficral
(D) Brave late
(D) The teacher totd why was he so tate
9I9_OqE rHE woRD FROU OpTloNs HAvtNG '19. He said, 'She has finished her
WORD. (A) He said she has finished her work
'10 Melancholy (q) He said that she has finjshed her work
(C) He says that he has finished her work
(A) Sad B ) Happy (D) He said that she had finished her work
(C) Relaxed D ) Confused
'1. Eminent 20. Oasis is associated with
1 (A) Glaoers (B) Oeserts
(A) Famous B Notori ou S (C) tslands (Dj Votcanoes
(C) Expensive D Unknown
12 21 Ozone Layer prevents _ from enterrng
Consensus the atmosphere
A PPSC MCOS Model Paqets 641

(A) lnfra-red rays (B) Ultra violet rays (C) Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
(C) X Rays (D) Gamma rays (D) Hazrat Warqa bin No{al (RA)
22. Myopia can be correcled by using _ 35. Whiah of the following according to the Holy
lens. Ouran is an unpardonable sin;
(A) Convex (B) Concave (A) Lie (B) Jealousy
(C) Cylindrioal (D) Piano Convex (C) Shirk (D) Theft
23. Wright brothers are regarded as inventors of: 36. Salat-e-lslakhara is offered for:
(A) Balloon (B) Bicycle (A) Rain (B) Fear
(C) Aeroplane (D) Telephone (C) Divine guidance (O) Droughl
24. Numismatics is the study of; 37. Muzdalifa is loceted between:
(A) Coins Money (B) Numbers (A) Mina and Arafat
(C) Stamps (D) Space (B) Arafat and Makkah
25. Entomology deals with: (C) Muzdalfa and Hljaz
(A) Plants (B) Mammals (O) Makkah and Medina
(C) tnsects (D) Chemicals 38. Name the person who got the status of Sahabi
26. When 40% of a number of is added to 42, the without having seen the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
result is the number itself. What is lhe Hazrat Awais Qarni (RA)
number? B Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
(A) 70 (B) 80 c Hazrat Abu Hanifa (RA)
(c) 90 (D) 7s D None of these
27. P(ice ol TV is Rs. 14400. lt is sold for two 39. Who was the commander of the infidels in the
successive discounts of 25o/o and 10o/o. Ihe Bat e of Uhd?
reduced sale price of TV will be: (A) Abu Lahb (B) Abu Sufyan
(A) 9500 (B) 9600 (C) Abu Jahl (O) Utba
(c) 9720 (D) 9880 40. The famous book on "Fiqh' KitaLul-Kharaj"
28. lf 15 men can do a piece of work in 20 days was written by:
then in how many days can 25 men finish the A lmam Abdu Hanifa
same work? B lmam ShaIi
(Al 12 (B) 15 lmam Abu Yousaf
(c) 2 (D) 20 o lmam Malik
29. (60)'?= t x 72 value ofY? 41. What was Hai made comoulsorv?
(A) 3500 (B) 3528 (A) 9'h Hijri (Bi 1o'h'Hijri
(c) 02 (D) 50 (C) 11 HUri (D) 1"'Hijri
30. lf it takes 2 minutes to boil one egg, how long 42. ln whrch Surah is Bismillah mentioned twice?
will it take to boil 5 eggs together? (A) Surah Tauba (B) Surah Namal
(A) 2 (B) 10 (C) Surah Baqarah (D) Surah Nabaa
(c) 12 (o) s 43. Who added the words "Assalato-Khairum-
31. lf the cost of 10 copies of a book is equal to Menun Nom" in the Fal Acaan?
selling price of books then what percentage (A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
of gain or lose rs rncurred? (B) Hazral Umar (RA)
(A) 30% garn (B) 25% loss (C) Hazrat Uthman (RA)
(C) 25% gain (D) 30o/o loss (D) Hazrat Ali (RA)
32. lf a company sells soaps at Rs. 15 and gives 44. The executive head of a province in Pakistan
a spoon worth Rs: 1.80 free with it making a is:
profit of 10% then what is the cost price of (A) Govemor (B) Chief Minister
soap? (C) Speaker (O) President
(A) Rs. 12 (B) Rs. 13.25 45. The padiament of Pakistan is:
(C) Rs. 13.75(D) Rs. 14.10 (A) Unicameral (B) Bicameral
33. At which occasion did Salat b€come an (C) Multicameral (D) None ot these
obligation (Farz)? 46. ln absence of the President who would act as
(A) Miraj the President?
(B) Hiirat (A) Chief Justice
(C) Conquest of Makkah (B) Atlomey General
(D) Visit to Taif (C) Prime Minister
34. Who was the first male to embrace lslam?' (D) Chairman of Senate
(A) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(B) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
2 Advanced PPSC MCQi Model papers
47. Under which a greement was the name of (B) Mr. Abdul Jabbar
Cease Fire Line changed to Line of Control? (C) Mr. Fazal-ul-Qadir
A) Geneya Agreement (D) Molvi Tamizzuddin
B) Tashkent Agreement
C) Simla Agreement 59. 'Jinnah - Creator of Pakistan' an important
D) Karachi Agreement biography of Quaid-e-Aza m. was written by:
(A) Hector Boltiho (B) Stanley Wotpert
48. When did the Cease-Fire Line come into (C) Ayesha Jalal (D) K.K. Aziz
(A) 1948 (B) 1949
60. Whrch one of the fo owing women
(c) 1952 (O) 1962 participated in all the three Round Table
49. Karachi Nuclear Power Ptant was built with (A) Begum Jahanara Shahnawaz
the help of: (B) Begum SalmaTassaduq Hussarn
(A) China (B) USA (C) Begum Shaista lkramullah
(C) Canada (D) France (O) Begum Qazi lssa '
50. ln which area of Pakistan is Baltit Fort 61. Prance Oara Shikoh was executed by his
located? b'rother, Emperor Aurangzeb- Dara Shikoh
(A) Kyber-Pakhtunhwa was a disciple of.
(B) Sindh (A) Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
(c) Baluchistan (B) Hazrat Mian Mir
(D) Gilgit Baltistan (C) Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehtavi
51. Half of the Senators are retired after every: (D) Guru Har Rai
(A; 3 years (B) 5 years 62. The Mughal Emperor Akbar was born in which
(C) 2 years (D) 6 years city of present day Pakrstan?
52. Qutub-ud Din Aibek is buried in: (A) Lahore . (8) UmarKot
(A) Delhi (B) Aora {C) Multan (D) Bhera
(C) Tashkent (O1 ljnore 63. Or. Abdul Salam was awarded the Nobel praze
53. Who was the founder o{ "Faraizi Movement, ln in:
lndia? (A) 1969 (B) 1 97 5
(A Shah lsmail (c) 1979 (D) 1 980
(B) Haji shariat uah . The lndian War ot lndependence began May
(C) Syed Ahmed Shaheed 1857 in
(D) None of these (A) Jhansi (B) Gwatiar
54. Who was the first, Muslim Commander-in- (C) Meerut (D) Lucknow
Chief of Pakistan Air Force? 65. Who first used the titie "Mahatma" for
(A ) Mr Marshal Nur Khan Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi?
(B ) Air Marshal Zafar Chaudhrv (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c ) Air MarshalAsghar Khan (B) AMul Kalam Azad
(D ) Air Marshal (C) Rabindranath Tagore
55. "The Pathway to Pakistan' is the (D) None of these
autobiography of. 66. Gandhi called the Pakistan Resolution of '1940
(A) M.A.H. lspahani a:
(B) ChaudhryKhaliquzzaman (A Civil wrong
(C) A.K. Fazl-ut-Haq (B Criminal wlong
(D) SirFazal-e-Hussain (c Moral wrong
56. The Hindus launched the Swadeshi (D Monumental wrong
movement in the wake of: 67. ln Pakistan, in absence of the Chief Minister
(A) Urdu-Hindr Controversy his functions are performed by the:
(B) Partition of Bengat 1905 (A) Governor of the Province
(C) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (Q) Speaker of Provincial Assembly
(D) All of these (C) Senior Minister of the Province
57. The British Padiament passed the tndian (D) Advocate General
lndependence Act on: 68. The headquarter of Economic Cooperation
(A) 3 June'1947 (B) 14 June 1947 Organization is located rn:
(C) 5 July 1947 (D) 18 Juty .1947 (A) lslamabad (B) Ankara
58. Who was the Speaker of the Second (C) lstanbul (D) Tehran
Legislative Assembly of Pakistan? 69. Which lake of Jammu and Kashmir is tamous
(A) Mr. Abdut wahab for its serene beauty?
Advarced PPSG tlcos ltode, Paoeis Ot3

(A) Neelum Lake (B) Wuller Lake 81. The cunency of lndonesia is:
(C) Dal Lake (D) Keenjhar Lake (A) Rupiah (B) Dinar
70. Which is the largest districl of Punjab in terms (C) Rinsgit (D) Baht
of area? 82. Which is the capital of Canada?
(A) Lahore (B) Vehari (A) Toronto (B) Ottawa
(C) Bahawalpur (D) Rawalpindi (C) Vancouver (D) Manitoba
71. Bala Hissar Fort is located in; 83. AFP is the news agency of which country?
(A) Quetta (B) Rawalpinda (A) Panama (B) France
(C) Peshawar (D) Gilgit (C) Argentina (D) Australia
72. Who is the author of the book "Last Days of 84. The first human hearl transplant was
Quaid'? conducted by Dr. Christiaan Bamard in:
(A) K.K. Aziz (A) USA (B) France
(B) Shamuddin Pirzaada (C) Cuba (D) South Africa
(C) Col. Elahi Baksh
(D) Gen. Shahid Hamid 85. When did Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah join the
Muslim League?
73. The tirst President of Pakistan was: (A) 1939 (B) 1927
(A) Ayub Khan (c) 1937 (D) 1e49
(B) Liaqat Ali Khan
(C) lskanar Mirza
(D) Khawaja Nazimuddin -..>,,,-F 4 / i cl / -- ut. g. .96
74. Pakistan's membership ot the United Nations l{;uJ-E{L.ts ot
was opposed by:
(A) lsrael (B) lndia ru{'tAEiL'E Bt
(C) Afghanistan (D) None of these
75. Sun rises in the East and sets in the west due
,){,rf,.rElL& $t
to the:
(A) Shape of the Earth
or{rte't/L,E tol
(B) Rotation of Earlh on its axis
(C) Revolution of Earth around Sun
t c-,t 7r! --,! c 7 JtlO(VO(-i' 87
(D) Movement of the Sun .-itrqf64 @')
76. 'The Last Suppe/ is the fahous painting of:
(A) Michelangelo LqE-lNet @t
(B) Rembrandt
(C) Leonardo da Mnci e-N,</6'Lt"{,i(r $l
(D) Vincent Van Gogh
77. The first Woman Prime Minister in the world
, a6-+(ag)v"i 1oy

Margret Thatcher
Golda Meir
I,t 7vl -!,a/ St $a{ -.,,t 5 -j' .Bs

lndira Gandhi
Srimavo Bandaranaike
+*,4(- +'J. lA)
liii/o,-[-i,i*i*s @t
78. The famous book "Brief History of Time" was
written by;
7i"6,.[y.ivLtli ot
(A) Samuel Huntington
(B) H.G. Wells
aL,l,iu-.--i (ot

(C) Stephen Hawkings l._el\;,.{$ ,ri .ag

(D) Arthur C. Clarke
79. How many official languages are used in the ,!; @ {r/6 (A)
(A) 3 (B) 2 @\ 6r, i.r pl
(c) 4 (D). 5
80. D-8 is an organization of: ,
4;.- -.L ? ! L,: I L.>i,{ & -,t,,,i go
(A) lndustrialized countries ,:tJ
(B) Developingcountnes
(C) East-Asian Countries
(D) African countries ,f rJ{' tst ;t}ft 61
644 Advanced MCOs Papers

J',s>, 1o1 6/)VE? (ct t <-V ct {$ 7 <- -u -- Lr t L i r .s6

rdr,{4Jb(JE .s1 ,5,ti(.'t p1 zJ r ol

(jv.'t))t; (B) $,li 61 ,f (D) -e'/ lcl
tt)ta't;rf.* @l $Vt (c) t<l/1v{zi {L\J/v,',i[Jlt- , .s7
( { / L ov, * t,'J\ @t [-r ol
-,r -. tt.-
t vlt,S v Q. ) rl .sz
,Ea,*', @t ,i7iv,:j, 1ty
)sov) tot Jl.Ju tcl
,+i/ tot 1(1 lc) ,._1,5/J,;f{d,h sa

r <.-yric(a., L,,fi g, .es )A-a py ,t;icfj @)

6v[;ot py etcn 6) ,1,ti)t/.t 1oy ,Pt}'- tcl
,J,uttA tol .>/cfLtz pl tl e:6,!,,{',tf ,)t,'r' :; ft-t}'
t .ss

tt!11,vLf47{',vt sn 6*&.,;at., Fl s.;r)/ (A)

ltltutr p1 oatlvt),, ( ) 'q(1 @ ;'c,lo'v 1c1

$vuur 1o1 tt;iltbttltr 1cy 16 L -l"tr u/'.t,t i -r.,;,1,j., f :oo

I {
c- g r.V,;)r l' -rV t4$ :,i .gs o{r ol +.,vi! @)

ttr (B) JEt)/ (A\ Alytnt (Dl ,-7- 1.?t (c)

,c.-{. tf o t{tb g)
Answer Key
1. b 14 a 27. 40. c 53. b bb c 79. a 92. b
2. b 15 b 28. a 41. a 54. c 67 b 80. b 93. b
3. d 16 b 29. d 42. b 55. b 68. d 81. a 94. b
4. d 't7 b 30. a 43. b 56. b 69. a 82. b 95. d
5. b 18 b 31. c 44. b 57 d 70. c 83. b 96. c
d 32. a 45. b 58 a 71. c 84. d 97. b
b b 33. a 46. d 59 b 72. 85. c 98.. b
8. b 21 b u. b 47. c 60 a 73. c E6. a 99. c
9. a 22 b 35. 48. b 61 74. c 87. 100. d
10 b c 36. 49. c 62 b 75. b 88. a
11 d 24 a 37. a 50. d 63 76. c 89. b
'12 b 25 c 38. a 51. a 64 c 77. d 90. b
13 d 26 a 39. b 52. d 65 c 78. c 91. c



(C) 20 r80 (D) 10: 90
1. The length of Pak-Afghan border (Durand
Line) is: 12. Which is the most important mineral of
tA) 2252Km (B) 909 Km Pakistan, in terms of its reserves?
(c) '11300 Km (D) s92 Km (A) Natural Gas (B) Copper
(C) Petroleum (D) Coal
2. Population wise; Pakistan's position in the
world is: 13. Which one out of lhe following is not a folk
(A) 21rh (B) 06th dance?
(C) 34th (D) 4thst (A) Bhangra (B) Jhoomer
(C) Luddi
3. The number of districts in the Punjab province (D) All of them are folk dances
(\24 (B) 31 14. The most widely spoken language in Pakistan
(c) 36 (D) 51 is:

4. Who was the ,irst non-British Govemor of the

(A) Urdu (B) Puniabi
(C) Sindhi (D) Pushto
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishter 15. Masjid Mahabat Khan is located at:
(8) lbrahim lsmail Chundigar (A) Multan (B) Peshawar
(C) Nawab Mushtaq Ahmad Guffnani (C) Quetta (D) Hyderabad
(D) Mian Amin-ud-Din 16. Which one out of the following is not a 'daily'?
5. Baluchistan was giyen the status of province (A) The News (B) The Nation
in: (C) Herald (D) Dawn
(A) 1947 (B) 1958 17. Who introduced 'Doctrine of Lapse' in lndia
(c) 1970 (D) 1965 (1848).
6. Apart from Senate ahd National Assembly; (A) Lord Dalhousie (B) Lord Canning
which one out of the following, is another (C) Lord Ripon (D) Lord Minto
component of Pakistan's parliament? 18. Florence Nightingale is renowned for?
(A) Cabinet (B) Prime Minister (A) acting (B) nursing
(C) ECC (D) President (C) painting (D) poetry
7. The number of High Courts in Pakistan is: 19. World War-l was fought during:
(A) 1 (B) 5 (A) 1914-18 (B) 1939-45
(c) 4 (D) 10 (CJ 1920-24 (D) None of thorn
8. The Command and Staff College of Pakistan 20. Which country became independent on July 4,
army is situated at: 1776?
(A) Karachi (B) Lahore (A) Canada (B) Australia
(C) Ouetta (D) Abbottabad (C) America (O) Holland
9. How many amendments have been made in 21. Which Mughal king was buried in Kabul?
the Constitution of 1973 up till now? (A) Akbar (B) Jahangir
(A) 6 (b) 11 (C) Humayun (D) Babur
(c) 18 (D) 20
22. Westminster Abbey; where English Kings and
10. Hanna Lake is located in; Queens are coroneted, is basically a/an:
(A) FATA (A) church (B) Palace
(B) lnterior Sind (C) ofiice (D) auditorium
(C) lndian held Kashmir
(D) Baluchislait 23. What is the estimated age of the Universq?
(A) 1 billion years (B) 10 billion years
11. The Urban-Rural population ratio in Pakistan (C) 13 billion years (D) 20 billion years
(A) 40:60 (B) 30:70.
646 A PPSC ntcQs Papers
24. Which is the s€cond largest Ocean after 39. Which out of the following is a main organ of '
Pacific? sense?
(A) Atlantic (B) indian (A) Nose (B) Nail
(C) Arctic (D) None of them (C) Hair (D) All of them
25. ln which range, Mount Everest is located? 40. Drugs that calm nervous system and prevent
(A) Karakoram (B) Himalayas worry. tension etc. are calledl
(C) Hindu Kush (D1 Pamirs (A) Analgesics (B) Hormones
26. 38 Parallel divides: (C)Antibiotics (D)Tranquillizers
(A) North Korea and South Korea 41. Tooth decay indicates deficiency of
(B) USA and Canada (A) Chromium (B) Copper
(C) Germany and Poland (C) Fluorine (D) lron
(D) lndra and China
42. Anything that occupies space and possesses
27. Tripoli is the capital of: weight is called:
(A) Gambia (B) Mali (A) Molecule (B) Matter
(C) Libya (D) Mauritius (C) Element (D) Atom
28. 'Taka' is the currency of: 43. To every action there is always an equal and
(A) Bangladesh (B) Bhutan opposite reaction' is Newlon s:
(C) Nepal (D) Sir Lanka (A) 1st Law of Motion (B) 2nd Law ofMotron
29. Canada is located in: (C) 3rd Law of Motion(D) Noneofthem
(A) North America (B) South America 44. 'Study of lnsects'is termed asl
(C) Western Europe (D) Eastem Europe (A) Entomology (B) Cosmography
30. Egyptian city Aswan is famous for: (C) Mycology (D) Astrotogy
(A) Wodd's largest dam 45. Which of the following was principally
(B) a huge film industry responsible for the Communist Revolution of
(C) being birth place of James Abdul Nasir Russia in 1917?
(D) a historic university (A) Karl Man (B) Lenin
31. The headquarteG of the Leagu€ of Nations (C) Stalin (D) Trotsky
(LoN) was at 46. Sigmund Freud is known for.his work in the
(A) New (B) London field of:
(C) Paris (D) Geneva (A)anthropology (B)historiography
32. Which one out of the following is not a
(C) psychology (D) physrcs
principal organ of the U.N.O.? 47 The Muslims conquered Patestine during the
(A) Geoeral Assembly caliphate of:
(B) Secretariat (A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (B) Hazrai Umar
(C) lnternatronal Labour Organisation (C) Hazrat Usman (D) Hazrat Ati
(D) Economrc and Sociat Council
48. Who redaced Lord Mountbatten as Governor
33. The headquarters of European Union is at General of lndia?
(A) Vienna (B) Brussets (A) Abu-al-Kalam Azad
(C) Paris (D) Amsterdam (B) Radha Krishnan
34. Dr. Henry Kissinger served as America's (C) Chakravarti Rajagopalachafl
Secretary of State during the presidency of: (D) Kishna Menon
(A) Richard Nixon (B) ceratd Ford 49. During interim government of lndia, prior to
(C) Both ofthem (D) none ofthem partition, which Muslim League leader served
35. 'Crust' is earth's as Finance Minrster?
(A) outer layer (B) inner tayer (A) Abdur Rab Nishter
(C) central layer (D) none of them (8) Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani
(C) Lraqat Ali Khan
36. The coldest place rn the wortd is: (D) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(A) Tibet (B) Osto
(C) Siberia (D) Greenland 50. After Karachi and Lahore, which is the biggest
city of Pakistan, in term of population?
37. Who invented 'revolver'? (A) Rawalpindi (B) Multan
(A) Samuel Colt (B) John M. Browning (C) Faisalabad (D) Peshawar
(C) John Ericsson (D) James Watt
51. Which out of the following is not a Kharif
38. How many bones are there in the body of a Crop?
new born baby? (A) Rice (B) Sugar Cane
(A) 210 (B) 300 (C) Maize (D) Wheat
(c) 351 (D) 403
52. Pakistan's share in global export is:
PPSC MCQs Paoers 647

\A) 2o/o (B) lE% (A) an English novelist

(c) 11% (D) 1% (B) an American scientist
(C) a German politician
53. 'Lisbon' is the capital of: (D) a leading musrcian of 18th century
(A) Romanla (B) Panama
(C) Taiwan (D) Portugal 67 'Sir Creek'is an ibsue between:
(A) Pakistan & lndia (B) lndia & China
54. Which is the largest river in the world? (C) lndia & Nepal (D) Burma & Thailand
(A) Amazon (B) Ganger
(C) Nile (D) none of them 68. Before its independence, Singapore was part
55. Who is the foreign minister of Pakistan? (A) lndonesia (B) China
(A) Mr. Sartaj Aziz (C) Malaysia (D) Japan
(B) Khawaja Muhammad Asif
(C) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif 69. Who was the first Muslim King of lndia?
(D) Mr. Tariq Fatim' (A) Qubib-ud-din Aibak
(B) Muhammad bn Qasim
56. 'Theory of Evolution' was presented by: (C) Zaheer-ud-din Babur
(A) Euclad (D) Mehmud Ghazanvi
(B) Charles DaMin
(C) Werner Hersenoerg 70 Which was the capital of Umayyad Empire"
(O) Simon BoliYar (A) Baghdad (B) Medrna
57. Which philosopher formally put together the
(C) Damascus (D) Kofa
basic ideas of constitutional democracy for the 71. The Muslims conquered 'Jerusholum' during
1st time? the Khilafat of:
(A) John Lock (B) Francis Beacon (A) Hazrat Bau Bakr Siddique
(C) Voltaire (D) Adam Smith (B) Hazrat Urner bin Khattab
(C) Hazrat Usman Ghani
58. The only twenlieth century American
(D) Hazlet Ali bin Abu Tab
President who was assassinated is:
(A) Abraham Lincoln (B) John F. Kennedy 72. Who led Muslim forces during conquest of
(C) Richard Nixon (D) Ronald Reagan Egypt?
(A) Hazrat Seed bin AbiWages
59. Martin Luther is famous for: (B) Hazrat Umar bin Aas
(A) his fiction writing skills (C) Hazrat Khalid brn Walid
(B) being a Polilician (D) Hazrat Ali bin Abu Talib
(C) his defiance of Roman Catholic Church
(D) his useful inventions 73. 'Mossad' is the intelligence agency of.
(A) Brazil (B) lsrael
60. Pablo Picasso is considered to be a great (C) Lebanon (D) Syria
(A) musician (B) writer
(C) actor (D) Painter 74. Australia was discovered by.
(A) Christopher Columbus
6'1. Which prize is awarded annually on
(B) Vasco de Game
December '10 each year for outstanding works (C) Captain James Cook
in various fields? (D) Yuri Gagarin
(A) Lenin Prize (B) Pulitzer Prize
(C) Nobel Prize (D) Bolivar Prize 75. The UNO was set up in:-
(A) 1939 (B) 1941
62. The most populous city of theworld is: (c) 1949 (D) 1945
(A) New York (B) Tokyo
(C) Shanqhai (D) Moscow 76. A share or portion of an estate held by one
land-owner or jointly by two or more land
63. The'sun' is mainly composed of: owners !s:
(A) Oxygen (B) Hydrogen (A) property (B) possession
(C) Carbon dieoxide (D) Potassium (C) holdins (D) inheritance
64. Post mortem examination of organs or tissues 77. Which of the following is not defined in the
of a dead body is called: Land Revenue Act of 1967?
(A) Philolosy (B) Autopsy (A) Assessment (B) Kanungo
(C) Genealogy (D) Topography (C) Boundary mark (D) Land
65'Laissez-Faire'means 78. There are how many classes of Revenue
(A) Non-interference of state in economy Officers as per section-7 of Land Revenue
(B) Extra-ordinary political activity Act?
(C) Military operation in troubled areas (A) 3 (B) 6
(D) Rapid industrialazation of a country. (c) 7 (D) 4
66. Charles Dickens' was:
6S Adyancd PFS,.C ltCes,rlo&lpaocrc
79. Who can summon p€rsons to give evidence (A) 8s (B) 87
and produce documenls? (c) 32 (D) 101
(A) Commissioner (B) District Coltector
(C) Tehsilder (O) Afl of them 90. Who is authorized to deline the limits of any
estate. holding or field for lraming any record
80. Which out of the foltowing iinot a ,vi age or making assessment of revenue?
officer'? (A) Revenue ofiicer
(A) Patwari (B) Kanungo (B) Sub-divisional Collector
(C) Lambardar (Oj fensiular (C) District Collector
81. Which register/ document is mandatory for a (O) Commissioner
. patrol to maintain? 9'1. A tenant having a nght of occupancy in land
(A) Jamabandi (B) Khasra Girdwari may sublet the land fully or any part thereof
(c) Lai Kitab (D) Afl ofrhem for a period not more than:
E2. Who can direct to specia lly revise the record (A) two ygars (B) three years
of hts of an estate? (C) one y'ear (Dl seven years
(A istrict Collector 92. The Land Revenue Rules were framed in:
(B Commissioner (A) 1967 (B) 1988
Board of Revenue
(o Government
(c) 191 1 ioi rszs
83 The periodical record is preparcd: 93. A person liabie for an arrear of land revenue
(A) Everyyear (B) Afler 4vears has been homed by Land Revenue Act' as:
(A) Accused
(C) Afler 5 years (D) After j() years
(C) Culprit
(B) Absconder
(D) Defautter
84 An enquiry or an order regarding mutatioh
94. The'Land Revenue Act' is comprised of how
(A) offce of Oistricl Collector many sections?
(B) Common assembly (tjtas-i-Aain) in the
(A) 179 (B) 184
estate (c) 107 (D) 100
(C) building of the tehsil 95. A charge upon or ctaim against tand arising
(D) resilience of lambardar out ot a pnvale grant or contract is termed as:
85 It is mandatory for the Revenue Offcer to (A) Encumbrance (B) Limitatron
attest the mutation: (C) Check (D) None of them
A) in the Tehsit premises 96. Which chapter of 'Land Revenue Act. deals
B) in the Patwar Khana wilh the assessment of land revenue?
C) on the sport (A) Vt (B) V
O) in the revenue branch of OCO offce (c) vt (D) X
86. Who is empowered to make rules making 97. Within how many days, aland-owner may
records and other matters connected present a petition to the Revenue Officer lor i
therewith? reconsideration of the amount. form or
. (A) Board of Revenue
(B) Government
conditions of the assessment of revenue?
(4) J-days (B) 'ts days
(C) Board of Revenue with prior approval of (C) 30 days (D) 60days
(D) Provincial assembly 98. On whEh of the following reasons, a
Lambardar cannot be drsmissed?
87. A mulation fee in respect of any entry shalt be (A) Senously embarrassed bv debt
payable by the person: (B) lnvolved rn cnminat activrires
(A) who is transferrino the rioht (C) property drspute with famity members
(B) in whose favor th; entrvis made (D) incapacitated due to otd ade
(C) who is certifyrng the ge-nuity of transaction
(O) none of them 99. Which section of 'Land Revenue Act, deats
with preparation of computerized records?
88. The actual defaulter of land revenue or the (A) 41 (B) 70
headman who repreaents him may be (c) 130 (D) 19
arrested and detained at tehsil 100.Which document out ofthe following is not
office for:
(A) 24 hours part of Periodical Record'?
(B) 3 days (A) Shajra Kishhvar of fleld maD
(C) 10 days (D) one ilonth (B) Shajra Nasab or genealograal tabte
89. Under which section of Land Revenue Act, the (C) list of hablual defautters
Colleclor may order attachment of defaulter,s (D) Jamabandi

Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers 649

An s we r Key
n I
2E. a
80 d
92 I
3.c to c 29. a 42 b c 68 c 81 d 94. b
4. a 't7 a 30. a 43 a 56 b 69 a 82 b 95. a
5.c '18 b 31. d 44 a a 70 c 83 b 96. b
6.d 19 a c 45 b 58 b 71 b 84 b 97. c
7. b 20 c J5. b 46 59 c 72 b 85 P 98. c
43 8.c 21 b 34. c 47 b 60 d /.) b 86 c 99. a
9.d 22 a 35. a 48 c 61 c 74 c 87 b 100 c
10. d 23 c 36. d 49 c 62 c d 88 c
11. a 24 a a 50 c 63 b 76 c a
12. d 25 b b 51 d 64 b 77 b 90 c
13. d 26 a a 52 b 65 a 78 b 91 d


Board of Revenue Department
'1. Who may pass orders for preparation of (C) 60 days (D) godays
Register Haqdaran Zameen if the same does 8. A person of whom the land revenue of any
not exist earlier? land has been assigned in whole or in part by
(A) Asstt. Commissioner the Govt. is?
(B) Distt. Collector (A) Village servant (B) Zamindar
(C) Commissioner (C) Village headman (Oi Jagirdar
(D) Board of Revenue
2. ln which court the appeal against mutation
9. When Punjab Tenancy Act was enacted?
(A) 26-09-1887 (B) 23-09-1882
may be ,illed? (c) 26-09-1882 (O) 23-09-1887
(A) Asstt. Commissioner
(B) OeputyCommissaoner '10. A tenant having a right of occupancy in land
(C) Commissioner may sublet a land or any part thereof for a
(D) Board of Revenue term not exceeding.
(A) Two years (B) Three years
3. By whom Abtdai Tasdeek of Register (C) Five yea[s (D) Seven years
Haqdaran Zameen is carried out?
(A) Patwari (B) Qanoongo 1'1. Under'which Para of Land Record Manual
(C) NaibTehsildar (D) Tehsildar Summary lnquiry into the title of inheritance is
4. Fard Badar is to be sanctioned by? (A) Para 7.36 (B) Para7.32
(A) NaibTehsildar / Tehsildar (C) Para 7.33 (D) Para 7.26
,(B) Addl. District Collector
(C) Deputy Oistricl Collector 12. Under which Para of Land Record Manual
(O) District Collector duplicate copy of the mutation woutd be
prepared when the original has been
5. ln which court the appeal against misplaced or lost?
consolidation Scheme may be filed? (A) Para 7.40 (B) Para 7.20
(A) Consolidahon Officer (C) Para 7.39 (O) Para7.32
(B) Tehsildar
(C) Addl. Collector '13. Under which Para of Land Record Manual
(D) Addl. Commissioner Consolidation Revenue Officer is responsible for correclorr
of filed maps?
6. Upon whom it is obligatory to carry out 100% (A) Para 3.12 (B) PaG4.32
inspection / partal of Gardavari? (C) Para 4.38 (D) Para 4.40
(A) NaibTehsildar (B) Tehsildar
(C) Patwari (D) Qanoongo 14. Which Para of Land Record Manual guides
with regard to preparation of Talima Shajra?
. What is the limitation of appeal to BOR under (A) Para 4.14 (B) Para4.33
Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967? (C) Para 4.21 (D) Pata 4 23
(A) 30 days (B) 4odays
6s0 Advanced PPSC ,vlces llfode, paoers

15. On whrch date.inspection of Kharif Harvest '(c) 123 (Ol 124

should being?
{Ar 1'August (B) 15m November 26. Who scored a century before lunch in a lead
rC) '15' July match?
(D) 'l'' October (A) Asif lqbal (B) Zaheer Abbas
16. On which dale insF,ection of Rabi Harvest (C) Shahid Afridi (D) Matid Khan
should begin?
(A) 1'' March (B) '15'h March
27 Pakrstan scored 130 runs agatnst England rn
(c) 15'h Apnr (o) rs"uay 1'' ODT at Abu Dahabr on 13-02-2012 and 43
lost the match by runs? 43
17. Regisler Haqdaran Nakhlistan is included in (A) 120 lB\ 125
the? (c) 130 (D) 135
1A) Record of rights 28. How many balls are used in the game of
,B) Regrster lntaqalaat
(C) Register Gardawari snooker?
(D) Register La lKitab (A) 18 (B) 20
18 Statement of Customs (Waritut-Arz) (c) 22 (o) 24
lncluded in the? 29 With which sport, Matador is associated?
(A) Register Gardawari (A) Bullfighting (B) Rowrng
,Br Register Taqseem Kasht (C) Cycling (D) Yachting
iC) Register Roznamcha 30. When Prime Minister Yosaf Raza Gillani was
(D) Record of rights indicaled foI contempt of courl by Supreme
'19. Statement of rights in wells and tube wells is Court of Pakistan?
included in the? ( l 1042-2012 lBl 12-02-2012
(Ai Register Partal (cl 13-02-2012 (o) 15-02-2012
(B) Register Gardawari 31. When Osama bin Laden was slain in his
(C) Regisler Roznamcha
compound at Abbottabad?
(D) Regisler periodical record (A) 01-03-2011 (B) 30-03-2011
20. lndex of survey / Khasra Numb€r is included (c) 15-04-2011 (D) 02-05-2011
(A) 32. NATO air raided Salala Check Post killing 24
Register Gardawari soldiers on the night of:
(B) Register lntaqalaat (A\ 20-21t11-2O11 lB) 22-23t11-2011
(C) Register Periodical Record (cl 23-24t11-2011 lDl 25-26t11-2011
(D) lnspection Register
33. Begum Nusrat Bhutto died on?
21 Under which Section of Punjab Land Revenue (A) 1G.10-2011 (B) 15-10-2011
Act 1967, Revenue Officer may summon the (c) 20-10-2011 (D) 23-10-2011
person give evidence and produce
documents? 34. Name the biggesl barrage of Pakistan?
(A) 22 (B) 32 (A) Sukkhar Banage
(c) 42 (O) 52 (B) Taunsa Barrage
(C) Guddu Barrage
22 Under which seclion of Punjab Land Revenue (D) Ghulam Muhammad Banage
Act 1967 the computerized record shall be
prepared? 35. When First TV Station in Pakistan was
(A) 31(B) (B) 41(A) established?
(c) 51(A) (D) 61(4) (A) 26-03-1964 (B) 26-05-1964
(c) 26-10-1964 (D) 26-11-1964
23. Whal is the limitalion of appeal to the colleclor
under Punjab Land Revenue Act 1967? 36. ln which year Dr. Abdul Salam received the
(A) 20 days (B) 30 days Nob€l Pflze?
(C) 40 days (O) 60 days (A) 1979 (B) 1980
(c) 1981 (D) 1982
24. What is the limitation of appeat to the
Commissionq under Puniab Land Revenue 37. Who was the firsl captain ot Pakistan cricket
Act, '1967? team?
(A) 20 days (B) 30 days (A) Khan Muhammad
(C) 50 days (D) 60 days (B) FazalMehmood
(C) HanifMuhammmad
25. Under which section of Puniab Land Revenue (D) Hafeez Kardar
Act 1967 Board of Revenue may make cities
for dema,cation of boundaries and creation of 38' How many deserts are there in Punjab?
boundary makes? (A) 1 \B) 2
(A) 121 (Bl 122 (c) 3 (D) 4
Advanced PPSC NCQS Nodel Paoe$ 651

when NAB was established? (A) Lord Chelmsford (B) Churchill

rA) Ocl 17. 1993 tBt Nov 16 1999 (C) Attlee (D) Lord wavell
iC) Dec 15. 1999 {O} Jan 12 2000 55. The 6rst nuclear power plant in Pakistan was
40 wtrat is itre maximum permrssible period of established atl
phyircal rbmand under NAB Ordrnance 1999? (A, Mranwah (B) lslamabad
(Ai 30 days rB) 45daYS (C) Karachr (Dr Peshawar
(C) 60 days (D) godays 56. When did Edmund Hillary scale Mount
when lndia was declared MFN (most favored Everest?
lA) 1950 (B) 1951
natron) bv the Cabrnet?
rA) 30-li-2011 (B) 01-11-2011 icl rssz (D) 1s53
(C) 02.11-2011 (D) 03-1'1-201'1 57 Neil Arm Strong was the first man to set.fcot
on the moon In the Year:
42 When Women Protection Brll and Antiacld (B)
Throwrnq Btll was Passed bY Senate?
{A) 1966 1967
rAr 05. i2-2011(B) 07-12-2011 ici tma (o) 1e69

ici os-r z-zot t to\ 12-'t2-201'l 58. Name the country who has most land borders
wath other countries:
Veloc(v of wrnd is measured bY
rA) Speedo meter (B) Tachometer
(A) Russian (B) USA
(C) Anemometer (D) Audio meter (C) China (D) Japan

t 44 Oncology rs the study of 59. Highest score in the history of one day cricket
tA) Brrds (B) Cancer is:
{A) /t4O (B) 443
icj Mammats(D) Sod
icl aea (o) 450
45 A branch oI medicine dealing with skin is
calledl 60. Which counlry has the oldest anthem of the
(A) PharmacologY (B) Urology world?
ict Phraseotogy (D) Dermatology
(A) Jaoan (B) Chtna
46 A branch of medrcine studying blood and its ici egvpt (D) Greece

disorders is called 61. The largest producer of coflee in the world?

(A) Oermatology (B) Hematology lA) Sri Lanka (B) Kenya
iCr Entomology (D) Pathology ici us (D) Brazil
62. Arfa Kareem the youngest ever Certified
47 Parkinson is a disease associated with:
(A) Brain (B) Heart Microsoft Profession,l breathed her last on?
(A) 14t" JanuaY 2012
iC) Lungs (D) Bones
(B) 15rn January 20t 2
48 Which is the caus€ of dengue fever? (c) 16th January 2012
(A) Aedes Aegypters (B) Anopheles (D) 1 7'h January 201 1
iC) Bannohits (D) None of these 63. Which is the highest military award of Britain?
49 Whrch vitamin gets destroyed by heating? {A\ Milrtarv Cross (B) Vrctoda Medal
(A) A (B) E
ici grlzaoLttr Model (D) victorra cross
(c) c (D) K
64. Which Muslim country got the most Nobel
50 Which gas is commonly used in balloons and onzes rn Muslim world?
airships? iA) Pakrstan (B) Bangladesh
rAl Hvdrooen (B) Helium ici rr"n (D) EsYPt
iCi Ciroo-n aioxioe (D) Hydrogen Sulfide
65. Which country awards the Nobel Prrze?
51 . Which gas is used in the preparation of soft (A) America (B) Swtzerland
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide ic) No*ay (D) Sweden
(C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen 66. Who conceived the character of James
52 Pakrstan lolned UNO on {A) Samuel Johnson (B) R Y Krppling
{A) 3O-Oi}-1947 (B) 30-09-1947 (C) Challes Dickens (D) lan Frenntig
ici so-os-tsaa (D) 3o-12-1948 67. Who is the author of "Gulltver's Travel
53. When IMF was established? (A) Jonathan Swift
(A) 1945 tB) 1946 {Br T S Eliot
icl tsaz (D, 1948
iCj George Bernard Snaw
54. Who was the Prime Minister of UK at the time (O) Beacon
of crealion ol Pakistan? 68. Urdu drama Anarkalt was written byi
652 Adyrncad ppSC itces llfode, paoers
(A) Agha Hashar Kashmiri holql .at Exp Centre from 3 to
(B) Ashfaq Ahmad 7 February
2012. lt was?
(C) QudasiaBano (A) 24rh (B)
(O) lmtiaz Ati Tai
69. When lntemational Day
(c) 26," ioi
for youth is * has granted Trade Waiver to pakistan
(f) Marcn HrO
6 (B) jO Aprit
(C) 30 July (oi rz elsust .
lll Iwo
(U) t-our years
(B) Three years
(D) Frve year
70 Last week of Seplember is observed as:
84. ln which-city as many as 73 fans were kr ed
(A) World Heart Dav
(B) on 1-2-2012 aftet lootba match?
Wortd Maritime lav
(C) Wortd Cane dav
(A) Amman (B) Beirur
(D) (C) Cairo (Oi port Sad
Scot Oay
71. Dum Oum is the name of airporl of: 85. How m?ny awards were won by Adele, British
(A) Catcutta singer in Grammys Awad-201i?
(B) tiacca (A) 3
(C) Nairobi {B) /t
(O) Nepat
72. SAVAK is the secret aoencv ot
(c) 5 ioi o
(41 !"q
86. Who is the tatest induction into the
iB) SaudiArabia lntemational Cricket Council,s Hall ot Fame?
(u) Egypt (D) tran (A) Tendutkar (B) tmran Khan
73 Parliament of Turkey is known as: (C) Ricky ponting (D) Sunit Gavaskar
(A) Peopte Councit
(B) NationalAssembtv 87 Which year of its inception Govt. Colleoe
Unrversity Lahore m arked on 1_1_20,121
(C) Maiid-e-Shora (A) 148 (B)
(D) Grand Nalionat Assembty
74. Boundary tine. between China and tndia
(c) 1s0 tsr ioi

known as:
is 8E On 6-2-2012 eueen Etizabeth-ll celebrated
(A) Controttine (B) Durand Line ner _
(A) 45 years
to throne.
(C) Red Ctirf Line aD) McMahon Line (B) 50 vears
(C) 55 years (Oj OO iears
75. Who drafted the Declaration of American
89. Stephen Hawking. a-uthor of A Brief History of
rrme c€tebrated on 8-.1_2012 his birth day?
(A) Georg€ Washinqton
(B) lbrahim Lincotn !11 lith years 1b1 sotn years
(C) Cart Marks
(C) 55th years 1D) TOth years
(D) Thomas Jefferson 90. Urs. of Hazat Usman Ali Hajveri was
76. Whrch celebrated on .13 to i5 January 20i2. lt waa
is the year of French Revolution?
Urs number?
(A) 1775 (B) (A) 960
(c) 1785 ioj
r zag (c) s68 (B) 965
(oi szo
77. What Port of Spain is?
(A) See port of Spain 9'l ln which country of Central America, as many
(B) Harbour of Barbados a.s.300 jait.inmates died in February 2012? '
(C) A fishing city of Betarus
(A) Jamaica (B) Cuba
(D) Capital of Trinidad and Tobago (C) Costa Rica iOj XonOuras
78. Whal is lhe cunency of Sweden? 92. World Bank President Robb€r Zoetick has
decided to slep of down on:
(u) !ir,
(B) Sweden pound
(D) krona
(A) 01-3-2012 (8) 30_04_2012
(c) 30-0s_2012 (D) 30_06-2012
79. Monte Video is the capital ot? 93. Who helped CtA to trace Usama Bin Ladin in
(A) Paraguay (B) Nicaragua
(c) Frji (D) uruguay (A) Hussarn Haqanr (B) MansoorElaz
80. Name the capital of Azerbaiian? (C) Or. Khatit Afridi (D) Dr. ShakrAfiridr
(A) Baku (B) Dushanbe
(C) Dar ut lstam (D) Mina 94. nfhich proved to be the kilter medicine in plc
Medicine Scam?
8'1. N-ame the most expensive city of the wortd? (A) Loprin (B) Concour
(A) t'^ns (B) London (C) Zestoretuch iOi lsotao
(C) Nerv york (Dj Zurich 95. Who is Oirector of -Saving Face, a pakBtan
82. Lahore lnlernational Book Fair _ -
uocumentary Film nominated for Oscar
2012 was
AdvancedPPSC XGostodal Paoers 653

Award? 98. Which country clamped an un-ofncial ban

(A) Madhia Gohar upon Valenline DaY on 'l +O2-2O12?
(B) Uzma Gillani (A) Bangladesh (B) lndonesia
(C) Saira K8ztrli (C) Maliysia (D) Uzbekistan
(D) Sharmeen Obaif, Chinoy 99. When was the 2Oo ConstiMion Amendment
vb To whidr country contract o, M-9 (Karachi - Bill 2012 was unanimously pa$ed by National
Hvderabad Motonivay) has b€en awarded? Assemblv?
(A) MalaysE (B) lndonesia tA\ 14-d2-2012 Gl 1542-2012
(C) lran (D) South Korea ic\rc-oz-zotz (0|1742-2012
97 Which is group of G-4 counfies? 1oo.Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gillani
(A) hdia, Brazil, JaPan, Gemany participated in Annual 2012 Wodd Economic
(B) lndia. Brazil, Soufi Ko]ea, Germany Forum on 26-01-20'12 at?
(A) Tokyo (B) B€i,ing
iCi Cemany, No]th Korea, Japan, Malaysia (C) Shanghai (D) oavos
(D) Gbnnany, lndon€sia, JaPan' lran
Answer Key d
14. b 27. c 40. a 53. a 66 d 79. d 92
1. d
15. d 28. c 41. c 54. c 67 a 80. a 93 d
a d
16. a 29. a 42. d 55. c 68. d 8'l . b 94
3. a 9a d
17. a 30. c 43. 56. d 69. d c
4. b a
d 44. b 57. d 70. b 83. a 96.
5. d 18. b 31.
32. 45. d 58. c 71. a 84. d 97. a
6. c 19 c d
46. 59. b 72 85. d 98. d
7. 20 33. d b
a u. a 47. a 60. a 73 d 86 d 99.
8. c 21
100 d
35. d 48. a 61. d 74 d 87 a
9. d 22 b
36. a 49. 62. a 75 d 88 d
10 c 23
37. d 50. b 63 d 76 d 89 d
11 a 24 d
25 a 38. b 51. b 04 d 77 d 90 d
12 a
13 a 26 d 39. b 52. b 65 d 78 d 91 d


( BS - 16) 2016
1. First Census in Pakastan was held: 6. The President issues an Ordinance, when the
(A) 1948 (B) 1947 Padiament is not in session, on the:
(A) Advice ot the Cabinet
(c) 1950 (o) 1951
iBi Recommendation of the speaker
2. Soil erosion can be Prevented bY: (C) Advice ol the Prime Minister
(A) Overgrazing (D) Advice of the Parliament
(B) Removal of vegetation
(C) Afforestation 7 "Hollvwood', the cenler of American film
(D) Deforestation indu;trv is located in the state of:
(A) Ndw York (B) California
3. Synonym of OPPORTUNE is: (C) tua.ytana (D) Texas
(A) foitune (B) appropnate
8. The lndian National Congress was founded on
iCi tucr (o) well-informed
the initiative of:
4. ln 1E67 the USA purchased Alaska from: (A) Gandhi (B) Jinnah
(A) Canada (B) Russia (C) aO nume (D) Lod Linligthow
(C) Franc€ (D) Mexico
9. South Africa. also called the Rainbow Nation,
5. Zakal and Ushr Ordinance was promulgated has officral languages.
in: (A) 5- (B) 7
(A) 1979 (B) 1980 (ci e (D) 11
ic) 1982 (D) 1e83
10. lima means:
654 PPSC
(A) Consensus (8,
(B) Reasonrng by analogy Nrt.ogen droxrde
(U) (C) Nrtrogen pentoxide
tustnous writers (O) Nitrous oxide
rD, Collection of Ahadrs
11 Who held the porttolio of Frnance in the firsl
20 Programs wntten to make compute.s functron
rn a desrred way are called
c€brnet of Pakistan? (4) URL
(At I I Chundfloarh {B) rnslructrons
(B) Sardar Abd-ur Rab Nrshtar (C) software tDt facts
{C} Zafarullah Khan 21. Wiere was the first F|FA Footba World Cup
(D) Malik Ghulam Muhammad ptayed?
12 The famous French footbalt ptayer Zinedine
(A) Brazil (B) UK
zroane ongrnally belonged to:
(C) Argentina (D) Uruguay
(A) I unrsra (B) Algeria 22. To cul a word in Microsoft Word Documenl
lu) Egypt (D) Morocco whrch combination of kevs is used?
13 Physiotherapy ts a curatrve method for:
(A) Shift + X (Ei) Ctrt + X
(A) Heart disease (c) ckr + v (D) Shrft + v
(B) lmmobrlilv of Eints 23. ln is
which countrv Koh-e-Adam (Adams
(C) Crrrhosisbf tdre hver Peak) located? :
(D) Drug addiction (A) Sri Lanka (B) lndra
14 The third batfle of panrpat was fought (C) Palestine (D) lsrael
between 24. The United States of America at present is a
(A) Ahmad Shah Abdati and Marhatas Federation mnsrstrno of.
its) Jatat ud Din Akbar and Hemu (A) 45 states (B) 50 states
(9, Zahrr ud Din Baber and lbrahim Lodhr (u, rz srates {D) 55 slales
ru) Aurangzaib Alamgir and Guru Gobin 25. The. tenonst attack on Army pubfic School,
Srngh Fesnawar took Dlace on
Il/la-t y'as the evit pra-cticed by the peopte ot ({} 11 Dec 2Or+ (B) t6 Dec 2014
)ooom and Gomorrah? (C) 20 Dec 2014 (D) I Oec 2014
(A) lndulged in corruDtion
(B) lndulged rn bnbe;v
26 Or. Christran Barnard performed the first ever
nead transplant on humane. Which country
(c) lndulged in homo;exualitv was he from?
(o) lndulged in opium eating ' qsA
(41 (B) switzerrand
16. Alia parted her parents tn lears. (c) South Africa (D) New Zeatand
(A) rrom-- (B) of 27. Tle solid-ified form of whrch gas rs known as
(C) wrth io) Uv .
"Dry lce'?
17. A man walks 3 km to his East then tums left (A) Hydrogen chtoride
and watks 3 km towards ttorm ttin'ium iJii (B) Ca6on dioxide
and watks 3 km towards west. lndicate the (C) Nitrogen Oxide
correct direction in whrch he is ,n ,efation- iJ (D) Ammonia
nts Starttng point: 28 Second Bante of panrpal was fought in 1556
{A) East (B) West A.D between'
(c) South iD) North (A) Sher Shah Sun and Humanyun
18 What was the name given to lndia,s partfiion (q) Ahmad Shah Abdatr and Miralhas
Plan'? (9) Zaheeer ud Oin Baber and lbrahrm
(A) June 3rd Plan (D) None oI these
(B) Cabinet Mission Plan 29 Find lhe correctly punctuated sentence from
/C) lndependence Act IOllOwrng SentenCeS
(Dr Radclffe Award (A) Alas. his father has dred
19 The name of taughing gas rs. (B) Alas! His father has dred.
(A) Nrtflc oxide (C) Alas his father has died.
(D) Alas. Hrs fatherhas dred
The actual division of British lndia betw€en
30. Who postutated the theory of natural selectton
the two in evolutton?
new dominions was accomplished according
has come to be known as the 3 Juhe ploi ot
to what (A) Tatbot (B) John Laszto
ilountbotten P/or,. lt was announced at a press The Second Batfle of panipat was Fought on
conference by Mountbatten on 3 rune 1947,
when the Nolember 5, 1556, between the forces of Hemu,
date of Independence was also aonounced _ the
15 August Hindu general and Chief Minister ol Adit Shah
1.947. Suri, and
the army of the Mughal emperor, Akbar.
Advanced PPSC llcos ilode, Paoers 655
(C) Joseph Lister (O) Darwin (A) Ajmer Sharif (B) Delhr
31. Mahmud Ghazni was son of: (C) Sirhind (D) Multan
(A) Outubuddin Aibak 45. When a qas turns into a liquid the process rs
(B) Subuktagin called:
(C) Muhammad Ghaun (A) Ccndensation (B) Evaporat:o.
(D) Muhammad Tughlaq (C) Oeposition (0) Sublin at,on
32. Justice delayed is justice 46. What number should corle next? 3 4. 7 8
(A) Denied (B) Oelayed '11, 't2. .
(C) Deprived (O) Deterred (A) 7 (B) 10
33. Choose the Synonym of INVEIGH: (c) 14 (D) ls
(A) Tocarry (B) Remonstrate 47. Choose the synonym of NONCHALANT
(C) Enlice (D) Encroach (A) Excited (B) Natural
34. 'Kigali is the capitalof: (C) Dispassionate (D) Nervous
(A) Niger (B) Mauritania 48. 'Cryptology' is the study of:
(C) Liberia (D) Rwanda (A) Crimes (B) Codes
35. Wlich of the following numbers is divisible by (C) Fingerprints (D) None of these
12? 49. Shab-e.Mairaj falls on:
(A) 4653 (B) 4818 (A) 18 Rajab (B) 20 Ramadan
(c) 4501 (O) 4404 (C) 27 Rajab (O) 20 Shawal
36. lf the day before yesterday was Saturday then 50. Who is the cunent Chairman of the Joinl
day after tomorrow will be: Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan's
(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday Defence Forces?
(C) Thusday (D) Friday (A) Gen Raheel Sharif
37. Fill in the blanks: The Romans iriumphed (B) Gen Khalid Shamim Wyne
(C) Gen. Tariq Maiid
_ the Greeks.
(D) Gen. Rashad Mahmood
(A) on (B) at
(C) over (D) upon 51. 'Qulto' is the capital of.
3E. What typ€ ot a devic€ is a computer mouse?
(A) Fiii (B) Namibia
(A) output (B) input (C) Rwanda (D) None of these
(C) Data (O) Storage 52. A Senator is elected in Pakistao tor
39. The appointment of the Chief Justice of
(A) 4 years (B) 5 years
Pakistan is made by: (C) 6 years (D) 7 years
(A) The Pnme Minister 53. When was Ha.ii declared as obligatoty (Fae)?
(B) The President (A) 7 H'Jri (B) I HUri
(C) Supreme Judicial Council (C) 9 Hijri (O) 10 Hirn
(D) Parliament 54. \ivnich is odd man out for 14. 28. 49 65. 35
40. Which Sura (chapter) of Quran-e-Karm enlists 21' .

the categories ot people eligible to rec€ive (A) ?6 (B) 35

zakal? (c) 14 (D) 6s
(A) Al-lmran (B) Bani-lsrael
(C) Yasin (D) Tauba 55. Mohammad Bin Qasim attacked Srndh rn
(A) 617 A.D. (B) 702 A.D
4'1. ln which battle British forces led by Duke of (c) 809 A.D. (O) 712 A.D
Wellington deleated French forces led by f
Napoleon Bonaparte?
56. When a plot is sold Rs. 1E.700. the o!v.e.
(A) Battle of Waterloo . loses 150/o. At what pnce must thal pol oe
(B) Battle of Leipzig sold in order lo gain 15%?
(C) Battle of Borodino (A) Rs.21.000 (B) Rs 22,500
(D) War of Roses (C) Rs. 25,300 (D) Rs.25,800
42. Which word does NOT belong with the 57. Fill in the blank:
'Atter the concert, everyone __. and
(A) lnch (B) Ounce clapped."
(A) Raised (B) Ros€
(C) Centimeler (D) Yard (C) Had Risen (O) Rising
43. Shortcut for printing a document in MS-Word
58. Mr. Ant6nio Guterres has been selected as
(A) Ctrl + Z (B) Shift + P the next Secretary General of the Unrted
(C) Ctrl + P (D) Ckl + X Nalions. To which country does he belong?

44. Where rs Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia buraed?

' 65 is the only one not evenly divisible by 7
656 Adyanced PPSC MCQi Nodel paoe's
(A) llaly (B) Spain 71 . 'Ashes" Series of Cricket is played between
(C) Poland (D) Portugat (A) Auslralia & England
59. Which word conveys the meaning of 'Once in (B) Australia & New Zealand
a blue moon"? (C) Australia & West lndies
(A) Rarely (B) Boautitul (D) Australia & Sri Lanka
(C) Extremely (D) Unlikely 72. Ethiopia was formerly kno,yn as:
60 Kanpur Mosque tragedy took place in: (A) Abyssinia (B) Batavia
(A) 1909 (B) 1910 (C) Congo (D) Fqi
(c) 1913 (D) 1915 73. f the wages of 6 men for 15 days be Rs:
61 Chanakya is the writer of the famed treatis€ 2100, then find the wages of g men for 12
Arthashastra', which is a book on days'.
Religion (B) Starecr5h-
(A) (A) Rs.2400 (B) Rs.2520
Business (D) warfare
(C) (C) Rs.2600 (O) Rs.2750
62. The book "Jinnah: lndia-partition- 74. The only mosque in the world with six
lndependence" was wfltten by: mrnarets is the Blue Mosque or the'Mosque
(A) K.K. Aziz of Sultan Ahmad". lt is located rn.
(B) Sharif-ul-Mujahid (A) Tehran (B) tstanbut
(C) Jaswant Singh (C) Jeddah (D) Cairo
(D) Dr. Dipankar Banaerie€ 75. Umm-ul-Masakeen was lhe title given to one
63. World Olympics-2o16 was hetd at: of the wives of the Prophet (SAW):
(A) Athens (B) Tokyo (A) Hazrat Sauda (R.A )
(C) Rro de Janerio (D) Pans (q) Hazrat Zainab binte Jahsh (R.A.)
(q) Hazrat Zainab binle Khuzaimah (R.A.)
64. Orangutans belong to the ape family. From (O) Hazrat Safia (R.A.)
which language is the name Orangutan
taken? 76. Who is the Presidert o, Cuba?
(A) Bahasa Matay (8) Chinese (A) Fidel Castro (B) Hugo Chavez
(C) Swahih (D) Zutu (C) Raul Castro (D) none of these
65. How many marlas are there in one Acre? 77. Anlonym of VALIDATE is:
(A) 160 (B) 180 (A) Disprove (B) Legatize
(c) 145 (O) 120 (C) Authenlicate (O) none o{ these
66 Fill in the blank: They have put speed bumps 78. National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) was
on the road accidents. promulgated in the year.
(A) promote (A) prohiOit (A) 2008 (B) 200s
(C) prevent -- (O) forbid 2007 tc) (D) 2009
67. The first issue of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,s 79. According to the 1973 Constitution the
newsp-aper 'Al-Hilal' came out on 13th July. President is the titular Head ot the State. Who
(A) 1912 (Bt 1922 elecls the President?
(C) 1932 (Dj None of thcse (A) The Senate. National and Provinciat
68. Synonym of OEFTANT is: (B) The National Assemblv
(A) Orsobedrent (B) Comptaint (C) The Senate
(C) Meek (O) Oppiessive (D) The Senate and the Nationat Assembty
69. Choose the synonyms PARTISAN: 80. What does being "Under a cloud' mean?
(A) Opponent (B) Supporter (A) winter season
(C) Mite (D) Component (B) On a high position
70. Who was the Chairman of Boundary'
Commission at the lime of part(ion?
(A) Sir Cyril Radctiffe Explanation:
(B) Sir Simon Radcliffe Letthe required wages be x.
(C) Sir Cripps Radctiffe More
(D) Sir Abbot Radctiffe = men, More wages. ( ... Diiect proportion )
+ [ess days, Less wages. ( ... Direct proportion )
- Men=6:9:: 21m: r
' The Arthashastra is an ancient lndian treatise on Days = 15 : 12 :: 2100 : x
statecraft, economic policy and military strategy, +(615 x)=(912 210C)
v.:arten in Sanskrit, Likely to be the work of several x=[(s 12 21m)/(5ls)]
authors over (enturies, Kautilya, also identified as x=420 6
Vrshnugupta and Chanaiya, is traditionally c.edited a9 r = 2520
the author of the text. Hence, the required waSes are Rs. 2520
Ad',tencad PPSC nCOs llode, Paoers 657
(C) out of favour
(D) under economic constraints t,5 6* a, 7 L / 1u3.c ! 1", )rVL x tt" .91
" tt"

81. Who wrote 'lndia Wins Freedom"? J*.;A (B) ,Eree (A)
(A) Allama lqbal ,st1v'4r (O)
(B) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan -S,t':,'.z, \Cl
(C) Abul Kalam Azad
(D) Muhammad Ali .,q1.,,i,t.,.,;f., ; _;!,,,.t .gZ
82. At the time ot Lucknow Pact, Quaid-e-Azam ,u/r @) r,v) (A)
(A) Only Member of All lndia Muslim League Jr,f p\ ,!l'<cl
(B) Member of both Muslim League and
-{-tl$-tt":-,,L To blow one's lrumpet" .93
(C) Only member of lndian National c{a,,v (Bl trrtGiQ-t lA)
(D) Not a member of any Political Party $ttr;v,.tri'uft (Dl r';y:,2-t (C)
83. Which river is called the "Nile of Pakistan"?
(A) Chenab (B) lndus
I a'?.-ra i,gj ? t ivo;..-,JJ;:, t .94
(C) Ravi (D) None of these nt4 (B) ;E (A)
84. One of the longest tunnels in South Asia
Khojak Tunnel. Where is it located?
is thc itru @\ 4'r Ql
(A) Balochistan
(B) Gilgit Baltistan
.it--t-{ -,-a,jJt, .gs
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
i-ir'(;$-o$ '/
85. One Mile is equal to how many feet? "c-6-' t: -
(A) 4600
(c) 5280
(B) 52s0
(D) 5725 Jbd'r,, (B) li^i
86. Which country has recently left the -all @) Jor-* (c)
Commonwealth Organization?
(A) Maldives (B) Zimbabwe Jb, r-,, ,' "A Cold Blooded Murder' .96
(C) Gambia (D) Pakistan =th{
87. Which component of diet prevents
u,rlsu,,L-i (Bl j;'zt (Al
(A) Minerals
(c) Protein
(B) Fiber
(D) vitamins
t/i:r. @\ v,rl,r'*-.' (c)
88. Satpara Lake is located closed to: t{t ;/ ; ;,J tf 6,J, i,' / ti J,rJ Jl .97
(A) Skardu (B) Hunza
(C) Gilgit (D) Swat ll,, @\ stul,a (A)

89. The murder of Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to ,r,i/'a(D\ J,u.i2 (C)
Austrian throne, became the immediate cause
\ a; it.v t(Jt -;, ti,r-;",,9 )6, 1 {t,)V ;' .98
of which war;
(A) world War I
(B) Battle of Borodino &ir,/ (B\ &i+;q $)
(C) Battle of Jutland
(D) World War ll
&t+vt (Dl .f.sar,z G\
90. What does LRMIS sland for? .Ltr((i2 L" i Jt.t,i,/ L6,i .99
tbv r*
(A) Local Regulations and Measur€ment ,6,t11u-t,t (B\ jqr (g)
lnformation System
(B) Land Record Management lnformalion ,/ r (o) *,)/tt (Cl
(C) Land Record Measurement and s-4tl j.t"'JoL.t)* -v\,? .100
lnlormation System
(D) Land Revenue Management lnformation \ts(irt (B) J,tr,/2 l )
System D#jqro (D) re2o'u. (c\
658 Advencad PpSC MCes Modet paoerc

Answer Key
'1. d 14. a 27 b 40. d 53, c 66 c 79 a 92 c
2. c 15. c 28 d 4't a 54. d 67 80
3. b '16 a 29 b 42b 55. d 68
a 81 c
93 c
17. 94 c
4. b b 30 d 43c 56c 69 b 82 b c
5. b 18 a 31 b 44b 57. b 70 a 83 b 96 d
6. c 19. d 32 a 45a 58. d 71 a 84 e 97 b
7. b 20. c 33 b 46d 59. a 72 a 85 c 98. b
L 21 d 34 d 47. c 60. c 73 b 86 a 99 a
L d 22. b d 48b 61. b 74 b 87 b 100 d
10 a 23. a 36 b 49. c 62. c 75 c 88. a
fi d 24. b 37 c 50. d 63. c 76 c 89. a
't2 b 25. b 38. b 51. d 64. e 77. a 90. b
13 b 26. c 'lo b 52. c 65. a 78 c 91. b



in Punjab Land Record Authority, Revenue Department - 201g
1. Which material is used in making of Computer ' (O) A system lhat emptoys muttimedia
Chips? resources
(A) Copper (B) Sreet I \r,/hich of the fofiowing is not an Operating
(C) Fiber ctass (D) Siticon System?
2. "Add New Hardware'option exists in: (A) DOS (B) Linux
(A) Title bar (B) Status bar (C) Windows (O) Oracte
(C) Control Panet (D) Taskbar 9. Vvhich is odd one out in: 14, 26,49,60, 35,2i
3. What does RAM in a computer stand for? (A) 28 (B) 35
(A) Read and Memonze (c) 14 (D) 65
(B) Random Access Memorv 10. Comdete the series 5, 9, 17. 33,
(C) Random Acaess Modute (At 74
(O) @) 72
Random Access Modem (c) 6s (D) 60
4. ATM is abbreyiation of: '11. lt 7 Sddersmake 7 webs in 7 days, in how
(A) Automatic Transistor Model many days witl one spider take to make one
(B) Auto Transfer Mode web?
(C) Automated Te er Method (A) 7 (B) 9
(O) Automated Tetler Machine (c) 10 (D) 12
5 lJf is a- famous brand of computer equrpment. 12. A fathel is twice as old as his son. 20 years
What does HP stand for? ago the age of the father was .12 time; the
(A) High Perfo.mance age of the son. The present age of the father
(B) Hewlett-Packer ts:
(C) Harold packard (A) 44 years (B) 32 years
(D) Hewlen-Packard (C) 22 years (O) 50 years
6. Servers are crmputers that provide resources 13 ln- a class of 20 boys and 28 grts what percent
to other computers connected to a. of the class are gtrls?
(A) Marnframe (B) Super Computer (A) 41 7o/o ' (8) 48%
(c) Network (D) oiinr (c) 58 3% to\ 7oo/o
7. A Hyperlink is: 14. lf the pflce ol 12 eggs is Rs 96. how many
(A) A word phrase that. when clicked, eggs can be bought with Rs e0?
displays another document (A) 8 (B) 9
(B) A scflptrng language (c) 10 (D) 11
(C) A world wde web gateway
AdvlncedPPSClrcosilod.rPrrels 659

15. lfa=1/3.b=4,c=-'landd= 5 then what (A) Poratoes (B) Meat

will 2[3a - (b + c) - 4dl equal to? (C) Fish (O) E99s
(A) 26 (B) 30 29. Normal sunlight when passed through a
(c) 36 (D) 40 prism breaks into how many colou6?
16 Simplify: 280 + ( 120) ( 320) + 50 = ? (A) 5 (8) 6
(A) 510 (B) 530 (c) I (D) 7
(c) 630 (D) s70 30 Leukemia is a disease of the:
17. Choose the correct option: I have engaged (A) Lungs (B) Blood
hrm to act as my (C) Liver (D) Brain
(A) Council 18) Councel 31. Whrch one of the following visible colours has
(C) Counsel (O) Consul the longest wavelength?
18. ldentify the meaning of the foreign phras€ (A) Yellow (B) Blue
commonly used in English Language: (c) Red (D) Green
MAGNUM IEUS 32. Light travels in vacuum at the speed of:
(A) Best work of an artisl (A) 146000 miles per second
(B) ln great numb€rs (B) 176000 miles p€r second
(C) Together (C) 186282 miles per second
(D) None oI these (O) 196000 miles per second
19 Complete the Proverb: 'Even- 33. Night blindness is caused by the lack of whrch
somelimes nodes." vitamin?
(A) Milton (B) Shakespeare (A) Vitaman A (B) Vitamin B
(C) Pope (D) Homer (C) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin E
20. Use the coffecl Preposilion to fill the blank. 34. River Ama2on is an lmportant river ofi
"He reached Lahore bus. (A) North America (B) South America
(A) From (B) with (C) Europe (D) Africa
(c) By (D) on
35. Torer ot Pisa is situated in:
21 ldentify the meaning of the undedined phrase (A) France (Bl Germany
in the following sentence: !!9-..1!UMgl3-dgal (C) UK (o) ltaly
ear to mv advice.
(A) Did not lislen (B) Oid nol accept 36. 'Chauburji' in Lahore was built by:
(A) Aurangzaib Alamgir
(C) Did not use (D) Oid not like (B) Shah Jahan
22. Synonym of "Proliferate" is: (C) Princes Zeb-un-Nisa
(A) Simplify . (B) Multiply (D) Noor Jahan
(C) Glorify (D) Dignify
37. Clinon is a famous beach of Pakastan which is
23 Choose the correct Synonym: lnane located near:
(A) Reasonable (B) Cons€quential (A) Karachi (B) Mumbai
(C) Substanlial (D) Absurd (C) Dhaka (D) Colombo
24. Fill in the correci preposition: "She had 38. Which of the following countries is below the
promised to be back five'o' clock." Sea level?
(A) on (B) bY (A) Finland (B) Belgium
(C) of (D) None of these (C) lceland (O) Netherlands
25. Fill an the blank. A wise man profits 39. Abraham Lincoln was a 16th president of:
_ -
his experience. (A) USA (B) uK
(A) rn (B) on (C) France (D) ltaly
(C) by (D) with
40. Saddam Hussain was a president of:
26. Exquisite means. (A) lran (B) Oman
(A) Of great beauty (B) Strange (C) lraq (D) ltaly
(C) Exclusive (D) Entoyable 41 Ethnic€lly StEr Shah Suri was a:
27. The term PVC is widely used in plastics (A) Pashtun (B) Ta,ik
industry. PVC stands lor: (C) Turkman (O) Uzbek
(A) Polyvinyl Chlorioe 42 The famous Notre Dame Cathedral as located
(B) Polyvrnyl Carbonate in:
(C) Phosphoric Vanadium Chloride (A) Paris (B) Rome
(O) Penta vinyl Chloride (C) Milan (D) London
28. Which of the following is not rich in protein?
660 Advraccdppsc Ces,rode,paoers
43. Which .of the following was a great centre ot 56. The book'Friends Not Masters-, was written
education during the Abbasid Catiphale?
(A) Ankara (B) Basra (A) Qudratultah Shahab
(C) Baghdad ioi Damascus (B) Ayub Khan
44. The first Nuclear power plant in pakistan was (C) Dr. Parvez tqbat Cheema
established at (D) Manzur Qadir
(A) Mianwati ----- (Bi tstamabad 57. Who the founder of the Slave Dynasty in
(C) Karachi (D) peshawar lndia?-was
45. Pontius Pilate is an import'ant person in lhe (A) Mahmoud Ghaznavi
hiltory of Christianity. Who was pontius (B) Sher Shah Suri
Pilate? (C) Qutub.ud-Oin Aibak
(A) Person who betrayed Jesus Christ (O) lbrahim Lodhi
(B) Person who sentenced Jesus Christ 58. 'Qissa Sohni Mahiwal" was writteh by?
(C) Roman Prefect of Judea (A) Waris Shah
(O) Borh B and C (B) Mian Muhammad Baksh
46. Who was lhe ,irst Non-Muslim Test Cricketer (C) Fazat Shah
of Pakistan? (D) Shah Hussain
(A) Wa is Mathias (B) Duncan Sharpe 59. The major tanguage of Egypt is:
(C) Antao O'Souza (D) Anit Datpar (A) English (Bi'Arabic
47. Name the retigion which believes in the (C) Spanish (D) French
doctrine of Trinity?
60. Govt. of Pakistan named its lslamabad as its
(A) Christian y (B) Judaism new Capital on:
(C) Zoroastrianism (Di Hinduism (A) Feb 24, i960 (B) Feb 24, 1959
48. Who according to the Christianity b€trayed (c) Feb 24. 1951 (O) Feb 24, 19sE
Jesus Christ?
(A) Bamabas (B) Jacob 61. Beiiing is the new name of:
(C) Judas tscariot (D) None ofthese
(A) Hiroshima (B) yokohama
(C) Peking (D) Seour
49. ln the epic Ramayana, which bird tried lo 62. When.was the tamous Faisal Mosque of
prevent Ravana from carrying Sita away? lslamabad completed?
(A)Vibhishana (B)'Jitavu (A) 1976 (B)
(C) Garuda (o)
ehu5nsa (c) 1986 (Di
50. B_uddha was primarily interesled in elimination 63. Which of the folowing princety States was the
trrst to formally accede to pakistan?
(A) Caste System (B) Discrimination (A) Khairpur (B) Bahawatpur
(C) ldolatory (O) Sdfenng (C) Chikat (Oj Swat
51 . What is the narne of Shiva's consort (wife) in
04. Aiicte 6 0f the 1973 Constitution deats with:
Hrndu mythology?
(A) lmpeactment of president
(A) Lakshmi (B) Sira (B) Fundamental Riohts
(C) Parvati (O) Mira (C) High Treason -
52. ln Judaism an ordained teacher is a: (D) None of these
(A) Rabbr (B) priest
(C) Prophet 65. Name the author of the book tifled ? Case of
(D) Scnbe Exploding Mangoes,:
53. The famous novel "Frankenstein" was w tten (A) Saadat Hasan Manto
by: (B) Ayesha Jatat
(A) Edgar Altan poe (B) H.G Wefls (C) Muhammad Hanif
(C) lan Ftemming (D) Mary Shefley (D) Benazir Bhutto
54. Who is the author of the book "War and 66. The Natonat Aclion plan, announc€d on
Peace"? December 2014. contains
(A) Kart Marx (B) Rousseau pan to counter terrorism. _ point
(C) Chartes Dickens (O) Leo Totstoy (A) 1s (B) 20
55. Whict state of USA Barack Obama comes
(c) 25 ioi zs
from? 67. The famous Moti Masjid bur[ in .1635 rs
(4)New York (B) Catrfornia localed inl
(C) tinois iOi ptoriOa (A) Lahore (B) Muttan
(C) Thatta iOi gner"
AdYancd PPSC lrcOs nod?,l PaDers 661

68. The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan lvas 79. Usain Bolt became the only athlete ever to win
enforced on: 3 Gold Medals in 100 meters race in Olympics
(A) 'lst Jan,1973 (B) 23 March 1937 games. To which countrydoes he belong?'
(C) 16 April 1973 (D) 14 Augusl 1973 (A) Jamaica (B) Barbados
69. Common type of family system in Pakistan is:
(C) Cuba (D) USA
(A) Nuclear family (B) Marli local 80. "Andre Agassi" was a famous player of:
(C) Joint family (O) None of these (A) Tennis (B) Badminton
(C) Football (D) Cric*et
70. The famous book 'The ldea of Pakistan' is
written by: 81. Since they began how many Olympic Games
(A) Stephen Cohen (B) Stanly Wolpert have been held in Africa?
(C) Christina Lamb (D) Alastair Lamb (A) 1 (B) 2
(c) 4 (D) 0
71. Of the following ranks of the Pakistan Army
which is most senior? 82. In June 2014, King Juan Cados I abdicated in
(A) Brigadier favour of his son Felipe Vl. To which country
(B) General did King Juan Cados belong?
(C) Lieutenant General (A) Sparn (B) Belgrum
(D) Msjor General (C) The Netherlands (O) Monaco
72. All lndia Muslim League was iormulated in: 83. ln March 2018 during his Middle East tour
(A) 1806 (B) 1906 Prince Charles took part in a dance, known
(c) 1706 (D) 1606 as:
(A) Belly dance
73. Which Mughal King made Lahore his capilal (B) Saudi sword dance
for 14 years? (C) Tanoura dance
(A) Shah Jehan (D) Monis dance
(B) Akbar
(C) Aurangzeb 84. Geslapo was the Seset Police of:
(D) Bahadur Shah Zafar (A) U.S.A (B) Russia
(C) Germany (D) JaPan
74. ln his Allahabad address Allama lqbal
suggested crealion in lndia of a separate 85. North Korean all six nuclear tYeapons tests
Muslim Slate in: were made on:
(A) South-East lndia (A) Mounl MantaPsan
(B) South-West lndia (B) Kuwolsan
(C) North-West lndia (C) Mount Kumgang
(D) North-East lndia (D) Paektu Mountain
75. Who introdlced the Doctrine of Lapse in 86. The Headquarters of lhe World Trade
British lndia? Organization (WTO) is located in:
(A) Oalhousie (B) Ellenborough (A) Paris (B) Washington
(C) Auekland (D) Canning (C) Brussels (D) Geneva
76. The acceptance of separale eleclorate gave 87. Babri Mosque which was demolished by
stength to the theory which become the basis Hindu extremists is siluated in the province /
of the Muslim fteedom struggle? state of:
(A) One Nalion Theory (A) Maharashtra
(B) Two Nation Theory (B) Uttar Pardesh
(C) Three Nation Theory (C) Madhya Pardesh
(D) Four Nation Theory (D) Andra Pardesh
77. Which Cricket player has scored lhe most 88. ln lhe beginning unrest in Syria grew out of
runs in a single innings in a Test Match? discontent with the Assad government was a
(A) Hanif Muhammad part of:
(B) Sachin Tendulkar (A) Russian Air Attack
(C) Matthew Hayden (B) lranian lnvolYemenl
(D) Brian Lara (C) Arab Spring Wave
(D) Fathullah Golen's moYement
78. Crickel team of which country is called
'Proleas'? 89. The curlent president of France is:
(A) Australia (B) New Zealand (A) Theresa May
(C) South Africa (O) lreland {B) Malcolm Turbull
(C) Emmanuel Macron
(D) Justin Trudea
662 /l&aaadpAlCffiAsroddpaoers
90. The Treaty of Versailles ended the:
(A) World War I c!rG--,J,r-fi (c)
(B) World War tt
(C) French Revolution UdVt,f4Ub 6)
(D) None otlhese
!a- ,fi;1't,ia':i,,,,i x
-i :,rf("t" .gt
etvil; G) 1(a (e)
,>-a G) I G) (;,a 6) nj;e (c)
Jf, (o) u7 (c)
I r,l. i {Ivl,iv\,?,/'.fi,,c,t;b" s7
-9,_, _/., ;,,,v t.. _i: .g2

-!t-: (B) (A)

P;lo,v G) j,rj.,* <e)
t-' st.- (o)
,s'*i <o> j'if ,v <cl
Jt.tL-t;t (C)
.i . 11 ; i CL/-:i ,,"" ga
t1v;{.,.! j lt,,,iu<erit-,t .es j;,,? tal (A)
Jtl: Gl r,,-1,, (a) -.y-<i,
)ti4tab) ;r,-,-i @)
-,u41 (D) ;gs)V,t G)
-'l -o:'t( Jb, t ,rZ.ldiom "pros and cons" .99
! a(-2rri"'gt il4lf.-t,jJrj,? .p4
!-L/ <e> it:'" G)
'/;: G) 4,v;/1G) Gtito,jv (o) t;:;? 61
4yuqr (o) j-lit (c)
tJ:C.j,tZefun joo
|?r/{<-'t utttlCutt e5
,s./ dr (A)
Lts1fl|+Ve G)
e/-' (D) ,4 @)
Answer Key
,. d 't4 c 27 a 40. c 53. d 66 b 79 a 92 a
2. 't5 c 28 a 41. a 54 d 6f a 80 a 93 a
3. b 16 b 29 d 42. a 55 c 68 d 81 d 94 a
4. d 17 c 30 b 43 c 56 b 69 c a 95 a
5. d 18. a 31 c 44. 57 c 70 a 83 b 96. c
7. a
59 b
71 b u c 97. d
72 b 85 a 9E, d
8. d 21. a 34 b 47. a 60 e 73 b 86 d 99. d
9. d 22. b 35 d 48. c 61 c 74 c 87 b 100 a
10 c 23. d 36 b 49. b 62 75 a 88.
1t a 24. b 37 a 50. a 63 b 76 b 89. c
12 a 25. d 38 d 5'r 64 c 77 d
90. a
13 c 26. a 39 a 52. a 65 c 78 c 91. a



Anti-money laundering act was promulgaled (A Chief Secretary of the Punjab
on (B Chief Minister of the Pun,ab
(A) 2006 (c Chief of the Section
B) 2008 (o Chairman ot the Board
c) 2007 9. ln which year planning process was initially
D) None ofthe above formalized in Pakistan
2. High€st litsracy rale among SAARC: (A) 1951 (B) 1952
(A) Nepal (B) Sri Lanka (c) 19s3 (O) 19s4
(C) lndia (D) Pakistan 10. Which of the following rs authorized ,or
3. Whi{fi one ol the following is nol the part of resource allocalion. re-appropriation from
ADP fomulation? blocks and supplementary allocations to the
(A) Preparation o, resource estimates development schemes?
(B) First drafr of ADP (A) Executive committee of the National
(C) Prep.ration of list of schemes Economic Council (ECNEC)
(D) HeiLrd documentetion of scfi€me (B) Central Development Working Party
4. Whid of the following deals with lhe report on (cowP)
3urvey snd basible study of the projects?
(C) Planning & Developmenl Eoard
(A) PC-r (B) PC- (D) Provincial Development Working Party
(c) Pc-m (D) Pc-rv
There are how many pillars of Vision 2025 of
5. Whidr of lhe lollowing is not the source of
revenu€3 fuf hderal govefnmenl?
(A) Tax on taxaue income (A) 6 (B) 7
(B) Tar on salarica (D) I (D) 9
(C) Tar on properlie3 '12. Which of the following analyes includes
(O) Sales Tax Benefit Cost Ratio. lnternal Rate of Return
(lRR). Net Present Value (NPV) etc.
6. Federal income lax is a
(A) Financial Analysis
(A) Progr$sive Tax (B) Regressive Tax (B) Economic Analysis
(C) Propodional Tax (D) Equitable Tax
(C) External Analysis
7. The oullines delining purpose of a Projeci and (D) FeasibilttyAnalysrs
break the project into small parls is commonly
known as 13. While constructing Oam, flo,, ol water reduces
(A) Terms of Reterence due to dredging ot the bridge, this is cost is
(B) Work break down circuit considered as
(C) Exccution phase of thc proiect (A) Oireat Cost (B) lndirect Cost
(D) lnilial Phas6 of the Projcci (C) Tangible Cost (O) lntangible Cost
'14. Any cost directly born by the project is called
3. -r heFianning & D€\relopment board has been
divided into sections which are headed by
i Advancsd PPSC t COs odel paoaB
(4) PnmaryCosi (B) Secondrary Cost- 24. Here is a cup of tea to drink
(C) Marn Cost 1D1 None ofuie above (A) From (B) Wth
15.. Any proiect @sting more than Rs.lO, O(x) (C) For (D) To
million or any proiect tlat involves fore{yr.aii 25. Fle is atraid _ elephant.
component ts apprq,td by (A) From (B) Of
(A) Execdive cOmniitteb ol the Natiorial (C) For . (D) To
__ E@nomic Coundt (ECNEC)
(B) g-q!!Bl. Oevetopmer[ Worting party 26. Her parents strongly obiecl her
(cDwP) travelling.
(C) Planning & Devetopment Board From
(A) (B) Of
(O) Provincial Oevetopment Working party For
(C) iO) ro
(PDWP) 27. He was indifferent to alt good counsets of his
'16. Which of the foflowing is the highed parents and got troubles.
Dody et (A) ln
the. provincial level regarding approva[ of (B) tnto
proiects? (c) with (oi or
(A) Execudw commitEe of lhe Ndional 28. lndia occupied certain parts of Siachin Glacier
Economic Councit (ECNEC) tn:
(B) _C^al.t.ra.l. Devetoprirent Worting party (A) 1980 (B) 1982
(C) Planning & DevetoDment Board
(c) 1984 (O) 19E6
(O) Pjgyi|l'al Devetopment Working party ldenliry the Antonyms of fofiowing questions
29. lmpromptu:
17. Director Puniab Economic Res€arch lnstitute (A) Cooperative (B) haste
is the pa of (C) Prepared (O) none of these
(A) District Osvelopment Committe€ (ODC)
(B) Divisional Development Workirig pirty 30. lncriminate
(oDwP) (A) Exonerate (B) tmoticate
(C) Oevetopment Worting pany
(C) Punishment (O) Division
(PDWP) 3'1. Plethora
(D) _C^qlr!l?!. Development Worting parry (A) Lower (B) Abundant
(cDwP) (C) Sublime (O) Dearth
18. FiBt stage of AOP formulation is 32. Assert
(A) Preparation of resour@ eslimdes (A) Oeserr (B) Ftow
First drafr of ADP (C) Abandon (D) Fo or,v
Preparatjon of list of schemeg
(D) Detailed doqrmentation oI scheme
33. Undermine
(A) Ambitious (B) Unearth
19. Source of fnancing the provincial Annual (C) Dent (D) Upper
tlevelopment Program (AOp) is
(A) Provincialrevenues ldentify the Synonyms of tollowing quostiong
(B) Federal Financiat Assistance
(C) Foreign Aided funds 34. Afiinrty
(D) All of the above (A) Uking (B) Simpticrty
20. How rnany Executive Districl Officers are in
(C) Enemy (O) Ret;tive-
the Districi Development committee? 35. Envisage
(A) 2 (B) (A) Participate (B) Visuatize
(c) s ioi
(C) Guess
36. Frugal:
(O) Random
2 1. Which of the fottowing deals with the report on
survey and feasibte study of the projeda? (A) Fragile (B) Common
(A) PC-t (B) PC-[ (C) Thrifty (O) Simpte
(c) Pc- t (D) rc-M 37. Mesh
(4) To Complete (B)
22. Congressman
budget on th€
_plea the weakness of the
(C) To
To Sptir
(D) To combine
that the budget is _
by the working party. 38. Ominous
(A) Reiected, ffeated (A) Single (B) Threaten
(B) Ovedooked, examined (C) Combination (D) Consequence
(C) Neglecred, made
(O) None of the above 39. A person expert in the field ot an, music,
knowledge of things etc. is called as
23. ill
He has be€n Mond ay. (A) Versatile (B) prosaic
(A) From (B) Since (C) Adaptive (D) None of the above
(c) riil - of
iD) -
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 665
40. Life span of red blood cells is 54. Pulses are a good source of
(A) 60 Days (B) 120 Days (A) Vitamin (B) Protein
(C) 180 Days (D) .150 Days (C) Fat (D) Carbohydrates
41. Which of the following is not the member 55. Nearest planet to Sun
country of ASEAN? (A) Mars (B) Mercury
(A) lndonesia (B) Philippine . (C) Jupiter (D) Venus
(C) Singapore (D) Cambodia 56. A Person seated in front of fire receives heat
42. Which of the following is not member country through
I Of UNO? (A) Conduction (B) Radiations
(A) Afghanistan (B) Vatican City (C) Convection (D) None of the above
(C) Vietnam (D) None of the above 57. Which of the following is the true sequence of
43. Radioactivity was discovered by process of science?
(A) Kelvin (B) Henry Becquerel (A) Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment
(C) Ronald (D) None of the above (B) Hypothesis, Observation, Experiment
44 Salinity of water is measure in terms of (C) Experiment, Hypothesis, Observation
presence of sodium chloride in of
(D) Experiment, Observation, Hypothesis
water. 58 Mass is the concentrated form of
(A) Gram
'1 (B) 10 Gram (A) Weight (B) Energy
(C) 20 Gram (D) 100 Gram (C) Force (D) None of the above
45. CNG is an abbreviation of 59. High of the ozone layer from earth surface is
(A) Condensed Natural Gas (A) t0-20 Km (B) 20-30 Km
(B) Compressed Natural Gas (C) 30-40 Km (D) 40-50 Km
(C) Converted Natural Gas 60. Normal pH of human body is
(D) None of the above (A) 7 (Bl 7.4
46. The anstrument which measure very high (c) 6 (D) 8
temperature is called _ 61. When UNO formally came into existence?
(A) Thermometer (B) Hygrometer (a) october 24, 1945
(C) Chronometer (D) Pyrolneter (b) September 25, 1945
47. Which instrument is used to measure the (c) September 30, '1945
pressure of air? (d) September 10,'1945
(A) Radio telescope
(B) Compass 62. The name United Nations was coined by:
(C) Electrometer (D) Barometer (a) Stalin (b) F.D Roosevelt
48. Who discovered X-Rays? (c) Winston Churchill (d) Austin Mills
(A) Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen 63. Financial Capital of Pakistan is
(B) Max Von Laue (A) Lahore (B) Karachi
(C) Max Planck (C) lslamabad (D) Faisalabad
(D) Marie Curie
6,4. Pakistan China economidconidor is based on
49. The speed of light is (A) One belt one road (B) One belt two
(A) 300,000 Km (B) 500,000 Km rows
(C) 600,000 Km (D) 800,000 Km (C) Two belt one row (D) Two belt two rows
50. Which of the following is a good source of 65. Hamid Katzai become president of
Vitamin C?
Afghanistan in
(A) Beans (B) Green vegetables (A) 2001 (B) 2003
(C) Sea food (c) 2004 (D) 2005
(D) Fresh juice & Fruits
66. Largest living mammal
5'1. What is the source of oxygen in photosynthetic (A) Blue whale (B) Elephant
in plants?
(C, ztata (O) None of the above
(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Water
(C) Glucose (D) Starch 67. Pakistan will become one of the top len
economies by
52. DNA was discovered by (A\ 2047 (B) 2048
(A) Jacob and Monod (c) 2049 (D) 2050
(B) Watson and Crick
(C) Khorana 68. is the oldest Barrage of Pakistan.
(D) Baltimore and Temin (A) Taunsa (B) Sukkur
53. Highly intelligent mammal on earth is
(C) Chashma (D) Guddu
(A) Bat (B) Shark 69. Punjab Public Private Partnership Act was
(C) Elephant (D) Blue Whale promulgated in
(A) 2008 (B) 2010
666 Advancecl PPSC MCQS Model Paperc
\c) 2012 (D) 2013 83. ln which year Urdu-Hindi Controversy was
70. Expenditures incuned on the physical assets staded?
including equipment, maciinery etc.
(A) 1862 (B) 1864
procurement are termed as (c) 1867 (D) 1868
(A) Revenue Expenditures 84. Urdu Hindi controversy started ftom
(B) Capital Expenditures (A) Delhi (B) Banaras
(C) Tangible Expenditures (C) Lukhnow (D) Lahore
(D) Intangible Expenditures 85. ln which year Ball-e-Jibreel was published 4:
7'1. Rohtas Fort was built on the orders of Sher (A) 1931 (B) 1932 4,
Shah Suri by: (c) 1935 (D) 1937
(A) Raia Todar (B) Bairam Khan 86. Khakam-€-Badhan has been written by
(C) AbulFazl (D) Raja Birbal (A) Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi
72. Name the first SAARC Secretary General? (B) Abdul Haleem Sharar
(a) Zia-ur-Rehman (C) Deputy Nazeer Ahmed
(b) lbrahim Hussain Zaki (O) None of the above
(c) Q.A.M.A. Rahim 87. Kapaas ka Phool is written by:
(d) Naeem -ul-Hasan (A) Abdul Haleem Sharar
73. How many link canals are there in Pakistan? (B) Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) Munshi Prem Chand
(c) 7 (D) 10 (D) None of the above
74. All parties Huniyat Conference came inlo 88. Raja Gidh is authored by
b€ing as on (A) Bano Qudsiya
(A) April, 1991 (B) April, 1992 (B) Ahmed Naseem Qasmi
(C) April, 1993 (D) Apnl, 1994 (C) Munshi Prem Chan
75. North Atlantic Treaty Organization ,/as signed (D) None of the above
on 89. Which of the following has written Khizr e Rah
(A) 1947 (B) 1948 and Talu-e.lslam
(c) 1949 (C) 1950 (A) Allama lqbal
76. What was the relation between the Hazrat (B) Khadia Mastoor
lsmail and Hazrat lshaq
(C) Parveen Shakir
(A) Realtsrother (B) Step Brother (D) Ahmed Naseem Qaami
(C) Cousin (D) Father & Sun 90. Character of Mtza Z;.ht dat Baig is a crealion
77. Whidr of the following cannot be compressed ol
(A) Solid (B) Gases (A) Allama Rashid Al-khairi
(C) Liquid (D) None of the above (B) Abdul Haleem Sharar
(C) Deputy Nazeer Ahmed
78. A poinl $fiere the retum on t$ro projects (D) None of the above
becomes same is called as
(A) Net ffesent worlh 91. Novel Neela Pathar is written by
(B) lntemal rate of retum (lRR) (A) Parveen Shakir
(C) Fishe/s rale of inteGectbn (B) Khadija Mastoor
(O) None of the above (C) Ahmed Nadeem Oasmi
(D) Oeputy Nazeer Ahmed
79. Which of lhe following is lhe first novel nigar?
Deputy Nazir Ahmed 92. Bagh-o-Bahar is the creation of
Saadat hasan Manto
(A) Meer Aman Oahalvi
Munshi Prem Chan
(B) Ahmed Naseem Qasmi
None of the above
(C) Khadi.ia Mastoor
(D) None of the above
80. Qaseeda is the word ol which language
(A) Urdu (B) Arabic 93. Book Mazhab-eJsl,q is written by
(C) Farsi (D) Turkish (A) Ahmed Naseem Qasmi
(B) Nehal Candar Lahori
81. Raikhta came into existence in the ear of (C) Khadija Mastoor
which Mughal king (D) None of the above
(A) Akbar (B) Aurangzaib
(C) Babar (D) Humayon 94. Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali died in the year of
(A) 1904 (B) 1914
82. Word Urdu means (c) 1912 (D) 1909
(A) Lashkar (B) lrtima
95. Khuda ki Basti is the novel ot
(C) Taiweed (O) None of the above
(A) Ahmed Naseem Qasmi
(B) Parveen ShaK,'
A&anced PPSC ttoqs Nodel Ptoe's 667

(C) Shaukal Siddiqur A) Allama lqbal

(D) None of the above B) Nasir Kazmi
96. Marat-ul-Uroos is written by
C) Parveen Shakir
(A) Allama Rashid Al-khairi D) Ahmed Naseem Qasmi
(B) Abdul Haleem Sharar 99. Which lntemational Organization was founded
(C) Deputy Nazeer Ahmed on 25th May 1981?
(D) None of the above (A) The Arab League
(B) OrC
97. Which of the following is the writer of lndar (c) sMRc
Sabha? (O) Guf Cooperation Council
(A) Amanat Chan Lakhvi
(B) Deputy Nazeer Ahmed loo.Cyprus was divided in to Greek and Turkish
(C) Agha Hasan Amanat parts in:
(D) None of the above (A) 1970 (B) 1974
98. Poetry of Pehli Bansh was written by
(c) 1978 (o) 19E0

Answer Key
d 14. a 27 b 40. b 6? d 66 a 79. a 92 a
2. b a 28 c 41. d s55 b 67
3. d 16. d 29 c 42. b b
4. b 17. c 30 a 43. b 5b b 69 b 82. a 95
18. a 31 d 44. b a 70 b 83. c 96 c
6. a 19. d 5t c 45. b 58 b 71 a 84. b 97 a
7. b 20. b b 46. d 59 b 72 a 45. c 96. b
8. c 21. b 34 a 47. d 60 b 73 d E6. a 99. d
9. 22. b 35 b 48. a 61 a 74 87 b 100 b
10 c 23. b 36 c 49. a 62 b 75 8E a
11 b 24. a 37 d 50. d 63 b 76 b 89 a
17. a 25. b 38 b 51. b 64 a 77 c 90 c
13 b 26. d 39 a 52. b 65 c 7E b 9't c



Finance Department / Puniab Treasury and
Accounts Service - 2019 (Morning)
'1. ldentify the word most opposite in meaning to, tryho presented the Poor man Eudget of
VIABLE: United lndia lnlerim @vemrf,€nt?
(A) Feasible (B) Motionless (A) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Unworkable (D) Corective (B) Liaqal Ali Khan
(C) Sardar Abul Rab Nishter
2. The wortd's second largest and secrnd most- (D) Sardar Patel
populous continent is.
(A) Asia (B) Australia 6 The first Chaiman of senate t"c:
(C) South America (D) Atrica (A) Habib Ulbh Khan Marwat
(B) Ghulam lshaq Khan
3. Angkor Wat is an anoent cily of: (C) Syed Fa, Agha
(A) Cambodia (B) Congo (D) Wasim Sajiad
(C) Zimbabwe (D) Zambia
7. Chanoe the nanation: He lookd at the boy
4. At the event of Mi'raj, which ibadat became stemli and asked him, "What did l.ou run
Fatz? away fo?"
(A) Fast (B) Frve Prayers (A) He looked at the boy stemly and enquired
(C) Zakat (D) Jihad
668 Aclyanced ppSC MCes *toctet paoers
of him what did he ran away for
- He looked at the boy stemty and asked (A) Profrtable (B) Lovabte
(B) (C) Affectionate (O) Commendabte
_ hrm that what he had run away with.
(C) He looked 20. When did 'Jihad" become mandatory in
at the boy sternly a'nd asked
him what he had run awav ior lslam?
(D) He looked at the boy sternly and asked (A) 1 AH (B) 2 AH
htm what had made him run away. (c) 3 AH (D) 4 AH
8 Which country was the host of FIFA 201g 21. Ramadan is the monlh of the
World Cup? lslamic Calendar.
(A) USA (B) Brazit (A) gth (B) 11th
(C) Sweden (D) Russia (c) 10th (D) 12th
9. What is an Endemic disease? 22. Which was the first country who recognized
(A) Disease generalty prevalent in a Pakistan after its lndeoende;ce?
'(B) SaudiArabia
particular area (A) Egypt
(B) Disease with high incidence all overthe (C) lndonesia (D) tran
countrv 23. Who is the 39th Chief of Staff of the U.S
{C) Oiseaie affecting children under S years Army?
old (A Bush I
(D) Disease brought to the country by (B Franklin
travellers and livestock (c Matt Abxander Milley
10. Vvhat is 11 in binarv? (D Diffy John
(A) 1001 (B) 1011 24. 1_7th ME]{A {Middle East and North Africa)
(c) 1100 (o) rr World Economic Forum hetd in whicli
1 1. The first child who accepted lslam was country?
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) (A) Sri Lanka (B) Jordan
(B) Hazrat Umar (RAi (C) Saudi Arabia (D) tran
(C) Hazrat Usmai (RA) 25. ln a group of 550 students 42o/o go to a tour.
(O) Hazrat Ati (RA)' How many students go to the tour?
12. Amir Timur invaded lndia in: 213
(A) (B) 177
(A) 1398 (B) 1399 210
(c) (D) 231
(c) 1340 (D) 1341 26. Pure gold is carat oold:
13.40x59= 1n1 12 carat--@) 14 ;arat
(A) 236 (B) 237 (Cl 22 (O) 24 caat
\c) 278 ioi zss 27. ln shich. year did Kargit conflict take ptace
14. Faisal Mosque ln lslamabad was designed by between lndia and Pakistan?
(A) 1998 (B) 1999
a/an_ - architect.
(A) Pakistani (c) 2000
(B) Turkish iot zoor
(C) Egyptian (O) Moroccan 28. Tle word "Agricultural shot' is known to be
'15. Which country has started world's used sbmetimes in which among the following
hydrogen-povyered train? sports?
(A) Germany (B) ltatv Cricket
(A) (B) Hockey
(C) China (D) Noie of these (C) Tabte Temis (Dj cofl
'16. "Agartala
Conspiracy'was instigated by: 29. Simplify: (8(11 - 2) 5(11 - 2)tt3 = I
(A) Faiz Ahmad Faiz - (A) 1 (B) 5
(B) Sorish Kashmiri (c) I (D) 11
(C) Mujib-ur-Rehman 30. Trrc Pakistani test Cricketershave. got oul on
(D) Maulana Bhashani 199 runs. One of them was younus Kh an who
17. Which Prophet of ALLAH had minimum age? was the other?
(A) Hazrat lbraheem (A.S) (A) Hanif Muhammad
(B) Hazrat Muhammaa (S.l.Wl (B) Majid Khen
(C) Hazrat Musa (A.S) (C) Javed Miandad
(D) Hazrat Eesa (AS) (D) Mudassar Nazar
18 is th e largest dam of Pakistan 31. Charles de Gaullo airport is situated in:
arbela (B) Mangla (A) New York (B) paris
(C) Warsak (D) Gomat Zam (C) London (D) Switzedand
19. Laudable means: 32. Which province of Pakistan is known as.Bab-
Advanced PPSC ll6Qs *lodel Paoerc 669
(A) Punjab 44. What is the largest font size available in drop
(B) Balochistan down menu of MS Word 2016?
(C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(D) Sindh
()72 (B) 76
(c) 78 (D) 82
33. Younus Khan is the tirst pakistani to complete 45. ldentify the wrong spellings:
10,000 runs in Test Cricket. Who was the first (A) Transpyre (B) Transfer
batsman to score 10,000 runs in Test Cricket? (C) Tranquil (D) Catmness
A) Allan Border
B) Sunil Gavaskar 46. Which Ummayad ruler was called as Umar-e-
C) Brain Lara Sani?
O) Garfield Sobers (A) Ameer Muawiya
(B) Marwan
34. The Antonym of "Pseudonym" is: (C) Abdul-Malik
(A) Real name (D) Umar bin Abdul Aziz
(B) Famous name
(C) Assumed name 47. Which country hosted Conference on
(D) Mentality Dialogue of Asian Civilizations in May 2019?
(A) lndia (B) pakistan '
35. 'Volga' is the main river of: (C) China (D) Mataysra
(A) Brazil (B) Russia
48. Simon Commission included lndian members:
(C) France (D) None of these
(A) 1 (B) 2
36. "Chilam Joshi'is the festivat of: (c) 3 (D) No tndian
(A) Oir (B) Kataash
49. The name of first Pakistani Aircrafl is:
(C) Skardu (D) Hunza
(A) JF7 Thunder (B) JFB Thunder
37. Which of the following countries is not the (C) JF9Thunder (D) JFll Thunder
member of SMRC?
(A) Maldives (B) Bhutan
50. Which of the follolving river iS not found in
(C) Myanmar (Dj Sri Lanra
(A) Soan (B) Beas
38. When was the first Pry programme (C) Kunhar (D) Ghizar
(A) November 196,4 51. Vvhat do€s the Roman numeral "C' stand for?
(B) September 1964 (A) 10 (B) 100
(c) ocrober 1964 (c) 1000 (o) ro,ooo
(D) December 196,4 52. 'lt was kind _ you to help " Fill in the
39. 'Amicus Curiae" is: blank.
(A) Most expensive lawyer (A) of (B) Bv
(B) Arbitrator appointed by a Court of Law (C) About
(C) Eminent Jurist (D) None of these
(D) Friend of the court and disinterested 53. Which of the following is not a part of standard
advisor MS office suite?
40. Which ot the following continents has the (A Word Processor
lowest natural population growth rate? (B Database
(A) Europe (B) North America (c lmage Editor
(C) Aftica (D) Asia (D File Manager
41. Pakistan National Alliance started mass 54. Satyagraha was started by:
protests against the govemment of: (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(A) Ayub Khan (B) ZA Bhutto (B) Jiv Shankar
(C) Za ul Haq (D) Pervaiz Musharaf (C) Anil Shetty
(D) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
42. What does'To be in two minds' moan?
(A) To be uncertain 55. Eighth amendmenl in the Constitution of
(B) To work on someone else's advice Pakistan, 1973 gave over-riding powers to:
(C) To b€ dominated by someone (A) Prime Minister
(D) To be of unsound mind (B) The President
(C) Chief Martial Law Administrator
a3. lv-ha] will be the Least Common Muttipte of 5, (D) Govemor General
15,20 and 25?
(A) 100 (B) 200 56. The Lady Finger Peak is tocated in:
(c) 300 (D) 400 (A) Nepal (B) China
(C) Pakistan (D) lndia
670 PP|SC fCO3 Xo&,
57. ln MS Access, lo creale a new lable, in f,,hich 69. Silver Tanka, the basis of modern rupee, was
method you don't need to speci, the feld introduced by:
type and size? (A) Aiback (B) Altutmish
(A) Create table in Design Mew (C) Balban (D) Razia Sultana
(B) Create Table using wizard 70. Find the odd one out. 8. 27, 64. 100, 125.216.
(C) Creats Tabl€ by Entering data 343
(D) All ot thes€ (Al 27 (B) 100
58. ln tefm8 of ar€a lhe tiggest districl ot Puniab (c) 125 (D) 343
. 7'1. The famous painting of Mona Lisa was
(A) O.G Khan (B) Bahawalpur painted by an ltalian artist:
(C) Ra.ianpur (D) Lahore (A) Pablo Picasso
59. The world famous news magazine "Time' is (B) Leonardo da Vinci
being published from United Slates Since? (C) Michelangelo
(A) 1923 (B) 1953 (D) None of these
(c) 1973 (D) 1988 72. ln MS Word, the extend a selection one
60. Computer MouC€ was invented by screen down, press:
(A) Douglas Emlebart (B) SHIFT + PAGE DOWN
(B) Herman Holbrith (C) CTRL + PAGE DOWN
(C) Bill Gat6 (O) ATL + SHIFT + PAGE DOWN
. (D) Allan Shogan 73. lf 15:7:: x:560 then x =
61. Who is tho author of book "Politics Among (A) 1200 (B) 1300
Natiom'? (c) 1000 (D) 1400
(A) Morgenlhau 74. The Statue o, Liberty was a gift to the United
(B) Pervsiz Cheema
(C) States, on the occasion of [s independence
Palmer and Perkins
(D) Which country presented it to USA?
Lari Coflins
(A) Britain (B) France
62. Human R[hts Oay is obs€rved on (C) Canada (D) Japan
( ) 10{h S€ptember 75. Which of the following gases is used in
B olh Oclob€r
(c illuminating?
olh November (A) Nitron (B) Neon
(D) 10th December
(C) Ammonia (D) Methane
63. How mrdr ermy was brought by Abraha to 76. 'Men's ICC Cricket World Cup 2019'was
demolish Kaabah?
(A) 60 thousands hosted by;
(B) 50 thousands (A) Australia and New Zealand
(C) 40 thousrnds (D) 30 thousands (B) lndia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
64. Meteorology is the scienca of: (C) England and Wales
(A) Weather (B) Earth (D) West lndies
(c) Metal (D) Earthquake 77. A bookseller sold a book for Rs.40.00 to
65. Which of the following is the best source of make a profit of 15% percenl. ln order to earn
vitamin "C'? a qrcfr. ol20o/o, he should have sold it tor:
(A) Milk (B) Apple (l 41 74 {B) 43.75
(C) Orange (O) ESg (c\ 42.25 (D) 40.60
66. A pipelin€ proiect betu€en Russia and Turtey 78. The Muslim Country with larflest population is:
is named as? (A) Bangladesh (B) Pakistan
(A) North-south (C) Malaysia (D) lndonesia
(B) Black Sea Pipeline
(C) Turkstream 79. Materials for rain proof coats and tents owe
(D) Turko-Russia their water proof properties to:
(A) Surface tension
67. ldentify the underlined parts of speech; He (B) Viscosity
also likes lo ggl! strawbenies. (C) Specific Gravity
(A)Noun (B) Adverb (D) Elasticity
(C)Adiective (D) Verb 80. lntemet was first developed in:
66. Hearthrou Arport is th€ Airport ot: (A) 19s0s (B) 1960s
-(A) London (B) Neuv York (C) 1970s (D) 1980s
(c) Pans (D) Beiiing
61. Which of the following is not part of the G7?
PPSC Model Paoers 671

(A) Canada (B) France ,.li Ft /- (l

(C) {D) Spain
Unrted Krngdom
82. Correct meaning of the idiom "There is no arn (D)
smoke without a fire' is: =F'(ct
(A) Fire always emits smoke -;;iyL-f: r;,',;' ,,
(B) Fire is a source of Pollution In
(C) There is some tluth ln a rumor
ar4)i 61
iDi For smoke we need to have fire JLt'ee'/''t 1g1
83. Who was the commander of infidels in the
?.,c)l (c)
battle ol Ditch (Khandaq)?
(A) Abu Sutyan (B) Abu Jahl
-1-rJ 't"
(C) Abu Lahb (D) Utba {4';/'; 1o1

84. Which of the following layers absorbs most of

the sun's ultraviolet radiation? 1u(.s., L "6.igu,." Jl -t,;,? Lrt,i .gq
(A) Dust (B) Gaseous
(C) Ozone (D) Gravitational
85. lf A ls two years older than B and B is twice as
old as C. li lhe sum of the ages of A, B and C
ntlvtnt@t ic,? (A\

ls 27 then how old is B?

(A) 9 (B) 10
,f * pl 'g,itfi 1c1

(c) 11 (D) 12
: Zul6,L + r ;t{+r,toi Jit,,, ss
86. One kilometer is equal to how many miles?
(A) 0.85 (B) 0.s ,)v,t'';w tel
(c) 0.62 (D) 1.6
87. Z.A Bhuno was author of the following book:
(A) Emergence of Pakistan
'y'roodr @\
(B) ln the Line of Fire 6)V)rv G)
(C) lf lam Assassinated
(O) History of Pakistan v(j/-rJrtt tol
88. Change the Voice of the following sentence:
Does she write a letter?
I i't7{+ "tfu-tO':.t;' .go
(A) A lettet is writlen bY her t,fgs,g 6l
(B) ls she writing a letter?
(C) ls a letter written by her?
(D) Has the letter been written by her? d,$,^4:,1fio', py
89. Most appropriale antonym of 'Selfish' is :
V,Lr{ct $\
(A) Altruistic (B) Helpful
(C) Greedy (O) Courageous u'tb{'t' (Dl
90. Which of the following is the latest version of
-r?t( Je. ->.,, L
MS Excel ? ldiom "Pros and cons" .97
(A) Excel 2019 (B) Excel2016
(C) Excel 2017 (O) None of these -{
{* <u,! -u rl { " gi" st s' ; qL )ti -* t .g'r LLi et jt1" A1

I CEC J4 -.>,/*i(t-4i()r? ,.lt jtv 'iJty 1s1 Jij.f (c)

4,C tL(il,l1 (A) e-,t L "To carry coal to Newcastle" 98

?t.r,e LJ-tl (B\

< ),14 (cl u*JfLt,i.-) ot

i {,,,#c,J,J pl u,frQi-;J- @t

" (c;,u -.-{

.-w Yt f) t-/ .92 si;,b.&;. 1c1

672 A PPSC Model Papers

/,),JtL-'<ol (tPt u lAl

tti t v r,'(t)l ttJ i,,/"1,, ; r/ ;t,, rrf .ss dtJy.$oi*, @\

Lt& lBl ut (Al iiw.t-p tct

o.? p1 6/6 (cl .
,lr>t,r! Ju :,e, L o i*, p\
-?c)t ;t rf ( " Jt dr u" / J),!r)w r.too u

Answer Key
1. d 14 b 27 b 40. a d 66. c 79. a 92. d
2. d '15 a 28 a 41. b 54 d 67. d 80. b 93. a
3. a 16 29 42. a 55 b 68. a 81. d 94. a
4. b 17 d 30 d 43. c 56 c 69.
b 82. c 95. a
5. b a 31 b 44. a 57 c 70. b 83. a 96.
lo a
6. a d d 45. a b 71. b 84. c 97. d
7. 20 b 33 b 46. d 59 a 72. b 85. b 98. d
8. d 21 a 34 a 47. 60 a 73. a 86. c 99. c
9. a 22 d 35 b 48. d 61 a 74. b 87.
)1 c 100. a
10 b c 36 b 49. a 62 d 75. d 88. c
1'l d 24 b 37 c 50. b 63 a 76. c 89. a
a 51. b u a a 90. a
d 52. a 65 c 78. d 91. c



Finance Department / Punjab Treasury and Accounts Service -
2019 (Evening)

1 What the lenglh ot hockey ground side 4 Diabetes is caused due to maltunctioning of:
boatd?-is (A) Lrver (B) Pancreas
(AJ 't .22 cm (B) 1.S0 cm (C) Kidneys (D) Muscles
(C) 2.50 cm (D) 3.5cm
5 One of the following is not a function ot bones
2 Change the narration: The boy said, .Sir, I am in human body?
nol guilty". (A) Protection of vital oroans
(A) The boy said respec{ully lhat he rs not (B) Secretion of hormon-es
guilty (C) Place for muscle attachment
(B) The boy pleaded with respect that he was (O) Production of blood corpuscles
not guilty
(C) The boy said with respect that the was 6 Jhu Congress declared complete
not guilty rndependence for lndia goal as its at rts
(O) The boy pleaded that he was not guitty session held al
(A) Calcuta in '1928
3 Mount Kinabalu is located in: (B) Allahabad in 1930
(A) Kenya (B) Botswana (C) Lahore in 1929
(C) Indonesia (D) Malaysia (D) None of these
A&anced PPSC nCQs node, Paoers 673
7. is considered the most heavily '18. Name the pamphlet issued by Chaudhry
g'iEEiatteO part of World outside the Polar Rehmat Ali in which the name Pakistan was
Regions. used for the llrst time:
(A) HimalayanMountains (A Oo or Die
(B) Alay Mountains B lndependent Homeland
(C) Karakoram Mountains Freedom or Oeath
(D) HindukushMountains D Now or Never
8. Or. AMul Qadeer Khan did his Ph.D from
Leuven University of:
(B) Austria
(D) Belgium rffi
9. Which substance is used in match sticks?
(A) Sulphur (B) Zink
(c) lron (D) Nitric Acid
10. Find out the correct Passive Voice sentence:
"They showed the visitors the historical
monuments of Lahore.' Resource Book
(A) The visitors will be shown the historical
monuments of Lahore
(B) The visitoB were shorvn the historical
o ,'"t'i* fhqe,
monuments of Lahore
(C) The hislorical monuments had been '
shown to the visitors
(D) The visitors would be shown the historical
monuments ol Lahore
11. The reciprocal of Bulk modulus is called:
.ffi-l-= .,/

(A) Shear Modulus

(B) Young's Modulus
(C) Hooke's Modulus
(O) Compressibility
12. 39 men complete a task in 29 days. How long I .!!:g--!r==
it will take 29 men to do the task?
(A) 29 days (B) 39 days
(C) 49 days (D) 5e days
'13. Who was the founder of the Slave Oynasty in 19. Cripps proposals were presented in:
lndia? (A) 1940 (B) 1941
(A) Mahmoud Ghaznavi (c) 1942 (O) 1943
(B) Sher Shah Suri
(C) Qu{ub-ud-Din Aibak 20. The main gases that poduce acid rain are:
(O) lbrahim Lodhi (A) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen axides
(B) Carbon dioxide
14. Which one is the capital city of Nepal? (C) Methane and hydrogen
(A) Kathmandu (B) Paten (O) None of thes€
(C) Pokhara (D) Daran
21. Barak Hussern Obana was
15. The first women govemor of Pakistan is: oresident of USA.
(A) Begum Raana Liaquat Ali Khan ia) aorn (B) 44ri'
(B) Shaista lkramullah
(C) Famida Mirza
(c) 48th (D) sfth
(D) None of these 22. Chrislopher ColumbJs who accidently
discovered America was a citizen of:
16. The first nuclear power plant was established (A) Ponugal (B) ltaly
in Pakistan at:
(A) Karacha (B) Lahore
(C) Spain (D) Britain
(C) lslamabad (D) Mianwali 23. When no tariffs are irnposed on all imports
and exports. it is called
17. is used to record intensity and (A) Prelerential Trade
56u6e of earthquakes. (B) Free Trade
(A) Barometer (B) Seismograph (C) Balance of Trade
(C) Hydrometer (D) Pyrometer (D) Non-Tariff Baniers
674 Adyanced PPSC NCes t odol pape,s
24. Makrani style is of which language? 37. The Round Table Conferences (1930-32)
(A) S'ndhi (B) Siraikr were convened by which British Prime
(C) Brahvi (D) Balochr Minister.
25. _ detines the dance ot Punjab. (A) Clement R. Attlee
(A) Bhangra (B) Khattak (B) Ramsay MacDonald
(C) Ho Jamalo (D) Lewa (C) Sir Winston Churchill
(D) Nevillee Chamberlain
26. Which of the follovving is nol a Kharif Crop?
(A) Rice (B) Cotton 38. Which of the following country abolished
(C) Sugarcane (O) Wheat monarchy in 2008?
(A) Laos (B) Nepal
27. Money paid by a govemment to reduce the (C) Afghanistan (D) Burundi
costs of producing goods so that their prices
can be kept low termed as :
39. ln Pakistan,. Military Courts were established
(A) Value added services after a terrorist attack on Army Public School
(B) Grant in Peshawar, ln lhe year:
(C) Subsidy (A\ 2012 (B) 2013
(D) Sofl Money (c) 2014 (D) 2015
28. Which one is an Operating System? 40. Broad peak is present
in _ mountain
(A) Harvard Graphics
(B) Windows 2000 (A) Himalayan (B) Karakoram
(C) Ms-Office (C) Hindukush (D) None ol these
(D) C++ 4'1. 'The Porcelain Tower of Naniing" is situated in
29. The book 'On the Origin of Species' was which of the following countries?
written by: (A) Japan (8) ltaly
(A) Netvyork (8) Einslein (C) Esypt (D) China
(C) Darurin (O) Dickens 42. Simplify (60)'?= ? 72
30. Abdur Rehman Chughtai belongs to which (A) 3600 ' (B) 3528
typ€ of art? (c) 0.02 (D) 50
(A) Architecture (B) Music 43. Name the tree whos€ wood is us€d for making
(C) Calligraphy (O) Painting cricket bats:
31. Article 25 of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan (A) Willow (B) Yellow
deals with: (C) Teak (D) Sandal
A) Rule of Law 44. Change the narration: Kiran said to Sana, "Let
B) Equality of citizens us go out for a walk'.
C) Equal proteclion of law (A) Kiran told Sana to go out for a walk
D) Al of thes€ (B) Kiran told Sana that they must go out for
32. Choose the Synonym of lNVElcH: a walk
(A) Tocarry (B) Remonstrate (C) Kiran urged Sana that they must go out
(C) Entice (D) Encroach for a walk
(O) Kiran proposed to Sana that they should
33. Faraday's Law is associated with: go out for a walk
(A) Reaction of gases
(B) Pressure of gases 45. Cyprus a disputed lsland is divided between:
(C) Electromagnetic rnduction A) Greece and ltaly
(D) Temperature and pressure B) Turkey and ltaly
C) Turkey and Greece
34. Which Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al- D) Turkey and Syria
(A) Khyber (B) Khandaq 46. What was the main difficufty which delayed
(C) Uhad (D) Badr lhe early Constitution making in Pakrslan?
(A) Exacl nature of the State
35. Whal is the avetage ol1n,5'f'314,5112? (B) Lack of interest among rnembers of the
(A) 7t8 (B) 2ts Constiluent Assemblv
(c) s/8 (Dt 21t2 (C) The distribution of powers between
36. ln lntemet terminology what does "lP' stand Federal and Provincial Govemmer s
lo(? (D) Corrupt administration
(A) lnternet Provider 47. Who was the founder of Sikh religion?
(B) lntemet Protocol (A) GuruAngad (B) Guru Nanak
(C) lntemet Procedure (C) Guru Ram Das (D) GuruAmarDas
(D) lntemet Processor
Advanced PPSC ltaQs Nodel Paqers 675

48. .ln MS Excel, chart wizard term data selies

59. Who is the head of Pakistan Atomic Energy
refers to:
A) A chart legend
lA) Muhammad Naeem
B) A collection ol chart data markers iBi or Samar Muuarak Mund
(C) Or Salim Ahmad
c) A set of values You Plot in a chart (D) Or Ata Ur Rehman
D) A data label
'- ln which oame Clav courl is used?
lAI Volle-vball (B) Table Tennrs

iC) rennis (D) None of these
in 1951 under
-- tnelEaaersn-iPootoftndeoendence
King ldris.
lA) saudi Arabia (B) lraq
ic) r-iuya (o) Yemen
ql sun
- rli immErod- (B) Emerged
The from behind the clouds'

icl tnretsi (D) None of these s

-- Rino
52. of Fire is attributed
ial-Pacifrc Ocean (B) Atlantic Ocean
iCl nra,c ocean (o) None ol these
53. December 3, (every year) is observed all over
the world as:
(A) lnternational Literacy Day
iBi lnternational Crvil Aviation Day
iCi lnternatronal Day of Persons with
Human Rights
(D) lnternational
54. The World Economtc Forum was fotmed in:
{A} 1975 (B) 1980
ici tgzt (o) 1973
55 Who oave Hair-e-Aswad to Hazrat lsmaeel
iA.Sl tunng $ie rebuilding of the House
(A) Hazrat Adam (A.S) ;n the blank. 'You should refrain
iBi Hazrat Jibrael (A S) - Frll
hurttng her feelings
iCi fazrat lbrahim (A S) A-From (B) To
(D) None of these
4,6, 12' '14' 28'
ici or.r (o) or
56. Complete the number series: 61. Who ts the highest goal scoring player in the
rarT6- (B) 62 Wodd in Hockev matches?
IA) Tanveer Der (B). Munir Dar
icj or (D) 32
iC) Sami utlatr (O) Asad Malik
57. Correct the following sentences by identifying
the right option. My father work rn a Danx rn
62. lmmanuel Kant was a-
iAr uv tattrer wo* hard in a Franklurt bank tAt French (B) Bntish
igi o6es mY Iather works in a bank in ici Potist (D) German
Frankfurt 63. Haiku Moss is Forebn Minister of which
tct trirr lather works in a bank in Franklurt countrv?
iOi Where Ooes my father worked rn a bank (A) France (B) Germany
in FranKurl? icl tt"ty (D) Romania
*58. lder itv the Muslim ruler who instituted the 64 Akram thouohl
- 'nirirt,oii"J of e number, added 7'
iir".i6 from the year of the Holy
calenoar uvi, toor away 5 and divrded by 4
ProDhet s Migration to Madina' io-g.G a" inswer of 7 What was the starting
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) number?
(B) Hazrat Umar (R A) tA\ 2 (B) 3
ici auout Malik Bin Maman icj a {D) 5
(D) None of these 65. Mark the co'Prime nufibers:
676 Advancad ppSC nces l od€t paoers
(A) 2,4 (B) 3. 6 (C) Steet
(c)4, 110 ioi z,s 78. What @mes nexl
(O) Vacuum
66. Liberation Tigers of Tamit Eelam of Sri Lanka in this sequence 7, 14, 10.
12, 14.9
surrendered in to end thJ (A) le (B)
protongedCivit Wa-- (c)
(A) 2oo8 (B) 2OO9 16 (D) 15
(c) 2010 ioi zor r 79. Payment of Mehr to wife is;
(A) Obtigarory
67. ln which year. the Holy prophet (PBUH) (B) Oepends on demand bv wile
n'"'"st oirslgf ir? (C) lt is a social affair '
ffiloflT %elt
(c) eAH ioi roA.x
(D) Not ordained by Aflah
80. lbne-e-Batufa visited tndia during the reign of:
68. Complete the idiom: .Best things come in (A) Alauddin Khitii
small (B) Muhammad fuohtao
(A) lnsta menls (B) Joys (C) Ghiasuddin Bat6an '
(C) Packages (D) Gifts (O) None ol these
69. S.ardar Abdul Rab Nishtar was the Govemor 81. Whici of the following is not a system tool?
(A) Batochistan (B) puniab (A,l t acKup
(c) NWFe (B) Oisk defraoment
iol sin<ir, (C) Virus scan;ino
70. The keys used to lock the keyboard (D) Alt of these -
+ Tab
82. When the stock market is going down, it rs
AIT (A) Crashing (B) Bearish
Windouvs logo + L (C) Slumberous (O) Buthsh
o Windows logo + K
7'1. Which of the following provinces of pakistan 83. Bradlaugh Hall has been the venue ol some of
compnses ntne divisions? ne most tmporlant events rn lhe history of
paktstan and lndia. ln which
(A) Puqab
(B) sindh located? _'is rt

(C) Eatochistan (4) oelhi (B) Dhaka

(D) Khyb€r pakhtunkhwa (C) Shrmta iD) Lar,o,.
72. Tt€ synonym of MELANCHOLY is: 84. Give lhe name oI Umm ayad Caliph whos€
(Al utssotve (B) Sadness four sons also became Ca liph afrer him.
(A) Marvin Bin Hakam
ru, Joy (D) petty (8) lbrahim Bin Watid
73. "Nippon" is the former name of: (C) Abdul Matik
({) Hong Kong (B) Jaoan (D) Walid{t
(c) Libya ioi rtaiv 85. Slm^of^the angles inside a triangle is alwavs;
74. Miffoson Excel is an eleclronic sofiware (4, Jbu oegrees (B) 240
package. (C) 180 degrees iO1 tlS degrees oelrees
(A) Document (B)
Spreadsheet 86 XI9 ot rhe tolowlng
(u) presentation (D) Oatabase in the Hoty
euran named after insect?-Surah
75. Who is cunent Chief of air Staff of pakistan (A) Surah At-Namt
Air Force? (B) Surah At-eadar
(A) Rao Qamar Suleman (C) Surah At-Fatao
(B) Tahir Rafique Butt (O) Surah Al-Nas
(C) SohailAman
(O) Mujahid Anwar Khan 87. 22 Apnt is observed every year intemationalty
76. "Bicameralism" in pakistan was first (A) Environment Dav
rntroduced in the Constilution of. (B) Food Dav
(A) 19s6 (C) Press Fr6edom Dav
(8) 1962 (D) Earrh Day
(9) Legat Framework Ordelt g71 88 Iqgl' among rhe tour pious
(D) 1973 Catiphs of tstam
had the lonoest reion?
77 fo owing mediums, Vetociry of lA) Hazrat-Abu Ba-kr IRA)
Sound tS ll"
1L91S. the maximum in: (B) Hazrat Umer (R A)
(A) Air (B) Warer (C) Hazrat Usmari tnar
(D) Hazral AS (RAi
A,dtanced PPSC HCQS nodel Pao€rs 677
89. Complete the Proverb: "Birds of a feather
_ togethe|". 4', tB) jr (A)
(A) Fly (B) Sit
(C) Flock (D) Swim ;0 tol :'; (c)
90. What lets you to create new presentation by
selecting ready-made font color and graphics ".J,r Lt" :' JI L,r,,t" 1 4Vi,7,i a1 {a .ea
effects in PowerPoint?
(A) Presentation Template .v:-;-i--
(B) Master Stide
(C) Oesign Template ,t'o| @ ,.ft ot
(D) Animation Scheme
;:r-i;iifti 3:")v lc)
a- L ",.1a q ui'-,)',t rF,l 4, ;, L ?t 3 I .gt
t a,rt i ; t tt / j_; ;, .st
--,.r: 2,
.,)/qtttr p'y tt./i6,i 6)
&tz tlt zJ,z <al
.J4f O v,J'lD/ (c,)
drsvdr 1o1 ;),i,r' 1cy
-{6;v!'9t'-' nu
?6pe{6at1l}r7 .sz
w:Ll;ie__u 6.1
-fta,Scst6. j,@:g,i
t'7!t'7 1s1
, r+df, g,;uE
aff p.1
JFtJ-t, (Bl uy';tu€ 6y t,,.tavta (D,
{v(;t 1o1 fiw lc)
:a ,i'( "o{ i --e" .ss
a{.2, f a ;t= tt',it! ctv J J.[ .gt

-. -/'>.!
,::et (Al
6l;-t,t l1l tll, 61
di:./ (o) ,J.,6C17 @)
-tri,lP (D) -t,,jZ p1

t ,'Lldiom"Through Thick and Thin".1OO
r4g/,€iJ'YLY6rt .u
4(< F, ')d'{ tat
$,i,<-JBr P1
t'.4t41)/ (D) .?tot&,i Gl 'tl't @t
Gu,jv.j4 o ,lJvr tct
{-:o,r;r,1 L,QtLz-+ LLi6 dA, <i .gs

- 7 l( ----,,.-i) x )P te, w t

Answer Key
a 1 '1. d 21. b 3'1. b 4',t. d b 61.
5't . d 71. a
2. d 12. b 22. b 32. b 42. d 52. a 62. d 72. d
J. d '13. 23. b JJ. 43. a 53. c 63. a b
4. b 14. a 24. d u. d 44. 54. c 64. c 74. b
b 15. a 25. a 35. c 45. c 55. b 65. 75. d
6. c 't6. e 26. d 36. b 46. c 56. a 66. b 76. d
7. c b 27. c 37. b 47. b 57. d 77. c
8. d 18. d 28. b 38. b 48. b 58. b 68. c 78. a
o a 19. c 29. c 39. d 49. c 59. a 69. b 79 a
10 b 20. a 30. d 40. b 5U. c 60. a 70. c 80. b
678 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers
81 84 87. d 90 93 c 96. c b
82 d 85 c 88. c 91 b 94 c 97. b 100 c
b 86 a 89. c a? b d 98.


rl/ ODEL PAPER 147



Select the most SIMILAR word for the followino: down and she was made to feel sick
(A) She was at the top of the rollercoaster
1. Theist looking down and she was made to feel
(A) lhief (B) believer .
(C) atheist (D) ascetic (B) The rollercoaster, looking down from the
2. Pseudonym top. made her feel sick
(A) artificial name (B) fake name (C) Looking down fiom the top of the
(C) assumed name (D) mentality rollercoaster made her feel sick
(O) Watching down made her feel sick at the
3. Profane
top of the rollercoaster
(A) unholy (B) pretend
(C) abuse (O) alarming 12 He is the author that at the bookstore sooke.
4. (A) that spoke at the bookstore
(B) who at the bookstore spoke
(A) cute (B) aelicate
(C) which spoke at the bookstore
(C) doll (D) perfecr (D) who spoke at the bookstors
5. Gorgeous
13. Chocolate. which is devoured bv some oeoDle
(A) magniticsnt (8) waterfall with a sweet tooth.
(C) artificial (D) perfect
(A) Chocolate, which is devoured by some
Selecl the most OPPOSITE word for the followino. people with a sweet tooth
6. Miscellaneous (B) Some pcople with a sweet tooth
(A) simalar (B) vague devou, chocolate
(C) different (D) mingle (C) Chocolate that is devoured by some
people with a sweet tooth
7. Tranquil (O) Some people devour, with a sweet tooth,
(A) Noisy (B) Nosy chocolate
(C) Soft (D) Hard
8. Auspicious
'14. The party was boring, bul
impulsive Sarah did her best to liven it up with
(A) successful (B) confinement her trademark _
(C) luckless (D) despair (A) mundane .-. spontaneity
9. Pertinent (B) fascinating .. recklessness
(A) irrelevant (B) quick (C) monotonous... solitude
(C) proper (D) refer (D) intriguing ... tact
'15. Although he was a(n)
10. lncline _ and new at
(A) refuse (B) rise the game, Asad knew lhe others were playtng
(C) feel (D) natural inconectly.
Choose the correct option: exp€rt
(A) (B) enthusiast
(C) (D) novice
1 1. She .was at the lop of the rollercoaster lookino
16. Nida is a(n) _ student. She reads
Advanced PPSC MCQS Mode, 679

every page of her textbooks and studies ,or 30. Which among the Igllowing is a positively
hours before every test. charged particle emitted by a radioactrve
(A) meticulous (B). lethargic element?
(C) apathetic (D) relaxed (A) Beta rays (B) Alpha rays
17. The students who had the flu had a(n)
(C) Gamma rays (D) Cathode rays
reason for missing school. They 31. lf there is no sun, the color o{ the sky would
normslly have perfect attendance, and their be:
absence that day was a(n) _ (A) Orange (B) Blue
(A) unwarranted ... anomaly (C) Yellow (O) None oI these
(B) legitimate ... aberration 32. ln what year did Kargil conflict occur between
(C) unjustifiable ... travesty lndia and Pakastan?
(D) inconsolable... fluke (A) 1998 (B) 1999
'18. The fever will soon (c) 2000 (o) 2001
(A) abet (B) decline 33. On what data did the Karachi Stoek Exchange
(c) abate (D) debate establish?
19. I have engaged him to act as my _ (A) lEth September 1947
(A) council (B) councel (B) 18th Septembe|I948
(C) counsel (D) cancel (C) 18th September 1949
20. The ship was in high seas
(D) None of these
(A) mugged (B) plundered 34. Which of the followng is not a chemrcal
(C) robbed (D) stolen reaction?
21. The capitalof Croatra rs: (A) Burning of a paper
(A) Nicosia (B) Zaghreb (B) Conversion of water into Bteam
(C) Bagota (D) Berting (C) Digestion of food
(D) Burning of coal
22. The drrency of lloMay is:
(A) Dollar (B) Pound 35. Which of the following is chemical reaction?
(C) Krone (D) Peso (A) Rusting of iron (B) Tempering of iron
(C) Bending of iron (D) Melting of iron
23. How many counlries are presently members
of the Non-Aligned Movement: 36. A chronometer measures:
(A) 120 (B) 110
(A) Sound waves (B) Time
(c) 125 (D) 150
(C) Color contrast (D) Water waves
24. Which of the following agencies related to 37. Oecibel is a unit used for:
UNO was in exislence before the World War
(A) Speed of light
|? (B) lntensity of sound
(A) WHO (B) FAO (C) lntensity of heat
(c) rLo (D) rMF (D) None of these
25. The first SAARC summit was held al? 38. lf you swim 1 kilomeler, how many miles have
(A) New Delhi (B) Dhaka you covered to swim?
(C) lslamabad (D) Nepal (A) 0.5 (B) 0.62
(c) 0.E4 (D) 2.6
26. lstanbul's old name is:
(A) Ankara (B) Corctantinopls 39. Th€ elament required for solar energy
(C) Asia Minor (O) lstangole conversion is:
(A) Silicon (B) Germanium
27. Which of the following organizations look afler (C) Uranium (D) Selenrum
the children in the world?
. (A) UN|DO (B) UNTCEF 40. Ceylon was re.named as Sri Lanka on:
(c) UNESCO (O) UPU (A) ttiay,z21971 (Bl May 22.1974
(C\ nay 22,1972 (D) May 22.1973
28. The Parliament of Bangladeshis called:
(A) Jatiyo Sangsad (B) Khural 41. Which is the second pillar of lslam,
(C) Crotes (D) Congress (A) Zakat (B) Salat
(c) Halj (D) Jihad
29. Rusting of iron involves
(A) Reduction (B) Oxidation 42. To which language does the word Salat
(C) Oecomposition (D) Displacement betong?
6E0 Adyanced PPSC ltCQs ifodel Paoers
(A) Urdu (B) Arabic (A) Khalil Ullah (B) Kalim Ullah
(C) Persaan (O) Punjabi (C) Safi Ullah (D) Jad-ul-Ambia
43. Which Sahabi was the first Hafiz of the Holy 55. At what age ryas Hazat Ali (RA) martyred?
Quran? (A) 5s (B) 58
(A) Hazat Abu Bakr (R.A) (c) 60 (D) 67
(B) Hazrat Umar (R.A)
56. What is the duty of the angel Mekail?
(C) Hazrat Usman (R.A) (A) In-charge of ths protection and also to
(D) Hazrat Ali (R.A) bring rains
44. Which was the first revealed Oivine book? (B) To blow the trumpet on the Day of
(A) Torait (B) Zabur Judgement
(C) Anjeel (D) Holy Quran (C) lncharge of taking the lite of living
45. Which Prophet is titled as 'Abul Bashar'??
(A) Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) (D) None of these
(B) Hazrat Adam (A.S) 57, ln which year did the tragedy of Karbala take
(C) Hazrat Yousaf (A.S) gla?R?
(O) Hazrat Daood (A.S) (A) 55 Hijrah (B) 61 Hijrah
46. Which Prophet was eaten by a fish? (C) 63 Hijrah (D) 65 HUrah
(A) Hazrat lsa (A.S) 58. Which tribe of Quraish, Hazrat Umar,
(B) Hazrat Musa (A.S) belonged to?
(C) Hazrat Yousaf (A.S) (A) Banu Hasham (B) Banu Umayyah
(D) Hazrat Younas (A.S) (C) Banu Addi (D) None of these
47. What is the greatest miracle of the Holy 59. The age of Hazrat Usman (RA) at the time of
Prophet (PBUH)? his martyrdom was:
(A) Salat (B) Holy Quran (A) 80 (B) 78
(C) Meraal Sharif (O) None otthese (c) 76 (o) 74
48. Which one ot these is a Madani Surah? 60. Who was the mother of Hazrat Usman (RA)?
(A) Al-Namal (B) Al-Qasas (A) Arwa
(C) Al€aqarah (D) Al-Luqman (B) Salma Binte Sukhar
49. ln which 'Para of the Holy Quran, Surah (C) Hantima Binte Hasham
Momin is located? {D) Fatima Binte Asad
(A\ 21 (B) 26 61. What is the set of all prime numbers from 60
(c) 28 (O) 16 to 80?
50. Which is the third source of lslamic
(A) 361 (B) 341
jurisprudence? (c) 35'r (D) 349
(A) ljtihad (B) ljma 62. How many numbers up to 100 are divisible by
(C) Oias (D) Hadith 7?
51. What is the literal meaning of ljtihad?
(A) 1/r (B) 107
(A) To decide a case
(c) 93 (D) 100
(B) To give punishment to a criminal 63. How many multiples of 9 can b€ found which
(C) To consutl the member of the jury are less than 9999 and are perfect cubes?
(D) "Erenion" of th6 jurist'r t culty in (A) 5 (B) 6
finding a solution (c) 7 (o) 8
52. For how many years did the Caliphate of &. The daily wage as increased by 25% and Adil
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) last? now gets Rs. 25 per day. What was his daaly
(A) TwoycaB (B) Three years wage before the increase?
(C) Four years (O) Five years (A) Rs.25 (B) Rs.20
53. What caused Hazrat Usman's (RA) death? (C) Rs. 30 (D) None of these
(A) He died in battlefield 65. The solution of the equation x + a = b is
(B) He was martyrad by rebelg possible in a set of natural numbers if:
(C) He dies a natural dealh (A) a<b (B) a>b
(D) None ot the above (C) a=b (D) None ofthese
54. What is the litle of Hazrat lbrahim (AS)? 66. Which of the missing number is mrrect for
Advandd PPSC flCos ltodc, Paoets 081

:26,29 39, , 52, 55 (A) Lahore (8) London

(A) 49 (B) 45 (C) Sialkot (D) Dehli
(c) 42 (D) None of the above 78. On what data did the earlhquaka hit the
67. lf y = (x + 3)2, then (-2x - 612 musl equal Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir?
which of the following? (A) 8th October, 2005
(A) -4y'z (B) 2y (B) 6th September, 2005
(C) -4y (D) 4y (C) Eth August 2005
(D) 'l8th oclober, 2005
68. lf xy = 2 and xy2 = 8, what is the value of x?
(A) 0.5 (B) 2.s 79. Which city of Pakistan is known as 'City of
(c) 4.0 (D) 8.0 Saints'?
(A) Bahawalpur (B) Quetta
69. Which of the following ratios is the largest? (C) Uch (D) fuftan
(A) 21 t29 (B) 7:15
(C) 15:23 (O) 17:25 E0. What percentage of Pakistan's Population
speaks Balochi?
70. A number is increased by 20% and then (A\ 2!o (B) 3%
decreased by 20olo, the final value of the (c) 6% (D) 8%
(A) Ooes not change 81. Govt. of Pakistan named lslamabad' as its
(B) Decreases by 2% new Capital on:
(C) lnfieases by 4% (A) Februery 24, 1960
(D) Oecreases by 4% (B) February 24, 1959
(C) February 24, '1961
71. What comes next fot 11, 21, 32, 43, 54,
(A) 76 (B) E6
' ln February 1959 the President of Pakktan named Dr.
(c) 73 (D) 83
C. A. Doxiadis as his advisorto the Special Commit5ion
72. Which is odd man out for 14, 28, 49, 65, 35, for the Locatioo of the Gpital and in compliance with a
21. request from the Pr6ident and from the chairman of
(A) 28 (B) 3s the commissioo a report was issued by Ix. Ooxiadis
(c) 14 (o) 65
with .eference to thi3 problem, in an effort to
73. Which of the missing number is correcl for: 1, incorporate the knowledge and the experience of the
2, 4, . 16,32,64 members of the committees as w€ll as of that of iach
(Al 12 (B) 14 committee as a whole. The resuh of this r€port wat
(c) 5 (D) 8 that two areas we.e 5u886ted for the new capital, one
74. What is the next in series for 2, 3, 6, 18, 1OE? outside (aBchi and the other to the north of
(A) 208 (B) 1944 Rawalpindi. On the basis of reports and
(c) 2008 (D) 1054 recommendations of the Commission for the Location
75. Five years ago, the average of P and Q was of the Gpital, President Mohammed AVub Khan
'15 years.Average age of P, Q and R today is decided in favour of the site North of Rawalpindi, on
20 years. How old wili R be after 10 years? the Potwar Plateau and made a public announcement
(A) 35 years (B) 40 years to this e-ffect in rune 1959. On July the 2nd, 1959 Maior
(C) 3oyeaB (D) 50 years General A.M. Yahya (han requestd Or. Doriadis to
76. Who presided over the Muslim League prepare and submit a report in order to facilitate the
Session held in Lahore in t 940? task of the commission in preparint the next stages of
(A) Ch. Khaliq uz zaman the work, especially regarding the setting up of a

(B) Quaid+-Azam commislion for building the new capital and setting up
(C) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar a programme of action. Durint late ,uly and early
(D) Liaqat Ali Khan August 1959, Dr. Doxiadii visited the site ol the capital
and, as a result, the report "lmpressions from the site -
77. Ch. Rehmat Ali was buried' in:
The necessary data" was issued. ln Septembcr 1959,
the government of Pakistan decided to establish the
' Ch. Rehmat Ali died on 3 February 1951 and was Federal Capital Commission for the pfeparation of the
buried on 20 February at Newmarket Road cemetery, master plan and programme of the new capital.
Cambridge, England. The city of Cambridge is about 50 Simultaneously, Doxiadis Associates were appointed as
miles (80 km) north of London consultants to the Federal-Capital Commission.
682 Adn/€nced PPSC ItCQs tlodet Papers
(D) February 24, 1958 92. The search for suitable words for National
82. Name the Mountain Pass whach connects Anthem with the music sel by A.G. Chagla
Abbottabad wilh Gilgit: finally ended with the approval on '13th
(A) Badwai Pass August' _
(B) BabGar Pass (A) 1953 (B) 1954
(C) Baroghil Pass (c) 195s (D) 1956
(O) None of these 93. Pakistan has of the fourteen
tallest mountain peaks in Asia'. 4:
83. Who wrote the famous Punjabi Dastan "Saif- . (A) Nine (B) Seven 4
(A) irian Xluhammad Bukhsh . (C) Six (D) Five
(B) Peer Waris Shah 94. Which sec{or is the largesl consumer o, gas?
(C) Fazal Shah (A) Powor Sectol
(D) Hashim Shah (B) lndustriatSector
84. How many times has Pakistan won the World {C) Fertilizer Seclor
Hockey Cup? (D) Household Sector
(A) 2 (B) 3 95. Which is the biggest market for Pakistan's
(c) 4 (D) 5 exports?
85. The Oevolution of Power Plan 2000 is a three (A) Saudi Arabia (B) USA
tier setup of? (C) UK (O) China
(A) National Government tr -;;.,!,-/Jra,fi-o
(B) Provincial Govemment .so
(C) Regional Government . t;t) py nfv44t (Al
(D) Local Government Jlr,>/ (ot ,)t",f ;ar pl
86. What is NRB?
(A) National Reconstruction Bureau '!
ttdt',t,? (i L J
1v,, r'c (.-. t,?,,.1t .st
(B) National Railway Bureau r,JJ.,/v
(C) Nalional Recolleclion Bureau
(D) National Radiology Budget
PeieV (\
87. Govemment of Pakistan constituted a
ttAtJxt2z Fl
Committee under the chairmanship of Sardar
ttlA 1c,1

Abdur Rab Nishthar for selecting National (ol

anlhem in December _
(A) 1947 (B) 1950 t <-tt d. I /tlttt ?),/ :v,?,!Jq -b sB
(c) 1949 (D) ,9/t8 ,jtsrl Bl 1,,-rl 6l
88. On which river will the Kalabagh Dam
be i?rvrot f=r pt
Ravi reJ,cq,/e3lkn .gs
(C) lndus
(B) Jhelum
(O) Chenab ,5/o, p1 ,ts,sv,! ol
89. Which Mceroy's tenure was shortest in the
lndo-Pak Sub-.continent? ' On 4th August 1954 federal cabinet approved Hafeez
(A) Lord Moutbatten
(B) Lord Lytton Jalundhri's anthem as an official Pakistan national
(C) Lord Wavell anthem. lt was broadcasted first time on Radio
(D) Lord Minto Pakistan on 13 August 1954, sung by Hafeez Jullundhri
90. Which song was adopted by lndian Congress
as their National Anthem? ' The eight-thousandeE {14 tallest} are the 14
(A) Tarana e Hindi independent mountains on Earth that are more than
(B) Tarana Desh 8,000 (26,247 ft) high above sea level. All eight-
(C) Tarana e Matram thousandeE are located in the Himalayan and
(O) Bande Matram Karakoram mountain ranges in Asia. Hence five of the
14 highest independent p€aks in the world (the eight-
91. Hanna Lake is situated near'
(A) Quetta (B) Karachi thousanders), are in Pakistan, as well (four of which lie
(C) Sialkot (D) Peshawar in the surroundings of Concordia; the confluence of
Ealtoro Glacier and Godwin A,-,fen Glacier).
Advanced PPSC filCQs Model Paoers 683
,+j/ o .a.t-r(LJ tcl ,.ii @l J, (A)
t6j'otary,e ,yli,?.rc0 'tl' Gl

Answer Key
1. b '14 a 27 b 40.c 53. b oo c 79. d 92. b
2. c '15 d 2E a 41.b 54. a 67 80. b 93. d
3. a 16 a 29 b 42.b 55. c 68 c 81. a 94. a
4. b '17 b 30 b 43.c 56. a 69 a 82. b 95. b
5. a '18 c 31 d 44.a 57. b 70 d 83. a 96. c
6. a 19 32 b 45.b 58- c 71 a 84. c 97. b
7. a 20 b JJ a 46.d 59. a 72 d 85. d 98. b
8. c 21 b 34 b 47.b 60. a 73 d 86. a 99. c
9. a 22 c 35 a 48.c 61. c 74 b 87. d 100. c
10 b 23 a 36 b 49.a 62. a 75 c 88. c
1',| c 24 37 b 50.b 63. d 76 b 89. a
12 d 25 b J6 b 5t.d 64. b b 90. d
13 b 26 b 39 a 52.a 65. b 78 a 9t. a


sENloR AUDITOR (BS-17) 2011
(B) 28th July 1969
1. From which country Pakistan purchased (C) 29th June 1970
(A) Kuwait (B) lran (D) None of these
{C) Oman (D) None of these 7 He is proud his wealth
2. when provincial Chief Minister was dismissed
(A) On -==- (B) To
(C) lnto (D) Of
on the issue of One Unit?
(A) Chief Minister NWFP I We are answerable __(B) God.
(B) Chief Minister Sindh (A) To Betore
(C) Chief Minister Punjab (C) For (D) Of
(D) Chiet Minister Baluchistan o How long _English?
3. Which Radio Station already exisled at the (A) Do you learn
time of creation of Pakistan? (B) Are you learning?
(A) Peshawar (B) Karachi (C) You leam
(C) Quetta (O) None of these (D) Have you been learning
4. Under Yahya's LFO, what oplion National '10 Choose the @rrect sentence.
Assembly had if it couldn't frame the (A) lndia attacked on Pakistan in 1965
conslitution within 120 days? (B) lndia att cked Pakisian in 1965
(A) Dissolved automatically (C) lndia attacks Pakistan in 1965
(B) President will dissolve il (D) lndia did attacked on Pakistan in 1965
(C) Extension in time frame 11 Honest poverty is better than dishonest
(O) None of these
5. What percentage of tolal polled votes in East (A) Riches (B) Person
Pakistan was secured by Awami League in (C) Wealth (D) Work
1970 elections? '12. Select the right idiom.
(A) 54% (B) 80% (A) Bum the night oil
(Ct 75% (D) None these (B) I Bum the late night oil
6. When was the state ol Swat included in (C) Bum the midnight oil
Pakistan? (D) Bum the oil
(A) 4th Apnl 1969
684 Advanced PPSC ttCQs tlodet paderc
'13. Select the right idiom
28. I said to Hamid, Always speak the truth (Find
(4) Keep body and character together out the conect indirect sentence)
(B) Keep body and mind together ) lrequesl Hamid to speak the truth always
(C) Keep body and soultogether )
B I asked Hamid speak the truth always.
(D) Keep body and spirit togother c ) I advised Hamid to speak the truth always
14. One should do D ) I told Hamid to speak the truth always.
His _-----Gl- One's
duty honestfy
(A) 29. Vegetables afe necessarv component of a
(C)' One (D) Their well balanced diet (Replace the underlined
15. The atmosphere was quite with the suitable choice)
(A)Pteasant iB) eoaial (A) A scarce (B) Essential
(C)Exquisite (D) None of these (C) A pleasant (D) An abundant
16. Vitamin _ can lead to illness 30. You _ respecl your parents and
(A) Want (B) Shortage teachers.
(C) Deficiency (A) Should (B) Would
iO1 noverti (C) Would have (D) should have
17. Pick out the right word
(4) Contempcrory (B) Contemporary 31. There is no in this compartment
(C) Contemporary (D) Contampora* (A) Space (B) Place
(C) Room (D) None of these
18. A policeman was killed and forty labourers
wounded in the between a band of 32. He is one of my best
(A) Friend (B) Friends
Strikers and the poiiE6-e
(A) War (B) Batfle (C) Friendship (D) None of these
(C) Fight (D) None of these 33. The of Kashmir _ very
19. beautitul
(A) At
cannot stop you _ (B) coming here
(A) Sceneries are (B) scenery, is
(c) From (Dj Ti, (C) Sceneries, is (D) None of these
20. Advertisement will _
--le) your sale 34 I insisted
(A) To have
_ my fee paid
(A)Boost Ho-Hoist
(C) ln having
(B) On havrng
(c) Lift (D) Aid (D) To havrng
21. He lives _ a small lncome 35 I don't know
(A) Only how
_ to'ialue your qualities
(A) On (B) At (B) so how
(c) ln (D) Wirh (C) How (D) that how
22. The power of reading the thoughts of others 36. Her voice is as sweet as
(A) Telecommunication nightingale.
(B) Psychotogy (A) That of the (B) the
(C) Psychopathy (C) Or (D) none of these
(D) Telepathy 37. Heallh is preferable _ riches
23. 15 men can do a piece of work in 20 days. in (A) on (B) of
how many days 25 men finish the same work' (C) To (D) Upon
(A) 14 (B) 20 38. One who cannot die is celled as
(c) 12 io) rs (A) Stable (B) lmmortal
24. Students are advised to write their names (C) Perpetual (D) Perennial
_ ink.
(A) Through (B) With
39. Please speak in _ English.
(A) Plain (B) Plane
(c) rn (D) By (C) Plan (D) None of these
25 He is a Raiout bv 40. Every student is familiar _
(A) Caste" ' --lEl-eost
the name
of Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
(C) Casl (D) None of these (A) To (B) With
26. lam astonished (C) By (D) ln
(A) ro -----lBi-Arhis behaviour 41. Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW)
(C) With (D) On in the migration to Medina?
27. A monkey is not capable _ flying in (A) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
the arr (B) Hazrat Omar (RA)l
(A) Ar (B) From (C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(c) of (D) Wirh (D) Hazrat Usman (RA)
42. After the to Medina. what was the first
important thing the Holy Prophet (SAW) did'?
Advanced PPSC ,ltoQs Uodel PaoeB 85
(A) Built a Mosque for prayers (B) Munkir Nakeer
(B) Built his house (C) Yaiuj Majuj
(C) Created Bait-ul-mal (D) Hazrat lzraeel
(D) Raised an army 56. The First Constitutiofl of Pakistan was
43. Name lhe angels who are appointed to pul enforced on
questions to the deads in their graves (A) 21 st March, 1956
(A) Munkir and Nakecr (AS) (B) 25th March, 1956
(B) Hazrat Jahraiel (AS) (C) 23rd March, 1956
(C) Hazrat liraeel (AS) (O) 20th March, 1958
(0) Hazrat Kikacl (M) 57. Official language of Pakistan under the 1962
44. Ramadan is the month of Constitution $,as
lslammrc Calendar (A) Bengali and Urdu
(A) 7th (B) gth (B) Urdu
(C) 1st (o) 10th (C) Punjabi
45. What is the backbone of economic system of (D) Punjabi and Urdu
lslam? 58. Who among the following pioneered the
(A) Zakat (B) Tax Khilafat Movement?
(C) Jihad (D) Ushr (A) M.A Jinnah
(B) Ali Brolhers
46. The running between two hills Safa and (c) Gandhi
MaMah seven times is called
(A) Rami (B) Waqaf (D) Sir Sayy€d Ahmed
(C) Say'ee (D) Tawaf 59. Who led lhe Simla Oelegation?
47. How many Ayat-€-Seiadn are in the Holy (A) Sir Agha Khan
(B) Mama lqbel
(A) 14 (B) 16
(C) Liaquat Ali
(cl 't2.7 (D) 7 (D) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
48. Which Surah was recited by the Holy Prophet 60. Mohemmod Ali Jinnah joined the All lndia
at the tame of Hijrat? Muslim League in
(A) Rehman (B) Yaseen (A) 1911 (B) 1907
(C) Fateha (D) Akhlas (c) 1913 (D) 1928

49. What is the oldest Mosque on the Earth? 6'1. Manchar Lake is situaled in the Province of
(A) Ka'aba Bait Ullah (A) Sindh (B) Puniab
(B) Masjid-i-Zanar (C) NWFP (O) Balochistan
(C) Masjid-i-Nabvi 62. Which is the lonqest glacier found in
(D) Mas.iid-i-Aqsa Pakistan?
50. Whal is the rate of Zakat on silver, gold and (A) Hispar (B) Siachen
(C) Tirich (D) Batura
( 12% (Bl 2%% 63. K.2 is also called
(c\ 1v,o/o (o\ 2.25v, (A) Goodwin Austin
51. Which Surah was first revealed? (B) Kalhar Mount
(A) Al-Annam (B) Al-Fateha (C) Sia Kingri
(C) Al-baqarah (D) None of these (O) None of them
52. The incident of Karbala took place in 64. Which is the coldest place in Pakistan?
(A) 70 AH (B) 61 AH (A) Abborabad (B) Murree
(c) 58 AH (D) 65 AH (C) Malam Jabba (D) Skardu
53. What is the literal meaning of lslam? 65. Name the biggest Park (area wise) rn Pakistan
(A) To bow down the neck (A) Changa Manga
(B) To seek safety (B) Ayub National Park
(C) To have satety (C) Bagh-e-Jinnah
(D) All of lhem (D) None of them'
54. ln which night lhe Quran was revealed?
(A)Shab-e-Miraj (B)Lailat-ul-Qadr
(C)Lail-tul-Aroos (D)Shab-e-Barat 'Central Karakoram in Gilgit Battistan is currently the
55. The angles who keep daily account of oul largest national park in the country, spanning over a
deeds are called total approximate area of 1,39O,lm hectares
(A) Kiraman Katibeen (3,435,011.9 acres). The smallest national park is the
686 Advance<t PPSC ,loes lrodet paoars
66. On which river the Mangla Dam is build? 79. Who painted Mona Lisa?
(A) Jehlum (B) Ravi (A) Leonardo Di caprio
(C) Stule, (D) lndus (B) Leanardo Da Vinci
67. Total al€a covered with forest in Pakistan (C) Picasso
(A) 5.3% (B) 4.8%
(D) Leonardo Da Henry )
(cl 4.4vo (o) 5.0% 80. Omar Khayyam vyas a Persian
68. ln 1859 Sir Syed set up a schoot where (A) Mathematician (B) Ac{or
Persian and English was taught (C) Painter (O) Poet
(A) Lucknow (B) Bijnaur 81. The mega event in Hockey is
(C) Muradabad (D) Aligarh (A) World Cup
69. The largest spoken language o, pakistan is (B) Champons Trophy
(A) Urdu (B) Punjabi (C) Azlaan Shah
(C) Pushto (D) Sitaki (O) Olympics
70. ESPN is one of the biggest satellite ry 82. "Daughter of lhe East'is an autobiography of:
networks. lt stands for: (A) Sheikh Haseena
(A) Entertainment and S@rts Programming (B) Tasleenia Nasrin
Netrvork (C) Benazir Bhutto
(q) (O) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
European Sports Programming Network
(C) Educatronat and Sports Networ* 83. The capital of Jordan is
(O) Entertainment and sports Producers (A) Muscat (B) Amman
Network (C) Cairo (D) Beirut
71. The capital of the usA is 84. Which bird is the symbol of peace?
(A) Seattle ({} Swan (B} Flamingo
(B) New Yort (C) Dove (D) Duck
(C) Washing{on DC
(D) None of them 85. How many Zeros are there rn one Billion?
(A) E (B) 11
72. Currency of Bangladesh is (c) 10 (D) s
(A) Rup€e (B) Taka
86. Who's the founder of Sikhism?
(C) Dinar (O) Rupiah
(A) Guru Nanak
73. Eiffel Totf,er is localed in (B) Mardana
(A) France (B) Germany (C) Baba Atal
(C) ltaly (D) Austratid (D) Sri Guru Ram Das Niwas
74. Pentagon is the military headquarter of 87. Cuba is located in
(A) uK (B) Russia (A) lndian Ocean (B) Atlantic Ocean
(c) china (ot usn (C) Pacifcocean (D) Aretic Ocean
75. There aro only countries which have power. 88. lslamabad is situated in which
(A) 8 (B) 9 (A) Punjab (B) Azad Kashmir
(c) 7 (D) 6 (C) NWFP (D) None of these
76. Which of the followiflg is the 'Newest Capitat 89. The highest peak in the world
ol the Wodd'? (A) K-2 (B) Mount Everest
(A) lstamabad (B) sydn€y (C) Nanga Parbat (D) Trichmtr
(C) Locdon (O) pads
90. The oldest religion of the wortd is
77. Who build the 'Rohatas Fort' near Jehlum? (A) Judaism (B) Christianity
(A) Akbar (C) Buddhism (D) Hinduism
(B) Sher Shah Suri
(C) Jakangir 9'1. The hottest place in Pakistan is:
(D) Hamayun (A) Sibi (B) Jacobabad
78. Which continent has
(C) Chaghi (O) Rohn
no desert?
(A) Europe 92. Air Blue is the air line of
(B) North America (A) lndia (B) Bangtadesh
(C) Australia (C) lndonesia (D) Pakistan
(D) None of these 93. Name the animal which has the longest life
(A) Tunle (B) Elephant
(C) Chrmpanzee (D) cirafie
Ayub, covering a total approximate area of931
hect.res (2,300.6 acrrsl.
Aclvanced PPSC HCQ5 Model Paoers 687

94. Which of the following is the oldest among the (A) Norlh (B) East
list of Seven Wonders of the Wodd? (C) South (D) West
(A) The Pyramids of Egypt 98. The Statue of Liberty was gifted to the USA by
(B) Great wall of China which country?
(C) Petra (A) Great Britain (B) France
(D) Taj Mahal creece (o) Ausralia
95. Which country used to be called the 'Sick Man 99. OPEC stands for
of Europe'? (A) Oil Producing Exporting Countries
(A) Germany (B) France (B) Organization of Petroleum Exporting
(C) Turkey (D) ltaly Countries
96. Mumbai is a new name of (C) Oil Petroleum Exporling Cour ;ies
(A) Bombay (B) Bombee (D) None of these
(C) Bombai (D) None of these 100.F|FA World Cup 2018 was hosted by
97. Mexico is situated to the of united (A) Russia (B) England
Slates. (C) Brazil (D) Portugal
Answer Key
1. c 14. b -
27 c 40. b 53. b 66. a 79 b 92
2. b 15. a 28 c 41. a 54. b 67. b 80 d 93 a
3. a 16. c 29 b 42. a 55. a 68. 81 a 94 a
4. a 17. c 30 a 43. a 56. c 69. b E2 c c
5. d 18. c 31 c 44. b 57. a 70. a 83 b 96 a
6. b 19. c 32 b 45. a 58. b 71. c u c 97
7. d 20. a 33 b 46. c 59. a 72. b 85 d 98. b
8. a z',t. a 34 b 47. b 60. c a 86 a 99. b
9. d 22. d c 48. b 61. a 74. d o/ b 100 a
't0 b 23. c 36 a 49. a 62. b 75. a 88 d
11 a 24. c 37 c 50. b 63. a /b_ a 89 b
12 c 25. a 38 b 51. d 64. d 77. b 90 d
'13 c 26. b 39 a 52. b 65. d 78. a 91 b


AUDTTOR (BPS-I3) -2010

in the Punjab Finance Department
Which word b wrongly spelt in tho following?
1. (A) begger (B) scholar 7. is_
This work his capacity a

(C) controller (D) liar beloYv

(A) (B) beyond
2 (A) believe (B) receive under
(C) (O) over
(C) relieve (D) decive 8. lt is cool _ May
(A) in (B) for
3. (A) forcast (B) foretell (C) on (D) with
(C) mislead (D) forbear
4. (A) biscut (B) bise61 9. This is a matter _ liltle importance.
(C) binoculars (D) benefit (A) with B of
(C) in D on
5. (A) scholar (B) preacher '10. The burglar iumped the compound
(C) engineer (D) attomy wall.
6. (A) honest (B) parfect (A) on (B) across
(C) loyal (D) popular (C) over (D) in
Choose the conect preposition to fill in the 1 1. lt is len O'clock - mY watch.

688 Ad\arc.d PPSC l,COs Itodr, Procrs
(A) (B) on 27. "A thing of beauty is a joy for evel, is a
(c) 9v
tn (D) off famous line by:
12. Th3 child ha3 b€en missing (A) Wordsworlh (B) Keats
_ (C) Shelly (D) Byron
(A) from (B) since 2E. "Modus Operandi" means:
(C) on (D) otr (A) First impression (B) Meeting
13. lte is suspieirus _ all his neighbouE.
(C) Edition (D) Plan of action
(A) of ---iEj-aOour 29. Amongst ltle following who is known as the
(C) agaiNi (D) on slave king?
Find tt sord3 .imiLr ln m..ning. (A) Muhammad Ghauri
(B) Mahmud of Ghazni
14. Abundant: (C) Qutubuddin Aibak
(A) sutrdenl (8) plentitul (D) Alauddin Khilji
(C) excBsive (O) over
30. When did Muhammed bin Qasim invade
5. Audacirxs: Sindh?
(A) cou€gtooug (B) gracetul (A) 712 AD (B) 6/t4 AO
(C) boasttul (D) nSi, (c) 625 AO (O) 750AD
16. Commencc: 31. Who was the founder of Mughal Empire??
(A) try (8) bcgin (A) Zahiruddin Babur
(C) arrange (D) undershnd (B) Humayun
17. FceUe: (C) Sher Shah sSuri
(A) wcak (B) fabe (D) Akbar
(C) difrorlt (D) caretul 32. The famous Taj Mahal atAgrawas built by
18. Enofmql3: (A) Jehangir (B) Akbar
(A) hard (B) huse (C) Shah Jehan (D) Aurangzeb
(C) amazhg (O) aangeous 33. Ouaidj-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ioined
19. Wc h*! h,rd lrq! the Muslim League in:
(A) fDr -lO-E €arly 1990. (A) 1906 (B) 1910
(C) rncc (O) iiom (c) 1912 (D) 1913
20. U.ri. b nol only prrttv kirid & 34. Quaid-i-Azam presented has fourteen points in
fridrdy bo. -- response to:
(A) d (8) hn (A) The Kucknow Pacl
(C) *o (D) or (B) Morley-Minto Reforms
(C) Nehru Report
21. Do yot 0rir* AC.m b .d du (D) The Cabinet Mission Plan
hL ithring tlrt rt har fr!il-ffi
(A) c.p.Uc (B) et d 35. Who was the last Viceroy of lndia?
(C) conDetant (O) going (A) Sir Cynl Radcliffe
22. You c.n lro to your tbrr(t's houla .3 long (B) Sir Stafiord Cripps
(C) Lord Wavell
you ralur by 9.m
ir (B) u|ofuh
(D) Lord Mountbatten
(O ar ioi t,t 36. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
(A Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
23. tLy! ron b Amiad'3 tcmr? (B
( ) .narr !d (B) irittert Khawaia Nazimuddin
(c Liaqat Ali Khan
(C) r!p[€d (D) deatr lltr (D Muhammad Ali Bogra
2a. \ry'l.n you buy nar E loos, male suralhcy ar6 37. The lndus waler Treaty was signed in;
th€ righr
fih€&3 (B) !,ize (A) 1958 (B) 1959
(C) nBrrc (D) tt€et
(c) 1960 (D) 1961
38. The number of res€rved seats for women in
25. l/WEn you fard on . bu3 or taan, you must lhe Natonal Assembly is
pey yow_
(A) irun€y (B) farE (A) 40 (B )50
(C) be (D) tid(et (c) 60 (D )65

26. She ftlt 39. \/hich country is located in the North of

when she w€nl on staoe
1e1 E-
(C) ncrvous
(B) worried Pakistan?
(A) China (B) Afghanistan
(O) agitated (C) lndia (D) kan
Adranced PPSC NCQS nodel Peoers 689
40. Who is the Governor of. Khyber (B) Haemoglobin
Pakhtoonkhawa? (C) Red Blood Cells
(A) Awais Ahmed Ghani (D) White Blood Cells
(B) Amir Haider Khan Hoti 54. Which subslance is used in match sticks?
(C) Zumqar Ali Magsi (A) Sulphur (B) Zinc
(D) Nawab Aslam Raisani (C) Phosphorous (D) Nitric Acid
41. The headquarters of the European Union is at: 55. Gawadar is in the province of:
(A) London (B) Brussels (A) Sindh
(C) Paris (O) Geneva (B) Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa
42. How many countries are the member of (C) Punjab
SAARC? (O) Balochistan
(A) 6 (B) 7
56. Nicolas Sarkozy is the present of:
(c) I (D) e (A) ltaly (B) Spain
43. Myanmar is the new name of: (C) Germany (D) France
(A) Burma (B) Nepal 57 Frscal year is from:
(C) Bhutan (D) Tibet (A) June I to June 30
,14. The present Hijri year is: (B) June '15 to July 15
(AJ 1425 (B) 1428 (C) July 1 to June 30
(c) 1431 (O) 1433 (D) July 1 to August 30
45. The second largest religion or world is: 58. A mathematics Class has '12 boys and '18
(A) lslam (B) Christianity girls. Boys are what fraction of lhe class?
(C) Buddhism (D) Judaism
46. Kala Bagh is in:
tn)A (B)3
(A) D.G. Khan (B) Mardan
(C) Peshawar (D) Mianwali (c) 3 (D)
fi ' ft , f-
47. Yuan is the currency of:
(A) China (B) Japan 59. What is value of the ot"o*tt,
(C) Russia (D) Germany 5
46. Which of the following is not a Scandinavian
Country? 11
(A) No.way (B) Poland (A) 1m (B) 60
(C) Denmark (D) Sweden ,!(
49. Gomal University is in:
(A) Quetta
(c) 3b' (D)
(B) Dera lsmail Khan 60. I is of whal numbet{,
(C) Peshawar 3'/6
(O) Mardan (\27 (B) 3
(c) 300 (D) 2700
50. Which symptom is caused by a deficiency of
vitamin O? 61. lf 25 students took an examination and 4 ol
(A) Anaemia them failed. What p€r cent of them passed?
(B) Bones Breaking easily (A) 75% (B) 80%
(C) Constipation (cl u% (D) E5%
(D) Bleeding of Gums 62. The diameter of a round table is 7 meters.
5'l. Which component of the diet prevents How much distance a p€rson will walk around
(A) Fiber (B) Minerals (A) 10 meters (B) 15 meters
(C) Protein (D) Vitamins (C) 18 meters (D) 22 meters
52. Which food contains the highest concentralion 6,4. The zoo had some lions & some parrols The
of protein & iron? keeper counled 15 heads and 50 legs. How
(A) Bread many lions were there?
(B) Citrus Fruits (A) I (B) 10
(C) Fresh Vegetables (c) 12 (D) 13
(D) Meat I 1'
53. Which of the following protec{ the body
65- What is the value of 16t 0= 2
against disease and infeclion?
(A) Blood Platelets
,^, ?
\A,, 7 (B) #
690 Advanced PFSC llCQs llodel paoers

(c)+ @+ 74. -1
(A) 0.3
written as a fac{ion lB:
(B) 0.03
66. Which of the following numbers is divisibte by
(c) 0.003 (D) 3
(A) 4653 B ) 4818 79 square foot is equalto:
(c) 4s01 D) 4404 A) 48 square i nches
8(11 -2\-5U1 -21 B) 24 square inches
C) 72 square inches
D) 144 square inches
(A) 11 B I
(c) I D 5 80. One side of a rectangle is 22 Eet. Which of
the following could be the p€rimeter of the
5x7 rectangle?
14 x '10 (A) 28 feet (B) 33 feet
# (c) (D) 54 feer

(c) a (o) 6 | 4.'f ,J f v,q C, ? l' O +i l " 81

69. 18 is 75% of? 1s1 {e(-isr
(c) 34
(B) 28 1e'1

(D) 32 0?t- e lol uPr,rl . rcl

70. Which number can replace both queslion
.2? I ct;t(ilt ;e/" tttt" .ez
maflG:t = Ed
(A) 5
(c) 25
(B) 10 Qr .ot d.,u (A)
aD) 1oo
71. lf 15 men can manufaclure 27 baskets in an ,Jto tDt i; t t
hour, how many baskets would 45 men
manufaclure in 40 minutes? ,! odt,J,,?' (ri t ;- oi u/.- ot J-; o,;, .at
(A\ 27 (B) 35
(c) 40 (D) 54 t$,tv
72. 5448 rcunded off to the nearest
1OOO is
t|,u.tlA ui;t$ 61
G) 6000 (B) szroo ibsf,ttV 1o1 idJ;(t
(c) 5000 (D) 4500 tcl
73. 30%of100inequalof3%of ? r.-,f;',,! 2t1,,fi g"
(A) 3000 (B) 2000-- -.
(c) 1000 (D) 750 Ott:A @ ,eitcn l^l
74. Aslam ran around aA kilometer track 17 i"ti> tot etlJ/ tct
times. How many kilometers did he run?

af km (B) 4km
t +.-t {y )f :1,! ft ,,/ --,.t Ji +, p .as

i -., \Bt
i-/'J- .-.
A)U/ $l
(c) 4
i km (D) 4; km
6f.lvp tot J',sv, 1c1
75. Which,shape has four equat sides and right
Rhombus r <_yldr r(,,i,j1,, .aa
(C) Rectangle
(B) Square
(D) Paraletogram
76. Find the square of 35:
6lt tal 7)7/ 1a1

(A) 175 (B) 1,t 2s ,2t ttj ,? @) \i r$:Qt (cl

(c) 122s (D) 1215
77. Calculate the perimeter of a rhombus with Ia-{'u-'-rt{}-57'.at
each side equal to 6 cm:
(A) 18 cm (B) 24cm lt-f g ot$ lAl
(C) 36 cm (D) .48 cm
Advanced PPSC lttCOs ode, Papels 691

,/it lo| el{ tcl -ti)re,i 1e1 ot;rtr/ lAl

S,,iJ;t ro1
. -)t
l a\l{" DttLlt" .aa {:v

/t4gr 1et o6Jfu),, t^l _1ru,t,6,4-t7jv,' .ss

+futf s r?t4r&i tcl v/?€ o,v 1t1

t.-,1 LttV'!lC,?,./"s,i-\Y" .ss

tL,J/. \ol v{,--oslo tcl
: ;6s {-v,' - t {,,,t- j'/,f
.lcqu tll {e(itr 1a1

,Jtt4F py tfcrt Gt .)]l tq Jtv(tt tA)

gl ,8 ol ir;i,>:v lcl
-j /,F'=7 -,.,t4;a,* .so

cniu(! (st Ar'OV2+t t^l t

i v i) * t4uttL rle vt,rt ), ) .s7)

uiJi,lrjy tot $l)tt6:fiil rct ,!-),tf @ ri)tctt lAl

Ligtt* lq 4t/t;t7 1c1
-+vbf,Jl'. .gt
tr' lBl tttel lAl
ILxt*4{it;t-t )/Nt .s
)nat lol /)n lcl J, rst Ji ot

viP-'tl'68($'ur,i .sz
/tot &rct
a4)Et 1a1 FEletV ltl I ewyf/7C$tf t1,.fiui .ss

4t(tktit (ot Ovt:Ot tcl ttit?)?v tBt ,j,tilP gl

rrr, (D) ),uU
t r&,? LL6,(; ; t I C Z/+tlJ-tz, tt .st

tJ*I/.r/ tat G',e rot

yi ld ,Y.-t()gt-*.roo
6*irrl 1o1 lcl
D',-4 tal ",cal lAl
t e-61 Lty,* i'i [,./",]-$., 4$" .st 't;itttf ol Jslt rct

Answer Key
1. a 14. b 27. b 40.a 53.. d 67 b 80. d 93 a
2. d 15. a ?s. d 41. b 54. c 68. c 81. c 94 c
3. a 16, b 29. c 42. c 55. d 69. a 82. c 95 d
4. a 17. a 30. a 43. a 56. d 70. b 63. b 96. a
5. d 18. b 31. a 44. c 57. c 71. d u. b 97. c
6. b 19. c 32. c 45. a 58. a 72. c 85. b 98. a
7. b 20. b 33. d 46.
'47. d 59. a 73. c 86. a 99. a
8. a 21. a u. c a 60. d 74. a 87 a 100. d
9. b 22. c 35. d 48. d 61. c 75. b 88 b
10 c 23. c 36. c 49. b 62. d /o. c 89 d
11 a 24. b 37. c 50. b 64. b 77. b 90 c
12 b 25. b 38. c 51. a 65. c 78. c 91 c
'13 a 26. c 39. a 52. c 66. d 79. d c
692 Advanced PPSC MCes Modet paoers


sENfoR AUDTTOR (BS-14) -2010

in the Punjab Excise & Taxation De partment
1. Urdu-Hindi controversy in Subcontinent Yahya on?
(A) 25th March 1969
started in year?
(A) 1857 (B) 1867 (B) 25th April 1969
(cl ls77 (D) 1s37 (C) 25th Oclober 969 1
(D) 25th November 1969
2. Bengal was panitioned bv Lord Cuzon in
Yeet? 12. Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined Muslim
(A) 1905 (B) 1909 League?
(c) 1913 (D) 1919 (A) 1906 (B) 1s11
3. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was buried 13. (c) 1913 (D) 1e16
inz Who gave Jinnah the title of "Ambassador of
(A) Delhi (B) Lucxnow Hindu Muslim Unlty'?
(C) Jerusalem (D) Makkah (A) Maulana Azad (B) Nehru
(C) Sarotini Naidu (O) Lord trloaey'
4. Mahatama Gandhi was assassinated in, '14 Muslims demand for 'Separate Electorate'
(Al 1947 (B) 1948
(c) 1950 (D) 1987 ! ,as accepted in?
(A) 1906 (B) 1916
5. The first' lslamic summit Conference was held (c) 1909 (D) 1938
in Lahore in year?
'15. Allama lqbal gave Allah Abad Address in?
(A) 1964 (B\ 1972
(c) i974 (D) 1994 (A) 1906 (B) 1916
6. Who was the first President pakistan? (c) 1930 (D) 1s38
(A) Ghulam Muhammad 16. Pakistan Resolution was moved by?
(B) Nazimuddin (A) MaulviFazal-ul-Haq
(C) lskandar Mirza
. (B)
Maulana Bhashani
(O) Ch. Muhammad Ali (C)
Maulana Fazal ur-Rehman
Maulana Shibli
7. Objectives Resolution was passed in?
(A) 1940 (B) 1949 17. The partition plan of lndia is also known as?
(A) March 23, Plan (B) Ausust't4, plan
(c) 1974 (D) 198s
(C) June 3, (D) Jutt 4, ptan
8. '1956 Constitution of Pakistan was abrogated
and Martial Law was imposed on? 18. Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated in year?
(A) 6th March 1958 (A) 1949 (8) 1950
(B) 7th ocrober 1958 (c) 1951 (O) 1953
(C) 27th October 1958 19. The Constituent Assemblv of Pakistan was
(O) 'l6th December 1958 dissolved in Year?
I The Conslitution Commission set up by Ayub (A) 1953 (B) 1954
Khan was headed by? (c) 1956 (D) 1958
(A) Justice Shahab-ud-Din 20. lndus Basin Treaty was signed in Year?
(B) Justice Munir (A) 1960 (B) 1961
(C) Justice Sharif (c) 1962 (D) 1963
(D) Justice Comelius
21. One Unit Bill was passed in year?
10. Tashkenl Declaration with pakistan was (A) 1948 (B) 1950
signed by lndian Prime Minister?
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(c) 19s5 iDi 1s70
(B) Lal Bahadur Shastri 22. ln'1964 R.C.D was signed by Pakistan, tran
(C) lndir candhi and ......... ?
(D) Atal BehariVaipai ({) Afghanistan (B) Turkey
(C) SaudrArabia (D) China
11. Ayub Khan handed over power to General
23. '1973 Constitution of Pakistan was
promulgated on?
(A) 23rd March 1973
'The first lslamic summit Conference was held on 22* (B) 14th August 1973
25 September 1969 in Mo.occo, Rabat and the 2nd on (C) lsl July'1973
22-24 February l9?4 in Pakistan, Lahor€. (D) 1sl April 1973
PPSC Paoers 693

24. Under '1973 Constitution of Pakistan Head of 38. Auditor General of Pakistan is appointed by?
Governmenl is: (A) Prime Minister (B) President
(A) Prime Minister (C) Finance Manister (D) Cabinet
(B) President 39. How many states are in the USA?
(C) Parliament (A) 48 (B) 49
(D) Federal Caibinet (c) 50 (D) 51
25. Who wrote 'Heei'? 40. River lndus originates from:
(A) lqbal Bbahu (B) lnayat Bhatti (A) Attock
(C) Waris Shah (D) Faiz (B) Gilgit Baltistan
26. What is the term used to denote the (C) Xing Xiang autonomous region
unauthroized and illegal accessing of (D) Tibetan Plateau
computer programs, often with criminal intent? 41. Katmandu is the lalgest City of which
(A) Virus (B) Plagrarism Country?
(C) Hacking (D) Breach (A) Bhutan (B) Nepal
27. Which public holidy is celeberated in the USA (C) Malaysia (D) Sri Lanka
on 4 July every year? 42. Who was the First Governor of Gilgil-
(A) Constilution day Baltistan?
(B) lndependence day (A) Afzal Singh
. (C) Blacks day (B) Agha Khan
(D) New Deal (C) Dr. Shama Khalid
2E. Which city was once known as (D) Sharif Aston
Constantinople? 43. Who is the King of Saudi Arabia?
(A) Cairo (B) Qum (A) Fahad bin AbdulAziz
(C) lslanbul (D) Cahfornia (B) Abdullah bin AbdulAziz
29. What is lhe common name for sodium (C) lbn Saud
chloride? (D) Faisal bin Abdul Aziz
(A) Acid (B) Qalmi Shora 44. Who erected the Taj Mahal in memory of his
(C) Gandhak (D) Salt wife?
30. Which country in the Middle East is the (A) Jahangir (B) Shah Jahan
Hashemite Kingdom? (C) Akbar (D) Humayun
(A) Jordan (B) EgyPt 45. What did Burma change its name to in 9'lE9?
(C) Syria (D) Kuwait (A) Myanmar (B) Rangoon
31. Which body of people is sometimes referred (C) Brazil (D) Naypyidaw
to as "the Fourth Estate"? 46. Who founded the modern Republic of Turkey?
(A) Judiciary (B) Executive (A) Caliph Abdui Maieed
(C) The Press (O) Senate (B) Tariq bin Ziyad
32. ln whach European City are the Headquarters (C) Mustafa Kamal
of the Red Cross? (D) Babrak
'(A) New York (B) Belgium 47. Whal is the boiling point of water?
(C) Holland (O) Geneva (A) 60.C (B) 80'C
33. What is the Richter Scale used to measure? (c) 100 "c (o) 120"c
(A) Flood (B) Volcano
48. Which organ makes Urine?
(C) Earthquake (D) Tsunami (A) Pancreas (B) Uterus
34. For how many years did Nelson Mandela (C) Kidney (D) Large lntestine
remain in prison?
Choose the most suitable word to match the given
(A) 27 years (B) 37 years
(C) 17 years (D) l0years meaning:

35. "Kindergarten" refers to?

49. FO|L
(A) a Nursery School (A) frustrate (B) shield
(B) a small garden (C) desire (D) gain
(C) a children playground 50. GARRULOUS
(D) a children ward in Hospital (A) and (B) sociable
(C) quaint (D) talkative
36. What is the Capital City of Australia?
(A) Sydney (B) Canberra 51. INTEGRATE
(C) Victoria (O) Queensland (A) tolerate (B) unite
(C) copy (D) assume
37. Who is the Vice President of USA?
(A) .loe Biden (B) Hillary Clinton 52. REPLENISH
(C) Sara Palin (D) Richar Armitage (A) repeat (B) reinstate
694 AdvancedPPSC CQs Nodet Paoerc
(C) reuse (O) refill (c) 0 (D) 64
53. ZEALOT 66. 652(523) + 427(652\ is equal to which of the
(A) beginner (B) patron following?
(C) fanatic (D) murderer (A) 523 (6s2 + 427) (B) 652(523 + 427\
Choose the Corret Meaning of the ldioms: (c) 1288025 (D) 1487825
54. Beat about the bush: 67. ll 2x = 32, what is f ?
(A) Try to meet George Bush (A) s (B) 10
(B) To avoid the main topic (c) 25 (D) 100
(C) To make a noise 68. lf 100 kilograms of Sugar was divided into
(D) To accompany someone in a iungle packages. each of which weighed 4/7 of a
55. Cock and Bull story Kilogram. How many packages were there?
(A a true story (A) 2s (B) 75
(B a lengthy tale (c) 100 (D) 175
(c story told by an idiot 69. lzza gave 20o/o ol her candies to Urooj and
(D an unbelievable tale 15% of Mehwish. lf she still had 520 candles,
56. Have an Axe to Grind how many did she have originally?
(A) to use axe frequently (A) 600 (B) 800
(B) semsh motive (c) e00 (D) 1000
(C) to have a dispute with somone 70. After Ali gave 1'10 Pencils to Afzal and 75 to
(D) to be fak with someone Amiad, he still had 315 left. What percent of
57. Let sleeping dogq lie his pencils did Ali give away?
A) to avoid restarting a conflict lA) 25o/o (B) 37ol"
B) to avoid disturbing someone (c) 40% (D) 50%
C) to care for dogs 71. The population of a country doubled every 10
D) to killthe sleeping dogs years from 1950 to 1980. What was the
58 On the Fence percent increase in population during this
A) ln a position of advantage time?
B) in a difficult situation (A) 300% (B) 400%
C) about to fall (c) 700% (D) 800o/o
D) und€cided 72. ll Meena solved 24 math problems in 15
59. Rule of Thumb minutes. At this rate, how many problems can
(A) mark of thumb on a legal paper she solve in 40 minutes?
(B) a rough estimate (A) 40 (B) 48
(C) an easy choice (c) 60 (D) 64
(D) an unknown rule 73. An increase in stock of Rs. 250. a decrease in
Fill in the blanks with one of the prepositions given the bank balance of Rs. 400 and an increase
below: in Creditors of Rs. 1200 results in:
(A) a decrease in working capital of Rs. 1,350
60. The Huntsman aimed the lion (B) a increase in working capital of Rs. 1,350
(A) on lEI ,p (C) a decrease in workrng capital of Rs. 1050
(C) at (D) in (D) a inecrease in workrng capital of Rs. 1050
6'1. He has resigned and will hand 74. A decrease in provision for doubtful debts
charge of his post today would result in:
(A) out (B) over (A) a increase in liabilities
(C) off (D) in (B) a decrease in working capital
62. His father passed _ last night (C) a decrease in net profit
(A) out (B) otf (D) an increase in net profit
(C) over iO) away 75. The phrase 'net book value'when apptied to
63. This merchanl deals _ silk goods fixed assets means that:
(A) with (B) about (A) the assets are shown in balance sheet at
(C) Ior (D) in their original cost
(B) the assets are valued at their likely selling
64. lf K = 6 x 17, then which of the fo owing is a pnce
muttiple of K? (C) the assets have been depreciated using
(A) 68 (B) 85 the reducing balance method
(c) 136 (D) 2M (D) the assets are shown in lhe balance
65. What is the value oJ (4 + a) (4 - b) when a = 4 sheet at their cost less accumulated
and b = -.4? depreciation
(A) -O4 (B) -16 76. Stock is valued using FIFO. Opening stock
Advanced McOs Model 595

was 10 units ar Rs. 2 each. Purchases were

30 units at Rs. 3 each, then issues of 12 units a--;y,! _/,, t,,,jr,i" .86

were made, followed by issues of I units. The

value of closing stock will be?
-Li st.z.,,i 1gS )t o-tt- lAl
(A) a0
Rs. (B) Rs.60
(C) Rs.60 (D) Rs. 100 tt)U.a @l ,r/,9 Gt
77. The expression independent opinion is must
commonly use in: t.-,t /i.--"b / {i :gt" .at Lv
(A) Accounting (B) Management
(C) Administration (O) Audrting v./,rbL- (B) t) +lnl,t; lA)
78. An ongoing appraisal ot an organization's i ,1:,r,q;to,t lo) u./'9 I jld /! \cl
operalions by its own employees who
evaluate and monitor the risk managemenl,
Govemance and Conuol praclices of the t a-="b,yl('v x,tr q.-: iLtx" .AA
organization is called?
(A) Management by Objectives
(B) Quality Control
u,i6,tt.; @l s.fit7:7: G\
(C) ExternalAudit u,tu{-i @) t-iJ* Gl
(D) lntemal Audit
79. With how many countries does Pakistan share
t.:.,t 7r!-_,,QJt L f, ,, .As
(A) 2 (B) 3 @t
v{'jir-. vi;tjx 6l
(D) s
80. Which Province of Pakistan has the largest v,{ civJ r pl ;,t;l/- / (c)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
r L-Jh,g,t t.,-:-t ri / / it, SO

(C) Sindh ty'.,.-f Py . 96--b,t+t (A)

(D) Baluchistan
81. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan vxo,u,t$jtar9 1oy ;rlS)' 1cy
is known as:
(A) Khyber Pass
B ) Shahrah-e-Resham
tlf' cJt!- t ;,'/ o'- 4 ri ) st
) Durand Line
U ) Bolan Pass
it' @ 'a't'i 1A1
)Fot'1 lO) .=-L (Cl
I tL
-tbr(,'., /,t J* u/ Lntr .g2
.iil p1 gq!ryt 6y ,.,i uttusifu}.' {t li;yt i 7.,t*, P sz

njet py !/tit, 1cy l" a-(1,7 *)1..V<--/,)

* *,ef, @\ -d, Ol
-:;2n rfu/,,r,,.it .ez

@) Jv,t'-ljtt Ltrltq-t; @) 6)tr.-iv G)

')rl-ty lal
,ti! r tot jrrf rcr \ti\,LJvf{)i?},P s3
'Ctrop @t 'Q.ni1ro7 1ty
ec.-t t/ Lze3f *i ai,/'; w
6Hn, (s) *t (Al Uuop @t U-? Gt
v,{7 py & <ct -- s ) t! o-.2.V tt*' ;t,t,' L j g,v't L :r .u
e.F ( .'i: /
I Q-vtluLO i * L"'/oD* Jic,? .ss
jtZ*..' <a) ",7-f Gl b?of Ol
.,i)t (al
,r:ci/r;t tol PcJ2e*. (cl
?e<eor:+)e? (oJ <cl
696 Advanced PPSC tllCQs Hodel Paoers

il " J.,ry/.-",/, t :
t|t .ss rBL, ; aE 4? k'e/ 4 oi ) ) i
(J .se

)ittaf (Bl Ftlt:,F @) st,,* (e) Pot ('t

,5rof <ol Cle? lcl /rutt 1o1 rpnt (c\
e?6d/i,,.d---,{idi/ $ t &i *,Jv,./t l,tr.,? .sg

c)tlthtr pl ,*;,, @l 630 (B) ,628 (A)

Qlitr (D) cfitr (C\ ,634 (D) ,632 (C)

t rl gJ. sr/,.2*.L &?,? gt t e4r fi .d {L, {-,5,v,. t oo

6f:s F\ 6.fi2 61 J t$M (Bl )tu@t (A\

6,fr9 tot 6f..a p1 Jri (D) i/ p)

Answer Key
1. b 14. c 27. b 40 d 53 c 66 79 c o) d
2. a 15. c 28. c 41 b 54 b 67 c 80 d 93 c
3. 16. a 29. d 42 d 68 d 81 c 94 c
4. b 17. c 30. a 43 b 56 b 69 b 82 c 95 b
5. c 18. c 31. c 44 b 57 a 70 b b 96 c
6. c 19. b 32. d 45 a 58 d 71 a 84 d 97 c
7. b 20. a c 46 c 59 b 72 d 85 a 96. c
8. b 21. c u. a 47 c 60 73 a 86 c 99. c
9. a 22. b 35. a 48 c 61 b 74 c 87 b 100 c
10. b 23. b 36. b 49 b bz d 75 d EE
11. a 24. a a 50 d 63 d 76 b 89 a
''t2. c 25. c 38. b 51 b 64 d d 90 d
13. c 26. c 39. 1,' d 65 d 78 a 91 c

tvt ODEL PAPER 151


in the Punjab Treasuries Establishment under the Finance
l. lndian Naiional Congress was founded in 4 Simla Deputalion (Oclober 1906) comprised
yeafl of Muslim leaders?
(A) 18s8 (B) 1875 (A) r8 (B) 35
(c) 1885 (D) 1906 (c) 40 {o) 50
2. Urdu - Hindi controversy in subcontinent 5. Muslims demand for 'Separate Electorate'
started in year? was accepted in?
(A) (B) 1867 (A)1906 (B) 1909
(c) (D) 1937 (c)1919 (D) 1935
3. ln 1905 Bengal was parlilioned by? 6. Partition plan of lndia was announced in?
(A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Simla (A) June 3, 1947 (B) July 3, 1947
(C) Redcliffe (D) Lord Curzon (C) July 18, 1947 (D) August 14, 1947 rcOs Xodd PrI's 6t7
7. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was buried 19. Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joine<! l,llrslim Leegue
in? in?
(A) Delhi (B) Lucknow (A) 1906 (B) 1911
(C) Jerusalem (D) Makkah (c) 1913 (O) 1916
E. Who was the last Mceroy of lndia? 20. Allama lqbalgave Allah Abad Address in?
(A) Lord Wavell (B) Lord Mountbatlen (A) 1906 (B) 1916
(C) Lord Linlinthgow (D) Lord Cripps (c) 1930 (O) 1938
9. Mahatama Gandhiryas assassinated an? 21. Pakislan R6olution was moved by?
46 (A) 1947 (B) 1948 (A Maulvi Fazlul Haq
(c) 1950 (D) 1987 (B Maulana Bhashani
'10. Who was lhe first Chief Juslbe of Pakistan? (c Maulana Fazau-ur-Rehman
(A) Justice Comelius (D Maulana Shibli
(B) Justice Abdur Rasheed 22. Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinatod on?
(C) Justice Shareet (A) Oecember 16, '1951
(D) Justice Munir (B) &ober 16, 1951
11. Who was the last Govemor General of
(C) September 16, 1951
Pakistan? (D) November 16, 1951
(A) Quaid-i-Azam 23. The Constituent Assembly of Pakislan was
(B) Ghulam Muhammad dissolved in Year?
(C) lskand€r Mirza (A) 1953 (B) 1954
(D) Ayub Khan (c) 1956 (D) 1958
12. The first lslamic summit Conference was held 24. ln which year Simla Agreement was signed
in Lahore in year? between lndia and Pakistan?
(A) 1964 (B) 1972 (A) 1960 (B) 1966
(c) 1974 (D) 19E4 (c) 1972 (D) 1988
13. Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan when 25. One Unit Billwas passed in Yean
Martial Law was imposed in 1958? (A) 1948 (B) 1950
(A) Ghulsm Muhammad (c) 1955 (D) 1970
(B) Feroze Khan Noon
(C) lskandar Mirza 26. ln 1904 R.C.D was signed by Pakistan, kan
(D) M.A Bogra and ?
1a1 AftfrEiistan
(B) Turtey
14. Objective Resolution was passed in? (C) SaudiArabia (D) China
(A) 1940 (B) 1949 27. 1973 Constitution of Pakistan was
(c) 1974 (O) 19E5 promulgated on?
15. 1956 Constitulion of Pakistan was abrogated (A) 23rd March (B) 14th Aqust
and Martial Law was imposed on?
(A) 6th March 1958
(C) lst July (D) lstApnl
(B) 7th Oclobel1958 28. How many Amendments'have takan place in
(C) 27th October 195E the Conslitution of 1973 of Pakistan?
(D) 16th December 1958 (A) 15 (B) 16

16. The Constitution Comission set up by Ayub

(c) 17 (D) 20
Khan was headed by? 29. Under 1973 Constitution of Pakistan Head of
(A) Justice Shahab ud Din Govemment is:
(B) Justice Munir (A) Prime Minister (B) PrBident
(C) Justice Sharif (C) Parliament (D) Federal Cabinet
(D) Justice Comelius 30. Which political party of Pakistan was founded
17. Tashkent Oeclaration with Pakistan was tn yeat 1967?
signed by lndian Prime Mini$en (A ) AYYami National Party
(A) Jawahar Lal Nehru (8 ) Pakistan People's Party
(B) Justrce Lal Bahadur Shashtri (c ) Pakistan Conventional League
(C) lndira Gandhi (D ) Pakistan Awami League
(O) Atal Behari Vajpai 3'1. Which agreement' ryas signed in 1955?
'18. Ayub Khan handed over power to General
Yahya on? ' ln .lanuary, 2015, 21st amendment "tor Speedy Trial
(A) 25th March 1969
(B) 25th April 1969 Military Cosrts to dcal with terrorism" was pass€d.
(c) 25th october 1969 'Ihe Central Treaty Organization (CENTO); originally
(D) 25th NoYember 1969 known as the Mddre Eost fteoty Oeoni.ation (METO)
was formed in 1955 by lran, lra{ Pakistan, Turkey, and
698 PPSC HCQS nodcl Ptpe6
(A) SEATO (B) CENTO 45. How many slales are in the USA?
(C) Tashkent (D) Simla (A) 48 (B) 4s
32. Which country has the leroest Muslim (c) 50 (D) s1
population in the wodd? 46. Which city is capital of lndia?
(A) lran (B) lndia (A) Bombay (B) Calcutta
(C) lndonesia (D) SaudiArabia (C) Delhi (D) Agra
33. What is the term used to denote the 47. Whai does ISO stand for?
unauthorized and illegal accessing ot (A) lnternational Socieites Organization 46
computer programs, often with criminal intent? (B) lntemational Standards Organization 16
(A) Mrus (B) Plagiansm (C) lnternational Systems Organization
(C) Hacking (D) Blackbeny (D) lntemational Scientists Organization
34. What was the name of Libyan king deposed 48. Who erected the Tai Mahal in memory of his
by Colonel Oadhafi in 1969? wife?
(A) King AMullah (B) Kins ldris (A) Jahangir (B) Shah Jahan
(C) King Saud (D) King Sadaat (C) Akbar (O) Humayun
35. Which city was once known as 49. What did Burma change its name to in 1989?
Constantinople? (A) Myanmar (B) Rangoon
(A) Cairo (B) Qum (C) Brazil (O) Naypyidaw
(c) lstanbul (D) califomia 50. Who founded the modem Republic of Turkey?
36. What is lhe common name for sodium (A) Caliph Abdul Majeed
chloride? (B) Tariq bin Ziyad
(A) Acid (B) Oalmi Shora (C) Mustafa Kamal
(C) Gandhak (D) Sa[ (D) Babrak
37 What color is chlorophyll? 51. What is the boiling point of water?
(A) Green (B) Yellow (A) 60 .C (B) 80 .C
(C) Red (D) Black (c) 100 "c (D) 120.c
38. Which body of people is sometimes refened 52. How many chambers has the heart?
to as "the Fourth Estate? (A) 2 (B) 4
(A) Judiciary (B) Executive (c) 6 (D) 8
(C) The Press (D) Senate
Choose the most suitable wod to match given
39. ln which European City are the Headquarters meaning:
on the Red Cross'?
(A) New Yort (B) Belgium 53, BENIGN:
(C) Holland (D) Geneva (A) Frustrate (B) desire
(C) Gracious (D) beneficial
40. What is the Richter scale used to measure?
(A) Flood (B) Volcano 54. ARID:
(C) Earrhquake (D) Tsunami (A) Fertile (B) banen
(C) quaint (O) talkative
41. 'KindergartBn" refers to?
(A) a nursery school 55. ENDEMIC:
(B) a small garden (A) Toler€te (B) unite
(C) a children dayground (C) needtul (D) prevalent
(D) a children ward in hospital 56. PARITY:
42. What is the Capital City of Australia? (A) repeat (B) equivalence
(A) Sydney (B) Canbena (C) reuse (D) refill
(C) Victoria (D) Oueensland 57. ZEALOT:
43. What is lhe most abundant element in the (A) beginner (B) patron
universe? (C) fanatic (D) murderer
(A) Hydrogen (B) Oxygen Choose the conecl meaning of the idioms:
(C) Sodium (O) Copper 5E. To calla spade a spade:
44. Auditor General of Pakistan is appoint8d by? (A) Try to meet expectataons
(A) Prime Minister (B) President (B) To avoid the main topic
(C) Finance Minister (D) Cabinet (C) To make a noise
(O) To speak in plain terms
the United Xi4dom through the Baghdad pact. lt was 59. To bury the hatchet:
(A) to start war
dasrdved in lYrg.
tActual ' (B) to make peace
nar're k 'lntG.rnational Red Cross and R€d (C) to make a foolish choice
Crescent Movemenf
A.lvarced PPSC COt hda, P.ooB 699

,- (D) to bum somelhing important (A) Clecember 3l (B) March 31

60. Have an Are to Grind: iC) .tune gO (D) SePlember 30

(A) to use axe ftequently 74. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born in
(B) semsh motive (A)' 568 A.O (B) 569 A.O
(C) to have a dispute with som€one ic) szo a.o (o) 571 A.D
(D) to be fair with someone 75. Horv old ryas Holy Prophet -?
(PBUH) al the time
61. To husband one's resources: of death ot his molher?
(A) to manage one's means with frugality (A) 3 (B) 6
(B) to hand over everything to husband (c) 7 (D) I
(C) to take househoH exPenses from 76. Whic+l Surah of Holy Quran was the first to b€
husband revealed?
(D) to leave all affairs to life partner (A) Al Hamd (8) Al Baqrah
62. To bear tho btunt of: (c1 at ,ruaq (D) Al Rahman
(A) in a position ot advantage 77. Who was the grsndfather of Holy Prophet
(B) to make an easy choice (PBUH)?
(C) to endure lhe main force or shock (A) Hazrat Abu Talib
(D) undecided (Bi Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
63. To fish in troublid waters: (C) Abu Hashim
(A) catch fish in flood waters (D) Abd Manaf
(B) to dive in deeP wders 78. Accordinq to Treatv of Hudaibiya, a truce
(C) to go for a daunting task (peace) ias dechrad between Muslims and
(O) to make a personal profit out of a ouraish for years?
disturbance (A) 5 (B) 7
Fill in the blanks with one of the prepositions given (c) io (D) 12
below: 79. To whidt Arab Tribe did Hazrat Usman
64- lwas annoved mistake.
my'rp belono?
(A) B;ni Hashim (B) Aus
(A) on
(C) at (O) in aC) Khazrai (D) Bani UmaYYad
65. ls he eliqible -(a) this scholarship? 80. is the Sevenlh month of Muslim
(A) rvitti 1e1 ot e5ien76a
(C) at (O) for (A) Raiab (B) Sha'ban
(C) Ramadhan (O) Ziqa'ad
66. I am greatly -indebted you for your
help. 81. A computer program that converts an entire
(A) fol (B) to orooram into machine language is called a/an:
iA)-lntemreter (B) Simulator
(c) of (D) bY
- Comhanaer (D) Compiler
67. He was sorry his failure tCi
(A) on (B) at 82. ln most IBM PCs, lhe CPU' the device drives,
memorv exDangion slots and
(C) tor (D) with
mounted on a single board'
-. and will hand
68. He has resigned Whe't is the name of this board?
charge of his post today (A) Ereadboard
(A) out (B) off (B) Daughter board
(C) over (D) away (C)
- (D)
Molher board
Grandmother boald
69. His father passed last night
(A) out (B) off 83. The system of a personal computer typrcally
(C) over (D) away contains all of the following except:
silk goods (Al Microor@essor (B) Modem
(A) with - (B) about
70. This merchant deals
tci oisk ;nrroller (D) serial intsr,ace
(c) tor (D) in 84. is an inpul device
71. GDP stands for: - (A-1 Spearers (B) Printers
(A) Gross daily product (C) Plotters (D) Mouse
(B) Gross domestic Producl 85. -J6-vstict (B)
is an output device
(C) Gross domestic Purchase ?Et Monhor
(D) Gross daily purchase
iC) xey ooaro (D) Scanner
72 Frrst Five year plan was for lhe years 86. a Processor
(A) 1947-1952 (B) 195560 (A-)CpU (B) Modem
icj rszs-ze (D) 1988-e3
-? ici Pentium (D) ROM
73. Financialyear of Pakistan closes on?
700 Adanc.dPPSCflCQs ode,ProG6
87. Pakistan is bordered by to the West
(A) Afghanistan (B)lran $gr,>7 1o1 't;i lc)
(C) lndia (O) China
8E. Which Province of Pakistan has the largest t-o{{lC/"-t,tb" .gs
(A) Khyb€r Pakhtunkhwa ),'v)tl;t lBl Jfi-* 1a1
(B) Punjab
(C) Sindh r' t)/ lol 4ti lc)
(D) Baluchistan
89, The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan -Q-E'tf *x=i'? s6
is known as
(A) Khyber Pass cxo*'/ lel v',.,1t;J:1, l^l
(B) Shahrah-€-Resham
(C) Durand Line $vtl o uu-,;ljg 1c1
(D) Boland Pass
90. ln which year NWFP trras named Khyber r"t,TvrL\/$t,:.1' gt
(A) 2008 (B) 2009 v.ljt,*; 1e1 V::rlt A)
(c) 2010 (oi zor r vl'+21 o ili:tjd,ljft g
4,F,!l7v,z t'";r tt,? .sr
ra(f{t'c/A,g/ .sa
rjt" rer 64itrfi 61
i/etn ot
6/1VL. tol )0u* 1c1
/4, tsl
tf L,-/"0/.
.g, V1,Lr/g)' 1c1

/tct-,tl* tet Ir; tal trl.-rl @l

j'- ot oGr*/ lc) f ',)vgrfv,l,>2,)/, /" .gg
t c.-1

v$rri,.le*ftfnfuLJe .st w{g'-€t tat t,f;tit/ 1e1

./.r lq ,/, tol cvt/ 1r1 {ut/ tc)

d, {ot fr rct
r*_*.,r!f,,t{tf ,, too
e?,-t?,!/"Ju,t4" .sa tx-ti,.=) $) tndv-!., 61
iJt, tst lvhzr 91 v,../tt4 lol ul,Vl,, 61
An swer Key
1. c 14. b 27 b 40. c 53 d 66. b 79 d 92. c
2. b 15. b 28. d 41. a 54 b 67. c 80 a 93. d
3. d 16. a 29. a 42. b 55 d 68. 8'1 d 94. b
4. b 17.
5. b 't8. ab 30.
31. b
b 43.
6. a 19. c 32. 45. c 58 d 71. b 84 d 97.
7. c 20. c 33. c 6. c 59 b 72. b 85 b 98. a
8. b 21. a u. b 47. b 60 b 73. c 86 c 99. a
9. b 22. b 35. c 48. b 61 a 74. d 87 b 100. d
10 b 23. b 36. d 49. a 62 c 75. b 88 d
11 c 24. c 37. a 50. c 63 d 76. c 69 c
't2 c 25- c 38. c 5'l . c 64 c 77. b 90 c
13 b 26. b 39. d 52. b 65 d 7E. c 91 b
Advanccd PPSC UCQS Model Paoers 7O1



The real name of great Muslim reformer (A) Measuring wind velocity
"Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah" was: (B) Measuring specific gravity
(A) Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi (C) Measuring air pressure
(B) QuluFud-Din (D) None of the above
(c) Haji Shariat Ullah '14. UNO was established in:
(D) .Syed Ahmed Shaheed (A) 1944 (B) 1945
2. The pioneer of the two nation theory was:
(c) 1947 (D) 1948
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 15. The secretariat of Economic Cooperation
(B) Quid-eAzam Organization ECO) is located in:
(C) Allama lqbal (A) lslamabad (B) Tehran
(D) Maulana Muhammad AliJauher (C) lstanbul (D) Kabul
3. Simla rcputation called on the viceroy in the 16. What is the numb€r of non-permanent
year members of United Nations Security Council?
(A) (B) 1906 (A) 5 (B) 7
(c) (D) 1919 (c) 10 (D) 15
4. Sindh was separated from Bombay in: 17. The Headquarters of IMF is.located in
(A) 1919 (B) 1925 (A) Washington D.C
(c) 1935 (D) 1937 (B) New York City
5. Who coined the term Pakistan? (C) London
(A) Allama lqbal (B) Ch. Rehmat Ali (D) Paris
(C) Liaqet Ali Khan (D) Ouaid-e-Azam 18. The capital of Saudi Arabia is
6. August Offer was made by (A) Medina (B) Jeddah
(A) Lord Mountbatten (B) Lord Waved (C) Dammam (D) Riyadh
(C) Lord lrwin (D) Lord Linlithgow 19. The famous Red Fort situated in the lndian
7. How many tribal agencies are in federally City of
(A) Agra (B) New Delhi
administered Tribal areas (FATA)?
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) Kolkata (D) Ahmedabad
(c) 6 (D) 7 20. How many members are in FATF?
8. How many amendments have been made in (A) 32 (B) 35
the constitution of PakMan? (C) 49 (D) None of above
(A) Seventeen (B) Eighteen 21. The Secretary of State for Foreign and
(C) Twenty-Five (O) Twenty Commonwealth afiairs of UK is
9. lndia is constructing Kishanganga Dam on (A) Boris Johnson (B) Gordon Brown
nver: (C) Jack Straw (D) Jeremy Hunt
(A) Sindh (B) Jhelum 22. European Union consists of
(C) Neelam (D) Chenab (A) 20 members (B) 25 members
'10. Rickets is a condition of abnormal bone (C) 28 members (D) 30 members
formation in children which is caused due to 23. KGB was the national security agency of
the deficiency of: (A) Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (B) UK
(C) Vitamin C (D) Mtamin D Syria
'l '1. Enor in the computer program which makes it D Soviet Union
run incorreclly is known as 24. The President of the Syria is
(A) Virus (B) Bug (A) Bashar al-Asad
(C) Scam (D) Troian horse (B) Abdullah Bin A-dulAziz
12. The planet of our solar syslem with maximum (C) Hatez aLAs ad
number of moons is: (O) Hosm Mubarak
(A) Saturn (B) Jupiter 25. IRNA is the news age ncy of
(C) Venus (D) Mercury (A) China (B) ltaly
'13. Barometer is an instrument for (C) lran (D) lndonesia
702 Advanci.d trSC ,tCOs Uod€,l Papera
26. What is the tefm of office of the Auditor 40. |MPERTOUS "

General of Pakistan? (A) Proud (8) Temper

(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) Tamper (O) Dillant
(c) 4 (o) 5 41. When ltold my mom lwould come home at 1
27. The book 'Essays on the life of Muhammad am, she had a cow
PBUH'was written by A) My rnom bought a batiy COW
(A) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan B) My mom was not happy.
(B) Syed Amir Ali C) My mom was really upset
(C) Maulana Shibli Noumani D) none of these
(D) None of thes€
42 Unless you are not tl nking out of the box,
28. Pakistan shares longest border with you won't survive in this job" means
(A) lran (B) lndia (A) lt is necessary to sit in a box and then
(c) Afghanistan (D) china come out of it to think
29. The second highest mountain of Pakistan is: (B) You must not exercise your imagination
(A) K-2 but focus on facls only
(B) Nanga Parbat (C) You have to use your creativity to think
(C) Tirich Mir differently
(D) Gasher Brum I (K5) (O) None of the above
30. LLaquat Ali Khan was assassinaied in lhe city 43. lf you 'have a tinger in the pie", you are
of in somethino
(A) Rawalpindi (B) Lahore lnvo[/ed (E) oisinterested
(C) Karachi (D) Peshawar (C) Puzzled (D) None of thes€
31. The Cunenl chief minister of Gilgit-Baltistan 44. 'Once in a blue moon" means
(A It has never happened
(A) Sham a Khalid
(B It happened once
(B) Ameer Haider Khan Hoti (c It happens very rarely
(C) Hafiz Hafeez-ur-Rehman (D None of lhese
(D) Pir lGram Ali Shah 45. "To hit below the belt' means
32. Quaid-eAzam gave his famous 14 points in (A) An unexpected misfortune
lhe year. (B) To fight unfairly
(A) 1928 (8) 1929 (C) To exlort money
(C) 1930 (D) None ot these
(D) None of these
33. Sha'ban is the _ monlh of lslamic
116. I agreed mv brother's proposal
yeat andwent w-iitr him
(A) Sixh (B) Scventh (A) Wirh (B) of
(C) Eight (D) Nine (c) To (D) On
34. How many years did the Holy Prophet 47. He is carrying a trade an computer
(P.B.U.H) spend under the guardianship ot his equipment
grandfathe/? (A) Of B) Out
(A) 2 year (B) 4 year (C) Aner D) On
(C) 5 year (D) 6 year 48. The Govemment should care the
35. ln which Hiirah year was the Khyber viclims of the recent lloods
conquered? (A) For (B) To
(A) 7 A.H (B) 8 A.H (c) of (D) With
(c) 10 A.H (D) 12 A.H 49. Wapda has cut his electricity
Choose the most suitaHe word to match the given s0pply due to non -payments dues
meaning (A) Down (B) Out
36, CENSURE (c) up (D) Otr
(A) Purify (B) Disapprove 50. One of the runners dropped _ due
(C) Edit (D) Uncertain io an accidenl
37. SONOROUS (A) ln (B) Out
(A) Reassurihg (B) Resonant (c) off (D) Away
(c) Repetjtive (D) Sisterly Arithmetic Portion:
(A) Threat (B) Pumose
51. lf I + I = g anO (x y)2 = 3, what is the
value of xy?
(C) Quality (D) Emerging 3
(A) (B) 6
(c) (D) 16
(A) Reputation (B) Activity 52. What is 10o/o ol30o/o ot 40o/o?
(C) Long time (D) Duration (A) .12o/o
O (B) .2yo 1
Advancd PPSC ,lCQs ltodcl Paoets 7ol
(c) 0 012% (ol 12o/o (A) Debtors (B) Stocks
(C) Patents (D) Both A and B
53: lf p2 - q2 = 48 and p - q = 12, what is the
average of p and q? 65. Audit of the sole-trader busrness is
(A) 12 (B) I (A) Compulsory
(c, 2 (o) 4 (B) Not compulsory
(c) Compulsory in certain cases
54. lf 81 10 = 3'-?, what i6 the value of x? (D) None of these
(A\ 27 (B) 14
(c) 51 (D) 47 66. Which of the (ollowing is a disadvantage of the
loint stock company ?
55. There are twlce as many boys as gids in th€ (A) Unlimited liabilitY
class lf 20% of the boys and 35% of the gids (B) lnvestment growth is hampered
have already handed over their result cerds, (C) Double taxes
rvhat percent of the students have not yet (O) All of these
handed over therr cards?
(A) 25 (B) 15 67. Home lrade does not involvc:
(c) s5 (D) 7s (A) Whole sellei (B) Retailer
(C) Producer (O) lmporter
55. A viltage has 5E60 voters, ol whom 7olo
usually forget lo vote. ln order to win an 68. A document issued by the carrier to a
election, a candidale must gain at least 50% consignor that evidences the tecdpt of goods
of the remaining votes. How many votes do€s lor shipment to a specifi€d d6ignation and
he need in order to win? person is called:
(A) 410 (B\ 272s (A) Bill of excharEe
ac) 5450 (o) 3025 (B) Bill of lading
(C) Letler of clearance
57. Ali had an average of 60 on his first four math (D) Bill of adiustment
tests. After taking the next test, his average
dropped to 58. Find his recent test grade? 69. An unauthorized contract between a purported
(A) 32 (B) 40 agent and a thrld party that is not ratirred by
(c) 48 (o) 50 the "principal" is binding on the
(A) "Agent" only.
58. lf the sum of one third of a number and twice (B) "Pnnclpal'only
the same number is 28. the number is: (C) Both on the agent and the prinople
(A) 14 (B) 28 (D) None of the above
(c) 12 (O) 20
70. The liabilities of a partnershrp may rnclude
59. Saira's weilJht is 25 pounds more than Amber. (A) Amounts owed to partners tor their capital
lf together they weigh 205 pounds, what is the contributions
weioht of Saira? (B) loans to the PartnershiP
(A)-105 (B) 90 (C) Amount that a Parlner may owe to
(c)1ls (D) 135 another Partner
60. lf I men can reap 80 heclares in 24 days. how (D) Both 'A and B',
many heclares can 36 men reap in 30 days?
/100 (B) 420 7'1. The maximum number oI partners in a
(A) partnership under Pakislanr law is'
(c) 450 (o) 480 (A) 10 (B) 15
61. Balance sheet is always Fepared 72. Which one is an example of personal
) For the year ended account?
B) As on a specmc date (A) Outstandinginterest
) With no sp€cfic date (B) Wages account
D) None of these (C) Cash account
(D) Charity account
62. Which of lhe iollowing shows the details and
results of the companys proft relaled 73. Loss of goods by fire should be credited to
ac,tivities for a period of time? (A) Losi of goods bY fire in account
(A) Balance sheet (B) Sales account
(B) Statement of financial position (C) Purchases account
(C) lncome statement (D) Bad debts account
(D) Statement of cash flow 74. ln the accounting cycle
63. Accountino equation is defined as (A) Books are Closed before making financral
(A) Asseta = Liabilities + Owners' Equrty slatements
(B) Liabilities = Short t€rm liabilities + cunenl (B) Closing entries are made before the
assets adjusting entries
(C) Liatilities = Fixed assets - cuneflt assets ' Adliustini entries
(C) are made belore
financial-statements are made
64. Cunent assets indude (D) None of the above
7U Adr,,mtrf,dPpscnaesn(dr,tpefr,B
75. For preperinq balance sheeE prcpaid (D) None of the above.
erponses arg Choh'n as Dalt ot
(A) Liability (d) Eouiries E5. The cash book of a @mganv is showino a
credit balance of Rs. fS00-. Unpresenied
(C) A&sets (D) Ndne of hese
cheaquss are amounled to Rs. 2OOO and
76. Th€ purpos€ of doubb 6ntry bookke€ping is:
(A) To apply the duat aspetr concept. '
uncrcdited ch€aques are Rs. 450. the balance
as per bank statemer will be:
(B) To pr-pare book's of Onirr entry (4) RS s0 (D0
(B) Rs.loo(co
(C) To avoid irnors
(c) Rs.t00 (Dr)
(D) RS so (co'
(D) To iEcord capGl and revanu€ 86. Suhcridions rcceivcd in advance is
tranaaclirns co]I€c y. (A) An income
(B) A toss
(C) A liability (Di en asset
77. A p€tty cash book records:
(A) All petty cash receiotr 87. Fired costs are thGe
(B) Pstty trarcaciions ' (A) Outside the conlrot of managers
(C) Casfi rrceBrs from cus{ornors (B) Which are constant per unit;f ot tput
(D) All p€dy c.ish oxp€nses (C) Expenses that do not changd as a
funrlion of th6 adivity of a -businesj,
7E. The Cursnl Ratio formula is: within tho releranrt oeriocl
(A) All aeetg: Alt Lhbitities (D) None of lhe ebolre'
(c) All assds: Cunent liabilitie3
(c) Cunent ass€ts: All liabilitias 88. Plirt€ cost is the sum of
(o) CunBnt assets; Cunent liabilities (A) Oirect Metedal costs + diiecl Labor costs
+ other Direci Cost
79. Cosl ot ssle is oouel to (B) Oirect Labor + FOH
(A) Sales - Durcheses (c) Oirect Labor + Other Direci Cost + FOH
(B) Opening stock - closing llock + purdlas€ (D) None of the above
- rcarml oul
89. ltvfun. prices are riring over tture, whidt of tho
(C) Prlrldlatss - rAwm out + douing stod( lf.
(D) Gro&s prd - oxponroi toflowlng inventory cosling methods is most
80. Selrs = 150,000 (A) F|FO
Gr6s pIofir = r5,0m (B) LIFO
(C) Wehhled Averoc
Nd loss = 4,000 (O)
Canhot bo dct ;nrEd

( l !9,99S - (B) 165,000be

!l3 qp.rating
Tlt€n expQrl!€s will 90. lt'0r .pp*O FOH co.t is t€ss 0un lho actud
(c) 13r,000 aDi 11.d00 FOH 6€il, it is:
(A) UnhvoBble variance
81. Whi(,l .ccoufit wi[ haYE a crEdit bahncc? (B) Faroraue variane
(A) Cariallc inw.rd3 (C) Noflr|al variatroc
(B) Cardao€ outwerds
(C) Oircount raceived ,,. [?)
(D) Dilcount slof€d Coei of goodr manuhcturud = tu 259,Sm
32. On lst January 2OlO a @mDanr/s Droyision ,"*"T ot nnished soods = R8
ff-qguutut dchts account wbg Rs. 500. On
31- Doc€rnb€r 2010 d€btors were Rs 20,000.
Clodng_ invenlory ot finistled goods = Rs
the provisixt is to b€ meintained a Z{6itrd 2.,500
d€BtoB. Vlrhat adjl,3tnern tb the orovision to; !ryhet is cost of qoods sotd?
doubtlul d3btB accour is need€di (A) 284,500 - (B) 2S2.OOO
( ) 83 lm cr€bll (B) Rs r@crEdit (c) 307,000 (Di 262:000
(c) Rs 40O cr€d (Oi ng rcO ircaii
92. Thc indurfb3 lhat wouH use o.ocsss costino
E:i. Dcpo<lntioo

is to b€ cfErg€d b.caus€ indu& e[ of 0|e bfiowim ExcEPT.
lA, I nc rmchinGry gc& old with lim€
(B) Of phdca
waai end tear
O{ fefl in the mad6t valu€ of th€ asse,t
El [Bj;ffir,s#*
(u, rnapa ls nol * good as nes on6 93. A tyf*5llbcto.y olr€ cost ig
(A) distibutioi
&4. ln rfrbht lin€ m€EFd, th6 deD.lciatbn (B) int mal audit
chaqe is: (C) compenaation of planl manag€t
(A) A li,!.d porcantagE of th€ coql of th€ (D) deragn
a$el €acfi y€ar
(B) All}a!.s 5% of 0re coct of lh. as!.d each 8{. V.Vhi.rr d the blorirB sbtcrncflE is not tn e
Yeer about continuous audit?
(C) A fmd parcoatrgs of tha book v.lue of (A) Ti o ldito. nd(.. rnsnv viaitl
tn€ asgal eacfi ycar (B) lt may b€ canied out on'&ily bssis
(C) it is ruquirud wh.n tre orpaiization has a
Advanced PPSC HCOS flode, Paoers 705
good intemal control systom (B) 1st July 1948
(D) lt is conducted al regular interval (C) 14th August 1948
95. Tests of control are not related with (D) 23rd March 1949
(A) Conlinuity of confob 98. The purchase on the sale of government
(B) Etrectiveness of controls securities by the central bank with a view to
(C) Existence of cont ols influence money supply is calied
(D) Designing of controls (A) Open market operations
96. When govemtn€nt covers the deffi in the (B) Bank rale policy
budget through bank bonowing and creating (C) Credit rationing
new money the general price level is raised. (D) None of these
This situation is called 99. Main instrument of money market is:
(A Monetary inflation (A) Shares (B) Oebenlures
(B Hyper infation (C) Mortgages (D) Treasury Bills
Budgetary inflation
D Suppressed inflation
100.The purchasing power parity theory was
reslated by:
97. The State Bank of Pakistan was established (A) John Wheatley (B) GroMher
on: (C) David Ricardo (D) Gustav Cassel
(A) Ist Juty 1949
Answer Key
1. b 14 b 27, a 40. a 53. c 66 c 79 b 92. d
2. a t5 b 28. b 41. b 54. d 67 d 80 a 93. a
3. b 16 c 29. b 42. c 55. d 68 b 81 c 94. c
4. c 17 a 30. a 43. a 56. b 69 d 82 b 95
b 18 d 31 c 44. c 57. d 70 d b 96. c
6. d 19 b 32. b 45. b 56. c 71 u a 97 b
7. d 20 d 33 46. c 59. c 72 a d 98. a
8. 2',| d 34. a 47. d 60. c 73 86 d 99. d
9. b 22 c a 48. a 6'1. b 74 b 87 b '100 d
10. d 23 d 36. b 49. d 62. c 75 c 88 a
't1. b 24 a 37. b 50. b 63. a 76 e 89 a
12. b 25 c 38. d 5'1. a 6,4. d 77 d 90 a
13. c 26 c 39. a 52. c 65. b 78 d 91 b

tl/ ODEL PAPER 153


'1. Which of the following is detault page setup of 5. Oevice which allow a compuler to connecl
orient8tion of slide in porer point? other computer via telephone Ine is:
(A) Vertical (8) Landscape (A)Modem (B) Network Card
(c) Portrait (D) Non A, B, C (C)Server (D) Hub
2. The head of Boundary Commission was 6. The resolution of printer is measured in
(A) Mount Baton (B) Cripps bits
(A) Mega (B) mega Hertz
(C) Wavell (O) Radclifr (c) DPr (D) CPr
3. The length of the LOC is 7. How many megabytes are in a gigabyte
(A) 500 (B) 600 (A) 4E00 (B) 2046
(c) 700 (D) 800 (c) 9600 (D) 1024
4. The least populated provinco of Pakistan 8. What typ€ of disk can handle largest amount
(A) Sindh (B) NWFP of ddta
(C) Baluchistan (O) Punjab (A) DVD (B) Blue Ray
706 Adtanc€d PPTSC l{CQs ttid€'l P,lo?lts
(C) Flash Drive (O) CD (B) Go lo fileJsend to mail/recipient
9. A home page is part of a(n)
(C) Start the outlook and attach
(A) Teminal (B) Website (D) None of the A, B, C
(C) tAN (D) None A, B, C 22. How many margins are on a page
10. Code us€d to access a locked sy$em is (A) Two (header, footer)
(A) Passwo.d (B) Key
(B) Four (header, footer, left, right)
'(C) Bootrecord (C) Two (landscape. portrait)
(D) None A I, C
(D) Tlrro (top and bottom)
11. Whidr command bflngs you lo tle firE slide in
your presentation? 23. ln order to save a word document in a web
(A) Nexl Slide Button
(B Page Up
(A) Save as Html
(c Ctrl + Home
(B) User your browser as editor
(D Ctrl + End
(C) Save the document in simple Text
(D) Putt he graphics and links on document
12. \rfiat excel feature you can use if you wenl lo
work with one record at a time 24. V\rhich is default po.t of http
(A) AXo Complete (B) Arto Filter (A) 808 (B) E0
(C) Date Form (D) Sub Total (C) 20 (D) None A, B, C
13. How you can copy the screen, by 25. A computer porl is used to
(A) Shifr + Printscreen (A) Download files from web
(8) Ctrl + Printscreen (B) Communicate with peripherals
(C) Alt + Printscreen (C) Communicate with hard drive
(D) None of the A, B, C (O) Connecl compulers together
lrt. Who was P.M. of lndh at the time of Simla 26. To play music with your computer you need
(A) Network card and speakers
(A) A B€hari Vaipai (B) NaBima Rao (B) Sound card and speakers
(C) lndra Gandhi (D) None ofabo,ve (C) A CD ROM Orive
(D) Nothing more than internal speakers
15. What you should do when youI screen shuG
ofi afier 20 minutes constandy 27. Which file extension indicate graphicliles
(A) Chang€ the power saving s€ttings (A) bmp and doc (B) JPEG and TXT
(B) Cfleck caue behind the monitor (C) txt and dll (D) BMP and GIF
(C) Reboot the systdn 28. What is URL
(D) Call a technician (A) Email Address
16. keyboard short cut bold the scffi (B) WEB SITE Address
(C) Address of Page on WEB
(A) CTRL+ B (B) ALT+B (D) Command used on WEB
(C) SHIFT + B (D) None A B, C 29. Which one is the email address?
17. To save a docunrdrt with difierer mib you (A) hltp://ppsc. gop. pk
(A) Retype the documeflt (C) D:i/INVENTORY.DOC
(B) Uso the sav. a! cornmarE (D) PPSC@PUNJAB.GOV.PK
(C) Copy and paste tha contents 30. lf you have two different printers attached to
(O) None dlheA I, C your system
18. How you can hEl{gbt fie telt wi0lout usirE (A) Single driver is sufticient
(B) Turo different driver will be required
(A) lt is imFpssibl€ (C) Need to use some hardware
(B) Uss the anow key whib holding Ctl key (D) Some application software is needed
(C) Us€ F5 Key 31. MS EXCELL falls in which category of the
(D) Uso th6 arow key while houing shift key software?
19. Which elernent of a word document cad be (A) Database
display€d in color?
(B) Word Processor
(A) Only gBphics
(B) Only bxt ,
(C) Spreadsheet
(C) All elernents
(D) None A, B, C (O) Web Browser
20. Whi* k€y moyes yorl' cursor ftrm one cell lo 32. A cell in exc€l sheet has
' the nert cell in a table? (A) lntersection of Column and ROWS
(A) Tab (B) shifr (B) A Single Value
(C) Enter (D) Enter + (C) Neither A or B
(D) Both A and B
I L ln order to email a documenl within thc word
l{) Sa}e filc I an email attachrn€nt
A&anced PPSC lraQs odal Paoe6 707
33. Which of the Following is not a computer 45. When the formula bar is active. you can see
language? (A) Edit formula button
(A) C-Sharp (B) JAVA (B) The cancel button
(C) COBOL (D) Quicken (C) Enter button
(D) All of the A, B, C
34. VGA stands for
(A) Visualgraphic anay 46. Which area in excel window allow for entering
(B) Video graphic anay values and formulas
(C) Volatile graphic anay (A) Title bar (B) Menu bar
(O) Mdeo graphic adopter (C) Formula bar (O) Standard tool bar
35. WAN stand for 47. Excel works sheet is collection of
(A) Wide area netwo,k (A) Workbooks
(B) Wide anay net (B) Worksheets
(C) Wrel€ss area network (C) Charls
(D) None of A, B, C (O) Wo*sheets and Chart
36, Central processing unil is combination of 47. You can use drag and drop method to
(A) Control and storage (A) Copy all contents
(B) Controt and output (B) Move all contents
(C) Arithmetic logic and ir'put unit (C) Add cell conlents
(D) Arithmetic logic and control unil (D) Both A, B
37. The computer that process both digital and 48. Which of the following is used as primary
an a log is called storage device?
(A Digital computer (A) Magnetic drum(B) Prom
(B Analog computer (C) Floppy disk
(D) Ram
(c Keyboard computer 49. Computer program that converts entire
(D Main frame compuler program into machine language al one time is
36. The octal 111010 is equalto called
(A) 81 (B\ 72 (A) Computer '(D)
(B) lnterpreter
(c) 71 (D) s8 (C) Simulator None A, B. C
39. Which of following is directly understand by 50. What is meant by dedicated computer?
the computer without translation (A) Which is used by one person only
(A) Machine language (B) Which is assigned on and only one task
(B) High level language (C) Which uses one kind of software
(C) Assembly language (D) Which is meent for application software
(D) None of A, B, C 51. The act of retrieving existing data from
40. A dumb Temhal has memory is called
(A) Embedded Mictoprocessor (A) Read out (B) Read from
(B) Extemive ilemory (C) Read (D) All of above
(C) hdependent Processing Capadty
(D) A Keyboard and Screen only
4'1. Laser fintBr uses
Gr-,+Ld,!tu,tct4L *,iiit,PG"i'{ .52

(A) 9 rrn head (B) lnk bottle r,1,,1)i;

(C) Ribbon (D) Tmner.drtridge
42. The Word proce$ing task associated wit! gEoi <a> .ototi <t\
cfianging the appearari:e ot docrrment
(A) Editing (B) Wdting /"i <ot *"1 <c>
(C) FomattiDg (D) None A, B, C
rLz{oV4{,t,,}V/.-,--e{ 51
43. The outpti quality of dot matix printer is
measured by
(A) ,Dot per inch
ct*e? <D t;),\ef lA,t
(B) Oot per square incrr
(C) Dots printed per unit time iioT <ot €ttto? <ct
(D) Characiers per inch t,;{h(V-? .s4
44. Which button you click to add uP a sedes ot
numbers /1, (B) t?Z <e,
.-1r.4 ()
(A) Fomula button
(B) Auto sum button ,#( tol
Quick total button
The tolal button tGr,{,i,;tdt,,r\;t,.=.f 5i
'llm AM pFSCnCAsnar*, paoo,,

6u. <s) tr* (A) tc-wt(siy'(u .65

gtli <ot Je*t <ct it,6le/ { 'Q,".1*o7 re.t

tbrr);v4i,./-t;,q),/ .56 t-bst4):./ @) 't'ct?,.>F <c>

QVt:-f @) (:ut.:,7 1/.1 ",rlut"-E|tLxct?,'LoEo;tnnt,.1i .eo

Vo? <ot i'ttvf (o. t,f{J,vs,! lwt.>/$tL
.O'!ef,!t{st'tTobrvgpvg{,t .5j @)
JVut lV;r, <t> I
ecl) ) L, rtcl ; +-,*6
-v *6 i /,1 ; Lt )v)r <ot
-.- ;t t
)vuq <ct -1
k/ <il i'/'<r> ,tlvtLlc;/st,t,,,Ljq,>i,L*oi .6i
6*4)r/ <ot 1J:,ri6r <ct t,!<7,PLJ,,_i
r-,(ut<-")uv7'-V1v&<t,tAg, .s8 Utt\e? <e) f,>f tA)
I c-.r:l/ Ltucl.refi (D lVltop tc>
,f,or,! til F'*, rot rZJq.-o/alL r,.;Ais-p,.tjvr .68
lvl o d),t;Lt" c) ;lV \!st.-.,>f t ,etstr.rp a)
r7;r{,-/"4,ta:1,r,,;'" .5e i7o7 tot ,Ltusrlef c)
O??J(V G) +ZoilG (^) lv.-ct{,,/L i'&}.!.?$,L+,-1 .6s
.,/4 <ot gt)t,c) IL
tuglgtrtL.iu.{,,/1$pt-,1!1fyc)iS .60 A,>r 6)
VoPe? an A:u.ltop <o> / <r>
a.dy,f1!.>/ <ot jt,Elef <c) 'tisVep <c)
$,AOnor,,G{Oil .6r 'j-u,14,o7 <ot
sJlt 6l{t <e>
lvt./iv--;,,,,fiJyoi)Ll1,,blop .io
6.fr4 <o't tJ.frrl <c> t{Ji
il",idfcr/*-t .62
f?lh,v ( dtlJio.,,. <et
6A&y <ei tJ,frct <et sF )tur o) )ou. G)
6,ai1 <o> 6/r n r j nS:v;,,,J o/{.-=-.q fij7} o7 .7t
-l'/!ve/=ut("it+-LF#J,z? .63 {rtr G) "?tic,,r G)
'l,stJv <at Aep a) cilur (D) Ftthty <C)
A,$o*eP <o> L)zs/.4 tc) r-,l,5l4rtc,"/"0+i,?,, .i2
:;L&pte?rt,lal/6)Tvct/,, .64 ju- stj'- <s) JED/ (^)
t,!,!; {v(-s.zr <o> 6]f)Jv <c)
Jiuf <e> :r,-G <e> 1-4n,!g/',t,tgvir7t,)*,? .7j
f,i <ot -(d r", (q9,*t, <e> ,p1i a)
Advancd PPSC lftQs odd P,/ fO9

t,,, / (D) (:/rt )ot c) o/)tt (B) J,,( tel

,,.1,-11!,2/,;ti6s/.-,.t46):9.,, .14 o,$(rD ,P,-r ,r,
9e- rI {,,n,o\,,U)q" .83

,fi ,r, t,r(Ji <n )? < otV (A)

(o> /t!u; <cl t/t-7 <ot o,( rct
t+(./lJtO,' .is \do{r-L".iJ>"-V,? .84

,i.,QL.-iu;Lf -S( t)v)td @ svlJ.l o,t

u r tlaLltl,, ;,.1: t Z-r, tJ,F,l* <ot $1s419 <c>
ttt/ (B) ,)Vtut* <1,> -..t{g)otlc,1{sZ,-/--,JJ::,t,
S0 f o> Jvt)/ c) -tt
!nCC,,!Loa,{e)til.lvol(J,it-* .76 J;U./ ril {e(-;,zr tet
ffi@ t,t-(tG,t Jt,c)vt tD jzj ,r,
ts()v) @) d-r ,r, \1vc)/,tiLtTi]eli-,,;. .86

o.1,olr4,sttL)V'-*fSct/,.thttt .'t't ,gtct:t ( ,,.F ,o,

ri ,f 1ititbavLlyt ,,(j/.-,Jctt <ot ,UE, ()
,f-c <e, ,/ <ot tz-,rt*odJ|rztf i t .87

tuf (D, ltvtlP <ct gL tB) y' <n

|<-$(gr,:;/ ",,1' .jB ,/kot *i.i <c>

f,,u dl tet t7J'c(--.:tt/"e-;v" .88

,!; <ot 6tt <c) ,),4u1<il ,A7ivi, <r>

{ddlthnsiL-l'-{,JJ;,,t, .is JVNb) -?t4r1ri ct
t,!,!tv ta-:AU,/L.;tu/'!,d" .89

,Jttr$ <e> 6&JA <n Y:v <e't ttit;:t tet

6+;t' <o> ;dJi(t <c) ./t|i <c)

;,tg,,/--i/,!;,,{tC./--,JJ;z,t .80 tal,tj,7(v:tv/';$V' .eo

!l, i',vi')t,./ <$ tt'4r 6)

,)4ttj4 Gt ;t/Sr <tt d-.eJi <c>

(O, )v# <c> tq,tg,l"/Lo,,t,7f .,?'!Jq;* .er

a,F t!-. -,t,,{,t' /t ",f, g" 8t js), ot ttt(t <N
@) gg&,et <et
OE't)Vt f-r ,,,
Prt'eb. <D +fut <c> t7*i'i6,/'Jgou.-/Vr .s2

t;{"q'=n{}.[7' 82 )lt*b $) +ttP q>

110 A.,id,,tr,dPPtioloarruP.oet
/t4g)r <ct t;g lr) !-;tt;-'' itJs J€ i 91

r+{-NLv,L.i:.G"Gz-t,ZLr." .93 1f,* ''w ,n,

sLu <al ,lqllv <n g(* <or Jt'' ttr
,*ji <ct t c.-g 1 $. /./ L s' -,9" t, ? { Jf -'t , 9t{

?..)1.(€;1,. .94 d=,t <st J-,aJ+ <et

Jl} (B) tt.ttt at )Vc)V) O) t.,rft O
f <o> ,?rr{ ,r, -...-b,(-Lt
tectt4ttLll .e5 $0-q tu , tAt
etL.?4./ Jq$b <et el (D) -4t K-)
gv$futr <ot etc,/.t (c\ ' -?=b"il? t00

r?j"-,!,.{..jze" .e6 it*f (B) ;t.)t: (Al

Jr,sl,-jur tst )Est-, 1sy rt'04 tD) ,? ,C,

Lt/.tVE? tD Jfr-rt, rcr

oooaaooooa ,
Answer Key
t. b 14. c 27. b 40. d 53. b 66 c 79. a 92. b
2.d 15. a 28. b 41. d 54. a A7 a 80. b 93.
3.c 16. a 29. d 42. d 55. e 6E. c 81. b 94. b
4.c 't7. b 30. d 43. a 56. a 69. d 82. d 95. a
5.a 1E. d 31. c 44. a 57. a 70. 83. d 96. c
6.c '19. c 32. e 45. a 58. e 71. b 84. a 97 a
7. d 20. a 33. d 46. d 59. b 72. b 85. c 98. c
8.a 2't. b 34. b 47 d 60. a 73. d 86. b 99. a
'10. a
22. b 35. a 48 d 6'1. b 74. a 87 d 100 a
23. a 36. a 49 d 62. 75. c 88. c
ll. c 24. E 37. a 50 b 63. b 76. d 89. a
12. a 25. 38. b 5'r d 64. b 77. c 90. c
13.. d 26. b 39. a 52 c 65. c 7E. d 9l. a



(c) someone presence damps enthustasm
1. "Mintaka Pass" is located on the boundary line (d) an unwelcome guesl
(a) Pakistan & lndia '10. Which is the biggest?
(b) China & lndia (al Y4 (b) 5/6
(c) lndia & Bangladesh (cl 7t12 (d\ 7tE
(d) Pakistan & China 1'l . How many times, the word 'Qul' has been
2. The shortest key for undo is: rop€ated in the Holy Quraa?
(a) Clrl + U (b) Ctrl + Z (a) 332 (b) 432
(c) Ctrl + O (d) Ctrl + D (c) 532 (d) 632
3. '12. The political parties Act was passed by Ayub
Fill in the blank: He appealed _ the court
for mercy. Govemmenl in:
(a) about (b) to (a) 1960 (b) 1962
(c) for (d) on (c) 1963 (d) 1964
4. Ganga Plane was bumt by a Kashmiri Mujahid 13. Dot-matrix is a type of:
at lhe Airport of: (a) Tape (b) Printer
(a) Karachi (b) Rawalpindi (c) Disk (d) Bus
(c) Lahore (d) None of these 14. Which of the following countries is famous
5. lraq occupied Kuwait in: with the name of "Land of fertile fields"?
(a) July 1990 (b) August 1990 (a) Belgium (b) Nigeria
(c) June'1991 (d) September'1992 (c) Algeria (d) Sudan
6. Why do we laugh? 15. lf 40=30% of a number, what is the number;
(a) to appreciate something (a) 110 (b) 120
(b) to welcome somebody (c) 135 (d) 150
(c) to express ouI feelings 16. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder
(d) to mock at someone of Pakistan, liked the tree most?
7. FATA merger bill was passed in assembly: (a) Chinnar (b) Sanober
(a) 11May2019 (b) 14 May 2019 (c) Rubber (d) Daisy Palm
(c) 22$ay2o19 (d) 25 May 2019 17. The personality selected for "Man of the 20th
8. Fish breathe through: Century" was:
(a) Fins (b) Lungs (a) NeMon (b) Tagore
(c) Tail (d) Gills (c) Einstein (d) Abdus Salam
9 What is the meaning ol the idiom "A wet 18. The name of poet whose colleclion of poetry
blanket"? is called "Shah Jo Risalu"?
,a) a comfodable thrng (a) Sachal Sarmast
\b) an unirleasant situation (b) Baba Farid Ganj Shakar
712 Advenced PPSC tlcQs Nodel Pepe,s
(c) Shah Abdul Latif Bhatai (c) customers (d) none of the above
(d) Peer Waris Shah 33. Laws about marriage are given in which
'19. Fill in the blank: He_hisshoestill shone.
(a) brushed (b) scrubbed (a) As-Sajdah (b) Ahzab
(c) shined (d) polished
(c) As-Nisa (d) Al-Noor
20. The color ofthe first flag in the history of tslam gameof:
was: 34. "Kabadi" is the traditional
(a) whire (b) Btack
(a) Sindh (b) Punjab
(c) White & Black (d) Gr€en
(c) XPK (d) Balodristan
21. 'Venerate' means: 35. 'Towards Pakistan" is written by:
(a) witty (b) (A) Waheed-uz-zaman
oisgface (b) Hassan Askari
(c) Respect (d) Humiliate (c) Sadique Salik
22. What number comes in the series: 3, 8, 15, (d) none of the above
(a) 33 (b) 35 36. Oldesl City of Pakislan is:
(c) 38 (d) 40 (a) Karachi (b) Lahore
(c) Multan (d) Larkana
23. Who gave the title of "Shair-e-Mashrq" to
Allama Muhammad lqbal? 37. lf there is no mulberry trees, there would be
(a) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan no?
(b) Nawab Bahadur Jang (a) timber . (b) gum
(c) MaulanaMazhar-u.din
(c) rubber (d) silk
(d) Maulana Shibli Naumani 3E. "KANUPP" is located near:
24. The Master of Hazrat Bilal (R.A) (a) Cape Monze (b) Baleji Beach
embracing lslam was:
during (c) Hub (d) Hyderabad
(a) Abu Jahal 39. Deleted items are kept ifl:
(b) Oqbah bin Mueet (a) My computer (b) My brietcase
(c) Abu Sultyan (c) Recycle bin (d) Window Explorer
(d) Ummaiya bin Khaf 40. Cursor on the screen can be moved by:
25. A and B do a job together in tx,o hours. lf A (a) Mouse (b) Scanner
corpletes the job alone in 5 hours, how long (c) MICR (d) Digital Camera
will it take B to complete the iob? 41. Real name of Raia Sahib of Mahmudabad is?
(a) Two hours (b) Three hours (a) AliAmeer (b) AmeerAhmad
(c) Four hours (d) Seven hours (c) Abdul Haq (d) Ahmad Kuli
26. "Condone" means: 42. Which Country's Army Chief was shot dead
(a) look
over (b) white balance during a failed coup attempt?
disgusting (d) none of the above
(c) (a) Uganda (b) ESypt
27. Splitting of the moon occured in: (c) Ethiopia (d) none of these
(a) Arafat , (b) Mina 43. 'To hit the nail on lhe head" means:
(c) Muzdalifa (d) Ka'aba a) to say just the right thing
28. Shahid Afridi, famous cric*eter of Pakistan. b) to act just at the right moment
was a bowler? c) to speak hard words
(a) Ofi-3linner (b) Fast Bowter d) to antagonise
(c) Leg Spinner (d) None ofthe above 44. A clear sky is blue because:
29. Haztal Baba Farid GanJ Shakar died in: (a) red ligM is scatter€d more than blue
(a) 1274 (b) 1280 (b) ultra violet lighl has bcen absorbed
(c) 1285 (d) 1290 (c) blue light is scattered morB than rcd
30. lf you bonow an amount of 300 Rs for one (d) blue light has been absorbed
month, lhe borrower charged 6 Rs. The rate of 45. CPU is an example of:
interesl is: (a) S3ofi\irare (b) Hardware
la) 20% (b\ 22% (c) Program (d) M€r ory
(cl 24o/o (d) 26Yo tl6. The size of lhe earth was frst measucd by:
31 . What was the name of faster sister of the Hoty (a) Newton (b) Galileo
Prophet (S.A.W)? (c) Copemicus (d) Eratosthenes
(a) Hazrat Shima (b) Hazrat Maraah 47. "Daman-e-Koh" is located in;
(c) HazratAsma (d) Hazrat AmaEh (a) Rawalpindi (b) Kalar Kahar
32. Sales Tax is ultimately paid by the: (c) Abbotabad (d) ldamabad
(a) Sailors (b) objeclives 48. N-ame the Mughal Emperors who lefr a legacy
of magnmcent mosques, pahces, forts and
Advanced PPSC MCQ' Model Papers 713
gardens embellished with luxurious and (a) WAFA (b) AFP
delicate decorations? (c) BBC (d) cNN
(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jahan 63. The No.1 Tennis player (Men) is:
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Hamayun (a) Novak Djokovic (b) Rafael Nadal
49. To which prophet drd Jews call the son bf (c) Roger Federer (d) Andy Murray
(a) 64. The firsl Asian Couirtry to legahze seme sex
Hazrat Haroon (A.S) marriage:
{b) Hazrat Essa (A S) (a) China (b) hdia
(c) Hazrat Mossa (A S) (c) Taiwan (d) Thailand
(d) Hazrat Ozarr (A.S)
65. The cunent Prime Minister of ltaly:
50 When was Eifiel Tower built in Paris: (a) Giuseppe Conte (b) Paolo Gentiloni
(a) 1989 1990 (c) Letta (d)
rc) 1991 'b)
(d) 1994
Enrico none ofthese
66. "Mardan' is known Ior the induslry of:
51'. Choose the correct Antonym of "stringen"?
(a) O'sgrac€ lb)
(a) Textile (b) Sugar
(c) Lenient rd)
(c) Frber (d) Almond
67. China's city "Lhasa" is known as.
52 Why does a dog hang rts tongue out? (a) Golden City
ra) to keep cool (b) City
(b) this is the anin)al's habb (c) People's Caly
(c) when rt feels hungry or thirsty (d) Diamond Crty
{d) when it wants to show its anger
68. Silicon Gulf, a nickname for Davao City and
53 Multan metro bus projecl funded by: ' region in Southern Mrndanao.
(a) World Bank (b) IMF (a) China (b, Tharland
(c) Punjab Govt. (d) ADB (c) Australia (d) PhtlipPines
54. The Olympic flame was lit for the frst time at 69 Find lhe;nnual income derived Irom
the Amsterdam stadium in: Rs.2500, E% stock al 106
(a) 1918 (b) 1928 (a) Rs.100 (b) Rs.150
(c) 1938 (d) 1948 (c) Rs.200 (d) Rs.250
55 Choose the correct spelling: 70 Which number will come next. 5, 3, 6. 2, 7,
(a) contanous (b) continuous
(c) continose (d) none of these (a) 5 (b) 7
56. Ac{ordrng to the Holy Quran the besl dflnk is' (c) B (d) 9
(a) Water (b)
Milk 71. Antonym of the word "OBSOLETE"?
(c) Juice (d)
none of these (a) Obligatory (b) Metrculous
57. The FIFA world Cup 2022 will be played in: (c) Contemporary (d) Obsessiorr
(a) Qatar (b) Germany 72. The ratio of two numbers a and b is 3.5 lf2is
(c) France (d) Japan added to both the numbers. the ratro becomes
56. Nadir Shah King of Persia conquered Dehli in: 2:3. Find b?
(a) 1739 (b) 1764 (a) 15 (b) 10
(ci 1799 (d) 1800 (c) I (d) 5

59. Which of the following country was the runner 73. What is the name for a webpage address?
,rp ot the World Cup Hockey Tournament of (a) DiIectory (b) trRL
197 5?
- (a) (c) Domain (d) Protodol
England (b) Pakistan 74. Which nation was destroyed by stone rain?
(c) lndia (d) Canada (a)Hazrat Lool (b) Hazrat Hood
60. Which is the only Snake that builds a nest? (c)Hazrat Abar (di Hazrat Shoarb
(a) The female Viper 75. A small high speed nremory rnsrdes CPU rs
(b) The female Anaconda (a) Register (b) RANI
(c) The female King Cobra (c) Cache (d) ROM
td) The female Mamba 76. ln MS Windows key F1 rs mostly used for
61. Which Sport is added lst trme in 2020 (a) Exit (b) Refresh
Olympic? (c) Help (c) Reslan
(a) Curling 77. ldiom ? slap on the wnst' means
(b) Fencing (a) Hard Punishment
(c) PolYerlifting (b, B€atrng Someone
(d) Table Tennis mixed double (c) Waming or Small Punisr ment
62. The oldest news agency rn the world is: (d) Make someone sad
7la Advrnc€d PPSC itcQs irode, Paoars
78. Among the women, after Hazrat Khadija
(R.A), who embraced lslam? <s
o:viljtl ytTz- G)
(a) Ummay Aiman (R.A)
(b) Buraida Sahi (R.A) jAvj* G) v4ti, (c)
(c) Lababa bint-e Haris (R.A)
(d) Hazrat Safia (R A) t,t,f(L,,e,t,t, .st
79. The European Union s working capital isin:
(a) London (b) Lisbon
tiyv G) Lu <ut

(c) Austria (d) Brussets f ,, G) ,,)tf lc)

80. Name the scientist who ,irst of all did some
experimenls wilh gravity? Laws of Gravitation
came much later.
v. qav f,;n, tt $ sc,,l,-a * llt,tt! "'i .gt
(a) Newton (b) Cavendish s-jrrJ
(c) Galileo (d) none of these
E l.
Who discovered that ptants have life?
j.r(il t G)
(a) Robert Koch (b) J.C Bose
,ti ( J7 G)
(b) Paul Barg (b) George Sne
82. Bei-8eri is a deficiency disease caused by an
unbalanced diet low rnl
t,*,?L"lfn sft:tt e4
(a) protern lb) carbohydrates JEtj/ G) ttrt)/ (a)
(c) vitamin B (di vitamin A & B
83. A firm buys goods on credit, which document
does the tirm use to record this?
,li,l,e tal .al z <,,
(a) Credit Note (b) purchase lnvoice ur{<-,rti(rr.95
(c) Sale lnvoice
(d) Supptie/s tnvoice
84. Fillin the blank: We see
(a) into _
a box at opera.
(bI-6n $rvaJ{Le'n:a
(c) under tOi in
85. \ivhich of th€ following keys is used to repeat +ut"/i'?"
the last ac-lion?
(a) F4 (b) F5 ,!d; G)
(c) FB (d) F10 rtjD' G)
86. Mark the meaning of idiomatic phrase:
,! (rt <ct
87. An average human keathes how many timos .!0g[,d$fiat{.)
in a day?
rimes (b) 22,000 rimes
(a) 10,000 i{G;<d,Jta'ft)
times (d) 27,000 times
(c) 25,000
88. Shul dotrl option avaitable on:
(a) $art menu (b) Task bar
(c) Starus bar (oi tiUe Uar . ,i leb) stitAr tu>
89. Chsng€ the vdce: l^,.Jle)c;f )ulo,
"Has he taken the examinaticn"
(a) Have the examination been taken bv him. | { L,./,' r,r,,,! rf s, L ,,E,, -et
(b) Has the examination been taken by him?
(c) Has the examination been taken bi him. JV*:G)id- t'uP u>
(d) none of lhe above s€ntencas . rt{G),t',yG)
90. Meaning of the phras€.'to pass by"?
(a) ignore (b) under look tv{Lu/y,if_os
(c) over look (d) think by
ti lr?ti,J,il(4';,!,' ja<rt " 9t
AdYmcad PPSCMCQS odelP'D,o.! 715

-t ttt f 6 ct /.- $ 1/ ).7 t * -t oo t'r,-i <it ue.Jr'stoi t <ct
2bc(iE o t tt $) U'-t r f, i -{ iG)
Answer Key
1. d 14. c 27 b 40. a 53. c 66. b 79 d 92 a
2. b 15. b 28 c 41. b 54. b 67. b 80 c 93 b
3. b 16. b ?9 b 42. c 55. b 68. d 81 b 94 c
4. c 17. JU c 43. a 56. b 69. c 82 c 95 c
5. b 18. c 31 a 44. c 57. a 70. d 83 b 96 b
6. c '19. d 32 c 45. b 58. a 71. c 84 d 97 b
7. c 20. a 33 c 46. d 59. b 72. b 85 a 98. a
8. d 2'1. u b 47. d 60. c 73. b 86 c 99. b
9. 22. d a 48. b 61. d 74. a b 100 b
10 d t1 d 5b c 49. d 62. b 75. a 88 b
1't d 24. d d 50. a 63. a 76. c 89
12 d 25. b 38 b 5'1. c 64. c 77. c 90
13 b 26. a 39 52. a 65. a 78. 91 b


(PLANNING) (BPS-17) P & D Department. 2014
The 'Stat te o{ Ubgrty' was gifred to United 9. The book'Wealth of Nations'was writlen by:
Statee by: (A) Adam Smith (B) Karl Marx
(A) &itain (B) France (C) Max Muller (D) John Marshal
(C) Genmny (D) Greece 10. 'Sales Tax'is utimalely paid by:
2 who said 'lran is a Social Animal'? (A)'Shopkeepers (B) Producers
(A) Plato (B) tuistote (C) Customers (D) WholesaleYs
(C) Hobbes (D) lGrl MarI 11. Pakistan Environmenlal Protection Act was
3 Who b called the 'Father of English Poety? passed rn:
(A) Chaucer (B) John Mihon (A)1995 (B) 1997
(C) Words worth (D) Keats (c)199-a (D) 2000
4 The vot€r age in Pakistan is: 12. The highest literacy rate in South Asia is in:
(A) 16yeaB (B) 18 year3 (A) Pakistan (B) lndia
(C) m yeaB (D) 2l years (C) Bangladesh (D) Sri Lank8
5 The lndus Valley CMlizalion was disco\rered 13. The minimum wage ot workers in Punjab is:
n: Rs.8000 (B) Rs.9000
(A) 1900 (B) 1911 c Rs- 10000
(D) Rs. 12000
(c) 1916 (Ol 1922 '14. Human Rights Organization 'Amnesty
6 Taxila was a famoG site ot lnternational' is based in:-
(A) Gandhara Art (B) Guda Art (A) London (B) Paris
(C) Mayan Art (D) None of the above (C) New York (O) Rome
7 Which University firsl estauish6d afrer the 15. The world largest producer ol Natural gas.
creation of Pakistan? (A) lran (B) Russia
(A) lGrachi University (C) Canada (D) Oatar
(B) Sindh University 16. Who presented the idea of a blood bank?
(C) Peshawar Universlty (A) Charles Drew (B) Jonas Salk
.(D) Quaid-i-Azam Unive6ity (C) Edward James (D) James Monroe
8. The ltrst Chief Justice of Pakistan was: 17. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was the slogan
(A Justice Ourab Palel during: -
{9 Justice A.R. Kiayani (A) The French Revolution
(U Justice Abdur Rashid (B) The Russian Revolution
(D Justice M. Afzal (C) The American War of lndependence
716 Advan PPSC Model
(D) None of these pnce
'18. ln the modem wodd, an
institution of 29 Gross Domestic Product (GOp) is.
Ombudsman was first established in 1BO9 in (A) Value of alt ecodomrc actrvrty within a
(A) England (B) France nation's border
(C) Norway (D) Sweden (B) Economic output of a counfy
'19. Sachal Sarmast was Sufi poet of. (C) Economrc activrtres of federjl government
(A) Punlab (B) Srndh (D) None of these
(C) Balochrstan (D) Azad Kashmir 30. What is called a country's tolal financral
20. The Upp-er house of the parliament in obligations to the resl ot lhe-wodd?
Pakislan'Senate' consists of :
(A) Totatdebt (B) oebt burden
(A) 100 members (B) 104 members (C) Natronal fiabilities (D) Externat debt
(C) 110 members (O) I 12 members 31. The average income of the people of a
21. lnflation is: country during a year termed as. -
(A) a decrease in the overalt Dflce tevel (A) Natronal lncome
(B) an increase in the overa Dflce level. (B) Domestic lncome
(C) an increase rn the overalt ievet of (C) Protection lncome
economrc activitv (D) Per-capita lncome
a decrease in tha overa levet of 32 What rs Debl rettrement ?
economic activity. (A) To write-off debt
22. The free market involves (B) To reschedule debt
(A) The fres provrsron of producls (C) To repay debt In easy inslallments
(B) The subsidizing of products by lhe (D) The comptete repayrhent of debt
government 33. Hassen Rouhant new elected Dresident of
(C) Market forces of supply and demand (A) lran (Bt lrao
(D) All trade via barrer (c) Lebanon iot Esipt
23. A mixed economy: 34. Whrch qoun!ry gets contract
(A) Has supplv but not demand to operate
Gwedar Port?
(Q) Has OemanO but nol suppty (A) Chrna (B) Japan
(C) Has suppty and demana (C) USA (D) Germany
(D) Has market torces and govemment
rntervention 35. The country which has largesl army in the
24. lndicate below what is NOT a factor of (A) USA (B) Chrna
production. (C) Russia (D) tndra
(A) Labour (B) CaDitat
(C) A bank loan 36. The English poet who died in hrs young age:
iOt (B) John '
rA) Shelley -Maistrat
25. Two of the major factors contribuling to growth (C) John Keats (D) Wilham Back
(A) resources and efficiencv 37. Which disease is more common in males than
(B) money and eiiicrencv. females?
(C) money and luck (A) Heart Oiseases (B) Dementra
(O) resources and a good ctimate. (C) Colour blindness (D) Herpes
26. Privatization is the transfer ot: 38. Who discovered the Law of Gravitation?
(A) corporately owned busrnesses to (A) Srr lsaac NeMon (B) Louis pasture
individuals (C) Galileo (D) Witham Henry
(B) publicly held stock to pnvat6 individuats. 39 N€htingale Florenc€ was a:
(C) government businesses to the private (A) Nurse
sector. (B) Soldier
(D) privately owned businesses to the (C) Religious reformer
government sector (D) None of these
27. What is called the reduction in the rate of a 40. The Presjdent of USA who was kilted during
currency? his office?
({) Qevolution (B) Devatuation (A) J F Kennedy (B) Abraham Lrncotn
(u) pnce cap (D) Cut_rate - (C) both (D) noneofthese
28. What is "Dumpinq'? 41. According to new research which is the oldest
(A) Sale.of goods in large quantities wrth hrgh diseas6
quality (A) lnfluenza (B) Mata a
Sale ot goods in large quantities with tow
(C) Plague (D) Leprosy
(C) Sale of goods in large quantrties and at a 42 ln which contrnent there is no,elacrer?
tow pnce (A) Afnca (8) Aulkatia
(D) Sale of goods in targe quanlities with high {C) Asra tD) North America
Advanced PPSC ItCOs Uodel Paoers 717
43. Which is the oldest organization ot the world? (C)Eagle (O) None of them
(A) UN 58. The writer of book"Khaki Shadows"?
(B) African Unity (A) S.M Bruke (B) K.M. Arif
(C) League of Nations (C) Aslam Baig (D) Hassan Askari
(D) Common Wealth
44. Who is called father of computer"? 59. What is meant by causeway?
(A) Charles Babbage (B) Konard Zuse (A) A rarsed paths (B) Marsh soil
(C) Merry John (C) Salty ocean (D) Road on Hill
(D) None of these
45. Where days and nights are equal allthe year? 60. "Night Watch" Painti ngs belongs to:
(A) Nairobi (B) New York (A) Michelangelo (B) Picasso
(C) London (D) Oslo . (C) Leonardo (O) Rembrandt
46. Lion's share of UN's budget rs bern! spent on 61 Firsl Muslim who won the Nobel Prize:
(A) Diseases (B) Natural disasters (A) Anwar Saddat (B) Yasar Arfat
(C) Peace (D) Poverty (C) Sherein Ebadi (D) YousafAli
47. Which Muslim country has lowest per capita 62. Which day is observed on 15th May every
(A) Somalia. (B) Kenya
(A) Water day (B) Environment day
(C) Uganda (D) Alghanistan (C) Postal day (D) Families day
48. First country who issued currency notes in the 63. Which rs the largest contributor of UNO'S
(A) Greece (B) China (A) USA (B) Japan
(C) ltaly (D) Russra (C) Russian (D) China
49. Which country's C6nstitution is not in a wntten 64 Who was the tounder of Algebra?
(A) Al-Khwarizmi (B) UmarKhayyam
(A) USA (B) Denmark (C) Lao-Tze . (o) Abu Yousaf
. (C) New Zealand (D) United K'ngdom 65. Where is Golden Gate situated?
(A San Francisco (USA)
50. What is Holocaust? (\,
(A) Killing of Jews during World War I Toronto (Canada)
(B) Kilhng of Jews dunng World War ll (B London (Britain)
(C) Kilhng of Germans (D Paris (France)
(D) Killing period of American dunng war 66. When the stock market is down falling it is
51. "War and Peace" Novel waswritten by: called.
(A) Leo Tolstoy (B) Tito (C) (A) Bullish (B) Bearish
Shelly (D) Shakesp€are (C) Falling (D) Crashing
52. Gandhara civilization was situated between 67 Whrch of the followrng nvers crosses the
the rivers Equator twice?
(A) Chenab and Jhelum (A) Amazon (B) Congo
(B) Ravi and Chenab (C) Nile (D) Ganga
(C) Jhelum and Kabul 68 The Headquarters of Asian Development
(D) lndus and Jhelum Bank (ADB) rs located at
53. Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea are (A) Paris (B) New York
connected by
(C) Manila (D) Tokyo
(A) Basphorse strait (B) Suez Canal 69. Night blindness is caused by lack of which
(C) Malacca strait (D) Palk strait vitamin?
54. Silicon valley is famous for (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B
(A) Computers (B) Film industry (C) Vrtamin C (D) Vitamin D
(C) Cars (D) Sugarcane 7q. Taklamakan desert rs located in:
(A) Mongolia (B) Russra
55 Which is the largest (biggest) search engine of
(C) Kazakhstan (D) China
(A) MSN (B) Google 71 What is the main cause of earthquakes?
(C) Yahoo (D) None of them (Ar Volcanic activities
56. Forakha Dam on river Ganga is disputed (B) Tectonic plates' movemenl
(C) Tectonrc drslocatlon
A) lndia and Pakistan
B) lndia and Nepal 'Militio Compony of Disttict lt under the Connond of
(C) lndia and China
(D) lndia and Bangladesh Coptoin Frons Eonninck Cocq, also known as lhe
Shooting Compony ol Frons Bonning Cocq ond Willefi
57. Which is biggest bird i6 the world?
(A) Ostrich (B) Kiwi von Ruytenburch, but commonly re{erred to as The
Night Watch, is a 1642 painting by Rembrandt van Rijn.
7lt ftinacodFPlIGICG od;l Faocrs
(D) AI of rhe abov€ 86. I was amazed his misbehaviour
72. Whidl ot the HkxrinE invefltiom E th€ (A) wiot ---- (B) tn
oldest? (C) (D) at
(A) (B) Microscope 'or
ldentifo the dosost meanino of the following words
Barofl|€br (D) Cycle
(C) fiom d No. 87 to 9i
73. Who is ca[ed the Father ot Modem 87. Obnoxious
Psyciology? (A) offemive (B) gratifying
(A) Sigmund Fr€ud (B) lbn+Khatdoon (C) clear (D) lucid
(C) Adams Smin (Oi Chartes Oarwin 88. Dormant
74. A numb€r is incr€asad bv 10% and then (A) active (B) vigilal
dccre€s.d by f0%. The net cirange in lhe (C) slow (D) inactive
numb€r b
89. Foible
(A) tfo inqease or deqeas€ (A) virtue (B) spods
(B) 2% decrease (c) trivial (D) reakness
(C) 1 % incr€a6€
(D) 1 % decrease 90. Reconcile
(A popular B adjust
75. 5 od of 2250 parB of earth is sulphur what is (c prarse D false
the pGrconteo€ of suhhur in earth?
(A) 11/50 (B) 2/9 lnftinge
(c) 1/4s lO\ ucs
(A) conserve
(C) instill
(B) violate
(O) diverl
76. 20 men can construct a buildino in 40 davs.
Hou long wifl it take 10 m6n l,o dd this work, 92. Which co-untry is the largest trading partner of
(41 tQ oays (9) 00 &yB Pakistan?
(c) 70 days (D) 80 &i's (A)
(C) Canada
17. A m€n tek6 50 minutes to cover a edain
distEnce at a speed of 6km / hr. lf he w€lks 93. 'Fleet Street'London is famous for:
with a spe€d of 10km / hr. he coveB th€ same (A) Banking and financialoftices
dbtance in (B) Ofrices of the caroo comoanies
(A) 60 minutos (B) 30 minutes (C) Oftices of the neispapers and press
(C) 20 mindes . (D) i0 minures agenoes
(D) Offices of the Royal Navy establishment
78. Aslan botSht a shirt of Rs. 50O- snd sotd it in
Rs 5?5/- What profit did Astam gem 94. lndia granted Pakistan Most Favored Nation
(A) Rs 35 (B) Rs 3b Status (MFN) rn Mutual trade in: -
(C) Rs 25 (Di tu20 (A)
(c) 1996
(B) 1994
(D) 2006
79. Find the eveme
- of 49.51.29
(A) 90 (B) 69 95. What do you understand by the disease
(c).ll (oi € 'lnsomnia'?
(A) lnabilrty to sleep (B) Colour btindness
80. f O|s cost of I dozen manEoos is Rs 20 what (C) Depression (O) None of these
is the oo6t of 3 '/2 dozen mjamoes?
(A) tu85 (B) Rilg 96. The World's famous Madame Tussaud's
(c) Rs 68 fDi Rs 70 museum is situated in:
A cadon contains 10 boxes eact box
(A) Pans (B) London
containing ooe dozen crrbes. How many
(C) Rome (D) New York
Cartons are need€d tO fill 960 crrbes- 97. "Dassu Dam" is being constructed ini
(A) 7 (B) (A) Puntab
(c) e
Fill in the blanks
aDi '12
(B) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(C) Northem Areas
(D) Balochistan
82. There is a limit everyfiing in tife.
(A) !S ---- (B) ori (c) 98. Ornithol ogy is the study ol:
in (D) iiih A)B irds
C) Sea Animals
(B) lnsects
(O) Sca Plants
83- Let us make diffeGnces.
(A) on (B) in 99 metric ton is equal to:
(C) afler toi ,p 100 kg (B) soo ks
-- c 100 ok9 (D) 1500 ks
&4. He is ahi,ays boastinq ----
(A) with - (B) for his wealth 1oo.Whicfi part of human body is most afiected by
(C) upon (D) ot
- Hepattis virus?
(A) tiver (8) Lurcs
85. Our neEhbour died -- overworft. (C) Spl€en (O) Pancreas
(A) of (B) in
(C) for (O) with
Advanced PPSC MCQS ltodel PaDers 719

Answer Key
b 14. a 27. b 40. c 53. b 66. b 7a d 92 b
2. b 15. b 28. c 41. a 54. a 67. b 80 d 93 c
a 16. a 29. a 42. 55. b 68. c 81 b 94
b 17. a 30. d 43. c 56. d 69. a 82 a a
d 18. d 31. d M. a 57. a 70. d 83 d 96 b
6. a 19. b 32. d 45 a 58. b 71. d 84. d b

a 20. b 33. a 46 c 59 a 72. a 85 a 98 a

L c b 34. a 47 a 60 d 73. a 86 d 99. c
9. a 22 c 35 b 48 b 61 a 74.
-15. dc 87 a 100 a
c 49 d 62 d 88 d
23 d 36
24 c 37 50 b OJ a 76. d 89 d
11 b
25 a 38 a 51 a 64 a 77. b 90 b
c 26 c 39 a 52 d 65 a 78. c 9'1 b


Assistant (BS'16) (1 1K 2019)

Planning & Development Department
( C) Attributive adieclive
1 Harappa is a city in Puniab about 24 km south iDi None of these
wesl of: 'lo.
tA) Sahiwal (B) Multan Mohsin Hamid is famous in which field?
{A} Enolish Ficlion Wriling
ici Harowat (D) Makran
tei wejght l-ifting
2 ln which countrv, the arcrra€ologists ha\€ (C) Athletics
discoveBd the World's titD8st flooded cave'1 (D) Cricket
ilt canada (B) Brazil
'11 The location ot "Vatrcan City' is in:
tci uexico (D) lndonsia
IA) Germanv (B) ltaly
3 Nam€ the first Pakistani iemal€ Crick€ter to ici F,ance' (o) lreland
take 100 wickets in ODI:
rli- sina uir (B) Javeria Khan '- Asiocration
12. Federation lntemational de Footbalf -
(FIFA) was established on:
tdi uirinJ tquat (Di sadia Yousaf ir,i z-t'liv i soa' (B) 22 MaY 19M
4 Which is a volatile memory?
i6i ii ii"i iilo
ioi zt u"i tsos
ici pnou (D) RAM '' Which of the
following is a non-metal that
,n iiqr,o torm ai room temperalure?
when Lahore Oeclaration between the Prime tAl Phosohdrus (B) Bromine
iiiniiiers oi pari*an and lndia was signed?
(Al '1999 (B) 1997 ici cntorine (D) Helium
will be constructed
ic) re96 (D) 19e5 14. The Diamir-Bhasha Oam

6 Which of the follovving animal's ey€s are ?Xi *"0r, (B) Jhelum
bkloer than its brain? .
iCi naui (D) lndus
rA'Kiwi (B) ostricn
15. 'Friends Not Masters" was written by:
iCi Emu (D) Horse
(A) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
7 l rhich surah is called "Bab'ul-Quran'?
-srratr (B) l.H.Oureshi
r'li Xousar (B) Surah lkhlas (C) Avub Khan
t-Ci Surah Fatiha (D) None of thes€ ioi oi. Parvalz tqual cheema
8 Famous @oking expen ard T.V. Prsonality 16 The Hollv Book 'Zabood was revealed on
zubaida Tariq Dassed away on: which PrdDhet of Allah?
(Al 40 Janua-rir. 20'18 (A) Hazrdt Moosa (A S)
igi 5h JanuarV. 2018 iBi Hazrat lbrahim (A S)
ici 20' Janudrv, 2018 ici Hazrat oaud (A.S)
iDi 25D Januari, 2018 iDi Hazrat lshaq (A.S)
I What is lhe function ot an adi€rctive when it ' ' ' The UN
17 Charler was unanimously
ili&6iri inoun inat is Part ot-the p{€di('e? lrl the vear-1945 on october:
(A) Subiecl complement f;;1'Lsitto
(B) Object comoement
720 Aclvanced ppSC MCes Modet paperc
(c) 23 pt 24 (D) None of these
18 Whici gas is titted in baltoons that fly? 29. ldentify the world s targest 'peninsula"
(A) Oxygen (B) Nitrooen (A) Alaska (B) Scandrnavian
(C) Methane (D) Hetiu-m (C) Arabran iO) LabraOor
19 The lenglh of football pena[y area is 30. lntemational Literacy Day is celebrated every
year on.
(A) 165m (B) 1580m (4) l.October (B) 6 September
(c) 10m (Di 16.3Cim (C) 10 September 1Dt I Sei:rember
20 Antonym of 'Jocuiar' is: 31. S-elect the Antonym of the
(A) Wily (B) Facetious word Tranqurl
(C) Amusrng (D) Sotemn
(A) Serene (B) Turbutent
(C) Soft (D) Hard
21 At the NAM Summit in Durban (1996). which 32 One Mega Byle rs equatto
rssue was discussed concernrnq pakisian,
(A) Chrld Labour . (A) 1024 Bytes (B) 1024 Kito Bvtes
B) Environment Poilutron
(c) 1024 GisaBits (Dl 1024 Brts
c Kashmir Problem 33. Who was lhe Prime Minister of pakrstan when
(D Repayment of Loans our first Constitution of'1956 was adopted?
(A) Malik Feroz Khan Noon
22 The lnternatronal Monetary Fund works to (B) Muhammad Ati Boora
loster (C) Muhammad Atr
(A) Economy of the rullno classes
(B) Money Launderinq - - (D) Ayub Khan
(C) Sustainable Econ6mic crowth 34. Pakistan Steel Mills was established on:
(D) lllegal Trade .(A) '1971 Bt 1912
pakisrani ptayer won (c) 1973 aD) 1974
Yf,,9l^9f. llre. fo[owing 35. I spend 20 hours to clean my garden. How
lhe 1.994 World Snooker Champronshii?
(A) Muhammad Yousaf lo-ng wlll lt take f 4 peopte (w,itr tne same
(B) Muhammad Asif etttoency) come to iotn me?
(C) Hamza Akbar (A) 3 hours (B) 6 hours
(D) Shoukar Ali (C) 5 hours (D) 4 hours
24. ln MS Word 20'15. to extend a setection to 36. Which of the ,ollowing is not an island rn tha
ad acenl cells of the lable Medterranean Sea?
(A Hord down Shift and press an anow key (A) tbiza (B) phuket
repeatedly (C) Crete iD) Srory
B) Press ALt + A 37 Which pne of the fo owing is not a pnme
c) CTRL+ALT+H number ?
D) ALT + END (A) 11 (B) 61
25 Which. African country. a member of OlC. (c) 91 (D) 31
torma,ly d-ecided to remove the word "lslamic; 38. Choose the correct meaning of the idrom. -A
rrom tts otictal name? cock and bull storv"
(A) S€negat (B) Sudan (A) A true story
(C) Gambia (O) Mauritania (B) A footish aird concocted slory
26 Fill rn the blank I (C) A story of anrmals
rntruded _ _ (B) approached'
upon his privacv.
{A} (D) A story of mammals
(U) vrotaled (D) counted 39. The Quaid-e-Azam's- Mausoleum ts an
27 All wealhers are marnlv causecl bv impressive landmark of
(A) Movement of the Eanh (A) Lahore (B) Mr,ttan
(B) Moon I'ght (C) Kasur iD) Karachr
(C) Heatrng from lhe Sun
(DJ Ocean waves
ALU ts a, component of processor, whlch A prime number (or a pflme) i5 a natural number
consists of:
(A) AU (Arithmetic Unit) Sreater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than
(B) LU (Loorc Unrt) 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that i9 not
(c) Both A-and B ' a prime number is called a composite rrumber. For
example, 5 is prime because 1 and 5 are its only
positive integer tactors, whereas O is composite
' Muhammad yousaf won The lgsf Wortd Snooker because it has the divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and
Charr'pionship (al5o known as the World Amateur
6. 91 has divisor5 rather than 1 and atself. 91 can be
Snooker Championship,
divided by 7 and 13.
A PPSC MCQS Model Paoers 721

40 Shertock Holmes is a lamous character in the 52. Which of the following countries is not the
detectrve stories wntten bf. member ol SAARC?
(A) H.G Wells (A) Maldives (B) Bhutan
(B) Jonathan Swaft (C) Myanmar (D) Sra Lanka
(C) Arthur Conan Doyle 53 Strat of Malacca separates
(D) Mark Twain (A) Malaysra and China
41 Solve and find the value ot x. if (30x + 701/ x (B) Malaysaa and lndonesra
= 100 (C) Malaysia and Sn Lanka
(A) 2 (B) 4 (D) none of these
(c) 1 (D) 3 54. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: "To
42. Page number in a document in MS Word can fish in troubled 'r,/ateIs"
be rnserted at. (A) To benefit from other people s troubles
(A) Header (B) Footer (B) To rndulge rn evrl conspiracies
(C) Both A and B (D) None of these (C) To aggravate the situation
(O) To catch frsh rn disturbed waters
43 What rs used in a computer to protect a
network server lrom damage by those who log 55 Radclff unlustly included __ tehsrls of
rn to it? Punlab rn lndra.
(A) Antivirus (B) Frrewall (A) Kartarpur. Shakargarh. Narowal
ic) cateway (D) Flow control' (B) Chunran, Pakpattan. Okara
(C) Ferozepur. Kasur. Alnala
44. Sved Ahmad Shaheed was lhe founder of (D) Gurdaspur. Pathankot. Batala
w-hich of the following movement?
(A) Jihad (B) Nijaat 56 Which drgrt is considered lo be the mode in
(C) Jalal (D) Jazba rhe dala ser 3.5 2.0.0,1.6,6.3.1,0.7,9
"l (A) 3 (B) 0
45. Change the voice ot the followrng senlence:
will have finished that book".
(c) 1 (D) 9
(A) That book has been finished by me 57. A place where leather is tanned rs called a:
(B) That book will be finished by me (A) Tannery (B) Casrno
(C) That book will have been fiflished by me (C) Brewery (O) Workshop
(D) None of :l':ese 58. What caused Hazrat Usman's (R.A)dealh?
46. lf you are standang with your face towards (A) He died in a battlelield
East, then you tum right then again right and (B) He was martyred by rebels
then left. Which direction you are facing at the (C) He died a natural death
end? (D) None of these
(A) West-South (B) West-Norlh 59. How many Goals have b€en rncluded in the
(C) North-East (D) South Sustainable Development Goals?
47. Name the pe6on to whom Prophet
"rst (PBUH) rnformed aboul tA) 12 (B) 15
Hazrat Muhammad {c) 16 (D) 17
the first wahr? 60 Toussaint Louverture. also known as
(A) Hazrat Abu Talib Toussarnt Breda. was the best-known leader
(B) Hazrat KhadiJa of lhe Revolution.
(C) Warqa-rbn-e-Nofal (A) (B) Venezuela
(D) None of these iC) Mexico (D) None of these
48 Total number oI Ghazwas are? 61 What is the nickname ol Zimbabwe's national
(A) 13 (B) 23 men's cricket team?
rcl 27 (O) 29 (A) The Proteas (B) The Black Caps
49. Pakistan bought Gwadar from Oman in; (C) The Tigers (O) The Chevrons
(A) 1958 (B) 1960 62 Who is considered as the Father of
(C) 1950 (D) None of these Psychoanalysis?
50. The French "Legion d'honneur" received in (A) TB Watson (B) Albert Hills
200'l was returned in April 2018, by: (C) Adler (D) Sigmund Freud
(A) Muhammad-bin-Salman-al-Saud 63 Ram of Kutch rs situated inl
(B) Hamad-bin-Jassim (A) North of Grlgit
(C) Bashar-al-Assad (B) South oI Tharparkar
(D) Sabah-al-Ahmad-al-Jabar-al-Sabah (C) East ot Turbat
5'1. Which Prophet is also known by the tille as (D) South of Wana
(A) H azrat Musa (A.S)
64 Who was the first Emperor of Tughlaq
Dynasty rn lndran Sub-contrnent?
(B) H azrat ldrees (A.Si) (A) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(c) H azrat lbrahim (A. s) (B) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
(D) N one of these
722 Advanced PPSC ltCes Udel paoerc
(C) Ghiyasuddino Tuohlao (A) Graham Bett (B) Robert Koch
(D) Norie of -
thes; (C) Newton (D) none of these
65. The Synonym of "Oeficit'is: 79. The average werght of A, B and C rs 45 Kq. tf
(A) Minimize (B) Shortfal the average weight of A and B rs 40 Ko 5nd
(C) Useless (D) Surotus that of B and C is 43 Kg. then weight of B-is
66. Organjsms encode their lened in tong strands (A) 17 Kg -
ot: (c) 26 Ks isl zo xg
(A) Chromosomes (Bl CNA
ioi x6
(C) DNA (Di Carbohydrates 80. He asked me, 'Drd you see that car?" Frnd the
correct indirect sentence
67. The cunency of Nigeria is called: (A) He asked me if he had seen that car
(A) Rand (B) Dofiar (B) He asked me if I had seen that car
(C) Naira (O) pounO (C) He asked me I had seen that car
68. Which leader is lamous with reference to his (O) He told me if I had seen that car
six points? 81. Of the neighbouring districts ctosest to Lahore
(A Ayub Khan crty rs:
(B Zulfiqar Ali Bhuto (A) Gujranwata (B) Faisatabad
(c Sheikh Muieeb-ur-Rehman (C) Okara (Dl Sheikhupura
(D Muhammai, Khan Jonejo
82. Laila is four times as otd as her 2 vear old
69. What does PSOP sland foA brother Mansoor. How old will Man'soor be
(A) Pakistan's Strategic Devetopment lvhen he is half the age of hrs older sister
Programme Laila?
(B) Pakistan-Sweden Devetopment pact (A) 4 (B) 6
(C) Public Sector Devetopmeht programme
(D)Pakistan's Sustarnabte DeVetopment
(c) 5 (D) 7
Programme 83. Which ol the fottowing is the name of the
smallest part of the m,tter discovered by the
70. ln which direction does the Earth rotate scientists?
around its axis? (A) Proton (B) Neutron
(A) North to South (B) East to West (C) Posilron (D) Quart<
lC) West to East (D) Randomty
84. One of the founders of All lndia Muslim
71. Which of the following personalities is the League, Salimullah Khan, was the Nawab of:
Secretary Generat of SAARC? (A) Dhaka (B) patodi
Aaun Bahadur Thapa (Nepat) (C) Bhopat (D) cniragong
(B) Ahmad Sateem (Mitdiies)
(q) 4mjad Hussain Siat (pakiitan) 85. "Rich-ter Scale'is used for measuring:
(D) None of these (A) Sound waves
(B) Pollution in atmosphere
72. Synonym of'Exorbitant' is: (C) Strength of an earthquake
(A) Moderate (B) Reasonabte (D) GroMh of a part
(C) Temperate (D) Extortionate
86. General Yahya Khan became the
73. What is the mnecl shortcut key to check Commander-in-Chref ( of the pakrstan
grammar in MS Word? Army in 1966. Who was the C-rn-C before
(A) (B) F5 him?
(c) F7 (D) None o' these (A) General Muhammad Musa Khan
74. Which short cul keys are used to "open (B) General Akhtar Abdur Rehman
Startup Menu'text? (C) GeneralAvub Khan
(A) CTRL + ESC (B) CTRL + ALT (D) General Obuglas Gracy
(C) CTRL + F (D) CTRL + TAB 87. Whk:h is the third sourEe of lElamic
75. Date of Hazrat Ati's (R.A.) Shahadat is. J urisprudence?
(A) 2'l Ramzan 40 A.H. (A) Quran (B) tima
(B) 24 Ramzan 40 A.H. (c) Oiayas aDi fiadith
(C) 21 Zilhai 40 A.H. E8. The concept of acling in aid of civil Dorer bv
(D) None ofthese the armed forces has been laid doim in the
76. Last Census of Pakistan was held in: Constitution of Pakislan 1973 vide:
(A) 2001 (B) 1999 (A) AIticte 245 (B) Articte 270
(c) 1998 (oj zott (c) tuticte 243 (o) Articte zoo
77 Which one of the folowing countries has E9. Tai Mahal at Agra stands on the bank ot river:
drrecl access to Black Sea? (A) Ganga (B) Jamuna
({) Qeorgia (B) Hungary (C) Padma (D) None d these
(C) Slovakia (D) Graice 90. What is the next in s€ries for 2, 3, 6, iE, log, :
78. Who invented the telephone? (A) 208 (B) 1944
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 723

(c) 2008 (D) 1054 t-,rt!t*i1i"a .sa

tQCLut "Jr',{,lt!',,t "J,/--,/" .91

ottt (B\ tt?.) (Al
ttgtt/'$;t)-aLOt j{ -- ,l t)t P\ ;ri pt
,;l p1
,Et ,!s (i I $l tei'@(r 'gt
4t *, lD., ttv (tti lc]- / @t (/. <et
tty'o{+,-'L LrttLol,-/,J.t",',' .gz
I <ot ,f'Pt
/'P Fl
O*i .Ju (a)
t q $.-u-v rr, ? -- a, f, ;,',5 i1: z .se v

d s,f v, 1o1 6*i tr / tc't .,.U, (e) il (A)

3., /gt-t-Vi,/ +t/c "/ ( +" .ss cl. J tol 4 tct

tatt/ :ar?t=!;["-zPt' .ss
J.ier,t7 (B) &.otlt ltl q,J,qJ, rAr
-!v/qvv (D) tuTgr 1c7
vr{;r,t)iGr,d Pl
t g {{.tz-g *,? - +,t! s,r,lvdf * .gc u/s.$u (cl
.!,u (e) il 6\ v./,6i (o)

J tot 4 tct ' tt ut,i, ?4./ "f,,1r".r oo

7.,nr r!,,/,, E 4, i" :auf .ss
oa!:gt (8) t;t?ui <et

4fu F) ov&;rt 6t tJ*!,nt, (D) $t(tvt4t lc\

tr 'iir 1E) P rt> eJv (Cl
Answer Key
1. a 14. d 27. c 40. c 53. b 66. c 79. d 92. d
2.c 15. c 28. c 41. c *. a 67. c 80. b 93. c
3.a '16. c 29. c 42. c 55. d 68. c 81. d 94. d
4.d 't7. d 30. d 43. b 56. b 69. c 82. b 95. c
5.a 1E. d 3t. b 44. a 57 a 70. c 83 d 96. b
6.b '19. a 32. b 45. 58. b 71. c 84 a 97. b
7. c 20. d 33. c 46. d d 72. d 85 c 98. d
8.a 21. c 34. c 47 b 60. a 73. c 86 a 99. b
9.d 22. c 35. d 48. c 61. d 74. a 6t b 100. b
10. a 23. a 36. b 49. a 62. d 75. a 88 a
11. b 24. a 37. c 50. 63. b 76. d 89 b
'12. a 25. c 38. b 51. c 64. b 77. a 90 b
13. b 26. a 39. d 52. 65. b 78. a 91 a
724 A PPSC Model



1. Tie Oscar wrnntng short documentarv film (C) Jogrndarnalh Mandet
''(jtrt m the River" was directed by? (D) Kh Nazrmduddrn
(A) Samina Peerzada 14. The distance belween Karachr and Lahore
(B) Sabrha Sumar along N-5 is
(C) Sharmeen Obaid Chinov (A) 1000 km (B) 12E7km
(O) Mehreen Jabbar ' (c) km
1351 ioi 1521 km
2 p1 Abdul Salam was awarded Nobel prize for 15. Fort Munro in
Phvstcs rn: (A)
ts located
_ province
(Ai 1981 (B) 1979 (B)
(c) 1976 (o) rgaz (C)
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa
3. Next Summer Olympic Games are to be held (D) Punjab
ln: 16 Who drew the border line between lndia and
(A)2017 Mosmw Pakistan in 1947?
(B)2018 Seout ({) Lord Wavett (B) Lord Mountbatten
(C)2016 Rio de Janeiro (C) Sir Cyrit Radctiff (D) Lord At ee
(D)2016 Paris
17. Bhagat Kabir, Baba Gurunat and Dadu Dayat
4. Muhammad Asif is a famous player of: were all associated with
(A) Snooker (B) Kibaadi Movement.
(u) tennts (D) Footba (A) Quit lndra (Bl Fa.aizi
5. Sohail Abbas is famous plaver of: (C) Non Cooperatron (O) Bhagtr
(C) 9quasr
(41 1d) fiockey 18. Dar ul Uloom Oeoband was established
Boxrng (O) Swimriing
_ District.
6. Ayesha Jalal is prominent in the field of: ({) Muzaffarpur(B) Allahabad
(A) Chemistrv (Bt Historv (C) Saharanpur (D) Meerut
(C) Mathemaiics (Dt Sociot6gv 19 The Moplah Uprisrng took place in
7. Javed Ghamdr rs prominent in lhe fretd of provtnce.
({) l_slamrat (B) Fishrng (A) B€ngal (B) Madras
(C) Crvit Servrce (D) Geogr;phy (C) UP (D) Kerata
8. Mohsin Hamid is famous for: 20. Ch.Rehmat Ali rssued a pamphtet as hrs
(A) Enghsh Writing (B) Urdu Ghazat solutton to the lndran Communal problems lt
(U) leaching (O) Frnancrat Anatyst was called:
(A) Now or Never (B) NeverorNow
9 Abdur. Rehman Chugtai was a prominent (C) Bang-r-tstam (Oi Do or Ore
name rn lhe field of:
{A) Heatth Care (B) painting 21. All l;dra Mustim League was founded rn the
(C) Crvrt Engrneenng (D) Arch(eEture city of:
10. Adeeb Rrzvr rs famous for his work rn the field (A) Lucknow (B) Lahore
(C) Dhaka (D) Catcutta
(A). Solid Waste Manaoement 22 Pakistan became a Reoublic on
(B) Horlrculture (A) 23rd March 1956 '
(C) Medicine (B) 2 gth Februarv 1956
(D) Sports (c) Ilh Januarv i956
(D) 1 4th Auguit 1947
1 1. S-qna- Meer is a prominenl name in lhe field of:
i4) Alhletics (B) Acting 23. Numrsmatlcs rs the studv of:
(C) Modeling
iOi Cricr6r (A) Horses (6t Ftaos
12. Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardv (C) Fire arms iOl Coi"ns
estrangement from the MusIm Leagle fon;ed 24. Which paar of words refers to butterflies and
a poltttcal parlv called birds?
(A) Jugtu Fronl (A) Colts. Horses (B) Bore. Boar
(B) Bahuian Samai Partv (C) Aviary. Apiary ' (D) pen, Sry
(C) Awarirr Mushm'Leaoiie PICK THE ODD WORD OUT:
(O) Bengal Mustim Lealue
13 Paklstan s first Law Mtntster was.
25. (A) bicycle (B) ferry
(A) Sir Firoz Khan Noon (C) railway (D) fish
(B) Sir Zafaru ah Khan 26. (A) moon (B) ba
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers 725
(C) trge (D earth (Al qawt lB) taqtu
27 (A) lemonade (B JUrCe
(C) hadatha (Ol itlhan
(C) bread (o milk 47. After migrating to Yathrib (Madina) the Holy
28 A) cut (B) cod Prophet first stayed at the house of whrch
blow (D) dis Sahabi?
(A) Ayub Ansan
29 Attock (B) Taxila (B) Abu Hurairah
c Mangla Dam (D) Haripur (C/ Abdullah bin Abbas
30 sheep (B) rats (D) Anas bin Malik
cows (D) horse 48. The word'wahi'is derived from the word
31 generous (B )kind
'!ahg' which means:
nasty (D ) nice (A) to wnte down (B) to memonze
(C) to rnform secretly (O) to lsten
32 What is the synonym of Fulsome?
(A) exuberant (B) emotional 49. The Muslim mathematrcian Alkhwarzami rs
(C) dry (D) rough best known for his work in
(A) Trigonometry (B) Set Theory
JJ What is the synonym of Denigrate? (C) Algebra (D) Anthmelic
(A) disparage (B) praise
(C) descabe (D) draw 50. 2. 4 16. 256. Complete the
34 What is the synonym of lncendiary? (A) 80.000 (B) 7,156
(A) frolic (B) snicker (c) 68,160 (D) 65.s36
(C) causing fire (D) emollient
51 50, 60, 80, 110, '150 _. Complete
35 What is the synonym of Prerogatrve? the series
(A) end (B) puncture (A) 200 (B) 160
(C) summon (D) privilege (c) 180 (D) 300
36 What is the synonym of Calligraphy? 52. 2. 4, 12, 48,240 Complete the
(A) word processing (B) keyboard senes.
(C) hand writing (D) concussion (A) 1440 (B) 1240
37 What is the antonym of Gregarious? (c) 1040 (D) 1340
(A) boring (B) chubbv 53. lt 25% of a certain nunlber is 1600. what is '10
(C) lonesome (D) talkative % of the number?
38 What is the antonym of Assent? (A) 40 (B) 400
(A) disagree (B) approve (c) 640 (D) 1440
(C) sanction (D) pass 54. Multiply 15.873 ' 28
39 Whal is the antonym ot Fluid? (A) 555,555 lB) 444.444
(A) arry (B) still (c)333.333 (D) 111.111 '
(C) frozen (D) moving 55. Divide 3900 - 500
40 What is the antonym o, Onerous? (A) 7.8 (B) 8.7
(A) fluent (B) burdensome (c) 7.9 (D) 6.8
(C) d'tficult (D) lght 56. lf an athlete's weight decreases from 160
41 What is the antonym o, Concord? pounds to '152 pounds what is the percentage
(A) agreement (B) varrance decreas€?
(C) accord (O) unity (A) 5% (B) 6%
42 Where is the head office of UNESCO located? lc) 4o/o (D) 10%
(A) Geneva (B) Vrenna 57. Calculate the value of x in lhe equalion: 12
(C) Brussels (D) Paris 5x=x+30
43 Ghazwa e Badr was fought in which year of (A) -4 (B) 6
the Christian
Calendar: (c) 3 (D) ,5
(A) 623 (B) 622 58 Katherine's weekly salary was increased by
(c) 619 (O) 624 87o to S237.60. Whal was her weekli salary
44 Masjid Nimra is situated in: before the increase?
(A) Madinah (8) Taif (A) $220 (B) S230
(C) Jeddah (D) Ptarns of Arafat (c) s21s (D) s200
45 The frrsl m€ratron rn lslamic History wa3 to 59. A rectangular floor 'l8ft x 10ft is to be covered
the country then called wilh carpetrng thal costs x Rs,/Sq Yard ln
(A) Abyssrnra (B) lraq terms oI x how many Rupees will the
(C) Yemen (D) Sy' ia carpetrng cost'?
46 Holy Prophet sometmes gave hrs silent
approval of a statement or action of someone.
this is called: .
' we know that: 3 ft 1 yd
726 Advanced PPSC lttCQs Modcl Paoerc
(A) 20x (B) 2Ex (A) Turkey (B) Russia
(C) 60x (D) 180x (C) Azerbaijan (D) Germany
60. Who was the Secre{ary General of UN b€fore 72. AAan Shah Hockey Toumament is played in
Ban Ki- Moon? which country?
(A) Kurt Waldheim (A) Singapore (B) Thailand
(B) Koli Annan
(C) U Thant
(C) Malaysia (D) Brunei
(O) Boutros Boufios Ghali 73. GaMa is the National Airline of which
61. Crimea was an area annexed bv Russia last (A) Philippines (B) Brunei
year. Bebre lhe annexalion it wa5 a part ol: Thailand (D) lndonesia
(A) Bosnia (B) Belarus
74. Which rs the most populated city of China?
(C) Ukraine (D) ceo€ia
(4) Shanghai (B) Beiing
62. Recen{y Azerbatian fought a war with one of (C) Shenzhen (O) Wuhan
its neighbours over Nagomo Karabakh region.
ln which cour ry is lhis endave situatred? - 75. Minsk is the capital of which European
(4) Bosnia (8) Turkey country?
(A) Hungary (B) Macedonia
(C) Macedonia (O) lmenta
(C) Belarus (D) Bosnia
63. Abuja is the capital o!:
(A) Nigeria (B) Panama 76. ln which country's embassy in London is
(C) Mali (D) Ghana Julian Assange the founder of Wrki Leaks
6,4. v\rhich B the cap.tal city ot West lndies?
(A) Port of Spain (B) Harare
(A) Ecuador (B) Mexico
(CJ Puerto Rico (D) None ofthese
(C) Peru (D) lndia
The 6frtd dty of Nerv Zealand is:
65. Which Pakistani woman won the Nelson (A) Wellimto.t (B) ChnstcrurE r
Mandela€raca Macfiel lnnovation Award (C) A.lelail€ (D) Auckland
Malala Yousafzai 78 Pakistan Cricket Team will next tour whach
B Tabassam Adnan country?
c Meera (A) Australia (B) Soutr Aftiu
D Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy (C) England (D) New Zealand
66. Recent OIC Summit was held in: 79 Who w6 the first man to go into space?
(A) (B) tstanbut (A) Neil Armslrong (B) Yud Gagarin
(C) (D) Jeddah (C) Euzz Aldrin (D) Allen Sbine
67. Renminbi is the officialcunencr of: 80 Thomas Cqp is the world's biggest
(A) Taiwan (B) Chiia toumarnel of:
(C) North Korea (0) Phitippines
(A) Golf (8) Badmi ton
(C) Snooker (D) Squash
68. Nen SAARC Summit is to be held in:
(A) Kathmandu (B) lshmabad 81 Who is a polymath?
(C) Colombo (D) Male (A) Star Gazer
B Mathematician
69. Sir Creek is a disputed area beirveen: c Philosopher
(A) Abhanistan & Pakistan D Expert of many Subiects
(B) Nepal & lndia
(C) Banoladesh & lndia 82 Xian is a famous city of:
(O) Pakistan & lndia (A) North Korea (B) South Korea
70. The Srrez Canal links whidl two seas?
(C) Japan (D) China
(A) Bahc & North Sea 83. Persian poetstlafiz and Saadi are buried in:
B ) Dead & Red Sea
(A) Herat (B) Shiraz
Oman & Arabian Sea (C) lsfahan (D) Kabul
D l Medilerranean & Red Sea 84. famous
Baltoro is a ol Pakistan?
71. Reictutag' is the name of the Partiament of (A) Mountain Peak --JBfll6-unrain Lake
which country?
The gundestag is a constitutional and legislative body
at the federal level in Germany. For its similar function,
Therefore, A.ea of rectangularfloor = 18 ft x 10 ft =(18 it is often described as a lower house of pa.liament.
x10)i3x3=20yd2 The Bundestag was established by chapter lll of the
Cost of carpeting = Rs.x x20= Rs.20x Basic Law for the Federal Republic qf Germany
' The Reichstag was a
legislative body of Weimar (Conditution) in 1949 as one of the Legislative House
Germany (the "German Reich") from 1919, when it of the Germany and thus the historical successo. to the
succeeded the Weimar National Assembly, until the earlier ReichstaS. Since 1999 it meets in the Rllchstag
Nazi takeover in 1933. Bulldin! in Berlin.
Advmc€dPPSC CQsXo<td Paoe,s 727
(C) River (D) Glacier
fi:At (ol
85. Diamer-Bhasha hydro proJect is being built on
,tC G)
(C) lndus
(B) Jhelum
(D) Kabul
7t 5 "/" - *..:, ic)6 J-l s4
86. Awaran Districl is localed in ?
lv+: Ft tt{djr. A)
(A) Baluchistan
(B) Khyber Pukhlunkhwa
ttul tot i'*rujr ot
(c) sindh 9LD.,.tLt t,./Lr,t'.ff'rf
(D) Giigit Baltistan of g;" .ss
87. Uch Sarifs most famous monumenl is the .*ltt* pl j) ot
mausoleum of
(A) Shams Tabrez t)tf, lol ((Jr;i tcl
(B) Maulvi Barkhordar
'(C) Bibi Jawindi
9147 L,./,u.-,(' r,, -.4" J J't'
r ga
(O) Nawab Salahuddin Abbassi
88. Khunjerab is the border pass between ,,rt,tlj \q g,i;,]),4 61
(A) Afghanistan (B) Tajikistan jrr$ tol :tl j;,tr lcl
(C) lran (D) China
89. Archaeological finds of Harappa are located in t ;; c) i, jl, ;, i,t ;i dl Ju t r .st
which District?
(A) -?
Sheikupura (B) Okara ,rg. (B) r.l, (A)
(C) Vehari (D) Sahiwal
,xr) (o) ,/i 1Cy
90. Keenthar Lake is located in which province?
(A) Baluchistan
(B) Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa
Yl;,./"1,;{s'" .sa
Puniab it,tidjt pt 4t/. 6t
raJ,-l Llb,r4;J)f,='t' s1 ,f rrt o .jr.,-i-c lcl
Irt'ft p1 a/( lt ot p,ft*tt .ss

+ltu1', 1o1 'lv'f'/i tcl tJr,z (Bl ,ti,s (A\

tJtr.l,,JJtc,-/")* e2 t5,{(,'t 1oy ; )Jv (cl

,i/'* Ft Jy'rul 6y r c- p{fit r * }, i {,-:)t i / .1 oo
i,e,f l> pl |b'y- (c\ y:6!6's . "t,'/ 61

-rE-,?{'/; .s3 )v/i tol trLdt tcl

,,llb.r},t @l .,ri 1a1
Answer Key
1. c 14. 27 40. d 53. 66. b 79. b 92. a
2. 15. d 28 b 41. b 54. b 67. b 80. b 93. d
3. c 16. 29 c 42. d 55. a 68. b 81. d 94. c
4. a 17. d 30 b 43. d 56. a 69. d 82. d 95. c
5. b 18. 31 c 44. d 57 c 70. d 83. b 96_ b
6. b 19. d 32 a 45. a 58 a 71. d 84. d 97. d
7. 20. a 33 a 46. b 59 a 72. c 85. 98. c
8. a 21. 34 c 47. a 60 b 73. d 86. a 99. b
9. b 22. a 35 d 48. c 61 c 74. a 87 100. b
10 c 23. d 36 c 49. c 62 d 75. c 88 d
1',t. d 24. c 50. d 63 a 76. a 89 d
12 c 25. d 38 a 51. a 64 d 77. a 90 c
13 26. c 39 c 52. a 65 b 78. c 91 c



1 The Central Muhammadan Associatron was 7 The Government of tndia Act 1935 divrded
founded in 1677 by:- the country into.-
(A) Chaudhri Rehmat Ali (A) Seven Provinces
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (B) Nine ProYinces
(C) Syed Ameer Ali 1C) Eleven Provinces
(D) Mohsrn-ul-Mulk (O) Thirteen Provrnces
2. The Constitution oI the All lndia Mustim 8 ln the Provincral Electron of 1937. All lndra
League was drafted by a Committee rn '1907 Muslrm League won largest numb€r ot seats
headed by:- in the:-
(A) Nawab Viqarul-Mulk (A) Un[ed Provrnces (UP)
(8) NawabMohsin-ul-Mulk (B) Sindh Provrnce
(C) Mualana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (C) Punjab Province
(D) Justrce Shah Orn . (D) Central Provrnces (CP)
3. Which amendments were proposed by Quard- I The lndian Muslim observed -Day of
e-Azam in the Nehru Report 1928. to make it Oeliverance" after the resignataon of Congress
acceptable to the lndian Muslims:- mrnrstnes on:-
(A) The Muslims Should be given 1l3 (A) 12 September 1939
representation in the central legislature. (B) 22 September 1939
(B) For ten years, the Muslim should be (C) !2 Oecemb€r 1939
represented in Punjab and Bengat (D) 22 Decemb€r '1939
according to thear population.
(C) Residuary power should be given to the 10. Chaudhri Rehmat Ali first used the word
'Pakislan'in his pamphlet'Now or Never' in:-
(O) Allof the above. (A) 1933 (B) 1935
(c) 1937 (D) 1938
4. Laaquat AIi Khan joined All lndia Muslim
11. ldentify the Secrelary of State for lndia who
League as a member in:-
(A) 1916 led the Cabrnet Mrssron rn 1946.-
(B) 1919 (A) Sir Srafford Cripps
(c) 1921 (D) 1923 (B) A.V Alexander
5. What was the significance of 21st annuat (C) Lord Pethick Lawrence
s€ssion of All lndia Muslim League:- (D) Sir Anthony McDonald
(A) Quaid-e-Azam presented ,ourleen points '12. Mohtarma Fatima Jrnnah joined All lhdia
(B) Allama lqbal delivered Allahabad Address
(C) Lahore Resolution was passed. Musfim Leagte in -
(D) Ouaad-e-Azam was elected as permanent (A) 1939 {B) 1938
President of All India Muslim League.
(c) 1937 (D) 1940
'13. Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940, was
5. Which of the following leaders helped euard-
seconded from Sindh Province by:-
e-Azam in the preparation of his Fourteen
Points in 1929:-
(A) G M. Syed
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar (B) Mekhdoom Tahb ul Mula
(B) Maulana Shaukal Ali (C) Abdulllah Haroon
(C) Liaqat AI Khan (D) Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutlo
(O) Maulana Hasrat Mohani
Advanced PPSC MCOS Mo det PaDers 729
14 Congress launched -Quit lndia Movement" (A) with (B) oI
agarnst the British Government in - (C) by (D) trom
(A) 1940 (B) 1941 27. You should refrain hurling her feelings.
(c) 1942 (O) 1944 from
(A) (B) to
15 Gandhr-Jinnah talks were held rn '1944 to over
(D) of
discuss the C R Formula. prepared by:- 28. lwas amazed- hrs mrsbehavror
(A) RaJ GopalAcharia (B) V.P Menon (A) with (B) of
(C) Abu-al-Kalam Azad (D) lord Wavell (C) for (D) at
16 Who presided over the Simla Conference in Select tha correct meaning of the tollowing
1945? idioms
(A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Wavell 29. To be above board:
(C) Lord lrwrn (D) Lord Mountbatten (A) To havea good height
'17. After Sir Agha Khan the next President of All . (B) To be honest in any business deal
lndra Muslm League was;- (C) They have no debts
(A) Viqarul-Mulk (D) To try to be besutiful
(B) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan 30 hand h:
(C) Ra;a Sahib of Mahmoodabad o take up agricultural farming
(Dr Mran Muhammad Shafi (B) To take a ditlicult task
'18. The Hrndu had launched -Swadeshr (C) To get entangled Into unnecessary thrngs
Movement (to boycoU English made goods) (D) Take interest in technical wcrk
rn the wake of:- 31 How many Pubhc Lrbraries are in Pakrstan?
(A) The Urdu Hrndr controversy 1867 (A) 200 (B) 204
(B) Partition of Bengal 1905 iC) 192 (D) None of these
(C) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy 1919
(D) All of above events 32. Which of the following is the oldest library of
19. The Pirpur Report on the brutalities ot the (A) Puniab University LibrarY
Congress mrnistries 1937. was compiled by:- (B) Jinnah Library Gulranwala
(A) A. K. Fazul-ul-Haq (C) Quaid-e-Azam Library
(B) Raja Muhammad Mehdr (D) PunJab Public Library.
(C) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan
(D) M. Shanf 33. Who is the founder of Punjab Public Library?
(A) Mrchael Gorman (B) Ranga Nathan
20. Who among the following leaders had (C) Sir Lord Atchison (O) Quard-e-Azam
translated the Lahore Resolution from English
to UrdLi on 23rd March 1940:- 34. ln which year Quaid-e'Azam Library Lahore
(A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan was established?
(B) Chaudhri Khaleeq-uz-Zaman (A) 1947 (B) 1962
(C) Dr. Muhammad Alam (C) 1984 (D) None of these
(D) Su Sikander Hayat 35. When was the National Library of Pakistan
came inlo existence?.
Pick the synonyms (A) 1947 (B) 1949
21. Reconcile: ici 1955 (D) 1950
(A) popular (B) adiust 36. ln which city the National Library of Pakistan
(C) praise (D) false located now?
22. wisdom: .(A) Karachi (B) lslamabad
(A) sagacity (B) foolishness (C) Lahore (D) None of these
(C)- swell (D) sunender 37. Where is the Library of Personal books of
23. Amnestv: Ouaid-e-Azam located?
(A) pardon (B) Penalty (A) Ouetta (B) Kdrachr
(C) lustice (o) release ici lslamabad (D) None of these
24 ODtimistic: 38. How many digital libraries are there rn

(C) hopelul
(B) fonune
(D) lucky
tA], 2O4 (Bl 220
ic) zso (D) Noneof these
Fill in the blank with correct preposition
39. Who established the first public library of the
25. Akber will look mY work in my
absence. world?
(A) rn , (B) after (A) Alexander the Great
(C) with (D) on (B) Julius Seizer
- (C) Changarz Khan
26 You ought to abide this decision (O) Zabeer ud Din Babar
730 Advanced PPSC ltoos Hod€/ Papers
40 Who is called the founder of Private Libraries? 54. What is meant by the lerm "Bullet Vote"?
(A) Ashoor Bani Paul (B) Aristotle (A) A vote which is yet to be cast in the
(C) Batlimous (D) None of these election.
41 . Pakistan is ool member of one of lhe follolying (B) Decisive vote in the counting.
lnternational Organization-identity:-
(C) A ballol in which electors confine their
(A) o-8 (B) G-7 interest to a single issue or candidate.
(D) None of the above
(c) G-77 (D) NAM
42. Out of the word's ten most populated 55. The'Balance ol Payment'is understood as:-
countries, Pakistan is at number:- (A) The balance of amount affer paying debt. !
(B) The balance of income and expenditures 4
(A) 6 (B) 7
(c) e (D) 10 in the annual budget.
(C) The balance between a nation's
43. Green vegetables are a good source of: expenditures on imports and its receipts
(A) Protein from exports
(B) Minerals and vitamins (D) None of the above
(C) Fats and oil
(D) Starch 56. Which is the smallest stale in area?
(A) Bahrain (B) Maldives
44. "Reute6' is the famous news agency of:- (c) Matta (D) Brunei
(A) U.S.A. (B) Brtain
(C) France (D) Russia 57. 1 inch is equal to:-
(A) '1.54 centimeters (B) 2.54 centimeters
45. 1 Metric ton is equalto:- (C) 3.O4 centimeters (O) 4.02 centimeters
(A) 100 Kilograms (B) 500 Kilograms
(C) 1000 Kilograms (D) 10000 Kilograms 58. Which part of the Wodd is called "The land of
free people"?
46. The subslances human body produces to fight (A) Switzerland (B) Thailand
against disease germs are called:- (C) West lndies (D) U.K
(A) Vaccines (B) Serums
(C) Viruses (D) Antibodies 59. 'Arboriculture' is a science of:
(A) The raising of silk worms for the
47. -Monomete/ is an instrument for measuring:- production of raw silk
(A) Gaseous Pressure (B) The cultivation of flowers, fruits and
(B) The luminous intensity of the sources of omamental plants
light (C) The cultivation of trees
(C) The strength of direcl cunenl (O) The study of insecls.
(O) The relative density of milk
60. 'Asia Watch' is a:
48. The term of office for the iudges of the (A) Human righls organization
lnternational Court of Justice is:- (B) A big time clock in Japan's parliament
(A) Three years (B) Five years building
(C) Seven years (D) Nine years (C) News agency of Taiwan
49. The planet farthest from the sun is:- (D) None of the above
(A) Jupiter (B) Satum 6'1. The Wodd's famous bridge "Golden cate" is
(C) Mercury (O) Pluto located in:
50. 'Bristol' is a seaport ofi
(A) NewYork (B) Sydney
(A) U.K. (B) Germany
(C) MexicoCity (D) San Francisco
(C) Netherlands (D) Australia 62. What is "Acrophobia'?
(A) lt is the fear of heighl
51. 'Ariana' is an airline of:- (B) lt is the fear of dogs
(A) Sn Lanka (B) tran (C) ll is the fear of water
(C) Afghanistan (D) Turkey (O) None ol the above
52. What is cont;band? 63. 'Davis Cup' is associated with which
(A) All Narcotics
(B) Articles banned by a govemment sports,/game?
(C) All smuggled material (A) Baseball (B) Badminton
(C) Table Tennis (D) Lawn Tennis
(D) Goods which may assist an enemy in the
conduct of war 64. 'Sakhalin lsland" enriched with oil reserves
are claimed by:-
53. What is "Greenp€ace"? (A) China and Russia
(A) A mountain range in Norlh America (B) US and Japan
(B) The largest island in the wodd (C) Russia and Japan
(C) Geological society of London (D) USA and Russia
(D) An organization that stresses the need to
maintain a balance belween human 65. What is meant by "Sine die'?
progress and environmenlal conservation (A) Under judicial considerations
Actvanced PPSC IiCQs lrodel PaDerc 731

(B) Treason ),'/t.; \8) (A)

(C) Without fixing a date -:[
(O) Superior Courl ,,r€,jt;/ (ot l3 t tct
66. The World's largest Oeserl in area is
(A) Sahara (B) Arabia
(c) Gobi (D) Mogave -egLb L!! eLtt g{6 $oc .ez
67. Which element is called the 'earth maker'? tt,/g)/ (Bl J,$et/ 6)
(A) Aluminum (B) Calcium
(C) Potassium (D) Silicon ,,J,*J't tol ,JlC tcl
68. ldentify the largest sea?
(A) South China Sea (B) Caribbean Sea
(C) Arabran Sea (D) Sea of Marmara
-7i*/{ az

69. Which country has the greatest number of

volcanoes in the World?
tirt;, F\ ,,0',f ,Y 1a1

(A) Japan (B) lndonesia e,ldfb iD) ,U(tY Ql

(C) Philippines (D) Cameroon
70. The highest literacy rate among the SAARC t(x{-:'r7fy''w .u
countries is in:-
(A) lndia (B) Maldives ,lrr (B) r,'E (A)
(C) Sri Lanka (O) Pakistan
71. The length of Karakoram Haghway (KKH)
,--i <ol 4 (c)
in Pakistan is:
(A) 650 km (B) 785 km t.-=wr/t't.:iyi"a,re 85
icl eos km (D) 1200km
72 Pakistan shares a common border with Y-tltt @l u.f'-V-ts 61
People s Repubhc of China approximately:
(A) 600 km (B) 700 km v,l,t.f fol dr.Jl $)
(C) 800 km (D) 900 km
73. Which of the following sea is located in t
-,,f p ft 6,tt,,l, il. I 6 f vs) kJit .s6
(A) Red Sea (B) Baltic Sea {or Pl )V'!vrt lA\
(C) Aral Sea (D) None ortheabove
o?rV tol )+v (c\
74. The parliament of Russiais called:
(A) House of deputtes (B) Oiet
(C) Knesset (D) Duma t{Lul ;vi(6,$ Ltr f ) sE t 87

75. The NationalTree of Pakistan

(A) Chir (B) Oak
is: -
. r/ Fl Jv,t':w \e)
(C) Shisham (O) Deodar JvD/ (o) JtivtY (c)
76. The NationalAnimal of Pakistan is:
(A) Elephant (B) Tiger . 9a- ovir,Ju/ota,ls,,Y ea
(C) Markhor (O) None of the above
77. Which country's land is below the sea level? Jtit-tt (B\ u\,tt,.H 61
(A) New Zealand (B) Japan
(C) treland (D) Netherlands J,,se, 1oy ,Jridir G)
78. Mtamin 'E' is Present in:
(A) Milk (B) Wheat I c-.a /tl$$t a9
(C) Orange (O) ESg
79. The cause of malaria was discovered by: v* (Bl ,j,/ 6t
(A) Ronald Ross (B) F.C. Hopkins
. (C) Edward Jenner (D) Dr. Paul Muller vJV(v to\ Jrt, tct
80. The first viceroy of British lndia was:
(A) Lord Cannrng (B) Lord Elgrn tq6,lrrC,./1,,j 90
(C) Lord Clive (D) Lord MaYo
(B') ,f trt ot
ta$4-=wL"J i-r,a*{re / .at
,t'ic tol J*=f tcl
732 ,dvxrcdPftlC,lCQsfodslPaoqs
*tbt L J6 ar1: + <,-t o,. y' j 4 si I .s1
'Jv.,)-P tol iTJtglaD'.rl' (cl
'l*j-' ;i', { q"; L 1i'v-.ti 4 i;i.i s6

-'ti,r p1. (7i,r (Al 5 (B) 4 (A)

7 (O) 6 (C)
,1tSJi.;,r 1oy' .28.,r (cl
6 e/ o,, { g, L,, J iu 4 -- -,,! i *ti ) .gz j.t7 Gt j.2.a @\
(o) ...r9 (c)
))rt,,.1ey !i,, 6y
1t"=- +, i iV, a$ ; -! 7! rt 't; ;'t * 98
1oy iptt,, <cl
/rtuJi ctt,,,L1ufi! ; { 4i;-7i /',* .st -:.2 !.+; r P lBl -. n: >' lA)
lc"/ :r.: &7 (O) :;.* )u.> 2' 1C1

Jlr/.".i,'eP @', QuFt'-7 1s'1

'lvttctF,>? tol ':i f i',.!L',1::--'i-: -' -aSiii ss
Trop tct 'tir.:t:.?'
lB) ";:o.Z'
tnyi pt ifriJ r,,,)v,,/ et ci i
'1:i,>f (ol
.ga ;,,.,p lc\
Attl2).>f p1 L,vg.a:o7 61 t,! J ),t "i,/' 4.- --,-, y' .too
Auor tol \1J',ye,vo7 {ct ttl.b:7 (81 4ctl lA)
|ZEb(L6,fii,lirti) .ss ulai P) J roi tct
LuF)-? fq 'aor.,tvo7 1ty

Answer Key
1. c 11. c 27. a 40. b 53. d 66. a 79. a 92 d
2. c 15. a 28. d 41. b 54. c 67. d 80 a 93 c
3. d 't6. b 29. b 42. a 55. c 68. a 81. 94 a
1. d 17. c 30. b 43. b 56. b 69. b 82. a 95 d
5. b 18. b 31. c 44. b 57. b 70. b 83. a 96 c
6. e 19. b 32. . 45. c 58. b 71. c 64. a 97 c
7. c 20. a 33. c 46. d 59. c 72. a 85. d 98. b
8. a 21. b U.c 17. a 60. a 73. c 86. a 99. c
9. d 22. a 35. b 48. d 6't. d 74. d 87 a ,00 b
10 a 23. a 36. b 49. d 62. a 75. d 88 c
11 c 24. c 37. c 50. a 63. d 76. c 89 d
12 c 25. b 3E. a 51. c 6,4. c 77. d 90 b
13 c 26. c 39. b 52b65.c 78. d 91
Actvanced PPSC llcQs tlodel Paoerc 733



Directorate General Protocol, S&GAD - 2019
(Paper held on 29112120191

ldioms: 20. URL means? Unifom Rctourc.
1. All and Sundry: Everyone
2. Out of sight: out ol mind
21. To replace we use key in ofhce: Cr rl+H

22. Move cursor left to delete we use sho(
cut key:
3. Paw Cat. Hoof: Hotse 23. Which is Application Sofrware? All
4. Coolness: Night: Warmth: Day (Browsar, Database, Game softwars)
Antonynlsi 24. To delete one word before cursor in MS
word? Alt+ Dalete
5 Prohrbit: Pefmit
25. Ctrl + Page Up key is used: For
PAKISTAN STUDIES complete P.go up in MS Wod
6. Tipu sultan ruler ot: ysoro GENERAL ABILITY
7. First Pry program aared on: 26
26. Gas for preparalion of banaspati
November, 1964 Ghee:Hydrcge,l
E. Book Thoughts on Pakislan was written 27. Mtamin for Blood Clotting? Vitamin K
by? B. R. Ambedkar
8. Pakistan Purchased Gawadar Port from
28. Appndicitis is an inflammation of lhe:
Oman in: 1958
9. Hazrat Ali Hajveri wrote? Xashf ul
29. Sound cannot lravelthrough: Vacuum

gO. Vitamin for blood clotling Vlt min K
10. First Female democratically elecled PM URDU
from Muslim World? Benazit Bhutto
31. Khizr rah iqbalka kalam: brng 6 dara
'11. Highest Civil Award of Pakistan is:
32. Farhang iqbal kis ne likh: rukh3ana
Nishan-€+akistan bogum
12. Longest river of balochistan: Hingol
33. Allama lqbal's Poem Khizr-e-Rah is in
13. First conslitution assembly dissolved in : which book{rara
14. British sold Kashmir to gulab sing: 1845 14. L,.,-2,,,dj,Fit-,',' l--'L'J.;.
15. British sold Kashmir to Raja Gulab Singh rLrj! 1'.( )6 f I i',.,*',
16. Laal Bahadur Shasteriwas PM in 1966 rs. -irJ-,,-,,i1-irr,,:,,G
17. The current Chairman of the FBR is:
Shabber Zaidi
'18 First presdent of An,uman Hamiyat lslam -'t(). Out of sight out of mintl -q'(
was: Ctazi Hamaed Ud Din ralrlt LL,Jit,,2
19. Maradona of Pakistan Hockey: Shahbaz
Seniol .ls ,ft L./'J,i',ii
731 A&enced PPSC TTCQS nodel paoerc

J. !,Ye"tt t. 60. yvhich is the coastal landform? Bay

61. NATO established in 1949 is a: Military
39. Who is the. Brother ot Hazrat Abu Ayub 62. UN Declaration 194E was also
Ansaari's R.A? Hazrat f,Ga,ab R.A acknowledge, Right of Food
40. Rukn-€-Azan of Hajj is: Waqoof.-Aratat 63. PM ol lndia during Tashkent Dectaration?
41. Lal Bah.dur Shastri
Heart of Quran is: Surrh Y8osn
42. Maalik is the name of th€ angel who
64. Golden Gate bridge is in: San Francbco
guard at gate of: Jahnum USA

43. Rituals of Hai are called: Uln.sik 65. Language of lslamic Commonweallh
during Abd al-Malik period was: Arabic
44. Most important part of Haij is:
66. Ranit Singh made capitalto? Lahore
45. Khalil Ullah was the title of: Haz6t
lbrahim AS Olympics 2020 will be hetd in: Tokyo

68. Mossad is intelligence agency of: brael

46. 69. Wien USSR invaded Afghanistan? 1979

8. 11. 14......
47. 70. AO-Hume founded: lndian National
Sum of number ard ils square is 2450. Congrtrs
Frnd no.?
48. 71. T 20 2016 World Cup won by? West
A number is divided by 49 and remainder lndie3
is 24. lf it will be divided by 7 then remainder wil
be? 72. First Cricket Wortd Cup won by? Wost
49. A number is divided by 49 and remainder
is 24. lf il will be divided by 7 then remainder vvill 73. Recently Apache atack helicopter has
be been sold by US lo: lndia

50. Sum ofa number and its square is 2450. 74. Brain Lara has most runs in an:
Find number individual tgst inning


75 Saint Petersburg is in. Russia

51. The world's Country without permanenl

76. Kremlian is in: Russie
River: Saudl Arrbls 77. APTTA (Afghanistan and Pakistan Transit
Trade Agreement) is an: Agreement
52. EuropeanCommissionpresidentis:
UBula von dor Loycn 78. Famous Ocoee Lake in: Georgia
53. FATF was estabtished in: lg89 79. Ho Che Minh is the new name of: Saigon
54. Tolal Members ot Non-aligned Movement 80. McMahon Line is the demarcalion line
are: 120 between. the Tib€tan rggion of China
and the North-east region of india.
55. ILO is an: inlergovemmantrl otg or UN
agency 81. lt takes two to tango? Two parti$ to
stan dbpute
56. Amnesty lntemational is: l{on-
govemmental Organization 82. US-Arab Summit 2017 hetd in: Riyadh
57. Lake Okeechobee is in: Florida 83. Rotterdam is in Notherlands
58. Robert Mugabe was president of? U. Britishers called '1857 War as: [utiny
Zimbabwe 85. The sum of prime numbers less than 25
59. Nelson Mandela's book published in is
1994i Long Walk to Fr.edom

Advanced PPSC MCQS Nodel Paoerc 735



ln Microsofr Wndow 7, can gNe 1 1. Calculate the perimeler of a rhombus with

vou idormation about weffier each srde equal to 6cm?
[A) Wndow explorer (B) Gadg€ts (A) 18cm (B) 24cm
(C) File (D) Both A and B (C) 36cm (D) 48cm
12. lf the waqes of 6 men for 15 days are Rs
2 -
tryhen using computers s'hich of the following
involves rcducing lh€ el€cficity @nsumed or 2100. the-n find the wages of I men for '12
€nvironmental waste gEnerated? davs
(A) Green Computing rAi Rsj 24OO (B) Rs: 2520
(B) Cyclic Process ic) Rs: 23oo (o) RS 2750
(C) Molation 13. By sellino a fan for Rs. 475. a dealer loses
(D) Manufaduring 6%. To qel a garn ol 6%, he should sell the
3 tn a Word documer this doscribes the size' fan tor
weight, and spacing of a aharacler. (A) Rs. 575 (B) Rs.525
(A) Font (B) Points (c) Rs. (D) 498 75
(ci rypetace (D) TyPography 'l /t Akram thouoht of a number, added 7
4 ln MS Excel 2003, chart wizard term data mulliplied byi, took away 5 and divrded by 4
cateoories refers to: to grve an a'nswer of 7. What was lhe starttng
(A) -The data range thal supdy cnad data number?
(B) A horizontal axis (A) 2 (B) 3
tCi lhe organization of individual values with ic) r (D) 5
a darl's data series 15. A cube has a volume of B cubic meters if
(D) A diart Plot ar€a each side is doubled in length what will ils
Which ot the following is the lst$t version of new volume be in cubic meters?
(A) 16 (B) 32
MS Excal?
(A) Excelm16 (B) Excel 2007 ic) 4s (o) il
iC) ExcelXP (D) Excel 2017 16. A number is increased by 200lo and then
b Which of th€ tollowing is an example of decreased by 20%, the final value ol the
Databaso Managetnent Syslem? number;
(A) Adobe PhotoshoP (A) Ooes not change (B) Decreases by 20lo
(B) US Po er Poid iCi tncreases oy +6lo (D) oecreases by 4%
(C) MS Wonl 17. Find the odd one in the series: 835, 734. 842"
(D) ORACLE 761. 853, 981, s32
When you insarl a coflrment in a docrrm€nt' (A) 751 (B) 853
lhe comm€nt appears in a:
(B) g8i (D) 842
(A) New window (B) Balloon 18. Complete the proverb by filling in the blank
iC) Stcfy note i:on (D) Sidebar 'Faniiliarity breeds
I Speed of LasarJet Printer is measured in:
(A) Friendship (B) Enmty
(A) Characler Per second (C) Contempt- (D) -."
(B) Page per minute 19. Svnonvm of lmPlicate is:
(C) Line per minute (A) T6 insttoate (B) Explarn
(D) Character Per minute icl ro insuii (D) To rnvolve
S€lect the conec{ meaning of: 'To put one's 20 Choose the cortect Antonym: Obhvion
hand to dough.' (A) lnsensrbility (8, Disregard
(A) Take lnteresl in technicalwork (Cj Awareness (Dr lnditference
(B) To tale a difictrlt task
21. Svnonvm of Eradicale is:
iCi fo g€t entangled into unnecessary things tAt Eliminate (B) To forget
(D) To take up agricultural farming (o)
ici ro torgive Validate
10 . A man has some hens and cor6. lf th€ with best punctuatron
number of heads be 48 and the number of 22. Choose the statement
He is to tell the truth a fool.
feet equals 140, then ths number of h€ns will (A) He is to tell the truth, a tool
(A 22 B ) 23 iBi He ls to tell the truth: alool.
(c 24 o) 26 ic) xe ls, to tell the truth, a fool.
736 Advanced PPSC MCOS PaDers
(Dl He is: to tell the truth. a foo, (C)Pahistan (D) Afghanrsran
23 Complete the ldiom -Hell hath no fury like 37 The caprtal crty of Zrmbabwe rs
(A) Mutare (8) Harare
@g 7 woman scorned (C) Bulawayo (D) Kadoma
(B) A burned woman
(C) A woman forgotten 38. Whrch of the following nver is formed by the
iD) ADevrl s advocale confluence of Euphrates and Trgris?
(A) Jordon
24 Fill in the blank: The debate adJourned (B) Shatt-al-Arab
the followino week (C) Yarmouk
tA) W-rtn (E) ror (D) Khabur
(C) lnto (O) To
25 Complete the proverb: A rolling stone galhers
39. Thomas Jefferson was the
president of the United States.
(A) 1- {B) 2-
(C) moss
(B) dirt
(O) ctay
(c) 3'o ioi a'"
40. Formosa ls the old name of:
Choose the coflect meaning of "LlMplD". (A) Cambodia (B) Rhodesra
(A) Calm (8) Retaxed (C) Taiwan (D) Bangkok
{C) Clear (D) Opaque
41 The famous Mustrm hrstorian and thinker. lbn
27 John Logie Baird is known for his invention of: Khuldun, was born rn
(A) Mobile Phone (B) LaptoD (4) Morocco (B) Egypt
(C) Television (D) Radio (U) tunrsra (D) lraq
28 Metacarpal bones are located in which parl of 42. The tamous ltatian scientist Alessandro Votta
the human body? is renowned tor lnventino:
(A) Chest (B) Hands (A) Electflc 8attery 1B'1 Hydrogen Lamp
(C) Feet (D) Sku (C) BothA&B (D) N6ne of ttrese
29 Food is mainly digested in: 43. Petronas Tower is one of tallest building of the
(A) Large intestine (8) Sma[ intestine Wodd lt is situated in:
(C) Liver (D) Mouth (4) Shanghai (B) Kuala Lumpur .
30 A gene is a: (C) Jakarta (D) Rryadh
(A) Sleep inducing drug 44 .ln the First Revelation the Holy Verse of
(B) Unit of heredity Surah were cited:
(c) Kind of Vitamin (A) Yaseen (B) At-Fatrha
(D) Type of body cell (C) Al-Baqrah (D) Al-Ataq
31 Green house effeet is mainly caused by 45. Where rs the city of Aleppo tocated?
excess,of _ in lhe atm6sphere. (A) Turkey (B) Lebanon
(a) Carbonii6xid6- (C) Syaa (Ditraq
(B) Carbon monoxide
(C) Nrtrogen 46 Name lhe first writien constitutron of the
(D) Hydrogen sutfide world?
(A) Treaty of Hudaybrya
32 Which of the foltowing is a chemical reaction? (B) Mesaaq-e-Madrna
(Ar Rusting of iron (B) Tempering of iron (C) Khutaba-e-Hilja-tut Wida
rC) Bending of rron {D, Metting of-iron (D) None of these
33 Echoes are produced due to: 47. While migrating from Makkah to Madina the
(A) Reflection of sound Holy Prophet (PBUH) took refuge rn
(B) Refraction of sound (A) Thaur Cave {B) HirjCave
(C) Diffraction oI sound (C) Dar-e-Arqam iD) None of these
(D) Polarization of sound
48. About which act the Mus[ms shalt be asked
34 Gobr Desert is located rn frrst ol all on the Dav ol Judoment"
(A, Pakistan (8, Mongotra {A, Salaat (Namazi rB) Fishng rRozar
(C) lran (D) Kazalkhstan (C) HaX (D) Zakat
35 Which of the following districts of Baluchistan 49 The natron ofwas _
contains huge deposrts of CoDoer? ratn ot slones.
_ deslroyed by a
(A) Loratar (B) Sibi (A) Hazrat Loot (AS) (B) Hazrat Hood tAS)
(C) Khuzdar (D) Chagar (C) Hazrat Sal,h IAS) (D) None of ttrese
36. TaLrrus Mountains are a mountain complex 50 Which Angel rs appointed provrdrng for Food"
located rn; (A) Hazrat izrarl (AS )
- (Ai lran (B) Turkey (B) Hazrat lsrafeet (AS.)
AdyancadPPSC CQsllodel Papcrs 737

(C) Hazrat Meekail (A S ) (C) By Joint Session of the National

(D) Hazrat Gebnel (A.S.) Assemblv and Senate
(D) By two Hbuses of the Parliament and the
51. During drought. which Namaz is performed? four provincial Assemblies
(A) Salaat e Kisoof (B) Salaat e Khasoof
(C) Salaat al lstasqa (D) None of these 64. Name of the Prime Minister of lndia at the
time of the 1965 War:
52 Krtab:ul-Asar' was compiled by ' (A) lndira Gandhi
(A) lmam Abu Hanifa (B) lmam Shaafi (B) Lal Bahadur Shastrr
(C) lmam Mahk (D) lmam Hanbal (C) Morarli Oesai
53. A temple called the Sn Dalada Maligawa (O) Sanjay Gandhi
(Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic) claims to 65. Who was the author of the booklet "Causes of
have a tooth of Gautama Buddha. Where is the lndian Revolt" (Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-
thrs temple localed? Hind)?
(A) Thimphu. Bhutan (B) Kandy, Sri Lanka (A) Nawab Salimullah
(c) Lumbini. Nepal (D) Tibet, China (B) Newai, Mohsin-ul-Mulk
54. ln which country is the Taklamakan Desert (C) Viqar-ul-Mulk
situated? (D) Srr Syed Ahmad Khan
(A) Kazakhstan (B) China 66. Pakistan's Peace Keeping troops have served
(C) Morocco (O) Turkmenistan
under United Nations in
55. "Port Dickson" is a seaport of: (A) Congo (B) Haiti
(A) ltaly (B) Malaysia (C) Sierra Leone (D) All of these
(C) South Atrica (D) Norway 67. Pakistan China Boundary daspute was settled
56. Under the lndus Water Treaty the use of dunng the govemment of:
which riyers was allocated to Pakistan? (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(A) lndus, Jehlum. Sutlej (B) Feroz Khan Noon
(B) Jahtan, Chenab, Beas (C) Ayub Khan
(C) lndus Jehlum, Ravr (D) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
(D) lndus. Jehlum. Chenab 68. The first dry port in Pakistan was. built in
57. Picasso. a famous painter, sculptor. print Lahore in:
maker, and slage designer belonged to: (A) 1955 (B) 1949
(A) Germany (B) Canada (c) 1973 (D) 1979
(C) Spain (D) Norway 69. Who is the Chairman of the Pakistan Senate?
58. Yuan is the currency used in: (A) Aitezaz Ahsan
(A) China (B) Nonh Korea (B) Nayyar Bokhari
(C) Bhutan (D) lran (C) Raja Zefar-ul-Haq
(D) Muhammad Sadiq SanJranr
59. "Pedagogy" is a science of:
(A) Bodily disdases 70. Music of Pakistan's National Anthem was
(B) Stamp collecting composed by:
(C) Languages (A) Ahmed Ali Chagla
(D) Teachrng (B) Hatfiz Jailandri
(C) Rasheed Attre
60 Plutocracy rs a form of government run by:
(D) Khawala Khurshrd Anwar
(A) Technocrats
(B) Dictators 71. The Objectives Resolution was presented by:
(C) The Wealthy (A) Muhammad Ali Chaudhary
(D) Elected Representatives (B) Ch. Rehmat Ali
(C) Sardar Abdur Rab Nrshtar
6'1 Fill ln the blank: lf you find a srngle solutron
Ior two problems it is said that you have killed - (D) Lraquat Alr Khan
two with one stooe." 72 The Anjuman-r-Htmayat-r-lslam was founded
(A) Lions (B) Monkeys rn 1884 with the ObJectrve
(C) Rabbrts (D) Brrds (A) For social gathering among Muslams of
62 No person shall be depnved of llfe or llberty (B) To help Muslims to secure Govemment
save rn accordance wrth law", is provlded in
Article ' of the Constitution. (C)
ioencourage non-communal approach
(A) 8 (B) I
(C) 10 (D) None of these to provrncial Problems
(D) To detend lslam against the onslaughts of
63 The President under the 1973 Constilution is the missionarles and provide western
elected: education along with religious instructions
(A) By direct election
(B) By National Assembly
7t8 Ady.t cad PP.]SC naes l/.fdtr,t p.o.ts
73. Talks _b€tween Gendhi and euaid_e.Azam in 85. Headguarter of the lntemational Monetary
1944 tailed due to?
Fund is in:
(A) Opposition by the Khaksars' (A) Cape Town
(B) Opposition bi Red Shirls (8) Bedin
(C) Opposition bi the Ahrars (C) Washington D. C.
(O) The Two Nation Theory (D) Geneva
74. Th€ lamous book Asar-ul-sanadeed was 86. Do you know, unless we take aclion. our
wrifien by: oc€ans-w l @ntain more plastic than fish by?
(A) Syed Ahmed Baretvi (A) 2020 (Bi 2030
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Shah Waliullah
(c) 2040 (oi zoso
(O) Sheikh AhriEd Sirhindi 87. North A antc Treaty Organization was signed
on 4 April 1949, is a:
75. Under the 1973 Constitution s,ho can d€darB (A) Civil-militarvatliance
emergency? (B) p€ace beaty
(A) Presdent (C) Ar i-narcotic oroanization
(B) Prime Minister (D) military afliance-
(c) coAs
(D) Defence Committee of the Cabinet 88. Accord-ing to the GFp, lndia cunenfly spends
76. The First..Sikh War (184S-4E) was fought S51 billion on the mititary, which is niori than
what Pakistan does, mor'e bv:
between Sikhs and: (A) 5 time (B) d tirne
(A) Mustims (C) 7 time (O) e time
(B) French
(C) Dutch 89. F.alklands .islands were recaptured by the
(D) British East tndia Company Greal Britain in:
(A) 1980 (B) 1961
77. Which team won the test series held in UAE (c) 1982 (D) 19S3
between Sn Lanka and Fakistan in October
2017'.) 90. Five Star Movement is the teading potiticat
(A) pakistan (B) Sri Lanka party in the current general eleclions-hd|d in:
(C) Tied iD) None of ttrese (A) German (B) tratv
(C) Br ain ioi rrahce
78. Asran Games look place afrer every
(A) 2 years (B) 3 nears
(c) 4 yeam (oi s iero
9 ttr 7{+}r= 7 r1r "r!g,i /,f ;;, .st
79. Whicfi ptaying department
n?JioIEl champion in Vo oybalt garne?
of pakistan is ,{--ct{'jA,,i,f, 6l
(A) Pakistan WAPDA -rz>r,-t2s/ qg1
(B) Pakistan Armv
(C) Pakistan Raitiav tl c 4 L y,,r du, t v,/-l d,,C, tcl
(O) None ofth€se '
E0. Weight of Javelin thro of fernab is
tEs,tftleiL.z,t;lri lol
(4) loo
(C) 800
s0 (B) 600 s
iDi Non6oftrese
tx:tttc/,lrttt .92

81. Which one of the tollowing countries has tn:t,/1frV,:Ll

orrec{ accass to Black Sea?
(A) G€orogia (B) Hungary
(C) Stovakia (Di G.dce
82. H.ow many poinls are in badminton game? JtiD/ (a',t ,z& ,e Ol
(A) 11 (B) 21
(c) 31 ioi lr 2tt .$fcttg @l d,, G')
83. About 25 million ct ld maniages have been
prevented rn the past decade, reported in
(4) UNFP
March, 2018 bv;
.&i Ft jl ot
(c) UNFCR io) uNesco JP pt
84. Th€ Talks whir:h led to the Camp Oavid
dr ot
were hosted UV U{e - u.5 -( .-,
: L"/ a! ri {.;.t ^g 1C,( 94
(A) Barack Obama (B) G€ratd Ford
(C) Jimmy Carter (D) Ronatd Reagan
uvi)l t1t t1$j)(r 6'1 PPSC Pq.,, l?tg
,lCAs Yo6d

,e,,"(t (ol )i(t (cl t;./:tu{.'"i 1D1 v,tJ;f tCl

-- r, r! t0, L t v",,2, rrv. OV u/t Jl .gs -4 -€' t(8,u.,, - G J-'rt " .ge
t,nLhl {liivlOtt,& 6\
(B) ,.f Ol &1fi Ul c)t,', L e)W., dE (B)

-;, lol i, (C, q),iut1:Ldwi,it G,

?( ? (it t, $'1&dgt"
<-0, .96 fuiiutAiLE)w4burl (Dl

c-ty,-.:it,j ol |
?c) {16 J tc6 "VtZ ea(- $ ut .99

rl-cl, .po1t @) &,t,!i Fl i"o,,, Al

u(? lc) ',rt.,tt lot {,P ol
v/"<.-\c^ (ol :
a P(J r L " r;t,,,t 41"' . rcia
*E{ i?,1" .s7
?({tIk4,,,V $Atita (B) 6*/:-* 6l
u/,zVa @) f;t) (al dutJtr @t iolti'lr 1cy
Answer Key
1. b 14. c 27 c 40 c 53. b 66. d 79. a 92. b
2.a '15. d 28. b 41 a 54. b 67. c 80. b 93. a
3.a t6. d 29. b 42 a 55. b 68. c 81. a 94. b
4.b 17. d 30. b 43 b 56. d 69. d 82. b 95. b
5.a 18. c 31 a 14. d 57. c 70. a 83. b 96. d
6.d 19. d 32 a 45. c 5E. a 71. d 84. c 97. a
7.b 20. c 33 a 46. b 59. d 72. d 85. 98. a
8.b z',t. a 3.t b 47. a 60. c 73. d 86. d 99. a
9.b 22. 35 d ,|8. a 61. d 74. b 87. d 100. a
10. d 23. a 36 b 49. a 62. b 75. a 88. d
11. b 24. d 37 b 50. c 63. d 76. d 89. c
't2. b 25 c 38 b 51. c 64. b 77. b 90. b
13. b 26 39 c 52. a 65. d 79. c 91. d


He is knocking
(A) On
(B) Of
the door.
2. ll day before yesterday was Saturday then
4. The Earlh is the larg€st planet of
the Solar Syslem.
day after tomorrow will be;
(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday (A) Second (8) Third
(C) Thursday (D) Friday (C) Fourth (D) Fifth
3. ln MS Word 2007, which of the following is 5. The Colosseum and the Forum are right next
io each other in:
used to extend a seleciion one character to (A) Paris (8) London
the r€ht side?
(A) CTRL+RIGHT ARROW . (C) Boston (D) Rome
740 PPSC Model
6 A joystick is a(n) device 19 Which ot the following shoncut keys rs used to
(A) rnput -=]B) outout align the selected text to the left. rn MS Word,
(C) Storage (D) pro;essing (A) Ctr + C (B) Ctrt + R
7 Oata slored on a hard disk can also be saved (C) Ctrl + L (D) Att + L
on which of the followrno? 20 "Add Now Hardware option exist in
{A) CD t61 Magnetrc tape (A) Trtle bar (B) Status bar
(C) Floppy disk (D) Atr 6f rhese (C) Control Panel (D) Taskbar
L ln a Windows PC, Ctrl+y in Microsoft 21 Indra is burldrng the Krshanganga Hydropower
Powerpoint is the sltortcut for: Pro,ect rn Occupied Kashmir on ver .
(A) Redorng (A) ChenaO (B) Sutlet
(B) Undoing (C) Neelum (D) None of these
(C) Yosernite
(D) Yearwise anangement ln Wndows Operatrng System rs
known as a File Manaqer
9 Who was the 1st Governor General of (A) Wndows Explore;
Pakistan? (B) MS Word
(A) Liaqat Ali Khan (C) MS Excel
(8) Muhammad Ati Boora (D) Oevice Driver
(C) Za ul Haq
(D) M A Jinnah Birds are:
(A) Cold-blooded (B) Warm-btooded
10 An electronrc copy of data such as a Tile (C) Both A and B (D) None of these
viewed on a computer's display is called
(A) Soft copy (B) Gotd copy 24 Colosseum, an amphitheater was built an:
(C) Hard copy (D) premiu;-copy (A) Athens (8) Naples
(C) Rome (O) Mitan
'l 1. When was lhe first batfle fought by Muslims?
(A) BeJore Hijrat (Migratron i-o Medina) 25 C.L.l stands for:
(B) 1 A.H. (A) Communication Line ldentiication
(c) 2 A.H. (D) Call Line ldentification
(D) 3 A.H. (C) Caller's Line ldentitication
(D) Colben Line lnformation
12. Whrch amongst the fo owinq is the smallest
unit of storage? 26 3+3'3-3+3=?
(A) Bit (B) Nibbte (A) 18 (Bt .t2
(c) Byte (D) Megabyle (c) I io) o
13. Programmes written to make computers 27 Hydrophobia is € symptom of which of the
function rn a desired way are called: following diseases?
(A) Codes (6) lnstructrons (A) Malaria (B) Chotera
' (C) Hardware (D) Softrvare (C) Smallpox (D) Rabies
14 Which is the full form of Wi-Fi? 28 The murder of Archduke Ferdinand. the heir to
(A) Wireless Frdelity Austrian throne, became the immediate cause
(B) Wrred Frdelrty of which war:
(C) Wrreless Focus (A) World War I
(D) Wireless Field (B) Battle ot Borodino
'15. Which of the fo owing (C) Battle of Jutland
rs the key lo cloae a run (D) Wodd War ll
dralog box in wrndow?
(A) SHIFT (B) ESC 29 Find interest on Rs 40.000 at the rate of 3%
(c) TAB (o) F8 annually for 4 years investment:
(A) Rs. SOOO (B) Rs.47O0
16. SANA is News Agency of (c) Rs 4800 (D) Rs 4900
(A) Yemen (B) Chrna
(Ct Syna (O) U A.E 30 One way to open the Help menu quickty rs to
press thrs shortcul kev
17. Complele the series: 4. 9,.16, 25 (A) F6 -(8)
(A) 32 Bt 42 (c) F't2 (D)
(c) s5 (D) 36
31 What was the old name of plA?

18. Gandhi-Jinnah tatks were hetd in 1944 to (A) lndependenceAirwavs

discu_ss the C R Formula, prepared by. (B) Koiachr Arrwavs
(A) Rata Gopat Acharia (C) Onent Arrwavi
(B) V.P. Menon (D) Air Pakistan '
(C) Abu-al-Katam Azad
(D) Lord Wavall What rs the svnonvm of lntrinoe?
(A) Vrolate (B) O&v
(C) Cold storage (D) Edgijs
Aclvenced PPSC MCQs Model Papers 741
33. ln which of the following cities, lraqi Prime 45. The thin black cross-shaped pointor in MS
Minister Haidar al-Abadi declared vEtory over Excel is used to:
lSlS on July 10,2017? (A) Complete lists and fill Pattems
(A) Erbil (B) Basra (B) Move a group of cells
(C) Mosul (D) Baghdad (C) Resize
(D) Highlight duplicate cells
34. Change the voice (active to passive):- I had
hoped that thev would fix mv locker while I 46. ln Volley Ball how long does each player have
was away, but thev didn't to warm up the ball and themselves betore a
(A) I hoped that my locker would be fixed match (on the match court)?
while I was away bul it wasn't (A) 1 minute (B) 3 minutes
(B) I expected that they would fix my locker (C) 5 minutes (D) 2 minutes
while I was away but they didn't 47. Capital c[y of Albania is
(C) I had hoped thal my locker would be fixed (A) Tirana (B) Belgrade
while I was away. but it wasn t (C) Srebrenica (D) Pnstrna
(D) I hope my locker to be lixed while I am
away, but they haven t 48. Where was All lndia Mushm League founded
in 1906?
35. 'satpara Lake' rs in: (A) Dhaka (B) Allahabad
(A) Skardu (B) Gilgit (c) Delhi (D) Lucknow
(C) Hunza (O) Kaghan
49. ln computing, what does DOS stand for?
36. Funclion ol a is similar to that ol a (A) Data Only System
mouse. -- (B) Oisk Only System
(A) Joystick (B) Keyboard (C) Data Operating System
(C) Camera (D) Monitor (O) Dii! Operating System
37. Slide are the effects that 50. Spin Boldak is rn:
determine ow a slide moves in and out of the (A) lran (B) Russia
view in the Slideshow. (c) Afghanistan (D) Pakistan
(A) Animation (B) Transition
(C) Layout (O) Templates 51. ln MS Access, which of the following data type
allows alphanumeric characters and speclal
38. Find the average ot 516, 413,314? svmbols?
(A) 35/36 (B) 38/37 (A) Texl (8) Memo
(c) 1 (D) 6/5 (C) Auto number (D) None of these
39. 'Bala Hissar'(The elevated Fort) is situated at: 52. Columbus discovered:
(A) Ouetta (B) Peshawar (A) Australa (B) America
(C) Swat (O) Hyderabad (C) Asia (D) Africa
40. Microprocessors as switching devices are lor 53. The shortcut key to paste copied text is
which generation computers:
(A) First Generation (A) Ctrl + V (B) Ctrl + B
(B) Second Generation (c) ctd + o (D) ctrl + N
(C) Third Generation
(D) Fourth Generation 54. Simplity: (-20) + (-8) + ( 2) r 3
(A) I (B) -8
41. Chairman Mao was the charismatic and brutal (c) 6 (o\ 24
leader of Communist of:
(A) Thailand (B) China 55. ln E-mail address, name of the email s€rvice
(C) Burma (D) lndia provider comes after sign.
42. A motorcyclist travels 200 km in t hr. How
(A) & (B) @
many minutes it riould take him to ravel 120
(c) ' (D) #
km? 56. Which of the following is known as father of
(A) 72 minutes (B) 50 minutes lnternet: -
(C) 36 minutes (D) 24 minutes (A) Mark Stephen
(B) Vintcerf
43. ln a windows PC, the shortcut for mpying in
(C) Oenis Richerdson
Mrcrosoft word is: (O) Mark Cooper
(A) CTRL + A (B) CTRL + B
(c) CTRL + C (D) CTRL+V 57. Jacob Zuma is the President of:
(A) Ambabwe (B) Kenya
44. Who invented the QWERTY keyboard? C) South Africa (D) zambia
(A) Christopher Latham Sholes
(B) Georoe Ci.:lle 58 Gulliver's Travels" was written
(C) isaac llewton A) Jonathan Swift (B) H.C mstrong
(D) Kurt Keplan C) Pearl S. Buck (D) James Frazer
7& AdyraccdPP8C*roaldpgo.r!
59. Ifre &fault larEuage of MicrGoit Wo{d is: 71. Next Olympic Games in 2020 will be the
(A) USA Englislr _ Olympiad.
(B) UK Enslistr (A)32nd (B) 30th
(C) Canadian ErEfth (c) 35rh (D) 34th
(D) Australian Engtish
72. A type of malware often disguised as
60. tlow nnny month pri, to th€ Urh of Hazrat legitimate softrvare is
Muhammad (PBUH), Herar Abdu[dt tbne-.- (A) Trojan Horse (B) PDF
Abdul Mdlalib dbd? (C) Chrome (D) Safan
(A) Twomoohs (B) FouI morfi}s
(C) Six mdlths (D) EEtn months 73. A computer virus is:
(A) A Micro organism
61. The most abundant rnctal in the eatth's crwt (B) Electromagnetic rvaves entering
is: computer through a network
(A) Znc (B) Coppet (Q) A useful micro mmponent of a computer
(C) A,uminum (Oi trcn (D) A computer programme
62. Whidt ot the bllowing devicG i3 us€d lo sto(€ 74. Which of following is Not one of Excel's "what-
date p€.menon0y? ifl function?
(A) Hard (B) Printer (A) Goal seek
(C) Cactre (D) RAt (B) Solver
63. When croding a nGw table whict melhod can (C) Scenario manager
b€ us€d to chooEe felds from sfrrdard (D) Auto Outline
databrsB and tebl€8 75. ln'1942, Gandhi launched:
(A) Create tabl€ in derinn vbw (A) Non-ViolenceMovement
(E) creata table u3ire dizard (B) Quit lndia Movement
(C) Create tabb bv enterim dat (C) Anti British Movement
(D) Nmc of th6a- (O) Anti Khilafat Movement
Al. Fill in the blank with eppropriEt€ plepositon:
'__ 76. What PowerPoint feature will you use to appty
Th€ t noriEb haw beih ittng motion effects to different obtects of a shde?
bornbg in trains. (A) Slide Transition
(A) ofr (B) out (B) Slide Design
(C) up (D) w h (C) Animalion Obiects
65. The Famous Paki$ani criieter, Shahk, Afri'di
(O) Animation Scheme
made a world reco{d of fastest Hundred in just 77. ln- PowerPoint 2007, an orderly disptay of
(c) 3s
Bt zl
information using different media elemenis is
known as:
ioi gz (A) MultimediaPresentation
66. Mirosot Ercel aIe laballed as:
Rorvs in (B) Animation
(A) r, 2.3, etc (B) Al, A2, erc (C) Transition
(c) c, A B. c, etc (D) D,A., B', etc (D) Layout
67. ln the world of computsr Bcience what is 7E. Which one is a famous city of Australia?
LINUX? (A) Milan (B) Sydney'
(A) A malw,are (9) Osaka (o) si,ort
(B) An applkrtion ProEram 79. Saint Pelersburg is a famous city of:
(C) A fimware (A) UK (B) ltaly
(O) An op€rating System (C) Georgia (O) Russia
68. ln whidl trangnission mode is lha 80. ln Microsoft Windo\x 7, _ can grve
communication tDo-rvay with the cfiannel you information about we5iFEr
b€ang used by both connected devices (A) File
simultaneously? (B) Gadgets
(^) girlelex (B) Haf duptcx (C) Wndow explorer
(C) FUU duplex(D) R€^Be (D) Both A and B
69. thalamar Garden, Laho.e is an important 81. When you lnsert a comment in a document,
foature oarden. the comment appears in a:
1A1 Frencrr- iet bhin€E€ (A) New window
(C) English (D) Mngh€t (B) Sirebat
70. Synonym of Eradi{rate i8: (C) balloo.r
(4) Eliminate (B) To iorg€r (D) Sticky note icon
(C) To bIsivB toi Vatia*on 82. What feature will you use to apply motion
efiocls in between a slide exits and another
enters in PowerPoinl?
AdvrrcedPPscfG0sfo&rEar! 7/13
(A) Slide Transition 93. Jannal-ul-Baqi is situated in:
(B) Slide Oesign Taif
(A) (B) Madina
(C) Animation Objecls irakkah
(C) (D) Muzdalfa
(O) Animation Scheme 94. Who created the first gasoline Car?
83. _ is widely used for transmitting (A) Henry Ford (B) Karl Benz
streaming videos data on the intemel. (C) Enzo Fenari (D) None oflhese
(A) MP3 (B) AVr 95. Which of the following is consadered the
(c) wMA (D) wAV larycst archipelagic state of the World?
84. University of Karachiwas established in: (A) PhilippirEs (B) lndonesia
(A) 1948 (8) 1949 (C) Fiii (D) None ol th€se
T (c) 1e50 (D) 1s51
86. lt is cool _ May.
e.-.l,J /C6./ " 1a ot" .e6
(A) in
(C) on
(B) for
(D) with ,.lrrtF <q )v* ot
86. 'Chauburii' in Lahore was built by:
(A) Aurangzab Alamgir
,/Cut'1 Pl .it,-1-et (cl
(B) Shah Jahan
(C) Princes ZeFun-Nsa ,J e/.,,{ L ct' - ?i 4'' f i'f '!
Jfl at .s7
(O) Noor Jahan te-JC
E7. The Eattle of Uhad was fought in *hich Hijri
years? JSJI tsl t,'-fl (A')
(A) 3 Hiiri (B) 2 Hijri
(c) 4 Hiiri (O) None of these i,Zp. p1 {=/ Gt
88. Bolan Pasi is-bcated in wt ,l povince?
(A) Balucfiistan r7vg){lLl Ulj'- tt,j4 .sa
(B) lGyh€r Pukhtunkhwa
(C) Sindh tvcT):c7 Pl J;*.' (l
(D) Puni{rb
89. WV,F stand ,or: su,12fi 1oy ,J'V,l Ol
(A) Wom€n's WelfEre Fund
(B) Wodd Wildlife Fud 4 "wtrn in Roma do as the Romans do" .99
(C) Wom€n Wsthre Forum
(D) Women lirr€sting '4=*$'tt"t"
90. Sorti ng can be done by _. ;g L -/d r t, t./1j gE u 1A1
Alphabetical only
B Numerically only
c Date and time
,.fu'rl* @l
D All ot lhese ,liu,-hra p)
91. The most urban province of Pakistan is;
(A) Punjab (B) KPK
'PQ'siw Pt
(C) Sindh (D) Baluchislan
92. The longest mountain range (above the sea *t/fu "f 1 m
level) is:
(A) Himalayas & tet fi ot
(B) Kara Korum
(C) Rocky Mountains . fi <q ..Jb tcl
(O) Andes
Answer Key
1. d 10. 19. c 2g a 37. 46. 55 64. a
2. b 11. c 20. c 29 c 38. 47. a 56. b 65. d
3 12. a 21. 30 d 39. 48. a 57 c bb. a
4. d 13. d 22. a 31 c /tO. d 49. d 58. a 67. d
5. d 11. a 23. b 32. a 11. b 50. c 59. a 68. c
6. a 15. b 21. c 33 42. c 5't . 60. c 69. d
7 16. c 25. v. c 43. c 52. b 61. 70. a
8. a 17. d 26. 35. a 44. a 53. a 62. a 71
L d 18. a 27. d 36. a /15. . b 63 72. a
7u Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers
73. d 77. d 81 c 85 a b 93 b 97 b
74d78.b82.86b 90 d 94 b 98. c
75. b 79. d 83. b 87. a 91 95 b 99. b
76d80.b84.d88a 92 d 96 d 100 c



1 Pickout the serial numb€r of Surah Maryam in A) To strengthen an electr'lcal circuit
the 'l'14 Surahs of Hoty Ouran. B) Covert AC rnto OC
(A) 15 (B) 17 C) Convert DC into AC
(c) 19 lO) 21 D) Prevent damage due to unusually high
2. A computer cannot functron without:
10 A and B can together finish..a work 30 days
(A) Mic.osoft Office
(B) Operatang System They worked together for 20 days and then B
(C) lnternel Connection left afrer another 20 days A finrshed the
(D) Antivirus Protection remaining work. ln how many days A alone
can finish the work?
3 Which neighboring country of Pakistan as a (A) 40 (B) 50
land locked country? (c) 54 (D) 60
(A) Afghanistan (B) china
(C) lndia (D) lran 11 A library received an average of 510 visitors
every Sunday and on other days 240 What is
4. Which is the tull form of Wi-Fi? the average number of visttors in a month of
(A) Wireless Fidelily 30 days beginnrng with Sunday?
(B) Wired Fidelity (A) 280 (B) 285
(C) Wireless Focus
(D) Wireless Field
(c) 2e0 (D) 295
12. Which of the following is divisible by 12?
5. A computer virus is: (A) 4653 (B) 4818
(A) A Micro organism lcl 4404 (D) 4501
(B) Electromagnetic waves entering
computer through a network 13. lf a cube has 3 inches width. 3 inches length
(C) A useful micro component of a computer and inches height. what would be the volume
(D) A compuler programme (in cubic inches) of the cube,
(A) 9 cubic inches
6. Which of the following files have an mpg' (B) 15 cubic inches
extension? (C) 18 cubic inches
(A) Audio (B) tmage (D) 27 cubic inches
(C) Video (Oi rrasrr
14 30% of 100 rs equal to 3olo of_
7. CD is bn optical disk format that js used to (A) 3oo0 tar zoa-
(A) Pre-recorded text
(c) 1000 (D) 7s0
(B) Graphics 15. lf 35 labourers dig 805 cubic meters of earth
(C) Sound in 5 hrs. how much ol the earth will 30
(D) All of these labourers dig in 6 hrs?
14) Z26ml
- (B) 828mr
8. \which of the following keyboard shortcut is (c) mgmr (D) 928m1
used to reverse the last action in Microsofl a
Word? 16. Complete the series: 1, 2. 4. 7. 11. 16.
(A) Ctrl + Z (B) Ctrt + X
(C) Ctrl + Y (D) Ctrt + U (A) 20 (B) 24
(c) 22 (D) 26
9. A Fuse wire (Fuse) is used to:
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Parprs 7as
17. Find the correct indirect sentence: Shahid's Gerontology (0) None of these
brother said to him. Please wait for me." 29 Human heart compdses how many
(A) Shahid's brother asked him to walt for chambers?
him (A) 2 (B) 4
(B) Shahid's brother suggested him to walt (c) 6 (D) 8
for him
(C) Shahid's brother said to him to walt for 30 Which gas was commonly used in airships?
me (A) Nitrogen (B) Helium
(D) Shahid's brother requesled him to wait for (C) Hydrogen (D) Hydrogen sulphide
him 3'1 Solar eclipse occurs when:
18 Change from Active to Passive Voice: "She (A) Earth comes between Sun and Moon
was watchrng a film " (B) Moon is at nght angle to the Earth
tA) A frlm was berng watched by her (C) Moon comes between Sun and Earth
(B) A lilm is being watched by her (D) Sun comes between Moon and Earth
(C) A lllm will be watched by her 32 The lens in the human eye b:
(D) A film was watched by her (A) Convex Lens
19 Change the Voice ct the following sentence: "l (8) Concave Lens
will have finished that book." (C) Piano Concave Lens
(A) That book has been finished by me (D) None of these
(B) That book will be finished by me. 33 Blood cells are produced by in the
(C) That book,rvill have be€n finished by me human body.
(O) None of these (A) Liver (B) Eone-manow
20. A young police officer was chargod (C) Heart (D) Spleen
the task of transporling the 34 Which of the following is cohsidered the
pnsoners. largest archipelago of the World?
(A) For (B) By (A) Philippines (B) lndonesia
(C) ln (D) With (C) Virgin lslands (D) None ofthese
21 The synonym L'"Banish" is: 35 The Arch of Janus is situated in:
(A) Recall (B) Exile (A) Germany (B) ltaly
(D) Digest (D) Exonerate (C) Spain (D) France
22 Synonym of "Coagulate' is: ln which river of Pakislan are the endangered
(A) Collecl (B) Solidify speciea Blind Dolphins found?
(C) Melt (D) Mix (A) River lndus (B) River Ravi
Complete the ldiom with a pair of urords: "A (C) RiverJehlum (D) River Kabul
sleeping _ catches no _ 37 Which one is the capital city of Canada?
(A) B.rd: Worm (B) Dog: Cat
(A) Toronto (B) Ottawa
(C) Fox: Poultry (D) Hen: Chick (C) Vancouver (D) Regina
The idiom 'To bury the hatchet means: 38 The Lady Finger Peak is located in:
(A) To make peace (A) Nepal (B) China
(B) To make a foolish choice (C) Pakistan (o) lndia
(C) To make a wrong decisron
(D) To lose somethilg importent 39 Queen Elizabeth I was an inlluential Queen of:
(A) USA (B) UK
Fill in tha blank: lndustry has destroyed the (C) Spain (D) France
livelihood of many
(A) Artisans (B) Artists 40 Mustafa Kamal Alalurk was a famous
(C) Artiste (D) Soldiers reformer belongs to:
(A) Spain (F) Greece
The Synonym of 'Oiligent' is: (C) China (O) Turkey
(A) Hardworking (B) Witty
(C) Deliberate (D) Lazy 41 Who at present holds the ofiice of the Chief
Executive in the Afghan Government?
What is the average of all prime numbers (A) Ashraf Ghani
between 30 to 50? (B) Gulbuddin Hekmatvar
'A\ 37 (B) 37.8 (C) Abdullah Abdullah
ic) 39 (D) 39.E (O) None of these
Study of Spiders is called: 42 10 Downing Street is the official residence ot
(A) Arachnology (B) Serology (A) Queen of England
716 Advancd PPSC MCQs ltodel paoerc
(B) British Prime Minister Power Plants
(C) French President (B) They acquired part of ENGRo
(0) American President (C) They invested heavily in Shipbuilding
43. The Blue Mosque or the "Mosque of Sultan (D) They bought a major private bank
Adman" is located in: 55. Morocco and Spain are separated by:
(A) Tehran (B) tstanbut (A) Palk Strait (B) Skait ol Gibraltar
(C) Jeddah (D) Cairo (C) Red Sea (O) River Danube
44. What is the capitalol Kazakhstan? 56. Vrtreous Humor. Sclera and lris are parts of
' (f) Bishket (B) Atmary which human organ?
(C) Tashkent (O) Astana (A) Brain (B) Ear
45. What is full form of DSL in terms of (C) Liver (D) Eye
infomation technology? 57 When was Lahore High Court estabtished?
(A) Digital System Line (A) 1857 (B) 1892
Drgital Super Line (c) 1919 (D) 1906
Digital Subscrib€r Line
(D) Digital Speed Line
58. "Addis Ababa' is the capitat city of.
(A) Sudan (B) Somalia
46. Who was called Aadam-e-Sani (A.S)?
(A) Hazarat lbraheem (A.S )
(C) Kenya (D) Ethropia
(B) Hazrat Da'ood (A.S) 59. Asmara is the cap at of:
(C) Hazrat Nooh (A.S) (A) Eritrea
(D) Hazrat Moosa (A.S) (B) Ethiopia
(C) Equatorial Guinea
47. 1st Ashra of Ramzan is called: (D) Ecuador
(A) Ashra-e-Rehmat (8) Ashra-e-Maghfirat
(C) Ashra-e-Nrar (D) Uone of tneie 60. Wakhan Conidor, North of Pakistan, betongs
48. What is meant by Allah's attribute "At-Bari"? (A) Afghanistan (B) China
(A) The Generous (B) The Glorious (C) Taiikistan (D) None of rhese
(C) The Aware (O) The Maker
61. Name the architecl who desioned the Shah
49. Which Surah of Holy Quran throws tight on the Faisal Masjid, located in tslamatad;
Halal and Haraam df sacrifciat anim;s? (A) Vedat Dalokay (B) Mait Cakirhan
(A) Al Maeda (B) At tmran (C) Murat Suygenls (D) Kadir Topbas
(C) Al Namt (D) At Raad
62. Name the ancient site that was the forerunner
50. Which is the second pi ar of lstam? of the lndus Civilization?
(A) Zakat (B) Satat (A) Makli (B) Kot Drji
(C) Ha, (D) Jihad (C) Kotla (D) Pharwala
5'1. The literal meanings of the wod "Zakal" arc. 63. Who was the first woman to be appointed as
(A) To pay levis/taxes to the oovemment Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the
(B) To grow or prosper UN, New York?
(C) To assess and recover compulsory leyy (A) Begum Raana Liaqat Ali Khan
on all the citizen own (B) Ms. Tehmina Janjua
(D) To give alms to the poor (C) Begum Shaista lkramullan
52. She was alive at the traaic incident of (D) Ms Maleeha Lodhi
Karabala: 64. The firsl SAARC summit was held at?
(A) Hazrat Ayeshe (RA) (A) New Delhi (B) Dhaka
(B) Hazral Hafsa (RA) (C) lslamabad (D) Nepal
(C) Hazrat Mamoona (RA)
(D) Hazrat Umme-e-Satma (RA) 65. Tashkent Pacl was signed by Ayub Khan an
Shastri on:
53. What is the shortcut key for page break in MS (A) 'l oh Januarv 1966
Word? iai a'n Lutv t gz'z
(A) CTRL + Enter (B) Shift + Enter ici s'n aoir rgaa
(C) Space + Enter (D) None of these (oi t+h Aususr t ssz
54. For the Financiat Year 2016 - 20,17, 66. According to the Police Order 2002, the h
Netherlands emerged as the second biggest of Police in a District is:
investor in Pakistan in terms of FDl. Whaitas (A) Superintendent of Police
the main reason for that? (B) Senior Superinlendent or Police
(A) Netherlands invested heavity in Wind (C) District Polic€ Officer
Atranced PPSC MCqs itodet Paqers 711

(D) Coordinating Police Oflicer 77. Who was the first Pakistani boxer to win WBC
Silver Flyweight Championship in 2016?
67. The Line of Control came into existence:
(A) Amk Khan
(A) 1949 (B) 1957
(B) Muhammad Waseem
(c) 1971 (D) 1972 (C) lmran Khan
68 FIR stands for: (D) Abrar Hussain
(A) First lnvestigation Report 76. Which of the fotlowing is not an Olympic
(B) First lnformation Report Sport?
(C) Frrst lnformation Record (A) Squash (B) Badminton
(D) First lnformers Report (C) WresUing (D) Fencrng
69 The Water dispute between Pakistan and
79 Ryder Cup is the biggest tournament of which
lndia 'rvas ended by signing of which treaty?
of the following sports?
{A) lndus Basrn Treaty 1965 (A) Polo (B) Golt
(B) lndus Water Treaty 1960 (C) Badminton (D) Table Tennis
(c) lndus Basin Treaty 1960
(D) lndus Water Treaty 1965 80. Sharmeen Obatd Chinoy is famous for:
(A) Cooking
70. Which Article oI the Constitution requires that (B) Oocumentary filrfts
any person arrested shall be produced betore (c) cricket
a magrstrate within 24 hours of the arrest? (D) English wnting
(A) Article 9(a) (B) Article 10(2)
(C) Article 11 (D) Article 12 8'1. A sport in which two competitors Ught using
"rapier-style' swords, winning points by
71. The mausoleum of Khawaia Moinuddin Chisti making contact with their opponent is called:
is located in:
(A) Amer (B) Baghdad (A) Equestnan (B) Fencrng
(C) Canoe-slalom (D) Triathlon
(C) Multan (D) Pakpatian
82. ln the 16th century Argentina was colonized
72. After its establishment in'1884, who became by:
the first President of Anjuman-i-Himayat-e-
{A) Germany (B) SPain
lslam? (C) Eritain (D) France
(A) Qaza Hanif-ud-Oin
(B) Qazi Harneed-ud-Din 83. Danish War was fought in:
(C) Molvi Faiz-ud-Din (A) 1870 (B) 1E64
(D) Qazi Tabrez-ud-Din (ct 1872 (D) 1860
73. How many Round Table Conferences were 84. The equity of health. human capital,
atlended by Allama lqbal? environmental quality, social protection and
(A) 1 (B) 2 food security are the contents covered under
(C) 3 (D) None of these lhe concept ol:
(A) lnclusive GroMh
74. M.A.O College Aligarh started by Sir Syed (B) UN Human Rights
Ahmad Khan in 1877 had a clear programme: (c) GDP
(A) To keep the Muslim community abreasl (O) Aggregate Factor Inputs
with Western knowledge
(B) To make Muslim learn Arabic and Persian 85. A man who blew himself after throwing
onlY grenade at U.S. Embassy in the capital of
(C) To give students military education Montenegro on Feb. 23, 2018 was reviling:
(D) To educate Muslim youth to be politically (A) UNO (B) Warsaw Pacl
active (c) SAARC (D) NATO
75. Who was the last ruler of the Lodhi Oynasty in 86. World Health Organization headquarter is in:
the sub-continent? (A) Paris (B) Geneva
(A) lbrahim Lodhi (C) Washington (D) Buenos Aires
(B) Bahalol Lodhi 87. As a part of the Treaty of Versailles that
(C) Sikander Lodhi ended World War I the ILO was created in:
(D) Alauddin Lodhi (A) 1919 (B) 1920
76. Which one of the following Muslim leader was (c) 1921 (o) 1922
not in the faYor of Two Nation Theory? 88. Headquarter of the World Trade Organization
(A) Allama lqbal is in;
(B) Maulana AMul Kalam Azad (A) Geneva (B) Zunch
(C) Quaid-e-Azam (C) Canton ofvaud (D) London
(D) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
718 A PPSC MCAs Paoers
89. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in
'1932 by: l^i,,t+,?,vttuO, @1"
(A) Muhammad Bin Saud
(B) Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz .t c-t/-"U.(-ng \):r
..urrl!.i}f' .95
(C) Fahd bin Abdul Aziz
(D) None of these w-tl(Qtr 1B'1 t*L!(t,tr (A\
90. On US and British move against Pakislan's so
called ,ailure lo block financing terrorists, the ,.lJ/-,ittt tol t;x-.-)LLr Gl
Financial Acton Task Force in its meeting
held in February this year has decided: t
1{)1,(e--,tv jrt,v;t{ .oo
(A) not to declare it guilty
(B) to give it exemption tll tl/,+,/ @t
(C) to reconsider the matter later
(D) to declare it guilty woq P) w.jit? Pl
u:{yri,F,rfu}iLfi .st t._{r?rJ;,!.,gi.,, st
$'rel . ;i;? p'y

f, ral SiJ,r7 6y
/lt (D) 4,, G) 1ie- (DJ i;; tct
'.11Jb(;r,zrrt€ "wf r jv" .SZ : c=a)h. (i r, z-c,,V "v.ig.)y" .se
r9qd-.!;(B) t::tt+; (Al c,i.-a{py v,r,,J{j,L Ol
vt,rjE(;v @l cv,-Ei G) cfio8 lol utfi'l$ (c)

| ; Ln c-/ { J!.sonnet),.t_v
l' -ip gs r.-;l O ;,!,-/ - ct\tts,, .gg

z-/ut! (B\t t-/J' (Al cfu,i' pt ti! z ot

t-/)r (ol t-/ctf, (Cl )vttvll.r to\ ua,re/ G)
r1 e.,nPvs{e-y'-gt .u a.a,fi1r Jy' etz j9rq..t00

(nJL)t (Al
=vtv(ri orldja @
tuJ,t=v{6i py qfv(tz 1o1 ,Jogv, 1cy
-V_vuvgi 1c1
Answer Key
1. 14 c 27. d 40 d a 66 79. b 92. b
2. b 15 b 28. a 41 c b 67. d 80. b 93. c
3. a 16 c 29. b 42 b 55 b 68 b 8t. b 94. d
4. a 17 d 30. c 43 b 56 d 69 b 82. b 95. b
d 18 a 31. c 44 d 57 c 70 b 83. b 96. a
6. c 19 32. a 45 c 58 d 71 a u. b 97. a
7. d 20 d 33. b 46 c 59 a 72 b 85. d 98. d
34. b 47 a 60 a 73 b 86. b 99. d
35. b 48, d 61 a 74 a 87. a 100. b
10 d 23 c Jb. a 49. a 62 b 75 a 88. a
1'l b 24 a 37. b 50. b 63 d 76 b 89. a
't2 c 25 a 38. c 5't. b 64 b b 90. c
13 26 a 39. b 52. d 65 a 78 91.
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model PaDers 749


1. An electronic path thal sends signals from one 11 . The Chairman of Boundary Commission ol the
oan of the comPuter to another is a: Puntab & Bengal was
-Mountbatten _--
(B) Auchrnleck
iA) Logic gate (B) Modem (A)
iC) aui (0) serial Port iCi Cracey (O) None of thes€
2. Which citv is known as city ol canals? 12. Under which amendment of the 1973
(A) Veniie (B) Rome Constitution, the Obiectives Resoluton was
(C) Paris (D) HaYana made a substantiYe part of the Constitution?
(A) Sixth (B) E€hth
3. Guantenamo Bay. an American Naval Base is iC) rurnttr (o) Tenth
(A) Cuba (B) Mexico 13. GrouD CaDtain Cecil Chaudhry was alarded
(C1 ru*ey (D) Arghanistan Srtari-e-Jurat for his acts of volour rn '1965
war. After retirement he remalned principal of
4. Choose the answer which b€st explains the which famous school?
meanim of the underlined word in ttle (A) Lawrence College. Ghora Gali
senten;: There is a cavitv in ono of your tront (Bi Salnt anthony s School Lahore
teeth. (C) Cathedral School. Lahore
(A) afilinq (B) a hole
iDi Bum Hall School, Abbottabad
ic) d€cai (D) bod
14. Complete the numb€r series: 4'9.'13,22,35,
5. When was the Unionist Party iounded in
(A)'1923 (B) 1924 iAtil
(c) as
(B) 70
(D) 75
(c) 1934 (D) 1937
'15. Surah Anral in Ouran'e-Karim is immedialely
6. Which country is lhe arnent FIFA Football oreceded bv:
World Champion? iat Surah Al-Arat (Bi Surah Tauba
(A) Brazil (B) Germany
iCi Suratr vunus (o) Surah Nur
(C) Spain (O) France
16. The famous movie "Slumdog Millionaire'is
7. Which Mceroy's tenure was the shortest in the based on the book O and A. Who is the
lndo-Pak SutrContinent? author of this book?
(A) Lord Mountbatten (A) Sashi Tharoor (B) Hanif Kureishy
(B) Lord Lylton ic) Vitas SwaruP (D) Bapsi Srdhwa
(C) Lord Wavell
(D) Lord Minto '17. 30% of 100 is equalto 3% of

(A) 3000 (B) 2000
Complete the idiom: "Don't ,udge a book by ic) looo (D) 7so
(A) readinq it (B) its cover 18. Choose lhe correct word: 'The prisoner was
(C) its size (D) its colour sent to the
(A) (B) gaol
9. Find out the conecl Passave Voice sentence:
"People say that democracy is a better form of
(C) (D) gait
Govemmert.' 19. Fill in the blank: The debate adjourned
followng week
ift-Witr -
(A) Democracy is a better form o, the
Govemment Deople said (B) For
(B) According to people democracy was a (C) lnlo (D) To
bener form of Govemmenl 20. What is the meaning of the idrom / proverb
(C) Democaacy is said to be a better form of -To spill the beans."
Govemment. (A) To reveal secret information
(D) Democjacy is a better form of (B) To misbehave
Govemment (C) To keep secrets
10. 'Gasfiic juice' is-a secretion of lhe glands (o) To talk inelevant
present in ihe: 2't . Who is the current President of Cuba?
iet Gatt Btadaer (B) Kidneys (A) Fidelcastro (B) Hugo Chavez
ic) Stomach (D) None of these (Ci Raul Castro (D) None of these
lfi Advenced PPSC MCes lrodel paoeg
22 Fill tn the biank: tt is aMut to be aff,icted 35.. FAO (Food and Agncutture Organrzalron) of
(A) For
a sense of infenofltv.
(B) W ti
the United Nalrons has rts Headquarters in:
(A) Rome. ltaly
(c) rn iol ro (B) New York, USA
23 Or AMul Qadeer Khan did his ph.D from (C) Geneva. Switzedand
Leuven University of (D) Vienna. Austria
(A) Gerrnany (B) Hol and 36. Natronal Pohce Academy rs located at
(C) Belgium (D) Austria (A) Lahore (B) Karachr
24. Two Pakistani test Cricketers have got out on (C) lslamabad (Di Peshawar
199 runs. One of them was younus khan whc 39. The major language for World Wide Web is
was the otheP
(A) Hanif Muhammad InTTMf .(B) Jeuery
(B) Ma,id Khan (C) JSP (Di Java
(C) Javed Miandad
(D) Mudassar Nazar 40. Who was the first Govemor of State Bank of
25. Whrch Prophet coutd tatk to the birds? (A) Zahid Hussain
(A) Hezrat lsmarl (A.S) (B) Mahbubur Rashd
(B) Hazrat Yaqub (A.S) (C) N M Uquali
(C) Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S) (D) Shujaat Hasnie
(O) Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)
41. Chaudhry Rehmat Ati who coined the name
26. Yuan is the cunencv used in: 'Pakistan" died in 1951. Which potitrcat
(A) China (B) North Korea position did he hold rn the government ot
(C) Bhutan (D) tran Liaqat Ali Khan?
27. Nagorno Karabakh region is recognised as (A) Minrster of Refugees Set ement
part of. (B) Minister of Finance
(f) Georgia (B) Turkey (C) Minister of Communications
(C) AzerbaUan (D) tran (D) He held no political position
28. "Menna" rs the Capitat of: 42. He was accused _ theft:
(A) Denmark (B) Australia (A) on (B) in
(C) Austria (D) Canada (C) about (D) of
29. Ms. Tansu Cilter was the first female prime 43. "Zulu" is a prominent tribe of:
Minister of: (A) East Malaysia
(A) Yugoslavia (B) Zambia
(B) Albania (C) Congo
(C) Turkey (O) South Africa
(O) Bosnia Hezegovina zl4. What is lhe average of a prime numbers
30. The firsl regular session of the Ait India between 30 to 50?
Mushm League was held at: (A) 37 (B) 37.8
(A) Oacca (B) Atioarh (c) 39 (D) 39.8
(C) Karachi iOl t-a6o.e 45. Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the welltor:
31. Which of the fo owing is a chemical reaclion? ({) 5 days (B) lodays
(A) Rusting of iron (C) 3 days /D) 15days
(B) Tempering of iron 46. The maior component of honev is;
(C) Bendrng of rron (A) Glucose (Bt Suirose
(D) Melting of rron (C) Maltose (D) Fructose
32. Sidhnai Headworks has been construcled on 47 What is the meanrng ot the idiom/proverb ,To
r,ver: smell a rat"
(A) Chenab (B) Ravr (A) To detect bad smett
(C) Jhelum (D) SufleJ (B) To misunderstand
33. ln whal year did Kargit Conflict take ptace (C) To suspect a trick or deteci
belween lndia and Pakistan? (D) To see hidden
(A) 1998 (B) 1999 48. What is the meaning of the idom/proverb '
(c) 2000 (D) 200r chip off the old clock'.
34 The synonym of "lmbecile" is: (A) A piece of wood
(A) Cunnrng (B) Miser (B) An otd friend
(C) lmportanl (D) ldrotrc (C) Having characteflshcs of one s ancestors
(D) A good bargarn
Adv anced sc 751

" The '1970 elections in Pakistanis were
49. Which one of the following is the oldest ictreduled to be held rn oclober but
Banage on lndus River? "ilJin"ir,
io #-postpon"o to oecember' what was
(A) Guddu Banage iii
iBt Sukkur Barrage it. r'"ason to, it is Postponement?
rAl Sir ooint of Sherkh Mujrb
Gtrutam Mutrammad Banage ,Hi ni"G;n Lahore. Karachr and Rawalprndi
(D) Taunsa Barrage i6i riirr,no oiwest pakrstarns by Mukti Banini
-- -lmerica -
50. Union Jack is the flag of
(B) un(ed Kingdom
iOi rtoois ano Cyclone rn East Pakrstan
iai * :iiir--it
62. Find out the correct Passive Vorce sentence:
(ci canaoa (D) France
o"eo the vrsitors the historical
51: The major segment of Seraiki' speaking monuments ol Lahore".
populalion lives in: iar' ihe visiors witl be shown the htstorical
(A) Punjab monuments ol Lahore
aB) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(C) Azad Kashmir ' iiii
rel visiiors *ere shown the hrstoncal
monuments of Lahore
(O) Sindh (C) The historical monuments had been
shown to the vls(ors.
52. To create table ol columns and rows lor
-- i6tisiic"i-o. mathematical calculations using rol itrl'vrsiiors would be shown the historical
' monuments of Lahore'
io-reialt eel wni* sofrware is used?
iAr excet (B) word Pad 63 When did lndia conduct its first nuclear test?
iCi Wora Perfecr (D) Corel DreYY (A) '1970 (B) 1974
53. The longest tiver of China is: iCi rszo (D) leeg
lA) Huano ho (B) YangEo
- When
64. did lhe Union of Soviet Socialist
tdi uerois (D) Pead ilorUric" ceased to exist as an entity?
in' rsas (B) 1990
54. "To make amend for" means:
To make every Possible efiort tdi tsst (o) 1ee2

iBl To comPensate for damage 65. President Mamnoon Hussain was bom in:
iC) ro urind cnange in something lA| Karachi. Pakistan
(D) None ot these igi onara, Bangladesh
55. Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the
-- iimi oi- its rgoining of Commonweallh in tci nsra, British lndia
(O) Lahore. Pakistan
1989? 66. Svnonvm of "lmdicate" rs
(A) Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharit {^l instioate
T6 (B) Explarn
(B) Shahukat Aziz
(C) Benazir Bhutlo
tdi ro insufr (o) To involYe
-' On sellinq 17 balls at Rs 720' there is a loss
Malik Meraj Khalid
eqrai roine cost price of 5 balls' The cost
56. Vvhat is the synonym of 'Abase"? orice of a ball is:
(A) white s base (B) Basic int ls (B) 50
ici oegrade (D) Abet ict os (o) 60

57. ln the second Constituent Assembly elected rn 68. Which river is flowing under the "Westminster
isis. the Muslim League formed a coalition Bridoe"?
Govemment with: iat Severn (B) Trent
tA) united Front (B) Noon Group idi uersey (o) Thames
ici lndependents (D) None of these packages
69. lf 100 KE of meat is divrded intopackages oJ
58. A device which encodes characters by the 4/7 kg e,ch. the total number ol wrrr
deDression of keys is knows as: be:
iAi I orlnter (B) Keyboard {A} 125 (B) 175
ici [,t6use (D) Hard device icl too (D) 1so
59. Which of the lollowing Vitamins maintains 70
'- Ounnq New Year celebratons for 2017 at a
normal clottrng of blood? Ji[ Sgoeoore were krlled in a lerrorrst attack'
tAt Mtamin A (B) Mtamrn c in*t ictt'citv did trre attack take place?
ici vitamln o (o) vitamin K IAI Paris (B) Nairobi
(o) lstanbul
i0. ljma maans: tci .taxatta
(A) Consensus 71. which country has the maximum number of
(81 Reasoning bY analogy Nobel Prize winners?
(C) lllustrious witers lA) Russia (B) Germany
(D) Collection oI ideas iCj Engtano (D) UsA
flz A.b.rE d ttp9o nacs nodet papers

" lllltiir::i*,ffil8?,s r,,,,I,

.*,,, (C) December 19.19 (D) October 1918
I year
(u, yearc
(B) 2 vears 83 ltto w9s pakrstan,s trrst permanent
(O) I iears x.epresentatrve to the Unrled Nalions?
,3 tlr) 5rr Zararullah Khan
l*:S*qq r:ises the
the price of a cycte by s
marker price and. cnardes
(B) Patras Bukhafl
?:q,a^lT* tC) MAMtsoahanr
li-!€f:1 saves sates tax on the marlet (D) Begum Feroz Khan Noon
Hffi ,ff ,il'ffi[ "d,"i [T: [,""",&trlJa; 8a credits orgrnaled from
wnrcn ot the followrno ?

[3i1333 Eii3BB
(ts) _Earth
Summrt. dio do Janeiro
Kyoto Protocol
74. "Addsrbaba. i" * (C) Montreal protocot
(O) Conference ot
(u, t$nya ?i.!g;f;
(O) Ebhiopia 85. The Square root of 729 rsl
(A) 33 tBt 27
^ I$",li r"l."frf;:ff 81,"1i",ff !^T:L,lk (c) 37 ioi ae
86. How many limes has the word "eui"
(A) Pakisten Acaderny of Lc{teE been

repeated rn the Holv Ouran?
(ts) patdstan Acaderni of titerature

i; j El"#s,f iffiro'Jltiy.f,.." lel [Bl li?:;Xfli'f

87 Which,ot. the. foflowrng metats rs not
76. 'Umm-ul-Masakeen. was the lifle given magnelrc but also radioactrve?
which of propt .-
(A) Aluminrum tB) lron
lA, hazrat Sauda (R A)
et,s tpreuij ,iveii (C) Ptatinum (Oj firorium
(B) Hazat Khadiia(R i)
(C; Hazrat Zaina'b Eiinteiehash (R.A) 88. W'trat was the name given to India.s partition
(O) Hazrat Zainab binte Khuzarm.a (Rln) (A) June 3rd ptan
Z itr--yIl that conrrots a parrs and
(B) Cabinet Mission ptan
components of a comouter is: (C) lndependence Act
[3]:1, [B] 3:,1,",
78. Choos€ th€ conacl meaning of idiom. ..puuset
(D, Radctiff Award
89. Alzhetmels disease
(A) Krdnev farlure
ls characlenzed by:
th€ cat among the p€eons..: (B) Neurodeoeneration
(A) I,o say or do something that makes a lot (C) Bone denarty reductron
or peode anorv (D) Liver cirrhosis
(B) To f,afier the-bass with unnecessary
90 Presedential form of government in pakrstan
(C) To be afrard of darkness w€s rntrotuc€d under the Consttution
(D) To b€at the weak (8) 1958 (8, 1962
(c) 1973 (D) Aclof
,9 !!,:! of the fo owing drstncts ot Batuchrstan 1935
contarns huge depos s of Copper?
(4, L_oralar (B) Srbi -J:- u 9_: _. va ,; a.'-., 91
(u, (O) Chaghr j;r (B)
^huzflaris atso known
80. Whicf'
v.-r:--,; (A)
.fr.9Otr9r by rhe tfle as (D)
Khaleet-U ah? w!r;,rl:r,
(A) Hazrat Muss (A S) -rr (C)
(B) Hazrat tdrees (A.St ,,,;-_> i;,: i_,r: ; :, i
(C) Hazral toratrrni ra Sr 92
(D) ttone of these - _51_i
8.1. Name the prayer in which there ls -7! ;; .:t ; i _,";1=,
no chanoc
rn rae Hakaats in cast of Oasr?
z.'=- ".,r;, i;
[3] '"HT [3illlgl;'"*
82. When did the Jallianwala Bagh incident
| <-:t
(B) <__)rt,: (A)
7t _.,

;--:tr,r-- / tO)
(A) Aprit 19.19 (B) June 1920
Aclvanced PPSC t CQs i|tode, Papers 753
<= :,t /' +t /{,-r " l,j-'r" .93 ,s_,r,, lD) -iL.
j..' lc\
j,,:tz'. lgl j;Gr'; 6) .:;ii'tz(*Jf'E; s7
j-;-''J7 tot c.a-'A G) ,12, (Bl iu (e)

ti .-L' ,:--.,: L ldiom "Pros and cons" .94 ,,;,: (D) (c)
-{ t'v':='v' -' ''.t,.'r .: )i.nj ?
..-' .'* >v gB

L:-i pl -'liv lA) ,rt;,i (Bt j," (e)

/i-rt',jrr 1e1 Si;{ pl ,fl.,i6i @) i,*)Ot (c)
r!. (;,. <-_r, rg ";-ig,l'. .95 t ;,- j' ; i J-/' .ss
t.i,>;V (A) t);;,,tF (q vi'.:r' (A){ pt t)'tU.Lt) (o) t'!c,', tcl

c,l:v.t,,/ tcl {
r i i +P pf r' " i-,," ;t ;u, too
vi i> $ r-Ul 3 t; {,t.;t (o)
aof /i
@ 4tl/o$ (Al
r,ni{{ ( "'Lv)t\ttLbL'!{NY." .%
u!,J-yqlt* 1o1 r.r)f /,1 (c\
Fi,J (B) .4ri,,7 (A)

Answer Key
1. c 14. a 27. c 4',1. d 54. b 67. d 80. c 93. a
2.a '15. a 28. c 42. d 55. 68. d 81. b 94. d
3.a 16. 29. c 43. d 56. c 69. b 82. a 95. b
4.c 17. c 30. c 44. d 57. a 70. d 83, b 96. c
5.a 'tE. b 31. a 45. c 58. b 71. d u. b 97. b
6.b 't
9. d 32. b 46. d 59. d 72. b 85. b 98. d
7. a 20. a JJ. b 47. 60. a 73. a 86. b 99. b
8.b c v. d 48. c 61. d 74. d 87. d 100 b
22. b 35 a 49 b 62. b 75.
c 23. c 36 c s0. b 63. b
11. d 24. d a 51. a u. 77. b 90. b
12. c 25. a at. a 65. c 78. a 91. b
'13. b 20. a 40. a b 66. d 79. d 92. c



1. Who is the President of Egypt? 1 1. Computer Nett ,ork is:
(A) Mohammad Al-Hus$in (A) Collecibn of hardrvare compon€nts and
(B) Hosni Mubarak computeIs
(C) Basharal-Asad (B) lnlerconnecied by communication
(D) Abdel Fatteh el-Sisi channels
2. When did the British retum Hong Kong to (C) Sharing of resources and infomation
(D) All of thes6
(A) 2000 (B) 1997 12. Al Xhawarzri, the great Muslim ganius. is
(c) 1999 (o) 1980 best known for his wort in the field of:
3. Find the relationship: "Zoo is to Animals as Physics
(4) (B) Chemistry
Aquarium is to: Algebra
(C) (D) Poetry
(A) Birds (B) Altgators 13. Whicfi of the following B a dat6
(C) Buttertlies (D) Fish @rnmunication system within a building of
4. Creation of exacl copy of a single gene, cell or bdween nearby building?
(A) Local Area Network (LAN)
organism is called?
(A) Osmosrs (B) Reproduction (B) Metrcpdlibn Area Network (MAN)
(C) Hybridization (O) Clonrng (G) Wide Arca Network (WAN)
(D) None of these
5. Babar Azam is famous in the lleld of:
(A) Journalism (B) Singing 14. Lsap years are years with:
(A) An extra day (B) Trc sxtra days
(C) Films (D) Cricker
(C) Trc blue moons (D) None ofthese
6. Which of the following is a term used for the
process of transfening documents and 15. tryto wrote lhe famous book ?hya-+,Uhom-
graphics from your computer to a server on
the intemet? (A) Allama Tabrazi (B) lbn-e.Turabi
(4) Downloading (B) Social networking
(C) Al-lshaq Kindi (D) Al Ghazali
(C) Uploadrng (D) Blogging 16. Where was the cer re of Falimid Caliphate
7. SAARC was established in: first locsted?
(A) 1985 (B) 1984 (A)
(B) Pabstine
(c) 1992 (D) 1980 (C) (D) Morocco
8. Burhan Wani was a: 17. Choose the conecl analogy from the options
Journalist (B) Lawyer
(A) 'Pride is to lion as shoal is to'
(C) (O) Mujahid (A)
(C) Sefrespecl
(B) Stud€nt
(D) Fish
9. Where is the city of Aleppo located? 18. lf a machine makes 3 .yards of cloth in
(A) Turkey (B) Lebanon
(C) Syria (D) lraq minutes, how many yards of doth will th
machine make in 50 mtnutes?
10. Choose the correct analogy from the options: (A) 65 yards (B) 55 yards
"Odomeler is to mileage as compass ls lo"
(A) Speed (B)
(C) 85 yards (D) 75 yards
(C) Needle (O) Direction 19. Nobel Peace Prize for 2016 has beer
awanded to:
PPSC [tCQs ilodel Papers 755

A)Presrdent Manuel Santos of Columbia B Coaxial Cable

B)Ooctors without Borders Twisted Pair
C)President Vincente Fox D Underground Cable
(D) Ms Oprah winfrey ot USA 31. Ms. Arfa Kareem is famous in the field of:
20. The last Census of Pakistan was held in: (A) Swimming
(A, 200'1 (B) 1999 (B) Computer Prodigy
(c) 1989 (D) 1998 (C) Hockey
(D) Healthcare
21. Who was the ruler of state of Jammu and 32. What is lreland's currency called?
Kashmir in 1947?
(A) Orleep Singh (B) Han Singh (A) Euro (B) Pound
(C) Karan Kumar (D) Gulab Singh (C) Shillins (D) lrish Pence

22. Cocl;i, Bacillus, Spirillum and Vih'rio are 33. lndia-Pakistan Treaty for lndus Waters was
sioned in:
example of:
(A) Amphrbians (B) lnvertebrates (Al 1960 (B) 1958
(C) Baitena (D) Parasite (c) 1e69 (D) 1949
34. What is an lsthmus?
23. A Picture is worth a words. (A) lnland sea
Complete the proreib. (B) A lame laqoon
(A) Million (B) Ten (C) Nan6w stiip of land connecting two land
(c) Thousand (o) Hundred masses
24. Selecl the pair of words that best expresses'a (D) Land formed at the moulh ot a river
- exptessed
relationshrp similar to that in the 35. Republic of Diibouh is located along which
original pair. Sea?
Hospital . Healtng Black Sea
(A) Closet : Clothes B l Mediterranean Sea
(B) Court:Justice Red Sea
(C) Mill . Machinery D l Caspian Sea
(D) Legrslature : Representative
36 The first ladv Pnme Mrnrster of Britain was:
25. The first dry port in Pakistan was built in (A) Dame Judr Dench
Lahore in: (B) Lady Diana
(A) (B) 1949 (C) Margaret Thatcher
(c) (O) 1979 (D) Theiesa May
26. Oon't count your before lhey are 37. Af(ihito rs the Emperor of whrch country?
hatched. Complete the Proverb. (A) Taiwan (B) Cambodia
(A) Quails (B) Sparrows lC) Japan (D) South Korea
(C) Ducks (0) Chickens 38. Who will be the next Secretary General of
27. Choose the most appropriate antonym of United Nations?
PRISTINE {A) Antonio Gutierrez (B) Mano Soares
(A) Heavy (B) Light tCi trticnotas Sarrozy (D) Jeremy corbin
(C) lmpure (D) Tasty 39. Mass ofhuman brain is:
28. Panama Canal connects: (A) 1.4 ko (B) 1.7 kg
(A) Red Sea and Mediterranean
Sea ic) zrg- (o) 11kg
lndian Ocean and Pactfic Ocean 40. Choose the most appropriate synonym of
(C) Atlanlrc Ocean and Pacitic Ocean PARITY:
(D) Dead Sea and Caspian Sea {A} Beino aolal (B) BeinE close
29 Who is the youngest person' in Paktstan to lci geinE odpose (D) Nond of the3e
recerve Nishan-r-Haider? 41. Next Summ€r Olympic Games will be held in
(A ) Capt Mohd SaMar in 2020.
(B ) Major Azrz Bhatti
(c ) Hawaldar Lalik Jan
. (Af3Eailhai
(C) Sydney
( B) Moscoti
( D) Tokyo
(D ) Fl Lt. Raashed Minhas wll al a
42. A droflninq man clutch
30 is made of glass or Plastrc and Comolete the oroverb. --
iEismiE signals in the form of lighl (A) Plank (8) Boat
(A) Optic Fiber iC) Straw (D) Hair
43 A is 2 vears older than B, B is twice as old as
C, if toial ages of A. B and C is 27 then how
' Pilot OfficerRashid Minhas Shah€ed, NH, PAf old is B?
(February 17, 1951- August 20, 1971) was a Pilot in (A) 7 (B) I
the Pakistan Air Force {PAF). Minhas is the only PAf
(c) e (D) 10
dfficer to receive the hiShrst valour awatd, the l{i5han- 44. Choose the most appropriate antonym ot
e-Haider. He is also the youngest person and the (A) To praise (B) To sing
shortest-serving officer to have received this aYvard
156 AdvancedPPSC Ces ltodel paocrc
(C) To weep (D) To sleep 58 A father is twice as otd as his son 20 vears
45. Don't put alt your in one basket. ago the age of the father was 12 timei the
uomptete the proverb. age of the son. The present age of the father
(A) Tomatoes (B) Han ts:
(A) 44 years
(C) Eggs (D) Apptes (B) 32 vears
46. Choose the most appropriate synonym of lol 22 yea.S (O) 50 ylars
CALLIGRAPHY' 59 Whrch word does not belong to the others?
(A) Word orocessino (A) Couch (Br Ruo
(B) Keybriard (c) Tabte iot cr,5i,
(C) Handwriting 60. Kremlin is the headquarters of the government
(D) Typing of:
47. Which country has the highest number of (A) Belarus (B) potand
(C) China (0) Russia
9tacrers outside of the Arctic region?
({) Mongolia (B) NoMay 61. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) had how many
(C) Afghanrstan (O) ealist6n children?
48. The smallest planet in our Solar System is: (A) 4 sons & 3 dauohters
(A) Venus (B) Mars (B) 3 sons & 4 dauihters
(C) Neprune (C) 2 sons & 3 dau6hters
(D) Mercury (D) 2 sons & 5 dauihters
49. Arlhur Ashe is a legend of which sport?
(,f) Snooter - (B) Ruqby' 62. Famous Tiananmen Square is located in?
(A) Moscow (B) Seout
(C) Tennrs iOi Sqi".n (C) Beuing (D) Shanghai
50. Whrch of the followrng involves reducing the 63. Recently the longest reigning monarch in the
electricity consumed or envtronmental iaste wofld passed away. He was the klng of whrch
generated when usinq computers? country?
(A) Green comDutind' (A) Cambodia (B) Swazitand
(B) Manufacturino - (C) Mataysia (O) Ttraitano
(C) Violation
(D) Cyclic Process 64. A sum of Rs 1360 has been divtded amono
A,B qld q A gers 2/3 of what B gets and d
51 glgqsg the most appropriate antonym ol gets l/4 ofwhat C gets B s share rn'Rupees:
EXTROVERT: (A) 120 (B) 160
(A) Heavy (B) Dult (ct 240 (D) 3OO
(C) Morbrd (Dj lntrovert 65. Richter scale measures.
52 9!99sp the most appropflate synonym of (A) Underground weter
DENIGRATE: (B) Earthquakes
(A) To praise (B) To defame (C) Power of Tsunamrs
(C) To blow away (D) To diminish (O) Quantity of rainfatl
53. Ho$/ many yellow stars are there on the 66. Choose the most appropriate antonym of
Chinese flag? CELIBATE:
(A) Seven (B) Five (A) SibIng (B) Manied
(C) Erght (O) Stx (C) Divorced (D) Orphan
54 The cunency of Nigeria is called: 67. A. H Kardar is famous in the field of.
(A) Hand (Bt Dofiar ({) Swimmrng (B) Parnting
(C) Narra (O1 Nigeria (C) poetry - iOi Crtcket
55 glqo$_ !h_e_.tost appropriare anronym of 68. Hajiai bin Yousaf demanded compensation for
OESOLESCENT: looted ships from which ruler of Sindh?
(A) Shining (B) Fashionabte (A) Raja Ashok Chander
(C) Dull (D) Cheap (B) Ra,a Oahir
(C) Raja Pershottam
56. lraq came under Muslim rule during lhe reign (D) Raja Maan Srngh
(A) Calph of Abu Bakr (R A) 69 find lhe odd one out: 13, 41.43. 47, 53, 6.
(B) Cahph Umer (R.A) 7't, 73, 81'.
(C) Catiph Usman (R A) (A) 61 (B)
(D) Calph Ah (R Ai (c) 73 to) er

57. Among. wiom was the Meesaq-e_Madina 70. Lala Lajpat Rai was a famous puniabi leade
concluded? assocraled wth;
(A) Muslims & Christians (A) Oev Samai
. (B) Muslims & Jews
(9) Mustlms, Jews & Other Non-Mustims '
(O) Muslims & Non-Arabs Each of the numbers except g1 is a prime
Advanced PPSC MCQ' Moclel Paoe6 757
(B) Arya Samai 85. Which rS the only district bordering all four
(C) thionist Party provinces of Pakistan?
(D) All lndia Muslim League (A) Loralai
71. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali lies buried in: (B) Dera Ghazi Khan
({) .
Amritsar (B) Cambridge (C) Oera lsmail Khan
(C) Jerusalem (D) cujranwata (D) Nasirabad
72. This is _
(A) 1437-
the year ot the Hijri Era.
[a) rese
e+ls,i i,/l,i:i/(- ri;f 86
(c) 1399 (D) 1450 (B)
.,rLr ,1r/ 1tS
73. Meesaq-eMadinah was signed in:
(4) 1 Hrjri (B) 14 Hiiri ,,q Pl -.tiiL!-r (c)
(C) 21 Hijri (O) 5 Hiiri
\;s::i,:;i.)v-. jv;
74. Yaum-e-Takbeer is celebrated every year on:
(A) 23rd March (B) 6th June (B)
1923 1879 (A)
-. .et

(C) 6 September (D) 28 May 1900 (D) 1870 (C)

75. Choose the most appropriate synonym of
i )b,({<-,'V.!i!, i' r>t :t *-i" .BB

(A) Rough (b) Ory (B) re./ i ;:;,


(C) Emotional (D) Exuberant
76. Who is the cunent Govemor of Baluchislan u,:(6 P) u.*,rl;s 1c1
(A) Ataulllah Mengal <:
i r*j,vc- i -.''r..rr1,r'-t1,.,;gg5-.-.,
r gg
(B) Nabi Baksh Zahri
(C) Zafarullah Jamali ,r:Lr (B) ,",;', (A)
(D) Muhammad Khan Achakzai -.,i
* tvz (D) rl,.:r.' (c)
77. Ms. Naseem Hameed is famous in the field of:
(A, Athletics (B) Poerry
(C) TV acling (O) Civil Servant ". t -=' . -" ri -2n d^
78. Allweathers are caused by:
(A) Movement of the Earth
,)vol:w, p1 U,!i,Cv.r: (A)
(B) Moon Light
(C) Heating from the Sun
J6r-* (ol ,f ,a'f , tcl
(D) Ocean waves ./Lcl,o,i { tul,;j,,,t t,(72ft . .g1
79. Who invented the modem thermometer?
(A) lsaac NeMon tofisG;
(B) Thomas Faraday
(C) Alexander Hamitton J, (B) y' <ot
(D) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Spt i (c)
80. Ostridr and Kiwi are examples of
(A) Asian mammals ' t*vctli jti(jo- t'F 92
(B) Flightless birds
(C) Wnged pdmates
(D) Cetaceans
trir/ @t .tfg 6y
81. Mansoor Rahi is famous in the lield of: otf py \i4t (cl
(A) Painting (B) Theater
(C) Business (D) Poetry -,l-.u/-,,v 93
l. Where is the Sahaabi Ayub Ansari (R.A)
buried? _J;- rq
(A) Madina (B) Damascus
(C) lstanbul (D) Amman Jr, @t -., \A')
A \rvebpage has a unique address called?
(A) Domain Name (B) URL
i tol -!; 1c1
(C) lP Addrdss (D) None ofthese ,:{;rLu/'.'"iii" .se
Which of the following is agreed upon format
for transmitting dala between two deyices? *rt 1, p!,tttilii (A)
(A) Photocopy (B) Protoplasm
(C) Prototype (D) Protocol ,fLtza)r pl jl',2,a 1c1
758 Advraced PPSC MCQS t odet Pape,s

<.-i'r)il;:iLii s5 -',.Jit (D) L* pl

.-j,i,t,,, f <-iJ't I i vo,!;iti(),trt sg
,:-d/rrtLe,, (B) ,,;; (A)
,iiqq @'t ift gl J' tol -tr'(C)
u/;tr? Pl r& t tct t,)rg: / ;' oi'-i,t;iof J eg
tc-JrQ/"tr::i) " .ga ,-<rr (B) tn)
,?t/ r*i lBl st2l (Al ,laI (o)
'- -ri ^.
g;t1fi 1oy ,,2d'4 Pl \:A L - ; ;L iOA
"'a$; 'O
{ t v €-i, i telLj /,5 e/riLJl -* st stlgl 18\
-t) ;'e. llt
oj @t i1 tA) 9;.!ru,r'1D1 -i'"i;-'(C)
Answer Key
1. d 14. a 27 c 40 a 53 b tb b 79 d 92. a
2. b 15. d 28 c 41 d 54 67 d 80 b 93. b
3. d 16. 29. d 42 c 55 b 68 b 81 a 94. c
4. d 't7 . d 30. a 43 d 56 b 69 d E2 95, d
5. d 18. d 31. b 44 a 57 70. b 83 b 96. b
6. c '19. a JZ, a 45 c s8 a 71. b 84 d 97c
7. a 20. d a 46 c 59 b 72. b 85 b 9E. c
E. d 2',t . b u. 47 d 60 d 73. a 86 b 99. b
9. 22. c 35. 48 d 61 b 74. d 87 a 100. b
10 d 23. 36. c 49 c 62 c 75 d 88 a
11 c 24. b 1'f 50 a 63 d 76. d 89 b
12 25. c 3E. a 5t d c 77. a 90 d
13 a 26. d 39. a 52 d 65 b 78. c 91 d


(Memory Based One Liner)

'1. Sunlight mixture spectrum of different colour Goa is the British Colony in which site o
show light? Urhite colour lndia? West lndies
2. Surah AlMomin Pae? 21 10 Paw +Cat and Hoffr? Ho6es
3. Nokia Mobile Company? Finland 'tl Army Chief 1951-58" Ayub Khan
4. Second largest nver in South America? 't2 Two noble prizes get? Marie Currie
Parana t3 Submarine Sank Pak Navy in 1971 w
5. Diet revented to body? Fibet PNSGhazi
6. Malaria Disease? Spleen 14 Art of write code words? Cryptography
7. Confess Antonym? Deny 15 Man-o-Solwa on which Prophet? Haz
8. Muhammad Ali Johar Student of institute? Ali Mussa (ASl
Garh lnstituts
Atvanced PPSC HCOS ifode, Peo€ts 759

16. Muhammad Ali Boxer defeated to? Joss 50. Censes titl 20'18? Totsl 3ix timo3 (last 2017)
Brazier 51. IST President ol Pak? Sikandar l{irza
17. Earth largest ocean? Pacific Ocean 52. Calligrapher of Pak rn international fame?
18. AOB form 1960 which continent contributed? Sadiqain
Asia 53. Mount Separate Asia-Europe? Ural ,Sountain
19. "One who talk too much" describe? . Labrador famous breed?
(LoqutcioG) chatty or grabby
55. "Beverage' synonym? Drinking
20. Which SAARC country member of monarch?
Bhutan 56. ATM? Automated Teller ,rlachino
21. FBI stand for? Fedorsl B€auro lnyestig.tion 57. lndia rs constructing Kishanganga Dam in?
USA (1908) found Baramula
22. Kafara is taken? Roza (Fastl 58. 3 cm (length) . 3(rt/idth) 3(hrght) = ? 27
23. CFC gas produced by? Rotrigler.tor
59. Marathon Distance? 26 mile (41 km)
24. Aam-ulHazan? 1oh Nabvi
60. Arch of Janus? ltaly
61. Condoleezza Rice was-- of USA?
26. Earth and Sun smallest distance in month? socretary ot stato
27. Siachin glacier in? Baltistan
62 Jugni concept which tolk singer? Bishno and
28. ln '1960 Pak temporary capital? Rawalpindi 63 1"' UN Secretary? Trygve Lie (l{onvay} till
29. INDOLENT mean? Lazy, lnactive 951
30. S€nator tor each province? 23 64. Slar on China flag? 6
31. Separate electorate in? (t9091 into Morlay 65. Lay- Somethrng rainy day? Down
32. AlDs virus? HIV 66. Objective of All lndia Muslim al time oI
foundation? Loyalty to Britbh government
33. Sassi Punnu belong? Sindhi lndia
34. Second man followed on moon? Aldrin 67. Not a multitask operate system Windows-XP?
35. Gate keeper of Jahannum? lralil DOS
36. Currency of "Kuwait"? Oin.r 68. ltar-Tass? Ru$ia
37. Election in Pak by LFO Rule? Yahya Khan 69. Book'1984" write? Georgs Orwell
70. Nairobi Capital? Kenya
38. Which Muslim leader called in 1940 after Pak 71. Defense mirrtster in Nawaz Sharif
resolution Pak and lndia undividable? Abu-al-
Govemment? Khavvaja Asif
Kelem Azad
39. Which Surah listen Hazrat Umer and accept
72. Rabat is capital of? orocco
lslam? Surlh Tawha 73. 1si gi.,;s J,,,r. of Hazral Muhammad cousin?
40. CEO of Google? Sundar Pichai Abdullsh lbn€-Abbas
4'1. MEANDAR is a? Curvo in bland 74. 'lsrpresident of lndian PeGon lndia National
Congress? W.C Bannorjos (1885)
42. Bin Salman lntroduced which culture after
women driving? bhm odeEta 75. Governor of NWFP in (1895-96)?
43. Cathy Pacific is a? Airline (Hong Kong) 76. Fill in the blank: Atiqa was so shy she felt
? l{ervou!
44. Highest rank in Soldier Army? Subodar{aior
45. Concept of Qwali in 13rh century? Amir
77 Conecl Spell? Occasionally
Khusro 78. Commander of infidels in Ghazwa UHAD?
Abu Sufyan
46. Dalai Luma rs a leader oi? Buddhist
47. Ricky Pointing is player of? Australia
/9. ;+y = !, l+y2 = 12,2xy = 1 -3

48.4x+13=7-2x?(-11 :,,t1 cl,ri .e

49. First CM of Punjab? lltakhat Hussain
Mamdot crrceUue tfl(gt )u/-t,i tt
760 Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers

(,tD$1,s..=(fro* sl Lf,:t;,v.ferb1J/ Cj(+i s-

vSJf t)=r4Qrzli Ir3 {,ii,ta:,; i__)-;,-o:,

=.;:.: _J..i;1
.i" **
.. -.-_
f 1A =tt'te.,, 84 _c: -f,
( - t," - . ,'.' .'; '' i'
r$l =y6f(<t 85 J- lJl' ;J:'t i,)v'-- '
6)rtta ==;'i'-i<) 86



(Memory Based one Liner) Held on 3 November 20't9
- 16)-2019

1. Hegel was a German: Philosopher 19. She will get 900/" to obtain A g0%
2. lkebana is a Japanese Flower
Arrangement 20. Last Expedition of Holy Prophet Tabuk
3. Tasman Haupapa Gtacier is in: New 21 Shortest Boundary ot Pakistan rs with
Zealand which country? China
4. Non-Permanent Members ofthe UN are 22. Zaboor was revealed on: Haztat
elected for: 2 years, Dawood A.S
5. CDAC Meetings was hetd in: Beuing 23. Mushtaq Ahmad Yousafi mazah Nigaari
6. Nursing Day is celebrated on:12itay 24. Cleopatra was: Egyptian Queen
7. Anti-Nuclear Day is celebrated on 29 25. Bureaucracy key spellangs
Augu3l 26. lf AOD=g, BAD= 7, CAD=8 then what is
8. Baap Ka Gunah is written by Hakeem ADA: 6
Ahmad Shuja 27 . lf 60 men take 40 days to complete a
9. A History of God is'written by Karen task. How many days will 40 men take?
Aamstrong 28. Capital of Canada is Ottawa
10. Frederick Passy was a: French 29. Chicago is the city localed in: USA
Lauroata. ln both ago and prominence
30 Saltiest Sea rs the: Oead Sea
11. Apiary is a: Bse Keeping place
31. Which Khaleefa Rashid Died a Naturat
12. Article 245 is Act on: Aid with Civit Death? Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
32. Which country rs lamous for Sprinters?
13. Airbus is made by country: France Jamaica
14. Urdu adab ki mukhtasar tareen tareekh: 33. Which continent rs called Darkest in the
Saleem Akhtar world? Continent Africa
15. PSL was won by: Quetta Gladiators 34. irr j:!:
16. Runner-up were: peshawar Zalmi
-l r-,F <. J- J* -i'Jr
": ..js.
17. Volleyball Warm-up is in; 4 Minutes 35. Muslim League formed a coalition with
which party to form government in '1955?
18 UN was formed on: 24 October 1945
Adyanced PPSC itcQs ffoAe, Paoers 761
36. IMF gives loan to foster? 63. Madni Surahs were mostly about;
37. _riE _),] rj : ar --!!,r J -Ps
.]s Jxi Ghazwas of Nabi Akram S.A.W
38. A queerfish is synonymous with: A 64. Outline Layout Shortcut key in MS Wordl
Strange Person Alt+Ctrl+O.
39. Russian President during Geneva 65. Glaciers are found in how many
Accords was: Irikhail Gorbachev countries? 50
40. Hepatitis C affects which Organ: Liver 66. Currency of Nigeria? Naira
41. First Nishan Haider was given to: 67. Meaning ofZam Zam is? "Stop flowing,.
Captain Sarwar 68. Who became Presldent of USA afler
42. Boko Haram Organization in Nigeria J.F.Kennedy? Lyndon Baines Johson
43. Majlisi Oli is the Partiament of: Tajikistan 69. '1818 treaty sanctioned
UK and USA to
capture was: Orcgon treaty
44. Antonym of Subsequent is: prior
45. Which Saudi King Visited pakistan in
70. Who colonised Argentine in 16th century?
1974? Shah Faisal
46. Petronas Towers are located in: Kuala
71. FPSC act was formed under which act of
lndia? 1947
47. Radiation was discovered by Henry
72. ln 19'19 act, law and order was the
subject of: Roserved Subject
48. Which of the following is a Star? Sun
73. Synonym of lmp€ccable? Flavvless

49. How many circles did Hazrat Hajra

74. Synonym of Apparet? Ctothes
Complete while running between Safa and 75. Synonym of Coagulate? Sotidify
Mawa? 7 76. Antonym of gullible? Astute
50. Pakistan defeated which team to win 77. Meaning of "a pipe dream"? A dream or
Final of 1992 world cup: Engtand idea that is impossible to accomplish
51. A person's weight is 1OO kg on earth. lt 78. Do noljudge a book by? lts cover
will be on the moon: Less than lOO
79. ln absence heafl grows? Fonder
52. A baby's heartbeat starts: before ho is
80. Bone of shoulder girdle is? Clavicle,
scapula, and coracoid
;3. Naval War College is in: Lahore
81. Light of sun can be focused by which te.s
4. Syria war was started by the: Arab or minor? Concave lens
ipri ng
82. Who mad HTPP? Tim Bemers-Lee
5. Deen llahi was abolished by: Aurangzeb
83. Nusrat Ali Khan died in: 1997
6. A triangle has a base ofG cm and the
U. Who regulate media? Pemra
ame altitude. What is the area of the triangle? 18
m 85. Dublin is the capital of? lreland
7. A rectangle has a length of 10 cm and 86. Fastest memory of computer is
erimeter of 30 cm, how much is width: 5 cm called:Cache
8. Diet is the parliament of Japan 87. When Gymnastics were added to
Olympics? 1896
3. Quaid Azam lnaugurated what on 1st of
rly '1948: State Bank of Pakistan 88. Roger haS won how many single grar .

jn+ slams? 20
). Jl", J a-iq' !s uil
. Windows sdit in MS Word:
89. Martin Hingis is the tennB player o:'
2. Key to make a chart from selected data in
90. Gift of Nile is: Egypt
<cel: Fll
762 Advanced PPSC MCQS Modet Papers
91 Foster mother of Prophet PBUH who was 96. ,tiL;jt:;,_. Anguri Sharab
mard of Abu Lahab: Sobia
92. Liaquat Nehru pact was signed to deal 97 . .:i s.:r,tJi -:Jan bujh t Ajan banna
the issue of: Talks sought to guarantee the
rights of minorities 98. :r-,,'.lt/J t.F'- Haseena iloin
93. r;:jgi:Afwaj 99. t{i-J-',", r.,?,f J.i', :Ahmad u din
94. -: rf';11.(,,3'1, g;-31"
100. :L2-{J{,6,,.i- $laulana Muhammad Ali
95. t;;-/,f ttt*-. Bange Dara



(Memory Based one Liner)
- 16) -2019
1. What is the length of table in the game of 18. "lnterfax" news agency belongs to which
table Tennis? 2.74 m country? Russia
2. Dvvighl D- Eisenhower was an American army 19. Muzdalifa is situated between? Mina and
general and statesman who served as the? Arafat
34'prtsident 20. The seventh month of lslamic Calendar?
3. What is the old Capital of Japan? Kyoto Rajab
4. Boko Haram tenorist group belongs lo which 21. "Awaz Dost" is written by? ilukhtar l$asood
country? Nigerit
22. Who created the character of Tout Batodt?
5. The function of white blood cell? Irefenso Sufi Gulam Mustafa Tabbasum
against db{iase who created the character of
23. Sherlock
6. Handhold devces are called? Hsrdnar€ Holmes? Sir Author Canon Doyle
7. Ctd + End? 24. Which Prophet is called Abu Basher? Hazrat
8. What is the default for style of US-Word? Adam (A.S)
Calibri Font 25. Which Dynasty ruled after Slave Dynasty?
L Who was the Mughal emperor beforc Khirji
Aurangzaib? Sh.h Jhan 26. Who was the freedom lighter? Rai Ahmad
10. Who became Govemol General after Quaid-e Khan Kharal of Jhamrah
Azam? Kh.wts zim ud Dln 27. How many seals won by All lndia Muslim
11. Mosul Dam, th€ most dangerous dam of lhe League in 1945 Legislative Elections? 30
World is situaH in? lr"q Seats
12. Afghanistan-Pakistan-lndla Pipeline (TAPI), 28. Battle of Neharvan was foughl against?
also known as "Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, is Khawarij
a natural gas pipeline which country include? 29. ln "BRICS" what is "S" include? South Atrica
30. Which is the second largest province ol
13. When was lhe ,irst battle fought by Mustims? Pakistan by area? Punjab
2 Hurah (Ghazwa Badar)
31. "Butterfly" term used in? Swimming
14. Name of book revealed before Zaboor? Torait
32. Study of Handwriting is called? Graphology
15. What is the name of Faizs fiIst poetry book?
Naqsh e Farydi 33. What is the caprtal of Albania? Tirana
16. The birth place of Miza Ghatib? Agra 34. Fill in the blank: She learnt the poem _
heart? By
'17. Asian games held affer how many years?
Four Years 35. Which UN organization deals with population?
Advanced PPSC MCQS l{odel Papers 763
36 Which UN offtce deats with peacekeeping 61 When Nishan-e-Haider was awarded to La 3t
mission? Security Council Jan Shaheed in? '1999
37 Who t/vas the first Pakistani selecled as Fill in the blank: They laughed _ hrm? ar
President in UN General Assembly? Sir
Zatar-ullah Khan 63 Reason ot left intecled eye of Mahari,la
Ranjeet Sing? Small por
38 Which Muslim Calph had all his four sons
Calrphs too? Abdul-Malik ibn Marwan 64 Which organization is not part of UN? Worifi
Trade Organization
39 K-2 is situated in mounlains range?
65 Optical fibers are used rn')
Kkarakorum Range
40 Mac Operating System (OS) is developed by
an American Company? Apple lnc
66 Red underlines in MS-Word illustrate?
Spelling mBtake
41. Meaning of Euphemism? a word or phrase
used to avoid saying an unpleasant ol 67 Who was the last king of Afghanistan.
offensive word lluhammad Zahir Shah
42. Who was the captain of Pakistan Cricket 68 One megawatt is equal to how man!
kilowatts? 1000 kilowatts
Team in 1992 World cup? lmran Khan
of 69 Pakistan cricket team head coach name :
43. Name current Governor of Punjab?
Mickey Arthur
iluhammad Sarwar
70 Who arranged periodic table on the basrs :
44. Largest archipelago in the world? lndonesia
alomic numbers of elements? Dmit.i
45. "Thimphu" is the Caprtal of? Bhutan Mendeleev
46. How to chinge font in MS Word by short 71 Batlle of Khwarij is also called as? Battle ol
key?: Ctrl+Shift+P l{ahrawan
47. Skylab was launched from a United States 7' Shakarparian Park situated in? lslamabad
space statron and operated by NASA? May
14, 1973, 5:30 PM. Jastin Trudeau is the President of? Canada
74 Current Chief Justice of Pakistan Asif Saeeo
48. 16 November is celebrated as? Tolerance Khousa
Ali (R.A) was 75 A Bull in a China shop means? Aggressr,..
49. Hazrat martyred in which
and clumsy in a situation
month? Ramzan
/o Mother language of Quaid e Azam? Gujrati
50. Fill in the blank: We arrived the station
an hour late? at 78 Which command is used for savrng I
Taj Mehal was built in which century? 17th documenl? Ctrl + S
Century (ln 1648 by the order of Shah 79 What is the meaning of "ZENITH"? Centr
Jahan) point of the Earth
52. Urdu defense association was an organization 80 ln a game of 100 points, A can give B :-
developed by? irohsin-ul-iilulk points and C 28 points. Then B can give a
10 Pojnts
53. Vessels transport blood from organs to heart
are called? veins 81 Shah Jehan spent his life in the jail of Ag.a
Fort for? Eight years
54. "Takhl Bhai" an ancient place is situated in?
Mardan 82 By Default font used in MS word 200;
55. ln which constitution lslam was declared as Calibri
the state religion of Pakistan? ln 1973 83 Grotesque synonyms? Bizarre
constitution 84 Which species of cat eat and hunteo
56. What is the angle of semi-circle? 180 degree Group? (lion, cheetah, leopard. tiger)
57. Tajikistan Assembly is called? Majlisi Oli 85 Antonym of Deviation? Conformity
58. The tomb of Hazrat Madhu Lal Hussain is in? 86 What is contraband? Banned Goods
Lahore 87 Highest mountain in Alp Range? Mont Blanc
59. Who presided the Muslim League Session in 88 Synonym of Anomaly? Aberration
1940? Quaid-e-Azam
89 Buckingham Palace is the residence of Britrsl.
60. What is the square root of 0.1b? 0.4 King and Queen Where is it srtuatec^
764 Advanced PPSC MCQ, Model Papers
90 The Headquaner of Common Wealth? United 95. Which was the first "Novel" of Urdu? Mirat-ul'
Kingdom (London) Aroos
91 Mirza Ghalib, the famous poet of the sub- 96. "Marsiyah" is a word of which language?
continent, died in Oehli in the year?'1797 Arabic
s2 Who was the writer of "Raja Gidh"? Bano 97. Meaning of the Proverb: Do in Rome as the
Qudsiya Romans do? Jesa Dais wesa Bhais
93 Who was the writer of "Faseel-e Shab"? Mira 98. How many lines in "Maqta"? Four Lines
Adeeb 99. What is the name of Faiz's first poetry book?
94 Who was the writer of "Shakist"? Krishan Naqsh-e Faryadi
Chandar 100 ln Urdu poetry what is the meanang of
"Matla'a"? Taloo Hony ki Jagah



(BPS 16)-2018
Dwarf is antonyms of been
(A) Small ( B) Lit e
(q She said her friend that where he had
(C) Giant ( D) None been
(D) None of above
2. They went to the rain
(A) Under -------TB) Despite She said, "what are they doing",
(A) she said what they was doing
(C) ln spite (D) Nctne of above (B) she asked what they are dorng
3 Tick the correct spelling (C) she asked what they were doing
(A) Acomodation (B) Accommodation (D) None of above
(C) Accomodation (D) None of above
10. My friend said me, has Saima talked to
4 A bone of contention means Sonia?
Cause of quarrel (A) My friend asked me to have some talk
B Delicious Bone with Saima
c A reason for peace (8) My friend inquired me to has Saima talk
D) None of above with Sonia
5. House of Cards means (C) My friend said to me that has Saima talk
(A) Strong house with Sonia
(B) A proiect to make paper houses (D) None of above
(c) A weak structure 11. Rhine river in Germany falls in
(D) None of above (A) Red sea (B) North sea
TICK THE CORRECT (C) White sea (D) None of above
6. He asked me "did you see the new ca/' 12. Capitalof Denmark
(A) He asked if I saw lhe new car. (A) Abuja (B) Oslo
(B) He said to me if lseen the new car (C) Ouoto (D) Copenhagen
(C) He asked me has I seen the new car 13. Glaciers are io a range
(D) None of above (A) Hindukush (B) Karakoram
7 He said, "go down stairs' (C) Himalya (D) None of above
(A) He directed me, to go down stairs
(8) He told me that to go down stairs 14 Moslly read book in the wodd is
(c) He direcled me to go to down stairs (A The betrothed (B) The Bible
(D) None of above (c Quotation (D) None of above
She asked her fdend "where he had been" 15. Ta Mahal is in
(A) She asked her friend to where had he {4 Delhi (B) Bombay
(U Agra (D) Hyderabad
(B) She inquired her friend to where he had 16. Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away
Advanced PPSC MCOS Model Papers 765
(A) I Julv 2016 (B) 8 Julv 2017 (c)10 (D) None ol above
(C) I July 2015 (D) Nonti of above
34. Right of vote was tirst granted lo women by
17 Who was Heoel? (A) New Zealand (B) Switzerland
(A) German Phibsooher (c) uK (D) USA
(B) English Phitosoriher
(C) Ko,ean Philosobher 35. Who was the first president of USA?
(D) None of above ' (A) Jhon Adams
(B) George Washington
18 Beniamin Fr,nkIn an American invented (C) Richard Nixon
(A) Eleclricitv Rod
(B) Butb (D) None of above I
(C) Lightenirig Rod (D) None ofabove
36. Antara is news agency of
19 Eden Gardens ground of dicket is located in (A) lraq (B) lran
(A) Delhi (B) London (C) lndonesia (D) None of above
(c) Ghsgow (o) carcutta
37. Which country Parliamenl has maximum
20 lce hockey has its origin from members
(A) USA (B) UK (A) lndra (B) traq
(C) Canada (D) None of above (C) Chrna (D) USA
21. Cunent coach of Hockev Team of pakistan 38. Chichen ltza archaeoloqtcat sfe rs located in
(A) Roben Sheeman (6) Roetant Oltmans (A) Ecuador (B) Arqentina
(C) Botha&b (D) Noneofabove (C) Mexico 1D1 None of above
22. Roger Federer is player
' (B)of _ sports 39. Who is special assrstant to PM Human
(A) Tennis BEnn-rnton 'Rights?
(C) Golf (D) None of above (A) Farooq Naseem (B) Dr AliAhmed
Bashar-al-Asad belonqed to
jBi Bt8t""
(C) Tariq Fatimi (O) None of above
40. Xremlin is
Russian President Offrce
US President
24. N-aF,oleon Bonaparte fought for his counlry
Belgium (BJ France
(A) (c Russian Parade Ground
(C) (D) .Germany (D None of above
25. Morocco and Spain are separated bv. 41. Pope who lives in Vatican in
(A) Palk Strail (B) Strait of Gibrattar (A) ltaly (B) France
(C) Red Sea (D) River Oanube (C) Korea (D) None of above
26. Vitreous Humor, Sclera and lris are parts of 42. Telenor a brand in Telecommunication belong
which humsn organ? to
(A) (B) Ear (4)
9weoen (B) Norway
(C) (D) Eye France
(C) (D) None 6f above
27. When was Lahore High Court established? 43. Cunent European Union is consist of
(A) 1857 (B) 1892 (A) 30 (B) 28
(c) 1886 (O) 1919- lc) 27 (D) 26
28. "Addis Ababa" is the caDitat citv of 44. Pakistan nuclear tests were conducted in the
(A) Eritrea (Bf EthioDia province of
(C) Equatorial Guinea 1Dj Equalor
(A) Puntab (B) Sindh
(C) Balochrstan (D) KPK
29. Asmara is the capital of
(A) (B) Somatia 45. Pakistan largest partner of Exports
(C) (D) Eritrea (A) USA (B) China
(c) European Union (D) Bangladesh
30. House of Lords is upper house of
(A) USA (B) France 46 Quaid-e-Azam, resigned from congress in
(C) cermany iD) UK protest to
Gandhi started Satyagraha
31. Longest military rule in the wodd B Gandhr chanoed home rule leaoue s
(A) USA (B) UK botha&b
(C) Japan (D) None of above D None of above
32. Bagram Air base is in 47. Who was PM of Pakistan at the formatron of
Balochistan Pakistan one unit
B lran Ch. Rehmal Ali
c Afohanistan B Feroz Khan Noon
D Tajikistan c LiaquatAli
33. Permanent members of Securitv Council D Muhammad Ali Bogra
(A) 15 (B) s
766 Advanced PPSC MCQS frodel PapeE
1:-- Before becoming PM of Pakistan Feroz Khan (O) None of above
Noon was govemor of 63. Atta Ullah Shah Bokhari was leader of
(A) Pakrstan (B) Sindh Nizam-e-lslam Party
(C) KPK (D) East Pakistan B Tehreek-elstaqlal
.J Longest Gulf of the world c Tehreek-e-lhrar
(A) Mexico (B) Eden D Jihad Movement
(C) botha&b (D) None of above 64. East lndia Company occupied Punjab in
50 Blind World Cricket 2018 Cup was hosted by (A) 1846 (B) 1849
lA) Pakrstan (B) UAE (c) 1843 (D) 1850
(C) borha&b (O) None of above 65. What is population share of Punjab in
51 Who gave 1956 Constitution to Pakistan? Pakistan
(A) Bogra (A) 52.95% (B) 58.2s%
(B) Ch. Muhammad Ali {c) 60% (D) 63%
(C) Suhrawardi is
66. Which range, located in the West of
(D) None of above Pakistan
.2 Faltma Jinnah contested Presidential (A) Karakoram (B) Himal ay as
Elections (C) Hindukush (D) None of above
1A) 1965 (B) 1970 67. How many Emirates in UAE Federatron?
(c) 1962 (O) 1960 (A) 4 (B) 5
:3 Fastest bowler till 2017 was (c) 6 (D) 7
(A) Shoaib Akhtar 68. Juvenile prisoners are underlhe age of
(B) Sachin Tendulkar (A) 14 (B) 16
(C) Naitan Sharma (c) 18 (D) 20
(D) None of above
r4 Whrch country is nol lhe member of ECO
69. Neelam Valley is in
(A) Swat (B) Gilsit
(A) Pakistan (B) Taiikistan (C) Azad Kashmir (D) None of above
(C) lran (D) None of above
70. Microphone converts phone to sound into
,i Term of Butterflv is used in which game (A) Electrical energy
(A) Poro (B) Swimming (B) Chemical energy
(C) Tennis (D) Cricket (C) None of above
iil Books of Muslim Scholar studied in European 71. Velocity is measured by
Universities (A) Speedometer (B) Spherometer
Jabir bin Hayyan (C) Spirometer (D) None of above
B Bu Ali Sina
Farabi 72. Sound cannot travel through
D) None of above (A) Water (B) Sand
(C) Vacuum (D) None of above
Charles Oarwin wrole origin of species he was
actually 73. Pasteurized milk is processed to kill?
(A) English Biologist (A) Kill Bacteria (B) Kill Virus
(B) French Nutritionist (C) Botha&b (O) None ot above
lC) German Scientist 74. Dralysis used for
(D) None of above (A) Kidney (B) Heart
8 Kosovo year of independence is (C) Lungs (D) None of above
(A) 2008 (B) 2009 75. Fear of bathing
(C) 2010 (D) None of above (A) Claustrophobia (B) Ablutophobia
I Recently Russian President Putrn has been (C) Acrophobia (D) None of above
elected for the period of 76. Oxygen was discovered by
(A) 4 years (B) 6 years (A) Charles (B) Priestly
(C) 5 years (O) None of above (C) Walhelm (D) None o, above
b0 Governor of Slale Eank of Pakistan 77. Nearest planet to lhe sun
(A) Yasrn Anwar (B) Tariq Bajwa (A) Mercury (B) Venus
rC) Ashraf (D) None ot above (C) Mars (O) Jupiter
Tomb of Khawaja Ghulam Fareed is located in 78. Arab worship before lslam
(A) Pak Pattan (B) Mithan Kot (A) ldols (B) Fire
(C) Sahiwai (D) None of above (C) Both a & b (D) None ot above
Hujja tul Baligha is written by 79. Tarikh-ul-rusul wal-al-Muluk is written by
(A) Srr Syed (A) lbne Sina (B) At hba
(B) Shah Wali Ullah (C) Jabar
tC) Syed Ahmed Shaheed
. (D) Noneofabove
Advanced PPSC nCQs Model Papers 767

80. Mother of Hazrat Usman r4ht lB\ r,'rV (A)

(A) Arwa (B) Fatima
(C) Salma (D) None of above
81. ln what battle of the tooth of Holy Prophet
,/j{.-,.tet, rot l,=r rct
PBUH) broken
) Uhud (B) Badar
t6{Zjl ,r .st
U) Khandak (D) Tabook
J'l @l tl .t 'et
Square root of r,F66
(A) 17 (B) 13 .( J{.-.cctt tol :rii {c)
(C) 19 (D) None of above
83 ComDlete the series: 1. 5. 20, 60, 120 ...... siy st I r/ c-2,c{,LG,Li s4
(A) i20 (B) 240
(c) 460 (D) 560 ,.(/ rel ./\f $t
84. MS Office use
(A) Ctrl + X
for cut?
(B) Ctd + L
,J,*l o L,vl \c\
(c) crd + Y (o) ctrl + z sq{'z(-i os
85. 0-25 + 100 is eoual to:
(A) O.OO25 (B) 0.026 J) @l tx:JYt 61
(c) .26 (D) 25
86. ln a class 20 boys. 28 girls. Find the ,it j{.-.tctt tol -rlt tcl
Dercentaoe of qirls?
iAr 58.38/o - (B) 36.9% -+-(5;''i';i't- sa
(c) 350/o (D) None of above j F) .it.,ic ( )
E7 A train covers 240 miles in 24 minutes. Which 'r;icf
time reouire for 650. mile?
(A) 65 (B) 89 ,,{j{.--,.tctt tol iui' (c)
(c) 109 (D) None of above
88 Trianole two sides are equal?
(A) l;osceles (B) Square
(c) trapizm (D) None of above JV($ (B) 't:irif
J (a)

E9 when Haii was

(A) 6 AH-
made obliqatorv?
(B) I AH
ft, tol tJ .z tct
(c) loAH (D) None of above rtat/.-'.,j lLf .ea
+;v{!i'"r so otV (B\ l,=l @)
v.ft,f *, ot u{j{<.-i-ctt tol s)t: (cl
ut,L/:tf pl --4/i,i;Fo ss
t)(; -* 4lt7 D lC)
1., P) 6,ze:i te1
t/O,ti;vLO,/" (o\
u( J{.-,.tct, tol :iil tc)
-Q{{utLlt .e'l
(i i$ [ :.'i t oo

fial j @l,uur (n)

ouj Bt lj tel
djl-^Jett tol ,i'{ Pl { (D\ )!t ) (c)
s.-{--,,,! l t/ I,V(EL, i .gz
Answer Key
1. 6. d 11 b 16. a 21. b 26. d 31. d 36. c
2. b 7. a '12 d 17. a 22. a 27. d 32. c c
3. b 8. d '13 b 18. c 23- c 28. b 33. b 38. c
4. a 9. d 14 b 19. d 24. b 29. d 34. a d
5. 10 d '15 c 20. c 25. b 30. d 35. b 40. a

t-.i.t advanced ppSC UCOs
t" a 49.
b 50.
57 a tr5 a tJ.
a 8'l . a 89. b 97. a
43. b 51.
58. a 66. c
a 82, b 90. c 98. a
44. c 52.
b 59. b 67. d
b 83. a 91. c 99. a
a 60. b 68. c b u. d a, c 100. a
a 53. a ot_ b 69. c 77. a 85. a 93. a
a 54. d 62. b 70. a 78. c 86. a 94. c
d 55. b bJ 71. a 79. b 6t a 95. c
d 56. b 64. b 72. c 80. a 88. a 96. a


ln which Surah of the Holy eurah is there a 10. Find out lhe wrong number in the series
mention of Zulqamain? 2880. 480, 92,24.8. 4. 4
(A) Al-Anbiya (B) Ai-Kahf (A) 180 (B)
(C) Al-Mujadata (D; None of tnese 92
(c) 24 io) n
2 In 1968, Zuffiqar Ati Bhutto ioined the 'l . Find the antonym of ,,Despair.:
Govemment as th€ youngedt Cabinet

Minisier. What porfolio wa; oiv;n to him?

(A) Collapse (Bi Hooe
(A) Foreign Minister - (C) Skength (D) Te;ibte
(B) Commerce Minister 12. Complete the sentence using the appropriate
(C) Minister for Waler and power optron:
(D) lnterior Minister of what he said was very
l!9!f *: separated from Bombay (A) Many
PresKlency in: (B) few
(A) 1919 (B) (C) Much (D) A few
(c) 1e36 (oi
rssz 13. The opening cbremony of the second
1 Whach member state
of SAARC is a
Pakrstan Sup€r League (pSL) wilt be held in
Sharjah on:
(A) Nepal (B) Maldives (A) 9 Jan. 2017 (Bl 25 Jan.20,t7
(C) Bhutan (D) None of these (C) 1 Feb.2017 (O) 9 Feb.2017
5 Which Pakistani film was Faiz Ahmad Faiz '14. Find the antonym of "Candid":
associated with as writer of its screenplay? (A) Bluff (B) Devious
(A) Zarqa (C) Careless (D) Active
(B) Beyond the Last Mountain 15 Arachnophobia is fear of:
(C) Bedaari (A) Cockroaches (B) lnsects
(Di Jago Hua Savera (C) Snakes (D) Sproers
6 Frll in the blank. "A baby lives milk." 16. One-of-the problems of tradrng with lndra rs
(A) By (B) At -- the NTBS againsl imports WFat does NTB
(C) For (O) On stand for?
7 A reduction. of 20 percent in the price of (A) Negative Tariff Barriers
oranges enables a retailer to buy 25 branges (B) Non-Tariff Earriers
more Jor Rs.40. The reduced price of a bas"kei (C) Negatrve Tax Base
containing 200 oranoes rs: (D) Non-Tariff Base
(A) Rs.320 -
(B) Rs.64 '17. The first Mujaddid was Hazrat Umar
Bin Abdut
lC) Rs 160 (D) Noneofthese Aziz (R.A.). Who was lhe second?
I Who.gave the advice of diggrng a defensive (A) lbne-e-Tammiya
Irencn rn the chazwa-e-Khandao" (B) lmam Ghazati-
/A) Hazrat Salman Farsi {R A) (C) Ahmad Sirhindi
(B) Hazrat Assad Ullah {R.A)' (D) Shah Wattuttah
lC) Hazrat Ubaidultah {R A) ' 18. Find the synonym of "Abdicate,,:
{D) Hazrat Umar (R.A)' (A) Join (B) Search
The recenlly concluded T-20 Cricket World (C) Abandon (D) eOvance
uup was won by: 19. Whrch of the fo owrng personalities
'A) India (B) West lndies assocrated wilh the Khaksar Movement?
,C) Australia (D) New Zeatand (A) Maulana Abdut Kalam Azad
PPSC MCQS ilodel Paoers 769

(B) Sayed Ameer AIi 33. One of the Surahs in the Quran is An-Nahl.
(C) Maulana Bhashani What is the meaning of An-Nahl?
(D) Maulana lnayatullah Mashriqi (A) Ant (B) Spider
20. Recently over 19 workers died in an explosion (C) Honey Bee (D) Date Palm
with working on a ship. Where did this 34. Pakistan lost to lndia in the final of the .lth
accident take place? Hockey Champions Trophy. Where was the
(A) Port (B) Karachi Port final match played?
(C) Gawadar (D) Gadani (A) Kuala Luntpur, Malaysia
21. Name the apparatus used for determining the (B) lpoh, Malaysia
purity of milk? (C) Kuantan, Malaysia
(A) Morh's Scale (B) Hygrometer Johor, Malaysia
(C) Lactograph (D) Lactometer 35. Fill in the blank: 'l saw no reason
we should get up eady.'
22. The newly elected Secretary General of the
United Nations, Mr. Antonio Gutenes. has (A) why (B) How
also remained the of Portugal.
(C) That (o) For
President -
(A) Foreign tvtinistei-@; 36. Google + is another altemative to which of the
(C) Prime Minister (D) Finance Minister followrng site?
23. Pakistan's first Nobel Prize winner, Pofessor (A) Facebook (B) Amazon
Dr. Abdul Salam, got his Master's in (C) Flickr (O) Bing
Mathematics ,rom: 37. A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per Kg
(A) Government College, Jhang with 30 kg o, rice o{ other variety at Rs. 36 per
(B) University of Heidelberg, Germany kg and sells the mixed variety of rice at Rs. 30
(C) Oxford University, UK per Kg. What will be his proflt percentage?
(D) Government College, Lahore (A) No profit / No loss (B) 5%
24. Which among the following is not a Ruminant?
(C) 870 (o) 10%
(A) Camel (B) Cow 38. From wtlich city did the 1857 War of
(C) Cat (D) Goat lndependence begin?
25. ln which year did Quaid-€-Azam join the (A) Delhi (B) Lahore
lndian National Congress?
(C) Calcutta (D) Meerut
(A) 1906 (B) 1905 39. Find the antonym of'Apathy':
(c) 1905 (O) 1912 (A) Care (B) Sympathy
(C) Refuse (o) Affection
26. Fill in the blank; "Do not meddle _ my
40. Fill in the blank: "She inquired _ my
(A) with (B) ln heallh."
(C) For (D) About (A) For (B) AOout
(C) After (D) lnto
27. Find the synonym of "Deciphef:
(A) Clear (B) Disregard 4'1. Who was, at one time, callgd 'Ambassador of
(C) lnterpret (D) Distort Hindu-Muslim Unity"?
28. Bolshevik Revolution is associated with which (A) Quaid-e&am
(B) Motilal Nehru
of the following countries? (C) Mohanlal Karamchand Gandhi
(A) Yugoslavra (B) Russia (D) Abdul Kalam Azad
(C) Greece (D) Austria
29. Complele the sentence: 42. Bronchitrs is a disease that effects {he
"The students in the small room were packed
(A) Blood
in the human body.

like (B) Kidneys

(A) (B) Wild animals (C) Respiralory tract
. (C) Sardines (D) Straw (D) Bladder
30. Which of the following Search Engine is 43. Famous poet, Mustafa Zaidi.. was by
developed by Microsoft? profession a:
(A) Google (B) Alta Vista (A) Medical Ooctor
(C) Yahoo (D) Bing (B) University Professor
31.. which city was built by Emperor Jalaluddin
(C) Publisher
Akbar to seNe as the capital? (D) Civil Servant
(A) Farehpur (B) Fatehpur Sikri 44. Ourbani during Haj is performed at:
(C) Fatehganj Sikri (D) None ofthese (A) Arafat (B) Mina
32. Which Surah in the Holy Quran has Bismillah (C) Muzdalfa (D) Safa
twice? 45. Name the Pakistani submarine which was
(A) Al-Nehal (B) Al-Namal action in 1965 and in 1971 wars. lt sank in
(C) Al-Ahzaab (D) Al-Noor 1971 war while on a mission.
170 Adyaned PPISC nCQs node! papars
(c) 40s0 (D) 5000
(C) PNS Rangamati 58 The husband of Begum Khalida Zh, former
(D) PNS Shamsher Prime Minister of Bangladesh, had remained
the President of Bangladesh. What was his
46. Fill in the blank: 'Ten years ago, l_ in name?
Lahore " (A) Gen. Zia-ur-Rahman
(A) Have worked (B) Worted (B) Gen. Jamal Zia
(C) Had worked (D) Will wort (C) Abdul Sattar Zia
47. Find the synonym of "Antipathy": (D) Gen. Ershad Hussain Zia
(A) Enmrty (B) Afiection 59. lndia is making efforts to ioin the NSG. What
(C) Love (O) Goodwitt does NSG stand tor?
48 'Kitab-ul-Asar' was compiled by: (A) Nuclear Supplrers Group
(A) lmam Abu Hanifa (B) Nuclear States Group
(B) lmam Shaafi (C) Nuclear Sanctioned Group
(C) lmam Malik (D) None of these
(D) lmam Hanbal 60. Complete, the idiom: ? penny for your
49. How many chambers are there in a human
hearl? IA)-Errort- (B) Hard work
(')2 (B) 3 (C) Apples (D) Thought
(c) 4 (D) 6 61 ln whicfi year was General Ayub Khan
50. Simplify: 12 x (13 - 2 x 5\ = ? appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the
(A) 36 (B) 660 Pakistan Army?
lC) -144 (O) None of rhese (A) 1951 (B) 1952
51. Name the mammal. which can aclually iy.
(c) 1955 (D) 1949
(A) Orangulan (B) Ptatypus 62. Fill in the blank. "Are there '- apptes
(C) Rhesus Monkey (D) Bat in kitchen?
52. Which ol the following is coneclly puncluated?
(A) Some (B) Anv
(A) Abdul is a good driver, moreover, he is a
(C) Much (D) Noie of these
very ftiendly one. 63 Which number is wrong in the series: 1, 2, 6,
(B) Abdul is a good driver. Moreover he is a 15, 31. 56. 91.
very friendly one. (A) 31 (B) 91
(C) Abdul is a good driver; moreover, he is a (c) 56 (D) 15
very friendly one. 64. Fill in the blank: "lt is film that I
(D) Abdul is a good driver: moreover, he is a have ever seen.'
very ftiendly one (A) Worsl (B) Worse
53. Who was the first female Soeaker of the (C) The worst (D) The worse
National Assemblv ot PakistanT 65. Under which amendment of the ,1973
(A) Begum Raana Liaqat Ati Khan Constitution were the Ahdmadis declared as
(B) Ms. Atrya lnnayatullah Non-lrruslim?
(C) Ms. Fehmda Mirza (A) sth Amendment (B) 4th Amendmenl
(O) Ms. Shaista lkramultah (C) 3rd Amendment (D) 2nd Amendment
54. Which Pakistani cricket ptayer is remembered 66. Whrch of the follorung rs an example of mrcro
as the "Little Masted? bloggrng?
(A) Javed Miandad (A) Google+ (B) Facebook
(B) Hanif Muhammad (C) Orkut (D) Twfler
(C) Nazar Muhammad
(O) Majid Khan 67. When Zu-lfiqar Ali Bhutto replaced yahya
Khan in 1971 he took over as_
55. Complete the number series: 1r, 13, 17, 19, (A) Prime Minister
23.29,31.37.41. ? (B) President
(A) 43 --TB-l-77 (C) Caretaker Prime Minister
(c) s3 (D) 51 (D) Caretaker President
56. Amazon'is a best example of site. 68. Who is cunent President of China?
(A) E-Commerce (B) SocIEIIE -o*ino (A) Xl Jinping (B) Hu Jintao
(C) Blogging (O) Enrertainment - (C) Jiang Zemin (D) Li Xranian
57. Average monthly income of P and e is Rs. 69. In MS Word, which ot the fofiowing is not type
5050. The average monthly income of e and of a page margin?
R is 6250. The average monthly income of
Rs_r (A) Lefr (B) Rroht
P and R is Rs. 5200. What wilt be the monthty (C) Centre (Oy ro-o
income of P?
! 3500
:.. (B) 4000 70. 'Siam' is the old name of:
MCOs Model 77'l

(A) Cambodia (B) lndonesia 82 which part of the human body is affected by
ici Sinqapore (D) Thailand HeDatitis C?
(Ai Kidnevs (B) SPleen
7'l Name the onlv Pakistanr who has served as ic) Pancr-eas (D) Liver
the Secretary General ol the OIC?
(A) Agha Shahi Complete the sentence using the appropriate
(B) Sharifuddin Pirzada option:
(C) Shaibzada Yaqub Khan "The old woman lived alone with
(D) Abdul Hafiz Pirzada to look after '
72. Complete the sentence: (A) Someonffi r (B) Anyone/hersel,
"Abdul knew the conditions in England like the
iC) one/her (O) Everyone/she
of his hand." 84 Simplify4+2 t3 6+2=') -
Af-[inf (B) Back (A) 2 - (B) 2
ic) Sr,n (D) Hair ict a (D) None of these
73. Fill in the blank: ln MS word, Porlrait and Landscape are:
(A) Paoe orientation (B) Paper size
"He succeeded the throne after his paie tayout
father's death."
-- ici (D) All of these
(A) To (B) ln 86 which catalvst ts used for separation ot
ici on (D) At OxYqen and Hydrogen in water (H2O)?
(Ai Sodium Chloride (B) Heat
Choose the appropriate option to complete the
icj etearicity (D) Ntric Acrd
87 The mausoleum of Anarkali is located in which
'The Amazon in Brazil is longest
oart of Lahore?
river South America.'
tA) lnside the premises of the Secretariat
(Ar Thel-- (B) Jrhe Buildino
ic) sttre (D) The/the (B) lnside i-he premises of the Govemofs
75. What does AIDS
- for in medical
stand House
(C) lnside the walled city near Bhattr Gate
(A) Acouir-ed lmmune Oeticiency Syndrome (Di Near the mausoleum of the Saint Hazrat
igi eutb tmmune Deficiency Symptoms Mian Mir
ici Acouired lmmune oestruction syndrome 88 On 4 Auqust 2010. Additional lnspector
iDi nutb tmmune Deficiency System General Po-lice, Safwat Ghayur' was martyred
76. What was the old name of Zhob? in a tenorist attack in Peshawar. He was the
(A) CambellPur (B) Montgomery nephew of:
icj ron Sanoeman (o) Fort Munro aA) Liaoat Ali Khan
77. Animals that eat both plants and meat are iBi Sariar lbdur nab Nishtar
aC) Sardar Shaukat Hayat
known as;
{A} Herbtvores (B) Carnivores iDi Chaudhry Khaliq-uz-Zaman
ici orn,rotes (D) Ruminants 89 Which of the following countries is not in
78. Which one ol the following sentence is (A) Coted lvories (B) Burkina Faso
correctlv Dunctuated?
tAt Th6 weather this wrnter has been wrndy' iC) Namibia (D) Ecuador
wet and unPredrctable 90 . Maharaia Raniit Singh had lost vision rn his
(B) The weathdr this wrnter has been wrndy, left eve as a result of.
wet and unPredictable {A) eonoenital defect (B) Stab wound
(C) The weathdr thrs wrnter has been. wrndy' iCl nnoi wouno (O) Smallpox
wet and unPredictable
(D) The weather thrs winter has been windy :y',f L-t,-'- "t*.-:-i" g't
wet and unPredictable ",.t'(
79. A p€rson who suffers from "Claustrophobia' is
,y',g F) .Jr tat
atraid ot:
{A) Hioh altitude (B) Confined Places Jvql,E ol ,i,v.;A G)
iCi O&n Spaces (D) Dark Places f
80. ln the field of computers what is one Nibble
sr/ L /-l
",>,t i' -t,i, Kw)6,i .sz
rAt t uit (B) 2 bits :f t)/ti 1s! J't;' (A)

icj a oits (D) I bits ,it(*.|)lt (D) J tJ'U, (C)

El. Which vitamin is provided to the human body
bv sunlioht?
{A} Vit;mrn A (B) Mtamrn C ' lt./st41f-I\4{J" .ss

ici vitamin E (D) vitamrn D

772 A*anceOtrSg nae"n&t p*"
"L4'cir6tggLtt4,l t/S(Lr,, : d4 r. r<,f n,!,- gz
r+.LG,?1 "{1v1CiiS15'qsu{'
syz rq ev 6t s-gr2,?r,/1,
drelvdr @l ,r'/2t; (cl JG (B) v'/zd (Al
Ia tt/{e- " &,-ht.,.o." .go zl r fol d,,ovd,. G)
tiL,zat 6l LC ci ryr S g ZrZ ( " :,n",vr u,t G Lv d .98
tiLii Gi tz
,tr,:rr,lrlt; pl glt;ta2 py 6[]av 6y
,,.aet!Zd <al ,id'*r, tol ,t',rt pl
-/ {f f .,?,,/txeart 6sf t/f-;n-a,,,v *{q{,
t Anack) .95 t gs
6+:P @l ,/t4j* ol c/rtvJv6€ @t vvJv{,g. tet
it,-(-t:J (ol ;rytt 1C1 u/o^rfvt tol cv.t,4,fi lcl
fte,rlri ,,lv.,tll, .% t7ln'F ao,f { ,,gt;,! a".rco
4Gt .=, (A) ,u @) rr (A)
f <ot .,.U, (C) ,.1t1,>q|{a',; 1oy & tc)
A nswer Key
1. b 'l.4 a 27. a 40. b53.c 66. d 79 b 92. d
2. b 15 d 28. b a54.b
41. 67. b 80 93. b
3. 16 b 29. c 42. c55.a 68. e 81. d 94. d
4. 17 c 30. d 43. d56.a 69. c 82. d 95. a
5. d 18 31. b 14. b57.b 70. d 83. c 96. b
6. d '19 d 32. b 45. a58.a 71. b 84. a 97. d
b 20. d c 46. c59.a 72. b 85. a 98. a
8. a 21. d u. c 47. a60.d a 86. c 99. b
b 22 c 35. a 48. a 6'1. a 74. a 87 a 100. b
b 23. d 36. a 49. c62b 75. a 88 b
11 b 24.
c 37. b 50. a63.b 76. c 89 d
c a 38. d 51. d64.c c 90 d
d 26. b 39. a 52. c65.d 78. b 91 a


The hero of the recant pakistani film .WAAR, (C) Coal Deposits
ts (D) Gas Fields
(AITEan (B) Jawad Khan 3 The music of our nalional anthem was
(C) Javed Sha ikh (O) Ali Zatat comoosed bv
2. Manghopir in Karachi is famous for its (A) hhmed AeEaoE-
(B) Rashid Atrav -
iIJ-Eti-nd-Dotohins (C) Khurshid Ariwar
rB) Sulphur Spdngs (D) Khalil Ahmed
Advanced MCQS Model 773
4. The second highest mountain peak K - 2 is (A) Turkmenistan (B) Azerbarjan
situated in: (C) Bosnia (D) Maldova
(A) Bhutan (B) China
e0. The Nobel Laureate of Literature Orhan
(C) Pakistan (D) Afghanistan Pamuk is a national of which country?
5 Bolan Pass is situated in (A) Columbia (B) Poland
(A) Baluchistan (C) Ghana (D) Turkey
B) KhyberPakhtunkhwa 21. Malala Yousafzai shared the 20'14 Nobel
C) Puniab Peace Prizw with
D) Azad Kashmir (A) Amartya Sen (B) Kailash Satyarthi
6. Hansraj the pet antelope of Mughal Prince (C) Arun Kejriwal (O) Sirivand Subhash
Salim is buried in _ 22. Ho Chi Minh City located in _
(A) Dina (B) Agra (A) Cambodia (B) Vietnam
(C) Hiran Minar (D) Kandahar (C) Laos (D) Thailand
7. Tick the odd word: 23. Sumatra lsland is a part of which country?
(A) Faisalabad (B) Turkmenistan (A) Malaysia (B) Brunei
(C) Bahawalpur (O) Tashkent (C) Philpines (D) lndonesia
8. Tick the odd word out:
24. St. Petersburg is a _
(A) Eat (8) Sleep (A) Church ,. (B) Fottball Stadium
(C) Panadol (D) Drink (C) Russian City (D) Romantic Novel
9. Pakistan hosted the Second lslamic Summit 25. CaDital citv of l..Jkraine rs
lslamic Summit in (Aj Kiev -Famascus
(A) 1974 Lahore (B) 1972 lslamabad (C) Ankara
(D) Crimea
(C) '1976Karachi (D) 1977 Lahore
'10. Lucknow Pact was signed between Muslim 26. Gorakh Hill station is located in which
League and National Congress in _ Baluchistan
(A) 1917 (B) 1916 B Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa ,,
(c) 1937 (D) 1935
c Sindh
11. Ethics is about D Puniab
(A) Concepts o-fright & wrong
27. Hingol Dam is in _
(B) improvrng your health (A) Gilgit Baltistan
(C) Making you a wealthy person (B) Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
(D) Helping you build a house (C) Azad Kashmir
12. Vatican City is the seat of (D) Baluchistan
(A) Anglican Church
(B) Greek Orthodox Church
28. Emperor Akbar is buried rn _
(c) Roman Catholic Church
(A) A.lmer (B) Agra
(D) Free Mason Club (C) Delhi (D) Sikand
29. Abbottabad is connected with Gilgit through
13 OGRA is the regulatory body for
(A) Electronic luedia iB) Oil & Ges
_ which mountain pass _
(C) Banking Sector (D) Oil & Geology (A) Babusar Pass (B) Lowari Pass
(C) Shandur Pass (D) Gomal Pass
14 ln 1895 Quaid-e-Azam was called to the Bar 30. lndus Basin Treaty between Pakistan and
Lincoln's inn (B) lnner Temple lndia was signed in _.(B)
Middle Temple (D) Gray's lnn
(A) 1959 1960
(c) 1962 (D) 1e65
'15. Quaid-e-Azam daughter was named Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning
(B) to the word in caprtal letters:
IAI-Dint Roxana
(C) Farzana (D) ,Rehana 31. OBSCURE
'16. The cunency of Bang ladesh is (A) unclear (B) doubttul
(A) Rupiah (B) Taka
' (C) enclosed (D) brilliant
(C) Riyal (D) Dong 32. HOOOWTNK
(A) delude (B) avoid
17. Cunency of Malaysia is (C) rob (D) kill
(A) Kyat B--)
(C) Ringgit D) Peso 33. OBESSTON
(A) fixed ideas (B) delusion
18. ENGRO is a (C) doubt (D) think
1ai Large CompEnylB) Houseing Society
(C) Food Company (D) Hill Station 34. PRESUMPTIVE
(A) credible (B) timid
19. Sarajevo is the capital city of (C) brave (O) haughty
774 Advanced PPSC MCQ' l,,odet pape6
35. AMIABLE 51. The UN Security Council has
(A) harmless (B) affable permanenl member states that have-the
(C) wicked (D) honest power
(A) (B) Five
(A) lowly (B) vile Seven
(C) (D) Fifteen
(C) good (O) noble 52. UNESCO is a UN body that works for
(A) preserve (B) destroy (41 lndustrial Labour
(C) ravage (D) manage (B) Education, Science & Culture
(C) Word Health Matters
38. VULGAR (D) Population
(A) gross (B) exquisite
(C) coarse (D) obscure 53. Astronomy is a study of
Pre-hlstoric Animals
(A) profligate (B) principled c Underwater Resources
(C) honourable (D) uncorrupt o Man's Origins
40, ALLY 54. lbn-e-Khaldun is remembered as a pioneer of
(A) foe (B) alloy
(C) partner (o) accessory (4) Geography (B) Chemistry
41 Pakistan's largest export is (C) Socrology (D) Arabic
(A) Sugar (B) Tjm-ie 55. E-Commerce is
(C) Cement (D) Leather (A) On-Line Trai--
42 Pakistan s interest rate todav is (B) Socral Networkino
(A) 8% (B) 8'.5olo- (C) Slocks & Shares-
(c ) 9% (o) 7 .5o/o (D) Commodity Exchange
43 GDP of Pakistan in US dollars is 56. Boko Haram is a
(A) 232 Billion (B) 230 Bit-fioi-- (A) Football Club--llJ-erronst Group
(C) 240 Brllion (D) 250 Bi ion (C) Moroccan Fitm iD) Drint
44 Pakistan's export worth is _. 57. Lee Kaun Yew is considered as the father of
(A) Equal to the imports
(B) Less than the imports (A) Myanmar (B) Matdives
(C) More than the imports (C) Singapore (D) FUr
(D) Half the worth of rts imports 58 Mahathir Mohammad was the Prime Minisler
46 Jan Sher Khan is a fameus name in which of
sport? (4)Bruner (B) Phrtipprnes
(A) Hockev (B) Boxino (C) lndonesra {D) Mataysia
(C) Kabadijr (Oi Squas-rr 59. Cvber Cnme rs related to
46 Mohammad Asif recently won a world tifle in (A) Aircraft 1a1--eErrp-none
which sport (C) Computer (D) Rartway
(A) Snooker (B) Scrabbte Which is the Odd Word amono these
(C) Chess (o) eaOge
60. (A) Tail (B) Brq
47 The author wrote the famous Enqlish Novels (C) Strawberry (D) Hr6h
"The Crow Eaters' and The lce Cindyman'?
(A) Prof. Ahmed Ali 61 (A) Bitter (B) Sour
(B) Bapsi Srdhwa (C) Sweet (D) Deep
(C) Alamgir Hasmi 62. (A) Shoe (B) Shrrt
(D) Musharaf Ali Farooqi (C) Trousers (D) Prnk
48 SAARC Secretariat is located in 63. The 1973 Constilution of Pakistan has been
(A) Dhaka (B) Kathmarxiu amended
(C) Male (D) Colombo (A) 21 Times B) 20 Times
49 ECO Secretariat is located in (c) 19 Times O) 22 Times
(A) Tehran tB) tstan6uF 64. Bill Gates is the crealo of
(C) Ankara (O) tasntent (A) Macrosoft B) T5h-oo
50 The next Summer Olympic Games are due to (C) Google D) Facebook
be held in 65 Tsunami is
(A) 2016 Rio ci6-Janeiro tA) Wnd Storm - (B) Storm rn the sea
(B) 2017 Moscow (C) Earthquake (D) Ha Storm
(C) 2016 Seoul
(D) 2018 Paris ob Gynecology ts a branch of
(A) Geography (B) Istronomy
Adyanced PPSC MCQS odel Papers 775
(C)Medicine (D) Mathematics $ j,ctlL;"i,-f ul *6..,4"!,xr az
67. ICAO is a world body that regulates
,Qt/ (B\ ,t)1.-. j (Al
(A) Civil Aviation (B) Railway Systems
(C) Defence Matters (D) Space Travel
68. Sun has planets that circle around
l,,l pt A)t,+ (cl
it. e Av o / ot l'( tt / e !-, e L o r,! )9, - *
ru 83
(A) Eighl (B) Nine
(C) Ten (O) Seven d=f Pl )vOv't (At
69. Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi came from which
area of Afghanistan? f',v 1o'v j?1.u.1c7
(A) Shor (B) Pan shtr
(C) Ghazni (O) Kandahar ,t -t1.- ct{,/,{; r' } i {" I i Jq' -,b 84
70. Ancient city of Harappa was located in which '' <-9 tt
(A) Sindh (B) Punjab
(C) Kyber-Pakhtunkwa (D) Baluchistan i; @t s/.; $1
71 The Senate of Pakistan has a total of
?1 p\ ,r5,(ct
1 10
t <.-,r' -- iu.2 i>i t rf i t",: as
72. Rana Baghwan Oas was a @l t!ti,: 't-! Ol
(A) Cncket Player (B) Joumalist
(C) Federal Secretary(D) None of these iv& tol or, (c)
73. A.R. Cornelius was a _
(A) Chief Justice of Supreme Court ctciuoVJ nJ i S t; iti itq)t-n cb, sd
(B) Joumalist
(C) Businessman i vg{ rG )'.i =- * i',{a,1"a eE :

(D) Writer
txt (B\ ,rE- (A)
What comes next in these seouence:
74. 2,4, 16, 128, _ 8, @) ,,tr (c)
(A) 2008 (B) 2048
(c) 2084 (O) 2804 \:
e-!- "--.,6i' .87
75. 1, 11, 31 , 71, _
(A) 291 (B) 311 f ionru t l :ii;c(o': (At
(c) 151 (D) 41
76. 72 2'l
+ +8+66+ 37 =
ovlvi f 'v @l ',71-(s)sr 1c\
(A) 204 (B) 304 t.-t iJ'*/,;{'i'" .ea
(c) 196 (D) 215
77. 839 - 680 =
(A) 159 (B) 1 49
4.'v7l P\ ,{tl. @l
(c) 13e (D) 1 29 it,-1-tt @l {v(';sr 1c1
78. 40 x 5.1
,,/,p te L JF' -tu,J " 1'" f' 6 r,t,it
(A) 104 (B) 204. .8s
(c) 114 (o) 110
79. 3900 + 500
(A) 7.s
(c) 8.1
(B) 7.8
(D) 6.9 Jul (B) -' i 6l
80. 21 x 18 =
(A) 378 (B) 368
r.f, tot !i tcl
1igJt,.t -z / Lttviot,;d
268 (D) 286 r so
t)u.fiA *,f u/,1 ut "'r t 81 ,;ttjt..o$ tal ctt/Jv ta\
fv,J p1 fv. ot \D\ Ot)r, G\
l,i,'t4. 1o7 ,-:)-(d G\ t r{ L,{ t trgv tt 7l ),v .st
nG M?ftCrcOsr,@ctPrlx,,tr*
Jv,-P tq :,!g,;61 -( :( tr(jr, .s6
t,.4t4\/ (ot ,)d,l <cl i€"f ot -6'/ ret
. -J.
{ /c,/, ZL*r,A?, .r, +'L( @ b,, lc)
6+i€it @ i",/q 61 tti{,J,V yvo{Lrtt;rt2. / .s7
lot tol Jtl G) ,i,{ o .,lrrl, (a)
$ g {Jv(f,r),,ra."C,t, ut,5 tr 93 it:) (o) i$t-.i G)
,gualbvt lB) w$,u7 61 !rr',-i f"/ori1u{2.t,,,-i,ti*.;t f ., ga
dl!,!Gd," pt jti(ut (Cl ,calJtttr @l ,.Y,j=,) @)
t*-4o,!;/,{:o, .u Jt)u.* (o) ,,! e:,,j,+z (cl
*kt <q ga.l,*t,6y t 11,,r,.t 2,/ L cvi( ;i u. .sg
JVlt P, Pu>*p (cl ,rl-Ai <a\ . ar;l-$ ot
,F i,rfur,ryi,ay, _-& JE,{ .gs lut; (D) cq[. G)
#Jti t Zs/'-t-'L "*P;?'.too
at (B) o4 (Al lJr,lEttt,, (Bl oo[filr 67
u4 tot v?, (cl ' jr,fru, tol ,t;iclJtJ:t:, rcl
A nswer Key
1. a 14 a 27 d 40. c
2. c 15 a 28 b 41.
b oo. c 79 b .c
3, a 16 b 29 a 42.
b 54 c 67. a 80 a 93. c
4. c 17 c 30 b 43.
a a 68. a 81 c 94. b
5. a 18 c 31 44.
b 56 b 69. c a 95. c
6. c 19 c JZ
a 45.
57 c 70. b a 96. a
7. b 20 d 33 b 46.
58 d 71. c 84 b 97. c
8. 21 b u d 47.
a 59 72. d 85 a 98. c
9. a 22. b 35 b 48.
a 86 b 99. a
10 b 23. d 36 a
. b 87 c 100. c
49. a 62. d 75. c 88 a
11 a 24. 37 b 50. a 63. d 76. a 89 d
12 c 25. a 38 51. b 64. a
13 a b
b 26. c 39 c 52. b 65. b 78. b 91 d


(Memory Based one Liner)
1. Pakistan.rvon how many Gold medals in 2O1O 4. Orthography study of? Sp€fling
garnes tn tndia? Two
5. .-2nd. largest city of punjab by popdation?
?.. Whid catiphate died naturat death?. ]hzr.t Faraal,bad.
Abu Bake? (R.A)
6. When P8k Badminton was tormed? 1953
10$6 used for Mathemarical work?
i" fi8irdlH," 7. Unionist party was formed in? 1923
Advanced PPSC MCAS ModelPaoeB 777
8. Oaurd€ Azam gave his tamous 14 poinls rn a 39. Whal is the name of bomb dropped on
session held in Oehh in? tlarch 1929 Hiroshima? Little boy
9 What is the meaning of the Proverb: To hit the 40. South pole is located in? Anterctlca
nail on head? exact point
41. Tsunami is a word of which language?
10 Honiculture is the study of? Gardon Japaness
11. Youngest mountain Rang rs? Himalaya 42.WWF silver fiyweight champion is?
12. oar-e Salaam city of? Tanzania Muhammad Waseem
13. How many lime Pak become Olympic 43. ll2x+2x+2x=12 then find the value of
champion oI Hockev? Three times 2x-1? 3
14 Prng pong rs the other name of? Tabla tennis 44. Cost of ice 60 and the is profit 20%. What is
15 War of independence started from Meerath in? the total price _? 72 Rs
1857 45. During Which prayer, the change of Qibla
16. Firsl War fought between lndia and Pakistan happened? Zuhr
atter parlitton on whrch rssue? Kashmir 46. Evaluate: 1500 is '15% of _? 10000
17. Frll rn the blank. Smokrng rs bad _ your 47. Average of 9 rnnrngs ln 10th rnnrng score
health? for 100...increase E percent... what wlt be new
18. Safety pin was invented by? Walter Hunt average....28
19. "Astoi'dislrict is located in? Gilgit.Baltistan 48. Two number are in the ratio 4 : 5. lf 10 is
subtracted from each. the new numbers are in the
20 Peshawar hrgh court chief Justrce: Justice ratio 16 : 24 The smaller number is? 5
Waqar Ahmad Seth
49. What is the name of the fdher of Haral Umar
21. Synonym of "lmplicate"? lnvolve (R.A)? Khattab
22. Pime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali had 50. Ghazwa-e-Badr was fought between Muslims
been president of Pak Hockey federation and non believers in? 2 Hurah
23 What rs lhe length of Line Of Control (LOC)? 5'1. ln lslam, Ushar is a tax on ?
740 km Agricultura yield
24. Malik Ghulam Muhammad abolished assembly 52. What is the Capital of Albania? Tlrana
of? tluhammad Ali Bogra
53. What is the Caprtal ol Austria:? Vienna
25. What is the real name of lmam Bukhari?
I uhammad ibn lsmail al-Bukhari 54. Where is the Headquarter of lnternatronal
Court of Justrce? The Hague (Neth.rlands)
26. Which team won PSL 2018? lslamabad
United 55. World Economic Forum meet every year in
which city? Oavos (Switserland)
27. English channel separated England from?
Flance 56. synonym of Enssmble: Group of musicians
26. Alfred Nobel invented? Oynamite 57. Fill in the blank: Please wait for me. I will be
29. Califomia is the State of? USA
finished _ tive or ten minutes? in
58. Sodium chloride is common[/ known as? salt
30. NSG stand for? Nuclear Supplier Group
59. Complete the line: Rob Peter to pay ?
31. LNG stand for? Liquefied Naturat Gas Paul
32. What is the number of lmran Khan as prime 60. liv}lat is the sign of Email? @
Minister? 2fth
61. Find the value of X in following:
33. President of Pakistan is etected by? All
Provincial assemblies, National Assombly and 1:3::6:X? 1E
the Senat€ 62. US Naval base Diego Garcia is in? lndian
34 Name of Pakrstan corned by? Ch Rehmat Ali Ocean
in 1933 in his book "Now or Never" 63. Afghanrstan district adiacent with Ourand lrne?
35. Hazrrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) lived with Paktika
Hazrar Abdul Mutlib? 2 years 63. United Nation Organization (UNO) was formed
36. Fill in the blank: I prefer tea_coffee? to in? 24 October 1945

37 Photoediter: powerpoant 6,4. Petronas Towers situated is located in

38 Term "Double Short" is used in which game?
_? Kuala Lumpur
Tennis 65. Amnesty lnternational is an Organization of
_? Human Rights
778 Advanced PPS9 MCQS Model Pallg6
66. "Hold one's horse" means__? HaYo What does idiom / phrase "at sea" means
_? Puzled
67. Rohingya Muslims are the natives ol __? 86 ln a mixture 60 litres, the ratio of milk and
Myanmar (Burma) water 2 1 lf thrs ratro is to be 1 2, then the
68 "Debut" is a fcrergn phrase whrch means quanrty of waler to be further added is? 60 litres
_ , First Appearance as performance
87. Fender bendea' means ? A small
68. lce melting pornt...32"F car accident
70. Complete the following sequence. 2, 3, 5,9, 88. Water has maximum density
_.33? 17 al-7 l centigrade
71 It a mobile phone costrng Rs. 18.000 was sold 89. According to modern system of taxonomy.
for Rs 15.500. Calculate the percentage loss? hving organisms have been classilied rnto? Five
't 3.890/.
72 HazJal Muhammad (S A.W.W) used to go in
90. ln human beings influenza rs caused
which cave before Nabuwah? Cave of Hil" ? Virus
73. Khusi k moqy py istrmal hony waly alfaaz kia
kehlaty hain .Haroof insbsat 91. ji.:**,!r i Jt;:-':-t?ti! j t aj, !3
75. "Shakir-al-Amin" museum burlt in _ ? "
1975 Lt41

76. Daily Dawn was published by Quaid-e Azam in

_'t 1942 t t
a 7 : a tf ,!,.{z,vt t,ti
77. Definition ot Abstrac,t noun? Cannot seen and
touched %. 4){,f$-',r{-"ott-"
78. Indian partition plan is also the by the name ot
_? 3rd June Plan 94. $ctvnrrt=Cr,lo4 Go,t.',,t,!JF -*
79. Different computer connect wath each other is
called _? Network
t p t../ i,./" f ! r =V;S
S. $ 4,) iv
80. Which is mostly used search engine? Googla
96 t.clt-t<-,* t{--ur?qv t t
81. What is mean of WRAM? Windows Random
Acce$ llemory
82. Sub Judice means? Undet Judicial 97 .q(.:td -t -,, t { - L /L-. J
83. Complete the Prcverb: Don't put your eggs in t-i J.- -/)a>* l9O5 -lX)E
98.-.1-, uf- a,
_ ? One Basket e0..1C,447'F,!,,/*;
84. She tumed heads wherever she went. What
does the idiom/phrase '1um heads" mean? Attract
a lot of attention
I oo, v /)v.t 1 JL, (('i.t'-
85. He was all at sea when he began his new Job.


(Memory Based one Liner)

First UN secretary general belongs to when Pakistan ratification in UN for Child

__? Norway labour 1992 1990 other.?
Currency of Norway is _? Krone When first constitution meeting held 10 Aug
Parliament of Bangladesh rs known as
1947 o|I I Aug '1947 ?
__ ? Jatiya Sangsad Who is the 2nd governc!'general of lndia?
John f,acpher3on
Cap*al city of Peru is _ ? Lima
Where is SAARC firsl meeting held? Dhaka
Advanced PPSC NcQs rtodel PaoQrc 779

Which state of lndia is a seaport? Andra . An opticalfrber or ophcalfibre is a flexrble.

Perdesh transparent fiber made by drawtng glass
(srlica) or plastic to a diameter slightly thrcker
Kargrl War held in _ _ -_,? 1999 than that of a human hair.
Gurudawra Roll Sahib rs located rn Amrnabad r Whrch river flow in Canada? Mackenzra.
rn whrch city of Pak,slan, Gujranwala
Nelson & Fasary.. .All of these)
Hazrat Khadua (R.A| dred at lhe age cf . Fill rn the blank. Whal was the cause
_? 65 years
the problem? of
Prophet Muhammad rSAW) purchased . Jawahir Laal Nehru rs of Moti Laal
Mosque Land at Madrna from two orphans? Nehru? Son
Sehal & Sohail
Where rs wh(e beach rn Australa Oueensland
. NeilArmstrong is first arnved ln r|oon he
followed by? Aldrin
Canberra other ?
. US naval base is in_? Indian Ocean
Safety pin was invented by _" Waher
Hunt Largest Coffee producer country is
French Revolutrcn cccurred rn '1789
. Mulana Muhammad AliJohar published
The cost pnce of a Rs 100 stock at 4 drsco-,r'l -?
Comrade in 191 1 whrch c1y? Calcutta
wher broKerage rs 1/4'70 is? Rs. 96.25
. What is the meaning ot the Proverb By leaps
Fill in the blank I am srck allthrs and bounds? Very fast
slress? of --
. Passive voice of The roll berng is called by
Structure of DNA was given by me.
Watson E Crick
. Magisterialmeans?Authoritativo
Scanner is _? An input device
-? . Synonym of lncline? Rise
Zero was invented by __? Aryabhatta
in ?
. Antonym Haughty? Humbh
Optical fiber rs used
Telecommunications . Which next come 1944
Pakistan's largest import from . Solve 2x+2xt2x then (2x-l ) 2 or 4?
Ameiica . Solve equation 15:7 .560:X ??
-, cricketer'
First 1OOO0 score made by \rrhich . lf a shopkeepeG goods cosl price is 20016
Sachin Tendulkar . profit and he sold goods with 5% discount
Pakistan won first ICC T-20 Worl Cup under then whal is Protrt he gain ? 19%
the capitency of Younis Khan . lI A and B together complete job in 15 days
UNO founded in _? 24 Octob€r 'l9il5 and B alone can 20 days in how many days
can A along compele job : 60day
-? cares _
Fill rn the blank: She the
. which is Odd number 2.57.65 :65
environment? about
Who was the last govemor of British East . Which key used for Last action CTRL+Z
lndia Company? Lord Canning . in which submit the number of pages?
Which counlry is known as "Land of lhousand Heeder and footei
lakes"? Finland . Proyorb'Up to the mark" means? Standard
Whrch famous country is known as "Pearl of . CTRL+I :used lor Increase font srze
Antilles"? Cuba
Who declared the Oadianis as Non- Muslims?
. Which key used for Change font? Alt+ctrl+f
Zulitgar Ali Butto . Which is not used for edting piclure? Corel
Paradrse is mentroned in Quran how many
times? 150 timeg . Notepad used for only Woids
NUML Nalional University o, Modern . ln MS PowerPoint used of images for our
Language is in __? lslamabad pre*ntation select through
-? Clpart, Ms online,
A place where leather is tanned is called
_? Tannery . First Ashra is called? Ashra-e Rehmat
Andre Agassi is a famous . What rs the meanrng of "By hook or by i
American TenniS Player crook"? By any means
780 .Jdtrd/,tr d,,cncasttodp,tPaperi
. Holy Prophet (PBUH) Eartier participat€ in .
War of _? Harb€ Fijaar' 1-7,1.'-r-.!6;e!{
. ln Surah Ahzab which Sahabi name came?
H.zrat Zaib bin Haris ' -4b(,(i:ti
. Real name of Hazat Abu Bakar RA is . j.t'aL jt,-<--,-i 5 --',--i,,,),
_? Abduttah
. Holy Prophet (PBUH) narne 'Muhammad ',
. Put with Up ',,u
was suggested by
utlb (R.A)
_? Hazrat Abdul
o jat)r-lfy,L-ri'rL;,f
. Madni Surah relaled about Ghazwat in which
PBUH participated. o 6;:t,,-(,!',t-'t,r,l
. Meaning of 'Every trick in the bo6k"? Try
. ir->tq.r,rt )i /
overy posslble way -2-,/
. The East lndia Company annexed the punjab o tr jr:::t!t lr
on _ and incorporated it within British
lndia? 2 April lEtg
. slE;-;/i,)


1. A man is 24 years older than his son. ln two I Which is the smallest Sea of the world?
years, his age wrll be twrce the age of hrs son Sea
(A) Black {B) Red Sea
The present age of his son is
(A) 14 years (B) 18vears
(C) Baltic (O) South China Sea
(C) 20 years (O) 22 yeas The OIC came into existence in:
(A) 1987 (B) 1969
Converl to passive voice: He opens the door. (c) 1964 (D) 1985
(A) The door was opened bv him
(B) The door is being opendd by him 11 Mehr is given to women as:
(C) The door is oDenid bv him (A) Gift as a token of respect
(D) The door was being op€ned by him (B) Legal debt
(C) Help lo woman
3. Arya Samaj was against: (D) Price for contract of marriage.
(A) Sikhs (B) Christian's
(C) Muslims (O) AI of these 12 Bodies which usually fatt ftom the sky to the
Earth are called'
4. The firsl airline of Pakistan was. (A) Planels (B) .Meteorites
(A) Pak AiMay (B) Orient Airways (C) Both A and B(D) None of these
(C) PIA (D) None of these
13 The latitude of the Equator is:
5. Synonym of Banen is: (A) 0 degrees (B) 30 deorees
(A) Earthly (B) Hroh (C) 45 degrees (D) 60 dedrees
(C) crassi (Di tnf;nrle
14 The share of wrle in husband's property, after
6. Melting point of lce on Fahrenheit Scale is his death, in the presence of chrldren rs
taken as: lA|U2 (B) 1/3
(A) 0.F (B) 32.F (c) 1/8 p)
tct 212'F
iol rz" r 15 ln a 100 m race, A covers the distance in 36
7. Sha4ah is located in: seconds and B in 45 seconds. ln this A beats
(A) Qalar (B) UAE B bv:
(C) Kuwail (D) Saudr Arabra (A) 20 m (B) 24m
8. Vt)at does'www' stand for? (C) 28 m (D; s0 m
(A) Web World Wide (B) Wiki Wortd Web 16 Convert to indirect form: He advised us. 'Do
(C) World Wrde Web (D) Wortd Wide Wrkr not bc late".
Advanced PPSC MCQS odel Paoers 781
(A) He advised us not to late (A) Height (B) Rise
He advised us not to be late (C) Depart (D) Come down
He advised not to be late
(D) He advised us that not to be late
32 Name the crop sown on the largest area of
'17. What is the current Portfolio
ol Akram Khan (A) Rice (B) Sugar cane
Durani? (C) Cotton (D) Wheat
(A) Minister of State for Board of Investment
(B) Minister of State for lnterior 33 Convert to lndirect form: She said "Go
(C) Minister for Housrng and works upstairs".
(D) .Mrnister for States and Frontier Regrons (A) She told me to go upstairs
(B) She said me to upstairs
'18 The FBI is a government agency belongrng to: (C) She told me that 9o upstairs
(A) USA (B) Russia (D) She told me to went upstairs
(C) UK (D) lsrael
34 Name the pact in which the Muslims and
19. Urdu is a Word of: Hindus agreed on separate electorate for
(A) English (B) Turkish Muslims:
(C) Persian (D) Arabic (A) Congress-League Pacl
20. Which country is located at the North of the (B) Reforms Pact
Arabian Sea? (C) Delhi Pact
(A) lran (B) Paki$an (D) Lucknow Pact
(C) Both A and B (D) None ofthese Complete the series: 3, 4, 7, 8. 1'l, '12,
21. The largest continent by area is:
(A) Europe (B) Australia (A) 7 (B) 10
(C) Africa (D) Asia (c) 14 (D) 15
22. The Simon Commis_sion submitted its Report 36 Which of the following planets is called
in the year: Evening Star?
(A) 1935 (B) 1929 (A) Mars (B) Mercury
(c) 1e30 (o) 1938 (C) Venus (D) Jupiter
23. Comets revolve around: 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18
(A) Sun (B) Earth days. ln how many days will 27 men complete
(C) Venus (D) Jupiter the same work?
24 (B) 20
24. Synonym of Benign
(A) Kind
(B) Blessed
(c) 18 (D) 17
(C) Confused (D) Back 38 The longest mountain range (above the sea
level) is:
25. Complete the series: 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, (A) Himalayas (B) Kara Korum
(C) Rocky Mountajns (D) Andes
(A) 123 (B) 125 39 Panama is a country in;
(cl 127 (D) 129 r (A) SouthBrazil (B) North America
26. Which is the largest Continent population (C) Europe (D) CentralAmerica
wise? 40 Lord Minto came to lndia as a Viceroy in the
(A) Europe (B) Australia yeat.
(C) Africa (D) Asia (A) 1e0s (B) 1e07
27. The headquarter of World Bank rs: (c) 1906 (D) 1910
(A) Geneva (B) London 41 World Bank was established in:
(C) Washington DC (D) New York (A) June 1942 (B) August'1941
28. Convert to indirect from: He asked. "Do I have (C) July 194a (D) Decemb€r 1947
to do it"? 42 Which policy ended when Nelson Mandela
(A) He asked if he had to do that became Presidenl of South Africa?
(B) He asked that he had to do it (A) Big Stick (B) Communism
(C) He asked if he has to do it (C) Apartheid (D) Open Door
(D) 'He askedif he had to do it
43 Which is the largest country in the Arabian
29. Name the lowest point in Asia: Peninsula?
(A) Lake Assal (B) Death Valtey- (A) Oman (B) Yemen
(C) Dead Sea (D) Caspian Sea (C) SaudiArabia (D) Kuwait
30. Meaning of Wahi is: 44 Faiselabad is famous fori
(A) lnspiration (B) Expression (A) Cotton fiber (B) Poly fiber
(C) Excitation (D) Revelation (C) Paper (D) Textile
31. Synonym of Ascend is:
782 Adyanced PPSC NCQS ltodet Paoe,s
45. Namaz is refened to In Quran as an 59 Which of the following rs used for purdicalron
obligation. of water?
(A) 600 trmes (B) 700 times (A) Oxygen
(C) 800 trmes (D) 900 times (B) Ammonra
(C) Chlorine
46. How many independent stales are there in
(D) Carbon Dioxrde
(A) 50 (B) 60 60 AIDS virus destrcys whrch system of the body
(ci 58 (D) 54 (A) Circulation (B) immune
(C) Digestion (D) Brain
47. What is the freezing point of Heavy Water?
(A) 3.82 degrees Cels,us 61 Converl to passrve vorce We set the table
(B) 2.82 degrees Celsius (A) The table ls set by us
(c) 1 82 degrees Celsius (B) The table was sel by us
(D) 0.82 degrees Celsius (C) The table should be set by us
(D) The table rs berng set by us
48. The gas used in the manufacture of Banaspati
Gnee rs 62. Where was the first Wahr revealed?
(A) Helium (B) Orygen (A) Cave of Soar iB) Caveof Hira
(C) Nitrogen (D) Hydrogen (C) Cave of Safa (D) Cave ofMarwa
49. Synonym of Calamity is 63. The Rio Olympics 20'16 men s foolball gold
(A) Ease (B) Call upon medals were won by
(C) Disaster (D) lnsult (A) Brazil (B) Germany
(C) France (O) ltaly
50. The cheapest source of electrictty is in at
Present rsl 6,4. What are liber optic cables used for?
(A) Hydel (B) Nuclear (A) To transmit Data
(C) Solar (D) Thermal (B) To get x-rays
(C) To pass electrioty
51. A woman paid Rs.15000 as down paymenl on (D) None of these
a house if this amount was 200/0 of the price,
what did the house cost? 65. How many times do the hands of a clock
(A) Rs.85000 (B) Rs. l,00.000 coincide in a day?
(c) Rs.75000 (o) Rs.65000 (A) 18 (Bl 22
(C) 25 (O) 24
52 Who is the highest wicket taker in Test
66. The word Diarchy means:
(A) Shane Wame (A) Rule of two authorities
(B) Courlney Walsh (B) Oouble govemment
(C) Muttiah Muiitharan (C) Both A and B
(D) Allan Donald (D) None of these
53 Srr Syed Ahmed Khan was born in: 57 Which of the following Sea separates Asia
(B) Oelhi from Africa?
(A) Gujrat (A) Arabian Sea (B) Caspian Sea
(C) Calcutta (D) Karachi
(C) Red Sea (D) None of these
54. whrch of the following countries is not land
locked? 68 What rs the new name of Pers'a?
(A) Alghanistan (B) Myanmar (A) lran (B) Bagndad
lC) Nepal (O) Switzerland (C) lraq (D) Syria
55. Whrch planet takes the longest time to go 69 Synonym of Accuse rs.
once around the Sun?
(A) Sorry (B) To follow
(A) Uranus (B) Jupiter (C) Blame (D) Saying
(C) Neptune (D) Satum 70 Convert to indirect form She asked him Are
yau uazy?'
56 I he OIC headquarter rs located in.
(A, She asked hrm rf she was crazy
tA) Jeddah (B) Cairo (B) She asked hrm rf he was crazy
(C) Rryadh (D) Kuala Lumpur (C) She asked him if he rs crazy
57. Evaluate 48.95 - 32.006 = ? (D) She asked him that if he was crazy
(A) 15.560 (B) 16.9t14 71 Who was called Abu-ul-Bashr Sani?
(c) 16.350 (D) 14 750 (A) Hazrat lbrahim (A.S)
5E C S S is abbreviatron of: (B) Hazral Shees (A S)
(A) Crvrl Socrety Servrces (C) Hazrat Noah (A.S)
(Bj Central Superior Services (D) Hazat Uzarr (A.S)
(C) Civii Sense Society 72 Whrch of the followng countries is known as
(D) Corporate Superior Society the Land Midnrcht Sun?
(AJ Belgrum - (B) Holland
Adv PPSC MCOS Model Paoers 783

. (C) Norway (D) Japan 88. Who was the founder of Facebook?
(A) Steve Jobs
73. The under conslruction Gulpur hydro power (B) Bill Gates
project lo generate 102 MW ol electrrcrly rs (c) Mark Zuckerberg
located in: o) Larry Page
(A) Jehlum (B) Koth
(C) Mirpur (D) Grlg( 89 Convert to lndirect form She sad Stop
Ealing al me."
74. N.A.T.O rs abbrevration of: tA) She told hrm to stop stanng at hrm
(A) North Atlantrc Treaty Organrzation (B) She told him to stop stanng at me
(B) Non-Alianed Treatv Oroanrzatron (c She told hrm to stop staring to her
iCi Non-atrineO rrading O-rganization (D She told hrm to stopped staring at her
(D) North American Transport Ordinance
90. Hazrat Yousaf (A.S)was the son of
75. Which of the following is lhe smallest planet in (A Hazrat lshaq (A S)
our Solar Svstem is: (B Hazrat lsmaeel (A.S)
(A) Venus' (B) Mercury (c Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
(C) Neptune (D) Uranus (D None of these
76. Sir Syed was extremely rmpressed by the
educairon system of which country? -i:d
., ;- jt-.1 91
(A) Enoland (B) USA
ici auitratra (D) canada (B) J' r-', (A)
77. The most abundant element in the Earth s
atmosphere is:
(D) ";i.f Gt
(A) Argon (B) Nilrogen
(C) Oxygen (D) KryPton ':;{{ t;-''arSi/:: 92
78. What are cyclones?
(A) Sudden. heavy floods
tt ii;tt / (B) ilr'; - (n)
No rain for a long time
Heavy showers
i,- (D) .f i'-<'-i lcl
(Di Spinnrng storms,/spirellng wmd
79. How long Hazrat Younas (A.S) remamed in
t:-';fi;/ :'9'>2 os
ttle abdomen of the tish?
(A) 20 days (B) 30 days
r;icf i (B) jr",:f Jur tel
tc) 40 dais (D) 50 days Jr'!Fur,'' (D) { .'. \C)

i-/ .sni;' st
80. General Raheel Sharif took oalh as Chief of
Armv Staff of Pakistan on ,1-,-.i
(A) 23 Nov 2013 (B) -Z5N6r.2l13
(C) 27 Nov.2013 (o) 29 Nov.2013 ..
",.., (B) j- z;'ii> tal
81. The Muslim League demanded constitutional tr,;t G\
reforms in lndia in: e.v'| (Dl
(A)1926 (B) 1929
(c) 1930 (D) 1e27 I I ut,i,x'(-'-'ci-i'| .95
82. One horse power
(A) 736 watts
is equal to
(B) 746 watts ;r,ttlti @t ,P,i 6t
(C) 748 watts (D) 756 watts
)./ \D\ )jv' G)
J. -,
83. Microsofl Power Polnt is used to create:
(A) Accounts (B) Presentations
(C) Summanes (D) All of these : yu ::, aj' ;l'tsaz i t ti -'' l t' )
84. Complete the series: 36, 34. 30. 28, 24, frl9pr (B) ;;V)tv (A)

G-r-Zf tB) 22 j;';: p1 ,'.e.-'j' 1c)

(c) 23 (D) 26
85. Where is the Adriatic Sea locked? \';Lv *e c--Lt:- -:.i tsti2' ot
(A) Asia (B) America
iC) Antarctica (D) Europe o,g:/ (B) i,tL,7 (A)
86. A table listed at Rs. 160 is marked 20olo off.
What is the sale Pnce? 'J,tJ:t @t J,t* G\
(A) Rs. 125 (B) Rs. 128
(C) Rs 120 {D) Rs. 130 <)
: J*,r'6-/ "2,,{J?' ga

87. The ECO Secretariat is in:

(A) Male (B) Tehran
jt4:-c @ ."g16,,i 61
ic) ohaka (D) Khalhmandu ,?t-; (o) 1(1 Gl
781 Advanced PPSC ltCes Model paoars

rt_adr,ttl* ss t-;/,!;/'f st'f too

-'tt)/ (Bl ,,,.e, (A) itj,r+ tel ol it.,/ ot
it)fr"t 1s1 ,//t (C) of,v)t 1o1 I'V G)
Answer Ke v
d '14.
2. '15.
c 27. c 40 a 53 b 66 c 79. c 92. a
3. d
a 28.
d 41 c 54 b 67 c 80. d 93. a
4. b
b 42 c 55 c 68 a d 94. a
5. d 18.
c 30. d 43 c 56 a 69 c 82. b 95. b
6. b 19.
a 31. b 44 d b 70 b 83. b 96. d
7. b 20.
b 32. d 45 b 58 b 71 c 84. b 97. a
8. 21.
a 46 d 59 c 72 c 85. d 98. a
9. c 22.
b 35.
b /J b 86. b 99. c
b 74 a 87. b 100. a
10 b 23. a Jb c 49 c 62 b 75 b 88. c
11 a 24. a 37. a 50 a 63 a 76. a
't2 89. c
b 25. c 38. d 51 64 a b 90.
13 a 26. d 39. d 52 c b 78. d 91. d


They always _ back home late (A) Do (B) did
(A) come (B) will come (C) will done (O) done
(C) came (D) hao come 9. A drownino man at a straw
2 She English now. (A) catch
(A) spea (B) speaks (C) caught -TF)-catches
(D) wilt catch
(c) is speaking (D) spoken '10 lt takes two make quarrel
3 _ It
(A) began
to rain an hour aoo.
(B) beoin
(A) from
(c) On
B) for
(D) to
4. You _ slnce moming 11 A) Procedure (B Proceedur
A) test Prosegure o Procegure
!) rested
C) will rest 12 Resive B Receive
D) have been resting U Receev D Recieve
this exercise in an hour 13 Frecuent (B Freequent
(A) finished
c Frequent (D Friquent
14 Desipline (B Disipline
(B) linish Descipline (D Discapline
(C) will finish
(D) will have finished 15 Subordinate (B Subardinate
c Sabordinate (D Subordenite
6 She has the letter
1e1 post- (B) oosts 16 (A Pagint (B Pageant
(C) posted (O) fulr post (c Pegant (D Pagaent
7. 't7
The OXen sbwlv (A Moscuito (B Moisquito
(A wat(eo
(c Mosquito (o Masquito
(c walking (D) wi watk 18. (A Pricautions (B Prequotions
8. The worft can -?Et
be _ in two days
(c Prequations (D Precautions

Advanced PPSC ICOS flode, Paoe6 785

19. (A) Pevot (B Pivot (A) a linear equalion
(C) Pivet (D Pivote (B',t ????
20. (A ) Contineous (B
(ct ???
(c ) Continuous (D Continious @\ n?
CHOOSE THE CORRECT PREPOSITIONS 38. The distance between the centers of two
congruent touching cirdes extemally is
21. He is entitled
(A) out -------JE) this
ffi)-???Eo length
(C) to (O) for (B) the radius of each circle
22. We are ready to die (C) tll€ diameter to ????
(A) on --fE) upon our country. (D) twice the diametet ol eadr ???
(C) for (D) to 39. Most freduent or curing value in a data set is
23. You are not aware called:
---(O-f-om difficutties
(A) by (A) Mode (B) Mean
(C) on (D) of (C) Median (D) Variance
24. Thev'before vou in this matter. 40. The meaau(e of extemal angle bf regular
(A) tor hexagon is:
(C) with ---(6) (D) to (A) 90P (B) 60.
25. He assured me her help.
(c) 30. (D) 4s'
(A) to -----1Bl-against'
(C) of (O) on
*r(v <-1uu/,,,,'L4t $r,tr .at

26. He was guilty

-------TO stealino a oen ,i(-,tt @l
(A for or - ,+.1u, p) =lttt 1Al

c lo (D) from 1tlt,t, 1cy

27 am inc,lin ed helD him.
A) at --------TBt r,jr .*
7 { t n J,! eE, itnr,
4! ti utcl: .qz
C) to (D) for 11 e (A)'
28 This tabli is made wood 15 (D) 13 (C)
(A) of ponyJ'fbt* ut()dy
(C) to -IE)-ai-
(D) from ,J i /t t"tgtt torv .at
29 Smoking is injurious
(A) of -(,8-6-
health \fd;
(C) from (D) for )xr lB\ 4,l 1ey
30 What has happened
(A) to -lBIln him?
,rQ (D) o{V Pl
(C) upon (O) for
31 A non terminating, non-recurring decimal | *j4- -.,! rtll .4
?6 d /,{
4t,l p'1
reoresents number.
(A) Natural ---lB) Rationat (cu 6t
(C) lrrational (O) Prime.
.rttf P7 ,lt,f Gl
Logarithm of any number to itself as .base is

{A-I-- (B) 0 t"*{ Zler/,( ttttr,;?, .cs

(c) -l (D) 10
,,J,roCi @) l'.fSt 1e7
33. a3 to b3
(A) (B) SovJtii tol !!c/tzt (c)
(c) (o)
34. The medians of a ???? z-. rrtagt /'/'P,t,'F .n
(A) (B)
(c) (D) *i.P p1 ,'tu (A)
35. One and ne line can Pass ihrough
dtr (D) -{V pl
one B two
C) three D four ,,t, nf ,f J Jt dE(r,/ L JV .47
36. Roots of ??? are
(Al 2?? . B ??? . :?FiLV{a}eu
(C) haginary
37. ?????
D Non e
-,; y'ot
zat Adnaacreflsc fbOa noow aoe,l3
et) @l e,t) 1Cy
iwtgofi .s8
rLt-. t jr- ee/,!d,)v .oa (B)
tLi)t l:,8 6'1
Ltr.,rtjrt F l)rttrt (A) es! (D) J{ ot
*,,'lc tol Cv,tjt pl ,; , ;!i-,-_,;/: sg

:a,f{fufw',P*' .ns
jf-:)t p1 ,.*'f {At
vn.p; lal t*j\.,v 6'1
,:.t'*,zb (D) l,ia,lii 1C1

un*a't (ol uj; G) :-,i.,,i ro',/,! i J,yr ?( lC /a / : .60

r f,x,?.-p,,/ 1 tt i. t t t .50 J/)VE? (Bt .,,F, rar

JEJ..,. JVJ,- 6l Jr, (ot -6,a!t{ G)
drgu 1oy J8\tp (cl s.-,,cL' / 6,-/,1' f, , ; j t
v4' L r t et
-q/.f'-v.- iJ,t .st ctV (B) ,k (A)
O(VA B, 6trr! (Al /t{;V pl ;te(y't4 1s1
,f J.,t tol efut* (cl t1 ;(dseg 62

ti{1ul$,,.-2t;S .sz $fi; tq ,a,V @t

-E*n/ (Bt i,,*. @t r7r'ote (o) jis,fli 1c1

.&,fi: (Dl tt): (cl t

-;*',! "/"w +i-'f l' os
py j,u;h
' f,-z"r)7 rr,f ,/ t -e ;rt,l> )t /
tul.- t .s3 utAt-* Ol
@l LffuT 6y ,?Ourt @) .)8,,v (c)
rt)7 (Dl '.tt/ (c) :c-c-:,f,7t1:,tlgr/ .u
yrf;vi6! r : J,t,.t g,.{ L,-. 2,, : 7 .u lat (B't /2(' tA)
,1936 (B) ,r$5 (A) il1 1o1 )i(t (cl
,r93E (D) ,1937 (C) eLr.>iitd / ,j / jvt? 6s
'!L' i { yt ,1978 (B) ,1976 (A)
-,., ilu 1,.t y't' .5s
,tL*/ py ,tLj,tbp yt ,984 (D) ,1982 (C)
ttL$,uil p1 .e.t/€ pl t?vtvrtLiLql 66
ra{. yrlt,!o,r,9 .x urB (B) t7);t (Al

,t/.. (Bl / tot ,l'=r @) .I Gl

-!- (D) 6t, tct :,-( €',t',r"1-,jg .at
r-${u{ou,(rt .st J lat s./ (A)

$ri)t py 4-it;7/;q (Ay (o)

Ju -; Jr rcr
t7-t?.b (DJ 6;/1>'?tt (c\ :c-rf{'t;a.'s}i;'.aa
Attenced PPSC lroQs Uodel Paoqs 787

(B),..r tnge:I {Al J: -': lol v1"l: (C)

Y-'J @l t*jlot t,c) :1q,a '-e 80

-;-.j-n -:-/j ag p1
a?',=-j-qr -!ata.,'i te1

j1: {B) -. -,L'5:
(A) .1;3-Jt \Ol s,l:-i,'.i tCr

!:,ti,n (D) '/-,'

J'.r. (C\ l=!44'1-"t-'12 g'1

:e1,4.!L>a-.70 \al
4).(z-Y,' tL2-!.,: (A)

t/ @ .:t/ lAl q-qLlt: (o) {*Ly,, lc1

-rlt (D) .,/ \C) :ti':!.ifuvi.- Lixi az

-;/i'Y.-;;'€" .tt JA (B) ,xLt (A)

e,.Lv. tB) {iv. tal ,i& Pl J,') tct
J;.,4 @) it-k tct ,:
1 Lv'{ L srjyil -t r a J {P,(,LL J,v. .83
6 5 (4)
l t,: J'aA6c)V L-:i J..,-:.: .lZ I (D) 7 (C)
,fi4g:-jnl @) ,1g4s,.?i[ @l :u', :.' ) i gv,J-ii c,1973 84

'1sa8er5 (D) ,$eejttl Gl tlo' (B) Ji't' ta't

t y7 j
-l o,! ul s? - :'V,:,J;1942 .7 3 ,+/jE* ot .-Uj,t,t (c\
(B) ,.l,tJa* Ol t-it(itJ,/'Qv, .es

J.'t:* pt (c) (r it.,.l' (B\ (ctl ) (Al

lnJi iEor,,L; fu ,rlt tq (d tot (a-)Qn @t

.,- tz
,r926 (B) ,1936 (A) t
=u<,t J,f v,!,:q9!a;$t4/ ttJ;i .86
,1914 (D) ,1916 (C) 1250 (B) 1150 (4)
1450 (D) 1350 (C)
grx.,PJ*tJruictlg .ts t\i e(, -f J$ G: 4,t,)8 ; ] *sdy at
rsazjrr-,:re1el 1947'r.'?3 (A) ,1960 (B) ,1950 (A)
'rg4t ,irv (ol 1 7 /.{124 (Cl ,t}tt 1O1 '1970 (C) .

xr)v ;/ ;t;i( t{ 3.
s;E 1
t .ta t ji;t't,-,'! ;';r;Y {,)sri..{a;tg{'" .aa
1939 (B) 1919 (A)
1948 (O) 1945 (C) '1962 (B) ,1964 (A)
:tr.rJLjt!r, .tt ,1966 (D) '1952 (C)
1922 (Bl 1919 (A)
1928 (D) 1927 (C\ r;,i;: -t -lig{ptA Bs

t z- xJoLt;€ ;(Lv ta '1960 (B) ,195s (A)

1942 (B) 1940 (A) (D) .1965 (C)
19/t4 (D) 1943 (c) '1970
- f,
x:sy, );4{u1i, &etdl .tg
,:j,;_,i,t t,l,*,.f ov1\ .go
JC-fi Gt (A\ '1948 (B) ,1947 (A)
788 Advarrcad ffSC t COs lIpldef paoer
,1951 (D) ,1950 (C) pl tt (A)
'i'& (D)
t aL 1,": {vt gda .st eik JV rct
18 (B)
(o) ra rni
48 22 ici :-o,/tr,r$;.gl
ra_ix.cJv{6,f(,/ .sz Jf'@) t) (A
3 (B) 2 tA\
ro (D) 4 (ci ,1)t (ol (c

:7tC,?6!,;O:?, .st t., Ct,.c;r./,(,,+5 ag,l. .ga

,!i,u py )tfst 61 alfli tal :F, (e)

e?/t{e? @) i1u2'; 1cy c)r1) p) Di- lcl
:70*lo,lir!ulo w :
7w{4 4 ; ot 4( :.1 4,! cv:y .ss

1et py -lflry;tg 6y ,f41i p1 e.:;: \A)

$)')t 1o1 -lil,Jvl ot ,f'Jr o (c)
tr/"ft 9 tuy, g
{Jv { 4 i,
rt; s5 !. --
-- c,-t L J J ut L Li ut,s, L sdy.t oo
tvrre p1 Jvr,rs @\ ,{t
Jvi.,rz (ol Jv,,rs (c., s,Ert l (B) ,1. ot
r<-e,ltt,(Jta/,d .X efi (D\ Otl-t (C)

1. a Answer Key
14. d 27. 40 b 53.
2.c 15. a 28. a 41 b 54.
a 66. b 79 c 92 d
3.b 16. b 29. b 42 d
b a 80 c
4.d '17. c 30. a 43 b
55. b 68. 81 c 94 d
5.a '18. d 3t. b 44. b
c 69. b d 95 b
6.c '19. b 32. d 45.
b 70. a 96. c
7. c 20. c 33. 46.
a 58. 71. b 84. a 97. a
8.d c 34. 47. d
59. c 72. c 85 a c
9.b 22. 35. 48. d
61. c
73. d 86. d 99. b
10. d 23. d 36. 49. 62.
74. c 87. d 100
't't . a
b a b 88. d
24. c 37. 50. a 63. a 76.
12. b 2' 38. 51. c 64. c
b 89. a
13. c 26. b 39. a 52. 65.



(MALE & FEMALE) -2017
1. Which module gives control of the CpU to the (C) Priority scheduling algorithm
(D) Multilevel queue scheduling algorithm
process selected by the short{erm scheduler?
(4) Oispatcher (B) lnterrupt I ln multilevel feedback scheduling atgorithm;
(C) Scheduler (D) None of these (A) A process can move to , different
2. The processes lhat are residing in main classified ready queue
memory for execution are kept on tlist called: (B) Classificatron of ready queue is
(A) Job queue permanenl
(B) Ready queue (C) Processes are not classified into groups
(C) Execution queue (D) None of the mentioned
(D) Process queue I Which one of the following cannot be
3. The interval from the time of submission of a scheduled by the kemel"
process to the lime'of completion is termed (A) Kernel levelthread
AS: (B) User level thread
(A) Waitrng time (B) Turnaround time (C) Process
(C) Response time (D) Throughput (D) Norie of these
4. Whrch scheduling atgorithm allocates the CpU 10 A process refers to 5 pages, A, B, C, D. E in
llrst to the process that requests the CpU the order: A, B, C, D, A, B, E, A, B, C, O, E. tf
first? the page replacement algorithm is FIFO. the
A) First-come first-served scheduling number of pag-e
transfers with an empty
B) Shortestjob scheduling lntemal store of 3 frames is:
C) Prioritv schedulino (A) 8 (B) 10
D) None a, these (c) 9 (D) 7
5 n priority scheduling algorithm: 't'l A lemory page containing a heavily used
A) CPU is allocated to the process with vanable that was rnitiahzed very eady ahd is in
highest priority constant use is remove and then the page
B) CPU is allocated to the Drocess with replacement algorithm used is:
lowesl priority (A) LRU (B) LFU
C) Equal priority processes cannot be (C) FIFO (D) None of thes€
scheduled 12 Users are _ that their processes are
(D) None of these running on a paged system.
6 ln pflority scheduling algorithm, when a
(A) Aware (B) Unaware
process arnves at the ready queue. lts priority (C) lnformed (D) None of these
rs compared with the prrorrty of 13 The aim of creatrng page replacement
(A) All process algorithms is to.
(B) Cunently running process (A) Replace pages faster
(C) Parent process (B) lncrease the page fault rate
(O) lnit process (C) Decrease the page fault rate
7 Time quantum is defined in: (D) To allocate multipte pages to processes
(A) Shortest iob schedutrnq aloorithm 14 A FIFO replacement algorithm associates with
(B) Round robin schedutin-g at-qorithm each page the _.
790 Advanced PPSC nCQs l odel Paoee
(A) Time it was brought into memory 24. The lnterrupt-request lrne rsa part ol the
(B) Size of the page in memory (A) Oata hne (B) Control lrne
(C) Page after and before it (C) Address Ime (D) None ofthese
(D) All of these 25 The retum address from the rnterrupt-service
15 Optimal page - replacement algorilhm is: routine is stored on the:
(A) Replace the page that has not been used (A) System heap (B) Processor regrster
for a long lime (C) Processor slacl (D) Memory
(B) Replace the page that has been used for 26. The signal sent to lhe device from the
a long time processor to the device after recervrng an
(C) Replace the page that will not be used for interrupt is:
a long time (A) lnterrupt-acknowledge
(D) None of these (B) Return signal
'16. Optrmal page replacement algorithm rs (C) Service signal
drtfrcult to rmplement. beca'use (O) Permission srgnal
(A) lt requires a lot of informalion 27. A relational database consists ol a collection
(B) lt requires future knowledge ot the of:
reference string (A) Tables {Bl Fields
(C) lt is too complex (C) Records ,D, Keys
(D) lt is extremely expensive
28. A _ In a table reoresents a
17. LRU page - replacement algonthm associates relationship among a set of values.
w h each page the _. (A) Column (8, Kcy
(A) Trme it was brought into memory (C) Row (D) Entiy
(B) The time of that page s last use
(C) Page after and before it 29 The term rs used to refer to a row
(D) All of these (A) Attribute (B) Tuple
(C) Faeld (D) lnstance
18 For 3 page frames. the following is the of a
reference slring: 7 O1203042 3032.120 30. The term attribute refers to a
1 7 O 1; How many page faults does the LRU table. --
page replacement algorithm produce? (A) Record (B) Column
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) Tuple (D) Key
(c) 11 (o) 12 31. For each attribute of a relation. there ls a sel
'19 CPU fetches the instruction from memory of permitted values, called the of
according to the value of: that attribute.
(A) Program counter (A) Domain (B) Relation
(B) Status register (C) Set (D) Schema
(C) lnstruction register 32. Which of the following is a tuple-generating
(D) Program status word dependency?
20. A memory buffer used to accommodate a (A) Funclionaldependency
spood difierential is called; (B) Equahty{enerating dependencies
(A) Slack pointer (B) Cache (C) Multi-valued dependencies
(C) Accumulator (D) Orsk buffer (D) Non-functional dependency
21. Which one of the following is the address 33. The.main task carned out in the is
generated by CPU? to remove repeating attributes--to separate
(A) Physical address tables
(B) Absolute address (A) First Normal Form
(C) Logicaladdress (B) Second Normal Form
(D) None of these (C) Third Normal Form
(D) Fourth Normal Form
22. Run time mapping trom virtual to physical
address is done by: 34. Which of the normal form is based on multr-
(A) Memory management unit valued dependencies?
(B) CPU (A) Frrsl (Bl Second
(c) Pcl (C) Third (D) Fourth
(O) None of lhese 35 Which forms has a relation that possesses
23. Memory management technique in which data about an rndavrdual entity?
(A) 2NF (B) 3NF
system stores and retrieves data from
secondary storage lor use in maln memory ls (c,4NF (D) sNF
called: 36. Which of the following has each related ent y
(A) Fragmentation ( B) Paging set has its own schema and there ls an
(C) Mapping ( D\ r.'- - of these additional schema tor the relationship set?
Advanced PPSC l|,CQs tlodel Paoets 791

A) A many-tGmany relationship s€t (C) 5 Phases (O) 6 Phases

B) A multi-valued attribute of an entity set 47. What is the malor drawback of using RAD
C) A relationshiP set Model?
D) Boh A and B 1Al r-rignty specialzed & skrlled developers /
desroners are requlred
37. ln ryhich of the following, a separate schema (Bt
is created consisting of that attribute and the lncrdases re-usabrlity of components
orimarY kev ol the entrty set? icl Encourages customer/clent feedback
iat A hantv-to-manv relationship set (o) BothA&C
i8) A multi-valued attribute of an er ity set 48 SDLC stands for:
ioi a one-to-many relationship set lA) Software Oevetopment Life Cycle
(O) Both A and B igi svstem Development Lde cycle
38. ln 2NF: iCi Sbftware oeslgn Lite cycle
lA) No functional dependencies (FDs) exrst ioi system Desrgn Life Cycle
iBi No multi-valued dePndencies (MVOS) 49 Which model can be seleited if us€r is
exist. involved in all the Phases of SDLC?
(C) No Paltial FDs exist (A) Waterfall Model
(D) No Partial MVOS exist iB) Prototyping Model
39. can help us detect Poor E-R rC) RAD Modei
(D) BorhS&c
Desrgn Process Two devices are rn network it:
orocess in one devlce rs able to
E-R Design Process
Relational scheme
' A
elchange Informatron with a grocess rn
(D) Functional dePendencres another devtce
(B) A process rs runnlng on both devlces
40 Build & Fix Model rs suitable for programming ptbs ot ttre processis running of diflerent
or code ) ici
Ai,1i6i3;_r!o2cJL-Xle looo devices are same
(D) None of these
iCi +oo-tooo (D) Above
ln comouter network nodes are'
41 What is the best way to represent the 51
rli The comouter lhat orErnates the data
attributes in a large database?
A) Relational-and iBi The computer that routes the data
B) Concatenation iCi tt'e co.buter that terminates the data
(O) All of these
Cl Dot representation
O) All of these at Communicalion channel is shared by all the
Desioners use which of the following to tune machines on the network in:
42 (A) Broadcast network
Lrto,-rmance of svstems to supporl trme'
tritical operations?
iBl uni-cast network
(A) Demoralization ici Mutti-cast netwo*
(O) None of these
iBi Redundant optimization
(C) Optimization 53. Bluetooth is an examPle of:
(D) Realization (A) Personal area network
(B) Local area network
43 RAD stands for: (C) Virtual Pnvate network
(A) RelativeApplication Development
(D) None of these
iBi Rapid Apphcation Development
aC) Rapid Application Oocument -' a
44 rs a devlce that fonwards
(D) Rational Applcation Document oacfeti Uetween networks by processing the
44 Which one of the following models is not i;uii;o lnformation lncluded ln the packet'
suitable for accommodating any change?
{Al B;rdoe (B) Firewall
(A) Build & Fix Model ici nor[., (D) Allof these
iBi Prototyprng Model 55. A list of prolocols used by a system' one
(C) RAD Model Protocol Per layer. ts called:
(D) Waterfall Model (A) Protocol archrtecture
45 Which one ol the following is not a phase of {B) Protocol stack
Prototyprng Model?
(C) Protocol suit
(A) Ouick Design (O) None of these
(B) Coding 56. Network conqestion occurs-
(c) Prototype Refinement (A) ln case ot tratfrc overloadlng
(D) Engrneer Producl (B) When a svstem termlnales
ici wh;^ between two nodes
46. RAD Model has "o'nnect,on
(A) 2 Phase (B) 3 phase
792 AdvancedppSC Ces frottll paoerc
(D) None of these (C) Machine Languaee prooram
57. of the following extends a orivate (0) Noneofthed - -
network across public networks?
(A) Local area network 68 The number of pixels stored rn the frame
(B) Virtual private network buffer of a graphics system is known as
(C) Enterprise private network (A) Resotution '(B) Deoth
(D) Storage area netwo* (C) Mass iD) Nohe of these
58. The networt layer concems with: 69. ln graphical system, the array of pixels ln the
(A) Birs pclure rs stored in
(B) Frames
(u) Hackets - (D) None of these (A) Memory (B) Frame buffer
(u) processor (D) All of these
59. Which one of-the following is not a function
network laver?
of 70. Which _of the fo[owing is key characteristic of
(A) hackdr?
Routr;o (4) Afraid to say they don.t know the answer
(B) tnter-n;tworkino
(C) Conqestion con-trol
(ts) wlflrng to find answers on therr own
(D) None of these
(C) Not willing to find answers on their own
(D) Att ot these
60. The 4 byte lp address consists of:
(A) Network address
7'1. Whrch of the following focuses on the
(B) Host address orscovery of (prevrously) unknown propenres
(C) Both A and B on data?
(O) (A) Data minino
None of these
(B) Big Data -
61. ln virtual circuit, network each packet (C) Dala wranotino
contains: 1D) Machrne L6arirng
(A) Fu source and destination address
(B) A short VC number 72. Which process model should be usbd
(C) Both A and B virtually a situations of we b engineering?
(O) None of these (A) lncremental Modet
(B) Waterfall Modet
62 Which one.of the following routing algorithm (C) Spirat Modet
oesis-n ? (D) None of these
ifi Bffi *,f;1fl":i"Tlrave'
(B) 73. Which anat yst s is a part of Anatysis modet
vectorioutrno of
(C) Link stale routino - the web engi neenng process f ramework?
(D) All of these 1 A) Content Analysis
B) lnteracti on Analysas
63. The network tayer protocolof lntemet is: C) Funct ionalAnalysis
(A) Elhernet D) All of these
(B) tnternet protocol
(C) Hypertext transfer orotocot 74 Which of the fo owing statements are
(D) None of these rnconect ._with reference to web_based
systems? Web-based svstemsl
64 ICMP is primarily used for: (A) Should be un-scataite
(A) Error and diagnostic functions (B)
(B) Addressino lllst bq to cope.uncertain. random heavy
demand on services
1C) Forwardrni (C) Must be secure
(D) None of th;s€ (D) Arc subject to assorted legal, sooat
65. The lexical analyzer takes as tnpul
elntcat scruliny
and produces a stream of- 75 What category. of web-based system woutd
output ---- you assrgn to eleclronic shooornoi
(A) Source program tokens (A) lnformation
(ts) token, source Drooram (B) lnteractive
(C) BothA& B - (C) Transaction-oriented
(D) None of these (O) Workflow-oriented
66. Parsing is also known as: What. category of web-based system would
(A) LexicatAnatvsis you asstgn to discussion orouosr-
(B) Syntax Anatisis (A) Coltaborative work -
(C) Semantic Ariatvsis (B) Online communitres
(D) Code ceneratian (C) Web ponats
u, program written in a high tevet
(O) Workflow-oriented
ranguage ts called: W3C stands for
(A) Source prooram (A) Worid Wide Web Consortium
(B) Object prog-ram (B) Wodd Wide Web Colaboration
Advanced PPSC MCOS Nodel Paoers 793
(C) World Wide Web Community (C) Vitamin K (D) Vitamin D
(D) None of these
91. VVho was the first American Presidenl to
78. Which of the following is a risk associated wilh resign while in office?
using hyperlext in web applications? (A) Theodore Roosevell
(A) Loss o, sense of locality and direction ' (B) Bill Clinton
(B) Cognitive overload tor users (C) Richard Nixon
(C) Both A and B (D) John Quicy Adams
(D) None of these 92. The cunent capital of Kazakhstan is Aslana-
79. Which of the following is not a NosQL Name the former capital:
database? (A) Almaty (B) Dushanbe
(A) SQL Server (B) MongoDB (C) Bishkek (D) None ot lhese
(C) Cassandra (D) None ot these
93. ln Geography what do you understand by
80. Which of the following is a NoSQL Databas€ "Pangaea"?
type? (A) A Super continent
(A) SAL (B) Hills formed by Lava outflow
(B) Oocument databases (C) Concentralion of Sulpher in hot springs
(c) JSON (D) None of these
(D) All of these 94. After parlition of Bengal. the Capital ol East
8'l Whrch one of the following is an example of Bengal and Assam was.'
Op€rating System? (A) Ohaka (B) Calcutla
(A) Microsoft Word (C).Chinagong (O)Sylhett
(B) Microsofi Excel 95. Which was the official language during the
(C) Microsofl Access Muslim Rule in lndia?
(O) Microsoft Windows (A) Urdu (B) Turkish
82. By default on which page the Header or the (C) Persran (D) Arabic
Fooler is printed, in MS Word? 96. Which of the follovring is not an Olympic
(A) On first page Sport?
(B) On alternale page (A) Squash (B) Badminton
(C) On every page (C) Wrestling (D) Fenong
(D) None of lhese
97. The llag of which country is also known as lhe
83. Complete the numb€r series: 15, 31, 63. 127. union Jack?
(A) 513 (B) ' 511
(A) uK (B) USA
(C) New Zealand (D) Barbados
(c) 523 (D).517
98. Boao Forum for Asia. which holds its annual
84. Solve lhe equation: {'ll4 + 518], + l'lfz + 3l1l = conference at Boao Hainan Province. China.
was originally proposed by former President
(A) 35/32 (B) 10fl Ramos ot Philippines, former Prime Minister
(c) 5/12 (D) 7/10 Monhiro Hosokawa of Japan and:
65. "To facl the musid means: (A) Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke of
(A) To be greeted rudely Australia
(B) To be offered warm hospitality (B) Former Prime Minister Mahathir
(C) To be on the konl seat in a conc€rt Muhammad of Malaysia
(O) To bear the consequences (C) Former President Hu Jin Tao of China
(O) Former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz of
86. Vvhat is the synonym of'Posthumous'? Pakistan
(A) After death (B) Moisture
(C) Rrch (D) Rear
87. What is the antonym of "Meandering"?
(A) Sliding (B) Straight
ta4ft{(;t,i ,,tV "cr.A j:' .ss
(C) Sloping (D) Curved rr:t,.a/i f tAl
88. Frnd the conectly sp€lt word.
(A) Dicotomy (B) Oacotemy Er( ,:. (B)
(C) Dichotomy (D) Dechotomy
89. To which ftuit is Plantain similar to?
u-')J;,;-, lcl
(A) Grapefruit (B) Apples t,a( \i,,V. p)
(C) Jackfruit (O) Bananas
90. Exposure to sunlight results in formalion of
in the body
';r: ;.:,--' .lt.fin
(A) Viwnin A (B) Vitamin C
7Y Advanced PPSC MCes Modet paperc

,;'tr (B) ,:-{; 61 |J-.'2,, 1o'1 ij,, (c)

Answer Key
1. a 14. a 27 a 40 a 53 a bt) b 79. a 92. a
2. b 15. 80. b 93. a
3. b '16. cb 28
a 41
55 b
a 81. d 94. a
4. a 17. b 30 b 43 b s6 a 69. b 82. c 95. c
19. a
3'r a 44 d 57 b 70. d 83: b 96. c
20. b
32 c 45 b c 71. a 84. 97. a
7. b
zl. c
a 46 c 59 d 72. a 85d 98. a
22. a
34 d 47 d bU d 86. a 99. d
23. b
35 48 a 61 a 74. a 87b 'r00. c
11. 24. b
36 a 49 c b2 d 75. c 88. c
25. c
b 50 a 63 b 76. b 89b
12. b
26. a
38 c 51 d 64 a 77 a 90. d
13. c 39 d 52 a 65 c 78. c 91. c



Al sy-stems based on the human brain's ability (A) FDMA (B) TOD.TDMA
to differentiate patlems are called: (C) CDMA (O) none of the above
(A) Robotic systenrs
(B) Fuzzy logic systems
6. Each station on an Ethernet network has a
unique ......... address imprinted on its
(c) Neural networks network interface card.
(o) Expert systems. (A) s-byte (B) 32-bir
2 What is the structured approach ca ed for (C) 48-brt (O) 64-bit
developing sotware and lnformation 7. What is the resutt of ANDing 255 and 15?
systems? (A) 2s5 (B) is
(A) Software desion
(B) Prototyprng -
(c) o iol zzo
(c) sDLc 8. Polymorphism does not.. ...
(D) Systems methodotogy (A) Refer to the possibte binding of a method
rn a message with one of several
3 In asynchronous transmission, the gap time implementalions
between bytes is ......... (B) Make the programming of messages
(A) Fixed more complex
(B) variable (C) Support incremental modification of code
(C) a function ofthe data rale (D) Support reusability
(D) zero
4 IEEE has defrned the specificalrons for a
9. Which of the fotlowing is not an iteration
statement supported by PUSQL?
wlreless.LAN, called ... . which covers the (A) The FOR LOOP statement.
physical and data link tavers. (B) The LOOP UNTIL statement.
(A) IEEE 802 3 (6) IEEE 802.s (C) The WHILE LOOP statement.
(c) |EEE 802.11 (O) IEEE 802 2 (D) None of the above.
5 The access method ln Bluetooth rs .
AdvancedPPSC COs irode, Paoers 79i
10. Whrch of the tollowing is not a common cursor (q) alert(document.cookie.value)
attribute? (C) alert (thls.cookie)
l^l 7t open (B) % ts Not op€n (D) alert(document.cookie)
(u) % r-ound
(D) % Not Found
23. A
11. lt is possible to detect deadlocks ln
.obiect consists of two thrngs
a bundled together:
d3tabase system at the fo owing cost: (A) Behavior and methods
(A) Query the database wirh SdL (B) statesrnd proDerlies
(B) Special hardware devices (C) Messages and' methods
(C) Slower overall Drocessino (D) data and code modules
(D) lt is not posstbl; to deteci deadlocks
24. Which of the following gets callcd when an
12. Which of the foltowing is not one of the obJect rs being created?
advantages of parallel processing? (A)Constructor (B)virtua!function
(A) Scate iB1 autonomy destructor (D) main
(C) speedup (D) avaitabrtifu 25 ! C1 Which operator is having the highesl
13. Null is ......... precedence?
(A) The same as zero for inleqer ({} Posmx (B) unary
(B) the same as btank for cha;acter (C) shift iOi equaiity
(C) Not a value 26. The operator used
(D) Both A and B for dereferencing or
tndirection is
14. ln the relational database terminology. a table (A) {Br &
rssynonymous with ......... (c) -> io'i -"
(A) A cotumn (B) Arow 27. V\rhat is the fiandatory preprocessor direclive
(C) An attnbute iDi A retalion for C++?
15. Which is NOT one of the four basic control (A) ,rdetine
struclures? (B) #inctude
(A) lteration (B) execute (C) ttundet
(C) sequence aD) conditionat
(D) None of the mentioned
16. Which attribute o, the <script> tag rs used to 28. Which looping process is best used when the
road an extemal Javascnot file? number of iterations is known?
{A) Source (A) For
1Bi tanguage (B) while
(C) src iO) tvp6 (C) do-while
17. What is displayed by lhe alert? (D) None of the mentioned
varX=.9,,y="2",2='4" 29. Ho,rv m-any types of user-delined data type are
alert(x+y z) in C++e
(A) 44 (B) 17 (A) 1 (B) 2
(c) v24 (D) None of these (c) 3 toi n
18. The sci€nce ot making machines imitale 30. define the userdefined exceptions?
numan thinking and behavior is known as: (A) lnheriting and overridrng excepti5n itiss
(A) Executive informalion svstem functionalitv.
(B) Artilicial inteltioence (B) Oveniding ilass functionaltty
(C) Management ieporting system (C) lnheriting class functionatitv.
(u) ueclslon support system. (D) None ofihe mentioned
19. Which of
the fo owing functon rctum 3'1. Which of the following can serye
access iterato, "s
sratemenE is syntac{ically conecp
(A) Retum 12 (Bi retum 12; exit (A) Memory pointer
(c) Exrt; retum 12
(D) None of these (B) Object pointer
(C) Ciass pointer
20. lrvhat is a better name for this funclion? (O) NOne Of the mentroned
Functon mystery(n) {retum
-(B) nnl
(A) sqrt cutie
32. Artificial lnte igence sottware
(A) Always make and executes lhe decrsion
(C) square (o) squarefl
without your Interventton
21. \i,hich_. statement immediately teminates (B) it cen make decrsions for you on its own
execution of a looo? (C) Handles rep€tflive tasks s-uch as
(A) Exit (B) break
_ Handb tesks invotved
searching and retrievtng, and monrtonng
(c) quit iD) kil (D) i-n office
22. Which stalement can be used lo examine the , automation.
value of th€ cookie string assodated with iii; The time faclor when determinino the
cunent reb Daoe? efticiency oJ algorithm is measured by ..i
(A) at€rt(co6ki;) (A) Countingmicroseconds
796 A PPSC MCAS PaDers
(B) Counting the ltumber oI key operations {A) O{n2} (B) O(n)
rC) Counlrno the number of statements iCt Olntpgn) (D) None ot A B.C
ioi Count,n6 tne kilobytes of algorithm 45 The reoister which holds the address of the
34. The operation oI processang each element ln location- to or from whrch data are to be
the list is known as transferred is called . ....
(A) Sortrng tB) Merging (A) lndex registers
(C) lnsertrng (D) Traversal (B) lnstruction register
35. A variable P rs called pointer rl ........ (C) Memory address register
(A) P contains the address of an element in (D) Memory data regrster
DATA. 46 Which ot the following term is used for a
(B) P points to the address of flrst element in function defined inside a class?
DATA (A) Member Varable (B) Member function
(C) P can store only memory addresses iC) Class functron (D)Classrc funclron
iD) P contarn the DATA and lhe address of
DATA 47 A .. .. tree is a tree where for each parent
node there rs only one assoclated chrld node
36 The Dost order traversal of a brnary tree rs (At Balanced brnary tree
DEBFCA. Frnd out the pre order traversaf? iB) rooted complele brnary tree
lAl ABFCDE rBt ADBFEC (C) Complete brnary kee
icj leoecr 1Dr ABDCEF (D) degenerate tree
37. An algorithm that calls itself directly or 48 The memory address of the first element of an
indirectly is known as ... .
arrav ts called
(A) Sub algorithm (A) Froor address (B) foundatlon address
(B) Recursion (Cr frrst address {D, base address
(c) Pohsh notation
(D) Traversal algorithm 49 Look at this series. V, Vlll. Xl, XlV. . ...,
XX. Whal number should flll the blank?
38. lI everv node u in G rs adjacent to every other {A) lx (B) xxlll
node v rn G, A graph is said to be . . .... (c) xv (D) XVll
(A) lsolated
(B) complete 50 Look at this series Jl4. 116. ......, P20, R22 ..
(C) finite What number should fill the blank?
(O) strongly connecled (A) S24 (B) N18
(c) M18 (D) T24
39, Reference is not same as pointer because
51 At the baseball match, Aisha was sitting in
(A) A reference can never be null seat 253. Maria was sitling to the right of
(B) A reference one eslablished cannot be Aisha in seat 254. ln ihe seat to the left of
changed Arsha was Saira. Nisha was sitting to the left
(C) Reference does not need an explcit of Safra. Which seat is Nisha sitting in?
(A) 251 (B) 254
(O) Ailof these (c) 255 (D) 256
40. Prolog is ... ... ... 52 Exercrse rs to gym as eating is to
(A) Aprogramming language based on logrc {A) Food (B) dieling
(Bi e computer where each processor has its (C) fitness (O) restaurant
own oPeratinq system, lts own memory . COBBLER: SHOE.;
and its own hard disk (A) jockey. horse
(C) describes structure of the contents of a (B) contractor building
database (C) mason: stone
(D) None ofA, B. C (D) cowboy: boot
4'1. Represenlatton of data structure ln memory ls 54 . Two, trains. one from Lahore to Karachi and
called? the other from Karachi to Lahore. starl
(A) Recursive simultaneouslv. After they meet. the trarns
(B) Abstract data tYPe reach lherr ddstinations atler t hours and 16
(C) Storage structure hours respectlvety. The ratlo of their speeds is
(D) Fale structure
42. The data structure required to evaluate a tN 2.3 (B) 4.3
postfix expression is ic) 67 (D) 9.16
(A) Queue (B) Stack A 3OO meter lonq traln crosses a platform in
iC) erray (D) Lrnked-list 39 seconds whrldrt crosses a sqnal pole in 18
43. Afull brnarv tree with leaves contains ..
n seconds What ls the length of the plattorm?
(A) 320 m (3) 350m
tA) n nod6s (B) log2n nodes
ic) 650m (D) Data inadequate
(C) 2n-1 nodes (D) 2n'1 nodes
44. The worst case of quick sort has order . .
Advanced SC MCQs Model 797

56. A does 80% of a work in 20 days. He then 67. A number consists of 3 dqits whose sum is
calls in B and they together finish the 10. The middle digit is equal to the sum of lhe
remaining work in 3 days. How long B alone other two and the number will be Increased by
would take to do the whole work? 99 its digats are reversed The number is
(A) 23 days (B) 37 days (A) 145 (B) 253
(C) 37.5 days (D) 40 days (c) 370 (D) 352
57. On selling 17 balls at Rs 720 there is a loss 68 Two numb€rs are respeclively 204/. and sook
equal to the cost pnce of 5 bails. The cost more than a third number. The ratio of the two
pnce of a ball isl numbers is:
(A) Rs.45 (B) Rs.50 (A) 2:s (B) 3:5
(c) 55 (D) Rs.60 (C) 4:5 (D) 6:7
58. Ayesha's father was 38 years of age when 69. Oata minino rs also referred as .

she was born while her mother was 36 years (A) Knowl&ge discovery in databases
old when her brolher four years younger to (B) Data Cleanrng
her v/as born. What rs the difference between (C) Data extraction
the ages of her parents? (D) Data management
(A) 2 years (B) 4 years 70. Which of the following is not a key component
(C) 6 years (D) Syears for an email system to work?
59. A library has an average of 510 vrsitors on (A) Email client (B) email client
Sundays and 240 on other days. The average (C) email client (D) encryphon
number of visitors per day in a month of 30 71. A URL does not provide lhe answer to which
days begrnning wilh a Sunday is of the tollowing?
(A) 2s0 (B) 276 (A) How can a web page be access€d?
(c) 280 (D) 28s (B) When can a Web page be found?
60. ln how many ways can the letters of the word (C) What is the file name of the
'LEADER' be arranged? conesponding web pagq?
(Al (B) 1.r4 (O) Where can a Web page be found?
(c) (D) 720 72. Which of the following are all Eoolean
61. WPA2 is used for security in ... ... pperators?
(A) Ethernet (B) Bluetooth (A) AND, OR, NOR(B) AND. OR, NOT
(C) Wi-Fi (D) Hr-Fi (D) IF, ANO, BJT
62. Running at the same mnstant rate, 6 identical 73. Which mode should compress€d files be
machines can produce a total of 270 bottles transferred in?
per minute. At this rate. how many bottles (A) Binary (B) ASCII
could 10 such machines produce ln 4 (C) GIF (D) Plaintext
minutes? 74. Which of the following slatemenls rs false?
(A) 648 (B) 1800 (A) Java is a subset o, Javascnpl
(c) 2700 (D) 10800 (B) Java is an object-oriented programming
63. A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk The first language
contains 25% water and the rest milk The (C) Javascnpt can be used to make Web
second conlarns 50% water How much milk pages dynamic
should he mix from each o, the contarners so (D) Java applels are small Java programs
as to get 12 liters of milk such lhat the ratao oI 75 Java executable code is stored tn whtch type
waler to milk is 3 5? of file?
(A) 4liters, I litters (B) S liters.6liters (A) Java (B) class
(C) 5laters, 7l(ers (D) T liters. 5 hters (C) Exe (D) Html
64. lf a person walks at 14 km/hr lnstead of 10 76. Guest books are lypically implemented using
km/hr. he would have walked 20 km more which of the following?
The actual distance travelled by him is (A) Frames (B) JAVA
(A) 50 km (B) 56km (C) Forms (D) Perl
(C) 70km (D) 80km
77. What is lhe output ol this program?
65. From a point P on a level ground, the angle of
elevation of the top tower is 30' lf the tower is finclude <ioslream>
100 m high, the distance of pornt P from the using namespace std;
foot of the tower is:
(A) 149 m (B) 156m int main 0
(C) 173m (D) 200 m iinta=5,b=6,c,di
66. A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past c=a.b:
5. the hour hand has turned through. d = (a, b):
(A) 145' (B) 150' cout<<c<<'l'<<d:
(C) 155" (D) 160'
f98 Advanced PPSC MCes Modet paoerc
return 0 (A) Design errors
) (B) lnterface enors
(A 56 (C) Procedure errors
(B 65 (D) None of the above.
((/ 67
(o None of the mentioned 89. The name for the way that computers
manipulate data lnto information is calledl
78 Wrich of the following gives the best sense of (A) Programmrng (B) processrng
an encryption scheme?
(A) A method of encodinq information
(C) Storing (D) organrzrng
(B) A plainiext messaoe - 90. The UNIX operating system rs wntten in the
(C) A Eivate key ......... language
(D) A cipher text message. (A) COBOL (B) Binary
(C) FORTRAN iDl C-Language
79 What type of prolocol would you exDecl to see
in a URL for a secure documanp 91. The function of a Kernel in an operating
(A) Hnps (B) ftos system is to
(A) lnterpret the JcL commands
(C) Hits (Oi tbstrs
(B) lnteract with the hardware devices
80 ln C++, exceplion handlinq is tameled at (C) lnteract with user
(A) Run-tim6 enor (D) None of these
(B) Compile time enor
(C) Logidal enor 92. lf you magnify a ..... you can see rts
(D) Syntax individuai pixels.
(A) Vector graphic (B) bitmap
81 Which of the iollowing dedaratiorc are illegal?
(A) Void pt:
(c) DxF (D) EMF
B) char str = 'hello": 93. To create a prototype of. a new product, a
C) Char st = "hello", designer might use a ....... . program
D) const int pl; (A) CAD (B) 3D m6detrng
(C) paint (O) oraw
82. Whidr server-side technique is avaitable in
ASP.NET? 94. What type of technology allows you to verbally
(A) Apdication states speak with someone over the Iniernet?
(B) Session states (A) Wiki (B) Votp
(C) D€ abas6 suDmrt (C) Ephone (D) Sociat network
(D) Eoth A and 6.' 95. The color of an object is an example of a(n)
83. ..,,..... methods are used wih application
obigct to ensure only one Focess accesses, a (A) Attribute (B) detail
variable at a time (C) listing (D) specification
A) Synchronize 96. A language that can be written on one
B) threadlcick platform and executed on another platform is
c) synchronze 0 said to be
D) lock 0 and unlock 0 (A) Portable (B) robust
84 Which.ot th€ following is lo be implemented (C) thrrdgeneration (D) dynamic
tor .net remote server obiec,t? 97. ..... is Microsoft's latest entry into the
(A) lser:aiizable (Bi lsinqtecafl programmtng arena.
(C) Unknown (O) tMa;shatbyvatue (A) Java {B) NET
85 ls the Dala Type retum in lspostback (C) Vrsual Easrc (Ol pascat
ptowy? 98. A .. ... is anythrng thal can cause harm.
(A) bit (B) Bootean (A) Vulnerability (B) phrsh
(C) int (O) string (C) threat (D) spoot
86 Which ot the following base class do all web 99. A ....... s main purpose is to prohrbit
forms ,nherit from: unauthorized access to your computer vra the
(A) Wndows class (B) web class lnternet.
(C) page class (O) document dass (A) Frrewall (B) popup blocker
87 By detault, ASP.NET S€ssioniDs in ......... (C) spyware blocker (O) spam assassin
(A) Cookies (B) Cache 100.This h€h-speed lntemet solution is installed
(C) Database aoj Gtobatvariable using existing phone lines. called .. ... . .

88 What is the main purpose of integration- (A) T1 (B) cable

testing? (C) DSL iOi Satetrite

Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paoers ' 799

E 0 n


Which ol the following expansion slol has (C) Business software
highesl speed?
(D) Educational software
(A) PCr (B) APG 12 controls. co-ordinates and directs
(c) AGP (D) rSA ail ihE-operations performed by the computer.
can be used tor marking a multiple
(A) ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit)
(B) CU (Control Unil)
choice test. (C) AU (Arithmetic Unit)
(A) Optical mart reader (D) LU (Logic Unit)
(B) Bar code reader
(C) Mouse '13 is a grid of individual pixels that
(D) All of these colleclively compose an image.
PCI is an expansion slot. it stands for:
(A) Vector graphic
(A) Personal Compuler lnt connect (B) Raster graphic or bitmap
(B) Peripheral Component lnterconnect (C) Color graphic
(C) Principle Component lnlerconect (D) Negative films
(D) Component lntercorrect 14 ln MS Word 2007, which shortcut key is used
to replace text or specific formatting?
4 ln MS Word 2007, while viewing Print Preview
of a document. how can you go to first page of
(A) RAM (B) Modern 15 is used lo create visual
(C) Processor (O) Hard disk presenEtions wilh the help of audio and
videos clips.
5 lnventor of Computer Mouse was a/an (A) Productivily software
_ engineer?
(A) American (B) British (8) Enteitainment software
(C) Russian (D) German (C) Multimedia software
(D) Graphic software
6 is a silicon chip which carries out
set inst ructions and processes the data
'16 ln MS Word 2007. which shortcut key n used
to insert a comment?
effi ciently and accurately.
(C) Processor (D) Hard disk
7 is also known mechanical agent
17 is a computer software whose
A) rnger prinl reader user interface and API resembles that of a
pranter driver.
B) Barcode reader (A) Virlual Printer
C) Robot (B) Plotter
D) Computer (C) Dye-Sublimation Printer
8. ln MS Word 2007, which shortcut key rs used (O) lmpact Printer
to switch to Print Layout view? '18.
(A) ALT+SHIFT+P _ contains a magnetic strip
(B) ALT+CTRL+O (A) Speakers (B) Credit card
(c) (C) Smart card (D) All of these
(D) ALT+CTRL+P 19. Physical parts of the computer that we can
9. lndividual dots, which make up a picture on see and touch are known as:
(A) Software (B) Hardware
the monitor screen. are called: (C) Both A and B (D) Computer program
(A) Pixels (B) Pixles
(C) Coloured Spots (D) Colourless Spots 20. LED printer uses to cause toner
'lO. adhesion to the printer drum:
is a collection of p;ogramme lhat (A) Laser beam
supervises and control overall function of a (B) An array ol LEOS
computer. (c)
(A) Operating system (B) Oevice drivers lnk
(C) Utility programs (D) MS Ofiice (D) lmpact Printing melhod
11. -"Fax Mewer" is a(an): 21. ln MS Worid 2007, which shorlcut key is used
to move a selected paragraph up?
(A) Produclivity soft\ /are (A) ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW
(B) Utility program
800 A{v..rcrd pfSC XCOS floderprocrs
(D) ALT+TA8+ 34. ln MS Word 2007, which shortcut key is used
to swatch to Outline view?
22. _ is used for climinat invesligations (A) ALT+CTRL+P (B) ALT+SH|FT+O
?nq security syst€m. Some computea use it (c) ALT+CTRL+O (O) ALT+SH|FT+P
for login and us€r ajth€nticiltion.
(A) BarDod€ rcader 35. _ ts a program that rs used to vrew
(B) Computar code rerdor and manage images.
(C) Finger pnnt rcader (A) System viewer
(D) Sscret code reader (B) File viewer
(C) Multimedia software
23. Computar is an eleciric machine which (D) lmage viewer
process into meaningrul
36. When a computer starts, check a
(A) lnput (B) Output the devices and loads bE-?-rivers so tnat
(C) Both A and B (D) Graphics devices cen work properly.
(A) File manager
24. 'Window Explorer' is a/an: (B) Application software
(A) Educationatsofrware (C) Operating system
(B) Utility program (D) Utility program
(C) Entedain nent software
(D) Reference soffware 37 . _ loads the system files rn the RAM
the computer and provides a user interlace.
25. _ devices hold data and (A) MS office
instructions. (B) Reference software
(A) Storage (B) tnpur (C) Productivily software
26. Main circuit board of a comDuter is known as: (D) Operating system
(A) Modem (B) Processor 38. A light pen contains
(C) RAM (D) Mothertcoard (A) Refillable ink
27. UNIVAC stands for: (B) Light sensitive elements
(A) Universal Automatic Comguter (C) Pencil lead
(B) Us€d Auto ComDuter (D) Blue ink
(C) Uniyersat Aray bomputer 39. Orivers of a computer hardware are:
(O) Unus€d Automatic Computer (A) Application Sofware
28. "Adobe flash' B an example of: (B) Utilrty programs
(A) Spread st|e€t (C) System software
(B) Multimsdiasoftware (D) Productivity software
(C) Utility software 40. A device cannot work properlv rf rs
(D) File manager not installed.
29. Mac is a/an; (A) Application software
(A) Utility program (B) Device driver (B) Educational software
(C) lmage viewer (D) Operating system (c) Oevice driver
(D) Spread sheet
30 ln MS Word 2007. which shortcut key is used
to swrtch to Draft view? 41. _ ts used to dra\,! prctures. 3D
(A) SHIFT+CTRL+N (B) ALT+SH|FT+D images and antmation.
(C) ALT+CTRL+O (O) ALT+SHIFT+P (A) Graphic software
(B) Multimedia software
31. Encyclopedia is an example of (C) Word processing software
software (D) Sp.ead sheet software
(A) Enterlahment (B) Referenc€
(C) Productivity (D) System 42. Oevices which are used to enter data tnto a
computer are known as.
32. _
could tetl you the price of a bar of (A) lnput devices
(A) Keyboard (B) Output devices
(C) Communication devices
(B) Mouse (D) All of lhese
(C) Optical mark reader
(D) Bar code reader 43. A long narrow sockel on the molhettoard into
which drfferent expansion cards can be
33 h MS Word 2007. which shortcut key is used plugged in rs called
to view A'Print Preview" of a document? (A) Expansion sror
(B) ALT+SHIFT+O (C) Power Suppty (D) processor
(C) ALI+CTRL+O 44 _ is a componenl of a processor
that pertorms mathematrcal and division
A&anced PPSC lroQs odel Paoets 801
(A) CU (Control Unil) (C) Utility Program
B) AU (Arithmetic Unit) (D) Device driver
C) LU (t-ogic Unil) 56. Which of the following component of a
O) Both A and C compuler \,vorks like human brain?
45. rs a component of a Processor (A) RAM (B) Processor
ihE-cornpares two quanlities and grves ici ovo oriue (o) Power suPPlY
answer in the form of true or fals€. 57. Windows Media Player Is a/anl
(A) AU (Arithmetic Unit) (A) Utility program
(B) LU (Logic Unit) (B) Entertarnment software
(C) Both A and B (C) Operating system
(O) None of these (O) Educational software
46. ALU is a component of processor. which is 58. Which of the following conlains startup
consist of: instruclions of the computer and information
(A) AU (Arithmetic Unit) aboul its hardu/are devices?
(B) LU (Logic Unit) . {A) RAM (B) ROM
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
icl Processor (o) cD
59. 3D printang is also known as:
47. Component(s) of a computer is/are. (A) Virtual Printing
(A) Hardware (B) Sofiware (B) Additive Manufacturing (AM)
(c) Both A and B (O) None ofthese iC) Oye-sublrmation Printing
4E. are used to display data (O) lmpact Printing
(A) Storage devices 60. ln MS Word 2007, which shortcut key is used
(B) Communrcation devices for "Go to a page. bookmark, footnote, table,
(C) lnput devices comment. oraohrc, or other location"?
(D) Output devices
(A} CTRL-+ H (B) CTRL + G
49 is a set of light and dark bars ici at * x (D) ALT + SHIFT + H
(lines with diflerenl width pasted on different 61. Main type(s) of soltware irare:
products, which contain information about (A) System Software
oroduct. (B) Application Software
iniEl'i""0" (B) Secret code (C) Request Software
iCi Computer code (D) Finger Print (D) Both A and B
50. VAB stands for: 62. Software is also called
(A) Voice auto broadcasting (A) A computer Program
iBi visual & audio broadcasting (B) Physical Part of comPuter
(C) Voice answer back (C) Input device
(D) None of these (D) OutPUt device
. - is
51 MS Power Point is a/an examPle of: 63. PNG (Portabie Network Graphics) an
(A) Multimedia software example of :
(B) Graphics software (A) Vector graphics
(C) Spread sheet (B) Raster graPhrcs or brtmaps
(D) Enterlainment software (C) Color graphrcs
52. ln Windows Operatrng Syslem rs (D) Negative films
known as a File Manager. & Types of computer memory are:
(A) Windotvs Explorer (A) Two (B) Four
(B) MS Word tc) tnree (D) Srx
(C) MS Excel is a
(D) Device Driver - 65. Daisy Wheel Printing example of
53 helPs user to locate. rename 1Af-tnffial Printing
rno6py and delete files. (B) lmpact Pnnting
(A) Frle Manager (B) MS Word (C) Laser Prrnting
(C) Devce Oriver (D) MS Excel (D) Liquid lnkjet Printing
54. Robot is a machine which is controlled by a 66 Barcode Reader ts a/an
software contatned in a chip, is used in the (A) lnpul device (B) Output device
field(s) ol: (C) Storage device (D) Display device
(A) Manufacturinq (B) Mrlitary
(C) Medical (D) All o, these 67 is used to transmat digital data
over telePhone lines. -
55. "Add or Remove programs" is a(an): (A) Net\i,ork card (B) Sound card
(A) Productivity software (C) Graphic card (D) Modem
(B) File manager
802 .Advanced ppSC
MCes Modet paoers
68. Which of the following is temporary storaoe
area before and
(A) 1969 (B ,|
after is processeOi (c)
(4) RAM (B) RoM 1965 (o '1
(c) CD ioi
Hoppy 80. 'Disk Cleanup" rs a/an:
(A) Utitily program
69. In MS Word 2007. whrch shorlcut kev is used (B) Devrce driver
ro move a selected paraoraoh down?-' (C) Productiv[v software
(f) Alr * CTRL + DOWN ARROW (D) Frle manag-er
alr * TAB + DOWN ARROW 81. Which.. country has the largesl Musftm
(D) CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW population in the world?
70 are programs that control and
({) lran (B) tndia
orrecl the operations of a computer
(C) lndonesia iDi SauOiArabia
(A) Apptication Software 82. Deccan Plateau is situated in:
(B) MS Ofiice Suite (A) France (B) tndia
(C) System Software (C) Austratia (Di South Africa
(D) Game Software 83 The frrslp-akistani cricket player to score lOOO
71. Who invented Computer Mouse? runs in T20 isl
(A) Oougtas Cad Enoetbert (A) Shahid Afridi
(B) Bill Gates (B) Muhammad Hafeez
(C) John McAfee (C) Umer Akmat
(O) Evan Wiltiams (D) lmran Nazir
72. used to detecl physical and 84. Frnd_the odd one out:
togrcat probtems of a drsk. 73,79 65. 71,
(A) Devjce driver (A) 53 (B) 6s
File manaoer (c) 71 iot lr
Referencjsoftware 85. Which. of the foltoning countries does not
(D) Disk scanner nave Veto power in the UN?
73 _. : is used as a disk scanner in (4) USA (B) Canada
Mrcrosoft Wndows . (c) UK iDi rrance
\A) Drsk cteanup (B) Oisk defragmenter 86. Fill in.the btank. "They do nothing
(U) Drsk cteanout (D) Olsk cleaning complain all the time.r
74. _ is a porntino device. (A) excepr (B) at
(A) CD-ROM dnve r\,) or (D) on
(P) Igggh screen used for computer input 87. Fill in the btank. "l paid the fees
(C) RAM the end of the course."
(0) cPU (A) in (B) ar
75. VGA stands for: (C) about iOi or
Video Graohics Arrav 68. Wnich city be-came the temporary capitat of
Vrsual Graohics Arra'v Pakrstan in 1960?
Volatile Grbphics Arr6v (f) Lahore
Visuat Graphics Array'
(B) Karachr
(C) Rawatprndi iD)Oretra
76. CDR (Coret Draw) is an exampb of. 89. The synonym of.Ambiouous. rs.
(A) .Veclor qraDhics
(q) Raster 6rabhics or bitmaos (A) Determined fB; Obvious
(C) Cotor graphics
(U) Exptrcit (D) Unctear
(D) Negative tihs 90. They always
(4) come _
back home late
77. MS Excet, Lotus 1-2-3 and Coret.s euanro (B) wi come
Hro are examples of. (c) came (D) had come
(B) 9'1. She _ Edgtish now.
Referenoj software (4) speak
(C)File manaoer (B) sDeaks
(D)productivii Software (C) is speaking (D) sboren
78. CO-ROM stands for:
92. ll to rain an hour aoo.
(!..) P.srn
(A) Compactabte Oata Read Onty Memory (11 (B) beg-an
(H) Compactable Disk Reat Memory oegun (O) wi begun
(C) Compaclabte Oata Read Onty Memorv
(u) uompactabte Oisk Read Ontt Memon;
93. You
since mornino.
(B) rested
79. Darsy wheel pflnting was invented in (C)
)- (D)
will rest
have been resting
Advanced PPSC l CQs Uodel PaDerc 8O3

94 |
this exercise in an hour
Ju (o) (.,lr tcl
(A) finished
(B) fnish :.-d("ti4\tlJ"' .ss
(C) will finish
(D)- will have finished i-.;v'rn(B) trle:4 (A)
95 She has the letter. i::i.-J (D) :t'.-'?.>i lot
(A) Dost (B) Posts
(D) will post
ic) bosteo -;-i;'.,s.-1---' ss

(B) j;E (n)

t4!Wd:LiL a 96
r,:,.jtn (D)
'':'i,lv lc)
u$ (Bl o/)tt (A)
jpt :c-t-'41- L.'t- 100
t-/ (D)
lr Pl l/ (A)
,d 97
-r,r (D) ,,:/ (C)

,.,' (a) s,t7 (A\

Answer Key
a 27. a 40. c 53. a 66. 79 a 92. b
1. 14.
28. b 41. a 54. d 67. d 80 a 93. d
a 15.
a 29. d 42. a 55. c 68. a 81 c 94. c
b 16.
d 43. a 56. b oY. b 82 b 95. d
4. c 17.
3t. b 44. b 57. b 70 c 83 b 96. b
5. a
32. d 45 c 58. b 71. a 84 b 97. a
6. c 19.
b 33. 46 c 59. b 72 85 b 98. c
d 21 a 34 c 47 c 60 b 73 a 86 a 99.
48 d 61 d 74 b 87 b c
9. a 22 c 35 d
c 49 a 62 a 75 a 88 c
10 a 23 a 36
37 d 50 c 63 b 76 a 89 d
11 b 24 c
38 c 5l a 64 a 77 d 90 d
12 b 25 a
a 65 78 d 91 b
13 b 26 d 39 c 52



(C) Shift+Tab (D) Backspace
1. Find the odd man out.
To get slep-by-step instructrons as you 90
(A) Coaxral cable (B) Microwaves 4
ici Optical liber (D) Twisted parr wire through the Word mail merge process use:
(A) A template
2. To have your macro available to all new (B) The Marl Merge Wizard
documents you create, store it in: (C) The Mailing Table
(A) My Documents (O) A macro
{Bt Ourck Access
ici The Normal temPlate 5 A is a malor database obiect used
(D) The Macro Gallery. to-dispilayrnformation in a printable page
3. To move to the previous cell in a table lA) Form (B) query
inserted in a document, Press
(A) The Tab key. (B) Att+Tab'
icj ,"port (D) table
lO1 Actvanced ppSC CCn t odet paoars
6 Ttre percentage increase tn the area of a (C) Security
rf each of its sides is ,"i""""i oi . (O) A olthese
l"r"r:ilnn 20. A c left Lahore at7.12 am and arrived at
(41 40% Bt 42yo ce-narn place, igo miles distant al 10 57 am
lC\ 44o/o @) 460/. What was tts average speed rn mrles
, nour'1 ler
a.graphrc rnrd a worrsheer you
go to cerl A1 bv Dressrno tA) 42 tg 44
(ft Sutrr*sqyg ' 46
rB) Crhr*xOue- ior as
2, yIlL

ror an emall
folrowrng. rs not a ma,or reason
-"1 !19bounce?
(A) Bad user account name
(B) bad domarn name
snoutd be saved with
lhts extension
(B) doc (C) State fite handte
{lJ rxt
(u) 9ocx (O) rft
(D) domain server is down
9 ryhlch option drsplays fi cotor in atrernate
22. When you insert a comment in a document.
Ine comment appears in al
rows rn an Excel table?
(A, Banded Rows (B) Frrst Row
(A) Newwindow (B) Sidebar
(C) Row (C) bafioon ioi St,cty note
Lasr (D) Fi ed Rows icon
10. What function displays row data in 23. Which function
a column pr row ,automaticalty totats a cotumn
of values?
Cotumn dala in a row?
(r, ) ranspose

11 Wh.el typlng
(B) tndex
(D) Rows [3] $f.- [8i193
24. The informatron inside your tabte needs to
character search criteria. Excel be
matches ,ields based on soned atphabetically. To do this. you go
(A) Alphabeticat order (A) Table Tools Desion
(B) Capitatrzatron (B) Page Layout
(C) Soellno sroup
(Di Primari recoros [3i i:ffs+ffi rfl::raph
12. rnserl a picture tnto a 25. What is the missing number?
ifi "il'JIli.1Yf i'i;XJ' (A) 15 {B) .t6
(u) rrght 'o' 1B
(D) Square (c) 17 ioi re
13. What is-the sum ofthis series 1. 2.
3 4, 99
lo Why might you hide worksheets in
(A) 1500 (8) 2ooo workbook?
(c) 2500 (Di 3ooo (A) The fite is smalter
'14. The most common (B) The file is taroer
types of storage devices (C) Some data iiorivate
(A) (D) Some data is iormatted
(B) oDricat
(D) p;rsistent 27 User. developed instructrons for Excel are
'15. Whal. categ_ory called:
of functions rs used in this
"- (A) Programs (B) Macros
lgrmyla? = PMT(C10/12, Ce. cs. 1)-- (u) Procedures (D) A
lil Payment
(u) logicar (B) Financrat
(D) Statistical 28 Wfta! term describes a picture that has
of these
16. Which is the tarqest fraction? restaeo by a percentaoe?
(Al 3t4 (Bt 4,/s
\c) 7t8 io\ trs [3i Sl;T,ffS. isl s:,,m
17. Each sector on a hard drive stores 29. How words be sepa.ated In a range
byles of data name?^can
(41 ol (B) s12 (A) With a space (B) With a comma
(c) 1,024 (C) Wlh a period iD) w,ti,
iot r crga 30. A Word lemplale slores common document
a coton
18 What does an t-beam facilitate?
(A) Locatino ten (4, uontent (B) Structure
(B) Highlioh'tino telr (u) styte (D) Theme
9ragging aid setecting text
{Pl Jormantng 31. In which view does a page break appear as
(u) a
tert black dashed Irne on thelcreenr
19. An unauthorized user is a network (A) Normal
tssue. (B) PaOe Break preview
(A) Performance (B) Retiabitity (C) Page Layoul
(D) Custom
Adyanced PPSC ttoQs Nodel Paoers EOs

32. The Synonym of "Commence" is: (A) TCP (B) lP

(A) To End (B) To Begin (C) UDP (D) None of these
(C) Nearing Finish (D) To Run 45. Whal term describes shaped text?
33. A man is 24 years older than his son. ln two (A) TextArt (B) Textword
years, his age will be twice the age will be (C) WordArt (D) WordText
t\rvice the age of his son. The present age of 46. lf ADO=9.BAD=7 and CAD = I what rs the
his son is: value ot ADA?
(A) 14 years (B) '18
years (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 20 years (O) 22 years (c) 5 (D) 6
34. Find the odd man out 47. Which of the following will determine your
(A) Carret (B) Cucumber choice of systems soflware for your
(C) Onion (D) Ginger computer?
35. lf the code for JAVA is LCXC what is the code (A) is the applicatpns software you want to
for BASIC? use comPatible with rt ?
(A) CBJTO (B) DCUKE (B) ls it expensive?
(c) EDVLF (O) FEWMG (C) ls it compatible with your hardware?
(D) Both A and C
36. For what can you use Outlook Tasks?
(A) Manage client data 48 A drive that can or removea or rnsenea wnne
(8) Send and recerve e-mail me computer is running issald to
(C) Schedule appointments and meetings
(D) Manage to-do items (A) Rbbust (B) dynamrc
(C) hol swappable (D) SCSI
37. What Oo-while is an _ loop.
(A) Entry control (B) Exit control 49 Betore you create labels such as nanre tags.
(C) Entry enrolled (D) None of these specify the size by selecing
(A) Label Options (B) Layout
38. What should follow the sheet name in a 3-D (C) Format (D) Templates
(A) Colon (B) Parentheses 50 A man buys an rtem for Rs. 1400 and sells I
(C) Period (D) Exclamation point at a loss of 15%. What is the selling price of
the rtem?
39. Excel would evaluate lhe formula. =2010/5E, (A) Rs. 1090 (8) Rs. 1160
and return this answer. (C) Rs. 1190 (D) Rs. 1202
(A) 5 (B) 625
(c) 320 (o) 232 ln a Rrch Text conlent control field. the text.
(A) Can be formatted
40. What do you see if you hover the mouse over (B) Cannot be tormatted
a chart object? (C) ls limited to lower case
(A) KeyTip (B) ScreenTip (D) Cannot contain space
(C) ChartTip (D) ChartKey
41. Afzal mixed 40 % kerosene solution to 25 % 52. ln the formula, = 10 + 5 + 15 + 2515, Excel
computes this first.
kerosene solution hence obtaining 30 % (A) 10+5 (B) 5+15
kerosene solution. ln what ratio urere the both
solutions mixed. lC) 2.5t5 (D) 15+25
(A) 3.1 (B) 2:3 53. Where is the address of the active cell
\cl 2:1 (o) 3:2 displayed?
(A) Row heading (B) Status bar
42. Protecting a worksheet means: (C) Name Box (0) Formula bar
(A) No cell in a worksheet can be changed.
(B) Saving the workbook in a hidden folder 54. Find odd man out
(C) No additional change:- can be made to a (A) Japan (B) China
worksheet (C) London (O) Canada
(D) To lock cells in the worksheet so thal a 55 You can evenly adjust spacing in columns and
user cannot inadvertently change them. rows by usrng the Table Tool called:
43. A driver drives 8 km South then 6 km W. and (A) Equalize (B) Distribute
2 km S again. She then drives 3 km E to (C) Mirror (O) Snap to Grid
avoid a traffic jam before driving 6 km N. How 56 This desffibes the size, weighl, and spacing
many kilometers is she from her starting of a character in a Word document.
point? (A) Fonl (B) Typeface
(A) 4 (B) s (C) Points (O) TypograPhy
(c) 6 (D) 7
57 When you want to combine cells in any grven
44. Which of the following is reliable table row you.
communication? (A) Merge (B) Stmpltty
806 Adyanced ppSC ltl9es Hodel paoers
(C) Join (D) Ljnk 69. A._ is a data communication system
58. There are two different waysio rnsert content wilhin a.building, ptant, or campus. or beiween
trom one application rnto anolher_embeddtng nearby buildings.
and: (A) MAN (B) LAN
(A) lmporting (B) tntegrating (C) WAN (O) none of the above
(C) Lrnking. 1D1 8oo-kmarking 70 Which is NOT a method of creating a tabte in
59. What term describes a feature that gives MS Access?
Excel enhanced capabrlity? (A) Oatasheet Vrew (B) Desqn View
(A) Trend tinrng (B) Enhancement bit (C) Layout View (Dl Temitale
(C) Thumbnait (O) Addrn 7'1. When you are working on a document, Word
60. A cube has a volume of g cubic meters. lf automalically saves your document
each sde rs doubled rn length what wrll tts (A) Every 10 mrnutes
new volume be tn cubtc meters? (B) Every 10 seconds
(A) 16 (B) (C) When you close the document
(c) 48 ioi
er (D) When you ctose the apptication.
61. The best tool to use to create a hierarchical 72. fhe.price of certain fem increased by X% per
flow chan in Word is: week over two successive weeks 'lf at ihe
(A) WordArl (B) Shapes beginning, 2 kg was available for Rs. gO and
(C) SmarrArr iO) taOies after two weeks they were avarlable for Rs
'105 80. what is value of x
62. lnsert the missing number. (A) .5
3. 7,6. 5.9,3, 12. 1, .t5, (....)
1 (8) 1s
(A) 18 (c) 115 (D) 1 1.5
(B) i3
(c) -1 (D) 3 73. Which alignment choice spreads the data
63. What, is the least number by which 294 across the width of the celt? i

should be multiptied lo make it p6rfecl .square

(A) Center (B) Distributed
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) Justify (D) tndenr
(c) 6 @i 12 74. Where does Word insert a table
(A) On the first page of the report
of contenls?
64. The average weight of A. B and C is 45 Kg. if (B) After the coveroaoe
the. average.weight of A and B be 40 Kg ind (C) At the insertion Doinr
that of S and C be 43 K9. then weight cf 5 is:
(4) 17
(c) 26
(6) 2oKs
(D) Before the docuhent tifle
75. When the Reviewing pane is open, the tite of
ioj sr x6 that pane is:
65. A vessel is filled to its capacity with pure mrlk
en llters milk is
(A) Comments (B) Revisions
I withdrawn from it and (C) Edits (O) Changes
replaced by water. The procedure rs repeated
agarn. The vessels now have 32 ltters of mrlk. 76. lf a - b = 3 and a2 + b2 = 29 find the value of
Find the capacity of three vessets (in titers ab
(A) 40 (B) 45 (A) 10 (B) 12
(c) 50 (D) 55 (c, 15. iol rs
66. A combination of instructions and keystrokes 77. Connections to the lnternet using a phone line
that are stored and used in docurients is and a modem are called
called: connections.
(A) A shortcut (B) Amacro (A) Broadband (B) dish
(C) A keystroke (D) a tunctron (C) digitat (O1 otar-up
67. What is the name for a webpaqe address? 78. Your files store various verstons of
(A) Drrectory (B) boilain runntng programs.
(C) URL (D) protocot (A) Cache (B) memory
68. To what does the term "page orientation" (C) temp iD) static
.elet? -- that dictate how the various pans of
79. The rules
(A) An appticatron that displays Web pages. a formula are written in a table and eisewhere
(B) Combrning two versioris dr tne sahrj are called:
document. (A) Structure (B) Functions
(C) Code in a marl merge main document that (C) Exponents (D) Syntax
shows where data wrll be rnserted. 80. A sum of money at srmple interest amounts to
(D) Whether a page is laid out vertica y or Rs. 815 rn 3 years and Rs g54 rn 4 years.
horizontally The sum is?
(A) Rs.650 (B) Rs 690
(C) Rs.698 (D) Rs. 7OO
Advanced PPSC ifCQs odel Paoerc 807
81 Which one of the following is not a prime 91. Which view shows margins and the rulers?
number? (A) Normal (B) Page Layout
(A) 11 (B) 61 (C) Page Setup (D) Revievy
(c) s1 (D) 31
92. Data that is copied from an application is
82. Which number will come next? stored in the
5,7, 10, 12, 14,24.26 (A) Oraver -- - - 6) CtipUoarO
(A) 52 (B) 30 (C) terminal (D) prompt
(c) 28 (D) 48 93. Akram thought of a number. add 7, multiplied
by 3. took away 5 and divrded by 4 to give an
83. _ is a technique that is used to send
more than one call over a single line? answer of 7. What was the starting number?
(A) Digitrzrng (B) Ouplexing (A) 2 (B) 3
(C) Multiplexing (0) Streamrng
(c) 4 (D) 5

84. What is the background for a chart called? 94. Data communication requires
(A) Chart area (B) Cha( grid (A) Sender
(C) Legend ares (D) Plot grid (B) receiver
(C) transmission medium
85. What dialog box allows you to change a field (D) All of these
name'in a PivotTable?
(A) Field Options (B) Field Pane 95. From what location are the 1st computer
(C) Field Settings (D) Field Struclure instructions available on boot up,
86. What is synonym for Contradict? (C) boot.ini (O) CONFIG.SYS
(A) Predict
(B) To Support 96. lf Excel disables and notifies you about a
(C) External macro, how can you enable the macro?
(O) to oppose by words (A) Click the option on the View tab
(B) Click the Macros button on the Developer
87. lf a
the hour hand of clocik is turned tab.
anticlockwise from 2 pm to 9 am. through how (C) Click the option in the security message
many degrees will it have turned? panel
(A) 120 degree (B) 150 degree (O) Close and reopen the workbook
(C) 165 degree (D) 160 degree exclusively.
88. A man has some hens and cows, il the 97. Whal is the binary value of 200?
number of heads be 48 and the number of (A) 10010110 (B) 11010110
feet equals 140, then the number of hens will (c) 10110110 (D) 11001000
()22 (B) 23 98. To open a template in Word. ,irst goto File
(c) 24 (D) 26 and:
(A) ClipkNew. (B) Click Oisplay.
89. The Sort command of the Data menu provides (C) Click Open. (D) Click Search.
this capability.
(A)Multiple-row (B)Multiple-column 99. A social security number or a telephone
(c)Multiple-rield (D)Mutipte-table number is considered to be this type of entry
in a worksheet.
90. You want to create a built-in cover page for (A) Numeric. (8) Text
your report. You go to the:
(A) Page Layout tab..
(C) Value (D) Formula
(B) lnsert tab. 1oo.Which of the following functions is a database
(C) References tab. function?
(D) Themes menu. (A) DSUM (B) DGLAZE

Answer Key
't. b 11 c 21 c a 4'l CI a bt c 71 a
2. c 12 a 22 c 32 b 42 d c 62 72 b
J. 13 d 2J d 43 b 63 c d
4. a 14 a 24 d u b 44 a 54 c 64 d 74 d
5. c 15 b 25 b 35 b 45 c b 65 c 75 b
6. 16 c 26 c 36 d 46 d 56 a 66 a 76 b
7. b 17 b 27 b 37 b 47 a 57 a 67 a
o. b 18 a 2E d JO d 48 c 56 c 68 d 78 c
9. a 19 c 29 49 a 59 d 69 b d
'10 20 d 30 b 40 b 50 c 60 d 70 c 80 c
808 Advanced PPSC MCQS Modet paoets
81 c 84. a 87 b 90 b c 96. c 99. b
82 c 85 c 88 a 91 b 94 d 97 d 100 c
83 c 86 d 89 b 92 b a 98 a




1 A word template slores common document: 12. What is the filename extension for an Ouflook
(A) Content (B) Structure datalile? ,,
(C) Style (D) Theme (A) RTF (B) PS]
2. Which of the tollowing rs fastesl? (c) DAT (D) xLS \
(A) Hard disk (B) Reorsters 13. You can modifo alignment, line spacing, and
(C) RAM iOt CaEne paragraph spacing in the.
3. What is the name tor a webpaqe address? (A) Layoul menu
(A) Oirectory (B) boirarn (B) Paragraph dialog box
(C) URL (O) protocot (C) Format tab
(D) Styles group
4 What is shortcut to change the font?
(A) Ctrl+F (B) Art+Ctrt+F 14. Smallest unit of memory is:
(C) Shift+Alt+F (D) Ctrt+Shrft+F (A) Bit (B) Byte
5 Which of the lofiowng data types
(C, Charac.ter (O) Word
automaticelly generates a conseculrve 15 There are lwo methods you can use to move
number? text-cut and paste or:
(A) Auto number (B) Memo (A) Move and copy
(C) Number (D) Text (B) Select and shifl
(C) Highlight and ptace
6. The three parls of an if function are separated (D) Drag and drop
by- 16. Which of these arithmetic operators takes the
(A) Oashes (B) Asterisks
(C) Semicolons (D) Commas htghest precedence?
(A) < (lesser than)
7. Which alignment choice spreads the data (B) > (greater than)
across lhe widlh ot the ce ? (C) / (division)
(A) Center (B) Distributed (D) ^ (exponentiation)
(C) Justrfy (D) lndent
17. Whal does HTML mean?
8. The _ interface transmils one bit at (A) High Top Math Levet
a time. (B) Hyper True Math Language
(A) Parallel (B) SCS| (C) Hyp€rtext Martup Lanquaoe
(C) Serial (D) Firewire (D) Hrper Text Membry La-nguige
L The inner col.e of an optical fiber as 18. ln a laser printer, the _ transfers the
in comoosition rmage to the paper.
(A)-G--lass or ptastic (B) CooDer
(C) Brmetatlic (D)
(A)Laser (B) Rofler
Lrqirid .(C)Toner (D) Drum
10. ln Microsofl Power Point the foltowing wi not '19. Th€re are
advance the slides rn a sftde show vie-w. (A) 4
_ bits in one byte.
(A) The space bar (B) The mouse button (B) 8
(c) 16 (D) 32
(C) The enter key (D) Esc key
20. Use the button to reverse your iast
11. The_ Jollowing are examples of data types
(A) Undo (B) Cut
(A) Functrons (B) Sound (C) Redo rD) Paste
(C) Vrdeo (D) Text
21 To view Word fielO codes rn your document,
Advenced PPSC MCO3 Nodel Paoers 809

(A) Atr+Fg (B) F4 (A) Expansion (B) Plug-and-Play

(c) shifi+v (D) shift+F1 (C) Upgrading (O) Upsirng
22. What is defined by the handout master? 34. What is the function ot pnnt manager?
(A) Slide formatting (A) Print queue (B) Print cancel
(B) Layout of audience handoul notes (C) Print stop (D) All of these.
(C) Handout content formatting for Microsofr ln
35. Microsoft PowerPoint to add a header or
word export footer to your handout, you can use:
(O) None of these. (A) The title master
23. lndentation is a? (B) The handout master
(A) Left margin (C) The slide master
(B) Right margin (O) Text
(C) Lefl space of paragraph 36. ln Microsoft Power Point two kinds of sound
(D) Top effects tiles that can be added to the
24. l/O is the short term for: pre sentation are?
(A) lncome/Outcome (A .wav files and .mid files
(B) lnpuuoutput (B wav files and .gif files
(C) lnner/Outer (c wav files and ..ipg files
(D) lncoming/Outgoing (D ipg files and .git files
25. A file which contains readymade styles that 37. Which of lhe following lerms relers to the
can be used for presentations is called? ability of a computel to automatically configure
(A) Auto (B) Template a new hardvyare component that is added to
'(G) Wizard (D) Pre-fomatting it?
(A) Formatting
26. A message with replies on a newEgroup is (B) Multiprocessing
oflen called a
(A) Posr
_(B) List (C) Multiprogramming
(O) Plug and play
(C) Thread (D) Comment
ln key CTRL+W is used 38. The default font for Mrcrosofi word i6:
27. MS Word shorlcut (A\ Times NelY Roman
tot2 (B) Calrbri
(A) Open the Print dialog box
(B) Update the current Web Page
' (C) Verdana
(D) Helvetica
(C) Close the current window
(D) None of these 39. You can customize all of your document's
properties in the:
28. GUI stands' for which ot; the following? (A) Preview Wndol
(A) Graphic User lnterface (8) Options Menu
(B) Graphical User interface (C) Page Layout Tab
(C) Graphical User lnterfaces (D) Backstage View
(D) Graphs under lnterplay
40. What does the AVERAGiE tunclron calculate
29. What is a web browser? for a range of cells?
(A) A program that can display a web page (A) Mean (B) Sum
(B) A program used to view html documents (C) Median (O) Mode
(C) lt enabbs user to access the resources of
internet 41. Which of the following is a spread sheet
(D) All o, these. (A) MS Excel (B) MS Ouuook
(C) MS Power Point (D) MS Word
30. Drive access time is measured in
(A) Nanoseconds (A) Uittiseco-ii- 42. What property works with the Protecl Sheet
(C) Microseconds (D) Picoseconds command?
31. Whrch ol the following protocol is used to
(A)Locked (B) Property
access web pages on world Wide Web?
(C)Protection (D) Thumbnails
(A) TCP/IP (B) GoPher 43. The browseis keeps a list of web
(C) HTTP (D) HTML pages you have visited during lhe current
32. Microsoft PowerPoint is a: (A) Hrstory (B) Cache
(A) Database program (C) Favorites (O) Trail
(B) Spreadsheet Program
(C) Presentation program 44 DNS refers to?
(D) Word processing program (A) Oata Number Sequence
(B) Digrtal Network Service
33. Changing lo newer, usually more powerful or (C) Domain Name Service
sophishcated verstons of hardware (D) Oisk Numbenng System
components, rs termed:
810 Advanced C MCQs Papers
45. Which oplion in the Find/Reptace dralog box 5& _ memory loses ats content, when
makes a search task case-sensrtlve? power is losl.
(A) Match stnngs (A) Nonvolatile (B) Random
(B) Match case
(C) String sensitive
(C) Static (D) ROM
(D) Case sensitive 59. To sehd email to a large group at one time. a
_ can b€ use.
46. To place a sound into a Word document, you (A) Listserv (B) Group
would use the _ teature of Windows: (C) Alias (D) Mait server
(A) OLE (B) Chpboard
60. The lirst part of a comptete URL is the
(C) Paste (O) Task Switching
needed to access the web
47. A virus that replicates itself called resource.
(A) Bqg (B) Worm (A) Address (B) Name
(C) Vaccine (O) Trojan Hors€ (C) Location (O) Protocol
48. To automatically rnsert the last dale a 61. What is a motion path?
document was saved. add: (A) A type ot animation entrance effect
(A) A Word fietd (B) A dare fietd (B) A method of advancing shdes
(C) A numeric field (D) A tunction (C) A method of movrng ilems on a slide
49. A drive that can be removed or inse(ed while (D) All of these.
the computer is
running is
sad to be 62. Which of the following represents one bifiion
(I1-Ro-Uust (B) Dynamic (A) Byte (B) Gigabyte
(C) Hot swappable (O) SCS| (C) Kilobyte (D) Megabyte
50. Which key should be pressed to start a new 62. Ctrl, Shifr and Alt are called _ keys.
paragraph in MS-Word? (A) Adrustment (B) Function
(A) Oown Cursor Key
(B) Enter Key
Modifier (D) Alphanumelc
(C) Shifi + Enter 64. The _ is the software tool to store or
(D) Ctrl + Enter access data.
(A) Table (B) DBMS
51. A(n) _
or more tables.
query locates data from one (C) Query (O) Repod
(A) Select (B) Summary 65. Free hard-disk space used to exteod the
(C) Parameter iDj nction capacity of RAM is termed:
(A) Cache (B) Flash memory
52. To add an intemal card to a computer, it must (C) ROM (D) Mrtuat memoi
have an oDen
1A1 Expansron-EEf--1El Bav
66. Using Find command in Word, we can
(C) Bus (O) US'B port
(A) Characters (B) Formats
53. Which funclion renoves the decimat portion of
a value?
(C) Symbols (D) Both A and C
(A) CUTOFF (B) ROUNDUP 67. The dots that run from a table of contents
(c) TRUNC (o) TR|M entry to the page number are called:
(A) A leader (B) A outline
54. Data that is copied from an application
stored in the
is (C) Agutter (D) A connector
(A) Driver -=--(B) Ct'pooard 68. The unique identifier that is used when a
(C) Terminal (D) Prompt Word form is connecled to a database is
55. A combination of instructions and keystrokes (A) A label (B) An identifrer
that are stored and used in documents is
(C) A sig. (D) A tas.
(A) A shortcut (B) A macro 69. This is the part of the computer system that
(C) A keystroke (D) A function one can touch.
56. Where is the address of the active cell
Hardware (B) Data
Software (D) lnput
(A) Row heading (B) Status bar 70. An lPv4 address consists of bits
(C) Name Box (D) Formuta bar (A) 4 (B) S-
57. Which term best describes Ou ook?
lc) 32 (O) 64
(A) Dalabase manaoer 71. ll you have a sent an e-mail message, what
(B) Messagrng clieni folder would you access to restnd it?
(C) Presentattoh client (A) Drafts (B) lnbox
(O) Spreadsheet manager (C) Oulbox lD) Sent ltems
Aclvanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 811
72. Which of the following keystrokes updates a 85 To text, you select it, hoE d6wn
bibliography field? the mouse button, and move the mouse.
(A) (B) Fs (A) Cut (B) Draw
(c) (o) F9 (C) Paste (D) Orag
73. Your _ 6les slore various veBions of
runnrng programs.
86 - feature recognizes and
commonly misspelled words:

(A) Cache (B) Memory (A) Autocomplete (B) AutoFormat

(C) Temp (D) Static (C) Autocorrecl (O) Spell Check
74. Which of the following is not an example of a 87 Another word for pointer is _
pointing device? (A) Pixel (B) cursor
(A) Bar code reader (B) Mouse (C) point (D) monochrome
(C) Pointing stick (D) Touchpad 88. A word in a web page thal, when clicked,
75. cable consists of an inner copper opens another document.
dEIiiiIsecond conducting outer sheath. (A) URL (B) Hyperlink
(A) Twisted-pair (C) Reference (D) Anchor
(B) Coaxial 89. To move to the end of a line of text, press the
(C) Fiber-optic key.
(D) Shielded twisted-pair (A) Page up (B) A
76. Software mistakes during coding are known (C) Enter (D) End
as? 90. This will eliminate gaps in justified text in a
(A) Enors (B) Failures
(c) Bugs (o) Defects -(A) Hyphenation (B) Hanging indents
Word document.

77. A a major database object used

rs (C)Pagination (D)Cross-referencing
to display information in a printable page 91. Which of the followng protocol provide email
format. facility among drfferenl hosls?
(A) Form (B) Ouery (A) FTP (B) SMTP
(C) Report (O) Table (C) HTTP (D) TELNET
78. All compuleB must have: 92. Which of the following fealures determines
(A) Op€rating System how the contents of a cell are positioned in the
(B) Keyboard cell?
(C) Word Processor (A) Aulocomplete (B) Cell Alignment
(D) Printer attached (C) Format (O) Pick from List
79. Paint programs keep track of every 93. You want to create a built-in cover page for
_ placed on the screen. your report. You 90 to the'
(A) lmage (B) Ob,ec1 (A) Page Layout tab (B) lnsert tab
(C) Pixel (D) Color (C) References tab(D) Themes menu
80. Which of the following commands enables 94. ln Microsoft PowerPoint the besl place to find
users to set slide timings? animated images for your presentation is:
(A) Set up Show (A) Microsoft Online
(B) Slide Transition (B) PowerPoint tools and ins
(C) Rehearse Timings (C) Word Clipart
(O) Custom Animation (D) All of these.
81. A television broadcast is an examde of 95. How are font sizes specified?
trairsmission. (A) Pixels (B) Spaceq
(E)-EimpiEx (B) Ha[{uplex (C) Points (O) Picas
(C) Full{uplex (D) Automatic
96. Which malhematical operator is represented
82. Which topology requires a central controller or by an asterisk 0?
hub? (A) Exponentratron (B) Addrtion
(A) Mesh (B) Star (C)Subtraction (O)Multiplication
(C) Bus (D) Ring
97. Which of the following memory is non volatile?
83. ln Microsoft PowerPoint in order to see all the (A) RAM (B) ROM
slides on one screen use; (c) oRAM (D) SORAM
(A) View, Slide Sorle(B) View, Slide
(C) View, Masler (D) View, slide show 98. CBT stands for?
(A) Computer Based Testang
84. Which function automatically totals a column (B) Computer Based Trade
or row of values? (C) Certilicate Based Training
(A) TOTAL (B) ADO (D) City of Big Towers
(c) suM (o) AVG
812 Advanccd PPSC ttoQs Modet papers
99. Obiects on the slide that hotd text are ca ed? 100 Reusable optical storage will typicatty have
(A) Placeholders (B) Obtect hotders the acronym
(C) Auto layout (D) rexi hotders (A) CD )RW
(c) DvD (D) ROM
Answer Key
1. b 14 a 27 c 40 a 53 66 d 79. 92 c
2. d d 28 a 41 a 54 b 67 a 80. b o,l b
J. tb d 29 d 42 a 55 b 68 d 81. a 94. c
4. d '17 30 b 43 c 56 69 a 82. b 95. c
5. a 18 d 31 c 44 c 57 b 70 d 83. a 96. d
d '19
b 32 c 45 b 58 b 7'l d 84. '97. b
7. c a JI c 46 a 59 a 72 d 85. d 98. a
8. c a 34 d 47 b 60 d c 86. oo a
9. a 22 b b 48 a 61 c 74 a 87. b 100 b
10 d c 36 a 49 62 b 75 b 68. b
11 a 24 b 37 d 50 b 63 b 76 c 89. d
't2 b a 38 b 64 77 90. a
13 b 26 c 39 d 52 a 65 b 78 a 91, b



'1. A group of eight bits rs ca ed .. ... 9. The terms "red book', 'yellow book", and
(A) Recrrd (B) Oocument "orange book" refer to .........
(C) Byte (D) Fite (A) SCS|
2. The binary system uses powers of......... (8) roE
(A) 2 (B) 10 (C) Floppy drive technology
(c) I (D) CD-ROM standards
io) 16
3. Whal decimal ofan hour is a second? 10. if one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15.
(A) 0.0025 (B) 0.0256 then three-tenth of that number is:
(c) 0.00027 (D) 0.000126 (A) 35 (B) 36
(c) 45 (D)
4. To save an existing file with a hew name or to
'11. The price of 10 chairs is equal to that of4
a new location; use ......... command.
({) Save (B} Save and replace tables. The price of 15 chairs and 2 labtes
(C) Save as (D) newfite together is Rs. 4000. The total price of 12
chairs and 3 tables is:
5. When sound is included in the animations. it (A) Rs.3500 (B) Rs.3750
becomes: (C) Rs.3840 (D) Rs.3900
(A) Audio (B) Vrdeo
(C) Multimedia (D) None of the A, B 12. Which is the smallest fraction among the
6. What is to be used to add lext in Slide? (A) 7/9 (8) 4/s
(A) Text Box (B) Note Box (c) 6/7 (O) 9/13
(C) text Layer (D) Comment Box
'13. A man completes a.,ourney in 10 hours He
7. Slrde Tran$ction can be apphed to . .... travels first half of the joumey at the rate of 2.1
(A) Current Shde (B) Setected Slides km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr.
(C) All Slides (D) Atr of A, B, C Find the totaljourney in km.
8. Computer memory consi$s of (A) 220 km (B) 224 krn
(A) RAM (8) ROM (C) 230km (D) 234 km
(C) PROM (D) A ofA. B. C
Advanced sC MCOS itode, 813

14. ln the first 10 overs of a cricket match, the run 25. What device Prevents power interruptions,
rate was only 3.2, what should be the run rate resulting in corrupted dala?
in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target (A) Battery back-up unit
of 282 runs? (B) Surge protector
(A) 6.25 (B) 6.5 (C) Multiple SIMMS strips
(c) 6.7s (D) 7 (D) Data guard system
'15. WAN stands for.- 26. A shopkeeper has a sale of Rs. 6435, Rs.
(A) Wap Area Network 6927. Rs. 6855, Rs. 7230 and Rs, €562 for 5
(B) Wide Area Network cons€cutive months. How much sale must he
(C) Wide Array Network have in the sixth month so that he gets an
(D) Wireless Area Network average sale oI Rs. 6500?
16. Which of the following is a prime number?
(A) Rs.4991 (B) Rs 5991
(A) 33 (B) 81
(C) Rs.6001 (D) Rs.6991
(c) 93 (D) 97 27. A person's presenl age is two-fifth of the age
'17. Which one of the following is not a prime of his mother. Afier I years, he will be one-
half of the age of his mother. How old is the
mother at present?
(A) 31 (B) 61
(A) 32 years (B) 36 years
(c) 71 (O)91
(C) 40 years (D) 48 years
18. A man walked diagonally across a square
plot. Approximately, r./hal was the percentage 28. What is the full lorm of LAN?
(A) Local Area Network
ot distance saved by not walking along the (B) Large Access Network
edges? (G) Long Antenna Network
(A) 20 (Bl 24
(D) None of these
(c) 30 (D) 33
19. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 29. You get a CMOS checksum effor during
'BOOTUP . What is most likely the cause?
12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had
to pay Rs. 5400 interesl only for the period. . (A) Power supply rs bad
(B) BIOS needs updating
The principal amount borrowed by him was (C) CMOS battery rs nearing end of life
(O) Hard drive types are rncorrectly defirted
(A) Rs.2000 (B) Rs. 10,000
(c) Rs. 15,000(D) Rs.20.000 30. Which of the following command is gjven to
reboot the computer?
20 What is the best way to protpcl your, hard (A) Ctrl + Alt + Oel
drive data? (B) Ctrl + Alt + Tab
(A) Regular backups (C) Ctrl + Shlft + Del
(B) periodically defrag it (O) Ctrl + Alt + Shift
(C) Run chkdsk at least once a week
(D) run scandisk at least once a week 31. The sum of ages of 5 children bom at the
lntervals of 3 years each is 50 years. What is
2'l ln covering a distaoce of 30 km, Akhtar takes the age of the youngest child, .
2 hours more than Anwer lf Akhtar doubles (A) 4 years (B) I years
his speed, then he would take t hour less (C) 10 years (D) None of these
than Anwer. Anwers sp€ed is ... .....
(A) 5km/h (B) 6km/h 32. The taskbar is located
(C) 6.25km/h (O) 7.5km/h (A) On the Start menu
(B) at the bottom of the screen
22 A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5
(C) on the Quick Launch toolbar
minutes. What is his speed in km per hour? (D) at the top of the screen
(A) 3.6 (B) 7 .2
(c) 8.4 (D) 10 33. Generally, you access the Recycle Bin
through an lcon located .-. -.-..
lf, upon booting up a PC, you see a message (A) On the desktop
that says: Keyboard error. lt could very likely (B) Oh the hard drive
be . ..... .
(C) On the shortcut menu
(A) The keyboard is not attached to the PC (D) ln the Properties dialog box
(B) The keyboard has failed
(C) EilherA or B above. 34. When a file is saved for lhe tirst lime then
(D) NeitherAnorBabove
(A) A copy is automatically, printed
24 Measuring Unit of Capacity of Hard driYe is (B) file nameand tolder name must be the
(A GHz B GB (C) lt does not need a name
(c Watts D Newton
811 Advanced ppSC HCOS rtottot pape,!-
(O) lt must be given a name to identify it (C) Ctrl + Enter (D) Noneof A, B;C
35. The lnformation you put into the computer is
called .........
(A) Oireclory (B) Facts 47. Which of the following simplifies the process
(C) Oata (O) Files of formatting text, If the same formating is
required in more than one location?
36. Which of the following is Page Orientation? (A) Auto Text (8) Format Painter
(A) Landscape (B) Portrait (C) Font Djalog box (D) NoneofA,B,C
(c) Gutrer (D) onty c & B
48. Which of the following enabtes. you to make
37. Which monitor t/vould provide the highest level multiple changes in a document al once?
of performance? (A) Find command (B) reptace command
(A) vGA (B) XGA (C) Drag and Drop (D) copy command
49. How many semnds Will a 500 meter long
38. A man buys a watch for Rs. 1400 and s€ s lt train take to cross a man walking with a speed
at a loss of 15olo. What is the selling price of of 3 krn/hr in the direction of the moving train if
the watch? the speed of the train is 63 km/hr?
(A) Rs. 1090 (B) Rs. 1160 (A) 25 (B) 30
(C) Rs. 1190 (D) Rs. 1202 (c) 40 (D) 45
39. A shopkeeper bought tofbes at the rats ot 6 50. A train passes a station platform ln 36
for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he seconds and a man standing on the platform
sell to gain 20olo? iri 20 seconds. lf the speed -of the trdin is 54
(A) 3 (B) 4 km/hr, what is the length ot the platform?
(c) 5 (D) 6 (A) 120m (B) 240 m
40. What rs the shortcut key to "Undor the last (C) 300rir (D) None of A. B, C
aclion in a document? 51. Look at this series. 2,1,11t2), (1t4), ... What
(A) Ctd+X (B) CW+Y number should mme next?
(C) Ctrl + Z (D) None of A, B, C (A) (1/3) (B) (1/8)
41. What is the shortcut key for "Find and (c) (2/8) (D) (1/16)
Replace' diatogue box? 52. Look at this series; 36, 34, 30. 28, 24, . 'i.,/hat
(A) Ctrl + F (B) Ctrl + H number should come next?
(C) Ctrl + L (D) Ctrl + Shift + F (A) 20 (B\ 22
42. Asghar can- do a piece of work ln 20 days. (c) 23 (o) zs
Akbar is 25% more eflicient than Asghar. tie 53. BCB. PEP. FGF, HIH ,,,, ... ,,
number of days taken by Akbar to do the (A) JKJ (B) HJH
same piece of work is: (c) lJt (D) JHJ
(A) 15 (B) 16 *
(c) 18 (D) 25 (A) 1 (B 2
43. A alone can do a piece of work ln 6 days and (c) 3 (D 4
B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook t'o do lt 55
tor Rs. 3200. With the hetp ol C, thev A) 1 B
completed the rvo* in 3 days. How much is t6 c)3 (D 4
b€ paid to C? 56. Three numbers are ln lhe ratio 1: Z:3 and their
(A) Rs.375 (B) Rs.400 H.C.F. is 12. The numbers are:
(c) Rs.600 (o) Rs.800 (A) 4,8,12 (8) 5,10,15
44. To view headers and footers. vou must switch (c)10,20.30 (oj 12,24,%
to 57. SCP, TEF, UGH, .......... WKL
(A) Normal view (A) CMN (B) UJt
(B) Print layout view (c) vrJ (D) tJT
(C) Print Prevrew mode
(D) BolhE&C 58. Window is to pane as book is lo
(A) Novel (B) otass
45. Switching between Portrait and Landscap€ (C) mver
mode lnvolves the .........
io) iage
(A) Header and footer toolbar 59. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to ... ....
(B) Prant layout yiew (A) Orsh (B) soup
(C) Page setup dialog box (C) spoon (D) food
(O) None ofA, B. C 60. What allows you to print on both sides of the
46 Wl:,lt key do you press to force a page printer?
Braak? (A) Fuser
(A) Ctrt + Att (B) cld + break (B) duplexer
(C) oner cartridge
Adv CEd PP MCQs Model 815

(D) paper-swappang unit (D) Liquid control.display

6'1. Find the H.C.F of 36 and 84: 75 BASIC stands for ............
(A) 4 (B) 6 (A) Beginners all purpose symbolic
(c) 12 (D) 18 lnstruction code
(B) Beganners aided purpose symbolic
62, ZXV, TRP, NLJ, ..,,.,,,, lnstruction code
(A) rGF (B) HDF (C) Beginners aided all purpose symbqlic
(c) HGF (D) HFD code
63. 230, 246. 27'.1, 307 ............ (D) None of A, B, C
(A\ 412 (B) 356 76 A robot is a machine directed bY a . . ... ... .
(c) 518
(D) 612 (A) Computer
64. What is Z to A order called? (B) remote control
(A) Ascending (B) Descending (C) wteless control unit
(C) Co descending (D) NoneofA,B,G (D Human
65. We enter data and instructaons into the 77 The anole between the minute hand and the
computer which is known as hour ha;d of a clock when lhe time is 4.20 ls:
(A) Gommand (B) lnformation (A) 0" (B) 10'
(c) input (D) Output (c) 5' (o) 20'
66. scanner is ............ 78 What is the sum oI two conseculive even
(A) Storaoe Devlce (B) lnput Oevice numbers lhe dflerence of whose squares is
(C) Outpul device (D) BothBandC 847
67. The keys at the right of the keyboard slmilar to
(A) 34 (B) 38
those on a calculator are called lc) 42 (D) 46
(A ) Function Keys 79 Which of the following suggests audio file
(B ) Numeric Keys name?
(c ) Alpha Numeric keys (A) (B) Poem.mp3
(D ) Editing Keys (C) tree.Jpg (D) triP.PPt
68. The device thal converts video images to 80 The lollowing sentenc€ was typed using a
digital form and saves them ln computer's word processor program.
memorv is called ...... ... . Love all, trust a few: do wrong two nun
(A) XeyUoard (B) Digrtal Camera How many errors the spell checker will
(C) Monitor (D) Printer detect?
(A) 0 (B) I
69. The-hardcopv means .........
(A) Printout (B) Hard disk (c) 2 (o) 3
(C) Printer (D) paper 8'r A file downloaded from lntemet does not
specify its fil€ type and has a genenc icon.
70. KB stands for ......... You ha\ie a good ldea what file type lt is likely
(A) Kilobits (B) kilobytes
(C) kingbyte (D) Wriobyte lo be Once selected what is the best way to
try to view the file?
71. The printer which can print one complete line (A File and then open
at a time is (B Double click on its icon
(A) Oot matrix printer (c File and then open with
(B) Daisy wheel Prinler (D View arid then document
(C) Line Printer
(O) Laser Printer 82 Before submittinq your work if you want to find
any words spellad inconeclly then what will
72. A two-digit numb€r is such that the product of you use?
the digits is 8. When 18 is added to the (A ) Thesaurus
numbe?, then the digits are reversed. The )
(B Spell checlcr
number is (c ) Grammar checker
(A) 16 (B) 24 (D ) Find and replace
(ct 42 (D) 81
83 xand Y can make a machine ln 12 days and
73 The sum of two numbers is 25 and their alone can make it in 48 days. X alone can
difference is 13. Find their product. make the machine in
(A) 114 (B) 104 (A) 40 iB) 24
(c) 215 (o) 32s (c) 32 (D) 16
74. LCD stands tor ........... 84 'strono 'Dasswords are used and
(A) Liquid crystal display recom'mended when using internet banklng. A
(B) Land crystal display 'strong' password is one which is difficult to
(C) Lighl crystal display
8 t6 PPSC Model
g_uess. Which of the following would be the (A) Bold (B) ltatic
'Slrongesl' password?
(A) e7Jm51 (B) nothahks
(C) Underline (D) Atignment
(c) ry2123a56 io) 123456 92. What is the most likety cause of an enalic
mouse cursor?
85. Files have b€en moved to lhe lrash bin. The (A) An'unplugged mouse cable
trash bin h8s not been emltied. Vthich of the (B) A broken wire in the mouse cable.
bllowing is tuo oI these fi1e3? (C) A dirty ball and ro[er in the mouse
(A) They are no longer acoessible. (O) An inconectly installed mouse driver.
(B) They must b€ renamed bebrB being us€d 93. Paint : Artist : : Wood : ............
(C) Their narEs are displayed in a tehigrey (A) Furniture (B) Forest
tont- (C) Fire iD) Carpenter
(D) They can be retrieved and then sawd in 94. What should come in the place of question
a new location. mark in the following series?
86. What is the clip board? 3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20
(A) A list of the rrcenfly accBs€d fles.
(A) (B) 10
(B) A place slhere you can post rne3saoes. (c)
(C) A temporary storage loiation {or iteirs ioi s
that have been cut or cooied 95. A man walks 3 km norlhwards and then turns
(D) A gattery ot graphics, mdvies, left and goes 2 km. He agarn turns lefl and
frictures goes.3. km. He tums nght and walks strarght
and sounds for any applicatiori:
In which direclion he is walkino now?
87. Whal information would be safe to include ln a (A) Easr (B) We-sr
public profle on a social networking site? (C) North
(A) User namo (D) South
(B) Date of binh 96. 7 men can complete a piece ot work rn j2
(C) Ho.rE addre&3 days. How many additionel men wil be
(D) Mobile phon€ number. .
required to complete doubte the work ln g
88. Mruse3 are onen
conlained in email (A) 28 (Bt
altachments. TIle virus inffi the computer
when attactlment is op6ned. Whicrr of the
(c) 14 iol
following attachmcnt is'teast tikely to carry a 97. Haf of 1 percent wriflen es a decimal is
virus? (A) 0.005 (B) O.O5
(4) A text fil€ (B) A scr€€nsaver (c) 0.02 ioi oz
(C) A program (Oi eXE nte 98. ln how many different ways can the le[ers of
89. A Uock of lhe ten autornatically added to the the word 'PRAISE' be arranoed?
end of an outgoing email is calkid ......... IA) 720 (B) o
(c) 360
(A) An anachmeit (B) A signeture ioi zro
(c) Afooter (o) an dncryption 99. A train moves with a speed of 1OB km/h. lts
90. Bold, ltalica and Und€rline ar€ featurcs ln speed in meters per second is ... ... ...
many .program6. To whictr of the following (A) 10.8 (B) 18
items these batur€s can be aDglied?. (c) 30 (ot se e
(A) (B) pidtlres 100.A train 2q.0 m tong, running with a spe€d of 63
(C) (O) WnOows km / hr will pass a tree in .. ......
9l lt'gl telt- formatting beture changB the (A) issec (B) 16 s€c
lhickn€ss of th€ letteB? (C) 18 sec (O) ZO sec


D 6 o


of its politics. Sir Syed Ahmed established in
1 Sir Sved Ahmed Khan opPosed the 1886.
introduition of compelitive examination for the (A) Muhammadan Educational Conference
entrv in oovemment services because igi unrled lndian Patrrotic Assocration
tlt 'urai end lslamic education was totally
' tci ttreNatronat Muhammadan Assocration
elirr,:nated ftom the syllabus iDi The Scientrfic Socrety
(B) lndian Muslims wele'not well equipped in
modern education 5 What was the most immediate cause of the
tct ttr! ouota sYstem and allocation of establishment of All lndia Muslim League in
' servicds was'tiltedin favor ol Hindu 1906?
community {A) lndian National Congress consprred wrth
' the
(D) None of above British Government to put a ban on
the slauqhter of Cow
2 lndian ilational congress in 1905 espoused (B) Partitroriol Bengal '1905 must be retained
;Swadeshi' or 'Economic self reliance' and
at all cost
bovcott of British made goods to Protest (cl The success of Shimla Deputatron 1906
(Ai ngainst soaring prices o, Bdtish made ioi uinoi ,as declared as an offlcial
ooods language of lndia replacing Urdu
(B) Ioainst low rates of lndian raw material
used in makinq such Producls 6 The main reason behind the persistent lndian
(C) Against the co-nfinement of Bal Gawadhar Muslim demand of "Separate Electorate" was
tA) secure more seals in any election than
Talek ' Toensured under the system of joint
(D) None of above reasonsi
The looic behind the lndian Muslims demand (B) Onlv a Muslims representative elected by
that th;v should have more seats in all the the'Muslim voters would be able to
lfeaiO 'OoOies than their actual ratio of orotecl therr specrfic rights
oooulation warrai ed why (C) it could ensure a sperale Muslim
ili fney *ere the rulers of lndia when the homeland whtch the dreamt
British came in (D) To deprive congress from the vote bank
tel ih;i tormea a very large Foportion of of low caste Hindus
the lndian AImY
(C) lt was the onlt wav to compensate them 7 Then all lndia Muslim League was founded in
' after lhe annuimenl of garlfion ot Bengal 1906 what was one of lts maln obJective
in 1911 (A) To unfe Muslrms on one Platform
(D) Owing to close affinity between lslam and tB) To strive for rndependence
Christianity iCi ro figi,t against Hrndu and extremrst
4 W0h the obiectives to prevent the lndian (D) to promote loyalty to the Bntish
Mislims to loin Congress and become vrctims Government
818 AclvancedppSC COs lfode, papers
8. lndran M-uslms launched lhe -Khrlafat (A) lts early 2oth century rn order to: campaign was delayed and rlt
(A) 9b9y lhe injunctions of Turkrsh sultan organtzed
(B) lt w€s not w€ll-organized party at mass
Abdut Hamrd berng the Catrph of Musirm
root level until then
(B) Establish the institution of Khrtafal in tndia (C) Maionty of Mus,ims voters boycotted the
(U) Put the pressure on lhe British elections
(D) Quaid-e-Azam was still member of the
rrovernment to grant independence to
Uongress along with Muslim league.
therr countrv
(D) Show their support and reverence for the to Sindh was separated from Bombay and was
rnslrtution of Khitafat gNen the status of a sperate provinie under
9. (A) covernment of lndia Act. 1919
Which of the fo owing did euatd_i_Azam (B) CommunalAward. 1932
prglp:se as an €mendment in Nehru Reporl
ryz6. ro make tt acceplable for the Muslims?
of (C) Government of lndia Acl. j935
(A) I-ederat System wflh full prbvincrat (D) The lndian lndependence Act, .1947
autonomy 17. Indian official interview lo "Manchester
(B) Sindh shauld be made Separate province Guardia n at the end ot 1939 euaid_e-Azam
trom Mumbai said ' rt was impossible to work a
(C) No cabinet central or provincial shouH parliamenta ry democracy in lndia, democracy
tormed wtthout those having at least one could mean
thrrd of Muslims ministries (A) Hindu Mustims riors
(D) Atl of the above (B) Weak and unstable Govemment
10. All the major (C) Hindu Rai
potiticat parties of lndia (D) Repeated Etections
boycotted Srmon Commission in 192i,
because 18. On 20th December 1941, which of the Srndhr
(A) lhe proposal was nol acceptable to them leaders- asserted duflng the sessron
of All
(r,, )rr Jonn Stmon uflered insulting rema*s rnoLa Muslim league working commrttee held
about the lndians tn Karacht. that the lndus valley civrlizatton as
(C) No lndian as its member rev€ated by "Moen jo Daro" was a clear
(D) None of the above reasons ndrcatlon thal pakistan territories had never
11. The first civil disobedience movement tormed part of lndla:
Deen started in lndia durino ihe
had (A) Sir Abdulah Haroon
(A) Protest against the paisinq of Ro,rvtett Act
(6) Ch Khateeq-uz-Zaman
(C) Sir Shahnawaz
'191I (o) G.M. Syed
(B)Khilafat Movement .l920
(C) Msit of Simon Commission 1927 19. Pakistan National Movement?
(D) None of the above (A) Sir Amir Ati
12. Under the system .Oyarchy" 1919 reforms taw (B) Ch. Rehmat Ati
(C) A. Ansari
& order wasl
(A) Reserved Subiecr (D) Si( Abdullah Haroon
(B) Transferred sJbiecr 20. For the lst lime which provinciat branch of Alt
(C) Residuarv Powdrs India Mustrm teague had used the word
(D) Exctusivd power of Govemor General -Natron for Hindus
and Muslims separately rn
13. Which is the most stgnifcam feature of the October 1938
Govemmenl of lndia Act. 1935
(4) Baluchistan provincial Mustim League
(A) Dyarciy was completely eliminated
(B) Punjab provrnciat Muslim League
(ts) - Ihe council for the seqetary of state for (C) Sindh Provinciat Mustim League
tndtan was abolished
(O) None of the above
(C) qvemor was to act on the advice of the 2'l All lndta Muslim League had observed -Oirecl
cabinel Actror Day" on 16 of August 1946, when
.(D) ll made provinces s€trarale legal entities (A) Cabrnet mrssion relused to accepl the
14. The. Simon Commission reporl which was demand of pakistan al once
pubxshed in May 1930, propoied for (B) Vrceroy Lord Wavelt backed out of h,s
tndia; promise_to form the tnterrm govt. eve;
(A) A Federal Syslem
(B) A Unitarv sv-stem without Conoress
(C) A Dyarchv ivstem (C) Wavel ptari faited because of congress
(D) A crinfedrlraiion of states and provinces intransigence to take one ministry"from
Mustrms quota who was not meniber of
'15. ln the general eleclion Muslrm leaoue
1937. All lndia Muslim
League was defeated in most of the provinces (D) None of ab-ove reasons
PPSC Os Pagers 819

22. ldentfy the personalty who first raised the (A) lowan Tunnel (B) Warsak Tunnel
slogari "Quaid-e-Azam' for the founder of the ic) fnojat tunnet (D) Mach Tunnel
nation. Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah in the All 34. ldentify Pakistan's first surface lo surface
lndia Muslim League annual session at Patna missile
in 1938 (A) Shaheen 1 (B) Hatal 1
(A) Mian Mazahar-ud-Oin
(B) Mian Feroz-ud-Oin
(C) Gauri 1 (O) Anza 1
(C) Syed M. Akbar 35. ln which session of All lndia Muslim league
(D) Liaqat Ali Khan the Lahore Resolution was Passed?
(A) 24th (B) 25th
23. 'Quaid-e-Azam As I know Him" is a famous (c) 26rh (D) 27th
biography written by
A) G. Allana 36. Who was the first secretary general o, All
B) Jamil-ud-Din Ahmed lndia Muslim league?
C) M.A.H lsphanei (A) Mohsin-ul-Mulk
D) Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah (B) Waqar-ulMulk
. (C) Saleem Ullah Khan
24. When was Pakistan declared as an 'lslamic (0) Syed Ali Hassan Bilgrami
Republic" and who was the Prime Minister at
that time? 37 When did Allama lqbal become the member of
(A) 14 Auousl'1946. Feroz Khan Noon Punjab Legislative AssemblY?
iel ze Maicn 1956 chaudhrv Muhammad Ali
(A) 1925 (B) 1926
(C) 27 Ramzan (lslamic month) 1956, (c) rgzz (D) 1928
Muhammad Ali Bogra 38. From vvhich city Quaid-e-Azam starled his
(D) 14 August 1973, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto oolitrcal hfe?
25. Pakistan is sunounded in North West by: iA) Karachi (B) Bombay
(A) kan (C) Calcutta (D) Delht
(B) Afghanistan 39. When did Allama lqbal become the member of
(C) China All lndia Muslim League?
(D) Himalayas Range (A) 1907 (B) 1908
26. The most precious gemstone "Emerald" are (c) 1909 (D) 1910
(A) Gilgit (B) Hunza 40. ln which Round Table ionference Allama
(C) Sawat (D) Dir lqbal participated?
27. What is'Ormara' in Baluchistan?
(A) lst and 2nd (B) 2nd and 3rd
(A) Coastel Town (B) A Lagoon (Cj 1st and 3rd (o) None of above
(C) An lsland (D) A tribe 41. ln which Round Table Conference Quaid-e-
28. What is signmcance of 'Gaddani Beach' of Azam participated?
(A) 1st and 2nd (B) 2nd a 3rd
(A Picnic Resort (C) 1st and 3rd (0) None of above
(B Ship Breaking lndustry 42. Who left the congress affer lhe publication of
(c The fishing lndustry Nehru report?
(D lmportance due to oil deposit (A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
29. The cultural center of ancier Gandhara iBi tvtautana noout Kalam Azam
civilization was situated at:
(C) Maulana Abdul Bari
(A) Harappa (B) Kot Diji (D) Maulana Zafar Khan
(C) Moen-jo-Daro (O) Taxtla 43. Who was the founder of Sindh madrassa-tul
30. Pakistan's highest mountain peak K-2 is lslam?
(A) AbdulQaYYum Khan
located in the
(A) Himalayian Range (B) Oazi Muhammad Esa
(B) Hindu Kush Range (C) Hassan Ah Afindi
(C) Karakoram Range (D) G.M. Syed
(D) Suleman Rane 44. Who was the second viceroy of lndia?
31 . 'Rani Kot Fort" is sard to be the largest fort in (A) Lord Lawrence (B) Lord Mountbatten
the world situated near the cily of iC) Lord Curzon (O) Lord Harding
(A) Quetta (B) Peshawar 45 ln which year Aniuman Himayat-e-lslam was
(Cj Rawalpindi (O) Hyderabad founded?
32. ln which province of Pakistan "Mach Jail" (A) 1881 (B) 1882
(c) 1883 (D) 1884
(A) Puniab (B) Sindh 46. Who established the organization "Central
(c) KPK (o) Baluchistan Muhammadan Association"?
33. ldentity Pakistan's longest Railway Tunnel (A) Syed Ali Hassan (B) Syed Amir Ali
820 Advanced ppSC MCes Modet paoerc
(C) Quaid-e-Azam (D) Alama tqbat (A) Mangla (B) Tarbeta
47 Who was the founder of Shudr? (C) Warsak (D) Matakand Dargai
(A) B.c. Titk 60 Pakistan China border agreement was signed
(B) Savami Shedanad
(C) Chandei Chetenee (A) SAprit 1949 (B) I Aprit 1950
(D) Madan Mohan Matvia (C) l0Aprit 1957 aD) 2 March 1963
48. Which Mountains range is situated atonoside 61. How many amendments have been made
the border Ine of Pakiatan and Chirta in
the conslitution of 1973 uD till now?
(A) Karakoram (B) Himatayan (A) 19 (Bi 1S
(C) Hindukush (Oi Xirrna, (C) 20 (D) None of above
49. ln which district Gawadar mrt srtuatedz 62. Which article of the 1973 Constitution of
(A) Chaghr (B) Khuzdar lslamic Republic of pakistan prohibits a
(C) Makran (D) Sibbi forms of slavery forced laboui and child
50. The National Anthem of pakistan was labour?
approved by the goyl. in (A) 37 (B)
( ) 1947 (B) 1950 (cl 25 iol
(c) 1952 ioi r gsa 63. Where do Jehlum and Chenab rivers meet?
51. The land lying between the river Ravi and (A) Trimmu
river Chenab is called (B) Panjnad
(A) Rachna Doab (C) Rasoot Pur
(C) Bari Doeb (D) Khanki Headworks
(C) Chaj Ooab 64. Which of the following Archeological sites was
(D) Sindh Sagar Doab dscovered in 1955
52. The first Water Accord was signed among the (A) Kot DUi (B) Moen Jo Daro
provrnce tn: (C) Harappa (D) Texrta
(A) 19E8 (B) .t991
65. The Babusar Pass connect
(c) 1994 iDi 1997 (A) Abbtabad and ciloir
53. Which of the foltowrng was siqned on the gth - (B) Chitral and Grloit -
of April 1950? (C) Gilsit and Hun;a
(A SEATO (D) Sawat and Gitgit
(B CENTO 66. The largest deserl of pakistan is?
(c Liaqat Nehru Pacl (A) Thar (B) Thai
(D Colombo Plan (c) choristan ioi xnarana
54. Archeologisl site'Bhambore" is located in the 67. The oldest banage on lndus River rs
district of (A) Guddu Barrrqe
(A) Khairpur (B) Dadu (B) Sukkur Barraoe
(C) Larkana (D) Thatta (9) Ghulam tluhimmad Barrage
55. Which of the foltowing was the first mrssite (D) Taunse Barrage
launched by pakistan? 68. Which of the fo owing glacier is located
(A) Hatf (B) Anza Karakoram ranoe?
(C) chaun (D) Shaheen (A) Srachrn (B) Balthrow
56. Pakistan became a member of lnternalional (C) Both a and b (D) None ot above
Labour organrzation (lLO) in 69. Pakislan Joined World lrade orqanrzalion rn
(A) 1947 (Bi 1949 (A) 1994 (B) 199-5
(c) 1951 (o) 1957 (C) 1997 (D) 2005
57. Which internationat agency supervrsed lndus 70. The nrst Pnncety stat'e to accede to pakrstan
tsasrn treaty 1960 between paktstan and aner partilion was
lndra? (A) Sawat (B) Hunza
(A) tMF (C) Bahawalpur (D) Kharr pur
(B) Wortd Bank
(C) Food and Agnculture Orqanization 71. The NationalAntmal of pakrstan ts
(D) lnternationat Red Cross - (A) Dear (B) DotDhin
(C) Markhor 1O1 eigeon
58. Pakistan s first Nuclear power plant was set
up in 1974 at Karachi with the aslistancebf 72. The Federat ly administered Tribal Areas
(A) China (B) France FATA) consi st ot
(c) canada (Di Nonn xorea A) Five agencies
59. Whrch rs the otdest hydroetectricaly project in
B) Six agencies
C) Seven agencies
D) Eight agencies
Adyanced PPSC ,lCQs ltodel Paoers 821

73. The lirst Urdu Newspaper (Daily) published (c) 151 (D) 153
after the creation of Pakistan was 87. The last town inside Pakistan on the
(A) Mashnq (B) lmroze Karakoram highway before the Chinese
(C) Watan (D) None of above border
74. Which of the following institution was first (A) Havelian (B) Oiamer
introduced in the 1973 constitution? iCJ xunza (O) Sost
(A) National Finance Commission 88. For how many days the Natronal Assembly of
(B) Council of the common interest Pakistan has to essentially meet rn a year
(C) Natronal Economrc council (A) 100 days. (B) 130days
(D) All of the above (C) 150 days (O) 200 days
75. On September 9, 1958. Pakistan acquired 89. Name the first Pakistani Bank which started its
Gawadar from operation on August 17, 1947
{A) Oman (B) Bahrain (A) Muslim commercral Bank
iCi tran (D) None of above (B) Habib Bank Ltd
76. The number of letters in Urdu language are (C) United Bank Ltd
lA\ 27 (B) 37 (D) Allied Bank Ltd
(c) 39 \o) 42 90. When were the first agricufrure relorms
77. The first foreign Head ot the State to visit introduced in Pakistan
Pakistan after lndependence was from (A) January 24, 1960
(A) lndia (B) lndonesia (B) January 24. 1958
(c) lran (D) China (C) January 24. '1959
(D) January 24. 1957
78. Which of the following distncts of Baluchistan site ol 'Mehr
contarn huge deposit oI copper? 91. The archeolodical Garh'
{A} Sibbr (B) Khuzdar discover€d in 1948 is situated at
Ctragi (D) None of above (A) The fort of Kot Orir
iCi (B) The fort of Bolan Pass
79. Karakoram Highway in Pakistan is of: (c) Gibit
(A) 750 km (B) E06 km (O) None of above
icl t tzo rm (o) 1230km
92. Hanna Lake is located in
80. When was Mangala Dam completed? (A) Punlab (B) Srndh
(A) 1967 (B) 1970
ic) BalJchrstan (o) KPK
ici 1973 (D) 1975
93. Makligraveyard is located in a distncl of.
81. President Ayub Khan wrote a book called: (A) Badin (B) Thattha
Masters not Friends
Pathway to Pakistan
ici oaou (o)

c) Friends not Master 94. Mir Chakkar Rind is the famous poet of:
D) Friends of Pakistan {A} KPK (B) Srndh
iC) Batrcttistan (O) FATA
82. Pakistan's Ilst National Election on one man
one vote princtple was held ln: 95. lndicate the highest civil award among the
(A) 1967 (B) 1970 following.
ict rszo (o) 1956 (A) Sitara e Shuiaat
(B) Hilal e Shujaat
83. How manv members were there rn the (C) Nrshan e Sh0jaat
Constitueni Assembly when rt was set up' (D) Tamghai e Shulaat
(A) 59 (B) 69
(c) 79 (o) 80 96 The Iargest agency of FATA by area is
(A) Notth Waziristan
84. The hiohest oeak oI Hindukush range rs
B) South Waziristan
(A) Tri-ch Mil (B) Nanga Parbat C) Khyber Waziristan
ici K-2 (D) Rakaposhi D) None of above
85. Who Dresented the National Flag for formal 97. ln 1999, Country's 1st Cricket Academy
approval to the constituent assembly on 11th opened in
of August 1947? (A) Karachi (B) Lahore
(A) Quaid-eAzam icl Pestrawar (D) Quetta
(B) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(C) Fazel-e-Haque 98. Which division of Punjab is ftee from water
(D) Liaqat Ali Khan logging problem of land
(A) Gutranwala Oivision
86 How manv Pakistan Soldiers laid down their (B) Lahore Division
lives rn UN peace keeprng Operations during (C) RawalPrndr Division
20142 (D) Multan Division
(A) 132 lB) 142
822 Adyaoced ppSC MCes t$del paoerc
99. -1935 Govt of tndia Act" divided tndia inro 100.Total Seclions of 1973 constitution
provrnces I
I (A) 280 (B) 281
(A) I (B) 10 282
(c) 11 io) rz I

(C) iD) None of above
't. b A nswer Key
14 a a 40. d 53
2.d 15 b 28 b 41. a 54
c 66 a 79 b 92. c
3.b to 29 d 42. a
d 67 b 80 a 93. b
4.a 17 c 30 c 43.
55 a 68 81 94. b
5.c 18 a 31 d 44. a
56. a 69 b 82 b 95. b
6.b 19 b 32. d 45. d
57 b 70 c 83
c 96. b
7. d 20 c 33. c 46. b
c c a 97.
8.d 2't. b u. b 47. b 60
d 72 c 85. a 98. d
9.c 22. b 35. d 48. a 61
d 74.
b 86. a 99. c
10. c 23. c 36. d 49. c 62 b 75.
d E7 d 't
00. a
11. d 24. b 37. b 50. d 63
a 88 b
'12. a b 38. b 51.
a 76. b 89 b
'13. d 26. c 39. b 52.
a 64 a 77. 90 c
b 65 a c 91 b


1. Which
.one of the following leaders @nvinced (A) 1947 (B)
Lluad-r-Azam to join All lndia Muslim Leaoue? 1948
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar (c) 1949 (D) 1951
(B) Bahadar yar Jano 6 The Mrnistry of Kh. Nazimuddin was
(C) Hakeem Almal Kian dismissed in 1953 bvr-
(O) Waqar-ut-Mutk (A) Ghulam Muhamhad
2. The Mushm demand of Separate Electorate
(B) lskander Mirza
presented (C) Abdul Qayvum Khan
by the simta Deputation was (D; A. K. Faziui Haq
tncorporated in the:
(A) Minto Morley Reforms Mentlon the-rmporlance otAugust 17 .l9gg
(B) Montag_e--Chelmsford Reforms (A) ujnen Uamp tragedy in Rawatoindi
((-,Jrmon Uommisston Report (B) By Geneva Accord feace setitement was
(D) Nehru Report made in Afohanistan
3 9-r-q19:,.-A.rl resigned from (C) lslamlsatroi process was comDteted
Legrstative Council on March
rmperial (D) President Gen. Zia-ut-Haq and olher
protest against:
29, 191!ias a senror Army Generals were ktlted In a
(A) Ghandi's role in the Khilafat Movement ptane crash near Bahawalpur
(B) Promulgatron of Rowtett Act 8 Quard-r-Aza-m was appointed permanent
(C) Congress non Cooperation Movement President of All tndia Musiim Leaque
(D) Civil Oisobedience Movement of Unanimously in:-
Congress (A) 1916 (B) 1924
a potiticat parties boyconed Sir
(c) 1934 ioi r ggz
s-tmon Commission in 1927 because:_ 9 ln which year Mopla Revoh apDeared?
(A) lt had no prooosals (A) 1919 (B) 1Si21
(B) lt was biased towards Muslims (c) 1e37 ioi 1940
(C) lt did not believe rn elections to the 10 Which incidence became the cause of the
Assemblies tourleen points of euaid_i_Azam?
(D) No lndian was ils member (A) Nehru Reporl
5 . The. Objeclive Resolution was passed by the (B) Lucknow Paa
Frr$ Uonstfuent Assembly rn._ (C) ShuddhiTehreek
(D) Minto Morley Reforms
Acryanced PPSC ltc,os |todel PaDe$ 823
1'1. Which one of the following institutions was (B) Suleiman range
inaugurated by Quaid-i-Azam on 1st July (C) Hindukush range
'r948: (D) Himalayan range
(A) Radio Pakistan Karachi Station' 24. How many sessions of Ghandi-Jinnah talks
(B) State Bank of Pakistan were held in 1944?
(C) Agha Khan Foundation (A) Ten (B) Twelve
(o) walika Textile Mill (C) Foutteen (D) Sineen
12. Who represented Congress in 1st Round 25. The first coin of Pakistan was designed by.
Table Conference? (A) Abdur Rehman Chughtai
(A) Nehru (B) Abdul Majeed Parveen Raqm
(B) Gandhi (C) Brandley
(C) Sardar Patel (D) Sadequain
(D) No body represented Congress
26. ldentify the Secretary of State tor lndia who
13. Rowlett Bill was passed rn? led lhe Cabinet Mission in 1946:
(A) 1830 (B) 1914 (A) Sir Sraflord Cripps
(c) 1919 (D) 1927 (B) A.V Alexander
14. Pakistan's peacekeeping troops have served (C) Lord Pethick Lawrence
under United Nations ini (O) Sir Anthony McDonald
(A) Congo (B) Haiti 27. Who among the following leaders had
(C) Sierra Leone (D) All ofthe above translated the Lahore Resolution ftom English
15. Which of the following Sufi Poets tomb is to Urdu on 23rd March 1940:
located in Mithon Kot? (A) Maulana Zafar Ah Khan
(A) Khawaja Ghulam Fareed (B) Chaudhry Khaleequzzaman
(B) Shahbaz Qalandar (C) Or Muhammad Alam
(C) Sultan Bahu (O) Sir Sikander Hayat
(D) None of these 28. Pakistan Standard time is ahead of Greenwich
'16. Pakistan's first commercial bank is: Mean Time:
(A) Muslim Commercial Bank (A) 03 Hours (B) 05 Hours
(B) Allied Bank (C) 07 Hours (D) 08 Hours
(C) United Bank 29. The First Federal ombudsman (Wafaqi
(O) Habib Bank (HBL) Mohtasib) of Pakistan was:
17. "Bicameralism" in Pakistan was tirst (A) Justice (R) Sardar Muhammad lqbal
introduced in the Constitution of: (B) Justrce (R)Aslam Riaz Hussarn
(A) 1956 (C) Justice (R) Syed Usman Ali Shah
(B) 1962 (D) Noneof these
(c) Legal Framework Order 1971 30 Who first supported the Pakistan Resolution
(D) 1973 1940?
18. The 'Soan Valley' is the site of an ancient (A) Maulvi Fazal ul Haq
civilization. lt is situated in: (B) Ch. Khaleequzzaman
(A) Baluchistan Plateau (C) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(B) Pothohar Plateau (D) Amjadi Begum
(C) Azad Kashmir 31. On which occasion Quaid-i-Azam said "Hindu
(D) Northern Areas lndia & Muslim lndia parted and parted
19 Pakistan's National animal is forever:
(A ) Markhor (B) Hors€ (A) On failure of Gandi Jinnah lalks in 1944
(c ) Camel (D) None of these (B) On the rejection of his proposed
modificatlon in Nehru Report, 1928
20 The old citv of Lahore had. (C) On the beginning of Urdu Hindu
(A) 9 Gat6s (B) 11 Gates controversy, 1867
ic) t 3 cates (D) 16 Gates (D) On the re,eclior of fourteen poinls of
Pakistan's National Anthem was approved by Quaid, by the Congress in 1929.
the Government in: 32. Which of the following leaders helped Quaid-F
(A) 1947 (B) 1951
Azam in the preparation of his Fourteen
(c) 1954 (D) 1957
Poinls in '1929:
'Simli Dam' was built on river: (A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(A) Jhelum (B) Kurang (B) Maulana Shaukat Ali
ic) soan (D) Gomal (C) Liaqat Ali Khan
Khyber Pass is situated in:
(D) Maulana Hasrat Moihani
(A) Karakorum range 33. The Govemment ot lndia Act 1935 divrded the
824 Advanced PPSC MCes Mocie! paoers
country into: 44 . When All lndia Muslim League was toundeq .rr
(A) Seven provinces 1906, one of its main obiectives was:
(B) Nine provinces (A) To unite Muslims on one Dlatform
(C) Eleven provinces (B) To striye for rdependend?
(D) Thirteen provinces (C) To ltght against Hindu artd extremist
34 ln the Provincial Eteclions of .1932, Afl lndia parties
Muslim League won largest number of seats (D) To promote toyalty to the British
rnthe: Govemment
(A) United Provinces (Up) 45 Quaid-e-Azam himself iounded a newspaper
(B) Sindh Provrnce which was an ofliciat organ of afl lndia Mudlim
(C) Punjab Province League and was publishBd from Delhi since
(D) Cenhal Provinces (Cp) 1938. Pcnnt out the newspaper and its editor:
The Muslims observed .Day of (A) Millat _ Sardar Auranqzeb Khan
'ndianafler the resignation of Con!ress
Oelverance' (B) Al Aman_ Mautana Ma-*aruddin
mrnrslries on. (C) ManshooLsyed Hassan Riaz
A) 2 September 1939 (D) Hilal-e-Pak-ist5'n_Munshi Abdut Shakoor
B) 22 September 1939 46 Under the System 'Diarchy' i91g reforms: taw
C) '12 Oecember 1939 & order was:
D) 22 Decembell939 (A) Res€rved subiect
36. Who was the first Chairman Senate after the (B) Transfened subject
promulgation of 't973 Constitution? (C) Residuary powers
(A) Ghutam tshaq Khan (D) Exclusive powers of Governor General
(8) Hab'b Ultah Khan 47 Which is the niost significant feature of the
(C) Wasrm Sailad Govemment of lndia Act. 193S:
(D) FazalAgha (A) Diarchy was comptetelv eliminated
37. Congress launched "euit lndia Movement" (B) The Councit for the S*retary of State for
against lhe British Govemment in: . lndla was abolished
(A) 1940 (B) 1941 (C) Govemor was to act on $re advice of the
(c) 1942 (D) 1944 cabinet
38. ln. lhe interim (D) lt made provinces separate legal entilies
government of 1946. the
Minister of Health was: 48 The Simon Commission report which was
(A) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar publshed in May 1930, propo3ed for tndia:
(B) Jag Jivan Ram (A) A federal system
' (c) Asif Ati (B) A unlary system
(D) Ghazanfer Ali Khan (C) A diarchy system
(D) A confederation of states and provrnces
39. The third Presidert of All lndia Mustim League
was: 49 ldentify the personality, who first raised the
(A) Vrqar-ut-Mutk slogan 'Quaidr-Azam" for the founder of the
(B) Mautana Zafar Ati Khan nalion, Mr. Muhammad Ati Jinnah in the Alt
(C) Raia Sahib of Mahmoodabad .lndia Mushm League annual sesston at patna
(D) Mian Muhammad Shari in 1938:
40. Which of the lollowing archaeological (A) Mian Mazher-u-Din
was discovered in 1955: -
srtes, (B) Mian Feroz-u-Din
(l) Kot Oi,i (C) Syed M. Akbar
(B) Mohenjo-Daro (D) Liaquat Ali Khan
(C) Harappa iDi
41 50 "Quaid-iAzam As I know Him' is a tamous
Which ol owing-fort was burlt by Mughal
Emperor zahe€r_ud-Din Babar biggrlphy of Quaid-i-Azam is written by:
in the i6th (A) G. Allana
Century A.O:
(A) Bala Hissar, peshawar (B). Jamil-u-Din Ahmed
(B) Rohtas Forr. Jhetum (C) M.A.H. lsphanr
(C) Ranrkot Fort. Hvderabad (D) Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
(D) Attock Fort. Att6ck 51 The tFck of orange line train in Lahore is?
42. lA) 222 km (B) 25.3 km
Kanp!-r Mosque tragedy had taken place in:
(A) 1909 aB) 1910
(C) 26.7 ioi zz.r rm
(c) 19'13 (D) 1915 52 Shah Abdul Lalif Bhittai is the famous Sindhi
43 The First Urdu Nelspaper (Daily) pubtished Poet oP
after the creation of pakistan was _
(A) l6th Century (B) 17th Cenrury
(A) Mashrrq (B) lmroze (C) lSrhcenrut (o) rsrtr Centur!
(c, watan ioi None of the above 53 Tte famous architeclural site in Lahue
"Chauburji' princes?
tyas built by Mughal
Advanced PPSC MCQ9 Model Paoers 825
(A) Jahanara Begum has been so far:
(B) Zeb-un-Nisa (A) Justice Nasir Mulk
(C) Aram Banu Begum (B) Justice Nasim Hasan Shah
(D) None of these (C) Justice Muhammad Haleem
(D) Justice lftikhar Muharnmad Chaudhry
54. The famous Naltar Valley' rs 40 km from:
(A) Gilgit (B) Hunza 69. Pakistan China border agreement was signed
(C) Chitral (O) Ayubia tn:
55. Pakistan Red Crescent Society was founded (A) 1963 (B) 195s
(cl 1967 (D) 1969
iA, 30th September 1947 70 Which of Pakistani cities was totally destroyed
(B) 20th December 1947 in 1935 earthquake?
(C) 15th Ma,ch 1948 (A) Ralan Pur (B) Peshawar
(D) None of these (C) Quetta (D) Srbi
56. The headquarters of Pakislan Red Cresc€nt 71. Which of the following glaciers is located in
Society is located in: Karakoram Range?
(A) Lahore
(B) Karachi (A) Siachin (B) HisDar
(C) Ouetta
(D) None of these (C) Biafo (D) All of th€se
57 Ghulam lshaq Khan lnst[ute of Engineering 72. The 'Babusar Pass' connects:
Sciences and Technologres is situated at: (A) Abbottbad and Gilgit
(A) Chamkani (B) Topr (B) Chitral and Gilgit
(C) Mardan (D) None of these (C) Gilgit and Hunza
(D) Swat and Drr
58. Which is the oldest city of Pakistan?
(A) Lahore (B) Multan 73. The total length of Makran Coastal Hghway
(C) Hyderabad (D) Peshawar IS,
(A) 505 km (B) 590 km
59. Pakistan joined Organization of lslamic (C\ 602 km (D) 653 km
Cooperation (OlC) in:
(A) 1969 (B) 1972 74. The only National Election held on non-party
(c) 1974 (o) 1975 basis was in:
60 "Hanna Lake" is located in; (A) 1977 (B) 1985
(A) Sindh (B) Baluchislan (c) 1988 (O) 1990
(C) Norlhern Areas (D) KPK 75. The first Water Accord was signed among the
provinces in:
61. The first Pakistani women Qlimbed Mount (A) 1988 (B) 1991
Everest on 1gth May 2013 is:
(A) Samina Baig (B) Mariam Mukhtar (c) 1994 (D) 1997
(C) Muniba Mazari (D) None ofthese 76. "Mast Tawakali" was prominent poel of.
62. The first Pakistani woman to reach the North
(A) Baluchi (B) Pashto
. Pole in April 2007 is:
(C) Sindhi (O) Barochi
(A) Namira Salim (B) Ayesha Farooq 77. Which of the following Dams
rs situated at the
(C) Sana (D) Non€ of tlese highest altitude?
first (A) Wali Tangi Oam (B) Tanda Dam
63. Pakistan's Women University was (C) Khanpur Dam(O) Warsak Dam
established rn '1998 at.
(A) Lahore (B) Multan 78. Which was the first missile launched
(C) Rawalpindi (D) Peshawar Pakistan?
64. Pakistan's first private Airline is:
(A) Hatf (B) Anza
(A) Hajvery (B) Air Blue (C) Ghaud (D) Shaheen
(C) Shaheen (D) Orient Airways 79. Pakistan-Afghanistan borde Durand Line
was drawn in:.
65. Pakistan's largest Airport is in; (A) 1692
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi iB) 1890
lC) lslamabaC (D) Quetla
(c) 1893 (D) 1897

56. The small town Taftan is located near 80. The duration of National Anthem of Pakrstan
Pakrstan s border with: (A) 60 Semnds (B) 80 Seconds
(A) Chrna (B) Afghanistan (C).100 Seconds (D) 120 Seconds
(C) Iran (D) lndia
;7. The archeological site'Bhambor" is located in:
81. The Pothohar Plateau contains the mineral
(A) Punjab (B) KPK deposrts of:
(C) Sindh (O) Baluchistan (A) Rock Sall (B) Gypsum
(C) Oil (D) All ot these
i8. The longesi serving Chiet Justice of Pakastan
Cfr Adyaccd PPSC Uc;osnodef Pamrs
82. The largest desert of the Pakistan is: (C) Mithankot (D) Thatta
(A) Thar (B) Thal
92. Sultanate of Oman ceded the Gwadar enclave
(C) Cholistan (D) Kharan
to Pakrstan in
83. The oldest Barrage on lndus River is: 1960
(A) (B) 1956
(A) Guddu Barage
(B) Sukkur Barrage
(c) (D) 1961
(C) Ghulam Muhammad Barrage 93. What is not an rndicator for resource
(D) Taunsa Barmge distribution under the 7th National Ftnance
Commissron Award,
E4. Pakistan joined World Trade organization (A) Population
(WTO) in: (B) Area
(A) 1994 (B) 1995 (C) Backwardness
(C) 1997 {D) 2000 (D) Revenue Collection
85. The Frrst Urdu Newspaper (Daity) pubtished 94. The. newly constructed Bhikki Power ptant
aner the creatton of Pakistan was. power generatrng capacity is:
(A) Mashriq (8, lmroze (A) 800 Megawatt (B) 960 Megawan
(C) Watan (D) None of these (c) '1180 Megawatt (o) None of thesa
86. Karakoram Highway starts rn Pakrstan from: 95 The Lahore lslamabad Motorway rs ca ed
(A) lslamabad (B) Taxita (A) M-1 (B) M-2
(C) Havelian (D) Pesnawar (c) M-3 (D) M-4
87. The numbers of letters rn the Urdu language 96. The last town on the Karakorum Highway in
are: Pakistan betore the Chinese border is.
(A\ 27 (B) 37 (A) Sust (B) Bunti
(c) 38 (D) 39 (C) Astore (O) Non'e ot these
88. Afier the creation of Pakistan, the first Radio 97. FATA was merged into KPK through the
Station was established atl constitutional amendment of:
(A) Lahore (B) Karachi (A) 29 (B) 30
(C) Peshawar (D) Hyderabad (c) 2s (D) 32
89. The first Pakistani Prime Minister to visit 98. The Wakhan conidor separates Pakistan
China was: from:
(A ) Nawabzada Liaqat Ati Khan (A) Afghanistan (B) Tajikrstan
(B ) Khwaia Nazimuddin (C) Uzbekistan (O) None of these
(c ) Chaudhry Muhammad Ali
(o ) Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy 99. Atta Shad is the famous Poet of:
(A) Pashto (B) sindhi
90. Ruins of Mohenio-Oaro are located in Districl (C) Baluchi (D) PunJabi
(A) Dadu (B) Larkana
(C) Khairpur (D) Sahiwat 100.Pakistan China Econom,c Corridor will be fully
operational by:
91. lndus River falls into the Arabian Sea near: (A) 2018 (B) 2022
(A) Karachi (B) Badin . (c) 2028 (O) 2030
Answer Key
t. a 14 d 27 e 40.a53e 66. 79 c 92. c
2. e 15 a 28 b 41. a 54. a 67. c BO b 93. b
3. b 16 d 29 a 42. c 55. b 68. c 81 d 94. c
4. d 17 d 30 b 43. b 56. d 69. a 82 z 95. b
5. 18 b 31 b 44. d 57. b 70. c 83 b 96. a
6. a 19 a 32 a 45. c 5E. b 71. d 84 b 97. c
7. d 20 c 46. a 59. b 72. a 85 b 98. b
8. c 21 u a 47. a 60. b d 86 99. c
9. b 22 35 d 48. a 61. a 74. b 87 d 100. d
10 a c 36 b 49. b 62. a 75. b 88 b
11 b 24 c 37 c 50. c 63. c a 89 d
't2 d 25 c 38 d 51. d 64. a a 90 b
't3 c 26 c 52. c 65. c 78. a 91 d
Advanced PPSC lloos Model Paoers 827



1 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established an 8. Which amendments were proposed by Ouaid-
rnstitution rn 1864. with the objective to e-Azam rn the Nehru Report 1928. to make it
translale books from Enghsh lo Urdu and acceptable to the lndian Muslirns?
Persian krrolvn as
{Ar Airgarh l,,]st,lir:e (A) The Mushms should be given l
18) The Sclent'frc Society representatron in the Cenlral Legislature.
(C) Mahammaden Educatonal Conterence (B) For ten years the Muslrms should be
(D) Ghazipur Educatonal Society represented in Punjab and Bengal
2 The real founder of the Oar.ul-Uloom according to therr populatron
(C) Residuary powers shoulC be given to the
'Deoband $/as ,,____- __
(Ar Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmanl provtnces.
(B) Mauiana Mahmud-ul-Hasan (D) All of the above.
(C) Mauiana Muhammad Oasrm Nanautvi 9. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar had started
(D) None of the above publishing his famous English Newspaper
3 Sahibzada Abdul Oayyum (1863-1937) had "Comrade' in 1911 from c
rendered greal services for the educational (A) Delhi (B) Arigarh
Lrplift of the Mus[ms of ._ (C) Calcutta (D) Lahore
(A) Puniab (B) Sindh 10 Liaquat Ali Khan ioined All lndia Muslim
(C) K.P.K (D) Balochislan League as a member in _
4. The Central Muhammadan Association was (A) 1916 (B) 1919
founded in 1877 by (c) 1921 (D) 1923
(A) Chaudhri Rehmat Ali 11. What was the significances of 21st Annual
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Session of All lndia Muslim League?
(C) Syed Ameer Alr (A) Quaid-i-Azam presented fourteen points.
(D) Mohsin-ul-Mulk (B) Allama lqbal delivered Allahabad
5. Under which Act was the Muslim d€mand of Address.
(C) Lahore Resolution was passed.
'Separate Eleclorate lirsl conceded by the
British govemment? (O) Quald-e-Azam was elected as permanent
(A) The lndian CouncilAct 1892 President of All lndia Muslim League.
(B) The lndian Councils Act 1909 12. Which of the following leaders helped Quaid-
(C) The Government of lndia Act 1919 e-Azam in the preparation of his Fourteen
(D) The Govemment of lndia Act 1935 Points in 1929?
6. The Constitution of the All lndia Muslim (A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
Le ague was drafted by a Committee in 1907 (B) Maulana Shaukat Ali
he aded by (C) Liaqat Ali Khan
(A) Nawab qar-ul-Mulk (D) Maulana Hasrat Moihani
(B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk 13. Under Gandhi-lMln Pact of 5th March 1931, it
(C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was decided that
(D) Justice Shah Din (A) The System of Dyarchy will be abolished.
To protect the interests of minorities. it was (B) The System of Separate Electorates will
provided in the Lucknow Pact 1916lhat no bill be retarned for lhe Mus ms.
or resolution affecting a community would be (C) Congress will represent the low caste
passed if _ (O)
Hindus in the elected bodies.
The Congress will call off it
(A) One third of lhe represenlatives of that Crvil
community were opposed to it. Drsobedrence Movement
(B) Two third of the representatives of that 14. The Government of lndia Act 1935 divided
community were opposed to it. the country into _.
(C) Three fourth of the representatives of lhat (A) Seven provinces
community were opposed to it. (B) Nrne provinces
(O) One fitth o, the representatives of that (C) Eleven provrnces
community were opposed to it. (D) Thirteen provinces
828 Adyanced PPSC rllces Model paoers
15. ln the Provincial Etections of 1937, All lndia (D) Lord Wavell
Muslim League won largest number of seats
in the 25. Who presided over the Simta Conference in
(A) Un(adFrotinies (up) 1945?
(B) Srndh Provrnce (A) Lord Minto (B) Lord Wave
(C) Puniab Province (C) Lord ln/rn (D) Lord Mountbatten
(D) Ceniral Provrnces (CP) 26. ln the rnlerim government ot 1946. the Heatth
tb The lndian Muslims observed .Day ot Minister was
Deliverance after the resignation of Con!ress 1A1 AOour RaO ttsEG-
ministries on (B) Jag Jivan Ram
(C) Asif Ali
1A1 tz Septembei-i339 (D) Ghazanfer AI Khan
(B) 22 September 1939
(C) 12 Decembe|1939 27. After Sir Agha Khan. the next President of All
(D) 22 December 1939 lndra Muslim League was:
17 'Pathway to Pakistan' is the autobiography of (A) Viqar-ul-Mulk
(B) Maulana Zafar Ati Khan
A) M,A lsphani (C) Raja Sahib of Mahmoodabad
B) Choudhry Khaliq uz Zaman (D) Mian Muhammad Shafi
C) A.K. Fazal ul Haq 28. The Hindus had taunched ',swadashi
D) Sir Fazl-i-Hussain Movement' (to boycott Englsh made goods)
18. Chaudhri Rehmat Ati first used the word rn the wake of
'Pakistan' in his pamphlet 'Now or Neve/ in: (A1 Jhe Urdu-Fiiii Eoniioversv 1867
(A) 1933 (B) 1935 (B) Partitioo of Bengal 1905
(C) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy 19.19
(c) 1s37 (D) 1e38 (D) All of the above.
19. When did Quai6.+,Azam sav "Hindu lndia anO
Muslim lndia paded and paried for ever,? 29. The Pirpur Report on the brutalities of the
(A) When Congress taijnched non- Congress ministries 1937 - 39, was compiled
cooperation movement in i920- by
(B).When Congre&s rerected his proposed (A) A.K. Fazl-ut-Haq
modficatbn in the Nehru Report'1929. (B) Raia Muhammad Mehdi
(C) Afier failurB of
Third Round Tabte (C) Nawab Salim Ullah Khan
Conferenoe in 1932
. (D) M. Sharif
(D) WEII ate Lahore Resadion was passed -. Bntish Padiament passed lndian
30. The
on 23th March 1940. lndependence Acl on
20. ldentify the Secretary of State of lndia who ted (A) 3 June 1 947 (B) 4 June 1947
lhe Cabinet Mission in 1946: (C) 14 July 1947 (O) 24 Juty 1947
(A) Sir Stafiord Cripps 31 Who among the totlowng teaders had
(B) A.V. Alexander translated the Lahore Resolution from Enghsh
(C) Lord Pethick Lawrence to Urdu on 23rd March 1940?
(D) Sir Anthony McDonatd (A) Mulana Zafar Ali Khan
2'1. Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah ioined All lndia
(B) Chaudhri Khateeq uz Zaman
(C) Dr. Muhammad Atam
(A) 1937 - --iBtl.B)1938 (D) Sir Sikander Hayat
(c) 1939 iDi 1940 32 Quaid-e-Azam met M.K. Gandhi for the first
22. Lahore Resolution of 23rd March 1940, was time in 19'16 at
second€d from Sindh province by (A) Delhr (B) Bombav
(A) G.M. Syed (C) Calcutta (O) Lucknoi./
(B) Makhdoom Talib ul Muia ldentfy the Viceroy who made 'August Offer'
(C) Abdullah Haroon rn 1940
(D) Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto 1A) Lora-Iiiliihgoi (B) Lord Wave
23. Congress launched 'Quit lndia Movement" (C) Lord Rrpon (D) Lord Mountbatten
against the Britrsh Government rn 34 The Natonal Anthem of Paktslan was approve
(A) 1940 (B) 1941 by the Government in .
(c) 1942 (D) 1944 (A) 21st March'1947
24. Gandhi - Jrnnah tatks were held in 1944 to (B) 7th April 1950
disc,uss the C.R Formula. prepared by (C) 25th June 1952
(D) 13th August 1 954
(A) EEiG6par Acharia 35 Who administered the oath of ofrice to Liaqua,
(B) V.P. Menon Ali Khan as the first Prime Mrnister o
(C) Abu-al.Kalam Azad Pakr3iail? I
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Paperc 829
(A) Quaid-e-Azam (A) Hyderabad (B) Nawabshah
(B) Justice Mian Abdul Rashid (C) Larkana (D) None of these
(C) Lord Mountbatten 49 Nuclear Research Laboratory al Kahuta was
(D) MaulYi Tamizuddin
setup in
36. Which of the ,ollowing archeological sites. was (A) 194 (B) 1976
discovered in 1955? (c) 1978 (D) 1980
(A) Kot (B) MoenJo-daro 50 Pakistan's largest trade partner ,s
(C) Harappa (O) Taxria (A) US (B) China
37. Which of the followrng glaciers is located (C) UAE (D) Germany
Karakora'm range?
(A) Siachin (B) Hispar 51. Pakistan Joined Organization of lslamic
Cooperation (OlC) in
(C) Biafo (D) AII of these (A) 1969 (B) 1972
38. The 'Babusar Pass connects (c) 1974 (D) 1976
(A) Abbottabad and Gilgrt 52. Who is considered to be the first po€t o,
(B) Chitral and Gilgit Punjabi tanguage?
(C) Gilg( and Hunza (A) Bulleh Shah
(D) Swat and Oir (B) Baba Farid Gani Shakr
39. "Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah-The story of a Nation" (C) Khawaia Ghulam Farid
is a biography of Ouaid-e-Azam ffitten by: (D) Sultan Bahu
(A) Hector Bolitho 53. The first "Wafaqi Mohtasib' of Pakistan was
(B) Mallub ul Hasan Syed
(C) K.K. Aziz (A) Ju stice (R) M. Afzal Zullah
(D) G. Allana (B) Ju stice (R) Abdul Qadir Chaudhri
40. The total length of Makran Coastal Highway is (c) Ju stice (R) Sardar Muhammad lqbal
(D) Justice (R) S.A. Nusrat
(A) 505 km (8) 590 km 54. Pakistan becomes a member of lntemational
(C) 602 km (D) 653 km Labou, Organization (lLO) rn _
41. The artificial forests are being maintained at (A) 1947 (B) 1949
(c) 19sr (D) 1957
A) anga Manga 55. The rirsl Water Accord was srgned among the
B) Chichawatni provrnces tn:
C) Kotla Adeeb Shahid (A) 1988 (B) 1991
D) All of these . (c) 1994 (D) 1997
42. Which of the following forts was built by 56. Which of the following was signed on I April
Mughal Emperor Zahld-ud-Din Babar? 1950
(A) BalaHissar (B) Rohtas (A) SEATO
(C) Ranikot (O) Attock (B) CENTO
43. Which ot the following districts of Balochistan (C) Liaquat Nehru Pact
contains huge deposits o, Copper? --
(O) Colombo Plan
(A) Loralai (B) Srbbr
57. 'Malakhara" is a famdus game played in the
(C) Khuzdar (D) Chaghi province ot
44. "Hanna Lake" is situat€d in (A, Punjab (B) Sindh
(A) Puniab (B) rndh (C) Baluohistan (D) KPK
(C) Northern Areas (D) Baluchistan 58. "Mast Tawakli" was prominent poet of
45. Which of the following lvlountain Peaks is
situated in the Handu Kush range?
(A) Gasherbrum ll . (B) Raka Poshi
(C) Sindhi
(B) Pushto
(O) Barochi
(C) lll (D) None of these 59. Hafeez Jallundhri is lhe author of National
16. How many seats are reserved for women in Anthem of Pakistan. which is contained in his '
the National Assembly of Pakistan? book:
(A) 30 (B) 40 (A) Charagh-e-Saher
(c) 50 (D) 60 (B) Shahnama-e-lstam
17. The only National Election held on non-party
-(C) Kalam-e-Hafeez
basis were in
(D) None of these
(A) 1977 (B) 1965 60. Which of lhe following Dams rs situated at the
(c) 1988 (D) 1990 highest altitude?
8. "Chandka Medical College" is localed at (A) Wali Tangi Oam
(B) Tanda Dam
830 Advanced PPSC UCQ8 fodel papers
(C) Khanpur Dam fully safeguarded
(D) Warsak Dam
71 The duration ot National Anthem of Pakrstan
61. Archaeological site "Bhambore is located in is
the distflct of 1nllO Se-i6nas (B) 80 Seconds
(A) Knairpur OaOu (C) '100 Seconds (D) 120 Seconds
(C) ---G)
Larkana (O) Thata
72 Unde. r,'hrch constitutron Etcamerairsm las
62. ldennfy ihe city. which receryed Hital-e-lstiqtat ,ntrdduced'n Pakistan?
for rts heroic resrslance dunng 1965 lndo-Pak 1A) 1956 (Bt i 9e2
war lC) 1973 (D, None ot the above
(A) Nrowal {B) Pasrur 73. The Pothohar Plateau contains the maneral
(C) Sialkot (O) Kasur
deposits of:
63. At the time of independenc€, there were (A) Rock Sah (B) Gypsum
numerous princely stales in lndia. Wtlich state (C) Orl (O) AII of these
was the biggest in area?
(A) Hyderabad (Deccan) 74. Pandit Nehru. who had been assuring the
(B) Kashmir Kashmiris to give them therr nght to self-
(C) Junagarh determrnatron, went back on his promrse when
(D) Bahawalpur
(A) He realised the slrategic srgnrficance of
64. Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakariya was a prominent the valley tor lndran defence syslem
sufi saint of (B) Realsed aboul massive naturat wealth of
(A) S utrrawE?iiE6frE the area.
(B) Naqshbandia order (C) Pakistan ioined SEATO and CENTO
(C) Chistia order pacts.
(D) Oadiria order (D) Pathan t{ibesmen entered into the valley
65. On July 9. 1950, Pakistan became the and attacked the lndran forces.
member'of 75 The largest desert of the Pakistan rs:
(A) IMF (8) Wortd Bank (A) Thar (B) Thal
(C) Paris Club (D) None ofthese (C) Chohstan (D) Kharan
66. Decimal System was introduced in Pakistan 76 The oldest Barrage on lndus River ls:

(A) 1951
on First January
(A) Guddu Banage
(B) Sukkur Banage
(c) 1961 (D) 1963 (C) Ghulam Muhammad Banage
67. Whi* was the first misrib launched
(O) Taunsa Barrage -
(A) Hatf (B) Anza
77 Of the total area of Pakrstan. forest covers
(C) Ghauri (D) Shaheen
(A) 3 5% (B) 4 E%
68 Pakistan-Afghanistan border 'Ourand Line' lc\ 7 3y. rD) 9.5olo
was drawn in 78 How many times, Pakrslan became World
(A) 1892 (B) 1890 Olympic Champjon in Hockey?
(c) 1893 (D) 1897 (A) Twc rBr Three
69. On July 9. 1948. Pakislan rssued rts first (C) Four ID) Frve
79 Heavy Electrical Complex and Heavy Forge
(C) Postal Stamp
(B) Currency Note
(D) All of these
and Foundry. the two brg engrneenng proiecls
rn Pakrstan were eslaDirshed wrth th€
70 Which of the folldwing provis'ons rs a part of technrcai and capital assistance of:
(A) Canada
the Objectrves Resolutron of 1949 (B) China
(A) Parlramentary system wrtl be,n-i6OL,ced (C) U,K. (D) U S A
(B) Parl'ament will be b,cameral 80. Pakistan jorned World Trade Organizatior
(C) President and Pame Minister must be (WTO) in
Muslim by failh (A) 1994 (B) 1995
(D) Fundamentat r€hts of citizens shall be (c) 1997 (D) 2000
81. Who is th€ author of the book title(
' Pakistan ioined IMF and World Bank on July U, 1950.
'Muhammad Ali Jinnah - An Ambassador o
To become i member of the 8ank, under the IBRD Unity"?
(A) Beverley Nachols
Articles of Agreement, a country must first ioin the
(B) Sarojinl Naidu
lnternational Monetary fund {lMF} Membership in (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
lDA, IFC and MIGA are cooditional on membership in (D) Begum Shahnawaz
IBRD- (Source: Websites of lMf & Sank)
Atvanced PPSC looQs lrodel Peoe6 E31

82 The first Princely State to accede to Pakistan 9'1. The First Urdu Newspaper (Oaily) published
after parlition was after the creation of Pakistan was
(A) Swat {B) Hunza {A) Mashnq (B} lmroze
ic) Banawatpur (o) Kalat (C) Watan (O) None of these
83. 'Pakistan in the Twentieth Century: A political 92 Karakoram Htghway starts in Pakistan from
History rs book wntten bY (A) lslamabad (B) Taxrla --.
(A) Crarg Baxter (C) Havelian (D) Peshawar
(B) Lawrence Zirrng --. 93. Whrch of the following institutons rvas first
(C) Alastair Lamb rntroduced in the 1973 Constitutron?
(D) Khalid Bin Saeed lA) Nattonal Finance Comm'sslon
84. Ouad-i-Azam served All lndia Muslim League (B) Natronal Economtc Council
as a President for
(C) Council of the Common lnterests
(A) 15 years (B) 22 Years (D) All of these
(C) 28 years (D) 3l Years 94. Which of the following Muslim Countries voted
E5. The Natronal Animal of Pakrstan is: agarnst Pakistdn's admission into the United
(A) Horse -.
(B) Oeer Nations in 1947?
(A) lran (B) lraq
' (C) Dolphin(D) Markhor
(C) Egypt (D) Afghanistan
86 The Federally Administered Tribal Areas
IFATA) consrst of 95 Sachal Sarmast is the Sufi Saint o,
ie) 5 Agencies - 181i6-Agencies KPK
{A) (B) Stndh
(C) 7 agencres (D) 8 Agencies icj Baluchistan (D) Punjab
87. Pakistan's first nuclear Po\,Yer Station built at 96. On September 9. '1958, Pakistan acqurred
Karachi in 1972 was Provided bY: Gwadar lrom
(A) USA (B) France (A) Oman (B) Bahrain
(c) canada (D) China iCi tran (D) None of these-
88. When First Constitution was promulgated on 97. The numb€r of letters in the Urdu language
23rd March 1956, the Prime Minister of are
(Al 27 - (ts) J/
Pakistan was
(A) Muhammad Ali Bogra (c) 39 (ot 42
iB) Ctraudtrri Muhammad Ali 98. The first SOS village in Pakistan was sat up in
iC) Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy
(D) Feroz Khan Noon
(A) Multax
at _. (B) Rawalpindr
89. The First Charrman of Senate was: (C) Lahore (D) lslamabad
(A) Habrb Ullart Khan 99. Satpara Dam has been construcled in
(B) Ghulam lshaq Khan (A) KPK (B) Puniab
(C) Syed Fazl Agha iCl Batuchistan (D) None of these
(O) WasJm Sailad 'loo.After the creation of Pakistan. the first Radio
90. How many National Finance Commission Station was established at:
Awards (NFC) have been announced so far? (A, Lahore (B) Karachi
(A) S'x (B) Seven (C, Peshawar (D) Hyderabad
(C) Erght (D) Nlne
Answer Key
1. b 14. c 27. c 40d53.c 66. c 79. b 92 c
2. c 15. a b 41 a54e 67. a 80 b 93 d
3. c '16 d 29. b 42a55b 68. c 81 b 94. d
4. 17 b 30 c 43. d 56. c 69. c 82 c 95. b
5. b 18. a JI a 44d57.b 70. d b 96. a
6. 19 b 32 d 45. d 58. a 71. b u. a 97. c
c 20 c 33 a 46. d 59. a 72. c d 98.
8. d 21 a v35 d
47. b
48. c
E6. c
9. c 22 c
10 d 23 36 a 49. b 62. c 75. a 88. b
11 b 24 a 37 d 50. b 63. b 76. b 89. a
12 a 25 b a 51. a U. a 7i. b 90. b
13 d 26 d 39 d 52b65.d 78. b 91. b
832 Advancect ppSC filc;es Modet pa}erc



L ldentty lhe reason for the outbreak of war of (C ) To protest against ihe ,Rowlett Act,
rndependence in iBST (D) On fishing dispute with Hindus fisherman
(A) None representation of lndians in the at Malabar shores
legElative councils
(B) Forcible @nversion of lndians to
7 What was 'Satayagrah Movemenl' under
Mahatma Ghandi's driectron
Christianitv (A) Manoeuvenng for getttng for the Mushms
(C) Misrnanagiment of lndian army during Khilafat movement and boycott of
(D) Alt ofthese
Engtish made ooods
2. Affer which lncident, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (B) Extending support for the Muslims curino
pedicled that the gulf of differences between Khilafat movement and boycott of Engtisfi
Hindus and Muslims of lndia shall widen with made goods
the passage of time (C) Civil disobedience movement against the
(A) Swadeshilvlovement of Congr$s Bitish lndian Government for adceptance
(B) Urdu Hindi Controversv in U:p of certain demands
(C) Arya Samaj's Campaisin against tstam (D) Movement for the protection of ccw at alt
(D) Anti litustim civit sdrvi& reiorms ofig6z cost
3. Sir Syed Ahmad t(han asked the Muslims not 8. ldentrty the most important teatures of the
to ioin the lndian National Congress because Govt of lndran Act 1935
(A) tt was dominated by the Hindu b;ders - (A) Dyarchy was comptetely eliminateL
(B) Congress was igainst the Mustims (B) Adult franchrse was intrirduced
demand of separate elec{orate (C) lt .made the provinces separate tegal
(C) |le urged them to Join tndian patriotic entities
(D) The council of the Secretary of State .
_. Association rather than Congress
(D) None of the above reasons
lndia was abolished
4. ldentify the personatib/ who bunded the 9. Whrch was the main faclor responsrble for the
!?moqs'Sindh Madrassah-tut_tslam, in resrgnation of the Congress mintsters rn the
Karachi provinces during October 1939
(A) Allama lnayel uflah Khan Mashrigui (A) The British covernment rejected the
(B) Syed Hasan Ati Afandl Congress demand to stop interference rn
(C) Sahibzada Sir Abdut eavwm the financial affairs bf the tndian
(D) Maulana Shibti Naumani' provinces
5 ln 1927. Att tndian Mustim League was divided
(B) The refusat of the British Government to
rnto two Seclion. One waS headed bv Sir. - promise tmmediately complete
rndependeoce to lndia leaving behrnd the
Muhammad Shafi arid the other by eu;id_;
Azam i{rentity the main reason ot tnis Oivtlion communal problems
(A) Shait group supported toint electorate (C) Brilrsh Government tumed down
_ of not indulgtng in
Congress demand
system tnstead ot separate electorate
(B) Quad-e-Azam's pro Congress approach Second World Warlry61s6 ' lvf,r16
was- not acceptable to olher group
endanger the securltv of lndta
(C) Sir Muhammad Shafi and h-s supporlers (D) None ci these
wanted to cooperate wfh Srmon 10 Congress started Ouit lndia movement with
Commission but euaid was against any the objeclive lo pressurize Bfllrsh lndran
cooperation with it Government to ltberale lndia and hand over
(O) one of these above reasons powers to Hrndu maioritv durino
6. Some Arab_kibes known as ,Moplas' rebelled
(A) lst Wortd War
against the British Govemment in 192.1
(B) 2nd World War
To get (C) 9-ul!S- congress rule in the provinces
(A) retease of their detained 1037_39
(D) Round Table Conferences
' (B) To tdnds support to Khilafat Movement
Atranced PPSC lrcQs nodel PaDeB 83
11 fhe whole history of lndran Nattonal Congress 17. Who first supported the Pakistan Resolution
was based on the trad(ron of non cooperation 1940.
with the British lndian Government black (A) Mautv Fazal ul Haq
maillno and coercrno them to concede Hindu (B) Ch Khaleeq uz Zaman
Rar. Tf,e only excepti-on was when it accepted (C) Maulana Zafar AI Khan
, (Ai Srmon commissron plan '1927 lD) Amjadi Begum
(B) Corhmunal award'1932 18 The Congress formed mrnrstries after 1937
(C) Domrnron Status for lndra under Cripps provrncial eleclions an
plan 1942 (A) Five provinces
(D) None of these (B) Six provinces
12. The Muslim League rerected the Wavell Plan (C) Seven.provinces
of 1945 for (D) Eight provinces
(A) lt delayed the partition of lndia for another '19. On which occasion Quaid-e-Azam said 'Hindu
decade lndia & Muslim lndia parted and parted forever
(B) lt ensured important portlolios to (A) On failure of Ghandi Jinnah talks in 1944
Congress tn the executive council iBl On tt'te refeclron of hrs proposed
(C) lt drd nol give league the sole nght to modrficatron rn Nehru Report 1928
' nominate the Muslim members to the (C) On the beginning ol Urdu Hindu
Executtve Council '1887
(D) None of the above (D) On the rejection of tourteen of Ouaid by
'13. Whv Shimli conference of June 1945 farled the Congress in 1929
(A)' Congress refused to acknowledge Mushm 20. ldentfy the correct statement The August
League as the sole representative party offer {1940) was aimed at
of the lndian Muslims (A)
' lrivitino a certain number of
(B) lt ensured important portfolios to represlntative lndrans to join Viceroy s
' Congress in the Executive Council
Executive Council
(C) did not give league the sole right to
' ltnomrnate (B) Resolving Hindu Muslim differences
the Musiim members to the (c) orferino autonomy to provrnces
E\,:utive Council iOi Ottenn6 greater share lo lndians in
(D) None of the above gervices
14. Ufider which scheme did Muslim League 21 Who took the oath ;f Governor General of
sunender the demand of separate electorate Pakistan from Quaid-e-Azam
for the Muslims (A) JushceARKiani
(A) Delhi proposals 1927 (B) Juslrce Gulzar Ahmad
(B) Patna scheme'1938 (C) Justice Abdur Rashid
(C) F!,-ra Pact (D) Justrce Wali Mahmood
(D) Never sufiendered this demand
22. Which princely slate lndia unlaMully occupied
15. Which provision is a part of Cabinet Mission rn November 1948?
Plan 1946. (A) Manawar
' All subjects other than union.subjects and (B) Junagarh
all residuary powers shculd be given to (C) Mangrol
the provinces (D) Hyderabad (Oaccan)
(B) The provrnces not agreelng to lhe new
constitutron wll have the nght to marntarn 23. When Pakistan gave an application to the
therr present posltlon or to form their own United Nations to become its member, onty
separate union one country opposed it
(C) Th'e Muslim of Punlab & Bangal will be (A) lran (B) Afghanistan
given representation according to their ici egypt (D) lndia
population for '10 Years 24 After the demise of Ouaid-e-Azam who
(D)' the Muslim majority provinces shall be became the President of Muslim League in
free to fom their own union independent 1948
o, Bntish Control (A) Liaqat Ali Khan
16. Red Clift Award of '!947, the Muslim ma.iority (B) Ch Khaleeq uz Zaman
(C) Sardar Abdur Rab Nisthar
areas of Gurdaspur and Palhankot were (D) Khawaia Nazimuddm
handed over to lndia 1st because
(A) This area was rich in mineral weallh 25 ldentifv the author of the famous book'-The
igi nlver Ravr originated from here which emeroence of Paktstan"
was the lifeline of West Pakistan (A) l;htiaq Hussain Oureshi
(C) lt provided road [nk from lndia to Kashmir (B) Jamil-uddin-Ahmad
valley (C) Ch Muhammad Ali
(D) lt was a huge military cantonment (D) S M Btrrke
8{ Atvanced ppSC ttCes llodef paoers
26. The totat cultivabte land of pakistan is or lndia
estimated about
(A) 53 Miltion acres 35 Chaudhri Rahmat A[ pubtrshed a leaflet Now
(B) 63 Million acres or Never Are We To Live or peflsh Forever
(C) 73 Mittion acres issued on January 28. 1933 from Cambridge
(D) 83 Mrfiion acres with the obtectve
(A) T-o cr6a,te a separate and rndependent
27 Pakrstan's lotal area under forestatron is Mushm State
estimated at (B/ To develop fnendshrp wrth the Britrsh as a
1A) 5000 Mrllion acres Muslm 'Commun v
(B) 8000 Mrltron acres (C) To grow the conceit of tndian,sm
(C) 10000 Million acres (D) To work wrth other Indian commun
(D) 12000 Miltion acress res for
liberation of lndia
28. -Rawat '1" and "Hajvari are the two vaneties ot 36 Arya Samaj was founded rn 1g7S
one of the following crops (A) The Arya Samal revrved and reformed
(A) Rice (B) Cotton Hindursm
(C) Soyabean iOi wtreat (B) To be a slcral organization workang for
29. The share of Coflon crop rn the totat cropped the gofd of the Door
area of PunJab is approxrmatelv (C) To co-operate with the lndran
(A) 16.0% (B) 18.6% Government
(c) 25.0olo (D) 39.0% (O) To be a s-ocral organization workrng for
30. Which divrsron of pun,ab produces maxrmum the good of the poor
sugarcane crop? For what purpose with the lndian Government
(A) Faisalabad (B) Bahawatpur (A) Became hostile towards the Bltish
(C) GuJranwata (Dj Muftan (B) Demanded self government suitable for
3'1. One of the marn objectives of Alt lndra Muslim lndia
League at the time of its creation was
(C) To remain aloof lrom lndian Dotilics
(A) Io b€ toyat to the tndran British (D) To cntrcrze and oppose the Hindu
(B) To take active part in politics of the J6
Jh" K."lpyl Mosque eprsode took ptace rn
CountrY Augusl 1913. its result was
(C) To be close to Hrndu commun y (A) lt made the Mustims feel ignored by the
(D) Not to take sides with a'ny lndran lndtan Govemment
community (Bt The. Mu_stims were drsappointed by the
32. Hindi Urdu Controversy Hrndus Press
of 1967 had far (C) They decided to teave tndia and migrate
reachtn9 consequences because
(A) lt was lhe fbrerunner ot the Two Natron lo netghbouring Mushm CountrEs
(D) lt created politicat awakening among lhe
(B) Made Musftm thrnk to be close to the lndian Muslims
Hrndu Culture 39 Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk became Secretary of the
(C) To depend on the British Govemment for Board of Trustees of Atigarh Colteqe a;d
justice (A) He did not take an- rnterest i-n wetfare of
(O) To be indrfferent to the controversy the students
33 (B) Encouraged students to lake active part
fllqlt .Mustrm .C-o ege starred by Sir Syed
Anmed Khan in 1877 had a clear programme in politics
(A) To (C) Did not. take any disqptinary action
kS_ep the Muslam communrti abreast
agatnst the students
with Westem Knowledoe (D) He made lslamtc religion as a comoulsorv
(8) To make Musfim learn-Arabic and persian
only subject for all students He ats6
(C) To give students mititary education encouraged the students to pray regularly
{D) To educate Mus[m yo'ulh to be potrticat 40 One May 28. 1920 the Khrlafat Comm,ttee
actrve passed a resolution tn support of Non_
34. Shimla deputation of October 1906 had the cooperation Movemenl started by Mr. Gandhi
ro owng purpose with the result
(A) lt created amily between Mqstrms and
.(A) For future Eleclions in lhe country Muslim Hrndus lo work together to gel theu
'_ @mmunily would get Separate Eledorate
gnevances redressed by the Government
(6) Ihe depulation was advrsed to take
. actrve parl in politics of lndra
(C) The deputation was drrected to be friendty (B) lt could not be actrvalen due to Hrndu
with the rules Muslm differences
(D) To be harmony with the Hindu community (C) The congress opposed the movemenl
(Dt By and large the Mustrm Community drd
Advanced PPSC ItCOs f,tode, Paoe6 835

not want to get Hrndu supPort (C) Concentration on educatron

4'1. The Anjuman-l-Himayat-i-lslam was lounded
ioi nesotveo to have drvisron of lndra on the
basrs of Two Nation Theory
rn 1884. with the objects:
{A, lt was for social galhering among 49 Ouaid-e-Azam in an article in 'Time and Trde"
Muslims in 1937 mentioned that:
(B ) To help them to secure Government Jobs - (A) lslam and Hinduism are incompatible
iC) To delend lslanr agarnst the onslaughts of iBr Muslms to share power as eQual parlners
15u rn1s5;gn3ries and to provide was tern (C) Muslrm should concentratron on polltrcal
education along with religious rnstruction organization
(D) None o{ these
42 Wny Syed Amrr All reslgned from lhe Mus[m
League in 19'1 3? 50 The Muslim League Resolution of drvide and
iA) -Recommendalion for the introduclon of ouit in '1943 was-agalnst the movement ol qurt
Federal system Government rn lndra l;dia proposed In 1942 bY
(B) Oyarchy should continue (A) Mr. Gandhi
(C) No reforms in the Provinces (B) Pandrt Nehru
tD) Tne tmportance of th€ majority {C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
communrty should be accepted (D) George Pant
44 The second part of the Act of 1935 could not 5'1. Gandhi-Jinnah talks ot 1944 failed due to
be out rnto oractice because: (A) Opposition bY the Khaksars
(A) All lndrb Congress drd not wrsh lo ,otn the (B) red Shirts
Federal Government (C) The Ahrar
(B) Three was state ot emergency on the eve (D) Two Naton Theory
of World War ll 52. The Shrmla Conference of '145 failed due to
(C) There was Law and Order problem in (A) Arroqance of the Congress leaders
lndia ial
' cattdusness bv FM Lord wavell the
(D) The Pnncely stales refused to Join the Vrcerov of lndra
Federation (C) Tne d6rogatory approach about Muslims
45 The orevrnc'al electrons under the Act of 1935 bv the Hindu oress
{D) D'emand bv the Quard to have all Musllms
held in 1937 had the followrng results ' sets to be lllocated to the Muslim League
(A) The Mushm League won maiority of seats
reserved for the community 53. The result of the election '1945'46 showed
(B) By an large the Muslim League failed (A) That the Unionist party won maiority of
miserably in the contest Muslim seats
(C) The Con'gress had success only in a few (B) The Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind capture a few
provrnces seats
(D) A number of pollrcal parties boycotted (C) The National Muslims got a few seats
the electrons iDt' Tne Mustrrr. League captured all the
46. ldentrtv ths 6srrect statement ln vrew of 1937 reserved seats foi the Musl,ms at the
provin;ral elections rn Punjab Center
tAt Tne Mustrm League won a m rioaty of 54 The Muslim League reiected the cabinet
seats mrsston plan on July 27 1948 Because ot
(B) lt iaptured only two provincial adsembly (A) Conqress relected the plan rn toto
SCATS (B) Congress accepted only the long term
tC) lt made an altrance wrlh the Unronrst-party plan
(Di tt won a number ol seals rn rural (C) ihe British Government was not clear
constituencies about
47. Quaid-e-Azam rn his presidential address on (O) Hind extremrsts were lukewarm about it
25th session cf the Muslirn League at 55 The interim Government was formed in 1946
Lakhnow on Oclob€r '15 1937 gave direct'on Who was the.Prime Minister?
aboul. (A) Pandrt Nehru
iA) Power and self rehance for politrcal (B) FMLordWavell
success (C) Lraqat Ali Khan
(B) Cooperatlon wrth the malority community {D) None of these
(C) To remain layout to lhe Government
(D) Muslim to keep away from polrttcs 56 Srr Cvnll Redclrfte announced the Boundary
Commrssron Award on August 17 1947 whrch
48. Sindh Muslim League passed one of the was biased due to whom?
following resolutions in 1938 (A) Lord Mountbatten
{A) Federalism to contrnue (B) Pandrt NehIu
iBi Mustrms to lorn other communrtres for (C) SV Patel
political Progress (D) MaharaJa Sadu Srngh of Bikaner
836 Advanced ppSC MCes Nodet paoers
57. Why Quard€-Azam launched Direct Action (A). Had to be a Mustims
uay on August .16, 1946? (B) No condition or beinq 6 gu51;,
(A) To protest of otedge
-against breach
by (C) No need to be an el-ected member of the
(B) To opoose the Congress policies Nation Assemblv
(L;) to get suppo( from lhe masses for pady (D) Had lo be 45 yeirs ofage
membershlo 67. The concepl of controlled Democracy was
(D) To crush the upsurge of Natronat Muslims propagated by President Skander Mirza'
58. On January 17, .1923 (A) He forced Prime Mtnrster Suhrawardv to
on official reception was resign due to his personal whims. e'ven
given to celebrate lhe honour ot fnigntnooj
bestowed on Dr Sheikh Muhammad tqiat, thi though he had potiticat right to address
venue was the National Assemblv
!11 pqrr',
He controt the potiticai process
(B) Ariearh (C)
(L) Lahore (D) London He mad bureaucracy fowerfui in decision
59. Mr. Gandtri renounced his formal membership (D) He considered elections as a farce
from the Congress in
(A) 1934 68. Why President lskander Mirza imposed
(B) 1940 emergency and dissolved the Assemblies on
(c) 1946 (D) 1947 October 7, 19SA?
60. Quaid-e-fuam resigned from membership of (A) He had the apprehension that the newtv
congress in elected Asstsmbltes under the 1956
(A) 1913 (B) 1916 Uon$fiutron may not vote to elecl him as
(c) 1920 iol rszz permanent presidenl
61. Who . was the tirst Chief Etection (B) The Commander-in-Chief of the Army
Commissioner of pakistan,'? (C) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Cdurt
(A) F M Khan (D) Etection by the Basic DemdraE
(B) Akhtar Hussain 69 Na me the frst elected president of pakistan
(C) Justice S.A, Rehman (A lskander Mirza
(O) N A Farooqi (B F M Ayub Khan
62 1.1![e second constituent Assembty etected in (c Ch Fazal Elahi
1955, the Muslim League formed a coalrtion (D Farooq Laghari
governmentwith... 70. According to the 1962 Conslitution in case the
(A) United front (p) Noon Group p_resEent resigned who
had to succeed him?
(c) tndependents (O) None of thdse (A) The Speaker of the Na onalAssembtv
63. Parity for representation was created bv (B) The Commander-in-Chief of the-Army'
formation of one unit in Wesf palistan-ii ttr'6 (C) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Co'urt
yeat? (D) Eleclion by the Basic Democrats
(A) 1952 (B) 1954 71. Who was the frst Chairman Senate?
(c) 1955 ioi
rgso (A) Habibu ah Khan
64. The-lslamic Republic of pakistan under the (B) Syed Fazal Aotra
1956. Constitution was to be neaOiO-Oy a (C) Wasim Sava<f-
President (O) chulam tsl]aq Khan
(A) The President may not be a Mustrm 72. The.. Awami League contested the 1970
(B) The President had'to be a Mustim eteclions on the basis of six_point progrdmmi
(C) The Constitutron was silent about rt r9I regpnat autonomy issued on Februayl2.
(D) He had to be tifty five years of age 't 96s

65. About relationship between Federal (A) The manifesto of the partv was aoainst
sovemm€nt and provinces under the 1956 the spirit of Legal Fram6 Work -order
Uonslitution mention the correcl relationship rssued on March 20. 1970
,rom the followlno (8) The President Agha yahya Khan ca ed il
(A) There were-lhree lists of items, Federal, an approach of a demaoooue
Provincial and Concurrent (C) lt was narrow thinkrno - -
(B) Ihey were two tists of items, Federat and (D) lt supported natronal"cohesion
Provincial 73. Wrc was the firsl Wafaoi Mohasib of
(C) There was only one Federal list of items Pakistan?
and residuary powers belongeb to the (A) Justice
provrnces (B) Sardar Muhammad tobat
(D) There were two lists of items with Federal (C) Justice (R) Usman At;Shah
having two parls and a Concurrent list (D) None of these
66 .U.lqq 1956 constitution of pakistan prime
Adv PPSC MCOS Model PaDers 837

74 Linder which amendment in the 1973 (B) Dr Usmam

Constitution. Quota System in Services was (C) Dr Abdul Salam
extended for another 20 yea$? (D) Faiz Ahmad Faiz
(A) 13th (B) 15th 85 Sassi Pannu, is a known legend of:
(c) 16th (D) 17th (A) Punjabi (B) Sindh
75 Civilian Martial Law with president Z. A Bhutto (C) Pushto (D) Balochi
at the helm of affairs came to an end on 86 Which is the highest peak of Himalayan range
(A\ Aptil2,1972 (B) Aptil21,1972 in Pakistan?
(C) Aug 14, 1973 (D) Aug 15, 1973 (A) Nanga Parbat
76. Presidenl Zia-ulHaq nominated Ma.ilis-e- (B) K-2
Shoora (Federal Council) in 1981 (C) Mount Everest
(A) The Majlis-e-Shoora had no powers (D) lndus Valley Civilization
(B) lt could make legrslation 87. Harapa was a center of?
(C) lt could critrcs the government (A) PersianCivilizatron
(D) The executive was accountable to the (B) Hindu Civilization
Majlis (C) Greek Civilization
77. The Federal Shariat Court was established in (D) lndus Valley Civilization
the year: 88. Takht Bahr. An ancient historical sile is
(A) 1978 (B) 1979 located in
(c) 1980 (D) 1985 (A) Punjab (B) Sindh
78. When was the Oisas and Diyat Ordinance put (C) K.P.K (D) Balochistan
into force? 89. lndicate the coldest city ol Pakistan
(A) Dec 2, 1988 (B) March '1, 1989 (A) Ziarat (B) Munee
. (C) Oct 13. 1990 (D) Dec 20, 1992 (C) Swat (D) Ayubra
79. When was the post of Chairman Joint Chiefs 90. Which country is situated in North of
of Staff Committee created? Pakistan?
(A) March 2, 1976 (B) March 1, 1977 (A) lndia (B) Afghanistan
(C) Oct 24 1949 (D) Dec 1,1949 (C) lran (D) China
80. When was the lirst Azad Kashmir Government 91. Nanga Parbat is located in:
established" (A) Chitral (B) Gilgit
(A) Aug 14, 1947 (B) Oct 24, J947 (C) Azad Kashmir (D) None ofthese
(C) Oct 24, 1949 (D) Dec l, 1049
92. After agriculture it employs the largest number
8'1. The President under the 1973 Constitution is of labourers:
. elected (A) Finance and Social Services
(A) By direct election (B) lndustry
(B) By National Assembly (C) Mining
(C) By Joint Session of the National (D) Fishing
Assembly and Senate
(D) By two House of the Parliament and the 93. PTV started its transmission from
four provincial Assemblies (A) Sept 24, 1962 (B) Oct24,'1963
(C) Nov 26. 1964 (D) Dec 26, 1965.
82. The provision to have 20 reserved women
seats in the National Assembly under the 94. Bulk of Tobacco is produced in
1973 Constitution expired on holding General (A) Punjab (B) Sindh
Eleciion in the year (C) KPK (D) Balochistan
(A) Feb. 1985 (B) Nov. 1988 95. The largest gat field was discovered in
(C) Oct. 1990 (D) Oct. 1993 (A) 1951 (B) 1952
83. ln November 1996, President Farooq Laghari (c) 1953 (D) 1955
dismissed lhe Benazir Govemme6l under 96. The council of common interests under the
section 58-28 of 1973 constitution. Rason for 1973 constrtution has to
the action? (A) Make the Federation work successfulli
(A) Political crisis ' with emphasis on National Integeration
(B) Vote. of no confidence in the National (B) Create drsparity among the provinces
Assembly (C) Work for the good of non-Muslim
(C) Allegation of corruption (D) Work tor the protection of Balochistan s
(D) Difference between the President and nalural resources
Prirne Mrnister about party matters
97. The oldest oil well ot Pakrstan is situated in?
84. The only citizen of Pakrstan who won lhe (A) Sibi (B) Attock
Nobel Prize?
(A) Abdul Qadeer Khan
(C) Kalabagh (D) Makran
838 Advanced PPSC MCes Model paoerc
98. When were the citizens of FATA given the (A) Set 30 1947 (8) Auq 30. 1948
right to vote? (c) oec4. 1948 (Di Fe5 10. 1949
(A) 1977 (Bt 1985
(c) 1988 (Di 1997
100.The share of agricutture sector in the GDp of
Pakistan in approximatelv
99. When Pakistan became member of the United (Ar '16 percent tB; 18 oercent
Nations? (C, 21 percent 1Dr 25 percenr
An swer Key
1. d 14 a 27 b 40 a 54. b 67 a 80. c
2. b t3 a b 41. c55a 68. a 81 d 94
3 a 't6 c 29. b 42. d56.a 69 b 82. c 95 b
4. b '17 b 30. a 44. d57.a 70. a 83. c 96 a
5. c 18 d 31. a b58.c 71. a 84. c 97 b
o. b 19 b 32. a 46 b59.c a 85. a 98 d
7. 20 a 33. a 47. c60.e 73. b 86. a 99 a
8. c 21 34. a 4e d 61. a 74 c 87. d 00 c
9. b 22 b 35. a 49. a62a c 38c
)a a63.c
10 b b 36. b 50. 76. b 89a
11 d 24. b a d64.b 77. c 90. d
c 25. c 38. d d65.a 78. c 91. b
a 26. a 39. b 53. d66.b 79. c 92a


Hazral Sheikh Ali Bin Usman Hajweri (Data (c) 1917 (D) 1919
G-anj Bukhsh) came to lndia duri;g the t,me
of: 7 The pamphlet "Now or Never" was wntten by:
(A) Mughals (B) Khitiis (A) Allama lqbal
(C) Tughluq (D) Gtrdznavi (B) Chaudhry Rehmat Ati
(C) Ouaid-e-Azam (D) Srr Syed
Akbar was a great builder. He constructed and
founded: I Which of the followi;g term was not agreed by
(A) Agra Fort the Brilish followrng the Gandhllrwrn pact oi
(B) Gujrat Fort 1931:
(C) Tomb of Humayun (A) Lfiing of ban over Conqress.
(D) All of these (B) Complete abolition ;f tax on salt
production in lndia.
3 Anjum-an-e-Himayal-e-tstam was estabtished (C) Permittrng p€acefiJl prckeling of ltquor and
on 24"' December: torergn cloth shops
(A) 1880 (8) 1882 (D) Restoratron of lhe confiscated prcperties
(c) 1884 (D) 1836 of the satyagrahis
4 The Mohammad Educational Conference was 9 The main purpose of the "Communal Award,'
founded in: announced by the Bfltrsh prime Minrster
(A) 1884 (B) 1886 Ramsay Macdonald on 4 Auqusl 1932 was
(c) 1890 (D) 1891 (A) To granl separate elect-orates to minor4y
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad taunched: communrtres tn lndta ,ncludinq Musltms.
(A) Comrade (B) At-Hrtat Srkhs. and Dalrts rn lndra
(C) ldeotogy iDi Mustim Defense (B) To granl separate pay scales to dfferent
6 The Jallianwala Bagh incident took place on commun,ltes tn governrnent servtce ln
13" Apflt.
(A) 1913 (B) 1915
(C) To grant awards to distinguished
members of minordy comntunities ln Ind,a
Advanced PPSC MCQs Itodel Paoers 839

including Muslims, Sikhs and Dalits. (A) Kirthar Range

(D) All of the above (B) Sulaiman Range
'10. At the time of independence from the British, (C) Toba Kakar Range
lndian sub-continent comprised ol Princely or (D) Chaghi Range
Native States which numbered: 20 The Pakistan Resoluton was translated in
(A) 596 (B) s40 Urdu by:
(c) 323 (D) 562 (A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
11. Provincial eleclions were held in East
(B) Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan
Pakistan in:
(C) Sir Zafrullah Khan
(A) 1951 (B) 1952
(D) Maulvi A.K. Fazl ul Haq
(c) 1953 (O) 1954 21 The only government in lndia headed by the
12. One unil was established in.
All lndia Muslim League rn '1946 was lhat of'
(A) 19s4 (B) 19s5
(A) Sindn
(c) 1956 (D) 19s7
(B) Punjab
(C) Bengal
'13. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani was a (O) No h West Fmnlrer Province
great advocate of:
(A) lslam (B) Feudaiism 22 The only government in lndia headed by the
(C7 Communism (D) Colonialism All lndra Mushm League rn 1946 was led by
(A) Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan
14. Under the 1973 Constitutron of Pakistan. the (B) Sir Ghulam H'rssain Hidayatullah
term of members of senate is: (C) Nawab lftrkhar Hussain Mamdot
(A) 5 years (B) 6 years (O) Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
(C) 7 years (O) I years
23 Gwadar Porl was built with financial
15. Which of the lollowang is not a member of assrstance trom:
Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO): (A) Singapo!.e (B) China
(A) Pakistan (B) Afghanistan (C) Oman (D) SaudiArabia
(C) Chechnya (D) Kazakhstan
24 ln 1947, the ruler of Princely State of Jammu
'16. The Delhi Convention held at Delhi on 8'h & 9' & Kashmir was;
April. 1946 was a gathering of: (A) Gulab Singh (B) Zorawar Singh
(A) prominenl leaders ftom the All lndia (C) Ranbir Singh (D) Hari Singh
Muslim League and lndian National
Congress to chart out a joint course of 25 The cease-fire line that separates lndian
action for gaining indef,endence. Occupied Kashmir from the Aksai Chin held
(B) newly elected legislators from all religious by China is known as the:
denominations demanding rndependence
(A) McMahon Line
from the British Empire.
(B) Line ot Control
(C) apolitical Muslim and Hindu intellecluals (C) Lrne ot Actual Control
and members of the civil society to (O) Working Boundary
demand an independent voice for th€ 26 The mother tongue of Quaid-e-Azam
srlent majority. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was:
(O) newly elected Muslim legislators of the (A) Sindhi (B) Punjabi
Central and Provincial Assemblies for (C) Seraiki (D) Gujrati
demanding the'Sovereign lndependent 27 Professional qualification of Quaid-e-Azam
State' of Pakistan.
17. Under the amended 1973 Constilution of (A) M.A. (B) B.A. LL.B.
Pakistan. legislative powers not specified i6 (C) Bar-at-Law (D) Ph.d
the federal legislatave list belong to the:
28 Allama lqbal qualilied as Ph D scholar from:
(A) Provinces (A) Punjab Universily. Lahore
(B) President through promulgation of (B) Oxford University, UK
Ordinance (C) Cambndge University, U.K.
(C) Parliament (D) Munrch University. Germany
(D) Council of Common lnterests .Jrnnah
18. The lndian budget for Frnancaal Year 1947-48
29 of Pakrstan .a famous Book v/as
wfltten by.
was presented by (A) lshtiaq Hussarn Oureshi
(A) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (B) Stanley Walport
(B) Nawabzada Liaqat Ah Khan (C) K B. Sayeed (D) K.K Azz
(C) Sardar Abdur Rab Nrshtar
(O) John Mathai 30 lslamabad was made Capital ol Pakrstan in
the year:
19. Bolan Pass, a mountain pass in Balochjstan (A) 1956 (B) 1957
passes through the: (c) 1959 (D) 1960
840 Advancecl PPSC t Ces fiodel pao.,rs
31. 'Majha" is a region of the punjab comprising 43. "Margalla Hills' are a part of which mountain
lhe modern districts of Amritsar, Gurdasoui range?
and Tarn Taran rn the lndian State of punjab (A) Karakoram (B) Hindu Kush
and in the Pakistani provrnce of punja5 it (C) Himalayas (D) Wesrern chats
(A) Rahrm Yar Khan. RaianDur & D.G Khan 44. Sher Shah Suri built the Rohtas Fort at the
(B) Narowat. Lahore and kadur banks of river:
(C) Khanewal. Multan and Vehari (A) Sutlu.t (B) Jhetum
(O) Faisalabad. Toba Tek Singh and (C) Kahan (D) Soan
Sargodha 45. "Tilla Jogian" is:
32. Allama lqbal's famous address at Allahabad (4) Ls a peak in the Sulaiman Range
was delivered to the _ session ' of All
(B) Frnds menhon rn the eptc love poem Heer
lndia Muslim t-eaoue: Ranlha of Wafls Shah
(A) 14r" - (B) 32.d
(C) ls the placerrvhere Buddha is sard to have
(c) 21" (O) OO,n
sp€nt 40 days in quiel seclusion
(O) All ofthe above
33. Radcliffe was by profession:
(A) a doctor (B) an engrneer 46. Doaba Rachna !s located between lhe River
(C) a tawyer iDi a oentlst Chenab aod Rtver:
(A) Ravi (B) Jhetum
34. "oay o, Deliverance'was observed on: (C) lndus (D) Beas
(A) 23'" March 1 940
(B) 14: Augusr 1947 47 The name of delta formed by the lndus Rrver
(C) 1S''_August 1940 is.
(0) 22"" December 1939 (A) Sapta Sindhu (B) pantnad
(C) Sunderban Delta iD) Brahmaputra
35. Sir Sikandar Hayat became Chref Minister of
the Punjab in: 48. The pass which connects Pakrstan with China
(A) 1937 (B) 1929
is known as:
(4) {hojak Pass
(c) 1946 (D) 1,035 . (B) KhunJrab Pass
36. The Govemor of former NWFP at the time ot
(C) Shandur Pass (O) perwis Kotal pass
independence of Pakistan in 1947 was; 49 Which Dam is constructed on River Jhelum.
(A) Sir Olaf Caroe (A) Warsak (B) l,,Ianoia
(B) Sir ceorge Cunningham (C) Rawal (D) Simh
(C) Henry Grady 50 Kallar Kahar Lake is located in which drstflct?
(D) Rob Lockhart (A) Jhelum (B) Mranwarl
37. Famous Punjabi writer Waris Shah wrote his (C) Chakwal (D) Bhakkar
famous book 'Heer Raniha living at the town 5l Moghul Prince Prince Muhimmao Dara
of: Shikuh who was executeC for being an
(A) Harbanspura (B) Malka Hans apostate by hrs own brother Auranqzeb, was a
(C) Takht Hazara (D) Jhang disciple of:'
38. The chairman of the Council of Common (A) Shah Abdul Latil Bhitai
lnteresls is the: (B) Hazrat Mian Mir
(A) President (C) Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehtvr
(B) Chief Justice of pakistan (D) Guru Har Rai
(C) Prime Minister 52 Multan rs also affectionately known as
(D) Attorney General (A) Crty of Dust'
39 Pakistan Men's Hockey Team has won the (B) 'Crly of Sohan Halwa"
Asran Games gold medal ttmes. (C) 'City of Mosques'
(A) Frve - (B) -Four (D) 'City of Saints"
(C) Nrne iDi Erght 53. The last ruler of Bahawalpur Stale wasl
40 Jrnn€h-Sikanda, Paa was signed in October (A) Salahuddin Abbasr
(B) Ameer Sadiq Muhammad-V
(A)Lahore (B) Ludh;ana (C) Sardar Mahmud Khan
(C)Lucknow {D) Jatandhar (D) Nawab Srr Sadrq Muhammad Khan
41 The headquarters of SAARC is tocated in.
(A) Karachi (B) Cotombo 54 The first Pakistani Prime Minister to vrsrt
(C) Ohaka (D) Kathmandu Chrna was:
(A Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan
42. Pakrstan recogntsed people's Repubrc of B Khwala Nazimuddtn
untna rn c Chaudhry Muhammad Atr
(A) 1951 (B) 1949 D Hossain Shaheed Suhrawaidy
(c) lsso (Di 1s4S
Ady.nced PPSC $CQs rlodct P.D.rt U1
55. Which Bank gave a Rs. 80 million loan to the (A) Bengal (B) tusam
Govemment of Pakistan on the t€qu€sl of (C) Bihar (D) Unit d Provinces
Quaid-e.Azam when the Resorve Bank of 66. The first Commanderin4hbf of Pskisten
lndia fail€d to deliver PakiStan's share? Army was:
(A) World Bank (A) General Sir Frank Mossorvy
(B) Habib Bank Limited (B) Rare Admiral Jaflord Jam€s Wilfred
(C) United Bank Limited (C) G€neral Muhammad Ayub Khsn
(D) Muslim Comm€rcial Bank (D) General Muhammad Musa Khan
56. All private banks were nationalized by the 67. The fir3l Chief Minister of Punjab aflor
Gov€mment o( Pakistan in: creation of Pd(istan was:
(A) 1947 (B) 1965 A) Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan
(C) 1971 (D) 197/t B) Nawab lfrikhar Hussain Mamdot
57. The foundation stone of the Sikhism's holiest C) Mian Mumtaz Khan Oaultana
place "C'olden Temple' at Amritsar was lau O) Nawab Sir Khizar Hayat Tirvana
by: 68. The National Language of Pakislan is:
(A) Guru Nanak Oev ji (A) English
(B) Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz (B) Urdu
(C) Acharya Rakeshprasad Pande (C) Both English and Urdu
(D) Hazrat Mian Mir (O) Punjabi
58. MNMA UL BAHARAIN or The Mingling of 69. The language used in govemment olfces in
Two OceaB Yras authored by: Pakistan is:
(A) Jalal-ud-Oin Muhammad Akbar (A) English (B) Urdu
(B) Muiaddid Ar-ssani (C) Punjabi (D) Urdu & Punjabi
(C) Muhammad Dara Shikuh
(D) Shah Waliullah 70. The tune of ttle national anlhem of Pakistan
was @mposed by:
59. Shaykh Ahmad Farooqi is also kno n by the (A) Khawqa Khurshid Anwar
tille of: (B) Naushad Ali
(A) Muiaddid Ar-e-Sani (C) Sohail Rana
(B) lmam-e-Rubbani (O) Ahmad G. Chagla
(C) Shaykh Sirhindi
(O) Allofthe above 71. llazara Oivision of Khyber-Pekhtunkhwa
Province comprises five districls
60. The docrine oJ Vahdet ash€huh[d was Abbottabad, Battagram. Kohislan, Man8ehra
propounded by Shaykh Sirhindi to counter and:
'waMat al'wujod' ('unity of being') which had (A) Mardan (B) MingoB
been advanced by:
Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani
(C) Haripur (D) Khanpur
B Muhiyuddin ibn Arabi 72. The predominant language 3pok.n in Hazara
Al Hassan lbn Al Haitham reglon rs:
D Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk al-Tusi (A) Hindko (B) Hazargi
61. Rohtas Fort was built on th€ ordeG of Sher
(C) Kohistani (O) Pashto
Shah Suri by: 73. 2Eh May is celebrated each year as'Yaum-e-
(A) Rara TodarMal (B) Bairam Khan Takbeer' because of which incident?
(C) Abul Fad (D) Raia Birbal (A) Kargil conflict between lndia and Pakistan
62. ThE famous Eabar-nama (or Tud(-e-Babari) (B) Nuclear tests were conducted by
authorcd by Emperor Babar was written in Pakisian
which language? (C) Ojhri Camp incident took place at
(A) Persian (B) Turkish Rawalpindi
(c) chagarai (o) Dad (D) Uprising erupted in Kashmir against
63. All lndia Muslim Studen6 Federation was lndian occupation
formed in 1937 by: 74. The first Pakistani to hoist ths Pakistenifag at
A) Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar the North and South Pole is:
B) Raja Sahib of Mehmudabad (A) Nazir Sabir (B) Saima Salim
C) Raia Ghazanfar Ali Khan ' (C) Namira Salim (D) Ashraf Aman
O) Nawab Bahadur Yar Jang
75. The first climber from Pakistan to have
64. Bengal was divided in 1905 during the titne of: summited Mt. Everest on May 17, 2000 was:
(A) Lord Curzon (B) Hardinge (A) Nazir Sabir (B) Saima Salim
(C) Ripon (D) Lord Wavell (C) Namira Salim (O) Ashraf Aman
65. Sylhet Disfict at the time of partition was parl 76. According to the Constitution of Pakislan.
of lhe province ot: levying of sales tax on seryices ts:
812 Advenced PPSC MCes r odet papeg
(A the responsitility of the Federation Developmenl) was rrestablished with the
(B the responsibility of FBR name of:
(c the responsibility of provinces (A) OECD (B) ECO
(D joint responsibility of the Federation and
the provinces
(c) orc (D) SMRC
88 The first country to accept Pakistan s
77. Pakistan's largest gas fietd is: independence was:
(A) Sui Gas Field (B) eadirpur cas fietd (A) lran (B) Saudi Arabia
(C) Toot cas fietd (D) Sawah cas fietd (C) Tu*ey (O) Ctrina
78. Ruim of Mohenio-daro are located in Districl: 89. Sultanate of Oman ceded the Gwadar enclave
(A) Dadu (B) Larkana to Pakistan in:
(C) Khairpur (D) Sahjwat (A) 1960 (B) 19s6
79. lndus River falls into the Arabian Sea near: (c) 19s8 (D) 1961
(A) Karachi (B) Badin 90. There are principal crop
(C) Mithankor (D) Thatta seasons in Pakistan
80. The frst Chief Justice of Pakistan was: (A) 2 (B) 4
(A) M.Munir (C) 6 (D) None of rhese
(B) S.A.Rehman 91. ln 1947, the Tehsil of_ wEs separated
(C) Mian Abdul Rasheed from District Gurdaspur and traftsfened to
(D) FazalAkbar Pakistan under the Radcliffe Award:
8'1. The current Govemor of State Bank of (A) Kusur (B) Narowat
Pakistan is: (C) Pasrur (D) Shakargarh
(A) Saleem Raza (B) Shahid Kardar 92. The Eighth Amendment to the 1973
(C) Dr.lshrat Hussain (D) None of these Constitution gaye the Presidenl povrers to.
82. Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US forces (A) dissolve the National Assembty
on: (B) impeach the Chief Justicb
(A) 2d-_May 2011 (B) 2dJune201t (C) dissolve the Senate
(C) 21'' March 201 1 (D) 21"r Aprit 2Ol j (D) remove lhe Chaiman Senate
83. The head of Oistrict Govemment under the 93. Under lhe 1962 Constihrlion, the offcial
Local Govemment Ordinance 2OO1 is known language of Pakistan was declarcd as:
as: (A) Urdu (B) Besnati
(A) Oistrict Coordination Oftcer (C) English (O) Both a & b
(B) Zila Nazim 94. The mo6t signific.nt asp€ct of the Simla
(C) Deputy Commissioner Agreement of '1972 signed between lndia and
(D) Zila Khadim Pakislan is thal both agreed:
84. Who became Presi:a;1t of pakistan at the time (A) to renounce the use of nuc-lear weapons
of independence in 1947? against each other
(A) Quaid-e-Azam (B) Sikandar Mirza (B) to setue their diffeGnces by peaceful
(C) Liaqat Ali Khan (O) None otthese _ means throwh bilateral negotiations
(C) to dedar€ South Asia as a 'nuclear-free
85. Federally Administered Tribat Areas (FATA). zone'
comprise of: (D) to settb ule Kashmir dispute by hotding a
(A) 6 TribalAgencies and 7 Fronlier Reaions plebiscite under UN auspices
(B) 7 TribalAgencies and g Frontier Reiions
(C) 7 Tribal Aoencies and 6 Frontier Re6ions 95. ln the Final Anglc.Mysore War of 1799, the
(D) 6 TribalA0encies and 4 Frontier Re6ions forces of East lrdia Company receiyed no
assislance frorn:
86. Which of the following is not a conect (A) Marathas
stalement about Tribal Areas: (B) Nizam of Hyderabad
(A) No Acl of Parliament is geherafiy (C) Mir Sadiq
applicable to any Federa[y Adminrstered (D) Napoleon
Tribat Area (FATA).
(B) Presidenl ofPakisian can make a law 96. Which of the following was not a stated
apphcable to a Tribat Area by passrng a obiective of the Aligarh Move.nenl:
direction to lhat effect. (A) To clarity to the British that Muslims atone
(C) Before making a taw applicable to a tribat were not respon6ible for lhe 1857 revolt
area, President has to consult a tribal against them.
jirga representing that tribal area. (B) To persuade Muslims to leam the Engtish
(D) The iurisdiclion of Supreme Court of language and Weslem sciences.
Pakistan or High Courts rs generalty not (C) To prepare modern iJiusltm teadership for
applicabl€ to the tribal areas achieving a separate homeland.
(D) To reinterpret teachings of lslam and
87. R.C.D (Regionat Cooperation for onng them in harmony with modem
A PPSC Model Papers 843

what is not an indicatot for resource
97. The Government of lndia was taken over by 99
the 7'' Natlonal Ftnance
lhe British Crown in: drstribution undel
{A) (B) 1857' Commission Award;
iCt teag (O) None ot these (A) Population
(B) Area
98. The main iuslrfication for inlroducing (C) Backwardness
Eiohteenth Amendment was: (D) Revenue Colleclion
Gi to introduce a transparent mechanism for
aPPorntment ol 100 under the 7th National Finance
(B) td establish a new Hrgh Court at Com ission Award. the provincial share of
lslamabad. tt. oirisibte Dool in the first year of NFC
(C) to grant maximum legislative and fiscal izOro-zot t) has rncreased from
autonomv to provlnces 47 .5o/o lo:
(O) to qrant; ce;tral role to the Council of {A) 51olo {B) 57 5olo
' Co-mmon lnterests for regulating the icj ssz (o) 56%
relations between Centre and the

Answer KeY
b 66 a 79. d 92. a
1. d 14., b 27. c 40. c 53.
67 b 80. c 93. d
2. d 15 c 28. d 41. d 54. d
68 b 81. d 94. b
c 16. d 29. b 42. 55. b
a 82. a 95. d
4. b 17. a 30 d 43. c 56. d 69.
70. d E3. b 96: c
5. b 18. b 31. b 44. c 57. d
71. c u. d 97. a
6. d 19. c 32 c 45. b 58. c
72. a 85. c 98. c
7. b 20. a c 46 a 59. d
6. b 21. c u d 47 a 60. b 73.
9. a 22. d 35 a 48 b 61 a
75. a 88. a
10 d 23. b 36 d 49 b 62
b 76. b 89. c
.11 d 24. d b 50 c 63
fl a 77. a 90. a
12 b 25. c 38 c 51 b
b 78 b 91. d
'13 26. d 39 d 52 d 65



(MALE & FEMALE)'2017
(C) Hazrat Ali (RA)
1. American Congress has a right to remove a (Di Hazrat Jafar TaYYar (RA)
President from office by a process known as:
(A) Oismissal 4. lmrnediate reason of the Battle of Badr was
(B) Oisqualification the murder of:
(C) lmpeachment (A) l.rtuba
(O) Vote ot no contldence (B) Umro bin Hazarmi
(C) Abu Jehel
2. The most sovereign body of the United (D) Walid
Nations Organization is:
(A) General Assembly 5. Hudaibiya Tru:ce was signed between Sohail
bin Umro and:
iBi lntematronal Courtof Justice (Al Hazrat Mmuhammad bin AMullah (RA)
(C) Security Council
(D) Secretariat iBi ttazrat Abu 8ax'ar (RA)
(C) Hazrat Umer (RA)
3. Who led the 2nd Habsha Migralion? ' (D) Hazrat usman (FtA)
(A) Hazrat Hamza (RA)
(B) Hazrat Btlal (RA)
Eq .A.tvanced ppSC NCOS Hcd,',t papeB
6. Holy Prophet (PBUH) detivered his Last 17 . Mehmood bin Fari Neshapuri ctaimed
sermon (Khutba-e-Hara{ut_Wda) in the fietd prophecy during the reign of.
(A) Mutwaqil (B) Wasiq
(C) Mo'tasim (D) Mamdon
(C) Arafat 18 . ldentify from. amongst the fofiowing options
(O) Hunain the name of Akbar's one of "Nine Jeiets;:
(A) Bairam Khan (B) Hemu
7. Qutabuddin Aibak ls buried in: (C) Abul Fazt (O) Rana pratap
(A) Agra (B) Dethi
(C) Multan iOi Latrore 19 . AuJengzeb folght bat e of Samugarh agarnst:
(A) Dara Shikoh (B) Shuia-
8. Which of the Twhlaq king was an idealist by (C) Murad Bakhsh (O) XaziCurtan
(A) GhryasuddinTuohtao 20 The first Republican president of America
(B) Muhammad bin luohtao was:
(C) Fefoz Tughtaq (A) Abraham Lincotn (B) Thomas Jefferson
(D) Qutlugh Khan (C) Richard Nixon (D) Ronald Reagan
9. Near an lraqi town Anbar a capital was built 21 Headquarter of the League of Nation was in:
under the name of Madina-tul Mansoor, by: (A) Geneva (6) New york
(A) AbulAbbas al Saffah (C) Californra
iO) Washrngton
(B) Abu Jafar al-Mansoor 22 Wasrl bin At'a was an able drscrDle of:
(C) Muhammad Mehdi (A) rmam Abu Hanifa
(D) Musa al-Hadi (B) Hassan Basri
10. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan advised the lndian (C) lmam Malik
Muslims not to be in a hurry lo take part rn. (O) lmam Shaafi
(A) Education (B) 23 Wasil bin At'a betieved that the Hoty euran
(C) Writing Artictes (D) youth Feslivats was a:
11. ln his 14-points, one of the demands euaid_e. (A) Creation (B) Revetation
Azam made was to: (C) lmagination (D) ldeatization
(A) Separate Sindh from Bombay 24
(B) Quir tndia Q0eqp. o1 Jacobin Ctubs throughour the
Great Britain was an inlluence ol
(C) Form a conHeration (A) Renaissance
(D) Hotd fresh elections (B) Reformation
12. All..lndia Mustim- L-eague celebrated ,Oay of (C) Enlightenment
Detiverance' in '1939 afrer: (D) French Revolution
(A) Congress quit ,.ne govemments To pay off old debts the US Congress taxed
(B) Nehru Report @rtaln.home made goods in .l8th Century. lt
(C) Simon Commission rYas called the:
(O) Radcliff Award (A) Wrthhotding tax (B) Weatrh tax
13 Cabinel Mission plan suggested division of (C) Excise tax (D) property tax
tndta oarts 26 Whom did Altatmash nominate as his
(l) Two '(B)
Three succes-sor?
(C) Four (D) Five (A) Rukn-ud-din Feroz
14. The annutment of lhe parlition of Bengal was (B) Turkaan
done under: (C) Razia Sultana
(A) Muslim demand (B) Sikh demand (D) Malik Altunia
(C) Hindu pressure (O) iudiciat order 27 For which of the Abbasid Caliph s burial one
15. At-the time of construction of Kaaba in 606 hundred graves were duq;
A.O Hoty Propher (PBUH) sotved a Oispuii (A) Abul Abbas
on: (B) Al-Mansoot
(A) Distemper (C) Muhammad Mehdi
(B) Wood Work (D) Musa al-Hadi
(C) Ptacing of Hair-e-Aswad 28 Founder of Mo'tazillah school of tought was:
(D) Building DesEn (A) lmam bin Humbat
16. The Last Sermon (Khutba e Halja tut Wida) (B) Queen Booran
was delivered in the Hiiri vear: (C) Hersama
(A) 7rh iei ath (O) Wasil bin Ata
(c) eth {o) to,n 29 From the lndian side Tashkent Deceleralion
was s;gned by:
Ad[enced PPSC ,,COs rllodel Paoe/.s us
(A) Jawahar Lai Nehru 41. Humayun allotted which areas to his younger
(B) Lal Bahadur Shastri brother Hindal?
(C) hdira Gandhi (A) Mewat (B) Sambhal
(D) Narasimha Rao (c) Kabul (D) Delhi
30. On accession to the throne by Humayun 42. "Akbamama', a biographical account of
which areas were given by him to his brother Emperol Akbar, was wriuen b)/:
Kamran? (A) Rala Man Singh I
(A) Delhi (B) Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khana
(B) Mewat (C) Tansen
(C) Kabul and Kandhar (D) Abul-Fazl lbn e Mubarak
(0) Sambhal 43. "A Study of History' is a great \,Yotk of:
3'1. One of the main characlers of "Silk Letter (A) Toynbee (B) Collingwood
Conspriracy' was: (C) Herodotus (D) Sarnt Augustine
(A) lsmaelShaheed 44- "The ldea of History" was written by:
(B) Ubaid-Ullah Sindhi (A) Amold J. Toynbee
(C) Hakeem Aimal Khan (B) R.G Collingwood
(D) lnayat-Ullah Mashraqi (C) Will Durant
32. lndus Water Treaty disallowed Pakastan the (D) Thucydides
use of which one of the following rivers'? 45. The State of Bahawalpur was founded by:
(A) Sutlai (B) lndus (A) Nawab Sadiq I
(C) Chenab (D) Jehlum (B) Nawab Bahawal I
33. ln the Battle of the Oitch the ldea lo dig a dilch (C) Nawab Fateh Muhammad Khan
was given by Hazral: (D) Nawab Mubarak
(A) Salman Farsi 46. Bahaud Din Zikariya Multani belonged to
(B) Abu Ayub Ansari which Suri order?
(C) Hassan bin Sabbit (A) Naqshbandia (B) Qadaria
(D) Ali bin Abu Talib (c) soharwardia (D) Chistia
34. lmam Muhammad bin AMullah, known as 47. King James I granted e Charter to Virginia
Nafs Zakia, belonged to the family of: Company in 1607 for setting up a colony and
(A) lmam Hassan to trade in:
(B) lmam Hussain (A) South Atica (B) North America
(C) Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (C) Central Africa
(D) lndia
(D) Mukhtar saqf
48. Sved Ameer Ali laid foundation of the first
35. Queen Zubaida built a canal between: M'uslim polltical organization known as:
(A) Taif & Makkah (B) Makkah & Madina (A) Urdu Oefense Association
ici Kufa & Baghdad (D) Kufa & Basra iBi nnjuman e Himmayat e lslam
36. Fazal bin Rablh was a Minister of: (C) Centrat National Muhammadan
(A) Haroon (B) Ameen Association
(C) Mamoon (D) Mo'tamin (D) Jamait e lslamr
37. Mo'tasim built a cantonment on the bank ot 49. Under GandhFlrvin Pacl of 1931. Congress
River Tigris, it was called: agreed to call off the:
(A) Samra (B) Satafa (A) Strike
(C) Sundus (D) Tartoos (B) Hunger Strike
(C) Election boycott
38. Rousseau believed that the sovereignty ol a
(D) Civil disobedience
State dopends on the:
(A) Divine Right of Kings 50. Before becoming Prime Minister Feroz Khan
(B) Will of People Noon had worked as Governor of:
(C) Strong Monarchy (A) Puniab (B) S'ndh
(O) Agricultural GroMh ici Batrictristan (D) East Pakistan
39. After "The French Revolution', privileges of 51. When the Congress ministrres lett the ot ices
nobilily and clergy were: in 1939, the lndian Muslims celebrated it as
(A) Abolished (B) Enhanced the.
(C) Created (O) Doubled
Day of Judgment
Oay of Award
40. Rana Sanga fought a brave resistance battle
C) Day of Deliverance
at Khanwa againsl Babar in: D) Test Day
(A) 1526 (Bl 1527
icy rsze (o) 1529
W A&ancd ppSC nCOs Mct p.r,rrs
52. Belote. becoming the Govemor General, (8) At- Azhar Unrve6itv
Kiawaja Nazimuddin had been the Chiei (C) University of Bagh6ad
Minister of: (D) Universrty of Coidoba
(A) Sindh (B) Batuchistan
(C) PunJab (D) East pakistan 65. ldentify the name of Jahangir,s wife from the
tollowing names.
53. Napoleon took control of vast areas of (A) Suttan un Nisa Beoum
mainland Europe bul tailed to subdue: (B) Bahar Bano Beou;
(A) prussia (B) Austna (C) Sahibr Jamat B&um
(C) Russra iO) englanO (D) lffat Bano Begu;
5.4. Han Dynasty had existed in ancient: 66. "Post Cotd War Wortd is bound to tndulge in
({) Rome (B) Esypt
(c) ch,na ioi r.E1i
conllict of different cultural identities" waisaid
55. The tenitory ot England has remained united (A) Joseph Huntington
as one country since $hich Christiin century: (B) Samuel P Huntinoton
(A) 8th (B) gth (C) Edward Huntrnotdn
(c) 10rh (D) 11th (D) George Huntiniton
56. Romans anived in Britian inl 67. The state of Bahawalpur was abohshed rn
(A) 52 BC (B) 53 BC Oclober:
(c) s4 Bc (o) ss ec (A)
(c) 1956
1954 (B) 1955
57. The United Kingdom was founded on (Di 1957
lstl 68. What riras milrtary rank of
lA) ,t707
the Lord
(B) 1708 Mountbatten?
(c) 1709 io) tzto (A) Air Marshat(B) General
58. h his inaugural address to the Constituent (C) Admiral (D) Field Marshat
Assembly, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammao Ali 69 Who.became Chief Minister of East Bengal
Jinnah supported the conceDt of: after independence?
(A) Devine Sovererontv (A) H.S. Suhrawardv
(B) lslamic Kingshii (B) A.K Fazal ut Ha6
(C) Security State (C) Attaur Rehman Khan
(D) Equality before Law (D) Khawaja Nazim u ddin
59. Code of Napolean or Napoleonic Code was 70 What title was enjoyed by the Ruler of lhe
also calledi Pflncely State of Chitral?
(A) Penalcode (A) Nawab (B) Wali
(B) Civil Code (c) Mehtar ioi xnaa
(C) Commerciat Code 71 What was the title of the Ruler of the State of
(O) Code of Criminat procedure Lasbela?
60. The'Young ltaly' created in ltafians: (A) Meer (B) Jam Sahrb
(A) Armed Force (B) Morat Force (C) Khan (D) Nawab
(C) RetrgDus Force (D) Superstilions 72 How was- Hussain Shaheed Suharwardy
61. Ecclesiastical Authorities in Medieval Europe relieved of Prime MrnistershiD?
worked under (A) He tendered volunlary resgnatron,
(AJ Theology (B) Episremotogy (B) He was dismissed by'lhe p-resident,
(C) Posrrivrsm (Di NeSatvism-' (C) He was rmpeached by the Assembty,
62. Study o, development of scEnces and (D) He had to submrt for6d resrgnatroo
knowledge of scrences is calledl 73 Who was the first bureaucral who was
(A) Phrtosophy of Hrstorv elevated to the post of Secretary Generat of a
(B) Screntific Historv Minrslry?
(C) Future History ' (A) Ch. Muhammad Ati
(D) Narrative History (B) Sikandar Mirza
63 Humayun..during his hard times. was granted (C) Ghuiam Ahmad
military aid by Shah: (D) Aziz Ahmad .
(A) Tehmasp I (B) Tehmasp lt 74 Dunng whose Prime Ministership Gawadar
(C) Tehmasp lll 1O) reirmasi tV was purchased back froni Suttan oi Muscat?
64 Jamia AbbasE ( day lslamia Uni\rersty
(A) Ch. Muhammad Ali
Hahawalpur) foltowed (B) Muhammad Ati of Boqra
the academil (C) ll Chundflgar
Programmes of;
(A) Madina University (D) Feroze Khan Noon
A PPSC ircos Model Paoers a&
75. Who had called Mr. Jinnah the Ambassador of grams each. How many such packages can
Hindu Muslim Unity? be made?
(A) Moti LaiNehru (B) Gokhley (A) 16 (B) 18
(C) Surinder Nalh (D) Saroini Naidu (c) 20 (o) 24
76. w}rcn was the Communal Award announced 85. Choose the conect option: The fever will soon
by the English Govemmenl?
(A) 1930 (B) 1931 (A) AOet (B) Oecline
(c) 1932 (D) r93E (C) Abate (D) Oebate
77. Wtle e was the frst annual session of Muslim 86. ldentity lhe cronecl sentence from the
League held? following:
(A) Karachi (B) Bombay (A) I am sick by your lies
(C) Aligarah (D) Calcutta (B) I am sick from your lies
78. When was the Urdu Oefence Association
(C) I am sick of your lies
founded by Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk?
(D) I am sick to your lies
(A) 1900 (B) 1901 87. Choose the correct meaning of LIMPID:
(c) 1902 (D) 1903 (A) Calm (B) Relaxed
79. Charlemagne' was iing of which muntry?
(C) Clear (O) Watery
(A) ltaly (B) England E8. Antonym of Afffuence' is.
(C) France (D) C'ermany (A) Abundance (B) Oearth
(C) Oreadful (O) Fortune
80. Who had defined History as The unfolding
story of human fteedom'? 89. Metatarsal Bones are located in which part of
(A) Can (B) Lord Acton human skelelon?
(C) Barnos (D) Gottschad( (A) Feet (B) Hands
(C) Forearm (D) Shoulders
81. ln modem data proceesing systems,
_ devi(-s like thumb scanner, re{ina 90. All of the following are non-metallic minerals
excepl: '
scanners and voi@ re@gnfion are used to
input dala into the computer system. (A) Asbestos (B) Graphite
(A) Eleclronic (B) Biometric (C) Platinum (D) Sulphur
(C) Scanning (O) Automatic 91. Name the architect who designed the Faisal
82. Wfch of the following shortcut key" i rrs€d to M8til, located in lslamabad.
align the gelected text to lh€ ffi?, in lls (A) Vedat Dalokay (B) Nail Cakirhan
Word? (C) Murat Soygenis (D) KadirTopbas
(A) Clrl +C (B) Ctrl + R 92. Whicfi of the following mountains separates
(C) Ctd + E (D) Ctrl + T Asia from Europe?
83. How many kilomelers a motorist tI tfavel (A) Ural Mountains
from 9:48 a.m to'10:15 a.m. lf he is driving al (B) Hindu Kush Mountains
the spe€d of 40 kilomelers per hour? . (C) Alps Mountains
(A) 18 (B) 15 (D) Atlas Mountains
(c) 20 (D) 30 93. Ashkhabad is the capital of:
&4. A bag contains 9 kg. ot sugar whicfi is to be (A) Turkmenistan (B) Armenia
separated into packages containing 450 (C) Azerbarlan (D) Bosnra
94. The 'Central Nalional Muhammadan
' Charlemagne or Charles the Great (2 April 742 - 28 Association' was founded in 1877 by:
.January 814), numbered Charles l, was KinS of the
(A) Chaudhri Rehmat Ali
(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Franks trom 768, King of the Lombards from 774 and (C) Syed Ameer Alr
Empero. of the Romans from 800. He united much of (D) Mohsin -ul- Mulk
Europe during the early Middle Ages. He was the first
recoSnised emperor in westem Europe iince the fall of
95. When did Pakistan become a member of
the Westem Roman Empire three centuries earlier. The (A) 1961 (B) 1972
expanded Frankish state that Charlemagne founded is (c) 1979 (D) 1987
called the carolingian Empire. The Franks were a 96. The lenglh of a cricket bat is
collection of Germanic peoples that originated in the
lands between the Lower and Middle Rhine in the 3rd (A) 36 (B) 38
century AD and eventually tormed a large empire (c) 39 (D) 41
dominating much of western and central Eurppe durin8 97. Headquarters of world Trade Organization is
the Middle Ages. located in:
W k yttcod ppsC nCAs rftt'rct peplr,
(A) Vlcnna (B) Genevg
(C) Bruss.ts (O) LonOon attf/tl Fl 4t//nB lAl
98. of thc b osing ras s6lGded as a
crorn- prince of Saudi Arabia in June, 2Ol7? d{6r.1#)t} lol 4)t/.,! (cl
(A) Mcfiammad tin Salman
(B) Nlm€d bin FaM r s6 g {-i:". Lr)n -7u/rjVtt..oF:t'. t0o
(C) Abdulhh bin Bendar
(D) Tufti Un Harout OP,t' $l ,t;ir;l ,lcttr 6'1
t ag',,P 4tr / t.. E l, * I ;u, .t ttl?)P pl J,,6ol,b rcl

An 3we r Key
1. c '14. c 27. b 40. b 66. b 92. a
2.. 15. c 28. d 41. c
53 d
67. b
79. c
93. a
3.d 't6. d 29. b 42. d
68. c
80. b
94. c
a.b 17. a 30. c 43. a
d 69. d
E,l. b
95. c
5.! 18. c 3'1. b 44. b 57 a 70. c
96. b
8.c 19. a 32. a 45. b 5E. d 71. b
83. a
97. b
7. d 20. a 33. a .16. c 59. b 72. d
84. b
98. a
8.b 21. a v. a 47 b 60. b 73. !
85. b
99. b
9.b 22. b 35. a 48. c 61. a 7a. d
E6. 6
r0. b 23. a 36. a 49. d o2. e 73. b
87 c 100. a
11. . 21. d 37. a 50. d a 76. c
88 b
12. . 25. c 38. b 51. c
64. b 77. a
89 a
13. b 26. c 39. a 52. d 65. c 78. a 91


Bhutb'3 pGdcc6sor !3 Fortign Ministier of (D) Agricunural Growth
Patistrn yrr: 5 Who said, 'Man was bom free.
(A) Muhrmrpd Aff Bmra but
(B) Si Zdbrrr[.h Xhan- every here I find him in chains'?
(C) Arz Ahmad
(A) Louis XIV (8) pooe
(D) Aehr Shdri
(C) Rousseau (O) tOn'-e- fnaUun
6 Seeking truth and truth about God. is:
2. Thc A,sti.ll $rbarnan, MclE nicfi wes in (A) Metaphysics (B) prescriotion
favour of (C) oescriprion (o) tnteraciion
( ) Ab.oftJic Gol,rnrrlarl
(B) Libcrd Dcrpqxv 7 ln fhe early se{tbmefits in America. Germans
(C) N.tixdEm setted mostly in:
(D) Sod.lirllt (A) P6nnsylvania (B) Georoia
(C) South Cerolina (D) ttorthtarotina
3. In Euopcea triery .St ( Men of Europe.
H': 8 P,{inS tt€ Arn€rican war ol independence,
(A) Bulosb (B) Scrbie Britain hir€d Hessian soldiers from:
(C) Rom.nb (Oi ru*cy (A) Spain (B) Holand
4 Roursoru€v.d that the soverlilnty d a
(C) Ciormany (O) france
Strt! d.pdr| on thr: Amount of Oir hams fixed as Haq Mihr when
(A) Divin Rirrd of Kim3 lloly Prophe,t (PBUH) manied Hdzrar Khadrja
(B) trw ol Ftod. (RA), was:
(C) Slrong k'archy (A) 200 (B)
(c) 400 ioi
PPSC ilrcQs Model Paoers 849

10. Which one of the pious Caliphs ioined the first 21. Hammurabi was the great Law giver of:
migration to Habsha? (A) Egypt (B) Greece
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) (C) Spain (D) Mesopotamia
(B) Hazrat Umer (RA) 22. Which was the biggest religion in Arabia
(C) Harat Usman (RA) before lslam?
(D) Hazrat Ali (RA) (A)Christianity (B)Zoroastrianism
11. Rani Padmavati, according to legends, was (c) ldolarry (D) Judaism
part of romantic story linked to: 23. Which territory was ruled by Naijashi?
(A) Ala-Uddin Khirji (A) Yemen (B) Habsha
(B) Jalal-Uddin Khilji (C) lraq (D) Syria
(C) Qutb-Uddin Khiljl
(D) Malik Kaloor 24. Who was called the Brain of Arabia?
(A) Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid (R.A.)
12. Most of the Abaside Caliphs were from the (B) Hazrat Mugeera Bin Shoba (R.A)
family line of: (C) Hazrat Amr Bin Aas (R.A)
(A) Abui Abbas (O) Hazrat Muawiah (R.A.)
(B) Abu Jafar Mansoor
(C) Abu Muslim Khurasani 25. To which place had Hazrat Ali Murlaza (R.A.)
(D) lsa bin Musa shifted his capital?
(A) Basra (B) Kufa
13. Today's lraqi capital city Baghdad was built
(C) Makkah (O) Fastat
(A) Al-Mansoor 26. Who abolishad Jizya on new converts?
(B) Haroon-ur-Rashid (A) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair (R.A.)
(C) Mamoon-ur-Rashid (8)' Hatiai Bin Yousaf
(D) Mo'tsam Billa (c) Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (R.4.)
(D) Hasham
14. lmam Ali Raza (son in law) of Mamoon-ur-
Rashid was buried in Toos now called: 27 How long did Raja Chach rule Sind?
(A) Merv (B) Anbar (A) 39 years (B) 40 years
(C) Ko;fa (D) Mash'had (C) 41 years (O) 42 years
15. The,last Abaside Caliph was: 28 Dr. Gibbon was a
(A) Nasiruddin Ullah A Christian preacher
(B) Zahir -bin- Amrillah B A famous poet
(C) Mustensar Billah c
A renowned historian
(O) Mustasim Biilah Archaeologist

16. The last ruler of Umayyad Dynasty in Spain 29. Who had authored "Tabqat-e Nasri'?
was: (A) Farishta
(A) Abdur-Rehman Al-Mustazher (B) Hassan Nizami
(B) AlMustakfi (C) Badayuni
(C) Hasham-al-Mo'tamed Billah (D) Minhai-us-Siraj
(D) Mehdi 30. ldentify Banda Barragl:
17.'A Short History of Saracens" was written by: (A) A merciless Sikh rebel
(A) M.M. Shareef (B) A preacher
(B) Abdul Kalam Azad (C) A hermit
(C) H P Blavatsky (D) A pandit
(D) Syed Ameer Ali ,
31. June 1757 Battle of Plassey was fought
'18. Punjab Public Service Commission waE between the forces of East lndia Company
formed under lndian Act of: and:
(A) 1909 (B) 1919 (A) Nadar Shah Dunani
(8) Siraj-ud{aulah
(c) 1932 (D) 1935
(C) Ahmad Shah Abdali
19. ln '1929 Unionist Party was founded in Punjab
(D) Bahadur Shah
(A) lnayat ullah Mashraqi 32. ln October 1905 the British govemment
(B) Mian Fazale Hussain partitioned the Bengal for the sake of:
(C) Sardar Shaukat Hayat (A) Administrative Convenience
(D) Suleman Nadvi (B) Hindu Muslim Unity
(C) Muslim Benefit
20. Which oI the Constitutional Amendment in the (D) Electoral Adiustment
1973 Constitdion. abolished Presidential
powers to dissolve Padiament? 33. Montagu-Chelmsford reforms introduced a
(A) 16th (B) 17th syslem called:
(A) Monarchy (B) Theocracy
(c) 18rh (D) 19th
850 Adtanced PPSC NCQs odel paoerc
(C) Anstocracy (O) Oiarchy (A) Al-Beruni
34. Nazimuddin was forced to resign as prime (B) Muhammad Qasim Farishta
Minister by Govemor General: (C) RC Mojumdar
(A) M A Jinnah (D) Gen. V.A Smith
(B) Ghulam Muhammad 46 Quresh's trade route to Syria passed ctosely
(C) lskandar Mirza by:
(D) None of these (A) Madina (B) Tarf
35 In East Pakistan, Elections 'lg7o were swept (C) habsha (D) Mecca
by. 47 Battle of Khyber was fought against:
t4) AL (B) NAp (Bhashani) (A) Quresh
(c) (D) Jt (B) Yemenitnbes
36. Hazrat Aamina belonged to which famous (C) Jewish tribes
tribe: (D) Muselma Kazzab
(A) Banu Makhzoom 48 On the way back from Baftle of Tabook Holy
(B) Banu Asad Prophet (PBUH) ordered demotition of whicli
(C) Barm Zohra mosque?
(D) Banu Ummayah (A) Quba (B) Zanar
37. ln the.'101h Nabvi year which very near Uncle (C) Shohda (D) Namra
of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), diedi 49 Ameer Khusro was a disciple of:
(A) Hazrat Hamza (B) Hazrat Abu Tatib (A) Ali Hajveri
(C) Hazrat Abbas (D) Hazrat Zubair (B) Moinuddin chishiti
38 Ca[ph Hazrat Usman (RA) allowed whose (C) Fariduddin Masud
family to come back once ii had been exiled (D) Nizamuddin Autia
Holy Prophet (PBUH): 50 ln his Allahabad Address tqbat suggested to
Ameer Muawia create in lndia a separate Muslim Stlie in the.
B) Hakam bin Aas (A) South Easr (B) South West
C) Abdullah bin Amir (C) North West (D) North Easr
D) Abdullah bin Abbas
51 Nizam-e-Mustafa Movement was launched in:
39. Second World War began in: (A) 1975 (B) 1976
(A) 1939 (B) 1940 (c\ 1s77
(c) 1941 (D) 1942 iDi
i 978
52 Author of Muntakhab..ut-Tawanikh is:
40 To join hands independent of the two blocks (.q) Abul Fazal
of the Cold War Era meant to ioin which of the (B) Abdul Qadir Bada'uni
following Groups? (C) Anayat Ullah
(A) Warsaw Pact (D) Aqeel Khan Razi
(B) NATO Altiance
(c) SEATO 53 ! 1615 Sir Thoms Roe was sent by the
(D) Non Atigned Movemenl English King to the courl of:
41. Unrted Nations Charter was signed in:
(A) Aurangzeb (B) Jahanorr
(At 1942 (B) 194-3
(C) ShahJahan (D) Akbar-
(c) 1944 (D) 1945 54 Crjpps Mission came to lndia in March:
(A) 1940 (B) 1941
42. lranrans supported Abbasside Movement (cl 't942 (D) 1943
bec€use they were:
(A) Oemocrats 55 Hudaibia was name of a:
(B) Royalists (A) Rrver (B) WeI
(C) Heirs oI Holy Prophet (PBUH) (C) Cave (D) Tree
(D) Anli Jews 56 Vasco da Gama is considered to be the lirst to
43. The first Abbasside Caliph ALsaffah was successfully sail from Europe to lndia rn 149g.
buried in: He was:
(A) Baghdad (B) Hashmia (A) French (B) German
(C) Chach (D) Mo,sat (C) Portuguese (Oi Spanish
44 The period of Pre-History means: Within 6 months after Jinnah's dealh
(A) Unknown to Historv Pakislan's Constituent Assembly adopted:
(B) Absence of Recorded Histo.y (A) lslamic Provisions
(C) No Human Lire (B) Objectives Resotution
(D) Timetessness (C) Bill of Fundamentat Riohts
(D) Report on basic Prrnciiats
45. ln his lndian expeditions Mahmood of Ghazna
had with himl 58 Who was Bagha Kabeer
(A) A Turk General
c lrcQs Model 851

(B) An lranian General 70. Pakistan's first Foreign Minister was:

(C) An Arabian General (A) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
(D) European General (B) FazlurRehman
(C) Sir Zafarullah Khan
59 Voltaire's campaign against Church and (O) Khawaja Shahabuddin
Clergy indirectly hit:
(A) Montesquieu 71. Khatrri-e-Nabuwal Movement was crushed
(B) French Revolution during the Prime MrntstershrP o{:
(C) Universal Franchise (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(D) Divrne Right of King (B) Khawaja Nazimuddin
60 ln 1801 Napoleon signed "Concordat' with?
. (C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(D) Chaudhary Muhammad Ali
(A) Pope Pius Vll
(B) Lours XVlll 72. One Unit Bill was passed during the
(C) Church of England governmenl of:
(D) Pope John ll (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Nazimuddin
ot Wnting history rn a story-based form rs:
(C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(A) Philosophical History (D) Chaudhary Muhammad Ali
(B) Narrative History
(C) Chronological History 73. Yahya Khan assumed powers as Chiet Martial
(D) Family History Law Administrator in:
Monroe Doctrine announced in 1823, stopped
(A) 1967 (B) 1968
in America further:
(c) 1969 (D) 1970
(A)Colonization (B)lndustrialization 74. Ojhary camp incident occurred during the
(C)Privatization (D)Ac{ualization reign of;
(A) Benazir Bhutto
63 A rival organization to North Atiantic Treaty (B) Muhammad Khan Joneio
Organization was: (C) Ghulam Mustafa Jotoi
(A) Group of 77 (O) Main Qureshi
(B) Warsaw Pact
(C) Non Aligned Movement 75. Who was East lndia Company last Governor
(D) OECD General in lndia?
(A) Lord Canning (B) James Wilson
64 ln Saqifa bani Sa'ada from Ansarite side (C) Samuel Laing(D) John LaMence
candidate for the 1st Caliph was:
Sa'ad bin Abada (RA) 76. Founder of Jainism was:
B Bashk bin Sa'ad (RA) (A) Shakyamuni (B) Mahavira
c Abu Bakar (RA) (C) Parsva (D) Rishabha
D Umer bin Khitab (RA) 77. The first President of the USA was:
65. Before becoming Sultan of Delhi Altatmash (A) John Adams
had been governor oI: (B) Thomas Jefferson
(A) Lahore (B) Multan (C) George Washington
(C) Badayun (D) Bengal (D) Abraham Lincoln
66. ln lndian history "Bb;d and lron Policy" of 78. 'Wales" is derived from an Anglo Saxon world
Kingship was frrst rntroduced by "Wales". meaning:
(A) Qutbudin Aibak (A) Martial Race (B) Serfs
(B) Mehrnood of Ghazna (C) Foreigners (D) Locals
(c) Altatmash 79. lreland.ioined the United Kingdom on January.
(D) Balban 't.
67. Abul Abbas appointed Abu Muslim Khurasani (A) 1801 (B) 1802
as the governor of (c) 1803 (D) 1804
(A) Syria (B) Africa 80. Pakistan's First Five Years Plan ('1950-1955)
(C) Faras (D) Khurasan was presented In the Parliament bY;
68. Nizamul-Mulk Toosi was the most leamed (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
minister in the dynasty of: (B) Khwaia Nazimuddin
(A) ldreesia (B) Tahiria (C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(C) Saffana (D) Saljookia (D) Ch. Muhammad Ali
69 A retired British bureaucrat Sir A O Hume 81. Who was the first American President to
initiated the formation of: resign while in oflice?
(A) lndian National Congress (A) Theodore Roosevelt
(B) All lndia Muslim League (B) Bill Chnton
(C) Khaksar Tehreek (C) Richard Nixon
(D) Sunni Tehreek (D) John Ouicy Adams
852 Adfrrancad PPSC ltCQs Hodel Paoers
E2. The cunent capital of Kazakhstan is Astana- (A) On first page
Name the former capital: (B) On altemate page
(A) Al'maty (B) Dushanbe (C) On every page
(C) Bishkek (D) None of these (D) None of these
83. In Geography what do you understand by 91. Complele the number series: 15, 31, 63, 127,
(A) A Prehistoric Supercontinent
(A) 513 (B) 511
(B) Hills formed by Lava outflow (c) 523 (D) 517
(Q) Concentration of Sulpher in hot springs
(D) None of these
92. Solve the equation: (1/4+5/8) + (1/2+314)= ?
(A) 35/32 (B) 10r/
84. Afrer parlition of Bengal, the Capitat of East (cl 5t12 (D) 7/10
Bengal and Assam was:
(A) Ohaka (B) Calcutta 93. "To face the music" means:
(A) To be gre€ted rudely
(C) Chittagong (D) Sylhett (B) To be offered warm hospitality
85. Which was the oflicial language during the (c) To be on lhe front seat in a concerl
Muslim Rule in lndia? (D) To bear the consequences
(A) Urdu (B) Turkish
(C) Persian (O) Arabic 94. What is the synonym of "Posthumous'?
(A) After death (B) Moisture
86. Which ot lhe fotlowing is not an Otympic (C) Rich (D) Rear
(A) Squash (B) Badminton 95. What is the antonym of "Meandering"?
(C) Wrestling (D) Fencing (A) Sliding (B) Straight
(C) Sloping (D) Curvdd
87. The flag of which country is also known as the
Union Jack? 96. Find the conectly spelt word.
(A) UK (B) USA (4) Dicotomy (B) Dicotemy
(C) New Zealand (D) Barbados (C) Dichotomy (D) Dechotomy
88. Boao Forum for Asia, which holds its annual 97. To which fruit ls Plantain similar to?
conferenc€ at Boao Hainan Province, China,
(A) Grapefruit (B) Apptes
was originally proposed by former President (C) JacKruit (D) Bananas
Ramos of Philippines, former Prime Minister 98. Exposure lo sunlight results in formation of
Monhiro Hosokawa of Japan and:
(A) Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke of , _ in the body.
(A) Vitamin A (B) Vrtamin C
Australia (C) Vitamin K (D) Vitamin D
(B) Former Prime Minister Mahathir
Muhammad of Malavsia
Former President Hu Jin Tao of China
1{f { (4r, c-u,t,s r,g J;1" .t
(D) Former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz of tx(et p1 tr:t',1/ty/ {At
89. Which one of the following is all example ol vx-/6,'v. tot u-',/J;i>{ rct
Operating System?
(A) Microsoft Word r;gsiLtt2;/t7Tt too
(B) Microsofl Excel
(C) Microsoft Access do (B) t{S 1ay
(D) Microsoft Windows
90 By default on which page the Header or the J-tLu (ot J,, (c)
Footer ls printed, in MS Word?
Answer Key
1. c 't2. b 23. b U.b45.a 56. 67. a 78 c
2. a 13. a 24. 35. c 46. a 57. b 68. d 79. a
3. d 14. d 25. b 36. c 47. c 58. a 69. a 80. a
4. b 't5. d 26. b 37. b 48. b 59. b 70. c 81. c
5. 16. c 27. a 38. b 49. d 60. a 71. b 82. a
6. a 17. d 28. c 39. a 50. c 61. b 72. d 83. a
7. a 18. d 29. d 40. d 51. c 62. a 73. c u. a
8. c 19. b 30. a 41. d 52. b 63. b 74. b 85. c
9. c 20. c 31. b 42. c 53. b 64. a 75. a 85. a
10 21. d 32. a 43. a 54. c 65. c 76. b 87. a
't1 a 22. c 33. d 44. b 55. b 66. d 77. c 88, a
Advanced PPSC l CQsuodel Paeers 853

ao d 9'1 b o1 d 95. b 97. d 99. d

90 c 92 d 94 a 96. c 98. d 100. c




TuaJk-e8abari was originally written in: 11. During 1737-3E Shah Wali-Ullah translated
(A) Hindi (B) PeBian Quran lnto:
(A) French (B) English
(c) ru*ist (D) Duri
2 Muntakhab.ut-Tawanikt was written by:
icj urou (o) Persran
(A) Aoil (han Razi 12. June '1757 battle of Plassey was tought
iBi A6dd oadir Bada'uni between the forces of East lndia company
(C) Abul Fazal and:
(D) Anayat-Ullah (A) Bahadur Shah
(B) Srrai-ud-Daulah
3. Humawn Nama was an a@ounl of pelsonal (C) Ahmad Shah Abdali
memoir ot (D) Nadar Shah Dunani
(A) Gulbadan Begum
(B) Mirza Haidet Dughlat 13. After defeating Tipu Sultan, East lndia
(C) Humayun ComDanv oot control of:
(D) Nizam-uddin Ahmad (A) Hvdar;bad (B) oelhi
4. Tazuk-eJahangiri was initially written by:
icj e6moay (o) Mvsore
(A) Mutamad Khan 14. Lord Dalhousle's annexation policy and
igi uunammao Hadi doctrine of Lapse created unrest in:
ici xtrawaia Kamgar Husssin (A) Pflnces (B) Farmers
(D) Jahangir icj Hindu Pundit (D) Sikh Guru
5 ln the battle of Kanlvaha Babur defeated: 15. Rani of Jhansi whole heartedly contributed to
(A) lbrahim Lodhi (B) Rana Sanga the war of:
(A) Anti-narcotics (B) Terror
iC) ueoini nao (D) Nusrat Shah
(C) tnoependence tD) The words
6 On his accession to the throne Humayun gave
his brolher Kamran: 16. East lndia Company's last Govemor Cieneral
(A) Sambhal (B) Mewat in lndia was:
(A) Lord Cannrng (B) James Wilson
(Ci Kahrl & Kandhar (D) D€lhi
(C) Samuel Laing (D) John Larvrence
7 To fulkry s€cularism in lndia Mughal Rajpd '17. Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-€-Hind was written
alliance was made bY:
(A) Akbar (B) Shah Jahan by:
(A) Shibli Nomani
iC) nurangceu (D) Bahadur shah (B) Syed Ameer Ali
8 ln 1615 Sir Thoms Roe was sont bY the (C) Sir SYed Ahmad Khan
Enolish Kinq to the court of:
(A)- Akbar - (B) Jahangir (D) Syed Mehmood
ici Snan lanan (D) AuBngzeb 18. ln the 19th century lndia, Srr Syed
Khan launched a struggle against
q Mliaddid+Atf-eSani advocated the concept (A) Enghsh (B) Hindus
(A ) Wahdatul Wajood
(C) Christians (D) llliteracy
(B ) Wahdatul Shahood 19. To create a responsible and loyal opposition
(c ) Devine Crealion of Quran Srr A.O. Hume founded rn 1885:
(D ) Noor-Bashar . lA) The lndian Association
10 Muohal EmDire reached its decline paltially
tnolan National Congress
The Arya Sama
beciuse of ielrqious fundamentalism of; (D) MAO Collage Aligarh
tA) Auranozet (B) Bhadur Shah
tC) Jatrandar Stratr (D) Farrukhslyar 20. ln October'1905 partition of Bangal was made
854 Advanced ppSC MCes Modet paperc
(A) Administrative Convenience (C) Resolution of basic riohts
(B) Hindu Muslim riots (O) Resolution of civrl sec'urity
(C) Muslim benefit
(O) Local Elections Cripps Mission came to lndia in March:
(A) 1940 (B) 1%1
21 Srmla. deputation of 19OS got accepted the lcl 1942 (D) 1943
rmportant demand of.
(A Separale Muslim State 33 The Cabinet Missron ptan suqqested to divde
(B Separate electorate for Muslims whole o, the countrv tnto
(c Revival of Muslim lndran EmDire (A) Two (B) Three
(D Ouit lndia (C) Four (D) Five
22 The. annulment of the partttion of Bengal was 34. B€fore becomtno the Governor General
made under. Nazrmuddln was tie Chief Minrster of.
(A) Muslim demand
(B) Srkh demand 1A) Sindh (B) Baluchrstan
(C) Hrndu pressure
(D) Judiciat order (C) Punjab (D) East Pakistan
23 All lndia Mustim League lvas formed on 35 Before becoming the Pun;ab CM Feroz Khan
December 30. Noon was the Governor of
(A) 1905 (B) 1906 (A) East Pakistan (B) Sindh
(c) 1907 ioi r goe (C) Baluchistan . rD) punjab
24 One of the early obtectives ot A lndia Mushm 36 Nazrmuddln mrnrstry was drsmrssed by
League was: Governor General
(A) Freedom (A) M A Jinnah
(B) Mushm Suoremacv (B) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Tax exemdlion (C) Sikandar Mrrza
(D) Loyaltv lo Bfltish Govt. (D) None of these
25 Minto-Morley reform's very important context 37 Objectrv€s Resotution was passed duflng the
was rntroduction of: Prrme Mrntstershrp ott
(A) Separsteeleclorate (A) Lraqual Alr Khan
(B) Presrdential eleclion (B) Nazimuddin
(c Local bodies eleclion (C) MA Bogra
(D Party less eleclions (D) Ch. Muhammad Ati
26. One of the main character of .Salk Letter 38 Steps to stop smuggling al ihe Eastern border
Conspiracy" was: were taken durino the Govt of:
(A) lsmaet Shaheed (A) HS Suhrawa-rdi
(B) Ubaid-Ullah Sindhi (B) I lChundrigar
(C) Hakeem Aimat Khan (C) Feroz Khan Noon
(O) lnayat-Uflalh Mashraqi (D) Ch. Muhammad Ati
27. The marn cutpnt of Ja ianwata Bagh tragedy 39. The first Martiat Law rn Pakrstan wjs imposed
was General: tn:
(A) Kaufmann (B) Dver (A) 1956 (B).t957
(C) Erich Ludendorff iOj Lritrn tr,tonastr (c) 1958 (D) 19s9
28. Montagu-Chelmsford reforms introduced a
40 Ayub Khan's electoral symbol tn the
system called: presidenlial eleclion was
({) Monarchy (B) Theocracy (A) Lion (B) Cow
(C) Aristocracy (D) Oyarchy' (C) Sword (D) Rose
29. Sir Muhammad tqbat presided over the 41. Constitution of 1962 introduced one of the
Muslim League s annual #ssion at A ahabad following rn lhe country:
in: (A) UniversalFranchrse
(A) 1930 (8) 1931 (B) lndrrect Democracv
(c) 1932 (oi r goe (C) Parliamentary syst'em
(O) Social Democracy
30. Congress ministries left the ofrices in .t939.
the .occasion was cetebrated Uy lnOiari 42. Rigging in the eleclion was first iniliated in the
Muslims as: country by the Govt. of:
) Day of Judqment (A) Ayub Khan (B) Yahva Khan
B ) Oay of Award (C) Z A Bhutto (D) Zia ul Haq
) Day of Detiverance 43. After winning the Presidential election Ayub
D ) Test Day Khan started a strateqic war with lndia rn
31 (A) 1963 - (B) 1964
Leasue in its annual session
3,1'r'3.06'#J"1[ (c) 196s (D) 1966
(A) Obieclive Resolution 44. ln the East Pakistan the election 1970 were
(B) Lahore Resolution swept by:
Advanced PPSC MCQs ModelPapers 855
(A) Z A Bhutto ln the 10th Nabvi year Holy Prophet's very
(B) Bhashani near Uncle died:
(c) MuieeEurRehman (A) Hazrat Hamza (B) Hazrat Abu Talib
(D) Maulana Maududi (C) Hazrat Abbas (D) Hazrat Zubair
45. East Pakistan separated from the west in 59 Right after migratron to Madina Prophet
December: Muhammad signed an agreement known as.
(A) 1970 (B) 1971 (A) Medina Accord
(ct 1972 (D) 1973 (B) Hudebia Agreement
46. lndLrs Water Treaty disallowed Pakistan to use (C) Bart-e-Rizwan
water of one of the followinq rivers: (D) None of these
(A) (B) indus 60 The first battle between Madina and Quresh of
Chenab (D) Jehtum
(C) Mecca is known as:
47. SEATO was made to encircle: A) Gazwa-e-Khalber
(A) lran (B) tndra B Ghazwa-e-Khandaq
(C) Japan (D) China Ghazwa-e-Badar
D Ghazwa-e-Ohd
48. CENTO was focused on:
(A) Middle East (B) Far East ot n he battle of Ohd the flag was given to
(C) South Asia (D) Asia Minor Hazrat Hamza
B Ha atzuba{
49. Simula Agreement between lndia and t- Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed
Pakistan was srgned by: (D Hazrat Masab bin umair
(A) Liaquat-Nehru
(B) Ayub-Shasti 62. ln the Battle of Oitch the idea to dig around
(C) Bhutto-lndra Gandhi Medina was given by Hazrat'
(D) Benazir-Rajiv Gandhi (A) Salman Farsi
(B) Abu Ayub Ansari
50 Pakistan's nuclear project was founded by: (C) Hassan bin Sabbit
(A) Ayub Khan (B) ZA Bhutro (D) Ali bin Abu Talib
(C) Zia-ul-Haq (D) Nalyaz Sharit
63. After exile lrom Medina the Jews of Banu
51. Abdul Mutalib was Hashim's: Nazair qathered around:
(A) Brother (B) Cousin (A) Hudaibia (B) Habsha
(C) Nephew (D) Son (C) Mota (D) Khaiber
52. Hazrat Amina belonged to a famous tflbe: 64. Hudaibia was name of a:
(A) Banu Makhzoom (A) River (B) Well
(B) Banu Asad (C) Cave (D) Tree
(C) Banu Zahra
(D) Banu Ummayah 65. Battle of Tabooq was an expedition against
(A) Jews (B) Quresh
53. The first wife of Hoty Proihet was a:l (C) Rome (D) Esypt
(A) House wife
(B) Business Woman 66. The Last Sermon (Khutba e Halia tut Wida)
(C) Social Worker was delivered in the Hijri year of:
(D) Poet (A) 7th (B) 8th
(c) gth (D) 10th
54. At the time of construction of Kaaba in 606
A.D Holy Prophet solved a dispute of: 67. Abu Bakar was elected as the first Caliph after
(A) Trade Money a debate among different tribes at:
(B) Construction Wood (A) Masjid e Nabvi
(C) (B) Kaaba
(D) Building Oesign (C) Saqifa Bani Saada
(O) Abu Bakar's home
55. Prophet Muhammad received the first
68. The first Caliph launched an op€ration
revelation in the cave of:
(A) Sor (B) Hira
(C) Crystal (D) Majtis at Jinn (A) Political opponents
(C) Zakat Refusals
(B) Ansari Tribes
(D) Qureshi Tribes
56. The fundamental reason Quresh opposed the
Holy Prophet was: 69. To maintain war time discipline Catiph Urher
(A) Economic (B) Governance took action against one ot hrs military
(c) Equatity (o) rrioat Generals:
(A) Abu Ubaida
57. Name the companion of the Prophet (PBUH) (B) Saad bin Abi Waqas
who's entrance in lslam helped the Muslims to (C) Abu Musa Ashri
pray openly: (D) Khalid bin Waleed
(A) Hazrat Hamza (B) Hazrat Umar
(C) Hazrat Usman (D) Hazrat Abbas 70. After a lenglhy political process Abdul
Rehman bin Auf decided to make Hazrat
856 Advanced PPSC MCQi llodel Papers
Usman the 3rd Caliph because he agreed to 84. Founder of Jainism was:
follow Allah, Muhammad and: (A) Shakyamuni (B) Mahavira
(A) Abdul Rehman bin Auf (C) Parsva (D) Rishabha
(B) Hadiths 85. Remains of Mesopotamian civilization are still
(C) Quran available in:
(D) Siddique and Umer (A) Yugoslavia (B) Belarus
71. Abdullah bin Saba was newly converled from: (C) lraq (D) lran
(A) Judaism (B) Christianity 86. Han Dynasty had ruled in ancient.
(C) Catholic (D) Hindu (A) Rome (B) Egypt
72. Haztal Usman allowed a family to come back (C) China (O) lndra
once sent to the exile by Holy Prophet: 87. Japan is situated in:
(A) Ameer Muawia (A) Middle East (B) Far East Asia
B) Hakam bin Aas (C) Central Asia (D) South Asia
,C) Abdullah bin Amir
D) Abdullah bin Abbas 88. Which of the country is the largest one in
73 Renaissance' a French word means (A Russian Federalion
(A) Attraction (B) lnteraction (B Canada
(C) Birth (D) Rebifih (c USA
74 Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his (D Australia
,amous painting: 89. Which of the following region in the lndian
) Mona Lisa sub-continent is known as the land of 5 rivers:
B ) Sistine Chapel
(A) Behar (B) Deccan
) The School of Athens
D ) The Nymph Galatea
(C) Sindh (D) Punjab
90. Great explorer Christopher Columbus was
75. The Pince a political treatise was written by: (A) Spanish (B) British
(A) lbn-eBatoota (B) Plato (C) ltalian (D) Portuguese
(C) tuistotle (D) Mactiavelli
91. Martin Luther King Junior was a.
76. Vasco da Gama was the frst to successfully (A) SocialAclivist (B) Hard line Politician
sail from Europe to lndia in 1498, was: (C) Engineer (D) Doctor
(A) French (8) German
(C) Porluguese (D) Spanish 92. The first American President wasi
(A John Adams
77. 'Reformation' in the Europ€an History means: (B Thonias Jefferson
A) White wash (c George Washington
B) Christian Calendar (D James Madison
C) Last Supp€r
D) Revolt against religion 93. Americans purchased Alaska from
(A) France (B) Canada
78. Napoleon took control of large amounts of (C) Russia (D) Spain
mainland Europe but failed to subdue:
(A) (B) Austria 94. Vietnam War was lost by:
(C) (D) England (A) China
(D) Cuba
79. World War 1 ended in:
(A) 1915 (B) 1916 95. The last Mceroy of lndia was:
(c) 1917 (D) 1918 (A) Lord Willington (B) Lord Linlithgow
(C) Lord Wavell (D) Lord Mountbatten
80. 2nd World War began in:
(A) 1s3e (B) 1940 96. United Nations' Charter was signed in:
(C) 19,11 (o) 1942 (A\ 1942
(c) 1944
(B) 1943
(D) 1945
81. After World War ll, state of politico-military
tension between US and Russia was: 97. Cold War era's Afghan War was, rn a way,
(A) World War lll (B) New World Order victorv of:
(C) Cold War (O) Afghan War Korea (B) USSR
(A) I'iorth
82. To loin hands lndependent of the two blocks
(C) USA (D) china
of the Cold War Er.J meant to join: Line ol Firewas.
98. Author of ln the
(A) Warsaw Pad (A) Ayub Khan (B) Yahya Khan
(B) NATO Alliance (C) Zia-ul-Haq (D) Pervez Musharruf
(c) sEAro 99. Author of ff I arn Assassinated was:
(D) Non Aligned Movement (A) Liaquat Ali Khan
83. Founder of Buddhism was: (B) Z A Bhutto
(A) Shakyamuni (B) Mahavira (C) Muhammad Khan Jonejo
(C) Parsva (D) Rishabha (D) Nawaz Sharif
AdvancedPPSC CQsrlodetPaoerc 8s7
100.The Incident of 9/11 occuned in the year of: | (c) 2oo2 (D) 2oo3
(A) 2000 (B) 2001 I

Answer Key
1. c 14 a 27. b 40 d b 66 d 79 d 92 c
2. b 15 28. d 41 b 54 c 67 c 80 a 93 c
3. a It) a 29. a a 55 b 68 81 c 94 b
4. d 17 c 30. 43 c f,b c 69 d 82 d 95 d
5. b 18 a 31. b 44 c b 70 b 83 a 96 d
6. 19 b 32. c 45 b 58 b tt a u b 97
7. a 20 a 33. b 46 a 59 a 72 b 85 c 98. d
8. b 2'l b v. d 47 d 60 c 73 d 86 c 99
9. b 22 c a 48 a 61 d 74 a 87 b b
t0 a 23 b 36. b 49 c oz a 75 d 88 a
11 d 24 d 37. a 50 b 63 d 76 89 d
12 b 25 a 38. b 51 d 04 b 77 d 90 c
13 d 26 b 39. c 52 c 65 78 d 91 a


1. History is Potygamy (B) Polyandny
(A) Arl Exogamy (D) Endogamy
(B) Science 9. How long did the age of ignorance last
(C) Science of special kind (A) 100 years (B) 200 years
(O) Both science & art (C) 300 yaars (D) 400 years
2. Whose saying is 'History is an unending 10. -Who hand authored History of the Arabs
dialogue betwe€n the present & past.' (A) Ameer Ali (B) Philip K Hitti
(A) Gooch (B) Can (C) Haikal (D) W Muir
(C) Elton (D) Firth 1 1. Which was called 'The first drill ground of
3. Diplomatic History is a branch of lslam'
(A) Social Hrstory (B) Legalhistory l,,l a sl rd -e-C u ba
(C) Political history (D) Economic history B Masjid-e-Nabvi
4. By whom was authored. 'The ldea of History' c Hudabiya
(A) Gooch (B) Elton D Khyber
(C) Gottschalk (D) Collingwood 12. Which was called the
; Who had remarked 'History is past politics is
(A) The treaty of Hudaybia
present history {B) The charter of Madinah
(A) Gostavson (B) Seeley (C) Moakhat
(C) Acton (D) Freeman (D) The pledge of
i. Which was the biggest reloion in Arabia at the
13. About whom syed Ameer Ali had observed
advent of lslam His death was a real calamity of lslam
(A) Christanity (B) Judaism Hazard Abu Bakar (R.A)
(C) ldolatry (D) Deen-e-lbrahimi B Hazard Umar (R.A)
c Hazard Usman (R.A)
'. Which was a special God of the Quraish ot
Makkah in the Jahilyah people
D Hazard Ali (R.A)

(A) AlHudai (B) Al-Manat 14 During whose caliphate were announced

(C) Al-Lat (D) Uzzah Atshanistan. Turkuslan E Khrasan to the
I Which practices did prevail in Arabia in the
empire of
(A) Hazard Usman (R.A)
period of darkness (B) Hazard Ali (R.A)
EsE Adi.,actd PPSC f,tCOs odt, Proc6
(C) Ameer Moawiah (R.A) (B) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(D) Abdul Malik (C) Feroze Khan Noon
15 How many person did lose their lives in ths (D) l.l Chundrigar
Batlle of Siffin 26. When was one Unit formed in West Pakistan
(A) 50 thousand (B) 70 thousand (A) 1953 (B) 1954
(C) 80 thousand (D) 90 thousand (c) 1955 (O) 1956
1& Who is the regarded to the first kind in the 27. Who was the lirst commander in chief of Pak
history of lslam according to his own Army
statement A Gen Meservey
(A Ameer Mauawah B Gen Gracey
(B Yazid c Gen Ayub Khan
(c Marwan D Gen Moosa Khan
(o Abdul Malik 28. When was dissolved the first constituent
17. Who was applauded by W Munir by Assembly
remarking 'He proved a pillar of strength to (A) 1951 (B) 1952
Umayyad rule. (c) 1953 (O) 1954
(A) Amr bin Aas 29 How many Muslims were members of the
(B) Al-Muhira Nehru Commission
(C) Zaid Bin Samayya (A) Two (B) Three
(D) Uqba (C) Four (0) Five
18. Point out the author of "lslam Under tlre 30. When was caliphate abolished in Turkey
(A) Osbom B)
(A) 1921 (B) 1922
(C) Moin
O) Lane pole
(c) 1923 (D) 1924
31. Allama lqbal's reaclion toward the Lacknow
19. How long is Man ,an s reign lasl Pact. 1916
(A) ye€r
1 (B) one half year (A He remained silent
(C) 2 years (O) two & half year (B He was satisfi€d
20. ln character Abdul Malik can be compared (c He expressed displeasure
with Charlemagne (of Germany) "Who had (D He observed neutratily
passes these comments"
(A) lane poole (B) Munir 32. Why was the l.lehru report reiected by
(C) Ameer Ali (D) Osbem (A) The Muslims repGs€ntation was limited
21. Who remained Prime Minisler of Pakistan for (B) The Nehru Committee was dominated by
the shortest period and national history Hindus
(A) Chundrigar (C) lt was repugnsnt to the interests of
(B) Ayub Khan Muslims minority
(C) Feroze Khan Noon (O) Shoaib Qurashi did not agree with it
(D) Shujaat Hussain 33. Who had called Mr Jinnah Quaid-e-Azam
22. When did Balochistan get the status of pu blically for the first time
provrnce (A Liaqat Ali Khan
(A) 1960 (B) 1970 (B Allama lqbal
(c) 1971 (D) 1972 (c Feroze-uddin
(D Bahadar Yar Jang
23. Who was appointed the first Governor oI
Balochistan 34. The Simla Deputation consisted of.
(A) Lt. Gen Rehman Gul (A) 30 memb€rs (B) 32 members
(B) Lt. Gen Riaz Hussain Shah (C) 34 rnembers (O) 35 m€mOers
(C) Air Marshal Noor Khan
(D) General Musa Khan 35 Who was the first president of lndian Nationa
24. Which bureaucrate was appointed to be (A) W. Omesh Chandra Bannerli
Secretary general. Govt of Pakistan during the (B) Dada Bahi Noroji
Prime Minister of Liaqat All Khan (C) Surendar Nath
A) G Ahmad (D) Goorge Yloe
B) Azaz Ahmed 36. Point out the convenor ol the sub-committe(
C) Mumtaz Hussain which had complied the Green Book o
D) Ch Mohammad Ali Musl im League
25 mo came to be known a9 an imported Prirne (A) M.A Johar (B) Bhuaukat Ali
Minister of Pakistan (c) Salimullah Knan (n) Wiqar-ul-Mulk
(A) Ch Muhammad All
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 859
37. How long did Sir Sved remained member of (A It b€came success full
the imperial Legislative Council (B It be another failure
(A) 2 years (B) 4 years (c It neither succeded nor faiieo
(C) 4 years (D) 5yean (D It proved good for Muslims
38. By Which Bntish University was honorary 49 What was the main mottve of setting up Gau
degree of L L D confared upon Srr Syed Raksha Sabba
(A) The London University (A) To preserve the sanclity of cow mother
(B) The Unrversity of Edinburgh (B) To fan the famous of Hind-Lluslim does
(C) The Cambridge University (C) To orevenl slaughtering of cow by the
(D) The Oxford UniYersity Muslim
39. ldentify A.O. hume (D) To exent socio-polictrcal pressure upon
(A) A polrtical activist Muslim
(B) A bureaucrat 50 Mam Ban (hunger stnke) wes praclEed by
(C) A padiamentarian Mahatma Gandhr for
(D) a technocrat (A) Atlaining popularity
40. Which was lhe appointing authonty to the (B) Exerting the Politioal Scenerio
Govemor of British before the battle of 1857
(C) Exerting Political / moral pressure upon
(A) The English Monarch the English Gov! of lndla
(B) The Bfltish Parliament (O) Giving impetus to h,s polrticat demands.
(C) The court ot Oirectors of British East India 5'l Who came to be known as Minah-ul-Khair
' (D) The British cabinet (A) Waleed (B) Sulmeman
41. When was constituted the Khilafat Committee (C) Hasham (D) Yaizd
rn lndia 52 Military history is closely related to.
(A) 1918 (B) 1919 (A) Economic history
(c) 1920 (D) 1921 (B) Politrcal history
42. ldentity Bal Ganga Dhar Tilk as (C) Social history
(A) A moderate (D) Legal history
(B) An extremrst political leadet 53 A Scientific, orderd and systematic study of
(C) A practitioner of bigotry history began it
(D) None of these (A) 17th (B) I8th
43. Mrs. Sarqni Naidu was peoulary known as the (c) 19th (D) 2oth
lndian she was: 54 Who has delined hrstory as the unending story
(A) A swoot singar of human freedom
(B) A pretty women (A) Leuis (B) Carr
(C) A malody maker (C) Acton (O) Barnes
(D) An Englsh poetess laureale 55 To Whom goes the credit ol w!'iling the Outlet
44 Werghtage was introduced under of Hastory
(A) The Minto Morley Reforms (A)Barnes (B) Carl
(B) The Lucknow Pact (C)Morns (O) M G Wells
(C) The Montague Chelmsford reforms
(O) The Govt. of lndia Act. 1935 56. Syria witnessed three military revolutions
(A) 1947 (B) 1948
45 When was the Lahore Resolution given the (c) 1950 (D) 1951
title of Pakistan Resolution:
(A) 1943 (B) 1944 57. Syria remained a colony ot
(c) 1945 (D) 1946 (A) Britain (B) ltaly
(C) Germany (D) France
46 Who had used the word "Pakistan' while
seconding the Lahore Resolution '1940.
58. Egypt had formed unron with Syria in
(A) Ch Khaliq-uz-Zaman (A) 1956 (B) 1957
(B) Nawab Muhammad lsmail (c) 19s6 (D) 1959
(C) Begum M.A Johar 59. The Union of Syria with Egypt (U.A.R) had
(D) Zafar Ali khan broken up to
47 What was Mr. Jinnah's attitude lowards (A) 1960 (B) 1961
khalatat Movement
(c) 1e62 (D) 1963
(A) He favored it 60. How long Syria was ruled by Ll. Gen, Hafiz-ul-
(B) He opposed it Asad
(C) He preached away from it (A) 25 years (B) 26 years
(D) He neither favour nor opposed it (C) 27 years (D) 29 years
48 What has the fate of the Hijrat Moyement: 61. When was lhe Krngly rule toppled down rn lraq
860 A PPSC MCQS Papers
(A) 19s6 (B) 1957 (A) 30 days (B) 35 days
(c) 1958 (D) 19s9 (C) 40 days (D) 45 days
62 How did Abdul Karim Qasim meet wiih his end 74 What was the end ol Allauddin Kahilijis
(A) Being died a naturaldeath (A) Died a natural death
(B) Committed Suicide (B) Killed in hattle field
(C) Killed in a military ievoll (C) Arrowed by an enemy
(D) He was poisoned to death (D) Poisoned to dealh
63. Colonel AMul Salam Arif the President of lraq 75 Who has shifted his capital from Delhi to
had uplifted himself to the rank ol Deccan:
(A) Major General (A) Ghausiddin Tughlaq
(B) Lt General (B) Muhmmad Bi Tughlaq
(C) General (B) Feroze Tughlaq
(D) Fleld Marshal (D) Mehmood Tugiiaq
6,4 How long did Col. JamAal Abdun Nasir remain 76 Which historians openion "the biggest
in power in Egypt weakness of Razia Sultana was that she was
(A) 15 years (B) 18 years a women" is on
(C) 19 years (D) 20 years (A) Minha.t-us-Siraj (B) Rami
65 Who has been called Modem Pharaoh in
(C) Elphiston (D) None of these
Egvpt 77 Who was Jamal-udiin yaqut
(A) Col Nasir (B) Anwar Sadaat (A) A Provincial Government
(C) Hosni Mub€rak (D) Ali Sabri (B) Wazrr
66. By whom were bestowed the titles of Ghazi. (C) Master of stable
Ata. Turk and Marshal upon Mustafa Kamall
(O) A member of royalfamily
(A) The Caliph 78 Lower house of Padiamenl rs
(B) The cabinet (A) Natronal Assembly
(C) The reting party (B) Senete
(D) Garand Natronal Assembly (C) Cabinet
67. Turkey as declared to be a republican
(D) Provincial Assembly
democratic rate in 79 Samon Commission arrived in
(.At1927 @l 1922 (A) 1s30 (B) 1935
(c) 1923 (D) 1924 (c) 1928 (D) 1925
68. Sudan had won the status of an independent 80 Rowlatt Act was passed in
state in: (A) 1915 B) 1921
(A) 1957 (B) 1956 (c) 1919 D) 1920
(c) 1958 (D) 1960
8'1 By whom was Feroze Tughlaq described as
69. ldentiry Muhar,r,rad Ali of Bogra -The Akbar oI sultanate penod'
(A) A politician (B) A diplomat (A) Haig (B) Eliot
(C) Both A and B (D) None ofthese (C) Dr Dey (D) Dr. Tipathy
70. Who was popularly known as 'Financial 82 Who had written 'Fatoohate Feroze Shahi"
Wizard' (A) Feroze Tughlaq (B) Sirat Atif
(A) Ch. Muhammad Ali (C) lbne batuta (O) None ofthese
(B) Malik Ghulam Muhamrnad
(C) Zahid Hussain 83 Which historian has applauded sultan Feroze
(D) Mumtaz Hassan Tughlaq by calling him "A father to his people"
(A) Stanley lane Poole
71. Which sultan was acclaimed to be the father (B) Dr. Woolsey
of slave dynasty. (C) Prof. Oay
(A) lllutmish (D) None of these
(B) Balban
(C) Naseeruddrn Mehmood 84 Povnt out lhe author oi Humayoun Nama
(O) Razia Sultana (A) Humayun
(B) Mamida Begum
72. What was the purpose of Balban's policy of (C) Badayuni
blood & lron (D) Gulbadan Begum
(A) to encounter the Mangol lnvanons 85 About whom it has been observed "His own
(B) To suppress revolts by rebellions
(C) To spread rergn of terror character was his enemy"?
(D) To glorify the sultanate ot D€ilhi (A) lbrahim Lodhi (B) lslam Shah
(C) Humayun (D) Aurangzeb
73. How long drd Malik Kafur wield power as
Advanced PPSC MC Qs Model 861

86 Where assessment rs Sher Shah was one ol ' (lt)' Gefleral (B) Admrral
the greatest rulers who ascended the lhrone (C) Air Marshal iD) Nonb o, Ihese
of Delhi 94 Pornt out the person who became Deputy
(A) lshwan Parshad (B) Elphrnston Pnme Minrster.of Pakrslan
rC, Or. Haig (D) Erskrne .(A) H S Soharwardy
87. Why was Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq branded (B) l.l. Chundrigar
to be a 'Wise fool' (C) Feroze Khan Noon
(A) He possessed contradictory traits of (O) Ch. Pervaiz Ellaht
character 95. Who was the first Minrster of foreign affairs of
(B) He devised visionary Plans Pakrstan
(C) He was a mixture of opposites (A) Zafarullah Khan
(O) lte was a man of hasty nature (B) Hameed Chaudhary
88. To whom goes the credit of authonng the (C) Lraquat A[ Khan
book 'Ashoka lhe Buddist Empreior of lndra' (D) Aziz Ahmed
(A) Dr. Mookejr (B) Gokhaie 96. How manv were nomtnaled by Muslim. league
(C) A Smilh (D) Prof Banua when coalilion qovl
rAr 3 - was tormed rn 1946.
(B) 4
89. Alexanders invasion of lndia did not leave
oermanent results because iqs (D) 6
iA) His stay in lndia was very short . 97 How long did l.l Chundrigar remarn pnme
ig) ne Ora nol find time to consolidate his mrnister of Pakistan
Position (A) 50 day (B) 55 days
(C) His attention was diverled to other (C) 60 davs (D) 90 days
(D) None of these 98. Who was called archrtect of Pak-China
90. Sikander Miza by profession was (A) Ch Muhammad Alr
(A) A mrlitarian (B) A diplomat (B) Muhammad Arl Bogra
(C) A bureaucrat (D) A technocrat (C) Ayub Khan
9'1. How long did Norul Amrn remarn vice (D) M S Soharwardy
oresident of Pakistan: 99 Whrch Paklslanr qol the honour o' berng
iA) 6 months (B) 10 months elected the presd'e;t of of General Assembly
1C) t years (D) 1 andhalfyear of.UNO
92. How many princely states existed in lndia on (Al Aoha Shah (B) Jamshed Minar
the eve of Partition iC) Zifaruttatr Khan rD) Abdusartar
(A) 560 (B) 570 100. Pakistan had attaaned the membership of the
ici 5so (D) 550 NAM is:
93. What was the rank of lord Mounlbatten as a (A) 1978 B 1979
militanan: (c) 1980 D 1961

Answer Key
'1. d 14. d 27 a 4Ca53c 66 d 79 c b
2. b 15. c )A d 41. b 54. b c 80. c 93 b
c 16. a 29 a 42b55.d 68. b 81 b 94 d
4. d 17a JU b 43d56.c 69 c 8? a a

. '18. a 44. b 57.

31 d d 70 b 83 b 96. c
6. c 19. a 32 c 45.d58c 71 a 84 d 97. c
7. c 20. c JJ 46.c59b 72 d 85 c 98
8. a 21. b 34 d 47b60.d a 86 b 99.
9. c 22. b 35 a 48 b 61 c 74 a a7 d
10 b 36 a 49c62.c 75 b 88
11 b 24. d 37 c 50.d63c 76 a 89 b
12 b 25. b 38 b 5'l b 64. a 77 90 a
't3 b 26. c b 52. b 65. c 78 a 91 a
862 Advanced PPSC MCQS Modet Papers
The term Polity'is orEinally applied to: (A) Lenin (8) Aristotle
(A) Roman City Stales (C) Hobbes (D) Machiavelli
(B) Greek City State 12. To give the politic€l party in power an
(C) FeudalStates advantage in electing its representatives is
(D) Oriental Empires known as:
2 "Political Science begins and ends with the (A) Logrolling
state" is said by: (B) Floor Crossing
(A) Dr. Leacod( (B) Harold Lassrell (C) Gerrymandering
(C) G. W. Gamer (D) PaulJan€t (D) None of these
3 Plato b€lieved thal an id€al state shoutd have '13, American Political Scientist of 20th century
a populalion of: who adopted the method ot system analysrs in
(A) 50040 (B) 5400 Comparative Polilics is:
(A) David Easton (B) Max Weber
(c) 50/100 (D) 5040
(c) Talcott Parsons (D) G. A. Atmond
4 A doc{rine under whir$ legislatiye statute or
executive acliorc are sutied to possible 14. Who formulated the theory of'Separalion of
invalidalion by the Judiciary is cafied: Powers'?
(A) Judicial Activism {A) J. S. Mr (B) Kant
(B Judicral Review (C) John Locke (D) Mohtesquieu
(c Judicial Lawmaking 15. According to Locke, the natural rights of men
(D None of these are right to:
5. The consensus among scholars on points of (A) Life, Liberty, Prop€rly
lslamic law is called: (B) Lfe. Property, Religion
(A) Qiyas (8) ltma (C) Liberly. Equal y, Secuflty
(c) lstrslah (D) lstehsan (D) None of thes€
6. Who said. 'Law rs the command of 16. A voluntary union of sovereign and
sovereign"? independent states is called:
(A) John Austin (B). Jean Bodin (A) Confederation (B) Unrtary States
(C) Rousseau (D) Laski (C) Federation (D) None of these
7 'Levialhan" ts a book written bv: 17. Single Transferable vote system was
(A) Locke 181 Roisseau suggested for proportional representation by:
(C) John Austin (D) None ofthese (A) Thomas Hare (B) J. S. Mill
(C) Lord Courney (D) Grlchrisr
8. What refers to tlre flow of information through
18 Who ensures party members do as per party
the socrety and through various slructures that
make up the political syslem? lrnes in assembly
(A) ConversionFunction (A) Kingpin
(B) Pol cal Communicatton (B) Whip
(C) Communicatron Box (C) Parliamentary leader
(D) None o, these (D) Junta
9. Principle of collective responsibility is a 19 "Man when separated from Law and Justice rs
feature ot: the worst of all animals' rs the sayang of:
(A) Unilary System (A) Socrales (B) Plato
(B) Federal System (C) Machiavelli (D) Aristotle
(C) Presidential System 20. Who was lhe aulhor of Communist Manifesto?
(D) Parliamentary'System (A) Lenrn (B) Statin
10. The concept of poputar sovereignty was (C) Mao Zedong {D) Karl Marx
expoundad by: 21 Which doctrine held that the function of
(A) Jean Bodin government should be to secure the grealest
(B) Jean J. Rousseau happrness for the greatest number of people?
(C) Thomas Hobbes (A) Utilraran iB) Comn unrst
(D) James Mill (C) ldealist (D) Capitatrst
1 '1. Who is known as Social Contracluatist?
A ed PPSC MCOS Mode, Papers 863

22, An authoritarian and nationalist political lc\ 27 (D) 28

ideology lhat embraces sltong leadership' 35. The author of the American Oeclaration of
singulir collec,tive identity and the will lo lndependence was:
corimit violence or wage war to further the (A) Thomas Paine
interests of lhe state is: (B) George Washington
(A) Communism (B) Socialism (C) James Madison
iCi fascism (D) None o, thele (D) Thomas Jefferson
23. An ap9€al to the 'lies of the masses
preiudice 36. Which American state is called 'The Mother of
usuatiy by means of and hatf-truths is Presidents"?
termed as: (A) Ohio (B) Virginia
(A) Glad+andling (B) Oemagogy
(C) Propaganda (D) None of these
iC) rtoaaa (D) New York
37. Minimum age of candidate to contest the
24. According to Aristotle, tyranny is the perverted electrons of American Senate is
lorm of:
(A) Monarchv (B) Dernocracy
(A) 30 (B) 25
(c) 35 (D) 40
iC) aristocra'cy (D) oligarchy 38. The most lmportant achievement of Abraham
25. A leoal aclion or wit by means o, which Lincoln was:
prisoiers can seek . reliet trom illegal (A) Strengthening o{ democracy
imorisonmsnt is called: (B) Abolition of slavery
(Ai writ of Enor (B) Wnt of Ceniorari (C) Supremacy of constilutron
icixaueas Corpus (D) writ o, Mandamus (O) women's nghts
26. Which King of France said, "L'etat. cestmoi' 39. The Electoral College in United States
("1 am the state')? comDrises:
iA) Louis lX (B) Louis xlv (Al 520 Electors (B) 542 Electors
(C) Louis xx (D) Louis XVI icj sga etectors (or 565 Eleclors
27. Baside England, United Kingdom consists ot: 40. System ot -Adminrstratrve Law' is provided in
(A| Scotlahd. Sardinia and Wales the Constitution of
igi Northem lroland, wales and lcaland rA) USA (B) France
ici scouano. wates and NorttEm lreland
wates, Scouand and Faeroe lsland
ici ux (D) lndia
iDi 41. Stale of France is:
28. ln Britain. the offce of the Prime Minister (A) I'Jnitarv (B) Federatron
came inlo exislence in the time of:
(A) Hanoverians (B) Normans
ic) confeteration (o) None ot these
42. The constitutional history o, France begins
iC) Stuarts (O) None of these
with the French Revolutron of
29. The quorum of British House of Lords rs (A) 1785 (B) 1779
(A) 2 (B) 3 ici 1789 1P) 1798
(c) 6 (D) 11 of
43. The Lengthiest wdtten constitution the
30. When was the Magna Carta sirned by King world is of:
John of Enqland? (A) China (B) France
(A) 1213 (B) 1290 ic) tnaia (D) swrlzerland
(cl 1215 @l 1220
44. ln Pakistan, lslam was declared as State
31. ln which century "Theory of Divine Right o( relioron under lhe Constitutron of.
King' was prelented by King James of (A)- 1956 (B) 1962
(Ai 17th (B) 19th tc) is73 (o) 1e85

(c) 18rh (D) 16th 45. Constitution of Pakistan -1962 had how many
32. ln UK, "Right Honorable" is the title of: At 245 (B) 250
(A) Cabinet Ministers
{B) Memb€rs of the PnW Councrl
ic) zao (D) 2s7
46. Pakistan ioined United Nations on .

ic) Judges of the court (A) 28 August 1947

(D) Members House of commons (B) 25 November 1947
33. The smallest administratiYe unit in Brltish ic) 30 September 1947
Local Self Govemment is: ioi zz ociouer tsaz
(A) Pansh (B) County
47 Totat members ol Senate of Pakistan is
ic) olstrict (D) Borough
{A) 87 (B) 110
34. The numbet of amendments made in the ic) 1oo (o) 104
American Conslitution is:
(A) 2s (B) 26 48. Who Yvrote'The Myth of lndependence ?

8il Advanced PPSC nges Hodel paoers
(A, l. H Oureshi 61. ln which year 'Treaty of Westphatra endrng
(B) Jawharl_at Nehru the Thrrty Years War was siqned?
(C) Zulfiqar Ati Bhutro (A) 1684 (B)
(D) K. K. Aziz 164S
(c) 1688 (0) 1848
49 Quaid-Azam joined Alt lndia Mustim League '62. Glasnost means:
tn: (A) Re-construction
(A) 1910 (B) 1913 (B) Grealer accountability and openness
(c) 191s (0) 1923 (C) Workers
50 The first movement launched against Brilish in (D) Equality of peopte and place
lndia was: 63. ln which year Wortd War I ended?
(A) Ouit lndia Movement (A) 1949 (B) 1948
(B) Khitafat Movement
(C) Swadeshi Movement tc) 1e47 iD) 1e4s
(D) Non-Cooperation Movement 64. ln which year Generat Assembly of the United
Nations adopted the Universal'Oectaration of
51 ln which year Urdu-Hindi Controversy was Human Rights.
'1862 (A)17 (B) 1948
,c) E67 't
(D) 1E68
(B) (c) 1%9 (oi rsao
65. Who is known as the "lron Ladv"?
52 ln which year Minfo-Morley Reforms were (A) Benazir Bhutto
ntroduced in lndia" (B) Condoleezza Rice
tAr '1907 (B) 1909 (C) Margaret Thatcher
{Cr 1911 (D) 1919 (D) Hallary Ctinton
53 Stanley Wotpert is the author ot 66. German attack on poland was the immedrate
(A) lndia Wins Freedom cause of:
(B) Jinnah: Creator of pakistan (A) Worid War I
(C) Emergence o, pakistan (B) Wodd War
(Dl Jrnnah of Pakistan (C) 30 Years War
54 Al Farabi was author of: (D) Eastem European Crisis
(Ar At-Madinat At-Fadilah 67. The strategic rivalry between the Br ish
iBr SiyasatNameh Emptre and the Russtan Empire for
(C) Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniyvah
(D) Tahafut al-falesifa " supremacy in Central Asia is termed:
(A) The Greet Game (B) crand Desrgn
55 AIlama tqbat did his M.A. in philosophy from (C) Clash of Giants 1D) None of theie
Goveinment College Lahore in tbe ye'ar' 68. The Soviet Union was dissolv€d in:
1Ar 1890 (B) 1899 (A) 1990 (B)
rcr :895 (Dj 1E89 (c) 1992 (oi
55 Keemyae-Saadat was written by:
69. The slcgan "No
(A) Ailama lqbal taxation without
rBl tnram Ghazali
representation' was first raised during
American Revolution in:
rC) AbuNasar Farabi
rD) Nrzam-ul-MulkToosi
' (A) Boston Tea Partv
(B) Philadetohia Co;oress
57 The theory of ,Group Mind, was enunciated (C) Massachusetts Aisembtv
lry (D) None ofthese
rA' tbn-e-Khutdun (g) Al-Ghazali 70 Which is not an official lanquage of United
,C, At-Farabi (D) Al_Mauwardr Nations?
53 Reco4slrl,ctron of Reltgious Thought in lslam, (A) Arabic (B) French
was .1flr'er by (C) Chinese (D) German
:A) i,-M rLwardr (B) Al-Farabi 71. ln UN, Mich country does not possess veto
,C lb'r-.- Khaidun (D) None of these power:
59 Who brc,rlht .'cnsitutional theory of lslam in (A) France (B) Germany
th: . ,re i. .r p( rtrcal teality of his time? (C) Britain (D) China
,A j..o ,za: (B) Abu NasarFarabi 72. How many judges are members o, the
rU. :.n.e \naidun (D) Al-Mauwardi Inlemational Courl ot Justr.:e?
60 rhe .,.eek phitosopher plato died in: (A) 9 tB\
i83 B C
(8) 3258.C
(D) 358 B.C
(c) 1s ioi
73. How many members SAARC has?
(A) 7 (B) 11
(c) 8 ioj tz
Advanced c McQs Model PaD 86s

74. The first summit of SAARC was held in: (c) 1962 (D) 1963
(A) lslamabad (B) Colombo 88. When was Baluchistan given the provrncial
(c) Delhi (D) Dhaka status?
75. The members of NAFTA are: (A) 1967 (B) 1965
(A) Mexico. Canada. US (c) 1970 (D) 1971
(B) US. Mexrco, Brazrl 89. Pakistan shares her eastern border wilh whrch
(C) Canacja Mexrco, Britain country?
(D) Mexico. US. Bolivia (A) lndia (B) Chrna
76. Under which amendment in 1990. the U.S. (C) lran (D) Alghanrstan
suspended all economic aid and mililary 90. Popularity of lbn-e- Khaldun relates to vrhich
assistance to Pakrstan? subiect?
(A) Pressler (B) Brown (A) Political Science (B) Economics
(C) Glenn (D) Symington (c) sociotogy (o) Philosophy
77. ln whrch year Cripps Mission came lndia? 91. "Politics" was written bY:
(A) 1927 {B) 1928 (A) Thomas Hobbes
tc\ 1942 (D) 1946 (B) Aristotle
78 John Locke wrote the book:
, (C) Plato
(A) Leviathan (D) Karl Marx
(B) Two Treaties of Government 92. Who propounded "Patriarchal Theory"?
(C) The Social Contract (A) Aristotle (B) Lours XIV
(O) Prince ici sirxenry tta,ne (D) TH Green
79. Montesquieu wrote the book 93. Thomas Hobbes was the exponent ot:
(A) Candied (A) Absolute Sovereqnty
(B) Persian Letters (B) UnwersalSovereignty
(C) Drscourse od Equality (C) Titular Sovereignty
(D) Politics (D) Umited Sovereignty
80. Grammar ol F;litics was written by: 94. World War I stared in:
lA) Laskr (B) Laswell {A) 19'16 (B) 1915
ici citct'nst (D) Garner tcj 19i2 (D) 1914
81. The Social Contract'was written by: 95. Tashkent Declaration was signed in:
(A) Locke (B) Rousseau (A) 1965 (B) 1966
(C) Hobbes (O) Marx ic) i968 (D) 1967
82. lndian lndep.ndence Act was passed on; 96. Who was the second Prime Minister of
(A) 14th August 1947 Pakistan?
(B) 'l8th JulY 1947 (A) Muhammad AN Bogra
(C) 24th Octobel 1948 B) Ch. Muhammad Ali
(D) 3rd June 1948 C) Khawaja Nazimudin
83. What was the total numb€r o{ Princely states D) l.l. Chundrigarh
in the sub-continent during Brilish Rule? 97. When was One Unit' established in Pakistan?
(A) 535 (B) 435 (A) 1955 (B) 1954
(c) 63s (D) 630 (c) 1956 (D) 1957
'84 Obiectives
Resolutton was passed on 98 Lenoth of Pak-Afqhan border is:
(Ai 23 March 1948 (B) 15 March 1949 rA) i44O KM - (B) 1280KM
icj 12 March 1949 (D) 24 March 1949 ic) lzao xl,t (D) 2252 KM
85 Life of a Presidentral Ordlnance is: 99. Pakrstan iorned Non Aligned Movemenl ini
(A) 3 Months (B) 2 Months (A) 1980 (B) 1978
iC) 4 Months (O) 6 Months ict tgzg tDt 1977
86. Retirement age of a Supreme Court iudge is.
(A) 60 Years (B) 66Years
lOO ln which year. Srr Syed Ahmed Khan
establshed the M.A O College"
(C) 65 Years (D) 63Years (A) 1860 (B) 1865
87. Indus Basin Treati was signed in: icl tazz (D) 1875
(A) 1961 (B) 1960
E66 Actvancad PPSC lroes odet paoers
Answer Key
b 14. d 27. c 40. a 53. d 66. b 79. b 92. c
c 15. a 24. a 41 a 54, a 67. a 80. a 93. a
3. d 16. c 29. b 42 c b 68. b 81. b 94. d
1. b 17. a 30. c 43 c 56. b 69. a 42. b 95. b
5. b 18. b 31. d 44 c 57 a 70. d OJ, c 96.
6. a
19. d 32. b 45 b 58. d 71. b 84. c 97. a
20. d 33.
a 46 c 59. d 72. c 85. c 98. d
9. d
z',t. a c 47. d 60. a 73. c 86. 99. c
0. c
22. c 35. d 48. c 61. b 74. d 87. b ,00 c
11. c
b 36. b 49. b 62. a 75. a 88. c
12. c 25.
a 37. a 50. c 63. d 76. d 89. a
't 3. c
c 38. b 51. c 64. b 77. c 90.
zo. b 39. c 52. b 65. c 78. b 9'1. b



N SC E T. 15
1. Who wrotc lhe book 'Tarikh-i€arkashiye (A) B.G Tilak
Bdno{e'? (B) A.B RaiDur
(A) Syed Amir Ati (c) M.A Jidiah
(B) Shibli Naumani (D) Mrs. Annet Basant
(C) Sir Syed Ahnrad Khan 8. ln wich aci the subiects were divided into two
(D) Muhammad Ati Joher parts C€ntral and provinoal?
2 ln which yeer Sii Syed Ahmed Khan was (A) hdian Councit act i861
as "Mernber of tmperiat Legistah/re (B) lndian Councit act 1892
3ffi;ll* (C) Minto Morty Reforms 1909
(A) 1876 (B) (D) Montego Chamsford Reforms 19i9
(c) 1880 ioi
reaz 9. liVhen CommunalAward was announced?
3 9gp?trte Etectorab *as the main lbetwe of 1931
(A) (B) 1932
(A) Minto Modey Reforms 1e33
(c) (oj 1e34
(B) lndian Couriit Acr 1892 10 h. yliq year'Muhammadan Angto Orientat
(C) Foundation of Conorcsg High Schoot" was founded?
(O) Montago Chenvsfo;d Rebms (A) 1873 (8) ,1874
4 lryto fiote th€ book .Discovery of lndia.
(c) 1875 (oi tazo
Mahatma chsndi 11. Name the person who has been the president
(B) Jawaharlat Nehru
(C) as well as the Prime Minister of pakistan.
C.P Das (A) Zulfiqar Atr Bhutto
(O) Lal Lajpat Rai (B) Zia-ut-Haq
5. Name the movefiEnt whici was 6bned with (C) Pervaiz Musharraf
the ccoperation of Hindus and Muslims. (D) Nawaz Shareef
(4) Saurq (B) Swadeshi 12. The "Central Muhammadan Association" was
(c) Hijrat iD) Khitafat founded by:
Y!9 I"" the bunder of the organization (A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Aryra Sam6i? (B) Sye dMehdi
(A) Dayana'nd Sarsooti (C) Waqar-ut-Mutk
(B) Lalbl Laioal Rai (D) Syed Amir Ati
(C) Swami Shardanand 13. The day oJ Dehverance was celebrated by
(O) Dr Moor lndian Muslims onl
7 ot lhe movenent'Hor,'e (A) 22nd December 1939
HE lffn$:.f*o"r (B) 23rd December 1939
(C) 24th December 1939
AdvancedPPSC Costlode,Paoers 867
(D) 25th December 1939 tB) The Cabinet Mission
the tC) ttre tndian tnoependence Acl
14 The author of the book Uaking of (D) Wavel Plan
Pakistan' is:
(A) lshtiaq Hussain Oureshi 26. The L.F.O. was issued bY:
(B) Khalid Bin Saeed (A) Ayub Khan
(C) K.K. Aziz (B) Yahya Khan
(D) G W Choudhry (C) Zulfiqar AI Bhutto
(D) Zra-ul-Haq
15 The Rowalatt Aci was passed in the year
(A) 1917 (B) 1918 27 The pa(rtron ot Bengal was cancelled during
(c) i9i9 (D) 1920 the vicerovalilv of:
(A) Lord Litloil (8) Lord Curzon
16 What was the original name ot Xazat Lat
ici t-ord Cannrng (D) Lord Harding
Shahbaz Qalandar?
(A) Hazrat Usman Marvandi 28. "l will tear it or bum it or throw it away but
aB) Hazrat Zubair Khadi never accept it, 'Who stated this about the
ici Hazat Ahmad Sindhi Government of lndia Act 1935?
(Oi nazrat aUut t-atir ehui (A) C.P. Das
(B) Lala La.,Pat Rai
17 who was the first President of the constitulent (C) M.K. Ghandi
AssamUv? (D) Moto Lal Nehru
(A) Khaivaia Nazim-udorn
(B) Liaqat Ali Khan 29. The Rashmi Roomal Movement of 1905 was
(C) Abdul Rab Nishtar initrtated bv:
(A) Muhahmad Ali Johar
(Bi Mauhna Abdul Ban
18 Who held the Portfolio of br8ign afiaiE in the (C) Abdl Kalam Azad
first cabinet of Pakistan? (D) Mehmood ul Hassan
(A) Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan
(B) Abdul Rab Nishtar 30. Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-lslam was established
(C) Zalrullah Khan in the vear:
Chunddgar {A) 1580 (B) 1882
19 When All lndia Muslim League was bunded in
ici 1ss4 (D) 1886
1906, one of it8 witten aims was: 31. Liaoat-Nehru pact was signed in the year:
(A) To Unite Muslimg (A) 1949 (B) 1950
(Bi To fum for MGlims ic) 19s1 (D) 1e52
lcl To fioht aoainEt Muslims 32. Gawadar b€came @rl of Pakistan in:
toi fo dornde toyalrty towerds British Go\n. (A) 1956 (B) 1957
20 ln which Act, the sy3tem ot Dyajciy was ic) ie58 (D) 1e59
infoducad? 33. Durand line was drawn in:
(Al lndbn Council Act 1861 (A) 1892 (B) 1893
iBi lndian Council Ad 1892
ici Mimo Moav neforms t909 ici 18e6 (D) 1898
ioi uontego Chamsbrd Rebrns 1919 34. The insitution of the Federal Ombudsman
was created in:
21 vyho announced the partition of lndia into two (A) '13th January 1982
indeoendent stales on 3rd June l9l7? iB) 13th January 19E3
(A) Wavt (B) Momt b.Uen (C) 13th January 1984
ici cripps . (D) simon iD) 13th January 1985
-Jinnah of Pakistan'?
. who wrote the book 35. The Comrade ne',Yspaper was edited by:
(A) Hedor Bolrtho (B) Lary Colins (A) Maulana Zafar Ah Khan
ic) stanley walperl (D) Matt smith (B) Maulana Muharnmad Ali Johar
. Allama lqbal was chosen as President of atl ici
Maulana Abdul kalam Azad
lndia Muslim League in: iDi
Maulana Abdul Barr
A\ 1927 (B) 1928 36. Gandhi-lrwan pact was signed on:
ic) 1929 (D) 1930 (A) sth March 1930 (B) 5th March 1931
24 . 19th February 1946 is assodM with: 6tn Marcn 1932 (D) 7th March 1930
(At The da, of Delivelanc€ 37. Liaoat Ah Khan went to America in
iei rhe fu nound Table conbrence {A}'Mav 1950 (B) June 1951
ici Arrival of Lord wavel in lndia (ci .tuti tgst (D) August 1952
iDi Anival of Cabinet Mission in lrdia 38. The book -Myth of lndep€ndence" was written
The Drooosal ol Union of lndia emkacing both by
Britiih lhdia and the states was puT ioMard (A Mubasher Hassan
by: (B Z.A Bhutto
(A) The Cripps Mission
86A Adn/.anc€d ppSC ,tt3es Nodet peoets
(C) J.A Raheem 53 Whrch rep-ort rejected the demand ot separate
(D) Mera, Muhammad Khan electorate?
39. th. Rehmat Ali wrote his booklet .'Now or (A) Prrpur Report (B) Nehru Report
Never" in the vear: {C) Simmon Report (D) Cnps Report
(A) 1930 (B) 1931 54 Muhammad Atr Jinnah was given the trtle of
(c) 1932 (o) 1933 '
uuaro-e-Azam tn
40. The founder of lslamia College peshawar (A) 1936 (B) 1937
was: (c) 1938 (D) 1939
(A) Sardar Abdut Rab Nrshter 55. Who is the aulhor of the Book ,.The
(B) Dr. Khan Sahib Last Days
(C) Sahrbzada Abut eawum Khan of Quaid-e-Azam'?
(O) -' (A) Sir Muhammad Shafi
Hasan Ali Aftab (B) Hector Botitho
41. Allama lqbat obtained his ph.D degree from (C) G. Allana
the universit of: (D) Col. llahi Eaksh
(A) London (B) Oxford 56 When Pakistan gave an apptication to the UN
(C) Cambfldge iDi Munich to become its member. which country
42. The Canal..water dispute \A/as solved through opposed it?
the good offrcers of: tndia
(A) (B) Afghanistan
(A) Security Council (B) tMF tran
(u) (D) Egypt
(C) Worrd Bank (Ol OtC 57 The oldesl regional tanguage of pakistan rs:
43. NAM is the abbreviation of: (A) phushto (B) punjabi
(A) Non Arab Mustim (C) Batuchi iO) Stnrir,,
(B) Mew Arya Movement 58. Under which ionstitution "Bicameralism" was
(C) Non AffLtiated Maktab introduced in Pakistan?
(D) Non Atigned Movement (A) 1956 (B) 1962
44. ECO is the new name of:
(A) OtC
(c) 1972 (o) rgzs
(B) NAM 59. When was the first SAARC conference held?
(c) RcD (Di SAARC (A) 1983 (B) 1984
45. Quaid-e-Azam visited NWFP in his life time: (c) 1985 (D) 1986
(A) Once (B) Twice 60. Which of the European nations came first
(C) Thnce iDi Severat time Soulh Asia?
46. The anthem'Bande Mathram'was composed (A) Dutch (B) Enotish
rn: (C) Furtuguese iOi fre-nctt
(A) Hindi (B) Bengati 61. The War of lndependence 1gS7 started trom
(C) Sansikrat (D) Bud-Bhasha (A) Dehli (B) Catcutta
47. Khy6d Pakhtoonkhwa (NWFP) got the status (C) Meeral (Dj Cawnpore
ot Governor's province in. 62 Which party system prevails in pakistan?
(p.)1935 (B) 1936 (A) One Party System
(c) 1937 (Dj 1938 (B) Two Party Svstem
48. The Fraizi movement was founded bv. (C) Three Pahv Svstem
(A) Shah Wa r U ah (B) Shah AbdirtAzrz (D) Multr Party'Syatem
(C) Dadhu Mian (O) Xali Snariar Urrarr 63 When Pakistan and Chrna srgned the Atomic
49. All lndia Muslim'sludents Federation was Accord?
founded at: 1985
(A) (B) 1986
(A) Calcana (B) Dhaka 1987
(c) (D) 1988
(C) Lahore iOi e[ Oartr 64. Pakistan People's party was founded in:
50. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar died during the (A) 1964 aB) 196s
(A) First
Round Table Conference. (c) 1966 (oi rgoz
(B) Second 65 Write the name of a person who has been the
(C) Thrrd (Dl None of these covemor General as well as the pflme
51. The
-- 9ino-Pak Boundary Agreement was Minister of Paktstan
srgned tn (A Quaid-e.Azam
(A) 1960 {B) 196.1 (B Liaqat Ali Khan
(c) 1962 ioi rgos (c Hgssain Shaheed Shoerverdi
(D Khawaja Nazimuddin
52. OJRI Camp was:
(A A Summer Camp 66. The first Chie, Justice of pakistan was.
(8 Scouts Camp (A) Zafarul-Haq (B) Anwar-ul-Haq
(c Prizoners Camp (c) Abdut Rasheed (o) sajjad Ati sh;h
(D An Ammunition Depot 67. Who started the Shuddi Movement?
Adyanced PPSC MCQs Model Paoers 869
(A) Nehru (B) Patail (A) wheat and Barley.
(C) Tilak (D) Gandhi (B) Rrce and Wheat
(C) Cotton and Cotton Products
68. Bande-Matram was a:
(A) Film (B) Story (D) Sugarcane and Sugar
(C) Novel (D) Anthem 82 Give the name of mineral which is added in
69. Famous Warda scheme was about: Saline Soidic Soals for enhanced production?
(A) Culture (B) Religion (A) Phosphate (B) Gypsum
(C) Traditions (O) Education (C) Carbon (O) Salt
70. The first Birtish Govemor General of lndia 83. Use of Zinc and Boron can improved:
was (A). Sugar Yield (B) Cotton Yield
(A) Lord Dalhousie (B) Cornwallis (C) Rico Yield (O) Wheat Yield
(C) Clive Uoyd (D) Warren Hastings 84. Which sector of the country is the largest
71 . Sharif report highlighted the akocities of: cosumer of soil and orl products?
A) The BritistiRule (A) Transport (B) lndustry
B) Congress Miniskies (C) Wapda (D) Agriculture,
C) Dogra Maharaja 85. Which sector is the largest consume iof the
D) Jaliaw Wala Bagh Sur Gas in Pakrstan?
72. Ouring the Tashkent agreemnt the foreign (A) Wapda (B) Power Secior
Minister of Pakistan was: (C) Transport (D) lndustry
(A) Manzoor Oadir 86. Whrch one is the largest consumer of
(B) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto electric(y in Pakrstan?
(C) Agha Shahi (A) Agriculture (B) Commercial
(D) Aziz Ahmad (C) Domestic (D) lndustry
73. The' rnaugural session of Pakrstan s flrst 87 Which is the oldest Cantonment of Pakistan?
Constitutenl Assembly was chaired by: (A) Lahore (B) Karachi
(A) J.N. Mandal (C) Multan (D) Kohat
(B) Liaqat Ali Khan 88. Siachen Glacier is located at:
(C) Sardar Abur Rab Nishter (A) Sakardu
(D) Muahammad Ali Jinnah (B) Baltistan
(C) Naran (D) Hunza
74. ln Septembe|Igs8 the deputy speaker was
killed in the Provrncial Assembly of: 89. From where the lndus river rises?
(A) Punjab (B) Bensal (A) Jammu (B) Kashmrr
(c) Sindh (D) NWFP (C) China (D) Trbet
75. Which are the aligned Paklstan's 90. The Rachna Doab is saluated between rrvers:
foreign policy.
(A) Raviand Chenab (B) Ravi and Jehlum
(A) 1947-1953 (B) 1954-1962 (C) Jehlum and lndus(D) Ravi and Satluj
(c) '1963-1972 (O) 1973-1977 91. Which Saudi ruler visited Pakistan in 1966?
76. The Hansi Tribe is seftled (A) Shah AbdulAziz (B) Shah Abdullah
in: (C) Shah Faisal (D) Shah Saud
Southem KPK
Central Sindh 92. When Shimla Accord was signed between
Weslem Balochistan Pakislan and lndaa?
Southern Sindh (A) 1971 (B\ 1972
77. The principal mrneral produce in Pakistan is: (c) 1973 (D) 1974
(A) Graphite (B) Naturat Gas 93. All lndia Muslim League observed'the -Drrect
(C) Gypsum (D) Coat Action Day' on:
7E. Which is the second imporlant Gas reserve rn (A) August 16. 1944 (B) August'16, 1945
(C) August 16, 1946 (D) August 16. 1947
(A) Pidh (B) Mari 94. Under the 'lndus Baisan Water Treaty of
(C) Dandol (D) lndus 1960 Pakislan has the right to use exclusively
79 Where lhe largest deposits of iron are found in the waler of
Pakistan" (A) Ravi, Satlul and Chenab
(A) Chitral (B) Katabagh (B) Satluj. Chenab and Jehlum
(C) Koh-i-surran io) Oitgit (C) Ravi. Chenab and Jelhum
(D) Chenab, Jehlum and lndus
80 Which is the main source of Gypsum in
95. Who was convrcted rn Rawalprndi Consprracy
(A) Kohat (B) Jehlum case?
(C) Khewra Mines (D) Dandot (A) Shorash Kashmrri(B) Habib Jalib
(C) Usiad Oamin (D) Faiz Ahmad Faiz
81. Give the name of main export item of
0I0 /loVancedPPSCll00sflodelPaoer
96. From which country Pakistan purctased (B) Jinndh iruslim League
Gawadar? (C) Jinnah League
(A) Kuwait (B) kan (D) Awami League
(C) lraq (D) Muscat 99. Who was th€ first drief Executive of Pakbtan?
97. When Abu Maududi was awarded (A) Avub Khan (B) Yahya Khan
dealh punishment by Military Court on (C) Zia-uFHaq (D) Pervaiz Mushraff
"Oadiani issue"?
100.1n the ab6.nce of President, who becom6 the
1952 (B) May1953
(A) March acting Presidont of Pakistan?
1954 (D) S€ptember 1956
(C) July (A) Speaker of NationalAss€mbly
98. Peer Sahib -Manki Sharif founded the follo$/ing (B) Chairman of Senate
party in S€ptember 1949: (C) Chief Justice ol Pakistan
(A) Awami Muslim League (O) Deputy Prirne Minister
Answer Key
1. c 14. c 27 d 40. c 53. b oo 79 b 92 b
2. b 15. c 28 c 41. d 54. c 67 c 80 a 93 c
3. a 16. a 29 d 42. c 55. d 68 d 81 c 94 d
4. b 17. d 30 c 43. d 56. b 69 d E2 b 95 d
5. d 18. c 31 b 44 c 57. d 70 d 83 c 96 d
6. a '19. d 32 c 45. c 58. d 71 b u a 97 b
7. d 20. d 33 b 46. b 59. c 72 b 85 b 98. a
L d 2'1. b 34 b 47. c 60. c 73 a 86 c 99 d
9. b 22. 35 48. d 61. c 74 b 87 d 100 b
10 c 23. d 36 b 49. c 62. d 75 b 88 b
't1 a 24. d a 50. b 63. b 76 c 89 d
12 d 25. b 38 b 5'1. d 64. d 77 d 90 a
13 a 26. b 39 d 52. d 65. d 78 b 91 b



1. The state consists of 6. Who said that 'Man is born ftee, and
(a) Four Elements (b) Five Elemenls everywhere he is in chains"?
(c) Three elements (d) Nine elements (a) Aristotle (b) Marx
2. Who said 'Man is a social animal'?
(c) Rousseau (d) Locke
(a) Aristotle (b) Plato 7. The Two mosl outstandrng city-states of
(c) Rousseau (d) Laski ancient Greece were:
3. Sovereignty is an essential attribute of:
(a) Athens and Rome
(a) Stale (b) Society (b) Rome and Spana
(c) Govemment (d) Parliament (c) Athens and Venrce
(d) Athens and Sparta
4. The book in which Hobbes gave theory of 8. Which one ol the following believed in class
Social Contract is entitled:
(a) Leviathan struggle?
(b) Social Contract (a) J.S Mrll (b) Hegel
(c) A History of Political Theory (c) Karl Marx (d) T.H Green
(d) The Modem State 9. A socialist state lays emphasis on
(a) Political liberty
5. According to Hobbes the Slate of Nature was
(b) Economic equality
a period ot: (c) Right to private property
(a) Peace and plenty
(b) Constant warlare (d) lndependence of judicaary
(c) Peace and scarcity 10. Which one of the tollowing thinkers put forth
(d) Religious dominance the idea of a welfare state?
(a) Hobbes (b) Locke
Advanced MCQS Modet 87'l
(c) Laski (d) Marx (c) Provides representation to allthe political
1 1. Socialism is essentially a movement of
(d) Provides representation to each group of
(a) The poorpeople (b) the middle cla6s parly in proponion to its voting slrength
(c) Theworters (d) lntellecluels
'12. The Fundsr|ental RighB imply tE rights 23. Multi-Party system is found in:
(a) Which are indispen8abl€ for the growth ot
(a) France (b)
human personality
(c) Britain (d)
(b) Which a dlan inh€rits from natur€ at the 24. A totalitarian state has generally:
lime of his birth (a) Single party system
(c) Which ar€ enforced by the stat€ (b) A bi-party system
.(d) Which impos€ no obligalion on a 3tata (c) A multi-party system
13. The theory of surplus value is associaled wilh
(d) No political parties
(a) J.S.Mill (b) Herbert Spencsr 25. Pressure groups first of all origrnated in:
(c) Adam Smith (d) Karl Marx (a) Switzerland (b) Britarn
14. Who was th€ arxhor of 'dn Uberty'?
(c) U.S.A. (d) France
(a) J.S.Mill (b) B€nham 26. The function of associational pressure groups
(c) T.H.Green (d) Laski is to:
15. There are two tillars of demosacy viz. Liberty
(a) Articulate the demands
(b) Aggregate the demands
(a) Law (b) Equality (c) Regulate the demands
(c) Fratemity (d) None ofthe above
(d) Communicate the demands
16. Irvhidr one of lhe following thinkers interpreted
27. Public opinion means:
(a) Sum-total of confused and incoherent
.iustc€ as allotrnenl of functions to perron in opinions held by different groups of
'accodancs with his atility 8nd training'?
(a) Aristotle (b) Phto (b)
(c) Ba*er (d) Unanimous opinion of all the citizens
Laski (c) A delinite opinion which is the result ot a
17. Whicfi one of the tollowing thinkers process of clarification and coordination
emphesizod th€ principl€s of adult tranchise, of views held by difierent persons
repaesenldive govemment, tro€dom of press (d) Majority opinion
aM fequent eledions, u,hici form the 28. Which one of the following factors hampers
comerstonc of liberal lheory of democrecl?
(a) J.S.Mill (b) Lode the growth of a heallhy public oprnron tn a
(c) Rousseau (d) Non6 ofthes€ country?
(a) Free press (b) Politrcal Parties
18. Pl€biscite is a devics ot d€mocracy used for (c) Poverty ofthe people (d) llliteracy
(a) Enelment of laws
(b) fucertaining th6 viess
oI th€ peopl€ on a 29. Which one of lhe following Lib€ral thinkers
policy matter of public importance advocated the principle of'greatest good of
(c) Appointments of civil servantg the greatest number"?
(d) Appointment of ,rrdgea (a) J.S. Mill (b) Bentham
(c) Laski (d) Green
19. Who defined democ-racy as'Govemment of
the peode, by the people. for the peoplo'? 30. Fascism difiers ftom Communism in so far as:
(a) Woodrow Wilson (b) Lord Bryce (a) lt holds that the state is an instrument of
(c) Abraham Lincoh (d) Laski exploitation
(b) lt considers lhe state a supreme reality
20. Which one of the following ancient thinkers (c) lt does not hold faith in totalitarian
regarded democracy as a perverted form of government
govemment (d) lt stands for one party rule
(a) Plato (b) Socrates
(c) Aristotle (d) Cic€ro 31 A rigrd constitution:
(a) Cannot be amended
21. Franchise means: (b) Can be amended only by the people as
(a) Vote whole
(b) Righl to vote (c) Can be amended like an ordinary la$/ by
(c) Right to vote granted to women the Parliament
(d) Right to vote granted to men (d) Can be amended only through a special
22. Proportional Represenlation is a method of ' procedure prescribed in the constitution
. representalion which 32. The melhod ot amendrng the constitution by
(a) Provides votes to the people ke€ping in popular vote is found in:
view their property (a) U.K. (b) U.S.A.
(b) Provides extra votes to the educaH (c) Switzedand (d) None of these
872 PPSC MCOs Paoers
33. Rule of Law as the basis of constitutional 42. Which ot the following year Pakistan was the'
government' was propounded most brilliantly world champion of four sporls events, Hockey.
by: Crickel, Squash and Snooker
(a) A.V. Oicey (b) Lord Bryce (a) 1992 (b) 1994
(c) John Austin (d) Jean Bodin (c) 1996 (d) 1997
34 ln a parliamentary form of a govemment: 43. The NAional Anthem ot Pakistan was
(a) The legrslalure rs responsible to Judiciary approved by the government in:
(b) The legislature is responsible to the (a) 1947 (b) 1950
executive (c) 1952 (d) 19S
(c) The executive is responsible to the
legislature 44. Which of the following archeological sites was
(d) The Judiciary is responsible to the discovered in'1955?
(a) Kot Dija (b) Moen-jo-Daro
(c) Harappa (d) Taxrla
The Parliamentary Government is often 45. The 'Babusar Pass' connects:
described as government by
(a) Experts ' (b) Technocrats (a) Abbotlabad and Gilgrt
(c) Specialists (d) Amateurs (b) Chitral and Grlg'l
(c) Gilgit and Hunza
36 The Partamentary system of government is (d) Swat and Drr
good because:
(a) lt ensures continuity and consistencyof 46. 'Ghazni Pur'is the old name of:
policy (a) Lahore (b) Multan
(b) lt makes lhe opposition behave rn a (C) Rawalpindi (d) Peshawar
responsible manner 47. Whrch of the followrno forts was burlt bv
(c) lt provides autocratic powers to the Mughal Empror Zahir-ud-Drn Baoar rn the 16r'
executive Century?
(d) lt provides a flexible form ofgovernment (a) Bala Hissar Fort, Peshawar
37 ln a federal govemment: (b) Rohtas Fort, Jehlum
(a) All powers are vested in the centrat (c) Ranikot Fort. Hyderabad
govemment (d) Attock Fort. Attock
(b) All powers are vested in the units and the 48. Which ol the ,ollowng Mountain Peak is
centre merely acts as a coordinator situated in the Hrndu Kush range?
(c) Powers are divided between the centre (a) Gasherbrum ll
and states (b) Raka Poshi
(d) None of the above (c) Gasherbrum lll
38 One of the chief merits ot federal form of (d) None of the above
government is thal: 49 The only National Elections held on non-party
(a) lt provides strong cenlral government basis were in:
(b) ll ensures a vigorous foreign policy (a\ 1977 (b) 1985
(c) lt promotes uniformity of tegislation and (c) 1988 (d) 1990
administration 50. "Rawal
(d) lt reconciles national unity with regronat Oam" was burlt in 1962 on nver:
(a) Soan (b) Haro
autonomy (c) Kurang (d) Jehlum
39 Judicial Review is an important feature of:
(a) Parliamentary System of Government 51. Who'is considered the first poet of Punabi
(b) Federal System of Government (a) Bhul-e-Shah
(c) Unitary System of government (b) Baba Fand GanJ Shakr
(d) Allforms of democratic governments (c) Ghulam Fand
40 The Cabinet Govemment is also known as: (d) Sullan Bahu
(a) Absolute Government 52. The tirst "Wafaqi Mohtasib" of Pakislan was:
(b) Responsible Government (a) Justice (R) AfzalZullah
(c) Non-parliamentary Government (b) Justice (R)Abdul Oadir Chaudhri
(d) Coalrtron Governrient (c) Justice (R) Sardar Muhammad lqbal
4'l Collective Responsibility of the Cabinet (d) Justice (R) S.A. Nusrat
(a) Allthe minrsters swim or sink together
53 Pakistan became the member of lnternational
(b) Allthe Labour Organization (lLO) in:
decrsrons are taken by th; Cabinet
Minrslers colleclivelv lat 19/.7 (b) 1949
(c) The decrsrons take; by the Cabinet must
(c) 1951 (d) 1957
be formally SEned by all the mtntsters 54 'Karakoram Highway in Pakrstan is of
(d) None of the above (a) 730 Km (b) 805 Km
(c) 1170 Km (d) 1230Km
Advanced PPSo MCQs Model Papers 873
55. Whrch of lhe following was signed on 8 Apfll (d) Taunsa Banage
(a) SEATO 69. How many times Pakistan became Olympic
(b) CENTO Champion rn Hockey'
(c) Liaqat Nehru Pact (a) Two (b) Three
(c) Four (d) Five
(d) Colombo Plan
56. "Mast Tawakli'was a prominent poet ofi
70. Pakistan joined World Trade Organization
(WTOI in:
(a) B alochi (b) Pushto (a) 1994 (b) 1995
(c) Sindhi (d) Barohi (c) 1997 (d) 20c0
57. The lirst rocket launched by Pakistan Space 71. Pakistan's tirst female ambassador in a
and Upper Atmosphere Research foreign country was:
Commission (SUPARCO) on June 7. 1962 (a) Begum Shaista lkramullah
was' (b) Begum Raana Liaqua: Ali Khan
(a) Rehbar (b) Badr (c) Motherma Fatima Jinnah
(c) Shaheen (d) Khyber (d) Begum Shahnawaz
58. Which of the following Oams is situaled at the 72. The first Pnncely State acceded to Pakistan
highest altitude?
after partition wasl
(a) WaliTangi Oam (b) Tanda Dam (a) Swat (b) Hunza
(c) Khanpur Oam (d) Warsak Dam {c) Bahwalpur (d) Kaiat
59. Archeological site 'Bhambore' is located in 73. The National anrmal of Pakistan is
the district of:
(a) Khairpur (b) Dadu \a, Horse (b) Oeer
(c) Larkana (d) Thatta (c) Dolphin (d) Markhor

60. Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakariya was a prominent

74 The Federally Administrated Tribal Areas
(FATA) Consists of:
sufi saint of: (ai Five Agencies (b) Six Agenoes
(a) SuheMardra order (c) Seven Agencies (d) Eight Agencies
(b) Naqshbandi order
(c) Chistia order 75. lvhich of the famous scientist had died on 14
(d) Qadna order ' April 1994?
(a) Dr. Abdus Salam
61. On July 11, 1950, Pakistan became the (b) Dr. Munir Ahmed Khan
member of: (c) Dr. Sahm-uz-Zaman Siddrqui
(a) WHO (b) World Bank (d) Dr l. H. Usmani
(c) Paris Club (d) FAO
76. After the creation of 'The Seriate'in 1973, the
62. Decimal system was introduced in Pakistan fust Chairman was:
on first January: (a) Habib Ullah Khan
ra) '1951 (b) 1959 (b) Ghulam lshaq Khan
(c) 1961 (d) 1963 (c) Syed Fazl Agha
63. Which of the following missile was first (d) Wasim Sa,jad
launched by Pakistan? 77 The first Urdu Newspaper (Daily) Published
(a) Hatf (b) Anza after the creation gf Pakistan was:
(c) Ghauri (d) Shaheen (a) Mushriq (b) lmroz
64. On July 9. 1948 Pakistan issued its first: (c) Watan (d) None of the above
(a) Coin (b) Curr€ncy Note 78. Which of the following Muslim Countries voted
(c) Postal Stamp (d) All ofthe above againsl Pakistan s entry into the United
65. The Potwar Plaleau is rich in mineral deposits Nations in 1947?
ofl (a) lran (b) lraq
(a) Rock Salt (b) Gypsum (c) Egypt . (d) Afghanistan
(c) Coal (d) Allof these 79. On September 9, '1958, Pakistan acquired
66. Which of the following is a cash crop: Gawadar from:
(a) \Meat (b) Maize (a) Oman (b) Bahrain
(c) Sugarcane (d) Cotton (c) lran (d) None of the above
57. The largest deserl of the Pakistan is: 80. The lirst Chief Scout of Pakistan was:
(a) Tharparker (b) Thal (a) Quaid-i-Azam
(c) Cholistan (d) Kharan (b) Liaquat Ali Khan
58. The oldest Barrage on the lndus River is:
(c) Khwaja Nizam ud Din
(a) Gudu Banage
(d) Justice Mian Abdur Rashid
(b) Sukkar Barrage 81. During lndus Valley civilization period, the
(c) Ghulam Muhammad Banage people wqrshiped:
(a) Fire (b) Warer (a) Lod Curzon (b) Lord Minto
(c) Mother Goddess (d) Sun (c) Lord Canning (d) Lord Wellesley
82. The Aryans at tirst settled in: 93. Delhi became the capital of lndia during the
(a) Punjab (b) Kashmir British Raj in
(c) Sindh (d) Guiraat (a) 1910 (b) 1911
83. The lndus Valley Civilisation was discovered (c) 1916 (d) 1923
tn: 94. Arya Samaj was started by.
(a) 1903 (b) 1911 a) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(c) 1922 (d) r930 b) Raia Ramuohan Roy
84. Who among the tollowing Mughat rulers has c) SwamiVivekanand
been called as lhe "Prince of Builders"? d) Gopal Krishna Khokley
(a) Jehangrr (b) Akbar 95. The Iirst session of lndian National Congress
(c) Babar (d) Shah Jahan was held under the presidentship of
85 Pakistan share longest border with: (a) A. O. Hume (b) W. C. Bennerji
(a) lndia (b) lran (c) B. Malabhai (d) Badruddin Tyabji
(c) China (d) Arghanistan 96. Quit lndia movement started afrer the failure
86. The tomb of Zaheer-ud-Din Babar, the Mughat of:
Emperor is at: (a) Cripps Mission
(a) Lahore (b) Kabut (b) Simon Commission
(c) Karachi (d) Oethi (c) Cabinet Mission
(d) None ol these
87. Qutub Minar was built bv
(a) Outubuddin Aibak(6) tumish 97. The practice of Sati was declared illegal by
(c) Razia Sultana (d) Shaha Jahan (a) Lord William Bentick
(b) Lord Comwallis
88. The city ofAgra was founded bv. (c) Lord Minto
(a) Rana Sanqa (b) Sikahdar Lodhi (d) None of these
(c) lbraham Lodhi (d) Firuz Tughtuq
98. The prime minister o, Britain at the time of
89. The s€a route to lndia was discovered in: lndia's independence was
(a) 1490 (b) 1492 (a) Clement Attlee (b) Wanston Churchil
(c) 1498 (d) 1500 (c) Lord Mountbatton (d) Ramsy McDonatd
90. The ,irst Europeans came to lndia were: 99. The Home Rule Movement started by Annie
(a) Britishers (b) Outch Besant aimed at
(c) Portuguese (oi frencn (a) Educating the lndian masses
91. Shudhi movement was started by. (b) Agitating against the British Monopoly
(a) Madan Mohan (c) Attaining self-rule for lndia
(b) Swami Dayanairu Saraswati (d) Boycotting foreign goods
(c) Gopal Khokley 100 The first lndian Council Act was passed in
(d) None of these (a) 1853 (b) 1857
92. The strategy of 'Divide and Rute" was (c) 1861 (d) 1892
adopted by
Answer Key
1. a 14. a 27 d 40. b 53. a 66. d 79. a 92. b
2. a 15. b 28 d 4'1. a . b 67. a 80. a 93. b
3. a 16. b 29 b 42. b 55. c 6E. b E'l. c 94. a
4. e '17. a 30 b 43. d 56. a 69. b 82. a 95. b
5. b 18. b 31 d 44. a 57. a 70. b 83. c 96. a
6. c 19. c 32 c 45. a 58. a 71. b 97. a
7. d m.c
21. b
33 a 46. a 59. d 72. c
d 98. a
8. c 34 47. a 60. a 73. d 86. b 99. c
9. b 2.. d 35 d 48. d 61. b 74. c 87 a 100. c
10 c 23. a 36 c 49. b 62. c 75. c 88 b
11 c 24. a 37 c 50. c 63. a 76. a 89 c
1? c 25. c 38 d 51. b 64. c 77. b 90 c
13 d 26. a 39 b 52. c 65. d 78. d 91 b
AdvancedPPSC tCQs Itodel Peoers 875


LECTURER ISLAMIAT 8S.17 (Male/Femal e)


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-zisrgv tltst )q 1o1 !'j (B) 1)v (Al

-,;inL,ii,,{--J"a r ,v,.i lol iu, (c)

t', ,a; tls (A) -aixoU.,.r;,,' iv ).''nii o 7

ev (D) I G\ l)ti.,r' (8, gt/ri,r (A)

):u,,J <-,y L,,/ " zu' r -!C ci' -',v.>i 'to

-lt;.,r (o\ ,lntr (C)
jn tTar({;,r,-/=6';, .s
{ Jtryr.jv P7 -arrl (A) clis F\ .itil';r (A\
d'l' (Dl L:'Jt$? (cl JEr (Dl i! t)iti,r (c\
-'{Ol:oL/-u-iz .tt t
+W //. -',./,t v,iu it 4. ci i .s

1f n lBl cF (A) 'io? F) |,i.,? @J

,<t){Y '4rte'7
O.,t; P\ G\ JieP @l 1s1
876 Adrarrcad PPC Ceno.tet papet
dto rtrot {i to?
-pLJ,,?(si )s-,;,€
,.fv,e tol ,f ,, rcl @t j,Elep 6)
t7ft?*"1lrg)f' .za e? (Dl A-P $t
J@ i(A) rI ti S-;,t,/ii:;bst *),>f t9
e.4 (Dt N)f G) iAfi,r (B) ,dt;.,r (A)
tjfl;cJti> zs i,y (Dl ,z.t/ r;,r (C)
tt /:4 (B) J.2,2 tel ,:131, g {;.ry- .1,2.4 ,! -/
--" ZO

J,fa @l jf:s tcl eU, (B) .}Ur (A)

-ai xL, ) --i,,.,,/ J r d z,! oi i .so ,F (o) ir pl
,Ftvg py ,l,ot -tnt,,t v ot 4.--, ;i!y' L ; 2i
(./ pt 4t G\ ;a',-l @t lt-$ 61
tt r/1Q{6;',1t' zt i -Y tol tcl
JtL_v @) 'Jt/tz'(A\ (,li*- LU e? n L -'q { =/t-to ut Jz 22
,)-/rfu pt ,1i/1(rlt @l
"i u,:,
r,fi;1,';.t,!.4n, .tz
. ir-/ @l /,:r=,-oy 61
,61. Bt t4 (At
lsr:bef (o) ?*? gl
Jw pl d.r, rc) t,/;_,/=rq;i,i&,!s zs
7r{ tn [ -yii,,. {,t L hgnA .es
..fu1tt p'1 js.a;itr 61
.elilo (B) o!75 (A) ' 61),t(u (o) _L-llt(tt lcl
*,!iso (s) &Lizo (cl rG i.,{.--j,,s S o p {oL o p .zt
ri {J,vS,! 1fiyi J,Lr.r; J:,A-? u
k (B) 't)* (A)
trt16 (B) elt15 (A)
:._,) lD) G) Vq
vt a20 (D) ert18 (C)
-: ; * .zs
I L xt-ut\i,itu/u,it L
-jr &o,,,.{,! t ctii oj t! o i I .ts *tJy/a p1 15rf 61
;)l p1 (t ot sl, (o) ->v:e lc)
-tzil (D) gtlJi Gl
-6 g*' ag; 1 Sr, L ;rt,,, ;tr { 1 z. ;/ gt gi S .26
r{Lc/ :. },,,tt1,ftii i G f: t x
,gt{.C (Bl )d"A @l ',r)
,Afi py !, (B) ,(;' A)
,t,td^C Gl r, (D) (c)
rf,njd"*il1figt,,r,/ .st !-sv,.! / {o,t it,>, r i Lx :,7 Ll,1 .27
J; <a, ,t (Al ^n
Advenced PPSC MCes lrodel papers 977
t c) i.,uv a( 1,1 ) it, +ai .48 ,+ (Dl rrr (C)
* ret , (Al ti 't7,i<
<-, (oi ,.f't (cl 8-* Gl ,)i,z--- A)
tTNt,1{,,/*t-it qg
6;,e-- (ol ,,J<,i ** (ct
y,l (B) 3-/t (Al l'f ,,7tf --;€ *
Ir'@) Q'$t {'11'e P1 3.- tgi i 1a1
-Li,f;(*,./, *i - :,.8 oi ) .so ittlhtJ & (o) jv't- <ct
&,,.rst i.f tat t:
1 ;i,trr;,t/. 6,;,, /
L) pl

Ft/t (cl ,./ rq ,/t 6'y

tas{{r.,u1{rrt} Fr @t
I <ct
i <q 14r 1e1
-;fra'; qt
(t$-t (o) ti (cl
s (Bt r0 6)
srtcfrtpL| .sz
/ tol sr4r (C)
W{LO Fl v.f.r,t6:,^) (A) tjLj.,/{oti .az
rerrrr (D) v4q, Gl o! @l ot'(d')
tsEl{,>s1Jr7-lbef .53 i- !e/ (ol rrr-. (C)
2210 (Bl 1OOO (A)
2215 (D) zg00 ici r.-ftf cu.,it,, / J, -,it, .qz
e7ft;f,6a4't p1
'?+ uf-t7g 4/)t l )
. +;ct& <qit{ ( ) ,Qt @) ,;tr Gl
is:Jtb @,) fcrlf)q <cl f?u"t,;t,t .:(4; .+t
. tA{1u(zcZ-tL,.X} .ss
?i{ @t ',,r{ ( )

. .rtz (B) ' .:U (A)

rltd p) ,ti{ tct
.j* rol ,t tct ri li/;(y'- p',:Gi,,,,/jjrr,i.i qs
t,Ag /.;:", L S
vrji - / t .i6rJ
4' B) ,n-t-J' 6)
2fifialt py ec1,/a 61 ) (o) )'d lc')
i?-* pt 'tlit:J.
i,t,, (ct t6ss{o!,6i1pt1*. ! t? .a6
+/;" 'st t,, f"l sv (^)
161 (B) ,51 (A) jt, pt I, G)
a81 (D) D7'l (C\ r { L,./:--; A-,,! p', -L i ro p ct
{nJ., ,y'--eP @ L'...? ret
a35 (B) a (A\
l5t4;-/ (o) ziep Gl
gfg Ad.r,,t ccd Prc nCQ fiod3,l Papet

fy{7 1oy svrtyltT tc) ,37 (D) ,36 (c)

tt rl,,tr, 4 L ;Y u/ o.,E .as : < 'r7{c-gtS' SS

Ft jull.>f (A)
'ilrtV (B)
r!4 -t!t tol
ib/te./ (ol UoP G) r,,i (D) c-!.c$ 1c1
-$; r J,do n,,j j at .70 t,E -fL,/=vq;(,t,Fjs ao

J.frta tq tJf:rc 6l Jult p1 Js;*;rt, 1a1

,Jf:14 (ol 6,nzo pl Jt:tiv 1oy i-lliu (c)

-.- x * ttilL,,/ lY.?P -/ tL)\Y 71 I L;i tt' 61

o,olit4 P1 2rt;t,;lt;'" @Y $,rtt \Bl J;Vt: @l

tln'$.t"r,-,,r' g gttsr,ti 1cy +{r P) LLcrr (C)

-z- x +* tJ.-6 r,/t rv c,t +) eP J t,,, J.v .7 2 rd4il4Vt/ .62

:,'!/ (B) d"i tel c/e/ (B\ .{n'v (A)

Ju"i pl Jri"i 1c1 ,-(i{ o -'Et}rez*,. 1c1

-{, n,f W t,,/ ;-y' D!' dt l.,,? l3 rcf g*,J,rrv6tL't va oo

.ldqst(u (B) -fu4sr,o{ t{.-LlL*,/L6

-lUt4or,a7 1o1 -.h),(ctl' (c) "it,sleP @l 'f..n,14'o7 ,,t1

v"f14L;yd,g .to Uo? rot Uc\ep Gl

-ll4orot* Fy -i)lal' $l -e{ L',Lt, lr ty, e,v,>/ ai,L L 1 v t .u
c)b,/clJ$l Pl -fi,tt4gr1u G1
'!1,o7 p1 2;oP 6l
eav\(JLl y{( fkl,P L,c x/ .ts te? (ol tcl "4-P
2,1'/J,60* F) Jf',,A 6l r rrf'6r L ;Q--
- / L r$ s' L'z .os
( a-

6acrt;;, (ol JP tcl jl py

o,.={ ,}g.,1 61
' tnJuit L,,/,.t,+"i-zglt16 :dv), to) )s)t, tc\
ilop ret AeP Ol -l c{,,,t,,,!-t ,4:..Pt't'L ',!tr,,C .ae
",'tr,plir{,,>P 1o'f i,tL gr,r41.to7 1c; -:;aa)l (Bl ,l *,f fal
/J r L ct|/f * $od t)t .tt
-,a,J ,-Eji pt (c)

tlr-* py dir2tt (Al -, * arlL ;f s gtt46J, ;,ri,',f ft {l + / .67

(D) tlu;.tfctt tcl tlr;t @l (A)

78. Wh€n was first ever email s€nt? (D) ,d tzlv tcl
?.- I J' !7' / { -'e jz
(A) (B) 1969
(c) 1971 (D) 1974 -a, .ae
79. ln Ms-Word 2013, Ouick Access toolbar
.2.rityy(7 p1 -tyyt!7 @)
allows you to access @mmon _
(A) Commands (B) Graphics
Advanced PPSC l,CQs nodel Paoers 879
91. Who is the cunent chairman of special (C) Documents (D) Files
comminee ol the parliament of Kashmir?
(A) Mushahid Husuin Syed 80 ]here are I mango trees in a srrarght lrr€.
(B) Mulana Fazl-ur-Rehman Disl,ance between each tree rn 3 meters. What
(C) Syed Khursheed Shah is the distance between the first tree and eighl
(D) M. Birjers Tahir tree?
(At 24 (B 27
tc-1t*t/-;,,!=e,i .sz
(c) 30 (D 21
8'1. Complete the series '17 I .z 3 29
Ittir'tgi (Bl ji,t-{ (A) 37 IB 33
61 (c) 3s (D 36
Ut?.^L)l (Ol ,rlV1 l9t 82. Complete the proverb Early to bed & early to
*'J flse make you heallhy. wealthy and
7t){;nr rii"
g plo .st (AI sma'l- (B) unwise
6iAJi py ltzti,, 1ey
(C) wise (D) devine
83. What is antonym of "lncongruous'?
(A) contrac,lrng (B) contradtclory
-rlrl "i{,.trtii
(C) uneven (D) Harmonous
115 (B) 110 (A)
113 (D) 114 (C) 84. What is meant by Archeapelogo?
(A ) Cluster of lslands
rJ"JiuJ. tJ,,* .gs (B ) Power under sea
(c ) Clusler of states
dtz/t1 (Bl c)wi1 (Al (D ) Cluster of stars
85. Who was Nicholas Sarcozy?
OWr21 (Ol Ctl7,17 (Cl (A Former French President
(B ) President of ltaly
r/ - ;(.:,slo { oi ) .96
+V L (c ) Former Canadian President
(D) None Li{fr,p (Al 86. The famous Baltit fort is located near
Lt-y,(O) L,tr (C) (A)
(B) Skardu
(D) Chenab
t+*t!/?,/dv 97
87. Under lndus water treaty of 1960. which of the
/i(s,'t*,tat (B) i-ltfu,*ttl,t (A) following nver was not allocated for use in
i;p,hp (Dl ;-7t1ttnr,?pt (C) (A) lndus (B) salui
(C) Jehlum (D) Chenab
€J!j'{J sB
88. When was lskhander Miza appointed as
,30 (B) (A) Governor of East Pakistan?
'40 (A) 1952 (B) 1953
.34 (D) ,36 (c) (c) 1954 (O) 1955
t,-Eat{J,$f,J$bt 99 89. Afier the membership of Egypt was
3 (B) 2 (A) suspended by the Arab league in 1979, the
s (D) 4 (c)
Arab league headquarters shifted to:
(A) Saudi Arabra (8) Algeria
(C) Tunrsra (O) Morocco
--;t v c {L,w,f r )V..-vt j,? J-t+, t, tOO
90. Joseph Broz T{o was one of the founding
J <S) er (A) member of non-aligned movement He waa
i <pr I <c't
the president of:
(A) Serbia (8) Russia
(C) Yuguslovia (D) Czechoslovakia
Answer Key
1 d 6. d 11 b 16. b 21 d 26 b 31 b 36. b
2 b 7. c 't2 c 17 22 a 27 c 32 d 37. d
3 a o- a 13 b 18. a 23 b 28 d 33 a 38. d
4 c 9. 14
a 19. d 24 d 29 b u a 39. b
c 10 c b 20. d 25 a 30 b d 40. b
880 Adva'rsed PPC MCQ ModelPaper

41 49 b 57. b 65 b aJ. d 81 8S c 97 c
42. a 50 b 58. c 66 a 74 82 c qn c 98. c
43 c 51 d 59. b Or/ 75. b 83 a 91 b 99. c
44. e 52 a 60. b 68 76. u. 92 d 100 c
45. b 53 b 0'1. b 69 a 77. b 85. 93 b
46. c 54 c 62. c 70 a 78. 86. a 94 c
47. c 55 c 63. d 7" 79. a 87. b 95 c
48. c 56 04. a 72 b 80. d 88. c 96 b

ECTURER ISLAMIAT 8S.17 (M ale/Female)


7{L r r Q ; lt ;i},' 6ir J "v
t U'@l .?rt 1t1

.t-e (B) / ol )lt @l ))t 1c1

,>-jti 1o1 )5,"i 1cy rainL,)--,,r,,/Jr,l si*ci i g

t+i i:/,,)rf uto.,rt /r!Artii .z ufrv6. p1 ,-F, ol

,!'134 I' rol
(r tot u{ pt
Jilt 1oy o$t Gl t<. v\r{pk4ai) 10

t[nS;rJ. ;lx z
tr<J:t,-tlt 6)
6,fi4 p) t'.fr z 6) tr);t;i;vt p1

6,f:a 6fs 1cy
t,,J;v!.--ef..t (C)

rao{7 L{t)i}t} 6o4ltgv e rxJt.e.L->f.t @l

|lgLrEtv @1 1.!sri-,lr!y 61 eAc;e(r,LJ-1.r.-- .11

ud6{-,tttt tol 'i5}az,;1r

1c1 7eP Gl lA)
"trt)t4o7 py jf,gr7t,p 1c1
ean/{<_P/6, .s

8u* (s) Jic* ol tl t,' i

!.>2vt,J, /..-'iu,t.r)
1000 (A)

lol 64fr2 G)
15ii,>: 2210 (o) 1225 (C)
r p{t,i{-yiL'.
1', LnJ,,C .6 ra17s'3-sd 1
. .eliio (B) .:,gfs 1ny f 'i.u Pt .:.-.-,ii re)

-?!750 (D) e+i2o (Cl :ir:\:it./$,e ,.Dl jUrP,"t

s{L'-/ si !w!c'; ir..-- Jv )t;ilt
"iq(i cti} vt F t .l 14

,ilt.{.e (Bl ,irri},t} 1a1

i.{J ol
-EvvC tol ,t,,ttd^C pl 3t1 p1 ';*-'lo-., 1c1

r.-yr1v{1i[xjxt' z;,, tk.-* rli rti i .a . l<;:.',,s,y1d,.:,:!.':.P .15

Advanced PPSC MCQS ilodel PaDers 881

/oe?)l @') )tl (Al t 6i,r,! aiu L'rit ;i.s- si ) za

6 (B) (A) 4
tV lD) i GJ 10 (D) 8 (C)
t;,j{-iirLe),f, rc t
a,f v* ;.: /,/,iei (J.v L *t zt
)it)rfu (8, j.1y1.t1tt 1ay .t, (B) i-r tal
cf.,tflt.( (o) s*,'/fi 1c7 l, (D) 6/. (C\

t4{;--in{9,*+*J i s .t | & i ) t)t4,- iL,i,"{ + t * .ze

ft,,, rB\ ,pt)tbtt (A\ ' Lr@l *6t

P(ot lot ,!- (D) tt) (Cl

. r!6 et/J'yL:,vE .'ra t 4-V'.!)h,(.F V Eit .29


ot-/ lt Jbtor'l 6l
(B\ tJ:4 (Bl ,f( ol
'ir-,1)t,/ <ol ?d:;)tl (c) it4 1o1
jur tcl
aj or! r q;v L e--.u( ;t6'u.( Li,u 1ut'rs eaQL,/41uta .to
t+{ L)-P @t 1,io7 61
30 (B) 22 (4\ (t/t,2f
333 (D) 33 (C) -7-e? (ol G\
nto /-i)'/ Le2,1! i,! * zo r c-t lp($u.g v' {-- f {1,71 li r t .3r
',J*,,tv/'i '1Jr*a (Bl JU (A)
Fl (Al ,)?

J/:vt)/t) 1o1 =lttttl tc\ itl (Dt Lt/ G\

t.-rtyl t -;-, L,F f ,-V .zt t, G {J,vs,i i.+*r=i::,L,J}6,a=t tz
j,,/' ot Jv)r(y'tt ot Jt16 (Bl rl t15 (A\

,577ivi 1o1 1f stfti 1c1 J 120 (D) tl t18 (Cl

r-idvrtJ't,!o;-w .zz t$y.;,6t,,11 ,{{a;-r .st

r-rFl u/ / la) ,,1t63 (Bl r',:53 (A)

?- Pl Yrt 1c1 Jt6 (ol tl t65 (Cl

y' .zs 4{*,.Fr(, .y

-{,'i5 (B)
5,tP, ^,/ttU.Lt
2 (A) c.[d
20 (D) 10 (c) wiE,e|re)t4 Fl Ol
+yi 1ut-v
!,f ,.t 4 :ti ) zq
vrLutf P) v,f,'t,t (C)

4 (B) 2
(4) t,c,=f:'v4.f.J4 ) t .ts
I (D) 6 (c) 1

I 6,,,,.{ 1{t b { lef .25

ol4ss.;dt@l "1$sttL'i, ( l
(B\ ,A 61 ''tifJ\t\ti
(D) ,1436-!idj (c)
ir!, (D) (-./' tcl 5 -,r r/ -'i* F e/ ;E.,t,t L iV )t,e .g6

E82 , Adrraacad pF{!C tfcos tHe, prpers
' (B) gtlJi @) /-iz L (, Ui t.4 6, .47
I dg c)

'i tol (r tcl ,!,a* Fl iii,,,', 61

-s u.- ri,,{ Lt fa,i& yi $)vi Z?,O'/ ; .st 1./@it 1o1 ,c1./7, 1c1
rdro ' rli&J. u/;" qa
Lpp G) Ve? At .61 (B) o59 (A)

1O1 ';l,,to7 1C1 ,63 (D) a2 G')
t z_
),r )t t
x rf ,,t J tr t ez, .sg t
7{lttctt /,J ; i L.V.*t; .qg
.9 6 (A)
15 (D) tz ici *t Ft ov 6)
r'lL {Jv,,4 Lpif ,ft {,t 2 .ts 64 lol )rtt:)'4 pl
b,, =
c1.t)d.*.tc>/ (Bt ifytetrf,e? (A)
$"J' 8& 'so
v{i{.-&rt' fol ?U-eef fcl ,35 (B) o34 (A)
tTtf="tt,,f9,, .as r37 (D) ,36 (C)

Jtt @l Url @y t,A f) /-D- LJlt,,! ) f; t .st

.ib(it-trr, (Dl >, (cl ,.li Gt tJ) at
ri9r1ft_lLep{U_f qt # pr 'lc rct
j,v-{ (Bt _/ur' ol rTwql/,{7de .sz
;116 fol
;l)t)tt (cl ,,$)v (B) "Sah4 61
y{rfL,./#oqjELl}op .tz Ue,qa* @l bJvttsr,l
"1b/ef (Bl tf t 6l t7fu,f$ivtib,r .st
VeP pl Vep pt ,>b,c @) b,AdJst 6t
r u6
{{._iz_./,7 e;,fvr7, .es ,1,4,?V pl zstteti! (Cl

- (B) 4i A) t c_.-t$V l{,:,.tttgtt sa

s<r (D) J6 G) itrtr?),| @l f,t),,;ir,*a, 61
rds{7-LoiVJ,t j,/ . 4 Lrop tol ?ep <cl
'i-s* g "tist, 6y t
7g*t hc,u,.lta$rp,/i- Wtri .uu
6/ott-?t (o\ itl,g.1t, 1c1 U,r"l*@l '*a* < l
t,fi/,?<t{u*tctri qs Vrro, (rl '11,t;,-y,q, 1cy
I (D) 3 (A)
\fi .fctO,i,l"i,./d,y'.. 6 v,,! Wf ,c
7 (ci .sa
r|h(e.c't--.L,1i .q d"l rat J;"1 6t
€-V (B) .rU (A) ,,auf 1o1 yt?h'i (cJ

OY- pl ,-P pl I e4ftiisJu L x *i,k i i,ut st PPSC XCOt lodel.Pao'E 883

d lB) 1 A) I et{ itv,o,o +) 1, L 4 c)i i 68

i{ii pt c ' Jv"'r-i Fl JvJ-t $l

rfiviPq,F&it t .se Jvivi, tol Jr'rr (c)
..*.t -,oj I ct'f gv,*,,/ L 4 ct-1, I .ag
o3 (8)
o5 (D)

. s
z-ttV 6-t? L l'

Qr2 .59 1f i(tar c,'1 J);,u lA\

.'t;g 6l tt,iJ @t J!sl-')ut 1c7

(7dtt(t (B\
o'.1"i lot itcfl P\ t7{firf'!=rot/ .to

vo{J*J?'YdaNv .60 fu ttl er (A)

i tol .:t' (c)

6PcJ.,l F\ elirr (A)

? lo) * tcl o"6 p] +'API i{ S' {(e o$,i"':' tt

t c-{ 1ui)v {Lt,LrY. i G"t,{ t l"r'ar ,t3 (B) (A)
UoP @\ 7o/ (et 't2
'Js,A,g:-- (ol 7*:,? (c\ ,,t-tL/ tol 4 (C)

\ ti/{eeV '72
trlz-r,ct vt oir,/6 r\,,YiLi,tP'62
iyttrorrr Fl -$rJe-tt,1t.zt 61
,,tso,/ej Gl ,,ts/oj tel
&1wfei o) &6s,/,i Gl
6n' 1o1 vr$V P\

|?ji6)v'./ tlfiJv,tc at
ta{cw'it,,{Le.'w 73

rrL,. (B) .J') ol

urJ.ov (Bl d tal (D)
"rl4,:,telV tol 'uFs*tt 1c)
,,rfr Ji tcl
{ *. ;-,./,r {tt r,q, rL 4
tr/tg',/ ;'tF,,t"i / .u
r .7
t ".1
d:/ht (8, etql' (A)

-tzh'i lB) -irf 1x1

U(j{etlett <ol ,E lcl
{ir"i P\ i"i tct
t,,! L'j,.,, 1{ofi x Js I 7t,l'2't s
r-,{,ri,!,*L,lVi. ss =v.
30 (Bi 25 (A) 2t,l (B\ -rrltti (A\
rc (oi 36 (c)
lA gt/,t2f g,e7'(e i Al .aa
,L'l pt 21t8 (C',)

t?fv7tti,//r,; .76
-t;fP @\ (Al

* ...[r trt f tol

,lJf-'ttti tol lc\
{rr, (D) F t"l
-\fit,* &.-f2 ;/ l,!, o,,tv - P .et
fLrrt,u,J. 1" 1t(lt .n
t'. a./ (Bl d"i -tal
JY:"i Gl Uil6o (B) 6tr5o (^\
t{,-f, <ol
8U Advanced ppSC ltc;es nodet papers

,t,fr80 @) tJ,2:to (cl 1,"--14: p's ,lt& j fcl

t L s,;s o* 1 =/; { Lx * L :,7,
S 7s t Z,.f +Vv;tc:'fvit/Lg;L-t)v,a
t{ ttJtr, @J )t_;)r,4 61
dr,u,, (B) 11$t 6y iiiuab' (o) j:,bq."f .t6. ,",
Wcfl (Dl ,Prc)tt 1c1 t
+{+'6,VjJ >J,L$t{,-,,, 6s ftit6,t'-L/ @) Jf,Ol
tfb,t (Bl sJttTt) 61 c:/tt)i (O) y. (C)
s1'/t 1oy t>vert G)
r7{16}-L,elt_V so
r7'Ft!v,,$iLu/7 .ss i(u (Bl * t,1t' 1e1
6:,rA @t y',a,6.1 J,Lru (D) -r-lr.t(u (c)
rtb,,g (D) el G)
fLngJ{g*bon .g,t
r c$1c(@,f q)rp [ditu.r at ,trr. (8,
-APt G) d$l-{ 61 +) l )
t/+ttv (Dt
$ tot ,Jt rct
st|(i @t t.- -- J,./ t rrt P tsr jr s2
t<-u[u/Jlu .az ./ pt
(B) Wctlv 6l
t) ot
dut (o) Jt G)
gt/r 1o1 o,ig 1s1
v 6 rc j,/ obtf l,f v,! { .ez
g;,;t/; p1 uf,o;t 61
El Ft 6,lt 6'1 1' @\ dv <ct
tt/)t (D) )ntsn 1c1
r*$,,,,,{oi}\,r,t .s4
tcl'{,u,a,,!{ .u
(B) lvu P7 'l,lt lA)
etu A/ At ,-f' p'1
,.E{/"-gE,!, 1sy
J), p1
,_t)pt Gl
r-{,,irfr!.v-t,t .ss
,. trl*,:_,/0y',),,f,4 .as o7 @) ,,t
,laa/ p1
p.,t 61
o*o uce\
tt{t @) y't"t,! <cl t"azx{1,/L./tl %
t{&L,./evt</ .oo &@)
ivcii Fy 4ro,
cjt rel c:i (Dl i
. vriut 1oy ,./v t l
t1{Lrr(-7,j-' st
trl et /,-t" L J v L t t *.o t n ( tkr .E7 g, (B) .=[t1t (A)
gvtc;tr 18,1
Jriurt, (Al otiJri @1 e-_- (c)
Advanced PPSC MCQS Model Papers 885

e*{zJt.s8 <:
t,t.l I V S, ry) c.-o tt ) .99
,rt7 (Al a L+ ,", f,t (Al
t; Pt J{ pt i: ,c (C)
67?17Le-y'11vt 1cy iuJ wLj6,tr.too
gUt-, j (Dl 99 (B) 89 (A)
'1000 (o) 999 (C)
A nswer Key
'1. c 14. b 27. c 40. a 53 a 66. b 79 b 92. b
2.b 15. b 28. 4'l. d 54 a 67. b 80 b 93. b
3.c 16. c 29. 42. c 68. c 81 c 94. c
4.c '17. b 30. c 43. a 56 b 69. b 82. a 95. b
5.d 18. a 31. b 44. b 57 b 70. c 83. b 96. b
6.a 19. c 32. a 45. b 58 a 7'1. d u. b 97. b
7. c 20. a 33. c 46. c 59 72. a 85. c 98. c
8.a a 34. c 47 b 60 b 73. a 86. b 99. d
9.b 22. a 35. d 48. b 61 d 74. b 9'7 c 100. b
10. c 23. b 36. c 49. b 62 c 75. d 88. b
't1. b 24. b 37. b 50. 63 b 76. b 89 c
'12. d 25. 38. c 64 b 77. d 90. a
13. b 26. b 39. c 52. c 65. c 78. d 91.



tcrft;rf(h{xa .r 6)y;i {B) Jrq, ( l
el-,lr-ts @l JtO* 6t $i;;1o1 J'i;; Gl
!tr, 1o1 cud (cl | <-t .l,lc--gtir .6

tSt{ri{-liL,',{,iLh}tfi .z ur (B) JYU 61

s (B) 20 (A) rri (D) c.ffi pt
7 (o) 12 (C)

e+-r\f 6t(rvEil .3 - -t ;,./ 4.- L) ) i 1

il.t1tv c,t )r4.?- 7 7

.:il,? (B) JV (Al

t; d..'F
r/, tot pl 6!tr ..lx tsl (4. (At
tc-9r1v67-Lst/tj$j,J .q
J.2 pt 6l Gt
./-.zd.t (B) ;;t.,gt)t)lt $1 r<-l ttiotl;l Lrg,1 8

,t4rtJ' pl i-i+ (c) ./r '(B) ,_' (A)

y'r (D) s1 (c)
t4{9i;;,'zrjo:ei) 5
886 Advanced PPC MCQ Uodel Paper

-yi 4ur u/p{,>,resra;ef ;l l. t)i } .s s),;P p1 -1iJ,iJ. 1e1

J -r p) 4*ttr (Al )!nb p1 i/nh p1

cf,ctr (Dl l<_rtri+c€
-tTtctr (Cl .zO

r7{vft!{7Q-ur .to 6)i,J,V (Bt gr/'-/ 61

a',f ljgi' p1 o(d{ ol {xj,u tot j;,t tct
.,ta (D) +rr (c) t.-{ 1u{s- L{'s,;. j (,-, }.,


t ev ct { aO ti.t / t'LJ ty t*; .1 1 16t Fl ilii:zstt 6y

ofuih p7 J (A) .l.z,it (o\ jv/(y'q pt
,.,'9 (D) u* (C) t c-.f v i,/.:2' ; t ;c e.( i J.b. r .22
t 4-gix t{'t i G * rJ u!,,, L,>*,? .rz it (BJ j; ot
ur tel -! tel -, (Ot ttt (C)
.zlr (D) 6t tcr trig)iit(tri, r' L : ;',* 23
at{-/|, lJ iltt c ) 5$z€
'ieit,U (Bl
.B {,lv $t lf ot
udq (o,
S rt'rt' $1 J/+ (c)
'i/,J/.,!c2tt (Ol
)14.r=:'..,, 1C) ,:
;i i j, _t i L * .zt
\:;11.jlt!lJ*t .14 r.,j (B) I (A)

,g (B) 9, rnl * lD) L, Gt

. {(o) 3rro r -, $dit;ui:lr .2s
t c-_rri(, r r{,j **
tr. .ts JV tel i'.t at
.:[Ut (B) irtl (A) o, pt d, rcl
n (o) r,., (C) t
-.ti Jt,,, ;/,t 4 c)i i /;q6, j r L,l &t .za
r { *,,n {;r{ arP ! i: ;;,,,, to v(t/\5r,:. (Bl . **otr (Al
2e)trt (B\ 2JtlL 6\ cllwr (Dl l;h,r (C)

-,Jlg @l .?oot (c\ t +U, 4,,/7 l*, Jt ),L)

y'-w .27
r+t/{<-'1.,V .'t7 .brl (B\ J4i Ol
Itt1.,vl,G (B) .''P 6) 6{c' rot f" tcl
ertt, (D) D.4t lc\ t c-.yi,.[r(e i/ ,.r:,,, u/S,1gi.i 26
\:45 tt j J uJvtjt.t c_ 2u,>.p .19 )l,r @'1 ,fttr (A)

sfir,,;. (81 j 'r. rLtir' \A) a,f otr (D) (C)

;grir, 1o1 el.t:i-t (c) | <-{1c6-;;., L}{,1vl zs
r.- 4t, ( 4;v 5 s i.;, L st.t' ;ts .ts : Jt ),; /i Ot J )P ,(-lit -: \A)
Advanced PPC MCQ Model Papet 887

'J,{,vj')tf tol d.ud tcl js,zs @l Jizs 61

t,!,f j,tss tol jlso tct
a-,,r{,f ,5,$ .so

P1 *:-,rf te)
.=.yi(,y t )r- i t L-E z e,,1- -4 ; t' oo

.etii (o) eri.rt, (C) L.Z,t.ctt ol u"v, j,ocn 6y

{i e L./ 4i,! -t,a LS r'- ? .zt

JluVr'l pJ lt;.)V (C)

su (B) ,,f tel t

i J
i 4. oi i i i - qt

i tol (to. tct ,io,r (B) /- i t,r lAl

r {L;/,';.t,! 6 6-.4 I .zz c/.ttr lD\

dai <rt 'f'tt 6v ': aj x ctvi ;, i' r i' :, i i'o ;t,"t rti i tz
aget;.[ p1 zqt (Q) +:f'roo @) -)iao le)
$ua r u{/ 4 t c/. )v ef L 7fi6:,sl r, .33 (., (c)
-{u'} j *;l 9','';' 1o1
,L',i Fl J;ri 6t
-it-s'i-L;iL-?,?;'- +t
-(t g :t/./ (c) 1sy irr, (at
"4 ayu 'j>
r{Ll s}",'t(/'l )-V+L}tL:-z u @\ o:st:ut 1c1

$,;g/r1t 6'1 r .-1,,s{J'.lq tt

)v,/l F\ i{ O (A)

o,d,vt)d <ct f t @J ri':1' (Cl

,Jh6ft @l r a(:otti t qJ tvtc ig qs

r$!,ft sd! L,;' lfll,z F 4re / .3s

o I (B) .t (A)
6il (Bt (?/ 6'1 ;rr.r (D) Jtl (c)
orVc,/..* (D\ JV pl r qj, ety,-t. r,/ t! 4 gi ).,v.>i .ea

t7{€tuo,,,g/Q,t* .x io,,r (Bl oib,r (Al

Juroo (e) Jugo (n) c[-otr (D)


Jurso (o) Jvrzo lc) l-r,f{orrrf .ql

ryQ,Jl"o;-1orrs tt v/rf -Lr, @) vff.-lrs 6y
,7't2 (B) ,650 (A) v,r|,re*tg tot uff.^f rct
,730 (D) ,725 (C) ,t,,,lu z-.1 nv {.a L;6 L f t o,t7 u ae
t Z {
J C tV. tf ,,r <- 7.J 7. { L t) }V .ze {{ ACw, OS .-t z-vi iE I i v L e,t r.,,t
400 (B) 300 (A)
1000 (D) 500 (c)
s'1rQ,l. ,t) .ts ,/t.ltt' p1 ,i/t.t$t 1e1
88 A&.ncedPFC nGonodat p.@t

s/r,r)t 1oy gPn,y py (."; i L,I4rV'ovi =,.tt,v it,t w" i ti,, sa

1iVr6 \i v/,1 su.J: 4 si i jf_t 7,: \t f t z,jg eg

9d:. e,dti,r (B) -ir!ti-,r (A)

.rl7 Fl .=v::, 61
,Jlntr 1D1 ,i116.,. tC)

x* lD\ otaf p1 <-C {-i.,(

Wortd As I See lt 59

raol-ttrLj6oV .so
jvrji 61 rt, (A)

iyld g o'tJ At ii lD\ (c) s.(,i

-i4,;ri 1oY ,!u.J tcl r,;$r{,;,*j,(j*Vv! ao

rAo{-r.,L>D:-V .s1 it (B) ', (A)

1Bl ?-)rlltue, ol
,11t1r v1.(D) ,=V (C)

iy'vqr.i 1o1 ltltetr 1cy e{iv(o-

! L:-t'.i tei :l t 61

*i/,/ a c-r { tr J-t,.r Le,,y ; dr s2 Jr;i ttta l}l
j';g*4. p)
.i,iJr:- (A/
'iJv4 Fl ;t)v,7i 6y ;,;;l,a pr
ui,r-{i tol ulov& tc) r
i ti ,.,ru{;-a()i},i:$Li-.t, .az
t Zc) {r)tLivsLY;cLjy y
t st -': 745 (Bl _: 75O (A\

u,lo,:, @1 El A) : /30 (Ol -: .t43 (Cl

JJOvL,.r (o) ract:t (c) ttivir$,t6iit,et, AS

. -.,v (B)
r 7tlt,,f ,,!r* t, lat{i jJ jt *./ st {r'p.t
,.r!v pl LtZ 6) -ls pl ? Gt
bt4 @) P) \c\ lI a,,!i;/.vttut u
tr-'t/{€--t)ft . 5ro7 py 'ii.t/ lA\
4t,teP (Dl -1",> P lC)
-/, t^)
)itt,L,filp(e/,r lB) rG
-(J-- J$ $,,,,(:. y',.t o,.S - 7 .6u
.)i tjt,z-t.i, (c,t a101ra99 (B) o105r,a103 (A)
.tiut,i.iJgg6,; ' o92Fa90 (D)
1o,1 DgTrogS l?l
11 Erft). ),{dr, .s6 ! j0 O i,-1r L ::ttat-:. aa
.jl, rat j.,ri (A) ji:e (B) ;;,,g;ltf 61
j'f ol ,).t rcl Jtllt @) ,ruri.i (c)
t7{;{iL*-,r st ,:E-ctiitlli;.i at
rj,r'oi,te) Ju tet ,;ttt (B) ctuitE+ tel
ctf tol .#--,Ai Gl st,l @l ,y|'c- tc) PPC.mCO |rodcl Pry W
t i fu ,!,J',,r r.;,L-P t!(v uri,V' aa gt t',16 &lu1Jil*+)'&tL * L,/ .7s
Jvzt @) ,)vzs 6) Gt
AoP 7-P @t
Jvtt <ol Jvzo (c\ f,yltp7 1o'1 LP-P tct
- Jl./,f (ct P tlt ;t
t .es taihf:aL,t .ao
,l; <at s)rr-r (Al Llevztu (Bl LV)1 $l
Oti'/ (O) ./ (c) Li&y O Llev Pl
r q I v ct {Lttn, r --,*t LEi 70 r 7d,/,Qtfq* { U/oa'-,; ;v A / .a'r
69 (A)
65 (c) 4W lBl eoz (Al
' .>si lOl '?t)a (Cl
tLtl)d{L,q}U'V 71
6 (B) 8 (A)
,7 v -,, ; rtar5 f vr v I L,-. ; lr{Lv/ o .az
2 (D) 4 (c)
& /t eebt/.L
Jv -.L L it,-,,/ :+),tt,.=.,ti u-* .tz
| 4o,trtt) h oEE,,, I -A,l,.E
)Puv P7 ivii ot
,fo lpt
ictr (B'1
. fut (Al

c)?r,,rr (Dl )guv (cl ladro{r;t)r*l .83

trgr{6i1f Lievn .tt P@t ,P ttl
,{v g .zp, (A) ./ (Dt c)ri (Cl

dgi 1o1 ,.:Err (c) t

7a{ft/,1 { /,i it,'(u }vt .u

t 269v ntr+u.(4t,fvi,r LnL F 4 .74

. ,f ttl O,ti (^t
.o/ (Dl .J (cl
t)t-ilbi @l ,!-,ttd,,C lt)
61h(sutt/ (D) )u)'t) P) |v\rl{,-Y, t)V .gS

r 6 {. { oy,h ;,w tJ e-i v/{.},., r .t s O$c/,t lB) rJu'A (e'l

60 (B) 75 (4) Jri(t ,(D) it:/.r (Cl
22 (Ol 30 (c)
tt:te.6u/:Vi(4W n ty,,ti /24y'.// c'f iv' r;-,h Al / .Eo

*, Ft I/t 6r Ju @l E'/ $t
ulv (Dl J' t"l rit (Dl Zl P)
;6 s) /,-Y' L ( t ilth dt lYt=V .87
t { & 1,./, P ( Js f
6 4 } $'v. .t zr
g,t)/t,-rl (B) lA)
(B) -
e,rr Ui, F t 61 ')y1ut
,,/,tJ,( pl )i Gl lrire| tot Jl:.Jr'*p tct

6,> ltrd c n ta\.,,Is /6t, 7,!t)* i iv: A,JrC,: A .se

7ft;t=VSs\,f a,,* f
, btA-V @t ,fv ot ")'1
P7 't Ol

gloV P7 ,rtt=V 1c's

iA, p) '!,1 <cl
00 AdrlnrrdPftffiAll.pdr/pg,,,r
i sp{el,! t1 vr6 -l, L z: iL=u\}t .es )t! r, gt gr s,S,,t a|,,T ttoT /,:/ /,, r,./ .gs

ft p'1 cJrr tel tai{Jv'L tt)?

vlJ/-Agr <ol (t (ct /ti,r (Bt /t;,, 1e1

. 9i-,-(r,/r?th .n ir16,/ lD) Jitr (C)

€z F) (.I, ol t;'t{['t'-"i ea
dllt (D) ,,/r/ tcl 6 (B)

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